#duckie dale imagines
Starting a family with Duckie Dale would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Cross my heart, I don’t have baby fever right now lol.)
- Duckies always been torn over the prospect of having children. He knows he’ll love them and think that they’re great; and the fact that he’d be having them with you would make things even better, but he’d also be aware of his daunting lack of experience. His parents were never around to give him good childhood memories or any hints at how to be a good parent so he finds himself worrying over having the same relationship with his own children; regardless of how unreasonable he knows his insecurities are.
- So when you break the news to him that you’re pregnant, his initial reaction is warm and excited; the sort of ecstatic shock that comes from being taken aback yet far from disappointed. Alas, the longer he’d think about it, the more insecure and nervous he’d become. 
- The two of you hadn’t really talked about having children prior to you conceiving your first and possibly final child; at least not in a serious way, so your baby is more or less a half expected yet pleasantly surprising “oopsie baby”. After all, you weren’t naive: you both knew that you weren’t being perfectly careful all of the time and that sooner or later, it would come back to haunt your perfectly healthy pelvic floor.
- Duckie rarely voices his concerns about whether or not he’ll be a good father but it’s not hard to tell when he’s feeling scared. He’ll nervously joke about his insecurities and you’ll know right away that they come from a place of genuine fear: resulting in you insisting that you’ll figure things out together and that you’re sure he’ll be a wonderful father.
- The two of you are living in a decent place already; one that can withstand a baby well enough, but he still worries about every little thing. He utters out question after question the minute they come to his mind: should we do this, do we need that, what do you think about this, etc. You’ll think he’s done by the time you’re getting ready to fall asleep but lo and behold: “you don’t think we have to move, do you?”.
- He baby proofed the entire house one day without your help or knowledge because he had a bad dream or an intrusive thought and you just came home from the store or woke up in the morning and found him in a frenzy, excited to show you his new modifications. You’re happy that he cares so much about your future child’s well-being but you’re concerned that his heart won’t be able to take all the stress he’s putting himself under.
- The two of you were absolutely clueless while trying to assemble your babies crib together. Like two monkeys screwing in a lightbulb: genuinely embarrassing.
- Everything is sort of not real for him until your bump starts to show and then he’s like “wow okay so there really is a bun in that oven”. But even before then, he’ll be in the middle of absentmindedly watching you do something before realizing “no wait, she’s pregnant” and jumping to do it for you; as though it’s anything other than a minor inconvenience that has a 3% chance of posing any risk towards you in the slightest.
- When you need something done, half of the time you don’t even have to ask him: he’ll just step in and do it without a second thought; all with a fond smile on his face and a chuckle leaving his mouth. You’ll whine at him not to laugh and he’ll just smile wider, insisting that “he’s not, he’s not~”.
- He almost fainted when you went into labor and was holding on by a thread the entire time you were pushing. He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and hated all of the pain; even if it wasn’t all that bad for you. He was holed up in a corner, chewing on his fingers whenever you didn’t want to hold his hand; trembling so bad from the anxiety that he could barely stand. If you weren’t so busy with pushing an entire child out of you, you probably would have been trying to comfort him.
- He definitely asked “what if I drop them” when you first went to hand them to him and you just laughed and told him that he wouldn’t. And he didn’t, he cradled them in his arms and sat there with an unreadable expression on his face: a mix of love and worry and everything else all at once.
- He really doesn’t have a preference when it comes to the gender of your child; he’s happy either way and just wants them to be healthy, but he does seem like the type of man to wind up with a daughter so take from that what you will.
- Coming up with different wacky; and probably matching outfits, for the baby to wear is one of his favorite hobbies and you’ll look forward to coming out every morning and seeing them on the couch together: patterns, colors, and textures a plenty.
- You’re genuinely such an eccentric and adorable looking family: always expressing yourselves freely and looking amazing regardless of how objectively strange all of your fashion choices might be.
- They’re constantly in his line of sight, regardless of where the three of you are. He acts as though you’re living in a place with wild animals and not just some borderline shitty suburb with little to no foot traffic. Duckie, she’s on the slide, not the highway.
- He definitely gives them all of his attention: constantly throwing praise and compliments their way and always being ready to play with them no matter how tired he is because he wants them to know that he loves them more than anything else in the entire world; wants them to never feel the way he did growing up.
- He’ll get home from a nine hour shift of hard labor and you’ll try to Shepard your child away; trying to give him at least a minute to himself so he can sit and relax, but he’ll push himself up and insist he can play, kissing you as he passes and leaving you wonder how you got so lucky.
- He genuinely cant get mad at or frustrated with them: even when they’re waking the two of you up at three a.m. and forcing him to stumble blearily into the nursery for literally no reason at all.
- Speaking of wake up calls: he almost always wakes up whenever they start to cry and will either go and take care of them himself; pressing a kiss to your sleeping forehead as he leaves the room, or he’ll get up with you and come to the nursery; as if changing a morning diaper is a two person job.
- The two of you indulge the baby so you can indulge yourselves. Your child might not need another dinosaur toy or silly craft but you do; and you’ll spend their nap time having the times of your lives and acting like two children yourselves.
- Water gun fights when daddy gets home.
- That being said: I can see Duckie being a stay at home father, so if you’re more of a career woman then fear not: he has absolutely zero shame and would love being able to take care of the two of you like the good little house husband he is.
- You’re probably aware of this before the two of your have your baby but Duckie is absolutely great with kids and plays ridiculously well. You never understand how he instantly knows what they want from him or how he comes up with game after game to keep them occupied but boy you’re glad that he can.
- He makes them laugh so loud. Little baby cackles are the best in the world and both of you can agree on that.
- He’s lowkey as invested in their shows and toys as they are. You’ll oftentimes catch the two of them sat on the couch absolutely engrossed in an animated dog cartoon like it contains government level mind control.
- You always have support with everything: his future plans were to make sure you were taken care of and by god, he’s gonna take care of you.
- That being said: he’s kind of a sucker for your child and will definitely struggle to play the “bad cop” every now and again. You let it slide though because you can tell he’s trying his hardest and you know that your baby inherited your ability to puppy dog eye him.
- He will quite literally do anything he can to make them happy; regardless of how embarrassing. They want him to wear a tutu or let them do his makeup? Alright, he guesses he’ll let them do it “just this once”. They want a unicorn birthday party? Guess who’s in the suit. Like I said before: anything.
- Every time they go outside, they excitedly pick a flower for you and present it to you like a queen; usually with him hanging back in the doorway as he insists they did it all by themselves.
- You may or may not have cried watching him teach them how to ride a bike, and that’s all I will say about that.
- He always saves everything they make him: pictures, cards, crafts; you name it. He’s got a box under your bed full of useless yet adorable things that most parents would probably throw out instead of saving for years at a time.
- You’re an extremely cuddly family: constantly giving each other hugs and snuggling, ruffling hair, poking, kissing, etc. There’s an over abundance of love pouring out of each of you at any given moment and anyone who comes across the three of you will probably be at least a little envious of how close you are.
- He’d technically be fine with just having one child but he’d definitely get a little upset and miss having a baby once said child grows up into a toddler. He’s always excited by each new thing they learn to do but he always has a moment of sadness when he remembers how adorable they were when they were just a tiny nugget and sat in his arms like an angel for hours on end.
- He’s a dork but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You doubt you could have chosen a better partner and you’re glad that your child gets to have him for a father; even if he’s sometimes a little embarrassing to be around.
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heykickr0cks · 8 months
𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞
(I’ll add more as things come to me)
cigarette smoke
the color blue (your eyes)
the color orange (your favorite color)
thrift daddy
hobby enthusiast
the word "fast"
birria tacos
marshalls being a shitty place to work
Evan Williams
whiskey drinkin’
short sleeve button downs over graphic tees
88, Dale Jarrett
4 (29), Kevin Harvick
zero sugar diet Dr. Pepper
"living by the bit"
"dying by the bit"
committing to the bit
running late but always showing up
“3 for Dale”
sleepless nights
unwavering devotion to people
pork chops on the grill
illegal moonshine
youtube star
being loud with love
being expressive with words
being consistent with actions
fire pit on cold nights
"Beautiful Mess"
"I Am Hell"
love dumping
parallel play 
going left when nothing goes right
side hustling
country ham
infinity stones
Lorna Shore
hand-me-down vapes
checkerboard print
burtdays/ “another lap around the sun”
unwatched Netflix shows
3D modelin’
his and hers matching underwear
cosmic brownies
Bo Burnham "Five Years"
"damned if I do, damned if I don't"
"nothing worth havin comes easy"
mouth bones
organizing shirts in the closet
laundry hacks (inside-outing clothes before instead of after)
Chick-fil-A sauce on chicken sandwich
late-night deep talks
cheesecake ratings
"rollie boys"
Sonic loaded dog and loaded tots
dirty vibrators
Plan B
boiling water to make coffee
"put those grippers away!"
