xxlady-lunaxx · 9 months
Snape reporting to Dumbledore abt Harry nd Draco...
"Severus! Good, you're here. Any updates of the students?" Albus asked, smiling at the professor standing before him.
"Very well, enlighten me!"
"They are gay, Albus. The students. Potter and Draco. They're gay," Severus said, crossing his arms.
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sub yuta okkotsu agenda 😔
no bc i got THOUGHTS, i got so many thoughts about my babygirl named yuuta okkotsu, you don't even UNDERSTAND how badly i want him
him in the movie-*aggressive eye twitch*, his big sweet innocent puppy eyes-fuck it just *short circuits*
AND THEN afterwards when he's his anxious, tired, emo self (me too fr), like he's still just my cutie patootie and it's a literal CRIME how little sub fics of him there are bc take one look at that baby AND TELL ME that he is a daddy dom in bed-you'd be lying to yourself and me-and we do not tolerate lying in this house
no but fr, he is not domming for his life. a service top-perhaps, he would still cry a lot though and if you were making HIM fuck YOU he would beg for you to just take over, his arms shaking on either side of your head as he tries to make you feel good. because it's not the same like this-he wants you to fuck him, he wants to ride you as your hands grope over his body, he wants to pinned against a wall and fucked hard and rough within an inch of his life.
babyboy just wants to be loved and taken care of by his so
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lineffability · 1 year
ohmygod....ofc crowley is nonbinary/genderfluid/trans/agender what have you, any and all of that, ofc he is because he has always....hated...sides. both sides are TOXIC, he's on his OWN side, the playing with genders just REFLECTS that jesus fuck am i only realizing this now, am i late to the party, is everyone already drunk
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evillillad · 7 months
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oopsie poopsies u forgetful lil caterpillar u
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shittysawtraps · 23 days
Saw trap where you get your nose sewn shut and you're put in this dark room and the only way out is to smell the perfume trail like it's some hellish perfume store.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
I don't usually like the obliviation headcanon but bc I have a bit of a soft spot for platonic regumary before the war) especially if they bonded through Lily) I like to think that due to the complexity of the spell she was left with just some vague memories of the world and really sparse details because she just couldn't get rid of them without the spell being powered by an outside potency ingredient.
So when she'd woken up from the spell she found a note in her handwriting which said 'trust him' so when two people show both individually show up at the door begging her to trust them and swearing that they are the honest one she doesn't know what to do
She knows instinctively that there is one of them she should trust and one she shouldn't but she can't figure out which and they both give off a slightly weird feeling like there is an uncomfortable history between them
She remembers that the dark mark means someone is bad but they both have it so it doesn't help at all
She can't go to anyone for help bc they've both mentioned that they're meant to be dead and she doesn't want to accidentally get the right one killed or arrested
In Peter's pov she's always going to choose him because they were such good friends in school and to her knowledge she'd never said a word to Regulus so why would she not trust him?
Regulus is stressing because he's trying to get her trust while also not pressuring her and also not even believing himself when he says he's a good person
She knows that she must have written that before she lost her memories but she can't figure out why or who it was about
She's sitting there trying to pick who is the safe man and they're both SWEATING
She picks Reggie t the end ofc bc im not evil
Meanwhile Remus is just chilling on the other side of the country
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ohbother2 · 8 months
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530862 · 2 years
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is this anything
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soup-of-the-daisies · 10 months
i’m rereading ootp (to my own horror) and like. knowing what happens in that one and the next two books makes that intense, bubbling frustration of being a teenager whose worries are disregarded so much worse.
like, surprise?? the kid whose childhood you’re trying to preserve lost that innate innocence years ago. you want him to be a normal 15 yr old boy but if you keep quiet about the dangers he might not live to see his 16th birthday. and congrats on keeping him safe, i guess—you’ve accidentally ruined the last piece able to tether him to his childhood, but i’m sure those months of torture were worth the farce of normality you craved for him. i don’t think you know that your apologies are like sticking band aids on a fracture. i don’t think you’re aware of how you’re ignoring the breaks, but i’m certain you’re expecting them to heal on their own.
oh, they didn’t? and now you’re treating him like he’s a bubble made of glass, waiting to shatter? but you’re the one to have turned him into that bubble, aren’t you? you’re the one who’s holding him, and it’s not his time yet. not for another two years. and shards of glass dulled with time cannot fell a monster, can they? so please be careful. you still need him. he never asked to be a martyr but he’ll do it because you expect him to; you just need to watch your step because your hands are slicked with guilt, and he’s heavy. he’s struggling. he’ll fall as well, if you let him go now.
