#easy freezer soup
twiceastasty · 4 months
Tomato, Potato, and Garlic Soup
Whether you grow your own food or seek out in-season produce from a local farmer or store, it’s worth freezing it for out-of-season use. Learn to make Tomato, Potato, and Garlic Soup.
When I’m harvesting tomatoes and other sun-ripened vegetables in summer, I look forward to enjoying them not just fresh that same day but also from the freezer midwinter in soups and other recipes. As I explain this week in my Twice as Tasty column for the Flathead Beacon, having year-round access to the flavor of produce picked at the peak of its growth is the main reason I preserve food by…
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stumblngrumbl · 7 months
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dinner tonight - creamy tomato soup made from roasted garden tomatoes and fresh basil (and store bought organic onions and garlic... and cream and parmesan) with today's bread
tomorrow night i'll have the same but make grilled cheese - tonight the bread was oven fresh and one does not pass up the opportunity to have fresh bread and butter
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artemisbarnowl · 9 months
I am making soup in ny rice cooker which means that it smells sooo good now but still has like an hour to go
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mirimage · 1 year
Just as I suspected, this whole ‘moving away from everything you know’ thing has exacerbated my many Food Problems :[
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
My throat is so sore that I can barely even drink water, but my appetite isn’t gone so I’m going to have to eat something. Help.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 2 months
Coming Out
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: some explicit language, mention of an unsub hurting Emily 😱, vague insinuations of homophobia, mostly fluff on fluff, feat. loyal himbo Derek Morgan Word Count: 2k
Summary: Emily gets injured on the job, and all she really wants is you, her girlfriend. But she's not out to the rest of the team yet. Can she be vulnerable enough to share that part of herself with the team? Can she be vulnerable enough to let you take care of her? Takes place at the end of S3.E2.
Emily dabbed at her head and winced, checking her watch to see if it had been long enough to take more pain medication. But despite getting clocked with a plank of wood, she was glad to be on the jet, glad to be back with her team because they really were starting to feel like her team. Who was she kidding? She loved her job.
According to the pilot, the team would be landing at Quantico in a little over an hour. Emily grabbed her phone, discreetly shoving it into her pocket, before heading to the back of the plane. She needed to call you, but the rest of the team didn't know about you yet. Hell, the rest of the team didn't even know she was gay. It felt too personal, and she'd been hurt by people's reactions–people she loved and trusted deeply–too many times. She played her relationships and her sexuality close to the vest.
Reid tapped Emily's arm as she passed by.
"Oh! Are you going all the way to the back?"
Emily tensed. "Yep."
"Could you bring me a Sprite?"
She felt her shoulders relax, and she patted Reid on the arm. "Sure."
After knocking on the bathroom door to make sure that truly no one was around, she called you, her voice hushed as she rifled through tiny airplane soda cans, looking for Reid's Sprite.
"Hey, Em," you said, your voice bright.
"Hey," she said, a goofy smile spreading across her face. "What are you up to?"
"Nothing much. Saw a street rat earlier. I named him Guillermo. I think he's on the prowl for a girlfriend."
Emily laughed, covering her mouth.
"How was Milwaukee?" you asked.
"Good. Really good. We got the guy. We're on the plane now."
She could nearly hear how smug you were through the phone.
"You're glad you went back," you snickered, relishing in being right. She'd sworn that it wasn't a big deal, that it'd be easy to get another good job, but you knew her heart was with the BAU.
Emily sighed. "I am. You were right."
"You're gonna stay?"
"Looks that way."
"I knew it!" you crowed. "I'm glad. You're too good at your job to quit it."
"Thanks, love. Listen, Y/N, can I ask you a favor?"
"Of course! Anything."
Emily winced, touching the swollen bump on her head. "We land in about an hour. Can you pick me up and stay at my place tonight?"
"Wow." You drew out the vowel, milking the fact that Emily needed you for once. "You missed me that much, huh?"
"Well, yes, of course, but... I, uh... I kind of have a concussion?"
Your tone shifted immediately from smug to concerned. "What?! Why?! What happened!?"
"Unsub hit me with a plank of wood," she admitted reluctantly.
"Jesus Christ, Em! Are you okay!?"
"I'm fine, baby, I promise," she reassured you. "I just got a little banged up, that's all. But I'll need you to wake me up every few hours and make sure I'm cognizant."
"I think I have some soup in the freezer," you observed, your voice far away. You'd put her on speakerphone to rifle through the cabinets. "And I have a thermometer. I don't know, do concussions cause fevers? I've never had one."
Emily shook her head, smiling. She loved that your first response, always, was to take care of her. Emily was not used to being taken care of, and she didn't let many people do it. She certainly wouldn't let many people see it either. But she let you.
"No thermometers needed. Just you and your car and more you when we get home."
"You got it. When did you say you land?"
"In about an hour."
"Okay. I'll leave in a few."
"Oh," Emily added quickly. "And you're cleared to drive into Quantico. They know the car you drive and they've got your ID on file. Just show it to them at the gate."
You paused. "Well, that's a little Big Brother of them."
"I gave it to them a few months ago. Just in case you ever needed to come by. Sorry, I should've told you."
"It's okay," you decided, pulling on a jacket and a beanie. "It feels kind of badass to be on Quantico's list."
Emily laughed, almost excited to have a concussion because it meant you'd be snuggled right up to next to her for however long it took to get better. 48 hours at least.
"Alright, baby," she finished, Reid's Sprite in hand. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Bye, love."
Emily wiped the grin off her face before returning to the cabin with Reid's Sprite–it'd look suspicious if she was too happy coming back.
An hour later, the team was going their separate ways in the parking lot, waving goodbyes and slamming car doors under the buzzing lights.
Emily leaned on the wall outside the building entrance, relishing the crisp night air.
"You need a ride, Prentiss?" Morgan asked as he walked out, used go-bag slung over his shoulder. "You shouldn't be driving" He pointed to her head.
"No, that's okay," Emily waved him off. "I've got– uh... someone's... picking me up."
Fuck, she thought. The concussion was not helping her ability to lie well.
Morgan stared at her suspiciously.
"What?" Emily laughed, trying to act normal.
"Why are you acting shifty?"
"I'm not!" she protested.
Morgan smirked and waggled his eyebrows. "Do you have a secret boyfriend?"
"What?" Emily said, laughing a little too forcefully. "No!"
He crossed his arms and waited. "You're seriously not gonna tell me?"
