#edgy and really cool vibe i think
faunandfloraas · 1 month
Like I do think Seungmin got pigeonholed as Dandy Boy and the Straight Man of skz and even thought they're 6 years into this everyone keeps falling back to that time and again, once in a while he gets to go out of that zone but they always bring him back to it in the end because that's /his station/ but boy. Do I wish they'd move on.
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shvkespearc · 1 month
desperately torn between do i keep letting my hair grow out to be really long and wavy or to get a cute chin-length boyish bob
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jordanelemus · 2 months
ybc musical costume in-depth analysis! 💥🎸🎱
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hi! I'm jordan, the costume designer (and also an actor and co-writer) of "the young blood chronicles" musical! i posted this on instagram, but i thought it might be cool to post it here too!
my initial role in “the young blood chronicles” musical was costume design, which, as a fashion enthusiast, i was incredibly excited about. i spent about a month curating a huge pinterest board collection and creating individual moodboards. the show takes place in 2013, but i wanted to take inspiration from both pre and post-hiatus fall out boy looks! here’s an in-depth look :’)
patrick’s main inspo was his “soul punk” era, which lives distinctly in the hiatus. i wanted something that would remind us that years had passed since the last time the band had made music together; something cool and trendy, but a little too dressed up for a long day in the studio. even when not onstage, ybc patrick is performing. clothes can give you power and he knows that. the yellow sunglasses were our way of getting around patrick’s glowing yellow eyes from the music videos, but i really love how it makes it seem like he has a mask on. it makes the end of “miss missing you” even more heartbreaking.
pete’s main inspo came from both his early clandestine drops as well as his more androgynous looks (both pre & post-hiatus). pete really cares about fashion, but he still has a chill la vibe. 2013 pete could often veer more edgy, but i chose to move in a different direction in order to better distinguish pete and patrick’s styles. unless you’re a vixen or patrick, you don’t get a leather jacket! sorry pete! to me, pete’s fashion has always felt so current while still being forward-thinking. ybc pete’s outfit could be from 2006 or 2024 and that was very purposeful!
andy’s looks are mostly pulled from more recent years, but band tees never go out of style. the mesh top under the tee alludes to his tattoos, which make up the extent of his stage looks these days since he typically does shows without a shirt on. celia had this mesh top in her closet and i love the colors on her (it’s the only source of color in the heaven outfits!). andy’s outfit is maybe the simplest of the four on paper, but i think it’s sick. it’s laid back, but super specific and grounded. it makes me want to start wearing basketball shorts.
joe’s looks are pulled from both pre-hiatus and early post-hiatus looks! striped sweaters & cargo pants are things he’s worn before, so i'm lucky i had them in my closet (especially since i wasn’t originally joe!). joe, especially in recent years, really likes wearing dark colors onstage, but, similar to how i avoided leather jackets for pete, i wanted to very clearly differentiate the boys from the vixens. any black piece of clothing on any of the boys had to be broken up with a design or pattern. no all black outfits! sorry joe!
the goal with the heaven outfits was to make the exact same outfits in all white. i wanted the exact same silhouettes as before. i’d say we were pretty successful! we got really lucky when it came to finding these costume pieces.
my vixens! these costumes were a lot more nebulous throughout the process. many of the costume pieces came from the actors’ own wardrobes. it was really important to me that each vixen had her own distinct style. baylee’s vixen (whom she named blair) has a more feminine style, her main costume piece being a lacy leotard. she's sweet with an edge. ava’s vixen is second-in-command & her outfit really screams that. the lingerie top is so killer. alexa’s vixen is almost a mix of baylee’s & ava’s in terms of style. the outfit is sweet, but edgy with the ripped tights & lingerie-style top. lauren’s vixen is a little more utilitarian, actually dressed in a way that makes sense for kidnapping four people. she’s more sporty than the others, but her combat boots are incredibly threatening. hbic is all that and more. her outfit is simple, but powerful. she is terrifying.
tiffany had to feel a bit like an outsider. she’s wearing the vixen clothes, but her jacket has some color on it. it’s a little too big on her. the other vixens really live in & embody their clothes, but for tiffany, it's a bit more like a costume.
here’s how i describe the angels: 1) the hottest girls at the ren faire & 2) like that picture of the angel guiding the two kids that every latine family has in their house. they almost feel out of place; so incredibly fluid in a show that is mostly made up of harsh lines. texture and layers were really the name of the game here, but the angels still have an edge to them. to quote fob: “…angels choking on their halos, get them drunk on rose water. see how dirty i can get them, pullin' out their fragile teeth & clip their tiny wings.”
+ i made pete’s bass machete and tiffany’s/joe’s guitar axe! i don’t have much to say about them, but i loved getting to utilize my cosplay foam skills.
this was my first time ever costuming a show and it was such a dream. the entire cast was so willing to experiment with me and it was such a joy to revisit aspects of 2013 fashion, which i remember from my preteen years, but never got to truly participate in! :’)
- jordan <3
ig: @/jordanelemus
photos: @/cararittner on ig!
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ccarrot · 8 months
what made you fall for chuuya?
let's go through this step by step
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1.) his design. there's so much to talk about there!
One thing I really appreciate about harukawa's costume designs is that despite the series taking place in 2010ish, the main cast's outfits have a very old fashioned vibe. like they're from the mid-20th century. very fitting considering that the bsd world is just recovering from a World War event. So we always get a really interesting mix of different time periods when it comes to the fashion in the series.
So i like the classy, timeless aesthetic of the design as i do with most of the characters but i also appreciate how ... punk it its? Like the gloves, the belts, the tie with the buckle, the hat, the FREAKING CHOKER. let's remember that chuuya was a teenager during the 2000s and then look at the edgier elements of his fancy executive outfit
so many layers! so many accessories!!!!!! there's so much happening here but it doesn't look like too much. But the hat especially, it's a really fun call back to the namesake poet but it's such a good identifiable part, instantly makes his silhouette interesting. The big cape/coat too, and to a lesser extent the gloves and cuffed sleeves are really cool features for his silhouette. shame they got rid of the belt and hat chain for the anime. i'm also a weirdo who finds drawing the hat fun
Overall I like his color palette. i'm a bigbigbig fan of warm tones and red/orange color schemes, and chuuya's is that but darker and muted. very nice to look at. I like his hair especially, I like that its long but not really long like when harukawa draws it. I like that he has a weird haircut. I spent a lot of time staring at it to figure out the mechanics of it but settled on 'it looks nice!' I like the color harukawa uses for it the most, a really dull red, bordering on light brown. it's so nice.
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2.) his personality!
He acts so cocky, and overconfident. It's fun that he's so expressive. you'd think that a person in his occupation should maintain stoicism (which he can! he's so good at deception if 15, sb and meursault have shown us anything) but i think it's so interesting that he chooses to be more emotive with his expressions.
