#but meeting the perfect man first go and comparing everyone to him
Eddie Kaspbrak gets a divorce, comes out, and plans to have a slutty, slutty summer.
Richie is the first person Eddie matches with on the dating app he downloads. They have a fantastic hook-up, it's perfect and everything Eddie hoped being with a man would be.
Eddie is imbued with confidence. This casual sex thing is good and he gets to meet funny, handsome men. He's going to have the best summer ever - the summer everyone else had when they were in their early twenties but Eddie was living with his mother and deeply repressed.
Eddie matches with a bodybuilder next. He's tall and muscular. Eddie already knows he likes tall men. Richie was tall.
The hook-up never gets off the ground. They meet up, but Eddie doesn't feel any attraction, even though the guy is tall. All he talks about is the gym!
Eddie lets the guy down gently and then texts Richie asking if he wants to hook-up. The sex is amazing again.
Third match is with a guy who describes himself as a hippie. Eddie has reservations, but Richie also described himself as a hippie in his profile and that worked out.
They meet for coffee. The guys fingernails are dirty. He smells like patchouli and unwashed socks. Eddie pays for both their drinks then leaves.
He texts Richie again asking if he wants to hook-up.
After the sex, Eddie quizzes Richie on his bathing habits and Richie happily explains his political philosophies to Eddie and the reason why he calls himself a hippie - "I'm a lover, not a fighter".
Eddie's co-workers find him in the breakroom at lunch that week reading 'Das Kapital'. Eddie mentions offhandedly that a friend recommended it.
Eddie's next match is a guy who is quite a bit younger than him. They have nothing in common but Eddie figures the sex might be good.
It's awkward. They clash over music tastes. The kid tells Eddie his music is old and too mainstream. Eddie decides he doesn't want to give this guy an orgasm and kicks him out.
Richie comes over, fucks him and then critiques Eddie's music collection instead.
Eddie has a lot of ABBA and a lot of divas.
Richie rates it a 10/10 gay music collection, but tells him he should try and get some of his collection on vinyl because "vinyl just sounds better, Eds."
That weekend Eddie drags his best friend Bev to a record shop so he can buy a record player and a couple of vinyl records.
Eddie decides that for his next hook-up he'll try matching with a guy who also works in finance and he'll go on a real date to a fancy restaurant.
On paper this guy looks perfect for Eddie. He is in the same socio-economic bracket, he's the same age, he's interested in literature and the stock market and fashion. He's classically handsome. Eddie thinks maybe this could go somewhere.
Eddie power walks out of the restaurant half way through the date and calls Richie, ranting about how his date was a fucking republican who started going on about how hard it is to meet men with his values and how Eddie seemed like such a good match.
Richie laughs uncontrollably at Eddie's dissecting his life and career, trying to decide what made the guy think he'd agree with him that same-sex marriage made a mockery of 'real' marriages. Eddie had one of those 'real' marriage and it sucked. Especially because he was gay!
Richie comes to meet him and ends up walking him home. Eddie is too wound up for sex, too angry, but they end up cuddling on his couch, drinking and watching some terrible movie from the 80s they talk all the way through.
It's just as good as the nights they have sex.
Eddie tells Bev about his terrible dates and bemoans how unslutty his slutty summer is. He hasn't slept around at all.
Beverly coyly asks how many times Eddie's slept with Richie.
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flwrstqr · 6 months
CALL ME YOURS !! (LHS - 이희승)
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SYNOPSIS: ever since you broke up with your ex, choi jiho, who cheated on you with another girl, you have always wanted to get revenge. when you meet jiho again at school, to prove you were over him and had met a better man, you told him you were meeting someone. you lied and told him you were meeting a random guy who you pointed at on your school's bulletin board for being the top student in the whole school. coincidentally, that guy was lee heeseung, known for his quiet and smart personality. then jiho demands to meet him in real life, hand-in-hand with you, which now you have a huge problem. first, you have to find heeseung, and next, you have to date him.
pairing: topstudent!heeseung x popularstudentfem!reader
genre: fake dating, s2l, romance, high school au, sunshine x cold
warning(s): reader + heeseung being in denial, your ex cheated, kissing, inspired by a k-drama (i forgot which one), two of them being awfully awkward at first, swearing, grammar errors, party, lots of love confusions, does say that winter is dating beomgyu, punching, fighting
word count: 7k
AN: guys im back with a long au, i never really write long aus, so this is slightly new to me. i did proofread it but not super thoroughly so if i made any mistakes, my bad for that .
taglist: @yenqa @mylstserenade @jlheon @naespas @jooniesbears-blog @erehkinnie30 @wonifullove @miumiuisme @shawnyle @dimplewonie @beomluvrr @jiaant11 @teddywonss
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ALL YOU WANTED WAS REVENGE. Sweet revenge against your idiotic ex, Choi Jiho.You remember the moment you walked into the girls locker room to go deliver something to your PE coach, only to find the room “empty”. It hit you like a ton of bricks when you stumbled upon Jiho, locking lips with your “supposed” best friend, Kim Haeun, in the girl’s locker room Lip on lip, eyes closed, moving in sync. Heart shattered, tears streaming, you bolted, tripping over a basket of equipment and scraping your knees quickly catching attention of Jiho. His voice trailed after you, calling your name as you fled into the distance.
Losing both your best friend and your boyfriend cut deep. Being single was one thing, but being unable to find anyone who measured up to Jiho was another.
"YN, your standards for men are too high!" Karina remarked from the bleachers during PE.
You shrugged. "They've always been high." For the past 4 months, no one was your type compared to Jiho, the perfect boyfriend in your eyes: tall, handsome, a football player, rich, and occasionally nice.
"It's because of that disgusting asshole," Ningning scoffed.
"He isn't disgusting!" you retorted.
"YN, you need to get over him. This is just becoming toxic, plus you dumped him in front of the whole school ," Giselle chimed in. She was right. You vividly recalled the moment, twenty minutes before the bell, eyes swollen from crying all night but disguised behind makeup, replaying yesterday's scene you witnessed in your mind.
"YN!" Jiho's voice snapped you back to reality, his figure rushing towards you.
"Can we talk?" he asked, breathless.
"Talk about how you fucking cheated on me? Fine, I'll hear you out," you yelled, drawing everyone's attention.
"Can you keep it down, YN?" Jiho snapped.
"Sure I’ll quiet it down when I want to. Go to your girlfriend, Haeun. Why does she have to be my best friend, out of all people?" you glared.
"YN, let's talk inside," Jiho groaned, irritated.
"No, we're done. I never wanted you anyway, you asshole. Just fuck off," you spat, the words stinging even as they left your mouth The next thing you knew the scene spreaded like wildfire at school.
"Are you okay?" Minjeong asked as you sobbed at the lunch table.
"Listen, YN, Jiho wasn't worth it. You saw what you saw," Karina tried to console.
"I don't know... it's just over now," you murmured, head in your hands.
"Maybe it's a sign to find someone better," Ningning suggested.
"I don't know..." you whispered, feeling lost, unable to move on.
“I’m for sure there’s someone way better than him.” Giselle added (biggest lie you ever heard).
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MONTHS PASSED AND YOU FOUND YOURSELF IN THE LIBRARY, lending a hand to the librarian in organizing books before school started. As you went about your duties, dropping off books and preparing to fetch more, the one and only, Jiho, stood by the school bulletin board waiting for you. It had been months since the breakup, and yet, the wound was still fresh, a constant reminder of the pain (really yn..)
"I wanted to say a word," Jiho awkwardly mumbled, eyeing you for a reaction, his hands in his pockets.
You reluctantly agreed, "Fine, make it quick. I'm busy."
"I broke up with Haeun," he stated, the words hanging in the air.
"What?" Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
"I ended things with Kim Haeun," he said more firmly. His words sank in, but confusion lingered. But why was he telling you this now? Then it hit you—he wanted you back. Yet, on a day when you missed him, you suddenly felt nothing. He had left you for another girl (well, technically, you dumped him), betrayed you, and now he came back because you were his second choice?
"Why are you telling me this?" You managed to maintain calm.
"I still like you, YN LN," he confessed, causing your eyes to widen. You bit your lip, before you could accept his confession like your 5 minute ago self would. Your heart didn’t thump like it did when you were around him. Your hands weren’t sweaty like they were when he looked at you before. Your mind wasn’t racing like it was when Jiho confessed to you for the first time, months ago. It was nothing like any of that–you just felt empty and cold.
"I'm seeing someone," you blurted out, realizing the lie you had just said. Crossing your fingers, you hoped he wouldn't ask about the identity of your "so-said boyfriend"
"Who?" he inquired, raising his eyebrow. Desperately searching for an excuse, your eyes landed on the bulletin board, displaying a list of top students and their ID photos.
Rushing over, you pointed at the first photo and name you saw, "That guy," you said, reading his name, "...Lee Heeseung! I'm dating him."
"Oh, really?" Jiho cast a skeptical glance between you and the photo, a smirk playing on his lips. "Then," he leaned in closer, "how about you introduce me to him, hand-in-hand, next week? I want to see if he's worthy of you." Panic rushed in you, and your throat went dry. You forced a smile and nodded in reluctant agreement.
"Sure," you replied.
"Great, see you next week," Jiho said, turning and walking away. You were officially doomed. Now, you have to find this Lee Heeseung and give him a deal.
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YOU WANDERED DURING LUNCH, TRYING TO FIND HEESEUNG. You only heard about him because he got a perfect score on the hardest SAT exams, but you didn't really pay attention.
"Heeseung? Sorry, I don’t know who he is," a girl replied when you asked her about Heeseung.
"It's okay," you smiled politely and left, feeling frustrated.
"I'll never find him," you groaned to Karina, who was with you while you asked everyone about Heeseung.
"Why did you lie to Jiho then? I thought you weren’t over him. Last night, you were giggling at how cute Jiho is and how much you want him back," Karina asked, taking a bite of her apple.
"I don’t know. He was just using me. I knew it because he and Haeun broke up," you explained, letting out a soft sigh. "He saw me as a second option, and I got into this mess because I lied to him about having a boyfriend who's probably some ugly nerd."
"I told you he was using you the entire time! But you didn’t trust me!" Karina scolded you.
"Sorry, I was just blind back then," you mumbled.
Before your last attempt, you walked up to a boy and asked the same question you’d been asking everyone.
"Do you know Lee Heeseung by any chance?" you asked. The boy's eyes widened, and a big grin spread across his face.
"Yes, I do! For what reason?" the boy quickly replied. For the first time, someone knew who he was.
"Do you know where he is then?" you inquired, hoping he could help.
"I do. I’m close friends with him. Come, I’ll show you where he is," the boy replied as you followed him, waving to Karina goodbye.
As the two of you awkwardly made up the long staircase, you arrived at the rooftop of the school. When the boy opened the door, a lonely figure sat by the table, reading a book.
"Heeseung!" the boy called out, causing the figure, supposedly Heeseung, to turn around.
"What, Jungwon?" Heeseung raised his eyebrow, quickly glancing at you and then back at Jungwon.
"YN was looking for you," Jungwon quickly said, nudging you to speak. Heeseung obviously knew who you were, known for dating Jiho and your soft-delicate visuals.
You walked towards him awkwardly, “Uhm…can we talk privately?” Slightly glancing at Jungwon, signaling him to leave quietly. As Jungwon left quietly, you cleared your throat.
“So…” you started off a bit nervous, “I need some help?”
"What help?" Heeseung answered a bit coldly, “If it’s anything studying related, I’m not interested-”
"I need help dating," you blurted, realizing what you had just said.
"What?" Heeseung gave you a puzzled look, "Dating what?"
"I lied to Jiho. Okay, I don’t have interest in you or even Jiho. I lied to him saying that I’m meeting you," you spilled the news. Heeseung had an empty look on his face as you tried to read his expression.
“Why me?” Heeseung arched his eyebrow.
“You were the first name I saw,” you explained, “So can you fake date me? I need it, please,” you pleaded, hoping he would accept your request.
"No, I’m not interested," he turned around, quickly getting his book to start reading again. Your jaw dropped, no one had ever rejected you like that.
"What?" you spat, feeling terrible that you got rejected for the first time.
"I’m not interested in you or in dating. So, I strongly believe that I shouldn’t do it," he said, quickly focusing his attention on his book.
“I’ll do anything!” you begged, feeling desperate.
"Anything?" Heeseung quickly averted his attention to you, dropping his book slightly to make eye contact with you.
"Yes, anything. I’ll do anything," you replied, hoping he would accept it.
"Then introduce me to her," Heeseung answered. You looked confused.
"Who's her?" you raised your eyebrow.
Heeseung’s cheek slightly blushed, it was the first time you saw him so embarrassed. “Karina,” he mumbled under his breath. Suddenly it clicked—he was interested in Karina, your best friend.
You gave an eager look, “Deal! I’ll introduce you to her after all of the fake dating.” You pulled out your hand.
"Deal," Heeseung replied, shaking your hand.
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A  FEW DAYS LATER, YOU FIND YOURSELF in the convenience store, an unexpected place for someone like you—a popular girl to be at. Your outfit was simpler than usual, baggy gray sweats and a white tank top, with your hair thrown up in a messy high ponytail and an oversized jacket completing the look.
You scan the snack aisle, contemplating your choices, when the doorbell chimes, signaling a customer had entered. Your heart thumps as you recognize the last person you expected to encounter—Heeseung. He's dressed in simple gray sweatpants and a black hoodie, his messy hair somehow adding to his charm.
Your eyes lock momentarily before you both awkwardly shuffle towards each other. "What brings you here?" you ask, surprised to find him in a convenience store at 2 am.
"Why are you up so late?" he counters, swiftly turning the interrogation on you.
"I couldn't sleep. What's your excuse?" you reply.
"Studying," he responds matter-of-factly, grabbing an energy drink before swiftly checking out and leaving. You hurry after him, catching up as he strides down the street.
"Studying late? That's a first," you mutter to yourself, gazing up at the night sky.
"I don’t want to flunk my classes, unlike you," he retorts, avoiding your gaze.
"I'm not that hopeless," you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, you are," he quips, taking a sip of his drink.
"Hey!" you playfully threaten, pulling back your arm as if to hit him. But then something unexpected happens—you catch sight of Heeseung's smile, genuine and endearing. You quickly shake off any wayward thoughts; after all, you're just his so-called “girlfriend”.
"Where do you live?" you inquire, trying to change the subject.
"Stalker much?" Heeseung teases.
"Shut up," you retort, rolling your eyes.
"I live in the house near the college," he answers, disposing of his empty can.
"Do you walk to school?" you ask, trying to prolong the conversation.
"Yeah," he replies.
"Then... do you want to walk together tomorrow?" you suggest, stopping in the quiet and empty streets.
"Walk together?" he repeats, surprised.
You nod and quickly add, "Yeah, you know, for you know..."
Heeseung considers for a moment before agreeing, "Sure."
"Great! I'll come by your place at 7 am since school starts at 7:30!" you smile, remembering to ask for his number. He inserts it into your phone, adding, "Don't blow up my phone."
"I'm not that obsessed with you," you retort.
"I think you are," he jokes.
"In your dreams," you shoot back.
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YOU FOUND YOURSELF STANDING OUTSIDE Heeseung's door, feeling an awkward knot tighten in your stomach as you waited, fingers fidgeting nervously. After what seemed like hours, the door swung open to reveal a woman, likely Heeseung's mother.
"Hi, who are you?" she inquired, her eyes curious but welcoming.
"I'm YN LN," you replied, managing a warm smile despite your nerves. "A friend of Heeseung's."
"Heeseung's friend?" Her expression softened into a delighted grin. "I didn't realize Heeseung had such a pretty friend. I'm Heeseung's mother. Just call me Mrs. Lee."
"Mom..." Heeseung's voice interrupted, his presence suddenly beside you as he quickly shuffled to put on his shoes.
"Heeseung, she seems like a sweet and pretty girl," Mrs. Lee remarked before Heeseung darted, closing the door behind him before his mother could say anything else.
"Your mother seems really nice," you commented, attempting to ease the tension.
"Mhm," Heeseung mumbled, his attention already diverted to his book that he quickly pulled out from his backpack. 
With a pointed look, you reached out your hand, silently urging him to remember.
Heeseung sighed, rolling his eyes in mild exasperation, but he relented, tucking the book away and clasping your hand in his. The touch sent a jolt through you, a feeling you couldn't quite grasp.
"So..." you began, eager to break the silence. "Where's your class?"
"Class 3-B," he replied shortly, his gaze fixed ahead as if unwilling to meet your eyes.
"Mine's right next door." you exclaimed, hoping to inject some enthusiasm into the conversation. "Perfect! Do you know what this means?"
"What?" Heeseung's response was clipped, his tone guarded.
"That I can come over to your class during lunch!" you declared with a wide grin, trying to lighten the mood.
"I eat on the rooftop, alone." he added, emphasizing the word alone.
"Ah, I forget you’re a loner," you teased gently.
"At least I'm productive with my free time," he retorted.
"Well, today we're together!" you suggested brightly and then with a smirk you whispered, "And I can introduce you to... Karina." The mention of your best friend's name made Heeseung blush slightly.
"Shut up," he groaned, moving to cover your mouth with his free hand just in case you would say anything else.
"Like I want to-" feeling a sudden hard squeeze in your hand "Ow..."
"Now shut up before I squeeze harder," Heeseung warned, though there was a hint of genuine threat in his tone.
"You're no fun," you muttered. Eventually, you arrived at the school, fingers still intertwined as you drew curious whispers from the hallway.
"YN and Heeseung, dating? No way..." you heard a girl whisper by the lockers, causing a flush of embarrassment to color your cheeks. When you reached Heeseung's classroom, you reluctantly released his hand, noticing the tension in his posture as he leaned against the doorframe.
"See you later?" you asked, "I'll be on the rooftop during break."
"Alright..." Heeseung's response was hesitant, but then came an unexpected word that caught you off guard. "...baby." The pet name hung in the air.
"R-right... anyway, bye..." you stammered, feeling a rush of different emotions. You'd been in relationships before, but you were never so flustered for such small things like that. Could it be... you weren't falling for him, right?
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HEESEUNG SETTLED AT THE EMPTY TABLE on the rooftop, his gaze drifting across the school grounds. The rooftop held a special meaning for him, offering a quiet place to read, barely visited by others.
“Heeseung!” Your voice sliced through the silence, drawing his attention. He glanced up to see you approaching, two lunches in hand.
With a bright grin, you placed the meals in front of him. “I brought lunch!”
"Thanks," Heeseung replied , his tone cool as he examined the homemade kimbap. As you both sat down, awkwardness settled between you, by the avoidance of eye contact.
Summoning his courage, Heeseung brought a question that had lingered in his mind for months. "Why did you like Choi Jiho?"
Your eyes widened at the unexpected, catching you off guard. You paused, hesitating with how to respond.Memories of Jiho flooded your mind. You had forgotten about him for the past 4 days due to Heeseung being on your mind 24/7.
You cleared your throat, summoning a bitter lie to your lips. "I... uh, he was nice, I guess."
"Did Jiho even like you back?" Heeseung's question cut through the air. That’s when you realized something. You remembered the way Jiho would never defend you in any moment or barely spend time with you. And the time when he did? He would always be on his phone. You realized how stupid you were as you thought the moments where he just wanted attention from the public by kissing you or flirting with you meant that he loved you. 
"I... I don't know," you admitted. Deep down, you knew the painful reality—that Jiho had used you.
"Oh, okay..." Heeseung responded, sensing the weight of your words. "So, let's change the top—"
"I know he didn't like me," you interjected, your gaze drifting to the sky before meeting Heeseung's gaze. "I know he was the worst boyfriend I could ask for."
Confusion flickered across Heeseung's features at your sudden confession.
"I was blind. I regret it," you murmured, your gaze falling to your lap. "But it's in the past."
Heeseung regarded you with his usual stern and cold look. "Then why did you tell Jiho you were meeting someone else?"
"Because... I wanted to prove I was happier now," you muttered, grappling with your tumultuous emotions.
"Are you?" Heeseung's gaze bore into yours.
"I... I think I am," you replied
"You 'think'?" Heeseung pressed, his tone firm.
"I'm happier than before," you insisted, though the vagueness of your answer hung in the air.
"That's not specific," Heeseung challenged.
"I can't be specific," you confessed, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Because I don't know, at all."
"Are you sure?" Heeseung persisted.
"Heeseung, it's my feelings, yes I'm sure," you asserted.
"I'm just physically and mentally curious, so it allured me to—" Heeseung began, but you cut him off.
"Okay, I think that's enough. The bell's going to ring soon. Text me later!" With that, you rose abruptly, snatching your lunch bag and offering a quick wave before descending the stairs back to class.
