#earlier i was talking w my friend and it became hours
valhallie · 3 months
Pregnant teen reader x Dazai
warnings:mentions of sex, underage drinking, and teen pregnancy, and mention of suicide.
You had been taken in by Mori when you were around 12-13.You had been bored there until you became friends with two other teenage executives Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya.
Eventually you found yourself catching feelings for Dazai.You tried to push the feelings away, until one night he showed up at your apartment drunk as hell.”Dazai? What the hell man it’s 3 o’clock in the morning.”
“Sorry Y/N but I missed youuu…There’s something I wanna try before I die y/n and only you can help with it.”
“W-what are you talking about Dazai?” You knew exactly why he was talking about.Sex.But you were so young and it was wrong.But the second he kissed you all of that went to shit.You woke up in the morning and he was gone.It hurt but despite that you two continued to have sex with him and it became a normal routine for you two.
Until one day.You saw him bring another girl into his office.You two weren’t exactly together but it still hurt.You decided to go to the one other person you cared about.”Huh?Y/N what are you doing here?” The ginger stared at you,worried.
“I just need someone to be with Chuuya.Please.”he nodded “Of course come on in.Two hours later you were both plastered drunk.    “Hey Chuuya?” “Yeah?” “Can we have sex?” His face turned RED when you said those words.”Huh?”
“I wanna have sex with you.” Normally he’d be hesitant but being so drunk he just pinned you down and started kissing you.The next morning you woke up with your head hurting terribly.Chiuya was gone but you opened up your phone to find a text from him saying “I’m sorry Mori-San called me in early and I didn’t want to wake you.” You were at first upset but at least he left for a reason unlike Dazai.
       Over the past few weeks you began to throw up every morning.You feared the worst.You went to Kouyou and talked to her about it and she suggested you take pregnancy test.So after you got off work you went to the market and bought a packet of tests and took one.About 5 minutes later you read the words Pregnant.You couldn’t believe it so you decided to take another test.It came back also positive.16 and pregnant.”God how did I get myself into this mess?” You thought.
Since Chuuya was your most recent sexual partner you decided to tell him first.”Are you sure it’s me?” He asked nervously.”Well no.It could also very well be Dazai but I haven’t told him anything yet so keep your mouth shut okay?”
A few weeks later you were at the doctors and found out who the father was.Dazai Osamu. You showed up at Chuuya’s apartment.”I got good news for ya Chuu.You’re not the dad.”Chuuya seemed relieved but also worried for you knowing how Dazai was.Be careful Y/N.
       When you finally built up the courage to tell Dazai you received a phone call from Mori saying Dazai had betrayed the organization and left the Port Mafia.You were shocked and heartbroken.A single mom at 16.You hated Dazai.Even though he had no idea.
        7 years later…..
He grabbed your wrist.”Yukio!”
That’s when Hana slapped his hand away.”DONT TOUCH MY MOMMY MOTHER FUCKER!” You looked down at your daughter.         “Hana!Who taught you that word?” You glared. “Uncle Chuuya!” Dazai laughed “Sounds like him.”You glared at him. “Come on Hana let’s go home baby.” “Wait Yukio!” Dazai followed you out to your car.”What do you need Osamu?” He looked dead serious. “Yukio tell me the truth.Is she mine?”You sighed. You knew you couldn’t lie to him.Dazai always saw right through you.”Yes Osamu.” He looked shocked.He has a child.”Yukio- I’m sorry…I had no idea you were-“ you stopped him in his tracks.”It’s fine Osamu.” He walked closer to you. “Yukio please I want to be in her life.” You looked shocked. “Really. You?” “I know it sounds unlike me Yukio but…Please. “Fine you can meet us tomorrow at the park.”
You were putting Hana in bed later that night. “Mommy who was that man talking to you earlier?” You sighed knowing it was time to come clean. “That was your daddy Hana.If you want to meet him we can go see him at the park tomorrow…”
Part two???
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bonesandthebees · 5 months
Okay I'm on desktop because my mobile Tumblr is bugged and won't let me view profiles so I haven't been able to send any asks but I'm here now.
Spoilers for The Priory of The Orange Tree btw for anyone who hasn't read it yet (do it. Go in as blind as possible)
I have been reading Priory and was slowly reading a few pages at a time but because I was sick and getting used to some new meds I'm on (hurray for experimentation and diagnosis on the horizon), I found it hard to actually sit down and just read it but I did it today (yesterday? it's 2am) and holyy shit. I went from being just under 20% through the book to 51% (I track my progress with books w a Notion to motivate myself to read lol) in one day and read about 400 pages. I have just hit part 3 after Ead is exiled.
The world is so rich and the characters are so interesting and I can already feel the ideas I have for my own fantasy world and how I can improve on writing / world building from this since complete fantasy is one of my weaker points as a writer but I want to try my hand at doing one that I would maybe publish in the future.
Tane my beloved. I love Tane so much and as much as I love Ead and Loth's povs, I always found myself wanting to go back to her perspective and learn more about dragonriding and the culture of the East, especially in the earlier parts of the book. Loth is a pov I wasn't expecting but I liked more than I thought I did. Especially when he gets to the Priory it is so interesting to see the reaction of someone who believes so much in the religion of the Vitrudom. Also the Yscalin situation breaks my heart. I felt so bad for the Princess during her entire conversation with Loth.
Niclays is the only pov that I don't particularly enjoy. I like his personality and I find his backstory to be interesting but I'm just not as invested in his storyline as I am in everyone else's.
I have stopped myself from reading just to have some restraint and try to get some sleep but I am so excited to read more. Wish I had someone to talk to in person about it but none of my friends are as into books as I am or as fast at reading.
But overall I love this book so far and I am already planning on locating and devouring other books by Shannon, including Day of Fallen Night and her other series I believe the first book of which is called Bone Season? Anyway feel free to give fantasy book recs as I want more. Poppy Wars and Unwind are already on my list.
I generally like darker books but I also like romance from time to time (sapphic preferred but I am not heterophobic)
Splitting into 2 parts because this is already really long.
-Shark anon (it's me I swear)
shark hi omg you have priory talk for me I'm THRILLED
that is so much of the book to read in one day holy shit good job. usually I read for about an hour to an hour and a half every night of whatever book I'm on (although I was reading 2 hours every night with both priory and a day of fallen night bc I was so into them all I wanted to do was read them) and that's about the max my attention span for reading can handle before my brain gets tired
okay you ask for more fantasy recs at the end so I'll answer them here and then put all my priory thoughts in the read more below
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan is less fantasy focused (although there are fantasy elements in it) but it's really interesting with the historical setting (1300s mongol-ruled China) and has incredibly fascinating themes and conversations about gender and masculinity and all that. there are both sapphic and gay relationships focused on in the book. it's definitely darker than priory with a lot more discussions around moral greyness and complicated characters. also, I actually liked the sequel to this one He Who Drowned the World more, although it was way darker than the first book and also made me cry. twice.
right now I'm reading a book called The Fifth Season by NK Jemison, and I love the worldbuilding in this one so much. the POV and narration in the book is done in a fairly unique way at certain points, but the world itself is really what's drawn me in. it's fantasy but in a darker way. the world of The Fifth Season is one that is constantly torn apart by earthquakes so it focuses on a culture that is used to the apocalypse happening basically every few centuries. it's just so interesting to explore a culture so deeply rooted in survival and doomsday prepping and there's also a very fascinating magic system at play here. there is a queer relationship featured in it (only for a part of the book), but it's not sapphic
also right now I'm reading a book called The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri. there's absolutely no reason for me not to be obsessed with this book, but I'll be honest it hasn't grabbed me quite like Priory did. I'm taking a break from it to read the Fifth Season so maybe when I go back to it I'll be more invested? but it's very good! It features incredibly rich worldbuilding with a fantasy empire inspired by Indian culture/history, with a somewhat toxic sapphic romance/dynamic blooming at the center. definitely a lot of potential for this one so we'll see how I feel after I finish it
okay now priory talk time spoilers under the cut
but yes the world is SO rich and all the characters are so interesting. the reason I wanted to read priory in the first place was bc I was trying to read a lot of royalty-centered fantasy to help me write rose, and then I just got completely sucked into the book itself. samantha shannon's worldbuilding is just so richly layered and complex but it never feels too dense to understand. like it's a Lot, but it all flows together so well
definitely agree with your opinions on the POVs. when I was reading I was mostly interested in Ead and Tane, and then Loth got way more interesting to me once he left Yscalin for the Priory. Niclays was the only POV I really struggled to connect to. I liked him a lot more towards the end but even then I still preferred the other POVs. I really like him as a character and I think Shannon does an amazing job with his arc, I just didn't click with him as much as I did the other three POVs
if you're interested in learning more about the East you'll LOVE a day of fallen night. we get to see so much more of Seiiki history with the dragonriders and the government and all that. actually adofn just gives you so much more worldbuilding in general which was incredible for me, because the world and history of the roots of chaos series is what has really roped me in. like I love all the characters so much and I'm usually a character first girlie, but I honestly would read about any characters Samantha Shannon wants to write about in whatever point of history in the roots of chaos world because I just love the world itself so much. but yeah adofn is incredible both story wise and worldbuilding wise (and tbh I think I felt more attached to the characters in adofn than the first book but that might be recency bias). you get to learn so much more about the East as a whole (not just Seiiki, but you spend time in the Empire of the Twelve Lakes AND another country not mentioned in the first book called Sepul), you get to learn about and see a ton of Hróth which is only mentioned in the first book, and you get to see a lot more of life in the Priory as well. it's just so so good you'll love it
I haven't read the bone season and I don't know if I plan to because I read the description for the series and it doesn't seem to be my type of vibe, but I'll consider it if I get through my current reading list (which is ever growing tbh)
so so glad you're enjoying priory so far I'm so happy that so many of you have taken my recommendation
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hyper-pie · 2 years
Dustin Henderson x FEM!reader w ADHD and GAD
reader is the same age as Dustin
Ler: Dustin
Lee: reader
Warnings: Cussing, light tickles, Gentle teasing, mentions of being overwhelmed and confused, hurt comfort, angst a little bit, kissing, nicknames
length: long
AN: Self indulgent fic cause well i need this rn i love this man... the only man i would ever date. Also please be nice I know it is not the best but I tried
Ok lets get one thing straight, today sucked, and yesterday did too, and the day before yesterday... okay.... life sucks and all you could do is curl up listening to "you spin me right round" by dead or alive while crying yourself to sleep, your thoughts and worries tangling up stopping you from doing what was important. Your lack of concentration and worry were getting far too out of hand and you didn't know what to do.
The next day you couldn't take it anymore, the stress, anxiety and overthinking caused you to get intense with your friends and your boyfriend.
A few hours earlier.....
At lunch at the hellfire table
You are just sitting there eating your sandwich then realized that you have a assignment due the next day and you are late. The dark expression on your face was noticed by Dustin, the person who knows you best. still you were scared... this meant you had to cancel and you were terrified. Your leg began to vibrate, voice cracking as you spoke. "Uhm I-I-I cant make it to hellfire tonight..... I- have homework.." Your said with anxiety clearly in your voice. Everyone stared at you like you were insane accept Dustin who moved to rub your back "guys it isnt a big deal school is more important than some adventure game anyway her missing one session isnt a big deal"
the others arguments against Dustin's statements was what broke you. with Eddie sick you were his replacement dm and with school, anxiety, worry, feeling different, stress, homework and chores it was too fucking much,. "The session is cancelled and if you have a problem with that CONSULT WITH MY FUCKING NON EXISTANT THERAPIST!" You say raising your voice tears in your eyes. Dustin's face filled with worry and care everyone else seemed mad. The feeling set in and all you did was run you ran as fast as you can home to your confused but accepting mother.
A few hours later
You had just finished the last of your homework tears in you're eyes 'You spin me right round' by dead or alive playing threw your walkman when you hear a distant knock,with your mom out of the house,, you were quite paranoid so taking nervous footsteps you make your way to the door floor creaking under your feet nerves gaining, devouring you whole. When opening the door you find your boyfriend with a worried look on his face plushy in hand. Seeing the scared anxious lost look on your face told him everything he needed to know. "D-Dustin... I-i I am sorry I never meant to blow up at you guys they were just being asswholes and I felt worse and I feel so different I hate myself I am ugly I am Stu-" you were unable to Finnish your sentence as you were scooped up and carried outside with your bag and all stuff you may need. You said nothing, it was the plan for you to stay at the Henderson house when your mom was out of town.
On the walk any attempt at a word was quickly shushed in a soft gentle tone. Dustin reached up and ran his fingers through your hair even when you got to his house he was still holding you stroking his fingers through your hair making you melt.
he kept you there for a while before cradling you in his arms placing a sweet kiss at the top of you're head. "You wanna talk about whats been bothering you muffin?"
The air became thin as you tensed up your posture "hey hey hey You are okay. you are safe in my arms okay? " he says seeming serious and truthful. You nod and looked at him "I guess i feel d-different.......... and i feel like i am gonna fail at life... everyone looks at me... i feel so pathetic all the time and i am genuinely anxious almost all the time. i had a late assignment and i needed time to do it... i got it done and here we are" you ramble out worried you sounded stupid Dustin's expression didn't change as he kissed you're nose "well lucky for you you have a boyfriend who knows the secret ingredient that always makes you happy!'' he exclaims in a soft sweet tone "hm?... what would- theheeep! duhuhustin" you squeek quietly feeling gentle fingers tease your skin with light brutely slow strokes pulling snorts out of you like no tommorow. "yes muffin? did you need somthing?" he said suddenly moving to your tummy tracing his nails up and down every so gently pulling heavy soft giggles from your lips your face a slight shade of red "awwwwwh your face is all red! how precious" he teased turning you even redder, slowly moving from sides to tummy to sides to tummy slight teases being fired at certain times when the times were right. After a while he noticed that you had almost had enough but he knew he needed to do one thing before hand. he then stopped his teasy fingers targeting your midddle to move up and trace feather light shapes on your neck causing you to squeele softly scrunching up your shoulders him then ending his gentle attack by placing a gentle kiss on your tummy. pulling you close going back to stroking your hair. "You may be slightly different but that is a good thing muffin it would get boring if we were all copy's of each other.."
" Also They were being asswholes they deserved that alright?" he said reassuringly you nodded resting your head on his chest him stroking your hair making you feel like the luckiest girl in you world "I love you Y/N.." he says softly
"I love you too dustin"
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citadelsanchez · 2 years
Can you write Rick and his lesbian granddaughter? Sort of like an angsty coming out?
Foshoo. I feel like this one isn't my best but I hope it's decent regardless <3
"G-get your fucking feet off of my bench, Y/N, I don't need it growing bacteria from y-your foot fu-UNGUS" Rick exclaimed, jolting you out of your daydream.
You scoffed and took your feet down. "Whatever Rick, you're an asshole," you murmur and revert your attention back to your phone.
You didn't even know why you were hanging out in the garage with your criminally deranged grandpa, who always found a way to make jabs at you when you were only interested in helping him with his inventions and learning along the way.
You wanted to be a scientist yourself, but you never fully admitted that to Rick, who definitely would've made fun of you. Although, you know that he would've made fun of you no matter what career path you chose. It's just in his nature.
You re-opened your text messages and frowned when you noticed that your message to your best friend was still on read.
Well, maybe now a former best friend, you thought. Her name is Maria and you've been best friends since you were both little kids on a playground. She's always had your back and vice versa. But about 2 years ago, you realized that the dynamic in your friendship had shifted. Maria came out to you as bisexual one night in December, after the repetition of "Y/N, I've got to tell you something important"s that entire day. Of course you congratulated her and assured her that you would obviously be supportive of her no matter what. Especially since you were in love with her. And ironically enough, you realized this at about the same time, if not sooner.
But no one knew that you were lesbian. You'd always been "straight passing" to your family and friends, so they just assumed that you had horrific luck in the dating pool and never questioned you. Maria has seen you go on countless dates with men that were blunders and quickly became inside jokes; she was also oblivious.
