teacblanc · 9 months
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“Ai confini del weird”.
“Tre storie poco conosciute e un caso di ipnosi collettiva” è il sottotitolo per un saggio breve sulla letteratura weird. Che cosa non è weird, e cosa lo è? E quando il weird si infila nella realtà? https://www.altrimondi.org/ai-confini-del-weird/
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15orquideas · 10 months
i feel like bedelia dumaurier is not talked about enough
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jeezypetes · 9 months
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I listened to 120 audiobooks in 2023 and these were my 9 faves :)
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moonmausoleum · 1 year
The History and Hauntings of Jamaica Inn 
In the outskirts of the moors in Cornwall with a dark history of smugglers and gothic romances. The Jamaica Inn is a perfect setting for a british ghost story, and according to the legends, it has many. 
In the outskirts of the moors in Cornwall with a dark history of smugglers and gothic romances. The Jamaica Inn is a perfect setting for a british ghost story, and according to the legends, it has many.  “Dead men tell no tales, Mary.”― Daphne duMaurier, Jamaica Inn Located in the rugged landscape of Cornwall, England, Jamaica Inn is said to be one of the most haunted places in Britain. Its…
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darkangelofmists · 2 years
“Writers should be read, but neither seen nor heard.”
― Daphne duMaurier
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Myself When Young by Daphne Du Maurier
Myself When Young by Daphne Du Maurier
“I’m not shy, I just hate you. That’s all,” Continue reading Untitled
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shakespearesdaughters · 6 months
Author recs??
To name a few wonderful authors:
James Baldwin
Donna Tartt
Toni Morrison
Daphne DuMaurier
Oscar Wilde
F Scott Fitzgerald
Edward St. Aubyn
Evelyn Waugh
Bret Easton Ellis
Shirley Jackson
Marisha Pessl
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pomribs · 8 months
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bunnyplots · 4 months
Will: Did you kill Dr. DuMaurier?
Hannibal: No. Why? Do you think I should?
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island-in-the-shadows · 6 months
Thank you for the very detailed reply! You’ve given me a lot to think about from a legal perspective. Follow up questions (feel free to ignore if I’m pestering you) in the hypothetical scenario that Felix simply tires of Oliver the way he did with Eddie, does Oliver still react the same way? If their friendship had ended on more amicable, gradual, mundane terms, is Oliver still pushed over the edge to the point that murder is on the table? I think his first instinct would be to crank up the lies, but if Felix doesn’t bite? He’d still be heartbroken, but would he be as angry as he was at “you make my blood run cold”?
Had Felix lived, do you think he would’ve eventually grown into a stiff upper lipped snob? After all, Elspeth was also a party girl who fraternised with rock stars and then look at the version we meet.
This is an unpopular opinion I guess but to me the heartbeat of the movie was Felix. I know Oliver is more popular, especially on Tumblr, but I was completely smitten with Jacob Elordi. What are your headcanons about him? Mine is that the reason he was found so quickly is because Venetia raised the alarm. I think she was very very attached to him (maybe to an unhealthy amount the way a lot of people seem to be) and no matter how busy things got she always had one eye on her brother, making sure he was okay.
