#echo's tag list
stoat-party · 1 month
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the-bi-space-ace · 3 months
Crosshair & Echo have a heart-to-heart after the mission on Barton IV. Maybe things aren’t as different between them as Crosshair had feared.
I told you I was gonna write a fic just so they could hug 🩶
tag list: @ithillia
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feroluce · 12 days
Kill yourself :)
You know you want to do it
^Cocolia's ghost seething and failing to get Gepard and Serval to stop making out on her grave
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(From the list “10 Dad TV Shows Like Reacher to Watch Next”)
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wayfinderships · 16 days
Good morning gamers!! Hope you all have a great day today! :D as for me, sometimes I'm tempted to have a Crush List but then immediately abstain from it bc I feel like it would be just as long as my f/o list-akfnskfkd
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kakusu-shipping · 3 months
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BakuDeku beloved the base level MHA ship thankyou for the ask @echoes-lighthouse
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What made you ship it?
My nephew who got me into the show in the first place dsnfjdsf He was the first to imply Bakugo and Izuku were a couple, probably because he heard it from the girls who recommended the show to him in the first place. That and him telling me All Might was my Type were my first introductions to the program as a whole.
Favorite things about the Ship?
Childhood friends to rivals to lovers 60k slow burn. I love a bully turned ally, I adore really everything about Bakugo, and I think Izuku's neat and his persistence is cute. He'll hang on to fond memories of Kaachan, even if even back then Bakugo was only ever mean to him, to other kids, to everyone... Izuku still sees him as a good person and a good hero and a good friend... It's cute.
Unpopular Opinion?
Not exactly an opinion per say but people who call this one problematic/toxic because Bakugo is Izuku's "abuser" make me uncomfortable... It's weird to call a kid an abuser to me, even a fictional one. He was 14, no one is their best at 14.
Bonus Headcanons!
I don't think they were Dating dating as kids but they were as non-romantically close elementary school kids could get. Holding hands, going everywhere together, sharing everything. They were a pair Do Not Separate.
In middle school Bakugo still had his feelings for Izuku, which is why he went so out of his way to torment him. He didn't like him, he hated him, obviously. He was just trying to convince himself of this feeling.
Izuku's feelings for Bakugo are muddled, and if you asked him about it he'd struggle with a simple answer. It wasn't always like that, but sense Bakugo first used his quirk against someone weaker than him just for fun, Izuku's had a hard time keeping the green flag in his opinion of Bakugo
Half of the class are pro Bakugo/Izuku, mostly the Baku Squad, Shoto, and Hagakure. The other half of the class think Izuku deserves better, Uraraka and Tsu especially are rooting for him to turn Bakugo down. Izuku appreciates it, but is quick to say he's putting his hero work before a relationship. Bakugo has refused to comment on the debate
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jjunberry · 4 months
just a friendly reminder if you interested in being apart of my permanent tag list leave an ask! just know you’ll be tagged in all my works. if you’re interested leave an ask if not thats okay tysm for reading my works.
join the chaos that is jjunberry 🪼
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
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tinypaperstar · 1 year
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Good news! I finished Fire Emblem SoV! Bad News! I kinda love Python.
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leaphia · 2 months
shuffle your On Repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
tagged by: I think I've been tagged before but forgot about it, but was tagged again by @echo-the-ghost so let's go :3 I just found this in my drafts and forgot to post it I'M SORRY
Crimson Skies - Black Veil Brides
Dark Side - Blind Channel
burn down my house - Architects
Malibu - ON HIGH
Take Me Away - Jake Alan
Saviour II - Black Veil Brides
Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
Infected - Starset
Plastic - girlfriends
There's Fear In Letting Go - I Prevail
Tagging... anyone that reads this and also wants to do it? I'm bad at tagging and can't think of anyone rn
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nitetime-moon · 1 year
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Saw this template on a mutual's blog and decided to do a tier list myself. The criteria is kinda based on my headcanons for them since they all technically live in my head rent free, just to varying degrees. (Special interests be like-)
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vaugarde · 7 months
need to reorganize my toyhouse sooooo bad. i have no idea what to do with team silverwind
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shit wait i think i accidentally used you instead of ryu in the last sentence of that ask, i'm so sorry about that!!! i was just kind of typing automatically and forgot
Oh naaah don't worry, why are ya'll so worried about using the wrong pronouns for me xp /nm
If you used them already it's fine to circulate between my pronouns, you/your is still in my hoard so there's no problems with using them! I love when people use my Neos but just if you already used neopronouns in a different sentence then there's no pressure to use them again!
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miharuhebinata · 5 months
monthly game tag time!
1. Scriptic: Crime Stories - Dead Man's Phone: Redman
while the investigation aspect of this game was pretty fun, i think the story did not handle its themes very well at all, but maybe that's just because i got the bad ending and was too bummed out to try for the good ending. also the freemium "wait [x] amount of time before you can continue" aspect would have completely ruined the experience for me if i hadn't been able to play the netflix app version, so there's also that. just a very meh experience overall.
*spoiler warning* if you want to play this one for yourself, heavy tw for anti-Black racism & police brutality.