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HEESEUNG LAY ON  HIS BED,  staring up at the ceiling. He knew he should be studying, but your words about Jiho lingered in his mind. "I'm happier than before." Why was he even pondering such things? Lost in thought, he was jolted back to reality by a faint buzz from his phone. Retrieving it, he found a message from you.
YN LN: heeseung!! all my friends rejected me to go to the mall TT, so wanna go together?? ><
Heeseung paused, a moment of surprise flashing across his features. You were asking him to go to the mall with you? It felt almost like you were asking him out. He composed himself and replied:
Heeseung: Sure. Send location and time, I’ll be there.
Putting down his phone, he realized the weight of his agreement. He had just agreed to go on a date with you. And now, he needed to get ready. Hastily, he rummaged through his closet, seeking out a suitable outfit. Opting for his lone stylish varsity jacket paired with jeans, he ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tidy it up.
Rushing to the mall, he found you leaning against a store wall, your attention fixed on your phone. As he approached, a cupid seemed to strike him with an arrow as his cheeks flushed. The simplicity of your outfit and the gentle cascade of your hair rendered you utterly captivating.
You looked up, catching sight of Heeseung's slightly stunned expression, and greeted him with a warm smile, gesturing for him to join you.
"Hi," Heeseung muttered, still awestruck by your beauty.
"Hi!" you returned the greeting with equal warmth. "I just need to buy some makeup for my friends, or maybe myself, and possibly shop around! Anything you need?"
"Not necessarily," Heeseung replied, scanning the mall.
"Okay then, follow me," you said, seizing his arm and leading him to the nearest makeup store. Arriving at the lip product section, you perused the selection of lipsticks, lip glosses, and lip tints. Grabbing a random lip tint, you turned to Heeseung.
"Can I try it on you? I need to see if it looks good on a person," you suggested.
"What? When did I sign up for this?" Heeseung sighed.
"Please," you pleaded, giving him your best pout. "I can erase it right after."
With careful precision, you applied the tint to his lips. The warmth of his breath brushed against your cheeks and neck, sending a flurry of sensations through you. Your heart raced as you admired his perfectly shaped lips, now tinted with color. After smoothing out any unevenness, you stepped back to admire the look.
"Hmm... I think this works," you concluded, grabbing the new tint to go check out and pay for it.
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YOU SAVORED THE SWEET TASTE OF vanilla ice cream as you took a bite, sitting side by side with Heeseung on the bench outside the convenient store where you first met. He listened attentively as you shared stories about your friends and family.
"And then Giselle told me—" Your sentence was cut short as Heeseung's fingers delicately wiped a smudge of ice cream from the corner of your lips.
"Mhm?" He hummed softly, encouraging you to continue. Your heart fluttered at his touch, beating rapidly in your chest.
"...y-yeah," you stammered, trying to regain your composure, your gaze drifting to the hues of the sunset painting the sky in shades of blue and orange.
"Are you done with your story?" Heeseung inquired, to which you nodded hastily. You weren't finished, but another word might turn you into a flustered mess.
After a brief silence, you suggested, "How about we go for a walk by the Han River?" Heeseung agreed with a nod, and soon you found yourselves strolling side by side along the riverbank, the gentle sound of water trickling in the background adding to the peaceful atmosphere.
Unexpectedly, Heeseung asked, "Are you going to the dance?" It was a question he wouldn't normally ask.
"The dance?" you raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by his inquiry.
"Yeah, the school dance?" Heeseung clarified, his expression tinged with skepticism.
"Oh, well, yeah," you replied, feeling a pang of disappointment as you remembered his feelings for Karina. He didn't like you, so why did you allow yourself to hope for something more?
"Is Karina going?" Heeseung continued, and you struggled to find your voice, your throat suddenly dry.
"O-oh, uhm, I think she's going..." you managed to say, the reality of your situation crashing down on you like a wave. Foolish fantasies had consumed you for the past five days, but now you bit your lip to stave off the embarrassment and tears threatening to surface.
"I think I'm tired. I'm gonna go home now. Bye, Heeseung," you forced a small smile before turning away, walking in the opposite direction. Heeseung watched you go, a confused expression clouding his features as you moved farther and farther away.
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LEANING AGAINST THE WALL, you found yourself lost in thoughts of Heeseung, the person who was on your mind day in and day out. Why did it bother you so much if he had feelings for your best friend, Karina? Why did his presence hold such sway over you?
"YN?" Winter's voice broke through your trail of thoughts,snapping you back to reality.
"Oh, sorry, I was zoning out," you replied, trying to shake off the distraction.
"You've been distant all day. Is everything okay?" Ningning's concern was evident in her voice.
"Just tired, didn't get much sleep last night," you reassured them with a forced smile, hoping they wouldn't press further.
"Are you sure?" Giselle's skepticism lingered, her gaze searching yours.
"It's nothing, just life being complicated," you offered, trying to reassure their worries.
"If you need to talk, we're here for you," Karina chimed in, her comforting touch on your hands a familiar gesture she usually did. How you longed to confess and tell them about Heeseung and the jumble of emotions you felt and fought with, but the fear of ruining your relationships with both him and Karina kept you quiet.
At that moment, it came to you: you were in love with Heeseung. It had to be a mistake right? You could never like someone like Heeseung.  The way your heart thumped when Heeseung did small actions like hold your hand or even wipe off anything from your mouth.
 Yet, you couldn't shake the fear, the fear of history repeating itself with someone like Jiho, selfish and foolish. What was the point of falling for someone who didn't accept your feelings and liked someone else
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HEESEUNG HAD REHEARSED EVERY WORD, every breath, for the moment he would finally summon the courage to ask you out for dinner. With trembling fingers, he reached for his phone, his thumb hovering over the call button. The weight of his nerves pressed down on him as he prepared to take the risk.
As the phone rang, his heart raced, the sound of your voice on the other end sending a jumble of emotions through him "Hello?" you answered, your voice like music and beauty to his ears.
"Hi..." Heeseung replied, his voice betraying his unease.
"Why did you call me?" you asked, curiosity tinged but yet your voice sounded heavy and drained. Heeseung couldn't help but notice the change in your tone for the past days, wondering if he had somehow caused it. Had he done something wrong? 
"I was just wondering if... uhm... you wanted to go get dinner tonight together?" Heeseung's voice faltered slightly, the weight of his question hanging in the air.
"Dinner tonight?" Your voice held a hint of confusion, but there was also a spark of interest. "When and where?" you inquired.
"At the Japanese place down the block, at 6?" Heeseung suggested, hoping you would agree.
"Sure, I'll see you at 6 then," you replied, your voice brightening slightly.
"Right, anyways, bye!" Heeseung quickly ended the call, a rush of happiness coursing through him. He had done it. He asked you out for dinner.
With a sense of pride, Heeseung flopped onto his bed, his phone resting on his chest as. a wide grin spread across his face. He replayed the conversation in his mind, excited for the evening of day. 
Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, you couldn't contain your excitement. Heeseung. Lee Heeseung. had. Asked. you. out. to. dinner. You, YN LN.  You couldn't help but squeal with delight into your pillow.
Eager to make a good impression, you jumped out of bed and rushed to your closet, rummaging through your clothes in search of the perfect outfit for the occasion. 
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HEESEUNG SAT NERVOUSLY, tapping the table as he waited for you to arrive. Within minutes, you rushed in and quickly spotted him.
"Hi!" you greeted with a smile, settling down at the table.
"Hi," he smiled back (inside you felt a flutter at how cute his smile was). You both looked at the menu and ordered as the waiter approached. After eating, you quietly walked outside, enjoying the cool evening air.
The dark, cloudless sky revealed a glimmering array of stars. You admired the view, unaware that Heeseung was watching you, captivated by your beauty.
"The stars are so pretty," you remarked in awe.
"Mhm," he replied, still focused on you. Suddenly, you felt his fingers gently tuck a stray hair behind your ear. Your face flushed as butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
"I have a question, YN..." Heeseung began, and you turned to him, curious.
"Do you... want to go to the dance?" he asked. Your heart raced, your stomach churned, and your head spun. He had just asked you to the dance.
"T-the dance?" you stuttered.
"Yeah... I mean, just as... you know, for visual purposes," he tried to clarify.
"Right..." you nodded, agreeing. "I'll go with you." Heeseung's face lit up with a big grin as you accepted his invitation.
"That's great! I'll, um... see you at the dance then," Heeseung said with a small smile and a wave as you both went your separate ways, heading home with a light heart.
As you walked home, your mind buzzed with excitement. The thought of going to the dance with Heeseung made your heart skip a beat. You couldn't help but replay the moment he asked you, feeling a rush of happiness each time. It was like a dream come true, and you couldn't wait for the night of the dance to arrive.
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WEEKS FLEW BY, each one filled with anticipation, excitement, and a series of dates. Finally, the much-anticipated day of the dance had arrived. It had been six weeks since you eagerly marked this date on your calendar. Reflecting on the past four months since you met Heeseung, you knew deep down that you were head over heels in love with him. The moment he asked you to the dance, those feelings intensified.
"Do you think this dress is pretty enough?" you asked, twirling in your knee-length black dress adorned with delicate lace details, a sweetheart neckline, and spaghetti straps.  The dress hugged your figure perfectly.
"It's gorgeous," Ningning complimented, deftly assisting with your hair.
"It's perfect, just like you," Winter reassured, adjusting your dress with care.
"Easy for you to say, with Beomgyu as your date," you teased, prompting laughter from your friends.
"And you have Heeseung," Winter smiled, smoothing out the fabric of your dress.
"You two are so cute together," Giselle teased, earning a blush from you.
"I love you guys," you said, feeling grateful for their support as you shared a group hug.
"Even if I'm dating a man, you'll always be my number one," Winter jokes, lightening the mood as you head to Karina's car.
Upon arriving at the dance, the lively atmosphere was perfect. Laughter, music, and chatter filled the room as people talked, danced, and enjoyed themselves. Spotting Heeseung entering the room, you felt a rush of excitement.
He looked perfect in his suit, his hair perfectly styled. Rushing over to him, you greeted him with a beaming smile.
"Heeseung!" you exclaimed. Heeseung looked up, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. I
"You look amazing, YN," Heeseung complimented, his smile genuine.
"Thanks, but you're the one who looks stunning," you replied, feeling your heart flutter as you took in his appearance. "Come on, let's grab some snacks and go have fun!"
The next two hours were filled with laughter, dancing, and cherished moments spent with Heeseung and your friends. However, it was until you excused yourself to the bathroom, to then meet Jiho.
"YN," Jiho's voice cut through the noise, sending a chill down your spine.
"What do you want, Jiho?" you asked, your tone laced with irritation.
"Are you here with your 'so-called' boyfriend, Heeseung?" Jiho taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Yes, and what's it to you?" you retorted, your patience wearing thin.
“Yeah there is.” his smirk widened, “Don’t act stupid, I knew everything.” 
“God I hate you Jiho.”  you spat, feeling your anger rise.
"Come on, YN. Admit you still love me, and everything will go back to normal," Jiho sneered.
“I don’t even like you anymore, Jiho.”  you said firmly, trying to keep your composure.
"Oh, really? Maybe this will change your mind," Jiho said, leaning in closer. You felt his fingers slip into your waist, his grip firm and tight. You felt his face leaning closer to yours. You quickly stepped back and pushed him aside. 
“Are you fucking crazy?” you yelled. 
“YN, why are you so pissed? Not like you like anyone.”  Jiho's eyes bore into yours, a smirk playing on his lips.
“I don’t want to fucking kiss you,” you glared, “Now fuck off please.” 
“Why is it because of Heeseung? Your fake boyfriend? God, he probably doesn’t even like you YN. He only likes you because you're popular.” he laughed. Your heart sank at his cruel words. The words stung as you heard each word. Heeseung was just a stupid fake boyfriend you had. The two of you had never had a real relationship. A real love. Was Heeseung just playing with your feelings? Did Heeseung even love you like how much you loved him? 
"I hate you, Jiho," you whispered before leaving the party alone, your heart felt heavy. 
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YOU SPENT HOURS lying in bed, staring out the rain-splattered window, your cheeks damp from the relentless stream of tears. Days had passed since the dance, and you hadn't mustered the strength to leave the confines of your home. 
"YN, you've been here for hours," Karina's voice broke through the silence, her concern evident as she entered your room. 
"Why didn't you text me?" 
"Phone died," you muttered, burying your face deeper into the sheets.
"Tell me what's wrong," Karina urged gently, taking a seat beside you. 
"I don't know," you confessed, your voice barely audible. 
"Come on," Karina coaxed, her comforting presence offering a glimmer of solace. 
"Okay, fine," you relented, the words tumbling out in a rush. "Jiho said some awful things to me at the dance. Now I'm a wreck, and I can't face Heeseung. I'm in love with him, and it's tearing me apart." 
Karina's eyes widened at the torrent of emotions pouring out. "And you kept this from me all this time?" 
"Karina, I didn't know what to do," you admitted, your voice choking with emotion. "I thought Heeseung felt the same way, but then Jiho made me doubt everything."
"How does Jiho know anything? He's not Heeseung," Karina retorted, frustration evident in her tone. "He's just trying to mess with your head." 
"But what if he's right? What if Heeseung was just pretending all along?" you sighed, a heavy weight settling in your chest. 
"YN," Karina's voice softened, her touch gentle as she sought to comfort you. "How do you know Heeseung doesn't like you? Have you talked to him?" 
"I haven't," you admitted, uncertainty clouding your thoughts.
"Then how can you be so sure?" Karina questioned, her eyes searching yours. "Heeseung cares about you, YN. He was worried sick after the dance. He searched everywhere for you and even left the party early out of concern."
"Are you serious?" you asked, a glimmer of hope flickering in your eyes. 
"Dead serious," Karina affirmed, her sincerity unwavering. "Talk to him, YN. You'll see." 
"But what if I'm wrong?" you hesitated, your fear holding you back. "Just trust me on this," Karina reassured, squeezing your hand gently. "Talk to Heeseung. You'll thank me later." Karina offered you a reassuring smile before enveloping you in an embrace.
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HEESEUNG WAS SERIOUSLY DEAD WORRIED about you. He thought you were possibly hit by some car or even worse kidnapped. His thoughts wandered as he tried to think of all the possibilities you were. You stopped even coming to school for weeks.
The memory of the dance replayed in his mind like a broken record, haunting him with unanswered questions. Your sudden disappearance after excusing yourself to the bathroom left him questionable and restless. Desperately, he asked your friends as your friends only left him shrugs and quietness making him uneasy of the situation.
When you finally returned after a week-long absence, Heeseung couldn't help but notice the change in you. You awfully looked tired and you had eyebags. And the most important change, you were avoiding Heeseung. Was it something he had done to mess things up?
Heeseung sat at his usual spot on the rooftop, gazing out at the view, trying to get his thoughts out.
"Look who it is, Lee Heeseung," a voice pierced through the silence, pulling Heeseung from his reverie. Turning, he found Jiho leaning casually against the stairway exit, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Heeseung's girlfriend, huh?" Jiho taunted, his words hitting Heeseung like a sudden blow.
"What did you do to YN?" Heeseung's voice was edged with a mixture of anger and concern, his gaze sharp.
"Nothing much, just a little truth-telling," Jiho chuckled, his demeanor full of arrogance. 
"What truth?" Heeseung's tone was laced with urgency, his fists clenched in frustration.
“Just a few things that need to be said. Like how you guys are just dating, nothing more than that.”
Heeseung's jaw tightened as the weight of Jiho's words settled in, his mind reeling with disbelief and anger.
"Do you even know why YN hates you?" Heeseung spat, his voice seething with contempt.
"Why don't you tell me?" Jiho's smirk widened.
"Cause you’re truly an awful person” Heeseung retorted, his patience wearing thin.
“Oh really?” Jiho teased, “I didn’t know.”
Jiho's mocking laughter only fueled Heeseung's rage, his frustration exploding into action as he delivered a swift punch to Jiho's jaw.
"You're really undeserving of her," Heeseung's words echoed in the empty space.
“You could punch me as many times, I don’t care.” Jiho smiled. 
“I would but actually I don’t want to see your ugly face, so fuck off.” Heeseung stormed out of the rooftop leaving Jiho alone on the ground.
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IT WAS 1 AM WHEN YOU FOUND YOURSELF at the convenience store, clad in your most comfortable clothes, not even caring if people saw you. The rush of cold air from the conditioner greeted you as you stepped inside, scanning the assortment of snacks. The scent of sweet delights filled your senses, tempting you to buy more. You reached for a snack when the chime of the door signaled someone's arrival.
Looking up, you were met with the sight of Heeseung standing across the store, his gaze fixed on you. It felt like deja vu, reminiscent of the first time you laid eyes on him. Your throat went dry, memories of Jiho's words echoing in your mind: "He probably doesn’t even like you." Anxious, you bit your lip as Heeseung approached.
"Can we talk outside?" Heeseung's voice broke through the tension. With a quiet nod, you followed him out of the store.
"YN, what's going on?" Heeseung's concern was evident as he confronted you, hoping you would answer honestly.
"Heeseung, it's nothing," you lied
"It's not nothing," Heeseung persisted, his tone firm.
"Okay, fine, I'll tell you. I fell in love with you, but then Jiho made me doubt everything. I thought you probably didn’t even like me, maybe you liked Karina instead. What was the point of being with you if I'm only going to hurt myself?" The words spilled out in a rush, leaving you empty.. Heeseung froze at your confession, disbelief in his expression.
"You like me?" Heeseung's eyebrow arched in surprise.
"I know you don't like me—" Before you could finish, Heeseung silenced you with a soft kiss. His lips were soft and perfect.You felt his fingers sliding into your waist, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. Your lips were moving in sync, in the same passion, kissing each other back. You felt his fingers intertwined with yours, drawing soft circles on the back of your hand.
Pulling away, breathless, you attempted to speak, but Heeseung beat you to it. "I like you a lot, YN. I was in denial of my feelings for months, but I realized I was actually in love with you." You widen your eyes at his confession
"Heeseung, you're not lying, right?" suspicion tinged your words.
"Do you think I would ever lie to you?" Heeseung chuckled, tucking your hair behind your ear, a gesture that he would always done 
"No, but it all seems non-real," you confessed.
Heeseung's laughter, the sound you cherished the most, filled the air. "Then, will you be my real girlfriend, YN LN?"
"Of course, any day I'll choose you," you smiled, leaning in for another kiss. 
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MONTHS HAD PASSED and you found yourself in a state of bliss you never imagined possible. Seated on the rooftop with Heeseung, your fingers intertwined, you gazed out into the view before you, the cool breeze enveloping you in a sense of serenity.
"Look how far we've come," you remarked, a smile gracing your lips as you watched Heeseung absentmindedly draw small patterns on your palm.
"Yeah," Heeseung nodded, his touch gentle and comforting.
"I love you, Heeseung," you whispered softly, your words carrying the weight of your affection.
"I love you more," Heeseung replied in a tender whisper, his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin of your neck as he leaned in to press a series of delicate kisses along its curve.
"Heeseung, that tickles!" you laughed, squirming slightly at the sensation.
"This is your punishment for getting a 60% on the exam," Heeseung teased, his tone playful yet teasing.
"Hey, I'm not some nerd like you!" you retorted, playfully poking his side.
"Nerd?" Heeseung chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"A cute nerd," you amended with a grin, your heart swelling with affection.
"And you're my cute princess," Heeseung declared, pressing a sweet and tender kiss to your lips, his love for you shining brightly in his eyes. You truly were in love with Heeseung, and you weren’t going to deny it.
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songmingisthighs · 22 days
Missing Out
group : ateez
pairing : dilf!mingi × reader
genre : smut
wc : 4.1 k
tw : mdni, explicit smut; daddy kink, teasing, dirty talk, age gap (mingi's like mayhaps at least a decade older, but both are still within legal limits), thigh riding, spitting, alcohol consumption (not to the point of being drunk, it's just for vibes and... spitting lmao),
a/n : frfr i hope he doesn't see this fic because God i would not be able to defend myself. tbh i planned on posting this on mingi's bitthday but i got shit happening to me. shit without my consent and I'm just trying to ride the stress like gandalf hopped up on cocaine riding smaug. so ykw i decided to post this on my birthday instead lmao. special thanks to @kitten4sannie for listening to me drop some ideas while i was on a road trip, i did some adjustments but it's still sexually frustrated dilf!mingi this fic is finally out so i hope you and everyone enjoy it <3
a/n/n : i take no responsibilities for any calf cramp that may or may not happen but alyssa, i still blame you for the great leg cramp at ass o'clock
a/n/n/n : my birthday sucks because it felt more like public service than anything but i got ticket to go to singapore again so i'll be reunited with my little brother and little sisters soon✌️ i'm raising money for my mental wellbeing which is so totally code for i'm trying to find a way to make my shituation better by making myself just the slightest bit happier after today's shenanadoodles
buy me coffee ?
