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ˋWatching from afar.´
My twinsies !!! Lunula is a Dust x Nightmare child while Helia is a Dream x Dust one !
★ Credits.
Dust belongs to - @/ask-dusttale
The DreamTale twins belongs to Joku.
★ Info !
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askverse · 2 years
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More TikTok doodles that accurately show this mess
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greenmagic-oilspill · 8 months
Gonna make a pinned post I guess
Name: Matt, sometimes I use Cogs (as in a XIV OC, Cogflox), Baithin, or Flibbertigibbi on other sites though
On tumblr since: like 2010 (🤮)
Currently writing: Opera Omnia: Opus Divinitas, a fanfic continuing the story where Dissidia Opera Omnia left off at the end of Act 4. Also dabbling in some original fiction.
Hi! This is my tumblr where I mostly reblog posts about various FF games and occasionally yell about them in the tags. I have played every single main game and almost every spinoff and I genuinely love them all. Occasionally you’ll see other fandom posts but it’s mostly FF.
Favorite games: XIV, X/X-2, and XII
Currently playing: FF Explorers, last played FFXIV Dawntrail
I’m also a bit known for Distorted Reality, an Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic.
XIV characters: Edge Marbrand, Baithin Alberona, Azionne Melisandre, Granny Moss, Gogonegi Momonegi, Linini Mooglesworn, Siz’ir Johcandalo, Yue Dustdreamer (Balmung), and also Pachi Jovas, Majv Saga (Zalera). No, I don’t really play them all anymore :(
FF games I still need to play/finish: Dirge of Cerberus, Lightning Returns (mostly done), Dissidia Duodecim (mostly done), FFXV Comrades DLC, My Life as a King/Darklord, Chocobo Fables, FF Explorers, Vagrant Story (I’m counting it)
Sorry, I do not have a consistent tagging system because I’m just too lazy.
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nymphiou · 4 years
I made a re-design of Demys today, so, there he is !! :)
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Dust belong to Ask-DustTale
Dream belong to Jokublog
And Demys belong to me !
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goldenrose443 · 5 years
Dust x Dream (Sans) anuncio importante
HOLA!!! como ya vieron en el título, este es un anuncio que quiero decirles y es que planeo hacer una animación de Dust x Dream pq hay una canción que la verdad me hace pensar mucho en esta historia, así que; ¿A qué va todo esto?, pues no es solo que haré una animación, también es que lo que tengo pensado es mostrar dibujos en el fondo, dibujos hechos por ustedes ya sea sobre el shipp solamente o un fan art de la historia "Sweet Medicine" que he escrito en wattpad en inglés y español.
Todo dibujo es bienvenido, pueden mandarlo a mi gmail [email protected] (con 6 o), publicarlo en tumblr con el hashtag (creo q así se escribe) # DulceMedicinaDustxDream es largo, pero me ayudará a encontrarlos más facilmente x'd pueden publicarlo en uno de sus libros en wattpad también, nombrandome con el @ para que me llegue la notificación.
Otra cosa que quiero decirles es que esta historia pueden tomarla como que ya terminó y ver como final al 100% el de este libro "Sweet Medicine" que es la primera temporada o seguir viendo hasta donde llega la segunda temporada "Honey Letters"^^
Y bueno, empieza esto desde hoy hasta el 1 de Mayo, todo quien quiera mandar sus dibujos en tradicional o digital puede hacerlo mientras sea de Dust x Dream (no hacer spoilers importantes de la historia), como es para youtube, los que sean sangrientos se mostrarán en blanco y negro, escenas +18 (NSFW) no serán aceptadas, escenas muy violentas pueden ser con censura o las pondré en blanco y negro. Más que nada si pueden hacer cosas "dulces" o q se muestre lo más lindo del shipp se mostrará con completa claridad y le vendrá aún mejor a la canción que tengo pensada. El resultado final lo mostraré en mi cuenta de youtube Berenice Díaz (BRS443).
Ahora si, eso fue todo, muchas gracias por leer hasta el final y seguir la historia ♡ gracias también a la persona con la que la escribí en su mayoría.
Nos vemos en el 4 capitulo de la segunda temporada ♡
Bye bye~
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rasenkaikyo · 5 years
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with @cogflox and @sylvan-rain
The rakshasa locks its glassy, dead eyes with Hinako's and charges forth with reckless abandon.
Hinako slips a little against the ground and is caught offguard by the beast's ferocity, as it knocks her to the side.
“Oof!” Hinako staggers back up to her feet and readies her counterattack, Masakaki firmly in hand. "Fuu!" she sends forth a fierce gust of wind at the rakshasa, a beast in the appearance of a ghastly, oversized vanara, but it leaps to the side and rebounds off the nearest rock-face. “?!” The corrupted vanara flies with all its force at Hinako! She parries and quickly leaps back to a safe distance from her assailant. Hinako then senses another soul somewhere near her flank. This one is not so corrupt but she's not quite able to read it as a civilian. "Who goes there?!"
Yue had been walking to Namai when she heard sounds of battle. She drew her lance and made her way to the sounds, spotting a priestess locked in combat with a ferocious beast. She leaps into action without a word, falling atop the monster from above with her lance.
After impacting, she falls back to the woman's side. "Are you hurt?!"
