#dual degree program?
nerdieforpedro · 5 months
A idea, thought or thot has occurred:
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What if…. @legendary-pink-dot the keeper, tracker and manager of all the curls and follicles did a combined class on Pedro character and Oscar characters hair. Because she’s the expert. She has a PhD in them. Like a dual degree program, hit it from both sides. Or them. Whichever.
Sandwiches are provided by @for-a-longlongtime
Snacks by @rhoorl and drinks by @maggiemayhemnj (unless I mixed you two up again for who does what)
@musings-of-a-rose can help provide insight into Santi with for-a-longlongtime since they both know him well. Dot has Catfish covered in all the ways.
I can do all the research 🧐 because more data is always better for my folders. 👀
Any suggestions? Random ideas are random when I drank some espresso. ☕️
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jamesvin-varsity · 2 years
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i left zookeeping for architecture because i became interested in how the built environment beyond the zoo could better serve local wildlife. how could we design our architecture, infrastructure and public spaces to work with natural environmental processes and build positive multispecies partnerships? how does the design of the building change when you consider the sparrow as your client? the coyote? the soil micro-arthropod?
this is obviously no new concept. cultures past and present have been living successfully with nature for millennia, but modernity has smothered much of the real human symbiosis within local ecosystems in favor of limitless growth and profit and oppression. take "sustainability", which in architecture often (though not always) results in renderings of luxury condominiums with Capitalism-Approved-Green photoshopped onto every balcony.
in my architecture studios i communicate through image. drawing. i try to separate myself from this lazy greenwashing aesthetic, researching local species assemblages to get my planting schemes somewhat accurate, considering hydrology on the site, considering local communities and how Something Green could drive up real-estate and force people out.
i try to, but at the end of the day my project is still an image and i’m still photoshopping plants onto a building. most architects aren’t really making buildings. they’re making drawings of buildings.
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don't get me wrong, the image is a powerful thing. design is a powerful thing. ultimately though, i see myself doing the research that supports the decisions of the designer and not working as the designer directly.
being back at school has helped me rediscover my passion for science, and more specifically, physics. last year i took a hydrodynamics class and remembered why i studied it in the first place. because i like math and mechanics, and it's with these tools that i want to answer questions about design, conservation and multispecies community resilience.
the connection may not be obvious at first, but now, somehow, my work unites these three passions of mine -- a combination of environmental fluid mechanics, wildlife zoology, and design. broadly, i'm exploring how to incorporate marshes and other coastal vegetation into the design of physically, ecologically, and socially resilient urban waterfronts. the marshes can physically attenuate wave energy, preventing erosion and wave-driven flooding. they also provide important habitat for local wildlife like birds, crabs, and larval fish. social resilience is perhaps a more diffuse subject, but by grounding these nature-based coastal management solutions in community stewardship, we can start to rebuild relationships with our non-human neighbors. how? not sure yet, but i have some ideas.
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yesterday i was accepted into a masters program in the department of civil and environmental engineering to research some of these questions (specifically regarding wave-structure-vegetation interaction). i'm not leaving the architecture department, but instead continuing in both programs as a dual degree student.
i don't identify myself as an architect, but I do as a designer. and as a scientist and educator. these titles are arbitrary (every problem is interdisciplinary when you get down to it), but they help me connect the person i am now to the person i was then.
physics-major-in-a-us-naval-officer-program turned zookeeper turned architecture-student turned science-and-engineering-student-studying-the-codesign-of-climate-adaptation-with/by/for-coastal-ecologies? my transition happened in there somewhere lol i'm also 5 years on T this week.
things will keep changing naturally, but really enjoying the ride so far :)
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fridayyy-13th · 22 days
y'all i'm like. so tired and overwhelmed right now. dare i even say sad.
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I’m sad, I’ve had a bunch of fun cool ideas sitting in the back of my head since like new years which I wanted to use for rare pair week, but like life has been kicking my ass so I didn’t have time to even start anything and now it’s over :( guess they will just keep living in my head until next year
#this is if I’m also not dying next year… which is unlikely#don’t do what I do. don’t work full time and do school full time. especially when you’re doing a dual graduate degree program. I’m in hell#brain screams#it especially makes me sad cause when I started writing fics in the summer it made me SO happy to be writing again!!!#especially about sailor moon!!! one of my special intrests and fav shows of all time!! it makes my brain SO HAPPY!!!#as I keep telling myself - just cause I don’t make these things now doesn’t mean I can do them in the future. my ideas will still be there#I can write the fics I want and finish the YouRube videos I’ve started. I can make silly little doodles and comics and short animations#I can take my Venus plus on hikes and exploring and to wonderful places!! we can go to museums and cafes and concerts!!#we can go to the ocean and climb mountains and get lost in the forest and get muddy and wet and cold and sit by campfires and climb on logs#I can take my not fully fleshed out idea of using her and my other plushes to make a sort of live action stop motion skit video!!#I want to be creative and free and have fun and live my life and pursue my passions!!#but rn… all i do is work. work and homework and class and homework. until I’m so fatigued I can’t walk and I can’t sleep and I can’t think#to be real watching the anime and having the codename: sailor v and stars arc of the manga is like one of the few things getting me through#when I’m so tired I can’t think I have those as comforts so I’m not sitting on the couch wanting to die#I find so much comfort in existing in the space of this fictional universe and I draw strength from the characters#like sailor moon helping me get through some of the hardest fucking shit I’ve ever done in my life. and helping me remember to love myself#also lowkey helping me fight off my depression and ed and substance abuse issues#I just both get so much joy and comfort from this space but also I feel I owe it so much gratitude for kinda helping me from crumbling#I want to also contribute to this space cause it gives me joy to do so and cause i want to give back and contribute to others joy as well#like it’s a combo of I love this and want to and also as a form of gratitude i want to and also to help others experience joy I want to#but… I don’t have the time or energy now. and if my life keeps going on like this. will I ever? I’ve never let myself slow down.#idk if I ever will :( oh well
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theiibms · 10 days
Why You Should Consider a Masters Program in Business Administration with Dual Specialization
Master's Program in Business Administration with Dual Specialization offers a focused curriculum that covers two specific areas of business management. It combines core MBA courses with specialized subjects, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of both fields. This program enhances students' skills in areas such as finance, marketing, human resources, or operations, preparing them for a variety of career opportunities. Through practical projects and internships, students gain hands-on experience and develop critical thinking and leadership skills.
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In the dynamic landscape of business, where specialization is key to standing out, pursuing a Master's Program in Business Administration with dual specialization has emerged as a strategic choice for aspiring professionals. This unique program offers a comprehensive understanding of two specialized areas, providing a competitive edge in the job market. Let's delve into why you should consider this enriching academic journey.