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After the day Mingi had, the cold drink in his hand felt like the reward he deserved. It was only then that Mingi realized why people always say that the Family Court is rough. Still, of course, it was extra rough for him because his ex-wife, the horned creature incarnate (a goat, not the devil), had dragged his name through the mud just to get the maximum alimony because she was a narcissistic bum with no life skill to fall back to as if Mingi was the one who told her to quit her job as a dental hygienist when they first got married.
During the mediation meetings and court proceedings, she took all of the potshots she could While no one took her seriously, it still pained Mingi because the more she and her lawyer attacked him, calling out all of his insecurities and questioning his character, the more obvious it was that Mingi had wasted 9 years of his life on this loser and he missed out on all of the marital milestones. The main sore spot was having kids. She argued that putting her body through pregnancy was out of the question because there were risks that could cause her body to look weird in the future and it's inhumane how a woman's body had to contort in such a way to accommodate another living being. But when her breast implant popped when she slammed the car door too hard, it was 'a normal occurrence'.
As much as his friend Yunho told him not to, Mingi couldn't help but wallow in the time he absolutely WASTED on the bitch only to be screwed over. The only good thing that came out of the divorce was the fact that he got out of it without having to pay alimony because his ex-wife had become too cocky with her cards. But still, Mingi had to give her the car, the savings account (that wasn't much compared to anything considering she had drained it to accommodate her filler addiction and alcohol dependency), and Tony Son, their personal trainer, the one thing Mingi could credit her because she had been the one who introduced him to the man who was able to sculpt his body to perfection.
"Is this seat taken?"
Mingi snapped his head to the side to see a woman younger than he, dressed in a tight-bodiced red sparkly dress that showed just enough cleavage for it to be classy rather than trashy and the A-line satin skirt stopped just three fingers width atop her knees. Slowly, Mingi nodded and gestured to the seat on his right side wordlessly. It wasn't until the woman flagged down the bartender and ordered her drink did Mingi questioned why she sat next to him when there were other seats in the bar.
"So, are you alone?" she asked, striking up a conversation with Mingi which honestly caught him by surprise because he had been told that he had a resting bitch face that doubled in intensity when he wasn't in the mood and he was doubling in his bad mood. "Yeah... I am, so..." his words allude to him wanting to be alone, but there was something about the person next to him that intrigued him so much so that his eyes seemed to be glued to her. Just the sight of her drinking her vodka cranberry made Mingi's eyes travel from her face down to her lap, watching the way she moved so gracefully. "So... You don't mind my asking why a man as handsome as you are would be sitting alone with a scowl on his face," she pointed out, forcing Mingi to consciously unfurrow his eyebrows and fake taking a sip of his drink, "I'm not scowling, I'm just tired and pissed off for wasting 9 years on a selfish bitch that deprived me of anything I want in life," he spat venomously, even the slight mention of his ex sent a really unpleasant taste in his mouth. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Anything I can do to help?" She pouted, inching closer to Mingi as somewhat of a signal. Noticing this, Mingi scoffed and shook his head but he still entertained the woman, "Got a time machine to help me undo the past 9 years?" "No, but maybe I can give you what your ex couldn't."
You couldn't help but bite your bottom lip when the look of shock on Mingi's face melted into intrigue. You had been watching him for an hour, sitting all alone, nursing his one drink as he toyed with his ring before chucking it into his breast pocket. Thank God he did because you were not about to approach a potentially spoken-for man. It took you a while to get substantial evidence of his status and it wasn't just because you were distracted by his plump ass in those slacks and the matching suit jacket and slightly unbuttoned black dress shirt didn't help your case.
"Little girl, I think I'm a bit too... Far for your reach," Mingi pointed out, raising an eyebrow at you as he wasn't sure that you knew what you were offering him. Mirroring him, you raised your eyebrow and shifted so that you faced him fully as you raised one leg and cross it over the other, successfully inviting Mingi to get a glimpse of more skin. "You don't know me or what I can do, sir," you smirked challengingly, now openly inviting him to poke you further.
You were delighted when you saw Mingi's jaw clench and throat bob after you called him sir. It was proof to you that Mingi had some sort of inclination of being in control and his little confession about not getting what he wanted from his ex-wife might be a glimpse of the kind of fun you could get from him. So without hesitation, you decided that you were going home with him.
Surprisingly, Mingi responded positively by leaning in to cup your chin and pull you close, just a wispy breath away from having your lips meet and you so desperately wanted to taste his because they just looked so damn juicy and plump. "You don't want to know all the things I've been deprived of... Baby." Your eyes darken and your legs crossed tighter to suppress the sudden arousal washing over your core, excited at the confirmation that Mingi was playing into your games just as you had wanted. All you needed to do was lock this down. So you let your hand lay on his thigh, squeezing it suggestively and enjoying the feeling of his muscle tensing underneath you each time your hand slid closer to his crotch to the point that your nail was scratching the inner side of his thigh just right. Despite being physically affected by you, Mingi still maintained eye-contact, daring you to poke his button just right.
"Yes, I do... Daddy."
In the blink of an eye, Mingi smashed his lips on you and all of the oxygen was knocked out of your lungs in one go. His lips were soft but the way he used them was rough yet calculated. You could taste the smoky whiskey on his tongue as he slipped it inside your mouth. Little did you know, he too, was enjoying the way you tasted. Your lip gloss had a sweetness to it that made him wonder if you're the type to plan things or if it was just a happy coincidence. He also took note of how you allowed him to lead you and the more he asserted himself onto you with every nibble of his lip and every caress of his tongue, showing that you're more on the submissive side and he likes it. A lot. The more you felt pleasure, the more you pleasured him back as evidenced by your hand rubbing against his raging boner.
Mingi smirked at the way you whimpered when he finally pulled away from you to slap a couple bills on the counter before he got off the stool, pulling you along with him. You wobbled slightly but Mingi immediately pulled you flush on his chest and despite having just made out with him, you found the gesture very hot. "Wanna go see if you can keep up with the list of things I missed out on?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Mingi must be some kind of a business owner because no way he would have had a rather impressive office where you found yourself in. Well, on top of him on his couch, grinding your panty-less core against his thigh with your top down, allowing the older man to ogle at your tits as you tried to make yourself cum.
"Is that the best you can do?" Mingi taunted, circling his crystal glass which produced a tinkling sound from the ice in the drink he poured as soon as you reached his home. "Daddy, I want you to touch me," you whined but your hip was still relentlessly moving after making a big deal of how his thighs were so strong and you wanted to sit on them like a throne. So instead of just sitting, Mingi told you to make yourself useful and prep your pussy without his help and he wanted you to do it by riding his thigh. His thick, glorious thigh. "Don't you want to touch me, daddy?" you teased, cupping your boobs and tweaking your own nipples whilst throwing your head back, making a show out of it just to get Mingi to touch you. Sure, Mingi was intrigued, but he knew damn well that he was holding the reigns and he had to hold himself back from jumping at the opportunity to completely ravish you too soon. "I do, baby, but you're being a brat right now and refusing to listen to me. Had I wanted that, I would've stayed with my ex-wife." Your head snapped back up at the mention of his ex-wife and you glared at his smug smirking face, "You have me half naked on your lap and you still mentioned your ex-wife?" you gathered your skirt in your hand, exposing your cunt to Mingi's eyes and slowed your pace to a prolonged drag that left long, dark stain courtesy of your arousal.
Finding your petulance adorable, Mingi chuckled and pulled you in for a searing kiss with one hand cupping your chin and the other slapping you on the ass as if telling you to speed up your movement. "You're an adorable little doll and I'm gonna break you," he muttered against your lips before you could reply to him, Mingi tugged your hair back as he casually took a sip from his drink. The action made you yelp and Mingi swiftly leaned over and spit the drink into your mouth and clamped your jaw shut. "Swallow," he commanded and as you came down from being surprised, you stared into Mingi's eyes. At first, you only stared at him, feigning defiance just for fun and Mingi found that both intriguing and annoying. His grip moved to tightly grasp your jaw and he growled, "Swallow. It." He demanded in a stern voice that made your panties more damp as your cunt clench, leaving you unable to do anything more than whine and swallow the burning liquid. Mingi found you very mesmerizing even on an act as simple as you taking heed of his words. The stray spit and alcohol that trickled from the corners of your lips enhanced the glimmer of your smudged lipstick and lipgloss combo, turning Mingi on with how effortlessly sultry you looked. He was down and he was down bad. He wasn't even sure if he was down because Once the liquid was no longer there, you rolled out your tongue to proudly show your obedience and Mingi let out a shuddered breath seeing you just blindly following his orders like the good puppet you are.
"Fuck, you're gonna be the death of me."
In a flash, Mingi flipped you both around so that you were trapped underneath him with your head strategically on the armrest. The elevation allowed you to watch as Mingi dragged a hand down your body as if you were a work of art. "All this time... I was missing a lot all this time, that bitch took nine years out of me and gave me nothing," Mingi shuddered both in anger and in arousal. The contrasting thoughts between being so angry at his former partner and the excitement of being rewarded by being able to ravish you felt like waves crashing inside him. It was thrilling. It was exciting. It got his adrenaline pumping and God, he felt alive. "Poor baby," you purred all the while slowly popping the buttons of his dress shirt off to reveal the soft skin underneath, "You're so frustrated, It's a good thing I'm here now huh?"
You swung your leg up and used the tip of your toe to tilt Mingi's chin upwards maintaining a somewhat neutral expression but the twinkle in your eyes indicated clear intrigue. "Tell me all the things you want to do. What do you want most?" the question made Mingi roll his eyes back and he grabbed your leg by your ankle. "You nasty slut, you want to have an older cock so bad you're enticing me with empty promises, huh?" He mumbled against the skin of your leg, trailing his lips down from the heel and lower to your calf as his body followed down until he eventually stopped at the mid-section of your inner thigh. You helped him by flipping your skirt up, exposing your cunt wholly to him and slotting the leg you lifted on his shoulder, "Empty promises? I want to give you whatever you want daddy, and in order for me to be able to do that, I need to know what it is."
Thinking that he had nothing to lose anyway, Mingi smirked and decided to test you. "I want a baby," he stated, "I want to put my baby in you," he said oh so casually as if he hadn't had his fingers poking and prodding your cunt like they just belonged there. Truthfully speaking, Mingi was expecting you to push him off and ran away screaming because what kind of a hookup just casually dropped a bomb as big as he did?
But it seemed like Mingi's luck was turning around for the better because you replied by reaching forward to free his cock from his pants, trying as best as you could to suppress the surprise at Mingi's size (but failing as evidenced by the way your eyes bulged slightly and your tongue peeking out to lick your bottom lip in hunger) before you leaned back and opened your legs widely as an invitation for him. "Then do it, fuck me so hard and dumb and deep that I'd have no other choice but to have your baby," you smiled up at him. Mingi could only stare at you in shock initially, not really knowing what you meant until you whined and pulled him closer using the leg that was hooked on his shoulder. "Daddy, don't make me wait too long. Come on, put a baby in me!" you pleaded, cunt throbbing with eagerness to feel Mingi's cock stretching you now that you already caught a glimpse.
The shock melted away from Mingi's face and even as he was guiding his cock to your core, he was still carefully watching your face, not wanting to waste any twitch or shift in your face from feeling him but also he was trying to be careful in case you showed him any indication of regret or if you changed your mind. But the way you whined and rolled your hips so your wet cunt could meet his cock more gave him the green light.
"You dirty slut," Mingi grunted before he shoved his length inside you in one fluid movement. The accumulating arousal from you riding his thigh provided proper lubrication but his sheer size was not something you're used to so your body tensed up at the impact. "F-fuck, daddy, y-you-" "Am I tearing you apart, baby? Are you being split into two on daddy's fat cock?" he asked in faux worry that was just him being condescending towards you. But you don't care, you found it hot even when he talked down to you as if you were nothing but his plaything. "Yes, yes, daddy, I'm being split open on your cock but I love it! I love it so much!" you moaned, hands clawing at his skin, causing red streaks to appear from the pressure of your nails, "Fuck, I want more!"
With that, Mingi pushed your legs up by your thighs, exposing more of your lower half to him. "Be daddy's good girl and hold these open, I wanna see your pussy taking my cock raw," he hissed, eyes zeroing on the way your puffy lips split open to accommodate his size. Carefully, as if assessing a great piece of art, Mingi watched attentively The view almost brought tears to his eyes but he channeled the somewhat endearing moment into fucking you stupid into the mattress.
Each drag of Mingi's cock felt like fire against your inner walls. Although there was a slight discomfort with each movement, the added pleasure of being filled like you had never before made you addicted.
If you thought you were enjoying yourself, Mingi was very close to combusting and he was trying his best to not cum too soon as he didn't wanna be branded as the geezer who came too early. But he couldn't help it, not with the way both his ego and his cock were stroked. It was as if you were made for him and he felt that the moment he entered your sopping cunt. So Mingi shifted his focus to you instead, working to get you to cum first.
"Come on baby, cum for daddy. I need you to cum first so you'd be ripe and open for me to fill you up," Mingi huffed, pressing his pointy nose against the junction of your neck that sent tingles down your spine, "We need to do our best to make sure that you'd be good and pregnant, right?" The weight of his words caused your head to spin as the thought of him filling you full for his own pleasure filled your mind. "Yes, yes daddy, make me cum please," you whined into his ears, your body reacting almost automatically by rolling your hips against his own to match his speed and desire. Mingi growled hungrily and his pace quickened significantly as the impact got harder. You were sure that after this your ass would be different shades of red and blue but you couldn't care less. Especially if Mingi wanted to do more rounds with you, you'd gladly wear the bruises like a badge of honor.
"Fuck, you're so hot like this, you're so hot when you're willing and submissive for me," Mingi grunted, even verging on whining into your ears because you just felt so good to him but he held firm, "Are you close, baby? Are you cumming soon?" Lucky for him, you nodded hurriedly, confirming that you were close. Your brain had been marinating in the dizzying arousal that it was embarrassingly quick for you to nearly reach your climax in a rather short time. However, your response was deemed lacking to Mingi who wanted to hear a verbal response from you. Mingi was quick to slap you hard on your left tit as a punishment, feeling the need to chastise you for simplifying your response.
The words died on Mingi's tongue and his hips sharply halted to a stop when he saw you yelp and shudder before coming completely undone underneath him, writhing pathetically as your nails grazed his skin, leaving red streaks for Mingi to show off for days on end. His eyes darken when he saw tears pooled in your own eyes before dropping, creating the illusion of your eyes sparkling which served a rather complex combination of innocence and sinful. "M-M- Daddy," you whimpered in almost a hushed tone, barely comprehensible but to Mingi the sound was thunderous in Mingi's ears, ringing, because his baby girl needed him. His baby girl wanted him. His baby girl who's willing to give him anything he could ask for was longing for him. So who is he to deny you?
Seeing you in such a vulnerable state seemed to unlock something primal in Mingi because while you were reeling down from your orgasm, Mingi was instead put into some sort of a trance. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, slightly hoping that he could taste your sweetness in the air, and his hips restarted with a pace so hard and quick, for a moment you forgot that Mingi was a human.
The pleasure from your orgasm tripled with the additional friction continuously given by Mingi whose head was flooded with the thought of truly possibly getting you pregnant from this first time. Not that he was planning on only fucking you once, not after he felt how good you made him feel both emotionally and physically. He was planning to pamper you to death and maybe that was the sexually frustrated side in him but he didn't care, he didn't care how crazy he was because you were the one who made him crazy.
The sound of hips snapping together in a rhythm accompanied by your drunk-like moans sounded like a symphony in Mingi's ears. "F-fuck baby, I'm gonna fill you up now," Mingi grunted, his eyes closing and his forehead dropping to your shoulder, "I'm gonna fill you up with my seed to the brim and you're gonna be a good girl and keep it all in so my baby can grow safely inside of you, okay?" He whispered so intimately against your shoulder that both your lips and cunt wept. You wouldn't be surprised if there was a pool underneath you after you were done and you won't hesitate to ask for more. "Cum, daddy. Cum inside me. Fill me up so hard and full like you promised me!" You whined, your hands snaking around his shoulders to hold tight as the overstimulation caused a tingling pain that made your toes curl while Mingi was getting such a high from his ego being fed.
"Fuck, baby girl, this is it, I'm gonna put my baby in you!" Mingi grunted and thrusted, once, twice, thrice, before his hips stuttered and you felt a gush of warmth spilling deep inside your cunt. The physical feeling of being filled up made your eyes roll into your head and the realization of what just happened made you blush as if you weren't whoring for his cock not 10 minutes ago.
As Mingi slowly came down from his high, his mind cleared up and he was able to pepper kisses from your shoulders, up your neck, along your jawline, and then gently all over your face. The contrast of the sweetness of the older man and the nasty act you both just did made you suddenly turn all giggly and shy. "Aww, come on, are you trying to get away from me?" Mingi smirked, trying to chase another kiss from your lips but you kept dodging him, "That's pretty absurd considering I still have my cock inside of you, plugging you full." Your eyes widened at the vulgarity of his chosen words and you couldn't help but smack him on the shoulder but fail to hold back a giggle, "Don't say it like that!" "Like what? Like the way it is?" Mingi teased, pushing himself up to trail a finger on your stomach which made your breath hitch and your muscle to tense, "I need to make sure you really do get pregnant so you can give me my baby just like I wanted," his voice trailed as his fingers drew patterns on your skin almost lovingly and the nonsensical side of you wanted to believe that he was showing his affection to you. You figured that there was only one way to find out.
Without missing a beat, you took his finger that was tracing your skin into your mouth and start licking around as if it was a lollipop, effectively causing Mingi's attention to shift to your face and his cock to twitch inside you. "Who said we're only gonna try this once, daddy? You're gonna fuck me as much as you like until I'm good and pregnant."
The smirk that bloomed on Mingi's face was devilish and almost menacing, showing his genuine intention to get wamhat he wanted.
"I hope you'd never ask. I'm gonna fuck you all night long and you're gonna be a good girl and take it all with no complaint."
As if you'd say no.
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gojoux · 1 year
I read some funny headcanons de ontem pra hoje about characters reaction to their future kids travelling to the past to meet their past selves, and couldn't help but think about the JJK men's reactions lkkkkk.
How do you think they would react if their future kids with us travelled to see them (and specially us)?
Could you do their reactions? It's okay if you don't want to, I just wandered that it would be fun reading in your point of view 🥹🥹
Anyway- thanks for the Toge headcanons 😭🙏🏽
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Gojo. Geto. Sukuna. Nanami. Choso. Toji. Megumi. Itadori. Yuta. Inumaki.
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◈ — 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎
He would stay silent for a few seconds as he looked closely at the small kids, a wide grin appeared on his face. “Oh~ Who do we have here?” He kneels to look at them with a proud look, “Heh, you’re my kids? I mean, you kinda do take after me, good-looking and all.” Then he looks at you, still with that wide, proud grin, saying, “We should get married and have babies as soon as possible!” out of impulse. But he does mean it deep inside.
◈ — 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎
He’d be surprised at first but then he’d let out a gentle smile, warmth filling his heart at the sight, “These are our kids?” He urges his future kids to come to him with a soft wave of a hand and hold your hand with another to stand by his side as you two look at your kids together. “They’re the perfect combination of you and me. How adorable.” He’s definitely looking forward to raising them with you when the time comes.
He looks at them in silence with a slightly confused look on his face. “Huh? The hell did these brats come from?” He looks at them running around and then towards him, pulling on his robe and jumping to his lap. “Hey, watch it.” He looks at you with a smug smile, “You seeing this? It’s our brats from the future,” he chuckles in amusement, letting the kids to whatever they want to him. They’re the only ones who have the pass to do so besides you.
“What is this?” He looks at the small kids running towards him. He’ll let out a faint smile as he kneels to ask their name. He’d grab his kids’ hand, admiring how tiny their hand is compared to his. “I’m guessing you are my kids?” He makes sure, and then says to you, “We made such beautiful children together.” He’s already thinking about how he would raise them in the future.
He’ll be so taken back, a bit shaky also. “This is our kids? My kids?” He asks you, his eyes looking at the kids in front of him, clinging onto his pants. He’ll sit down, placing the kids on his lap, already loving them. “They’re cute, I’ll tell you that.” He smiles, attention on them. “I’m sure they get their good looks from you, my dear.” He doesn’t want to let them go once it’s time to part ways, hiding a few tears on his sleeve.
