#dying light karim
fan art i drew of karim dying in a glue trap
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dicktat · 2 years
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(Slight Spoiler Ahead if you haven’t played)
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Good morning may I offer you more cursed dying light textposts in this trying time
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alexmiller23 · 1 year
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They're happy
*call of duty dying light:stay human AU
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dott-fox · 8 months
I love husband #3!!!
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wordsarelife · 8 months
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pairing: george karim x gn!reader
summary: george admires you deeply. not only because you're his partner, but because you have an extraordinary gift
warnings: slightly suggestive if you squint, mentions of dying, ghosts, the usual
note: i just noticed, that this was probably the last george fic i'll ever write. it was so fun to write and i love george with all my heart. i hope you guys like it!!
the stairs were rusty and every bit of wood was making a sound when you were walking over it. george was following you and even though you knew it were his steps behind you, they still made you turn around and check. just to be sure.
lockwood and lucy were inspecting the first floor of the house, while you had decided to accompany your boyfriend upstairs, feeling like a type two wasn't far away.
george had been impressed by your ghost fighting skills ever since you had joined lockwood and co. you were one of a kind, able to talk to ghosts and calm them down.
george had been a bit suspicious of you when you had told him and lockwood what you could do.
"sure" george had said "you know, when it gets dark i can fly"
lockwood had noticed the look you where sending his friend and had known right in that moment that the two of you were a match made in heaven. or at least thats what he liked to claim.
in reality he had to seperate the both of you, because you kept making each other more angry.
after your first case george had apologized to you and the rest was history.
"do you have the chain?" you turned around to look at him
he patted the bag hanging from his shoulder. you could hear the silver clinging and nodded relieved. "good"
he followed you into one of the bedrooms and closed the door. he put down the bag and started laying down the chain, while you inspected the walls. "not long" you mumbled while checking the temperature.
"i can feel it too" george got up from the ground and watched you closely. you closed your eyes, feeling over the walls and hearing voices fill the room. you gasped, walking backwards, right into george's arms.
"what is it?" he asked worriedly.
"it was an accident" you mumbled "she isn't angry"
as if on cue, a ghost emerged from the wall. she was flowing in front of you in a constant motion.
"then what is she?" george voice slipped into a light panic.
"sad" you answered softly.
even without your special talent, you were able to notice that the ghost in front of you was the opposite of angry. she wasn't even coming closer. her long hair was flowing in the air and her eyes looked so regretful you almost wanted to pack everything up and leave her alone.
"hello" you said instead.
she looked confused at your try to talk with her.
"i'm y/n" you continued. you pointed behind you "this is george"
george raised his hand hesitantely "ehh, hi!"
"and you're maddy, right?" you asked and the ghost smiled "your mum told us about you" what she left out was any information about how her daughter had died. now you were wishing she hadn't. the eyes of the little girl made you so sad, you almost couldn't concentrate. but you had to.
"yeah" george added, unsure if she could understand him as well. but you had told him she could, as long as he was holding onto your hand.
that was another extraordinary thing george had noticed. you were even able to share your talent, by touching other people. he could only admire you for using your power. he had never met someone less scared of ghosts than you. not even lockwood.
no ghost could scare you, he thought. not even wraiths. most of them would calm down by your presence alone. maybe it was that they had no one to talk to before, or it was just something about you. maybe your smile or your kindness that they could feel and would keep them from hurting you.
"mum" maddy repeated and george's eyes grew soft when he heard her voice. it was a lot to see a young girl as a ghost, but her voice tore his heart open.
"yes" you smiled sympathetically. "she moved, that's why she's been gone"
"because of me?" maddy asked.
you shook your head. "no, sweetheart. she wanted to take her with you, but she didn't know how, so she called us"
maddy smiled.
it was true what you were saying. her mum had been too scared to hurt her or destroy the ghost form of her daughter, while she had sworn that she was a friendly ghost. but she wasn't sure how she would react to the strange agents in her house. she had thought that maddy would be angry perhaps. that's why you came as prepared as you were.
lockwood had promised the woman to safely secure her daughters source, so she could take her with her.
"teddy" maddy said simply. your eyes wandered around the room, until they landed on a chair, a little teddybear sitting on top of it.
"this one?" you asked, picking up the bear.
maddy nodded.
"okay" you smiled. "we will put it under this net. you will be gone for some time, but we will give it to your mum and when you wake up, she will be there, okay?"
