#dragons uppercase
viva-la-topknot · 10 months
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Some covers for short stories I've written. Not sure how to share original stories online, if anyone has any tips I'd love to hear them! 🎨 General art tag. 💫 Knights of Nodd 
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sycamorality · 3 months
can you show how you did the drawings with text in ms paint? i know you copied and dragged, but what letters n stuff did you use (and how did you get the dualtone around it?)
the dualtone is natural! the text just kind of does that when you shift + drag it with transparent selection enabled [and color 2 set to your background color]
.... i tried to record a full gif of a dragon made with text, but its about... eight times over the size limit for a gif on tumblr, so.. but here's a link to the gif, and here's the resulting dragon :]
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'twas a bit quick so it doesn't look that good...
as for all the text i used -
uppercase and lower case O (O/o), comma (,), period (.), ampersand(&). O/o for body, comma for limbs, period for tip of tail and claws
for this little guy though ^ i used < and > for the tail tuft and horns and / for the little body mane. i like to drag < left and > right, to match the way the arrow is pointing
... though i definently recommend experimenting! i have no idea what i'm doing, i did not expect that post to blow up as much as it did [5.5k last time i checked earlier today...], and all in all it was pretty simple to make ^^;
and the font is comic sans i suppose. i like how it looks
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alexagirlie · 1 year
September Song Challenge Masterlist
Day 1. A song you discouvered this month - Dune (Paul/Chani, Paul/Duncan)
Day 2: A Song that always makes you smile - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 3: A song that no one would expect you to love - Dune (Paul/Duncan)
Day 4: a song you know all the words to - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Sihtric)
Day 5: a song that proves you have good taste - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 6: a song that you hear often on the radio - Shadowhunters (izzy/Clary)
Day 7:  a song title that is in all uppercase - Dune (Paul/Duncan)
Day 8: an underrated song - The Last Kingdom (Osferth/Sihtric)
Day 9: a song title that has 3 words - The Last Kingdom (Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 10: A song from your childhood - Dune (Paul/Duncan)
Day 11: a song that reminds you of fall - The Last Kingdom
Day 12: a song you feel embarrassed listening to - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Osferth/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 13: the first song that plays on shuffle - BBC Merlin
Day 14: a song that someone showed you - The Last Kingdom (Ragnar the Younger/Sihtric)
Day 15: a song from a movie soundtrack - Shadowhunters (Alec/Magnus)
Day 16: the first song alphabetically on your playlist - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Sihtric. Past Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 17: A song about being 17 - The Last Kingdom (one sided Finan/Sihtric. Background Uhtred/Sihtric)
Day 18: A song from the first album you bought - Dune (Paul/Duncan)
Day 19: A song to drive to - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Osferth/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 20: A song with a number in the title - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 21: A song you listen to at 3 am - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Uhtred)
Day 22: A song with a long title - Shadowhunters
Day 23: A song with a color in the title - The Last Kingdom
Day 24: A song that you’ve had stuck in your head - Dune (Paul/Duncan)
Day 25: The last song alphabetically on your playlist - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Day 26: A song that helps you fall asleep - Dune (Paul/Duncan)
Day 27: A song that helps describe how you feel right now - House of the Dragon (Jacaerys Velaryon/Cregan Stark)
Day 28: A song you used to hate but love now - Dune
Day 29: A song you have/want to download - House of the Dragon (Jacaerys Velaryon/Aemond Targaryen)
Day 30: a song you want to share - The Last Kingdom (Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred)
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drekiblog · 6 days
the reason why i am always writing in lowercase letters is because my kind has a special type of alphabet; the dragon runes. these runes know only one form which is uppercase, but i chose typing in lowercase instead because i don't want to look like i'm always screaming.
