#drive thru shenanigans
neonthewrite · 1 year
Let Bowman experience the inside of a McDonald's drive thru window and then immediately dip realising the meat exist in there.
Since he wants to act silly flying over the place instead of the car. (Go back to the potato fries asks)
Spirit preserve him if he accidentally ends up in the McD's kitchen. For one thing there's more strong greasy smells in there than any wood sprite has experienced probably ever. And the hot oil everywhere and hectic back and forth. And, as you said, meat cooking. He'd be disgusted and also alarmed that the world has apparently had places like this for a good long while and he never knew. And that doesn't even cover that both employees and customers would be freaking out about - what is that, a bat?! - fluttering around the building. Someone would be swinging a broom, or a tray, or something, and someone else would be yelling about refunds.
Instead, let us all be thankful that if he looked like he was going to head for the window, Jacob would grab him out of the air. Commence comical squeaky toy noise (and then a bunch of sprite cussing).
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vanellygal · 1 year
@drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais This is something Johnny and Edgar would definitely do, LOL. They probably dragged Hal along, of course.
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zztibranul · 4 months
i work at a drive thru and i fucking LOVE to compliment every person who comes through my line!!! i love spreading kindness to strangers!!!! there is something so personally rewarding to my soul when i tell an old lady at the drive thru that i love her nails!!! we as a society need to give more harmless genuine compliments!!!
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driaswrld · 8 months
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cash in, cash out — gojo satoru and geto suguru.
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wc : 1.7k
summary : the one where the boys pick the kids up, satoru loses his wallet, megumi almost throws up, the twins argue color theory, tsumiki gets the aux and suguru has a coupon.
part of : the star paradox collection.
notes : this had me cackling a bit as i wrote it i love the family dynamics esp since this is when the trio is new to the kid thing (around 2009) ALSO yes, suguru has a love for y2k girl groups : pussycat dolls being one of em don't @ me gege told me it's canon.
other : fem!reader, rs label undefined so can be read as platonic or poly (they're lowk dating w/o knowing) mentions of unsafe (?) driving?? mentions of bribery and also tomfoolery and shenanigans
current casette : father stretch my hands pt.1 - kanye west
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“—now we do headcount.” Suguru turns in his seat as Satoru slows the car and shifts the gear stick to neutral. “If you’re hungry, say I!” Satoru raises a hand up, his knuckles smacking against the roof of the interior, and Suguru internally dies.
“You’re hopeless.” Tsumiki laughs to herself, rolling the window beside her down, leaning against the frame, spring breeze warming her cheeks.
“I…” Mimiko raises her tiny fist upwards, mimicking Satoru, all while Nanako unclicks their joint seatbelt and breathes a puff of air, exasperated and hair a mess.
Megumi grunts, giving a weak thumbs up. He almost looks like he’s about to throw up.
The car ride was… something to say the least—
“—buckle the seatbelt already, brat!”
“—swallow your spit before you talk, you pig.”
“Steer the car for me, Suguru.”
A click reverberates through the car as Satoru unclicks his seatbelt and turns, ready to dive out of the driver's seat and into the backseat of the car, with arms outstretched to grab ahold of six year old Megumi’s neck.
Suguru’s arm flails to the side as he steadies the abandoned steering wheel from the passenger seat.
“Why didn’t name pick us up?” Mimiko mumbles, clutching onto her strawberry colored doll to her chest.
Ignoring the repeated smacks of Megumi’s foot to the side of Satoru’s cheek, Tsumiki shrugs, gaze fixed outside the window at other cars passing by. “She had work, I think—”
“So we’re stuck with the idiots.” Megumi grunts, and Suguru’s head whips around, lips morphed into a thin line.
Pride, oh sweet pride. Nanako, busy typing away at some cute game on her tablet, looks up for a second and locks eyes with Suguru, who withers a little under her gaze.
“He called you an idiot, Geto-san.” She says, ever the little instigator.
“Take the wheel, Satoru.”
But anyways.
Satoru huffs, almost pouting as the car in front of them stalks forward into the KFC drive thru. “It wasn’t even that bad,” he murmurs as he shifts the gear stick once more, moving the car forward.
Suguru can only chuckle nervously. “Yeah, not too bad…”
Behind Satoru’s back, he gives the kids a funny look, and they all snicker quietly. Well, save for Megumi who’s bordering on car sickness from that messy car ride.
“Alright,” Satoru mumbles to himself before he pushes his sunglasses up to rest in his hair, one arm hanging out the window, looking over his shoulder for a brief moment to check everyone over. “What does everyone want off the menu?”
Honestly, he’s a little proud of himself and Suguru.
Usually, you’re the one who handles picking all the brats up after school, but somehow, the boys managed to do it.
Although, it did take a bit of crisscrossing with seatbelts shared in pairs of two— hey, at least they’re all in one piece, right!
“Twister!” Nanako exclaims with a grin and Mimiko nods along with her twin sister, setting her doll down in her lap with a smile that Suguru mirrors, something so small making him feel so… soft inside. “I want the one with the sweet flavored chicken inside—”
“I want the spicy one.” Nanako nods along, turning her attention back to her tablet, clicking away.
Satoru hums, turning his head a little to the side, and Tsumiki mumbles, “Maybe just a chicken sandwich… with some coleslaw too.” He looks to Megumi, who still has his mouth twisted into something between a frown and a pout, so cute—
“And what do you want, Megs?” Suguru asks before Satoru can, as the car treks forward in the drive thru line, drawing closer to the order speaker.
“Whatever Tsumiki gets, I’ll get that too.” Megumi shrugs a little and a smile stretches on Satoru’s face — though he hides it well, straining his head forward.
(Mimiko can see him through the side mirror but he doesn’t even remember that.)
After ordering and making it halfway down the length of the drive thru, there’s only two cars ahead until the pay window.
Suguru is helping Tsumiki plug the aux cord into her ipod touch — a birthday gift from Satoru.
“I don’t think the cord’ll fit,” Tsumiki mumbles, peering over his shoulder, head leaning against the headrest. “It’s probably too big or something.”
All while Mimiko and Nanako are arguing over a dress up game on their tablet.
“She looks better in purple—”
“But I like the yellow better—”
Megumi narrowly dodges Satoru’s elbow as he bends his arm to rummage through the storage compartment of the armrest.
“Don’t worry too much, Tsumiki—” He mumbles, haphazardly searching for another aux cable, and his wallet, because for some reason he didn’t feel it in his pocket just now. “Suguru’s good at making all kinds of things fit—”
A smack to the side of his head sends his sunglasses flying off his head into Nanako’s lap, and the twins share a look with each other. “We should try sunglasses on her—”
“I don’t want her to look like Gojo-san—”
Megumi snickers just as Suguru snatches the shorter aux cable from Satoru’s hand.
Tsumiki tilts her head to the side, a grin reaching her lips once Suguru finally gets the aux connected. “Hold on,” Satoru whispers to himself, shifting back in the driver’s seat and moving forward to take the place of the car that was just in front. “Suguru, I can’t find—”
“Check under your seat or something.” Suguru cuts him off, scrolling through the sheer ridiculous list of songs on Tsumiki’s ipod touch — most of which are Taylor Swift and a few J-Pop groups. “It’s not there.” Satoru huffs in defiance.
From where Megumi’s sitting slumped in the backseat, he can see the shadow of Satoru’s billfold laying under his seat.
Naturally, Megumi wants to watch him squirm a little. Afterall, Suguru told him to look there and he was too proud to, so…
Satoru’s phone vibrates from inside the open glove compartment where it’s charging.
