#drawing them together is so fun wahh
devourable · 1 year
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luka’s thoughts towards abe are affectionate in nature, don’t worry 🫶
luka (the meanie on the right) belongs to @darling--core !
please reblog to support my work! i would greatly appreciate it 🖤
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Miyoshi Kazunari - Translation [N] Sky Gallery
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kazunari: I’m back~.
Muku: Welcome home, Kazu-kun. You went to see a solo exhibition with your friend today, right?
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Kazunari: Yep! They invited me since they had a ticket.
Muku: How was the exhibition?
Kazunari: Totally awesome~! I feel like it made me even more motivated than usual since we have our next play coming up! While I was looking at the paintings, I started thinking about all the Summer troupe guys… Like I swear Mukkun would love this, and I bet Yukki would be so into this~. Then I also thought about the triangle paintings that I bet Sumi would display if held his own solo exhibition.
Muku: Oh, really! Fufu. Misumi-san’s solo exhibit, hm? I’m sure his personality would really shine through.
Kazunari: You feel me! …Ah! Hold up, why don’t we hold some?
Muku: Eh? Hold what?
Kazunari: Everyone’s own solo exhibit!
Kazunari: …And so, I thought it might be sweet if all of us held solo exhibits of the stuff we like day after day as a way to prepare for our roles!
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Tenma: Oh, that’d be cool, wouldn’t it? Sounds interesting.
Kumon: That sounds like so much fun! That’s Kazu-san for you. Nice idea!
Misumi: I wanna hold a triangle exhibit!
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Yuki: Well, that does sound like it would help with our role building.
Kazunari: ‘Kay, it’s on then! Director-chan, can we borrow a tiny space in the common room for a bit?
Izumi: Of course you can. I’ll let everyone know. I think everyone from the other troupes will enjoy them too.
Muku: I can’t wait to see all of your exhibits.
Kazunari: Hell to the yeah. I guess I’ll start us off then!
*door opens*
Kazunari: Omimi~. You got a sec? I have a favour for you.
Omi: Hm? What’s the matter?
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Kazunari: So, like, Summer troupe’s decided to hold our own solo exhibitions! And I wanna display that. Is that cool with you?
Omi: Ah, that? Of course, go ahead.
Muku: It’s finally the day. Kazu-kun’s solo exhibit will begin.
Kumon: I’m dying to see Kazu-san’s exhibition!
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Misumi: I wonder if Kazu will use paintings~.
Yuki: Who knows? Maybe he’ll hit us with something unexpected.
Tenma: Let’s hurry over.
Kazunari: Ah, my guys are here! Welcome to my solo exhibit~.
Muku: Wow, is this a food tour map?
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Kazunari: YES! This is “Kazu & Omimi’s recommended food tour map ✩”!
Yuki: That reminds me, you and Ma were working on it for a while together. I see, so this is how it turned out?
Kumon: This is sick! It’s so advanced it’s like you could make it into a book. And it introduces so many different restaurants!
Tenma: It’s interesting and easy to read since it uses pictures that Omi-san took along with Kazunari’s drawings.
Misumi: Wahh~, all the restaurants sound tasty~!
Kazunari: Ikr, ikr ♪ I totes give them all a shining recommendation. Let’s take this map and go on a food tour together next time!
Summer troupe: WE’RE DOWN!
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paleclementine · 8 months
torniquet by Evanescence has been my jam lately.
Anthony came back yesterday and we spent the entire rest of the day together. I love him. He was grumpy, and then we coomied and he napped and we ate icecream and he played games-- and then he was very sweet and silly to me. I pointed out the circumstantial change in mood and he thought it was funny. It was one in the morning and we were hungry so we went to winco and got food and watched adventure time together. and then we had a sleepover. they ran out of toilet paper so his roommate bought three packs of WET WIPES instead. eeewwwie.
on a sicker note, I got a message from my Shakespeare professor asking if I used ai on my essay (i did) and if I don't source it, then it''s plagiarism. Technically, AI detectors can't prove anything, just hint at things. The reddit thread I read about it said to deny, deny, deny. so that's what I'll do. ill either say I did;t use it or just used it to generate ideas but never directly quoted it. ill figure it out. I'm sorry for all the typos, I'm trying to type quietly and its hard.
this morning has been buttsuck. I had weird dreams with chandler (but skinny), braden (but still Mormon looking), and my dad who sexually abused me in the dreamand just blegh blegh blegh. Hr's coming to visit this Friday and i hate that that's in my head. I woke up and had to pee crazy bad, found the wet wipes and realized I couldn't pee there, went back to my room in my bedhead state and saw Jimena and randy (its awkward because I really haven't interacted with them all weekend), got ready for the day (it was fine), scared Pria by walking behind her, maintenance came over and it was scary, had to write 5 pages of commonplace entries in the span of 30-40 mins. ugh. anyway. oh and class just buttsucks because people think they're soooo smart and better than others just for thinking people in the 1800s were mean for thinking women shouldn't have rights.
any fucking way.
Anthony and I are going to do a BSD marathon today and eat hamburger helper (bc my meat is about it go bad) and go for a walk in the woods. I'm really excited for it. having freedom is the only way I feel peace.
I think I'm starting to get really burnt out. its hard to keep up with my assignments, projects, etc etc. my grades will surely drop this year. I don't think its because of how I've been using chatgpt for everything-- it think it's a symptom, and not a cause. writing for fun is the only productive thing I like to do these days, but I wish I knew how to draw good. wahh.
It's not even cold yet. I guess that's a good thing.
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glacialltz · 3 years
This cafe is so cute!!
May I request the most playful bois Venti and Tartaglia + significant other (or close friend is fine too, if you'd prefer) who is equally playful and has one of those cute squeaky laughs, but is shy about it?
Thank you for taking the time to read my request, and for making such lovely content! (Regardless of if you actually accept my request or not, ofc.) Have a nice day!
summary: venti and childe + a reader who's shy about their squeaky laugh
warnings: none
word count: 614
author's note: wahh anon 🥺thank you so much for your sweet words!! the Baker liked this ask because he, too, has a rather squeaky laugh that he's shy about + has a tendency of snorting when laughing 😔i apologize for how short these are but i truly hope you enjoy 💕
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Venti's laugh is incredibly cute, always so delightful and cheery. It was also wonderfully him, something that you could always recognize from the sound alone.
You were similar. You had a sweet laugh, one Venti could always pinpoint easily. The problem, however, was that you were rather shy about it, thinking lowly of it for how squeaky it can be.
Well, where's the fun in that, Venti would ask, pouting cutely when you tried not to laugh at something. Come on, he wanted to hear it!
If there was one thing Venti knew for certain, it was music. Every tune, every song. If he said it sounded good, surely he had to be correct, no? So when he said your laugh was music to his ears, he meant it!
He was so cheery and bright, doing everything he could to draw it from you. He'd blow at you softly with his wind powers and try to get you to float or string together silly songs just to try to make you crack. He'd juggle some apples before tossing you one to eat and purposefully exaggerate his own actions just a little.
Venti truly did treasure your laughter. He didn't believe there was anything for you to be ashamed of or shy about. Not only did he love your laugh, but if you were laughing it meant you were happy, and that's all Venti wanted. You didn't deserve to be shy and overanalyzing your own laugh, you deserved to be happy and giggling.
When he did finally get you to break and laugh, he'd grin so widely and so coyly. He was the definition of a smug cat-like expression, pleased with himself for finally pulling it out of you.
While Venti did wish you were a little less shy about your laugh, thinking the squeakiness of it was just another part of your charm, he didn't mind helping lure it out of you. It was his favorite song and it delighted him to no end to hear.
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Childe was often cheerful, having a delightful laugh-filled with mirth. There was nothing more enjoyable, in his opinion, than laughing with you and enjoying your time together.
There was nothing more saddening to him than hearing you not enjoying the sound of your own laughter. To Childe, it was a most wondrous one, something he would listen to again and again if he could.
This means that he would just have to work harder to make you laugh.
Childe's used to this, thankfully. He was used to helping take care of his younger siblings and it wasn't uncommon for him to help calm them down from a fit by getting them to laugh. While the exact same strategies wouldn't work on you, he was still determined to succeed.
He had no qualms forsaking his work and sprinting off with you, taking pleasure in the way you eventually gave in and laughed as he whisked you around with him. Your squeaky laughter was like music to his ears, something he would never tire of.
There was nothing stopping him from doing his absolute best to try to draw it from you. Kissing you all over your face, dragging you behind him to sightsee together, whatever it takes. Childe was nothing if not determined, and he wanted to listen to you happily lose yourself in your glee.
One thing for certain was that he would work hard to make sure you never felt shy about your laugh around him. Not only would he grin brightly at the sight of you enjoying yourself, but he would also laugh together with you. How could you feel shy about such a beautiful harmony?
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀꜰᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴏᴘᴇɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴋᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇꜱ ᴀɴʏ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ
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free-pancakes · 3 years
Hello Pancakes! I love your Hogwarts AU... Would you draw or write some LH in fancy clothes at the yule ball? With a gorgeous Hange and a Levi who can't keep his eyes off her? If you do this..you'll get a lifetime suply of syrup and butter...your pancake will never be alone. Btw, will you update Dreams and Nightmares soon? *manifesting*
wahh sorry for the late response, anon! this was fun, i hope you like!! (and for Dreams and Nightmares... SORRY lol don't worry I'll finish it, I just havent been in the mood for it in awhile! hopefully soon)
Levi and Nanaba walk into the Great Hall, enchanted to be twice the size it usually is, the room practically shimmering gold and silver decor.
“Wow...” Nanaba breathed out, turning to smile at Levi, his eyes wide and sparkling with light. He had never seen anything like it, and for whatever reason, it made his heart do leaps in his chest. As Nanaba walked around saying hello to their fellow Hufflepuffs, Levi shoved his hands into the pockets of his traditional suit, a hand-me-down from Kenny, so naturally, it was much too big on him. Luckily Nanaba had figured out a spell to help tuck in the ends of his pants so they would drag on the floor, but he still felt like he looked ridiculous. He normally couldn’t care less about what he looked like, but tonight, well… he wanted to look nice.
“Why do you suddenly care that this suit fit you well, Levi?” Nana had asked with a teasing look in her eye.
“You know, just in case a certain someone wanted to dance with him… or something like that,” Levi had replied without making eye contact.
As the initial wonder of the room faded and kids from other schools flooded in, he tailed Nanaba closely, suspicious of some of the other schools kids. His ice-cold glare laid upon three young students from Beauxbatons who were doing the same as their friends were for Hange, helping prepare for the Triwizard Tournament tasks. Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie hurried off, uncomfortable with Levi shooting daggers into them with just his gaze. Before Levi could sneak off to follow them to make sure they weren’t still trying to help Zeke cheat to win the tournament for Beauxbatons, the candlelight suddenly dimmed.
The orchestra began to play as bright lights fell upon the top of the staircase. Out from behind the curtain, Erwin stepped forth, looking sharp as ever. He reached out to grab a hand, and then revealed a bright, shimmering traditional gown. Locking arms, Erwin grabs a hold of Hange, her expression showing that she was clearly uncomfortable in the traditional dress she was forced to wear, but she smiled as Erwin reassured her.
Nanaba looked over to Levi, and it took all her energy to keep herself from bursting out in laughter. She pushed her hand up against his chin to close Levi’s jaw. “Pull yourself together, man!” she hissed. But Levi didn’t care—he could not take his eyes of Hange. His eyes shimmered in the low light, tearing up, not because he was crying, but because he forgot to even blink.
Across the room, Mike made eye contact with Nanaba signaling a questionable thumbs up, and could do nothing but facepalm. “No, Levi is gonna need some help,” she mouthed, and Mike ran off.
Levi continue to stand frozen, not even reacting to people bumping into him trying to walk onto the dance floor, and he stared as Hange and Erwin danced.
“Are you going to be okay?” Nanaba asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m alright,” Levi muttered, his eyes still fixated. She squeezed his shoulder with a smile, and left him to his thoughts.
Hours passed, but to Levi, time only stood still as he observed Hange talking to everyone all night. He didn’t want to bother her—he knew she was busy, and left her to it.
“Come on Levi,” a voice sounded from behind him. Spinning around, Levi shook his head at Erwin. “No Erwin, I don’t want to ruin her fun. We’ve been spending so much time together prepping for each task, she needs to just—“
“Let’s go,” Erwin insisted, dragging a reluctant Levi by the elbow. And suddenly, Mike was in front of him, dancing with Hange, her smile and laugh mesmerizing to Levi. And before he knew it, Mike handed her off to him and now… Hange was in his arms, his fingers interlocked with hers on one hand, his other hand gingerly holding her waist.
He just about shit his pants before Hange finally got a hold of him.
“Leviiiiii, hellloooooo??? Anyone home??” She called, her face inches from his. He yelled “Ow!” as he felt her knuckles knocking on his forehead.
“Four-Eyes, what the hell!” Levi said, finally snapping out of it.
“Are you okay? Are you running a fever?” Hange asked frantically, the back of her hand now laying on his forehead.
Levi felt heat rush to his cheeks, and felt his stomach rumble with the nerves. He grabbed her hand, and placed it back on his shoulder, and danced.
The two of them eventually began to talk comfortably with each other, laughing as they made fun of Zeke and talked about all the crazy behind-the-scenes drama Hange filled Levi in on. They continued to dance, happy as ever.
“Levi, you look so good in your suit!” Hange exclaimed, and Levi embarrassingly looked away. “You don’t look half bad yourself, Hange,” he said under his breath.
“Oh this fancy dress is gross isn’t it? So itchy—“ she said with a laugh. But her smile quickly faded when her eyes locked again with Levi’s, his eyes soft under the candle light. She had never felt her heart skip a beat before—and for a second she thought she was dying or something. But maybe this is what it felt like to…
Hange smiled to herself, and leaned in, resting her forehead onto Levi’s, and it felt like everything around them had melted away, just the two of them. Before their lips could touch, Levi yelled.
Startled, Hange leaned back to see frosting all over the sides of Levi’s hair.
“Food fight!” Echoed in the hall, Hange seeing two little first years she knew were Sasha and Connie pitching cake all over. Hange stared at Levi’s flabbergasted expression, and threw her head back in laughter. She turned towards a table and grabbed some cake, squishing some into Levi’s hand. He smirked at her, and the two ran to join the fight as food flew through the air all throughout the hall, laughing as they threw their slices right at Mike and Erwin’s faces and sprinted away together without a care in the world.
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Midnight moments with Seventeen
 Seventeen masterlist                                                    Group Masterlist
A/N: Under a read more not because it’s suggestive but because 13 members and a very long post
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Any down time of his was usually spent sleeping and you really couldn’t blame him. Ever since you had started dating Seungcheol, you’re downtime was definitely spent taking naps more than anything else and well, you loved it. 
This night was a little different, but the general idea was the same. You could feel Seungcheol’s fingers dancing over your sides as you talked, drawing shapes on your skin through your shirt. “You know what’s most surprising about tonight?” He asked hands coming up to cup your face with a smile. “Hmm?” You asked lazily, placing your hands on his bare chest. “That it’s midnight on a day off and I haven’t fallen asleep yet.” You laughed at his words, before he rolled you both over so he laid on top of you. 
“If you’re not carefull, you’ll become as lazy as me on your days off.” 