My pleasure to answer, Anon! 1. In the hypothetical scenario that Felix got bored, Oliver would continue to try to find ways to hook Felix back in. The only way he would then act with more murderous intent would be if there were no going back whatsoever. No way out but this. Oliver, in the moment where he decides to give Felix the bottle, is a hurt animal backed into a corner. So he reacts impulsively and emotionally. Outside of that context, he will continue to do anything that he has to do to continue to be interesting to Felix and to keep himself in Felix's orbit while not harming Felix as long as he does not believe that there is no other way. I do not think there would be a reason for Oliver to let it go. He would keep at it and never let go. And it's evident that he would continue to get at it since, in film canon, it has been 15 years and he continues to view Felix as his God, worthy of his love and idolatry, despite being dead. If I may quote NBC Hannibal for a moment, Dr. DuMaurier tells Will Graham (now having accepted the dark parts of his nature and desirous to act chaotically in order to free his would be lover): "You found religion. Nothing more dangerous than that." Though I won't get into the dissection we could make of that line in the context of its source, I can express that, to Oliver, Felix is, essentially, his religion. And Oliver is nothing short of devout. Yes, even sacrificing Felix falls into a sense of idolatry because he has forever frozen Felix at the height of his perfection through Oliver's eyes. The way Felix is framed in the opening and closing montages of the film, through Oliver's eyes, tells us as such. Felix is forever perfect. Given that this is how Oliver sees Felix and feels about Felix regardless of all the foibles that Felix certainly has, he would NEVER let Felix go. Ever. He would keep trying to hook Felix or he would die trying.
2. I do speculate a bit about this more in my fic than I have in proper meta, but...Felix would have an immense amount of pressure on him to confirm to fit a specific mould. Despite that Venetia is older, context clues in the film (such as Felix having the conversation with Farleigh in regards to money for Frederica) indicate that it would have been Felix to inherit the estate and the title that goes along with it, certainly. This means that while some deviation from the "standard" picture of stiff upper lip aristocracy might've been tolerated, it would not have been permissible and allowed in its entirety. @leiflitter covers bits of this in their wonderful You're Almost Home series which, if you've not read, I strongly recommend. In their story, an adult Felix still retains bits and pieces of the vibrant personality that makes him him, but parts of it have been dampened by the circumstance of him having a quickie marriage to a woman he barely knew because she got pregnant, becoming a parent (especially becoming a parent very young), and eventually becoming the Master of the Estate and, if I'm not mistaken, a baronet. Per the rules of the aristocracy, there was no way that Felix could simply not marry a girl he got pregnant. He had to marry her to cover the scandal and the baby serves as an heir which would be expected of him. Even if we go outside of this wonderful fic, and go back into canon meta, Felix has expectations on him: marrying a woman, having heirs, inheriting and managing Saltburn. It doesn't seem like a lot and it does come with gargantuan wealth but, you said it yourself, Elspeth used to run around with musicians and was probably wild back in the day, but she became a house cat, so to speak, when she became the Lady of Saltburn. And Elspeth would arguably have had less expectation on her. She needed to marry rich and birth heirs and be the picture of quiet civility. She is likely, as we know her, a dampened version of who she was before marriage. Felix has just the bit more of not only perpetuating the system to which he belongs but managing it. It's a lot of responsibility to put on one person. And, I think, he's already keenly aware of the responsibility that will fall onto his lap even before his father dies. It's why he buries his emotions in alcohol, drugs, and (terrible) sex with girls he couldn't give a flying fig about. So, while I do think some who 20yo Felix is survives an adulthood in the aristocracy, we're looking at an adult Felix being kinda like his mum in some aspects and kind of like his dad in others (dampened, stiff upper lip versions of who they probably really are).
3. I don't know that it's an unpopular opinion, actually. In my opinion, the film itself tells you it's about Felix. It's often misinterpreted (specifically by shit critics and YouTubers) as being a bad "Eat the Rich" movie with Oliver being the wild bisexual who just wanted the Cattons' riches. However, the first line is about Oliver "not" being in love with Felix. And, we know from Emerald, that is a lie. That Oliver was in love with Felix. It's evident from how the camera frames Felix. It's evident with the fact that the light goes from rich and golden while Felix is alive, to stark and white in a post-Felix world. Felix is Oliver's religion, and he is the story. He is, as you said, the heartbeat. What happens is that Oliver is a lot more fun to dissect than Felix is. I say this as someone who continuously dissects Felix and have put a lot of the dissection of his character into fic. But, Oliver would not be Oliver without Felix. He didn't really exist before him and we wouldn't have the film or any of the events without Felix being this Apollo coded figure. Also, yes, Jacob Elordi's subtle performance as Felix often goes unnoticed, but it was absolutely wonderful.