“I’m sure I had it in my side pocket…” He mumbles to himself, and Suguru gives him a look of absolute defeat with a hint of nonchalance.
“Well I don’t have any money on me—” The timing couldn’t be worse really. “Of course you don’t. Because all of you freeload off me—”
Megumi rolls his eyes, “As if you don’t make six figures.”
The phone vibrates again, and it’s the least of Satoru’s problems, really.
“Is that all I am to you? Some bank?”
Because here he is, next in line to pay and he doesn’t have his card in his hand, Suguru is still flat broke as always, you aren’t here and it’s not like the brats in the back have a steady flow of income coming in.
Why didn’t he just set up his damn online accounts when you told him to?
“Maybe you should answer that,” Suguru shrugs, damn near unable to hide his little smile when he comes across a song by the Pussycat Dolls. He has half a mind to say out loud that he’s raising Tsumiki right.
The phone vibrates again.
“Jeez, fine, damn.” Satoru is shifting around in his seat like he’s possessed, patting down his pockets, all while the phone keeps vibrating.
He reaches over with a frown, yanking the charger out and answering the phone with a single tap and a curt, “I’m busy right now, what is it?" Putting it on speaker as he leans over in his seat again to search his pants.
“Hello to you too, sunshine.” Your voice echoes through the phone and Satoru winces, pink tinging the tip of his ears. “Sorry name, I just—”
“He lost his wallet and we’re going to starve.”
Megumi leans forward, sticking his head out and leaning against the passenger seat.
Tsumiki and Suguru stifle a laugh, and Mimiko lifts her head with a pout. “But— I don’t wanna starve!”
“Oh, Mimi…” You sigh, damn near ready to punt Satoru into the sun. “That’s not going to happen, Megs is just making fun—”
“I have a coupon for a biscuit from that magazine yesterday,” Suguru says and he locks eyes with Satoru who glares straight at him. “Hey, I’m just suggesting solutions!”
Shoko, who’s sitting beside you in the vacant classroom looks up from the mission report she’s signing up for the both of you and bellows a huge laugh. It really doesn’t help Satoru’s pride at all, and he grabs the phone, clicking it off speaker and hugging it against his ear.
Suguru watches as Satoru slumps in his seat, one arm hanging over the steering wheel and another out the window. A grown man, twirling the side of his hair and pouting.
He doesn’t even think twice before snapping the photo — he ends it off to the twins’ tablet, and they exit their game to open it, giggling into their tiny fists.
“I’m not sending you money, Satoru—”
“Please! I promise I just misplaced my wallet,”
The twins pass the tablet over to Megumi who folds his lips to hide his laugh, nudging Tsumiki who leans over to giggle at the picture too.
“Pleaaasee! C’mon, I promise I’ll even set up my account like you told me to—”
Suguru sends a sneaky wink to the kids and they all burst out laughing, to which Satoru whips his head around, only to find everyone ducked down in their seats, suspiciously minding their own business.
Suguru’s even gazing out the car window, a guilty whistle leaving his lips.
“I let you two pick them up one time and—”
Satoru cranes his head out the window, his voice lowering to a whisper. “name, I’m begging you. This is a man’s pride we’re talking about here—”
“You can always use Suguru’s coupon—” You murmur.
“I’ll get a chocopie with your order.”
"I'm literally paying— hey, what do you take me for? I have some semblance of self respect—”
“Two chocopies and a twister.” He looks around before ducking his head again in a whisper, “I’ll even pay for all your meals this month— matter of fact, you can just take my card—”
“Two months, including takeout.” You grumble. “And add an egg tart, I’m sending the money to Suguru right now.”
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Winter Rose
A Batter Up Extra Chapter
Pairing: Baseball player Joel Miller x Female Reader Rating: Explicit. 18+ (Minors DNI) Summary: It's cold and you're all alone in New York, Joel changes that. Warnings: smut, tub masturbation shenanigans, sex toy use Words: 2,400 A/N: Once I saw @morallyinept's challenge I knew I had to make it Baseball Joel being stupid sweet. Please note this takes place a couple of months after Golden Corral. Thank you to @jennaispunk for her read through!
Masterlist Playlist
You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to winter in New York. Bitter winds, gray skies, piles of dirty snow sitting on the curb. You long for Texas, groaning every morning when you check the weather and see Austin is over twenty degrees warmer than New York. Of course you know the real reason why you long more for Texas these days… Joel’s there.
Fifty degree days, wrapping yourself up in Joel’s flannel when it gets chilly at night, sunlight, the way his skin looks in the sun, Whataburger fries with spicy ketchup, Joel’s hand on your knee as you sit in the drive-thru, your favorite honey latte from Jo’s, the taste of black coffee on his tongue. God, you miss him. 
Isn’t that what your whole relationship was based around… missing each other? Your job kept you in New York while Joel’s training regimen and daughter kept him in Austin. You were at least headed to see him in two weeks… two long weeks.
Joel’s typical ringtone makes you smile as you pick your phone up from your desk.
“Hey, didn’t expect to hear from you until this evening, what’s up?” You smile and lean back in your chair.
“Wanted to hear your voice. Did you tell me you had plans tonight?” 
“Nope, my plan was to talk to you and eat my left over eggplant parm.”
“Okay, good. Looking forward to seeing you later sweetheart.”
“I’ll have my iPad charged.”
“I know you will. I’ll see you around seven.”
“Works for me. This was a nice lunch surprise. Thanks for calling.”
“Course. So, I’ll see you at seven in your living room?”
“…Unless I’m in another room.”
“Be in your living room.”
“Whatever you say Joel.” 
“I love you sweetheart, see you then.”
“Can’t wait.”
“I really can’t either. Seven sharp.”
“Seven sharp. Love you.”
You don’t know how other long distance couples existed before FaceTime and free long distance calling. Most of your nights now exist of setting your iPad or MacBook on your coffee table and watching TV while Joel’s handsome face keeps you company. Sure, you enjoy random nights out with friends and coworkers but you still count down the time until you can walk home, press the little camera icon on your home screen and call Joel.
The rush of receiving your nightly call is what you wait all day for. Your heart beats faster, your face breaks out into a large grin, your body thrums with excitement whenever you get to hit the ANSWER button. 
You feel those feelings now.
Joel’s face appears on your iPad but… he’s outside.
“Hi! Where are you?”
You hear a horn honk in the distance through the speakers, the same horn you hear outside your window. 
Joel smiles but doesn’t say a thing as he turns around… and your apartment building is behind him. 
“Hi baby,” he winks, “got something for you. Can I come up?” 
You don’t know if you’ve ever smiled this wide before. “What? Yes! Oh my god!”
“Be right up,” his smile is just as big as yours as he ends the call. 
It takes six minutes to get from your apartment’s entrance to your floor. Joel knows your code, he walks quickly and efficiently. You’ll see him in four.
You run to your door and open it, rushing down the hallway waiting for him at the elevator. You don’t care if you’re out in the middle of the hallway only wearing Joel’s oversized sweatshirt and a pair of underwear, if you’re by the elevator, you’ll get to see him quicker.
The elevator dings, the golden doors open, Joel’s hidden behind a giant bouquet of white foxgloves and peonies. 
“Surprise,” he peeks above the massive plume of flowers. The sight of him lights up your entire world. 
“Hi! Oh my god! Hi! Ho—Why? How?!” You shout in disbelief. He’s right in front of you, in your building. 
He walks out of the elevator shifting the flowers to the side and giving you a kiss. It’s the first time you’ve touched him in two very long weeks. He pulls away and smiles your favorite dimple appearing smile. 