"okay" maddy said and george was surprised how easy it was to deal with her. almost too easy. as if on cue, you could hear loud sounds from downstairs.
"the man" maddy said fearfully
"what man, maddy?" you asked, hearing lucy cry out your name "you have to tell us, okay?"
"the angry man" maddy said again "he is screaming and he is mean"
"it's alright, sweetheart" you tried to calm her. george had never seen a ghost be scared before. "wrap her source" you took out the silver net and held it in george's direction. "we will make him leave" you assured maddy "and you will be with your mum"
"okay" maddy nodded and the next second she was gone.
"what now?"
"we have to get rid of an angry man" you smiled, leaving the room and dashing down the stairs to help your friends.
lucy and lockwood were in the middle of a fight with the ghost, when you entered the living room. "y/n" lucy called relieved "maybe you can-" she jumped to the side, escpaping a chair the ghost had swung at her "talk to him"
"i'm not sure that will work" lockwood panted, throwing a few saltbombs. "it won't take him long to come back" he fixed his suit.
"we have to find the source" you turned to george, who nodded at that. "you go" you told lucy and lockwood "we will take care of him"
"are you sure?" lockwood asked and you nodded, making a gesture for them to leave the room. "okay" lockwood said "we'll be quick"
"i know" george took his position next to you
"how about some netflix and chill after this?" you asked as soon as your friends had left the room
"y/n!" the shock on george's face made you giggle
"what?" you laughed "a perfectly normal question if you ask me"
"you are always flirting in near death situations" george rolled his eyes
"yeah" you smiled smugly "but it got you to sleep with me, didn't it?"
"oh my god" george hid his face in his hands
"shit" your words made him look up. the ghost was slowly materialising again. you losened your belt, holding it in george's direction
"are you getting undressed?" george asked and his voice seemed to be a pitch higher than usual
"no" you dragged the word out "the belt is filled with saltbombs. i want you to get behind him and throw it, in case my plan doesn't work"
"what plan?"
"just do it, darling" george complied hesitantely, but did eventually walk across the room, behind the patch where the ghost was slowly coming back.
"hello" you muttered "maddy already told us about you"
"a talker" the ghost bid back, in a voice that send shivers down your spine. he seemed to be intrigued by you, which held him back from attacking you. well at least for now. "did she now?"
"she's scared of you"
"did you destroy her?" he was a lot calmer than he was before, george noticed, so he relaxed a bit, having new found trust in your abilities
"no" you said, truthfully "her mum is moving. she couldn't leave her behind" you explained "where did you come from? you weren't mentioned"
"i wasn't mentioned?" he repeated, laughing sarcastically "this is my house. i was here before any of you were even born" he screamed the last part and george was ready to throw the belt.
not yet, you mouthed in his direction. "we want to find your source. you'll be at peace" you said
"you want to destroy me" the ghost corrected angrily, but to george's surprise you didn't falter at his tone, but rather matched it.
"we want to save you" you said between clenched teeth "there's a clear difference there. let us help"
"you can't fool me" the ghost laughed
"fighting me is a lost cause" you crossed your arms "we got the best listener in the country. she will find your source and any fight will be in vain"
"you're foolish" the ghost muttered "you can talk to us and you don't use it for bigger things? we could rule the world" he clenched his fist, raising it diabotically.
"sorry" you smiled "i have a date at seven"
in the exact same second, as the ghost began charging at you, lucy called from the next room. do it you mouthed in george's direction. "contain it!" you called to the next room, moving on your feet quickly, to dodge the ghost's closer coming form.
george threw the saltbombs and a second later, the ghost disappeared. lockwood and lucy came back into the room. lucy held up the silver net, which was wrapped around a book.
"the bible" she said "who would've thought?"
"i don't care about his source" you shrugged your shoulders "let's get maddy back to her mum"
your friends nodded. leaving the house close behind you. ghosts like the second one where the true threat to your world, but maddy was the opposite. you didn't use your powers in a wrong way, like the man had claimed. you were doing the right thing with them. helping people who weren't able to help themselves.
on the way out you interlaced yours and george's fingers, thankful that the world you were living in had at least brought you both together.