4. Ok so one of my head-canons would be this (another long post because it's how I do when I really get into it). Venetia is his older sister, so I agree that she is very protective of him (Again, something I explore more in my fic than I have in meta but I could do a whole post on the sibling dynamics). I have other small ones like Felix repeatedly took his shoes off and threw them when he was very little, that his guitar playing is subpar but he knows how to play Oasis' Wonderwall and probably played it for Ollie, that he could not pick out India or Annabel out in a police lineup (I just don't think he really views them as people), that he has a MASSIVE sweet tooth and prefers "girly" cocktails to more "manly" drinks but doesn't order them because he doesn't want people to judge, that he has comfort clothes and wears them until they're beyond repair (like the blue sweater at the beginning of the film having holes for example), etc. Felix is lovely and we know so little about him and I do adore him. I get why Oliver lost his mind over this big himbo.
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granolagaeilgeoir · 2 years
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"I wondered why it was that places are so much lovelier when one is alone."
--Daphne DuMaurier, Rebecca
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OK, if Bedelia DuMaurier retired from the practice of psychiatry after she was a “attacked”, what is she doing for money?  Was it recent enough that she’s just still coasting on her savings? Has she taken up a second career doing…???
I need to know.
….is she living off the royalties from the Jane Eyre fanfiction she wrote?!?
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logi1974 · 4 months
Cornwall 2024 - Tag 23
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Unsere Zeit in Cornwall ist schon wieder um. Nett war´s.
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Leider war das Wetter nicht ganz so prächtig, wie im vergangenen Jahr, wenngleich wir jetzt auch kein ausgesprochenes Mistwetter hatten.
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Doch bevor wir Cornwall ganz verlassen, machen wir auf dem Weg zur nächsten Unterkunft einen Abstecher zum Bodmin Moor.
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Wahrscheinlich sagt einem der Name Bodmin Moor erst einmal so gar nix. Wahrscheinlich auch nicht Dozmary Pool?
Der Dozmary Pool, ein kleiner und abgelegener See im Herzen des Bodmin Moores, entstand in der Nacheiszeit. Der Abfluss aus dem Becken führt in den Colliford Lake.
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Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde der See als fischreich und umgeben von zahlreichen Resten an steinzeitlichen Feuersteinbearbeitungen beschrieben.
Der Pool und die Umgebung wurden 1951 wegen ihres biologischen Wertes als Stätte von besonderem wissenschaftlichem Interesse ausgewiesen.
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Soweit, so unspektakulär. Der Dozmary Pool spielt jedoch in der Artus-Sage eine große Rolle. Hier soll König Artur nämlich sein Schwert aus den Händen der Lady of the Lake, der Dame vom See, erhalten haben.
Bei dem Schwert handelt es sich um die wahrscheinlich sagenumwobenste Waffe der Geschichte – das legendäre Excalibur. 
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König Artus soll es zu unendlicher Macht und gigantischem Ruhm verholfen haben. Es inspirierte zahlreiche Mythen, Geschichten und Hollywood-Filme. 
Die Legende besagt, dass nach der berühmten Schlacht von Camlann, in der König Arthus schwer verwundet im Sterben lag , er Excalibur zurückgeben ließ.  
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Sir Bedivere, einer der Ritter der Tafelrunde, soll das berühmte Schwert der Lady of the Lake in seinem Auftrag wieder in den See geworfen haben, damit es für immer außer Reichweite ist. 
Eine Hand tauchte aus den tiefen Gewässern des Dozmary Pools auf, um das Schwert zu ergreifen und es für immer zu bewahren. Es heißt, dass der See seitdem als der Ort gilt, an dem Excalibur ruht und darauf wartet, dass der rechtmäßige König zurückkehrt, um es erneut zu beanspruchen.
