#e-tion smut
lost-inthedream · 1 year
Hannah, how about morning sex with onf? (just an idea) ^^
Sorry for the long wait, my love. This came out so so soft. I hope you enjoy it!
They will be back soon!!!
Morning sex with ONF
Mostly how they start morning sex
Pairing: ONF x female reader
Warnings: bad language, semi-sonmo (with assumed consent), mentions of oral, mentions of penetration, mentions of masturbation
Bonus song rec: HOMESWEETHOME, by Yerin Baek
It usually starts with him refusing to get up and not letting you go. "What can be better than staying here with your man?" Is there any reasonable reason? Anyways, sometimes, you all just stay in bed for way too long.
Hyojin tightened his grip on your wrist after you insisted on leaving his side. Even though it was evident that he was fully awake, he started arguing that he needed more time and you certainly needed it too. He kissed your inner wrist with closed eyes, methodically going up your arm. " Also, you know I can eat pussy so well" he whispered against your shoulder.
"Boy, it's 9 AM" you chuckled, not sure whether he was truly down for it. The only thing he wanted was you lying back, right? You rested your body on the mattress, intrigued to see where that was leading you all to.
"Can I?" he asked brushing his nose on yours and delicately pulling on your waistband.
➹J-Us (Seungjun):
It starts with the two of you waking up very close. Your leg circling his waist and his face onto your neck/breasts.
He regained his conscience and nuzzled you awake. "Babe, you smell so good. Am I in a garden?"
You roused muddled, his voice calmly saying you were in his arms. It was so warm there, his breath tickled you in a good way. "G' morning, Jun" you murmured, still feeling your neck being sniffed by your boyfriend.
He alternated nose rubs and pecks all over your neck and jaw until he wanted more of you. Red patterns took your sensitive skin over and his skilled hands had pulled your strap top down. You did not even feel that coming, yet your nipples were between his fingers.
➹E-Tion (Changyoon):
You know it when you all will be making love in the morning by the kisses he traces down on your back. He never wakes you up harshly but when he is in a mood, he becomes mischievous.
The kisses he gifted you were indecent, they were noisy and it seemed like he was trying to save a melting popsicle. You woke up with your shirt rolled up and his sensual presence to arouse you. "My love," you whimpered "what do you want from me?"
"Is this bad?" he promptly asked just to turn back to his conduct because he knew the answer you would give him.
"On the contrary" you just formalize half moaning the words. Changyoon slowly laid on top of you, deliciously crashing you onto the mattress. His erection settled right between your butt cheeks while his mouth stood close to your ear "I want you so bad, let me be inside you"
➹Wyatt (jaeyoung):
On most occasions, it starts with you. You see him sleeping and even though he holds the prettiest pout, his arms are so damn bulky that it makes you curse in your head.
You kissed him good morning and whispered sweet nothings so he woke up smiley. "Please, more kisses" he requested low, in a way that have your mind speeding up. You need to hear his lazy moans in your ear.
You do as he asked for, lingering your lips on the corner of his own before saying your plea. "I wanna make love to you". He chuckled and leisurely grabbed you by the middle in order to bring you closer. His leg easily slid between yours and he started to suck on your shoulder. That had you hyperventilate in no time, like a fool. "Jaeyoung..."
A deep grunt reverberated from him every time you gasped his name. You hated the way he got you out of your mind before you could do anything. Even your hips moved by themselves so your folds rubbed against his leg.
➹MK (Minkyun):
It starts with him pretending he does not want you to wake up.
His nose brushed on your shoulder blade and he purred from time to time. You jerked a few times in your sleep so his heart fluttered in response but you were just slightly shifting position. He did not notice it but his grip around your waist tightened because of his anticipation.
After your hand stumbled from the pillow, you hooked one of his thumbs and forced his hand out of you. "Kyun, it hurts" you panted. The pout on his lips can be spotted in his voice. "Sorry, that wasn't my intention but... I'm in pain too"
You turned to face him the fastest you could, placing your face pretty close to his. Your eyes could not stay open while he admired your face with lust. "Tell me where it hurts?" you asked, starting to get concerned.
"Angel, it's my cock. I mean, I'm so hard" he confessed shamelessly.
➹Yuto (U):
You and he are so in tune that you often wake up both in a mood.
Your breathing was stable near his ear, so Yuto tried not to move. You hugged him as if he was a Teddy bear and your hand settled relaxed on his abdomen. He could not stop daydreaming about you stroking his member as the sunlight gifted your lazy bodies.
Once you woke up and found out he was killing time by playing with your fingers, you caressed his torso upwards, feeling every inch of him. "Gotta get up now, babe?" you asked.
"I don't have anything to do, plus wanna stay with you longer" he replied, letting you continue to palm him, though his touch slightly guided your massage down his shorts. With your delicate hand, you slid his waistband down and clutched his half-hard shaft.
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onf-headcanons · 4 years
First time (A Changyoon x Reader fic)
A/n : warning really long post , smut
 Hmm also I wont be specifically writing about hair color for Changyoon, even though I do love his short hair in Sukhimvit Swimming, (and I do picture that hair while writing) but I dont want to not being flexible in settings so I will be keeping a lot details vague this time.
Again English is not my mother tongue even tho its my second language. So please bear with me if my English or my writing is horrible and weird
OK story time let’s go
Quick setting, Changyoon is not your first boyfriend and you are not his either. But in terms of skinship, he is the first as your previous relationships you did not get to go too far.
You two washed up quite early. Having nothing else to do, you and Changyoon decided to watch a movie an streaming apps via TV. He lets you decide while he quickly whip up some popcorn at the kitchen and you just randomly pick one that has a high positive rating.
(It’s a romance genre but you did not knew there is a steamy make out scene in the movie that signifies advancement in characters relationship)
You and Changyoon cuddles on the couch, he is hugging you while you are hugging on a cushion. Enjoying and immersed at watching the characters in the movie in their slow burn relationship.
And then near the end of the movie comes the steamy scene. Changyoon, the usual easily flustered type, goes “Woah, Wah! Mwoyaaaa!! (What the heck!)”, and even lets go of you and covers his eyes with his hands
At the same time you goes “Oh dear.” and laughs nervously.
He suggests you to turn it off but you reply him there is just 10 more minutes left. Seeing you has no intention to turn it off, Changyoon licks his upper lips anxiously and before pursues his lips. His hands now are covering his ears and his eyes are shut tightly.
Seeing Changyoon doing that, you chuckled before turning the TV off. Finding it funny because it’s not like you two never kissed, also finding your BF is cute as he sure is very easily flustered. You reach out your hand to grab his wrist nearby his ear, and tell him you have already turned off the TV.