“Was able to escape for a few days under the ruse of Winter Meetings being held here.”
“Wow,” your face hurts from how big you’re smiling, “I—remind me to cancel brunch tomorrow. Oh my god! How long are you here?” 
“I’ve got three days, I fly out Monday morning.”
“Three daaaaaays,” you sing as you turn to head back to your front door. Joel following closely behind you.
“Three days.”
“They’re beautiful, thank you again,” you bend over and run your hands across the soft petals of the flowers sitting on your coffee table. 
“You’re welcome baby, I remember you said you loved foxgloves and peonies before,” his hand begins to rub your back as you lean forward. He’s always listening.
You turn back to him, he’s sitting on your couch, the same couch you thought you’d be laying on all alone tonight. You hate how good he looks in your spaces, how it’s always such a temporary stay for him, how you know that there’s only a little over two days with him. 
You didn’t eat dinner alone tonight, you got to sit next to Joel at your table and share a meal while he kept his hand on your knee the whole time. He helped you load the dishwasher before lifting you up on the countertop and eating you out as you screamed into your kitchen towel. Your space feels so complete with him in it.  
You pluck a peony from the bouquet and sit back against Joel bringing the flower to your nose. 
“I love the way peonies smell,” you inhale, “and now I get to smell them with my boyfriend.” You turn your head to smell his neck. “You always smell so good.” 
Joel lets a deep chuckle out as you run the flower along his neck.
“There,” you tuck the flower behind his ear, “I always liked the color white against your skin, makes it look even more golden.” 
“Mm, I like whatever color you wear, I know we’ve established that, but,” he takes the flower out from behind his ear, “I’d like to see what this looks like against your skin.”
Joel puts the flower against your cheek.
“I knew it, s’beautiful,” he smiles, “but I want to see how it looks against you here,” he places the flower against your chest, “here,” against your stomach, “here,” against your thigh, “and most importantly,” he places the flower in between your legs, “here.” 
His eyes darken as he drags the flower back up your body. 
“Go ahead ’n get naked for me baby, I need to see.” 
You stand off the couch, quickly shucking your clothes. You love the way Joel looks at you when you’re naked, whether it’s when you’re two inches or two thousand miles away from him, he always looks like he wants to devour your whole body.
“Mm, s’a good girl,” he nods sitting back against the couch. “Get a flower from the bouquet I brought you.”
You bend over and grab another white peony bringing it to your nose to smell the sweet floral scent as your eyes don’t break contact with Joel’s. 
“Lemme see how it looks against your skin.”
You run the smooth petals against your cheek down your chin, past your neck to your breasts. 
Joel lets out a low groan as you circle your nipple with the bloom before trailing it down your stomach. 
“Look at you baby girl, so beautiful.”
Your whole body blooms much like the flower against your skin at his praise. 
“Go lower, lemme see how that white flower looks against your pretty pink pussy.”
Fuck, the way Joel Miller’s soft, deep voice husks out the word pussy. It drives you crazy, it makes another gush of slick rush out of your cunt. You run the flower down your hips and across your thighs, running it along your folds before lifting a foot up and placing it on his knee. 
“That’s a good girl, look at that pussy.”
God, that word and the way he licks his lips as he watches you run the flower along your wet cunt makes your knees weak. It’s so soft and delicate against your sensitive skin, it reminds you of Joel’s tongue, lightly tickling your folds.
“Fuck baby girl,” he leans forward, “give me that flower.”
You hand Joel the flower, you love how the bloom looks in his large calloused hand; something so soft and held within the hands of a large, strong man. He brings the flower up to his nose. 
“Christ, it smells so fucking good, like pretty little flowers and your wet pussy.” He puts the flower behind his ear and stands. “Now, I got something else for you babygirl, close your eyes and wait here, it’s going to be bit so be a good girl and be patient for me, okay?”
You nod and shut your eyes as Joel leaves a kiss on your forehead. 
He’s here with you, in your apartment tonight, he flew halfway across the country to be with you… and now you’re standing naked and alone with only the sound of his retreating footsteps filling the air of your home. What in the world does he have planned?
How long will he make you wait? It’s been over five minutes, you may have cheated and checked the clock. 
“Eyes still closed?”
Your body thrums with anticipation as his footsteps approach.
“Sorry it took so long,” Joel hugs you from behind, “but I think you’re going to like this. Been thinking about this since I got on the plane this morning,” he whispers into your ear. “Now, open your eyes and go to your bathroom.”
You blink your eyes open, realizing nothing has changed in the room. 
“Did I really need to have my eyes closed Joel?”
“No,” he chuckles, “but it adds anticipation, now go.” 
He smacks your ass as you pull away, heading for your room. 
Your room is left as it was, nothing askew besides Joel’s open bag sitting on the floor. You open the bathroom door, Joel’s been busy. 
The tub is filled, white petals float on the surface while a candle sits on the edge casting a flicking aureate glow on the water. 
“Get in baby,” Joel whispers in your ear.  
“What about you?” 
“Not tonight, want to watch you.” 
You walk over to the tub, Joel, always the gentleman, reaches his hand out to help you step in. The heat of the warm water feels good against your chilled skin as you sink down. A small moan leaves your mouth as you lean back against the tub wall and get comfortable. 
“S’nice?” He asks, his eyes watching your every move.
“Mm, very. Haven’t had a bath in a long time. Thank you.”
“I’m doing this for me baby, you look like an ancient goddess taking a bath in your pretty flower petals,” he scoots your vanity bench up to the side of the tub and sits down. “Here,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small red rose shaped device. “Ordered this for when you miss my tongue but I wanted to watch you try it out for me.”
“What is it?” 
“It’s a rose,” he leans over and dips his hand into water placing it against your thigh, “it goes…” his fingers caresses up to the apex of your thighs as you instinctively spread your legs, his finger dips in and grazing against your clit, “here.” His deep brown eyes burn into yours as you gasp at the contact, the hazel flecks shining in the candlelight as he rubs a thick circle around your sensitive flesh. 
“If you just keep doing that, I won’t need your gift,” you moan. 
“My gift is watching you use my gift,” he winks pulling his hand out. “Now,” he turns the toy on, “I’m going to show you how to use it, ’n then I’m going to let you take care of yourself while I watch, okay?” “Yes.”
“That’s my good girl, ready?” 
You nod as he leans forward, the soft buzz of the toy disappears as he reaches back down into the water and places it against your clit.
Christ, it feels good. Your muscles are already so relaxed from the warm water, but the feeling of the little red latex rose sucking against your sensitive bundle of nerves makes you spark with desire. It doesn’t compare to Joel’s mouth on you, but fuck, it’s a great second place. 
“Fuuuuck,” you blissfully smile.
“That’s it baby, knew you’d like this, feel good?”
“So fu—good,” you moan, gripping the edges of the tub as your body begins to squirm in the water.
“Here, take it, wanna sit back and watch.”
You reach down and replace his hand with yours, pressing down, the suction pulsing harder against your clit causing a shiver across your body. 
“Fuck!” Your voice echoes across the tile as you rock the toy back and forth. 
“That’s right babygirl, I think you like my gift, don’t you?”
“Yessss,” you moan, you’re so close already. It feels so fucking good.
“That’s it baby, look how quick this is making you cum, glad I couldn’t resist getting a taste of you and ate your pussy earlier, or it would have been even more instant, huh?”
“Jooooel,” you clutch his shirt with your soaked hand pulling him forward and kissing him. “Let me cum, please,” you whimper against his lips, “please let me cum.” 
