#dragon theatre company
blade-ward · 23 days
i’m having so much fun with this new d&d group??? and it feels so strange because all the other times i’ve played it’s felt kind of forced ig? every other time i’ve played, it felt like i had to force important and obvious plot points because my players just didn’t want to engage with the story
but with this group it feels so much more like i’m not the only one trying. they all genuinely care and they’re roleplaying and they’re having fun and i don’t have to push the plot because they will take the plot hooks and not just run but sprint with them. idk i’m just really in my feelings abt it because for a while i was starting to wonder if i was just a shit DM but the way this group plays is amazing and i feel like i’m actually appreciated/wanted with these people
and now i’m sad that this is only a three-session one shot :( but i really hope I’ll get to play with these people again because they’re lovely
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queerlyvictorian · 2 months
Fuck you Taylor (affectionate). The first sentence of the description of the first ep of Ch. 3, and I have to listen to the musical theatre song he’s referencing before I even press play on “Knock Knock”
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willstafford · 7 months
Life Lessons
PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Blue Orange Theatre, Birmingham, Wednesday 8th November 2023 New outfit Mad Dragon Theatre Company bursts onto the scene with this cracking social comedy which details the toxic masculinity behind lads’ banter culture.  Set in a P.E. changing room, the play introduces us to a bunch of lads from the school football team.  They’re in their final year of A Levels,…
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kamehamehamlet · 3 months
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The Tumblr reblog sensation is returning. But like the Sayians or Shakespeare’s folios, it has the potential to develop in many forms.
Visit kamehamehamlet.com to be notified when we have more details.
Follow this blog for a peak behind the curtain.
And read on to learn more about the show, how we got here, and where we’re going.
Thank you for waiting just a little bit longer.
Revival Project FAQ
Who are you?
Hi! I’m Daniel Cole Mauleón (@writepictures), the writer of Kamehamehamlet. In 2015 I co-founded the theatre company Play-Dot Productions with KHH’s director Shalee Mae Cole Mauleón.
What is Kamehamehamlet?
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Kamehamehamlet: Good Night Saiyan Prince, was an hour-long one act play, performed during the 2015 Minnesota Fringe Festival. It’s a staged retelling of Vegeta and Freeza’s battle on the planet Namek. Marketed as a Dragon Ball Z and Hamlet mash-up, the parody quickly shuffled off its weighted gi, revealing it was actually a Waiting for Godot spoof. After five performances, Vegeta hung up his helmet of spiky hair. Seven years later, K (@amokslime) wrote this incredibly gracious post on Tumblr, which inspired two people to reach out to me via Reddit to ask if I had a script or a recording of the performance.
I want to pause the semi-marketing voice and say a heartfelt thanks to K. Kamehamehamlet was brought to life by an incredible team of artists during a summer I’ll never forget. We got laughs at jokes, gasps at fight choreography, and we broke even on the budget (a Fringe miracle TBH). K’s post gave me the chance to revisit that show through someone else’s eyes. The mix of pride and humility it stirs up is truly indescribable.
If there is art which has changed you, and especially if the artist is still alive I encourage you to non-intrusively share that with the artist.
Is there a copy of the script?
Yes, I’ll speak more about that at below.
Is there a recording of the performance?
There was, but I genuinely lost the files. And that’s for the best, honestly. It was a last-second attempt, filmed from two cheap cameras (with different qualities and resolutions!), both at bad angles and with truly awful audio. Trust me. It’s better this way.
That said, I do have other archival footage from rehearsal's, tech, etc. that I look forward to sharing for those curious.
What’s next?
This is the question I’ve been asking myself over the past year and the reason it took so long to post anything. Especially since one thing I want to do differently this time is make sure that any artists involved are meaningfully compensated for their time and skill. However, I can’t plan without a better estimate of what kind of support we would have, and I didn’t want to share our intentions without concrete details. Right now, the best way you can support this project is by signing up for the announcement on kamehamehamlet.com and following us on Tumblr and YouTube!
The second best thing you can do is to share with others about this project, if I’ve learned anything reading through the comments on K’s post, it is that there’s a much bigger audience for KHH than I could have ever imagined, and you likely know at least one more person who would be interested.
And while I don’t want to promise anything I can’t deliver on, I will share that I’m planning on making the script available this year and I’ll be writing a separate post about that in near future.
Update 5/21/24: We've announced a staged reading for later this year! (Click to learn more) Update 6/11/24: We're going live on YouTube every Saturday through June to rally fans and talk about the project. This link will always take you to the upcoming stream. And this link will take you past recordings.
If you’ve read this far thank you so much.
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Photography by Ann B. Erickson. Vegeta is played by McKenzie Shappell. Freeza is played by Cayla Marie Wolpers. Costumes by Sarah Noel Simon.
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rotten-pup · 4 months
18 + Only, minors will be blocked, you are not welcome here
☆About Me☆
You can call me Rot. I'm 21, he/they, transmasc and this is my horny blog! This will be my general horny content blog where I'll post/reblog the stuff I like however I will separate some of my interests and kinks onto other blogs. I am pre-t and pre-op. Generally just queer but I like people of any gender however I do lean more t4t
My asks are open for anything! Send me stuff!!
My dms are openish. At this time I'm not looking to sext and heavily flirt. I'm going through a lot and will be slow to respond most times. I really only have the brainpower to hold conversations about my special interests or if someone infodumps to me and I get to ask questions.
I'm comfortable with most masculine or feminine terms when referring to the parts of my body, I don't usually have a preference. I'll update this when I find something I don't like! I should probably add on that I'm a switch/vers in theory, mostly a sub/bottom in practice as I'm not confident enough to fully dom/top quite yet.
(rest of this post is a work in progress, bear with me please)
Without any further ado; list of content/kinks I like that you may find here(list incomplete):
Absolutely Yes: Petplay, Degradation, Praise (giving) Bondage, Impact play, Breeding, Somno, Edging, Overstim, Oviposition, Humiliation, Primal Play, Intox, Light CNC, Mommy kink??
Sometimes/Maybe: Choking (receiving), Praise (receiving)
Hard Limits: Scat, Death/Slob Feedism, Inflation, Raceplay, Feet
Kinks that will be mostly likely on a separate blog that I still like: Hypno, Knife play, Heavy CNC
Outside of all that, I'm going to list my sideblogs and tags down below and any other information I see fit so this intro isn't too long! (ps: if you know me from my previously deleted blog, feel free to say hi, I'd love to talk to y'all again, I was going through a really rough patch and honestly I'm so sorry I just disappeared)
My tags:
- rotposts: original content
- rotbarks: answering asks
- rotspeaks: non horny, rambles, or unrelated content
My sideblogs:
- @barkandbarkandbark : vent blog, rambles, literally anything just me talking to the digital void
Just a little more about me:
- @boymommy-brainrot : Mommy kink blog, a mostly gentle softer vibe, pics of me will also be on here
*Mommy is mostly a title, I like taking care of people and being gentle with them and just making them happy through acts of service. My kink is in no way an incest thing and as much I may use certain terms/words it is also not a ddlg thing either
Major theatre nerd, musicals, plays, plays with music, don't matter I love them all! I've acted in a few local shows, I've ran lights, I've staged managed, done a few other things. I'm really into dungeons and dragons and other ttrpgs and board games, and card games like magic the gathering. I love to draw and I love my silly little ocs I've made. If you upload your ocs or your fursona on your blog, there's a chance I might draw them, I like making art for others when I have the time.
Uhhhh, idk what else. I'm currently playing palword, this war of mine, overcooked 2, lethal company, escape the backrooms. However I do have many other games and if you ever wanted to play, just dm me, I'm down to find sometimes as long as we've talked a bit first and we vibe! I have major brainrot for Dead by Daylight right now so so badly
Oh yeah I fucking love robots I absolutely love robots and puppets I'm surprised I'm not like into fnaf more but man I just want to scream they're so cool.
I'll probably think of some other things to put here idk lol
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ereana · 5 months
Neuvifuri - Wait a minute…are you jealous?
The Court of Fontaine was a very cosmopolitan city. The Steambird employed reporters from across all of the seven nations, tourists could frequently be found wandering the streets in awe of the many attractions, and while the Research Institute was still recovering from a rather unfortunate incident it still held a well respected reputation as a place of engineering and learning.
Yes, it would be fair to say that Fontaine was a country that welcomed people from far and wide, throwing its doors open for travelers and fortune seekers alike. Of course all would be expected to obey the local laws of the nation of justice lest they find themselves in a front row seat to one of its famous trials or even worse, sentenced to the murky depths of the Fortress of Meropide.
Neuvillette finds himself fervently wishing to offer the experience to a certain visitor who had arrived in the Court not two days ago and had seemed to take it upon himself to irritate the Iudex in the worst way possible.
Draconic blue eyes narrow at the aggravating display playing out in front of him. A taunt. A provocation. One that he dearly wishes he could answer if it wouldn’t end up destroying half of the theatre with his anger. He settles for gripping the handle of his cane instead, all too aware of the way his nails have sharpened into claws within his gloves.
Morax bows with a charming smile. He speaks eloquently about the play that just finished, easily maneuvering the conversation into areas that make the woman in front of him light up with glee as she launches into an explanation about the topic.
Normally seeing Furina this happy would be a cause of joy for Neuvillette. Normally he would smile faintly, listening to every word that she spoke with more attention than he gave to the trials he’d been working on that day. Normally when she laughed bashfully, apologizing for her rambling he would gently remind her that he was always interested in what she had to say. Furina would stop and look up at him with her beautiful mismatched eyes that reminded him of both the deepest ocean and the clearest lake on a spring day. She would let out a nervous giggle, favour him with a grateful nod and resume the conversation. The precious ritual was a testament to how far they’d come since the day of the Flood, how he’d somehow managed to drag himself back into someone whose company she welcomed instead of disdained. 
A ritual the overgrown geo snake was spoiling with his presence.
There is a small part of Neuvillette that understands he is not acting rationally. It knows that the former archon has retired from his duty - abandoned it more likely - and that the being now known as Zhongli has not committed any crime that would break one of the written laws of Fontaine by complimenting the director of a play he enjoyed. 
But human laws mean very little to a dragon.
What use was paper and procedure to the newly awoken instincts that now roar in his head to tear off the Usurper’s hand that dared to touch his lady?
The small voice that whispers it was merely a handshake is drowned out by the rage of the beast within.
His lady. His treasure. His mate. His everything.
