torchtour · 14 days
hi, i have a quesTIon. have you MaybE goTten a new bOok recently? GETting a neW book is a grEat way to bond wIth fRienDs.
and i bet you Would love to Read It wiTh your nEw YellOw bUddy. theRe’s this New book thAt just caME out called WKH ERRN RI ELOO. i highly recommend it! (^ ^)
iM currently reAding cormac mccarthy's blood meridiaN anD i gEt the distinct impression that my Lovely BRick laden muse wOuld enjoy iT 🌈🌈🌈
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
barbara gordon is such a girlboss and so much stronger than me bc if vampire king dick visited me in my dreams and was utterly obsessed with me i would fold 😔
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misalpav · 1 year
🎶 jaya srinivasa jaya venkatesha vrusha shailanatha sri padmanabha vaikunthanatha jaya jaya jaya vishwateja rajadhiraja tava jaya jaya jaya devadi deva jaya vasudeva sri ramachandra jaya kalkiroopa shaureesha modha byri ninadha jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya 🎶
🎶 mammu kachina vaadu maa manasu dochina vaadu mangalakarudu maa srinivasudu 🎶
and u my bestie, on this very fine day, have made a very good cinematic decision. feel free to pat yourself on the back, sit back, relax, and enjoy the next 2-3 hours of your life
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pillukorva · 9 months
Sinä helvetin kusimutteri joka oot varastanu mun nimen tuu tänne ni vedän sua turpaan
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mthevlamister · 1 year
my least favorite emotion is anger, but boy howdy am I feeling it
I had to talk myself down from punching a wall, which is frustrating because I don't want to be that aggressive. I don't want to live up to that stereotype of "man punches wall" or whatever.
So I'm blaming my period, because usually when I get mad, I want to hide away in shame for feeling anger, so obviously it's hormones--
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volleyballpics · 2 years
Roteraben gegen Potsdam - DVV-Pokal
Roteraben gegen Potsdam - DVV-Pokal
QUELLE: http://volleyball.hboxleitner.de/?p=663
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khaotickoins · 5 months
HELLO VVe can NOT find a transbugvvinged flag / coining term , specifically TransMantisVVinged { even MORe specifically TransOrchidMantisVVinged but vve dont expect that dvv } and vve love your flags so vve wanted to request that if possible ?? Its not about kin or alterhumanity or vvhatever its called { srry genuinely dont knovv the terms }
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Transbugwinged transmantiswinged and transorchidmantiswinged
one who feels as though they should have bug/mamtis/orchid mantis wings
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yellow-lemon-lime · 1 year
Shout out to the hairdresser today, who not only was very friendly and welcoming and gave me a sick new hair colour
But she also did all the right things when speaking to a foreigner trying to learn her language (Finnish)
She was more than happy to speak Finnish with me. Often times when Finns hear my accent or I'm struggling to find the right word, they will just switch to English, and I understand why like in places like the Dr's office or the DVV, where it's important that all parts understand what's being said. Or sometimes at stores to make service go faster, and usually a visit to the store doesn't take more than 30 minutes at max (and that's only if my boyfriend and I have decided to go browsing the entire store, and he speaks Finnish so I rarely have to open my mouth when we're at a store together) The hairdresser appointment I had took about 2-ish hours or so, so it wasn't a short visit, which meant there was a chance for actual dialogue, maybe not heavy language topics, but we talked about things like, how I like living in Finland, differences between Denmark and Finland, what Denmark is known for (LEGO, HC Andersen) what I like about Finland, my job goals etc. 2. She spoke in a slower manner, without going real slow and being condescending. This made it relatively easy for me to understand her, despite not knowing every single word, sure I misunderstood a few times, but then she just rephrased the question or repeated it in English, and then I would reply in Finnish. 3. She corrected my mistakes in a positive manner. I read often how some foreigners apparently hate it when native speakers correct their mistakes, and part of me understands why, because sorry to say, some cultures in the world are rather rude when it comes to not speaking their language perfectly (not mentioning any names), but then again, making a mistake can change the whole meaning of a sentence. Like "minä tapaan minun ystävä" vs "minä tapan minun ystävä". When I said something that wasn't perfectly conjugated or the right plural or whatever, she would still nod and indicate that she understood what I meant, and when she would repeat the word the way it's supposed to be.