Upon hearing you, Changyoon opens one of his eyes to take a peek. Relieved when he sees the TV screen is black, then only he relaxes himself.
“Woah, thank god…things nearly get real bad…” Changyoon rubs his face with the palm of his hands while letting out a sigh.
Halfly want to tease him, you gets closer to him and ask “ Come on we are both adults, it was not a big deal.”
“No, its dangerous. Promise me, don’t ever watch stuff like this with other guys.” Changyoon makes a quick glance and then retorts you.
“Why would I watch that with other people?” You laughs because that comes out of nowhere, then another thought strikes you, “Are you being jealous?”
“No, not really… I mean…” Changyoon stutters. You wait for him patiently to find the best words to express himself, then he continues, “Well guys are beasts, thats why you need to more careful.”
“Okay.” you respond.
“Including me.” Changyoon drops instantly after your words ended. You raise your eyebrows upon hearing him. Changyoon finally looks at you in the eye and reaches out to cup your cheek before he goes, “ It will be a lie if I said I never had thoughts towards you.”
“So again, you need to more care-”
Before he could finish his words, his lips are taken by yours. Its just a peck, but since you literally leaped (lightly) to his chest, both of your upper body are pressed against each other with clothes as the only barricade between bare skin. You doing it because you suddenly feels that you want to do it.
It is rare for you to initiate, Changyoon nervously smiles at you when you push yourself backwards, looking at you unbelievingly. “You are the one who DOES NOT need to be THAT careful.” you look at him affectionately while assuring him.
“Did you.. chose that movie on purpose?” With one eyebrow raised, Changyoon voices out his doubt.
“I swear I really did not know about that passionate part in the movie.” You quickly explained that you are innocent.
And Changyoon lets out a sigh again as he knew you are telling the truth.
“This was never how I have imagined it to happen, but…” Changyoon frowns a bit and rubs his face with his palm again, his tone sound serious. “Y/N, can I?”
You promptly agree him and Changyoon pushes himself up. He pushes you up too. “I am serious. But not now, it does not need to be now. You can have a thought about it.”
You lightly bite you lower lip, pupils wandering a bit then you goes, “It is fine even if we do it right now.” 
Changyoon eyes got bigger due to your unexpected answer. “ Y/N, please think about it properly. What did I always tell you?”
If you did not know him well, you probably already shivering because of his sternly-piercing looking eyes. But after some time of interactions you could tell that he is just deeply concerned.
“You need to love yourself more.” you rephrase Changyoon’s words while he is repeating it in front of you. 
“I do take you words seriously, Changyoon. I love you that’s why I do.” You lower your gaze and reach out to place your hands on his and then you gaze at him again.
“I love and know myself well enough to tell you now, that I am ready and absolutely ok with it.” You sound firm, and you tighten you grip.
To your surprise, Changyoon suddenly pounces towards you, making you fell back to the couch. As your back comes in contact with the couch, your lips also make contact with Changyoon’s soft and plump lips.
He is slowly kissing your lower lip and occasionally giving it a gentle nibble while sucking it. His arms are resting beside your head, supporting his weigh, as if he is afraid of squishing you. But then he stops doing that as he moves his hands to cup your cheeks.
Then one of his hand slides to your chin, with a little force added, you let his tongue into your mouth. His breathing got heavier and you can feel it on your face as he exhales. As he is cupping your face, he is also holding you in place, making him had easy access towards you. You respond to him but he is much more passionate than usual. You could not keep up so you just let him lead you and had his way. You relax yourself by resting you arms on the couch.
The kiss was long and passionate, too long in your opinion, you lift you hands and wearily placed at his chest. Changyoon immediately understood the cue and he breaks off the kiss to catch his breathe, kisses your forehead while you are also gasping for air.
Seeing your moisty lips and unfocused gaze, he could not contain himself and leans towards you even before you get enough of oxygen.You whimpered the moment his lips touches yours. This time he did not go easier on you. It is slightly rougher and sloppier. Both his hands are at the sides of your neck, securing you while he immersed in his indulgence.
As he moves back, he frowns while biting a corner of his lower lips. You could tell he is frustrated. But not to the extent that he is annoyed.
“What… was that for?” You barely let your words out as you panted. “Payback?”
“Sorry… did I startled you?” His expression quickly turned to looking worried after he knew he lost his cool. You shake you head.
Changyoon lowers his head and places his forehead on yours, adjusting his breathing and trying to calm himself by keep reminding that it is your first time in his head. You can tell his switch is totally turned on, he is still wanting for another kiss since he keep tilting his head, trying to find an easy angle to land his lips on yours again. But he is hesitating (or maybe he is waiting for you to adjust your breathing)
You finally gain a bit of strength, reach out to cup his chubby cheeks and guide his lips to yours. As both of your lips pressed together for the third time, you wrap your arms around his neck, opening a bit of your mouth as well. He takes that as a sign that he could do more. So he engages another kiss with you once more.
While kissing, Changyoon slides one of his hand down towards the side of your waist and without warning, he hand dig through the fabric of your clothes and his palm comes contact to your skin. He starts to caress your belly moving his palm left and right, not moving upwards just yet. His hand movement had already made you arching your body as response. Unconsciously, loosen you arms let them fell on your chest. 
Changyoon break of the kiss and he takes out his hand underneath your shirt to grab your hand. He kisses your fingers before he whispers to your ear, “Want me to stop?” Such soft and attentive question but it also somewhat feels as if it is the final warning from him.
Overwhelmed by experiencing a whole new sensation for the first time, with your trembling lips and teary eyes, you shake your head.
Changyoon then kisses you forehead and your cheek. Later he pushes himself up to strip his shirt, revealing your favorite thing of his. His WHPH tattoo.
He helps you to take off your clothes while you cooperated. (Should you are female reader, you felt a bit nervous as you recalled that the underwear you are wearing were not the best ones you have. And that moment you kinda regret for making the decision without thinking another step further. But not for long) 
Changyoon adjusts his posture and you are now between his legs, he looks at you for a bit, not making any comments. But his hands are the opposite. He is touching you again. (Female reader part, he is caressing your chest with your bra on). While doing it, he is observing your reaction. 
He leans forward and lands kisses on your neck area. You do not know where to place your hands so you just rest them at the sides of your head, clutching the fabric of the couch tightly while letting out some whimpers.