Earlier today, you talked yourself into finally just doing it. Even if it meant that you would lose her, you had to tell her. Your feelings were bursting at the seems, and you thought you may actually combust if you never mustered the courage to tell her how you felt, and why you felt it.
So, you made sure that you articulated your confession to preciseness, and sent her the message. And she read it an hour ago.
You sighed out loud, tapping your fingers on your thighs and closing your eyes.
"W-what's up, Y/N? You look like someone s-shit in your Frosted Flakes" Rick spoke, studying you.
You suddenly felt extremely insecure and vulnerable, like you had made the worst decision possible and that it was now irreversible and you'd be forced to suffer the negative consequences forever.
Tears formed in your eyes and you hung your head. "Uh, it's, it's nothing Rick," you weakly responded.
"H-hey I may be old but I'm not clueless on social c-cues. What's wrong?"
You kept your head hung and began to quietly shake with a sob, covering your mouth to try and hide the noise.
Rick then bent down beside your chair and put a hand on your shoulder. "S-sweetie, my care meter is always stagnant b-but I'm starting to get concerned. Grandpa to weirdly emotional granddaughter."
"I'm, I don't really wanna- Rick, it's hard to talk about" you say between tears and quickly wipe them away.
"Try me. I'm listening," he assures and pats your back awkwardly.
"I'm- fuck, I would appreciate you keeping it between us, but... I'm um.... I'm... gay" you respond, scared that he would start laughing in your face or just blow it off altogether.
You ready yourself for either reaction and look up at him. He looks at you carefully before giving you a soft smile and ruffling your hair. "Hey sweetie, I um, I already knew that" he says.
"What? How?" You're now horrified at the thought that it's always been obvious, which doubles the anxiety over the text you sent. Does everyone know, then? I'm a fucking idiot, you think. You feel the tears fighting their way back into your eyes.
"D-don't cry, Y/N. Look, I had a probability test run o-on all of my grandkids which shows that kinda thing. Likeliness o-of sexual orientation you know. Absolutely n-nothing to be ashamed of. I picked up on the rest of the p-psychology watching you grow up and knew it was right. And h-hey, your old grandpa supports you fuckin completely i-i-if you were wondering. I don't,- I don't confine myself to any f-fuckin labels. Bone whoever and whatever you wanna b-bone and I'll vaporize anyone who makes you f-feel like shit for it."
You feel yourself smiling now, although you felt just slightly offended that he already knew. But that's Grandpa Rick, who knows most things before anyone else. "Thanks Rick, I feel a bit better, I think," you laugh.
Then you hear a beeep and realize you've gotten a text.
Maria: Meet me at our coffee shop around the block in 10 minutes. ❤️
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sadkidwarexpert · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰
t/w: none, this is mild angst.
a/n: i know i don't talk to anyone, it's nothing personal, im just too overwhelmed and barely keeping up with any social stuff, even texting my close friends is hard, so just excuse that. i have few energy left so i want to save it.
tags: @daisycheols @etherealyoungk @scarlet789
Sometime between the black of night and violets of early dawn, she had crept from the warmth of her blanket up to the frozen roof. It was damp, the clouds were generous earlier, the sky had poured when her eyes did, and even more so. The earthy, after-rain scent softly grounded her loud mind, sending soothing tendrils up to her thoughts and tethering them down. She could see her reflection in the small puddle on one of the tiles, a grim-faced creature with the same dark stare as of that crow perched next to her. A companion of sorts, like recognized like, its head cocked to the side, beady black eyes gazing at her empty green ones, its curiosity searching. She wondered if it sat there out of genuine camaraderie or if it was patiently waiting for the last signs of life to leave her like everyone else did and turn her into a festive feast.
The thought made her smile, her lips painfully tugging from dryness. If this crow was the friend she'll have then welcome, anything better than solitude that kneads you into yourself until the lines are all a blurred mess of pain and pain. Sheepishly extending a finger towards the bird, she held her breath as her heartbeat picked up a notch, afraid to startle the thing into disappearing in a flap of ebony wings, but it stood still, watching her, beak pointing towards the tip of her finger, until they touched, ever so slightly. She traced it's tiny head, a jolt going through her as its warmth surprised her; she hadn't touched a living being for a long time.
"Fancy a cup of tea, you silly thing?" she whispered, her voice hoarse and unused.
The crow blinked once and hopped closer to her, nuzzling against the fuzzy sweater she wore. The proximity amused her, how bold it was to be that close to a human, and her of all people, her with the electric temper, the wild words and dark stares. Her with trembling hands and fleeting headaches, with her bursting sadness and subdued thoughts. She was the dimmest person she knew, sometimes even relished in that, knowing that even though she was repulsive, that served her sometimes in keeping people away, because they were simply a liability, just like she was, even if in many different ways. It was a two-way relationship of burdening, to them she was the burden, but to her it was the heaviness of the key to her jumbled universe, unlocking it and letting it tumble down in a big mess of fragments, then explaining each crack and shard, the war that triggered the boom, and then playing it all down, with frosting on top so it didn't look that disturbing. Her problem with people was that they never understood, the quantum of how her heart and mind didn't fit together at times and at others way too much, the mechanics of how a normal notion could turn murderous in one second, and shut her entire system down the next. The more she explained, the larger the enigma grew until it became too suffocating to look at the pity and disgust in their faces, and she preferred her own grotesque reflection. The familiarity.
Her sudden jostling startled the crow, but she knew it would follow her down the ladder and into the warmth inside. The only light was the hazy glow of the moon, and at that hour she thought it best to just keep the lamps off, she did not need another thing gnawing the cracks of her overloaded mind at that time; night was for peace. Miserable, suffocating, unlivable peace.
A shy croak, What are you doing?
"Trying for a safer option of caffeine," she said, scoffing at herself. "Coffee is a bit vicious."
The putrid stench of sulfur burned through her nostrils, making her cringe against it, but the fire on the matchstick was a beautiful wisp of oranges and blues, nature's pallette burning warmth inside her chest as memories flew by, of sunsets and sunrises, of shrieks of laughter fading on the horizon, of ambition and aspirations igniting in her eyes. But that fire quickly turned red, and along the way came the rage, the crippling fear, until it singed her into black nothing, until the phoenix died one last time and all left were ashes for her to mourn. She frowned, and set the kettle on the stove.
The glass jar of tea leaves was soothing cool in her palm as she checked how much was left; two fingerwidths. It was her favorite mix, dried berries with black tea and a hint of peppermint, the closest thing to spring that she could taste, made specially for her by her grandmother, when she visited. Her chest tightened; she hadn't seen her in months. It always felt like a knife between her ribs, this distance she kept from everyone, even those who didn't deserve it, her nan least of all. In some twisted way she was afraid, of the rawness of love, of the vulnerability it would unleash in her and force her to disintegrate, but most of all, she was afraid of her own shadows, and how they will possess all the light and snuff it out. She was afraid to seep into lives like poison, leaving decay behind. She had to sit with her rot, fine and fair, but never another.
The water boiled, she poured it over the leaves in her chipped mug, and stirred it, sugarless, until water bloomed a clear crimson. She glanced at the crow again, that was standing now at the edge of the sink. She took a moment to admire it's shimmering black coat, before extending her palm, hoping it would be brave enough to join her in front of the fireplace on her couch. The only invitation she'd extended to anyone. The only one answered.
The mug wobbled in her unsteady grip under her disapproving frown, and wondered maybe doing something with her hands to strengthen them would be a better choice than lying in bed at all times, it seemed that even though she held books and cooked scraps of meals it wasn't enough yet. She dropped into the couch, the crow bobbing in her palm, and lightly stroke it's wing with her thumb, chipped nail rough against the feathers. There was warmth in her chest, a feeling she vaguely remembered, but she knew one thing for sure, and that was for this creature of darkness to accompany her till the sun embraces her again.
"The pin cushion is big enough for you to sleep on," she whispered, as she lifted the bird to her eye level. "It's warmer here than out in the woods."
There was a bitter aftertaste to the desperation in her voice, and the break at the end of it almost went by unnoticed, but not by her. It disgusted her, this weakness, and she wished she was made of steel. Cold, unyielding, solid, not this easily ground, fragile husk.
The crow had nuzzled into her chest for the entire night and a few hours after dawn, before flying out and leaving her alone for breakfast, but the twigs it brought while she was asleep will forever remain in her pocket, along with the small black stone, and the stainless steel chain it had found too. Maybe they'll remain with her until she'd become nothing but remains, maybe until one day they all mold into the earth from where they've come, to the waiting womb.
©2023 sadkidwarexpert, Eboni.
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carcinized · 2 years
-milk w/ honey anon
HI. IM PUTTING IT UNDER THE CUT BC OMG TOBIN SHOWING EMOTIONS 💔💔 idc if anyone reads it its just me talking about some guy I like tho so idk how interesting that could be but here we go ^_^
Ok SO. theres this guy. ive known him for a few years, we became friends a yesr and a half ago but not close friends or anything. like august this year suddenly we become more of Actual Friends not just people who sit together at lunch bc 90% of the other kids are mean
so then the timeline from there goes
-> mid october: i spend like 2 hours alone w him and we talk not just jokes for the first time & realize well Oh Shit. I Really Like Him
-> late october: we go for a walk together but neither of us want to leave so we end up going to the farmers market, getting ice cream, window shopping, and finally getting dinner together before we leave because we’re scared our cars are going to be towed. which was 6 hours total instead of just a small walk. with no shortage of things to talk about we are both sad to leave
-> november: basically i just supress everything and tell myself im making it up. but i am still undeniably fond of this Damn Guy. we become a little closer still
-> mid december: (finals week) out of NOWHERE this whole things goes from being able to be chalked up to “we’re becoming better friends!!” to hes complimenting me incessantly. hes showing up in my study halls to distract me from working and walking me to class & hes sitting next to me every time he can and every group setting we’re only looking at each other across fhe whole circle and hes standing next to me and tucking things into my hat and laughing fondly and WHERE did that come from
and then we went to break and yaknow. i saw him once last week but it was in a group & my best friend was there and i got distracted reminiscing with her. then earlier this we i went rollerskating with him + another friend of ours but hes like A Rollerskating Guy. hes good at it he was showing off 😭 and i am not. im just skating circles. so we weren’t skating together or anything but he would still very obviously be keeping tabs on me which was sweet (if i got off the rink he’d be there a few minutes later to keep me company and stuff, very kind of him). so we are not at that stage of oh holy Shit why is every conversation with this guy ending in mutual fond smiles and barely meeting each other’s eyes. BUT ITS STIL LIKE. ? YOURE NOT LIKE THIS.
like for context this is like. he is a shut-in total introvert. it took him over a year to talk to me like at all. and we go from that to THIS? like tons of affection for no reason? which he just. does not do to people? (And I dont do either?). like the context here is that while i may be loud (at least irl) i am NOT affectionate i am NOT anything like that. i joke around and thats all!!! and hes quiet and not affectionate and honestly just doesnt talk about himself much in general except for with me. SO IT MAKES ME WONDER.
im like 80% sure he likes me becuase Um thats not behavior a cishet boy exhibits If he doesn’t like you. and yes im in love with a cishet boy its complicated. but like,, how am i supposed to go from “i think thisis flirting” to “flirting” or just to “asking this guy out.” bc NEITHER OF US WANT TO MAKE THE JUMP. unless he made the flirting jump and im just really bad at reciprocating. im confused <3 thank u milk w honey ily. what r ur thoughts
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oflgtfol · 5 months
so for context me and this guy went to the same college for undergrad together. we were in the astronomy club together. we didnt start talking until the last like two years of my time there? because my first two years were spent with me being a reclusive freak who couldnt make friends or speak to anyone, and then online meetings because of covid. it was just casual like oh hi we are in the same club together to then like him being one of the people i gravitated towards for small talk because i didnt know anyone wlse in the club but he was really outgoing and became a board member so it was still like. We’re friendly and will chat but we arent friends yknow!
he wound up graduating before me by like a year but he met up with us for an astro club trip during the fall semester of my senior year. he had mentioned he worked at [redacted place] and so i was like 👉👈 how do u get a job there. and he gave me his boss’s email and then lo and behold when i graduated i emailed him and got the job as well
Now additional context this guy is like, 30? i think somewhere around there. and so by now he’s worked here for years enough to where he actually has a full time job elsewhere and only comes in here once a week
and so yknow once i got hired i didnt work a shift with him till like months after i started so then it was like oh im working X shift i’ll finally get to catch up with him lol!! but nowadays im working much more consistent and nearly full time hours here so i overlap with him at least once a month and so i’d say after actually working with him like we’re real friends now not just friendly hi there clubmates lulz
so then last weekend, the day before i overlapped a shift wirh him, i was alone in the building and panicking cuz i needed something so i was in the company slack like Hi everyone. Do you know where this important object is. and this guy was the first one to respond and was the only one whose response was actually helpful. so then when i worked with him rhe following day he asked how that went and i was filling him in and he was like, wait how do i not have your number? cuz u could just text me instead of feeling embarrassed for going into the whole company slack asking for help. so yknow like we’re friends AND coworkers now so its like whatevers yeah lol lets swap numbers who cares
but im so used to like, when swapping numbers w coworkers, to pretty much only talk about work stuff until we get more comfy talking outside work, and then occassionally move into brief casual conversations. so imagine my surprise when he just comes right out the bat swinging w the casual conversations. and its like yeah ok like we have years long history prior to working together as coworkers but its also like, i feel like we only actually became legit friends after working together??? so like idk there is still the coworkerly aspect to it that i cant shake
And so i start my joking along bc yeah whayever im not gonna make it weird but then like. i am an atrocious texter. i can and will take days to respond if not entire weeks. but yknow i have to work with this guy so i dont wanna leave him hanging and make things weird so after like 2-3 days i make sure to respond but then still leave things sparse, mostly because i was busy as fuck this week
so today he texts me while im on my break. the daily break schedules are posted publicly basically for anyone in our department to see regardless of if theyre actively working at the momsnt. so he texts me maybe 5 mins into my break and im like oh man is this a coincidence or not. and his text was like “why dont you stay late today so we can work a full shift together. no reason. just to hang out haha” LIKE HUH?? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???? and thats what prompted me to make that hmmmm post earlier today. like its not weird enough for my hackles to rise but its also like. Im baffled? im gobsmacked?
so im like man he can see im on my break i have no excuse to not text to finally i respond again and im like lol sorry i cant im so tired ive been working a lot this week (A. ive been looking forward to finishing malevolent s4 tonight all week long and i cannot do that if im working a surprise 14 hour shift. B. i am genuinely so tired and i really just need a nice night in. it was indeed a long week and C. it is a casual hint that like hi im not like purposefully ignoring you i just suck at texting because im so incredibly busy all the time)
AND HIS RESPONSE IS “AWW YEAH YOU WORK A LOT ��” LIKE. HUH ?!?! HUH ⁉️⁉️ Im even MORE baffled, even MORE gobsmacked than i was before. why are you a 30 year old man using 🥺 ????? and he says “no worries, our shifts still overlap so i’ll see you tonight” LIKE YEAH I KNOW ALREADY. I ACTUALLY LOOK AT THE SCHEDULE (he also has famously announced he never looks at the schedule because he always works the same singular shift every week - why is he looking at the schedule suddenly ????) HUH? HUH??? HUH?
like i really feel like im overthinking this and he’s just being friendly and potentially we have different ideas of what exactly our friendship entails and so i do not want to be like hey hi yeah we were classmates and all and you were one of the few friendly faces to me back when i was struggling to make any friends at all, and i do not want to insult those years by implying that like we arent actually friends enough to joke around and tex outside work related stuff, but also like. I am someone who requires either a decade of talking to someone daily, or like a trauma filled blood pact, to become actual friends with. so like yeah i would in fact call our friendliness in college something akin to friends but theres a difference between friends and Friends(TM) yknow? so im just left feeling absolutely fucking baffled by all this. Im baffled. bewildered even
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meatiey · 1 year
seugmin x male reader
Summary : seungmin gets upset when reader comes home late and accuses him of cheating.
Includes : yandere seungmin, established relationship, controlling seungmin
wc : 662
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Seungmin has been laying on the couch for the past hour, scrolling through Instagram on his phone. Slowly becoming more impatient waiting for you to come home.
