#edit: hello so um I ask that the post do not be tagged as ship thank you (・ v ・ ;;)
ahhlehlehlehleh · 2 years
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halfgclden · 3 years
The sound of spooky intro music plays and fades out. As the microphone clicks on, faint sounds of water and traffic can be heard in the background.
JADE: Hello cryptwizzlers, cryptrackers, but never cryptormentors because we’re all friends here. Welcome to a very special episode of Cryptwins in which we are not actually researching a cryptid. But! Before you shut this off and call us hacks, we are instead researching the recent disappearance of social media fitness guru; Edison Major.
More spooky music plays. There is also the sound of fingers tapping a rhythm. It's typical Joel, unable to contain his energy as he taps the dashboard in time with their intro music.
JOEL: Weeeeeeeell...Maybe we are hacks. —a pause as he laughs— Nah, just kidding. This is the real deal. I'm not sure you're ready for this. This is some spooky, and excuse my French, spooky shit. Tell us more about this Major disappearance? —another laugh— Get it?
JADE: [A short laugh-sigh is let out at Joel’s joke.] Okay, before we begin, two things. One, get ready for the barrage of major and minor jokes, courtesy of Joel here.
JOEL: Got a whole list, be ready! He lets Jade finish, but listeners can still hear the tapping sound while she speaks.
JADE: Secondly, we’re still on the road here, so if the audio is bad or choppy... deal with it? —another small laugh— Anyyyyway. Spooky is right. This all began in September of last year, when @majored posted a picture of himself in a dark basement wearing a weird costume and then immediately went off the grid. And, you know, I’m all for a social media cleanse, people do it all the time. Buuut, what really brought this to our attention was a month later, on Halloween Eve of all nights, when a video popped up of him getting his ass kicked by someone in a Kakashi Hatake costume.
JOEL: Now, I know y'all are asking yourselves "Isn't he a fitness guru? Why was some weeb kickin' his ass?" And to that I say hey! Some weebs are strong, some are Super Saiyan, and others are Kakashi Hatake, the most talented ninja in Konohagukure.
JADE: lets out a laughing wheeze.
JOEL: We don't endorse fighting here. But I digress —a laugh— back on topic. So this guy just up and disappears out of nowhere? And there's not a peep of him until we see Kakashi givin’ him the business. What does this all mean?
JADE: Okay, so, let’s get the full story. @majored goes off the grid, comes back to get his ass kicked by a Naruto character, disappears again, comes back to spit on someone and call them a see you next Tuesday, and then disappears again. And he hasn’t come back online. So what’s up with that? Well... we did a little digging.
Another spooky noise plays over the sound of Jade organizing a stack of papers.
JOEL: Daaaaaaang. I’d say those are some fightin' words, especially from someone who keeps pulling a vanishing act, don’t ya think?
JADE: They really are! I mean, he is from New Zealand, but even so, I think you don’t use that word unless you want to attract some attention. -She clicks her tongue as she gets back on topic- The video was originally posted the night before Halloween of last year, by @ime.are on Twitter. Obviously they got a lot of hate and questions after posting this, but all of them were left unanswered. The only person in the video that was tagged was Major, but upon further examination, this Ime seems to follow and have pictures with someone who happened to be dressed as Kakashi that same night, which has led many to speculate that these ninjas are the same person.
JOEL: So we all know Halloween's a spooooky season. Perfect for parties and all that jazz. But all those costumes make it a perfect time for disguises. Was that even the real Major? Was the person who spit the real Major? Who is this Ime and how do they fit into the story? And who— a pause for dramatic effect and muffled laughter as he tries to stay serious— is this mystery ninja? Tell us more!
JADE: Alright, alright. So this mystery ninja goes by Abel, or @_kllledbycain on the Gram. At first glance, they look pretty much like every other TikTok e-boy; black and white photos, pet snake, the insinuation that they’re dead, whole nine yards.
JOEL: snorts when Jade announces their handle, and again at her eboy comment, wheezing. It's true, it's true!
JADE: And this stuff is so common right now, so nothing really raises any eyebrows, right? Right? Well, tell me, why would a Tik Tok goth go around beating the crap out of a random influencer? Stay tuned for the theory. First, we’re gonna take a step back and look at the whole situation, because, of course, it doesn’t end there.
JOEL: Ohhhh snap! I'm on the edge of my seat, and I bet our listeners are too.
JADE: [clears her throat] So if we go back to the original poster of the video, @ime.are, and we take a look at their Insta, who is on it but... @devinitely? Okay, so @devinitely is in the same place as @majored, clearly, and, for anyone that doesn’t know, she’s been doing a bunch of collabs with @loganvance. This places not one, not two, but three influencers all together in this place where weebs are running around assaulting people.
JOEL: Okay. Okay, I need to know! Where are they? What's bringing all these influencers together? Are @devinitely and @loganvance part of something much more sinister than it seems? [He makes a funny face at Jade and wiggles his fingers, before dropping his voice to a stage-whisper.] Is it some kind of twisted influencer cult?
JADE: Shhhh, Joel, spoilers.
JOEL: [He laughs.] Sorry, sorry!
JADE: [muffled laughter over the sound of more papers rustling.] So, any skeptics out there might say, oh, well, this Ime Are is just a lucky person who happens to be in the presence of more than one social media personality. However, Devin follows the weeb that may or may not have kicked Major's ass. And, according to a cast photo of Rocky Horror, on her boyfriend's Instagram, both the weeb in question and the hot man that tore the two apart were part of the cast. This would be a great time to mention that a link to the video is in the description, as are all the pictures from social media that I'm referencing.
JOEL: [to Jade but loud enough for the mic to pick it up at regular volume] Oh snap, you got everything together in a link? Like, I could click the link to check it out right now? — A pause as he does just that.— Woah, cryptwizzlers, she's not kidding. Click the link in bio, you won't be disappointed. Okay, Jade...hear me out. Given that it was Halloween, the night of nights. Do you think that...maybe it was all an elaborate event? Was it staged? Is any of this real?
JADE: Oh, my dear brother, always the skeptic. Don’t you think that it’s a bit much for him to stop posting entirely in order to get publicity? And we mustn’t forget the spitting on someone in South Dakota, that’s not exactly his brand. Unless he’s trying out something like Taylor Swift and Reputation but... I digress. No, I don’t think any of this is staged, and I’ll tell you why. Let’s go back to the weird cow print basement post. You know who also happened to post something about some cowboy party? Oh, um, Devin’s boyfriend? A picture of him, Devin, and Logan? Which... puts them and Major in the same place on the night that he disappeared.
JOEL: Not a skeptic! Just trying to get all these questions answered. —A laugh— You're right, that's 180 from the online presence he used to have. All theories aside, —a pause— I'd love to go to a cowboy party. Get me a glow-in-the-dark cowboy hat. You know they make 'em. —He laughs again, mouthing 'what?' to Jade.—
JADE: Oh, def. We're getting matching hats. Check out our merch in a few weeks —she laughs— Glow in the dark mothman themed cowboy hats, talk about a niche.
JOEL: Snap, we have to do that now, 'cause I want one real bad. But okay, back on track. This cowboy party. The origin of this theory, yeah? Oh snap...what were those three doing in the same place as Major? And all in cow print too? That's....majorly suspicious! [He trails off into laughter, his voice doing that wheezy thing when someone's trying to finish their sentence before cracking up. Recovering, he adds the following.] Wait, wait, wait. What about—
JADE: Yes, yes, yes. —she cuts Joel off as though he's finished his sentence, chuckling at his joke— Patience, my dear twin, we will get there. —the smile is evident in her voice—
JOEL: I feel like somehow, I ended up as your Padawan for this episode. — he laughs—
JADE: You heard it here, I'm absolutely schooling Joel this episode. — she laughs— First, we're going to backtrack all the way to the original poster again. You know we snooped their whole page, and they're pretty regularly posting pictures with this person, @rengaaay, who isn't an influencer but she makes some of those sick ass roller skating videos... this isn't sus, just cool, link in the description. —a slight pause as she tries to get back to her train of thought— Anyway, what is sus is that she tags two people in her photos all the time... But no joke guys check out their Insta profiles they look different in like every other picture. Which, uh, could just be editing but also could be something.... more sinister? Hold onto that thought.
JOEL: That's such a good handle, dang! Better than @lumberjoel, honestly. I have to say I'm jelly. We should get branded rollerskates, maybe @rengaaay can advertise for us if we ship them. JK...unless? —more laughter as he waits for Jade to get back on the train and pulls up the profiles in question to take a look for himself— Huh...is it editing? Are they masters of disguise? Makeup professionals? —He starts to say something else but is pretty sure he's figured out where Jade's going with this.— What could be more sinister than human chameleons?
JADE: [The sound of papers shuffling can be heard] Oh, yeah, so, it's weird but I think every time the siblings are in a pic together they look more like each other? I dunno if this really makes sense but seriously dudes check the post with this episode because it has a bunch of photos side by side and... yeah. You pull a photo of them by themself and it's like okay, I know what this dude looks like and then you put them side by side and... I dunno, makeup? Contacts? Cloning, mayhaps? And, just so that I'm not just holding on to one thing too much... check their post from August 12th, linked below. Their brother... doesn't have a shadow. Why would you edit that out of a photo? No way are they going that hard to be memelords.
JOEL: Okay, let me look at this. Wha— That's weird as hell. How much hair dye do these two use? Hm. Could be clones? —snaps his fingers—Definitely clones. —he snorts loudly, laughing before clearing his throat— Ahem, uh. No shadow? That's dedication! I dunno, maybe it's some new challenge for the 'gram. Oh...but wait. I found a video. Look, Jade. No shadow. In a video. What the—
JADE: A video, guys. —A moment of muffled laughter before her mic cuts out, but the sound of it clicking on again is followed almost immediately— This is a big family, guys, and a big weird one because their other brother @sleepyfinch... Okay, wait, he himself is pretty normal, super cute, shout out, but guys, ghouls, you know who he has tagged in a recent post? Yet another influencer. Except this one is from Italy? @gaborealis; essentially, he’s a medium, so if you didn’t believe that the supernatural were at play beforehand... buckle up.
JOEL: Wait, wait, I'm still on the video thing. Who has time to edit a video? —his voice cracks when he says video and he covers his laughter as he focuses—
JADE: [wheezing] Shut up —there is no malice in her voice, and she’s laughing too.—
JOEL: So weird, I love it. Oh snap— the @gaborealis? It's time to get ghosty! —echoes "ghosty" and hums the Cha Cha Slide tune for a couple seconds— Okay, so wait. Does this mean everyone's favorite medium is also in the same place as...three? Three other influencers and this weird family of....maybe shapeshifters? No? Too crazy a theory?
JADE: You know what they say, cryptoddlers; no theory is too crazy. Everything Einstein came up with? Theory.
JOEL: Bringing Einstein into it, huh?
JADE: Oh you know it. —a snort— Anyway, according to Devin’s boyfriend’s Instagram, it doesn’t end there. @spencerkeahi, a youtuber and disability rights advocate who comes from Hawaii is also there with that gaggle. Shout out to @elidrising for tagging people and location. So what are these influencers from all corners of the globe gathering together for? Well, let’s take a look at the original poster again. You go on their Twitter, and a few months back it’s all just videos of people... fighting? In some sort of underground place. Mayhaps... the same creepy basement that Major posted his last photo? —a small gasp, as though she’s surprised by this— No, that must be a coincidence... or is it?
Another spooky sound plays
JOEL: @elidrising is the man, dang! Are you tellin' me there's a...—he lowers his voice to a whisper— secret influencers-only Fight Club? I wouldn't put it past @devinitely TBH. Honestly, I'd join one...even though I guess I've broken the first rule but talking about it, huh? Actually— Jay, do you think we'd even be allowed to join? Are podcasters influencers? Poll in my story right now, let us know what y'all think.
JADE: Right now? Joel, this isn’t going up for another week, at least. —She’s obviously trying to sound less amused than she’s coming off— Once we get the blue check we’re influencers, so we’ve got a few million followers to go, I think.
JOEL: Yeah, right now! They'll hear that when the episode goes up and respond in real ti— Oh, no. You're right. Oops. No poll in my story, y'all. False alarm. Blue check, huh? You heard it here, cryptwizzlers, we're gonna get that blue check. Tell your friends, tell your family. Heck, tell that cute barista at your coffee shop to listen to our podcast! We might just do a giveaway when we get that lil' blue swoosh.
JADE: [clears her throat.] You know what’s a great way to get us that blue check, though?
A different, light sort of spooky music begins playing in the background, meaning that it’s time for the ad break
JOEL: Take it away!
JADE: Checking out a little app called Creature Comforts. Alright guys, not that this show isn’t one hundred percent real as it is, but for real, I love this app. A dating sim that features everyone’s favorite... for lack of a better term, monsters. Did you watch the Shape of Water and go, “Damn, I’d tap that”? Do you want to snuggle with a Sasquatch? Do you just wish you could find yourself a GF with more eyes? Well, have we got the app for you. Creature Comforts lets you do all this and more. A choose-your-own-adventure game where you can smooch beasts, marry Mothman, and ignore the outside world. It’s seriously all I want. And, if you enter the code cryptwins— that’s the name of the podcast you’re listening to, no capital letters, when you download the app, then it’s only 99 cents to play without ads. Which, trust me ghouls, is worth it. I don’t want anything interrupting my cut scene with the most stunning eyes in West Virginia.
JOEL: Don't forget that scuba diving date with Nessie! Or, or...that half-day hike with Bigfoot. —he's laughing again smh— There's a reason Jade does the ad reads and not me. But, I can tell you that Mothman is sure to sweep you off your feet. And it's not just because he can fly.
JADE: It’s the —a pause for finger snapping— alliteration for me. But that’s Creature Comforts, exactly how you think you’d spell it, don’t ask us ‘cause we’re dyslexic, and cryptwins, like the name of this podcast. Tweet us @cryptwins to let us know how far along you are, who you’re pursuing, and what mysteries you unlock about their backstories. Now... I think it’s time for a timeline, just to get us sorted out, what do you think, Joel?
JOEL: Personally, I'm still tryin' to land a date with the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I guess we'll see what happens. Aw heck yeah! Give us a timeline, give us the dirt. — a laugh — Give the people what they want!
JADE: Okay — the shuffling of paper is heard once more — We start in September: @majored goes off the grid after posting a creepy picture of himself in a weird outfit in a spooky basement. This is around the same time that the Scarlet Surfer was in NYC for fashion week, which @majored accompanied him to, meaning that it isn’t entirely out of the question for him to still be in New York. Also on social media at this time is @devinitely and @loganvance also both is cowboy outfits, though the creepy basement is absent from both of them.
JOEL: I guess September isn't too early for weird Halloween stuff to start? What with the spooky basement and everything. Right? And everyone loves a cowboy moment— or have cowboys become the new clown? I heard there was a clown renaissance and people like them now? I don't really know where we stand on the whole clown— what?
JADE: I see our next hot debate. Cowboys: Hot or not? Personally, I liked cow print, but I can see cowboys going out soon. Once they reach killer clown status is when it’ll be ideal for me.
JOEL: Personally, I vote hot. And uhhh, not to kinkshame you Jay, but killer clowns are a no from me.
JADE: [tsks] Kinkshamed, by my own brother no less.
JOEL: [a loud laugh] You know I'm just kidding. No kinkshaking, ya heard? I'd literally let the Jersey Devil step on me so. To each their own.
JADE: [snorting] Um, gross.
JADE: Now to October: There is a production of Rocky Horror, a cast photo is uploaded to @elidrising, the account of @devinitely’s boyfriend. This places not only @devinitely and @loganvance in Montauk, but it also places @crispyboiz and @_kllledbycain in Montauk too. These are two of the people that are suspected to belong in the video by @ime.are, in which (suspected) @_kllledbycain, dressed as Kakashi Hatake attacked @majored, only to be torn apart by good citizen @crispyboiz. This video is the first that we’ve seen of @majored since his last post, and he offers nothing in response to it.
JOEL: Okay. Okay. Now, you know I love a good shadow-cast of Rocky Horror. I've always wanted to play Frank. I would rock that part. Am I wrong? —he laughs— But okay, that's - count 'em - three influencers in one place? If @elidrising is there, we can assume @devinitely is too because she was in the same location as, uh, whatshername? Logan? And that's the same location as @ime.are. Who took the video of  Kakashi kicking @majored's ass. @_kllledbycain— more like killedbyKakashi, eh? Seriously why are all these people together?
JOEL: [as an afterthought] It's gotta be a cult.
JADE: November to December: Nothing happens with @majored, @ime.are also offers nothing except for quote unquote “#teamkakashi”, which is funny because they never tagged Kakashi, but anyways. Upon deeper inspection, there are videos on their Twitter from last May, of people in a fighting ring. And then people fighting on a lake? But the fighting ring looks super dangerous and I dunno, like you said, cult-y? Fight-club-y? Call it what you will. In any case, we are led to believe that this fighting has been going on for some time in the background.
JOEL: Okay, come on. That’s definitely a cult. I’ve seen the movie, can confirm. — he groans— Literally what is an Italian astrologer doing there? Wait, wait, wait. Montauk? You said Montauk. Montauk, as in on Long Island. As in like —he drops his voice to a stage-whisper— the part of Long Island that peeps believe to be the site of a government cover-up involving kidnapping, mind control, and time travel? The part that inspired Stranger Things? That Montauk? Snap. I can’t believe I didn’t put two and two together sooner. Jade, Jade. What if this is, I don’t know, like, MKUltra 2.0?
JADE: Yes, yes that Montauk, I’m glad you picked up on that. Look, I’m not saying that it’s an influencer’s-only thing, but I am saying that some might be in the area, and maybe involved. At the same time throughout all of this, we have a culmination of more influencers seeming to know this network of people. @gaborealis, an Italian astrologer, is seen in pictures of @sleepyfinch, who was also in the production of Rocky Horror, and has pictures with @crispyboiz and, god, this name is a freaking nightmare, @_kllledbycain. Not to mention this guy has many pictures of weird… family members? Who sometimes look alike? Okay, but seriously, @kodakola and @sonofpeter, how is your hair not straw at this point? Is it wigs? I think my hair would simply fall out. And y’all using Insta filters or what, cause… I’m not gonna get into it, let’s keep going.
JOEL: Maybe they're makeup vloggers or something. Gotta change up the look for views, right? Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and uhhhh, smash that follow button— or whatever YouTubers say. —he laughs— Okay but seriously, yeah. @sonofpeter, @kodakola, whatever you two are doing to your hair, let me know because I'm trying to bleach my hair and dye it bright purple without it falling out. And since we're doing it at our next stop, well, your advice will probably be too late. But still, what are your secrets? Is it...clones?
JADE: Joel! —she’s laughing again.— Timeline and then theories. —she clears her throat— After that long silence, a Tweet emerges. January 8th. "Can’t believe @majored SPAT on me and called me a C-Blank-Blank-T when he checked into @SDFamilyMotel last night”. This places Major across the country from where we believed him to be, but acting so strangely that one must wonder… was that really him? Or was it someone that just looked like him? Or was it a cry for help? Nothing’s been heard since from @majored, which I guess… leads us to our theories. —a pause— You were saying… clones, Joel?
JOEL: Sheeeeesh, this is not @majored's year. I gotta say, this sounds totally different from the vibe that this guy used to put out on his social media. Obviously Instagram is fake blah blah blah, you know the spiel, but like. Damn. He spit on them? —a pause as he considers what his sibling has said— You know....I think that's a really good point. Was that even the real him? Will the real Ed Major please stand up?
JADE: I know. It just seems out of character, and terrible for a reputation, but it also would make sense if... One, this is a fake @majored, meant to stir up controversy before he goes underground again. And with an action like spitting on someone and calling them a name like that? Who cares what the dude does after that? Unfollowed, cancelled, whatever. And why would this guy want to go underground, well, I'm glad you're so interested. Well, the official Cryptwins theory is that maybe... just maybe, the crazy, government cover-up Montauk that we all know and love isn't that far from truth. We see that they have means of covering up shadows —she lets out a laugh— and people whose faces just change? And who else is there, @spencerkeahi, someone who explains rehabilitation, maybe someone who has experience helping people get used to being a clone? @ime.are, a nurse who enjoys taking videos of people fighting? It all adds up, people!
JOEL: Yeah, seriously. With the real @majored MIA, there would be no one to combat the backlash from this supposed...clone? Imposter? And maybe that’s what they want. Looks like Montauk isn’t the ideal vacation spot anymore, huh? Even if their seaside cabins are super chill and homey. But I digress. Something sinister is going on. Something bigger than we can even imagine. A secret underground facility that’s...cloning influencers? Training them? Your guess is as good as mine. And that’s why we’re on this road trip, isn’t that right Jade? To get some answers?
JADE: Exactly. —it sounds as though she is holding back a laugh or a cough.— Cross country roadtrip in which we explore different topics like this one, and on the way, we'll document our progress and any spooky encounters. Check out our insta, @cryptwins to get all the updates, and consider hitting us up on Patreon if you want us to be able to afford the gas to get all the way to the east coast.
JOEL: I’ll be posting behind the scenes content in the “ROADTRIP” highlight on my Insta throughout the trip so be sure to check my stories. You might get lucky and find some special codes for Creature Comforts but, hey. You didn’t hear it from me. -he laughs and there’s the distinct sound of a bag of chips being opened- What Jade meant to say is gas and snack money. So yeah, go go go! Check out the Patreon! We might even do a giveaway at the end of our trip, get you guys some cool souvenirs we pick up on our travels. Not a bad idea, eh?
JADE: Joel, my ears are literally bleeding right now. Thanks. Anyway, our second theory will also be exclusive to our Patrons, so be sure to get the full video there. Cryptwins... out...
Her voice fades out and the music from the beginning fades in, takes over, and plays until the end of the track.
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yttd-joe-obsessed · 3 years
Welcome to the Daily Joe Posting Lands!
Hello hello!
This post will give basic info on how this account will have stuff organized!
or will have stuff organized after the old posts because as of now I am not planning on going through all of my old posts and changing them up-
But anyway! Here’s the tags that I’ll most likely be using! These ones don’t go deep into categories and such, they’re mostly just the basic things to sort stuff out
So here’s a basic outline of the tags:
#joe images- images that contain Joe in them will be tagged with this!
#joe rambles- text that talks about Joe will be tagged like this!
#joe rambles and images- posts that have both will be tagged like this!
#joe only- posts that are only about Joe will be tagged like this!
#joe and friends- posts that are about Joe and the other characters will be tagged like this! Will also be tagging the characters!
#hallucination joe- posts with the scary red man that keeps Sara and me up at night will be tagged like this!
And now, the less Joe-related tags! Plus some other stuff! Putting these under a read more, so if you wanna know em, click the read more to check em out!
Those who don’t click on the read more, I still hope you enjoy your stay!
I honestly wasn’t expecting anyone to click the read more but um-
Here are the less Joe-related tags:
#not 100% joe related- posts that might mention Joe but aren’t really about him will be tagged like this!
#account rambles- posts that mainly talk about this account will be tagged like this!
#yttd crossovers- posts that are crossovers of yttd with another franchise will be tagged like this!
#yttd au- posts regarding AUs of the game will be tagged like this! Will also tag the AU!
#yttd ship post- posts regarding ships will be tagged like this! There will also be a tag with the name of the ship!
#reblog- reblogs will be tagged like this!
#rb- reblogs will also be tagged like this!
#personal beans- more personal posts will be tagged like this!
#not joe related- posts with no Joe at all will be tagged like this!
#not yttd related- posts not related to the game will be tagged like this!
#yttd spoilers- spoilers will be tagged like this! If there’s another franchise spoiler in the case of #yttd crossovers, then there will also be a tag regarding said spoiler!
#original-ish- posts thought up of and made by me will be tagged like this! This includes any drawings, edits, or just random rambles I do!
#not by me- posts that weren’t thought up of or made by me (not counting reblogs because duh) such as Nankidai sketches or the 4-komas will be tagged like this!
Those should be all of em, but expect more to be added soon!
There will, of course, be character tags. Using Sara as an example, the tags for characters other than Joe will be like #sara chidouin and #yttd sara.
However, in cases where a character has multiple names, I will also be tagging those!
Examples include:
#jou tazuna and #joe tazuna as well as #yttd jou and #yttd joe, as I’ve been doing so far
and #midori doll and #real sou hiyori as well as #yttd midori and #yttd sou
For Shin I’ll just be using his real name instead of the name Sou since it makes things easier for me lol
And now! Something that no one asked for! A meet the mod section!
Aka Imma just say my name and how I found out about yttd lol
Name’s Nahi, but Ink works too! Found out about Your Turn to Die near the end of 2020 and now it seems like I can’t really escape! So here we are, and I hope I don’t forget about this account any time soon ^^;
And that should be everything! Hope you enjoy your stay!
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mcwriting · 4 years
Starstruck (9)
hello it’s me again. Second to last chapter :( but I’ve got bigger things in the works
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Fandom: Tom Holland
Ship: Tom x reader
Setting: LA, London
Word Count: 2230
Warnings: mild language
Rating: K+
Tom dodged cameras and wove through crowds as he made his way through London Heathrow Airport.
He finally was home in London, but only for about a week since he’d be coming back to LA for you.
The news had obviously broken that Tom had left South Korea, so now he was being bombarded with paparazzi who still wanted to know everything about you, especially your speech four days prior.
He continued to ignore them as he got to where Tuwaine was waiting to pick them up.
The car doors slammed shut as all four boys settled themselves in, Harrison up front and the Hollands in the back. Tuwaine locked the doors, then turned around.
“Seems like we’ve got a lot to talk about, boys.”
“You have noooo idea,” Tom muttered as the others nodded eagerly.
The drive back to their south London house was comfortable to Tom after everything that had happened. They mostly strayed from talking about you in the car, instead sharing funny stories from the long-lived press tour. 
Sam decided to head back to his parents’ house after they arrived at the other boys’, ringing up an uber. He just wanted to sleep in his own bed. Their parents and Paddy had come home from the premiere before Tom went to Korea.
Once the boys were showered off and settled in, they told Tuwaine everything from the pre-release press tour before the premiere to meeting you to everything since. 
“That’s mad, Tom. So when are you going back? And how do you plan on going unseen?” Tuwaine asked.
“Well we’re gonna get back to LA on Thursday to have time to adjust again and get everything settled. I’ve paid for a couple private planes to keep things off the radar as best as I can. All of you can come if you want.”
After further discussion, they decided for only Harrison and Harry to join Tom since the others had prior commitments. 
After a couple more hours of catching up and reflecting on the past weeks, everyone finally decided to retire to their beds and hopefully get some rest.
As Tom layed down, he thought about the plan to see you again. He was nervous and excited at the same time, and went to sleep thinking one thing.
I’m coming to get ya, y/n.
As always, news of Tom’s travel back home was all over the internet with clips and pictures of him dodging through the airport being shared, you of course being tagged in those pictures by fan accounts wanting attention.
“Ughhhh I’m so tired of people tagging me in this shit like I actually care! I’m not even remotely involved in these pictures!” you exclaimed to b/f/n, who was sprawled on your bean bag chair as you laid on your stomach across a rug. 
You showed her a fan edit of Tom someone tagged you in, which was just a video transitioning between pictures of him from his press tour.
“I know. It’s so dumb like, he’s even likely to see stuff if you just pester his friends, or in your case… whatever you guys are.”
“Give me a break. We’re nothing. We just met and yeah. That’s all there is to it.”
“I don’t buy it, but whatever. I need to use your charger.”
You pointed to the bed.
“It’s over on the other side if you want it.”
B/f/n sighed dramatically, then rolled her way off the bean bag to flop onto your bed, plugging the device in. After a few minutes of silent scrolling on your phones, she piped up.
“Yo. Why does your bed smell so good? New detergent or something?”
You blushed, realizing you never told her about that little detail.
“Uh, well. It’s cologne.”
She turned her head to look directly at you, eyebrows raised cheekily.
“And why do you have cologne on your bedsheets?”
You avoided looking directly at her for a second, cringing a little.
“Well… I may have kind of left out the part of the story where Tom gave me a whole bottle of his cologne and it smelled really good so I sprayed it all over my sheets… but like no biggie right?”
She sat up.
“Yes biggie! You know exactly what Tom Holland smells like and didn’t think to tell me?”
“I forgot about it until the other day when I found the bottle in a bag of my stuff. Didn’t seem important.”
“Okay, if it’s not important, then why did you douse your bed in his scent?”
“I told you, I think it smells good. That’s it.”
“You’re really going to sit there and try to convince me of that? Everyone knows that scent memory is a really big deal, not to mention that he literally gave it to you.”
You stared each other down for almost a minute before you cracked.
“Okay, fine. It helps me sleep, alright? It takes me back to the night he spent here, which honestly was one of the best nights of my life. It just felt so nice talking to him about vulnerable things, you know? At the time I thought I could trust him, and maybe a part of me wants to remember that side of him.”
B/f/n nodded as you finished.
“I get it. What he did sucks, but you can’t let that ruin the good memories you do have. Things will work themselves out. They always do. You just need to remember that you’re a boss bitch and no matter what happens, you’re gonna be alright.”
“Thanks. I really needed to hear that.”
“Anytime. Now let’s forget about him and figure out where we want to get our nails done next week.”
It was now Tuesday, and you and b/f/n sat in adjacent pedicure chairs, trying to lean back peacefully as yours vibrated violently in the name of a “massage.”
After you both struggled to not laugh while the nail techs exfoliated your feet, you were now relaxed and still as they began to actually polish your toenails.
You looked over to see b/f/n smiling at her phone.
“Who’s got you acting up?” you asked. She looked up in surprise.
“It’s no one. Catherine just sent me something funny on Instagram.”
“Oh, okay. Send it to me.”