(Changyoon reaches to the straps of your bra at your shoulders. Sliding them off and then slowly he pushes your bra downwards so that he can have easier access to your breast)
He give your earlobes a few nibbles and soft bites before he move further down to your collarbone. Unconsciously, your hands reach out and rest on his shoulders. Changyoon took it as a possible cue again and he raised his head to check on you again.You shake your head again to let him know it is fine to continue.
Then he kisses your chest while occasionally making eye contact with you. You jolted at his lips touches your skin. He did not stop there, and he starts to tease you using his tongue. He did not neglect the other one, as he plays your nipple with his fingers. The man on top of you letting out soft groans and grunts as he tries his best to please you. 
Conscious of him watching, you hold back your voice by biting your lower lip, your hands fell back on the couch again. But as Changyoon concentrates on what he is doing, you finally could not hold it in, letting out moans unintentionally riling him up even more. Feeling unfamiliar with what you are experiencing, you tried to change the mood by calling out your partner’s name.
“Hmm?” your partner responds
“Say something... would you?” you mutter out your thoughts. He pushes himself up again to look at you.  “This silence is making me embarrassed and it is killing me.”
“But wouldn’t talking too much kills the mood as well?” Changyoon reaches out to one hand of yours, locking his fingers with yours before pulling your hand towards to land a gentle kiss on the back of your hand. “Besides, I don’t like commenting much on someone’s body. You know that.” he continued as he lowers both his hand and yours and places them on your belly.
 While at it, he loosen his grip of your hand and slides his hand downwards. “ Can I?” he asks while kissing you on the side if your neck.
You gave him permission then he stops kissing you and advances his hand further, caressing your private part through your underwear. You don’t really have a hobby of touching yourself and it is the first time someone else doing it. Your hip starts to move and tremble as a response to his slow and sensual touch. “You are wet. I am glad you felt good.” “ Changyoon murmurs into your ear and it gave you chills towards your spine.
He strips off the final clothing of yours and touches you directly. While at it, he moves a bit and lowers his head to take your nipple in his mouth. And then,seeing he is distracting you successfully, he slowly inserts his finger into your entrance.
You jolt and exhale sharply as it is your first time something inserted into you. Unintentionally, your hip is squirming a bit as if trying to escape. Changyoon pushes himself up and places his free hand on your the side of your waist, he did not add any force, but weirdly it did hold you in place. 
Changyoon watches you closely trying to get all the cues from your facial expression. “It’s ok, relax. I am not hurting you.” he adds while advancing his finger further into you. You breathe heavily and relax yourself, he then adds in another finger into you. You just let him take the lead because you trust him understands what he is doing.
Then his fingers swept through a spot, it makes you tingle and your back arch in response. Due to a sudden reaction of yours, Changyoon look at your with a bit of disbelief. To confirm his doubt, he moves back to the spot and ask:” Was it here?”
It caught you off guard and you let out a loud moan as he slowly grinds his fingers towards the spot. “Aah,...” you whimpers in a low trembling voice while reaching your hand to his hand at your private part.
“Am I right?” Changyoon asks again as he presses the spot. Your legs jolt as a result of correct answer to his question. 
Changyoon lean towards you and kisses your forehead, “Should I stop?” he offers but he did not pull out his fingers, instead he is massaging the spot, making you moan even more. You shake your head and only mutter his name as he starts to thrust his fingers into you. 
“Does it feel good?” he confirms with you. You can only nod.
Without any word, Changyoon slides his free hand upwards to caress your chest, teasing your nipples while at it. He only quietly watches you  reacting to his touch.
Your hands are scratching and clutching the fabric of the couch, you are biting your lips hoping to lower down the noises you are making. It riles him up even more, “ Ya, don’t bite yourself. “ Changyoon notices and he leans down to kiss you on the lips. Your let out all your whimpers and moans into his mouth.
The whole new sensation was overwhelming for you. Your mind goes blank and tears rolling down from your eyes. It did not take long for you to experience your first climax. Changyoon breaks off the kiss and pushes himself up to check on your condition. 
Looking at your teary eyes, he wipes away your tears while smiling and feeling proud of himself. He pulls out his fingers from you. You are gasping heavily for air, still processing what has happened. Changyoon pats your head and praises you.
Changyoon reach out to your thighs, lifting one of it trying to spread your legs. You thought he will proceed just like that but he pauses. Then he pushes himself further up and eventually leaves the couch, rushing to the bedroom. You could not understand his actions and you use up all your might to push yourself up, wondering why did he leave.
He then returns with a few condoms, while looking a bit anxious and worried. He is nagging while walking to wards you, “This is why we should plan before doing it, what are you even thinking Changyoon-ah ...”
Seeing you already pushed yourself up, he let out a “Mwoya?” by habit.
You only look at him in a puzzling look.  “I did not have lubricant, and these are the only condoms I have.” he says as he walks near you.
“It might hurts.” he warns. “Are you sure you still wanna do it?” he gently pats your head while waiting you to answer.
You could argue that you are not thinking straight or, you just don’t want him to hesitate. As your breathing get calmer, you reply him while raising your eyebrow playfully, “Well I am just not sure if we should do it on the couch though...”
Changyoon gets your intention immediately and he retorts you with  “Ya, I am being serious here!”
Then he pauses again, you can tell he is thinking. You lean forward, enough distance to reach out his hand and pulls him towards you. In no time, Changyoon is on top of you again.
He knows he could not win you, so he lightly pinches you on your cheek with his free hand. “You asked for it, so don’t blame me later ok?”
He pushes himself up to strip his underwear. You take a condom from him and opens it. Changyoon then takes the condom from you and puts it on. You stare at him and unconsciously swallowed saliva due to nerviousness. (Of course you also felt glad that he is up)
Once he is done, his hands are now at the side of your thighs. You cooperated as he lightly yanks your hip upwards, grabs a cushion to place it under your hip.  He then adjusts your pose so that now you are lying down on your side and one of your leg is resting on his shoulder.
You could feel his bulge come in contact with your skin as you two are now very close to each other. Changyoon guides himself to your entrance, massaging your entrance with his tip so that you can loosen up and take him in.
“Don’t look if you are scared. “ he advises, then he inhales deeply as he slowly enters. He pushes himself in while landing some kisses at your inner thigh. 
 As the pain spreads from inside you, you curl yourself a bit and Changyoon stops advancing. He quickly asks he if you are alright and plans waits for your frown to loosen up a bit before proceeding further in. You nods as a sign for him to continue.
With his at your waist holding you in place, Changyoon gradually move his hip towards you until he has himself all inside you. As he was entering you, he was so concentrated at not hurting you that his lips are pouting unconsciously (and frowning as well).   Once he had everything in, he let out a groan of relief.