The words didn’t matter, they were inadequate to describe the depths of his feelings for Furina, for he was hers. Body. Soul. Mind. He’d lay it all at her feet if she would only ask. There was no need for her to waste her smiles on the intruder in front of her, and each one she bestows makes him seethe with possessive envy.
He has no right to feel like this. Furina is not a jewel to be coveted nor a bird to be locked away in his lair. Neuvillette would rather end himself than take a single choice out of her hands. If she wishes to smile at the consultant from Liyue then that is her prerogative. 
Zhongli reaches for her hand again.
“Lady Furina.” He calls out loudly. Eyes the colour of Cors Lapis dance with amusement at his approach. Nevillette bites back the snarl that rises from his chest feeling his fangs sharpen in his mouth.
Furina whirls around to face him. The surprise on her face melts into joy as she moves towards him, finally putting some distance between herself and the blasted man.
“Neuvillette! You made it.” She greets him cheerfully. “And what have I told you about calling me lady?”
“Of course, I always make time for your shows.” He replies softly, watching the way her cheeks flush a delicate pink at the reminder. “Are you free? I have something to discuss with you.”
One of the cases. Funding for her next project. A question about the records she’d dutifully kept for five hundred years. Her opinion on the newly proposed law.
Neuvillette could think of a hundred minor things to discuss with her in that moment alone. All that matters is that he is allowed to stay in her presence. 
Furina blinks at him curiously. She’s known him for centuries and there’s very little he can hide from her, even less that he actually wants to. For a moment he fears she will refuse him, that instead she will kindly brush him off before returning to her conversation with the ex-archon who regards her so fondly.
But then she nods and relief crashes over him like a tsunami, swiftly followed by a powerful satisfaction at being chosen over the rival-threat-enemy interloper. He waits, rather impatiently, for her to say her goodbyes before ushering her away into an empty corridor. His ears pick up the sound of deep laughter that sounds like tumbling stones but he magnanimously ignores it when Furina links her arms through his as they used to.
“It must be quite important for you to whisk me away like this.” She muses as they walk down the hall. “Judging by your demeanor it’s not an emergency or anything truly urgent.” 
Neuvillette feels her gaze upon him and his lips twitch. Always so clever, his lady.
“I would say it had something to do with the charming Mr Zhongli considering how fiercely you were glaring at him. But that can’t be right considering neither of us have ever met him before, unless he’s managed to commit a great crime in the twenty-four hours that he’s been here.” Furina continues. 
Neuvillette says nothing, content to simply watch her as they walk together. The joy from her show being received well lights up her entire face. She is truly happy and the most magnificent creature he’s ever beheld.
Would it be too much creating a law requiring everyone to give a standing ovation at her plays?
Something to think about later.
“That can’t be it though, you only started frowning at him when….Wait a minute.” She stops and so does he. “Are you jealous of Mr Zhongli because he was talking to me?” Furina’s voice is thick with disbelief and laughter. As though the mere thought of anyone getting jealous over her was preposterous.
Neuvillette turns to face her fully, stepping in close until her back hits the hallway wall. The humour from her face fades as she regards him.
“Neuvillette?” She whispers into the sudden quiet.
He reaches out a hand, slow enough for her to move away if his touch was unwelcome. Furina remains frozen as he tucks a lock of silky white hair behind her ear, letting his hand linger against her jaw before pulling away. He swears he can feel the heat of her skin through the material of his gloves.
Furina stares up at him with wide eyes. Her blush returns full force under the weight of his gaze. She hasn’t yet realized that she has obtained the power of the Hydro Sovereign, that Neuvillette would move the tides at her command, but he doesn’t think it will be long before she understands. Dragons are not known for their subtlety after all.
“I believe you have judged the situation correctly, my Lady.”
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
Look out, it's time for the Potted Fanon History of the one, the only...BRUCE WAYNE!
Bruce, 8: His parents were shot dead by [Someone/Joe Chill/the Mafia] outside the theatre in Park Row where they just saw Zorro. Kneeling in blood, pearls, etc etc.
Bruce, 8: Jim Gordon was the cop who responded to the scene and took care of Bruce.
Bruce, 8: Alfred takes custody of Bruce and they live in the Manor together.
Bruce, 12-16 (optional): Bruce attends school with people like Oliver Queen and Lex Luthor (at a boarding school), or Zatanna and Harvey Dent (at a regular Gotham school). Bruce is known as the cryptid who hides in the library reading forensic pathology textbooks in his free time.
Bruce, 16-18: Bruce finishes school and embarks on a Secret World Training Tour. Highlights of the Tour definitely involve the League of Assassins and probably several nameless monks. Bruce may have an intense homoerotic relationship with Minhkhoa Khan. The following individuals may be namechecked but are unlikely: [Shiva, David Cain, Henri Ducard, Richard Dragon]
Bruce, World Training Tour Edition: Bruce will first meet Talia at this time, and they may get married/conceive Damian. Do not look at the timeline too closely.
Bruce, early-mid 20s: returns to Gotham, is reminded that he is scared of bats. "Yes father, I will become...a Bat!"
Bruce, early-mid 20s: has encounter with An Individual (name varies, solidifying to 'Red Hood' these days as everyone's hung up on Jason) in the ACME Chemical company vats, the other person falls into the chemicals. The Joker is born hahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Bruce, mid 20s: meets Superman and Clark Kent, they simultaneously figure each other's identities out. Shortly after they form the Justice League with Wonder Woman.
Bruce, mid 20s: Bruce goes out for the night to see Haly's Circus when it visits town. Graysons fall, Bruce sees crying kneeling Dick Grayson and immediately imprints on him and takes him home.
Bruce, mid 20s: Dick Grayson becomes Bruce's Ward (TM). Dick also becomes Robin. They swear an Oath (TM) by candlelight to "fight together against crime and corruption and never to swerve from the path of righteousness!" (Actually I don't think the words of the oath are that well known but I couldn't help myself)
Bruce, mid 20s: has many undetailed adventures with Dick. I cannot reinforce how big a blank hole this period is.
Bruce, early 30s ish: Bruce runs into Talia and sleeps with her again (as written by people who CAN count to 10)
Bruce, 30s: Dick gets injured during a fight. Maybe with Joker, maybe with Two-Face, quite possibly with no details. Bruce tries to ground Dick for his own good. Bruce and Dick have a big fight over Dick being an adult now and you can’t tell me what to do. End result: Dick is no longer Robin and moves out (to Blüdhaven). Bruce immediately sulks.
Bruce, 30s: Batman parks his Batmobile in the middle of Crime Alley and comes back to find the tyres being jacked. The teenager attempting this then hits Batman with a tyre iron. Bruce, missing Dick yelling at him, is immediately charmed and takes Jason home and proceeds to instantly adopt him and make him Robin.
Bruce, 30s: Bruce learns about classism from Jason. Bruce Wayne, a man with the biggest charities running in Gotham, years of criminology experience and who travelled the poorest parts of the world in his quest for training, had never contemplated that poor people commit crime because they’re poor and the laws are against them. This rocks his world.
Bruce, 30s: Bruce fails to call Dick to tell him about his new adopted Jason!Robin. Dick comes over to have a screaming match with Bruce in the Manor/Cave about this. These will be a regular feature of Jason’s entire time as Robin.
Bruce, late 30s: Felipe Garzonas occurs. Bruce accuses Jason of killing Garzonas. Bruce will shortly feel intense guilt for this.
Bruce, late 30s: Jason runs away to Ethiopia and is blown by the Joker in a warehouse. Bruce arrives just out of time, to find Jason's body. He is devastated and blames both himself and Jason. He takes Jason's body back to Gotham where there is an autopsy. Joker just disappears with no trace.
Bruce, late 30s: gets more and more violent in his despair over Jason's death. Tim comes to him to explain why Batman is going off the rails and offers to be Robin.
Bruce, middle aged (don't look too closely): Bruce accepts Tim as his new Robin, however insists they are Just Coworkers. He may still be suicidal at times. He probably calls Tim 'Jason' by accident. He insists he never wants to be close to another child again.
Bruce, middle aged: Bruce comes face to face with Bane, who Breaks His Back (TM). Bruce then recovers. This is a very important moment, however any details of the recovery or who was Batman in the interim are unknown. Good job, Gotham healthcare services set up by Thomas Wayne!
Bruce, middle aged: Bruce becomes worried about Tim's parents (as he's reluctantly become attached to Tim). They are never around, which is how Tim manages to be Robin. They are definitely neglecting him. They might be abusing him! Bruce either fosters Tim because of his terrible neglectful parents OR Janet dies and Jack ends up in a coma and Bruce fosters Tim. Either way, Bruce becomes Tim's guardian.
Bruce, middle aged: there's a new crime lord in Gotham called the Red Hood. Batman must track him down. Bruce discovers that this is Jason. Jason begs for Bruce to kill the Joker to avenge his death and Bruce refuses because He Has A Code. Bruce throws a batarang at Jason's neck and slits his throat.
Bruce, JLA edition: at some point Bruce made some Protocols, or possibly some Killer Robots, just in case someone else on the Justice League goes evil. The rest of the Justice League find this out, due to this situation going wrong and the plans being activated by something. Everyone on the Justice League gets very upset with Bruce.
Bruce, middle aged: at some point Bruce adopts Dick and Tim and Cass. Details of when or where are scanty. They're his kids now. Everyone moves into the Manor (except Dick, who visits from Bludhaven every weekend to see his siblings).
Bruce, middle aged: Talia drops Damian off on the doorstep. Bruce now has a (biological) son! Unfortunately Ra's Al Ghul wants to steal his body. Damian must be protected.
Bruce, middle aged: dies. How does this happen? What are you, a cop? Fortunately Bruce being ultraprepared for anything including incipient death, he has left extensive notes about who deals with what when he's dead. Dick gets custody of Damian (but only Damian). Tim gets Wayne Enterprises.
Bruce, middle aged: returns from being lost in time (not dead). Thanks, Tim. No I will not return to being the main Batman in Gotham or take back Wayne Enterprises, it's time for me to travel the world and create Batman Incorporated in every nation on Earth!
Bruce, middle aged: eventually returns home and moves back into the Manor. Damian is now his Robin. Everyone else may still be living in the Manor, may have moved out because of Sad Conflict Drama because Tim feels like he's Just A Coworker or Cass is In Hong Kong. Dick may or may not return to Bludhaven now.
Bruce, middle aged: begins to reconcile with Jason, because he finds out about Jason's Pit Rage and trauma. Jason promises to use Rubber Bullets or to just shoot people in the knee, and says he will patrol Crime Alley because nobody else understands it and the people inside it like him. Bruce is just fine with this.
