#easter item cards
lucky-draws · 5 months
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egophiliac · 2 months
As someone who hasn’t played the twst game very long I just got into it. I wanted to know about events? Like do some not come back? For example do the Masquerade, Port, Beanfest, Ghost bride, starsending events. Do those come back? I hear people say how they missed their chance to get this great card like as if it won’t ever come back and then someone on Reddit will say something like “Oh beanfest happened twice on the JP server” so which events have gotten reruns so far? I would ask about more recent ones like the Easter one but idk if it’s too recent to know if get rerun or if they clarify that it won’t come back? I was really sad to find out about the Silk outfits I missed out on when they visit the scalding sands. I also was really sad to find out i missed out on the anniversary cards because I didn’t play the game yet. I wish they would add the anniversary cards to the store at least…I want to be apart of the celebration :’)
I was looking in the shop and saw all the different groovy items you need to groovify event cards and this question just came to me so I had the urge to ask someone…
welcome to Twst! 🎉 it is a bit confusing to jump right into, especially because. they're not always consistent. :') it sounds like you're probably playing on Eng, which I'm less familiar with, but I'll try based on what I know! (I also don't always remember everything, so somebody please correct me if I get something wrong!)
first, I do recommend the Twst wiki.gg, which seems to stay pretty up-to-date on events for both the Eng and JP versions! it's a great resource for when you want to see if/when an event ran or rerun. in general, I believe that the Eng version only does reruns that have already happened in JP, so if JP has a rerun that hasn't happened yet in Eng, they should get it too eventually! on the other hand, I don't think either version has ever rerun an event more than once. :( BUT this doesn't mean you're entirely out of luck, because:
anniversary events (March for JP, January for Eng) will usually offer a chance to get both an older event SSR and an older birthday SSR in the shop, via buying a special item with exchange currency (which you get by doing pulls on the anniversary gacha, I think you need to do 100-150 pulls for enough currency to buy the item to exchange for an SSR). only SSRs though, and you're limited to one each (one birthday, one event). so if there's an SSR you REALLY want and it's already had its rerun, it's probably worth planning to save up some keys for!
as for actual reruns, they seem to come in a few different flavors:
straight-up rerun, no changes or extra cards
unchanged event story, with a new SSR of a character who wasn't in the story (e.g. Applepom Jamil)
slightly rewritten event story that includes a new SSR (e.g. Ghost Marriage, they don't seem to do this anymore though)
completely new event story that acts as either a sequel or alternate-universe version of the original (e.g. Beans Day part 2, Fairy Gala IF) (though this is pretty rare and might actually count as a separate event, rather than a rerun?)
Master Chef/Culinary Crucible events have never gotten reruns (though they might start now that we've finally gotten through all the characters in JP, time will tell). birthday and Halloween events will also rerun the previous version in addition to the new one -- for instance, Eng should be getting a Glorious Masquerade rerun this year, followed by the new (Playful Land) Halloween event. and a birthday campaign will, in addition to the new card, have a separate pickup for the previous year's birthday card.
for the specific ones you mentioned -- I think Beanfest, Ghost Bride, Fireworks, and Starsending have already rerun in Eng, so those most likely will not be rerun again (at least not anytime soon). Masquerade should be coming back for you guys this Halloween, and Portfest JUST got its rerun in JP, so that should be coming too sometime in the future! (no new SSR though, alas, I was really hoping for a little marching band sailor boy Leona. 😔) the Easter event is the White Rabbit Fest, right? that one hasn't gotten a rerun in JP yet either, so it's still on the table!
all that said, it's entirely possible they'll change the rules at some point and start doing more reruns/chances to get older event cards, especially since the game's been going on for a few years now and some cards haven't been available for a pretty long time! there's only one card that they said was for-realsies limited-time-only and wouldn't ever be available again -- Platinum Grim, since he was to celebrate the 100th anniversary -- so. there's always a little bit of hope for everything else. :D (fairy gala Ortho PLEASE COME BACK SOB)
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what is THAT 😭
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Between the Stitch event and the new birthday series, it looks like Disney’s swerving into promoting its classic animated franchises this year 🤔 It’s definitely a lot more… “in-your-face” than it has been in previous years (Yuu’s prophetic dreams aside). We so rarely got to see Disney characters’ faces outside of dreams and the G7 statues… Now we have paintings of Iago, Zazu, Jasmine, Aladdin, etc. (which is funny, because Aladdin and Jasmine were previously featured in a furniture item exclusively turned AWAY from the player’s camera so their faces couldn’t be seen).
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TWST had always made Disney references and taken deep inspiration from Disney materials, but it always felt disconnected and like it was its own thing too. The references were there (most definitely in the world’s history), but not always so blatant. For example, players would make a game of finding mickey head shapes in Groovy illustrations (which is a fun easter egg!). Here is an example with a random card:
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… Anyway, is it just me or does the M*ckey Mouse wand for Platinum Jackets look kinda goofy (like, even more goofy than the pies from the Birthday Jacket line) 😂 It’s like the boys literally waltzed into a Disney theme park and bought one at an absurd price to whack each other with for funsies…
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j4gm · 1 year
I hit the image limit so this post will be in two parts.
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These last two episodes feature traditional Adventure Time title cards with intro credits, which is something the others haven't had.
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There is a butterfly floating above Fionna when she enters the "Land of Ooo". The same thing happened to Cake when she entered Ooo, and to Simon later on, but this butterfly doesn't have a face on it like those. This is our first hint that something is wrong.
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The Betty statue in the background of this shot is on top of a four-faceted object that sort of resembles Glob's helmet; an item that she used to gain her magic powers in You Forgot Your Floaties. Also in this shot are several gnome fairies from The Enchiridion and Billy's Bucket List, and of course Mrs Cupcake and genderswapped Chocoberry. Mrs Cupcake has appeared before but I think Chocoberry is a new design for this episode.
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This is our first and only look at what Hunter Wizard would look like. Mostly the same as his main universe counterpart.
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This species of dragon first appeared in Memories of Boom Boom Mountain and has been in several subsequent episodes. I'm not sure who the giant cyclops is. It could be a genderswap of the cyclops from Another Way, or perhaps the rock giant from Five More Short Graybles.
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Lots of the text in this scene is hostile. There is this sign behind the counter, of course, but lots of the books on the shelf also have violent names.
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This series loves giving us extremely fucked up Simons.
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This background character looks like Phlannel Boxingday. It would be hilarious if that was the case, considering he is widely assumed to have been a disguise of Princess Bubblegum rather than his own character.
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This might be genderswapped Tiffany. She's wearing Tiffany's pink shirt under her jacket. Maybe she has a masculine name in this universe.
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We get a better look at the newspaper from the first episode, featuring Betty. It also features the fake butterfly from the dream which feels like a bad omen.
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Marshall Lee's t-shirt features the cake pop from Princess Bubblegum's rock shirt, first seen in What Was Missing.
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The Lich first mentioned being a Scholar of GOLB in the episode Whispers. In this episode it is confirmed that he has been working towards his goals in GOLB's name. But it doesn't seem like he's actually had any line of communication with GOLB this whole time. GOLB doesn't seem to appreciate The Lich's efforts to wipe out all life; and now that GOLB is fused with Betty, they certainly don't.
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The Lich rips off Billy's skin to reveal his skeletal form, which is the same as it was in Escape from the Citadel, complete with the metal plate on his ribcage.
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GOLBetty turns the Lich into a tetronimo, implying that all of the tetronimoes surrounding them were once powerful beings who defied GOLB; perhaps they are even all alternate versions of The Lich.
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Shermy and Beth! This episode incorporates a lot of the extra lore that writer Steve Wolfhard published shortly after the release of Come Along With Me. It canonises the fact that Shermy and Beth are rebels who oppose the tyrannical rule of Gibbon, who is Charlie's future son from Daddy-Daughter Card Wars. This place is the Pup Kingdom, which is featured in the Come Along With Me title sequence and is a central part of Wolfhard's 1000+ lore.
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These are the same kinds of soldiers as seen in Graybles 1000+ when Cuber interrupted the space wedding. In that episode, you only got a very brief glimpse of their jowls. This episode makes it more obvious that they are pups.
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All of these pups in the windows are designs from Steve Wolfhard's "Every Pup Has a Power" series of drawings. They once had superpowers, but their powers were extinguished by Gibbon.
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This is Jake's favourite mug from the episode Puhoy, and the house in the snowglobe is Tree Trunks' house.
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There is a Shermy plush in this pile of junk. There might be some other recognisable stuff in that pile too. I think the popcorn machine is from something but I can't remember what, and the pool toy might be a reference to the Lub Glubs from Beautopia.
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This is our best shot of the Pup Kingdom, with its space elevator.
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Beth is a revolutionary communist confirmed.
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Shermy Simon shouts breadballs, an expletive that he previously used in the episode Simon & Marcy.
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The clouds in Fionnaworld are shaped like GOLB blocks while Simon is in the presence of GOLB. We also get a better look at all the glitched out buildings, like that door that leads nowhere.
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I think the creature next to Gunter in this advert is a yeti from the show Summer Camp Island, which a bunch of Adventure Time alumni went to work on after the original show ended.
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There is a poster for Super Porp, a fizzy grape juice introduced in the episode Dark Purple, along with their mascot Cheryl.
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Jake is on these packages in one of the shops.
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The Library looks incredible now. In the original show, only the top part with the dome could be seen sticking out of the ground. Either the ground has eroded away to reveal the rest of the structure, or the library has been greatly expanded over time.
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Turtle Princess is dead and apparently a robot took over her empty shell and continues to work as a librarian. These are the first gun-books we've seen that also function as actual guns.
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These are the pagelings from the episode Paper Pete. They're much larger than they used to be. They don't have many books left to protect these days.
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Casper & Nova mention lodging in the seaside town of Scandia on their quest to find the crown. This is a reference to the fact that Simon and Betty found the crown in Scandinavia, as mentioned way back in Holly Jolly Secrets.
I hit the image limit! Link to the second part.
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fuck-customers · 5 months
My store has a VERY lenient return policy.