Why You Should Consider a Master's Program in Business Administration with Dual Specialization:
1] Versatility: In a world where adaptability is key, a dual specialization allows individuals to diversify their skill sets. By combining two areas of expertise such as finance and marketing, or operations management and human resources, graduates emerge as versatile professionals capable of navigating multifaceted challenges.
2] Enhanced Employability: Employers today seek candidates who bring a blend of specialized knowledge and holistic understanding to the table. A dual specialization equips graduates with a unique value proposition, making them more attractive to prospective employers across various industries.
3] Strategic Advantage: Specialization lends a strategic edge in the job market. Whether it’s honing in on emerging trends in technology, sustainability, or international business, dual specialization allows individuals to align their expertise with the evolving needs of the global marketplace.
4] Networking Opportunities: Engaging with peers and faculty members who share a common interest in two specialized fields fosters a rich learning environment. The networking opportunities presented within such programs can lead to lifelong professional connections and collaborations.
5] Leadership Development: Mastering two disciplines demands rigorous intellectual inquiry and problem-solving skills. By grappling with complex challenges from different vantage points, students cultivate critical thinking and leadership abilities essential for driving innovation and effecting change within organizations.
6] Career Flexibility: A dual specialization offers flexibility in career trajectories. Whether one chooses to pursue a career in a specialized niche or transition between different domains, the breadth of knowledge acquired equips individuals with the agility to pivot according to their aspirations and the evolving demands of the market.
7] Global Perspective: In an interconnected world, businesses operate on a global scale. Dual specialization programs often integrate an international perspective, exposing students to diverse cultures, markets, and business practices. This global outlook is invaluable in today’s interconnected economy.
8] Higher Earning Potential: Specialized skills command higher remuneration. Graduates of dual specialization programs are positioned to command competitive salaries and perks, reflecting the value they bring to organizations through their nuanced expertise.
9] Innovation and Creativity: The intersection of two disciplines often sparks innovation and creativity. By synthesizing ideas from disparate fields, individuals can develop novel solutions to complex problems, driving organizational growth and competitive advantage.
10] Personal Growth: Pursuing a dual specialization is not merely an academic pursuit; it’s a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. It challenges individuals to push beyond their comfort zones, embrace ambiguity, and cultivate resilience—an invaluable asset in both professional and personal spheres.
Is a Dual Specialization MBA Right for You?
A dual specialization MBA is a great option for individuals who are:
Driven and ambitious: This program requires dedication and focus to successfully manage coursework in two specialized areas.
Clear on their career goals: Choosing the right specializations is crucial. Consider your interests, strengths, and the job market you're targeting.
Open to new challenges: Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the opportunity to learn new skills.
Why a Dual Specialization MBA Might Be the Perfect Power-Up for Your Career
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a well-trodden path for aspiring business leaders. But in today's dynamic job market, an MBA with a dual specialization can give you an extra edge. Here's why you should consider this option:
1] Broaden Your Skillset and Appeal to Employers:
Expertise in Two Areas: A dual specialization allows you to develop deep knowledge in two interconnected business fields, like finance and marketing, or operations and human resources. This makes you a highly qualified candidate for positions that require expertise in both areas.
Adaptability and Future-Proofing: The business world is constantly evolving. A dual specialization equips you with a broader range of skills, making you adaptable to new roles and industries.
2] Open Doors to New Opportunities:
Wider Job Market: With a dual specialization, you'll be qualified for a wider range of positions compared to a single specialization. This gives you more options when searching for a job and can help you land your dream role.
Career Flexibility: If you're unsure of your exact career path, a dual specialization allows you to explore two areas of interest. It also provides the foundation to switch careers in the future if your interests evolve.
3] Become a More Valuable Asset:
Enhanced Problem-Solving: By studying two specializations, you'll gain a more holistic understanding of business. This allows you to approach problems from different angles and develop innovative solutions.
Leadership Potential: The ability to bridge different areas of business demonstrates strong leadership qualities. Employers value candidates who can see the big picture and connect the dots across departments.
4] Before You Dive In:
Consider Your Goals: A dual specialization isn't for everyone. Carefully evaluate your career goals and choose specializations that complement each other and align with your interests.
Research Programs: Not all MBA programs offer dual specializations. Research potential programs to find one that aligns with your goals and offers the specializations you desire.
Masters Program in Business Administration with dual specialization offers a myriad of benefits that can significantly accelerate your career growth and success. From versatility and customization to enhanced career prospects and depth of knowledge, the advantages of pursuing such a program are undeniable. By investing in your education and acquiring a unique blend of skills and expertise, you position yourself as a competitive candidate in today's dynamic job market.
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mitsdedistance · 4 months
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finally received my marks for my final uni term and am now just waiting to get cleared for graduation!
then i begin my 5-year graduate program in 2 months :)
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degreelabs · 1 year
International dual degree programs allow undergraduate students to earn two degrees from two universities in different countries. Students typically spend part of their studies in each location, gaining a global perspective and expanding their cultural understanding. In addition, these programs often require additional language proficiency and can provide unique career opportunities.
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water1oo · 1 year
The fact my therapist did the exact same program I am applying to is wiiiiiiiild LOL
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petervintonjr · 4 months
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"As black America approaches the 21st century, our capacity or our failure to build a solid bridge . . . of works will determine whether millions of young blacks already with us or yet unborn will cross over into the new century, or fall into the abyss."
Another name you almost certainly didn't know: M. (Moses) Carl Holman, civil rights activist, writer, and poet. Born in 1919 St. Louis, Holman showed an early gift for writing, and at the age of 19 won a scriptwriting award from a popular syndicated radio program. He graduated magna cum laude from Lincoln University and went on to acquire Master's degrees from the University of Chicago and from Yale. While at Yale he published his first collection of poems, and began regularly writing articles for various newspapers and magazines on income inequity, urban poverty, literacy, and other issues important to Black Americans. In 1962 he taught English at Clark College in Atlanta, giving him a front-row seat to key events in the earliest days of the civil rights movement. As some of his students participated in sit-ins and the Freedom Rides, he found himself appointed to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, of which he eventually became deputy director in 1966.
In 1968 Ebony magazine named Holman as one of the 100 Most Influential Black Americans. That same year Holman published what is probably his best-known work: The Baptizin', a play which won first prize in the National Community Theater Festival. In addition to multiple collections of poems, Holman also published a definitive overview of the civil rights movement in the U.S., from 1965 to 1975.
