#dumb ass anon
eddiesblklvr · 2 years
Yup. Have sex and get pregnant then cry because you can’t abort it🥺. Hope your daughter makes that decision and can’t abort it either. Ahhh now y’all struggling🤣🤣 off your page now. goodnight❤️
girl stfu you thought you ate that?? if i get pregnant then i’m gonna keep it because i want to, so what you said about me ain’t nothin cuz i have two already BY CHOICE. 💗
if my daughter (when she’s older) ends up pregnant and doesn’t want a baby then we will travel to get her an abortion lmao 😭😭 it’s sad you’re wishin pregnancy on a TODDLER you’re fuckin sick, please go choke on the anti abortion dicks you love ridin so much
i hope you end up pregnant but can’t afford to take care of a child, “ahh now you strugglin” bitch 😭😭 anyways like i said have the day you deserve 😘😘😘 i hope when you do have a child they end up hatin you and movin the fuck away lmao
like i said if it’s not your body then don’t say shit about what they do wit it
go wash your ass and stop worrying about other people 🫶🏽
before you choose to run your immature, uneducated ass mouth, read this babe and this! 🤗🤗 (you’re probably a lil ass kid anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️)
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venomous-qwille · 7 months
Dear 5+ asks I have had since last saturday which I wont be answering individually cause I don't want to put a target on your back:
Don't send me messages asking about GITM updates without reading my bajillion posts/ANs on the subject.
'not trying to be rude' - well you are being rude, actually, friend. receiving these messages doesnt make me feel good. In fact, it makes me feel very bad. If you spent half the effort it takes to write an ask actually reading the information I have already given people, rather than demanding a personalised answer, then we would all be a lot happier.
Another reminder, a bit louder for people in the back:
My chapters are now 12-15k words each for gitm, because of this I am now following a 3 weekly update schedule. I work full time and write for hours every evening. If that is not good enough for you, you can kindly fuck off.
peace & love, and all that
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atopvisenyashill · 27 days
Please tell me more of your thoughts on maegelle, maybe it’s cause I’m new to the Fire and Blood side of the fandom but I’ve never seen anything deeper about her maybe being negative. Especially in regards to her mother/family. I’m quickly becoming Saera girlie and I wonder if Magelle’s role in the church might’ve contributed to her sister’s “”rehabilitation”” being bad enough to have her leave the continent.
Okay so the thing here is that she does to Alysanne what Jaehaerys does to Alyssa, which is force/cajole their mother into taking back and living with a man who has publicly humiliated her and made incredibly clear he has no respect for her, but we only really whack Jaehaerys for this. The first quarrel is more personally egregious to me because it's only Alysanne who must bite her tongue here and not Jaehaerys - she is not asking for anything extreme here! Her daughter committed the heinous crime of fucking before marriage, it's been like three years, and three of their daughters have subsequently died, but he hasn't calmed down at all about Saera. Alysanne even tries to compromise by just asking to fly to Lys to visit her and he forbids her from seeing her own fucking daughter. That's an insane level of abuse. And what does Maegelle do? Well she tells her parents that they need to keep up appearances and be seen in public together. Reminds me a lot of show alicent's "you may slap him about as you like at home but out in public we must be united" comment - essentially, Maegelle is telling Alysanne she has to cope with being barred from seeing her daughter and grieving her losses properly to keep up appearances. I mean fuck, maybe Alysanne genuinely wanted a divorce from Jaehaerys. Maybe at that point she was so distraught she wanted Jaehaerys to take a lover, and replace her, and leave her the hell alone so she could be with Gael or otherwise just go to Lys anyways. But Maegelle puts a stop to all of this by invoking Rhaenys' wedding and how they need to look united. Ghastly behavior.