You are trembling because you could feel the heat of what is inside you. Uncomfortable is not the word, but it does make you a feeling slightly unease. Changyoon lowers your leg at his shoulder and bends down. His hands let go of your waist. One finds your hand that was clutching couch’s fabric while another hand cups your cheek and he kisses you again.
As he is kissing you, you could feel he is getting bigger inside you. Your cheeks flushes red immediately and you push him off to break the kiss.
“Hey! LEE CHANGYOON!!!” you wail out of disbelief.
“Sorry! But I can’t help it!” Changyoon exclaims. He then rests his forehead at your shoulder and buries his face. He is breathing heavily, as if doing that would lessen the burden you are having now. You reach out to his nape and give him some gentle stroke him to give him assurance.
Changyoon ask you if he can move, and you tell him to do it. He starts to slowly pull himself out and thrust in while his head still resting on your shoulder. He has a good memory of where your sensitive spot is, once he hits it, the tone of your moans changes immediately. 
Changyoon also letting out soft grunts and groans, as if he is harmonizing with your voice.
You could not help but focusing on his movements and his voice, and your voice starts to get louder. You are aware of it and you try to hold back but it was effortless. He does not deny your voice really riles him up. He pushes himself up so that he can observe you. 
Seeing you beet red from your face to your neck, he curses as he increases his pace. With that you lose your composure and just responded at every thrust and every touch where his palm lands.
“Y/N-ah, are you feeling good?” he asks you as thrusting. You could tell from his tone that he is worried if he is hurting you or he is not good enough.
You reach out to his hand that was the nearest you could grasp, interlocking his fingers with yours. “You... are the best.” you reply him and kisses the back of his hand before rest both hands at the side of your head. 
With his free hand supporting his weight, Changyoon lowers himself to kiss your chest, “Let’s cum together ok?” he suggests before he focusing on pleasing you.
You tighten and loosen your grip as additional response to his thrusts. Your could not care about those embarrassing voice you made anymore, and fully succumb yourself to the ecstasy your partner trying his best giving you. 
You two finally climaxed after several thrusts. Your lower body feels numb and heavy. Changyoon relaxes himself and let his weight lands on top of you. His heavy breathing roams around your ear. Also breathing heavily, you loosen you grip towards his hand and throw your arms around his shoulders, hugging him even though you are now weary,
You kisses him on his ear while at it. Changyoon occasionally letting out  groans while he is catching his breath.Then he pushes himself up and pulls himself out. He finally “come to senses” when he sees what a mess you both has made. (Yup the couch fabric is soiled and wet)
You pushes yourself up and he hurriedly helps you up. You are dazed and drowsy for no reason. Changyoon asks you if you need a glass of water or anything. You just wrap your arms around his waist and pulls him closer towards as a sign for him not to leave just yet.
He is surprised at you being a bit clingy. But he hugs you back and pats your head. “Did you enjoyed it?” Changyoon asks you timidly. “ I hope I was not being rough.”
You shake your head and lift up your head to kiss his cheek. “Yes.” you reply to him
“I love you.” you add
He pats your head again and with a loving tone, “I love you too.”
A/N: Thank you for all who reads until the end. Anon that requests this, sorry that it took so long. Actually I already has an idea of writing changyoon smut before you sending the request, but I really not content of my initial structure at all. I had to let idea slowly mature as time pass so that I do not look like repeating what I wrote.
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kay20032 · 4 years
ONF mtl dominant? I read the one for Astro and got curious :P
If only you weren’t anon omg let’s get married 😍👰🏻
- Wyatt
- J-Us
- Hyojin
- E-Tion
- MK
- U
Wyatt- Ahh, yes. This man right here. You can take one look at him and know he’s the dominant one behind closed doors. Another sign would be him initiating the PDA. Proceed with caution if you‘re bratty by nature, I doubt he’ll be gentle with you. (The aftercare would be extra sweet though so like-)
J-Us- Now I know, I know. “How can this man be top two?” Hear me out, this man ✨𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂✨ It’s usually always the sunshines that are the kinkiest. You’d never expect it, but he likes to tie up his pretty baby when they decide to act up.
Hyojin- Hyojin definitely has that dominant aura, and their recent performances has proven me right. I’m not 100% sure if he enjoys you being bratty though, but there’s no harm in trying right?
E-Tion- I feel like he’s a switch. Not too sure if he has a preference over the other, but it would still be a nice night for you both. I also think he’s a little more on the vanilla side than the others, but don’t let that fool you too much when it’s his turn to be in charge.
MK- This baby right here, I can’t see him as a full dom. He may be a switch too, definitely a lean on the sub part. He would definitely have pretty moans though, and might disobey on purpose here and there. But he’d still be a good boy, something tells me he likes to be praised.
U- Yuto would also have pretty moans, and I’m 99% sure he’s a submissive. I can’t see this boy being a dom. (Sorry if you think he would be 🥺) Just like MK, he would be a good boy for you. He’d also might like to record your little sessions (just to hear you praise him) if you’re too busy to give him attention, but you didn’t hear it from me 🤐
(I’M NOW CURRENTLY IN MISSING LAUN HOURS AKSNSJS 😭💔 I hope he’s doing okay though 😭)
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qiankunslove · 3 years
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jisungmark · 5 years
hi lovely human being ♡ could you do onf’s reaction to you getting a tongue piercing? (smut if you want)
hi sweetheart!!! i’m so sorry for the delay :(
he noticed you were talking a bit differently than usual today. you were talking as if your tongue was swollen. he tapped your chin as an indication to open your mouth. he sucked in a breath as soon as he saw the pretty earring in your pink tongue. his normal soft and cool attitude switched immediately.
“on your knees now, i wanna feel that ring on my dick.”
changyoon (e-tion)
you two were in the middle of a heated make out session. there was so much spit and teeth clashing. his tongue pushed into your mouth to dance around with yours. he paused when he felt the cool metal against his tongue. he pulled away and forced you to open your mouth.
“shit, that’s so hot baby girl. i love this piercing the most.”
seungjoon (j-us)
it was actually his idea for you to get your tongue pierced. he heard that the cool ring felt so good against heated skin. his friends told him stories about their sex life and how much more intense it seems to be now that their significant other has a tongue piercing. he had a sly smirk on his face when you stuck your tongue out with a slight blush.
“i can’t wait to feel that thing all over my body.”
jaeyoung (wyatt)
he was talking to you about different opinions on clothing. you weren’t opening your mouth to respond. just nodding your head or letting out a hum of approval. when he asked you why you weren’t speaking, you felt yourself immediately get nervous. he grabbed your face and made you pucker your lips until your mouth opened. you shut your eyes slightly when he swore under his breath. he fixed his lips to spit into your mouth, spit hitting the piercing. you whimpered as you swallowed.