In reality, she had been talking to Harrison and Tom about Friday, sending them pics of you in your dress the prior week and learning of their plans to get to LA on Thursday morning. 
To cover for herself, though, b/f/n scrolled through her dm’s with Catherine, looking for something she’d received but never sent to you.
Wednesday in London, Tom, Harrison, and Harry sat around the dining room recapping the plan for the rest of the week.
“Okay, so we’re gonna get there pretty early tomorrow morning and then I arranged for us to stay at an AirBnb under b/f/n’s name but obviously I’m paying for it. Since none of us are 25, I couldn’t get a regular rental car, but I talked to Audi and they said they’d loan me another car as long as we post some pictures with it.”
“Won’t that defeat the purpose of laying low if we’re plastering our faces with the car online? It won't be hard to distinguish London from pretty much anywhere else,” Harry claimed.
“They said as long as we get the pictures up before we leave town, we’re good. We’ll just have to put it in the calendar so I don’t forget.”
Harry took that as his cue to put it in the calendar right then.
“What about the actual event? I know you said you got in touch with them,” Harrison brought up.
“I’m glad you asked, mate. They were down for letting us make our appearance a surprise, so they’ll have staff sneak us in the back and wait until b/f/n gives us the go-ahead. They’re gonna introduce me and I’ll give a quick word and then… hopefully y/n will let me talk to her.”
The group got everything in order and loaded their bags into Tuwaine’s car once again for him to drive them to the private jet hangars.
After saying their goodbyes again and loading up onto the plane, the boys were in the air, headed west. They would be stopping in New York to change planes, and got comfortable for the almost 8 hour flight.
By the time they got to New York, the boys were exhausted going through customs. They were happy to find that so far no one had seemed to leak the fact that they had left London and were now in the states.
They boarded the next plane and prepared for the 6 hour flight, this time planning to get sleep as it was overnight and they’d be arriving in the morning.
The sun was beginning to rise over Los Angeles as the plane touched down.
“Tom, we’re here,” Harry said, shaking his brother awake as the plane taxied. 
Tom blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the light, looking out the window. 
The boys deplaned on the tarmac and sat tiredly in the small airport’s lobby as they waited for someone to drop off the car. 
Tom noticed one woman at the desk looking over at him frequently. He was afraid she would end up putting him all over the internet, so he got up and came to the desk.
“Hi there.”
She looked at him, startled.
“Um, hello.”
“I couldn’t help but notice you looking over at us. Would you happen to be a fan?” Tom asked politely. She blushed.
“Yes, actually, I am.”
“Would you like a picture?” Tom offered. He knew he looked horrible from his long journey but needed to know she wouldn’t go around telling everyone about meeting him.
“That would be incredible! I was too afraid to ask.”
Tom called Harry over to take the picture on her phone, then took it from the younger brother. Tom noticed Harrison carrying a couple bags out the door to a car.
“That’s a good one! I only ask that you try to keep this to yourself? At least until tomorrow evening? I’m on a bit of a secret mission, and I don’t quite want the public to know I’m here, yet.” 
The girl’s eyes widened.
“Of course! I’d hate to ruin anything for you.”
“Awesome, thank you so much. And it was quite lovely meeting you, I look forward to seeing those pictures again one day.”
With that, Tom was out the door and on his way to the spot they had rented out for the trip.
B/f/n woke up Thursday to work out again and saw there was an Instagram notification on her lock screen. It was Harrison (or maybe Tom, who knew who she was actually talking to).
We made it to the AirBnb. Thanks again for putting it under your name.
She saw it had been sent about an hour prior, so she replied.
No worries. I haven’t seen anything online about you being in the US, so it seems like you’re good so far
We’ll try to keep a low profile. We’re mostly trying to adjust to the time again so Tom isn’t falling asleep at the formal tomorrow night
B/f/n snorted. She figured it really was Harrison that she was talking to.
At the boy’s rented house, they were sitting around drinking black coffee to stay awake for the day. Eventually, they ran outside and took pictures with the car, being careful to watch that no one was looking at them.
As the morning went on, they quickly came to an unfortunate realization.
There was no food in the house, and they couldn’t just go out and get it. Delivery wasn’t the best bet either considering someone would have to answer the door.
So with stomachs growling, they messaged b/f/n again, asking her to pick up some groceries to hold them over for the day.
You’re lucky I’m not with y/n right now. Just send me a list and I’ll bring it over asap
It took her over an hour to get to the store, find everything on the list, and take it to the house. Her stomach fluttered when she pulled into the driveway as she was finally meeting her idol for real.
The door swung open before she could knock.
“Oh thank God you’re finally here, I’m starving,” Harrison said , taking the bags from her hands. “Come in, come in. Don’t need anyone seeing us.”
She stepped in the door to find the other two sitting on the couch. They greeted her starstruck self. 
“Oh, wow. Hi. It’s nice to finally meet you in person,” she eventually spit out, looking at them in amazement.
She ended up spending almost an hour conversing with them, Tom paying her back for the groceries and them finalizing the details for the upcoming day.
She stood in the doorway preparing to leave.
“Well, I’ll see you all tomorrow. I don’t know what she’ll do, but good luck either way.”
“Thanks, b/f/n, that means a lot. And thanks for all the help you’ve been. Without you, I don’t know what I would have done.”
A/N: honestly I’m kinda sad that this is almost over. I started it over a year ago now and I’ve really enjoyed writing it. Hopefully I’ll put out the last chapter next week and then will begin scheduling “the marriage project.” Love you guys!
TAG LIST: @marvel-lously, @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @dreamyvans, @lisannehus, @honeymoonpeter, @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven, @chenellearose, @photoshopart15, @parkeret, @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch, @racewife2004, @joyleenl
To be added to my story or permanent tag list, pls send a message or ask
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Funny Moments In Thor The Dark World
Find Thor 1 here
Find Avengers 1 here
This is the second part of me watching all three thor movies and the avengers movie and comparing the humor pre-ragnarok to the humor in the 3rd Thor movie. And, as before, I’m writing this on my computer where the I and U keys don’t work so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Tag List: @nikkoliferous @fyrecrafted @lokijiro @miskiett @darthxerik @icyxmischief @iamanartichoke @juliabohemian @official-and-unstable-satan @melodylnoelle @just-another-human-2019 @fandomsfanfiction @mentallydatingahotcelebrity @cateyes315 @burningarbiterheart @imnotacreepijustlikeyou @usedtobegoodfriend96 @alexakeyloveloki
Official-and-unstable-satan and fandomsfanfiction weren’t tagged sry
Anyone who wants to be added/removed to the tag list please let me know! and if I missed someone please also let me know. Sorry this post is so long
~ “Hello Mother. Have I made you proud?”
~ “Please don’t make things worse” “Define worse”
~ “I really don’t see what all the fuss is about”
~ “Just like you”
~ *That smile!!!!*
~ “I’ve got this completely under control!” “Is that why everything’s on fire?”
~ *About the Scary MonsterTM: “All yours”
~ *Thor says hi to the Big Scary MonsterTM*
~ “I accept your surrender”
~ “Anyone else?” *All the people simultaneously: NOPE*
~ “Perhaps next time we should START with the big one”
~ *Odin obviously shipping Thor and Jane* (idk I got a kick out of this)
~ *Jane awkwardly avoiding her date*
~ *Date: hi*
~ *Him awkwardly talking about his ex*
~ “And the fact that she kept sleeping with other men” “NO!”
~ *Darcy being mistaken for a waitress*
~ *Darcy mouthing “Cute” to Jane about Richard*
~ *Darcy embarrassing Jane by talking about Thor*
~ “Is there a point to all of this cause there REALLY needs to be a point to all of this”
~ “That’s what I said!”
~ “That’s what I did!”
~ “He’s not interested” “I’m interested” (Am I the only one who feels like his awkwardness was actually kinda cute?)
~ “He’s my intern.” “You have an intern?”
~ *Intern is fucking adorable like Richard*
~ “I have totally mastered driving in London!” *Has not mastered it at all*
~ *Selvig running around Stonehenge naked*
~ *Darcy keeps calling Ian ‘Intern’*
~ *Darcy calls Jane cause she didn’t wanna shout*
~ God I fucking love Darcy she’s so criminally underrated
~ “I am not getting stabbed in the name of science”
~ “It’s okay, we’re Americans!” “Is that supposed to make them like us?”
~ “We’re scientists-well I am” “Thanks”
~ “That doesn’t seem right”
~ “I wanna throw something! Jane give me your shoe!”
~ *Jane ignores Darcy*
~ “Give me your shoe”
~ “Were those the car keys?”
~ *Ian’s face when he realizes he threw the car keys to another planet*
~ *If you have to bury so many people then you’re doing something wrong you hot dumb fuck* (I mean that’s basically what Heimdall said right?)
~ “Typical” *after being left behind while Jane goes to talk to her boyfriend*
~ *Jane! Love of my life and most talented and beautiful person in the world oh how I love yo-SLAP*
~ “As excuses go, its not terrible”
~ “I know” “You do?” “Do what?”
~ *Darcy interrupts the KissTM*
~ “Um I’m pretty sure we are getting arrested”
~ “How’s space?” “Space is fine”
~ “He’s my intern… My intern’s intern”
~ “Holy shit!” (after Jane went up in the Bifrost)
~ *Heimdall calmly dodges the car*
~ “We have to do that again”
~ “Hello”
~ “What’s that?”
~ “It’s a soul forge” *No I’m pretty sure that’s a quantum field generator*
~ *Jane being ready to fight Odin for comparing her to a goat*
~ “You told your dad about me?”
~ “It must be so inconvenient, them asking about me day and night”
~ “Please meet my mother” *Jane shies away from Thor*
~ Loki casually tossing the thingamajig in the air like the cute little shit he is
~ Lord, he’s so damn pretty
~ *Kurse being like: Lol I ain’t touchin’ that boy with a ten foot pole*
~ “It’s as if they resent being in prison”
~ “There’s no pleasing some creatures”
~ *Loki calmly reading a book while all Hel breaks loose*
~ “You have my word that no harm will come to yo-” nvm bitch die
~ *THAT look between Sif and Jane*
~ *Frigga immediately seeing through Odin’s bs lies*
~ *Heimdall: I have defeated the big space ship!! The bigger one behind him: Bitch you thought*
~ “WITCH!!!!” *Now I know who Loki gets his amazing aforementioned smile from*
~ *Selvig using shoes to explain complicated science*
~ *Selvig then using pencils*
~ “Any questions?” “Yeah, can I have my shoe back?”
~ “What’s SHIELD?” “It’s a secret”
~ *Darcy’s cute af face when she sees that Selvig is in the mental hospital*
~ “Are you sure you wouldn’t just rather punch your way out?”
~ *Loki shapeshifting into the guard*
~ “Mmm Brother, you look ravishing”
~ “Costumes a bit much”
~ “So tight!”
~ “I can FEEL the righteousness surging!!”
~ “HEY wanna have a rousing discussion about truth?”
~ “Honor?”
~ “Patriotism?”
~ “At last. A little common sens-”Bitch are you really fucking kidding me? (What do you mean that’s not what he said?)
~ “I thought you liked tricks”
~ “I’m Loki, you may have heard of-” SLAP
~ “That was for New York”
~ “I like her”
~ *Loki gazing lovingly at Jane in the background*
~ “Betray him, and I’ll kill you.” “It’s good to see you too Sif”
~ “If you even think about betraying him-” “You’ll kill me? Evidently there will be a line”
~ “I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing.” “I said how hard can it be?”
~ “Whatever your doing brother I suggest you do it faster.” “Shut up Loki
~ “You must’ve missed something.” “I didn’t, I’m pressing every button on this thing”
~ “Well don’t hit it. Just press it, gently.” “I aM pReSsInG iT gEnTlY AND ITS NOT WORKING!!!”
~ *Thor starts slamming buttons and it starts working*
~ *Volstagg: Oh fighting is much fun- OH SHIT IM FALLING!! HELP!!!*
~ “I think you missed a column.” “Shut up”
~ “Why don’t you let me take over? I’m clearly the best pilot”
~ *Bitch I’m the one who can actually fly*
~ “Oh dear. Is she dead?”
~ *Thor knocks over a column* “Not a word”
~ “Now they’re following us”
~ “Now they’re firing at us”
~ “Yes thank you for the commentary Loki, it’s not at all distracting”
~ “Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather”
~ *Seriously, whoever wrote the escape scene is a genius!!!*
~ *Loki yelling at Thor about how thIs was a bad idea you dumb fuck- wait wtf are you doing AAAAHHHHH!!!!1*
~ “You lied to me. I’m impressed”
~ *That smile again snfnejaihfeqrqrsbdsalxdjewonjfeq*
~ “For Asgard!” YEET
~ “Nothing personal boys!”
~ “If it were easy, everyone would do it”
~ “Are you mad?” “Possibly”
~ “Oh yeah, my father. Eric Selvig”
~ “And these” “yeah… those”
~ “How did you find me?” “You were naked on television”
~ “I don’t get paid enough. I don’t get paid at all”
~ “What’s happening? Birds? Birds are happening?”
~ “All right are you ready?” “I am”
~ *phone rings* “It’s not me”
~ “Why are there so many shoes in here?”
~ “I’ll just text her”
~ “So who’s Richard?”
~ *Thor hanging his hammer on a coat hanger*
~ “Where are your pants?” “Oh he says it helps him think”
~ “Loki is dead” “Oh thank God!”
~ “Better get my pants”
~ “Do you even know what these things do?” “No” “…Neither do I”
~ “Ooh get the guy with the sword!”
~ “Oops”
~ *Ian’s high-pitched scream*
~ *Does car insurance cover My Car Was Sucked Into Another Planet Due To A Cosmic Event That Only Occurs Once Every 5000 Years or no?*
~ *Thor and Malekith fighting between worlds and poor little Mjolnir trying to keep up*
~ *The two of them against windows*
~ *Awww! Look at the cute little Jotunheim monster! He’s so adorable I wanna pet him so much!’
~ *Darcy and Ian kissing after he saved her life*
~ “Darcy?” “Jane!” “Ian?” “Selvig.”
~ “Myuh Myuh!!”
~ *Thor ends up on the subway*
~ *The girl taking 50 photos*
~ *Thor and the woman colliding into eachother*
~ “I’ve come to accept your surrender”
~ *Malekith gets crushed by his own ship. Now that’s some lovely karma right there*
~ *Darcy and Ian go back to kissing*
~ “He kinda committed treason on our way out” oops
~ Jotunheim Puppy chasing birds
Wow I’m so sorry this was so long. But guess what? It’s gonna get even longer. Sorry, again.
So one of the differences between the first and second Thor movies is that Thor 2 has humor in the climax whereas Thor 1 doesn’t. This is because of the differences with who is the villain. In Thor 1, Thor is having to fight his brother. To quote Avengers, they “played together and fought together” for several millennia. Of course there’s not going to be any humor in it cause there shouldn’t be. The climax at the end of the movie isn’t supposed to be some epic battle between the forces of Good TM and Bad TM. It’s supposed to be tragic that he’s having to fight his own brother because Loki lost his mind due to so many factors. The last joke in the film is “You’re an amazon liar brother, always have been” “It’s good to have you back”. There’s nothing else till the end credit scene. That’s because Kenneth Branagh knew that this was supposed to be viewed at as being sad a hopeless, not some awesome upbeat battle.
Thor 2 on the other hand, is exactly that. Thor has known Malekith for.. what? 2 days? Maybe 3? His relationship and dynamic with Malekith is different than with his brother. To Thor, this is just another enemy attacking Asgard. And I’m not sure whether this was intentional or not (because I remember reading somewhere how Allen Taylor had a bitch of a time in the editing process so I think the movie came out different than he intended) but the lack of any personal relationship will Malekith means the film can make really funny jokes and still have it fit with the film. If anything, I might even argue that the humor helped the film to maintain a very nice positive vibe. Idk I can’t think of the right words to explain it but the jokes actually fit the film very well.
However, then we move on to Ragnarok. With Ragnarok, Thor is fighting his sister. While (just like Malekith) he has only known her for two days, that still doesn’t take away the fact that he is having to fight his sibling. And I’m not a film director but if I had the option of approaching this situation and taking it the Thor 1 route or the the Thor 2 route, I’d go with Thor 1. Because it’s actually incredibly tragic that Hela has been driven to insanity like Loki (though ok a different level) due to Odin’s shitty parenting. She is the horrible way she is because Odin made her that way. And that could’ve been an AMAZINGLY complex story with the audience feeling so much sympathy for Hela like we did with Loki in Thor 1, but the narrative just falls flat for two reasons. 1) Taika admitted he didn’t want the film to be emotionally complex so 2) The humor in the climax completely detracts from the seriousness of the situation.
Also, some side notes: Yes, this is edited from the original. I accidentally deleted everything and then had to go back and add everything back in. So I also had to re-tag people too. And I also added a bit more explanation at the end. I meant to do so when I originally posted but it never got done till now. Sry. Also sry that it’s so long
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scullysexual · 4 years
Jewel Sequel: Chapter Two.
There’s been a change of plan. I was originally gonna get this out on the weekend (so it had a similar system to what Jewel had) but then I finished it and edited it today so the post day will either be late Wednesday/early Thursday and hopefully I’ll be able to stick to that schedule. Hi, hello, if you’re new to this. This can arguably be classed as a ‘Titanic au’ still cause it exists within that universe. This is a sequel to that and it is highly recommended to read A Jewel Beneath The Moonlight first, it’s not long, it’s thirteen chapters and if you’ve read my stuff before you’ll know my chapters/one shots are never long. You won’t regret reading it either. It’s been a while since I’ve been in this universe but most wanted me to continue with it so here you go. I do really hope you enjoy this as much as you did Jewel. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them :)
Tagging: @baronessblixen @suitablyaggrieved @purrykat @today-in-fic. As usual, let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters. 
Link to Chapter One.
Scully sighs in frustration as she turns the pages of the newspaper. It was the third one she had picked up so far and nothing; nobody advertising for any job, nobody looking for extra help.
She places the newspaper back on the rack, her hand hovering over the next before…
“We’re not a library. If you’re going to look through it, you better pay for it.”
Scully looks up to see an old man peering down at her from his stall.
Reluctantly, she leaves the fourth paper where it is and saunters over to the counter.
“Yes?” the man asks, warily.
“I was wondering if there had any job requests,” Scully answers, her elbows coming up to lean on the counter.
The man eyes her cautiously. “What kind of job?”
“Nanny, housekeeper, that sort of thing,” she shrugs.
With one last careful glance towards her, Scully watches with apprehension as he pulls a piece of paper off the wall and hands it to her.
“The Burkes came in a few weeks ago saying they were looking for a new housekeeper. They never came back to tell me they found someone so you can always check there.”
Scully looks at the yellowing paper. The address was not of a place she had heard of but it sounded upper class enough for them to have money so it was good enough for her.
“Thank you,” Scully says, exiting the shop. Too busy still reading the paper, she misses the sign If you read, you buy the man tapes onto the newspaper rack.
   Three knocks and she’s stepping back, praying that her appearance is presentable enough for this family to consider her.
Physical appearance had been everything with the other family; hair up, clothes tucked in, and not a single curl out of place. Scully’s curls always fell out of place, regardless.
She hears barking from the other side of the door and smiles. They have a dog.
Out the way, Bruce, she also hears before the door is opening and a boy no older than herself stands before her.
“Uh…can I help you?” the boy asks.
Smiling (just as she had been taught) Scully begins,
“Hi, uh…there was a housekeeper request made and I was wondering if it was still open?” She extends the note towards the boy and he looks down at it, looking as if he’s unsure as to what it is or what to do with it for a second before he’s taking it from her.
“Uh, yeah…just, hold on a minute.”
Scully nods, still smiling, as the door is placed on the latch and waits for him to return.
To say she was disappointed to being back in this position again perhaps wasn’t right. She knew even four months ago that there would have to be an adjustment period, and while her future turned out differently than she imagined before stepping onto the ship, career-wise, it wasn’t entirely off target.
The four months she had been here was really about allowing Mulder to settle. She knows how much of a drastic change this is for him, how important it was for her to be there when he came home every evening- she was his only familiarity anymore, after all- but Scully couldn’t shake away the feeling that maybe she had pushed her dreams too far back, all just to accommodate Mulder.
Had she still been here with Charlie, they would have found the swing of things fairly early on; him at some construction site, her in some upper-class house. And she wouldn’t have to try and get the weekend off.
It still stung to think of her brother.
The door reopens to an older woman, late 30s Scully assumes, holding the note Scully gave to the boy.
The woman looks her up and down. “You’re the help?” she asks, distastefully.
“Aye, ma’am,” Scully nods.
The woman sighs defeatedly. “I suppose you’re better than nothing.” She opens the door the little wider to allow Scully entrance. “Well, come on, then.”
Scully enters and immediately the dog bounding towards her, curious as to who this intruder is. She laughs as the gold Labrador slobbers all over her skirt, not minding at all as she pets the top of his head.
“Edward!” Mrs Burke shouts towards the rooms leading off. The boy who answered the door exits out of the nearest doorway. “Take the dog somewhere else.”
Edward moves towards the dog, gripping it by the collar and tugging it away from Scully. “Sorry,” he says sheepishly.
“You won’t need to worry about the dog,” Mrs Burke says, shutting the front door. “That’s Edward’s job. What did you say your name was?”
“Ingrid Brevik,” Scully answered.
The woman smiles slightly, a smile that tells Scully the woman knows she’s lying.
“You’re real name.”
Scully hesitates for a moment. They had been using their fake names since they got here, every new person they met they introduced themselves as Leif and Ingrid and nothing was said on the matter. Even when they had got to Ellis Island, they had been allowed to pass through immigration fairly easily.
“If will remain within this household if you’re scared,” Mrs Burke reassures.
And maybe Scully was scared. What if they knew the Mulders had been her first thought, was always her thought when meeting anybody. Scully knew first-hand what vultures these people were.
But what if not all of them were? Mulder certainly wasn’t.
“Dana Scully,” Scully finally answers.
Mrs Burke nods, “That sounds more like it. Come on, I’ll show you around.”
Scully gets a tour of the house. It’s easy enough to navigate, give her two days and she’ll be able to walk around with her eyes closed.
She’s finally led to where she’ll be staying. A room in the basement. Minimum furniture; a single bed, a set of drawers yet the added bonus is the small bathroom attached. The last house hadn’t had a bathroom and Scully had been forced to use the one they had outside.
“You’ll work from six to nine every day. Dinner is usually served at seven. Any meals you have are to be had after we’ve eaten. Yes?”
Scully nods.
“Any questions?”
Scully fumbles with her fingers, unsure of how to proceed.
“Um…I have one request, actually.” The woman looks at her, waiting. “Can I have Saturday to Sunday off?”
  An agreement was made. Monday to Friday she would work, for half the wage.
Scully hadn’t tried to bargain with Mrs Burke. She hadn’t been too impressed with Scully’s request but had granted it anyway once Scully explained Mulder. She may not have been truthfully honest, Mulder was far from inept and she had no doubt he could take care of himself if it really came down to it but needs must.
Now she had the task of actually telling Mulder, something she had been dreading since this idea first came to mind. Five days a week Mulder would have to learn to live without her which meant he had a few new skills to learn.
Scully braces herself at the sound of the door unlocking. It opens to reveal Mulder, worn out and dropping his sketchbook onto the floor. He looks over to her, smiling tiredly, taking off his shoes.
“Long day?” she asks.
Mulder smiles in agreement, placing the money jar on the table. Scully’s eyes fall to it and widen when she realises what sits inside.
A dark green dollar bill.
She brings the jar towards her, twisting off the cap.
Mulder is full smiles now, pulling out the opposite chair and sitting down.
“Took a bit of convincing, but I managed to con them into giving that over.”
She looks up at him disapprovingly. “Mulder! We agreed you weren’t gonna use any deceitful tactics.”
“Look, I only did it the once, and look what it got us,” he points to the bill she holds in her hand. “I promise I won’t do it often.”
Scully sighs, placing the note back into the jar and pushing it out of the way. “You won’t have to. I got a job.”
Mulder stares at her in surprise. “Really? Where?”
She slides the note she got from the newspaper stall over to him.
“It’s just a housekeeper. I work Monday to Friday but I get to be home for the weekend.” She smiles, hoping it’ll lift his spirits.
Mulder stares glumly at the note. “You won’t be here for five days.”
She reaches her hand out, grasping his. “But I get to be home every weekend, that’s something right?”
Mulder shrugs, his fingers playing with hers. “When do you start?”
Scully looks down at their entwined hands. “Monday.”
“Monday?” Mulder exclaims. “But what’s in two days.”
“Well, it’s better than starting tomorrow, isn’t it?”
Mulder looks glumly down at their hands. “I guess,” he mumbles. “Scully, how am I meant to survive five days without you here?”
Scully smiles, “I’ll teach you how to cook. That should keep you alive.” Another thought passes through her mind then, one she hadn’t thought about before this moment.
“Mulder, will you be okay at night? You know, with the nightmares and that?”
She watches him think for a moment, a flash of panic crossing his face. Often their nightmares consisted of something happening to the other, or just a memory of what happened that night, and when they would wake up, the other’s presence would soothe them, allow them to go back to sleep knowing the other was safe and alive next to them. With them both being separated, there was a worry that that safety, that comfort wouldn’t be there anymore.
“I’ll be fine,” he says, trying to sound like he was convincing them both. “What about you? I know you have them, too.”
Scully tried to be less vocal about hers. Sometimes, Mulder’s dreams would have her waking up- usually because Mulder’s woke her up- sometimes it was the only way he could really go back to sleep if he knew she was really alive. Scully would just cuddle closer to Mulder, listen to his breathing and fall asleep that way.
She grasps his hand tighter. “I’ll be okay. I promise.”
It was going to be strange, being away from each other for so long. They had been in each other’s company since the day they met. They have never gone a day since that day without seeing each other at some point during the same day. Scully just prayed Mulder would be able to manage without her.
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ergomaria · 5 years
The Past is Gone (but something might be found) Preview Pt. III
Somehow, the text from the original post was deleted when I tried to edit the tags to make this easier to sort. I’ve restored it. Once again, I’m just posting this as a reminder that I’m alive and still trying to write!
PLOT: Vann, Meetra, and Carth touch the wrong thing at the wrong shrine and are turned into themselves at 18. Alek finds himself paying his penance to the Force when he has to simultaneously watch over the trio while trying to figure out how to restore them to their proper ages.
Now saddled with three teenagers and very few clues, Alek nodded in acquiescence as he trudged back towards the Hawk. Luckily, they were all fairly well behaved during the walk. Once they reached the ship the real fun began.
“So, do any of you know the codes to get back on the ship?”
There was a long bout of uncomfortable silence during which it became clear that no adult knowledge about the freighter had stuck with the teens. The worst part was that Alek did know the codes but couldn’t admit that fact without seeming suspicious. The next best option was to rewire the door panel and go from there.
“Alright, here’s a better question. Do any of you know how to rewire a hatch?”
Predictably, it was Deran who raised his hand. “Obviously I can, at least if I have the correct tools. Unfortunately, I don’t have my normal gear…”
The amount of places that Vann had broken into or out of during his search for the Star Forge still grated on Alek’s nerves. He knew for a fact there was a multitool tucked somewhere in that worn black jacket, but it was yet another fact he couldn’t openly share. “This might sound absurd, but everyone check your pockets. If your clothing originally belonged to spacers, and it looks like it did, the original owners may have left something useful behind.”
It was a risky gamble since there was always a chance that one of them had identifying documents on their person. But Alek was hoping they’d left those behind to perform a mission as covert as hiding a highly dangerous Sith holocron. Onasi’s civilian clothing was the best indicator that this might be the case. For once the Force was on his side and the search produced nothing but various odds and ends. An extra reload for the blasters, a few credits, a ration bar, a medpac, and finally a multitool that Vann had definitely purchased illegally.
Deran was predictably pleased to find the item and immediately set to work rewiring the door to his own ship. Meanwhile, Alek quietly filed that irony away for later. When the exit ramp slid open with a smooth hiss, Onasi practically cracked a tooth in his desperate attempt to not look impressed.
The inside of the Hawk was in partial disarray, though it was hard to tell if this was from whatever had transpired to turn three adults into teenagers or the mere fact that it was Vann’s ship and thus naturally full of clutter. Either way, the mess made it easier for Alek to order the teens to remain in the main hold where it was neater and theoretically ‘safer’ while he ‘checked’ the rest of the freighter. As soon as he was sure they would stay put, he moved into the cockpit to look for further clues.
Despite his tendency towards random piles of mechanical parts, Vann was absolutely fastidious when it came to researching locations and making notes about what he discovered. Before the original trip to Dromund Kaas he’d compiled an entire datapad full of files on the history of Sith purebloods, their laws, and their customs. While Nirauan had significantly less information recorded, there was still a pad with multiple paragraphs discussing the planet’s connection to both the Rakata Infinite Empire and the Force itself. It seemed that the crew was aiming to land near a series of suspected Rakata ruins that had a notable presence.
Datapad in hand, Alek peeked into the main hold to inform his charges of his next step. “Just so you’re aware, I think I found a series notes mentioning that this planet has a strange connection to the Force. I don’t know if it has anything to do with your current situation, but we can’t rule it out. I have a friend who might be able to untangle the few clues we currently have, so I’m going to comm her using the ship’s unit. Just wait here until I’m done.”
“Is she a Jedi?” Meetra was sprawled across two seats looking dangerously bored.
“She was at one time, but she’s since left the Order. However, she’s very knowledge about certain subjects and I feel that her input will be extremely helpful.” One of the subjects she had a great deal of experience with was being a Force prodigy and another was ancient artifacts from the Infinite Empire, currently making her the galaxy’s only authority on the situation. When there were no further questions, Alek hurried away to contact Rakata Base in the hope of begging Bastila for assistance.
