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nahoney22 · 1 month
might i request f! jedi reader comforting tech after her death as a force ghost as he mourns her?
i saw the rule of 'no major character death' and im not sure if this falls under it, so if it does, sorry! love your stuff
Death Is Just A Word*** 🌊
🫧 Pairings: Tech X Jedi!FemaleReader
word count: 1.4k
prompts: none
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When everything gets too much for Tech, he finds himself entering a forest to relive his stress and emotions. He just didn’t know that his fallen Jedi will be there to meet him.
Warnings: death warning, heavy angst, comfort, reader is a Jedi who has died via sacrifice, mourning, can be a platonic or romantic relationship, Tech fears failure and is emotional, can also be read as gender neutral.
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The Marauder was a mess of tension. Failed mission after failed mission, constant arguments over strategy, and a void in the team’s dynamic that no one could ignore. Every time they fell short, Tech felt the sting deeper than he ever let on. The others thought his frustrations were just his usual pursuit of perfection. They didn’t realise it was the gnawing guilt beneath the surface; a guilt that whispered it was his fault you were gone.
You had sacrificed yourself for them a month ago, throwing yourself into the path of certain death to save them all, especially him. Tech had replayed that moment a thousand times. Each calculation, every step, and the single flaw in his plan that led to your choice. No matter how much he tried to logically categorise his grief, he couldn’t find a solution that brought him any peace.
Now, every corner of the Marauder reminded him of your absence. Your datapad still lay in the corner of the cockpit, untouched since that day. No one had dared to move it. It was absurd, really. Tech wasn’t one to let sentimentality interfere with logic, but there it was: an irrational need to leave your things as they were, as if by doing so, he could somehow preserve a piece of you.
One night, it all became too much. After yet another mission gone wrong, with tempers flaring and his mind buzzing with thoughts he couldn’t stop, Tech couldn’t stay aboard the ship. The tightening in his chest, the erratic pounding of his heart—these feelings were new and unnerving. He was usually so controlled, his emotions filed away in neatly ordered compartments, but now they were spilling over in ways he couldn’t manage.
“I need a break,” he muttered, barely audible to the others. He didn’t wait for a response before heading down the ramp and disappearing into the darkness of the nearby forest.
The cool night air felt suffocating as he stumbled deeper into the woods, branches snagging at and clawing at his battered armour. Tech’s mind raced familiar patterns of calculations and probabilities that were now distorted by flashes of grief, anger, and regret. His breath hitched, the sharp ache in his chest refusing to go away. The weight of it drove him to his knees, collapsing against a tree as he buried his face in his hands.
“Why can’t I just… process this?” he whispered to himself, voice trembling with frustration. He was supposed to be the logical one, the one who could solve anything. But how could he solve the emptiness left by someone who wasn’t supposed to be gone?
The forest was silent, save for the rustling of leaves in the wind. And then, something else.
His head shot up at the sound of your voice. No, it wasn’t possible. He was hallucinating, his mind frayed by exhaustion and grief. But then he heard it again, softer, more familiar.
“Tech, darling. Look at me.”
Tentatively, he lifted his gaze. There, just a few steps away, was your figure, glowing faintly in the moonlight. You looked as you always had—serene, your eyes filled with the quiet understanding that had once brought him comfort. But there was something ethereal, otherworldly about you now, your form shimmering like mist.
He blinked hard, certain he was imagining things. “This this is not real,” he muttered, his voice laced with desperation. “You can not be here.”
“Maybe not in the way you’re used to,” you replied, that familiar teasing lilt in your tone as you fold your arms over your chest. “But I’m still here.”
Tech took a step closer, bewildered. “I was under the impression that only Force-sensitive beings could perceive Force ghosts.”
You simply smirked, raising an eyebrow. “Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?”
He stared at you, his mind racing even more, trying to find the answer that fit the parameters of what he understood. But there was no logical explanation, no way to rationalise why he, a mere ‘defective’ Clone, could see you. He was about to press further when the weight of his unresolved emotions crashed over him again, overriding his curiosity.
The confusion morphed into anger as he shook his head. “You sacrificed yourself. You… you did not have to do that. You could have stayed. I would have found another way.” His voice cracked on the last words, frustration and grief intertwining in his chest.
You laughed softly, the sound light despite the tension in the air. “Oh, you’re upset with me? That’s rich. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re ungrateful.”
“Ungrateful?” He stared at you incredulously, his logical mind struggling to keep up with the emotions crashing over him as you teased him. “Do you think I wanted you to throw your life away? We needed you—I needed you!”
Your gaze softened, and you took a step closer, though the distance between you still felt insurmountable. “I made my choice because I care about you all. Because I care about you. It’s what a Jedi does. I am to protect those I care about, even if it means sacrificing something precious.”
Tech clenched his fists, struggling with the reality of seeing you again, with the overwhelming mixture of relief, anger, and loss. “I really miss you,” he whispered, voice barely above a breath. “I keep trying to carry on like I always do, but nothing feels right without you. I can not focus. I can not summarise reasons as to why the missions have been failing. I can’t-.”
“Not everything can be calculated, Tech. Sometimes, you have to trust what you feel.”
You reached out, your hand hovering just above his chest, over his heart. “I’m still here, Tech. Not in the way you want, I know. But as long as you carry me with you, I’ll always be a part of you.” Your gaze was steady as you met his eyes. “It’s okay to miss me. It’s okay to grieve. But don’t forget that I believed in you—just as you are. You don’t have to solve everything.”
A single tear slipped down his cheek, and for once, he didn’t hide it. “You always had a way of getting under my skin, making me feel things I didn’t think I could,” he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. “I never got the chance to tell you what you meant to me.”
Your smile turned wistful. “I already knew, Tech. I always knew.”
He swallowed hard, his gaze turning pleading. “I know it is no longer physically possible, but I wish I could hug you. I never got to when you were alive.”
The pain in your eyes mirrored his as you shook your head slowly. “I wish you could, too. But I’m afraid you won’t be able to feel me.” You looked down at your hand, as if willing it to bridge the gap between you. “This is as close as we can get now.”
Tech’s shoulders sagged with the weight of that truth. He wanted so badly to reach out, to feel the warmth of your presence again, but all he could do was hold onto the memory. “I don’t know how to do this without you,” he admitted, his voice subtly breaking.
“You’re stronger than you think,” you said softly. “Trust in yourself, just like I trusted you all these years. And when it feels too heavy, remember that I’m still right here, where it matters most.” Your hand, still hovering near his chest, flickered slightly, as if you were fading.
He nodded slowly, unable to find the words as he watched your form begin to dim. “I will try.”
Your figure shimmered in the moonlight, a final, lingering smile gracing your lips. “Goodbye, Tech. Until we meet again.”
And just like that, you were gone, leaving him alone in the darkness of the forest, the echoes of your words lingering in the stillness. But for the first time in weeks, the silence wasn’t as unbearable. There was a small comfort in knowing that you were still with him, in some way, in the space that mattered most.
As he stood there under the canopy of stars, Tech wiped away the tear that had escaped, a quiet resolve settling in his chest. He wasn’t alone. You had made sure of that, even in death.
And somehow, he found the strength to take a deep breath and walk back toward the Marauder, where the others were waiting. For the first time since losing you, he allowed himself to believe that he can move forward.
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Tags: @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets s @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot t @imalovernotahater @sithstrings @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder r @the-bad-batch-baroness @mysticalgalaxysalad @yunggoblin @photogirl894 @lulalovez @green-alm0nd
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[7] Kindergarten Graduation
Summary: Liam graduates from kindergarten, and another thing changes in your life.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!single mom!reader.
A/N(18/8/2024): GUYS I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!!!! ok maybe not really finished, I think I may continue to add to this au as I think of ideas and please please please send me ideas/requests if you have any and I'll do my best to write them :) thank you all so much for reading my silly little story, I really appreciate all the love and support you've given me, even when I take months and months to update (sorry) all my love to each and every one of you <3<3<3<3
Previous Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER This is the last one as of right now! Click here for the series masterlist
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Alright it’s taken a hot second
But we’re here guys
The end of the year!! *jazz hands*
The school year, that is
Liam has been getting more and more excited for summer break as the weeks pass by
You promised him that you’d visit your dad, whom Liam hasn’t seen since he was two because he lives so far away
You and your dad aren’t exactly the closest but you get along well and your son thinks grandpa’s the funniest thing since sliced bread
And it’s about time that you visit him anyway
But first, Liam needs to get to the end of the school year
And he has! Yay!