I think it's interesting that he chooses to be honest and try to play fair against his opponents even though it would be easier to just decimate them without talking things out, (even though that has seriously put him at a disadvantage. i'm thinking about how much easier it would have been for him if he just bust down the hospital and had his squad rush the ada in cannibalism instead of giving them a chance to negotiate). it's cool how he uses earnestness to trick people into thinking they've got an upper hand over him, like in 15-stormbringer. (on that topic though it is rough that he got matched up against ranpo in cannibalism LMAO)
I like how childish and snarky he gets with Dazai. i like how he tries to put on a totally cool put together energy infront of his colleagues (and kenji who's a fan). i like how he looks so done and ever suffering when he's with mori. i like how when he tries trying to put on a neutral face hoshikawa and harukawa draw him looking a little tired and melancholy. just a little extra on the eyebags
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Stormbringer chuuya's probably the most compelling to me. If there's one thing that you have to understand about chuuya's character, it's that he's at his core a deeply sad person. <-His ability is called "for the tainted sorrow" after all (delightfully edgy name too btw. it's so dramatic.)
I think a lot of misconceptions about his character come from the fact that despite seeming to be relatively straightforward outwards, he's full of contradictions. If he's happy he'll play it off as aloofness, fear he'll turn to anger, when he's really angry he'll choose not to act on it, and he'll push down his sorrow and grief and make it seem like he's fine and everything is fine. Stormbringer was like an insane crash course in compartmentalization and chuuya went from being consumed by his hopelessness to 'ah guess it doesn't matter.' like damn bro, you actually doing good or are you just saying it?
bonus but i think it's really under talked about how easily he puts on masks. especially cheerful ones because he's got that too. the parallels between him and dazai are insane...
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i think about the arcade confrontation scene in the fifteen manga and the tunnel fight too much.
Anyways here's some more chuuya expressions from the mangas because he's got so many good ones and ilovehim
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2.5) fun entrances and his not-quite-villainy
I know asagiri has totally abandoned the idea of the Port Mafia being actual villains, but as an antagonist, Chuuya is,,,,,,,, he qualifies because he's in the Port Mafia, i think.
Every time he shows up, he's usually only there to help the ada in a terribly roundabout way (usually on mori's orders). The only time he was genuinely a threat to our heroes was cannibalism . . but he seriously dropped the ball there lmao XD Even though he's a criminal and enjoys a good fight it's nice how killing people and overpowering his enemies isn't really his first option, even though that'd be so easy for him. this one exchange of him and mori is so funny for that reason too, chuuya is so alarmed
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another thing i really really find fascinating is how during the Guild Arc, Atsushi got the idea of teaming up with the Port Mafia because he saw Chuuya and Black Lizard defending the streets of Yokohama. It's like Asagiri was literally waving to us and saying hey hey hey they aren't the bad guys and you should want them to succeed.
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i hope chuuya and atsushi can meet. they're my favorites.
Overall i think despite him having a limited pagetime, I think it's all used very very effectively (except in cannibalism. but that's a different story). A lot of his actions ultimately aid the heroes more than anything, which is cool for a character who's apparently a key member of the enemy org.
3.) his BACKSTORY. strap in.
context time!!!!! when i was first reading bsd (reading bc I started with the manga) i was still mainly hyperfixated on Evangelion and this is very very very relevant.
Neon Genesis Evangelion IF YOU DON'T KNOW (why are you following me if you didn't actually) is a psychological horror disguised as a scifi-mecha anime. It focuses a lot about grief and depression and messed up interpersonal relationships. but it's story is about child soldiers, government exploitation, war trauma, human experimentation etc and the likes. And so to put it REALLY SIMPLY, Chuuya's reminds me of Asuka and Rei and that's one reason why i really hooked onto him. I've joked that he could be a strayed Eva pilot but i am being genuine.
So now that THAT's out of the way. Fifteen & Stormbringer are a very very well crafted side story/prequels that gives a lot of insight to the BSD universe and really narrows in on some of the horror of this world. And I think Asagiri did a very good job with integrating this overarching lore with Chuuya's story arc, and also pacing out these releases. So.. lemme give you a play by play on how I got through this
Chuuya I think was set up from the very start to have a lot of mystery surrounding him. When we first meet him he's a cocky little shit but you're also wondering, "He's dazai's ex-partner? what did that entail? what did they go through?" And then the Lovecraft fight happens and now you're thinking "what the FUCK is corruption and WHY the fuck is corruption?" So you're casually making your way through Bungo Stray Dogs not really seeing much of him until you realize that the light novels exist so time for Fifteen!
And honestly the twist in Fifteen really DID get me too because at that point I started reading Chuuya kinda like. kinda like Naruto, lmao. The "I am Arahabaki" moment was wonderful. But there's something actually horrifying about that scene as well, the way his entire face becomes blacked out when he confesses that he's the one they've been running around looking for for the entire book. the way he completely rejects his own humanity, the way he fights with his hands in his pockets because it puts him at a disadvantage? the way he really does think he's nothing but his powers and the singularity inside him.
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^^ something that's really really interesting is that despite being so strong, chuuya sorta sabotages himself a LOT. I do think some of that is intentional but hmmm different story but the abridged version is that even though he feels like he needs to have control over himself, I think he does want others to take that control away from him. And also Chuuya's loyalty , which is his key trait, is really rooted in who takes care of him. So he lets the Sheep take advantage of him, because they took him in, and he chooses the Port Mafia bc they gave him stability and defended him. He 'forgives' Verlaine because Verlaine wanted to do what he thought was best for him. He trust's Dazai with his life because Dazai validated his humanity. ,,
okay so anyways. nothing can begin to explain the sheer brain rot i got over Storm Bringer. Genuinely the most insane thing i've ever read in my life. Especially the lab parts with N, fundamentally altered my brain chemistry. I literally cannot think about chuuya without thinking about it. It's like, psychological horror story and a buddy cop story and a tragedy and a coming of age and the most sci-fi that bsd has ever gotten and it's so much. it's so so so much. wat?
Fifteen-Stormbringer is what REALLY got me hooked on Chuuya's character. Like he was intriguing for me until this, and I'm a weirdo who doesn't always latch onto characters based on vibes alone so i needed A Reason to like him as much as i do and i found it soooooo
4. conclusion! but not really i'm GOING to keep rambling about him in other posts lmao ;D
Chuuya might be a side character but he has SUCH a presence. I have a huge soft spot for protagonist type of characters, i'm a little basic like that but most of my favorites from a lot of fandoms are usually the main characters. And Chuuya might not be the protagonist but he is definitely the hero of another story in a way...
I think i kin him a little bit. maybe a little i can't really tell. Not self aware enough for that 🤔 you tell me.
Asagiri and Harukawa really hit the jackpot with him though
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starry-bi-sky · 25 days
Cannon Danny, Danyal Au and CFAU met, waht does each other think of the other and do they get along?
Cfau Danny and Canon Danny get along, but Danyal and Canon abso-fucking-lutely do not. It's hillarious. Danyal is appalled that this fucking white boy is another version of him -- that Al Ghul arrogance and pride really shines through here, you can’t get rid of all of it.
