#dry fruit small box
mandibazaar · 2 years
Diwali Gift Dry Fruit Small Box (no items inside). Diwali Offer - Deepawali 2022 Sale on  Mandi Bazaar. Grab never before Diwali Offers, Deals, Discount & Cashback on Online Diwali Store in New Zealand.
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saetoru · 1 year
contents. domesticity with nanami after moving in together. aka brushing your teeth. aka staring at him shamelessly as he does mundane tasks. (me writing someone other than gojo or geto ???? whatttttt :O)
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it doesn’t hit you that you and kento now live together until the the morning after the first night.
it’s spring. there are flowers you want to keep in your balcony sitting in your living room, the box labeled dishes is half empty from only what you took out for dinner, and you aren’t quite sure where your clothing box is because you forgot to label it. but kento is handsome next to you in the bathroom, shirtless as he brushes his teeth.
there are two sinks—one for you and one for him, but you opt for brushing your hip against his and sharing one. he doesn’t say anything, just scoots a little to the side and rinses his mouth as he makes room for you.
“please stop staring,” he mumbles tiredly, “it’s getting awkward.”
“you look handsome,” you pout, “i can’t admire you?”
“i’m brushing my teeth,” he deadpans.
“yes, a very handsome sight. i love seeing your care for dental hygiene.”
kento sighs, grabbing the small towel from the side and patting his face dry as you lean down and spit, rinsing your own mouth and plopping your toothbrush back in place. next to his.
and your face wash is beside his too, and so is your shampoo and body wash in the shower. you step to the side, bumping hips with him again as you grin—it’s ecstatic, the expression on your face.
“kento, i just realized something,” you murmur, leaning to press a kiss to his jaw. it’s smooth, the feeling of his skin under your lips—you watched him shave earlier, sat on the counter and swung your legs as he carefully ran the razor along his skin.
“and what’s that?” he asks, patting your face with the towel, gently wiping away the droplets of water with extra care.
“we live together now—and i can watch you brush your teeth every day,” you grin.
“we shared a bed last night,” he raises a brow, “i’m sure you realized a bit before this that we now share a living space.”
your home isn’t put together yet—you couldn’t find your pajamas last night, so you wear kento’s. the coffee machine still hasn’t been taken out and plugged in yet, and breakfast is currently limited to cereal and fruit that doesn’t need to be cut until the kitchen utensils have been organized. your couch hasn’t arrived yet, and your bed is currently just a mattress on the floor until the bed frame is delivered.
it doesn’t really dawn on you that you and kento are living together until you wake up with his chest under your cheek and his breath fanning against your forehead. sure, you and kento have spent nights at each other’s apartments—but that always results in one rising before the other to leave early and make up for the extra distance in the commute to work.
today, however, you and kento are home together. it’s spring—you can hear cicadas calling and see the buds blooming in the plants outside. there are flowers waiting to be potted in your balcony, and fresh strawberries of the season waiting for you in the kitchen.
and when you watch kento take his time and brush his teeth, hip accidentally bumping against yours as he leans down to rinse his mouth, you realize your home is with kento now.
you grin, wrapping your arms around his neck, “well, we’ve shared a bed before,” you kiss delicately at the slant of his jaw again, “but i’ve never seen you shirtless and brushing your teeth.”
“this new obsession is scaring me,” he mumbles, “what’s so special about me brushing my teeth?”
“oh, kento,” you grin, warm and bright and as fresh as the first breeze of spring, “it’s certainly a sight. you just have to see it.”
he hums, shaking his head gently as he chuckles in that soft, calm little way that he does. his arms find your waist.
your bathroom, even with missing shower curtains, feels like it’s always been yours. it feels natural, living with kento, it feels natural sharing a towel to wipe your face and leaving the door unlocked for the other to come in as you prepare for the morning.
“i have my own sight,” he murmurs, tracing your cheek as his hand cups your face, “you look lovely when you drool in your sleep.”
“kento,” you whine with a pout, “don’t watch me sleep.”
“how could i not?” he grins, brown eyes bordering on hazel as they brighten, “it’s the best new part of my mornings.”
he kisses you there, in the bathroom you still have to finish setting up, the tiles cool beneath your feet and his lips warm against your mouth.
it’s spring when you move in with kento—and you have a newfound appreciation for the season.
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guess who wants to brush her teeth in the mornings with nanamin. it might be me. it might be my undying need for domesticity. it might be my deep desire to witness him spit. it might be both. i haven’t decided yet
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hedgehog-moss · 9 months
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I realised I hadn't posted a greenhouse report since spring, and today seemed like a good day for a 2023 home-grown food review!
2023 was a great year for fruit; my apple & plum trees were so generous! In the greenhouse my most successful crops were tomatoes, red chilli peppers, beans, and pickles. I was able to make spicy plum chutney using my own plums, onions and peppers:
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On the other hand I was unlucky with my non-greenhouse vegetables, there were so many insects this year and my courgettes got absolutely decimated. But then I complained about my bad courgette luck to some neighbours and was gifted 9 courgettes and 3 pumpkins. I spent the first half of my autumn cooking and freezing and pickling and preserving to try not to let anything go to waste; I made:
7 jars of pesto (with greenhouse basil); 8 jars of pasta sauce (with courgette-pumpkin-tomato-red peppers-onions-basil, + parmesan); an unknown but large amount of pumpkin-tomato soup (I put them in empty glass bottles and freeze them); 7 jars of spicy plum chutney; 2 small bottles of spicy oil for my pizzas (with some of my chilli peppers; the rest are still drying by the stove to become chilli powder); 5 jars of plum jam and 3 of blackberry jam (I also froze several kg of whole blackberries for winter desserts); 6 jars of pickles (they are delicious!! I'd never pickled pickles before this year, I'm really happy with the result); 12 small bottles of elderberry syrup; 4 large bottles of elderflower syrup; hundreds of little apple sweets; several bottles of apple juice; an absolutely dizzying amount of apple puree / compote / jelly, because I refused to leave any leftover apples for the dormouse population. They are not my friends.
(If you think I'm being too mean to the dormice, please know that a) they are unrepentant thieves; b) I became so competent at hiding my apples that a dormouse ended up sneaking into the shower at night to eat my soap. My bar of homemade (not by me) goat milk soap. It's hazelnut scented so I guess if you're a rodent it just smells like lunch.)
I took some stuff out of the freezer just long enough to take this family picture; though I already gave away a lot of things to guests and neighbours, so it's just what's left! (I also froze enough chopped onions to last until summer I think)
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I am terrible at labelling my jars; in my hubris I always assume I'll just remember where I put which kind of sauce or flavour of compote. I never remember. I end up having to give my guests mystery jars, like "this is fruit jelly! Made with... fruits"
So it wouldn't get too monotonous I added various fruits to my apple purees: apple-raspberry, apple-blueberry, -plum, -blackberry... I also made a few jars of apple-pineapple-pumpkin compote because I had too much pumpkin and I regret not focusing on that from the start, this combo tasted so good and was the most cheerful yellow colour.
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I finally used my last apples last week, making apple-quince paste which is currently drying in order to become sweets. I bought some pretty & thick paper to origami a few boxes to put them in, so I'll have New Year presents for my courgette-providing neighbours. <3
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(My cats are currently banned from this room so they won't try to lick the fruit paste) (they don't even like it, they're just cats)
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There’s a knock on his door.
Keith freezes. There’s never a knock at his door.
“…Yeah?” he calls out cautiously, dog-earing his book and setting it down on his mattress. Shiro doesn’t knock, Shiro just calls out from wherever he is. Or texts him. And it’s not like Keith even has friends over, because he’d have to have friends to have them over. Shiro is also, as it turns out, equally as uncool, and never has company.
The door handle turns, and Adam pokes his head through the crack.
“You busy?” he asks.
Keith blinks. “Oh. Hi.”
That makes sense. Adam is here a lot. Keith has kind of forgotten to count him as company, actually. He kind of just appears at random times. Keith is half convinced that Adam is actually some kind of hologram Shiro has created to argue with, mostly because imagining that is really funny.
But he’s never come to Keith’s room before.
“Hi,” he says back, smiling slightly. “Shiro had to run out to handle something because the Garrison would delve into chaos without him, apparently. So he’ll be gone until after dinner.”
He looks at Keith expectantly. Keith stares back, eyes big, because he has no idea what the hell to say to that. Like, he’s correct, Shiro is the one and only thing holding the stupid school together, but Keith’s not quite sure why Adam has come to announce that to him.
“So are you free?” Adam repeats.
“Oh,” Keith says, startling a little. This is a — Adam is seeking him out. Intentionally. Planned. The fiancé of his foster — father? brother? mentor? Keith should ask more questions — has made plans, and they include Keith. Keith is being considered as someone to be hung out with.
“Yeah,” he says, voice cracking. “I’m free.”
“Cool,” Adam says, nodding. “C’mon.”
Keith scrambles off his bed and to the door, not wanting to give Adam time to change his mind. Not that it matters, or Keith cares about hanging out with him. Or anybody for that matter. But he’s curious, so.
“What are we doing?” Keith asks, jogging after him. Adam is a power walker. There’s not a lot of space to power walk in the small apartment, but Adam manages to leave him in the dust anyway. More fuel to Keith’s hologram theory.
“Well, obviously I love your brother more than the moon and stars,” Adam says matter-of-factly, striding over to the kitchen and opening counters.
Keith blinks. Well. That’s one question answered, he supposes.
“But I’m worried.” Adam sets down his armful of supplies; a small mixing bowl, chopsticks, a knife, a cutting board, and an array of vegetables. “Takashi tries very hard at everything he does. It usually gets him quite far. But cooking?” He shakes his head, grabbing a strainer and a head of cabbage and stepping over to the sink. “I don’t know who cursed him, but he’s physically incapable. And you’re thirteen. You’re growing. You can’t eat boxed noodles and peanut butter sandwiches all day. It’s bad for you. Come here.”
“I eat a lot of fruit,” Keith offers, feeling strangely like he has to defend Shiro, or something. Not even necessarily against Adam. Perhaps against the Allegations. “He’s very big on oranges. And mandarins. All citrus, really. There’s a lot of it.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “That is because Takashi read a book about scurvy when he was fourteen and is now terrified of it, because he is a goober. He’s also afraid of squirrels, if you’re wondering. He found out that some of them are carnivorous and never recovered.”
A tiny, barely there smile quirks his lips. Keith bites the corners of his mouth so it doesn’t get any ideas, then steps hesitantly towards the kitchen island, across from Adam. He watches him scrub the leafy vegetable, careful to get in all the nooks and crannies, then pat it dry. He moves to set the cabbage down and then seems to think better of it, leaning back against the sink.
“Get me the salt,” he says, gesturing to a bowl on the counter with pursed lips.
Keith narrows his eyes at it suspiciously. “Why?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” Adam observes.
“You answer very vaguely,” Keith returns.
Adam barks a laugh. Keith finds himself pleased at the reaction.
“I’m going to scrub the cabbage with it,” Adam explains. “It’ll draw out the moisture and take out any leftover dirt, too.”
Satisfied at the answer, Keith grabs the salt bowl, bringing it over. He moves to go back to his spot but Adam stops him with a wet hand around his wrist, gently guiding his hands towards the cabbage. Keith wills his shoulders to relax.
“One hand open to support it, one hand in the salt bowl,” Adam instructs quietly. “Grab a handful and start rubbing it in.”
Hesitantly, Keith grabs the offered cabbage, hyperaware of how his shoulder brushes against Adam’s bicep when he moves; how he doesn’t move away, but he’s not crowding, either. Just…close.
“I can actively feel my fingers pruning,” Keith says in disgust.
Adam snorts. “Yeah, they do that.”
Step by step, Adam guides him through chopping vegetables, measuring spices, mixing sauces, and handling the stove until Keith is working his way through a basic stir-fry like a pro. He’s more shocked than he should be when he tries his first bite of it and likes it.
“You have managed to avoid being cursed, too,” Adam says around his own bite, pleasantly surprised. “I was worried that living with Takashi would curse you by proxy. But this is good.”
“I mean. It was stir-fry. We chopped and we fried. Hard to fuck up,” Keith points out.
“You’d think. When I tried to do this with Shiro, the pan was charred so bad we had to throw it out. I don’t even know what he did. I was right there. It’s like he destroyed it by rancid vibes alone.”
Keith hides a smile in his noodles. Adam notices anyway, and grins.
“Sounds about right.”
“You’re good, though, kiddo,” Adam says, and his hand is heavy on Keith’s head. “You’re good.”
Keith swallows the sudden lump in his throat. His face gets red.
He leans into the touch.
other parts in this universe
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evitirey · 27 days
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ok so this was a beast to draw and research good GORD. this one requires a glossary so i'll be putting the entire text under a read more bar, meet me there?
I think most of us in the Avatar fandom have some range of obscure knowledge (or who knows maybe the knowledge is less obscure to everyone else and I'm the silly one) but here's a handful of words I had to learn for this: Chinampa: small, stationary, artificial island built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes. Chinampan was the ancient name for the southwestern region of the Valley of Mexico, the region of Xochimilco, and it was there that the technique was—and is still—most widely used. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Conuco: A portion of earth that the native Tainos of the Caribbean would grow their crops on. (More on that later)
Winnow: In the western world, to remove (something, such as chaff) by a current of air. I specifically based theirs off of a video that @aketchjoywinnie on tiktok posted of her culture's winnows. She is from Uganda and I love her videos whenever they come across my fyp. In this case it is more of a woven basket/plate that is used for food.
As for the drawing:
The Ro'atni have 2 forms of 'floating' gardens. The first and most productive are their chinampas; kind of important to the context is that the Ro'atni were originally a river people, but a portion of their river gave way to an oxbow lake. The young lake has turned into their gardens. The chinampas are made by their swimmers who usually chose their lifestyle very young, as their bodies adjust and grow to adapt underwater better; their strakes go from soft, unobtrusive cartilage to actual strakes, smaller than the reef people's. They dive under water and plant the reedy plants that they then weave together into a roughly rectangular box. Each chinampa is a labor of love that normally takes years to make (though if they feel the next season will not be fruitful they can and will build some quickly). The base layer of the chinampas is essentially a refuse pile. Their compost, their unusable bones, any trash (which is much less than most modern societies) is thrown into the woven reed "basket" to form the solid base along with base stones. The middle layer, still submerged in water, is a combination of compost, mulch, manure, night soil and gravel.
