#eddie kaspbrak trying to have a hot boy summer
Eddie Kaspbrak gets a divorce, comes out, and plans to have a slutty, slutty summer.
Richie is the first person Eddie matches with on the dating app he downloads. They have a fantastic hook-up, it's perfect and everything Eddie hoped being with a man would be.
Eddie is imbued with confidence. This casual sex thing is good and he gets to meet funny, handsome men. He's going to have the best summer ever - the summer everyone else had when they were in their early twenties but Eddie was living with his mother and deeply repressed.
Eddie matches with a bodybuilder next. He's tall and muscular. Eddie already knows he likes tall men. Richie was tall.
The hook-up never gets off the ground. They meet up, but Eddie doesn't feel any attraction, even though the guy is tall. All he talks about is the gym!
Eddie lets the guy down gently and then texts Richie asking if he wants to hook-up. The sex is amazing again.
Third match is with a guy who describes himself as a hippie. Eddie has reservations, but Richie also described himself as a hippie in his profile and that worked out.
They meet for coffee. The guys fingernails are dirty. He smells like patchouli and unwashed socks. Eddie pays for both their drinks then leaves.
He texts Richie again asking if he wants to hook-up.
After the sex, Eddie quizzes Richie on his bathing habits and Richie happily explains his political philosophies to Eddie and the reason why he calls himself a hippie - "I'm a lover, not a fighter".
Eddie's co-workers find him in the breakroom at lunch that week reading 'Das Kapital'. Eddie mentions offhandedly that a friend recommended it.
Eddie's next match is a guy who is quite a bit younger than him. They have nothing in common but Eddie figures the sex might be good.
It's awkward. They clash over music tastes. The kid tells Eddie his music is old and too mainstream. Eddie decides he doesn't want to give this guy an orgasm and kicks him out.
Richie comes over, fucks him and then critiques Eddie's music collection instead.
Eddie has a lot of ABBA and a lot of divas.
Richie rates it a 10/10 gay music collection, but tells him he should try and get some of his collection on vinyl because "vinyl just sounds better, Eds."
That weekend Eddie drags his best friend Bev to a record shop so he can buy a record player and a couple of vinyl records.
Eddie decides that for his next hook-up he'll try matching with a guy who also works in finance and he'll go on a real date to a fancy restaurant.
On paper this guy looks perfect for Eddie. He is in the same socio-economic bracket, he's the same age, he's interested in literature and the stock market and fashion. He's classically handsome. Eddie thinks maybe this could go somewhere.
Eddie power walks out of the restaurant half way through the date and calls Richie, ranting about how his date was a fucking republican who started going on about how hard it is to meet men with his values and how Eddie seemed like such a good match.
Richie laughs uncontrollably at Eddie's dissecting his life and career, trying to decide what made the guy think he'd agree with him that same-sex marriage made a mockery of 'real' marriages. Eddie had one of those 'real' marriage and it sucked. Especially because he was gay!
Richie comes to meet him and ends up walking him home. Eddie is too wound up for sex, too angry, but they end up cuddling on his couch, drinking and watching some terrible movie from the 80s they talk all the way through.
It's just as good as the nights they have sex.
Eddie tells Bev about his terrible dates and bemoans how unslutty his slutty summer is. He hasn't slept around at all.
Beverly coyly asks how many times Eddie's slept with Richie.
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babytortie · 4 years
band-aid kisses
band-aid kisses ❘ eddie kaspbrak x reader.
summary: in which the reader gets frustrated with eddie’s obliviousness and attempts one last time with a big gesture that he wouldn’t misinterpret.
warnings: some fluff, slightly heated scene and teasing. <3
contains: eddie kaspbrak being a smug brat.
* all characters ( including reader ) of the loser's club are seniors and 18 in this one-shot.
~ 2.6k words.
it started with subtle winks, innocent kisses on his cheeks, and letting your fingertips linger on his skin. you even went as far to leaning more than usual into him. i mean come on. a wink? the tips of your fingers leaving feather like touches to his shoulders and arms? sitting so closely that he scooted over to give you room, only for you to practically glue yourself on him? this boy is freaking clueless.
or so you thought. the day eddie noticed the change in your friendship was the day you were at his home and the two of you laid across his bed. it was another hot summer day and the fan on his ceiling was spinning around to keep the room a cool temperature. ever since the summer of it, he’s been more carefree, like for instance, letting his hair grow out longer to the point where styling it was no use.
most days he let his brunette hair blow-dry and then the curls were all sprung out in different angles as a result. a certain strand was sticking up bothering you. this caused you to scoot across the bed to him so you could flatten it to the side. you may have ‘accidently’ let your palm sit a second too long on his cheek. sure, eddie didn’t have a problem with you being touchy. besides richie, you were the closest to him within the loser’s group.
even hypochondria and the fear of germs couldn’t stop the constant liking he had when you were close in distance. when the two of you were younger, even before it, you liked to kiss his cheek on occasion as what was supposed to be a simple gesture. later on, when you left though, the other boys, richie, stan, and bill always picked on him jokingly about you.
the amount of teasing only grew when beverly, mike and ben joined the group. when eddie wasn’t around that day, the other’s, especially richie and beverly, would tease you as well. this cycle always came back around to ben trying to have your back claiming it was one of a kind ‘love’. ben meant well but unfortunately that suggestive assumption didn’t help at all. if anything, the opinions that ben gave who figured was helpful, only winded up the additional club members and the comments worsened.
the asthmatic teen could tell something was different in the air now between you and him. then it clicked that day when he glanced over at your makeup less face. despite the fact you were lounging around in sweats and a messy bun, you were perfect to him. you were best person ever to eddie kaspbrak. 
your best friend realized that you like him and he definitely likes you. it was just the fact he was so nervous to act on those instinctive feelings and didn’t want it to ruin everything if he was wrong. besides the couple of times, you put yourself out there, you were just as clueless. but when you had an over-thinking shower you couldn’t help but notice the confusion. 
eddie knew you so well, yet, it was odd that he hadn’t come up with any conclusions. the freckled boy continuously acted as if the actions you constantly made weren’t totally out of character.
a time more recently, the eight of you were on the way to a party and piled up in the back seats of bill’s van. something his mom graciously bought him so the losers could be safer when going out. this was because a month before that, you and the group drove down the main road and just about halfway there, bill was almost pulled over by henry’s father.
during that time, beverly was perched on ben’s lap and you were dangerously squished up to eddie's side. all of the losers, excluding eddie, had said later that night that you and kaspbrak were a bit to close in the car for just friends. which was sort of true but it was purposely picked by the others for you and eddie to share a single chair that was on the smaller side.
while lounging on half of eddie’s right leg and with your back was to his side, you moved your hip around purposely. only giggling softly when he let out a small groan at you taking awfully long to change positions and get comfortable again. though the smug brunette didn’t even acknowledge you with anything else. he knew exactly what you were doing but just continued on with the conversation he was having. talking about nonsense with stan, the blonde curly haired boy that was sitting in the passenger seat diagonal from the two of you.
rolling your eyes at eddie’s ignorance, you turned to look at richie who was sitting right across you and eddie, giving him a sad and defeated pout. the trashmouth teen had the audacity to watch it play out and carried on chuckling to himself quietly. richie turned to take a glimpse behind the row and you looked to see that beverly was sharing a smirk in agreement with him for the current situation. little shits.
when kaspbrak still wasn’t looking, tozier skillfully puckered his lips and pointed at him. you cursed and swatted his hand away before the asthmatic could notice. eddie noticed the two of you play fighting and pursed his lips. “why are you bullying y/n/n now, rich?” you glared at richie, as if to say “don’t you dare”, and he sighed. probably in annoyance that it was no fun he couldn’t open his loud trashmouth. “just y/n being y/n. what do you think about that eds?” he smirked.
“i think y/n/n is perfect just the way she is.” he replied with a small smile, putting his arm around your side so you didn’t fall over into richie when bill made a turn. what the asthmatic teen didn’t catch with his hand wrapped around your side was your heart. it was beating hardly against him and you were so sure it would fall out from your chest soon. your whole body was softening at his compliment and beverly looked at you with a look that said, “you have to tell him soon”.
now it was another saturday night and the group was once again hanging out. this time at beverly’s aunt’s house. unfortunately, you were still having problems, especially at the fact you weren’t even sitting next to your favorite boy. after one and a half movies in, they voted who would go and get the group drinks. eddie was the ‘lucky’ one picked and you had enough of trying to get his attention so you offered to come with. 
knowing that you and the brunette asthmatic silently pinned over each other, the other’s quietly “ooo-ed” when he was out of range from hearing. richie apparently wanted to test your will to live when he cupped his mouth and whisper yelled on your way out of the living room. “get it y/n/n!” you flipped him the bird and somewhat regretted your choices from earlier. you expressed to tozier on the phone about how tired you were of eddie not picking up on your low-key moves.
of course, richie being a trashmouth who was never serious about anything cackled into the phone. “enough is enough. tell him tonight or else i’m going to sonia’s later on and what we’ll be doing will scare him away right to your house.” when your anxiety spiked at his somewhat recommendation, you asked for some advice on how to navigate that conversation. sadly, all of richie’s ideas were terrible and even though you didn’t admit it, he knew this as well. so, there was only one thing left to do and he dialed up beverly into the phone call. 
she tried to be helpful and it inspired you with a brilliant idea for tonight. trashmouth listened in since he was too nosey for his own good to hang up and occasionally beeped into the conversation with a quip or smartass comment. the redhead and you wanted to slap the crap out of him and he snickered when beverly told him that.
breathing a deep breath in through your nose and out, you prepared yourself for what you hoped was about to be a good outcome. you made your way into the doorway of bill’s kitchen and the plan immediately flew out of the window when you froze. it was supposed to be something simple since you had it all planned out two hours prior. sadly, now it was all instantly screwed up when you caught sight of eddie’s back.
his hand was reaching up into the cabinet for cups and what was meant to be an innocent act was anything but that. at least not at least in your dirty mind. the asthmatic’s shirt was ridding up and his golden skin was showing. he had mother-back-freaking-dimples. back dimples. if it didn’t come back one day and kill you then surly this sight would.
of course, that was the moment eddie turned around and caught you staring. “see something you like?” he mumbled with flushed cheeks. you shrugged in response, not quite knowing how to reply. instead, you walked further into the kitchen and leaned up against one of the counters a feet few away from him. 
when you passed by the wheezing kaspbrak, you put your hand out and subtly brushed your hand against the fanny pack strap that rested against his hip bone. yes, even three years later he still wore them. you had to beg him to continue wearing them when he questioned the fanny packs again a few months after it. he shivered when you walked by and didn’t complain, letting your fingers casually touch him. 
even with fabric over his skin, there was something about your small touches that made him want to melt. little did you know eddie has always watched you. whether if it was in class and you unknowingly teased him by twirled a pencil around your pointer and middle fingers, or, even something as simple to putting your hair up on a warm summer day. he always wondered how they would feel gliding through his long curly strands.
”i’ll get out the iced tea and lemonade pitchers if you pour?” you voiced but already opened the fridge by the time you got to the end of your question. you were careful not to touch his hand when he grabbed the pitcher from you and poured one cup of lemonade each for you, beverly, mike, and ben. 
you raised your brow when he kept sneaking glances at you from pouting at the fact you avoided touching his hand. you put your hands on the edge of the kitchen counter, resting them and your body against it in a casual stance. it was as if you were in control now and unbothered, brushing off the fact he was openly watching you. pushing your hips up onto the counter you tried to sit down gracefully. your ankles bopping against the cabinets as you watched him. 
his arms flexed a little when he grabbed the other glasses. he focused intently so he wouldn’t make a fool of himself by spilling one of the drinks. without realizing he was doing it, his tongue kept flicking out to lick his bottom lip. he put down the filled lemonade cups and went to grab the iced tea but lost his balance in between and almost fell over his other shoe clumsily.
the asthmatic reached out to the side to grab something to catch his fall but ended up grabbing your thigh instead accidentally. you gasped at the feeling when eddie squeezed it but his hand shot away instantly. his eyes darted to the source that steadied him and he panicked. “shoot, sorry y/n!”
a small giggle fell past your lips before you could stop it from happening and it caused him to laugh too nervously. everything started going according to plan and now was the perfect time to introduce your grand gesture. your lips turned upwards into a smirk when you grabbed his shirt so he couldn’t move. “it’s okay eds, but i may need a band-aid.”
his breath stuttered and eddie swallowed nervously glancing down at your hand that was tightly clutching his shirt. he looked back into your eyes again and moved his hand to over the fanny pack. “i didn’t mean to hurt you! did i scratch you? i’m sorry!”
you frowned a little and bit your bottom lip, jutting it out, you shrugged and hoped your voice didn’t waver. "no i'm okay. i just..." trailing off. you sighed and looked down at his stained red lips from the popsicle earlier, then back into his brown eyes again. you hoped he would remain open-minded and bared your soul to him. you relaxed your hold on his shirt and let go. 
instead, pointing at your lips and suggesting in a sweet, innocent tone. "i think i need a band-aid here.” eddie eyes widened at your request and he swallowed nervously. before he did anything in response, kaspbrak looked behind the two of you to make sure nobody was eavesdropping at the kitchen entrance and once that was confirmed, he made his move. 
he grabbed your hips again more roughly this time and pulled you closer to him. "if you insist." eddie uttered in a raspy tone before connecting his lips with yours. he swallowed your surprised gasp and melted into him. the asthmatic’s grip on your waist tightened a fraction when your hands went to grip the back of his neck. eddie finally got his wish when your fingers started tangling through his brunette hair.
it felt so nice that he moaned lightly into your mouth. nothing measured up to the effect you had on him. you took the opportunity then to slip your tongue in and taste him. eddie's instantly found yours and his teeth clashed with yours for dominance. it was sloppy and anything but under control so you decided what the hell? and scooted right into him. 
you were lined up perfectly to rub your front against his. his mouth caught your loud moan when you felt his erection. the others were only a room away and it was a turn-on that any minute they could catch the two of you.
eddie reached under your shirt slowly to make sure you were okay with it and when your hips were at the point of gyrating and feeling up his length, he took that as a reassurance. his caressing of your soft skin caused you to shiver and he smirked into your lips. you let out another small moan when he moved up further and he was throbbing at the noises of you coming undone for him.
he broke the kiss regretfully but knew he'd have to take this somewhere else if you wanted to enjoy yourselves. you watched him fix his shorts and cleared your throat. "thanks for fixing me up dr. k. you know, i've been giving you subtle hints for forever now." you smiled at him in relief that he finally knew and fixed the buttons on your shirt.
"of course, i knew y/n/n. i didn't realize you were pining over me this much." he smirked and pecked your cheek. he moved to grab the iced teas for him and stan, as well as, the cans of coke for bill and richie but you got to him first. 
you gasped and slapped his shoulder at the accusation. knowing by what just happened, he was also feeling the same way. "excuse me!" he rubbed his arm and grabbed the glasses, laughing at you when he noticed your cheeks had reddened.
rolled your eyes and grabbing the other drinks, you kissed him once more before walking back into the living room with smiles on your faces. the other’s looked at you and eddie and realized what happened with how close eddie was walking with you. richie noticed the silence and the glances at the two of you now actually glued together. with a smug grin he asked, "so y/n/n, i assume eds finally realized you were panting over him like i do with his mom?"
© babytortie on tumblr + wattpad.
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
Anything You Want
a fic for @heterophobicrichietozier !! thank you so much for requesting this fic!!
rating: explicit
words: 7.5k
tags/warnings: sugar daddy au, domtop!richie, subbottom!eddie, daddy kink, age gap, marking (hickeys), degradation and praise, porn with feelings, mentions of sonia’s abuse
notsfw below the cut!!
Eddie Kaspbrak was running short on both money and patience. He was only just over a month into his second year of nursing school, and he was already struggling to pay his rent. And sure, rent in New York City was never easy to pay, but he’d been saving, he’d had a plan. The problem was that pretty much all of his money had unexpectedly gone toward his tuition when his mother had refused to pay for a second year at school.
At eighteen, Eddie had left his small hometown in Maine and moved to New York City to start college. He had just barely convinced his mother to let him go, and to help with his tuition as long as he covered his own rent. He was required to call her four nights a week, and he had to go back on the “medicines” he’d disavowed around age fifteen (all of which he routinely flushed down the toilet), but the physical distance had been amazing—at first. Soon, though, it wasn’t enough, and his mom started demanding he call her every night, accusing him of being reckless and taking advantage of her. When he’d told her he wasn’t coming home for the summer, she’d exploded into hysterics, crying and telling him he had to come home. It was when she began rambling on about how Eddie was probably running around with dirty New York City girls and catching all sorts of horrific sexual diseases, demanding that he come home so that she could keep an eye on him and find him a nice girl when she decided he was ready for one, that Eddie had snapped. Though it had been the result of years of pent up frustration and rage, he had stayed calm as he told her that he wasn’t missing her calls because of girls, but because of guys—because he spent his weekends getting fucked by men. “Sorry Ma,” he’d said, his voice cool as steel and even as could be, “but I can’t really pick up the phone when I’ve got some guy’s cock inside of me.” It wasn’t exactly the coming out his friends Bill, Ben, and Mike had been gently running by him, but he was angry, and it had felt good; he figured she’d have had the same reaction no matter how he said it, so what the hell, right?
Still, it stung when she’d told him she wasn’t paying for his college anymore. He hadn’t really believed her at first, as she was still hounding him about his sins and how he needed to come home, but sure enough, when emails about tuition began rolling around, they all went to his school email and explained that his name was the only one on his account, that his mother had bestowed the loans onto him and given up the account. Eddie nearly vomited when he’d received that email. As soon as the room stopped spinning, he blocked his mother’s number.
He already had a job for the summer tied down, but it was just an internship level position filing in a medical office, and it was only four days a week; there was no way it would cover tuition and rent and food, among other expenses. So he was forced to take on a second job as a waiter at a new restaurant a few blocks away from his apartment, then a third job working at a mechanic shop on Fridays and Saturdays. On top of all of that work, he had to completely redo his FAFSA and reapply for loans given his new financial circumstances. His school and the government did give him a bit more, but not enough to drop any of his jobs. 
By the time classes rolled around, he had paid his tuition for the semester, but he’d had to dip into money he’d been saving for rent. Now, in early October, he was still working Fridays and Saturdays at the garage and was waiting tables Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. He had a night shift shadowing a nurse on Tuesdays, which left Thursdays and Sundays as his only free nights, nights which he largely spent doing homework. All of this work, and he had still been eating Cup Noodles for the past two weeks.
It was a Friday night, and everything had been going wrong. In the middle of his shift at the garage, he’d gotten a notification from his school’s site informing him that he’d gotten a C on his most recent test, one he’d lost sleep over studying. Then work at the garage had run over and he barely had time to eat dinner before making it to the restaurant in time. He was tired and upset and feeling badly about himself, not to mention missing a party all of his friends were going to, so all it took was one baby boomer yelling at him over a mixed up order for him to excuse himself to the back room and start bawling. Thankfully, his manager seemed to be understanding and let him cool off. “I’ll take that table until they leave,” she told him, to his immense relief and gratitude. By the time she came back to check on him he had calmed down considerably and was staring into the mirror in the break room trying fruitlessly to pat down the puffiness around his eyes, trying to will away the redness that lingered. “Hey,” his manager said, “you wanna take table four?” Eddie sighed and nodded, trying out a smile. “Atta boy.”
He took a deep, steadying breath before heading out for his new table. His eyes fell on a table of three: a woman with dark red curls that fell to her shoulders, a man with truly impeccable posture, and the hottest man Eddie had ever seen in his life. And he was unabashedly looking Eddie up and down from behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses as he approached. “Hi!” Eddie greeted them, his big, bright customer service smile finding its way onto his face like it was possessing him. “I’m Eddie, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get you guys started with some drinks?”
“You got me started already,” the hot guy said. Then, meeting Eddie’s eyes, his brow furrowed. “Have you been crying?”
Luckily, Eddie didn’t have to respond to that, as the guy’s much more refined friend chimed in, “I’ll have a gin and tonic, please,” just as the redheaded woman was letting out an exasperated, “Richie, oh my god.” 
“One gin and tonic,” Eddie smiled, his cheeks burning. “Anything else?”
“Could I have a martini, please?” the woman smiled kindly up at him.
“Martini, got it.” As he jotted it down, he prepared himself to face the hot guy—Richie, apparently. When he did, he was struck by the depth of his blue eyes. He was surprised by how warm they were, and they glittered as he smiled up at Eddie. “And for you?” 
“What do you like?” 
“Oh, I’m not old enough to drink,” Eddie flushed, letting out a small laugh. With a joking smile, he added, “The Shirley Temples are great, though.”
Richie laughed, his eyes never leaving Eddie. “A Shirley Temple it is.” 
Eddie’s gaze didn’t waver either, and he put on his best innocent, big-brown-eyes look as he asked, “Virgin or dirty?” He had to fight back a smirk when he saw Richie’s eyes darken.
“Dirty.” The way he said it sent a thrill down Eddie’s spine. “Pretty please, with three cherries on top.”
“You got it,” Eddie said with a wink. Though the day was still weighing on him, he was beginning to feel better already. He might have even swayed his hips a little more than necessary as he walked away. He told himself it was because he could tell this Richie guy was into him, so he was aiming for a nice tip, but really Eddie loved the attention itself. With his schedule, he no longer had time for the hookups he spent his freshman year indulging in. So he couldn’t be blamed for preening under the attention of a hot older guy. Honestly, it was the pick me up he’d been needing for months.
The night went on, all three of them being incredibly kind to him, with Richie throwing in not at all subtle flirtations any chance he got. Eddie didn’t miss the three knotted cherry stems on Richie’s napkin when he brought their food and offered to refill their drinks.
He was almost sad to see Richie go, but he was grateful for the small smile he had on his face as he went to collect his tip and clear the table. At first he went to simply slip the cash into his pocket, but then he realized there was a note on the napkin beneath it: a name, Richie Tozier, with a phone number under it. It was then that Eddie realized he was holding five hundred dollars in his hand. He quickly stuffed it in his pocket, an embarrassed flush running from his ears down his chest as he hurried to clear the dirty dishes and bring them back to the kitchen.
The cash burned a hole in his pocket all night, all the way home. What the fuck? he thought to himself. Because seriously, who leaves a five hundred dollar tip on a meal that was barely over a hundred? Eddie locked his apartment door and placed the money on his dresser, staring at it. Five one hundred dollar bills. Who carried that around? What if they were counterfeit? Eddie pulled out the napkin and studied that as well, deciding to Google the name Richie Tozier. His jaw dropped when he did. There his face was, with his big glasses, cocky smile, and fluffy, dark curls. Apparently the guy was on SNL and had two Netflix comedy specials. He was also twenty-eight, nearly ten years older than Eddie. His net worth? Five million dollars.
Eddie sat down on his bed, his mind spinning. The place Eddie worked was nice enough, but it wasn’t exactly frequented by millionaires. Still in his work clothes, he dialed the number, figuring there was no way it would go through.
He picked up on the third ring.
It was his voice. “What the fuck?” Eddie blurted out.
He heard a bright laugh on the other end. “Is this Eddie?”
“Yeah, it is, and seriously, what the hell? Five hundred dollars?”
“You looked upset,” Richie said. He sounded like he was trying to be nonchalant about it, but his voice had softened noticeably. 
“So you gave a stranger five hundred dollars?” Eddie was honestly more confused than upset. Sure, maybe his pride was a little bruised, but to be honest he was touched. And kind of turned on. 
“Just redistributing my wealth,” Richie joked. “I’ve got more than I know what to do with, so I figured giving it to a pretty boy who was having a bad day was a pretty good way to spend it.” Eddie flushed at that—pretty boy. The way Richie said it, so casually, yet with a joking tone that made it almost teasing, had Eddie’s pants getting tight. When Eddie stayed silent, Richie continued, “There’s more for you where that came from, if you’re interested.”
“What?” Eddie said, blood rushing in his ears. Was this guy serious? Was this actually happening?
“I’d be happy to help you out if you need it. A college kid like you should be partying on a Saturday night, or taking a fucking nap, not crying at a minimum wage job.”
“Like a sugar daddy?”
Richie laughed. Eddie loved the sound of it. “Yeah, like a sugar daddy, baby.” The pet name made Eddie shudder, made him feel like he was glowing. But still, he didn’t want this guy getting ideas. 
“I’m not gonna have sex with you.” Even as he said it, his cock was hard, and the memory of the way Richie had been flirting with him made his skin hot. But he wanted to make explicitly clear that he wasn’t into selling himself.
“That’s not why I’m offering. Seriously, I just wanna help you out. And sure, maybe you’re ridiculously cute, and maybe I want to get to know you, but mostly I wanna help you out. Pay for your rent, give you time to study and party and be a college student.”
And how could Eddie turn that down? As much as he was struggling with it, with his pride and the stranger danger anxiety that his mother had ingrained in him, he seriously doubted that a hot millionaire would come around again offering to pay his rent. 
So Eddie agreed, and soon he was sending Richie his Venmo information. Two minutes later his phone screen glowed with a notification: Richie Tozier sent you $2,000. 
It had been hard to get used to at first, but cutting his work schedule down to just Monday and Wednesday nights at the restaurant and just Friday afternoons at the garage felt amazing. He finally felt rested, could finally give his schoolwork the attention it needed.
“You know, you really don’t need to work at all if you don’t want to,” Richie told him one night when they were having dinner together.
“I know,” Eddie said to his food, “but I like the independence of it. And working with cars calms me down, it makes sense to me.” He didn’t mention the real reason he kept both jobs: the big Just In Case that loomed over him. This seemed like a fairy tale situation, like an extended, intricate prank, and he was terrified that something would go wrong. He wanted to be prepared if Richie suddenly pulled out for some reason.
However, as the months passed it became pretty clear that even without sex Richie wasn’t going anywhere. And that started complicating things.
It was late in December, which meant finals and holidays, which meant lots of stress. It was the first Christmas Eddie wouldn’t be spending at home, and that made him feel sad in a way he didn’t understand; he was incredibly happy to be free of his mother, but there was something so final about it. He supposed it was still a loss, even if it was a welcome one. On top of that, his days were plagued by the anxiety that she might get a new number, might start calling him again, might show up at his door and whisk him back to Maine. So it was just negativity on top of worrying on top of sadness. Under all this stress, he found himself spending more and more time at Richie’s apartment, more and more time talking to Richie, wanting to get close to him.
So far, things had been pretty professional. They got meals together once or twice a week, often in Richie’s apartment due to fans of his popping up everywhere wanting pictures. Mostly they hung out because Eddie liked it; Richie was always reminding Eddie that he didn’t owe Richie anything, but Eddie genuinely liked his company. 
Also, he was still ridiculously hot, and he fawned over Eddie like he was the one getting paid. 
Seriously, Richie was so amazing to him, it wasn’t just the money. When someone at work pissed him off, Richie put on one of Eddie’s favorite shows and offered to hire some people to beat up whatever asshole customer had yelled at him. When Eddie complained that the construction outside his apartment was affecting his studying, Richie let him study in his apartment, and even brought him hot chocolate and rubbed his shoulders.
Now it was a Thursday, and Eddie had finished his last final. He had just gotten home from saying goodbye to Bill, Mike, and Ben for winter break when Richie called. Like always, the loneliness that was threatening to creep over him began to ebb as soon as he heard Richie’s voice. “Hey! How’d your test go? We still on for dinner to celebrate?”
Eddie appreciated the offer, but a fancy dinner wasn’t what he wanted just then. “Can we do dinner at your place tonight?” he asked, his voice worn and small.
“Of course, anything you want.”
Richie’s driver picked Eddie up, so he didn’t actually see Richie until he was knocking at his door and falling into his arms. Richie, with his roughly nine or ten inch height advantage over Eddie, easily scooped him up and brought him to the couch. “So would it be tone deaf of me to ask how the exam went?” Richie grinned, settling down with Eddie resting against him. Eddie tucked his feet under his legs as he leaned into Richie’s embrace, finding the relief he’d been needing all day once Richie’s arms were around him.
