#dua for good life partner
Dua For Finding A Good Husband
If You Want Dua To find a Good Husband Then you are at Right Place. Anyone wants to find a partner that is suitable for her and that can make her happy all life. Everybody wishes for their Prince Charming, and everyone wishes for their Prince Charming to have the qualities they want in them. Almost every girl’s dream is to have someone beside them that will support them and will help them at any…
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lilasamaaa · 5 months
Havana | Charles Leclerc & Carlos Sainz x Reader
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Genre | Angst, Hurt, Smut.
Word count | 5.0K
Warnings | Sexual content, alcohol consumption, cheating, some gaslighting, heartbreak!!
Summary | Reader and Charles, who've been dating for a few years, go on a trip to Cuba between two races. A few days before leaving, they learn that Carlos and Rebecca will be staying at the same resort. Good news, right? Well, if you forget Carlos and reader's years-long mutual attraction. Inspired by the « She chose me/Did she? » trend on TikTok… with a twist.
Author's note | Lord... This was so filthy I'm sorry. This piece is the result of this poll! Wrote half of this listening to These Walls by Dua Lipa, the other with Never Be The Same by Camila Cabello. Just so you get the mood. Not proofread, sorry!
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She had been waiting for these holidays for months.
Since the beginning of the season, she hadn't been able to travel with Charles to any race, having no available days off. She was jealous of the others wags. The influencers. The ones who could rearrange their schedules in the blink of an eye to follow their boyfriends to the other side of the world without thinking about the consequences. But she'd foolishly chosen to pursue studies, foolishly found a job in marketing, foolishly trapped herself without even realizing it. She loved her job. Or at least, that's what she repeated to herself every morning when her alarm went off at 6 a.m. Sharp.
She had followed the start of the season through her TV and phone, and had savored every brief moment Charles had spent in Monaco (which represented, like... twenty days, tops, since the beginning of March). She knew she couldn't complain. That she didn't have the right to. She'd chosen to share her life with a high-level and high-profile athlete, and this situation couldn't obviously be all positive. She knew that other women would have sold their souls to be in her place. To wake up next to Charles, even just once a month. So, she never complained. She endured.
Charles had returned from China two days earlier, and they were heading to Cuba this afternoon, preparing for ten days of pure bliss. She was euphoric. Delighted not to set her alarm for the next day, delighted not to see her boss and colleagues for ten days, delighted to spend time with Charles. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Yet... There was something.
Yesterday night, at the restaurant, as they were making the final preparations, Charles' phone had lit up on the table and the driver had grabbed it, staring at the screen for a few seconds before exclaiming, "Non, j'y crois pas!". She had shot him a questioning look, and her boyfriend had chuckled before saying "Carlos just texted me. Him and Rebecca are staying at the same resort as us in Havana. This is gonna be so cool."
She hadn't responded, just smiled, and returned her attention to the plate of pasta in front of her. Carlos was... a friend. Well, it was actually hard to define. He was obviously primarily Charles' friend, but they had crossed paths quite regularly in the past few years, and naturally, they had hit it off. There was just one issue. One tiny thing.
The man drove her crazy. It was ridiculous. Almost humiliating. She had been sharing her life with Charles for four years. She was happy. She was in love! But... She couldn't deny that Carlos made her feel things that Charles never had. Just the thought of acknowledging this made her want to throw up.
She had never acted on her impulses. Absolutely never. But... she could have. She had noticed glances.
It had started one evening at the restaurant, in 2021, when the two Ferrari drivers had organized a double date for their partners to meet. She had immediately loved Isa, with whom she had hit it off right away. The dinner had gone admirably well, the food was amazing, the wine delicious. The wine. There had been too much of it. They all probably thought so, seeing the bottles go by, but no one had stopped. No one wanted to be the one to break the great mood of the evening. So, they’d drank. Again and again.
If at the beginning of the meal, Carlos had just been casting curious glances in her direction, the wine had changed that. By the time Charles was explaining to Isa how they had met, the Spaniard was piercing her with his gaze. Equally intoxicated and never one to back down from a challenge, she had not flinched at the driver's boldness, holding his gaze, not even blinking. It had lasted a minute. Maybe two. Or even five, before Charles had asked her the name of the movie they'd seen on their third date, you know, the one with the mansion, and she’d finally tore her gaze away from Carlos.
"I believe that was Knives Out," she'd replied, smiling fondly at her boyfriend.
The conversation had resumed its course, and a few hours later, the two couples had parted ways. Lying in bed, in the middle of the night, she could still feel Carlos' burning gaze on her. That could have been nothing. She could always blame it on the wine. But there'd been more.
One day, Charles had suggested that she came with him to an interview he was going to do with Carlos. "It won't take long," he had said. "And as soon as it's over, we'll go grab a bite at that Mexican restaurant you love". She had agreed. The questions had started simple.
"What would be your perfect day?"
"What's your pre-race tradition?"
"Describe your ideal woman"
Even though she had been browsing her phone for a while, absorbed by the device, this question had made her look up. Locking eyes with Charles, the driver had smiled at her before answering.
"That's rather easy to answer, because I've already found her. My ideal woman is career-oriented. She works hard, doesn't count her hours. She wants to succeed because she deserves it, not because she's dating me. She excels in everything she undertakes. She sets no limits for herself, fears nothing. Tries everything. She can be uncompromising, but she knows how to be gentle and caring. She has weaknesses, but she only shows them to me. I am her refuge, and she is mine."
She had smiled, touched, blowing a kiss to her boyfriend.
"Carlos?" the interviewer had said.
"My ideal woman..." the Spaniard had started, searching for his words. "Actually, I have the same, erm… taste as Charles. But I would add that my ideal woman isn't afraid to make mistakes. She allows herself to make wrong choices, to take the wrong path. It's okay, she will always find her way back," he had added, looking her straight in the eyes. That bastard can't be for real, she'd thought.
The last... "incident" had occurred at the end of last season. It hadn't been easy, but she had managed to get time off, and she had joined Charles in Abu Dhabi for the last race of the season. Her boyfriend had finished fifth in the championship, and everyone : drivers, engineers, girlfriends, had ended up at the club to celebrate Max's victory.
She wasn't a fan of nightclubs. She was very migraine-prone, and the music, combined with the neon lights, didn't do well with her. Feeling the pain starting behind her eyes, she had signaled to Charles that she was going outside, and despite his insistence, she had convinced him to stay inside, wanting him to enjoy the evening. In the dark corridor leading outside, she had closed her eyes for a second. No more. Just to relieve the pain for a moment. And she had bumped into someone, of course.
The someone being Mister Sainz himself. Of course.
"I'm sorry," she'd said, still rubbing her eyes.
"Are you alright?"
"Just a migraine."
"Here," he'd said, leading her outside. "Let's get some calm."
She was surprised to see no one outside. Granted, it was already late, almost 4 a.m., and many people had left the club already. But still, she'd expected to see a few people. Smokers, at least...
"Charles fought well," Carlos had said, leaning against a wall.
"Yeah. He'll be champion one day."
"Of course," the Spaniard had say, grinning. "He'll have the cup." A pause. "And the girl."
"What's that supposed to mean?" she'd replied, pretending not to understand.
"Everything Charles wants, Charles gets."
She wasn't in the mood for this. Not tonight. Even if she found it hard to meet the Spaniard's gaze. Even if feeling his eyes on her made her shiver. Even if she could feel her lower abdomen tighten every time the driver's smooth voice reached her ears.
"Maybe everything Charles has, Charles fought for," she had replied.
"Oh yeah? Is that the secret?" Carlos had asked, coming closer.
"There's no secret."
"Do you want me to fight for you?" he had added, so close that she could feel his breath on her neck.
"You must have misunderstood," she'd said, finally meeting his gaze. "I'm talking about the championship."
Carlos had let out a laugh. An ironic, mocking laugh. Disappointed, almost. A laugh that meant "You and I understood each other perfectly well, but you won't dare go further". And she hadn't dared. Casting one last glance, she had gone back inside, leaving him alone under the stars of Baku.
She hadn't seen him since. Good riddance.
"I still can't believe it," Charles had said, yesterday night, taking a spoonful of his tiramisu. "At least, you won't be alone when I go golfing. I haven't seen much of Rebecca, but she seems very nice. I'm sure you two will get along well."
"So that's it? Our romantic vacation just turned into a friend's getaway?" she'd asked, almost offended.
"No, of course not. I'm sorry, mon coeur. We'll spend as much time together as possible, but... it could be nice to do a thing or two with them, right? I thought you loved Carlos."
The sentence had overwhelmed her with guilt.
"I like Carlos. I loved Isa, though," she'd answered, pouting, while Charles looked at her with soft eyes.
"Yeah, I know. But we have to come to terms with the fact that we won't see Isa again. Or, at least, not with Carlos." the driver had said, rising from his seat. "I'll pay, will you wait for me outside?"
Three days and three flights later, she's sitting at the hotel restaurant table, facing Carlos, wondering what Charles could have possibly misunderstood in her request a few days earlier. We'll spend as much time together as possible, yeah, right, she thinks, clearly annoyed.
"It's a pleasure to officially meet you, Rebecca," Charles says, giving the model a big smile. "Carlos must only have eyes for you, because I hear about you every other day."
She chokes on her drink. The whole table looks at her.