Perhaps most significantly, in 1971 Holman was named Vice President of the National Urban Coalition. This organization had re-formed in 1967 in the wake of the so-called "long, hot summer" of racial strife and injustices. During this time Holman's singular talent for delivering quiet and polite, but still powerful, speeches came to the fore and he jumpstarted a great many local housing, education, job training, and economic development programs aimed at disadvantaged Black and Hispanic communities.
In his later years Holman forcefully addressed the issue of "dual literacy" for Black children --emphasizing that such students not only needed to be well-versed not only in the fundamentals such as reading, writing, and public speaking; but also in math, science, and technology. His 1988 obituary notes that Holman "had an uncanny ability to form a coalition out of the most diverse elements, and it was often said that the key to his ability to do this was the fact that he never appeared to have an agenda for himself."
(Teachers: Need some resources to engage your students this Black History Month? I'll send you a pile of these trading cards, no cost, no obligation. Just give me a mailing address and let me know how many students in your class. No strings attached, no censorship, no secret-relaying-of-names to Abbott or DeSantis or HuckaSanders.)
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
i just caught up with your blog and holy shit the situation at columbia university? i investigated it on twitter and the school took days to give a half assed non response and no mainstream media is reporting on the fact that 2!! former iof pieces of shit!! chemically attacked pro palestine students! some of them had to be hospitalized and columbia doesn't give a shit!
i called my senator to see if she has anything to say on the incident because the whole govt was up in arms over alleged antisemitism on campuses when it was about from the river to the sea. her staffer told me she'll make a note of my concern and that a statement depends on public interest. everyone who reada this should call their reps and ask for a statement! they can't be allowed to brush soldiers from a foreign military attacking peaceful protestors under the rug! columbia has a dual degree program with t*l av*i university which these terrorists are part of.
call your reps! demand accountability and more action from columbia!!
on a side note, it seems like the zionist professor, shai davidai, has deleted all his anti palestine tweets and limited his accounts in light of this. i hope he's afraid because the violent rhetoric we've seen from him directly led to this!
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Yes, it's beyond awful. IOF soldiers -terrorists -did this to students at Columbia University, 8 of whom were hospitalized for their varying symptoms. I have seen a few American articles covering it, but they all call it 'alleged,' and most recently, The Rolling Stones published this, highlighting Columbia University banned the perpetrators:
I am also not at all surprised that most representatives would not bat an eyelash because the US government backs IOF terror and genocide. I urge people to still email Colombia and their respective Senators too, despite the fact that the system proves timelessly, they don't care, but we need to keep being vocal about it online so this NEVER happens again.
It should never be a double standard -bringing awareness about antisemitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, anti-black racism, anti-Indigenous racism -among many issues should all be spoken about equitably on campuses and everywhere in the world.
As for Shai Davidai, he's a disgraceful racist and zionist. Calls support for Palestine rallies 'Pro-Hamas' and all these students who participate as terrorists. He actively endangers Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students. He keeps tagging Columbia University in his tweets and is going on vile tangents. It's just disturbing.
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the-random-phan · 1 year
Wow, tough crowd.
Daniel James Fenton had lasted a total of one month in space until his fellow crew members finally caught on to him. Which was both disappointing and a feat to behold, in all honesty.
Word Count: 4,506
Ao3 | FFnet
Story below the cut!
The Janus was a brand new space station, freshly launched into orbit and in its first year of operation. The current squad were the first to inhabit the station, and thus their interpersonal roots went deep. They had trained together, worked together, bled together, and even lived together back on Earth. As a team, they muddled through the glitches and hang-ups that came with pretty much being the guinea pigs of the Janus program. There were 5 of them on the team, though only 4 and a half were human.
Daniel James Fenton was a critical team member on the Janus, the first consult for everything engineering and mechanical on board. He was also Danny Phantom, a super-powered ghost, which was a closely held secret amongst the crew.
Danny had truly tried his best to keep his dual identities from the crew, and had maintained his secret up until right after they were sent into space. Which was amazing in itself, looking at the menagerie of tests they had gone through to procure their spots and ensure their individual safeties in space. It was a miracle he’d gotten as far as he did.
It was the youngest of their group -Isabella (their resident master of technology, who could fix just about anything that had a computer in it)- who started the unraveling of Danny’s web of lies. It all started with the first time Danny went on a spacewalk. He moved fluidly, gliding with more grace than the clutz had any right to. He had even tripped up the steps when they boarded the shuttle that carried them up to the station.
Danny pushed off from a handle and then spun in midair to get to where he wanted. It seemed almost like Danny didn’t care for momentum and just… moved. Slid across space. Isabella didn’t see it at first, but once she did it was hard to ignore. He got sloppier and sloppier as the walk went on, almost like he forgot she was there. He kicked off from one place then made a 90 degree turn to get to where he needed. It was almost… unsettling. Uncanny valley?
Of course, Isabella didn’t tell him that. She took a mental note and proceeded with her day, deciding to watch Danny a bit more carefully.
“Come on in, I think that’s everything.” She said into her mic.
“Heading that way,” Replied Danny as he launched off, did a spin, and then came to the airlock. Isabella caught a grin on his face.
Jamie caught on to it next. Jamie was a physics wiz, and spent a lot of time making observations on the celestial bodies that surrounded them. And thus he was quite good at observing his teammates as well.
He and Danny were using some of their down time to hang out in the common area. They chatted idly about what they were working on, but when Jamie mentioned his parents and what they did for a living, Danny’s expression soured. The awkward silence lasted for only a moment, until Danny proposed a game of Uno. He procured the cards from a pocket in his pants and dealt them out, letting the cards hang midair.
Such an action wouldn’t have normally been odd.
Jamie was the team lead, and thus knew for a fact that a pack of Uno cards were not among the list of items Danny brought to the station. But Jamie was not entirely certain in his memory, and he didn’t mention it. They played a couple of rounds and even got the rest of the team in on it, which Joel ended up winning.
Joel was yet another member of the group. He had been reluctant to join the project at first but was practically shoved into it for his excellent performance in genetics research. Though at first unwilling, he got along with the rest of the team like wildfire and soon fell into their rhythm with ease. He was the resident biologist, and his green thumbs managed the small garden they had on board. It was where he could most often be found. He also had a running experiment with some creepy-crawlies, all of which he had named. No one was looking forward to the day when they had to hold a funeral for one of the bugs, as Joel had gotten quite attached. Joel had a floppy head of green-black hair (the dye had slowly faded as his roots grew) and a huge pair of glasses that dwarfed his face.