As the compost decomposes, they churn the dirt and build it up over the years until they build above the water level; once the dirt remains relatively dry on a sunny day, and they can dig without immediately hitting mud, they begin to build the conucos on top of the chinampas.
The Conucos are logs stacked up and packed with earth, the shape keeps plants that need dryer soil out of the water, and retains water when the lake starts drying down during the dry season. As the logs decompose they leave behind air pockets for the roots to take up as well as the necessary microorganisms. Most of the weeds are allowed to grow to an extent - once they begin to choke out the plants they want, they will be cut down. The Ro'atni believe that even the most annoying creatures (weeds) have a place in the balance of life. If they're uprooted, they're tossed on shore where they continue to grow. To combat the growth of weeds, they plant a groundcover berry-producing vine that functions as a nitrogen fixer as well as food.
The second form of floating gardens tend to be used for children to learn, as they operate on the principles of aquaponics. The winnow pads are sometimes made specifically for the purpose, but often they're made from a winnow that has reached the end of its life. If it is no longer buoyant, it is tossed into the bottom of a new chinampa. If it is buoyant, then small anchors are tied to the bottom, and a fast growing plant is placed on the winnow to take advantage of the nutrition in the water. Often seedlings for the chinampas are grown this way and transplanted once they're big enough.
Now for the plants they grow; I only had the mental bandwidth to name ONE plant, and I welcome any professional Na'vi speakers to correct me on it lol. So, they grow: Furina'ngrr: Primarily this plant functions as a starchy tuber, but it also grows "beans" (in the way that a coffee bean is a bean but its actually a berry) with a soft outer fruit that the entire clan uses to produce a bright red stain/dye. Combined with red ochre and animal fat, it creates a thick, water resistant body paint that they use both to ward off bugs and to paint pretty patterns and symbols on their skin; certain ones are protective symbols. The fruit can be peeled off of the bean and the beans can be eaten; they're more often replanted to avoid genetic monocropping. They only ripen every 2 years more or less, so the elder gardeners know to stagger their crop growth to accommodate for it. The root however is the main crop from these plants. It is ground into a pulp, seasoned and wrapped in leaves, then either boiled or cooked in a firepit. It's dumpling-like in the firepit, and more like a mochi if its boiled. It can also be fried and baked depending on preparation. The roots can be replanted and this is the quickest way to propagate the plant. They also store for a long time in a root cellar like environment. This is their first source of starch.
Reed-maize: Many different kinds of reeds can be used to create chinampas, but reed-maize is the favored choice; even after their cultivation the reeds remain for a good while before decomposing, giving the gardeners time to grow their replacements, replant them around the chinampas and weave them in again. The reed-maize grow seed pods that can be harvested; they usually require a good strike to release their seeds, which is an adaptation to release their seeds during windy season when the fluffy seeds can fly far away. These were a gift from the Sa'anre side of the clan, and comes originally from the swamps and deltas they traverse; in the oxbow lake the wind is only strong enough during typhoon-like weather to open the seedpods. The seeds release from the pods wrapped in tightly coiled fibers that spring open as they fly out; the fibers carry them on the wind. So the gardeners beat the seed pods open only inside of the hometree or where large structures have been built to catch them. The fibers are hand-ginned off of the seeds, and the seeds are then winnowed free of chaff. The fiber can be processed into cloth, but its very time consuming so they often trade it out to other clans. Other uses are compost mulch, or bedding for their fishing companions. The seeds range in color from soft oranges to gray-blues; an act of love is to separate the specific color seed your child/mate/parent loves most and to make them ground cakes from the singular color. It's extremely time intensive to sort, then grind these seeds separate from all the rest. Normally however, they are stored as grain alongside the furina'ngrr. The grain can then either be processed into flour, "grits", or eaten with minimal preparation. Boiled, they taste both earthy and floral.
Oh my gosh almost done guys lets go. Together with dried and powdered meat, the clan makes a type of pemmican out of their crops; dried roots, dried meat, dried berries and fat are mixed with reed-maize flour, then dried down and stored in their root cellar caves. Their stores are for the long rainy season when hunting is difficult and flooding is common. They have also experienced famine before so they prepare for it again at all times.
Mothers sometimes make the little pemmican cakes into cute shapes for their young ones!
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Birthday Girls Don’t Work
a/n: Make sure to check out to rest of Stars Birthday Special where you can see this same thing but for other characters
Paring(s): Finnick Odair x reader
Words: 399
Warnings: Flufffffff, I honestly don’t think I need any other warnings
Summary: Finnick spoils you during you’re birthday.
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Finnick Odair would wake you up with breakfast in bed. He would set the tray full of waffles, fruit and coffee on the bed in front of you which a big smile of his face. “Happy birthday honey” I would say before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
When you’re finally ready to get up you shower together. He washes your hair for you and gives you the best head massage while he does it. He leans down so you can wash his hair as well.
You got dressed into your bikini and threw on of Finnicks oversized shirts over your head and he put on his swim shorts and a t shirt for after. He brushed out your hair for you before carrying you downstairs as you laughed.
He would plan a picnic for you both down on the beach. He carried down a basket with snacks, drinks, a blanket and 2 towels for the both of you. He wouldn’t let you hold anything except for his hand because “birthday girls don’t work”
You both go swimming for a while before coming back and drying off before you eat the food that’s Finnick packed.
After you finish eating Finnick surprises you with a small box. When you open it you see a charm bracelet with a few random charms including a F charm.
Makes you your favourite dinner and insist on doing it himself “birthday girls don’t work”. He does cave though and let’s you help him a little because you insisted that cooking with him is one of your favourite things to do. When it’s finished he kicks you out to the living room so he can set everything up. When you return you find all the food on the table, two plates and candles.
Finnick secretly bought you your favourite pie from the market day day before and you both just ate it straight out of the tin because why not?
After you eat you both get ready for bed. He lets you do his skin care while he wears one of your pink headbands to hold his hair back. Then he watches as you do your skincare.
While you’re both in bed and cuddling you talk for a while and you said thank you a million times before you both finally fell asleep together.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
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Hold Me Steady
Pairing: Billy Taylor (The Halcyon) x f!reader Warnings: Dry humping. Word count: ~1.3k
Summary: Billy has a close encounter with one of the hotel's maids after agreeing to help her decorate the employee sitting space for Christmas.
Author's note: Day one of the Smuffmas prompts - "hand holding and dry humping". No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
She struggles down the stairs into the employee sitting room, the beaten up, old cardboard box she carries hindering her view, meaning she has to pick her way carefully downwards, one step at a time.
Halfway down, a large set of hands grip the box from underneath, relieving her of her burden, and she’s met with the wide eyed curious stare of bellboy, Billy Taylor.
“I’ll take that for you,” he says, giving her one of his trademark tight lipped smiles, before walking it the rest of the way down for her.
“Thanks, Billy,” she tells him gratefully, sighing with relief. “You on break?”
“Yeah, got fifteen minutes left,” he responds, setting the box down next to a pile of stacked band equipment. “What’s in here then?”
“The foyer’s being decorated for Christmas,” she tells him, coming to stand beside him. “This stuff’s not good enough to go out, apparently. Can you believe Mr. Garland wants me to throw it away?!”
Billy crouches, tugging open the box, raising his eyebrows as he pulls out a length of threadbare silver tinsel. “I can, actually.”
She playfully swats him on the shoulder, taking the tinsel from him and weaving it through the iron bannister of the stairs. “Thought we could decorate the sitting room with it. Looks more festive already, don’t you think?”
Billy chuckles. “If it makes you ‘appy, then why not? Want some help?”
She smiles, feeling her skin heat up as he looks up at her from where he’s kneeling. “You’re on break, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“It’s not work if I actually want to do it,” he says with a shrug.
They grin at each other, and he continues to rummage through the box, pulling out cracked baubles and torn paper stars, as she surveys the small under the stairs space that the staff have to relax in.
“It’s weird to think I won’t be here next Christmas,” Billy muses, as he hands her decorations out of the box.
She looks away, focusing on running the colourful streamers through her fingers, doing her best to ignore the twinge of sadness that plucks painfully at her heartstrings. “Oh, yeah, you’ll be drafted, won’t you? I expect you’ll miss your mum’s figgy pudding.”
“I’d sooner have trench foot than eat mum’s figgy pudding, ‘orrible stuff.”
They laugh, and she allows herself a brief moment to admire the way Billy’s cheeks dimple and his eyes sparkle when he’s happy, before returning her focus to the decorations.
Within five minutes, the old piano in the corner is decked out in ragged paper streamers, the staircase’s iron bannister is woven with tinsel that’s seen better days, and a fruit bowl in the centre of the table contains the battered remains of tree ornaments of varying shapes and colours - a fitting centerpiece for the dowdy little space.
She steps back, admiring their work, eyeing the empty alcove above the brown leather sofa that’s tucked away against the back wall.
“Would be nice if we could hang this last piece of tinsel up there,” she muses, “not sure how we’d reach though.”
Billy steps behind her, looking with keen interest at the space she’s referring to. “I think there’s a step ladder in the storage room, wait here.”
He disappears out the back and a few moments later returns with a rickety wooden folding step ladder. It wobbles precariously as he unfolds it, setting it down near the sofa.
She draws in a nervous breath, brow furrowing as she looks at it. “Are you sure that’s safe?”
He presses his lips into a tight line, tugging at the hem of his uniform jacket. “Er…probably best if you go up, less chance of you breaking it. I can hold it steady.”
She hesitates for a few seconds, looking at it with uncertainty.
The final piece of tinsel above the alcove really would look nice.
“Okay, but promise you won’t let me fall?”
“Cross my heart,” he says, signing a cross over the left side of his chest.
She giggles, stepping forward and begins to climb up the ladder. It wobbles as she moves, making her breath hitch, until she feels Billy grab either side of it, holding it still. She climbs the rest of the way, pinning the last of the tinsel to the wall, allowing it to bow slightly in the middle.
It’s not until her hands are free that she realises the view that Billy must have, and brushes a palm over her skirt, making sure her backside is covered. She sees Billy turn scarlet in her peripheral vision, averting his gaze, and her heart flutters at the sight.
“Here, look, we missed something,” she hears Billy say, as she slowly starts to climb back down. She turns slightly, seeing him holding up mistletoe - a dried, long dead bunch of it, tied together with twine.
Butterflies flutter in her stomach at the sight. “That’s mistletoe, Billy…” She breathes quietly.
“Yeah…” he replies, chest heaving as he stares up at her.
A moment of silence passes between them as they gaze into each other’s eyes, until she leans down and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek.
Billy gasps, turning pink all the way to his ears, quickly stepping back, and she squeals, toppling forward as the ladder wobbles beneath her.
He is quick to drop the mistletoe, grasping her hands, allowing her weight to push him back into a seated position on the sofa, to prevent her from falling.
They both breathe heavily as she straddles his lap, their hands still clasped together, staring at each other with wide eyes.
“You saved me,” she whispers, “but you dropped the mistletoe.”
“You…you can still kiss me…if you’d like to?” He says hopefully.
She lets go of his hand, leaning in and pressing her lips to his. It’s soft at first, until his arm moves to wrap itself around her waist, pressing her close to him.
The kiss deepens, Billy groaning in approval as her tongue slips against his, their combined breaths hot and heavy against each other. She can feel his rapidly growing hardness through his trousers and grinds herself against it, as his hand slips beneath her skirt, the press of his fingertips feather light against the hem of her knickers through her tights.
There is nothing but the sound of the shared sticky click of their saliva as their mouths move together, and the creak of the leather sofa cushions as their hips push wantonly against each other. Desire sizzles in her blood, causing her core to throb with every press of his clothed length against her.
The sound of footsteps on the stairs leading down to the sitting room causes her to scramble from his lap, quickly smoothing down her maid’s uniform.
“Billy?” Calls out the voice of Feldman as he descends.
“Just on break, sir,” Billy calls back, standing and stealthily attempting to adjust himself.
“That ended ten minutes ago,” the older man says exasperatedly. “Come on, there are guests checking in upstairs with luggage that needs bringing to their rooms.”
Billy’s eyes dart around in panic, his cheeks flushing. “Sorry, sir, lost track of the time. Can I quickly go to the toilet first?”
Feldman sighs. “Make it quick.”
Billy nods, shooting her an apologetic look before walking quickly away.
She puts a hand over her mouth, stifling an embarrassed giggle, knowing exactly what he intends to do.
“What have you two been doing down here then?” Feldman asks her, eyeing her suspiciously.
She clears her throat, smoothing her hands over her uniform once more, hoping her flustered appearance doesn’t give too much away. “Putting up decorations, Mr. Feldman. Looks great, doesn’t it?” She asks with a smile.
His eyes narrow, distaste apparent on his face as his eyes sweep the room, before looking back at her. “Yes, if you say so.”
She stoops, picking the mistletoe up off the floor and tucking it away in her apron pocket. She has a spring in her step as goes back upstairs.
That will definitely come in handy later.
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Whumpuary Day 17-18
Prompt: Headache (alt)
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
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You had not been home long when Daryl came shuffling through the door. He had gone on a run, leaving at the ass-crack of dawn but they were back by early afternoon with two boxes of medical supplies as fruits of their labor. Then he had been helping to move the solar panels and work on the battery hookup with Eugene. You were certain he was thrilled about that. 
You knew he hadn’t stopped; hadn’t told anyone he needed a break. It’s just who he was. Help until the job was done. It was a given that he’d be exhausted. You’d let him relax, maybe shower, while you made a quick dinner. 
Except… he stumbled after closing the door, the tips of the fingers on his left hand pressed against his temple. He didn’t so much as wave before depositing himself face first onto the couch, long legs hanging over the edge of the cushions. If it wasn’t so out of character for him, you’d find it comical. 
“Uh, hi.” You leaned into the room before actually entering. “Rough day?” There was a muffled mhm. “Hungry?” Another muted answer, but this one was mm-mm. God, you wanted to laugh, but that would need to wait until you found out a little more about why your boyfriend came home and immediately attempted to suffocate himself on the living room furniture. 
You knelt slowly, rubbing your hand over the warm leather on his back. You were pretty sure the next noise was a sigh. 
“Are you okay?” You ventured, probing a little more while leaving space in between questions so as not to irritate the archer. You thought he might have said super and was a bit dry, but it was hard to tell with the thick fabric pressed against his face. 