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“Just know, before you I had never done this before.” You said and he laughed, getting ready to kick the ball. “I could tell by how you kick.” Jeonghan joked and you shook your head. This was something you don’t do often, soccer at night and it had become something you and Jeonghan would look forward too when the opportunity presented itself. 
With just the two of you, it was fun. Running around the empty park lit up only by the glow of street lighting and the moon, laughing and playing like kids. Especially when you missed a very open goal, it was highly amusing. “Wahh, you really suck at this. You would think the more we do this, you’d get better.” He said wrapping his arms around you and tackling you to the grass gently. You shoved him slightly with a laugh, not wanting to give in to your loss. 
“It’s okay, I still love you even if you suck at soccer.” 
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It was the simple text around midnight that asked: Do you want to go for a drive? Which meant, Joshua couldn’t sleep, not that you were complaining. Late night drives were a blessing with Joshua, filled with hot cocoa, cookies, some good music and some 1 on 1 time with him. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” You asked as you sat down next to him. “Maybe, or maybe I just wanted to spend some time with you.” He turned his head with a cheesy smile and you laughed. “So you couldn’t sleep.” “Yeah I couldn’t sleep. BUT, I did bring you hot cocoa with whipped cream.” He said, handing you the cup and kissing your cheek. You smiled at him, sipping the drink gently because it was hot. 
“Where should we go? Drive by the beach, or go through the city?” 
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You couldn’t help but doze off slightly to the sound of his voice, your brain wasn’t even registering what he was saying at this point either. Jun’s voice was just so comforting and it was late, his little trick to help you learn Chinese faster wasn’t going to work at least not at midnight. He had come up with the concept of reading books to you in Chinese, to help you learn. 
“Yah, are you sleeping?” He asked, the book shutting loudly to make your eyes shoot open. “I’m sorry, I was dozing off.” You admitted with a little laugh. Jun put the book down and moved to lean over you. “If I had more time in a day I would read with you in the afternoon and not at midnight.” He was apologetic towards you for that, but he didn’t need to be. You absolutely understood. You pushed his hair out of his face and smiled. “Let’s just stop reading tonight, go to bed.” You whispered and tried to convince him, only for him to smile. 
“Let’s finish this chapter.” 
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“So just twist this way-” “Like this?” You asked attempting to mimic his movements only to hear him laugh heartily. “I mean, you’re not wrong but you’re not right.” He explained and you stood up straight, crossing your arms. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Soonyoung wrapped his arms around you quickly, tucking his face into your neck. 
You had come to keep him company in the practice room, because he was alone and it was late and now he was teasing you. Your back pressed against his and you looked in the mirror. “It’s okay, I won’t make you dance again.” He said softly and you laughed. “You’re trying to be sweet but it still feels like you’re laughing at me.” You said and Soonyoung burst out into laughter. 
“That’s enough practicing for today, how about we just go home and watch a movie or something.” 
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You could feel his eyes on you as you flipped through the pages of your book, he wasn’t paying attention to his own at all anymore. You often late night read together, it was something you both enjoyed. Being able to sit in silence together, immersed in different stories but still together. But now, he was just watching you as you read. 
“Book boring?” You asked, placing your bookmark between the pages. “Everything is boring compared to you.” Wonwoo smiled cheekily and you hid your face in your hands in embarrassment. “You’re delirious, go to bed.” You said, watching him get up from his chair to drop down to his knees in front of you and take your book from your lap. He grabbed your hands and looked you in the eyes, seemingly going to say something very serious. 
“How about we go get some ice cream or something?”
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It was refreshing to be with Jihoon in the studio but to not have him working. You had managed to convince him to take a break, which ended up in him laying on top of you on the couch as you played with his hair. You were simply listening to him ramble on about the newest Going Seventeen episode and what they had to do. 
“They set up this whole course, it was absolutely insane. I really wonder how the producers come up with this stuff.” He explained and you had to laugh. “I’m amazed at their creativity. Wish I had some of that while working.” He continued and you kept petting his hair. “Nah, you’re plenty creative and good at you’re job.” You smiled and he shook his head. 
“You’re supposed to say that, you’re dating me.”
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Curse restaurants that were open late, especially really good pizza joints. Late night snack you both called it and well, you absolutely loved these moments with him. “Midnight pizza should be illegal.” Seokmin said and you nodded, taking a bite of your own pizza. “To some of your managers, it probably is.” You joked and he sighed. 
“You spoiled the fun with one sentence.” He laughed and you joined in. “Sorry.” You laughed out and he rested his head onto your shoulder. “We should probably head home soon.” He added, finishing his pizza and throwing a napkin on to his plate. He turned in his chair to look at you with a bright smile before pressing his forehead to yours. 
“Thank you for coming out with me when I’m craving pizza at midnight.” 
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“I can’t believe you crave cookies at midnight, beg me to make them with you and then also spill the dough.” You whisper yelled, trying to keep quiet for the other members in the dorm were sleeping. Mingyu was a laughing mess on the floor, covered in flour and dough. “I’m sorry.” He choked out and pulled you down to the floor with him.
“What’s going on in here?” Seungcheol asked, hearing the ruckus that came with the mess. It must’ve been a sight to his eyes. “Mingyu wanted freshly baked cookies.” You said, attempting to pat out some of the flour in his hair. Mingyu simply smiled at you as you did. Seungcheol simply raised his eyebrows and walked away, not wanting to deal with it. Mingyu pushed up off the ground, helping you up with him. 
“I’ll clean this up. Maybe we should attempt this tomorrow again.” 
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You were perched on the foot of his bed, scrolling through your phone as he went back and forth through his closet. Glancing up every now and then to look at him. “Okay, do these work together?” He asked, showing off the outfit he had put together. Minghao often did this late at night, when he was worried  about what to wear out the next day. 
“It doesn’t not work.” You said and he scoffed. “Right, different shirt.” He said, pulling it off swiftly and going back to his closet. You shook your head with a laugh, returning to aimlessly scrolling on your phone. Only for him to huff and join you on the bed and placing his head on your shoulder with a sigh. “It’s hard to be fashionable isn’t it?” You asked and he nodded. 
“So exhausting.” 
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One hand held his while the other held your fish cakes as you walked through the park. Seungkwan had finished work early (but still midnight) and wanted to take a walk with you, so there you were, at midnight, under the promise of being treated to fish cakes. 
“So how was practice?” You asked and you could physically feel him sigh. “I’m so tired today, I don’t know why?” He said, gesturing for you to give a bite of your food. “Maybe because it’s midnight and you’ve been dancing all day.” You suggested and he shrugged. “Right.That could be it.” He took the fish cake skewer from your hand, eating the rest. You looked at him with disapproval, snatching the skewer back. 
“You owe me another one.” 
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“Okay but how would you style that?” You asked, pointing to the absolutely ridiculous hat on whatever clothing website he was looking on. “I would just style it. Put it on my head and wear it.” Vernon teased, adjusting his laptop on his stomach as you both aimlessly scrolled. 
“Those shoes are cool.” You pointed and he nodded. “Want me to order them for you?” He asked and you started laughing. “I thought we were just window shopping?” You asked, dropping your head onto his shoulder and pulling the blankets up over your own. You watched him add them to his cart with a smile, before adding that hat. 
“When am I ever just window shopping?” 
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“We have to come up with a penalty.” You said, before starting your tekken match. “A penalty, you sure about that?” Chan asked, raising his eyebrows at you in question. “I’m very sure... how about loser pays for our late night snack tonight.” You suggested and he shook his head.
“No, no it’s too late for that anyways. Think bigger.” He started, pausing to think. “Loser buys the other coffee for the next 2 months.” He suggested and you hummed. “You’re on. Lee Chan your coffee money is mine.” You said and redirected your attention to the tv. It only took a few moments for your character to knock his out and he was laying flat on the floor, staring at the ceiling. 
“Why do I always have to one up the bets, it always bites me in the butt. Even with you. But okay, starting tomorrow I’ll get you a coffee everyday.”  
A/N: This took me forever. I need to get back in the swing of things in writing for Seventeen. 
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trisloshr · 3 years
1 if you feel like it, 4, 9, 17
KERRY of course!!
1. Show your most recent wip
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rubbing my hands together (like an evil villain or like a fly)
4. Favourite things to draw?
WOOOHHH well this isnt really drawing per say but i like when i come up with a colour scheme and its bangin. i like doing background/ colour studies cus its brainless. looove messing with shapes (but i think i could definitely push it more). on that note drawing fashion stuff is fun!! and also agent 3 i like them
in terms of Not Splatoon i like drawing warm things from my heart
i answered 9 here!
17. What inspires you?
WAHH!! my friends and my mutuals (HI!!!! i love u) and apart from splatoon stuff recently i have been into yoshitaka amano and @/Qingyi33 and jeanette fantone and olioli and yasutatsu and a billion other artists i cant think of right now
apart from splatoon things... i like street fashion and video games and music (recently: destroy boys, mitski, king gnu, eve, syudou, inabakumori, teniwoha, urashimasakatasen (!!!!!!!!!!), mafumafu, harumaki gohan) and also speaking of eve and harumaki gohan i love animation going to plug my recs that i can think of now:
- mob psycho (duh)
- this gobelins film (very cute) and also this one (very pretty + the shots are composed in a really fun way + silly facial expressions)
- zemyatas yoru wa honoka for eve and mariyasus inochi no tabekata for eve
- i cant pick one literally all of harumaki gohans everything
- at the bottom of my list but my absolute top recommendation: tekkon kinkreet ((!!!!!!!!!!!!!) gonna bold it highlight it make it red idk absolutely insane bonkers movie my favorite ever its so very crazy
okay i thats all i think i said too much for this question at this point u guys are like seeing the inside of my brain
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smolchildlevy · 3 years
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More Than Just Friends
Sugawara Koushi x F!Reader
Prompt: “I think I’m falling for you..”
A/N: I saw this prompt and had to write some fluff- so this is a looong one.
Warnings: major fluff, crack
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You and Sugawara have known each other since your first year of high school. Right now, you’re in your third year.
Both of you are really close, telling each other everything. This led to late night FaceTime calls and hanging out after school.
He was in the boy’s volleyball club. You loved the sport, as well as when he would tell you all the things they got into.
You got pretty close with Asahi and Daichi after Suga introduced you to them one time while you were walking out of class during your second year.
This also let you meet Kiyoko as well.
Back then, when you were sitting with them at lunch, they asked you if you wanted to become a second manager of the team.
You accepted, thinking how much fun it would be to hang out with them (especially Suga) everyday. That’s when you met the others on the team later that day.
Now back to today. You were on your way to the gym, late because of school work. When you opened the door, you see four new people.
Everyone was already there, so you were the last one to arrive.
The four boys looked in your direction as you head to where the Daichi and Suga are.
“Hey, sorry I’m late. I got caught up with my last class.”
“It’s understandable, you don’t need to rush.” Suga says smiling at you sweetly.
That smile never failed to give you butterflies every time. Realizing that there were new people there you haven’t seen yet, you ask who they were.
“They’re our new team members!” Daichi explains.
“Ooooh okay, so let’s see what they got!” You smile wide.
Suga loves your enthusiasm.. and your smile (basically everything about you he found endearing).
He grins to himself with a faint blush on his cheeks.
The practice goes by, with you being just as surprised as everyone when you see Hinata’s spike and Kageyama’s sets.
~~~End of Practice~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
While putting everything up, Suga walks up to you after he says his goodbyes to everyone else.
“Hey, Y/N? I have a question.” He asks, hesitantly.
“What’s up?”
“Would you like to come over and hang out? I mean, it’s a Friday so..” he trails off.
“I would love to, Suga!” You say instantly.
“Great!” He beams.
You both head out the gym, side by side.
“Today’s the day..” he thought to himself.
As you approach his house, he goes to unlock it. When the door is open, you grab his hand excitedly and pull him inside.
How heart beats several times faster and his cheeks when to a rose color.
“Let’s go watch [insert favorite horror movie]!” You say while letting go of his hand and sitting on the couch.
“Sure, let me get us some snacks.”
He heads into the kitchen while you set up the movie on his TV.
You hear shuffling coming the kitchen as you get comfy. After a minute, he comes out, snacks in hand. He also had [insert favorite drink] with him since it’s also a drink he loves.
“Wahh! Thank you Suga!”
You eagerly take some snacks and your drink.
“No problem.” He smiles.
He sits next to you, this time more nervous then every other time you came over. The movie starts and you lay back and eat your food.
As it goes on, you get closer and closer to Suga due to being frightened.
No matter how many times you watched the movie, it always scared you. He jolts a little at the sudden contact.
A jump scare you forgot was there came up, and you hugged his arm out of fear.
You’ll be the death of this man- he is nearly flustered. But he didn’t know that you had just realized you did that and you were blushing too.
As the movie ends, you clap your hands together.
“Ahhh, this movie is always just the right amount of scary and funny.” You speak out.
“Oh, it’s kinda late now. W-would you want to just sleepover?” Suga asks.
“Wow it is late- might as well then.”
“So do you wanna play card games of something?”
“How about Uno? We haven’t played that in a while huh, Suga?”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go get it.”
The both of you sit across from each other at a table.
You play a few rounds. Most of it consisted of you two arguing and laughing over having to draw two, or what color it should be.
“Hey! How dare you make me draw four!” You complain.
“Haha, you made me draw six last round! This is my revenge!” He says triumphantly.
“Aha! Take this!” You announced.
You set down a reverse and two cancels, then a normal 9 card.
“No fairrrr” he groaned.
“All’s fair in war and Uno.”
Now, you still have one card left and Suga has two. He sets down a 5 in the color red.
“YES!” You cackled.
You set down your final card and won that round.
“I guess now’s as good of a time as any..” Suga contemplated in his mind.
“Welp, you won.” He sighs in defeat dramatically.
“Hey, uh Y/N?”
“Yeah? Are you alright?”
“I am.. I just need to get something off my chest.”
“What’s wrong?” You ask with a worried look painted on your face.
“Oh uh- nothing bad, it’s just..” he trailed off, filled with anxiety.
“Hm?” You urge him on.
“I think I’m falling for you..” He admits, while trying to hide his blush.
You fall silent for a second.
“Y-you are?” You say, still surprised.
“Sorry if that was too sudden I-“
You get up, walk around the table, and stand in front of him. He looks up at you, confused.
His eyes widen in shock when you place your lips on his.
You pull back.
“I feel the same, Suga!” You declared.
Both of you are now blushing messes as you replay the scene in your heads over and over.
“So.. do you want to be my girlfriend?” He spoke.
“I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t.”
“Right.” He laughs.
He gets up and kisses you once more.
Later on, it’s now really late. He asks you if you wanted to go to bed since you looked as tired as he was.
His smile grew wider when you offered to sleep with him. (Not like that- get your mind out the gutter)
You guys cuddled all night, enjoying each other’s embrace.
The next day wakes up before you and so he grabs his phone from the nightstand next to the bed without waking you.
He immediately texts the “Karasuno Volleyboys” groupchat bragging about what went down.
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This is so wholesome I-
Anyways, I’ll be continuing my other series, as well as continuing to make other fics like this :)
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Three Leafed Chaos
Chapter 2/4
Warning: dick jokes
The next week or so went by without any major events. However, everyone had a goal in their mind: to win the heart of their crush on Three-Leaf day. Included among that group, it turns out, was every Magic Knights Squad captain. No one was prepared for the conflict that was to erupt. 
