#edit: oh fuck there it is okay crisis averted
incomprehensi-bull · 8 months
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i got @shrimpblast for the gift exchange this year! woe, dirk upon ye
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Birthday Planning
SO! Fun fact. I was kinda running out of ideas.
Then I had THIS idea.
And well. After the last ride? We deserve cuteness don't we? ;)
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
No edits we diving right in! (pppst. @spotaus I got the new installment get in here ;) )
"Horror! Wait up!"
Horror blinks as he turns back around and searches the crowd. It only takes him a moment to spot the excited bunny monster. He tries to give a smile while he waits for a moment for the other to catch up.
Ellie stops before him panting harshly as she leans against him "Oh god." more pants and weezes.
Horror tilts his skull as he keeps the other steady "Hello Ellie... something wrong?" Maybe she needed help or something?
Ellie manages to pull herself upright again adn smiles brightly "Nothing is wrong! It is just I had something very important to ask you guys and saw you so i sprinted all the way over here."
Horror nods and gives her a look "What did you want to ask?"
Ellie grins widely "When is Nightmare's birthday? Like. No worries! I get that you guys havent been here for quite a year yet and with everything going on especially the whole kidnaping thing. we get you guys want the first birthday to just be you guys but Dani realised we still had some of our better quality cherry jams left over and I got the amazing idea to use those in a birthdya cake but! Well.. you know... gotta know when the birthday is. and we both figured it hadn't happened yet as you guys hadn't mentioned yet... so... When is it? And all you guys birthdays for that matter."
horror needs a moment to process all the information she just dropped on him. When he realised what she was asking he realised a tiny problem.
They all come from different universes and the calanders were not the same.
Horror isn't even sure if Nightmare even has a birthday he celebrates. They never celebrated it as the castle.
Horror looks down at the groceries in his arms before looking at Ellie "Is it... okay I give an answer later?"
Ellie frowns before her eyes shoot up to his skull and hole and she cringes and rubs her neck as she looks abcka t his face. sheepish smile on her face "Right... sorry. That... that was a lot at once wasn't it? Just... think about it okay? And you guys got our number!" she takes a few steps backwards, almost bumping into someone before she disappears into the crowd again.
Horror sighs in relievve, crisis averted. Now.
When the fuck are their birthdays in this world anyway?
Horror returned home to his datemates and their kid. Horror still feels his soul pulse happily even at just the thought.
They sit together in the nest while their dinner cooks slowly in their oven. It is an old stone oven and Horror loves it. it is sturdy and takes up a lot of space but he love using it.
Killer frowns as he is still staring at his phone "I mean... We can just pick dates and call it a day? It isn't like I was still celebrating my own birthday back in my universe anyway. I only started that up again with you guys in the castle."
Dust hums his agreement and Cross nods too "True! XTale also wasn't big on birthdays unless it were the once which marked important ages. I am down to just pick one and call it."
Nightmare frowns as he looks between them before pushing closer to Dust "Not like it matters. It isn't like i am growing and stuff."
Dust nudges Nightmare's skull with his own and mutters softly "Hey... what did Fauna say?"
Ngihtmare doesn't say anything and just pushes clsoer to Dust.
Dust doesn't look like he is bothered by this at all as he just nudges Nightmare gently again "Come on... what did the nice deer doctor lady say?"
Ngihtmare grumbles but actually answers this time "That I won't grow until i am healed."
Dust nods "exactly. As long as you are healing you won't grow. Which, she told us is a normal response for children to have as their bodies and magic are much more fragile." he bonks their skulls together softly "Which means. You will stay our adorable six year old until you are healed fullly. Including physical, mental and magic health."
Nightmare looks down embarresed and mutters "should be healed by now... I am a god..."
Dust looks unimpressed "You are also a six year old who lived his whole life being abused and hurt and when you finally had the power to defend yourself you had to do an adult god's duty." he nuzzles him "Take your time. We aren't in a hurry and any monster knows what it means if a child isn't growing."
Nightmare relaxes a bit and nods. accepting Dusts words.
Dust looks content as he glances up before looking slightyl embarresed as he tubs his hood closer around his skull "what?"
Horror then realises he is staring and a glacne confirms to are Cros and Killer. Cross looks completely enchanted and Killer is straight up cooing. Yeah no wonder Dust is getting shy. He was the same when the four of them spoke about dating.
Horror smiles at Dust before taking his chance to say something "Well. We better pick a birthday for him." Horror smiles at Nightmare "Or do you have one we don't know about Night?"
Ngihtmare shrugs and mutters "Dream and I were born on the longest day of the year... I don't know which date it was in our universe and when it is in other universes."
Killer groans "Of course it was on the sunniest day of the universe- ugh." Killer shoots Cross a glare but Cross jsut sends him a warning look back.
Horror agrees. Killer would have no doubt said something about either Dream or Nim and neither of them matter. At all. Not when they have a babybones that probably never even had anyone celebrate his birthday.
Dust stays on task as he hums in thought "Well... we could figure out when the longest day is here... and say that is your birthday? usually those fall in summer."
Killer shoots upright "or! We can pick the day when the longest night happens! Go right to the other side of it all!"
Horror watches Dust and Killer debate the options while he watches their tiny charge think. and that is why he sees Nightmare blink and looks up a bit as he no doubt gets an idea. Then the doubt sets in wihtout him saying anyhting.
Horror speaks gently "Did you have an idea?" luckily Killer and Dsut shut up right away.
Nightmare shrugs and mutters "maybe... I thought... you know... I became six again... and you guys picked me up so second chance and stuff... so shouldn't that count as the day? Because it is the day this whole thing started?" he tugs himself clsoer to Dust.
Dust hums as he rubs his spine oh so gently "I think it is a great idea." he glances at Killer "Kills?"
Killer grins as he taps away on his phone "already on it! lets see..."
Horror smiles at Nightmare "I think we all agree it is a great idea."
Nightmare smiles a tiny bit and Horror sees a tine glimps of that confident monster Nightmare had been with his powers. Which is good. This means they are guiding him alright towards a future where he is confident in himself, and hopefully happy and healthy.
Killer sits up and holds up his phone in triumph "Figured it out! We got here near mid summer and we had Ngihtmare for two months at that point. Ngihtmare become his true self a month before we got him. meaning!" Killer grins at Nightmare "You are a spring baby!" Killer shows the date to them all.
Ngihtmare looks away embarresed and Dust nods "Sounds good."