You shifted to properly sit on the floor, moving your hand in random patterns over his back. Maybe if you were patient, he would decide air was a good thing and sit up to enjoy it. You didn’t have anywhere else to be. It took about five minutes for him to very slowly roll his head toward you, expression drawn and eyes squinted. Uh oh. Your Dixon sense was tingling. 
“What’s wrong?”
He visibly attempted a scowl but gave up after only a brief effort. “Head.”
Oh, the jokes you could make. Not the time, Y/N. 
“Headache.” It wasn’t a question. It was blatantly obvious after he’d given you a clue. Judging from his flushed skin and the tension nearly vibrating over his form, it was a bad one. “Okay, just a second.” Daryl didn’t normally get headaches, so you were unsure how to treat one in a man that never complained and despised feeling weak or vulnerable. As you pulled the shades and closed the curtains, you glanced back at him. 
Weak was a fitting word. If a herd plowed through right now, he’d probably thank them when they started to eat him. 
With the room sufficiently darkened, you crouched in front of him, brushing his hair away from his eyes with a barely there swipe of your fingertips. “I’m going to go get a few things for you. Just relax here until I get back.”
“S’okay.” He mumbled, his arm falling away from where it had been tucked at his side. He let his hand hit the floor with little care. “Don’ need ta go outta yer way. M’good.”
A tilt of your head and tender smile should have been enough of a response, but just in case it wasn’t. “You know better than that. Sit tight.” You backed away from him in case he was about to offer any other objections but he surrendered and turned his hand with a thumbs up. 
You made a list in your head as you shuffled around the house. Pain killers. Tylenol would be okay but you were hoping for one of the stronger ones he’d been given when he’d broken his ribs. He was just as stubborn then so there were probably at least a couple left. 
While on your search, you were passing by other things you needed. Washcloths. The small basin that you reserved for cleaning him up when he came home bloody. And eureka! Pills! 
You contemplated getting him some comfortable clothes but the less he moved right then, the better. As an afterthought, you toed off your boots, quieting your steps significantly when you descended the stairs. If he noticed you bypassing him to disappear into the kitchen, he didn’t voice it. He’d need a glass of water to take the pills though you were certain he wasn’t beyond swallowing them dry. You filled the basin with cool water as well and strategically balanced your burden while padding back into the living room. 
Placing the items on the end table, you leaned down to press the most gentle kiss to the crown of his head. His eyes were closed but you were almost certain he wasn’t asleep.
“Okay, I’m gonna need you to move around for just a minute and then you can stay still as long as you want. Deal?” 
“Don’ wanna.” He groaned, reminding you very much of a grumpy toddler. Your hands drifted to his shoulders, pulling up as gingerly as you could to motivate him. 
“Come on.” His eyes were squeezed shut, jaw clenched against the throbbing in his skull. Those things were counterproductive when dealing with a headache but if you could get him to take the pills and lie down more comfortably, maybe he’d relax a little. “I got the leftover strong ones so this should start helping pretty quickly.”
“Okay.” He was so quiet and looked so small at that moment. You wanted to wrap him up and hold onto him forever. He held out his palm and you handed over the medication, barely getting the glass in front of him in time for him to swallow with the water. 
“Okay, now you get pampered.” You crawled to the far end of the couch next to your supplies and sat, patting your thighs. “Your pillow awaits, handsome.” You were barely able to stifle the giggle when he rolled his eyes before promptly pressing his palm against his forehead with a drawn out whine of ow. 
He stayed silent while stretching out on his back, his head resting on your lap. You smiled down at him while one hand dipped cloth into the water and squeezed out the excess. 
“You don’t have to do anything. I’ve got you.” You were gentle and careful when lifting his head slightly to place the cool cloth over the back of his neck. He winced at the movement regardless, making you frown. “I’m sorry.”
“S’okay.” He murmured, but you still felt a pang of guilt. 
The second cloth now wrung out, you folded it and placed it over his eyes. When he melted deeper into the couch with a sigh, you grinned triumphantly. That part out of the way, you pressed two fingers, gently but firmly, against each of his temples and began massaging the area. You could feel the pulsing there, so too much would not be beneficial. You began to alternate between that and carefully scratching your fingernails over his scalp to stimulate blood flow. 
After no more than five minutes, before you even needed to rewet the cloths, he was softly snoring on your lap. Still, you continued, determined to make sure the headache was gone before stopping. 
An hour later, you had removed the cloths and stopped massaging. Your fingers carded idly through his hair as he slept. He had turned onto his side and pressed his face into your stomach, not a single line of pain left showing. 
Daryl so seldom got to relax that seeing him like that and just being able to take it all in was something you found you wanted to do over and over again. Maybe you’d start being more appreciative of the time you could spend watching him sleep in the moonlight from the bedroom window. You knew that was going to be your new favorite bedtime ritual. 
A deep breath drew you from your thoughts and back to him, his eyes fluttering but barely opening. 
“Thanks, sunshine.” He whispered against your shirt, back asleep before you could reply. 
“Anytime, love. Anytime.”
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finniusastraeus · 8 months
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This chart doesnt give you precise amounts and some numbers are innacurate so let me clear up here
30kcals per plum
78 per one 2-3'' apple(small), 116 per one 3'' apple (large)
45 per cup of chopped up watermelon
40 in 10 MEDIUM sized strawberries
1 kcal in 1 raspberry. So 10=10
In 10 red cherries there are 45 kcals
17 in 1 apricot
119 for a whole papaya so 59 for half
60 in a cup of cut cantaloupe
50 per 1 orange,
201 in a whole mango, 100 in a cup of cubed mango
37 per 1 tangerine
50 in 1 medium peach
105 in a 7'' banana, 70 if it's less than 6'' long
82 in a cup of pineapple cubes, 452 in whole thing (ik no ones eating a whole pineapple but yk)
20 in 5 olives
64 in a cup of cubes honeydew, 360 for whole thing
33 in 1 large cucumber, 10 in a mini, 8 in a cup of slices
42 in 1 kiwi
100 in a medium pear
240 in 1 avocado
82 in a cup of blueberries, 1 per blueberry
62 per cup of grapes, 2 per small grape
62 per cup of blackberries, 2 per small blackberry
Breakfast tips I learned at the hospital
One english muffin is 130 but if you cut it so you're only eating the edges it will look like youre eating the whole thing but only be getting a 3rd or about 45kcals!! and 1 teaspoon of margarine will cover both of those "halves" and there's 35 kcals in that. so 80 that looks like 160.
A cup of dry plain cheerios is also 80
78 in one large egg BUT throw out the yolk and only have the white. It looks like a full over easy egg but the white is only 17 kcals. Trust me on this one, have it for every meal you can get away with.
Fruit salad
10 raspberries=10kcal
half a small banana, thinly sliced=35kcal
5 thinly sliced strawberries=20kcal
15 blueberries=15kcal
2 tsp sugar free table syrup=0kcal LITERALLY BEST THING EVER
total 80 kcal and the syrup makes it the best breakfast in the world while adding no calories but it makes you feel like youre eating pancakes and keeps you full.
Frozen waffle/pancake, 1=95kcals
Use the english muffin excuse to make a sandwhich with just lettuce in it and whatever veggies you like.
what I do is 1 english muffin cut to look like halves but its a 3rd = 45kcal
1/4 cup lettuce=1-2kcal
1 slice of tomato=3
if you want more you can have 30kcal of margarine (1 tsp) on the toasted muffin and half a cheese slice which is 56kcal. so i dont reccomend it.
plus 1 egg white if you want=17
or fake balogny (im a strict vegetarian of 8 years) for 20kcal and like 5g of protien
One pack of mr noodles has 190kcal. never eat more than half
always make a salad if you can. most can be made under 20kcals and actually taste amazing but dont add dressing they're really high cal.
this is made to look like you're eating a lot
2 plain rice cakes=70
or one tomato basil=60
2 tbsp grated cheese=70
or 1 tbsp herbed goat cheese=35
slice some mini tomatos and mushrooms/peppers, onions, ect=5kcal
total 100-145 and it tastes amazing
this one would be hard to hide bc the brand name is literally skinny noodles but buy some skinny noodles (9 kcal per serving!! vegan and gluten free) and put them in a box or something. my family puts our noodles in long containers so it wouldnt be noticed and the package could be thrown away
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tw1l1te · 6 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 14
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, some dark themes
You slept like a baby after your… encounter last night. You were surprised to see Time asleep just a foot away from you, deep in slumber. You almost never saw him sleep, so this was a priceless moment. You noticed that the seemingly permanent crease in his brows had disappeared, meaning he was dreaming or sleeping without a worry. His lips were the tiniest bit parted, somehow soft and pillowy despite the harsh conditions of constantly being on the run.
His bangs were covering part of his face, so you lightly brushed them away, seeing his full face now. The moment didn’t last long, as Time was woken up by your physical touch.
“Hey yourself. Sleep ok?”
“Jus’ fine. Surprised I slept at all.”
You chuckled, his accent was so much thicker when he was just woken up.
“Oh nothing, you’re just cute.”
Sitting up, you notice a note on your right, written by Zelda.
Good morning, Y/n!
I’m terribly sorry we didn’t have the time to catch up yesterday, it’s been too long! I dragged Link away yesterday to talk about a particular discovery, not knowing it tied to yours as well. I was hoping you’d like to meet me for breakfast so we can catch each other up on what we found, in hopes of progressing our findings. Link knows where to find me, so he can show you around the castle so you won’t get lost. See you soon!
~Princess Zelda
So she did find something. Interesting.
Folding up the note, you placed it in your back pocket. Wild is hunched over the fireplace, seemingly cooking up some fruit and mushrooms for breakfast.
“You even make the simplest ingredients look and smell good.”
He slightly jumps at that, not hearing you approach. He gives you a small smile.
“You boost my ego way too much.”
“It’s true.”
He shrugs. He pokes the mushrooms around, making sure they get cooked evenly.
“Once you’re done with this, do you mind leading me to the princess? She left me a note saying you could lead me to her.”
“Of course. Let me just plate these really quick and we can go.”
“Where’d you go last night?”
Time blinks at his descendant, “What?”
“You weren’t here for a few hours last night. Y/n was gone too for a bit. You two ok?”
Time sighs, not particularly keen on talking about last night’s situation. Twilight, hell each one of them, was good at detecting lies. Hero’s spirit, he thinks.
“I couldn’t sleep, neither could they.”
“You do know my sense of smell and hearing is really good though, right?”
“I’m aware.”
“I know it's none of my business and all… but I care about them too, yeah? Just be careful with them, ancestor.”
“You sound like me, Pup.”
“I learned from my mentor, what can I say?”
They both return to checking on their drying clothing in front of the fireplace, a silence settling upon them.
Walking into Zelda’s study, you awe at the hundreds of books and scrolls that lined the shelves. Sheikah tech and parts were strewn about the room in boxes, some on the table as well. Zelda was looking at a map, Sheikah Slate in hand.
“You look busy, Princess.”
“It’s just busy work. I’m trying to map out a path for a possible expedition in the future.”
“Oh? Where to?”
She sets the Slate down, sighing. She points at the castle, circling the territory. “I’m trying to get underneath Hyrule Castle. When the Calamity fell, it unearthed a small opening to the corridors underneath the castle, which strangely enough, weren’t marked on the interior maps of the castle.”
That was strange.
“Do you think…. They may have left it out on purpose? In case they didn’t want the map to fall into the wrong hands? It would make sense.”
“I…. suppose, though, not even my Father or the Hylian Council ever talked about it. It’s strange.”
Zelda seems to snap out of her thoughts, focusing back on you.
“Ah, right! We’re here to corroborate our findings. Link mentioned something about hooded figures and a “Twilight Mirror”? I believe I’ve read about the era of Twilight during my studies, though hardly any in-depth information was written about the mirror. I’m surprised you found a piece.”
“Well, we technically didn’t find it, Riju and her research team did. But, yes, it does seem like the real thing and not a replica. I… don’t have it on me right now, but I did bring the Historia and a direct transfer drawing that I did.”
You hand her the two items, waiting for her response.
“This is… truly incredible! This next to the Sheikah technology are amongst the most life-changing of discoveries! Tell me, Y/n, have you found any other information relevant to the Twilight Mirror? Link mentioned something about the Yiga…” she trailed off realizing she rambled.
You smiled solemnly at her, not particularly keen on recollecting the traumatic events that occured at the hideout or in Malon’s home. 
“Well, you see, I was captured by the Yiga when Link and I visited Chief Riju. It was completely unexpected, as we thought the Clan had calmed a bit since Kohga’s defeat, but it appears we were wrong. They… wanted me for an ulterior motive, for someone else rather, but that’s all I can really remember.”
She nods, letting the words sink in.
“I’m terribly sorry that happened to you, Y/n. Link is more than capable of protecting you, me, or anyone for that matter, so it must have really been something he’d never expect.”
You nod, grateful that the princess didn’t put down Li- Wild any further. Hylia knows he’s been through enough pressure and divine expectation as it was.
“…Link also mentioned something about hooded figures… do you have any information on them? Should I be worried for my kingdom?”
“No, Princess, this seems more… personal, for them at least. It seems they want nothing to do with the kingdom itself or you, but more so with me and the other heroes. I don’t have any idea about who they are and where they come from, but I can assure you me, Link, and the others will put a stop to it, regardless of how long it takes.”
She smiles sadly, looking out the window. It was already past midday, the time you spent with her flying by.
“It’s a shame it always has to come to the hero protecting everyone else. I wish I could help more.”
“You’re already helping by restoring Hyrule and not putting yourself in danger. Trust me, Princess.”
She turns back to you, the light in her eyes returning.
“Goddesses, such formalities! Please, call me Zelda.”
You and Zelda spent the rest of the day nose deep in books, textbooks, everything and anything that connected to the past few weeks. Your hands cramped from how many notes you took, giving you not so pleasant reminders of your younger years in grade school, slaving away at an essay that meant nothing to you now.
Zelda closed the book she was currently reading and stood up, “Well! I think that’s enough for today. I truly appreciate the help, Y/n, it really wasn’t expected of you.”
“Of course. After all, it is my quest, so it only seems fit that I put in high effort.”
She smiles, nodding at you.
“Well then, I’ll be heading out to prepare for the night. I most likely won’t see you until tomorrow, but please don’t leave yourself cooped up in here much longer, trust me, it gets to you.”
You nod, waving her off. You sigh, slumping against the chair. How long were you even here? Wind must be bored out of his mind. Shaking your head out of your thoughts, you continue back on your research, taking the book from the top of the stack for you to look through.
Before you could put in a decent dent in your work, the door knocked.