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chemicallywrit · 4 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! School is out for me, so I can finally rest. Oh man. I needed the rest. It's great to sit there an not move, isn't it? And I got to listen to so many good podcasts this week as well, it really made the last week of school a treat. Let's take a look:
🍔 I feel like every new episode of @midnightburgr is a precious little gem, and this one is no different. I love getting to see pre-found-family Casper. You can't escape the found family, idiot, get cherished! It's been good to watch his character development throughout the show, and then seeing this little missing piece of it that he doesn't quite remember answers several questions about him. I love him. He's the worst and I love him. Alongside each of the three sisters, this season is promising to be absolutely fascinating.
📼 Oh The Magnus Protocol, you never disappoint. I want to run this episode by the teenagers I know to see what they think of it, because I understood what the influencer was saying, but I know many adults who absolutely would not. Like, I'm on this website. Meanwhile, Alice rejecting help is setting her up for something truly awful and I dread what her fate may be. It's delicious.
👻 @monstrousproductions's Travelling Light is often so soft and good--I neglected to include last week's episode on the AD Sunday write-up, like a FOOL, even though it made me CRY--but this episode settles into a gorgeous little ghost story that's honestly the logical conclusion of creative sentients in space. I loved it. On top of that, there's this tiny morsel of Óli's backstory that I am DYING to know more about. I can't wait for the next ep.
🪲 @cryptonature always hits just right, but this last episode was everything I want in the world. MOSS TIDE MOSS TIDE MOSS TIDE
🧛🏻‍♂️What a treat it is to listen to @re-dracula along with everyone this year. I am loving everyone's analysis and thoughts this go-round and I am once again appreciating the work of Ben Galpin and Karim Kronfli in creating just the most horrific character dynamic. I know droughtula is imminent, so there's still plenty of time to catch up. Join us, join us, join us--
✂️ In Hannah news, Inn Between is starting to wrap up for the season! This week brings the penultimate episode, which is definitely totally fine and won't bode ill for any beloved party members of the Lowlifes. We'll also see the last episode of "Run Rabbit" on The Dead, and I'm so pleased with my actors' work, so I can't wait to hear what the sound wizards have done with it.
Hey! This week is better than last as far as finances go--thanks to my beloveds for helping out--but if you like what I make or enjoyed reading this, would you consider leaving me a tip?
See y'all next week!
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cxdemistake · 1 year
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—Time slips away!
Burn out, don’t fade!
Dance on my grave!
I will never be them!—
Indie multimuse, multifandom blog.
Canon and OC muses present
Currently mobile-only
Semi-selective, semi-active
Open to asks and messages
More info (link to OCs, list of canon muses, writer info, and rules) under the cut.
OC Links
*Note: A few characters’ appearances/voices have changed, so make sure to check out the tags on the blog. OCs are tagged with “; (name)”— for example, my character Myarel is tagged with “; myarel” (no quotations).*
Canon Muses
*Note: Many of these muses aren’t listed on my muse page due to being unable to update said page from my phone. Muse tags vary. Some are tagged with fancy tags but I may switch between those and regular tags. They’re listed here in alphabetical order by fandom.*
**Edit: I’ve also marked which fandoms/muses are most active. Very active fandoms will be bolded, semi-active italic, and dormant/needing some time before interaction are regular text. I’ll also put an asterisk after new muses/muses I haven’t played yet. I beg that if a fandom isn’t bolded or italicized that you discuss it with me before sending something in or making a starter— I have a lot of muses and it takes time to get into the swing of new ones when I’m not in the right mindset!**
The Arcana: Asra Alnazar*, Julian Devorak, Portia Devorak*, Faust
American Gods: Mad Sweeney
Assassin’s Creed: Ezio Auditore da Firenze*, Aveline de Grandpré
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko*
Back 4 Blood: Karlee*, Evangelo*
Baldur’s Gate 3: Astarion*
Boondock Saints: Murphy MacManus*
Call of Duty: Simon “Ghost” Riley*, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish*
Chappie: Chappie*
Columbo: Lt. Frank Columbo*
Dead Island/Riptide: Sam B, John Morgan*
Detroit: Become Human: Connor, Markus*
Dirty Bomb: Vassili*
Disturbed (band): The Guy*