Cfau Danny is a sleeper agent, honestly. I'm putting all three of them around the 15 age range because any younger and CFAU won't be as Sleeper Agent. Him and Canon get along pretty well because they’re both pretty similar to each other when CFAU's not in active grief. CFAU is a bit rough around the edges, and canon is surprised by his smoking habit and sharp tongue, but he’s a relatively friendly dude. Just snarky and no-nonsense at times, and intolerant of bullshit.
However the moment a ghost fight starts?? BAM. he shifts into a house of horrors who can and will rip out your throat with his teeth. Banshee boi haha. Canon is floating there all “???? HUH???” watching as Danyal and CFAU full on tackle the opposition.
Canon Danny watches in 4k as Danyal hunts Skulker down mercilessly and tears open the “damn poacher’s” suit with his bare hands. Vlad is only safe because he isn't showing his face (yet).
Frankly all of canon’s rogues are gonna have a blast meeting CFAU and Danyal. They’re both two different flavors of unhinged violence, and they’re on the opposite side of the spectrum. One is an elegant storm of blades with years of fine-tuned practice, and the other is the brutality of the backstreets and Gotham’s cruelty; messy, bloody, and merciless.
Canon and Danyal will eventually start getting along, but they’re pretty — well, correction, Danyal is pretty hostile to canon at first. Its a combination of tension, stress, and frustration with canon and what Danyal perceives as canon’s incompetence. Danyal struggles to understand how canon is anyway a version of him beyond the name and halfa status. He starts understanding better when he sees Phantom fighting and sees his resourcefulness and quick thinking.
I have this funny mental image of the three Dannys all in the quad at school (with Sam and Tucker). Danyal is sitting on the table giving off Major Gargoyle vibes, warding off Dash and other bullies through pure "Little Orphan Tom Riddle" Energy alone, while CFAU is standing off to the side with Canon showing him how to throw a proper punch. Sam and Tucker are staring at Danyal, or they're just casually eating their lunch.
Dash isn't going near Danyal with a ten foot pole, but he'll try his chances with Sleeper Agent CFAU who, despite the "edgy" smoking thing and more alternative style, acts and looks almost the same way "Fenturd" does. He gets socked in the jaw the moment he goes over and grabs CFAU's shirt, and CFAU releases the full verbal force of Crime Alley's fist down unto him.
To properly answer your question:
Canon Danny: Thinks CFAU is pretty cool, and views him as kind of like a cooler, terrifying version of him. He's off-put by the smoking thing and totally thrown off by CFAU being a banshee. He's only heard from word-of-mouth about them, and it sounds like a shitty existence to be in permanent grief. He's glad he's never had to fight one.
If this is purely canon Danny and not DPxDC adjacent-canon Canon Danny, then he's glad that Gotham doesn't exist in his world because holy fuck that place sounds like the home of nightmares. But he also kinda wishes there was a Jason in his world, the guy sounded like a really good friend if CFAU is to be believed, and Danny needs more of those in the world. He's infinitely more grateful that Dan is nothing like how Rath sounds. Because Rath sounds like something straight out of an apocalypse movie. (Granted, Dan could be argued to be the same, but he gives off more 'generic supervillain' vibes.)
He thinks Danyal is an asshole at first who needs to get that stick out of his ass, along with his head. But once they start getting along, he finds him rather funny and enjoys his dry wit, along with CFAU's. He's unnerved by Danyal's willingness to kill if necessary, but he admires his dedication and love for his little brother (if Danyal brings him up). He knows he'd be in the same boat with Jazz or Ellie if he was in Danyal's shoes. He recognizes that their core fundamentals ring the same, even if the both of them tend to show it differently.
CFAU Danny: Thinks Canon is pretty cool too. Is thrown off and very unsettled by the idea that Jason might not exist in this world, and that he and this other Danny aren't friends. He genuinely just. cannot comprehend the idea that well, and if he thinks about it too hard he's going to go into a Banshee-Grade Level Grief Spiral and nobody is gonna wanna see that. Soothes his own nerves by telling himself that this other him will meet Jason eventually.
Kinda thinks Danyal is also a jerk, but he recognizes that it comes from a place of fear and general self-defense. He's seen other kids do similar stuff in crime alley where they completely close themselves off from other people -- hell, he does it. It's a safety mechanism, so he's more empathetic with him. They're not buddy-buddy with each other at first, but they're certainly not hostile like Danyal is with Canon. Is entirely baffled and thrown off by the fact that Danyal is related to Bruce fucking Wayne when Danyal tells them about his brother Damian. Can't help but ask about Jason and if he's alive, and is insanely jealous but so happy when Danyal confirms that he is.
Danyal Al Ghul: Homie hates this fucking white boy at first. Canon Danny's general playful behavior and inexperience drives him up a wall because he's incredibly tense and in an alternate dimension. He unintentionally slips back into a League Training mindset, and criticizes Danny's every move during a fight. He eventually apologizes, but just like his father, it's like pulling teeth because he's emotionally constipated. Canon asks Danyal if he was in pain while saying anything, Danyal readily admits to yes, he was. But not because he wasn't sincere about it. Afterwards, Canon still kinda annoys him, but once DAnyal reframes his mindset into viewing him more like a civilian and being more like Ella, rather than being an alternate version of himself, his mistakes become easier to bear.
likes CFAU! They both took one look at each other and thought "wow there is something Fucking Wrong With You" and instantly shared solidarity in that. CFAU is still a sloppy fighter in Danyal's eyes, but he recognizes his own bias, and at least CFAU is ruthless and swift with it compared to Canon. He silently.. mourns??? pays respects?? He Has Somber Emotions about CFAU being a banshee, and offers him basically the Danyal Equivalent of "that's rough, buddy". He's very weirded out about how neither of these Daniels are related to his father, and are not Damian's brother. Has no idea who this "Rath" and "Dan" are because he doesn't (to his knowledge) have an alternate evil self.
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ezshellshocked · 2 months
⚡︎ ┊ TMNT : Finalized designs & Headcannons.
⚡︎ ┊ Finished my official designs, now I can make comics and such without them looking different every time. !! HEADCANNONS BELOW IMAGE, FOR ANYONE INTERESTED.
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Cannot be sneaked up on (Will catch whoever tries)
Lots of night terrors
Light sleeper
Loves bubblegum
Superiority complex
Talks to himself out loud
Really good at lying (Best liar in the family)
Always smells good
Very overprotective (especially over Mikey bc he's the youngest)
Annoying older brother vibes
Argues with Raph the most
Sleeps with one eye open (literally)
Allergic to dogs
Only turtle who CAN cook
Can't watch horror films (they freak him out)
"IDC" Thinks about it for hours
"I'm not scared!" Freaks out
Hates bugs
LOVES Halloween. (Has decorations all over his room)
Heavy sleeper
Snores but says he doesn't
Picks on Don the most
Swears in nearly every sentence
Bedroom? No, Mancave. (Barely leaves his room)
Talented artist
Plays the bass guitar
Hates everything and everyone.