“The exam went okay,” he sighed. “But Bill, Ben, and Mike all went home today, and I won’t see them for like a month.” 
Richie shifted so he was leaning against the arm of the couch, facing Eddie. Eddie naturally moved closer, like a magnet was pulling him toward Richie, and he ended up practically in Richie’s lap. He let out a small, happy sigh as Richie stroked his hair. “I could send you on a trip somewhere, take your mind off of it.”
But it wasn’t just the location that was the problem. Sure, he wanted something to do, but mostly he wanted someone to do things with. A specific someone, if he was being honest with himself. 
Eddie looked down and ran his hand lightly over the stitching on the pocket of Richie’s button up. It was covered in a Pac-Man pattern, but Eddie knew it was more formal than his normal look. The idea that Richie had dressed up somewhat for dinner with him made him smile. And it should have calmed him down as he prepared to ask Richie his next question, but his heart was still racing as he took a deep breath and looked up into Richie’s eyes. “Will you come with me?”
Richie’s eyes widened just barely before a smile broke across his face. “You thought I’d miss out on buying you souvenirs?” 
Eddie beamed. Richie looked so beautiful when he smiled, and his hand was a comforting weight on Eddie’s hip. The thought of travelling with Richie, of sharing a hotel room with him—sharing a bed with him—made Eddie glow. “Did you have any destination in mind?” he asked.
“Anywhere you want.” 
Richie’s voice was soft and low, Eddie felt like he could melt into it. He ran his hand up Richie’s chest, cupped his cheek, and watched Richie’s eyes dart over Eddie’s face, clearly trying to get a read on the situation. Eddie had been thinking about crossing this line for a while. He’d been holding back for months, and as the months moved by, his hang ups had begun to feel less and less important. Sure, the money made things different. But, did it have to? Did it really? Richie was here. Richie was holding him without expectation. As Eddie watched Richie lick his lips, as he felt Richie’s hands on him, he couldn’t remember a single reason he’d come up with to not dive headfirst into what they both so clearly wanted, what they had both wanted since the moment their eyes met for the first time. 
So he leaned in, the tension that had been building for months coming to a head and taking his breath away. But just as their lips were about to come together, Richie murmured a soft, reserved, “Eddie.” Eddie’s heart caught at his tone, and he pulled back a bit, trying to figure out what was going wrong. “You know you don’t have to do that.”
“I want to do it,” Eddie huffed. He was pouting now, and moving to straddle Richie’s hips. “I want you, so bad. I’ve wanted you ever since I met you.” He took Richie’s hand in his and kissed his knuckles. “No one’s ever treated me as well as you do. The way you take care of me, the way you look at me... I’ve never wanted someone this bad before.”
Richie studied Eddie’s face, his eyes softening, darkening. He unfurled his fist and held Eddie’s jaw in his hand, ran his thumb over Eddie’s lower lip. “Fuck, you deserve the world, angel.” Eddie flushed at that. His heart was racing at the light, teasing way Richie pressed down on his lip. Just as he was about to wrap his lips around Richie’s thumb, Richie slid his hand into Eddie’s hair, holding it noticeably tighter than he normally would. “Tell me what you want, baby.” His voice was low and rough in a way that made Eddie wish he would just bend him over and fuck him senseless already.
But Eddie didn’t mind being coy, didn’t mind pulling the tension as tight as it would go, seeing how much he could tease before Richie snapped and took him the way Eddie wanted him to. “I want you to kiss me.” His nose was bumping against Richie’s now, and he could feel Richie’s shallow breath on his lips. Richie’s eyes were dark and didn’t move from Eddie’s face. Eddie took Richie’s hand and guided it from his waist to his hip, just barely on his ass. Biting his lip, he whispered, “I want you to fuck me, so bad.” He put on a pout and continued, “I fuck all these college guys, but none of them are you. They aren’t as tall as you, their hands aren’t as big as yours.” Eddie watched Richie’s jaw clench. “They can’t fuck me the way I know you could.”
“Fuck, baby,” Richie nearly growled. Eddie gasped when Richie grabbed his ass, hard, and tugged his head back. “Did you think about me while they fucked you?” he whispered in Eddie’s ear, his warm breath sending a shiver through Eddie.
“Every time,” Eddie said, gripping Richie’s shirt in his hands. “Wanted it to be you so bad.” 
Richie nuzzled against Eddie’s neck, still not kissing him, still making him wait while he groped his ass. “I know, baby. You needed more, huh? You need your daddy to take care of you.” 
Eddie let out a surprised little noise of pleasure. No one had ever said that to him before. He wasn’t expecting it, and he certainly wasn’t expecting how much he would like it. It made him so hard he got dizzy, completely pliant in Richie’s arms. “Yes,” he breathed, already pathetically desperate. “Yes, daddy, need you so bad, please, please.” 
Richie cursed under his breath and grabbed Eddie by the jaw, pulling him in for a bruising kiss. Eddie couldn’t help but let out a little whimpering moan when he finally, finally felt Richie’s lips against his. They were just as soft as they looked, and so full. As Eddie sank his fingers into Richie’s thick, dark curls, Richie sat up a bit and pulled Eddie closer against him, grabbing him by the hips and pressing their clothed cocks together. Eddie gasped and buried his face in Richie’s shoulder at the feeling. He mouthed at Richie’s neck, moaning at the way Richie smacked his ass. “This is mine, got it?” he said, his voice smooth and low. “None of those little college pricks are allowed to fucking touch you. Understand?”
Eddie moaned at Richie’s sudden possessiveness. All he wanted was to be Richie’s, for Richie to claim him and show him who he belonged to. “Yes, daddy. ‘M all yours, just wanna be yours.”
“Good boy.” He tugged at Eddie’s hair again, pulling his head back so that his neck was exposed. Eddie yelped as Richie licked a stripe up his throat and sunk his teeth into Eddie’s throat, sure to leave a dark bruise. Eddie squirmed in Richie’s lap as he sucked on his neck, hard and intentional. With a final kiss to the bruise, Richie said with a satisfied grin, “Now everyone’s gonna know you’re mine.” He chuckled and nipped at Eddie’s neck again when Eddie moaned. “Yeah, you like that baby? You like when daddy takes what’s his? You want everyone to know what a good little slut you are for your daddy?”
“Yes,” Eddie sighed, already starting to feel like he was floating. After finals and classes and work and months of controlling himself around Richie, this was exactly what he needed. It felt so amazing to just let go and let Richie take control, knowing Richie would take care of him. He couldn’t believe how good this was and none of their clothes had even come off yet. He fumbled with the buttons on Richie’s shirt, but Richie just chuckled and grabbed him by the wrists.
“That’s cute, baby. Daddy decides whose clothes come off and when, yeah?” Eddie whimpered and nodded. Richie slid his hands back under Eddie’s ass and stood then, lifting Eddie up. Eddie instinctively held tight to him, wrapping his legs around Richie’s waist and his arms around his neck. Richie kissed Eddie’s hair as he walked them to the bedroom. “Just let me take care of you, sweetheart.” Eddie’s heart soared as Richie sat him down on the edge of the huge bed, the duvet soft and cool under him. His legs dangled off the side. Richie’s eyes softened as he stroked Eddie’s hair. “You doing okay?” he checked.
“So good,” Eddie nodded enthusiastically, his hands fisted in Richie’s shirt.
Richie leaned down and kissed Eddie’s forehead, and by the time he straightened up again that look that made Eddie shiver was back on his face. Still cradling Eddie’s face, he asked, “Can I get a little rough with you, baby?” 
Eddie’s eyes widened. “Please,” he moaned.
A dark, mischievous grin pulled at Richie’s full, dark pink lips. “That’s a good boy,” he said with a kiss to Eddie’s jaw. “Arms up.” Eddie quickly did as he was told, eager for Richie to strip his shirt off for him. “Fuck, baby,” Richie groaned as he tossed Eddie’s shirt aside. He ran his hands up Eddie’s sides and teased his thumbs over Eddie’s hardened nipples, making him gasp and grab at the sheets. Richie’s hands looked even bigger wrapped around Eddie’s ribs. It made him press his legs together, his cock throbbing desperately in his jeans. “Aw, you don’t need to be shy, kitten,” Richie cooed, forcing one of his legs between Eddie’s and pressing his thigh against Eddie’s crotch. Eddie moaned at the contact and desperately started grinding against Richie’s leg. “Fuck, you look so pretty grinding on me like that. Think you could come like this?” Richie pressed his thigh harder against Eddie’s cock. “Think I could make you come in your pants?” Eddie cried out as Richie pinched his nipples. 
“God, yes,” Eddie moaned, rolling his hips. And he could, he could feel the pleasure building and building. But just as his moans were getting breathier, just as he was really desperately rutting against Richie’s leg, Richie pulled away and tugged Eddie up by his belt loops so quickly Eddie got dizzy and fell into Richie’s solid chest. “Wh-what,” he pouted, looking up at Richie, who was smirking at him.
“Aw, baby, we’re just getting started.” Still dazed and whimpering and achingly hard, Eddie held onto Richie as he undid Eddie’s jeans. Richie then dropped to his knees to pull them off. He helped Eddie step out of his jeans, running his hands reverently over Eddie’s legs as he did so. “Oh, sweetheart, you’ve been keeping these thighs from me for months?” Richie kissed them, making Eddie quiver and flush. “Fucking tease,” he murmured into Eddie’s skin before biting down hard on the inside of Eddie’s thigh. Eddie cried out and grabbed at the bed for support. “Look at these fuckin’ things, you basically wore panties for me.” Eddie gasped as Richie playfully tugged at Eddie’s light pink, silky briefs with his teeth. He’d mostly worn them to feel confident during his exam, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of Richie when putting them on, or if he said he hadn’t bought them with money Richie gave him. Eddie leaned back as Richie spread his legs, lifting one up to get a better angle to suck marks into Eddie’s skin. The sight of Richie’s head between Eddie’s thighs, combined with the knowledge that his thighs would be covered in bruises by the end of the night, had a wet spot forming on the front of Eddie’s briefs. Richie nuzzled his face into the soft material, just barely grazing Eddie’s cock. He looked up at Eddie, his blue eyes nearly totally eclipsed. “Did you buy these with daddy’s money, baby?” Eddie nodded, blushing. Richie smirked at him. “Is this how you spend your allowance? On slutty little panties?” Eddie moaned at that and grabbed at Richie’s hair, rolling his hips forward and meeting only air. Richie chuckled. The condescension of it went straight to Eddie’s cock, which visibly twitched in his tight little briefs. “Aw, you like being called a slut, don’t you? You like it when I call you out on being a spoiled little cocktease?” Eddie yelped when Richie bit down on the inside of his other thigh.
“Daddy, please,” he whimpered. “Need you.”
For a moment Richie just hummed and kept sucking marks into his skin. But then, finally, he dragged Eddie’s briefs down and off his legs, leaving him fully exposed. Before Eddie could process what was happening, Richie was standing and spinning Eddie around and bending him over the bed, his face pressed into the mattress as his feet once again dangled over the floor. He let out a broken little moan as he felt Richie pull his cheeks apart and run his tongue over Eddie’s hole. After Richie had set a rhythm, lulling Eddie into a pleasured haze, he suddenly felt Richie’s hand come down on his ass. He moaned at the feeling, the slight pain that left an amazing stinging sensation in its wake. “God, you make the prettiest fucking noises,” Richie groaned, once again lapping his tongue over Eddie’s hole. He circled the ring of muscle a few times before pulling back. Eddie was just about to push his hips back when he felt Richie spank him again, harder this time, then felt him spit on his hole. Eddie let out a long moan; it was degrading and possessive in the best way. Eddie tried to rut against the bed, to relieve some of the desperate need that had his cock throbbing, but he couldn’t really do it with the way his feet were hanging off the bed. He heard Richie laugh behind him as he spanked him again. “Aw, you like that, baby? You like when daddy spits on you?” 
Eddie let out a muffled, pathetic little, “Yes.”
“I know, it feels good, doesn’t it? Bet you wish you could get off right now.” Eddie’s desperate writhing was confirmation of that. “Don’t worry, kitten, daddy’s gonna fucking take you apart.” Eddie gasped as he felt Richie slide his tongue inside of him, setting a rhythm of fucking and swirling and teasing that had Eddie squirming. He rocked his hips back, letting his mind go fuzzy from the pleasure until suddenly Richie was pulling out and lifting Eddie up again. As disappointed as Eddie was to have Richie’s tongue no longer in his ass, he was more than happy to let Richie toss him around and lay him on his back, his head falling against the luxuriantly soft pillows. He felt so small in Richie’s bed, felt so vulnerable under his gaze—he loved it. Richie ran his hand all the way from Eddie’s throat down to his hip, taking his time before squeezing Eddie’s hip hard. “God, you look so fucking good like this, baby.” He made quick work of the buttons on his shirt, shrugging it off and tossing it aside.
Eddie let out an involuntary little moaned, “Fuck,” at the sight of Richie’s bare chest. He sat up and ran his hand over Richie’s soft, pale skin, admiring his freckles and the slight muscle definition. His shoulders looked somehow even broader now as Eddie traced his fingers over them. Richie only humored him for a moment before pressing Eddie back down and kissing him, deep and just the right amount of forceful. 
Richie’s hands roamed all over Eddie’s body. “God, you’re such a pretty little boy, baby. Can’t wait to see what you look like when you’re getting fucked.” Richie bit down on Eddie’s lip, sending a thrill of pleasure through his body. “I don’t want you fucking leaving this bed for the next week, gonna bring you everything you need. Gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk, and then I’m gonna do it again, and again.” Eddie moaned as he felt Richie’s finger circling his slick hole. “Gonna keep you nice and full of my cock whenever I can, gonna take such good care of you. You won’t need to worry about anything, gonna be my pretty little pillow princess. You just lie there and be a good little cocksleeve and daddy will take care of everything else.” Eddie preened at the thought of Richie fawning over him, of Richie doing everything for him so that all he had to do was lie back and take Richie’s cock. It had him squirming under Richie as he grabbed at Eddie wherever he could reach, surely leaving handprints all over Eddie’s body as he glided his tongue over Eddie’s. “Can’t wait to get my cock inside you, baby.” Richie sat back on his heels then and eyed Eddie’s hole, rubbing at it teasingly.
“Please,” Eddie moaned, trying to rock his hips onto Richie’s finger.
“Shh, baby, soon,” Richie soothed, leaning over to kiss Eddie again before reaching into his bedside table. He pulled out a bottle of lube and covered his fingers in it. Eddie moaned at the sight; he didn’t think a day had gone by where he hadn’t thought of Richie’s fingers since the first time they met. They were so long, and he could only imagine how amazing they would feel inside of him, fucking him, stretching him open. Richie chuckled when Eddie instinctively opened his legs. “I know, sweetheart, I know.” He tossed the lube aside and ran his clean hand over Eddie’s thigh, holding him still before slowly sliding a slick finger inside of him. 
Eddie gasped and threw his head back; one of Richie’s fingers felt like two of his own and reached deeper than he ever could have by himself. “Fuck,” he cried, “your fingers are so big, oh my god.” 
“Yeah?” Richie grinned, cocky and dark. As he slowly began sliding his finger in and out of Eddie, he slid his other hand up his chest until he was cradling his jaw and running the pad of his thumb teasingly over Eddie’s lips. “One finger and you’re already a mess, huh? You like the way I fill you up, baby?” Eddie moaned as Richie slid his thumb into Eddie’s mouth, effectively silencing any response Eddie could’ve made. He let out a contented hum and eagerly sucked on Richie’s finger, holding onto Richie’s forearm with both of his hands as he bobbed his head. “Fuck, that’s it, baby. Such a good little slut for daddy.” Eddie moaned again, rocking his hips as Richie began to finger him faster. Eddie cried out as Richie thrust deep inside of him, making him see stars. “Yeah, you like how deep I can get inside you, baby?” Eddie nodded. “I fucking love it too, angel. You’re so tight, so small and sweet.” He slid his thumb out of Eddie’s mouth and pressed his palm to Eddie’s throat. Eddie’s eyes widened for a moment, and he tilted his head back, giving Richie better access. Richie pressed down slightly under Eddie’s jaw on either side of his throat, moaning at the blissed out smile that graced Eddie’s face. Richie only pressed down a bit, only for a few moments at a time, just enough to get Eddie’s cock leaking all over himself. He let out breathy little moans as Richie finger fucked him, the wet sounds filling the room.
“Daddy,” Eddie moaned. He met Richie’s eyes as he begged. “Please, please, fuck me, daddy, want your cock so bad.”
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s cute” Richie grinned, his voice low and condescending in a way that made Eddie’s cock throb. “I need to open you up a little more before you’re ready for my cock.” As he said it, he pressed another slick finger inside of Eddie, stretching him out. Eddie felt so full already from just two of Richie’s fingers; his cock ached at the thought of how big Richie’s cock would feel inside of him. 
Eddie was pulled out of his thoughts as Richie spit on his chest, sliding his free hand over Eddie’s nipples, getting them nice and wet as he played with them. “Daddy,” Eddie began, but he cut himself off with a scream as Richie curled his fingers inside of him, making electric pleasure shoot through him. He moaned and squirmed and grabbed at Richie’s hair, at the sheets, anything to ground himself as Richie leaned down and sucked on his nipples, still relentlessly fucking Eddie’s hole with his fingers. “Please,” Eddie gasped, “daddy, please.” 
“You sure you’re ready, baby?” Richie teased. 
“Fuck me, please,” he whined, clearly getting impatient. “I can take it!”
“Oh yeah?” Richie asked, pulling his fingers out. He had a look on his face that had Eddie’s blood pounding in excited anticipation. “Okay, baby. If you think you can take it.” He stood up off the bed then, and Eddie sat up a bit to watch. With rapt attention, his eyes followed Richie’s every movement as he dragged his jeans off his legs, then stripped off his boxers.
“God, daddy,” Eddie whimpered, drooling over the sight of Richie’s cock. It was thick and heavy and hard, and so fucking long, Eddie couldn’t believe he’d been keeping himself from a dick like that for months. It was even longer than any of his dildos or vibrators. He needed to feel it down his throat, he needed it.
Seeming to sense this, just as Eddie began to move toward him Richie lightly shoved him back down. “Stay where you are, baby.” Eddie whined but reluctantly complied. The way Richie tauntingly stroked his cock just out of Eddie’s reach had him debating whether it was worth it to be bratty if it meant getting his throat fucked. But his cock was throbbing between his legs, his hole pitifully empty, and watching Richie roll a condom on and lube up his cock made it hard to think about anything other than getting fucked. “Maybe if I’m feeling generous I’ll come on your face,” Richie mused, almost casually as he climbed back onto the bed and spread Eddie’s legs, settling naturally between them. Eddie moaned at his words and melted back into the bed. The sight of Richie above him, the way he touched him, had Eddie completely pliant. He felt warm and buzzy, almost liquid as Richie ran his hand reverently over Eddie’s thigh. As he teased the head of his cock over Eddie’s hole, he took Eddie’s hand in his and entwined their fingers. While Eddie nearly moaned just at that sight alone, at the way Richie’s hand engulfed Eddie’s own, it was also incredibly endearing, and it made something stir in his chest. Guys didn’t normally hold his hand when fucking him, and if they tried it was just weird, as he pretty much only did hookups. But with Richie… it felt different. The way Richie looked at him was different. Like he didn’t want to miss a single thing Eddie did. 
Richie’s voice was low and rich and brought Eddie back as he asked, “Ready?” Eddie bit his lip and nodded. As Richie pressed himself inside of Eddie, careful and slow, Eddie squeezed Richie’s hand. His mouth dropped open in a silent cry as he felt every inch of Richie’s cock filling him up. Once he bottomed out, Richie let out a low groan and rested his forehead against Eddie’s, pressing kisses all over Eddie’s face. 
“Holy… holy shit,” Eddie panted, letting his body adjust. He’d never felt this full before, had never had anything so deep inside of him. “Oh my god.”
Richie chuckled in his ear as he kissed Eddie’s neck. “What’s the matter, kitten?” he teased. 
Eddie couldn’t even be bothered to take the banter bait; everything felt too good, his mind was numb. “You’re so big,” he said dumbly, saying exactly what was on his mind. “No one’s ever been this deep inside me before, holy shit.” 
“I can tell,” Richie hummed. “So fucking tight for me, baby, it’s fucking amazing.” Eddie let out a small whimper as Richie sucked on his neck. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes,” Eddie sighed. “I just, I need just a minute.”
Richie nuzzled his nose against Eddie’s and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “As long as you need.”
As Richie kissed him, sucking gently on his lower lip, Eddie slid his free hand into Richie’s hair, admiring the way his curls felt between his fingers. Then, experimentally, he lifted his legs a bit, pulling them toward himself. They both moaned at the movement, and Eddie felt Richie squeeze his hand. “Oh my god,” Eddie moaned. He grabbed Richie’s face and kissed him desperately, pleading into his lips, “Fuck, I’m ready, please, please fuck me.” 
Richie grabbed him by the hair and held him down, lifting himself up with his other arm. “Yeah?” he said, voice breathy as he pulled his hips back. He looked amazing, dark curls wild as they hung around his face, his blue eyes dark and hungry behind his glasses, his lips slick and red from kissing Eddie. He squeezed Eddie’s hip hard and asked, “You wanna get fucked, sweetheart?”
“Please,” Eddie whined. He hooked his hands under his knees and pulled them up to his chest, spreading them nice and wide for Richie. He watched Richie’s eyes go dark and begged, “Please, need you to fuck me, daddy.”
Richie snapped his hips forward with a sharp, “Fuck,” making Eddie cry out. He pulled his hips back again, until just the tip of his cock was buried inside of Eddie. “Say that again.”
Eddie met Richie’s gaze with glassy eyes and whimpered, “Please, fuck me, daddy.”
Richie cursed again and thrust into Eddie, this time setting a more steady pace. “God, you feel so fucking good on my cock, baby.” Eddie moaned and rocked his hips, his hands falling to grip the sheets beneath him as Richie began fucking him faster, harder. “You look so good like this, so pretty when you’re moaning for my cock.” Eddie flushed; Richie’s words had precome pearling at the head of dick, dripping onto his stomach.
Richie’s thrusts were getting hard enough to rock Eddie’s body back and forth, moving him so easily as Richie fucked him. Eddie loved it, loved how effortlessly Richie could toss him around. He loved hearing Richie moan as he fucked him, loved knowing that Richie felt just as good as he did. He loved the idea of Richie using his body to get himself off. The thought had him letting out little high pitched moans with every thrust. The pleasure left his mind in a haze, and all he could concentrate on was how good Richie’s cock felt inside of him, all he could say was a desperate string of, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” broken up by wordless moans. 
“Fuck, you take it so well, baby,” Richie praised, running his hand over Eddie’s chest. “So fucking good for me. You like getting fucked like this? You like being all spread out for daddy? Just lying back and taking it while daddy makes you feel good?”
“Yes!” Eddie cried. “Yes, yes, yes, daddy, oh my god, ‘s so good, fuck.” 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Richie marveled, leaning down to kiss Eddie. The new angle shifted Richie’s hips, and suddenly Eddie was seeing stars, every nerve in his body coming alive and fizzling like a sparkler. He cried out and clutched at Richie, nearly screaming from how amazing it felt.
“Fuck,” he moaned, his voice high and desperate. “Right there, yes, oh my fucking god, don’t stop, please, please, don’t stop.”
“Aw, sweetheart, does that feel good?” Eddie nodded frantically, his moans becoming shouts as Richie’s cock brushed against his prostate over and over, the pleasure so deep and all encompassing. He couldn’t think about anything else, all he knew was that amazing feeling, all he knew was he needed more. He wanted more and more and more, he could feel it building, was vaguely aware of the fact that he was digging his nails into Richie’s back hard enough to leave scratch marks. 
“Daddy,” he slurred, “gonna c-come.”
“Fuck, baby,” Richie groaned. He spit generously into his hand and reached between them to stroke Eddie’s cock. Eddie’s back arched, pressing himself against Richie. The new contact had pleasure rushing through him, and with a few strokes of Richie’s hand on him and a nearly growled, “Come for daddy,” Eddie was coming undone. Pleasure exploded through him, wracked his body as he came all over himself, all over Richie’s hand, Richie fucking into him the whole time. Beyond the noise of his own moans and screams, he could hear Richie cursing under his breath, telling Eddie how good he was doing. 
Eddie panted as he came down, blinking his eyes open slowly. Still buzzing, he watched as Richie carefully pulled out of him and rolled the condom off before leaning further over Eddie. He spit into his hand again and began stroking his own cock, a sight that made Eddie’s spent cock twitch in interest. 
“Open your mouth, baby,” Richie moaned. Eddie happily complied, sticking his tongue out and closing his eyes. Moments later, Richie’s moans were filling the room, as was the slick sound of Richie stroking himself, and Eddie moaned, small and content as he felt Richie’s warm come painting his chest and cheeks and lips. 
He blinked open his eyes once he heard Richie let out a heavy sigh. He looked amazing, sweaty curls clinging to his face, blue eyes hooded as he took in the sight of Eddie beneath him, covered in come. Eddie made sure to meet Richie’s gaze before he swallowed the come on his tongue, then licked more off of his lips. “Fuck, you’re a fucking angel,” Richie grinned. He swiped his fingers over Eddie’s chest, spreading his come over Eddie’s nipple before bringing it to his lips. Eddie hummed happily as he sucked on Richie’s fingers. He still felt like he was floating. Richie leaned down and kissed him, deep and lingering, before saying, “Let’s get you cleaned up, baby, okay?” When Eddie nodded, Richie climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom. Eddie watched through the open door as Richie waited for the water to warm, then wet a washcloth under it before walking back over to the bed. Eddie preened as Richie cleaned him, pressing soft kisses all over his face as he gently ran the warm washcloth over Eddie’s cheeks and chest and stomach. “That was fucking amazing,” Richie said. Eddie hummed in agreement. He felt like he was glowing when he felt Richie smile against his skin. “You’re so beautiful, Eds. So fucking good for me.” As soon as Eddie was clean and the washcloth was tossed in the hamper, Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie and pulled him down against him, nuzzling into his neck. 
“You’re amazing,” he murmured softly into Richie���s skin. They lay like that for a few minutes, just holding each other and pressing soft kisses against each other’s skin, until Eddie let out a small, “Richie?”
Richie sat up and met his eyes, sensing the shift in his tone. “Yeah?”
“What… what is this? Like what are we, I guess?” he asked, tracing patterns over Richie’s skin with his fingertips.
Richie smiled softly down at him and stroked his cheek. “Same thing it’s always been. Whatever you want.”
Eddie huffed. “What do you want?”
Richie bit his lip, his eyes flickering between Eddie’s. “I want you. All the time. I wanna take you on vacations and buy you gifts and flowers and dinner and watch movies with you. I wanna date you, Eds,” he said with a weak huff of a laugh. “I wanna give you the fucking world.”
Eddie grinned up at him and pulled him down for a kiss. “I wanna date you, too.”
After a few moments of chaste kisses, Richie murmured into his lips, “I also wanna fuck you in every position on every single surface I can think of.” Eddie rolled his eyes and smacked his shoulder, but he was giggling, and he couldn’t say he hadn’t been thinking the same thing.
taglist: @clouded-eyes-and-salty-tears @eddieeatsass @deadlighturis @constantreaderfool @reddieloserz  @thelazyeye @montconde @itfandomprompts @tinyarmedtrex @nancythebisexualslutwheeler @cutedubutokki @losers-gotta-stick-together
373 notes · View notes
lluvguts · 3 years
just pretend for now // reddie
(mostly posting my ao3 fics here for now // i’ll take requests too!)
pairing: eddie kaspbrak x richie tozier 
genre/warnings: none! fluff
word count: 2,037
summary: a loser’s club wedding...but kids!