Waffle House sauce
drinking coffee while driving, but from a mug
"little penis monster"
paint jobs
porch sittin'
tie-dye DIY
teenage double dates
sleeping in
resume rough drafts
cat meme (*blocked*)
your grandmother's clothes
"There ain't no way that baby is 29!"
packed salad lunches
kitchen sink soup
NASCAR rubber duckies
Bearglove Old Spice scent
backward hats
"Be good or be good at it"
puzzle pieces
Mongolian mysterious secret sauce
shot glass organizing
oreo cookies
drum sets
storage units
eating at the dinner table
imaginative creativity
sweet tea
receptiveness to criticism
sticker trendsetter
certified thrift whore
willingness to change for the better
willingness to accept responsibility/accountability
willingness to admit when wrong
"Yes, dear?"
hates people
washer and dryers
big words
dry, sarcastic humor
dirty chai teas
being observant
deep thinking (who/what/when/where/how)
Bojangles chicken 
oyster-shucking gatherings
adjustable room lighting
Mother’s Day Star Wars card “I love you. I know.”
Valentine's Day fun dip
homemade love coupons
role strain
country accents
picture posing
the hum of an air conditioning unit
Roku screensaver 
being a “good sport"
quick to anger
quick to walk away
boiled peanuts
special occasion bottles of Knob Creek
house slippers
pajama pants
enamel pins
sushi picnics
Overcooked Kevin levels
employee discounts
Best Buy / Geek Squad
drinking alcoholic Monster
photo booth photo strips
mini Polaroids
“13 reasons why I love you”
flat tires and dead batteries
Caesar dressing, but not Caesar salad
garlic parm flavored wings 
going on tangents and ‘circling back’
Mini Brands
rollie boy station pictures
chicken quesadillas from Taco Bell
… to be continued
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dazzlinghazy-lover · 5 years
Duckie Dale x reader
You and Duckie had had an argument earlier that week, and you were miserable.  Your heart hurt at the thought of the things you had said to each other.
"You know Duckie, if you really want to know what's wrong with me, then i'll tell you." you said turning to look at him, frustration and hurt evident on your face.  "Yes, would you please inform me, about why you're being so pissy." Duckie said looking at you with a stance of impatience.  "Fine. All you do is talk about Andie. You talk about how worried you are for her, how much you miss her, how much you wish you could see her, and just have her in the same room!" you yell, your hands moving around with such vigor you thought you might hurt yourself. he scoffed at you shaking his head and turning away from you in mock disbelief. "You're being serious? Well it's not my fault that I want to be around her, and honestly lately i'd rather be with her than you. You wanna know why (Y/n), huh?! Because- because I loved Andie first, and sometimes I just can't stand to be around you!" he shouted at you, taking his hat off and running his hands through his hair sighing in frustration. 
At his words you could hear your heart shatter, your hands instinctively came up to cover your heart. your fists clenched as if trying to hold your heart together. Your eyes filled with tears that immediately flowed down your cheeks, not bothering to hold in your sobs. "If you can't stand to be around me, and you obviously love Andie, then i guess i was just bullshit to you then?!" you choke out between sobs.  
Duckie looked at you, and had realized what he had said. His eyes were wide, and filled to the brim with regret. His eyes teared up as he listened to you sob and yell at him, he had never thought that he would ever be the cause for your heart to break. He had to say something but he just didn't know how to take back what he had said, so he just kept going. "Yeah, well I love you too, but I don't know how you think i'm supposed to forget her (Y/n). I just can't, she's my friend too, and I can't just give up on that. " He said trying to remain calm, and start shouting again. The look on your face was one of pure confusion and distress. you just wanted to know the answer to one question. "You didn't answer me Duckie. Was I just bullshit to you? Was everything half-assed?" you ask your voice breaking. "(Y/n), I-I just told you that I lov-" you cut him off with a stronger voice this time, your voice had gotten so calm it was almost scary. "Was I bullshit Phil?" His eyes grew wide at the use of his real name, he's never heard you say it until now. His eyes shut harshly. "No. You were not and are not bullshit (y/n). I'm sorry okay.. please just let's forget this all ok. I love you, I really love you." He said taking a step toward you, reaching out to try and pull you into his arms. As soon as you felt his hand touch your arm you pulled away, taking a step back. You couldn't believe you were pulling away from the touch you so desperately loved and longed for. The touch that made you feel safe. 
Taking a shaky breath you looked at him, his face had such a hurt look, and your heart broke at the sight but you just couldn't see him right now. Not after the things you had said to each other only seconds ago. "I think you should go Duckie.. I need to be alone right now.. please." you said your voice still calm, but starting to once again waver. Duckie's heart hurt and his hands fell to his sides and he nodded quietly walking to the door and walking away. 
The moment the door closed, you screamed and threw the thing closest to you which just so happened to be a picture of you and Duckie on your birthday. His arms were wrapped around you from behind and your hands were placed over his, your head leaning back against his shoulder, while he kissed your cheek, and a wide smile was spread across your face.  You began to cry again and eventually ended up crying yourself to sleep. 
When Duckie closed the door he had heard your scream, and the sound of you throwing something to the floor. He cringed and, let a few tears slipped down his face as he left your house as quickly as possible. 
present time
Duckie had asked you to prom before all of this happened, and you were so excited to go. You had gotten a dress and everything. Deciding not to put everything to waste you had gotten ready and headed to the prom by  yourself. Your dress was beautiful, a soft lavender color that fell perfectly around you. Your hair was curled perfectly, and your makeup was simple and soft. Just the way you had planned to do for when you went with Duckie. 
Walking down the hallway you began to get nervous and began to debate leaving. When suddenly you looked up the stairs and saw the one person you never thought you would see there.  Duckie Dale. You gave a very nervous smile as you saw him, he looked so handsome. He smiled back at you, and took off his sunglasses. You both stood there a while nervous and not sure what to do, but seeing him standing there made something in you snap and begin to smile. Seeing this his lips turned up into a huge smile, and he began to walk down the stairs towards you. 
As he did this you began to break into a slight jog, and he did too. Meeting each other halfway he picked you up and spun you around. He set you down and looked at you. "I've always loved you more than life itself (y/n), and i never wanna be apart that long ever again." he said taking your face in his hands, that touch you missed so much. you sighed and leaned into his touch. "I love you too Duckie, more than anyone could ever love another person. Please don't ever leave me again. I'm so sorry i was so selfish. I know she means so much to you. Do you forgive me?" He nodded his head "Of course I do, I'll try not to mention those things too much anymore I'm sorry too." he said and you leaned in to kiss him,your hands wrapping around his waist tugging him closer. He pulled away and smiled at you. "You look beautiful tonight. Absolutely stunning." he says and you blush, trying to look away but he stops you. Pulling you into another kiss. "I'll never leave you, I can't stand to be away from you. I love you." he punctuated each word with a kiss, that made your heart flutter. 
And guess what? You never left each other again. 
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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warnings: talk of death, unrequited love
AN: im back in my 80s John Hughes phase so here’s Duckie!
Andie rolled her eyes as Duckie slid into the seat next to me. I smiled at him as he put his arm around my shoulders. my head fell to his shoulder automatically and his head tilted down towards mine.
“What’s the occasion?” he asked, motioning towards the double large milkshake sitting in front of me and the fries Andie kept stealing.
“Argument.” I muttered out as I leaned into him more. Duckie nodded. We spent a couple hours at the diner before heading out separate ways. Duckie had walked so I offered him a ride home.
“So what was the argument about?” Duckie looked at me as I drummed against the steering wheel. I shrugged.
“Same old same old.” I huffed. Duckie nodded. It was silent for a bit.
“Are we going to your bed? Or mine?” I rolled my eyes and looked over at him. ”Ours?”