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terminal-termi · 4 months
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why am i typing in all uppercase actually. anyways yeah a machine should be allowed to be a snake or a dragon or a bug actually. we shouldve done that the first time
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razzberrydazz · 5 months
A Dragon Age Inquisition fic - Josephine and OT Lavellan, genfic
"Inquisitor, I encourage you to work on your penmanship. These reports are illegible. I was wondering why you kept putting off turning in your mission reports, but this? I implore you to rewrite them with a more careful hand."
Josephine hands the stack of unreadable parchment back to Inquisitor Lavellan, exasperation furrowing her brow.
"Oh, right, about that... you know how the Mark is on my left hand? Well I happen to be left handed. It makes writing, well, quite a painful endeavor." Inquisitor OT sheepishly takes the parchments back, clearly not intending to rewrite any of them.
"You're left handed? Have you been writing them with your marked hand this whole time?!"
OT stifles a chuckle at the indignation from their dear ambassador. They hold up their hands in mock surrender, that characteristic lopsided grin on their face.
"I've actually been practicing with my right hand, since the Mark hurts to write with. It's, ah, going slowly, learning to write legibly and all. I promise I'm trying, Josie!"
Josephine sighs, then pushes herself out of her chair to approach them. She takes Lavellan's hands into hers, frowning at the marred green and darkened veins spreading over their left hand.
It's gone up their wrist by now, creeping up their arm day by day. What will happen if the mark takes over their whole body? Will they die? Should they nip the problem in the bud by amputating so that the Mark poses a threat to their life no longer?
The ambassador shakes the worrying thought away, instead focusing on sitting the Inquisitor down and handing them a quill and parchment to practice with.
"I know as a Dalish elf, you never went through finishing school. I had to learn to write both in print and cursive, and write both perfectly legibly. I also learned how to do calligraphy, but that's besides the point. It's nigh time you learn to improve your penmanship."
"Are you posing as my penmanship teacher, dear Ambassador? I'm flattered you'd want to take the time to teach me, I know how busy you can get with all your responsibilities."
"I doubt you'll practice this otherwise, judging by how many reports you haven't turned in, and your general avoidance of writing in general."
That earns a nervous chuckle from the Inquisitor. They pick up the quill with their left hand, then palm it into their right. Their hands tremble slightly with each movement. While they've been able to still the tremor in their Marked hand in order to cast spells, it doesn't seem to translate to their right hand for ease of writing.
"Alright. Start by writing out the Common alphabet, lower and uppercase. Try it with both hands so I can see what you're working with."
It takes a few minutes of effort for them to write with their right hand and make it even half legible. With their left hand, they write very quickly, grimacing in pain as they do so, and the resulting hurried cursive is just as illegible as the chicken scrawl script from their right hand. Even a cypher would do little to decipher the markings their pen leaves on the parchment.
"Tell me, inquisitor, can you even read your own handwriting?"
After a pause of squinting at the still drying lines of writing, OT shakes their head no.
Josephine sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose with exasperation. "Okay, try again. You need to practice this until not only you can read your handwriting, but other people as well. Specifically me, since I have to sort through your reports."
"I can practice this in my own time, Josie. Pinky promise, I'm not going to blow it off. I know you should have a meeting with that board game loving noble soon, and I'd hate to eat into your card game playtime with her!"
"Inquisitor, before you-" OT places the quill and parchment back on Josephine's desk and steps past her back towards the hallway, much to Josephine's chagrin. Never resting, never content staying in one place long, so busy all the time. Do they get enough sleep? Do they sleep? The bags under their eyes are evidence against that.
Well, Lavellan was right, Josephine does have a meeting with said noble soon, and she must prepare for the resulting headache of dealing with her. Seems she'll have to address their penmanship at another time.
Several days pass, and both the Inquisitor and Ambassador have been too busy to even sit down and chat for more than their daily briefings in the war room. She's seen the Inquisitor speaking with Leliana in the main hall, walking from the library in the main tower of after having talked with Dorian or Solas, walking the ramparts beside Cullen's office, sparring with Cassandra and Iron Bull in the newly built sparring ring by the Herald's Rest tavern. Sitting on the roof of said tavern with Sera and Cole eating cookies. Feeding the horses treats in the stables while joking with Blackwall. Gossiping with Vivvienne.