Edgy middle child attitude
"IDGAF!!" Starts crying
Likes Mikey more bc he can playfight rough with him.
True crime >>>
Horror movies >>>
Works out to calm himself down
Only shows his "cool" art to his brothers, keeps everything else hidden
Always looks angry no matter what
Can't control his tone of voice (Speaks really loudly, and aggressively)
Hates being told what to do
Deathly terrified of roaches
Missing a tooth (From a fight with leo)
Very very VERY tired
Really picky with food
Won't eat spaghetti or most noodles bc it reminds him of worms
Hates wearing most clothes because they make him feel trapped
Gets hiccups when nervous
Doesn't drink coffee, though likes energy drinks
Must double check everything a billion times
Throws a fit when someone messes with his plans, or things
Swears as much as Raph
RARELY in his room, mostly in his lab.
Hates the smell of dust, sage, and greasy food
Likes collecting pens
Paranoid all the time
Almost always accidentally falls asleep in his lab.
Sticky notes, sticky notes, sticky notes
Can only draw mechs and vehicles, cant draw anything else
" We're poor as dirt " Has thousands of dollars hidden in his room.
Has to wear glasses but doesn't around his brothers (they pick on him :( )
Likes psychological horror better than visual horror.
Slouch king
yells a LOT
Listens to techno music when making inventions
#1 oingo boingo fan
Has slight bucked teeth
Speaks with a lisp
Spoiled younger brother vibes
Loves video games
Hates being left alone, or away from his brothers for long periods of time
ALWAYS asking Donatello for money (usually a yes)
LOVES candy (especially sour)
Borrows April's camcord to take stupid videos
Cracks every bone in his body when nervous
"The vibes are off right now…"
" Dudezz!! " " Chill out brozz " type of guy
Wears braces!
Always doing stupid shit
Sings in the shower
Puts on whole concerts for no reasons
Plays the drums
LOVES play fighting with Raph
Likes cooking, but cant do it good.
"I licked it, it's mine"
Steals from everyone, thinks its funny
Hides Donnie's tools for fun
Talks too fast
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shiny-jr · 27 days
Hellooo I found your work and have been binging it all and I saw that you didn't mind the feedback, so here goes
The retainer!mc felt too much like the YA book trope of 'edgy' Mc, like trying to show a cool and collected vibe but ends up like bella from twilight in a not so flattering way, the others felt like they did something or had the bases for the cast obsession on them to grow, this mc for me missed the mark, and I did felt like stopping mid read because I found them uninteresting, but all the others delivered for me so, I wanted to know how it ended
Also in a post you said about the retainer being important to vil, then shouldn't he show a threat or something to the new one? At least suspicion I guess, it felt to smooth for the MC unlike others
Anon, I saw this message not long after you sent it, but as mentioned in the last post, I got so busy I couldn't respond. But trust me when I say this: your words haunted me.
Don't worry, I'm not offended at all. I welcome the criticism, but goddamn this one... Look, usually when I get criticism, I nod, go "aight", and move on. I don't get offended when people critique my works. But yours legit made me clutch my heart? My pearls? Idk. I was baffled. That one kinda hurted, not gonna lie.
Let me tell you, I've been writing since about 2016. I like to think I have definitely improved. I've gotten countless messages and comments in the years since. Some good, some bad, most good, a few worse. However, I have never really cared in the sense where it stuck with me. But bro, when I tell you this felt like a slap in the face. A bucket of cold icy water being dumped on my head. Don't worry though. It was a probably well deserved metaphorical slap.
The point is, your words were at the back of my head for like a week. I actually discussed it with a mutual, and I think I figured it out. I wrote Pomefiore differently. Pomefiore is the sole result that just feels like its for the simps, probably because I was thinking of them the most when writing it. It was unintentional, I think, but that's the reason I came up with my mind.
Anyways, like I said, not at all offended. Just kinda an eye-opening comment, I suppose. I'm not really bothered if it's not your favorite, because a lot of other people seem to like it. And if there's one thing I learned after years of writing, is that you cannot win them all. No matter what you write, it won't appeal to everyone. That's literally impossible.
Okay, I digress, this has dragged on for too long, but I feel like I had to get that out there and share my response. Again, anon, thank you for your words! I appreciate it, even if it doesn't seem like it.
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AITA for “assuming someone’s tone” and leaving a TTRPG a few hours after joining? 🤡🎲
This happened a while ago but I’m still baffled by it. Basic gist of the situation is that I (18) joined a campaign my friend, Rye (18) , was starting. She added me to a group chat for planning purposes after giving me the basic spiel about the campaign.
For context, I’d been in a larger group chat with some of Rye’s friends before, one that Cole was also in. He kind of rubbed me the wrong way - he only really responded to his favorite people (and it was very obvious who his favorites were), he had some annoying but harmless texting behaviors… he was also needlessly rude to a friend of mine (they answered a question he had posed, he swore at them and said he wasn’t finished asking, they said they’d thought he was finished because of the punctuation, he said it would have been clear to anyone else who had read his texts that he wasn’t finished - it was a whole mess) and that type of behavior continued to the point where they left that group chat. I stayed, but I blocked Cole just because seeing his messages was irritating me, but I still wanted to talk to Rye and some other friends I was starting to make.
Fast forward about half a year, and I joined Rye’s group chat for the campaign, realizing that Cole is also in the group chat. I was immediately on guard, but I was willing to put the past bad vibes aside to be able to play with him. I unblocked him (I don’t think he ever knew I had blocked him in the first place, we didn’t have many one on one conversations before this) to be able to work with him better. I was the last to join the group chat and so went to read what others had been saying about their characters before making my own. The first red flag was that Cole described his character as a loner who never spoke to anybody and kept to themselves in the shadows (edgy, but whatever, I could live with it). I saw most other people had included what class they were going to play with their character descriptions, but Cole hadn’t, and because I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes/wanted to have a balanced party, I asked him what class he was playing. To which he responded, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
…Red flag number two. I took a second to cool off before I responded, and when I came back he and another player, Oliver, were talking about what I had said. Cole was saying, “Who said we all had to play different classes? That’s a dumb rule,” which infuriated me but I just responded with “Nobody said we HAD to, I just wanted to for my own enjoyment and to diversify the party. But you’re right, we can still have plenty of fun even if two characters are the same class.” I decided to just let it go, and that if I ended up playing the same class as him, he couldn’t really complain.
So I started creating a character concept, and while I was looking through my D&D materials, Cole was complaining to Oliver in the group chat about a certain collaborative aspect of character creation he was struggling with because his character wouldn’t know anything about anyone else (because they were such a loner. This is why solitary characters with no social connections don’t work for collaborative games!). I hopped in and suggested that maybe Cole could do the collaborative portion in a meta way instead of through his characters eyes; if anything, it might help with brainstorming. He responded, “I beg of you to read my character description. If you did you’d see my character wouldn’t be able to do this because they don’t talk to anybody.”