(Personally, I think it's TOO lenient.)
The policy is:
•return WITH receipt= full refund, refund goes back on original form of payment, except for debit. Returns that were paid debit get cash refunds.
•return WITHOUT receipt= lowest price of item in last 90 days, store credit
•opened packages are returnable
•used products are returnable (this one has some restrictions, but not really. Cashiers are only "supposed" to accept returns if the item is still sellable, but most cashiers don't inspect the items and if a cashier deems the product unsellable, the customer bitches to the manager who licks their entire ass and does a full refund for them)
•seasonal products are returnable even after season has ended (Christmas items can be returned all year, same with Easter, Halloween, etc)
•there is seemingly no restrictions on how soon a customer has to return an item. Just 2 weeks ago (March 2024) I had a customer bring in products and a receipt from 2019 and the system accepted it. It had been so long that we literally got a whole new register system in between the original purchase and the return and it STILL went through.
What the store DOESN'T accept for returns:
• Products from other companies?? Hello??
This woman brought in a bag from a completely different company (the logos aren't similar and the colors are completely different. Red and blue compared to green and white) And at first, I thought she just recycled the bag, but she pulled out a receipt from the red and blue store and an item that I'm 100% positive was never sold at my company and wouldn't listen when I repeatedly explained that I COULD NOT refund an item we have never sold. I scanned the item on the register and showed her the error message that said "item not in inventory" I showed her that the item was in fact on her receipt from Red And Blue Store and showed her the big ass Red And Blue Store label on the receipt. I fucking called a manager over because she insisted and was adamant that she bought the item here. The MANAGER said the same fucking thing about the receipt and item being from a completely different company. 20 minutes later, she finally fucking gave up and accepted that she couldn't scam us today.
Which. It's SO easy to scam this store. Just steal an item. We do not have security. We have security cameras, but I suspect they don't work, since no one has been banned for shoplifting or anything and I KNOW people shoplift. (I support it and look the other way) We do not have enough staff to patrol the store, so the only staff members are 1 cashier and 1 department monitor and as long as you don't blatantly steal in front of the cashier, you're good. We do not have sensors on the door. 90% of the products are not locked up. Basically just don't steal spray paint, because that's the one thing that's locked up. And if you DO steal, just be cool about it and don't draw attention to yourself. We do not check bags or pockets or anything like that. And if you panic and run, just don't stop running until you're outside of the building. We are not allowed to chase you outside of the building.
And if you manage to get through these unbelievably easy obstacles and steal some items, you can just fucking bring them back and say you lost your receipt but want to return them and you will literally get free money. Sure, it's a gift card, but if the return is under $5, you get cash. Green Crafts and Fabric Store fyi for anyone who wants some free shit.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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riacte · 5 months
Y’know, I wonder if anyone genuinely got into Hermitcraft because of Decked Out 2? Like, with close to zero knowledge of the server or DO’s development, maybe the Tango vid popped up on recommend, you click into it and holy shit this is done in Minecraft SURVIVAL? With the voices? Sound effects? Custom items? And there’s a competition that you can follow live? Hours and hours of runs from different people you can binge? Hell yeah!
And ngl, I think it would be fun to get into Decked Out as a newbie especially in the heyday when someone was streaming basically every day, Tango’s phase updates, the detailed spreadsheet, the prominent runners emerging, all of this happening live— like it would be so much fun to presume these artefacts are randomly named but they’re actually based after members of the server that you do not know and not recognise, but hey, one step at a time! Slowly memorising the names of hermits based on the Easter eggs about the artefacts. At first feeling overwhelmed by all the different heads at the scoreboard but slowly recognising the standouts and what they’re known for— perhaps they’re “washed up”, perhaps they use a certain card, perhaps they search for the eggs. Binging run after run and learning about the runners as they explore the dungeon. Matching eggs to hermits to artefacts to hermits again and their voices and their channels. Catching up on hour long vods and learning about what the hermits do outside of running. Watching Tango’s construction process videos knowing exactly how it turns out in the end.
DO2 was such a dominating part of HC that recontextualising them as “Decked Out players” instead of “hermits” kinda makes sense during that era if you’re new and know nothing and you’re genuinely only here for the DO competition? Lots of hermits uploaded their runs independent from their episodes so you could watch a bunch of runs and get to know the player without clicking into a single episode.
Because if I randomly caught sight of an impressive, gorgeous, and addicting game that popped up on YouTube and it was the host of a months-long competition between the developer’s friends (and each friend having their unique style / flair) and you get to watch it unfold live pretty much free of charge, watching players collect the items needed to unlock lower levels, counting scores every week, feeling a sense of community with Twitch chat— yeah I would get hooked. Even without any prior knowledge.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
DHMIS Easter Eggs and Background Details
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A huge list of a bunch of background details, foreshadowing, and Easter Eggs I noticed on my second watch-through. Note that I’m only including things that are fairly obscure, rather than “obvious” items others have already pointed out (so I’m not including the symbol sightings, for example). Feel free to add on with anything I missed.
Episode 1
In the theme song, Red Guy is “you”, which makes sense as he’s usually the audience surrogate character
Among the briefcase’s papers is a sticky note with 1906 on it
Right as the briefcase leaves, the last line is “you can be the ones who dig a hole for a funeral” as foreshadowing to the next episode
Everyone’s name tag in the factory has their name except for Yellow’s, which just says “employee”
When Bird is talking to Red in the office, he says that they’ve only been there for “9 minutes”. This is at the 14 minute mark and they got to Peterson’s at 5 minutes in, so they have indeed been there 9 minutes
According to the Carehound poster, Peterson’s is closed Mon–Sat and is open for exactly 4 minutes at 10 PM on Sun
Red Guy framed and hung the fax the fax machine gave him on the wall
Before the song starts the briefcase is rushing off to his job, but when the song ends he tells Brendon it’s time for his bath (as in, they’re going home). Meaning that teaching/torturing the puppets was the job he was rushing off to
Episode 2
The orange with eyes that was in the very first DHMIS short is in the BG when Red checks his ID card
The gel teacher appears as an inanimate object while Duck’s in the bathroom during the Big Day song
The tissue box says “sad squares” on it
Yellow’s red overalls from the ending of the DHMIS 6 short appear on his bed
The make your new friend box claims the new friend is not, in fact, toilet trained
The cassette that Duck plays is the same song from the end credits
Stain mentions “some people think we’re in a simulation” during their song, which references both the end of the OG series and episode 6 of this show
The shovel at the end of this episode cameos at the end of the original DHMIS 6 short as a teacher
There are a bunch of maggots by real!Bird’s feet at the end before they start the song
Episode 3
The Chuddle Dollops are “warm lasagna flavor”
Lillie and Todney switch their shirts from brown to black and white stripes while at their house for some reason
The picture Todney holds up appears to show Yellow holding a very Dead Duck by the leg
When Todney and Lillie are measuring their heights, the names on the wall are “grandma”, “Todney” and “Lily” (spelled with a Y)
When they measure Yellow’s height, they also measure his feet. They’re getting his measurements so they know what size to make the outfit they stick him in later
Duck has the toasted bread slice child from earlier on the table when Red drops in
Episode 4
That triangle thing from the original series shows up on the bookshelf early on
The apple teacher from the last episode also shows up on the shelf, surprisingly not eaten
The pamphlets Warren holds up for the restaurant-style meal include one for Grolton’s Chiken
The trio’s digital style avatars from DHMIS 4 show up in the BG when they go online as well as the “nothing” sign from 2 and the clown painting from 1
There’s a phone in every ep so far, probably as a reference to the role phones played in the OG series. A phone ringing is what leads Red into the office in 1, Red says you have to schedule to use the phone in 2, Lily and Todney cut the landline in 3, and there’s a phone in Yellow’s brain that Warren uses to order food
The search results on Colin include “long faced individuals in YOUR area - looking to chat!” and “long faced man VS horse - the ultimate long face showdown!”
Episode 5
The recipe note on the fridge says “rat shin”, “pie”, and “egg soup”
The photo in the kitchen background changes to a different photo each ep
Bird’s clipboard includes “one Jason” at the bottom
Bird individually counting tiles instead of counting it as one floor is valid considering the floor extends infinitely during the blackout in 6
If I’m not mistaken Red walking into another room is the first time that’s ever happened in either the show or the shorts. Usually it just cuts to them already in a different room
There’s another phone on the wall in the living room
The train teacher’s eyebrows fall off in bike form and remain gone while in car form
Mullhoven’s name is on a signpost (and the teacher) during a song transition, and the poster under it says that this is a “neighborhood watch area” with a picture of a woman (maybe meant to be Lelsey? though it doesn’t look much like her)
Roy’s face is on a pirate flag
1906 reference on the second bus, which reads “terminal 196″ in all of the destination windows
The car has a worm button in it
Bird says “we’ve already seen a dead horse”, even though they haven’t
Mini-Tony on the dashboard
Time Child’s digital clock reads 19:06
Mulhoven is spelled differently every time it shows up
Some of the Mulhoven signs include “Nice Hair”, “Nice Road”, and “It’s shoes”
Another sign says “Quiz Night Fun: Every Morning (It’s fun!)”