“Let’s just skip it.”
“Our own wedding, Rich?”
“We already got married, Eds,” Richie murmured as he turned over in the sheets to reach for Eddie in the mid morning light. He was well aware of the plans that had to be set into motion, as well as the many things they must actually be present for―like getting married, for one―but all Richie felt like doing was spending the rest of their Friday afternoon in the hotel bed. Well, Eddie had brought separate bed sheets for the hotel bed, but still the same idea in spirit.
Eddie pulled Richie closer and rested a hand in his tousled hair. Though he did not fully bring him to his chest―the wound had healed months ago, but Eddie was still extremely careful. It made Richie wonder what their wedding night was going to look like if Eddie wouldn’t touch him. Not like it made much of a difference considering all the other times…
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but we can’t just not go to our rehearsal dinner,” He stated, craning over Richie to stare at the clock displayed on the hotel nightstand with a groan.
Richie tilted his head up to stare at Eddie―or the foggy shape he assumed was his soon-to-be husband, having forgotten to put on his glasses.
“You don’t remember when we got married as kids?”
“I don’t think that a children’s cereal box ring counts towards marriage.”
“Oh, please. It wasn’t a cereal box prize…It was a Ring Pop,” Richie said with dignity.
“You’re gonna have to tell me the story of our so-called wedding, since there’s clearly some pieces I’m missing.”
Richie flourished a hand, in an old British clip. “With pleasure, Mr. Tozier.”
“Tozier-Kaspbrak,” Eddie corrected him.
“Nuance. Anyway, I’m pretty sure it was one hot ass summer when we were all sitting in Bill’s backyard, eating candy…”  
The Denbrough’s yard was stifling that summer in Maine, and all of the Losers crowded under the aged umbrella from their outdoor patio furniture to stay cool in the grass. Mike and Stanley were huddled close, admiring a bluejay that had perched on the fence, while Ben passed around a plastic bag of assorted candies from Costello’s Market―one that his mother had purchased for him the morning of―and tried not to sneak a glance at Beverley’s smile, or the way the sun made her hair glow like an open fire.
“It’s so fuckin’ hot,” Richie whined, popping a cherry Ring Pop into his mouth.
Ben shifted uncomfortably on his place in the dead grass. “You shouldn’t say that word Richie!”
“Oh hush, Haystack. I can say whatever I’d like,” He replied coolly and fell onto his back to stare at the cloudless sky.
“There’s nothing to do out here,” Eddie said in a soft voice, still awed by Richie’s crude remark. The brown-haired boy had some color on his cheeks, but not from the heat. He was startled, and maybe a little captivated by how confident Richie was, and Eddie wondered if some of that confidence could work on him the next time Belch Huggins shoved him off the playground equipment at school.
Bill fished inside the shopping bag for a candy bar that wasn’t already melted. “W-We have some board games i-i-inside.”
“Let’s go to the library,” Mike murmured. “There’s a new issue of Superman out and if we don’t act now all the other kids'll take them all.”
Stanley leaned in toward Mike’s neck and used the binoculars he was wearing, pointing at the bird. “No, let’s go back to my house for my sketchbook so I can draw her. Look, she’s so pretty.”
The three argued about what to do when Richie pondered over his candy, then said thoughtfully, “We could get married.”
Eddie looked away, knowing full well that Richie’s finger poking into his side meant that he was talking to him.
“W-What?” Bill spoke above Stanley and Mike’s chatter. Ben was too busy sorting the candy to pay much attention.
Richie shrugged, wiping sweaty hair out of his face. “We’ve got the rings, right Eds?”
Eddie crossed his arms, scowling at the Ring Pop on his own finger and spoke to the ground.
“Don’t call me Eds. You know it’s not my name.”
“It’s just pretend…unless you’re too chicken to do it,” Richie challenged.
Beverly glanced between the both of them, her eyes finally landing on Richie as a wicked grin lit her face.
“I’ll be the lucky lady, if my daddy doesn’t find out,” She giggled.
Richie sat up, wiping the grass from his shirt. “I was talking about Eddie Spaghetti, Bev. But you can be my best man.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Stan said.
“Fine! I’ll marry Beverly, then Eds. Okay?”
Stan pulled his binoculars down. “You’re still not getting the point.”
“Oh, whatever. We’ve got a wedding to do,” Richie stood alongside Bev and held out his hand.
Eddie blinked at him for a speechless moment but took his hand warily.
“This is a bad idea,” He mumbled with a red face as the three sautnered over to the Denbrough’s rusting trellis, its vines once lively now hung dead across the scorching metal.
“Bill! Will you come marry us?” Beverly shouted across the lawn, even though the boys were only a few feet away.
“S-Sure Bevvie,” The boy immediately stood and went to her.
“Got yours, Bev?” Richie held up his candy ring, as well as the one on Eddie’s hand, still clasped in his own.
“Let go of my hand!” Eddie flung his arm back, nursing the Ring Pop in hopes that neither could see his expression. It was the only comfort he had, that sweet taste of blue dye, he’d left his inhaler at home.
Beverly showed them her ring, fresh from the package and shining a neon green on her pale finger.
Bill clapped his hands together, nervously looking to Bev. “Alright, uh, R-Richie go stand by Eh-Eh-Eddie, I’ll marry Bev and you f-first.”
Richie grabbed Beverly’s hands and grinned sheepishly at the young girl. The other three watched from the shade of the umbrella, a mix of amusement and anxiety filtering across their faces. Luckily Bill’s parents were not home to see the ceremony, but the Losers knew neither mother nor father would take much interest in their antics.
“Do y-you Beverly Marsh tu-tu-take Richie T-Tozier to be your, uh, husband?”
“It’s ‘lawfully wedded husband,’ Bill!” Mike commented, while Stan slapped his shoulder.
Richie winked at Bev, which made her laugh harder. “I do.”
Bill nodded in agreement. “Okay, D-Do you, Richie Tozier t-take her to be your,” He turned to Mike, remembering the phrase, “Lawfully wedded wife?”
“Sure do, Big Bill. Now, how bout a good one, right here, Bevvie?” Richie clicked his tongue and tapped a cheek with his finger.
Bev blushed and leaned forward to peck his cheek. Eddie closed his eyes, trying not to picture Richie’s lips on his face. She pulled back, smiling and waving around her ringed finger in the hot air. Richie did the same.
“Eddie, your t-t-turn.”
Beverly gave Richie’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze before dashing off to hide under the umbrella. Eddie ran his tongue across the dry roof of his mouth and stepped forward, accepting the boy’s sweaty hands.
He hardly understood Bill’s words, not because of the stutter but more so because of the way Richie cleared his throat, and the firm grip he had on his hands, as if it were an actual ceremony and not something thrown together in a small town backyard.
Richie was busy staring at Eddie and stammered out an ‘I do’ just in time for him to whisper the same.
Bill bristled at the next line, his eyes flickering to Richie, who nodded his approval and said, “You m-may, uh, kiss each other?”
“On the cheek!” Eddie squealed, but Richie used their locked hands to propel him forward, smacking their lips together with an unceremonious crash of saliva. Richie’s mouth moved quickly across his, with neither having the slightest idea what they were doing or what it meant, but were drawn further into the kiss by the sugary taste left from their Ring Pops.
Richie’s glasses drove up against Eddie’s face in the seconds that their kiss lasted, and when he moved away Eddie let a small smile break through his resolve at Richie’s crooked glasses and wet curls of messy black hair. Eddie wouldn’t realize it until much later in the day but that hot summer afternoon, and Richie’s cherry flavored kiss was a brisk line in the sand on his feelings, and the memory of it would linger in his mind every time the dark-haired boy passed by. He kissed me, he kissed me, his mind would scream with gleeful abandon. Now go tell him you like him.
“See? Just pretend,” Richie released Eddie’s hands and stuck the Ring Pop into his mouth, biting it clean off the plastic ring. He stuck his tongue out, it was still red from the artificial flavoring and Eddie could almost feel that cherry candy in his own mouth. He shuddered at the thought and hurried away from the other boy, terrified and amazed at him.
The patio door slid on its hinges, and a small mousy haired boy stepped out―George, Bill’s little brother.
“What's going on? Who got candy without me?” The boy commanded, looking hurt by the other’s failure to include him.
Bill rushed to his side, holding out what was left of his chocolate. “S-Sorry Georgie. We were just gonna ask i-i-if you wanted some.”
“Uh huh.” Georgie snatched the candy bar, then sought out the plastic bag that promised more treats.
“So what’re you gonna do now Richie, with your new husband and wife?” Mike asked. Stan was bent over his travel-sized birth encyclopedia, so lost in thought the boy was getting smudges of milk chocolate on the pages.
Once Richie went back to the umbrella he slung an arm around Beverly and Eddie’s shoulders and looked up at the sun with a weary grin.
“Take a nap.”
“See Eds? Married,” Richie sighed happily as he concluded his story.
“Rich, there’s no way that you kissed me in front of everyone at ten years old.”
“Would you like me to call Bev for clarification?” Richie said, lovingly resting his head against Eddie’s waist, smiling where the other man could not see―because for a minute Eddie did not flinch away.
Eddie eased Richie’s head away from him and slid off the bed, throwing open his luggage.
“I’d like for you to take back the past twenty minutes, because now we’re going to be late. Ask her tonight at our actual wedding rehearsal.”
Richie rolled over Eddie’s side of the bed and found his phone and glasses while trying to tug off the shirt he’d slept in. “Yeah, Bev? Remember that one time at Bill’s house when we got married?”  
“You’re calling her, Rich?” Eddie disappeared into the bathroom so he didn’t have to witness the reason they were going to inevitably be late for dinner.
Richie stopped and listened, slipping into a pair of dress pants. He rolled his eyes and threw the phone onto the rumpled sheets with a childish whine.
“What did she say?” Eddie asked smugly, poking his head out of the door.
“She said, and I quote, ‘If you don’t show up in the next five minutes I am telling your parents you decided to elope at age forty.’”
Eddie grinned and straightened his shirt collar, exiting the bathroom to kiss Richie’s smooth cheek. At least he’d done one thing: shave.
He took Richie’s arm and they headed out the hotel door. “Let’s go then, Mr. Tozier.”
“That’s Tozier-Kaspbrak, according to you,” Richie grumbled.
“I said I was fine with Tozier.”
“Are you ‘fine’ with it? Just fine? ‘Fine’ is like, ‘I’m fine with my shitty low-end job.’ That sort of fine?”
“How about, ‘I’m more than fine with it for the rest of my life?’”
Richie chuckled. “Sounds good to me, Mr. Tozier. The wedding planner’s gonna give us hell, though.”
“We’ve been through worse.”
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soulwillower · 4 years
hot tub • eddie kaspbrak
(step brother eddie kaspbrak x reader smut)
requested: stepbrother eddie smut, if that makes you uncomfortable or you don’t want to write that then anythings okay! :)
warning: smut, unprotected sex, ,sex in a HOT TUB baby, he’s ur step bro, swearing obvs, unedited
[losers + reader are 18+ in this]
2.3k words
it started as a joke. you swear, it really did.
it started because your friends would always tease you by telling you your new stepbrother was cute. they'd come around your house and flirt with him, tease him, and invite him to join you wherever you went. they’d always make comments about him, frustrating enough to piss you off.
but the more you started to think about it, the more you realized that yeah, eddie is very cute.
you liked how rude he was to your monster of a step mom and the attitude he gave your father was quite the spectacle. he was cute when he made food for you when your parents were out, when he gave you rides to school, and you really liked his boisterous group of friends.
he was a really sweet boy. he was very talkative but not in an overwhelming way, more in a way that either stems from anxiety or from the need to feel heard. and those were both things you could relate to.
and yeah, the joke was escalated when you noticed that eddie would blush when you wore clothes that you felt confident in. he’d stare at your arms, your breasts, your whole body - and one time, you totally caught him staring at your ass while you were doing yoga. that was pretty ironic, considering you hate yoga and you were just hoping he’d come downstairs. that was when you first realized it kind of wasn't a joke for you.
you probably should have found it more off-putting than you did, but you’d be lying when you said you wouldn’t stare longingly at his back when he would leave the shower or when he’d go with you in the hot tub you had.
that last part was especially hot, considering how utterly distraught sonia would get, going on and on about the chemicals in the water or some shit. he never cared though, rolling his eyes and giving the most sass you’d ever seen a person give. it was so hot.
so yeah, it had started as a joke but now you just really wanted to have sex with your step brother. you tried not to call him that in your head, though.
biting your lip, you slide off your bed and pull on your swimsuit, deciding a dip in the hot tub would certainly unwind you. your father had you working with him in the garage all day, and your shoulders were very sore so you just wanted to relax.
you walk down the hall to eddie's room and knock on his door with a sly grin. “come in.” he calls from the other side and you push open the door, smirking.
he blinks up at you from where he sits on his bed, “what’s up, y/n/n?” he asks innocently. his hair is mussed slightly, like he'd been playing with it, and he's wearing a hoodie and shorts even though it was summer. you feel your heart do a double take at the way he looks, his lips red and swollen like he’d just been chewing on them, his eyes wide and curious.
“i’m going to the tub. keep me company?” you plead, walking to sit on the edge of his bed. you place a hand on his thigh when he shakes his head. “nah, i’m busy.” he says.
you roll your eyes, grabbing his phone from his hands as he yelps at you. “yeah, busy. texting…” you scan his screen, “texting stanley uris about-" you laugh and look up at him as he snatches the phone back. "fuck off, y/n! so fucking nosy." he bites, his face turning red. you're disappointed that you didn't get to see what he was so embarrassed about, but you still laugh.
he’s got a scowl when he stands up, pulling you up and shoving you out of his room. you laugh, still surprised by his strength after all this time. something about it gave you butterflies, but you don’t linger on it too much because you hear eddie mumble, “you're so annoying, y/n. i’ll meet you out there.”
you grin in excitement all the way down to the the deck in the backyard where the hot tub sits. it doesn’t take eddie long to come out, clad in blue swim trunks and a white towel around his shoulders. he’s shirtless and you don’t hold back from running your eyes all over his bare torso, his decently muscular frame never ceasing to amaze you. "took you long enough." you joke, sitting up in the tub and moving as he climbs in. "whatever, you're lucky i'm doing this." he mutters, sliding into the warm water as his eyes flit to your chest where your bathing suit displays your body.
his eyes quickly jump up to yours to see if he'd been caught and he turns bright red when you're smirking at him. he rolls his eyes though, always on the defensive and always sassy. he stretches his legs out and tips his head back with a sigh. you watch him for a bit, trying to debate if what you're about to do will tip him over the edge.
fuck it, honestly.
"hey, eddie, do you think you could help me out?" you ask, sliding closer to him. he looks at you almost suspiciously, "s-sure?" he says, sounding very unsure. you smile at him sweetly, rubbing your neck. "i can't reach the part of my shoulder that's really sore." you say.
he raises his eyebrows, looking a little caught off guard. "what, you're always telling me to make sure i'm, like, loose and shit." you say, trying to be casual. he chokes out a cough, "i definitely don't say that."
you shake your head. "whatever, nevermind." you say, hiding your grin as you go to move away. his hand on your shoulder stops you from getting too far and he sighs. "fine, y/n. come here." he says, looking annoyed.
you grin, plopping yourself right on his lap. you hear him let out a grunt and you bite back a grin.
"definitely not what i meant, but okay." he mutters quietly enough that you barely hear it as his hands tentatively land on your shoulders. he starts to rub your back, the bubbles from the hot tub being the only noises around you.
it's quiet as his hands work into your back until eddie's thumb hits a tight spot on your shoulder and you can't help the moan that comes out of your lips. his hands stop and you use the moment as an excuse to readjust in his lap, slightly grinding down on his lap.
"y-y/n." he says lowly, but you turn your head to look back at him, trying to look as innocent as possible. "why'd you stop?" you ask him. the look he gives you almost makes you want to laugh.
he looks exasperated, tortured and nervous. you almost feel bad until you shift again and you feel him tense, his cock hardening slightly under you. your stomach flips in anticipation and he coughs awkwardly, averting his gaze down to the bubbles. his hands slowly resume to working on your tense muscles, but this time his touch is much lighter. "you can go harder, you know." you say and eddie lets out a shaky breath that you feel on your bare neck. "jesus christ." he whispers to himself.
he digs his fingers deeper, though, and obliging you and making you let out small gasps. feeling bold you let out a, "fuck, eddie." in a whimpering voice. eddie's hard under you and you wonder if he thinks you don't notice.
but it doesn't matter because he's suddenly groaning, like your words were too much for him. you smirk to yourself, turning to stand up from where he sits, his hands leaving your shoulders as you rise. "are you hard?" you ask, sending his a smile. his face turns bright red and he shakes his head, looking panicked. "y/n- no, i'm-s-i'm sorry, i-"
you shake your head as he rambles, climbing back onto him, this time straddling him. this indeed shuts him up as your hands fall onto his bare chest. he's staring up at you in bewilderment. "wh-what are you doing?" he stutters, his hands immediately betraying him and falling on your hips. you slowly grind yourself on him and you both let out hisses of pleasure. you needed him so bad. you lean in close to his ear.
"i want you." you whisper into the shell of his ear, your hands wrapping around his neck. thank god both of your parents were gone. he groans, turning his head to catch your lips with his.
kissing eddie was not how you imagined it would be. he knew what he was doing, one hand coming to cup your neck and pull you closer, the other hand staying on your hip. you slowly move against him, relishing in the feeling of his clothed cock rubbing your clit through the water.
you never imagined he'd be the one to initiate the kiss, but he's kissing you fervently and almost like he's afraid that you might get caught. and that makes it so much hotter.
you sneak your hand down to grab his, dragging it down under the bubbles and towards your clothed center, pulling away to whisper, "please, eds."
he moves his fingers gingerly over your swimsuit bottoms, rubbing you before swallowing your moan with his mouth. he slips fingers into your swimsuit and one finger swirls through you, feeling how wet you are.
after a little more pleading, he's slipping a finger inside you, watching you with a blush and wide eyes as you tip your head back with a moan. its warm, hot even, as his finger slides into you and the water rushes around your bodies, your chests both glistening with water droplets.
he presses kisses along your chest and neck, careful and not leaving marks, as much as you want him to. "eddie. more, please." you whimper quietly through your pleasure and he obliges, slipping another finger into you, his eyes not leaving your face as he thrusts them quicker, curling them slightly as you moan and whimper.
you drag your hand slowly under the waistband of his swim trunks and grasp the base of his cock, squeezing as you start to twist your wrist. he lets out a short moan, his head falling back against the edge of the tub. fuck, he's so fucking hot like this. his fingers keep moving inside you and you pull him back in for a kiss before looking at him, stopping your motions with your hand. he pulls his fingers out but leaves his thumb to trace idle circles over your clit, and you bite back a moan as you watch him.
"i want to be inside you." he says quietly, looking like he can't believe he's just said that. you almost cum right there, but instead you nod enthusiastically, "yes, please." you whimper, pulling aside your bottoms and rising slightly, your lower abdomen dripping as you rise out of the bubbles.
you line up with him and look at him for confirmation. his hands are on your sides, thumbs rubbing at your sides and he nods, biting his lip. he's so fucking cute.
so you sink slowly down onto him, gasping and burying your face into his neck as you slip all the way down onto him. he's panting, his hands squeezing your hips tightly. you give yourself time to breathe and  his hands start to move you slightly. you take the hint, kissing his neck as you start to rise up and down on him. you both groan at the feeling, the addition of how wrong this is making it that much hotter for the tow of you. "fuck," eddie mutters, thrusting slowly up into you. your knees are hurting from sitting on either side of his hips in the hot tub but you can't bring yourself to care  when he's looking at you like that.
you're meeting each other half-way now, moaning and whimpering into each other's mouths and your hands roam his body, feeling the slim muscles on his abdomen as his body moves with you. he's mostly quiet, staring at your body and you can't help but moan when he hits a spot in you that makes you shudder. "shit, y/n... i'm- i'm close." he mutters into your ear and you nod, mumbling, "me too."
he's pushing your hips down and lifting them back up now because you're feeling weak with pleasure and you jolt when his thumb falls to rub on your clit in figure eights.
his jaw is clenched, eyes shut as you bounce on him, clenching as you feel your peak coming. his hands slide over your back, pulling you impossibly close and the new angle hits you, triggering your release. you moan softly as waves of pleasure hit you, shaking and staying still, his cock buried inside you as he cums right after you.
you're both breathing heavily, arms shaking. you come down from your high and slowly lift yourself off of him while keeping your arms around his neck. "holy shit." you whisper, your eyes closing and your forehead falling against his neck. he tightens his arms around your middle and you smell chlorine, sex, and eddie.
"oh my god, y/n." he says through a sigh. you just laugh a bit, disbelieving that you've just hooked up with your step brother. and that you liked it so much.
"shit, do you know how unsanitary that was?" eddie says breathlessly, looking at you with a sly grin at what you’d just done.
you’re fucked for this kid.
341 notes · View notes
asteriismos · 4 years
Sunshine Riptide - Eddie Kaspbrak
Warning(s) : virgin! eddie, eighteen! losers club, smut
Authors Note : okay okay idk if i like how this turned out, we’ll see lol. i wanted to post some kind of fic because it’s been a while and i love you guys
Words: 2.6k
Request :
I love your writing so much!!! 😍 I was hoping for some Eddie action- maybe down in the quarry where it’s just him and the reader? ;)
I have a request for a fic! An Eddie smut . Where you find out he's a virgin and you offer to help him out with that and it leads to him confessing his feelings?
I have a request for a fic! A smut with Eddie , where you go down on him for the first time
The sun shone down on the crystal blue water of the quarry, it’s waves brushing up against the steep wall of rocks that lined around the lake at the bottom. It was a hot day in Derry, the high today was going to reach almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the low being only 89. Summers in Derry always seemed to reach a point where the heat was almost unbearable, and it had been a little late this summer, considering it was almost the last week of July. 
Deciding that there was no way to get rid of this heat at home, you and Eddie decided that it would be fun to go down to the quarry to cool off. Despite the heat, it was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. You couldn’t just waste this day. And there was no other loser that would come with you, some of them were stuck inside the house because of their parent’s fears of heatstroke, or they were hanging out with family. 
There was only one other person in the group who could go outside today, and that was Eddie.
Well, Eddie wasn’t exactly allowed to go outside either. His mother was increasingly anxious that he would die if he even set foot outside in such extreme weather. It was pretty common for him not to be allowed to hang out with the group for whatever reasons. But today you had practically begged your best friend to come out to go to the quarry with you. And he did, sneaking out of his bedroom window with a bag that seemingly had his swim trunks and a towel. 
Now here you two were, alone at the quarry, standing at the edge of the cliff. You were a little nervous about this whole thing, being here with Eddie alone. Mostly because you thought that Eddie was very attractive, kind, caring, and funny. It was a crush, a big one at that. And the fact that you were now standing with him alone, him only in his swim trunks were not making things better.
“We should probably jump before we die of heatstroke,” Eddie muttered to you, turning to face you. You looked over at him and laughed, taking a moment to take in his sppearance once again. His hair, which had now grown curly, was almost golden brown in the sunlight. And the freckles that peppered his nose and cheeks. His toned chest also made you swoon even harder. You couldn’t get enough of him.
Leaning over the cliff to take a look at the water, you said, “You should go first.”
“Oh, come on Y/N. You’re scared?”
“And you’re not? You’re telling me that you, Eddie Kaspbrak, aren’t freaking out about jumping?” You said to him. Eddie liked to freak out about the most random things, and you knew that the jump scared him half to death. 
He played it off cool though, his hands wringing together and nodding. “Nope, not one bit.”
You smirked. “Then you should jump first.”
He gulped. “Fine,” He looked at you one more time, walking backwards so he would have a running start. He took out a deep breath and then suprisingly, ran forward and jumped right off the cliff into the water. You watched him fall and splash into the water, waiting for him to get far enough away from the splash site and then you too jumped off the cliff. 
Feeling the water on your sunsoaked skin, you sighed out in relief. Eddie heard it and looked towards you, almost as if that noise had caught his attention. You shrugged it off, not thinking of it when you felt him splash water in your direction. “Hey!!” You yelled, arms raised up and splashing him back. 
This went on for a little bit longer, you two gradually getting closer to each other with each splash. There was a moment where his hand grazed your arm and you blushed like crazy, going under the water to hide it.
It was truly the best day to be at the quarry. And somehow, no one was here with you guys. Because of the opening of the new Derry pool, many people didn’t come down here anymore. Usually it was just the Losers who were down here to swim. Not that you minded, that just made the quarry all that much more special to your little group. 
Now Eddie looked even more beautiful. His curls were now soaked with water that dripped down the front of his neck all the way down his torso, glistening in the sunlight. You had to physically stop yourself from your jaw dropping at how hot he looked. And the funny thing was, he didn’t even know how hot he actually was. Eddie didn’t think that anyone liked him, which couldn’t be more from the truth. You heard the way that some girls would talk about him, about how hot he was, smart and funny. Some of them even wondered what he was like in bed. 
You too have had thoughts like that, thoughts that were starting to plague your mind every single passing second you spent with him right now. 
You wanted him.
Scratch that, you needed him.
And by the looks of it, he seemed to want you too. You pretended not to see it at first, like the first time he had looked at you when you let out that moan of relief from the water. But as time went on, you could feel his eyes on you when you weren’t looking. It excited you to think that the boy of your affections was thinking the same thing you were. 
So you started to toy with him, see how long it would be before he broke. 
You two had retired to laying on your towels by the water. You were laying down on your back with sunglasses on facing the sun. You made sure to puff out your chest as much as you could in your bikini, wiggling sometimes so that your breasts would move a little bit. 
Seeing that that wasn’t enough, you decided to go even farther. 
Sitting up, you reached behind your back and untied the back strap of your bikini, feeling the ends fall down to your side. You used your arms to keep the material along your chest in place while turning around so your exposed back was facing the sun. You heard him take in a sharp breath, making you smirk behind your sunglasses. 
“What? I don’t want any tan lines on my back,” You said in a sweet, innocent voice. Even though your intentions were anything but that. 
After a few more minutes, you turned back over, not caring as your swimsuit top fell off of you, exposing your chest to the sun. 
Eddie must’ve been drinking water, because you heard him breathe in and start choking on something. A smirk still not leaving your face, you took off your sunglasses and turned to face him. 
“Something wrong Eddie?” He motioned to your chest through his coughing fit, trying to attempt to shield his eyes from you. But you could see he was struggling, and there was a growing buldge in his swimwear. 
Just what you wanted. 
“Y/N, you should . . .” He trailed off, losing his train of thought. You cocked an eyebrow. 
“I should what?” You asked innocently, scooting closer to him so you two were only inches away. You blinked, a sickly sweet smile appearing on your lips. 
Eddie breathed out, his breath fanning your face. His cheeks were dusted a light rosey color, his breathing unsteady. It was silent for a few moments between you two, making you more and more anxious by the second. His eyes glanced down at your chest, then to your lips, and then back to your eyes. He opened his mouth, saying, “You should cover up before I can’t control myself anymore.”
That was enough to make you lean forward, your hands falling onto his chest. He met you halfway, pressing your lips together for a heated kiss. Being this close to him was making you get more aroused, feeling the bare skin of his chest against your hands. You had gotten what you wanted, and it seemed that he was as well. 
Eddie moved so that he was on top of you, hands coming to each side, still kissing you. Your hands trailed up to tangle themselves in his hair, pulling at the curls, earning a groan from him. Your stomach flipped in excitement, that groan was incredibly sexy, and you could not get enough of him. His lips were intoxicating, Eddie tasted better than you could’ve ever imagined. 
Your mind, which had once been thinking about Eddie as a friend, were now consumed with lust for the person above you, wanting to see him. To feel him. The need was forever growing. 