"Sorry," she says. "Ice cubes."
The conversation resumes, Rebecca proving to be very interesting. And apparently very much in love with Carlos, she thinks as she watches the blue-eyed blonde. She doesn't like the pinch she feels in her heart. She doesn't even want to put a name on it. It doesn't matter.
"I'm so happy that you’re here," Rebecca says after a while. "I can't wait to spend more time with you all," she finishes with a big smile.
"Yeah. Can't wait," Carlos says, turning his gaze away from Rebecca's eyes. Finding hers.
The following days pass without incident. Charles divides his day between the hotel pool, the golf course, and their bed, where they make love several times a day. If for some time she had the feeling that they were less close, everything seems forgotten under the Cuban sun.
One day, while she was riding Charles particularly loudly, the driver's hands digging into her hips in a deliciously painful way, someone had knocked on their bedroom door. Surprised, they had stopped suddenly, like teenagers caught red-handed, before Charles had jumped out of bed, grabbing a towel on the go.
"You're not actually going to open the door, are you?" she had asked, hidden under the sheets, with only her head out.
"You never know, what if it's urgent... Like... A fire?" her boyfriend had replied before opening the door.
It very obviously hadn't been urgent, and she had felt like dying of embarrassment when she'd seen Carlos's smug face on the other side of the door. He'd quickly glanced past Charles to look at her. Very obviously naked.
"Sorry to interrupt," he'd said, accent thick, licking his lips. "We had agreed to meet ten minutes ago to go play tennis."
"Did we? Oh my god, I'm sorry," Charles had said, closing the door behind him, running to the bathroom to change. Ten minutes later, both of them had left and she’d found herself alone in the room. Hot and bothered.
In the evening, to make up for leaving her alone all day, a very tanned Charles had invited her to a fancy restaurant in Havana, before taking her dancing. She had loved that night, so close together in the anonymity of the Cuban capital. She would have liked to prolong the festivities, to pick up where they had left off, but as soon as they'd returned to the room, Charles had laid down "for five minutes," and had been snoring ever since.
A faint knock echoes against the door of the room, and she gets up discreetly, careful not to wake Charles.
"You've got to be kidding me..." she starts, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Are you sleeping in front of our door or something?" she spits out, annoyed to find herself facing the Spaniard for the second time today.
"Charles forgot this," he says, handing her a towel. A towel with the hotel logo. What is she supposed to do with that? There are plenty of them in the closets. She stares at him intensely, arching a brow. Making no move to retrieve the towel.
"Can I come in?" he finally asks after a few seconds.
Without a word, she steps aside, revealing the room, and the bed where Charles is still snoring.
"Wow," Carlos says, walking into the room, laughing. "He's fucking knackered. I might have gone a bit hard on him this afternoon."
"What did you do?" she asks, clearly unamused.
"Nothing special. Made him run a bit." he replies, smirking. "I'm so sorry if you'd planned to finish what you'd started earlier," eyes boring into hers.
"You're a little shit," she says, disappearing into the bathroom.
She thought he would take the hint. Understand that his presence was no longer desired. In the bathroom, she takes off her earrings in front of the mirror, the door to the bedroom wide open, when the Spaniard appears behind her.
"Are you happy with him?" he asks, leaning against the door frame.
"What kind of fucked up question is that?" she snaps, turning to face him.
"A simple one," Carlos says, eyeing her intensely.
"What are you even doing here?" she asks, turning once again to grab her hairbrush from the countertop. "Shouldn't you be fucking your girl or something?"
Her hate-filled sentence makes him pause for a moment, seeking her gaze in the mirror. Faced with his silence, she lifts her head, meeting his gaze in the mirror.
"I had other plans," he states.
"Well, go fuck someone else then," she says, vehemently brushing her hair. She doesn't realize what she's said until the driver presses his chest against her back, gently pinning her against the countertop. She lets go of the brush, holding the surface with both hands, trying to regain composure. His mouth slides along her neck, making her whole body shiver. He's still watching her in the mirror as he gently bites her earlobe with his teeth.
"You're the nastiest person I've ever met," she says, letting a moan escape her lips as the driver slides his hands under her top.
"I've been dreaming of this for years," he says, running his fingers up along her stomach. "Morals be damned."
In the mirror, she casts a glance at Charles, still asleep on the bed. She can't do this. She's not like that. She's never cheated on any of her partners, let alone him. He doesn't deserve that, she thinks, closing her eyes as Carlos licks her neck.
"We can't do this to Charles," she says, panting. "To Rebecca."
"Rebecca will be gone by dawn if you ask," Carlos replies, gripping her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze.
"What about him?" she breathes, eyes sliding down his lips. "I can't do it, Carlos. I love him."
"Do you?" he asks, still holding her chin. "Say it one more time, and I swear I won't kiss you. I'll go back to my room and pretend nothing ever happened. We can even share breakfast in the morning, all four of us."
"I..." she stutters, closing her eyes.
"I'm about to do something incredibly reckless. I just need you to tell me if you're okay with it."
She doesn't reply. She just looks into his eyes, and crosses the distance between them. Their mouths collide violently, and both moan in unison, desperately clinging to each other. Her hands get lost in his hair, running along his scalp before pulling at the roots, eliciting a growl from him. He kisses her, biting her lips, encircling her face with his hands. His hands. His hands are everywhere. In her hair, on her back, on her butt. She feels like he's touching her everywhere at once, and his touch... His touch is burning, awakening things she's never felt. With anyone. She feels like molten lava. Like electricity.
He doesn't waste a second. He's too scared she'll snap out of it, change her mind. In one swift motion of the arm, he picks her up, sitting her down on the countertop, spreading her legs with his own body. His lips never leave her : he's exploring her neck, her mouth, her cheeks, her forehead, anything to get a taste of her.
He's afraid that he'll only have her that one time. That he'll have to live forever in the memory of that night. So he memorizes everything. The beauty mark at the corner of her mouth. The one on her neck. The fine white scar above her eyebrow. The tiny wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, the ones she earned through years of hearty laughter. He sniffs her, almost like an animal, absorbing her perfume until his head spins. He's so desperate, so pathetic for her, and he would probably be embarrassed by his own behavior if she weren't doing the same on her side. Her fingers trace every vein in his arms, every muscle in his back. She runs her tongue over his teeth, bites his lips, tugs at his hair as if she wanted to keep a lock of it in a necklace.
So far, they had just been kissing. Something she would have a very hard time justifying to Charles, but which could be ruled as a... distasteful accident. But as Carlos grabs her top, making her raise her arms in the air to take it off, immediately going for her breasts, she knows it's too late. That there will be no turning back. She's panting now, and over the shoulder of the Spaniard, as his mouth finds one of her nipples, she steals a glance at her boyfriend. Sound asleep. Unaware.
Carlos continues his descent, lower and lower, tracing a path with his tongue from her breasts to her belly button and down to her lower abdomen. Urgently, almost savagely, he tears off her floral skirt and her thong with both hands in one harsh movement, throwing them on the floor. He's been so impatient, so hurried all this time that when he finally kneels before her, her entire body tenses, bracing for impact.
But the impact doesn't happen.
Not yet. Carlos softly plants kisses on her pubic mound. On the insides of her thighs. On her knees. Anywhere but where she needs him the most.
"Please," she begs, breathless. "Please don't make me wait."
"I've been waiting for four years," he replies, looking at her through his long lashes, amber eyes diving into hers, "You'll survive a few more seconds."
When his mouth finally meets her core, she tilts her head back, moaning. He's slow. So deliberately slow. For years, she's driven him crazy, obsessing over every thought of hers. His revenge is childish. Immature. He's not proud of it, but he wants to drive her insane. To see her lose her mind because of him, just for once. She's having none of it, bucking her hips until his nose gets lost in her folds and finally, he snaps. Grabbing her by the ass, he brings her impossibly closer, lapping, nibbling, biting, even. Her back is pressed against the mirror, one leg over his shoulder, the other hanging down. She's closing her eyes, covering her mouth. Her moans. Praying that Charles hears nothing. Sees nothing.
With the tips of her toes, she finds his groin. Her touch is so soft. Barely there. His response is immediate, and she feels his growl reverberate through her entire core. Continuing his assault, his fingers join his mouth as he circles her clit before inserting one inside of her. Then two. He's watching her, somehow getting harder every time she moans, every time she tugs at his hair.
"I need you," she says between two breaths. "I don't know how much time we have, and I... I need to feel you inside."
He could have passed out right here, just hearing those words leave her lips. He rises, capturing her lips again, while she takes hold of his t-shirt, stripping it off. And then, they hug. Their skins are burning with desire, but there's nothing sexual here. For a few seconds, they stay like that, absolutely silent. Clinging to each other. The embrace tears them both apart. It's almost violent, suffocating, the way all those what's ifs, we could haves and others if only we'd knowns fill the room in those few seconds. The hug is heavy with things that'll never be. Things that'll never leave this embrace. This room. Feeling something wet reach his shoulder, Carlos pulls back. She's crying.
He seizes her lips again, yet this kiss feels so different from the previous ones. It's no longer a kiss of lust, of desire. It's a farewell kiss. He knows it. She knows it too.