Joel’s realization that something wasn’t quite right came about on the day that Danny was in the garden wing. Danny was helping Joel record data on the state of the various plants they grew. Joel left the more complicated stuff for later and simply handed Danny a micrometer to use in measuring the plants’ stems and leaves.
It was Danny’s first time assisting, so Joel followed him closely. And in doing so he noticed how his teammate was distinctly avoiding a certain flower that grew in the back corner. Each time Danny floated near he would grab for a handhold and steer himself away. Joel thought that maybe he saw Danny’s eyes water.
But that couldn’t be right, could it? Due to his field, Joel had been privy to the allergy section of everyone’s medical records. He had carefully selected all of the specimens and seeds to be brought on board so that they wouldn’t aggravate any allergies the crew might’ve had. Maybe it was an undiscovered allergy?
Joel had just opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Danny sneezed. The sneeze was sudden and unavoidable. Danny brought up a hand to cover the blast as best he could, but droplets of gook still shot off into the air. Joel brought up an arm to protect his face from any stray droplets.
“Oh, Ancients.” Danny cursed, (though it wasn’t a curse Joel had ever heard before) as he looked down at the snot covering his hand.
“Don’t move-!” Joel said quickly as he shot off to grab a wipe from underneath the plant beds. He took his eyes off of Danny for a moment and when he looked back up he could swear Danny was now on the other side of him. Away from the flower.
Joel helped Danny clean the mess as best he could and sent him away. Danny didn’t offer anything about the allergy and Joel was so distressed with snot particles still buzzing around that he forgot to ask. And of course he still had to record the measurements of the strange plant. Perhaps he would research a bit more about it before confronting his teammate.
Max was the oldest of the crew, and he certainly let everybody know it. He acted almost like everybody’s grandpa, making sure they were doing ok and that they didn’t need anything. He wasn’t really old enough to be a grandpa, but it was what everybody ended up calling him. Max still had a head of brown, though a few stray whites had appeared in his facial hair. He was the team’s jack-of-all-trades. He wasn’t particularly the best at any of the jobs required on board, but he had a wide array of knowledge stuck up in his head. He could help with anything from hydraulics to C++. He’d had his fingers in everything throughout the time of his life, and his well-roundedness helped to smooth out gaps with the rest of the team.
And as the grandpa of the station, he was reasonably concerned when he couldn’t find Danny anywhere.
Max had a bit of downtime as he waited for a diagnostics program to run, and he had realized suddenly that it was just a bit too quiet. Danny liked to mutter under his breath, and as they both preferred the more hands-on side of things, he and Danny often worked in the same area. Or at the very least in the same wing. But the boy was nowhere to be found.
It wasn’t like he could really go anywhere, really, but it was still cause for concern. What if he did something stupid like going for a spacewalk without an observer? No such thing was on the schedule for the day, but Danny tended to get wrapped up in his own head from time to time and skip safety procedures.
Curious and slightly worried, Max went around to their teammates checking if Danny was with them. He stopped at the garden first. It had a sealed door, for the purpose of measuring oxygen levels and keeping a controlled environment when needed. Max knocked and the door slid open. Joel was inside, at the door controls. He held a tablet loosely in the crook of his left arm, as though he had just been marking something down.
“What’s up?” Joel asked. He pushed off and glided back to a strange-looking flower, one with a red bloom and purple stems. Max had never seen anything of the sort. Max moved slightly into the space. He looked around, but didn’t see Danny.
“Have you seen Danny since breakfast?” Replied Max.
As soon as Danny saw the rest of the crew gathered in the common area he knew he’d messed up. It didn’t help that he had a McDonalds Sprite in hand. (It was the closest thing he had found to downing straight ectoplasm). He debated for a moment on turning it invisible in his hand but from the speed at which everyone’s heads had swiveled to see him, he knew he’d been caught. (At least he’d had the tact to revert to human form before phasing into the station).
“What have you got there, Danny?” Questioned Jamie with a raised brow.
“Uh-” Danny stared blankly down at the drink in his hand. His brain froze.
“A smoothie?” Danny referenced. Sadly his joke didn’t seem to land. It was a very icy reception. Awkward, Danny glanced off to the side and took an idle sip from his drink. The tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife.
Isabella was the next to speak.
“We know there’s something up with you, Fenton. Is it something that’s gonna endanger the team?” She asked coldly. She hovered up near the roof, grasping one of the bright blue handles. A tablet floated idly next to her.
Danny sputtered.
“No- of course not!” He said without thinking.
“So there is something going on!” She shouted victoriously. Heat rushed to Danny’s cheeks. Jazz pulls those mind-tricks on him all the time, how’d he miss it?
“Danny,” Said Joel seriously. All eyes turned to him.
“Are you an alien?” He whispered conspiratorially. There was a bright glimmer in his eyes.
Okay, that was a new one.
“No way he’s an alien!” Jamie interjected. “My bet’s still on vampire.” He said matter-of-factly. Danny just looked on in disbelief. They started shouting observations and evidence back and forth at each other and suddenly Danny realized he hadn’t been nearly as inconspicuous as he thought. He almost considered trying to sneak off and lock himself in the bathroom when suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder.
Danny jumped, making his head slam into the ceiling. Max idled beneath him, looking slightly guilty.
“You keep getting stuff from somewhere, and you’re acting weird. You might as well tell us what’s up with you. How are you going back to Earth and then appearing back up here?” Max asked, plain and simple. But Danny didn’t know how to respond.
His first instinct was to lie through his teeth, build up a toppling tower of falsities that would surely crush him when it finally collapsed (he still waited for his parents to see that his teenage life was full of plot-holes) but there was no way he could hide this. They caught him red-handed, and there was no way out. Danny couldn’t find the words to explain.
Luckily, Isabella found them for him. (Or not-so luckily, depending on perspective).
“Amity Park, huh?” She said sharply. The tablet was now held in her hands. She turned it around to show a paused video.
It was Wes Weston’s youtube channel. Specifically a video that Danny made him take down. Wes had promised he had, but by the ‘unlisted’ tag, it was clear he hadn’t followed through. Isabella tapped the screen and audio filled the common area.
“-Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I know I’m right!” Wes shouted in the squeaky tone of a teenager whose voice hadn’t quite settled.
“Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom! Here,” Wes gestured to a table behind him, pulled up on a projector that was aimed at his bedroom wall.
“-I kept track of all of Fenton’s bathroom breaks for the last month. Ninety-three percent of them line up with Phantom sightings!” Something clicked and the view changed.