Nightmare however looks a bit anxious "But that is so soon already?"
Dust nuzzles him "That is okay. We will just do a small party with us five. Well and Crop and Straw if they want to come."
Horror sees Nightmare looks surprised and just chuckles "It will be nice. Something nice to focus on and enjoy together." he rubs the tiny cheek and Nightmare closes his sockets to lean into the touch.
The five of them relax and eat dinner soon after that as they casually discuss when everyone wants their own birthdays. Horror makes a point of picking up their housephone and calling Dani and Ellie to give them an update on the birthday situation and to invite them the party if they want to and have time. Horror also gives Crop the same update and invitation.
They are together. They are healing. The are happy.
And they have a party to prepare. They have to make sure Nightmare enjoys his very first birthday party after all.
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trash-bin-ary · 2 years
Heyyy if anyone has any positivity posts about grades could you send them my way, I currently have my only ever D I’ve had in my life and like I’m gonna try so hard to fix that but oh boy I’m already behind on that and there’s only 3 things that give actual grades in this class and it stresses me out
Edit: oh thank fucking Christ it’s just only a part of the project that I can finish late crisis averted everything will be okay :]
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
sarah i have thought of another fic request or like a cute idea i guess! i didn’t have anyone in mind when i thought of it so you can write it for whoever you want honestly :)
okay so the reader is a streamer but streams games like animal crossing, standew valley, etc. then (insert who you’re writing for) says they don’t like that game, but later ends up buying it and the reader is like “i thought you said you didn’t like this game” and they’re like “well i like you” and they confuses their feelings and they end up playing the game together and reader gives them a tour of their island or farm
i feel like this request isn’t good, but the scenario seemed cute and i wanted to share it. sorry if this is confusing or just too specific cuz i know it can be hard to write requests like that! but yeah i hope it gives you inspiration and you like the request <3
new horizons
warnings: language, a Marvel reference (hint: natasha said it about tony), stupid idiots who don’t realize they like each other, use of pet names, Uno rage, Hasan Piker's presence
words: 1473
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
A/N: i’ve been trying to catch up a little on my requests (i’ve only got a couple so i’m not super overwhelmed) but school and outside life has been taking up most of my time so this one took me a while to make! tbh— ive never played animal crossing so i did google some of the game mechanics and i apologize if anything is inaccurate about the game…. but i liked relaxing and writing this cute one so thank you for requesting hails :3
requests/inbox status: open
“This game is trash.”
Your head quirks, fingers stopped on the screen. You’re in the process of giving your character a cute new nickname; it’s kind of hard to decide between “awkward dude” and “elderly skater”.
“Excuse me?” Your chat comes alive with emotes and ‘KEKW’s, obviously entertained by you and your almost-more-than-friends-friend.
There’s a story for that later.
Sapnap’s rough laugh comes through your headset and he audibly swallows, the sound of a water bottle dropping onto his desk echoing.
“I’m just saying—it’s boring. It’s like Minecraft but you don’t like… do anything.” The grainy image of his bearded face shifts and you see him pull out his phone.
“It’s— you can’t even compare it to Minecraft! It’s a completely different game system—you actually interact with other people live in the game.” You huff out a dramatic sigh, slumping in your chair with a pout. “Just because you go into this lucid state where all you know is ‘touch block, hit George’ doesn’t mean this game isn’t fun.” (He scoffs at your awful impression of his voice. Your viewers love it.)
“Jeez,” he mumbles, fumbling with the cap of his water bottle. “Touched a nerve there, bud.”
You roll your eyes, getting back to the village in the game.
“Don't ‘bud’ me.”
The call falls comfortably quiet, the sounds of him tapping obsessively on his phone and you clicking away filling the silence. A gentle bedroom-pop YouTube playlist remains in the background, prompting you to hum along and glance at the chat to see a flood of “check twitter” and “Y/N TWITTER!!”.
“What happened on Twitter?” You mumble, confused, and pull the website up on another monitor. Sapnap just makes a curious noise, swinging back and forth in a circle. “Oh my God,” you say to yourself, fingertips brushing your parted lips.
“Hasan Piker just followed me and retweeted one of my not even remotely political old tweets. Like from a year ago.”
“That’s— wow. Congrats?” Sapnap’s voice cracks, and his ears flush pink the tiniest bit when you glance at his face on Discord.
“I’m gonna go on record and say that he could get it.” You shake your head in disbelief.
Sapnap falls uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal, so you look past the frenzied chat and to his screen— wait. He muted and turned his camera off.
“Um,” you start, furiously typing question marks in your private chat. “Where’d you go?” You mute and turn screen share off for your stream, concerned that he might’ve fallen off his chair and broken his neck and needs you to call the ambulance.
The characteristic ding of a twitter notification sounds through your bedroom, and you look at your phone quickly.
“That’s where I went.”
Sapnap Tweeted: “all Y/U stans can choke on my dick”.
“Jesus, Sapnap,” you say, and rapidly refresh to read the replies. This tweet was deleted. “That’s so— that barely makes sense, bro. Why— literally what?”
His snicker floods your ears and you relax in your chair. Crisis: averted. “Don’t fucking— what’s wrong with you?”
“I thought it would be funny,” he offers, shrugging, and fiddles with the straw in his water bottle, smile fading. “And also Hasan pisses me off.”
“Why, ‘cause he wants a piece of this? Jealous?” You think back to your viewers, knowing they’re probably spamming question marks and coming to ludacris conclusions about both of your absences. No offense to them. You remember your stan days very vividly.
“I mean, kinda.” He rubs once at his nose, glancing at the camera (and what feels like you) before taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Wow.” You watch one strand of his hair fall from beneath his hat and brush against his full eyebrows. “I’m uh—I’ll get back to my stream. You coming? Or is it time for a Sapnap-snack?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He snorts and leans his chin onto the balance of his arm.
“That means you like to take a little snack break mid-stream and come back approximately nine hours later and you didn’t even eat.”
“You know what— fuck you.” He flicks the camera as you laugh at the look on his face.
The teasing mood is easily kept as you switch games from Animal Crossing to Uno, all the while slamming Sapnap with +4’s and skipping the newly-arrived BadBoyHalo at any chance you can get. It unironically pisses him off and he has to take a Sapnap-snack break midway through (only a fifteen minute break this time, during which you and Bad take a “What Kind of Bread Are You?” quiz). The rest of the night is filled with devious cackles (you), loud and sudden bangs that sound suspiciously like someone hitting their desk in anger (Sap) and the stupid barking of Rat, AKA Lucy (Bad). She’s cute but a menace to the sound quality of Bad’s microphone. You sign off stream around 2 a.m. with various forms of thanks and kisses blown to the camera. It’s been a refreshing night, actually; you’ve been busy organizing a partnership stream all week and all your friends have been busy filming or editing or what-not. Quackity had time for a little Roblox every couple of days, though. He’s got your back.