“Come in!”
You thought that it was Wild, surprised to see the Captain walking into the room.
“Still in here? I’m amazed at your skill of concentration. Hylia knows some of the others need it.”
“I’m finishing up, I can’t feel my hand anyways. I just want to finish this last book and then I’ll come join y'all.”
“I’ll stay with you, it’s not like I have anything better to do. I left the others behind anyways to find their away around the castle.”
“That’s mean.”
“They’re fine, they have Wild with them. Plus, I wanted to spend time with you, even for a few moments.”
You hum, satisfied with his answer. You weren’t happy about the fact he left everyone behind, but you did like his company, as awkward as you got.
You continued flipping through the pages, your fingers fumbling with the corners. At a certain point, Wars was sitting next to you, your knee brushing against his, faltering your focus.
“...I’m sorry for what happened back in the desert. I should’ve come sooner.”
You lifted your head, turning to him.
“That wasn’t your fault, Wars. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, besides the Yiga Clan and… whoever our little friends are.”
“But still I-”
“You are all so stubborn. I’m gonna say this once, and one time only: it wasn’t your fault. You had nothing to do with it, Link.”
He stayed silent at your demand, searching your face for any hesitation in your words or flickers of uncertainty. Something took over his psyche and decided to lean in closer, your noses bumping against each other.
“You’re too…fuck-”
You pull him in, impatient with his indecisiveness. He grunted lightly, clearly not expecting the sudden confidence from you. He brings his hand to the base of your head, lightly pulling you in. He’d been waiting and waiting, waiting to show what you meant to him. He promised himself that after the recent incident and the too-close call, he needed to tell you, show you.
He pulled away reluctantly, not wanting to end this sacred moment, but he needed to breathe. You placed your forehead against his, catching up on your breath. He tucked away the couple strands of hair framing your face, looking at your eyes. He could get lost in them.
“H-hah, you’re terrible with feelings, Wars.”
He chuckles, placing a kiss on your forehead, “What can I say, it’s the hero’s spirit.”
You roll your eyes, but you both laugh. You could feel the pressure of the past few weeks leaving your body, even just temporarily.
Closing the book, you get up and hold out your hand to him, “I think that’s enough reading for today. You coming with me?”
“There is absolutely no way you used to look like that.”
“Speak for yourself! You’re practically showing off your ass in those tiny shorts!”
“Oh wouldn’t you like to know-”
You and Wars enter the gallery hall to find the rest of the group laughing and bickering over their paintings. You avert your eyes from Time, remembering the events that took place in the very same hallway. Luckily, he was preoccupied with looking at the paintings to notice your presence yet.
“Y/n, they’re making fun of me ‘cause I’m shorter than Zelda!!”
You chuckle, running up to Wind to look at his painting. Your lips twitch as you cough in your palm, trying to mask the laugh bubbling up your throat.
“I mean….”
Wind just throws up his hands in defeat, “Ugh!!”
Wild walks up to you, standing on your left. He leans into you a bit, asking “I take the meeting with Zelda went well?”
You nod, “Yeah, we got a lot done. Can’t say I found anything extremely helpful, but maybe some leads we could follow.”
“Oh? Who or where?”
“Hmmm… I think the nearest would be Kakariko Village, possibly Robbie and Purah in Hateno, and Lurelin Village, as it says they have a piece as well.”
“Did any of the texts mention how many pieces there were?”
“No, but if I had to guess based on patterns and the size of the piece we have, I’d say anywhere from three to seven. It’ll be easier to tell once we see the other in Lurelin.”
He nods, deep in thought.
“I’ll mention it to Twi and Time, they might have an idea on how to split up the work or what leads should take priority.”
You nod, thanking him. You weren’t sure how Twilight was taking to the journey to assemble the Twilight Mirror, as he seems… distant. Not necessarily upset, but almost hazy in thought or… memories. 
You hoped you could find some time tonight to talk to him and see his perspective on your current journey, give him space to be vulnerable if need be.
You just hoped your efforts weren’t in vain.
The goddesses above tended to do that.
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steampunkforever · 5 months
You must long for the summer of unripe apricots. It comes only once. You will scrape your elbows and knees on the bark as you climb up the twin trunks in the side yard of a woman who will break her neck in a car crash ten years later but still come out all right. You will shake the boughs till the fat golden fruit tumbles from the branches and to the waiting tarps below. You will bring basket after basket home that summer and you will long for it. There is abundance in these baskets. The fuzzy orange skin ripening to sunset gold. You will never reach the bottom of the baskets and crates and boxes full of apricots you can only taste in your dreams. The fruits at the bottom will spoil before they see daylight and this will not matter because two more baskets are coming tomorrow and a third will be sent home with your dad. You eat the unripe ones, their taste almost chalky, slightly bitter, texture just firm enough to be crisp, yet still sweet past the traces of bitterness of tang. Yearn for this, you'll only get this once. This is the summer of unripe apricots. Take part. You eat as many as you can but there are always more. Your mother bakes cobblers, your dad packs half a dozen into his lunches, the fruit ends up in jams, jellies, preserves, canned and jarred and candied and syrupped til the smell of warm apricot permeates the kitchen, the car, the yard filled with the small teardrop stones leftover from your orange gold feast. Their texture in the dry sun is like the dark cracked nose of the old dog that has just been napping on the patio. She snuffles you with it, and it is as warm as her lazy flanks, not yet licked to wet coldness by the warm tongue currently tasting the sweet apricot juices that ran down your forearms and dried to summer's stickiness. You eat as many unripe apricots as your stomach can hold. Yearn for this. A misremembered number of weeks into the summer of unripe apricots you will eat too many. The gastrointestinal distress resulting from this will turn you off the taste of apricot for approximately a decade. Your body will harness foraging instincts not used in your bloodline since your great uncle crashed his fighter plane in North Africa. Every apricot is poison. The golden orange hue the glow of a deathly mushroom or the shade of the killer dart frog's skin. You know better than this, but the primordial revulsion within you is as strong as the ancestral crags it was formed in. Your summer of unripe apricots will never bear fruit again. The next year the frost kills buds sprouted too soon. The year after high winds strip the branches bare. The next year it's been ten years since you tasted the abundance of those two apricot trees. Yearn for it.
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mandibazaar · 2 years
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Diwali Gift Dry Fruit Small Box (no items inside) - Mandi Bazaar
Diwali Gift Dry Fruit Small Box (no items inside). Diwali Offer - Deepawali 2022 Sale on  Mandi Bazaar. Grab never before Diwali Offers, Deals, Discount & Cashback on Online Diwali Store in New Zealand.
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cherry-holmes · 1 year
RIVER - Javier Peña x f!Reader
Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña
Chapter —
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Summary: Javi took you to his favorite place on earth: heaven.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: +3k
Warnings: Angst with happy ending (sad!Javi) Parent loss. | SMUT. Again, there's a lot of plot before the smut😅P in V sex. Unprotected sex. Rough-ish sex. Fingering. Sex in a public place -ish. Breeding kink. Praise kink. Pregnancy talk.
A/N: Hello, Hola! First of all I want to thank all of you for the support you gave me on my first work! Muchas gracias! I been writing for almost ten years now, but I haven't publish anything since my first fanfic on Wattpad in 2017😅
I hope you like this one as much as the first one!
I repeat, I'm not a native English speaker, but I'm a translator student so I hope I'm doing it well!
If you wanna send me a request, my box is open!
Several daily high temperature records were broken Tuesday in Texas, including at Houston Hobby Airport, Corpus Christi, Laredo and Del Rio. Laredo hit 115 degrees, marking its 10th consecutive day of record highs...
Indeed, as the reporter mentioned on the radio, those were incredibly hot summer days. The air was dry and the sun was burner, it drain all your energy.
You tried to be helpful at the Peña's Ranch during your work vacations, but the chores felt like torture. Javier and his father used to spend hours under the unforgiving sun, repairing fences, tending to horses, herding cattle, and dealing with clients looking for meat animals. The life of a ranch owner was undeniably tough but prosperous.
Sunday arrived with the thermometer hitting nearly 115 degrees. When you woke up that morning, you anticipated a challenging day ahead. However, Javier woke up with a plan in mind. He mentioned knowing about a river around 22 kilometers from the ranch were he used to spend all summer with his cousins when he was a child. You hadn't explored much of the city since you'd been living there for five months since your return from Colombia. So, you were excited about the idea of discovering your new home state, and most importantly, having a day off to immerse yourself in nature. He was delighted that you had agreed to the plan and suggested that you wear sportswear for hiking and a swimsuit.
You inquired him if his father would join, but he explained that Don Chucho would attend the morning mass and then spend the rest of the day at his brother's house.
"It's just you and me today, mi vida," he promised, his large hands squeezing your hips as he left soft kisses on your shoulders as you prepared containers with cubes of watermelon and mango seasoned with lemon and chile Tajín.
Javier placed a small cooler in the back of his '94 Dodge Ram and filled it with beers, water, the fruits you had prepared, and some tamales you had bought and had leftover from the night before.
You jumped into the passenger seat, and Javi turned on the radio as the truck roared to life. The sound of cumbias tejanas played softly as you admired the view of Laredo's countryside. The wind blew through your hair, and Javi drummed his fingers on the steering wheel syncing with the rhythm of Bobby Pulido's song. You felt his free hand touch yours, and when you looked at him, he took your knuckles and placed a kiss on them. He briefly took his eyes off the road to gaze into yours and said, "You look so beautiful today."
Your cheeks turned red as you laughed shyly, but you couldn't resist teasing him, "Only today?"
He grinned and replied, "You've always been a beauty, chiquita."
Thirty minutes later, Javier parked the truck in an improvised parking lot used by visitors to the river. You grabbed your backpack, which was packed with clean towels and dry underwear, while Javi carried the cooler and his own backpack. As you followed him through the lush vegetation and the cool water of the river, you welcomed the fresh air and the shade of the trees. Families and groups of young friends, some with dogs and others who appeared to have camped there overnight, were scattered about. But you notice that Javi didn't follow the same path as the rest of the visitors.
Curious, you asked Javi, "Where are we going?"
He grinned and replied, "It's a surprise."
You continued hiking uphill, leaving the main river trail further and further behind. However, you could still hear the gentle rush of the river. The air was filled with the fresh aroma of blooming flowers and damp earth. Butterflies fluttered everywhere, and you spotted squirrels and birds with vibrant-colored feathers.
After thirty minutes of hiking, you began to feel very sweaty and tired, especially in your knees due to the rocky path.
"Javi," you called to him, noticing he was climbing effortlessly. "Javi," you called again, a bit more concerned, "Are we lost?"
"Be patient," he responded, sounding a bit agitated but not as much as you were. "You hear that? We're almost there," he encouraged.
You focused on your surroundings, and you could perceive the sound of a waterfall nearby.
You followed him through the large rock formation, and before you knew it, a lagoon fed by a waterfall appeared in front of you. The sun reflected on the surface of the crystal-clear water, making it shimmer. The breeze from the waterfall caressed your face, a soft wind drying your sweat with a gentle, cooling touch, rustling the leaves around you.
The warmth of the sun on your skin and the cool breeze from the river created the perfect atmosphere. It felt like heaven on earth, like an Eden. And the fact that you were there with the person you loved the most made it all feel ethereal.
"You like it?" Javi asked gently in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine as he wrapped his broad arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
"Oh my God, Javi, it's so beautiful," you exclaimed, "I love it."
"Nobody will find us here, mi vida," he promised, "People follow the marked path, not all of them explore the surroundings," he explained. "As I told you, it's just you and me. Wanna take a swim?"
"Oh God, yes!" you exclaimed as you placed your backpack under a tree. You were wearing a black swimsuit under your shorts and oversize sports crop top, so you just had to take them off, and you jumped into the water.
The water was so clear that you could see the rocks at the bottom perfectly, and the shimmer of the sun on your skin. You swam to the center of the lagoon, and you heard the distant splash of another body jumping into the water. By the time you surfaced, Javier was already at your side, hugging your body and placing a peck on your lips as you wrapped his torso with your legs. You combed his hair disheveled by the water, running your fingers through his black hair. Then, you caressed his face, passing your thumbs on his mustache and bottom lip. He closed his eyes, absorbing your gentle petting. Your fingers wandered through the freckles painting his broad chest and shoulders. You cupped his face with your hands and kissed him with the perfect combination of tenderness and passion that you knew drove him completely dumb for you.
When he opened his big brown puppy eyes, he looked at you as if you were everything he had ever known.
"Te amo mucho, flaquita," he expressed tenderly.
"Yo también te amo, mi corazón," you promised.
"Are you hungry?" he asked after a couple of minutes of tender kisses and sweet nothings in the water.
"Very much," you laughed and started swimming to the shore.
Javi placed a towel on a rock near the water, and you both sat down to start eating and drinking what you brought. You even fed a squirrel with a piece of tamal, which made Javi laugh as he watched you melt in cuteness for the little animal.
"So, you used to come here with your cousins?" you asked him, eager to learn about his youth and his family. He nodded.
"We used to climb to the top of the mountain and swim in the river that everyone knows," he explained. But his expression shifted from a normal nostalgic sentiment to almost sadness in his eyes. He fell silent for a moment, and you regretted asking and potentially ruining the great moment you were having. However, he continued, "After my mom passed away, I was very angry with the whole world. I started being rude with my father and I started to smoke and get drunk with my friends." He let out a laugh, but it was empty. You knew little about how he lost his mother, since he didn't like to talk about it. He had told you that she was sick, that he was fifteen at the time, and that his father never married again. "One day I had a big argument with my dad. He was very angry because I failed all my exams, so I ran away and came here to the river. I was so angry and lost in thought that I didn't notice I had taken the wrong trail and got lost. So, I kept walking until I found this place."
He looked at the waterfall and the treetops, and you felt a shiver and a lump in your throat.
"I sat on this very rock and cried my eyes out, thinking about how much I missed my mom and that I was ashamed of my behavior towards my father," he added. "This place became my refuge. I used to come here every time I felt anxious, tired, or sad. I never told or brought anybody to this place, not even my father."
You couldn't help but wonder if he had ever brought Lorraine here. After all, she had been his first fiancée, and you wondered if he had considered sharing this secret place with her. However, you didn't dare to ask him, afraid of his response or of making him lie just to please you.
But he knew you so damn well, almost as if he could hear the unspoken question burning in your mind. He loved your low-key jealousy.