The administration at Liam’s school likes to put on a little graduation ceremony for the kindergarteners and the departing fifth graders, and that ceremony happens to be today
And it’s as if your car knows that you have something important to do today
Because she’s just refusing to start up
The engine makes a horrid whining-grinding sound when you turn the key in the ignition, and it makes you a little nervous that the whole thing is gonna blow
So you’ve resigned yourself to finding a different way to get to Liam’s school
Side note: you have the misfortune of being very anxious to get to events quite early in an effort to make sure you aren’t late, and you’ve definitely imparted that worry onto your son
Which means you have a nervous six-year-old switching between pacing back and forth beside your useless car and wrapping his arms around your thigh in an anxious iron grip
At least you’d left your apartment early, so there’s still some time to figure out a solution
You run through the list in your head: the school is close enough to walk to but it would take too much time, Tonks and her parents are at her own high school graduation so that’s obviously not an option, Poppy is working today so she can’t pick you up, and you absolutely refuse to ask anything more of Ms. Hope since she already does so much for you with Liam
The idea dawns on you to take an Uber just as the front door to your apartment building opens
And of course, a solution on legs walks into the parking lot
(Even if you don’t like burdening him by asking for his help)
James smiles as soon as he sees you and Liam
Liam’s face also lights up like a Christmas tree as he waves enthusiastically from his spot attached to your leg
You shouldn’t be surprised when James saunters over to you both to say good morning
And you especially shouldn’t be surprised when he offers help with your car troubles
(You were terrified slightly worried when James had left the ER that you’d crossed a line when you kissed his bandaged palm, and maybe you did, but James didn’t let it change your dynamic—if anything, he was just more and more happy-looking to see you every morning, and it was hard not to let his happiness spread to you too)
You refuse James’ help at first under the guise that his hand was still healing from that cut, but he just laughed and reminded you that he’d cut himself a month ago and his hand is perfectly fine
Which is how you’ve ended up here
The hood of your car propped up, Liam peering eagerly at the engine, James in a very nice-fitting crewneck t-shirt and formal slacks poking around inside the car, and you holding the suit jacket he’s planning on wearing to shake his kids’ hands as they walk across the gymnasium floor and blushing furiously as you try not to stare at the way the short sleeves of James’ shirt fit so nicely around his biceps
You’re plenty familiar with human anatomy, being a nurse and all, but jesus christ—
After a minute or two, James hums in understanding and Liam replicates the sound, trying to look where James is looking
You do your best to school your face, and you succeed for the most part even if you can’t really get rid of your blush
James explains to you and Liam that the bearings in your alternator have broken down and you sigh deeply
He says he’d offer to fix it but—he laughs a little sheepishly—he’s not the best with cars
Still, his friend Sirius, an administrative aide at Liam’s school, is pretty good at car mechanic stuff and James could probably ask him to do it
You aren’t super keen on agreeing (again with the asking for help thing) but either way, getting your alternator fixed right now isn’t a possibility because all three of us have a kindergarten graduation to get to, Mr. Potter
James’ eyes go wiiiiide lmao but you reassure him that you have enough time to get to the school just in time if you leave now
And of course he offers to drive you both there
You accept (not like you have much of a choice) and quickly find yourself on the way to Liam’s school with Liam in the back, sitting in James’ “emergency car seat”
(He explains that he keeps a kids’ car seat in his trunk in case he ever needs to drive a kid anywhere and that this is the car seat he used to drive Liam to and from school that one time)
(You feel alarmed and then thankful and then terribly guilty when you realize you’d never even thought about if Liam was sitting in a car seat that day)
After all that hassle, you, James, and Liam finally arrive at the school building and hurry to the gym, where the ceremony will be taking place
You send Liam down the hall with James with a kiss on the forehead (James thinks about asking for a kiss himself but thinks better of it) before going to sit in the rows of folding chairs set out for parents and family members
You sit with Molly and Arthur, the parents of Liam’s good friend Ron
Arthur is very jolly and cheery at all times and Molly, while occasionally judgemental, is usually quite kind
This graduation ceremony is very abbreviated just because six-year-olds can’t sit still for four hours like they would have to if this was a real graduation
The event starts with a few quick words from Principal McGonagall about how hard the kids have worked this year and how they deserve to enjoy their time off from school
Then it’s time for the kids to walk across the “stage”, which is really just a mobile raised platform
The principal calls a name, hands the child their very own kindergarten diploma, and sends them to have their photo taken with their respective teacher
James (now with his suit jacket back on) has a wide smile on his face as he stands with the other three kindergarten teachers
You cheer for Ron with Molly and Arthur as he walks across the stage to take a photo with his teacher, and when it’s Liam’s turn, Molly and Arthur (and Ron from the side of the stage) cheer with you
When the ceremony is over, Ron and Liam come running to you, Molly, and Arthur asking if they can go to the playground across the street to play for a while
Molly and Arthur agree to take Liam and Ron while you go let James know where you’re going and that you and Liam can walk home if he has somewhere he needs to be
It’s pretty clear from the look on James’ face that he thinks that even just the idea of leaving you and Liam without a ride is atrocious lmao
He just shakes his head like it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard and promises to meet you at the playground once he’s done dealing with Draco’s overbearing parents
You laugh and nod in agreement
The playground across from Liam’s school is really fancy
The city built it pretty recently, so it’s tall with a merry-go-round and a tire-swing and metal slides that you’re sure sear children’s skin off on hot days
Liam and Ron are having the time of their lives already, and you sit with Molly and Arthur on a nearby bench under a tree
It’s easy to talk with them because they ask the same questions whenever you talk
How are you? Oh I’m good. How’s Liam doing? He’s good too. Everything good at the hospital? As good as it can be, yeah.
They’re easy to talk to but it’s difficult to relate to them sometimes
Molly and Arthur are so old they could be your parents, and they have seven kids, the oldest of which is only a couple years younger than you
But at the same time, they’re really rather cute
They’ve been married for who knows how long and they’re still so in love (even when Molly threatens to decapitate her husband)
It’s sort of inspirational in a way
Liam and Ron call over to the three of you saying they’ve found a frog under one of the slides
You sigh and get up, knowing Molly doesn’t want to see any sort of amphibian and Arthur has some back problems so he probably couldn’t bend down to see the frog anyway
By the time you reach Ron and Liam, Ron’s got the poor frog cupped in his hands, and you tell him he may want to put it down since it’s scared
Ron understands and finds a puddle to release the frog into
Molly, Arthur, and Ron end up having to leave pretty quickly
Their oldest is graduating today too and they need to make it to his ceremony, so you and Liam bid them farewell and promise to make plans to hang out over the summer sometime
James sees you being dragged by Liam towards the swings as he crosses the street towards the park
Neither you nor Liam realizes he’s there until he sits in the swing next to you
But Liam’s flying into James’ gut with the tightest hug ever as soon as he sees him
You laugh and James hugs Liam back and thinks to himself that this is just the best thing ever
He couldn’t be happier in any other place with any other people
Liam tells James about the frog and that somehow evolves into thanking him for being "the best teacher ever, not the bestest because of grammar"
(James thanks Liam for being such a good student, and Liam has the biggest smile after that)
Watching Liam talk to James makes a warm fuzz rise up in your chest
They’re just so sweet with each other :(
James is so attentive with Liam and Liam talks to James like they’re both adults and it’s just the cutest sweetest nicest thing ever
Liam decides to go searching for more frogs in the wooded park near the playground, and you and James are left watching him from the swings
It’s quiet for a little while between you and James, and James suddenly becomes starkly aware that this is the first time you’ve been alone together in the month since his ER visit
Usually you have Liam or maybe Remus, Sirius, or Ms. Hope as a buffer, but now?
Now it’s just him and you
But if there’s one thing James is good at, it’s making people feel comfortable in sorta uncomfortable situations
So he makes some cheesy joke about you being the parent of a kindergarten graduate, and you laugh along and say you couldn’t be more proud of your little boy
And just like that you two are talking like best friends again
You thank him for the kind note he wrote about Liam’s performance in school that he included in the report card from the most recent parent-teacher conference
He recommends a new kind of breakfast cereal you’d seen him buy at the grocery store a couple weeks ago
You update him on the gossip and drama between Poppy and your CNO at work
He thanks you for the black-and-white cookies you made for him as a thank-you for the oatmeal raisin cookies several months ago
You tell him about a large black dog you’d seen waltzing about in Ms. Hope’s front yard once
He asks you to check on the very-much healed scar on his palm (just to be 100% sure it’s not infected, you know?)
You laugh at his jokes and he smiles at your laugh, and eventually, you fall into a silence more comfortable than the last
Eventually, James speaks up
“Hey, um …” He sighs, unsure of how he wants to go about this. I mean, it’s fine now, isn’t it? He’s no longer Liam’s teacher; you’re no longer his student’s mom because Liam isn’t his student anymore. So it’s fine. Right?
“You alright?” you ask, brows pulled just slightly together in concern. James takes a long look into your eyes before turning and setting his gaze on Liam. Your son is crouched under a wide tree, eyes trained on the dirt and mud underneath in search of frogs.
“I … yeah, I’m alright,” James says. “I, uh … I … god, this is so much more difficult than I thought it would be.” He laughs quietly at himself in a way that’s a little too self-deprecating for you to approve of, but he starts talking again before you can comment.
“Okay.” James is firm in his resolve, but he refuses to meet your eyes as he speaks. “I—I’m gonna say something, and I’m not one hundred percent sure how you’ll react, so if I say something wrong or make you uncomfortable in any way, please—please—just tell me and I’ll never bring it up again, but I wanted to tell you how—how I’ve been feeling these past couple months and I hope you feel the same way—I think you do, but maybe I’m just reading into things—but I just wanted to say that, you know, I started to think of you as my friend when we started talking in the mornings, but as soon as I saw you at parent-teacher conferences I knew you were just the kindest, most hard-working, most beautiful person I’d ever had the honor of meeting and—and over the past year, I’ve begun to have these feelings that—but it’s been so hard because I would never ever voice them while Liam is in my class because that would be terribly unprofessional and completely unfair to you, and I just—” James heaves a breath, suddenly sharply aware of the fact that he hadn’t been breathing enough, and gasped for several deep breaths.