“you didn’t have to be nervous to tell me you have this, shit.”
minkyun (mk)
as soon as you showed him the piercing, he would turn to his phone and try to find new rings for it. you know how he feels about cats so you decided to surprise him one day while the boys were out with kitten lingerie. (yes kitten lingerie anon this is a shout out to you since i still haven’t finished that request sksks) now he was in love with the idea of you putting on a show for him with your lingerie and new ring.
“do you know how good you’d look with the lingerie on plus a kitten tongue ring? i’m about to explode right now just thinking about it.”
yuto (u)
he knew you wanted a new piercing but you were being pretty indecisive about it. he had to go to practice and you finally made up your mind on what you wanted. you decided to take a picture at the shop after you finished. you posed in the mirror with your tongue out and a peace sign. he opened your text immediately. the three dots popped up and you waited. you felt yourself giggle at his text.
“fuck practice, i’m on my way home right now.”
minseok (laun)
you explained to him that it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. your friends thought it would look super cute on you and so you decided to get it. you liked it and you hoped he wouldn’t be mad at you. you stuck your tongue out and nervously twirled your ring. he just looked at you with a unreadable expression.
“well if you like it, i love it.”
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tawneybel · 5 years
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Imagine not finding out Dr. Volmer is the baron until after he’s checked your vital signs (amongst other parts) and decided your genes would be a good addition to the Reichmerl bloodline.
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waitseungj · 3 years
✿ = Smut ✧ = Suggestive ♡ = Fluff
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hyojin | 효진 e-tion | 이션 j-us | 제이어스 wyatt | 와이이엇 mk | 엠케이 u | 유
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dongheon | 동헌 hoyoung | 호영 minchan | 민찬 gyehyeon | 계현 yeonho | 연호 yongseung | 용승 kangmin | 강민
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asmalltinymoonz · 4 years
onf has a tiny fandom so we got NOTHING can you pls do a smut corruption kink reaction thank you <33
Okay firstly, I won’t lie, I wasn’t sure if you meant their reaction to a s/o having a corrution kink or if they have one and how they would act - I am still not sure tbh..
But hey, at long last, I’m here so let’s get going!! 
E-Tion & MK
They’d love it 
Why? It’s a feeling I get from those two sometimes
I can picture it? 
So easily? 
Please  please please ruin them!!! 
Also!! Pegging!! they’d melt so fast!!! 
Be aware tho, they might misbehave *cough*brat*cough*
But in the end, they’d come back for more because they want nothing more than be destroyed when they sub
Wyatt & U 
I don’t think they would enjoy it
I personally see Wyatt as a soft dom, and I don’t know why, but i can’t picture him enjoying it, hence why he’s here 
U tho.. U is a wild card for me, because while I don’t think he would enjoy being on the receving end, I feel like he could end up developping one.
Hyojin & J-Us 
Okay *breathe* let’s go
Those two
*nervous laughter*
They’re the type that would rather corrupt their s/o that the other way around
If they’re in the mood? Well good luck, because they won’t stop until you’re crying 
I hope it was what you wanted... 
IF not please tell me!! And I’ll do something else!!
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lost-inthedream · 2 years
E-Tion from A to Z - nsfw
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smut alphabet
Pairing: E-Tion x Female reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Changyoon prefers taking a shower afterward. Either together with you or one at a time. He is also so so cuddly! He will love it if you snuggle onto him once you are both clean. Smooches
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He has a nice butt. This is it! You often catch him checking his own backside in the mirror.
On you, it's your neck that holds his attention every time. He likes to sniff on it and say sweet nothings.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He mostly comes inside, babe. Boy doesn't feel like letting go of you to pull his member out.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Oh, he secretly fantasizes about you going all dom and tying him up to a chair, giving him a lap dance.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Changyoon definitely knows how to make a girl feel good and also knows how to guide you to do what he likes. He is great at making you feel at home with him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Spooning. He's all about the free access he has to your neck from behind.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is serious unless something goes wrong, which happens more often than he would like to admit. Come on, he's quite clumsy.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Everything will be well-trimmed down there whenever you hit him hehe
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is gentle and sweet with his lover. The type to kiss and smell random parts of your body during the act.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I can't see him doing it really often. He prefers making love so the idea of climaxing alone seems to be dull compared to that. Anyways, he uses to jack off in the shower when he's really horny, he pumps himself quite fast.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Top 3:
Strip tease (giving and receiving)
Marking (receiving)
Mirror sex
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Other than a bedroom, he enjoys going for it in the bathroom. Yours preferably. A quickie before taking a shower together.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I've said massages before. Either giving or receiving is arousing for him. Changyoon appreciates the relaxing pressure on his shoulders, also the way you moan when he is the one taking care of you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Degradation is not for him. He likes to treat you like his baby girl so he expects you to do the same. He doesn't feel right getting called something nasty.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving. It's a way to spoil you as well as to earn more praises. Somehow he can't stop fondling your thighs while giving head.
How can I describe Changyoon receiving oral without saying he is a sweetie? I mean, he is so gentle with you. The way he looks into your eyes and hisses amid soft smiles... He is so sweet to you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Tion can't be rough, that's a fact! He's rather slow and sensual as he holds you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are fun for him. You often have fun before going out for important schedules. It gets him in the best mood afterward, smiley and humming happy songs.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Boy is old school, he prefers normal stuff. That's what he says. Though he will try everything at least once, still he is honest about how he feels.
He also hates the idea of being caught. Sex is something between you and him only.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Okay, he has a lot of energy so he can go for 3 rounds without problems. Yet, he normally prefers 2 rounds with a pause to wrap himself around you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Pretty and velvety ropes plus handcuffs are his favorite stuff. He asks you to use them on him from time to time.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is not a big tease. You all provoke each other here and there. He's very playful! "baby girl, you want me so badly" he whispers in your ear before leaving the room.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Low and whiny moans, like music to your ears.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Every time you all stay so much time apart, he swears that you will have him for an entire day. You will be able to use him and he means it. Grab those ropes!
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's got a pretty average size in length and thickness. A very cute tip thanks to that rosy shade. Also, his balls feel good in your hands
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
3 days a week is nice for him. Sometimes more because of the quickies.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He takes some time since he likes to stay there sniffing on your neck, you smell like peaceful dreams
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by Salsan
Some random short stories between all these people I decide to write about. Mostly ship ones but some between the person and the reader. They will mostly be cute and fluffy but may contain some aggressiveness but nothing smut so that you are free from.
