#dude imagine shooting a guy in the chest and then he just kinda like is fine
fazgoo-connoiseur-1987 · 10 months
the concept of henry killing clay is very creative and cool, I would like to hear more about it
Basically what happened was Henry was rummaging around his old workshop for parts in the 2000s to use in the 'set everyone on fire' plan and Clay found him cus Henry's old house is on his beat.
Clay confronts him about how Henry intentionally lied to him about William's involvement in the murders and Henry lets it slip that he actually knew Will was responsible the whole time and thinks Clay is pretty stupid for just taking their word at face value.
Clay gets pretty mad about this revelation and says he's 100% gonna report this and take him into custody and shoots Henry point-blank in the chest when he resits. He immediatly regrets this and lets his guard down to panic and check if he's okay.
Henry is a corpse at this point in time so he is actually relitivly unharmed (still pretty shaken mind). As soon as he recovers he stabs Clay in the neck with some pliers or something and he dies.
This is an important event to me because it's the first time Henry takes a life with his own hands. Every other time its been negligence or complicity but now he's an ACTIVE murderer. RIP Clay Burke congrats on missing the housing market crash.
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viridianfurn · 8 days
So I've been workin a lil somethin. It started out as a DnD character backstory, but it kinda took on a life of its own. I now have over 20 pages of disjointed plot points, interactions, dialogue, and world building of what is essentially shaping up to be a short(?) story. I maybe wanna make a comic/webtoon type thing out of it?? I think that'd be really cool but its for sure no easy task. But let me know if you find it interesting, my motivation highkey thrives off of praise lol
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Read below the cut for info about his background and a snippet of his first encounter with his Patron!
This is Reiss Fairgrey, also known as Grey. He starts off as just a guy trying to survive living in poverty in the slums of Port Tae'ul. Since he was 13 he's lived with his younger sister Launa, and 2 other boys who'd been on the streets; Yu (the absolute love of his life, their relationship is a big part of my story) and his kid brother Nao. Things haven't been good lately and he's desperate to find a way out of their situation, when he encounters a strange fey-like entity offering him a deal...
“You go search for a way to free this one's spirit from being bound to this place, and in return you may claim power to elevate your status and protect you and yours."
TW: descriptions of gore
"Excellent," a wry smile curves upon the entity's lips, "then the deal is made." Suddenly Reiss is spitting up… blood? No, acid? Something. Something that burns as it bubbles up from within. He falls, bracing himself on the ground coughing up a large amount, but it keeps coming. He leans back on his heels and turns his head up towards the darkening sky, as though he could swallow it back like bile, but it remains relentless. It leaks from his mouth, traces down his neck in various streams, pools in the hollows of collarbones. When the liquid makes it to his chest, it begins to move of its own accord, toward the place over his heart. It traces along in a swirling pattern, forming a brand. When the design is complete a glow radiates from it and with this light a new agony tears through his chest. Reiss screams in distress but the substance filling his throat blocks the sound. His eyes roll back and Reiss collapses.  When he wakes, he can see the sun barely cresting the horizon. His stomach, throat, face, it all feels like hell. The ribbons of gore on his upper chest were sticky and steadily oozing blood. Tender, and fleshy, like when you prematurely rip off a scab. He was weak, and struggled to roll over and push himself up on his knees.  “Ohoho, you live?” the spirit mused. Reiss looked up, the entity had been waiting up on a branch in the tree, reclining against the trunk. The sight of them behaving nonchalant fills Reiss with indignation.  “Shit man what the hell?!” upon speaking Reiss gasps in pain, his voice is hoarse. Usable, but his throat is undoubtedly damaged. “You didn’t mention this in your fucking deal!” he chokes out.  “A small price to pay little slum-dweller. With that brand, you’ll be able to cast magic you’d never be able to otherwise.”  “Fuck you dude, you coulda at least warned me! Ugh, hrk!” “Now now, calm yourself, this one does not care for your howling and your injuries probably care for it even less.” “What was the damn point of this?!” The spirit rolled their eyes, “Hmph, this one does not like repeating things, so listen this time. The mark is a crucial part of our agreement, it acts as a medium. Through it, you will be given magic capabilities.” “Like, already?”  “That’s right! And you’ll only grow more powerful as time goes on.” The spirit dissipates into a mist then re-materializes to crouch beside him, and Reiss falls back, startled. The spirit reaches out and grabs him by the arm, hauling him to his feet.  “Come now, give it a try will you?” The entity clasps its hands together in excitement. “Focus on something in the distance and gather energy in your palm. then, imagine it shooting forth towards your taget. This spell is called Eldritch Blast and it will prove to be one of your most useful abilities.”  “Whaddya mean by gather energy? I just gotta put my hand out like this?” He jests, but by focusing even a little, a ball of magic forms and blasts forward into the woods striking a tree in the distance. He can see even from here, it’s not enough to take the tree down but he’d clearly carved a mass out of the trunk. “Woah…”  “Wow, I’m actually quite surprised, little slum-dweller! You have a more natural inclination for this than the previous contractee.”  “Quit calling me slum-dweller.”  “Hmm fine, little Fairgrey.”  “I didn’t tell you…how do you know my name?”  “This one knew, before you even stepped on this hill, who you were little Fairgrey.” That’s… suspicious, Reiss thought. But then, maybe it's magic? I don’t know what kind of powers they have… “Can we drop the “little” part?”  “Afraid not, that would be rather confusing for this one."
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zoe-oneesama · 3 years
I'm interested in the Lila exposed au about your akumasona. What's that?
For those who don’t know my OC (self insert) akumasona Zoe Rapporte (The Enchanted Florist), but her family owns a flower shop that is pretty successful - think “This florist does the arrangements at the Grand Paris and for High Profile Events” - so she’s mildly acquainted with Adrien from some of those events. Maybe not friends, but like when you frequent a coffee shop so much that you learn all the staff’s name and they all remember you.
So Lila is not above dropping lots of money to sell her lies (hello Gabriel Collection Fox Necklace) and one of her lies to her mother is that Adrien is her boyfriend. And what boyfriend doesn’t send his lovely girlfriend flowers, especially one as well off as Adrien Agreste? And really, as long as his name is on the card when her mother accepts them at the door, that’s all that matters, right?
So Zoe takes note that once a week this prissy girl with a bizarre hairstyle comes in to place a rather pricey bouquet order under Adrien’s name and has it delivered to the same address that’s on the credit card bill - doesn’t take a genius to figure out this delusional weirdo is pretending a celebrity is sending her flowers weekly. It’s a little strange because Zoe could’ve sworn she saw on TV that this chick had done photo shoots with Adrien before and based on his Instagram she was his classmate, so it’s kinda concerning that she’s going this far to burrow her way into his life. Still, she’s dropping quite a bit of coin and it’s really none of Zoe’s business, yeah?
But then imagine there’s a class event - maybe a dance, maybe a teacher’s appreciation week, maybe an alumni reunion - that needs our favorite class representative and her deputy to order a large amount of flowers. And Adrien, ever desperate to do his part, takes it upon himself to help with the budget. And maybe Nino decides to come for no particular reason lol.
So the four walk into the Rapporte Flower Shop and Adrien is so excited to introduce his friends to one of the familiar faces from his VIP world. And he’s just so exuberant as he brags about his friends and is so wholesome and different from the put together boy Zoe would briefly meet at those stuffy events that this surge of sisterly affection makes her completely forget her usual “none of my business” attitude. She’s got to let him know what it going on behind his back, especially if there’s a chance that he has no idea what kind of girl “Mlle. Rossi at the fifth story walk up” was.
And who knows? Maybe this was a misunderstanding, a weird arrangement Adrien had with his secret girlfriend to make sure she gets exactly the type of bouquet she wants? Zoe recons she’s had stranger requests. Welp, no better way to clear the air than to just ask.
“Hey Adrien, you know there’s this weird girl that comes in once a week and has flowers delivered to herself under your name?”
Adrien paused in his rant about Nino’s music mixing skills (having already left Alya puffing her chest in pride and Marinette a red puddle of embarrassed goo) to stare blankly at Zoe. “I beg your pardon?”
“Oh yeah.” Zoe leaned into her palm, looking way too relaxed considering what she’d just dropped on him. “For, like, the two months at least. Always has us address her card ‘Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, Ma Belle, from Your Loving Boyfriend Adrien Agreste’.”
“What the heck?!” Alya exclaimed from beside Nino who’s jaw was dropped in disbelief. “That’s crazy messed up. Adrien doesn’t even have a girlfriend, what does this psycho think she’s doing?!”
“Right? I don’t know who she thinks she fooling. What kind of boyfriend needs to sign his full name?”
“It is pretty weird.” Adrien said, rubbing his neck in discomfort. “But it’s not the strangest thing a fan has done. It’s not that big a deal, right?”
“Dude.” Nino started, staring at his best friend in mild horror. “Just because you don’t know this girl doesn’t make it ‘no big deal’.”
“Oh no.” Zoe pipes up again. “He knows her.”
“What?!” All of Adrien’s friend’s exclaimed. Even Adrien looked a bit shook by her admission.
Alya zipped over to the counter, leaning dangerously close to Zoe’s remarkably unfazed face. “What do you mean ‘he knows her’?! How do you know that?! This sounds like a creepy fangirl but you’re telling me she’s actually in Adrien’s life?!”
“I should say so. I mean, it was even on TV that she was modeling with Adrien and she’s made a few appearances on his instagram.” Zoe brought out her phone, casually thumbing open Instagram. “I would’ve just ignored it, but if she’s going around pretending she’s dating Adrien then he has the right to know.”
“Modeling with....and you said on his instagram...?”
“Are...” Marinette piped up, voice dripping with trepidation. “Are you talking about Lila?”
“Marinette,” Alya gave her friend a withering look. “Just because you don’t like her doesn’t mean you can just accuse her of-”
Zoe cut her off, flashing her phone screen at the group to present a photo, having found the image she was looking for: a brunette with a straight fringe and her forelocks in twin tails leaning possessively over an uncomfortably smiling Adrien.
“Yes, Mlle. Rossi! I’d recognize that crazy hairstyle anywhere.” She turned the phone back to look at it herself. “Pft, Adrien, what’s with this caption? ‘Lila insisted I take post this picture?’ Yikes, man, learn to say no.”
Alya waved her hands in front of her, eyes scrunched closed in disbelief. “Hold up, hold up, hold up. You have GOT to be getting this twisted. Lila wouldn’t do something that like this, that’s just...wrong!”
“I mean, this is definitely the girl I was talking about.” Zoe said slowly, raising one eyebrow at Alya’s response. “And Rossi is the name on the bill. What exactly am I ‘getting twisted?’“
“Because!..Because Lila just wouldn’t!”
“Yeah!” Nino shouted from behind her, shaking himself out of the stupor this whole situation left him in. “She said she wasn’t into Adrien like that!”
Zoe snorted. “And you believed her?”
“W-well yeah, why would she lie about that...?”
“You guys are so cute. And definitely need to watch more True Crime shows.”
“Sorry Adrien.” Zoe lofted over Alya’s shoulder, cutting off another defensive quip. “I know she was your friend. I just wanted to make sure you knew.”
“Ah, no, she’s not really- I mean, I’m not that surprised to be honest.” Adrien offered weakly.
“It sounds right up her alley.” Marinette growled, fingers digging into her crossed arms.
“What...” Nino and Alya turned to their friends, confused and anxious. “What are you talking about? This..this is Lila we’re talking about!”
“The same Lila who got Marinette expelled?” Adrien stated, face grim and tired.
“That was rescinded, it wasn’t her fault-”
“The same Lila who sent everyone in Adrien’s contact list picture of her kissing Adrien?” Marinette ground out, aggravated.
“I mean, that was weird, but I’m sure she didn’t mean-”
“The same Lila who got my bodyguard and Natalie in trouble with my dad?”
“Or maybe the same Lila who stole Adrien’s dad’s book and threw it in the trash?”
“She did WHAT-?!”
“I-I fished it out for you!”
“Wait is that how you knew about Lila-”
“Wow.” Zoe whistled, again cutting the group off. “What a class act. Sounds like a great friend you got there, Adrien.”
“Oh trust me.” Adrien growled, eyes never leaving Marinette who steadfastedly refused to look at him. “After this we’re NOT friends.”
Alya held her head with one hand, staring at the ground. “Wait, wait, this...this can’t be right, Lila isn’t...she wouldn’t do this, she wouldn’t, she’s...cool! And nice! And-! She just can’t!”
Zoe cocked her head toward’s Alya, leveling her with a patient stare. “Well, then what is she doing?” Alya looked up blankly at her, prompting her further. “The truth of the matter is that Lila Rossi comes in once a week, and has been for at least two months, buying flowers to be delivered to her own address (which I know because it matches up to the address on the card with her last name on it), but dictates that the card say it was sent by Adrien. If she’s not faking that Adrien is sending her flowers, what is she doing?”
“I...I don’t...” Alya floundered. They were just supposed to order some flowers, how did the day turn like this?!
“You’re an investigative reporter, right? What’s that old Sherlock Holmes saying? ‘Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth’?”
Alya leaned into Nino, staring out at the shop, searching for something to make some sense. She thought Lila was nice, was her friend, was everyone’s friend! But this stunt with Adrien...what does it even mean...?
Everyone looked towards the employee door as footsteps could be heard approaching. A moment later Tama, Zoe’s younger sister, stepped into the shop, pausing at the door when she realized five pairs of eyes were staring at her. She looked over the customers, taking in Marinette’s slight glower, Adrien’s tight jaw, and Nino and Alya’s devastated posture.
“Soooo, are you here to buy some bouquets?”
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subspencer · 3 years
thot gf absolutely sticking up for sub Spencer
idk how to end blurbs, ever. but this is a rewrite of that baseball scene
cw: no explicit smut/smut is implied, creepy dude being creepy. wc: 1k
It was the bottom of the ninth inning, and Spencer still hadn't hit a ball once. You were waiting in the stands, watching anxiously knowing he was next up to bat. The bases were loaded, the team was only down one point, and Spencer was their last chance.
You stood up from your seat as he stepped up to bat. When you heard Spencer was going to play for the FBI's softball team, you went the whole nine yards to make it unforgettable for him – and that meant a special outfit. I was as close to a cheerleading uniform as you could get passably get away with. A short, navy blue pleated skirt, and a cropped tank top that barely covered your chest.
"You got this, babe!!" you cheered, bouncing on your toes, making your skirt flounce around you. Spencer looked at you and sighed; he was already in his head about this, and your distracting outfit wasn't doing him any favors.
"This guy's a fucking loser," someone muttered. You whipped your head around to shoot daggers at the man who said it.
"Shut your mouth," you grunted. He looked exactly like a jerk; balding, a little drunk, and probably a former high school athlete. And he spoke like one.
"Don't get sore, honey," he laughed. He eyed you up and down in a way that made you want to gag. His eyes stopped right at the hem of your short skirt. "Aren't you a bit out of his league?"
You rolled your eyes, shooting him a pointing glare and turning back around, "No. He's out of mine."
Spencer missed his first two swings. His head hung low while the opposing team teased him some more, thinking they were probably right about him.
"Hey! Time out!" you yelled.
The referee turned around. "You can't do that, you're not playing -"
"I don't care. Time out."
You shot Derek a hopeful glance, and he gave the ref a shrug. "She said time out."
Spencer looked back at you, confused. You crooked your finger and called him over, pressing up against the wire fence that separated you.
"Hey, listen to me. Don't worry about these other losers," you whispered, poking your finger through the fence and tapping his nose. "They don't know what they're talking about."
"I think they do," he laughed sadly. "I'm the one feeling like the loser here."
"You should be," the guy from before shouted again.
You turned back around, furious. "Sir, if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to knock you out."
He laughed, and Hotch who was sitting beside you and watched the whole thing turned around to give him another glare. Suddenly it wasn't so funny anymore.
"It's okay," Spencer said wistfully.
"No, it's not. You're doing so good, I'm so proud of you."
"I haven't hit a single ball."
"And I don't care if you do or don't. You don't have to impress me, you know." You smiled at him, reaching down to hold his hand – or at least, whichever fingers would fit through the fence. You could tell he was worried about looking good in front of you, he didn't even know he never had to try to do that. "I'm already impressed by you. Every day."
Spencer smiled genuinely for the first time that day.
"But, just know... if you do hit that next one, I have a little surprise for you at home."
"Really?" his voice pitched up, eyes scanning you up and down. He trapped the cloth of your skirt between two fingers, tugging at it. "Can't imagine it gets better than this outfit."
"Oh, but it does... I might've made you a little dance routine to go with it. Can't share it here."
"Mhm. And what if I don't get it?"
"Well, then you'll get the consolation prize... and Spencer, it's pretty good, too."
"Come here," he laughed, calling you closer with a finger until you pressed your cheek up to the metal so he could place a kiss there. "Wish me luck!"
Clapping your hands together, you cheered as Spencer went back up to the plate, holding the bat more confidently in his hands.
"Can I steal the prize when he loses?"
Huffing, you looked back at the creep one last time. "Listen, fucker. Not in a million years, would I choose someone like you over him. I don't care if he never makes a hit, or if he ends up bald and sad like you. No one will ever compare to him. Or fuck me as good as he does."
The man turned dark red, choking on his own spit at your last few words. Even Hotch couldn't feel anything but proud of Spencer, despite the overshare.
Spencer heard what you said. He wasn't out of earshot yet when it went down. A smirk was plastered on his face as he tapped the bat down on the plate and raised it, waiting for a pitch.
What happened after was nothing short of a miracle. Spencer hit the ball dead-on, sending it far out where none of the other guys expected him to. He ran through all the bases, sliding in to steal home. The team won because of him.
Derek was lifting Spencer up when you stormed onto the field.
"Spencer!" you yelled, running up to him. Derek quickly put him down, and Spencer immediately went around and picked you up effortlessly, as if he did it all the time.
"Woah, there. Suddenly you're a big, strong athlete, huh?" you laughed, putting your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself in the air. Spencer's hands were cradling you, one on your back and the other under your thigh.
"Absolutely, I am. Did you see me?" His smile was brighter than the sun as he spun you around.
"I did." You leaned down, pulling him into a heated kiss, tipping his hat off to run a hand through his messy hair. "Can't wait to give you your surprise," you said between smaller pecks.
"Ooh. Should I shower first?" He looked down at himself, covered in dirt from sliding across the field.
"No," you shook your head, smirking. "Leave it. I'm kinda digging this rugged look on you."
The adrenaline rush gave him this huge surge of confidence – that, and the fact he knew what you said about him when you thought he couldn't hear. He kissed you again, the hand on your thigh moving to a less respectable place right under your ass. He gave it a firm squeeze, and you squealed in surprise.
"Okay, big man, if this is what you're like after winning, then I think you should play more often," you laughed.
"Only if you come to the games dressed like this every time."
You nodded. "Deal."
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request: asahi content!! :) 
pairing: asahi azumane x fem!reader 
warnings: all fluff besides asahi being a v nervous boi and daichi and suga teasing him lol
a/n: thank you for the request anon! I’ve been meaning to post some more love for our ace but I keep forgetting to finish the wips haha so thank you for getting me into the groove! big thank you to @satan-ruler-of-hells​ for helping me out with this fic :D
haikyuu masterlist
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Asahi wondered how he should feel, having the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, holding his hand, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Should he feel like his heart was going to burst out of his chest? Should his whole face be burning with embarrassment? Because here she was, smiling up at him and making him forget what his name was and there was really only one issue with this situation.
Asahi had absolutely no clue who this girl was.
“Are you excited for your match, babe?” You asked, seeming to not take notice of the fear and confusion in his eyes.
The team must’ve frozen behind him because no one was saying anything, except for the surprised sounds coming out of Noya and Tanaka’s gaping mouths.
“Oh hey there! You’re Asahi’s girlfriend right?” Daichi asked, grinning as he waved to her. “It’s nice to finally meet you. He talks about you all the time!”
I do? Asahi thought to himself, trying to think about his recent conversations with Daichi.
“Asahi, she’s so much prettier than i would’ve imagined! No wonder you didn’t want to bring her around - I would totally steal her off of you,” Suga laughed.
Asahi’s brow furrowed as you just nodded, introducing yourself to the team. I have a girlfriend? He wondered to himself, his heart beating too fast for his body to keep up. There was no way that this was possible. But his eyes were drawn to her - she was exactly his type. How the hell did he manage that? Besides that, how the hell did he manage to forget her?
Asahi Azumane you IDIOT, he scolded himself internally, just watching her smile and giggle at how excited everyone on the team was.
Hinata and Kageyama were both hiding in the back, whispering amongst themselves because the upperclassmen were acting as if Asahi had mentioned this girl before.... but they had definitely no memory of this.
“Maybe it happened when we were practicing one day?” Hinata whispered, eyes narrowing as he tried to see if he recognized you.
“I dunno, I don’t pay attention to anything they say unless it’s about volleyball,” Kageyama admitted quietly to him and Hinata smacked his arm, scolding him about paying more attention.
Asahi still felt like he was going to faint - this couldn’t possibly be happening. Wait, what was this girl’s name? He should’ve listened to you introduce yourself to the team - maybe your name would’ve sparked a memory for him. What kind of person was he to not even remember his girlfriend? And look at her, she was perfect, she would definitely leave him if he told her that he didn’t remember her. What kind of husband was he going to be if he couldn’t even remember her name?? What if he forgot his children’s names? What if-
You suddenly let out a breath, grinning and glancing up at him, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to come on so strong. But thank you for going along with it!”
Going.... along with it?
“And you guys too! I appreciate it!” You beamed, nodding specifically towards Daichi and Suga.
“No worries, I noticed those guys trying to catch up with you. I figured you were in a bit of trouble,” Daichi admitted, glancing through the crowds to make sure the creepy older guys had left after seeing you with them. “Will you be okay now?”
You nodded and looked over your shoulder, comforted by the fact that they were gone, “Yep! I’m sure once I find my way up on the stands, they’ll leave me be. Sorry again, I just saw a tall kinda scary looking guy and figured he was my best shot,” you laughed, smiling up at Asahi again.
“W-What?” Asahi wasn’t sure he was putting the pieces together fast enough - so... you weren’t his girlfriend?
Daichi rolled his eyes, punching the ace’s arm to shock him back to reality, “She got spooked by some dudes. Pretending you were her boyfriend was probably a way to get them off her back. You know, cause you look like a 30 year old man.”
Asahi frowned tightly at the comment, rubbing his arm, “Hey! I can’t help the way I look!” His eyes turned to Suga who was laughing at how mean Daichi could be. “So you knew too?”
“Oh no way. I’m not as quick as Daichi. But I saw you panicking cause you didn’t seem to recognize her and thought it was hilarious,” Sugawara laughed and Asahi groaned - he should’ve known his friends enjoyed watching him torture himself.
“Thank you for your help! Sorry again,” you apologized, for what felt like the 100th time. “I’d like to make it up to you if I can. I know I made you uncomfortable back there.”
Asahi shook his head quickly, waving his hands in front of him in protest, “N-No not at all! Why would I be uncomfortable at a pretty girl holding my hand?”
You giggled, noting the other teams starting to pile into the gym, “Well, maybe after your game I can find you and take you out for food as a thank you. I appreciate you helping me out there.”
Daichi and Sugawara were still snickering as they helped push the rest of the Karasuno team into the gym, trying to give their Ace some time with his fake girlfriend.
“You really don’t have to thank me, if anything it’s probably Daichi you should thank,” Asahi admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Mm maybe. But I don’t think your captain’s my type. I picked you cause you were kinda scary looking... but also you seemed like my type,” you explained to him with a laugh.
Asahi’s eyes probably popped out of his skull hearing that, stammering out all sorts of noises and making you laugh some more.
“You’re the ace for our team right?” You asked, glancing into the gym in hopes that you weren’t making him late. It was only then Asahi realized you were wearing a Karasuno school uniform. “I’ll be cheering for you up in the stands, boyfriend,” you teased, giving his hand a small squeeze. “And maybe later we can go get food together?”
Asahi felt his face burning with nerves as he nodded shyly, your smile making his stomach do all sorts of flipsjust nodded nervously, you shooting him another one of those gorgeous smiles, “S-Sure.”
“It’s a date!” You beamed, waving a little to him as you went off to find a spot on the bleachers.
The tall third year finally let out a breath he had been holding, wondering if he had dreamt the whole thing. He looked at his hand, reimagining how it had felt with your hand in it.
“Oi! Asahi! Are you coming or what?” Sugawara called from the gym. Asahi blushed some more as he shook off his daydreams, nodded quickly and rushing in to start stretching with everyone else. “I hope you got her number.”
“Y/N! That girl that you were just talking to! Did you get her number?” Sugawara asked, eager for the details. It wasn’t every day that Asahi seemed so head over heels over a girl (especially one he just met).
“N-No but… she wants to get food together,” Asahi admitted shyly, playing with his fingers in front of him.
“Well you better play your best today so she doesn’t back out,” Daichi snickered as he joined the conversation.
Asahi whined as Daichi and Sugawara continued to tease him, both of them hitting his back with some somewhat supportive words, grinning ear to ear, “Go and be the best ace ever!” Suga cheered as the game started.
Asahi took a breath, silently promising himself that he would play his absolute best this game as he caught your eyes up in the stands, smiling softy to himself. “Y/N,” he whispered to himself, repeating the name that you had given Sugawara and the others. He heard you cheering for them with the other Karasuno students as the game went by, points racking up as he felt himself getting more into the game.
After their win, Asahi was happy to find you hanging around as everyone else was disappearing. “So you really are as good of an ace as they say,” you complimented him with a smile. “It was really cool to see you play.”
“T-Thank you,” Asahi blushed, brushing some flyaway hair from his eyes. “I guess I should properly introduce myself. Azumane Asahi, but please, call me Asahi.”
He held his hand out to you and your happily shook it, both of you immediately wondering if it was common to find someone whose hand seemed to fit so perfectly with your own, “Y/L/N Y/N, but call me Y/N. I did say I would treat you to some food, so what kind are you thinking?” You asked boldly, smiling up at him. It wasn’t every day you found a guy like him and if he was interested, you definitely weren’t planning on letting him go.
Asahi spluttered out some more sounds, ones that definitely weren’t words, and you just giggled in response, making him even more nervous because your laugh was just so wonderful. “A-Anything you want,” he finally managed to get out. Was this really happening to him? A perfect girl like you asking him out?
“I’ve been craving ramen if you’re interested!”
“I know this great place that has tonkotsu ramen!” Asahi found himself blurting out excitedly, suddenly also craving ramen.
“Sounds like a pretty good date to me,” you glanced at the clock nearby, quickly tugging your bag off your shoulders and pulling out a pen. “Here. I assume you’ve got to head back with your team, but text me,” you suggested, scribbling your number on his arm. “Sorry if I’m being too bold,” you apologized with a laugh, tossing your pen back into your bag. “You just seem pretty cool.”
Asahi shook his head quickly, insisting there was no need for you to apologize, “I-I like it.” He gave you a wave as you started to head out, looking at the digits written on his skin as if memorizing them just in case they magically disappeared.
“Y/L/N Y/N,” he murmured under his breath. He wouldn’t be forgetting your name anytime soon, he was sure of that.
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343 notes · View notes
titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part V
[ previous ]  Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x Reader, Zeke Jaeger x Reader wc: ~ 8.8k Warnings: pining, testosterone, Zeke being a dick (who woulda thought), subtle manipulation (both on Zeke’s part that goes unchecked and accidentally on Mike’s part) A/N: Well, we’re gettin’ there. We’re truckin’ along. I’m sorry for the last chapter. And, I’m sorry for this one. But, I do still hope you enjoy it. I think we’re at the halfway mark here. 
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Mike gets a text from you at nine PM three days before he’s supposed to go back to campus. It’s just a few words, a question that makes his heart drop to his stomach because you’ve never asked it before.
 Can we talk for a sec?
 He waits for a few minutes, tries to get rid of the panicked feeling rising in his chest, but he can’t get it to go away entirely, so he just bites the bullet and calls you. 
 “Heyyy,” you greet. Mike can already tell a difference in your tone. Something is definitely going on.
 “Hey, what’s up?”
 “I just, uh…” He hears you suck on your front teeth, a nervous habit he’s well versed in now, then you tell him, “I just wanted to give you a heads up before you get back here.”
 Mike swallows. “Heads up about what?” 
 Are you leaving? Did you fail your summer classes despite all his help? Did you get into some kind of accident?
 You let out a long breath that Mike wishes he could feel on his skin. He wishes he could see your expression, wishes he could hold your face in his hands and tell you that whatever it is, it’ll be okay. Seems like he’s always wishing for things.
 “Um, I—uh… I’m kind of seeing someone.”
 The floor falls out from beneath him, and Mike drops with it, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He grits his teeth, trying to breathe normally—in through the nose, out through the mouth. This is about the last thing he expected you to confess.
 It’s apparently taking too long for him to gather himself, because you say his name, “Miche?” and he has to squeeze his eyes shut.
 “I’m here. It’s, uh, fine,” he lies. “It’s fine.”
 “Is it?” You sound worried, as you should because while Mike isn’t mad, he’s extremely disappointed, probably the most he’s ever been. 
 Taking a page out of your book, he tries to play it cool, act like he doesn’t care. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
 “Well, you—...” Met your mom? Learned your secrets? Tried to tell you that he loved you? All valid responses, but you just dismiss it with a quiet, “Nevermind.”
 Mike hums, lets the line go silent for a while, then musters the courage to question, “Do I know him?”
 “Yeah, I think so.”
 “What do you mean ‘you think so’?”
 “I mean he’s mentioned you, so I figure you’ve had at least a few conversations.” You’re getting that sassy tone, the one that signals you want to drop the subject, but you can’t this time. You’ve already warned Mike that you’re off the god damn market. You might as well tell him who exactly he’s gonna see you holding hands and sucking face with. It’s the merciful thing to do. 
 “It’s not one of the Pike guys, is it?”
 “No, no,” you laugh and it makes Mike want to scream because he doesn’t find this amusing at all, and it only gets worse when you finally answer, “It’s Zeke Jaeger.”
