#dream journal of sorts
old-knightsvow · 1 year
dreamt that i was in succession but it was actually very obviously house md (see: i was literally a fellow. but so was andrew dodds who for some reason was there) but in the dream we kept calling it succession......after the premiere of the season i went god knows where and mattmac called me a sudaca........i guess i was so stunned i woke up
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Had a weird dream about Free Willy but trying to break an Angel(?) out of a government facility and honestly now I’m attached to this big anxious bird. Learning to fly is hard when you’re a gangly preteen.
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peitalo · 7 hours
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these are from 2013-2015 ..? i don’t know i’ve been here for my entire life
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sporesgalaxy · 8 months
oh i got to experience being fully ship of theseused in my dream last night, that was fun. like i died and an entire new copy of my body was printed with a brain full of copies of all my memories from up until the moment i died. so i awoke in the new body with the memory of death seeming only to be a lapse in consciousness but the truth of my situation was clear to me and i fell to my knees and just started screaming at the top of my lungs freaking out having a meltdown it was very dramatic and cathartic 10/10.
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hersurvival · 5 months
Caught in a loop, a single perpetual day -
Winter, a bit treacherous
You and I always almost intimate,
So close to coming together,
But catastrophe, disaster -
Something was looming and we never made it
I have become increasingly frustrated,
But for what?
How come as the days continue to pass,
Always the same, something is screaming
I have witnessed an accident each day,
The road is made of ice and it is..
Shrinking, warping, melting -
That can't be right
The highway is littered with vehicles
But.. wait, there is only one car crash allowed,
Why are they not resetting?
Wait! Stop! What is happening!? No!
I am not supposed to be one of them,
Why am I suddenly upside down?
Metal grinding, sliding on the roof,
Sliding off the road -
How have I become one of the wrecks?
Something is not right,
The loop is breaking, glitching, changing,
Yet I am unable to escape.
I begin deteriorating, my make up is peeling
And I gently attempt to remove it
My eyelid is left partially severed,
No pain, but so easily it tried to detach
And I continue my days this way,
I wake up rubbing my eyes,
Convinced of something in it,
Body sore, as if I have been violently shaken
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kuromi-hoemie · 9 days
love waking up from a dream so fucked i don't even know where to begin explaining.. me n my friends went to a compound and it was basically one of those dreams where people who are trying to kill you are chasing u and you'll be able to outrun them but they either always know where ur at or they keep popping up just as u made it to safety.
i killed 2 of them and running into their group again eventually, they started calling me “the original” and the one i killed earlier was some sort of clone of myself.. idk how many of them were clones themselves, how many clones there are in general and what happened to everyone's originals – or if I'm the only one who had a clone(s)...
whew though i haven't ran or climbed like that since i was trying to get away from cops as a teen akskak i was BOOKING it in my dream but the compound was weird and I'd end up coming out of the same house with everyone i was running from Right There going up the outside stairs then seeing me and being like ah there u are! not threateningly but 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 how do i get away from you people... how do i get Outside.. what do you Want with me.
nightmare-adjacent dream... there's so much i will never know but it was fun to have 😳 kind of wish i could go back
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bobmckenzie · 2 months
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paste-n-paper · 5 months
Dream of the Endless
So I'm posting something a little different, as this is just a concept sketch at this point and I'm not sure if I should go ahead in making it.
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Ever since I saw Dream of the Endless wearing this in the Sandman comics, I've wanted to make something based on it. I spent a lot of time poking and prodding and finally have a concept for a reusable journal cover that I'm happy with.
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The black void down the middle would be the spine of the journal.
If you're not familiar with my work, you can see my previous posts where I made Totoro, Hades, and Mass Effect themed reusable journal covers. I quite like this one and think it's perfect for a fan who is familiar with the comic or just as a cool cover design for those that aren't.
However, all those little bits and pieces are going to be a LOT of work to glue down. So I've been hesitating in actually making this into a reality. So I guess I'm posting because I'm looking for...validation? Excitement? Discouragement? Any of those would help me to decide if I should keep pushing forward on this idea or set it aside for another time and place.
If you see this, would you mind giving me your thoughts, good or bad? Thanks!