Her hands crawl along his chest until they reach the button of his pants, which she pops open with a flick of expert fingers. He helps her remove the garment, which also falls to the ground, along with all the others. In this room, in this Cuban hotel, they are finally completely naked, pressed against each other. He kisses her again, intoxicated by her, her scent, her taste, while his hand finds his cock, stroking it gently. He's so lost in her, he almost doesn't notice her own hand chasing his, stroking him softly. And then, in a new kiss, he presses against her before entering her.
For a few moments, neither of them moves. He, concentrating like never before to not finish there and now. She, accepting the idea that another man than Charles has taken her, and that nothing will ever be the same again. Charles, she thinks, glancing towards the bedroom where her boyfriend has turned over, still asleep, but facing them. He's so close. So close to opening an eye and seeing his girlfriend and his teammate pressed against each other, forehead to forehead. Skin to skin. She's still looking at Charles when Carlos begins to move inside her, holding her tightly in his arms, pressing their chests together in an incredibly sensual motion.
"Tell me what you like. Tell me anything and I'll do it," he says, thrusting softly into her. "I want you to remember this. To remember me."
"I want you to make love to me as if I were yours."
It stings. It stings so fucking much, because the phrase reminds him that she doesn't belong to him. It stings because she's not entirely Charles' anymore, yet she'll never be entirely his either. From this night on, she'll be condemned to wander between them, to float between their desires, their loves. No matter how tightly he holds onto her, no matter how tight she feels around him, he'll never call her his. He obeys nevertheless, quickening his pace, capturing her lips.
His movements are precise, surgical. He feels her contracting around him, and the sensation drives him wild. Her hands are around his neck, seeking balance, support. His pace intensifies even more when he realizes something.
"Say my name," he asks, panting.
She knows why he asks for it, why he needs to hear it, so she doesn't question him.
"Carlos," she says, kissing him. "You're making me feel so good."
And it's true. In a way, it has nothing to do with his movements, with his skills as a lover. All those that he very surely possesses, but are only secondary tonight. It goes beyond that. It's about their connection. With each thrust, Carlos floods her with love, adoration, longing, with so many sensations that leave her feeling deliciously overwhelmed. He doesn't need to say it. Yet, in one thrust, one harsher than the others, he does.
"I love you", he breathes against her skin.
"I know," she says, holding his jaw with one hand, making him look at her, their lips brushing. "I've loved you all this time," she whispers back.
Her revelation must unlock something within him because suddenly, he lifts her, pressing her against the bathroom wall opposite from the sink, as she lets out a surprised cry, feeling him deeper than before. His thrusts resume, stronger, more aggressive. It's a good thing he's holding her as if his life depended on it, because everything is too much : the sensation of his body against hers, their feelings laid bare, the sounds he makes... Her head suddenly feels light, and she rests it in the crook of his neck as he continues to take her so deliciously.
She comes back to herself when she feels something stir in the pit of her stomach, something that takes her breath away.
"Carlos..." she starts.
"Tell me, baby," he replies, biting her ear. "Tell me everything."
"I'm feeling... I don't know... I'm feeling so, so good" she says, incoherent.
"Are you close?" he asks, still pouding into her.
"I've never felt anything like this," she says, panting. "Anything like you."
Then, everything explodes.
She can't hold back her scream, not caring about anything anymore, not even Charles, a few feet away. She's clinging to her lover, scratching his back. Trying to catch her breath. She clenches around him so tightly that he loses control, spilling into her in three thrusts, grunting.
"Give it to me, Carlos," she says. "I can take it. I can take you."
"Mi amor," he says, out of breath. "You're killing me," he adds, still thrusting into her, shooting some more ropes of cum into her cunt while groaning. "Te amo, te amo, te amo," he says, kissing her face.
The two bodies collapse on the floor, against the wall, nestled together in the intimacy of the small bathroom. She shivers, and he grabs a towel to wrap around her. Neither of them says a word. What is there to say, after all? Here, between these four tiled walls, they've already said everything. Shown everything. They've never been closer to each other. They've never been closer to anyone else. They'll probably never experience something like that ever again.
A few steps away from them, a sound of crumpled bedding alerts both of them.
"Babe?" comes Charles' sleepy voice, as their blood turn cold and she rises up impossibly fast to close the bathroom door, wobbling a bit, legs still weak after her orgasm.
"Go back to sleep, baby", she says loudly. "I'm just taking a shower."
There's no response, so after a few seconds, she opens the door again, seeing that Charles has fallen back asleep. Mouth slightly open.
"You have to go," she states, turning back to face Carlos, still sitting on the floor. Carlos stands up, and both of them dress in a heavy silence before quietly tip-toeing across the room. Once in the empty hallway, she gently closes the door of the room she shares with her boyfriend before letting out a breath. He knows what's coming. Something breaks in his eyes, and she feels her heart shatter.
"I meant everything," she says, head low. "I meant every word, every kiss. I'll forever regret the night we just shared, but not in the way you might think. I will regret for the rest of my life ever experimenting this happiness with you and having to let go of it. I love you, Carlos, like I've never loved anyone. That's why we shouldn't see each other again."
His dark eyes bore into hers, almost threateningly.
"Why?" he asks, raising his voice, and she winces, terrified that, on the other side of the door, Charles might wake up again. "Why stop yourself from being happy? Why give up on me?"
"I found a ring," she confesses, struggling to meet his gaze. "In his suitcase. He's going to propose to me, Carlos."
"If that's what it takes to have you forever, let me do it before him," he says, dropping to one knee as she looks away, tears welling up in her eyes. One more thing he'll have taken from Charles, she thinks. He'll forever be the first man to ever kneel before me. And he'll never even know this.
"Please, get up," she says, her voice trembling with a sob.
He does, and when he looks at her again, his eyes are filled with tears.
"Good night, Carlos," she says, taking a step back, holding the door knob to her room. She's gone in an instant, leaving him alone in the poorly lit hallway at half past three in the morning. Her scent all over his skin, her words all over his mind, her grip all over his heart.
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sabrgirl · 8 months
dua's to recite after praying ♡
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tasbih: - subhanallah x33 - alhamdulillah x33 - Allah akbar x33  - followed by Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulku wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone with no partner. to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He has power over everything)
it is narrated by Abu Huraira that if anyone extols Allah after every prayer thirty-three times, and praises Allah thirty-three times, and declares His Greatness thirty-three times, ninety-nine times in all, and says to complete a hundred: “There is no god but Allah, having no partner with Him, to Him belongs sovereignty and to Him is praise due, and He is Potent over everything,” his sins will be forgiven even if these are as abundant as the foam of the sea. (Sahih Muslim 597a)
Istighfar: - astaghfirullah x3
Ayatul Kursi
Hadith: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi at the end of every obligatory prayer, nothing but death will prevent him from entering Paradise."
لَّآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّآ أَنتَ سُبْحَٰنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ
La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin (There is no God but You, Holy art Thou. I have indeed been of the wrongdoers).
لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ ٱلْعَلِيِّ ٱلْعَظِيمِ
Laa hawla wa la quwwata illa billah (There is no strength of power except Allah)
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ حُسْنَ الْخَاتِمَةِ
Allahumma inni asaluka husnul khatima (O Allah, grant me a good and beautiful end to my life).
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ، وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ، وَالْبُخْلِ وَالْجُبْنِ، وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ، وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ
Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani, wal’ajzi walkasali, walbukhli waljubni, wa dhala’id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men, i.e. others).
there are, of course, many others. these are just a select few to avoid overwhelm and to encourage. there is a hadith that says, if, after praying, one stays on their prayer mat and does not break their wudhu (ablution), the angels keep on asking for Allah's blessings and forgiveness for them. they say 'O Allah! Forgive him and be Merciful to him'. (Sahih al-Bukhari 659)
this is why it is important and good to remain in your place for a while after praying and remember Allah. these dua's are good to start with. may Allah make it easy for us all, Ameen
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taqwatawheedtales · 4 months
Dua's to recite after praying ♡
• tasbih:
subhanallah x33
alhamdulillah x33
Allah akbar x33 
followed by Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulku wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone with no partner. to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He has power over everything)
• Istighfar:
astaghfirullah x3
• Ayatul Kursi
Hadith: Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi at the end of every obligatory prayer, nothing but death will prevent him from entering Paradise."
لا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنتَ سُبْحَنَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّلِمِينَ
La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin
(There is no God but You, Holy art Thou. I have indeed been of the wrongdoers).
لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ الْعَلِي الْعَظِيمِ
Laa hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
(There is no strength of power except Allah)
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ حُسْنَ الْخَاتِمَةِ
Allahumma inni asaluka husnul khatima
(O Allah, grant me a good and beautiful end to my life).
There are, of course, many others. these are just a select few to avoid overwhelm and to encourage. there is a hadith that says, if, after praying, one stays on their prayer mat and does not break their wudhu (ablution), the angels keep on asking for Allah's blessings and forgiveness for them. they say 'O Allah! Forgive him and be Merciful to him'. (Sahih al-Bukhari 659)
This is why it is important and good to remain in your place for a while after praying and remember Allah. these dua's are good to start with. may Allah make it easy for us all, Ameen 🕊💌🫀
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(center Tangerine icon by @cherriedt that was linked on pinterest, and the rest of them are just from pinterest :/, and the pictures of the necklace and the dress aren't meant to show the reader, just the kind of outfit I was picturing, it just happened to be Dua Lipa's met gala necklace and Lady Gaga)
Requested by my love and my life (but I forgot to put this under that and I'm in too deep) @loving-and-dreaming thank you for everything you've ever sent me, asked me, or tagged me in <33<333 Warnings: None graphic violence, bruising, bleeding, language (duh), smoking and sickeningly rich people el oh el WC: 2.7k and not proof read
When your mother invited you to one of her friends’ charity galas, this is hardly how you expected the night to go. You slipped into that black velvet gown that she offered you, with the perfect neckline to show off the necklace that was a gift from both your parents for your last birthday. The one with the fat diamond right in the center. It was certainly the gem to talk about. It even made quite a few headlines. 