Emily leaned against the brick wall, rubbing her forehead. On the one hand, she was tired of keeping you–and herself–a secret. And if anyone was going to be supportive of someone on the team getting laid, it would be Morgan. But on the other, did she really know that much about him? She didn't know his religious background. Sure, he'd defend a gay victim, but that was his job. This was personal.
Emily sighed before replying. "I have... I have a secret girlfriend."
The silence felt like it lasted hours, stretching between them until Emily was sure the chasm would never close again, and that with just a few words, just by being herself, she'd ruined any chance of a friendship with Derek Morgan. It wouldn't be the first time. It probably wouldn't be the last.
Morgan seemed to think deeply before leaning against the wall next to Emily, turning to look her in the eye.
"Prentiss, why didn't you tell us you were gay?"
Emily was afraid to look at him, but when she did, her heart soared. He looked at her with nothing but love and respect and appreciation, no hint of hatred or disgust. If anything, he looked sad that she'd waited so long to tell him.
"I don't know," she shrugged. "I don't always get a good reaction."
"Well, you know nobody on this team would have a problem with that, right? Hell, Garcia'd probably hang pride flags everywhere."
"I know," Emily nodded. "I just... I don't think I'm ready yet. For everyone to know. Soon, though."
Morgan nodded, then thought for a few minutes before asking, "Is it serious?"
Emily chuckled. "Being gay? Yeah, I'd say so."
Morgan shoved her shoulder gently, mindful of the day's injuries. "No! The girl! How long have you been seeing her?"
"A little over six months."
"So, it's serious."
Emily grinned. She was glad to have someone to talk to about this. She'd held it so close for so long. She wasn't used to having anyone to tell about you. Maybe Morgan could be that person.
"Promise not to tell the others?"
Morgan put his hand over his heart. "Promise."
"I'd marry her tomorrow if she'd let me."
"Wow." Morgan raised his eyebrows, smiling lightly. "Prentiss is in love," he said, teasing her.
Emily fought a wide smile, but lost in the end. "Oh, shut up. And don't tell anyone. Especially her."
"Your secret's safe with me," Morgan reassured her. And she could tell he meant it. Emily trusted him, she realized. She trusted him to be a good friend, to keep her secrets. She trusted him not to out her to the rest of the team. He'd let her go at her own pace when it came to telling the others.
"She better be amazing," Morgan added. "I don't know how anyone could be good enough for you."
Just at that moment, a pair of headlights crept slowly into the parking lot, hesitant and unsure. It had to be you. Emily stepped forward and waved a bit, then turned to Morgan.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" she said.
"Not with that head, you won't," Morgan observed.
You put the car in park next to the curb and leapt out of the driver's seat, hurrying over to Emily.
"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, anger and concern washing over you. "I thought you you said you were fine!"
You gingerly touched Emily's face and pulled her head down to examine the butterfly bandage above her eyebrow.
"Look at this," you grumbled, more to yourself than anyone else. "It's already bruising." You glared at the butterfly bandage. "Did a doctor do this or you? If it was you, I think we should clean it with rubbing alcohol at home."
Morgan looked absolutely delighted, both because you seemed like a delightful person and because Emily was beet red at being observed with you.
"Y/N, I'm fine," Emily said firmly, grasping your fingers in hers and removing them from her face. "This is my colleague Derek Morgan. Morgan, my girlfriend, Y/N."
You looked Morgan over and immediately decided you liked him. Mostly because you could tell that he really cared about Emily. But also because he looked mischievous, like he'd tease her. And if there was anything you loved, it was teasing Emily. You shook his hand enthusiastically. "It's really nice to meet you," you said. And you meant it.
But you didn't have time to chat with Morgan tonight. You were too worried about Emily.
"You don't look fine," you argued, looking to Morgan for backup. "Does she look fine to you?"
Morgan grinned at Emily, raising his eyebrows. "She definitely looks like she could use some TLC."
"Oh, and she'll get it alright," you assured him, opening the passenger door for Emily. "Shall we?"
Emily bent gingerly to get into the car, and you were careful to guard her head from the ceiling.
"Derek, it was really nice to meet you," you said, shaking his hand one more time for good measure as Emily rolled down the window, staring bullets at Morgan.
"You too, Y/N," he said, looking over your shoulder at Emily. "I hope you all have a very marry evening."
Emily pointed at him aggressively behind your back, mouthing, "SHUT. UP."
"See you, Prentiss," he called as you pulled away. He laughed and called out, "I hope it's a real honeymoon from work!"
Emily's hand shot out the window, flipping him off.
Later that night, your alarm buzzed and you blinked awake. You forgot for a moment that you were at Emily's, but her strong arms wrapped protectively around your waist were enough to remind you where you were.
You turned slowly to face a sleeping Emily, brushing her hair out of her face.
"Em. Hey. You gotta wake up, honey."
She groaned, placing a hand on her head.
"Sorry," you grimaced. "Gotta make sure your brain's alright."
"My brain is fine," she growled.
"Oh, yeah?" you joked, checking the time before shaking a few pills into your hand from the pill bottle on the nightstand. "Who am I, then?"
"The love of my life, Whitney Houston."
You laughed, which made Emily laugh, too. But she quickly doubled over in pain, groaning.
"Here, take these," you said gently, handing her the pills and a glass of water. "It'll help."
She took the pills obediently and lay back down.
"You know," you said, pulling up the blankets to make sure they covered Emily's shoulders. "I may not be Whitney Houston..." You wrapped your arms around her and drew her to you, and she burrowed her head into the space between your neck and your collarbone.
"But I think I'm a close second," you finished, running your fingers rhythmically through Emily's hair.
She sighed contentedly, pressing into you, then moving one of your arms to wrap it more tightly around her.
"Why are you so good to me?" she asked, quiet. You couldn't quite tell if it was a joke or serious, but you'd reply the same either way.
"Because I love you, you nerd."
She leaned up, planting a kiss underneath your chin. "I love you, too."
Within minutes she was conked out again, and you were setting another alarm, ready to do it all over again in a few hours.