Dream Daddy: Damien Bloodmarch*, Robert Small*
Dying Light: Kyle Crane*, Rahim*, Karim*
FNAF: Cupcake
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie, Husk, Lucifer
Homestuck: Gamzee, Calsprite
I, Frankenstein: Adam
Into the Badlands: Baron Quinn*
Jet Set Radio Future: Yoyo*
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Jonathan Joestar*, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo*, Josuke Higashikata*, Giorno Giovanna*, Jolyne Cujoh*, Caesar Zeppeli
Kingdom Hearts: Axel
Left 4 Dead 2: Ellis, Nick
Marvel: Nightcrawler*, Moon Knight*, Eddie Brock/Venom*
Monster High: River Styxx*, Operetta*, Frankie Stein*
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington*
Obey Me!: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo
Onmyoji: Yasha*, Hiromasa*, Susabi*
Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow*
Portal: GLaDOS
Red Dead Redemption: John Marston*, Arthur Morgan*
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost*
Skullgirls: Valentine
Stardew Valley: Shane*
Steven Universe: Garnet*, Ruby*, Sapphire*, Sunstone*, Sardonyx*, Rainbow Quartz 2.0*
Spiritfarer: Gwen*
Suicide Squad: Diablo
Undertale/Deltarune: Papyrus, Sans, Susie*
Until Dawn: Chris*
The Village: Ivy Walker
Walking Dead/Fear: Negan Smith, Daryl Dixon, Morgan Jones, Shiva, Victor Strand*, Qaletaqa Walker*, Crazy Dog*
Warframe: Excalibur Umbra*
Warm Bodies: R, M
What We Do In The Shadows: Nandor the Relentless*, Viago*, Vladislav*
Info About The Writer
Hi! I’m Alistair— you can call me that, or you can use my username for pretty much everywhere else, TheetyPie/Theety. I don’t mind either way.
I’m a trans guy, I use he/they pronouns. I’m panromantic/asexual, and I’m 27 years old.
I have 3 cats, they’re my babies. I also (as you can tell from above) have a lot of OCs, and the number is still growing. I want to turn my ideas into a bigger creation someday, still not sure exactly where I want to go with it.
I do more than write. I do art, I like video games, music, and just collecting stuff. Current obsessions are Monster High, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, makeup, crystals, and jewelry.
The most important: I do not RP smut. In the past I’ve used the fade-to-black method, but I’m not entirely comfortable with that with most of my muses.
In the same vein, DO NOT FORCE SHIPS. I love ships as much as the next guy, but I would prefer to discuss it first, or for us to agree on it. It’s cool if your muse has a crush, totally fine— mine get crushes all the time! But make sure if you want to ship, we discuss it first.
In a similar vein to that one as well, no god-modding/powerplaying. If your character is strong, an immortal being, or whatever, cool! I have some of those too. But there should always be a limit. Don’t say your character is moving mine unless we’ve talked about that. Attempt to move them. Usually I follow along as long as boundaries aren’t pushed.
Don’t kill or seriously injure my muse without permission. Fights happen, of course, but again: discussion. I’m up for threads where my canon muses are injured or killed, but not where it happens to my OCs, unless we’re getting into a backstory and another OC that’s already deceased dies. Non-serious injuries are alright to come out of nowhere with, but if it’s a first meeting, I’d prefer to plot it out.
I’m semi-selective. I’m kind of particular about who I follow and who I thread with. I prefer us to be mutuals to thread, but you don’t have to be mutuals to send me things.
I’m very bad at keeping up with people. If you message me and I don’t respond, it’s usually bc I’m shy, I forgot, or I’m busy with work. It’s not you, I promise. Usually I don’t message first bc I’m nervous.
Back to shipping: I’m also multiship. Usually my ships are in different universes, unless discussed with all parties beforehand. The exception is a few of my OCs that are partnered together— ask about their availability. I love random ships, just talk to me about them!
I love duplicates of my muses. Whether it’s “x meets self” or I find someone I share a muse with, I love RPing with just about everyone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we have a muse in common!
One of my other most important statements, not really considered a rule, but it’s still important: if you want to know something about any muse, canon or OC, please tell me— ask or message me! I haven’t been able to write down a lot of info about any of them because I’m on mobile, but I will infodump for you if you need/want to know something. I love talking about my children, they’re precious to me.
If you send something in or make something for me when we haven’t even spoken, I might not feel comfortable responding. I’m very shy and nervous about not having any discussion beforehand. 😭
If there’s anything I left out or you need to know, just ask!