 Mike nearly hangs up then and there, but he somehow fights the urge. He does hold his phone away from his ear, though, stares up at his ceiling for a few seconds and stretches his arm out, then brings the device back. “Cool. He’s a… Talented dude.”
 “Yeah, but I mean, I’m not exactly starstruck or anything. Not after hangin’ out with you all of last year.”
 Mike rolls his eyes so hard he thinks they might fall out of his skull. “You don’t have to make this about me, ba—...” He catches himself before finishing the pet name. He can’t do that anymore. He can’t call you what he wants to. He can’t flirt or smooth hair out of your face. He can’t pick you up and hold you against the walls of the house. He can’t show you how much he cares for you. 
 “I know. I just feel kinda bad,” you mumble. 
 “You shouldn’t. It’s cool.” His flat tone is anything but cool, and you can probably tell, but there’s not much Mike can do about that.
 You’re pouting when you question, “You’ll still be my friend?” Mike can see the expression without actually seeing it, the doe eyed look you’d be giving him if he were in front of you right now. He can also imagine looping his arms around you and smiling crookedly and kissing your forehead, and fuck, he feels broken. 
 “Yeah,” he sighs. “Shouldn’t even be a question.”
 You lapse into another silence, just breathing and waiting for the other to break. It’s you who does. You clear your throat and state one more time, “I just wanted you to know.”
 “See you in a few days.”
 “Yeah,” Mike is barely listening at this point, just looks at the poster on the wall and lets it fall out of focus. “See ya’.”
 You don’t hang up immediately, like you’re waiting for him to say something else, but Mike saves you the trouble and presses the ‘end’ button on his phone then tosses it on his pillow and falls back onto the mattress. 
 He just doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand any of it. You’ve gone an entire year denying him, keeping yourself closed off and never once bringing up the possibility of actually being together. After all the time spent together, after all the date parties, all the sex, staying at each others’ houses. He feels like he knows you better than anyone else probably does. You let him in. You let yourself be vulnerable in front of him. You acted like you trusted him.
 So, why isn’t he your first choice? As soon as you realized you were ready to make a fucking commitment to someone, why wasn’t it him?
 Mike doubts he’ll ever get the closure. He’ll just have to cope with seeing you around campus with Zeke god damn Jaeger, have to pretend like everything is fine, like you haven’t ripped his heart out of his fucking chest. 
 Unbearable. It’s going to be absolutely unbearable. 
 Moving somewhere new always blows. It takes so much energy that Mike doesn’t have, yet here he is, hauling bags and boxes up to his new apartment unit. Honestly, he would almost prefer to stay in the frat house instead of having to make all the trips up and down these god damn concrete stairs, but at least now he’ll finally be away from all the parties. That will definitely come in handy this year considering he’s not gonna want to go to a single fucking one of them. 
 Once all of his belongings are stacked in his fairly small living room, Mike glances around his new haven, already thinking about how empty it feels without all the guys milling about and dicking around. He doubts he’ll miss the constant noise, but it’s still something that will take some getting used to.
 What he will miss is seeing you all the time, waking up in his old room to see you still fast asleep on his pillows, sitting in the main room with the others, heckling them as they play various games. He’s been focusing on the small things for the last couple of days, the things he never took the time to really enjoy. It feels like he didn’t stare long enough or laugh hard enough when he had the chance, and now he doesn’t know when his next opportunity to do either of those with you will be.
 Mike scrubs a hand down his face, scratches the hair he’s let grow out a little too much, then slowly begins to unpack his things. He’s being melodramatic, he knows, but he can’t help it. He can either let himself feel sad, or he can let the unbridled fucking rage take over, and out of the two, he prefers the former. 
 Mike’s class schedule gets pinned to the wall in his bedroom. His laptop gets set up. Textbooks are tossed into a corner. He really doesn’t care to do much more than that, but he figures he should make the place at least a little presentable. Who knows? Maybe he’ll find someone to entertain.
 The thought makes him a little sick to his stomach, but it’s a sensation he’s slowly getting used to as more time passes.
 Mike knows he needs to pull himself together, needs to put on a brave face. Pretty soon all the frats will be dealing with the dirty rushers, all the kids who weren’t able or didn’t think to suck up to the brothers during the spring. Then there’s inductions and hazing… Fuck, fall semesters are so tedious even without living in the house. He’s never been a huge fan of it all, but he’s had this image to uphold since he became a pledge.
 Now, Mike isn’t so sure he can keep that image in place.
 He stays locked away for as long as he possibly can, but eventually there’s a knock on his front door—Erwin who shoots Mike a broad grin and wriggles his ridiculous eyebrows. “You ready, bro? Got a place all your own with no one to bother you—”
 “You’re bothering me.”
 “Can do whatever you want,” Erwin powers on, completely unfazed. “Bring back whoever you want, no pesky frat boys to get in your way ‘cause fuck those guys, right?” He goes to grab Mike’s shoulders while laughing at his own joke, but Mike swats him away. 
 It makes Erwin scoff, and then he’s pushing past Mike to get into his new home, looking around for just a second and breathing out a little, “Eesh,” before turning back and giving Mike a look of condescension. “Don’t tell me this bad mood is because of your little toy finding someone else.”
 “Okay, firstly, fuck off,” Mike squints at him. “And, secondly, how do you already know about that?”
 Erwin examines his manicured nails, buffs them on his shirt and tells Mike, “Saw her and Jaeger walking out of the bookstore earlier. They looked pretty cozy. Pretty giddy, too, all smiles and—”
 “Shut. The fuck up.”
 The other man snorts. “Calm down, dude. I’m sure you can get her back or whatever you’re trying to do. Zeke’s an assole. Won’t take her long to figure it out.”
 “We’ll see.”
 This time Mike lets Erwin clap a hand on his shoulder before he walks out but not without suggesting, “You really should brighten things up a little in here. Hang some fairy lights or something. Girls love fairy lights.”
 Mike rolls his eyes, not bothering to remind his friend that he only started unpacking half an hour ago, then physically shoves Erwin out of his apartment.
 So, you’re already walking around campus flaunting your new little fling, he thinks. Perfect. He’s really looking forward to seeing that everywhere. 
 Mike eventually has to go by the PKA house for a meeting. Some of the members are already discussing plans for rush week and parties. Should they have lists or just keep them open and direct everyone to the yard? Are they gonna stick to their regular forms of hazing or should they change things up this year? Did anyone stick out from spring? Mike doesn’t pay much attention, just scrolls through his phone skimming through the same three social media apps over and over. He reads through the text thread he shares with you, the one he’s never deleted, and thumbs all the way up to a few months ago just to see if anything had been different back then, if he had said or done something wrong. 
 But, he’s gone through it a dozen times already, and he never finds anything. Maybe you just grew while he was away, experienced some kind of self-actualization that prepared you for an actual relationship. 
 Or, maybe Zeke just has something that Mike doesn’t. 
 Mike runs into you on the second day of classes. Thankfully, you’re alone, and as soon as you catch sight of him, you grin widely and launch yourself at him. It comes as a surprise, your full weight hitting him square in the chest when you jump, and he has to catch you like you’re an excited child.
 It’s too close. You’re too close. Body against his as you slide down to your actual height and rest your head on his chest.
 “I missed you, Zacharias.”
 He wants to lift you up again, lock your thighs around his waist and kiss you like he used to. Instead, Mike pats the top of your head and gently untangles you from himself. He makes sure to smile when you look up at him, and he’s glad you aren’t pouting or frowning, your expression soft when he tells you, “Yeah, I missed you too.”
 He asks how your summer classes went. You ask what his course load is like this semester. It’s just small talk, and Mike hates it. 
 “How’re your parents?” You question like you’re interested, but he can’t imagine you actually are.
 “They’re good,” he shrugs. “Dad got a promotion at work a few weeks ago. Mom is doing the same shit she always does.” Like, making his favorite meals to heal his poor little broken heart. Mike hadn’t even told her about the conversation he’d had with you, and yet, as soon as he came out of his room the following morning, she just knew. 
 “Glad to hear it,” you nod. “Hey, do you wanna grab lunch or something? My next class isn’t til two, so I’m tryin’ to kill some time.”
 “Actually, I told Erwin I’d meet him,” Mike lies through his teeth. He’ll be using excuses like that for as long as he can. “Sorry.”
 “No, it’s cool,” you wave him off. “I’ll just grab Hitch or—”
 “There you are.” Mike stiffens at the vaguely familiar voice ringing out from behind him, hand flexing by his side as the school’s golden boy walks right past him and to you. “I was looking all over for you.”
 “Well, here I am,” you laugh, but Mike notes how forced it sounds. It’s a laugh that stems from nerves, he thinks. But why? Is it because Mike is here? Are you afraid of how he’ll act? Or, is it that you’re still in the phase of this “relationship” with Zeke  that you’re still anxious around him?
 The other man doesn’t even acknowledge Mike for a full twenty seconds. He heavily considers just walking away without a word, but the blond does eventually turn around to look at him and shows a smile that Mike would describe as slimy but you would probably call charming.
 “Zacharias,” Zeke greets and holds out a hand. “It’s been a minute.”
 Mike doesn’t like the way he says his last name. He only likes the way his friends say it. How you say it. Even if it started off as a way to keep your distance, he grew fond of it. Not as fond as his given name, of course, but hearing those four syllables from your mouth, always laced with attitude, never fails to make him smile.
 “Yeah, it has,” Mike agrees, clasping hands with him.
 He immediately feels Zeke stick his index finger out over his wrist, an attempt of taking control of the shake. Mike has seen it too many times to count, the petty attempt to flip hands so that one man’s is on top of the other. It’s a terrible way to flaunt one’s masculinity or power, and it’s never worked on Mike. 
 His hand is quite a bit larger than most people’s, after all. It’s definitely larger than Zeke’s, so when he tries to turn it, Mike doesn’t have a problem keeping his wrist straight. 
 The blond has to look up at him, actually tilt his head back because Mike has a good five inches on him, and after a couple more seconds, Zeke gives up on the pathetic display of dominance. That doesn’t stop Mike from squeezing his palm just a little too hard, though, just enough to see the muscles in Zeke’s jaw twitch. 
 When he lets go he chances a glance at you, finding you rubbing your temples. You mumble something Mike can’t hear, probably about men being stupid because there’s no way that little show escaped your notice. 
 Zeke steps over to you once again and asks the same question you had asked Mike—”You wanna get lunch, babe?” 
 Hearing him calling you that causes Mike’s blood to bubble in his veins, blistering from the inside out. It’s time for him to leave.
 “Yeah, sure,” you nod. Eyes flicking back to Mike, you force another smile and tell him, “See you around.”
 The two of you walk off, and Mike watches for just a little too long as Zeke laces his fingers with yours. Once you’re both a safe distance away, the fucker looks back at Mike from over his shoulder and smirks at him.
 Mike has long legs. He could easily catch up to you and punch Zeke square in the jaw, make his head snap to the side so that he drops to the ground. 
 But, what would you think of that? There’s no way you’d be happy with him, and if there’s one thing that would  be worse than Mike having to see you parade around with someone who isn’t him, it would be you ignoring him completely.
 The first couple of weeks are honestly a blur. Too much is happening for Mike to focus on. The only thing that seems real to him is the ache in his chest. It distracts him day in and day out, through the late rushers and all the sucking up, through the first couple of parties, bid day and the first rounds of hazing. It’s just always there. 
 He is notably quieter when in the house, and it seems like everyone knows why. While Erwin pokes fun at him for his moodiness, Nile takes a more adult approach and simply asks how he’s doing, if he needs anything, going as far as offering, “You need me to punch that dude in the throat? Plant drugs in his bag? I’m pretty sure Gelgar has coke on his person at all times.” 
 He’s a good guy. Mike is glad he got voted in as PKA President this year despite Erwin giving him a run for his money. Nile is just personable enough to bring members in and have a good time at events, and just controlling enough to make sure things in the house are taken care of. Plus, Erwin doesn’t seem too broken up about getting Vice instead.
 It’s a relief when lacrosse starts back up, finally gives him a way to get some of his frustration out. The other teams have never been luckier to be wearing helmets otherwise Mike would have broken several noses within the first game alone. 
 The season has some overlap with baseball, games scheduled on the same day, sometimes at the same time. Mike keeps himself from looking into the stands to try to find you, scared that you’ll be there or scared that you won’t be, he isn’t sure.
 And, of course, Zeke’s face is plastered everywhere after he pitches a perfect fucking game. Mike wants to be angry, wants to spit on the flyers and punch every computer that’s displaying the college’s home screen, but if he’s being honest with himself, he knows that if it were anyone else, Mike would be impressed. Pitching a perfect game is pretty fucking cool, and the school is lucky to have a player as talented as Zeke, but god, what Mike wouldn’t do to just curbstomp him.
 Your name still lights up on his phone fairly often to ask how games went or how his classes are going. You’ve asked for help with homework on one occasion and lunch on another, but after Mike lies about only being able to walk you through the material over the phone and shoots you down for lunch, you seem to get the picture. 
 He doesn’t want it to be awkward between you, but he doesn’t know how to act now. His entire relationship with you started off as a drunken fuck, and it’s been mostly physical since then. How is he supposed to be able to spend time with you without touching you? Even the semester you refused to hook up with him, there were still times when you were both actively fighting the temptation. Mike can remember seeing it in your eyes all the time, probably just as often as you’d see it in his. You’d sit with a leg pressed against his, fall asleep on his arm every once in a while, and he wants that back now, but there’s no way the two of you can do that anymore. He doesn’t possess the same self-control.
 Over the weekend, you end up cracking and trying again, asking for help with studying for a quiz, and Mike has to contemplate it for at least fifteen minutes before he gives in.
 Coffee shop on 7th? you text him, and Mike chuckles to himself. The only places you’ve ever studied together is at the library or in his room, and while he could only get as far as a hand between your legs in the school building, he would usually end up in bed with you whenever going over something behind closed doors. 
 It makes sense that you want to go to a busier place, more eyes to watch you. It’s irritating, but he understands.
 Mike grabs one of his own textbooks from the previous year, the one he actually bought so that he could highlight and take notes in the margins, then makes his way to the little cafe.
 He’s been to this particular shop many times before, with you as well as the girls who came before—the ones that never mattered. Mike easily spots you at a little table by the window, your own book and several papers spread out around you. When you see him, you grin then hurry to clear a space for him, organizing what Mike recognizes as reading guides. 
 “Hey, stranger," you greet.
 Mike nods, eyes landing on the green hoodie you’re wearing, the one that covers too much of you, that spills over the tops of your legging clad thighs and hides your little hands. It’s his, but it’s always looked better on you. The fact that you still wear it makes Mike’s heart swell a tiny bit as he takes his seat. The sun is hitting you just right and making your face glow, making your eyes twinkle, and he doesn’t know if he can do this.
 “So, what d’you need help with?” He prompts before he can make up his mind to turn right back around. 
 You slide one of the guides over to him and point out several circled questions. The blanks are filled in, but you ask him, “Why?” dramatically. “None of that makes sense to me.”
 Mike laughs through his nose and glances at the page your textbook is flipped to so he can open his own.
 “Why’d you keep your book from last year?”
 He glances up before turning it to show the highlighted lines, the starred passages, the little annotations for better understanding. 
 “One, because I worked hard on making it better, and two,” he feels his mouth curl up, the teasing coming naturally when he tells you, “I figured you’d probably benefit from it.”
 You squint at him, scrunching your nose up, and Mike takes a mental snapshot to tuck away. 
 “Rude,” you utter.
 He raises his eyebrows and leans back in his chair. “I think ‘thank you’ is the term you’re looking for.”
 “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just explain this to me if you’re so smart.”
 “You know I’m smart.”
 Mike doesn’t understand where the casual back-and-forth is coming from. Is it easy because he's done it so many times before? Words tumble from his mouth before they actually cross his mind, and he’s both grateful (it’s better than the awkward small talk he thought he’d have to make) and worried. If he’s speaking without actually thinking things through, what else might he do before his brain catches up? Will he smooth hair out of your eyes? Will he brush his hand over yours? Will he stare at your lips for too long? All of those are habits he hasn’t managed to break yet, but he will break if he accidentally offends you by crossing any of these lines.
 He sits with his hands tucked between his legs, only moving to flip a page or point something out with his pinky finger. He's reading upside down, and you're leaning over the tabe, staring at the book then staring at him. Mike tries to look through you instead of at you, but it's hard as you let out a little oh! when something clicks or pouting when it doesn't. 
 "I still don't get it."
 So, Mike finds different ways of explaining things because he knows this information very well now. It's still pretty fresh in his brain, and he may or may not have reviewed some of it when he saw how many of your classes matched up with his. 
 "Okay, I feel a lot better," you sigh once Mike has gone through every page. 
 Mike is more or less sitting on his hands at this point, gritting his teeth behind the grin plastered on his face because this is the part where he asks if you wanna go back to the house. This is the part where you wind down together, watching dumb TV shows or pawing at each other, rolling in his bed and laughing and moaning. That's what's supposed to happen. 
 "Alright, well, if that's it, I should get going," Mike tries, stretching his arms out and nearly smacking the person sitting behind him right in the head. 
 You snort, cover your mouth, and look away. It's what you always do. You can't look at him when you start laughing or you'll just laugh harder and harder, and while Mike adores it, the general public usually does not. 
 But, then Mike is snickering because he can feel the stranger trying to burn holes in the back of his skull, has to bite his fist to keep himself quiet, and when you chance a glance and see, you slam your head down on the table, whole body shaking with giggles. 
 It's always the little things that get you. On one of the walks with Scout over Spring Break, Mike had tripped over a stick on the trail. He managed to catch himself, but Jesus Christ, you didn't stop laughing for ten minutes. 
 "God fucking—" he's starting to lose it too as he stands and gathers your supplies from the table, tucking them all under one arm then using his other to pull you out of your seat. "We have to leave before they make us." 
 You hide your face in your hands, trusting Mike to guide you by the shoulders, and once you're both outside, you belly laugh until you wave your arms and gasp, "I can't—I can't breathe—I can't breathe!" Your voice is all high pitched and hysterical, and all Mike can do is bring you to his chest so that you can let your giggles die off in the privacy of his t-shirt. 
 He can feel your breath through the material as you calm down, eventually looking up and wiping tears from your eyes as you continue to grin. 
 Mike tilts his face down to stare at you, aware that all of his affections are shining right through his eyes, but he doesn't care because you don't seem to. 
 “You’re a fucking dork,” he hums, has a fully conscious thought of touching your face—no accident, no impulse, a complete, coherent, thought, so he does it. He just does it. Palm over your cheek, thumb gently tracing to wipe away another tear from your little fit. 
 You let out a long exhale, close your eyes and hum, then reach up to cover Mike's hand with yours. 
 Your fingers lock into the spaces between his, and you hold on for a few seconds before letting your hand fall, taking his with it. And, just like that, all the good feelings that had grown inside of him over the course of the study session disappear.
 "Miche," you sigh, still holding onto two of his fingers. 
 He smiles in a way that makes you frown, then mumbles, "Yeah, I know."
 After handing your supplies back, Mike kisses you on the top of the head before you can stop him, then turns and starts walking toward the street his apartment is on. 
"Why are you always wearing that hoodie?" 
 You look up from your laptop just as Zeke steps out of his room freshly showered and shirtless. It's a sight that should probably make your mouth water, but instead it's gone dry at his question. 
 "Oh, uh, I don't really know," you bullshit. "It's just big and comfortable, I guess."
 Zeke uses the towel around his neck to dry his hair a little better, questions, "Well, whose is it?" while his face is slightly obscured. 
 If you pause, he'll probably be suspicious. If you answer, he will also be suspicious. And, you can't really blame him. People know you on campus as Mike Zacharias' friend or girlfriend or plaything or whatever. You assume Zeke having to walk around with that hanging over his head is pretty annoying.  
 "Oh, wait," he starts before you can answer. Squinting without his glasses, he grumbles, "That's one of the lacrosse hoodies, isn't it?" 
 You look down at the cracked logo and try not to smile at it. "Yeah. It's one of Mike's old ones."
 "Right." He pads over to you and takes your laptop from your legs despite your protests of being in the middle of an online assignment, setting it on the coffee table behind him. Then, using one arm to brace himself on the back of the couch, Zeke holds himself above you and takes your chin between two fingers so that he can tilt your face and kiss you. 
 It makes you melt. It always does. Your heart beats like a drum in your chest for about two seconds before it relaxes into a subtle thrumming, a white noise that drowns out everything else. 
 You straighten your back in an attempt to get closer, but Zeke pulls away ever so slightly, makes you chase after his lips and you do. You do because you want more, want him. 
 It's been weeks now and the farthest you've gotten with him, the farthest he's let you get with him, was the series of harsh kisses he'd ladened you with up against his front door a few days ago. He'd pushed your shirt up and shoved a knee between your legs, giving you something to grind against, but it never progressed to anything more. 
 You don't understand. It's not like he's never had sex. You've heard girls talk about him on campus, how he'd been seeing so-and-so for a couple months in freshman year, fucked some other chick at a party, etc., etc. 
 Then you'd met his actual ex the other day, one he dated officially for a semester last year before breaking things off. Her name is Rhi. She's very pretty. And, she had pulled Zeke into a full blown conversation without looking at you once. The way she batted her eyes and smiled at him, twisting her hair and shoving at him playfully—Oh yeah. She's definitely seen him naked. 
 You didn't say anything about it for a while, just stewed in silence until Zeke finally sighed and asked, "What would you like to know?" 
 He'd given you the vague outline—met her in class, studied together, decided to date, left her to focus on baseball. That excuse hit a little too close to home, but you'd let it roll off your shoulders. 
 The point is Zeke has fucked other girls, but he won't fuck you, and you need to know why because you're starting to get desperate. It's not a good look. It's one you never wanted to wear, but the way he stares at you and the way he talks to you, always pointing out your strengths, encouraging you, complimenting you is intoxicating.
 When Zeke's eyes are on you, it’s like you're the most important person in the room. He has some ability to make you feel that way, to make everyone feel that way you realized one night after a game. People flock to him. They want to listen to what he has to say. They want to agree with him where he can see. 
 It's hard to explain to anyone who hasn't met him, but the best way you can describe it (a way only a few people will understand) is that he has a twenty for charisma. He's talented and smart and engaging, can convince anyone of anything the same way he's convinced you that he wants you. 
 Hand slipping behind your arching back, Zeke presses you against him for just a moment, then drops onto the couch next to you only to tug you on top of him. 
 You're already breathing too heavily, clutching his face in both your hands as you grind your hips against his. He squeezes your ass, smirking against your mouth when you whimper, then moves his hands to push both the hoodie and your shirt off. 
 You lift your arms, letting Zeke strip you as your mind grows hazy. He mutters more to himself than to you, a low, "Get this shit off," then carelessly tosses your clothes over the armrest. 
 Fingers climb up your ribs, almost tickling, making you squirm in his lap. You can feel that he's getting hard, thank god. This just might be the night, please fucking let it be. 
 You've never been a big fan of terms like ‘blue-balls’ or ‘blue-bean’, never even thought it existed, and it really doesn't; it's just a form of manipulation, of guilting your partner into sex, and you know this because you've had an entire rant about it prepared since high school, but right now, in this particular moment, you're aching. Your insides ache. Your clit aches. You just want—
 Zeke pinches one of your nipples hard enough to clear your head for a second, causes you to cry out and pull back. He lets go, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he watches you and flicks over the sore bud with a fingertip. 
 "Zeke," you breathe, body trembling. 
 "What is it, baby?" He coos. 
 He snakes a hand between the two of you, ridding you of any and all thoughts as he rubs over your covered pussy. You're almost positive that if he keeps doing it, you'll start to leak through your leggings, right into his hand. 
 Panting, an old track plays in the back of your head, a deep voice, breathy and promising, gonna fuck you dry tonight.
 You lean forward to kiss Zeke again, letting him suck and bite hard enough to make the frown on your face look natural, like he put it there. 
 Flames are licking up and down your legs, then your arms, but even though it's Zeke's lap you're sitting in and Zeke's tongue in your mouth and Zeke's fingers massaging your pussy, it's suddenly Mike you're thinking about, and well… That can't be good. 
 You tangle your hands in Zeke's hair, the different texture bringing you back to reality. His thick beard is scratching against your face. His bare torso is wiry with muscle and pressed to yours. He moves his hand and raises his hips to meet yours, a groan catching in his throat. It looks like he's finally losing his composure, cheeks flushed, eyes are foggy. When you break away, he licks away the string of spit holding you together, tongue running over his lip seductively.
 "Can we—" you start, but Zeke speaks at the same time. 
 "It's getting late."
 Blinking at him, you find yourself experiencing too many emotions to actually identify a single one. You feel your eyebrows knit together, but it’s more from your confusion than it is your frustration. 
 But, you don’t want to be frustrated. You don’t want to be or look upset about not getting sex. That would make you a terrible person, and you’re not about to make him feel bad for not being ready to take that step with you. You’ve been on the receiving end of that, and it doesn’t feel good.
 The amount of times you’ve had to masturbate in the last few weeks is a little fucking ridiculous, though. 
 Nodding mostly to yourself to get your thoughts back in line, you slide off of Zeke to stand up. Your hand is trembling when you reach for your clothes, heat still coursing through you, but you manage to gently grab them from the couch rather than snatch them. 
 Shirt and hoodie back in place, you gather your things, feeling Zeke’s gaze on you the entire time. You don’t say anything, just nibble on your bottom lip as you run over all the events that took place over the night, what you possibly did wrong, what turned him off or just failed to turn him on in the first place. 
 After slipping everything back into your bag, Zeke finally gets to his feet and takes it from you, walking with you outside to your car. 
 “I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he tells you, the picture of calm and collected while your body remains buzzing.
 “Okay, yeah.” 
 He puts your stuff in the front passenger seat, shuts the door, and gives you a sweet little peck that you wish lasted longer.
 Zeke says good night, begins walking back to the building, but stops and calls to you right before you shrink into the car. 
 Even from this distance, you can tell he’s looking you dead in the eye, face suddenly very serious when he tells you, “You can go ahead and stop wearing that hoodie.”
* For the first time since the semester started, lacrosse and baseball games do not overlap one another, and you're able to spend the warm afternoon in the stands, cheering on the friends you made over the last year. 
 The home team is dominating, Mike and Erwin are too fucking quick for their opponents to get in the way of. The way the ball just flies back and forth between them, like a game of keep-away, shows just how on-the-same-page they are. The other guys are good too, doing a spectacular job of staying one leg ahead, defending their star players and assisting in the offensive effort. 
 The last goal is made by Mike who launches the ball from the center of the field right into the goal, and both the crowd and the teams lose their fucking minds. 
 You're up on your feet screaming and clapping, voice breaking as your shrill cry tears your throat. You know you're being drowned out by everyone around you, but as Mike gets lauded for being the god he is—putting up with backslaps and hugs and a headlock from Erwin—he still manages to find you in the second row, grinning in that crooked way you love so much. 
 You don't know exactly when that started happening, probably sometime after Spring break. Or, maybe it was there since the beginning, just laying dormant at the back of your head so that you could focus on denying him. 
 It doesn't really matter now since you're actually with someone. That someone isn't around right now, but he's in your thoughts as your chest fills with affection and pride for your friend. 
 Erwin is shouting about another open party, and your mind is made up to not attend because Zeke wouldn't appreciate it, but then Mike is suddenly lifting himself onto the raised, concrete stands and pointing at you, and before you know it, you're hopping down the next bleacher without a care for the fans who have to lean out of the way. 
 He's incredibly sweaty as you wrap your arms around his neck, but you don't mind. You were so convinced he would be mad at you or try to avoid you. 
 You're very aware that you had hurt him by getting with Zeke, and while he had been pretty guarded for the first few weeks, he's opened up some since that day in the coffee shop, when you'd nearly giggled yourself to death. You hadn't expected that to be what cracked his walls, especially considering how that visit had ended, but you're glad that it did. 
 "Haven't seen you cheering for me in a while," Mike laughs next to your ear. 
 He's dizzy with adrenaline, swaying back and forth as he squeezes you, and you tell him, "If you make us fall, I will beat you up, I swear." 
 "Okay," he says in a stupid voice of obvious disbelief, "Whatever you say." 
 You've been texting more, going over homework together, though you haven't needed his help in-person since he had switched books with you that day. It had been so smooth and subtle, you didn't realize until you opened it to study the following day, immediately noticing all the notes and highlights. 
 It had made you cry like a little bitch in the middle of your dorm, and you called Mike to thank him without bothering to hide your tears and hiccups. 
 "Come to the party tonight," he demands, but it's so soft, like he's still giving you a chance to say no. 
 The crowd is still yelling, so you have to keep speaking into each other's ears, and you ask, "Why? All the Pike parties are sticky and gross."
 "'Cause we haven't gotten drunk together in a while," Mike states in the form of a whine. 
 You snort, feeling his hair dripping onto your shoulder. You should probably be disgusted, but it's not the first time you've gotten sweaty with him, and it's definitely not the worst bodily fluid he's made a mess on you with. 
 "You know what happens when we get drunk together," you remind him with a smile he can't see. "Can't do that anymore."
 "I promise I'll behave."
 That's not the problem. You don't know if you can behave. You've been wound up for over a month now, and it is driving you insane. No matter how many times you get off alone in your room at night, you still ache as if you're being edged. 
 So, getting fucked up with someone you know for a fact can fuck you stupid… probably not the best idea. 
 "Miche," you protest, drawing his name out. 
 "Just think about it."
 He leaves you with that, hopping down and walking away with his arms in the air as everyone surrounding you cheers for him until he disappears. You just stand there amidst the noise, shirt now wet as you contemplate the pros and cons of going to another PKA party. 
 As always, Zeke asks what your plans are for the night, but for the first time since you met him, you lie. * King's Cup and Rage Cage and Beer Pong galore. Party-goers are pooling onto the lawn, and you're just waiting for campus police to show because of the chaos, but you're not necessarily scared of it. So you go to jail for a couple days. Worse things could happen. 
 Currently, you and Mike are sitting on the sidewalk nursing beers and giggling at the new pledges who keep running around the house in less and less clothes. 
 "Honestly, this isn't that bad," Mike tells you. "Erwin suggested we make them all watch snuff together."