Huge red flag - number three. A) I had read his character description. B) I had just proposed a solution for his second sentence. We are not friends, and it baffles me to this day that he thought responding to me so passive aggressively was an appropriate way to talk to someone who’s pretty much a stranger. I pretty much realized that I couldn’t just take shit from him and I needed to stand up for myself, so I very politely told him, “Hey, please moderate your tone. You’re not speaking to me in a way that’s very nice.”
He said, and I quote, “That’s not my intended tone. Sorry. I guess I’ll just go.” ???? Red flag four? At this point I was pretty sure I didn’t even want to play with him, but that response was something I expected from a 12 year old, not a full adult, and I was so confused at this point. Oliver spoke up and said they were feeling uncomfortable, that it was probably just a misunderstanding and Cole hadn’t meant to be hostile, and that we were all in the group chat to just have a fun time and play a game together, so let’s all be nice to each other. That also made me angry, because there had been no point during the conversation where I had been anything but polite, and Cole had been rude to me multiple times. I still kept my text calm and told them that even if Cole hadn’t meant to be hostile, his words still came across as hurtful, and that’s all I was saying. I told them I was going to go work on my character, and assumed the conversation was over for now.
I left for maybe ten minutes, and when I came back, it was to a full page-length paragraph of text from Cole.
“i cant really take responsibility for your assumptions on my tone man. especially when i was just asking you to read my characters info thing and then providing the context anyway so you wouldnt have to go look for it. its not really fair of you to bite at me based off of what you assume my tone is without asking for clarification then still tell me it came off as hurtful when i and another person stated that the tone wasnt hostile. if my nonexistant tone is off it is because i am immensely overwhelmed due to several reasons, in which your assumptions of my tone did not help im too tired to try to think of whatever tone tags would fit here but please take responsibility for your assumptions instead of treating me like i was in the wrong for trying to clarify something to help you understand something”
That was the last straw for me. I didn’t even respond, I just straight-up left the group chat. I was genuinely at a loss after reading that, and I knew I would never be able to play with Cole, so I messaged Rye (who was asleep at the time) privately and apologized for leaving so abruptly, that I wouldn’t be able to play with someone who couldn’t respect me, and that I hoped she had a lot of fun with the campaign and wished her all the best.
She responded the next morning saying it was all good, but I can’t help wondering if I’m TA for “assuming” Cole’s tone and not “taking responsibility” or for leaving so soon after joining without really giving playing a chance.
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(Murder Drones Episode 7 spoilers!)
Cult. It's a cult. This is definitely a cult. They probably don't even realize it but it is undeniably some kind of cult.
Nori what are you doing. Nori why are you like this.
The cross is a USB??
They're keeping the Drones themselves in the lockers??
Of course the unpaid intern whose opinion doesn't matter is the only one with any sympathy for them.
Pink Solver core?? SOLVER LIZZY?!?
Ah great, the Envy shippers are gonna be using this as "proof" that he's still in love with V.
Tessa. Stop. I was willing to give you the benefit of a doubt but you're not doing yourself any favours.
And now she's being racist. Way to go.
"The power of a black hole in the palm of my hand."
Did they change Thad's VA? He sounds different.
Was that V? Is she already back?
Eldritch V??
I can't wait for people to meme about his perfectly cut scream there.
Not going near the corpse. Smart move.
She hugged him. That's probably a good thing, right? That's probably proof that the real Cyn is still in there somewhere, right? THAT PROBABLY MEANS SHE MISSES HIM AND IS GENUINELY SORRY RIGHT
Nothin' like a good old-fashioned Robot Uprising Apocalypse, eh? In other news, Skynet is suing the Solver for copyright infringement.
Those admin privileges comin' in handy. Unfortunately they don't do much in the physical world.
Uzi has absolutely no reason to be crawling and scuttling around like a creature right now except for the simple fact that she wants to. Never change, little gremlin.
Oh I don't think you should watch that. N was right, y'know, there's probably stuff down here you don't wanna see.
Why does this remind me of the garbage maze in FNaF Security Breach?
Okay so it's not some kind of disembodied Solver Lizzy core. Don't blame me, the lights looked pink before and the cat ears headphones reminded me of Lizzy's bow.
Khan? A hunk? In the words of Professor Membrane, NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!!!
"How do you know my daughter?" "Well y'see, it all started when we tried to kill each other..."
Oh it was J. Is it bad to say I'm kind of relieved?
Are we getting the cool edgy Khan from the concept art??? Bro why are you so nonchalant about it being the end of the world.
INB4 people go frame-by-frame through the list looking for the most Russian-sounding name and say "THERE, THAT'S DOLL'S DAD"
Tessa was that really necessary? You're giving really bad vibes right now.
Patch? So the Solver can be removed? And she knows? Again, major bad vibes.
*FNaF 2 Foxy jumpscare*
I'm starting to suspect Yeva either can't or chooses not to talk.
Is she saying the Solver wiped her memory of the labs? I guess that would explain a few things.
N being so polite and cute as always.
What do you mean, "found its way back?" Where did it go? Is the timeline completely wrong? Did it start on Copper-9 then go to Earth then return to Copper-9? I'm so confused.
Nori why are you so casual about the prospect of your own daughter being a planet-eating eldritch abomination. This is exactly why I'm worried about the fandom giving you the Rose Quartz treatment.
I told you not to watch it, Uzi.
Welp, so much for Doll. Consider this karma for killing V. But "fight back?" Does that mean it can be resisted?
So now we know where Uzi gets it from.
Whoa, didn't see that coming. No face reveal?? Does that mean she really is a Drone???
Imagine meeting your daughter for the first time and she's currently being possessed by an eldritch abomination masquerading as her boyfriend's dead sister.
Every time I think this episode's about to end on a cliffhanger it doesn't.
Oh no, now people are gonna write fics about Nori being vored by her own daughter.
"Hang out" is code for "date." "Hang out" is code for "boyfriend and girlfriend." "Hang out" is code for "madly in love with each other." "HANG OUT" IS CODE FOR "WE MAKE SWEET AND PASSIONATE LOVE TOGETHER EVERY SINGLE NIGHT WE'RE ALREADY PLANNING THE WEDDING AND I'M GONNA WEAR THE DRESS AND WE'RE GONNA NAME OUR KIDS GLOCK AND BAYONET"
Literally smacked the sense back into her.
Imagine meeting your mom for the first time and you don't know who she is and she's a gross little fleshy crab-spider-thing similar to what your boyfriend's jerk boss turned into so you punt her into a bottomless pit and she makes a dodgeball noise.
My last two brain cells while watching this episode. Now would be a really good time for you two to kiss.
Oh good gosh she's not dead. Okay it wasn't at all necessary to put your head on backwards.
Sorry J but you're still not plot relevant yet, you're not allowed to participate.