"Ah?!" Hinako looks with a measure of surprise. "--I’m fine. Just a little scoffed up. This one's proving to be quite tricky."  The rakshasa utters another inhuman scream, taken back by the new arrival to the fray. "Ahh... Well, then, let me help you dispatch it!" She stands in front of the stranger as the beast charges again, dancing around its teeth and claws. She strikes with all the precision of an Ishgardian-trained Dragoon, piercing its hide. The beast steps back a bit at Yue's strike before lunging again at her with its maw open in an attempt to clamp down. Yue twirls out of the way, now displaying some of her Far Eastern spearfighting, though she lacked her naginata. She lunges forward at the beast again, intent on striking it in the throat.The strike lands in its neck, causing it to reel and flail aggressively, and in attempt to get Yue to back off. Hinako, meanwhile, regains her focus and twirls her staff.
This felt like the place. The Madou energy radiated a bit to the east, growing stronger with every beat of Ginga's wings. "Hurry, Ginga! We've got duties to carry out."
"Chi!" Hinako calls out, and a path of stone after stone rises up from the ground to meet with the rakshasa. It is knocked briefly upward by the sharp force as the very earth shot up below it. It tries to regain its footing to ready its next attack.
"Hm..?" Below Sylvan was a girl doing battle with whatever this creature was that gave off a Madou signature. Instead of instructing Ginga to descend she shakes her head, waits and observes. "Pretty impressive for a random adventurer. "That other one.." she mumbles to herself, seeing Yue. "Is that..?"
"Huh...?" Something nearly gave Hinako pause before the rakshasa opened its maw once more, and a sphere of aether gathered therein. It let it loose as a rapid, erratic beam of energy that ripped through the ground toward Hinako and Yue. "Ah! Look out!" Yue stood in front of the stranger to take the hit, but it misses. "Oh..." Instead, she takes to the air, coming down hard once again on the rakshasa. The rakshasa pushes back to knock Yue away while Hinako, having stepped to its side, casts another rush of sharp wind at the beast. The rakshasa howls out as it is taken with the violent gust, while Sylvan lands at the side of its opponents. Yue Dustdreamer's eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Sylvan Rain. Hinako looks to the second newcomer. "Hey, wait.. do I..." Sylvan Rain disagrees with Hinako Daigo.
"Ah!! I know you! You are... Woodland Showers!" She smiles. It has been so long, hasn't it? "Ah.. Close.. Sylvan Rain.." she says, chuckling. Her attention quickly returns to the creature before them. This feeling it gave off, it was familiar. Something she'd felt with the Makai. Why was it here? "Seems you have a bit of a problem on your hands." Yue turns her attention back to the rakshasa. "Oh, yes... just a little." The rakshasa growled at the presence of Sylvan, taking a defensive stance. "It is a bit of a rough job,” Hinako says. Sure wasn't sure what to make of the energies Sylvan emanated, although they were somewhat familiar in a way.
Unsure of what this thing could do, Sylvan decides to test it from a distance. She takes a sharp breath inward and suddenly, there is a sudden surge in power that courses through her body. She brings her right fist down, the glowing metal gauntlet that covers it cracking through the ground beneath them and bringing forward a streak of energy that would shoot along the ground toward the beast.  It jumps to the side and trembles violently, before bounding at the group, claw poised to swipe at Sylvan! The rakshasa reaches to attack her and instead of stepping off to the side she dashes forward. Sylvan calls out, her voice echoing unnaturally as the aether filled her body again. With a grunt and what could be described as a growl, she stops the attack with her gauntlets crossed one over the other.
"Now, someone kill this damned thing!"
The rakshasa is dumbstruck, shaking and struggling to push down on Sylvan but being met with fierce resistance.
Yue glances back at the stranger. "Go on! It was yours, was it not?" Hinako nods, before gathering energies from within as the air kicked up around her. Sylvan burns with aether visibly, like it's seeping from her very body. Another gutteral sound wells up from within her as she keeps the rakshasa from moving, the ground around her feet cracking.
Instead, the Rakshasa suddenly breaks its attack from Sylvan and recedes a bit, before leaping ahead in an upward arch. The rakshasa lands behind them and whips its tail at Hinako! "Tch.. nimble thing..", Sylvan utters. Hinako swoops around and jumps away in all possible swiftness. "Confound it..."
Seeing the spell miss, Yue leaps to the air for one final jump attack. The rakshasa takes the aerial strike in the shoulder as Yue lands on it, and an inky blackness sprays forth from ensuing wound. It screams and writhes and in its haste emits twin beams of lightning aether in a conal at Sylvan and Hinako. Sylvan runs in front of Hinako and throws a punch wrapped in aether at the beam, splitting it in two around them. Yue attempts to keep it pinned down so one of the others could finish it off.
"!!" Hinako tries hard to concentrate.
As the rakshasa struggles to Yue's actions, Hinako readies her spell once more… "Mabatake!!" Hinako calls out as she twirls her shakujo and emits a purifying blast of pure white aether. The rakshasa is brought onto its hind legs, prompting Yue to jump off, but then is... frozen in place, like a statue. It is an open target for Sylvan's final strike. Yue leaps back so they can finish it!
There's some time so Sylvan smirks to herself, and takes in a deep breath. Energy from the ground, trees and the very air around them fills Sylvan and she begins to glow once again. "Now then.. You've been here long enough. Back to where you come from, and take that Madou with you!" She keeps it simple and channels all of that aether into her right fist, sending it forward and plunging into the rakshasa's face.
