theaspieworld · 22 days
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These are THE BEST Autism Ear Defenders out there!! As Autism also comes with sensory processing disorder, there are many things that we need to consider to make sure that autistic people do not get triggered. One of the main things is to make sure that the noise levels of potentially triggering and anxiety ridden moments are reduced. The best and most tried and tested version of this is to use a defenders. Now I have tried out a bunch of different ones so I have put three of the best options down below. 1.Air Pod Pros Apple brought out a line of noise cancelling headphones in the form of their AirPod pros. These are fantastic small compact and amazing for travelling and they work so well for cancelling out noise. 2.Bose 35s My all-time favourite noise cancelling headphones are the Bose headphones. These ones black out everything and I just absolutely fantastic, the only downfall is that they are a little bit bulky to carry when travelling. 3.Child Ear Defenders The classic ear defenders are probably the most effective for children on the autism spectrum as they are small compact and very durable and do the job perfectly well. Please let me know if you have anything to add to this conversation by leaving a comment below. I read every single one! Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/r4nyZ3eSSYg?si=Nn1dSlklPshzLZEo https://bit.ly/4ajWrMa
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earmuffguy · 2 years
My collection of 3M WorkTunes Connect and Connect Plus , with The 3M Pro-Protect Wireless Hearing Protectors / Earmuffs / Eardefenders with some fleece added to the earcups for more comfort. Also with Prohear Gel ear seals.
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jay-wasreblogging · 4 months
"So, yeah. She left me and the dog. And I left the dog to help the Ukrainians. Now I'm back. Got a dog and a master detective. Uh, lucky me."
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voilaammayi · 5 months
Okay I’ve just realized that bbc!sherlock’s birthday is the 6th of January (I hope I’m not wrong). It’s like. In five days. And I wasn’t even ready for the christmas episode on 26th December. And Sherlock mentioned an underlying threat of birthday surprise party while talking John’s ear off about how he love christmas. And I’m still not over it, but that’s for another post. And-
When is s&c!sherlock birthday? Are we getting Sherlock birthday episode? are we getting Sherlock’s birthday surprise party? a r e w e ???
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https-lxtus · 1 month
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bananxious · 1 year
ugh writing grandma ruth is so difficult because she has all of like 90 seconds total dialogue and so I’m trying to fill in the characterisation gaps by thinking “ok it’s like Muriel from Courage the Cowardly Dog if she were capable of close quarters combat”
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sandcobangevent · 2 months
Sherlock and Co Flash Bang Event Explainer
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Here’s what you’ll find in this presentation: 1. What is a Flash Bang Event? Flash Bangs are a type of mini Big Bang event with short turnaround times. What is a Big Bang? A Big Bang event is a collaborative creative event where artists and writers are paired together to create a piece of fiction and artwork based on that fiction. A Flash Bang is the same thing but instead of a long event you have just a week or two to create everything with your partner. 2. What are the requirements for participating? >You must be old enough to access the platforms where the event is hosted: Tumblr and Discord >You must be willing to write a minimum of 1000 words of fanfiction or draw a minimum of one fully lined piece of artwork. 3. What is the event timeline? April 1st-7th - Signups are available April 8-12th - Signups are closed and matches assigned April 13-26th - You and your partner have two weeks to create something April 30th - Everything is posted here over the course of the day. 4. Where can I sign up? Signups will be through Google Forms. The link will be available in a post on tumblr and linked on the pinned post here. You can also reach out to me (@eardefenders) for the link. 5. Common Questions A. What if I sign up and can’t participate? Let me know as soon as possible so we can reassign your partner. Things happen. It’s okay.
B. What if I can’t write/draw? No requirement for skill. This is for fun. Trust me, if you want to participate, you can write and you can draw. Just pick one and have a blast. :)
C. What if we get more artists then writers or vice versa? This is actually a very common scenario with these types of events and during signup you will have the option of choosing to be open to multiple partners or to do either writing/art so we can make matches, as necessary.
D. What if I have another question not listed here? You can either submit an ask on the blog or reach out to me @eardefenders on either tumblr or Discord.