People have pointed out the Roy cameo in the neighbors shot, but Duck is also a few windows down
One character is dressed like Lily (blonde girl with striped shirt and a red letter), though the letter appears to be “I” instead of “L”
Episode 6
The bill is from Roy-Electric and it’s for 19.06 pounds
Electracey’s last two numbers on her neck are 96
Final phone is the fake phone with a real phone in it. Duck also has a phone during the blackout
Drawing with the dead Duck from Episode 5 of the OG series pops up in the BG during the shredder scene
Crossword includes “Roy”, “gravel” (a nod to DHMIS 3), and “aspic” (DHMIS 5)
When Electracey is malfunctioning the sunlight outside flickers with the indoor lights, hinting at the dollhouse thing
One of the chalkboard drawings says “aspic” and another says “Roy”
Clayhill is also on the chalkboard but scribbled out
The electric clock in the house reads “20:06″ (as in June 20th)
The urn that Red smashes has Duck’s face on it, meaning it’s once again another dead Duck
Sketchbook is lying dead beside the other teachers in front of the fridge
The fridge from the opening also shows up, with the same character pictures (and Duck with a powerdrill, the one used for Stain in episode 2)
There’s a decapitated Duck with a TV where the head should be, which lines up with Yellow breaking the doll in the next scene
The symbols on the book are as follows: Red’s eyes, decapitated Duck and Yellow heads (Yellow’s showing him with wires instead of blood), Roy coin from Ep 1 with a worm, battery with a worm, shovel, Tony, and Yellow’s severed hand from Ep 1
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bits-and-babs · 2 years
𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭 || 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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IMPORTANT! This fic was written with ONLY Knives Out as it’s source material, I haven’t yet seen Glass Onion. I have since been made aware 1000+ words into this fic that Benoit is gay as of the second film. I didn’t want what I had to go to waste. This is the only time I will write for him in a m x f relationship.
Summary: You introduce Private Investigator Benoit to Cluedo
Word Count: 3.1K
CW: FEMALE READER. Please see explanation above. sassy Benoit. Vague references to a mild age gap relationship, easter egg references to Knives Out film 🤭 Nylon Kink. A bit of knife play. Oral, f receiving.
Tease: “On the contrary,” he answers you with a playful lilt to his drawl, slowly sinking to his knees before you, “I intend to stay right here.”
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“You’ve never played Cluedo?!”
Shock permeates each syllable of your parroted sentence, your jaw slack as you stare at your partner with complete incredulity. Benoit, in turn, peers vacantly at you like you’ve said something ridiculously dense.
“Ain’t that what I just said?” He asks you, his monotonous voice lacking any true irritation as he taps the ashes of his cigar into the ashtray on the coffee table between you.
“Nah, we’ve gotta fix that,” you insist, slapping your palms on your knees before raising from your armchair. Benoit peers over the rim of his tortoiseshell glasses, and his icy-blue eyes follow your body across the room.
“Now— Dear, you’ve worked a long shift; you can’t be runnin’ around playin’ detective with me,” he tries to reason with you, attempts to talk you down from the inevitable shitshow that was no doubt about to unfold in the shape of solution cards and miniature murder weapon props. It’s all fruitless, though, because you’re sweeping aside Benoit’s beloved ashtray and ignoring his protestations as you drop the board game’s box onto the coffee table.
Yes, you’d slogged a nine-hour shift and hadn’t had time to change into less formal attire. Your pencil skirt bunches up your thighs, and the button-down blouse collar lies taut against your throat. Hell, your nude tights are beginning to itch too, but you’re far too invested in this ridiculous adventure and refuse to turn back at the sound of Benoit’s listless objections.
“Here we go,” you mumble to yourself, sliding the lid off the cardboard box and electing to ignore the heavy sigh that Benoit hopelessly attempts to conceal. He leans forward to put out his cigar in the ashtray you had unceremoniously discarded on the wooden floor, eyeing you as you set out the board game items and distribute each piece evenly.
“Who would you like to play as?” You ask, offering out the coloured tokens in your outstretched palm.
Benoit peers at each of the six shades of plastic pawn figurines, his expression betraying his evident discontent. “You know I do this for a livin’, don’t you, Dear?”
Your scowl in retaliation to his query has Benoit snatching up the green token from your hand and setting it on his end of the table. Again you smile as though he’d never spoken and choose red for yourself. Reverend Green and Miss Scarlett.
Carefully, you shuffle the weapon, suspect, and room card decks. Then, as discreetly as possible, take the top card from each pile and put them into the murder envelope without peeking at the details on the other side.
Finally, ignoring the obnoxious sighs rattling in Benoit’s chest, you hand out the Clue cards. Five cards each for you and Benoit, four apiece for the pair of ghost hands; purple and blue. You pinch the dice between your forefinger and thumb, holding it in front of your lover's face. “Odd for purple, even for blue. Got it?”
“Got it,” he responds, clearly finding the process tedious already but suffering through for you. Your eyes are alight with excitement, a grin permanently fixed on your lips. How was he to say no? In fact, he found himself amused by your enthusiasm to understand his line of work— even if it was through juvenile means.
“Alright!” You giggle, rolling the dice to move your scarlet pawn token forward. “Let’s begin!”
Chimes sound from the mahogany grandfather clock situated in the corner of Benoit’s living room. They’re almost deafening in the silence that has befallen the coffee table. Although it feels like moments, you realise the minute hand has completed a revolution of the face of the timepiece — You’ve been playing for an hour. You’re no closer to identifying the killer than you were sixty minutes ago.
Benoit appears bored to tears, chain-smoking cigars and even leaves his seat at one point to obtain a glass of whiskey. To the amusement of both of you, you hadn’t noticed his absence, too wrapped up in the game to realise he’d gone AWOL.
“Now, Darlin’,” he begins, cutting both the stillness of the room and your acute concentration with his southern drawl. “Don’t you think it’s time we called it a night? It’s gettin’ awfully late—“
“Benoit,” you whine petulantly, noting the wince it earns you from the older man. He certainly looks like he’d acquired a few more silver hairs since you began this wretched game. “I want to finish it.”
“Mhmm…” Benoit pushes his spectacles up his nose, glancing over the board with mirth, “I knew a man who wouldn’t admit defeat in a board game. Know what happened?”
You glance up at him, eyebrow raised in question.
“He died.”
Exasperated, Benoit turns his black cards over, revealing his weapon, room and character. He raises his hands in defeat, settling back in his seat and officially ruling himself out of the game. “There, you only gotta look at two suspects… You're not much of a detective, are you?”
“You‘ve solved it already, haven’t you?!” You gasp, looking up at him with wide doe-eyes and dismay. He answers with a firm nod of his head. Perhaps it was foolish of you, but you really thought you’d established egalitarianism with a board game. “Well, go on, how did you know?”
Benoit inhales, opening his mouth to speak and finally put an end to this ridiculousness. “Well, now, I—“
“Wait!” you shout out, holding a hand up as though it would physically restrain the syllables of his deduction from leaving his lips. “I’ll figure it out myself!”
Sullenly, Benoit sinks back into his armchair, admitting defeat and allowing you to play out your inspector fantasy. He pouts for a few moments, watching you furiously exert your mind with the evidence before dragging his gaze over your uniform.
A quiet man, reticent in nature, Benoit rarely discussed his appreciation for your work apparel. Yes, the pencil skirt was lovely and hugged your body well, and the blouse accentuated your bodily aesthetics, but it was the tights that really captured his imagination.
In truth, Benoit was fascinated with your nylon wardrobe and could go so far as to say it was somewhat of a sexual preference. A kink. He enjoyed the sleek look they gave your legs, their shine underneath lights. Once, the feel of your stockings in his hand as he held your foot up to aid in fastening one of your heels had set him alight.
Gazing at your legs, folded over one another as you attempted to piece each clue together resentfully, Benoit felt heat rise under his collar. The nude tights you were wearing are perfect, sheen delicate beneath the faux-candelabra light fixtures. There’s not a tear, ladder or hole in sight.
He planned to amend that.
Benoit lifts himself from his seat, skirting the coffee table easily and approaching you with long strides. You momentarily glance up from the clue card in your hand, scowling to yourself as he advances. “So embarrassed with my detective work that you’re retreating to bed, Mr Blanc?”
“On the contrary,” he answers you with a playful lilt to his drawl, slowly sinking to his knees before you, “I intend to stay right here.”
Momentarily, your mind works like an old television with a crooked aerial antenna. Static fizzles between your synapses, and you cannot come up with a retort to Benoit’s cheeky inference.
“Best keep your mind on the case, detective,” he murmurs, palms settling on your ankles and tracing up the sides of your calves, “We wouldn’t want the killer gettin’ away now, would we?”
You swallow thickly, holding the cards with shaking hands as you feel Benoit place a lingering kiss on the inside of your knee. He skirts the tip of his nose up the inside of your thigh, humming softly as he squeezes the meat of your calves in his hands.
Focus. Focus. It couldn’t have been Benoit; he’s rescinded his cards. So, it was one of the Ghost Hands. Blue was suspicious, and you’d already discovered she was carrying a wrench. However, she had a decent alibi… Meanwhile, you had barely anything on Purple.
You roll the dice again, the face showing a two rather than the hand glass you had been hoping for. Gritting your teeth, you attempt to rake over the evidence, only to be interrupted by your vision swimming suddenly.
Benoit’s nose notches against your clit through your tights, his head practically buried beneath the fabric of your skirt. He groans softly, inhaling the scent of your sex. You whimper, the edges of his glasses pressing against the junction of your thigh as he presses a delicate kiss to your slit through your panties.
“Do me a favour, Dear,” he breathes against your thigh, pressing kisses to the nylon fabric. He doesn’t have to state what he wants from you explicitly. Fumbling with clumsy hands, you set the cards down quickly on the armrest and pull the hem of your skirt over your hips to give Benoit better access.
“Much obliged,” he whispers to you, and you can hear the gratuitous smirk playing on his lips. Attempting to ignore him and focus on the cards, you endeavour to read the clue, which is written in plain English. You haven’t yet fully deciphered it, thanks to Benoit’s tinkering.
He has other plans, though, nipping at your skin through the fabric of your tights. You jolt slightly with each bite he gives you, and you can hear him chuckle beneath you.
“Anythin’?” Benoit teases you with a combination of kisses and nibbles trailing up your thigh. It takes a moment for your answer to form on your tongue, toes curling in your heels.
“Mhm- N-Not yet,” you stumble over your words despite your attempt to conceal your evident appreciation for his affections.
“Hmm,” he hums, the rumble in his chest setting your hair on end as he, once again, presses lingering kisses over your panties. “I feel a noose tightenin’.”
Everything inside you freezes, and you’re quick to glance at the miniature weapon icons. The rope lays dead centre of the pile, and you’re forced to reconsider everything. Was Benoit giving you a hint?