You had told him earlier that day that you would be home by 9:00pm like always. Yet today it was already an hour past and you weren't home...You didn't call him, text him, nothing, so eventually he decided to text you instead.
'Hey my love.. Where are you?? It's an hour past curfew I'm worried :(('
He waited for you to at least read his message, yet there was nothing. After a few minutes he decided to call you.
It went straight to voicemail. He was seriously concerned now.
Seungmin started to overthink. He was getting worried like any other boyfriend may be. He started to think...He should've never let you go out. What if you were cheating..? What if something bad happened. He then checked your Instagram to see if you posted anything recently. Nothing. However he noticed the friend you were hanging out with posted pictures of you guys about an hour ago.
Seungmin then got jealous. Angry almost. He waited another hour for you to get back home. He almost got up to go look for you, but Just then the front door to the apartment opened. You walked into the apartment about to take off your shoes. Seungmin sprung up almost immediately from the couch running towards you. He hugged you and with little tears in his eyes.
"Where were you!? I was so worried!" He weeped into your chest.
"I'm so sorry my phone died and I completely lost track of time I'm sorry." You held him tightly. You felt bad you left your poor puppy alone. Seungmin eventually let go of the hold and stepped back giving you space to take off your jacket and shoes.
As you did he stood there. Staring at you.
You got up to go to your shared bedroom but you were stopped by a tight hold on your wrist.
"Tell me. What were you doing?" Seungmin's wet puppy like eyes completely changed and so did his voice. He almost looked mad. In fact he was.
"W-what?" You turned around to look at him in the eyes.
"What were you doing. Your friend posted photos on Instagram of you two and the rest of the group. Were you cheating? Did you cheat? Why would you? Should I never let you go out again?" Seungmin's eyes started to become teary again.
"W-woah seungmin. Why would you think that? Hey, I would never do such a thing to you." You pulled him into another tight hug letting him sob into your chest.
"Hey look at me" You lifted his face to look at you in the eyes. "I would never do such a thing. Don't ever think that ever again alright?"
"S-so you didn't cheat..?"
"No honey, of course I didn't." Seungmin eyes slowly became more serious. As he looked at you.
"Alright.. But if I ever find out or even think you're cheating because of some stupid friend of yours I might just not let you go out ever again."
You were lost for words. He would separate you from society and probably even social media just because of a misunderstanding...
"Honey, I know you're worried and you don't like it when misunderstandings like this happen, but you can't just isolate me from the rest of the world. That's wrong...right?.."
He replied "what do you mean I can't isolate you from everyone else. Are you saying you don't wanna be around me? I don't understand. I thought I'm the only person you love. I'm all you need. You don't need to go outside or talk to other people. After all I'm truly the only thing you need in your life. You don't have to go outside. You don't need anyone else but me right? I'm all yours and you're all mine. You don't need anyone else but me." He giggled. "I'm the only person you love. If I'm not then I'll make it so I'm the only thing that's on your mind foe the rest of your life. But anyway imma go shower, I'll see you when I'm done!" He pecked you on your cheek as he skipped away into the bathroom happily.
He didn't even give you time to respond. Although the only thing you would be able to respond with is 'yes'. You had to agree with him in these situations or else he would ruin your whole life in a blink of an eye. Sure you were dominant in this relationship but truly when it came to situations like this you knew were under his control and you know you can't do shit about that.
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anisette-blackwirth · 2 years
SAGAU: Meeting Kazuha
summary: You started playing after Kazuha's release and have been waiting almost a year for his rerun (based on a true story lmao)
spoiler warning: inazuma archon quest spoilers
content warning: not exactly a cult AU but close enough. Chosen Traveler is Aether.
notes: I intend to eventually do one of these introspectives for each of my main team (and other characters, as applicable), but... Kazuha's banner is coming out in a few hours, so I had to write this quickly before summoning.
May all Kazuha wanters become Kazuha havers!
“You two give off not only the essence of wind and earth, but also of… yes… the stars…” 
The first time Kazuha felt your presence was when he met the Traveler and Paimon. He assumed the little flying child was somehow projecting her emotions to others. He expected Captain Beidou would be the one to ask. Beidou was outspoken and blunt, but that served her well as the captain of her crew. While they hadn't known each other for very long, Kazuha could already tell when she was about to say something, and refrained from making his own comments as he waited for her to speak up.
The feeling that she was ‘about to say something’ persisted up until the Traveler and Paimon left to prepare for the Crux Clash, when she finally let it out in a rush. 
"Did you feel that? That weird sorta energy around those two."
"I did. It seemed to ebb and flow with the little flying one's emotions."
"You know, I tried to ask about it? But I couldn't say the words."
"Truly?" Kazuha hummed in thought. "And yet we are having no trouble discussing it now."
"Yeah. I don't like this. Why couldn't I say anything? Do you think there’s some weird magic around them? This could be bad," Beidou said. "I'm gonna ask the crew if they felt anything."
"It certainly could be," Kazuha agreed mildly as Beidou descended to the lower deck, choosing not to voice his own suspicions just yet. But when he pulled the Traveler aside to have a word with him before the final match, he found quite quickly that he disagreed with Beidou. 
The more he spoke with the Traveler and Paimon, the more Kazuha felt that the presence was neither of theirs. It reacted pleasantly and kindly to his words. 
"...And, not to mention your incredibly complex scent. Like that of some mysterious being," Kazuha said. He tried to elaborate - Like the mist that rises off hot pavement in the first flash of summer rains - but couldn't. He frowned, struggling with his own words internally, before he gave up and continued on. The words felt right, but he hadn’t been able to voice them. Just like Beidou. 
Later that evening, something about the aura encouraged him to share his story - or maybe it was just the delayed result of Beidou pushing him to talk about his pain with others. As he spoke of Tomo's fate, keeping his voice deliberately light… he became certain that the presence was a third, separate entity. Paimon was saddened and the Traveler's expression displayed grief - but he seemed unsurprised, as if loss were an old, familiar friend and he had known what was coming the moment Kazuha began speaking.  
The presence he felt hovering around them was both sad and angry. Angry on his behalf, much like Beidou had been when she took him onboard. He could feel its desire to wrap around and protect him… but it didn't. And as he felt it leave sadly with the Traveler that evening… he wondered if maybe it couldn't. 
The Traveler, as it turned out, was not unaware of the presence hovering around him and his friend, because he re-introduced himself as Aether during the voyage to Inazuma. 
"I saw you both struggling to say something earlier. I'm sorry I couldn't explain things then. I have someone guiding me who we can't talk about. But they've been helping me for months now - well, all of us," Aether said, gesturing at the companions he'd brought on-board.
"Uh… huh." Beidou was unimpressed. And rightly so, since she had been intending to smuggle one person across and ended up with four. "You know Thoma isn't expecting these extra people, right?" she asked. 
"It'll be fine. I think? Whoever's helping us out seems to be able to hide extra people when they need to,” Aether said.
"So those emotions we felt when you were around were theirs? How does that work?" Beidou asks. Paimon made a very unimpressed looking shrug to mirror Aether’s.
"We're not sure," Aether said. "They only seem to be able to directly interact with certain vision users, but apparently everyone can feel them around. It's just, people with visions can feel them the clearest." 
"You introduced yourself as [username], and yet you now say your name is Aether. Is that their name?" Kazuha asks. 
"As far as we can tell," Aether says. 
As they continued explaining the situation, with Paimon remaining suspiciously silent, Kazuha was glad to get the chance to talk to Aether on his own. But he also found that he missed that summer-scented mist, just a little.
Kazuha felt the presence watching over him a few more times in Inazuma after that, always in association with Aether. He felt its - their - utter joy at seeing him again when the Crux crew joined the battle at Nazuchi Beach, their enthusiasm almost matching Gorou's. Aether lingered to speak with him and Beidou after the skirmish, grinning sheepishly as the conversation stretched on. 
He felt them most strongly during the assault on Tenshukaku, their fear turning to such a fierce, victorious pride as he saves Aether that it left him shaking just as much as the Shogun's return strike did. Then the presence disappeared into the void with Aether, and did not come back out. 
He felt them briefly as he visited Tomo's grave after all was said and done, and found he was grateful to know they were still alive. Having someone to witness his prayers at his friend's resting place - even an unknown, mysterious, otherworldly aura - helped ease his heart. 
Kazuha did not feel them again until he decided on a whim to answer a commission in Liyue,  three months later. They were subtly in the background as he accepted Aether's invitation to team up, and he was disappointed when he thought that would be all he'd feel of them this time. But Aether gave him a thumbs up and a wink and warned him to brace himself. 
As soon as the party entered the domain, Kazuha felt their presence sweep over him. It was so much stronger than ever before that he had to stop and take a moment to breathe, though both the presence and his three companions seemed content to wait for him.
He felt the presence - felt you examining him joyfully. He got the sense that you were peering at him from every angle, and then your attention turned inward to the artifacts he'd chosen to take with him for this fight. You express vague interest and approval - had he chosen well? They were the best he had for that set - and then you were guiding the four of them forward to experience combat at your hands. 
It was different from normal combat. Alien. Kazuha found that your presence came and went in flashes, directing him to use certain skills and then flitting away to one of the others. He dodged strikes he couldn't see or hear properly through the echoing fog of the domain, kept safe from blows that might have felled him by a third eye from above. But he was also hit by other attacks he could clearly see approaching in slow motion, also found himself unwilling to use Chihayaburu when he normally would.
He sensed your frustration and shame whenever this happened, and he wondered whether you were learning this as you went, too. 
Now, seven months later, he’s met you personally, face-fo-face. Your guidance of him as a “trial character” through two more events improved greatly since your first fumbling attempts to understand his “playstyle”, and he feels - perhaps arrogantly - that the two of you work well together. You had stuttered out something similar when you first asked for his consent to be “summoned” and used as your vessel all those months ago, and Kazuha smiles now as he recalls it.
Beidou joins him at the railing as he watches the approaching islands of the Golden Apple Archipelago and slings an arm around his shoulders companionably. 
“Ya ready, kid?” she asks. “Last chance to back out. I’m sure [Y/N] wouldn’t mind.” 
Beidou has been one of your vessels for a long time as well, and though she’s not the most often chosen, Kazuha has heard nothing but good from her about the experience. So he takes her words as teasing. 
“I find I must disagree. [Y/N] has been quite enthusiastic about my ‘return’ these past weeks,” Kazuha says with a smile. He knows from Beidou that you’ve had the necessary materials to empower him saved for quite some time, and while you apparently aren’t yet happy with the Viridescent Venerer’s artifact set you plan to gift to him, Kazuha is certain it will be worlds better than what he was able to collect on his own. 
“I haven’t the heart to disappoint. Besides, I have no other obligations. I merely wish to wander and experience the world. I can think of no better way to spend my time than to explore this world alongside someone who so clearly cares for me.” 
Beidou ruffles his hair and he ducks out of her hold. “Sap. Alright, well, we’re almost there! Fix your hair before you meet [Y/N]. Can’t have you looking like you just rolled outta bed!”
Kazuha grumbles and redoes his ponytail, which Beidou was the one to ruin in the first place - but finds that he can’t maintain even a fake frown for long. He’s excited to feel your presence in his life permanently. And as he prepares to step ashore and surprise you before you “wish” for him, he hopes you are too. 
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lewisvinga · 2 years
bee mine | huening bahiyyih x fem! reader
requested; yes
request; hiii can you do fluff w huba (keipler) where she confesses to the reader after being friends for 3 years. ^^
warnings; none
kep1er masterlist!
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Bahiyyih quickly realized into your friendship that what she felt for you was not platonic, in fact it was the opposite. She’s had the biggest crush on you for the past 3 years ever since you became friends. She was obsessed with you to say the least.
You two were constantly hanging out. She loved spending her free time with you. Any break she had from practice or in between comebacks, she wanted to spend her time with you. She assumed you would never like her back which wasn’t the case at all.
You were equally as obsessed but you just weren’t as obvious. You didn’t come to terms with your feelings until very recently, unlike Bahiyyih who realized 2 weeks into your friendship.
Her members, Kep1er, knew all about you. She spent her nights telling Hikaru and Youngeun everything you did earlier that day. She’ll tell Yujin, Mashiro, and Xiaoting all about your likes and dislikes whenever they cook. Meanwhile Chaehyun, Dayeon, and Yeseo always hears her talk about your favorite things and activities.
It was obvious she was in love with you. Another night was spent with Bahiyyih telling Hikaru and Youngeun about the food you two made earlier.
“Oh and she kept making the funniest jokes! One time, we were-“
“Just ask her out! Please, we’re begging you!” Hikaru exclaims, grabbing onto Bahiyyih’s shoulders and shaking her. “I’m basically her best friend too at this point! You talk about her so much. Just ask her out!”
The blonde pouts, trying not to smile at her outburst. “She doesn’t like me anyways!”
“Yes she does.” Youngeun replies. She runs her hands through her hair, turning to her. “She’s obsessed with you! It’s so obvious. She looks at you the same way you look at her. Bake her something, write out your confession on like a cake and give it to her!”
Bahiyyih eyes and mouth widened. “Youngeunie, you are a genius!” She shouts as she runs out of their shared room. Youngeun and Hikaru look at each other with three faces as they hear the sounds of pots falling. They high fives each other before bursting into laughter.
.•° ✿ °•.
Bahiyyih takes a deep breath as she rapidly knocks on your door. She was filled with every emotion possible. She was nervous yet excited. She holds on tightly onto the tray of cupcakes she spent all night baking as she waited for you.
“Hiyyih!” You say in shock as you open the door. “We were supposed to meet up later, why are you hear early?”
“Because!” She exclaims as you let her in. She heads straight for your dining room and sets the tray on the table. “I have something very important to tell you that has been on my mind for 3 whole years! I am also running on 2 hours of sleep and an iced americano.” She says in one breath. She takes a deep breath as she takes the cover of the tray revealing a bunch of cupcakes.
Most were decorated with bees and the color yellow. Two cupcakes were next to each other that had “I like U” written in frosting. A big one in the middle caught your eye. “Bee Mine” was written in a bright yellow on a cupcake.
“Hiyyih? What’s-What’s this?” you ask her, looking up with confusion all over your face.
Bahiyyih nervously laughs. “I’ve liked you. I’ve liked you since we met 3 years ago. I like you too much that I can’t stop thinking about you, y/n! I want to be with you, so.” She grabs the big cupcake in the middle and holds it out. She smiles widely before continuing, “So, bee mine?”
She continues to stare at you with a nervous smile. You snort at her anxious foot tapping. You lean in close to her. “I’ll ‘bee yours’, Hiyyih.” Her face immediately lit up after hearing your words. “It felt like I waited so long. You aren’t the most secretive you know.”
“I’ve been told.” Bahiyyih laughs as she remembers all the times her members have pointed out how obvious she was. “So does this make us girlfriends.”
You nod, grabbing her hand. “Girlfriends now.”
“Wait until I tell Hikaru and Youngeun about this! They’ll be so proud!”
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Newt/Reader; Soulmate AU,whatever you write/draw on your skin appears on your soulmates
All throughout school you’d catch doodles and scribbles on your arms; occasionally the faint sketch of some creature but mostly small flowers or magically drawn birds. You’d never figured out who it was during your time at hogwarts; but when you started working in the ministry; the drawings became a comfort, you often wonder if they play a role in your decision to work in the Magical Creature’s department. You don’t usually respond to the drawings, they either appear in places you can’t easily reach due to your clothes covering them; or you’re working on gathering information and trying your best to do research about the creatures everyone wants to destroy. You hate how wrong that feels and you take more comfort in the drawings of the creatures as if they’re being studied, not hunted; soon lists were added; odd ingredients or items. It was a silly habit but you found yourself buying the plants that were most commonly listed as well as keeping a small hoard of galleons for whatever kept stealing your soulmates. You’d never actually talked to him; but one day after he angrily scraped three underlines under ‘liquid seaweed’ did you draw a small frowning niffler next to it; you added a speech bubble and the words “that stung” colouring in the tears. The reaction was immediate; swirls and flowers and branches suddenly heated your skin, magically drawn on. It sunk in your soulmate never realized you’d returned the doodles; just that they had forgotten how much they’d drawn on themselves.