The next time you see Sapnap is after a two hour stream of him try-harding in Valorant and you finishing responding to an email from your partnership in the VC.
“Okay, I’m back.” You hear him shift in his chair and click a couple more times on his keyboard. You perk up in your chair, closing the email browser you’d been looking at.
“Do you want to play anything else? I’m down for anything.”
“Absolutely not Uno. You can go to hell for giving me 6 cards that one time,” he jabs. You scoff, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
“Okay, the +4 was on me but it’s Bad who gave you the last two. That’s not my fault, sweetie.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, trailing off as the clicking of his keyboard stops. “Hey, um—Guess what?”
Your heart beats loud in your ears at the tone of his voice. He sounds nervous; that’s never good.
“I’m scared to guess,” you try, playing with a little Minecraft dog figurine you have on your desk with fidgety fingers. “What?”
“I bought Animal Crossing.”
Silence. You stare at his discord icon blankly, trying to reroute the wires of your brain.
“Tell me you love it.”
“Well… I haven’t actually played it— but you said you liked it, so.”
“So,” you repeat him, ears warming but continuing on. “Is that what you tell all your friends when you buy something they like? That it's because of them?”
He seems to choose his next words carefully, pausing a beat to consider your questions.
“Well, I don’t have a crush on all of my friends.”
“You—what?” You stutter, caught off guard and stumbling. What did he just say? “Don’t tell me you mean you have a crush on me.”
“I’m almost positive I just did.” His discord icon stares right back at you, taunting.
“You know, you’re very casual for someone who just admitted they like-like me.” Your cheeks flush pink and you have to press a hand to your chest to keep your breathing sounding stable.
“Yeah, I’m kind of cool like that,” he offers, a huff of a laugh punctuating his statement. The conversation moves into a lull that you can’t help but know is because of you. He must expect you to say something about it, right?
“You are very cool, Sapnap.” You tilt back in your chair, sucking in a breath to prepare yourself for your next words. “And—Isortakindofhaveacrushonyoutoo.”
He must understand you, for you can hear the grin in his voice when he asks “Really?”
“Y-yeah.” You feel like a preteen again, all shaky and giddy in front of the boy you just asked to a middle school dance.
“Um, alright. What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” you answer genuinely and swing in a happy little circle in your chair. “We could play Animal Crossing.”
“I’m down.”
You swear you’ve never heard more beautiful words.
He keeps his camera off for most of the time you two play, too focused on creating his island and asking you questions about how to fish to turn it on. He silently flips it on when you help him decorate his lawn, needing to show you in real-time the decorations he has bought and where you think he should put them. He looks cute. I mean, of course he does. He always does.
You tell him goodbye late in the night, eyes saying a little more than just “see you tomorrow”.
You like him. He likes you.
It’s even better when you two have matching gardens.
A/N: anybody and everybody (especially my precious hailey) let me know what you think!! :]
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littlespaceporgs · 4 years
The Clone Wars Reacts - Part 1
Or, Leah thinks Yoda is a badass and thirsts and coos over Plo Koon.
Welcome to part 1 of season 1! Ngl I’ve only got 2 episodes for the first one because i didn’t have time to watch a third, so here we go. These are just the thoughts and notes i took as i made my way through the episode, in their absolute rawness, I’ve barely even edited them so enjoy? and before anyone mentions it, yes I could do these on tiktok and you guys could watch me being an idiot, would anyone be interested in that however?
Tags (if anyone else would like to be tagged in this series, let me know!): @acciokenobi​ @roseofalderaan​ @catsnkooks​ @peacelandbread​ @littlevodika​ @icedcoffeeandgays​ @captainrexstan​ @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​ @mcu-padawan​
Episode 1: Ambush
> Fuck yeeeeeaaahhh this intro is a fucking bop, I forgot how much I like it
> OH WAIT HANG ON YODAS IN THIS EPISODE, like it’s actually Yoda centric???? mad.. i thought it was going to be anakin and ahsoka this ep
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> FUCK I KNOW THAT VOICE *enter ventress*             - this woman could step on me and I’d say thank you ✨
> Oh shut tf up Dooku, nobody cares what you have to say
> “Sprung the trap, we have” no shit, is it just Yoda’s trademark to say exactly what’s going on?
> I have some questions, who has the creativity to come up with characters and planets that look like this?? Like that’s so cool????
> Huh you actually think you’re gonna catch Yoda???? Interesting thought.
> HAHAHAHAHA SMALL SHRIVELLED GREEN ONE WITH A LIGHTSABER *accurate tho, and I live for Ventress’ sarcasm ngl
> I want to point out the peak humour of one droid saying stop, we’re not gonna fit, followed by a droid attempting to fit                  >> actually scratch that the droids are hilarious in general
> why is yoda likeable in this episode??? If you can’t tell already, I don’t like Yoda very much.
> “He IS a little one!”
> alright fine. i admit it, I don’t think I’ve given Yoda enough credit, I didn’t like him much, but 10 minutes episode and I’m lowkey giggling at him.
> Dude Yoda is so cool *(Notes: i have written in a column here: should rename the title of part i to “Yoda is a fucking boss”)
> The force is so cool ngl
> “Trouble? Know nothing of this trouble, I do” hahahahaha hahahahaha
> good job Yoda make em feel better for me thank you
> *droid battallion approaches and Yoda just fucking sits there* Have I mentioned that Yoda is literally so cool?
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> Bruh I shouldn’t be surprised that the 4 of them destroyed an entire battalion but that was legit AWESOME
> Eh i don’t think I’ve said this enough, Yoda’s fucking cool.
> PFFFFFFFFFFTTTT fully just stole her lightsabers - imagine how much trouble Yoda would’ve saved himself if he had just kept the bastards instead of letting her take them back
> Alright fine, maybe I will enjoy this season.
 Episode 2: Rising Malevolence 
Notes: I am so sorry in advance, to be honest this entire one is just me either thirsting or cooing over Plo Koon and I can’t help it, and no, I still have not decided dad or daddy (its currently 14(?) hours after I watched the episode and I am still very undecided and I don’t think I’m ever gonna be able to make that choice)
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> Lowkey I dunno if it’s dad or daddy?