J: *sees the railgun* *has war flashbacks*
*Uzi falls* *screen fades to white* *UNDERTALE*
The Void???
Glitch I beg of you please don't make us wait another half a year for the next episode. And Liam please don't let it end after one season.
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7ndipity · 2 months
Their S/o Has An Alternative Style
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How the members would react to their S/o having an alternative/emo/grunge style
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!
Jin: Although I think he tends to prefer slightly more ‘girly’ styles, and might’ve been slightly intimidated at first, he can’t deny that he kinda loves how badass you look and comes to be a big fan of your style.
Yoongi: He doesn’t really have a preference what kind of style his partner has, so long as they’re happy and comfortable, but I do think he would secretly think you look kinda cool.
Hobi: I think he’d be pretty into it! He personally prefers more of the streetwear style, but he can definitely appreciate the vibe/look you’re going for.
Namjoon: Similar to Yoongi, I think he’s pretty neutral about his partner’s style, unless it was like super elaborate, but even then he still loves that you have your own unique style.
Jimin: I think I’ve said before that he tends to prefer softer, cuter looks, but he would absolutely love this! He loves how cool and edgy you look(might even borrow a few pieces too if you let him)
Taehyung: I actually think he would really love it? Like he has his own distinct style, so he would love that you have your own specific look too.
Jungkook: I’m sorry, I think you just described his soulmate? Like this is his perfect aesthetic, and having a partner that shares his style would just have him like 😍 He loves it, no question.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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tillthelandslide · 11 months
Same For You : (1) And This Is How It Starts...
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A/n: okay guys... I'm all over the place at the moment and I seriously apologise for making series after series and then taking ages to finish them... But here's another to add to the list... This is going to be a slow burn fic but I hope you enjoy. I can't lie, I haven't been this excited for a series in a long time... I really love this one and I hope you guys too. Let me know what you think 🫶🏼 - Lou
Series Warnings: slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap, complicated relationship (low-key unhealthy dynamics), eventual love...
Series Masterlist
The bar is a dingy little thing down some street in Soho, smoke clouds the room making it harder to see the people sitting in the booths, not that she minded. From where she stood, in the middle of the small stage, she could barely make out the faces of the people who were laughing amongst themselves.
She saw the usual people who attentively listened to their band every week when they did this gig: the guy who would be considered (by most) slightly too old to listen to them, a group of 'edgy' girls and guys who had supported them from the start (their own little fan base), a few of their friends, the usuals.
She stood in front of a microphone, holding her dark green electric guitar, the strap hooked loosely over her shoulders. She wore leather trousers and a black bralette, her hair which was once curled and down now sat in a messy bun on the top of her head.
Her band mates accompanied her, each taking a little break from their set. Her voice filled the small venue and she sounded sure of her self, confident, like she knew her place in the world. And when she was singing, performing, she did, she was home on that stage, on any stage and from the boys say, it was clear as day.
From where Matty, George and Jamie sat, they could see her and her band clearly, but their attention was trained only on her, like it had been the entire night.
"She's really good Jamie, how did you hear about her again?" Matty raises his glass to his mouth after he speaks, his curly mop of hair bouncing as he gestured towards the woman on stage.
"I didn't... George did. She's amazing though, they all are" Matty's eyes flick to George at Jamie's words, who was nursing his own drink, eyes trained on the girl too who was beginning a song on her own.
"She runs in the same circle as Charli" George says and his words surprise Matty. Matty takes in the girl on stage, she was cool, just like Charli, but the music he had heard so far was completely different to hers, more rocky and less poppy, more gritty. She looked like a rockstar and the fact she hung out with Charli's friends surprised him.
"Really? Bit of a different vibe than Char" Matty says, making George nod. It wasn't a bad thing necessary, Matty loved Charli, and obviously George did, but the girl on stage was just... Different.
"I know... Years younger too, but Charli says she's the coolest person she's ever met and that's saying something..." George says, chuckling at the memory of his girlfriend practically fawning over her to him.
"What's her name again?" Jamie asks George, eyes flicking from the stage to George and then back again.
"Y/n, Y/n Y/L/N" Jamie nods, jotting the name down in his phone.
"How have we never heard of her? Never heard her songs?" both Jamie and George shrug at Mattys words, the three of them falling silent and listening to her sing. It was a slower song than before and they hadn't realised she had swapped her electric guitar for an acoustic one. The song stops and she smiles at the people who clapped, the group of people who the guys had now identified as her 'fans' cheered and she laughed at them, throwing a hand their way as if to say "stop it" all with a huge smile on her face.
"Thank you" she says, handing her guitar to someone off stage, before they see the bassist of the band walk over to her, hooking an arm around her shoulders and pulling her towards them. They watch as they black haired bassist whispers something into her ear before she pulls away. The girl they now know as Y/n is then looking directly at them, she doesn't smile, she smirks, before they hear her speak to her microphone.
"So... We have some special guests in tonight" they hear her say. Matty and George's attention is quickly turned away by someone joining their table: Ross.
"Took your time getting here" George's eyes flick from the tall man to the girl on stage, not wanting to miss a single moment, especially now her words were directed towards them.
"Got here as soon as I could, now what's the emergency?" Ross asks, sitting down next to Matty.
Matty points to the stage and Ross' eyes follow him, breath faltering as his eyes landed on her, smiling at him, at them. He didn't often get breathless, but she was truly beautiful, and undeniably cool. As crazy as it was to say, to even think, Ross felt some kind of magnetic pull towards her, instant feeling like a fool for even thinking it, because seriously? Who believes in that? Definitely not him.
"I've been a fan of this band since I was 15... I'm now 24... anyway this is completely unplanned but we've got to give our guests a warm welcome" she nods at them, her words making them all smile. Matty nods at her, a silent thank you and she awkwardly waves back. Her eyes flick to Ross, who she finds staring at her, mouth slightly agape. He feels goosebumps rise to his skin when she sends another smile his way.
"Jesus she's ballsy" Ross says with a smirk on his face, only tearing his eyes from her for a sllit second. They hear the opening guitar of Pressure being played, by her, not the guitarist, her.
"She's fucking good man" George says, visibly getting excited as they listen to them play.
She's hot, she's beautiful, she's amazing Ross thinks.
We need to know her, I need to know her Matty thinks.
Jamie watches with a smirk too, thoroughly impressed.
"She makes Hann look shit" George says, all of the guys present laughing at his words.
"And me..." Matty says, making the three of them laugh again. They all watch in awe, clapping and cheering when the song finishes.
"We have to sign her to the label " Matty says and Jamie nods, calculating a plan in his mind, already searching her name on Google to find out if she had a record deal, a label, anything. The search reveals a few tweets about her band, a small fan base, her Instagram profile and the bands page but no information about whether they had a label or a record deal and the man shakes his head, shocked at this revelation.