I’ve never thought I would have a soulmate all my time at ----------- I couldn’t ever remember seeing drawings. You frown and the gap in the sentence; you knew locations and names wouldn’t go through. You draw the niffler again; sitting on your wrist and adding a speech bubble filled with magic hearts I always thought you were too busy with whatever you do.
Research. He responds and draws a heart around the niffler.
You like nifflers? You ask and he draws another bunch of hearts before adding. They're cute but they steal everything shiny he adds a frown and you cross over it grinning as you draw yet another niffler holding a heart. They just want love is all; and all your shinies. You look up jumping when you see Thesues Scamander standing in front of your desk looking unimpressed.
“Sorry sir; what can I do for you?”
“I need the report from the incident with the grindylows from the other day. Murklow said that it could be a cover for a Grindelwald meeting.” You nod pulling your sleeve down and waving your wand to pull the report he’s asking for.
“Here you are sir; anything else?”
“Were you talking to your soulmate?” You flush a little at his question, nodding.
“Well if he likes nifflers as much as you; ask about other creatures?”
“Oh that’s a good idea sir!” You grin and he smiles softly.
“Call me Theseus, Y/N.” You nod, waiting until Theseus leaves and then scribbling on your arm a question that your soulmate leaves blank for two hours. Do you like magical creatures or are you like most others? You’re not sure what you’re expecting but you receive a paragraph along your thigh with only a few of the words blanked. You read through all of it twice grinning at how passionately he talks about how misunderstood most creatures are. You draw a niffler offering a heart out and then ask Have you read Fantastic beasts and where to find them? It just came out; I love it. You grin to yourself when a string of hearts answers your question. What do you think of the author? You chew your lip jumping when your boss calls you for a new case. You scowl at the information; most of the department still believed in the older information of most of the magical creatures. The new case was investigating a group of knarls that were nearing a muggle area. You spend the rest of the day gathering as much information about the area the knarls were last seen and what you’ll need to capture and relocate them.
Sorry work got busy; I love the author, he seems so kind and wonderful. You offer frowning when there’s no reply.
“Y/N!” You turn when you hear your name called and are surprised to see Thesues walking over.
“You’re working on that Knarl case right?” You nod letting Theseus update you on the whereabouts, apparently the knarls were only in the muggle area because there’s a Jarvey that took over there home.
“A Jarvey.” You scowl sighing.
“Thank you Theseus; this makes dealing with it a lot easier; at least I can sort of talk to the Jarvey.” You roll your eyes and he grins.
“You off home now?”
“No; I’m off to go see if I can find the Jarvey; or the Knarls.”
“You think you can talk to them?”
“The Knarls yes; the Jarvey, hopefully.” You wave goodbye to Theseus as you take the floo network home.
Do you know about Jarvey’s? I have to deal with one soon. You wait for a reply as you pack a bag; drumming your fingers as you get no response before you apparate to the area that the report said they were in.
To catch one? You nod before writing yes. All you get is a half sketch half doodle of a niffler, with a heart and it making what you assume is a thumbs up gesture.
You groan waking up after having spent most of the night trying to convince the Jarvey to leave the Knarls alone and find a better home. You’d been called a bitch and vermin about fifty times before you’d gone to speak to the Knarls; the Jarvey had been offended enough to counter offer your idea of leaving the Knarls home to find a new one for himself. That was after he’d angrily scraped at your arm; almost tearing through the doodled nifflers.
You managed to agree to rehome the Knarls away from the muggle area; and even offered the Jarvey some moles you’d managed to gather before you’d gone to meet them. You’d gotten as close to a thank you as possible from a Jarvey and he even offered to come with you to the ministry to explain what you’d agreed with. You’d assured him while you appreciated it; you didn’t like the idea of him being captured. He’d then drawn a crude sort of star on your palm with a black marker he’d found and you’d returned to the ministry with the Knarls in a cat carrier with blankets charmed to stay warm.
“Good morning Y/N.” Thesues grins and you nod yawning.
“Late night?”
“Yeah; but I got the knarls.”
“You got the knarls?” He looks down to the case and you grin.
“And the jarvey?”
“He’s enjoying his new home and the snack I brought him.”
“You fed the Jarvey? And talked to it?”
“I mean I don’t know how much of a conversation it was; I was explaining everything going on and he kept calling me a bitch.” You shrug setting the knarls; which continue to sleep under your desk as you start to work up the report.
Did it go okay? You grin at your soulmates question, drawing a crude doodle of the knarls in the carrier. We all survived. Minus my pride. You don’t look at the response for a while finishing up the report and waiting till lunch to find your supervisor to ask about relocating the knarls.
The jarvey decided to knock me down a peg. Beside the explanation you doodle the jarvey with an angry face and a little speech bubble with the words bitch and vermin in it. The only response is a frowning face.
Since you know so much about magical creatures; where's the safest place for me to bring the knarls? You chew your lip hoping that wherever he describes won’t be blanked out. Suitcase. Or a large field with plenty of hedgerows; anywhere a hedgehog would live. You nod drawing a circle and question marks around the word suitcase.
“Y/N where are you off to?” You hold up the case, the knarls chattering at you and you frown.
“I’m sorry guys; I just have to have a quick chat and we can get you a nice big field and some new worm hunting grounds.” They chitter again and you sigh.
“I’m heading to drop the knarls off to a much better home.”
“Your soulmate give you advice?” Theseus grins as he walks up spotting the carrier in your hands.
“Apparently I need a suitcase.” You laugh showing Thesues the writing on your arm. He nods glancing from the knarls to your arm and back to you. He doesn’t say anymore simply turning away back towards his department. You shrug and leave the ministry building to apparate to one of your favourite spots in the countryside. You glance to the abandoned cottage before nuding the door open and opening the carrier to let the knarls wander out.
“There we are. Is this an okay spot?” You hum as the knarls seem to vanish. You make a note to check back on them in the coming weeks. You know you still have time for lunch but you decide to return back to the ministry to avoid rushing and being able to have a cup of tea in peace. You’re sitting in the lobby people watching when you can see a figure stagger out from the floo network and almost tackle Theseus to the ground. You try not to laugh when Theseus grins hugging the figure as the figure seems to hang limply in his grip for a moment before his head swivels looking around.
“It’s lunch right now.” You can hear Thesues’ voice and you note how the man next to him wilts. You try your best not to laugh at them returning to your tea before you can feel eyes on you. You don’t say anything feeling the faint scratch of a pen on your arm. Turn around and wave. You roll your eyes turning and waving. The man next to Theseus stares at the ground while Thesues moves towards you.
“Y/N. How’s lunch going?”
“You lost your friend.”
“My brother actually, Newt; come over here and say hello to Y/N she works in the department for magical creatures.”
“Oh; hello.” He walks slowly over extending his hand and you catch a familiar black star shape on his palm.
“Your soulmate?” You question and he nods.
“No clue what they mean by the star; but it’s nice to finally talk to them.” He grins slightly and you laugh a little nodding.
“What about you?” Thesues comments and you look down to your palm at the star shape.
“The Jarvey I talked to earlier. He decided it was a parting gift.” Newt steps closer to examine it; his fingers brushing over your palm; barely touching it.
“Is this the same jarvey that called you a bitch and vermin? I might have to have a word with him.” He mumbles and you try your best not to give anything away with how Newt keeps side glancing to Theseus.
“I was wondering; since you’re the expert here; I dropped the knarls off to a new area; and I don’t know if it’s a proper place for them..” You trail off and can see Thesues roll his eyes.
“You two enjoy your talk about knarls; remember lunch is over in twenty minutes.” Thesues reminds you and you nod waiting as he leaves before you look up at Newt.
“Hey.” He grins watching as you press your palms together to match the stars up.
“Your drawings are much better than my doodles of a niffler.”
“I thought they were very true to reality.”
“Is this why you mentioned a suitcase.”
“Yes; did it help you catch on?” he tilts his head and you gasp. He grins as Pickett pokes his head out.
“Not now Pickett.” Your hand drifts upwards and Pickett’s hands reach towards you and climbs on your hand.
“Oh. Hello there sweetheart. Aren’t you just the most impressive bowtruckle I’ve ever seen.” Pickett taps his little hands on your figner nails and Newt sighs.
“His ego is big enough; please don’t lie to him.”
“It’s the truth. No harm in reminding him. He really is incredible though. His leaves are a beautiful green shade.” You grin and Pickett taps faster on your hand before scurrying towards your shoulder as Newt reaches for him.
“Pickett no!” he scolds trying to grasp at the bowtruckle as he hunkers down  on your shoulder.
“Newt it’s alright; I can show you where the knarls are anyways.” He looks towards the clock and you catch your supervisor's attention.
“Yes Y/N.”
“I dropped the knarls off sir; is there anything else?”
“Oh good; we have two new cases one involving; what else were you going to ask.”
“Well sir; I’ve just found my soulmate and I was hoping-“
“Go home! Talk with each other. For Merlins sake Y/N; you have enough vacation days regardless of  the soul week you get to spend off. Go on.” He nods and you grin.
“Thank you.” You grin and Newt waves to him, you laugh a little when he falters and glaces to both of you.
“Theseus is going to kill me.” He grins and you quirk an eyebrow.
“Yes; I was just talking about how I finally realized I do have a soulmate and he all but demanded to see what we’d written. He lost it when he saw the writing; I guess I know why. He recognised your handwriting.” You smile at him nodding to the Floo network.
“Here; hold my hand.” Your hand twines with his as you step into the floo-place and close your eyes speaking the area of the countryside.
“Here we are.” You grin and Newt looks around.
“This seems perfect for knarls.” You grin back at him.
“Now may I show you the first option?”
“The suitcase?” You look confused and he grins holding his hand out. You close your eyes; you’re not sure why but Newt grins.
“Okay open!” you spot his face; halfway obscured by a young Occamy curling around his neck.
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
Oikawa x reader
Warnings: Timeskip, bittersweet ending.
Repost because I'm not feeling well;)
Oikawa Tooru has always believed that when he finds his soulmate, he will listen to the sound of a bell. Why did he believe that? He is not really sure, but he really believed that it will happen
And that became true the moment he saw you, when you were talking to your classmate -and his best friend- about an assignment that you didn’t understand, when you were in first year. He genuinely believed that he fell in love with you at first sight, and truly thought he heard that bell sound he was wishing for. He was determined to make you fall in love with him.
On the other hand, you were wary of him. You catch him staring at you when one of your classmate’s phone sounded way too loud, but you end up looking back at Iwa right away. Even if it was just first year, he already had a small playboy image. But that didn’t stop him. He went to your classroom every single break, supposedly to talk to Iwa but always ending up in your table, even though you and Iwa were sitted far away from each other.
He slowly but surely started making his way to your heart, it was the little details he did that made you feel loved. How he remembered your favorite snack, despite only mentioning it once; how he always made sure you were ok; how happy you felt around him. You truly felt like soulmates, you two just connected to a different level. And before second year arrived, you were already dating.
When Iwa knew about you guys relationship he was supportive, he knew better than anyone that Oikawa was wrap around your finger, yet he still warned you. ‘Shittykawa loves you, I’m sure of that, but be careful. He’s stubborn, I can not assure you that you are above volleyball'. You were confused as to why his own best friend was telling you this, but decided to ignore it.
It wasn’t bad at the beginning; in fact it felt like a dream, both of you genuinely happy with each other; and while he still put a lot of time into volleyball, he also made sure to spend time with you. In third year, after Aoba Johsai lost in the preliminars for the Spring Tournament, you were there for him all day, consoling him about the lost. His high school dream of going to the Nationals didn’t happen; but he was grateful to have someone like you with him. He truly loved you, and you loved him too.
It was getting near you guys graduation, and things between you were worse than ever. A lot more fights were happening, specially when you asked him about his plan after school. He was hiding something, but he didn’t told you what it was; and you knew it wasn’t cheating, Iwa would have told you and beat him up already. But the space between you kept getting deeper, it became harder to reach him no matter how much you try.
That’s how you two ended up there, a day after your graduation, sitting in your bedroom.
"I’m going to Argentina" he said, with a monotone voice, however you could tell it was an act, his eyes dropping to the floor.
"I got a chance to join a team in there, I’m leaving in a few weeks"
"That’s…cool, I guess…" you say, your eyes starting to get watery
"It was earlier than I expected, but I wanted to go in the international league anyway…"
"Are…you sure about it? I don’t want to leave Japan"
"I’m sorry, but this is my dream, and I’m not giving it up. And I don’t know how possible will be for a long distance relationship…it’s like 12 hours of difference, and I got to practice a lot to be at the same level, and on top of that learn the language. We’re not going to have time together at all…I-I think it’s better for us to b-break up" he stutters, his voice was shaking and his eyes were full of tears. Your tears were slowly starting to roll down your face.
"It’s that want you want?" you whisper, avoiding eye contact
"No, but it’s the best for the both of us; that’s why I didn’t told you earlier. I AM leaving, but I’m not going to drag you there, and it’s not fair to stop you from enjoying life" he tells you with a faint smile
"Guess you have a point there" you said ignoring the pain. You deep down knew that he was right, it wasn’t fair for neither of you, and you didn’t want to tie him up to a place where he would never achieve his dreams "Good luck then; you’re a good player, I know that you will get far. You deserve it more than anyone"
"I will do my best to make you proud, you do your best too, ok? I want you to be happy as well" says coming to you, taking your face in his hands and kissing you, a kiss full of love that if it wasn’t for the situation, it will make you melt in his arms. When you move away both of your faces were covered in tears
"Thank for being in my life Toru" you say caressing his cheek, seeing him lean into it and kiss the palm of your hand
"God, how lucky I am to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard...Thank you for always being there for me, for always being so supportive of my dreams. Thank you for being my girlfriend. I love you"
"I love you too" you two kiss one more time, but this time it was the last. And with that he left, both of you with tears rolling down your faces.
And just like that you two broke up, it wasn’t in bad terms, which was probably the reason why it hurted more; neither of you wanted this to happen. He left to Argentina not long after you started university; he told you, and while you did sent him a text, you didn’t go to the airport, you knew that you wouldn’t handle it that well.
Years pass, both of you continue living your lives. You never really talked directly to each other, but Iwa kept talking with both of you and often gave you updates, plus you still follow each other in social media.
Now, in the 2020 Olympics, you’re working alongside Iwaizumi with the volleyball players, helping them prepare for the match. You heard a familiar voice call for Shoyo, but you just ignore it assuming it was someone from the team. That was until the voice came closer.
"Iwa-chan! How are you?"
"Ready to beat your ass shittykawa" says back, making you frozen in place for a second. Turning around you see that familiar face, a face that you haven’t seen since your high school days
"You wish, we’re winni- oh. Hi" says when he sees you, just as shock as you. Iwaizumi, sensing the atmosphere, goes away.
"You’re playing for Argentina now?"
"I am, I became a citizen there. I made it far, see, just like you told me" he says with a small smile
"I’m so happy that your talent is being recognized, I assume you are better than you were in high school, aren’t you?" this was weird, you thought, it felt so familiar and yet so different.
"I am, I actually have won many tournaments. How ‘bout you?"
"Everything has bee-"
"Sunshine, can you tape my fingers? I’m starting today" asks Suna coming to you, pulling you slightly to his side and kissing your forehead when you mutter an Of course "Thanks. Hi, you are…?"
"Oikawa Tooru, you?"
"Suna Rintarou, her fiancé" says passing his arms in a protective manner, he was jealous.
"That’s awesome. I’m her ex boyfriend. Don’t worry, not trying to steal her back" says with a small smile. Then he looks at you, his eyes still had love in them, but it was a different type now "I brought some Argentinian snacks, I’ll give them to you later so we can catch up, if you want to obviously. I’ll leave you now, gotta go and prepare to beat your ass"
"Whatever you say, shittykawa. See you later" you say chuckling lightly. However before he leaves he turns around one more time to face you
"Are you proud of me?" he asks simply with a faint worry tone in his voice, making you remember the day you two broke up.