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butchtheworld · 6 months
crip tips
i'm an experienced disabled person (EDS, CFS, POTS, chronic pain). here are some of the things that help me get by as a college student (note: i use a wheelchair and a cane most days. i also am fortunate enough to have decent medical care, meds, and my aforementioned mobility aids)
shower chair. i can't stand for long enough to shower, and especially not if it's a hot shower. i got a cheap one off of amazon that has three legs and a plastic seat. that plastic seat makes it super easy to keep clean. i know there's a weird sort of embarrassment about sitting in the shower, but PLEASE, it is so much better than sitting on the floor in the shower or falling. in my dorms, there are two (2) showers with fold-down seats. i put a small towel down on the seat so i'm not bare-ass on this dorm bathroom surface, then i wash it down after.
normal wheelchair gloves are fingerless, which suck for winter. BUT, winter cycling gloves have the same cushioning on the palms and grip material and fingers. they're not super warm, but throw on a pair of thin gloves underneath (or, if you're like me, propelling keeps your hands super hot anyways).
an ice pack on the back of your neck can help with migraines and dizziness. i keep a small one in my freezer at all times. i tuck it into a hairband so it can be hands-free.
PLEASE adjust your cane/crutch/crutches to the right height. it helps so much with shoulder/elbow pain and balance. if it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. the handle of my cane hits around the height of my wrist if my arm is just hanging down.
if you have hyper mobility, try high-rise shoes. i wear only high-rise converse and doc martens, which i can lace tightly around my ankles to keep them from rolling or sliding out of place.
(MENTIONS FOOD AND CALORIES) keep an easy, high-in-calorie food around. for me, eating on high pain days is essentially impossible. so, i need something that i can get myself to eat (like ice cream or canned soup or chips) that won't take any effort. ice cream is a great one for me, since it's sweet and cold and dense. even if it's not healthy, nothing is more unhealthy than not eating.
please, please, please find a community of disabled people. most of my close friends are able-bodied and, as much as i love them, they just can't understand it like other disabled people do. i found two great communities on my college campus, but i've also heard that support groups are a great way to meet people within the community
if you have any other tips, reblog with them. i remember the beginning days of my illness and how daunting all of this was. this is how we support our community.
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cherryredstars · 5 months
A reader who owns a cafe and this grumpy ahh Miguel always orders one specific item which usually no one buys. Reader notices the small details about this regular guy cuz well it’s MIGUEL reader has a tint crush.
One day spiderman saves the reader from thieves or something. Basically he ends up in her cafe and as a thank you the reader offers food and he just sighs instinctively picking the same dessert and muscle memory doing a trick.
Basically WHAT IM SAYING IS imagine the reader next time Miguel orders at their cafe puts a lil spider themed candy
They somehow signal him that: HAHA I KNOW WHO YOU ARE GRUMPY >:3
(Using >:3 to tell you the reader has chaotic energy.)
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: Mentions of Attempted Mugging
Summary: It simply can’t be a coincidence.
Word Count: 1.2K (Not Edited)
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There’s something mysterious about that man. 
Yes, it may have to do something with his gigantic size and almost too wide shoulders. Or the fact he always looks like he’s a second away from shoving the next person out of the way. Oh and how can you forget the part where he has only said the same seven words to you since he’s been here. Medium coffee, black. Add one of those. Then he proceeds to point at the display at the one pastry you can never sell out. No thank you’s, please’s, how are you’s. He quite literally only says those seven words and then grunts at any of your questions. He’s only ever said one extra word to you, which was his name the first time he visited because he paid in cash.
Honestly, you find him very intimidating. He’s the only reason that non-selling pastry is still available. Usually, you’d have it removed and replaced with another item. But you absolutely dread the idea of him being pissed at you for removing the only other item he gets daily. Plus, you don’t want your existence to be reduced to three words. So, it’s here to stay. You just make it in the smallest batch possible and then give the extras, along with other leftover pastries, to the local soup kitchen to give out the next day. Even then, you’re pretty sure they end up throwing away the pastry at the end of the day since no one wanted it. 
Nonetheless, it’s only right to give back to the community around you. No matter what gets eaten or not. At least they get the choice to decide if they want to try it. It’s better than throwing out all the food when you know there are people who could need it. Mondays are always the busiest days, so you make sure to make a little extra pastries and food to be able to give a pleasing amount to the kitchen. As you stuff the last of the remaining pastries into the box, you close it up and stack it on top of the first box. You pull on the handles of the bag under everything, having them securely supported for easy carry. You grab your canvas bag from the backroom, checking your prep in the fridges and freezers one last time before getting ready to leave. You grab the bag of pastries as you make your way to the back door, once again thankful that you don’t have to lock it since it’s not accessible from the outside. 
As you begin to walk down the small stone steps and out of the small indent on the street, something behind you rattles. You jump slightly, hand tightening on the bag as you turn around quickly. The hairs on the back of your neck stand as you squint into the darkness, trying to spot something. You slightly relax as nothing seems out of the ordinary. Perhaps it was a stray cat or even a mouse. The thought makes you scrunch up your nose and you begin to turn around again so you can make it to the shelter before it closes its doors for the night. 
You instantly scream as you come faced to face with a man in a ski mask. He instantly covers your mouth, pushing you against the back door. You almost trip as you’re forced to walk up the steps and your body tenses as it hits the door. You feel something cold and metallic against your side, eyes widening as you attempt to look down. It’s hard with his hand covering part of your face and it takes him shaking you and slightly banging your head against the door to realize he’s speaking to you about money and jewelry. You can feel your hands trembling, tears welling up. You almost want to sob and yell when you notice another figure approaching behind the man. 
Oh how perfect, there’s two.
But you’re surprised when the figure grabs the man’s shoulder, revealing the almost shiny blue and red of a familiar costume. The man is quickly yanked off of you, and you take a sharp inhale now that your mouth is uncovered. You watch the commotion with wide eyes as the figure- as Spiderman- quickly disarms the mugger and pulls out makeshift handcuffs. The man struggles in them as he sits at the hero’s feet. Spiderman makes no notice to him, instead focusing on a floating screen as he reports the incident via an anonymous tip for the police station. 
You’re still struggling to wrap your mind around what just happened when the Spider turns to you, “You okay?”
You blink rapidly, nodding almost numbly, “Uh, yeah… I think. Thank you.”
He gives you a grunt and if you had a clearer mind, you might have recognized it. As the hero turns to leave you call out. He lets out another grunt of displeasure, but you pay little attention to it as you set the pastry bag down and pull out the box from the top. 
“Take one. They’re leftovers from today, but they’re still good. Consider it my thank you.”
You open the box and peer inside of it as you present it to him. It’s full of small sandwiches, a few different flavors of bread slices, and in the corner there are few of Miguel’s usual pastries. You expect the spider to go for one of the sandwiches, but your eyes widen as he takes three of Miguel’s pastry. You stare at the spot they had been in the box before staring at the hero. There is simply no way.