Bruce, middle aged (Damian edition): Damian dies. Bruce is extremely distraught about this due to his trauma over Jason and immediately works to hunt down a way to resurrect Damian.
Bruce, middle aged: meets Duke and seeing another teenager who is trying to fight crime, immediately brings him home to foster/adopt.
Bruce, Good Dad edition: at some point Bruce has Seen A Therapist and gotten Therapy. He is now completely au fait with the latest things you read online about complex PTSD and is sorry for the hurt he has ever caused any of his children. He goes around talking his children down from disassociation and panic attacks and nightmares. He wraps them up in weighted blankets and watches TV shows You Like with them. He has a new Ace, who is a Therapy Dog for Trauma. When someone has a bad night the entire family sleeps in his giant bed as a sleepover. He is completely focused on the mental health of his children.
Bruce, Bad Dad edition: Bruce has punched Dick/Jason/Tim/Damian (choose whichever set you want) in the face and accused them of not following orders. He has rages and demanding expectations on everyone. Multiple of his children can no longer put up with it any more. He does bad things to them and says it's for their own good.
Bruce, currently: Bruce is a Good Dad! Everyone is either living at the Manor or stays over after patrol regularly. They have regular movie nights. Bruce is actively running Wayne Enterprises. If he sees an unattached teenage vigilante anywhere he might adopt them and bring them home too! He looks after all the associated Gotham vigilantes and does not know what money is worth. This is hilarious as he tips 3000% or whatever on every purchase.
Bruce, currently (alternatively): Bruce is a Bad Dad! After failing his children nobody wants to be near him and he needs to apologise to all his children so they forgive him. Bruce has left Damian for Dick to raise all by himself (that's ok, Dick is really Damian's adoptive dad) and Tim to struggle with the pressure of being a high school dropout CEO of Wayne Enterprises. He is fighting with Jason over the One Killing Rule and won't compromise, even to kill the Joker, despite Jason desperately wanting that proof that Bruce loves him more than he loves the killing rule.
Bruce, currently: Bruce is dating one of Selina, Talia, Clark or Minhkhoa. Whichever on this list he is dating, he would never ever consider getting with Selina and/or Talia again (delete whoever necessary).
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starsinmylatte · 1 month
𝕬𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖔𝖞𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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𝕴𝖒𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘
Blog Navigation Page Arcane, Star Wars, and Misc. Masterlist Click here to be added to my tag list! (Recently re-vamped!) Read my About Me for preferences, blog rules, and general info :)
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𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓 𝕴𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖙
✧ ˚  ·    TBA ;)
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𝕳𝖔𝖓𝖐𝖆𝖎 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖑
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✧ ˚  ·    Drunk sex with Gallagher - AO3 - Tumblr
➻ Gallagher x afab!reader
➻ Rating: Explicit
➻ she/her pronouns, sex while under the influence as a consensual dynamic, etc.
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Veritas Ratio
✧ ˚  ·   Thoughts about Dilf Veritas
➻ Veri is actually good with children - AO3 - Tumblr
➻ Veri and baby talk (bonus family fluff) - AO3 - Tumblr
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𝕵𝖚𝖏𝖚𝖙𝖘𝖚 𝕶𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖓
🌻Denotes a work that's part of my "JJK Fic Readers Supporting Noury Event"
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✧ ˚  ·    Through the Smoke and Fog - AO3 - Tumblr
➻ Nanami Kento x afab!reader
➻ Rating: Explicit
➻ Trapped in the gilded cage of Victorian high society, you were determined to rebel. You ran the streets in disguise at night and threw yourself into your work as a typist for Scotland Yard during the day, rejecting the label of “quiet, submissive woman.”  Further rebuffing the ideals of your time, you scoffed at the idea of love and marriage, but a certain blonde Detective Inspector always seemed to make your heart flutter. You’re assigned to work a case under him, and your feelings only grow more complicated… but will your budding romance be able to survive one of history’s most infamous murderers?
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✧ ˚  ·    Baby, It's Cold Outside - AO3 - Tumblr
➻ Nanami Kento x afab!reader
➻ Rating: Explicit
➻ Living in Japan, you were used to people’s negative perceptions of your tattoos. An old man giving you a world-class stink-eye was more common than rain on a cloudy day, and those views were only compounded by the insular Jujutsu Sorcerer society you found yourself working in….. But what would the famous 7:3 Sorcerer think?
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✧ ˚  ·    An Early-Morning Suprise - A03 - Tumblr
➻ Nanami Kento x wife!reader
➻ Rating: None! Just fluff and comfort with a side of domestic bliss.
➻ What happens when the three first years find out that Nanami's wife has tattoos?
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✧ ˚  ·    The Man Behind the Mask
➻ Ch 1: Mysterious Beginnings - A03 - Tumblr
➻ Nanami Kento x afab!reader
➻ Rating: Explicit
➻ You joined the Tokyo Metropolitan Opera Company after your father's death, only to be relentlessly badgered for your talent by Mei Mei, the Opera House's principal soprano. A mysterious incident led to her being fired from the company, and as her understudy, you're the natural choice to replace her in the role. You're determined to sing well to prove yourself to K, the mysterious man who led your voice to soar, but will the secretive man be able to accept and return your affection? After all, things at the theatre are not always as they seem...
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Higuruma Hiromi
✧ ˚  ·    Metal Guitarist AU - A03 - Tumblr
➻ Rating: None, but I do reference a famous, real-life murder case at the end. There are no pairings or ships referenced in this.
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✧ ˚  ·    The Taste of Love - AO3 - Tumblr
➻ Higuruma Hiromi x gender-neutral reader
➻ Rating: None, this is pure fluff
➻ In which our beloved bathtub lawyer realizes that he loves you the first time he’s forced to cancel a date.
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✧ ˚  ·    Be Our Girl? - AO3 - Tumblr -🌻
➻ Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru x afab!reader
➻ Rating: Explicit (18+ Minors DNI)
➻ Morally grey, obsessive pleasure doms Geto and Gojo take care of you on your period.
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✧ ˚  ·    The Demon and the Dragon - AO3 - Tumblr - 🌻
➻ Nanami Kento x afab!reader x Hiuguruma Hiromi
➻ Rating: Explicit (18+ Minors DNI)
➻ Yakuza AU Nanami and Higuruma
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emma-watson-blog · 4 months
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April 15, 1990 · Paris, France
Birth name:
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson
5′ 5″ (1.65 m)
Mini Bio:
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in Paris, France, to British parents, Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, both lawyers. She moved to Oxfordshire when she was five, where she attended the Dragon School. From the age of six, Emma knew that she wanted to be an actress and, for a number of years, she trained at the Oxford branch of Stagecoach Theatre Arts, a part-time theatre school where she studied singing, dancing and acting. By the age of ten, she had performed and taken the lead in various Stagecoach productions and school plays.
In 1999, casting began for Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (2001), the film adaptation of British author J.K. Rowling's bestselling novel. Casting agents found Emma through her Oxford theatre teacher. After eight consistent auditions, producer David Heyman told Emma and fellow applicants, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, that they had been cast for the roles of the three leads, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. The release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) was Emma's cinematic screen debut. The film broke records for opening-day sales and opening-weekend takings and was the highest-grossing film of 2001. Critics praised the film and the performances of the three leading young actors. The highly distributed British newspaper, 'The Daily Telegraph', called her performance "admirable". Later, Emma was nominated for five awards for her performance in the film, winning the Young Artist Award for Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film.
After the release of the first film of the highly successful franchise, Emma became one of the most well-known actresses in the world. She continued to play the role of Hermione Granger for nearly ten years, in all of the following Harry Potter films: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010), and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011). Emma acquired two Critics' Choice Award nominations from the Broadcast Film Critics Association for her work in Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban and Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. The completion of the seventh and eight movies saw Emma receive nominations in 2011 for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award, and for Best Actress at the Jameson Empire Awards. The Harry Potter franchise won the BAFTA for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema in February 2011.
2011 saw Emma in Simon Curtis's My Week with Marilyn (2011), alongside a stellar cast of Oscar nominees including Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe and Kenneth Branagh as Sir Laurence Olivier, in addition to Eddie Redmayne, Dame Judi Dench, Dougray Scott, Zoe Wanamaker, Toby Jones and Dominic Cooper. Chronicling a week in Marilyn Monroe's life, the film featured Emma in the supporting role of Lucy, a costume assistant to Colin Clark (Redmayne). The film was released by The Weinstein Company and was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical. In 2012 Emma was seen in Stephen Chbosky's adaptation of his coming-of-age novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012), starring opposite Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller. This independent drama centered around Charlie (Lerman), an introverted freshman who is taken under the wings of two seniors (Watson and Miller) who welcome him to the real world. The film premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and received rave reviews. The film won the People's Choice Award for Favourite Dramatic Movie and Emma also picked up the People's Choice Award for Favourite Dramatic Movie Actress. Emma was awarded a second time for this role with the Best Supporting Actress Award at the San Diego Film Critics Society Awards where the film also won the Best Ensemble Performance Award.
In summer 2013, Emma starred in Sofia Coppola's American satirical black comedy crime film, The Bling Ring (2013), opposite Katie Chang and Israel Broussard. The film took inspiration from real events and followed a group of teenagers who, obsessed with fashion and fame, burgled the homes of celebrities in Los Angeles. The film opened the Un Certain Regard section of the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. Emma also appeared in a cameo role as herself in Seth Rogen's apocalypse comedy This Is The End (2013). The film tells the story about what happens to some of Hollywood's best loved celebrities when the apocalypse strikes during a party at James Franco's house.
2014, Emma was seen in Darren Aronofsky's Noah (2014), opposite Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Douglas Booth, Logan Lerman, and Anthony Hopkins. The film told the epic, biblical tale of Noah and the ark. Emma plays the role of Ila, a young woman who develops a close relationship with Noah's son, Shem (Booth). Noah made an outstanding $300m since its release in March. In 2015, Emma starred in Regression (2015), written and directed by Alejandro Amenábar. Also headlined by Oscar-nominated Ethan Hawke, and set in Minnesota in 1990, Regression tells the story of Detective Bruce Kenner (Hawke), who investigates the case of young Angela, played by Emma, who accuses her father of sexual abuse.
In 2012, Emma was honored with the Calvin Klein Emerging Star Award at the ELLE Women in Hollywood Awards. In 2013, Emma was awarded the Trailblazer Award at the MTV Movie Awards in April and was honored with the GQ Woman of the Year Award at the GQ Awards in September. Further to her acting career, Emma is a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN, promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. Emma graduated from Brown University in May 2014.