One day while Josephine walks out from her office by the war room down the main hall and host of steps, she spots Lavellan sitting on the roof of Herald's Rest with parchment and ink. They're using a piece of wood as backing to write, face scrunched in concentration as they etch into the parchment with a quill.
Oh, they're practicing on their own after all. A smile flits on Josie's face as she makes her way down the steps and OT notices her in the distance and waves. She waves back.
The next day, Josephine finds a stack of reports on her desk, addressed from Inquisitor Lavellan. From a quick leaf through, the writing is legible. The bottom of the stack is a letter from them, in deliberate and careful cursive.
Like the finish on a fine piece of woodwork, I will finish what I started.
I jest, I jest, but I did want a way to show you I've been trying, and I care. Hope your report readings go more smoothly from now on, my dear Josie. xoxo
~ Inky OT
Underneath the writing is a crude drawing of cheese, and stick figures of the Inquisitor sitting on a bench with Josephine with hearts drawn around them. Such a cheesy romantic, that elf. Sera's been rubbing off on them with the margin drawings on their reports.
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ivaalo · 6 months
It's sad seeing an internet place I grew up in being destroyed by greed.
I had tons of memories, like getting rid of solitude by making great friends there, meeting people online from there in real life, knowing love, progressing in art, and even meeting people I lost contact in real life again in this website. It was there where I made my created my dragon, it was there where I started to understand the furry community. It was there where I vented, where I wrote the cringiest comments, I started to trust people and show my weak points.
And it was there where I met the best persons in my life.
During the rise of social medias, I couldn't have been to a better place than there, for my teenage!
Now it's all trash, with AI "art", promotions and all. Totally lost the meaning of "art" in deviantART, only profit and money. No wonder why it's not uppercase anymore.
They treat artists like products in order to beg for customers to stay. It's just pathetic. Thank you Wix for making our home a living hell.
And I'm not even talking about Eclipse.
My account and drawings will still exist there, and I'll still upload my drawings there because I still get some feedback and I like having a clear timeline of each drawing.
Edit: Apparently, I've been on deviantArt for more than half of my life (14 years), since 19th of September 2022 lol
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
goin through dnd 5e monster list by challenge rating and uhhhh tell me wizards of the coast, why are girl sphinx and boy sphinx separate species??? and even more appallingly, why is boy sphinx six challenge ratings higher than girl sphinx??
for reference, that’s the CR difference b/w a deer and a mammoth. or between a frog and Medusa. or between a rat and a young brass dragon. or between an “awakened shrub” and a chimera.
look you can say “androsphinx” and “gynosphinx” all you fuckin like, gary gygax, you came to the wrong neighborhood if you think that’s gonna fool the kind of nerds that DM (affectionate). my autistic ancient-greek-major ass sees you. just say sphinx!!!! it’s already gender neutral!!!
for those not in the know:
ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός (ānēr, āndros) = ancient greek for “man.” in english (and many romance languages), seeing andr or andro in a word tends to mean “masculine” or “man” e.g. android, misandry, andrology.
so, androsphinx = man sphinx
γυνή, γυνά (gunē, gunā) = ancient greek for “woman.” similar to andr, seeing gyn* or gyne in a word often means “feminine” or “woman” e.g. gynecology, misogyny
so, gynosphinx = woman sphinx
which is bullshit! in greek mythology there’s just The Sphinx or sometimes “a sphinx,” usually described as a woman’s head on a lion body. WotC chose to make two different, gendered species for no reason (probably to sell more minis), and even worse, to make the boy one way more powerful. dipshit.
fun fact: “androgyny” = andr (masculine) + gyny (feminine) = both masculine and feminine, though nowadays it’s usually interpreted as neither masculine nor feminine.