Your eyes study the hero, taking in his build for the first time. Enormous height and wide shoulders. Same posture and same pastry. Surely, it couldn’t be a simple coincidence. You slowly close the box, holding the sides of it tightly as the hero starts to deport. You stare after him in astonishment, even as the sound of police cars start sounding and two officers rush into the alley to find the tied up mugger and you. 
There is simply no way.
You show up early the next day to the bakery. You take care making everything, letting them cool slightly before putting them in the display cases. Once the doors open, the usual morning rush spews in, and you spend the next two to three hours serving customers. As per usual, he comes right as the morning rush ends, and you feel a giddiness as he walks up to the counter. 
“Medium coffee, black. Add one of th-” You smile widely when he pauses.
His eyes are trained to his pastry. Today it looks different. In the center of the flakey dough there is a cut out of a spider, revealing the filling inside. He squints at it, leaning his face closer to the glass to view it. When he looks up to you, he can see the knowing glint in your eyes and the teasing smirk on your face. He sighs, something between displeased and amused before he stands up straight again. 
“Add one of those.” He finishes his previous sentence, pulling out his card to pay. 
“Sure thing,” You smile, approving the transaction before turning around and getting started on his coffee. “...Spiderman.”
From the grunt behind you, you know he heard.
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Cooking While Disabled
One of the things I miss most about being less disabled is cooking. It was one of my favorite things to do and something I've always been good at.
On good days there are things I can do that make it easier. It's not the same as before, but I hope that sharing what makes it possible for me to cook helps others who struggle with it.
Tips for cooking while disabled:
You can incorporate precooked food in your meals. For example, stir fry with precooked rice with the ingredients of your choice, or taking frozen pasta (like the ones with maybe sauce and a couple other things) or plain microwave pasta (I prefer these, but heat it first) and putting it in a pan adding other ingredients like vegetables, cheese, garlic, etc
If it comes frozen or canned that can really help. Frozen rice you can just microwave, frozen cut veggies and garlic and onions are good as well
Buy a chopper with different shaped blades, spiralizer, electric slicer/grater, food processor, or any appliance that will save you energy. Ideally machine washable. Stand mixers are also better than manual ones. Especially helpful if you have joint/wrist issues
You can always prepare ingredients ahead of time. I find that sometimes it helps to prep (chopping or mixing ingredients, etc) earlier in the day or even a day before. Then you can put it in the fridge or freezer until you're ready to cook the full meal
Look up easy recipes or recipes for elderly/seniors. With the latter you may find more nutritionally balanced food but an unbalanced easy meal is better than none
You can sit while you prepare ingredients.
You're allowed to take breaks. You can turn the stove off, maybe put a lid on it to retain the heat, sit down, maybe take something for your symptoms. Some things you may not be able to stop in the middle of like making pancakes or deep frying something, but if you're making soup or curry or chili or something, often you can turn it off for a bit and take care of yourself.
If you need help and can get it, please ask for help. I know many of us need to work on asking for help including myself. Even if it's just washing the pots and pans or chopping something. You are not a burden you hear me?
Stretch before and after cooking just as one would before a workout. It will likely lessen any joint pain or stiffness as you are still exerting yourself
Listen to your body. Just as you're allowed to take a break, you are allowed to decide you won't be able to finish what you're doing. You may put away your food before it's done (if this won't ruin the meal). You are allowed to leave a dirty pot in the sink and come back to it later (just make sure you or someone else does before it gets gross). You can wash them in the dishwasher. I know this is bad for the seasoning on pots and pans but you can reseason them to be nonstick again and use nonstick spray
You can buy seasoning mixes rather than using individual seasoning. Instead of parsley, oregano, basil, etc you can buy Italian seasoning. Instead of paprika, pepper, cumin, oregano, salt, etc, you can just get taco seasoning. This may sound obvious but it can save a lot of time and energy
An issue I have is buying perishable ingredients thinking I can use them, having a bad week or two, and the ingredients have gone bad. Try to plan out your meals before shopping and ask yourself if there's an easier alternative for any ingredients. Maybe pre chopped fresh onion instead of a whole one, sliced mushrooms instead of whole, frozen vegetable blends instead of individual, powdered ginger instead of the root, bullion instead of stock that you may not be able to use all at once. I know this is like one of the other points but these are what I find most helpful
Use supercook.com! You input the ingredients you have on hand and you'll get a list of recipes you can make with what you have. Often there's a wide range of complexity and difficulty
Make enough food to freeze or refrigerate leftovers. It helps if you can portion it into single servings in Tupperware or freezer bags. You can prepare frozen burritos for your next few lunches or dinners, separate portion sizes of spaghetti, portion salads, etc
Feel free to add any additions!
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Huh. Realized I made a soup from leftovers that would make a pretty decent beginner soup.
Leftover Turkey Pot Pie Soup
The goal of this soup is to be (relatively) quick and easy to prepare and to make use out of leftover poultry. It relies pretty heavily on pre-made ingredients (though you can make those ingredients yourself if you want to)
Pre-cooked turkey or chicken (one large turkey breast, two medium chicken breasts). You can use leftovers, a grocery store rotisserie chicken, or, optionally, uncooked frozen chicken breasts or thighs. The poultry should not be breaded and the skin should be removed; if you are using uncooked frozen poultry you may want to taste more carefully and make sure to season sufficiently.
64oz poultry or vegetable stock (I used the stock I made out of turkey carcasses and my stock bags of kitchen trimmings from the freezer, but store bought is fine) (if you do not want to or cannot use stock, you can also just use water but you will likely have to add more spices and I would recommend adding one extra carrot and one extra onion)
3tbsp Cooking oil (can be olive oil or canola oil or butter - use what you've got handy and what tastes good to you, you don't have to buy something special for this)
1 cup of frozen peas
2 large carrots coarsely chopped
2 large onions coarsely chopped
3 tbsp cooking starch (most people use corn starch, I use potato starch because of food allergies. Any neutrally flavored starch is fine, but do not use flour).
1/2 cup milk/half and half/cream (you can use a combination or just one of these, it depends on what's in your kitchen and what taste you prefer)
Poultry seasoning (pre-made mix; alternately you can add sage, rosemary, and marjoram to taste. I added poultry seasoning then added extra sage and rosemary)
Black pepper
Garlic powder
3 Bay Leaves
1tsp dried Parsley
4-6 quart stock pot with a close-fitting lid
Chef's knife (for chopping vegetables and poultry)
Cutting board
Large cooking spoon
Small bowl
Fork or small whisk
Before you cook:
Read the entire recipe and check that you have all the tools and ingredients listed in your kitchen and ready for use.