Don't know when I will update this but sometimes here and there. When I feel like it easy said.
Words: 762, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, EXO (Band), Stray Kids (Band), NU'EST, SEVENTEEN (Band), Monsta X (Band), 크나큰 | KNK (Band), ATEEZ (Band), NCT (Band), VICTON (Band), ONF (Band), OnlyOneOf (Band), GOT7, TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), SF9 (Band), Winner (Band), DEAN (Korean Musician), X1 (Korea Band), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Y/n - Character
Relationships: Bang Chan/Everyone, Park Jimin (BTS)/Everyone, Kim Namjoon | RM/Jackson Wang, Choi Minki | Ren & Hwang Minhyun & Kang Dongho | Baekho & Kim Jonghyun | JR & Aaron Kwak | Aron, Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups/Everyone, Lee Jooheon/Reader, Choi Jongho/Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun/Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung/Lee Taeyong/Ten/Nakamoto Yuta/Suh Youngho | Johnny, Lee Changyoon | E-Tion/Everyone, Kim Junhyung | Junji/Lee Taeyeob | Yoojung, BamBam/Choi Youngjae/Im Jaebum/Kim Yugyeom/Park Jinyoung/Mark Tuan/Jackson Wang, Choi Beomgyu/Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun/Huening Kai/Kang Taehyun, SF9 Ensemble/Yoo Taeyang, Kang Seungyoon/Kim Jinwoo/Lee Seunghoon/Nam Taehyun/Song Minho | Mino, Cha Junho & Son Dongpyo & Kang Minhee & Lee Eunsang & Song Hyeongjun, Kang Yuchan | Chan/Kim Byeongkwan/Kim Sehyoon | Wow/Lee Donghun/Park Junhee | Jun
Additional Tags: Fluff, soft, Cute, Fear, Gay
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homosociallyyours · 5 years
Girl Di-REC-tion
@crazybutimintoit​ asked me for some of my favorite girl direction fics, and I thought that since it’s pretty much the 28th (shhh, let’s pretend i had the energy to do this hours ago) it would be a great time for a girl direction rec post!! This barely scratches the surface, so hopefully I’ll do more of these in the future. 
When I Think About You by @phd-mama​ 5k, E Harry is beautiful, inexperienced, and curious. Louis is smart, seasoned, and comfortable in her own body. When Harry has questions, just maybe, Louis has the answers she’s looking for.And... they’re roommates.
This is a searing little fic written for wankfest. Absolutely love the build up and the ending feels like it opens up into a million possibilities for all your girl direction day dreaming needs. 
Withdrawal Was the Weeping by @becomeawendybird 11k, E Confined by life and society, Harry spends her Sunday afternoons walking aimlessly about the countryside as it's her only source of freedom. One Sunday she is aided by the most beautiful woman she has ever met, but not everything is as it seems. Was it a trick of the light? Was it Harry's own active imagination? There is nothing to do but try to find her again.
Molly writes wicked girl direction fics, always. This one is no exception. Smoldering period romance novel smut that will probably come find you in the middle of the night to take you away from the misery of our modern world.
Wrap You Up In Daisy Chains by @horsegirlharry​ 11k, E Ten minutes later, an awkward, long-legged, curly-haired, so pale she’s reflective, and so obviously gay-looking Harry Styles is sitting shotgun next to Louis in a bikini, denim cut-offs, and heart-framed sunnies. Or, Harry and Louis and a too-small bathing 
Before reading this fic, I didn’t understand girl direction. I was a fool. It’s a classic...for very good reason. I love all Phoenix’s fic, her girl direction especially.
Bambi Legs by @disgruntledkittenface​ 12k, NR Harry works at her family’s fabric store sometimes and always sells the most interesting fabrics to Louis. Louis is the wannabe fashion designer who keeps buying fabric she doesn’t necessarily need just to find a way to talk to Harry.
A sweet AU where I feel like the chemistry and awkward flirtation between Louis and Harry is peak and it’s easy to spend the whole time you’re reading just grinning and squealing. Maggie is another writer whose girl direction I die for! 
I’m the Queen of Rock n Roll by @lesbianiconharrystyles​ T, 17k In which Louis is in love with two girls she doesn't know - one she's never met and one she kissed upon first sight - and it takes a lot of zines and weed and Bugles for her to figure it all out. (Or, it's 1993 in Olympia and everyone's just a useless lesbian with a riot grrrl band.) So many excellent riot grrrl references! I felt this fic deep in my bones and spent the whole time while reading it just having a fit over how great it was. Absolutely immersive and lovely. 
Daydreams Are Made of This by @gaycousinlarry​ (series) 20k, E I’m reccing this whole series, which doesn’t have a summary (bc series) so what I’ll say is that this is delicate, tender, and hot all at once. I love how Eli builds tension here and taking the series as a whole gives you a nice long pre-bedtime read. 
Kiss the Girl by @hazzabeeforlou​ 49k, E Hopeless lesbian Louanna Tomlinson moves to St. Petersburg hoping to forget her recent heartbreak and get a fresh start amid the salty sea air. While working at a mermaid bar isn't exactly what she planned on, one particular mermaid catches her eye, and her heart; Harriet is a confounding confusion of innocence and eagerness, and Lou absolutely cannot figure her out. Harriet loves to swim, but can't touch the sea. She's eager for Lou to show her everything from vintage antique shops to the art of kissing, yet she seems always too wary, as if some shadow follows her footsteps every day, as if some truth could destroy the love that has grown between them. Featuring girl love, ancient rituals, sea lore, and perhaps the most beautiful treasure in the entire ocean.
Tender and sweet and refreshing fic with magical elements and so much more. A great story to fall into and spend the day with.I’m hoping this is the first of many girl direction fics we get from Toni. 
The Changer and the Changed by me 59k, M I know it’s gauche to rec my own fic, but I truly think this is one of the best things I have written (possibly will ever write) in my life, and I think it belongs on a rec list for girl direction fic. It’s a historical au set in 70s NYC in and around a women’s bookstore, and includes lots of links if you’re the kind of person who wants to dive into your historical eras. 
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kay20032 · 4 years
What do you think the ONF reaction would be if your partner acts like a brat in front of the other members?(I love you writing 💕)
- He would try his best to make you behave
- Caressing your head, massaging your thighs, telling you that if you don’t stop he’ll spank you in front of the members, hugging you tightly, etc.
- (he did that once and it was ajsbdhd)
- Of course when y’all get home... 🙂🙏🏼
- He wouldn’t really know what to do
- “Baby, right now? Can you please behave for me.”