"Well, that's it for our meeting! Please check out the evaluation report that's in those folders, there's plenty of suggestions for all of you!" Julius clapped his hands together as he stood up. The Captains were all gathered there for a meeting, about a week after the evaluations. "Remember, the new member exam is in just a month. Use this time to strengthen your positions! Or, er-" He sent a not-so-subtle glance at Yami. "Use it as a... fresh start!"
Fresh start? This geezer really has the nerve to lecture us after he was 15 minutes late to the meeting? However, Yami knew he probably deserved it, after the debacle last week. He still felt bad about what happened to the Evaluator he was entrusted with, but all he could do now was take her advice to heart and make his squad better... somehow. He did ask Julius about her right before the meeting truly began. "Oh, yeah, she's fine! She had quite the hangover the next day, but she's been out and about ever since."
"Alright, who wants to go get a drink? One of the rich boys is paying," Yami said, standing up after Julius left.
"Ka ka! Yami, you're such a freeloader," Jack hissed with his usual wide smirk. "To be expected of a foreigner."
"Hey, you'll be taking advantage of it too, commoner."
"Silence! We will be paying for our own drinks, and no one else's," Nozel snapped, standing up and flipping his feathered cloak dramatically.
With that, the nine of them headed down to their usual spot, a bar in the castle down. Everyone ordered drinks and started to lounge around, as they were the only ones in the bar at this time of night. However, after a few drinks, Yami started to notice that something was up with William, the Captain of the Golden Dawn. "Yo, masked weirdo, what's the matter? You look all gloomy." He snickered as an idea came to him. "I got it! Your evaluation was bad, right?"
William narrowed his eyes, but gulped nervously. "No... in fact, my evaluation was perfect." 
"Eh?" Now Jack was interested, too. "What's the matter then? Ooh, I have an idea~" He giggled, already a little tipsy. "You have a crush on someone, right?"
"Huh? No! No way." However, they could all tell the man was bright red, even with the mask on. "Well, I mean- i-it's none of your businesses."
Nozel and Fuegoleon turned to look at him, concerned that the usually cool-headed man was getting flustered. "Oh? Have you finally found a Lady Vangeance?"
William didn't respond, just stared at his drink silently.
"Eh. Whatever." Yami took another sip before glancing around at everyone. Fuegoleon and Nozel were sitting by the bar, which was being tended by the usual old man. Gueldre was oddly silent tonight, but had a satisfied look on his face. Charlotte, Rill, and Dorothy were sitting together at a table. Dorothy was asleep, Rill was furiously drawing something in a sketchbook, and Charlotte kept stealing glances at Yami. Huh... their minds are all miles away, Yami thought to himself. For some reason, his mind drifted to the memory of that Evaluator's smiling face, and felt his heart start to clench again. I want to see her again... but in the meantime, I feel the need to talk about her to someone. He cleared his throat. "So... what did you guys think of that Evaluator?"
As soon as the sentence passed his lips, Yami felt everyone's Ki tense up. What the Hell? Did they all get bad evaluations?
"She was... interesting." Fuegoleon was the first to speak. "She assisted us on a mission. Her magic is actually quite powerful. It's not hard to see why she stands beside the Wizard King."
"... I thought the same," Nozel suddenly said. Yami raised an eyebrow. Nozel was actually complimenting someone? "She was very confident in her job."
"She was a delight, yes," Charlotte said quietly. "I wish she would join my squad."
"Oh! That Evaluator! She was wonderful!" Everyone jumped out of their skins as Dorothy's eyes suddenly popped open and she jumped out of her seat.
"Ah! What in the Hell, you can talk?" Yami and Jack chorused together.
Dorothy giggled and gave them a peace sign. "Uh huh! That girl was so sweet! Kirsch loved her, too. She's very cute... me and her are kindred spirits. In fact..." Dorothy giggled again, a light blush on her cheeks. "I'm thinking of getting her a present for Three Leaf Day."
All at once, the remaining 8 captains jumped to their feet.
"NO! You can't!"
Everyone regretted the instinctual reaction as soon as it happened. They froze and looked around at each other, realization dawning simultaneously.
"Whoa, whoa, why did we all get so defensive all the sudden?" Yami asked, pointing around accusingly. "Don't tell me..." He suddenly started laughing. "Do we all want to give the same person a gift on Three Leaf Day?!"
"Tch." Nozel scowled. "As if I would ever give a gift to someone so many ranks below me..." However, his blush betrayed him.
"Wait! That can't be true, William also stood up," Fuegoleon exclaimed. "William, don't you already like someone?"
William winced. "I... I do... and that someone is her." 
"I can't believe this! All you disgusting men, lusting over such an innocent girl!" Charlotte suddenly shouted, glaring at them all.
"Ka ka, Charlotte likes her too?" Jack asked, crossing his arms. "I'll slice you to bits if you touch her!"
"Say, Charlotte, I didn't know you liked girls?" Yami asked, slightly disappointed. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised..."
Charlotte flushed pink. "I-I like men, too, you know!"
"Oh? What man do you like?"
"T-t-t-that's none of your business!"
"Wahh!" Rill suddenly started crying. "She was so beautiful and picturesque... I've been drawing her ever since!" He flipped his sketchbook around to reveal a photorealistic drawing of the girl. He captured her cuteness perfectly.
"Well, if we all like her, she'll just have to choose which one of us to return Love to on Three Leaf day, right?" Fuegoleon proposed. Yami laughed. "What? Yami, is this really a laughing matter?"
"Sure is! None of you losers stand a chance against me!" he told them brashly.
"Ah, ah, ah... don't be so sure about that." They all looked over at Gueldre, who chuckled. "You see... I'm four steps ahead of you." The large, ham-like man smirked. "I took her on a date."
"How dare you! I was planning to ask soon!" Fuegoleon roared like a lion.
"You can't possibly... she deserves Royalty, not New Money like you!" Nozel added, not even trying to hide it anymore. 
"I told you, she and I are kindred spirits, she's going in my dream world and never coming out," Dorothy threatened.
"Whoa, hold on, tell us about this so called date Ham-man," Yami asked, picking up that he wasn't telling the whole truth.
Gueldre gulped. "Well... you see..." He fiddled with his fingers. "Well, it wasn't so much a date as it was a discussion about the evaluation... hehe... BUT!" He held up a finger before anyone could butt in. "It was over dinner! So it counts as a date!"
Everyone stared at him for a moment, quickly realizing that he wasn't a threat. "As I was saying-" Yami turned to the others. "None of you stand a chance against me. Me and that girl... we have a connection."
"Hey! Didn't you hear what I said?" Gueldre was standing his ground. "She deserves a guy like me!"
"Oh yeah? Personally, I think she deserves a little better than Gueldre Poizot Micropenis."
Gueldre and everyone else's mouths fell open at Yami's insult. "Y-y-you heathen!" Gueldre bellowed, balling up his fists. "You have no proof! And anyway, don't talk smack about that unless you've got an even bigger-"
"Gueldre, please." Gueldre felt a hand on  his shoulder and looked down to see William gazing solemnly up at him. "Please don't take that road. That's not a battle you can win."
Everyone gasped at his words. "Ooh! William?!" Dorothy asked, looking concerned. "Wait, how do you know how big Yami's-"
"We were on the same squad back in the day," William cut in before she could go any farther.
Yami nodded, amused. "Yep... The Grey Deer base had some killer baths. Julius said it was great for squad bonding. That's why I had one installed at the Black Bulls base."
"The Grey Deer? Ka ka!" Jack pointed at the two of them. "That's right... you were on the same squad, and Julius was your captain? So, you took baths with him? So, you saw his..." His voice trailed off when he saw how both Yami and William were looking at him. He had never seen Yami look so grim before. Jeez... did I just unlock some sort of tragic memory?
~ Yami and William's tragic memory~
"Yami, you were right, this really is a nice bath." William smiled to himself as he sunk down to his shoulders.
"Of course I was right." Yami looked over at the younger man. They were still both relatively new to the squad. "Say, aren't you going to take that mask off?"
William frowned and shook his head. "No... I'd rather not."
Yami shrugged but chuckled. "Come on... you can't be that ugly."
The other members in the bath laughed at the joke, and William even smiled along with them. "That depends on who you ask."
Even more laughter. Then, there was a voice. "You guys sound like you're having fun! Is there room for one more?"
Yami recognized the voice and looked over at the source. "Captain! Yes, join us."
Julius grinned and gave him a thumbs up before dropping his towel. He stepped down one step into the bath but paused when he realized everyone was staring at him. "...what?"
Yami gulped. "Uh, nothing." William was staring down at the water's surface.
Julius was genuinely confused. "Hmm? Am I bleeding somewhere?"
"No, no, just- er- you should get in the water."
"Ah, right! There's nothing like a good bath."
~ end flashback ~
"ANYWAY, you don't want to finish that sentence," Yami finally finished. "I stand by what I said... none of you stand a chance."
Fuegoleon scowled and clenched his fist resolutely. "That sounds like a challenge..."
"I won't let either of you beat me. I won't allow shame to befall the house of Silva," Nozel added.
"Wah... I'm too young for her anyway," Rill said, more afraid of the large men around him.
"I-I won't let her heart be stolen by a man!" Charlotte demanded.
"..." Gueldre had given up after being humiliated.
"Ke ke! I'll show you freaks what a casanova I really am!" Jack challenged.
Dorothy sighed. "This is getting boring now that you're all involved... I'd rather just sleep."
"...She's obviously got many admirers," William said sadly. "Very well... I'll leave her to one of you." He obviously wasn't happy about it, but hey, what's a man gonna do about it?
"That's it then, the challenge has begun!" Yami announced dramtically. "Three-Leaf day is in a week... a week to win that girl's heart!"
"Ah, if I could cut in real quick-" They all turned in surprise to see the speaker: the elderly bartender. He laughed nervously. "I'm just an old man, but don't you think you're jumping into this way too quickly? I mean..." he chuckled. "Most of you have only met her once, right? Yet, it sounds like you're all in love. How is she supposed to reciprocate feelings for people she doesn't spend time with?"
Yami narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Hmm? Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight, you geezer?"
"Geezer?! Ah, and yes of course... just something to keep in mind." His eyes twinkled as he turned away to keep drying dishes.
"He has a point!" Fuegoleon said. "She's not a magic knight, and she works mostly in the castle. If we don't act quickly, she'll forget about us, or worse, catch the eye of one of the Wizard King's other advisors. We need to take her on dates... that way she'll fall for us, too!"
"I guess..." Yami pointed at them accusingly. "I'll be the first!"
"Oh yeah?"
"I'd like to see you try."
"Ka ka! I'll be the first to take her out!"
And just like that, the four men ran off to start writing letters and arrange a "date." The others staggered home soon after. 
As Charlotte walked home, she couldn't help but smile to herself. I'm a step ahead of them now... she's already coming over for tea tomorrow.
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sonicringbond · 3 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 37
Time for a little action to spice things up a bit. Maybe it’s because last scene had a gentle let down. Maybe it’s because of the last Survey having so many ties. Whatever the reasoning, enjoy a little action to start...
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    ~I had expected my next meeting with Ix to be troublesome, but I figured with Sonic with me that things would have gone smoother than this. Or at least that he would talk. Ooh~ why does he have to be such a bad person!~
    “I had considered our next encounter would have occurred much sooner medium, alas, I have grown far stronger than you could have imagined.”
    Ix’s mocking of Rosy came from high above where she was held under Sonic’s arm like a duffle bag while he ran far more successfully across the desert sand than she could. Rosy’s cheeks were puffed up with frustration, but there was little she could do. Though Sonic teasing her didn’t help matters any.
    “Some trouble you’ve found, rascal,” Sonic commenting as he risked a glance back at what he fled from.
    It was not the first worm like golem Sonic had encountered, but the size of this one was like a small mountain had taken to the sands.
    “Ooh~! Ix didn’t make anything this large when I met him! I don’t know what happened!”
    “Well, whatever did, let’s just hope Draw can get the help we need.”
    Growing more serious, Sonic tried to pick up the pace as even he had traction problems on the sand dunes he skipped across. And fortune did not favor him or Rosy however as a particularly high dune with a view of the ruins of skyscrapers rising from the sand brought them well above the giant stone worm golem.
    “This doesn’t look good,” Sonic remarked as a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face.
    “At least it looks like fun,” Rosy laughed as a bead of sweat also streaked down her cheek.
    A moment later the two of them were tossed high into the air as the golem plowed straight through the sand dune. Sonic couldn’t keep his grip on Rosy, but luck was on their side to a degree as she landed on top of him as he crashed into the side of the golem.
    “Tee-hee~♥ Miss me Sonic?”
    “Well, you kept me from bouncing off of this thing, but it’s still kind of looking like we’re in a bit of trouble.”
    As Rosy sat in Sonic’s lap, she managed to allow him to slide along the wall of sand that rolled off the golem while effectively sitting. He would likely be sore later, but there was little he could do without any real traction. Ix planned on remedying that and had the golem change course under the midday sun.
    “WAHH~!” Sonic and Rosy cried out together as the worm turned sharply and coiled around the two hedgehogs. Neither of them saw what happened after that as thew were caught in a massive vortex of sand and promptly buried.
    As she was yanked out of the sand by her ankle, Rosy hoped it was Sonic to her rescue, however…
    “Ix!” Rosy gasped before coughing on inhaled sand.
    “So helpless you seem now, medium,” Ix spoke in a condescending tone. “Is this perhaps the consequence of you being in the company of your lover? No matter, I shall take from you your connection to the gods and return to my search.”
    Defenseless as she continued to choke and cough, Rosy could barely squint open her left eye as Ix struck the sand with his staff. Rising between where Rosy dangled and Ix stood, a single Ring formed a window between them, and they locked eyes through it. Ix’s glowing blue eyes, and the broken Red Star Ring held together by an internal gear that Rosy’s left iris became.
    “What! Impossible,” exclaimed Ix as Rosy started coughing harder and squeezed her eye shut again. Her coughs after a brief and dizzying moment could not escape her body at all however as Ix’s stone fist closed around her throat.
    “Kh…!” Rosy whimpered weakly as her lungs burned and her chest heaved violently. Forcing open her eyes as she grabbed feebly at Ix’s arm, she again graced him with the sight of the unusual sight in her left eye.
    “How!” Ix demanded as he tightened his grip and Rosy kicked her legs feebly. “How did you come into possession of a Yoluku Device! Answer–!”
    A sudden blow sent the golem flying and Rosy fell into Sonic’s arms as he uncurled from his Spin Dash. “The lady can’t say a word if you’re about to break her neck!
    “You alright kid?” Sonic asked as he looked down at Rosy who was clutching at her throat. Not wanting to worry Sonic, she offered him a wordless smile and nodded her head, several tears falling from her eyes. The sight did not please Sonic at all and she could feel the tension that rose from him.
    Gently placing Rosy on the ground, Sonic stood up and faced down Ix across the sand. A moment later and he surely would have reduced the golem to a pile of rubble, but that fate was left for the golem that trapped him and Rosy.
    ~Draw can be pretty imaginative sometimes. I would have never thought of it, but he did. He really is a cute little golem hunter. At least when he isn’t teasing me!