Admittedly, you don’t have time to contemplate. As you open your mouth to question him, Benoit sucks on your clit through your panties. Your line of questioning dies in your throat, instead coming out as a strangled ‘Ahhh~’.
As quickly as he offers you the blissful sensation, he’s stealing it away. He pulls back, sitting on his haunches, and you’re blinking back your arousal to see him clearly. “W-Why did you…?”
Benoit hushes you gently with a wicked smile. “I think you should focus on the case.”
Smug bastard.
Filled with the desire for retribution, you cast your eyes back to the clue cards in your hand. They’re slightly creased now due to the tight grip you’re holding them with. You manage to make out the words ‘Name One…’ before a clicking sound pulls your attention away yet again.
The glint of light reflecting off the blade in his hand had your heart seizing. Not in fear, no, but exhilaration. See, Benoit carried the flip knife on his person always. It was less of a weapon for self-defence than a family heirloom, and Benoit never took it out without good reason. Simply asking to see it would not gain you access to the elusive dagger.
Your breath hitches, adrenaline buzzing down your spine.
“Now, hold still,” Benoit insists, impossibly blue eyes gazing up at your face through the lenses of his glasses. You nod quickly, both showing him you are listening and urging him forward with his plan.
You watch as he leans forward, slipping the knife's point into the nylon at your crotch. Utterly motionless, you whimper as your lover pulls the handle upwards and slices through the fragile material with ease.
“Been wantin’ you to keep these fine stockin’s on …” Benoit whispers against your thigh, pressing a kiss to the soft flesh there as he closes the knife with a click and slips it back into his pocket.
“H-Huh?” You tremble beneath his affections, his lips travelling further up the inside of your legs, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
“Case, Detective,” he replies flatly, sliding the pad of his index finger against your slit through the cotton of your panties, “You’re deducin’ a murder weapon— it’s in plain sight.”
“Right,” you nod dumbly, swallowing back your arousal and glancing at the board. The box said the game was suitable for ages eight and up; surely it shouldn’t be this difficult. There had to be evidence you had overlooked. Your notes are settled on the coffee table, and you venture to decipher the evidence as you take up the booklet with trembling hands.
But then Benoit is hooking his finger inside the crotch of your panties, pulling the fabric to the side and exposing your sex. You almost drop the notepad on his head. “How ‘bout you take me through your notes, Dear Detective?”
You would, God, you absolutely would if you could. However, Benoit’s tongue drags against your slit, and your mind goes numb, buzzing as though it has a pins-and-needles sensation. He hums, amusement lilting his voice as he watches you struggle.
Overwhelmed, you completely forget about the game of Cluedo, tilting your head over the back of the chair and sliding your fingers through the greying man’s hair. The notebook falls from your hand, clattering against the wooden floor but you’re already too far gone to care.
Eager to please you further, Benoit is gripping your thighs, lifting them so they settle on his shoulders. The nylon tights rub against his neck this way, and you’re sure it spurs him on because he slides the flat of his tongue over your clit. It jolts your body forward, and that maddening chuckle sounds between your legs again.
“Now, Darlin’,” he croons, and you’re whining due to the lack of friction already, “You be careful. The killer’ll be gettin’ away.”
You choke on an apology, Benoit burying his face into your cunt and sucking at your clit keenly. He’s swirling your clit with the tip of his tongue, one, two, three times, and then dragging over the seam of your sex to lap up your slick.
Not only was the man eloquent, but he was also persuasive with his tongue. Trembling in your seat, you sob out as your muscles tense against it. Your legs twitch against the shoulders of his suit, and you arch your hips up to grind against his face.
“Detective,” he prompts you, and you suck in a breath like you’re coming up for air after being suspended in water. Your eyes roll back, and you try to focus hard on what it is he’s requesting of you.
“Hngg- B-Blue has a go-good alibi—” you let out an obscene whine, the wet noises of his tongue dragging against your soaked pussy diverting you from the task at hand.
“Mhmm?” He hums, and the vibration has you bucking against his face again, sobbing out his name in a broken whimper.
“A-And I’m not sure about Purple!” You squeak out. God, it’s so messy. You’re soaking his face, and you’re sure you can see your slick glossing up his nose and chin. If you stained the seat, you’re not even sure he’d mind; the blues of his eyes engulfed by the black of his pupils.
It’s a wave of pleasure building, teasing at your abdomen and throbbing through you with each pulse of your heart. You inhale deeply, feeling it tease at the edges of your skin. You’re devastated, overpowered by the ecstasy clawing at the base of your spine— you don’t even notice what it is you’re saying.
"I-I-It was the- ohhhh fuck, Benny~" you sob out, tears rolling down your cheeks, “It’s you— Hgnn fuck!-!”
"Hm? Use your words, dear. You're makin' an accusation, you know. Don't want to slip your words now." He’s entertained by your bewilderment, “Especially when the person you’re accusin’ has given you a damn good alibi.”
You’re so far gone that you’re not even embarrassed that you’d just implicated the one person you could be sure wasn’t the killer. Swallowing sobs, you watch as Benoit circles your clit repeatedly with his tongue, eyes staring straight up at you and watching you come apart.
It all happens so fast. Your toes are curling in your shoes as the cramping sensation of your oncoming orgasm takes hold. One of your shoes falls off and clatters to the floor, and Benoit places the flat of his palm against your pubic bone.
“Oh God-!” You choke out, whining as he continues with the devastating pattern he’s drawing. “I’m gonna— Shit, Benny, it’s—“
He’s nodding without removing his mouth from you as though he’s telling you ’I know’. It’s shoving you right off the edge, those beautiful blue eyes blinking slowly and taking in every inch of the image of ecstasy on your face.
It pulses right between your legs, throbbing against his tongue like a pulse. You scream out his name, all of the muscles in your body tensing so hard that you’re cramping. Your vision goes white, and you’re gripping Benoit’s hair so tightly that you’re surprised you don’t rip any out.
You’re suspended for a moment, and then everything melts away, every inch of your body melting against the plush of the seat. Distantly, you recognise the smile against his lips, pressed to your skin.
“… Who was it?” You slur like you’re drunk on the dopamine he’s just overdosed you on. He laughs heartily, and you can’t help but smile with him.
“Fuck!” You gasp out, palms covering your face and digging your nails into your hairline. As if! “When on earth did you figure that out, Benny?”
He sits back on his knees, pulling the handkerchief from his breast pocket, wiping his chin and nose to remove the slick you had rubbed onto him. “Mhmm… Why, I figured it out the moment you laid out the cards.”
You scoff now, disjointedly sitting up in your chair. The muscles of your arms are like jelly, and you struggle to raise yourself. “Are you that good that you could tell at first glance?”
Again, a smug smile plays at the edge of Benoit’s lips, his eyes flicking up to your face.
“No… I simply saw the cards you drew.”
Taglist 🏷️: @hoeneey @howaboutcastiel @welcometostayingawake @syrma-sensei @ethanhoewke @polaroidpetal @foxilayde @bookfrog242 @wh0reforbucknasty @zakizigekwe @ahookedheroespureheart @buckys-other-punk @anxious-sappho @alexloveskili @captainrexstan @astroboots @knights-power @southcrnbelle @niallsbunny @ofmortems @hold-our-destiny @xcatnapsx @vermillionwinter @stormkobra-5 @erenbissexual @alwritey-aphrodite @maggotzombie @deadpige0n @bakerstreethound @whatthehekko @cottagebunny9 @bit-dodgy-innit @peachyproserpina @inklore
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alt-wannabe · 3 months
here's fulham's character sheet!
College of Lore Bard 12 / The Fathomless Warlock 3 (Pact of the Blade)
Fulham is the last HBG member that I had ideas for a character sheet for but I ABSOLUTELY want to make more, I just don't want to mischaracterize the streamers I unfortunately know a little less about. That being said please please please lmk who yall wanna see next and i can make some polls in order to help me get started. Thanks :3
More under the cut!
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Fulham's always seemed really well spoken so bard immediately stuck out to me as a good pick, and college of lore was also a pretty easy subclass pick bc my guy is EDUCATED. The warlock multiclass is a little more for player usability than characterization- eldrich blast with some invocations on a 20 CHA character can get some crazy damage. Also fun fact that purple is the pinkest accent color on D&D Beyond it's tragic.
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Spell picks were like 40% normal D&D picks, 30% minecraft references, and 30% pure vibes/intuition picks. I gave him a lot more support/enemy debuff spells than pure damage as fulham tends to really shine in team events imo (plus bards tend to lean more on that side of the spell spectrum anyways).
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I admittedly went a little crazy on the inventory. The smaller easter eggs include and herbalism kit, melons, and a cactus in the chest along with cooks utensils (tubbathon cooking show) and a playing card set (poker). Going along with poker/gambling I HAD to give him the Deck of Many Things- that things gambling incarnate and is such a fun iconic item (if my memory serves correctly this makes Fulham the only HBG member so far to have a legendary item). Manual of Iron Golems and Cube of Force are straight up just slap in the face minecraft references and I'm impressed it took me this long to spot them. Bag of Beans was another reference to the melon/cactus shenanigans (even though the actual utility of the item isn't super related to the theme but shhhhh). The Lantern of Revealing and Necklace of Adaptation were a little more vibe picks than the rest, Fulham just seems pretty observant and quick to adapt to his surroundings so I felt like they fit well.
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Here are the feats I picked. Fulham has a masters in mf ENGINEERING so it would have felt so wrong not giving him something artificer related in some way. Fey touched was partially for the charisma boost and another partially just straight vibe pick.
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Finally here's just a few of the bard features he picked up that I thought were fitting- specifically Jack of All Trades and Cutting Words.
Again I hope y'all are enjoying these as much as I enjoy making them! Please please send any suggestions for other HBG members and what would be fitting (I know I want to make silverr and poundcake at the very least but I'm struggling with what choices to make for them)
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astrojoy · 2 years
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What Candy Is Coming Your Way?