Oh, and did I mention, the hair colour's awesome?
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irenewsky · 1 year
Just what is it with the Honkai games and Finnish names? First we have Welt Yang whose real name is Joachim Nokianvirtanen* and now we have Sampo Koski. These are some very Finnish names, especially Sampo’s.
Sampo is not only a common Finnish first name but it is also the name of a magical object which could grant you riches in the Finnish national epic poem Kalevala (from the early 1800s).
Koski is just a common surname which roughly translates to ’rapids’.
What’s more interesting is that these two names have been put together. In Kalevala, there is this character called Louhi from Pohjola (the North) who fights with Väinämöinen for the sampo while on a boat at the sea. So the fact that they’ve paired the name ’Sampo’ with the name ’Koski’ is either just one hell of a coincidence or a wellplayed Kalevala reference by Hoyoverse. Or then I’m just reading too much into it.
*Joachim Nokianvirtanen is an interesting one, and also a little funny, since no one in Finland is actually named Nokianvirtanen. Like, that’s not a real last name according to our Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV). Hoyo seems to just have taken our most well known brand, which is Nokia, and one of our most common last names, which is Virtanen, and glued them together. Although, Nokianvirta is a river in Finland, so I guess there’s that. It is also worth pointing out that Joachim isn’t that usual of a name for a Finn. In fact, according to DVV, it is an extremely rare name. While Joachim might not be a Finnish name in sense, we do have a bit more of Finnish-y version of it, which is Joakim, and there are a good number of people who have Joakim as their name.
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heftynavy · 1 month
So, the shipgirls here will be.. let's see. USS Vestal USS Baltimore SN Sevastopol (Gangut class) FFNF Jeanne d'Arc DVV Kasumi (DOA Collab) DVV Honoka HLN Sora Tokino (Hololive Collab) HLN Fubuki Sirakami HLN Mio Ookami
Will I add pictures? Maybe, when I'm not lazy.
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Sorry I don’t have the nice digital panels but. I know everybody was talking about the last page of Love’s Lightning Heart (for good reason), but can we just take a moment to appreciate the panel layout here and throughout the rest of the story please I just think it’s neat.
Rant about page design below!
Like there is not a single page in LLH that is entirely composed of standard square/rectangular panels, and the closest it gets is the famed last page, when Ray comes back (a return to normalcy both for the characters and the layout), though it’s still not completely “straight,” because the lives of Red Racer and Flashlight will never be completely normal. The non traditional layout also parallels the fact that this is an alternate universe where things work differently, and there’s probably something about when pages are symmetrical or not that represents something that I don’t want to put the effort into analyzing. And obviously this page is flower shaped to emulate the fact that Hank’s on Soul Sucking Flower World. I love storytelling and I love when storytelling is aided by something as simple as panel layout!!! Like I’ve only gotten into comics over the last couple of months and I haven’t even read that many in that time but my favorite thing about the medium is how there is a distinct idea of what “normal” looks like and how the choice to either follow that or break the pattern influences how the story is perceived.
Some other interesting uses of panel layout that I’ve seen and liked, just because while I’m here I may as well commit to the topic:
-Midnighter (2015) does a good job of using layout to add to the dynamicism of fight scenes and also to place emphasis on when he’s doing Head Computer Things
- This is part Otto Schmidt’s art and part page design, but Babs’s dream sequence in DC vs Vampires #8 in particular, though the rest of DVV does make interesting choices
- Literally any time that Barry Allen taps into the Speedforce to think and we get the cool focus on him while all of his thoughts surround him in little panels
Like yeah!! Use the medium to its full potential!!
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veryberrysproutling · 1 month
Vruub, FVkliw edfn dw lw zlwk wkh fuhhsb dvv dvnv.
Wh...What?? I'm afraid I don't understand- is this a code? Or...
(gah- what are they called...)
Oh! Is this a sort of- cipher? Hmm...I'm not well educated in these. Maybe this could go to Vee instead? She was always the techy, codey one out of us.
I feel uneasy reading this, though...
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warningsine · 2 days
Colombia's government has halted peace talks with the leftist rebel group the National Liberation Army (ELN) following an attack on a military base which left two soldiers dead and more than two dozen injured.