And it was certainly the talk of tonight, with half the conversations you had almost certainly leading to their eyes being drawn to your chest within the first 30 seconds. And for a masquerade, it was quite hard to remain anonymous when the thing was practically a shimmering name tag. Which was a fact you came to regret sooner rather than later. 
About an hour after you arrived, after finding your table with your parents and greeting your friends, another masked man asked you to dance. He was tall, with quite the head of thick brown hair, and a hell of a mustache. But there was something about him that you couldn’t quite place, as you made polite conversation on the ballroom floor. His accent, maybe. 
“May I ask where you’re from?”
“Oh well, that’s hardly the point of a masquerade now, love.” You spun away on cue and he drew you back in. “It’s about the mystery.” And with that the waltz ended with his chest against your back and your breathing heavier than it has been with any other partner that night. You tried to clear your throat quietly, with the way he was breathing down your neck. He was so overwhelming, what with his deep blue suit in such subtle contrast to the sea of black you were swimming in, and the strength of his arms that he didn’t use against you, but with you as he led you through the dance. 
You twirled out of his arms and bowed along with the rest of the ladies on the floor. You nodded in gratitude for the dance then left to go find your friends with a shake of your head. “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.”
“Looking a little winded there,” your closest, and most likely only true friend, Remington (or Remy to you), offered you her arm as you aimed for the restroom in hopes of a chance to catch your breath. Once inside, you reached into one of your deep pockets that were hiding beneath the voluminous fabrics of your skirt to pull out a small pack of cigarettes. You slipped one of the few remaining sticks between your lips and fumbled through your other pocket for the lighter you couldn’t reach. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“You have a better one?” Remy sighed and took her zippo out of her little handbag. “Thank you, dahlin’,” you put on an accent like the man you’d danced with.
“Ooh, so you’ve met the mysterious gentleman.”
“Dance with him too.”
“Oh my.”
“Oh yes.” You looked over your makeup in the mirror and checked your hair. 
“Why does it smell like cherries?”
“They’re flavored.”
“That’s literally worse than smoking on its own.”
“I know but…cherries.” You took a final drag then stamped it out on the side of the sink and brushed the ashes down the drain. “Alright, gotta go get yelled at by my mother.” 
You both gave each other salutes before you went back out into the hall and she went into a stall. There was a strange sound coming from around the other corner of the hallway towards the ballroom. It was most likely some sleazy billionaires’ sons thinking much higher of themselves than anyone should, so it was best to move on back to your table. 
The whole time you sat there, you’d often catch eyes with the mysterious man from earlier. You didn’t see him dance with anyone else, but when you looked at him and looked like you meant to really look at him, and leaned back in your chair, he took that as a sign to ask you for another dance.  
He wordlessly offered you his hand, which you took with more grace than he’s ever seen. He led you to the floor with a hand on the small of your back and you both assumed your positions for the most intimate dance of the night, it wasn’t too fast but it was very intricate and required you to trust your partner.
The music started and he was the best partner you’ve ever had. The way he lead you was perfect, every dip was like being held as a feather, every lift felt like floating, and every step was like walking on water. “You smell like cherries…and smoke.” He said as he brought you down from the lift.
“Didn’t think to share?”
“Didn’t think you’d be interested.” You slid your hand over his left shoulder as the dance required and flicked his gold hoop with your finger.
“How’d you learn to dance like this?” He spun you out again and 
“Swiss boarding school,” you answered as if it was obvious. 
“Figures.” You didn’t see the way he looked down at your necklace over your shoulder, you felt it more. “Dance with me again, love?” He turned his head so you felt his words too.
You hummed a yes and resumed your positions. 3 dances later, he tilted his head to one of the doorways that lead to a vast balcony. You nodded in agreement and took the arm he offered. 
Once you were out there, alone, the only sounds were the busy city below you and the flick of his lighter behind you. You braced your hands on the railing behind you and watched the way the light of the small flame refracted through his eyes like a kaleidoscope. Once he brought his hand down you saw the slim cigarette and then smelt the cherries that followed. “That’s not yours.”
He put that hand down next to you on the railing and stood right in front of you, almost caging you in. “It’s much nicer to share, love.”
“You expect me to share my things when you won’t even share your name?”
“I don’t recall you tellin me yours either.”
“Didn’t think I had to.”
“Really?” His accent seemed more present now when he was all you could hear, not the music or the bustling crowd. “She’s that sure of herself, eh?”
“I can’t help it if most people, especially in a crowd like this, know who I am. Are you telling me you don’t?”
He used his other hand to flick the ashes off over the railing, now really caging you in. You took it from him when he was bringing it up to his mouth, drawing a smooth breath while he gave you a disapproving twitch of his mustache. He didn’t answer your question beyond a shrug. 
“I can’t even get a first name out of you? Nothing?”
“How’s Tangerine?”
You smirked with a scoff of a laugh, he didn’t look very happy with that. “Like the fruit?”
“Yes, like the–”
“Your mother named you after a little orange?”
“She didn’t– No, it’s an alias.”
“Ooh, a code name then?”
“What for? You hiding from something?”
“In a sense.”
“I think you’d have to be. A fake name and a mask, I think you mean business.”
“And what do you fancy that business is?” He traced a finger down your collarbone to the chain of your necklace until he reached the large stone resting on your chest. Usually, such a thing, focusing only on the jewelry, would be an absolute turnoff. But for some reason, it was different when he did it.
“I’d say something–” You were cut off by a strange figure moving at the other end of the balcony. “What was…” It was his turn to smirk at that as another man emerged from the shadows. He was a little bit taller than “Tangerine,” and his coily hair was bleached almost to white besides the roots, but he had the same earring. 
“Evenin’, I’m Lemon.”
You rolled your eyes at what your night has come to, you knew better than to go anywhere with strangers with masks and no name. “Oohh, Lemon and Tangerine, clever,” you bit sarcastically and pushed Tangerine off of you a little harder than he must have been expecting with the way he stumbled back.
Lemon looked at Tangerine like he expected such a reaction. “Listen, love,–”
“I’m not your ‘love’,” you mocked his accent and Tangerine tilted his head with his eyebrows raised and his lips in a thin straight line. With a wave of your hand, you let him go on.
“You’re gonna keep the mask on, we’ll walk outta here, real calm, and it’ll all be over soon.”
“I’d really rather not.” You went to take a step back inside but Tangerine caught your arm. Again, really not how you wanted your night to go. You rolled your head to the side and looked at him like he was boring you. You wrenched your arm from his grip and Lemon tried to catch you too, but you ducked under that and landed a swing to Tangerine’s cheek, knocking his mask to the ground. This was one of those rare occasions that he looked better under the mask, but there was no time to dwell on that when he lunged towards you. You dodged that as well, but it was difficult for them to keep you away from the doors and windows so no one inside would notice, and it was difficult for you to watch both of them at once and also move in such a dress. 
It was quite a tussle, “Where did you learn to fuckin fight like this?!” Tangerine groaned as you had one arm around his neck and the other under his arm coming over yours, only restricting him as much as you needed to get him to stop. 
“Swiss boarding school.”
Lemon huffed with his hands on his knees then stepped towards you. You pushed Tangerine at him and ran to the nearest door. Just as you were stepping into the ballroom, hair a mess and cheek smudged with makeup and blood from one of Tangerine’s rings, someone stepped in front of you and blocked your path. It a second to recognize them but with a blink it was all too clear. Remy pushed you back and Tangerine had you by both wrists behind you. 
“Let’s go then,” she said definitively, making you laugh. “What?” She barked.
“Like this? As if everyone isn’t looking at me anyway, I think they might if I look like this.”
“You don’t look any worse than usual.”
“Remington, that is a ridiculous thing to say, and no, I mean people might fucking notice if I look like I’m being kidnapped.”
She nodded to the man behind you and after a sharp strike to the back of your head, you were out.
You woke with a twitch of your nose and a throbbing pain to your left cheek and right temple. There was a tickling on your eyelid that made you want to sneeze, and you could feel the cold of the bathroom tile through your skirts. “Stop moving.”
“Can I fucking breathe for a second? Jesus Christ.” She backed off from you and held up the makeup brushes in annoyed surrender. 
“Put the mask back on, then we’ll go.”
“Go where?”
“It might be easier if you stay quiet, love.”
You went to push yourself up but your hands were restrained behind your back so you you suffered with turning your aching neck to look at Tangerine instead, noticing his tie was missing. “Might be easier if you let me go, and you kidnap literally anyone any less recognizable.”
He cracked his knuckles and looked like he was going to step towards you but Lemon held him back and started talking about what sounded like Thomas the Tank Engine. The choo choo’s Lemon was saying were not helping their case. 
