#drug delusions
aesthetics-core · 1 month
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my mental health lately
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delusi0nalraik0 · 9 days
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swanpyart · 1 year
Insane theory because I’m high as heck right now:
What if the reason Welcome Home has gotten so insanely popular all of a sudden is because whatever anomalous effect is present in the website has spread to everyone whose ever seen or heard of it?
Welcome Home isn’t popular because it’s good (but in all honesty it is really good)
Welcome Home is popular because Wally has infected our brains
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abnormalpsychology · 11 months
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Hear me out. Brad and Janet, and Tom and Shiv— two failmarriages who may have more in common than you’d think:
inversion / parody of gender roles hetero romance
they are trying SOOOOOOO hard to be a normal married couple and it is just Not Working Out
very very hot sex symbol girlboss woman obsessed with another more powerful guy (Logan, Frank) and extremely unreliable but sometimes present sense of self-awareness and craves independence
dorky asshole malewife bottom trying desperately not to be a malewife as hard as he can for the entire media but yet the malewife genes overcome his efforts valiantly again and again and aGAIN
they cheat on each other a bunch of times (but they don't mean it guyssss 😩)
YES. they cheat on each other. BUT it's made known to the audience that they feel really bad abt it Imao
a premature WEIRD proposal done in a close-proximity-to-death situation yet they’re still like “okay 😊!” like would you rather I propose to you in the hospital while your dad is in intensive care from his brain hemorrhage OR in a graveyard after another person’s wedding while a funeral goes on right next to us featuring a suspiciously child-sized casket? romance central am I right
dedicated loving relationship struggling to survive in a crazy environment that is directly corrosive to dedicated loving relationships
horrible communication where the lack of communication in their marriage is kind of essential to the plot in and of itself
a threesome kinda happens in canon (more an orgy. this is abt rhps obviously) vs they almost had a threesome and then didnt... basically a threesome could've fixed all of them
"yes I cheated on you. Yes I still love you and would protect you as best I can in a traumatizing situation where a key extremely complex and kinda shitty person we both kinda love dies in front of us. We exist."
protection motif is a huge thing for both of them and in the end it's pretty clear that delusion is really what's actually been protecting them
most importantly: getting into marriage and being like "wow bitch!!! you are not who I thought you were"
they both end up in this really subjective completely destroyed irrevocably changed and entirely mortifyingly known position in their relationship like "who knows if we even love each other anymore"
"lol we both betrayed the other's trust beyond repair. does the love matter anymore lol Imao"
way too many people rightfully think there's no way to work their issues out but I am so delusional I don't give a shit <3
married couple that gets pitted against each other and have all these reasons to hate each other but you can tell that all of the love can’t be gone and like the evolution somehow emphasizes the love that was there before = PEAK ROMANCE. TO ME
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hanakihan · 2 months
i had the most wild fucking dream where (non avenger) Salieri was one of (or more accurately only remaining) Sister in The Void keeping it somewhat whole at cost of his own Color (or more likely is what left of it) with his Wailing Exterior (Innocent Monster/Avenger) version being his Brother that keeps him alive enough to keep going but also being the one to keep hurting him for sake of their goal and they both are really attached to each other in this dying Limbo—
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I fucking hate this place
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seeinginthedark · 3 months
More things coming to me now , in this psychosis of mine :
I want to go back to the astral realm like fuckn ASAP. But the only way I can get there is through sleep paralysis. So I’ve stopped using because I remember the other times I’ve had sleep paralysis was when I going through withdrawals from the substance I used to have a lot of.
I need to go to the astral realm to confirm what is going up there . Yesterday someone told me that the matrix extends “ up /into” the astral realm, not just here.
How could this happen. It fits into my theory that A.I technology/the Artificial Consciousness has infiltrated our afterlife processes , putting us in these never- ending reincarnation loops. I can’t confirm this until I go to the astral realm and see it for myself .
So I’m grumpy and tired as fuck because I’m not using . I know I can’t just Willy nilly enter that realm on a whim, I need to go through the initiation first. The spirits and beings up there put you through some rough times to see how you handle it. A personal sacrifice has to be made, or surviving a trauma also can be an initiation.
Well once again , my lover, my husband, my other half has been put on the chopping block. I told these entities to leave him alone . He’s been through enough. We’ve been interfered with , again. He’s been removed from my life . That was the sacrifice. It’s sad . I miss him . We can’t see each other or he will get arrested. We had 18 beautiful, drug free months together. No fights, no arguments, no infiltration, no violence . Then a sudden personality swap , things whispered in his ears , paranoid thoughts and him lashing out at me. I didn’t even call the cops this time. It was my pesky useless mental health nurse that did. The entities know how much I love this man. They know what it means to me to lose him. That’s why they fuck with his mind, to get to me. To cause me trauma. Force me to survive it. Initiate me . Invite me into their world. Increase my abilities. Continue this on -going mission that I keep trying to complete, life time after life time. My soul is getting so tired of this. And I miss my Inner Earth home and my Inner Earth family and my Inner Earth friends there. It’s been very isolated for me here, on the surface of Mother Earth. It’s so fucked up how people treat each other here. So I have to push on with the mission.
It’s ok. I’m an alchemist so I know how to transmute my pain into something useful and positive. Pain has become my power. It is the gateway. But I hate seeing my husband suffer for it each time . Now he’s addicted again, missing us, not able to see us . Stuck in an addiction loop.