The beast is sent flying back as if with great force, scraping hard against the ground, howling once more in pain before it tumbles to a stop... Broken, it struggles in vain before truly collapsing, dissipating into aether and returning to whence it came.
"Well then.." Sylvan Rain looks around. Yue Dustdreamer celebrates victory. Hinako sighs and returns Masakaki to her back.
"That monster was quite difficult! I am glad we all came together to stop it." Yue looks to Sylvan. "I'd heard you were lost here in Doma... Well, I am glad I found you! I can guide you back home." Yue Dustdreamer motions joyfully to Sylvan Rain.
The aether of the creature disappears leaving Sylvan momentarily puzzled. Did she imagine that feeling of Madou? She looks over her shoulder to the others and she smiles, knowing there was no point in worrying. "To put it simply, yes I was lost after the fall of Doma Castle. For a time, anyway. "I've already seen Ashelia and some of the others. Not to worry."
"Oh! Well, at least they know. But if you really need help getting home I can point you in the right direction." Yue nods to herself, satisfied with Sylvan's safety even though she apparently lacks any sense of direction, and then turns to the stranger.
Hinako shrugs gently and approaches the two. Hinako Daigo performs an Eastern bow. "Both of you, I thank you for your help. It seems... you two are acquainted?"
Sylvan Rain performs an Eastern bow before Hinako Daigo. Yue Dustdreamer performs an Eastern bow before Hinako Daigo.
"You did well to hold up against such a creature!” Sylvan replies. “And yes we belong to the same Free Company, though I've had my attention.. Elsewhere."
Yue follows up. "We are members of the same company, actually! It is quite the coincidence that we crossed paths here. "I am here to help with the reconstruction effort, you see." Sylvan Rain nods to Yue Dustdreamer. "Ah! I've helped with the restoration as well! Heavy lifting." Sylvan smiles at Hinako.
Hinako smiles back. "I see! A blessing, indeed, to see you two meet under such circumstances. As you can see, as is, there is no such shortage of work to do." She looks to Sylvan. "I thought I might have seen you around. I too have been regularly visiting the Enclave. "Pray forgive-- Hinako Daigo. It is a pleasure." She bows courteously.
"Sylvan Rain." Sylvan Rain bows courteously to Hinako Daigo. "Oh! Nice to meet you, Hinako. I am called Yue!" Yue Dustdreamer bows courteously to Hinako Daigo.
Hinako nods to Yue. "Well met."
"Do you live here in Doma?" Yue asks.
"Here, and there. I hailed from Iwa-no-Sato, to the north. At least until the Empire encroached. I have no permanent settlement here now, but I no less call Doma home."
"Ohh... so you have been hurt by the Empire too. I am sorry. I... have come to know how that feels."
"You displayed impressive power back there,” Sylvan says. “It seems you're experienced with such creatures."
Hinako nods. "Iwa had a beautiful shrine, and we priests not only took to honor its upkeep, but worked abroad to assess other spiritual dangers. You could say that fiend we encountered was all in due course."
Yue stiffens at her words. "Shrine? Priests...?" "Yes? Are you alright, Miss Yue?" She wouldn't convey it, but now that the dust had settled Hinako could certainly sense that something was slightly amiss.
Yue Dustdreamer disagrees vehemently with Hinako Daigo.
"Oh, yes, I am quite well! It's just, um, I had a run-in with a shrine maiden some time ago who made some frightful claims about me… "But she most certainly had me mistaken for someone else."
Sylvan smiles with a certain understanding of Hinako she was saying. It sounded similar to the order of the Makai Priests and Priestesses. "As strong as you may be it may be wise not to take on such dangers alone."
"I see..." Hinako simpers at Yue and looks back to Sylvan, conceding. "Yes, I suppose I got in a little too deep. At the least I might have wound up with a little more to show than dirt on my robes." “It is quite fortunate we all crossed paths, then," Yue said. "You show much promise." The smile Sylvan gave was warm, friendly. Like they'd been friends for a long time. And her words, she spoke as if they were fact. "One day you will be greater than you realize." Hinako smiles weakly at Sylvan Rain.
"Ooh, you've never said such things about me, Sylvan!" Yue exclaims.
"You have a whole company to train with and nurture your ability!" Sylvan Rain questions Yue Dustdreamer.
Yue smiles. "Ah! Yes, I do! Hinako, do you?" Yue smiles at Hinako with wide eyes which blink far less often than a normal person's, which is just enough to make some people uncomfortable.
Hinako, undeterred by Yue's peculiarities, mulled her question over for a second. "...Not anymore. I recently parted ways with my last employer on good terms."
"Then why don't you come with us?" Yue asked. "Oh, only if you promise not to call me Nodoka like that last shrine maiden did! It was quite strange. "That is, if you'd like some new friends. Or a place to go. Or someone to help you reconstruct Doma. But I must warn you, it's quite far. So it is very understandable that Sylvan got so lost."
"I was not lost." Sylvan rebuffed so promptly. "It's.. complicated. I will explain another time." Sylvan Rain shrugs at Yue Dustdreamer. Yue Dustdreamer shrugs at Sylvan Rain.
"Nodoka..." Why did that ring a bell to Hinako? "...If you insist. I would pray ask something, then.
"You mentioned an Ashelia. Would that be an Ashelia... Riot?"
Yue Dustdreamer looks at Hinako Daigo in surprise. "Ah! Do you know Lady Ashelia?" Sylvan quirks an eyebrow, wondering how it is she knows Ashelia.
