#early bionicle
dontfindme445 · 5 months
bionicle masks of power looks amazing but…
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The demo looks awesome. Everything they have planned is awesome. It’s crazy how it’s just an indie dev team who have permission from Lego as long as they don’t make money off the game.
eventually, when it comes out, the YouTubers will play it and it will get as much attention in media as the average triple A game.
the problem with that is…
when something gets popular…
certain people will find it…
Certain people that mostly reside on twitter…
People who were born near the tail end or after bionicle ended who take pleasure in “canceling” things and people because it makes them feel like heroes…
they are the farthest from heroes you get before you reach criminal territory. /srs
what do you think will happen when they find out about bionicle? They will research bionicle. And, what do you think will happen when they research bionicle? They will find out about early bionicle. And what do you think happens when they look further into early bionicle?
Barely escapable, ever consuming darkness.
all by the hands of outsiders of the bionicle community who don’t have as deep of an understanding of bionicle as us.
we need to stop this darkness from escaping somehow…
any suggestions?
(I have to say here that I have nothing against people fighting for what’s right, it’s just… some of the people who think they are heroes were actually villains all along.)
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fujosh33p · 7 months
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Putting aside all my nostalgia and personal feelings, this shit is raw as hell. This fucks massively. This is still the coolest shit ever. Nobody's done it like this since.
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the-generous-fool · 2 months
As you lay in your hospital bed, you see Bionicles on the Antiques Roadshow, and what little time you have left, steadily ebbs away.
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siren-darkocean · 7 days
I got my first hate comment on Deviantart yesterday on my old man Yaoi art I did for 810NICLE Day this year
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cathartes-aurae · 1 month
i think there's something very nu-metal about the design of bionicles
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randomwriteronline · 19 days
Tumul loves Tuyet.
She is his sister, agile and repentine - not frail, for water cannot break but only slither and crash; not cruel, for she only does what she must. There is no love for pain in her sharp movements, just like there isn't in his own heavy limbs.
They are twins: like Kopaka and Gali Mata. That is how their peers described them, that is how they describe themselves. They became Toa at the same time, trained at the same fortress, worked on the same missions, sparred with the same weapons. He can see what she can only guess, she can go where he can only imagine; the swiftness of her limbs perfectly compliments the bulk of his form.
She has never lied to him. Not even once.
Tuyet loves Tumul.
He is her brother, still and steady - not frail, for ice does not break nor melt if cold or thick enough; not cruel, for he only does what he must. There is no love for pain in his heavy limbs, just like there isn't in her own sharp movements.
They are twins: like Gali and Kopaka Mata. That is how their peers described them, that is how they describe themselves. They think the same way, talk in the same tone, enjoy the same silence, agree on the same plans, follow the same strategies. She can express what he only ponders, he can know what she can only suppose; the adaptability of his will perfectly compliments the inflexibility of her ideals.
She has never lied to him. Not even once.
She means it, when she promises she will use his power for the right cause, for the greater good, she means it, because he is dying and she was never good at healing (not that it would do much) and this is the only way she can save at least some part of him, she means it, because maybe it isn't the truth but it is right now, and because if she had had her way from the start her twin wouldn't be dying right now.
She means it, she always means it, and there is no need to use a Rode on her because it's the truth: she means it.
Tumul clutches the Nui Stone hard in his hands as he dies in her arms, to exhaust every drop of energy he has within it completely, to follow his twin sister in any way he can.
Tuyet returns alone, her twin brother seeping into her bones like failed cells absorbed in the womb. If she tightens her hand hard into a fist, she can feel a chill seep out of it.
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beesgav · 2 years
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some boys I like
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chatretr0 · 7 months
Bionicle Mask of the Light Animation Test Pitch
Scene: Infected Lewa
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Bionicle co-creator Christian Faber showing old footage of prototype sets from 1999 and 2000 👀 👀 👀
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kanguin · 1 year
I'm going through some health problems right now and have been trying to take care of things in my persona life in addition, so I missed the BIONICLE Day streams. I had no idea I was going to be mentione by name, wtf???
Anyway guess I have some work to do regarding MNOG2 LMAO.