    ~Anyway, out in the desert we were running along in when Ix suddenly attacked us was more than just a bunch of old skyscrapers sticking up out of the dunes. Though seeing them covered in vines and moss made for a striking sight against the golden sand. But they were nothing compared to the bizarre sight of the castle that plowed through the giant worm golem Ix had used. It was like a thing from a fairytale all covered in buttresses and spires. The white stonework and blue tiled tower roofs were a sight to behold glistening in the afternoon sun. But the really amazing thing was the steam works underneath the town sized castle that propelled it across the surface of the sand.
    ~I mean Sonic and I couldn’t see them when we tried to run up alongside the castle as we chased it out of Ix’s trap. There was too much sand. But after Sonic picked me up again – honestly, I could have at least tried – we followed flares that Draw shot from within the steam works into the sandstorm the traveling castle stirred up. Once we actually could see them, there were so many pipes and gears it made me dizzy trying to follow them all.
    ~Soon enough we were whisked through the steam works by people wearing uniforms and a badge with a symbol of a wrench laid across a gear. I think that might be the symbol of the Engineers, but I can’t say for sure. Still, the castle was every bit as beautiful from within as it was from afar.
    ~I could have wandered the halls covered in the polished floors so reflective it was like I was walking on the soles of my own feet for hours. Whole wings of the massive castle were like towns within themselves, with farms built into some of the larger towers. I’m sure if Tails were here, he’d have spent forever in the bowels of the castle’s machinery, but it was almost a paradise within fit for a city of princesses. And the people were so nice too, without a sign of any of those mean priests in most towns around at all. But our wandering around was not without purpose and Sonic had been doing a lot of talking.
    ~What Ix had said about my eye had been bothering Sonic. I couldn’t blame him. It looked like a Red Star Ring that was simply crumbling at two of the points revealing a gear that was hidden in it, but Ix called it a device. If it was a machine… Ugh! It’s creepy thinking there’s a machine in my eye. But as this city seemed to belong to the Engineers, there was no one better to ask about it.
    ~There was just one tiny problem.~
    “Not even a hint of red left,” Sonic stated flatly as he looked into Rosy’s eye. She was fidgeting and trying her best just to look ahead so Sonic could get a good look, however…
    “Ee~k!” Rosy squealed and covered her face. “I’m sorry Sonic, but having you look so intently into my eyes…! AAH~! ~♥”
    Falling over and kicking at the air as she loosely curled up, Rosy earned an eye roll from Sonic and a sigh from Draw. “There really is something wrong with you, you weirdo girl.”
    “Rosy!” the pink hedgehog corrected her koala friend while peeking through her fingers. Again, both of her eyes were normal and there was no sign of the unique Red Star Ring within.
    “So now what? Draw asked turning to look at Sonic who took to resting his crossed arms on a nearby railing. His ear twitched in response to Draw’s question, but he offered no answer. “What I’d do to get the silent treatment this time! Didn’t I find the town those salvagers out in the desert told us about!”
    “It’s okay Draw, “Rosy comforted the young golem hunter by embracing him from behind. Her action frightened free Mote, the fairy companion of Draw’s, who Rosy tilted her head at and smiled. “Maybe you have an idea, Mote!”
    Good cheer and enthusiasm were far from enough to convince the fairy that claimed to not be allowed to communicate with a medium to stay and talk. Only Draw could speak with the fairy as it was due to a Ring Bond it had made with it, but he still did not speak up in time to prevent Rosy from vocalizing her disappointment. “Aww~!”
    “Give it up weirdo girl,” Draw advised her as he slipped out of her comforting hug. “Besides, Mote says it noticed something here while we’ve been wandering around aimlessly.
    “You’re welcome to join us,” Draw invited Sonic reluctantly, and not without making his dislike of that made clear, “though I wouldn’t care if you didn’t.”
    “Whatever you say, tyke,” Sonic waved a dismissive hand, but still pulled away from the railing.
    With his hands on the back of his head, Sonic followed Draw and Rosy, who in turn followed Mote deep into the heart of the castle.
    ~The castle kept surprising me with how amazing it was, but some surprises are really too much. I’m sure I covered my mouth when we reached that inner plaza under a big glass dome. The plaza itself was amazing, even if it was just another room inside the castle that served as one. But really, what else could it do. Right in the middle of it was a giant crystal rose the size of a mansion that was encased within a swirling clockwork device. It was just like the one the being in my dream from before my eye started getting weird had. Except the one in my dream actually moved. This one… well once in a while it moved slightly, like a minute hand on a clock, but that was all. Even the rose barely turned where it floated in the air.
    ~As amazing as it is though, it seemed a normal sight to the people who called the tower home. In a way, travelers like us were the weird ones.~
    “Now isn’t this a sight,” a high pitched but friendly voice spoke up behind Rosy and the others. “Don’t see travelers here too often who don’t know about the Rose."
Scene 37 · CLEARED Castle Rose, to be continued
New character time! By the time this posts they would have already been designed and introduced during the regular writing streams, but I hope everyone enjoys them. there won’t be too much of them yet, but if your familiar with Sierokarte from GranBlue Fantasy you might have an idea of what to expect next week. I hope you enjoy it!
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – The Path of Duty – Yasunori Nishiki – GRANBLUE FANTASY: Versus ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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callmewishful · 3 years
Power and Grace
“Well, I…I have to go.”
“Oh, thank the Goddess.” Sylvain muttered to Ashe as they walked into class.
Ashe looked confused at his walking partner. The classroom appeared normal; most people having arrived already. He turned to look out the door they’d came in. The sun was shining brightly in the morning sky, “I mean…it is a nice day….”
“Not that.” Sylvain shook his head, “That.” He gestured to Felix and Evyanna deep in conversation at their desks. Evy was drawing out something on a piece of paper and explaining it to Felix, who seemed rather impressed by whatever she was saying.
“Oh,” Ashe nodded in understanding, “Yeah, they really hadn’t talked for a while there, hadn’t they?”
“What can I say, Ashe? Felix is a stubborn man.”
“So, I think we start with the Black Eagles, because then we can take out the ballista-“
“How do you know the Eagles will have the ballista?” Felix interrupted her. “How do you know Claude or Ignatz won’t take it?”
Evy snorted, “Over Edelgard? Please. Edelgard will break Claude’s nose for the ballista.”
“So anyway, we want Ashe on the ballista, so I think you or I should take out the Eagles archer…who is…shoot.”
“Bernadetta.” Felix supplied, taking the quill from Evy’s hand and writing the girls name on the paper where the Ballista was. Despite his dedication to sword training over book training, he had fairly nice handwriting. “She’s meek and shy and squeals in fear just by looking at me. She’ll be easy to take down.”
Evy giggled, “That scary are you?”
“I think it’s the eyes.”
Evy could concede to that. He did have unusual eyes. She didn’t find them scary though, more intriguing than anything. “Okay, so we take out Bernadetta first to have control of the ballista. If you rush ahead to take her out, I can have Ashe stay behind me to get him to the spot. The Eagles and the Deer will be close together so if we want that prize we’ll have to be fast in taking them out before they cut each other down.”
“The Eagles have a lot of magic users if I remember right. Ashe can focus on them once they’re in range. Maybe we should go for them first to get them out of the way?”
“What do the Eagles focus on?”
“Bernie’s the archer, Edelgard uses an axe, I think Hubert is a magic user, dark magic if I remember right, because he’s a sketchy ass man. Petra uses the sword, Dorothea is a magic user, Caspar uses an axe I think, don’t quote me on that. Linhardt is a magic user, Ferdinand uses a lance?”
“So, we have three magic users for the Eagles and four weapon users? What about the Deer again?”
“Claude is a bow, Ignatz is a bow, Leonie is a bow but sometimes a sword user. Lysithea and Marianne are magic users. Maybe Lorenz too? Hilda uses a lance and I think Raphael uses an axe or his fists.”
“The Deer have fewer magic users then. Maybe we should go for them first? Let the Eagle’s magic users come to the center of the field and be picked off by Ashe?” Evy drew arrows from her, Felix, and Ashe to the center of the map. Then she drew arrows showing Dimitri, Dedue, and Sylvain going up close and personal for the Deer. “If we want, Ingrid could fly ahead and get personal with the Eagle weapon users. Once Ashe is secure on the ballista you and I can go for the Eagles too so she’s not alone. You’re a good dodger.”
“I wouldn’t mind going for Hubert, actually. I’ve wanted to test my skill against his anyway.”
“He’ll be parked up Edelgard’s ass though. So, if you go for him you’ll have to fight her off too.”
“Come with me, then. You can take her.”
“I can go with you guys too. Help ward off some of the magic users.” Annette piped up. Felix and Evyanna looked up from their work to see the entire class surrounding their desks viewing Evy’s drawing as well. Evy’s face turned a light pink and she immediately cast her eyes back down to the paper.
Felix took the quill and drew an arrow from Annette to the Black Eagles side, seemingly unbothered by the class listening in. “That’ll make us more even too.”
“I think it’s a good strategy.” The Professor praised, “does anyone have anything they’d like to add or change?”
“I yield! I yield!” Bernadetta squealed, cowering in fear.
“I didn’t even touch you.” Felix muttered, but lowered his training sword. “Ashe, get up there.”
Ashe rushed past Evy and took Bernadetta’s spot on the ballista making quick work of loading it with the training arrows. Evy watched Dimitri and Sylvain engaging with Lorenz and Hilda in the distance. She smiled proudly while her boys fought. So far, their plan was working quite nicely.
“Annette, let’s go.” Felix instructed, taking no time to admire the fight before them. Over to the east, Ingrid swooped in and began engaging Ferdinand. The three took off towards the Eagles to help their flier, Evy being pulled from her observance. She rushed in to stop Linhardt from using magic against Ingrid, forcing him to yield. Felix and Annette were tackling Dorothea together. Evy was often impressed by Dorothea. So confident and talented, both musically and magically.
“ARGH!” Evy barely dodged Petra’s swinging blade after beating Lorenz, stumbling backwards and nearly losing her footing. Petra noticed how off-balance she was and came in ferociously swinging with speed Evy could barely match with how caught off guard she’d been.
Petra was about to go in for the final blow, Evy barely holding on, “You will yield!”
“No,” Felix interrupted her with his training sword in her back, “You will yield.”
Petra slowly lowered her blade, turning to look at Felix, “I must yield?”
“I don’t see a training sword in my back.”
She nodded in agreement and sighed, “I must yield. I worked hard. You are lucky to have your sword man boyfriend to save you, Zelshire Princess.”
Evy fixed her grip on her sword and sputtered, “Oh, I-I mean…we-”
Felix’s face was bright red, not from the exertion of battle, and he quickly turned away to go back to the fight. Evy could feel her face was just as hot as Felix’s looked and she stopped trying to explain seeing as she couldn’t get words out of her mouth.
“You have the oddest of relationships with the sword man boyfriend, Zelshire Princess.” Petra looked between the two before exiting the battlefield.
Evyanna didn’t even try. She was so flustered between the conversation and Petra’s relentless attacks that she gave up. After a quick deep breath, she had to get back into the battle. Annette and Felix were coming up on Hubert and Edelgard and they’d need help.
She rushed back into the action, trying to clear her head as much as she could. One thing kept sticking out to her though: Felix didn’t deny it.
Of course, they weren’t dating, but he didn’t deny Petra’s assumption of a romantic relationship. Maybe he thought he didn’t have time for such nonsense, seeing as he’d left Annette to save Evy. Maybe he thought he had to go back to save Annette. Maybe he saw Evy was already making an attempt to clear up the confusion and didn’t see the point in him doing so also. Or…maybe he didn’t deny it because he wanted a romantic relationship.
Evyanna nearly laughed out loud at herself. Felix? Dating? She really could be quite funny.
So funny, that she mentioned the story to Ingrid on their victory walk back. Ingrid thought it was funny too that Petra would say that. Anyone who knew Felix knew he was basically emotionally empty. As far as Evy knew, the only emotion Felix had was anger.
Still, she couldn’t help the hopeful feeling in her chest when she thought about him. She knew better, really. Mother always told her to never expect a man to change. ‘If you don’t like him now, you won’t like him ever.’ Though it wasn’t that she didn’t like Felix…she just wished he wanted the same thing.
It was stupid really. Felix was clearly not interested in a relationship. He told her that his only focus was getting stronger and working on his skills with the blade. If she wanted a relationship she should focus on someone else. Dimitri perhaps….
After the mock battle, all the students had a feast together in the dining hall at Claude’s insistence, celebrating the enjoyment of the fight and the Blue Lions win. The night was a lot of fun.
Claude dropped two bags of marshmallows on the table after dinner with a smirk on his face. Evy gasped, “Are we playing Chubby Bunny?!”
“What’s that?” Claude asked, even though he brought the marshmallows.
“It’s a contest to see how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth.” She explained, opening up one of the bags.
“That sounds ridiculous.” Felix muttered from his spot next to her.
Sylvain rolled his eyes, “You’re just mad that you’re a little man with a small mouth and can’t fit that many marshmallows in.”
“Give me one of those damn bags.” Felix snapped, reaching for the bag of the sticky confection in Evy’s hands.
“Now, now, now! Wait! We gotta go at the same time to keep track. Who’s in? Me, Felix, anyone else?” Claude gestured marshmallows to people.
All in all, Claude, Felix, Evy, Dimitri, Edelgard (after much chiding from Claude about being the only house lead who wasn’t playing), Sylvain, Ferdinand, Annette, Petra, Caspar, Leonie, and Raphael joined the contest. It was easy until around 6-7 marshmallows. Then people’s cheeks looked puffy and people started giggling. If you giggled, you were basically done for.
Annette was out first at 9 marshmallows, followed by Petra and Edelgard at 11. Evy and Leonie only got 12, while Ferdinand, to Evy’s surprise, fit 14. Evy was really only surprised because he didn’t seem like one to try during these games. He was Ferdinand von Aegir…so she heard.
Dimitri and Caspar were out next with 15 marshmallows – Dimitri awkwardly laughing about his puffy cheeks the entire time. Raphael was out at 16 because he was trying to cheat by eating them.
“Wahh Wou.” Felix tried to talk to Sylvain with 17 marshmallows in his mouth.
“Ah?” Sylvain, naturally, had zero idea what the hell Felix was saying.
“Wuak Wou.”
Felix rolled his eyes and flipped Sylvain off, “Wak Wou.” Evy snickered.
Claude was trying his very best not to laugh so none of his marshmallows fell out and was failing. He was out at 17.
“Alright! Who has 18? Is it Sylvain or Felix?” Ingrid had easily taken on the role of announcer for the contest.
Felix put the marshmallow at the entrance of his mouth and used the palm of his fist to mash it in. Sylvain was trying to pry one side of his mouth open to make his marshmallow fit.
“It’s gotta be more than 50% in!” Ingrid chided Sylvain when he tried to claim victory by barely holding onto the marshmallow with the edge of his mouth.
“He’s got it! He’s got it!” Evy shouted, pointing at Felix, who had the marshmallow wedged in along with the other 17.
“Felix has it Sylvain!” Annette teased. Sylvain’s inability was not for lack of trying, he was pushing the marshmallow and prying his mouth, but it was not working. He looked hopefully at Ingrid.
“What do we think guys? Does he have it?” She asked the rest of the classes.
Evy shook her head, along with most. People erupted in their opinions. The little marshmallow was barely hanging on.