"I might be familiar with the name. That would mean, then, that you two are Riskbreakers!" Yue Dustdreamer motions joyfully to Hinako Daigo. Sylvan Rain nods to Hinako Daigo.
"Yes, we are!" Yue says. "Wow... I never thought I would be famous..." Yue Dustdreamer seems lost in thought.
Hinako Daigo looks surprised!
"What an auspicious encounter, indeed! It is as the kami conspired to arrange it. If you invite me to yours then I would gladly accompany you." Hinako Daigo is positively beaming. Yue Dustdreamer shows Hinako Daigo her uncontainable jubilation!
"It should be possible for me to transfer you with me through the aether should you not have the ability to travel over long distances in such a way," Sylvan proceeds to explain.
Yue Dustdreamer's eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Sylvan Rain. "Wow, so you really were not lost… Amazing!”
Sylvan realizes she hasn't discussed the new extent of her abilities with anyone, but continues on. "It would be fastest. Should you wish to travel in such a way, I mean."
"I should make it clear that that is not something all Riskbreakers can do, just so you know..." Yue says. "I can teleport quite far, but with help."
"Travel by tenkonto, yes?” Hinako inquires. “It might be for the best, considering the traditional alternatives." Sylvan Rain nods to Hinako Daigo.
"Have you ever been to Eorzea?" Yue asks Hinako.
"Quite. I have spent moons and then some there, following Doma's fall, and I have seen much of its ... unique splendor."
“"Well, that is perfect!”
"If you'll both hold onto me I will get us there,” Sylvan says.
"Very well," Hinako replies as she reaches out to Sylvan. Yue does the same.
Again, Sylvan centers herself and this time ensures that the build of aether is slow. She combines her own aether with the aether of the planet, and to the two others with her. Soon the aether of the planet would 'grab' onto theirs and whisk them away to Eorzea, through the very energy of the planet itself.
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carelesscreativity · 3 years
ECLIPSETALE (AU by @/skumhuu) https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/666821623111974912/eclipsetale-masterpost
KillerDust Wholesomeness https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/634332805063737344/killerdust-wholesomeness-for-fatebean-commission
Crerror Cuddling https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/634361984544112640/crerror-cuddling-for-drakinjade-commission-for
DeathGlitch Comfort https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/634467573473460224/deathglitch-comfort-for-themainalpha-commission
CherryBerry Stars https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/634472283761754112/cherryberry-stars-for-tinystarfruit-commission
Blightmare Hiding https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/635108726196600832/blightmare-hiding-commission-for-ko-fi
ErrorBerry First Date https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/635209551476588544/errorberry-first-date-for-blu3b3rryp13-commission
Bad Guy Poly (Focus on Dust) https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/635478167970299904/bad-guy-poly-focus-on-dust-for-zellalmasy
NightHorror Panic Attack https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/635742981455003648/nighthorror-panic-attack-for-lunatone-commission
HorrorDust Freakout https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/636372152949637121/horrordust-freakout-for-tyraxes-commission-for
TransMasc!Kross Body Worship https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/636441390844444672/transmasckross-body-worship-for-chromaholster
Bad Guy Poly (Focus on Uncorrupted!Nightmare) https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/637796869884559360/bad-guy-poly-focus-on-uncorruptednightmare-for
CrossDust Bad Night https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/638889848013553664/crossdust-bad-night-for-crazythings-commission
Creammare Sickness https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/640226098589974528/creammare-sickness-for-sarahafterdark-commission
HorrorDust Fluffy Wholesomeness https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/643635370389602304/horrordust-fluffy-wholesomeness-for
Creammare Care ft. Dream w/ Wings https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/644518113172389888/creammare-grooming-ft-dream-w-wings-for
HorrorDust LV Soothing https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/644526259039354880/horrordust-lv-soothing-for-crazythings-commission
Kreme Love & Trust https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/644533204755382272/kreme-love-trust-for-thelemonheartlocket
HorrorDust Softness + Comfort https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/644567603748241408/horrordust-softness-comfort-for-zeph
DeathGlitch Doubting https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/644901883503312896/deathglitch-doubting-commission-for
Errink Regretful Soul-Fusing https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/645164368997253121/errink-regretful-soul-fusing-for-calavirs
MidnightCrow Biting https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/645620641794605056/midnightcrow-biting-for-lee-commission-for-ko-fi
NightKiller Broken Bones https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/646252787662045185/nightkiller-broken-bones-w-uncorruptednightmare
Ink’s Breaking Point https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/648858614497509376/inks-breaking-point-gift-for-jdemicreates-on
AfterDeath Coffee Date https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/651263292251242496/afterdeath-coffee-date-for-latenightbarista
DustDream Comfort https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/649875219308232704/dustdream-warmth-comfort-because-i-had-a-need
Kross Fatal Sparring https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/649402486983163904/kross-fatal-sparring-gift-for-shironuk
Error’s Strings = Cat Whiskers https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/632003760186671104/errink-torture-scene-in-which-errors-strings-are
Crink Fluff https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/630664534400565248/crink-requested-by-anon
BlueKiller Bone Peeling https://carelesscreativity.tumblr.com/post/692764737449181184/bluekiller-bone-peeling-for-mocha-commission-for
Killer's Cats https://at.tumblr.com/carelesscreativity/killers-cats-for-yastaghr/3yh0sdg4216r
HorrorCross Cannibal's Game https://at.tumblr.com/carelesscreativity/horrorcross-cannibals-game-for-zoe/g78r3kc18qaw
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managodessart · 3 years
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So we’re starting a Candlekeep campaign tomorrow and I created a new character for it.