*it’s gyne in english/other romance language words not gune bc upsilon (υ, the greek alphabet u) can also be translated as y sometimes, and the uppercase of it is Υ. so you almost never see it translated phonetically. also modern greek usually doesn’t pronounce it the same way. its complicated. generally spelling-wise you’re supposed to translate υ as y. e.g. Odysseus = Ὀδυσσευς
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quasarkwell · 2 years
About me:
I'm old enough that the DSi was my first console. Which means early twenties.
Very introverted, often doesn't speak unless spoken to. Doesn't mean I won't talk, just means I usually won't initiate.
My personality is in limbo halfway between "cute boy" and "emotionless robot".
I'm nonbinary, but I have a male body and don't intend to change that. So you could call me a femboy, I guess. He/him or they/them pronouns.
Ask for my Discord if you want it, that's what I use for most of my communication.
I'm somewhere in the asexual void. Still figuring out whether I'm romantic or not, but I like the idea of a significant other.
Autistic and has ADHD, and the doctors say they aren't ruling out depression either.
Intimately familiar with the grammar, spelling, and words of the English language, knows pieces of some others (master of one).
The only thing I can do well is sing.
I have decided I am a furry, both so I can support them better and so I don't have to stop myself from stepping into what I consider "furry territory" on occasion. I think my fursona would probably be a bat or a dragon.
I am absolutely awful at art. I can't even draw lines correctly yet. But I am trying.
I've been told I'm intelligent my whole life, and I'm still trying to find a good balance between my previously inflated self-worth and my more recent self-deprecation.
Uses Iowercase L and uppercase l interchangeably.
I am religious. I understand people have been hurt by religious people, and I do not intend to hurt anyone. I believe religion is a moral code for me and only me. I do not promote censorship or discrimination.
I am intolerant of intolerance. This is a safe space for everyone except those who ask me to hate, and those who actively hate, such as Nazis and Terfs.
I like cats, cute things, philosophy, books and video games. I love exploration and story.
Most things on this blog are not mine. "#kwellpost" denotes things that originated from me.
I'm not going to be curating my blog as safe for minors, but I don't curse and will probably not create much 18+ stuff myself.
Send me things you think I'd like.
I cannot tell you everything I am in a post (I sure tried, though, didn't I?) but if you want to know something, ask. I usually enjoy answering questions.
Things that are embarrassing for me are kept in sideblogs. Ask and I will almost certainly direct you there. After all, no knowledge is forbidden.
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Got em all done
Name: Caesar Cipher Caste: Rust Classpect: Prince of Life Strife Specibus: Decoderkind Fetch Modus: Safe Land: Secrets and Boxes Trollian Handle: obscuredIris Typing quirk: replaces i with 1, and one with 1, speaks in code if they don't like you
Name: Kenken Ohline Caste: Bronze Classpect: Maid of Void Strife Specibus: Scissorkind Fetch Modus: Scrapbook Land: Tech and Snow Trollian Handle: godlikeGearbox Typing quirk: replaces A with $, S with @, O with ), E with #, I with ! and B with *
Name: Dragon Mantis Caste: Gold Classpect: Heir of Rage Strife Specibus: Accordiankind Fetch Modus: Bag of Holding Land: Notes and Holes Trollian Handle: huntingStep Typing quirk: Starts messages with 77> and makes bug puns
Name: Asdiah Ordath Caste: Lime Classpect: Rouge of Blood Strife Specibus: Scythekind Fetch Modus: Stack Land: Bugs and Sand Trollian Handle: anxiousFirefly Typing quirk: Adds odd pauses while talking
Name: Sarlet Milman Caste: Olive Classpect: Thief of Time Strife Specibus: Bottlekind Fetch Modus: Fishing game Land: Doors and Teeth Trollian Handle: deliciousDelivery Typing quirk: Crosses out anything they want to cover up (ect. It's blood It's olive milk!)