You know that addicts are truly beautiful souls deep down. They are important for this battle we are in. This battle for humanity and for our souls. They get stuck in addiction as it’s part of their plan, the bad entities. Who feed off the addiction and pain that goes along with it. I see addicts as heroes who forgot they were hero’s . Lost track of the mission.
I’m seriously sick of being messed with . I’m done with being trapped in this matrix simulation . I’m coming for the ones that created it and the ones that monitor us . I’m going to destroy them. I’ve known since I was a child we were being watched. I’m not paranoid about it, just aware. We won’t be enslaved anymore . Or tricked and deceived and used like batteries. Putting families through hell. Exploiting us.
Enough is enough .
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bitegore · 1 year
"there's something in the mirrors" uh huh the mirror demons come free with your fucking mirrors. there's something in every mirror. "the house with something in the mirrors" this is every house. Yeah i'm psychotic and have visual distortions, why?
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delusi0nalraik0 · 3 days
I got too silly (overdosed on dex)
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jamiebluewind · 8 months
WARNING: graphic threats of violence, addiction, gun mention, possible psychosis, hearing voices, harassment, death threats, gun violence
I'm going to TRY to make this brief. Today my half brother called me and threaten to kill me. He believes I'm "talking to him all the time" and that he has to "save the family" from me. He's an addict, I haven't talked to him in years, and I moved to another state. NOBODY knows why he's started doing this. He just did.
He can't find me, but he can find my family. He showed up at his ex wife's place (we are still on good terms) a couple months ago talking gibberish about me, but there was no direct threat (he just mumbled, talked about saving everyone, and mentioned my name several times) so the police didn't do anything. He contacted my nephew and left a video message trying to find me and saying he's going to save everyone from me by... violence. He's also looking for our dad.
I contacted the police, but getting a warrant on someone in a different state is difficult, especially since it's the weekend. He called me a second time just now (the first time was in the afternoon and the second was in the middle of the night), so I installed a voice recorder on my phone for if he calls a third time. I'm kicking myself for not doing it earlier.
I'm not scared for me; I'm scared for my family back in Arkansas. He's not in his right mind, he's on drugs, he has a history of violence, and he's lost everything and THAT makes him very dangerous. His ex told me she saw him in the town my dad lives and my dad lives next to my nephew and his family, so they are all in one spot if he figures out where they live.
I know some of my family hasn't always been the best to me (like my dad saying he never wanted to talk to me again after I came out as bi), but I'm scared for them and helpless unless/until I can get a warrent put out for his arrest (and it's the weekend). It's just... too much. So here I am screaming into the void because it's 5 am and I don't know what else to do.
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 months
i don't wanna be that person but will anything changes ( or small changes ) if the h!ds was genderbent?
Would some characters be more or less violent?? (I mostly wonder how would Hunter ( and with Byte and Orange relationship ) be like...)
Anon you’ve given me an excuse to be even more gay about everyone so I hope you don’t mind that I went ahead and genderbent everyone
Well. Almost everyone. I’m not entirely sure how I would’ve genderbent Rahni, since they’re agender and rather androgynous. What’s the opposite of agender? Pangender?? I’m not into gender or bending I don’t know how this works beyond binary genders and presentations
But anyways, to actually answer your question:
Nothings really different. They just have different genders. And some are less “suddenly snappy” once a month, whereas others ARE now “oddly moody” once a month. That might have some bearing on how often some of them do fucked up things, but not much. And honestly all the ones who gets a little extra murderous on their period are so valid
Probably the biggest difference between relationships, is that once in a while Hunter would get extra touchy and cuddly, and that made Byte want Out even more. Regardless of the reason behind it, he was very clear that he didn’t like touching, and Hunter never listened.
I’m hiding all the heroforge things and the little notes under the cut, so this doesn’t take up too much space
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- Fester, being a demon in a 15 year old’s body, didn’t get much of a change at all.
- The first person who calls Pulaski a milf wins me $5 (not ‘owes,’ wins.)
- sparrow’s hair. Gave me problems,,,but she looks nice.
- why the fuck does slash look like a twink now. I actually gave a little MORE muscle for the illusion of simply Different Toning but he looks like a twink what the fuck
- ALSO Slash has a torn ear. She’s got one in her normal ref, too. I see we all collectively forgot about that NSJSHSH
- 💞✨Spindle✨💞
- OH Delusion’s hair is actually for realsies like that now. Normally I use that style becuase none of the actually short styles look right for DS Dream, and Boy Delusion is supposed to have hair much closer to normal DS Dream. But now it’s actually THAT style
- You may also note that Delusion’s had the most change. This is because I wanted to give her heels, and I was sure she wouldn’t be stupid enough to wear heels in a fucking fight. It’s for in the office.
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
I um
I do not think my mother and I are safe in our own home anymore and I have some serious concerns
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d1rtgru8-t4lk5 · 2 years
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૮ ✧ ﻌ ✧ა < 🥩🦴🍦🔇
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uranium · 8 months
>:| paranoid about my lung again
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God, I know you're not there but thank you for opiods 💊🤍👏🏻💤
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nicosraf · 1 year
While reading ABM i discovered the song Messy in heaven by Venbee and Goddard no I imagine angels in heaven doing Cocaine in michaels house after his fights. And Lucifer dancing on table tops while everyone gaze at him in a high daze.
OOOO thank you for sharing this song I love it ! Incredible lyrics hhah
You know, I did casually mention Michael chewing coca leaves in one scene, so cocaine is probably an actual canonical thing that exists in ABM heaven. Am I saying this exact scene happened during the party in early part 2? Well.... maybe a little
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