“Vann?” The young woman’s face immediately darkened when she saw who was on the other end of the call. “Why are you there and where is Vann?”
“I’m here because Meetra contacted me when there was a complication with their current mission,” Alek hissed as quietly as possible. Noting the concern that immediately overtook Bastila’s face he assured her, “Everyone is healthy. I hesitate to say ‘fine’ because, well… Somehow, through a combination of some Rakta ruins and a Sith holocron, all three members of this crew are currently teenagers with no memories of their adult selves. I’d estimate them between seventeen and nineteen, if I had to guess.”
The incredulous glare was absolutely scathing. “You’ve picked a poor time to develop a sense of humor.”
“Why in Sith hells would I joke about this? I currently have three teenagers in the hold of this damn ship who are convinced that I’m a Jedi Sentinel named Naver who happened to sense a disturbance in the Force. Since it’s blatantly clear that my creativity it lacking, you can be sure that I couldn’t make this bantha fodder up if I tried!”
“Dustil, can you please come here? Our former ‘master’ is on the comm and he believes that he’s being hilarious. Perhaps you can convince him to tell me what’s really going on.”
“What the hells is going on now, Malak?” The younger Onai looked supremely irritated, which actually mirrored how Alek was currently feeling.
“That’s not my name.”
Appearing unbothered by the correction, Dustil sneered for a moment before snapping, “What kinrath nest did Vann get my dad into this time?”
“Oh, did he not tell you? Supposedly through the will of the Force, Vann, Meetra, and your father are now teenagers with no memory of their adult lives.” Bastila looked equally unamused. “Funny, yes?”
Alek was about two second from hanging up and hoping that Rand would be more helpful, if only to get Meetra back into her proper body, when a slender figure crept into the room just within view of the comm unit.
“Um, Knight Naver, I apologize for bothering you but…”
There was a loud pop of static from the other end of the comm, which turned out to be Bastila covering the microphone with her hand so that she could curse for about thirty seconds straight.
“Yes, Deran? I was actually just telling me friend Bastila a bit about you and the others in the hope that she’d be willing to assist us in figuring out what happened. Perhaps you’d like to speak with her about your current situation? It could be useful.”
It was hard to tell who was more bewildered by the entire scenario. Luckily, Deran’s natural curiosity quickly took hold and he slipped over to the console and situated himself before the camera. “Hello, Bastila was it? What did you want to ask me?”
“Oh stars…” The young woman was doing a poor job of disguising her surprise, though she still managed to stutter, “I apologize for my lack of manners. You just… remind me of someone I know. No matter. Actually, Deran, I was just wondering how, ah, how old you are.”
“You really aren’t a Jedi, are you? Sorry, that was rude. It’s just… everyone in the Order always seems to know everything about me. But uh, I turned eighteen a few months ago.”
“Two years before Knighthood…”
“Bastila, be careful. You don’t want to scare the boy!” While it was technically true that Deran became the youngest Knight in the order at age twenty, that wasn’t information his eighteen-year old self knew. It wasn’t until nineteen that his trials actually began.
Plastering on a false smile, the young woman quickly stammered, “That’s just a guess on my part. Though, of course, I could be wrong. It’s not like I can see the future and you’re so very… young.”
Unfortunately, just the mention of Knighthood had made Deran’s back go stiff, his jaw ticking in the corner even as his expression remained stoic and proper. “Well, that’s for the Council to decide. They know best.” Even at this age he sounded thoroughly unconvinced. “What else do you want to ask me?”
“That’s… that’s it.” Turning to Alek, Bastila stated, “I believe you and I’ll do whatever I can to help. Just tell me what you need.”
“I’ll send you all of the data I have in a minute. Let me just find out what brought Deran in here in the first place.”
“I came in to let you know that Carth and Meetra left the ship. They said that they got tired of waiting for you and decided to explore on their own.” The teen winced slightly. “Also, they may have been flirting? I’m not always great at telling that type of stuff, but it’s possible they just went to go and… you know.”
The snort of hysterics from Dustil was all the confirmation that Alek needed to know that this entire situation was his punishment from the Force. Part of him considered letting Meetra and Onasi do whatever they wanted. Someone else could deal with the fallout. But he also needed to get Deran out of the room to prevent him from snooping. “I’m concerned that they’re going to get themselves into trouble. There are some very powerful ruins on this planet and I’d hate for them to make the current situation even more complicated. Can I trust you to find them and bring them back safely?”
It was an underhanded ploy. Alek was fully aware that Deran’s facade of teenage bravado combined with his crippling fear of failure would make him agree to almost any task without question. But the former Sith didn’t have time to chase two teenagers down, all while trying to keep a third from learning that he was currently speaking with his own kriffing Padawan.
As expected, Deran immediately nodded. “Of course. I’ll bring them back as quickly as possible.”
It wasn’t until the teen’s footfalls disappeared off the ship that Alek sat down with a sigh, his head pounding from the sheer mental acrobatics required to keep this situation moving forward. As he uploaded the information from Vann’s datapad he grumbled, “For Force sake, Dustil. I thought your father would be the responsible one!”
The damned kid was still laughing. “Just checking, but is Meetra the teenager as pretty as Meetra the adult? Big blue eyes and wavy blonde hair?”
Attempting to be objective about the attractiveness of someone who was like a sister to him, Alek shrugged. “I suppose? She was more petite at this age, almost willowy. I honestly think she looks better with some muscle. Less delicate.”
“I don’t care either way, it’s just… My dad kinda has a type. Or, at least he did at that point in his life. My mom was petite with wavy, honey-brown hair. They met when he was twenty.”
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Nope, you can look up the files for Morgana Onasi if you want. I um, I have. Just to see her, you know? It helps me to remember her face…” Shaking away his melancholy, Dustil cleared his throat. “Ah, anyway, at eighteen my Dad was really responsible when it came to official things. Training and studying? He was incredibly dedicated. But when he had time to himself he kind of… let loose. Nothing really bad, just a lot of drinking and fooling around with his fellow cadets. Put a bunch of bored, horny teenagers in the same dorm and stuff happens.”
Alek had lived in the Jedi dormitories during puberty and was well aware of what could happen. He winced.
“The good news is that my dad definitely liked men at that age as well… Please don’t ask how I know this. It was a really awkward conversation that only happened because I got mad at him and… ugh. But the good news is that he might rediscover how amazing Vann is. He is really great at this age, right?”
“He’s actually an anxious mess who likes to pretend he’s confident, which just comes off as arrogance. It doesn’t help that he’s actually good at whatever he does. Honestly, I think your father currently wants to throttle him.”
“Ouch. Well, maybe they’ll lose all memory of this once they get restored to their actual ages!”
“We can only hope the Force is that kind.” Rubbing his forehead, Alek asked, “Bastila, have you looked over those files I sent?”
“I’m reading them now and I’ll run them through the Rakata archives when I’m done. But you should be aware that, while we have a significant amount of information on the Infinite Empire, we don’t have much else. Vann tries to update what he can, but it’s still nothing compared to what the Jedi possess.”
“Do your best, it’s still more than I have access to on this ship.”
“I do have an idea, but you’re not going to like it one bit.” Upon noting Alek’s hopeful expression, Bastila sighed...
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harry-niclach · 6 years
Happy Birthday Lo
Title: Happy Birthday Lo
Pairings: Romantic Analogical
Warnings: Panic, panic attack, sensory overload, crowds, some good fluff at the end, badly written kiss at the end, I think that’s them all?
A/N: Since it’s Logan’s birthday I wanted to write some analogical which is fairly angsty but ends in some good fluff that I think is okay, I’ve never written a kiss scene before so it reads a bit weird but I’m sure it’s okay, this isn’t edited at all, I hope you enjoy it!
Virgil stood in the middle of the town square waiting for Logan to find him, they had decided to meet up for the first time in a while. Logan lived miles away from Virgil so they didn't meet often but they sent things in the post to each other and they called each other at least twice a day, Logan called Virgil in the morning to make sure he got up on time and Virgil called Logan once he was home to make sure that a tried Logan didn't fall asleep at the wheel. Logan had known how to calm Virgil for a while now and Virgil had known how to comfort Logan when he was stressed or overworked. They were perfect for each other, they fit like two jigsaw pieces of a puzzle that had started years ago.
But today had been stressful. For both. They had decided to meet up but the two now realised that they were horrible with directions, Virgil decided to call Logan,
"Hello, Virgil," Logan's voice was calming to his racing mind, Virgil adjusted his scarf as he answered,
"Hi, Lo," He was quiet, he heard lots of people on Logan's end,
"Are you alright?" There was a long pause,
"Virgil? are you still there?" Logan knew he was still there but he had to bring Virgil back to reality and ground him,
"..Hm? yeah-yeah I'm still here..." Virgil sounded too distant and he his voice was shaky,
"Virgil, I want you to focus on my voice and tell me what you see," Logan spoke clearly and calmly,
"...There's-there's a- a fountain, and-and, there's t-too many people," Virgil sounded very panicked but he was scarily quiet,
"Virgil? take some deep breaths, remember, 4-7-8, I'm going to find you Virgil, it'll be alright," Logan waited for a response, he knew Virgil was trying to breath,
"Virgil, I want you to stay where you are and tell me if you see any signs of restaurants or shops," Logan still sounded calm but he wasn't, he was full of worry,
"su-sugar leaf, um, loud, t-too loud..." Virgil could barely be heard,
"Okay Virgil keep breathing and stay on the line, I'm at the fountain, stay where you are and I'll find you," Logan began to walk faster, he had to find Virgil and fast. He could hear him try to say something,
"L-lo, it-it's too much, it's too l-loud, it's too loud!" Virgil sounded, so very distressed, Logan felt his heart crack,
"I know Virgil I know, I'm almost there I see the restaurant, I'm looking for you, it's okay, I'll find you and we'll go somewhere else, I promise, just keep breathing," Logan started to run, just a little, he was scanning the crowd looking for Virgil, looking for his purple beanie and his black scarf....He was there somewhere and Logan was determined to find him, he ran through the crowd pushing past people he didn't have time to apologise or explain himself, he had to find Virgil.
"Virgil what colour is your jumper?" Logan asked,
"P-purple...pl-plaid..." At this point Virgil held his hands to his ears and scrunched his eyes up, he was trying to block out everything but it wasn't working, he could still hear everyone, he could still feel the looks of judgement mixed with slight worry, no one asked him what was wrong and no one thought to touch him which was more of a blessing than anything. Virgil started to hyperventilate he could here Logan distantly on the phone trying to calm him down but he couldn't make out what he was saying, he felt sick.
"Vi...l....bre...h..." Virgil was trying, he was trying to breathe but he couldn't, he hated the feeling of everything, he was horribly aware of how everything felt, he hated the feeling of the wind on his face but not the rest of his warm body, he hated it. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't see but he could hear and he could feel and that alone was too much.
"...L-lo..." Virgil whispered into the phone barely loud enough to be heard, Logan's heart broke but he kept looking, his glasses siding off his face every few steps.
"....Where....are...y-you..?" Virgil was trying to open his eyes and move his hands but his body refused to move, no matter how hard he tried, until he felt a pair of warm hands on his wrists where his jumper had rode up,
"Virgil," He opened his eyes a little, it took a lot of effort but he managed to look blearily at the person in front of him, it was Logan,
"It's alright now, I'm here, let's go somewhere else," Logan slowly lowered Virgil's relaxing hands a back down to his sides, both were out of breath for very different reasons. Logan held Virgil by the arm and began to tap a steady rhythm as he led Virgil through the town centre, across a bridge and to the side of a river. He continued to tap the rhythm as heard Virgil's breathing calm to a more normal pace,
"...Thanks, Lo, I-I know we've only met like five times but-" Virgil looked down as he pulled his sleeves over his hands, "-I really don't know where I would be without you, and I'm sorry you had to deal with that..." Virgil trailed off, his voice still sounded a bit shaky, Logan, still tapping his rhythm began to speak, having caught his breath,
"You don't have to apologise Virgil, you know I love you, I, myself don't know where I would be without you, but I think form now on we should meet somewhere quieter and somewhere we both know how to get to," Logan sighed and Virgil smiled, which rebuilt Logan's heart in seconds, Virgil's smile was the best thing in the world and Logan loved it, 
Logan loved him,
"Hey, Lo?"
Virgil kissed him on the lips, slowly, both closed their eyes as Virgil wrapped his arms around Logan's neck and Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, When they pulled apart Virgil whispered,
"Happy birthday, Lo,"
If you want to be tagged in these weird little drabbles that I write let me know or if you have an prompts (preferably dialogue) let me know or you could send me a line of dialogue and a character/ship (preferably sanders sides) then I will see what I can do! Love you all!
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nottodaylogic · 6 years
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Summary: It’s the social media AU you never wanted but got anyway! Starring: Roman, a writer gay! Virgil, an artist gay! Logan, a aesthetic/edit/headcanon/not-really-sure gay! Patton, a crafts gay! Continuity? Who’s she? Never heard of her. All we have is fluffy gays and bad attempts at everything else.
Warnings: Gratuitous musical references, especially Be More Chill and Falsettos because they're my favorites and I'm trash, basic knowledge of them might be required? Also spoilers for Parks and Rec if anyone’s watching that right now, that happened apparently. Unrealistic depictions of online interactions/dating, probably. Panicking. Disappearing from the Internet. And, of course, lots of gay.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15745062 (Ao3 deleted my formatting, words can’t do describe my annoyance, I’ll fix it later)
Ships: Prinxiety, Logicality, platonic lamp (every form, not gonna even try)
A/N: Well, we made it. I am happy (and relieved) to finally post this. This is my Big Bang ( @ts-storytime ) fic! It’s a weird format because my dream of making a Social Media AU has finally been realized. This is rEALLY LONG because I am a dumb child and thought, “it won’t be that bad!” It is. It is that bad.
My artist is @hghrules , they are fantastic, I’ll post a link to their part later! 
...later has become now, I’m screaming, https://hghrules.tumblr.com/post/177446248126/what-up-heres-my-ts-storytime-art-for check it outttt!
Virgil’s photos were taken by my amazing friend, she has an Instagram at @tofushoes_photography, if you like the photos please consider following her! 
And without further ado, let’s start this thing!
Greetings, fair citizens! Thou mayest address me as Princey! I draw occasionally, as well as writing quite often. I am the gayest of the gay, forget this not!
Salutations. I am Logic, Lo if we are friends. He/him pronouns please, asexual homoromantic.
99% anxiety, 1% mess
call me anxiety, or anx if you want. i draw. i’m a socially awkward mess. that’s all.
Your happy pappy Pat!
Hiya, kiddos! I’m Pat, and I love puns, cute animals, and crafts! He/him, feeling ace pantastic as pawssible!!  Feel free to chat! :D
Starbound-big-bang posted: After months of writers writing, artists preparing, and general anticipating, the writer/artist matchups have been made! Writers, show the artists everything you have so they can start. Artists, you can make as much or as little art as you like, but make sure it’s something you’d appreciate for 6 months of work.
Have fun!
1. @Veerleft — @perisureimace 2. @boundinboundinnrollin — @vectnxaer 3. @awkwardkitty — @veertrash 4. @disneynbroadwaynprinces — @anxiousanxietyart 5. @veertrash71 — @ilovegayrehearsal 6. @pastapastadad — @booksnstuff 7. @mewmewmew — @read-write-water 8. @mostlyhamilton — @drawing-n-art 9. @owlsareawesome — @becky-becca 10. @thefandomlife — @casey
Read more
Anonymous asked: Hey, Princey! Oh my gosh I love your art??? And your fics are fantastic aahh???? Especially your collabs with LogicallyLo? How did you two meet?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: Thank you most kindly, Anon! Thou hast earned shiny Internet Golden Points! ‘Tis a long, thrilling tale, full of magic and danger! @logicallylo and I met when I rescued him from a vicious—
L: We’re brothers. That is the extent of the tale. Princey is exaggerating. As always. He is quite incorrigible.
P: You take the drama out of everything, dear Lo.
L: As the elder brother, it is my job.
P:  ANYWAYS, I introduced him to Starbound after listening to the musical soundtrack, and we read the books together. We became quite obsessed.
L: I also beta his fics. That is what brothers are for: so that they don’t make foolish spelling mistakes.
P: I do not?? Rude????
L: Sure. Lie to the Internet.
P: Everyone makes mistakes with these things!
L: I don’t.
P: October 24th, 20XX?
L: We agreed to never speak of this again. Thank you for asking, Anon.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Greetings, Bounders! I humbly beg forgiveness for lack of content lately. I can, however, promise that that will change, very soon. No exact date yet, but keep your eyes peeled!
Veerleft replied: Dark Princey show us the Veer angst
Perisureimace replied: Ooh, can’t wait!
Veertrash71 replied: You literally posted a doodle yesterday. It hasn’t been that long…
Anonymous asked: Hey there Princey! I really love your art, but I was wondering: what the heckety heck is Starbound? Thanks!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: Greetings, Nonny! Welcome to the Starbound fandom! We have red space gelatin and canon gays. Allow me to explain:
Starbound is a book-series-turned-musical-turned-almost-TV-show about space exploration and aliens with no concept of the gender binary. The cast of characters includes the protagonist, Peri, a part-human ace child who can kick some serious butt. There is also Vect, the bi/pan/is it bi if it’s in space/who even knows anymore disaster mechanic with some blaster talent. He used to date Peri, but now they’re the best platonic buds around. There’s also Xaer (Xay-eer), a pan cinnamon roll genderqueer fashion extraordinaire who has never even heard of the gender binary, zey are amazing and I love zem.
Veer is the ship Vect/Xaer. Need I say more? They are heavily coded gay and canonically queer, so it’s only a matter of time, I say.
To say any more would spoil stuff, so go read the books and listen to the musical and avoid the movie like the Black Plague and wait for Starbound: Awaken and the TV show while writing 50 tons of Veer fanfic like the rest of us!
Pattonhead: Heya, Logic! I saw your concept art for a Murder Mystery Detectives Veer AU, and I was intrigued! I’m not that good at drawin’, but maybe I could make something? Or maybe just talk about it?
Logicallylo: Salutations, Pat. Please, call me Lo. Feel free to do whatever you like with my AUs, so long as you tag me in the finished product.
Pattonhead: Aw, thanks, Lo!
Logicallylo: You are very welcome. It is my pleasure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Stop pondering the meaning of life and come eat dinner, nerd!
Logicallylo: On my way, prep.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know, you could have just typed omw?
Logicallylo: MYOB.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No one says that anymore
Logicallylo: MYOB.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings, Anxiety! It has come to my attention that we have been paired up for the Starbound Big Bang!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I am Princey, it is a pleasure to meet you.
Anxiousanxietyart: umm… hi, Princey?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hello! Do you happen to have a Google Docs? I can share what I have with you so you can begin to do your drawing thing!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, yeah.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Splendid! Here’s the link: XXXXXXXXX
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Here’s to working with you, Anxiety!
Anxiousanxietyart: patton why did i let you convince me to do this big bang thing, i had to meet a new person, why
Pattonhead: Now, kiddo, it’s just one new person. That’s progress! I’m really proud of you!
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, i guess?
Pattonhead: You have a lot of love to give, my child.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okaaay then?
Pattonhead: You know I love you, you majestic and amazing sea otter giraffe, you.
Anxiousanxietyart: sea otter giraffe? that’s a new one
Pattonhead: ssh child sleep now
Anxiousanxietyart: ...it’s 2 pm
Pattonhead: s s h c h i l d s l e e p n o w :)
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okay then
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: P: So, recently, my good ol’ bro @logicallylo was an idiot, and he might have thrown his computer at a wall. It’s broken now. So he’ll be using mine for now. Because of this inconvenience, I have decided to take this opportunity to make it into a bonding excercise!
L: Bonding excercise?
P: Yes, just go with it Supernerd!
L: Essentially, you may now ask me and Princey questions, and we will answer them to the best of our ability.
P: So let’s do this thing!
Anonymous asked: Are you two twins! Who’s older?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: L: I am the elder, and yes, we are twins.
P: But I’m taller!
L: Tallness has nothing to do with it. I’m older, I have always been older, I will always be older.
P: Sure, shortie.
Veerleft asked: What’s your favorite Starbound book?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: P: TAKE OFF! It’s really fantastic, and very gay.
L: For once, I must agree with my brother. Yes, Take Off is the best, objectively.
Perisureimace asked: Any pets?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: P: Verily!
L: ...verily?
P: Just roll with it. I have plans to procure a hamster, and will post a poll for names soon!
L: No pets here.
Anonymous asked: Lo, what’s your favorite book? Princey, what’s your favorite musical?
L: I could not possibly pick one favorite book. There are simply too many to pick. That being said, I would be morally obligated to say that I am quite fond of detective novels, such as Sherlock Holmes and The Murder of Roger Ackwood.
P: ...that all could have been said in about 6 times less words…
L: Perhaps. However, unlike you, I prefer to use a great many words, as it shows my infinitesimal knowledge.
P: mhmm. Sure.
L: What does that mean?
P: oh, nothing! Nothing at all!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: L: I have now procured a computer. You need not send any more questions, but thank you for the previous ones.
P: This was very fun! I thank you all most kindly, young Padawans!
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo: this is just a sketch i made. i was listening to silhouette by owl city and angst happened. i’m sorry in advance.
Veertrash71 replied: Wow I didn’t need my heart???
Veerleft replied: Why would you do this Anxietyyyyyyyy
Pattonhead: Virge? You doin’ ok, kiddo?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah, i’m fine, why?
Pattonhead: Just checkin’ in. Love you <3
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yo, Anx!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, what’s happening?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So, my dude, if we are to work together for the Big Bang, we should know some more things about each other.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okaaayyy?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Soooooooooo:
Anxiousanxietyart: sooooooooo?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Twentyyyy questionsssss!
Anxiousanxietyart: what.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know, twenty questions!
Anxiousanxietyart: how does guessing objects help to get to know a person?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What?
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, I ask you a question about yourself, you answer, you ask me a question, and so on!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...i think we’re thinking of two different games here.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No kidding, Sir Glooms-a-lot
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It seemed to fit.
Anxiousanxietyart: well, you know me well enough if it seemed to fit. guess we don’t need to do the question thing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, we’re doing this!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’ll start us off:
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What’s your favorite color?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: really?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes really!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mine is red, specifically stage curtain red, although gold is suitably regal as well. What is your answer?
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: i like purple.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ah, purple! The color of kings!
Anxiousanxietyart: also black.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Let me guess, like your soul?
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Anxiousanxietyart: like the void where my soul would reside, if i were to still have one.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ooookaayyy. I asked for it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Now you ask!
Anxiousanxietyart: are you bored or something?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: MASSIVELY.
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry, gotta go help out pat with something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh, okay. See you later
Anxiousanxietyart: bye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Can we do something? I’m really bored aahhh
Logicallylo: Could you bother someone else?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Anxiety left, and everyone else is offline, and my theatre friends are sick or busy
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Help me Logi-Wan Kenobi
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re my only hope
Logicallylo: Very well. Would you like to meet me in the kitchen?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YES! 
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: did i mess it all up?
Pattonhead: Oh, kiddo.
Pattonhead: You didn’t mess anything up! You’re a sweet summer child and you could never mess anything up!
Anxiousanxietyart: i feel like i made him hate me. how could he not hate me after that?
why am i such a mess, patton?
Pattonhead: You just need to talk to him! Explain yourself! 
Pattonhead: And you’re not a mess! You’re Virgil Brava. You are an amazing, kind, loving person, and if you say one more self-deprecating thing I will physically fight you <3
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, pat. love you.
Pattonhead: Love you too <33
Anxiousanxietyart: hey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings!
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What for?
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s just
Anxiousanxietyart: i feel like we got off on the wrong foot, and i definitely should have phrased needing to go help feed the pets better, and i’ve been thinking about this slightly obsessively all day, and i
Anxiousanxietyart: i just felt like i owed you an apology or something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey, no biggie! Lo and I figured out how NOT to make cookies and instead make a huge mess of flour fight residue, so no harm done!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: (except to the kitchen. rip kitchen.)
Anxiousanxietyart: haha, thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No problem.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have to go now, but maybe we can finish 20 questions later?
Anxiousanxietyart: i’d love to.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: @logicallylo Trade-off poetry, go!
Logicallylo replied: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Saw
Logicallylo replied: It
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: In
Logicallylo replied: The
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Window
Logicallylo replied: And
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I
Logicallylo replied: Couldn’t
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Dismiss
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...you guys are literally quoting bmc.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: ;)
Logicallylo replied: Wow.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: princey. you are the biggest nerd I’ve ever known, and i know lo.
Logicallylo replied: …he has a point.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Betrayal!! How could you do this?! I trusted you!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: do you know me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   You know BMC?!
Anxiousanxietyart: duh.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   I can’t get any of my friends into it for some reason!
Anxiousanxietyart: maybe because “listen to this musical! it’s about a guy who takes a computer pill to boost his self-esteem but it takes over the school” is hard to promote?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …a fair point to you.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, you have friends?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   RUDE. Who else would put on Falsettos with me in a few weeks?
Anxiousanxietyart: who are you? jason?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ha ha, no. Too tall to be 13.
Anxiousanxietyart: maybe marvin, then. you’re self-obsessed enough, if nothing else.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Marvin is a wonderfully well-developed character, shush.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I’m Whizzer!
Anxiousanxietyart: the one with the worst name.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mendel. Weisenbachfeld.
Anxiousanxietyart: true.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Who would you play?
Anxiousanxietyart: trina. i’m always breaking down, it’d be easy.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I knew you were a (Michael) Well Of Despair, but no need for theatrics! Don’t say such things!
Anxiousanxietyart: we’re discussing musicals. with you, most dramatic of dramatic. theatrics are a given.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, too late :)))
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nooooo! I’m forbidding you from saying bad things about yourself!
Anxiousanxietyart: you sound like pat.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Darn right I do! From now on, every time you say something bad about yourself, you have to come up with at least 3 good things.
Anxiousanxietyart: and if i don’t…?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’ll tell Pat and he’ll fight you. Heck, I’ll fight you!
Anxiousanxietyart: you couldn’t beat me in a fistfight. you’re too small.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces! Square up cutie, I have a black belt in karate and I’m not afraid to use it!
Anxiousanxietyart: hmm. really.
Anxiousanxietyart: does princey have a black belt in karate?
Logicallylo: Well, brown belt black stripe, so technically no. Why do you ask?
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, specs
Logicallylo: You are welcome, Eyeshadow^3
Anxiousanxietyart: …umm you should… probably work on your nicknames
Anxiousanxietyart: you liar.
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: BETRAYAL! The karate studio closed the week before I was to get my black belt!
Anxiousanxietyart: details, details…
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: After I go fight Lo, wHO WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET HIS BELT BEFORE IT CLOSED, you’re next.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m terrified. you’re so fierce.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Heck yeah I am!
Anxiousanxietyart: i was being sarcastic.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: rude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted a photo: [photo] BEHOLD THE AS-OF-YET-UNNAMED HEIR TO THE KINGDOM, PRINCE HAMSTER! Help vote on his name! Here are the top cantidades as of right now: - Evan Hamsen - Alexander Hamsterton - Jeremy Heerester - Mendel Weisenbachham - Why do so many musical characters have last names with the first letter H? Opinions?
Veertrash71 replied: ALEXANDER HAMSTERTON
Logicallylo replied: You are not naming your hamster any of those.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Watch me.
Pattonhead replied: All these names are really ham-tastic!
Logicallylo replied: ...stop.
Pattonhead replied: :) no
Anxiousanxietyart replied: these are all simultaneously terrible and amazing. how.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You all still have to VOTE…
Logicallylo replied: All of them are terrible.
Pattonhead replied: All of them are wonderful!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: nah.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You are all the worst. I guess Alexander Hamsterton it is.
Veertrash71 replied: :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thank you, Pat, for your help with finding hamster puns!
Pattonhead: My purr-leasure! :3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you happen to have any more?
Pattonhead: Fur sure! Coming right ruff! :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m sure Lo would love for you to send him puns… :)
Pattonhead: Ooh that’s a pawsitively wonderful idea!
Pattonhead: Fur reals, we need to talk more!
Logicallylo: …did you mean to send this to me?
Pattonhead: Yep, purr-etty sure you are the one :)
Logicallylo: I don’t like puns… why?
Pattonhead: Are you suuuure? That seems like a ruff decision to make.
Logicallylo: …
Logicallylo: Very sure.
Pattonhead: I coulda sworn you liked them… guess I was wrong…
Logicallylo: I am the wrong target for this. You are barking up the wrong tree.
Pattonhead: …
Logicallylo: Oh no.
Pattonhead: you mADE A PUN!!!!!!!!!!
Logicallylo: Unintentionally! This means nothing!
Pattonhead: I will get you to make more puns if it’s the last thing I do!
Logicallylo: We shall see.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton.
Pattonhead: Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re flirting.
Pattonhead: No?? I’m not???
Anxiousanxietyart: yes you were.
Pattonhead: What?
Anxiousanxietyart: never did I ever think I would see the day
Anxiousanxietyart: that Patton Spider
Anxiousanxietyart: my best friend and roommate
Anxiousanxietyart: flirts with someone
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m shocked.
Pattonhead: Who would I have possibly flirted with?
Anxiousanxietyart: with lo, of course.
Pattonhead: ...oh.
Pattonhead: Well, I wasn’t flirting with him!
Anxiousanxietyart: i saw your messages. that was flirting.
Pattonhead: ...you can’t prove anything!
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm. anyways, come over here. i have cookie dough. wanna make chocolate chip?
Pattonhead: Virgil. I love you so much. You know me so well!
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too pat.
Pattonhead posted an image: Chocolate chip cookies with the best best friend in the world! <3 @anxiousanxietyart deserves the world and I’d give it to him if I could and he helped me make these so at least I can give him half of these cookies!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: no, you’re the best best friend in the galaxy, pat.