“Eddie,” You breathed out, pulling away from him. “I need you.”
He twitched in his swimsuit against the inside of your thigh at your words. Eddie looked into your eyes and took his bottom lip in between his teeth. Suddenly, he looked nervous. 
“I want you too Y/N, but what if someone comes down here?” He said. 
You put your hand on his face. “We’ll be fine. No one comes down here.” That was usually the case. However, there was still the chance of there possibly being a person coming down here to fish or something. But then again, the whole idea of getting caught was kind of hot.
That seemed to convince him, his lips pressing against yours for a split second before pulling away yet again. You groaned out, missing his touch. What was holding you back?
“Eddie, what’s wrong?” You asked, an almost annoyed expression on your face. If he was just nervous about someone catching you two again, then you didn’t know what else to say to him. 
“Y/N, I’m . . . I’ve never done this before,” He sputtered out. 
Your eyes widened, expression softening. Oh. “You’re a virgin?”
An embarrassed blush came to his cheeks. “Don’t say it like that.”
You shook your head, smiling at him. “It’s okay Eddie, I’m just suprised. You’re so . . . well, you’re so you.” How could you explain how great of a person he was? There was no real way, not enough letters in the alphabet. “I can help you with that, if you want?”
He looked at you with wonder in his eyes, a hint of lust if you looked hard enough. He wanted this, Eddie wanted you. You just about melted right then and there. Slowly, he nodded. Yes. 
You pushed him onto his back, crawling up his body to lay on it. With care, you kissed his lips, trailing all the way down his jawline, neck, and then his torso. Every single kiss was calculated, making sure to take your time as you got closer and closer to his waistband. Your hand teased at the edge of it, pulling the fabric and having it snap back onto his skin. Eddie’s hands flew to your hair, moaning a little bit at the contact. 
You took your time to slide his swim trunks down, pulling him into your hands and pumping. He was breathing heavily now, the hands in your hair pushing you towards him desperately. You laughed a little bit, “Eager much?”
He didn’t respond, instead smiling sheepishly. You licked his tip, still pumping him with his hands. A few seconds later you opened up your mouth and stuck your tongue out, looking up at him. Go ahead.
Eddie got the memo, pushing you onto him. You felt his cock go all the way to the back of your throat, sliding your tongue under it. The sound that came out of him was enough to drench your swimsuit bottoms. You glanced up at him, seeing his head thrown back with red cheeks puffed up. Your name slipped out of his lips like it was the only thing that he could say.
Bobbing up and down on him, you felt spit drip down your chin, feeling the need to breathe. Pulling off, his hands in your hair came and held your face, his thumb rubbing circles on your cheek. It was so sweet and caring, you’ve never felt this connection with anyone else you’ve had sex with. 
You leaned in to continue your previous actions, but he pushed your face away and instead rolled you over again, so you were on your back. He kissed you, his hands coming to take off the rest of what you were wearing. The kiss was sweet, passionate with lots of emotion. He wasn’t nervous, he was confident in himself. 
“Tell me how to make you feel good,” Eddie whispered to you. You nodded, grabbing his wrist and guiding his hand down to your clit. He experimentally swiped over it, making you shiver, gripping his wrist and leading him further down to your enterance. A finger idly swiped against it, seeing a positive reaction. 
Feeling that same finger enter you, your hand gripped his wrist tighter, keeping him there. His thumb stayed rubbing against your clit. 
“Fuck, Eddie,” You moaned out, kissing him again. Once he got more confident with one finger, he added another one, stretching you out. The pressure was building up, making your moans more and more desperate for him. “I’m going to cum.” You looked at him in the eyes and he watched as you reached your high, feeling that familiar sense of euphoria wash over you while he still thrusted his fingers in and out of you. 
He pulled the two fingers out, both of them slick with your arousal. You looked so beautiful like this, spread out before him, your hair surrounding your head like a halo. You took his breath away. 
“Okay, I’m ready,” Eddie said in a moment of confidence. You spread your legs, waiting for him to push into you.
It wasn't long before he did, giving you a moment to adjust to him bottoming out. He thrusted in and out, finding a steady pace. Your legs came to wrap around his waist, making him hit a deeper spot in you that sent you screaming. You were so tight. Eddie started to get louder as well. 
Right away you can feel that chase towards your high forming in you again, getting closer and closer as you heard Eddie muttering your name. His hand came and started to rub your clit again, just how you had showed him before. He was so hot, thrusting into you out in the open. Pleasure took over, along with lust, guiding you both to that peak. 
His name rolled off of your lips like a mantra, kissing and nipping at his neck to make a few marks. 
“I’m-” He started, but you interjected with, “Me too.”
His thrusts got harder this time, out of rhythm with each other. 
And you both saw stars.
You two rode out your orgasms together, him eventually stopping and stalling inside of you. For just a moment, you two just sat there against each other.
Eddie pulled out of you, rolling over to lay beside you. Your breathing steadied and you turned to face him. 
“Eddie?” You asked, putting your hand on his cheek so he would turn to face you. 
You smiled, kissing his cheek. “I didn’t just do this to be your first time.” He raised an eyebrow, staying silent as you still spoke. “I guess . . . I guess I’ve always had feelings for you.”
You bit your lip, awaiting some kind of answer. 
Him pulling you into his chest for a hug, kissing your cheek was an answer enough.
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For the prompt thing, kasplon hanging out at the farm and being cute farm boy please 🥺
hey! sorry for the delay ur ask disappeared out of my inbox for literal months, but ! i've got ur fic!
|| Picnic ||
fandom: it 2017/2019
rating: teen and up
ship: kasplon
warnings: alcohol
tags: farmhand eddie, aged-up characters, mike calls eddie baby
Eddie Kaspbrak has a love/hate relationship with the Hanlon farm.
Pro: he gets along well with the other farmhands.
Con: why the fuck did Florida have to be so hot?
Personally as a boy from Maine, Eddie hadn’t had too many hot summers like this. It was colder up north. Basic science.
He glances up at the sky, one hand at his brow to shield his eyes from the sun. It was directly above him and shining down just about as hard as it could. It was only noon. Great.
Eddie counted himself lucky that he only had to deal with the animals today. Otherwise he would have gone crazy. And he didn’t want that, not during his first summer with the farm.
“Hey, Eddie!”
Eddie blinks against the sun as he glances in Mike's direction.
“Mike,” he says back. The boy smiles at him, holding out the picnic basket in his hand.
“Fancy a break yet?”
Eddie smiles wide. “I’m almost done. Maybe then?”
“I could wait here?” Mike sets the basket down, then looks back up at Eddie.
Eddie shrugs. Then he makes sure to do his last task quickly enough that he doesn’t waste too much of the other boy’s time. Then he’s making his way back to Mike, who’s already laid down the blanket for the two of them and most of the items.
“Hey,” Eddie says, sitting down.
“Hey, yourself,” Mike says back.
“You didn’t have to do this, Mikey,” Eddie says, trying to catch Mike’s eye.
“I know, I know, you said you didn’t want to celebrate, but it’s a huge deal, Baby!” Eddie blushes at the pet name. “You’re the big 21! And hey,” he continues, holding out a finger before taking out a bottle of wine.
“Mike,” Eddie smiles. “You really didn’t have to.” He reaches forward, gently taking the bottle. “But I guess since you have it.” Mike chuckles at that before producing two cups; a little unusual for wine, but neither of them were normal at heart. The two cups are poured and Eddie takes a small sip, letting the sweet, dry taste coat his tongue.
Mike raises his eyebrows as he takes his own sip. “So,” he says after, “how is it?”
“I like it!” Eddie smiles again.
Mike smiles. He looks at Eddie fondly, leaning forward a bit, and says, “Happy Birthday, Baby.”
Eddie leans forward as well, meeting him in the middle for a kiss. He giggles to himself after, then gestures to the rest of the food on the blanket. “Thanks for all this, Mikey.”
“Absolutely no problem, Eddie. Strawberry?”
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Reddie in the hammock 🥺
The Hammock
After what seemed like an unfinishable summer, the losers finally got a little break in their clown killing activities. Ben wanted to surprise his friends with a getaway, a place no one could reach them, not pennywise, not bowers, not anyone. Thats when he built the clubhouse. Loser’s members only! He was so proud of it and he finally got to show the losers, they were all so grateful to have a safe heaven from the outside world. They had games, comic books and a hammock. That hammock had been the subject to a couple of fights between Richie and Eddie. The smaller boy claimed that the losers agreed to 10min in the hammock per turn, however Richie claimed he never agreed to those terms.
One day, while Richie was lying in the hammock, he heard Eddie’s alarm go off. Thinking nothing of it, Richie went back to reading his comic book.
“Hey fucker! Your time in the hammock is up! It’s my turn now, get out!” Eddie yelled
Richie looked up from his comic, annoyed. “I never agreed to that Eds, I’m not moving.” He looked back down at his comic.
“Fucking hell Richie, you really don’t know how to share a place with other people huh? You’re so annoying, c’mon get up, it’s my turn!” Eddie said getting closer to Richie, his voice slightly higher in pitch.
“UGH! You know what, fuck you I’m getting in that hammock!” Eddie said as he lightly threw himself on the hammock.
“Oh my god, Eddie! What are you doing, were going to fucking fall!” Richie shouted
“Good, fucking fall you little shit. Im staying in the hammock.” Eddie spat
“Fine!” Richie said as he started reading his comic again.
Eddie looked at Richie. He had expected more of a fight, he was ready for more of a fight. But that little shit was reading his stupid comic. He doesn't know why but he needed Richie to pay attention to him. Their bickering wasn't over.
Suddenly, Richie feels a foot hit him in the face. He knows Eddie is trying to get a rise out of him and he could not let him win. So instead, he keeps reading his comic, but he put his hand on Eddie’s leg and squeezed it, trying to make him stop. The fact that Richie hadn't looked up, only aggravated Eddie even more. He then proceeded to slip his foot under Richie’s glasses and flicked them half way across the room.
Richie just sighed, he figured this was his new normal now.
A couple of months after that summer. Eddie was at home pouring himself a glass of hot cocoa, when suddenly the phone starts ringing. He looked at the time. 9:47 pm, why would anyone be calling at this time?
“Kaspbrak residence” Eddie answered
“Eds, its me, meet me at the clubhouse in an half an hour.” Richie mumbled
“What? I can’t just-“ the line went dead.
Shit, Eddie thought. He was going to have to sneak out. Richie sounded serious and he couldn't let him down.
He went creeped up the stairs and slightly opened the door to his mother’s bedroom.
“Goodnight mommy, I’m off to bed!” Eddie said
“Who was on the phone?” She said with a concerned look.
“Oh it was Bill, he called to remind me to bring his book back.” Eddie lied
“Okay Eddie bear, goodnight.”
He quickly closed the door and headed for his room. He changed into sweatpants and a sweater and packed his fanny pack, ready for any situation. He then proceeded to slowly climb out his window and head towards the clubhouse, following little strings of tape Ben had left on trees, so the other losers wouldn't get lost. Once he got there, he could see a faint light coming from the ground. He opened the hatch and went down, slightly terrified of what awaited him. What he wasn't expecting to see was the club house illuminated with Christmas lights and Richie sitting in a sleeping bag on the hammock.
“Hiya Eds, took you long enough”. Richie let out a shaky laugh
Eddie knew something was wrong, the other boy’s tone of voice wasn't as smooth and his eyes were almost lifeless, compared to his normal, bright eyes. He quickly rushed over to his side.
“What’s wrong Richie” Eddie started looking all over, touching his arm, leg, cheek, basically looking for any sign of injury. “Are you okay, why are you crying?” Eddie’s voice was shaking.
Richie grabbed the smaller boy’s hands and held then tightly on his leg. “Im not hurt Eds, well not physically. I just got into a fight with my parents.”
“What happened” Eddie asked, unconsciously rubbing his thumb over Richie’s hand.
“Ever since last summer, I barely sleep and whenever I manage to fall asleep, I have nightmares about the stupid clown. My parents yelled at me because my grades have been going down and they want to know why. But what am I going to them tell? “Oh yeah ma, I’m sorry about that, it’s just a murderous clown tried to kill me and my friends and I haven’t been able to sleep because I’m terrified he’s going to come back and kill them.” So I played dumb and told them I didn’t know why, so they started yelling at me and i couldn't bear staying there so I called you.”
“Why me?” Eddie whispered
“Because you’re my Eddie Spaghetti!” Richie said while pinching his cheeks.
“ So what were just going to sleep on the floor?”
“No, in the hammock. You know we can both fit.” He said with a small grin.
For some reason, when Richie said those words, Eddie’s heart skipped a beat. He ignored it and climbed into the hammock.
“I thought maybe you could put you head near mine. I brought some new comic books we could read together...” Richie trailed off.
“Hmm okay” Eddie changed positions and nudged himself near Richie. The boy’s had never been this close but they both felt like it was something that had needed to happen. Like they were both safe.
After reading comics for an hour or so, Richie yawned. “ Wow Eds, didn't think i would ever say this again, but I think I’m going to go sleep now.”
“Oh that’s good Richie, yeah we should just go to sleep.” Eddie started panicking, did he have to go back to their original position, on opposites sides? But before be could move, he felt arms wrap around him.
“Goodnight Eds.”
“Hmm, goodnight ‘Chee”
They both snuggled under one small sleeping bag, cuddling. Eddie head resting on Richie’s chest, falling asleep to the faint beat of his heart.
That was the first of many nights spent at the clubhouse for Richie and Eddie.
They came almost every night until their graduation, none of the other losers knew (even though, most of them suspected). It’s where they came to escape their parents, where they first confessed their love for each other (Eddie had said it first in a fit of rage against the taller boy (not exactly the way he planned it but hey, it all worked out)), where they shared their first kiss (and many other first...) it became their home. It was the place where they felt safest, where they could be themselves without having people judge their love. An escape for everyday life. Their love is built into the walls and they both know that without the clubhouse and that stupid hammock, they would not share the love they have for one another today.
Perm Tag list: @eddiefuckinkaspbrak , @thepurplepanther , @topsyturvytabby, @callmechee @thoughtfullyyoungduck
tag list: @snapmyneckandcallmeloki @lostboyspidey @tyrus-is-everything
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greenornaments · 5 years
58. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life. Ever since the day I first met you.” :D
Oooh, thank you so much for this prompt! This takes place post-Ch. 2, they’ve defeated Pennywise and Eddie didn’t die or even get attacked. Enjoy! ^_^
Richie can’t stop himself from thinking about it; the crippling terror he’d experienced under the clown’s hypnotic spell as he helplessly watched Eddie get impaled above him, unable to do anything but watch, scream, and listen to the deafening cries inside his own head of NO, NO, GOD NO, NOT EDDIE, TAKE ME INSTEAD, PLEASE….
It’s not real. None of it was real. He knows this from the moment he awakens from the Deadlights, dazed and disoriented as Eddie looks down at him and exclaims that he’s done it, he’s killed It, and Richie gets that surge of energy and strength he’s always heard about mothers getting when their child is in danger. It’s enough to propel him to grab onto Eddie and roll both of them out of the way just in time to miss the clown’s vengeful claws. The six of them make it out, fleeing from the house of horrors one after the other, grabbing onto each other in relief and shock as they watch Neibolt crumble into the ground and become nothing more than a bad memory.
And he can’t stop thinking about it. While they walk the quiet streets of Derry in the early dawn. When they reach the quarry, which is now sporting a large sign warning against the diving they’d engaged in so many times as children without a second thought. When they blatantly ignore the sign and dive in anyway, with Eddie grabbing onto his hand before they take the plunge. While they’re swimming around in the opaque water and Eddie is playfully splashing some of it in his direction, the smile on his face more beautiful than all the stars in the sky combined. Especially then.
What would I have done? He thinks to himself as he laughs and splashes him back. If the clown had gotten him and he was gone, what the fuck would I have done?
He’s still thinking about it later that night, as he’s standing in the shower of his rented room at the Derry Townhouse, letting the hot water run over his body and cleanse him once and for all of the scourge of Pennywise and all the misery It had wrought over him and his friends for their entire lives. He’s letting his mind wander, turning over long buried memories that have been barreling at him full force ever since he stepped foot inside Jade of the Orient and saw Eddie for the first time in twenty-seven years, but which he hasn’t allowed himself to fully process until now. Now that he has nothing else to do but think.
He thinks about that summer, of quarries and clubhouses and lazy afternoons spent in a hammock; he thinks about movies and videogames and ice cream; of days spent riding bikes through the streets of town and of hot, still nights reading comics together on Eddie’s bed while trying not to wake up Mrs. Kaspbrak.
He thinks back further, to school trips to the apple orchard, where he and Eddie would pool their pocket money together to share a turnover that Richie would always make sure to take the smaller half of. He thinks of chilly winters; of snowy days spent building snowmen in Richie’s front yard before going inside for piping hot mugs of hot chocolate.
And he thinks back even further still, to the first day of kindergarten, when he was a tiny, nervous ball of anxiety who started crying the minute his mother left, until a brown haired boy with wide eyes as dark as his hair came up to him, smiled, and offered him some dried peaches from a small bag he took from the black fanny pack around his waist.
Fuck, he thinks, the long forgotten truth hitting him as his mind lingers on the R+E he’d carved into the kissing bridge on that long ago summer day. You’ve gotten yourself into a fucking emotional mess now, Rich. You dumb fucking asshole. You shouldn’t have come back here. None of you should have. Forgetting was better, it was always fucking better.
He heaves a sigh and turns the water off, shivering as he steps out of the shower and towels himself off. He’s just finishing putting on fresh clothes when he hears a knock on his door. It’s probably Mike wanting us all to go to brunch or some shit.
He crosses the room and opens the door. It’s not Mike.
“Can I come in?” Eddie asks, even as he’s squeezing past Richie and entering the room anyway.
“Well, since you so politely asked for my permission,” Richie quips, watching Eddie sit on the edge of his bed. He’s also changed his clothes; he’s wearing plaid pajama pants and a plain black sweatshirt that says Tri-State Insurance across the front. It’s a very basic outfit that shouldn’t be and truly isn’t anything special, yet somehow on Eddie it manages to make Richie’s heart thump ever so slightly harder.
Get a fucking grip on yourself.
“To what do I owe this most honorable visit?” Richie asks as he leans against the wall and tries to look like he hasn’t just spent the past half hour reliving every single moment of pining he’s repressed for years.
Eddie looks suddenly uncomfortable, like he’s unsure now of why he’s there. “I… I wanted to talk to you. If you have a minute.”
“Just a minute, I have a hot date with your mom I’m gonna be late for.”
“You do realize my mom is dead, right, asshole?”
Richie swallows down the next joke he was about to make. He actually hadn’t remembered that in all the chaos. “Sorry,” he murmurs, his eyes meeting Eddie’s for the first time since the other man burst into his room. Eddie gazes back at him for the briefest of moments before he closes his eyes and sighs.
“Just… look, this isn’t gonna be easy for me to say,” he begins, opening his eyes back up and focusing them on a vague spot on the wall somewhere to the left of Richie. “But it’s going to bug the shit out of me until I say it, so I’m just going to bite the bullet and fucking go for it, and you don’t even have to respond, I just want to get it off my chest.”
Richie’s stomach drops, and he starts to wonder if he’s done something to piss Eddie off since they’ve reunited. Like, unintentionally. The basis of their entire friendship has always been him playfully trying to get Eddie mad, but Eddie has never really been angry at him. He doesn’t think they’ve ever even had a real fight. But there’s always that seed of doubt, and Richie quickly goes back over every interaction they’ve had in the past couple of days. Did he get mad about me making fun of his job? Maybe I made too many mom jokes, I honestly forgot she’s dead. Ok, maybe I shouldn’t have made those comments about his wife, but come on, he told me himself that their marriage is on the rocks and he’s been emotionally divorced for a long time, so how mad could he possibly-
“Earth to Trashmouth, are you listening to me?”
Fuck. “Yeah. Yeah, sorry. What’s on your mind?” Richie asks, clearing his throat and trying to do the same to his mind as he focuses back on Eddie, who takes a deep breath and begins speaking.
“Richie… back there, in the sewers, when… when the fucking clown had you in those Deadlights, I knew I had to do something to save you, cause no shit, right, you’re one of my best friends, so of course I did, but… but for some reason I also kind of felt like… like you being attacked by Pennywise was a personal attack on me? Sort of? Like… fuck… all I could think of was how I froze up when that spider fuck was attacking you, and how I had to make up for that, but also how… Ugh… I don’t know how to phrase this,” Eddie whines, rubbing a hand over his face as he focuses his eyes back on the wall, avoiding eye contact with Richie.
“It’s like… if it was any of the others up there, of course I would also try to help them if I could, but it wouldn’t…. it wouldn’t feel like so much of a personal thing, if that makes sense? The clown getting you, specifically, just really pissed me off. And when you dropped down I was so worried about you, like, were you ok? Were you hurt? I thought back to when we were kids, you know, when Bev was in the lights and Ben had to kiss her, and I thought… is that what you needed, too? Was I going to have to do that? But then you woke up and I was relieved, Rich, I was so relieved, but I was also… I don’t know… disappointed. I was actually disappointed that you didn’t need a kiss to wake up, and god, Richie, ever since we got out of that fucking house that’s all I’ve been able to think about. Why it is that I was so, so disappointed.”
Richie’s heart is pounding now, the steady thump of its beat echoing in his ears as all of his blood rushes to his head and makes him feel dizzy. Is Eddie saying what he thinks he’s saying? He can’t be, this isn’t real, it’s a dream, he’s still in the Deadlights and he’s going to wake up any second and they’re still going to be in that godforsaken sewer.
“What?” Richie barely manages to choke out as Eddie finally makes eye contact with him. Every part of him is bursting to come out and say what he’s been holding back for days, for years, but he’s terrified.
“I don’t know how else to say this, but I… I think…”
“Eddie, I love you.” The words leave his mouth before he can stop them, and the minute they do his stomach flips, waves of nausea threatening to make him let loose right there on the bedroom floor, but somehow, using unimaginable strength he doesn’t even know he has in him, he manages to keep himself just barely under control enough to not completely ruin this moment.
Eddie blinks, his cheeks turning a brilliant shade of crimson. “Say that again?” He says it in a shocked whisper, his eyes wide as saucers as he looks at Richie in disbelief.
“I said I love you,” Richie repeats, finding it easier to say the second time now that the worst is over. He might as well let it all out, there’s no going back now. “I do, I love you so fucking much. I’ve been in love with you my entire life. Ever since the day I first met you. And that’s all that’s been on my mind since I got that fucking phone call from Mike. That’s what went through my head as soon as I saw the number pop up on my phone. You.” He feels his cheeks growing hot from the adrenaline and pure relief of that crushing weight coming off of his chest.
Eddie’s shoulders are heaving with the intensity of the breaths he’s taking as his dark eyes bore into Richie’s. The next thing Richie knows, he’s watching Eddie get up off the bed and cross over to him, stopping close to him but, agonizingly, not even remotely close enough.
“Say it again,” he demands, his eyes flashing.
“I love you.”
“Again.” Eddie is slowly closing the space between them.
“I. Love. You.”
“One more time.” He’s practically pressed up against him now, and Richie is about 80% sure he’s about to actually faint.
“I’m in love with you, you little shit-“
His words are cut off by the gentle press of soft lips against his, and his brain short-circuits and goes completely offline. It’s so much, it’s too much, it’s not enough, it’s Eddie, it’s literally everything Richie has ever dreamed of, it’s the moment he often stayed up for entire nights fantasizing about, it’s what he always assumed he would never experience, and here it was, as real as the press of Eddie’s warm, breathing, very much alive body pinning him against the wall.
Their lips part and they look at each other, breathing heavily. Eddie’s eyes are blown black, his lips are cherry red and his cheeks are scarlet. He’s so close that Richie can actually feel the thumping of the other man’s heart against his chest.
“I love you too, asshole,” says Eddie, smiling before crashing their lips back together.
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floralbuckley · 5 years
eddie carving E + R into the kissing bridge right under the R + E and then as adults , them realizing
This started out as someone else request and then kind of slowly turned to this one, but a little different? Also, this took me over a week to write and edit so please be gentle. I hope you all enjoy! 
Getting out of the sewers and getting Eddie to the emergency room was the real challenge. After the Losers had all finally seen the existence of Pennywise melt away to nothing, it became a reality to them that, somehow, they needed to haul up Eddie’s body and get him out of there. Sure, he was small, but after the battle, they knew they had limited energy. And they had to use it wisely if they were going to make it out of there alive. 
 It was Bill who had first posed the question of who would do the honours of carrying Eddie out, and how exactly they would do that. 
 “I’ll take him,” Richie said without missing a beat, his hand raised up high in the air.
 Mike shook his head as he rolled his eyes. Any sane person on earth could take one look at Richie’s distressed and dishevelled appearance and know that he shouldn’t be carrying another human being through these sewers. “Richie, you’re a mess. I’ll do it.”
 Despite Mike’s words, Richie began walking towards Eddie in haste and said, “we all know I’m the biggest. It just makes sense. I mean, really, it’s just science.” Mike stepped forward, about to protest once again, but Ben put his arm in front of his chest to hold him back. As Richie put his forearms underneath Eddie’s armpits and slowly lifted him off the ground, his arms began shaking due to Eddie’s beaten up body being so limp. But eventually, somehow, he managed to get one arm under his legs and pick him up bridal style. “Let’s go, Losers.”
 When they finally reached the emergency room, the only thing on their minds was Eddie and making sure he got the help he needed. Mike immediately went into leader mode, rushing to the front desk to try and get Eddie into surgery as quickly as possible while Richie stood behind him with Eddie still in his arms. What the losers didn’t really seem to realise was the state that each of them was in, too: blood all over their shirts, cuts on their faces, bruises littering their arms, tear streaks down their faces. But Eddie was their first priority, of course.
 Eddie spent several weeks in the hospital after surgery, eating nothing but disgusting jelly and sloppy soup, drinking sour apple juice and watching more daytime television than he’s ever seen in his entire life. If you asked Eddie Kaspbrak who his favourite soap opera character was, he would be more than happy to list all the soaps on Channel 5, plus the 2 on channel 7, then go into great detail about each character from each show long before telling you his favourite. 
 However, by his side was a person he didn’t expect to stick around.
 The other Loser’s practically begged Richie to get some rest or, at the very least, go back to the Derry Town House to have a shower and change his clothes. But Richie refused. He simply needed to stay by Eddie’s side in case any little thing happened.
 After a few days had passed and everyone had confirmation that Eddie was okay, it was time for the rest of the group to go back to work, back to their partners, back to their own towns. Except for Richie. Boy, that man was stubborn. Numerous phone calls, angry texts, and livid emails from his manager, and Richie dodged every single one. Eddie was the only thing on his mind right now, and there was no way he was leaving just to go tell jokes on stage. 
 By the 5th day of sleeping in the uncomfortable vinyl chair in Eddie’s room, and wearing the same clothes from the sewer, Richie eventually went back to the Town House. He showered, grabbed his and Eddie’s suitcases, and bought a sleeping bag for the floor of Eddie’s hospital room. If he had to sleep in that godforsaken chair for one more night, Richie was sure he’d be flying back home on a red-eye that day. 
 Oh, who was he kidding? Richie would’ve slept on the floor for the rest of his life if it meant he got to stay by Eddie’s side. 
 It was 3 weeks after Eddie’s surgery, and, really, Eddie should have left last week. He recovered perfectly from surgery, the stitches had been taken out of his cheek, and doctors said he was good to go home. But Eddie refused, too terrified that something would happen the moment he got onto the plane. So, Richie stayed by his side, catering to his every need to make sure that Eddie was as happy as he could possibly be. 