“Waa wou.” Felix grabbed one more for good measure and tried shoving it in his mouth. The class laughed hysterically as Sylvain mock-groaned with a chuckle of his own.
“You can’t laugh! Laughing is the bane of Chubby Bunny.” Evy giggled at him, handing him another marshmallow. Sylvain waved the marshmallow off. He barely made 18, there was no way he was making 19.
“Are you tapping out?” Claude asked in disbelief, “Get that marshmallow in there, son!” Claude took the marshmallow from Evy, trying to help Sylvain get it in his mouth. They both were laughing too hard to accomplish the feat. Felix barely had his 19th in but was determined to go for 20 when he saw Sylvain going for 19.
Before Sylvain could get 19 he laugh/coughed most of his marshmallows out. Felix slammed both of his hands on the table and flipped Sylvain off with both middle fingers. He spit out his marshmallows onto a plate, “Fuck off! Who’s little now?!”
“Damn! What the hell, Felix?” Sylvain chuckled rubbing his sore cheeks. Apparently one could never underestimate Felix when he was trying to prove someone wrong.
The table erupted into excited chatter about how Felix was able to beat everyone, despite thinking the game was ridiculous AND not even liking sweets (which Mercedes and Lysithea found an absolute crime).
The rest of the night was spent laughing, joking, and drinking, thanks to Claude and Sylvain. Turned out that Sylvain was a master drink mixer, raiding the Monastery cupboards and his own room stash for booze. They started the party in the dining hall, Dimitri reluctantly joining in on the drinking, though “not too much as it wouldn’t be very becoming for a King.” Once the party in the dining hall ended, the Blue Lions took their party back to the dorm rooms. Well, Sylvain’s dorm room so as not to disturb Claude, who had already been exclaiming he would be having a massive headache the next day.
The Blue Lion house shoved themselves into the boy’s room: crowding on the bed, his desk, and any spare chairs they could fit in the room. They drank, except for Dimitri, Dedue, and Mercedes, who mother-henned the group instead – forcing water on them and food as the night went on. Evy had never felt so apart of the group, wedged between Ingrid and Felix and laughing along with the rest of class. It was quite humorous to see the intoxicated side of some of their classmates.
“Evy! Remember when Lea broke his ankle, and I broke my arm that summer?” Sylvain shouted. Evy was not far enough away for him to need to shout, but he thought it was appropriate.
“How did you break your arm that summer? You refused to tell us the story.” Dimitri was sitting properly in Sylvain’s desk chair. He’d refused to sit on the desk itself like Sylvain was, because ‘that was not how desks were meant to be used.’ He did however, let Annette sit in front of his legs and use them as her back rest.
Sylvain broke out in more laughter. He jumped off his desk to dig around his dresser. Dimitri cringed, “Please tell me this story is appropriate.”
“Shh. I’m getting the demonstration ready.” Sylvain chided, pulling out an extra blanket.
“I’ll break your arm for you.” Felix volunteered, earning a jab in the ribs from Evy. Felix looked to her with a frown, “What? I would.”
Sylvain waved Felix off and grabbed all four corners of the blanket. “So, you know how when you fall, you feel all the wind blowing from the ground up at you? Well, we were like, dude, what if when you jump, you had something to catch the wind and then you could use the wind to make you fly instead of falling?! So, we got blankets like this, and grabbed all the corners and then we went up on top of the training hall and jumped off to see if it works!” Sylvain frowned at the memory, finally getting to the ending, “Turns out, you lose your grip and fall down anyway. Or if you don’t lose your grip, like Lea, you still don’t fly. Was really a bummer actually. I think I made out better though because I only broke my arm. Lea couldn’t walk for weeks.”
Dimitri sighed, rubbing his face, “Oh dear Goddess. If I’d known you were going to be so much trouble I wouldn’t have left you alone.”
Sylvain scoffed, “Please. We were conducting science. That’s hardly trouble.”
“You broke the Prince’s ankle.”
“I didn’t do it. Air did…well technically the ground when he landed.” Sylvain shrugged, tossing the blanket down to Annette who had been reaching for it.
Mercedes giggled, covering her mouth with her hand, “How did you spend that summer Your Highness? If not with Sylvain and this Lea.”
Dimitri smiled, fondly recalling the memories of that summer. He looked at his summer-mate as he answered, “I spent it with Evyanna, actually. While Sylvain and her younger brother, Lea got into massive amounts of mischief, we spent the summer exploring.”
“Exploring…” Sylvain winked, giving Dimitri a suggestive look.
The Prince’s face turned bright red, “N-not like that!” That was a slight lie. “There’s lots of beautiful sights in Zelshire.”
“Oh, I know it.” Sylvain continued to give Dimitri a shit-eating grin. While the rest of the class laughed at Dimitri’s expense, except Felix. Felix narrowed his eyes at the Prince.
Dimitri became increasingly flustered under Sylvain’s gaze and the Lion’s laughter, “I-I didn’t mean…I mean, not that the Princess isn’t…I-that’s not-“ Dimitri took a breath, “we just explored the nature trails and-“
“A happy trail, eh?”
“Sylvain!” Dimitri scolded, “We were far too young for such things.”
“Yeah, that’s fair. I’m not even sure you got a good beard coming in now.”
Evy couldn’t help the round of giggles that came through, leaning on Felix’s shoulder to help stifle them. It wasn’t really working.
“Okay, okay. You guys it is getting late!” Dimitri chided. This had to stop before things got worse. “This has been a fantastic night, but we should all be getting to be bed.”
“Fuck off, Boar Prince.” Felix, who’d lost what little filter he had during the night especially after the prior conversation, rolled his eyes at him.
Evy put a finger to Felix’s surprisingly soft lips, “Shhh, Fe. Be polite.”
“Oh, fucking kiss already.” Sylvain muttered to himself and Ashe, who he’d leaned into. He chugged the last of his drink quickly.
“Dimitri is right, Felix.” Mercedes stepped in, hoping that Felix would be nicer if she was the one to dictate, “It’s getting late and you need your rest so you can train tomorrow.”
The promise of training caught Felix’s attention and he stopped arguing. Reluctantly, and with some more mothering from Dimitri and Mercedes, they all started packing up. Mercedes took Annette and Ingrid down to the girls’ side of the dorms while Dimitri walked Ashe back down to the first floor. Evy lingered around Felix and Sylvain. Sylvain’s bed was too comfy to get up quite yet.
“Come on, we gotta train tomorrow.” Felix held out his hands to help her up. She groaned slightly but took them. Being an adult sucked sometimes.
“I just wanna take a nap.” She whined, leaning against his chest for a brief moment. Her legs lumbered her out the door and down the familiar hall. She’d give almost anything to be able to close her eyes and sleep with how tired she felt. Now that the high of victory and the buzz of her friends had worn off she was beat.
She heard Felix tell Sylvain to shut up behind her and she giggled. He was quite the character. Unlike any noble she’d ever met. He’d be an interesting heir. Part of her was really bummed that she wouldn’t get to see much of him once she left the monastery.
“Hey, Leighton.” His slightly slurred voice sounded behind her, along with slightly rushing footsteps.
Her bright leafy green eyes looked back at him, “Felix, you passed your ro-” Evy was cut off by his body crashing into hers, his hungry lips devouring her. She eagerly returned his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him closer to her. Felix picked her up under her legs and pressed her back against the wall, deepening their impromptu make-out session.
Dimitri skipped back up the steps from ensuring Ashe made it to his room safely but stopped dead when he saw the amorous display in the hallway. He let out a small gasp as his eyes widened, but the sound did nothing to deter the apparent lovers. Sylvain was behind the pair, standing in his own doorway, giving Dimitri a thumbs up and a big grin. Dimitri wondered if Sylvain had decided to challenge Felix again and now this was the result.
The prince awkwardly walked by the couple, politely avoiding them with his eyes.
“Liquid courage strikes again.” Sylvain chuckled when Dimitri was in earshot.
“I didn’t realize Felix had feelings for Evyanna that way.” Dimitri admitted, his own heart conflicted at the sight of them together. But perhaps that was just their previous betrothment talking.
Sylvain scoffed, “Please, that’s why he avoided her for two months. He was trying to get over his little crush. I finally convinced him to man up tonight.” Sylvain grinned at the couple, proud of his handywork.
Dimitri reluctantly looked back at them. They’d stopped kissing, though Felix still had Evy pressed against the wall. Their foreheads were connected as they shared a smile between each other. Both of them looked rather happy. If his friends were happy, then he could be happy for them.
“You aren’t going to watch them all night, are you?” Dimitri was just as reluctant to ask Sylvain the question, more because he feared the answer.
“Nah. I just wanted to make sure he’d actually kiss her.”
Dimitri exhaled in relief, “Well, it appears you got your wish.” And with that, he went to try and sleep.
Evyanna and Felix did quite the opposite – kissing, grinding, and teasing until they were both left tired and panting. It was too soon for sex; they were buzzed and had only just expressed romantic interest in one another. Sex could wait. Besides, Evyanna found herself dizzy just from Felix’s lips. Well, alcohol might have offered some help too.
Felix was a bit surprised to find Evyanna curled up against his chest in the morning until the memories of the night before came flooding back…Sylvain telling him that Dimitri was going to confess feelings for Evy…him being…well, pissed at the thought…stopping her in the hallway…shoving her against the wall…attacking each other with hot kisses…her breath against his skin…shit.
He ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed. Fucking alcohol, making him act on his feelings.
Evyanna shifted on top of him, hugging him tighter. The two of them on the bed was a bit of a tight squeeze. Felix supposed it could’ve been worse – at least he got to be with her, and she didn’t reject him.
“Good morning.” She whispered rubbing her face against his tunic, nuzzling against him.
“Morning.” He rubbed her arm with another sigh. Part of him wanted himself to stop ruining this moment, but the other part was irritated at himself for letting it happen. What happened to trying to forget his feelings for her?
Evy peered up at him with shy eyes, as if she could tell exactly what he was thinking. This possibility made Felix even more uncomfortable, “Are you upset?”
That was a loaded question. Of course, he was upset – he acted on emotions he had been trying for months to get rid of . But, in reality…he did like it…fuck. “No.” He muttered, trying to avoid her eyes. How pathetic would it be to bother her with his internal conflict the first night they spent together? What was he, the Boar?
“You don’t sound sure.” Evy was having none of his avoidance and propped herself up on her arm so she could look him in the face. She was so beautiful, her bright green eyes so sweet and gentle, just like her soft features, in the morning. Her hair was a mess, but Felix was 100% certain that was partially his fault as well. Even still, she was everything Felix was not: gentle, loving, open…how the hell did such a soft person have feelings for a rough-around-the-edges swordsman? Perhaps he should take her feelings while she had them; before she wisened up and ditched him.
“I-I am.” He decided. “It’s just…different.” That part wasn’t a lie. Felix had never been interested in the relationship aspect of people before. Not until she skipped her way into his life.
She smiled softly at him, rubbing his cheek with her thumb in a gentle way that made him blush. “It is different, but I think it’s a good different.”
“Good different.” Felix agreed quietly. Anything more and he’d start stumbling over his words due to her touch. She kissed his other cheek and gave him one more quick cuddle before they had to get ready. He felt cold as she left the bed and mentally he hated himself. No way he could start this lovey shit…fuck.
“Good morning, Evy, Felix. How did- oh Goddess.” Dimitri’s face burned at breakfast as he realized that he didn’t want to know the answer to the question he almost asked.
Next to him, Sylvain snickered, but the new couple couldn’t figure out why.
“How did what?” Evy asked, encouraging him to keep going while not understanding why he paused in the first place. Dimitri seemed embarrassed about something. Perhaps the fact that he’d been drinking with them the night before? Evy didn’t remember him doing anything embarrassing. He only had one mixed drink before he cut himself off. Sylvain, Felix, and Annette had been much heavier drinkers.
“Um, how did…I mean, how was…good morning.” Dimitri’s face was positively red with embarrassment. He really didn’t want to ask the question but could figure out no good way out of it.
Felix narrowed his eyes at the boy, “What’s wrong with you? You’re even more incompetent than normal.”
“Well, I…I have to go.” Dimitri blurted out, getting up and rushing out of the dining hall. Evy and Felix shared a confused look. Sylvain burst out laughing, his face red for an entirely different reason than Dimitri’s had been.
“What’s his problem?” Felix demanded, “Why are you laughing?”
“He-...” Sylvain let out another bout of hysteria, “He saw you!”
“What?” Evy prayed to the Goddess that Sylvain did not mean what she thought he meant. She could feel her own cheeks starting to tinge with heat.
“In…the…hall.” Sylvain spit out between gasps of air.
Oh, dear Goddess.
Felix jumped up from his seat and sprinted out of the dining hall before Sylvain could get out another word. He ran up the retreating blonde and shoved him against the nearest pillar, “You tell ANYONE what you saw and I-I’ll-“
“No! No! I-I would never!” Dimitri stammered out, holding his hands up in surrender. Felix’s actions were starting to draw a crowd and Dimitri was getting even redder.
“Good! Because if you do, I’ll commit treason right here in front of everyone!” Felix threatened. He released the man after another good glare and pushed his raven hair out of his face.
“Right, yes. Understood.” Dimitri straightened himself out as well, looking anywhere but at Felix. “So,” he questioned after a few moments, “does this mean you guys aren’t-“ “No, we are.” Felix muttered, also not meeting Dimitri’s eyes. Fuck, did he just admit to Dimitri that he had a girlfriend?
“Oh. Okay…?”
“Just because we are doesn’t mean you get to talk about my love life.”
Dimitri nodded in understanding, “Right, of course not.”
From that point on Felix and Evy considered themselves “dating” but nothing much changed about their relationship from what anyone could tell. Most people in the monastery didn’t even know they were dating aside from Sylvain and Dimitri (and Ingrid because Sylvain could hardly keep a secret until Ingrid threatened him about telling anyone else). Felix and Evy still trained daily, talked during meals and class, and hung out at night. Nothing about their daily routine had changed. No displays of affection were shared. Not since the drunken night in her dorm room.
The only noticeable difference was that Evy appeared to tell Felix anytime she went anywhere. It was never a long conversation, instead going something simple like:
“Hey, you, I’m going to get dinner with the girls.”
“Hi Felix, I’m going to the market with Ashe.”
The first few times were moot. Felix was indifferent about the new development in their relationship. But it became constant, Evy seemingly interrupting his training at all hours just to tell him a stupid, trivial fact. He had hoped his evident irritation would ward her off, but she seemed oblivious to his frustrations as the days went on. It was hard to train when someone was constantly yammering at him.
“Hey, Felix. I’m going-“
“I don’t care!” He finally snapped, dropping his sword and turning to face her, “I don’t care where you go. Just go and get out of my face!”
Evy’s cheerful face fell, hurt by his sudden anger towards her. She didn’t understand what she’d done to upset him so much, “Oh. I-I’m sorry.”
“Look, this really isn’t working out.” He continued fuming at her, well past the point of no return.
“Wh-what?” Evy was completely thrown off guard. She thought things had been going really well. Slow, but well.
“You keep interrupting my training and you’re getting in my way, just like I thought a relationship would. If I want to keep getting better I can’t have you bugging me every 10 seconds with stupid information. I was right all along, okay: relationships aren’t for me. This was just a stupid mistake.”