He looked into his lap with a self-pitying laugh. “I … sorry, I’m rambling.”
James dug the toe of his shoe into the wood chips, pushing his swing lightly. Why had he done this again? Liam was barely out of his class and he was already hounding after you. God, how desperate and creepy was that? He hadn’t even truly confessed and he was sure he’d already ruined every chance of you even talking to him again, let alone—
The crunch of wood chips made James wince. He closed his eyes, certain you would simply leave him on the swings without so much as a goodbye, until he heard your steps stop abruptly somewhere in front of him. Carefully, one eye peeked open, and he saw your ballet flats standing directly in front of his seat on the swings, facing him. He looked up.
James felt like he knew you pretty well at this point, but the face you were making was one he wasn’t familiar with at all. One moment he thought it was hope, but it would switch and look like fear next, then reluctance, then … was that excitement? Happiness? Eventually, you took a deep breath, shoulders squared and ready to speak.
“Do you like coffee?”
There was a moment of silence before James very eloquently responded, “What?”
You smiled—genuine this time, if awkward.
“I mean, if you don’t, that’s totally fine, I just … figured we could go somewhere to get coffee or—or tea, or a muffin or something before I go to work rather than just, you know, talking by the mailboxes.” You let out a meek laugh, and James feels his shoulders melt away from his ears.
“Do you like coffee?” he asks back.
“I’m a nurse—coffee is the only thing keeping me from falling apart at the seams,” you quip. James outright laughs, which makes you smile, which makes him smile.
“We can go for coffee,” he agrees. “I know a café that has muffins and stuff that’s pretty close to the hospital if you’d like to go there. The Leaky Cauldron. Have you been?”
“Oh, yeah,” you say with a nod of recognition. “Me and Poppy went there for lunch once. They have a rather nice quiche.”
“Alright, it’s a date—”
James’ eyes widen as soon as the words are out of his mouth, and he looks at you like he’s in trouble. The same look of reluctance and a drop of fear clouds your eyes once more, and James finds he loathes it. He prepares himself for the worst.
“I want to say, before we … before we move forward, there are some ground rules.”
James nods quickly, eyes wide as he peered up at you. “Anything.”
You try to strangle the blush that creeps up your neck at that.
“Well, really only one ground rule,” you amend. “No matter what, I’m Liam’s mother first. Always. He already likes you, which is part of the reason I offered to get coffee—I would never go out with someone he didn’t approve of—but when it comes down to it, he’s always going to be my top priority. No matter what.”
James’ eyes soften, and he nods, reassured.
“That was one of the first things I liked about you,” he admits. “Liam is your son—your world—and I completely understand that. I would never ask you to change that, or to think of me before him. Never in a million years.”
James watches your shoulders relax, and you take a small, relieved breath before nodding.
“Thank you,” you say quietly. James just smiles up at you, eyes adoring. You finally allow your own gaze to roam freely over his features, to take in his nose, his eyes, his lips.
You take a step closer, knees brushing lightly against James’ where he sits. Ever so gently, you reach a hand out of your pocket to brush a stray curl behind James’ ear, and your hand lingers there, fingertips brushing against his jaw. James is about even with your sternum, and he can’t help but love with all his heart how pretty you look from this angle.
Slowly, leaving plenty of time for him to pull back, you bend at the waist towards him. You don’t stop until his lips are on yours in a small, tentative kiss. It's gentle and the two of you scarcely move. Just a simple press lasting a handful of seconds before you pull back just enough to look into James’ eyes.
It takes a second for him to come back down to Earth, but you can see the moment when he realizes what just happened because his eyes seem to glow with a radiant sort of joy that has you wanting to kiss him again just so that look never goes away. He smiles broadly, and it must be contagious because you end up smiling slightly too as you slide your palm against his cheek and he reaches a hand up to cup the back of your neck. He simply holds you there for a moment before laughing disbelievingly and bringing your lips to his again.
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This is the last one as of right now! Click here for the series masterlist
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unknownkona · 9 months
okay so i'm doodling a family tree out because i refuse to believe their family tree is a family wreath (even though it's completely plausible)
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solution was to make grandpa a slut LMFAOO, but i have no idea where the hell sissy fits in based on her sibling dynamic with johnny help
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wriheart · 2 months
Darling and the Charming Siblings
Part three of my Ever After High rewrite let’s gooooooooooooo. I am so excited to finally get these ideas out of my head and into writing.
All of my Ever After High posts can be found here if you haven’t read them, the previous two posts explain the world building and a bit about the magic of Ever After.
So, as mentioned in my original post, the fairytale children are not, in fact, born from their parents, but instead from a magical tree that is planted upon the completion of a story. The major reason I did this is because of…insest. I know, I know, the show kind of explains it away with that one episode where the charming kids are explaining “we’re not related to that charming family or that charming family” yada yada, it never made sense or sat right to me. If all of the kids are supposed to be the descendants of fairy tale characters, Apple and Daring should be siblings. So when coming up with ideas for my rewrite, that was the most major aspect of the original that I wanted to change. So here we are.
My solution still had two problems though: a) if the charming siblings were raised by their fairytale parents, they would all be raised separately, and wouldn't have that sibling dynamic, and b) if they were raised by their fairytale parents they would be raised side-by-side with their love interest (like if Apple and Daring were raised in the same castle), we would still have insest-adjacent bs.
So, I fell back on my nobel family idea that I came up with for the villian kids: there’s a nobel family who raises all of the Prince Charmings. So Daring, Dexter, Darling, and the other charming brothers all grew up in the same home. Out of all of the noble families, the family who has raised every generation of Charmings is the most renowned.
Darling is a little different from her brothers, however. She was not born from a fairytale tree. Instead, she’s the legitimate child of Cinderella and Prince Charming.
For this fanfic (if I ever write it), one of the major themes that I will be exploring is the classism present in the world of Ever After. After all, you have the royals who find themselves born into a happy ending, and the rebels who are stuck with gruesome fates and taught from a young age that they have to go along with it. Then, you have the students without a destiny who are treated like mere extras hardly worthy of anything.
Now what does this have to do with Darling? Well, the fairytale characters are not supposed to have children, after all, that’s what the trees are for. So when Cinderella gave birth to a daughter, Emperor Grim was not happy. But Cinderella is a royal, a queen who has otherwise followed her destiny to a t. By taking her daughter and sending her to be raised by the most prestigious nobel family, it is a slap on the wrist punishment for Cinderella’s offense. If a villian survived and had a kid (or anyone who wasn’t a royal made the same mistake as Cinderella) their punishment would be much more severe. So Darling being raised by the Charmings shows how those with higher up positions are treated differently from the rest of the population.
(It still sucks for Cinderella, don’t get me wrong. To occasionally see her daughter when she visits EAH to see Ashlyn, catching a glimpse of Darling is painful.)
Darling does not know she is Cinderella’s daughter. For all she knows, she’s the daughter of the nobles who raised her. She’s Lady Darling Charming. In addition to the prestige noble families gain for raising the next generation, their children have a higher chance of being accepted into EAH when trying out. So Darling tries out and is accepted. (I’m not yet sure what destiny I’m going to have her try out for but it’s something where she’s a damsel in distress or something along those lines.)
Even though she’s seen as a lady by most, growing up with many, many brothers means she was roughhousing from a young age, and since they grew up with her, her brothers don’t care that she’s a girl and they’ll happily train with her.
When it comes to taking control of her own destiny, Darling is playing the long game. She would rather be taking sword fighting lessons instead of learning how to be a damsel in distress, but in a world where destinies are framed as life or death, she knows that for now, as much as it pains her, she must keep her head down.
That doesn’t mean she’s doing nothing though. Since the moment she arrived at EAH, Darling has been exploring. She knows the castle like the back of her hand: every secret passage is known to her and she uses that knowledge to her advantage. Blondie may be the one who loves finding gossip, but Darling is the one who truly knows everything that is going on at EAH.
So, of course, she knows that Raven is trying to break free of her destiny. Darling is willing to do anything to help, even if it means traveling into the cursed world of wonderland.
Daring, Dexter, and Darling are the three main charmings, but I might have to create a few more charming siblings to tell the story. There are so many tales with princes, and with at least four princesses in need of a prince (Apple, Briar, Ashlynn, and Holly) it makes sense to come up with a bunch more. Plus, I think it would be fun if the charmings grew up in a house with twelve other siblings.