Pattonhead replied: I love you more than the stars and moons and universes.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...you win this time
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Those look really good??? I want one????
Anxiousanxietyart replied: too bad, princey :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: whyyyyy
Anxiousanxietyart replied: :)
Pattonhead replied: Now, now, kiddos, be nice.
Logicallylo replied: Those do indeed look quite delicious, Pat.
Pattonhead replied: Aww, thanks Lo! :3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is that what you call flirting Logan?
Logicallylo: Shut up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wrote a bit on the fic, check it out!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, okay.
Anxiousanxietyart: hey, so one question.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Bring it!
Anxiousanxietyart: did. you. make. a. little. mermaid. au???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes, duh!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...well, if nothing else, it will be fun to draw.
Anxiousanxietyart: that being said, why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It was fun! Also it fit really well! Thou mayest judge me, but that will be your loss!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also, since I find the most plot holes (read: any) of any Disney movie in it, it is my sacred duty to fix them in this fic.
Anxiousanxietyart: i mean, it’s a good idea?????? it’s just not what i was expecting is all
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But of course, doing what others expect is not the Roman way!
Anxiousanxietyart: roman?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...Logan’ll kill me
Anxiousanxietyart: logan???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Curse my loose lips! Ah look at that, tis time to leave! Places to be...
Anxiousanxietyart: your name... is roman?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...yes...
Anxiousanxietyart: that's a pretty name
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You think so?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: well, thanks, Anx.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...do i need to say my name? is that how it works?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No! You don’t have to!
Anxiousanxietyart: okay.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...maybe later, who knows.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: !!!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, it’s only if you want to! It’s your decision!
Anxiousanxietyart: gtg, bye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Goodbye, Anx.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh, Logan? I think I did a mistake.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Logicallylo: Roman. You are an idiot.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I knoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What do I do now?
Logicallylo: Do I need to give you the Stranger Danger talk?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Please don’t.
Logicallylo: I won’t, but only because it would be more effective to tell you in person.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ughhhhhhhhh fiiiineeeeeeee. I know I deserve it. Kinda.
Logicallylo: ‘Kinda’?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Absolutely deserve it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But he’s not a creepy stalker! He’s Anx!
Logicallylo: “Anx” could be a front in order to lure disaster gays to meeting with him in order to murder you or eat you or something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: EAT me? Now, I know I seem delicious, but that seems just bizarre. I thought I was the creative one here!
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And fear not, I will not be meeting with him anytime soon, if ever. Besides, there are possibly many Romans in this world, much less the US!
Logicallylo: That does seem reasonably logical… However, be careful. You never know what people’s motives are on the Internet.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yeah, alright.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And now…
Logicallylo: Roman. What are you doing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ;)
Logicallylo: You are going to die.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Live a little, Logan!
Logicallylo: You can’t do if you’re dead.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: PAT! COME HITHER AT ONCE!
Pattonhead: Yes Princey?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thou mayest call me Roman now.
Pattonhead: Oh okay!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And do you perchance like hamsters?
Pattonhead: All pets are valid!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Boom.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I know :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your crush knows my name now.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Logicallylo: First of all, he is not my crush. I have no crush. I am unfeeling.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nice try to the person who’s known you since you were sobbing because you lost your stuffed bee.
Logicallylo: I’m going to ignore that.
Logicallylo: Second of all, I hope I don’t have to explain to you why that was a terrible idea and if you get murdered in your bed, I won’t mourn you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Pat won’t murder me in my bed. He’s too soft.
Logicallylo: Oh I meant by me. Out of anger at your stupidity.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Point taken.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But don’t my brave actions inspire you to do something about your situation?
Logicallylo: No. Not really.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Talk. To. Him.
Logicallylo: Why would I do that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because he’s a soft puffball and he likes you.
Logicallylo: No he doesn’t. He doesn’t even know me. And I don’t know him. He could very well be 80 years old and wishing to murder me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Not romantically! Not yet, at least.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He likes you as a person! That means the spark for romance is there!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Besides, this is Pat you’re talking about. Biggest-puffball-in-the-universe Pat. Are you aware of the words exiting your fingertips?
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: tALK TO HIM! IT IS YOUR DESTINY!
Logicallylo: ...fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HUZZAH!
Logicallylo: Only because I know you will pester me until I do.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know me too well.
Logicallylo: I. Am. Your. Brother.
Okay, Darth.
Logicallylo: So.
Logicallylo: Hello, Pat.
Pattonhead: Hiya Lo! :D
Logicallylo: How has your day been going?
Pattonhead: It’s been pretty good so far! Yours?
Logicallylo: It has been satisfactory.
Pattonhead: That’s… good?
Logicallylo: It is.
Pattonhead: Yay!
Logicallylo: ...so, how’s the weather where you are?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: The weather? Really?
Logicallylo: Why are you still here? Why are you looking over my shoulder? ...why are you messaging me instead of talking?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because I can.
Logicallylo: But why?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because I can.
Logicallylo: Ugh.
Pattonhead: It’s raining a little, but I don’t mind! Virgil and I are havin’ a lil movie night!
Logicallylo: That sounds nice. What movie(s) are you watching?
Pattonhead: Well, I say movie night. I really mean we’re rerererewatching Parks and Rec for the 45th Time.
Logicallylo: I see.
Pattonhead: It’s a good show!
Logicallylo: It is indeed. Where are you at?
Pattonhead: Season 3 :)
Logicallylo: What’s your favorite character?
Logicallylo: Because I wish to know more about you.
Pattonhead: Oh.
Logicallylo: Yeah.
Pattonhead: Uhh, I would honestly die for Ann she is my child I love her
Pattonhead: Also Leslie in general? She’s just great?? AND tHE TRIPLETS!!!! I cried aah
Logicallylo: Ann is indeed a good character.
Pattonhead: :D
Logicallylo: Objectively, everything about Tom’s business strategies is terrible and ineffective and illogical. However, Roman appears to enjoy him to some extent, for what reasons I cannot fathom.
Logicallylo: Ron has earned my admiration, although the probability knowing how that happened is as unlikely as Mark Brendanawicz (how is his last name spelled again?) returning.
Pattonhead: Oh yeah I forgot about him! Aww I’m sorry now
Logicallylo: There is need to be. He was likely removed for a reason.
Pattonhead: Who’s your favorite character?
Logicallylo: …
Pattonhead: Hey, there’s no bad characters!
Logicallylo: ...while I do enjoy Ben (despite his infuriating refusals of perfectly logical job offers for Leslie, of all things), he is not my favorite character.
Pattonhead: Who is it? You can tell me!
Logicallylo: …
Logicallylo: Objectively, I respect the heck out of Jerry.
Pattonhead: That… is not what I was expecting.
Pattonhead: But Jerry is good too! He deserves love <3
Logicallylo: I agree, and when he got to be mayor it was quite satisfying.
Pattonhead: Virgil likes April, of course. He seems to find her relatable :)
Logicallylo: That makes sense.
Pattonhead: What about Roman?
Logicallylo: He is quite fond of “Treat yo self”, obviously.
Pattonhead: Ooh that’s good too!
Pattonhead: Oh! I gotta go now, Virgil’s looking at me weird.
Pattonhead: Talk to you later?
Logicallylo: Of course.
Pattonhead: YAY! See ya, Lo!
Logicallylo: ...Logan.
Pattonhead: ?
Logicallylo: You can call me Logan. That is my given name.
Pattonhead: Oh. I’m Patton!
Logicallylo: So your username is not a typo?
Pattonhead: Haha, nope! XD Night, Logan! <3
Logicallylo: Goodnight, Patton. I hope you sleep well.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That went well ;)
Logicallylo: His name is Patton.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...you got his NAME?!
Logicallylo: His URL is a pun.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It wasn’t a typo?
Logicallylo: A self-referential pun.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Exactly your type, isn’t he?
Logicallylo: ...I am going away from you. I have no destination in mind. I simply need to exit your presence.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Rude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wait, who the heckity heck five abs and a peck is Virgil?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Didn't get that answer, huh?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ugh, nvm.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton, you’re not even paying attention.
Pattonhead: Sorry kiddo! I guess I’m a little distracted.
Anxiousanxietyart: there was a puppy onscreen. you didn't even look up, much less start screaming and crying as usual.
Pattonhead: ...a little distracted, that’s all.
Anxiousanxietyart: this isn’t distraction, this is straight up black magic.
Pattonhead: Kiddo, it’s you and me here. It cannot be straight up.
Anxiousanxietyart: true, but not the point.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...wait.
Pattonhead: What is it?
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ve been staring at your phone all night, smiling like
Anxiousanxietyart: ...oh.
Pattonhead: ??
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ve been talking to lo, haven’t you?
Pattonhead: ...yes, what about it?
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh Patton, you are not subtle at all.
Pattonhead: He messaged me, and we’ve been talking a lot, and he’s just really nice, that’s all!
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm…
Anxiousanxietyart: don’t lie. lying is wrong.
Pattonhead: I'm not lying!
Anxiousanxietyart: if you say so…
Pattonhead: I do say so!
Anxiousanxietyart: then come watch april be socially awkward and relateable in the corner
Pattonhead: Okay! :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wait, who the heckity heck five abs and a peck is Virgil?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Didn't get that answer, huh?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ugh, nvm.
Anxiousanxietyart: ?!?!?!?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh, sorry Anx! I meant to send that to Logan.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...or logicallylo, since he seems to be telling everyone his name tonight.
Anxiousanxietyart: where the hell did you hear that name?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh, while spying on my brother messaging with his crush, why?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: no reason. i just know someone named virgil. that's all.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ah, okay.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So not because your name is Virgil?
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m not a murderer, don’t worry. I will not use this information to find you and kill you.
Anxiousanxietyart: um.
Anxiousanxietyart: not reassuring.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What can I do to prove my identity?
Anxiousanxietyart: give me your full name? sell me your soul? sign an oath in blood that you are prince roman of singalongland?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YOU might murder ME if I give you my full name, I already sold my soul, and how would you know it was my blood?
Anxiousanxietyart: you could take a video of you signing it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: OF COURSE! A SELFIE!
Anxiousanxietyart: eww no.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: eWW YES!
Anxiousanxietyart: why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You cannot dissuade me now! It is too late!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But you must take one too, so as to prove I’m not sending my beautiful visage to a random 80 year old man named Chuck.
Anxiousanxietyart: i… haven’t ever taken a selfie before… and i'm not a random 80 year old man named chuck...
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, I am a champ in the Great Selfie Game, so you may learn from a mASTER!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I'll believe it when I see it, CHUCK.
Anxiousanxietyart: Okay, but until I see you, you can't prove you’re not an 80 year old woman named gertrude, so you have to go first.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m not an 80 year old woman named GERTRUDE!
Anxiousanxietyart: Whatever you say, gertrude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan help me
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh wait you’re asleep
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So if I get murdered because of this, it’s your fault okay
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: For not stopping me I mean.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton help i don’t know how to selfie
Pattonhead: Kiddo, it’s late? I thought you were going to sleep now?
Anxiousanxietyart: sleep is for the weak.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, i might have promised roman a selfie…
Anxiousanxietyart: help.
Pattonhead: Why would you do that?
Anxiousanxietyart: i have a death wish
Pattonhead: KIDDO NO
Anxiousanxietyart: also because i'm weak and gay
Pattonhead: Don't talk bad about yourself!
Anxiousanxietyart: that’s not talking bad about myself…
Pattonhead: Anyways, I will help you with taking a selfie!
Anxiousanxietyart: Thanks, pat.
Pattonhead: Np! :D
Anxiousanxietyart: um. it’s hardly that.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nonsense! I’m sure you look as fantastic as you are inside!
Anxiousanxietyart: uhh.
Anxiousanxietyart: can you go first?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Absolutely!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ta-da!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Feast upon my glorious visage!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...Virgil?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You there?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wow I can’t believe my stunning good looks actually killed a man
Pattonhead: Kiddo, what was that thunk?
Anxiousanxietyart: i'm gay.
Pattonhead: Hi gay, I'm Patton!
Anxiousanxietyart: can you come here?
Pattonhead: We’re in the same room, Virge.
"Patton please burn my phone I can't stand to see such magnificence."
"...I'm sorry, what?"
Virgil held up his phone, blushing furiously. There was the picture that had murdered him. The brown and green eyes that had captured him. The reddish brown hair that he wanted to run his hands through. The smirk on his face that he wanted to ki...
"If you ever cared about me, you will get rid of this picture of Roman so I can stop looking at it." His face was as red as Roman’s magnificent locks.
Patton looked smug. Too smug. "Sorry, kiddo, but nope."
Virgil fell over sideways on the bed, groaning, face flushing. Patton patted his head comfortingly.
Suddenly, Virgil shot up. “OH MY GOSH I NEVER RESPONDED!”
He lunged for his phone.
Anxiousanxietyart: you are really wow.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It took you 25 minutes to say that? My self esteem is pretty high already but wow, you could have warned me.
Anxiousanxietyart: no, like good wow.
Anxiousanxietyart: like stunning wow.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thanks.
Anxiousanxietyart: i only speak the truth.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’d hope so!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Okay, Chuck, your turn?
Anxiousanxietyart: okay um so i’m not as pretty as you or anything or at all but um here you asked for it
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: i know i took like half an hour to respond but honestly please don’t.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Um
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wow
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re kind of really stellar, you know that?
Anxiousanxietyart: i most certainly am not!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You most certainly are! Beauty calls to beauty!
Anxiousanxietyart: wow.
Roman gasped openly at the sight of such beauty, and didn't care if Logan heard him or not.
The purple and black hoodie covered part of the boy's face, but even in the dark room, Roman could still make out his utter splendor. His dark brown-black hair was dyed a brilliant purple, and it partially covered his eyes, which were a stunning indigo color. Black eyeshadow was smeared beneath them too carelessly to be truly careless. He had a small, almost shy smile on his face, and beneath the white foundation, were those...
"FRECKLES?!" He yelled in surprise and delight.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So my brother is awake now.
Anxiousanxietyart: ???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I screamed upon seeing you and woke him up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oops.
Anxiousanxietyart: well there goes the last of my self esteem
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, good scream! Very good scream!
Anxiousanxietyart: oh
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: okay
Anxiousanxietyart: wait what time is it for you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Like 1 am-ish?
Anxiousanxietyart: same here, but go to hecking sleep!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Says you!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fiiiiiiiine. But only to appease the angry monster of a brother woken from his (much-needed, if I may say so) beauty sleep.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Goodnight, Virgil. Sleep well.
Anxiousanxietyart: night, ro.
Logicallylo: Why was I the only one to get any sleep last night?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me sleep
Logicallylo: You woke me up, I wake you up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Why.
Logicallylo: Because I can. I believe the correct emoticon to use here would be “:)”
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You make me so proud, and yet so furious.
Logicallylo: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And now, LET ME SLEEP FOR GOODNESS SAKE!
Logicallylo: Sure. If you can.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: oh good lord.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: wHY ARE YOU PRACTICING THE CELLO AT 6 AM
Logicallylo: I shall not respond, for I am too busy playing the cello.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uuuuughhhhhhhhh you’re evil. Evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh gosh what have i done
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Logicallylo: Why are you messaging me specifically with this? I play no part in this. I was asleep.
Anxiousanxietyart: because you have more common sense than anyone else i know.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, patton is asleep, and i’d rather die than wake him up.
Logicallylo: True.
Logicallylo: You were tired, I believe, and not thinking straight. Is that correct?
Anxiousanxietyart: i never think straight, lo.
Logicallylo: True. However, I did some research, and there are 81,875 people in the U.S. with the first name Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: how did you—you know what? never mind.
Logicallylo: I used logic. It was quite simple, but the fact that Roman has used the same password for his phone for 10 years helps.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh.
Logicallylo: There are 6 time zones in the US, so 81,875 divided by 6 is approximately 13645.833 Virgils in this time zone, so the odds of a potential stalker finding you is very unlikely.
Logicallylo: Plus, I can vouch for Roman.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: He’s sleeping on the couch right now. It is almost noon. He should not be sleeping. This is not promoting a healthy sleep schedule.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, lo.
Logicallylo: Call me Logan.
Logicallylo: And you’re welcome.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...but warn me before you send me these images? i need time to prepare before another pic of roman?
Logicallylo: You mean this guy?
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: This boy right here?
Anxiousanxietyart: stooooooppppppppp
Anxiousanxietyart: i’d take a photo of patton in retaliation, but he’s asleep in the other room and i would rather be tortured in tartarus for all eternity than betray him.
Logicallylo: I see what’s happening here, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: ???
Logicallylo: You cannot hide from logic and reason.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes i can.
Anxiousanxietyart: freakin watch me.
Logicallylo: Virgil. Why.
Anxiousanxietyart: because i’m in denial and i will run from my feelings forever
Logicallylo: That is not healthy, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: well well well, look who’s a hypocrite.
Logicallylo: I do not run from my feelings! I simply do not have them.
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm. go message patton, then.
Logicallylo: That I will.
Logicallylo: Salutations.
Logicallylo: ...I have realized that he is asleep.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: You knew this.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: You said this multiple times.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: Virgil Lastname.
Anxiousanxietyart: brava for you on your attempt at guessing.
Logicallylo: Honestly. Why.
Anxiousanxietyart: because it’s fun.
Logicallylo: You are evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know :)
Logicallylo posted: I will now list all the reasons why a regular sleep schedule is necessary, and what not keeping one does to your body. @anxiousanxietyart and @disneynbroadwaynprinces will listen to every single reason, as payment for their crimes.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: you called me evil.
Logicallylo replied: Reason number one: sleep helps you think. Without sleep, you cannot think straight.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i have a few choice words to say about that reason, lo
Logicallylo replied: Hush, I am chiding you for your behavior.
Pattonhead: Sorry Logan! I was asleep. How’s it goin?
Logicallylo: No need to apologize, Patton. It is going well here, how about you?
Pattonhead: I’m good! A wee bit tired, but that’s ok!
Pattonhead: Lolo look Khoshekh is on my legs aaaahhhhh???
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: Um
Logicallylo: Who is Khoshekh, why did you take a picture of your whole body, how did you take a picture of your whole body when you’re not even holding the device?
Pattonhead: My cat! :3 Virge named him, of course!
Pattonhead: Virgil also offered to take the pic so he wouldn’t leave, haha!
Logicallylo: Ah, of course. I see.
Logicallylo: Virgil, you evil, evil man.
Anxiousanxietyart: chaotic neutral baby :)
Logan was in awe. The boy on the other end of the screen had light brown curly hair and glasses that made him look, somehow, even more adorable than he already was. He was blushing, and had freckles spanning across his entire face and neck. His eyes were the color of clear, clean, blue-green pool water. His grin radiated joy. Everything about him seemed alive alive alive.
Somehow, he was even more cute than the fluffy orange kitten on his lap.
Patton was absolutely stunning, and Logan could do nothing but sit there and attempt to control his heartbeat.
If he had had feelings before, this was nothing compared to now.
He was, objectively, done.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: I suppose that it is only logical that if you send me a picture of yourself, one of me is in order.
Logicallylo: And I thought Roman was the overtired one…
Pattonhead: Kcoadkdksskmasajxkff
Patton stared at the picture of the most handsome man he'd ever seen (and he'd gazed upon Virgil's glory). He had black hair with fading blue tips, an angular face (were those freckles on the cheeks? Adorable!), and glasses with the same frames as Patton's own (who'da thunk?). The glasses framed beautiful navy eyes, the precise color of sapphires. He had the small smile of someone who didn’t smile quite as much has he deserved, but when it did, it counted.
Logan was beautiful.
Patton was in love.
He threw his iPad across the room.
A surprised yell came from Virgil in the other room.
Logicallylo: What happened?
Pattonhead: I’m sorry, Khoshekh got on the keyboard!
Logicallylo: Ah, I see.
Pattonhead: You look really nice!
Pattonhead: I mean good!
Pattonhead: I mean pretty!
Pattonhead: I mean—
Logicallylo: Thank you, Patton.
Pattonhead: ^-^
Pattonhead: Soooooo, Virgil!
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah?
Pattonhead: So as it turns out, i miiiiiight have been flirting a liiiiittle with Lo
Pattonhead: Because I might have a teensy weensy itsy bitsy tiny little bitty crush…
Anxiousanxietyart: i heckin knew it!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have awaken from my beauty sleep!
Anxiousanxietyart: didn’t know you needed it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did you just
Anxiousanxietyart: i meant—i—oy vey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You did! YOU DID! Oh happy day!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Great Zeus almighty, I thought this day would never come!
Anxiousanxietyart: we’ve known each other for only a few weeks, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Forever.
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm totally.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I can taste your sarcasm, Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But no matter!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I only have to scroll up to remind myself what you REALLY think about me.
Anxiousanxietyart: that you’re annoying?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That I’m hot.
Anxiousanxietyart: was that selfie really necessary?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes. Yes it was.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And you didn’t denyyyyyy iiiitttttt
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re not hot, roman.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He said, like a liar.
Anxiousanxietyart: he said, like a man in denial.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He said, like a man in a river in Egypt
Anxiousanxietyart: ??
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: De Nile
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey why
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted:
I was too lazy to think of a title but it involves Hamilton so
Summary: It’s Vect and Xaer and Peri being the friendos they are, but they’re Hamilton buds and that makes it all better.
Word count: who knows? not I, not I
Warnings: a lot of Hamilton
A/N: Writer’s block sucks. It most verily does. That is why this exists. (In other words, I miiiiiiight have hit a wee bit of a snag with my Big Bang fic…) It is an attempt to salvage my writing skills.
Read more
Veertrash71 replied: I loooooveeeeee it! Aaaaaahhhhh it’s so fluffyyyyyy
Perisureimace replied: I’m pretty sure I’m gonna explode from all the Hamilton haha
Veerleft replied: This is canon now I decided
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Lo and I are having a mooooovie night!
Anxiousanxietyart: weren’t you up super late last night? why is he endorsing this behavior
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because we’re watching Rogue One and he’s gay for Cassian Andor (who isn’t tbh)
Anxiousanxietyart: i… haven’t seen it…
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: G A S P ! ! ! HOW D A R E
Anxiousanxietyart: umm i just? never did? it can’t ever be as good as the original trilogy so
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Umm, it’s pretty far up there! Worth watching at the very L E A S T
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ll have to tell me about it
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You. Me. FaceTime. Now.
Anxiousanxietyart: um??? what is happening
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You are Going to Watch this Movie with me, and you Will Like It!
Anxiousanxietyart: is there a choice?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you have a pressing appointment?
Anxiousanxietyart: nope, free all day
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Than nope!
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh roman
Anxiousanxietyart: i didn’t peg you for a diehard star wars fan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …how??? I’m like the biggest freaking Star Wars nerd since Logan (well, he likes Star Trek better, honestly how are we even related)
Anxiousanxietyart: i have realized my mistake
Anxiousanxietyart: (and star trek is totally better?)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: nO NOT YOU TOO!?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart: there are a lot of reasons, which i can and would list, but i only need one:
Anxiousanxietyart: which was first to have canon gays, hmm?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Finn and Poe came before Culber and Stamets??
Anxiousanxietyart: but stormpilot isn’t canon 
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Not with that attitude it isn’t!
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also, Baze and Chirrut are totally married wHICH REMINDS ME, ROGUE ONE. NOW.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: please?
Anxiousanxietyart: alright fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YAY! ONWARDS, MY NOBLE KNIGHT, AND LET US B E G I N!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Sooooooooo?
Anxiousanxietyart: so what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Whaddya think?
Anxiousanxietyart: it was alright, i guess
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ALRIGHT YOU G U E S S?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Falsehood! You cried so hard you turned off the camera!
Anxiousanxietyart: who’s falsehooding now?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Still you! You loved it and you know it!
Anxiousanxietyart: you can prove nothing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your tears
Anxiousanxietyart: try harder, lor san tekka
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Dangnabbit!
Anxiousanxietyart: i know my star wars lor
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did you just
Anxiousanxietyart! patton is right over my shoulder i couldn’t just not
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: well, LOGAN is over MY shoulder, and he’s absolutely done
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well done young Padawan
Logicallylo: Why, Patton. Why would you do this.
Pattonhead: Oh hello Logan! How’s it goin’ in Logantown?
Logicallylo: Alright, I suppose. I was just consoling a sobbing Roman because of Rogue One, and now he has been sent off to bed because he was up late last night, and he has rehearsal tomorrow.
Pattonhead: Ooh, rehearsal?
Logicallylo: He is in a production of Falsettos with some friends of his (yes, he has friends).
Logicallylo: How about you?
Pattonhead: I’m not in any plays, if that’s what you’re askin’, Lo.
Logicallylo: No, I meant how was your day?
Pattonhead: Ooohhh! It was good!
Logicallylo: That is good.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m a badawan, thanks very much?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yoda Chronicles, and I'm a Jedi Knight
Anxiousanxietyart: i am ready to fight
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: foR THE SITH!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ZOOM POW ZAP ELECTRICITY
Anxiousanxietyart: why haven’t more people watched that thing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Who knows?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Honestly I was super freaking gay for Jek-14 when I was younger
Anxiousanxietyart: who wasn’t?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Truth hath most verily been spoken here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Look look look look look
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s a lesbian from next door!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Followed by her lover who’s a lesbian from next door too!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But seriously look here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: is that
Anxiousanxietyart: a freaking
Anxiousanxietyart: jek-14 lego set???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YES IT IS INDEED
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: LOOK AND WEEP
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh
Anxiousanxietyart: you freaking nerd
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nerd?! I thought I was more of a geek!
Anxiousanxietyart: okay jeremy
Anxiousanxietyart: (nerd)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: r u d e
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: VIRGIL
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: V I R G I L
Anxiousanxietyart: three m o o n s what the heckity heck do you want?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wings of Fire, and are you awake?
Anxiousanxietyart: no, definitely not
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh okay then
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wait
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You little
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re welcome
Anxiousanxietyart: now why did you message me at three in the morning?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I can’t sleeeeppppppp
Anxiousanxietyart: not with that attitude you can’t
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I have a Very Urgent Question for you
Anxiousanxietyart: shoot.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do dryads have skin? Or is it just bark?
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because like if they have bark, how do they move? And like they’re tree ladies? So like how
Anxiousanxietyart: can you facetime me? i need to see your face while you say that.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mm ok
When Roman accepted the FaceTime request and was greeted with five solid minutes of Virgil laughing. Which was a nice greeting, yes, but a wee bit annoying, it being at him rather than with him.
“Rude,” he said when Virgil finally calmed down. This, of course, made him start laughing again.
“I’m sorry, haha!” He wiped away a tear. “It’s just—such a random—haha—question!”
“Doesn’t mean you had to FaceTime me JUST to rub it in.”
“Umm, yes I did. Obviously.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “But do dryads have bark?”
“I’m gonna say no.”
“But they’re trees, Virgil!”
“Tree people!”
“Trees! Have! Bark!”
“But they have to move???”
“Yeah, but if they have tree spirits, then can’t they have flexible bark?” Roman asked, trying to convince Virgil.
“No? That’s not how it works?”
“How would you know?!”
“Because I have basic sense?” Virgil sighed, laughing. “How did you even come up with this?”
“I was rererereading Percy Jackson, and I just thought of it,” Roman said.
Virgil shook his head, smiling. “Only you, Roman.”
Roman looked like he didn’t know whether to be pleased or offended. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That you’re unique and hilarious and creative and dramatic.”
“Heck yeah I am!” Roman flipped his hair, and Virgil covered his mouth to keep from laughing too hard. Roman finally lost all control of his traitorous gigglebox, and let out a snort that turned into a giggle that turned into a laugh that he muffled with his pillow in order to keep from waking up Logan.
Virgil stared, his cheeks growing red in the darkness.
“I gotta gay—I—um—go.”
He hung up quickly, leaving Roman to wonder what the heck had just happened.
“Wait, but do they have skin?”
Anxiousanxietyart: Patton holy crap
Pattonhead: Language, kiddo. Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: i think i have a crush on roman
Anxiousanxietyart: i have feelings for him and i don’t even know him and it’s terrifying and i don’t know what to do
Pattonhead: Aww, kiddo, come over here.
Anxiousanxietyart posted: i’m sorry guys, there’s not going to be anything for a while, maybe ever. sorry im such a failure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have many ideas to tell you of!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thou must come here so I can tell you them!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh Virgil?
Anxiousanxietyart: im sorry.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What for?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You on?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hello?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fine, I’ll give you some space
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virge you okay?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil stop ignoring me
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Answer me! I command you!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virge?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fine. You don’t want to talk to me, I don’t want to talk to you. I’m done.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m sorry Virgil I didn’t mean it just talk to meeeeee
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is it something I did? I’m sorry for whatever it is, just tell me what to do to make it right. Please.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil, I really miss you. Please come back. I’m begging you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: I’m sorry, all, for the lack of content. I’ve just been really sad lately. I’ll be back soon, hopefully, maybe, sometime.
Logicallylo: Virgil? Are you on?
Logicallylo: Virgil, normally I would respect your privacy, but this is not a normal occurrence.
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Logicallylo: Did something happen with Roman?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...sort of?
Anxiousanxietyart: how did you guess?
Logicallylo: It’d be impossible not to know, seeing how much he’s moping around lately. Living with him is… well, like living with him how he is usually only with more sad songs played around the house and more moping, as well as less general cheerfulness. It’s concerning.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: oh crap what have i done
Logicallylo: Virgil. Breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth.
Anxiousanxietyart: what do i do???
Logicallylo: You need to talk to him. Now. Before it’s too late.
Anxiousanxietyart: do i have to? can’t i keep repressing my feelings longer?
Logicallylo: No.
Anxiousanxietyart: fine, but you need to talk to patton then.
Logicallylo: What about?
Anxiousanxietyart: don’t play dumb.