“Duck.” I warned. He sighed and nodded.
“I know.” he muttered. ”You don’t feel that way about me. I went through this with Andie. I get it. But God, I would have died for you.” I sighed.
“Duck, listen to me. I love you. I really do.” he perked up at this. ”But you’re like my brother. The one person in the world who is always going to be there for me when I need them to be. The one person who will always be in my corner. I don’t have that with anyone else. Not even Andie. So I’m sorry Duckie. I don’t like you that way and I probably won’t. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you in my own way. Or that it couldn’t happen.”
“I get it.” Duckie finally said. ”That’s probably the same with me but I can’t see it right now.” I looked over at him and smiled sadly. “But if it changes I’ll be the first you tell righr?” I laughed.
“Of course Duck.” I lulled up in front of his house. “There wouldn’t be anyone else I would tell anyway. You’re the only one who would deserve to know anyway.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek.
“If you need a place to stay, just come over.” I smiled and nodded as he got out of the car.
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apovanity87 · 4 years
Movie Masterlist
Welcome to my blog! Here I have my masterlist of already written works I have :). I hope you enjoy all of my works and have a nice time reading them!!
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Dating David Includes...
Meeting David
Dating Dwayne Includes...
Meeting Dwayne
Cuddling Dwayne Headcanon
Dating Paul Includes...
Meeting Paul
My Bad..(Paul x Reader)
Dating Marko Includes...
Meeting Marko
There’s No Way(Marko x Fem!Reader)
Ouch, That Hurt!(Marko x Reader)
Poly Lost Boys
Poly!Lost Boys with Sensitive S/O
Poly!Lost Boys surprising their S/O for 21st Birthday
Poly!Lost Boys reveal their Secret
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John Bender
Sorry Babe!(Bender x Female Reader)
Claire Standish
Allison Reynolds
Andrew Clark
Brian Johnson
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Duckie Dale
Dating and Meeting Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Andie Walsh
Steff McKee
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gabywantsafriend · 4 years
80s boyz <3
i rarely see any imagines/headcanons for my fav 80s boys: cameron frye (ferris bueller’s day off), ferris bueller (ferris bueller’s day off), duckie dale (pretty in pink), blane mcdonough (pretty in pink), brian johnson (the breakfast club)
with that being said, should i write for them and stuff? if y’all think i should, don’t hesitate to leave some requests or something :) 
that’s it !! have a great day :)
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ahsgotham · 5 years
I Love You, Baby! - Duckie Dale
this fan fiction includes some of the song “I Love You, Baby!” by Frank Sinatra!
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You sighed, putting something on your dresser and then plopping down on your bed.  Another day, another terribly sad date with another terribly sad guy at your terribly sad high school.  Why do you even try?  You glanced over at your clock and saw that it was 11pm.
You quite literally rolled off of your bed and went over to your dresser, pulling out some pajamas.  You removed your shirt, throwing it onto the floor.  You went to remove your pants, until you heard something that sounded like a wolf whistle.
You glanced around your room, your eyes landing on your window, where Duckie, your best friend, was resting his head and arms.
“Duckie!” You exclaimed, covering up your chest.  He smirked, making a “tick” noise.  
“Open the window for me, won’t ya?” He asked, tapping on the half closed window.  You went over and opened it, and you backed up as he stumbled in.
“Jesus Romeo, how’d you get up here anyway?” You asked as he went and sat criss-crossed on your bed.
“Climbed.  It’s not that hard, y’know, if you have experience.” He winked playfully, and you laughed.
“Mind looking away while I finish getting changed?” You questioned, cocking an eyebrow as if he should’ve known he was supposed to look away.  He sighed sprawled out over the bed, planting his face in your pillow.
You finished changing into your pajamas, “Ok, you can look.” 
He flipped around, wiping a hand over his face.  You crawled onto the bed, sitting next to him.  
“Why are you even here, anyway?” You asked, and he shrugged.
“I don’t know.” He rested his head in one of his hands, “Boredom?  Hormones?” 
“Oh shut it, you.” You snickered and hit him with a pillow.  He smiled, looking over at your dresser. 
“Ooo, what’s this?” He said with intrigue, hopping off the bed and prancing over to your dresser.  He picked up a terribly made corsage that you had dropped on it earlier and admired it.
“Well who gave you this?” He asked, squinting at it like he could barely see it. 
“Jackson Conroy.  He asked me on a date a few days ago, so I agreed.” You began, “He showed up at my house around 8 and didn’t even bother to come to the door.  He honked his horn.”
“Sheesh.” He pretended to gag.
“But that’s not all.  We went to this god awful restaurant, and waited, like, 45 minutes for a table.  Then everything he ordered, appetizers, main course, second helping, it was all covered in garlic.  And at the end he tried to kiss me!  Which was horrible enough, but then the exact millisecond before he connected our lips, his surprise girlfriend showed up and had the biggest fit I’ve ever seen.  And then after she left, he still had the nerve to hand me this mess of a homemade corsage and asked me to go to prom with him!  Of course I said no, so then he left in a rage, made me pay and I had to walk home.” You explained.
“Oh my god.” He gasped/laughed, “Your life is a movie.  It really is a movie.” He chuckled.
“And I’m your handsome co-star.” He struck a dumb pose, and you laughed.  He opened the plastic box your corsage was in and put it on his wrist, admiring it.
“Don’t you look charming.  Might as well put on a dress while your at it.” You jokingly suggested, and he looked in your closet and grabbed a random dress out of it.
“Charming is an understatement, my dear (Y/N).” He complimented himself and climbed back onto the bed with you.  You picked up his wrist and looked at the design of the accessory closer.
“It’s even worse up close.” You said in almost amazement.
“But aren’t I a wonderful model?” He did an extravagant gesture with his hands and face.  You huffed out a small laugh and nodded.  You flopped back on your bed, yawning after the long day.  He flopped down beside you too, resting a hand on your shoulder.
“You know, I’m not like Jackson Conroy.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Exactly.  You don’t have a girlfriend to cheat on.” You joked and booped his nose.  He clutched his chest, pretending he was hurt.
“Oh baby, how you’ve hurt me!” He cried, and you hit his chest, eliciting a ‘oof’ sound from him.
“Honey?” You suddenly heard one of your parents call out.
“Oh, shiiiiii-” You flipped, eyeing Duckie intensely.
“Are you still up?  What’s all that ruckus?” They questioned, and you practically pushed Duckie off your bed and signaled for him to go under your bed, to which he complied.
You quickly grabbed a book off of your nightstand and flipped to a random page to make it look like you had been reading.  Your mom opened the door the second after you stopped freaking.
“Oh, hi hon!” They smiled, and you turned, closed the book and smiled back.
“Heyyyyyy!  I was just... catching up on some reading for class!” You lied, holding up the book.  
“Oh well that’s great!  But what was all the noise?” They asked.
“Oh, the book was just so exciting, I couldn’t contain my excitement.” You made up and excuse, and they raised an eyebrow, but forgot about it.
“Alright, but you should be getting to bed soon, it’s awfully late.” They smiled, and you nodded.
“Goodnight.” You waved, and they closed your door.  Duckie waited a second before coming back out from under your bed.
“You’re an amazing actress, (Y/N).” He stated, resting his head on the edge of your bed.
“Oh, thank you, thank you!” You pretended to sob, doing a very formal wave.
“Ok, but seriously, get out before my parents see or they’re going to kick my ass.” You said, and his head perked up out of concern.
“Not literally- I- it’s a metaphor- I’m not explaining this to you, Dale!  Go!” You pointed to your window, and he scurried to the window.
“Seeya later, hot stuff.” He winked and climbed back out of your window.  As you went to close to the window, you heard a ‘thump’ and a yelp of pain before it shut.
The next day, you had finished school and arrived at your work at a record shop with one of your other friends, Andie.  You didn’t know her too well, but she was a pretty good friend of Duckie’s, so you had hung out a few times.
“I see Duckie flirts with you a lot.” She stated while standing at the counter, flipping through her sketchbook of designs.  
“Andie, Duckie flirts with everyone a lot.” You laughed, sorting some records into their respective categories.  She gave you a glance.
“He flirts with you more than he flirts with everyone else.” She said, looking back down at her sketchbook.