2. Doors: Awakening
fun little mobile puzzle game. nice to play in your downtime
3. Doors: Origins
same as above lol
1. Little Nightmares
i watched an lp of this a long time ago, but only now got around to playing it myself. the perspective fucked me over a few times and the load times were extremely annoying, but other than that, it's a good game. although... idk if it's just because i already knew what happens, but it felt very "baby's first horror game"-esque to me. which isn't a bad thing, just that it didn't creep me out nearly as much as maybe the game wanted to. idk. i'm not saying this to be mean or anything, i still really liked the game and the world/lore is very fascinating to me! just my opinion lol
2. Very Little Nightmares
now this game, i really really enjoyed! idk if it was the difference in artstyle, the less frustrating change in perspective while still keeping to the same general tone as the first game, or what, but i definitely liked this game a lot more than the first one. again, the artstyle was very much up my alley, the music was great, and the puzzles were just a bit trickier to the point that i even struggled with a few of them. plus i loved finding all the collectibles, which was not the case in the first game lol. of course, this one being a mobile game, the movement could be frustrating at times, especially having to double tap to run, but ultimately, it was nothing that made the game unplayable. overall a great game that i definitely recommend, especially if you're a fan of the little nightmares series :)
started but not finished yet:
Echo - started in november. played through tj, carl, & part of jenna's routes in december. hoping to finish in january, but we'll see 😅
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I have two Google docs for things I want to write: one for meta and the other is for fic and dumb little art ideas. I also have multiple WIPs as any person should have at any given time.
There are so many nice (adjacent) ideas I want to write but I’m so reactionary to certain fandom takes now that I’ll never do it. I used to be able to swallow certain takes with an “I don’t agree with that but it’s cute right now and I’m also on my period so I want to cry over fluff anyway.” But for my own personal sanity, I don’t want to “endorse” certain fanon things I’ve come to bristle at.
I have seen many others before post about how the deeper they get into their fav media, the more they move away from shrugging and scrolling towards visceral rage. Now, I’m not boiling with rage or whatever but I do know that the emotions I’m feeling means I need to back off for a while which is so disappointing. There’s so many ideas that I fear while never see the light of day because I can’t get behind “feel good family” takes without feeling like I’m declawing characters.
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Are you planning on having a tag list for when you post your stories??? I’d love to be on it 💛
It never crossed my mind and I never saw my stories reaching so far for one but your interest in being on a tag list for my stories brings me so many butterflies 🥹
Yes, I’ll start a tag list!
For anyone else who wants to be on the tag list go ahead and comment! (This post or future posts). I’m so excited to start this, thank you!!
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loregoddess · 1 year
Hey! If you’re still doing the Echoes ask game, could I trouble you for answers to questions 1 and 31? :)
1) Who's your favourite lord, Alm or Celica?
Hmm, from a gameplay standpoint definitely Celica, because of her magic, even though she drops off stat-wise lategame due to there being better healers, spellcasters, and sword-wielders, but narratively? I like both a lot. Due to the writing being...well, a bit sexist, Alm's writing comes off as stronger than Celica's, but I don't think Celica's writing is as bad as most of the fandom talk I've read makes it out to be. It's not what I'd call strong writing, but technically Celica's decisions make sense in the context of what she does and doesn't know, how she thinks she needs to be/act as a royal who's born to inherit leadership vs. what the world actually needs from a leader at that moment in history, her general insecurities from a lifetime of expectations, and also being like, 17. Like, listen, being a teen sucks, and I can't even imagine how much worse it would've been with the crushing weight of everything that Celica is expected to shoulder before and during the events of the story. She pulls through the narrative surprisingly well all things considered bc again, she is a kid facing a lot of Horrors outside of the Horrors that come with being a kid.
31) Which characters do you think should have had a support together? (Characters from different routes are fine, too!)
Hmm, basically every character who's limited to one support at the very least.
For Alm's side, I think Mycen should have had supports with all the Ram kids, since he was a major part of all their childhoods. Tatiana and Silque could have supports comparing/contrasting their experiences as clerics. I think supports between Mathilda and Faye would be interesting, esp. if Fay approaches Mathilda for advice about how to win Alm over, only to have Mathilda instead gently show her that yes, while she and Clive are deeply in love, there's so much more to life than just romance and Faye's entire world is open for her to explore outside of Alm. Also Faye should get supports with the other Ram kids. I think Kliff and Luthier could have some pretty comedic supports, and Kliff should also just get supports with all the other Ram kids as well.
For Celica's side (who didn't get extra DLC supports, RIP), I uh, actually lemme get this out of my system, there should be a way to recruit both Deen and Sonya, just like, make it that the player needs to meet certain in-battle requirements to recruit whomever they fight, I think we should get both Deen and Sonya, and that they should have supports. Deen could also support Saber, especially since it would be interesting if Saber got Deen to talk about his past since it's...basically never brought up in-game, if I recall. I think supports between Saber and Sonya would be interesting too, since they're both from Rigel, and Saber and Conrad (since Saber was acting as Celica's guardian essentially for part of the game, almost as a brotherly figure to Celica, and by goodness if we're putting random OCs into remakes, let's get the mileage out of them at least). I think Nomah should have supports with all the Novis Priory kids. Also Valbar should have supports with Kamui to complete the triangle for that character trio, and it would give us more insight into why Kamui is sticking around with the group. I think Atlas should get supports with the Whitewing sisters (bc of his dedication to helping his brothers mirroring their sisterly bonds), and Conrad (bc again, the weird "sorta filled role as Celica's brother" but also they're both kinda dorks so it'd be fun to see them be dorks together). Genny should get supports with the rest of the Novis kids as well.
As for cross-route supports...there are all sorts of interesting combos, but I'm sure I've talked enough.
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