◈ — 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈
He’d scratch the back of his head in confusion, “Hm? My kids you say?” He looks down at the kids who look exactly like him. “Looks like we’ll be having our own kids, after all, darling. Be prepared.” He chuckles shortly before approaching the kids, “Hiya, there, kiddos.” He ruffles their hair. “We did a good job making them, heh.” He smiles proudly.
He’ll be so confused, like, where did these kids come from? And why do they look like him? He looks at the kids with deep thoughts. “My kids? With you?” He asks quietly, looking at the kids and then at you, a slightly surprised look appears on his face, “Oh...” He’d make an effort to interact with them, and he can’t help but let out a small smile, thinking that he does have a future with you.
He’d be dumbfounded and speechless for a moment and would look back at you before speaking, “These kids are ours? Really? Man, I’m just too shocked to speak clearly right now. They’re adorable!” He’d smile at the kids and start playing around with them. “Can we take them home and show them to everyone?” He asks with a bright smile on his face. “They’re too cute to be left behind.”
◈ — 𝐘𝐔𝐓𝐀
“Oh, my...” He looks at the kids who are running towards him, hugging his legs. Once he found out they’re his kids from the future with you, he’d let out a blush and smile in delight, showing them to you, “Look, these are our future kids.” He’ll hold them gently as if he would break them, “I’m so happy. We’re going to be their parents in the future.” He just can’t wait to start a family with you.
He stays silent for a while tugging your hand to grab your attention, “Tsuna Tsuna,” he points in the direction of the kids that are approaching you both. “Konbu.” He raises a hand to greet them as friendly as he could. Once he realizes they’re his kids from the future, he’ll be stunned, “Sujiko,” and look at you with a knowing look, “Shake.” He smiles in approval after interacting with them.
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Anonnie, I hope I did your request justice 🥹
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Pairing: Yandere!Alastor x Reader
Word Count: 2'627
Warnings: Yandere behaviour, Implied forced relationship, Implied captivity, Toxic relationship, Possessiveness, Invasion of personal space, Non-consensual touching.
Additional Notes: Do be kind, I have not written for this man before and find him exceedingly difficult.
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Every week at the Hotel, there was something new Charlie had planned.
Trust exercises. Ice breakers. Activities meant to bring everybody closer together as a group. To try and get people to open up and show a side of vulnerability that - she believed - would help sinners take one step closer to salvation.
Most of them were awkward, and a lot of them never went as planned. A fact she realized and, after a near mental breakdown, had her promptly take advice from Vaggie and agree to try something different.
The task was very simple compared to the previous activities. She requested everybody to think about redemption and what it meant to them.
Thinking about the definition itself took little to no effort.
Redemption (noun): The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
But it was clear that Charlie wanted more than just a quote from the dictionary. She wanted residents of the Hotel to mull over it while looking deep down into themselves so they could share their stance on the matter later on.
That was the tricky part.
From how you saw it, “saving yourself” from sin was easy enough to accomplish. ‘Just don’t be a dick and avoid the bad shit.’ was the first thought that came to mind, but where you hit a snag was based on what Charlie had shared about Heaven. According to her, even so much as breathing in Hell was enough to solidify your place in the inferno, yet she made it clear that actively resisting sin wasn’t something to go unrecognized.
It took a lot of effort, energy, and courage to do so, and it was hard to disagree even if Heaven didn’t see it that way.
Error was a bit harder. In your opinion, nobody could be saved from that, at least not entirely. Eventually, inevitably, you or someone else would do something wrong, it was just a matter of degree. It could be something as minor as bumping into somebody by accident or as major as Angel relapsing for what felt like the hundredth time, but it would happen and it was only a matter of time.
Charlie did bring up a rather good point, though. Apologizing when you realized you had done something wrong was the best thing someone could do, and it was the first step in the right direction.
You had to give her credit where it was due for that.
But evil was a different matter entirely.
Evil lurked everywhere in Hell. Across every street, around every corner, evil was out in the open for everyone to bear witness and see. None of it was hidden. None of it was meant to be hidden.
What would be the point? You and every other sinner were already in Hell - and many would argue that hiding it would be counterintuitive to being there in the first place.
Charlie tried to plead the case that everyone had good in them. A good that could be tweezed out if given the right chance, and the right environment, which the Hotel was perfect for.
You wish you could agree.
Evil was in the hotel itself, not that Charlie was fully willing to see it.
You believed she was careless there. Little Miss Bleeding Heart wanted to see the best in people, and by god did you ever want to know what it was like to see through such rose-tinted glasses, but you knew you never could. Not in this place.
Stepping a foot into the building was the worst thing you’d ever done because it showed you just how wrong you were about evil being so out in the open. It still had the ability to lurk, something you learned the moment you shook hands with Alastor.
You could see it on his face upon meeting him for the first time - the way Alastor’s perpetual grin widened upon seeing the goosebumps that lined your arms when he clasped your hand in his. No comment was ever made on the matter, but the way his lips peeled back to reveal the black of his gums before he pressed a brief kiss to your knuckles said enough.
Something utterly sinister reeked from him in a manner you couldn’t describe, so you took your own advice and applied the same thing you did when it came to sin.
Avoidance. As much as you could, at least.
Some moments were easier than others. The distinct metallic clack of Alastor’s microphone against the floor combined with a surge of radio static usually bought enough time for you to make whatever excuse you needed in order to leave before he arrived.
Other times you weren’t so lucky, and Charlie’s group meetings were usually to blame in that regard.
At first, you made a great deal of effort to put as much distance between yourself and the Radio Demon as you could, which worked for a time. Unfortunately, Alastor caught onto what you were doing much faster than you would’ve liked.
He reveled in it. You knew he did. After a while you had the gnawing suspicion he was purposefully going out of his way to make you as uncomfortable as possible for his own entertainment. You saw no other reason as to why he’d consistently move so close to you that you could literally feel him breathing down your neck.
Lately, he had adopted the skin-crawling habit of locking eyes with you the moment you stepped foot in the room and patting the seat beside him - reserved specifically for you. Accepting the gesture felt like swallowing nails, but being openly rude to Alastor was something that you knew better than to do.
Instead, you began to find excuses for skipping the meetings entirely and have Angel or Husker fill you in later, which was exactly what you were doing now.
“To be honest I wasn’t payin’ much attention,” Angel said while he scrolled through his phone, resting his chin in his upper left hand while his lower right swirled alcohol around in a glass. “Was the kind of thing that could’ve been sent in an email.”
You traced your finger around the rim of your own glass, its contents untouched. “Still, I want to know what I missed.”
“He’s right, it wasn’t anything special,” Husker replied, slinging a cloth over his shoulder from behind the bar. “Same old bullshit about salvation with a new coat of paint on top.”
A pang went through your chest, but you pushed it down. “So nothing new?”
Angel scoffed and looked up from his phone. “Trust me, dollface, you did yourself a favor.” He downed the rest of his drink in one go. “What were you doing anyways?”
“You know…” You replied with a shrug, glancing down. “I went out.”
Angel smirked, raising an eyebrow. “Out?”
“Yeah.” You tapped your nails against the edge of the glass. “Things were feeling a little claustrophobic, so I went out for some air.”
Husker made a noise in the back of his throat. “Yeah, I know how you feel, kid. This place is a mess.”
Angel tilted his head, placing his phone down on the bar and leaning forward a bit. “So where’d you go? Anywhere fun?”
“Where indeed~.”
All your movements went rigid. After a few seconds, you slowly turned your head to look over your shoulder to see Alastor standing barely a foot away from you, staring down at you with a tight, closed-lipped smile. You hadn’t heard him coming in the slightest, which you immediately could tell was intentional.
Whether he’d used his shadow or had actually stalked up behind you wasn’t something you wanted to think about, and if Angel or Husker picked up on the immediate tension, neither of them said anything about it.
“Hey, Smiles.” Angel greeted with his usual flirtation, placing the elbows of his upper arms on the bartop as he turned to face Alastor. “Fancy a drink? You look a little stiff” He gave Alastor a very long once over, “and I’ll have you know I know a few ways I can help relieve some… tension.” 
Alastor’s lips curled back to reveal his teeth, the muscle in his cheek spasming for a moment.
Mentally you were kissing Angel on the cheek for the save as you slowly picked your coat up off the bar and slipped it on, concealing the goosebumps already present on your skin. Husker gave you a glance from the side and gave a very slight shake of his head, silently advising you against your unspoken desire to leave.
“I assure you, such a thing is never going to happen.~”
“You sure?” Angel rested his lower right arm on his hip. “I have a few tricks that can loosen you up.”
The leather in Alastor’s gloves audibly squeaked as his grip tightened around the staff of his microphone and his attention immediately shifted back to you, ignoring Angel entirely.
“My dear,” His voice dripped with such a saccharine sweetness it made you feel sick, “Could I speak with you for a moment?”
Fewer combinations of words could instill such a unique feeling of encroaching dread all at once, but you refused to let it show as you nodded and turned your body on the bar stool to face him fully; waiting for him to say the first word.
His eye twitched ever so slightly.
That made you swallow.
“Sure.” You slid off the bar stool, doing your best not to appear as reluctant as you felt.
“Lovely.~” He said, promptly turning on his heel and walking towards the staircase - expecting you to follow.
You glanced back towards Husker and Angel, each giving you looks of grim sympathy and confusion respectively before you took a deep breath and forced one foot in front of the other, following Alastor up the steps.
You thought he would talk along the way. Engage in some form of idle chit-chat where he’d be pulling the strings, or even hum along to the countless jazz tunes that he played in the halls over the Hotel’s sound system.
But no such music played and he remained silent. A few minutes into the walk you gathered enough courage to glance up at him and found his eyes locked straight forward, not even sparing you so much as a glance.
You averted your gaze, the hem of your sleeves suddenly the most fascinating thing you’d ever seen.
Eventually, he came to a stop, and he held out the end of his microphone to prevent you from going any further down the hallway.
“Here we are!” Rather than producing a key from his coat, a green flash emanated from the lock when he placed his hand on the handle and opened the door.
He all but leered at you as he gave a small bow that didn’t feel genuine in the slightest.
“After you.~”
Like the alleged gentleman he was, Alastor held the door open for you, eyes never leaving your form as you walked inside his suite.
The smell of dampness and soil hit you immediately.
Alastor’s suite wasn’t the worst thing you’d seen in Hell by a mile, however, it was still eerie beyond words. The skeletons that hung along the walls and mantlepiece of his fireplace became less complete and increasingly disorganized as they led further into the room - which itself gave way to a swamp-like environment halfway through. Undoubtedly a result of whatever hoodoo, voodoo bullshit he was capable of, and while it still wasn’t the worst you’d seen, it served its purpose thoroughly.
It creeped the shit out of you.
“Now, then.” Alastor clicked the door shut, his body half-facing yours as his hand still lingered on the doorknob. “I'm sure you have a good explanation for what you’ve been doing.~”
The immediate dryness in your throat was hard to ignore. You knew what he was talking about, and you knew that he knew, but you still attempted to buy some time as you tried to figure out what to do.
You cleared your throat. “I was just catching up with Angel and Husk-”
He chuckled, the sound like that of a radio shifting stations. “Don’t be coy.” His head turned towards you with a sickening, ossified crackle that bent his neck in a manner that made your stomach lurch. “You’ve been avoiding me, and I’d like to know why.”
“I haven’t.” Lying to Alastor was a mistake, but you still decided to risk it since it wasn’t entirely false. “There’s just been a lot on my mind recently.”
“Hmm.” Interest and something much worse flickered behind his eyes as he faced you fully with another crack of his vertebrae. “Such as~?”
You shook your head, looking away from him. “That’s private.”
There was a quick flash of red, and the tip of his microphone turned your face back towards him - the cool metal of the edge digging into the skin of your cheek. You had to bite back a grimace.
“Not when it concerns me.” His tone was sharp, a stark contrast to the faux politeness he was putting on before. He kept the tip of his microphone where it was to prevent your eyes from looking anywhere but him. “And trust me darling, when it comes to you, everything concerns me.”
His words twisted in your gut. “...I’m not sure what you mean.”
Alastor tutted, his smile widening once more. “Don’t be stupid, darling, it’s unbecoming of you.” The way he said it was patronizing, like he was scolding a child. “You know precisely what I mean, so I’m going to ask again, as much as I hate repeating myself.~”
Cool metal was replaced with the warmth of his hand as he tilted your head up and brought his face frighteningly close to yours.
“Why are you keeping yourself from me?”
It was an odd sensation. Being backed into a corner, both metaphorically and physically. A frightening one that all but yanked on your instincts to do whatever it meant to get the fuck out of there, but you knew that was the worst thing you could do.
Alastor was a predator, a creature designed to prey on those he deemed weaker, and turning your back on a predator would almost certainly trigger a series of events that would not bode well for you.
So you did the next worst thing.
You told him the truth.
“Because I can see you.” The words felt wrong to say out loud. “I can see you for what you are, I can feel the absolute malevolence that radiates off you in waves, and it’s suffocating.”
Saying any more was a horrendous idea, but you couldn’t help but add one last thing.
“And if I want any chance at leaving this god-forsaken place, I can’t be around you.”
The silence that stretched on afterward was deafening.
Mentally, you were bracing yourself. Alastor had killed people for far less, and you expected nothing different for saying something so daring to his face.
You could see it too, the anger that simmered underneath his gaze. You expected the red of his sclera to flash black and his antlers to extend with his body in a grotesque display before you were ripped to pieces while he laughed.
What you didn’t expect was for his eyes to narrow into slits and his expression shift into one that was far more genuine than you wanted it to be, and it was then you knew that being saved from this kind of evil was never going to happen.
“Oh, my dear, you don’t need to worry about something silly like that.” Alastor all but cooed.
“After all, what makes you think I’d ever let you leave?~”
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© absolute-flaming-trash 2024. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
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novemberheart · 5 days
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{overview} You meet someone from Johnny’s past. A worst case scenario becomes a reality
{warnings} fem reader, poly 141, very Johnny-heavy chapter, cursing, mentions of drug use and alcohol, abandonment, abusive parents
Chapter 26 <- Chapter 27 -> Chapter 28
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It had been more than a week since Kyle and John had left. A week and three days to be exact. You peered over at the clock on Johnny’s nightstand.
Make that four days. You had been having a hard time sleeping. Since your nightmare about Kyle, you've had two more. At least they were about you dying. That was easier to think about than a member of your pack passing. To make matters worse Simon had to leave last night to do some vague solo mission. Well, every mission to you was vague. Still, there was a heaviness in the air and Johnny felt jittery. Simon was going somewhere dangerous by himself. He seemed to prefer that though. Not that it offered you any comfort.
You wished you hadn't turned down a sleeping pill. It was too late to take one now. You sighed, rolling over, wrapping your arms tightly around Johnny’s middle.
At least you weren't alone.
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“Come on, Bon,” you jumped as Johnny patted your bottom. He grabbed a few things out of the cabinet- specifically your favorite snacks. “Grab Vernie and change- casual. We’re going on a little trip,” he winked, throwing the snacks into a backpack and beginning to fill up your water bottle. You grinned, heading over to your room to change. It was officially summer, much to your dismay. You decided on a pair of shorts, a tank top, one of John’s flannels, and Kyle’s baseball hat. Johnny made a mental note to snap a picture for them.
You didn't bother to ask where you were going because you knew he wouldn't tell you anyway. The man loved his surprises. Wherever it was it was off base- making you even more eager. You and Johnny had similar music tastes, which made making you DJ less hard for him. You didn't make it too far before he pulled over at a store.
Your giddiness increased as he led you over to the swimsuits.
“Are we going swimming?” you questioned, already digging through the rack. He said nothing, a familiar glint in his eyes.
John and Johnny were more similar than people ever gave them credit for. It was easy to compare the betas and say they were the most similar, but the more you got to know them the more you recognized the similarities between John and Johnny and between Simon and Kyle. John and Johnny took charge. They were providers and made it known to everyone around them. They were both reactive. While John was a captain and had a higher expectation of controlling his emotions- when he was unhappy, everyone knew. Johnny operated the same way. The bark before the bite so to speak. You could easily imagine Johnny being a Captain one day. Kyle and Simon were both the bite after the bark. There was something mysterious about both of them that made people want to get to know them- for different reasons. They were both quick-witted and spent more time observing than speaking.
“How ‘bout this?” Johnny smirked holding up a bikini you weren't even sure could cover a nipple. You rolled your eyes, a smile etched onto your face at his antics. The perfect swimsuit finally caught your eye. A low whistle sent a shiver up your spine. “Quite like that, peaches,” Johnny hummed. It was decided.
You had figured you were going to a pool, so when you started seeing signs for a beach you couldn't help but shriek. You leaned over into the driver's seat, pressing rapid-fire kisses against his cheek.
“I’m so excited!” you cheered.
Johnny unloaded the car, a large duffle and a backpack. The sand was chilly but you didn't care. You and Vernie ran along the sand dunes. You came back to help Johnny set up a large towel and umbrella. You weren't even sure where he had gotten all this stuff. He even packed a few empty containers for sand castles. There was a breeze that reminded you of your childhood- and for the first time in a long time, they weren't bad memories. The beach was fairly empty, with just a few joggers and random families on holiday. Johnny grabbed a spare towel, tying the two ends and placing it around his neck so Vernie had somewhere to rest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, Vernie crushed between the two of you.
“Thank you for doing this,” you smiled, pressing your lips against his. He moved forward to deepen this kiss, until you pulled away racing towards the water.
“Ya’ Mommy’s naughty,” he chuckled to Vernie, racing after you.
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You yawned, your eyes slowly opening. You could feel hands against your skin and you slowly lifted the baseball cap away from your eyes, chuckling as Johnny was rubbing your third coat of sunscreen into your skin.
“I’m going to get cancer from all the chemicals before I do the sun,” you stretched. Hours had flown by before you had known it, your stomach wanting more than just snacks. You and Johnny packed up the car (the worst part of the beach) and went on the hunt to find a restaurant for an early dinner. It would be a crime if you didn't order the fish and chips. Vernie was happy chewing on her puppy chow underneath the table.
“What are you doing?” you questioned, peeking next to you at Johnny’s phone. “No those look terrible,” you whined watching as he sent practically a whole new photo album full of pictures to their group chat.
“The only thing that's terrible is your eyesight, Bon,” Johnny shot back, his lips pressing against your hairline.
“Can you at least send me the ones with you, me and Vernie?” you pleaded. You felt your phone chime a few seconds later.
“Johnny?” a voice questioned from behind you. He stiffened, his body instinctively moving closer to you. Even Vernie could sense a shift as she drifted closer to Johnny’s feet.
“Fia,” Johnny greeted coldly. His hand gripped your knee. You weren't sure if it was to ease you or him. Your fingers wrapped around his arm in solace. They were related. They had to be. Her eyes were identical, and you suspected they had the same hair color before she dyed hers red. They stared at each other. She seemed to be waiting for him to say something. He remained silent.
“How have you been?” She asked slowly. She was Scottish.
“Why, so you can fill Dad in?” he shot back. They were related. Your eyes widened at the iciness in his tone. She swallowed, drifting from foot to foot.
“I’m Sofia. Johnny's older sister,” She offered you a polite smile. You started to introduce yourself but Johnny cleared his throat. “We didn’t know you were here. Shannon thought about texting you but”- she trailed off. Johnny slid out of the booth, urging you to follow. You quickly did, his hand reaching out to grip yours. Sofia followed behind the two of you, pleading for Johnny to stop. He opened the door for you, plopping Vernie in your lap.
“There’s nothing we have to say to each other,” Johnny growled, slamming the driver's door shut. He didn't bother putting his seatbelt on, pulling out of the parking lot. You sat in your seat nervously, his normal soothing scent of cinnamon turning spicy enough to make your throat burn. He rolled a window down. His hand reached for yours, holding it up to his mouth. His nose pressing against the pressure point of your wrist. He breathed you in like it was the only thing keeping him from losing it- it may be.
“I’m sorry, Bonnie,” he whispered against you. You quickly shushed him.
“There are people that would get that reaction out of me too, Mac,” you soothed. You pulled your hand away, your fingers scratching at his scalp. “Do you wanna talk about it?” you whispered, his head pressing against your hand.
He had picked up some fast food. Despite him being shaken to his core he still had to make sure you were taken care of.
“I haven't seen her in seven years,” he said finally. “My parents are purebreds. When I presented as a beta it caused quite the shock. One in a million chance that’ll happen. My father kicked me out and that was that,” he sighed, making you gasp. Your throat tightened, your hands gripping onto his shirt sleeve. His own eyes welled- against his will, as he offered you a slight smile. “Don’t be sad for me, pretty girl. It’s fine now.”
“No it’s not,” you gasped. “How old were you?”
“I was thirteen when I presented but I was able to hide it for a little over a year,” he cleared his throat. He couldn’t look you in the eyes, knowing he would break under their caring glint.