Logicallylo: …fine. But if he doesn’t respond well, I’m blaming you.
Anxiousanxietyart: he won’t, but ditto.
Logicallylo: Very well. I will leave you to contact my brother. I wish you luck.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, lo. you’re a good friend.
Anxiousanxietyart: ro? you there?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: SWEET MOUNTAIN DEW RED YOU’RE ON!
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry for disappearing like that. i just had to think through some stuff.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, warn a prince next time!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, ro?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: i need to tell you something, and it wouldn’t really… work… over messaging. could i call you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, Virgil. Anytime.
Virgil stared at the number on the screen in front of him. It seemed to dare him to do what he did best: panic enough to avoid doing this, Tell Roman to forget about it, it was nothing, go back to how it was before. Don’t risk this friendship, the possibility of the other man not being who he said he was, and just let things stay the same.
It was a tempting thought.
He looked to his left to see Patton sitting next to him, giving him a supportive thumbs-up and mouthing, ‘you can do this!’
What would he do without Patton, honestly?
He took a deep, grounding breath. I can do this. I can do this.
Virgil dialed the number, and he heard Roman pick up.
“Hello? Virgil?”
Virgil threw his phone across the room.
It hit the other wall with a thunk and hit the floor.
Problem solved.
Patton looked at him. “Uhh, kiddo, what was that?”
Virgil huddled into himself. “I can’t do this!” He hugged his knees to his chest, shaking his head.
Patton took hold of his shoulders. “Hey. Virgil. Look at me.” He did. Patton’s sea-colored eyes were wide and comforting. “I believe in you. I know Roman feels the same way. You can tell him. It’s all right. Okay?” When Virgil hesitated, the other boy continued: “You don’t have to do this today. It will be perfectly fine if you don’t. However, you will have to do it sometime. Better sooner rather than later. One step in front of the other. You have got this.”
Virgil nodded. He let go of his knees, and stood up. He crossed the room slowly, his heart in his throat. He slowly picked up the phone.
...the phone had not hung up.
“Sorry Roman!” Virgil stared at Patton in panic. “I—uh—I don’t know what happened!’
“Uh huh.”
There was a silence. It was tense, awkward, expectant. Virgil knew he had to be the one to break it. He took a deep breath—
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?”
“Uhh—I—um—” Virgil lost all control of his filter. “Ithinkimightkindareallylikeyouandthatterrifiesmeandpleasedontbemad”
There it was. His soul laid bare. Virgil had done it. Patton was grinning and giving him the thumbs up. He felt a weight lifted off his chest.
What the freaking heck had he done.
A bigger weight fell on top of him. Roman hadn’t spoken yet. He didn’t like him back. It was official. He hated him. He—
“Oh. Wow. Cool. Um. Ditto?”
Roman laughed awkwardly. "Um. Oh wow this is not how I wanted this to happen. I had a whole thing planned and it was spectacular but. The feeling is mutual. I quite like you too. Romantically."
“Wait, really?!”
“Oh.” A pause. “Well what do we do about that?”
“Um. Wanna date?”
“Cool.” There was silence. Neither of them knew what to say.
Suddenly, Virgil began laughing. He tipped over, giggling uncontrollably into the phone. He snorted and rolled around, laughing and laughing and laughing.
“Virgil? You alive?”
“I—I just can’t believe,” he began between laughs, “that I avoided you for all that time, and all I needed to do was just call you? It’s just—it’s really ironic, isn’t it?”
Roman caught on, snorting into the phone. “Yeah, it is.”
They finally stopped laughing minutes later, drifting into comfortable silence. No one said anything. They didn’t need to. Everything that had been needed to say had been said, and all the tension was gone.
“So what happens now?” Roman asked.
“I guess we just try and see how things work out,” Virgil answered.
“You really have no clue, don’t you?”
“I really don’t.”
Roman snorted. “Neither do I, so it’s fine.”
Virgil let out a soft laugh. It felt good to be talking to him, really talking, nothing left as a secret.
They really should do this more.
And that’s when Roman broke the spell.
“NOW, LOGAN JOAN BERRY, GET YOUR TUCHUS OVER HERE AND TALK TO PATTON!” He yelled, his mouth still next to the gather-sound-thing on his phone. How could Virgil tell? Because it was right in his ear.
“Um, ow?”
“Oh, sorry Virge!”
“No worries. My bleeding ear will recover. However, my traumatized eardrum will not.”
“My voice is lovely, your eardrum should be thanking me for allowing it to hear my magnificent voice!”
“If you say so.”
Roman made a wounded and offended noise on the other end of the phone. Virgil snorted.
“If you want Logan and Patton to talk to each other, can they have their own call? I don’t want them to be flirting over my phone.”
“...oh yeah, that’s a good idea.” Roman paused a moment. “Uhh, maybe hold the phone away from your ear.”
There was a thunk and a faint yell. A different voice shouted, “WHAT THE CRAP ROMAN?!”
“Whaaaaaat is happening?” Virgil was very confused. Patton, still sitting next to him, had even less idea of what was going on.
“Umm, kiddo, is everything alright?”
“Who knows?” He shrugged. Patton did not seem to calm down or seem less confused.
And that’s when his phone rang.
Virgil and Patton both stared at the phone vibrating and playing “Baby Bumblebee” on the table. It kept ringing, undisturbed by the stares. Phones don’t care about you or what you do. They just ring.
Roman cleared his throat, yanking Virgil’s attention back to him. “Virge, tell Patton to pick up his phone before Logan spontaneously combusts, taking me with him and rendering the world devoid of this magnificent face.”
Virgil repeated this sentence word for word, dumbfounded.
“I, um, okay?” Patton walked over to the phone and picked it up. “Hello? Hi, Logan. Umm, what did you want to talk to me about?”
Patton walked out of the room, still talking.
“Lo? What’s going on?”
Logan cleared his throat, preparing himself. Now was the time. He’d say ‘it’s now or never’, but after The Last Jedi, he swore off the phrase forever. Besides, it was inaccurate. He could always procrastinate.
No. He would confess now.
It was time.
He opened his mouth.
“How was your day?”
Nailed it.
Patton sounded a bit confused. “Umm, it was okay. Steve Carlsberg died today. It was sad. We had a funeral for him.”
“Oh, one of our fish.”
Silence on both ends.
Logan opened his mouth to ask about the other fish names.
“I kind of really like you!”
Wait what.
What in the holy name of the pythagorean theorem did he just do.
Patton was silent for a long, nerve-tearing-into-pieces minute. When he finally spoke, it was to say that, “I like you too, Logan! That’s why we’re friends.”
“I—no.” Logan took a deep breath. If he didn’t say it now, he never would. Also, he would have to live with this miscommunication on his conscience for all of eternity. “Romantic like. As Roman would say, ‘I’m gay for you’ like.”
“Oh! I like you romantically too.”
‘Wait what’ was what he would have thought if he had had the ability to form coherent thoughts.
“I. Um. What?”
“Yeah.” Patton sounded like he was probably blushing. No, definitely. He was definitely blushing. “You’re really nice and kind and smart and beautiful and amazing and yeah I like you romantically back!”
“I—that was. Um.” Logan, you’re speaking nonsense. Collect yourself. I swear, sometimes you’re just too gay to live. “That’s good.”
“I’d hope so.” Patton’s voice was filled with a feeling Logan couldn’t place, but it was good. Definitely good.
“So,” he said, “what will happen now?”
“I don’t know!” Patton giggled. “I’m honestly just happy to be here, talking to you.”
“You are simply too sweet.”
Patton made a slightly flustered noise.
Logan cleared his throat. “Shall we just continue how we’ve been continuing and just see what happens?”
“Whatever we do I know will be just fine.” Patton spoke with an air of wiseness that said he knew what he was talking about. He was more people-smart than Logan, and that was one of the many reasons they complimented each other.
“Why is that, Pat?” Logan asked.
“Because dogs exist, and nothing bad can happen in a world with dogs,” he said very seriously.
Logan snorted. While that may have not been strictly logical, Patton was correct. They would be just fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Guess who’s not a single bean anymooooreeee??? This guy!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: oh my gosh
Veertrash71 replied: wait WHAT
Pattonhead replied: I was confused for a sec there, kiddo, but then I remembered.
Veertrash71 replied: UM
Logicallylo replied: Congratulations. You have found someone to deal with your nonsense. Lucky for all of us.
Veertrash71 replied: Is no one else going to freak out??
Perisureimace replied: Oh congrats!
Anxiousanxietyart: hi
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings and salutations!
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: is there, like, protocol for talking now that
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: you know
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your guess is as good as mine.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh okay
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Any pets?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I had to think of SOME conversation topic.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your answer?
Anxiousanxietyart: a cat and fifty billion fish.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What are their names?
Anxiousanxietyart: the cat is khoshekh, the fish are all named after wtnv characters but i can never remember who’s alive anymore. i think janice ate carlos last week, but i’m not sure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: How dare you Janice?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you perchance happen to have any pictures? If a pic of you came into the mix, I wouldn’t complain, just sayin’
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh ro
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Love you too <3
Anxiousanxietyart: ajckskskkckdkfes
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did I break you?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...maybe
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Honey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Sweetie
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Apple of my eye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: My one and only
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Knight in dark and angsty armor
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: take my pet photos and freaking leave
Anxiousanxietyart: babe
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Amckskjdhdjsjsjakkadf
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gosh is that you with your cat???
Anxiousanxietyart: yes
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No mere mortal eyes should gaze upon such cuteness!
Anxiousanxietyart: good thing you’re not a mere mortal
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aww!
Anxiousanxietyart: your ego alone is godly enough for ten zeuses
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...I retract all my praise.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Alexander Hamsterton and I go on all sorts of adventures.
Anxiousanxietyart: ajdkdkskfjkssa
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fair play is turnabout, Virge >:)
Anxiousanxietyart: why would you do this terrible thing
Anxiousanxietyart: my mind is dead now
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I tease because I love <3
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: uhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh gosh I didn’t mean like that it’s too soon aah ignore me oy vey
Anxiousanxietyart: um okay
Anxiousanxietyart: so
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey so I’m wondering
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Why do you always text with no caps???
Anxiousanxietyart: it's for the a e s t h e t i c
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gods you utter and complete e m o
Anxiousanxietyart: thank you for the compliment
Anxiousanxietyart: much appreciated
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It… I… I give up.
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh you NERD
Anxiousanxietyart: said the theatre geek to the emo.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...what is that supposed to mean??
Anxiousanxietyart: no hecking clue.
Logicallylo: Greetings and salutations, Patton.
Pattonhead: Oh hello! How are you?
Logicallylo: I am doing well. And you?
Pattonhead: Same here! A wee bit tired, but good all the same!
Logicallylo: I feel an urgent desire to sleep as well.
Pattonhead: Well, that’s one way to put it!
Pattonhead: HELP
Logicallylo: What’s going on?
Pattonhead: [image]
Pattonhead: SPIDER!!!!!!
Logicallylo: It appears to be a Pholcus phalangioides, or daddy long legs. It has venom, but is so small that it cannot bite or transfer venom. It is harmless.
Pattonhead: STILL! SPIDER!
Logicallylo: Do you have arachnophobia?
Pattonhead: No, but I’m terribly afraid of spiders!
Logicallylo: That’s what I said. Arachnophobia.
Logicallylo: I have no idea of Virgil’s whereabouts.
Logicallylo: Perhaps you can message him?
Pattonhead: SPIDER!
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ll be there asap
Pattonhead: Virgil has taken the spider outside! It cannot return any more.
Logicallylo: That is good. I am glad that it is gone.
Pattonhead: Just had a scare there!
Logicallylo: Is your emotional state better now?
Pattonhead: Much, thanks, Lo.
Logicallylo: No problem. Would you like me to call you now?
Pattonhead: Ooh yes please!
Patton was now sitting on top of his bed, idly petting Khoshekh and staring at his phone intensely. Maybe if he stared hard enough, Logan would call sooner!
As if on cue, the phone started ringing. Patton picked it up without even looking at the screen.
“Hiya Lo!” He chirped, bouncing up and down.
“Salutations and further greetings,” replied the voice of Logan. Patton’s heart melted upon hearing him. “Is Virgil in the room?”
“Nope, just me! He’s trying to make brownies in the kitchen, apparently ‘to sacrifice to the great and almighty deity of removing all feelings’, so the normal reason, pretty much!”
“Ah. Usual Virgil?”
“There’s nothing usual about Virgil.” Patton’s tone was very serious. He loved his kiddo a lot. He was a small angsty baby koala kangaroo child who needed love.
“I am aware of this.” Despite the words, which would have sounded annoyed, Logan’s tone was fond, and Patton could picture him smiling as he said so.
“You may want to hold the phone away from your ear,” Logan said.
“Why is that?”
“ROMAN, WHERE IS ALEXANDER HAMSTERTON?” Logan’s voice was muffled, but he was obviously yelling.
A quiet reply that might have been “I was playing with him”, but sounded like “I mass gaying with him” was shouted from somewhere else. Patton was slightly confused about what was going on.
“Uhh, Logan? What’s happening?”
“Roman’s hamster wasn’t in his cage, but he’s back now,” explained Logan reassuringly.
“Oh okay! Thank goodness he’s back!”
And that’s when Virgil spoke.
Patton shuddered, whispering. “It’s ironic because I have a very large fear of spiders.”
Logan laughed over the phone, and Patton’s heart did some cartwheels. “Ironic indeed.”
They shared a blissful few seconds of silence, nothing to say.
“I should probably go,” said Logan. “You may want to assist Virgil with the brownies.”
“But I don’t wanna hang up! I wanna talk with you!” Patton protested.
“We can talk later, if you wish.”
“Ooh yay okay!” Patton bounced up and down. “Bye, Logan!”
“Goodbye, Patton.”
Logan hung up, and Patton ran to save some brownies from certain doom, still thinking of Logan.
Logicallylo posted a photo: My boyfriend @pattonhead sent me these brownies today. They taste absolutely delicious! Love you Pat.
Pattonhead replied: Aww, so glad you like them honeybee! <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: THIS is a Marvelous Cookie! (or brownie, whatever)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: SWEET! With an excellent CRUNCH!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: perfect to follow a dinner
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Or just after breakfast
Anxiousanxietyart replied: and prior to lunch! (really though pat, they're probably really good)
Pattonhead replied: Aww thanks kiddo! <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know all my obscure references! A man after my own heart <3
Anxiousanxietyart: you cannot hide from my musical knowledge with frog and toad.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Shall we make a competition out of it?
Anxiousanxietyart: i'm listening.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: We each shall make as many references as possible without telling the other.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: If the other doesn't catch it, the referencer gets a point. If the other does get it, they get a point.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: The one with the most by the time our Big Bang project is posted wins!
Anxiousanxietyart: ro, you got yourself a challenge. let's do this thing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Can I FaceTime you so we can shake on it?
Anxiousanxietyart: yes
Anxiousanxietyart: can i call you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, Virgil! Might I ask why?
Anxiousanxietyart: i just need to talk to you rn.
Roman picked up immediately. “Virgil? You okay?”
“No.” Virgil sounded out of breath and terrified to his own ears. “Patton isn’t home and he left his phone and I’m alone and there’s noises and I’m fREAKING OUT and—”
“Hey. Virge. Breathe.” Roman’s voice was calming, cool, soothing. “In. Out. In. Out. Breathe with me, okay?”
Virgil took a deep, shuddering breath. He heard Roman do the same, in sync with him. In. Out. In. Out. They continued, for how long was unknown.
After several minutes of silence, accompanied by the noise of their breathing, Roman spoke. “You feeling better?”
The hesitation of a few moments that seemed to take an eternity followed his words before Virgil replied.
“I—yeah. I’m better now, I mean.” And he was. Who knew that for once the most-recommended, least-remembered tip would actually work?
“Why were you panicking, if I may ask?”
“I kept hearing noises? Not sure how exactly.” A pause. “Thanks, Roman.”
“Anytime.” And he meant it. He would do anything to help Virgil.
He didn’t exactly know what to say after all that. “Do you want me to leave?”
“NO!” Virgil blurted out before realizing what he just said. “I mean, umm, if it’s okay, could you please stay? I don’t really want to be alone right now.”
“Of course,” Roman said softly. “Anything.”
“Is exactly what Han Solo said before getting stabbed by his son.”
“Why are you like this?”
Virgil snorted, and Roman felt a sudden urge to hug him.
“I kinda really love you, you know that?” Roman blurted out. He then slapped his hand in front of his mouth.
Virgil was silent. Utterly, completely silent.
You utter and complete dunce! You’ve driven him away!
“I—ditto.” Virgil let out a small, slightly awkward laugh. “This is not what I expected this day to be like.”
“What did you expect?”
“You can’t see because this is a call but I’m shrugging.”
Roman laughed. “That sounds about right.”
Virgil cleared his throat. “Patton just sent me a text, you don’t have to stay. He’s coming back in a few.”
“I can stay if you like,” Roman said. “I won’t leave you if you don’t want me to.”
“No, it’s fine. You can go.”
Roman shrugged. “If you’re sure. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye, Ro.” Virgil hung up, and Roman sat there, shocked and blushing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You feeling better?
Anxiousanxietyart: yes. patton’s home now, we’re watching the princess bride.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Glad you’re ok.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks again, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: All you need to do is ask. I’m here for you, love.
Anxiousanxietyart: anfkdmfjsjfk
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did I mess up? Oh gosh I’m sorry
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: kind of like it???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Okay love
Anxiousanxietyart: gonna pay attention now, gnight, love
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ajkfmsjdhjfjd
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: sleep well, mi amor
Anxiousanxietyart: how the heckety heck do you know spanish
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ;)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HAVE I GOT THE STORY FOR YOU!
Anxiousanxietyart: good morning to you too.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It’s 1 in the afternoon.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...
g o o d m o r n i n g
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ANYWAYS
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: SO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just saw a woman.
Anxiousanxietyart: whoa. never knew women existed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hush, I may be gay, but I know women exist and are amazing
Anxiousanxietyart: never knew that you were gay???
Anxiousanxietyart: truly shocked
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ANYWAYS, BACK TO MY STORY!
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: At the salad restaurant.
Anxiousanxietyart: …salad… restaurant?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes it exists
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ordering a salad.
Anxiousanxietyart: wow. never would have guessed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wHILE EATING A FREAKING DONUT.
Anxiousanxietyart: i… what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You heard me!
Anxiousanxietyart: no, i didn’t. we’re texting.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know what I mean!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: A chocolate covered donut. In line. Ordering a salad. To-go.
Anxiousanxietyart: why were you at a salad place?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because they have the best gosh dang Mac n Cheese in the galaxy and I was in Urgent Need for it
Anxiousanxietyart: huh
Anxiousanxietyart: so, not because you suddenly decided to take care of yourself?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Despite Logan and Patton’s best efforts, no. Never.
Anxiousanxietyart: good, i was starting to worry you weren’t you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fear not, I am still my magnificently fantastic self!
Anxiousanxietyart: and that’s a reason not to worry? counterproductive.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: RUDE.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Someday, I will take you to Crunchy & Emerald, and you will see just how fantastic their Mac n Cheese is.
Anxiousanxietyart: really?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Couldn’t stop me if you tried. And don’t try.
Anxiousanxietyart: i guess it’s a date, then.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ahfkdmfjdkf
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Evil. Truly evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: said it before, i’ll say it again:
Anxiousanxietyart: chaotic
Anxiousanxietyart: neutral
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Chaotic good, myself
Anxiousanxietyart: i can see that. class?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Paladin, Fighter, sometimes Bard
Anxiousanxietyart: huh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You?
Anxiousanxietyart: rogue
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You dark, angsty soul.
Anxiousanxietyart: got that right.
Anxiousanxietyart: you ever actually played d&d?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aye, verily! Logan and I once arranged a campaign with friends (he was a sorcerer). It was quite fun!
Anxiousanxietyart: sounds like it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yep! What about you? Have you ever embarked on the nerd adventure of a lifetime that you can take more than once?
Anxiousanxietyart: i have one (1) friend who’d consider it, and he’s clueless about these things (patton)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, now you have 3! We shall organize a campaign at once!
Anxiousanxietyart: three?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Me, Patton, and Logan!
Anxiousanxietyart: he’d like that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Are you kidding? He LOVES nerd stuff like that!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...somehow, i am not surprised.
Anxiousanxietyart: wait.
Anxiousanxietyart: aren’t you lactose intolerant?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: :)
Anxiousanxietyart: i forbid you from eating that mac n cheese ever again
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Try and make me. I dare you. You will never separate me from my one true love! NEVER!
Anxiousanxietyart: what about me?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Babe.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I love you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But if you try and keep me away from Crunchy & Emerald’s sweet sweet cheesy macaroni, you will be unboyfriended.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my dog.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You have a cat.
Anxiousanxietyart: umm, my point still stands
Pattonhead: Lololololololololo!!!!
Logicallylo: I am here, Patton. What’s the matter?
Pattonhead: I’m at Target with Virge, and on the way we had the most magical encounter!!
Logicallylo: Would you like to tell me about it?
Pattonhead: That’s why I’m here! :3
Logicallylo: I am listening.
Or rather, watching. This isn’t a call.
Pattonhead: SO me and Virge were walkin’ to Target, and I heard? this? “meow meow” noise?
Logicallylo: That does indeed sound adorable.
Pattonhead: The kitty ran up to us and went between Virgil’s legs and around my legs and I petted him and then he walked away it was amazing and pure and magical and I feel blessed
Logicallylo: Wow.
Logicallylo: That seems like a pleasant experience.
Pattonhead: It was the BEST DAY of my LIFE!
Logicallylo: I can believe that.
Pattonhead: Aaa gotta go, the friend is on the Virge of leaving me behind to shop alone :)
Logicallylo: I shall see you later, Pat.
Pattonhead: Byeeeee Lo!
Anxiousanxietyart: pat and i went out shopping today for some sweet sweet starbound preparation materials, and look what i got
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is that
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: A freaking
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: XAER PIN?!
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Anxiousanxietyart: they had them at the store, and even though they were out of vect pins, pat got a peri one and i got this
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: COOL?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I am so jealous you have no idea
Anxiousanxietyart: i know
Anxiousanxietyart: whiiiich is why i lied
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ???
Anxiousanxietyart: they did have vect pins
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: and it’s for you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ?!?!?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart: i wonder if he’s excited at all
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: THE M O S T!!!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: THANK YOU SO MUCH VIRGE <3
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re welcome :)
Pattonhead: Lololololololo!!! :D
Logicallylo: Yes?
Pattonhead: Look look look look look I got a new beanie!!
Pattonhead: [image]
Pattonhead: I’m a cat!!!! :3
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: I need a moment.
Pattonhead: You like it?
Logicallylo: Patton, you are adorable. You know that?
Pattonhead: Aww, that’s so sweet! ^u^
Logicallylo: You are so cute that I fell on the floor.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: You have slain me.
Pattonhead: Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww! Nooooooooo don’t dieeeeeeee!
Logicallylo: Roman has taken this opportunity to “conquer the foul beast of Calculatortown”.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: Why will he not stop stepping on me.
Pattonhead: Whyyyyyyyy Roooomannn?!
Pattonhead: Step off of my boyfriend!
Logicallylo: He is gone now.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: With your encouragement, I have slayed the brother.
Logicallylo: Or rather, made him leave my room.
Logicallylo: And now, I can get back to my book.
Pattonhead: Nooooooo keep talking to meeee!
Logicallylo: As you wish.
Pattonhead: YAYY! :D
Pattonhead: What’re you reading?
Logicallylo: Rebel Rising, by Beth Revis. I had a desire to learn more about Jyn Erso, and this is about her backstory.
Pattonhead: Ooh, sounds fun!
Logicallylo: It is, although I find it interesting how Jyn had a boyfriend before Rogue One, and the reason why she is captured by the Empire is somewhat unexpected.
Pattonhead: Huh!
Logicallylo: But enough about me, or about Jyn. What about you? How is Khoshekh?
Pattonhead: Adorable as ever!
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: You speak no falsehoods about that. Khoshekh is, indeed, adorable.
Logicallylo: However, you are even more so.
Pattonhead: Awwwwww, Lo, you’re makin’ me blush!
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: The evidence you have just sent has only strengthened my case. You are incredible, Patton. You make people feel, despite their original hesitance. You love so much, and are so many wonderful things.
Logicallylo: I haven’t the words to describe how I’m feeling. Emotions were never my forte.
Logicallylo: However, you… you are incredibly good at forcing me to feel things, and at making me like it.
Pattonhead: I
Pattonhead: I just don’t know what to say?
Pattonhead: I love you too, Logan. Always.
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: That
Logicallylo: You said you didn’t know what to say. But that was perfect. It was absolutely, positively perfect.
Logicallylo: I have no words.
Pattonhead: I can give you some of mine?
Logicallylo: I’m not entirely sure that’s how it works.
Pattonhead: I’m not entirely sure that I care.
Logicallylo: I feel as though you should probably care about that.
Pattonhead: I do, I just care about you more <3
Logicallylo: ajdkskndjdjs
Pattonhead: Did you just
Pattonhead: Did you just keysmash???
Logicallylo: Umm.
Logicallylo: If I said no would you believe me?
Pattonhead: YOU DID!
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Pattonhead: Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me <3
Anxiousanxietyart: help me roman i’ve been laughing at this for like 5 hours
Anxiousanxietyart: https://youtu.be/JMV3lRrduf0
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m just watching it on repeat and dying
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: AND THAT WAS THE FRIEND
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: NOW TELL ME
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: E N D
Anxiousanxietyart: this is true art right here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes indeed.
Anxiousanxietyart posted 6 photos:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i’ve been attempting some photography, and here’s some of my and pat’s favorites. he’s the one who talked me into posting these. if you hate them, blame him.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: HATE them? H A T E them? H A T E T H E M ? !
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I L O V E T H E M ! ! !
Anxiousanxietyart replied: oh.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: thank… you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I do not say these things lightly, Virgil. You have real talent, my love!
Pattonhead replied: I told you, kiddo! Your photos are amazing!
Logicallylo replied: They are indeed absolutely fantastic, Virgil. Well done. You have a true eye for photography.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i don’t know what to say?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: No words needed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Only more pictures, if you please! I haven’t seen true beauty since I saw your selfie (or maybe my mirror image), and your photography is truly stunning! Almost as stunning as you!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ajkfmfjfhgnzkdjfm
Anxiousanxietyart replied:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Anxiousanxietyart replied: take my photos and g o
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Amazing!
Pattonhead replied: What’d I tell you, kiddo? You’re great at this!
Logicallylo replied: Spectacular. Simply spectacular.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: here’s some more, i guess
Anxiousanxietyart replied:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I haven’t the words to describe just how talented you are, love.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: wow. i never would have thought anyone would like these? thanks, guys
Pattonhead replied: No need to thank us! You’re the one who took the photos, Virge.
Veertrash71 replied: wHOA ANX HAS TALENT???
Pattonhead: Hey kiddo!
Pattonhead: I’m proud of you.
Anxiousanxietyart: why?
Pattonhead: For opening up, and showing your pictures even though you didn’t know how they would be received. I knew you were nervous, but you handled it like a champ.
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, pat. love you.
Pattonhead: Love you too, kiddo. Wanna draw and listen to music?
Anxiousanxietyart: gosh yes.
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo: a bunch of sketches and an actual decent fanart i made. i just really wanted to draw xaer more. zey are really fun to draw.
Pattonhead replied: Nice job!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You have quite a lot of talent!
Logicallylo replied: Well done, Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Loooogannnnn helpppp
Logicallylo: What is it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It’s just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil’s so good at so many things
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And he’s really nice and sweet and amazing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I love him so much
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But he doesn’t realize how talented he is?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I wanna tell him and help him but I don’t know hoooowwww
Logicallylo: Roman.
Logicallylo: You are helping him already. By being there and letting him know you’re there for him, you have already done more than you know.
Logicallylo: As for letting him realize his worth, just keep doing what you’re already doing. The two of you have a great support system, and you both know how good at so many things the other is.
Logicallylo: But both of you are oblivious to how amazing both of you are, and neither of you see how the other isn’t superior to you. You both are equally talented in different areas.
Logicallylo: That is how the world works, Roman. You need to let him realize how talented he is on his own, but help him in any way you can. Don’t rush it. One thing at a time.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wow. Thanks, Lo.
Logicallylo: You’re welcome, Ro. Now go get that boy. Again.
I should get paid for my matchmaking skills.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey Virge?
Anxiousanxietyart: what is it ro?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re really amazing, you know that?
Anxiousanxietyart: no, i’m really not, but thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, seriously. You’re super talented and great at so many things and I feel like you don’t know that enough.
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: i don’t know what to say. thanks, roman.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re welcome.
Anxiousanxietyart: why are you saying these things, if i may ask?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just felt like you needed to know this.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Love you, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: @logicallylo and I will not be here for about a week? There’s a family gathering for a cousin’s bat mitzvah in another state, and we won’t be able to be on for a while. There shall be a surprise when I return, however! ;) See you soon!
Pattonhead replied: Awwww, we’ll miss you!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: goodbye, ro. stay safe, and tell me when you get back.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I shall miss you very much, my love.
Pattonhead replied: You can’t really see him because we’re texting, but Virge is blushing like a tomato and I felt it important that you know :)
Pattonhead replied: [image]
Pattonhead replied: See?
Logicallylo replied: Oh my gosh I love you.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: this is complete and utter betrayal?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: aaaAAAAWWWWW! Baabeeeeee, you have a crush on me?!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: we’re dating, andy
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: that was an easy one, it doesn’t count!
Pattonhead replied: Oh my gosh you totally have a crush on him!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: if i’m being made fun of, it totally counts.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: We’re not making fun of you! It’s just adorable, that’s all!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: This face can make many a man swoon ;)
Logicallylo replied: If it helps, his cheeks are a bit flushed as well. You can see in the image.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Wow thanks Lo?? Honestly why would you point that out???