Here’s Flora Dustdream, the halfling cleric, but out of armor. She’s a master calligrapher and a bit of a dorky nerd. She loves talking about her craft and tends to overestimate how much others understand what she does.
In armor, she wears scale mail and fights with a mace and a light crossbow (plus shield).
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I love this Fall Playlist from @gold-dustdreams 🔥🍂🍁 it’s the perfect backdrop for a gloomy autumn day
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⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ship children UTMV -
• Kaleido Omni x Pj - Not Available
• Cerf Farmer x Fresh - Taken
• Mukuro Geno x Reaper - Taken
• Parthenope Geno x Reaper
• Coble Cross x Reaper - Taken
• Amanita Fresh x Reaper - Taken
• Koha Ccino x Killer - Taken
• Moni Color child - Taken
• Magori Lust x Dream - Taken
• Aloe Horror x Farmer - Taken
• Narcissus Color x Dust - Taken
• Violan Farmer x Lust - Taken
• Kino Fell x Horror x Chess - Taken
• Cherry Fell x Classic - Taken
• Yannick Fell x Fresh
• Sicilia Oath Fell x Mafia - 11 - Taken
• Mel Xahji x Lux
• Musou Ink x Broomie - Taken
• Lunatic Killer x Nightmare - Taken
• Iris Color x Killer - Taken
• Dandron Candy x Horror - Taken
• Mirai Error x Ink - Taken
• Enoki Science x Error
• Esperance Error x Dream
• East Outer x Dream
• Espoir Geno x Nightmare
• Mystik Blueberry x Nightmare - Taken
• Spark Lust x Nightmare - Taken
• Camara Dust x Blueberry - 17 - Taken
• Crosscut Cross x Classic - Taken
• Cruz Cross x Blueberry - Taken
• Koru Dust x Classic - Taken
• Dahla Cross x Nightmare - Taken
• Creon Dust x Epic - Taken
• Wisteria Epic x Nightmare - Taken
• Alueon Error x Killer - Taken
• Miel Outer x Nightmare - Taken
• Tsuny Bird x Ocean - Taken
• Lunula Dust x Nightmare - Taken
• Helia Dust x Dream - Taken
• Myo Ccino x Geno - Taken
• Saudre Flowerfell x Ccino - Taken
• Martini Ccino x Mafia - Taken
• Holli Ccino x Dance
• Magnolia Ccino x Nightmare - Taken
• Hecate Ccino x Reaper - Taken
• Gaufre Ccino x Candy
• Ethereal and Victoire Cross x Error - Taken
• Pearl Dream x Blueberry - Taken
• Elk Error404 x Bill - 11 - Taken
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ canon ships -
• with my own kiddos -
Moni x Koha
Martini x Magori
• with other people ocs -
- Romantic relationships -
Cerf x Trouble(FellMafia by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Nee-Chun x Tsuny x Bl@ckB#rrory(BluebError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Coble x HeartFelt(LustMare by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Amanita x Morel x Codavre(FatalError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Aloe x Pokeberry(NightBerry by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Narcissus x Prank(FreshEpic by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Violan x Omertà(MafiaFell by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Kino x Pitiful(NightKillerCross by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Cherry x Parasomnia(CrossMare by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Musou x Shooter(KillerMare by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Lunatic x Ibis(ErrorInk by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Iris x Mistyk x Ube(CrossEpic by @/asher-pink )
Dandron x Scarlet(AfterDeath by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Mirai x Gift(CcinoMare @/oatsyterandco )
Spark x Crucifixion(CrossGeno by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Camara x Cacao(FarmLust by @/anonskeleton )
Crosscut x Fropio(FellBerry by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Cruz x Hummingbird(FlowerBird by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Koru x Prohibitive(ErrorDream by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Dahla x Catastrophe(ErrorReaper by @/oatsyterandco )
Creon x Tetris(FreshError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Wisteria x Meri(CcinoDance) x Eri(FreshSci) x Corvid(PhoebeOmen all by @/oatsyterandco )
Alueon x Hallowji(CrossMare by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Miel x Design(ErrorInk by @/oatsyterandco )
Lunula x Gatotchi(SciCcino by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Helia x Nilla(GSugar by @/oatsyterandco )
Alores x Bobaze(CcinoCandy by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Myo x Yunamo(Dream+Nightmare fusion by @/oatsyterandco )
Saudre x Heaven(AfterDeath by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Magnolia x ButterMilk(GSugar by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Hecate x Adonis(KillerMare by @/oatsyterandco )
Ethereal x Memory(DustDream by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Pearl x Zelda(LinkEros by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Elk x Tragedy(KillerError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
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Here’s a playlist for you… fall vibes🍁 by Johanna Walters
@gold-dustdreams made an amazing fall Playlist! My partner and I are enjoying our hot coffee and bonfire listening to it as I type. Definitely 10/10 cozy vibes!
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greenmagic-oilspill · 5 years
Of Dust and Moonbeams
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Sleep came rarely to Yue, but anytime it did, she dreamt.
She swam in the wide expanse of the Ruby Sea under the light of the full moon, saltwater filling her lungs.