Instead of the graph, it showed an image of 15-year-old Danny Fenton’s yearbook picture. Another click, and it was replaced by Phantom’s, in a remarkably similar angle. Though the expression was different and leaves partially covered the camera. A new slide and suddenly the two were overlaid, one right next to the other. They formed an almost-perfect face. One face.
Isabella tapped it again and the video paused at that exact moment. She grinned, not out of maliciousness, but with the glint of a predator who knew they had already won. Damn. How far did she dig to get that?
“According to some old forums, up to like ten years old, Amity Park is infested with supernatural beings called ghosts. A lot of people chalked it up as a tourist hoax, but there are some pretty serious discussions out there. And official records of many deaths being declared as caused by ghosts. A lot of it was deleted or redacted or covered up in some way, but I managed.” She shrugged. Isabella spun the screen back around to herself and swiped down idly.
“The name Fenton also showed up so often, I could filter my search by it. Also repeated mentions of Fentonworks, and various patents filed under the company. Which were all redacted to hell, and had mentions of something called the ‘Ghostly Investigation Ward’ stamped all over them.”
“Looks like they were government funded somehow. Mixed with the forums’ details of them and even some published papers I found, it seems like they were pretty into the paranormal. And Danny ‘Phantom’ sounds pretty ghostly to me.” Isabella looked at him with an expression of inquiry. She feigned innocence.
“You’re too smart.” Danny scathed. Isabella just made a ‘hm’ sound and shrugged.
“It was on the internet. All I had to do was find it.”
“Spill it, ghost boy.” With that final statement, everyone turned to look at Danny. A wave of anxiety rolled over him. The temperature suddenly dipped, before he reigned it back in a split second later. It didn’t stop Max from shivering.
“My parents have been really into ghosts, since college.” Danny started. His hand found its way to the nape of his neck, a nervous tic he’d never really had reason to kick.
“Their life's work was to prove ghosts were real, but their theory was all wrong.” Danny tapped into his core lightly, letting it steer him towards what was technically the floor, and he sat down.
“They thought that ghosts must be evil, so they made all kinds of weapons to fight them. But their crowning achievement was this- portal. A gateway.” Danny looked up and didn’t see any looks of confusion or disgust, so he continued.
“They worked on it for a decade, and they finally finished it when I was 14. They booted it up and it didn’t turn on.” An ache started in Danny’s chest. It felt like swallowing sandpaper.
“My parents went out to get their minds off it and my friends convinced me to go take a look while they were out. Maybe they missed something.”
“One thing led to another, and I went inside. It powered up right on top of me.” Danny didn’t mention the button inside, how his parents’ stupidity had endangered him.
“Turns out ghosts are real, and dying isn’t an absolute.”
“Only a sith deals in absolutes,” Jamie quoted automatically. Then he realized what he’d interrupted and his jaw snapped shut with a click. But the statement was so out of left field that it made Danny bark with laughter. He lost control of the tears that had been threatening to spill down his face the entire time he spoke, and soon he was doubled over from the hilarity of it. It was infectious, and they all started cackling. All but one, that is.
“Is he laughing or crying?!” Joel worried. But he didn’t get a response. Danny was so startled that his core leaked, freezing the tears to his face in sheets of ice. The temperature plummeted, and suddenly no one was laughing anymore.
Danny could feel the tangible shift in the room and it only took him a moment to realize his slip.
“Ah- heck,” He said, still fighting off the last vestiges of laughter. He reigned in his energy, letting it sink back into his skin. It felt nasty, like sucking honey through a straw, but he didn’t want to freeze his crewmates.
“Holy- what was that?” Max asked. He clung to a handrail, where before he’d been hanging in the middle of the room.
“Sorry,” Danny apologized immediately. He formed a quick ball of hot ectoplasm and passed it to Max, who simply stared at the ball of green flames in his hand. He blinked owlishly at it, before Danny realized that most people probably didn’t expect to be handed a fireball.
“Ah- it’s warm, no burns.” He explained quickly. Max lagged for a moment before gingerly poking it. The flames licked playfully at his fingers. After realizing it wasn’t painful, he let Danny deposit it into his cupped hands.
“Wow,” Max stared at it, mesmerized. That is, until Joel interjected.
“So that’s it!” He floated near one of the wall-mounted computers. A page of search results cast light on his glasses, hiding his eyes from view.
“Rosa sanguinolentus are a rare blooming plant in the rose family which is known in folklore as being a ward against ghosts.” Quoted Joel. Upon receiving confused looks, he explained further.
“I have one in the garden, I noticed Danny avoiding it. He also sneezed when he got too close.” Joel offered. In response was a chorus of ‘ew’s. Danny’s nose crinkled at the reminder.
“Blood blossoms,” He said darkly. Danny floated back to his previous sitting spot. Max passed the ecto-ball to Isabella.
“I thought they were extinct. I tried to make sure of it, myself, but I guess I missed some.”
“In this form they’re just an allergen, but they can be deadly. Those buggers hurt.” He got a far-off look in his eye.
“Form?” Max inquired.
“Ah-” Danny started. He floated ever so slightly upwards, then triggered his transformation. He’d learned to minimize the energy wasted when he switched, and thus instead of rings it was a simple flash and Phantom settled over his bones.
Immediately, Danny’s freckles began to glow, as they’d done each time he transformed since being accepted into the program. In the place of a simple t-shirt and loose-fitting pants was instead a slim suit, covered with a dark green leather jacket and a menagerie of belts. Without thinking, a crown formed over Danny’s head. He realized his mistake quickly and spun around, shooing the thing away, making it fade back into energy.
“Was that a crown?” Asked Jamie. Danny was suddenly reminded they only had half the story. The before.
“...maybe.” Danny responded hesitantly.
“I, uh, may or may not have pummeled the former High King of all Ghosts and gained his title through combat?” He said quickly.
“But I can’t really accept it until I’m fully dead, so there’s a council of regents in place until the day comes, or if I’m immortal, then when I turn 180.” Danny ranted.
“I really hope I’m not immortal, but like I’ve only grown 2 inches since I was 14 and I still get handed kids menus, so like- maybe I might be?”
“I only really have two others to compare myself to, and one of them is evil so like he’s not a very good baseline.”
“Wait wait- back up. King? Ghosts have a social structure?” Jamie asked with curiosity in his eyes.
“Kinda..? I’m only half ghost so I don’t fully understand. I tried to avoid the whole thing but then there were a bunch of assassination attempts, so I had to accept it.” Now that Danny had started talking, the admittances just tumbled from his brain.
“Half-ghost?” Joel asked.
“Ectoplasm and electricity equals half death and a bunch of DNA stuff, that’s about all my understanding of it.”