Name: Kiyond Ishidah Caste: Jade Classpect: Mage of Light Strife Specibus: Pickaxekind Fetch Modus: Wheel of Fortune Land: Spires and Ivory Trollian Handle: frozenInferno Typing quirk: Replaces E with # and A with @ to represent fire
Name: Brioch Winner Caste: Teal Classpect: Knight of Hope Strife Specibus: Bayonetkind Fetch Modus: Purse Land: Pillows and Snakes Trollian Handle: briefcaseBuddy Typing quirk: Capitalizes A and M when they are beside each other
Name: Trojan Tecbro Caste: Cerulean Classpect: Bard of Breath Strife Specibus: Throwingknifekind/Knifekind Fetch Modus: Code Land: Concrete and Ash Trollian Handle: midasTouch Typing quirk: puts # in front of everything he says
Name: Jakcob Warble Caste: Indigo Classpect: Seer of Mind Strife Specibus: Chainsawkind and Chainkind Fetch Modus: Dollhouse Land: Woods and Iles (iles, like islands) Trollian Handle: thunderHooves Typing quirk: capitalizes "spikey" letters (T Y I F H L X V A K)
Name: Eevuhl Villan Caste: Purple Classpect: Page of Space Strife Specibus: Shuckkind Fetch Modus: Pocketkind Land: Frog and Darkness Trollian Handle: fatherMushroom Typing quirk: Repeats every vowel
Name: Hymnal Quiour Caste: Violet (mutant) Classpect: Sylph of Doom Strife Specibus: Swordkind Fetch Modus: Faith/Miracle Land: Dirt and Mausoleums Trollian Handle: harpyHare Typing quirk: types in all uppercase, puts bad things in lowercase and good things get & symbols around them like wings
Name: Dearly Sweets Caste: Fuschia Classpect: Witch of Heart Strife Specibus: Tridentkind Fetch Modus: Bubble Land: Masks and Mirrors Trollian Handle: cutthroatCandystore Typing quirk: Same as Feferi's, but also replaces L with 1
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tiamatsfavored · 4 months
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⸺ 25+ ONLY. Mun hatched in 1995.
⸺ There will be adult / dark content, including but not limited to: violence, abuse, gore, monsters, gaslighting, manipulation, cannibalism, toxic relationships, fantasy slavery, canon-typical fantasy racism and overall offensive / problematic themes, fantasy cults / religion. Most triggers won't be tagged (exceptions: explicit gore, cannibalism, nsfw, etc.; in other words, the hardcore stuff). We don't have to write anything that makes you uncomfortable, but for your own sake, if you're triggered by any of these topics, I suggest you stay away from this blog.
⸺ I'm here to write and have fun. The block button and I are besties, and I use it often to curate my space. Keep your OOC drama, IRL political discourse, callouts, IRL bigotry and asshole-ery away from me.
⸺ Mun =/= Muse. I don't condone the bs my muses do. Valtheris is a villain. I promise I'm not :D If you can't seperate fiction from reality and think it's sexy to police consenting adults on what to create, or hate on them for writing villains / dark content, I hope you have a very nice GO AWAY. Hard-block. 
⸺ I will also opt for blocking instead of soft-blocking if our rules clash, if you have numerous triggers / DNIs, or to avoid misunderstandings. In most cases, it's nothing against you personally.
⸺ Another hard no is heavy formatting. I won't follow if you use double spacing, all lowercase / all uppercase, don't use standard punctuation.
⸺ I'm selective and mutuals only. As much as I want to write with all of your lovely muses, I can only handle a handful of threads :c
⸺ If I follow you, I am interested in interacting with you! will also assume that if you follow me back, you're fine with me sending you memes / tagging you in starters / sliding into your IMs to plot.
⸺ Need an ice breaker? Send memes! I may not respond to all of them and not every meme will spark a new thread, but... send memes. If you want to turn a meme into a thread, DO IT. No need to ask.
⸺ Valtheris is a powerful villain, but god-modding isn't cool. I expect the same from you.