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the-zapped-part-timer · 3 months
You ever have such a vivid dream that you just casually wake up and have to process all of it. Like you're probably not fundamentally change or anything, but just feel different.
I look back on it and I feel like my brain is trying to show me a lesson of sorts. I understand brain, thank you for the sweet and heart-wrenching dream.
I'm definitely going to make characters out of those dream people, like I typically do.
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old-knightsvow · 1 year
dreamt that i went to an event where mattmac was and i had gone to like many of them by that point and he recognized me and he put on a maid outfit and we took pictures. and my sister punched him in the nose and mattmac hated me for the rest of my life
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parasite-core · 21 days
Last night I had a really in depth dream about spider-man (specifically Miles Morales) going through this sort of apocalyptic horror scenario. I don’t remember the details except that at some point Doc Ock was there, and Miles was trying really hard to impress Peter.
Then at some point when it started going horror again, I had a lucid moment and decided to nope out of that and turned into a dragon themed super hero who was working with another hero who was very much a lesbian and they were very much in a relationship. At some point she had to go, though, but she acknowledged that this was a dream and said she’d be back in a few months.
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aeide-thea · 11 months
attempting yet again to rejigger my yet again extremely fucked sleep cycle and. experiencing repercussions
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denizenhardwick · 4 months
i love my job so much that i haven't even been thinking about how much i want to be thinking about the dream i had last night
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ioannemos · 6 months
brain: hey, maybe you were dreaming about being unable to stop kids with minor superpowers from killing each other bc you're mourning the lost potential of not just yourself but other people you love who were traumatized and potentially crippled as children
me, who just wanted to wash my hair: listen, i'm sorry i was pissed at you for not working today. can we go back to that please
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silverspleen · 1 year
Completely Coherent Mech Dream
Had a dream about a mecha video game that was also like, my real life I was living.
First I was a video game character and me and a bunch of other colorful people were in a spaceship. It was vintage style, lots of off white rounded paneling and very tight quarters. Our commander was an older woman who was manipulative and borderline cruel. I think she gave a little voiceover intro to our group about who she was and why we were there (to fight our enemies) and then I went into character creation.
Character creation involved plugging into my brain (where the mech suit connected) and had a little gritty anime thumbnail for my portrait based on gender and personality. But the personality traits were off and weird. It had defaulted to male, and when I switched it to female it said “a sacrifice” underneath it. I forgot what the default male said, it was something about being manipulated or being ignorant or stupid. There was also an alt male with a different, slightly less attractive anime guy portrait that said something else, but still rude and cruel (I think it was calling him a neckbeard). I did not want to be a sacrifice. I went with the default male. I was a generic handsome video game guy with dark brown/black hair.
Then our group just kind of hung out on the ship. But not really, because every time we slept plugged into our crèche the commander woman would shuffle around our gender and personality traits with the other squadmates? We sort of realized this was happening but couldn’t do anything about it. She never explicitly said she was the doing it but we all knew, as every day people were different, and if I check my character info in the videogame HUD it wasn't what I originally selected. She changed my gender and personality at least once (and I physically changed appearance because of this, it wasn’t just pronouns). Eventually I was back to my defaults, or at least I thought I was. I felt like many people weren’t though. I knew one guy was very loud and stereotypically southern, and I couldn’t remember if he had always been like that.
Eventually we came to the planet we would be fighting on. Our commander woman made a physical appearance and gave a speech. We were all kneeling on the ground while she did, heads bowed in compliance like she was some sort of religious figure. I realized how creepy it was but still felt compelled to do it anyway. By the end we were basically groveling in child's pose, bent over on the ground listening to her give her speech with our hands outstretched towards her.
Then we were waiting to go into battle in a large bay room. None of us had our mech suits (I can’t remember how I learned to use mine, I think it was implied I knew how before being recruited to this ship), only a gun and a solid-color jumpsuit. What we had to do was run, while under enemy fire, out the bay doors and head to the “wings” of the ship where our suits were held in flight and put them on. It was a given that many of us wouldn’t even make it to our suits. My suit was the second to last on the right, which meant I was almost the farthest out. I had already accepted that I was most likely to die.