"Not even her," he clarified. His hand took yours and caressed your still-wet fingers, then he placed his big brown eyes on yours, so devoted to you. "The very first moment I saw you, I swear that you reminded me of this place. I don't know if it was the heat of the Colombian summer or the blue dress you wore that day, but seeing you seated at your desk brought me a peace I haven't felt in a long time."
You felt tears of happiness gathering in your eyes, butterflies in your stomach, and your cheeks turning cherry red. Javi moved closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist, his intense gaze still on your bright eyes.
"In that moment, I told myself that I have to bring you here, as my wife. Today is the first time I came back in seven years since I left for Colombia. And you are the only person I've ever shown my most precious secret."
Your hands reached for his face, making him stay still as you kissed him deeply and passionately. His hands went to your back, pulling you closer and kissing you back. You tasted the saltiness of your tears in between the kiss, but so did Javi, so he wiped them away with his thumb.
"I promised to you to be worthy of you, baby, and I intend to make it last forever," he promised.
"You have my heart, Javi," you promised back. "You're everything I have."
He leaned in to kiss your lips again, and then he stood up, pulling you up too.
"Enough of crying, babygirl. Let's swim," he said as he stepped into the water, but you let go of his hand, making him frown.
"Wait," you said, looking around, "Are you sure nobody knows about this lagoon?"
"I'm damn sure, baby. What's the matter?" he said, a bit confused, until he saw you taking off your swimsuit. His eyes darkened as they roamed your completely naked body, and you noticed his Adam's apple moving up and down.
"Is it okay?" you asked him, a mix of innocence and naughtiness that made his cock throb inside his shorts.
"You're amazing," he said as he started taking off his own swimsuit and then pulled you to him and into the water.
He kissed your lips, your cheeks, your chest, and you felt his cock half-hardened against your lower belly. But he let you go, and instead of diving straight into sexual matters, you both swam all around the lagoon, drank all the beers, bathed under the stream of the waterfall, and explored the depths searching for weird-shaped rocks. Sex was an amazing experience in your relationship. You both enjoyed each other's bodies and could spend hours tangled in your shared bed, on the couch, or in any other intimate place. The two of you also knew that there were many ways to make love, and not all of them were about sex. This was one of the connections that Javier learned from being with you. He adored your naked body, and it turned him on. There were days when he just couldn't keep his hands off you. However, he also learned to appreciate it in a way that went beyond lustful desires, reaching a level of intimacy that felt almost divine. He saw you through your nakedness, connecting with your soul, and vice versa.
But when you do fuck, you mean it.
The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the lagoon. You felt his bare body behind you, his arms around your torso as he kissed your neck. You began to rub your buttcheeks against his cock, making him hiss.
Javi's hands disappeared under the water, looking for your core. His index and middle finger found your clit and began to traced gentle circles as he squeezed one of your breasts with his free hand.
You let out a couple of soft moans, trying to keep as quiet as possible, but Javi fastened his touch, making it so hard for you.
"Don't worry, nobody will hear us," he assured you, whispering to your ear, "C'mon, bonita, let me hear you begging for my cock."
"Javi...", you whimpered, feeling his dick slipping on your ass and his fingers between your folds.
"You're such a Goddess," he praised. Javier knew every detail about how to make love to you. He was proud of knowing every corner of your body, every angle, every freckle and every beauty mark over your body. He knew how to made you whimper and scream, and how to make you undone. Yet, he never get bored, not even after three years of relationship and the most wonderful four months of marriage. He would never had enough of every aspect of you.
"I... I need to... feel you inside," you whimpered.
He wanted to made you cum with his fingers and his mouth first, as he always do. But the scene was so kinky and erotic, making his cock throb so painfully.
"Fuck," he hiss, as he carried you, making you gasp, and took you back to the towel.
Javi laid down and you jumped on top of him. His cock was lying on his belly, so you started rubbing it between your wet folds, massaging your clit with his head. His hands captured your hips, so tight you think it would let bruises with the shape of his fingers. But you didn't care, it felt so good.
"I don't brought condoms, baby," he confessed.
"Are you telling me that you planned all this so I let you cum inside of me?", you teased, he shrugged playfully. "You're such a bad boy."
"What are you gonna do about it? Don't tell me that you don't want it too, feel your tight pussy filled with my cum," he whispered, making your core throb around his cock. He grinned, feeling you become even wetter. "I was thinking about starting to build that second bedroom I told you about. How does that sound?"
That was the signal. You and Javi lived in a house that he build years ago. It was at three kilometer from his father's ranch, and since he was not planning to get married at that time, the house only had one room. But now that the panorama had changed, the house was about to transform from a bachelor house to a family home. Starting for make a baby's room next to the the main room.
And just like that, Javi was asking you about starting to try. You answered with a nod and a shaking sigh, your body reacting to his words.
"C'mon, cowgirl, let's put a baby on you," he added, as you took his cock to your entrance. You moan hard as you felt his length stretching your walls, clenching around him. "Fuck, I love that pussy," he groaned.
He was also mesmerized by the view of you on top of him: your skin glowing at the sunlight, drops of water over your shoulders, your wet hair waving with soft air, your hands on his chests, your hardened nipples and your drop-shaped breasts. You looked gorgeous as always.
"You feel so deep, Javi," you moan, starting to moving back and forth, up and down with gentle movements. His pubic hair caressing your swollen clit, his hands over your hips and waist. "I want you to fill my pussy with your cum."
His cock felt different without a condom. You were a married couple, but you still had intercourse with protection, given that you didn't have plans to have a baby until now, and Javi wasn't selfish to make you take pills full of hormones and side effects. He always tried to have condoms on hand, and even though he had insisted that you didn't have to take morning-after pills, you both had sex without protection a couple of times. You always let him know how much you loved his bare cock inside of you and you knew how much he loved it too.
Your whimpers mixed with the sound of the waterfall was music for Javi's ears. He began to push his hips up at the same time as you went down, meeting each other halfway. The air was filled with filthy sounds of wet bodies and moans and whimpers. His name escaped your lips like a prayer, as he watch his cock disappeared inside your dripping cunt.
"I'm comin'... I'm... fuck...," you cried, as you felt a knot buildup on your lower belly.
"I know baby, I can feel your pussy clenching for me," he said. Javi took control of the situation, as you let him fuck you nice and deep, one thumb on your clit and his free arm around your waist to make you stay still. You placed your hands at both sides of his head, so he was able to capture your nipple with his mouth, making you cried and soaking wet.
"Don't you fuckin' stop, Javier! Just like that, me gusta cuando me coges así," you pleaded as he fastened his thrusts.
"Quiero verte corriéndote en mi verga," he commanded.
You reached your climax with a silent scream as the waves of pleasure washed over you, squirting over his cock. You pulled your hips up unconsciously, but he pulled you back down again, buried so deep into you. You felt him almost rubbing your cervix as his warm and thick load painted your walls.
He was also growling and letting out soft whimpers as he watched your pussy dripping a mix of his cum and your honey.
Javi pull out and placed your body beside him, kissing your collarbone and caressing the curves of your waist as you came down from your cloud of bliss.
"That was amazing," you murmured after a minute, your cheeks burning. You cupped his cheeks and kiss him on the lips again.
"I wanna swim again," he said, starting to stood up taking your hand to follow him.
But you pulled him closer, pressing his chest against your breasts as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, your tongues entwining. "You're not going anywhere. I told you that you were a bad boy, and you must be punished for that behavior, mister."
He grinned devilishly as you placed your hands over his shoulders and pushed him down your body.
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standfucker · 7 months
If I have read your pinned post correctly, your requests are open! (If I've read it incorrectly please ignore this (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH) ).
I would love a Marco x afab they/them vibes either bullet point or drabble as you see fit based off this prompt:
You stow away on The Moby Dick –and get discovered. You stowed away because your island was going to sacrifice you!
Thank you very much if you decide to write it 🥰SFW or NSFW is fine, however the words take you =3
(hides word count) I'm not biased, I'm not biased Dx Working on this during a particularly bad day was very therapeutic. That's my reasoning for it being so long, and not because I'm obsessed with Marco.
Stowing Away to Save Yourself - Marco x Reader
CW: mentions of ritual sacrifice, questions of self-worth
The weather changes abruptly in the New World. It’s only been half a day since the Whitebeard Pirates sailed from the last island they stopped at, a cheerful summer island, and since then the snow has been falling for a few hours now. Despite the chilly wind, Marco’s in a good mood; the island natives had been friendly and let the crew participate in their harvest festival.
Whistling to himself, Marco goes to retrieve medical supplies from a crate. His tune dies as he finds you hiding inside, huddled down on a stack of boxes. Wearing practically nothing, just thin clothing that appears ceremonial, your skin is ashy and dry from exposure, and the snot is frozen to your upper lip. You’re shivering badly, one arm wrapped around your knees, the other clutching a scalpel you’ve scavenged. You point it at him, eyes wide with fear, teeth chattering.
“Oh,” is all he says at first, caught off-guard. Stowaways just don’t happen on the Moby Dick–no one would dare. But Marco quickly pushes past his surprise and analyzes the situation. Your breathing is slow and shallow despite your visible alarm; he recognizes that you’re approaching hypothermia, if not already there. He shrugs off his coat, the icy wind immediately cutting through his light clothing beneath and making the hairs on his arms stand up. “You need to get warmed up, yoi. How about we trade? That scalpel for my coat?”
You flinch when he holds his coat out to you, then eye the garment. Slowly, you scoot forward, glancing between the coat and him, like you’re waiting for him to grab you. You reach out–then snatch his coat and retreat, still gripping the scalpel. Marco watches as you hold the scalpel between your teeth while you struggle to get the coat on, then go back to pointing it his way with both hands. Oh boy. He needs to handle this delicately, as you clearly don’t trust him, which is fair enough. You likely know which ship it is you’re on, after all.
“You need to get warmed up,” he repeats. “You’re going to freeze to death. Come with me, yoi. I can find you proper clothing.” When you don’t move, he adds, “you can keep holding onto that scalpel, if you’d like.”
Marco offers you a hand. You stare at it for a second, then at him. Slowly, you try to get up, but don’t quite manage it. “I…I c-c-can’t stand up…” you say, words slurring slightly.
The slurring is a bad sign. He needs to act quickly without freaking you out. Marco holds up his hands in a passive gesture. “I’m going to come closer and pick you up, yoi,” he explains. “I promise I won’t hurt you. I’m a doctor.”
He takes a step, and you don’t flinch this time. Now confident, he closes the distance and bends down to lift you. Your skin has no warmth to it, and up close, he can see the ice forming at your tear ducts.
Marco carries you like one would carry an infant, an arm tucked under your bottom and another supporting your back. You cling to his shoulder, shivering. He emits healing flames from his body to jumpstart the rewarming process, and you make a small noise of shock, grip on him tightening.
“It’s okay. They aren’t burning you, see? I ate the Bird-Bird Fruit: Phoenix Model. My flames have healing properties,” he says.
The whole way back to the infirmary, he can feel the freezing metal of the scalpel pressed against the back of his neck, but he doesn’t take it personally. You must be panicking inside, you’re just too cold to show it. He describes what’s going to happen as he walks, both to break the silence and to help keep you calm.
“I’m going to call some nurses, and they’re going to use the infirmary shower to get you warmed up. They’ll strip you, but they’re all women,” he says. “In the meantime, I’ll get something hot for you to eat. You’re going to be okay, so just hold on a bit longer, yoi.”
Once he’s reached the infirmary and set you down, he uses the emergency transponder snail to notify Tate, the head nurse. Then he takes your temperature while you both wait for them to arrive. It’s far too low for you to even be conscious, which is impressive–you must be holding on through sheer will. Marco rests one hand on the back of your neck to continue to apply healing flames. The other, he holds out to you expectantly.
“Sorry, but you can’t have the scalpel around the nurses, yoi. They’re not pirates like the rest of us, though. You’ll be safe with them.” To his surprise, you hand him the scalpel without any fuss. He smiles. “Thank you, miss…?”
You give him your name, and he repeats it before introducing himself.
Three nurses burst into the room, making you jump. They already know the situation, so Marco reassures you. “They’re here to help. The infirmary shower is over there,” he points, “I’m going to step out now. Is that okay?”
You nod, and Marco leaves you in their capable hands.
The news of a stowaway has already spread like wildfire, his crewmates continuing to stop him to ask about it as he walks down the hall, and Marco continuing to tell them he’ll update them later. Thatch has a bowl of piping-hot soup waiting for him by the time he reaches the galley, and Marco can’t help but feel proud of the crew’s efficiency.
Meanwhile, the nurses have you under a stream of warm water, slowly bringing your temperature back up. Your brain feels foggy, like your thoughts are drifting through molasses. They gradually float faster as your core temperature increases. It’s probably better that way, you think. If you tried to process everything you’d just escaped at once, you’re pretty sure your head would explode. You don’t even want to think about your island, your people, and how awful they seem right now. Instead, you focus on everything else: the kind doctor, who spoke soothingly and moved slowly, who smiled at you instead of throwing you overboard. The nurses, who were fussing over you and monitoring the thermometer in your mouth. The ship, which seemed like a potential death trap, but was still the better alternative than certain doom.
Once the nurses are happy with your temp, you’re dried and dressed in borrowed clothing. You tell the nurses they can throw your old clothes away, that you never want to see “those rags” again. When you come out of the shower, Marco’s waiting for you with a tray of food. He has you sit in a patient bed and sets the tray down on the extendable table, double-checking your temperature for himself. One of the nurses gripes at him for doing so, he sheepishly apologizes, and then they leave the two of you alone.
Your first sip of the soup is cautious, but once you taste it, you lift the bowl directly to your mouth and chug, nearly burning your mouth in the process. Marco smiles.
“Our ship’s cook does good work, doesn’t he?” he says. “Eat as much as you’d like. There’s plenty more, yoi.”
You don’t reply. Now that you’re all warmed up, your thoughts are moving a mile a minute, and you’d rather stuff your face than dwell on any of them.
Marco perks slightly when he hears you sniffle. You should be warm now, but–oh. You’re tearing up as you eat, hands quivering just a little bit. He leans his head on his fist, watching you.
“I suppose the only reason you’d escape that beautiful island of yours is if you had no choice,” he guesses. “Still, you’re brave to stow away on an Emperor’s ship–”
“I’m not,” you cut him off, swallowing hard. The tears begin to run down your cheeks. “I’m a coward and a disgrace.”
“What makes you say that?”
You wipe your eyes with your sleeve and look down. “...I was supposed to be a sacrifice.”