Remington grabbed your chin and looked you over. “You look fine. Put your mask on.” She threw it at you then seemed angry when you didn’t act immediately. Tangerine came behind you and lifted you up and Lemon stood in front and did your mask. In all their years, he had to have been the least professional of all their clientele. 
“Is this how you typically spend your Saturdays?”
“Kidnapping ridiculously rich women for other ridiculously rich women?” Lemon asked and you nodded. “It’s usually our day off.”
“You were a special case.” Tangerine said as he untied your wrists and redid his tie. 
“How sweet.” You shook out your wrists and Remington took you through back through the halls leading to the ballroom. 
You want to run up to one of the guards or guests or literally anyone, you want to throw elbows and break Remington’s jaw, but you don’t know what they have on them, you don’t know if they’re working with anyone else. It’s best to go along with it and keep everyone else safe, just keep your wits about you and your head high. It’s not like you were particularly visible at the moment, walking close to the wall with Tangerine on your left and Lemon on the right between you and the rest of the crowd with both your hands in the crook of their elbows. Your face must have betrayed the depth of your thoughts since Tangerine put his other hand on top of yours, funny of him to try and comfort you when he’s more than aiding in your kidnapping. “Where's the smile? They're going to think I'm holding you hostage, honey.” 
“Sorry.” You tried to find some humor in his sarcasm but the reality was tumbling at you too fast and your cheek was beginning to bruise. 
“Like I said, it’ll be over soon.” 
There was a black car waiting outside, and at least Lemon held the door open for you to get in the back seat then helped make sure none of your skirt got caught in the door. He sat with you and Tangerine drove while Remington sat in the passenger seat. It was hard to stifle a scoff when she tried to put her hand on his wrist as he shifted, only for him to immediately bring it back to the wheel. It was a busy European city, difficult to navigate its crowded streets but he managed. 
“Can you roll down the window a little bit? I need some air.” You asked sweetly, meekly so they might be more inclined to acquiesce. Besides the initial fight and your sharp tongue, Tangerine thought you’d been quite cooperative, so he lowered it a few inches.
Just enough space for you to unclasp your necklace and throw it out the window. It was at that horrific moment that the car slowed down exponentially and in the instant Remington saw what you did she let out a horrific scream. Yelling “What the fuck is wrong with you, you bitch?!?!?” at the top of her lungs like you threw her ten million dollar necklace out the window, not your own. She jumped out the car to go find it and slammed the door behind her just as the traffic was letting up.
“Did she pay you already?” You said hurriedly.
“You think we’d be dealing with her shit if she didn’t.”
“So you’ll drive?”
“To get away from that fuckin bitch? Anything.” He slammed his foot on the gas and wove between cars. 
“What about your necklace?” Lemon asked. 
“This one?” You pulled it out of your deep pocket and they both whooped and laughed at your cunning. 
“You’re something else, love.”
“Thank you.”
“So, where to?” Still going top speed on the now open road.
“Wherever you like.”
thank you for reading and I just want to remind you that if you really want to appreciate your writers, comments and reblogs especially are the way to go, that's how things circulate here and as much as I appreciate the likes, your words mean more than I could ever express
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odessa-2 · 1 year
Cait ,a controlling and possessive woman.
Naturally, she does not like Sam fans, obsessed with it
It is very clear that she does not like this aspect of Sam's professional life, even though she is costar partner
I still remember her reaction when he mention Dua liba, she lost control of herself and automatically answered behave.
I wouldn't want to cross Caitriona on a bad day. Very jealous and possessive when it comes to Sam. That may have something to do with how good looking he is, her own insecurities as well as the fact that she can't claim her man.
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ironwoman18 · 1 month
A Match made in heaven
Disclaimer: The characters or the main plot of Spy x Family belongs to me and the song Physical belongs to Dua Lipa and the composer of the song. Only the idea for this story is mine.
This idea came to me while I was listening to this song. I didn’t have the idea clear until I sat down and started to write it. It’s short but I hope you enjoy it.
By the way, I mentioned an event that happened in the Manga 103, it is just a small mention so, if you read it you will know, if you didn’t it won’t be a spoiler.
Common love isn't for us We created something phenomenal Don't you agree?
It’s been a while since Yor and Loid discovered their secret identities and both felt like a weight was lifted off their shoulders. Now Garden and WISE did some missions together, especially the ones that required murders or a different approach.
Loid and Yor were OK with it and they even asked to work as a partner, which was accepted by their bosses. They were in love and wanted to protect the other, even when they knew that the other was capable of surviving on their own.
It had been six months since their reveal and they made the perfect team. Yor assassin abilities and Loid’s costumes and quick thought process were a match made in heaven.
You got me feeling diamond rich Nothing on this planet compares to it Don't you agree?
Yor was at peace knowing that they didn’t have secrets, even Anya told them about her powers and some of her experiences, that’s why Garden and WISE were after the people behind Apple Project and, probably, after the project Anya was part of.
It was difficult since they were a super secret wing of the government and they couldn’t find it as easy as they wished for.
But even with that, she couldn’t help but be happy about having a beautiful family and sharing moments together when they were free.
Who needs to go to sleep when I got you next to me?
Their missions were at night so they couldn’t put Anya in bed, especially when the mission needed them to be at a party. Loid had to use his costumes and mask but Yor didn’t need them since she never let anyone alive so they could identify her.
Some other nights they didn’t need to go sleep because they ended up making love in their, now official, married bedroom.
All night, I'll riot with youI know you got my back and you know I got youSo come on (come on), come on (come on), come on (come on)Let's get physicalLights out, follow the noiseBaby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choiceSo come on (come on), come on (come on), come onLet's get physical
There was one mission where they ended up making a riot, they needed information and Yor was there as a back-up in case Twilight was found, and it happened. She began to use her sharp weapons to protect him and he stole a gun from a dead body and both, back to back, started to fight.
Her strength and stamina were amazing but his stamina was good as well. He had to keep picking up guns as she killed the men on their way to the exit while he covered her back with those guns.
They entered a room and he shot the light interrupter and they managed to escape, with the information they needed. Her husband was that good. They shared a kiss and left the house of their mission’s target.
Adrenaline keeps on rushing inLove the simulation we're dreaming inDon't you agree?Don't you agree?I don't wanna live another life'Cause this one's pretty niceLiving it up
They arrived home early in the morning and with the adrenaline still high, they took a shower and prepared for a school meeting where both parents needed to be.
But neither Yor nor Loid wouldn’t want it any other way. This life was perfect for them... Spy and assassin but above all of that... parents.
Hold on, just a little tighterCome on, hold onTell me if you're readyCome on (come on, come on)Baby, keep on dancingLet's get physical
They were sitting on the sofa, just holding each other. That day was quite eventful but if they have each other, they couldn’t have any other way. They were ready to do everything to protect this life, this peace.
Watching news about seals trapped in their canal or how happy others were by a day in the park playing with a dog... Those things were enough for them to never give up. Especially when that little girl sleeping in the other room is happy and safe.
They aren’t afraid to get physical if that means peace.
I might leave this fanfic open in case I think of more songs to use for these two with the same theme. Them knowing each other’s identities.
If you enjoy it, let me know and there’s a song that could be used next time.
Thank you for reading.
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lindszeppelin · 5 months
Do you have any predictions for the next generation of nepo babies? This generation (late millennial/Gen Z) hasn't done great things imo, with a few exceptions. A previous anon talked about the people like Austin, Callum, Dua Lipa and others who came from ordinary backgrounds and had to work hard to get where they are. How do you think the kids of 'first-generation' (i.e. non-nepo) celebrities will turn out, assuming the celebrities themselves choose either self-made or non-famous partners? Do you think the self-made late millennials and Gen Zs will do anything differently in raising their own children?
Just throwing this out there because I'm interested in the nepo baby phenomenon in general. I feel like a lot of the current nepo babies were raised by parents who wanted to distance themselves from their middle-class or working-class beginnings, and viewed being extravagant with their children as a status symbol. I think this is what's led to a lot of the issues with kids of famous parents not acknowledging their own privilege and not doing much or anything to make the world a better place. I personally hope that the next generation would be more mindful, compassionate and proud of their roots, although you never know. Do you have any thoughts?
Thank you for writing in! This is a very thought provoking question so I took my time on what I was going to say. You worded everything beautifully, and it helped me to piece my thoughts together.
So, I can understand maybe why some celebs from yesteryear who grew up middle class, didn't come from wealth, when they got famous they basked in that. So when those celebs had children, they wanted to raise them the Hollywood way, which arguably would be way more privileged than their upbringing. The problem with that though is that they are so blinded by the fame they have that they get used to the weird behaviors, and the grey area boundaries, and things that normal people shouldn't have to deal with (paps for example, basically selling yourself/your image to magazines etc). But they are so deep in the sauce that they don't see it as a problem.
Hollywood made them famous. All their wildest dreams came true. Their families back home would be proud they made it out of the boondocks. But it comes with a price. They might enjoy the life, but they force their kids into it. So someone like Johnny Depp who grew up middle class is deeply engrossed in his fame (even if he is shy and might reject it...still though), and then Lily-Rose has no other choice but to live in that Hollywood system. And the problem goes DEEPER. Johnny Depp doesn't know what it's like to be born and raised in that kind of Hollywood lifestyle as a child. He got into it when he was a young guy who chose Hollywood. His children didn't. But yet, the late millennials and Gen Zs that enjoy their nepo-baby privilege are jaded by what they experienced growing up. Therefore they don't see any issues, and their parents don't see it either. And the toxic cycle gets repeated and trauma happens and the family cycle is forever ruined, basically.