Anxiousanxietyart replied: that doesn’t help??????? it’s only worse now?????? you are e v i l
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Chaotic good, love. We’ve discussed this?
Logicallylo replied: Lawful neutral myself.
Pattonhead replied: Neutral good! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: chaotic neutral.
Logicallylo replied: Somehow, the fact that I am the only lawful one makes sense…
Pattonhead: Viiiiiiiiirgiiilllllll
Anxiousanxietyart: yes?
Pattonhead: I miss Logannnnn
Anxiousanxietyart: i know. i miss roman too.
Pattonhead: I just wish they were here, y’kno?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah. i know.
Anxiousanxietyart: wanna have a game night?
Pattonhead: Anytime, kiddo :)
Pattonhead: I’m going to the store, want anything?
Anxiousanxietyart: a soul
Pattonhead: ...kiddo, I have 5 dollars
Anxiousanxietyart: what were you gonna buy with 5 dollars?
Pattonhead: Chips.
Anxiousanxietyart: chips… don’t cost 5 dollars…
Pattonhead: ...chips.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ll be there in a sec
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: I AM HERE, I AM QUEER, AND I HAVE RETURNED FROM MY QUEST! Did you miss me? (oh, and @logicallylo ‘s here too)
Pattonhead replied: LOGAN!!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUUUCHHHHHH
Logicallylo replied: I missed you too, Patton. A lot.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: hey, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: VIIIIIIIRGILLLLLL!!! Did you miss me?
Anxiousanxietyart replied: no.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: ?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m kidding! yeah, missed you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Missed you too, my cruel and heartless love.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m not cruel and heartless.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I know that you are anything but.
Anxiousanxietyart: facetime me?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, my dear Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted a video: In celebration of returning from a week-long hiatus, here’s a video of me singing! I chose A Whole New World because it’s Disney and it won the wheel spin of fun songs to sing haha! Enjoy!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m dead. you’ve killed me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Haha thanks babe
Anxiousanxietyart replied: you? just? keep murdering me? in cold blood? honestly
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: It’s what I do best ;)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ughhhhhhhh help meeeeeee
Anxiousanxietyart: what’s happening? You ok?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just having a bad day…
Anxiousanxietyart: wanna talk about it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just have writers block and no play rehearsal because I got the most HORRENDOUS cold and Logan is out doing things and I’m alone and in pain and bored and these few days before the new Starbound are always the most terrible and I’m just uuuughhhhhh
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m sorry, ro. anything i can do to help?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just being here is amazing, thanks <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also wanna have a Harry Potter marathon with me?
Anxiousanxietyart: how could i refuse?
Anxiousanxietyart: facetime?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I don’t really feel like my normal magnificent Princey self…
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m pretty sure that you could never be anything near less than godly in looks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: aww, thanks
Anxiousanxietyart: besides, i see worse every time i look in a mirror.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: nO BABE
Anxiousanxietyart: kidding, i had to say that, i’ll call you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thanks for binge watching Harry Potter with me, Virge. I owe you one.
Anxiousanxietyart: no problem, love.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gooooshhhhh
Anxiousanxietyart: did i do something wrong?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: NO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HEAVENS NO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aaaaaaaaahhhhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: you killed me
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m deaded
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Slain
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: By my own boyfriend
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re so lucky i love you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aodkdjdakkdkslskdjdk
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Pattonhead posted: TODAYTODAYTODAAAYYYY!!! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: wow, I wonder if he’s excited
Logicallylo replied: Of course he is, Virgil. It is rather obvious. I’d have thought you’d have noticed. No need to wonder.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: sarcastic.
Logicallylo replied: Ah. Very well.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Thou art a bunch of liars! All of you are most excited as well, I know this with absolute certanity!
Logicallylo replied: Certainty, and falsehood. I am not excited. I have no emotions.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I saw you dance in your room earlier. Don’t lie.
Logicallylo replied: Falsehood. That was you. I saw you.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i never said i wasn’t excited. only a fool wouldn’t be.
Logicallylo replied: ...I suppose I shall concede a point to you. I do feel an adequate amount of excitement to read the newest book of Starbound.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: yeeEEEESSSSSS!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: woo.
Logicallylo replied: Are you satisfied?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED
Anxiousanxietyart replied: god i hope you’re satisfieeeddd
Pattonhead replied: AAAAAAAAAA VIRGE TIME TO GO GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: coming.
Logan walked into the crowded bookstore with low expectations, if any.
Roman had, of course, come down with a cold, but nothing was going to stop him from running down to the bookstore himself if Logan didn't go and get them both copies of Starbound: Awaken, so here he was. Alone. In a social setting.
Why was he here again?
Ugh, there was a line. He walked over to stand in it. While waiting, he pulled out his phone to check Tumblr. Roman was complaining on the dash about being sick, Virgil was retaliating with sass, and Patton was being cute with puppy and kitten photos and energy in the corner. Logan held back a laugh. He really loved his friends.
He turned off his phone and surveyed the people around him. There were kids with parents dressed up as Peri and Xaer and Vect and all the other characters, making Logan smile a little. One confused adult was dressed as Luke Skywalker, which made him sigh a little. Honestly.
He made his way to the front of the line, purchased two copies of the book, and began making his way towards the exit. The smell of new books was particularly strong in this bookstore, and Logan stopped to stand and enjoy it a while. He was about to continue walking when he could have sworn he heard the most familiar voice.
"C'mon, kiddo! Let’s get in line! Aaaa I'm so excited!"
"I can't tell at all..."
Logan's head swiveled around 180 degrees like R2-D2's. Standing there was a pair that looked too good to be true. There was no way Patton and Virgil could possibly be here. It just wasn't logical. And yet, a purple-hoodie-clad back and another with a blue shirt and gray cat hoodie tied around his shoulders were standing there, chatting animatedly.
"No way in Crofters," he muttered to himself, staring at the two. And yet, there must have been a way in Crofters, as they were there, weren't they?
He was debating the pros and cons of approaching them (Venn diagram and all) when Roman called. He took that as a sign to leave, but made a mental note of this day.
Logan had a lot to think about.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: How about them Starbound?
Anxiousanxietyart: it was very good.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: GOOD?! It was INFURIATINGLY AMAZING! SPECTACULAR!
Anxiousanxietyart: good.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oy vey. You’re lucky I love you.
Anxiousanxietyart: ahsidjsndhshhsidiska
Anxiousanxietyart: why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know you love iiiittttt :)
Anxiousanxietyart: i know nothing except hatred.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: As Logan would say,
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: FALSEHOOD!
Anxiousanxietyart: how often does he say that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: More than you could possibly know.
Starbound-Big-Bang posted: Friendly reminder that you have one more week before posting time! Authors: You must have your fanfics done and above the word limit. Artists: You must have your drawings/projects done and ready for posting.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh congrats! i’ll read it in a sec
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s very good, congrats
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aww thanks! Call me?
Anxiousanxietyart: of course
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Only 3 days ‘til Showtime!
Pattonhead replied: Break a leg, kiddo! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: what pat said. you got this, ro.
Logicallylo replied: Fracture a femur.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ????
Logicallylo replied: It WAS break a leg, but I improved it.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...never say that again.
Logicallylo: Virgil, may I have a word?
Anxiousanxietyart: what is it?
Logicallylo: You are aware that Roman is to do the thing where he makes a fool of himself in front of others while pretending to not be himself?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...you mean acting?
Logicallylo: Yes, that is what I said.
Anxiousanxietyart: how could I not know?
Logicallylo: And are you aware that I believe that we do not live too far away from each other?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...how would you know that?
Logicallylo: I… may have seen you and Patton at the bookstore…
Anxiousanxietyart: WHAT
Logicallylo: On the day Starbound: Awaken released.
Anxiousanxietyart: which bookstore?!
Logicallylo: Formerly a Bruegger's Bagels
Anxiousanxietyart: and you were going to tell me WHEN?!
Logicallylo: It slipped my mind.
Anxiousanxietyart: it. slipped. your. mind.
Logicallylo: I wasn’t positive it was you.
Anxiousanxietyart: why didn’t you SAY anything?!
Logicallylo: You left before I could approach you.
Anxiousanxietyart: and how did you conclude that we don’t live too far away from each other?
Logicallylo: Roman and I live only a block away from the bookstore, and you and Patton appear to have walked. You are too lazy to have walked more than a mile, even with Patton’s puppy eyes as a factor, as well as the fact that it’s the newest Starbound. Hence, not too far.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...i could have been visiting from australia. i could have wanted some exercise for once. heck, i could be a serial killer. i know where you live now!
Logicallylo: You didn’t have an Australian accent, we are in the same time zone anyway, I don’t think that’s likely, and I highly doubt you’re a serial killer, as we’ve known each other for too long and too well. Also, you don’t know exactly where I live, as I didn’t give you the address.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...logical, as always.
Logicallylo: Of course. Necktie.
Anxiousanxietyart: what were you going to ask me?
Logicallylo: Virgil, Roman has his play in a week. It is at the school auditorium.
Anxiousanxietyart: …no.
Logicallylo: Whyever not?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m just anxious
Logicallylo: This is not news to me. You are always anxious.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...yes, but
Logicallylo: Your name is AnxiousAnxiety.
Logicallylo: There is an “art” in there as well, but it is not beneficial or necessary to the point I am attempting to make.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes, but
Logicallylo: So why won’t you come to see Roman preform?
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s just…
Logicallylo: You can tell me.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ve known him for 5 months, and we’ve only ever talked here or on the phone. the thought of meeting him in person, it just…
Logicallylo: It seems daunting. Final. Real. I know.
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah, exactly.
Logicallylo: You don’t have to come. It would be fine if you didn’t. However, for Roman’s sake and yours, please consider it.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Logicallylo: Just consider. That’s all I ask.
Anxiousanxietyart: alright. but if i die, i’m blaming you.
Logicallylo: I wouldn’t expect you not to.
Anxiousanxietyart: Hey, ro.
Anxiousanxietyart: so, today's the day. showtime.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know you won't be able to read this until later, because you're backstage preparing and all, but i wanted to tell you
Anxiousanxietyart: break a leg, ro.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know as well as you that you'll do amazing, and you will rock this show, you hear? you'll blow us all away with your splendor.
Anxiousanxietyart: you always were too much for anyone, and you're so energetic and alive, and i
Anxiousanxietyart: i just really love you.
Anxiousanxietyart: i had to tell you that before the show started.
Anxiousanxietyart: break a leg. you'll be amazing.
Anxiousanxietyart: you truly are a star.
The theater was dim, as one would expect.
It was packed, as one would not.
At least not from a 7-person show in the auditorium of a school that was only available for this one night. There were plenty of seats, and there was an actual stage with actual curtains obscuring it, which was honestly all it really needed to set the theatre mood, at least in Virgil's opinion.
He and Patton were roaming the isles, looking for a person they'd never actually spoken to in real life, in the same place, not on the phone. The murmur of hundreds of whispers at once was somehow almost deafening. It was certainly overwhelming, whatever else it was, and if was all Virgil could do to keep calm.
‘it's okay, you've got this, you're only going to go see your boyfriend for the first time in the same room as him, no biggie,’ he thought. This did not calm him.
"C'mon, kiddo! You excited?" Patton was bouncing up and down on his toes, clutching his gift bag (containing two homemade plushies) with all his strength. No points for guessing if he was excited at all.
"Yeah..." Virgil brushed some stray violet strands of hair out of his eyes and sank further into his hoodie. Patton looked at him, concerned.
"You alright there, Virge?"
"Just anxious… More than usual, I mean."
Before Patton could respond, his phone rang. When he answered it (the ringtone was the Baby Bumblebee song; Pat had great ringtones for all his friends. Virgil's was the Little Einsteins theme song (why? no one knows.), and Roman's was I’ll Make a Man Out of You), his face lit up.
"Heya Lolo!" Patton listened intently for a few moments, during which Virgil could barely make out Logan's voice on the other end of the call.
"Mhmm... Uh huh... Okay... Alrightie!... Love you!... See ya in a sec!" Patton hung up and turned to Virgil.
"He's in Row G, Seats 7-9. C'mon!"
If Virgil wanted to turn and run out the door screaming, he couldn't have. Patton had him by the arm in an iron grip. There was no escape.
Patton tugged him at a run to the seats, which were full of people. However, Patton had eyes for only one person.
A man turned, his glasses glinting in the light. His hair was blue in the dim light despite being black, the ends lighter and in need of a re-dyeing, and his expression, which had been neutral yet nervous, now sported a fond smile.
Said boy ran and tackled Logan in a flying hug. Virgil was content to watch.
"LOGAN!!!!!!!!" Logan was unable to reply, his face being smushed into the shoulder of Patton.
"Mmph," he managed to get out.
Virgil felt like he was massively intruding on a private moment.
“Um, I’m just gonna go over there, away from here.”
Logan said something that might’ve been “You do that,” but also may have been “I like hat” or “potato fat”.
Virgil edged past them, giving Logan a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as he did so. He headed to his seat, and read over the program (it was a folded piece of paper with the show on the front and the cast list and people-who-helped list inside) in boredom. At one point he opened his phone and scrolled through Tumblr a bit, but he couldn’t concentrate. His nerves were up so high they’d breached the atmosphere and now couldn’t breathe because they didn’t have spacesuits.
He turned off his phone, sighing. There was nothing for him to do now but sit, wait, and check and double check and triple check that his bag was still there.
Minutes passed, and the lights did not dim, the chatter did not stop, and Logan and Patton had not returned. They were probably still catching up.
‘Or they’ve been kidnapped. Or they’re dead. Or they’re lost. Or they’ve abandoned you. Or they’re—’
Patton, hand in hand with Logan, was heading towards him. His freckled face was very flushed, his curly hair mussed up a little. He was waving, and almost pulling Logan behind him as he walked. Logan also appeared to be holding the gift bag Patton had given him.
“I’m baaaack!”
“I noticed.”
Logan looked a little sheepish. “Salutations, Virgil. Apologies for not greeting you earlier. I was, er, occupied.”
“No biggie,” replied Virgil, grinning. He then hugged Logan, who seemed to be a little more unaware of how these things went than he was.
They headed to their seats, chatting about life, the universe, and pie. Lots of pie.
“Chocolate is obviously the best!”
“No, pecan pie!”
“You’ve never even had pecan pie.”
“I know it’s good!”
“You’re allergic to nuts.”
“...it’s good!”
“Pumpkin is still the best.”
“Objectively, chocolate has the best taste.”
This discussion had been carrying on for a while when the lights finally dimmed. Virgil elbowed Logan (he wasn’t sitting next to him, but he would have rather been sucked into the dark, cold, unforgiving void than accidentally hurt Patton) to get him to stop ranting about chocolate pie and shut up.
“Shh! It’s starting!” He hissed. Patton and Logan instantly shut up, and soon, so did the rest of the theater.
There was a pause.
Then, the curtains opened.
The play began.
Virgil sat up anything-but-straight in his seat.
There, onstage, in real life for the first time, was Roman, as animated and alive as possible up in front of hundreds of people.
It was impossible to see the details of his face (beyond "beautiful") through the makeup and lighting, but it was unmistakably him. The energy was too alive and purely Roman to be anything but him. The hair was the precise shade of Roman's, the infectious grin was the same, the singing voice was obviously his. It was a judgement no one needed talent to make.
Also, Virgil knew this play. He knew who Roman was in this play. He couldn't NOT figure it out.
Whichever friend was playing Marvin started singing about being an idiot, but he wasn’t paying attention. He just kept staring at Roman, on the side, watching Marvin, still in character. Obviously. This was Roman. He had enough acting focus for all the people in this room, and then some.
When Roman actually stood up and started having an actual singing part in “Thrill of First Love,” Virgil nearly died.
"Shall we head out for chocolate?" Logan suggested.
Neither Patton nor Virgil was one to turn down chocolate.
They exited the theater, and were overwhelmed instantly by the crowds you only seem to find during intermission: every single one desiring candy, not enough time for everyone to be fortunate enough to get some.
It was quite overwhelming, and Virgil decided that Logan and Patton could be left alone for the sake of him getting a moment of relief.
"I'm going to hide over there, can you get me some MNMs?" He asked. “I’m just gonna get away from people for a little bit.”
Patton nodded, and Virgil took that as his cue to leave.
He walked away, dodging crowds and clumps of clustered humans, huddled together so as not to lose each other. He did his best to avoid contact with them; fleeting touches were hard to deal with emotionally. He managed to make it to the bathroom, where he figured he could be alone for a few moments.
Virgil stepped into the bathroom, and collided with a blur of a person.
“Oh, pardon me!”
“It was my fault.”
Virgil separated himself from the stranger, and made it a full 5 seconds before halting.
He spun around at the same time as the “stranger”. His green-brown eyes were wide with surprise and recognition.
“Oh my gosh it’s you!” Virgil exclaimed, eyes widening even more than he’d thought possible. Roman ran at him and wrapped him in a huge hug. Virgil hugged back, burying his head in Roman’s shoulder as he did his very best to hold back tears.
He was not prepared for this.
When they finally separated, they each kept their hands on the other’s shoulders, not ever wanting to let go of each other, even for a moment. They just looked at each other for a full one minute, not sure what to say.
“You’re still in costume,” Virgil said.
“You’re still wearing that same hoodie you always are,” said Roman, and hearing his voice and touching him and seeing him talk and him being right there, right now was just too much.
“Please tell me I’m not the only one on the verge of tears here, because if I’m the only one crying, it will be really bad.”
“Are you kidding?” Roman laughed. “If I smudge my stage makeup, I’m gonna be really upset, and so will everyone else in this gosh darn ding dang show, but they’ll just have to deal with it because I just saw my gosh darn ding dang boyfriend for the first time, in real life, so heck yeah I’m gonna cry!”
“Oh thank goodness you’re gonna cry too, I’m gonna return to Logan and Patton with smudged eyeliner and they’re gonna be so confused.”
They both laughed, wiping at their eyes. When they finally calmed down, they just kind of stared at each other some more, drinking each other in.
Roman was the one to break the silence. “Oh, here!” He fished around in his pocket. “I accidentally put the eyeliner in my pocket instead of back in the makeup bag,” he explained. “Can’t do anything about the eyeshadow, but from your selfies, I’m pretty sure at least some havoc there is normal.”
Virgil snorted. “Alright. Eyeliner me up.”
Eyeliner him up Roman did. A few moments later and Virgil had wings so sharp they could cut a man.
“There!” Roman exclaimed when done. “Your makeup-strewn beautiful mess of a face is no longer makeup-strewn!”
“Wow, thanks.”
He suddenly realized that Roman had not pulled back, and was still very much in Virgil’s space bubble. Normally the space bubble was a holy, sacred space. This was not one of those times.
They were staring at each other. Virgil could see the flecks of gold in the depths of Roman’s eyes.
He was truly extraordinary.
Finally, Virgil had had enough, and pulled Roman in by the face. Their lips met with all the pent-up passion of many months of desire. He was filled with a kind of happiness and love he'd never even thought possible.
Inevitably, regretfully, they parted. Both faces were flushed. Cheeks were very red beneath white foundation (Virgil) and loads of stage makeup (Roman).
"Ah, shoot!" Roman cursed. "I must take my leave—I must be behind the stage by the time intermission is almost over. They only let us out for bathroom breaks, and even then time is tight. My apologies, Virgil."
"I get it, Ro. The show needs you." Part of Virgil wanted to scream 'but I want you to stay here with me!', but he couldn't make himself do it. Also, his brain was short-circuiting a little. He had kissed Roman. Roman had kissed him. His brain would never work right again.
"I shall see you in a bit, then!" Roman kissed his cheek quickly, and the space where his lips touched was suddenly the place where his blood wanted to be at this moment. "Or rather," continued Roman, "you'll see me." He winked.
"Uhh," Virgil said, very intelligently.
"See you later, alligator." Roman swished out of the room with a flourish he was certainly quite proud of.
"Uhh, crocodile."
He was ruined. Ruined.
When he got back to his friends (whose hair was not as neat as it once was, but if you thought Virgil was going to point that out, you also probably thought the Percy Jackson movies were good), any hope of them not noticing his slightly messed-up makeup was shattered.
"What happened to your face?" Patton asked.
"Um, so I think I just saw Roman."
Logan tilted his head. "How do you know?"
"I made out with him in the doorway to the bathroom."
Patton squealed. "Wait, really?!"
"Why and how would I make this up?!"
Patton made some more incoherent excited noises. Logan cleared his throat.
"You were sure it was him, correct?"
"Don't worry, I didn't kiss some random stranger. He was in costume too. And he looked exactly like Roman. And sounded like him. And talked like him."
"If it looks like a tomato, smells like a tomato, sounds like a tomato, it's an orange!" Patton said.
"That's... not how it goes..." Logan sighed. "You're lucky I love you."
Patton smiled and leaned his head on Logan's shoulder. "Love you too, honeybee."
"I feel like I'm intruding," said Virgil. "Should I maybe leave?"
That's when the lights dimmed again. Apparently not.
The curtains parted, and there stood Mendel, waiting to begin the second act.
Mendel was pointing at them. He was freaking pointing his little airplane guide things at them.
Did he know anything?
Mendel winked at them before continuing.
Curse you, Roman.
The rest of the show went quite smoothly (and bonus, Virgil learned just how attractive Roman was with sunglasses: very attractive indeed). By the end, Patton, the only one who didn't know what was coming (Virgil was a theatre nerd and Logan was the brother of another), was sobbing openly. Virgil was, for the first time, grateful for his earlier cry. It helped to hide the tears streaking down his face at the moment. Even Logan was trying to hide that he, too, had shed more than a single tear. Lo, you good ol' liar.
Roman’s voice was beautiful, as usual.
Even when what he was singing was heartbreaking.
Many tears were shed that night.
By the time the show was done, and the cast ran out for bows, there wasn’t a dry eye in sight. A roar of applause sounded around the theatre, and Virgil could feel his hands hurting from clapping so hard. One person stood up. Then another. A tidal wave of people rose to their feet, and Virgil was among them. He couldn’t have resisted if he wanted to.
In the spotlight, Roman seemed to thrive on the cheers and applause of the audience. He had never looked better, more comfortable in his own skin (which was ironic, because he was just acting).
He was, simply, stunning.
The journey from the theatre to the overcrowded hallway was a blur of wow. Logan and Patton were chatting (read: consoling Patton as he sobbed into Logan’s shoulder), but Virgil was in a daze and didn’t pay attention.
He certainly rectified that when he saw a specific, familiar grin and eyes like the prized jewels of power in some fantasy novel.
“ROMANNNNNN!!!!!” Patton ran and hugged Roman, then was confused when no one else joined him.
“Am I the only one?”
Logan cleared his throat. “I’ve known him long than any other combination of two people here have known each other.”
“And I just met him for the first time. Sorta kinda.” Virgil thought for a moment. “Is it the first time? Or not? How does this work?”
“You cannot fool me with the play I just starred in!” Roman smirked. “Oh, also, who knows? I certainly do not.”
“You know nothing.”
Roman let out an offended noise. “Rude!”
Virgil snorted. “What else is new?”
Roman looked him up and down slowly. “For once, the fact that you are actually here, in person.”
“What are you going to do with me now that I’m here?” Virgil asked.
He was answered with a smirk. “Well, first—”
“You’re going to accompany us to the nearest restaurant,” Logan interrupted, “where we will have a nice dinner, free of any icky romantic-type shenanigans. After that, you are free to do as you wish, without informing me about it, and certainly without me right here. Witnessing it. With my eyes. Which need bleach now.”
“Any romantic shenanigans?” Patton and Roman asked, for completely different reasons.
“Any. At all.”
“Pretty sure you don’t really think you can stop them…” Virgil pointed out.
Logan sighed. “I am aware. However, that will not prevent me from trying.”
“Fair enough.”
Roman raised his hand. “I vote Crunchy & Emerald!” He fingergunned at Virgil. “I hear the mac n cheese is excellent there.”
“Oy vey.” Despite his words, Virgil was smiling, and his tone was fond.
“Sounds good to me!” Patton nodded.
Logan shrugged. “Why not?”
Roman extended his arm to Virgil. It was a very olden-timey gesture. It was also adorable. “We never did finish that game of 20 questions, did we?”
Virgil grinned, taking his boyfriend’s arm. “That is indeed not something that we did.”
“I believe it’s your turn to ask a question.”
“Nah. Can you start?”
“I will gladly do that, love.”
“Shall we?”
“We shall.”
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted:
Summary: Xaer, heir to the mer kingdom, wished for more than a life of sitting (or hovering above) a throne. Vect, prince of the mainland, wanted adventure and exploration. Peri just wanted a nap in the seaweed.
Word count: 34716
Warnings: Drowning (or rather, almost-drowning), water, sharks, blood in said water, a gigantic octopus lady
A/N: At Last, posting time has arrived! I have waited anxiously for the time to come to share this with you, and now you can see for yourself! Art by my lovely boyfriend and partner for the Bang, @AnxiousAnxietyArt , is here! Enjoy!
It was all quiet under the cover of night and dark waters.
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo/photos:
here’s the art for the starbound big bang. My partner was @disneynbroadwaynprinces , and his fic can be found here.
When Virgil went to ring the doorbell, he almost hesitated. For the first time since Roman and Logan had taken a trip 3 months ago to go see about 10 million musicals in New York and summer break ended, Virgil was going to see his boyfriend again. What if Roman didn't still love him? What if he was possessed? What if he got SQUIPped over the summer? What if—
Patton pushed the doorbell with enough enthusiasm and energy to power China for three years.
Okay then.
Virgil had just enough time to wonder why the doorbell was apparently the "Ma-na-ma-na" song from The Muppets (possibly from Patton messing with it) when the door opened and a very familiar voice yelled his name.
He was pulled into a tight embrace by his boyfriend. Virgil hugged Roman tight, ignoring the tears leaking past his eyelids. He was barely aware of Patton edging past him to greet Logan. You do that, Patton. I'll just stay right here.
"I missed you," Virgil whispered.
"I missed you too," replied Roman, dipping Virgil and kissing him passionately (like everything else he did). Any stray ends of thought that may have been there instantly vanished, gone into the void. There was only Roman, the reality of him, he who lives in fantasy. His chest filled with a jumble of emotions, and for once he didn't try to repress them.
When they finally broke apart, both were content to stand there, basking in the presence of each other. Neither wanted to break the silence.
"So, we watching this thing or not?" Virgil said finally. There would be plenty of time for saying all that needed to be said, doing all that needed to be done, all of that later.
"Not so fast, mister." Roman looked stern, but also like he wanted to laugh. "Where's that art you promised me?"
"Aren't I art enough?" Virgil joked.
"Well, yes, but a promise is a promise! Fulfill your oath, or you shall feel my wrath!"
"Nothing." Virgil reached into his bag and brought out a piece of paper that had been looked at many times over the course of the last month.
Roman stared at it. It was an image of the day the two had met the first time, Roman onstage, in his costume, radiant. He was utterly spectacular. In the spotlight, he seemed to glow.
“I—Virgil, this is…”
“Full of mistakes and terrible line art, yes, I know.”
“Shut up!” Roman’s face was very, very red. Normally, Virgil would have teased him, but something stopped him. Maybe it was the expression on Roman’s face, maybe it was how he turned to look at Virgil, maybe it was the star struck look in his eyes, maybe it was—
Maybe it was the fact that Logan chose to speak up just then.
"Come over here, you horrifyingly sappy gays! It’s starting!" Logan was standing on the doorway, arms crossed as he looked at the pair. They jumped apart, surprised, the drawing fluttering to the floor. It landed face-up.
"Rude!" Roman yelled back.
Virgil placed his arm on Roman’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go join the others.”
Roman nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.”
They walked over to join a frantically-bouncing-up-and-down Patton on a couch with Logan, who looked extremely calm for the situation.
Roman settled himself on a comfortable armchair. Virgil perched on the armrest of said armchair.
"Why are you on the armrest?" Roman asked. “You're not an arm. You would be the blue lion, if anything. You’d be a leg. The leg of Voltron, but still a leg.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. "Because places that aren't meant to be sat on are always more comfortable than regular chairs. Duh."
“Oh, of course.”
Patton bounced even higher and faster, if that was possible. “Come on come on come ooooonnnnnn! Starbound is here!!!”
Logan stared at his boyfriend, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Did you happen to have any sugar within the last 24 hours?”
Virgil sighed. “I told you not to, Pat!”
“But there were MnMs! I had to have the MnMs!” Patton protested, not slowing down in his frantic movements.
Logan kissed his cheek. “Patton, I love you, but that was a very illogical decision.”
“I knoooowwwww, but MnMs!”
“There is only one way to resolve this conflict!” Roman declared. He ran into the other room, returning a minute later with a bag full of marshmallows.
“Ro, what the heckety heck are you doing?” Virgil asked.
“We must ALL eat excessive amounts of sugar in order to have Patton be less hyper by comparison!” He ripped open the bag and tossed a marshmallow into his mouth with ease.
Logan raised his hand. “That would be not only quite damaging to your health, but also illogical.” Logan walked over to Roman and stuck his hand into the marshmallow bag, grabbing a large handful.
“I cannot allow you and Virgil to consume this entire bag. It would be bad. Also, the fact that the amount of sugar in a few MnMs is quite different to the amount of sugar in marshmallows is quite different. To even it up more, we must all eat marshmallows.”
He stuffed the entire handful of gooey marshmallows into his face.
Virgil burst out laughing as Roman stood there, looking scandalized at the actions of Logan. “How dare?”
Patton made grabby hands. “Can I have some marshmallows?”
Logan grabbed one (prompting more protests from Roman) and gave it to his boyfriend. They all settled back down in their seats, prepared for what was coming.
Khoshekh ran into the room, meowing. He made a flying cat leap onto Virgil’s lap, purring contentedly. How he perched there when Virgil was sitting on the edge of a chair, no one knew. He was a cat. Cats make their own rules.