Marco’s eyes widen. Such practices are exceptionally rare nowadays, and the island had seemed so peaceful and prosperous, all the villagers kindly and energetic.
“We always have a bountiful harvest after,” you explain, eyes distant. “It happens on the last night of the festival. I was chosen as the next virgin maiden sacrifice. I’m not even a maiden! It’s…It’s not fair…” Your bottom lip quivers. “I didn’t want to die.”
“There’s certainly nothing wrong with that, yoi,” Marco says, shocked.
“There is! Now my family will be shamed, and they’re just going to kill someone else,” you covered your face, your next words coming out through sobs. “I couldn’t do it and someone else is going to die in my place. I’m such a coward! Such a coward…”
“Hey now, hey,” he says softly, unable to stop himself from reaching out to you. He rests his hands on your shoulders, bending down to your level. “It’s okay. You were right to run. It’s okay.”
Rather than flinching, you lean toward him, desperate for any sort of comfort, and he pulls you into his chest, hugging you tightly and letting you cry and blubber on about how sorry you are.
“Don’t worry about your village anymore,” he says, rubbing your back, “you’re safe now, and that’s what matters. You did the right thing, and now you get to have your whole life ahead of you, yoi.”
“But I…” you hiccup.
Marco cradles your face in his hands and gently lifts it so you’re looking at him. “Defying one’s fate is the bravest thing that anyone can do.”
You stare back into his eyes. Somehow, despite having just met him, you know that he means what he says. To not hang onto his words is impossible, and to not be a little taken with him from then on is even more so.
At first you don’t muster up the courage to leave the infirmary, even though you’re given the all-clear to move about. You do puzzles and draw venting, angry pictures with the things Marco provides you with. Eventually, he manages to convince you to come out with a little coaxing and reassurance. You stay glued to his side, trusting no one else, and stay firmly behind him when meeting new crewmates, peering out from his arm with a death grip on his jacket. Your legs shake when you meet Whitebeard.
The crew is friendly enough, and once Whitebeard learns your story, he gruffly reassures you that you can sail with them. You slowly begin to relax, though you still don’t leave Marco alone. He’s frequently busy, so you follow him around as he goes about his day. He doesn’t seem to mind, even teasingly calling you “duckling” for it. The only place you leave him be are in his own quarters, letting him have his privacy. You sleep in the womens’ quarters with the nurses, having decided it’s the least intimidating option.
As each day goes by, you gain more confidence. You start letting Marco out of your sight for periods of time, opting to stay by the people he hangs out with the most instead. Anyone he seems to have a high regard for, you’re willing to be around–he trusts them, so you begin to trust them, too. Each of them finds some common ground with you. For example, Thatch asks you about the food customs on your home island, though he quickly notices it’s a sore subject and changes the topic. The galley is under operation 24-7 to feed such a large crew, so he doesn’t mind letting you help out to give you something to do. When he has the time, he shows you some knife techniques and tricks. You try to mimic a complex trick, flipping the knife between your fingers, and end up slicing your index finger. When you tell Marco about it that night, he asks to see.
“It’s not bad,” you say as he peels off the bandage. “Just a little cut. Thatch said I need to take it slow...He’s nice.”
“Don’t let his charm fool you. He can be a real wiseass,” Marco chuckles, inspecting the thin scab. “Do you like to learn new things, yoi?”
“Mhm. Back home, I hadn’t picked out a trade to learn yet, because I couldn’t decide. So I just worked.”
He places his index finger over the scab, and a small, blue flame flickers out from the point of contact. It lights up the surrounding darkness with soft, cobalt light. You’re transfixed, having not seen his ability since you first met him a few weeks ago. You start to feel funny in your chest, and aren’t sure if it’s a side-effect of his ability, or if it’s because he’s holding your hand so very gently right now. His hands are warm.
“What did you do?” Marco asks.
“Farming stuff, mostly. Harvesting the fields. Sometimes I watched my neighbor’s kids, or helped out at the local market. I tried to do what I was supposed to, which was experiment and figure out a path. But I guess my problem is that I didn’t know what I wanted, even at my age. I stagnated…” you voice lowers. “That’s why…”
“Don’t think about it like that,” Marco interrupts. “I can’t say I know what your elders’ decision-making process is. But there’s never a good reason to take a life, and definitely not because it helps everyone else prosper, yoi. You deserve better.”
“They’re not bad people,” you say, sighing. “They’re… I don’t know. I don’t know why they would do that. I don’t know what to think anymore.”
“I don’t blame you for feeling conflicted. They treated you well until then, I assume.”
You nod, feeling your throat get a bit tight. “Yeah.”
Marco lifts his hand from yours, and to your amazement, the cut is gone, not even a scar left in its place. You gasp, having never actually seen his powers work in such a tangible way.
“It’s healed!” you say, rubbing at the spot as if it would dispel the illusion. “No way! Marco, you’re amazing!”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Aw, shucks. It was nothing, yoi.”
“What a wonderful devil fruit! I was always told they’re bad news, but that can’t be true for all of them.”
“It’s more that the people who eat them are usually the ambitious, power-seeking type.”
“That doesn’t sound like you. Why did you eat it?”
Marco looks up at the stars for a moment, reminiscing. “My home island was in shambles. Couldn’t pay the heavenly tax, so it was complete chaos. When I came across the fruit, I didn’t know what type it was…but I hoped it could give me a better life, somehow.”
“Did it?”
He smiled sadly. “No, but Pops docked at my island not long after, and forcibly adopted me…And my power helps my brothers, so I can’t say I regret it, yoi!”
You smile. “Well, I’m glad you were the one who ate it. To help others…it suits someone like you. You deserve that devil fruit.”
A faint tinge of pink colors Marco’s cheeks, and he awkwardly thanks you for the comment, rubbing the back of his neck again.
The days pass by, and you see less of Marco as you spend more time with the crew. Ace immediately takes to treating you like a brother, and decides to teach you how to defend yourself, showing you how to handle a dagger. The crewmates watching all give their input on which weapon you should learn to use (theirs, usually) until Vista says a dagger makes the most sense for you and quiets them down. Though his towering size is a bit intimidating at first, Vista is just as warm and open as most of them, and he becomes the third person after Marco and Whitebeard in which you divulge your story.
“What a daring escape!” is his response, which warms you up to him right away.
Vista lets you sit on his shoulder to look out over the sea. So does Jozu, who shows off his devil fruit power afterward just to enjoy your marveling. Jozu insists that you try and stab him while he’s all “rocked out,” and laughs when your borrowed dagger glances harmlessly off his diamond hide. Right after his demonstration, Blamenco insists that his power is even more astounding: Your eyes nearly pop out of your head when he pulls a comically large hammer out of his own body. And once one crewmate starts showing off, they all want in, and that afternoon is spent with various displays of weaponry, skill showcasing, and a lot of posturing. The crew bickers as easily as they laugh together.
Marco stops by to see what the commotion is, and finds you laughing, too, in the middle of the crowd. He smiles to himself.
“Everyone’s so much fun,” you tell him that night, huddled next to him in the crow’s nest. It’s your first time being there, having braved the climb with Marco’s encouragement that he could fly down and catch you if you slipped. Now that you’re within it, you’re not as tense, but the height makes you nervous, so you sit right against Marco.  “Crazy, but fun. I didn’t know pirates could be like this. Especially not an Emperor’s crew.”
“Life is funny like that, isn’t it?” he responds. “You can never be sure about anything in this world.”
“I’m sure that you have a great crew.”
He chuckles. “I think so too.”
“I really thought you guys were gonna kill me, you know? I only stowed away on the small chance I could hide away until the next island.”
“Better for you that your plan fell through, yoi. Speaking of which… We’re due to arrive at another island soon to restock.” He tilts his head at you. “What do you want to do?”
You think about it for a minute. “I’m not sure…I guess I have to disembark, right?” You’ve helped around the ship where you could, your practical skills coming in handy for many small jobs. If you weren’t cleaning, you were helping the cooks in the galley, or making repairs to weapons and armor, or doing maintenance on the ship. “To be honest, I still don’t know what I want to do.”
“Nothing wrong with that. That just means you can keep on trying new things.”
“You’re pretty optimistic.”
He pauses, looking at you. “Was your indecision looked down upon before?”
“Shouldn’t it be?” you ask. “It’s healthy to have a path in life.”
“Is that a saying from your home village?”
“It is.”
He smiles wryly. “Coming from a place that makes ritual sacrifices, I’d question their wisdom, yoi. Wouldn’t you?”
You blink, a bit stunned by his words. You’d never really thought about it like that. “...They’re not bad people.”
“So you’ve said. But I wouldn’t want you going back there, myself. Good people can make bad decisions.”
“I…” you fall quiet. After a minute, he looks at you and is surprised to see you tearing up. “Sorry. I’m just…I’m so relieved.”
“Don’t apologize, yoi.” Marco drapes an arm over your shoulders. With his other hand, he wipes away your tears. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Your heartbeat picks up from the contact. “Um! No. I mean, yes?” You avoid his gaze, looking guilty. “I kind of…I kind of miss them. Isn’t that ridiculous?”
“Of course not. It’s still your home.”
A few more tears run down your cheeks, and you giggle nervously when he wipes those away, too. “S-Stop that. I can wipe my own face.”
“Ah, let me fuss, yoi,” he says, pinching your cheek. “It’s good for you.”
“What is?” You bat his hand away. 
“Being taken care of. I take it you’re not used to that, either.”
You shrug. “I’m an adult…I’m usually the one taking care of others. Especially since I’m unmarried.”
“You mentioned not being a ‘maiden’ once. Is that why you remained single?”
“Kind of. It’s not normal to be…like that where I’m from. I was expected to get married and have children, and if not, then to at least choose a trade to work in. But since I couldn’t do even that, I, uh…” you laugh awkwardly, avoiding his gaze, “I’m kind of considered useless…”
Marco doesn’t respond. After a minute, you glance his way nervously. He’s staring off, and there’s a dark look in his eyes. “You were chosen for that reason, then. It wasn’t random.”
“Yeah?” you say, and he looks at you intently.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
Suddenly your throat gets dry, and the tears come straight back. Overwhelmed with feeling, you lean your head against his shoulder. “Thanks.”
Marco tilts your chin up to look at him. “I know this is all unfamiliar. The crew is rowdy and rambunctious, and the ship is crowded. You’re both brave and resilient to have endured it thus far, and I’m proud of you for getting along with everyone.”
You can’t help but smile at that. “It’s really not so bad,” you say. His gaze is intense, so you look up at the sky instead. “At least the stars are familiar, even if our constellations are different.”
He nudges you. “Tell me about them.”
You point up at the night sky, explaining how the northern section of stars form a constellation of a great bird. The Crow, it’s called.
“That one, above the cloud?” Marco points, and you shake your head. Taking his hand, you point it to the correct star, moving his hand to trace out the imaginary line between them. Below that one is the Farmer, eternally on the lookout for the Crow, and next to her, the Plow, and the Oxen that pull it…
The ship rocks gently, the night air cool and comfortable, and Marco is warm against your side. You name constellations until your eyelids grow heavy and your hand drifts down. Marco asks you about the next one, but you no longer respond. Looking down, he sees that you’ve fallen asleep.
That night, you dream of being carried by the Crow, made of soft blue starlight, descending from the heavens to carry you in its talons, and gently drop you into bed.
The rest of the week flies by, and soon, the Whitebeard Pirates dock at the next island. It’s one of Whitebeard’s territories, so everyone is relaxed and upbeat. You sit on the railing and watch crewmates go to and from the ship with boxes of supplies.
“It seems like a nice place,” you tell Marco, who looks up from his checklist. “I have to make a decision now. Figure out where I go from here…”
“Do you want to stay longer?” Marco asks bluntly, making you gape at him.
“Is that even allowed?”
“I doubt anyone would oppose it, but you still have to ask Pops.” The thought of asking Whitebeard is scary enough to make you hesitate, and Marco chuckles. “I can go with you, if you’d like.”
“No,” you say, surprising him. “I'll do it myself.”
At Marco’s suggestion, you wait until after dinner, by which time Whitebeard’s had a few enormous mugs of beer in him. Still, you have to resist the urge to shake in your boots. Whitebeard hasn’t talked to you much in the month you’ve been on board, and while he’s never been cruel, he is loud, brash, and seems to take up even more space than he already does with the grand aura that hangs about him.
“What do you want, squirt?” he asks before you can even say anything, brows drawn together like he’s read your mind and already made a decision.
“Uh…Um, I…” you stammer.
“Speak up.”
You swallow and raise your voice. “I…I wanna…Um…”
“Louder. My ears aren’t what they used to be.”
You step forward, close your eyes, and shout, “Pops, can I sail with you a while longer?!”
The deck is silent. Not a single crewmate makes a peep. Whitebeard’s eyebrows raise, and slowly, the corner of his lips curl up, just a little.
“You may,” is all he says, but you nearly fall over in relief, all your tension lifted in a second.
You turn away, but go rigid when he adds, “What do you say?”
“T-Thank you!” you bow to Whitebeard, who grunts and waves a hand dismissively.
You get to know more people as time passes. Jiru and Kingdew teach you the basics of working the rigging to haul in sails, and with some direction and careful observation, let you help out the crew in hoisting them one day. It's a strenuous activity made easier by many hands, but you still work up a sweat. They both pat you on the back after. “As you get stronger, it gets easier,” Jiru says.
You do get stronger over the weeks. Faster, too. Ace has gone from teaching you to handle a weapon to straight-up teaching you how to handle yourself in a fight. You get a lot of physical activity on the ship, and always fall asleep easily as a result. You rest well…most of the time. Your escape from your island still eats at you on occasion, crawling up your back at night to linger at the edges of your mind. During the day, you’re too distracted by action and others to think much of it, but there’s no stopping it when you’re alone with your thoughts.
One night, Marco finds himself unable to sleep. Rather than fighting it, he gets up to go for a nighttime flight. He finds that the freedom of the sky sets his mind at ease–perhaps it has to do with his zoan instincts. He perches on the railing of the ship, transforms, and spreads his wings, letting the wind catch him and lift him up. With no heat in the night air, he has to flap hard to gain some altitude, but once he gets up higher, he’s able to soar beneath the stars, the wind whipping his crest and tail feathers.