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tahnok-kal · 3 months
Sometimes I wish I lacked emotions, the same way normal Bohrok do.
If I didn't have emotions, I would have just killed those pesky Toa, freed my Queens and gone back to sleep like a good little mindless servant. I'd also be less angry all the time, and not stuck with two decades of guilt because some shadowy bastard woke the Swarms up literally a month too early.
But then I wouldn't have this neat little blog.
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dontfindme445 · 5 months
some Coheeh art I made recently
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This is art based off of my Wattpad series “Flat Coheeh”. I think this is weirder than my usual art. Also, the Jallerweener thing is a bionicle reference.
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loveaquariuslove · 2 years
2001 mcdonalds
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Tales Of The Masks is such a funny book to me.
Because if you look at it from the perspective of its framing device? I'm not a fan. The mask hunt conceit worked well in 2001, when the Toa were just starting out, needed to learn to work together, etc. Then repeating that the next year with the Krana felt a bit more forced, but was still sorta acceptable. But doing it a third time with the Nuva masks felt deeply stale, even as a kid, and on top of that felt like it ran counter to the premise of the Nuva Masks being one-of-a-kind upgrades brought about by their transformation. That's not even if you also consider the whole thematic angle of the mask's power extending to those in their vicinity, something something Unity something.
Looking for masks that really shouldn't make sense to exist in the first place, somehow got overlooked when they were searching every nook and cranny in 01, and just felt on some level sisyphean after gaining and then losing the Golden Masks that had all that stuff in one nice package anyway, just never really sat right with me. And now I have an extra layer of frustration from it given how some people point to that as proof of the early years being shallow and kiddie, unlike the later years with their edginess and violence.
But at the same time, when you actually read it, Tales Of The Masks also kind of embodies a lot of what made the early years so great; the fun dynamics among the Toa, the island's many mysteries and more and more signs that the Turaga knew so much more than they were letting on, and just some genuinely sweet moments of development of these initially-simple characters, taking advantage of the breathing room afforded to them by the lower stakes, that the Ignition years just couldn't or didn't make time for.
Idunno. It's frustrating to me, because I've seen people lately dismissing 01-03 as nothing but shallow collectathons, and honestly it feels like G2 made that same mistake to some extent. And on some level I can understand where they're coming from, because yeah, it did lean on the collection aspect a little too hard at times, to its own detriment at times. (See again, all my complaints about the Nuva masks.)
At the same time, I feel like painting it as just "good guys find masks, fight bad guys, end of story" is just, a painfully reductive and bad-faith reading of those years, when they had so much else going for them.
The worldbuilding wasn't as broad and expansive, but it felt more intimate, with the MNOG games in particular really fleshing out the Matoran culture and day-to-day; while also leaving enough open to the imagination, paired with the pervading sense of mystery and unknowns waiting around every corner, to use that as a launching-off point.
The characters were pretty simple, yeah, but they worked great as part of a dynamic, with distinctive and enjoyable personalities thst could be played off each other to fantastic effect - and still are, given a lot of the posts that circulate the Bonkle corner of tumblr.
And heck, even the supposedly simple "good versus evil" conflict wasn't what it seemed at first glance, with the Rahi being innocent animals under Makuta's control. The Bohrok ultimately turned out to have a good and important purpose, that whole conflict only happening because of the series of catastrophic events that led to the Matoran being displaced to where they weren't supposed to be in the first place. And even Makuta himself was supposed to be more sorely misguided than genuinely evil, until his rework in 2004. (Whereas the later years, if anything, felt a lot more straightforward and shallow about that a lot of the time, even if the presentation was more visceral. Why do the bad guys do the bad things? Because they want power. Why do they want power? Because they're the bad guys.)
Point is, I feel like Tales Of The Masks is kind of an interesting case study of both some of the best and worst aspects of the early years' writing both evident in full force. For many years I considered it my least favorite of the Chronicles books just because of its framing device, and it was only on revisiting it more recently that I was able to re-evaluate my opinion, and appreciate the genuinely good stories contained within. I just wish certain others would give it that same reconsideration.
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dvmayor · 1 year
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We can’t go back but never forget the 2000’s
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licencetocolt · 2 years
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Old Bonk Photo #13
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