Prep your kitchen - make sure there's room in the trash can, that the sink is clear of dishes, and that there is a burner on the stove clear for your pot. Designate a space close to the stove as your working area and set your cutting board there so you can easily transfer from your cutting board to the pot.
Gather your ingredients - make sure that you've got all the tools and ingredients listed. If you want to, you can take the time to measure out everything at this stage and have it ready to go in the pot.
Prep your ingredients - wash and chop your carrots, peel and chop your onions. Remove the skin from your poultry (if frozen, set the poultry aside, you will do something slightly different) and chop into bite-sized pieces.
Cooking Instructions:
Turn the heat on your stove to medium and warm the oil up in the bottom of the pan. Once it is shimmering and flowing easily, add the chopped carrots and onions to the pan.
Add a small amount of each of your seasonings to the pot - no more than half a teaspoon of each at this stage - and stir them in with the vegetables.
Stirring continuously, heat the vegetables and spices until the onions are softened and translucent.
If you are using pre-cooked poultry, add it to the pot and stir it in with the vegetables and spices (if you are using raw frozen poultry, don't add it to the pot yet). Add in the frozen peas at this point.
Add your broth or stock to the pot and stir, using your spoon to scrape the bottom of the pot to make sure nothing is sticking to the bottom. Add the bay leaves to your pot. Increase the heat to high and watch the pot until it comes to a boil.
If you are using raw frozen poultry, NOW add the frozen meat (whole breasts or thighs still frozen) to the pot and bring to a boil. For raw frozen poultry ONLY keep the pot covered at a boil for thirty minutes, watching to make sure it doesn't boil over. Once the poultry has cooked for thirty minutes, use your spoon to remove the pieces from the pot and set them on your cutting board, then cut them into bite-sized pieces. Instructions are the same regardless of what meat you're using after this step.
Once the previous steps are finished, reduce the heat to a low simmer and cover the pot. Let simmer for half an hour.
Taste the soup and add spices and seasonings as needed. You will probably want to add more salt first, half a teaspoon at a time. Add in your salt then stir and simmer for five minutes before tasting again. Repeat as needed, adding spices in small amounts to adjust the flavor as you go.
Once the flavor is close to right, mix the milk and the starch in a small bowl, whisking thoroughly to ensure that there are no lumps. Gradually add the starch slurry to the soup a few tablespoons at a time. Stir between increments, checking for thickness. When the soup is at the desired thickness (should be quite thick, like what you would find inside of a pot pie) taste test the soup and adjust spices as needed.
Add parsley and do a final taste test, simmer for five minutes before serving.
If you want, you can let the soup cool and fill a pre-made pie crust with it (top and bottom crust, making sure to leave holes for venting) then bake in a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven for 40 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.
For the slurry, I like to use 2:1 liquid to starch when mixing an use half and half for the slurry but add a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream after the soup has started to thicken; this is totally optional and if you just go based on what's in the recipe you should be fine.
How to make homemade stock, if you want to:
as you cook over the course of several weeks, gather things like onion tops, the ends of tomatoes, wilty celery, and whatever other safe-to-eat but unpleasant vegetable trimmings you've got and add them to a 1-gallon freezer bag.
Keep the bag in the freezer and add stuff until the bag is full. Once it's full, or if you happen to have a chicken or turkey carcass and a mostly-full bag, add the frozen trimmings and any meat trimmings or carcasses you have to a large stock pot (at least a two gallon pot).
Add in a few cloves of garlic and a few bay leaves
Add in water until the vegetables and trimmings are completely covered.
Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and let simmer for a minimum of two hours.
Turn off the heat and let cool
Spoon or strain out the solids - one way to do this is to pour from the pot into a collander and into another large pot. You can also use a slotted spoon or a strainer or ladle out the liquid from the stock pot, but you want to discard the solids and keep the liquids.
Skim excess or undesired fat off of the stock and discard.
Ladle or pour the stock into containers for storage. I like to use cleaned salsa jars and leave about 20% of the space in the jar free, then freeze the stock in jars so I can use it whenever I want to.
If you aren't freezing the stock, use it within two weeks.
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tsimvkas · 8 months
you’re my medicine — mason mount.
A/N: hii, this is just a little something i wrote for d since she’s struggling with pain ☹️ i hope you get well soon my princess xx
word count: 1k | masterlist
content: mason taking care of reader, fluff
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You knew something was wrong when you came home from work Friday night. You had a long day, and your legs were starting to feel like jelly.
Thinking it was due the amount of time you spent standing and that you were just tired, you went upstairs to take a shower.
Soon you realised that it would be a difficult task when you stepped on the first step and your thighs burnt with excruciating pain.
You groaned, throwing your bag near the stairs and slowly walking to your sofa. Mason wouldn’t be home for at least one more hour and you didn’t feel like forcing yourself.
So you curled on your sofa instead, feeling drained and emotional. You wanted to scream and cry, and sleep, and take a hot shower, and you wanted the pain to go away but it didn’t happen.
You fell asleep within minutes, too tired from your day, and Mason found you curled up still in your work clothes.
He admired you for a minute, but then realised your face wasn’t relaxed as it should be. Wondering why you were sleeping in the living room instead of going upstairs, he knelt down beside you and brushed your hair out of your face.
“Babe?” Mason murmured after kissing your forehead. “What’s wrong?”
You stirred, slowly waking up, and Mason smiled when your eyes fluttered open. “Uhm?”
“Hi baby girl. What happened? Why are you here and not in our bed?” Suddenly, the pain hit you with full force and you groaned, biting your lower lip. “Y/N? Hey, c’mon. I’m here, uh? What do you need?”
His thumb stroking your jaw distracted you from it for a few seconds, and you let out a heavy sigh. “My legs hurt. I don’t know why, but my thighs burn and is the worst pain I’ve ever felt”
His face instantly contorted with concern. “You had any medicine?”
“I couldn’t go upstairs” you pouted, feeling your eyes watering. Being in Mason’s presence meant you didn’t have to think or to be tough. You can be a sensitive baby and he’ll take care of you.
“It’s okay” he kissed your forehead again, passing an arm behind your knees and the other grabbed your back. You groaned when he lifted you, tucking your face into the crook of his neck and spilling hot tears. “Sorry” he whispered with guilt, and even in so much pain you could feel your heart ache with love.
How can someone be so precious?
Mason took you upstairs carefully, and when you thought he was putting you in bed he went straight to your shared bathroom.
Sitting you on the counter, he started to undress you whilst filling the bath with hot water.