“I’m not stopping you baby,” he gently bites your lower lip, “cum for me pretty girl. Lemme see you cum for me.” 
He leans back, the sight of his now wet shirt from your hand causes your orgasm to tumble into you, his name spills out of your lips over and over, much like the water escaping the tub as your body tremors through the wave of your release. Your hands unclench from the toy, the red rose ascending to float on the water along with the white petals. 
“That’s my good girl, you came so good for me,” Joel breathes against your forehead leaving a kiss against it. “Did you like your flowers?” 
“I like anything you give me.”
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c0zy-fluff · 1 month
GUYS I GOT A KICKIN HC (that only has a sprinkle of StarStudent; only a sprinkle hehe)
I REALLY WANNA BELIEVE THAT KICKIN HAS DEFINITELY DONE THIS IN A DRIVE THRU BEFORE (w/ Hoppy in the front seat, cuz she called shotgun and Bubba in the driver's seat)
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neonthewrite · 1 year
Give Chase a boy/girlfriend so that he can finally get a large fries from the McDonald's drive thru!! He deserves it!! 😔🤲🏽
Get some fries and chicken nuggets for Jacob and Bowman(just the fry though) too.
Bobby gets an apple pie with apple juice, as a treat. Just because(let him have something nice for once).
The implication that they won't let you order a large fry from McD's if you're single is really distracting me from the rest of the ask lmao.
But yeah. Chase has dated casually here and there. It never has any bearing on how many fried potatoes he orders. He tends to order a medium though because he's aware of his limits .... sometimes.
If Bowman ended up going with this trio to the drive thru, he'd be so antsy waiting to get away from the window so he wouldn't have to hide. And then after that he'd be wary about the meat orders. How dare they.
Bobby offers him a little bit of apple pie. Bowman doesn't accept on principle.
Jacob would count them all lucky Bowman doesn't get into trouble somehow. Do not go flying into that drive thru window, bud. That's no place for a sprite. Also how are they going to explain that to literally anybody? No, just hide in the car it's not that long a wait.
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bellshazes · 1 year
companion to my bdubs best-of, here's a cheat sheet of my personal favorite etho mindcrack episodes. going to organize this by topic, then miscellaneous stuff by season under the cut. because there is so much.
king of the ladder is one of the best, although you might want to watch the sky shrooms prank episodes leading up to it too. best hour you'll ever spend watching people climb a ladder over and over. sick aerial maneuvers.
boat prank with doc - boat boy! boat boys.
team canada - the first big prank on zisteau, and the painting one - payback will be a bitch. also, ???.
obsidian coffin prank - bdubs falsely claims etho pranked him, so etho builds bdubs a numbers puzzle. of death.
onion pranked - team boobee gifts etho one of his favorite foods.
fun house prank and von sway - a new architectural design style is born.
death games - in order to avenge pause, etho hunts his friends for sport but says if they kill each other, they can increase the amount of times etho will kill the other person. sometimes fails, but also this absolutely spectacular kill on nebris using respawn mechanics to surprise is so good. see also hostility rises.
death games 2.0 - now server-wide opt-in event in the following season. bdubs (and guude) try to kill etho. civil war and an arkas kill.
mass pvp - arena fight night, LENS BATTLE. spawn UHCs, arkasdam pvp,
horsegirl activities - the horse drive-thru, beyonc? and taylor swift, a horse timer, doing wheelies,
season 1
nether project - taking one for the team, etho begins his first nether hub construction in classic nether brick and sandstone. later expanded with help from the b-team.
nice prank - please enjoy this kevin mcleod speed cleaning montage. if you can.
bdoubleo - just before the trial, etho and bdubs discuss their upcoming court case while making trees, 3D cubes, and a big hole at spawn. tune in next to the etho vs the b-team trial to find out why he's got chocolate on his knees.
the underside - etho finds out he's got a roommate and continues his quest for an anvil kill.
the pet shop - etho prepares to open his extremely legitimate, fully-licensed, no illegal activity pet shop and feels just so bad for the poor b-team. also, this is the first episode hoppers existed, which has nothing to do with his new quartz generator.
king of the boat - a bunch of people come together to fix bdubs' flammable arena. shenanigans ensue.
seinfeld fans - etho shows beef his new trivia game.
pvp lesson with generikb - etho teaches pvp skills and learns a new word.
season 2
nether hub again - the nether hub falls on etho again but bdubs pitches in this time. ghost zombies, quartz tragedies, etho's little buddy (betrayal)
i feel fine - etho is NOT sick, tells firework stories while helping with doc's perimeter and helps bdubs fishing rod kill a piglin.
canadian killers - etho's escort service, live, from pauseunpause's gaping hole.
this one just for the wither kill at the end.
workers shack - i literally just love this build fr. he steals bdub's color scheme. for more arena work, see capture points, the layout, bed respawn, death counter, arena chit chat,
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fuck it
soul eater characters if they worked at an arby’s
of course, a model employee
works the counter since she’s the only one who can truly put up with the elderly customers and their bullshit
tries to run a tight ship and is constantly exasperated by her coworkers’ antics
whenever she gets a truly mean customer who doesn’t respond to the nice treatment she brings in……….
usually works the drive thru unless she has to step in and take an asshole down a peg
cares enough about her job to be good at it but not enough to take bullshit
constantly doing her nails or on her phone while taking orders (miraculously she never takes an order wrong)
her timer never reaches more than 50 seconds between a car pulling up and leaving with their food
does the bagging bc dear god if a customer even looks at them they’ll start tearing up
volunteers to do cleaning in the lobby so they can get away from the stress of the kitchen
is the newest hire and fully intended to be silent for most shifts (maka would never let this happen)
just so happened to come in a week before the employee christmas party and was terrified the entire time
whole heartedly believes kid is their boss which brings us to……….
is the assistant manager which is fancy talk for The One Who’s Been Here Longest
floats around different positions wherever he’s needed
insane about uniform code
swears he’s not a nepotism hire bc “My Dad (the owner) Didn’t Even Know I Applied”
has an aneurysm anytime soul or black star calls him a Nepo Baby
runs an incredibly tight ship, allows for no shenanigans (they happen anyway)
is sometimes locked in the freezer by his coworkers (“THIS ISN’T FUNNY GUYS I COULD GET HYPOTHERMIA AND DIE!!!…………. while i’m in here i might as well organize”
might as well be the manager honestly, he does everything
soul and black star:
they both work the sandwich counter
it is chaos back there
will constantly battle it out for who can make things faster/better
will occasionally throw things at the back of maka’s head through the window and blame each other
begs whoever’s working the fryer to make them onion rings
they do rock paper scissors for who has to clean the floor (the winner makes it as dirty as possible for the other)
works either drive thru or cashier, whichever one needs the most help
is the only one who can get black star to do his job
the regulars absolutely adore her, especially the sweet old ladies
always encourages the rest of the staff
arranges all the staff parties
is responsible for the Employee of the Month board (which is almost always maka)
will draw little pictures and tape them up around the drive thru registers (including one of her and liz holding hands bc they’re in love)
is way too good for this arby’s
he has no idea why he hasn’t left yet
works the fryer bc he has made it clear to management he will not deal with the customers
always has an airpod in to drown out the bullshit (it drives kid absolutely insane)
pretends to be over soul and black star’s shit but secretly instigates
always volunteers to get stuff from the back freezer but is gone for a suspicious amount of time
100% the owner’s favorite
also way too good for this arby’s
next time: the adults!