“Where did you go?” you asked finally. You didn't want to know the answer.
“Everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Got roped into a crowd that wasn't the best, but it was my safest chance at the time,” he explained. His knuckles brushed under your chin, his thumb rubbing against your cheek. You pressed a kiss against his hand, holding it in yours.
“Tell me, please. I want to hear,” you whispered. He sighed heavily and you wondered if you had pushed your luck.
“We would crash in barns,” he nearly chuckled. His face fell. “There were drugs and drinking- all of which I did. When I was fifteen I overdosed, they were at least kind enough to call the police before fleeing. I was put into rehab and they put me back with my parents. My dad made my life hell until I left again. I ended back with the same crowd and when I was seventeen I got caught with a bag full of opioids. I was thrown back into rehab. It was good for me though. I was able to finish secondary school and I showed enough promise that they wiped it off my record. By then I was eighteen and joined the military when I got out,” he explained. His chest felt light, his shoulders relaxed against the seat. He knew you wouldn't judge him, but the silence was making him uneasy.
“No one in your family helped you?” you mumbled sadly. Your grip on his arm was tight, your cheek resting against his knuckles. He shook his head.
“They all sided with my dad. Can't say I blame them- but I do,” he grumbled. “My eldest sister Shannon reached out to me a few times the past few years. I just couldn't bring myself to answer,”
“You know I just see you as stronger now,” you spoke softly. “I’m proud of you.”
His jaw clenched, his head turning to face the window as he shoved back the tears. He took a deep breath, his fingers pawing at his eyes.
“Thank you, beautiful.”
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Something wasn't right.
You could feel it deep within your chest, a heavy uneasiness. You stayed tight-lipped. It was just you and Johnny and you didn't want to seem like you were feeling into every thought you had. Simon had called this morning. You had been asleep. John and Kyle being gone is what worried you. They have been gone for two weeks now. They were only supposed to be gone for one.
Even though you didn't voice it- Johnny could tell you were feeling it.
It was your first night of peaceful sleep.
The phone blaring on the nightstand changed that.
Johnny groaned, his hand patting your back like he was already trying to lull you back to sleep.
“What happened?” he groaned as soon as he answered. He rolled you off of him and sat up quickly. “Where are you?” he questioned. You sat up abruptly, your body moving faster than your mind. It was like your body had already prepared for this. The other line was quiet. You couldn't even make out anyone's voice. Johnny reached under his bed, grabbed a bag, and shoved a few of his shirts in. He made his way to your room, your legs moving on their own accord after them. “Pick out a few comfortable things. I'll get your stuff from the bathroom,” he whispered to you.
Tears fell from your eyes. You couldn't help it.
There was only one reason you would be pulled out of bed in the middle of the night.
Someone from your pack was hurt.
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Hi friends! This chapter was a bit of a doozy, but hopefully you enjoyed it! See you in three days for chapter 28!!! 🧡
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exhaslo · 6 months
Have you ever tried writing yandere!beast!miguel x chubby!female reader? I'd imagine it'd go something like beauty and the beast.
Your work is amazing!
Warning: Fluff, Possessive
The city of Nueva York hid many dark secrets. There was always something new in every corner. One could live in the city all their life and still not know what dark, hidden truths that were scattered throughout the city that never sleeps.
But, the rumors spread.
You couldn't keep track of everything you've heard. You've only just moved into the city and it felt overwhelming. City life was nothing compared to the movies.
"Did you hear about Alchemax's CEO? He has locked himself in his mansion."
"Again? But...does it matter since the company is always booming?"
You couldn't help but overhear the chatter on the train. Funny enough, you had started working at Alchemax. You had heard a thing or two about your CEO, but never once met him. Funny enough, it was always the rumors you hear first.
But, it mattered not to you. It wasn't like you were ever going to meet the man.
"Sir, could you please tell me again why I have to be the one to drop off these packages? Wouldn't Mr. O'Hara's assistant be a better fit?" You asked nervously.
"Funny enough, his close staff went on vacation. Besides, you would be in and out. He won't pay mind to you."
Why? Because you were chubby? This wasn't the first time you've heard a backhanded comment like that. It urked you. You came to the city for equal opportunity, but everyone only saw your weight.
"Good luck."
"Wait, how will I-" You gasped as your supervisor left you.
Oh, how you were ready to file a complaint to HR. You were left alone in front of your CEO's mansion with no way back home. You were abandon and you hated it.
Taking a deep breathe, you approached the main door and rang the door bell. The paperwork in your arms nearly crushed by your own frustration. Waiting for the door to open only angered you more. You huffed and kicked the door slightly, gasping as it opened.
Cussing quietly, you slowly entered the mansion. It was dark. A shiver ran down your spine as you looked for a desk, table, anything solid to place the file down.
"Um, excuse me. Sorry for the intrusion, but I have some paperwork from Alchemax, sir."
Miguel let out a low growl as he laid in his bed. This beastly form giving him very little motivation to do much of anything. His glare shifted from his phone to the door as he heard the doorbell. Another poor soul has come to give him his paperwork.
Ready to scare the fool away, Miguel rose from his bed. His feet dragged with each step, causing an echo throughout the mansion. His low growls and hisses, giving him an eerie effect.
"Um, I-I'm just...going to drop this off....here." You stuttered.
Miguel's eyes light up as he heard your voice. Stopping his scary demeanor, he poked his head from the corner wall. There you were, shaking as you looked around his mansion. Miguel's breathing shuddered as he felt a fire lit inside of him.
"Wait," He called out, "Who are you? You're not the usual sender."
"Oh, um, hello, sir. I'm (Y/N) from marketing! I was asked to drop off from files for your approval since the usual sender was ill today." Your voice was so sweet.
"Ah, well I didn't mean to startle you. Please, help yourself to the room on the right. I should have some water in the fridge."
"Ah, thank you, sir."
Miguel withheld a breathe as he watched you walk into the room. Your hips swaying and curves calling out for him. How perfect of a treat you were. The only question was, would you be frighten by his form?
You cooed softly as you drank a bottled water. Sure, this place was creepy as hell, but finally hearing a reassuring voice calmed you. Yes, you were surprised by the sudden voice, but who would have thought that the CEO sounded so charming.
"Ah, I don't wanna go back to work now." You whined quietly.
"Then don't,"
You gasped, jumping in place from the voice behind you. Catching your water before you dropped it, you sighed heavily. How could someone be so quiet? Turning to confront your CEO, you froze at the sheer height of him.
"Someone as cute as you shouldn't be working so hard." Miguel spoke, slowly approaching you.
"Cu-" You were at a loss for words.
For one, your CEO was a giant beast standing before you. Second, he called you cute. This was a first.
"Are you scared of me?" Miguel asked, stepping into the light. Your jaw dropped,
"I'm...more surprised," You whispered, staring at the tall beast, "I'm wondering if I'm even dreaming."
"You aren't. I won't hurt you either."
You were hesitant to his words. Who wouldn't be? You were surprised by how calm you were actually. This was your CEO in front of you. You've seen pictures of him, but never like this. It was strange, but you felt almost at ease.
"You would've by now," You said with a soft chuckle, "Um, if you don't mind me asking...How-"
"I do mind," Miguel hummed, his eyes sparkling brighter, "Would you take my proposal and work for me instead? I could use the help."
It didn't take much to convince you at all. Miguel enjoyed how obedient you were. Miguel enjoyed your presence. You were kind to him. You were normal to him. You belonged to him.
Miguel made sure that you stayed by his side. He gave you a room in his mansion and kept you close at all times. You were oh so helpful to him in more ways than one. Miguel never thought that he'd have such feelings towards someone.
But you were special.
"(Y/n), come here." Miguel hummed, watching you hurry towards him.
His grin grew as you 'accidently' tripped and landed against his big, fuzzy chest. His arms wrapped around your thick waist, humming in delight as he held your thighs. You squeaked, but didn't complain as you fixed yourself on his lap.
"Sorry, Miguel!" You apologized. Miguel kept his smile,
"Quite alright." Oh, how he loved holding you, "Did you need something?"
"I must have forgotten. Holding such a beauty seemed to have distracted me."
Your face flustered as you looked away from Miguel. Ah, that look was so adorable. Miguel loved keeping you all to himself. Stroking your cheek with his claws, Miguel brought your attention back to him. Oh, how you belonged to him.
"Oh! Before I forget, you received a letter. It seems like you're needed back at Alchemax. Shall I go and inform-"
"No!" Miguel hissed, holding you closer, "You aren't allowed to leave! You are staying here, with me!"
You felt your heart racing a mile a minute as Miguel held you so firmly. Despite being a beast, you were enjoying this warm embrace. Miguel treated you so kindly. Yes, you didn't get to go outside, but you didn't mind.
"Okay, I won't go," You whispered, calming Miguel down.
It was strange. Some might say that you were being held hostage by a savage beast. Some would say that you were insane. You could not deny those claims, but you didn't care since Miguel cared for you. He didn't mind your body and he gave you such sweet compliments.
"Shall I make you your favorite meal?" You asked sweetly. Miguel exhaled and buried his head in the crook of your neck, his hands still holding your waist,
"In a moment."
A shiver ran down your spine as Miguel spoke in your ear. How strange would it be to want to kiss him? You had seen his human form, you knew that he was human underneath the beast...But you still wanted to kiss him even as so.
How strange would it truly be?
To kiss a beast?
It had been a couple of months since you've stayed at Miguel's mansion, helping him. You had grown feelings for him and wondered how strange it would be to act on them? Miguel was currently a beast, not human.
Hearing the sound of loud typing, you made your way to Miguel's office. You smiled as you watched the tall beast working diligently. It was funny since he was a CEO but hasn't stepped foot in his building.
"(Y/N), come in." Miguel chuckled. You smiled brightly, hurrying to his side,
"How'd you know it was me?" You teased. Miguel glanced down at you, easily picking you up and placing you on his lap, "Miguel! I'm heavy!"
"You're not," He hummed, nuzzling your neck, "You're perfect just the way you are."
"Hehe, Miguel, you're too kind." You cooed, feeling your heart race from glee, "Miguel?"
"Thank you," You chirped and pecked his cheek, "Is it okay for me to like you?"
Miguel felt a rising heat from within. He hid his smile as he turned your head, chuckling at your cuteness. How delicious this was. You were right in his claws. You belonged to Miguel and no one else. You were never going to leave his side.
"It should be the other way around."
Miguel chuckled darkly as he brought you in for a kiss. Your body trembling under his touch as his tongue ravished your mouth. You smelled so sweet and you were all his. Swirling his tongue inside your mouth, Miguel hummed towards how sweet you taste.
"You're mine forever, (Y/N)"
Mine and no one else.
Hope you enjoyed!!!!!
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euaphoru · 4 months
when he bullies you but hates when another guy does it
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typically you knew you were too sweet for your kind.
you cared much for others and put them first before you did yourself, gojo hated when you offered him your goodies; most likely perfecting the other ones if he was being honest.
so when he sees you going around the hallways with a tray full of fresh pastries, he felt something in the pit of his stomach as he watched from the lockers as you would sway your hips onto the next person, allowing them to grab a bite out of your newest creation you were cooking up late last night, he furrowed his brows.
his friends spot him looking your way, watching his eyes stay in some sort of trance, your rotting sweetness creating some sort of aura around you as you wave goodbye at your classmates.
his friends look at each other and nod, calling you over, asking what you made for everyone and why haven't you offered them any
what they didn't know was that last week while they were in class, fooling around in the back causing trouble-- gojo was having you pinned against the supply closet rack, making you stumble and grab onto his shirt as his fingers circled your clothed panties.
"...so wet for me, should you add your juices to the recipe everytime you cook me up something, sweet girl," he whispered into your ear, pushing your hair back to your ear. "Only for me, nobody else should have the ability to taste such sweet things that come from you other than your over sugared, tooth rotting desserts."
"d'do not...say mean things like that, I spend so long making them," you cry out as you feel him pull your panties aside and dip his fingers inside you, pulling them close into his mouth and whine.
he grins at your weak effort into punching him in the chest with your palms, watching you fold.
"how are they? too much sugar? I suppose I could have added more jelly inside the powdered donuts..." you speak, catching him give you deep glares as you do your bestest to avoid them, silencing the loud commotions of their groaning as they sunk their teeth down at the pastries.
as much as you hated their constant teasing, your grandmother always taught you to be as sweet as you made her strawberry shortcakes; very.
"almost makes me believe woman should stay in the kitchen," one laughed looking over to the other boys as they have the outspoken one a glance, staying quiet.
"shut up."
you swore you heard wrong, as you look up to see satoru slap his friend in the head with his backhand. you lightly giggle, excusing yourself.
satoru looks back at you, ignoring the other boys laughing at the bruised man who commented, watching you turn your head to meet his gaze and give the tall man a soft smile, waving a bag with his name on it, noticing a different pattern of pastry you made him compared to the ones you gave out.
oh, he thought.
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eunseoksimp · 6 months
Infatuation ; Park Wonbin
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Pairings: Cheater!Wonbin x Devoted!Reader
Genre: angst, infidelity
Description: an exploration of secrecy, infidelity, and the complex emotions that arise from these actions. a woman who is in a painful relationship with a man who she loves, but is seen as nothing more than the object of his desires. an unfortunate tale of a woman making a God out of a mortal.
Warnings: mentions of sex, swear words, illusion to mental health issues (depression, bpd), mentions of religious ideas, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, cheating.
loosely inspired by sad girl by lana del rey, i had this song on repeat while writing this.
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‘he’s never going to love you like you want him to.’
you were often told this; after all what good came from being the mistress in another persons relationship.
but this didn’t bother you at all, they didn’t understand wonbin like you did. people always said you would never be anything to him but his little side chick, like a trophy.
he was essentially clyde and you were his bad bitch partner in crime, bonnie. only, the love between you two wasn’t as passionate, at least not on wonbin’s side.
it was hard to see at first that park wonbin would never truly be yours, that he would never love you the way that you hope he will.
but that didn’t bother you, because being his mistress was better to you than being nothing at all. you weren’t sure it was even possible to live in a world without wonbin anymore.
you were stubborn, calling everyone that criticised you natural haters, that they just weren’t as open minded to the complexities of relationships as you were.
they couldn’t see the way wonbin would spoil you rotten, your house filled with gifts that he got you. they didn’t see the expensive dates he took you on, or the bunch of flowers sitting on your windowsill that he always made sure to refresh.
if they caught the attention of park wonbin, they would understand you.
a man so hauntingly alluring, blessed with the beauty from deities above, with a face that wars were surely started over. comparable only to adonis, stealing the hearts of many that he encountered.
meeting him was like a dream, one that you did not want to wake up from. his long hair framed his facial features, dark clothes creating a contrast to his fair skin.
something ignited inside of you, a desire so strong that you were sure it was fate that he had walked into your life. after all you had endured, you were finally being rewarded, finally seeing the end of the tunnel.
all the hardships you had been through in your life became minuscule compared to the joy that wonbin brought.
he was different, always making sure you got home safely, draping his jacket over your legs whenever you wore a skirt that was a tad bit too short.
whenever you were struck with sorrow, he was someone you could find solace in, melting into his embrace as you breathed in his aroma.
park wonbin was your saviour. your reason to live, the reason why you believed that love maybe did exist after all.
he was the first male figure in your life to leave a positive impact, the first one who didn’t use or abuse you, and you were sure it was divine intervention.
the love you felt for him was intense, all consuming and powerful, like nothing could make it waver. your love for park wonbin would definitely stand the test of time.
he had to feel the same way about you. the deities were not cruel enough to give you someone so perfect without knowing if he loved you back.
that’s why you never felt the need to question things. you didn’t need to, it would be silly to question the intentions of the gods.
you instead spent your time enjoying wonbin in his entirety. every kiss, every embrace, it became the catalyst to the blood pumping around your whole body.
the opinions of others were irrelevant, after all what could they know? would they ever be able to experience a love as perfect as yours.
‘i’m dating ningning,’ he told you one night, head in his hands as he watched you busy yourself at the stove.
you froze in your spot for a second, wooden spoon still in hand as you turn to face him. surely it wasn’t true?
‘dating? with ning ning? what do you mean by this?’ you question him, closing the gap between you two, reaching up to play with his dark locks.
‘she’s my mothers family friend, they’ve been pestering me for so long about us being together and i just got tired of hearing it,’ his voice trails off at the end, leaning into your touch as he sighs.
‘do you love her?’ you ask as your fingers work their way through his hair, enjoying the way he leans against you.
‘of course not, don’t be silly,’ it provided you with enough comfort, to know that they didn’t have anything nearly as strong as the both of you.
‘then that’s good enough for me.’
so despite the objections from your friends, you continued to stay with wonbin, not paying much mind to the other girl; she wasn’t important.
he made sure that when it was only the two of you, nothing or no one would come in between it. and at the time it was enough to keep you content.
but slowly over the months, a part of you started to feel restless.
your meetings went from as frequently as three to four times a week to only once if you were lucky. like an addict you were suffering from withdrawals, and you weren’t sure how long you could wean off of the drug that was park wonbin.
‘i’ve been a little busy lately, you understand that right?’ was what he told you the first time you had gathered the courage to tell him
how you felt, twiddling with your thumbs as you looked down at your boots.
‘i know how you feel pretty, let me make it up to you today,’ his hand rest on your thigh, giving it a squeeze and a pat.
it was pathetic really, how a gesture as small as this was enough to absolve any sort of discontent you held against any of his actions. but that was what love was all about.
he would focus his whole attention on you, stopping wherever you wanted to go, taking you to eat at a fancy restaurant, buying you treats.
when he told you that you shouldn’t hold hands you knew it was just because he didn’t want others to know how good your relationship was. they may try to sabotage it.
that was why he didn’t introduce you to his friends ever. what if they tried to take you away from him?
wonbin never did any wrong, whatever he did had a plausible reason, and you had learnt a long time ago not to question things.
‘i’m having a game this weekend, you should come and watch,’ he told you as he parked in front of your house.
‘i would love to binnie,’ maybe he was finally ready to show you off to the world. to give a big middle finger to societal expectations and prove that what the both of you had was special.
he grinned, leaning over the console to give you a kiss, slow and passionate, and you felt your skin burn at the contact.
only he was capable of making you feel this way.
‘take care of yourself love, i’ll see you soon,’ he tells you as you leave the car, not driving away until the moment that you’re inside your house. always the gentleman.
it was an exciting moment in time for you, wonbin was personally inviting you to one of his games. you weren’t secretly watching at the back of the bleachers, he told you that he wanted you there.
the day couldn’t come any quicker, and you spent the remainder of the days thinking of what to wear, how to smell. would he like it if you had your hair up or down? you should dress light so he offers you his jacket at the end of the night.
and when the day finally dawned, you spent ample time in front of your vanity mirror, curling your hair, painting your face to perfection, making sure you looked the best you could. you wanted to look like someone wonbin could be proud of.
he wasn’t able to pick you up seeing as he needed to get to there early to warm up with the team, but he paid for an uber to pick you up, telling you to be vigilant of the persons car you were entering, and to make sure you were keeping him updated on his location.
his kindness knew no limits.
upon arrival, you were greeted with the low hum of chatter, with quite a large crowd beginning to fill the benches, and the sight of the basketball teams warming up on their respective sides of the court.
but like a moth to a flame, you were only drawn to one man, whose long hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, a few of the front pieces falling on his forehead.
you were in awe of him once again, your own physical manifestation of a greek god, and you were unable to quantify the extent to which it had an effect on you. he was like a higher being walking amongst mere mortals.
you take out your phone for the sole purpose of taking pictures, ones that you know you will be staring at later on in your moments of need.
when the game started it was hard to contain the excitement, and you may have left out a few screams of his name, but luckily for you it was drowned out by the loud thuds of the basketball hitting the ground, and the squeaking of the boys’ shoes on the newly polished floors.
then you heard it, someone else other for you cheering with such passion, and you whip around, curious as to who the owner of the voice was.
it’s ning ning. it was the first time seeing her up close, and truthfully, her beauty intimidated you.
she was undoubtedly stunning, her face structured to perfection, an air of elegance surrounding her.
she leans over the railing, cupping her hands around her mouth as she shouts his name again. this time he looks up, eyes scanning for the source of the noise before raising his hand and blowing a kiss.
but he meant for that to be sent towards you right? surely he knew you were not too far away, and it was his secret way of letting you know that he could see you.
it had to be.
after the game you were desperate to see him, to be wrapped in his arms as you gushed about how well he played, about how good he looked while playing.
you wanted to enjoy an evening with him, cuddled up on your couch as you basked in his presence for a little longer.
but to your disappointment ning ning beat you to it, running up to him first and peppering his face with kisses.
you frowned. she should know her place after all. you half expected wonbin to pull away in disgust, but you remembered he had to keep up appearances, so that explained why he held her face in his hands, like he would do to you, and returned the kisses.
the walk towards them was agonisingly slow, the sounds of his teammates and friends teasing and cheering at him were beginning to drown your ears, and all you needed was some reassurance from your lover.
clearing your throat, you stood awkwardly, the bag that he bought you in your grasp. turning towards you, an unreadable emotion flashed across his face before he introduced you.
just by name? no signs of affection, or illusion to the relationship between you two. it was plain, as if there was nothing to tell between you two. but you knew that wasn’t true.
you watched as he laced his fingers together with that girl.