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Es wird behauptet, dass der See von mystischen Wassern bewacht wird und die Geschichten um Excalibur haben die Fantasie der Menschen über Jahrhunderte hinweg beflügelt.
Übrigens ist der Dozmary Pool, wie die Sage berichtet, gar nicht so bodenlos. Während mehrerer Dürreperioden, zuletzt im Jahr 1976, trocknete der See vorübergehend aus. So viel zum Wahrheitsgehalt von Sagen und Legenden.
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Bodmin bzw. das Bodmin Moor wird in vielen Romanen erwähnt. Nicht nur in „Poldark“ von Winston Graham, sondern auch bei Daphne du Maurier. Bereits 1936 erschien der düstere Schauerroman „Jamaica Inn“, der drei Jahre später von Alfred Hitchcock verfilmt wurde.
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Und eben dieses „Jamaica Inn“ befindet sich hier, nur einen Katzensprung vom Dozmary Pool entfernt. Da schauen wir doch einmal vorbei.
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Die Geschichte des Romans folgt der jungen Mary Yellan, die zu ihrer Tante Patience in das Gasthaus zieht und sich in ein Netz aus Intrigen, Geheimnissen und Gefahren verstrickt.
Daphne DuMauriers Geschichte wurde 1983 und 2014 noch zweimal für das Fernsehen adaptiert.
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1983 mit Jane Seymour in der Hauptrolle und 2014 spielte Jessica Brown Findlay die Rolle der Mary Yellan, die wir aus „Downton Abbey“ als Lady Sybil kennen.
Die Zeit des Schmuggels war eine dunkle Periode in der Geschichte des Jamaica Inn.
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Es wird behauptet, dass das Gasthaus oft von Banden und Kriminellen frequentiert wurde, die die umliegenden Straßen und Pfade nutzten, um ihre illegalen Aktivitäten zu verbergen.
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Noch immer liegt das Gasthaus abgeschieden in der Nähe des Dörfchen Bolventor mitten im Moor.
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Roman und Film verhalfen dem Inn, das tatsächlich existiert, zu dauerhaftem Ruhm, der bis heute Besucher anzieht.
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Die Inhaber haben eine Menge aus dem Haus (und aus dem Ruf des Hauses) gemacht. Das Inn selbst dient heute immer noch als Hotel und Pub.
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Es gibt das Smugglers Museum, das sich mit der Geschichte des Schmugglertums in Cornwall beschäftigt.
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Es bietet Besuchern die Möglichkeit, einen Einblick in die Vergangenheit des Bodmin Moores zu bekommen und die Atmosphäre zu erleben, die Schmuggler und Reisende vor Jahrhunderten erlebt haben.
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An den Wänden hängen alte Plakate und Bilder, die von Schiffswracks und Versteigerungen, Hinrichtungen und Verbrechern erzählen.
Und natürlich kann man hier auch Essen und Trinken.
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Wir nahmen einen Lunch in der „Smugglers Bar“ zu uns; sehr angenehm, da es an diesem Tag ausgesprochen ruhig zuging.
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Die Karte ist recht umfangreich und bietet eigentlich für jeden etwas. Bestellt wird, wie oft üblich in englischen Pubs, an der Theke inklusive sofortiger Bezahlung.
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Wenn mehrere Busse vor der Tür stehen, sollte man allerdings am besten weiter fahren.
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Nach der Mittagspause ging es für uns zügig weiter bis nach Lyndhurst, gelegen im New Forest Nationalpark.
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Hier konnten wir wieder eine fabelhafte Ferienwohnung ausfindig machen.
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bestens ausgestattete Küche
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Schlafzimmer 1
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Schlafzimmer 2
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Willkommensgruß der Gastgeber
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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docholligay · 8 months
The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
I remember disliking this book so much more when I read it before! I think I was mad that it didn't have lesbians in it, and that's not entirely fair to Waters. She is allowed to 'have other characters' and 'explore other voices'. I SUPPOSE.