2017, Emma starred in the live-action Disney fantasy Beauty and the Beast (2017), one of the biggest movies of all time in the U.S., and the dramatic thriller The Circle (2017).
Jacqueline Luesby(Parent)
Chris Watson(Parent)
Freda Emma Watson (Duerre)(Grandparent)
Toby Watson(Half Sibling)
Lucy Watson(Half Sibling)
Nina Watson(Half Sibling)
Alex Watson(Sibling)
Has kept a painstakingly detailed log of her everyday life since her film career took off, as many as 30 journals in total.
Favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Best friends with Harry Potter co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint after practically growing up with them on the Harry Potter set. She calls them her 'brothers'.
Was offered the titled lead in Cinderella (2015) but turned it down.
At the age of fifteen became the youngest person to appear on the cover of Teen Vogue magazine.
Paris at the time of Emma's birth. Emma lived in France until the age of five, when her family returned to the United Kingdom.
Was named the 'Highest Grossing Actress of the Decade' by the Guiness Book of World Records. Her film work in the past decade has grossed over 5.4 billion dollars worldwide (2009).
She achieved eight A* and two A passes in her GCSEs (exams British school pupils take in their last compulsory year of secondary school).
Prefers to sign autographs for fans rather than taking pictures with them.
Auditioned eight times (at age 9) for the role of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, playing opposite five prospective sets of Harry's before landing the part.
Was offered the role of Mia in La La Land (2016) but turned it down to play Belle in Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast (2017). The role then went to Emma Stone, who won an Academy award for her performance. Ironically, she replaced Stone for the role of Meg March in Greta Gerwig's Little Women (2019) after Stone was unable to take the part due to her scheduling conflicts in promoting The Favourite (2018).
Both of her parents are lawyers.
Emma's favorite movies include Notting Hill (1999), Love Actually (2003), Bridget Jones's Diary (2001), Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), About Time (2013), Giant (1956), Breathless (2008), Amélie (2001), Pan's Labyrinth (2006), The Fountain (2006), The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Gladiator (2000), Braveheart (1995), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Philomena (2013), Blue Jasmine (2013), Rush (2013), 12 Years a Slave (2013), The Great Beauty (2013), The Woodmans (2010), Closer (2004), Pretty Woman (1990), Chicago (2002), Romeo + Juliet (1996), Moulin Rouge! (2001), Dirty Dancing (1987), Grease (1978), Shrek (2001), Ice Age (2002), and Finding Nemo (2003). school and local teams), skiing, painting, cooking, singing, and dancing (has twice competed with her school in Rock Challenge 2006 and 2007).
Entering Brown University, Rhode Island, U.S.A. after completion of the Harry Potter Movies (July 21, 2009).to study literature.
Emma's favorite actors are Johnny Depp and Russell Crowe.
Her parents divorced in 1995; each parent has since remarried. On her father's side, she has a younger half-brother, Toby, born 2003, and half-sisters (identical twins) Lucy and Nina, born in 2004. Lucy and Nina played the younger version of her character Pauline in Ballet Shoes (2007). She also has two stepbrothers through her mother's remarriage.
Has said that she'd like to work with directors Alfonso Cuarón and Guillermo del Toro.
Is a certified yoga and meditation instructor.
Is a fan of The Golden Compass (2007) and the rest of the fantasy trilogy 'His Dark Materials' by Philip Pullman.
Emma's favorite actresses are Julia Roberts, Renée Zellweger, Sandra Bullock, Rebel Wilson, Goldie Hawn, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Natalie Portman and Meryl Streep.
Is the former roommate and current best friend of America's Next Top Model (2003) Cycle 18 winner, Sophie Sumner.
Attended The Dragon School, a renowned preparatory school in Oxford, between September 1995 and July 2001. She then went on to attend Headington School, a private all-girls school, between September 2001 and July 2006.
She enrolled in a Shakespeare course at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts during the summer of 2008.
May 25, 2014) Graduated from Brown University with a bachelor's degree in English literature.
Emma's favorite television shows include Friends (1994), Sex and the City (1998), Girls (2012), Gossip Girl (2007), America's Next Top Model (2003), Mad Men (2007), House of Cards (2013), Pride and Prejudice (1995) and The Crown (2016).
Has two cats, one is named Bubbles and the other is named Domino.
Emma Watson has stated that, since her audition at age 9 through the completion of 8 Harry Potter features by age 22, the hectic, educational experience consumed over half her life.
She was named after her paternal grandmother, born Freda Emma Duerre who, after marriage, became Freda Emma Duerre Watson.
Was in a relationship with Will Adamowicz from 2012-2013. The couple met while studying at Oxford University in 2011.
Took AS levels in English, Geography, Art, and History of Art in May 2007, and has now dropped History of Art to pursue the three A levels.
When she made a promotional appearance on a Dutch TV talk show for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007), the interview ended with her joining the Dutch illusion act Magic Unlimited, who sawed her in half.
Has the same birthday as her Beauty and the Beast co-stars: Luke Evans and her Harry Potter collaborator Emma Thompson.
Is taking legal action after private photos of her trying on various outfits were stolen and posted online.
Was ranked #3 on Empire Magazine's '100 Sexiest Movie Stars' list.
She and her Harry Potter co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint were named #9 on Entertainment Weekly's Best Entertainers of the Year in 2005.
Ranked as having one of the most beautiful famous faces by "The Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Famous Faces From Around the World." She was ranked #2 in 2010, #12 in 2009, #27 in 2008, #30 in 2007, and #54 in 2006.
In 2008, BoyDestiny wrote and sang the song "You Got Me Going", also known as The Emma Watson Song.
Sixth highest paid actress of 2017 with $14 million.
Passed her driving test in the U.S. in 2008 and drives a Toyota Prius.
Was named the face of the 2009 Fall/Winter Burberry Campaign.
Radio One's movie critic James King named "Ron Weasley" and "Hermione Granger", played by Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, as number 4 in his Top 5 Movie Couples list on The Colin and Edith Show (2006).
Emma's style icons include Jean Seberg, Mia Farrow, Kate Bosworth, Diane Kruger, Jane Birkin, Edie Sedgwick, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, Sofia Coppola, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton, Françoise Hardy, Charlotte Rampling and Michelle Obama.
She served on a jury to select the 2004 teen-aged film-makers' First Light Film Awards. The ceremony was held in London's Leicester Square. Other jurors included Pierce Brosnan, Kenneth Branagh, and Samantha Morton.
In 2007, Forbes Magazine estimated her earnings for the year at $4 million.
Has worked closely with the organic and fair trade pioneer People Tree.
Announced that she would be collaborating with People Tree, a Fair Trade Fashion Company, as a creative advisor for the new Spring/Summer collection.
Emma's favorite filmmakers are Richard Curtis, Alfonso Cuarón, Guillermo del Toro, Sofia Coppola, Darren Aronofsky, Danny Boyle, David Fincher, Lynne Ramsay, Ang Lee, and Tom Hooper.
Emma Watson has combined/hyperactive type ADHD, for which she has been medicated ever since she was 5.
Has spoken in the United Nations Organization in favour of Women's Rights, including abortion.
Was ranked #8 in Portrait Magazine's 'Top 30 Under 30' (2009). 'Harry Potter' cast mates Evanna Lynch, Rupert Grint, Bonnie Wright, Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe also made the list on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 14th and 18th place respectively.
Was ranked #15 on Forbes List of The 20 Top-Earning Young Superstars.
Ranked #4 by Portrait Magazine for favorite celebrities by fans' vote. Her Harry Potter co-star Bonnie Wright Had also Ranked #5.
Includes Justin Timberlake and Alanis Morissette among her favorite singers.
She was the front-runner for the role of Yelena Belova in Black Widow (2021), but it was given to Florence Pugh.
Was ranked #3 on Moviefone's '25 Hottest Actors Under 25'.
(April 24, 2011) Her publicist, Vanessa Davies, said that Emma will transfer from Brown University to another school in the Fall of 2011.
Was ranked #3 on 'Yahoo! List of the 10 Most Popular Stars of 2007'.
Was ranked #69 on Maxim magazine's Hot 100 women of 2011 list.
Once accidentally mistook Jimmy Fallon for Jimmy Kimmel.
Was born at 6:00pm (GMT + 1 hour) on a Sunday.
Voted #17 on Ask Men's top 99 'most desirable' women of 2012.
Ranked #94 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Was Entertainment Weekly's "Entertainer of the Month" for the month of July (2009).
She was ranked #8 on Portrait Magazine's 'Top 30 Under 30' list.
Ranked #29 on Askmen's list of the Top 99 Most Desirable women for 2013.
She was ranked #3 on Teen Vogue's list of the Best Dressed celebrities of 2009.
Ranked #15 in the 2011 FHM Australia of "100 Sexiest Women".
Was ranked #97 on Forbes List of The Celebrity 100.
Ranked #23 in the 2011 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
She was ranked #6 on MSN's list of 'Best Dressed Stars of 2009'.
Was ranked #28 on Entertainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the actress list.
Ranked #29 in the 2010 FHM UK list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Was ranked #26 on Empire Magazine's '100 Sexiest Movie Stars' (2007).
Named #1 on 'Sexiest Movie Stars" Poll on Empire Magazine voted by over 50 000 people around the world.
She was considered to voice Coraline Jones in "Coraline", which later went to Dakota Fanning.
Beauty and the Beast (2017) - $15,000,000
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) - $15,000,000
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) - $15,000,000
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - $4,000,000
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) - $125,000
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) - $125,000
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - $125,000
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priestessame · 1 year
Whenever you have time what type of dates do you think emperor zhongli would take the empress on
No rush and make sure your taking care of your self 
This is such a wholesome ask annon TT
ahhh Emperor Zhongli makes me so soft UWU
❧ I would assume that because the reader is from a foreign land, you would have to learn about the language and script one way or another. Lucky for you the emperor is far too excited when you expressed a desire to learn about the culture more. So obviously he takes it upon himself to tutor you. Teaching you the styles of calligraphy and the nuances of his language. He's unbelievably patient, guiding your hand with his own to teach you the script, sneaking in some cheesy proses about love. He would even take you out stargazing on nights with clear skies, mapping out constellations with his hands and re-telling their stories like he had lived it himself.
❧ He is such a patron of literature, he could spend hours reading you epics and ballads. Of course, it would go both ways, the emperor loves to listen to you talk about your own culture. Spending nights talking about the strange and wonderful stories from your mythology and history. Because everything about you fills him with pure wonder.