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anmaje · 3 months
S&Co Sherlock recommended Vivaldi to John and I Lost My Mind
The fact that our Sherlock Holmes recommended Vivaldi to John so suddenly and apruptly is something SO personal! When I read a transcript of the mailbag episode (thank you @eardefenders ) I could NOT stop thinking about it, and have been listening to his many wonderful concertos since. I work in a church choir and am therefore somewhat classically trained, I have also played violin for many years as a child, and still do at times, so allow me to go on a geeky tirade about Antonio Vivaldi and Sherlock's understanding of John.
In the second mailbag episode, a question is asked "If you could make a Spotify playlist for eachother of your own favourite songs, what would some of the highlights be [...] ?"
John answers with the rockband Elbow, who use orchestra and especially strings in their music. Which is why he recommends it to armature violinist Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock says that he would probably never make such a playlist, as he wouldn't find the task fulfilling, but he has an epiphany and IMMEDIATELY interrupts himself, not even finishing his sentence, and he simply says "Vivaldi". I have not heard the delivery of this line(cause I'm poor ✌), but the fact that the answer falls to him so suddenly and it simply MUST leave him immediately so John hears is delicious characterisation. Sherlock also answers with pop, as John likes popculture (a somewhat less personal answer, but still very considerate).
After another question it is established that Vivaldi isn't even a favourite of Sherlock's. He much prefers Mozart, Bach(I will come back to Bach) and Tchaikovsky.  Now Sherlock is a violinist, so there is no way he has escaped the genius of Antonio Vivaldi, like he's escaped pop. And so this recommendation is really because he feels John would like it.
But why does Sherlock think that? What would John Watson, a middle class everyman, like about Vivaldi?
Let me tell you:
When we analyse the symbolic meaning of instrumental classical(in this case baroque) music, we often look at the biography of the composer (Vivaldi gives us a little more to work with, which I will return to). I will start here. Antonio Vivaldi of Venice was taught the violin by his father and was ordained at 25 but didn't work as a priest for long due to illness. He instead became a violin teacher and composer. (Who else do we know that took up a very respected line of work but ended up where his father did? Why John Watson of course!) Vivaldi taught abandoned girls at an orphanage for more than 30 years, and saw immense potential in them and their education. The most talented of the girls stayed into adulthood as a part of their renowned orchestra and choir. He wrote most of his music for these girls and women to perform. He also took the talented singer Anna Tessiseri Giro and her sister under his wing, and Anna became his protégé. What a great guy! Supporting the talents of young women! Of course John would love him.
Going into Vivaldi's musical genius, we have to talk about baroque music. Vivaldi left a huge mark on the late baroque period. Especially the form of concertos which I won't bore you with (🤓), but also the general style of the period. That style is characterised by grand ornamentation (like the baroque in general), driving movement (in rythm) and contrast such as ascending and descending notes. All this produces beautiful an grand pieces. Additionally, Vivaldi used melodic  repetition(his critics say too much), which is what gets the new hit pop song stuck in our heads. Something our John is very prone to suffer under. Vivaldi also took a narrative approach to music. Not only through his many operas, but also in his concertos. Everyone knows his Four Seasons, whether you want to or not. He wrote four concertos, one for each season, and for each season there was an accompanying sonnet(which he presumably wrote). These concertos and sonnets depict both the gentleness and wrath of nature, all beautiful. But also people: herders, shepherds, drunk peasants celebrating the harvest and hunters. These are working people that Vivaldi chose to portray. John has a working class background, despite his social climb, he still shares most empathy with these people. Of course he would enjoy a celebration of their troubles and joys throughout the year.
Now back to Bach. A baroque man that Sherlock enjoys. The baroque ends with Bach, that is atleast what I've been taught. All of the period leads up to him. His complicated polyphonic(2 or more lines of melody at once) pieces are iconic and definitive of the period. And who inspired J. S. Bach? Well Vivaldi of course! Bach adapted several of Vivaldi's works and quoted him directly in his own compositions. Bach used bigger orchestras and different instruments (organ and harpsichord as he played them himself) and his works are generally more complicated than Vivaldi's Italian one-melody-centric works, but Bach is the metaphorical student! And Sherlock must absolutely be aware of this.