- You almost did, but then decided against it last second
- He sighed and told the boys that you weren’t feeling good and you needed to be home
- I think he’d gently punish you when y’all get home lmao
- Glaring
- Glaring at you so hard you might submit and behave on the spot
- He’d lean into your ear and tell you that if you continue being bad, then punishment won’t be fun for you
- So you continue to be bratty
- Long story short, he smiled at the members before dragging you into a separate room and ended up fucking you so hard that everyone knew what was going on
- Oof, sorry b
- He’ll have you obeying him like THAT
- “Prince/Princess, remember what happened when you tried this at my parents house?”
- You’ve never obeyed so fast in your entire life
- He’d be kind of confused and panicking
- He didn’t know you’d be this desperate for attention, and he’s very unprepared
- “Baby please, not right now. I promise I’ll give you attention once we leave.”
- It didn’t exactly work, so he looked frantically at Jaeyoung for help (since the two have conversed about their sex lives once before)
- Jaeyoung pulled Minkyun aside and told him what to do so... :)
- Now THIS baby right here
- Panic mode
- But he remembered what this one dominatrix did in a very sexc (and definitely not pg-13) video, so he repeated the action
- Needless to say the action shocked you out of your bratty state
HI GUYS!! Okay so I know I took a while, but something amazing happened during my break. My uncle was discharged from the hospital this Tuesday! So I was busy helping with my family with preparing and getting everything settled. Thank you for those who waited patiently! I love y’all 💝
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Shai's Masterlist
I'm Shai and these are my writings! I write fan-fiction for Wrestling (Mostly for WWE but people from other promotions do pop up occasionally) and K-Pop (Mostly BTS but other groups maybe in the near future) I sometimes take requests but its not the norm for me. My writing partner and sister from another mister is @lilmissriottbliss most of my writings have her input in some way, shape, form or fashion.
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If you've been following me long enough you'll notice that there are several stories missing from this list. If its not here its because I made the decision to delete it from my Tumblr because I knew it was never gonna get finished and I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up that it would. (I no longer write Aleister Black as a main character or Ambrollins) The exceptions to this are Drew McIntyre vs The World and Chase both of which will be back shortly, streamlined for easier reading. If it is on this list I PROMISE you its getting finished.
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Multi-Chapter Fiction - All my multi chapter writings now live on AO3
Safe Haven
Rated: E
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair
Warnings: Violence, Language, Smut, Angst,
Summary: After an 8 year absence, 25-year-old Seth Rollins returns home to his pack but in no way resembling the Beta Werewolf that ran away after a violent misunderstanding with his brothers. Seth is feral, and trapped in a form the bitten wolf shouldn't even be capable of..he is the victim of a powerful curse Meanwhile Alpha Werewolf Drew McIntyre and his part Banshee, Part Witch mate Becky Lynch have joined the unorthodox pack of Haven in search of the final member of the triad a seer told the pair they were destined to be apart of.
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Rated: E
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Language, Smut, PTSD, Nightmare Imagery
Pairings: Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch, Finn Balor/Violet Gillath-Balor (OC)
Summary: Becky Lynch’s latest mission? Track down rogue special forces officer Seth Rollins, take back the experimental weapon he stole and kill him. It sounds simple until the beautiful flame haired assassin actually meets him.
The Demon's Lair
Rated: E
Warnings: SMUT, PTSD Recovery, Mentions of Alcoholism, Suicidal Ideation, Angst
Pairings: Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch is the main pairing but they will not be in a monogamous relationship for the majority of this fic there will ABSOLUTELY be smut scenes of them with other people.
Rebecca Lynch is an old friend of Finn's from his home in Ireland and is every bit as tempestuous as her fiery hair and black and gold Harley would suggest. After the implosion of her last relationship, Becky took Finn up on his offer of a job at the Lair and moved to New York for a fresh start. While she's content to play the field at the Lair the last thing she's looking for is a new Submissive of her own, especially not one as high maintenance as the gorgeous dark-haired man currently sitting at her bar is rumored to be...
Seth Rollins is known by the inhabitants of the Lair as the untameable sub. It's said that the Army vet turned owner of his own private security firm breaks Dominants as easily as he makes millions as CEO of his company Arc Security. For all his stoic professionalism at work, Seth is a spoiled brat at heart due to his privileged upbringing and is constantly testing Dominants to finally find the one who will truly give him what he desires.
War of Hearts
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Original Female Character(s), Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Original Female Character(s)
Seth Rollins was once known as the Bad Boy Prince of MMA, now years after a career ending knee injury he's stepping into.the Octagon again not as a competitor but as his little sister's coach.
Unfortunately for him the pretty redhead across the ring from he and Paige is not only the girl he just had a one night stand with, but the protege of the man who ended his career...Finn Balor.
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Rating: T
Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Angst, Foster Care, Background Relationships, Underage Drinking, Underage Smoking, Lots of it, Partying, Slow Burn, Polyamory, References to Depression, Bullying, Genderfluid Character, Closeted Character, Emotional Hurt, Family Drama. Deaf Character Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Family Angst and Feels Feelings Realization
Main Pairing: Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Original Female Character {Violet Gillath}
Summary: Finn Balor didn't want to move to New York with his little sister to yet another foster home, yet at his new high school he feels drawn to resident grunge bad boy Seth Rollins and his trouble maker of a girlfriend Violet Giliath
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Rating: Explicit (Its filth yall)
Pairing: Drew McIntyre/Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch
Warnings: SMUT, Sex Magic, Mentions of decapitation, and a severed head?
Summary: King Sethiel, Queen Rebecca and their loyal General Drew celebrate finally taking back Seth’s birthright.
Fun and Games
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, mention of Drew McIntyre/Roman Reigns
Warnings: Dom/sub, bondage, blindfold, temperature play, orgasm denial. Tiny bit of Daddykink
Summary: Becky helps Seth relax after a long week at work, then Seth turns the tables and thanks Becky for being so good to him. (AU)
When The Wolf Comes Out
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Baron Corbin/Reader
Warnings: Smut, Daddy Kink, Spanking
Summary: Baron’s girlfriend gives him one last special present after his party’s over.
In a Minute
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dean Ambrose/OC (Allie), Ballins if you squint
Warnings: Language, Feels, Smut, DaddyKink, Bondage.
Summary: Allie is the girlfriend of Dean Ambrose, but Seth Rollins is her best friend ..... w here does their falling out leave her?