Candy = good news
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Candy Bag 1
💀 Boundaries improving (You will soon have more respect for yourself. I even got a song that flew out that clarified this, which was by Billie Eilish "You should see me in a crown") I keep imagining a cold person (who really isn't cold at heart) but can appear that way because of how the world treated them. It's a 'take no more sh-t' energy
💀 A lot of you will grow stronger and be more courageous, again :)
💀 More optimism or being headfirst with where you set your mind to
💀 Some of you are getting a new job or will be changing your career path
💀 A new friendship, particularly from the same sex/gender. I feel like this new friendship will be quite long lasting! Maybe some of you when you get a different job will make a new friend at this place
💀 Some of you can't wait for more cold weather ngl. I'm seeing its coming so dw 🤣 (it's October 30th rn as I'm making this)
💀 More relaxing time. More time to hang out with friends or loved ones. Some of you may soon invite or be invited to go out for coffee or tea with someone or some people
💀 For a lot of you life has been kinda stagnant. You may have been feeling discontent, like life is on a loop. Just boredom in total. It's about to be disrupted and life will move faster miss gals and pals 😏
💀 Also whatever these changes that are coming into your life are, are obviously good news, however they will take you out of your comfort zone at times, you are being told to tread bravely. Especially if you are someone who has trouble adapting to sudden changes
💀 This pile carried a lot of Fire and Wands energy. You guys had a major arcana card fly out, "Strength"
Psychic visions I got for you guys (could be a personal item/name/like/dislike/issue etc etc):
👻 Names of your friends/pets/family/you (I got a lot of pet names) - Pumpkin. Chestnut. Jonathan/Justin. Ivory. Strawberry/Berry. Bagel. Bunny/Easter. Egg??.
👻 Bundle of bananas
👻 Someone yanked a paper off a table (it was aggressive oml 😳 chill my guy. Is someone stressed about paperwork/classwork? Maybe someone will finally finish something and that was a yank of relief 😂)
👻 A peeled banana (wtf 🤣 does someone here like bananas AHAHA such a random vision)
👻 A rubber ducky (OHH Bananas and rubber ducks are both yellow. I wonder if the color is significant for this pile. Yellow is an optimistic and powerful color associated with energy and silliness or fun)
👻 Lasagna (Someone here may like it a lot) possibly have it some time soon (just depends)
👻 AGAIN someone yanked something off a desk or table. Similar vision of the same place/lighting and similar gesture. They yanked something else that wasn't a paper and wore something with sleeves (got a better view of them) someone here with darker hair
👻 A stereotypical piece of candy in the shape of this -> 🍬 It had a clear wrapper and was colored orangish pinkish? Warm colored. Someone here may have a sweetooth or get candy or something sweet soon :)
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Candy Bag 2
💀 For a select few of you only, there may be some people behind your back, they may be jealous and start creating friction with something in your life or just in total. Like them creating accusations or something. Well I'm seeing you rise out on top so don't worry about them :)
💀 For others, I'm seeing a union. If you aren't looking for love then this is a partnership on some type of project or work. For the people looking for love or who wouldn't mind it, there's someone coming in with a possible offer of some sort. A love offer or confession "you are only mine" a promise of loyalty
💀 Happiness is coming into your life here at some point
💀 Some of you are going on a vacation. For others who may not be able to physically go on one, this talks about a mental one as well. Finding relaxing moments to calm the mind
💀 Attaining an authority position, success or victory in overcoming a challenge your in. Some here are getting a raise at work while others are upgrading in their life. This can be on social media too
💀 Experiencing happiness, again, I had the song fly out by Louis Armstrong "What a wonderful world"
💀 Uh, random, someone may have an encounter with a spirit or possibly a spirit guide. Whether it's through the dreams or waking life. Since this is good news based I'm guessing this isn't a bad one though :)
💀 This lover or whatever offer is coming in for a lot of people here is someone you don't know or aren't as familiar with. I had the song by Svrcina "Who are you" fly out
💀 Taboo energy is in the depths of this pile you picked. Some witches/wiccans are here. Some here have a cat. There may be good news revolving around general occult things :) maybe its answers you seek or practices you've worked on. Now I understand why I got my spirit card
💀 This pile carried a lot of Water and Cups energy
Psychic visions I got for you guys (could be a personal item/name/like/dislike/issue etc etc):
👻 Names of your friends/pets/family/you - G/Gina/Gunther? (Could start with a G? Or be just G/GG). Pony. Stephanie Princess. Cynthia. 4. Curly. Rose/Violet/Someone has or knows someone that's named after a flower (also could be the middle/last name. F (Name starts with an F? Fifi Fred? or something idk).
👻 A horse (A pet)
👻 Onigiri (someone here really likes these)
👻 Water (someone here may have a phobia or fear of drowning/possibly a memory of almost?)
👻 Apple (someone could have something of theirs shaped like an apple or maybe have apple trees, or just enjoy the fruit. Maybe an apple brand product)
👻 "Diamond" 😂 could be anything. Maybe someone here likes diamonds, maybe it's a name of someone you know. Possibly A treasured item has a diamond, etc etc
👻 I got the shape of a heart. Then I heard "Stove". So someone here might possibly have something on the stove or around that area (like decor or maybe a cooking timer, picture, mitten, on the fridge or beside the stove etc etc) with the shape of a heart or heart patterns picture(s) on it :)
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Candy Bag 3
💀 This pile has slightly similar themes to one of the other piles but in a different way
💀 A new job or raise is in the cards
💀 A lot of people here feel stuck in something. Stuck in a situation, environment or maybe even to someone. Don't worry, the good news here is you are breaking free. For very few I'm seeing this negative thing that isn't serving you is so stuck that you've gotten "comfortable" in it. Or in other words, "used" to it, you feel numb and like it's all you know almost. I had the song by Call Me Karizma "Nails" fly out
💀 Btw I also said you won't feel stuck forever. Good news coming your way is a release. Leaving something behind. I had another song clarify this by One Republic "Counting Stars" Some things even though they're wrong or bad for you may make you feel the need to stay in the patterns you've been in but overall it's all about following the dreams and moving forward
💀 A manifestation may come to fruition too :)
💀 If you have any addictions or if you have an issue with self sabatoging (mental health issues in any way too) then I'm being told this will find mental balance. Good news for some may be medication coming in, getting help/therapy or even just leaving whatever situation had been causing this stress and etc. The effect of leaving will help you mentally
💀 Soulmate union is coming together for some! (Soulmates for me can range from friends, family, lovers, pets, etc)
💀 I'm getting a lot of hot, steamy, romantic and even sexual energy in this pile for some definitely here. Do some here have dirty thoughts or maybe even sexual addictions? Maybe someone here has a partner with such a thing? It's being toned down and eased so it's not as heavy on the shoulders. The song by Chloe Adams "Dirty thoughts" flew out
💀 Protection
Psychic visions I got for you guys (could be a personal item/name/like/dislike/issue etc etc):
👻 Names of your friends/pets/family/you - Love/Lovely. Baby/BB. Butterfly. Someone may have a pet snake or pet named after a snake "Slither" "Python" "Venom"
👻 Bow and Arrow/possibly a harp (I could only see a gold fancy or elvish rim of it the rest was blurred)
👻 "Doritos" (Someone likes this snack)
👻 Superman
👻 Someone here is girly btw. Like stereotypically feminine
👻 Some people here like to draw. I'm getting a lot of traditional drawing though :) Pen/pencil/marker/paint stuff etc
👻 Musical talent/writing in this pile. I'm guessing all this creative energy is coming out because it's quite prominent ^
👻 This pile didn't get as many visions/messages as the last ones did on this section. Maybe my mind is clouded now xD
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Ive been waiting for your inbox to open back up EEE
Going back to what i previously requested could you write a fict where the reader absolutely loves halloween and fall so they go fall shopping, get seasonal drinks (maybe even halloween costumes 👀) and its basically just smitten Matt who loves when the reader is passionate about something and he just loves the excited energy thats all around him 😙
hii!! I didn’t want to turn you down, so I gave you a few thoughts and ideas as a compromise, hope that’s okay. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
fall girl
matt murdock x f!reader
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word count: 520
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— he looks forward to autumn for the whole year bc he knows how happy the season makes you !! 
— the first week of autumn, he books off work (I know that may not canonically be correct, but for the sake of this just go with it. also he doesn't go on patrol, so he can have more time with you, shush it's fiction, it's okay)
— so during the first week, you both do a bunch of shopping to get ready for the season ahead!! stopping past all the 'bargain' shops to fill your baskets: wreaths, pumpkins, warm-tone throws, anything and everything you want. matt obvs can't see, so he's easy, adding whatever you want to the basket to make your shared home to your liking
— (if you could, you'd start in july!! but matt persuades you to at least wait until the end of august)
— you kinda splurge a lot, getting some, albeit unnecessary items. things no one ever needs!! maybe some pumpkin cookie cutters, orange garlands, or just things that will never be used. stuff that lies around in a cabinet all year round until found again in easter
— after you shop, you get a little pick-me-up from a coffee store. revitalise yourselves a bit before the next stop. while you enjoy your drinks, you chat, talk about where everything will go when you get home, talking excitedly !! almost gushing as you peek at your items through the bag handles
— matt loves to hear you talk:(( he loves hearing your heart beat just that bit faster when you talk about things you enjoy, and it makes his feel warm to be able to listen to you- that he's special enough to enjoy your interests !!
— he loves the way your breathing quickens and how you need to take more breaths and pauses as you're talking so much and so fast. HE JUST LOVES IT !!