To me reading the mailbag episode, Sherlock started out uninterested, but the question had him think through his favourites. All complicated and very much not to John's tastes. But when thinking of Bach he went back to Vivaldi, which you must, and he is different. Vivaldi the sick priest, Vivaldi the teacher, the life long supporter of young womens' and abandoned girls' careers. Creative Vivaldi, Vivaldi the storyteller, which John is also. Vivaldi who celebrates nature and the dramatic lives of incredibly normal working people. Vivaldi and his repetitive melodies, although not in Sherlock's taste, fits John's so well. Vivaldi who inspired Bach. John who inspires Sherlock. ❤🎻
Tirade over! Thank you for reading. If you want to listen to some of Vivaldi's work I recommend The Four Seasons and a spot near a window with a suitable drink for the weather in your part of the world. For Bach you might want to look up whether your local church/music school holds concerts or similar events where Bach features, organ is a thousand times better live (if not, stick to his piano or string work).
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inevitably-johnlocked · 4 months
Hello Steph! I know you haven't been listening to the new Sherlock podcast but asdfghjkl it's so good! If you join the patreon you can get the transcripts which might be easier to digest?
They also do mailbag episodes and I have been losing my mind at the meta implications and I think you'd like it too. I made a transcript for that since they don't have one on the patreon (and it would feel wrong to publicly post any of their transcripts) and you can see what I mean!
Sherlock loves dinosaurs! John likes Will & Grace! The little interactions between them!
Asdfghjkl I just love your writing and analysis and I think you'd really like this version of them!
(linked post in ask above)
Hey Lovely!
Ah, thank you so much your appreciation of me and my work, it means so much to me! I don't get many comments these days on my old meta, so it means the world to me that it still holds up to y'all!
I actually have NOT been listening to it, but it has been recced to me. I don't really listen to podcasts (nor podfics, honestly) simply because if it's something new I have to be paying attention 100% or I won't understand what's going on (usually I put on movies and TV shows I've already seen for background noise). It's a weird quirk of mine, always has been. I'll probably listen to it eventually, but I honestly don't have any plans in the near future to, unless Johnlock is canonized.
BUT I have heard it's REALLY GOOD and an interesting modernization that SHOULD be listened to, so here are the links for all of us:
Again, I will inevitably listen to it, I'm sure, and I am a huge supporter of any and all adaptations <3
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puppyboywilson · 1 month
Could yoi do a Adam Stanheight agere board with some eardefenders and maybe one a those iPads for talking? In blue pease if no that ok thank youuu!
i hope this is what you wanted! If not, sorry
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emerald-hobbit · 2 months
The Sherlock Survaillance Chat
A colab between Me, @eardefenders , @lavi-lobo, and @ratinavan!
Sherlock, Greg, John, and Mycroft start a group chat to keep each other updated on Sherlocks antics. It devolves quickly into chaos with brotherly arguments, love confessions, dates, lucky underpants and more!
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bongo-ghoul · 8 months
Sing to me
Swiss and phantom
This is written on whim and not betad or edited
I have no idea how many words there are
Phantom using they/them
Swiss using he/him (in this one)
Warnings, some sensory overload
Theres most definitely spelling errors and run ons
Swiss was very used to phantom coming to him when in need of a pick-me-up hug or some kind words or even just some silent company, he had come to the conclusion that its cause hes a multi ghoul and phantom is in need of quintessence used on them, and while swiss' small bit of quintessence was a bonding point it for certain was nowhere near why they went to him.
Phantom had woken up today with a dull feeling in their head, not a headache but a full and numbing sensation that resides along sound of any kind, starting off the day with simple turning on their music only to turn it off immediately because it made that strange numbness grow to swallow their hearing almost entirely.
While not a new sensation it was however new in their topside body, the way it fills their head making everything feel heavy and if not acknowledged very well could lead to an eventual headache or migraine.
Continuing on with their day they still payed that full feeling in the head no mind, just breathe, calm the heart and itll stop... right?, it being the heartbeat sound pulsing through their ears, being able to turn off the sound themself helped alleviate the curious situation temporarily but while others go about their absent mindedly noisy days the heartbeat eventually will shift from a beating pulse to a low thrumming rolling sound, their head felt heavier as it continued like its filled with sand.