❧ During festivals, Once the palace rituals for the lantern rite are over, he would even sneak you out to watch the local theatre at Qingce village. (Even if it's against the will of his paranoid general). Softly translating dialogues you don't understand, loving how you lose yourself in the story. He would even help you hold the jueyun chilies you gathered for the ride back to the palace, even if they ruin his pockets.
❧ Zhongli also loves to take you around on walks. Dressed In layman clothes in matching top knots, passing under the guise of just another village couple. There's always a sense of calm that the emperor feels walking around the harbor, listening to the sounds of the city as it wraps up another busy day. And he has yearned all his life to share that kind of peace with someone.
❧ So he would take you around the harbor sharing candied oranges just as they light the evening lanterns. It makes most people look over their shoulders at the oddly attractive couple, but you won't really notice, you'd be too mired in your own world.
❧ If it's plum blossom season, he would take you to the royal garden, maybe he would even dedicate one to you if you like it too much. He would ask for tea and mooncakes to be bought to the garden as you two laze around the blossoms playing board games. Although by the end you chucked the pure-gold board piece at him for cheating at the game and then shamelessly denying it.
❧ Taking baths together; I mean obviously, the royal palace has its own hot springs. Bearing the title of the emperor, even if he is always surrounded by people, it still gets lonely at times. So moments like these are what make him feel very loved. He would place you between his legs, against his chest as he gently washes your back and shoulders. Most of the time he can't help but pepper kisses down your neck (0////0). It makes all the stress of the day melt, washing away the ache he feels from sitting on the throne all day long. It is even better when you are washing his long hair and idly braiding it with small flowers. The dragon in him loves this grooming. It's very intimate, but not really sexual. It makes him want to let down his guard as your company makes him feel safe.
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sherifftillman · 2 years
The Buffer
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!Reader (no gendered terms/pronouns)
Genre: fluff, tiny little smut mention at the end
Word count: 5k
Summary: Chrissy just wants to play wingwoman. If only the two people in question weren't so clueless.
A/N: Writing Chrissy is so fun. I hope I've done her justice.
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Being friends with most of the school newspaper had its perks and its penalties. Pro: you get all the hot gossip before it hits the shelves of the school store. Con: whenever there is a big scoop and they have to work through their lunch break, yours becomes far more lonely. Usually you can find someone to sit with, but today you just so happen to prefer your own company.
Coincidentally, today is the day Chrissy Cunningham decides to sit at your table. "Hi!" she beams, setting her tray down, sitting down and then offering her hand out to you. "You don't mind if I sit here, right?"
Eyes narrowing, you take her hand warily. You've never heard anything bad about her, but you wonder why now, in your senior year, would she finally extend the olive branch? "You already made the trek all the way out here," you muse, and she giggles.
"Yeah, it's not my table but I thought, it's been a minute since we last talked and since your friends aren't here, I figured I could keep you company!" You can't get a read on her. She's the human equivalent of sunshine.
"That's sweet of you," you smile. "Yeah, it's the one downside of being on the outskirts of the school paper team," you shrug, and Chrissy nods in understanding. "Normally I'd find someone else to hang with, but I dunno, something told me to just sit here anyway."
Chrissy's eyes widen. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, if you need some alone time I totally get that, I'm so sorry I assumed -"
"It's fine," you hold your hand out with a reassuring smile. "I'm actually glad you joined me."
She gasps exaggeratedly, pressing her palm to her chest and putting on a voice, "Who, li'l ol' me?!" You laugh, and she joins you. "Well, I would offer for you to sit with more of us, but some of the other girls are…"
"Say no more, I know how a lot of cheerleaders feel about me," you roll your eyes. "Nah, usually I'll go and sit with, like, the theatre kids, or those Hellfire boys, if I need a good book to read, they'll know."
"Oh my god, can I tell you something so bad?" She asks you with wide eyes and a hand over her mouth.
You look from side to side. "Bad, like… Like, scandalous or -?"
"Oh, no! Not at all! This is about me," she giggles. "Did you know that, up until a few weeks ago, I had no idea that Eddie the Fr… The one who plays Dungeons and Dragons," she quickly corrects herself before leaning in to whisper to you, "I had no idea that was Edward Munson from middle school."
"Girl," your eyes widen as you lean back and she holds her cheeks, laughing silently. "You mean to tell me you couldn't tell that Edward the metalhead became Eddie the metalhead?!"
"He had buzzed hair, I don't know!" She presses her fingers to her temples as her face cringes. "When he started talking about his band, it all came flooding back, and I felt so bad!" Her face starts to soften, though. She rests her elbow on the table and sits her chin on the palm of her hand, her fingers curling against her cheekbone. "He's kinda cute now, wouldn't you say?"
Of course she'd say that as you were taking a sip of your drink. Taken aback, your breath catches at just the wrong moment and you start sputtering and coughing. She grimaces, though you can tell she's trying really hard not to laugh. When you finally catch your breath, you say, "Can't say I've noticed any difference." 
That's not technically a lie. You liked Eddie in his buzzed phase. You liked him in his half-grown-out phase. You even liked him in his irons-his-hair-straight phase, though you're grateful that it looks far healthier now that he keeps it curled. And sure, maybe your heart skips a beat or two when he calls you over personally to sit with you, or points to an empty spot next to him (provided one of his "baby sheep" hasn't taken it already). So there's never been a difference to whether or not you'd thought him cute. But if Chrissy Cunningham is into him? Any shot you might have had if you'd had the confidence to do something about it is definitely out of the window.
And so you come to your conclusion. Clearly, Chrissy has seen that you and him are still somewhat friends, and clearly she wants you to play wingman. It'll sting, sure, but it's not like you were planning on making a move anytime soon.
"You don't think he is?" she asks with a slight frown. You're perplexed. Do you chase her off his scent, would that make things too obvious? Or do you encourage it, and risk her questioning your enthusiasm? Either way, the risk is there, and at least now you can live vicariously through her.
You shrug, "I mean, I didn't say that, he's just… I dunno. He's always been Eddie," you allow yourself a small, wistful smile for a few seconds, which is cut short by Chrissy noticing something behind you.
"Oh my god, shh-shh, there he i- Eddie!" The tonal change from being so hushed when she started talking to yelling and waving by the end hurt your ears. 
Tray full of food in hand, he saunters over to you both. "Well, hello to you both," he balances the tray in one hand while doing a funny salute-bow motion with the other. "To what am I owed this pleasure?'
"Well, we were just catching up, since someone was sitting here all alone," Chrissy starts with a pout, and Eddie frowns, turning to you.
"Well, hey, you know there's always room for you with us, right? I know the boys tend to… Get excited and forget other people exist, but you just gotta be just as loud," he explains, his head shaking slightly.
You giggle, "It's been fun, actually, just me and Chrissy here. She's real fun to be with." You didn't realise quite how much saying things like that would sting, but you're here now. Hopefully it'll get easier with time.
"You should come sit with us!" Chrissy pats the table at the spot next to you. You turn your gaze quickly to your own meal, poking at the parts you're yet to eat. You conveniently miss Eddie and Chrissy's silent conversation of eye flashes, tiny gestures and facial expressions.
Eventually Eddie caves and slides into the seat next to you. Chrissy waves her hand towards her, "No, no, come closer! I don't want to have to yell." Even when making her demands, she's adorable. He should be putty in her hands within seconds. Then your work will be done.
Eddie slides his chair over, so his leg barely grazes yours. If you lean even the slightest amount, you can feel the chain on his jeans press into you. "So, what hot topic are we catching up on, then?" he asks.
"I was -" Chrissy collapses into laughter, which makes both you and Eddie smile. There's that sting again. "I was just talking about yo- how I didn't know you were you from middle school!"
"I mean, can you believe." Eddie deadpans, looking at you while gesturing with his open palm to Chrissy.
"Even you said, didn't you!" Chrissy continues, now also talking to you. "You said even you knew he was the same guy from middle school, it was just me!"
You shake your head in disbelief. "I can't believe it's just the hair that fooled you! I remember you in middle school having to move your ponytail so you didn't sit on it! This doesn't even look half as long!" You gesture towards her hair, and she giggles even more.
"Yours doesn't seem to have changed much though," Eddie muses, mouth half-full of food as he points his fork at you. You hate that you don't even find that repulsive.
"Nah, I've pretty much looked the same since the age of six, just stretched out in certain places," you shake your head, to a chorus of laughter from the other two. "Except for the few months I was missing a chunk out of it because I tried to bleach that one part with toilet cleaner." The pair of them hiss through their teeth in sympathy.
"I can do you one better than that," Eddie smirks. "Though it's not my story, guy I met at the Hideout one time. He had tried to bleach his hair at home, was told to wrap it in plastic and heat it up. So he takes a grocery bag -"
Your hands fly up to your face in shock. "Not one that had a logo on it!" Eddie presses his lips together and nods.
Chrissy whines, "Oh, no! So did it transfer onto his -" Eddie interrupts with another nod. "Noooo!"
"I so wish I could have seen it," Eddie laughs. "In Chrissy's defence, though, I didn't think I was all that memorable," he glances over at you.
You shake your head. "I’ll never forget the day you dressed up as a Hobbit for Halloween wearing sneakers with hair taped to them," you laugh, and Chrissy looks at you wide-eyed.
"Sorry, what?! Where was I?!"
Eddie laughs behind his hand. "Oh god, I thought nobody had noticed that! So - I wanted to give the outfit my full devotion, which meant walking around barefooted with extra hair on my fe- You asked!" Eddie exclaims as Chrissy cringes. "But the teacher told me I couldn't not wear shoes, so I had to keep it canon somehow. God, that teacher sucked," he groans under his breath.
"Oh, yes. How terrible it must have been for you to get dress-coded," you deadpan, and Chrissy joins in, once again trying not to laugh.
"You poor thing, Eddie. Having to be told to put shoes on, so oppressive."
"You guys are really coming for my jugular, huh? Last time I join you two." Thankfully, his tone doesn't sound serious.
"Aww, but who else is gonna come bowling with us after school?" Chrissy pouts. You give her a wide-eyed stare and she simply bounces her eyebrows up and down at you in response.
Eddie blows air between his lips in a rasp. "I dunno, you drive a hard bargain..."
"I'll buy you a portion of loaded fries," you offer, clearly understanding your place as the buffer, the third wheel.
Eddie slaps the table, "Now I'm sold!"
He and Chrissy set up a time and a place and you simply nod quietly in agreement. It’s their date, after all. You’re just moral support until it’s your cue to leave them to it.
Once he’s finished with his food, he nods over at his usual table. “S’pose I should go see my herd. I guess I’ll see you later on this evening,” he smiles before leaving you to join his friends.