> Awwwwwww Lil soka (wait I’m talking about Plo Koon in case you’re confused) (NOTES: uh I know I put it up top but just case you missed it)
> Sorry, did Anakin just say he was gonna ask the council?? The fuck?? 
              >>Be mindful????? Who the fuck is this????
> Ugh it’s palptatunes slimy looking ass
> oh shit man that’s bad *if you haven’t clued in I’m going on about the weapon
> dude what the fuck is going on with his hair??
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> Everytime Plo talks my mind goes 🥰 sorry that’s off topic (or is it?)
> At least obi-wan sees sense, Anakin teaching an already reckless Ahsoka was never going to end up with them both being quiet
> Oh wait Wolffe doesn’t have his scar yet????? WAIT DOES THAT MEAN WE SEE HIM GET IT LATER?! Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh-
> There’s more alive, oh good I was afraid that they- aw shit poor Plo he sounds like he feels so guilty
> fucking hell I just wanna give him a hug and kiss his cheek and make it all better (NOTES: see what I mean???? Thirst or fluff?)
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> OOP THERE IT IS! I was wondering when the usual Anakin would show up
> “Redeployed himself.... again.” I can feel obi-wans exasperation with this kid man
> Okay so, Anakin is a little shit. So disobey the council but don’t tell them that I’m teaching you that
> Aw no there’s gonna be more clones die??????? Oh no and they have to watch oh no oh no oh no-
> I have questions: How are they screaming? I don’t think that’s how space works??? Ok but I legit don’t know?? Is it even possible to scream in space?? And shouldn’t it have killed them straight away?
> Aaawwwwww Ahsoka my baby (literally anytime this child comes on screen)
> “Anakin where are you” I love obi wan so much hahahahahahahahaha
> oh good job R2, crisis averted
> Pfffftttt the droid humming is distracting me from the more potential death
> Plo Koon is cooler than Yoda, you cant change my mind so don’t try.
> YEEEEETTTTTT poor sinker yikes I can’t imagine flying through space is fun
> “Twice the trouble they have become”?????? No shit Yoda. What were you thinking pairing these two disasters up?
> R2’s whirring is a vibe tho
> oh god the animation is terrible (NOTES: I can’t believe it took me that long to make that comment)
> Aw he seems so sad, thank u Ahsoka, she gave him the love and hug he deserves
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> Ugh now my internet’s playing up dang it, well this is infuriating, I WANT TO KNOW IF THEY DESTROY THE WEAPON OR NOT?!
> He seems so genuinely scared??????? Plo has me getting major feels
> how did everyone hate Ahsoka when this first came out??? I love her so much
> I mean like, I know they’re not gonna die??? But I still feel so anxious omg
> Holy shit the disappointment that rolls off of dooku is kinda hilarious (it took all of me not to start giggling at this)
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> “Riiiiiiiiiiiiight the council report”
Alright gonna stop here, because I have class in 20 minutes and there is no way that I am leaving the library if I start watching episode 3 so uh see y’all next time for episodes 3,4,5 and maybe 6??
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themarveledwriter · 5 years
First Encounters
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: Angst. Panic attacks. Blood. Cursing. Bad writing.
Summary: Sebastian runs into a girl and her dog in the park. She panics.
A/N: Sooo, I’m not dead. I also am out of the hospital! I wrote this in the hospital while feeling GREAT on pain meds so who knows if its good... Anyway. I have A LOT more of this story if you are interested, maybe it could become a series. Also if anyone has a better name... I am open to something different.
You were walking through Stuyvesant Park in Manhattan. It was a smaller park with nice walkways you liked to walk with your Golden Retriever, Winter . You had tried to take him on walks in Central Park when you first moved to New York, but it was way too busy for both you and your dog.
See, Winter was missing a front leg, hence the name. You had always been a Marvel fan, reading first edition Captain America comics with your Grandpa, who was a World War II vet. 
You had been looking for a service dog for months, to help with chronic pain as well as your anxiety and depression, but you didn’t want to buy a puppy from a store or a breeder. You had almost given up hope on finding a puppy to train when you decided to visit a shelter a few hours outside of the city.
You asked the girl at the front desk if they had any younger dogs, since you needed to be able to train it, and she led you too a few different cages. The first few were all small breeds, Pomeranian, Terriers, Pugs… And while you would have gladly taken all of them if possible, you had to explain to the worker that you were looking for a larger breed to become a service dog. When you said so, her smile widened before dropping from her face.
“We do have one large breed, he’s a Golden Retriever but I don’t think he’d be that great as a service animal.”  The sweet lady said as she walked you out of that room and down a hall. “He’s an amazing pup, he is only seven weeks old and was dropped off a month ago, left in a crate by the front door, we didn’t see him until the next morning… his eyes weren’t even open yet.” She opened a door with a ‘Staff Only’ sign, “We had to separate him from the other dogs, even the small ones. He does great with them, he wants to play and is super friendly, but the other dogs picked on him” She points toward the only occupied cage in the room. 
You looked in the cage and instantly fell in love. There was a little puppy cuddled up in a bed way too big for him, sleeping. When you touched the cage doors, his eyes opened and locked with yours. 
He had two different colored eyes, one brown and one blue. Once he had fully woken up, he tried to approach the cage doors. That's when you realize why the employee didn’t think he’d be a good service dog, why he had to be separated from the other dogs.
He was missing his front left leg. 
It was wrapped in bright red gauze. You looked up at the employee, “What happened to him?” You said, your heart breaking for this little puppy. 
She looked sad, obviously expecting you to not want to adopt him, “We aren’t sure. We think he was probably used as a bait dog because his eyes. He’s a purebred goldie, but the eyes would be called an ‘imperfection’. He’s pretty much totally healed though. The stitches came out two days ago, and the only reason it’s wrapped is because he doesn’t really know how to walk on only three legs yet.”
Your heart was shattered, “Can I hold him?” You say, looking over at the lady. 
She walks over and unlocks the cage, pulling out the little bundle of fluff whose tail starts wagging the second the door opened up.
Right when she hands him to you he reaches his little head up and licks your cheek. You locked eyes with him, his brown and blue meeting your e/c. 
“I’ll take him.”
He was the best dog ever, given the name Winter because of your affinity for Marvel and his lack of a front leg. He quickly learned how to properly run again and became an amazing service dog. 