 It was 4 in the morning, and Richie just simply couldn’t get a wink of sleep. He grabbed his phone from the floor beside him and clicked the lock button, the home screen informing him of the early hour. Richie rustled around in his sleeping bag, attempting to get comfortable against the itchiness of the fabric before he eventually just gave up and got out of the damn thing. He plonked into the visitor chair and looked out the window at Derry’s street lights. He remembered seeing these lights as a boy when he and the losers would go out to the Summer carnival at night, and the entire town would be lit up. It was a sight he hadn’t seen in a very long time, and the memories bought a smile to his face. 
 “Rich?” Eddie whispered.
 Richie jumped a little, not expecting Eddie to be awake at this hour. He turned around to see the smaller boy looking at him, his brown eyes shining in the moonlight.
 “Mm, what’s up?” He whispered back with his eyebrows raised.
 Eddie shuffled around in his bed as he attempted to make space. He absolutely despised Richie sleeping on the floor. Sure, it was clean and sanitary enough given that they were in a hospital, but god, Eddie couldn’t even begin to imagine how uncomfortable sleeping down there for the last 3 weeks must have been.
 “Get in the bed,” he said gently as he gestured his head towards the empty space he had made. 
 Richie shook his head. “It’s fine, Eddie. You need your space.”
 “Richie, get in the bed,” Eddie repeated, his voice no longer a whisper as he rose it to a regular volume. He pulled back the corner of the duvet to show Richie the room he had made for him.
 “No, Eds. I don’t want to hurt you or anything,” Richie said as he put his hands up in defence.
 Eddie let out a low growl and grumpily patted the empty spot next to him. “Get in the fucking bed, asshole.”
 Richie sighed and thought about it for a moment. On the one hand, he really was worried about moving the wrong way and hitting the wound on his cheek or turning over and crashing into his stomach. However, on the other hand, he got to be in bed with Eddie. Of course, it was that thought that won him over. He stood up from the uncomfortable vinyl chair and made his way over to the hospital bed. He slipped a sock-clad foot under the covers first before slowly tucking the rest of his body in. The sheets were warm from where Eddie had just been laying, and after being in them for so long, they also smelt like him: a mixture of soft, just-washed clothes, and freshly cut grass. Richie breathed in the scent as he pulled the duvet up to his chin before turning around to find Eddie looking at him.
 Richie lightly chuckled. “Hey,” he whispered. “Can’t sleep, either?”
 Eddie shook his head as thought for a minute, his eyebrows furrowing. “I know it’s dead, but I can’t stop thinking about it, Rich.”
 Richie snuggled further down into the bed and rubbed his nose against the pillow they were sharing. His soft sweat pants brushing against Eddie’s bare legs sent a chill down his spine as he realised just how close they were to one another. He wasn’t sure where to put his hands, so he let them awkwardly sit in between his and Eddie’s bodies as he thought back to when they had fought Pennywise and all the nightmares that had come afterwards. That demonic face had been taking over almost every thought in Richie’s head for the last 3 weeks, its horrid laugh replaying over and over again.
 “Yeah, I know. Me too.”
 The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, thinking about the fact that, despite fighting and killing that thing, it was still haunting them weeks later. Eddie hesitantly took a hand out from underneath his head and slid it below the covers until his fingers found Richie’s. Eddie let his fingertips touch Richie’s ever so slightly before allowing them to run down Richie’s fingers and meeting at his palm. Eddie rubbed his knuckles over the inside of Richie’s hand, and it felt as if a swarm of butterflies was erupting within both of them.
 Richie couldn’t help but let a smile creep up onto his face at the delicate touch. “What’re you doing, Eds?”
 “Rich, I could have died in there,” Eddie started softly. Richie’s collarbones were peeking out from underneath his shirt, and Eddie made a point of staring at them instead of at Richie’s face as he spoke his next words. “It- it made me realise that I can’t keep living a lie, you know?”
 Eddie’s eyes stayed away from Richie’s face as Richie processed his words. He understood in every way what Eddie was saying because Richie, too, didn’t want to live this lie anymore. As much as Richie wanted this, as much as his heart pounded inside his chest and his head spun in circles, and his stomach fluttered with butterflies and his skin filled with goosebumps, Richie wasn’t sure he could do this. And although he’d been living with these thoughts inside his mind for the last 28 years, he still didn’t feel ready. No matter how in love with Eddie he was.
 Richie pulled his fingers away from Eddie’s and sat up in the hospital bed, and Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. He’d seen Richie’s smile just seconds before, and as he thought more about his actions, Eddie’s smile completely fell from his face. His cheeks were suddenly bright red and burning hot, with the sinking feeling that he’d done something terribly wrong growing in his stomach.
 “Yeah, uh-.” Richie didn’t dare look at Eddie’s face. He couldn’t. He got up out of bed quickly and reached for his shoes. “I need some air,” he said hastily as he slipped his arms into his jumper. He pulled his sneakers on and looked around the room for a second – his eyes refusing to meet Eddie’s – then rushed out the door and slammed it shut.
 Eddie felt his heart drop into his stomach, and for a moment, he sat in his bed as he thought over what had just occurred. He couldn’t let Richie leave. There was no way in hell Eddie was going to let his feelings for Richie ruin what they had. He quickly got out of the bed, grabbed his slippers, and raced out of his room. 
 “Mr Kaspbrak!” One of the nurses shouted as Eddie rushed down the hallway. “What’re you doing?!”
 “Something I need to do before I lose my chance!” Eddie called back.
 He continued forward, trying not to run but still going as quickly as he legs – and the nurses – would allow him to. Eddie could only just see Richie ahead of him, but the crowded halls and slippery floors stopped him from getting any closer. He trailed quite far behind, occasionally losing sight of the taller man in between doctors and patients and families, but eventually Eddie came to the exit. He could see Richie across the road, walking quickly with his hands gripped into a fist and his eyes set on the ground below his feet. 
 Richie, on the other hand, had not a clue that Eddie was following him. There was only one place in this town that Richie was focused on right now. The one spot that would give him the air that he needed, that he craved. He hastily walked, following the path alongside the quarry. His legs moved quickly, and he tucked his hands into his jumper pockets, keeping them tight in a fist. His hair was slightly blowing in the wind, but he didn’t really mind; the fresh air was already clearing his mind with every step he took as he headed for the kissing bridge – a place Richie hadn’t thought about until he set foot in Derry and saw Eddie’s face once again.
 As the wind grew stronger, Richie finally reached the bridge. Eddie was hot on his heels as he jogged down the street, a mix of confused thoughts running through his mind. He stayed back for a little, watching as Richie bent down to look at something on the wooden railing. Richie smiled for a second, the corners of his eyes crinkling as his fingers trailed along something on the wood, which he then placed his hand over and bowed his head down. 
 Eddie slowly began walking forwards.
 “Richie?” he asked hesitantly once he was close enough.
 Richie jumped slightly at the sound of Eddie’s careful voice, not expecting him to have followed him all the way out there. He shook his head a little to get himself out of his daze, then stood up.
 “Ed’s,” Richie said gently. “What’re you doing here?” 
 Eddie’s hands began to shake, so he shoved them into the pocket of his hoodie and made fists, attempting to calm his nerves. His mind was reeling with so many thoughts, but the biggest one floating around in his mind being how much Richie must hate him right now.
 “I just… Wanted to make sure you’re okay?” He asked, his gaze not leaving the road below him. Nerves and the feeling of complete and utter embarrassment were rising up inside him, and Eddie couldn’t name a time where he’d felt more ridiculously stupid than now. Basically confessing to his friend that he’s been living a lie and has feelings for him, making a move, and then following him around town? Eddie didn’t think he’d ever had a bigger facepalm moment in his entire life.  
 Richie took a moment to consider everything. He thought about the fact that he’s been in the closet for 28 years. That he’s been in love with his best friend for 28 years. That all this time, he’s never truly been able to live his life. Never been able to go on dates or have a relationship or have children. All because he’d hidden behind this mask. A mask that allowed him to do comedy and make up voices and cover up who he truly was. Who he truly is. And as his legs began to feel like jelly, Richie let these thoughts scare him enough into walking over to where Eddie stood. His hands were violently shaking as he tenderly laced his fingers through Eddie’s and dragged him towards the bridge railing.
 Eddie’s head was spinning with confusion. And the second that Richie stopped on the bridge and pointed to what he had been looking at, Eddie felt even more confused than before. But one thing he wasn’t confused about was the feeling of Richie’s hand in his. The warm skin and the gentle grip. It was something Eddie had been longing for since they were boys, messing around on the hammock in the clubhouse, or playing dumb games at the arcade. It was a feeling that he knew would be amazing, but now that it was actually happening, and it was reciprocated, it was even better than he had ever imagined it. And boy, had he imagined it. When Eddie was younger, sometimes as he lay in bed, he would interlock his own hands and pretend one was Richie’s just to help him fall asleep. 
 “What am I looking at?” He asked as he stared at the letters carved into the wooden panel.
 “That, Eds, is our initials that I carved 27 years ago,” Richie said, a hint of pride shining through in his voice as he stared at Eddie and continued pointing to the wood. A smile had formed on Richie’s face as his body filled with more confidence. 
 Eddie stared at the sharp, uppercase “R + E”, still confused with his eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean… 27 years ago?” He asked. He let go of Richie’s hand and bent down to trace the letters, much like Richie had done just several minutes ago. 
 Richie stayed silent for a while. He was hoping that it would click shortly, and Eddie would understand what he was saying. Watching Eddie as he ran his pointer finger along the indented wood bought a flood of memories back into Richie’s mind. Remembering those times in the clubhouse, or at one of the Loser’s houses, or at the quarry, when Richie would stare at Eddie for so long, no matter what he was doing. His gaze would be so fixated on the smaller boy that hardly anything would be able to snap him out of his love-sick daze. 
 A particular memory sprung to mind from a time, long ago, when he and Eddie would have sleepovers most weeks. Though the one night Richie was currently recalling was the night that changed everything for him. He remembered sitting on his bed, the blue sheets crumbled and messy as he ran his hands roughly through his dishevelled hair. He was seated crisscrossed on the mattress, watching Eddie dig around in his draw containing his collection of VHS tapes, looking for the perfect film for their movie night. 
 It wasn’t that Eddie was doing anything in particular to intrigue Richie, but for some reason, as usual, he just couldn’t tear his eyes away from the small boy. As Eddie spoke so fast Richie was sure his tongue would fall off, and as he held up tape after tape, putting them neatly in a pile next to him, and as his pastel yellow polo moved with his body and his blue shorts rode a little too far up his thigh, Richie realised it. It was like a light switch had suddenly flicked on inside his mind, and the globe was shining so brightly as everything began falling into place. And it was at that moment that Richie Tozier knew he was in love with Eddie Kaspbrak. 
 He faded out of the memory to see that Eddie hadn’t moved and was still knelt down in front of the letters, and he smiled as a flood of love and warmth filled his chest. Richie felt like a piece of his heart - a piece that had been dedicated to this man for so long - was starting to melt right then and there. 
 Richie walked forward and gently placed a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, and the smaller man looked up at him. “Rich,” he said softly as he slowly stood up. A look of wonder and amazement filled Eddie’s eyes as a delicate smile etched itself onto his lips. 
 Richie let out a gentle chuckle, and the corners of his eye crinkled as he laced his fingers through Eddie’s.
 “Eds, it’s you. It’s always been you. I’ve loved you since we were kids and I still do.”
 Richie hadn’t felt such a surge of confidence in his entire life, but he knew he wouldn’t ever be able to get this opportunity to tell Eddie how much he truly cared for him. It really was now or never.
 Eddie’s spinning head was slowing as his heart grew soft over Richie’s words. He’d longed for the day he heard Richie say those words, and now that the day was finally here, he wanted to take every second to soak it in.
 It was now Eddie’s turn for an old memory to return to his conscious. He thought back to when he was 13, the image of him and the Losers at the quarry on a warm Summer’s day filled his mind. He remembered watching the rest of their friends swimming in the water while he and Richie sat on the rocks, tired from playing and splashing around. While Eddie was sitting up, a sandwich in his hand and a towel wrapped around his shoulders, Richie was sprawled out on his towel fast asleep. Eddie’s gaze lingered on the rise and fall of Richie’s bare chest. Lingered on the hand that was placed on his stomach as it moved up and down as he breathed slowly. Lingered on his hair that was blowing gently in the wind and his nose that crinkled every so often. And he lingered on the fact that he was slowly falling in love with every inch of the Trashmouth more and more every day.
 After all the Loser’s went their separate ways that day, Eddie headed straight for the kissing bridge. As he walked, he let his fingers drag across the wood until he found an empty spot right at the end. Eddie reached into his backpack and pulled out the pocket knife he had snuck out of Stanley’s bag, bent down, and slowly carved the letters that had been stuck inside his mind for god knows how long. He needed this. Some sort of secret place other than his thoughts where he could keep the idea of him and Richie being together alive. 
 Eddie smiled at the memory and gripped Richie’s hand tighter, dragging him further down the bridge. Richie’s eyebrows wrinkled in confusion until Eddie stopped in his tracks and pointed at another panel of wood.
 Richie looked to where Eddie’s gaze was set, and there, etched deep and in lower case letters, was “e + r”. Richie’s eyes grew wide as he stared at the markings and a realisation settled over him. He wanted to reach down and touch the letters, but the feeling of Eddie’s hand in his own - the warm, soft skin that so gingerly held on to Richie’s - stopped him from moving.
 “When?” Richie asked, turning back to Eddie. His eyes were shining in the moonlight, much like they had in the hospital room, and Richie didn’t think he had ever seen him look so radiant and stunning, yet so delicate and soft at the same time. He reached out with his free hand and cupped Eddie’s face, rubbing his thumb across his cheek.
 Eddie smiled and relaxed into Richie’s touch as he let out a gentle sigh. “27 years ago,” he whispered with a quick shrug, his tone holding a glimmer of irony as he looked down to the ground. 
 For the first time ever, Richie didn’t have a single word to speak. For the first time ever, he was rendered completely speechless. Because for all these years, as Richie was pining after Eddie day in and day out, stealing glances and hoping and wishing so desperately that Eddie could feel the way he did, Eddie had been doing the exact same thing.
 Richie stepped forward and pressed his torso against Eddie’s. He took his hand out of the smaller boys and instead placed it on the other side of his face.
 “Richie,” Eddie whispered softly, so low that Richie almost didn’t hear him. Eddie moved his face closer to Richie, their noses touching and their lips ever so gently brushing up against one another as both men tried their best to soak in every second of each other.
 “Eddie Spaghetti,” Richie whispered back with a giggle.
 “Don’t call me that. I ha-“ Eddie was cut off from finishing his sentence as Richie finally leant forward completely and pushed his lips against Eddie’s, his thumbs brushing against Eddie’s cheeks and his fingers making their way into his hair.
 Eddie reacted quickly, grabbing on to Richie’s sides to try and pull him closer. But as desperate as their actions seemed to be, with their hands not knowing where to settle and their tummy’s pressing together more and more with every second that passed, the kiss still felt innocent. Sweet. It was soft and gentle and something that both of them had been waiting so long for. And after 27 years, something they both deserved - a happy ending.
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Scars That Heal || Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Series
• Ch. 3: The Right Stuff •
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I’ve been writing this for the past couple of days, wanted to have it ready for today. Happy Halloween! 🎃
    “Take everything but the Delicious Deals, guys,” Eddie instructed. “My mom loves them.
    Richie was rifling through Eddie’s kitchen cabinet, Bill and Richie had stopped by Eddie’s house before their trip to the barrens. They figured they should grab some snacks beforehand.
    Eddie watches, leaning against the kitchen counter.
    "Hey! First, you said the Barrens, now you’re saying the sewer.” He said. “I mean, what if we get caught?”
    “We won’t, Eds,” Bill assured. “The sewers are p-p-public works. We’re the public aren’t we?”
    “Hey, Eddie?” Richie stood at the other end of the kitchen, a cabinet full of pills open. “these your birth control pills?”
    “Yeah, and I’m saving it for your sister. This is private stuff.” Eddie retorted.
    The boys closed all the cabinets and exited the kitchen. The TV from the front room was playing softly, Mrs. Kaspbrak was seated in her living room, watching.
    “Hello, and welcome to the Derry Children’s Hour.”
    “Eddie Bear,” the boys stopped, looking at Mrs. Kaspbrak. “where you boys off to in such a rush?”
    “Umm…” Bill spoke up, already feeling the effects of his stutter. “J-j-just my uh, backyard, Mrs. K. I g-got a new…”
    “A new croquet set,” Richie jumped in. “Jeez, spit it out, Buh-Buh-Bill”
    “Okay,” she eased, her eyes drilling into the boys. “Oh, and sweetie, don’t go rolling around on the grass. Especially if it’s just been cut. You know how bad you’re allergies can get.”
    “Yes, mom. Let’s go.” Eddie mumbled, and he began herding his friends out of the door.
    “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
    Eddie froze, and his friends hesitated. Shamefully, he turned and walked into the living room towards his mother who held out her cheek. Eddie planted a quick kiss and returned to the front door. He could see Richie and Bill stifling laughter.
    “Do you want one from me too, Mrs. K?” Richie felt a harsh shove towards the door, and he chuckled. “I was kidding!”
    The boys, now joined by Stan, zipped through the streets of Derry, wind in their hair. As they barrelled through the town, the Derry Public Library cropped up into view.
    Inside, sat at one of the tables and thoughtfully scribbling on a postcard was Ben Hanscom. He had been mulling over the poem, trying to find the perfect words he could use that could possibly capture what he felt in his heart. Finally, when he had finished, he read the final draft in a hushed whisper.
    “You’re hair is winter fire, January embers… My heart burns there too.”
    His attention was brought to the windows when he heard muffled shouts outside.
    “Slow down!” Said one voice.
    “Hi-ho, Silver! Away!” Cried another.
    He spotted four bikes cruising down the street, just in front of the library. The first voice cried out again.
    “Your old lady bike’s too fast for us!”
    The abrupt smack of the book as it hit the table echoed across the quiet library, his attention on the snippy librarian. Her glasses sat perched on the edge of her nose and she was staring judgmentally at Ben.
    “Found it.” Her eyes squinted. “Isn’t it summer vacation? I would think you’d be ready to take a break from the books.”
    Ben who was fiddled nervously with his fingers, shrugged. “I like it here.”
    She blinked at his response and looked down at him distastefully. “A boy should be spending his summer outside with friends. Don’t you have any friends.”
    Ben looked away, before speaking, avoiding all eye contact with the stingy woman.
    “Can I have the book now?”
    She gave the book a quick pat and left promptly. Ben breathed a sigh in relief and grabbed the History of Old Derry, opening it up.
    He was constantly intrigued by his new town, and every time he could dig deeper into its history, he felt a little piece of the puzzle fall into place.
    He flipped through the pages, eyes trained on the different pictures, scanning the captions but nothing, in particular, caught his eye. That is until he reached one photo in particular. It was a rather tall building, flooded with people of all ages, mostly children. What caught his eye was an old circus caravan.
    It featured a picture of a clown. Some of it was cut off, but he could make out some of it. “Penny-” the rest was covered, and below it, he had gotten enough context to know it read “Dancing Clown.”
    Below the picture, the caption read “Easter Egg Hunt celebration at the Derry Iron Work, April 3rd, 1908” Unbeknownst to Ben, a woman at the back of the library, turned to watch him. Eyes fixed completely on Ben, an eerie smile on her face.
    Ben continued to flip through the book, fascinated. Another photo, this one of several kids, all holding their baskets of eggs. He turned the page, and featured on the next page was a photocopy of a newspaper, the Derry Herald. It read, “EASTER EXPLOSION KILLS 88 CHILDREN, 102 TOTAL”
    He scanned the page briefly, his eyes lingering on the photo featured in the newspaper. Ben felt a chill run down his spine, still oblivious to the woman staring at him in the library. As he advanced further in the book, it only grew darker. Bodies were strewn all over the grass in the photo, captioned, “Bodies of those killed in Derry Iron Works Explosion, 1908”
    Another page. This photo depicted a small crowd of people gathered around an old tree. “A gruesome discovery in the wake of the Derry Iron Works explosion, 1908”. Ben could not see the gruesome discovery he read about, and he was thankful. He turned the page again. Peculiar.
    A slightly zoomed-in version of the previous photo. He turned the page. The same photo, only closer. Another page. Another photo of the branches. Frantically, Ben continued to flip through the pages, heart thumping. Sure enough, like a slow-motion animation, it closed in on the branches of the tree. Closer and closer and closer and-
    A head. A boy’s head. An impossibly crystal clear photo of a boy’s severed head is caught in the branches. Ben felt his stomach lurch and he slammed the book shut, panting heavily. What the hell had he just seen?
    His eyes trailed from the cover of A History of old Derry to a recent headline of the newspaper. “Body found by canal not Betty Ripsom” What the hell was wrong with this town? Ben stiffed when he heard a soft giggle, the slow tune of an old music box began to play. Slowly he turned.
    Across the library, a bright red balloon was floating across the library, disappearing through a doorway. He rose to his feet and peered out the doorway, anxiety settling in his stomach. Perched on the steps was a smoking easter egg, charred and burned. For an unknown reason, Ben let his legs carry him down the hall, where he found another singed egg. And another. And another.
    He now found himself in the library’s basement, where everything was stored in a maze of shelves. He picked up the egg, despite its charred exterior, it wasn’t hot. He could have sworn he heard shuffling down the hallway of shelves and he crept forward. Was the librarian down here, he wondered. She couldn’t be, the lights were off. Right on cue, the lights flickered on and off, a sickening pale green.
    The lights flickered long enough for Ben to see a figure dart between the shelves. The room went dark once more and Ben beard a clatter from behind him. He turned around, and at the top of the stairs was the figure of a boy, maybe his age. It was hard to tell. Regardless, Ben watched cautiously as the figure took a few stiffened steps down the stairs one see step at a time. He froze, and Ben watched anxiously, his heart pounding. The figure took another step down, revealing to Ben that he had no head.
    Smoke wafted from his neck and while he had no head, Ben knew somehow it was looking right at him. He had been holding several eggs to his chest, which he now dropped. The eggs hit the ground, splattering everywhere. The figure of the headless boy trudged down the stairs and froze briefly. And then it took off after Ben.
    Ben sped down into the small maze of shelves, he could barely hear his own footsteps, let alone the footsteps of the figure over his pounding heart and heavy breathing. He cast a glance over his shoulder to see the figure running stiffly but swiftly after him. He made so many turns he lost count of where he was, much too frightened to paying attention to where he was going. He found that he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the figure chasing him, too afraid if he didn’t look he would sneak up and grab him. He looked forward just in time to turn the corner.
    A taunting gravelly voice grabbed his attention, and he quickly glanced a final glance behind him to see a giant bulbous clown head on top of the boy’s once headless figure was right in front of him.
    “Egg boy!” It said.
   He felt himself collide with a figure and he stumbled back frightened. The figure he crashed into let out a startled gasp and dropped several books. It was the librarian.
    She looked Ben up and down sharply. “What on earth are you doing?”
    Ben spared a frightful look down the hallway of shelves, relieved to find nothing there. Still panting, in fear or exhaustion or possibly both, he had no idea. He looked the librarian in the eye once more and fled up the stairs, grateful to be caught where he shouldn’t have been.
    After gathering his things, and his composure, Ben exited the library. He trudged across the grass, passing the stone monument, unaware of the spiteful mulleted teenager that had been waiting for him.
    “Where you off to, tits?”
    Ben took one look at Henry Bowers and fled. Unfortunately, he hadn’t made it far before one of his goons had been waiting for him and snatched him up.
    The Bowers gang had dragged a fighting Ben Hanscom several blocks to Derry’s infamous Kissing Bridge.
    “Fucking hold him!”
    “Leave me alone!”
    “Smack him.”
    “Don’t let tubby get away.”
    Laughter erupted from the vicious group of boys. Patrick Hockstetter had a hold on Ben, one of them had pulled Ben’s shirt up over his head, disorienting him. A cackling Victor Criss slapped Ben’s stomach teasingly and each of them got a shot at kicking, poking and shoving, in ignoring the boy’s cries of protest.
    Ben felt himself get pinned against the side of the bridge. "Just leave me alone.”
    “Look at all this blubber!” Exclaimed Belch, who ripped his shirt back down.
    Ben looked around in fear, struggling against his attackers. The rattling of a can came from Patrick, who eagerly shook the can of hairspray as he stood in front of Ben.
    “Let me light his hair, like Michael Jackson,” he said eagerly, flicking open his lighter and created a small bellow of flames.
    “Just hold him,” Growled Henry, pushing him out of the way and Ben roughly by the collar.
    “Get off me! Get off me!” Ben stopped shouting when he heard the low rumble of a car.
    Everyone else quieted as well, watching a car slowly cruised by, the window rolled down. The gang expected to be stopped, but the car kept going. The couple inside contributed nothing but a passing glance, and Ben cried out for help.
    The only kind of response he received, was the abrupt and unexpected form of a bright red balloon popping up in the window of the back seat.
    Henry landed a right hook in Ben’s jaw and another. Ben felt his sense getting knocked loose and he grew dizzy, his ears ringing. Henry grabbed him by the head, shaking it vigorously as he yelled in anger and madness. His hearing came back in time to hear Henry seething threats.
    “Okay, new kid. This is what us locals call the Kissing Bridge. It’s famous for two things. Sucking face,” he held up his pocket knife and suddenly unsheathed it. “and carving names”
    Nausea washed over Ben and winced, shaking his head desperately.
    “Henry, please,” he pleaded, shaking his head no.
    Ben roared in agony, searing pain erupted ok stomach as Henry forcefully carved a large H on his stomach. Patrick cackled madly and Victor said nothing. Belch was the only one who became uneasy.
    “Woah, woah! Henry!”
    “Shut up!” He bellowed, spit flying from his mouth. “I’m gonna carve my whole name onto this cottage cheese!”
    In one swift movement, Ben brought his leg up to Henry, kicking himself off and he tumbled over the side of the bridge. Grunting, he tumbled down the harsh slope, being poked and stabbed by various twigs but none of it came close to the pain of the mark Henry had left.
    He could hear the angry cries of Henry, who was peering over the bridge. “I’m gonna cut your fucking tits off. I swear to God!”
    He launched himself over the bridge and all his friends joined him. Ben jumped to his feet when he heard the rustling of the leaves up the hill he had just fallen. He turned on his heel, and sprinted into the trees, trying desperately to ignore the searing pain in his stomach every time he moved. Ben made several twists and turns through the trees, never allowing himself to stop.
    Meanwhile, Henry and his friends had reached the end of the hill, and Henry began sifting through the dirt and leaves frantically. “My knife. My old man will kill me!”
    Belch and Patrick watched, not knowing what to do. Henry looked at him expectantly.
    “You two get him!” They fled into the woods after Ben and Henry turned to Victor. “Move your fucking ass!”
    Ben could hear the approaching footsteps and voices behind him as he reached a fork in the path. He went down the left which lead him to the edge of the ferns at the edge of a creek. Patrick and Belch reached the same fork and they stopped. Patrick gestured for Belch to take the right while Patrick took the left.
    Ben felt his socks dampen, as ran along the creek leaving the Bowers gang far behind him.
    “You holding up okay?”
    Beverly had returned to the living room, now fully dressed in a maroon tank top and denim shorts, her usual key around her neck and her long red hair hung at the side of her shoulders in a ponytail. The two girls had scraped together as many ointments and bandages for Y/n’s leg.
    Though they hadn’t had much luck. They couldn’t find a single thread of gauze and only half a foot of ace bandages. So Beverly did her best to clean the wound with a wet paper towel and applied some ointment. She found a spare white cotton cloth in the linen closet and wrapped it firmly around Y/n’s leg to stop the bleeding.
    Once Y/n’s leg had been taken care of, they got to work cleaning the carpet as best as they could. Beverly took most of the trips back and forth to the kitchen given Y/n was still much too sore. When the carpet had been scrubbed within an inch of its life, the girls finally retreated to the couch and talked into the sun came up. They talked about anything and everything - aside from what Y/n had seen, still much too frightened to speak of it.