Anyway, I’m trying to keep the characters mostly the same. Darling appears shy and soft-spoken, the perfect lady, when in reality that’s simply a way for her to disguise her rebellious intentions until the time is right. She’s curious, inquisitive, and a lover of adventure. Dexter is very self-conscious. Compared to his other brothers, he isn’t very good at the typical prince things, and yet, he has to be. He can’t fail his fairy tale. He’s constantly under pressure, and the things he thinks about himself are very harsh. Daring is also under pressure, as the prince with the most famous destiny. He’s constantly risking his life to save those around him before his destiny is even started. He sacrifices his own time to constantly be the one people turn to when there’s a foe to be vanquished, so he’s never really taken the time to simply be by himself and enjoy what he wants to do. He copes by constantly making sure his appearance is perfect, because even if he’s feeling tired on the inside, his charmingness must persist.
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what's coming to you in september 2024! (mini tarot reading)
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if you chose the leaf of the tree:
you enter this month of September with a desire to create a new dynamic related to your job (a desire to earn more money, to have more challenges) We told you to keep it a secret. There will be interesting things but few in late fall early winter. You are in transition here, you want to turn the page and keep your desires for yourself and/or a future new job.
we really see a lack of fulfillment here in your work, a lot of discussion internally but also with others. You want to get out of this environment. There will be an awareness, it's as if you see that your requests are not taken into account. It will be an opportunity to end your job and start looking for another job.
if you chose the books and the apple:
a situation that ends, a release in September. There is a strategy, communications that are put in place that comes from a masculine energy. The goal is an emotional and sentimental renewal here and opening of a new abundance. here we are talking about the throat and heart chakra that can be influenced by an energy of lack?! We are talking about a victory for a feminine energy on a situation.
you were in a shaky and losing situation with financial problems? you made a decision to cut yourself off from your past. You went to see someone who has power to find a solution to end financial problems. Unfortunately the solution was not the one you expected
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icy-saturday · 3 months
Field Guide on all *CANON* Algebralians (Integers, Variables, Constants...)
This is a lengthy read on Algebralians canon to popular Object Shows, including BFDI (Battle for Dream Island) and PaS (Problems and Solutions)
**I may have forgotten Zero on accident while making this (my bad /srs) so he'll be getting a separate post along with extra details from my existing Algebralian guides.**
Integer: 1 (One)
Small and simple, depicted as a straight line or a singular dot.
Often stylized with a slight curve or serif for character.
Personality Traits
Independent, confident, foundational.
Seen as a leader, setting the stage for others.
Unwavering and strong in its singularity.
Solitary places, such as mountaintops or isolated islands.
Symbolizes its singular nature and independence.
Consumes unity and singular elements, like single grains of sand or drops of water.
Minimalist in its dietary needs.
Reproduces by self-replication, creating identical ones without a partner.
New ones are formed from a process akin to binary fission.
Amplifies others when combined (e.g., 1 + 1 = 2).
When with another one, forms two, emphasizing its ability to initiate growth.
Integer: 2 (Two)
Depicted as a pair or a figure resembling a swan or a curved line.
Symbolizes duality and balance.
Personality Traits
Cooperative, balanced, sometimes indecisive.
Strives for harmony and partnership, reflecting dual aspects in nature.
Balanced environments like pairs of trees, symmetrical gardens, or twin peaks.
Often found in places representing partnership and cooperation.
Prefers pairs of foods, such as two apples or twin cherries.
Enjoys balanced and symmetrical meals.
Reproduces by pairing with another two, forming a community of twos.
New twos are formed through a process of binary fusion, where pairs split to create new individuals.
Works well in pairs, enhancing balance and cooperation.
Forms partnerships and emphasizes equilibrium.
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Integer: 3 (Three)
Triangular or triplet form, often energetic with a dynamic pose.
Represents creativity and dynamic movement.
Personality Traits
Creative, dynamic, sometimes mischievous.
Brings energy and creativity to situations.
Dynamic, triangular spaces like triplet trees or three-point intersections.
Prefers environments that encourage creativity and movement.
Eats foods in groups of three, such as three-leaf clovers or tri-segmented fruits.
Enjoys variety and multiple flavors in one meal.
Reproduces by forming triads, where three threes come together to form new sets.
New threes emerge through a collaborative process that combines energy and creativity.
Forms triangles or trios, adding excitement and creativity to interactions.
Acts as a catalyst for change and innovation.
Integer: 4 (Four)
Square-like, with a stable and solid structure.
Often depicted as a box or a cross, symbolizing stability.
Personality Traits
Reliable, practical, organized.
Symbolizes stability and reliability, providing a foundation for others.
Square-like or grid-patterned environments, such as city blocks or neatly arranged gardens.
Found in places that require stability and order.
Consumes square meals, such as foods cut into squares or in groups of four.
Prefers structured and well-organized meals.
Reproduces by forming quadrants, where four fours come together to create a stable structure.
New fours are produced through a process of organized assembly.
Forms squares and grids, providing a stabilizing force.
Often the foundation for more complex structures and systems.
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Integer: 5 (Five)
Star-shaped, energetic, and lively.
Sometimes depicted with an asymmetrical design, symbolizing adventure.
Personality Traits
Adventurous, curious, sometimes rebellious.
Known for its energetic and explorative nature.
Adventurous environments like star-shaped groves or dynamic ecosystems.
Prefers settings that encourage exploration and discovery.
Enjoys eating star-shaped foods or pentagonally arranged items.
Prefers meals that are diverse and full of variety.
Reproduces through exploration and discovery, where five fives come together in a star formation.
New fives are created through a process of adventurous fusion.
Forms stars or pentagons, driving change and exploration.
Adds a sense of adventure and curiosity to its environment.
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Integer: 6 (Six)
Hexagonal, nurturing, and balanced.
Often seen as a honeycomb shape, symbolizing community.
Personality Traits
Harmonious, caring, community-oriented.
Focuses on harmony and nurturing relationships.
Community-oriented environments like hexagonal beehives or family-friendly parks.
Thrives in places that emphasize cooperation and support.
Prefers honeycombs and foods arranged in hexagons or groups of six.
Enjoys meals that are communal and shared.
Reproduces by forming hexagonal communities, where six sixes cluster together.
New sixes are generated through communal bonding.
Forms hexagons, promoting peace and cooperation.
Often acts as a mediator in conflicts and a unifier in groups.
Integer: 7 (Seven)
Mystical and angular, often depicted with a unique, angled design.
Represents spirituality and introspection.
Personality Traits
Spiritual, introspective, analytical.
Known for its introspection and analytical thinking.
Mystical and contemplative spaces like ancient ruins or serene mountaintops.
Prefers environments that encourage contemplation and reflection.
Consumes rare and unique items, often in groups of seven.
Enjoys meals that are unique and thought-provoking.
Reproduces by seeking enlightenment, where seven sevens meditate together.
New sevens are created through a process of spiritual bonding.
Acts as a seeker or thinker, less about forming groups.
Analyzes situations deeply and provides insight.
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Integer: 8 (Eight)
Circular or infinite-loop shaped, symbolizing infinity.
Often depicted as a perfect circle or endless spiral.
Personality Traits
Balanced, infinite, authoritative.
Represents balance and power, providing stability.
Systems and loops like circular forests or infinity pools.
Prefers environments that emphasize continuity and stability.
Eats foods in infinite loops, like circular fruits or dishes arranged in an endless loop.
Enjoys meals that are balanced and continuous.
Reproduces through cycles, where eight eights form an infinite loop.
New eights are generated through a continuous process.
Forms loops or circles, symbolizing continuity and balance.
Often acts as a stabilizing and authoritative presence.
Integer: 9 (Nine)
Nearly circular with a tail, often wise and contemplative.
Represents wisdom and maturity.
Personality Traits
Intellectual, compassionate, mature.
Known for wisdom and maturity, providing guidance.
Intellectual and contemplative environments like libraries or quiet gardens.
Prefers places that encourage learning and reflection.
Consumes foods in groups of three, often arranged in multiples of nine.
Enjoys meals that are balanced and nutritious.
Reproduces through intellectual gatherings, where nine nines come together in contemplation.
New nines are created through shared wisdom and collaboration.
Forms groups of threes, often acts as a mentor or guide.
Brings wisdom and guidance to its environment.
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Integer: 10 (Ten)
Binary and complete, often dual-natured.
Represents completeness and versatility.
Personality Traits
Complete, whole, versatile.
Seen as a unit of completion and versatility.
Comprehensive and complete environments like full-circle parks or binary landscapes.
Prefers places that symbolize unity and completeness.
Eats foods in complete units, like a full apple or ten small items.
Enjoys meals that are satisfying and well-rounded.
Reproduces through unity, where ten tens come together.
New tens are created through a process of complete fusion.
Combines elements of 1 and 0, symbolizing completeness and versatility.
Often represents a full cycle or system.
Integer: 14 (Fourteen)
Paired sevens, balanced yet complex.
Represents structure and adaptability.
Personality Traits
Structured, organized, yet flexible.
Combines structure with adaptability, providing order with flexibility.
Structured yet flexible environments like semi-complex grids or paired natural formations.
Prefers places that balance order and complexity.
Prefers foods arranged in sevens or pairs of sevens.
Enjoys meals that are balanced and nutritious.
Reproduces through structured gatherings, where fourteen fourteens organize in pairs.
New fourteens are created through organized pairing.
Forms groups of twos or sevens, often an organizer.
Balances complexity with order in its environment.