"Of course I am, I've always been proud of you"
"Good, I'm proud of you too. See you later" says now actually going back to his team. You feel Suna arms hugging you a bit tighter at that.
"I'm not sure what happened, but are you sure it’s a good idea sunshine? He’s your ex after all" He asks you
"Yeah, it was a good relationship, and we didn’t end it in bad terms…It’s just that our paths weren’t meant to connect for too long" you say, smiling slightly "good for me I guess, I met you"
"Yeah, but just for good measure I will beat his ass up in the game. You’re mine now" Suna says turning you around and planting a loud kiss, making you chuckle
"I am yours, and I wouldn’t change it for anything" you say laying your head in his chest, feeling content
You looked at Oikawa once again, seeing him smile and laugh with his teammates with genuine happiness. You two truly loved each other, both of you thought you were soulmates at some point, and honestly, you probably were, after all you broke up because you had to not because you wanted to. But some soulmates aren’t meant to be together for long.
He turns back at you when one of his teammates points in your direction, and smiles at you and your soon-to-be-husband, giving you a small thumbs up. Both of you were truly happy with your lives, it was just that your happiness wasn’t with each other anymore.
Maybe in another life you two can be together again.
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@crystal-lilac @dai-tsukki-desu
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lilahisntsadanymore · 3 years
Tried to write some cozy, Christmas vibe fanfic where everyone is happy. Ofc Y/n is Sirius' daughter because I like this trope in Golden Trio era fanfics idk sorry aaaa
The reader pronouns: she/her (I decided to start adding this instead of writing it in the pairing thing like a character x pronoun!reader)
Pairing: friends!Golden Trio x reader, dad!Sirius Black x reader, hints at Fred Weasley x reader, a bit of Jily
Words count: 4.1k
Tw: none, everyone is safe and happy (well, except Y/n’s mother and Regulus who still died but Sirius knows he was a good person), this is an AU where James and Lily lived but Peter didn’t want to go to Azkaban so he made everyone think Sirius killed him, also there might be some typos because I wrote it on the laptop during online classes lol
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Christmas at Grimmauld Place
Sirius sat in the living room of his house impatiently. He was finally able to meet his daughter after so many years. This could have been done earlier, but Remus advised it's better to wait. So Sirius waited. But now it was finally the right time. The Christmas break.
Y/n was more than excited to go home this Christmas break. Well, home, her new home. So far, she lived with her godfather Remus, but this year she was supposed to visit the house her father inherited and lived in. The house at Grimmauld Place. Y/n was anxious, but still couldn’t wait until the train arrives at the destination.
"How do you feel about meeting Sirius?" Hermione asked.
"I've got mixed feelings." Y/n answered truthfully. "Imagine meeting your dad for a quick moment after him being in Azkaban for twelve years, not seeing him for over a year and eventually spending Christmas together."
“Don’t worry, Y/n, he’s awesome!” Harry assured excitedly. He, Ron and Hermione had spent some time with Sirius last summer. Y/n didn’t understand why she coudn’t while they could, but she didn’t want to argue with Remus.
Suddenly the train stopped and the passengers were able to exit it. Finally. It were just a few hours but to Y/n it felt like eternity. The quartet rushed to get off of the train. Y/n looked around the station. She saw Lily and James, but neither Sirius nor Remus were nowhere to be seen.
“Mum, dad.” Harry smiled at his parents.
“Good afternoon.” Y/n, Hermione and Ron greeted in unison.
The older couple greeted them and explained they came to pick them up alone to not catch unnecessary attention. The more people, the louder it would be. So Sirius, Remus, Molly and Arthur were supposed to stay at Grimmauld Place.
As they waited for the rest of Weasley kids to join, they talked about school. Well, Lily tried to keep the conversation about grades, classes, the teachers, while James talked about quidditch.
“When I was 16,” the man recalled as he put his arm around his son’s shoulders, “I became the captain. After that happpened, your mother didn’t miss a single match.”
“Let me remind you it was the year Marlene finally got on the team, she’s my best friend.” Lily pointed out, laughing. “I still hated you back then!”
“Oh please, you loved me.” James teased.
Y/n, Hermione, Ron and Harry started giving looks to one another as they all beamed. Despite graduating many years ago, James and Lily sometimes still did act like teenagers (as much as Lily would never admit it). Their little squabble was interrupted by the arrival of the rest of Weasley children.
“Alright, is everyone ready to go?” Lily asked, when she and James finished greeting them all.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
The Potters apparated the kids to the house at Grimmauld Place. Well, outside of it, because of all the safety charms put on it. Lily used her wand to reveal the house. Two residential blocks of the number 11 and 13 were shoved away by the house of the number 12 suddenly appearing between them.
Old stairs were leading to the front door, which surprisingly didn’t have anything that could be the handle or even just a hole for the key. A thing that draw Y/n’s attention was a silver knocker in a shape of a serpent. There was a doorbell, but before anyone could press it, James pointed at it and warned:
“Don’t use the doorbell. It wakes up the portrait of Sirius’ mother, your grandmother, Y/n. And it’s so bloody loud.”
The door could be opened either by someone from the outside or with the use of magic. Of course, James used magic, but in the matter of seconds Molly Weasley appeared in the hallway, greeting everybody.
“It’s good to see you too, Mrs Weasley.” Y/n beamed at the woman after receiving a tight hug.
The girl looked around. The hallway looked gloomy and dark, it had a scary vibe. Y/n didn’t expect the rest of the house to be different. Maybe somehow she could get used to sleeping here, but she felt that the first night could be difficult.
“Sirius!” Harry exclaimed as soon as the door of the dining room opened. He ran to the man to hug him.
“Dad...” Y/n whispered as she felt a weave of both happiness and anxiety overwhelming her body. She put down her trunk as the man walked closer to her.
Sirius looked at his daughter with the biggest smile ever. Y/n was beaming as well. Compared to the last time they saw each other, both of them changed. They saw each other for a short moment in the end of Y/n’s 3rd year. Y/n grew up. And Sirius, well, he was clean and had normal clothes instead of a prison suit.
“I’m sorry for leaving for so long, but your safety comes first.” Sirius embraced Y/n. “I promise it won’t happen again.”
“It’s all good now.” The girl assured. “I’m not angry.”
Sirius and Y/n pulled away from each other. Neither of them knew how to act or what to say. The man turned to the rest and proposed to show them their rooms. Hermione, Harry and the Weasleys occupied the same rooms as they did last summer. 
Sirius showed Y/n her room. It was near Hermione and Ginny’s room. There was a big bed with scarlet and gold bedsheets. Other necessary bedroom furniture like the wardrobe, the desk with a chair, some shelves and a nightstand were made of a pale brown type of wood. There was a dark carpet on the floor in a colour between brown and grey. The walls were covered in scarlett wallpaper with gold stars.
“It was renovated just for you.” Sirius announced. “I hope you like it.”
“Like? I love it!” Y/n assured. “I can’t wait to properly move in after this school year.”
“Since you’re planning on moving in, with Remus’ permission of course, there is one more thing you have to see.”
Sirius led Y/n to the drawing room, which was on the first floor. It had huge windows through which the street was visible, even though the building was theoretically hidden for anyone outside. Y/n’s attention was drawn to the big tapestry of what she figured was her family’s family tree.
“The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black,” the girl read out loud, “Toujours pur. This thing is old, isn’t it?”
“Very old.” Sirius nodded. “It was made somewhere in the 13th century. I despise this bloody thing, but I figured you should see it. Here’s your grandmother. An awful, spiteful woman with a violent temper.”
Sirius pointed at a small porait of a woman, under which was written ‘Walburga Black’. Her either black or very dark brown hair were put in an elegant hairstyle. Y/n noticed something weird. She was born into the Black family, same as her husband Orion Black.
“Did she marry her second cousin?” Y/n asked and made a puking expression after her dad confirmed that.
Under Walburga and Orion there were two sons - Sirius and Regulus. The girl knew from Remus that her father was disowned, so she wasn’t surprised to see his portrait burned off of the tree. Under him, there was an empty portrait. It was Y/n’s. It was signed with ‘Y/n Black’.
“They used to not keep track of descandants of disowned relatives,” Sirius began explaining, “but after mother found out I ‘killed’ a few muggles and a half blood, she probably regretted burning me off. And that’s probably why she left me this house in her will.” A chuckle escaped his mouth.
“Turning in her grave right now, isn’t she?” Y/n laughed.
“Spinning violently, I suppose.”
The both of them burst out with laugher. Y/n knew Walburga would hate her and was really glad that Sirius wasn’t like his mother. Their little laughing session was interrupted by some screams coming from the hallway.
“Speak of the devil.” Sirius muttered under his breath and rushed out of the room. Y/n walked after him.
After watching the adults trying to close the curtains on Walburga’s screeching portrait, Y/n asked Sirius to continue the house tour. The next stop was was a room on which’s doors was a sign Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black.
The room looked like nothing was changed since Regulus died, as Y/n assumed. The drawers of his desk probably hid many interesting things that would tell the girl more about him or the rest of the Black family. But out of respect to him, Y/n didn’t want to open these drawers.
The decorations proudly highlighted that Regulus was a Slytherin. The walls, the windows, the bed, everything was in green and silver. A thing anyone who entered the room noticed firstly, was a big crest of the House of Black over the bed along with the family’s motto.
Sirius’ room, which Y/n saw later on, was very different from Regulus’ room. In this room, the Gryffindor colours played a big role along with muggle posters sticked to walls.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
The first day at Grimmauld Place was quite...intense. Y/n got into bed with many thoughts on her mind. From how deranged her grandmother was, to what could have happened to her uncle. Or her mother, whom she didn’t get herself to ask Sirius about. All she knew from Remus was that her name was Cynthia, she was a Ravenclaw and a friend of Luna Lovegood’s mum.
On the next day’s very early morning, sudden knocking ripped Y/n out of her sleep. Who could it be at such early hour? It was a bit after 5am. The girl stood up and walked to open the door.
“What happened?” Y/n asked in a whisper when she saw the Weasley twins on the other side of the door.
"Good evening, Pupcake." They said in unison. It was a nickname they made up for Y/n.
“Are you gonna look for presents with us?” Fred asked, whispering.
“It wasn’t exactly what I would do at 5 in the morning, but alright.”
The girl slowly closed the door of her room and tiptoed to the stairs with the twins. Of course Y/n wanted to find out what will she get for Christmas. Who wouldn’t? Well, while the present from Mrs Weasley was obvious, Y/n was eager to know what Sirius planned on giving her.
As the three friends were quietly sneaking down the stairs, Y/n’s hand brushed Fred’s hand on the banister. Thankfully it was still dark, so the twins couldn’t see how Y/n blushed. Yes, Y/n had a crush on her friend’s older brother and no, she didn’t want anyone to know. It was so cheesy, she was sure she would be made fun of for it.
The reason why Y/n wasn’t on the Gryffindor quidditch team was that she was a quite clumsy person. She could stumble over her own feet sometimes. Exactly how she did this time. She fell off of the last step of the stairs.
“Bloody hell.” Y/n swore as the portrait of her grandmother began screaming. The curtains slid away, revealing Walburga Black once again yelling several mean things.
Y/n’s heart sped up, she didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, the twins were 17 already, which meant they could apparate. Fred gently grabbed Y/n by the arm and apparated to another room.
Taking a look around, Y/n figured she’s in the twins’ room.
“Thanks.” She managed to say, still in panic from what has just happened.
“Did you think I’d leave you there?” Fred asked.
"Shhh, quiet, lovebirds." George shushed. "We don't want anyone to hear us, do we?"
Y/n nodded, pretending she didn't hear the nickname. Fred did the guesture of zipping his mouth shut.
A moment later, they heard Walburga's scream quiet down and eventually disappear. But then another sound disturbed the three teenagers. Someone was coming to the room as they could tell by the sound of steps, which was getting closer and closer with each one.
"Fredrick Gideon Weasley and George Fabian Weasley!" Now it was Molly's scream filling the house. "Can't you behave just this once?!"
The woman violently opened the door. She had a furious expression on her face, which softened immediately when she saw that Y/n also was in the room.
"We're so sorry, Mrs Weasley." Y/n began, knowing she can always talk a way out it. "It's my fault, I woke up early and asked Fred and George to go to the kitchen with me to eat earlier. I tripped over my own feet and woke the portrait up."
"It's all good, sweetheart. It's almost 6, we all needed to wake up anyways." Molly smiled at the girl.
"I didn't mean to do it. I didn't know it's so easy to make her start yelling and everything..."
"As I said, it's alright. How could you know? Will you come help me with breakfast?"
"Of course, Mrs Weasley, that's the least I can do to express how sorry I am."
"And you," the woman turned to the twins, "you will help me clean up after breakfast. Without magic!"
Molly left the room. Y/n winked at the twins and walked behind the woman. The girl knew she could also convince Molly to not punish the boys. That was a thing Y/n was known for - if there was anybody who could persuade people out of something (or into something) it was Y/n. She often used this skill with teachers.
Sirius and Remus were in the kitchen, drinking coffee. They heard the conversation Y/n had with Molly, it reminded them of their times at Hogwarts. Sirius smiled at his daughter, she reminded him of young himself.
"Good morning, Molly." Remus said.
"Good morning, Remus, Sirius." The woman replied.
"I'm sorry," Y/n chimed in, "you know, for the wakeup."
"We were up anyways." Sirius assured. "You know, the full moon's coming up and-"
"That's enough, Padfoot." Remus interrupted him.
"Oh no," Y/n's face saddened, "does it mean you won't be with us for Christmas?"
"Unfortunately. But Lily and James are here. Not to mention it's the first Christmas in many years you'll spend with your dad."
"I know, I know. But I'm just worried about you. As always."
"And as always I'll be as good as new after the full moon."
Y/n gave a hug to her godfather and her father, then began helping Molly with breakfast.
Of course the girl felt bad about what Remus had to go through each full moon, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.
About half an hour later, the breakfast was almost ready. Molly asked Sirius and Remus to carry plates, cups, forks, knifes and all that stuff to the dining room. In the meantime, Y/n was finishing pancakes.
"Pupcake is making pancakes," Fred chuckled, apparating into the kitchen,"I hope you didn't poison them."
The boy suddenly appearing in the room was a little surprising, but also expectable. Y/n didn't let it scare her.
"I poisoned only the ones for you, Freddie." The girl announced, trying to make her voice sound serious.
"We all know you love me too much to actually poison me." The boy sat on the kitchen counter, knowing Y/n is joking. “Besides, how would you know which ones I’ll eat?”
"You should know by now that I can easily read your mind and predict your actions.”
“Oh, really? Then what am I thinking about?”
“Easy one. Me.” The girl said undoubtfully as she put the last pancake on a plate.
“Damn it, you really can read my mind, Pupcake.”
Their cute little moment was interrupted by Sirius clearing his throat. Y/n turned around and Fred nervously jumped off of the kitchen counter. The awkward moment when they all just stood in the kitchen silently felt like eternity but lasted only about a few seconds.
“Seems like everything’s ready,” Molly announced as she walked into the room, “kids, could you two call the rest for breakfast?”
“Sure thing.” Y/n replied with a smile. She grabbed Fred by the wrist and dragged him out of the room.
The girl went to wake up Hermione and Ginny while Fred was supposed to wake up the boys. Good thing they didn’t have to wake up Mr and Mrs Potter, because they passed by them on the stairs.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
The breakfast was huge and delicious, very similar to breakfasts at Hogwarts. Pancakes, french toasts, some fruits and veggies, tea, coffe, orange juice. After the breakfast, it was the time to put up the the Christmas tree and decorate it.
With so many people, decorating the tree wasn’t so easy. Maybe it was a little chaotic, but at least it was fun. Sirius stood a few meters away, just watching everyone putting the ornaments on the tree and chattering. Of course there were some tiny agrues and squabbles, but what would be Christmas without these?
He looked at Y/n discussing the decorations with Harry, Ron and Hermione. They reminded him of himself and his friends. Such a shame Peter was a traitor. Hopefully this new generation didn’t have to deal with people like him.