 You give him an incredulous look as you raise the glass bottle to your mouth. "Erwin is a god damn psychopath, what the fuck."
 "We had to do it and didn't turn out too bad."
 "And, just like that, I'm scared of you."
 Mike laughs before sticking two fingers in his mouth and whistling as a brawny blond speeds past in nothing but boxers—Reiner, you think his name is. 
 There are only a few new guys who stick out to you—that one, a long-faced kid named Jean, freckle boy Marco, and, naturally, Zeke's younger brother, Eren. He sorta skeeves you out, so you've been doing your best to stay out of his sight despite never formally meeting him before. 
 "Kid's kind of a prick, a little too cocky. Always talking about how he's related to Zeke, or should I say your lo-ver," Mike chuckles, sounding amused, but he still downs the rest of his beer afterward. 
 You let out a little growl, just drunk enough to be too honest, and grumble, "Not my lover. Also, I would never use that term. So cringey."
 "What do you mean?"
 "I mean it's weird and dramat—"
 "No," Mike cuts you off, "What do you mean about him not being that?"
 You fall back on the concrete, bumping the back of your head a little too hard and scrunching your face up. 
 "We haven't had sex. The dude just will not fuck me for some reason."
 "Are you serious?" 
 You glance at Mike and find his eyes wide in alarm. 
 "As a heart attack. I have never been so frustrated in my entire life." 
 You probably shouldn't be talking about this with him, one, because you assume it's like twisting a knife right in Mike's gut and two, because the more you drink, the less self-control you have. 
 He grunts then tosses his bottle into the yard for some poor pledge to slip on. 
 "His loss."
 "Whatever. I'm sure he'll come around eventually," you sigh then sit back up. "And, until then, I guess I'm practicing celibacy or some shit."
 Mike laughs hard at that, and it makes you smack him on the arm. "Yeah, good luck with that."
 "Shut up."
 "I'm just saying," he raises his hands. "You're, like, the neediest person I know."
 "Excuse the fuck outta me?" 
 "In the bedroom, dummy. Obviously not all the time."
 This is not at all where you wanted this conversation to go. The more you think about it, the more you feel that ache, the more you want to quell it. 
 "We should change the subject."
 Mike looks at you, flipping hair out of his eyes and smiling like the cocky frat boy he pretends to be. 
 "Why? Gettin' all worked up."
 "You are literally the worst."
 You stand and finish your drink, throwing it a few feet away from Mike's as you tell him, "I need to get a little more fucked up if I'm gonna deal with your ass all night."
 "Uh huh."
 He follows you back inside, but while you make your way into the kitchen, Mike stops to talk with Erwin about one thing or another. It means he has to entertain the masses, talk about the game, and you post up against a wall to watch him. 
 You should leave. Mike is looking a little too attractive in his stupid fucking pastel polo, and you're supposed to meet Zeke for lunch tomorrow anyway. Zeke, your boyfriend. 
 Or, well, he hasn't said it explicitly, but you hold hands in public and ignore other people, just make it obvious that both of you aren't interested in anyone else. 
 Except when Mike sidles up to you with foggy eyes and a smirk he hasn't worn around you in a long time, you groan at the thought that you are interested in someone else. Even if it's just one night, god, you need it so bad. And, you know Mike can give it to you. Exactly the way you want it. 
 It's Zeke's fault, really. You know he knows how desperate you're getting. If he'd just explain why he doesn't want to have sex, you could deal with it much better than you are now, but he continues to leave you in the dark. It makes you think you're doing something wrong. 
 Then, there's the problem of feeling like the shittiest person alive every time you get frustrated. You've spent nights trying to rationalize it, but it's hard to think straight when you're so, undeniably horny. 
 "Don't look at me like that," you tell Mike with a scoff. 
 "Why not?" 
 "'Cause you said you'd behave tonight."
 He cocks his head to the side and makes a face. "Did I? That doesn't sound like something I'd say to you."
 "Oh my god, you're impossible. And, drunk."
 "I'm not really that drunk," he waves you off. "It takes more than a few beers to get me fucked up, remember? Downfall of being this large."
 Jesus, he really is rubbing it in your face now. Wide with muscle and so fucking tall. Not to mention his—
 "I really cannot do this, Miche," you try again, gritting your teeth when his pupils dilate. "Zeke would be so pissed."
 "So? Come on, just one more time. I didn't know the last time would be the last time."
 You hadn't either. You don't know what you would have done differently had you known—maybe just taken the time to appreciate his incredible body more—but it doesn't matter now. 
 You try to sound firm and irritated when you snap, "You know you're being kinda manipulative, right?" 
 Mike tilts his head back as if you just shoved it, blinks a couple times, then swears out loud. "Oh, fuck." He takes a step away, eyes clear for the first time in several minutes. "I'm sorry. I didn't even—"
 "It's fine," you wave. "I just wanted you to know. I'm drunk and you're hot, and I don't wanna fuck things up with Zeke."
 "Yeah, I get it. Fuck. If you, like, wanna leave, I won't stop you. It was a joke, and then it wasn’t a joke and—That was a shit thing to do."
 "Little bit, but you get a pass this time," you laugh through your nose. "Just don't go pulling that bullshit on some unsuspecting freshman or anything." 
 He runs a hand through his hair, red with embarrassment, and you think to yourself, Mike is a good guy. One of the best. You don't know of many who would take that kind of criticism to heart—how many would feel genuinely guilty. It is college, and every girl knows the trend of fratty sports players getting off scot-free after being charged with sexual assault. Given his status at the school, Mike could definitely do something like that and get away with it.
 But, he would never. 
 You push him gently to show you aren't mad, tell him, "I still wanna hang out with you. We don't get to as much as we used to."
 Mike's small smile looks relieved as he takes a deep breath. "This isn't exactly the best place to just chill, but—"
 "I haven't seen your new apartment yet." 
 You regret it as soon as it comes out of your mouth, your little tune changing ridiculously quickly, but you can't deny that you're curious. He's still your best friend, and you want to know what he's done with his new place. Is it bland like his old room in the house, or did he let his real personality show through? 
 "You sure?" He questions. 
 "Yeah. We can just, like, play video games or something."
 "Are you sure?" 
 He must feel terrible. You can relate.
 "If you don't want me over, just say so," you snort. 
 "No, no, of course I do. I just don't want you to feel weird about being alone or anything."
 "Nah, like you said, you're not really drunk. I'll sober up with water. We'll be fine."
 You don't know if you're trying to convince him or yourself. Without the presence of alcohol, you should be able to keep it together, and the distraction of Zelda or Mario will surely help. 
 "Okay, yeah," Mike nods. "Let's go then."
You don't even bother finishing your drink, just set it on a countertop and follow him out to his Wrangler. It's been a while since you've ridden in it. It's been a while since you've ridden him, your brain helpfully supplies, and as you pull up to the unfamiliar apartment complex, you once again begin to think that this was a bad idea.
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lallyloo · 3 years
(So @imincognitohere and I were talking about EB recs, and porn, and how Link’s entire porn collection would consist of a dark haired guy with glasses and a John Mayer lookalike. Then we imagined Rhett finding Link’s JM porn collection and crying, and then just railing Link. And now we’re here.)
He’s not really supposed to be on Link’s laptop, but Link’s running behind and Rhett really needs the May 2022 Ear Biscuits schedule now.
He silently curses himself for not keeping the schedule on his own laptop, or even his phone, but Link’s the one who types during planning sessions and they’re always together, so it’s never mattered before.
But today Link’s stuck in traffic on the way to the creative house, and Stevie’s trying to book their first guest in nearly two years, and Rhett needs the info now.
And they have each other’s passwords for this very reason.
So Rhett waits for the sign-in screen to appear, and he types Link’s password.
And he’s in.
 The desktop is just a line of neatly organized folders against a backdrop of some douche playing guitar.
Rhett stares at the douche for a second.
He knows his name is John Mayer.
But in Rhett’s mind he’s just ‘douche’.
Link’s crazy about his music but Rhett’s not, and the guy seems like a tool anyway.
And why does Link need him on his desktop? Why not Christy? Or the kids? Or hell, why not him and Rhett? Would that be too much? No.
And sure, Rhett’s desktop is a silhouetted photo of himself in Death Valley, but that’s neither here nor there. It was a great trip, and it’s a great photo, and it’s not just some random musician guy.
Rhett tears his gaze away from the background and scans the labels on the desktop folders, stopping when his eyes hit one called ‘May’. It seems to be the most obvious choice, likely full of schedule info, brainstorming, personal appointment times, etc.
To Rhett’s surprise, the files inside seem to have much more random names than the desktop folders.
It doesn’t seem like Link at all, and Rhett is a bit flummoxed as he reads down the list of random letters and numbers jumbled together.
He settles on a file called 324_eB_32_MMdrmfanta.
He’s in such a hurry he doesn’t pay attention to the file type, and Rhett realizes it’s a mistake as soon as he clicks it.
It’s not a list of dates or information. It’s not a schedule.
It’s a video.
And it looks like porn.
There’s a room. An office maybe? The camera pans and there’s a desk and a chair and a window.. and a bed. Yep, it’s porn.
The camera pans to socked feet, and up bare legs, over a little red speedo, to a bare chest, up to the face of someone who looks a bit like a younger Link.
Dark hair, blue eyes, glasses.
There’s a knocking sound in the video, someone at the door, and Rhett is curious to see who might walk in. It’ll be a blonde woman, he assumes. A Christy lookalike.
“Link you dirty dog..”
He’s invested now, curious to see what kind of fantasies Link is into. He knows Link and Christy’s relationship has its ups and downs, and Link’s blue balls have been an ongoing joke for years, and maybe he’s invading their privacy a bit by watching this video.. But it’s not actually Link and Christy. It’s just porn. Just a fantasy Link has. And they’ve talked about fantasies before. Hell, Rhett told him about the first time he ever jerked off. Watching a little porn video is nothing.
The guy with the glasses heads for the door and Rhett is enraptured as the scene unfolds – slipping off the chain lock, a hand on the doorknob, turning it slowly. Rhett wonders what the woman’s going to be wearing. What she’s going to say. What they’re going to do. How they’re going to fuck.
On screen, the door opens and Rhett pulls back a bit, surprised, when he realizes there’s a man on the other side of it. Another brunette, with longer hair – not as long as Rhett’s, but longer than Link’s. And flowy. The guy’s kinda pretty.
Huh. Maybe it’s a threesome video? Two guys and a girl? The guy with the glasses looks surprised but pleased, and Rhett stares at the screen, wondering when the girl will show up.
The other guy says something Rhett doesn’t register, and then he steps into the room, wraps the glasses guy up in his arms, and shoves his tongue down his throat.
The unmistakable sound of a porn sax overdub echoes through Link’s office, and Rhett pulls himself out of it. He clicks through the video, skipping ahead, his eyes growing wide as he gets quick glimpses of erections, blow jobs, sloppy kisses, a finger in a butthole, AND IS THAT HIS TONGUE?? And fucking, so much fucking, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Rhett skips to the end to see the long-haired guy trailing his tongue over the glasses guy’s dick, licking up every messy drop of cum.
And. Oh.
The girl never showed up.
Rhett closes the video.
So Link watches porn. Gay porn.
And he’s never told him.
Rhett can’t help but feel a little confused. And a little jealous.
Why hasn’t Link told him? Why haven’t they talked about it?
Does Link like guys?
Rhett’s never been into guys. Not once, like ever.
Well, sure, he’s thought about Link once in awhile. What it might be like to touch him. Kiss him. Maybe more.
But that doesn’t count. Because it’s Link.
It’s Link!
Rhett’s not into guys. Link doesn’t count.
And if Link is into guys he clearly doesn’t want to tell Rhett yet. And that’s fine.
Isn’t it?
Rhett is a little hurt, but he’s alright with letting Link tell him in his own time. That’s what best friends are for. They’re cool and they’re understanding and they’re patient. And Rhett is all of those things.
He closes the folder, and his eyes fall to the desktop again.
To that douche.
With the familiar face.
Why does he suddenly seem so familiar?
Rhett stares at him for a moment and his blood runs cold.
The video.
The guy at the door with the stupid floppy hair.
Rhett quickly opens the folder again, choosing another file at random.
Cheesy porn music starts and Rhett watches another slightly geeky dark-haired guy with glasses flirt with a dark-haired flop. Rhett skips ahead quickly. There are blowjobs, and the flop is lifting the cute geeky guy, kissing him, spreading his cheeks as the glasses guy gasps–
Rhett closes that video, and clicks another one, and moans fill Link’s office as the video starts right in the middle of a fucking scene. Two guys. Another cute eyeglassed guy with dark hair, and some long-haired jerk. As Rhett watches, he catches sight of a guitar in the background and his face burns hot.
Rhett fumbles with the laptop, slamming it closed, but the video keeps playing and the moans of two guys echo through the room as Rhett turns towards the door.
Link looks furious.
“Dude, what’re you doing??”
“I was just looking for– ”
“You’re snooping on my laptop??” Link pushes past him and opens his computer, typing in his password.
“No! I wasn’t! I was just– ”
Link clicks the little x in the top corner of the video and the room falls quiet as he turns back to Rhett.
“That’s my private stuff.”
“I was looking for the Ear Biscuits schedule!”
“And you thought you’d just watch some of my porn while you were in there?”
“It said May! I thought it meant the month!”
“Well it doesn’t mean that!”
“I know that now!”
Link looks at him for a moment and then rolls his eyes. “It’s a stupid name. I’ll.. rename it.. and hide it, I guess.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“What if you need somethin’ else in the future?”
“Well I’ll know not to look in the John Mayer folder.”
Link makes a sound, something akin to a squawk. “What??”
“That’s what it is, right?”
“It’s– I mean, it’s..” Link stutters, unable to look at him. “NO.”
“Oh, come on.”
“It’s not.”
Rhett gestures to the laptop, which still sits open on the desk. “You’re tellin’ me all those dudes with the long hair don’t make you think of… him?”
Link doesn’t answer the question, he just frowns. “I should’a called it something else.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. PORN maybe?? THIS IS MY PORN RHETT DON’T LOOK AT IT?? Does it need to be that obvious?”
Rhett can’t help but laugh, “That wouldn’t help at all. You know it’d only make me more curious.”
“True.” Link says, and he’s smiling now at least. “So fine, I’ll call it something you won’t care about.”
“Like what?”
“Well I’m not gonna tell you, ya dummy.”
Rhett raises his hands in defeat, “fine, fine.”
The room is quiet for a moment as they look at each other, and Rhett can’t help it when his gaze moves from Link’s face down to the idiot on the screen.
He’s so smug. So full of himself. He writes stupid lyrics and people just swoon over him. Link swoons over him.
But Rhett writes lyrics too. And he sings. What’s wrong with his songs?
“What’s John Mayer got that I ain’t got?”
Link’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “WHAT?”
“I didn’t even know you liked guys,” Rhett says quietly, “and now you’re into HIM of all people.”
“What’s wrong with HIM?”
“Well, for starters, he’s a– ” Rhett stops himself from calling the guy a name. Yeah he’s a stupid dumb idiot who steals the affection of certain best friends, but Rhett doesn’t need to say that to Link. He doesn’t need to make him more upset. “He’s not.. ”
“I know you think he’s not cool,” Link rolls his eyes again. “I don’t care.”
“It’s not that.”
“Well what is it??”
“He’s not.. me.” Rhett can feel his face start to burn the moment the words are out of his mouth. It’s stupid. He’s stupid. What is this? What’s he even doing?
“Not you??” Link laughs. “Dude, don’t tell me you’re jealous of John Mayer now too.”
“Well, I wasn’t,” Rhett says, and Link shoots him a skeptical look. “I mean, maybe just a bit. But now...”
“Now what?”
“After I saw those videos..” Rhett chokes out. “Link, why’re you thinkin’ about him and not me?”
“Rhett, you’re not into guys!”
“And you are??” Rhett can’t seem to help the hysterical tone in his voice.
“Well, yeah, man.”
“Since when??”
“Since.. always, I think.”
“What about Christy?”
“Christy knows,” Link shrugs, “she’s okay with it.”
Rhett thinks of his own wife and how she’d react if it were him.
Lately Jessie’s been more open-minded than anyone, more willing to learn and explore and grow. Would she be okay if he were.. if he liked..
And he already knows the answer – has heard her say a hundred times, a hundred ways, ‘we’re not who we used to be.. so whatever that means for you and Link, that’s fine by me. The four of us can figure it out.’
Rhett hadn’t questioned her at the time. Hadn’t realized what she meant.
“So, look, you found my porn,” Link is saying, “but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about this whole jealousy thing you’ve got going on. I’m not gonna stop watching it just because your feelings are hurt.”
“But what??” Link asks, exasperated.
“I want you to think of me.”
“Look,” Link sighs and takes off his glasses, rubbing a hand over his eyes, “I used to think of you..”
Link shrugs. “Awhile ago. Years.”
“Why’d you stop??”
“Rhett, listen, I knew it was never gonna happen with you so I made myself stop.”
“And it’s gonna happen with John Mayer??”
“No,” Link laughs, “it’s just a.. just a stupid fantasy.”
“So let me be your fantasy.” Rhett hates himself the moment it’s out of his mouth – he’s never said anything more embarrassing – and Link just gives him an odd look.
Rhett cringes, “I know.”
“I’m not gonna fantasize about my straight best friend.”
“But I want..”
“Rhett, WHAT.”
“I’m not into guys,” Rhett tries to explain, feeling like an idiot, “but I’m into you.”
“Well, I’m a guy.”
“I know, but you’re – ”
Link steps forward, and before Rhett can say anything more Link leans in and kisses him. It seems to be a test at first, gentle, and then Link slips his tongue out, pressing against Rhett’s lips, encouraging Rhett to open for him.
And Rhett does. He doesn’t even question it. His brain just screams, yes! Finally! And he’s kissing Link, soft and wet, and an ache shoots through his body, straight to his dick.
When Link pulls away, Rhett’s still got his eyes closed, his head tilted, with a smile plastered to his mouth.
“Did you like that?” Link asks.
“Yeahhh,” Rhett sighs dreamily.
“Then you’re into guys, you dummy. The percentage don’t matter.”
Rhett’s eyes snap open. “Okay, I’m into guys.”
Link looks at him, wide-eyed, and smiles. “So kiss me again then.”
Rhett does, taking hold of Link’s face and kissing him, and he knows he’s supposed to be doing something else. He came in this room for a reason. A file or something.
But none of that matters because he’s kissing Link and Link’s kissing him back, and as Rhett pushes Link up against the desk they bump the cable on Link’s laptop and it beeps to notify them that it’s come unplugged.
“Hold on,” Link mumbles, pulling away to plug the cable back in, and Rhett’s eyes are fixed to the photo on the desktop.
Stupid John Mayer douche.
He’ll never have Link.
“What’re you lookin’ at?”
Rhett glances up to find Link watching him curiously.
“You’re staring at my laptop like you wanna murder it.”
“What,” Rhett sputters, “no I’m not.”
“You really are jealous, huh?”
“You sure?”
“Link, I’m fine.”
“Guess I’ll just leave it open then,” Link smirks. “Since it’s not botherin’ you.”
Rhett reaches past him and slams the laptop shut. “No.”
Link laughs. “You’re like a jealous girlfriend.”
“Oh, you’re my boyfriend now?”
“Maybe,” Rhett says, and he’s dying. Literally dying. Link’s never going to let him live this down.
But Link kisses him again and suddenly Rhett doesn’t care. They’re kissing and Link is touching him. Link’s hands move down to unbutton his shirt, so Rhett grabs hold of Link’s shirt and tugs it up and over his head.
“What ones did you watch?”
“What what?”
“The videos, which ones.”
Rhett nearly chokes, looking away, and Link takes him by the chin and pulls his gaze back.
“You can tell me.”
“I don’t know,” Rhett admits, “I just skimmed a few.”
“Well what’d they do in them?”
“Blowjobs,” Rhett says, replaying the scenes in his mind, “lots of fingers everywhere. Fucking.”
“Yeah, tons of it.”
Link’s fingers slide down Rhett’s belly, stopping at his belt, and the buckle clinks as Link undoes it. “You wanna act it out?”
“Act it out??” Rhett feels like he might actually scream.
“No!” Link laughs and shuts him up with another kiss. “Just be you, dummy.”
“You want me to– ” Rhett stammers, speaking against Link’s lips, “Want me to go to the door?”
“The door? Why?”
“To knock? Like in the video?”
Link laughs again, and at least Rhett’s managed that. If nothing else, he can always make Link laugh.
“You watched the dorm fantasy video?”
“I don’t know.”
“Guy studying? Red speedo?”
“Ohh, yeah, that one.”
“And how’d it end?”
Rhett’s eyes go wide. “Fucking.”
“Right,” Link says, smiling back at him. “So you wanna just skip to that?”
Rhett’s died. He’s a corpse.
But he manages to breathe out, “Yes.”
Link opens a drawer and tosses a bottle of lube on his desk, and he’s saying “come on, come on,” and Rhett’s brain finally returns to him, because if there’s one thing he’s good at it’s using his dick.
He’s not quite sure of the next step because he’s never done THIS. But Link walks him through the lube and the prep, and god, his ass is beautiful, and now Rhett gets to fuck it, and when Link’s hand slips over Rhett’s dick, slicking him up good, Rhett’s knees nearly give out.
Then Link’s turning away, still talking to him, teasing, asking, “You gonna fuck me better than John Mayer would?” and Rhett grips his hips and slides in slow, easing in deep, gasping at how tight Link is around him.
And Link groans,“Oh god.. fuck, you’re in..
And moans, “Rhett, do it.”
And Rhett does.
He fucks the hell out of Link.
Plows him into the desk.
Tries to fuck John Mayer right out of his mind.
Just rails him.
And Link keeps gasping, “Yeah, like that, yeah, Rhett, fuck me like that,” and when he breathes out “better than John Mayer ever could..” Rhett stops and grabs hold of him, turning him around, needing to see him, wanting Link to see who’s fucking him and giving it to him so good.
Link goes easily, seemingly happy about it, and when Link is bare-assed on the desk with his dick in his hand, Rhett hooks his arms under his knees and fucks in again.
“Tell me,” Rhett sputters as he fucks with everything he’s got.
“Tell you what?” Link is looking up at him, dazed, and they both know Link’s teasing.
“Tell me I’m better.”
“Better than who?”
“You know who,” Rhett grits out, and he’s going to come. Soon. Real soon. And he needs to hear it so bad. “HIM.”
“Oh..” Link grins, and his voice catches in his throat as he says, “John Mayer?”
Rhett can only nod, silently begging Link to give him what he needs.
“You’re better,” Link smiles up at him, his breath stuttering, and Rhett can feel him tighten around his cock. “You’re so good, Rhett, fuck, you fuck me better than anyone.”
“Yeah,” Rhett gasps, pulling Link’s knees up higher, fucking in tighter, harder, faster, and he nearly folds Link in half when he leans in to kiss him again.
And Link breathes against Rhett’s mouth, “No one fucks me like you..” and he comes, shooting hot between them, and Rhett groans and stills, coming hard inside Link.
“Fuck, yeah, so much better than him,” Link sighs, “You’re bigger too.”
And Rhett’s pretty sure he passes out.
When he comes to, he’s still holding onto Link, and he lets go slowly, easing his legs down.
“You alright?” Link’s asking, with a little worried expression on his face.
“Yeah,” Rhett says, “was I out long?”
“You were out??” Link sits up quickly, getting a better look at him.
“I think so,” Rhett shrugs, “I dunno. Maybe it was just too good.”
Link laughs, “Dude, stop.”
Rhett stares down at him, looking hurt.
“What, you’re sayin’ it wasn’t good?”
“Rhett– ”
And Rhett knows he’s teasing again, and he knows it was good, but Rhett pushes against his chest anyway, encouraging Link to lie back down on the desk.
And Rhett leans over and licks up every messy drop of cum from Link’s chest, and sucks his dick clean too.
He’s clearly better than John Mayer.
And he definitely likes guys. Especially Link.
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
ASK FRIDAY - CREATE A SCENARIO: roommates trope with Kylo
Due to some last minute room swapping and late registering Reader and Kylo end up in the same dorm but they're mad about it and hate each other (cue intense sexual tension)
Dorm room, Snowed in, evening time like 6
The heater/power has just gone out and Kylo knows a few ways to get warm...only if Readers up for it...
been working on this for FOREVER ANON. 
I loved it! 
Tumblr media
TW: NSFW, dirty talk, dom/sub vibes, exhibitionism, kinda fluff, Kylos not that nice and is an entitled man.
Oh yeah, you fuckin’ slut. 
‘M gonna cum all over your fucking tits.
You slapped the wall next to your bed, hard. 
“Can you guys keep it down! It’s 1 in the morning!” 
Muffled voices came through the paper-thin wall, sounding like bodies moving to the floor. Good, you thought, at least he will get rug burn from the shitty carpet, might keep him from fucking everything that moves. 
A hard knock on the wall pulled you from that thought. 
“Go read your fucking Bible! I’m trying to get my dick wet!” 
“Why don’t you go get fucked!?” 
Some giggled came through next, followed by more muffled whispering. You whined loudly, trying to ignore the sounds of him fucking whatever bimbo your dormmate had in his lair. Shoving your face into your pillow, muffling your tears and wails. 
You turned on your TV, drowning out the final act of his performance. Fingers poised over your keyboard to file another noise complaint with the RA… not like they ever helped you. The last time they intervened they left with a black eye and broken nose, shrugging for you to sort it out yourselves. 
A door slammed shut, you let out a sigh of relief. 
At least he wasn’t a cuddler. 
You climbed out of bed, tip-toeing to your door to take a peek of whatever slut found her way into his room this evening. The special lady was a new cinderella every fucking week, he didn’t even try to know their names. You heard him admit it once in class to his friends, saying he called them all ‘baby’ so he wouldn’t have to learn. 
You peeked out the door, blinking from the harsh fluorescent lighting of your dingy dorm halls. The walls were a screaming white, yellowing from years of shoddy cleaning. You tried to clean your room when you first came to school, but it was too disgusting. 
A non-smoking dorm, ha. Everyone smoked, especially your neighbor. 
“Shouldn’t you be in bed creeper?” 
You jumped at his voice, exhaling harshly through your nose. You steeled your features, caught red-handed looking for his latest prey. Crossing your arms defensively, not that there was anything to hide. You were in your ratty pj’s, they were on sale at Old Navy a few years ago and you never threw them away even though they barely fit anymore. 
“If you’re so interested in being a cuck,” he grinned at you, flashing his crooked teeth, “I would love to have you over for an encore, I’m sure you’d love to watch me in action.” 
“Buzz off, Ren.” 
“Ooo, angry tonight,” he smirked, now stepping out of his door frame. You choked a little at his appearance, no shirt on, basketball shorts barely hanging off his hips. Dangerously low, seriously, if he took one wrong move they would be on the floor. His chest was covered in fresh scratch marks, no doubt from his latest victim, a sheen of sweat glistening under the lights. 
Fuck, he was good-looking. 
But he was terrible. 
“Ahem,” he cleared his throat, daring you to stare back at him. 
You gulped, caught again. You were better than that, you were just tired from being kept up since ten with his version of ‘love-making’. 
“My eyes are up here cupcake,” he stepped forward. Pushing you back into your doorframe, almost inside your sanctuary. “If you ever decide you want to break your vow of chastity, I’m right next door.” 
“Step away from me, Kylo.” 
He cocked his brow, “I love when you’re mean, come on. Let’s see if kitty has claws.” 
You bared your teeth, fists balling under your underarms, “Not even if you were the last man on Earth.” 
He shrugged, backing away from you. 
“Deal, bitch.” 
You moved to shut your door on him, “Go away.” 
“See you in class, bright and early.” 
When you imagined leaving for college, it was different. 
Saying goodbye to your parents, packing your car with whatever small valuables you owned. Determined to make a name for yourself all the way across the country, no friends or family, truly on your own. You imagined everything would be different, the dorm would be filled with new and friendly faces. 
RA’s greeting you as you parked outside, giving you a tour and maybe a group lunch with all your floormates. Getting to know each other, maybe even going to some new-student orientation event they planned for the newbies. 
Classes were smooth, acing all your major requirements. Professors were kind and ready to help you at any moment, letting your artistic vision flow through your body every morning with your 8 AM yoga class. 
But no. 
Instead, you registered late. 
Your classes all at the worst times, bright and early. 
Second rate dorm, COED even… smelly dudes between your single bedroom which would be better defined as a broom closet. Burping and fucking on both sides of you while you tried to study. Your major requirement classes were boring and filled with pretentious art students who thought they were the next Picasso. 
Professors didn’t care if you lived or died, only focusing on the bell schedule because they couldn’t control what the freshmen did in their classes. 
Your options for clubs were limited, either join a sport or a cult. 
And worst of all. 
Kylo Ren. 
He was your neighbor, signed up late just like you. You actually arrived at the same time, he pushed you down on your ass in the lobby so he could be checked in first. Calling you a clumsy bitch, only for you both to be handed keys to the same floor. Right next to each other, sharing a flimsy wall. 
On top of that, he was an art major like you. 
And since he registered late, he was in almost every class. 
Even yoga! 
He took your mat the first day, leaving you in tears in the hallway. He apologized afterward, handing it back to you before storming off to be with his beefy upper-class friends. Any moment he could, Ren would humiliate you. Trying to push your buttons, whistling at you when you had to cross the hallway to the showers. Tripping you when you had your hands full, making fun of you for hanging out with your sparse group of friends. 
And when he found out you were annoyed with him making noise, he latched onto it. 
One week he decided to recite the entire Phantom of the Opera, just because you mentioned in class that you loved that play. 
He did every part, even the musical scores, you could’ve sworn he did it with a megaphone on the wall, just to spite you. 
Your parents told you ‘he just likes you, he’s a boy.’ 
That’s not how people express feelings, at least not healthy people. 
Your alarm clock blared on your nightstand, you didn’t sleep so it didn’t bother you. Letting out a heavy sigh of defeat, Ren ruined another night for you, a night you’d never get back. Of precious, precious sleep that you desperately deserved. 