“You should take your shower first, Mase”
“We had this discussion already last time. You always come first” he kissed the tip of your nose, carrying you to the bath. “The hot water will relax your muscles. Enjoy it a bit, uh? I’ll be right back”
You nodded at him, closing your eyes and trying to relax. The warmth helped, but you could still feel the burning sensation.
Mason went downstairs, looking for something easy and quick to cook for you, remembering his mom left her best soup in the freezer when she came to visit last week. “Soup then” he murmured to himself, warming it up.
When he came back upstairs, Mason left the soup on the bedside table and entered the bathroom.
“Ready to go to bed?” he smiled, walking towards you and massaging your shoulders. You hummed and nodded, melting against his hands. “Alright princess, let’s go”
He took you in his arms without worrying about getting wet, and helped you dry off, dressing you in his shirt before tucking you in bed. You groaned and whined during the whole process, and Mason’s heart pounded every time, wanting nothing more than to take your pain away.
“Here” he gave you a painkiller and the bottle of water he always left on the bedside table — he’s a thirsty man. You always complained about taking medicine and Mason knows the pain is on another level when you take in in silence. “I’ll take a quick shower and I’ll be right back. Mom’s soup is here but I think is still pretty hot”
You nodded, wanting him to relax a bit in his shower instead of worrying about you. “Don’t rush your shower babe. I need you to smell nice for me” you winked, making him giggle.
“Oh so I don’t smell nice for you right now?” he teased, tickling your cheeks. “See you in a minute”
You stayed quiet, still feeling your thighs aching. It was so distressing, you wanted to take them off.
The only thing distracting you from the excruciating pain was your boyfriend hummering Justin Bieber’s songs in his shower. He was so unbelievably cute.
Mason came back to look for his shorts in his closet, only with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“You gotta be kidding me” you murmured, jokingly. “I can’t barely feel my legs and you thought it would be nice to show half naked?”
“Half?” he smirked, letting the towel fall and giving you a vision of his naked body before wearing his shorts.
“Fuck off” you rolled your eyes, but your red cheeks gave you away. Mason laughed loudly, crawling to you.
“Uhm, what about eating your soup now?”
“Give me a kiss first” you pouted, smiling when he brushed his lips against yours without even teasing first. His hand went straight to the back of your neck, pulling you closer. It was a loving kiss, his tongue sliding calmly between your lips, caring and passionate.
“Soup. Now” he whispered, making you laugh. Mason fed you in the mouth, joking about you being a big baby and calling you his good girl when you finished.
Then he laid on his back, waiting for you to cuddle him in the most comfortable and less painful position for you.
“Thank you” you whispered against his neck, playing with the hem of his shorts. “I’m feeling much better now”
“Thanks to the medicine, shower and soup, silly” he kissed the top of your head, hugging you tightly.
“None of it would be possible without you, since I couldn’t even get upstairs, so I got better when you showed up. Coincidence? I don’t think so” you tickled his waist. “You are my medicine, Mason Mount”
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orthopunkfox · 1 month
My great gran made this quilt for me when I was small. The front is a patchwork of heavy cotton cloth while the back is light canvas. It was designed "for little people and their big messes" as my gran used to say, designed to be durable and easy to clean. It was also designed to be put in the fridge or freezer to make it cold. The cool weight often brought much needed relief to a sickly kiddo who battled frequent ear and lung infections with raging fever. I wrapped myself in it in cold nights, held it tight when I was sad, been sick on it when I had stomach flu. It's served as cape, picnic blanket, and camp sleeping bag. It has never once torn nor frayed. I wrapped my oldest child in it when he was sick with croup. Just today, my youngest wiped his jelly-covered face on it. My gran definitely knew what she was doing and made this quilt to last as long as her legacy.
My gran was not a wealthy woman. She grew up very poor, lived fairly poor, and died only slightly less poor. But she took care of the people in her sphere of influence. There was a home for orphaned and troubled boys near her house on Morris Street. Every Christmas she would invite the boys who had no home to her house for a home cooked meal (complete with pie), and a stocking for each which included chocolate, a small toy or game and a piece of citrus fruit they didn't normally get. Her favourite saying was "there's always room for one more at the table, we can add one more potato to the soup, the gravy can be watered down a little more."
I don't think she ever knew the great many lives she touched, not how great an affect she had on people. I think she would've been embarrassed to know. She was a modest woman and just as soon forget her good deeds. But the people she blessed never forgot.
At her funeral dozens and dozens of men came to pay their respects. None of my family knew their names or had ever seen them before. One by one they began to introduce themselves and a story began to piece together. The home had closed decades ago and the boys had grown up, some had left the state. But when one of them found out about my gran's death, they mustered themselves and came from all over. They were her Christmas Boys and they had come to see her one last time.
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Desc: Talkin’ bout Katsuki while you’re pregnant & when you have a daughter
No cause now all I can think about is katsuki with a daughter :( everyone Shutup I’m usually more immune to baby fever but oh god…. >:( katsuki needs to give me a baby girl
I can go into details and I will
Buys a giant wardrobe for her before she’s even born. Has custom made dynamight baby clothes made just for her.
Reads every parenting book known to man and has a binder of development notes!! This man has written down everything from how to cure baby gas to the best learning tools and methods for little ones
Makes freezer prep meals for when you’re post-partum and struggling ! Soup cubes, one pan sheet meals, instant pot dinners, the works. He makes frozen mandu (Korean dumplings) for an easy snack.
SLATHERS you in Shea butter and bio oil throughout your pregnancy, giving you rubs up and down all the time
Begins impulse buying childrens books and toys any time he steps into a store
Your home now has an entire room dedicated to the items he had either BUILT or BOUGHT for your child. Shelves are secured to the wall, filled with every book and pack of flash cards he’s purchased
Lays her down on his chest for quick naps with dragon tales on, humming to soothe her to avoid hics and sniffs from his beloved baby
Calls her “angel” for the longest time but here’s a list of other nicknames he uses: “squirt” , “shithead” , “princess” , “little spark”
Has the baby’s footprints stamped on thick cardstock for every two months she grows, until she hits a year. At a year he begins doing it every 6 months.