“It’s only because of that one time we played truth or dare and I was dared to kiss him.  I got so flustered and he still to this day won’t stop teasing me about it.  But who wouldn’t get flustered, right?  I mean, it’s Duckie...”
“Oh, so you like him!” She exclaimed as if she just found out the world’s deepest darkest secret.
“No!” You pretty much shouted, “I do NOT like Duckie!”
As if on cue, you heard “Duckie huh?”.  You turned to see Duckie dancing the shop.
“You called, ladies?” He smirked, gliding through the aisle you were in and running his hand across your shoulder.  He kept gliding all the way to the counter in front of Andie and drummed his hands on her sketchbook.
“Could I play a song?” He asked, smiling at her.
“Nope, sorry.” She replied quickly, and Duckie let out a fake whine and took off his glasses, flashing her his best puppy dog eyes.
“Pleaseee, Andie?  Not even for a friend?” He pouted, and she let out a breathy laugh.
“Fine.  How could I resist that precious face?” Andie joked and gave in, reaching one of her hands out and resting it on his chin, shaking his head.  He smiled and put his glasses back on, immediately heading to the other side of the store as if he knew exactly what he was looking for.
“You’re a man on a mission, huh?” You questioned, looking up at him as a pulled an album up, hiding it from both of you.  
“Record player is in the back!” You shouted at him, and he nodded.
“You better not set off the alarm, Duckie!” You demanded, and he smiled before slipping through a door to the back.  After a minute, a song started playing over the stores speakers.
“You’re just too good to be true.” Frank Sinatra’s ‘I Love You, Baby!’ started as Duckie danced out of the back.
“I can’t take my eyes off you.” He lip synced the next lyrics, pulling his glasses down his nose and looking at you through the top of them.  He lip synced the other lyrics, prancing around the shop and pointing at you.  You had the stupidest smile plastered on your face, and were probably blushing, like, a lot.
“I Love You, Baby!” The song said as Duckie continued to lip sync it, jumping at pointing at you as he crossed the aisle.
“And if it’s quite alright, I need you baby, to warm the lonely nights!” He twirled around the shop.
“Oh my god...” Andie whispered in amusement.  He continued to dance around the lip sync to you for the entirety of the song, and as he finished it off with “Let me love you!”, he stood in front of you, smiling and gasping for air.
“So?” He cocked and eyebrow, visibly very pleased with himself
“Will you let me love you?” He asked, stepping closer.
“Duckie, I-...” You stuttered and you could see a desperate look in his eyes.
“Of course!  Yes!” You squealed, pulling him into a hug.  He laughed out of excitement, and Andie smiled while watching the two of you.
As you parted from the hug, you grabbed the collar of his blazer and pulled him into a kiss.  He was shocked, and his eyes stayed plastered open for a moment, but then he melted into the kiss, and you leaned back into the records.
“Alright lovebirds, as much as I love seeing you finally confess your love if you mess up the shop our boss is gonna freak.” Andie interrupted, and Duckie and you laughed and parted, resting each others foreheads on each others.
He really wasn’t like Jackson Conroy.
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harringtonheart · 3 years
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Hi ! My name is Ace, I’m 21 years old, and I’ve been self shipping since I was a kid. I joined the community in early 2021. All my F/Os are people I dated in my kin canons, and I self ship with them for coping reasons.
Please read my carrd to learn more, and see me lovepost about my F/Os ! You can also click the ‘read more’ to see the tags I use for them.
I hope I get to make lots of friends in this awesome community !
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Some of my tags include:
💗 ; the gangs all here
💭 ; imagine
✨ ; posi
💫 ; funny
💕 ; fic
💖 ; my post
My Romantic F/Os:
The 11th Doctor: 🪐 ; as long as I have you
Howard Moon: 🎺 ; together in electric dreams
Steve Harrington: 🍦 ; waiting there for you
Duckie Dale: 🧃 ; always have a part of me
Obi-Wan Kenobi: 🌙 ; across the universe
Dante Hicks: ☕️ ; sweet lips on my lips
Mike Nesmith: 🎸 ; sunshine of your eyes
Larry Gordon: 🩺 ; don’t you think it’s kinda cute
Jack Walten: 🐰 ; some things you do for love
My Platonic F/Os:
Carol Perkins: 🍿 ; that’s so us
Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, and Peter Tork: 🎶 ; we make beautiful music
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
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plots please? 💕   - ✩ { @casesforchipmunks​​ } ✩
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The Chipmunks teaming up with any of my superhero bois— Gizmoduck, Darkwing, the Duck Avenger, heck even Cloverleaf lol —to solve a case and bring a criminal to justice. Depending on the hero, the dynamic and how smoothly things go would be VERY different. lol
For some reason, I can see Fethry and Dale being really good friends? I’m pretty sure there is actually a meeting thread of their’s buried in my Messy drafts and I gotta scoop it out. But they just seem like they would bounce well off each other, and maybe understand each other because of all the similarities between them. They are both good bois who deserve all the supportive and accepting friends they can get. :3
She’s not a duckie muse, but I’ve been meaning to use her more and she would mesh PERFECTLY with Chip and Dale- I have Olivia from The Great Mouse Detective over on @acollageofcanon​. She is an aspiring detective who canonly starts acting as a freelance one in a comic, so just imagine Chip and Dale working on a case- only to stumble upon this unassuming but pushy young girl who is apparently already ‘hot on the trail’ and refuses to step aside so the professionals can handle it. No matter how dangerous it probably is for a rookie like her.
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locke-writes · 5 years
Headcanons for Duckie Dale telling the reader about his crush on them? I like Pretty in Pink and I love your writing!
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Duckie being incredibly awkward and nervous around you in the days leading up to his confession
Andie trying to convince him that you like him in the same way but Duckie failing to believe this
He’s known you as long as he’s known Andie, if not longer and despite that he’s still worried that you’ll hate him afterwards
Convincing himself of the worst thing that could possibly happen after confessing
Trying to come up with an elaborate plan to tell you
He’s tried to get up the nerve and confess to you on multiple occasions but he’s always been interrupted
Wanting to tell you during a trip to the record store after you make a joke that you can’t help but laugh at before even finishing it
Blushing when he sees you in the hallways because he’s imagining what it would be like if you said yes to going out with him
Hoping that there’s a dance or some event coming up so he can just ask you to that instead of having a full blown confession
Andie and Blaine setting the two of you up to be alone together in the hopes that Duckie will finally confess
Knowing that Duckie has something he wants to say but not wanting to ask him what it is
You don’t want to pressure him into saying anything he isn’t ready to say
Him seeing you talk to other people in school and thinking that you’re more interested in them than in him
Whenever you ask him anything or say anything to him he tends to overthink it
Awkwardly trying to get close to you during classes in the hopes of hinting how he feels
Writing and re-writing multiple speeches because he wants to be prepared
Rehearsing conversations with you when he’s at home, giving himself many options for how it will go
When he does confess he’s nervous and tripping over his words
Being flustered and blushing when you admit to having a crush on him to
Asking you frequently after that if you’re 100% sure that you want to date him
Having to reassure Duckie that you truly do care about him and are with him because you like him
Duckie trying hard not to freak out when you say yes to any planned dates
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Duckie Dale taking you to prom would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous) 
- How Duckie invites you to prom definitely depends on who you are to him because regardless of how extraverted and flirty he can be, he’s still terrible at confessing his feelings to people he genuinely adores. 
- If you don’t really know each other; meaning he’s had a crush on you from afar for a while, he’ll either make some big and extravagant promposal or will try to be a bit more discreet and save himself some embarrassment; should you end up rejecting him.
- The extravagant promposal will be reminiscent of his “tenderness episode”, something that's meant to both impress and make you laugh, disarming you with his goofy charms before you have a chance to immediately shut him down. The incognito promposal will be more like him playing confident and introducing himself, mentioning whatever class you have together before casually asking you to go.
- Once you agree, he’ll seem somewhat shocked before grinning and excitedly saying you “wont regret it”. He’ll probably end up nearly running into a wall he’s trying to go around, prompting him to make some embarrassed joke before awkwardly turning the corner and all but collapsing against the wall as he tries to catch his breath and calm his racing heart. 
- If you do know each other then he’ll probably use that as an excuse to ask you; mainly because he’s too nervous to just outright confess that he really likes you and would like to go as your date date. But regardless, you’d obviously agree. 