— when you get home, you're both very tired, so you save the decorating until tomorrow. but you throw the blankets and pillow covers in the wash so that they're ready for the next day
— you each take a shower and change into comfy pjs. you both sit on the couch as you eat your soup (you were too tired to make some, so you bought a premade one and heated it up while matt was washing- so it would be ready at the same time as him) you both dip some fresh buttered bread (you picked it up from a bakery on the way back home)
— to wind down for the night, you and matt snuggle on the sofa as you watch a comforting autumn/ halloween movie. he listens to it and imagines or falls asleep to your steady heartbeat and breathing <3
— next day, you decorate. but he has to take away your debit/credit/bank card, to stop you from ordering MORE stuff online. it's no use, bc you know all the details by heart 
— a few days later, more stuff arrives and matt answers the door, turning back at you with an amused smile. you smile back, shrugging. "there was a sale."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
matt taglist: @hailey-murdock @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @redecoratestan @kpopgirlbtssvt @scarletsloveletter @princess-pebbles-things @messymissy @schneeflocky @readerhead @thegreengoop @charmedkim @queerponcho @selfryed @simplyreflected
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meimi-haneoka · 9 months
{drabble} I'm here - Akiho/Kaito
Alright, how do you do any of this...😂
I guess what you need to know it's that it is a Akiho x Kaito / YunaAki drabble, it's based on canon (set 3 weeks after the series ended), and it's based on the assumption that, differently from what the ENG translation said in ch. 80, in the JP Sakura affirmed that thanks to his stopped time Kaito wouldn't be hurting more than that...this means that his seizures would continue, just they wouldn't get worse than what we've seen till now.
This is mainly a hurt/comfort drabble, with glimpses of happiness. After all, Akiho is happy with him. And it's mainly a way for me to vent some complex feelings about the finale of Clear Card. I have a Kaito POV on the way (edit: here's the link, go read it after you finished this one!), but it's more difficult to write for him (and, uh, more depressing) so it'll come in the next days.
Easter egg: a line is a direct reference to the lyrics of Anata by Hikaru Utada. 😉
I'm not a native English speaker so forgive me if any line sounds weird!
Finally, I have to thank the "enabler" dandelion-stuff-and-fluff (not tagging in case you don't want to!) for giving immediately support to my whims! 😂
I could feel the tears emerging, but I kicked all of them back, as I threw my 13-year-old self out of the window and summoned the part of me that helped me survive all these years. The resilient one.
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Akiho's POV 
Three weeks had passed by, from that fateful night. 
Most of our stuff was packed, and our days were spent between checking everything for the imminent departure and hanging out with Sakura-san and the rest of the group, making the most out of the remaining time. Everyone was so lovely to us, showing all the support we needed. I really felt like I had acquired a family in Tomoeda, and the thought of it made me incredibly happy.  I was going to miss them so much. Just like I would miss this big mansion full of memories.... and mysterious protective forces, apparently, as I was told by him. 
Kaito-san revealed to me that when we came to Tomoeda almost one year prior, he had chosen this mansion specifically to protect me, as I was carrying a dangerous magical artifact that my own clan had engraved in me.  We talked quite a lot over the span of those three weeks, and swallowing the truth had been hard, at first.  But all of that was gone now and like waking up from a nightmare, the memories of it were getting more and more hazy as time went on. Only a permanent scar remained. 
Both of us were in the kitchen, cooking dinner. The clang of kitchen utensils, the sizzle in the frying pan made me strangely happy. It sounded warm. It sounded normal. I love cooking with him. This was the corner of the house where we declared to each other how much we cherished one another, without even fully realizing it. 
“Akiho-san, could you hand me the salt?”  “Here you go!” I said, smiling brightly at him.  He smiled back at me in that soft way that made my knees weak.  God, please, give me this for the rest of my life. Every day, immutably. 
“Done! We’re ready.”  Removing our aprons, we were getting ready to bring everything to the table. 
And then I saw it.  
He stopped in his tracks, his complexion paling by the second. 
Another one was coming.   My blood ran cold, and I rushed to the other side of the room, while he slowly crouched to the ground, out of breath, groaning in pain.   Each cry stabbed me in the chest like a knife. I could feel the tears emerging, but I kicked all of them back, as I threw my 13-year-old self out of the window and summoned the part of me that helped me survive all these years. The resilient one.   I hastily opened a cabinet and took out a finely decorated small box, toppling other items in the process. I didn't care.   Hiiragizawa-san had sent us, through a magic portal, a series of pills he made weaving a complex magic spell over them, to help Kaito-san cope with the seizures. He said they wouldn't do any miracle, but hopefully they could reduce the duration of the seizures and ease the pain a little bit. Cause the pain he was experiencing wasn’t caused by anything ordinary, and no ordinary medicine would’ve been effective. 
I grabbed a towel, flung it over my shoulder and ran back to Kaito-san with a glass of water, spilling some of it in the process. I watched him as he struggled to swallow both the pill and the water. 
How many times did he experience this excruciating pain, completely alone?   How many times did he force himself to not crumble down in front of me, to protect my peace of mind? Just thinking back to all the times I could feel something was not right, and how he tried to deceive me to keep dealing with it all alone.... it brought back in me an anger I didn't know what to do with.  
Yes, I didn't get over it yet. The wound was still so fresh.  But we agreed that we would’ve dealt with this together, from now on.  ...And just like that, the fit of anger quickly vanished, as a gentle feeling got a hold of me, and I began unbuttoning the collar of his shirt to let him breath better, then dabbing his damp forehead with the towel.   "It's okay.... it's okay... I'm here" I whispered softly, like a lullaby. 
As if surrendering himself to me, he held onto my arms and leaned over, trying to regain control of his breathing. I supported him, thanking in my head a hundred times that his time was halted. Yes, we were trying to look for a way to eventually make it flow again, but it was in moments like these that I remembered how numbing the fear to lose him again was.   I couldn't live with that. With that feeling of hollowness. Not again. 
That's why, I said to myself, this time I would've done anything in my power to not lose him, come what may. I wouldn't have spared any effort. Losing him would’ve been a hundred times more devastating than the pain I was feeling in that moment, seeing him in those conditions. After all, he was feeling like that because of me.  
“Momo...please give me strength”, I thought, missing my beloved bunny more than ever. Who knows how many times she had witnessed all of that, and how she dealt with it. I could’ve used some advice in that moment. 
His ragged breath became more regular, the pill was starting to kick in. He raised his head and looked at me.   Those eyes I loved so much, now covered by a mysterious dark fog - a remnant of the dragon appearance, as they explained to me – seemed to regain finally focus.  His face was so close to mine. In another situation, in another more oblivious period, there’s no doubt my heart would've exploded from embarrassment, red in the face like a tomato. But right now, I was preoccupied with something completely different, as I looked at him holding nothing but worry and sadness in my eyes. 
"I'm sorry...", he whispered. 
I could feel my heart catching fire, and it reminded how much I love him, despite being so hurt by his reckless behavior.  But I didn't answer to his apology. Cause that wasn't what I wanted to hear from him.
Instead, I asked him “can you stand up?” and helped propping him up when he nodded. We proceeded slowly towards the couch in the living room, where I helped him lying down. Despite having tons of lovely memories here, this house was starting to be a bit too big for us and for emergencies of this kind.  Hiiragizawa-san's pills had a sedative that inevitably caused Kaito-san to fall asleep, to recuperate. He looked so exhausted.  I arranged some cushions on the ground and sat down beside the couch, watching him closing his eyes and drifting quickly into sleep. I moved some of his hair to the side and dabbed the towel over his forehead one more time.   Then I went back to stare at his peaceful face, lost in thought. Was I truly prepared for this, when I decided that the life I wanted was this one? Probably not.  Would I have chosen anything else? Absolutely not.  Being with him is my happiness, after all.
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rottenbrainstuff · 6 days
Don't you guys love it when I unearth the most random unrelated niche bullshit and then ramble about it incoherently for you all to read?
The latest thing giving me the dopamine hit atm is a silly otome game called Love & Deepspace, details of which mercifully hidden for you below the cut:
A friend of a friend recommended this game to me and it's turning out to be surprisingly fun. I'm impressed by how little content is paywalled or monetized. Like, I wouldn't mind dropping a little money on the game cause I'm enjoying it, and I HAVE spent a couple bucks here and there on items, but it doesn't really give you a huge advantage in the long term over someone who is playing it for free and that’s kind of surprising. (My god though this game is fucking chonky. If it keeps needing to download stuff I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to play….)
Unlike some other otome games where you have very clear relationship paths with the focus on one single person, here you develop relationships with everyone sort of all at once. I know some people like that, but I personally don't prefer it - it seems even in video games I am too monogamous to have multiple boyfriends at once. I started out focusing on Zayne, cause the older and more serious kuudere character is the one I tend to like in the silly games like this, but then Sylus popped up and now I have abandoned Zayne, I'm so sorry babe, it’s not you, it’s me.
Sylus is very much giving me vibes that the devs all had a design meeting and said "oh the girlies really fucking like Astarion from BG3 right now, why don't we make a copy of that, we could make him the tsundere criminal antagonist character or something?" One of the audio stories has the MC teasing him about looking/acting like a vampire and that's so funny, the devs absolutely knew what they were doing. Hilariously, one of the Sylus-specific custom titles you can win is a nickname I used to have back in the dinosaur days when I was in college, and I find that endlessly amusing. I like how he complains you're in the way if you get too close to enemies in combat - I will choose to interpret this as protectiveness, and it suits me just fine anyways cause I can't fucking dodge properly, and prefer to shoot shit from a distance.
Sorrrrry but I find the english audio way too cringe (particularly Sylus' VA?... sorry) so I have been playing it with the japanese audio. (because I understand a little japanese, and perhaps because I want to shame myself for not practicing at all in the last couple years) I'm sure the japanese audio is no less cringey to native japanese speakers, but the point is that *I* cannot tell. And you see, it increases my vocabulary of useless words I will never need to use - for instance this week I learned the word for "gun". I also like to note the translation choices where the audio and the subtitles don't match up, I find it interesting, like little easter eggs. In this case my understanding is the game was released in Chinese first, so instead of comparing a translation to an original, I am comparing one translation to another translation, but I still find it amusing. (Pie the fox is called “six dumplings” in Japanese)
I enjoy the little details... Sylus is very good at the card game and I can almost never win, Zayne is ridiculously easy to bully into swapping cards and I almost never lose. Sylus sucks at the crane game to the point where it's ridiculous (or maybe I just have bad luck???) but Zayne cheats and uses ice and wins a lot - myeh I dunno. It's cute, I'm easy to please, it's making my brain happy.