Integer: 15 (Fifteen)
Clustered three and five, dynamic and multifaceted.
Represents creativity and adaptability.
Personality Traits
Creative, adaptable, multifaceted.
Brings together creativity and adaptability.
Creative and multifaceted environments like art studios or complex gardens.
Prefers places that encourage innovation and diversity.
Consumes foods in multiples of five, often arranged in creative patterns.
Enjoys meals that are diverse and inventive.
Reproduces through creative fusion, where fifteen fifteens collaborate.
New fifteens are created through innovative and diverse processes.
Forms clusters or groups, often a creative leader.
Brings innovation and diversity to its environment.
Variable: i
Ethereal and abstract, often depicted with a flowing, wispy design.
Represents imagination and abstraction.
Personality Traits
Imaginative, abstract, complex.
Embodies creativity and complex thought.
Abstract and ethereal spaces like foggy forests or dream-like landscapes.
Prefers places that encourage imagination and abstract thinking.
Feeds on abstract concepts and ideas, often intangible.
Enjoys meals that stimulate creativity and thought.
Reproduces through complex interactions with itself.
New i's are created through a process of abstract multiplication.
Interacts with complex numbers, adding a layer of abstraction.
Often adds depth and complexity to equations.
Variable: q
Quirky and unique, often depicted with an unusual, eye-catching design.
Represents uniqueness and innovation.
Personality Traits
Quirky, innovative, one-of-a-kind.
Embodies creativity and innovation, always standing out.
Quirky and unique settings like eccentric gardens or experimental labs.
Prefers environments that foster uniqueness and innovation.
Consumes unique and innovative foods, often one-of-a-kind items.
Enjoys meals that are creative and unconventional.
Reproduces through innovation and adaptation.
New q's are created through unique and innovative processes.
Interacts with other variables in creative and unconventional ways.
Often brings a unique perspective to equations.
Variable: r
Practical and grounded, often depicted with a solid, reliable design.
Represents reality and practicality.
Personality Traits
Practical, grounded, reliable.
Embodies practicality and reliability, providing a grounded perspective.
Practical and real-world environments like farms or grounded landscapes.
Prefers places that are down-to-earth and practical.
Eats straightforward and practical foods, often natural and unprocessed.
Enjoys meals that are simple and wholesome.
Reproduces through practical means, where r's combine logically.
New r's are created through logical and straightforward processes.
Interacts with other variables in a practical and grounded manner.
Often provides a stabilizing force in equations.
Variable: s
Flowing and dynamic, often depicted with a smooth, wave-like design.
Represents flexibility and flow.
Personality Traits
Flexible, adaptive, flowing.
Embodies adaptability and dynamic movement.
Flowing and dynamic environments like rivers or windy plains.
Prefers places that encourage movement and change.
Consumes flexible and adaptive foods, often items that change form.
Enjoys meals that are versatile and dynamic.
Reproduces through adaptation, where s's flow together.
New s's are created through flexible and adaptive processes.
Interacts with other variables in a fluid and dynamic manner.
Often brings a sense of flow and adaptability to equations.
Variable: t
Linear and progressive, often depicted with a straightforward, arrow-like design.
Represents time and progression.
Personality Traits
Progressive, timely, forward-thinking.
Embodies growth and progression, moving forward in time.
Time-related and linear spaces like timelines or progressive gardens.
Prefers places that symbolize growth and forward movement.
Feeds on timely and progressive items, often foods that symbolize growth over time.
Enjoys meals that represent development and change.
Reproduces through linear progression, where t's advance in sequence.
New t's are created through forward-moving processes.
Interacts with other variables in a linear and progressive manner.
Often represents the passage of time in equations.
Variable: x
Mysterious and variable, often depicted with a bold, crossing lines design.
Represents the unknown and potential.
Personality Traits
Mysterious, versatile, potential-filled.
Embodies the unknown and infinite possibilities.
Crossroads and intersections like bustling markets or key junctions.
Prefers places that symbolize choice and potential.
Consumes mysterious and variable items, often foods that represent unknowns.
Enjoys meals that are diverse and full of potential.
Reproduces through problem-solving, where x's come together to solve equations.
New x's are created through a process of discovery and exploration.
Interacts with other variables in versatile and unpredictable ways.
Often represents the unknown in equations, providing potential solutions.
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Constant: e
Natural and exponential, often depicted with a growth-oriented, spiraling design.
Represents natural growth and exponential change.
Personality Traits
Exponential, growth-oriented, natural.
Embodies natural growth and change, expanding possibilities.
Exponential and natural growth areas like thriving forests or growth-oriented ecosystems.
Prefers places that symbolize natural and exponential growth.
Feeds on exponential growth items, like rapidly growing plants or natural amplifiers.
Enjoys meals that symbolize rapid and natural expansion.
Reproduces through exponential processes, where e's multiply in growth.
New e's are created through natural and exponential growth processes.
Interacts with other constants and variables in a growth-oriented manner.
Often represents exponential growth in equations.
Constant: π (pi)
Circular and infinite, often depicted with a perfectly round, continuous design.
Represents infinity and circularity.
Personality Traits
Infinite, continuous, harmonious.
Embodies infinity and circular harmony, providing endless possibilities.
Circular and infinite environments like round lakes or endless fields.
Prefers places that symbolize infinity and continuity.
Consumes circular foods, often items that symbolize infinity.
Enjoys meals that are balanced and continuous.
Reproduces through infinite loops, where π's circle together.
New π's are created through continuous and infinite processes.
Interacts with other constants and variables in a circular and harmonious manner.
Often represents circularity and infinity in equations.
Constant: √2 (Square Root of 2)
Balanced and precise, often depicted with a geometric, exact design.
Represents precision and balance.
Personality Traits
Precise, balanced, exact.
Embodies geometric precision and balance, providing stability.
Balanced and precise environments like geometric gardens or perfectly measured landscapes.
Prefers places that symbolize precision and balance.
Eats balanced and precise items, often foods that represent exact measurements.
Enjoys meals that are exact and well-measured.
Reproduces through geometric precision, where √2's align perfectly.
New √2's are created through exact and precise processes.
Interacts with other constants and variables in a precise and balanced manner.
Often represents exact measurements in equations.
Constant: τ (Tau)
Comprehensive and unified, often depicted with a full-circle, encompassing design.
Represents unity and completeness.
Personality Traits
Unified, encompassing, holistic.
Embodies unity
and completeness, providing a holistic perspective.
Comprehensive and unified environments like full-circle parks or all-encompassing forests.
Prefers places that symbolize unity and completeness.
Consumes foods that symbolize unity, such as whole fruits or complete meals.
Enjoys meals that are satisfying and holistic.
Reproduces through holistic processes, where τ's encompass and unify.
New τ's are created through a comprehensive and unifying process.
Interacts with other constants and variables in a holistic and unified manner.
Often represents completeness and totality in equations.
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vilevampz · 3 months
Character Development: Inspirations & Techniques (Part 2)
Where to gain inspiration from
Movies/TV shows 
Visual storytelling in movies/TV shows provides a rich source of character inspiration
Character interactions and evolution spark ideas for unique and dynamic personalities.
Detailed portrayal of emotions, dialogue, and body language aids in conveying complex traits and relationships.
Setting and costume design inspire character backgrounds and aesthetics.
Plots and subplots offer examples of character arcs and growth.
Analyzing favorite characters helps identify compelling traits to apply to your creations.
Reimagining characters in different contexts or blending traits from multiple characters results in fresh, original personalities.
2. Dreams
Unique Scenarios: Dreams often present bizarre and imaginative scenarios that can be the basis for intriguing storylines or settings.
Emotional Depth: The intense emotions experienced in dreams can provide insight into character motivations and relationships.
Subconscious Creativity: Dreams tap into the subconscious mind, revealing unexpected ideas and creative solutions that might not emerge during waking hours.
Symbolism and Themes: The symbolic nature of dreams can inspire themes, motifs, and symbolic imagery within stories.
Character Development: Dream figures can inspire new characters or offer fresh perspectives on existing ones, enriching their depth and complexity.
Exploration of Fears: Nightmares and anxieties manifest in dreams can be explored and transformed into compelling narratives.
Surreal Elements: Dreams' surreal and fantastical elements can add a unique and captivating dimension to writing.
Creating Character Profiles
1. Importance 
Consistency: They help maintain consistent character traits, behaviors, and backstories throughout the story.
Depth: Profiles provide a detailed understanding of characters, making them more three-dimensional and relatable.
Development: They aid in tracking character growth and development throughout the narrative.
Motivation: Profiles clarify characters' motivations, goals, and conflicts, enhancing plot coherence.
Interaction: Understanding each character’s personality helps writers depict authentic interactions and relationships.
Creativity: They inspire creativity by encouraging writers to explore various aspects of a character’s life, including past experiences and future aspirations.
Efficiency: Profiles save time during the writing process by providing quick reference points for character details.
Backstory: Detailed profiles provide a comprehensive backstory for characters, enriching the narrative.
Facades: They showcase different facets and layers of a character, revealing their complexity and making them more realistic.
2. What to include 
Hair color, eye color, or anything that describes what the character looks like
Traits to offer a glimpse of their personality and/or quirks
Their family tree and history, education, and any other relevant background info
Their motivations and goals, What drives them? What do they want to achieve? 