As with any Waters book, I can't keep myself from wild conjecture, she just brings it out in me I don't apologize in the fucking slightest.
Anyway, this book is actually pretty good if you're into the fading post-WW2 death throes of the landed class in the UK, played against the romanticism surrounding that whole blueblood situation ironically coming from people who could never touch it.
I think what I like best about it, though there is a lot to like here, is Faraday as being guilty of that very strange working-class illness of romanticizing title and blood, and wanting on some level to be a part of it. I would love to make this a British problem, but I regret that it is not, as I have seen it in plenty of My Fellow Americans of an older era obsessed with the idea of using ancestry to chase down a claim to being "noble," though I admit this is probably actually somewhat more common in a country not descended mostly from people needing to get the fuck out of Dodge for one reason or another.
This is no longer in the fashion--most peers my age looking for ancestry, which I am gonna cop to not being something I love, are looking for a connection to struggle or oppression. But I do think it's roughly the same thing: Using something someone had in the past to create ourselves as character and authority in the present.
Faraday has thought about this fucking house and everything it represents since he was a child. He falls in love with Caroline not for her own sake, but because of his growing desire to be a part of this house even in its teardown ruin. He doesn't even get a first name, because, a little bit like in DuMaurier's Rebecca, his existence is about POSITION, and lucking into being a part of a 'great house' even though in the great house is a sort of rot. He desperately wants to claim Caroline but more than that, Hundreds Hall. Look at me now, I'm married to the gentry and have a stately home.
The Uk was (and maybe even is on some level) in this tug of war between tradition and everything around that, paired with a post world war necessity of modernity, of providing for the actual people of this country instead a bunch of people quite literally born lucky. It's extremely easy to be like, 'The rich people wanted it to stay the same and everyone else was against it" but you know that's actually too simple, we've all known people who couldn't dream of being in these worlds lionizing the ~grand traditions of nobility~ and even Faraday mentions being against the NHS because he can see his time as a private doctor and thus 'special' coming to an end.
OKay I've talked too much about Faraday.
It is also a lot of fun, for me, this idea of destructive rot coming from within, that the seeds to destroy the class the Ayres belong to are planted within the place itself. That the weakness for them to self-destruct was just waiting for a moment. It's a fun ghost story! Sarah Waters can write her ass off! Is it my favorite of hers? No, but I also don't think I gave it a fair enough shake.
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phireads · 5 months
Just bought my best friend a copy of “Rebecca” for her birthday. My evil plan of world DuMaurier-nation is slowly falling into place.
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hannigramtropefest · 2 years
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Hannigram Tropefest 2022 Masterlist
Thanks to everyone who took part in this year’s Hannigram Tropefest. For our first round, we had an amazing selection of fanfics and artistic creations. You can find all of our fics in our Hannigram Tropefest 2022 collection on AO3, but for all fic and art links, please see below.
‘I shouldn’t feel lonely when you’re gone'
Author: Angelic_Disaster
Artist: Vampyrzky
Rating: Explicit
Length: 28,859 words
Ships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (Mentions of Past Alana Bloom/Hannibal Lecter)
Warnings: Choose to not use archive warnings
Tropes: Amnesia, Will’s Aftershave, Chicken Soup
The heart monitor connected to Hannibal makes a sudden, unrhythmical beep the moment Will enters through the door.
“You must forgive me for my bluntness, but are we in a romantic relationship?” Hannibal asks and Will isn’t exactly sure how to answer that. He can’t technically say no, but honestly, bloody courtship may be a more proper name for it.
While Hannibal suffers from a case of amnesia, Will puts a stop to the honey-trap plan to take care of him.    
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Trope: Wrong Number (Hannigram)
Author: TigerPrawn
Artist: Ani Louhetar
Rating: Explicit
Length: 5,680 words
Ships: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Warnings: No Archive Warnings
Tropes: Wrong number, A/B/O, different first meeting
Omegas only go into heat if they meet a compatible alpha, but with both alphas and omegas being so rare it is an infrequent occurrence. One that Will Graham had certainly never anticipated happening to him.