⸺ My ADHD often influences my activity. Sometimes I'll reply super fast, sometimes it takes me ages, and sometimes I can only focus on specific threads / muses. That aside, I run mutliple blogs, and some muses are more demanding than others. This blog may be a little slow.
⸺ I tried my best to weave Val into the storylines of "The Rise of Tiamat" and "Baldur's Gate III", which also means he knows a lot of canon characters. To name a few: Severin Silrajin (and other Dragon Cultists), Isteval, Ketheric Thorm, Minthara, Balthazar, Nere.
⸺ It should be common sense, but don't assume anything. I won't either! Val might be familiar with your muse, but anything beyond a basic acquaintance needs to be plotted out.
⸺ Needless to say, I'm not going to shove my Val & Nere ship into anyone's face. BUT I'd love to write it and possibly even explore a different outcome for their story. <3
⸺ I won't write smut on the dash. The steamy stuff will be moved to discord or IMs. Also, I need to click with a mun before writing smut, but I assume most of us do.
⸺ This blog is multiship, male lean. Also, Val has feelings for Nere (even if he won't admit that) and he isn't nice. He is selfish, cruel, believes himself to be superior and takes great pleasure in making others suffer. Ships with him will be toxic / one-sided (at least in the beginning), and they need time to develop; both IC and OOC.
⸺ Communication is key!! I promise, I don't bite. c:
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viva-la-topknot · 1 year
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15/64, Jamus, a Dragon devoted to the Queen. So devoted, in fact, that she has gained a bit of fame from her feats, and even has her own nursery rhyme. The first line is, “Jamus, who worked for the Queen, was never heard, but always seen.”
💫 Jamus 💫 Knights of Nodd 🎨 General art tag.
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mell-eight · 1 year
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Writing Difficulties
I have been getting a ton of writing done in The Prince, the second book in my still unnamed series.  Is Tales of Toval as a series name confusing, or do you think I should go with it?  Princes of Toval?  Adventures in Toval?  Anyway, I've started writing chapter 6, so I'm making decent progress.  Except, none of the chapters have reached my minimum word count goal.  I should be well over 15k words at this point in the story, but I've barely scraped past 13k.  I am hoping when I go back and edit, I'll find places where I can expand, but for now I'm starting to wonder if I'll even make it to 50k, let alone the 60k I'm aiming for.  If I'm lucky, chapter 6 or 7 will blast past my word count goal and set this story back on track, but we'll see.  I can only write what my characters ask of me. 
If you'll remember, I said the reason I wasn't submitting The Chef to NSP for consideration was I needed to wait until I was far enough into writing The Prince to be certain I don't need to go back and change anything?  Well, I'm actually having the opposite problem.  I couldn't remember what I named the mountain range in The Chef, so in The Prince I wrote MOUNTAINS in uppercase, to remind myself to go look up the Spikehorn Mountains.  There was a character in The Chef who appeared in one scene, and he appears again for a larger scene in The Prince.  Right now I have NAME there as a reminder to figure out what I named him.  Sigh.  Clearly I need to go back to writing stand alone stories (I have two coming out sometime soon). 
Unfortunately for me, I currently only have series in my hopper.  LOL  I have figured out the two main characters for The Spy (or The Baker, I haven't decided on a title yet), the third book in my aforementioned unnamed series.  I was also poking at Dragon Spy, which will be the last book in my Supernatural Consultant series.  One of my hang-ups was figuring out who the main character was, and if there's a new love story, or whether the story simply continues the relationships from previous books.  I finally decided to let the story and the characters dictate, and have ended up with multiple points of view, including Alloy, who will have some sort of romance brewing.  Vivary Tales took a backseat while I focused on writing The Chef, but I will return to writing that series soon. 