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horrorslashergirl · 2 years
For all the KINGS out there
This is probably unrelated to my blog, but I had to write this out because it keeps haunting my mind. The constant hate men get on Tumblr and other social media platforms have been getting out of hand. I lost count of how many times I heard or read this phrase: "Men Are Trash." by women and I kept wondering... How can one person assume every single man on this planet is like that? Have you talked to all of them to prove this theory? Before I speak more, I want anyone who reads this to know it's not a hate-related post, but rather a wake-up call... especially for women who have been brainwashed by society.
NOW. Tons of women spoke about how men are useless, trash, and unneeded in society and how the world would be better without them.
The question is... Who works mostly in the construction industry? Who works mostly in the military department? The special forces? What about engineering and mechanics? Who is mostly down in the mines... getting all dirty and putting in loads of physical work?
Let's see something else...
Leonardo da Vinci
He invented the helicopter and the battle tank. He came up with designs for mechanical looms and hydraulic saws. He drew plans for submarines and robots. The list of his contributions to the world of engineering is virtually endless. 
Thomas Edison
A keen businessman with unbridled imagination, he is credited with thousands of inventions, including the phonograph, the electric light bulb, the telephone (although Alexander Graham Bell made it to the patent office first on that occasion), the movie camera, the microphone, and alkaline batteries.
Benjamin Franklin
His legacy includes the lightning conductor, bifocal lenses, and, according to some, the first experiments in nanoscience.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was arguably the greatest geek who ever lived, always fixing things that weren't broken and coming up with amazing inventions in the process. We have him to thank for alternating current, the modern electric motor, remote-controlled boats, and, rumor has it, radar technology and wireless communications.
What about social media? Something that most women wouldn't be able to live without?
Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg
TikTok: Zhang Yiming
Twitter: Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, Evan Williams
Youtube: Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim
Instagram: Kevin Systrom
Still not enough? What about the luxury brands women are dying to have?
DIOR, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci.
Oh, and let's not forget the brand of cars...
Ferruccio Lamborghini, Enzo Ferrari, Ettore Bugatti, Henry Royce & Charles Rolls, Ferdinand Porsche & Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche
Everything surroundings us... MEN have built, and I find it highly offensive to call all men trash. The Audacity!
The thought of waking up one day without men on this planet is simply a nightmare. Now, I am no doctor but I am pretty sure the human race needs MEN too so we can reproduce because, from my knowledge, women aren't capable of parthenogenesis.
Now, many women say that men have an easy life and lots of privileges, but I would like to disagree because if you said that, then you don't know anything about men at all. Just look up the case of 53-year-old journalist Norah Vincent, who pretended to be a man for a long period to see what living as a man is like. The experiment ended up in a tragedy as she committed suicide. She couldn't stand living as a man; she said it was so horrible, and she was shocked by how WOMEN treated her as she kept the disguise of a man.
I get it. Maybe some women ended up with shitty guys, but that's no excuse to treat the entire male population like that. There are good men and evil men... JUST like there are toxic women and good women.
This world needs women and men... to work together and not let social media brainwash them... and ultimately kill something beautiful.
Again, this post is not hate-related but a cold bucket of reality because sometimes we need reality to hit us upside the head and wake us up.
I see many posts like "You go, Queen!" or "Slay them, princess!"
Well... I just wanna say, "Keep your golden crowns straight, Kings!"
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VxK Week Day 6: Duty
The door to Karim's dark room opened, the red light inside casting otherworldly shadows that stretched across the walls and lines where drying photographs hung.
"You should probably close the door. I don't want these photos to get overexposed."
Minako closed the door behind her, turning to look at her boyfriend as he hunched over a developing station
"Mako didn't feel like cooking, so we're ordering pizza. Any toppings you want?"
"Anything you order is fine," he said gruffly.
Minako frowned.
"Your sister said you've been in here all day. You must be starved."
"Not really."
"You sure..."
"I said no, didn't I?"
He did say no. But of course, ever since he was Kunzite in the Silver Millennium, as a member of the dark kingdom, and now as Karim in their second chance together, Minako knew something weighed on his mind. He always did this. Trying to shoulder burdens bigger than he was.
Like she often did.
Well, today would be the last day for that.
"Karim, what is it?"
For a full minute, Karim didn't speak. He just went through mechanical motions of dipping photographs into developing fluid and hanging them up to dry. For a moment, Minako's heart sank, believing that he wouldn't say anything, when finally, he spoke, his tone close to broken.
"Those girls at the botanical garden said I was a failure, Minako. She told me Mamoru was dying and you nearly fell to your death because I wasn't there."