Starts teaching her to bake early on, all their favorite treats. They sit afterwards and eat to their hearts content until she inevitably knocks out on his chest watching Disney movies
Let’s her paint his nails as soon as she’s old enough. When she hits an age where it’s appropriate, they begin getting matching pedicures with you every month
Also post partum he spends time fixing you warm baths to soak in and love yourself in, while he holds the little one and makes dinner
Also also when you’re pregnant he literally has a brand new toilet installed to help you so you won’t need a peri bottle as much when you go to the bathroom :(((
Bathroom? Stocked with everything you can imagine. Tiny fridge for your padsicles? Check. Adult diapers? Check. Stool softener? Check. Baby wipes? Check! Anything you need, is stocked to the brim
Makes it mandatory that for the first 7 days of your little one’s life, only you and him will be around the baby. No visitors pressuring you, none of that. He plans the entire week in advance and tries to account for how tired you’ll be. The first thing he tells you to do when you get home is to get some sleep, and you do.
Calls his mom for help when you’re both a little too stressed and has her watch the baby in the play room so the two of you can have an hour nap
Takes you out to different attractions every week and/or has a “mommy day” planned each week to help lessen the chance of post partum depression
I just truly think he’d worship the ground yoj walked on and pave the way for her. He’d tell her how much he loves her every day. I bet he even puts a mild lavender lotion on her before she sleeps to help her rest and relax.
When she’s a newborn and going through the phase of refusing sleep, he gets you in bed and rocks her in the rocking chair until she’s asleep. He also demands the baby SHARE a room with you until she gets to at least 7-8 months. Baby cameras everywhere. Everything is baby proof. If you think it isn’t, it is.
When I die, The first thing I’m doing is having katsuki knock me up so we can live a happy life with a little one.
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theunaestheticstudyblr · 10 months
Some of my favorite easy and fast foods/snacks for $5 or less that aren't ramen and spaghetti:
Couscous. You can get boxed couscous for like $3 and it's enough for 2-3 side dishes at least and takes literally 5 minutes and no extra ingredients. You can get large containers of it for like $5 at Walmart too so you can season however you want. A nice grain that's easy to digest and pairs well with almost anything.
Popcorn. Everyone's favorite healthy junk food that can satisfy most cravings. You can usually get a box for like $4 or a jar of kernels for like $6.
Oats. Whole oats. Extremely versatile. Put them in smoothies, make cookies, granola, snack bars/balls, brownies, oatmeal, etc. Truly the best bland fiber and filler out there. You can even easily make your own oatmilk for super cheap by blending them with water and straining!
Frozen veggies. Last for months in the freezer and usually under $2 a bag. Not great if you prefer raw veggies, but if you are fond of sautéed or roasted ones, save some money and just get them frozen.
Chocolate chips. Cheaper than chocolate bars and you get a lot more chocolate. Perfect for those cravings!
Powdered potatoes. I know I know but if you ignore the package directions and put some butter and milk and seasonings in it, you can't tell. Ready in like 2 minutes and you get a shit ton of mashed potatoes for like $2.
Vegan Mac and cheese. I'm lactose intolerant and so I will forever be thankful for the vegan movement of the early 2010s for making nondairy products easier to find and more affordable. Vegan Mac and cheese literally tastes the exact same and bakes so well. Annie's so far has been my favorite brand and they have other pastas with sauces too like squash which is so good.
Crepes. You can make your own batter for cheap but who likes all them dishes? You can find pre-made crepes for like $3 for 10.
Apples. You can find 2lb bags of these for $3 at a lot of places. I never knew they were so cheap and I go through phases where I'll eat like 4 a day.
Lunch meat. Packs of turkey cost like $4. I use turkey on so much. Bagels, omelets, salads, sandwiches, wraps, croissants, etc.
Ready to bake pastries. I'm not a big bread person but croissants ready to bake have my whole heart and cinnamon rolls can really help make a bad day a little better.
Pretzels. I'm an absolute whore for Pretzels and eat so many of these things. They're so easy to pack for snacks for class or anything really. I can't go two weeks without them.
Rice crisps. Rice cakes are great but they're big and crumbly and get stale if you don't close the bag JUST right. But little Rice crisps??? Elite. They come in so many flavors and are super crunchy and they're just super cute too and they're bogo a lot at publix.
Frozen potstickers. You can get them for so cheap and I have a giant bag of them in my freezer right now that I got for like $7. I usually get smaller portions for $4 or so though but decided to splurge and get 3lbs of them cus why not.
Frozen shrimp. A bag of extra small Frozen shrimp is about $5 at Walmart. Eat them thawed and cold or put them in pastas or rice or Soups. They're a staple in my house.
These are just a few I could think of off the top of my head. Please add to the list!
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creepycassidy · 5 months
Heyyy! I hate to be annoying and request again- Ik your busy and you don’t have to do this requests at all or anytime soon but IF and only IF you want and can- could you do an UA Albert Shaw x male (or gn) reader who has CDH? (chronic daily headaches)
I’ve been really struggling with it and today has just been horrible 😭🙏🏻 I’ve been crying about it like all day if I’m being honest ☹️🤚🏻
Thank youuuuu either wayyy! I’m so in love with your writing!!
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Omg!!! I deal with CDH myself and this request really hit home and was a very easy one to write. I understand the pain of what you’re going through completely and truly hope you find relief. Today has been a horrible head day for me as well. Tried all the usual remedies and ice pack but nada. Having a headache all of the time sucks the joy out of life, ugh!! :( I hope this can make you feel just the slightest bit better though at least. Enjoy! <3
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Alt!Albert Shaw x Reader w/ CDH - HCs
Warnings: non-graphic mentions of vomit and illness
Read below the cut! ⬇️
It makes Al really sad to see you feelin’ all yucky.
Of course, if he could, he’d do a little magic trick and take it allllll away from you. And, poof! You’d never have to worry again.
Unfortunately, that’s a little bit outside of his abilities as a part-time magician…
But but but!!!
Albert will take care of you as best as he can!
If he can’t take them away, he’ll do just about whatever he can to make you comfortable. Just say the word, sweet boy.
Al put in some low lighting options in the bedroom and throughout the rest of the house in case the brightness ever becomes too much.
Heck, he’ll take the day off of work to spend it with you, if it’ll help.
Always packs painkillers and sunglasses in the van incase you need them. Keeps a frozen bag of peas in the freezer to double as an ice pack.
There’s no reason to feel ashamed or bad if you can’t fulfill certain promises or tasks due to not feeling well. It happens, and it’ll be a-okay! Pinky promise.
If you’re having a particularly bad day or if your headaches ever end up as migraines, Al is there with a wastebasket and a cool rag if you happen to get sick to your stomach.
Al rubs your back, gently soothing and comforting you.
Don’t you even worry your silly self about getting up. Al brings you ice water to be sure you stay hydrated and (canned, he’s still not much of a cook…) soup to keep your tummy full.