Slipping on some plum leggings and a sports bra. No one gave a fuck about your outfit in your early morning class, as long as you went with clothes on. You popped on your headphones, trying to drone out the noise of Ren’s music through the wall. He liked to blast some god-awful music every morning. 
Today, it was an old Black Veil Brides album! 
You made it out of the dining hall, snatching a muffin for breakfast. Smiling at some guys you knew, waving at your friend Rose as you stormed off to the gym. The cold chill of Winter biting at your nose, it was too cold to not wear a full outfit. But there was no time, with Ren keeping you up all night and classes back to back, you didn’t have time to fuck around with dressing up. 
Ren ran in after you, laughing with his friends. Big nose all red from the frost, his hair looked frozen to his scalp, probably showered beforehand. You rolled out your mat, trying to stretch while he bragged about the pussy he got last night. Making a big show of your complaining, saying you were desperate to fuck him based on your whining. 
You rolled your eyes when he planted next to you, “Good morning, you ran out in a hurry.” 
“I didn’t want to be late,” you sneered, not giving him the time of day, still stretching your back into child's-pose. 
“How are we supposed to walk together if you run away from me, cupcake?” 
You scoffed, shooting him an icy glare. Despite him grinning at you like the happiest man on Earth, god, you needed to stop giving him a reaction. That would shut him up if you didn’t give him the attention he is clearly lacking from his parental figures. 
“Good morning class,” your teacher greeted you calmly, “I hope you’re all doing well. As you all know, this next week is finals week, I’m offering makeup classes to those of you who need to make up some credit hours. We are also hosting some meditation if you need time to relax between classes.” 
Next to you, Ren leaned towards your mat, setting his hand right behind your back. You didn’t have to open your eyes to know he was hovering. Ready to devour you like a piece of meat.
“Hey,” he chuckled. 
You stayed quiet, pushing back into his arm so he would move. Ren stayed put, purring in your ear, “Did you sleep well?” 
“Move off my mat, Ren.” 
He smirked down at you, “You seem stressed, do you want me to help by fucking your brains out.” 
You shot off your mat, effectively knocking him onto his back. Laughing loudly in a relatively silent room of students trying to center themselves. He grinned from the floor, hands up in the air in defense, “I’m just offering to help you, Jesus!” 
“Just,” you pointed in his face, hair falling out of your ponytail. Everyone was staring at you, even your instructor. Shocked you were yelling, you barely spoke in class, at the scariest person in your class. 
“Just, leave me alone.” 
Ren avoided you for the rest of the week, mostly. 
Still had his nightly fuck-more subdued though, you had on noise-canceling headphones to try and focus on studying. There were still so many classes to get to, and you wouldn’t be finished until the day before Winter break… you were desperate to get this over with. 
You missed your family, the plane ticket itself cost you a whole month of meals. 
Of course, you would do fine in your classes, it was just the motivation to get there. Every morning you glared at Ren when he greeted you in yoga, still standing next to you like a menacing shadow. 
This morning was no different, only you skipped class to study in the library. Bundled up in your winter coat, long black scarf, hair in a lazy braid, and thermal leggings on. The wind had picked up last night, bringing on an ice storm that wasn’t expected until late next week. You walked on treacherous sidewalks, dodging all the other students who were seeking the warmth of the library. 
You settled inside, sprawling your books and laptop on an old desk. Grabbing out a few sketch pads so you could finish up some pieces that were due in a couple hours. Most of your finals in art were ‘unconventional’ which meant the professor wanted to see what you were motivated to work on during the year. 
For yours, you had decided to draw the people you saw on campus. 
Studying their faces, mannerisms, languages while they were in an organic environment. It was a great piece, and one of your professors was very interested in showcasing it in a show. You were proud, it wasn’t large but it was important for you and you wanted it to be perfect before turning it in. 
Your pastels were spread out, fingertips smudged and stained from charcoal, a few lines on your face and brow from forgetting about the streaks. There was this one person you couldn’t finish, it was one of your friends from last week. She was laughing and holding a drink, the expression wide and full of emotion but it was hard for you to capture without her being there. 
But you steeled yourself, you weren’t leaving this spot until you finished her. 
“You smudged that dude's face,” a low voice rumbled behind you. A finger pointing down at the top left corner, “Stop-don’t touch it.” 
You moved to swat the hand away, not wanting some random guy to ruin your piece with their grubby fingers. Recentering yourself, he wasn’t smudged, he was just in the corner so it looked like it wasn’t finished… what did he know, anyway? 
“You didn’t draw me?” 
Now you stopped, why you didn’t recognize the timbre of his voice was ridiculous. 
You let out a long sigh, “Please, don’t touch the canvas, Kylo. It’s not ready, yet.” 
The chair that housed your backpack slid out next to you, your things tossed on the ground carelessly before Ren sat. You scooted away from him, he smelled like he just showered. Judging by his wet hair you were probably right… “What are you doing?” 
He shrugged, fiddling with one of your notebooks. Flipping through pages carelessly, “I don’t know-you weren’t in yoga so.” 
“So,” you gave him a weird look, “You stalked me to the library?” 
��There’s no reason to go to yoga if I can’t bother you,” he flashed a smile, dropping it slightly when he saw you weren’t playing back with him. 
Silence fell over you both, the only noises the heat kicking in around the scuffling of boots and shoes to face the weather again. 
“I like your piece,” he gestured to your work, “For drawing, right?” 
You nodded stiffly, not enjoying his friendly tone. Like he wasn’t your demon neighbor who made it his job to annoy you and had for the past four months of your life. Ren shifted again, now leaning on the table with his cheek resting on his forearm. Looking at you with wide eyes, you never took the time to look at his face. 
He had very large eyes that betrayed his emotions. Swimming with flecks of auburn, gold, and some streaks of green, blinking slowly as he studied your canvas. You looked away from him, trying to ignore the urge to draw them, how his long lashes rivaled your own. How his skin was freckled with beauty marks, creases from frowning lined his forehead and nose. You could even make out his stubble, some pieces he must’ve missed the last time he shaved. 
You went back to drawing, no longer focusing on it. Just trying to understand what was happening, your tormentor was a foot away from you. Breathing calmly like a cat laying in a patch of sun. Hunched over the edge, torso too long to rest like a normally proportioned human being, had he always been this big? 
“Wanna get coffee before class?” 
You blinked slowly, not registering that he spoke to you. 
Ren leaned off, letting out a big yawn and scratching the back of his neck. 
Yes, definitely a cat. 
“Do you want to get coffee,” he stared blankly, “Before we head to English?” 
You looked down at your mess, then back up at him. Shaking your head softly, voice quiet as a mouse, “No-thank you.” 
He exhaled harshly, “I’m not gonna burn you with it, it’s just coffee.” 
“No, I’m fine,” you said firmer, “I wanna work on this some more.” 
Ren stayed still, probably trying to think of a way to get you to agree with him. You had known him long enough to know he doesn’t like people disagreeing with him. Didn’t have to be a college graduate to see that the man had issues with control, hence terrorizing you all semester. You didn’t want to offer him an olive branch, because he was just doing it as a joke. Probably, waiting until you were calm around him to do something cruel. 
You went back to drawing, listening to him get up and leave you. Mumbling something under his breath about ‘trying to be nice’ before walking out. You shook off the awkwardness, not willing to break down and let him do something nice for you, just because he didn’t ruin your final piece didn’t mean he wouldn’t do something in the future. 
The day was still young. 
Oddly enough, Ren didn’t bother you that evening. 
Not even a door slam! 
You almost thought he was dead, but you saw him in the hallway when you were walking to the bathroom. Wrapped in your robe, caddy in hand, he didn’t whistle or try to touch your ass like he normally did. Just a stale smile before closing himself back in his room. 
Not to waste the precious quiet, you went to work packing your bags for your trip tomorrow. Deciding to do a quick load of laundry, your hall was almost empty, so no one would be down there while you waited. 
Piling up your hamper, you threw your pj's and slippers on. Remembering to grab a blanket and your laptop so you could hang out down there while you waited. 
Your friends back home were all excited to see you, ready to hear all about your time away. The boys you met, friends you made, classes, all that. So excited to get home and see your cat, Gremlin, he was all alone without you. Your mom sent you pictures earlier of him curled in your blankets, saying that he knew you were coming home soon. 
Maybe next Fall you could get an apartment, you didn’t want to leave him for another year. 
A washing machine door slammed shut next to you, causing you to jump from your perch atop your own. Faced with Ren, who was doing his laundry in his pjs, or his version of pjs. Giving you another tight-lipped smile before leaning against the far wall. Yawning loudly before sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. 
You ignored him, turning back to your laptop that was playing a crime documentary. Texting some friends to keep your mind from wandering to Ren and why he was in such a mood. 
“Are you leaving tomorrow?” Ren called from his wall. 
You pretended to not hear him, refocusing on the documentary, there was something very interesting happening and you weren’t about to miss how they found the killer's shoe prints in the mud just because Ren was trying to talk to you. 
Then something was thrown at you, and it smelled awful. 
You shot off the washing machine, throwing down the offending garment. Ren was laughing loudly, “Chill out! It was just an old shirt!” 
“How old was it?!” 
He smiled at you from the ground, propping an elbow on his kneecap. One leg stretched out on the tile, you tried to regain a sense of calm, he was just messing with you again. Just take some deep breaths… in-out-in
“Are you leaving tomorrow, after our final?” 
You let out your deep breath, sitting back on the washer. “Yeah,” you paused your show since mister meanie wanted to have a tea party. “I have to get to the airport right after.” 
He hummed, “Same.” 
The washer beeped loudly, echoing in the otherwise empty room. Ren watched you hop off, fixing your shorts which definitely rode up too much. Trying to not flash him your underwear as you bent to move your clothes to a dryer. You cursed when a sock fell from your pile, great.  
“How come we’ve never fucked?” 
Now all your clothes were on the floor. 
Along with Ren, who was staring at you like you were an art exhibit. 
You dragged your clothes back to the washer. There was no way you were finishing now that they touched the dirty floor, no one cleaned down here and just because it looked clean didn’t mean-
A whistle, “You good over there?” 
“Okay,” you heard him stretch, popping his joints as he lifted off the floor. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck as he closed in. Almost touching you, no escape, “As I was saying, how come you’ve never let me steal your virginity?” 
You scoffed, “I am not a virgin.” 
Ren pressed into you, pushing you against the washer now. Grinding his hips into your own, you squirmed, trying to dispel every fantasy flooding your brain. Every night you spent listening to him through the wall, imagining just once that it was you. If he weren’t such a monster, you would have gladly laid on your back and let him do whatever he wanted. 
You took a deep breath, placing both palms on the top of the washer. Biting your lip as you silently pleaded for him to let you go, but also continue. You could smell his cologne from this close, how it complimented him so well. Mixing in with his dark aura, you wanted nothing more than to spin around and…
Soon you were doing just that, but not on your own violation. 
Ren had his hands grasping your hips, thumbs slipping under the fabric of your t-shirt to caress your soft skin. Lips capturing your own, you froze in his hold. Unsure of what to do, a part of you wanted to scream and smack him, but the other part loved the smell of his toothpaste. 
He relaxed when you relaxed, your lips still awkwardly locked together. Not opening and allowing for more, but not moving away either. You stared at him, startled to see him looking back at you. Pulling back slightly, you watched his face chase yours. Bringing your lips together a few more times, kissing at the seam. 
You felt his tongue flick for entry, trying to pry your mouth open so he could explore. When you didn’t move he finally huffed in annoyance, “I know it’s your first kiss, but you’re supposed to open your mouth.” 
You groaned, bringing both hands to cradle his cheeks. There was no way he was going to make fun of you, he initiated this so. 
Ren made a muffled noise when you pressed your lips back together. Probably of shock and surprise, because, no. This was not your first kiss, not even your fourth or fifth kiss. Working your tongue skillfully into his mouth, you moaned softly at his taste. Just like you imagined… not that you put much stock into this but… it was wonderful. 
Bringing your fingers to the nape of his neck, tugging on his dark brown hair. Just like you always wanted to, whenever he walked past you with it tied in a bun you dreamt of tearing through it. Ren returned your affection in kind, his left hand moving to the small of your back. Fingers dancing under the waistband of your pajama bottoms. 
You heard him swear when he felt the lace underneath, nestled between your cheeks. Ren slid a hand over the globes of your ass, moving his hips in time with his tongue. Tasting every inch of your mouth, even growling in approval when you sunk your teeth into his bottom lip. 
Petting and groping each other against the washing machines, the sound of you swapping spit barely heard over the rumble of your clothes. Ren had gotten sick of grinding against your hip bone, pulling away from you for a moment. Shushing your pathetic whimpers, he hooked the hand not cupping your ass behind your left knee. 
Hiking it over his hip, opening your legs up. Allowing him to assault your center with his straining erection, oh you could picture it now. How easy it would be to just let him slip inside you. 
Right here, in the laundry room. 
You pulled back roughly, barely able to unsuction your lips from Rens' own. A string of spit connecting your kiss-bitten lips, he looked at you with pleading eyes. Grinding himself against you harder, pulling a few soft mewls from your throat. 
“I need to switch my clothes,” you croaked.
He nodded, shakily setting your limb back on the floor and backing away. You watched through your own lust-filled state as he trembled. Walking back to his far wall, a hand cupping his cock through his sweats. Your throat clicked as you took in a much-needed breath, doing what you said you would. 
Setting them in the dryer, all the more aware of his eyes watching your every move. 
Not sparing him a glance when you sat back on the washer. 
Turning on your laptop once again to watch your crime documentary. 
Ignoring the throbbing between your legs, his deep breaths, and your shaking limbs. 
The TV’s at the airport all said the same thing, “Record snowfall this winter, right before the holidays! Experts say that we will be lucky to keep power until it passes. Our friends on the west coast are enjoying a white Christmas, while we’re stuck in the North Pole.” 
All flights have been grounded until further notice. 
You could barely make it back to your dorm without crashing. 
Bursting into tears several times when you realized you wouldn’t be home until it was over. Wouldn't be able to safely leave your dorm room until it passed, leaving you utterly alone. 
You had emailed your RA letting him know your bad luck, he let the staff know you’d be there so they would have food and water running still. 
But other than that, this was your holiday. 
You slipped on the walk up to your room, sobbing loudly in the halls as you clutched your luggage. No going home, no seeing your friends or family, no Christmas dinner, no personal shower, no Gremlin to sleep on your face. 
Collapsing on your bed, curling yourself in the multitude of pillows and blankets that adorned it. The room had shitty heating, the entire building had shitty heating. The entire month of December you’d been freezing, and no amount of personal heaters could fix this kind of cold. 
You drifted off to sleep after crying for a few hours, letting your parents know what was happening. Setting alerts for earlier flights, anything you could do to get home. You were so tired in fact, that you slept through a power outage. Leaving the entire building to shut down, no backup generators. 
And no heat. 
It wasn’t until you felt yourself being lifted that you woke up to the commotion. 
Squirming in the kidnappers' arms, limbs aching from freezing for a time in your bedroom. The window must’ve cracked open because it was much colder than when you arrived. Your attacker didn’t let you go, growling in your ear to be still. 
Dragging you out of the building, towards a car you didn’t notice when you pulled in. With the snow swirling all around, it was a miracle they could see their own vehicle. You were thrown in the front seat, followed by your luggage tossed in the back. You stayed still, every time you moved it hurt, hypothermia. Common in the New England storms if you were foolish enough to be outside… 
You about passed out when the driver's side door opened, Ren climbed in. Looking just as frozen as you, slamming the door shut and mumbling something as he started his car. You could’ve cried when the engine turned, heat blasting between the both of you. 
“Hands,” his teeth chattered, holding his own out. He nodded for you to do the same, grasping your pink fingers between his own and blowing on them. “Power went out,” Ren took a shallow breath, “I was leaving and I saw your car. You were almost frozen to your bed, the window broke.” 
“Th-thank you-u-u.” 
Ren cringed at your fingers, slowly gaining back their normal color. “I tried to grab everything I could, like your backpack and luggage. But we can’t stay there, we’ll fucking freeze.” 
You nodded, tugging your hands away to curl into your chest. Thankful that Ren had enough sense to grab blankets, stuffing them in your lap from the backseat. You thought about grabbing your phone, but you could barely make a fist so it would do you no good. 
“My plane g-g-got ground-d-ed.” 
Ren shivered, nodding sharply, “Mine too, my mom got me a hotel room not far from here to stay until the storm passes. So, I’m taking us there.” 
You didn’t say anything else, not wanting to distract him from the treacherous roads. Thank god he had a Jeep, or else you would’ve died. You couldn’t see more than ten feet ahead, less than that when you were on the highway out of the city. 
Ren kept mumbling things like it’s okay, I’m sorry, I know it's cold, whenever you shivered and took in sharp breaths. You must’ve been out for a while, to get this bad. A quick look at the clock in his car said you’d been asleep for three hours, who knows what would’ve happened if he hadn’t noticed your car… 
He helped you out, more carried you, towards the check-in desk. Too worried you would pass out in the car if he left you for too long, the front desk lady was quick and sweet. Making sure to send up extra blankets and pillows to your suite. Ren had you walk up with him, so he wouldn’t have to carry you and the luggage on separate trips. 
You clutched his hand like a child, tight enough for his knuckles to turn white. But he was so warm, it’s all you could think about. All you wanted was to be warm, nodding blindly to whatever Ren said to do. 
Plug your phone in, check. 
Let him talk to your mom, check. 
Draw a bath for you, check. 
Climb in the bath with you, double-check. 
It wasn’t until you were defrosted in the clawfoot tub that you realized you were naked with him. 
Rens chest against your back, holding you like his life depended on it. Judging by his shaking, you both were probably suffering from acute hypothermia. You had been silent for so long your voice spooked him a little, “Thank you.” 
He hummed into your hair, which was sitting on top of your head in a messy bun. “Are you okay?” 
You nodded slowly, “Can we go lay down?” 
“Yeah,” Ren hastily got out of the tub, draining it and wrapping you in plush towels. You were still too cold to blush from your nakedness, not how you pictured this going. You imagined you would finally give into him on some drunken party night, barely remembering his reaction to seeing you nude. 
But now he had seen you half-frozen, forced to cradle you back to life. 
You squinted from your cocoon, greeted by a dimly lit room. 
One spare lamp on a dingy-looking nightstand, well it wasn’t terrible. It was better than your nightstand in your dorm room… where was your dorm room anyway? 
Something vibrated behind you, followed by a heavyweight sprawling against your back. 
You held your breath, you were in a hotel. 
With a stranger. 
“Shit,” you whispered. 
Okay, you could wiggle out of here. You took a moment to study the room, there was the lamp from before, and some curtains on a metal rod in the far corner. If you managed to get out without being detected you could knock out the assailant. 
“You smell so good.” 
More weight settled on you, now you were trapped. This bear was closing in, who knows what happened while you were asleep! All you could remember was falling asleep at your dorm after the upsetting trip to the airport, then being dragged away. 
Your fingers burning when you tried to use them, being shoved in a car… 
You threw your arms up, successfully throwing him off you and the covers. Your limbs screaming at the sudden movement, you were still suffering from the cold. Next to you, curled in a ball, totally catlike, was Ren. 
A sleepy smile gracing his lips, hands curled under his cheek, and legs moving towards his chest, Like a child under a blanket. You gasped when you saw he was naked, “Fuck!” 
You were too. 
“What the fuck, Ren!?” 
“Stop yelling,” you watched his hand bat his nose like an animal, “Come back, you were warm.” 
You huffed, flailing off the bed in search of your bags. 
Memories flooding back to you, he took you here after saving your life. 
The bath. 
Ugh, bad time to remember your kiss the night before. 
Ren sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and blinking slowly. You flushed red when you looked between his legs, shit. How does he walk around with that? Is that why he has bad posture? You choked on your spit when he spread his legs out. 
Sprawling completely on the mattress like he wasn’t in a room with a stranger. 
“Snow hasn’t stopped,” Ren yawned, snapping a hand and pointing between his legs, “Come back.” 
“I’m not doing anything until you have clothes on.” 
He rolled his eyes, now looking you up and down. Focusing on your bare tits, swinging around with your erratic movements. You watched him lick his lips, wagging his eyebrows, “Come on, don’t you want to sit back on the bed?”
You shook your head, crouching down to your bag. Trying to not flash him more of your goods, but that didn’t work. Not with him leaning to the side of the bed to make a show of him peeping on you. 
A wolfish grin splitting his face, “You have a nice ass.” 
“Can you stop,” you huffed, tugging on some sweats you found. 
Ren made a pouting noise when you stood, pushing his bottom lip out while you threaded your arms through a t-shirt. You shivered a little-it was still freezing in the room. Probably from the weather, it sounded like it got worse… hopefully this place would keep power. 
You looked back at the bed, Ren was still manspreading. One of his large paws crawling towards his cock, watching you with the same smirk. He let out a soft sigh when he touched himself, eyes momentarily shutting in bliss. 
“Do you have to do that with me here?” 
He cracked an eye open, “Do you have to be that far away?” 
You scoffed, moving to the corner of the room. Shivering since you were near the window, you plopped down in the cheap armchair. Ignoring the sounds of his fist gliding along his cock, you tucked your feet under your body. Humming a tune to ignore the arousal growing between your legs, there was no way you were caving to him. 
What kind of man does that with a complete stranger present!? 
More importantly, why was it turning you on? 
“Come here,” he whistled, you spared a glance at him. Blushing profusely at the sight, his cock was now fully erect. Standing tall and proud, tip flushed almost purple from want. You quickly looked away, trying to swallow down the drool that gathered in your mouth. 
What would happen if you gave in? 
Not like it would hurt you… he looked so delicious. 
“If I come over there, what's gonna happen,” you whispered, determined to stay put.
With a deep breath, the mattress groaned under his weight, probably leaning back to get comfortable. He seemed to love you being there, watching him, or trying not to. Ren made a small non-committal scoff, “Whatever you want to happen, baby.” 
“Don’t call me that, you know my name.” 
Your head snapped towards him, met with his grin. “Come on-you really want me to do this by myself?” he waved his cock, fist tight around the base. You rolled your eyes, training your eyes to focus on the least attractive part about him. 
You were coming up empty, all you could stare at was his cock. 
The prominent vein along the underside thrumming in time with his heartbeat. You could practically feel it along your tongue, rigid and stiff. Slowly, you stood from the chair, met with a soft whine from Ren. Eying your hungrily as you sauntered over, you planted a knee in the mattress. 
Between his legs, which were spread obscenely wide, he licked his lips in anticipation. 
“If I help you, are you going to be nicer to me?” 
He nodded, chest taking in sharp breaths. You slowly leaned back on your heels, stripping your top off, despite him seeing you naked earlier. Surprised when he bit his bottom lip, watching you play with your tits, rolling them in the palm of your hand. Just to make him squirm a bit, “I’ll be nicer, whatever you want.” 
“I’m really cold still,” you spoke softly, making sure to lean in close enough to graze his lips with your own before pulling away, “Can you help warm me up?” 
“Yes,” Ren's hands shot out, kneading your flesh a few times. Debating to grasp your tits or the small of your waist, like a kid in a candy store. So many options, but you didn’t want to wait. If you were doing this, it would be about you.
“Eat me out.” 
He stilled, cocking a brow, “Excuse me?” 
“You heard me,” you exhaled on his neck, being sure to drag your kitty claws along his chest. Briefly grazing his nipples, savoring the way he gasped. “Eat me out, if you make me cum, I’ll let you fuck me. Like the desperate slut you are.” 
Ren scowled for a moment, nudging your face from his neck. Eyes dancing across your face before capturing your lips, moaning softly in your mouth, “I can make you cum so hard you’ll never want another man again.” 
You placed a soft kiss, rolling onto your back dramatically. Splaying your legs wide, “If that's true, why do you fuck a different girl every week?” 
He growled at you, actually growled. 
Hands no longer soft in their quest to memorize your skin, instead Ren pinned your legs hard enough for them to pop. Making you squeal from the stretch, “How fast do you think I can make you cum? Hm?” 
Before you could answer, he dove in. 
Lips wrapping around your clit and suckling fast, tongue flicking out every few seconds. You were already bucking up to meet him, but his firm hold kept you flush. While his tongue began to lap thick stripes along the seam of your pussy. Briefly hooking the tip into your entrance, both of you moaning when he tasted your wetness. 
“Mm,” his voice vibrated against your clit, continuing his assault until you choked on your spit. You buried your fingers in his hair, keeping him in that right spot. “I’m so fucking close,” you cried out, pleading his name over and over and over. 
“You know,” he popped off, smacking his lips that were glistening with your cum, “I’d rather you cum on my cock.” 
Ren flipped you onto your chest, yanking your hips into the air. You barely had time to take a breath before he shoved his cock inside you. His breath hitched as he sank to the hilt, you groaned at the stretch. Now this, this you could get used to.
He pulled out slowly, you heard him swear under his breath. Leaving just the tip of his cock inside and ramming his hips into yours. Pulling a loud scream from your lungs, Ren chuckled at that. Pumping his cock at a rough pace, “Shh-you’re going to upset our neighbors.” 
You huffed, cheap shot, angling your hips a little so his cock would rub up against your front wall. Moaning when he picked up the pace, skin slapping skin. Ren leaned over your form, planting a hand on the headboard to keep it from knocking. You weakly lifted your head, clenching at the sight of his knuckles turning white. 
All you could do was sit and take it, revealing in the bliss you’d denied yourself for four months. 
Ren dropped you both off at the airport two days later. 
You spent three days together, fucking each other's brains out. 
Choking on his cock while he was brushing his teeth, eating you out while you read through your newsfeed. Bouncing on his cock while he fed you breakfast, you didn’t need to change clothes the entire vacation. 
But you wanted to go home and were thankful for the storm ending so you could head home. It was a little awkward, Ren wasn’t very excited about the snow stopping. It felt like he was trying to stall you leaving but reluctantly listened to your desire to fly home. 
“Got everything?” he mumbled, hitching his backpack over his shoulder. The two of you were waiting in the TSA line, about to part ways to head home. You nodded, giving him a tight smile before stepping up on your own. 
Ignoring the feeling of his eyes on the back of your head. 
Both of you stood awkwardly after making it through, “Well-my gates over here,” you pointed behind you. Ren hummed in acknowledgment, kicking at the ground instead of looking at you. 
“Thanks for letting me crash with you,” you tried again, still nothing. 
You groaned, spinning on your heel. Back to being an asshole, you were kicking yourself for thinking he would be nicer. All he wanted was some pussy, and you willingly gave into him when you should’ve remained strong. 
Your parents picked you up back at home, lots of tears and laughs were shared. Thankful that you made it home without freezing, your mom was grateful for your friend who saved your life. She wanted to call him and tell him how much she appreciated it but you shrugged it off, he was just being nice. He wasn’t your boyfriend or anything, you left out the part that he was the neighbor you always complained about. 
Collapsing on your bed felt surreal like you would wake up and be back in the hotel room at any moment. It was odd not sleeping next to him, you had grown accustomed to his clingy arms. Circling you in the middle of the night when he thought you were dead asleep, smelling your hair before tucking you into his naked chest. 
You tossed and turned all night, groaning when you were woken by your siblings to get up the next morning. Barely sleeping a wink, you resolved to take a nap later to try and not spoil your trip back home. 
At breakfast, your mom yelled at you from the kitchen. 
“Hey hon, someone’s calling you!” 
“Just answer it,” you groaned through a mouthful of cereal. Briefly hearing your mother answer in a typical chipper tone, stalling mid-sentence before she yelled again, “It’s someone named Kyle?” 
Shit, you shot to the kitchen. 
Snatching the phone and escaping to the living room where no one was hiding. 
Hey, didn’t think you’d answer.
“How’d you get my number?” 
Took it while you were napping the other day, I knew you wouldn’t give it to me willingly.
You rolled your eyes, “Alright creeper, what’s up?” 
Just wanted to talk or whatever, felt weird not to. 
Are you gonna let me buy you coffee when we are back?
“You were being serious about that?” 
A scoff. 
Yeah-or we could just fuck again if that’s all you want from this. 
“Coffee sounds good.” 
Cool. Cool. 
It’s a date. 
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads @onlykyloscenes @candycanes19 @historyandfandoms50 @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @ghoulian13 @mrs-kylo-ren @millenialcatlady @relationshipwithmybed @dancingmicrobes @wayward-rose  @contesa-lui-alucard @daydreamsofren @insufferablelust @ohdamnadamm @mariesackler @caillea @safarigirlsp @jalexunderthestars @shesakillerkween @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch @jynzandtonic @roanniom @celestiasin @glassbxttless @cornmousequeen @driversmutbucket @blowthatpieceofjunk
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channiebbang · 4 years
synopsis: y/n has a massive crush on renjun and renjun has too much going on to care, or alternately, y/n courts renjun and gets him to like her, with a small misunderstanding in the middle.
characters: Huang Renjun, Na Jaemin, Main Character and a lil bit of Lee Jeno and Lee Haechan.
pairing: collegestudent!renjun x collegestudent!maincharacter
genre: fluff and a lil bit of angst
word count: 6.7k
warnings: noneeee
author’s note: it took me whole damn minute to write this lol initially i wanted the story to go differently but i kinda forgot along the way lmaooo this was supposed to be a han jisung one shot at first but then renjun inspired me more 🤠 i hope you enjoy reading this! let me know what you think about it! 🥺💛
she still remembered the first day she saw him. the first day she knew what love at first sight was.
renjun had always been a very reserved person. he liked to keep to himself and only hangout with his few friends. that ofcourse didn't mean he had no popularity around campus because holy shit did everyone know the boy.
he was known for being donghyuk's bestfriend, for being a clever student, for being a witty genius, a straight A student, a bookworm. but most of all he was knows for being the handsome dude that like silence, and being by himself when he wasn't with his friend.
y/n, like everyone else, knew of a huang renjun, but she had never had the honour to see him. see, y/n too was always immersed in her studies, and when she wasn't she liked to chill with her friends or be home with her family. she was a simple girl.
so imagine her surprise when one day, as she waited for her friend, she saw the most beautiful, handsome boy walk by. she was surprised because how could she, in her last two years of being in the same campus, not have seen this beautiful man. he must have been new, he had to. spoiler alert: he wasn't, she just never paid attention to her surroundings.
it was a few days after that she had seen him again and thanks to her friend she got to know that he was the huang renjun.
so, being the smart person she was, she decided she would court him. yes, court. like they did centuries ago. she would court him. despite not knowing anything about him, other than what people told her, she wanted yo get to know him and hopefully date him. simple as that.
huang renjun on the other hand, couldn't careless when word got around that a certain y/n had a crush on him. it never bothered him when other people came up to him so he didn't see how she would be any different. he just wanted to be chill.
he already had a lot on his plate with trying to balance his studies, art assignments, work, social life and family back at home to care about some fleeting crush someone had on him.
with having to live alone for so long he had already too much stuff going on and really couldn't be bothered to add more to it.
with the start of the new semester came the news that it was recommended to take another course for some extra credits and as much as renjun didn't want to he resigned himself and took a photography course. now, don't get him wrong, he loved photography. but he had already so much on his plate he didn't know how he was going to balance it all. thankfully, his friend jaemin was taking the course with him. and jaemin, being the sweetest, most caring, friend he was agreed to renjun's request to always group together if there was need. payment fee: be his model for the fashion course he was taking. renjun begrudgingly agreed. it was only just trying on clothes after all.
so on the first day of the new photography lesson the two boys walked in and sat somewhere in the middle, waiting for their professor to arrive.
