#drench and soak
random-xpressions · 8 months
Calamities - you won't see it coming, but they're coming. To defeat you? No, to purify you just as gold is purified in fire. The only weapon must be the calm of your mind - don't get shocked, don't react, don't hasten. They'll come as they are meant to come, will purge you of your impurities and the unwanted in you, and when they finally leave, you'll find yourself in your finest and your best version. Stay calm as you see calamities come and go...
Random Xpressions
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starwarjotta · 1 year
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Day 3 - cloak thankfully Obi-Wan's robe cloak is big enough to wrap around a certain Commander who might've been tossed into the freezing river during a mission oh and when there's a chance to make something even more Codywan? ofc I'll do it, here's a bonus
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it was a long mission, okay
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ratwithhands · 15 days
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Read right to left (Manga Formant) I actually have a lot more sketches of Kokushibo but this is only one that works without any context. I'll try to post more of him soon but I've somehow stuck myself into writing like 4 different AUs at the same time so it's gonna be slow 👁👁💦
Also bonus doodle from today:
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bulldog-butch · 2 years
god gives his wettest pussies to his most transmasc lesbians
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thatsmylog · 4 months
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30 Years of The Crow :: 30 moments that rewired my tiny mind
(part 7/9)
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infant-no-finances · 3 months
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bbno$ - Bad Girl
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
hhh I went for a walk down the hill and it snowed directly on me for 5 minutes and then fucked off immediately sdjgj
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Gil watches Thena train with Olympia and is very impressed and happy to see the deeply bond between rider and horse. For the dressage au
Thena groaned as she hit the ground flat on her back. It happened to the best of anyone--falls happened, it was part of the sport. But it had been a long time since she had fallen. She blinked up at the sky.
Olympia whinnied loudly, rearing up on her back legs and trotting around in a full circle to check on her rider.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," Thena attempted to assure the mare making an embarrassing amount of fuss over the very small incident. She sat herself up, patting Olympia's massive snout nosing her cheek. "Hey, it's fine, easy."
Olympia cantered on the spot, not convinced.
Thena sighed. Before Olympia started braying like a mule and drawing a crowd, she picked herself up, dusting off her backside first. "Hey, look at me."
Olympia finally calmed, letting Thena hold her nose and somewhat cross her eyes to try and see her. She nudged Thena again, letting her lips and tongue assess her well being in their own way.
Thena laughed, leaning away from Olympia's affection. "I suppose you're fine, then. It is a rather high jump."
They both cast a glance over at the hurdle that had resulted in the fall for both of them. Olympia looked back at her, her tail twitching in response to the implication that she couldn't handle it.
She smiled; her mare was stubborn, and proud. Olympia didn't stop when she was training for something. She was of the same mind, of course, but neither of them were as young as they once were. She ran her hand over Olympia's side, looking for signs of pain. "You're sure?"
Olympia bobbed her head, already shifting in her position to try and get Thena up in the saddle again.
"Yes, yes, you impatient thing," Thena shook her head as she got her foot up first and then launched herself up again. The insides of her thighs were aching. "Last run today, girl."
Olympia immediately trotted back over to her starting position.
Thena eyed the hurdle. Olympia wasn't going to let up, and in all honesty, she wanted to prove to themselves that they could do it, too. She patted the side of Olympia's neck. "Ready."
Olympia took off in a run. She was hungry for it, and nothing would stop her.
Thena breathed evenly, leaning forward and gripping the reins. "That's my girl."
Olympia took the jump head on, launching herself up and over the bar. Her back legs soared over this time, her hooves nowhere near clipping it again. She startled a little upon landing, but she proudly continued on, shaking her head with glee.
"That's my girl!" Thena cheered for her, hugging Olympia's neck from atop her back as they circled the ring. She buried her nose in the soft white hair of her mane, inhaling, horse-smell and all.
Olympia strutted, oozing pride. She whinnied, all but laughing at anyone watching in a taunt for them to try what she had just accomplished.
"Okay, you," Thena laughed, running her hands over Olympia's fur. She gave her sides a squeeze with her thighs, "let's get you home."
Olympia happily slowed to a stop back at the mount, settling in soon enough.