Date night at home!! Sometimes maybe you don’t feel like going out, Al understands. How about he orders a pizza or Chinese takeout? He’ll even put on your favorite movie and turn down all the lights. It’s just like going to the theater, except Samson is there to lay his head in your lap!
Naps. Naps, naps, naps. He is 100% a believer that everyone needs a nap sometimes. Albert is more than happy to curl up with you in bed or on the couch. Lay your head against him and relax.
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sasusakucoded · 6 months
Sakura dreads family reunions. Aside from the fact that she's not close with any of her relatives, she also hears them say mean things about her. When she was younger, they always made fun of her forehead and clothing. Now that she's an adult, she keeps hearing about her weight.
Aunt1: I can't believe you got so big, Sakura. How do you plan to go back to your old figure? *crosses her arms*
Sakura: I—
Aunt2: She won't. She'll stay big for the rest of her life. Look at her, it's been months after she gave birth but she still has all that body mass.
Aunt1: You're a ninja. Don't you feel heavy? How can you even move?
Sakura: *sees Sasuke getting angry* A-Anata, can you take Sarada outside? I think she needs some sunlight.
Sasuke: *whispers* I'm not leaving you here in a den of lions, Sakura.
Sakura: *chuckles* I'm okay.. Just take her outside.. I'll just finish this then we'll go.. *takes a bite*
Sasuke: *whispers* If anything happens, you know what to do. *leaves*
Cousin1: Aren't you scared that he'd leave you for another girl? You've given him a daughter. He could just ditch you and find a new one.
Sakura: My husband isn't shallow like that.
Cousin2: But he's still a guy. If you're not perfect, he'd start looking.
Cousin1: Right. And he's an Uchiha. It's easy for him to find someone else.
Sakura: He assures me that I'm good, if not perfect. We're good.
Aunt2: And you believe it? Look at your plate. He's probably disgusted with all that.
Sakura: *looks at her plate* What's wrong with it?
Aunt1: Everything! That's too much food!
Sakura: H-He encourages me to eat well because I'm lactating—
Aunt2: Does he encourage you to eat like a pig?
Cousin1: Don't be too dense, Sakura. You're making yourself fat on purpose for some reason.
Sakura: I'm not.. I— I just gave birth. Of course, I'm still big.. I eat a lot to be healthy—
Cousin2: *takes her plate* There. I did you a favor. No more food for today. You're welcome.
Sakura: *realizes the other family members are looking at her*
Sasuke: *enters the house* Sakura?
Sakura: I'm done, Anata. Let's go? *gets up and goes to them to take Sarada*
Sasuke: You sure? I thought you'd eat for another 30 minutes.
Sakura: I devoured it. *smiles*
After that incident, Sasuke noticed that Sakura changed. She started eating less. She also tried to work out as soon as Sarada went to sleep. Sasuke knew that her relatives' words affected her even if she said they didn't.
Sasuke: Why are you eating less than usual?
Sakura: I— I don't, Anata.. It's just that I don't feel like eating much.
Sasuke: You don't like the food?
Sakura: Y-Yeah..
Sasuke: What do you want? I'll cook for you.
Sakura: Sasuke-kun..
Sasuke: *checks their freezer* Ah, chicken tatsuta. *takes it and starts frying* It's good with miso soup. I'll also prepare you a bowl.
Sakura: Sure.. Don't put too much okay?
Sasuke: *gives her the plate with rice and chicken and the bowl of soup* Finish that.
Sakura couldn't say no to Sasuke, so she would finish anything that he prepared for her. Sasuke knew this and would always cook lunch and dinner for Sakura.
Sakura also noticed that their weighing scale was always nowhere to be found. And even if she saw it, it was always broken and malfunctioning. She thought it was Sasuke's doing and true enough, she caught him deliberately breaking the mechanism.
Sakura: A-Anata! What are you doing?
Sasuke: *panics* Amaterasu! *burns it* Y-You don't need this, Sakura. It's a waste of space and—
Sakura: Anata..
Sasuke: Sakura.
Sakura: I also say I'll stop drinking milk when I finish the milk carton in the fridge.. And it's still almost full even if I drink daily.. Is it also because of you?
Sasuke: You need milk for your bones, Sakura.
Sakura: Yeah but it makes me f—
Sasuke: It makes you healthy.
Sakura: Don't sugarcoat it.
Sasuke: I don't. You're working as a doctor, you're taking care of Sarada and me, you're taking care of the house— I won't let you not eat.
Sakura: But Sasuke-kun, I need to get back to shape. I'm a shinobi too, remember?
Sasuke: Yes, and we train together when we can, right? Sakura. No need to rush your body.
Sakura: I— I feel more confident when I'm in shape though..
Sasuke: *squishes her love handle*
Sakura: *blushes* Anata!
Sasuke: *in serious tone* All I'm asking is that you eat properly, Sakura. Don't make me worry.
Sakura: But Anata..
Sasuke: If you won't eat, I won't eat too.
Sakura: Hey, you don't have to do that. You're perfectly—
Sasuke: Who said so?
Sakura: Me..
Sasuke: Why would I believe you when you don't believe me that you look great?
Sakura: Anata..
Sasuke: I won't eat dinner. *leaves to check in on Sarada*
Sakura: Sasuke-kun! *grabs his arm* Sorry.. You're right. I sounded illogical. It's true that I was bothered and I wanted to get thinner as soon as I can.. And I know you didn't care about my figure but—
Sasuke: *hugs her* I'll support you in everything you want but neglecting your health is a different story. It's okay to be bothered, Sakura. But, don't do something that will harm yourself.
Sakura: I'm sorry for making you worried, Anata.. Will you continue cooking for me?
Sasuke: Yes. I'll feed you if I need to.
Sakura: *laughs* We'll get fat together?
Sasuke: Yeah. *laughs*
Sarada: I'm not sure if my memory serves me right but I remember when was I a kid, you and Papa were quite fluffy. *laughs*
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Sakura: We were! *laughs* We cooked for each other and we really ate a lot.
Sarada: So, my brain wasn't making that up after all?
Sakura: Yeah! *laughs* If your Papa didn't leave for a long mission and I wasn't stressed at the hospital, we're probably the same up to now.
Sarada: Ah, I like you fluffy though. You were very squishy.. And soft. *giggles*
Sakura: I used to dislike being thick.. But your Papa made me realize that it's normal and cute. He likes me fluffy too.
Sarada: Okay, that's TMI. I think we're done here. Why did I even bring it up—
Sakura: *laughs*
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