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thezoraprince · 1 year
Drive-Thru Shenanigans - Sidon x reader / Bazz x reader / Revali x reader
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“You know those videos of women calling their boyfriends their husband at the drive through, to see their reactions? What would Sidon and Bazz’s (and you can add Revali for the Revali lovers!) reactions to their s/o casually referring to them as their husband in a conversation with someone?” - @rocklover719​
i’m making this a drive-thru AU, because working for the ‘Siren’ for the past 3 1/2 years has taught me some things. i’m also combining all of these into one, because they’re short enough to fit in one post. so, let’s all pretend that Hyrule has a drive-thru restaurant (or a specific café chain) for like 10 minutes max. 
enjoy <3
y/n - your name
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you’ve pulled up to the speaker
“Hi, I would like…?”
you turn to Sidon
“What would you like?”
and he tells you
“And my husband would like…?”
they tell you the total 
and you’re waiting to pull up to the window
Sidon’s got a cheeky grin smeared across his face
“Did you just… call me your husband?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“What about it? Oh ho ho, I can play this game.”
you pull up to the window
you’re making your transaction
and they’re handing out your items
“Thank you so much!”
and Sidon leans over your lap to speak to the person in the window
“And can my [wife/husband/partner] have a straw, please? [They’re] prone to spilling [their] drink when driving without one.”
Sidon knows you so well
and he knows he’s embarrassed you a bit
he giggles silently as the person in the window hands you a straw
“Have a nice day!”
and off you go
“Did you really have to do that, Sidon?”
“Oh absolutely, y/n. You know I can’t pass up an opportunity to watch you blush.”
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you’ve got your order down
“Hello! Can I please have…”
and you turn to Bazz
“What do you want, Bazz?”
and he tells you
“And my husband will have…”
Bazz freezes
‘Husband? Husband?! HUSBAND?!??’
you’ve got your total and you’re next up for the window
“You cannot do that, y/n!!”
“You just— you—”
he exhales deeply
you see how flustered he is
and it’s ADORABLE
“Bazz, are you alright?”
and he nods slowly, smiling slightly with embarrassment
you pull up to the window
you’ve done your transaction and you’ve been handed your items
Bazz is silent
“Bazz? Seriously, are you okay? I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, y/n. Please. That was just… very unexpected. And, umm… I found it… quite attractive.”
“Yeah, umm… I’d really like to go home now, please.” 
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it was your day to treat yourselves
and Revali’s basking in the glory of being Passenger Princess
you pull up to the speaker box and you’re greeted with a friendly voice
“Hi! Can I please get…”
and you already know Revali’s order by heart
“And can my husband ha—”
“Hhhhold on…WHAT?”
and you just laugh
“I’m not your husband!”
and you hear a giggle from the speaker box
“Is that Revali? Don’t worry, I’ve got that order memorized. We’ll see you up here.”
and you pull up
“Revali, it was just a joke! Chill out!”
“I know it was a joke. And that’s not the problem. Today, I’m Passenger Princess. You know this! WE MADE AN AGREEMENT, Y/N!!”
and you’re laughing way too hard now
you get to the window
and you calm yourself as best as you can
“I am soooo sorry. I referred to him as my husband. He is not my husband. He is THE Passenger Princess, and he wanted me to correct myself for you.”
and he is smiling
“That would be correct! Thank you!!”
the person in the window is DYING with laughter
you’ve got your transaction done and you’ve got your items
“I hope you and THE Passenger Princess have the best day ever! We’ll see you soon!”
and then you’re out of there
“Revali!! Why would you do that?”
“Because… I’m the Passenger Princess.”
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bonkobarnes · 3 days
Bonko, any hc on these?
- cam and Becca - their first time
- cam and Becca - their last time before Becca left
- cam and Becca - their first time in the future
I love thinking about them !!!!
First time:
- sometime in late highschool, cam could have graduated and Becca been a senior. Only because I really like the idea of them pining over each other for sooooo long
- they were never an official item, just lots of drunk or stolen kisses, so it was a little shocking to both of them when it happened
- it happened at Becca’s house, while her parents are gone. For some reason I don’t see either of them owning a car so back seat shenanigans are out
- very soft very sweet and very all of a sudden
- their first time with each other was also their first time ever so it’s very new and Becca’s hands would be sweaty and cam wouldn’t be able to get Becca’s bra undone
- they are both very unsure of the feelings they have for each other and for women in general so the after part is kind of awkward
- but cam still spends the night even if they pretend nothing happened in the morning
- HOWEVER my controversial opinion is that they never actually had sex before Becca left and the bar was the first time they got that far. If u wanna know more about this pls ask id love to share
Last time before Becca left:
- I originally interpreted this as their last time before they parted ways post trial so I’m sticking with that line of thinking
- they definitely didn’t know it would be the last time
- timeline wise it was maybe a day before Becca got high on acid
- Becca went over to cam’s and they got half way thru dinner before Cam had her pinned on the couch eating Becca out like she was starving
- becca Finally got to top that night and Cam said Becca’s name as she came
- Becca didn’t spend the night but it was hard to leave. They cuddled and when Becca finally said she should probably head out Cam hesitated for a long time before letting her go
- Becca smiled to herself the entire way home. Cam didn’t wash the scent of Becca off her
After reuniting:
- CAR SEX!!!
- this will become a post eventually but I imagine the first time they reunite is like 5-6 years post canon and it’s because they come back to Victoria for some random holiday
- they go out for a drink and end up making out in a very public albeit empty parking lot
- Becca getting off in Cam’s lap in the bench seat of her truck
- Cam dropping Becca back off at her parents house and Becca leaning over to kiss her while they are parked in the drive way
- and most importantly cam lets her
- even tho she can see Becca’s family thru the window. Even tho someone could walk out at any moment and see them. She kisses Becca back eagerly
- Cam helps her fix her lipstick. Becca walks back into the house all giddy like a teenager. Cam sings along to the radio as she drives back to her dads
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
Hiii This is my first time requesting, ngl I’m abit excited but uhm if you haven’t done one already could I request seventeen members and reader doing face masks or just any late night shenanigans, Thank you so much<3
hi welcome!! this was such a cute idea, they all kinda turned into cute and sweet late night stuff with each member hshs, hope you still like it!!
late night shenanigans with seventeen
tw/cw: mentions of alcohol
❝ seungcheol ❞
━☆ you couldn’t sleep because of the jetlag, tossing and turning in bed. you and seungcheol had come back from a small holiday you took together but the timezone difference and jetlag really got you. you hadn’t eaten dinner yet, still not hungry because of the jetlag. so, when your hunger finally hit, it was 2 am. you sat up, rubbing your stomach to try and soothe the small grumbles that occurred. seungcheol stirred awake next to you and you give him a small apology for waking him up. he doesn’t mind, pulling you back to lie down as he nuzzles his face in the crook of your next, asking what you wanted to eat. you mumble about how you wanted fries and nuggets and he smiles against your neck because he had already guessed. he asks if you wanna go to the 24/7 mcdonalds drive-thru and you nod but also tell him you can go alone if he was sleepy but he’s not having it. “can’t leave you plus it's so late mh”, he mumbles kissing your cheek. you both head to the car, you in your sweats and hoodie. you guys order and sit and when the food comes, the smell of the fries hit you. you take some and eat, sighing in contentment, seungcheol looking at you with a happy smile. you get a mcflurry too and he's appalled that you’re eating the fries and ice cream together going on about how that combination shouldn’t even exist, refusing to try it no matter how much you coax him. finally, you just give up, feeding him a nugget instead.