Thena dismounted, sighing as soon as she was on her feet again. Her legs were aching and she was definitely going to have to do some stretching. She ran her hands down Olympia's mane again. "You did great. You know that."
She did; the horse shook her head, her ears flicking. She knew very well.
Thena bent her head to Olympia's, closing her eyes the way she had done all Olympia's life since she was a foal. "That's my girl."
If Olympia could speak, she would surely be returning the sentiment, bending her neck in the semblance of embracing Thena in return.
"Come on," she said gently, stepping down and preparing to lead Olympia back to the stables. She startled, turning and seeing Gil walking over to them, clapping. She blushed.
"I wasn't sure you were gonna make that last jump, but wow!" he beamed at them as he put his hands on his hips. "You were right, she could do it."
Olympia neighed at him loudly. Of course she could!
"I know, girl, I know, I shouldn't have doubted you," he appeased his favourite mare's ego. He looked back at Thena, holding out his hand like a gentleman to a princess.
She laughed at it, but her fatigue convinced her of it and she accepted his hand down the steps. Her other hand held Olympia's reins. "How long have you been-"
"Since your fall," he confessed with a wince. She pursed her lips but he rushed to explain. "I was worried! I was going to go out and help but, well, you and Olympia seemed to have it under control."
She had to smile at that. It was gallant of him to run out to help her, of course, and she would expect nothing less from the sweet Gilgamesh. But he was right, she had it in hand, and Olympia likely would have denied him, anyway.
Unruly and impetuous and at times immature, she could be, but Olympia was nothing if not protective of Thena ever since growing bigger than her.
"Are you okay?" he asked anyway, frowning and eyeing her dragging her feet.
"I'll be fine after a hot bath, or a cold one," she sighed, and he nodded his understanding. Horses were hard work in any form of their care. She tilted her head at him. "It's a little late for you to be here, isn't it?"
"Well," he shrugged, but she kept staring. He offered a sheepish - guilty - smile. "I heard you were still at it, so I didn't wanna close everything up until you were done--just in case!"
She sighed again. He really was far, far too sweet. "I appreciate that, Gil, but you have a long enough day already, do you not?"
He shrugged again.
She was ready to argue with him more, but Olympia tugged at her. They were at her stall already.
"Oh, s-sorry, girl," Thena blinked, letting go of the reins and reaching to remove the bridle from her girl's mouth. "You've earned quite a spa treatment."
Gil lingered at the entrance. "I can give you a hand, if you like. At least get you some buckets, the brushes and stuff?"
Thena looked at Olympia. Usually her 'spa treatments' after a tough day of training were their thing--a girls' night, in a way. But Olympia was nothing if not fond of the club caretaker. She was beginning to think Olympia had somewhat of a crush on dear Gil. "Well?"
Olympia bobbed her head happily, her tail whipping around behind her.
Thena looked over her shoulder at Gil in his overalls. His t-shirt under them was liable to get positively soaked from Olympia's 'shower'. "Are you certain you want to take part in this?"
He laughed, though, leaning off the gate. "I'll get her manicure set!"
Referring to the care kit he would use to scrub and clean her hooves.
Thena looked back at Olympia, who she could swear was eyeing her a certain kind of way. She pursed her lips at her young mare, "I am beginning to think you prefer his company to mine."
Whatever Olympia had to say was lost in her way of laughing at her rider.
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hollywforever · 1 year
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luvmoonie · 4 months
me inside whilst it’s raining: 😃 so relaxing
me outside whilst it’s raining: i want to kill myself
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fishareglorious · 17 days
im going the hell to sleep i have work tomorrow anyways
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cargocub · 1 year
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adhdvane · 4 months
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thatsmylog · 4 months
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30 Years of The Crow :: 30 moments that rewired my tiny mind
(part 2/9)
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hathaway-hayes · 11 months
There’s something wrong With the rain tonight, Not quite right, And alone – Lonely little drops, Falling, Or jumping, Where suicide’s stained – The houses, The trees, The toll booths, the tires And finally me, As I carry through a wind, Cold reminding bone Feeling Somewhat lighter, But feeling, Nonetheless.
- Hathaway Hayes (2023)
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hurtthemgently · 2 years
Whumpee complains about being cold, so whumper locks them up outside in the pouring rain
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