~End of Flashback~
You and Winter went on a walk at least once a week, as per request by your therapist. You tried your best to always do it, even if it was just a lap around the block.
You weren’t paying attention, letting Winter lead you. You knew he wouldn’t lead you off the path. 
But you weren’t expecting to get rammed into my a brick wall of a man. 
The next thing you knew you were flat on your ass and Winter was licking your cheek, something he often did when you dissociated. 
“I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going, are you okay?” You could hear a familiar sounding voice above you, but you were still in shock.
Dazedly you reply, “Yeah… Yeah I’m okay” Winter finally stops licking you and instead rubs his face against yours. The feeling of his rough collar rubbing against you snapping you out of it.
“Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry,” You say while quickly standing up, black spots taking over your vision causing you to stumble right into the man you already ran into once.
“I can’t beli-” You cut yourself off as you lock eyes with the person who is now holding you in his arms. “Yo-yourrr… Sebastian Stan. Holy… HOLY SHIT.” You say as you push yourself out of his arms. 
When you are an appropriate distance away, you realize what you’d just done.
You could feel your breathing pick up, not quite hyperventilating but quickly getting to that point.
Looking everywhere but his eyes you say, “I am so so sorry. I can’t believe I did that. Winter usually keeps me from hitting people and I didn’t even realize I- I… I can’t breath.” You didn’t feel the panic attack coming until it was too late.
You felt Winter pull out of your grip, running towards the nearest person as he was trained to do when you got like this, it just so happened that the nearest person was Sebastian, the main cause of your panic attack. 
You felt hands on your shoulders, leading you forward towards a bench. Once you were sat down you felt Winter pull your medication pack off of your backpack. You had this specially made for him so that he could give the bag to the person you were with, and they could give you the pills. 
Sebastian was talking but there was no sound reaching your ears until you hear the pill bottle shake. He held one of your pills in front of you, and you shakily tried to grab it, knocking it on the floor. He got another one out and put it directly in your mouth.
You sat there for what felt like hours, trying to ground yourself. Winter was licking your face and your hands were buried deep in his fur. You weren’t even sure Sebastian was still there until the attack subsided, and you felt his hand rubbing comforting circles on your back. 
“I’m- I am so… sorry.” You choke out between gasps for air.
“Shhhh, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s fine. What’s your name?” Sebastian says, his other hand reaching and petting Winter, who was now investigating the person touching his mom since the crisis was averted. 
“Y/n, my names Y/n.” You say, looking up at Sebastian and trying to keep your voice steady and breaths calm.
Sebastian smiles at you, now that he can see your face, “Y/n, that’s a really pretty name. I’m Sebastian, but I am guessing you already knew that.” Is he blushing?
You remembered shoving him after recognizing his face, right before you had a panic attack and broke down in front of him… Oh God no.
You gape at him before quickly looking away, trying to speak but not being able to. 
“Hey no, no it’s okay. You did nothing wrong, I ran into you!” He quickly says, trying to make you feel more comfortable.
“But I wasn’t watching where I was going,” You whimper.
You were so embarrassed, -What the fuck is wrong with me?- You think, looking towards Winter when tears well up in your eyes.
Sebastian grabs your hand and tugs, forcing you to look at him as a tear makes its way down your face, following the tear tracks from your panic attack “Hey! Nothing is wrong with you!”
Shit you must have said that out loud. 
For some reason this made you mad, mad at yourself and your body, but you took it out on him. 
You could tell when your facial expression changed to anger, as he looked even more concerned, “Nothing’s wrong? Nothing’s wrong!? I not only just rammed into you, but had a full blown panic attack in front of you because you’re famous! You had to feed me my fucking medicine and comfort me while I am sobbing and snotting all over! Do you know how embarrassed I am!? Why did you even stay?”
He looked at you with a confused face, “What do you take me for? An asshole that leaves a girl in distress just sitting in the middle of the park? Y/n… I would never do that to anyone, especially someone that I caused to have a panic attack.” He looks ashamed and it instantly wipes away your anger.
You both sat in silence for almost ten minutes, the only noise coming from the park around you and Winter, who was still panting from calming you down.
“You didn’t cause my panic attack.” You whisper.
Sebastian looks at you, “What?” You lock eyes with him, “You didn’t cause my panic attack. I have really bad mental… issues, and today has just been a bad day. I thought I could work through it but I knew I shouldn’t come out today.”
“Y/n you shouldn’t have to worry about that. You seem like a sweet girl and I am really sorry you are going through this. But… It seems like you have a pretty good friend to help you out.” He says, pointing towards Winter. “He’s a Golden Retriever right? What’s his name?”
You groan internally, “Ugh, this is so awkward.” You say, giggling a little when you see his confused face. He tilted his head to the side, a lot like a confused puppy. “His name’s Winter… I thought it was the perfect name since he’s missing his left front leg.”
It’s very obvious when Sebastian blushes this time, a bright red flush rushing up his neck. “Wow, so you really are a fan huh.” He says to you, your face quickly matching his, “Come here Winter, can I pet you?” 
Winter bounds up to him, excited to have a new friend. Sebastian is petting him when a group of girls with cameras show up.
They started asking him for pictures, saying how much they loved him and making you feel extremely awkward. You knew you still looked a mess from earlier, so while he was talking to his fans, you started walking the other way. Looking back once and locking eyes with him. For some reason you thought he looked sad, but you were probably just being hopeful.
~Sebastian’s POV~
Such a pretty name. 
Pretty name to match a pretty face, even with tears streaming down it.  He probably would have used a cheesy pick-up line on any other girl. 
But not Y/n.
Not the girl that just had a panic attack in his arms. Not the girl who cursed at him and yelled despite knowing who he was. Not the girl that named her service dog after his character.
He loved his fans, he really did, but right now they were getting on his nerves. He just wanted to talk to Y/n… To this girl he just met but was already so enamored by.
He took pictures with the girls, trying to keep his eye on Y/n’s back as she walked away. Locking eyes with her once more before she turned a corner and was blocked by the trees.
The girls surrounding him were talking, but he wasn’t really listening.
Eventually he couldn’t take it, he didn’t want to lose her. 
“I’m sorry, I really need to go. It was great to meet you!” He says to the girls surrounding him while starting to back away.
While most of his fans were understanding, there was always one that thought they were entitled to more. 
The majority of the group said their goodbyes, but one girl rolled her eyes. “Why? So you can follow that girl who was crying? What, is she your girlfriend?” She stepped closer to Sebastian, grinning. “You could just stay with me, I’m sure I am a lot more fun.”