The tides washed her to Yanxia, to Doma, flowing up the mountains to craggy, misty peaks. She came upon the ruins of a shrine she vaguely recognized, destroyed by Garlean machina and dark magic summoned by refugees. This was the Fujin Shrine.
A wind chime echoed across the empty, lonely shrine.
The waters of the Ruby Sea dropped Yue here, where she walked forward as if in a daze. She saw Mitama, the shrine maiden, floating away in the distance and dispersing into the wind. A whispered name.
The name Mitama had called her before the attack.
Yue looked up at the moon, Her bright silver light reflecting off of her white scales. Shimmering, reflecting light brighter than Yue thought possible. She cast the light into the ruins, where it coalesced into the shape of an Au Ra woman.
"The moon spirit," Yue said. She smiled. "The kami. My love."
"You dream of dust," said the moon. "You are no ancient hero. You know this."
Her heart sank. "I do?"
The woman, made of moonlight, cast her silver eyes upward. "I was never your lover, Dustdreamer. It is time to wake."
"Dustdreamer," she said to herself. Her master, Lady Azionne, called her this once. Azionne knew all along.
"Yue?" She turned her head, dizzy, to see Siz'ir standing next to her. "What kinda dream is this? Uh… I didn't mean to get pulled in." He cocked his head, scratching behind his ear. He wore his bedclothes.
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"I'm dreaming?" she asked. Her own voice sounded so far away. "I am always dreaming."
"Usually I get pulled into dreams about memories," he said, crossing his arms. "But this is different."
"I see," she said, but she understood nothing.
The moon spirit vanished, and it made Yue sad. Siz'ir grasped her shoulder. "Come on, you just dreamed her up," he said. "You can do it again. Let's go follow her."
Yue blinked. Now they were in the Great Gubal Library. The Cluster's first mission together as a team. "A treasured memory," she said.
Siz'ir scoffed. “Yeah, I guess. Now this is more like the sort of thing my Echo gift does. I think." He scratched his scruffy red hair again.
The moon spirit reappeared, extending her arms. "You are Nodoka. You remember this now."
"I was Nodoka," said Yue. "But no longer. I am Yue now."
"Who's Nodoka?" Siz'ir asked, his tail flicking. "Y'know, I always found your other dreams so … weirdly fragmented. Did you forget some things?"
"I did," said Yue. "But now I know. Nodoka was a shinobi, and a priestess of the Fujin Shrine, like her dearest friend Mitama. She traveled to Eorzea after the failed uprising in Doma. She died not long after." She said the words without any of the airiness that was usually in her voice. Her words were concise and quick. "And Lady Azionne revived her. And thus I was reborn as Yue."
Her fingers brushed the spines of the closest books on the shelves, stopping when they came across a brass contraption. At her touch, the contraption opened up into a star globe, and upon each dancing card she saw the faces of her friends. Her Cluster. The Riskbreakers. It looked just like the star globe she found in the real library, all those moons ago.
The moon spirit touched her forehead. "You are no longer Nodoka. You have found your new purpose, and discarded your old one. Upon thee I bestow the magic of the moon and the stars. May they always guide you."
She woke.
In the Cluster's Enclave, within the Sandsea, Yue pushed aside her blankets and rose from her futon, leaving the bedroom she shared with Lini to find Siz'ir in his grassy corner of their chamber. She found him deep in meditation, but she held up the star globe - the real one - she found at the Gubal Library with a smile on her face. He opened his eyes, stunned and exhausted in equal measure, but matched her smile with a grin of his own. "Before that dream, this star globe was nothing but a toy," she whispered, to keep from waking the others. "A beautiful trinket that simply kept me entertained. But I am glad the moon spirit guided me to its true purpose."
"That wasn't really the moon spirit," he said, but she scarcely heard him, transfixed on the glowing cards circling around the globe's core. "You and I navigated through that crazy dream together. But whatever."
"My dreams of dust and moonbeams," she said, drawing a card. Balance. "I always thought my fate was to be the great hero and lover of the moon. But I am just Yue. And now I will seek my own fate."
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nymphiou · 5 years
HI !
So- for days, I have drawin all of my OCs so, here it is !
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Namiyo (1), Naraku (2) and Neïos (4) are Nightkiller childs.
Xaryo (3) is a Afterdeath child.
Demys (5) is a Duseam child. (or DustDream)
Abysiram (6) is a Reapmare child. (or Deathmare)
All of them belong to me !
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goldenrose443 · 5 years
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Al fin!! Aquí está la portada de la segunda temporada de Sweet Medicine!!! Estoy felíz de haber terminado ese libro qwq pero me alegra mucho de que a todos les haya gustado!! Y aquí está, la segunda temporada! ♡
Ya está el primer capitulo, espero que les guste ♡
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Ship kids....
{(Ship Kids.)
Sweven (Hatedream kid)(adorable/demonic bean
(I don’t have a colored ref for anyone yet... :( ..)
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Clash (Afterdust kid) (apathetic/calm boi)
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Rouge (Feno kid) (edgy/nice gal.)
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Rebellion (Another Feno kid) (edgy boi)
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Riot (ANOTHER Feno kid) (nice/stressed boi)
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Tera (Horrordream kid) (happy bean)
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Zerox (Crerror kid) (edgy/sensitive boi)
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Strife (Dustdream kid) (bipolar depression boi)
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*I really need to redraw these... ._.