Sirius heard about this group Harry and a few other students (including Y/n) made. Dumbledore’s Army. James and Sirius were the only adults that knew about it so far, because they overheard Harry and Hermione talking about it. They both approved of this idea.
Later on, Y/n sat alone by the firepace in the drawing room. She was on the floor, looking at the dancing flames. It was the evening to the fire was the only source of light in the room. Out of a sudden, Y/n felt someone sitting next to her. Dad, the girl thought.
“What are you thinking about?” The man asked, noticing that his daughter looks a bit worried.
“I wish mum was here with us...” Y/n said in a dreamy tone. Maybe she was kind of avoiding answering the question or maybe she was sharing a part of her thoughts. “Dad, how did mum die? Remus never wanted to told me, he said he wasn’t sure if you’d want me to know.”
“I knew you’ll ask about it someday,” Sirius sighed, “although I kept hoping you won’t. But you deserve to know what happened. Cynthia, Pandora and Regulus had their little group and their shenanigans. Nobody knew what were they plotting about-”
“So they were just like you and your friends?” Y/n interrupted, chuckling.
“I guess you could say that. Everyone was shocked when me and your mother announced we’re getting married. They thought she went dark, because Regulus was a deatheater and she was hanging out with him a lot during our Hogwarts days.”
“My uncle worked for Voldemort?” Y/n felt chills run down her back. She despised Voldemort and his pathetic supporters, but at the same time she was terryfied by the thought of them. She didn’t get why would her dad let his brother become a deatheater.
“Partially. In the end it turned out that he, Cynthia and Pandora were making up a plan to destroy him. It all was between the three of them, even I barely knew anything. Then Reggie disappeared, so your mum went to look for him and never came back. I’ve lost all contact with Pandora, but I know she was working on something that would help with defeating Voldemort...”
“Pandora is Luna Lovegood’s mum, I’m friends with Luna-”
“Really? Cynthia hoped you’d be. She and Pandora had it all planned out, they even promised each other that your middle name was going to be Luna and Luna’s middle name was supposed to be Y/n.”
“And it is! We had many conversations about it, many theories were made.” Y/n chuckled, “Anyways, she said her mum died when she was 9. She was working on some new spell. So, are there any clues left on what mum, uncle and Pandora were doing? Maybe stuff they left? Some advice or something?”
“I see what you’re trying to do. I liked this idea with that group you joined, but I can’t let you end up like your mother. This is the real world, this is dangerous, if you make a mistake, there won’t be Harry to correct you.”
“I didn’t ‘join’ Dumbledore’s Army, I co-founded it with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I understand I can die, but I’d gladly die fighting for what’s right, so that the younger wizards could grow up not even knowing who Lord Voldemort was-” Y/n began explaning in a violent tone of voice. She felt offended by her father thinking she isn’t good enough to fight the deatheaters.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down,” Sirius chuckled, putting an arm around his daughter’s shoulders, “it’s good to see you show off your mother’s will to fight and that violent temper so typical for the Black side of your family, but calm down. I need you to understand you’re the only family I have left and I don’t want to lose you.”
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
When the house is packed with two Blacks, one Granger, three Potters and six Weasleys, nobody expects mornings to be calm and silent. Y/n was woken up by someone banging quickly and loudly on her door. She groaned, but opened the door to see Hermione, Harry and Ron.
“I’m so glad you’re awake!” Hermione exclaimed.
“Mione, I’m pretty sure your bloody knocking woke her up. ‘I’ll just knock lightly to see if she’s awake’, yeah, lightly my arse.” Ron cursed, imitating the girl’s voice.
“My voice does not sound like this!”
“Oh, yes, it’s more of ‘my voice does not sound like this’.”
“Stop it, Ronald.”
“‘Stop it, Ronald’.”
“Seriously, stop it, you two.” Y/n chimed in, since Harry looked too entertained by their squabble to stop them. “Something happened?”
“Yes! It’s Christmas, Y/n!” Hermione poined out, giving Y/n a hug. “Happy Christmas!”
“Thank you, happy Christmas to you too!” Y/n hugged Hermione back and gestured the boys to join in the hug. “Happy Christmas, everyone!”
The four friends walked downstairs together. The decorated Christmas tree was in the dining room, so that was were they headed. As they walked in, they saw everyone was waiting for them. Lily, Molly, Arthur, Ginny, Fred and George were already sitting by the able. Only Sirius and James were missing but Y/n guessed they were asleep.
After greeting everyone, Ron took a seat on the side of the table where his siblings were, Harry sat on the opposite side, next to his parents. Next to him sat Hermione and next to her Y/n. Mrs Weasley handed out her gifts to everyone.
Y/n, as she thought, was given a handmade sweater. It was sweet how every year Mrs Weasley gave gifts also to Ron’s friends. At this point Harry, Hermione and Y/n could feel like a part of the Weasley family.
Suddenly everyone heard the door open. Not long after that, Sirius and James walked into the dining room. Y/n remembered it was the full moon last night, so they most likely spent the night keeping an eye on Remus.
“Happy Christmas, everyone!” The men exclaimed in unison.
It was so good to finally spend the Christmas with so many people. It was exactly what Sirius needed after so many years in Azkaban. He felt as if he turned back in time to Christmas at Jame’s parents’ house. They were carefree teenagers, right before everything fell apart just a few years later.
“I think Cynthia would like you to have this,” Sirius said to Y/n, giving her a small present box, “it’s been passed from mother to daugher in her family for many, many ages. Happy Christmas.”
Y/n opened the box and carefully took out the thing that was inside it. She was holding a beautiful silver necklace with a moon. Y/n saw her mother wearing it on a few photographs she saw in the past. The girl really liked it, she hugged Sirius as a way of saying ‘thank you’. She was sure she would start crying the second she tried to form a sentence.
“It’s really gorgeous.” Hermione admitted once Y/n had the necklace around her neck. “And it makes so much sense. Cynthia is the Greek moon goddess. And your middle name is Luna, which is Latin for the moon.”
“I’ll never take this off.” Y/n smiled, fiddling with the little moon hanging from her neck.
For the first time in many years, Sirius was happy again. It wasn’t same as before his perfect not-so-perfect life fell apart, but it was way better than Azkaban. And now every Christmas and every summer was supposed to be like this. The thougt of it mixed with today’s Christmas spirit filled him up with happiness. True happiness.
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may-25 · 2 years
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AARON Z x Fem Reader
Camping trip AU pt. 1
It was finally time for our camping trip. 4*TOWN had been planning to go on one together for years, but due to promotions, it became a struggle to even fit in a time for one. Finally, they were allowed on a months break. Since I am close to them, being the only girl in their friend group, they invited me onto the camping trip.
I helped to load the bentley up with gear for the trip outside of the member's dorm, and it was almost time to leave. We planned to drive nearly 7 hours across the desert to a landmark, which is when we will stop and set up our campsite. To be honest, I'm so nervous. I've liked Z for ages, and I'm actually going to be close to him for the first time in a while.
Z stepped outside, and helped me load the last bit of gear. "All done here?" He softly spoke, with his gaze on me. "Yep, all loaded, should we start heading off?" I replied back to Z. "mhm" he mumbled while walking back inside to gather the members out.
"KAY BOYS GET OUTSIDE WE'RE HEADING OFF" I could hear T shout in the most Aussie accent ever, and with that I heard rumbling coming from inside, as the boys burst through the door, with Z following behind.
"Okay who's sitting where? I dibs the front with Jesse!" Tae exclaimed, with a bright look on his face. "I DIBS WINDOW BITCHES!!" T shouted extremely loud, causing everyone to shriek and cover their ears. "T, chill." Jesse said. "Okay Jesse I'll be following you with the gear in the other car. Just wave your hand out the window if you are going to stop, or want to say something." Robaire said to Jesse. Robaire then left and hopped into the other car, which is the one I loaded earlier with Z. We all hopped in the car together, just as I realised I was going to quite literally be sitting in between Z and T. Oh god, this is going to be insane.
We began to drive off, leaving the dorm behind us. I was so stiff, trying not to touch Z in any from, until I shook up when he brushed his leg against my leg. (accidentally of course) I attempted to ignore it, and talked to T for a while, maybe even a couple hours. I eventually got tired and put my headphones on and played my favourite songs.
"y/n" i heard, as i felt nudging on my left shoulder. "y/nnnn" I heard again and my eyes shot open. "Huh, w-wha? what happened?" I mumbled to myself, but I realised I was leaning on someone's shoulder. Oh my god, was I leaning on Z's shoulder?! How stupid of me, this is so embarrassing!!
"y/n, you alright?" Z softly mumbled to me, looking down at me leaning on his shoulder. "O-oh uh I'm fine, I-uhh fell asleep...." "Oh, okay, don't worry it's alright" Z mumbled, and continued looking out the window.
By the time we arrived at the campsite, everyone in the car had settled down and kept quiet. We were all exhausted from the road trip, so finally it was time to get some fresh air. As we hopped out of the car, I opened the boot up and started unloading our bags, as Robaire drove up behind me with the camping gear in his car.
"Hey y/n, how was the road trip? Did T settle down, or was he hyperactive the whole trip?" Robaire asked me, as he got out of the driver's seat. "Oh, yep, he definitely did. It did take a couple of hours for him to settle, but I eventually fell asleep, so thank god!" I exclaimed to him. He seemed intrigued and laughed along with me. I helped him unpack the gear from the car, and we moved it to the campsite. But funnily enough, the only person awake was Z. Tae, Jesse and T had all slouched down on the logs around the campfire, and fell asleep. Robaire and I looked at eachother and giggled.
Eventually, all of the gear had been moved to the area, which was great. Now all we had to do was unpack, and set up the tents. However, I forgot to pack my OWN tent. I looked at robaire, with shaky hands, and said,"Uhh, Robaire?"He turned his head towards me instantly with a '?' look on his face.
"I, forgot to bring my own tent.."
"Y/n... what are we gonna do? Im sleeping in a tent with Jesse, T and Tae are sleeping in a tent together, and Z is sleeping in a tent by himself..." Robaire said to me, with a worried look on his face.
Just then, Z walked up to us and said, "I'm cool with sharing a tent, its fine, where is she gonna sleep anyways? We can't run the car all night, so I'm cool with it." Z said softly, and turned towards me.
"A-are you sure? You sure your cool with being in a tent with a girl?" I questioned him. He nodded. "I've slept with my sisters and brothers in tents before, I'm used to it." And then he walked away.
Robaire turned towards me, "Okay, let's get onto setting up the tents then" With a grin on his face. We set up all the tents with the help of the other members, and we were finally finished. Jesse got the cooking gear out and him and Tae started preparing dinner. It was getting very cold, very fast. Since It's the desert, at night the air is freezing. I decided to hop into my sleeping bag, and rug up, but I didn't realise I was falling asleep again.
4 hours later, 12:03 AM.
My eyes jolted open, as I heard a loud rumble outside. Flashes of light all around me, breaking into a cold sweat. Is this, a thunderstorm? I have a huge fear of storms, and this was no help. I started breathing frantically, and shaking. Just then, I heard a rustling next to me, so I covered my ears with my hands, and curled into a ball. Then, there was a warm hand touching my arm, I look over. "mmmmh, Y/n, you alright?" Z mumbled sleepily. I had forgot Z was in my tent for so long, I just woke him up!! WHY.
"Z-Z?! I forgot you were in here, I'm so sorr-" Just then a bright flash followed by a loud crash came about, and I shrieked and curled up. Z seemed to understand what was going on. "Here, come in here." He opened his sleeping bag cover with a small mattress under it, he had a swag (a sleeping bag mattress thing, google it) instead of a sleeping back. I quickly shuffled into it and he laid the blanket over the two of us. Not knowing what was actually happening, my panic attack basically blocked any romantic feelings off. I was shaking frantically, and he put his arms over me, as I curled up into his chest.
"Shh, shhh, It'll be alright, I'm here" Z softly spoke, while he was rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me down. I didn't expect him to be so caring, there's like, a whole other side to him.
I settled down, and drifted off, luckily he doesn't snore. I fell asleep, as he also fell asleep too.
Sunrise, 7:01 AM.
I heard something unzip the tent door, it was T coming to wake us up.
"Oh, my, GOD", a loud yell came from T's mouth.
At that point I was half asleep, and I got up, realising i was LITERALLY cuddling Z and sleeping in his BED. "ROBAIRE, ROBAIRE COME HERE, COME HEEERREEE!!" T screamed across the campsite. Robaire rushed over and put his hand over his mouth. "Someone, quick, take a photo." T whispered. I jumped out and immediately started apologising. "It's NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, PLEASE, LET ME EXPLAIN!" I screamed at them. Z woke up and looked confused. T started chanting, 'There's a girl in Z's bed! there's a girl in Z's bed!'.
Just at that moment, I turned over to Z, only to be greeted with his face as red as a bloody tomato. It was like steam was coming out the top of his head, like in anime. I bury my face into my palms out of embarrassment. What was I going to do now? I probably just ruined every chance of Z liking me. I wasn't even ready for this, and now I have to deal with rejection. Ah, this fucking sucks man.
I grabbed my toiletries and ran out of the tent, just as Z was about to put his hand on my shoulder. Tears flowing down my face, how can I face this truth? What was I thinking for falling for a celebrity, let alone a BOYBAND member! I ran all the way to the women's bathroom across the road from the campsite, and fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, put on some music to calm myself down from crying as well.
Thoughts running through my head, not much to say out loud. My plans ruined, having a crush is just, so, so hard.
I just leaned on the bench, in front of the mirror, and sobbed. I can't even leave! Just at that moment when I was crying out loud, someone stepped into the bathroom. I didn't take much notice, just thought it could be a person camping locally.
Until I looked up into the mirror, and saw Z standing behind me.
I hurriedly turned my head behind me, and there he was.
"A-ah, please don't cry, I didn't mean to upset you.... I scolded T for acting like a bitch, it's okay..."
Z grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a warm hug. He was soft, and his hugs were amazing. I rested my forehead on his chest. I looked up to him, and he wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"Look, I might be really cold to other people on the outside, but I would never leave someone to cry alone.. The reason why I 'did' what I 'did' last night, is because when I was younger, I also had a fear of storms. I know what it's like, and I knew I didn't want you to feel any more panic."
Just after he finished talking, he placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Z, do you even like me more than a friend?" I said quietly, and looked down at the floor.
"I do, I've always liked you, I was going to tell you but that idiot T opened the tent before I could wake you up and talk to you. I'm cool with you not liking me back, but please just don't make a big deal about it" Z said in the sweetest, most soft voice to me.
"You DO?!" I yelped, he nodded quickly. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him so tightly.
"Z, of course I like you more than a friend, I've liked you for a really long time, but I thought you never did because I could never tell!" I excitedly said to him.
"You cool with talking a little bit, and hanging out more during the trip before we call it official? I wanna get to know you a lot more, before anything." Z asked me.
I nodded and grinned at him, and we hugged and spun slowly.
We walked back to the campsite together, and T ran up to me frantically apologising over and over again, with robaire laughing in the distance.
At night, when the day was over, it was time to go to sleep again. Robaire turned the camp light off, and we all walked back to our tents. Z and I talked for a while, before deciding it was time to sleep.
"Hey, uh, wanna sleep in my swag with me tonight? it's really chilly.." Z asked me, while whispering (because the other members were next to us). I climbed out of my sleeping bag and hopped into his swag. He wrapped his arms around me, and we were in a spooning position. I shuffled a little bit backward, so I could be closer to him, but he groaned a tiny bit. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing" Z replied. "You sure?" I asked once again,
He grabbed my shoulders, and turned me over on my back, with him hovering over me. "Y/n, I gotta say, you have been a big impact on me for the last few years." He placed his fingers under my chin, and lifted my head up. He took that hand and creeped it up my shirt.
End Of Part 1 😵
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xxlost-cityxx · 3 years
Ship/Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki
TW/CW: Rough anal sex, virgin Katsuki Bakugou, slight choking, slight piss kink/bladder control, brief spanking, rimming, bottom Katsuki, dom Kirishima, begging, crying, anal fingering, degredation and praise
I posted this on Ao3 literally last night, so enjoy.