- You can’t even imagine how hard he worked to scrounge up enough money for a corsage, suit, and a little something to do before or after prom. 
- He thought long and hard about how to make the night perfect because it was definitely going to be how he was going to “make you fall in love with him” and to him, he only had one shot. So his girlfriends got confided in, magazines were read, movies were watched, notes were taken and he planned and planned and planned. 
- So he’s all anxious; yet so excited, during the whole time he’s waiting for the night to come. And you’re excited too; even if your friends might not approve or you don't know him too well or you just think you're going to prom with your friend.
- Sometimes you’ll catch each other in the hall and you’ll share a smile and he’ll think about it for the rest of the day, feeling so amazed and glad that you agreed; even if it doesn't necessarily mean anything. 
- He calls you the night before to make sure everything's settled, asking you if you're sure about this or that and making sure this time is perfect and if you really want this time because he can totally wait and you just interrupt and fondly assure him that it’s perfect before saying goodnight. 
- If you’re friends, he’ll probably come early and ring the bell, talk with your parents or siblings or sit with you as you get ready; though he’ll probably lowkey act like its your wedding and insist he cant see you until you’re ready to go.
- If you don’t know each other, he probably came early but sat outside and waited in secret, literally counting down the seconds until the exact time you agreed on before going to ring your doorbell. 
- God, the minute he saw you, he was dumbstruck. He was speechless before he managed to gulp and tell you that you looked gorgeous, brushing off just how speechless he was by making a joke about himself. 
- He’s adorably bashful while slipping the corsage onto your wrist, fighting back his nerves as he performs the gentle task. When he’s finished, he looks down into your eyes and smiles before jokingly saying something like “there. It really brings out your eyes.” as he gulps and shyly steps away from you. 
- Even if he doesn’t know your parents, he’s able to easily charm them with his goofy dorkiness. All of you have a fun time taking pictures; with him making all of you laugh with his endearing antics and nervous joking/rambling. 
- When it’s time to go, he promises to have you back by curfew and tells them it was wonderful to meet them as they fondly watch the two of you leave. 
- For the sake of the story, lets just say that Duckie has a license but is just too broke to have a car so he literally begs Iona to let him borrow hers; so just ignore the weird stickers and gadgets that are lying around, they’re his … they’re his moms, totally his moms. 
- So the two of you arrive at prom and share a smile as he opens your car door for you, offering you his elbow once you exit the vehicle. 
- Once you get inside, you talk about how different you thought it would be before he offers to get you a drink or asks if you want to grab a seat somewhere, etc. The two of you probably meet up with Andie and Blane and snag a table with them so you sit and enjoy their company for a while. 
- He cannot stop looking at you the entire night. He’s just completely awestruck by how gorgeous you look and he’s swooning hard; though he tries to play it off. You get a lot of compliments that night. 
- He barely leaves you the entire night and runs around in circles to get you whatever you ask for. You feel like a queen and you’re slowly really starting to fall for the guy. Even your friends can’t deny that it’s; at least, sweet how interested in you he is; though they’ll still teasingly joke that he’s still dorky. 
- He definitely makes you laugh with some of his dance moves; though most of them are pretty impressive. He’s probably slightly panting as the music slows and he shyly asks you if you want to dance as everyone else pairs up around you. 
- The two of you either stay until everyone's clearing out of the place or you leave early because it really just isn’t your scene. Regardless, once you’re making your way back into the hall, he reminds you or tells you that he has a surprise planned. 
- You go to a fast food place and eat some kind of greasy food in your big poofy prom dress and he makes you laugh while you throw french fries at each other and have the time of your life. 
- After you’re finished, he probably takes you to get some ice cream before driving you to the place he’d been anticipating all night. It’s this quiet little area that overlooks town and it’s got the perfect view of the sunset. He sets up a blanket and the two of you sit, talking about whatever comes to mind as he slips his hand in yours before finally confessing his feelings. 
- You share your first kiss that night as well, the two of you slowly leaning in and connecting your lips after he tells you how he feels. 
- And it’s so obvious that he’s in completely in love with you. You can tell by the way he presses his forehead to yours, and the way he looks you in the eyes when you pull away and he calls you beautiful for the hundredth time that night. You just laugh and enjoy the feeling of butterflies in your stomach. 
- You get home that night and collapse on your bed, worn out and tired but giddy and oh so excited. 
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blankdblank · 6 years
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Prompt Request!: Fíli/Mallory/Kíli please! 😊 169. “do it. i dare you.” 299. ‘Just hold on, you’ll be alright.’ 241. “why do i love you?” 117. No way, that’s so lame.
@c-s-stars you asked for it, here it is with your oc, made it modern, and bit heated, hope you like it! :D
Tags –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars
Buttons flew across the room as a clear tug on the button down shirt covering the dark hair coated chest of the Dwarf just inches from you. The sheer heat from his body coated you within seconds while his tongue slid between your lips in a tilt of his head. His arms shrugged free of his shirt that fell carelessly to the floor through the locking of the door across the room. A few fumbling steps later he was on his back watching with an eager nip at his lip through toeing out of his shoes in your giggling tug at the hem of your tank top pulling it free from under your waistband and up over your head with the aid of the warm hands of the blonde now behind you. The bag he was formerly holding was tossed on the bed and his lips planted on yours when he turned you to face him.
In a melted lean against him your kiss deepened while Kili behind you smirked through his releasing your bra strap. Over your bare back his fingers trailed the dip in your back to your hips, following the band his hands searched out and undid the metal button and zipper before tugging the tight denim shorts off of you. A few muffled giggles later you had stepped out of them and tried not to keep giggling while Kili’s hands smoothed over your thighs rising higher as his lips trailed over your back after he’d pulled free from his pants and boxers. Under his lips Fili’s hands stole firm squeezes on your ass and drew your hips closer to his making his arousal more apparent.
A single brush of fingers from the hand easing up your thigh nearly made your legs buckle if not for Fili’s arm around you. The obvious slickness drew a finger to ease under your panties and soon eased inside you testing your eagerness. A test soon finding you turned around with that single layer stripped off you to straddle the brunette smirking up at you in his move to melt his lips to yours again. Within moments muffled moans sounded in your sink around him through another tear freeing the latex soon coating the pulsing erection soon coated with a dab of lube blindly while his lips warmly planted on your back. Nips and gentle suckles across your back left small pink marks nowhere near hard enough to be there when you awoke but were more than enough to relax you and spur up your lust easing his slip inside you.
Loudly between the pair you moaned and rested your head to Kili’s shoulder for a moment through the first joint pacing thrusts they made inside you. Both gripping and holding you steady in the most comfortable position possible before steadily giving in to a much needed quicker pace from you all. In the room moans and barely audible chuckles from fumbling hands and awkward shifting between switches allowing you each a chance at your favorite style echoed around you over the creaking of the bed frame.
... hours later ...
“Do it. I dare you.” The innocent challenge between your drunken trio had spurred this on. A night of challenges leading to where you were now, a single creak later and your head dropped from the thigh it was formerly resting on as Kili’s slumped body slid off the end of the bench onto the floor with a pained groan. Fili, who was currently using your hip as his pillow squinted in the brightly lit cell peering at his younger Brother lying on the floor with his torn shirt spread out around his sides in his squirm flatter on his back.
The urging to add a hat to the statue of Durin in the main park had left the sore Prince in a similar position you remembered while covering your face with a groan into your palms. In your head his rebuttle sounded clearly, “No way, that’s so lame.”
To which you shrugged, “Okay, but you know what happens when you refuse a dare.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, “I didn’t refuse!”
A thump later he was on his back and sirens sounded, for all your imagined agility you all fell into a pile as the boys eyed you being pushed into a cop car on your own making them shout, “Just hold on, you’ll be alright. Uncle will get us!”
Your head rested on the bench as Fili asked, “Alright Ki?”
After another pained grunt he squinted up at Fili replying, “Right as rain, Fi.” His eyes scanned over you in your legs tightening through a groan of your own.
Fili turned his head to look at you asking, “Alright there ducky?”
Another groan made Kili fumble upright to scoot closer to you brushing your crimson hair from your face, “Mal?”
In a soft mumble you eyed the toilet in the room without anything to block you from sight of them, “I have to pee.”