Caught Red-Handed
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Finn Balor/Demon King Balor/Angeline (OC)
Warnings: Dom/Sub interactions, DaddyKink, Oral, Orgasm Denial, Threesome? (Does it count as a threesome if two of the participants share a body? I feel like this should come up more often when it comes to Finn) SO. MUCH. FLITH
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Seth Rollins/OC
Warnings: Smut, Language, Possessive Seth, name calling, Listen people, this is filth pure and simple.
Summary: Seth's girlfriend lets Drew McIntyre flirt with her, Seth is unamused.
Be My Bad Boy
Rating: Explicit (like really, this is flith)
Pairing: Seth Rollins/Celeste ‘Cece’ Milanesi-Rollins (OC)
Warnings Language, slight voyerism Dom/sub play, SMUT. ALL OF THE SMUT. Heel!Seth/Heel!OC (Is that a warning? It should be.)
Summary: Seth is in the mood to celebrate after his victory over Shinsuke Nakamura, unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it his wife started the party without him.
All I want for Christmas
Rating: T
Pairing: Elias/OC
Summary: Elias has a crush on Alana but is having trouble expressing his feelings so he decides to just use the medium he knows best - music.
Just a Little Crush
Rating: M (only for cursing)
Pairing: AJ Styles/Shane McMahon
Warnings: Language, Men tions of Daddy-Kink
Summary: AJ Styles for a// his cocky attitude and ego in the ring, is a shy guy when it comes to lo ve. Sex he can handle fine but lo ve? It turns him into a babbling mess. This never pro ves itself more evident than when he develops a major crush on Shane McMahon.
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inviouswriting · 5 years
Thancred and Urianger
Cut for reasons.
Thancred - 
B - Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I said in my previous ones his hands are his favorite body part on himself. He also likes his eyes. He’s someone who has mastered the art of puppy eyes and bedroom eyes. He can lure you without even saying anything given how long you are staring at his eyes. You soon find yourself in his room and all other cares gone with how he treats you.
J - Jack off (m*sturb*tion headcanon) - 
He rarely does it unless he knows he can’t get to you. He feels like it is a lonely act when he’s by himself. He’d much rather do it in front of you.
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) I already answered this one but lets add some more -
He enjoys finer things. Consent being the biggest. He has a sensitive neck and hips. Rubbing either earns him pinning you to wall with subtle warnings if you persist he’ll have to take care of those wandering hands of yours.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Very high stamina. He’s one of the few where he can last a while, and shows off he can with how you wonder how he has so much energy after two rounds. He’s only getting started.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Moderate. There is a time and place, when the time presents itself he goes all out. When the time isn’t right he won’t. For you it’s high he’d give caution to the wind if you ask or are in need of him.
Urianger - This is my first time writing for him. 
D - Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He reads alot of stories. You’ll find him reading alot of the smut stories in any library. If there is something that catches his eyes he will read it thoroughly absorbing whatever he reads. So if you leave him a few letters for his eyes only. He’s going to keep it in his collection of the others he has saved.
E - Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has experience, He was with Moenbryda before and it was obvious that it wasn’t just light pining that there was something there. He has only been with one other person. You. (I place him as a demisexual...) His private affairs stay that way as well as experience. Now his knowledge is expansive. If there is something you want to try he knows how to do it.
J - Jack off (m*sturb*tion headcanon)
He does this in private and away from anyone that could chance upon him. There is no catching him as he’s involved in his fantasy or saucy letters you’ve sent him. He also collected something of yours an old scarf or something that has your scent to it to remind him of you. 
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Diaries or books. Something he can read and get a feel for you. If you have a journal left with him, and filled out for his eyes. He’s read it and applies what he has read to you. He does enjoy the subtle show of skin so something that gives off your form but hides it. Gets his attention. Also a little bit of dirty talk, nothing extremely vulgar, but enough to entice. Given how wordy he can be.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Moderate, he could last a few rounds but by the third he’s worn out. Over time however he adapts to you and finds himself lasting longer to provide you what you want.
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babysubinnie · 4 years
you’re late. // mizuguchi yuto
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🔌 pairing:: mizuguchi yuto x reader 🔌 genre:: fluff, angst? 🔌 summary::  being stood up isn’t something that yuto did, but after 45 minutes maybe that’s what’s going to happen. he shows up 45 minutes late, the reservation is done, how is he going to make it up?
i didn’t remember the last time i was left soaking in the rain. i also don’t remember the last time i got stood up. i had never gotten stood up in the 20 years of my life. worst of all, my boyfriend was the one that stood me up in the rain. i wished i brought an umbrella, and where the hell are all the covers on the street? i can’t even go into the restaurant to eat first. 
“hey i’m so sorry.” i turned to the side, and there yuto was. he grabbed my hand laughing intertwining our fingers. i shook my head rolling my eyes pushing his hand off me.
“you’re fucking late.” i looked at my watch, 45 minutes late. i stormed over to my car grabbing a towel for the back of my car then turning to look at yuto. he was behind me leaning against my car. i scoffed putting my hoodie, which also happened to be his hoodie on, slipping my dress off so that it can sit on my hips. 
“i’m sorry y/n. let’s order takeout and i’ll take you back to my house. i’ll help you dry off and we can cuddle okay? i’m sorry. let’s get you out of the rain. i don’t want you to get sick.” he walked over to me putting his hands on my hips pulling me towards him. 
“you’re not even going to tell me why?” i threw him my lanyard with my car keys on it then pushed him off me. i walked over to the passenger seat opening the door. i got in when he walked over to the driver seat getting in. he smiled to himself before switching on the car holding out his hand when he pulled out from the side of the road. i rolled my eyes grabbing his hand then he started explaining why he was late. 
“i was hanging out with hyojin hyung, and he wouldn’t let me go because i mean he was drunk. i kept telling him that i had a date with you. i even told him that i had to get there early so i could wait at the front of the restaurant for you. then i called wyatt hyung to come take care of him, and he show-” he was about to start ranting for a thousand years but i stopped him by laughing. 
“okay babe i get it.” i shook my head and he pulled into the drive through of our favorite restaurant. once we got our order, we headed to my house since the drunk hyojin was still at his house. when we arrived at my house, he pulled me into the house quickly with the food in one of his hands, and my hand in his other hand. 
“come on let me help you dry off.” he put the food onto the table and dragged me to the bathroom sitting me down on the sink then running out before coming back a minute or two later. he had a towel around his neck and a pair of sweatpants for me. i giggled standing back up taking my dress off putting the sweatpants on. he sat me back down on the sink, and dried my hair with the towel. 
“you’re so pretty.” he laughed kissing my lips then continued to dry my hair. i laughed then pouted at how cute he was. he was the cutest thing in the entire world.
“no you’re so pretty.” 
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