"Today the peace process is on hold. Its viability is severely diminished and its continuation can only go ahead with an unequivocal demonstration of peace by the ELN," government negotiators said on social media platform X on Wednesday.
The attack — blamed on the ELN — occurred on Tuesday in a rural part of Colombia's Arauca province, near the border with Venezuela.
Officials said the attackers detonated explosives in a truck at the army base.
Petro's peace policy suffers blow
The decision to suspend peace negotiations is a huge blow to President Gustavo Petro's key policy of "total peace."
Petro's quest for "total peace" has looked to remove the ELN from its role in the country's six-decades-long internal armed conflict.
"This is an attack that practically closes a peace process, with blood," the president said on Tuesday.
There has been no immediate statement from the ELN.
The ELN has stepped up attacks on military targets since August, after it chose to not renew a cease-fire in place from 2023.
Colombia's military has also resumed operations against the rebels.
The suspension of peace talks suggests the reissue of arrest warrants for the guerrilla group's top commanders who, according to the government, are currently based in Venezuela and Cuba.
dvv/jsi (AFP, Reuters)
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pictureamoebae · 4 months
Hi! 😄
Trying to use reshade on Disney Dreamlight Valley, and the I’m using a YouTube video for all games as I haven’t found a tutorial for strictly DDV. The first problem I’ve ran into is I’m apparently supposed to click home when I get to the menu of the game but nothing pops up so I can’t even get past that. It shows everything downloaded in the DDV files tho. 😅 never done this before so I’m very confused. Thanks!
I haven't played DVV so I'm not sure if it has any quirks or special requirements for ReShade.
Still, for general troubleshooting, make sure that you've installed ReShade into the same folder where the main DVV exe is located.
Does the ReShade banner come up at the top when you start the game? If so, then ReShade is at least installed in the correct place.
If it doesn't show up despite being in the correct location, make sure you've selected the correct rendering api as part of the installation process. You know the part where it asks you to choose between directx 9/10/11/12 or OpenGL/Vulkan? If you choose the wrong one of those ReShade won't load.
You can usually find out the rendering api of most games on PC Gaming Wiki. Here's the page for Disney Dreamlight Valley. It seems to suggest it supports Direct X 10 and 11.
If you're certain everything is installed correctly and the banner is showing up as expected but you still can't open the ReShade menu, you can change the Home key to something else just in case DVV is blocking the use of that for some reason.
Open reshade.ini in a text file and look for the INPUT section.
You'll see a line that says
36 is the javascript keycode for Home. You can change that to something else.
Check the game's hotkeys to find something that isn't already assigned to a command. For example, a lot of games use F5 to quick save, and F9 to quick load, so you might need to avoid using those. In TS4 at the moment I use F6 to open the overlay, because it's not assigned to anything in the game. You can choose whatever you want. You can find a list of javascript keycodes here. F6, for example, is 117, so you'd change the line to read
But you can choose whatever you want. Just remember to check it isn't already used by the game.
Note: you can usually do this in the ReShade menu, but since it isn't opening for you at the moment this is a way to change that key manually
Beyond that, I'm not sure what would be stopping the menu from opening. If you've exhausted the options above, you can try asking over in the official ReShade discord server. Please give them as much information as possible in as clear and uncluttered and to-the-point language as possible to increase your chances of someone being able (and willing) to help.
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theboyandthepeach · 6 months
Yil! Vknhkrhr! Mz's pi rknmt! Aqsklrv unh sw ql wkvhvrp dykrlij xb cuu! Dvv xuixe ombi bxneu cfy'f mt tki Umfxurwmfr Jsxlg? Ozieet sdmu xuez yry rvrr'z tki frr lk mhx. Rrq ggn bsl xnok tkmekf/tkospv ma cuuu vveyq? Gng ecwb, anaw eii lsar sprrf jur Nmbm nrj tki Jyonagdxzsa elthv psh kut wlvq? Nrj tkie... gnr O bh ee efwucleki gs eox? -Frrqeta Zeuhyi Jeh
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Klrvk skslpqr'z bh eec bxneuw fj zi. Zhh gcsfiyt wlzrt M qnra fj vw zhh Simtmtao Sei cpgnqmek gs sani r gbte oi qv, esxkr L arw oetivlvh gs zhh Hzwgsxtlse Abvrd gyv xb qe vlsciagk. Av jfv ovonjmek glonjw fzrv, unoc Gsxisoq ays pet tuemiewk dlqvrfmunv grr qs zhdx. Wse xne Vysnhkgtlse, M fmspoc neaxkd ws kingn hlq r prwyoq. M nshpj slqgpl xgkh Ozieet azep jess hlq, jmagk tki Jyonagdxzsa zglxiu lvq yo girvyc.