    Beverly stood at the edge of Y/n’s living room, now fully dressed, looking at Y/n, trying to gauge her mood. She had not moved from her spot on the couch and she looked as if she was lost in thought, her eyes fixed on the barely visible pink stain on the carpet.
    Snapping out of her daze, she looked to Beverly, still in a bit of a daze. “Hm?”
    “Are you alright to get dressed, or,” she trailed off, not wanting to offend her friend but still offering her assistance.
    “Oh, yeah, I’m good. Thanks,”
    She pushed herself off the couch and limped lightly into the hall, passing Beverly and retreated into her room to get dressed. She winced at the pain that seared in her leg but she relaxed gradually. She was growing used to it.
    Biting her lip and hissing slightly, she tried her best to step into her pair of overall shorts. She had almost gotten her leg in when she began to tip over. Thankfully she had landed on her bed, she used the advantage to slip easily in her shorts and sighed in relief, the hard part over.
    Satisfied with her handiwork, Y/n grabbed her lowest pair of socks and shoes and joined Beverly back in the living room. Beverly had prepared breakfast for the two of them, a bowl of cereal for her and a [y/f/b] for Y/n.
    Beverly smiled warmly, welcoming her back, but her eyes fell to Y/n’s ankle and she winced.
    “We really need to get you some proper bandages,” She eased.
    Y/n looked down at her leg to see the once white cloth was stained a deep crimson color and she sighed, looking back at Bev who offered a weak smile.
    A yawn escaped her lips and Y/n felt a twinge of guilt for keeping her friend up all night. Beverly recognized the look on her face and she smiled.
    “Don’t worry, Y/n it’s fine. Let’s just have our breakfast and then we’ll get you some proper supplies at the pharmacy. I was planning on making a trip there today anyway. You can come with me,”
    Stan, Richie, Eddie, and Bill were treading the edge of the water, Bill in the lead towards the sewers. Stan was gesturing all around him, a sure frown on his face.
    “That’s poison ivy. And that’s poison ivy. And that’s poison ivy.”
    “Where?” Eddie looked around, watching his step. “Where’s the poison ivy?”
    “Nowhere,” Richie remarked. “Not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley.”
    Bill and Richie stepped into the large cement mouth of the sewer tunnels, Eddie and Stan refusing to cross the threshold. Eddie was shifting on his feet, growing antsy.
    “Okay, I’m starting to get itchy now, and - and I’m pretty sure this is not good for my–”
    “Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?” Richie quipped, cutting Eddie off.
    “Sometimes, yeah.”
    “Then you probably have crabs.”
    “That’s so not funny.”
    The flashlights crawled along the walls of the slimy sewer tunnel and Richie turned around to face his two hesitant friends.
    “Aren’t you guys coming in?”
    Eddie took one look at the murky water and shook his firmly. “Uh-uh. It’s greywater.”
    “What the hell’s greywater?”
    “It’s basically piss and shit. So I’m just telling you, you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee. So…”
    The stick Richie had been carrying was swirled around the water before he brought it up to his face. He took a big whiff and Eddie used all his strength not to gag.
    “Are you series? What are you-?”
    “Doesn’t smell like caca to me señor!” Richie retorted in an accent.
    “Okay, I can smell that from here.”
    Richie smiled a toothy grin. “It’s probably just your breath wafting back into your face.”
    Eddie scoffed heavily, shaking his head in disbelief and he tried desperately to contain his frustration. “Have you ever heard of a staph infection?”
    Amused as ever, Richie grinned, waving the stick towards his friend. “Oh, I’ll show you a staph infection.”
    “This is so unsanitary. You’re literally-”
    The continued to bicker further and Stan rolled his eyes, already fed up with them.
    “This is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now,”
    Still grinning, Richie picked something up from the water with his stick and waved it around.
    “Have you ever heard of Listeria? AHH” Eddie screamed in terror and jumped back slightly when Richie launched the sopping wet piece of garbage at Eddie.
    He snickered at the boy’s reaction, and Eddie launched into another lecture. Bill, who was the deepest in the tunnels, had found a shoe floating in the water.
    The boys stopped bickering and looked to their friend. He was holding the shoe illuminating the dripping shoe with his flashlight.
    Stan grew grave, and his voice broke as he spoke. “Shit. Don’t tell me that’s…”
    “No. G-Georgie wore galoshes.”
    Richie had joined Bill’s side and he peered inside the shoe.
    “Who’s sneaker is it?” Eddie asked.
    Richie turned, and looked back at his friend, trying to hide his shock. “It’s Betty Ripsom’s,”
    An uneasy and solemn silence fell over them. All sense of mischief and jokes forgotten. Eddie let out a shaky breath.
    “Oh, shit. Oh, God. Oh, fuck!” Stan watched quietly, silently shutting down and Eddie was still trying to cope with the discovery. “I don’t like this.”
    Richie, who always reverted to humor as his coping mechanism, did just that.
    “How do you think Betty feels?” He stood on one foot and hopped a couple of times. “Running around these tunnels with only one frickin’ shoe?”
    Richie stopped when he saw the serious and frightened faces on his friends and he knew he went too far. At that moment, Stan spoke up, his voice wavering.
    “What if she’s still here?”
  V No one answered, but Bill and Richie retreated farther in the tunnels.
    “Eddie, come on!” Richie urged.
    “My mom will have an aneurysm, okay, if she finds out that we’re playing down here. I’m serious.”
    Bill hadn’t acknowledged what anyone had said, this attention still focused on the murky waters below.
    He turned around a sad look in his eyes.
    “If… If I was Betty Ripsom, I would want us to find me.” They all shifted uncomfortably. “G-Georgie too.”
    Eddie, who couldn’t contain his discomfort, shakily spoke up.
    “What if I don’t want to find them?”
   Everyone looked to Eddie, shocked. Not surprised that he felt that way, but that he brought it up. Like some unspoken thought, they all had in the back of their minds.
    “I mean, no offense, Bill, but I don’t want to end up like…” The name Georgie almost rolled off his tongue, and he shook his head feeling guilty. “I don’t want to go missing either.”
    “He has a point,” Stan added.
    “Y-y-you too?”
    “It’s summer. We’re supposed to be having fun. This isn’t fun. This is scary and disgusting.”
    The four of them gasped when a figure collapsed outside in the water. Stan and Eddie whirled around to see a boy gasping for breath on his hands and knees. He attempted to get back up but he fell once more. It looked as if this was the first time in a long while he had stopped to catch his breath. It was Ben Hanscom, but they knew him as the new kid.
    Richie peered out of the tunnel.
    “Holy shit! What happened to you?”
    “I think it’s great we’re helping the new kid but we also need to think of our own safety.”
    The five boys emerged from the forest, there bikes bouncing slowly on the grassy terrain before descending onto the pavement. Ben had been offered the backseat of Bill’s bike, and the rest trailed behind as they made their way to the pharmacy downtown. As usual, Eddie was informing the group of the possible dangers of their current situation.
    “I mean, he’s bleeding all over and you guys know that there’s an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak, right? And my mom’s friend in New York City got it by touching a dirty pole on the subway. And a drop of AIDS blood got into his system through a hangnail. A hangnail!”
    The gang was now halfway to the pharmacy and despite his rapid speech patterns, his rant had lasted the majority of the trip.
    By the time they reached the alley outside the pharmacy, Eddie was wrapping up.
    “…and you can amputate legs and arms. But how do you amputate a waist? How do you amputate a waist? You guys do know that alleys are known for dirty needles that have AIDS, right? You guys do know that?”
    Like their knack for tuning out Richie’s trash mouth, the rest of them had a knack for tuning out Eddie’s medical rants.
    They parked their bikes in the alley, and Ben took a seat on some wooden crates, leaning against the brick wall.
    “Ah, we’re screwed,” Mumbled Stan.
    Bill and the others began retreating down the alleyway.
    “Richie, stay wait here. Come on,”
    Richie stood awkwardly with Ben, and he chuckled weakly.
    “Glad I got to meet you before you died.”
    Ben looked up at Richie, unimpressed with his joke and Richie shifted uneasily. And the unlikely duo waited in silence. Inside the pharmacy, Bill and Stan fell back, letting Eddie take the wheel. He grabbed nearly everything he could reach and in a few seconds, had a small pile packed against his chest.
    Meanwhile, Stan and Bill had scoured their pockets for money, but all the two had managed to scrounge together was a measly three dollars.
    “Can we afford all that?” Bill asked, referring to the small mountain of medical supplies Eddie was holding.
    Stan held up the three dollar bills in his hands and shrugged. “It’s all we got.”
    “You kidding me?” Eddie sighed, disappointed.
    “Wait, you have an account here, don’t you?” Bill asked hopefully.
     Eddie gave his friend an incredulous look.
    “If my mom finds out I bought all this stuff, I’m spending the whole rest of the weekend in the hospital getting x-rayed.”
    Two isles over Beverly stood facing the wall of feminine hygiene products. Y/n appeared from around the corner holding a small plastic bag of gauze and bandages that she had just paid for. She joined her friend’s side, noticing the indecisiveness in Bev and she quickly scanned the shelves. She finally found the familiar brand and grabbed a box off the shelf and handed it to Beverly. She took it and looked to Y/n.
    “If you’re looking for comfort, this one’s your best best bet.” She whispered, smiling weakly.
    Bev breathed a sigh of relief and sent her a grateful glance. Together, the two girls began treading towards the end of the aisle and around the corner. They both froze when they heard a familiar voice.
    “See you later, Dad.”
    They caught a glimpse of Gretta at the opposite end, closing up her bag and the two girls quickly shuffled to the safety of the next aisle before Gretta could spot them. Except for Y/n, who moved in more of a quick hobble.
    They rounded the corner and found themselves face to face with three familiar faces. Beverly instinctively shoved the box of tampons behind her back before they could notice it. And Y/n had realized why the boys were so familiar.
    One of them, she realized, was completely fixated on her. The smaller boy who held several first aid supplies held to his chest and when he saw her, a roll of medical tape slipped from his hand. But his wide eyes never left her.
    Everyone stood there awkwardly for a moment before Eddie broke the silence. He smiled nervously at her and shifted a bit on his feet.
    “Hey, uh, hi! I remember you, how’s the le-gaaahh…” his words spilled into a messy gasp as his eyes landed on her ankle.
    By now, the makeshift white bandage was stained completely red, and it looked as if no more blood could possibly be soaked up.
    Eddie tried desperately not to gag, though it was very difficult for him.
    Bill looked between both girls before his eyes fell on Y/n’s leg, but he tried not to stare.
    “Are y-you guys, okay?”
    Beverly quickly responded, looking between Y/n and the boys, eager to divert attention away from the ox she held behind her.
    “We just came to get supplies for her leg, that’s it. What’s wrong with you?”
    “None of your business,” Stan snapped, sensing her abrasiveness.
    “There’s a kid outside. Looked like someone killed him.”
    During the whole conversation, Eddie had looked at Beverly maybe once. His attention focused on Y/n, and all his energy went towards not looking at her ankle.
    “W-we need s-s-some supplies, but we don’t have enough money,” Bill said sadly.
    Beverly frowned the familiar sinking feeling in her stomach. She didn’t want to, but she knew she had to. It was the only way she could think of distracting him and helping the boys. She looked anxiously at Mr. Keene and sighed. She gave one look at Y/n and lowered her voice.
    “Go with them, or wait outside at least. I’ll be right out,”
    Y/n recognized the look in her best friend and she quickly shook her head.
    “Beverly, you don’t have to do this,” she whispered.
    “Just go, I’ll be fine.”
    Beverly took off past the boys and headed to the counter.
    “Bev,” she hissed, but she ignored her.
    Instinctively, she tried to follow her friend but she hissed in pain when she put pressure on her leg.
    The boys immediately noticed her pain and Bill took a few steps forward, ready to catch her if she fell.
    She caught herself before that could happen and Eddie shifted on his feet nervously.
    “Do you need help with your ankle? I know first aid and I could help you after I helped the new kid?”
    “Ew,” Y/n groaned, cringing.
    Eddie tried to mask his hurt unsuccessfully, he looked down to his feet and his cheeks turned pink.
    “A simple no would have sufficed, Jesus,” he mumbled.
    “What? Oh,” she shook her head, “no, It’s Mr. Keene, ”
    Y/n frowned, gesturing to Beverly at the counter.
    Mr. Keene was looking Bev up and down, hungrily. The way he was smiling at her made her nauseous.
    “Oh…” Eddie turned around to see what she was talking about, and Stan and Bill did too. “Oh.”
    They watched Bev take off his glasses of her face, folding them up. While handing them back she “accidentally” knocked over the small shelf of cigarettes. Mr. Keene smiled weakly and bent over to pick them up.
    “Come on, let’s go,” Y/n whispered quickly.
    She was backing up, gesturing for the boys to follow her. But they were still staring at Beverly in shock.
    “Now! Come on!” She hissed under her breath.
    Beverly grabbed a pack of cigarettes that had landed on the counter, and Y/n realized the boys were never gonna figure it out in time.
    “Oh for fuck’s sake,” rolling her eyes, she grabbed two of their wrists, her grocery bag hooked on one finger and began pulling them towards the door.
    Beverly cast a glance over her shoulder, to see Y/n dragging the boys away.
    The boys stumbled out of the aisle, tripping over themselves in the process. Y/n was dragging Eddie and Bill by their wrists and Stan had caught on. Eddie was taken aback, but he was mostly distracted by the fact that he was dropping his supplies left and right.
    “Jesus, you’d think you never saw a distraction before in your lives,” Y/n sighed, releasing the boys.
    Eddie scoffed, making a face implying he was going to say something but instead, he awkwardly looked away, words failing him.
    “Alright, well…?” she looked between the three boys expectantly, they were all staring at her, waiting to see what she had to say.
    She raised her eyebrows, not believing they had already forgotten about the injured kid.
    “The kid? Bleeding out somewhere? We gonna help him or what?”
    Shock washed over them and Eddie and Stan took off around the corner, and Y/n followed. Bill walked after them to the alley, seeming to linger by the entrance to the store to wait for Bev.
    Y/n hobbled down the alley and by the time she got there Eddie was already knelt down in front of Ben. He was riling through his supplies, and Ben lifted his shirt.
    Y/n noticed Richie Tozier had been waiting with the injured boy. Poor kid, she thought. When Richie saw her, he adjusted his glasses and smiled smugly.
    “Hey, toots!”
    Y/n plastered on an obviously fake smile and tilted her head. “Hey, dick.”
    Letting the name roll off his back he smiled, Richie clicked his tongue and winked. “That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
    Despite her annoyance, a small chuckle escaped her mouth and she rolled her eyes. She was now looking at the kid who sat on some crates, the small boy tending to his wound. She winced, and took a seat next to him, relieved to get off her bad ankle.
    “So,” she said simply, drawing the boy’s attention. “Whatcha in for?”
    He tilted his head, clearly confused. She extended her bad leg and pointed to it.
    “Bad leg,”
    The boy’s eyes widened slightly and he looked back to her. “Some gnarly cuts. What about you?”
    “Oh, uh, well same I guess.” He said, and she nodded.
   "Just suck the wound.“ The two looked up to see Richie who addressed the smaller boy.
    He immediately grew impatient, trying desperately not to get distracted.
    "I really need to focus right now.”
    “You need to focus?”
    “Yeah, can you go get me something?”
    “Jesus! What do you need?”
    “Go get my bifocals. I hid ‘em in my second fanny pack.”
    Y/n leaned forward, interested and slightly amused. “You have a second fanny pack?”
    The other boy, who was standing near her nodded. “Yeah, why do you have two?”
    “I need to focus right now and it’s a long story. I don’t want to get into it.”
    Bill, who had been lingering at the end of the alley, heard the jingle of the store bell and he stepped back out on the sidewalk. Beverly was leaving the store and she walked towards him, knowing her friend must be nearby. Bill could have sworn timed slowed when she smiled. Nervously, Bill reached into his pocket, pulling out a couple of dollars and offered it to her.
    She held up a pack of smokes and winked. “Even stephen.”
    Her attention was drawn to the voices coming from the alley.
    “Oh, God, he’s bleeding! Oh, my God!” It was Stanley.
    She saw Y/n and the boys crowded around a familiar face, she smiled fondly and headed their way. “Ben from soch?”
    “You have to suck the wound before you apply the Band-Aids. This is 101!”
    “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    Ben looked up from the bickering duo and at the figure walking down the alley. His pulse quickened ever so slightly at the beautiful sight of Beverly Marsh.
    “Are you okay?” She asked worriedly as she approached them. “That looks like it hurts.”
    Ben shifted nervously and smiled. “Oh. No, I’m good. I just fell.”
   Richie scoffed. “Yeah, right into Henry Bowers.”
    Bill panicked, and shushed the boy, much to Beverly’s confusion. Y/n grew curious too.
    “Why? It’s the truth.” Richie defended.
    Beverly took a step forward, smiling coyly at Ben. “You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?”
    She winked and Ben felt his heart might explode. He smiled bashfully and looked down at the ground.
    At that moment, the smaller boy had finished tending to him and had moved over to face Y/n’s leg. She hadn’t been paying attention and was surprised when she felt a tug on the cloth and she hissed in pain, drawing everyone’s attention.
    Eddie hesitated and looked up at her apologetically. “Oh, sorry. This is okay, right? That I do this? It’s just that right now you’re exposing yourself to hundreds and thousands of bacteria and infection and this really needs to be checked out, so unless you’re on your way to the hospital anytime time soon, I really think I-”
    Y/n chuckled and nodded her head, cutting him off.
    “Yes! Yes, it’s okay. I’d really appreciate it,” she smiled warmly, growing fond of this kid already. “I’m Y/n, by the way. Y/n L/n.”
    He nodded his head and for a moment he forgot how to speak. “Uh, Y/- Eddie. Eddie. I’m, Eddie. Kaspbrak.”
    Amused, she watched Eddie get to work. She heard him mutter something about how he should have grabbed latex gloves, and he gagged when he pulled the cloth off her leg. Everyone’s attention was pulled back to her and Eddie when he held the blood-soaked cloth far away from himself. Tossing it a few feet away from himself, they heard it land on the pavement with a sopping wet slap.
    Everyone, save for Beverly and Y/n, were shocked to see her actual wound. And poor Eddie looked as if he would faint.
    “Oh, my God! Oh, my-”
    “Holy, fuck!”
    “That’s why we came here. All we could find was that cloth.”
    “Oh my God, where’s the gauze?” He looked to Richie in a panic. “Where’s the fucking gauze?”
    “Here take mine,” Y/n shoved her grocery bag at him and he took it gladly.
    He unwrapped the gauze and applied several strips to her leg in order to cover each cut. She leaned down, placing her hand on some of them to keep them in place for him while he unwrapped the bandages.
    “W-what happened anyway?” Bill looked between Y/n and Beverly.
    Bev shrugged, and Y/n grew quiet, her eyes shifting around. “cat,”
    Beverly frowned, clearly not buying it, knowing there wasn’t any cat around when I happened. Y/n met her eye, giving her. a look that screamed “Just please go with it,” And Bev let it go, for now.
    “What kind of cat could’ve done that?” Asked the boy with curly hair.
    Before Y/n could make up a lie, Richie jumped in, scoffing. “The bullshit kind, that’s what.”
    Y/n gave him a weak glare, letting her eyes fix on her leg as it was being wrapped up.
    “Thank you, Eddie.”
    “Sure thing.” He was just finishing up applying the special ace bandage tape from her bag. “You’re all set.”
    She gave him a warm smile and stood, wincing less. She smiled at the feeling. “It feels better already. Thanks again.”
    He nodded and stood to his feet.
    “Well, I guess we better get going.” Y/n said looking at Bev, who nodded.
    “Uh, t-thanks again, Beverly,” Bill said, referring to her distraction.
    She smiled. “Sure. Maybe we’ll see you around.”
    “Y-yeah, we were thinking about on-going to the q-q-quarry tomorrow,” he looked to Eddie briefly with a smirk, before returning his gaze to the two girls. “if you guys wanna come.”
    “Good to know. Thanks.” She replied.
    Y/n joined Beverly by her side, her bag of supplies she had retrieved in hand, and smiled. “Yeah, maybe we’ll see you guys there.”
    Her eyes landed on Eddie and he stood to his feet, much too fast. A pink hue dusting his cheeks. Y/n shared a nod with Beverly and the two were off, both of them casting a glance and wave at the group of boys before disappearing around the corner.
    Stanley turned quickly on Richie. “Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of Beverly.”
    “Yeah, dude, you heard what she did.”
    Ben, who had remained silent on the cartons, spoke up curiously. “What’d she do?”
    Richie smirked. “More like 'Who’d she do?’ From what I hear, the list is longer than my wang.”
    “That’s not saying much.” Stan retorted, rolling his eyes.
    Bill jumped in, his stutter got stronger. “T-t-they’re j-just rumors.”
    “Anyway,” Richie continued, addressing Ben. “Bill had her back in third grade. They kissed in the school play. The reviews said you can’t fake that sort of passion.”
    Ben’s heart sank, not in the least bit intrigued. And his sudden somber went completely unnoticed by the bickering boys. And somehow, all of them failed to notice the new figure painted behind the tire in the mural of the Bradley gang behind them. It was the pale white face of a clown, with a big crooked smile, and large tufts of orange hair and beady yellow eyes, right where Y/n’s head had been. It had been watching all of them.
@seasidecrowbar​ @bevxmarsh​ @supernovawriting​ @readyforitbitch​ @classiprincess​ @edsloveshisrichie​ @sivords​  @ravenclawsprincess​ @pigwidgexn​ @kricketwritesstories​  @sweetpeasserpentprincess23​ @plum-duels​ @edmunds-torch​ @eddiegaykaspbrak​ @rosi3e​ @welcome-to-derry​ @beepbeep-pennywise​ @candycorntroll​ @bibliophilesquared​ @ongaku-ato-kakikomi​ @cocastyle​ @peachysinnermon​ @mochibarnes​ @captainshazamerica​ @kaitlynjones12​ @songbird-writes​ @traceylader​ @eggytozier​  @annimalq​ @lexylovesfandoms​ @russian-romanova​ @paigey-mcfreedomly​
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throwawaythewontons · 4 years
Perverse by nature
(warning: nsfw, lesbian sex, slight objectification, internalized homophobia)
It’s not Richie’s fault per se. She doesn’t know where it’s coming from. Maybe it’s some part of some complex someone’s yet to name. maybe it’s the vaccines. Maybe she’s just horny. Maybe her parents didn’t love her enough as a kid.
Really, she’s always known. There is a name for it, but she’s not going to talk about that, because she doesn’t want to close any doors. It was comforting when she’d found out and slid so easily into the word it felt like a fat kid going down a waterslide. But she tells herself it’s not important enough to state out loud. Richie likes girls. It’s never been something she’s had to question or seek out, it’s just always been kind of, there. She’s always played with girls. Always wanted to be friends with them. Hold their hands. Touch their hair and put her hands around their waists.
It didn’t feel disgusting until started liking her best friend. It didn’t feel disgusting before she started looking at her boobs.
Elisabeth Kaspbrak (affectionately named Eddie) had been friends with Richie Tozier since kindergarten and for as long as Richie can remember she’s always been shorter than her. She was attracted to her, not in the same way she was attracted to Billie or Stan because they were made of the same matter. Because she simply didn’t put up with Richie’s antics, because she, herself, is someone to be put up with. Right from the first time she plopped down in the seat next to Richie and wiped the table down with hand sanitizer, Richie’s known. Though she was half her size, she was arguably twice as loud, twice as stubborn and twice now in…other regions.
(one could argue two times zero is still zero but back to the story)  
Eddie had spent that summer with her aunt, away from Derry and the other losers. She’d left two days after school ended, fiercely hugging Richie before she left. It was a getaway arranged by her mother (of course). Her excuse was that Eddie was going through a rebellious phase and that she needed to spend some time with good women of her family, being reminded of the right values again. During her getaway, Eddie had gone through an unexpected…growth spurt.
She’s still shorter than Richie. By far. But she’s filled out a lot more. A lot more. Well, they all have. Over the past years, they’ve all started wearing real bras, not the sports bras from the kids' section. Richie herself hadn’t filled out as much as she’d shed the weight of childhood, carving herself a new figure with sharp ribs and hip dips and boobs that weren’t even worth the effort of wearing a bra. Eddie however…
Christ, it wasn’t like she’d gone from zero to one hundred just like that. She’d always been a little curvier than the other losers (save for Bernadette). It just hadn’t been as noticeable before. Before the first day of Junior high, when Richie chained up her bike and Eddie came barreling towards her.
“Rich! Hey there loser!” she smiles wide and runs towards her. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail, two strands pulled out to frame her face (Richie had watched her tie her hair back enough to know how she did it. how she flipped her head back and pulled the elastic from around her wrist, smoothing the front down and then pulling two sections out from behind her ears with her pinkies). She’s wearing tennis shoes with calf-high socks, high waisted Bermuda-shorts, and a very tight, yellow polo shirt. Richie recognized that polo. It’s one of Eddie's favorites. It hadn’t been tight when she left.
Eddie barrels into her and wraps her arms around her. She’s wearing her bookbag and she’s warm like sunshine and smells so pretty. She’s pressing up against Richie and Richie can feel everything.
Warm. Soft. Big. Squishy. Boobies. Boobsboobsboobs.
Richie’s cheeks grow hot. Her entire face grows hot. She might be sweating. Something else feels hot too. She’s trying not to squeeze Eddie’s waist too tight. She wants to press her knees together. There’s a pounding in her lower stomach and it's begging her to reach down, reach out, grab.
Eddie has boobs now.  
Design within reach. Soft and firm at the same time. Perfectly grabbable and holdable. And how Richie wants to hold, even as she feels bile in her throat and a cold sensation spreading through her forehead and down her back. She’s shaking.
Eddie draws back, the hug itself only lasting a few seconds, and is telling Richie about her aunt. Richie huffs and grunts along as best as she can. She’s good with words, just not the right ones. She takes time to look Eddie over.
God. They must have grown like, three cups apiece. Or maybe one is bigger than the other? That’s normal, apparently. They stretch out her shirt like they’re trying to escape. Hey Richie! look at us! Has she even noticed? She walks like she hasn’t. talks and moves like she doesn’t even two, her poor shirt fighting for its life. It had been too small last summer. The only reason Eddie kept it was for sentimental values. Richie wishes she’d chucked it out. Is she even wearing a bra? Richie didn’t felt any bra during their hug, only the smooth expanse of her back. This was obscene.
It was downright pornographic.
Richie lifts her bookbag from her bicycle basket and feels as the cold begins to spread down her spine like poison.
This objectification, this ruff sexualization, fetishization of another girl’s body. It’s new. Of her friend. Of someone who should trust her. It’s sadistic. It’s vile. Eddie shouldn’t have to worry about her best friend ogling her like a piece of meat. Richie is no better than the old men who sit in front of the pharmacy, or the boys in the hallway who snap bras and look under skirts. She’s a sexual deviant and it’s never been more apparent, transparent or provocative.
She gratefully slips into a different classroom than Eddie. Never has history felt so relieving.
She doesn’t concentrate. The pounding between her legs had died down and she’s left with only the cold. Shame. She had always looked differently at girls. admired the soft curves of their faces and eyelashes. How they applied their Chapstick. Richie is grateful she’s not born as a man and isn’t sporting a hard-on right now. She can admire from afar. No accidental boners to squish. No telltales. Her nipples don’t even get hard unless directly stimulated, even if all the pornos are trying to convince her otherwise.
But wouldn’t it have been easier if she was a guy? Not because it would be forgiven for her to go rigid at a pair of tits, but because it would be expected of her? Perhaps everything is easier with a penis involved. Perhaps Richie is a dyke. The truth is somewhere in the pudding. Perhaps this is a fluke. A slipup on behalf of her pubescent brain. This is new and exciting, and her brain mistook it for arousal. With time it will fade away as all hyper fixations do. She might still like to hold Eddie’s hand in the movie theatre but they won’t be kissing while they do it.