So that was what this was about. She'd been lured into the botanical garden with the promise of an idol competition, which had devolved into a brawl that nearly cost her her life, had it not been for Artemis.The Shitennou had arrived late, apparently they had checked on Mamoru (Who had been conspicuously absent) and only managed the most basic of encounters with the enemy before being separated from the senshi and each other. Had it not been for the timely intervention of the Outer Senshi, they probably wouldn't have survived that battle.
Minako wrapped her arms around Karim's shoulders, feeling the comforting heat and solidity of his body.
"You're not a failure, Karim," she said, "Look at me."
Minako took Karim's chin between her fingers and led his gaze to her's.
"You're an amazing leader. When we face a monster, you always know where everyone should go and I've never seen you lose your cool in battle."
She shrugged.
"Half the time, I don't know what I'm doing."
"But the other half of the time, I should know what we're doing!"
For another long moment, neither spoke until Karim averted his eyes.
"I'm sorry, that sounded patronizing."
Minako shook her head.
"No it didn't."
"I'm... I'm not used to fighting enemies who see battle as fun," Karim continued, "When we..."
He paused.
"When the rest of the shitennou and I were under Beryl's control, we were pretty serious in battle. I think Mars killed Jadeite once."
Minako didn't say anything. Just nodded.
"I just don't get it. What good is strategy or fealty when the enemy just sees everything as a big circus act?"
"But we've got something they don't," Minako said, once again turning his head towards her.
"We've got a duty," she said, "To our princess. To our prince. To each other."
The way she said it, the look in her eyes, Minako hoped it was enough to instill into Karim what she believed.
They'd faced space witches, time travellers, mad scientists, and monsters out the wazoo. A few crazy girls wouldn't be anything if they all stood together.
After a moment, Karim took her hand and smiled.
"You're right," he said, "and I would like mushrooms on my pizza."
Minako made a face.
"And here I thought you were my perfect man."
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tasmiq · 2 months
Jumu'ah Sohbet: 2 August 2024
This week, I learned that only when I surrender to drowning in Allah's wisdom ... can I achieve a semblance of fana (annihilation of the self / where you die before you die)! I am left amused for being an accident survivor because I have practice in almost dying. As you know 😅 Onward we go with Allah, Bismillah ...
#1. We were humbled in sharing our heartsmith, Shaykh Nishaat, with our Jo'burg centre. He is spiritually butressing them in order to strengthen their ability to achieve spiritual self-sufficiency as a Tariqa centre. On a Jumu'ah Sohbet (spiritual conversation) before the congregational Zikr, did he remind us of the following haq (truths):
i. When we present ourselves to a circle of Zikr, we should do so with a full mind and heart because Allah reminds us that everything in creation is making Zikr. It is actually happening whether we choose to remember Allah or not!
ii. We exist and live in the world that Allah has created for us, and He is a part of everything that we cannot separate ourselves from. Furthermore, we exist within our material lives as if we will live forever as humanity, but the real living happens in the afterlife as an everlasting life with Allah!
iii. Sufism highlights the adage that one needs to die before they die. This actually refers to the real life that we should be living because we have managed to bring our nafs (lower-self or ego) under control, and that represents the everlasting life!
iv. Therefore, how we present ourselves for Zikr is a reminder of how we should be living in this world. It helps us determine that every breath should be an expression of the glorification of Allah!
v. We may think that we have many worries but everybody really does! It provides the ideal reason to remember, connect, and find emancipation in Allah.
vi. Therefore, when we present ourselves at the door of a circle of Zikr, we must leave our nafs there and not enter with it. We must enter in complete submission, surrender, and face Allah alone!
iv. We have to train in the path of purification enabled by Sufism. Allah affirms for us in the Qur'ane Karim (noble Qur'an) that those who purify themselves are the successful ones!
#2. During our last Saturday Sohbet, Anne (our spiritual mother), focused on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She presented a cognitive dissonance where Allah can be perceived by some as angry and easily displeased. Whereas Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was created from Allah's face and full of mercy and kindness! He (PBUH) was the representation of Allah for humanity. At the same time, the best that we can possibly be as the most mature human being. She soothingly added that here we are not talking about being perfect but being connected to and acting with Allah's most loving capabilities.
Anne touchingly asked us to ponder about how sending Salawat (peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH) helps us ...? From Allah's face was our Prophet's (PBUH) made as Nur'e Muhammad (Light of Muhammad). And, from Nur'e Muhammad was our light as believers, created. I have been described as soulful my whole life, and only now I can identify both its source and Source. These were our collective answers to Anne:
- We can experience the energy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Allah through all our senses when we make Salawat.
