cherrygeek · 2 years
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Taking TV - Riches on Amazon Prime #greenscreen #Riches #PrimeVideo #TalkingTV #Critic #CherryLosAngeles #HTGAWM #AbbyAjayi #SeeingYourself #NighttimeSoap #DramaBomb #Melanin #BlackGirlMagic https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxPzsFLtb4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moonshynecybin · 7 days
Do you think vr46 boys come across stuff like this and just swipe away from it so fast because nope, no, that did not happen as dictated by beloved pseudo father and step mom. Or is it a this happened, Marc was blessed but turned and bit Vale, so they stare at the pic/video till the hate comes bubbling out then swipe over satisfied
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who remembers where they were the day this picture hit the dash. george bush 9/11 reaction pic style. i was in the library and i had to be normal in public while blinking at my laptop with my eyes buggin out of my head like a frog. ANYWAY. its like. the question is! how aware were these little gayboys about their idol fuckin a guy a few years older than them who he then decided was the wicked witch of the west and presumably THEN taped up a picture of him to a dartboard at the ranch (sorry. actually the framed photo thing is much weirder than that. SO much weirder)? on what level of consciousness did this exist for the likes of franky pecco and luca. not bezz or sweet celin becuase they trundled along when vale already owed alimony but the others were witnesses to the whole tawdry affair (so were jorge martin AND enea). do they confront it. do they all recognize it but ignore it. how does this mess with pecco's weird little brain
well i would choose the option most comedically delicious 2 me and that is. they have no idea. until reconciliation (like two months after it actually happens to be real. they wait a bit). and then its like that fun thing you do with your friends when a dramabomb gets dropped concerning someone you know slash hate and you spend the evening doing a sort of. forensic investigation of their instagram to see who cheated on who etc. lets crack some wine and unpack All That. but with these guys i think its a vodka redbull and a lot of shouting. they are analyzing interactions they are pulling up races on their phones the messages int he gc are FLYING they are GRILLING each other about that ranch day reformulating the last entire ten years in their heads like oh my god they were divorced for real. FOR REAL for real. little slideshow of rosquez's queeniest messiest moments playing against their eyelids for like two weeks. multiple earth shattering realizations regarding their personal relationship to their sexualities. and then they realize theyre going to have to hang out with marc and thats when shit hits the fan lol
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Plus It didn't help that Ozpin a few minutes after the truth came out he retreated to the back of Oscar(his current host)'s mind
Lmao just drop the dramabomb and run
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moonlightcookie · 2 years
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hey since there was recently a big ol Dramabomb on twitter over seamoon, i figured i would finally put into words how i feel about all this, esp the whole "toxic seamoon shipper" myth.
transcript under the cut
[transcript: anyway since i saw some more dumb shit this morning: lesbians being protective of seamoon isnt just us "making it our whole personality" (and even if someone were, who cares? not hurting anybody) or us thinking we're defending the honor of a fictional ship. i dont know how else to beat it into ur dumb fucking skulls that representation MATTERS. we get defensive we ppl wanna shit on + disregard canon lesbian representation bc there's so little good rep out there! especially coming from a huge franchise that isn't a childrens cartoon (e.g. SU, SPOP, TOH)
we get defensive when we see ppl treat characters we see ourselves in BECAUSE of their canon lesbianism like shit!! because to me personally, if u can't even respect fictional lesbians, how tf can i respect u to respect ME, a real living lesbian??
i honestly don't know how to make this any clearer for yall: we are NOT telling you that u HAVE to ship or even actively enjoy it. all we're asking is for you to respect it and the fact of it being canon, and ESPECIALLY to stop giving us grief when we say it's canon, since that seems to be the biggest issue with people for some reason?? just because a ship is canon does not mean you can't also ship something else, as long as you're not erasing lesbian rep (meaning Dont ship sea fairy with men, moonlight is less strictly lesbian coded so go ahead ig)
if you prefer one or both of them with some other women, go ahead. despite my personal feelings on it, it's not like... problematic or anything? i have genuinely NEVER seen a seamoon stan harass someone for shipping, say, bluemoon, kumimoon or sea fairy/ice captain. additionally, never ever EVER have i or even seen any other seamoon tell anyone to kll themselves over the ship. NEVER. if yall wanna claim that shit, yall gonna have to provide names and screenshots otherwise you're just talking out of your ass + only serve to further push the stigma of seamoon/its fans. i know seamoon is still enjoyed (or seen neutrally) by the majority of the fandom, but it still hurts to see such a vocal minority be so vitriolic about something that means so much to me, as a lesbian who sees a lot of myself in moonlight.
this is something ive had to fight for + deal w for at least 3 years, across different platforms. this is so much more than just a fictional ship to me (+ other lesbians), these two are a beautiful representation of who we are, how we love, and especially the hurdles we face in our relationships.
transcript end]
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saltminerising · 2 years
oh boy just one more month until the annual dramabomb
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i sometimes imagine running myself on a race, and everyone passed behind me. some came up to me because they’re pittying me or some shit (exact words). in some runs, there’s nobody but me. in some runs i just dont run at all and instead took the shortcut to the finisher’s place.
...i wish it would be like a dramabomb post but this all happened irl :p
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sweetharte · 3 years
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I don’t always make comics, but when I do...... they’re about boobs. Buy the three panelled monstrosity here: lauraharte.bigcartel.com #lauraharteillustration #threepanel #comic #comicculture #zine #zines #zineculture #itsboobs #boobsarekey #happyfacesadface #dramabomb #weirdoart #lowbrow #lowbroawart #smut #smuttyart #whycoversomethingsobeautiful https://www.instagram.com/p/CMZ6i2rAu-BL7YPOey6D3DpLrjuCrEoD8W06Og0/?igshid=7rfsg5ctf2y6
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Love Island AUS
Watching LI AUS with the captions on and nearly spat out my drink during this DRAMA filled recoupling.