Chrissy grabs your wrist, looking all excited. “Isn’t this awesome?! I thought that’d give us time to go to the mall first - don't sweat it, I'll drive us - find something cute to wear, and then we can start the journey over to the bowling alley!”
You’re not sure why you have to dress cute, too, but you assume she doesn’t want to potentially appear overdressed, so at least if you’re there and he’s underdressed, he’s in the minority. You let her have her little makeover moment - as much as it all hurts to help Chrissy live your dream, she's just too nice to direct any ill will towards. 
When you meet up with Eddie, he has smartened up a little - he's wearing a plaid button-up, though you see his homemade Hellfire shirt peek out beneath it, and a leather jacket. He's absolutely beaming at the sight of you both - which if course he is, you're stood next to the most infectious smile in Hawkins. He greets you with the same motion he did in the cafeteria, “Long time no see,” he smirks. “Shall we?”
Eddie turns his nose up at swapping his Reeboks for “clown shoes”, while Chrissy notices that hers squeak if she slides her feet in just the right way and obsesses over it, trying to get a sound out of every step. 
Chrissy insists on "ladies first" as she writes her name without hesitation. She writes yours next, then Eddie's. It goes about the same as any other bowling game - though when you revel in getting the first strike, Chrissy pulls you in for a hug and practically throws you at Eddie to also hug him. 
He smells nicer than he does at school. You feel his laugh rumble in his chest, "Thank you? I'd put that down to Hawkins High smelling worse in general."
Shoot. You'd said that out loud. You play it off with a semi-awkward laugh and a, "Yeah, that's probably it!" 
Eddie gets the next strike, and Chrissy ushers you forward first to praise him. This tactic, admittedly, just genuinely puzzles you. Does she just want to be the most recent physical contact of his? But then why wouldn't she do the opposite when you got your first strike? None of it seems to make sense. Is this why she needs a wingman? Do you need to step in and intervene? You offer him a hug identical to the one he gave, and as much as you try to keep it as brief as possible, you can't help but linger just a little.
You try your best to not play your A-game, giving Chrissy the chance to try and impress Eddie all by herself, but she keeps hyping you up just as much, if not more. You try and play off like you're at least mildly disappointed, and Eddie ruffles your hair sympathetically. You glare at him and he chuckles, "C'mon, you promised me fries, didn't you?"
The three of you share the food between yourselves, Eddie eating the most, which he'd predicted and already "repaid" for by buying all your drinks. Chrissy excuses herself to the bathroom, and Eddie spots you eyeing a nearby claw machine. "You know there's a trick to those, right?"
Your brow furrows. "Isn't it, like, random? When the claw actually grips or whatever?"
Eddie taps his nose knowingly, "Trust me. C'mon," he gestures with his head and you follow him over to it. "Pick one."
You raise your eyebrows. "You're that confident?!" He nods, and you press your forehead to the glass as you choose, "That one. Teddy bear, black and curly hair."
"Just like me," Eddie smiles, taking a final loud slurp of his drink followed by an equally loud gasp. "Stand back, please." You comply, hopping back to watch over his shoulder as he explains his actions. "See, you're not wrong, but you can increase your chances, thanks to a handy little friend called physics. If we just keep, it, moving," he punctuates every pause with the press of a different button, aiming the claw so that it starts to swing, "so that it still wants to swing even as it comes up," his voice drawls a little slower as the claw descends, clutching your preferred toy in its grasp, "and then when it does," he pauses for effect to show you the claw swinging on its ascent, "gravity should keep it central enough as it swings back and forth that it should… Fall…" He extends each word until it drops into the shaft, where he extends his hands out proudly, "Right where you want it."
Your eyes are wide, fixated on where the best now sits. "And yet it's taken you how long to get a D grade?!"
He laughs, "Listen, if physics was taught through hotwiring cars and figuring out arcade game mechanics, I'd be running that class. Same as how I can count a 7d6 roll in seconds, but long division? When am I ever going to use that again, you know?"
“You’re a smart one, Mr Munson,” you smirk as he takes the bear out and hands it to you. Your breath hitches as you feel his fingers brush against yours, and you chide yourself for getting so flustered, not only over someone who a separate person has sought your help to set them up with, but over an action so basic.
Chrissy suddenly appears, bouncing between the two of you. “Ooh, what are we up to?” she asks in a delighted sing-song.
“Just showing off my mad skills," Eddie beams, leaning against the machine and holding his arms out to point at himself proudly.
Slightly dejected, you hand the bear over. "Yeah, look, he won this for you!"
Chrissy looks at Eddie with a face you can't quite read. Like she's questioning him. He returns the expression, and Chrissy shakes her head. "You hold onto it for now, come get another drink with me!" Less of an offer, more a warning as she takes your wrist and pulls you over to the vendor again. "So, talk me through this," she says when you're both definitely out of Eddie's earshot. "How could Eddie have won something for me when I wasn't even there?"
You shrug, "I dunno, but it seems to be going well, right? So, you want me to get out of you guys' hair now, or…?" After that brief contact, you're ready to go home and just scream into your pillow for all eternity.
"Why would - Oh! Oh. Oh, no," Chrissy goes on a whole journey of expression, from curiosity to surprise to realisation to bursting into a fit of giggles. "No, no, oh my god. Did you think that I was - that you were -?"
You look at her, totally lost. "I'm going to need you to please finish at least one of those sentences."
Chrissy holds back a snort of laughter before ordering just two drinks. "Oh god, you two are just precious little disasters, aren't you?" Your eyes narrow, and she holds your arm gently. "Okay, so I'm going to be the one to go, now, because my role here was to try and push the two of you together."
Chrissy's words echo in your head. So many thoughts consume you. She notices this and, after taking both drinks, guides you over to one of the designated booths for food, also waving Eddie over. He walks up to where you both sit, opting for sidling into your side. "Do I get to be filled in on whatever's going on here, or…?" Eddie asks, waving between the three of you.
"So, debrief time," Chrissy starts, placing her hands on the table. "Maybe I'm not the wingwoman I thought I was." Eddie's eyes go wide for a second before his expression becomes one of confusion. She continues, looking straight at him, "I, uh, accidentally led your date on to believe that I was the one who wanted to come here with you. So,” she slides the cups over to your side of the table, “I'm going to go now, you two finish these drinks and go play the one more game of bowling I already paid for, and I'll see you guys tomorrow, 'kay?" With one more slap of the table, Chrissy stands up, slides out of the booth and leaves.
Eddie sucks on his straw nervously while you play with the teddy bear sitting in your lap. You're the first one to break the silent tension, "So. Never thought to just, ask me out?"
Eddie chuckles humourlessly. "You live the life that I have, and matters of the heart become an unattainable luxury." You rest your head on his shoulder comfortingly. "Although," he smirks, "if you had just asked me out, I wouldn't have been caught longingly gazing at you from afar by Chrissy Cunningham, of all people."
You laugh, "Shut up," But Eddie shakes his head, his hair tickling your face in the process. He notices, and tucks it behind his ear.
"It's true! Since all cards are on the table, Chrissy caught me looking over at you last week, before your theatre friends caught you, and then next thing I knew, I'm being flagged down by the two of you, who are suddenly best pals," he crosses his fingers together.
"And… How long before that?" You ask tentatively.
Eddie shrugs his shoulder to gently jolt your head. "Nuh-uh, your turn first, I've already embarrassed myself enough." As you lift your head, you notice a flush of colour adorning his cheeks.
You, too, immediately turn red enough to blend in with the Coca-Cola sponsored furniture. "Um, well… We never really talked in middle school, but I remember thinking you were really cute, with your hair just growing out and the - the handwritten shirts you used to make, I always thought they were cool. I told my best friends at a slumber party, and they said you probably wouldn't even give me the time of day; I was younger and not skilled in any way to play in your band, so they told me you wouldn't care." Eddie's brow furrows, but he lets you continue. "Then, freshman year, I'd tried to join the school paper with my friends, but it was so not my scene. And I didn't know where else to go, but you just… Took me in, just like that. I told myself I wouldn't screw this up, that I'd only act on stuff if I knew it wasn't going to make things weird.  And now, ironically, here I am having the weirdest conversation of my life."
"So, good news about that, weird is kind of my thing," Eddie starts, amused. "You really liked me for that long, huh?" You nod, and he laughs. "So, whenever you would sit next to me on the bus, even when there were empty seats…"
You nod, cringing, "I thought that might be something, like the start of some kind of epic middle school love story, but you proved my friends right. You wouldn't even talk to me,” you shrug.
He smirks, "Because my freshly-teenaged brain had no idea how to approach the very first person he felt attracted to."
If this were a cartoon, there’d be steam blowing out from your ears, you’re that red. “Shut up,” you mutter with a shy smile, looking back down again at the toy in your lap.
“It’s true!” Eddie beams. “I just kinda thought that… I don’t even know,” he shakes his head. “I thought maybe you might be the one to bring up the fact that you would always sit next to me.”
“And I would always sit next to you in the hopes you would bring that up to me,” you giggle.
Eddie moves his knee to rest next to yours, “God, what a pair of idiots we were, huh.”
“Speak for yourself, I’m the one who didn’t even realise I was being set up on this date,” you admit sheepishly.
“I mean, there were moments today where I thought maybe I was the third wheel all along!” Eddie laughs. “So, I kinda get it.” He reaches over to gently poke at the bear. “Got a name for him yet?”
You hold it up onto the table. “Yeah, Teddy Munson, after his dad,” you gently nudge him with your shoulder and he laughs. “He’s got your hair.”
“Yeah, but he’s got his mom’s cuteness,” Eddie looks sideways at you, the smallest of smiles tugging at the corners of his lips.
Taken aback, you scoff, “Oh sure, now he’s smooth!”
Eddie’s loud laugh fills your ears, causing your smile to reach them, too. “Well, now he knows he’s got a shot. Better late than never, right?”
“In that case, you should know that I totally botched that last game on purpose,” you nod.
Eddie leans back in his seat, a cocky half-smile adorning his face as he looks at you with head cocked and an arm draped across the back of the booth seat. “Oh, yeah? Sure you did.”
“Sorry, remind me, uh, who was it that got the first strike? And then suddenly got way worse? How do you explain that?” you lean back to match his energy, the adrenaline of a half-lifelong crush finally being actively reciprocated charging you.
“I’d call that a fluke, but it’s okay. Whatever helps you sleep tonight,” Eddie’s arm reaches up to once again ruffle your hair. In doing so, he ends up at a closer proximity to you. Oh, you could just lean in a fraction and simply smooch his smug face clean off of him right there and then, but your competitiveness just gets the better of you.