The fine details of the story are a bit incomprehensible and the interface takes a little getting used to. I do appreciate all the moving parts here, the story and the collectible content and the combat and everything, but it's a little bit humorous how all the bits don't overlap tidily, for instance I am getting event-related texts that are giving away spoilers for things I haven't learned in the main story yet. And Sylus' separate chapters popped up I think after I finished the ... second main story chapter? And it begins with mentions of a serious disaster that happens in the main story that I hadn't read about yet. It's funny though, just funny. I just got access to protocores and now everything is a million times more complicated. I have no idea why dumb shit like this releases the dopamine in my brain but whatevs. I dunno. If you found this post through a tag search feel free to jabber at me about this game, these little niche things I find, I have so few people I can talk about them with. Every once in a while I will holler my thoughts out into the void here. Blah blah blah. Etc.
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because fnaf is like this...
fo you think when the movie comes out there will be very big links and ties to whatever fnaf game is released around the same time? I don't mean obviously like "this is an easter egg" or "this is a reference to x" but more in a way like the handbook guide thing had hidden answers to questions the games posed. Do you think the movie might have a bunch of hidden stuff like that for whatever releases at the same time?
(sorry for the weird repetition here. I'm trying to be clear with what I mean but feeling too sick to make it sound like a normal person would ask this XD)
C-puff become bot, not clickbait?
Lol. Nah. Nah. You're fine I get what you mean.
And absolutely, there's not a doubt in my mind.
I know a lot of people, myself included, want the movie to become their own separate, detached from in-game lore thing.
But I don't think it can.
Even if it's an alternate retelling of the missing children's incident.
Vanessa is literally in it.
So it will make connections and overlaps and symbolic stand ins or allegories for things that either happened, or will happen in the games.
They do this overlap with the books all the time.
Things will exist in the book that are either meant to be an allegory for things, or the books will be written while the game is in development (such as Security Breach and tales of the Pizzaplex) so you get a clearer idea of how they envisioned the Pizzaplex in the books vs how it came across in the games.
The books are literally the reason why Henry exists in Pizzareia simulator. It's why Charlie became the puppet. And the books are also where we got the name "William Afton" in the first place.
And it's why the "golden Freddy is possessed by two children" theory is so popular is due to the Stitchwraith from the books.
Or the CONSTANT characters and items that always pretend to be other things. Illusion discs, the mimic, ellinor....the twisted ones... bleeding into the Funtime animatronics and glitchtrap and Vanny/Vanessa Things are always pretending to be other things in the books. That it is so annoying that almost every theory has credence when you say "this isn't Vanny" or "this isn't Gregory" or "nothing is real." Like these actually are credible theories in the fandom because there are so many deceptive characters pretending to be other things. Or technology that causes hallucinations or lucid dreams tactfully existing.
Or like... How in the book, it tries to tell you more things about Gregory. Without being clear other than saying explicitly "this child is evil and you shouldn't trust him" much to the sheer annoyance and groan of the fans. (Cus it's really creatively....'meh' )
So yeah.
The movie will definitely have some insights on how William works, and how Vanessa works...
Maybe some actual facts about Mike...while the guide books try so adamantly to deny his existence most of the time.
So if we see things in the movie, I expect them to show up later in HW2 or something that answers a question we've had about Security Breach.
I almost wish that you could detach the books, the movie and the games all from eachother. Kinda like pokemon, where the anime, card game, and game and manga have all their own separate continuities.
But it's like you really can't at this point.
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eevees-hobbies · 3 months
For my request, can you write a oneshot featuring Leorio and a male reader with gags and humiliation please? In the fic, the reader challenges Leorio to complete an errand run while his mouth is gagged. He'd have his mouth stuffed with underwear, his mouth tape gagged and his face covered by a large cloth. You can decide on the errands they'd do but the reader would tease and torment Leorio to see if he makes a spectacle of himself. What do you think?
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Authors Note: Yo, friend, this was the epitome of an exercise in creative writing. I’ve never written for a male reader, never written for Leorio, and this was the first time I’ve had these types of sexual elements in a story. But thank you for allowing me the opportunity to write this!
Content Warning: Male Reader X Leorio Paradinight. Includes Leorio being gagged with used underwear, bondage via duct tape, masturbation, inability to see clearly, inability to communicate, use of an anal vibrator, exposing non-consenting parties to an errand that is sexual in nature, public humiliation, reader using one’s body for sexual pleasure and orgasm denial. This borders on content much darker than what I usually write, so if the above is not your thing, you are warned.
Word Count: 3.2K
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“This is what you get for losing our bet.”
You drop a plastic grocery bag in front of Leorio Paradinight, who is sprawled at his small desk in your shared apartment. He was hunched over some medical books but turned to you when he heard the clatter of the bag's contents on the floor. You begin to unload items from the bag so they’re in clear sight of him, each new item making him sweat.
You pull out a roll of industrial duct tape, a brown wicker basket with a long handle–similar to the ones kids use when they go Easter egg hunting—a small white cloth-like fabric, and men’s boxers. His eyes shoot up frantically to yours. " Whose underwear is that?”
“Could be mine. Ooooor could be that I found them. Who’s to say?” You quickly swat his hand away as he reaches for the underwear, resulting in a hiss from his lips. You knew he’d take particular interest in the men’s boxers and try to study them to understand their origins. But him not knowing what you had done to the article of clothing—which may have involved the rapid pumping of your fist and thick ropes of your seed—was far more arousing for you.
“Riiiight, the bet….” Leorio starts, “can I pay you instead? So we don’t have to do this.”
You chastise him with a few clicks of your tongue: “A deal’s a deal. You said yourself that I could never pass the Hunter Exam. And here we are, Hunter Pass in my pocket.” You reach down a hand and pat your jeans mockingly where the card resides, “and you at my whim.”
Leorio lets out a bated breath that he wasn’t aware that he had been holding in. Truth be told when he was on the search for a roommate, Kurrapika warned him about dangerous people who took advantage of those who were desperate. But Leorio wasn’t desperate—he only needed a roommate because he preferred to live with someone who was also a medical student, someone to share notes with and who could understand the rigorous schedule that resulted in sleepless nights, chores going unfinished, and lots of coffee. Plus, research has shown that medical students perform better academically when they live with other medical students.
So when you answered his Craigslist ad, offering a nice firm handshake, looking pretty cute, and offering your college transcript (yes, he asked all applicants for their transcripts—there’s nothing wrong with being a little thorough), he was comfortable enough to surmise that you weren’t dangerous. It wasn’t until you both had gotten incredibly drunk one night that you divulged some dark fantasies to one another, and Leorio realized that he was right approximately 99% of the time. You just so happened to be the 1% in which he wasn’t.
Somehow, the conversation had gone from quizzing one another on medical abbreviations to sharing sexual experiences. Or maybe sexual experiences had led to medical abbreviations? To be honest, Leorio was more inebriated than he cared to admit, and he was a bit curious about you and what type of people you liked—-wondering if he might fall into that specific category. 
To get you warmed up, Leorio listed off the usual fantasies that plagued him when he was alone at night and feeling particularly horny. He liked the idea of servicing or being serviced in a glory hole, adored all body types, but had a soft spot for partners that—-you guessed it—look a lot like you! What a coincidence! He went on to list a few other tame, by your comparison, desires, his eyes shifting nervously between the chilled beer in his hands and around the room. 
When he finally mustered the courage to turn to you, his cheeks flushed pink, and his breath hitched immediately, his reaction not only a result of the alcohol coursing through his veins but from the look on your face. You had a dangerous glint pooling in your eye, your chest was heaving up and down, and you were tracing your finger around the rim of your beer glass as though you were in a trance. Leorio swallowed thickly, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as you looked at him in a way that made him feel like a piece of meat to be devoured.
Had his fantasies impacted you this much? 
“I like those things, too. Let me tell you what I’m really into, though.” You leaned forward and listed all your deepest desires to Leorio, who was now sinking back into the couch, attempting to put some distance between you two. What he heard made his heart race. How could someone so unassuming like yourself be into half the things you were listing? Were they even legal? 
When the night concluded, Leorio shuffled to his room and melted into his bed, ready to run through all the scenarios of the possibility of you being a serial killer. 
But, something else was brewing inside of him—something that felt inconspicuous at first but was now rearing its ugly head with an earth-shattering appearance. 
He felt strangely aroused remembering how you talked about humiliating a lover to the extent in which they’d be begging for release, how finding untraditional ways to tie them up—phone chords, duct tape, or chains were personal favorites—made you so embarrassingly hard. And despite his cheeks growing hot, Leorio would be a liar if he admitted his interest and curiosity into the physical logistics of such acts hadn’t been piqued.
He slipped his hand past the waistband of his sweats and groaned at the feeling of his rock-hard cock, which had already left a trail of precum against the inside of his thigh. That night, Leorio fucked his fist feverishly to the idea of you degrading him as you tied him up, forcing him on his knees and shooting globules of cum on his tongue until he was absolutely smothered in your essence. 
He decided to keep you as a roommate because this wasn’t so bad, and fantasies were just that—fantasies, right?
Now, sitting before your wolfish grin, that familiar frightening glint in your eyes, and a bag of goodies, Leorio wondered why he hadn’t originally set stipulations to the bet. Deep down, he knew why, and it was because his cock leaked at the idea of you coming up with something so deliciously depraved.
“What if I say no?” 
“You won’t.” Your words rang final and left no room for negotiation. Leorio’s shoulders hunched as he closed his textbook and prepared for his punishment.
“Now, it’s simple,” you say as you ball up the underwear and shove them into Leorio’s open mouth.
His nose scrunches; the underwear tastes salty and musty, signifying that they’ve definitely been used. But rather than spit them out, Leorio’s tongue swirls around the fabric, tasting some of the older and more aggressive stains.
Your eyebrow shoots up, surprised that his immediate reaction wasn’t to spit them out. Perhaps Leorio’s willingness to comply will bode well for him during his errand. 
“As I was saying, it’s simple. I just need you to go to the cafe down the street and pick up our coffee orders.” 
You’re so distracted by opening the package of tape that you don’t notice the curious look Leorio gives you. Finally, you’re able to unroll the tape and wrap the silver adhesive around his jaw, stopping directly under his nose and committing him to the used boxers in his mouth. 