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senpa10 · 29 days
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I had a stream 3 days ago, and I was a little late publishing pictures from the stream because I was busy, but here I am again
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Pre wwii what would conditions in the orphanage Tom grew up in hsve been like? (Ie in the 1926-37 period)
Honestly, conditions would've been pretty shit. Firstly disease was rife, especially as the East End (where Wool's presumably is) was a slum throughout the Industrial Revolution and into the 20th century (with it only really changing post WWII). Tom would be familiar with stuff like mumps and whooping cough, even if he never got sick himself due to magic protecting him (as we see with Harry). But they'd also be other diseases like tuberculosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, rickets, polio and even the flu. It's likely multiple children at the orphanage would have physical disabilities due to polio maybe even with callipers (a permanent kind of splint to help people who'd suffered from polio walk). While children would often be isolated with most illnesses, it would be incredibly difficult for an orphanage to do so, and it's probable that children died as bouts of sickness and disease spread through the orphanage. Kids who were one day at dinner are gone the next.
The first legal precedent for adopting children occurs with the Adoption of Children Act in 1926, so legal adoption how we understand it today, was fairly new. Children were lined up on Sundays, washed and in their best clothes (after attending church!) for rich people to adopt, but it tended to be a way for getting free labour rather than out of an actual desire to have children to love and care for.
I'm not sure what JKR was basing her orphanage off (likely something modern), but Tom probably wouldn't have gotten his own room, even if he was considered 'insane'. There simply wasn't enough room. Children shared a dormitory, one that could be overstuffed and cramped, sometimes even with several children to a bed. Food was similar — it was a cramped long hall (almost like a smaller, horrible version of the great hall) with rows of tables and children waiting their turn for a meal. They were probably only given one or two a day; likely gruel in the morning and bread with a stew in the evening. Tom's diet would've been vegetarian because meat was insanely expensive, although he may have had meat on Christmas and potentially Sundays if the orphanage could afford it.
On that note, Tom and the other orphans would've been Christian, most likely CoE. Although Catholic orphanages did exist, Wool's is not named after a Saint and so was more likely Protestant. Tom would've gone to church every Sunday, perhaps in a chapel on Wool's grounds, although if not, it would've been at the local church. He also would've been expected to pray. He'd go to Sunday School alongside normal school (which would've been at the local public school or perhaps, if Wool's was especially large, which I don't think it was, there would've been one of the staff who could teach or they'd bring someone in). For Christmas itself, Tom would likely get an orange which was incredibly special due to his diet likely not including fruit.
Tom would've shared everything, including clothes. He probably didn't even have underwear, and may sometimes have had to wear dresses/frocks, especially when he was younger, due to a lack of clothes. These clothes would've been stiff and itchy, potentially with lice. They would've been washed once a week, as with the orphans themselves (in large buckets!), and been hung out to dry on huge lines. Depending on how many clothes there were to go round, Tom would've spent this time in underwear (although sometimes orphans didn't even have this) or in another pair of clothes that had been worn by other children hundreds of times before. It's no wonder Tom stole — he literally had nothing, not even his own clothes (and perhaps not even underwear either).
Tom would've been expected to care for children younger than him, including babies, from a very young age. Even if he didn't enjoy it, Tom would've been good with young children and it's no wonder he was able to make Head Boy at Hogwarts because of it.
The Great Depression would've made these conditions worse. Although some of the conditions would've improved over the years, the Great Depression meant that everything was more expensive. Meals were probably downsized, if not cut entirely to one a day. The amount of kids at the orphanage probably rose during this time due to parents having to abandon children, which would've been especially prevalent in the East End which, as I've mentioned previously, was just slums and dockyard. Meat probably disappeared completely from Tom's diet, even at Christmas.
All in all, Tom's early life and conditions at the orphanage were grim. Kids died around him, conditions were cramped with diseases, illness and lice, he'd not even have his own clothes, meals would be limited, he'd spend his free time looking after kids younger than him and he'd fear being adopted. The roaring twenties were shit and the thirties shitter still. Hogwarts would've been the best thing that ever happened to Tom — it's no wonder he called it his home.
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kitgeometri · 6 months
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dumble doodle!
He plays tricks like this on the cat.
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radrattradish · 4 months
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Palps x Dumbledoor this is my otp
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sirfrogsworth · 6 months
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I'm not saying everything I peruse on the internet is innocent, but I was surprised Facebook served me an OF ad.
So I decided to see what exactly I did to trigger this happenstance.
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Let it be known, if there are any fellow power supply perverts out there, OF has your number and is out to tempt you.
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columboscreens · 2 years
I started referring to Columbo as “bumbo” and my dad thinks it’s peak comedy (which it is) and now we can’t stop saying “bumbo” and “wanna watch a bumbo?” To each other
hell yeah, i actually do that too. it's cute. i usually call him "lumbo" but i actually incorporated "bumbo" into my vernacular like a year ago because of @mortalityplays' bumbo's fabric party which continues to live in my head...rent-controlled
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sneverussape · 2 years
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