Joel hummed.
“So do you know what that Ghostly Ward is?” Ask Isabella.
“It’s a secret branch of the government, they cover up all the stuff in Amity. Horrible ghost hunters, I don’t think any of them ever landed a shot. But rumor is their scientists are ruthless. They contracted my parents for a lot of weapons, and funded their research."
"I guess Ghostly Investigation Ward is their real name, but I only ever heard them called the Guys in White. They are like, super strict about dress code. I dunno," Danny shrugged.
"So Ah, yeah. Lab accident, half ghost, boom- ghost powers. I got a whole catalogue of 'em. I can go down the list if you want but it might take me a while." Danny reclined in the air. He let his core take hold so he didn't drift from his spot.
"Wait- so how have you been getting to Earth and back?"
"In this form I can withstand space, and I don't need to breathe." Danny suddenly remembered he still had a drink and took another sip.
"Using your powers would be such an asset!" Exclaimed Joel.
"No way can we keep this to ourselves. There's so much you could do!"
Danny's core stuttered in his chest. The temperature dipped.
"There's a reason I've kept it a secret." Danny said coolly, to keep his emotions under wraps. He felt a mixture of anger and he was scared. Scared of what could happen, the liability that had just been created.
"Every time my secret has been revealed I have been hunted and my family's been put in danger. That GIW is no joke- if they got any clue of what I am I'd be dead- fully dead- in a week. I haven't even told my own parents because I'm scared they'd attack me."
"I have more than earned my right to keep it to myself. I have saved the world at least three times, and that's only the times that a Time God didn't warn me beforehand! And you heard of none of them."
The crew just blinked owlishly at him. Danny realized he was floating in empty space.
“Ok…” Isabella said quietly.
“I think I got about half of that.” Jamie replied.
“Ghosts are real?!” Max looked like he was about to go through a midlife crisis. Or a breakdown. One of the two.
Danny steered himself back towards the apparent ‘floor.’ He dropped his ghost form, appearing as Danny Fenton once again. He lowered his voice and spoke more softly, genuinely.
“I’ve had superpowers since I was 14, and up until now only five people in my life knew about it.” ‘One of whom tries to kill me on a regular basis, but they don’t need to know that.’
“I spent my teenage years protecting my town from ghosts and it was a miracle that I finished high school. Let alone got up here where I am now, in space.”
“I’m not completely human, I don’t know what I am, really. But aside from the whole ghost powers thing I’m still the same as I was before my accident.”
Danny took a deep breath, and let it all out.
“Would an ice cream cone for each of you make it better? Or I can get cheeseburgers?” He was obviously trying to placate them. The best way to get somebody on your side was through their stomach.
“I…” Jamie started.
“It’d be a good start.”
“Danny!” Shouted Jamie.
“Where are youuuuuuu!” He called.
Joel appeared from around the hall.
“He’s off-ship, had some date with his partner. An anniversary?”
Jamie huffed.
“He was supposed to take me with him to pick up a cake for Isabella’s birthday.”
“There goes that set of plans.”Jamie threw his hands in the air and set off in the other direction.
“I didn’t forget!” Danny suddenly popped into existence behind Joel, who would have jumped had he not already been floating. Jamie whipped around and came back from the other end of the station. His white hair, black suit, and exorbitant number of belts had become a typical sight.
“Where were you!?” He yelled.
“Well for starters, that date is tomorrow. Also I found this rock outside, it looks unique!” Danny offered the chosen rock to Joel. It was shiny, and glittered in the light.
“Another one? I don’t have space for them all! I am completely overrun as it stands.” Joel sounded tired. Danny’s star-studded freckles dimmed. His pointed ears lowered.
Dang it. Joel couldn’t bear to see that face. Especially after Danny took him back to earth yesterday so he could re-dye his hair. It didn’t help that Danny always looked younger in his ghost form, closer to sixteen than twenty-two.
“Ugghh,” Joel put a hand out and Danny lit up as he handed off the rock.
“You’ll have to tell us more about it at show and tell,” Jamie joked sarcastically.
“For now, we have a walmart cake section to raid!” He announced. Danny laughed, and they left shortly to go procure their prize.
“They do know they aren’t being very slick, right?” Isabella’s head popped out of a nearby compartment. The birthday girl was smiling. Joel just shrugged and left. He needed to get back to his insects. Buggatrina wasn’t eating nearly as much as she should.
“WESLEY WESTON!” A mad spirit rampaged the Amity Park News office, darting around and obviously searching for something. Or, more likely judging by his outburst, someone. This ghost’s presence was such a typical one that barely anyone even batted an eye as he flew over their heads.
The certain red-head in question ducked below his desk. His heart pounded so loudly it threatened to break right out of his ribcage. Oh heck, he’d messed. Up. What exactly did he do, again? Too many things came to mind.
Suddenly a face popped down from above his desk.
“Remember that youtube video you were supposed to delete?” That sweet tone was simply a veil for the threat underneath.
Wes gulped.
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nyupreservation · 1 month
Surveying Spain: Working with Spanish Civil War Posters at NYU Libraries
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Hi, my name is Mia Lindenburg. I am a graduate student undergoing NYU’s Dual Degree program, where I will get an MA in literature and an MLIS. This semester, I have been working with NYU’s Barbara Goldsmith Preservation & Conservation Department, mentored by Lindsey Tyne (Conservation Librarian), Laura McCann (Director of Preservation), Weatherly Stephan (Head of Archival Collections Management), and Felix Esquivel (Collections Manager, Special Collections), to survey the Spanish Civil War Poster Collection (ALBA.GRAPHICS.001). This internship has helped me to prepare for a future career in special collections libraries, where I will be required to work with delicate material similar to what I see in this collection. I am very thankful for this opportunity and how it has allowed me to delve deeper into archival work with a hands-on approach.
In addition to working with the Preservation department, I have been lucky enough to work with the Archival Collections Management (ACM) and Special Collections departments, allowing me to see the different perspectives of handling a large and often complicated collection. This blog post will demonstrate the different ways in which these departments added to my learning experience and show some of the special facets of working with this collection in particular.
Before I began surveying this collection, I had to create an infrastructure that would allow me to compile the data I would be collecting. I used the software AirTable to build this database. First, I had to move the data that had already been collected into my table. This came from Archives Space (AS), an archives information management software used by NYU Libraries. This had much of the preliminary data I would need to fact-check against in the survey, such as poster locations. After I had brought the AS data into the table, I created fields that would duplicate the AS fields but with the descriptor (survey) to show any differences. Additionally, I made new fields for things we might want to consider, such as condition and size. 