❝ jeonghan ❞
━☆ you couldn’t sleep, not after watching that creepy movie that jeonghan made you watch with him. you were sitting up in bed, tangled in jeonghan's arms who was awake, sitting up with you. “i know just the thing to help you sleep”, he says with a mischievous grin. “what?”, you ask.” let me tell you a ghost story”, he says. “hannie what no, that is not going to help”, you counter. “shh just listen okay it’s a really good one trust me”, he says. he then proceeds to tell you the story and to be honest, it was really interesting, and soon you found yourself getting sleepy, your eyelids slowly drooping until you were fast asleep against his chest. he smiles to himself once he looks down to see you sleeping, pressing the softest kiss to your head, whispering goodnight.
❝ joshua ❞
━☆ you came home tired and late and you opened the door to see joshua waiting for you on the couch, a book in his hand. he smiles upon seeing you, getting up, and giving you a hug. he helps you change and you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, contemplating if you should do your night skincare routine or just give up and go to sleep because you were really tired. joshua notices you standing zoned out and taps your shoulder. “baby you okay?”, he asks. “yeah, just wondering if i should do my skincare routine tonight or not”, you say softly and he’s immediately offering to help you and do it for you. he makes you sit on the counter top and you guide him about what to put and he gently does it. you decide he could use some spoiling too and grab a sheet mask from the rack, opening it and putting it on his face. “you’ll have glowing skin in the morning”, you say with a gleam on your face as you gently pat the sheet mask on his face.
❝ junhui ❞
━☆ you guys were sitting on the couch late at night when jun had a spontaneous idea to make a blanket fort. so that's how you guys were now trying to make one. You had gotten some blankets and pillows and after some time you finally managed to secure it and be done. You guys crawl in, feeling like children as you look at junhui with a wide smile. he pulls you down with him so you’re lying down and he starts telling you about how he had some childhood memories you listen intently, grateful that he was sharing those moments with you, and you take turns telling a precious childhood memory to each other. you guys later end up falling asleep in the blanket fort.
❝ hoshi ❞
━☆ you guys were making your way home, parting ways with the rest of the members. you and hoshi decided to walk around a bit, the alcohol still buzzing in your system and since you had a lower alcohol tolerance than hoshi, you were definitely tipsier than he was so he held your hand as you walked, telling you to be careful. you spotted one of those photo booths by the corner and dragged hoshi along there going on about how you wanted to take some pictures. you guys enter the booth and your mind is still a bit fuzzy, accidentally pressing the start button when you neither of you were ready *click* so you’re turning around in a hurry trying to get in the photo with hoshi *click* and in the hurry you miss your footing and slip, hoshi catching you in his arms. *click* you look at him as you steady yourself with a frown *click*. “be careful love”, he says, pulling you closer to him, his arm around your waist. you guys decide on some posed and he clicks the start button. you lean in to kiss his cheek *click* and he does the same for the next one *click* you look at each other and burst into laughter *click* you end up squishing his cheeks *click*. It’s only clear in the morning when you look at the photos again how drunk you both were but also how cute those photos turned out, and it was something you were going to treasure a lot.
❝ wonwoo ❞
━☆ if you were anxious and couldn’t sleep, the thoughts eating at you, making your head hurt and heart ache, wonwoo read to you. it always helped you calm down and feel okay. and that’s what he did tonight. you were sitting next to him, his arm wrapped around your waist as you rested your head against his chest and listened to him read. iy usually didn’t matter what he read but just the act of listening to him read, his voice, it somehow helped in slowing down your heart, helping you calm your anxious heart and mind. his voice was soft and gentle and so pleasant to listen to. he’d pause once in a while to look at you, to check up on you before continuing. he reads a few more lines and soon his voice is lulling you to sleep. “do you want me to continue?”, he asks after reading two more pages, turning to look at you, only to see you’re fast asleep on his chest. he looks at you with adoration, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. he’ll reach for the blanket which was bunched up around your waist and pull it up, covering you so you would be warm, and wish you that all your worries would disappear for tonight and you would sleep well.
❝ woozi ❞
━☆ you sat with woozi in his studio as he worked on something, trying to finish a demo to show to the rest of the members. you quietly picked up the guitar from the side and held it on your lap, strumming it softly. you didn’t know how to play, just strumming a few strings to see how they sounded. this caught woozi’s attention and soon he was sitting by your side, telling you which cord was which as he tried to teach you. he held yours gently as he guided them to the right chords and nodded with a smile when you strum the right chords. he teaches you a few more chords and when you play them all together all by yourself, he’s looking at you with a proud smile.
❝ minghao ❞
━☆ you were craving something…something sweet. and you needed asap. you glanced at the time and when you saw that it was almost time for the bakery to close, you hurriedly put on a coat, finding minghao in the room and pulling him along with you. you walked together, hand in hand, minghao telling how you should’ve dressed up warmer as he rubbed one of your hands in his since it was like ice. you guys made it in time to the bakery, just in time to secure your favorite cake and you gladly took it, excitement already on your face. you guys found a small bench under the tree nearby and sat, sharing the cake as you exchanged glances at each other. “you always look so happy when you eat this cake”, he saws with a soft smile, as he reaches out to wipe the corner of your lip with his thumb. once the pastry is finished between both you hear the low rumble of thunder and minghao stands up, helping you up too as he says it might end up raining soon and didn’t to get caught in the rain. you walk back together, your arm hooked around him and soon it starts raining and you guys run home, laughing once you finally reach home.
❝ mingyu ❞
━☆ you’re tossing and turning from cramps, not able to sleep and you glance at the time on your phone – 12am. you are on the small light next to your bed and decide to scroll through Instagram, somehow coming under a tag of souffle pancakes and your stomach lets out a low grumble at the craving them. you hear mingyu turn and his hand reaches out for you, looking for you – a habit of his since he loved to cuddle you and sleep. you put your phone down and reach your hand out. he holds it, confused about where the rest of your body is, and opens his eyes slowly. he realizes you must be in pain and sits up asking if you were okay and needed a hot water bottle or pain killers, and when you softly told him you were craving pancakes, who is he to say no. so now you’re in the kitchen, sitting on the counter as mingyu cracks two eggs in a bowl. his hair was messily disheveled, somehow making him look cute. “gyu you can sleep if you need to, i can make them myself”, you say, getting down from the counter, attempting to take the spatula from his hand. “no no i’ll make them for you hm, it’s okay”, he assures, even though you still feel a pang of guilt. he makes you sit on the counter and you watch as he pours the first pancake. you reach for his hand and pull him towards you, engulfing him in a hug, going on about how you were really grateful that he was doing this and again apologizing for waking him up. he’d kiss you, mumbling about how you wouldn’t get any pancakes if you kept saying sorry, giving you one last peck before going to flip the pancake. in the end, you have a stack of delicious pancakes and you eat them happily, mingyu looking at you with the fondest smile on your face as he watches you eat, content just like that.
❝ dokyeom ❞
━☆ maybe you and dokyeom had one too many glasses of wine with dinner and now you had somehow found yourselves playing never have i ever for no reason. being a rather shy, quiet person, you weren’t really one to do wild things so it was quite surprising for you to see dokyeom's fingers go down each time you said something you’ve never done, even if you were making it up. “kyeom come one, you’ve really sneaked out of the dorn?”, you ask. “yeah i mean It’s actually pretty easy”, he says chuckling. it's your turn again and you really didn’t think much before saying this but also you’ve never actually done it. "never have i ever...hm made out with someone”, you say, the words leaving your lips without much thought, dokyeom looking at you quizzically. “what”, he asks. “really?”, he questions and you shly nod. “i think we need to fix that”, he says, coming closer, his hands finding your waist as he pulls you closer, making you let out a soft gasp. “do you want to?”, he asks softly, searching your eyes and you nod, managing a soft yes before his lips are on yours and your head is spinning and heart is racing.