Stupid fucking Kirishima with his stupid fucking face and stupid fucking body-
Again. Once-a-fucking-gain. Katsuki was hard at work. Kirishima had simply aided Katsuki in a surprisingly powerful villain attack- even though everyone knew Dynamight had it under control. But Eijirou's help...made it easier to take down the villain- NOT that Katsuki needed his help in the first place. 
The villain landed a hit on Katsuki and he flew into a pile of concrete and wooden rubble, and the next thing he saw was Red Riot, unhardened, nearly body slamming the guy into a wall, digging his forearm and elbow into his neck and his knee between his legs. It looked painful for the villain and it looked like Ejirou was definitely holding back from completely crushing the dude's balls...But. The way Kirishima was looking at the guy, a stone cold face, a deadly glare he hasn't seen since the last time Eijirou had heard Monama talk back in U.A. He was mad. And Gods if that sight didn't make him pop a boner-
So now here he was. Virgin Katsuki pretending he was too good to be around all his druken friends who were surely getting laid tonight, meanwhile, all Katuski would do tonight is ride his dildo until the sun came up. 
Bakugou couldn't jack off. It wasn't really a fact, but he's pretty sure that any man would avoid jacking off with even a small risk that you might blow your own dick off, especially if you were gay. Gods bless the prostate. And really, it takes forever to cum riding 6 inches of colored silicone without touching your dick, but the point was, it got the job done and no one knew his secret to having 'thunder thighs' or some shit. He still remembers the first interveiwer who asked about his leg day routine, stating that he had entranced everyone with his thighs or some shit. He never thought he'd be referred to as 'thick' or whatever it was.
He took another shot of vodka, ignoring the pestering jealousy as he watched Kirishima dance with Denki. It was obviously platonic, not only did they repeatedly state in multible interviews that they were 'strictly bromance' and that they liked fucking with their fans's minds, Denki was dating Dead Eyes and Earphones. 
Bakugou wasn't even a little tipsy really, it took a lot to get him drunk. It took a lot to get any of them drunk, but that didn't stop anyone from trying. But Bakugou wasn't going to go home drunk and have drunken masturbation for 5 hours, never was his thing. So he'd stick to being sober for tonight. 
He growled as Kirishima's hand was on Denki's hip, Kaminari's back against Eijirou's chest. The much smaller blonde wiggled his hips against Kirishima's surely soft dick. Sero and Mina were laughing their asses off from their seats, Denki smirking and trying to be as dramatic and intimate as he could, a few phones recording them. 
Katsuki growled to himself, slamming the shot glass on the bar top so hard it slightly cracked. He stood up and grabbed his coat, oblivious to how red eyes quickly switched from watching the smiling and laughing faces of his friends to laser focused on the ash blonde in a split second. 
As Katsuki left the bar, he grumbled to himself until he was outside his place. 
An hour later, he was panting. It felt like his entire body was covered in lube by the time he was bouncing on the silicone properly. He frowned, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt the head bump into his prostate with practiced movements, usually a feeling that would have him gasping and shuttering, but he wanted this cock to be Kirishima's. He was sick and tired of riding an inanimate object that didn't praise him, didn't make noise, didn't cum. He wanted to be pinned and fucked so hard he would have to call off work the next day.
He whimpered as his toned thighs easily let him travel up and down the silicone. Silicone. He couldn't even get himself hard, he was soft, even with his ass stuffed and his prostate stimulated, he was soft. There wasn't a twitch, and even his prostate felt dull. 
He groaned to himself, sliding off the dildo and reaching for his phone. He quickly unlocked it and pulled up his gallery with his singular 'clean' finger, quickly going to his hidden folder and clicking on the picture that always got him hard. Kirishima did a photoshoot nearly 6 months ago, he was in a kimono that was completely opened with white pants that banded to his stomach. He stared at Katsuki through the picture, a belt in his big, tanned hand. He already felt his cock harden slightly, a small frown painting his face as that was like a weak attempt at mimicking his usual reaction to the picture. 
He slid back on the dildo propping his phone against his wall and started bouncing. He imagined those toned hands sliding against his back, barely touching him, and it was almost like he could feel it, his body twitching with slight interest. He imagined his voice, telling him to ride the dildo, training his hole for what was surely a monster cock, Eijirou too nice to let Katsuki destroy himself on his cock right off the bat...unless… What if he would just fuck him? And that got his reaction. His dick was fully hard now, but it wasn't aching with need like usual. 
What if Eijirou would slam into him as soon as the dildo was out? Would he let Katsuki adjust, or would he pound him into oblivion with the raw power his body held? 
He let out a moan, but the pleasure didn't last long as his phone started ringing. He nearly flinched, scowling at his phone for ruining what he worked hard for, but his face sofened as it was Kirishima calling him. 
His mouth went dry, his eyes slightly wide. He doesn't know what really compelled him to answer the phone, but as Kirishima's voice rang through the other end, he couldn't help but bite his lip and shift on the dildo. "W-What do you need, Dumbass?" He asked, cursing himself for starting his sentence off weak. "Haha- Hey, Kat! I just wanted to made sure you were okay. You hit that rubble pretty hard today, and you left earlier than usual." His cheery, sober, voice said. Katsuki closed his eyes, slowly rolling his hips up the dildo, the familiar arousal burning in his stomach, finally. 
He stifled a whimper, "M' fine, Shitty Hair…." He pretended to grumble out, desperate to think of something to keep him on the line as long as possible. "That's great! I was a little worried, y'know. Didn't want to lose the manliest man I've even known since highschool!" He said, and Bakugou's heart did a mixture of dropping and fluttering. He felt guilty for trying to get off to his voice, clearly ignorant and innocent, but he couldn't help but acknowledge that he didn't refer to him as his best friend which would usually put him down. He squeezed his eyes shut and rolled his hips, gasping as he accidentally his his prostate. He dropping the phone, slapping a hand over his face. "Katsuki!? What was that?" Kirishima urgently called. Bakugou's dick was on fire, his body was alight with arousal, if only Kirishima knew. 
He hesitantly picked up the phone. "I'm f-fine~ Shitty Hair!" He replied, cursing himself for not stopping himself from slowly bouncing on the dildo again. 
He slightly wondered if he accidentally hung up, but there was still static. "I'm not stupid, Katsuki." Kirishima suddenly said. Bakugou froze. His voice was lower but soft, almost like he was hesitant to say it in the first place. "W-..What the hell are you talking about?" He asked, not daring to move on the dildo, even though he wanted to take advantage of Kirishima's tone so fucking bad. 
"Are you getting off right now?" Kirishima asked, Bakugou suddenly became aware of how slick and schelchy the lube was. Bakugou's throat closed up, his mouth too dry to produce words. "Fuck…" Kirishima whispered, the sound making Bakugou's eyes widen. "Are you trying to fuck with me…?" He asked, but Bakugou wasn't deaf to the distant sound of Kirishima nearly break checking himself. 
Bakugou whimpered quietly, but a part of him prayed that Kirishima heard him, and as his breath hitched over the phone, he knew he did. 
"Fuck-" Kirishima groaned. Bakugou gasped at the sound, bouncing on the plastic lightly once again, the lewd noises surely reaching the phone. "C-Come over." Bakugou's stern voice said, once again sounding weak in the beginning. "Already on my way." Kirishima nearly whispered back. 
Bakugou's body was on fire, every part of him was twitching. The call ended only a minute ago, and suddenly Bakugou's night was going to change who he was. He was hard, nervous, excited but horny above all else. As soon as he heard his front door open and nearly slam shut, Bakugou gasped, trying to let out his nerves. Heavy, fast footsteps made their way down his halls, and suddenly Bakugou was conscious about how he should present himself. 
He didn't have time, and so he let himself be cocky, leaning forward on his hands, arching his back and rolling his hips on the silicone gracefully, and it probably looked a little too good based on how smooth the action felt. But he didn't have room for his usual pride, Kirishima was stuck in the doorway with his mouth slightly open and wide eyes. Bakugou looked at him in the mirror to his side, and his eyes were staring at him. 
"Holy fuck.." He groaned, his hand slowly moving to his crotch, but he gripped the inside of his thigh. Mid. Thigh. 
Bakugou's eyes widened as he finally had the rough sketch of Eijirou's cock in his mind, and fuck he wanted to go stupid with cock. 
"C'mon…" Bakugou nearly whimpered, rolling his hips a little more dramatically. Kirishima groaned in the doorway, slowly walking into the room, Bakugou's position giving him the perfect view of his pink, glistening and stretched hole swallowing the silicone easily, the dildo's girth seemed pathetic to what Eijirou knew he had. 
Eijirou knelt down behind him, and as Katsuki smiled, expecting him to caress his body, that didn't happen. 
Kirishima quickly wrapped his hand around the smaller man's throat, yanking him back to meet his still clothed chest. Bakugou wheezed at the unexpected and sudden movement, but fuck if his own cock didn't love it already. 
"Riding this pathetic dildo while I was out there concerned about you, hm?" He darkly whispered, his finger tips lightly digging into his neck. Bakugou whimpered, wiggling his hips back, trying to get a feel for the man's clothed cock for himself. Kirishima sighed, almost in disappointment. "Tell me.. What were you thinking about? Riding this pathetic excuse of a dildo." He asked, talking right into Bakugou's ear. Bakugou let out a stuttering breath, squirming in Kirishima's sturdy grip. 
"Tell me." 
Bakugou gasped at his dark tone paired with his hand gripping his entire neck roughly. He wasn't used to feeling so small compared to someone else, but fuck he was loving it. 
"Y-You…" Bakugou gasped out as Kirishima loosened his grip just enough. "What about me..?" He asked, only slightly softer. 
Katsuki's cock was aching, begging for the same attention Eijirou was giving his throat. "H-How hard you would fuck me- How big your cock is…" Bakugou finally admitted, squeezing his eyes shut. 
Kirishima hummed in his ear, his hand moving to the back of Bakugou's neck instead and pulling him up to his feet. Bakugou let out a guttural moan as he was ripped off the dildo still suctioned to the floor. 
Kirishima hummed, noting how the dildo really did look like a pathetic version of himself. 
Kirishima dragged Bakugou to his bed, glaring at the blonde when he tried to move. He pulled off his own shirt and pants quickly before joining him on the bed. Bakugou's eyes quickly widened at the sight, his mouth slightly open and his face slightly filled with fear and shock, but quickly replaced with determination. "Better fucking prep me, asshole." Bakugou spit out, laying on his back. 
He didn't expect Kirishima's rough nature to continue though. Eijirou glared at Bakugou before swiftly gripping his neck and pinning him further into the mattress. "Excuse you? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to right now? Order me around again, I fucking dare you." Kirishima spit out a look of fake disgust on his face. Bakugou was shocked by the moan that left him, more than happy with his decisions from tonight, at least so far. 
He yelped as Kirishima's hand left his neck and grabbed his hips instead. Kirishima pulled his ass into the air, Bakugou's legs spreading automatically, falling to almost meet his chest. "W-What are you gonna do?" Bakugou asked, eyes wide with arousal. "None of your fucking buisness." Kirishima spit out, digging his thumbs into the stretched pink muscle. Bakugou gasped as Eijirou pulled his rim apart, testing just how stretched he was. 
Bakugou saw his cock when he took off his pants, the way it weighed itself down, how his fingertips would definetly have trouble touching each other, and the fucking length- he wondered if Kirishima would actually show through his stomach…
As Kirishima added a finger to stretch and play with his rim, he decided to take down the roughness, only for a couple seconds though. "Use the traffic light system, okay?" He almost ordered, wanting to keep the same sexual energy but also let Bakugou know there was a safe way out. Bakugou's breath stuttered and he quickly nodded, having read enough fanfiction about being fucked by Kirishima and having done enough research to know something as simple as the traffic light system, and he's so fucking green.
Bakugou didn't expect a tongue to enter him though.
Bakugou nearly shouted, gripping at the sheets before pathetically trying to reach for the other man's head. "N-No!" Bakugou shouted, but it was moan filled and an empty request. Kirishima's eyes shifted to Bakugou, lapping his tongue over the blonde's rim before softly shoving it inside as far as he could. 
Bakugou was squirming around at the foregin feeling, gasping every time he moved his tongue, it felt so warm, soft and perfectly wet. 
Kirishima took his mouth away, licking his lips as he roughly slammed 3 fingers into the unsuspecting hole. He quickly spread them as far as he could, Bakugou's gasp turning into a pained moan. As Kirishima softly stroked his slightly pulsing insides, Bakugou was panting with wide eyes. "Beg." Kirishima ordered darkly, jamming his fingers into Bakugou as far as he could, hitting his prostate hard. 
Bakugou moaned out, caving in on himself because of how Kirishima held his ass up. But he wouldn't beg. 
After a few seconds of soft finger thrusting and no begging, Kirishima picked up the pace, slipping one of his fingers out, knowing Katsuki won't like the lack of fullness anymore. He jams his fingers into his prostate every time, Bakugou's eyes nearly crossing as he tries to arch his back but just keeps caving in on himself. 
"Fucking. Beg." "F-Fuck you.." Bakugou responds, his voice shakey, the defiance fake and fragile. Kirishima's eyes narrow, a frown forming on his lips. "Fine." He replies, shifting one hand to Bakugou's abdomen and pressing, pleased with the slight fullness under a specific layer of muscle. He continued to slam into his g-spot, Bakugou's eyes widening and getting slightly watery. "W-Wait-!" Bakugou moaned out loud, slight panic coating his oh so beautiful face. The tip of his penis kept rubbing against Kirishima's arm, and he knew so much stimulation was working against him. He was either going to beg or piss himself. 
"S-Stop! Too much- T-Too fucking much! I have to go you f-fuckkk-ing lunatic!" He moaned out, grabbing at Kirishima's arms. "Beg. Beg for me to fuck you, or you're going to piss yourself, get your clean sheets dirty, all unsatisfied and embarrassed. Poor little Katsuki couldn't hold his little blatter while I fucked you with my fingers." Eijirou cooed, tiliting his head a little before bending down and licking along the back of his thigh to the crease of his ass. He travels up to his sack and licks him firmly with the flat of his tongue. 
Katsuki screams.
His clawing becomes frantic, and he's sure he's sobbing, but he's no match for even Kirishima's strength. "N-No! Ei- Stop! I-I'm gonna pee!" Katsuki cries, thrashing around as much as he can. But as Eijirou gently sucks in one of his balls, his resolve snaps. "Please! Please, please, please!" Katsuki finally cries, Eijirou's fingers slowing down and his hand letting up on his blatter. He moves away from Katsuki's cock and smirks down at the red and teary face below him. 
"Please what?" He asks, Bakugou's eyes widening. "P...Please… Please fuck me… I want you to fuck me with your fat cock!" He cries, tears falling from his eyes. 
Eijirou sighs, content with his work. "Good boy~" He coos, swiftly plunging 2 more fingers inside and spreading them. Katsuki gasps, looking up at Kirishima who refuses to look away from his face. 
As Kirishima slowly pulls out, he bends over and grabs the lube from the floor, popping open the cap and pouring it into Katsuki. He flinches and wines at how cold it is, and Eijirou just travels the bottle to his cock, rubbing his hand over it and coating everything with lube. 
As he sloppily closes the bottle, he moves Katsuki onto his stomach, Bakugou groaning as he was finally out of that horrid position. 
Kirishima places the tip at his entrance, kissing Bakugou's nape, and right as Bakugou prepares for a dreadfully slow slide. Kirishima slams into the hilt. Bakugou's eyes shoot wide and his thrusted up further into the bed with the force, his mouth dropping open as a horrid moan filled scream leaves him. 
This is it….he's not a virgin anymore…
He feels nothing but cock, painfully perfect cock that makes it hard to breathe.
Kirishima groans at the tight feeling, his body shaking as he convinces himself not to fuck Katsuki into oblivion. 
Eijirou starts off slow, dragging his cock out halfway before pressing in again, the pace making them both groan. God, Katsuki's back tooks so fucking pretty all arched like that, delicate but strong all in one. He always knew Bakugou would look so pretty with his face burried in sheets, his ass high in the air and filled with his cock. 