BUT THEN. Less than two years later, Aemon dies and Jaehaerys names Baelon heir. And look, Alysanne is 100% right to be pissed the fuck off at Jaehaerys for naming Baelon - from our several comments about Rhaenys being called "our future queen", the fact that Aemon and Jocelyn never have any other kids, I think the fact that Rhaenys has a dragon as well, all of that makes very clear that everyone is sort of expecting Rhaenys to carry on the Targaryen line in some form or another. Beyond that, Jaehaerys knows damn well that Alysanne has historically been touchy about this - see her comments about little Daenerys. Jaehaerys, with this move, makes it clear that he had never planned for Rhaenys to be queen at all and was misleading everyone. This one is on par with Rogar's nonsense imo because it's so public and everyone knows how Alysanne feels about the succession. He doesn't talk it over with her after she's lost a son btw, he just announces it and takes everyone by surprise.
AND THEN ONCE AGAIN. HERE COMES MAEGELLE. "mom just get over it." And again, what does Jaehaerys give up here? Nothing. He's either sending Maegelle or he's just straight up leaving Alysanne alone and assuming she'll come back to him? It's just nasty. She's losing the ability to walk, to ride her dragon, to remember people's names, she's barred from seeing Saera, she's got a daughter the age of her grandchildren because Jaehaerys forced her to have another child, and she's not even allowed to just spend her last years on Dragonstone being left to age with what dignity she has left. No, she has to be at court, she has to be by her husband's side, because That's Her Place. It's just as smug, just as cruel as Jaehaerys forcing Alyssa to Rogar's side - and the cruelty, in my opinion, is the point here. "You made your bed now lie in it" type behavior, towards a woman who has just been publicly disrespected, who is grieving her dead children.
So anyways, do I believe Maegelle was just as viciously cruel to Saera and that's part of why Saera ran away? I can absolutely believe that yes. I think we see that a lot with Septas to be honest - women who get a thrill out of torturing other women who don't conform properly. Mordane actively eggs on the gap between Arya and Sansa until it becomes a gaping chasm, Moelle and Unella are happy to take orders that involve them sexually humiliating Margaery, her cousins, and Cersei and take a sort of sick glee out of doing it, so I don't think it's exactly far off to say Maegelle had a cruel streak in her that came out when it came to the women in her family not conforming properly. I think we can also take into account George's general distate for religion and Catholocism specifically and the way the Septas work as nuns, and the way nuns were like, insane at various catholic schools. I think there's an interesting play here right - that Jaehaerys can look a mother who put her own life on the line to make him king and hand her right back to the husband who hates her to die having his kids, because he's being vindictive and cruel about her having the audacity to remarry without his permission, and Maegelle looking the mother who has ruled capably and given her the space to be what she wanted to be, and hand her right back to the husband who clearly has no respect for her whatsoever, because she's cruel and believes a woman is not allowed to have differing opinions from the man who currently owns her. It doesn't matter what Alyssa or Alysanne personally did for the two of them; they're women, and they have no right to disagree with the men around them.
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prime-adeptus · 8 months
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requested by anon: I saw you were taking requests! Can you please write headcanons for Byakuya with a nerdy s/o who loves astrology and flowers, and studies them a lot?
🏷️ gender-neutral reader. established relationship & domestic fluff. wholesomeness all around! // @angelshub @bitchcraftinc
☕ I actually haven’t written headcanons in a while so I hope this is OK nonnie! Thank you for your request and enjoy!
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Kuchiki Byakuya loves you for who you are. That means regardless of what you do or what you enjoy, he’ll always be fond of you. With that being said, if you happen to have similar interests as he does, he’ll simply have one more thing to love about you!
Etiquette and intelligence are important to him. He enjoys anything that invokes thought or inspiration. When he learns of your fondness for astrology and flowers, he’s quite intrigued.
Byakuya is into calligraphy as well as the more traditional arts and hobbies like tea ceremonies or martial arts. He’s not as well-versed in the more artistic, abstract side of things — no disrespect to Wakame Ambassador, of course — which is why he appreciates that you’re there to give insight. He always looks for your input on things.
He does have some basic knowledge of astrology, namely what zodiac signs there are and the months they cover. He doesn’t really believe it makes up one’s character, though.
Regardless of his scepticism, he always indulges you whenever you bring it up. ‘Hitsugaya is such a Sagittarius!’ He doesn’t quite understand what that means, but he trusts your opinion.