For lunch, they meet up with the other girls and Bev. They all huddle together on their blue plastic benches like they always do. The table smells like cleaning supplies and library coffee. Eddie’s new boobs stretch and squish together as she talks with her hands and her thigh is brushing up against Richie. Did they get bigger too? Richie is too afraid to look. They’re sitting close like they always do, and for once Richie dreads it. well, that’s not entirely true. There’s always been a certain amount of risk in being around Eddie. she likes it like that. Pushing too close, too far. Someone catching her starring or reading the subtitles. But no one’s said anything like that. Maybe girls are allowed to be close like that.  
(perhaps it is easier, not because it is expected, but because it is forgiven)
What if they already know? What if it’s too late, too obvious and they’re just testing how far she will go. This just in: Richie Tozier really a lesbian? She is, as all high schoolers are, part of a game. A hierarchy. Many have framed it as a war, but really, it’s closer to a gameshow.
Will she start creeping on her classmates in the locker rooms. (“be careful, I think she’s a lesbian,” Drew Newman whispers behind her, she’s talking to the new girl in school. It’s 5th grade and Richie said she liked her t-shirt) will she take pictures of them in the shower? touch another student? Kiss another student? Cut her hair short like a boy and shove her giant nose in their pussies?
Richie quietly eats her sandwich. Stan is sitting across from her, carefully wiping her mouth after each of her fries, even if there’s no sauce. Next to her Billie is playing with Mikey’s hair, gently braiding and re-braiding a section as she speaks. None of them are looking at Richie.  
Is that what they look like to others? She and Eddie? two girls sitting on a bench braiding hair?
She knows no one can read her mind. Not even Stan. If they can they haven’t said anything yet, and Richie hopes they keep it that way. If you look objectively, they’re doing nothing. They’re sitting next to each other. They’re eating their lunch. Seeking occasional contact, as all primates do. But true objectivity doesn’t exist in humans, and that might be the scariest thing of them all to someone like Richie. Even the concept of objectivity is a subjective term because it’s a word and a concept, made up by humans and equipped with its own fair share of subjective weight. Humans are subjective creatures. Deeply so. Really, truly, are they just sitting next to each other?
Richie doesn’t claim to know the truth, only a version of it.
It’s a month later when Eddie comes over to her house. It’s been a month of Richie living in limbo, looking away and admiring from afar. She masturbates every night before going to bed now. It helps her sleep.
She wants to grab her tits. She wants to squeeze them and push them against herself. Kiss the bridge between them and press her face into them. lick them and suck at the skin around the areola. Rub her nipples. Kiss them. lick and suck them. she wants Eddie to grab onto her hair and gasp into the air. Wrap her soft thighs around Richie and ask her for more.
Richie sometimes fantasizes about what would happen, if she grabbed them at their lunch table. Or in the hallway. if she just went up to Eddie and started groping her, looking her directly in the face as she did it. what would happen?
In fantasy land, Eddie’s eyes widen and she looks up at Richie in shock. Her cheeks go red and her mouth goes silent. But she doesn’t stop her. She gasps and presses her body into Richie’s. She moans pathetically as she grabs onto her for support and her face crumbles in arousal. Her thighs push together when Richie starts playing with her nipples and kissing her neck. Others fade away in the background and Richie reaches down and hikes up Eddie’s skirt, rubbing her through her panties and she moans and fists Richie’s cardigan.
In the real world though, Richie knows. She knows that wouldn’t happen. In the real world, she wouldn’t even stand a chance. Eddie would jerk back, maybe even push her. She would be disgusted. Her eyes widen in horror as she realizes who she’s allowed close to her, who she’d been sitting next to, every lunch period for years. Who she’d shared her food with, her secrets with, her comic books and her bed with. They’d spent so much time together as kids, sleeping over at each other’s houses with the other losers. How many of those nights had Richie spent awake, staring at her? Touching her? The color returns to Eddie’s face as she shifts from disgust to rage. Hatred. The other losers at their table, the people in the hallway, now begin to whisper. Their teachers look on with pity and disappointment.
“Be careful…”
Right between the two fantasies, is where Richie comes. The first is her own creation. Her dramaturgy where she decides who plays who. Who does what. The second one is the fire that burns it all down, the second is the aftermath. The water that washes the paint off and reveals an ugly face underneath. She can’t say which is her favorite because it is one. One fantasy. one never comes without the other. It’s a euphoria that comes with high risk and Richie falls for it every time.
This must be how a cult is formed , she thinks, one night in her misery. One person gets an idea and others are looped in, promised an elation of life with no idea that there’s a shotgun pointed at their head. Is it possible to brainwash yourself?
She’s standing in her kitchen when she hears the doorbell ring. She puts down her Fanta as she goes to open the door. And of course, Eddie is outside.
“Hi Rich!” she’s wearing a white button-up cardigan and high waisted red shorts. She’s holding a blue shopping bag. Richie doesn’t recognize the shorts. But she knows the cardigan used to be Stans. It looks better on Eddie.
“hey there Spaghetti,” she leans into the doorframe, getting into character, “what brings you to my store?”  
“I wanna talk to you asshole. Also, stop calling me spaghetti, it’s annoying.” She pushes past Richie and toes off her tennis shoes. Richie lets her. She closes the front door and waits until Eddie is done.
“any particular topic?”
Eddie shakes her head. “no, just wanted to talk to you.”
Richie smiles and goes back into the kitchen, charmed by her abandoned Fanta can. Eddie follows and wrinkles her nose as Richie takes a sip.
“do you even know what’s in that stuff?”
Richie takes an extra loud sip, swishes it around in her mouth like Listerine and swallows.
“do you?”
Eddie squirms (to Richie’s amusement), “your parents are dentists. What would your dad do, huh? If he knew what a bitch you are?”
Richie burbs and blows into Eddie’s face. “applaud.”
“you’re an ass.”
Richie delivers what she calls her Hollywood-smile and stares Eddie in the face. Eddie herself is delivering an excellent battle face, jaw slightly pushed out and penciled eyebrows pushing together. She doesn’t mean it, neither of them does to the extent of their act, but it’s fun to perform their quick-paced comedy. Even if they are the only audience members. Richie, this time, is the one to put down her sword and blink.
“Seriously though, do you want a drink? There’s lemonade in the fridge.”
“I want tea,” Eddie drops the face and starts rummaging through their cupboards. Richie amuses at the routineness of Eddie’s movement.
It was not unusual for her to show up unannounced like today. Many Sunday mornings, Maggie and Wentworth could be sitting in the kitchen and enjoying their toast, and Eddie Kaspbrak would simply wander in and take a glass of juice without any of them even looking up. Most of the time though, Eddie would quickly disappear upstairs to Richie’s room. She finds everything without having to ask. It’s one of Richie’s favorite things about her. It’s proof of their friendship in the most literal way there is. through muscle memory. It’s not something obvious, but to the observant outsider, it’s undeniable. It’s a part of Eddie’s body that wasn’t there before. Because of Richie, it is.
She gathers all the things she needs in on the prickled countertop tiles next to the stove. A box of lemon-flavored teabags, a mug (adorned with the phrase “best dad ever”, a not very well-received Mother’s Day gift) and a jar of honey from the drawer below the silverware.
Richie watches her quietly from the corner, leaning on the wall next to the microwave. Taking her time to appreciate just what Stans cardigan is doing for Eddie. taking her time to be guilty about it later.
It’s times like this, with Eddie tinkering around her kitchen, that she slips into another fantasy of hers. A seldom one of her and Eddie being married. One where Eddie is her housewife, wearing a dress that Richie bought for her, a necklace that Richie bought for her, a ring Richie bought for her and standing in a kitchen in a house that Richie bought too. She’s cooking breakfast. Maybe there are kids in the background. Richie comes down from upstairs, where she’s shaved and brushed her teeth. She’s wearing a suit and holding a briefcase. Her short hair is slicked back, and Eddie fixes her tie before kissing her. Richie grabs onto her waist, squeezing her dress (it’s satin, no, maybe it’s a picnic dress, with red and white checkers, either way, it fits in all the right places) and lifting her thigh. The kiss grows deeper, Eddie’s heat is drawing her in, and Richie, in the real world takes another sip from her soda.
In this scenario, Richie is a man. It’s part of why she rarely indulges. She doesn’t want to be a man, but if she’s married to a woman, she must. it just makes sense. It can’t work any other way. In the same way that two plus two equals four. A man and a woman can get married Anything else, is not a marriage.
Eddie is not her wife. Certainly not her housewife. In real life, Richie doesn’t have a beard or a cock. She’s wearing jeans and her dad’s old Rolling Stones t-shirt, not a suit. In real life, she’s a teenage girl with a complex.
Eddie finishes her tea, puts all the supplies back (because she’s annoying and organized like that) and climbs up on the counter. her thighs are pressed together. She sways her feet and holds the mug between her hands. Richie is all but reminded of how small she is again. Her feet dangle over the floor. Richie knows if she wants to get down, she’ll have to use the nubs on their kitchen drawers to stand on if she doesn’t want her feet to hurt. Or she’ll have to ask Richie for help.
They stand in silence. Each with their respective drinks, like strangers at a bus stop.
She looks beautiful in the sunlight.
“Actually, I need a favor.”
Aha. So, no talking after all.
“I, uhm,” she’s still looking at her tea, but her hand fumbles to the blue bag next to her. It’s not until now Richie notices she’s brought it with her to the kitchen. She awkwardly hands it to Richie
“I need a place to wash this.”
Richie opens the bag and her heart skips a fucking beat.
It’s a bra. It’s Eddie’s bra. Two of them, actually. Richie can feel the slippery polyester through the bag. They’re plain. Underwire. One is grey and one is a soft pink.
She doesn’t know what to say. Fuck. How do you recover from something like this? Which one-liners are appropriate when your crush hands you a bag of bras? She’s blushing. This is bad.
“I’m sorry!” Eddie says, and she sounds like she really means it, “it’s just, I’ve grown a bit lately and I…my mom, you know how she is!”
“she won’t let you wash your underwear?”
“no but she…she doesn’t know I have it…”
Richie puts the bag down. This is going off the rails.
Eddie sighs heavily. She tilts her chin upwards at the ceiling. The look of a pained soldier in her eyes. She’s frustrated, Richie can see her trying to fight it. but maybe there’s more. Something Richie knows all too well.
“I bought them myself,” she says, “my old ones don’t fit me anymore, and I was too scared to say anything to her. She hasn’t said anything yet, so I don’t know if she’s noticed. And it’s just…it’s hard to talk about this stuff to begin with! You know? But my mom? She’s…she’d freak out! she already thinks I’m hitting puberty too early even though I’m almost an adult. She says it’s because I’ve been drinking tap water, tap water Richie! Plus, my aunt is nagging me about modesty all of a sudden because she’s definitely noticed, and everyone keeps staring at me! Like, all the time! Mr. Harris? My fucking teacher? He keeps standing behind me in gym class and it’s really creeping me out. And I need to wash my fucking underwear so will you please help me?”
Richie watches her squirm. She doesn’t know what to say.
People are starring
Yeah, and Richie is one of them
But Eddie is right. Sonia Kaspbrak is a woman of a certain genre. If she knew that her little girl was anything over a b-cup, who knew how she would react. In Sonia’s narrow mind (praise who knew what was going on in there) this would read as a direct attack against herself. this would usually lead to a medicinal approach. At Eddie’s expense of course. Either way, it was awkward enough for Richie and her mother. Richie could only imagine how Eddie felt.
As for the rest of what she’d said. Richie would wallow in that later. Always later. For now, she does her best to be comforting.
“of course I’ll help you.”
Eddie sighs, “thank you.” She starts to climb down from the counter. Richie automatically puts down her drink and goes to help her. Eddie grabs her arm. She’s leaning on her. Not fully but almost. But she pauses momentarily.
“I knew you’d understand. You always do.”
Richie smiles, “what, you think I can relate?” she nods down at herself. in the white folds of her father’s oversized shirt, she looks like a boy.
Eddie licks her lips. “I don’t think it’s a matter of relating Rich.”
She says it so quietly, her brown eyes are staring up at Richie’s. her breath smells like lemons, and something secret. The inside of her mouth. Something that Richie would find gross if it wasn’t Eddie. she looks terribly open and beautiful. And Richie is, at that moment, mesmerized. She doesn’t notice Eddie slipping further down the counter and when she does, she stumbles. Richie grabs onto the first thing she finds before she realizes what’s happening.
Oh no.
Eddie’s eyes widen. Her lips part and a small gasp falls from her lips. Richie let’s go immediately. All the blood has drained from her face. She might faint. Her hand feels warm. Too warm. And the worst part is how tight her crotch is.
Soft. Warm. Smooth yet firm. And big. God, it was even better than she had imagined. Even if she only touched her for a brief second.
“sorry! I’m so sorry” Richie steps back quickly, Eddie slides the rest of the way onto the floor with a soft thud. Everything inside Richie is crumbling
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Richie it’s okay, it was an accident.”
“I’m sorry, everything you said…you just talked about how awful it is and I’m being part of the problem.”
Richie plops down in a chair. it’s her moms’ seat. She stares at her hands. Her hand. She can’t look Eddie in the eye. She’s fucking up.
“I didn’t mean to…I don’t want to make it worse. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Not because of me.”
The kitchen is heavy with silence. Richie can’t look at Eddie’s face right now. She can’t read her thoughts. Her feelings. Her judgment. But she can imagine. Eddie is shocked. Scared. She’s starring at Richie and wondering what to do now. what she’ll do to overcome this. Sweep it under the rug, so she can still be friends with Richie. Because Richie knows that’s how Eddie is. she’s used to pushing small things to the side. Forgetting accidents. Forgiving those she loves. Letting herself be violated.
Or she’s wondering how she can leave. Preparing herself to walk out of Richie’s front door and never coming back. Never being alone with Richie again. because of what she might do.
Richie is not coming back from this.
“Richie…” she repeats. Silent again. the same way she spoke just a minute ago. And it makes Richie look up.
Here it comes. Here comes the rejection. I think I should leave. Be careful…
Instead, Eddie steps closer. She holds her hands at her side. But now she gently grabs Richie’s hand and lifts it for her. She leads it up to her chest. presses it against her breast. Richie swallows. Her mouth tastes like sour Fanta. She barely dares to breathe; incase it scares Eddie. or maybe it scares herself.
Yet, Eddie compels her. as always.
She grabs onto Eddie. before she can change her mind. Her fingertips press into the fleshy body below her hand. It’s warm. Even through her clothes, she’s warm. Eddie’s lips part.
“I…I don’t mind it…” she whispers, “I don’t mind it when it’s you.”
Richie’s hands spring alive, she grabs onto Eddie firmly, bringing her left hand up to join. She grabs her boobs. One firmly in each hand, and squeezes. Hard. Feels their roundness, their firmness. Feels them press against Eddie’s cardigan. It’s too small. What is it with Eddie and wearing shirts that are too small?
Eddie lets out a chocked sound, too close to a moan, and Richie can’t take it anymore. Eddie’s legs are bending before Richie grabs her, but she pulls her down the rest of the way by her hips. She lands on Richie’s lap. Richie spreads her knees, so Eddie’s thighs are forced to follow. she’s heavy and hot. Pressing against Richie in all the right places. Her thighs, her ass, and her tummy are soft and warm too. Deliciously fleshy. Everything about her is so soft. She smells like peaches. Eddie grabs her cheek and presses their mouths together.
Richie might’ve fainted along the way. Maybe hours ago. She’s dreaming. She’s sleeping in her bed upstairs. Her head is spinning between Eddie’s hands. Her mouth feels exactly how she imagined, yet somehow, everything else. She’s real. That’s the main difference. She’s real. And Richie can touch her and kiss her as much as she wants. She can hold her here if she wants to. there are only two people in the world, as far as she knows.
Eddie is gasping into her mouth. Her hips are moving in soft circles as Richie fondles her ass. She’s looking for something. She might not even realize she’s doing it. Richie pushes her own hips up in return. Pushing them together. And as she does, she starts to undo Eddie’s cardigan. The small buttons slip out easily, and really, it’s a miracle they’ve been holding on so long. She breaks their kiss out into intermit pecking to watch soft skin appear bit by bit. Inch by inch, until the soft curve of her cleavage, is in full view. She’s even prettier up close. The bra underneath is black, but Richie does quick work of unclasping it. it falls around Eddie’s waist, caught in her cardigan. Eddie untucks it and Richie throws the bra onto the floor. The infamous blue bag is sitting somewhere on the floor too, and Richie trust they end up together. She, however, is occupied by Eddie.
She’s gorgeous. Her boobs are not as perky without her bra. They’re big and directly in Richie’s face, her nipples hardening in the cold. They’re directly in Richie’s face, and Richie’s mouth tingles. She leans forwards, wasting no time as she sucks on her right nipple.  
Eddie lets out a gasp above her, then she moans. Long and desperate, like she can’t stop it. Richie lets out a sound of her own, a sound she doesn’t recognize and presses Eddie impossibly closer. Her crotch is painfully tight, and she rubs up against Eddie in ecstasy.
She’s grabbing onto Richie and Richie is grabbing back. She’s touching everything. Feeling, fondling, tracing, rubbing, pinching, sucking. There’s so much of her. So much to feel. To sense. To take in. she kisses the space between her breasts and her collarbones. Presses her lips against her chest and pulls her tits against her face. Engulfs in her heat. Kneads her right boob as she sucks on the other. An unending hunger pushes her further. Makes her sink deeper. Bite. Somewhere along the way, Eddie’s pants are unbuttoned.
Eddie, again, takes her hand and guides her. This time downwards.
“touch me.”
Her zipper slides down further. dark red fabric parts to reveal olive skin, clean and untouched by the sun. paler than the rest of her. When Richie touches her there, her stomach flutters. She traces the rim of her faded yellow panties one time and dives in.
She’s hotter here than anywhere else on her body.
She’s not clean-shaven, but almost. The hairs are short and even. Neatly kept out of the way. Surprisingly in character. Richie feels all around the fleshy rim of her pussy, investigating. She’s never touched another girl before. But she knows the layout from herself. above her, Eddie has gone quiet. She leans back to look.
She’s holding her breath. Her eyes are closed and she’s biting the inside of her lip. Her nails are digging into Richie’s arm. She’s shaking. Richie watches her. This time she doesn’t look away. Stares at her. Savors her face. Every little wrinkle and curve. She presses her finger against Eddie’s clit. The dampness of her folds almost touches her hand.
“do you like it?”
“yes,” Eddies expression breaks into a gasp, “it feels…h…it feels really good…ah!”
Richie watches her. She watches her and keeps watching her as she rubs Eddie’s clit in rough circles. She’s warm and wet. Overwhelmingly so. Richie dives her fingers in between her folds to feel just how soaked she is. It’s bleeding onto the insides of her thighs, dampening the edges of her panties. Richie briefly pushes her folds apart to feel the edge of her hole. Then she decides against it and goes back to her clit.
She switches position, this time using two fingers to slide in on either side of Eddie’s clit and pushing them together. She alternates the pressure between the two until she’s rolling Eddie between her fingers. This way, she can go much faster. Eddie starts moving her hips with little rocks. Faster and faster. Her thighs were squeezing Richie’s, knees digging into her sides.
“Richie, Richie, Richie, Richie, Richie, Richie!”
She's pressed completely into Richie. her tits collide with Richie’s sweaty collarbones, her hair is in Richie’s face. Richie gladly buried herself in her. If there was any grave better than Eddie Kaspbrak…
Eddie goes quite. She’s not breathing. Then comes with a shout, clutching onto Richie like a dying man. Her moans take shapes of sharp hysterical breaths. Soft liquid coats Richie’s hand that she later wipes off in her jean leg.
Eddie would scold her about it that later
They sit in her mother’s kitchen chair for a few more moments with the sun hitting the back of Eddie’s hair. she’s worn it down today. She rarely does, save for Saturdays. But today is a Saturday. So Richie runs her hand through it. she’s breathing heavily on Richie’s neck and Richie thinks she might’ve fallen asleep.
“are you okay?”
Eddie isn’t asleep. She giggles. It’s a surprisingly adult sound. And Richie is hit with the passing of time again. She and Eddie are almost adults. Most would refer to them as young instead of children now. The sunlight makes it worse. Her hand is warm and tingles a bit. But that part might be her imagination.  
“Yeah, I’m great.”
“I’m still sorry about accidentally touching your boob by the way.”
“you’ve never been one to shy away from grabbing the bull by the horns.”
“grabbing the hottie by the hooters.”
Eddie sits back a little. Her shirt is still open. So are her shorts. she rolls her eyes. Richie leans in until their noses are touching.
“I’m not sorry about grabbing your boobs on purpose though,” She says, “and I hope to get to grab them again in the future.”
Eddie smiles. Her mouth stays closed. It’s a small and secret smile, with little wrinkles at the side. It might be a little embarrassed. But it’s full of what Richie hopes is love.
“I’m glad.”
They kiss a little bit until they hear a car door slam. Richie’s dad is returning from his tennis lessons, and Eddie quickly buttons up her shirt. They both stand up at Richie picks up the bra from the floor and stuff is into the blue cloth bag. Her dad enters the kitchen just as she closes it.
“hey-oh hi Eddie.”
“Hey Mr. Tozier,” Eddie smiles politely, and Richie grabs her hand.
“I think we’re gonna go upstairs dad,” she says and pulls Eddie out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. Her dad raises his eyebrows but doesn’t protest.
“Okay, you girls have fun…wait, Eddie, don’t you want your tea?”
“no thanks Mr. Tozier it’s cold by now!”
They close the door to Richie’s room behind them.
22 notes · View notes
siempre-pedro · 5 years
In a Crowd of Thousands
Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier
With the sun in my eyes, you were gone but I knew even then In a crowd of thousands I'd find you again
Summary: Eddie’s inhaler was more than just a token for the ritual, it was a piece of a memory both men thought they had forgotten in the 27 years they spent apart.
Tooth rotting fluff with a dash of angst!
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: 10/10 recommend listening to In a Crowd of Thousands from Anastasia with this.  
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Richie felt his chest closing in on him as he sped off the stage at the speed of light, his shaking hand reaching up to clench the fabric near his heart. His manager and a PA took him by the arms and helped him backstage constantly asking if he was ok and what was wrong with him. He stumbled backward and sat on a large speaker, now gasping for air “Rich what the hell is going on man?” His manager all but shouts.
Richie shakes his head feverishly, he couldn’t find the words to respond with. People were standing in a blur around him, their voices were muffled with the sound of his thundering heartbeat. In his head flashes of memories were showing up like images in a viewfinder toy, there was an old run-down house, green murky water and a group of kids. They were blurry too he noted.
“Take this,” his manager holds out a light blue inhaler before he pressed it to Richie’s lips to help him. His breathing starts to calm after a few loud gasps, he looks as the man pulls the inhaler away. His hand reaches out and snatches it from him “You can keep it?” he tells him questioningly.
The inhaler, there was something about the small blue piece of plastic. Richie’s eyebrows knit together as he looks at it. Memories swirl around his head like ghosts ‘There was a boy,’ he thinks as he twirls the plastic in his hand, inspecting it. A vision takes over, the pulsing of his heartbeat dims and the voices fade away as the images become clearer.
7 kids push past the large crowd of the Derry Carnival, Bill had the ‘brilliant’ idea that this would be the best way to celebrate defeating IT. The cheerful screams of ride goers filled their ears and the sweet smell of cotton candy filled their noses. It brought smiles to their faces “Where to first?” Ben asks.
“Let’s s-s-split up, in groups,” Bill manages to say, his blushing face ducked from Mike’s view. So, they did, Bill and Mike headed off to the roller coaster while Ben, Bev, and Stan wanted to check out the food. That just left Richie and the object of his affection, Eddie who was grimacing at a child with chocolate all over his face.
“That just leaves you and me Eddie Spaghetti,” Richie groans happily as he drapes an arm over Eddie’s thin shoulders. Eddie whined and rolled his eyes.
“I hate that name,” he reminds him for the 8th time that day. Richie, like always, shrugs him off and starts to walk them through the massive crowd. It was hot, blistering on a June day but he didn’t mind if he was so close to Eddie this way. But what if Eddie didn’t like it? Could you swap germs through sweat? Shit. Then again he didn’t back away from his embrace, in fact, the brown-haired boy leaned in a little bit, but that could have been because of the people bumping into him.
“Where to Eds my boy?” Richie asks in an excited British accent, “Hall of mirrors?”
“Do you know how many people put their faces into those things?” Eddie runs his mouth a mile a minute. Richie started to smile, his cheeks beginning to hurt from the big smile. Eddie was the only one who could make him smile like that.
In front of him, a stupid tall guy moved just so that the sun was blinding into his already weak eyes. “Shit,” he curses, removing his arm from Eddie to shield his eyes from the sun. When the dipshit moved back in front of him, Eddie was gone. Another rush of people filling the spot he left next to him. “Eds?” he questions.
“Eddie!” his voice raises to a shout. Fuck the adults, he nudged and forced his way through the crowd in hopes to find him. He found one of the game booths and hopped up on the wood ledge to get a closer look.
“What the hell are you doing kid?” the worker yelled at him.
Richie didn’t listen to his protests, he was to busy searching for his Eds. The carnival-goers started to blend together until the screams rang out and he saw Eddie on the floor scared to death. Richie hastily shoved his way through the crowd “Move assholes!” he shouted. He had to help him, Eddie’s spare inhaler burning a hole in his pocket.
Richie broke from the memory, Eddie’s name leaving his lips in a whisper. He got up hastily and started speed walking to the door.
“What about the tour?” His manager shouts.
“Fuck the dates!”
Eddie hated the moment he got the call, hated the moment he stepped into Derry, and especially the moment Mike told him about the ritual. Here he was standing at the counter of the pharmacy like a nervous wreck, shifting on his heels while his eyes scanned the vaguely familiar place.
When Greta handed him the white paper bag, he immediately took out the inhaler but it wasn’t red like all his others. It was blue, a light blue… like the back up one he had as a kid. A tingly feeling rose in his stomach, like a teenager with a crush. A crush?
“Do you know how many people put their faces into those things?” Eddie runs his mouth a mile a minute, not realizing that he and Richie got disconnected, losing each other in a crowd. “Rich?” Eddie questions when he looks over not seeing the familiar face.  “Fuck,” he curses looking in between the gaps of people's bodies. He couldn’t find the lanky boy with shaggy black hair. “Rich!” he calls.
He bumps in adults, trying to get past them and they would grumble and complain as the boy got past them. He started to panic a little as the crowd started to close in on him, without looking he reaches for the zipper to his black fannypack. When he turns around a red balloon was shoved in his face, Eddie stumbles back and was met with the overly cheery face of a clown.
Eddie lets out a shriek and falls backward, scooting away as fast as he can from it “What’s wrong Eddie?” the clown asks. The clown was Mr. Briggs, the nice man that ran the hardware store, but all Eddie could see was Pennywise coming at him to eat him. Eddie only responded in desperate screams as he tried to get away.
“Eddie!” Richie finally found him, on the floor with tears streaming down his eyes and other carnival-goers paid them no mind only offering up odd stares. The taller boy grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and helped him up, running behind one of the game booths that was empty. Richie reached in his pocket and pulled out a light blue inhaler. Holding the shaking boy by the back of the head he helped him with the medicine and calmed him down.
It was Eddie to leaned forward and rested his head on Richie’s chest and the taller boy in return wrapped his arms around him and placed his chin on the top of Eddie’s head “It’s ok Eds, I got you.”
“How did you find me?” he asks weakly.
Richie could’ve said that it was his screams that led him, but he could pick the hypochondriac out anywhere in a crowd “I’ll always find you.”