“I tu? Que fas per la victoria?”
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ALBA-ES 46, copy 4 “i tu?” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
The first set of posters that I want to discuss is ALBA-ES 45 and 46, also known as the two sides of “I tu? Que fas per la victoria?” a Catalan poster depicting a bloody soldier advocating for his audience to participate in the war, to support the cause. This collection has many copies, encapsulated (meaning this poster is inside a protective mylar sleeve) and unencapsulated, of this poster. The copies pictured below interest me because they were particularly delicate. You can tell from the photos that they were split into pieces, making flipping the posters to inspect the back difficult. These will need a lot of conservation work, although they may not be an immediate priority since so many copies are in fine condition.
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ALBA-ES 45, copy 4 “i tu?” (Photos by: M. Lindenburg)
“Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes”
The poster “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes,” belongs to a series of posters collected at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia as part of a circulating exhibit.
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ALBA-ES 116, recto, “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
These interest me because of how they were mounted for the exhibition. Rather than encapsulating the posters or leaving them untouched, this exhibitor chose to attach muslin across the back and use cardboard and grommets to hang them.
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ALBA-ES 116, verso, “Allisteu-vos a les milicies antifeixistes” (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Annual Xmas Eve Ball
Poster ALBA-US-15, uses a mounting technique commonly used with posters associated with the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB).
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ALBA-US-15 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
It is mounted on a paperboard, which makes it somewhat heavy and unwieldy when grouped in folders. Take note of the headline of Zero Mostel, which shows the support the VALB received, even from celebrities.
Archie Brown is a signature I’ve encountered a lot in this collection.
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ALBA-ES-8 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Brown was born in 1911 in Sioux City, Iowa. He was brought into the world of labor activism at an early age. 1934, he was arrested at a Young Communist League (YCL) event in San Pedro. But he continued with his activism despite this. In 1937, Brown got tuned into the struggles in Spain, particularly after his brother was recruited to the International Brigade. In San Francisco, Brown was denied a passport because of his radical reputation. So, he went to New York City and stowed away on a ship to France, where he would travel to Spain. He joined the forces of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and, even after the war, continued to fight as a soldier and an activist.
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Archie Brown, 1982 (Photo by: R. Bermack). Image Source.
Harry Hakam is an interesting character, partially because of his frequent correspondence with other members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
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ALBA-ES-77 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
Hakam was born in Brooklyn in 1913. In February 1937, he sailed to France, arriving in Spain in March of the same year. He served primarily as a battalion runner, returning to the US in 1938. However, it’s his correspondence that makes him shine. His collection marker (Hakam) is found on many posters that share others’ names, meaning he likely sent these posters back and forth between fellow members.
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Harry Hakam. Image Source.
We don’t have as much information on Al Erdberg, but we do know from the Harry Hakam Papers (ALBA.046) and the fact that Erdberg shows up in the Hakam posters that they had correspondence. Erdberg was likely part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade or a state-side supporter. This would be an interesting figure to research further.
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ALBA-ES-30 (Photo by: M. Lindenburg)
A big problem I encountered when surveying these posters was with the housing rather than the posters themselves. Often, I encountered groups of ten or more posters in a folder, making the folder heavy and difficult to move. Further, if these posters are in mylar encapsulation, they become even heavier. To remedy this, the posters need to be rehoused into sturdier folders. I began some of this work with Laura McCann this semester, and the rehousing of the posters will continue through the summer. 
Some of the posters I found had velcro stickers left on the mylar encapsulation. These are likely from previous exhibition techniques, where the posters were attached to a wall using velcro. However, this technique is now deemed problematic, so Lindsey Tyne and I used a process to remove these stickers. We used a hot iron to heat small metal spatulas, which we then used to melt the adhesive of the sticker and lift the velcro off. This is a delicate process, but we got into a rhythm and moved fairly quickly.
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Mia removing velcro (Photo by: L. Tyne)
This collection has taught me many things. I have learned to be patient, think carefully, and always be on the lookout for new observations, among many other smaller skills. If I were asked to advise someone starting a similar project, I encourage them to take note of their natural rhythm so that they can figure out which order of surveying works best for them to maximize efficiency. I would also tell them not to be afraid of asking questions, even if it’s clarifying something they think you already know. This has been an incredible experience, and I feel so lucky to have been a part of this collection. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!
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theiibms · 25 days
How to improve your learning outside of work
On a journey of continuous learning outside of work is an invaluable investment in personal and professional growth. Whether you're pursuing an MBA dual specialization or simply expanding your knowledge base, adopting effective strategies can amplify your learning experience. Here are seven actionable tips to help you maximize your learning potential outside of the office:
Start Small: Begin your learning journey by setting achievable goals and taking small, consistent steps towards them. Whether it's dedicating 15 minutes a day to reading a book or completing an online course module, starting small allows you to build momentum and gradually expand your learning habits. Remember, even the smallest efforts can lead to significant progress over time.
Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself fully in the subject matter you're passionate about. Whether it's through books, podcasts, documentaries, or immersive experiences, surrounding yourself with relevant content can deepen your understanding and retention. For MBA dual program students, immersing yourself in both specializations allows for a comprehensive grasp of the subjects and fosters interdisciplinary thinking, a valuable skill in today's complex business landscape.
Focus on Having Fun: Learning should be enjoyable and engaging. Seek out learning activities that align with your interests and passions, as this can fuel your motivation and sustain your enthusiasm. Whether it's attending workshops, joining study groups, or participating in hands-on projects, find ways to make learning enjoyable and rewarding. For MBA dual degree programs, incorporating fun learning activities can enhance the overall learning experience and foster a sense of camaraderie among classmates.
Utilize Technology: Leverage technology to enhance your learning experience. Explore online learning platforms, educational apps, and digital resources tailored to your interests and goals. Whether it's taking advantage of interactive tutorials, virtual lectures, or collaborative tools, technology offers endless opportunities to access high-quality educational content and connect with like-minded learners worldwide.
Practice Active Learning: Engage actively with the material you're learning by applying it to real-life situations. Whether it's through case studies, simulations, or hands-on projects, actively practicing what you've learned reinforces your understanding and helps you retain information more effectively. For MBA dual specialization students, actively applying concepts from both specializations in real-world scenarios can deepen your expertise and prepare you for diverse career opportunities.
Seek Feedback and Collaboration: Embrace feedback as a valuable tool for growth and improvement. Seek out mentors, peers, or online communities where you can share your learning journey, exchange ideas, and receive constructive feedback. Collaboration with others not only expands your perspectives but also fosters a supportive learning environment where you can learn from each other's experiences and insights.