As for flowers, the moment he finds out you’re interested in them and the language, he’s ready to have the servants rearrange the garden to your liking.
He likes spending time with you. You could sit in silence and read books over some tea, or you could take flower arrangement classes together on your days off.
The halls of the Kuchiki manor are decorated with his calligraphy banners and your floral arrangements. He likes how they make the manor feel like a home.
All in all, he’s very supportive of your interests. If you want to take a class for something, he’ll endorse it without hesitation. Nothing makes him feel more fulfilled like seeing you happy and he’ll do whatever he can to keep it that way.
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rg11 · 2 months
whats your fav aspect(s) of jadekat?
anon im sorry but i had like 40+ notes prepaired for my thoughts on jadekat but i lost all of them proof-reading it and this is all i got
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they are the ultimate yuri to me
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eddiesblklvr · 2 years
If you or someone around you doesn’t want kids, then don’t be fucking💀. Simple.
don’t be fuckin stupid. i can have sex if i want to but that doesn’t mean i want a fuckin baby. also if your brain worked then you would know that there are other ways for people to get pregnant 🙄 dumb bitch
you talkin big on anon tho lol 😭
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apollos-olives · 5 months
turning off anon btw. y'all lost that privilege again
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 6 months
BRO!! BRO!!! Thoughts on a strider family dnd session [you + mini + bgd] with the anons as dms (i promise i will be well behaved)
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BRO: Y'all are really into the DnD idea, huh?
BRO: Y'know what? I'm down. We've got nothin' better to do, might as well. Gonna need help with the whole character creatin' bit, I've got absolutely no clue what I'm doin.
BRO: @badlydrawn-dirkstrider @badlydrawn-brainghostdirk You boys in?
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maddyswrld444 · 3 months
I need someone to stuff all my little holes and leave them dripping, I’m so horny and needy right now my panties are soaked from just thinking about it
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 22 days
What that other anon said about Taylor postponing her tour is what I've been saying FOREVER! Like i was talking about this way before TTPD with a Swiftie friend of mine and she was ADAMANT that Taylor could do nothing because "she could get killed by being outspoken. She literally has stalkers and needs bodyguards 24/7 and she'd be putting her fans in danger the same way fans ended up being caught in the crossfire at Ariana's Manchester concert" and I was like girl ??? Are you FR? Since then I've been of the view that if Taylor actually CARED she could speak up about Palestine and in the event her safety or fans safety is threatened she could declare she's postponing the tour until there's a ceasefire because for people's safety. This is a woman who's so politically relevant (because art and politics ARE intertwined, throughout history politicians have ALWAYS used artists to bolster their image) that the Japanese Embassy spoke out to reassure fans of her being able to safely make it to the Super Bowl. Whole ass cities change their names for a weekend while she's performing. Israhell and the Democrats this election season have been trying to co-opt her image to gain favor/votes from her fanbase. The sheer inability of her fans to hold her accountable and how they downplay her power and political presence to defend her when usually that's all they can yap about is INFURIATING. They will boast ALL THE TIME about how important Taylor is but in the same breath say "oh but she's not important enough to have any affect on a real worldwide issue". Not that Taylor cares to do so herself, mind you. Postponing her tour and standing for something would require her to think about sacrificing some of the wealth she's greedily intent on hoarding more and more of. But it truly is wholly insane how Swifties and Taylor have a "have your cake and eat it too" attitude about Taylor's worldwide importance.
“taylor swift could be killed if she spoke out” bitch wtf do you think has been happening to people who openly resist the zionist state?!? play in fields with butterflies?!? they die too!!! and somehow taylor’s life is more important or meaningful than their’s because she makes *checks notes* music????
in our late stage capitalist world, withholding profit/money is the only way we could effectively protest (see: BDS). taylor swift postponing her tour for gaza would be an actual POLITICAL TURNING POINT and she simply does not because nothing will happen to her if she doesn’t! that’s the thing about her. her compliance is not costing her a single cent in profit.