//Translation under cut
Hey! Renegade! It's me again! Another one of my several queries to you! Are there like other you's in the Distortion World? Kieran said that you aren't the one he met. And can you take things/people in your realm? And also, what are your plans for Kiki and the Subjugation after you got them? And then... can I be an associate to you? -Bandana Waddle Dee
There shouldn't be any others of me. The closest thing I know of is the Original One planning to make a copy of me, after I was banished to the Distortion World due to my violence. As for bringing things over, only Pokémon who can traverse dimensions can do that. For the Subjugation, I simply wanted to teach him a lesson. I would simply take Kieran away from him, since the Subjugation valued him so dearly.
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abyssling · 2 years
⚠️DC vs Vampires #12 Spoilers⚠️Random ending feeling talking
So let's talk about the ending. Straight to the point, I didn't really get the purpose of the end. Barbara takes the throne and becomes the new lead, then leave humanity to what… hope? You mean Kara? Ok now it looks like you suppose to write an 800 words essay but you notice the topic after you have done 750 words already, and the topic is "Dawn of DC".
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Honestly, I don't know why DC wants to make every elseworlds connected or slightly stick to the prime world. It's not officially said that DvV is connected to the main story, but the ending title "Dawn" gave me the first thought of it. And have a look at the neighbor issue <Dark Knight of Steel>, it is labeled as Earth-118 in <Dark Crisis Big Bang>. Who knows what's next on the menu?
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Back to the #12 story itself. As a DickBabs fan, I can not say I didn't enjoy the bittersweet content between my two sweet potatoes. Dick Grayson looks stunning in his dramatic leather coat that we have seen several times and I still wanna thank whoever designed this for him, you did a gods job.😇 Babs on the other hand very predictable, she tricks Dick with a soft point and makes her "feed Grayson anything he never looks what he eats anyway" plans work. To me, it's quite disappointing that the story ends in a lover's way but the family's way. As I said earlier, this story begins with Batfamily. The tragedy caused by Dick's family, it will be perfect if it ends with the family (Damian). That will be the lesson you learn to go with your brain but your kidney.
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We have two characters who got their one-shot issues, Harley and Damian. Harley played her character as the poison blood, very important very badass. But what does Damian do? He fights Grayson once and in the end he just… waits downstairs? Damian should be a more useful character in the final battle.
If anyone remembers there are a few interesting foreshadowing such as bringing back Bruce with Lazarus Pit and magicians trying to reverse the vampirism. I was kinda looking forward to those contents but they just snapped.🥲 (You don't even give Bruce a proper burial?? Look at his half and broken body.🥲)
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Another unbearable fact, don't wanna be rude but what's wrong with all the guys in this story? Half of them were torn apart with one take, good guys are keep sacrificed for protecting the big guns. Even Superman can't stand till last. (Where the hell did you get the Kryptonite sword? Batcave? And I was hoping Supes will stand by Dick's side or something? That will be cool.)
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Let's see the big guns. We got:
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Barbara, Kara, Starfire, Harley Quinn, Mary, and Jayna. All girl's power, I'm not blaming anything, but Grayson are you keeping all the badass manpower to yourself but your family and… Green Arrow? What's on your mind?🤔
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Let's just say, I will give 6.5/10 for the whole DC vs Vampires arc. The story is twisty, the storyline is brave, and has some not-so-good character personality writing. Mainly because it brings out too many characters at once and can't focus on the group of its skeleton. We got a very handsome (but not so smart) Dick Grayson as Vampire King and let him be taken down by his lover. Old clich but suited for the dramatic. I still kinda want Dick to win the battle. Anyway, it's a good year for Nightwing fans and DickBabs fans already. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
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