Logan, who was (after a unanimous decision) in control of the remote, set up the TV. A few minutes later, everything was up and running and ready.
Virgil put his arm around his boyfriend and cuddled him close. “Ironic, isn’t it?” He laughed softly. “This is what brought us all together.”
Roman leaned into Virgil’s touch. “Yeah. To think that we’re here now, it feels… right.” He kissed his boyfriend’s cheek.
Patton paused his bouncing long enough to nod excitedly in agreement  and give Logan a long hug. Logan closed his eyes and attempted to kiss Patton, but by then he’d resumed his bouncing.
“I can’t believe Logan is dead,” Roman whispered in his ear.
Virgil shook his head. “Rip Logan. He will be missed.”
Logan the corpse leaned over to punch Roman’s shoulder. “Shut up.”
“Shutting up now, sir.” Roman smirked and pantomimed zipping his lips.
“Let’s watch this thing!” Patton exclaimed, making grabby hands for the remote. If Logan didn’t start it soon, he would do it himself.
Lo finally managed to kiss Patton’s cheek. “Alright, let us begin.”
He pressed play.
176 notes · View notes
pocket-anon · 7 years
The Long Way Home (7/10)
I am so, so sorry this chapter is coming out this late in the day, guys. Real life has been very hectic this week between work and lecture slide prep and doctor's appointments and car issues and mommyhood. I'm pretty physically and mentally exhausted right now, so I hope my last-minute editing choices for this chapter aren't terrible, LOL. We'll see. Anyway, thank you all for your wonderful feedback and your serial reblogs and your flailing tags. I really hope you continue to enjoy! Please remember the nautical terms glossary linked below - it's newly updated for the events of this chapter! Happy reading.
As always, thanks to my beta, @captainstudmuffin, and to @lifeinahole27, @clockadile, and @ladyciaramiggles for their additional feedback.  Additional thanks to my wonderful CSBB artists, @waiting-for-autumn and @giraffes-ride-swordfishes for providing some gorgeous artwork to accompany this fic!  Links to their illustrations of certain scenes (*) will be in the text - go show them some love!
Find it on AO3.  Nautical term glossary here.
Missed a chapter?  Get caught up here.
Summary:  After an unnaturally long life fraught with personal tragedy, Killian Jones has become known throughout the realms as the infamous Captain Hook, an opportunistic ne’er-do-well and one of the most formidable pirates to ride the waves.  When he crosses paths with a mysterious young woman with no memory of who she is or how she arrived there, he recognizes the chance to claim a monetary reward that will constitute his biggest score yet.  But a journey across the world to get her home leads to a series of adventures that reveal that her value lies in far more than gold and jewels.  A Captain Swan Anastasia AU - sort of.  (Captain Swan Enchanted Forest AU.  Romance, Adventure, & Eventual Smut.  Rated E.)
Warning: Brief but graphic depictions of violence, peripheral character death, and smut.
The Jolly alters course to make for the nearest port large enough to have a surgeon in residence. Swan begins to devote a couple hours a day to reading to Alec, and Hook even allows her to assume some of the waylaid sailor’s responsibilities, including his shifts as lookout high up on the fore-mast.
Despite the seriousness of the circumstances, she has to admit she enjoys being useful and trusted aboard ship, and though Hook continues to insist she wear the tether, she doesn’t miss the proud light in his eye each time he watches her scamper up the rigging.
“To your post, Swan,” he says with a smile one morning as he reaches out in passing and gives the knot on her harness a playful tug.
She flashes him a grin over her shoulder and swings up onto the shroud.  “Aye aye, Captain.”
Her hours spent perched upon the top and staring out at the horizon from between the sails are largely uneventful, but they afford her more time to enjoy the view and to be alone with her thoughts.  She’s disconcerted to find, however, that most of those thoughts seem to center around Hook, and the more she tries to focus on other subjects, the more annoyed she is each time her brain finds a way to wander back to him.  
There’s something different about him since their encounter with the slavers.  He’s quieter, slower to anger.  When Thomas collides with him and nearly spills a can of paint, the way Hook simply receives the young man’s effusive apology with a patient nod and moves on leaves Thomas’ jaw on the deck.  It’s as though he’s found a small measure of peace somewhere, and every time Swan spies that contented, introspective look on his face, it tempts her to believe that perhaps even a man as tortured as Captain Hook can find his good heart again.  
She should be pleased for him, she thinks.  And she is. But if it was hard not to find him irresistible before, it’s nigh impossible now.
He’s a charming bastard, isn’t he?  You certainly aren’t the first to pine after him.
She won’t be the last either, she knows.  She’s just one in a long string of starry-eyed wenches, smitten harlots, bored wives, and who knows who else.  But unlike those women, she’s stuck in close quarters with him, and the burden of being forced to spend so much time with a man she shouldn’t want but does wears on her more acutely as the days march on.
Is that what you’re hoping for?  A life of unfulfilled pining?
It isn’t, Swan thinks bitterly.  But it’s looking more and more likely all the same.
She’s ruminating on this for the hundredth time and staring glumly at the endless waves on her third afternoon on duty when a sudden disruption in the distance causes her to squint.  She frowns, wondering if her eyes are playing tricks, and reaches for the lookout’s spyglass, her curious gaze fixed on the water as she extends the scope and raises it to her eye.  The area in question jumps into clear view, and she searches the churning waters for a few moments before she sees it again – a short spurt of mist that shoots upward out of the sea.  She glances below to where the Captain and a few of the men are sparring.  “Hook?”
The clanging of steel stops. “Swan?”
She raises the glass to her eye again and tries to relocate the disturbance.  “There’s something in the water,” she calls.  “I can’t tell what it is.”
She hears Hook sheath his cutlass.  “Where, love?”
“Um…”  She peers through the lens and points. “There.  Off the starboard bow.”
The rigging shakes as he scrambles up to join her.  He’s halfway to the top when she spies another spray of water.
“There!” she says excitedly. “Did you see that?”  Her heart pounds as she catches sight of a dark form that breaks the surface briefly and disappears beneath the waves.  Another similar form bobs into view seconds later.
Hook pauses to pull out his own spyglass and search the horizon for a glimpse of what she sees. At last he chuckles.  “Whales!” he yells to the rest of the men on deck. “Two points off the starboard bow and approaching.  Helmsman!”
“Maintain our heading but move us a bit to port!  Let’s give the beasts some room!”  He stows his glass and climbs the rest of the way, pulling himself up onto the top with a boyish grin.
Swan scoots over a bit to make room on the small platform.  “Whales?” she asks with fascination.
“Quite,” he says, settling next to her, his knee grazing hers.  “It’s just a small pod.  I take it you’ve never seen their kind.”  She shakes her head, and he nods in return.  “They’re generally peaceful creatures, but they’re large and powerful. Best to give them a wide berth unless you’re trying to hunt one.”
She looks through her glass again and spies the distinct shape of a broad, lunate tail arcing out of the water, her mouth curving into an awed smile.
“There’s a young one among them,” he observes.  “In the middle.  Do you see it?  The tail that’s smaller than the others?”
A moment later her eyes widen.  “Oh! Yes!” The miniature fins flap above the waves as if waving hello, and she coos.  “It’s a happy little family.”
She falls silent for a few breaths, watching the whales as they draw closer to the Jolly.  “I wish I could remember my family,” she says at last, her expression growing wistful.
“You’ll be with them again soon enough, Princess,” he assures her quietly.
Swan casts a sideways glance as she considers him.  “You’re still confident.”
He chuffs.  “Of course I am,” he quips, straightening a little. “It’s my business to be.”
“Right.  Dashing rapscallion.”  Swan smirks.
He flashes a winning grin on cue and leans toward her a bit, his low chuckle generating a shiver deep between her shoulder blades.  “Always knew you were a fast learner.”
She hates herself for the way her face grows hot and her heart accelerates, and she feels the sudden impulse to flee and try to regain her faculties somewhere where this stupidly handsome man isn’t being so stupidly handsome.  Remembering she’s technically on duty as lookout and unable to flee anywhere, however, she settles for forcing her gaze away, raising the spyglass with both hands and making a show of trying to find the whales once again.
One of the creatures abruptly launches out of the water, a hulking dark shape that somehow manages a graceful twirl in the air like a dancer in slow motion before crashing back down to the waves.  Swan lets out a cry of surprise, and she reaches out blindly to give Hook’s arm an excited shake.  “Did you see that?”
The rich sound of his laugh greets her ears.  “Aye. They do that sometimes,” he says. He dares to lean in further.  “Keep watching.  We might see it again.”
The warmth of his breath on her skin makes Swan turn from her spyglass to find his nose inches from hers, and her stomach swoops as they stare at one another for what feels like a protracted moment in time.  Hook searches her face, the mischief in his eyes fading into something almost earnest, and he swallows, the movement of his throat drawing her eyes down.  Her gaze alights on his mouth before she realizes what she’s doing, and her pulse stutters.
A sudden shout from one of the men startles her, and her head whips around in time to see another huge whale leaping out of the water, this one only a few hundred feet off the starboard bow.  It returns to the ocean with a great whump and a huge white cloud of spray, and Emma chuckles nervously, praying that her cheeks are not as pink as she thinks they are and willing her heart to stop thundering in her ears.    
She turns to offer Hook a weak smile, but he isn’t looking at her, instead distracted by something between them.  She follows his eyes down to see her hand still resting on his brace.  “Oh!”  She pulls away, now fairly sure she’s blushing up to the roots of her hair.  “I’m sorry.”
She’s not prepared for the way he colors in turn.  “It’s quite alright, love,” he murmurs, looking both touched and a bit sad.  He bumps his knee into hers half-heartedly. “No need to stand on ceremony.” He clears his throat and tips his head toward the pod.  “I’m glad you’re here to see this.  We sailors are accustomed to seeing whales now and then, but I imagine there are few others who get the chance.”  He smiles. “Perhaps our friends have come to pay their respects to a certain alleged princess.”
They watch in silence as the pod nears the Jolly and begins to pass down along her starboard side.  Swan sets her spyglass down and turns, rising up on her knees to be able to see over Hook’s head.  She gingerly steadies herself with a soft hand on his shoulder as she watches the dark bodies slipping above and below the waterline.  “They’re so beautiful,” she breathes, peering down at the enormous silhouettes just beneath the surface.
He nods wordlessly.
Swan looks down at her hand on his shoulder.  She bites her lip before gathering up the courage to give him a squeeze.  “Hook?”
He turns his head to blink up at her soberly.
“I’m glad I’m here, too.”
A slow, warm smile spreads across his face.  She drops her free hand onto his other shoulder, and he reaches up to cover her fingers gently with his, breaking her heart just a little bit further as they watch the whales drift away.
 *             *             *
 The next few days are cooler and colorless, with showers covering everything and everyone in a constant state of damp.  Hook offers to excuse Emma from her shifts as lookout so she can remain below deck, but she stubbornly refuses, merely choosing to wear her blue cloak to try to keep dry.  Her mood seems to reflect the weather; she grows increasingly distant, more preoccupied, and not as inclined to smile or engage him in their usual banter.  She spends less and less time with him outside of their meals together, busying herself with her duties and reading to Alec during the day and finding excuses to return to her cabin in the evenings instead of lingering over the dinner table with him.  Hook notes these changes in her with concern.  Whatever is troubling Emma, she seems determined to keep it to herself, and though he catches her looking sad on more than one occasion, she does her best to perk up a little whenever she’s aware of an audience.
He watches her hooded figure as she sits up on the top one afternoon, his brow almost painfully furrowed and raindrops smattering his face as he longs for the power to see what invisible weight is sitting on those slender shoulders.  He wonders if she’s worried about Alec’s worsening condition or if, like the rest of the men, she’s simply tired of the rain, and he sighs, trying to think of a way to lift her spirits a little.  Perhaps he can grant extra rum rations for morale and coax her into an evening of cards or dice with the crew.  Or perhaps he can find something she’ll like when they arrive at port later this week – a new book or a spyglass of her own or something pretty to brighten her day.  She’d once mentioned her fondness for the color yellow.  He wonders if it would be difficult to find yellow flowers at this time of year.  He’d pay a king’s ransom for them and let her put them all over her cabin and his if she liked – anything to make her smile, really.  He glowers at the overhead clouds and grumbles at no one in particular.  If the bloody skies would clear, that might also be a good a start.
The waters grow choppier around sundown, and the Jolly rises and falls like a rearing horse as she crests over the increasingly tall waves.  Hook keeps a watchful eye on Emma when she climbs down from the mast, and he comes to meet her at the bottom of the shroud, glad he’s continued to insist on her rope tether as he notes the extra time it takes her to navigate the rigging with the ship lurching beneath them.  
“What are you still doing out here?” she asks, gritting her teeth and waiting for the deck to level before carefully hopping down.
He pushes his wet hair out of his eyes and does his best not to look cold and miserable.  “Can’t a gentleman escort a lady to dinner?”  
The corner of her mouth twitches, and it’s the closest thing to a smile he’s seen all day, but there’s no time to savor it before they pitch over another swell and Emma stumbles forward with a little yelp.  He catches her against him, wrapping his arm around her waist and snagging the shroud with his hook in order to keep them both upright.  They struggle for a moment to right themselves, eventually managing to regain some semblance of balance while still tangled up together.  Hook stares into her pensive eyes, his heart refusing to slow as he registers the desperate way one of her gloved hands is gripping the collar of his coat while the other is buried in the hair at the nape of his neck.
Emma’s face grows red, a spot of bright color in their drably-lit surroundings, and she bites her lip. “Um, thanks.”  
She recoils adorably when a huge raindrop hits her square in the forehead, and Hook suddenly notices that her hood has come off.  With a sigh and a resigned smile, he releases her and reaches out to lift it back onto her head.  “Let’s get below and dry out a bit, yeah?” he says, delicately smoothing one side of the hood down with his hook.  He gestures toward the nearest hatch, and they make for it, the ship still rocking beneath them.  “After dinner, I thought perhaps we could enjoy some extra rum and cards with the crew in the mess.  What do you think?”
His heart falls at the reticent sound she makes, her face hidden as she keeps her eyes on the boards. “You go ahead.  I think I’m going to go to bed early tonight.”
He stops mid-step, frustration rising in his gut.  “Are you avoiding me, Swan?”
Emma freezes, the guilty stiffening of her shoulders answer enough.  “I…  No, of course not,” she says, shaking her head and giving him a small, unconvincing smile as she leads them down the ladder.  “I… I’m just tired this week.”
Hook frowns at her obvious attempt to deflect him.  “I can reassign your duties if you need more rest,” he suggests, pulling the hatch closed behind them.
“No!”  She winces at how loud her voice now sounds out of the wind and in the quiet of the shadowy passageway.  “No.  I can do it.  I don’t mind.  I just want to turn in a little earlier tonight.”  She walks briskly past him toward his quarters.  “Come on.  Dinner.”
Hook grants the crew the extra rum but elects to spend the evening alone, retiring to his berth with The Odyssey in order to take his mind off of Emma’s notable absence.  After nearly fifteen minutes of staring, unseeing, at the same paragraph however, he closes the book and petulantly tosses it aside.  His mind races as he dims the lamp and flops down on the mattress.
Has he done something to upset her?  Or is she simply trying to avoid interrogation about whatever is on her mind?  He gives his pillow a few vehement punches and resettles his head.  Before these rainy days, things had seemed to be going well between them, and he’d started contemplating how he should go about confessing his feelings for her.  But now…  now he doesn’t know where he stands, and it irritates the bloody hell out of him.  
He rumbles and rolls over, his eyes scanning the beams above his head as he exhales heavily.  Emma might be trying to shut him out, but he’s always claimed to love a challenge.  He’ll confront her tomorrow, he thinks, coax her secret out.  They’ve always been open with one another before.
That’s what friends do, isn’t it?  Emma’s voice echoes in his memory.
He snorts.  Friends. If only that were enough.
Sleep comes to him fitfully, and when Hook is aroused from bed at first light by a very panicky Smee shouting down the hatch for him, he sits up in a foul temper.  “What the blazes is it?” he demands, rubbing a hand over his face. Within a moment of opening his eyes, however, the cause of Smee’s distress becomes clear.  His quarters are cast in strange hues, and Hook’s eyes snap to the windows to note the ominous red-orange glow of the clouds to the east and the relative darkness to the west.  He swears an oath and leaps out of bed, dressing at record speed before flying up the ladder.
The sight that meets him above makes his stomach drop.  To the southwest lies a solid wall of enormous storm clouds that appears to have coalesced under the cloak of night.  It stretches as far as the eye can see, and when the wind begins to pick up and the first rumbles of thunder come rolling across the water toward them, alarm spreads across the Jolly like wildfire.
“It’s a hurricane!” Roberts hollers, hurrying to clang the ship’s bell.
Cold fear trickles down Hook’s back as he stares at the telltale skies.  He’s survived many dire straits in his long life, but few things drive terror into the heart of a sailor more than being faced with a hurricane at sea. Vivid memories of the massive storm that destroyed the ship Hispaniola back when he and Liam were young men flash before his eyes.  That storm had sent their last master, the hardy Captain Silver, and the rest of his experienced crew down to their watery graves. The idea of the Jolly, of his men, of Emma meeting the same fate makes him feel sick, and not knowing whether he can do anything to prevent it makes him feel sicker.
“All hands!” he commands at the top of his lungs.  “Get everything you can below deck and lash the rest down!  Pump the bilges and batten down all but the main hatch!”  He takes the wheel from the helmsman and grits his teeth as he wrenches it starboard.  “We’re going to try to outrun it.”
“Not even the Jolly’s that fast!” Smee protests at his side.  “That thing’ll be on us in ten minutes!”
Hook seizes the front of his first mate’s shirt and yanks him forward.  “If you have a better idea, Smee, now would be the time,” he snaps. “Otherwise, get below and tell the Lady to stay down in the crew quarters with Alec until someone comes.”
The next several minutes are a bedlam of activity and a torturous march toward the inevitable as the storm, moving at twice the ship’s speed, swallows her up like a great monster. The seas grow more turbulent, the rain begins to pour, and the gusts howl around them like the voice of a great foe heralding its wrath.
“We’ll have to heave-to – see if we can ride out the storm!” Hook yells frantically, handing over the wheel and charging toward the main deck.  “Helmsman, come about to beam reach!  Roberts, Thomas, clew up the mainsail!  Everyone else to the main-mast to brace the yards square!  Back ‘em winward!”
With the men on his heels, he scrambles across the swaying, rain-slogged deck.  They position themselves in teams around the mast and prepare to haul lines to rotate the yards overhead.   Hook cranes his head upward to watch Roberts and Thomas, the most nimble members of his crew (save Alec), scale the ropes as fast as they can to tie up the mainsail.
Emma is suddenly at his side, soaked to the skin like the rest of them with her wet ponytail limp over one shoulder.  She reaches toward the rigging and wraps both hands around the line in front of him.  
The sight of her disobeying his orders and risking her neck yet again fills him with rage.  Bloody. Impossible.  Woman.  “What the devil are you doing?” he bellows.  “You were supposed to stay below!”
“We’re not having this argument again!” she hollers back indignantly, squinting up at him in the face of the rain.  “You’re a man down, and you need more hands!  Let me help!”
His growl is lost on the wind, but he hasn’t the time to argue.  Hook grits his teeth and positions his hand between hers on the line.  Smee joins them, and Martin assumes position behind them to keep the line taut as they pull.  
Hook glances around at his crew.  “Alright, men!” he calls, using his hook to untie the line and pass the end off to Martin, “Heave!  Heave!” The others join with him, chanting in rhythmic unison as they tug on their lines and the yards above their heads begin to rotate about the mast.
They nearly have the sails backed to the wind when an enormous wave hits the ship, sending water sloshing across the deck and causing her to list violently.  The men stumble sideways, clinging to the lines for dear life, and Emma shrieks as her footing falters.  
“Swan!”  Hook throws his left arm around her waist and drags her back to his side with a deep grunt.  The muscles in his right shoulder burn as the line begins to pull away without their collective strength to help anchor it.  “Tie it off!” he barks over his shoulder at Martin, and the cooper’s large hands are a blur as he throws the knot back in place.
Seconds later, another wave strikes, and a scream rings out from above.  Hook looks up to see Thomas thrown from the yard arm, his body flung clear of the ship and out toward the waves.
“No!”  Emma yelps and twists in his grasp, one of her hands stretching into the sky in Thomas’ direction.
And like that, Thomas’ body disappears in a swirl of white smoke.
A moment later, a second swirl of smoke leaves the lad lying face-down on the deck at their feet, coughing and gasping for breath.
“Swan?”  Hook gapes and looks down at Emma, who retracts her arm and stares at her upturned palm in disbelief.
“What?”  She trembles.  “What just…?”
“Magic,” he breathes. He’d heard rumors that the Princess of Misthaven was secretly a sorceress, but he’d always taken the reports with a grain of salt, aware they might be the exaggerations of adoring subjects or lies spread by denied suitors.  
“Look out!” Martin booms behind them.
A shadow looms overhead, and they turn and gasp at the sight of the most massive wave Hook has ever seen cresting overhead, the roar of the water like impending doom as it rushes down upon them.  A profound fear like he’s never known seizes his heart, and he draws Emma closer to him, letting go of the line just long enough to wind it around his forearm.
“Hook?” she cries, terrified.
“Hold on to me!”
Her arms wind around him beneath his coat, and as she buries her face in his shoulder, he clutches her tighter and prays to whatever gods will listen for her salvation.  “Stay with me,” he whispers, his cheek pressed to her temple.
White smoke suddenly clouds his vision, obscuring the wave from sight, and the thunderous rush of the the water and the drone of the winds vanishes so quickly, he’d have thought himself struck deaf if not for the ongoing yelling around him.
Then the smoke dissipates, the darkness fades, and the Jolly heaves beneath their feet, surprised shouts ringing out from the crew as she drops a short distance and hits the water with an enormous boom.  
And then all falls still.
Hook lifts his head, still clutching Emma’s shaking form and his fingers stinging with rope burn as they continue to clench the line.  The early morning sky is the palest blue, and a strong but manageable wind whispers across their bow port to starboard.  He straightens slowly, baffled, and there’s only a moment to notice the dark storm clouds retreating to the east before Emma begins to shiver uncontrollably and buckles in his embrace.
“Swan?”  He lowers her gently to the deck, his brow bent with concern. “Are you alright?  Swan!”  
She gazes up at him with bleary eyes, and her face is white as a fresh sail as she pants, exhausted. “Hook?” she mumbles.  Her lids grow heavy, and she faints dead away.
 *             *             *
 He can feel it – the surge of energy in the distance.  He can feel it all over the Earth – the push-pull of magic – like a spider sitting atop a great web with his legs poised on the strands to sense the vibrations that register even from far, far away.  Not every shift registers with him, of course, but this, oh there’s no way to miss this.  Someone somewhere far from here has just done something significant, martialing a great amount of energy in the process, and he can sense the echoes of it, feel them like small waves generated by a remote tsunami.
He pauses his current task, setting the flasks in his hands down and turning his head to try to focus on the disturbance.  It smells like light magic, he thinks.  Fairies?  His mouth twists in a distasteful sneer.  He only knows of one other being powerful enough to generate light magic on that scale, and she’s indisposed.
Isn’t she?
Dismay lines his distinctive features as he turns to go consult his crystal.
 *             *             *
 The muted sound of another person moving about the room is the first thing to creep into Swan’s consciousness.
“Beggin’ your pardon, Cap’n, but I thought you might want some dinner.  You’ve hardly had anything to eat the last few days,” Thomas murmurs. There’s the sound of a tray sliding onto the table.
At her shoulder, Hook gives a low rumble of assent.
“Any change, sir?”
Familiar, calloused fingers slide over the back of her hand, and a heavy sigh is the Captain’s only response.
Thomas’ footsteps retreat, and the cabin door latches gently behind him.
Swan feels the comforting rise and fall of the ship and notes the softness of the Captain’s pillow beneath her head.  His bed. She’s in his bed.  How did she get here?  She gives a soft grunt and cracks an eye open.  The last rays of the setting sun supplement the lamplight that glows around the cabin, and a wind rustles through an open pane above her head, the warm air wafting across her skin like a caress.
“Swan?”  Hook’s voice rings with quiet disbelief.  His hand folds around hers, and his blurry silhouette sits forward in the chair he’s pulled up next to the bed.
She moves to squeeze his fingers back only to find her palm resting atop something smooth and hard. It takes her a few moments to recognize her sand dollar, and she turns her head toward him with a quiet moan as the muscles in her neck protest what seems to be their first movement in a while. Forcing her eyes further open, she blinks away the cobwebs, her forehead wrinkling as his haggard appearance comes gradually into focus.  He’s wearing only his shirt and trousers, gray circles line his eyes, his hair is a hand-raked mess, and he’s allowed his usual scruff to darken into a beard. “Hook?” she croaks.  Her mouth feels impossibly dry, and she recoils and tries to swallow.  “What happened to you?”
His brow twitches. “What do you mean?”
“You… look…” she searches for the right words, and her lips form a wry grin, “less dashing than usual.”
The smile that curves his mouth transforms him back into the man she knows.  “You must still have some sleep in your eyes, darling,” he croons. “I’m fairly certain I’m as handsome as ever.”
He is.  Bastard. Swan chuffs and rolls her eyes, savoring his chuckle.  She holds up the sand dollar and raises her brows in question.
His eyes grow oddly emotional, but he merely shrugs.  “What can I say, love?  A seafaring man doesn’t take superstitions lightly.”
She hums.  “I thought you said I make my own luck.”
“Aye, that you do,” he acquiesces with an affectionate grin, “but no harm in stacking the deck in your favor.”
Swan smirks. “Pirate.”  She motions for him to take it so she can push herself up to a sit with a groan, noting that she’s still in her shirt and trousers, her jerkin and gloves draped neatly over the back of a chair at the table and her hair down over her shoulder.
Hook sets the sand dollar out of the way and leaps to his feet.  “Easy now.”  He leans down and wraps her in a hug, gently hauling her upward in the bed.  The warmth of his strong arms feels like sunshine after a rain, and her fingers curl into the wrinkled fabric of his shirt of their own accord.  He pulls back much sooner than she wants, but the tenderness in his expression is enough to make her breath hitch, and her heart skips a beat as he gingerly reaches forward to loop a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.  Then he colors and hastily redirects his attention to building a mound of pillows for her to lean back on.  She collapses against them with a grateful sigh, and he clears his throat, turning toward his dinner tray and splashing a little wine into the goblet. “What do you remember?” he asks, setting it in her hand.
Swan contemplates his question as she drinks, the liquid heavenly on her parched tongue.  The corner of her nose wrinkles as she swallows away the rank taste of prolonged sleep.  “We were in the storm, and Thomas…”  Her eyes narrow with uncertainty over the top of the glass. “Did I save him?”
Hook resumes his seat, scooting around a bit to face her.  “You saved us all,” he corrects.  “Swan, you have magic.”
She blinks up at him anxiously, taking a small degree of comfort from the encouragement in his eyes before looking down at the palm of her free hand as though she’s never seen it before.  “I remember the wave,” she says haltingly, “And I thought…  I thought we…”  She bites her lip and tries to shake off the memory of that overwhelming fear.  Her hand falls on her belly, and she heaves a sigh, giving a shake of her head.  “And all I wanted was for the ship to be clear of the storm, and there was this…” her face scrunches up, “this rush and… and then we were there.”  She glances back at him for confirmation.
He nods.  “That’s when you passed out.”
She hums, taking some more wine.  “How long was I asleep?”
“Nearly three days.”
Her mouth falls open. “Three days?” she echoes.  Her eyes flit down to his jawline, a crease forming on her forehead.  “That explains your beard.  What’s happened?  Is the ship alright?”
“The ship is fine, Swan,” he assures her with a gentle grin.  “Waterlogged and in a bit of disarray, but you got us out in one piece.  We’ve had calm seas since.”
Her shoulders relax a fraction, but she cocks her head.  “So why do you look as if you haven’t slept?”
Hook scratches behind his ear and looks away.  “You aren’t the only one who’s allowed to worry.”
Understanding finally dawns, and her throat tightens, her brows peaking on her forehead.  “You’ve been here with me… for three days?”  She darts a glance at his chair.
He raises his weary eyes to hers, his face solemn.  “Aye.”
The intensity of his stare puts Swan’s heart in her throat, and she tears her gaze away from his, her lashes grazing her cheeks as she preoccupies herself with her hands. “Careful, Captain,” she says with a shaky smile.  “Your men are going to start to think you have feelings for me.”
There’s a moment of silence. “And what if I do?” he asks quietly.
She looks back up, startled, and tries to process the raw honesty in the shadows that dance across his face.
Hook rises, gently taking her cup and setting it aside.  She swallows hard and shifts over in the berth to make room as he seats himself on the edge of the mattress, gathering her hand in his and pausing, as though trying to decide what to say.  “Do you remember that first night we danced?” he asks at length.
Swan folds her lips, emotions welling up in her chest, and manages a small nod.
His gaze grows distant. “That was the first time I’d danced in over a hundred years,” he admits.  “The first time I’d felt like dancing since I lost Milah.”  He gives a rueful shake of his head.  “The truth is, I never thought I’d be capable of letting go of her, never believed I could find someone else...”  He raises his eyes back up to hers, looking sad.  “That is, until I met you.”
She’s barely breathing, the extremes of happiness, apprehension, and surprise simultaneously washing over her as she listens desperately for the lie.  But it’s all truth.  She can feel it coming off of him in waves.  “Hook,” she murmurs weakly, “you don’t even know who I am.”  She bites her lip.  “Or what I am.”