Though the crew’s used to him in this shape, he still doesn’t fully transform all that often, so some crewmates working the night shift stop to watch for a while. He doesn’t mind, angling his wings to fly in a wide circle around the ship. It’s then that he notices who’s in the crow’s nest–Rakuyo, and huddled up next to him, you. Rakuyo’s flask is in your hand, you’re holding onto his arm, and with Marco’s sharp zoan vision, he can see the tear streaks on your cheeks. He’s immediately concerned, and a bit bothered. You’re not normally touchy with anyone but him, and while he trusts Rakuyo, Marco isn’t fond of how his drinking habits can cloud his judgment–and yours.
Marco tilts his wings and cuts a sharp, neat curve, landing gracefully on the edge of the crow’s nest. You stare at him, eyes huge, and he can’t help feeling a bit conceited at your obvious wonder.
“Hey, Marco,” Rakuyo greets him.
“Rakuyo,” he nods. “Y/n. Is everything okay, yoi?”
You sniffle and nod.
“They couldn’t sleep,” Rakuyo says. “Had a bad dream.”
“Is that right?” Marco can’t help the annoyance in his tone, and Rakuyo notices, looking suddenly uncertain.
“Nip of whiskey always helps put me back to sleep,” Rakuyo explains quickly.
“And how did you plan on getting them back down the mast afterward?” Marco tilts his head, eyes narrowed.
“Uh…Well, I could carry them?”
“You’re drinking too, yoi.”
You speak up then, still wide-eyed. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Marco doesn’t know if phoenixes can blush, but he feels the heat rise to his cheeks all the same. Rakuyo glances at you, his grimace flipping into a grin. “Okay, maybe they’ve had enough.”
Marco transforms most of his body back, leaving his wings out for a moment just to watch your awestruck expression. He hops into the crow’s nest.
“Well, if you’re here, I’ll leave them to you,” Rakuyo says, plucking his flask from your hands. He pats your shoulder and stands up fast, eager to avoid Marco’s ire. “Chin up, kiddo,” he says to you, then hurries away down the mast, leaving you two alone.
You hiccup.
Marco sighs, sitting down next to you. “Bad dream, huh?”
“Yeah.” You look up at him with those big, sad eyes, and Marco feels his heart clench. “What about you?”
“Just restless, yoi.”
“But you work so hard.”
“Heh, thanks for noticing. I can’t say why I’m unable to sleep right now.” He reaches to wipe your tears away, and you let him, leaning your head on his shoulder afterward.
“You felt my pain and came out. Now you’re here.” You close your eyes. “You’re such a good doctor…”
Marco laughs. “I think you need some water, yoi.” He pats your head, and you look up at him. “If I go get you some, will you be okay up here by yourself?”
You nod. “I won’t be scared. Well…maybe a little…but I’ll be okay!”
“That’s my little duckling,” he smiles. “I’ll be quick.”
A few minutes later, Marco’s back with a canteen. He settles back next to you as you drink.
“Do you want to talk about it, yoi?” he asks.
“Talk about what?”
“You dream.”
Your face falls, and you seem to deflate a little. “...Yeah,” you say. “Even after that whiskey, I couldn’t forget it.”
“I’m all ears.”
You chug some more water and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “I had a dream that my friend was sacrificed in my place.” You sink even lower, curling up.
“Oh, love.”
“I know a sacrifice was made after I left. Some poor girl, who had no idea her time was suddenly up. And I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. Like if only I accepted my fate, things would be better for everyone.”
Marco drapes an arm around your shoulders and hugs you to his side. “Do you really believe that?”
“I don’t know. I don’t want to believe it.” You settle against him. “Everyone here is so…so content. So free. So sure of themselves.”
“Maybe on the surface, yoi.” He rubs your arm. “Nobody’s perfect.”
You look up at him. “Do you really think I’m brave?”
“Do you really think I deserve my devil fruit?”
The question catches you off guard. “Oh. Well, yeah, of course. I’ve always believed that, since I’ve met you.”
“I feel the same way. You’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever met, yoi.” He smiles softly. “It’s no easy feat to go against the wishes of your entire village.”
You drop your head to hide your smile. Marco reminds you to keep drinking, and you do so, sipping at the canteen until the water’s almost gone.
“Will you tell me about the constellations you grew up learning?”
Marco points up to the sky. “You see the Crow up there, like you showed me a while ago? Take the star forming the tip of the wing, and go south…”
“There?” You point.
“Close.” This time, Marco takes your hand, guiding you to the correct star. “That triangle of stars that connects to that square–back home, we called it the Forge. And that one, the one your people called the Farmer? We called the same formation the Hunter.”
With a gentle voice and a gentler touch, Marco points out a few more constellations. The Unicorn. The Sickle. The Loom. As he points out the last star forming the Chariot, you both fall silent. He doesn’t let go of your wrist. Slowly, he slides his hand up your wrist to hold your own, interlacing your fingers together.
Your heart skips in your chest. The both of you lower your intertwined hands, until you’re just sitting there holding hands. You look at each other. Marco’s blushing.
Carefully, gradually, Marco lowers his head, and softly presses his lips to yours.
The ship rocks gently, the night air cool and comfortable, Marco is warm against you, and you know right then there’s nowhere else in the world you’d rather be.
Breaking the kiss, Marco cups your cheek and presses his forehead gently to yours.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
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Hot day at the beach
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PAIRING | Tom Hiddleston x Wife!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tom go for a relaxing beach day whilst on vacation to celebrate your anniversary. The two of you are having a lot of fun and good conversations, enjoying each other's presents. At the end of the day, you top the day off with a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and some exploring of each other's bodies for the rest of the night.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning, do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Established relationship [ Tom & Reader are married ], smut [ Implied sex in the ocean, spanking, a little bit of nipple play, dry humping, panties used as a gag, oral F receiving, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), anal penetration, prostate orgasm, squirting, multiple orgasms, use of a vibrator, overstimulation, use of handcuffs, praise kink, daddy kink, Dom/Sub relationship ( Soft!Dom Tom & Sub Reader) ], swearing, aftercare in the form of cuddles (the rest of the aftercare is implied).
A/N | So, this is my first time writing a bit of a D/S-themed fic (the smut part at least) so I hope I did well! If not, I would love to get some constructive criticism, I'm not at all part of this lifestyle but I very much enjoy reading about it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Thank you so much for reading it! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
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''Good morning, Mrs. Hiddleston,'' Tom said as he walked into the bedroom with a tray of breakfast foods. He prepared breakfast while you slept in, and you sure could use every minute of sleep after last night. The two of you spent most of the night making love, and you were still sore from it but you welcomed it nevertheless. ''Mornin' Mr. Hiddleston,'' you said with a lovesick grin on your face, God you were still head over heels in love with your amazing husband. He put the tray on his side of the bed before pulling you in for a kiss, softly sliding his tongue against yours as a token of his love for you. ''I hope you're hungry because I've made you breakfast,'' he said as he pulled away and put the tray over your lap.
The breakfast was an assortment of fruits, pancakes, waffles, and orange juice. He couldn't decide what to make so he ultimately just went for everything so you two could share. The breakfast was spent with light conversation, soft kisses, and feeding each other various kinds of fruit, and maybe a not-so-innocent touch here and there, but it was the best breakfast the both of you shared in a long time. Due to Tom's shooting schedules, it was hard for the both of you to spend time together, but seeing how it was your 7th wedding anniversary, the two of you booked a two-week vacation in Mexico to enjoy each other and each other's presence.
''What is the plan for today?'' Tom asks and you tell him about your plans for today. ''I was thinking we could spend the day at the beach since it's going to be a beautiful day, and I was hoping to spend the evening around a campfire with s'mores and maybe some cuddles,'' you said with a small smile, this was your idea of the perfect day and it was finally time to make it come true. ''Sounds like the perfect plan, my love. But first, I have a special present for you that you may or may not want to use today,'' he said as he got off the bed and walked to his suitcase. He picked up a relatively small box with a red ribbon around it and he handed it to you.
You took off the ribbon and when you took the lid off, you were greeted with something both of you have talked about to spice up your sex life for a while - a new vibrator that has a clit stimulator in it too. ''Hm, I think this would be perfect to try out tonight, darlin','' you said as you got it out of the box and tried out the different settings so you had an idea of what you could expect. ''Can't wait,'' he said as he pulled you closer for another kiss, which he deepens instantly. The two of you spent the next half hour in a lazy make-out session before getting ready to go to the beach. You got a new bikini as a special surprise and you couldn't wait to surprise your husband with it when you were at the beach.
The two of you got ready and you put a beach robe over your bikini so you could keep it a surprise for him to open later. It didn't take long for the both of you to arrive at the beach and find a bit of a secluded spot, it was a relatively slow day for the time of year and the both of you were more than grateful for that. Tom laid out both of your beach towels before helping you sit down. ''Now, my love, are you going to show me what special surprise is underneath this beautiful robe? Because I have a feeling what might be underneath is delicious,'' he purred as he went to untie the knot that held your robe closed.
When it was untied he let that fall to the sides before hooking his hands underneath the fabric at your shoulders, allowing it to fall open and slide off your shoulders to reveal the gorgeous red bikini you've got especially for this trip. He took it off and put it away in your beach bag to wear later, and he didn't try to hide the fact that he was checking out how gorgeous you look in the bikini. It always made you feel good to know you could still surprise Tom in ways like this, even after all these years together. ''I take it that you like what you see?'' you teased as he slowly roamed his hands over your thighs and up to your hips. ''Delicious...'' is all he said before he surged forward to kiss you with a burning passion.
The two of you had another little make-out session on the beach before you had to apply sunscreen on both yourself as well as Tom. ''Why don't you lay down for me, darlin', that way I can rub you with some sunscreen,'' you purred this time and he happily complied, laying on his stomach first. You straddle his legs to apply it to his back and neck first, taking your sweet time before moving down to both his legs after which he turned around. That time you straddle him right over his groin and act like you're doing nothing wrong, but you can feel him growing hard as you softly grind on him while rubbing the sunscreen on his chest and stomach. ''If you keep doin' that, my love, we might be sent off for public indecency,'' he said as he grabbed your hips to get you to still your movements.
''But I wasn't even doing anything, Daddy,'' you whispered in his ear before giving him a soft pat on his chest as you sat back up. ''If you keep being such a tease you won't be cumming tonight, my love,'' he said with a stern voice and you immediately stopped, that's not what you were aiming for here. ''Sorry,'' is all you said before climbing off of him and laying on your stomach this time so Tom can apply sunscreen on your back too. He slowly massages it in and makes sure to get every single spot before doing the same to your legs and your stomach when you're flipped over. ''Hm, you're being such a good girl for me right now,'' he said as he leaned in for a kiss, and you chased him for more when he pulled away.
When the two of you were done you both picked up your books that you brought with you and just laid there reading in a comfortable silence for a while. You started to have the strange feeling you were being watched, so you put down your book and noticed a few fans staring at both of you, not sure whether to approach you or not. ''Darlin', want to go for a swim with me?'' you asked and he happily agreed, getting up so he could help you get up too, interlacing his fingers with yours as you walked towards the ocean. When you were almost here the two of you were stopped by the fans, asking for a picture and an autograph. ''Do you want me to take the picture for you?'' you asked, they usually wanted one just with Tom and that is perfectly fine, you were only known as Tom's wife anyways since you had a 'regular' office job.
''Oh no, we would love for you to join us!'' one of the girls said and you were pleasantly surprised by that fact, but you agreed happily. When the pictures were taken and Tom gave them all an autograph you were thanked profusely and the lovely girls wished both of you a happy vacation together. Tom grabbed a hold of your hand again and pulled you closer to him. ''I don't think I'll ever get used to people wanting to meet you,'' you chuckled. It was a part of your daily life, but it was still a little strange that people stopped him on the streets - or the beach, in this case - to take photos with him. ''It's okay, my love, you don't have to get used to it, and if you don't feel comfortable with it you know we don't have to stay for the photos right?'' he reassured you and you nodded.
After that the two of you went into the ocean and may or may not have had sex there, nobody will ever know even though you most definitely did. You spent time reading your books after that before it was time to go back to your beach house and get ready for your anniversary dinner that you had thought out. You and Tom switched each year who would make the reservations for your anniversary dinner and this year, it was your turn again. You found a fancy restaurant with authentic Mexican cuisine so you could get a true taste of the culture. Tom chose to wear a burnt orange suit and you wore a burnt orange dress to match him perfectly. Your hair was loose and your make-up light to let the dress be the star of the outfit.
When the two of you arrived you were treated like true celebrities and it felt nice, they probably knew who Tom is, and for once you wouldn't mind it if they treated you like that because they know who he is. ''To the rest of our lives, my love,'' Tom said as he picked up the glass of red wine and you did the same. ''To the rest of our lives, darlin','' you said and the two of you clinked your glasses before taking a sip and tasting the wine. Not long after the food arrived and the two of you were wrapped up in conversation. By the time dessert arrived you had a little surprise planned for Tom, because they put sparklers in the dessert to make it just a little bit more fun. ''Happy 7th anniversary'' was written across the plate and Tom stood up to give you a kiss, which you happily reciprocated.
After dinner, the two of you went back to your beach house and changed into comfortable lounge clothing so you could sit around the campfire that was currently roaring in the small backyard attached to the house. You got all the stuff needed for s'mores and Tom already sat down, eagerly waiting for his wife to come sit next to him and enjoy the warmth coming from the campfire. ''Welcome back, my love,'' he said as you sat down, leaning into Tom's side as if you were enjoying the atmosphere of the campfire right now. ''I love you, so much, my darlin', and I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you,'' you said and you laid your head on his shoulder.
Making the s'mores was a pretty easy task and before the two of you knew it, they were all gone. Not much later you were straddling Tom and grinding your hips softly over his growing hardness as the two of you were wrapped up in yet another make-out session, you could never have enough of each other, and it was very noticeable with the everlasting honeymoon phase in your relationship. The passion was still there with a burning fire, and you two could be wrapped up in one another for days on end and still not have enough. But then again, that's why Tom got you the vibrator as a present, so the two of you could spice up your sex life in a different way.
You were letting out soft moans into Tom's mouth as he wrapped his arms around you and let his hands glide up and down your back, down to your ass where he have a gentle squeeze followed by a spanking on both cheeks which made you let out a little squeal. ''Oh Daddy, you make me feel so good,'' you moaned in between kisses, and Tom slowly lifted your shirt over your head as you continued your rolling motion on his lap, feeling the friction and the heat pooling there more and more. You decided not to wear a bra after dinner and you're glad you didn't, seeing the content look on your husband's face as he saw your bare breasts and perky nipples in front of him.