Now, i can see a couple of young actors today that are making names for themselves like Zendaya and Austin and Callum, etc. They are the light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't perpetuate the harmful environment Hollywood produces, especially if born into it. If one of them gets married to a non celebrity, like you suggested, then I think there is some hope that instilling good morals will be a parenting tool for them. Reminding their kids where their parents came from, etc. And with luck I think we can see a brighter future for Hollywood. Because it needs to be reconstructed. It's foundation is too out of touch and not keeping up with the changing times. Celebs are expected to bend to the will of Hollywood or they risk not having careers. But that's not true. Hollywood should bend to them.
While im sure there will be children of "first generation non nepo celebs" that will inadvertently be thrown headfirst into the Hollywood life and live by that privilege (it's unavoidable, not everyone can be better for their kids or themselves sadly), i think there will be a lot of them that will be raised on the value of a dollar, the roots of their self made celeb parent and non celeb parent will be instilled, and they will grow up having the best of both worlds...true privacy and enough privilege that they don't have to worry as much about things like college tuition etc. If these celebs want to protect their future kids when/if they have them, they have to be better. And celebs like Zendaya, Callum, Austin, I can see that if they choose to have kids that they will be beautiful little angels.
I hope that answered your question! <3
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themosleyreview · 8 months
The Mosley Review: Argylle
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In the world of the spy action genre, very few have successfully planted their flag and changed up the formula while still having fun with it. Director Matthew Vaughn showed that he had a unique style and vision for genre with the Kingsman franchise. He showed that he will still have the plot twists, the larger than life villains and fun action sequences but a signature visual flare that is unmistakable. Well he's done that yet again, but this time its a problematic balance. I love when the idea of books coming to life is toyed with in reality and this film has so much fun with that concept. From the opening scene to the end of the second act, I was adoring how much fun I was having with the twist and turns, the action sequences and sometimes off beat charm of the comedy. Where it lost me is when the film breaks its own rules of realism and brings everything that was in the fantastical world into the real. I can absolutely pinpoint where the film falls apart and ceases to be a fun surreal spy action comedy and becomes a implosive parody of itself. I'm all about a storyteller's creative vision being realized, but sometimes being told no is a good thing.
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Henry Cavill was perfectly charming and witty as the fictional live action version of the titular book character. He has that perfect level suave and I absolutely wish the entire film stayed in his world as this film once again proves he would be a great James Bond. Dua Lipa was good for the time she was on screen as the Bond girl equivalent LaGrange. John Cena was good as well as his Argylle's partner Wyatt. He was an excellent Q to his Bond. Bryce Dallas Howard was great as the author of the titular character's story, Elly Conway. The journey she goes through as the world she created and predicted starts attacking her in real life was fun and filled with great comedic timing. I loved the psychological toll it was taking on her as she would diss-associate by having Argylle as her coping mechanism. A deeper meaning comes into the play later for her and I liked that fun take. Sam Rockwell will always and forever be the most fun and enjoyable presence on screen and as Aidan, he excels at that again. He makes the character a great and nonchalant action hero that I was rooting for the entire way and loved his emotional connection to a certain character. The chemistry between him and Elly was fun and made for a good rom com. Samuel L. Jackson was just hanging out and having fun as the hacker Alfred Solomon. Catherine O'Hara is always a joy on screen and as Elly's mom, Ruth, she was a blast. Bryan Cranston was awesome as the The Division director Ritter and he gets to have some truly sinister moments in the film that stand out above the rest.
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The score by Lorne Balfe was excellent and nails the mix of disco and early 70's style of Bond. The visual effects range from outstanding to purposefully campy and that is where the film lost me. I get for certain characters, the visual flare of the hallway shootout is sort of a romantic and colorful celebration in their heads and I liked that, but that’s where the hijinks should've stopped. What follows after the hallway shootout is a sequence that tells you that if "X" catches on fire from a single bullet, everyone is dead. The film ignores this rule and goes absolutely bananas by having a certain character do something without a doubt kills everyone including themselves with an instant spark from 2 weapons they use. I'm trying to be spoiler free as I can, but it was so stupid and it ruins the film. Expecting your audience to believe we're grounded again after betraying them 10 seconds ago, was insulting. The film would've saved face and 10 minutes if that sequences was cut completely and stayed within the tone of the film. Director Matthew Vaughn has his signature style all over this film and he truly gets the fun of the spy action genre, but like I said before, someone should've told to stop with his usual antics and focus on the main plot. You had everything right, but he just went too far. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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rueyam · 9 months
Salam sis,
Do you have some advice for me pls. You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, it’s totally fine <3
I’ve been talking with a guy for marriage purposes. We’ve kept everything as halal as possible. We have right know been going out 7 times. He tics all the basics and boxes I’ve asked him about (children, future, job, economics etc) but one thing that makes me still not feel attracted to him is his looks. Like mashAllah he is tall with good beard good character, well spoken, smart but I don’t feel any connection towards him grow. I’ve prayed istikhara for a long time now and I still don’t find any attraction. I’m more on the side to cut the ties then to move on with him, but at the same time I don’t want to loose a good opportunity like this. I have told him that my feelings are not there yet and it could maybe take a long time. Which he replied very kindly and said it’s fine that I shouldn’t worry about it. I even told him about my health conditions which he accepted with no problem. Such a good guy, but why don’t I feel attracted :((((?? Idk am I to picy?
Every time I got back home after our meetings it doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t feel butterflies when I meet him. It’s very formel. They are very formel even within his family and I don’t like that.
The thing is in Islam we don’t take the same steps as non Muslims, we have to do it in a specific way to keep things halal, which also can make it sometimes “harder” do develop feelings for someone. I know that most of it comes after marriage but shouldn’t I feel something for him before? Is it stupid to cancel him when he has all the good boxes but I don’t feel attracted to him? And if a give it more time and time and time, but for how long? I don’t want to end up wasting mine his and his families time to see if I develop more feelings, but later only to end up canceling it after a long period when I could had done it earlier.
Im also afraid of not finding a potential again and I’m not getting younger. Me and my family don’t have many ties either so it’s harder to find someone to get married to. I’m 28 yo and this was my first time going out and getting to know a man in this way sooo….
Salam <3
wa alaykumsalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh <3
first i’m glad about your efforts to keep things halal, this is where the barakah comes from and makes your path easier inshAllah. no matter how rational you have to be in a matter of marriage, emotionality is significant. you have to feel a level of attraction towards your partner, else becoming happy with him will not work, no matter how good of a person he is. and yes, there is a chance to fall in love with him with time, but no one can guarantee you that and a marriage just to get married is not something for the long run. not for you, nor for him. i am the type who has to fall in love with a person to marry him, some people can rely on logic only… it depends on how you are built.
i like the thought of Allah swt giving us messages through our intuition and it barely fails. i‘m not sure if seven meetings are enough to make a decision like this, but then again, you entrusted me with this because you came to a point. maybe it’s time to take a moment and really dive into your emotions and ask the right questions. do you really want him or a marriage? does he still have the potential for you to fall in love with him or is there no chance from your pov? will his good characteristics convince you or is what you are searching for something else? being good is not enough. you have to be on the same page on a deeper level.
and believe me, recovering from a failed marriage will take longer than waiting for the right man. never hasten in sharing a whole life with someone. no matter what your decision will be, i hope from the bottom of my heart that it will be the right one for you. keep making dua and listen to what your heart has to say, be genuine to yourself and don’t be afraid to reject when you have to. you do this for you and no one else.
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everydaydua · 1 year
Dua after the opening takbeer in prayer #3
وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِي فَطَرَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ حَنِيفًا وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ ، إِنَّ صَلاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ ، لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ وَبِذَلِكَ أُمِرْتُ وَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ
اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ الْمَلِكُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ ، أَنْتَ رَبِّي وَأَنَا عَبْدُكَ ، ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِي وَاعْتَرَفْتُ بِذَنْبِي فَاغْفِرْ لِي ذُنُوبِي جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ لَا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ ، وَاهْدِنِي لِأَحْسَنِ الأَخْلاقِ لَا يَهْدِي لِأَحْسَنِهَا إِلَّا أَنْتَ ، وَاصْرِفْ عَنِّي سَيِّئَهَا لَا يَصْرِفُ عَنِّي سَيِّئَهَا إِلَّا أَنْتَ
لَبَّيْكَ وَسَعْدَيْكَ ، وَالْخَيْرُ كُلُّهُ بِيَدَيْكَ وَالشَّرُّ لَيْسَ إِلَيْكَ ، أَنَا بِكَ وَ إِلَيْكَ ، تَبَارَكْتَ وَتَعَالَيْتَ ، أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوْبُ إِلَيْكَ
"I have turned my face sincerely towards Him who has brought forth the heavens and the Earth and I am not of those who associate (others with Allah). Indeed my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah, Lord of the worlds, no partner has He, with this I am commanded and I am of the Muslims.