‘we should go out to eat and celebrate the win,’ you think it was shotaro who suggested it, and everyone else nodded in agreement.
for the first time wonbin looks at you, waiting for your answer, and you immediately cave in, talking about how much you would love to.
following after them pathetically, the pattern on your skirt suddenly becoming so interesting, you try to calm yourself down.
he doesn’t love her, he told you this already. but why was she all over him?
at the restaurant it was overbearing. was this a test? was he being overly affectionate just so people wouldn’t suspect anything?
that had to be it. it was the only reasonable explanation for why he was behaving like he was.
so you tried your hardest to push it to the back of your mind, politely listening to his friend sungchan ramble on about something.
you swallowed and continued to swallow the lumps of food on your plate, knowing that wonbin hated when you wasted food.
you shovelled food into your mouth until your plate was clean and your stomach began to churn.
you sat in front of him, the lack of heed towards you making you feel queasy from restlessness, as you rose to your feet, excusing yourself to empty the contents of your stomach in the ladies bathroom.
when you had rose back to your feet, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you headed towards the sink, looking at the pitiful girl staring back at you.
wonbin wouldn’t find you attractive like this. taking your time to freshen yourself up, you let your mind focus on good things to calm down.
he still loved you. he wanted you to be here for a reason, so all you had to do was trust him.
‘i’m fine, as long as i’m with him,’ you repeated, until a smile crept onto your face and you deemed yourself ready to go back out.
when you returned, you were met with concerned faces, including wonbin’s and you felt your cheeks warm at the accomplishment.
in fact, his eyes remained on you for the rest of the time in the restaurant and even when he offered to take you home.
he dropped ning ning first and gave her a kiss over the console, like he did with you, and you willed yourself to look away.
when she left he patted the passenger seat and you eagerly climbed over to sit next to you.
‘are you okay my love?’ his voice was soft, tender, as he caressed your face.
you nodded, missing the way he felt after trying your hardest to behave. it would be unfair for you to push your own selfish needs on him, when you knew he was just doing what he needed to.
‘i want you,’ you mumbled, want taking over your being and all you could think about was him. you needed him.
‘i know love, you’ve been so patient today,’ he cooed, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
but it wasn’t enough for you. he wasn’t close enough. you wanted his touch to be engraved in your skin for life, for the part of your body that he touched to serve a constant reminder of the hands that had been there.
‘stay with me tonight. please,’ you pleaded, your thighs crossed over the other, biting your lip. he easily picked up on what you were really suggesting, his larger hand coming to rest on your upper thigh.
‘whatever my princess wants.’
it was a great struggle trying to be patient, one look at the side of his face, the way he looked so concentrated on the road, only needing one hand to spin the steering wheel, was just adding to your arousal.
as soon as he put the car in park, you were scrambling out of your seat, eager to be inside and feel all of him.
it was urgent, rushed, the way you both couldn’t wait to get back to the bedroom, flinging articles of clothing along the way as he kissed you.
he made love to you, prioritising your own needs over his own, telling you that you deserved it for being so patient today, for putting up with him.
he made you cum again and again, addicted to the noises you made, or how you clung onto him so hopelessly, like there was nothing else you could do.
you become obsessed with how he coaxes you through every orgasm, telling you how he needed more from you. not her, but you.
‘wonbin,’ you pant, voice barely over a whisper. he hovers over you, taking in the way your eyelashes are wet from tears, streaming down your cheeks.
he hums, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he dips his head down to place kisses on your neck, loving the way you squirm underneath him.
‘one more for me baby, i know you can do it.’
i-i i don’t think. fuck i don’t think i can,’ you gasp, your voice getting higher with each thrust, hands gripping your waist and your own hands shoot down his arm, fingers wrapping around his wrist to slow the momentum.
‘yes you can love, i know you can do it,’ he snakes one of his arms around your waist, shifting your position.
‘you’re my good girl.’
that’s why you allow him, even when you start to lose feeling in your legs, or even when your eyes begin to unfocus, unaware of your surroundings as your jaw slacks and your toe starts to cramp.
in a haze, you can hear the muffled sounds of wonbin saying something in the background, but nothing is registering as he continues to pound into you.
it’s all becoming too much, pleasure flooding your senses as you reach out for something to hold.
your eyes land on the star necklace around wonbin’s neck, conveniently swinging above you, almost hypnotising as it moves with each harsh thrust.
a raw moan rips through your throat, one that is so animalistic that you’re almost unsure of how such a noise could leave your lips.
pulling him closer by the cool metal, your finger twirls the chain once, and then twice, closing it in your fist.
you barely have enough strength to close the gap between you, high pitched noises leaving your mouth as you kiss him ferverently.
your body is hot to the touch, hair sticking to your forehead and your neck from all the sweat.
wonbin presses you further into the mattress, showing no signs of slowing down as you pathetically claw at his lower stomach, trying to push away from him.
‘i know angel, i know. feels good doesn’t it?’
you’re unable to answer, nodding dumbly.
he pins your hands to your side, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips, before lifting your thighs up until your ankles almost touched your ears.
your body began to shake, thrashing as you struggle to breathe.
‘you’re so pretty baby, so fucking pretty. all for me, you’re such a good girl,’ he praises you, and it makes you feel like everything is worth it.
‘i’m- i’m your pretty girl,’ you struggle to get the words out, letting out a soft moan as you feel one of his hands cup your face.
‘yes you are,’ his voice is so gentle, tears welling up in your eyes but you wipe them away so that they don’t take away from the sight of wonbin on top of you.
‘good girl, you’re about to cum aren’t you. i knew you had one more for me,’ his hand snakes down to your clit, rubbing steady circles with his thumb, and it takes everything within you to push away from him again.
‘fuck- i- i’m-‘ but you couldn’t finish your sentence, back arching as you let out a few broken moans, rocking against him as he fucks you through yet another orgasm.
it was so intense, your body going limp and your mind spinning as every thought floating around in your head disappears. you can see wonbin’s mouth moving, but nothing is registering.
‘i’m right here angel, there you go. breathe a little for me, just like that,’ he brings you back down to earth, gently tapping your face until you look up at him again.
you did so well, my angel. so perfect for me,” he says, kissing the top of your head and you whimper softly, feeling his praise and love surround you, sniffling in appreciation.
you lay back as you watch him look after you, cleaning you up, carrying you to the bathroom, making sure you got changed as he puts you to sleep under clean sheets.
you were unconditionally and irrevocably in love with park wonbin. you realised that you could no longer be satisfied with only having a part of him, you needed him wholly.
‘fuck. i love you,’ you mumble, like the pathetic person you are, wrapping your arms around him. wonbin grins and bites your lip before pulling you into a kiss.
he had you right where he wanted.
‘i love you too baby,’ he says, and like a fool you believe his words, unable to face the small voice in your head that tells you he might not mean it like you do.
you thought that day had sealed the deal. that it was confirmation of the escalation of your relationship.
but soon after it felt like you were only being driven further apart from him. calls were ignored, texts were answered far too late and you were barely able to see him.
he would get upset when you brought it up and you didn’t want to provoke him so you left it as it was.
maybe he was just stressed, it must only be a season. he would be back to normal in no time.
but soon it turned into two months, and then three, and there was an immense amount of pain suffered from his absence.
you sobbed till you were unable to breathe through your nose, your throat sore and a headache beginning to form.
you couldn’t function. you couldn’t eat, you were no longer focusing in classes and the thought of him kept you up most nights.
where had your lover gone?
you were unsure whether it was frustration or depression that prompted you, but you called and called, leaving message after message until he finally responded.
‘wonbin,’ you were relieved to see him finally pick up, just needing to hear his voice.
it was silent for a second, before you heard him sigh, ‘hi.’
the smile on your face drops. was he not happy to hear from you too?
‘are you free? can you come and see me,’ you’re afraid you might have disturbed him from something important.
‘i’ll come. see you soon,’ and before you could tell him how much you could love him the call was disconnected.
you found comfort in biting your nails, until the nail beds were raw and red, but none of that was your concern right now.
wonbin was over an hour later, flowers in hand and a smile on his face, and you convinced yourself that maybe everything was alright after all.
you both sat on the couch, watching a movie, but the overwhelming urge to say what was on your mind overpowered your reasoning and you paused what you were watching.
‘it was getting to the best bit, why did you stop it,’ he complained, pointing towards the now frozen frame.
‘i think we need to talk about us, about the direction we’re both going in. it really hurt me not hearing from you wonbin.’
he only scoffs, eyes still facing forward and you feel your heart sink.
‘do you need more flowers or something? what’s got you all emotional?’
‘wonbin can you please just listen to me when i speak, don’t dismiss how i feel,’ you hated the tone he was using to speak to you, almost like he was mocking you.
‘i’m not dismissing how you feel it’s just- it’s just kind of pointless talking about it baby,’ he pats your knee, trying to reach for the remote but you won’t let him have it.
‘why? why is talking about the future of our relationship pointless?’
his eyebrows furrow, eyes narrowing as he looks at you with genuine confusion. as if you were speaking a completely different language to him or something.
‘what relationship?’
you felt your heart shatter, tears flowing down your face rapidly as you blinked, looking at the face of your lover.
‘wonbin..’ your voice trails off, and you’re in disbelief. he doesn’t even realise you’re crying until a drop splashes onto the sleeve of his hoodie.
but instead of the way he would normally reassure you, pulling you into his arms and kissing all of your worries away, he just sighs.
‘there must have been a mistake somewhere down the line. maybe we should go our separate ways,’ he’s quick to rise off of the chair, already making his way through the apartment to get his things.
you feel a lump in your throat, unable to call out to him loud enough, so you shuffle behind him, hoping to catch him before he leaves.
‘i thought this would happen someday, no hard feelings baby,’ wonbin is too nonchalant for your liking. he barely seems fazed, pulling his jacket over his shoulder and stuffing his keys and his wallet into the pocket.
you tug on his sleeve, willing him to look at you so you could make sense of what was going on.
‘i- i don’t get it. is it something i said?’ your voice trembles, barely heard over the hum of the washing machine, and wonbin has to bend down by your hair to catch what you’re saying.
‘oh baby, i thought we were both on the same page. i have a girlfriend, of course me and you are not in a relationship.’
‘then- then what were we?’ your bottom lip finds solace tucked in between your teeth, chest rising and falling as you try not to heave in front of him.
‘i don’t know, do we really need to have labels in this day and age. but wasn’t it obvious that there was no possibility of us being together,’ word after word, minute after minute, your heart continues to thud in your chest, threatening to break through the enclosures of your pericardium.
had everything been a lie? the gifts, the dates, the kisses, they had to have meant something? how could he dismiss what you had so easily?
‘i’m not a cheater baby girl, how could i have two girlfriends,’ his thumb swipes over your damp cheeks, patting your face with his palm before he retreats.
‘i thought we loved each other?’ you whispered, placing your hand on top of his, pulling him closer just so could feel something again, anything to distract you from the mind numbing agony that was settling in.
‘i don’t. it’s not possible to love two people at once.’
it takes a few seconds for his sentence to register in your head, too focused on the thumping in your head and the ringing in your ears.
he loved her, not you. she was always his number one, not you. the one he really wanted to be with, the one his heart belonged to, was her.
was it because you were broken? were the cracks in your past beginning to show?
baby i don’t get it, what changed? when did you stop loving me?’
‘love? i never loved you.’
‘liar. are you telling me what we had between us was nothing. you must have felt it too, that what we had was special.’
‘what was special about what we had between us? it was nice of course, but it can never be more than that.’
‘what about me?’ your voice is broken, akin to the way your heart feels, clutching at your chest, looking for any sort of relief.
he opens his mouth to respond, but his phone rings and you see her name pop up on his phone, bile quickly rising to your throat.
you watch him answer with a smile, speaking to her with a sweet tone as he tells her he’s on the way, that he’s missed her and can’t wait to be with her.
it had to be a dream. he was yours. your man. your wonbin.
the sense of possessiveness and desire for exclusivity overtook you, but it harshly contrasted with the reality of your lover, eager to be in the arms of another.
the flowers, the gifts, all of the material things would be unable to fill the void caused by him, only leading to deeper feelings of sadness.
‘i have to go, i guess i’ll see you around,’ he barely spares a glance in your direction as he’s out of the door, leaving you all alone.
you can physically feel the pain, with sharp pains in your chest, as if your heart was personally trying to claw its way out, and you drop to your knees.
why were you being punished? it was cruel, the way the ones from above watched down over you, possibly rejoicing over your misery.
how much they must have laughed when you chalked everything up to love. it left a bitter taste in your mouth and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
perhaps this was your fate from the beginning, that the words that man said to you that day becoming prophecy.
‘you’ll never be loved.’
you felt an internal struggle, trying to face these conflicting emotions, which were starting to have a profound impact on your mental state.
the pain and emotional turmoil was juxtaposed to the devotion you felt towards him. despite the pain he had just caused you, the deep affection that had manifested over the year of your meeting was something that you felt was engraved on your heart.
it showed the complexities of human attraction, the internal struggle between what was logical and what the heart desired. you could never leave park wonbin.
that navigating the difficulties of loving someone who never seemed to be yours to begin with was something you would have to do.
you felt your existence being reduced to an accessory to him, someone who was easily replaceable, who had less of a value than you initially thought.
you would always be the girl on the side to him, a sad girl. after all, you were not his.
and some deep, twisted part of you didn’t mind, as long as you got to spend an extra night with him in your arms.
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imaginesheaven · 2 years
Price x Wife!reader + TF 141 family headcanons
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Oh my god! I love this man way too much *haha*
Warning: Literally none! Just pure fluff and happiness
Price knew from the beginning you wouldn’t be a stay-at-home-wife and he respects and supports this decision of yours with all he has to offer.
You love your job as an attorney and probably keep going for the rest of your life. Since you came from a family of military members you even specialized in this kind of niche. You give everything to help out soldiers with legal advice and support.
That was also how the two of you meet firsthand.
John saw you one day walking over the base in a tightly fitted suit in big confident strides. Of course, he was blown away by your appearance. Everyone was who could get a short glance at you. But it was the fighting spirit in your eyes that pulled at his heart strings. You were ready to bring down the biggest enemy no matter the cost.
And if that wouldn’t be already enough to win his heart over, you proofed your literally perfection when the two of you had your first conversation.
“Captain Price. Nice to meet you finally. I only heard good things about you and your boys.” – Your voice, the words you chose, your kindness. John isn’t a man that gets speechless often, but in this moment his head was absolutely empty.
His team could see how smitten the Captain was with you within seconds. They would never leave this chance behind to tease him about it.
“Hey, Captain, your favorite attorney is on the base.” – “Gaz, you better shut your mouth or I will do it for you…”
It took Price weeks to finally work up the courage to ask you out on a date. He would disclaim that he needed more research about you which translates to he wanted to keep admiring you from afar as long as he could.
His team couldn’t help themselves but fall in love with you too instantly in a platonic way. Every single man of them would sacrifice their life for you.
You couldn’t deny it either you loved them to pieces the same way. With John by your side as your husband you saw the others like your own little family.
“How are our boys doing, John? They are coming for Dinner next Friday, right?” – “Sure, they wouldn’t miss your amazing cooking skills, love.”
Price wouldn’t be jealous at all when you give the boys your undivided attention. In the end you are falling asleep next to him ;)
Here and there they would compare how much you love them like children. “Forget it, Soap. I am her favorite.” – “No, Gaz, you have no idea.” – “Boys, I am her favorite Ghost boy. You all lose against me.” – Price only folds his arms in front of his chest throwing around confident glares, “I am the one she married~”
You only can shake your head laughing how they act, “I love all of you equally.”
You settle into your new mother role very fast. It is an honor for you to take care of the TF 141 team even before you got married to Price.
“Here you go, boys. Care packages for the few days you are away. Just the way you all like them”, you give everyone a handmade package of things they could need on their missions. For the records you never missed one mission. You are always prepared for the day of their leave.
Just like you waved them goodbye you are also there when they come back from their mission. Always with a smile on your lips you hug every single one of them and welcome them back. The kisses though are only for your favorite Captain.
Bringing the whole team together for the holidays since you live close by the base and most of them not going back home to their families if they even have one.
“So, here you go, Soap. One for Gaz. Not forgetting my lovely Ghost boy. And last but not least, my Captain”, you give every one a Christmas present. No one would admit it, but your gifts are always the best. You take time and care to find for everyone the perfect thing.
Having some alone-time with your husband is a challenge though. It is like the boys have a sixth sense. They ring the doorbell smiling innocently. “Heard you have a movie night … Can we join?” Price knows you never can say “No” to them so he has to share his wife, his popcorn and even the couch. At the same time John couldn’t be mad at you. He adores how you love your boys.
Cooking for them is another thing you love to do. John gets a ton load of homemade meals with him to take with him for the boys. Price has to drill them even more to work out since they are eating literally non-stop.
“And another round for you, Gaz!” – “But, Captain!” – “For each piece of cake you eat you run!” – “Damn it… I had the whole cake!” – “More running! Less talking!”
All these acts of kindness bring them to work even harder to make the world a better and safer place for you.
And of course, not forgetting the scary dog privileges you have with them. You can feel safe everywhere you go with the big men trailing behind you like lost puppies.
But also, when you are on your own. They teach you enough to take out a whole army on your own. Just to make sure you will never get hurt.
Your reputation carries onto the base too. Everyone knows you are under the protection of Captain Price and his Task Force 141. You want something you get it within seconds. No one dares to touch you, insult you, talk back at you or something else. The boys make sure of that.
You don’t have to lift a finger in the house anymore. The team got your back mowing the lawn, getting cleaned out the garage, painting the walls the color you wanted for ages and even more.
Sometimes you love to tease them then: “Well, I don’t know. The garage looked better last year. You are all kind of slacking~” – “Heard you, ma’am! We can do this way better!”
These trained killers and soldiers would carry you on their arms over the world if you asked them nicely.
The team knows you can handle the world on your own, but they do it out of love for you. It is their way to pay back the love and care you give them. You are the shining light of hope in Price’s life, which he has to share with his team, but that is more than okay for him.
Imagine how they react when you adopt the gentle giant König into your little family. At first, they were more than mad.
“Why him? Don’t you love us anymore?”, they were literally acting like you stated that König is your new favorite boy. You rolled your eyes at them smiling, “Stop being childish. I still love you all equally.”
Like you promised you take care of them all the same and put your heart into your care like you did before.
König has no fucking idea at all how he got into this situation. You literally saw him one day on the base, walked over to him and said word for word: “You look hungry. I’m sure you haven’t had a homemade meal in months. Come with me.”
And with that he followed a random woman over the base, who just claimed she will cook for him. How could he deny this kind of creepy and random offer?
For him it was the best decision in his life to follow you.
The team accepted their fate since there is absolutely no room for discussion in this situation. And with that you all grow into a happy little family once again.
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barbiesmuse · 5 months
;ֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָsimon riley + reader
summary: you knew it was over, in fact, it never really began. but in your heart, it was oh-so-real.
tags: introduction to a new series! there is cliffhanger smut and talk of religion but that's mostly all!
head barbie's announcements: i'm back! after a long break that was totally needed because my brain was fried!! my masterlist will be updated, this will be a series so just think of this as the backstory, anddddd that's all! kisses and hugs for u always. if this is offensive or makes anyone uncomfortable i apologize and i will take it down without a problem!! this is just an idea for a fic! if you like it maybe i'll continue! “Am I making you feel sick?”
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The hate you had for Simon Riley ran deep. Before you met him you were a good girl. You went to church every Sunday, volunteered to help in youth groups, and were the Priest's daughter. It was a life filled with love, community, and toxicity. Your father had been waiting to auction you off to his favorite usher's son. Your father judged a book by its cover; unfortunately for you, that meant almost no friends.