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Dinner Is Best Served By Tour Bus
Author: TheSilverQueen
Artist: hit_the_books
Rating: T
Length: 6,146
Ships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Warnings: Nonconsensual Vampire Turning
Tropes: Alternate Universe - Vampires, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper
When Alana cajoles Will into taking an actual, real vacation, he decides to go to Florence and do touristy things, like eat good food and go on tours and be spontaneous. All good things, except for the fact that his spontaneous decision to go on a tour in the catacombs brings him face to face with very hungry vampires who think he is dinner.
“I believe you all were promised an experience of a lifetime,” says the definitely-not-a-statue man on the throne. “And we do plan to deliver. For the feast of a Council is, I’m told, quite the sight to behold. Sadly, none of us are vegetarians.”
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You Were Made for Me
Author: hisvoicebrokemyheart
Artist: pensulliwen
Rating: General
Length: 3,272 words
Ships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, (past Will Graham/Original Characters), (past Alana Bloom/Hannibal Lecter mentioned), (past Hannibal Lecter/Bedelia duMaurier mentioned)
Warnings: brief mention of canon typical gore
Tropes: soulmates/soul bond, bathing, Hannibal is the Devil
Will never thought he would be cut out for a soul bond — people were averse to his touch, he was too cold. Then he met Hannibal Lecter, and Will learned what warmth was for the first time. Their relationship was one that flayed themselves open to one another, but it seems that Hannibal has one last secret to reveal.
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Forgive Me Father, For I Wish To Sin
Author: ImpalaAngel
Artist: hughmikkelsen
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Cannibalism, Religious Trauma, Canon-compliant levels of violence
Tropes used: Priest!Hannibal, Priest!Will, Cannibalism, First Time, Gone Fishing, Hannibal is The Devil, How much whiskey can Will have before his ankles are in the air, Murder Family, Post-Fall Europe, Shattered Teacup, Voyeurism.
Ships: Hannibal/Will
Word Count: 105,635 words
Think “Seven,” but sexy. Will and Hannibal find themselves on a yacht and sail to Italy to become priests of a local small town church with a history of corruption. They meet an enigmatic young woman and all three set out on a journey of self discovery: she by using her power for good, and they by realising the depths with which love can go. Of course, Italy is not without its own mysteries as Hannibal and Will kill and fuck their way from pride to sloth, their past catches up to them. Just how did they end up with Dr. DuMaurier’s leg on a table? And of course, they tie up a few red loose ends.
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it takes one to know one
Author: Biv_w
Artist: ScarletMothlet
Rating: Explicit
Length: 3,085 words
Ships: Hannibal/Will
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence.
Tropes: Drawing Will Graham, Hannibal is The Chesapeake Reaper, Hannibal’s Mind Palace, Skin Hunger, Sailing the Atlantic, Murder Husbands, Hannibal and his Uncanny Strength of Smell, Fluff.
Hannibal sees a new face in prison and feels far more than intrigued.
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The Blood of the Son
Author: bittercigs_ (twitter)
Artist: i-call-me-clarence (tumblr)
Rating: Teen
Length: 4,911 words
Ships: Gen
Warnings: Religious Imagery & Symbolism; Mild Depictions of Violence
Tropes: New Orleans Police Detective!Will Graham, Priest!Hannibal, Casefic
One of the best in the NOPD, Detective Will Graham struggles to solve a string of recent murders, leading him to temporarily turn back to the religion he’d previously abandoned.