He stepped away and turned around, “It doesn’t matter what I am doing or if I am following her or not. I need to go, enjoy your picture!”
As he ran after Y/n he heard the girl behind him make an irritated noise, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to catch up to Y/n.
Good thing he was in running gear.
~Y/n’s POV~
You were walking along the path, not really paying attention even though that is what got her into this mess. You just wanted to get to your car and go home. 
You were almost to your car when someone grabbed your shoulder. 
You may have screamed, but you definitely turned and punched the person who grabbed you square in the nose.
“Holy shit! What the fuck Y/n?” A familiar voice says, muffled through his hands that are covering his now bleeding nose and mouth.
Shit, it was Sebastian. Why the fuck did he grab you?
You ran forward and put your hand under his chin, gently tipping his face up towards yours. 
“I am so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and you startled me!” You weren’t sure what to do, there was blood going everywhere. Winter was trying to jump up on Sebastian, sensing his pain.
Sebastian looks up, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have grabbed you. I just didn’t want you to get away from me.” You were confused, “Why? I was just heading home… I live really close to here, do you wanna come? I can clean you up and I probably have clothes there that would fit you… I kinda ruined your shirt.”
Sebastian looked up at you, “You sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Say no.
Say you changed your mind.
You give the man in front of you a small smile, “Yeah, definitely!”
Wait… What? What the fuck did you just do?
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{Title: Love, Maybe? {37}*
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Fluff, Slow Burn
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
NOTE: **Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought. 
**Loosley Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊❤❤️
Chapter 37: Revelations
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 You dropped your bag and bound across the lawn as she ran to you. once you made it to her you dropped to your knees and pulled her into your arms.
 “Oh princess, I missed you so much.”
 “I miss you.” Ella spread her hands over your face and felt it as if she were trying to memorize it. you kissed all over her face until you stopped at her head. She hugged you and you just sat there inhaling the scent of her head. It was a scent you loved more than air. Studies proved that mothers were inclined to like the scent of their children’s heads no matter what. You remembered as a baby you’d just hold her and breathe in her scent. Nothing had changed even now.
 “Hey there, do I get one of those?”
 Ella pulled from you the minute she saw Chris and hugged him with just as much force as she hugged you. You smiled watching the exchange.
 “How’s my princess?”
 “Good.” He lifted her into his arms which allowed you to stand from the grass and dirt. They chatted quietly before he raised her into the air and twirled her around. She loved it and laughed with glee.
 Nex stepped beside you and watched father and daughter with a sweet smile. “Hi. How are things?”
 “Good, she was good. A lot better than usual when you’re out of town.”
 “That’s good.”
 You couldn’t take your eyes off the two of them. For some reason, this felt different than it had a few days ago. You didn’t know why, and you didn’t want to think about why. Chris glanced at you, but the look felt cold, distant, different. All morning things felt different, he wasn’t touchy, or flirty and it shouldn’t have mattered because it wasn’t like it was normal behavior between the two of you. It wasn’t. still, it tripped you up. his manners never faded but that extra warmth was gone. During the plane ride whenever you caught him watching you he was the one to break the gaze and every time he did you felt the chill of it.
 Turning from him and Ella you walked to the house. Maybe you needed space from him. maybe two days was too much to have been in close quarters. Lines were blurring for you.
 “Anthony still here?”
 “Yes, he leaves tonight though,” Nexus answered with a smile. Her happiness was so obvious, and it made you so happy.
 “Have I told you how happy I am for you this week?”
 She laughed and shook her head trying to shrug you off, but she couldn’t. She still had that smile. “Where’s mom and dad?”
 “On a date at some garden. They’ve been increasingly disgusting to be around, all kissy and hugged up. Uugh!”
 You smiled. Your parents were still madly in love. Some days you wanted to have a relationship like them when you were old and others you thought it was too impossible. Once in your room, you kicked off your shoes and dropped your purse on the bed.
 “So, how are things?”
 “Oh the restaurant is good, crisis averted. I was able to straighten things out. I didn’t expect to spend an added fifteen thousand dollars, but I think it’ll be an easy recoup,” you informed.
 “I definitely wasn’t talking about the restaurant. You and Chris alone in San Francisco, your stomping grounds. How were things?”
 “Oh fine. It all went fine.” You knew that was one too many fines, but you didn’t know what else to say. you really didn’t want to talk about things, not yet at least.
 “Okay.” The way she said it you knew she knew. The beauty with Nex was she knew when to push and when not to. She didn’t now.
 “Nex, I’m filthy and kind of just want a little time to digress.”
 “Yeah. Um, Anthony and I were going to make dinner. Any request?”
 “Nope, whatever you put together will be fine. Thanks, Nex.” You smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes.
 When she left you stood there in the silence for a few minutes then went into action. You needed to move. After changing into some leggings and a tank you went out the back toward the forest and took off. Traction beneath your feet always helped. It felt especially good now because it kind of felt like you were running away from whatever was giving you stress. You were running from him.
 Without knowing which direction you were going you just ran and focused only on the path in front of you and the music booming in your ears. you pushed yourself to go further and further even when you felt you’d reached your limit. Ignoring that alarm in your brain that always sounded when you were near overexertion you continued on until your legs gave out sending you face first to the ground and into unconsciousness.
 When you came to, the sun was setting and you were on the ground. Grunting you rolled onto your back and stared into the darkening sky.
 Your forehead hurt as did your knees. As you were going to get up, you just decided to lay there a little longer and appreciate the beauty of the sky and the calm of your surroundings. there was something about being in the middle of nowhere that you liked. You liked that here you could hear yourself think even though you really didn’t like to these days. These days your thoughts brought more chaos than they were worth.
 When you made it back to the house it was night and thanks to you leaving your phone you had no idea what time it was. You did know you’d been gone for a while. When you stepped inside and made your way toward the steps Ella ran out.
 “Hi baby.” You stooped to meet her with a smile.
 “You doety.” She brushed her small hand across your cheek for emphasis.
 “Am I? Guess mama needs a shower, huh.”
 Everyone else came out with worried expressions.
 “Where have you been pumpernickel?” Your father’s authoritative tone was not missed.
 “Uh, I went for a run. Lost track of time.”
 “You’re filthy, and you’re bleeding. Are you hurt?” Your mother’s inquiry had everyone even more concerned.