They're surprised to see her standing from the stage, passing the guitar to someone off stage, she lets her hair loose from the confines of it's bun and Ross watches in awe as it falls in soft curls down her back. He realises his mouth is hanging open when she begins walking towards them, a soft smile resting against her mouth. Ross saw something sparkle in her eyes, he wasn't sure what it was, but he sure as hell wanted to find out. The idea frightened him to no end but he always felt excitement buzz in his stomach.
"The 1975... Well three of you anyway" the guys smile at her words, not out of politeness or necessity but because she genuinely made them smile. The fact she knew about them, although not utterly surprising, made them happy and for whatever reason, made them feel special.
"Y/N... I know your girlfriend" she extends her hand to George who smiles and shakes her hand.
"I know... I have to say when Charli told me how talented you were I didn't think she meant THAT talented. You're amazing" George says and she smiles, then thanks him.
Matty notices that she was the box tattoo on her wrist, he reminds himself to ask about that later but for now he smirks to himself.
"Matty" he says, offering her his hand to shake.
"I know... Big fan..." She says smiling "of all of you to be honest" she says, Matty can't help but feel proud at her words and maybe he felt something else too, excitement maybe? Her eyes then land on Ross... The one her bandmates knew she had a crush on.
"Ross Macdonald, lovely to meet you darling" he says placing his hand in hers, the tingles they both felt were hard to ignore.
"The bassist..." She says making him nod, her words are laced with something he can't put his finger on. Was it awe? Was it interest? Was it intrigue? He didn't know.
"The bassline for Love Me is one of my favourites... I forced Clara our bassists to learn it when we started playing with each other" she says making Ross smile, she throws a hand over her shoulder, gesturing to a black haired girl walking off the stage. The bassist smiles at them and y/n waves as she smirks back at her.
"Clara" she explains, they all nod.
"What brings you to this bar then? Not really your scene is it?" Her words are accompanied by an eyebrow raise, one which is almost challenging them.
"Charli told us you'd be here tonight" Jamie says "sorry I'm Jamie, the boys manager" she nods.
"We want to sign you to our label, dirty hit" he blurts it right now. He never acted like this, but just like he knew with the 1975, he knew she was it. She had starpower.
"Wow... Okay, guess we need to get to know each other then" she says, sitting down with them, right next to Ross, who was sitting with his arm resting behind her on the booth. She can't help but smirk when he doesn't remove it.
Note: AHHHHH!!! I really hope you like this so far and I hope you're as excited as me for this series!!! You'll just have to keep reading to see what I have up my sleeve for this one... I'm honestly so excited. Love you all and thank you for your continued support, would mean to world if you would like, comment or reblog - Lou
(2) Your Very Own Mirror
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coldgoldlazarus · 18 days
Metroid Movie/TV Series Style Options, from most to least likely, because I have brainrot
- Live action with a more 'realistic' sci-fi aesthetic, probably leaning into the Alien influence. Could be really good, especially as a way to honor that inspiration, but could easily fall flat. Most likely to actually happen, but my least favored. If this is the route taken, I just hope it wouldn't go the way of the Halo Paramount show.
- CGI Animated with style and rendering pretty similar to the games, particularly Prime and Dread. The most simple and sensible option and so also very likely, but also a tad boring just because the games are already doing that.
- Live-action tokusatsu show. Not trying for 'realism' so much as coolness, and just really embracing Samus as a Kamen Rider. Maybe not my preferred option, but I would still love to see it just for the uniqueness of the vibes.
- The sort of in-between compromise between 'realism' and tokusatsu approaches to live-action (plus some very obvious CGI) that characterized the Prime and Fusion commercials. Not very likely at all, and would probably not land as well as just leaning fully into one direction or the other, but it would be a fun and unique approach to see, especially if it has the same sort of blend of genuine moody atmosphere and cheesy tryhard edginess as those commercials.
- 2D Animation, Genndy Tartakovsky directing. Would be super cool and stylized, and probably absolutely nail the atmosphere and indirect narrative style best, but I think outside of that one Clone Wars series, the man prefers to work on his own original projects.
- 2D Animation; just a straight-up Metroid Anime. Not impossible, but tbh probably even less likely just because while it's niche over here, my understanding is that Metroid is ironically not really successful at all in Japan itself. Nintendo has called on western developers for basically every game since Fusion for a reason, and so while they could probably call up Studio Trigger or someone to make it happen, I don't think there's too much inclination to take that route. (Especially if Zelda, the way more anime-plausible series, is being given to Hollywood as is.) But it would be pretty cool.
- That specific fucking excellent blended style that characterized the late 90s and early 00s in animated movies. A mix of like, CGI and Rotoscoping and 2D Animation, Mike Mignola influenced character designs, the works. Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Spirit, The Iron Giant, Titan AE, Lilo & Stitch, Treasure Planet, Sinbad, Road To El Dorado, Tarzan, Emperor's New Groove, Brother Bear, ect. A throwback to the Animation Golden Age IMO, basically. (In particular, Atlantis, Treasure Planet, and Lilo & Stitch having the most direct visual comparison/inspiration.) This would be an utterly perfect style for Bionicle, but work slightly less well for Metroid, admittedly, just given the vibe favors grandiosity more than eeriness, and I also don't expect it to happen at all in the first place. But I want it SO MUCH.
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takethispotion · 1 year
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I've wanted to sketch out AUswap!Kim for a while now...
I think he should be a bit more "destroyed" somehow if that's a swap, he's a bit too cool here, could use a vibe of being a loser...
I may do more sketches later to address that...
Still i really like his face here and his edgy, smudged eyeshadow and unshaved face...
And for some reason AUswap!Kim feels even more trans to me xD
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scratch-house · 21 days
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i'm just a shot away from you.
sketch here and here.
hihi! long time no see! i'm gonna infodump about this piece down here.
so when i first started drawing, i focused really heavily on lineart. i was super into finding my "style" in terms of how i would stylize faces and bodies. my coloring style was kind of an afterthought and wasn't really in the place i wanted it to be, so this is me kind of experimenting and trying to go wild in that department.