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The Lamb of God
Author: LAfterDark30
Artist: i-call-me-clarence
Rating: Explicit
Length: 12,632
Ships: Hannibal/Will
Warnings: some pretty blasphemous uses of the Bible and Catholic history, Chilton has a BAD time, character death (none of the mains), graphic artsy violence, manipulative Hannibal, alcoholism in appearance only, betrayal, choking, of the non-sexy kind, dead dove, for the choking, anal sex, Bottom Will, Top Hannibal
Tropes: Soulmates, Priest Will, Demon Hannibal
In a world where meeting your soul mate makes their name appear on your skin, Hannibal lived free of that nonsense. As a demon without a soul, he spent his time torturing exorcists and taunting the Church until he heard of the Church’s prized exorcist Father Will Graham, the “lamb of God,” and the idea for his ultimate masterpiece of terror took shape.
Step 1: Get close to Father Graham. Step 2: Cultivate his darkness. Step 3: Turn him against his beloved Church.
He just had to ignore Father Graham’s name appearing as a soul mark on his skin.
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The Dispersal Method
Author: victorine
Artist: hit_the_books
Rating: Explicit
Length: 16,906
Ships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Warnings: no archive warnings apply, sex pollen, dubious consent (mutual as both are exposed to pollen), consensual choking (brief), unrecommended lube alternatives
sex pollen, honeypot Will, crime-scene sex, sex in the Bentley, “Is Hannibal in love with me?”, secret surprise trope (no spoilers)
It’s a normal fall day in the forest for Will Graham. Dead body in front of him, cannibal psychiatrist behind him, the usual. Then Will brushes against the wrong flower, and suddenly neither he nor Hannibal can keep their hands off each other. Now Will must navigate his way out of the crime scene and Jack’s scrutiny while also trying not to jump Hannibal’s bones at every opportunity.
Well, one out of three ain’t bad.
Set nebulously in s2, post-Will’s release from the BSHCI. Will’s a conflicted honeypot, Hannibal’s a (not-so) secretly-besotted asshole, and nobody has brought enough lube.
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Mozzie’s Mass in C Minor
Author: @sihaya74 (AO3 MadhouseMuse)
Artist: @MissLunaKitty (AO3 MargotBloom)
Rating: Explicit
Length: 7,395 words
Ships: Hannigram
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Tropes: Post-Fall Cuba, Murder Husbands, Cannibalism, Will the Boat Mechanic, Night at the Symphony.
After a few years laying low in Cuba, Hannibal and Will attend the national symphony in Havana. There, they have a fateful meeting with an American politician on vacation. You know what happens. :) THIS PROJECT IS DEDICATED TO OUR HERO AND OUR FANDOM KING - BRYAN FULLER, WITH MUCH LOVE FROM LUNA AND SIHAYA.
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the price of anything
Author name: neila777
Artist name: G0UGER
Rating: Gen
Length: 9,101
Ships: Hannibal/Will
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tropes used: Magic AU, Hannibal cooks for Will, Chicken Soup
There’s magic here. Not just magic, but powerful magic. Dangerous magic. It’s woven through the walls and lights and air, shifting and settling as Hannibal moves through the space.
A door at the back of the store opens suddenly and in walks a man carrying a pile of books that he sets on the glass counter. His face is framed by dark brown curls as he leans over the volumes, peering over his glasses. To Hannibal, the image of it feels like something one would see in a painting — a carefully sculpted subject posed to catch the light just right as he’s absorbed his work.
Or: Hannibal stumbles into Will’s magic shop and the two are instantly drawn to each other, but they’ll have to face their secrets as they grow closer together.
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Contempt of Courtly Love
Author: Sergeant_Sawyer
Artist: scarletmothlet
Rating: Teen
Word count: 3,100
Ships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Warnings: Major character death, spoilers
Tropes: Murder husbands, ficlet collection
8 ways in which Will and Hannibal’s relationship does (or doesn’t) correlate with principles of Courtly Love.