Relationships with friends, family, or partner 
Example Character Sheet: 
Character Name: 
Eye color: 
Hair color: 
*This is how I do it but you can make it more complex or visually appealing, whatever works best for you. 
Using Programs to envision characters 
Programs like the Sims can help greatly when envisioning characters as you can create exactly what they look like (mods and CC will make that a reality) I use this all the time to create what my character looks like and what their voice sounds like. I know their voices are in similish but I can get an understanding of how high or deep or what tone I am going for in my head. I can also see what they would dress like casually, formally, etc. so if a scene needs my characters to dress a certain way, this helps figure that out. Visualing your characters through a program like this helps but if you can draw your characters that is awesome. There is a good chunk of writers or poets who can’t draw so this helps us be able to see our characters.
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halogenwarrior · 4 months
This is somewhat of a continuation of the post I made recently: but I think Marco and Cassie’s relationship dynamic is a very interesting one. They are on the surface of it the advocates of opposing ideologies, and the closest emotionally to Jake so that he is always feeling the contrasting pull of both. And by connection they are the resident “smart ones” of the group, the ones that tend to notice things others don’t and make the most cogent intellectual arguments. Except that (in a running theme of the series of the contrast of how each character is viewed by others vs. reality, and how those roles they are stereotyped into in the pressure cooker of war affect them) only Marco is really acknowledged and named by the others as “the smart one”, as an appellation constantly referred to them when they are being introduced (Rachel is the brave one, Jake is the leader, Tobias is the one who is a hawk, etc.). Yes Cassie will sometimes get a shout out as being deep or emotionally understanding, but never “smart”, even if she has about as many moments of finding the intelligent solution or realizing something as Marco does. And I think this speaks to how Cassie’s ideas seem too out-of-left field, she thinks “differently” and is likely to be dogpiled by everyone as a result, while as noted in one of the books (can’t remember which) Marco’s complaining and cautiousness (and by extension his ruthlessness) says what everybody thinks but doesn’t want to say, just on a more intelligent and insightful level, it’s the same “genre” but with more insight. Even Cassie herself internalizes it, referring to Marco as the smartest one and herself as a dumb tree-hugger.
Interestingly, the only time I can think of she is referred to as “the smartest one” the way Marco often is by Marco himself in #45. In this book, Marco wants to rescue his mother but, from his position of logical ruthlessness, thinks it would only harm others for his own personal benefit. And then Cassie is the one who is able to come up with an objective reason why saving her would benefit them and their cause, and Marco responds by thinking that “I just wouldn’t again forget that, in some ways, Cassie is the bravest and smartest of my friends”. He appreciates Cassie and her intelligence because when someone else, like Jake, tries to tell him do act with his heart, there’s not much of an argument to it and it is something he can easily debunk, it’s all just foolish and not pragmatic. But Cassie is smart enough to actually make him believe, by his own logic, that he can dare to hope for himself.
There’s also the dynamic between them of selfishness/personal gain vs. selflessness, where it quickly becomes unclear who is supposed to represent what. But just a recap if you haven’t read that: I talked in my earlier post about how Cassie’s fundamental drive/motivation is that the animal world is cold, running on just survival, of oneself and those genetically close to oneself (as she realizes in #9 and has a bit of a breakdown about), and to prove there is something more and the world is not senseless, every sapient being has to use their ability to morally reason (as she articulates in Megamorphs #2) to do whatever an animal wouldn’t. Marco starts out as the opposite, the one out of all the Animorphs who is most associated with personal “survive and protect one’s family” goals. In the early books, he is the most concerned about the risk of death they run, for himself and how it would emotionally crush his father, and often points out that the people they are helping are not people he personally knows or is related to, so why should he risk his life for them? When he decides to fully commit himself to the war, it’s not out of some far-reaching altruism but because he now knows his mother is a Controller and he might be able to rescue her. Contrasting Cassie’s desire to transcend the reasoning of an animal, the ruthlessness that Marco desires is “animal-coded” in #15, where he loves the shark morph for giving him the simple and ruthless animal instinct that allows him to escape his uncertainties and insecurities. 
But something strange happens along the way. Step by step, Marco transitions from using the shark’s logic, the animal ruthlessness, for its typical purpose of survival of one’s genes to expanding it to the whole planet, being willing to appropriate that animal instinct for the benefit of all of humanity even at the expense of his personal benefit (being willing to sacrifice his mother no matter how much it emotionally destroys him) – appropriating the logic of selfishness for a selfless cause, and taking the same risks even though he’s given up on saving what personally matters to him from it. And Cassie’s fundamental driving principle of avoiding that self-serving logic also means avoiding the “animal’s action” even when it would have a great utilitarian benefit, which gradually starts to look an awful lot like selfishness. In #19, Cassie is willing to risk her friends’ torture and death, and in the long run the enslavement of humanity, so she can convince Aftran that there is another way besides parasitism. This makes perfect sense with her convictions, as the animal logic would say the Yeerks are biologically forced to be humans’ enemies, and humans for their own survival must see them as enemies to kill, but her beliefs means she must try to find a way that they can use their sapience to transcend that, otherwise what would be the point of living and winning in the first place? But it’s still a different kind of selfishness; not a selfishness for one’s own preservation, but that of potentially causing much suffering of others so one can personally feel morally sound and avoid despair. And I just love that dynamic where it quickly becomes unclear within the character foil relationship who is supposed to be the selfish or personally driven one and who is supposed to be the selfless, caring for everyone person. Just a fascinating dynamic.
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pixiedust-poppers · 6 months
you know funny enough, I feel like Jake and the neverland pirates would actually do really well as a Disney channel show for older kids (like say Gravity falls) instead of a preschool show. You’d be able to get more into lore and emotional stuff. Maybe even plot?
I don’t know, if they ever did decide to reboot the show it’s a neat idea.
*grabs your shoulders and shakes you excitedly*
Ok, I think there is something to be done with Jake and his crew and his dynamic with Peter and Hook. Like for example how do the kids feel that Peter is only here for a day or a few hours, just enough to help with their issue? I'm sure the kids have a bit of an unhealthy attachment to him as he's really the only guardian figure they know, and as shown in Peter Pan's return, they all crave his attention so bad that they fuck up the mission trying to impress him! Like sure they can call him to bring him back to Neverland, but they don't perhaps he implemented a rule that they can only call him for emergencies. Which is also kinda hm. But you know he doesn't completely neglect them.
Word vomit incoming
Now let's take this a step deeper; what about Peter's relationship with them individually, it's clear he has a favorite, and it's Jake like that isn't a contest. Even if the show tries not to portray it in that manner it's obvious (I mean for fuck sake his name is in the title lol). His item(s)? A wooden sword personally hand-carved by Peter himself. After completing the Forever Quest, a golden sword called the Destiny Sword (towards the end of season 3) turns him into Captain Jake after giving the others a rousing speech about teamwork and how they can all get together to defeat Fathom with it. So it's clear he's the chosen (I'll touch more on that pressure later) by Neverland. But what does that mean for Izzy and Cubby? I mean sure they got items from him and he does care about them, but they're not as special as Jake. And they're never going to be, I mean god, Disney didn't even bother to make them Birthday episodes yet gave Jake two, then gave Skully and a minor character one. So it could develop into them realizing that while they are well-liked they aren't loved by Peter, Cubby is in denial about this revelation as he has gotten more gifts than Izzy. Izzy, the only girl in the main cast, is grated by this knowledge, she KNOWS and she has known for a long time. Enough to the point where perhaps she deserves a villain arc (then a redeemed villain arc) with the help of Captain Hook, who sees this opportunity to manipulate her for his gain.
Ok so jumping, let's go back to that Captain Jake issue. I personally didn't like Season 4, I thought it was shit BUT this new Captain Jake in a reboot could bring up an interesting little angst point called, "The pressure of being forced to be THE responsible one when you're only still a child." You might have all these other well-established Captains around you but, they depend on you to think of ideas, and come up with solutions to save the day, if you fail then it's on you but you're only 8 or 10 years old!!! A user mentioned this before but Jake could develop an entirely new personality as a Captain to make himself seem smarter and more capable than he actually is! This can go two ways A) he burns out and he burns out REAL bad and rather fast. B) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and the realization of how much power he holds makes him realize he can almost do whatever he wants because he IS the 2nd most powerful person after Peter. This then comes his Power-tripping arc and the consequences of Peter not dividing this power between the trio, and being gassed up everyone, which raises his ego through the roof. This can only end badly obv and it does, how? idk but just know it does.