"don't go back on your words," jaemin sent renjun a pointed look, his hands working on taking out his stuff.
"yeah, yeah," renjun muttered not looking up from his bag.
the sound of laughter made him look up towards the door, his eyes shifting back down to his bag when he saw a few girls walk in.
"oh, that's y/n," he heard jaemin mutter. renjun only hummed while finally putting his bag down by his feet.
"what?" jaemin asked as he turned towards his friend, brows furrowed in confusion. renjun shared the same look.
"what what?" he asked, kinda lost.
"that," jaemin subtly nodded towards the group of girls that sat a few seats in the front, on the side, before continuing, "is y/n," renjun followed his gaze only to look back at his friend.
"so?" he asked, not knowing where this was going. jaemin scoffed rolling his eyes.
"just showing you who your admirer is," he explained, renjun smiled before shaking his eyes.
"thank you for you kind service, sir," sarcasm dropped from every word, jaemin turned to him with a smirk.
"hmm kinky. call me that more," he slightly nudged him with his shoulder, leaning his elbow on the desk and resting his head on his palm. renjun's smile disappeared and he faked a punch to him, jaemin flinching away.
"get lost."
it took her a few more days for y/n to build up the courage to approach the boy.
she was nervous but she also told herself that if she got rejected then, well, it was a new experience. i mean, she had a 90% chance he would reject her. how she knew? well for starters, he was known for rejecting people, he made it very clear he wasn't interested in a relationship at all. people also said he was basically unapproachable, intimidating and cold.
she had mixed feelings about the last few; she had seen him multiple times with his friends, and he always seemed to have a soft smile on his lips and a glowing aura. so how could he be cold and intimidating?
but. now that she was standing a few feet away from him she could totally understand why they said he was unapproachable.
the boy wasn't with any of his friends. his expression was set to stone, to say the least.
y/n gave herself a little cheer before she started walking towards where he was going.
it's alright, just be yourself. people like bright people, right? it's gonna be okay. she told herself.
renjun's head snapped to the side when someone fell in step with him. he turned his gaze forward again thinking they might be walking by.
"hi!" y/n smiled brightly at the boy. renjun turned towards her again, his eyes looking around him in case she was talking to someone else but they were the only two walking. he slowly came to a stop.
"are you talking to me?" he asked, finger pointing at his chest. y/n giggled before nodding. she raise a hand, waving.
"hi, I'm y/n," she introduced herself. renjun sent her a skeptical look before nodding.
"renjun," he spoke uncertainly wondering why she was approaching him.
y/n felt at a loss of words after that. honestly speaking, she had never flirted with anyone or even tried to win anyone over really.
now, it's not like she had never dated, that she has, but she never made the first more.
her exes had told her that she tended to be a bit oblivious when people flirted with her, what with her being always friendly.
so being on the other end felt a bit nerve wrecking. she had a lot of respect for people that made the first move all of a sudden.
"i don't know if you heard about it, people really seem to like gossiping around here but i kinda like you," she said with a smile on her face.
renjun blinked. once. twice. a third time, before coughing awkwardly.
"what?" he spluttered caught off guard. y/n snorted.
"i like you," she repeated, the smile never wavering. she hiked up the strap of her bag on her shoulder.
suddenly her name clicked in renjun's head and he remembered seeing her in his photography class. he cursed under his breath before turning forward again.
"not interested," he muttered under his breath before stepping around her and walking towards where he was going before. y/n cursed under her breath before stumbling after him. the both unaware of the stealing glances people were giving them.
"i know you aren't," she fell into step beside him again. renjun took a deep breath before speeding up. y/n watched him before clumsily shuffling and taking two steps every one stride he took. renjun noticed and a smirk pulled up the corner of his mouth, before falling just as quickly.
"i will court you, if that's okay with you," she started again, "i know you're not interested in me. i will put in the effort to get you to like me," she giggled facing him as she followed.
renjun threw her a confused look before shaking his head. y/n checked the time on her phone before her eyes widened.
"shoot! my class starts in a bit, i gotta run! i'll hear from you again, bye renjun!" she waved before turning and running away, without waiting for the boy to say bye back. renjun scoffed at her childishness before getting in the hall where his class was going to be.
so that's how occasionally renjun would find chocolates or flowers on his desk in photography. jaemin had made it his job to tease him every time the two came into the class to find the little gifts. the blue haired guy even telling their other friends about it.
renjun had made it a routine to hand over all the chocolates he got to jaemin everytime, even though his favourite was among the little bunch. upon jaemin's question as to why he wouldn't eat at least the ones he liked, renjun's answer was, "i don't want to give her false hope and think i appreciate it."
and as much as he liked the flowers he gave those to jaemin as well, only to take them back saying they would be nice as props for art inspiration.
just like every other photography class, y/n had walked into the class with a few girls before they all walked to their spot. she looked over where renjun and jaemin usually sat, smiling when she saw the both sitting there. she fished out the little sketchbook and small flower ensemble from her bag before putting the latter on the desk and getting up.
"why do you do this all the time? it's clear he doesn't like you," one of the girls inquired, a smile on her lips. y/n shrugged, her eyes trained on one person only.
"i know he doesn't, but he also doesn't like anyone else," she winked down at the girl before stepping out of the desk, "which means, i still have a chance," she giggled as she turned around before walking towards the two boys.
the two bickering boys looked up at the sound of the chirpy voice before renjun rolled his eyes and jaemin smiled big at the girl.
"hi, y/n, what a surprise," jaemin teased as he winked at the girl. y/n giggled, a slow blush creeping up her neck.
"hello, jaemin," she politely waved before turning her eyes towards renjun, "hi, renjun."
renjun looked up towards her before averting his eyes again, "hi," he politely said.
his eyes shifted to his desk when y/n put down her small gift on his desk, his brows furrowing.
"why are you giving me this?" he asked, a slight tone in his voice. jaemin nudged him with his knee.
"thought you'd like a small sketchpad to have on you wherever you went. just in case you got a sudden burst of inspiration," she explained, the smile never leaving her lips. renjun looked up at her, a stoic expression on his face. y/n's smile faltered a small fraction but she hoped she masked it before her could notice.
renjun's eyes remained on the girl as he picked up the sketchpad and slowly pushed it aside on the desk, on jaemin's side.
"i don't need it," he deadpanned. y/n cleared her throat before brining up her smile again.
"then throw it away," she shrugged her shoulders before turning away and going back to her seat as renjun started after her, jaemin snickering beside him.
"well," he chuckled, "didn't see that coming."
it was at the end of the day, when renjun was walking around campus on his way to the library, that someone fell into step with him. he already knew who it was as a slow breeze wafted a floral scent his way.
he threw her a fleeting glance before making a double take. he felt his breath hitch in his throat before he masked it away.
the girl beside him looked ethereal in her baby blue shirt and high waisted loose fitting gray pants. her hair flew softly around her shoulders and face as the wind blew. the golden hue the sunset casted on her making her skin glow in contrast to her top. the cherry lip stain she had on brought accent to her lips in the most beautiful ways. renjun looked away as her eyes met his. she giggled. and renjun would never admit that to jaemin or his other friends but the sound was slowly growing on him.
"the weather is very nice today," she spoke taking a big breath, "want to get some ice cream?" she asked hopefully. renjun turned towards her only to be faced with big, bright eyes, shining in a way he could not put into words.
clearing his throat he turned away again as they made their way down the sidewalk.
"what are you doing?" he asked, his voice low and calculated, genuinely curious. y/n threw him a look before stepping behind him as a woman with a stroller passed by them. she peeked from behind him as she stepped beside him again.
"courting," she spoke with an obvious tone as they stopped in front of a streetlight.
"why?" he asked as they crossed the road. he came to a stop on the side of the street when he realized she had been following him.
"well," she started, "of course because i like you," she nodded, adjusting her bag strap.
"you don't even know me," he deadpanned. y/n rolled her eyes, an exasperated sigh leaving her lips and renjun's brows furrowed.
"well, of course not, that's the whole point of me courting you, dummy," her voice dripped incredulity as if he had asked the most obvious question.
he rolled his eyes as he started walking again, ignoring her words. she scurried after him as she tried keeping up with his steps. five seconds passed before she nudged him with her shoulder, grinning. a groan left his lips in response.
"so," she stretched out the word, "can i? court you i mean," her eyes went big as she waited for his answer. he let out a big sigh.
"it's not like you haven't been already doing it," he murmured. y/n's brows furrowed.
"you're right, i'm sorry about that," she apologized, and renjun could hear the pout before he even turned to look at her, "i'll stop if you want to. i really want your permission though. i wouldn't want to do anything you wouldn't like," she grumbled, upset she had unintentionally invaded his space.
renjun stared at her clear upset pout before he sighed again. he had been doing that a lot lately.
why am i agreeing to this, he thought as he closed his eyes for a second before he opened them again and turned a corner, y/n turning a second late.
"you can," he muttered as he stopped walking. y/n's eyes grew big as she gasped. her eyes lit up and a smile stretched over her lips as she looked up at him with big eyes.
"i can?" she asked in wonder.
"sure, be my guest," he shrugged his shoulders.
"really?" she asked again and renjun only nodded, his expression blank.
"but," he brought his index finger up and she looked at it before nodding, "i won't put aside my studies, job or anything just for your delusional attempt at flirting."
"courting! COURTING!" she corrected him after a loud groan and an eye roll. renjun doing the latter as well.
"yeah yeah whatever, that," he waved at her dismissively. she smiled at him.
"that's okay, but don't shut me out. you have to give me opportunities to court you, you have to be fair," she pointed at him as she pouted. renjun looked from her face to her pointed finger before he pushed it down. y/n's eyes shifting to the finger before muttering a sorry.
he glanced at her sideways a snort leaving him, "yeah, okay."
she smiled before a confused look took over as she looked at their surroundings.
"uhh, where are we?" she asked unsure, renjun looked back at the store they stopped in front.
"didn't you want to get ice cream?" he asked and y/n's eyes lit up a cheer leaving lips as she bounced on her heels.
"yes yes! let's go! it's my treat," she laughed as she pushed him aside and walked inside.
"sure," renjun muttered following her inside.
and that's how her courting began. sometimes it was ice creams, other times it was afternoons at the library, evenings in the art lab. and it went on for a few months. renjun's friends would sometimes tease him about y/n and he would begrudgingly tell them he wasn't dating her. he had explained times and times again what y/n said she were doing and they had told him the same thing every time.
yeah yeah dating, we get it.
word was getting around campus that the renjun was dating y/n and it was safe to say it was the hottest news. renjun, who had never cared about what they ever said about him, this time too, didn't bother to correct anyone.
y/n checked her phone as she speed walked. she was late to meet renjun and she knew how much he hated tardiness. she cursed under her breath as she skipped around the corner. her eyes searched around in hopes to catch a glimpse of the ash brown color haired guy. a smiled adorned her lips as she saw him. she was about to call out his name when she noticed him talking to someone. she jogged up to him and smiled as his eyes shifted to her.
"you're-," he started before she interrupted him.
"late. i know, i know. i'm sorry, i had to talk a bit to the TA," she giggled in apology and he rolled his eyes as he bid goodbye to the girl he was talking to.
"i'll get back at you about it. try to find as much as you can about the topic," he stretched his lips in a make shift smile for a second in greeting and the girl nodded, a teasing smile on her lips.
"don't get too lost in your date. i won't do the whole project on my own because you're out dating," she smiled jokingly. y/n pressed her lips together as her big eyes watched between the two.
the stranger's smile slowly fell as she noticed renjun wasn't smiling in the least, his face stone serious.
"don't worry about my date, worry about doing your part, bye."
and he turned and started walking away. y/n watched between his retreating back and her baffled face, an embarrassed blush adorning her cheeks.
"he's like that with everyone, don't take it too at heart," y/n sent an encouraging smile.
"y/n!" her head whipped to see renjun waving at her to be quick. she smiled for a last time to the girl before she ran up to him.
they walked in silence for a few minutes as she pouted. renjun took a deep breath before he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes.
"what?" he asked already knowing why she was pouting. she sent him a narrowed stare.
"you didn't have to be that rude," she sighed as she grasped the bag strap across her chest.
"yeah, well she was being nosy," he shrugged his shoulders.
"she was trying to be friendly."
"yeah, well she was trying to be friendly by being nosy and i don't like it."
y/n snorted at his pouted reply.
"ah!" y/n suddenly remembered as she rummaged into her bag, renjun watched her with curious eyes.
"here, this is for you," a small bag was pushed towards her and renjun carefully took it before opening it.
"what is this?" he asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"what do you mean? it's food, silly!" y/n giggled.
"yeah, why?" he asked, slowly fishing out one of the corndogs in the bag. y/n rolled her eyes jokingly.
"because you like them," she said after a sigh left her lips, wondering how he could be so oblivious. he nodded not feeling like arguing with her. no matter how many times he had told her not to spend money on his she never listened.
when he realized she just was a giving person he figured he would just buy her ice creams on the times they would go together.
"this is my stop, i'll see you around," renjun nodded at y/n as they stopped in front of the bus stop. y/n smiled as she nodded and waved. the bus stopped in front of the two and y/n watched as he walked up to the doors and into the bus, not once looking back.
as the doors closed and went away, so did her smile. she took a deep breath wondering if she had been too forceful on renjun.
was I too pushy? should I have backed away when he said he didn't like me?
and somehow she figured that really, renjun didn't need to like her. he had never said he liked her. it was all her.
she had been the one to push herself into his life, she had been the one wanting to court him, she had been the one to always wait for him after his classes, she had been the one dragging him to the ice cream parlor every other day.
renjun had always been clear on his feelings. he had said it in the beginning he didn't like her. he had only agreed to it all because he was nice, only going to get ice cream because she dragged him.
"hey! why the long face?"
y/n turned towards the sudden voice, her smile back on her lips as she crossed eyes with jaemin. she shook her head.
"got lost in my thoughts," she smiled, "it's getting late, i'll see you tomorrow!" and she was gone jogging to her bus stop.
jaemin let out a deep breath, wondering if she knew she was very bad at concealing her feelings from showing on her face.
golden rays seeped through the curtains in the silent home. a sweet melancholy atmosphere buzzed in the atmosphere. the silence creeped up the walls and enveloped the whole apartment.
the beeping of the main door unlocking sounded like a shrill sound in the otherwise mute surrounding. feet shuffled in before closing the door. soft steps sounded loud, the switch being turned on illuminated the whole flat in a bright light.
a sigh left her lips as she let her bag fall on the couch, walking to the bathroom.
twenty minutes later she was sat on the couch, a towel in her hand as she dried her hair. the silence made her ears ring, she hated it. hated this feeling.
she hated not being able to trust anyone, hated that she had nobody she could call friend at college, hated how she knew the people she hung out with during those few hours talked behind her back, called her naive, stupid, loser. she knew it all but she hung out with them either way.
y/n thought about calling her boss and going to work, being busy sounded like a thrilling idea instead of sitting in this silence, but she knew they were full.
she took a deep breath willing her mind not to fall in the deep hole she knew it was going to if she didn't busy herself fast.
so she got up and discarded her damp towel on the rack in the balcony before walking to the kitchen, wondering if cooking something would take her mind away from memories she wanted to keep locked away.
"renjun ah!"
jaemin walked into the room in search of his friend, his mind set on getting his words across the thick headed idiot.
he closed the door behind himself, his narrowed eyes set on the boy playing a game on his couch. renjun's eyes fled to jaemin before focusing back on the game.
"jeno and haechan said it will take half an hour and then they'll be here," he informed the blue haired male as he angrily pressed the buttons on his controller. jaemin nodded before taking four strides in front of the tv and turning it off.
"bro! what the fuck!" renjun shrilled, mouth hanging open in surprise.
"you're losing anyway," jaemin deadpanned before looking him straight in the eyes, "we need to talk."
"about?" renjun threw the controller aside, wondering what was this serious.
"what about her?" renjun sighed as he leaned back against the couch, curious where this conversation was going.
"don't you think you're being a bit unfair to her?" jaemin asked, his tone calm.
"how? i didn't do anything," his brows furrowed as he stared at his friend. a slight sliver of irritation hit him as he wondered if she had gone to whine to his friend about him.
"exactly, you don't do anything while she does everything!" jaemin exclaimed, his arms spreading before falling by his sides again.
"i don't know what you're reaching at, jaem," renjun sighed as his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose.
"what i'm trying to say, jun, is that the poor girl has been trying to woo your ass so hard for so long and you won't do anything about it!"
"what do you want me to do!" renjun exclaimed, suddenly feeling attacked, "she was the one that wanted to do all this courting bullshit! i never asked to do it! i told her i didn't like her!" he defended himself and jaemin rolled his eyes at his friend's stupidity. and he was supposed to be the top student huh?
"at least tell her again before she falls more for you while you don't care then! the poor girl has tried everything to make you like her! she knows your habits, your order at the café, pays attention to what you say, what you do. hell! she even knows when you crave your stupid milkshake because you had a bad day at college!" jaemin tried to reason with him.
"did she complain at you about all this? i swear!" renjun groaned as he stood on his feet, beyond angry that she had the audacity to complain when she was the one to start all this. jaemin looked at renjun as if he grew a second head.
"what? no! why would she say anything to me? it doesn't take a genius to figure all this out when the moment she's not with you she has sadness written all over her face."
"oh so now i'm the bad guy, great!" renjun laughed mockingly.
"nobody said you're the bad guy, jun," jaemin's voice softened up as he stared at his friend, clear anger on his features, "all i'm saying is to take into consideration her feelings too, and if your feelings still haven't changed for her then to tell her so she can move on."
renjun snatched his jacked from the armrest of the couch before storming towards the door.
"where are you going?" jaemin asked, his tone alarmed at the anger renjun was displaying.
"tell her to fuck off and not complain to my friends," hw muttered as he pulled away the door.
"oh! hey guys," jeno's eyes widened as renjun pushed away from him and haechan on his way out of the door. the two standing on the door stared as he walked away before turning towards jaemin.
"what's going on?" haechan asked as they stepped inside their den. jaemin waved his fingers in his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh.
"i think talking to him was a bad idea."
it was almost 11pm when y/n's phone rang. she was almost falling asleep on her couch when it started ringing, waking her up right away. she smiled softly as she read the name of the caller, clearing her voice as she picked up the call.
"hello? renjun?" she softly asked, wondering why he called her at this hour.
"send me your address, we need to talk," his cold tone made a shiver run down her spine as she muttered an okay before he hung up.
thirty minutes later he texted her to come out front. in the chilly breeze he stood in front of her apartment complex. she was wearing a hoodie and sweats as she walked out. she smiled at him as she stopped to stand in front of him.
"hey, it's cold, you can come inside-,"
"what do you want from me?" he interrupted her. a look of confusion fleeting across her face as she stared up at him.
"what?" her voice was small as she spoke. renjun rolled his eyes.
"why would you go and rant to my friends about shit that you could've told me?" he accused, and her confused expression just angered him more as he scoffed.
"ah yes! now comes the 'i don't know what you're talking about'. you wanted to do this courting crap, i told you before that i didn't like you! i don't understand why you would antagonize me to my own friends when i never even wanted this in the first place!"
"what? renjun that's not-"
"i don't care! just stay out of my life, will you? stop whatever you're doing, i don't care about any of it. this was stupid anyway," he mutter the last few words before turning away.
he had taken just a step before y/n grasped his arm.
"renjun," she called him, "i don't know what happened but this is not what-"
"are you saying my friends lied to me?" his head whipped back and y/n let go of his arm right away at the nasty look he threw at her. she softly shook her head.
"that's not what i said," she muttered adn renjun scoffed before turning away again.
"then stay the fuck away," he spat as he walked away and y/n stared after him as she felt a sharp pain on her chest, the familiar pain of heart break happening all over again.
she had stayed away from his as he asked. she didn't reach out anymore and she didn't approach him either. figured out if she was forcing herself on him, the least she could've done is listen to him and stay away.
jaemin regretted talking to his stubborn friend when he had pushed his shoulder against the girl's and greeted her just to receive a tight lipped smile and a soft hi before she had speed walked away. seconds later renjun had stood by his side, his eyes on the girl as he scoffed.
"what did she want?" he sneered and jaemin's furrowed his brows as he turned to face his friend.
"renjun," he called his attention and the latter turned around to face him.
"she never said anything to me," jaemin went straight to the point and when renjun made to say anything he held up his hand.
"i'm not covering for her. she never said anything to me or anyone. hell, she never even talked about you to me. all i know about what you teo had going on was from what you told me," jaemin took a deep breath at renjun's furrowed brows.
"that day you wouldn't listen to me. I don't know why you were that angry but she really didn't ever say anything. whatever i talked to you about was all because i wanted to say it. so if you have feelings for her tell her and if you don't then at least apologize to her," jaemin tried to reason with him
"we're best friends, i'm gonna tell you when you're wrong and being an idiot. and now, you're both," jaemin smiled at renjun before clapping his arm and walking to their photography class. renjun didn't say anything, too immersed in his thoughts.
they walked into the room and renjun's eyes were right away on y/n. she sat in her usual seat, surrounded by her friends as they laughed about something. y'n smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, she laughed but it didn't sound genuine and renjun wondered how he was able to tell. he shook his head and walked behind jaemin to their seat.
"hey, aren't you going to say hi to renjun?" one of y/n's friends. y/n's smile dimmed a little before she masked again and shook her head.
"i'm not doing that anymore," she shrugged her shoulders as to not seem too sad. the girls around her snickered and y/n felt a chill run down her spine.
"why? did he reject you?" one asked and y/n sent a tight lipped smile as she hummed.
"y/n! come here for a moment, please!" the professor called her and she thanked the heavens she got saved like that.
she got off her seat and walked down the steps carefully. what she didn't miss is the girls next words. they intended for her to hear it and they also wanted renjun to hear.
"of course he would reject her, she was so pushy with it."
renjun's brows furrowed as he heard those words, wondering how did friends talk about their friend like that, but what angered him more was that it was obvious y/n had heard them but she had just kept walking to the professor.
renjun shook his head telling himself he shouldn't care. he knew he had to apologize at some point but he also knew he didn't care for her, he had no feelings for her... right?
but as he watched the girl talk to the professor with her smile painted on, his heart tightened.
it was late at night when renjun lied in his bed, facing the ceiling, his body aching from slaving away at work, his shoulders in pain from the hunched evenings he spent in the library and the heavy feeling in his chest from having to balance so many things at once, that he longed for someone to rely on. finally he was coming to terms with the truth.
the truth was that y/n had been that one person that made it all go away; the aching, the pain, the heaviness and the emptiness. she had taken all of it away without even trying to. renjun thought back at that evening when he had went to a shop with his friends and as his eyes caught sight of the little fluffy keyring he had grasped it and with a small smile he had thought 'y/n will like this' only to remember y/n wasn't there anymore. he had pushed her away.
renjun's brows furrowed as he suddenly sat up, a determined look on his face. he had to make it right. he had to apologize.
so with a new found adrenaline pumping through his veins he got up from his bed and quickly threw on a hoodie and his shoes before running out of his home.
y/n secured the lock on the convenience store she worked at, shaking the door to check if she had locked it correctly, before taking the short walk to her building.
the chilly breeze felt refreshing against her cheeks as she walked the uphill street.
she stepped under the streetlight in front of her building when she noticed a crouched figure in front of her main door. she slowed down as she got creeped out, wondering where the security guard was.
the sound of footsteps made renjun snap his head up only for his eyes to cross y/n carefully stepping up to him, her eyes unsure before realization dawned on her.
"renjun?" she asked confused and surprised. renjun stood up before dusting off his jeans.
"hey," he whispered before realizing y/n was probably waiting for an explanation, "uhh, i rang up but nobody answered s-so i just thought about waiting here for you," he stuttered before clearing his throat and looking away, his eyes shifting to look around himself in emberassment. y/n smiled comfortingly and nodded.
"did you need anything?" she asked softly, and renjun stared at her for a moment before his brows furrowed.
"don't smile," he murmured and y/n's eyes widened before she blinked away.
"uhh sorry?" her tone unsure before renjun shook his head at the misunderstanding and waved his hand in front of him.
"no no, that's not what i meant. i meant like- if you don't mean it then don't. you don't have to fake it," he explained and y/n nodded her smile returning.
"i'm not faking it, i couldn't with you," she giggled before nodding with big eyes, encouraging renjun to continue.
"i- uhh, i wanted to apologize," he took a big breath, "for the way i snapped at you that day, without knowing anything. i shouldn't have been so rash on you. jaemin cleared things with me and i have to say, it was a total dick move of me to just assume you did something," he rambled on and y/n nodded.
"it was," she interrupted him and he nodded, looking down.
"but you don't have to worry about anything, i won't bother you anymore. i'm sorry too for pushing myself on you like that."
renjun's head snapped up at her words, his brows furrowed as she shifted on her feet, her fingers tight around her bag strap.
"no," he muttered and y/n's brows raised in question, "let's- let's try again, this time i'll meet you in the middle," he nodded and y/n stared at him, her lips parted so renjun took it upon himself to elabprate.
"i realized," he licked his lips as his eyes looked around before settling on her, his eyes screaming determination, "that i didn't realize how much you helped me until i pushed you away. i didn't realize how much i relied on you for comfort. until you were gone. you were there for me in so many ways, a-and i realized how much i liked having you around, how much i thought about you, until you weren't there anymore. i realized how much just the thought of you brought me calmness until i couldn't turn to you anymore. and calmness is what i needed, is all i needed to balance my crazy everyday life, and i want you in it again, but this time for good, and the right away," renjun took a deep breath after being done, feeling like if he didn't say all that at once he wouldn't be able to make her realize how much he needed her.
y/n's eyes shone as she looked at him.
"jun," she whispered and her tone panicked renjun. it was so quiet, so frail and it sounded like she had just given up, "you don't have to force yourself to make me feel better, i can handle rejection. it will hurt for a bit but i'll be okay," she reassured him and renjun shook his head.
"no, no, i'm not doing this because i feel bad for you," his brows furrowed and his tone laced with offence. he took a step towards her and wrapped his arms around her all of a sudden. y/n's eyes widened as her hands rested on his sides, taken by surprise at his sudden hug. renjun wasn't really known to be affectionate, "i really wanna give this a try. this time the right away, please, let's try," he murmured against the side of her face.
y/n slowly pulled away and looked at his eyes, shining like the stars above, he was absolutely breath taking. and she smiled, her usual soft smile as she reached up a hand to shift away a loose hair strand falling in front of his eyes.
"okay," she nodded and renjun smiled as he nodded. his cheeks suddenly went up in flames when he noticed his arms still around her frame and she giggled, slowly pulling away.
"have you eaten?" she asked as she turned away to put in the password to the building doors, and renjun smiled as the heaviness that once settled on his shoulders felt lighter and his chest hurt less.
"are you inviting me up?" he asked hopeful and she turned her head around to throw a funny look his way, "i'm telling you, i'm so exhausted i will eat everything in your fridge, sure you wanna risk that?" he teased as she opened the door and stepped aside to let him in.
"i'll take my chances," she smiled as he took a hold of her hand and pulled her towards the elevator, a smile adorning both of their faces.
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itisannak · 3 years
Parenthood Rehearsal (Ashton Irwin Fluff)
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Summary: Ashton and (Y/N) babysit her baby nephew. Based on Love Prompts: #14: “Let’s have a baby.” & #35: “This is why I fell in love with you.” (Words: 2.3k) (Request)
"Make sure the milk is not too hot." My sister says, peeking inside the stroller for one more look at her son, who is suckling on his pacifier. "You already told me that." I remind her, sighing as I try to remain patient with her. "And when you put him to bed, make sure you don't tuck him in too tight. He moves a lot and it is not safe." She states, holding up his little blanket. "Honey, can we go? We are going to be late." My brother-in-law points out, tapping at his watch. It is my sister's first time leaving her son and going out for the night, and it is even worse since the wedding they are attending is too far away for them to return tonight and pick Benny up. I can partially understand her, even though this talk by the door really gets on my very last nerve. "We have got this." I assure her. Ashton smiles and nods, rolling the stroller further into the house. This is the only way to get them to leave already. "If anything happens..." She begins and I groan. "If anything happens, we will let you know. Now leave. Or you are going to make it to the wedding after the couple leaves for their honeymoon." I hold the door for her and she scoffs, rolling her eyes. "You will see him at lunch. You look gorgeous, have fun." I try to sweeten the goodbye, but I can tell she is having a hard time. My brother-in-law mouths a thank you as his hand rests on her lower back and he guides her out of the house. "Call me before his bedtime." Is the last thing my sister says before I close the door to her face.