Fic link
Art link
The Boogeyman
Author:  Call_Me_Clarence
Artist: hit_the_books
Rating: Mature
Length: 20,636
Ships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Blood and gore, Implied bottom Will, Implied top Hannibal, Brainwashing of a minor, No underage sex, Kidnapping of an underage victim, Capture bonding (Not between Will and Hannibal), Domestic violence (Not between Will and Hannibal), Alcohol use, Implied/Referenced Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism, Murder, Sexual content, Frottage, Frottage for a case, First Kiss, Hannibal is still a serial killer but blink and you’ll miss the hints
Tropes: Bestfriend Bev, There was only one bed, Snuggling for warmth, Encephalitis Will, Case fic
Will and Hannibal head to Minnesota to solve the case of The Boogeyman, a serial killer who hides under victims’ beds and waits for them to fall asleep before attacking.  There’s only one hotel room available, and even worse, only the one bed. As they get closer to the killer they find themselves getting closer to each other.
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a siphon; to pass through
Author: chaparral_crown
Artist: merrythoughts
Rating: Mature
Length: 71,226
Ships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Medical Trauma, Chronic Illness, Blood and Gore
Tropes: Sick Fic, Vampires, Meet Cute
For approximately ten minutes, Will entertains the possibility that the whole evening before had been a very vivid dream, not because he is particularly doubtful of his memory, but because Doctor Lecter - Hannibal - doesn’t leave any evidence of his visit, no matter where Will’s keen eyes look for it. And he does look for it. — Will Graham’s encephalitis comes from an unexpected source - late onset type 1 diabetes. Between the betrayal of his body, and the strange doctor that he meets on an arrest, he’s not so sure he’s not experiencing a relapse, or if the dead have actually risen to clear out his cabinet of liquor and blood sugar.
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Author: Hannibalsimago
Artist: Sarah the Artiste
Rating: Mature
Length: 15,972
Ships: Hannibal/Will, Hannigram
Warnings: sickfic; Comfort/Angst, no other major warnings from AO3
Tropes: Domestic AU, Chicken Soup, Sickfic
After the Fall, Will and Hannibal have settled into an asexual, monogomous, altogether ordinary domestic life together. For Hannibal it’s easy. He’s vowed to accept any restrictions that Will sets in place, just so he can share a lifetime with him.
And as for Will, he is resolutely determined not to change anything about what their lives are like now. Their past was full of unsaid feelings and buried emotions. So much deception and pain inflicted upon each other. Will has no desire to go back to that hurtful chaos. This way is better, he tells himself. After all, why mess up something that’s working? He doesn’t have to unpack any painful memories, deal with past sorrows. Life is good.  
That is, until Hannibal becomes gravely ill and Will is faced with hard truths.
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I need my golden crown of sorrow, my bloody sword to swing
Author: obfuscatedheart
Artist: Ani Louhetar
Rating: Explicit
Length: ~20,000
Ships: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Warnings: Graphic description of violence, A/B/O typical sexism, Alpha!Hannibal, Omega!Will
Tropes: Royalty AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega society
Will is set to inherit his father’s throne that is until he presents as an omega. He knows that he will be married off to someone who will take over the throne. A potential match is Mason Verger, who is violently anti omegas. Rather than be bonded to Mason Verger he instigates a war. To help his father to win the war he goes to a neighboring kingdom to ask for help. Along the way he meets the mysterious alpha Hannibal in the woods. Is he worth risking everything for?
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Open Your Wild Eye
Author: ChibiTabatha
Artist: Tulip
Rating: Explicit
Length: 34,988
Ships: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, Will Graham & Beverly Katz
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Bottom Will, Violence, Murder, Minor Character Death, Animal Illness, Minor Frederick Chilton/Will Graham
Will is a struggling college student, his job cuts his hours again and Bev suggests that he becomes a sugar baby. After the first date was a flop, he gives Hannibal Lecter a chance. The man isn’t put off by his abrasive personality and they grow closer together.
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And that’s it!
If you’d like to see the AO3 Collection head on over to the Hannigram Tropefest 2022 Collection.
~ hit_the_books
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