Even before the doors opened we could hear the crack of laser fire against the door. When the door opened, there was a mad rush to get to our suits. I remember running past enemy soldiers in armor shooting guns at me. Everything seemed to slow, and I dodged a few headshots with my protagonist skills and shot back with a simple gun I had. I made direct eye contact with the two people who almost hit me, one of them was in a truck with other soldiers. Somehow, I managed to make it to my mech, but getting into it ("putting it on" in the dream) was difficult. It was a smaller suit, built more like a exosuit but still called a mech for some reason. My brain was partially exposed while I was getting syced up, and I remember being upset that it was taking so long and that I didn't like being vulnerable.
When I finally got completely into the suit I got straight to fighting. I was bigger, faster, and more powerful than the enemy grunts in their armor, but not as large as the commander of their force, who was out on the battlefield in a large, more properly sized mech suit. Our commander didn't fight. I remember that the fighting area was a wide expanse of concrete with some generic gritty scifi buildings. The enemies' armor was purple. I somehow got close enough to the enemy commander to hear him. It almost sounded like he was talking to our commander, and that they were laughing together. I got so angry I attacked him without thinking of how much stronger he was than me. I raked him with my claws, and slashed though the left side of his face so badly it was going to scar. I knew he may loose the eye too. but it wasn't enough, so I tried to beat him with my fists and clawed at his face. At one point I put my fingers in his mouth and grabbed him by the jaw to try and rip it off, but his face was reinforced by the mech suit and I couldn't. It felt very visceral.
I couldn't beat him despite my efforts, but we won anyway and he left the battlefield. I was still kind of crazed from my fight, and when I saw a group of enemy soliders being transported to our ship in a big clear plastic holding box I tried to shoot them. But my commander stopped me, saying something like "they'll be reeducated, they're useful." I thought back to her laughing with the enemy commander, and began to understand that there were no stakes in this battle. I didn't know why we were fighting. I realized that I was being manipulated by me commander, and that she and the enemy clearly had something going on where they were just fighting to fight, trading soldiers like their lives meant nothing. As the rest of my group helped move prisoners onto the ship, I just… didn't. I left instead.
No one came after me, and eventually everything on the battlefield was quiet. I realized that I could hear the ocean. We had been by the beach the entire time, and everyone had been so busy fighting that no one had noticed. I left the concrete scifi area and walked down to the shore. The beach was dark rock, with huge island boulders in the dark water. Some of the boulders were so large that dark-needled conifer trees were growing out of them, and wooden scaffolding had been built to connect them in a walkway. I went to the water and stared out into it. The waves were almost a dark teal, and I knew it was cold though I couldn't feel it. At the very end of the boulder islands was a tall island with a tall wooden gazebo on it. I though about how much I wanted to be out there.
Sometime later, minutes or hours, I'm not sure, I heard someone calling me. Two other mecha pilots had also defected, and were waving me down. We spoke on the radio, and one said that she had called and found a rescue ship unaffiliated with the battle to come pick us up, but they didn't know exactly where we were on the beach, so we had to flag them down. I realized that this was the perfect excuse to go the the gazebo boulder. While she and the other pilot climbed the largest boulder partially on the shore, I followed, but instead of staying on the big boulder I began to jump across the islands to the other one. The gazebo island was only connected by by a single long plank to the island before it. I knew that the plank wouldn't support my weight if I walked across it. Instead, I figured I could use my jet boosters to keep myself going forward, and only touch down gently with one foot to keep myself on track, in a sort of controlled, very light taps in a glide to get over them, with one big one at the end to jump on top of the gazebo. I succeeded, and stood out watching the ocean just in time to see the rescue ship come by. I waved it down, and it landed close to the other two pilots on the shore. I needed to head over as well, but for a moment I though maybe I could do the same glide across the water, as though I were flying across it like a skipping stone, but knew I couldn't without risking drowning. I wanted to very badly.
But instead I headed back normally the way I came, and the dream basically ended there.
All I remember about what my mech suit looked like is that it about doubled my height, my face was exposed, and that it was a like…. very serious gray color. There were four jets that I could use as jump boosters and to glide limited distances. It was less beefy and more like… a sleek, kind of athletic style design, with fins. I had claws too I guess.
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selvepnea · 8 months
A strange shirt sort of dream?
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