Holding back their snickers Fili nodded gripping the back of his shirt as he sat up to tug it up over his head, holding it over his face you glanced at him then to Kili who shrugged out of his torn shirt he laid over his head allowing you to sit, then stand up and hurry to the toilet. Your pants were eased down and you relieved yourself through their shared hummed rendition of the song they somehow silently agreed to sing at the same time. Fully dressed again you sat between the now silent pair after the guards had arrived moments after your flush to order their silence again.
In a glance between them you stated, “I’m not sure if your Uncle is still going to agree to us getting married after this.”
With a chuckle they both replied, “Certainly doesn’t have a choice now.” They flashed their matching solid emerald wedding bands matching your eyes making you peer down at your hand seeing the solid sapphire bands, one bright blue and the other hazel, matching theirs making your lips part as they kissed your cheeks whispering, “Mallory Durin.”
Blinking through a deep inhale you replied, “I can hear your Mother screaming already.”
Kili chuckled, “She won’t scream at you.”
Their eyes turned forward at the guard arriving with keys while a familiar echo of deep voices sounded making them both gulp and stand as their names were called, “Fili, Kili!”
With a pause however they stopped in the doorway and called out to their Uncles, “What about Mal?!”
A sigh sounded and you were called as well after your paperwork went through as well a few minutes later. Anxiously you joined the duo peering up at their irritated Uncles with deep set in furrowed brows over their scowls lasting all the way to the waiting car outside. Between the pair you were buckled in across from Thorin and Durin, both releasing the buttons on their outer suit jackets peering at the three of you quietly until the car took its first turn. A clear snort came from Dwalin as Thorin stated, “You put a hat on Durin in Dale’s center square.” At once his scowl broke and they were reduced to the mess of laughter they had been forced to hold in while fetching you only making you more uncomfortable at their strange reaction.
Dwalin, “You could do better than that.”
Thorin, “Must have downed a keg to get that low on creativity.” Chuckling again.
Softly you asked, “You’re not mad?”
They both laughed again shaking their heads until Dwalin pointed at Kili, “Dis will be though when she sees how they tore your shirt.”
Rubbing your forehead with your fingers you drew in a breath trying not to blush as Kili shrugged through a growing grin, “Must have been one of the earlier dares.”
Fili nodded, “Maybe when we swapped those Dragon statues for the fish heads.”
Lowering your hand again you caught their eyes falling to the rings on your hands making Thorin chuckle again before his low teasing rumble, “You know Dis will take this as a sign of war on her wedding plans.”
Fili eased his hand around yours, “I thought you might be pleased.”
Kili nodded claiming your other hand with a firm nod, “Yes, what with the outrageous budget Amad keeps increasing with her growing list.”
Thorin smirked again as Dwalin added on, “Oh now you know that’s all in good fun. We do only get one go at this with you being the only Princes.”
Lost in the middle of a giant taffeta mess of a veil you eyed your smirking Husbands peeking through the open doorway, both trying not to laugh at your disappointed glare at your reflection in the tall mirror across from you eyeing the monstrously heavy jeweled headpiece braided into your hair. Under your breath after their assurances you mumbled to the pair through Dis’ bickering with Thorin about the added cost of another addition to your lavish gown, “Remind me again, why do i love you?”
The pair smirked inching closer stirring a smirk onto your face with promises of your sleepless night ahead until they were shoed away by Dis who gave a giddy chuckle holding the handle of the cart of shoes you were to choose from she was pulling behind her that your eyes fell to in inspection of each choice she offered.
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
The woman who styled your favourite ’80s teen movies
Costume designer Marilyn Vance knows a thing or two about creating iconic looks for the movies, having designed Julia Roberts’ red gown in Pretty Woman and collaborating with John Hughes on many of his cherished coming-of-age features. From Ferris Bueller’s leopard-print vest to Bender’s flannel shirt, Vance has a knack for lighting up the screen with just the right fabrics and colours.
Reflecting on 1985’s The Breakfast Club, Vance reveals how Hughes’ storytelling instincts guided her approach to the costumes. “He wanted you to feel his story and to feel what he wrote. When they pull up in their parent’s cars, you see right away who their family is and who they are. Claire comes and her father is driving a BMW, she’s got the diamond earrings and the whole suede and leather look. It’s obvious that the relationship with her father is that she’s it. She’s their little girl and she’ll get whatever she wants.”
Vance explains that she sourced the clothing carefully so that it felt unique to each character. “For Emilio [Estevez], I bought the wrestling outfit and I cut it away so he looked broader. I made his jacket without a waistband, it was just a school jacket because he was a smaller stature. For Allison, I was influenced by Japanese designers like Yohji Yamamoto; Japanese clothing was becoming hugely popular around that time. I couldn’t find anything black that was appropriate for her, so we had to make her a skirt. I used black patterned fabric as she was supposed to be wearing her father’s sweater. It was a process. Everything came together in a natural way.”
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She stuck to the same process for bad boy Bender, played by Judd Nelson. “He was a take on a lot of different bad boys. He made his clothing work because of his attitude and because of where he came from. It was obvious he was underprivileged compared to these other kids. That’s why his coat is a thrift store coat. He created his own persona and that’s why he had the ripped shirt, the denim and the vest under his overcoat. He was the outcast he wanted to be.”
Another of Hughes’ best-loved films is Pretty in Pink, for which music formed an  important part of Vance’s work. “It was a great experience because John was so involved in the music. With the characters and the music, everything fit together so well. For Duckie Dale it was very important. Andie and he were from the other side of the tracks, they couldn’t afford to be shopping at Banana Republic or even the Gap at the time. They didn’t want to look like that. They were individuals and they pushed themselves to be themselves. Their anguish and their feeling of being outsiders, we tried to portray that in their clothing.”
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In Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the title character wears just one outfit throughout the film, but finding his style was far from straightforward. “If you notice, nothing on Ferris matches but you don’t feel that when you look at him. The pants he wears to get Sloane out of school, with the overcoat on top, are the pants he wears throughout the whole film. Little black and a blueish-grey pantsuit and the white t-shirt was important to me. We had to have a simple white t-shirt on him because we couldn’t have anything with writing on. Then I went over to [the department store] Marshall Field’s and looked at the sweaters; I cut the sleeves off one and that was his sweater vest.”
The rest of the outfit was equally challenging to put together. “His shoes were white laces-ups, very conservative but at the same time told their own story. I then designed the jacket to look like a Letterman jacket. I made it in three tones of grey, black and white, and had a regular fitting jacket. I’ve become an expert at that. I wanted to have more character in the clothes because Ferris didn’t belong to any club, he had his close friends and that was it.”
Designing for the character of Ferris’ girlfriend, Sloane, pushed Vance’s imagination further still. “With Mia Sara, I made all of her clothing because I couldn’t find anything that was really unique to a wealthy young girl. So we made her those suede shorts, I got a pair of Gators army shorts, and it gave her a look. I made the white leather jacket and it looked great, but a little too dressy, so we added the fringe all over and aged it down a little.”
A lot of thought went into Ferris’ best friend Cameron’s wardrobe too. “The jersey that he wore was given to us by an actual hockey player called Gordie Howe. John got me his information so I could get one of his shirts to put on the character for the film. I also had the skinny suspenders on him, he was an outsider too. They didn’t fit into any one category at school, they marched to their own drum. It was difficult because the personalities are so intricate in that script – it explains who they are and what they do, the psychological aspects of who Ferris is.”
While Vance became associated with dressing the teen screen idols of the 1980s, her next Hughes’ picture had her styling everyone’s favourite movie uncle. “I designed John Candy’s outfits in Uncle Buck to look like people that I knew who were like his character. I had to make all of his clothes. Making him that overcoat and shaping the hat to work for him. I gave him a contemporary tweed coat, sweater, slacks, his boots and his shirt to give him that ‘Hey, I’m just a regular guy!’ look. I loved John and I loved giving him that look.”
Marilyn Vance is now working on her new podcast Designing Hollywood, available on Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube.