“Ngh thmm mmh gh?“ [That’s all you want me to do?]
You smirk, the gag already impacting his speech and contributing to a twitch in your own boxers. 
“I’m going to assume you think it will be easy. Not quite. You’ll have a sheet over your eyes that will only allow you to see your feet and silhouettes in front of you, and your hands will be tied behind your back.”
“Mmm?” [And?]
“And you’ll be wearing nothing but your boxers.”
Ah, there it is. Leorio had an idea that something degrading would be involved in your bet—-you were nothing but forthcoming that night on the couch, after all, but still, he felt a shiver run down his spine at the thought of so many people staring at him in nothing but his underclothes.
You quickly continued with what you promised—placing a sheer sheet over his eyes so he could still make out shapes in front of him. After all, it would be no fun if he got hit by a car. 
You then helped him strip his clothes, Leorio’s hand shooting out to capture your wrist as you fumble with his waistband.
You narrow your eyes and repeat, firmly, under your breath, “A deal’s a deal.” You take his pants off and snicker at seemingly what Leorio didn’t want you to witness. Before you, in all its glory, is a massive wet spot in his crotch area. The pervert has been leaking precum the entire time! 
MGH GH! [Hurry up!] 
“Oh, one last thing,” you say to him, pulling out a small pink oval-shaped device no bigger than a large egg. At first, Leorio can’t picture where he’s seen such a device until you quickly pull out your phone, unlock the screen, and open up an app he struggles to maneuver his neck to see.
Suddenly, a soft buzzing sound in the room increases with intensity as your thumb skates across your screen. 
“You have to wear this, too,” you state matter-of-factly. Leorio gulps but turns around for you and assumes the position, his dick leaking an embarrassing amount of precum as you roughly push the anal vibrator inside of him. After some coaxing, the device now sits snuggly against his sensitive prostate, the buzz soft yet omnipresent. Leorio’s dick jerks and pulses at the sensation. He clamps his eyes shut, trying to identify the exact moment he lost his mind to the point that he’s about to do this.
You place the basket around Leorio’s neck—where else are the coffees supposed to go when his hands are tied up, obviously—make sure his hands are tied behind his back and send him out the door, following closely in case you need to jump in for support. You’re a sadist, not evil. 
The cold breeze whips at Leorio’s bare legs, and he can feel small prickles of goosebumps start to trail up all along his thighs. He moves his neck to adjust the wicker basket so that it’s hanging as comfortably as a wooden basket can and has a brief thought that this actually wasn’t so difficult! As stated earlier, Leorio is approximately 99% right most of the time. 
You watch with delight as two elderly women pass him, mouths gaping wide at the sight before them. They clutch their canes with so much anger and ferocity that you think they might swing! They begin to verbally admonish him and wait, isn’t he the young aspiring medical student that lives in THEIR building?? Their questions make Leorio stumble, but he can’t find the words to explain that he’s actually not some pervert; he's just an idiot who lost a bet—which is somehow better? However, the boxers in his taped-over mouth make communicating rather complicated, so he only whimpers softly at them. 
And being the kind person you are, you decide to help your friend out, so you pull out your phone, which is still lit up by the app on the screen, and turn up the intensity of the vibrator oh so slightly. Your cheeks flash hot as Leorio’s long legs tremble, and he doubles over. You’re close enough that you can hear a muffled moan escape his lips, and it sounds so good that you’re almost considering taking him back into the apartment and having your way with him. Almost.
The ladies are horrified, hurrying to tell your landlord about the dubious man living in the building.
“MMM, ghn mmph gm!” [Shit, what the fuck!]  
Leorio exclaims, but of course, due to the situation in his mouth, which is growing excessively damp with saliva at every passing moment, his complaints come out muted and oh-so pathetic. 
Being the quick thinker that Leorio is, he takes off sprinting toward the coffee joint. Having committed the area to memory makes traversing the urban terrain relatively easy as long as he’s careful not to run into anyone. Luckily, he’s an expert Hunter who has survived a bloodthirsty, kid-loving killer clown, so his senses and confidence are more developed than the average person's.
You sprint after him, amused at his plan, finally catching up to him when you emerge past the sliding glass doors of the cafe. You choose to sit at a table near the counter, eager to hear the conversation between Leorio and the barista play out.
“S-sir! Your clothes!” Leorio can’t see what he assumes to be the young lady, but he can hear the mortification in her voice, and it makes his entire upper body turn pink from the humiliation of it all. He makes a mental note to never return to this establishment again.
“Ah mhn gn mgh geeze.”  [I need two black coffees, please!] 
Now, those weren’t your usual coffee orders, but Leorio was on a time crunch, the buzzing in his ass making his dick bob feverishly, and he needed to go home, now, if not to escape from the embarrassment of multiple eyes on him from the cafe’s patrons but to also give himself release from the burning arousal he feels deep in his stomach.
“S-sir, I can’t understand you! I…uh, like, should I get the manager?”
“Nnn! Mff hmmp!”  [No! Two black coffees! God, what is WRONG with you?!]
Leorio is practically stomping his foot in frustration. Your eyes brighten with unbridled interest and arousal as you lift your phone from the table in front of you, prepared to increase the vibration intensity again, but then something unexpected happens. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a flash of blonde shoot by, heading straight for Leorio.
You rise, hesitation fogging your judgment—unsure if you should step in or hang back.
“Leorio? Please tell me I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing.”
And even though Leorio can’t see anything in front of him, he knows who is standing behind him from voice alone. He turns around to face one of his dearest friends, Kurapika.
Kurapika’s steel grey eyes take in his friend whose face may be covered, but his body is unmistakable. 
Leorio launches into shouts directed at Kurapika, which sound like whines and whimpers. Kurapika seems unfazed staring at his friend, and to your utter surprise and shock, Kurapika walks to the counter, pushing your roommate back from the now even more very confused woman. “Can you please get me two black coffees and a tea?”
“S-sure?” She takes Kurapika’s Hunter Association card, which doesn’t require him to pay for the drinks. In exchange, he is given two coffees and what you assume is the blonde's tea.
Leorio whimpers and hangs his head down.
“I am concerned for you, but you don’t seem to dislike what is happening to you, so…I’ll see you around.” Kurapika places two coffees in the basket, his eyes darting quickly down at the fresh, wet stain Leorio is brandishing for the onlookers at the cafe and departs from the coffee shop. He’s certainly embarrassed that he saw Leorio in such a strange position but is too afraid to ask for an explanation.
You stare and bear witness to the ridiculousness of it all—the fact that the authorities weren’t called and that a friend of Leorio’s walked in at precisely the right time, somehow understanding him with cum-soaked underwear shoved in his mouth is like something straight out of fanfiction! You’re so close to doubling over in rapturous laughter as Leorio struts past you, coffee hanging around his neck in the wicker basket, but you manage to pull it together and follow him back to your shared condo.
As soon as you slide into the apartment’s door behind him, you’re removing the coffee from around his neck, pushing him against a wall, and stripping him of his boxers. Leorio’s head spins as the basket around his neck keeps him from being too flushed against the wall's cool surface, the basket's wood digging into his skin. He trembles as hands pull, pinch and grope at his stomach, thighs, and throbbing dick, the vibrator still conveniently in his ass oscillating relentlessly. 
Still unable to see, Leorio can hear the sound of your zipper being pulled down, and he twitches with excitement for his chance at release—fucking, finally! But to his dismay, he feels your cock slide between the palms of his still taped hands, and, yeah, he likes it, but he feels a panic in his chest as he recalls your confession to him some nights ago on the couch. He’s sure he’s about to experience your love for orgasm denial.
You let out a breathy moan, picturing everything you just witnessed–how those old ladies looked at him in shock, how the barista so desperately wanted him to go away, and how his friend gazed upon him with embarrassed eyes.
“Did you enjoy your friend seeing the mess you made in your boxers?”
“Mmmg hggh nnmm!” [Please don’t do this. Please let me cum.]
You’re rutting into his hands, your precum creating all the lubricant you need against the rough pads of his palm.
 “F-fuck, today was so hot. My favorite part? Watching you sprint around with dirty boxers in your mouth. I love that you enjoyed the taste of me.”
Leorio lets out a whimper at the realization that you had stuffed your used underwear in his mouth. He thought this was the case, but hearing it from your lips was a different story. 
You hump his hand so aggressively that his front is pushing against the wall, the basket creating uncomfortable friction on his nipples and his cock still feeling neglected. And Leorio is glad you can’t see his face because tears gather in the corner of his eyes. This is all just too much, and he wants to cum so fucking badly that it hurts. He can feel the vibrator assaulting his prostate, and the way his dick smashes against the wall as you thrust feels fine enough, but he needs more. 
“T-tell me what you want,” your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, and your eyes glaze because having this tall, intelligent man at your mercy is enough to make you burst.
“Mmmmhh mmmmm” [Help me] Leorio whines. His humping of the wall is so cute, so hot, so pathetic, so, so, so…
Suddenly, the pressure that was building up within you bursts open like a dam, and you flood his hand with your cum, some of which hits his boxers, and some of it soaks into the duct tape that’s still restraining him.
You catch your breath and pull away, leaving him to turn around and reach out for you in an attempt to beg for his own release, but you step back with a smirk.
“You think I’m going to make you cum? But I haven’t even had my coffee yet.”
Tag: @princeasimdiya12
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ckret2 · 6 months
Some of the things I got for Easter are very relevant to your fic, items include: Gravity Falls postcard, 2 agent Powers business cards, -12 dollar bill, Stan bucks, a coupon for the Mystery Shack, the blind eye poster and Mable’s ‘leadership eagle’(as beautiful as in the show). And of course… A Bill Cipher coin! which will be deciding all my choices until the magic-8-bill comes in the mail (Ps your fic is how I get through the school week and I’m more exited about THAT than my weekend)
Now, trusting a coin to make decisions sounds perfectly reasonable to me; but I don't know about trusting Bill to make decisions. That sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. 🤭
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!
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