taylor cultivated her fanbase ideology to the T to get them to constantly rejoice over her commercial magnitude as an artist yet somehow always devoid of agency when it comes to anything she could and needs to be held accountable for. like the cognitive dissonance of swifties needs to be studied
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jovenshires · 4 months
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to join smoshblr but is nervous? I'm currently writing a Spommy fic and I want to share in the joy of the community and be excited about all the stuff, but I haven't truly been on tumblr in awhile!
omg hi hello!!
i mean. i've been on tumblr for over twelve years and on smoshblr for half of that so. idk if im the BEST person for advice on starting out BUT. my honest advice is to just start posting and reaching out to people!!
i know that sounds like scary (or even maybe ridiculous) advice for someone who's got anxiety over this kind of thing. i, myself, am always full of anxiety, so i get you trust me. but take it from me when i say that smoshblr is one of the nicest, coolest communities i've ever been apart of. 9 times out of 10 when i've reached out to someone (or someone reached out to me!!) it has ended in such an amazing friendship. like all of my mutuals are the Nicest people ever, i've never seen them turn someone away or start unnecessary drama. even when i had problems within the community (for the first time in like. six years so an extreme outlier), i had people from all corners of the fandom coming in to check on me, to connect with me, to come to my defense. like just truly the number of lifelong friends i've made from this is insane. i have a friend who doesn't even go here really anymore who i follow on like instagram and keep in touch with in general. i have a friend who i've had for YEARS who i lost contact with and happened to reconnect with through smoshblr. like. i just can't gush about smoshblr enough. these are my People!!!
if you jump in and start posting, people will come to you. hell just pop in my askbox or dms and i will. i love making friends and mutuals and would happy to be yours as well!!
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suugarbabe · 8 months
oh enzo is DEFINETLY nasty dirty wink wink grrr on the inside😰😰😰😰
honestly i dislike it alot that most people write him as a sweet and harmless boy who wouldnt hurt a fly like.. bro is a deatheater AND hes a slytherin FOR A REASON???
you do him justice🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
that is specifically why i decided to start writing for Enzo because i just felt like you're saying people made him too bubblegum sweet or he was just so side character we didn't see him enough
because you're right, my mans is a death eater, he was sorted into the house for cunning, ambition, resourfulnessness, determination. like, i wholeheartedly believe that he uses others assumptions of him being sweet and innocent to his advantage. Enzo is observant, he appears to be in the background but really he's the one that gathers information.
the other slytherin boys are more intimidating, but enzo is the people person because others feel like they can go up to him, which is exactly why he has the role he does in my mafia!au fic.
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eddiesblklvr · 2 years
I’m not talking about other ways you can get pregnant. If you willingly lay down and open your legs, it’s your responsibility now. you know the risk even when protection is involved. If you don’t want a baby, DONT HAVE SEXXX, goofy. I hope your state is next for the abortion law 😍 & you mad I’m on anon? Turn the shit off then😘
if i want to have sex i’m gonna have sex and wtf are you gonna do about it??? oh okay 😭😭😭
i’m not gonna turn off anon be an adult and talk to me without it 💗💗 until then you’re a scary ass dumb bitch. have the day you deserve
also you can lay down and have sex and decide to keep the baby but due to health issues, it could risk your life OR the baby’s life. did you know that??? or are you just talkin out your fuckin ass??
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
I am so glad you articulated the criticism of Dany crucifying the slavers as a political folly and not a moral folly like listen I am a Dany fan if I could send asks from my sideblog you would know this but I do not believe we are supposed to just brush off the crucifixion like Dany herself isn’t even fully convinced it was the right thing to do. Remembering it she feels sick and has to shut down her doubts and TELL HERSELF it was right. She is an interesting character to me because she can’t stand the compromises she must make to maintain peace AND YET she does want justice and liberation BUT she also hates the suffering and bloodshed of war AND YET she is quick to command violence on impulse. I do think her peace in Meereen was real (big Meereen Knot Essays believer) but all of her internal conflicts lead her to her mistakes. Can’t stand peace but can’t stand war so she just tears herself apart!! It’s tragic! It’s interesting! So much more interesting than an unambiguously heroic Dany who makes no mistakes ever!