Slate (Killerdeath kid) (sadistic/humorous boi)
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Reeee I have to do this in parts!!!! ugHhHh
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carelesscreativity · 3 years
DustDream Warmth & Comfort Because I Had A Need
(SFW, Angst, Fluff)
Dust was always so... cold. It couldn’t be helped, considering where he came from. His AU was desolate. Cold in every area, including the Core. There had been no other monsters for miles around for so long. Even when he’d been brought to Nightmare’s castle, the cold hadn’t gone away. He always slightly trembled when he was standing still and the chill from his AU seemed to have settled right inside of his bones. Some days, it was easier to bear than others. This was not one of those days.
He stumbled through the rain as the voices in his head grew louder. He was approaching the castle, but it wasn’t Nightmare’s. Already, he could see one of the doors opening and the light piercing through the dreariness. The voices were so loud and he was SO cold. He saw a silhouette approaching him in the rain and it reached out to him. Dust trembled and stopped as he felt the warm, gloved hand on his cheek and stared into wide, golden eyes. Dream quickly turned and led him into the castle. He pulled Dust out of the rain and shut the door, immediately seeming worried.
Dream sat Dust down on one of the small benches in the entryway, summoning a towel to his hands. Dream ignited his own magic, immediately drying himself and his clothes. “I didn’t know you were coming today. I would’ve gone to get you!” Dream kneeled in front of him, gently wiping the rainwater from his face. “Dust, you’re drenched.” He seemed dismayed as he noticed the way Dust’s eyes couldn’t really fix on him. He quickly placed the towel to the side, slipping both of his hands up to cup Dust’s cheeks. They were warm.
They were warm and Dust immediately pressed into them, closing his eyes. He could feel soothing pulses start to emanate from Dream’s gloved hands, temporarily calming the demons screaming in Dust’s skull. Slowly but surely, Dust managed to actually focus on the other. Dream perked up a little, giving a smile that was just as warm as his touch. “There you are.” Dream sounded relieved, gently rubbing circles on Dust’s cheeks with his thumbs. Dust gave a tiny shiver and Dream blinked.
Dust craved that warmth. He’d felt it for the first time in battle when he’d gotten close enough to grab Dream and the guardian had whispered in shock that Dust was so cold. Dust had let him go like Dream had electrocuted him, quickly disappearing from the battle. He’d arrived at Dream’s castle later that day to seek out his warmth again. It had become a bit of a normal thing for them, though both of them were sure Nightmare would be pissed. Especially since their relationship had evolved a little further as well. Dust gave another small shiver as he saw those disapproving, burning eyes of his beheaded brother floating over Dream’s shoulder.
Dream blinked and gently tapped Dust’s cheeks with his thumbs, piecing together what was wrong. “Don’t look at him. Look at me.” Dust managed to drag his eyes over from Papyrus to Dream and he instinctively relaxed a little. Dream gave another comforting smile before leaning up and gently pressing their foreheads together. “I’ll take you up to my room and put your clothes in the dryer, alright?” His voice was soft and soothing. Dust loved hearing it. He gave a quiet nod, closing his eyes as he felt them teleport.
He was suddenly sitting on something much softer than the bench. He opened his eyes, reaching out and sliding his hands over the silky sheets of Dream’s bed. They were comfortingly familiar and Dream giggled softly. He stood up and gently reached out, hooking his fingers into Dust’s scarf. “Is this okay?” He asked, not daring to move it unless Dust was comfortable. Dust twitched for a moment as he stared at Dream’s hand before giving a small, trembling nod. Dream carefully unwrapped the scarf, folding it and setting it to the side.
He turned back, only to stop in surprise as Dust held out the soaked jacket to him, having taken it off himself. “Oh! Thank you!” Dream beamed at him, feeling the pride in his chest. He knew Dust was very protective about his clothes and his body. He was allowing himself to be vulnerable to Dream and the guardian was honored. He took the jacket before squeaking as Dust hugged him tightly. Dust gave a small breath that sounded similar to a laugh as Dream flushed in embarrassment from the funny noise he’d made.
He blinked as Dust buried his head against his shoulder, trying to press himself against Dream as much as possible. He was shaking so bad. Dream had been about to say that he needed to go put Dust’s clothes in the dryer but the first muted sob stopped him. He immediately moved to the bed with Dust, sitting down with him and wrapping the blanket around the both of them. He activated his magic, allowing the heat to remain trapped in the blanket as Dust cried quietly into his shoulder.
Dream rubbed his back and Dust’s stained fingers curled into his shoulders. Dust only cried like this when the chill in his bones became painful and the voices were loud enough to drown out everything else. Dream closed his eyes and pressed his teeth to the side of Dust’s head, sending more of his soothing magic through the other. He could feel that Dust was hurting and he didn’t want that for him. He held Dust for several more minutes. Finally, Dust weakly tugged at him.
Dream pulled back to meet his gaze, only to blush vividly as he felt Dust’s teeth against his own. He felt his entire body warm up and Dust pressed against him even more. Dream held him for another few moments before speaking. “Hey...” He cupped Dust’s cheek again and he gave another gentle smile. “How about we lay down for a bit, okay? We can... I know you don’t like this word since it’s embarrassing, but... we can cuddle?”
As he expected, Dust’s cheeks flushed quietly and he looked away. He almost seemed to be trying to hide his face against Dream’s palm as he nodded and the other watched him with a small urge to giggle. The voices in Dust’s head seemed to be quieting down as he focused more and more on the pulses Dream was sending from his hand. “Here.” Dream gently took him by the shoulders and moved up to the head of the bed, settling both of them down against the pillows.