 “Mama hoet?” You could hear the whine in her voice and knew tears were coming.
 “No, no I’m not.” Ella began crying as she boyfriend her face into Chris’ legs.
“Hey, no it’s okay,” he said as he lifted her into his arms.
 “Princess I’m not hurt. See.” You wiped at your forehead, looked at your hand and saw the blood but wiped it on your already dirty clothes. “See, not hurt. I’m okay baby.” Ella examined your face, but her eyes remained on your forehead. “I promise princess. I’m okay.” You smiled hoping it would convince her. She leaned closer and kissed your forehead.
 “Kiss da boo-boo.”
 “Thank you princess. I’m going to go get cleaned up. I’ll be right back.”
 You hurried upstairs and in your bedroom then into the shower. You hadn’t even realized you’d hurt yourself. Taking the time to wash your hair you managed to be in and out in twenty minutes. When you walked out into the bedroom Chris was sitting on the seat at the foot of the bed.
 “What happened?”
 “I went for a run, lost track of time.”
 “How’d you get hurt?”
 You rummaged through the drawers for something to wear, ignoring his question.
 “I passed out, hit my head. I’m fine.” He was up and to you in seconds turning you to face him. He cupped your cheeks and intently stared at you.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Yes, I’m fine. I promise.”
 “I’m not a two-year-old. Are you okay?” Staring in his eyes you searched for something, anything. You didn’t know what you were looking for.
 “Yes, I’m fine. I’ll put on a scarf and she won’t even notice this.”
 He nodded then stepped back and walked to the door. “Meet you down there.”
 You were thoroughly confused with his hot and cold act. Dinner was eventless and relatively calm. You kept one ear on the conversation but got lost in your thoughts and watching Ella who seemed glued to Chris. She was completely attached and half of you felt relief but the other felt fear. Attachments were hard to break and get over, you knew from experience and though you knew you were making the same moves all over again as if you hadn’t learned a thing. You were growing attached to him all over again, this time you felt it may be more serious than that.
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He was going to lose you. he felt it. It was his biggest fear and he felt as if it were inevitable. Being in San Francisco with you seeing your life and everything you had and didn’t need him for really showed him just what he wanted. He wasn’t prepared to want it as badly as he did. He wanted you and Ella even though he had no idea how a life could work for you. Everything in San Francisco showed him how much he didn’t want to lose you, either of you. It showed him his greatest fear.
 Every time he saw you with Ella it only made him love you more. There was something about seeing you, the mother of his child love, and nurture his child that gave him this primal instinct to possess, protect and love. The days following San Fran only deepened the fear he had of losing you. Every time he tried to talk to you about it, it never seemed like the right time, none of his words seemed enough. There was no way of knowing where your head or heart was, you were that good at masking yourself. He thought to just spill his guts but really didn’t know if he could take the rejection.
 He kept his distance and fought the instinct to just fall into place with the two of you. he let you do your thing and he did his. At nights he laid awake thinking about you and everything you’d experienced together, and though he wanted to go to you he didn’t.
 The night was a beautiful one, the sky was clear and the stars were all out. He watched Ella play with her cousins and his sisters and a content sigh escaped him.
 “Oh, a content man is a happy man,” his mother from behind him.
 “Not always.”
 “Are you happy?” He thought about it for a few moments then nodded.
 “How can I not be? You’ve seen that little girl.” She smiled and nodded.
 “I have, she’s addictive and even cuter than you when you were a baby.”
 “That’s harsh maw, but I’ll accept it only because it’s her.”
Silence fell between them as they both watched Ella.
 “How’d the talk with Vixen go?”
 “There has been no talk,” he replied.
 Again, he sighed but this one ended with a groan.
 “Talk to me, honey.”
 “It’s nothing maw, I’m good.” She studied him for a few seconds and he was sure she saw right through him but she nodded.
 It was then you approached holding Ella. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
 “Not at all, hello pretty girl,” his mother exclaimed to a blushing Ella.
 “She wanted to come over and sit with her da-da,” Vixen informed. A smile spread across his face as he held his arms out. You handed her off and she snuggled close to him. yep, she had him wrapped around her finger, he thought.
 “Vixen, wanna take a quick walk?”
 Your eyes were wide as you looked at his mother. “Uh—okay.” You looked at him but he was equally as curious as you were. The two of you walked off together and he wished he could be one of those stars in the sky to hear what that was all about.
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 “Why do you look so afraid?”
 “Uh, no reason. Just—cautious I guess.”
 “Don’t be, this is a friendly walk. I like you Vixen. I really do.”
 Your shock was evident. “Really?”
 “God yes. You are one hundred percent different than any woman Chris has ever been with. They’re all usually so compliant, they bend backward and forward to please him and always seem as if they’re happy to be under his arm. You don’t give off any of that. You have a brain, you use it, and that mouth too. You don’t bend over to please him and it shows how strong your character is, how strong you are.”
 “Thank you, Lisa. I appreciate you saying that.”
 “As a mother, you don’t imagine any woman being good enough for your son. I’m not different, I have two of them too. Scott has found a great one but that always left Chris. I worried he’d never find the one, never experience what it’s like to have the kind of love that inspired Shakespeare. Here you are.”
 You pinched your lips and looked down. “Lisa, I don’t know what you think is going on but there is nothing--.”
 “I’m not blind Vixen. He may be, but I’m not.” The two of you stared at each other and you sighed. She saw right through you. You dropped your head back and stared up to the stars.
 “You realize Shakespeare's sonnets usually ended in heartache and death right.”
 She laughed and nodded, you joined in unable to stop. When the two of you stopped you sighed then groaned.
 “Then rewrite history. It’s your sonnet, your love story.”
 “Think about this. You met, fell out, found each other again and now you’re connected for the rest of your life. That sounds like poetic justice.”
 “I don’t think you’re using that right.”
 “Oh well. think about it,” Lisa emphasized.
 “I have, I feel like that is all I think about. It’s in my face way too much, with Ella, here, in San Francisco. I think about it, Lisa. I don’t want to anymore.”
 “You’re running. You see what’s right in front of you but you’re running,” she deduced.
 Fuck it, you were running. The thing with running is if you’ve done it for a while it’s hard to stop, you run without even realizing it.
 “Okay, I have one last unsolicited nugget. Fate only brings us what is meant and letting something go and it coming back should not be let go again especially if it's what you want. Fate does not take kindly to being shucked twice.”