The post The woman who styled your favourite ’80s teen movies appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/marilyn-vance-costume-designer-ferris-bueller-the-breakfast-club/
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retvenkos · 4 years
Hello again :) 💌 for Gwen Stacy (spiderverse), John Watson (Sherlock bbc), and Duckie Dale (pretty in pink)?
alright, my first instinct is a fake dating scenario for duckie dale because it has a lot of potential. i actually think it starts because someone is teasing you about not having a date, and you defend yourself, saying you actually are dating someone. and when they do ask you, you try to do the whole “it’s none of your business,” but that doesn’t work so you eventually just blurt out that it’s duckie. whoever you’re talking to is unimpressed. he’s had a crush on andie since inception. you say yeah, but a while ago you started dating to make andie jealous, and he fell in love with you, instead. it’s a complete lie, and some amazing foreshadowing for your relationship, and whoever you’re talking to is like “alright.” and you think that will be the end of it. but, the next day at school, you meet up with andie and duckie, and he gives you an exaggerated kiss on the cheek. you push him off with a confused look on your face,  and he feigns hurt. “but i thought we were dating, (n/n)!” and you’re groaning in realization, but duckie isn’t letting it go. “you know, i was surprised when i heard that the whole school knew about our fake dating scheme, seeing as i was just as unaware as them. next time you decide we’re dating, you should really call me so we can get our story straight, sweetheart.” and now that you are thoroughly regretting choosing duckie of all people, the person you were originally talking to walks by with a smug smile because they clearly know they’ve caught you in your lie. but you won’t back down, so you grab duckie’s hand in yours in pointedly place it on the table. andie laughs, and duckie is making yet another cheeky comment, but you’ve decided you will go down with this ship. ofc, this trope involves the two of you going on a lot of double dates with andie and blaine, trying your hardest to make it look like you actually are dating, and along the way, duckie catches feelings. now he’s in a conundrum, because this is all some game for you, but he actually likes you! what is he going to do now? andie finds out, and she tells duckie to tell you about his feelings. meanwhile, you are starting to think that this dating duckie thing isn’t bad. he’s always been there for you, hasn’t he? and who else would go along with such a crazy ploy? maybe you really do like duckie... as per the cliche, you end up confessing to each other (extra points if it’s at a school dance) and it’s vvv sweet.
now, because i only want the best for gwen stacy, we’re giving her a slow burn. just imagine, it’s after her peter has died, and she’s closed herself off from anyone and everyone, but you become partners in physics (so you can be rightfully impressed with how smart gwen is). at first, you don’t talk a lot, because it’s rather hard to talk to someone who doesn’t want to talk with you, but overtime you get her to open up the slightest bit, and you get the necessary confidence boost to continue to talk and make lame jokes, which never fails to make her laugh. and then you start seeing her in your other classes, and you sit next to her. she doesn’t seem to have too many friends, anymore, so there’s always room for you to slide in beside her in any classes you might have together. then, out of nowhere, she’s gone - she doesn’t show up to class for a few weeks, and you’re worried for her. what happened? when she comes back, her hair is shaved on one side, and she’s a lot more talkative and happy. you’re pleasantly surprised, and in physics a few weeks later, she invites you to come watch her play drums - she rejoined the band she was once a part of. and maybe it’s just the light playing tricks on you - but it looks like she’s blushing. you say of course, and it makes her whole world. because, dear reader, gwen had fallen for you. you were always so kind and gentle with her and it wa inevitable, really, that she would end up liking you. gwen’s type has always been the sweet and shy but surprising person - more gentle than they have any right to be, but also so very strong. no way in hell she’s going to tell you though - not yet, anyway. she’s still working through her fear of losing people. i definitely think that you find out she’s spider-woman before you get together. you think it’s insanely cool, but you also realize that she’s in danger all of the time, and she probably feels responsible for a lot of the losses she faces.... you comfort her, and i think that’s a turning point for your relationship. she just told you the most crazy, fantastical story she’s capable of, and your first instinct is to apologize for all she’s suffered. yep, she loves you. it’s not a week later that she tells you, and she’s a nervous, blushing mess. and you tell her that you’ve loved her for a long while, too. it’s a very tender moment, exactly what gwen deserves.
which only leaves enemies to lovers for john watson. now, this idea isn’t bad. it gives me a lot of johnlock vibes, and that’s one of my otps, so... i’m going to go out on a limb here and say your sherlock’s friend. i don’t know what you help him with on his cases, but he will sometimes consult you for some reason or another, and you’re “devil may care, illegal just means fun” vibe clashes with john immediately. and john rants about you for a good hour after the two of you meet, and sherlock is just like “they’re usually not that bad, they just like infuriating you.” and it’s the truth - messing with john watson becomes a favorite pastime of yours - especially when sherlock works with you, making up the most ridiculous stories and fake arguments to get john to self-destruct. but, as we all would guess, you grow to really like john watson. he’s an interesting character, that one - he has all the good traits that you like to think you no longer have. he’s kind and selfless and fairly sharp, even if sherlock insists otherwise. and he’s funny - at least, a lot better company than sherlock. and at some point, john saves you from something or another, and you’re touched, of course, and that night, you genuinely thank him, and it’s a really sweet moment. he concedes that he actually does like you - even if you are incredibly annoying and the bane of his existence - and you laugh, saying you really like him, too. “you’re pleasantly surprising, john watson.” and that’s the end of that, but it’s the start of a turning point for your relationship! now it’s more playful banter between the two of you that sherlock swears gives him a headache - even when you’re just thinking of the other. sherlock is also probably the person that clues both of you into the fact that you love each other, and both of you are very exasperated at sherlock, but well, there goes your confession! now that it’s all out, the two of you are a snarky couple that sherlock has to “endure,” despite caring for both of you very deeply. mrs. hudson takes some money from sherlock because she bet that the two of you were going to get together, and sherlock was dumb enough to not see it, earlier.
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apovanity87 · 4 years
Dating Duckie Includes...
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(This also includes meeting him kinda)
- You never really noticed Duckie before you guys began dating. The only reason you noticed him was because he had noticed you first.
- Before you even step foot in this boys mind, he only wanted Andie. No one else could compare to her in his eyes, until you came along.
- You were friends with Andie, but it was more of an in school friendship. The two of you never really hung out outside of school, until she offered you to come over one day.
- The both of you had decided to have a sleepover at her house. Which was was going great until Duckie had to interrupt to see Andie for the 20th time that day.
- She kept begging him to go away, explaining to him that she has company. But he wouldn’t let up. She finally let him in and gave you an apologetic look as he comes in. Knowing that he probably won’t leave until late that night.
- When he came in he was solely focused on Andie. Until she had gone to the kitchen to get some snacks for the three of you. This left the two of you alone, and knowing Duckie he is always one to always spark up a conversation.
- He asked you about a million questions. He was immediately interested in you, to the point where he didn’t notice Andie walk in the room.
- He wanted to know every single thing about you in the short amount of time he was going to be there.
- Duckie just new he had to make you his, you made him feel something.
- Eventually, Andie kicked him out so you could continue you’re girls night. Leaving you with confusing feelings about that boy, they weren’t bad, you could say that for sure.
- Overtime, the two of you grew closer and you began to truly know your feelings for Duckie. He could also say the same for you.
- He was confident in his feelings for you, but asking you out? He was an absolute wreck.
- Duckie knows what he wants, but doesn’t know how to get it at times.
- He decided taking you on a date would be the best option.
- The date a nice little movie date, you were enjoying the movie and your time with Duckie. Meanwhile he was freaking out, nervous for your answer.
- His mind was running with thoughts. He got so caught up in thinking about them that when you asked him something, he just ended up asking you out as a response.
- You laughed and of course said yes and your relationship took off from there!
- Actually being with Duckie was amazing. If you thought the way he treated you while you were friends was amazing, dating him is ten times that feeling.
- Duckie strives to make everything in your relationship perfect, like everything.
- He wants everything to be special, from dates, and just hanging out with you at your house.
- He goes all out when it comes to dates. He will bring candles and roses and set up everything so nicely just to see you light up with the beautiful smile he loves.
- He isn’t the most materialistic person in the world, but if something reminds you of him, he will most definitely buy it for you.
- If you haven’t noticed, Duckie is a very loving person.
- Especially physically. He likes to be near you at all times, mostly holding your hand when out in public.
- But when it’s the two of you, expect to be cuddled up somewhere under a blanket, watching a movie or just talking about anything and everything.
- Duckie feels as if his purpose in this relationship is to make you feel like you are the most important person in the world.
- Because to him you are important.
- He loves to make you laugh, he will do anything just to see you smile. He likes to make stupid jokes, even ones that aren’t funny which he has to beg for a pity laugh.
- Being with Duckie means you began to grow even closer to Andie than before.