So when a young man and his mother come to church for the first time, your father is less than thrilled. His mother was known around town, she was a sleaze. She was outgoing, boisterous, and sometimes flirty. Your father called her a jezebel, although you tried to ignore his rude comments and welcome them into the church. Simon's mother thought you were the cutest thing since Polly Pocket, although you didn't quite resemble Polly your tiny stature was often compared to her. Her son, Simon was the complete opposite. He was quiet, shy, and often never spoke. That was comforting to you, everyone in the church always had something to say, except for him. You had tried countless times to invite him to youth groups and asked him for dinner! Your father scolded you, although you didn't care what he thought of the new followers, to you they deserve all the love. Once Simon had gotten to know you more, he had liked you. You were small, and kind, and your big eyes made him groan internally. You were the perfect kind of toy for him to play with. Gullible and bashful. The more you hung around Simon the more worldly you became. Your father took notice and made sure you knew how disappointed he was. Not only did he ground and ban you from seeing your new friend, but he also forced a purity ring onto your hand. Your father was a sick man. There have been many scandals surrounding him. He simply shushed them away with money. His only way out of any bad situation. In a way, Simon reminded you of your father before the church. Loving, caring, and gentle.
You had often snuck out late at night to visit Simon. The two of you would meet up at a park called “Condamnée.” The park was a safe place for both of you. After your father had put the purity ring on you, you needed to speak to Simon. Only he could make your sweet little heart feel better. To say you felt like a sinner would be an understatement. But you couldn't help it. Simon was like a bad habit, something you kept running back to. You didn't know if it was possible to let him go, you felt like there was a strong connection between the two of you. When Simon sees the ring on your pretty finger he can't help but smirk. You looked up at him with teary eyes and he caressed your cheek gently. “You've let a silly little ring get you all worked up like this, peaches?” He would say in a condescending tone. You simply nodded with a pout. What he did next surprised you, but you couldn't ignore the wet feeling in your pink panties as he did it. He slid the ring off of your finger and took off the silver chain he wore. He slid the ring onto the chain and then clasped it around his neck. You looked at him with wide eyes and he simply chuckled. “Oh my gosh, I'm going to hell!” You said with a quiver of your lips. He chuckled and pushed you onto the bench. He bent down in front of you and kissed your ankles.
“Y'r here for a good time, not a long one peaches.” He said as he kissed up your legs. It felt wrong, it was wrong. Yet the feeling of his tongue gracing the inside of your thighs made you squirm. He looked up at you with a sinister smirk. He had his hood on so all you could see were his honey brown eyes and the skull imprint of his mask. Sick. This was sick. You tried to tell yourself to push him away, but you couldn't. He felt too good. As his tongue reached your panties he looked up at you, asking for permission. “Can I touch you, sweet girl?” He asked, you could tell he was practically praying for a yes. So of course, you gave him a soft nod. He looked up at you, the pretty little sinner in front of him. Oh, what a fucking sight.
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o4i0n · 9 months
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happy holidays everyone! this isn’t a christmas fic btw i just wanted to say happy holidays 
reblogs, comments & likes r highly appreciated !
the first time the two of you meet, miguel o’hara easily picks up on the fact that it doesn’t take a lot to please you. 
well, to rephrase, he finds that it doesn’t take much to make you happy and ensure that you’d reward him with one of your bright smiles if he does right by you. if he thinks that you couldn’t get even more perfect in his eyes, you somehow manage to prove him wrong, that he, in fact, could love you more, just because you give him so many reasons to. 
since he’s crowned you as one of the only people whom he can say he’s had the utmost pleasure of meeting and getting to know, he vowed to himself that he would make it his absolute mission to spoil you as much as he’s able to, so long as you let him. you do, of course you do; besides, why deny him one of the simplest pleasures in life, the very ones he thought he wouldn’t get to experience? you can’t say no to him, oh no—not when he’s been so eager to make sure that you always know that he loves you this much. 
it’s not like you weren’t treated as well in your past relationships, it’s just that miguel makes sure that he goes above and beyond to put a pretty smile on your face. his treatment of you has ruined the potential of any other person who would attempt to surpass what miguel has done and will continue to do for you, but there are no complaints from your end. even so, it takes you by storm just how much more attentive he is as compared to your previous partners.
until now, you’re always quick to reassure him that he doesn’t need to do so much for lil’ old you; you tell him that you don’t need anything extravagant or anything of the sort, because you already appreciate the fact that he always wants to make you happy. you keep saying that it’s the thought that counts, because if it’s from him, it’s already enough. however, it’s also difficult to argue with a man who’s so set in stone with his ways, that he mentions again and again that you deserve the world and so much more—all you had to do was say the word and he’d bust his ass to make it happen for you. 
then again, if it doesn’t take much to make you happy, then it doesn’t take much to placate him, since you can always tide him over with one of your sweet smiles, the ones he knows is specifically just for him, and the unwavering look of love in your eyes. after all, he does it all for you. whatever makes his girl happy, even if she refuses to give into being spoiled because she’s insistent in sharing the simpler things in life with him. 
“listen to me,” he huffs out, and with the pace he’s going at, you’re pretty sure that the last thing you’re able to do is to listen to whatever it is he’s going to say next—not when he’s busy making sure to fuck every sensible thought out of your pretty little head. just because you like being good for him, you try to do what he says, but the only things that are reaching your ears are the wet, creamy squelches from when he thrusts into you, and the short, ragged breaths that both of you take. 
your body is caged between miguel and the mattress, a pillow beneath your hips so that you’re propped up without tiring either of you out too much. if you weren’t so busy being lightheaded at how well he’s fucking you, you’d think something along the lines of how pretty miguel looks right now; the attentiveness is shining through once again, with just enough casual dominance for you to melt even more into his touch. the low rumble that pairs with the filth he’s about to spew adds something else to the entire experience, and you whimper when his cock drags along the warm, velvety walls of your sopping wet cunt as he pulls out ever so slightly. 
miguel leans in closer to you, the heat of his breath tickling the shell of your ear when he presses a kiss right where the pulsepoint is on your neck. even with how hard he’s been going, you find some kind of momentary peace at the feeling of his soft lips against your sweat-soaked skin. “if i can’t make you cum every single night, then i’ve failed you. understood?” 
there he is again with the absolute certainty in his words—as if he could ever fail you. you don’t think that he could ever do that, not even if he tried; his devotion is one you’ve never witnessed before nor have been on the receiving end of, and it makes your head spin. no one has ever spoken to you like this in your life, and you’d almost be embarrassed at how receptive you are to him with the way you clench around his length when he says all that, but you aren’t. he’s just that good at what he does. 
you’re not even doing any work at this point, not when your thighs burn from your previously exerted efforts. in your daze, you don’t even notice that miguel stopped moving for a moment, and it’s not before you whine out a small ‘mhm hmm, understood!’ with much effort before his fingers dig into the fat of your sides for support as his hips snap up against yours at a grueling pace.  
even with how tired you are, you somehow want more, so in the times that miguel slows down for your sake, you move your hips along with his thrusts to get more out of him. with how hesitant you started out, you don’t think he’d notice, but it’s miguel: of course he notices. when he catches on, miguel smiles, a slight gleam of fang peeking out, and he plants a kiss on your forehead, a stark contrast at how he’s completely abusing your pussy. 
“there we go, that’s right,” he croons at you, watching your once shy movements get lost in a flurry of pure desperation, your back arching off the mattress and your hips raised as you grind down on him. to make you squirm even more, he lets one of his hands wander along your body, starting with your chest as he takes a pebbled nipple in between his fingers, his touch then ghosting the curve of your stomach, right before his fingertips come into contact with your poor, sensitive clit to rub small, practiced circles over it. “fuck yourself on my cock—there’s a good girl. doing so well for me, taking what’s hers.” 
he’s going to be the death of you one day, you think. you don’t know how you manage to get even wetter or even more sensitive, but you do. with how long the two of you have been at it, coupled with the utter precision miguel has to make you fall apart in the best of ways, it doesn’t take long before you cry out miguel’s name as you chase your orgasm. a few more times of you rutting your hips against his own so that he hits that specific spot, all while he’s lazily fucking into you, has you creaming around his cock and leaves your thighs shaking. 
when your hips drop back into the pillow, miguel chuckles softly while he watches you try to catch your breath. you don’t know how many times you’ve come that night, but miguel looking like he hasn’t broken a sweat annoys you—lovingly, of course. it might be because of how drunk you are off him, but you swear that the light in the room makes it seem like he has little hearts in his eyes. 
“pussy’s treatin’ me so well, honey. let me make you come again, yeah? you know i’m all yours.” he lets out another groan as pushes into you and bottoms out yet again, the leaking tip of his cock nestled comfortably inside you. you love him, you really do, but good god, he loves you too much. with one hand, miguel still holds you by your hips while the other gently pats your mound. “she can take it, i know she can.” 
you want to roll your eyes at how corny he’s being, talking to your pussy like she’s her own person, but whatever. he looks so proud of himself too, with that stupidly adorable, boyish grin on his face—a little lopsided, but you love it all the same. as his deft fingers find their way back in between your legs to gently toy with your overly sensitive clit, you twitch a little, but you don’t fight the fact that you succumb into whatever it is he’ll do next, just because he’s so willing to make you feel good. once your legs fall open and give him a short, tiny nod, miguel is ecstatic.  
“give me a break,” you sigh, feigning exasperation as you wipe the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. “then just one more, okay?” 
when his eyes crinkle at the corners ever so slightly right before the smile on his face flattens into a smirk, you know that it won’t be ‘just one more.’ it never is with him. 
still, he gives you a nod, his body pressing into yours in a way that you didn’t think he could anymore. “promise.” 
still learning the ropes of writing smut so please be nice ashdfgsh also again if there r grammatical errors you didn't see them :P
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yoichew · 8 months
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───── three is better than one, that means thrice the charm!
cw. mikage reo x reader. fluff. no gender or pronouns for reader are mentioned. intentional lowercase. first meeting? he's a little mean at first but trust, he's a lover boy. reader is portrayed to be clumsy, or a loser, maybe we are all losers compared to the man reo is. not proofread, might have mistakes. 850 wordcount.
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reo mikage is a man often spoken of. he's rich, maybe famous, he's friendly, charming, ambitious— hell, if you wanted, you could list his qualities and it'd go on and on. in fact, if perfect was attainable, he would have been the embodiment of it. and he's well aware of it, really. which is probably why his face slightly scrunches in disgust instictively when he sees you falling on your face on the way to the café he was heading to.
uncoordinated and dumb, who the hell would be so... reo sighs internally, quite shocked— the man acts like everyone is flawless, somewhat, like him. yet, being the gentleman he is, he walks up to you, your fallen form.
he's sweet, your first thought, as he lowers into a crouch, infront of you, offering his hand to you— his touch gentle, or it's just you— then effortlessly helping you up. it'd probably go much different if you were aware of his initial reaction, but thankfully you weren't. because the man seems to be dumbfounded once again. shit. you're actually oddly, alluring.
it's stupid, if you think about it. he literally winced at the sight of you tripping a few seconds ago, yet now he's looking at you, someone he just met, like you're some angel that fell, literally, from heaven— just with a bit of rubble on their face.
and you're confused. since you're about to pull your hand away from his to wipe off the small remains of debris on your shirt, yet you feel how he doesn't let go. how your hand is resting on his— you think he's acting like some prince charming, though it's quite endearing. how he doesn't even have a grip on you, and how you could take your hand back if you wanted, but you'd rather not, because it's like he wouldn't dare retreat his hand, as if he'd rather stay like this, hand in hand, with you.
the only thing pulling him, well, the both of you, out of some trance you we're both in, is some white haired guy, probably his acquaintance, you think— as you listen to the guy refer to your "knight in shining armor" as reo.
you stifle a laugh as you watch reo blink a few times, bashfully retreating his hand— as it now nervously scratches the back of his head. and how his friend looks at him in shock, probably because this was a look reo would've never shown. but you don't know that, and even if you did, you'd have the same thoughts you have now. he's cute.
with the same hand, reo makes a fist, covering his mouth with it as he coughs awkwardly, straightening whatever he was wearing— maybe, maybe wanting to make an impression on you. and he feels it works, as you smile— lovely, if he doesn't say so himself— mumbling a "thank you." as if he couldn't get any more confident, he does, as if he just knows you're about to ask for his number, until you turn around, about to go on with your day—leaving him stunned, for the third time today. reo scoffs under his breath.
before he lets out a soft puff, before chasing behind you— well, just a few steps really, you didn't get that far, as if you were intentionally taking your time.
"wait!" he exhales— him cringing at how meek his voice came out. but good for him, the world must be in favor of him at the moment, you heard it. and you turn around, seeing him stand before you— he looks like a mess, well just to you, a mess for you. nah, he's actually quite composed, but hey, it's alright to dream.
"mikage, mikage reo." he mumbles, is he shy? "go out with me?" nevermind, not shy, he sounds like i'd say yes. usually it'd be smarter to say no, afterall, he is a stranger, a very obviously bold and straightforward one. yet it'd be hard to ignore the way your heart thumps at the warm feeling this guy gives you. so you laugh, lightheartedly— in a way that reo knows he's won— letting him take out his phone from his pocket, typing as you recite your number— and you swear, even if you don't see it, you can practically feel his smirk. and also the fact that in the corner of your eye, you notice his friend in the near distance rolling his eyes and smiling, slightly.
"well, i'll wait for your message, mikage." you hum, spinning on your heel, continuing your way— he gets you all giddy, honestly. and it'd be hard for you to stay calm and collected in his presence any longer.
he wishes you would've called him reo. but who knows, right? plus, you do still have yet to realize he's the son of quite a well-known multi billionare, and that he's also quite awfully head over heels for you, smiling to himself— forgetting about the coffee he was supposed to get himself, and the treat his friend deserved after sort off being his wingman, in his own way.
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How would seventeen members be like in a relationship with a reader that's taller than them?
How would the other members react to meeting the taller one of the relationship?
You are about to find out :D
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Contains: Male X Male
⚠️Everything is in this fanfic reaction story is made up and this in no way represents the actual people. I made this just for fun⚠️
Genre: Fluff
~Not requested~
A/N: Here you go! Take this, dear reader. I have had this in my drafts forever and I decided to finally write it to the end :D
When he first met you, he was surprised by your height. He knew he was an average height for a man his age, but when he saw you, he actually felt short. He was nearly 180 cm and you were 190 cm. He was amazed by it! When you two started dating, he almost immediately wanted to introduce you to his members. He wanted the members to know about you and treat you well. So you planned a schedule where you went to the dorm they live and S.Coups introduced you to everyone. The most shocked of them all was Mingyu. He knew he was tall, 187cm is more than average, but standing next to you made him question his whole life.
Jeonghan would be surprised by your height, but won't let the height difference come in between the relationship. He loves you and he wants you to know it. He is known as the Seventeens mother so he knows how to take care of you when needed. The day when he introduced you to the other members was quite hilarious. First of all, they didn't expect Jeonghan to have a relationship. And second of all, they definitely did not expect him to have someone as tall as you. They literally felt like a giant has walked into their living room (Not in a bad way tho, they just thought you were really tall) But they loved you and welcomed you warmly, and Jeonghan was happy about that.
He wouldn't mind your height. Of course it was a little weird to see someone so tall, bit he didn't care about it. He only cared about the fact that he loved you. He will always keep you from getting bored. If you even dare to say that you are bored when you are hanging out, he WILL make you do something so you wouldn't be bored. He will make you sing karaoke with him, dance with him, play video or board games (purposefully let you win to see your smile) with him, anything! When the members first met you, they thought that the relationship was cute. Joshua looked so tiny next to your 190 cm tall figure.
This man would absolutely 'Adore U'! (hehe) He would literally worship you, make an altar for you, sacrifice his soul for you, he would do it all! (/hj) He loves you so much and it is safe to say that you can't get rid of him. He loves you a lot and dearly. When he brought you to seventeens place, the rest of the members needed to process the whole thing. How could Jun score someone like you. You looked like a Greek god with your good looks and height. I'm pretty sure that Jun and the rest of the members made an altar for you together and they all worship you now >:)
He won your heart with his little tiger thingy. The rest of the members didn't believe him at first. How could someone fall for him when he acts like a tiger? Well you did. And the way Hoshi described his boyfriend to the members made them believe him less. Could a 190 cm, good-looking, the most perfect man to ever exist who is scrumptious be together with someone like Hoshi? He had to prove it to them that it is true! So, he one day brought you to the dorms and they were all really shocked by the fact that everything Hoshi had told was true. Next time Hoshi says something, they won't doubt it one bit. (except if he says that he is a tiger. Minghao horanghae-anti)
He would definitely be surprised when he first saw you. He was a great height compared to his age, but seeing a little bit younger person who was a lot taller than him? He actually fell in love with you. Not just because of your tall figure and good looks, but the fact that you were really kind too. He didn't even tell his members about you. He wanted to keep the relationship a secret. He one day brought you to the dorms, thinking that there was no one else, but they have already come back from wherever they were and he was caught with you when you entered the dorm. S.Coups started to immediately ask questions about you. Wonwoo said that you are his boyfriend and S.Coups couldn't believe it. Wonwoo? Dating? Sounded kinda off but he welcomed you happily to the family :D
It didn't take much to be taller than him. He is 166 cm and he had accepted the fact that he won't grow anymore. He is really short and cute, but he wasn't that affectionate. So when the members heard that he was dating, they were really shocked. Woozi, who had always hated physical affection, was dating a 190 cm, good-looking, absolute god? They found it hard to believe, but when Woozi introduced you to them, they couldn't actually believe their eyes. You stood next to Woozi, the height difference being ridiculous, but they thought it was cute and Woozi was happy that they approved and liked you!
He first met you at a grocery store and he immediately fell for you. You were much taller than him, but he didn't care about it. He had butterflies in his stomach the second he saw you. He's an introvert so he first didn't have any intention of talking to you, but once you left the grocery store and the butterflies stayed, he decided to make a move. You two got to know each other and then got together. He was quick to introduce you to the members because he was absolutely in love with you. The members had a good laugh when DK introduced his boyfriend who was at least 15 cm taller than him. But no matter what they said, DK still loved you more than anything.
It's rare to find someone taller than him. He is very tall to say the least. Mingyu is standing at 187 cm and let me tell you, when he saw you, a 193 cm tall male, he was amazed. He couldn't stop staring at you when you were walking on the street and he decided that he has to talk to you. So he approached you carefully yet firmly and then tapped your shoulder. When he saw your face up close, he couldn't believe his eyes. You looked like a Greek god in the most perfect way ever and he couldn't tear his eyes away from you no matter how hard he tried. Once you two got to know each other better and soon got together, he had to introduce you to the other members. The other members laughed at you and Mingyu, not in a mocking way. It was hilarious for them when Mingyu was already having a hard time to not hit his head on door frames, but you did it at least 3 times. The other members felt very short when standing near you. Even Mingyu himself felt short for the first time in a while.
He found you quite adorable when he befriended you. You were a lot taller than him and looked like you could dominate anyone, but in reality, you were the most submissive and innocent person he has ever met. Minghao and you got into a relationship after some time, and he was quite hesitant about announcing the other members about your relationship, because he thought they wouldn't accept him. You convinced him that he has nothing to worry about, and if they don't accept him the way he is, then you will be there for him. So, the day came when he brought you to the dormitories and the other members, surprise surprise, accepted him and your relationship. The others found you adorable too, given the fact that you were even taller than their tallest member, but they didn't mind it that much (except Mingyu whose ego broke because his only personality trait is being tall /j)
He loves the idea of having a taller partner than him. He is so submissive and likes being under control of anyone, so having a tall, dominant partner who can tower over his small figure really is something that he is looking forward to with you. When he introduces you to his other members, they can't help but to be in awe. They like to see how someone so loud usually can become so shy and quiet around someone, because usually Seungkwan won't shut up about you, but now that he is with you, he gets all shy and quiet when you put a hand over his shoulder or just hug him. Or even look at him. If you give him any form of attention in any way, he will melt, no questions asked.
Vernon is an affectionate guy and loves to be near you no matter what. You have always thought that this was normal due y´to you two being close friends, but one day it started to be even more tan that. Vernon would always find ways to be near you or touch you, and you were okay with that, because he was your friend. Soon Vernon confessed his feelings to you and you gladly accepted them. Vernon decided that now that you two are dating, it would be a good time to finally introduce you to the members. He was so excited about it and the other members weren't surprised by the fact that you two are dating, but about the fact that you are so tall. You would almost hit your head on the door frames and you could touch the ceiling. Just barely, but still could. It made Mingyu a bit jealous but he didn't mind it much.
He was amazed himself too when he realized that he is in fact dating a tall Greek god looking guy. Dino was so happy with you, but a bit hesitant to introduce you to the members, so he decided to introduce them almost one by one. The first one he introduced you to was Jeonghan. He asked Jeonghan to meet him at a cafe and when he arrived, he saw you and Dino sitting next to each other and laughing at some memes. When Dino had you talking to Jeonghan and actually getting to know each other at least a bit, he immediately wanted you to meet the rest of the members. He made sure that you are comfortable with it before actually doing so. Everything went well and they found it adorable that the maknae had a boyfriend. Dino would sometimes bring you to the practice room and teach you how to dance <3
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lesinquietes · 10 months
Imagine Shigaraki forcibly taking you as his pet and everyone in the League is kinda chill about it — except Spinner.