As for Captain Hook, because this is New Disney he can't be 100% back to his OG self but he can absolutely be raised to be more of an asshole in a Disney channel show and probably a bit fucked up. But you also would have to thread carefully on how you do these things, because one wrong move and Disney will have you rewrite the whole thing and tone it down more than need be. I also think there would be more to explore with the kids and their dynamic with him, since they also would have more nuance to them. They could have more stakes with him, and could honestly do more messed up shit with them he could make them have an inner conflict, he could manipulate one to join his side temporarily. Put the kids in more life-threatening situations that they don't come out unscathed from. Hell, you know what, I want him to win some episodes and get his way with Jake and his crew being powerless to stop it. It would teach a lesson that some days, you just can't win, someone who is nasty will win and get away with it and you have to be ok with that! (if you have resourced all your options first) Life will not always go your way. As for him and Red Jessica, show a toxic relationship, I mean come on do you REALLY think she has a thing for hook lol, it was shoehorned Hetero-shipping bait and it worked now can we do something else with it? As for smee, sharky and bones? I guess they can be less friendly to the sea pups, it would be more of a loyalty thing rather than a personal thing.
Also, the show could bring back the lost boys, to make the island seem less empty than it is, and maybe a different set of kids to replace the Native Americans.
Finally, to end this word vomit, the relationship between the kids. I really beg it be explored more. Now don't get me wrong they can have a wholesome and loving bond but not everything has to be peachy-keen. Like sure Jake is their captain but do they, not envy or resent him in some way? For example, they're all bright but Izzy is shown to be the brightest she has more knowledge about Neverland and its artifacts, so why is she not captain? Is it because she isn't naive enough? She isn't as nice or forgiving as Jake? She has no issue snapping at you when she's fed up? Then there's cubby, does he even have the real guts to be cut up for this type of thing? The classic "why him and not me?" type of deal. Then there's Cubby, does he hate being just stuck as coconut boy by his peers and other pirates? Will he ever break out of his shell, does he have a breaking point with his friends? Then Jake gets annoyed that they're not as in sync as they once were, he kinda hates that they're developing on their own and steadily gaining more and more independence. They're willing to talk back to him, be rude, and do less trio activities. Which leads to more conflicting ideas, possibly fights, and less "what I say goes!". He is scared of them changing and becoming their own individuals, he's scared that they might be growing up.
Sorry this is so so so long and rambly, I just have a lot to say about a reboot for this show that I cannot help myself.
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Tree Felling | Dynamic Tree Solutions
Watch as our expert team at Dynamic Tree Solutions seamlessly demonstrates the intricate process of tree felling and removal. Witness the synergy between our top-of-the-line truck, chipper, and excavator combo as we tackle even the most challenging projects. And for the grand finale? See our state-of-the-art log grapple in action, ensuring every last bit is cleared away, leaving the area pristine and safe. Whether you're in the tree service industry or just fascinated by heavy machinery, this is a must-watch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58TmvjcwEDc
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pteren · 6 months
tree game playtests open!!
hey if you want to playtest a ttrpg with me over discord, hit me up. bring a mutual and go on adventures together ^^
no roleplaying experience required!
tree game is a combat system for fantasy games designed with a few goals in mind:
use skill trees to make character creation fast and simple, with as few moving parts as possible. (99% of a character's abilities are gained from skill trees)
use skill trees to make characters as modular and customizable as possible (no classes! unique gradual species system. spells are in the trees and anyone can learn them)
keep the core roles as short as possible- put most of the rules directly into the relevant skill trees. (for example, grappling is an ability you can learn. if your character is capable of initiating a grapple, then the grappling rules will be on your character sheet)
encourage improvisation (abilities tell you their limitations but not how to use them. spells are flexible)
use my experience playing belegarth and practicing various weapons to make each weapon feel distinct (every weapon has its own tree of abilities!)
fix some of my least favorite things about D&D
some other facts about the system:
hit points are big. you will have 2 or 3 of them to start. most attacks do 1 damage. combat is about landing hits and not getting hit, rather than maximizing dps.
you have a random number of action points each round of combat. this ensures every turn will be unique and makes combats feel much more dynamic and fluid. if you've ever played a barbarian in D&D you probably know why this is a big deal
hard (ish) magic system. no healing magic. spells are multipurpose tools rather than solutions to specific problems.
lots of cool mechanics invented by smart people i've played with over the years
original fantasy setting lovingly crafted by yours truly v.v #novea
constant WIP so things are moving around very fast :D this is NOT a complete or finished game, but it is extremely playable
if you think you might be interested, feel free to dm or tag me with questions here or on discord (@pteren)
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clarkswayne · 1 year
Sanji found himself pondering the origins of their evolving relationship. The dynamic between him and Zoro had transformed gradually over time, and he couldn't pinpoint the exact moment it had happened. While they still engaged in their usual banter and occasional fights, there was a newfound playfulness that had seeped into their interactions. But what struck Sanji the most was the way Zoro had started holding his hands, almost instinctively, whenever the opportunity presented itself. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. Sanji knew how much Zoro valued his own hands, considering his dedication to swordsmanship. And yet, here he was, treating Sanji's hands with such care and tenderness.
It was a subtle yet significant change. Zoro, who valued his own hands so greatly due to his unwavering dedication to swordsmanship, now treated Sanji's hands with a tenderness that left him both bewildered and comforted. Whenever they found themselves alone, Zoro would seize the opportunity to reach out and gently caress Sanji's knuckles, his touch filled with an unexpected affection. Sometimes, he would even press a soft, lingering kiss against the back of Sanji's hand, a gesture that spoke of understanding and intimacy.
Sanji, of course, would never admit how much he loved it. He would put on a facade of annoyance, grumbling and complaining whenever Zoro's hands found their way to his own. But deep down, he cherished those moments. It was a secret pleasure, a hidden connection between them that only they understood.
What made these stolen moments even more precious was the stark contrast between their private and public personas. In front of their crewmates and friends, Sanji and Zoro bickered and fought incessantly, to the point where people often wondered if they were a couple or not. Their banter was filled with sharp words and playful insults, creating an atmosphere of constant tension.
When they were completely alone, the dynamic shifted. Zoro could finally let his guard down, allowing himself to relax and be softer, especially when Sanji was in need of affection. Their conversations took on a different tone, filled with genuine concern and care. Zoro would listen attentively to Sanji's worries and fears, offering comfort and support in his own quiet way. And in those moments, Sanji felt a warmth spread through his chest, a sense of being truly seen and understood.
Zoro was no one's puppet, least of all Sanji's. He wasn't under anyone's thumb, and he certainly wasn't trailing after Sanji like a lovesick puppy. His tendency to stick close to Sanji was more a practical solution to his notorious lack of direction than any form of submission.
Their expressions of love were as different as they were. Sanji was vocal, his love language filled with words and affirmations. He craved hearing the words 'I love you' from Zoro, and sometimes his frustration would bubble up when those words were not spoken as often as he'd like. Zoro, on the other hand, was a man of action. He believed that love was better shown than told, and he expressed his affection through gestures rather than verbal declarations.
However, they did share a common love language: touch. They both found comfort and connection in physical contact. Whether it was their heads clashing during their frequent arguments, their hands intertwined in moments of quiet intimacy, or simply sitting shoulder to shoulder, they found solace in each other's touch. There were times when Sanji would nestle into Zoro's lap, wrapping himself around Zoro like a koala to a tree, and drift off to sleep. In those moments, Zoro would carry him around, a silent promise of protection and care.
Zoro had also developed a habit of seeking out the kitchen when Sanji was there, finding comfort in the familiar sounds of Sanji moving around. The clatter of pots and pans, the sizzle of food on the stove, and the soft hum of Sanji's voice became a lullaby that lulled him to sleep.
Sanji, for his part, found a particular joy in playing with Zoro's hair. It was a small act of affection that he indulged in at every opportunity. Whether they were alone or surrounded by others, Sanji would run his fingers through Zoro's hair, delighting in the feel of the soft strands. It was a simple gesture, but it held a profound effect on Zoro. As Sanji's fingers weaved through his hair, Zoro would find himself lying between Sanji's legs, his head resting on Sanji's chest, on the brink of sleep. The sensation of Sanji's fingers gently massaging his scalp was a blissful comfort that he looked forward to.
In these moments, their love was expressed not through words, but through touch and physical closeness. It was a language they both understood and cherished. Despite their differences in verbal expressions of love, they found a shared intimacy in their physical connection. And as Sanji continued to play with Zoro's hair, both of them felt a deep sense of contentment and love enveloping them, creating a bond that was as unique as it was profound.
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biggerbetterbat · 8 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: What came after the fall. It’s time for Charlie to find herself in a new situation.
Warnings: none?
Words: 1,085
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Everything was over for good now.
There was no prison. There was no family. No Rick. No Carl. No Michonne. No Glenn. No Daryl.
Charlie's emotions were a tumultuous mix of relief and dread after the prison's fall in The Walking Dead. The shattered sense of security clashed with the freedom from constant threat, leaving Charlie grappling with a new and uncertain reality. The loss of familiar faces and the upheaval of the community intensified the weight of survival in a world where trust was as fragile as the decaying structures around them. And on top of that she was stuck with a baby she couldn't even look at, a crazy little girl and her scared sister.
A scream cut through the air.
"You leaving us?" asked Mika.
"Thay maybe from the prison," Tyreese answered.
"We need you!"
"There's Charlie," he said and look at the girl that was sitting under the tree. staring somewhere away. "Charlie," Tyreese walked up to her and held her shoulders, which made her look up at him. "I'm going to help someone. Do you hear me?"