I make my way to the living room, where Ashton has already set up the portable playpen for my nephew. "Alright. How is my favorite guy?" I cheer at the baby, picking him out of his stroller and holding him to my chest, bouncing him to make him giggle. "I am alright. Just a little sore from setting this up." Ashton replies, even though he knows I am talking to the baby. "Bold of you to assume you are my favorite guy." I tease my husband, making him fake-gasp and touch his chest in pretend offense. "Ouch. 7 months old and he already stole my spot..." He shakes his head, walking closer to me. He leans down, planting a kiss on my forehead before he takes a seat on the couch. "One of us will have to take care of dinner." I state, joining him on the couch. I bounce the baby as Ashton hands me one of multi-textured toys. "Or we can order in." He suggests as I hold the toy out for the baby boy to grasp. "I am a horrible housewife." I sigh, earning a chuckle from Ash. "Your aunt is being funny." He says to the baby, tapping his nose. The little boy finds his hand more interesting than the toy I am holding, reaching to grasp my husband's fingers. "You are not a housewife. And takeout does not mean you are horrible." He replies, letting the baby play with his hand. "I could really go for Tex-Mex tonight." I mumble and he hums. "I could really go for it too. What time should he eat?" Ash asks, picking up Ben so he can hold him and let the kid play with his fingers. "In about 2 hours. But we will have to bathe him first." I reply and he hums. "That means we get to play with the little dude for at least an hour..." He says cheerfully. "You know, I kinda get my sister... I would have a hard time letting go of that dude too. I will probably have a hard time letting him go tomorrow." I sigh, stroking my hand over the soft hair on top of the baby's head. "A bit dramatic, don't you think?" He asks and I shrug. "He is just so cute..." I pout, taking Ben's little hand in mine. "That he is. Come on, let's give him some tummy-time." Ash suggests, pressing his lips on my forehead. Ashton lets Ben on the crawling mattress he has laid on the floor of our living room, laying aside him on his tummy as well. Ben quickly finds his way to the playpen, crawling the short distance without any problems. "Good job, buddy." Ashton cheers, scooting towards him.
I test the water's temperature with the little toy duck thermometer, seeing if the water is too hot for the little guy. "It will take us a fortnight to gather all his stuff..." Ashton sighs, undressing the baby for his bath. "She swore she would bring only the essential..." I mumble, picking the lavender wash out the toiletries bag. "She does realize he will only spend a night at our place, right?" He asks, slowly lowering the baby into his baby tub. "For her feels like a century. Come on, be lenient... It is her first time leaving him." I giggle, kneeling to wash him. "Should I go make a bottle?" He asks, standing aside to let me move with ease. "I think it is too soon. We will have to dress him up before we feed him, and by then the milk will be cold." I reply, wetting the baby's head. "I will go lay his clothes on our bed." He offers and I nod. "Thank you. But make sure you are here to help me pick him out of the tub." I flinch just at the thought of picking him up and him slipping from my hands. "I will only be gone for a minute." He assures me, walking out of our bathroom. Ben flails his hands in the water, splashing around as I use the soft-bristle brush to wash his hair. The whole bathroom smells like lavender soap and that makes me feel soft and mellow. I sigh, thinking of how it will be when Ashton and I decide to have a baby. When we got married two years ago, we decided to just take time to enjoy one another, see the world and submerge ourselves in new experiences, so having children was not a conversation we truly ever had. At least not seriously, not taking into consideration the logistics behind it. But ever since my sister announced her pregnancy, this need of becoming a mother myself was stirred up. And it got worse since Ben was born since I got to hold my nephew in my arms. It does not help that Ashton is so good with him. Fatherhood looks natural on him, and the sight of him holding the baby makes my heart race. I cannot help it, picturing him with our own baby, imagining how good he will be as a parent. But I also know he is such a good parent because he practically raised his siblings. And then he became the father of the group, the older mentor for his friends. It is more than certain that he needs a break from that role, and I understand that. Sighing, I grab the rinsing cup and wash the shampoo off Ben's head. I lather his washcloth with the cleanser and softly cleanse his skin, making sure I don't scrub too harshly on his sensitive skin. "Everything ok in here?" Ashton asks, resting against the doorframe. "Yes, we are done in a minute." I smile at my husband who picks up the baby's towel and preps it in his arms to carry him to our bedroom. I rinse the baby off and move over so Ashton can pick him out. "Oh, you smell so good, bud." Ashton kisses the top of his head as I rinse and drain his tub. "Can you handle dressing him up so I can prep the milk?" Ashton asks as we walk towards our bed. "Can you handle making his bottle?" I ask and he chuckles. "Piece of cake." He assures me, laying the baby on the changing mat. "I think I can do dress up." I reply, picking up the lavender lotion.
I finish putting on his onesie when Ashton returns with the bottle. "You are still struggling with dressing him up?" He asks with a soft giggle. "If you knew all the steps in his nighttime routine, you wouldn't be that surprised..." I state, picking up the baby and sitting on the ottoman to feed him. "Can I do it? Can I feed him?" He asks, sitting next to me. "Are you sure?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah, yeah. I'll feed him, you go take a shower and then you put him to sleep and I take a shower." He replies, motioning for me to give him the baby. "Ok, I'll make sure to be quick." I hand him Ben carefully, watching him as he starts feeding him. "Go, I have done this in the past, multiple times." Ashton says playfully. I raise my hands in defeat, walking away from the two boys.
I did as fast as I could in the shower, and despite the short length, it was exactly what I needed. I walk out of the bathroom, already clad in my pajamas and ready for Ben's sleeping ritual. Ashton is humming a tune as he walks around the room with Ben in his arms, rubbing his back softly. "I thought I was supposed to be putting him to sleep." I whisper, not wanting to disturb the little guy. "I got carried away. Can you order food?" He asks, in the same hushed tone. "Still TexMex?" I ask, taking my phone from the nightstand where it was charging. "Yes. Get the usual, I think you have the order saved on the app. Ask for door delivery and pay with my credit card, so they don't ring the bell and wake the baby up. Ask for a text upon delivery." He whispers and I shake my head. "So bossy..." I mumble, and he shoots me a look. "I have no problem with your nephew crying all night if you don't have too..." He states, looking at Ben to see if he is asleep. "Ok, ok... A crying baby is the last thing on my checklist for tonight." I reply, writing the instructions for delivery in the special field.
"I think in a minute or two, he will be ready for bed." Ashton announces, bouncing the baby to lull him to sleep. "I will stay with him, you go shower." I reply, laying his bedding on my side of the bed. Thankfully, the bed is big enough for me to sleep comfortably along with Ashton on his side of the bed. "Once he is off, we can't get out of the room. We have to watch him so he doesn't roll over." I remind him and he nods. "So, we will eat in bed. And we will read that book you bought the other day until we are off too." He states, letting Ben on his mat. The baby continues sleeping, sucking on his pacifier rhythmically. "This is why I fell in love with you. You always find solutions." I say happily, making him turn his head and plant a soft peck on my lips. "I'll be right back." He whispers, walking towards the bathroom.
I watch as my nephew sleeps, pouting over how angelic he looks, how peaceful he is. I want a baby, and I want it now. I want to have a baby with Ashton, I want to raise a child with the love of my life, I just want it. It hurts me physically being in need of becoming a mother. "(Y/N)... (Y/N)? Do I flip the page?" Ashton nudges me, making me come out of my thoughts. "Hm?" "We have been on this page for a while? Did you read it? Should I change it?" He asks. "I am sorry, give me a minute." I start scanning the page, but Ashton shuts the book and leaves it on the bedside table. "You seem a bit off. Are you tired? Do you want to go to bed?" He asks me, kissing my temple. I shake my head, taking a breath. "I want a baby." I admit, moving so I can look him in the eye. "Now?" He asks, knitting his eyebrows together. "Don't make fun of me. I want us to have a baby. I know you practically raised your siblings, and then you raised the boys, and I know you needed a break from fatherhood when we got married, but I want to have a baby. I want us to grow this family. I want a baby because..." I go on and on, but Ashton just chuckles and reaches to cup my face. "(Y/N)... Let's have a baby." He says as if it is the simplest, most natural thing in the world. "You are serious?" I ask and he nods. "Very. And if we didn't have our nephew here tonight, I would show you how serious I am about having a baby with you." He winks at me, making my eyes go wide and earning a light slap on the shoulder. "Ashton..." I gasp and he shrugs. "What? You asked for a baby... I am just saying, we can start trying." He replies, pulling me in for a kiss. "You are going to be an amazing dad." I mumble against his lips before I rest my forehead on his. "Only because you are going to make an amazing mum." He kisses the tip of my nose while stroking his thumbs over my cheeks.
My Masterlist
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mrkcore · 4 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mark lee x y/n (ft. minor appearances of johnny)
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: college!au, aged down mark
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: mark said forever, even in his songs, but you should have known better. based off of olivia rodrigo’s new single, drivers license.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, i’m sorry in advance
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): cheating/infidelity, heartbreak  
𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨: drivers license - olivia rodrigo
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k 
𝐚/𝐧: this was finished at 2 am again, so please excuse me if this is incoherent 😌 also, i changed around the order of some lyrics and deleted some sections to fit the story, so it’s not 100% the same. feedback is always welcomed!
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @nakamotocore​, @astroboy-lele, @infnteen (comment here to be added!)
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it was always so simple. even though mark was a year older, you guys planned it out. same university, same program, just different years. as simple as that. or so you thought.
i got my driver's license last week 
just like we always talked about 
'cause you were so excited for me 
to finally drive up to your house
but today i drove through the suburbs 
crying 'cause you weren't around 
mark started meeting you less often when he entered college. you didn’t think much of it, people always said the first year of college was the hardest. you just assumed the workload was catching him off-guard and he was too busy.
you didn’t tell him about getting your driver’s license. you wanted to surprise him. and you thought that if he was too busy, you’ll just go and visit him instead. before mark graduated, you guys would always be sneaking out at the crack of dawn in his white volkswagen, driving to the nearest mcdonalds, ordering whatever you craved. no cares or worries in the world. 
“hey, when are you going to get your license anyways?” mark asked you one night. “i’m always the one driving, am i your personal chauffeur or something?”
“hmm, what if you are?” you tease him. mark shoots daggers at you. “i’m kidding, i’m kidding! maybe next year, when i turn 18.”
“i’m excited.” he leaned back into his seat. “you’d be able to visit me whenever.”
“i’d annoy you.” you snort. he chuckles and playfully hits you.
“you know you’d never.” he looks at you, like he really meant it.
but he didn’t. because now, tears flow down your face as you drive home in your car from mark’s university.
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and i know we weren't perfect, but i've never felt this way for no one 
and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that i'm gone 
guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 
'cause you said forever, now i drive alone past your street 
mark was always super passionate about songwriting. and when you guys were introduced to each other in guitar club of your freshman year, he finally found a companion to confide his interest in. when you guys snuck out, he would always bring his computer, speakers, and guitar. he’d play you the demos and songs that he had made and would want your opinions on them.
“how does it sound?” he asked you, pressing pause on his computer. it was the last day before the summer of freshman year for you, and he said he wanted to show you ‘something special’.
“yeah it’s pretty good, i think you could do a more complex guitar riff though? it would sound sick if you used E minor and riffed off onto the E major.” you suggested and turned to face mark’s smiling face. “what are you staring at?” you poked him.
“i wrote this about you, you dummy.” he flicked your forehead. “could you not tell?”
“ow, no?” you rubbed to soothe where he flicked you. “its too cheesy, and ‘that sun shining on me, my heart alive and breathing i want only one with you, all the things you make me do for you’? nah, mark lee has a little crush on someone.” you wiggled your eyebrows.
“yeah,” you whipped your head around. “you.” your brain stopped and all you feel is your heartbeat racing. you had never been romantically interested in mark, only friends. but that day changed it all.
“ayo, stop playing the innocent freshman girl.” you huff out. “i have a weak heart.” he taps your chin and turns your face back around.
“dude, i’m not playing.” he gazes into your eyes. “i’m serious, no joke.” your heart starts beating faster, the butterflies in your stomach are wild and your breaths are accentuated by the silence in the car. 
and that’s when he leans in. pressing his soft, watermelon chapstick flavoured lips onto yours. 
you close your eyes and you feel like you’re dreaming. 
“did that prove it?” he says when he pulls away, grinning at you.
“you’re pretty bold making a move on a freshman, bro.” you roll your eyes but your insides feel warm and fuzzy. “and you stole my first kiss!” you exclaim as you push him lightly and he puffs out in disbelief.
“what else do i gotta do to prove to you that i’m for real?” he says, crossing his arms.
“pinky promise me,” you say. “that you won’t leave and you’ll love me forever.” reaching out your pinky. mark laughs, his pinky intertwined with yours.
“now who’s the one who’s cheesy?” he teases. laughing as you angrily attempt to hit him. “i’m joking, i promise, forever.”
you should have known better, promises were made to be broken. but the sticky sweet watermelon flavour stuck on your lips blind you.
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and all my friends are tired 
of hearing how much i miss you, but i kinda feel sorry for them 
'cause they'll never know you the way that i do 
yeah, today i drove through the suburbs 
and pictured i was driving home to you 
you know your friends are tired of you rambling about mark. even though they’ve endured it for 3 years already, they don’t see why you’re still talking about him even when he’s gone. you don’t really blame them though. you ditch them to hang out with mark all the time, it was like he was the higher priority than they were, but you were just realizing.
but could they blame you? mark was the definition of dreamy. anyone in your position would understand and agree. all of the fun, secrets, journeys, songs you shared, you felt like nobody knew him like you did. you felt like you were on cloud 9. 
but now is too late, as you realized after mark left that there was no one else that you would, could drive and feel at home with. you feel empty.
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and you're probably with that blonde girl 
who always made me doubt 
she's so much older than me 
she's everything i'm insecure about 
yeah, today i drove through the suburbs 
'cause how could i ever love someone else? 
you felt like you had been stabbed in the chest. you stood there frozen, heart aching and numb. 
mark told you the address and room of where he was living before he left. when you arrived, you met johnny, mark’s roommate. he said mark was at the production studio probably and he could walk you to where it was.
when you arrived, you saw the back of mark’s head and the back of the sweater you gave him before he left. and right beside him, a blonde girl. sitting comfortably with her head rested on his shoulder. you stood there shocked. forgetting that johnny was standing beside you, he notices the change in your mood and asks if you were okay.
“oh, yeah i’m fine. i was just checking up on him, his mom wanted me to, haha.” you tried to laugh it off. “he needs to call them back to reassure them he’s not dead yet.” johnny’s laugh echos in your ears as you reassure yourself that they’re just friends. nothing’s going on between them, mark is just a super nice person.
“that’s kim aera by the way. the TA for mark’s producing class. i think she’s in her third year? anyways, mark really enjoys working with her. it’s like he lives in the studio, he’s always asking her for suggestions and other stuff.” johnny explains. you tense up, you were the only person that mark had wanted to ask suggestions from. pause, you were. not anymore. but it makes sense, she’s the TA, she obviously had more knowledge and experience in the studio. and she’s more, accessible… “what’s the deal between you two though? mark never mentions anything to me, what’s your name?” johnny snaps you out of your daze. 
“oh, uh, i’m y/n, mark’s family friend.” you try to cover up the nervousness and cracking in your voice. “yeah. our parents are close, so her mom can count on me to report on him. haha.” you laugh lightly. “i’m going to get going now, mark is obviously intact, so that’s good. i’ll catch you around.”
“oh cool. see you.” johnny waves, and you walk out the door.
you try to convince yourself that there’s nothing going on between mark and this aera, but reassurance won’t make the truth disappear. 
you come back a few weeks later. you thought that after finals, he might be more free, and you guys could finally hang out for once. you thought that after hanging out again, everything would go back to normal. he’d go back to texting you, showing you new songs, and maybe hanging out more often as well.
“oh hey y/n, you’re back?” johnny answers the door once again. “he’s at the studio right now, do you need me to walk you there?”
“i think i’m good, i remember where it is. sorry for disrupting you. bye.” you smiled, and after johnny waves back and closes the door, you walk towards the studio.
you think of many different scenarios of how this will play out, but this isn’t what you expected. 
you walk into the studio, about to call mark’s name, but you see the blonde locks again. 
“thanks for helping me out with the lyrics, you’re really good with words.” mark says, smiling. “i think you’re a great role model.” 
you feel a little jab at your side. lyricism was never your strong suit. you could write beautiful melodies and harmonies, but the words never seem to come out.
your heart stops. right when their lips lock. with the way her arms are pulling mark in by his nape, you can tell that she’s more experienced. you felt like you had been stabbed in the chest. you stood there frozen, heart aching and numb. you bolt out the door, you feel suffocated. you really were naive. if this is what heartbreak feels like, you don’t think that falling in love is worth it anymore.
you don’t look back. that’s the last time you ever see mark again. 
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apparently johnny asked mark about you.
“hey mark,” johnny calls out. “how was your meeting with your family friend y/n yesterday?” 
mark stops dead in his tracks and his heart sinks. you came to see him? how come he didn’t see you? how did johnny know your name? and, why were you his family friend?
“oh uh, yeah it went well, thanks for telling me anyways.” mark escapes to his room.
did you come to see me?
oh, nevermind then.
johnny probably got the name wrong.
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red lights, stop signs 
i still see your face in the white cars, front yards 
can't drive past the places we used to go to 
'cause i still fucking love you, babe 
sidewalks we crossed i still hear your voice in the traffic
we're laughing over all the noise 
god, i'm so blue, know we're through 
but i still fucking love you, babe 
the world was quieter and stopped spinning. that feeling of being on top of the world all the time stopped too. you stopped going on your phone, you stopped socializing with people in general to be honest. you didn’t know how to face anyone. everywhere you went, everything you did, reminded you of mark. mark’s laugh, mark’s random nose scrunches, mark’s favourite songs, mark’s guitar, mark’s self-written melodies. you can’t go to mcdonalds, you can’t watch the sunset inside your car at the parking lot behind your local church, you couldn’t even pick up your guitar anymore. your melodies and harmonies didn’t come as smoothly anymore. you felt sick, you didn’t want to do music. it’s just not the same anymore. you didn’t feel like you had a purpose. 
but you slowly got back up. music became your way of coping. listening to other people’s songs about heartbreak, you felt like you weren’t alone. your first heartbreak, no one there to teach you about it, and no one there to comfort you. so you did it yourself. you had no musical purpose, but now, your music was for you, your own personal expression. all the harmonies, melodies, colours, came back to you. and unexpectedly out of the blue, the words came to you too. 
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i know we weren't perfect, but i've never felt this way for no one 
and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that i'm gone 
'cause you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 
'cause you said forever, now i drive alone past your street 
yeah, you said forever, now i drive alone past your street
the backing instrumentals fade out and the emotion in your voice trickles into the darkness of mark’s room as he closes his laptop. 
you found your words. he thinks, smiling sadly. finally.
©mrkcore, 2021.
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fijiangecko · 4 years
The Gr8King
Camboy!Oikawa Tooru x Fem!Reader
+9k words
MDI, Explicit, Smut, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers
Read it on AO3 here
Finding an apartment for college was one of the hardest things you’d ever done. Searching endlessly through ads, you ciphered through countless creeps and dingy houses that were not up to code. Up until the second to last week of summer break, you had no where to stay, but a friend of yours from high school said that he knew a guy looking for a roommate within your price range. 
Thanking him a million times, you met up with Tooru Oikawa the next day at a coffee shop and got acquainted. You found him charming, and something clicked between you two immediately, a spark if you would.
Two days after you met him, you were moving in. And very quickly after that you met his best friend; the three musketeers were together at last. Hajime, Tooru and yourself were always together and you all got along extremely well. 
You were a middle ground between the two, somewhere between the lines of rude and flirtatious, but it made for some fun nights out. Hajime and yourself are even better friends than Tooru and you, but both of you agree that it’s because of the mutual “hatred”. He became your best friend in a matter of weeks, and people often assumed you were a couple. Every time, it was quickly denied as either of you stated that you would rather shoot yourselves than hook up with one another.
Fast forward almost a year later, and the three of you are sitting on the couch, watching some shit alien documentary Oikawa put on in the background.
“Do you think we should buy a bigger TV, Y/N-chan?” Tooru asks you while shoveling some noodles in his mouth.
“Dude, it’s fine. I mean if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Plus, I don’t have the kinda cash for that at the moment.” You stand up, stretching slightly while reaching out to Iwaizumi, seeing as his bowl is empty. “Unless you wanna pitch in?” Laughing softly, he places the bowl in your hand and shakes his head.
“No chance in hell I’m helping you losers buy a bigger television for your apartment.”
“Well that was uncalled for…” Oikawa quietly mumbles. “But! I think I’m just gonna buy a new one. You don’t have to worry about the money or anything. Think of it as our one year anniversary gift!” He wiggles his eyebrows and bumps his elbow into Iwa’s side as you roll your eyes and walk to the kitchen. You’re just glad that you make it to the sink before he can see the bright red on your face.
You weren’t sure when this started, but whenever Tooru teased you, a rush of blood would flow through your system. You’ve known each other for years at this point, and nothing like this has ever happened. You’ve noticed that he’s been building more muscle, almost like he’s glowing. You’re unsure, but not upset.
“How the fuck can you afford that? You’re at practice all the time, and you don’t have a job.” You turn around after washing the dishes, leaning into the counter as you speak. 
The two men quickly share a glance before Oikawa speaks. “I have my ways.” The flirtatious tone in his voice lures you in, wanting for the subject to change, and you give in to the pretty boy's ways.
“Whatever Flattykawa.” He sticks out his lip and pouts as you insult him. “I’m gonna turn in for the night, I have an eight thirty lecture and I still have to meet with a TA beforehand.” A yawn escapes your mouth as Hajime stands up from the couch, making his way to you and wrapping his rather large arms around your frame. The man has always been a walking space heater, and you place your arms around him. He rubs his hands on your back before saying goodnight and walking back to the couch. Tooru is still pouting, head turned to look out of the window as he sees his best friend hug his crush. The slight twinge of jealousy lasts for a brief moment, going away as he whispers a brief goodnight to you as well.
A week or so has passed since that night, and things are still the same between yourself and Oikawa. He did end up buying a new t.v., and you got the “old” one for your room. Not only that, but he’s been receiving packages all the time. Almost everyday he gets something shipped to the apartment, and you can’t help but wonder where the fuck all of this money is coming from.
It’s none of your business Y/N. If Tooru’s rich, then there’s nothing you can say about that. He’s just a little luckier than you are, with money, talent and looks he’s practically got no issues… Your thoughts run on and on as you sit at the bar, distracted from the homework on your laptop screen. It’s roughly seven or eight at night on a Monday night, meaning Oikawa’s home since it’s his day off. He doesn’t like being bugged when doing work of any kind, and tends to stay in his room until he’s finished doing whatever it is he’s doing. It was an agreement you both made when you first moved in to learn each other's boundaries and respect privacy at all times.
Your phone dinged on the other side of the counter, and you quickly picked it up to look at the notification. At the same time, Tooru walks through his bedroom door and into the kitchen. His unruly hair was even more disheveled than usual, and his shirt was nowhere to be seen. It’s a rather common occurrence for him to be shirtless, but it’s been happening more and more. Unaware of your gaze, he continued looking for a snack like nothing mattered. You glanced at him quite a few times, admiring the light viel of sweat covering his chest and the soft breaths as he took a few deep inhales.
Not taking any chances of being caught, you went back to checking your phone and saw a text from the group chat you had with a couple of gal pals. They were asking about going to brunch tomorrow and you quickly responded that you were down to clown before placing the phone back on the counter.
“What’s up Tooru?” Your eyes settled back on his frame as he turned to you, a smile grazing his lips. He liked it when you called him by his first name. Not that he’d tell you, but he thought it was cute that you only called him that when you two were alone.
“Nothing much Y/N. Looking for something sweet to eat…”
“Hmm, if I recall you’re the one who ate the last of the rice krispy treats.” You cocked your eyebrow, smirking at his over exaggerated reaction.
“And?” He placed his hand over his heart, “Just because I ate one of your rice krispies treats, and it happened to be the last one doesn’t mean I don’t deserve something sweet.”
“Riiiight, so by one do you mean five? Because I did take the trash out of your room the other day, and there just so happened to be some more wrappers in your bin.”
“Y/N. I would never, and when I say this, I mean never eat all of your snacks. I can’t believe you would accuse me of such a thing.” Oikawa sassed you back, feigning innocence.
“Mhm.” You hopped out of your seat and walked to your room. 
“Where are you going?” He calls out, a little dumbfounded that you up and left.
“Hold your panties dude, I’ll be back.” He crosses his arms and leans into the counter as he waits for a few seconds. He can hear your footsteps coming back to the kitchen only a minute or so later, and suddenly a chocolate bar comes flying at him. It hits him square in the chest, but he catches it as it falls.
His lips stretch out into a genuine smile, looking between you and the chocolate. “I love you Y/N,” Tooru says in a sing-song voice, but rips open the wrapper as he speaks. Once again, his words cause a sudden blush to cover your face and you practically run over to your laptop to use it as cover.
“Whatever Tooru.” He chuckles while getting something to drink, and you see that the group chat has popped off during your short encounter. Decisions had been made in a small amount of time, but now you have plans tomorrow.
“What’s got you so happy?” He says, mouth full.
“Oh, just going out with some friends tomorrow. Haven’t seen them in a while so it’ll be fun.” You don’t bother looking up as you type.
“So I won’t be getting a breakfast special?”
“Are you saying you like burnt toast and crispy eggs?” A soft laugh fills the space when Tooru throws the wrapper in the trash. He pads over to the living area and plops down onto the couch. 
“Vegging out for the rest of the night?” You call from the kitchen, still engrossed in the group chat.
“I think so. I’m all caught up with everything and a new episode of that alien series came out yesterday.” A hum in affirmation leaves your lips before sitting down next to him.
The rest of the night is quiet as Tooru watches his show and you text your girlfriends, both of you content with being next to one another in comfortable silence.
“So Y/N”, one of the girls smacks her lips once she places her champagne glass on the table, “You and Oikawa together yet?”
A blush erupts over your skin, and wanting to hide you start to shield your face into your shoulder. “No,” you mumble while the girls laugh at your reaction. They’re some of the only people, mind Hajime, that know about your crush. It hasn’t been that long since you’ve developed these feelings, but it’s starting to have an affect on your dynamic with him.
“Well,” another one of your friends starts, “I think you should hop on it girl. He’s fine as fuck, and I can’t help but imagine what he can do with that body-”
“Alright!” Your best friend breaks up the conversation, seeing you get more uncomfortable by the moment. “We don’t need to talk about Oikawa’s anything right now, but I am curious about him buying new things for your guys’ apartment all the time.”
“I don’t know guys. I think he’s just rich, or something,” you shovel some of your food into your mouth, speaking in between bites. The girls look around at each other and shrug it off.
“Maybe he’s got a side business.”
“Or he’s a sugar baby!” They all laugh, minus you who takes the idea seriously. 
Maybe he has a sugar mommy or daddy… I mean, he’s got the looks and personality… You pick at the food on your plate as they continue their conversation.
“I would kill to be a sugar baby,” one of them whined, “Then I could sit around and do whatever I wanted.”
“You mean you could sit around and watch porn,” your best friend interjects. Silence fills the space before another round of laughter erupts from the table.
“Okay, but hear me out…” Another girl whispers under the hollers that can be heard across the restaurant. “I started watching this camboy the other week and it’s really hot.”
“Oh, like the guys who jack off on stream?” They sip out of their champagne glasses.
“Yeah, but when you donate money you can request or get things out of it. The guy I’ve been watching has been doing stuff with some vibrators lately, and I can’t get enough.”
“So,” you look up at them all, placing your fork down, “there’s just this whole category of porn where people do what you want.” They all turn and nod, almost eagerly.
“Did you not know about this Y/N?”
“I mean,” you could feel the heat rise on your face again, “I’ve heard of people jacking off on streams, but I didn’t know it was that popular…” Some of them laugh softly at the notion, but others try to explain further.
“You know, you might like it. I can send you the guy's username I’ve been watching. He streams every Monday for sure, and a few other times during the week. I’ll just text you.” She winks and the rest of the morning is just catching up with everyone.
Over the course of the past few days, your curiosity grew about cam culture and what it entailed. It’s been over a year since your last relationship and it has taken a toll on your sex drive. You aren’t about one night stands or friends with benefits, so you just stick to watching, listening and reading porn when you need to get off, and as the days went by you needed the release.
Making sure your room was locked, you opened your phone and searched through the texts to find your friends suggestion.
“Gr8King”, you whisper to yourself while typing the name into the search bar. The livestream pops into frame and the man is fully clad in a slutty maid outfit, teasing his own nipples with his fingers while he speaks ever so softly into the mic. His head is above the screen, allowing you to only see his mid and lower body down to his calves. He’s lean and toned, and you can feel your own arousal growing at the sight.  The notification tones going off every few seconds, hundreds of people donating and thousands watching as he moves a hand slowly down his torso, grabbing the hem of the skirt.
“Should we move on to something more,” he moves closer to the mic, breathing softly and talking in a deeper tone, “sensual?” The vibrations from his voice cause chills to run down your spine. You run a hand over your clothed sex, dying for friction while clenching your thighs.
The skirt comes off, falling to the ground and it leaves him bare on screen. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath it, and his cock is already getting hard. The tip is red, leaking with precum as he moves his hand up the shaft, rubbing the head with his thumb and smearing the liquid around.
Messages increase from the viewers, begging him to do something more, but he stays in his position. “I can’t do anything until the masters say I can,” he whines. Never in your life did you think that you would have a thing for guys in maid outfits, but what was left of the outfit and him calling the audience “master” fueled your curiosity.
That’s when you realize the small animations on screen. Based on the donations, there’s a vibrator going on and anytime someone donates they can change it, and if they exceed a certain amount they get called “master” for the night. More people donate, rapidly changing the speed and he bucks his hips into his fist, moaning breathlessly. “Not- not so much,” he releases his hand except for the pointer finger, running it with a feathery touch from the head to the base. A larger notification shows on screen, a “master” donating a rather large sum of money. Once again, the chat waits in anticipation to see what he’ll do next.
“Looks like master wants me to fuck my dirty little fleshlight while the vibrator gets turned up all the way.” He turns to find what’s necessary, and you stare at the screen, biting your lip.