“Fine. Chrissy said she bought us a game, right? Let’s go,” you gesture to the alleys, and he hops out of the booth by pushing himself up to perch his feet on the seat and then vaulting over the back. You clap at his acrobatics and he bows his signature bow at you, before offering his hand to help you out. You take it, carefully shuffling out of the booth while also holding the teddy to your chest, explaining softly, “I’m bearing precious cargo, here.”
Eddie snorts, “Bear-ing,” while pointing to him, and you roll your eyes. “C’mon, you love it,” he drawls as you jokingly start to walk towards the exit, but he tightens his grip on your hand and instead pulls you over to the counter. Apparently, Chrissy had already explained the situation to the girl who was working, having given her a brief description of who to look for.
You take on the responsibility of writing your names on the card beneath the projector, while Eddie drapes himself over you. With a laugh, you ask, "You good?"
"Who, me? Sorry, my presence isn't too distracting for you, is it?" 
"So is your tactic to annoy all your dates, or am I just the lucky one?" You ask with amusement.
"Oh, yeah. you mean the absolute hordes of people just lining up for a night with ol' Eddie, you're gonna have to beat them all off with a stick if you want a shot!" He yells sarcastically as he dramatically prances around you, making you laugh harder.
"Right, but I can't be your first date, surely?" You ask. You've never seen him with anyone, but you never know. Maybe he's more of a casual guy. Maybe even this is casual. Maybe, considering how wrong you were about Chrissy, you should stop making your own assumptions and wait for him to tell you.
He shrugs, "I've been on plenty of double dates where I've been the buffer-slash-distraction, but I've never really clicked with any of those. Let me put it this way - I bully the people I hold dear to me, and you're the only date I've bullied."
"I think there's a compliment in there somewhere," you pull a face, eyes darting around as you try to piece his sentence together. 
"Alright, hotshot, let's see what you got," Eddie smirks, patting your back.
"Ooh, he's a poet! Can I expect a Corroded Coffin song about me, soon?" You grin, picking out your preferred ball.
"Yeah, it's gonna be called Humble Pie, 'cause that's what you'll be eating soon," he pinches your nose between his index and middle knuckles before gesturing towards your lane. "The floor is yours."
Taking aim and bending low, you take the shot and nail it, watching all the pins fall with glee in your eyes. You swivel round to grin at Eddie, "See?"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't think I'm not onto your little distraction technique, bending that far just to bowl," Eddie raises his eyebrows.
You narrow your eyes, gesturing to the other lanes, “It’s a legitimate strategy, Eddie, look at everyone else.”
Eddie barely glances over at them before stepping towards you. “No, I think you’re definitely doing it on purpose.” He closes the gap between you, looking down as he drawls, “I’m onto you, kid.”
Yet again, you could just give into temptation, grab his face and kiss him. Let him think of nothing else for the rest of the game. But then, perhaps that’s his plan for you. Regardless of how the game goes, your flirting’s become a competition in itself now. And you’re going to win.
You do lean in. You watch his eyes flicker down, his lips twitch. And then you pinch his cheek, “Your turn, big boy.” You walk back to the bench, and take a little extra pride in the oooh you can hear as he blows a breath out while he watches you.
On every good shot you get, you gloat. On every bad shot you get, you completely avoid Eddie, despite him chasing you around to goad you. On every good shot of Eddie’s, you pull a sarcastic look at his celebrations. 
On a particularly bad shot of Eddie’s, you pout as you tease condescendingly, “Aww, could somebody not keep the ball out of the gutter? Poor thing.”
“Alright, now I am gonna have to stop you there, unless you want all this to go to waste,” Eddie points out with another drawl.
“And why would it go to waste?” you ask, folding your arms. “That’d only be the case if we both forfeited, which isn’t -”
Eddie stands close to you to murmur, “Keep that tone of voice up, and I’ll be forfeiting us both into the back of my truck, if you catch my drift.”
Normally an admission like this would render you floored, but you’re competition-fuelled-adrenaline-filled now. You narrow your eyes, “Using theoretical sex as a distraction technique, Munson? A low blow, even for you.”
“God, you are doing so many things for me right now,” he growls. “And I’d show you how non-theoretical that promise is but, uh, I think Gramps and the crew might have something to say,” he jerks his head over to the team of older bowlers in the lane next to you.
You bite your lip. “Loser of the game has to get the winner off?”
When Chrissy calls you up the next morning, you tell her of how you and Eddie kissed for the first time as a celebration of the result of that second match. You opt to leave out the part that took place inside the van, where Eddie came in his pants while moaning your name between your legs as he devoured you to your climax.
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scotianostra · 14 days
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Happy Birthday actor Bill Paterson, born on June 3rd 1945 in Glasgow.
Paterson was destined at first for a career as a quantity surveyor, before he rebelled and enrolled at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama; and soon after he graduated, while he was working at the Citizens’, he became closely involved with the brilliant generation of theatre-makers – including Billy Connolly, Alex Norton, John Bett, Kenny Ireland, John Byrne and John McGrath – who would soon go on to create the Great Northern Welly Boot Show of 1972, and to found the legendary radical touring company 7:84 Scotland.
Paterson shot to national fame in Scotland in 1973, when he created the unforgettable role of Glasgow wide-boy property developer McChuckemup, in 7:84’s unforgettable opening show, The Cheviot, The Stag, And The Black, Black Oil. Then in 1977, he starred in John Byrne’s first play Writer’s Cramp as the improbable hero, Paisley poet Francis Seneca McDade; and after the play transferred to London, quickly developed a successful stage and screen career there, playing the Good Soldier Schewyk in a memorable 1982 production at the National Theatre, and winning roles in films ranging from Bill Forsyth’s Comfort And Joy to The Killing Fields and Truly Madly Deeply. He has appeared in countless television series and radio plays, and published a book of stories based on his Glasgow childhood, Tales From The Back Green; and in 2015, he made a triumphant return to the Scottish stage when he appeared with Brian Cox in the Lyceum Theatre Company’s superb 50th anniversary production of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot.
Motre recently we have seen Bill appear on the small screen in the comedy Fleabag and in Outlander. In 219 he starred in the blac comedy Guilt, set in Edinburgh.
Bill recently voiced the TV movie called A Bear Named Wojtek, it’s the story of the famous bear adopted by Polish soldiers during World War, he ended up in Edinburgh Zoo after the war. I have still to watch it, hopefully will get round to it soon. He was also in the Gameof Thrones prequal House of the Dragon
In 2015, Bill Paterson won a lifetime achievement award for his Outstanding Contribution to Film & Television in the Scottish BAFTA awards to add to his BAFTA Scotland gong for best actor in The Crow Road.
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‘I’ve starred in The Archers for 20 years but could never afford my own farm’
Fame & Fortune: The BBC actor on money mistakes, theatre hecklers, and his 20-year radio stint
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Andrew Wincott, who plays Adam Macy on BBC Radio 4’s The Archers, joined the cast in 2003 (Credit: Gary Moyes/The Archers)
Andrew Wincott is an actor, best known for playing Adam in the BBC Radio 4 drama The Archers, which he joined 20 years ago. After studying English and then doing teacher training at Oxford, the 61-year-old taught for two years before going to Webber Douglas drama school, where fellow actors Hugh Bonneville and Rebecca Front were contemporaries.
He then worked on the regional theatre circuit, and later became a member of the BBC Radio Drama Company, before joining the cast of The Archers in 2003. The father of one lives in Clapham, south London.
How did your start in life affect your outlook on money?
My two brothers and I grew up in Oxfordshire where my parents ran a catering business.
But the 1970s were a difficult time for a lot of businesses, so after 10 years enjoying an idyllic life in the countryside, we moved into the flat above the restaurant and cake shop the family owned, Wincott’s, in Banbury.
Work always came first for my parents, so for a number of years we didn’t go away in the summer.
Did you receive pocket money?
Yes, and I spent it on Marvel comics, and later on albums like Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here, which I played endlessly in the mid-70s.
What was your first job?
After leaving school in 1978, before going to university, I worked at the Dragon Prep School in Oxford doing a variety of jobs, one of which involved keeping the headmaster’s drinks cupboard well-stocked, and serving gin and tonics at garden parties.
The G&Ts I poured were notoriously generous. Occasionally I even got to ‘sample’ the headmaster’s gin myself.
But my first proper acting job, which also secured my Equity card [a trade union for the performing arts], came after I gatecrashed an audition in 1987 and landed the part of Alec in Tess of the D’ Urbervilles at the Orchard Theatre Company in Barnstaple, which toured the West Country.
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Wincott says starring in The Archers is like having ‘a second family’. Pictured here with Stephen Kennedy and Mairead McKinley (Credit: The Archers/David Burges)
How long did you work in regional theatre for? Was it lucrative?
The best part of a decade, appearing everywhere from Colchester to Perth, and Harrogate to Theatr Clwyd in Wales, doing both Shakespeare and modern plays, often playing leading roles.
Money was minimal – I was paid about £160-£170 a week on my first acting job – but the Equity Touring allowance helped.
Regional theatre allowed me to hone my skills as an actor. Once, I was heckled by an inebriated audience member who loudly greeted every entrance I made in Tess with a cry of “Asshole!”.
However, you just have to stay focused. He was gone by the interval – probably back to the bar. This was in Falmouth, now affectionately rebranded among friends as “Foulmouth”!
Have you experienced any lean times as an actor?
It took me nine months to land my first proper acting job, and until then I was working on the fringe – just earning expenses, or profit sharing if I was lucky.
Most actors have good years and bad years. So you have to set aside money to see you through the lean spells, as well as save enough to pay your tax bill at the end of the year.
How did you land the part of Adam in The Archers?
I actually played a Danish agricultural student for a few months in the 1990s – but then, a decade or so later, I was invited to audition with a dozen other actors for the role of Adam at Pebble Mill in 2003.
I heard nothing for 10 days, but was then asked to come back for a recall [second audition] and was offered the role.
Now, it's like having a second family. This month I’ve been a cast regular for almost exactly 20 years. Providing you aren’t written out (or killed off), there’s a certain security.
Coincidentally, my mother grew up on a Home Farm [a key location in the radio drama] and went to the same school, although not at the same time, as Godfrey Baseley, who created The Archers.
Does The Archers pay enough for you to buy a farm of your own?
The cast only works on The Archers for about one week in the month – we record blocks of episodes several weeks ahead of transmission – and radio pays somewhere between theatre and television.