I have an idea for a dungeon-style/post-apocalyptic story with dragons (yes, I read and loved Solo Leveling and am very excited for the upcoming anime!!!), but I have too much on my plate right now.  It's begging me to write it, but so is The Prince, and I have to prioritize completing something I've already started.  None of the rest of my stories are speaking to me right now.  I get an occasional poke from Codified, from my Magnified series, asking why I haven't taken a look at the third book in a while, but I am so stuck on where that story is going right now that it's easier to focus on what's actually writing.  Hopefully, that will change and I will be able to complete some more off my to-do list soon! 
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alexagirlie · 1 year
30 day song fic challenge
I'm participating in a 30 day fic challenge this Sept and here is a wee lil sneak peak at whats coming!
Day 1: a song you discovered this month - Drowned in Emotion - Caskets - Dune Canon Era- hint of Paul/Chani hint of past Duncan/Paul - Inspired by the Dune Part 2 trailer.
Day 2: a song that always makes you smile - Overdrive - Steam Powered Giraffe - The Last Kingdom Modern AU- Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Uhtred enters an amateur stripper contest as a bet.
Day 3: a song that no one would expect you to love  - Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe - Dune Modern AU - Paul/Duncan - Duncan falling in love with Paul.
Day 4: a song you know all the words to - Implied Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Warriors - Imagine Dragons - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric looking back at the dreams he had while growing up in Dunholm and how they and more have come true.
Day 5: a song that proves you have good taste - Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Uhtred is crowned King of Northumbria.
Day 6: a song that you hear often on the radio - i kissed a girl - Katy Perry - Shadowhunters - Clary/Izzy - They share a first kiss.
Day 7: a song title that is in all uppercase - SING - My Chemical Romance - Dune Canon AU - Paul/Duncan - An assassin sneaks onto Caladan to try and kill Paul. Duncan stops them and is seriously injured in the attempt.
Day 8: an underrated song - This is Home - I am Ghost - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Osferth/Sihtric - A love confession.
Day 9: a song title that has 3 words - In the Dark - Flyleaf - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - One Sided Sihtric/Uhtred - Sihtric will do much to try and make Uhtred love him.
Day 10: a song from your childhood -You took the words right out of my mouth - Meat Loaf - Dune AU - Paul/Duncan - Werewolf / Little Red Riding Hood AU
Day 11: a song that reminds you of fall - Ghosts and Monsters - Saint Chaos - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric can see ghosts and does not have a good night watching the grave of Bjorn.
Day 12: a song you feel embarrassed listening to - Whistle - glee version - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - blowjobs blowjobs blowjobs.
Day 13: the first song that plays on shuffle - We all Turn to Dust - From First to Last - Merlin Canon AU - Implied One-Sided Marlin/Arthur - A contrast of perspectives.
Day 14: a song that someone showed you - take me back to eden - sleep token - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Ragnar the Younger - Sihtric warms Ragnar's bed while they search for Uhtred
Day 15: a song from a movie soundtrack - surface pressure - Encanto - Shadowhunters - Alec/Magnus - Alec has a bad week.
Day 16: the first song alphabetically on your playlist - Beyond the Hourglass - I am Ghost - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Post Seven Kings Must Die and Finan and Sihtric fight their final battle.
Day 17: a song about being 17 - edge of seventeen - Stevie Nicks - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - One sided Finan/Sihtric - Finan falling in love with Sihtric while watching Sihtric fall for Uhtred - Companion to Day 9.
Day 18: a song from the first album you bought  - I never told you what i do for a living - My Chemical Romance - Dune Modern AU - Paul/Duncan - Mafia AU.
Day 19: a song to drive to - Acadia - The Last Kingdom Modern AU - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - Road trip and finding their old haunts to fuck around at.
Day 20: a song with a number in the title - No. 5 - Hollywood Undead - The Last Kingdom Modern AU - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Boys at a frat party getting hammered/high and sexing it up.
Day 21: a song you listen to at 3 am - Castle of Glass - Linkin Park - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Uhtred/Finan - Learning how to be whole again after being freed from slavery.
Day 22: a song with a long title - Get Busy Living or get busy dying (do your part to save the scene and stop going to shows) - Fall Out Boy - Shadowhunters - Alec coming out.