O Allah, You are the Sovereign, none has the right to be worshiped except You. You are my Lord and I am Your slave, I have wronged my own soul and have acknowledged my sin, so forgive me all my sins for no one forgives sins except You. Guide me to the best of characters for none can guide to it other than You, and deliver me from the worst of characters for none can deliver me from it other than You.
Here I am, in answer to Your call, happy to serve you. All good is within your hands and evil does not stem from you. I exist by your will and will return to you. Blessed and High are You, I seek Your forgiveness and I repent unto You."
Allah does not create pure evil which does not have any good, benefit, wisdom or mercy at all, nor does He punish anyone without having committed a sin. Something can be good in terms of its creation when viewed from a particular perspective and at the same time be evil when viewed from another.
Allah created the devil and by him, He tests His slaves, so there are those who hate the devil, fight him and his way and they stand at enmity towards him and his followers, and there are others who are at allegiance with the devil and follow his steps. So evil exists in His creatures by His will and wisdom, not in His actions or act of creating.
wajjahtu wajhiya lil-ladhee faṭarad-samaawaati wal-arḍa ḥaneefan, wa maa ana minal-mushrikeen, inna ṣalaatee wa nusukee wa maḥyaa-ya wa mamaatee lillaahi rabbil-‛aalameena, laa shareeka lahu wa bidhaalika umirtu wa ana minal-muslimeen
allaahumma antal-maliku laa ilaaha illaa ant, anta rabbee wa ana ‛abduk, ẓalamtu nafsee wa‛taraftu bidhambee faghfir lee dhunoobee jamee‛an innahu laa yaghfir-udh-dhunooba illaa ant, wahdinee li aḥsanil-akhlaaqi laa yahdee li aḥsanihaa illaa ant, waṣrif ‛annee sayyi’ahaa laa yaṣrifu ‛annee sayyi’ahaa illaa ant
labbayka wa sa‛dayka, wal-khayru kulluhu bi yadayka wash-sharru laysa ilayka, ana bika wa ilayka, tabaarakta wa ta‛aalayta, astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilayk
Sources: Abu Dawud No# 760; At-Tirmidhi No# 3421, 3422 and 3423; An-Nasa'i No# 897 and 898
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surahdua · 1 year
Dua And Wazifa For Love Marriage
Love is a universal force that knows no boundaries, transcending cultural, religious, and societal norms. For Muslims in love, the desire to marry their chosen partner while seeking Allah's blessings is a cherished aspiration. In this blog, we delve into the significance of Dua for love marriage within the framework of Islam.
We'll explore the power of Dua for love marriage and offer guidance on how to perform it effectively, emphasizing the importance of seeking Allah's guidance in forging a love-filled, blessed union.
The Duas for Love Marriage
Several powerful Duas are recommended for love marriage, drawn from the Quran and the Hadith. These include Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Furqan, and Surah Al-Qasas, among others.
These verses can be recited with unwavering sincerity, beseeching Allah to bless your love marriage with His grace and guidance.
Embarking on Marriage with Your Beloved
Marriage is a wonderful and crucial journey that opens a new chapter in your life with the one you love the most. It's an adventure full of promise and hope for a future together. Here are some vital things to keep in mind and love as you take this next step together
Love and Compatibility: Your journey into marriage begins with a strong foundation of love and compatibility. You've chosen each other as life partners because of the deep connection you share. Nurture and cherish this love as it will be the guiding force throughout your marriage.
Open and Honest Communication: Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful marriage. It's crucial to express your thoughts, feelings, and expectations openly with your beloved. Honest conversations can help you understand each other better and resolve conflicts.
 Mutual Respect: Respect for each other's opinions, beliefs, and boundaries is essential. Recognize that you are two individuals with your own unique qualities and perspectives. Embrace these differences and treat each other with kindness and consideration.
Building Trust: Trust is earned over time. Be trustworthy and reliable in your actions and words. Trust forms the bedrock of a strong and lasting marriage.
Family Support: In many cultures, family plays a significant role in the journey to marriage. Seek the blessings and support of your families, and involve them in your wedding celebrations. A harmonious family dynamic can contribute to a smoother transition into married life.
Faith and Values: If faith is an important aspect of your life, discuss your religious beliefs and values with your beloved. Understand how these beliefs will play a role in your marriage and how you can support each other in your spiritual journeys.Top of Form
Dua for a Smooth Journey to Marriage
A smooth journey to marriage is a heartfelt desire for many individuals. Whether you are preparing for an arranged marriage or a love marriage, making Dua (supplication) for a harmonious and successful journey can bring peace and blessings to this significant life event. Here's a Dua you can recite for a smooth journey to marriage:
Rabbi hab li mina assaliheen (My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring). (Quran, Surah Al-Saffat, 37:100)
A smooth journey may have its share of challenges and delays. Trust in Allah's timing and exercise patience throughout the process. Whether you are in an arranged marriage or a love marriage, open and honest communication with your potential spouse is key to a successful journey.
Wazifa for Love Marriage
Perform your regular Salah (prayers) with sincerity and devotion.
Recite Durood Shareef (Salawat): Begin by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times.
Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi: After Durood Shareef, recite Ayat-ul-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255) 21 times.
Make Your Request: After reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi, make your specific request to Allah for a love marriage. Pour your heart out in sincere supplication, expressing your desires, intentions, and asking for His guidance and blessings.
Recite Durood Shareef Again: Conclude by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times once more.
Pray to Allah: After completing the recitations, offer a heartfelt prayer to Allah, asking for His assistance, guidance, and blessings in your love marriage.
Repeat Daily: It is recommended to repeat this wazifa daily with unwavering faith, patience, and sincerity.
Dua for love marriage is a spiritual practice that enables Muslim couples to seek Allah's guidance and blessings as they embark on a path of love and unity within the framework of Islam. By approaching this process with faith, sincerity, and patience, you can trust in Allah's wisdom and timing, paving the way for a love-filled, blessed marriage. Feel free to check out our website if you're interested in learning more about the duas and prayers that can be offered for love marriages.
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agentnico · 1 year
Barbie (2023) Review
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Snyderverse fans are going to be peed off after seeing this movie, just saying.
Plot: Barbie and Ken are having the time of their lives in the colourful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land. However, when they get a chance to go to the real world, they soon discover the joys and perils of living among humans.
There are many who would roll their eyes at me for looking forward to the Barbie movie, however I like the cast and the trailers looked like silly fun, so of course I was going to see it. Conveniently my dear fiancée was super excited too, so we went together and as such I could act in front of other cinemagoers as the partner who was dragged by his misses to see a chick-flick, when in reality I was like “c’mon Barbie let’s go party!!”. And turns out Barbie is indeed silly fun. It’s extremely funny, and in fact may be the most hilarious comedy of this year. It’s bright and colourful and so so pink, with dance numbers and glitter and sparkles everywhere, a cast that is so over-the-top yet so in on the joke, and a good load of feminist themes in there too to bring home the movie’s main message.
First off the look - I’m sure most have read the article where production designer Sarah Greenwood spoke of this film causing a worldwide shortage of pink paint due to the sets of Barbieland and its really evident in the final result. There is so much pink, from the dollhouses to the beaches to the clouds in the sky - everything is so pink. But also not only pink, but any bright colours such as yellow and green are all present on the various costumes of the Barbies and Kens. Greta Gerwig really goes for it when it comes to bringing this world to life, and it looks amazing. Accompanied by a flashy soundtrack featuring some famous pop icons, and if you like pop music I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of Dua Lipa and Nicki Minaj, however I myself more enjoyed the inclusion of the psychedelic notes of Tame Impala and the original song sung by Ryan Gosling’s Ken. But yes, from a technical stand-point Barbie is actually fairly impressive. Even the opening homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey deserves applause.
Right, from a positive I’m going to temporarily sway into a negative, and that’s in the movie’s messy plotline and messages. So the story on its own is decent, however there are so many character dynamics to balance that some end up being left unexplained or wasted. For example, in the movie’s real world America Ferrera’s daughter at the beginning acts like a spoiled mean brat who hates everyone and thing. That would have been alright if they kept that going and then maybe gave her a redemption arc at the end. But no, she is mean at the start but then randomly becomes super nice and kind to her mother and Barbie, and I’m like how did that happen? Also, I applaud Mattel for allowing this movie to poke fun at the corporate execs of its own company, and when they are introduced led by Will Ferrell it’s all fun and games, however later on we have these execs follow Barbie into Barbie-land and at that point the movie forgets about them only to randomly have them feature in scenes without them serving a purpose. I felt like they were unnecessary in the end of the movie. As for the movie’s feminist thematic, the messages are very muddled. At one point the movie goes fully into the idea that all men are pigs and women are all oppressed, and at other points it strives for giving the message of the importance of equality, and it jumps between the two and I’m like - what message are you giving here? Luckily in the end the movie does settle on the decision, but the journey there is a messy one. And last complaint - what the hell have they done to the ‘Barbie Girl’ song? Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice remix it in such a techno-heavy messy pop style and it’s such a disservice to the original song.