His crow’s feet crinkle in that way she adores.  “Yes, I do,” he replies, the timbre of his words sending a shiver down her spine and his thumb drifting affectionately over her knuckles.  “You’re Emma, Princess of Misthaven.  Your powers are only further proof of that.  There have long been rumors that Snow White’s daughter was born with magic.”  He uses the curve of his hook to gently tip her chin upward so she meets his gaze.  “But you could be an orphaned beggar without any powers for all I care.  I know your heart, Swan,” he says, his blue eyes burning with conviction, “and I intend to win it.”
Swan blinks rapidly in the face of his stare, her emotions rising in her chest.  “You…”  she breathes, “you mean that.”
He nods.
The warmth of tears rushes upon her, and she looks away, her eyes falling to their joined hands and her brow wrinkling.  A sniffle escapes her.  “I didn’t think…  I mean, I don’t…”  She shakes her head again, the fingers of her free hand tracing the contours of his rings as she struggles to keep from dissolving into a blubbering mess.  When she glances back up, her heart melts at the wounded uncertainty that hints on his features, and she reaches out to palm the angle of his jaw, her thumb alighting fondly on his newest scar and her mouth curving into a tremulous smile.  “I don’t know if a princess is allowed to kiss a pirate.”  
Even without her memories, there’s no doubt that the way his face illuminates with awe is one of the most wonderful things she’s ever seen.  “I think,” he murmurs, swallowing hard, “when it comes to this pirate, Your Highness can do as she bloody well pleases.”
Swan bursts into nervous laughter and nods, winding her fingers into the collar of his shirt and hauling him forward, her lashes falling closed and a happy tear sliding down her cheek as she presses her lips softly to his.(*)
Suddenly she feels so many things at once she can scarcely process it all.  The glorious sensation of his mouth moving against hers becomes amplified by a rush that surges through her – the same kind of powerful, emotional rush she felt when she moved the Jolly.  It overwhelms her senses, and then the memories come, cascading upon her like a tidal wave, her mind so instantly saturated by images and thoughts and feelings that she gasps and blanches, her face contorting into a pained mask.
“Swan?”  Hook pulls back in alarm, his hand coming up to wrap around her shoulder.  “What is it?”
The mental onslaught ends as abruptly as it started, and her eyes spring wide.  She gapes at him in wonder, chest heaving.  “I remember,” she whispers.
His jaw drops.  “You remember?”
“I remember!”  Her voice cracks somewhere between a hysterical laugh and a relieved sob.
He cups her cheek, glowing with excitement.  “Emma,” he tries, searching her face.
“Yes.” She chuckles and nods vigorously.  “Emma.”
He crows with triumph and pulls her to him for another kiss, slanting his mouth across hers and stealing her breath with abandon this time while she sniffles, her body suffused with pure joy.  The enthusiastic press of his lips, the dive of his fingertips into her tangled tresses, the snake of his left arm around her waist – it’s as if he can’t get her close enough, and she mewls, completely content to let him possess her in whatever way he desires.
After what seems like an eternity (and not nearly long enough), they come up for air, their combined breaths hot and insistent.  Emma sucks one kiss-swollen lip between her teeth, feeling ridiculously giddy at the satisfied hum that emanates from his chest as he brushes his nose against hers and moves in to kiss her again.
Someone pounds on the door. “Captain!”
They break apart and freeze, swapping a chagrined look as the knocking persists.  Hook gives an impatient growl that makes Emma giggle before shooting an icy glare in the direction of the disturbance.  He huffs.  “Hold that thought,” he mutters, bumping his forehead softly against hers and stealing another quick kiss before he straightens, rotating to face the door and swiping his thumb at the corner of his mouth.  “Smee?”
The door bangs open, and the first mate lunges in.  “Did you see it?” he pants.  He skids to a halt when his enormous eyes fall on them.  “Milady!”  His face brightens.  “You’re awake!”
Emma smiles and gives a small nod.  
“Yes, she’s on the mend at last,” Hook concurs.  “Now what are you talking about?  What did you see?”
Smee seems to remember himself.  “The—the…” Smee gestures nondescriptly behind him, “The wind.  The light?  Like a rainbow?”  He looks back and forth between their blank expressions incredulously.  “It looked like magic, sir.  Went out in all directions from the Jolly.”  He glances at Emma anxiously.  “We thought perhaps Milady had something to do with it.”
Rainbow light.  Hook opens his mouth to protest, but Emma interjects, trying to keep her voice from wavering even while her heart starts to race.  “It’s alright, Mr. Smee,” she says.  “I… I think it was me.  But I’m fine now.”
His shoulders relax. “Are you sure, ma’am?” he asks, sounding concerned.  “Is there anything you need?”
She flashes an appreciative smile.  “Not right now.  But thank you.”
“Privacy tonight, Smee,” Hook orders.  “The Lady has been through an ordeal.  I’ll call if she requires anything.”
Smee nods.  “Shall we continue on course?”
“Aye.  Thank you.”
Smee gawks at the Captain’s expression of gratitude.  “You’re—you’re welcome, sir.  Ma’am,” he stammers, looking pleasantly confused as he slips out the door and pulls it shut behind him.
As soon as the latch clicks, Hook turns back toward her.  “What the devil was he talking about, Swan?”  
“Rainbow light,” Emma murmurs, her gaze far away.  “I’ve heard about something like that.”  She raises her eyes to him nervously.  “The dwarves say that’s what they saw when my father woke my mother with True Love’s Kiss.”  
Hook’s handsome face goes slack.  “Bloody hell.”  He stares at her, dumbfounded, and gathers her hand back up in his.  “So this…?  You…?” His voice threatens to crack, and he searches her with shining eyes.  “Do you actually…?”
Emma breaks out in a watery smile and nods, leaning forward to bury herself back in his arms with a contented sigh.  “I think so. I mean, you were right.  I’ve never been in love,” she concedes, her voice muffled against his shoulder.  “But this… I was so miserable thinking you’d never feel the same.”  She smiles as he reaches up to smoothe his hand over her hair.  “Plus, I guess it’s kind of hard to argue with a broken curse, huh?” she chuckles.
He rumbles against her. “What happened, Swan?  Who cursed you?”
Emma chuffs and pulls back a little, looking up at him sheepishly.  “I did.”
Thanks for reading!  Ready for the next chapter?  Click here!
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reaganwarren · 8 years
A/N: This doesn’t have a tag or a title outside of character tags and the justiquill ship tag, but this is a continuation of that one night stand story. Continuing for “Gay Simon Blackquill Week.” Posting it early because I can. First part here: http://reaganwarren.tumblr.com/post/153196672780/an-i-love-my, second part here: http://reaganwarren.tumblr.com/post/155134212480/an-thought-i-forgot-about-that-au-where-simon. I also reference a comic I really like because as a prosecutor who studied psychology, if he’s worth a damn at the psyche stuff, he’d have Inside-Out figurines to help children he may or may not be interviewing for cases to help them communicate their feelings better. I just . . . can’t remember the url of the comic artist because my memory is shit. 
A/N: EDIT: I FOUND THE COMIC! http://cprartsalot.tumblr.com/post/131546447070/blackquill-insists-that-they-are-merely here it is! @cprartsalot is the artist and I really liked the idea so yeah. pls support them and their art! 
Apollo stepped out of the elevator and walked up to where he had been told Simon’s office was. He took a deep breath, then reached out and knocked on the door. 
“Come in,” came Simon’s gruff tone. 
Apollo grabbed the doorknob and turned it. 
Simon looked up, his eyebrows subtly furrowed, then he saw who it was. His eyes widened, his brow un-knitted, and he otherwise sat frozen in his chair. Taka turned his little bird head so he could get a better look at Apollo. 
Apollo stood in silence, waiting for Simon to say something. But when he continued to not say anything, Apollo cleared his throat, hand tightening on the doorknob. 
“Hi,” Apollo said. 
“. . . Hello.” 
“Are you busy?” 
“N-no, not really. I’m not working on a case right now, at least.” 
“Can we . . . talk, then?” 
“Yes. Of course. Um, please, sit down,” Simon said, getting up and going to a smaller desk that was against the wall. 
Apollo closed the door behind him and looked around the office. Samurai swords hung on one of the walls, and a Steel Samurai poster was pinned on the other side. On Simon’s desk were a couple photos and some little figurines from that Disney movie about the personified emotions. In the photos, there was a recent one of Simon and Athena and a much older photo of Simon before his imprisonment with Aura and Metis. 
The table that Simon had gone over to held a traditional Japanese tea set with a much more modern water heater. Simon turned the water on to boil, then opened the tea leaf container. Apollo could smell it from where he sat. It did smell good.... 
But he didn’t think he’d be able to drink any of it. He was far too nervous. 
Simon then returned to the desk. Taka sat on his perch, watching them closely. That wasn’t helping Apollo’s nerves, either. 
“So, um,” Apollo started, finding it easier to look at Simon’s face since Simon . . . seemed unable to make his eyes lift up from staring at the desk top. “You . . . were the one to send that bouquet to the Wright Anything Agency, right?” 
Simon nodded. 
“I was.... I would have delivered them in person, but I didn’t want to compromise your working relationship with Athena....” 
“No, no, you did good!” Apollo said, blanching at the idea of Athena learning about any of this. “I appreciate the discretion! Um - !” 
Apollo cleared his throat, trying to pull himself together. 
“So, um, did . . . did you ask the florist to make it however they wanted or . . . did you ask them to make it a specific way?” Apollo asked. 
Simon seemed to have enough control over his speech to avoid stuttering or pauses in his speech. When he spoke, it was in full sentences, with no unintentional breaks. 
“I know enough about flower arranging to know what types of flowers I needed to use to convey my apology....” 
“. . . Then, um, the . . . the white lilies. I, uh . . . was told by someone that they mean . . . that they mean . . . .” 
Simon turned a bright red. 
The water started to bubble significantly more than before, and Simon took it as an opportunity to get up and fix the tea. He poured the water into the pot, then picked the tea tray up and brought it over to the desk. He set it on one side of the desk, closed and removed the laptop he had on the other end of the desk, then put the laptop into a drawer. He busied himself with the tea cups, though the tea itself would still need to seep for a few minutes. 
“. . . You need not concern yourself with that. I mere want an opportunity to make it up to you.” 
“. . . Prosecutor Blackquill, you keep talking about apologizing and . . . I don’t get what you mean. If anything, I should be apologizing to you. I mean . . . it’s one thing for me to go around having one-night stands. I haven’t been a virgin in a long time.” 
The word “virgin” made Simon seem all the smaller, which felt so . . . off and strange. He was used to the “Twisted Samurai” being a tall, menacing fixture in the courtroom. 
The man before him was hunching over an empty tea cup, not lifting his eyes to meet his own. 
“It’s a completely different situation for someone who hasn’t had sex ever to have a drunken one-night stand with their friend’s coworker. I mean, it could’ve been worse, but....” 
“Please do not concern yourself with that. That’s my responsibility and my responsibility alone,” Simon said. “It wasn’t like you had known. On the other hand, I do remember quite a bit of that night, and I know that I took an experience that I had not rightfully earned.... Please allow me to make it up to you.” 
“Um.... I’m not following.” Experience? Not rightfully earned? They were just drunk at a party and one thing led to another. What was he talking about? 
This was supposed to be Apollo apologizing for being partially responsible for Simon’s first time being a drunken one-night stand when . . . apparently the prosecutor hadn’t been quite prepared for it. Or else this wouldn’t be this big of a deal. 
It was just . . . so unnerving to watch Simon be so small in his own office. 
He didn’t like looking at him and knowing he felt bad for something he had done with Apollo.... Something that Apollo had very much enjoyed. 
“Will - will you go on a date with me?” Simon asked, finally lifting his head up. 
Simon suddenly moved to pour the tea into the tea cups. Apollo just stared at him. 
“The - the way these things are supposed to work is that people go out on dates, then learn to feel comfortable with each other, then have a mature conversation about expectations of the other, then move on to the - the sexual aspects, and - at the very least, let me take you out on a date. Please.” 
Apollo stared at him, and Simon stared back. 
Apollo took a deep breath. Then he sighed heavily. 
“Just tell me one thing, okay?” 
“Did you . . . enjoy the night we had at least? This isn’t because it was terrible for you and you’re assuming it was terrible for me too?” 
“Wh-what? No, no, it’s nothing like that! You were wonderful!” 
Simon seemed to realize what he had said. He first moved to cover his face with his hands, then thought better of it, then didn’t know what to do with himself or his hands. He ended up grabbing the tea cup and taking a gulp of the hot liquid. He did not flinch, and when he set it down, he had an empty cup. 
Well, damn. 
“. . . Okay. I’ll go on a date with you. Dinner and a movie sound all right?” Apollo asked. 
“. . . That sounds perfect, Justice-dono.” 
“When I go out, I tend to pick one, and my date picks the other. Do you have a preference over picking the food or the movie?” 
“. . . I’ll let you pick whichever you’d like to pick,” Simon said. 
Well . . . that didn’t help much. 
Apollo sighed again. 
“Let me give it some thought and I’ll keep you posted... How does this Saturday evening look to you?” 
“It’s open,” Simon said. “I’ll . . . I’ll pick you up?” 
“Sure. I’ll give you my apartment address.” 
Apollo looked for a piece of paper and a pen, and Simon quickly produced it for him. Simon drank more tea while he watched Apollo write down his information. 
“I’ll see you Saturday then. I kinda have to get back, but . . . thanks for the tea, anyway,” Apollo said, standing up. 
Simon stood up as well. 
“Thank you . . . for coming by,” Simon said, meeting Apollo’s eyes once more. 
Apollo was the one to have a hard time meeting Simon’s this time. 
Apollo left quickly, starting out at a walk, but by the time he reached the elevator, he had broken into a run. He actually chose to take the stairs instead. 
His thoughts were moving too fast, and he was worried if his body didn’t go just as fast that he would start having a panic attack. 
He may have had two boyfriends, but he really didn’t do the whole dating thing. He didn’t . . . do the romance thing well. This just . . . didn’t feel like it was going to go well, and what if it didn’t make Simon feel better, what if this ruined what little positive relationship they had had beforehand? 
And all because Apollo’s idea of a good time was casual sex and going about his business as usual. 
But he did remember what Simon had said. ‘You were wonderful.’ 
Apollo blushed. Well . . . at least he had had fun. Even if the man wasn’t allowing himself to just . . . enjoy what it had been. 
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fluffy-dan-and-phil · 8 years
Best Song Ever
Genre: Domestic fluff
Warnings: Some cursing towards the end.
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: Phil sings Dan’s Diss track just to annoy him.
Disclaimer: If you haven’t watched Dan’s Diss track, or if you haven’t seen it in a long time, please do to refresh your memory a bit before reading this. Or maybe you’re trash like me, and know the video by heart.
Phil sat by the desk in the office, watching Youtube whilst drinking a cup of coffee. He had burnt his tongue a couple of minutes earlier, so when he brought the mug up to his mouth this time, he sipped on it carefully, and fortunately it had cooled down somewhat. He was supposed to edit a gaming video that was due in 2 hours, but he was so tired and couldn’t find the willpower to get going and do it. Dan usually did most of the editing, but he was out buying groceries, so Phil had volunteered to do it, just so they could upload it on time.
He had watched a couple of his friends recent videos when he stumbled upon Dan’s Diss track that he had posted yesterday. Phil hadn’t seen it in it’s entirety yet, since he had been really busy, but he decided that now was the time. ”Hello internet! My name is Dan, and today, I am going to roast myself with a diss track.” the familiar voice of his boyfriend said, his voice booming through the speakers that were placed on the desk. As Dan failed to put his sunglasses on, Phil giggled, and in the background a beat started playing, and soon enough, believe it or not, Daniel James Howell was actually rapping. Phil smiled as he remembered when Dan had brought up the idea of a diss track to him for the first time. Phil hadn’t believed his ears. Was his boyfriend actually doing a diss track? Yes he was. For the next few days Dan started working on the lyrics, occasionally asking Phil for advice, and the both of them would then laugh at some of the utterly stupid ones he had already come up with. When the shot of him on a bed with a flower crown came on he couldn’t contain his laughter. Dan hadn’t told him what the shot was for, just that he needed it for his diss track. As Dan rapped the lyrics that went along with it, Phil quite literally lost it. When he had watched it once, he came up with a brilliant idea. He decided he was going to learn the song so he could sing it to Dan when he came home. ”That would annoy the crap out of him.” Phil thought, giggling to himself, as he hit the replay button on the video. Fortunately Dan hade put the lyrics in the description as well, and Phil started mouthing them to himself as his boyfriend rapped them at the same time in the video.
When he hit replay for maybe the 20th time, he heard keys being put in the front door and then paper bags crinkling when being put on the floor in the hallway. ”Babe? Can you please come help me with the groceries?” Dan shouted and Phil quickly pressed ”X” on the Youtube tab he had open on the computer. When he didn’t answer, Dan called for him again, ”Phil? PHIL?! Can you come downstairs please?”. Phil stood up, pulling the hoodie he had hung on the back of the chair on again, struggling a bit with one of the arms that had somehow turned itself inside out. ”Yeah, I’m coming!” he shouted back, while taking the steps of the stairs downstairs two and two. After another few flights of stairs he found Dan bent over, untying the laces of his shoes. As he stood up again, he saw Phil. He smiled and put his arms out for Phil to walk into, and Phil did just that. Dan gave Phil a quick kiss before nuzzling his head in the crook of his neck. Dan then spoke out, his voice muffled because of him having his face pressed into Phil’s hoodie. ”I’ve missed you.”, he said. ”But you’ve only been out for like an hour and a half?” Phil answered, laughing silently. ”Yeah, but I don’t like people and I don’t like going outside.” Dan said, pulling away from the hug. They both smiled and Dan started handing Phil the bags. He took two in each hand and started walking up the stairs. He put the bags down on the kitchen counter and turned around to go downstairs and help Dan with the remaining ones. But just as he was about to put his hand on the glass door and open it, he saw Dan through it, bags in both hands, under his arms and even one with the handles between his teeth. He grunted and nodded to Phil to make him open the door. He opened it, laughing att Dan, watching him waddle towards the counter and plonking down the bags on there. As he did, he let out a relieved sigh and turned to Phil. ”Why didn’t you wait for me to get the rest?”, Phil asked, “Or you could at least have gone two times?” Phil said, laughing att the offended look on Dan’s face. ”Don’t you believe in my carrying skills?“, he said, gesticulating dramatically with his hands. ”And, going two times are for losers anyways.”, he proclaimed whilst starting to put things where they belonged in the cupboards. ”Have you started editing the video then, Phil?” Dan continued, briefly turning around to look at his boyfriend. ”Um yeah,” he lied, ”I’m almost done actually, so I think I’m heading back up to the office to finish it if that’s okay?” Phil asked, walking towards Dan, gently putting his thumb on Dan’s chin to turn his head towards him. Dan smiled and pecked him on the lips before turning his attention back to the groceries. ”Well, you do that, and I’ll start with dinner.” he said, smacking Phil’s bum as he walked away. ”HEY!” Phil yelled, looking in Dan’s direction only to be met with him giggling and smiling so hard he had crinkles by his eyes. He shook his head, trying not to smile, struggling to keep the corners of his mouth down.
As soon as he sat down in the office chair, he started to frantically edit the video, since he had told Dan that he was almost done, even though he hadn’t even started. He imported all the clips from the camera and put them all in the editing software. Dan looked particularly good in this video, his hair being slightly curly and him wearing his camouflage shirt. Phil loved Dan’s curly hair, and he didn’t get why he was so stubborn on keeping it straight most of the time. About 45 minutes later he had edited the video and had started to upload it to Youtube. As it was uploading Phil remembered the diss track. He could hear Dan shuffling around in the kitchen, the faint sound of pots and pans clinking together in the background. He opened another tab in the browser to try to find the beat Dan had used in the background of his video. After about five minutes he found it, and as he was about to download it to put it on his phone, Dan called him from downstairs. ”Phil! Dinner’s ready!” ”Coming!”, Phil shouted back, impatiently tapping his foot against the floor as the song was downloading. Luckily, it wasn’t long before it was finished and he could go downstairs. Just outside the living room door there was a stereo with an aux-cord and Phil plugged his phone into it. The beat started playing and he walked into the living room. Dan sat on the sofa with his phone in his hand, and on the sofa table there were two plates with tacos on them, as well as two tall glasses of Ribena. As Phil walked into the living room, to the beat of the song, Dan looked up, looking really confused, until it dawned on him what Phil was about to do. His eyes widened and he quickly sat up straight. ”Phil, what the actual fuck are you-” he said before Phil started rapping, cutting him of. ”A month without uploading he comes back with a tag, that no one even tagged him in, he’s not a challenge to drag.” Phil rapped, walking up to Dan, ”So prepare for an attack, and by that i mean cringe, cause this motherfluffer’s ’bout to get dragged by his fringe.” he continued, flicking Dan’s fringe of his forehead. ”NOOOOOOOOO! Stop it, I don’t want to!” Dan squealed, as he launched his body at Phil, holding him tightly from behind. Phil quickly got out of his grip and jumped away from his boyfriend, who looked like he was about to crumple into tiny pieces out of cringe and embarrassment. ”First things first you’re freakishly tall, it’s weird you look like a noodle…” Phil said, holding up his left hand to count every insult as he said them. ”No no no no no no no!” Dan said, trying to catch Phil again. But this time, Phil knew what Dan was about to do, and jumped to the left while giggling uncontrollably, with his tongue poking out between his teeth, which made it really hard for him to rap. He continued the song whilst skipping and jumping around the room in an effort to avoid Dan from stopping him. ”…The only reason you get views, is you’re another white guy, that people ship with his friend, ’cause they think it’s kawaii…” Phil sang as he put a hand under his chin and tilting his head to the right. Dan had stood still for quite some time now, with his hands on his hips, and as Phil looked at him, he saw the corners of his mouth twitch as he was trying to keep a straight face. When Phil rapped the line ”What the frick even is your sexuality?” he burst into laughter, clutching his stomach and joining in with Phil for the last few lines of the song. ”…Repress it? Yup! Before i start crying let’s wrap this shit up. I’m gonna go and masturbate, then cry into a slice of pizza…” they chanted together through fits of laughter. ”…’cause you just witnessed the roast of Danisnotonfire.” they said falling down on the sofa next to each other. Panting and giggling as the song finished. They looked at each other only to start laughing uncontrollably again. Once they calmed down, Dan climbed into Phil’s lap, letting Phil put an arm around his shoulders as he put his head on his shoulder. ”I should be pissed at you right now, but I really can’t. You are such an endearing person and this is just such a Phil-thing to do. But I still can’t fucking believe you…” Dan said, shaking his head slightly. Phil heard the smile, which was probably plastered on Dan’s face, in his voice. ”I swear I watched the video like a hundred times when you went to the shop just to learn the lyrics. That, if anything, is called dedication” Phil said. ”With that much dedication, you could probably learn ’Danger men at work’ too.” Dan said teasingly, poking Phil’s side, and then continuing, ”But I can’t believe you changed the curse words.”, Dan said as he started laughing again, ”Who would even do that?” he continued, the words becoming more high pitched towards the end. He sat up and turned around so that he was facing Phil. ”You know I don’t curse Dan.” Phil said, laughing softly, ”And it’s not like I’d start doing that after almost 30 years because of your stupid diss track.” he continued. ”Say ’cunt’.” Dan said, nudging Phil. ”No, I don’t want to!” Phil proclaimed. ”Phil, just say it!” Instead of answering, Phil leaned forward, connecting his lips with Dan’s. They were soft and warm and tasted like Dan. He put his hand around Dan’s waist and pulled him closer. ”You’re stupid.”, Dan said smiling into the kiss. ”I love you too.”, Phil said, pulling Dan even closer, continuing to kiss him, when Dan abruptly pulled away. ”Oh no! The food’s got cold now.” Dan noted, putting his arm out, gesticulating towards the tacos on the table. ”Pizza?”, Phil asked, raising an eyebrow. ”Pizza.”, Dan answered.
A/N: hi! it’s me again, here to bless your life with another fluffy fanfic. it wasn’t supposed to be this long, but words just kept coming, and who am i to be a party pooper? but i really hope you liked it! and please leave comments with your reactions on it (see what i did there?), as i’m always here trying to improve my writing. hugs, kisses and a bum-nip.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Miley Cyrus Known as Out For 'Direct Theft' Over Abortion Cake Put up!
http://tinyurl.com/y6qwwttf Miley Cyrus tried to make a feminist assertion on Instagram Tuesday, and her greatest opposition is… one other feminist. In case you missed it, the She Is Coming singer introduced a collab with Marc Jacobs and Deliberate Parenthood — a trendy hoodie to lift cash for the ladies’s well being group. Related: Miley Breaks Silence After Being Groped By Fan She made the announcement — in typical Miley style — together with her tongue. Um, we guess most individuals use their tongues to make bulletins… You realize what we imply! She Miley’ed it! Right here’s the publish she placed on her IG Tuesday morning: Simply an hour later the cake pic was panned not by proper wing pro-lifers or delusional males’s rights activists, however by a feminist baker named Becca Rea-Holloway. Becca posts on IG beneath the title TheSweetFeminist — utilizing Mary Poppins’ spoonful of sugar technique to ship statements about girls’s healthcare and different struggles. Right here’s a scrumptious sampling of her work: Oh, and this one… View this post on Instagram Last night, HB314 passed Alabama’s Senate. It is now the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the country – it makes abortion a felony at conception, punishable by up to 99 years imprisonment (note: the governor has not signed this law yet. *Abortion is still legal in Alabama*, and this law will be challenged). One thing that’s been bothering me a lot lately (other than the systematic degradation of our collective right to bodily autonomy) is the willingness of some to write off the states where these laws are passing. If you’re writing off these states as “backwards”, or calling for a general boycott (which organizers on the ground are saying is not a good idea) you are also saying that you are willing to abandon the residents of those states who do and will need access to abortion. Abandoning Alabama, or Georgia, or Ohio will not save you. It just feeds into the false narrative that abortion access is only for some. Abortion access should not depend on geography. If you buy into the idea that Alabama and other states like it are “backwards”, you erase all the factors that shape lawmaking there (like: disenfranchisement and voter suppression, racism), as well as the people who are on the ground working towards reproductive justice. If we are willing to abandon the residents of Alabama, or Georgia, or Ohio, we are complicit. It’s not enough for abortion to still be accessible for some. It must be safe, legal, and accessible for everyone. Today is a good day to donate to @yellowfund, @sistersong_woc @ppse_advocates #thesweetfeminist #sweetfeminism A publish shared by Becca Rea-Holloway (@thesweetfeminist) on Could 15, 2019 at 5:28am PDT Yep, that one proper there’s the problem. Becca reposted Miley’s picture, evaluating the cake Miley is tasting to her personal work — accusing Miley in no unsure phrases of “direct theft”: “@mileycyrus simply introduced a collaboration with @marcjacobs @plannedparenthood @happyhippiefdn utilizing this picture. It’s a direct theft of my very own unique artwork work from Could 2018, with no credit score. It’s actually my actual handwriting, message, and idea. Swipe for comparability! Cake artwork is for everybody, however that is inexcusable.” It’s positively the identical idea, although not so certain about that handwriting half. Miley and her crew responded to the baker instantly, saying it was an sincere mistake and making it clear they have been NOT placing the cake on the hoodie they have been promoting, simply making a picture for the ‘gram. So, you realize, in a roundabout way earning profits off of Becca’s work. Related: That Time Miley Accused Urban Outfitters Of Stealing Ideas They wrote: “Hello, we noticed the picture on-line and didn’t notice it was yours. We’ll completely tag you to your work. This picture will not be on the Marc Jacobs x Deliberate Parenthood hoodie we made to lift cash and consciousness for Deliberate Parenthood which I do know can be near your coronary heart. It’s simply on the publish and never on the merchandise however we are going to completely tag you and provide the credit score to your artwork. If you happen to may please appropriate your publish, as we’re going to be sure you have all of the credit score you deserve… thanks for sharing your artwork and provoking us. 🎂” Was it actually that onerous to trace again? We imply, the picture did go viral, particularly amongst incensed pro-life teams for whom frosting can be apparently sacrosanct. Simply take our phrase for it; we don’t suggest googling “abortion cake”. So it’s doable Miley and her crew noticed the image and couldn’t discover the originator… nevertheless it makes ya marvel how exhausting they tried, proper? What they did do was tag @TheSweetFeminist within the picture. So all good, proper? No. Not all good. Becca shot again: “Hello there, I admire your fast response and I’m thrilled that Miley is working with Deliberate Parenthood to assist their unbelievable work. Whereas I acknowledge your tag (though it also needs to be within the caption itself), it doesn’t change the truth that my work was used with out compensation and with out my consent and it’s not adequate. My unique picture was shared extensively, nevertheless it definitely wouldn’t have been tough for somebody in your crew to hint it again to the supply (that is clear from the quantity of people that instantly acknowledged it as my work). This was not an oversight, it was blatantly and willfully neglectful and deceitful. I’d have been very happy to work with you on a collaboration for this venture, however as a substitute my work was simply copied with out compensation. Somebody obtained paid to make, model, and {photograph} this cake, and it wasn’t me. It’s additionally completely unacceptable that you just deleted my touch upon the publish.” However that was simply the preheating. She continued: “This has additionally opened me as much as unbelievable vitriol out of your followers – I’ve gotten lots of of threatening, horrible feedback and messages up to now couple of hours for merely declaring that my work had been stolen. I hope you perceive that this kind of mistake has critical, tangible penalties for artists like myself. Truthfully I discover it laughable that you just assume you’re able to ask me to edit the language on a publish by myself feed advocating for myself in a manner that has no incorrect info.” Yeah, this feud doesn’t present any indicators of cooling off any time quickly. We wish to know what YOU assume, Perezcious readers??   [Image via Joe Pepler/PinPep/Dave Starbuck/Future Image/WENN.] Source link
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