Yeah, like....it's certainly morally messy, and I think it's morally more messy because Dany isn't a slave of the Ghiscari like Missandei or an Unsullied like Grey Worm, Red Lamb, etc who is rising up and using violent revolution to liberate the slave class of Meereen - she is a descendant from a foreign, formerly slaving culture that enslaved most of the cultures represented in Meereen, someone of noble birth who has experienced immense suffering but was able to pull herself out of it because of her immense social privilege and magical abilities, using violence in an attempt to liberate those her family had once helped subjugate while...still keeping herself at the top of the pyramid.
There's a lot of mess and contradictions in this situation and I find it much less interesting (as you say) when people paint what Dany is doing here as unambiguously heroic. I know I sound like a broken clock when I say it, but the justification of "well this culture has slavery and slavery is bad" is the exact sort of rationalization many colonial and imperial powers make when conquering. White Americans made it about various Indigenous communities ("oh well the Iroquois had slaves and conquered their neighbors" yeah and white americans had chattel slavery which is objectively worse so what now??), the UK and France used it as a rationale for conquering most of Africa and parts of Asia; there's always this annoying through-line of "well Africans sold themselves into slavery" and I think making this argument that "Well the Ghiscari are brutal slavers" is really similar. And I know people don’t like the dragon/nuke comparison or the imperialism/colonizer comparisons but….what made the genocides of the Americas, and the colonization and imperialism of the 20th centuries stand out from the wars that came before is the sort of hellish combination of nationalism, political schisms, fervent hatred of the Other, and industrial growth. Never before could people amass armies and kill on such a massive scale before. Never before did we have weapons that were so fucking good at killing. Never before did we have the bureaucracy capable of streamlining the process so damn well! (and not for lacking of trying, shout out rome but like...still). I think the dragons are a commentary on that - when someone has access to technology like that, can one person be left to decide if it’s use is good or evil? can one culture not be completely corrupted by their technological advances? can nuclear bombs or weapons Ever be used for good, and if they can be then where is that line drawn? who draws the line? why does that person get to draw the line? I don't think any of this will have a clear answer because that's not exactly how he does things - he's just writing a scenario about this and letting us analyze why it happens on our own.
So it’s like okay the Ghiscari and Dothraki are slaving cultures...Sacking a city is still a violent, destructive thing to do and she does it three times including to a city she is attempting to rule. The moment she had an inkling she might be ruling Meereen, she should have rethought her actions there so she doesn’t start off alienating a large group of people. Coming in as a stranger from a culture who used to be slavers and constantly making comments about how much she hates the culture she’s ruling over is....not great! Dany going back and forth between "I hate these people I was right to crucify them" and "there's too much violence amongst these people I have to stop the violence" is why the issues in Meereen become so complicated. Does she have reasons for acting this way? Yes! It doesn't change the outcome of her actions!
What's interesting about her is that as you say, she does realize this conflicting dichotomy within herself! That’s like, the entire issue she’s facing in Meereen - she wants peace because she knows that’s what’s best for the people there and yet struggles to control her boredom and temper because she is too traumatized to sit still any longer. She’s associated the constant move, the constant fight, the violence and blood and death and destruction with righteousness, justice, goodness, and we can SEE it’s having a negative effect on her psyche, her emotions. She’s not HAPPY by the ending of adwd, she’s not self actualized, she’s just hardened herself completely in the face of this unending monster of a campaign. She wants off this ride and yet she’s unable to find a way out. I don’t think we’re meant to cheer her on here!! SHE is barely cheering herself on here!!! It’s a burden to her!!!!
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n33dydoll · 2 months
Ask questions in my asks!! I’ll answer them tomorrow in one big post💌
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flowerysubmissive · 2 months
Please talk about my small dick while i eat you out and giving you one orgsm after another with my tongue 😝
Well I’d hope that with something so small and useless you’d be able to at least give me a couple of O’s to thank me for my time~♡ So your tongue better do it’s damnest to make up for it sweetheart.
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