Where the movie excels most at is the comedy. Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach cooked up a very funny script with some great one-liners, however it’s evident there was a lot of improv happening from the cast, especially from the likes of Will Ferrell and Kate McKinnon. But also it was the use of slapstick humour that really got me. The amount of times I’d notice various characters in the background pulling some hilarious expressions, with Kingsley Ben-Adir and Ncuti Gatwa especially standing out in that regard. Margot Robbie is on top form as the central Barbie, showcasing that gullible innocent outlook on the world and then providing the necessary emotional gravitas we know Robbie does so well. Michael Cera pops in throughout as Allen, and his awkward self fits in perfectly into that role. But the real MVP of this movie is without a doubt Ryan Gosling, who may have that rare opportunity to get an Oscar nomination for a comedic performance. Gosling indeed discovers his inner-Ken, and is so outrageously silly as he scene-steals every moment by showing his Ken’s himbo frailty. He goes from Barbie's needy beau to a swaggering, macho doofus as he throws himself headlong into how he thinks a real man should behave. Gosling sells his square-jawed character's earnestness and gets to tap into his "All New Mickey Mouse Club" musical theatre roots simultaneously. He's a total hoot. Oh, and the opening that features the parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey - the girl with the glasses in that segment had some of the funniest expressions - she was great in her short part.
My fiancée also enjoyed all the endless references to the various previous Barbie dolls, so the nostalgia factor is definitely there. Overall Barbie is a super entertaining cinema going experience that will have you belly laughing as long as you are willing to embrace the crazy eccentric world Greta Gerwig has built. Makes me look forward to her Narnia movies. Everyone needs that little bit of Gerwig flavouring, and that is more than Kenough.
Overall score: 7/10
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basicsofislam · 1 year
ISLAM 101: Belief in Prophets: Part 1
What does belief in prophets mean?
This means firm belief that Allah ﷻ sent a messenger to every nation and community, calling its members to worship Allah alone without any partners, that all Allah’s messengers were truthful, virtuous, trustworthy and rightly-guided servants who strove hard to guide their people to the right path and conveyed Allah’s message to them in full, without concealing, omitting or adding anything to it. The Qur’an says, “Therefore, the messengers’ obligation is no more than to convey the message clearly.” (An-Nahl, 35)
The great people that Allah chose as messengers in order to inform His slaves about His orders and prohibitions are called prophets.
Belief in prophets means to believe that Allah sent messengers called prophets to human beings in order to inform them about His orders and prohibitions, to accept the duty of prophethood and to approve that the people who are mentioned as prophets in the Quran are prophets.
Although prophets are human beings like us, they are distinguished slaves of Allah. A person cannot be a prophet by working and trying hard. Prophethood is an endowment of Allah.
It Is One of the Pillars of Faith
Belief in Allah’s messengers is one of the six pillars of eemaan (faith), as the Qur’an states, “The Messenger believes in that which has been revealed to him from his Lord and so do the believers. Each one believes in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers.” (Al-Baqarah, 285)
This verse makes it abundantly clear that we must believe in all of Allah’s messengers without making a distinction between any of them. We must not, therefore, believe in some of them and reject some others, as did the Jews and the Christians.
Defining eemaan (faith), the Prophet ﷺ also said in this connection, “It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers and the Last Day, and to believe in the divine decree, both good and bad.” (Saheeh Muslim: 8)
What is Prophethood?
Prophets are distinguished people that Allah chooses among people. They inform people about His religion, that is, His commands and prohibitions. They give the glad tidings of reward both in the world and hereafter to those who believe and do good deeds; they warn unbelievers who do bad deeds of torture of hell…
The following is stated in the Quran:
“We send the Messengers only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend (their lives)”. al-An’am, 48
Prophets are distinguished slaves of Allah. A person cannot be a prophet by working, trying hard and asking. Prophethood is an endowment of Allah.
Prophets are the leaders of the humankind. We are ordered in the Quran to accept them as models, to tread in their footsteps and to resemble them since they are in the highest level of servitude to Allah, away from acting in accordance with the desires of their souls and from committing sins:
“Those were the (prophets) who received Allah's guidance: Follow the guidance they received.” al-An’am, 90
“Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of Allah.” al-Ahzab, 21
In this dua (prayer), which Muslims recite in every salah (prayer),
“Show us the straight way. The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace”, ‘prophets’ are in the first place among those that have been bestowed grace. Muslims accept prophets as models and follow their guidance. Prophets were chosen among human beings not among other beings because of being accepted as models. It is clear that the one that can serve as the best model for human beings can only be a human being.
People’s Need for a Divine Message
People need a divine message to show them Allah’s laws and guide them to the right path. Indeed, a divine message is the spirit, light and the very life of the world, without which the world would certainly be lifeless and man would be plunged into the darkness of ignorance and misguidance?
It is for this reason that Almighty Allah calls His message a spirit, for there is no life without a spirit, as the Qur’an says, “We have thus revealed a Spirit to you by Our command. You knew neither the Scripture nor the faith, but We made it a light, guiding with it whomever We will of Our servants. You are indeed guiding to the straight path.” (Ash-Shooraa, 52)
Even though the intellect can generally distinguish between right and wrong, it cannot possibly comprehend the details of such a distinction, nor carry out acts of worship in the right manner without the dictates of revelation and the divine message.
Therefore, success and happiness can only be attained by following the guidance of Allah’s messengers. Similarly, no accurate line of demarcation can be drawn between right and wrong without following in their footsteps. Thus, whoever rejects the divine message will definitely lead a miserable and wretched life depending on the extent of their rejection of it.
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lovebackduas · 1 year
Wazifa to Marry The Person You Love
Wazifa to Marry The Person You Love
In Islam, a wazifa refers to a form of supplication or prayer recited by Muslims seeking spiritual blessings or divine assistance. It is a practice where specific verses or phrases from the Quran are recited with the intention of seeking guidance, healing, protection, or other blessings from Allah. Wazifas are considered a means of strengthening one's connection with God and seeking His mercy. Different wazifas are recommended for various purposes, and they are often recited repeatedly for a certain period of time. It is important to note that wazifas should be performed with sincerity, humility, and a deep understanding of their significance. Consulting with knowledgeable Islamic scholars like our Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji or spiritual guides can provide guidance on appropriate wazifas and their proper recitation.
How Wazifa Can Help in Getting Desired Results in Love Relationships
In love relationships, people may turn to wazifa for love prayers as a means to seek guidance, blessings, or assistance from Allah. The underlying belief is that by reciting specific verses or phrases from the Quran with sincerity and devotion, one can invoke the divine mercy and intervention in their love life. Wazifa prayers are not a magical solution but are regarded as a way to seek spiritual support and bring positive changes.
When performing a wazifa for love relationships, individuals may seek various outcomes such as finding a compatible partner, resolving conflicts, fostering understanding and affection, or seeking Allah's guidance in making important decisions. The act of engaging in wazifa prayers can instill a sense of hope, patience, and reliance on Allah, which may positively impact one's mindset and approach towards their relationship.
It is important to remember that wazifa prayers are not a substitute for personal effort, effective communication, or healthy relationship dynamics. They should be seen as a supplement to sincere efforts and the understanding that outcomes are ultimately in Allah's hands. It is strictly advisable to reader to take guidance and permissions from our Islamic Scholar Hazrat Not Mohammad Ji before performing any wazifa to marry the person you love.
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Powerful Wazifa To Marry The Person You Love
While it is understandable that you may have strong feelings for someone and wish to marry them, it's important to approach matters of love and marriage with wisdom, patience, and respect for Islamic principles. Islam encourages adhering to proper channels and seeking the guidance of knowledgeable individuals. Here are a few general suggestions:
1. Seek Allah's guidance: Begin by seeking guidance from Allah through sincere and consistent prayers, known as Salah. Ask for His blessings, clarity, and guidance in making the right decisions regarding your love and marriage.
2. Istikhara Prayer: Perform the Istikhara prayer, a special prayer for seeking guidance in matters of importance. This prayer seeks Allah's assistance in making the right choice. Alongside the prayer, reflect on the signs and feelings you receive, and consult knowledgeable individuals or scholars for further guidance.
3. Patience and supplication: Patience is crucial in matters of love and marriage. Engage in regular supplication (dua) to seek Allah's blessings and intervention in your situation. Ask for His guidance, wisdom, and the best outcome for both you and the person you love.
4. Consultation with parents and elders: It is essential to involve your parents and seek their advice and guidance. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of involving family and seeking their blessings in matters of marriage. Their wisdom and experience can provide valuable insights and support your decision-making process.
Remember, the acceptance of your dua or wazifa depends on Allah's will, and it is crucial to trust His plans. It is also important to maintain good character, adhere to Islamic principles, and respect the well-being and consent of the person you love. Consulting with knowledgeable individuals or scholars can provide you with specific wazifa recommendations tailored to your circumstances while ensuring they align with Islamic teachings.
Which Wazifa is Most Effective When You Want To Marry The Person You Love
The most effective wazifa to marry someone you love is to perform the istikhara prayer and seek guidance from Allah. Additionally, reciting Surah Yasin, Ayatul Kursi, and Surah Al-Ikhlas can also be helpful.
To Consult our Islamic Scholar Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji, You can give them a call on +91-9914884919 or can message them on WhatsApp.For information, please visit our website:-https://lovebackduas.com/
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deenkibatein · 1 year
“When Allah blessed you with a partner whose having a good soul, keep value of it. Don’t be ungrateful for whatever He has blessed you with in your life.”
#allah #deen #islam #dua #quran
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