Tw; abusive behaviour, angst, kidnapping, noncon (implied), yandere
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The others don’t notice the little things he does. They don’t see the marks peeking out beneath your sparse clothing, or the haunted expressions that overtake you when you think no one’s paying attention. He does, though; he blames his perceptive nature.
Unfortunately, noticing these sorts of things are conflicting when the root of the problem is his friend. On one hand, he wants to support Tomura’s pursuits. He’s always believed them to be noble, even if they’ve diverged from rationality. Spinner would proudly declare him a close confidant. On the other, he knows that Stain wouldn’t do something like this to a civilian, and didn’t he enter the League under the premise that he would uphold his ideals? It’s perplexing. But the more he watches Shigaraki traumatize you, the more he realizes he’s condoning something terribly wrong.
So, what does he do? Try to reason with his boss, of course. It’s not like he has any other viable options.
He catches Tomura leaving the dining room one evening. It’s perfect. Everyone else is either asleep or away. The conversation seems to go well at first; then, it takes a spin into the dark side.
It turns out AFO was the one who told him to capture you, that your purpose is stress relief so he can operate the League. Tomura makes it clear that something big is going to happen soon. Things are going to change. He knows what he does to you — how he takes his frustrations out on your mind and body — may not be just, but it’ll help them achieve their goal of overthrowing hero society.
For a moment, Spinner asks himself if the ends justify the means. He ponders what Stain would say, if he were here instead of locked away in Tartarus. Would he say there’s a better way? Would he propose a cleaner execution to achieve the objective?
But Shigaraki is his own man. As much as he wants to compare the two, it’s unjust and incomplete of him. He chooses to trust Tomura’s judgement, even though his gut directs him otherwise.
He’s tries to ignore your whimpers at night, and whenever Tomura gets a bit too rough with you in a tense meeting. He tries to turn a blind eye to the way you glance anxiously around the room of villains, searching for someone who gives a damn — all you get in return is the likes of Dabi leering at you. But what he finds the most difficult to deflect is when you sob as Tomura drags you away, no doubt to his bedroom for a few hours to diffuse his souring mood.
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bidisastersanji · 10 months
IT IS HERE! the filthy french smut epilogue of the Zoro learns French story is here. Get it right here on this hellsite (ch.1 ch.2 , ch.3 and below) or straight from the source on AO3. Thank you to everyone who comments or screams in the tags you absolutely give me life
Special shoutout to @jooqlz for their wonderful art inspired by the story I'm still not over that check it out right here: (pt 1 & 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5)
And without further ado, please do not ever perceive me after reading this absolute filth. thank you.
Sanji had always been a very handsome man. A man so distractingly handsome that Zoro had to put effort into not noticing certain...things about the cook, effort to keep his eyes from wandering to dangerous places that would unfailingly leave him wanting and ears pink from the lecherous thoughts swirling between them. He’d retreat to the crow’s nest and train his impulses away, hoping that the heavy weights and burning muscles would ground him back into a relaxed, meditative state. 
It was the hypnotising way his fingers danced, so elegant and long when working in the galley- he simply couldn’t tear his eyes off them when they handled his impeccably sharp knives- or how deliciously taut and strong his calves and thighs would feel against him as they sparred. More than once had Zoro woken up breathless, drenched in sweat, uncomfortably hard and blinking away the vestiges of a dream where those deadly legs had been wrapped tight around him. There was just something so enticing about the resounding power emanating from Sanji- his mind going haywire from the knowledge that this man could handle him, meet him blow for blow all while cheekily throwing taunts and insults in his face. 
It was also how beautifully free his form looked when he jumped above him in a skywalk, the way his ocean blue eyes would crinkle when he laughed at the crews’ antics and how his soft blonde curls would catch the sun sometimes. Those moments were possibly harder for him to get out of his system, leaving him with both a heavy and fluttering sensation in his chest. 
And his ass. Oh fuck, his ass.  
Zoro was an ass man through and through: he’d sailed up and down the Grand Line and had never seen anything else like it. The cook’s proclivity for crisp, tailored suits that stretched decadently across his backside with every kick made it impossible to ignore. So many times had he been dangerously close to just reaching out and grabbing it. Fingers tensing at the primal urge to know how they would fit, would feel in his hands, it fanned the flames of an ever-growing heat in the pit of his stomach. Those perfect, round mounds of muscle just out of reach, teasing him whenever the cook bent over to retrieve something in a low cupboard or when he’d catch a glimpse of their bare pallor in the baths. No wonder he didn’t spend much time on hygiene- Sanji always took his damned time in there, and he wasn’t a glutton for punishment. 
The blonde also had a rather elegant neck, just begging to be kissed. To be fair, there was nary an inch of Sanji that Zoro didn’t think of kissing. For so long had Zoro fantasized about just tugging him by his tie or the lapels of his jacket to shut him up nicely, tasting his nicotine-stained lips. Which he had the pleasure of doing right now.  
He’d imagined this a hundred- no, a thousand times over, but it still didn’t compare to actually holding the beautiful man pressed against his body and hearing him let out positively sinful little whines of pleasure as they hurriedly kissed in the Sunny’s unoccupied first mate’s quarters.  
Brunch had been a rowdy affair as usual, with Zoro buzzing for it to be over as soon as possible, knowing the cook wouldn’t be able to relax until everyone had had their fill. 
The wait was worth it, he thinks to himself as one of his hands slithers its way down from Sanji’s flushed cheeks, enjoying the soft little exhales he lets out as his hand caresses down his neck, his chest, his narrow waist, his lower back, finally settling on his perfectly round butt. He pulls Sanji in even closer- the other man’s growing arousal poking against his thigh, firm and warm through the fabric separating them. Zoro treats himself to the enticing thought of that heat in his mouth but is quickly distracted by the fingers the cook had threaded into his short hair suddenly tightening, the pleasing pulling sensation on his scalp shooting down his neck like a shiver.  
Fuck. That feels good.  
Zoro can’t fight the needy groan that rips out of his throat at finally getting his hands on the cook’s ass, and his other hand quickly joins it, happily palming and squeezing it, fortuitously causing some delicious friction between their legs. He drops his head into the crook of Sanji’s neck, overwhelmed by the all-encompassing need coursing through his veins. Need to feel skin flush with skin. Need to make this man come undone and cry his name, over and over. This was a long time coming. 
“J-J’ai envie de toi...” he stumbles a bit on the delivery, the foreign words still unfamiliar on his kiss-swollen lips. (I-I want you...) 
Pressed up close, he doesn’t miss the high-pitched moan that Sanji tries to swallow down before he feels himself get tugged up by his hair, his eye brought back to level with the cook’s own. Maybe it’s the gratifying sting of his hair being pulled some more, or maybe it’s the heavy-lidded, wanton look that Sanji gives him, but he feels a shiver run across his skin. Nervously, the blonde’s pink tongue darts out to wet his lower lip, catching the swordsman’s eye. 
“Comment me veux-tu, abruti?” (How do you want me, moron?) 
Zoro honestly could go either way, but something in him stirs at Sanji’s provocativeness, and the following words spill out of him, words he’d have never said with a straight face before his run-in with a certain type of French literature.  
“Je-” his voice comes out raspy, deep. “Je te veux...plié en deux sur ce lit me suppliant de te prendre,” he starts, and Sanji’s breath hitches, his hand dropping to grip at Zoro’s shirt, steadying himself.  
“que tu te serves de tes satanées cuisses pour te bercer contre moi.” Zoro grins, confidence growing, feral at the sight of a lone drop of blood oozing from Sanji’s nose. “Et quand tu seras assez désespéré, je veux te faire jouir jusqu'à ce que ta voix se brise.” 
(I want you... bent in half on the bed, begging me to take you, using your damned thighs to rock yourself against me. And once you’re desperate enough, I want to make you come until your voice breaks.)  
He can almost feel Sanji’s brain short circuit in front of him. Things are a blur after that. It’s a race of getting each other out of their stifling garments, the singing relief of skin-to-skin contact, desperate kisses, nips, bites and nails pressing deep into Zoro’s biceps as he works the pliant man under him open with two lubed-up fingers. 
They’re both on the bed now, Zoro holding himself up over the writhing blonde, hair a sweaty, curly mess in a beautiful halo around his head and his legs hooked in a vice-like grip around his torso, arms wrapped around his neck. The messy, pleasured noises Sanji makes are positively obscene, shooting straight to his dick, and it’s taking all his concentration to focus on rubbing up against his sweet spot, just enough to drive the cook crazy but slowing down every time he can feel him clench hard, getting closer to the precipice. 
“Enfoiré! Si tu-” (Bastard! If you-)  
Sanji’s impassioned rant at Zoro edging him is immediately cut short by a third finger pressing against his rim, and he eagerly presses his hips up into the pleasant stretch of Zoro’s thick fingers spreading him even more, eyes screwing shut. 
“Mnh! Yesss,” he purrs into the swordsman’s ear. 
A wet heat envelops his earlobe and his three earrings chime against each other as Sanji decides to play with his them. Head foggy with lust, Zoro wonders how Sanji was so easily able to find this weak spot of his, his hand’s pace stuttering and slowing down at the sensual licks against his sensitive ear. 
“S-shitty cook-” 
“Bet you can’t say that in French,” Sanji coyly challenges him, a hot whisper in his ear. 
Zoro times his answer with a couple of sharper thrusts, making Sanji cry out at the onslaught against his prostate. “Cuistot de merde,” Sanji can probably hear his smugness in his voice. “What, you don’t think that’s one of the first things I asked to learn?” 
“You- hnng! You fucker, even in French you don’t call me a proper chef!” 
Zoro chuckles and decides this is a good time as any to still his fingers once more. Angry, needy eyes with blown out pupils crack open to stare deeply into his own. He takes the moment to wipe away the blood under Sanji’s nose and licks it, the metallic taste coating his tongue beautifully. 
“Fine. If that’s how it is.” The stubborn cook leverages his legs’ hold on him to fuck himself onto Zoro’s fingers. He slowly builds himself up again, simultaneously rocking on the swordsman’s hand and stroking his length with his own, and it’s not long before his eyes flutter close in concentration, chasing his release, brow damp with sweat. 
Zoro makes a little strangled noise, dumbstruck by how stupidly good he looks taking his fingers, how hot and swollen his dick is, and how the obscene wet noises and hypnotising dance of his hips are making the tip of his cock leak against his stomach. Why wasn’t he fucking him into the mattress again? 
Sanji’s breathless voice cuts through the fog. “You happy? ‘this what you wanted, mosshead?” 
Ah, right. He remembered now. “Close. I said I’d make you beg for it, curly.” 
“Fuck. You wouldn’t dare. Not again.” Sanji’s free hand shoots down to try and stop his thick wrist from pulling away. 
“I would.” 
Sanji makes a choked, desperate sound at the feeling of Zoro's hand starting its slow retreat, a small litany of ‘nos’ dropping from his lips as he once again feels his orgasm get away, his practiced hand stroking his dick not nearly enough to get him there at this point.  
Adorable. Zoro hears his blood roar in his ears at the sight, making a point to burn the cook’s desperate look into his memory. He’s aching to be inside him at this point, but unless he hears the magic word, he’ll keep holding himself back. 
After a few more fruitless pumps, head thrown back, Sanji seemingly makes up his mind. “Please,” he sobs. 
Zoro’s three fingers immediately resume their movements with purpose, pressing perfectly against Sanji on each powerful thrust. The swordsman is positively transfixed by the sight of the sweaty, flushed and desperate man before him, the shaky moans and gasps egging him on, driving him into a frenzy as he builds him up once more. 
Sanji felt dizzy with want after having been denied so many times. First, the stupid brute short-circuited his brain by whispering those filthy things to him with his cute stupid little accent, and then had the gall to call him a cuistot, and fuck! 
He honestly can’t even form a coherent thought at this point. He can only feel. His body is so strung-up and buzzing with pent-up pleasure, the mind-numbingly good stretch and press of Zoro’s fingers inside him and the stuttering jerks of his fist around his cock are all that his world have boiled down to, and nothing short of a buster call can stop him from coming into his lover’s arms. 
Distantly, he feels Zoro ghost his lips over his collarbone, whispering dirty nothings to him, licking up his throat, kissing his jaw... How dare he be so stupidly attentive, so good, so- 
“MMmn!” He bites down on his lip, hard. 
Sanji comes, dissolving into pleasure, rippling, splintering heat rushing through his body, muscles pulled tight as Zoro keeps working him through wave after wave, kissing his temple and holding him close as spurts of his cum stain their stomachs. He faintly registers that the moans and repeated cries of Zoro’s name and yes, more, please, right there are his own voice, but he’s too far gone to care. 
Once he’s semi lucid again, he loosens his legs’ death grip on the man’s torso, idly wondering if bruises will bloom there overnight. Chest still heaving, he opens his eyes and is met with a sight he’s sure to never forget. Zoro’s wild look of pure, unadulterated hunger as he licks a drop of his cum from his fingers would make his knees buckle if he were standing, and knowing he’s like this- a panting, flushed and sweaty mess because of him makes Sanji preen with pride. He’s barely even touched the man. 
Speaking of, he finally gets his hands on the broad, scarred chest he’s itched to grope oh so many times, letting his thumb experimentally start teasing a nipple. He drags his eyes down and wets his lips at the sight before him. He’d been right. Zoro truly has it all, and he can feel himself stirring again already. 
“Like what you see?” 
In lieu of an answer, Sanji reaches down and wraps his long, deft fingers at the base of the swordsman’s wonderful girth, earning him a little hiss of pleasure as he starts lazily gliding up and down the velvety heat. 
“Que veux tu mon grand?” his voice comes out hoarser than he expected, and the cook revels in Zoro’s nearly predatory gaze and the hitch in his breath. 
(What do you want, big boy?) 
“Mes mains?” His strokes get more precise, faster, taking care to rub the head just right. 
(My hands?) 
Zoro groans, and Sanji’s pink tongue darts out to lick his lips, smiling devilishly as he calls for the marimo’s attention there. “Mes lèvres?” (My lips?) 
“Ou...” he trails off and guides the aching, leaking length to his entrance, giving a little teasing wiggle of his hips.  
The dark expression on Zoro’s face is absolutely intoxicating. His callused hand grips Sanji’s hip and pushes up, wordlessly encouraging the cook to flip onto his front. Still a little blissed out, Sanji grins and complies and positions himself on his hands and knees. The blonde watches over his shoulder as the swordsman reaches for more lube, lathering a generous amount onto his cock before aligning himself with Sanji again, kneeling at the edge of the bed. 
Feeling a little vulnerable, Sanji can’t help teasing his lover. “C’est pour aujourd’hui ou pour demain?” 
(Are you gonna do it this century?) 
And then Zoro presses into him and oh fuck- the stretch of each thick inch sinking into him is a divine mix of pain and pleasure that steals his breath away. The swordsman's’ grip is bruising on his hips, evidently doing his best to let Sanji get used to him before he loses control. 
A few moments later he must hear Sanji’s breath even out a bit and he adjusts against him, finally burying himself to the hilt fully, hands possessively taking hold of his ass cheeks.  
“Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me like this,” Zoro’s words were going to be the death of him, Sanji thinks as his face burns like a furnace. He was sure of it.  
“Can I?” 
“Ye- mmn, yes go ahead,” Sanji spreads his thighs wider and braces himself on his forearms. 
He feels Zoro pulling out slowly, his fingers climbing up and digging into his slender waist, and then he’s being pulled down onto his dick once more as the man starts thrusting into him earnestly. With each slap of the man’s hips against his backside, each steady glide against his prostate, he feels so perfectly full, so good, and his toes curl when Zoro leans over and nuzzles his neck, his grunts and growls of pleasure a sweet melody he’ll never tire of hearing. 
“Tu me prends si bien...” 
(You take me so well...) 
Sanji bites the back of his hand to stifle a moan and keeps throwing his hips powerfully back against Zoro’s rutting. It feels mind-numbingly good to finally let go and be able to use his full force like this, knowing he can give as good as he’ll get. 
Zoro doesn’t think he’ll be able to last long if the cook keeps looking and sounding like that.  
Fucking hell, what a sight. His lithe, athletic form splitting itself open on each thrust, their bodies working together towards rapture, harmoniously in synch from years of sparring and fighting side by side. The swordsman briefly worries that he won’t be able to spar without getting distracted by the memory of this, of the blonde splayed out under him, back arched sensually and hands straining against the crumpled sheets. 
He’s not surprised that Sanji is a vocal lover- he expected it, has fantasised about it on some lonely nights in the crow’s nest. But he didn’t expect that each broken moan and sigh he fucks out of him would bring him closer and closer, fire pooling low in his abdomen and coursing through his veins. He straightens back up and off Sanji’s back for a better angle and oh no, that was a mistake. He groans. He’s once again met with the tantalising sight of his dick burying itself in Sanji’s ass, again and again, a small ripple dancing across the tempting flesh to the rhythm of his punishing pace. 
He slides his right hand around to take hold of Sanji’s dick, and Sanji melts at his touch, head dropping straight against the sheets and moaning his name with abandon at his ministrations. 
“Oh-oh god, Zoro, I’m so close-” 
Zoro redoubles his efforts, fucking Sanji into the mattress with abandon, chasing both of their releases. Sanji’s muffled mewls of pleasure grow into louder and louder moans and expletives, stuttering with the pounding of their hips and the fist milking his cock.  
“Come for me, cook.” 
The blonde stills against him, crying out his name as he comes, shuddering and tensing beautifully in the low-lit room. Zoro falls right after him with a shaky moan of his own, time slowing at the feel of Sanji’s glorious, clenching heat around him. Tight, white, hot electricity rolls like waves through his body as he spills, pulsing into his lover. 
Craving to stay close to Sanji, Zoro drops and rolls them to their sides, spooning the blonde from behind, arms tight around his waist and nose nuzzling the nape of his neck. 
“Je t’aime.” the loving words come out like a sigh. 
A dazed, sleepy Sanji hums and clasps his hands on top of Zoro’s, inching himself even closer against him. 
After getting its fill of sleepy cuddles, Sanji’s blissed out mind slowly comes back online and the questions that have been gnawing at the back of his mind return in full force. Just where had the stupid swordsman learned to speak French, let alone say things like that? 
His cheeks feel warm at the mere memory of it. Now that he thinks about it, it’s even a bit odd- he assumed that Zoro wouldn’t be the type to say such corny, vulgar stuff in bed- if he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was straight out of one of his romance novels. It was uncanny that he’d kind of played into exactly the kind of things Sanji was into. 
He lets out a small, amused sound at the thought of Zoro reading those kinds of books. Did Zoro even know how to read? 
“What’re you thinking, curly?” Zoro asks gruffly, his hands still distractingly caressing his skin from behind him. 
“Wondering where you learned that kind of language, marimo. ‘s not the typical vocabulary people get when learning French.”  
Sanji turns in his lover’s embrace to face him and waits for an answer, idly thumbing at the scar on his face. 
“Oh, that.”  
Was Zoro...blushing? “Yes, that.” 
“Learned it from those, uh, Harlequin books.” 
Sanji’s mouth parts, flabbergasted, but Zoro isn’t done surprising him. 
“I thought if you’d read that kind of book multiple times it must’ve meant something, so I kind of...went on a limb earlier.” 
Sanji is beet red. “W-wait so you,” he takes a steadying breath. “You've read my Harlequin book?” 
A sigh of relief. 
“I’ve read way more than one.”  
“From Mihawk’s private library.” 
“mIHAWK?!!!” Sanji sputters. 
“Yeah, I accidentally let him find out that I’d been learning a bit of French and then next thing I knew he was forcing me to learn it proper ‘n all.”  
Sanji feels his chest warming as he starts connecting the dots. “A-and you’d been learning French-” 
“-for you, yeah.” he grins. 
Unable to stop himself any longer, Sanji closes the distance and captures Zoro’s lips in a tender kiss. 
“Ton imbécile.” 
They both smile stupidly at each other. 
“I can’t believe you. I’m gonna tell everyone you accidentally learned French because of your crippling addiction to boddice rippers.” 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading this story, it's been so fun and lovely and your reactions make me so happy!!! I like to think that after this Zoro just takes advantage of the fact that only he and Sanji (and Robin) speak French to flirt and say absolutely debauched things in public to embarrass him. But also he uses it to say soft, romantic things when Sanji least expects it. and Sanji makes good on his threat and tells the crew about Zoro's peculiar French syllabus.
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