Evy felt like the wind was completely knocked out of her chest. She struggled to get the words out at a volume he could hear, “Oh…ok.”
Trying to save a shred of her dignity, she turned and walked out. She’d had plans to have dinner with Sylvain and Dimitri, but her brain could barely function let alone sit through a dinner. She walked back to her dorm room on autopilot, still trying to register what the hell happened. She thought things were going very decently. A little slow on the emotional end, but she was trying to be patient with him since this was presumably his first relationship.
Dimitri was concerned when Evy didn’t show up for dinner. Even more concerned when she hadn’t just been caught up training with Felix. Even more concerned when she was completely silent and barely functional during class the next week. He was not the most observant creature, but between her sadness, Ingrid’s glares, and Felix’s rolling waves of frustration, Dimitri pieced it together: They’d been fighting.
He was not one to pry so he tried to be supportive from a casual distance, asking her to dinner and training more than normal. In the beginning she occasionally accepted his offers, but as time went on she was more and more willing to spend time with him again. He was glad that her and Felix were slowly working things out. He knew Felix could be quite stubborn.
He thought things were much better, so he was surprised to find her crying on his doorstep in the middle of the night with a few bags packed.
“Ah...Evyanna! What’s the matter?”
“I-I have to go!” She sobbed, shoving a letter in his hands with her shaky ones.
“You’re leaving the monastery?” Dimitri panicked. How bad had things with Felix gotten if she was leaving in the middle of the night?
Evy nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks, “I-I have to go home. Just read the letter. Tell the Professor I-I’m sorry I couldn’t tell her in person.”
Dimitri caught her arm as she turned to leave, pulling her into a quick hug, “Please be safe, Evyanna. And please reconsider when you have had some time. I’m sure Felix will come around.”
Dimitri paused, “Y-you’re leaving because Felix…”
“No, Goddess, Dimitri, Felix and I broke up almost two weeks ago? I-I dunno. J-just read the letter. I really have to g-go!” She hiccupped through her tears and waved before rushing down the hall. Her and Felix had broken up that long ago? What? Here he thought things were better. Yet here he was just as clueless as he usually was.
He opened up the tear-stained letter and read, his jaw dropping as he did.
The heir to the throne: Quentin Augustus Leighton...was dead….
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the-himawari · 4 years
A3! Rurikawa Yuki - Translation [SR] Banquet of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Tenma: Today’s talk show, how was it?
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Kazunari: The vibes were really lit!
Misumi: The guests clapped a lot for us too~!
Izumi: The screening party was a really popular, and the talk was also lively.
Muku: I was also watching, it was really interesting! The stories about the time of Sardines were nostalgic…
Yuki: So you came to see after all.
Kumon: How nice~! I wish I also could’ve went~!
Kazunari: Heh? By the way Yukki, weren’t you saying you’ll take a polaroid picture?
Kumon: The planned present that Sakyo-san was saying?
Yuki: I took it a while ago.
Kazunari: Eh!? At what point!?
Izumi: We took it while Kazunari-kun and Misumi-kun were going back to the dressing room.
Kazunari: Seriously! Eh— I wanna see, wanna see!
Misumi: Me too~! Yuki, show us~!
Yuki: It can’t be helped…
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Kumon: Uwah! Yuki, super cute—!
Muku: Wahh… You look like an idol!
Tenma: Hmmm… Well isn’t it alright?
Yuki: Ah it’s here, your highness’ viewpoint.
Tenma: Hey, I’m complimenting you though!
Izumi: Ahaha, well well. Then Yuki-kun, after, sign the polaroid and bring it back, ok?
Yuki: Got it.
Izumi: —! (Where is this, here… Somehow it seems familiar?)
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???: —.
Izumi: !?
Shiro: Shhh—…It’s not good to shout here nya.
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Izumi: O-ok. (I don’t really understand the situation but… For now let’s nod.)
Shiro: Nyalright, follow Shiro!
Izumi: (The town is overflowing with people with cat ears…) (Yuki-kun also has Shiro’s appearance so, Perhaps here is The Adventure for Sardines��� world.) …uh? Huh!? (Before I knew it, I also got fluffy cat ears…!)
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Shiro: Heh~! Safe rescue nyaccomplished! Nyafter, we’ll join up with Kuro. It’s great you can come out to the outside world nya~!
Izumi: (For now, it seems better to go with the story.) Um…Thank you for saving me.
Shiro: Don’t mention it nya. …At any rate, You have beautiful skill nya~. What’s your nyame?
Izumi: Umm, it’s Izumi.
Shiro: Izumi… Alright! I’ll get Izumi to become my wife nya!
Izumi: Wife!? (As expected this is development seems way too fast…!)
Shiro: …You can’t nya?
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Izumi: (I-if he looks at me with eyes like that, I can’t refuse… What should I do…!)
Izumi: Hm…?
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Cat: …Nya.
Izumi: !? C-could it be, Shiro…?
Yuki: …Hey, there’s no way.
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Izumi: Yuki-kun!?
Yuki: It looks like he came in from somewhere. He probably came bringing a triangle for Misumi again. I'll have to take him to where Misumi is.
Cat: Nya~.
Izumi: That surprised me… I just had a dream about Sardines, Then Shiro in cat form appeared.
Yuki: No matter how you put it, you’re too half-asleep.
Izumi: I wonder if it’s because, for the first time in a long time, I saw the Sardines show video or the talk show where everyone wore their costumes.
Yuki: Well, that could be it.
Option 1: "The talk show was fun."
Izumi: I also said this before, but the talk show was really fun. Shiro’s line too was hugely popular with the audience members! It sure was cute.
Yuki: …”Izumi’s also madly in love with Shiro nya?”
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Cat: Nya?
Izumi: —!
Yuki: Pfft… What a face you’re making.
Izumi: A-ahaha… (I recalled the dream from before, And my heart kind of skipped a beat…)
Yuki: Well, from now on I’ll keep drawing the audience and you in with various costumes and plays. Expect it.
Izumi: Yeah! I’m looking forward to it.
Option 2: "Both Shiro and the costumes were as cute as usual."
Izumi: Both Shiro and the costumes were really cute as usual.
Yuki: Of course, it’s like that with any costume, but there’s various feelings and memories in Sardines’ costumes as well… so I like them. Because the costume design was thought up together with Kazunari and… the fact it’s my first stage with a starring role that was created together with the summer troupe guys and you.
Izumi: Yeah!
Yuki: By the way… You have bed hair, you know.
Izumi: Eh, no way!?
Yuki: I lied. Don’t doze off in a place like this and rest properly, okay?
Cat: Nya.
Yuki: See, this guy here is saying the same too.
Izumi: Fufu, that’s true. Both Yuki-kun and Mr. Kitty, thank you. (I’m being healed by one cute person and one cute animal…)
Yuki: …What’s with that face?
Izumi: Nope, it’s nothing. Here here, *pet pet*.
Cat: Nya~.
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mikewheelerr · 5 years
Fairy Lights ♡ Hanzier
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                   a/n: This is my  @itfandomprompts Secret Santa Gift for @boopboopbichie, you asked for some cute christmassy fluff, specifically the whole “decorating the house for christmas” theme; have a cute first date AND first kiss, too. This wouldn’t be half as cute as it is now without my best friend’s @hypnoidvoid amazing work on editing this for me, thank you so much I love you to death. EnJOY!
warnings: ...Richie curses in spanish
“Come on, Richie, everyone has a crush on Mike.” Stan said, looking up from his raspberry milkshake. The straw was still resting on his plump bottom lip, and his eyes were playful, hiding a fond smile. “But I can help you with asking him out.”
Richie ran a hand through his curls, and stared at him. They were at the college diner, a tuesday afternoon before the holiday season, and more importantly, before finals. “And you’re gonna help me with asking him out after he dumped you?”
“Well yeah, dipshit. We’re friends,” Stan sipped on his milkshake.
Richie did the same, still looking at him, “Mike is the only guy who can turn you down and still be your best friend. Also he didn’t dump me, he was with someone else when I asked him out, just so you know.”
“So…” Richie muttered, “he had a boyfriend?”
“Jesus Richie, no! A girlfriend.” Richie’s eyes widened at that, almost choking and spilling out his banana milkshake. He widened his eyes at Stan, the latter curly haired man holding back a laugh, his dimples deeply creviced within his cheeks.
“Stan the traitor man! Does he still have a girlfriend?”
“I don’t know. You’ll have to see for yourself,” Stan said, analyzing one of the books he had on the table. Richie’s messy handwriting was around all of the texts and images among various messily drawn penises all over the pages.
“You wound me.”
“I don’t know why I let you write on my books, honestly. You haven’t stopped drawing dicks since third grade-‘’
“I counted on you. Un corazón a menos.”
“Richie, what?” Stan looked up, smiling at him.
“My heart’s in shreds, Stanley. Or something like that. Thinking of finally asking the hot cashier out was what kept me going during these finals all this time,” Richie huffed, leaning his chin on his hand, glasses askew on his face.
“Now I gotta make some field research, since UCLA’s most unreliable jew who’s also my best friend since I was a kid, didn’t want to fill me in on the fact that he might not even like the forbidden fruit!” Richie said, not even losing his breath after talking so much in such a short amount of time. Stan checked for any signs that indicated Richie actually had to breathe, and there were none. Impressive.
“Christ, so dramatic. Forbidden fruit? Richie,” Stan laughed. Richie looked up at him with a huff before smiling and retrieving a second paper straw from his fanny pack, and sipping more of his milkshake.
“How many straws do you even have. I’m pretty sure you’ve been using this red one for three days. It’s all… shrunken.”
“Recycling is the key, Stanny.” Richie tapped the purple fannypack across his chest. The accessory carried straws, pens, Richie’s ID, his phone and countless packs of gum and mints and the trash he produced with them during the week: it demanded a decluttering at the end of every day, however. Richie only actually did it when Stan dragged him in front of a dumpster outside random classrooms around campus.
“Richie on a more serious note, I don't think he still has a girlfriend. From what I’ve gathered, he’s a pretty open guy. Stick to the plan and ask him out on Christmas. It’s gonna be fine. Mike’s a nice guy,” Stan assured him, holding Richie’s gaze.
They kept on studying, Stan rewriting Richie’s messy notes and Richie tapping on the diner’s table every so often. It no longer bothered Stan how fidgety Richie was. As the time passed by, he learned to separate the obnoxious sounds Richie would start to make after about five minutes of silence. He didn’t mind it one bit, he knew Richie couldn’t control it. If anything, it was fun to watch other people get bothered about it. It made them leave after some time and that left the whole place for him and Richie.
Richie woke up the next day to the sound of slamming on his door. Initially, he considered pretending he wasn’t there, which wouldn’t be a surprise. When Stan had told him he would spend the night at Bill’s dorm, it was almost too hard to believe.
“No way!”
“Yes. It’s our third date.”
“You’re sleeping over at his place? Staniel… Woo Hoo!”
“Yes. I am,” Stan chanted, neatly packing a change of clothes. He eyed Richie, “Mike will probably be there, you know. I could try and get you in his good graces before you ask him out.”
Richie hugged Stan as he cried out, “Stan the Man!”
“I will not be there for Mike, though. I’ll be there for Bill. If he still thinks I’m not gay I will, respectfully, throw a fit,” Stan huffed, packing one of the books he shared with Richie into his bag.
“He still didn’t get the hint?” Richie laughed.
“Well after today if he needs any further indication that I’m gay, I think all the dicks you draw on my books will be good enough,” Stan admitted.
“Richie!” Stan said behind the door and Richie opened one of his eyes. Did he forget his keys?
“Finals have been canceled!”
That made him open the other eye, surging up on his bed.
“Open the door-“
“Yeah! Open the door, dude!”
He heard Bill. Bill was there too?  
Richie jostled out of his bed, the blinding light inside the room making him reach in front of him with his hands, using his muscle memory to feel his way towards the door. He opened it with a creak, and Stan and Bill stepped inside to shut the door behind them. They looked at Richie amusedly.
“You forgot your keys?” Richie mumbled at Stan.
“I went straight here and left my bag at Bill’s, we already passed this semester. Our teachers came down with chickenpox.”
“Wahh?” Richie blindly blinked.
“Yeah. One of Mr. Hill’s children passed it on to all of them,” Bill expressed with a snide smile on his face.
“We t-thought substitute teachers would do it, but turns out none of our teachers…. I talked to some of the teachers, including Stan’s chemistry teacher, cause he- has fi-finals and you too,”  and Richie noticed the blush creeping up Bill’s cheeks as he mentioned his talk with Stan’s teacher. He shot a look at Stan, who was already looking at him with a proud look on his face, “L-Like as soon as I heard it, they said they didn’t even have the exams ready. And I have no idea if they’ll decide to do something else when we get back, but we got lucky for now at least. The grades you have now will be your final grades.”
“Oh?” Richie chirped, looking at Stan to continue, “Wait..”
“There’s probably a new rule or something. They really talked about not applying the exams at all.”
“Yes. We already got 75% of our grade. A+ for me, A- for you.”
“But wait, what happened exactly?” Richie asked in a haze of his own waking trance from sleep. Stan figured Richie didn’t hear anything except that finals were canceled.
“They said Mr. Hill’s son, or I think it probably was Mr. Hill himself, had the chickenpox while he was here. Our teachers and Bill’s came down with it. I don’t know about all of the teachers but ours at least canceled exams.”
“Christ,” Richie mused. Bill perked one of his eyebrows up at that, noticing how Stan’s saying showed off to Richie. Stan sometimes would draw dicks around the ones Richie drew, so Bill could only imagine they were… learning from each other. Richie looked at Bill for the first time, truly noticing that they was actually in his dorm. Bill had a backpack strung across his shoulders.
“Well good morning to you man,” and Richie looked at Stan and winked, “You’re going home today?”
“No, but good morning Rich,” Bill said, following Stan and sitting on his own bed. They sat very close together, and the smile on Stan’s face warmed Richie’s heart. He smiled.
“Yeah Stan and I are going back to Derry, you can come too and stay with us! But, Mike— he’s still there.” Bill gave Richie a sympathetic look.
“Oh my god,” Richie squeaked, peering at Stan.
“Now is the time, Rich,” Stan said. He looked at Bill and he quickly retrieved his keys from his pockets and gave them to Stan.
“Here: one, five, three. Red opens the door, and if Mike isn't there, will you get my bag?”
“Okay okay okay,” and Richie grabbed the keys and scurried out of his dorm, going on a messy and strange strut to where he could only imagine the 153th dorm was located at. He found it pretty quickly too, to his surprise. The knock on the door came out as a bit of a slam.
The door opened, and Richie’s eyes widened comically as he saw Mike Hanlon standing there.
“Good morning,” Mike smiled. “How’s it going, Richie?”
“Hi,” Richie said. He stared at Mike, biting at his inner bottom lip. So Mike remembered him?
“Oh, sorry. Were you looking for your friend, Stan? He left a while ago with Bill. It’s just me.”
“No it’s you. It’s you I’m looking for,” Richie rushed out. “Fuck, this sounds creepy. But Stan told me you might be heading out since finals are- might be canceled for you, so I came here now.”
“Oh! Do you want to come in?” Mike stepped back, opening the door further. Richie gave him a nervous smile before entering his dorm and turning back to him, delving his hands into in his pant pockets. Except there were…. no pockets? He looked down only to see his pajama pants printed with cartoon ducks. Oh.