❝ seungkwan ❞
━☆ you were sitting in bed, time past 10. you were sick of being home, to be honest. since you were also working from home, you barely stepped out. and you just wanted to do something. so when you saw the movie timings for a late show which would play in a bit, you decided to go with seungkwan. he drove you both there and the movie started, except you weren’t really following the movie and kept asking him questions, seungkwan kept telling you he didn’t make the movie so you should just watch 😭 soon you found yourself leaning towards seungkwan because you were getting bored. you didn’t exactly look up what the movie was about before buying tickets, only wanting to take the chance to step out. “bored?”, he asks, knowing as he laces his hand in yours. “should we go?”, he prompts and you shake your head, wanting to stay. even if you were bored, it was nice to be here with seungkwan. soon the movie ends and the last scene is a kiss with the main characters and you look at seungkwan, pouting your lips ever so slightly so he can kiss you too. “what here? people can see”, he whispers. “there’s literally no one here expect us, and it's dark”, you say. “are you going to kiss me or not”, you add, feigning a fake frown. he gives you that you’re unbelievable but i love you look as he leans in to kiss you.
❝ vernon ❞
━☆ you missed vernon. because of his busy schedule, you rarely had time to meet him this month. so one night, finding yourself missing him a little more than usual, you dial him, forgetting to look at the time. it’s only when you glance at the time and realize how late it is and that he’d probably be asleep. Yyu go to cut the call but it’s too late, he’s already picked up. seeing his face makes you feel better. “hey baby, all okay?”, he asks and you nod. “was just missing you that’s all”, you say and his expression softens. you guys stay on a call like that and catch up, talking late into the night.
❝ dino ❞
━☆ you made sure you’re parents were fast asleep before looking out your window and you saw dino down at your front porch waving as he saw you. you were dating dino but maybe your parents were a little too overprotective of you. but tonight you really wanted to see the firework show that was happening near the river except your parents said no since it was happening so late at night. you were about to sleep when you heard your phone ping, a text from dino.
“look out your window”
you looked out and saw him waving at you. you took your phone and texted him back asking what he was doing here so late.
“come to sneak you away to the firework show”, he said.
“oh my god, you’re unbelievable", you text back.
“if my parents find out, we both are so in for it”, you reply immediately.
“they wont *wink*" he replies making you smile.
so that’s how you were now climbing out your window and going on the roof, making your way to the staircase which was connected outside. he takes your hand and you both jog to the riverside where the show is almost about to start. you reach just in time to see it, watching as they glow in the sky. in all the hurry, you forgot to slip on a jacket but dino came prepared, taking off his jacket and slipping it on your shoulders. you sit down on the grass lean your head on his shoulder, thanking him and also going on about how this was your first time sneaking out, excitement and adrenaline buzzing through you. once it’s over, dino makes sure to drop you back home safely, pressing a kiss to your lips, not wanting to let go but also knowing it was late and you were probably tired too. he gives you one last kiss before you go and you climb up back to your room again, blowing one last air kiss to him, he holds a hand to his heart dramatically, making you chuckle at his antics.
©️ etherealyoungk / please don't copy, or translate my works in any shape, form or manner without my permission
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munivrse · 10 months
enhypen as employees at my old coffee/icecream shop
cw: work shenanigans. war flashbacks of spilling hot milk on hands. niki breakdancing.
Heeseung: probably the manager
so nice
friends with with all of the employees on a personal level
sings on karaoke nights and entrusts the rest of the kids to run the shop for the time being
hums while he prepares drinks
one time steamed milk and it boiled over onto his hand as a customer watched. he brushed it off but cried in the office afterwards. (based on a true story 😔)
Jay: customer
jay is a customer who comes in for the same coffee drink every day: just a caramel frappe.
likes to explain he wants a medium caramel frappe with no syrup and extra whip in the most complicated way so that he can talk to the cashier for a long time.
really only came to visit jake at work but became well acquainted with the rest of the staff and now theyre all besties.
specifically wants to take the cashier, shrink him, and put him in his pocket.
they let him carry out drinks during karaoke nights sometimes.
one time came in and asked for a cold brew with one ice cube in it. clearly it had been a very rough day.
Jake: server
love jake but
cannot make an order to customer satisfaction to save his life. (bitter espresso, too much ice in frappes, etc.)
heeseung really liked how polite and sweet he was so he made him a server.
all of the older customers are in love with him and sometimes will ask him to sit with them if the shop isnt busy.
just so personable and sweet he is a dream server.
loves karaoke nights because he loves live music and all of the regulars come to watch him sing a bit too.
one karaoke night a child had ran right in front of him as he was briskly walking back from delivering drinks. came back to the counter pale as a ghost, "guys i almost just steamrolled a child 😰"
Sunghoon: barista
looks scary, very funny and nice.
only makes coffee. likes making new drinks (specifically themed holiday drinks.)
claims he makes the best espresso shots. he is correct.
every customer has a crush on him even though he doesn't leave from behind the counter
does karaoke with heesung if the day is going by slow.
so smart; lacks common sense.
spilled ice in the backroom and then sprayed hot water on the ice to melt it. there is no drain in the floor. so it was just 2x the amount of water. took two hours to dry.
Sunoo: drive thru
his voice is just so nice to hear. makes jokes at the window too.
mostly at the drive thru because nobody wants to uell at him when they see him through the window.
when the drive thru isnt busy they usually ask him yo clean up a bit around the shop and he always sings along to the songs playing off the speakers
a smart ass who plays around too much with niki.
makes all of the summer refreshers
one time the shop was out of 60% of their ice creams and he got very tired of people saying "So what DO you have???" so he muted his mic, screamed into the tip jar so that nobody could hear him, unmuted the mic, and proceeded to list out what they did, in fact, have.
Jungwon: Cashier
polite 80% of the time until some woman comes up and complains that her drink does not taste like how they do at starbucks.
"unfortunately ma'am, this is not a starbucks. this is (shop name). we can remake the drink if you'd like it sweeter..."
perfect balance of smart and polite responses
has a couple regulars that he loves talking to though.
thinks its funny when jay comes up asking the following: "can i get a... whats it called.. the frozen drink with-" "with the caramel?" "... yeah the caramel. what's that called again?" "A caramel frappucino." "frappucino.. gotcha. can i get the caramel frappucino? size-" "size medium. i know. you're here every thursday and friday. go sit down."
Niki: who really knows. gets paid good tho
he does a bit of everything. please dont let him make espresso though hes not too good at that yet.
just makes a fool of himself every day he works.
in charge of the ice cream portion of the store. ice cream scoops are significantly too big for $1.99
does the thing where you flip the ice cream scoop in the air and try to catch it on the cone. literally misses every time but nobody yells at him because the customers love it.
dances around while sweeping and is actually... abnormally good.
doesnt sing for karaoke night but will jokingly be a backup dancer doing the most when an employee sings
break dancing while jake sings love yourself
get those two away from eachother
drive thru is right behind the ice cream freezer so he'll tap sunoo's shoulder and turn around as if nothing happened.
theres a tv that usually has an aesthetic coffee shop themed picture on it throughout the day. one time the remote was left unattended and niki changed it to minecraft speed runs. nobody noticed until a group of kids wouldnt stop looking at the tv.
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
After spending who knows how long looking at the Mall Sebek AU stuff (by scrolling for a long time bc not much is tagged lol)....