- I was particularly touched as an accident survivor to learn the extent of Allah's love for our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), where the Salawat (peace and blessings that us believers say for his blessed being) provide peace, security and healing for us!
- Shaykh Taner once explained that both Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are in our hearts as the Lover and the beloved. When we recite Salawat, we are asking Allah to activate the love between them within ourselves so that we can be who Allah wants us to be!
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) represented humanity, and sending Salawats is strengthening, connecting to and sending energy to the best of us for us!
- A Sayyed is being a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which your Nana's Ammu (Mum) was and as a result, we all are in a nanoscopic way, Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude)! Anne here pointed out that we may have spiritual inheritance as both Shaykh Taner and herself do, but only if we wish to! Perhaps this is a reason that I survived our fatal accident. The more reason for us to love our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)!
- Salawat reminds us about taqwa (Allah consciousness) and brings us back to a natural grounding state when shaken!
#3. Anne continued to muse us when she relayed that our Prophet PBUH said that 'aql (intellect) was the first creation, and Allah then created the pen, which represents the power of understanding and recording it. This together makes one's 'aql because without our power of understanding, how will we connect to Allah? Our Shaykh Taner always said that our minds have to see the greatness of Allah and surrender to our hearts. When we are getting messages from our heart, it is the brain that is registering this. It is how we are communicating out.
Hazrat Abdul Qadir Geylani and Hazrat Ahmed er-Rifai talk about there being logic in religion. The whole universe is created in a mind-boggling way, but this happened because of logic, understanding, and science. The Qur'an has never been about blind belief. It is about expanding our understanding of Allah. That 'ilm (science) we learn is with our 'aql. When we watch something and it doesn't fit logic in our mind, we should question that, but with the proviso that there is always more to learn! Even when it is logical, the question is, what does Allah want us to do with this information? So, we are on a path of love that goes through our hearts. Our path also comes from the Qur'an, and the levels of nafs are in it. Hazrat Abdul Qadir Geylani and Hazrat Ahmed er-Rifai studied the Qur'an and activated their hearts, and with that, they designed a path for us. So that we can also have what our Prophet (PBUH) had, if we keep working on it!
Our daily Wazifa (assignment) is a very important part of it, which is the rope of Allah that we hold onto. That is how our spiritual health is maintained, with our hearts and minds. And with our hands, which is our actions. The pen isn't an action, it writes, which is! Our path goes through action because this is what Allah is going to look at. Intention and action, how do we purify our intention, but with connection! I was extremely touched by Anne's compassion when she added that: We can't suddenly start loving everyone and everything, but it is about understanding that everyone has a point of view! There are different sides to the story, and as a humanity, we are evolving. Differences are okay in that spectrum. We shouldn't see ourselves at the top or bottom because we are nowhere! We are in Allahistan 😇 Did you see how our Prophet PBUH was loving, kind, and merciful to people. That is our example.
In conclusion, Shukran Ya Allah that we have a loving Creator in Al-Wadud (the Source of love) Who fashioned the best of us, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And, as reminded by our emotionally intelligent Anne, to be grateful to our Source and compassionate with our present!
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couldnt come up with an april fools joke so have some men
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dicktat · 2 years
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Hiiiiiii mutuals I will be hosting the official “Dying Light Tumblr Fruityman” poll on 2/10 National Cream Cheese Day with two polls going simultaneously till we get our final fruity contest on Valentine’s Day with the ultimate gayboy.
2/1O National Cream Cheese Day:
Round 1 Rais VS Waltz
Round 2 Aiden VS Crane
2/11 White T Shirt Day:
Round 1 Hakon VS Rahim
Round 2 Karim VS Juan
2/12 International Flirting Day: Semi Finals
2/13 Kiss Day: Finals
2/14 Results + Fanart
Vote your gays!!!