Mike was already looking at him and he let out a grin. “Those are great PJ’s.”
Richie laughed, “Thanks my dude.” He was already there in his ridiculously ugly pajamas instead of minimally presentable clothing like Mike was wearing, so he might as well just deal with it. They were, after all, his favorites.
“They’re my favorite. It says Trashmouth on the back. See?” Richie turned, craning his head to the side and looking back at Mike as best as he could.
It was a cute thing to do, Mike thought.
“I see it, it’s uh… it’s awesome. I have a few pairs of duck pajamas too,” Mike said jokingly. “So… everything okay?” His tone was slightly serious now, but still warm.
“Yeah… Everything is fine,” Richie said, looking up at Mike, “Iwaswondering if…. a date…. with me…. you, yeah maybe you, go… Jesus,” Richie garbled.
“Sorry. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me sometime, man,” Richie said, with a nervous laugh. He analyzed his feet, but then he looked up.
This was Mike.
“I’ve been thinking about asking you out after finals, it really motivated me to study and carry on with it, and I’ve been noticing you all year so….  figured I should give it a try,” Richie further explained. Mike’s eyes were as warm as ever, yet, he still seemed a little shocked. Maybe.
He continued, “But it’s cool. I’m already really fucking crazy to ask you out, respectfully. I’m doing this out of the blue and I don’t even really know if you’re gay, I thought Stan knew, but I just found out he doesn’t and he just said you’re kind, and yeah you are, but I’m still sorry, like it can be a no homo thing. No homo. Only-if-you-want homo thing. Or not. A thing, uh, I don’t know Mike I’m so sorry dude I promise I’m not this creepy I’m just ramblin-” Richie inhaled, the blush on his cheeks making his whole face warm. His fingers were slightly trembling and he forgot how all this had felt this year. It kinda sucked.
“You’re not creepy, Richie,” Mike chuckled. Richie couldn’t fully understand it, but even he would notice the difference of mood. Out of all the smiles, the Mike Hanlon smile was the brightest.
“Yes, I’ll go on a homo date with you. I have a crush on you too, dude.”
“Oh? Okay okay, really?” Richie perked up at that, staring at Mike.
“Yes, I’ve had my eye on you since you had green hair,” Mike laughed, and Richie started to cackle.
“Oh my  God, Mike, wowowowow,” he laughed, eyes bright at Mike. Richie Tozier may have been  the strangest, yet cutest guy Mike had ever met.
“Why did you wait until finals were over?” Mike asked.
“Why didn’t you ask me out when I had green hair?” Richie countered.
“I guess fair is fair,” Mike said. “And that was way before my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend,” Richie’s face fell.
“Yeah. Oh, well, we’re not dating anymore,” Mike assured him. The butterflies creeping up in their bellies was the best feeling they both had in a long time.
“Yet,” Mike corrected. Richie perked up one of his eyebrows at that, and smirked.
“Misión cumplida. Éxito. Aí carajo,” Richie cheered. “So um… When can we go on our date?”
“I’m going to Derry soon with Stan and Bill, are you going there too?”
“Nah, my parents are in Boston for the holidays. I’ll go there for Christmas and New Years,” Richie said, frowning.
“Okay… Well if you don’t mind seeing a place you’re more than acquainted with... do you like decorating for Christmas?” Mike asked. The way Richie’s eyes brightened at that could only be accurately interpreted by the unevenness of his contact lenses; the film on his left eye suddenly popped out of his iris, falling down on Mike’s flooring with a small, lewd pop.
“Oh!” Mike laughed as Richie stared down at the floor. There was no way he would find it without his glasses, or one contacted eyeball. Mike walked over to him and easily picked up his contact lens from the floor, “I was wondering how you were seeing me.”
“Now I’m seeing you barely at all,” Richie said with a somewhat shy smile as he opened his hand for Mike to drop the contact lens on it. “I was only wearing one.”
“Unprepared,” Richie looked up at the blur that was Mike now. “When can I come?”
“Today, if you want. I still gotta take my last exam in a few hours but I already have the decorations here.”
“It’s a date!” Richie smiled. “See you at…”
“Neato, see you at seven,” Richie said and added, “Oh, is Stan’s bag here? You know, vintage, brown, boring?”
Mike walked to the corner of the room and retrieved Stan’s bag from the wardrobe, “Here it is.”
“Thank you. See ya,” Richie said and felt his way to the door. Once Mike closed the door, his excited ‘WOOOOO’ was heard by the whole building, but he did not care at all, and neither did Mike.
It was precisely 6:30 when Richie arrived at Mike’s door: glasses, damp hair, a pair of black jeans, vans, and bomber jacket. He didn’t even have to knock for Mike to open the door. Mike quickly revealed himself, wearing grey casual pants and  a plain white shirt under a warm dark sweater. The giddy smiles they shared when they first saw each other stayed for the whole night.
“Hello Richie.”
“Hewwo,” Richie said walking in.
“Woah!” He halted his feet, turning back to Mike, “...a Christmas tree?!”
There it was, right in the middle of the small room. It barely fit the room, standing tall and proud and green. “Oh my God. How did you fit this in here without getting caught?” Richie asked, grinning and caressing the tree, “Holy shit, is this tree real?”
“Got it after my final exam,” Mike proudly explained, standing beside Richie and smiling at him. “I got an A, and even with the A I still got caught.”
Richie turned to him and raised his eyebrows, “You did?”
“Yeah, I talked them out of snitching by giving them some chocolate pudding. It wasn’t hard.”
“When you say ‘them’ you mean…”
“The monitor and Mrs. Spinoza,” Mike said, laughing as Richie began to cackle.
“Shall we begin?” Mike asked and Richie nodded, rubbing his hands on the front of his jeans. His palms hadn’t stopped sweating since he left Mike’s dorm earlier, and he didn’t feel like it would ever stop. And, strangely, he didn’t want it to.
There were two big boxes sitting in the corner of the room and they opened them together. They were filled with fairy lights, ribbons of assorted colors, stringed candy, candles, sparkled garlands, colorful ball ornaments, and, “Pom Poms?” Richie asked, cradling three red pom poms in his hands.
“Time for you to discover one of Richie Tozier’s many hidden talents, chap,” and he started juggling them, gleaming at Mike with a prideful grin.
“They’re really fancy— you can juggle?” Mike asked, perplexed as Richie kept going.
“Uh huh,” Richie said, “they get my hands tired though, I’m only doing it to impress ya.”
“Well, I’m impressed. Good job.”
“All according to plan,” Richie smiled, stopping his movements.
He went to the second box after Mike opened it, and it was full of more ball ornaments and a star topping. Only these were… “Rainbow ornaments?” Richie asked, excited. It was time for Mike’s cheeks to get warm.
“Yeah. Hope it’s subtle enough,” he said, fake-shuffling through the box. Richie was staring at his profile at that, a dumbstruck smile on his face. The Christmas lights were hung first, and Richie was eager to flip them on to illuminate the tree.
“It’s magic, Mikey,” Richie sweetly smiled, his eyes beacons of blue light.
They talked about school, family back in Derry, and about their friends. Conversation flowed perfectly between them, and at some point none of them hesitated to talk about how they felt. Their giddy smiles grew exponentially, there was no embarrassment in saying how much both of them dreamt of something like this, and with each other above all other things.
It was the perfect Christmas, early as it came.
By the end of the night, the Christmas tree was perfectly (their kind of perfect) decorated with rainbow colors, ribbons, pom poms, and lights spurted out where the room solely sparkled with the fairy lights.
Under those lights, they shared their first kiss.
Mike could still taste the warmed chocolate pudding on Richie’s lips. Richie could feel the candle wax he accidentally splashed across Mike’s face earlier when he reached up to touch his own lips to Mike’s soft ones.
It was perfect.
Their families were too far apart for them to actually spend Christmas together, but they had certain friends in common that would do anything they had to, to make that happen.
And above all, they had each other.
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yurihakamori · 6 years
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Here we go anon! Since you didn’t specify it, I made it a non despair au, I hope that’s okay with you.
Animator Kokichi is grumpy and I love him
Relationships: Kokichi Ouma & Rantaro Amami & Kaede Akamatsu 
Words: 1.8k
Rating: T (for language)
Warnings: None
N/A: Upon @screeching-starz‘s request, Kaede is also switched; she’s the ultimate musician (Ibuki’s talent).
Kokichi counts the minutes to himself as he watches the three students blabbering at him; he isn’t really listening to them – honestly, listening to an imaginary clock ticking in his head is far more interesting than anything his underclassmen have to say.
He makes a point of checking his nails disinterestedly, jaw cracking into a wide yawn. The three finally pause the excited yapping, glancing between themselves before looking at Kokichi with uncertainty.
“Oh, are you guys finished? Man, I really thought you guys would keep going for an entire hour!” He grinned with a cheerfulness that looked too sharp on his lips. “You did manage to go over fifteen minutes, though. I’m impressed by you guys’ score!”
The more Kokichi spoke, more the other students grew with restlessness. It took all of his willpower not to laugh when he saw one of them, a boy with a horrendously bright hair, elbow his friend so she would be forced to step forward. Her pigtails swished as she wiped her head to glare at her friends, then back to him with a smile.
“Uh, sorry, we don’t really understand what… You’re talking about. Are we being a bother?” She finally said, her overly sweet voice grating on Kokichi’s nerves.
He almost let out a cutting remark about how looking cute doesn’t really hide her ugly personality, but he held back. Kokichi wasn’t exactly in the mood to be called a hypocrite, on top of the general annoyance that just being in school was.
Instead, he chuckles and tilts his head.
“Usually people realize I don’t really care about what they have to say in less than five minutes,” he explains, blinking innocently.
The girl is suddenly stunned into silence; her other friend, however, with stern, serious face that gave off the most irritating “proper” aura, didn’t seem to take it too well.
“Don’t you think it’s more than a little rude to be so dismissive when someone is showing interest in your talent?” Proper Boy asks, arms crossed.
He’s way taller than Kokichi is, towering over him in way that would be intimidating, if Kokichi was bothered to give more than a singular fuck.
“What, you want me to pretend this is fun, instead? Well, too bad, I don’t feel like it!” Proper Boy clenches his jaw, and Kokichi doesn’t miss how Bright Hair holds Cutesy by her arm to hold her back.
That’s more interesting than anything they’ve said in the past eighteen minutes.
“Sorry for bothering you, we’ll be going,” Bright Hair says quickly, dragging both of his friends away from Kokichi.
He hears the girl spit out under her breath how ungrateful Kokichi is, the others agreeing with annoyed mumbles of their own.
He yawns again.
“Seriously, are you on a quest to be the Ultimate ass as well as animator?” Someone suddenly says from directly behind Kokichi, who swirls around without much of a fuss, recognizing the voice with ease.
“Oh, you know how it is, I can’t lose my title of number annoyance!” He smiles. “What about you though, sneaking behind me and listening to my conversations in secret… Don’t be a pervert, Amami-chan, that’s gross!” Kokichi sticks his tongue out at said boy, making a disgusted face.
Amami raises his hands in innocence.
“I wasn’t doing anything suspicious like that. I was just wondering what poor soul you were torturing this time when you took so long,” he casually explained, raising a lunch box he was holding in his right hand to dangle it before Kokichi’s eyes.
He stared at it, hunger abruptly making itself known.
“Did my dear Amami-chan bring me food? How thoughtful of you!” The animator didn’t waste time in jumping at it, holding the box protectively to his chest.
Amami wasn’t all that bothered, leaning down to ruffle his hair; Kokichi swatted at his hand in irritation, cheeks puffed out.
“You always steal my food anyways, might as well make some for you.” Amami gestured for Kokichi to start walking, probably in the direction of the roof, where they usually ate together with Akamatsu. His friend eyed him with a clear undertone of disapproval. “Besides, you’ll just forget about eating if I don’t give it to you. Did you even bring anything today?”
“Of course I did, I have Panta and a whole bag of candy!” Kokichi protested, though his focus was on opening his lunch box and checking its contents.
Amami raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Soda and candy aren’t actual food, you sugar addict.” He sighs.
Kokichi is too busy eating to reply to that; not only that, but he doesn’t feel like discussing his unhealthy eating habits again.
“So, what’s up with all those kids?” Amami asked, as the animator already expected he would.
“Oh, you know,” he mumbled through his mouthful of rice. At the glare he gets from Amami for that, Kokichi pointedly chews on his food and swallows it down before speaking again. “Just the usual ‘wahh, I heard you’re animator, that’s amazing!’. I think one of them said something about drawing stick figures, and what anime did I like. Boring stuff like that.”
Amami chuckles sheepishly, scratching his cheek.
“I mean, it wasn’t that bad, right? At least they didn’t ask you to draw something for them this time.” He shrugged.
“That’s a really low bar, Amami-chan.” Kokichi huffed. “It’s boring, I don’t wanna talk to them.”
“You don’t want to talk to anybody,” Amami points out.
“Exactly! My dear Amami-chan understands me so well, that’s why I love you!” He bats his eyelids cutely, though the effect is probably lessened by food all over his face.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t go and become a complete shut-in, you already look like a vampire.” He eyed Kokichi’s pale skin, who pouted in response.
“My skin is delicate and beautiful, you’re just jealous of it.”
The conversation trailed off into silence, which didn’t particularly bother the animator. Honestly, he preferred it to stay that way, since he could see the pensive expression his friend always got right before breaking into some ‘serious conversation’ about the latest thing Kokichi did to worry him.
Amami worried too much, really.
They get as far as the last flight of stairs without any words being said, enough to fool Kokichi into thinking he’s off the hook this time. But then, Amami grips his wrist, stopping the animator in his track. He pulls away from the sudden touch, his friend wincing as he easily lets go.
“Hey, so. How is your animation going?” He asked, way too casual to be actually casual.
“I restarted it,” Kokichi deadpans, sounding bored by the question.
“Oh, that’s a lot of work to redo,” he commented.
Amami opened his mouth to say something, but was abruptly cut off by quick footsteps approaching them and, soon enough, a girl crashed right in the boy’s back. She groaned in pain.
“That’s one way to greet someone,” Amami said with a chuckle.
“What are you doing standing around on the stairs, geez…” The girl whined. Akamatsu, with her stupidly colorful outfit, turned to Kokichi with a smile. “Are you guys having a secret party?”
The smaller boy rolled his eyes, while Amami laughed.
“Nah, I was just having a talk with Ouma,” the green haired boy said, giving Akamatsu a meaningful look, who returned it. Amami made a not so subtle gesture of the head towards Kokichi.
Seriously, what do they think they’re doing, he’s literally right there.
“Ko-chan, Ko-chan! So, how are you doing?” Akamatsu asked excitedly, approaching Kokichi and making grabby hands at him. “You haven’t been to school for a whole week, I missed you!”
The girl had way too much enthusiasm and honesty for Kokichi to handle even on a good day.
“Akamatsu-chan really can’t live without me, huh? You’re like a reverse slut. A love slut.”
Despite his words, Kokichi opened his arms and let Akamatsu hug the breath out of him. Over her shoulder, he looked at Amami for help, making sure all of his pain is apparent in his face. The boy just gives him a thumbs up.
“I already told you to call me Kaede!” She immediately says upon realizing him. The musician managed to have more pent up energy than Kokichi has, which never ceased to amaze him.