''Hm, already starting to get a little needy for me, my love?'' he asked as you let out a soft whine at the summer breeze blowing over your nipples, and all you could do is nod in response. He bends over to take one of your nipples in his mouth and starts suckling on it a little, as his hands wander over your hips and waist, rubbing circles on your back before moving to the front as he cups your breasts in his hands. He lets out a groan at the same time a deep moan leaves your lips as you grind harder onto his achingly hard cock. ''Fuck, love, just like that,'' he grits out through his teeth as he starts rubbing his thumbs over your nipples, making you writhe under his touch. When your orgasm is getting closer, Tom can tell by the way your moans get quicker and he takes one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and slightly biting it until you become a complete mess and soak your panties and both your pants from your orgasm.
''Hm, someone's a little eager this evening,'' he says as he gives the same treatment to the other nipple, letting you ride out your orgasm and come down from your high which he manages to extend a little by playing with your nipples. He could do this for hours on end and never get sick of it, but now he wants to taste you after your orgasm, so he wraps his arms around your waist and he stands up. You instinctively wrap your legs around his hips and he walks both of you inside before gently placing you onto the bed. ''Such a good girl for me, my love,'' he says as he pushes your thighs apart, enjoying the wet spot your juices have created in your pants. ''So needy that you couldn't even wait to cum, huh?'' he asks and you nod, ''Yeah Daddy, need you so bad right now,'' you whimper and Tom just gets a big grin on his face, he loves having you like this.
''Now tell me, what is it that my baby wants? Does she want to cum like the good girl I know she is?'' Tom teases a little and you desperately nod, you want all the orgasms he's willing to give you, in whichever way he wants to give them to you. ''Yeah Daddy, please, need to cum again for you,'' you beg a little and Tom feels himself getting even harder, not that he thought that was even possible after the way he just made you cum. He kneels on the bed with his legs on the sides of yours and goes to take off your pants, leaving your panties on just a little longer, because he has a plan with those. When your pants are off he leans over to give you one more deep kiss before grabbing the handcuffs you brought your favorite red fluffy pair to match the new bikini you bought.
''I want you to be a good little slut for me tonight, so I can make you cum as many times as I want. That means you will have your hands cuffed together, so you won't be able to touch me, or yourself, is that okay with you?'' he asks and you tell him it's okay. ''Yes Daddy, please cuff me,'' you sigh a little and he gladly cuffs you to the top of the bed so you can't move your hands below your head. After that, he slowly litters your chest and stomach with kisses until the reaches the band of your panties, tugging them off with his teeth to make you go a little crazy and squirm under his touches. When he's pulled them off, he stuffs them in your mouth as a gag, to keep you a little more silent. ''As much as I love all the pretty noises you can make, I want you to be silent tonight, my love. You wouldn't want to disturb anyone else when you fall apart over and over, would you?'' he asked and you shook your head in response.
You relax a little as he rubs his hands over your stomach and hips, and he gets into position to eat you out like you deserve, he wants to drink every last drop of the juices that flow out of you and he can't wait any longer. He drags two fingers through your folds and he can feel you're soaking wet for him, making him go almost feral. ''God, such a wet slut for me, bet you're such a desperate, needy girl now,'' he smirks before slowly inserting two fingers in you at once, making you groan deeply as your back arches at the feeling, you're still sensitive from the orgasm you had earlier and Tom is well aware of this fact. Shortly after pumping his fingers in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace, he attaches his mouth to your clit and it feels like you would combust right then and there, your orgasm so close you can almost taste it.
You let out a few muffled moans from behind your gag and Tom just smirks a little as he licks and sucks on your clit, while picking up the pace of his fingers, making that impeding orgasm come closer at a quick pace. ''Want to cum for me, love? Need to cum for your Daddy?'' he asks and you nod frantically while letting out muffled whimpers, your hips bucking up involuntarily as your back arches too, and you fall apart not long after. He picks up the pace of his fingers and tongue even more as he starts licking through your folds, but keeping his attention mostly on your clit and before you know it, you squirt all over his face when he curls his fingers to find your perfect spot. ''Oh fuck, yes, squirt all over my face, cum for me love, you're doing perfect right now,'' he says and he rides out your orgasm on his fingers before he gives a trail of small kisses up your face.
''For this part, I need to loosen up those beautiful hands of yours, my love, because I'm going to need some help working the vibrator into myself,'' Tom said, as your eyes grew wide. Sure, you've done this before with him, but your new vibrator would be even better, and Tom grabs both the vibrator and some lube so you can help him get ready. You squirt some lube onto your fingers as Tom spreads his cheeks for you, his face laying on the pillows where your head just was. Then you proceed to squirt some on his tight hole before rubbing it softly, trying to get him to relax. ''You're doing so well for me, darlin', just relax and before you know it you will have all the pleasure,'' you said softly and you could feel him relax under your touch, and before you know it, you can slide one finger in, working him open slowly.
Not long after you can fit in 2 more fingers and when he's comfortable with that, you slowly pull your fingers out as Tom lets out a soft whine at the loss of your fingers. ''I know darlin', but you will feel something much better than my fingers soon,'' you cooed as you lubed the vibrator, before pushing it up to his now relaxed hole. It takes a bit for him to fully relax but before you know it you can slowly slide in the tip, and the more the takes, the noisier he becomes. He lets out soft whines and moans at the feeling of immense pleasure, and it isn't even turned on yet. You turned it in a way that the clit stimulator part would fit perfectly against his perineum, giving him even more intense pleasure as it would be turned on soon. ''It's in, darlin','' you whisper in his ear and he sits up, adjusting to the feeling.
''On your hands and knees in front of me, ass up in the air,'' he commands and you happily agree with it, as you do what he says, awaiting what will happen to you soon. He lands a few slaps on your ass before spreading your ass and looking at both your hole and your pussy looking back at him. ''Hm, such a perfect girl for me, sitting like this for your Daddy. Tell me, do you want Daddy's cock inside you? Are you needy for Daddy's thick cock?'' he asks and you whimper again, this time into the pillows where your head is buried. Tom grabbed the remote of the vibrator and turned it on, making sure it was not too high as he doesn't want to cum too soon, but the second he turns it on he already lets out a needy whine at the feeling of it against both his prostate and his perineum.
He grabbed your hips with a bit of force and pulled you towards him, so he can rub his cock through your folds, using your dripping juices as the lube he needs to sink into you. He doesn't wait long as he thrusts into you in one smooth motion, bottoming out immediately making you let out a very high shriek that turned into a long moan as you adjusted to his size again. ''F-fuck Daddy, feels good,'' you moan and he starts thrusting into you, which makes the vibrator thrust into his prostate so Tom knows he won't last long like this, but he didn't care. It felt too good to worry about that, all he cares about is making both you and himself cum. ''Pussy feels so tight, feels so good for me, god you're made for me, love,'' he groans as he chases both your highs, and you snake your arm underneath your body to play with your clit.
''Oh, D-daddy, gonna cum, need to cum!'' you moan out and with a few more thrusts you squirt all over, the stimulation becoming too much as you can feel the vibrator too. Not long after Tom squirts thick ropes of his warm cum deep inside your pussy as his orgasm takes him over completely, the vibrator stimulating his prostate more and more, prolonging both your orgasms until neither of you can take it anymore. Tom pulls out of you and you whine at the loss, and he quickly takes out the vibrator because he's overstimulated, and he turns it off before he lays down beside you. He pulls you close to him and cradles you into his arms as he rubs soothing circles over your back.
''You did so well for me tonight, my love. You were perfect for me, and I love you so much,'' he cooed in your ear along with other sweet nothings and you smiled a little bit before finally being able to lift your head a bit. ''Love you,'' you muttered and Tom bent down to give you a longing kiss on your lips, which he slowly deepened, but he still kept it soft as he explored your mouth with his tongue in a lacy pace. When he pulls apart he tucks a curl behind your ear as he looks loving into your eyes, he would never get enough of seeing those beautiful eyes of yours. The rest of the night was spent with cuddles, a nice bath, and even more cuddles before falling asleep in each other's arms, limbs tangled in a way that neither of you knows where one begins, and the other ends. Neither of you would ever want to have it any other way.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 year
Some financial advice that may be actually helpful
Based on one of y'all (sorry, I'm lazy, I'm not scrolling back) mentioning the terrible advice of "Make six figures."
Like, bitch. I'm TRYING.
But, let's say you live in a shocking world where you don't pull six figures out your bosses's ass every year. How can you make small financial changes that can lead to larger financial security?
These are all utterly subjective and based on things I've either actually done or just observed. I'm gonna try to skip over shit like, "shop for clothes second hand!" because shit like that can require a HUGE time commitment, and it's not even always worth it.
If your grocery store has a free rewards program (you put in your phone number or email address), get that set up. Yes, it will track what you purchase. But it also means when you get coupons in the mail, they're for things you actually buy. In our two-person household, we can save anywhere from 0-15 bucks a week depending on how coupons land.
If you can get a grocery card with fuel points (Fred Meyer and Safeway do it here in the PNW), you can save LOADS on gas. A dollar a gallon easily.
Also do any pet store reward programs that might be available. As the Bean does not require a great deal all the time, her rewards build up slowly, but every few months, we get enough points to get ten or twenty bucks off a purchase.
Do NOT buy in bulk if you're not gonna eat in bulk. Five pounds of rice is great if you eat rice regularly, but if you only have it every now and again, smaller portions of boxed rice are likely a better option. The same is true for any dried foods. Yeah, it's shelf stable, but it takes up more of the shelf. That could hold the stuff you actually eat steadily.
Frozen fruits/veggies are as healthy as fresh. And they'll stay ready to eat a lot longer. Consider that with how you eat and how much you eat a certain vegetable. It may be better worth your money to have three bags of frozen broccoli in your freezer than to keep buying fresh broccoli you forget to use in time.
If you're looking at a generic that says "Compare to BRAND NAME." It's the same formula. That's why they can say that. The reason it's cheaper is because the copyright or trademark costs money. Take that off, and boom. Cheaper cost for the same stuff.
If you have a car, know the way you drive it and how that can affect it. For example, if you do a lot of city driving, your transmission and (if applicable) stick shift are gonna wear down faster than you might expect. It's not always mileage. It's starting and stopping. However, if you drive long distances without stopping a lot (rural areas), your higher mileage car may not need any work on those things. Get your oil changed and your tires checked, and know what to look out for in terms of the kind of car you have and the driving you do. For example, we have less than 100k miles on our 15-year-old car, but we've mainly used it for city driving. We had to get the clutch re-built a few years ago, and last year we had to get the transmission goos updated because they'd run dry. These aren't surprising needs for a city-driven stick shift that's over ten years old.
There's a schedule to big shit going on sale in the US. Mattresses are a big thing around Memorial Day for some reason (Support the Fallen Troops by...fucking???). Electronics go big on sale before school starts and on Black Friday. Memorial Day is also big for cars, as is the 4th of July. If you hand make anything, certain colors of stuff go on sale before major holidays. Orange and black before Halloween. Red, green, and white before Christmas. Pastels before Easter. Etc.
Consider how much use a product will get before you decide you can or can't spend a little extra on it. Do 300-count sheets do the job? Yes. But speaking from recent experience, the 1500-count sheets feel so much nicer, which makes sleeping so much nicer, and I use them literally every single night, so the initial investment works out to basically the same even if I'd gotten cheaper sheets.
But also, stuff like sheets and comforters and stuff go on sale at various times! And your bed ain't gonna go through a growth spurt! Keep an eye out for those deals and scoop up the super soft stuff at a discount if you can!
And lastly on this main list, a very very important thing coming from a former poor kid: Fucking treat yourself. You know how much money you have. You know how much money you need. Maybe it's not hard to treat yourself because you're financially solvent, and in that case, this advice isn't for you. It's for those of us who have struggled to deviate at all from our list of NEEDS to give ourself even a very small WANT because WHAT IF I NEED FIVE BUCKS IN TWO DAYS. I get it. I do. To my bones. And I say fucking treat yourself, and if in two days, you suddenly need five bucks, do NOT feel bad that you got yourself a little something. You can't see into the future, and catastrophizing is so bad for you. Trust me. I know. Just. Remember, in all of this, give yourself a little focused care, okay?
All of that being said, a few more general points:
Dish soap is made to break up grease and oil, and it's commonly antibacterial. This makes it fucking perfect for cleaning your shower (covered in your greases and oils) and your bathroom in general (same reason). I don't recommend it for your toilet, but that's a personal preference based on zero research. The point is, most of your bathroom can be cleaned with dish soap. Get all your stuff off your counters. Make a thin layer with the dish soap. Let it sit for five to ten minutes. Scrub. Bonus: You can breathe the whole time.
Vinegar kills germs. Like, lab-tested kills germs. You can clean your kitchen with Vinegar and Borax (odor-reducer), and it costs a fraction of buying the kitchen-branded cleaners.
Borax is also great as an addition to laundry soap for odor-reducing reasons. So, even the cheap laundry soap is more effective with Borax.
"But Gayle, you can make your own laundry soap if you--" Yes, I know. And it's cool you know that. But it takes TIME to make laundry soap, and time is the only thing less reliable than money when it comes down to it.
Look up "No Buying" options in your area. This is usually a Facebook group or maybe a subreddit. The goal is that no one in the group wants to buy or sell anything. They just have stuff they want to get out of their house. It's not a 24/7 goldmine, but it's a once-a-day scroll through that could lead you to a pricey item for free!
If you have stuff that says "handwash," and you think, "Okay, I want to, but that's a whole new task." Nah. Just take a shower and bring it with! Hell, wear it in if you have to. I do this a LOT. Use the water and your soap (which, as it's likely a body wash or soap, will break down those skin oils and such) and give it a good washing while you stand there. Then, squeeze out the excess water and toss that thing over the shower rod. If you have a drying rack, use it. But if you don't, just leave it where it is and leave the fan going. It'll take care of itself. Just double check the label to know if hot water is a bad idea and if you need to lay flat or hang dry. If you need to lay flat, super squeeze the water out and lay it flat wherever you can.
And, lastly for this long post: If you need the expensive shit, buy the expensive shit. I have celiac and MCAS. My bread is five bucks a loaf. Peanut Butter fucks up my histamines. Almond fucks up my histamines. I need five dollar bread and fucking cashew butter to make a fucking sandwich. But the other option is getting sick from putting stuff in my body my body will fight against, and trust me, those urgent care visits stack up.
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