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cherrygeek · 2 years
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Taking TV - Riches on Amazon Prime #greenscreen #Riches #PrimeVideo #TalkingTV #Critic #CherryLosAngeles #HTGAWM #AbbyAjayi #SeeingYourself #NighttimeSoap #DramaBomb #Melanin #BlackGirlMagic https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxPzsFLtb4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unicorn-princess14 · 7 years
Wooo! Dama! but not really. positive video ahead! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GUwZiwJ_yc&t=25s
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damienthepious · 3 years
[looks at all my fics as a collective]
............... Why do i spend so much effort Bullying Lord Arum
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meeko-mar · 2 years
You know, one way that I think IzuOcha would be cute in canon?
No kiss, no dramatic reveal of feelings or grand confession in the middle of battle...
But like just a moment, at the end, in the aftermath, kind of like their moment outside of Troy:
But Uraraka comes up to Deku and maybe they have a quick talk, relief that it's all over, or rather that a new world is just beginning,(however that ultimately plays out) And something just cute like Ura turning, in her cute, nervous way, to Izuku and saying
"So...When we have the time...You wanna share a crepe or something??"
And Izuku kind of being surprised, but then realizing, oh, yeah, he said that! A little nervous laughter, and probably the camera panning up into a sunset or something, and Izuku's voice saying
"Yeah, I'd love to."
Before cutting to probably more closing scenes of course. Probably not leaving this as the ultimate, last shot of the series. That'd obviously probably be reserved for a final statement on Izuku's trajectory as a hero, what he's going to do next, what the world is doing going forward, etc etc.
So like, it wouldn't be a dramabomb. Which wouldn't feel out of place. It wouldn't be a sudden reciprocation of all of Ura's feelings throughout the whole story on Izuku's part, b/c of course, we haven't SEEN That reciprocation. It wouldn't be too forward, with a huge, momentous kiss that would just feel out of place for them and their current chemistry. It wouldn't be wildly out of place for what Uraraka's current priority is(which is saving Toga and being a hero that saves)
But it would be a SUGGESTION of what direction they might head.
And it would be very sweet and tie back to what Izuku said about what couples should do, and it would also be URARAKA initiating!! Which like, GOOD FOR HER. Love that for her.
AND IN ALL FAIRNESS, that's kind of the same level I would want for a canon BKDK ending, too.
I'm not necessarily looking for Fireworks, here, no matter which route Horikoshi goes...I think something subtle and calm will be ideal.
Because our girl Froppy is right, it's not the time or place for these characters to be discussing romance, and I don't think any of them are thinking about it too strongly right now...They're just trying to survive and save and win.
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thechaoticgodoflies · 7 years
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oh man oh man so before i came to tumblr i was on a lil website called help.com
i was maybe about 18 or 19 when i started? I was clearly in a very messy part of my life. before i knew about my bpd. i was self harming constantly, always anxious, always depressed, writing shitty internet poetry. this website was my life. i became friends with a guy on there named eddie. also a shitty poet. but he was, like, 40? at the time.  we bonded. he was nice to me. he met a girl on there that he started dating. she moved from england to be with him. the 3 of us were all friends. and then all of a sudden she started attacking me and telling me to stay away from him and i’m like???? im 19????? but anyway long story short he took advantage of my sadness and mental illness as well as his girlfriend’s insecurities and turned us on each other for his own amusement. the website’s back and i joined because i miss that lil community and he friended me under a different username but now that i know it’s him it’s like???
oooooh and i just remembered when i was on my old tumblr before i remade i had a link to my blog on my help profile and around the same time all of that bullshit happened i started getting anon hate from someone telling me to kill myself and I KNOW it was one of them!
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stetsuwuninu · 4 years
(( h-hewwo??? mistew stets uwuninu??? 🖤 ...... also 🖤 for toki as well so i don't have to send two asks and he doesn't have his own acc ))
Stets feels Really guilty about this one, but he feels like since the vampire dramabomb hit the cafe he’s really??? struggled to actually Want to reach out to him. Be it for stuff going bad in his timeline or even just to hang out - he knows Mags has his back, but he sees how much has been stacked on his plate lately, and it makes him wonder
are my problems really that pressing? he has other things to worry about right now, maybe I’ll just tell him about it later... but then he doesn’t because he’s a little idiot ))
(( @tokcku as for YOU, mister man
I think Stets actually feels a little insecure about how much he Does like toki? And it’s largely because he’s picked up on how there’s a definite separation between him and Magnus. He’s pretty sure that they’re on good terms, but - he still feels a little weird about it. He enjoys the fact that Toki checks in on him from time to time, but he can’t help but wonder if he’s doing that for his OWN son, too. ))
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yoshimickster · 5 years
Imagine the tension present in a scene where Weiss meets with Watts and believes him to still be a family friend from her childhood! Or how he truly is her uncle she has believed to be dead for years. Getting a flashback to before his recruitment into Salem’s loyalists, where he may have been a genuinely kind man, giving Weiss gifts. And then for it all to be revealed by Ozpin that he is in league with their enemy. That would have 3 members of the Schnee family being traitors to Weiss.
LOVE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT-dear GOD the dramabomb it will be!
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