Dream tugged the covers over them before his fading blush reignited again. Dust had wrapped his arms around his torso and buried his face against Dream’s sternum. He mumbled in his raspy, slurred voice that Dream was always so warm. Dream gently hugged him back and sighed. He assumed Dust would be spending the night again and that always made him nervous. He didn’t want anything to happen to Dust, but he knew Nightmare would be less than pleased if he ever found out.
But, looking down at him and seeing the way Dust was snuggled against him, Dream couldn’t find it in his soul to tell Dust to leave. He liked being the one that Dust went to for warmth. He liked being with Dust. In a way, he understood the appeal of having something so dangerous within his grasp. But unlike his brother, he wanted to help Dust, not weaponize him. He gently stroked his hand over Dust’s skull and the other released that sound that Dream always loved hearing from him.
A soft purring noise slowly started up against Dream’s chest and it immediately brought a smile to the guardian’s face. But Dream knew this moment wouldn’t last much longer. He was waiting because he knew one more thing always happened before Dust was really able to rest. Sure enough, he saw Dust’s brow furrow and his purr slowly died down. A whimper took its place and Dream could feel the chill of Dust’s body through his glove. He quickly upped his pulses, making them as soothing as possible.
Dust’s mind had started screaming again. He wasn’t sure why it always did this right when he was finally about to relax and it frustrated him to no end. He screwed his eyes shut and he felt hands gently pull him up by his arms. They were so warm. Dust’s entire body was freezing like he had frostbite. His bones were completely locked up and he was on the verge of breaking down into another sobbing fit. He wanted to scream.
He wanted to scream at the coldness in his bones. He wanted to scream at the voices in his head. He just wanted to have one night where he could just sleep without problem against someone who brought him warmth. Dust wanted to finally feel like he deserved this.He hasn’t realized he’d started crying until he felt thumbs brush under his eye sockets. “Shhh... shhh...” He became aware of that sweet, lulling voice and tried to focus through his teary vision. It kept pulsing and all he could do was stare behind Dream at the silhouettes of everyone he’d ever killed. All of them were glaring, staring and whispering.
“DUST!” Dust snapped back to look at Dream, who immediately apologized for raising his voice. Dust was breathing heavily and he hadn’t even realized he was on the verge of hyperventilation. Dream’s soothing pulses continued to flood through his body. “Hey, you’re here. You’re here with me, okay?” Dream leaned forward and pressed his teeth to his forehead. “You’re doing well. You came back so much faster this time.”
He pressed his teeth to his forehead again. “I’m so proud of you.” Dream moved down and pressed another kiss to his cheek. “You are so strong.” He pressed another to his ‘nose.’ “So beautiful.” Dust was trembling, but it was no longer from fear. Finally, Dream pressed his teeth against Dust’s and Dust immediately reciprocated, his arms sliding up around Dream’s neck. Dream smiled against him, murmuring that it was okay. He kept their bodies firmly pressed together, even when they had both pulled away from the kiss.
Dust’s trembling was calming and after a moment, he was able to easily rest against him again. Dream’s hand was still rubbing his back and Dust nearly cried since he hadn’t realized how much he needed the unspoken comfort. Nonverbal praise affected him so much more and he finally felt a burst of warmth from his own soul. Dust looked up to meet Dream’s eyes and he could see so many things he didn’t understand in those golden eyelights.
Affection, warmth... was that...? Dust felt his cheeks flush. Pride. Was Dream proud of him?? Dust couldn’t help but stare up at him with wide eyes. Dream stared back, tipping his head in confusion. Dust scrunched up his shoulders and quickly avoided his gaze, feeling a little pissed at himself for being so easily flustered. He just... He really liked when Dream was proud of him. He blinked as he felt one of Dream’s hands back against his cheek, turning his head to face the guardian once more. “Dust? Are you alright?”
Dream’s voice was soft and hushed, but unlike the whispers Dust was used to, Dream’s voice was relaxing and welcome. He loved hearing it. He loved hearing him. He would never be able to say any of this out loud, but he didn’t have to because Dream could feel it all. Dust gave a flushed nod, Dream perking up in relief. The guardian was happy and his bones had taken on a slight golden glow, making him even warmer. Dust’s eyes widened and his fingers twitched as they curled into Dream’s shoulders again. He pressed his body up against Dream’s immediately, soaking in the warmth like he was sunbathing. It felt so good. Dream felt so good.
The warmth was making him hazy and Dust huddled against Dream once more, his sockets becoming half-lidded. Dream went back to gently stroking his skull and Dust’s eyes closed as that purr started back up in his throat. He would only ever make this noise for Dream. Dust felt so warm. He could barely hear the whispers and they were drowned out by the steady thump of Dream’s soul and Dust’s own purring. He was a little embarrassed to admit it was lulling him to sleep. But he didn’t have any time to be embarrassed before he slipped into the comfortable darkness.
Dream heard the purr stop, but he knew there was no cause for alarm anymore. He stopped stroking Dust’s head and just held the other against him. Dust looked so much happier when he was asleep and Dream’s soul ached for him. He closed his eyes, hugging the other. He knew Dust was broken and somethings weren’t meant to be fixed, but he could at least hold him together. He would do it as long as Dust needed. He just hoped he could be there when Dust was finally able to hold himself on his own.
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