With a mind repleated of sand, the singing dunes in their head were sensitive to the storm in sounds today and it was becoming overwhelming, choking them and drying their throat stopping them from crying out as the mental sand fills their vocal chords and stops any sound from adding to the world around.
when sound becomes all consuming and than disabling to the senses it will completely disorient a person or ghoul making functioning almost impossible, especially when its a normally working sense and than its use in survival is ripped away leaving a raw wound left open from where sand had turnd to glass and ripped though the signals to the vocal chords making a voice so desperate now silent so not to disturb the percussion in their ears.
The second sign was that light left a burning, dizzying, nauseating feeling in their body, the textures of things felt like they were enhanced tenfold sleep and taste were gagworthy, sickening.
Every sense lit ablaze but only one causing a full fire in sensations and it just so happens to be the sound they rely on the most, its disorienting, a bat without its echo location is nothing but an accident waiting to happen, a wrong turn, three doors on the left and two doors at the end of the hall, thankfully phantom doesn't need to follow sound or harmony to know where to find safety.
Stumbling into the rehearsal room ears coverd and eyes squinted teeth bared in a grimacing disposition, swiss drops all sound, setting his acoustic guitar down quickly almost immediately the grimace drops and their eyes open once more, hes seen this with rain and mountain before, he knows what to do.
Grabbing a spare pair of fully noise canceling eardefenders putting them over phantoms poor ears, turning on full silence mode theres nothing making its way into the auditory cortex of tommys head. Phantom crashes chest to chest into a desperate safe keeping hug with swiss, they cant hear him but swiss is speaking small nothings, the vibrations, physical sensation of a bats point of visibility, sensation of a spiders web being disturbed, silent sight.
Small tendrils of quintessence making their way from swiss' hands into and up the spinal cord and tommy can feel it, it wont work, their mind will just feast and consume it, ready to use on another, but instead they place a gentle hand on their own throat to make sure theyre actually speaking "stop"
And swiss does, all he wanted to do was fix quickly the way everyone else had asked when a full quintessence was preoccupied but he had jumped into this role without knowing what was actually needed.
Phantom places one hands carefully over swiss' larynx on the thyroid cartilage while keeping a hand on their own "speak" tommy mumbles out only to feel vibrations in return
Vibrations lighting sensation in the mind, theres something so surreal about feeling what you can see or hear, the way things move vibrate and shift, a spider aware of its web as an extention of itself through vibrations phantom aware of sound through vibrations and movement of the thyroid cartilage and the shape of swiss' lips, silent sound.
"Sing to me" it comes out as a plead but they had no idea; swiss taking a moment to process the request he smiles, taking tommys hand thats on their own neck and adjusting it so theres onto two fingers extended and moving it to lightly press to his lips.
Keeping his eyes on phantoms face swiss starts singing, nothing crazy just a calm simple song, one hes heard tommy listen to before and while they cant exactly tell what the words are the vibrations however a calm a sway through tides changing, the phases of the moon in increments and the sparks of stars in the sky, it sounded like nothing but safety when their hands played the roles of hearing in a different way.
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silverfox66 · 26 days
I now have eardefenders, earplugs, tangle toy, fidget spinner, weighted blanket. I am just collecting tools right now to figure out what helps me.
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jay-wasreblogging · 4 months
@eardefenders is not only doing transcripts of the mailbag episodes but also recipes for the food mentioned in the series, go check his blog out!!
Also they have now inspired me to do recipes myself as well but I'll be doing the drugs mentioned.
So, yeah. Please stay tuned for my Crack, Heroin and Oxymorphone recipes.
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superluigiglitchy · 1 month
been thjnking about how meggy might potentially be hard of bearing cause guns are loud af and they CAN and WILL make you deaf so the head phones in her headgear are actually eardefenders meant to block out loud noises they didnt do shit in the meme nintendo reaction episode unfortunately, that or mario is just super loud
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transmasc-taub · 2 months
Thanks @dapper-nahrwhale for tagging me!
Last Song: cat with 2 heads! By the aquabats
Favorite color: yellow or pink
Currently watching: uh does Sherlock & Co count? Dunmenshi also but I'm not caught up
Spicy savory or sweet? Savory!
Current obsession: Sherlock Holmes in general and Sherlock& Co n more specifically
I'm tagging @teacup-captor @iwantthatbelstaffanditsoccupant @ghostofnuggetspast @ratinavan @littleoceanbabe @a-boros-named-seamus @br0ken-rec0rds @eardefenders @aleespace
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