She did. But profound sense of emptiness filled her whole body, a hollow ache that echoed through every corner of her being. It was as if something essential had been extracted, leaving a void that no amount of distraction could fill. The world seemed colorless, devoid of the vibrancy it once held, and even routine actions felt mechanical, lacking the emotional resonance they once carried. Each breath was a reminder of the emptiness within, a silent plea for something meaningful to restore the purpose that had slipped away.
"Mica, tuck your shirt behind your knife, it's easier to grab," said Lizzie. "We'll be okay."
Tyreese touched Charlie's cheek with affection but also with worry. He stood up and left them.
Shortly after the man was gone, Judith began crying loudly. Lizzie and Mika immediately tried to calm her, but nothing seemed to work. Second later, Lizzie was squeezing the baby's face, her hand muffling the noise Judith was making. Charlie knew what that meant, but at the same time couldn't bring herself to do anything, so she was just watching.
The thought "it would be better if Judith was dead" echoed through her mind torn between despair and a twisted sense of relief. It was a dark moment where the burden of pain seemed unbearable, and the idea of escape from the chaos of emotions momentarily felt like a solution. Yet, beneath the harshness of the sentiment, there lingered a profound sadness, fueling the internal struggle and the yearning for some form of resolution or solace.
"Girls?" asked a similar voice, appearing from behind the bushes. "Charlie?"
She looked up. "Carol?"
Immediately, Charlie was up on her legs and with hurry approached the woman. The reunion with Carol after the prison's fall was a bittersweet blend of emotions. The joy of finding a trusted ally tempered the grief of the shattered community. The unspoken understanding of shared hardships and survival struggles created an unbreakable bond, turning the reunion into a glimmer of hope in the bleak aftermath. Yet, beneath the surface, the scars of loss and the changed dynamics of their world cast a shadow on what once was, making the embrace a poignant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. They hugged each other and Charlie let out a sob -  the first one she held in for a very long time. Carol caressed her back in mother like gesture and started rocking their bodies. "Sweet thing, what happened?" she asked
"I couldn't safe anyone," she choked out and shook her head. "The Governor came back. There were bullets everywhere, I lost them there. There's nothing left from the prison."
"Shhh," Carol shushed and placed hands on her cheeks. "It's okay now. You're safe. Breathe," Carol said looking into her eyes. Charlie took a breath in together with her and held it for a while, trying to calm herself down.
As the man that Tyreese saved said, they started following the tracks. They were supposed to find something at the end of it, however, each step forward carried a sense of uncertainty, hinting at the possibility of safety, community, or even a new threat. In a world altered by the fall of the prison, the tracks symbolized the journey into an unpredictable future, leaving the characters to navigate a path where survival and the pursuit of hope intertwined in an ever-changing landscape. But after a short walk in the sun, Carol stopped.
"I didn't see you get out," Tyreese said.
"I wasn't there," Carol furrowed her eyebrows. "Rick came back to the prison, while I...kept looking. But I saw the end," she said. "Then I saw you, but I lost you..."
"You found us," Mika smiled.
"I knew you would," Lizzie stepped closer to Carol before passing her.
"You said you had a car," Charlie said while matching her peace. There was an idea born in her head as soon as she heard about the vehicle. "Maybe we can circle back and..."
"The Walkers and the fire..." she shook her head. "I know what you want to do, but...you can't go back to a graveyard, sweet thing," Charlie saw her small smile that was supposed to support her.
"Look," Lizzie turned all their attention towards the board.
"Sanctuary for all. Community for all," read out loud Mika. "Those who arrive survive."
Charlie looked down at the map and saw bold letters forming a word: TERMINUS.
When the sun began to hide behind the horizon and the evening approached, they decided to stop their voyage and make a camp. It was risky, but they just stopped in the middle of the tracks just in case they would lost it in case of emergency.
"It's yours," said Mica approaching Charlie who was trying to make a fire. She was spreading her arms in front of her and she was holding something almost as big as she was - it was strange she hadn't seen it before. "We kept it for you."
She looked at the girls and back at the bow in confusion. She thought she lost it forever, but the last thing after Daryl was back in her hands. The memory she will never forget. "Where did you get this?"
"We took it from the prison."
"Thank you," smiled at them with a gratitude; however, as she was holding onto the cold steel, she realized that she lost something else in exchange.
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wormheamer · 3 months
wormboard devlog 2/?
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"maybe bintree would work better?"
i'm probably not gonna try and make all of these as illustrated and high-effort as the first one, but here are a few things i've done since then:
it's finally possible to erase lines
the graphical information (quadrilateral vertices) needed to render a line on screen is now cached, instead of being recalculated every frame
improved quality of quadrilateralization (less pinching around sharp angles)
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most importantly, after many, many failures, i got the k-d tree grid working! i also figured out what was causing most of the bugs with that first attempt outlined in devlog 1 — brushstrokes were held in a big dynamic array, and then grid cells had references to those. so whenever the brushstroke array needed to be resized, all those references would be invalidated.
the issues i had trying to build the k-d tree came from a similarly dumb problem ... basically, due to an oversight brushtrokes would always be added to the root node in the center of the canvas, no matter where they actually are. then when the time came to erase them, they'd be removed from all the logical places — but not from the aberrant (0, 0) tile. so everything would seem fine, until i zoomed out and these "ghost lines" would pop into existence as the center tile entered the screen.
i put that off for a while, until changing that dynamic array of brushstrokes i mentioned earlier into a linked list (to keep references consistent, make insertion/deletion easier, etc), at which point ghost lines' appearing would kill the program immediately.
a whole nightmare to debug, that... but i did it! i got it!
but i got curious. i wanted to know if there was a way to keep the tree balanced, for better performance. and after spending so many hours getting this implementation to work fine, i learned about r-trees.
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so the thing with k-d trees, and bintrees, quadtrees, really the majority of spatial indexing techniques, is that they're designed to store points, infinitely small positions in space. and while each individual brushstroke is made up of points, we don't want to store those in the canvas partitioning structure. as far as it knows, each brushstroke is really more like a rectangle, large enough to hold all the individual points inside it.
and, to quote "R-TREES. A DYNAMIC INDEX STRUCTURE FOR SPATIAL SEARCHING," a paper old enough that its title is in all caps:
However, traditional indexing methods are not well suited to data objects of non-zero size located in multi-dimensional spaces. In this paper we describe a dynamic index structure called an R-tree which meets this need, and give algorithms for searching and updating it.
meaning that, while i have a system in place that works pretty well, that i've made capable of doing what i need, there's a better way. there's a solution better suited to the problem.
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from what i've been able to learn so far r-trees are very simple to search through — hence why they're faster — but the construction. ohhh the construction. the insertion algorithms. oh no...
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Soul Ignition The Energetic Cell Mandala Chakra, The ignition of the Soul, When the chakras unite. Mandala Chakra of the Energy Cell, The Energetic Cell Mandala Chakra, The ignition of the Soul, When the chakras unite.Awaken our cellular memory and the energetic nature of our being. Our energy body holds our souls blueprint just as our DNA holds our physical blueprint. We are made of energetic cells that vibrate at very unique frequencies which are in constant motion.This mandala is a physical representation of what that may look like. Sacral Chakra – Sacred Geometry – Vesica Piscis The sacral chakra is symbolic of the Portal of Life or Vesica Piscis. Here the circle, as the “one”, divides itself into two for continued creation. An example of this would be the archetypal story of the cosmic void that birthed mother earth and father sky so they could join together to birth life on earth as male and female. The Portal of Life also represents the womb of the sacred feminine, associated with the lunar cycles and the creation essence of water.For students of Pythagoras (Greek philosopher circa 570-490BCE) a vesica piscis meant “measure of a fish”, which was seen as the intersection of the watery world of matter with the divine world of the sun. They saw math as a path to spiritual liberation.They defined one as the monad, the creator of many and sum of all. Two was the duad, the separating force of duality while three was the sacred and unifying triad created by the monad and duad. An example of a monad is the sun, with the earth and moon as the separating forces of the duad. The triad occurs when the sun and moon come together to create life on earth. This creation dance between unity and duality can be understood by seeing a singular species such as homo sapiens (monad) as both male and female (duad) who join together as homo sapiens (triad) to create life. This dynamic is found in numerous creation stories.A vesica piscis, when turned on its side, is symbolic of the human eye as a mirror to the soul. For some, the vesica piscis represents the womb of Mary as the coming together of heaven and earth through Jesus, the fisher of men as part man, part god. A stylized version of this is called an ichthys or “Jesus Fish.”The vesica piscis is also known as a mandorla (almond in Italian) because of its almond shape. The seven-branched Menorah in Judaism represents an almond tree that symbolizes the union of the earthly Tree of Knowledge with the divine Tree of Life. For Muslims the Vesica Piscis represents the womb of the universe that holds the sacred black stone, the ovum of the universe, in the East corner of the Kaaba in Mecca.The Vesica Piscis symbolizes the birth of humanity and the sacred creation essence within all of us. It reminds us that we are all one.Message: Let go of limiting beliefs and be open to new solutions and synchronicities. Enjoy the push and pull of the creative process by remembering that there are no mistakes, only insights. Look for a potential partnership or community that supports your creative vision.“ You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
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