Eddie’s eyes open wide at the memory. He used to be in love with Richie Tozier. His best friend. His confidant. No, he was still in love with the comedian. The man shoved the inhaler in his pocket and got out of there as fast as he could.
Neither of them were sure that each other knew about the memory of that day at the carnival. They didn’t bring it up when the rest of the losers started to reminisce about their childhoods. Richie was too embarrassed because he knew if he told Eddie old feelings were going to emerge and Pennywise was still holding it over his head. As for Eddie, he was dealing with the fact he was married to a woman, finally knowing why he didn’t love her soothed his soul a little.
At the ritual they had a connection when Eddie held out the blue inhaler, their eyes locked and the instantly knew about that summer day “Eds,” Richie starts, but before he could the end started to unfold. It was dark and they were scared out of their minds, running from the spider thing that IT transformed itself into.
“Give me that!” Richie groans as he tried to take the spare inhaler away from Eddie. Eddie protests and tries to bring the inhaler up to his lips Richie continues to fight until he rips it away from him “Do you remember?” Richie yells over the crashing of rocks and their friends yells.
“The carnival?” Eddie shouts back.
Richie’s face softens, that’s not exactly what he had in mind “N-no. The fact that you don’t need this shit!”
Eddie could have sworn the comedian remembered too, and that was one of the few memories he had. The fact that he saved Richie’s life, the intense pain he felt as he looked down to see the claw go through his insides. “Rich,” he groans out. He doesn’t even remember his last words, everything was dark and painful.
The next thing he saw was a light as bright as the sun, his eyes open slowly and his dark eyes adjust to the hospital lights. His head turns and see’s Richie’s sleeping form in the uncomfortable chair beside his bed. “Richie,” his voice weakly calls.
Richie awakes with the sound of Eddie calling for him, and he shot out of that chair and onto his feet “Eddie thank God. I-I need to go get the nurse,” Richie panics. Eddie reached up and grabbed his hand.
“Wait,” he whispers. “Do you remember,” there was a long pause “…that day at the carnival.”
“There was a crowd, the losers… cotton candy. You hated it,” Richie starts, gulping, “you thought you saw IT and I rescued you.”
Eddie smiles softly “That inhaler… you had it the whole time. You helped me.” There was still a piece missing from the memory until Richie looked down at him, the harsh light behind the man. It triggered the missing piece.
“I’ll always find you,” Richie says kindly, rubbing up and down Eddie’s back. Eddie’s heart couldn’t take it anymore, he looks up and leans back. He could barely make out Richie's face from the sun glaring behind him. The smaller boy reaches up and cautiously places his lips over Richie’s slightly chapped ones. Richie’s eyes flutter shut, his hands touching the sides of Eddie’s face. Eddie pulled away and nervously looks up at the boy in front of him, sucking in his plush lower lip.
“You kissed me,” Richie says suddenly, the memory rushing back to him.
“I didn’t tell you that.”
Richie takes off his glasses and wipes his teary eyes “I remember… all of it,” he weeps like he did at the quarry. Eddie grips onto his hand tighter, well as much as he could with the minimal strength he had.
“I love you, Richie.”
Rich bends over and kisses Eddie’s forehead “I love you too, Eds. I’m sorry it took so long.” Eddie shakes his head and chuckles, adjusting so that he could kiss him properly. That kiss brought him all the same feelings he felt when he was a kid, it was exciting and nervous. When he pulled away he looked at Eddie’s pale face lovingly, he’d be ok. 
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paper-lilypie · 5 years
The Waiting Game 2 || IT Chapter 2
Here’s the final part to this two-shot!!! This was soooo much fun to write so I hope you like it just as much. Have a link to the first one if you’re interested!
A bit of a warning! Lots of cursing! Lots!!!
Check out my Masterlist for more of my works!💗
It was 4:17pm on a September afternoon when Richie Tozier, age 84, died on a hospital bed and once he did, the only thing he could think of was “finally!”.
Don’t get him wrong, Death is a really delicate subject for a guy like him, but when it comes down to living another 4 decades watching your found family slowly disappear around you as you grow old and gross, well, know that the sweet release of nothingness sounded like a delight sundae on a hot summer day of despair. (So what if he’s being poetic, sue him, he’s dead)
After the Neibolt house in 2016, Richie had struggled with getting his life back in motion. He’d cancel gigs, drink ‘till morning, snap at people and generally just be in a sour mood at all times. He wouldn’t even leave his house within weeks on end. It was a hard time for all of the remaining Losers. They’d call and talk to him, but they all knew he just wasn’t in it anymore. His natural spark had snuffed out— gone along with Eddie, buried within the remains of the damned hellhole under the damned house in Neibolt street, lair of Pennywise.
It was all that clown’s fault. That fucking clown, that ruined his goddamn fucking life. If it weren’t for the fact that he wasn’t alive anymore and no longer bore functional vocal cords, Richie would have cursed the fucker down to his grave. In fact, give him another second and he might not even need those to do it. (But, again, he was dead. He couldn’t, even if he tried. and he tried).
So here’s how his story ended. In a hospital bed surrounded by his nephews and niece, his sister and ex-boyfriend.
Oh yeah, Richie tried out dating again in 2020, age 44. It wasn’t his greatest moment in life, that time. Trying to find a date while being over forty? He’d be lucky if people spared him a glance and didn’t scratch him off as a creep in need of a blow-off. The point is: he was lucky when he met Daniel Rizzo.
Danny was amazing. Sweet, caring, good with kids, a freak in bed, and boy did he enjoy Richie’s jokes. They met at a dog park, his dog (a Pomeranian) having escaped and run toward Richie, making him scream and bolt away, the dog chasing him with excited barks across the lawn. Dan had apologized and offered a coffee as way to make it up to him. Richie had agreed (making sure to stay as far away from that small ball of Satan fauna) and they went out for coffee. They went out after that for two years. The reason why they stopped was because Richie knew. He knew it’d never be what he really yearned for, what he felt in his heart was really the remedy he needed to mend his broken heart. Dan had known it too.
It had all come down to the anniversary of Stan’s and Eddie’s death. The first year, Beverly, Ben, Bill and Mike traveled over to California to visit Richie and have their reunion there. Pretty much what you expected. Lots of laughing, crying, drinking and reminiscing. It was at this reunion where Danny found out about who the two deceased were and, more importantly, who Eddie Kaspbrak was to Richie; it was there when he decided he’d make Richie the happiest man in the world, for Eddie. And he did. For that next year, Danny had done an amazing job with Richie. He supported him, cared for him, got him back into his stand-up business again and was overall there for him. He was an excellent boyfriend and Richie couldn’t have been happier about how his life had turned out.
Except he kinda could’ve, just in another lifetime. Danny got to realize this too on the second anniversary of their death. This time, both Richie and Danny (and Chip, that hyperactive pompom of hell) flew over to Georgia to visit Patty Uris, widow to Stanley Uris, along with the others. By then, Ben and Beverly had a five-month old daughter and Mike had met someone. Bill still lived happily with his wife, pushing out best-sellers like no tomorrow. Richie was proud, he truly was. But Danny could tell he always held this longing look on his face— his eyes, those orbs who tattled on every single thought inside Richie’s head— and he saw it again every time Richie laid his gaze onto Beverly and Ben, playing with their daughter, sharing laughs and smiles, so in love— their affection running deep and old; as old as their scars, as deep as their love.
Richie loved Daniel. But Richie was in love with someone else. Someone not in this world anymore. Someone he couldn’t let go of— would never let go of.
With this newfound information, Daniel sat Richie down and they talked about... well, everything. Them, their lives, the Losers, Stan, Eddie... in the end, they got back to their relationship again and made the decision that maybe it was best for them to not continue dating. They both helped each other find happiness together. Maybe now they’d be able to move forward and build upon that happiness one of their own. Maybe. Richie had hope and he had Danny to thank for that. They parted ways.
But only as a couple. They still call each other, text, laugh, meet up— hell, Richie visits his family every Christmas and Thanksgiving. It’s nice. He’s happy. He’s happy he shared part of his life with Dan. Thanks to that courage, Richie decided to move forward. And he did.
So many years later and Richie is living life to the fullest while still honoring the past. He thinks about Eddie and Stan every single day, but it’s all happy thoughts. He smiles whenever he sees a picture of them, those of Stan who Patty owns and those of Eddie he stills keeps within the confines of his wallet, the ones from the photobooth back in ‘89. He treasures their memories everyday and moves on.
Richie laughs, he cheers, he cries, he comforts, he groans, he jokes, he reassures, he dreams— he lives. And he lives the best version his life could have turned out for, despite its downfalls.
Beverly died at age 67, Mike at 74, Ben at 79 and Bill at 83. Richie dies the year later.
Finally, he thinks and he hears his niece let out a sob next to his bed. One of his nephews moves to hold her and comfort her. Maybe he had said it out loud? He should apologize, his trash mouth tended to be careless when it came to other people’s feelings all the time. He should go to her and tell her sorry. Yeah, he should before time runs out. He should move.
Richie blinks and sees white, a lot of white— which, okay, he was kind of expecting. Except damn, that shit is bright. It burned his eyes so much, he was beginning to think one of his nephews were messing with him and decided to aim a lamp straight at his eyes just for shits and giggles. It hurts worse and worse so he takes it upon himself and blinks again.
“What the fuck?” Richie says, whirling around to observe his surroundings. What just happened? What’s with all this color?
Richie squints at the gleaming sun above him in further confusion. Then at the field of wheat surrounding him, just as lost.
Where in the everloving fuck was he? Wasn’t he on his deathbed just seconds ago? Where’s Majorie? Heather? Danny? Josh and Keith? What?!
Not even a second to fucking breathe, and he’s tackled face first into the ground, which again, okay, but secondly: what the fuck?
He struggled underneath the wriggling weight on top of him, trying to stand up, sit or maybe, I don’t know, move.
“Get— G— GET OFF!” Richie pushes at the figure on him and rolls into his back. “What the hell is wrong with you, ass—!” His words cut short and the blood in his veins run cold. No.
Eddie Kaspbrak grins down at him, tears in his eyes and shaking. “Took you long enough, Trashmouth. What the fuck were you waiting for, a fucking postcard? Also, what’s with the putting away dirty laundry along with your clean one, were you trying to get me to haunt your ugly ass like a fucking animal?!”
On second thought, maybe not breathing was the default here because Richie couldn’t get any air into his lungs at all. He stared at Eddie, eyes wide, mouth agape, and silent. Eddie merely continued to smile down at him.
“Take your time,” he says. “Not like it’s been 40 fucking years or anything, what’s two minutes more, right?”
Shakily, Richie raises his hand from the ground. It hovers between the two, hesitating— afraid— that it was all a dream. That this wasn’t real. “E...E-Eddie...” he breathes out, fingers twitching for contact. It couldn’t be.
Eddie leans forward and Richie jolts as his hand connects with his cheek, soft and smooth. He realizes there’s not a scar in sight. Not on his cheek, his arms, his abdomen— nothing. He was healthy. He was here, alive, healthy and young—
Richie sobs. “Eds!”
He lurches forward and wraps his arms around the smaller boy, burying his face into his shoulder, tears streaming down his face like waterfalls, but he couldn’t care less. God, Richie thought, God... Eddie was back. He was here. He was touching Eddie. He was holding Eddie. Talking to Eddie. He was okay. He was okay!
Eddie laughs and returns the hug, tighter if possible. They stay that way for a while after that. Just hugging and laughing and crying, carrying strings of “no way, it can’t be” and “you’re okay” and “I missed you” and “what the fuck happened to you” followed by “What the fuck happened to ME”.
Needless to say, Richie must’ve believed there really is a something up there that heard his prayers. He has Eddie again— damn it, he has Eddie again! This was the best moment in Richie’s life, dead or not. He’d heard people talk about experiencing euphoria but never really knew how it felt. This is it, he thinks now, face buried in Eddie’s soft hair, hands gripping his white shirt tight as to not let go. This is my euphoria. He’s never letting it go.
“Guess now’s a better time as any to cut in, right?”
Richie snaps his head upwards at the sound of a familiar voice and, with Eddie turning around to look too, a smile on his face, he feels tears filling his eyes again.
Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough, Georgie Denbrough and Stanley Uris all stood there, white clothes, barefoot, and bearing the biggest shit-eating grins Richie had ever witnessed.
“GUYS!” Richie hollers as he gets dog piled onto the ground again.
“RICHIEEEEE!!!” The others cry as they grab at him, pulling him into hug after suffocating hug. They manage to shift themselves to surround him and hug him collectively, just as they once did at the Quarry, only this time with the addition of Stan, Eddie and Georgie.
Richie pats at someone’s arm (it’s Mike’s) to let them know he needs air (does he really? I mean, he’s dead). They let him go and proceed to share their thoughts, how they missed him and saw him all throughout what remained of his life through a little something Stan managed to cook up. How Beverly was the first one here after Eddie and she was filled on what was happeneing, same with Mike, Ben and Bill afterwards (Bill never let go of Georgie’s hand, Richie noticed.). Then they explain (Stan with detail, Bill with interjections on how they felt about whatever Stanley was talking about) what they were doing. They were waiting for each other to cross onto the other side together. It was all so overwhelmingly sweet, so beautiful and heartwarming, that Richie wanted to throw up.
“I feel like throwing up.” He says, gaining an eye roll from Stan, giggles from Georgie, snickers from Ben, Bill, Mike and Beverly, and a smile from Eddie. Richie thinks he values more the latter. “Seriously, that was all so sweet and gross, I can feel vomit rising up my esophagus.”
“Buh—Beep beep, Richie.” Bill snickers, and all at once, makes Richie feel like crying again. He missed them. He missed all of them.
Ben stands up from the ground and brushes off grass on his knees. “So, guess it’s time to get to it, huh?” Everyone looks at him. He smiles. “Waiting Game over?”
And just like that, everyone’s nodding and agreeing, a sense of finality breathing into them as they collectively look at each other and think “finally.”. They get to rest now. Finally.
They stand up, Beverly taking Ben’s hand, Mike following them alongside Bill with Georgie on his shoulders. Eddie stands up from the ground and turns to Richie, extending his hand to help him up. (Richie notes it was Eddie’s casted arm from back when they were thirteen.)
It takes a second (or maybe longer) but Richie reaches up and takes Eddie’s hand. He’s pulled up and they stand close, nose to nose with their hands clasped between them. They don’t move and, quite frankly, they don’t want to. What they do want, they want to do, like, right this second. Now. The question was: who was gonna act first?
Fuck that bullshit. Eddie’s done enough waiting.
Pushing to stand on the tip of his toes, he presses a kiss onto Richie’s lips. Soft, innocent but damn, overdue seems to be an epic understatement at this point (70. Fucking. Years.). That said, it takes close to nothing for Richie to grab at Eddie’s cheeks and kiss back. He’s pretty sure if he wasn’t dead already, he’d be halfway over to heart failure right then and there.
Richie breaks the kiss only to plant a second one to Eddie’s cheek. Then another to his other cheek and finally his lips again. Eddie merely giggles during the whole ordeal and pulls him closer, tilting his head further and kissing deeper. Richie follows.
“Come ON, you SLOWPOKES!!!”
“Little late for that, idiot.” Eddie rolls his eyes at Richie’s deadpanned face. To make up for it, he places a kiss to his cheek; Richie instantly feels better. “We’re coming!”
“Hurry it up!” Mike calls. “And no cursing! Come on, guys! That’s like heaven rule number one!”
Eddie pulls at Richie’s hand and they walk. “Is it?” Richie asks.
Beverly laughs and Stan answers. “Yeah, but don’t worry, Eddie broke it since day one too.”
Richie grinned at Eddie’s flushed cheeks and pecked at them again, gaining a side glance from the boy. He waited too long. There’s no way he was missing out on any of it anymore. He lived his life. Now he was going to live the rest of it, move forward, with his friends, the Losers, and Eddie. No more stalling. No more evading. No more hiding. Together they climb the hill and disappear at the top.
The Waiting Game is over.
In a somewhat related note, as I was writing the kiss, Eddie My Love started playing in my Spotify and it’s NEVER done that before, anyways, the spirit of gays was with me and that’s that.
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etirabys · 5 years
guuuuys, this arc in the first quarter of It where a preteen boy makes friends for the first time in his life is so fucking good. I quote a lot of stuff but that’s because it’s amazing!!! They’re such good kids!
If someone had asked him, “Ben, are you lonely?,” he would have looked at that someone with real surprise. The question had never even occurred to him. He had no friends, but he had his books and his dreams; he had his Revell models; he had a gigantic set of Lincoln Logs and built all sorts of stuff with them. His mother had exclaimed more than once that Ben’s Lincoln Logs houses looked better than some real ones that came from blueprints. He had a pretty good Erector Set, too. He was hoping for the Super Set when his birthday came around in October. With that one you could build a clock that really told time and a car with real gears in it. Lonely? he might have asked in return, honestly foozled. Huh? What?
A child blind from birth doesn’t even know he’s blind until someone tells him. Even then he has only the most academic idea of what blindness is; only the formerly sighted have a real grip on the thing. Ben Hanscom had no sense of being lonely because he had never been anything but. If the condition had been new, or more localized, he might have understood, but loneliness both encompassed his life and overreached it. It simply was, like his double-jointed thumb or the funny little jag inside one of his front teeth, the little jag his tongue began running over whenever he was nervous.
He’s polite and smart and the grownups like him!
“Hullo, Benny,” Mrs. Starrett said. Like Mrs. Douglas at school, she genuinely liked Ben. Grownups, especially those who sometimes needed to discipline children as part of their jobs, generally liked him, because he was polite, soft-spoken, thoughtful, sometimes even funny in a very quiet way. These were all the same reasons most kids thought he was a puke.
Then, after getting beaten up by a pack of older kids, he happens upon and bonds with two other kids who were building a dam in the stream that got wrecked by the same bullies
Both Bill and Eddie burst out laughing this time, and Ben joined them. It hurt his stomach to laugh but he laughed anyway, shrilly and a little hysterically. Finally he had to sit down on the bank, and the plopping sound his butt made when it hit the dirt got him going all over again. He liked the way his laughter sounded with theirs. It was a sound he had never heard before: not mingled laughter—he had heard that lots of times—but mingled laughter of which his own was a part.
And he helps rebuild the dam, with a much better design – his spatial intelligence / building-thinking is very good, and he’ll be a renowned architect in his adult life
“Yeah, I know him,” Ben said. “You guys come down here a lot, huh?” The idea fascinated him—and made him feel a stupid sort of longing as well.
“Puh-Puh-Pretty much,” Bill said. “Wuh-Why d-don’t you c-c-come back down tuh-huh-morrow? M-Me and E-E-Eddie were tuh-trying to make a duh-duh-ham.”
Ben could say nothing. He was astounded not only by the offer but by the simple and unstudied casualness with which it had come.
“Maybe we ought to do something else,” Eddie said. “The dam wasn’t working so hot anyway.”
Ben got up and walked down to the stream, brushing the dirt from his huge hams. There were still matted piles of small branches at either side of the stream, but anything else they’d put together had washed away.
“You ought to have some boards,” Ben said. “Get boards and put em in a row . . . facing each other . . . like the bread of a sandwich.”
Bill and Eddie were looking at him, puzzled. Ben dropped to one knee. “Look,” he said. “Boards here and here. You stick em in the streambed facing each other. Okay? Then, before the water can wash them away, you fill up the space between them with rocks and sand—”
“Wuh-Wuh-We,” Bill said.
“Wuh-We do it.”
“Oh,” Ben said, feeling (and looking, he was sure) extremely stupid. But he didn’t care if he looked stupid, because he suddenly felt very happy. He couldn’t even remember the last time he felt this happy. “Yeah. We. Anyway, if you—we—fill up the space in between with rocks and stuff, it’ll stay. The upstream board will lean back against the rocks and dirt as the water piles up. The second board would tilt back and wash away after awhile, I guess, but if we had a third board . . . well, look.”
He drew in the dirt with a stick. Bill and Eddie Kaspbrak leaned over and studied this little drawing with sober interest:
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“You ever built a dam before?” Eddie asked. His tone was respectful, almost awed.
“Then h-h-how do you know this’ll w-w-work?”
Ben looked at Bill, puzzled. “Sure it will,” he said. “Why wouldn’t it?”
“But h-how do you nuh-nuh-know?” Bill asked. Ben recognized the tone of the question as one not of sarcastic disbelief but honest interest. “H-How can y-you tell?”
“I just know,” Ben said. He looked down at his drawing in the dirt again as if to confirm it to himself. He had never seen a cofferdam in his life, either in diagram or in fact, and had no idea that he had just drawn a pretty fair representation of one.
he’s so nice and smart and lonely and he’s discovering friendship for the first time this summer – augh!! In between attacks from the shapeshifting man-eating clown, this is such a heartwarming novel!
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You can’t wake up this is not a dream
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"This is so stupid. The school is out in three days for summer break why are you making go?" I asked staring out the window. "Because you need to see what these kids where like and see of there's any reason why they would go missing." Sam said. "We need a man on the inside." Dean said looking in the rearview mirror to look at me. I let out a sigh. "Come on just do it kiddo please?" Dean asked. "Ok fine I will." I said as dean pulled up to Derry high school. I stepped out and grabbed my black backpack. ���Did you really have you wear that outfit?” Dean asked. I was wear a black and grey tank top with black shorts with black biker boots. “Why does it brother you?” I asked. “ Yes.” Dean said. “Then yes.” I said smirking. “I hate you do you know that.” Dean said. “I know you mean love.” I said laughing. The three of us walked into the school and to the office. Of course we were asked why I was getting enrolled with three days left. I smiled and watched as dean gave some bullshit excuse. But much to my dismay I got enrolled into school anyways. I was handed a schedule and that’s when sam and dean left. But before they left they gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. The office lady lead me to my first class. The name of the teacher was Mr. Paul. Once we got to his class room she knocked on the door and we waited on him to open the door. Once he did the lady started to explain the situation to him. Of course he asked why some one would enrolled with three days left. I simply told him that sam and dean were idiots. That's when the office lady left and Mr. Paul let me in his classroom. “You can take the seat in back in between Mr. Bowers and Mr. Criss.” Mr. Paul said. I nodded and made my way to the back of the classroom. I sat down in the desk in between the two boys. I sat my bag on my desk. Mr. Paul sat back at his desk and went back to working on what ever he was before I walked in. “So Why did you move to this shit hole of a town?” One the boys asked. “My brothers work did.” I said. “What do you brothers do?” The other boy asked. “They work for the government.” I said. “So why did they enroll you for three days?” One of the boys asked. “Because of they are idiots. What are your names?” I asked. “I’m henry and that's Vic. What’s yours?” Henry asked. “Y/n Winchester.” I said. “Like the gun.” Vic said. I nodded. “You know your really hot right.” Henry said. “Don’t let my brothers hear you say that. They might kill you.” I said laughing a little. “Are they protective or something?” Vic asked. “Very.” I said. Then the bell rang. “Come with us and we’ll introduce you to the other two morons.” Henry said. I nodded and got up from my desk following the two boys out of the classroom. I followed them to an hallway where two other boys where waiting. One was very tall and lanky while the other was more one the heavier side. “Well well who’s this?” the tall one asked. “Leave her alone Cockstetter.” Henry said. I rolled my eyes at his attempts at flirting with me. “Oh come on henry I’m just trying to get to know the new face. I want a name to go with this ass.” The taller guy said as he grabbed my ass. I felt my knuckles pop as I clenched my fist. “Ohhhh looks like you made her angry Patrick.” Henry said laughing. I grabbed the front of Patrick's shirt as I hit him in the face. I could hear shocked gasps around us as I walked away to my next class every through I didn’t know where the hell I’m going. I bumped into a boy around my eyes who was wearing thick glasses. “Watch where your going hot stuff.” The boy said. “Richie be nice.” A boy said who was a little bit short than the two of us. “Listen I just hit a guy named Patrick. So Richie I have no problem hitting you.” I said. “Wait you hit Patrick Hockstetter?” The other boy asked. “I’m guessing that’s Patrick’s last name Henry called him cockstetter.” I said. “Henry Bowers?” Richie asked. “Oh my god you two are hopeless.” I said as I walked away. “Wait.” Both boys said as they caught up with me. “I’m Richie Tozier and that’s Eddie Kaspbrak.” Richie said. “Are you new I've never seen you before.” Eddie said. “I’m new my idiot brothers decided to enroll me for three days.” I said. “Why?” Richie asked. “Their work. They wanted a inside man.” I said. “What do your brothers do?” Eddie asked. “They work for the government. They came to help with all the missing kids.” I said. Both boys looked at each other. “What?” I asked. “Our buddy bill’s little brother was one of the first kids to go missing. We really don’t like to talk about it with him.” Richie said as the bell rang. “Who do you have next?” Eddie asked. “Mrs. Torrance.” I said. “I have her with our other friend Stanley. I can show you.” Eddie said. “Thanks.” I said. “Come on.” Eddie said as he showed me the way to my next class.
I walked along side Eddie as he showed me to my next class. I could hear people whispering to each other and looking at me. “So Eddie how many people do you think knows about me hitting Patrick?” I asked. “Probably the whole school. Bowers and his gang makes life a nightmare for almost everyone here so someone putting one of them in their place is going to travel fast.” Eddie said as we walked in the classroom. “Wait so no one has put those boys in their place?” I asked as we took our seats in the middle of the classroom. A curly haired boy rushed in and made his way over to Eddie and I. “You’ll never believe what happened. A new girl hit Patrick and gave him a bloody nose.” The boy said as he sat down. “Well he shouldn’t have grabbed my ass.” I said as the boy look at me in shock. “Stan this is...What was your name?” Eddie asked. “Y/n Winchester.” I said. “No one has ever hit one of the bowers gang members ley alone a girl hitting one of them.” Stan said. “So I've been told.” I said. “Their going to be after you.” Stan said. “Please those boys are not that scary. Those type of kids only bring fear to other kids to make them feel stronger after someone made them feel small.” I said. “Try telling that to them.” Eddie said. “Please I've fought scarier things than a few school bullies.” I said. “Class can I please have you’re attentions.” Mrs. Torrance said. I look to the front of the class and saw Sam and Dean. “These two FBI agents would like to talk to you.” Mrs. Torrance said. “Thank Mrs. Torrance. Now kids I’m agent Geddy and this is my partner agent Lee.” Dean said. “I’m sure you’re all wondering why they called the FBI on all the missing kids cases.” Sam said. “Well since the police here has found anything on any of the cases they called us. Now if any of you have seen anything strange please don’t be afraid to tell us. We will be here for the rest of the day. But for now we would like to talk to her.” Dean said pointing at me. “Ok miss Winchesters please go with the Agents.” Mrs. Torrance said. I nodded getting up from my seat. “Should I bring my bag with me agents?” I asked. “No we won’t keep you long.” Sam said. I nodded and follow the boys out of the classroom. 
“I’m guessing you wanna talk to me about the kid I hit.” I said. “Why did you hit him and give him a bloody nose?” Sam asked. “The guy grabbed my ass. What was I supposed to do. Just let him.” I said. “Wait the guy grabbed you’re ass.” Dean said. I nodded. “Well then there is nothing left to talk about. Now get back to class kiddo.” Dean said hugging me then kissed my head. “Dean we can’t be done talking about this.” Sam said. “Come on Sammy. Was she supposed to just let him touch her ass. Just be lucky she didn’t have any weapons on her because she would have killed him.” Dean said. Sam let out a sigh. “Fine. I guess you’re right just try not to give anyone else a bloody nose.” Sam said hugging me. “You know I can’t promise that. You better hope another guy doesn’t grab my ass.” I said. “She right.” Dean said. “Alright. Alright. Go back to class.” Sam said. I nodded and headed back to class making my way back to my seat. “What did they want to talk to you about. You don’t know any of the kids that went missing?” Stan asked. “Maybe they wanted a outsider look of things.” I said.
Taglist: @darkqueennox
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