i think the reason for my years long art block was perfectionism. specifically for digital art, i was very focused on making things pristine and clean looking. i mean that may or may not be obvious from my more recent pre hiatus art, i don't remember, but 😭 mentally that was the issue. i used to always like my sketches more than my lines, and at a certain point i was like, i may as well just have the lines be really sketchy and irregular and chunky or edgy in parts because i seem to be drawn to that, and clearly this precision thing isn't working out. i'd definitely attempted that at other points, but i hadn't really committed and was never really confident about it before now. i think ultimately i just had to reach enough of a 'fuck it' point before i could do it. it's a similar philosophy with the coloring and shading. i'm just letting all the textures and irregularities come through without worrying too much
the idea for the piece changed a LOT. like i started sketching and attempting to color this well before my art block, and i've only just finished it. initially, the doctor and the master were wearing their normal clothes and were holding daggers to one another while locked in an embrace, so the idea was like, the closer they get, the deadlier it is. for some reason i just couldn't get that to work? at some point i gave the doctor navy wings, so there was almost an angel of death thing going on (think the master asking her to kill him), but eventually i went for this! there's still kind of the erotic element with the master straddling the doctor and her Thrusting up, but now they are fencing, and the weapons are a little more front and center instead of hidden, as they were initially. i don't know how obvious it is, but what's happening is the master seemingly has the doctor pinned, both physically and with his rapier, but as she thrusts up, she actually moves his face closer to her blade. his hand on her elbow looks like it's part of the pin, but actually he's trying to stop himself from getting cut more. this thing of the master looking like he's winning, but the doctor actually holding the deadlier (though not necessarily better) position was very important to me, i don't know why. it was a feature of all of the sketches, although in the dagger sketches, there was an element of the doctor's blade being more hidden than the master's, ie in the embrace, the master (facing her) has an arm wrapped around the back of her neck with a blade at her throat, and she wraps her arms around him with a blade pointed directly at his back. you are going to have to figure out the symbolic intricacies of that yourself because i was just doing what felt right sjdjsdk
almost forgot: it's not just the positioning that sorta favors the doctor, it's also the fact that she is slightly more armored than the master. i don't know if you would call that armor, but let's go with that. her mask is pulled slightly more over her face than the master's, she wears her gloves and shoes while the master wears neither, and her rapier has a little cover that goes over her hand, while the master's just fans out. obviously they both have minor injuries, but the doctor also has some Ambiguous blood at her mouth. is it his? is it hers? i don't know. but she has blood in her mouth vibes when it comes to her interactions with the master so there u go
there's also an element of like, fencing is not supposed to get this crazy, so something has gotten severely out of hand here. but mostly i thought it looked cool.
if i could change anything about this, i would make it so that the doc's blade is pointing directly at the master's chin instead of having just grazed his lower face, with the master trying to lift his head away from the blade as he slides down, just so that the threat felt a little more.. i don't know, imminent? so that the strain is more pronounced? they're simultaneously being pulled toward one another (by gravity) and desperately trying to push away. i might've also fucked around with the text a little more because i'm realizing now that it could very easily be misread shjshdjs. but mostly i'm just glad that it's done and it looks cool. it's been YEARS and i finally feel like i'm back on my art feet. but don't hold me to that
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donutwatches · 7 months
MHA 2.14 - Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears - part 1
This is my first time watching the show so no spoilers! 
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Sir, you look like someone dropped their ketchup and mustard on the floor. Lemme get some fries. The sausage intestine is a great touch too. A+ theater. 
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This is animated Yoda isn’t it? I want to see Deku run through a forest wearing this guy as a backpack like Luke Skywalker.  
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All Might getting ROASTED out here. I love All Might, but a great teacher he is decidedly not. Let’s see what Mr. Mustard can do. 
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So they have a whole little fight scene here but getting screenshots of action is hard, just a lot of blurry mess. 
Anyway, this is an interesting line. I have not thought about this angle before, but Mr. Mustard is so right. Deku spends so much time comparing himself to All Might, and not enough time focusing on his own strengths. 
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Shig - Allergic to Hand Lotion - raki is a man child for real. He still has such basic motivation. He is the kid that likes to go around knocking over the other kids building blocks.
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Is he...printing out pictures of Deku from from the news? Deku really has him that bothered, huh. I am starting to think Crusty needs some friends. 
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Damn, tell him how you really feel. Stain is a supremely edgy villain. I like him for the early 2000′s emo rock vibes alone. And the fact that his face kind of looks like a turtle. 
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I am sure the people getting murdered care a lot about the “conviction” of the a-hole killing them as they take their last gasping breaths. But okay. 
Comparing Chap-lips with Stain is a fun way to set up ways for him to grow. I am excited that the show is implying that Shigaraki is training his villainy the way Deku is training his heroism. It is a cool parallel in this episode. 
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wazzappp · 5 months
I am a woman of weak will with no excuse for this @moosemonstrous thank you for being my most trusted enabler advisor and @cicada-candy thank you for your encouragement <3
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Ok so the first genre is High fashion/Familiar themed!
Robbie is in something edgy and asymmetrical. Lots of variations in texture with solid, glitter and mesh areas. A fun grungy makeup style that I thought would suit him well. The more solid areas have a snakeskin texture that I'm not sure came through in the image export sorry lol. Delicate silver pieces help to balance out the harshness of the general aesthetic of the dress. Overall tried to mimic the slithering motion of a snake with the twisting pattern of his dress materials and made it a little more obvious with the snake bracelet.
Danny's focuses on layered sheer materials. Lots of feather and wing embroidery to connect him to his familiar. Nice silver chain around the waist to give the dress some shape and structure and help separate the top and bottom areas. Leg slit to create some interest so things aren't too symmetrical and boring (also you have moose to thank for the boob window lmao). A fun little wing pendant for the back detail ties it together pretty well I think.
JOHNNYYYYYYYYYY pulled a LOT of Avril Lavigne vibes and I'm honestly not sure why. I guess I just really wanted to see in some 'trashy' Y2K fashion (trashy in quotation marks cause I think it's COOL actually) and she's the first person that came into mind. Fur at the top of the dress contrasts with the shiny/glitter material on the rest of it. White tips on the ends of his boots and gloves because of Zaradogs lil sock feet <3. A fun ponytail with some black chain necklaces finishes everything pretty well.
FRANK. DIFFICULT AS ALWAYS. HAD to include fur I had to connect him to Cat-stle somehow. Other than that his look is very Matrix inspired. Very slick and fairly practical. SPIKY ass boots and a fun laceup back add some detail to the otherwise very simple fit. Some mesh areas on the jacket also include just a little bit of variation in texture.
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Something light and fun for Robbie with LOTS of gradient chiffon. A more solid waist wrap to help eccentuate a more solid shape for the more drifting ends of the dress. I'm a sucker for sheer sleeves brother I have no excuse.
EEEEEE PRINCESS DANNY COMING THROUGH!! I LOVE how this one came out! Fun off the shoulder moment with gloves to make sure his arms don't look too plain. Faux silver corset that dissolves into layers of sheer glittery material to form a full length ballgown with lots of nice volume.
JOHNNY YOU GAVE ME TROUBLE. Wanted to include lots of geometric shapes (moose and I looked at QUITE A FEW reference images) so I was able to fit that in with the tessellation patterns on the sleeves and mesh sides, as well as the triangular shape of the top area of the dress. Tried not to overdo the gold glitter by limiting it to a strip down the middle with longer black panels on the sides.
Frank with a VERY classic look I'm a sucker for a square top. He's also got the fun mesh sleeves, this time with some lace patterns. Layered skirt with a bit of volume and glitter ends (I'm a SUCKER for glitter ends). Vibrant red top to show off his signature color with some ribbing to mimic a corset.
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AFTER PARTY DRESSES. Fuckin. Euphoria lookin ass dresses. Idk man I just love these kinds of dresses and thought I would go ham at the end for one final nonsense fun look.
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