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zhulkgr25 · 4 months
The first coop episode of Dying Light and the 3rd episode in the series
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dott-fox · 8 months
I DIDNT FORGET THIS TIME SO DYING LIGHT OC GO (they are still in development)
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Plus doodles I did in school
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boredwrites · 1 year
Fandoms I write for
Italicized = fave
❤️ = strictly romantic
💚 = strictly platonic/familial
Pirates of the Caribbean
Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Hector Barbossa 💚
Elizabeth Swann
Davy Jones
TV Shows
Heeler family 💚
Dying Light
Kyle Crane
Jade Aldemir
Rahim Aldemir
Kadir "Rais" Suleiman
Dead by Daylight
The Huntress ❤️
The Plague
The Twins (Charlotte)
The Nurse
The Legion
Clementine ❤️
Little Nightmares
Thin Man
Baldur’s Gate 3
Feel free to suggest any other fandom you’d like me to write for
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dreamsastro · 2 years
Mkx Tier List
The legends on the game Inactive legends compensate for its fundamental component. Players should be rigid when they pick their legends since that determines their general destiny in the game. One needs to plan cleverly and select unquestionably awesome of what they can manage and what suits their requirements. Given underneath is a refreshed detail for the inactive legends level rundown accessible in the meta in the most recent limit. The rundown is as indicated by the MKxJUMP and can be gotten to from the authority site.
Mkx Tier List
Late declarations according to eighth of walk, 2019: The most refreshed forms of Pvp and PvE records are presently accessible A player ought to remember that a high evaluated legend isn't the most ideal one all the time. On occasion a legend evaluated less could give a cutting edge execution. A player ought to comprehend that the legends entering this rundown are made for levels past ten star evaluations A thing to keep a tab on is that any legend on the rundown whatsoever doesn't liken the worth of assets required for E3
Changes made to the presence of mkx level rundown The appearance and show of the level rundown have been changed into something more significant by isolating world class legends according to explicit jobs. Responsive legends - these are the ones with the "on hit" impact Utility legends - these are the ones which have CC or are safe to it Burst legends - these legends are the ones which can handle outrageous measures of harm rapidly Backing legends - these are the ones which give huge buffs or debuffs for the mending system Likewise, the key details of every legend have been referenced rather than the relics. These ought to be engaged upon while group building. Since there are a plenty of relics in the game now, this approach ought to be valuable for every one of the players and ought to assist with evaluations of future curios too. Refreshes as on fourth of January, 2019 25th of January, 2018: legend named Valkyrie was an option to the rundown, and an examination table for PvE was added fourteenth of august, 2018: grade 0 got an expansion of Skerei and Valkyrie alongside a modification of a couple of positions. Legend belrain was sent into the grade 1 rundown. A change was made to Barton's stone and switched over completely to assault/assault. Legend Valkyrie's stone was changed to Hp/Hp. sixteenth of august, 2018: Karim was moved alongside Das mode in addition to Asmodel to grade 1.5, and the evil spirit tracker was moved to grade 1. 24th of august, 2018: an extremely enormous change was made. The center was moved towards the best legends of E3. 31st of august, 2018: buffs were undeniably obliged. Legends - iceblink, bloodblade, aidan, corspedemon, and sovereign got on the higher positions together. The buff of legend Aidan had extended the manageability of self destruction gatherings and this lead to a spike in Flamestrike's situation. The decay of faithblade was stamped attributable to his dying down force of strength in the E3. third of November, 2018: a spike in the place of lord Barton attributable to his buff to the grade 1. Xia was moved up to the primary level. Wrecking Dantalian has become more troublesome since he was moved into the subsequent level. Expansion of jahra to the subsequent level attributable to the acquiring of equilibrium once more. Sovereign's position shot up to the third level attributable to the new buffs. Arthindol, the dim legend went into the third level from the subsequent one. Corpsedemon shipped off the 3rd grade classification. The shift of Barea from the third to the fourth level. Expansion of Cthugha and Walter to the 4th grade class. Fall of Emily from the fifth to the fourth level. 24th of November, 2018: Level zero: belrain is significant in light of the fact that she essentially keeps every one of the huge legends alive alongside the arrangement of breathtaking buffs. Amuvor has entered this association because of his praiseworthy exhibition as a sole legend. Level one: this class saw the strong horus. PvE levels, as a rule, have been revamped all together to consider his solidarity around there. Skerei is hanging in the lower edges of this level. There has been no adjustment of the subsequent level Level three: there has been a spike in the places of the Fire strike, cthugha, and Sigmund and this has illuminated the capacity of consume group which can be valuable for the Valkyrie meta. Kamath has been moved upwards in the stepping stool. Level four: the mending force of Dantalion has debilitated, and he is presently more inclined to burst harm and gives just a few cycle fifteen slows down.
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