I'm honestly more interested in the Not Jolibee shenanigans. I wanna know more.
And my brain is also going: All of these locations are in the exact same mall. Mainly because it would be funny.
People keep on complaining to Sebek about how their spaghetti is too sweet. IT'S HOW NOT JOLIBEE MAKES IT, HE DOESNT CONTROL THEIR RECIPES!!!
Sebek's boss is this guy who is going through a midlife crisis and also wears the Not Jolibee mascot costume. He put Sebek in the cashiers ONCE and instantly regretted it when he shouted at someone for forgetting their toy when they CLEARLY didnt order the kiddie meal but immediately cried when someone tried to ask for extra ketchup.
Because of this he's usually placed in the kitchens. His favorite thing to do is making coke floats and sundaes. His least favorite thing to do is being forced to stand in for someone in the drive-thru to take someone's order.
One time his boss sprained his ankle the same day that a birthday was going on, so Sebek put on the Not Jolibee mascot costume and took his place. He went viral for having a dance off against one of the birthday girl's cousins.
Whenever he's on the job in Claires or Scorching Point, during breaks he always orders from Not Jolibee. Some white conservative mom tried to kick him out because he was wearing a skirt.
His boss told her to get out. The lady told his boss that he clearly wasnt doing his job right as the manager of the place. Sebek saw his boss almost tear up at that.
...he got into a fight with her.
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quinloki · 4 months
Hahaha jokes on you for saying people are qualified to speak to you bc now I’m even more encouraged to send you my thoughts
Jk. But I appreciate your acceptance of them. I’m currently trying to bully my IRL bestie to hurry tf up on getting thru one piece bc right now my options are limited like she’s in enies lobby now and I’m like pls… at least get to post time skip… I can scream about Law and Marco then
Omg ok so it’s peak squirrel brain hours for me rn so lemme try to tell you about this brainrot I’ve been having.
I literally have no idea where it came from but modern au, you’re a patron at thatch’s bar, you go there often and are friendly with thatch bc he’s a nice guy. Friends with Luffy. You go to said bar, having a great time with your friends, whitebeard crew shows up bc it’s thatch’s place obvi, but some other crew busts in trying to pick a fight. Somehow you get yoinked as a hostage bc the other crew wants to fight somewhere else (a trap duh) and it’s not a situation where they can get you out safe so they’re like yes we’ll fight you at this location but Marco is like I wanna come too, prolly cause he feels responsible maybe you were by the whitebeard crew bc you were luffy’s friend or you were flirting with Marco and that’s why you got snatched
And the baddies they’re like fine fine but it’s seastone cuffs. They got beef with him or something so they were down, plus having one of their fighters tapped out seemed smart
So you go off with them and both of you are just subconsciously trying to protect the other Marco even has you come sit on his lap bc the sketchy van you’re put in has stuff all over the floor and you’re wearing shorts/skirt and it’s conveniently freezing in the van so like, y’all can warm eachother up
And the baddies are like oh wait is it the Phoenix’s gf is that why he wanted to come and they’re taunting like oh the things we could do to your little gf and Marco is like just remember the cuffs won’t be on forever
Anyways they drive y’all around until the meeting time maybe taunting or roughing poor Marco up a little and finally they all meet up at this trap location except obvi the whitebeard pirates are gonna kick ass and come to the rescue and they take you back with them to heal any injuries/make sure you ok
Oh no one of the baddies gets away and starts posting all over the dark web about the phoenix’s weakness and everyone is like oh you’re in danger guess you gotta stay with us for awhile
And Marco was so nice so you just have a huge crush but he somewhat avoids you bc he feels responsible so you’re like oh he does not like me back oh ok
And idk they’re loosely mafia ish so some shenanigans ensue of people coming after you but Marco is always there to protect you and the tension is off the charts
That’s kinda as far as my brain got bc I keep starting over lmao
Ugh I wish I was better at making that a cute little story I’m so good at coming up with things in my head but typing them out is so hard T_T
But I hope you enjoyed my brainrot I’m about to head to bed and will most likely be thinking of it more <3
An Author friend of mine - far more successful and suited to the job than I am - said something once that really sticks with me.
The ideas are the easy part, writing is the hard part.
Some people will come to her with ideas, and want some sort of 50/50 deal for doing "half" the work, and honestly, no matter how well fleshed out the idea is, it's barely going to be 5% of the process at best.
I don't share that to put your idea down, not even a little, but I do mention it to highlight that you're not wrong. Turning ideas into stories is the hard part, and honestly I always love seeing that truth understood too. (Real fun is when you apply that to other things and realize that certain types who have "great ideas" are rarely the ones who make them reality, but they really want to continually tell you how great their ideas are changing the world >.> )
I love everything about this!
So - I have to admit I have a Mafia AU Marco story I'm slowly working on. It's pretty complex so far, intended as a slowburn anyway, and I really want to incorporate this idea into it. I just love the vibes.
AND - lol - one of the points I wanted to sort out for it was specifically having the reader end up in the Main House for the Whitebeard Mafia family. This idea is PERFECT, a few adjustments for the reader type and the AU itself, and the vibes are there. It's a Devil Fruit AU too, so >.>
the reader as a hostage gets Marco as a "hostage", they're supposed to let her go at that point, but someone gets the brilliant idea that the girl keeps the bird inline, and Pops' prize bird keeps the other boys inline, so they're keeping both.
The idea of the doomed kidnappers thinking the two are together works, it'll be the 2nd or 3rd time they've met and yeah, there's been flirting, but nothing committal. So her staying at the Main House for protection still leave Marco with a sour taste - he does like her, but this situation isn't fair. He's too laid back and experienced to blatantly avoid her, but he makes sure there's always someone else around, excusing himself before his brothers can "leave the two of them alone" or anything.
In this particular story the reader is an adopted kid of Big Mom's, trying to get away from the mafia life to some degree, and more than that to avoid being married off for whatever reason by Big Mom in the first place. (this is grumbled about in the first chapter, so it's not some big reveal). That certainly adds another layer to things, especially if Lin-Lin sees it as an in to tie the two families together.
Ah, sweet Kazieai <3 I would love to utilize this wonderful idea you've blessed my morning with. Just because the idea part is easier than the writing part doesn't mean it isn't worth due credit ❤️Especially when it's just the scenario I was trying to come up with.
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cartoonslovers · 1 year
I get why there isn't a road trip episode in transformers prime since they have like the ground bridge to take them anywhere they want but where the fun in that?
-Let Jack and Smokescreen play stupid little games with each other.
-Let Jack and Smokescreen jam to metal music the whole time during their trip
-Let Jack and Smokescreen go to a local concert at small little town.
-Let Jack and Smokescreen explore the sights of the cites they travel to and get into all kind of shenanigans.
-Let Jack and Smokescreen go on a shopping trip at the Mall of America where they originally came for supplies but got distracted by the rides and end up buying a bunch of shit they don't really need. Jack also got himself stuck on top of a road coaster and Smokescreen have to get him down without reveling his identity to the mall shoppers . Also Smokescreen end up getting power ranger shirt that can barley fit him.
-Let Smokescreen and Jack go to a drive thru theatre and let them make fun of the terrible horror movie that is playing on screen.
-Let Smokescreen and Jack somehow got into a race against a few jackasses and- wait how did they end up in a cruise ship- oh God the ship is sailing away from land- oh God help them-
-When Jack and Smokescreen eventually return to the base after their trip, they are covered in confetti, wearing party hats and laugh with each other the whole time while the rest team prime wonder what the heck happened to them.
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