He feels himself slipping, his thrusts slipping into violent, angry lust every so often before he catches himself quickly. 
But as Katsuki's sweet moans keep reaching his ears, he finally gives in, grabbing Katsuki's wrists and pulling them back, lifting Katsuki off the bed and using his wrists as leverage, pulling his weak body back onto his cock as he slams his hips into the man's ass. 
"Holy fucking shit~" Bakugou's voice calls out as Kirishima's thrusts get rougher, violent. His voice bounced with the thrusts, his moans cutting each other off as Kirishima no longer cares about hitting the man's prostate, pounding into him purely for selfish pleasure Bakugou didn't know he was capable of. 
"Fucking pathetic cocksleeve- Such a fucking whore for dick, huh? You fucking-love! -taking my fat cock like this!" Kirishima spits out, pulling on Katsuki's wrists harder. Bakugou's eyes are crossing, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. 
'Ruining me-'
"Not a single thought going through that head of yours, huh? Just taking my cock so good like this, loving how I ruin every other cock out there for you! Only my cock can make you cum, can make you feel so fucking good!" "Y-Yes~" Bakugou's broken voice cries out, tears sliding down his cheeks. 
The bed is slamming into the wall so hard the pictures are rattling, and Bakugou can't register anything but cock, pleasure, Kirishima and cumming. 
"So fucking good, so~ fUCKing go-od~" Bakugou sobs, not caring of the searing pain in his arms and shoulder blades. But as Kirishima angles his hips, he starts slamming into Bakugou's prostate, and as Bakugou tries to arch in Kirishima's hold, he cums. He clamps around his cock so hard Kirishima moans, letting go of Katsuki's arms and letting him fall face first into the bed as his entire body rocks with unbroken thrusts, shaking with the ongoing orgasm that never seems to end. Eijirou hears the sobbing and groans with pleasure, swinging his hand down to Bakugou's ass, growling as he watches the muscle and fat ripple with the perfect impact. 
Kirishima puts his hands in the curve of Katsuki's spine, pressing him down and shifting forward, slightly sitting back on his calves as he jackhammers into Bakugou's swollen, red and oh so fucking soft boy cunt. 
Katsuki is screaming but it's so distant to Eijirou, all he can hear is the squelching of his ass and all he can think of is cumming. 
"FUCK- EIJIROU~" Katsuki screams, sobbing and begging for him to slow down, not to thrust so hard, not to be so brutal. He can't feel his limbs, all he can feel is the overstimulation as his body is pounded so hard he inches forward on his bed, only to be pulled back just as quickly. He feels like a cocksleeve because he is one. 
Kirishima groans, finally slamming into Katsuki with all he has, his cock pulsing inside Bakugou almost like a slow vibrator. As Kirishima completely fills Katsuki's intestines with cum, his own cock spurts out a pathetic amount of it's own cum, his balls drawing up tight and his cock twitching with painful interest. 
Kirishima and Bakugou are panting, and as Eijirou gives another overstimulated thrust for good measure, the both moan out. 
"F-Fuck…." Kirishima groans, Katsuki panting into the sheets with wide, tired eyes. 
He really did ruin Katsuki's chances at fucking anyone else. There's no way he can go back to toys, and there's no way he can fuck anyone else.
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾.
𝕋 𝕒 𝕜 𝕒 𝕞 𝕚  𝕂 𝕖 𝕚 𝕘 𝕠  |  ℍ 𝕒 𝕨 𝕜 𝕤
     ⇴ male reader [22, chubby, 194cm]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ summary: [Your.name] is a chubby and tall man, someone who definitely didn’t fit Japan’s beauty standards. Safe to say, he wasn’t the most confident. However, during one group date, it finally all changes when he meets someone who is certainly very interested in him.
↣ rating: general audiences ↣ warnings: modern AU; self-deprecation; chubby, tall reader; reader’s “friends” being assholes to chubby reader; hawks and reader have a happy end tho; hawks is a simp for reader from the first minute on, ok?
part 2.
“Come with us, they said. It will be fun, they said.”, you mumbled to yourself as you stood there. Awkward. Alone. Ignored. Too afraid the tiny bar stools would collapse underneath your big ass, hence why you chose to rather stand than sit.
Why did you let yourself get dragged into this group date? You wanted to say no in the beginning, but with your friends pestering you, you kind of agreed in the end. Though now, you knew all too well why you didn’t want to come.
As a chubby and very tall man, you weren’t the type that people, or rather, gay men, drooled over. At least you hadn’t had anyone show interest in you like that. Maybe it was because you were rather shy and thus not as loud as many of your fellow male friends, or you were the “wrong chubby”. Whatever it was, you were not attractive. Society made sure to tell you that at least once a day and sometimes those nice and kind people, not, were even going out of their way to tell you what a nuisance your were with your tall, fat ass taking up space. And in Japan, where everything was not really built to accommodate people like you, it was sometimes very hard to fit into things.
While you were sighing to yourself for the nth time and making sure to put yourself down as much as you could, you certainly didn’t realize how someone was always glancing at you. Hawks was one of the four gay men you and your friends had met today for said group date. Ever since he saw you, he had the urge to talk to you and get to know you. You were so tall and handsome and t h i c k. You could probably swing him around and break him like a toothpick. Just thinking about it made him grin.
However, it almost seemed like you had a shield around you he just couldn’t break through. He could guess why. Not only once had he seen people bullying the ones that didn’t fit the norm. Too fat, too skinny, too small, too tall – there was no end. People always found reasons to put others down. With how you stood there all alone, trying to make yourself as small as possible, Kei understood you tried to hide and you were uncomfortable. Even though you literally had nothing to hide. God, he wished he had met you sooner.
“Oiii Ta-ka-mi-san!”, his thoughts were rudely interrupted.
“What are you staring at Takami-san?”, then one of your friends, who was obviously interested in him, looked in the direction as well.
“Ah. [Your.name], huh? He’s like a car accident, right? You don’t wanna look but you also can’t really look away.”, your ‘friend’ laughed and Kei could have not been more disgusted by that behavior.
“God I wish I could just punch you, you fucking idiot!”, Keigo thought, furious and having to gulp down the anger.
Thus, he just smiled a little before he silently stood up to walk over to you, ignoring the calling of your ‘friend’. Instead, he got all nervous all of a sudden. Normally, he was the one being confessed to, not the one confessing or even initiating a conversation. Takami was used to people fawning over him, he was a rather successful model after all, hence why it was so hard to find someone who wasn’t just interested in him sexually or because of his money. And it did not help one bit that he found you so unbelievably attractive as well, his nervousness was at its peak.
“Hey. You’re… [Your.name], right?”, he tried to sound very casual as he leaned against the bar beside you. AND MY GOD, he was so tiny compared to you. He loved it. The way he had to look up so much.
You were rather surprised to get attention, especially from someone like Hawks. Like, he was so out of your league it was ridiculous to even think he would even BREATH besides you – yet there he was. Talking to you-
Oh. You knew what he wanted.
“Okay, look, let’s just skip all that polite small talk, the little laughs so we don’t feel awkward before you drop the question. Just tell me, which number do you want? Or should I just give you all three?”, you immediately cut to the chase. It had never been any different, so why would it be today? Especially when someone so sexy and pretty talked to you? Obviously he wanted someone from your much more handsome and well-trained friends.
Hawks was, however, rather surprised that THIS was your initial reaction to him talking to you. Though he could have not known how hard it would truly be to get to know you or get your number.
“Uhm… To be honest, your number alone would be quite sufficient.”, Keigo played it smooth. A handsome smile on his lips covered up his own nervousness – was he about to get rejected?
For a few seconds you stared at him, completely flabbergasted. Then you turned around and looked around… and looked around… and looked around some more until he finally asked, “Everything okay? You looking for an escape route?”
Keigo chuckled at the end, though he was not as calm as he pretended to be.
“No, I just…”, you then turned to him again, your brows furrowed, “… You can stop now, you know? Like, are you trying to prank me or…? Cameras anywhere? Like haha we got the fat guy. Look at him getting all flustered finally getting attention. Hahaha funny.”
At the end, you almost sounded a little angry, before you grabbed your drink and walked away from the bar. Saying Hawks was confused was an understatement. He just watched you for a moment as you walked away and squeezed into a lonely corner. God… How many people must have put you down for you to think he was pranking you?
“This is going to be more difficult than I thought.”
Running his hand through his hair, Kei had to calm down for a moment and reevaluate. Did you reject him because you genuinely weren’t interest or because you were self-conscious? Probably the latter. So… should he try again? Fuck yeah. As if he was going to give up so easily. He just needed you to know he really wasn’t pranking you, the rest… was up to Future-Keigo.
Clearing his throat and taking his drink, he then walked over to your corner. Standing in front of you he was so  s m o l. It would probably feel great hugging you.
“Okay that was rough. Listen, I really don’t wanna prank you or anything. Just… get to know you… ya know?”, this time he genuinely smiled a little, hoping you wouldn’t just reject him again.
Raising one brow, you were still rather suspicious. AS IF someone like Keigo would want to get to know you. Something was not right, you could feel it in every fiber of your big, chubby body. Then again.. maybe the only thing that you felt was the insecurities that held you back from getting to know someone who might genuinely be interested in you.
So, you gave yourself a little push.
“Yeah… I guess… I’m not really used to…. You know, how about we just start over?”
Keigo thought he had finally cracked you, giving himself a mental high five for being persistent. Thus, with a small smile he nodded and reached out his hand.
“Sure, nice to meet you, I’m Takami Keigo.”
“I’m [Your.name], nice to meet you.”, you finally smiled a little as well. Oof, his heart just jumped. Why was he so smitten already? He literally just met you. Keigo definitely wanted to get to know you more.
“So, how about we go take a seat over there? I could do with another drink.”, he said while pointing in the direction of a free table.
For a moment, you hesitated, though after a few seconds, you nodded, “Yeah, sounds nice.”
Without realizing it, hours went by as you and Hawks sometimes were the loudest ones laughing. Your friends just glancing over every so often, obviously jealous you had gotten the most handsome men of all of them today. But for the first time, you didn’t care what other’s thought as you and Kei just had … a connection.
Hence why, when he glanced down to his watch and sighed, you felt a little sad.
“I wish this night wouldn’t end. But I have a model job tomorrow and I only was a backup for someone so I didn’t even intend to have so much fun today. Time sure flies with you, [Your.name].”, he gave you one of his best smiles that made your throat dry and your knees weak.
“I… really enjoyed myself, too. Thank you. And sorry for acting like that in the beginning.”, you smiled apologetically and a little flustered. He found it very endearing.
“That’s fine, don’t worry about it. Well…”, he then looked at his phone and stood up, “It’s 2 a.m. definitely missed the last train. I’m gonna make a quick call for a taxi.”
“Hm.”, you nodded and watched for a second as he went outside where it was a little quieter to call.
Looking between Hawks and your friends who were still partying with Keigo’s friend group, you wondered if you should bring him home. You were the driver, but… how often had your friends disappeared with someone without telling you? How often did you leave a party all by yourself? It was time to be a little selfish today.
So, you hastily stood up and walked outside the bar, watching as Keigo typed on his phone, ready to call.
“Uhm, Takami-san?”, you interrupted him.
“Hm?”, he was a little surprised.
“If you want.. I can drive you home. I brought my own car since I was planning on leaving earlier too and I only drank one cocktail right in the beginning and the rest was alcohol free stuff so… if you want?”, your voice became a little smaller by the end, not knowing if you were too eager. Was this okay?
“Really? That’s not a problem?”
“No! Not at all.”, you reassured him.
“That’s great! I only live like 20 minutes away if we take the car. Ahhh, you’re a life saver, [Your.name]! Thank you.”, Keigo beamed.
And so, you hopped into your car, the only place big enough for you, at least that’s what it felt like since you invested in a nice big one. Keigo was quite cute how he sat there in the big seat, being so small.
The drive to Hawks’ home was also filled with chatter and laughter, once again reassuring you both that you definitely had some sort of connection. And since he had been attracted to you before, it only gave him more reasons that he wanted to meet you again. Man… this could be the first time a group date turned out successfully – for the both of you!
When you parked in front of his apartment complex, Takami didn’t even want to go yet. Wishing that time would just stop, he sat there for a few seconds before turning to you.
“Thank you, [Your.name].”
“No problem, really!”
“You know, if it wasn’t that late I would have invited you to a coffee or another drink or something but alas…”
“It’s quite late…”, you almost said a little… saddened?
“Hm… It is… I’ll call you!” Hawks then said with a little bit of a grin, since you had exchanged phone numbers before.
“O-Okay.”, you didn’t know why you stuttered, it was just… really new.
“Oh, but you can call me too, yeah? Don’t be shy. Well, anyways.”, he jumped out of the car, turned one last time to grin at you, his golden eyes sparkling a little, making you even more flustered.
“Have a safe drive home and have a good night, [Your.name]!”
“Ah, you too, Takami-san!”
Then, you just watched as he walked up to his apartment complex. You didn’t know what suddenly got into you when you opened the door and jumped out, calling for him.
“Takami-san?!”, it was literally two in the morning, his poor neighbors.
Though Hawks immediately turned his head.
“I… really, really enjoyed myself today. Just… thank you.”
Oh my God, you were so cute. Such a gentle giant teddy bear, that’s what you were. Without thinking about it, Keigo rushed back, catching you a little off guard when he walked around the car.
“You know, I might be a little drunk, but fucking God – I want to kiss you SO. BAD. right now.”, Kei said without hold back. His golden eyes gleaming in the dark and his cheeks flushed, you didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or if he was blushing.
You, on the other hand, were very flustered, yet you barely whispered, “Maybe you should…”
Which only made Hawks giggle and raise his arms. An almost… seductive grin on his lips.
“Then you should help me out a little here, Handsome!”
Was he a bit drunk? Possibly. Was he overly flirtatious because he truly liked your personality and found you attractive and DEFINITELY wanted to meet you again?... Probably. But someone as straight-forward as Hawks was exactly who you needed because of your tendencies to overthink everything. Especially when it came to your weight and thus attractiveness. (Even though the one didn’t have anything to do with the other though not when it came to society.)  
And so, you accommodated him by leaning down. Takami himself standing on his tiptoes, thus, after he had hoped all night long, his lips finally met yours. His small arms wrapped around your big, broad shoulders and your big hand was placed on his lower back. That’s what he had wanted. And it really happened. To say Keigo was quite euphoric was an understatement. He was ecstatic, overjoyed, jubilant and so much more – and that from a little kiss. He surely fell quick and hard. Something he had never experienced before.
After a few moments of pure delight, you were the first to pull back, just to watch Kei bite his lip in such a sexy way it took all of your control to not grab him and pin him onto your car’s hood.
“Thank you.”, he just whispered, still with that grin on his lips, “I really enjoyed myself, too.”
Then, he let go and you did as well, this time really just watching when he turned around and walked into the apartment complex with one last wave. So you got back into your car as well, the last minutes replaying in your head over and over again.
With your hand covering your face, you had to hide your stupid, big grin. If all of that was just a dream, you didn’t want to wake up. Someone found YOU attractive. You had deemed yourself the most unattractive, undatable guy and that only because society had always told you that. But he didn’t care. He liked your “undatable, unattractive” body just the way it was. And not only that, after a rough start, you got along so well. You loved his little laughs, his beautiful eyes and those soft lips-
“God I have never felt like that before, what the fuuuck??”, you mumbled to yourself, still in disbelief that night even happened.
But as you drove away, you heard a little noise that came from your phone and as you looked up, you quickly scanned the text before looking back onto the streets – a wide smirk spreading across your face.
The message read.
“txet me wehn yruoe home so i konw yuore hmoe safe!”
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: let’s appreciate all shapes and sizes. being a short and rather stumpy man myself, ive been struggling a little with how i view myself ever since my relationship ended. ive been casually looking on apps but i think I am not ready for another relationship yet since my last one was rather messy. anyways. I know you shouldn’t rely on others to feel validated and loved but loving yourself is hard, bro so… yeah, its nice being desired for once, no? also this kinda makes me wanna write a part two but eh we’ll see!
part 2.
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