How anyone kept up with her songs were beyond him.
“Ok, Akamatsu-chan,” he sarcastically replied.
Akamatsu pouted, walking to Amami and whining to him about how Kokichi wouldn’t show her any affection, and he rubbed her back in sympathy.
“Our son is such a mean little man, even though we raised him so well,” Amami said to her, sniffling exaggeratedly.
Kokichi throws his chopsticks at him, hitting Amami square on the face.
“You two are annoying, seriously.”
Akamatsu looked at the red marks on her taller friend’s cheek left by the chopsticks.
“A mean little man indeed.”
Kokichi was ready to hit her with the entire lunchbox, but she turned back to him with a soft, but firm eyes. Oh, it’s scolding time. Great.
“Did you collapse again?” She asked with a worried voice. The animator didn’t reply, raising an eyebrow in fake confusion. “Don’t give me that face, you know what I’m talking about. You promised to come to school more often, then you disappear for a whole week without saying anything. I was worried sick, you know.”
He smiles, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“You’re such a worrywart, Akamatsu-chan! I just got sooo engrossed with the animation, I didn’t even realize the time! Besides, you really shouldn’t so easily believe someone just because they promise something, that’s stupid.”
Akamatsu obviously looked put off by the last part, but Amami wasn’t fazed, offering him a wry smile.
“You’re a difficult person,” Kokichi snorted, “to put it simply. But you don’t promise things you don’t actually mean.”
Oh, he noticed that, huh. Look at that, it’s time to change the subject.
“Like I said, you two worry too much, I’m fine!” He gestured to himself. “See? All good!”
Akamatsu and Amami exchanged a look, sighing in unison.
“Okay, if you say so.” The other boy said, his words stopping the musician, who looked like she had more to say. “C’mon, I’ll buy you grape juice so you don’t drown your blood in soda.”
Both Akamatsu and Kokichi whine at the same time.
“After going all the way up the stairs?” He complained.
“I’ll buy you two boxes of juice,” Amami bargained.
“Can I have strawberry milk?” Akamatsu asks.
“Yeah, sure,” the tall boy replies, getting a cheer from Akamatsu for it.
Kokichi, who clearly has no other choice but to follow them – especially when Akamatsu is looking at him with puppy eyes –, sighs and resigns himself to put up with their pestering.
Only because he’s being forced to, of course.
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kalosstarters · 7 years
Hmmm. EdWin, Pearlshipping? :D
OK my answers became so long that I’m gonna save people’s eyes and post pearlshipping separately. EdWin here! (I think you can see from my answers that I was a tiny bit excited to answer this)
This post is 1800+ words long so do whatever you want with that knowledge (I put a lot of thought into my answers and spend like 3-4 hours on this so I’d be happy to know that someone read it)
Who gets excited about Halloween in July:
(We know Ed and Winry do not live in a world with such holidays butlet’s pretend they do in these answers!) Hmm. I drew a conclusion that Ed isprobably someone who doesn’t really appreciate the holidays, no matter what theyare (particularly Christmas and Valentine’s day are totally overhyped in hisopinion) so he would /not/ jump of joy from the thought that they would becelebrating Halloween several months early. Also, having to see all thosepeople he dislikes secretly likes even more? No thanks. But since he can’t getout of that situation, he will try to make the best of it and dress up as Royto annoy him. Winry is a bit more excited, but since she’s a practical person, she’d worry about baking all the goodies and finding an amazing costume etc. so shemight find it a bit stressful. (@fairy-amy said she thinks Ed might enjoy the holidaysonce he has kids and I have to agree with that, he’s happy when his family ishappy :’) So he’d certainly be ready to organize Halloween in July if his kidsso insisted. The poor boy didn’t get to experience these holidays as a kid, his children have to have it better.)
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats:
Ed is already wearing a /leather jacket/ and a warm looking coat on it soI hope for his sake he won’t wear any more clothes than that, Amestris doesn’tseem like a particularly cold place (minus Briggs perhaps). As for my answer,Ed might honestly be the one who’d go over the top with the clothes.
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather:
OK this is hard. I haven’t really “locked” my headcanons about this topicbut I do think Ed would hate the hottest summer or the coldest winter (becauseof his automail), which would leave spring and fall for him. Thinking about hisdesign and his personality would make me lean more towards the fall, but it’salso a fact that it often rains a lot during falls (which is not enjoyable inhis situation) and he did canonically burn his house in October, so. Maybe hisfavorite time of the year would be the late spring when it’s not too hot yetetc. (He would be relieved when the summer changes to fall though so in thatsense he’s more of a fall person). As for Winry, it’s harder to say but I’mgonna lean towards summer.
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters:
Winrythinks Ed is cute when he’s trying to fight the coldness with 50 sweaters (orleather jackets). He’s so extra, I swear.
Who offers the other their jacket:
Ed would (after saying something snarky to make sure that he doesn’t comeoff as /too/ sweet. It would be more natural for him after he finally acceptshis feelings) :’)
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower:
Honestly iirc wehave no canon proof of either of them being particularly sensitive to thecoldness (if you don’t count Ed’s automail) but I feel my answers so far have made itsound like Ed is the more sensitive one so let me answer him.
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night:
Now /this/was the question I was looking forward to answering and there’s 0 doubt aboutthis in my mind: Ed. The dude has a steel leg, which must be cold. as. f.Although, it might happen just once: Ed, that loser, thinks it’s a good idea to tease Winrya little bit (bc come on getting into each other’s nerves is their fave pasttime) but when she feels the cold leg/foot touching her skin, she is very fastto find the closest wrench and you betcha after that Ed doesn’t want to do itagain.
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink:
I mean,while Ed (secretly or not so secretly) /enjoys/ snuggling under a blanket withWinry, he would not be the one to suggest such a thing (“too mushy,” he says) soWinry would be the one to make the first move. Her granny has made some niceapple cider that reminds Ed of Winry’s apple pie and he quite enjoys it aswell.
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300:
(also look at the answer below) Ed is so extra that when Winry says she’dlike some pumpkins for Halloween, he’d get /a lot/ of them. However, carvingthem is a very different story. If he had his alchemy, he would just transmutethem to look as edgy as possible, but because he doesn’t have it anymore, hemanages to carve a couple of pumpkins (just eyes and mouth, not well shaped atall) and loses his patience. Winry asks: “why did you get so many then? I’dhave been fine with just a few” and Ed mumbles something incoherent in response(Winry figures out it’s something like “Well… I just wanted to make you happy”)
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins:  
Circles are the only things Ed is good at drawing, and carving requires abit of artistic eye/hands as well so it’s safe to say that after he loses hisalchemy, no one could figure out what he’s trying to do with his pumpkins. Whenhe /can/ still use alchemy, they would naturally be the edgiest pumpkins you’veever seen. (Winry is actually pretty good at the carving, in her work shenaturally has to do a precise job with her hands and she also has to drawthe automail blueprints all the time so she’d be at home with the pumpkins)
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky:
Probably neither because these guys are in contact with blood and othereven ickier stuff on regular basis. (Ed literally boiled his bloody, dirty shoe and made it edible)
What is their favourite Fall activity:
After Al hasgotten his body back, they all like to rake the leaves in one big pile and thenwatch as Al (who just really loves to feel and see and smell everything in thefall) plays in that pile with Den and throws the colorful leaves all around.His happiness is what makes them so happy. Later on, they love to watch their own kidsdo that same thing :*) (Also, that drinking a hot drink under a blanket soundslike something they love to do, but again, it might be hard to make Ed admitthat)
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies:
Neither, their lives have been almost like horror movies so fictional horrordoesn’t feel anywhere. However, the fact that their lives had been like that might also affect them in the way that they prefer watching other genres (evenEd).
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters:
Winry, gotta make sure that Ed doesn’t scare the kids with his costumes(when Ed does something, he does it 150%. Even when it comes to Halloweencostumes). Though, Ed might make a plan so /he/ can hand out that candy, forexample claim that his automail needs instant fixing and detach it so Winry cango to her workshop to take a closer look… Only to notice that the leg issurprisingly fine. Meanwhile, there are a couple of very scared little girls bytheir door, looking at the one legged… Jigglypuff (THIS WAS AMY’S IDEA BLAMEHER) who is trying to give them their sweets and secretly laughing a bit in his costume.
Who accidentally scares the kids:
^Ed. I probably don’t have to add much here after my previous answer. Edgoes full on with his costumes.
Who suggested the couples costume:
When they go out together on Halloween for the first time, it is Winry(because Ed is a bit slow at warming up to this kind of things) BUT soon Ednotices that he (secretly?) enjoys matching with Winry, and their outfits also stoppeople from hitting on her because she so clearly came with Ed, and that’s mostcertainly a plus in Ed’s eyes :’)
What is their couples costume:
OK I just can’t get over It’s Not a Big Deal (i.e. the best fanfic ever) and Ed and Winry’s matchingHan Solo and Princess Leia outfits (even though they weren’t technically eventogether back then iirc. And wahh the snapchat pics in that chapter were socute. As was the “prank” Ed&co planned. OK now I started fangirling over afanfic instead of answering. But seriously. So good) so I want to stick withthat. It’s totally adorable. And I feel Leia and Han Solo’s personalities kindaremind me of Ed and Winry so that’s why it’s great as well.
What is the best Halloween they ever had:
I feel that these two would like it simple (despite Edgoing a bit over the top with the costume and the pumpkins) and they’d be themost content simply hanging out at home with those whom they care about the most(Al, Mei, their kids for example). Seeing the smiles on their kids’ faces is bothEd and Winry’s favorite thing in the world.
(The nextpart is again Amy’s idea, thanks for helping me!) One of those times when theyare spending Halloween just with their family, Al and Mei go out to look at thestars for a bit (Al still likes the stars even after all those years of staringat them at nights) and when they come back, Mei has a ring on her ring fingerand everyone is so happy they are finally getting married. Later that evening,Winry throws up without any clear explanation (she hasn’t drunk or eatenanything suspicious) and she then remembers she hasn’t had her period in a goodwhile.. Winry doesn’t tell about it to Al and Mei (it was their day, afterall), but when she is alone with Ed, she tells him and Ed will always rememberit as his favorite Halloween ever :’)
What is the worst Halloween they ever had:
I couldtake this to a fun road or an angsty road. The fun road is that one time, Winryconvinces Ed to drink milk, claiming that the drink she’s holding is just coloredto look “as scary as possible” (because milk /is/ scary, says Ed) but actuallytastes very good. At first Ed thinks nothing of it, but when he realizes hereally drank milk, he mopes for the rest of the day and that isn’t particularlyfun for any of them (or maybe it is. Who knows. But for Ed it’s the WorstHalloween Ever.)
The angstyroad is that one time a trick-or-treater, a little girl with two braids, isdressed as a dog-like chimera, and that wakes really bad memories in Ed. He hasto withdraw into their bedroom after that and Winry soon follows, soothing Eduntil he finally calms down.
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day:
Ahahah most likely Ed. He likes eating but does. not. know his limits!(He’s also that person who might sneak some goodies from the bag where they arekeeping candies for the trick-and-treaters)
adsfg I love those nerds so much. Thank you Aleira, you know what I like 8)
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Takato Tasuku - Translation [SSR] Astride a Noble Steed (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Tasuku: It’s finally the real thing, huh? I hope I can do it just like I practiced.
Citron: Tasuku’s bow-handling was praised by our teacher too!
Muku: Even though we were practicing on the ground, it was amazing he barely missed any targets!
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Izumi: It’s hard to hit targets, but it’s also hard drawing the next arrow right away too, right?
Teacher: So now we’ll move on to mounted archery. It’s fine to walk slowly, so please aim for the targets over there.
Tasuku: Walk slowly… like this?
Muku: Wah, he hit one!
Izumi: He shot the next one too!
Citron: They’re all in the center!
Teacher: Participants who can do it that well are hard to come by. I normally don’t let beginners do this, but… would you, in particular, try running?
Tasuku: Is that alright?
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Teacher: Yes, I’m sure there’ll be no problem if it’s you.
Tasuku: Alright, then since I’m here, I’ll give it a shot.
Muku: Wahh! Shooting arrows while galloping past on horseback—it’s so cool, just like a real battle!
Citron: Now this is authentic horseback archery!
Izumi: Good luck, Tasuku-san!
Tasuku: Thanks.
Teacher: A hit! Well done!
Participant A: Eh, who is that? He’s amazing!
Participant B: He’s so good!
Participant C: So cool…!
Tasuku: …Phew.
Izumi: Great job out there, Tasuku-san!
Option 1: “You did it perfectly”
Izumi: You did it perfectly, even while running at such a high speed.
Tasuku: No, I didn’t do as well as I expected. The running pace still could’ve been increased, and I should have been able to reload my arrows even smoother.
Izumi: EHH!? It looked perfect to me though…
Tasuku: From my point of view, I can’t say that amount was enough to show the results of my practice.
Izumi: (Tasuku-san’s pretty stoic…!)
Option 2: “It’s as if we’ve slipped back in time”
Izumi: It kind of felt as if we’ve slipped back in time when I watched you shoot the arrows like that, Tasuku-san.
Tasuku: Then, if I was also doing an etude of a Kamakura samurai* at the same time, maybe I could’ve done it even better. I snatch away the Lord’s daughter, Director, and we escape as I shoot my yumi… or something.
Izumi: That sounds great!
Tasuku: …Ah, no, Director also looks like this right now, so you’re a tomboy princess who escapes on horseback together with me.
Izumi: A tomboy princess… Well, if it’s for an etude, I’ll give it my all!
Tasuku: Haha. How reliable.
Muku: You really looked splendid, Tasuku-san!
Citron: I’m glad we invited Tasuku for this hands-on horseback archery experience!
Tasuku: I’m glad I could experience it too. Thanks.
Muku: Today was fun, right!
Tasuku: If it wasn’t for this kind of opportunity, then I don’t think I would’ve done horseback archery. It was a great experience.
Citron: I'll thank the people at the neighborhood association for the tickets!
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Izumi: The group photo we took in the archery costumes also came out great. Look.
Muku: It really did! I’d like to show everyone at the dorm quickly.
Tasuku: Alright, then shall we head on home—.
Teacher: Hold on, you there!
Tasuku: Yes?
Teacher: Thank goodness, you’re still here. Actually, I have a favour for you.
Tasuku: What is it?
Teacher: You… wouldn’t you like to aim for the top of competitive horseback archery!?
Troupe members: EHHH!?
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Teacher: If it’s you, then I’m sure you’ll be able to become the best at sports horseback archery in Japan! I’d definitely love for you to join our team and tackle it professionally.
Tasuku: Um, I’m working as an actor, so that would be difficult for me.
Teacher: Then just come to the next tournament at least…!
Tasuku: Even if you say that…
Teacher: Ah, that’s right. There is an annual event called the “Horseback Archery Festival” coming up. If it’s alright, won’t you join us as our guest?
Tasuku: Well, there’s no problem if it’s just as a guest, but…
Teacher: Thank you! Oh boy, I am so looking forward to this.
Izumi: (To be invited out as a guest even though he's an amateur; Tasuku-san is way too amazing...)
*The Kamakura Period was an era in Japanese history where the country was governed by military shogunate, giving them and their samurai ultimate control. (Read more about it here) These sprites are so cool  😊
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