Reflect and Iterate: Take time to reflect on your learning progress regularly. Evaluate what's working well and what areas you can improve upon, then adjust your approach accordingly. Set aside dedicated time for reflection and self-assessment, allowing you to track your growth, identify areas for development, and set new learning goals. By embracing a cycle of continuous reflection and iteration, you can optimize your learning journey and unlock your full potential.
In conclusion, enhancing your learning outside of work requires intentional effort, commitment, and a willingness to explore new avenues of growth. Whether you're pursuing an MBA dual program or simply expanding your knowledge horizons, incorporating these strategies into your learning routine can elevate your learning experience and propel you towards success in both your personal and professional
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dxmurei · 8 days
Dr. Shai Sarhan
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Name: Shai Sarhan
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Egyptian American
Age: 28
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Job: Head of Research
• Light brown skin scattered with freckles and a few moles.
• Wavy dark brown hair. Often pulled up into a small ponytail, revealing an undercut.
• Grey-blue irises. The whites of his eyes are usually a bit red and sometimes completely bloodshot due to his insomnia and unreasonable hours spent staring at computer screens
• His nose is aquiline and covered in freckles.
• Small amounts of scruff can usually be found on his jawline, chin, and upper lip. He neglects to shave regularly.
• His eyes are deep-set and permanent dark-circles and lines show his lack of sleep and weariness.
• Obvious top-surgery scars are on his chest.
• His right pinky and ring finger have scars from radiation burns.
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Shai’s Past
Shai grew up in Tuscon, Arizona with his Egyptian mother and American father.
In middle school, his mother left him and his father with seemingly no reason.
His father changed for the worse after his mother left and often took his emotions out on Shai.
Shai came out as trans in high school and his father was not supportive.
Young adulthood
Shai was accepted into a good college with an academic scholarship and left the house as soon as he could.
He studied astrophysics and astrobiology.
His undergrad years were some of the best of his life. He had friends, a stable job, and loved his majors.
He graduated with his bachelors in both astrophysics and astrobiology and went on to a graduate program almost immediately with another academic scholarship.
Shai did well his first several years, but suddenly became ‘obsessed’ with the ‘supernatural’.
He scrapped his supported thesis and began researching ‘anomalous’ activity in the red drawf star system Gliese 667 C.
Staff and his advisors attempted to steer him back to his previous research, but Shai refused.
It’s reported he experienced a ‘mental decline’ and eventually lost his scholarships.
No longer able to afford grad school, Shai had to drop out.
Not long after he dropped out, an organization named SARO took interest in him.
SARO, the Supernatural and Alien Research Organization, got into contact with Shai and offered a dual-pathway program. Basically: the ability to work with them and gain scholarly credit to put towards his doctoral degree with their partner university.
Without asking questions, Shai took said offer and signed the contracts.
For two years Shai worked with the horribly underfunded research organization to study the possibility of life outside of Earth.
After those two years, Shai was able to “officially” earn his doctorate in “xenobiology.”
• At the age of 27, in the year 2035, Shai experienced the beginning of the end.
• Portals opened up in the skies, and Earth became living hell. It was apocalyptic.
• In the chaos and destruction of the “First Contact”, only Shai and a handful of his coworkers made it out of the collapsing research facility and up onto high grounds away from the destruction on the streets of the city they were stationed in.
• Miraculously, they were found by UNE (United Nations of Earth) aid and were rescued.
• The UNE quickly recognized the importance of Shai and his coworkers’ research and knowledge and promised them a place at the UNE headquarters.
• One thing leads to another, time passes, and Shai is now the head of the SARO research division at UNE.
Shai’s Job
• At the start of his new job at the UNE, Shai spent most of his time in SARO’s newly designated lab. It was much better funded than the old one and he genuinely enjoyed working in it.
• As time went on, his presence was requested more and more often in the field to do research.
• He doesn’t particularly enjoy going out and doing so, but the threat of death or harm does not bother him as much as it does others. It’s the apocalypse. He doesn’t really have anything to live for.
• Currently, he and the team he’s on are regularly going out with the intentions to find and close numerous rifts that have opened up around the world.
Other Info
• Shai’s mother cut off all contact once she left. He had no idea where she went or how to see her again.
◦ He hoped that if he discovered something big- something news worthy- wherever she was she would see it.
• He picked up his alcoholic tendencies from his father and he hates himself for it.
• His ears are pierced.
• His self-esteem has gotten so low, he finds most of his value in the work he does.
◦ This majorly contributes to his workaholic-ness.
• Shai and almost everyone on his team has come into contact with hazardous alien material that has “corrupted” or caused physical anomalies to them.
◦ A material Shai himself has named “machina” has caused “corruption” in him- giving him a sort of 6th sense to be able to detect and see opening portals and rifts.
• Due to the corruption he’s underwent, he often times gets headaches and migraines.
• Said corruption also subjects him to nightmares. The little sleep he does get is now seeming more stressful than it’s worth.
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milkywayhou · 1 month
🌸 Tell me about your OC(s) - with pictures if you want !Pick some facts you want to share about them & let us gush about them together! Then send to other creators to do the same ✨
FINALLY!!!! I REALLY LOVE WHEN SOMEONE ASKED ME TO TALKING ABOUT SNOW. (Or just asked me to throw random fact about her-)
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Alright, there's a few fact of her. (I probably will change it later)
She once used to be a part of 35 series (Military Intelligence Corps) MOS, more specifically in 35Q when it's still operated before discontinued in 2020. Also she was part of USCYBERCOM.
Snow graduated high school in 2012 as valedictorian and earned an Associate's Degree in Computer Science from community college in 2014. (She participate in dual enrollment programs and take acceleration class in high school)
She enlisted in Army in the same year at age 18, because she doesn't have anywhere to go (Her relative told her to: "Go and live your best life. You're legally an adult now") Poor girl get medically discharged in 2018 after onset of DID and PTSD diagnosis following traumatic events (or at least her files says so) But strange enough at the end of 2019 Snow signed 2 years contract with Shadow Company, refused to extend her contract when the times up. Instead she works as contractor for KorTac once her contract with Shadow Company ended.
Phantom 3-3 was her name when she still works for Phillip Graves. Though she somehow received her callsign as "Snow" from her fellow KorTac contractor because her high tolerance of cold weather and her obvious white hair.
She used to be a mega weird weeb back in high school, that's why she doesn't have many friends. She still a weeb but less weird now.
Strange enough, Kate Laswell have full files of Snow's classified information somewhere on her database.
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