Am I really enjoying this that much? Your eyes are glued to the screen, waiting in anticipation for what’s about to happen. He returns to the frame, toys in hand and resumes the broadcast.
“How could I deny my masters when they’ve given me so much? I need to be a good boy for them..” he purrs into the mic, teasing the head of his cock on the entrance of the clear fleshlight. The vibrator goes to max, and he shoves the toy down his length, moaning viciously.
Embarrassment floods your system as you listen to this random person whisper sinful things into your ear as he reaches his peak. It’s definitely foreign to you, but the throbbing between your legs makes you want to watch more.
Watching the “Gr8King’s” streams becomes almost routine over the next few weeks. You convince yourself that it’s healthy for you to jack off whenever he streams, but deep down you know it’s just an excuse to stare at some guy guy's body while he talks dirty. In fact, this past week you’ve found yourself wanting to donate for the first time, but you don’t have money to just throw around willy nilly so you just lurk.
The stream boots up, this week being just a normal show where he takes suggestions from any amount. You settle into bed, getting prepared for the night’s activities while listening to the voice call you pet names like “cutie”, “gorgeous” and countless others.
It was a stressful week full of work and school, so you decide to take the time now to really let loose and let him guide you to your climax. He talks about nothing in particular, but does as his audience wants while moaning and playing with himself, leaving you panting on your bed, waiting to release at the same time.
Taking all the time in the world, he edges himself multiple times. You can barely hear his words as you desperately try to keep up, but you can feel the knot grow even further in your lower body. After teasing for almost fifteen minutes, he starts to whimper, begging the audience for relief. The way he speaks into the mic is weirdly familiar, just a few phrases here and there catch you off guard, almost as if you know him. This feeling is quickly washed away from the growing knot in your stomach. The audience give into his pleas immediately and you feel the shock waves of pleasure wrack your body. The high washes over and you pant to regain composure. After lying on the bed for a few seconds, you lazily get up and wash up very quickly before hearing a short growl come from your stomach.
Making something quick, you watch some TikToks on the couch as you eat, too entranced by the memes to see Tooru walk out of his room. Once again, he is shirtless, but he spots you on the couch before entering the kitchen.
He slows his pace to admire your flushed skin and glow as you laugh. His heart beats quickly, and he targets the fridge. You can hear him in the next room over, but you don’t bother to call his name, figuring he would join you shortly.
A few moments later, you hear his bedroom door shut and you’re left alone. “What the fuck?” You check the date on your phone, making sure it’s Monday. He usually watches his alien show with me on Monday’s since we can hang out… With a frown, you turn on the t.v. The newest episode plays out as you mindlessly scroll, wondering what was wrong with him.
Two days later, you finish watching a stream, taking longer than usual to clean up and head back out to the living room, wanting to clean some before Hajime comes over. Much to your surprise, it’s being worked on by Tooru, who’s wearing a muscle tank top and some running shorts. He’s panting quietly as he bends to pick up various pieces of trash, but it leaves you stunned.
When did he get so buff? You peered at his abs and pecs through the large slits on the sides of his shirt, but he turns and catches you staring.
“What’s up, Y/N-chan?” He’s got a sly smirk plastered over his face. Your reaction is involuntary heat takes over your body. Without saying anything, you turn and go back to the safehaven of your room.
Tooru is also stunned over your movements, expecting some kind of sassy retort. Then his phone dings in his pocket. Still freaked out over what happened, he checks his messages and sees you’ve texted the group chat you both have with Iwaizumi.
[I think I’m sick, so you guys have fun tonight <3] His brow furrows; now he’s just confused.
“The fuck did you say to her man?” Hajime shoves a piece of sushi into his mouth, talking between chews. Tooru and himself sat at the counter, talking over some movie that all three of you were supposed to watch.
“I made a joke about her staring at me since I was wearing workout clothes, but I thought she was gonna just punch me or something.” He places the chopsticks down on his plate and tries to think. A light goes off in his head, Hajme can see that, but the look is quickly replaced with one of defeat.
“Imayormaynothavebeenavoidingherforthepastfewdays.” All at once, Oikawa speaks in a rushed and hushed sentence, hoping his best friend caught on.
“Excuse me: what.” There’s no playful tone in the air. Hajime popped that balloon and glares daggers into that thick skull of Oikawa’s.
“I,” he plays with his hands, “may or may not have been avoiding her over the past few days.” The first go around was quieter, but Iwa hears it more clearly, finally understanding what’s going on.
“You’re a fucking moron, you know that right?” Hajime places his utensils down, “I’m not going to get in between whatever’s going on here, but you both need to figure shit out. You can’t just avoid her all of the sudden. Not that she’s said anything to me, but she might be going through something and having one of her best friends just avoiding her out of the blue might not be the best thing for her.” Oikawa’s eyes widen at the words of wisdom. He makes a mental note for later, and the night goes on with the two men watching Godzilla for the 100th time.
Monday afternoon rolls around, and Tooru walks through the door of the apartment, finished with his classes. You’re making some tea to get some homework done, and he marches into the kitchen, raiding the pantry and fridge.
“You okay man?” Your brow pops up in concern. He didn’t have practice today, so why was he acting like this?
“Huh?” He turns with some food stuffed in his mouth. After swallowing, he answers, “Yeah, I’m good. Just wanted to talk with some friends on chat tonight so I wanted to eat quickly.” Hesitantly, you nod, returning to your laptop on the counter. What you couldn’t see was how his heart rate picked up after seeing you in the kitchen. He’s been wanting to confront you about his sudden absence in your life, but everytime he sees you he gets extremely nervous and bolts.
Tooru finishes up with whatever, and practically runs to his room, slamming the door. He scolds himself quietly behind the closed door for not saying anything to you.
Rude. You focus on homework for another thirty minutes or so and check the time, knowing that your weekly ritual is gonna be starting in the next fifteen minutes or so. Packing everything up, you move into the bedroom, checking the lock on the door for the thousandth time before settling down.
In minutes, “Gr8King” appears on screen, this time in a sports uniform. He starts out like normal, teasing the audience with his voice, running his hands along his body as countless people donate and chat in real time.
Just as he’s about to take his jersey off, a notification dings somewhere off camera and he tenses. “Excuse me cuties,” in a rush, he moves out of frame, slightly knocking his camera from it’s normal setup.
In the background, you spot a poster on a wall that’s eerily familiar. It’s light blue, with a man jumping high, arms reaching back as he prepares to attack. A net is settled before him as a volleyball is high in the air. There’s words in a foriegn language, except for the large letters at the bottom of the poster: “Argentina”.
This causes you to stop what you’re doing. You’re not entirely sure why, but the poster pokes and prods at the back of your mind. It’s a thorn you didn’t know you had.
Why does this guy have an Argentinian volleyball poster? The live stream continues in the background while your eyes haze over. Why does this bug you so much? It’s not like I know the dude, but he did seem familiar in a sense...
That’s the last piece. Everything falls into place as you hastily slam the laptop close. Your breaths are heavy as you finally understand. He’s not fucking rich, he’s a fucking camboy! Your fingers run themselves through your hair over and over as your brain tries to process what’s happening. 
I’ve been watching Tooru fuck himself for weeks and had no idea. I was watching the guy I’m crushing over please himself for thousands of people, and he’s just down the hall. What the fuck. You try to stop fidgeting, but your anxiety starts to spike.
“Maybe it’s not him. Maybe this is just a weird fucking coincidence that some streamer has the same schedule as Tooru and the same volleyball poster,” legs pacing around the room, you try to rationalize the situation. Talking out loud helps you realize what’s happening, but you speak quietly to ensure he won’t be able to hear you. Your heart is hammering in its cage, the rapid beating making you dizzy.
Before making any hasty decisions, you walk out into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. “Maybe it’s just a coincidence…” You pull out your phone, turning the sound all the way down and go back to the stream. You don’t actively watch, bouncing your leg as you lean on the counter, and wait for it to end.
You realize it might be a while, and you creep through the hallway, wary of the floorboards that creak and press your face onto his door, listening as closely as possible. Very softly, you can hear moans and grunts, but no actual words. Maybe he’s just working out...
The stream is still playing on your phone, but you return to the kitchen. Not much later, it ends and you wait patiently, timing everything from when it ends. Preemptively, you fill an extra glass with water and set it down. Five minutes pass, and Tooru walks out of his room, sweaty and shirtless. He turns the corner, taking the glass with a small thanks before going to the living room.
The timing makes sense. If he’s the Gr8King than it would make a lot of sense...
[Hajime we need to talk] you type and send before returning to your room, avoiding Tooru. He notices your disappearance and frowns, debating on fetching you. He misses the time you two used to spend together, and he scolds himself further for not bringing it up.
Taking a deep breath, he tells himself to “man up” and sends, [hey, i'm here for you if you need me :)]. He presses his lips into a line before hitting send and placing the phone on the couch next to him.
“So what’s up? Not to be rude but you never wanna go to the juice bar…” Hajme laughs lightly, hiding how nervous he is to be meeting up with you.
“I need to ask you something,” you sip the green smoothie, smacking your lips in disgust at the flavor. “And I need you to be honest with me.” Making eye contact, you set the cup down on the table.
“Y/N you’re freaking me out,” he meets your eyes and clenches his jaw.
“Well,” the blush rises in your cheeks, “I always joke about where Oikawa gets his money,” Hajime tightens his grip on his own cup, but remains silent. “I thought it was weird that he got packages all the time when he was either at home or at practice. Then I realized when he was at home, he’d lock himself in his room.” Your face is bright red and you take a deep breath in. “A friend of mine suggested something to me a few weeks back, and when I looked into it I saw something I don’t think I should have.” You look up at the ceiling, avoiding Iwa’s strong gaze. You don’t say anything, trying to think of a way to ask in the least embarrassing way possible.
“What is it Y/N?” He speaks with a small voice.
“Istooruacamboy?” You whisper, still looking up. Hajime’s face also breaks out into a blush, but he chuckles at the events. His chuckles grow into full on laughter as he buckles over and you’re stunned into silence. This continues for a few minutes until he calms himself down, wiping a few tears from his eyes while he looks up to you.
“I can’t believe you found out by watching him.” Some would say it’s impossible, but your face turned two shades darker as you slap him on the chest.
“Fucking asshole! You fucking knew, didn’t you?!” You punch him in the bicep for good measure as you scold him. His laughter is brought back while sipping on the rest of his drink.
“He started after the first semester of school, just trying new things. He told me it was interesting to him, and I said I wanted no part. He hated working at that sports store, you know that, and when he started to get popular there was no going back.” You sit silently, letting him explain. “I hope you don’t think that he’s like, sex crazed or anything… He’s just doing it for the money as far as I know and he likes being able to work from home.” He smiles, acknowledging his friends work but finishes his drink in silence, waiting for a response.
“I don’t think any different of him,” you shake your head and begrudgingly take another sip. “I just- It’s hard for me to take in? I think? Like, I wanna be supportive for him, and I’d like to think that I am but that doesn’t change that I want to be more.” Hajmie nods in affirmation, already knowing that you have feelings for your mutual best friend.
“I'm gonna keep saying it, just tell him. Tooru’s a good guy, and you two deserve each other.” You bite your lip and keep silent. “But first you should tell him that you know about the cam stuff.” Iwa is nonchalant about it all, and grabs your cup, finishing off the drink.
You sit on the couch, bouncing your leg but keeping an eye on the package that sits on your lap. It was something for him, but you don’t open it. You just sit there, eye’s on the door, waiting for him to get home from practice.
This is a stupid fucking idea, I should just go back to my room. Your leg bounces faster, and the anxiety bubbles in your stomach. You have no idea what’s gonna happen when he steps through that door, but you were set on telling him tonight.
Just then, the sound of keys entering the lock draws you away from your thoughts, the handle jiggling slightly before it turns and Tooru steps through. He’s dressed in sweats and a tee, hair damp from a shower and a gym bag hanging from his shoulder. He kicks his shoes off and enters the living area, setting the bag down without noticing that you’re watching his every move. Moving into the kitchen, he still doesn’t acknowledge that you’re there as he grabs a glass of water and walks back down the hallway to his room.
“Tooru!” You don’t know what you’re doing, but you need to get this over with. He stops his movements, and pulls an earbud from his left, looking at you with concern.
“Yeah?” He’s unsure what’s causing your outburst, but then he notices the package sitting in your lap, hands softly grasping it to keep its place in your lap. A wave of panic settles down his spine as he slowly spins around and walks to the couch, taking a seat on the other side from you. His eyes are glued to the package, but he notices that it isn’t open.
“I have something I wanted to tell you,” you start softly, placing the cardboard box between you both. He gently sets the glass of water on the glass coffee table and folds his fingers together, settling them on his lap.
“And what’s that?” He’s still shaken, but looks into your eyes.
Your heart starts to pound. What if this is a mistake? He looks like he’s about to throw up. Shaking the doubt from your head, you take a deep breath and hold your gaze. “I know what you do.”
His head cocks to the side, taking in your words. “I’m sorry Y/N, but what does that mean?” He hopes you aren’t alluding to what he thinks you’re getting at. 
Another deep breath and you start again, “I know why you spend so much time in your room.”
Tooru’s face flushes with color, the pink hue finding its way onto his skin and he laughs anxiously at your words. “I don’t think I follow.” He’s trying to change the subject, hellbent on finding a way out of this. “Are you saying you know that I masterbate Y/N?” He’s trying to tease you, hoping this conversation would stop and you would hand him his package and be on your way.
Cue your face turning red, but you huff in annoyance, throwing the box at him. “Yeah, if you mean that you’re streaming it.” He catches it and looks at you, eyes are blown wide, and he realizes this is the worst timeline to be alive in. You, on the other hand, are annoyed that you had to say it out loud and stand up, folding your arms and staring him down. “I don’t care, but I wish you would’ve said something to me. As your roommate and your best friend,” ouch, that hurt, “it would’ve been nice to know.”
With that, you march into the kitchen, looking for a way to cool off, but a pair of arms sneak around your waist as you rummage through the freezer.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything,” he mumbles into your hair. The close contact wasn’t abnormal, but it never felt like this. Your body heats up when his breath hits your skin, but you remain in your place. “I just- I didn’t know how you would react and Hajime kept telling me to talk to you about it, but I always get too nervous to bring it up.”
You spin around, his arms still on your hips, and watch his face carefully. He looks concerned still, but there’s a small pleading in his look. “And why were you nervous?”
Tooru’s face turns a shade darker, “It’s just weird, I guess. You’re one of the only girls in my life that I'm kinda serious about I didn’t wanna loose you if you thought that I just thought about sex all the time.”
Was that a confession? Your head starts to spin when he realizes what just happened.
“I MEAN, uh, you’re one of the only girls that I consider a big part of my life, you know?” He’s frantic and stumbling over his words, but you stay absolutely still. His grip on your hips loosens, he wants to run into his room but sticks it out to see what you do.
Instead, you surprise him by nuzzling yourself further into his neck. “You’re very important to me too, Tooru.” Your voice is soft, and muffled against his neck but he smiles into your head, living in the moment. He wraps his arms around your frame, squeezing you tight against his firm chest. 
“I’m kinda serious about you too…” The statement was almost lost to the hum of the a.c. unit, but Tooru caught your words and he stiffened up. You stay exactly as you are, praying to whatever god is out there that this all works out in your favor.
It takes a few seconds for him to come back to earth, realizing how hot your face is against his skin, but once he regains consciousness he chuckles. The vibrations ripple through your body, as you both remain in one another's arms. Your first thought was that he was laughing at you, and the panic settles under your skin. He can feel you start to pull away, but tightens his grip on your body, effectively trapping you in this position.
“Iwa-chan’s right, we are idiots.” Everything is so confusing. Does he like me back? Is this a joke? What does Hajime have to do with any of this? Countless thoughts along these lines run through your head, and Tooru knows this. “We’ve both been pining over each other for months.”
His words process with high speeds as you pull back. He had loosened his grasp, but his hands remained on your sides as you both stared into each other's eyes. You search his for answers, while Tooru finds comfort in yours. 
He laughs breathlessly once he can see your body relax, and he dips down to meet your lips. Tooru’s movements are fluid, moving both hands up to your jaw while tilting his head. You gasp once his soft lips meet yours. They taste like his dumb chapstick that he carries around everywhere. 
Tooru takes it slow, moving at your pace while humming into the kiss. Pulling back after a few seconds, you lean forward to catch his lips before he detaches himself. Rubbing a thumb on your cheekbone, he flashes the most brilliant smile. In the year you’ve known him, this is the most genuine and beautiful thing you’ve ever seen him do, and you can see it in his eyes.
“Y/N,” his voice is ever so soft, gliding in the air from his lips to your ears. Tooru’s eyes hold nothing but adoration in them as you stare into each other's eyes. “I don’t want to be serious with anyone but you.”
The bright blush returns to your cheeks, the warmth between your two bodies rising exponentially. His thumb doesn’t stop moving across your cheekbones. He's in total bliss as nothing in the world could matter more than what was happening at this moment in your shared apartment.
You smile up at him and grab onto his hand that's stroking your face, and just hold it closer to your skin. After a light squeeze, you both shift positions to hug once more, Tooru's arms latching around your waist and yours around his neck.
"Thank you," he states, the world muffled from your hair as he has lodged himself in the crook of your neck.
"For what?" You mumble back, rubbing an arm up and down his neck.
A deep chuckle causes your body to rumble, and a soft breath cascades down your neck before he pressed feathery kisses behind your ear. They're lighter than air, but you can sense he's holding back a bit. "For not being upset with me, for putting up with me, for accepting me, for everything." His whispers are woven into your skin, goosebumps rising up and down your spine as he speaks.
You push yourself further into his chest, a silent affirmation that everything is okay and will be okay. He smiles as he continues to press his lips to your neck, humming in the silence.
After a few minutes more of embracing one another Tooru pulls away, hands grazing your hips as he stares deeply into your eyes. His chocolate iris’ swirl with several emotions as you take in the vulnerability. You have only known Tooru as the charming, flamboyant character he puts on around almost everyone else. Maybe once or twice in your year of living with him have you seen this side of him, in which he offers himself as he is, not as who he wants to be perceived as.
Tooru presses a quick kiss to your lips and puts some pressure on your hips, signalling he wants to move. You both relocate to the couch, where he traps you in his arms and lap.
“I’m curious,” you reposition to look up at him, but he chuckles at your wide and curious eyes. “How did you find out about my streams?” A teasing grin makes its way on to his lips and your brain short circuits.
“Uh.. about that…” You purse your lips, looking anywhere but him, embarrassed of the insinuation of your actions.
Tooru breath fans against your neck, his face dipping down into that crook once more while letting out a low laugh. Sparks fly between you two when his lips brush your ear. He whispers, “You’ve watched me, haven’t you?”
With lightning speed, you snap your face to match his, but he’s quick to recover the initial shock with a deep kiss. He cranes his neck to further the kiss, pulling at your bottom lip with his own. Still startled by his teasing, you give in easily to his antics and within seconds his tongue has entered your mouth.
A low growl escapes him all while you succumb to his movements. His hand snakes up your side, settling itself on your rib below your breast. Tooru rubs his thumb in that spot, but you are lost in his taste to feel his hand.
You start to move in sync with him, moving together and letting each other take the reigns. Oikawa adores your feisty spirit, and when it starts to show through your movements, it only excites him more. You explore his mouth with your tongue, and suck on his lower lip as he slowly moves his hand back down your sides to cup your ass.
Now that you’re in control of your actions, you feel his hand stop right above your butt, almost as if he’s asking permission, but you grab a hold of his wrist and shove it down. That hand lets go of his arm and down to the hem of his shirt. A few fingers make contact with his toned stomach, and he shivers at the cold sensation.
“Impatient much?” Tooru repositions you so you’re straddling him. You don’t break off the kiss and place your hands on either side of his face, the tips of his hair tickling your fingertips. His large hands grasp under your thighs as he hoists the both of you up and off of the couch. Hastily he moves down the hall and into your room, busting through the door and gently he places you down on the edge of your mattress.
You pull away, breathless and stare into his eyes once more. The tension in the room is thick, but warm and comforting. He smiles at the look in your eyes, knowing that you’re in no way anxious of what’s about to happen.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? We don’t have to do anything before the first date.” His smile is intoxicating, and he doesn’t want to pressure you in any way.
“I want you Tooru, I’m good,” this time you rub a thumb across his cheekbone in reassurance. Smiles on both of your faces, he dips back down to capture your lips and push you onto your back.
Your mattress is firm underneath you, the bed frame shifting under the weight of two people. The cold sheets scrunch under your back contrasting the warm embrace of Oikawa as he dips down on top of you, running a hand through your hair.
“Do you trust me?” He speaks while hovering over your body. You push yourself up to meet his lips, giving him a quick peck on the side of his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes then.” You laugh and lay back down, pulling the front of his shirt to pull him down with you.
Tooru laughs into the kiss, pressing his chest into your own. All of his kisses are electrifying, the spark runs up and down your spine while you both like with one another.
You take the next step and tug at the hem of his shirt while wrapping your legs around his lower half. His skin raises in temperature but he follows suit, practically tearing the fabric off of himself. You watch Tooru get shirtless and fully take in his figure.
It's not like you haven't seen him like this, but this is the first time you've ever actually took a good, long look at Oikawa's figure (knowing it was him, at least). He works out regularly for volleyball and maintains a good diet, and it shows. His chest is firm when you place a hand on it, and his abs create a valley down his stomach.
As you feel him up and down, Tooru stares at your face as it scrunches curiously. "Like what you see cutie? It shouldn't be anything new."
You blush but smack his chest in retaliation. A low laugh escapes his lips, but he sneaks a hand to the bottom of your shirt, poking a few fingers into your stomach in a wordless question of what to do. You squirm in your position and he helps remove your shirt.
Arms cover your chest instantly as you realize you're wearing one of your older bras that isn't the most flattering thing on the planet.
Noticing the shift in tone, Tooru gently unfolds your arms. "None of that Y/N." You don't put up any resistance as he speaks sweet and salty worlds into your ear. His hands are coarse and rough, calloused from years of training but he untouched you with a softness, almost as if he was handling a dove.
He kisses your neck making his way down your chest while reaching underneath you, unclasping the bra and throwing it onto the floor.
With your breasts exposed, Oikawa pins your arms on either side and continues down your clavicle, down through the valley between your chest. You whimper when he suddenly takes one of your nipples into his mouth, gently biting and sucking of the soft bud.
Instinctually you squeeze your thighs together, but he stands between them and he hums into your breast, knowing you're starting to grow impatient. Tooru's other hand moves to the opposite breast, kneading it in his palm.
A soft moan escapes your lips and you roll your hips into his, shock waves of pleasure wrack your body while your cunt starts to throb.
Oikawa moves further down your stomach, reaching the button of your pants. He peers up at you, pupils dilated and hungry. You nod and lift your hips while he removes both the pants and panties you were wearing.
He stands at the edge of the bed, removing the rest of his clothes and let's his cock spring free. It's red at the tip, which reaches up to his abs from being hard.
Tooru’s hips meet yours, laying his long cock over your bare stomach while rubbing soft circles into your thighs. “Look at how deep I’m gonna be inside of you cutie.” A quiet whimper leaves your lips, wrapping your legs around his waist in a silent plea. His eyes burn into your skin.
“Tooru, please…” The desperation in your voice only spurs him on as he drinks you in, lying bare, begging for him. It’s everything he’s ever wanted, and his dick hardens further at the sound of your voice. 
A switch flips in his brain once you swirl your hips, and a smirk pulls at his lips. He leans forward, pressing his body into your, getting dangerously close to your ear and fanning hot breath over your skin. Chills erupt from the sensation and make their way across your body, causing a whimper to involuntarily escape your mouth when his hot skin presses into your cold chest. “What do you want, Y/N?” Tooru’s voice is quiet, but the vibrations from his words have an effect on your body you thought wasn’t possible. He presses feathery kisses into the sweet skin on your neck, causing you to tilt your head.
“I want-” Your voice is breathless as you search for words. “I want you to-” Suddenly, he slips his dick in between your folds, slowly moving his hips up and down, getting himself ready with your slick. The electricity of his movements force a moan through your throat, Oikawa relishing in the sound of your voice as he uses his thumb moves to apply pressure on your clit.
Still breathing hot air onto your neck, he mumbles, “You want me to fuck you, is that it?” Your eyes shut as a thousand tiny confirmations leave your body, physical and not. He revels in the moment, realizing the control you both have over each other. He can’t help wanting more of you, all of you. Your aura is intoxicating, and Tooru feels drunk off of your presence. 
“Please.” He continues grinding his length down your folds. “Just fuck me already.” Your voice is raspy, pleading for movement, connection, anything. Arms folding around his neck, you grind harder into his cock while he continues to rub the sensitive bud.
“So impatient.” His voice is dark, sultry and enticing. It draws you in, leaving you stunned and you can’t think straight anymore. “I bet you’ve wanted this. Watching me stream, you got to see all of me little cutie,” Tooru readjusts himself, placing the tip at your entrance, drawing circles with it. “Now I get to see all of you.” 
He slowly pushes forward, letting his dick get sucked in to you as you cry out at the contact. Oikawa starts to lose himself at the feeling of your pussy when it twitches. His eyes never leave the sight of his cock disappearing into you.
You take a moment to breath as his hips lay flush with yours, but you take action and raise your hips. He hisses at the movement, not expecting you to set the pace so quickly.
Snapping out of it as you move your hips back, Tooru moans loudly and grabs one hip and leans over you, placing his other hand next to your face. His face gets inches in front of yours, matching your movements and leans in to take your lips once more.
His hips move back and forth, building up speed through both of you ravenous moans and whimpers. Through the sounds and movements, you feel his cock penetrate you with endless force, as if it fits perfectly inside of you.
You moan his name as Tooru pounds into you, scratching at his back from the waves of pleasure. Feeling you clench around him almost teasingly, the hand on your hip moves to your clit, and Oikawa starts to rub circles.
"Fuck Tooru!" You press your nails harder into his skin and he growls at the sensation. You can feel yourself getting close, the knot building larger with every second.
He pulls back from your lips and looks at your face. Your eyebrows are scrunched and your eyes are shut. The way his hips move is better than you could’ve imagined, even more sexual than his streams. Oikawa shifts his position to hit you deeper, his dick just barely hitting your cervix.
"I'm close," you mumble from bruised lips. He can’t hold himself back much longer and his thrusts become erratic. Tooru plants his lips on your ear, speaking a thousand words to you which you’re unable to hear. His thrusts and deep and fill you to the brim. The pleasure becomes too much for you to be able to focus and with one thrust you tense and the knot snaps.
He moans your name loudly when he feels your walls clench down on him. Swiftly, Tooru pulls out and finishes on your stomach, white ropes decorating your soft skin.
His head is still next to yours, but you’re both panting. It takes a few seconds for both of you to come back to your senses, but he prys himself up and off of you, looking down on his work. “You’re gorgeous Y/N, just fucking stunning.” He admires your glowing form while you stare at him, a smile adorning your features.
Oikawa moves first, placing another soft kiss to your lips before going to the bathroom for a warm towel. You lay in bed, just thinking about everything. How did I get here? You never thought that watching camboy porn would ever lead to you getting with the guy you’ve wanted for a while now, but if it works out then it works out you guess.
He returns a few moments later and cleans you up, throwing the rag with the rest of your clothes and climbs into the sheets, maneuvering you onto his chest where he cuddles you and runs a hand through your hair.
You close your eyes, breathing onto his bare chest and take in the beat of silence. You can’t see it, but Tooru looks down at you and smiles. You’re finally his. He can finally hold you in his arms and give you all the love he thinks you deserve. His heart swells at the notion, and makes a mental note to thank Iwaizumi later in general since he feels in a giving mood.
Oikawa feels your breath even out, your chest rising and falling in a slow pattern. Your senses are drifting from you, but you’re able to make out a few things before you pass out. Tooru places a kiss on the crown of your head, pressing his lips into your hair and he whispers something before you completely fall asleep.
“I love you Y/N.”
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
Okay but imagine being Shorter Wong’s s/o...
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🕶~ The support never ends, he is ALWAYS by your side supporting you, in whatever you do, as long as it’s not dangerous.
🕶~ Mans is still a gang boss, and in all honesty, it took him a while to even have the guts to ask you out. Part of him is constantly terrified of the danger you’re in because of him.
🕶~ There have been a few occasions where he’s had to beat some ass in order to get you out of a bad situation, but he doesn’t kill anyone unless he has to. If he’s gonna shoot someone, unless they are legitimately trying to hurt/kill you or him, he’ll shoot in a place that won’t kill them.
🕶~ Surprisingly a good shot, I can imagine him and Ash doing target practice together for fun hehe.
🕶~ That being said, don’t worry, you’re never unsafe with him. He makes sure you know that he’ll do anything and everything in his power to protect you, and he takes every precaution he can to avoid putting you in danger.
🕶~ Dates are few and far between for obvious reasons, but even still, you like to go to cafe’s, ice cream shops, etc together. He enjoys seeing you happy, it really lifts him up and always improves a bad mood.
🕶~ Good lord please...please help him and his fashion sense. He has no style...none. Help him, he’ll only listen to you when it comes to stuff like this. Take advantage of the chance you have to DRESS HIM BETTER-
🕶~ Believe it or not, but mans can cook some GOOD food. Ash teases him for it, but it’s a useful life skill to have. Shorter’s sister runs a restaurant, so of course he can cook some meannnnn food.
🕶~ He’s a buff dude too, I mean check the muscles whew, compliment him please, it makes him all shy and boosts his ego at the same time. It’s really cute.
🕶~ This man is instantly soft if he’s significantly taller than you. He’s 6’2...yEAH-
🕶~ If he is way taller than you, he’ll do the typical trolling shit tall people do. He’ll rest his arm on your head or purposely put stuff on top shelves just to mess with you, etc. If you don’t like it then he’ll apologize and never do it again, but it makes for good banter.
🕶~ He loves picking you up, carrying you around, showering you with love and peppering your face with kisses. You are NEVER touched starved on his watch.