So I doubt it would pay for a farm in the UK, though it might eventually just pay for a small farmhouse in rural Andalucia, where I enjoy spending time.
So who knows? I might become a Spanish granjero and grow olives one day.
You also find time to record audiobooks and video games?
I’ve recorded hundreds of audiobooks and video games over the last 15 years or so. An audiobook takes days, if not weeks, to prepare and then record in studio.
I’ve voiced everything from The Wind in the Willows to Nineteen Eighty-Four and the classics of Flaubert.
But it's hard work for often little reward. It can be fun creating bizarre voices for elves, orks or extraterrestrials in fantasy books, but the concentration required when the red light is on is second to none.
It's just you, the words on the page and the voices in your imagination.
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In addition to his role on the BBC’s longest-running drama, Wincott has recorded hundreds of audiobooks and video games. Pictured with Stephen Kennedy (Credit: BBC/PA)
Have you got a pension?
Yes, I took out an Equity pension through my union years ago and still pay into it. I also have a SIPP.
What’s been your best investment?
The investment I made in going to drama school in the mid-1980s. Doing that gave me classical training as an actor. I probably wouldn’t be in The Archers today without that.
Do you own a property?
Yes, a second floor, two-bedroom flat in a property in Clapham, south London, dating back to the 1900s. I bought it for £60,000 in 1991, though it’s now worth a considerable six-figure sum, I imagine.
It’s an excellent location for getting in and out of town.
Are you a spender or a saver?
Instinctively a saver. As an actor you never know what’s around the corner, and we know if we're working there will be tax to pay. Not to mention investing for the future.
What’s your greatest financial indulgence?
Every now and then, I'll spend a few days in southern Spain, specifically Las Alpujarras – the foothills of the Sierra Nevada – where I can recharge my batteries, or prepare a book for audio in tranquility. I'm learning Spanish now, too.
What has been your worst financial decision?
Buying into the Woodford Equity Investment Fund, as part of my SIPP.
Although Neil Woodford was considered a star fund manager, the fund collapsed and the administrator is now embroiled in collective litigation to recoup losses. Never a dull moment.
Do you donate to charity?
Yes, Art Fund, which facilitates the acquisition of artworks for the nation. Doing so also entitles you to half-price admission to special exhibitions, such as those at the Tate, the Courtauld or the National Gallery.
Do you plan to do a June Spencer (Peggy Archer) and still be in The Archers when you’re 100?
Who knows? The Archers is an extraordinary institution, part of our cultural fabric as a farming nation – it boasts such longevity, too.
Maybe my character will outlive me? I'd like to think he will… before the next generation takes over.
The Archers, Radio 4, weekdays at 7pm; Omnibus edition, Sundays at 10am
Source: The Telegraph
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droughtofapathy · 17 days
"Welcome to the Theatre": Diary of a Broadway Baby
Three Houses
May 26, 2024 | Off-Broadway | Signature Theatre Company | Matinee | Musical | Original | 1H 40M
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Dave Malloy has done it again: another weird, dissonant, non-traditional piece of theatre that delights at every turn. More concept musical than straightforward storytelling, this show centers three bar patrons each telling their story of how they survived the early days of the pandemic and the toll isolation and global crisis exacted. The three stories are all self-contained, each about 25-30 or so minutes of sung-through motifs, each with several constant throughlines (experiencing the pandemic in an unfamiliar location, grandparents haunting the narrative, fabulous puppetry, desecrated mental health).
The set is exactly what you'd expect of a Dave Malloy musical. Not quite literally immersive, but staged thrust-style with incredible detail to evoke the proper mood. Musicians on stage in the four corners, actively present in the story. And the puppetry, oh my goodness. Not since Milky White have I been so enamored by puppets. The dragon is precious, the animal crossing-like creature adorable, and that spider. Wow. I need that spider to hover in a corner of my room. It is beautiful.
This isn't one of his shows that contains songs all his fans will flock to and devour for audition pieces. The score is weird and wild and deeply entrenched in serving the story as a whole, not providing anyone with a big 11 o'clock number.
Verdict: Why I Love the Theatre
A Note on Ratings
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aniketsanimationblog · 10 months
The SUMMARY Of This Whole Current Debacles Of Animation Industry
Netflix Canceled Majority of their Original Animated Kids Content after the Realignment of their Animation Department and their Stocks Plummeted at NASDAQ e.g. City Of Ghosts!!
HBO Max (Now called Max, By Warner Bros. Discovery) Canceled and erased majority of Cartoon Network Content and their Kids Animated Original Content, e.g. Over The Garden Wall, Infinity Train, Final Space etc. To Cut Costs!!
The Walt Disney Company is just replacing Human Jobs with AI, for Art Creating and Script Writing Purposes, however there's no Animated Content in this year's massive Purged Content list of Disney+ had been announced, but who knows what will happen next!!
Nickelodeon and Paramount Pictures are going to rely on Popular IP based Movies (SpongeBob, PAW Patrol, Avatar, Transformers) to be released in Theatres over the Original Ideas based Movies!!
Speaking of Nickelodeon and Paramount, their Streaming Service, Paramount+ removed several Animated Content from their Platform, after the Cancelation and Removal of Star Trek: Prodigy, e.g. Pig Goat Banana Cricket, Becca's Bunch, Digby Dragon, Monsters vs. Aliens and Most Notably, My Favourite Nick Jr. Show after Oswald ended, Peter Rabbit!! Also, Star Trek: Prodigy has been removed everywhere on Nickelodeon, including, Nickelodeon's Website, nick.com!!
As of August 2023, Cartoon Network Studios at Burbank, California, got officially Shut Down, as the Studio Operations merged with Warner Bros. Television Animation, just like Hanna-Barbera Studios!!
And Finally, when WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strikes are ongoing, The Unemployment Rate in The Animation Industry has gone at an Insane High!!
The Animation Fandom have gone way more Toxic than ever before!!
Disney Channel, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network are not interested to Greenlit any project for the better or worse!!
Ain't this Depressing, as an Ardent Animation Fan?? When Last Year, The Owl House got canceled, the fans protested on Twitter/X by using #SaveTheOwlHouse, and when this year, Star Trek: Prodigy got canceled and removed from existence, we are protesting by using #SaveStarTrekProdigy, I will ask you this question!!
"Will you Accept these Debacles in Animation World as The Future of Animation??"
Because, right now, it is true fact, that the Animation Fandom is not quiet ready to see the destruction of Animation in their bare eyes!!
But what shall we do?? The Fandom of This Miraculous Ladybug/PAW Patrol Duopoly and the Bootlickers of Egoistic Showrunners like Thomas Astruc, will still support the Duopoly, no matter how much we make them the noises that respect and give other shows a chance, don't sleep on them!! We will listen, we will see, we won't take any action, and we still be in Silence after all the Debacles, and the Freedom of Speech will be taken away from us!!
And in Next Year, when The Animation Guild (TAG) goes on Strike, we see more and more animated series gets the Cancelation and Purge from Streaming Services, like suppose at this rate of condition, if Next Year, Disney Channel's Series, Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, cancels at Disney TVA, and the fans will again protest on Social media by Using #SaveMGADD, I will come back and ask the Question again!! And this cycle will go on and on and on!! Unless, we have to take action against the unfairness, this Corporate Studios and Money-hungry Showrunners have created!!
So, let me ask you this question one last time, Animation Fans all over the world!!
"Will You Accept these Debacles of this Animation World as The Future of Animation??"
We have to Take Action Right Now, Before it's too Late!!
Is this one Tumblr Post enough, to Reach Out to Others, and Talk about this Issue???
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bodyguardbracket · 10 months
Round 1: Guy (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!) vs Link (Legend of Zelda)
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[Propaganda Under Cut]
Guy: it's kinda hard to talk about guy without spoilers from a3’s main story act 8 so yeah take caution. anyway guy is introduced as a bodyguard from the fictional south asian kingdom of zahra, of which citron is the crown prince. it’s a very long complicated story but basically citron fled from zahra before his coronation ceremony was to take place and planned on travelling around the world for a while, but he ended up in japan and decided to stay bc he got roped into joining a theatre troupe (most normal thing in a3 tbh). guy spent a year scouring the ends of the earth to find him and finally did so in act 8, which speaks to his dedication to protecting his liege. also guy is introduced as an android which is a whole other thing
anyway guy is super-duper capable! he’s fluent in english, japanese, and zahran; he can fight and handle weaponry; he’s good at karate and teaches one of the other main characters karate; he can act; and later on in the story he even opens his own bar, meaning he can cook and mix drinks!
also his loyalty to citron is unparalleled. in act 8, citron returns to zahra on his own volition—but plot twist he leaves guy on his own and guy can’t return bc citron falsely branded him as a criminal and accused him of kidnapping him which was why he was missing from the kingdom for a year (citron had some complicated reasons for doing so but it wasn’t out of malice). stuck with nowhere else to go, guy decided to join the theatre troupe that citron was part of—the MANKAI company—and he spent a good portion of the story act trying to figure out what’s going on in citron’s mind. eventually he and the sub-troupe he joined—the winter troupe—successfully put on a complete run of their adaptation of ‘phantom of the opera’ where guy played the phantom. even so, guy wasn’t satisfied and still wanted to see citron and show citron his acting, so with the help of the other MANKAI members (one of whom forged a passport for guy so he wouldn’t be arrested on sight upon going through customs in zahra), guy and like 12 other people go to the kingdom of zahra as performers for citron’s coronation ceremony, where eventually guy gets to reunite with citron. it’s all very complicated but citron doesn’t ascend to the throne and is instead appointed the minister of arts and culture and is told by the king to return to japan and continue learning about the arts at the MANKAI company so he can bring back what he learned to improve zahra’s art scene. and even though citron is no longer a prince, guy still vows to stay by citron and watch over him bc their bond goes beyond just a prince and retainer 🥹
Link: HE FOUGHT THE INCARNATION OF EVIL TWICE FOR HER!! granted he did fail first those two times, and his ward became a light spirit god thing to hold said evil back the first time, and for the second she time-traveled back >10k years and became a dragon, but he did fight ganon!
anyways link was assigned as zelda's personal guard for a While. we dont know how long ago it was, but it's probably a span of 1-2 years pre-ganon. if we include the ganon years and the time travel then it's been +10k years. he does a fantastic job of it, he saves her from yiga (assassins) and the incarnation of evil (ganon, twice). they become friends. they bond. zelda tries to feed him a frog. link actually dies for zelda and then he comes back to save her. he catches zelda as she turns back to human
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