Day 23: a song with a color in the title - Back to Black - Amy Whinehouse - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - One-sided Sihtric/Finan+Uhtred - Sihtric is fatally injured while rescuing Skade from Beomfleot.
Day 24: a song that you’ve had stuck in your head - Bohemian Rhapsody - Dune Canon AU - Paul/Duncan - Duncan calling Paul to wake up from a vision.
Day 25: the last song alphabetically on your playlist - Zombies - Bad Wolves - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Implied Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - Zombie AU.
Day 26: a song that helps you fall asleep - sleep - My Chemical Romance - Dune Canon AU - Paul/Duncan - About Pauls dream/visions - Companion to day 24.
Day 27: a song that helps describe how you feel right now - Malfunction - Steam Powered Giraffe - House of the Dragon Canon Era - Cregan Stark/Jacaerys Velaryon - Omegaverse AU.
Day 28: a song you used to hate but love now - Goodbye Waves - From First to Last - Dune Canon Era - Paul saying goodbye to Caladan.
Day 29: a song you have/want to download - choke - royal and the serpent - House of the Dragon Canon AU- Aemond Targaryen/Jacaerys Velaryon - A less people die AU
Day 30: a song you want to share - Monsters - Ruelle - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - Vampire AU

look at me writing for some new ships/fandoms. be proud folks.
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princessrayaofheart · 3 years
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All the times Raya calls Namaari by her name throughout the film.
Raya’s tone went from something fond and hopeful to bitterness to persuasive to anger
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This bachelor pad makes a splashy welcome. Next to its black-grilled door is a wall finished with bronze stainless steel. On it is a yellow metal sign with black uppercase letters that says: Club Zion. That’s just a little taste of what’s inside.
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Chek Yong, a bachelor in his 30s who works in digital advertising, is a fan of club aesthetics, but he prefers to entertain at home, so he wanted his place to look like a club.
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A major reconfiguration of the walk-up apartment’s original floor plan eliminated a bedroom, took the balcony area indoors, and moved the bathroom all the way to the back to create an open social space comprising living, dining and kitchen areas.
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It also has every color in the spectrum, courtesy of the lighting, finishes and furniture. The living-dining area is dressed like a quirky New York loft.
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A full-height neon installation of a dragon mid-flight was inspired by W Hotel Shanghai’s presidential suite.
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Decorative beams on the wall add an industrial flair.
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Glossy black walkway fitted with color-changing LED stripes leads to a multifunctional space.
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Formerly the balcony area, it hosts the gym, a carpeted sitting area that doubles as extra sleeping space, and the study, all demarcated from each other via different elevations.
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The gym corner is elevated to provide extra storage space and display shelves for Chek Yong’s CD collection.
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Stainless steel wall tiles custom-ordered from China pairs well with neo industrial switches from England.
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Fitted with yellow glass block and the apartment’s original decorative grille, this wall next to the study is the only white surface in the house.
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Open rack displaying Chek Yong’s knick knacks, memorabilia and book collection.
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The only bedroom is flanked by the LED walkway on one side and the walk-in wardrobe on the other. An Infinity Mirror adds a visual interest.
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The room is finished with timber & exposed bricks decked only with a few key items. A smart glass display case overlooks the walkway.
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The walk-in wardrobe next to the bedroom has a green color palette.
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The kitchen has an outer space theme, featuring a futuristic material palette dominated by dark blue and bronze shades.
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The apartment’s original oversized chimney was painted blue and installed with LED lights to resemble a UFO.
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Chek Yong hunted for all the tableware to match the outer space theme.
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The curving cabinet, metallic wall and accessories lend a futuristic touch.
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The outer space theme also applies in the bathroom, juxtaposes a futuristic shower fixture and blue light with a red light and vintage grille.
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The six-month renovation cost $200,000, excluding the new furniture and accessories, most of which Chek Yong bought during the Black Friday sales.
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