🕶~ After difficult or busy days, all he’ll want is to hold you or be held by you. He loves it when you sleep on his chest or hold his hand while sleeping. Having hands on you at all times during the night reassures him that you’re safe and everything’s okay. 🥺
🕶~ He’s been through a lot of shit, so sometimes if you’re sleeping/napping with him he’ll wake up from a nightmare or he just won’t sleep at all. Just stay and comfort him best you can. Tell him that he’s not a horrible person, tell him he’s loved. Tell him that you won’t let anyone hurt him. He needs to hear all of those things.
🕶~ Lives for whenever you wear his clothes, he just...he melts. You’re so fucking beautiful, he can’t help but be in awe of you everytime he lays eyes on you. You’re so perfect, he’s so lucky.
🕶~ It takes a hot minute but soon after you start dating he lets you meet the rest of his gang, and even Ash’s. You end up making friends with a lot of them and Shorter lets them know that your safety is always top priority.
🕶~ You are NEVER going out alone without either him, Ash, or someone else he trusts. You’re too important to him and he just can’t risk it. He can’t. He wouldn’t know what he’d do if something happened to you. He’d never forgive himself. He hates that it limits you, but at the same time, he can’t be in 10 places at once. But if you wanna go on a date or spend time with him, he’ll drop everything and go with you.
🕶~ You always have a jacket, shirt, hoodie, whatever of his with you. He likes to give them to you, you’re stunning in them and he loves the smell of your pheromones. They calm him down a LOT.
🕶~ He’s the type to nuzzle your nose, kiss your nose, boop your nose, etc. UGH he’s so cute PLEASE-
🕶~ If there’s ever a scare or he’s in a rush to find you and make sure you’re safe, the second he sees you he just rushes up and pulls you into a hug. He buries his head in your shoulder and lets out ragged breaths. It takes a minute for him to calm down.
🕶~ Just let him hold you, and sometimes he’ll even pull you in his lap and cuddle you. Sometimes he cries, but he’s not ashamed or embarrassed by it. Comfort him, some days are worse than others. You’re his sense of peace, love, and safety. No pressure of course, but just know that the life of a gang boss isn’t sunshine and rainbows.
🕶~ It takes a lot of convincing for him to agree to teach you how to shoot, fight, use a blade, etc. He never wants to put you in a situation where you’d have to defend yourself, that’s what he’s for. But even still, he knows he can’t be around all the time. So he teaches you basic moves that make quick work of taking someone down.
🕶~ He’ll let you shoot his gun a few times, and he does the thing where he’s standing behind you holding your arms and fixing your posture. Ugh what a king I love him-
🕶~ He’s good with a blade too, so eventually he’ll buy you a custom knife and teach you how to use it.
🕶~ Whenever he’s out and about and you’re stuck at home or at his base, there’s always someone with you. Whether to protect you, keep you company, or both, he ALWAYS has someone stay behind and look after you. You never know, crazy shit can go down at any moment.
🕶~ Has an arm around your shoulders or waist when out on the town with you. He walks on the outside of the sidewalk while you walk in the inside, just as an extra precaution. He’s also the type to rest his hand in your back pocket.
🕶~ He’ll hold your hand too, goodness, anything for him to just be touching you and keeping you at his side at all times. He’s good at keeping it on a down low, but there’s always gonna be that lingering sense of fear or danger that lurks in the back of his mind.
🕶~ Back on the bright side, he’s HILARIOUS-
🕶~ All of his jokes are funny, laugh dammit. LAUGH! IT’S FUNNY LAUGH-
🕶~ No but if you’re in a bad mood he always has a way of cheering you up. He knows just what to do or say, everytime. You don’t really know how he does it, because he can most definitely be a dumbass sometimes, but he loves you and he’s good at reading your moods and adapting accordingly.
🕶~ Yeah...he’s made you help him dye his Mohawk before...it took forever, and your hands and forearms were bright purple by the end of it. He helps you wash it off though.
🕶~ He’s a pampering king, don’t even try to argue. Whether you’re having a bad day or not, this man spoils and pampers the FUCK out of you. I mean...he kinda feels like he has to because omg it must suck to date a gang boss, but at the same time he cherishes you with everything he has so of course he’ll spoil you.
🕶~ Yes, you can wear his sunglasses. Only on rare occasions though, he takes pride in those glasses of his. Take care of them.
🕶~ He teases the fuck out of you. [no not nasty] It’s funny to him whenever he can get on your nerves and crack a few jokes here and there. He loves you though, so he makes sure to never go to far.
🕶~ King of CONSENT. If you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable anywhere doing anything, tell him please. He’ll get you outta there faster than you can blink. He does not play with your comfort and safety, so don’t hesitate to tell him whenever you’re feeling some type of way about someone or something.
🕶~ Yeah, he’s given his gang instructions while hugging/cuddling you before. Who cares? None of them are gonna say anything anyways.
🕶~ New gang members have to pass by you first, always. If there’s anyone looking to join his gang and you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or just any type of negative way about them, he’ll turn them away. No one is about to make his s/o uncomfortable in a place where they should feel safe at all times.
🕶~ Overall he can be a dumbass, but he’s all around hilarious and just a good guy in general. He knows how to treat you, and he knows what you deserve. He’s loving, caring, and doting on you. Yeah, he’s overprotective, but there’s plenty of reason for him to be. Shorter Wong is one bomb ass boyfriend. Let it sink in.
That’s all for now hehe, might write a pt.2 later!
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stoney-siren · 3 years
May I Have This Dance? PART 2 (Sal Fisher x Reader)
 Link to Part 1 
Summary: After you confront Ash on your crush on Sal, she takes you to some friends who she believes to have good advice on what you should do. Meanwhile Sal is trying to work up the courage to asking you out.
Warnings: Swearing, possible mentions of drug use, slight angst?
It had been a few days after your conversation with Ashley, that day she had taken you to go meet up with Maple and Chug, who were somehow excellent advice givers. Not only that, but they knew how to keep a secret too, you weren’t too trustful of them at first, but after a couple of days with their lips sealed, you started to trust them a bit more.
So there you were sitting in your apartment with Ash, your mom was out getting groceries, so it gave you two some time to try and plan out how to ask Sal to the prom. Little did you two know that Larry and Sal were doing the exact same thing on the fourth floor in Sals room.
“I was thinking of either wearing this purple dress I have, or a green one.” Ash commented as she messed with her polaroid camera.
“I think the purple would really compliment your eyes.” Ash smiled at your feedback and nodded her head in agreement.
“What do you think Larry, Todd, and Sal are doing?” She questioned, getting up and sitting beside you at your desk and taking a look at what you were writing.
You have been spending almost the whole day writing down ideas on how to ask out Sal, but everything that came to mind just sounded either cheesy, dumb, or both.
“Probably playing some video game on Sals gear boy.” You responded, sitting next to Sal and watching over his shoulder as he attempted to beat a video game was one of your favorite things to do, you found it adorable how he celebrated every time he beat a level.
“Speaking of Sal, these ideas of yours are starting to get pretty creative!” Ash took the paper you had been scribbling on from the desk and started to read what you had been writing. 
Quickly, you snatched the paper back, even though you appreciated the compliment, you couldn’t help but imagine every way Sal could turn down every idea you came up with.
Sal stood in front of a mirror in Larrys room, messing with his hair and thinking of how he’d style it for prom.
“You should do a bun, I heard a lot of people find those attractive.” Larry commented from somewhere in the room, he himself was occupying his time with a painting he was working on.
“Nah dude.” He let his hair fall to his shoulders as he removed his pigtails, messing with the blue strands in his face.
“They’ll probably like your hair regardless what it looks like! If you wanna go with something mature then maybe you should just wear your hair down.” He continued to suggest from his easel.
“Yeah maybe,” he began, touching his prosthetic. “Larry, what if I want to kiss them?” That caught his attention real fast.
“Then do it bro! Nothings holding you back, unless of course they don’t want to.” He set his brush down and made his way over to the mirror, putting his hands on Sals shoulders.
“Yeah but.. They’ve never seen me without my prosthetic before, what if I scare them?” This was Sals usual nervous thoughts, always afraid of how his appearance would affect others.
“You’re not gonna scare them, trust me. You know (Y/N) better than that, they’ve gotta be the most kindest, and accepting person we know!” Larry tried to reassure his friend as Sal lowered his hand from his prosthetic, turning his gaze to his feet.
“I guess.” Deep down he knew Larry was right, but all the anxiety pent up inside just wouldn’t budge. 
“The dance is in two days, you still have time to think of what you want to say to them.” And that’s all Sal thought of for the next two days, practicing in the mirror, even asking his dad for advice, which ended horribly since Henry was more proud of the fact that Sal wanted to ask someone out rather than giving him advice.
“Mom, I have to get going soon.” You tried to exclaim as your mother snapped another photo of you in your prom dress, part of you was feeling disappointed that you never got to ask Sal to the dance, but he had been avoiding you for the past few days now. 
In fact, you actually started to grow worried that somebody might’ve told Sal about your little crush on him, your bets were on Chug. You could see him somehow spilling the beans on accident and then immediately trying to take it back and playing it off as a joke.
“Oh just one more photo!” Your mother cheered, snapping you from your thoughts, but before your mother could continue on with her photo shoot, there was a knock at the door.
“Those are my friends, can I go now?” You asked in a more harsh tone, trying to hint that you were getting impatient. Honestly, your mother could probably fill a whole scrap book with the amount of photos she had taken of you.
“Oh, fine! Maybe I could get a picture with you and your friends though?” She attempted one last time to get a few more pictures out of you.
“Mom!” You whined as you stepped over to the door, opening it to see your dear friends, Larry, Ash, and Sal.
“Heya (Y/N)!” Ash chirpped, she was wearing that purple dress that she spoke of a couple days ago. Larry and Sal were both in suits, and even though Sal still wore that blank prosthetic mask, he looked nervous for some reason.
“Hey (Y/N), y- you look nice.” Sal spoke, and wanted to punch himself for stuttering. Larry nudged Sal lightly and did his best not to burst into laughter right there.
“Thanks Sal! You look lovely too, are we ready to go? Where’s Todd.” You questioned, looking around for that brainy friend of yours.
“He’s helping Chug out with his outfit, he’s kinda nervous since he wants to ask Maple out.” It was Sals turn to nudge Larry back and give him a look from behind his prosthetic.
“Dude! We weren’t supposed to tell anyone!” Ashley and you both laughed a little, and honestly it was because you both knew Chug liked Maple from the start.
“Trust us, our lips are sealed!” You commented, stepping out of her apartment and waving your mom behind before closing the door before she could come attack you four with her camera.
You and the others stepped out of the building into the night, Larry pulled some car keys out of his pocket and unlocked Lisa’s car, which wasn’t far.
“We’re taking your moms car? Please tell me she’s okay with this.” You asked Larry, he only laughed and patted your shoulder.
“Yeah, she’s completely chill with me using her car tonight as long as I don’t wreck it! Only problem is that one of the seats is unavailable, and there’s six of us.” Larry explained.
“I call shot gun then!” Ash shouted as she rushed to the car in heels, it amazed me how fast she could run in those, even if they weren’t that high.
Chug and Todd had made their way out of the apartment just as Ash got to the car, you could now see what Larry was talking about when he said Chug was nervous. The poor guy was sweating bullets.
“Two people are gonna have to sit in the trunk.” Larry continued to explain, and Todd immediately spoke up.
“Chug can’t sit in the trunk, this nervous wreck will throw up all over Lisa’s car.” Chug tried to protest, claiming he wasn’t nervous, but it was clear to everyone that he was.
“I don’t mind sitting in the trunk.” Sal finally spoke, he seemed less nervous than before has he proceeded towards the car.
“Well then it’s settled I guess, (Y/N) and Sal will sit in the trunk, Todd and Chug will sit in the back, and Ash and I will sit in the front!” Before you could even try and argue with him, Larry was following Sal to the car with Chug and Todd close behind.
Why would you even try to fight with him on this? Being stuck in a small space with Sal Fisher? It was the perfect moment to try and make a move, you supposed you just didn’t want the others to overhear you, or end up having Ash tease the both of you.
“So you decided to join me?” Sal joked as you climbed into the trunk and laughed.
“Guess so!” You sat beside him as Larry closed the trunk and got into the drivers seat, starting the car and putting on some heavy metal music. Nobody really seemed to complain since he was giving everyone a ride.
“How are you feeling, (Y/N)?” He continued to conversation as the car was too noisy for anyone else to hear the two of you.
“Fine I guess, a bit nervous.” He seemed to relate to that as he nodded and stared up at the ceiling of the car, the both of you sat side by side, with your hands dangerously close. His nails were painted black, his hand looked so soft and holdable.
“What are you so nervous about? We’re gonna have fun tonight.” He stated that with enough confidence that it almost felt like a fact.
Silence fell between the two of you as Larry’s metal music started to overtake the car, the sound of Todd reassuring Chug mixed into the ambiance of the car. Slowly, just ever so slowly, your hand creeped closer to Sals, your mind raced with thoughts both positive and negative, what if he pulled away? What if he held your hand? Before your hand could even touch his, Larry took a tight turn, and Sals body crashed into yours.
“Larry!” You could hear Ash yell from the front of the car, your head hit the floor of the trunk rather roughly.
“What!” Larry cackled as he continued to drive the car, the pain in your head instantly faded when you made eye contact with the blue haired boy on top of you in a rather intimate position.
“U- Uh- I- I’m so- so sorry (Y/N)!” He immediately sat up and pulled himself off you as you sat up yourself. Before you could try and say anything, Larry took another tight turn and this time you fell against Sals chest, his back colliding with the side of the trunk.
“Larry! Sal and (Y/N) are in the trunk without seatbelts! Could you be a bit more gentle on those turns!?” Todd spoke up this time, you were just praying he wouldn’t turn back and take a look at the two of you, now smushed together.
“S- Sal I’m sorry!” You could feel your face practically about to burst into flames as you tried to pull yourself up, and his hand wrapped around your wrist to help support you.
“I- It’s okay, it’s neither of our faults, just Larry’s reckless driving.” He chuckled off the tension between the two of you as the car started to come to a halt. Todd turned back in his seat as Chug exited the car.
“Hey, we’re here.” He stated bluntly before leaving the car. Larry opened the trunk for the two of you as the both of you climbed out, Sal gave Larry a punch on the shoulder.
With that, most of your friends vanished into the crowd of students you have known for a while, you stuck close to Larry and Sal though as you made your way into the schools gym, which was now decorated surprisngly nicely by your peers. Students were dancing, chatting, and overall having a nice time.
“Hey, hey (Y/N)!” Ash shouted over the music, she looked relieved that she finally found you. It had been almost an hour into prom, and you have just been standing to the side and dancing to some of your favorite songs. Maple had came by a few times to ask you about the Sal situation, but you didn’t have much to say to her. You just didn’t know how to approach him after that moment in the car.
“Yeah Ash?” You responded to her, you knew your voice was gonna be a bit soar after tonight, but who cared?
“I got the DJ to play a slow song after this one! You need to go find Sal!” Ash yelled to you, instantly your face heated back up almost similar to that moment in the car.
“Why would you do that!?” Now beginning to panic, Ash took you by the shoulders and looked you in the eyes.
“Because the both of you need to just get your shit together and dance!” And with that she pushed you off into the crowd to go find Sal.
Instead of finding Sal, you found Travis Phelps, school bully and your friend groups worst enemy. You couldn’t help but sometimes feel bad for the guy though, since you heard his dad was a preacher and he was always looking a little beat up. Travis gave you a disgusted look.
“Oh, it’s you, I overheard you and that bitch.” He sneered, you wanted to defend Ashley, but he went on. “Do you really think that freaks gonna wanna dance with you?” 
“Shut up Travis, all you ever do is pick on us, I don’t understand what we did to deserve your cruelty!” You replied, clearly upsetted by his comment.
“Whatever, can’t wait to hear all about how Sally Face rejected you tonight!” His final remark made your heart sink, as you heard a familiar voice from behind you. Sal was standing there with Larry close behind, looking ready to beat the crap out of Travis.
Waves of embarrassment washed over you as Sal just seemed to blankly stare at you, was Travis right? Did he really not like you like that? You didn’t want to think about it, you did the only thing you could think of, which was to run away from the three of them and escape to the outside of the school. 
You hated Travis for doing that to you, he let everything you worked so hard on just slip out right in front of Sal. Hot tears filled your eyes as you collapsed to your knees, attempting to frantically wipe your tears.
“Stupid, stupid..” You mumbled, the music from the gym had made its way outside the building now muffled though and more quiet, you always hated how loud school gatherings would play their music. As you attempted to contain yourself, you heard the door you exited from open and close, and a soft and gentle voice call out to you.
“(Y/N)?” Sal called, the sound of his shoes against the concrete floor rang in your ears as you lifted your head.
“Sal.. I’m sorry. I..” You were lost for words, what were you suppoed to tell him? Try and lie? Tell the truth? You soon snapped out of it again as you heard slow music begin to play from inside the gym, and Sal offered his hand out to you a bit hesitantly.
“(Y/N), may I have this dance?” Your heart sank as you quickly took his hand, he pulled you onto your feet and wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping his other hand entangled with yours.
The both of you were so close that you could hear him softly breathe against his prosthetic, your heartbeats were almost in sinc as he began to lead you passively with the song. His eyes remained on yours, and yours remained on his.
“Sal,” you began, he was all ears, “Do you like me?” He lightly laughed at your comment, which made you a bit nervous until he responded.
“(Y/N), I’ve had a crush on you for like, three years. I’ve been waiting for a moment like this since forever.” He spoke softly, you never knew that he could be this romantic, it made your heart just want to burst from your chest.
The song eventually ended, but Sal continued to hold you, slowly he untangled his hand with yours and touched the bottom of his prosthetic. You had always silently theorized what Sal may have looked like under his prosthetic, so excitement overcame you as Sal slowly lifted his prosthetic off his face.
“You’re.. A work of art.” The compliment escaped your lips before you could even process them, his cheeks grew deep red as he sheepishly smiled.
“Thank you, (Y/N), would you.. Or.. Could I um.. Kiss you?” He softly asked, of course you responded with a nod before pulling him into a light kiss. Sal instantly dropped his prosthetic and carressed the side of your face with his now free hand, you wrapped both your arms around his neck as he kissed you back lovingly and passionately.
When the two of you separated, you both were blushing messes, and lost for words. Your moment was at and end when you heard Larry open the door and call out for you two, Sal took your hand and gave you a caring smile.
“We should head back now, okay? Enjoy the rest of the night.” 
A/N: Thanks to everyone who read this :) if you want more Sally Face content lmk! 
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 4 years
Can I please get an imagine with Casey where the reader (FtM transgender) gets really bad gender dysphoria and Casey pretty much takes them out for a boys night? 🥺👉👈
What do you need?
Characters: 2012! Casey x Trans Masc! Reader
Content + Warnings: Platonic, Cursing, Mentions of dysphoria, Slight Hurt/Comfort, Humour, 1106 words.
A/N: This was my first time writing for a Trans Masc reader so I hope it was okay!! 🖤
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"Is it bad today?"
You knew he didn't like to give 'it' much attention for your sake. Dealing with it was bad enough as it is, so having to be reminded by others of its existence wasn't exactly the greatest either. Casey was aware of that, and you respected his subtlety.
Adjusting yourself on your bed where you sat beside him, you hunched slightly, making an effort to free up space in your hoodie while pulling on the pockets. "Yeah, kinda."
Casey fiddled with his fingerless gloves, taking a glance over at you while your focus was on your lap. "Do you wanna get it off your chest?" 
"Sorry, bad timing." He guffawed nervously, though the lack of reaction from you had him clear his throat awkwardly, bringing a hand up to itch at his jaw. "Do you want or, uh, need a distraction?" 
You had pursed your lips in thought as you considered the offer, head perking in sudden interest. "Have anything in mind?" 
Casey sent a grin your way, “I mayhaps, but it involves leaving the house. Are you up for that, or…”
He watched as your gaze had downcast, the lack of surety clear in your features. Pulling a knee up, he crossed his ankle over his thigh and turned towards you better. "If you're gonna make me spill the surprise, it's only this small skate spot I found in the Bronx. It's pretty out of the way, so there isn't going to be anyone around. We can just hang about there for a while, but as soon as you wanna leave we'll buck it, okay?" 
Casey needed to get you out of your room. As much as he wants to help, he knows you, and he knows you'll shrink and hermit away the longer you coup yourself up in your make-shift cave. He struggles to help when it gets to that point, so he prefers to avoid it. 
"Come on, let's have a guy's night. Just you and me, owning the city streets." 
That final push had a smile pulling at your lips, struggling to say no to his somewhat persuasive nature. You brushed a hand through the tufts of your hair, sighing out softly in defeat. "Well, when you put it like that…"
"Sweet!" Jones had slapped his palms against his thighs, shooting up and out of his seat beside you.
It didn't take as much effort for you to get ready to go out as Casey had thought. At least ten minutes tops and you were both out of the building, hoisting yourselves onto his bike. While you perched and gripped onto the seat - with Casey's backpack and spare board occupying your back - the boy hovered in front as he peddled on, occasionally bumping you with his backside in the process. 
The ride to the supposed skate spot hadn't taken as long as expected, with there being little to no traffic at this time. Though, a stop off to get soft pretzels had only been a minor delay. The area only accompanied the odd concrete ledges that were soon to be ramps and litter that had been left behind by other come-and-goers. 
Casey lent a shoulder against the concrete with the bag of goods in hand, cackling as he watched you make a sloppy attempt to hit a 180 on his board.
"That's not how you do it! You're gonna hurt yourself that way, man." 
Lightly skidding to a stop, you flashed a scowl his way and stepped off of the board. Hooking your thumbs onto the belt loops of your waistband, you raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Then why don't you give us a look-see on how you'd do it, oh skilful one."
"With pleasure." He cockily drew out while knocking back his built-in skates, but before he positioned himself on the abandoned board, he tossed you the paper-bagged pretzels. "Hold these, amiteur."
Placing his feet into an ollie position, he rolled forward, crouching in preparation to jump. He wound his body by turning his shoulder's toeside towards the back. Soon enough he was popping the back of the board off the ground, then rotating his shoulder's front side as he jumped and landed again with ease. The shit-eating grin he sent you was priceless as the rest of his body and his board followed his shoulders while rolling your way. 
"Psh. That's- that's not, I can-" You tried to spit out as if the trick he pulled was no problem, but your glowing cheeks said otherwise. 
"Face it," The teenager popped up the front end of the board and held it by the wheels. "Casey Jones has you beat." 
"This one time maybe." You murmured under your breath as you seated yourself on a nearby curb, though Casey snickered as he overheard you. 
With an exaggerated huff, he sat by your side, reflecting your position as he overly parted his knees. You quietly exchanged your food, the silence being filled with the rustling of paper bags as you moved to chow. 
Mid-bite, Casey side glanced towards you and chewed down what he had before chirping up. "You know I'm always here for you, right?" 
Your attention had perked up and you turned towards him in slight heartfelt surprise, then drawing your eyes back to your pretzel. "I know."
"And… not that people will mess with you, but if they did, they'd get their front teeth curbed in by yours truly." 
"Because you're very experienced in that field." You smirked his way, and that had him nudging your knee roughly with his as he laughed through a food-filled mouth.
"I mean it." He managed out as he chewed, pulling out the rest of the pretzel from its packaging and clasping it in the hand closest to you. "If anyone has the cuss to try something with you, I'll pull their throat out… with my bare hands right in front of Mr Pendergast." 
You paused as a wobbly smile made way to your lips with a disturbed brow raised, “Oh yeah?”
"Yeah. Yeah, like this-" On cue, the teenager clenched his hand around the entire soft pretzel. His arm shook slightly as his grip squashed the dough while it oozed out of the gaps between his fingers. Casey made a noise of satisfaction as did the pretzel while he demolished it. 
You snorted out and instantly made way to cover your face with the back of your hand, afraid you'd cough up any pretzel resonance post laugh. "You're so fucking weird, man."  
"Yeah, I know." Glad, Casey broke off a piece of the pretzel and tossed it into his mouth, grinning as he gazed off elsewhere.
You were glad he of all people wasn't going anywhere.
Tag List: @wazzuppy @dianounais @kokokatsworld @tmnt-queen @someonebored0100 @terrified-to-ask-for-water @turtle-babe83 @milky-toast (if you'd like to be added, feel free to ask <3)
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 20: Yugi’s Senshi Outfit
So I’ve been doing a lot of work, and I haven’t looked at the blog for a hot minute and when I finally checked back in to do these posts I noticed something on my tumblr was just blowing up. I got all excited thinking “oh shoot, Did I draw something right??” and instead, it was a random post I made about the bootspants from season 1. Three years later, resurrected from the grave and covered in...thousands of notes? I don’t understand how this website works.
Anyways, the comments are mostly good, but a little bit wild. A lot of people seem to think I would know what Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is, when I’m an adult who is still watching the first 5 seasons of Yugioh. (I will never have time to watch Jojo,) and then some other people started talking about Actual Card Mechanics that went...completely beyond my comprehension. But then there was one person. One person who said one thing, and brought it all together.
The boots that are pants.
I can’t believe I looked at all the different combinations, but a Poots never crossed my brain.
It is so perfect, so cathartic, although it took 3 years to get there.
Anyways, we’re in S5 and unfortunately not in poots anymore, Yugi is now dressed in a tupperware container from hell and they have wandered into a desert. On cue, Grandpa has an injury, but at least this time it’s not his ass.
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You know how there’s artists who do hyper-realistic versions of pokemon monsters with detailed bone structure and muscle anatomy? I dare them to look at this orb and tell me how the hell it has wings. Like go ahead and try and pin a spine down on that thing. I’ll wait.
(read more under the cut)
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So Joey decides to sprint down this endless desert with just boundless positivity.
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Over the edge of this sand dune is a whole bunch of huts,just random civilization out in the middle of no where.
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One girl walks over and it’s a look.
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She’s really the only one here who can talk, and she just seems...so incredibly bored to be here. A whole lot of Wednesday Addams energy. She leads them into a hut where an old guy pulls a scroll out of blue fire. As you do.
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Again, this arc should have been a video game, because while it’s something to get the player interested if there’s some riddle they have to solve to progress, when you’re watching a TV show, it’s not like I’m the one solving the riddle. The format is honestly one of the downers of this arc, tbh.
It has strong “I played a D+D sesh and made a webcomic out of it vibe” and I know I just called out like half of you, but listen, I will not take it back.
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This episode, our gimmick is some asshole is going to be yelling at us from the other end of the map, just shouting in the background for the entirety of the episode like that tangible human skull meme.
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Then Wednesday Addams hands over yet another MacGuffin because why not?
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Tea can twin it up with Yugi now. Her necklace doesn’t seem haunted, but it’s only a matter of time. (also her necklace looks so freakin terrible, we’ll see it later and I’ll have a lot more to say because wtf it looks like some sort of polly pocket.)
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I’m not 100% that the voice that shouts at us from the end of the hall this episode is Mokuba’s voice actress. But I’m 99% positive it is, or Mokuba’s voice is just really that type of vibe.
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Stuff happens, and it felt like card duel stuff, so I’m gonna skip over the part where they pulled out their duel monsters one by one, since the fight was pointless anyway because the worms can turn you into stone. So Yugi and Pharaoh decide to have a chat about it because their plan is clearly not working.
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This is when Pharaoh has a vivid lucid daydream, which seems like something that would have been more convenient before he ended up turning into stone on the floor of some desert. But, hallucinations never come when they’re convenient on this show. They usually come during card games, tbh.
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Imagine with me that you’re dreaming of like...an old ass greek guy who is 99% Alexander the Great. Imagine he tells you to fuse with a sentient paper card that you already carry around in a weird capsule.
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For the love of all that is holy
Do not think about what it means to fuse with the Dark Magician.
Dark Magician is...he “exists” but he’s like not even a person. There seem to be whole fleets of dark Magicians, which are all the same guy, just cloned, right? Or maybe they’re a family? Or like...I don’t freakin know. Like they’re all hanging out together in some card dimension so it’d be more like fusing with the guy who dresses like Barney the dinosaur instead of actually Barney. Like he’s more of like a concept than a dude, but apparently you can just introduce him to your...whatever this armor is supposed to be, and Dark Magician turns into a Super Suit.
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I want to express my thanks to the Yugioh team for not putting Yami in his underoos. Hell, they didn’t even take off his jacket. I do not know what art directer ok’d this for animation and said “yeah, this won’t kills us if we animate it.” but that is a hell ton of lines and design right there. Yeah they have 3d, and probably had to 3d that staff...but that doesn’t mean you don’t end up drawing it, in the end--you still have to draw over your 3d. You still have to draw literally everything.
Anyway, when we get to the eye of the storm. The secret to getting there was that you have to fly, which again--3/5 of these guys already have a monster that can fly. We can finally tell the voice at the end of the hall to stop yelling because it’s really bothering all the townspeople, and then move on with the quest.
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Everyone else was stone during this. So when they un-petrified they kinda looked over at Yugi and were like “how freakin long was I out???”
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But youknow, Yugi’s 2 people, so it’s fine. So long as you don’t get down to the third bastard still sitting around in there.
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After this, our NPCs vanish, and the show pushes us directly forward. No time for them to piss off a land turtle or set a bunch of wolves on fire. Just get out of the desert and freakin go.
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I’m just so bothered by this random ass huge chunky necklace.
It’s like the size of your freakin fist. And it’s just...a pentagon. Congrats Tea, you have a fake ass plastic necklace. I guess it’s so that when we’re far away we can still see it on her chest but like...This show loves huge ass necklaces, and they’re all basic ass shapes. We got a pyramid, the Kaiba’s wear squares, Bakura wears a circle with kind of phallic bits hanging off of it and this is just...it’s literally just a pentagon.
I guess Ishizu wore a wadjet and Duke has an indecipherable clown as his necklace. But man...the Yugioh necklace game is just a lot of shapes.
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And so we continue on with this filler arc, which is also a pokemon arc, and even secretly has a Sailor Moon arc just stuffed in there for funsies. This arc is weird.
Also, I brought up the human skull so I legally have to post this.
Anyway, here’s a link to read these in chrono order, in case you just got here: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yugioh/chrono
And I’m off to drink a bin of ice water because it is 5 billion degrees right now in this house.
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