- She gives the best advice to you and Duckie. With that she always tells you how much Duckie is in love with you.
- Knowing how stylish Duckie is, expect him to take some of your jewelry while looking through your stuff as you hangout one day.
- The two of you eventually just trade jewelry and you occasionally take his clothing sometimes.
- You and Duckie always stood out at school, whether people liked it or not, you were noticed because of his style and that you were his girlfriend and many people were surprised.
- But that didn’t matter to you at all, the two of you were in love and that’s all that mattered.
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retvenkos · 4 years
"i fell in love with you a lifetime ago”
you, andie, and duckie have been friends for longer than you remember
and for as long as you’ve known him, duckie has been in love with andie
and  l o u d l y 
it’s just always been knowledge that one day, andie and duckie would be together and you would be the one to tease andie, joking about how there was once a time when she didn’t think it was going to happen, or duckie would eventually move on and it would be something that you and andie could tease him about later, when he had someone of his own
and for a while, pesky little feelings weren’t a problem - duckie and andie were still your friends first and foremost, and nothing would change that
things only started to get bad at the end of junior high and the beginning of high school
all of you were growing up, and love were becoming more defined
and, as always, duckie loved andie and she just didn’t love him back
and you didn’t realize it then, but duckie started to become more important to you
you never really took a side in this whole andie vs. duckie debate, because you knew you didn’t need to - you could talk to duckie about andie and talk to andie about duckie and still have your friendships stay in tact
and with both of them, you talked
every day duckie was obsessing over andie and you gave him advice - give her space, don’t press her about it but remind her you’re always there if you need her, etc.
sometimes you felt like you should write for a magazine,  get one of those columns and name it “ask cupid”
and every weekend, andie would joke with you - telling you your efforts to keep duckie on a leash weren’t working, but neither were your attempts at helping him out
“you need to change the advice you’re giving duckie, (y/n), i can’t count how many terrible pick up lines he’s used this week.”
“i told him to give you space!”
“you’re not going to get through to him that way.”
“maybe you need to get a boyfriend and he’ll back off.”
“you really think he would?”
“sure. i mean, he’d be sour about it for weeks, but he’d eventually come around. he loves you, andie - even if that means just being friends.”
and it was a joke, almost, which would happen first - duckie meets someone new, or andie falls in love?
“what do you think, (y/n), what are the odds?”
“i think i’ll die of insanity, first.”
“very funny - but i’ll need you to be alive for our wedding.”
and maybe you started to feel differently about duckie when you started high school - maybe you started to notice how funny he was, how charming he was, how sweet he could be, and...
you knew that no matter what happened, neither andie nor duckie could ever find out about your feelings - they’d laugh, right? how pathetic do you have to be to fall in love with your friend who’s already smitten for another?
so you decided to take your own advice - give him space and don’t mention it, but remind him that you were there for him... even if that meant you were giving him advice on loving someone else.
you and duckie were quite the pair, falling in love with a friend - just not the pair you hoped to be
and then blane came into the picture
and, to be quite honest, you liked blane
he was fine enough, he made andie happy, and he was always polite to you
but duckie
by the time blane is into the picture, your feelings for duckie are getting a little harder to hide
andie suspects something, you can tell by her not-so-subtle prodding. but, at the very least, she’s not telling duckie. dealing with him had always been your job
that was only getting more difficult, wasn’t it?
god, if it were someone else, you’d just throw in the towel, at this point.
and, one day, after he and andie are no longer talking, you ask him something
“duckie, i know you love andie, but what are you going to do when she moves on?”
“moves on? what are you talking about? that richie is gonna break her heart before they get in too deep - you know that. and i’ll be here, like i always am—”
“talking to me about how much you love someone who doesn’t love you back.”
“doesn’t love me back? (y/n), andie and that... boy are getting in your head.”
“duck... i don’t think they are.”
and the silence is  d e a f e n i n g
and duckie is pacing, specifically not looking you in the eye
but you eventually speak
“I just... i’ve seen you love andie we were kids, duckie, and she... i care about you. i love you, duckie, and i can’t keep telling you to chase something when i know it’s not going to work out the way your hoping.”
“so all this time you didn’t think andie could love me?”
“that’s not it. i know that andie loves you - just not in that way!”
“and what? she never will?”
“i... i just want both of you to be happy.”
“well i don’t think that’s going to happen.”
and duckie leaves, with the two of you not on the greatest of terms
and that weekend, the two of you don’t talk
you hang out with andie , both of you sulking over guys who don’t deserve you, tbh, who you love more deeply than you realize
and andie comes in with some friendly advice, telling you that maybe you and duckie need to talk about the relationship between the two of you rather than duckie and her because only one of those has potential
“and it always has, (y/n), you and duckie are way closer than we ever were.”
"well, right now everything’s falling apart.”
duckie is having an existential crisis of his own
oh, don’t we love 80′s teen movies
because he’s never been without you
sure, andie kicks him out every other week because of some spat or another, but he can always go to you
and a lot of the times, you don’t even talk about andie!
all of his boring habits or fears or abstract thoughts belong to you - and now they have nowhere to go
and so one day, duckie walks up to you
and he  a p o l o g i z e s 
and he says he’s been an idiot, and he may not be over andie yet, but he doesn’t want to ruin your relationship over something dumb like his feelings
“your feelings aren’t dumb, duckie, and you can always talk to me about them. i just...”
“care about me.”
and he’s smiling and it makes your heart skip a beat
“you’d be the first.”
“the one and only.”
and oh my god this list of headcanons is getting long, forgive me.
you are a good friend™ and you are not about to abandon andie on prom night
so both of you get dressed together, and the plan is for the two of you to go together
duckie already told you prom was overrated, so you weren’t planning on seeing him, even if you did want to
“who needs boys, right?”
“that’s the wish.”
and the gang has the sweetest reunion at prom, don’t @ me, the hug is legendary
and duckie compliments you on how you look, and it’s just vvv sweet.
and we know how the rest of the dance turns out, but you and duckie dance together at least once bc you always have each other’s back
and in the following months, andie and blane are going strong, and... duckie isn’t talking about it?
i mean, he’s definitely teasing andie about it while she’s there, but when the two of you hang out alone, he never mentions andie and blane anymore other than just casually asking about/mentioning them
so you resolve to ask him about it
“hey, duckie, are you okay? you don’t really talk about andie and blane that much.”
“i’m fine. they’re fine, right? am i missing something? did andie tell you something?”
“well, no... i just...”
“worried about me?”
“yeah, i guess.”
“well, now you’ve seen what it’s like for me to have moved on. awfully dull, isn’t it? who do you think i should pick to be the new object of my affections?”
“i’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
and you laugh and shake your head, completely missing how his gaze lingers on yours
and for the next couple of weeks, it becomes the source of jokes between your group (which now includes blane. he’s still getting used to the dynamics, but he’s a champ for trying.)
“hey, duckie, whose house are you driving past later?”
don’t get me wrong, the stalking is creepy and duckie grows out of it fast.
“only yours, (y/n).”
“write any sonnets, lately, duckie?”
“you know me.”
“what poor girl has stolen your heart now, phil?”
and blane calls duckie phil for the rest of his life, you can’t convince me otherwise
“oh, you’ll see.”
“sing any love songs recently?”
“very funny.”
but you and duckie still manage to get a long of hanging out in where it’s just the two of you, and one day you’re walking to go get something to eat after studying for a test duckie is definitely going to fail, and he tells you he’s been a real idiot this past year - almost losing you and andie? he doesn’t know what he’d be without you.
“well, you didn’t mess up things too badly, duck, andie still puts up with you.”
“and what about you, (y/n)? i mean, i’ve never really been without you.”
“oh, you don’t have to worry about that, duckie, you can’t get rid of me. you know i love you.”
“but do you? like, really? because we always say it to each other all friendly, but i wouldn’t mind it being deeper than that.”
and you are  s t u n n e d 
“you... what?”
“well, we’ve always been there for each other - i don’t think i’ve ever loved someone the way i love you.”
“i love you, too, duckie - and like, really love you.”
“really? because i—”
and you cut him off by putting your hand on his cheek
and you kiss him, and it’s like everything comes together
and you just laugh
and you both walk hand in hand to get hamburgers
-- taglist: @brokenandheadoverheels // message me if you want to be added to the taglist!
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