Her words hit you hard. For years you’d felt like you were being haunted and then when you saw him again, it was as if fate was just getting more and more persistent. Now here you were—fate again. Lisa stood and walked away leaving you there to stare at the sky which was supposed to evoke calm but wasn’t working as you felt everything compounding on you.
 A few hours later, Ella was back in your arms and quickly falling asleep. You’d spent many nights like this, and you couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else, ever. You slowly stared over every single feature and smiled to yourself seeing the similarities between her and Chris’ face. she was the constant reminder of your night of hope, opening up, and not letting go. While she was pleasant looking and an absolute joy, the pain you experienced because of it was not.
 You turned to see Chris standing there beside the gazebo.
 “Hey.” He was staring at Ella with a solemn smile.
 “I can’t get over how great you look with her. It’s like you were meant for her. Fate made you her mom.”
 You groaned at that word again. It was following you.
 “You’re an amazing mom to her,” he complimented. You looked back to her and smiled.
 “She’s an easy kid.” Chris stepped closer and paced in front of you before he looked at you.
 “Since meeting her and seeing you again—I don’t know I feel like I’m this new man, the man I’ve always wanted to be. A man I can be proud of, a man I never was because something was missing. She was missing, Vixen.” He stepped closer to you, looked down at Ella and back to you. the look on his face was pained but chaotic. He looked as if he’d been running for hours or his mind had run a marathon.
 “I honestly have been shouting to anyone who asks that I want a family, I want kids. I want to do the bedtime tuck-ins, family gatherings, tea parties, dress up, all of it. the other night she colored my nails with markers and told me not to wash my hands. I didn’t. I kept them on till morning so she saw how much I loved them. It’s like my heart is no longer in my chest. It’s outside my body. I would do anything for her Vix—anything for you.”
 The butterflies in your stomach were not quitting, neither was the flutter of your heart. Chris touched your arm, his hand was burning hot, but it made you shiver.
 “I fucked this up once,” he began.
 “Please let me get this out. I don’t want to fuck this up again, not this time.”
 He looked like he was struggling as if he was at a loss for words but he had so much to say. You had no idea what to say to help him, you were struggling too. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. In your arms, Ella began to fuss and wriggle.
 “Da-da.” She groaned and began whining.
 “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here,” Chris soothed taking her from your arms. He stood there effortlessly rocking her as if he’d done it all her life. You watched him pepper kisses across her forehead and temple then your eyes met. You were still speechless.
 “I’ll take her to bed,” Chris whispered. You nodded and watched him walk back toward the house.
 You stood there for several long minutes just trying to marinate over what just happened. You couldn’t wrap your head around it, but you also couldn’t escape the feeling of a need for him, to be close to him. When you made it to the house and upstairs you peeped into Ella’s room and there he was in the dim light or her night light sitting at her bedside just watching her sleep. It was an action you’d done countless times. Time always passed so quickly when you did it—too quickly.
 Suddenly Chris turned to look at you then kissed the top of Ella’s head and turned slowly walked toward you.
 “God, he’s gorgeous.”
His lips lowered to yours for a sweet kiss, one that promised more. When he pulled back he pressed his forehead to yours. “You’re the gorgeous one,” he whispered as he walked out the room and softly closed the door. You hadn’t realized you’d said it out loud.
 Chris took your hand and led you down the hall past your room to his. You walked in and stopped in the middle of the room and just looked around. When you felt him behind you, you melted into him as he kissed your neck and shoulders. Then Chris scooped you into his arms and carried you to his bed. As he gently laid you down he never broke eye contact with you, as he never spoke. You didn’t care words were overrated.
 As your bodies came together and expressed what your mouths couldn’t speak everything in you hummed from the pleasure he gave. He was gentle and went slow. It was as if he were whispering to your body, pleading with it to reveal its secrets, it felt as if he had a direct line to your pleasure and he mercilessly tapped into it. Before long you were panting and moaning his name trying to keep as quiet as possible. Even when the urgency in you reached its peak he still went slow, prolonging the sensations for as long as possible. Every time your eyes met you saw so much in the depths of the blue pools. You came with his name on your lips and hearing your whispered one in your ear.
His scent woke you. It was a scent you were already used to, a scent you smelled everywhere. You were hooked. You cuddled closer to him and heard the deep rumble of his moan in his chest.
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“Good morning.”
 You smiled and looked up at him to see him grinning. “Good morning.” He kissed you once, then twice and pulled you close.
 “How’d you sleep?”
 “Good.” Chris slid down to come face to face with you his smile wide.
 “That’s good. I’m glad.” His lips met yours again and in no time he was rolling onto you.
 “Da-da!” The loud shout of your daughter had the two of you gasping and freaking out.
 Chris rolled off of you and looked around then to you clearly asking what you should do. You knew how fast her tiny legs could carry her and knew you had no time.
 “Act normal,” you whispered and piled the blankets over your head just in time for Ella to burst through the doors and in the room. She hopped and climbed onto the bed and crawled to him.
 “Good morning princess. How are you?”
 From the feel of the bed, you bet she was tumbling or jumping on him. She had the energy of a kangaroo when she woke. You could hear Chris’ laughter. They even sounded alike when they laughed. Apple meet tree, you thought.
 “Mama no bed. Where mama?”
 “Mama’s not in the bed?”
 “No. Da-da eat mama?”
 You couldn’t stop the snort that came out because that statement was one hundred percent correct. You stifled it and tried to remain completely still. After a few seconds the blankets were pulled off and there she was. Her eyes lit up and she dropped onto you.
 “Mama! Ound her da-da. I ound you.”
 “You found me.” You glanced to Chris who had his lips pinched but his eyes looked to be asking if this was okay.
 “Mama, da-da, mama, da-da, yay!” She clapped her hands and buried herself between the two of you and continued to chatter. When you caught Chris’ eye he had a soft smile on his lips as he looked between the two of you. he then laid down and held the two of you cuddled close.
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch. 2
A/N : hello hi howdy, here’s ch. 2, let me know what y’all think!!
ch. 1
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All you could do was weakly nod and follow the large mass of muscle through the crowd with Maggie attached to your arm. He swiped his keycard on a door and led you through a hallway, where you heard voices becoming louder and louder.
Fuck me.
Maggie gave you a reassuring squeeze as the guard knocked and then opened the door, pushing both of you inside and closing it. 
There they were, the band members all scattered on different chairs, a few others in all-black outfits with clipboards and headsets, and then, Harry Styles, sparkly jacket discarded on the chair next to him in the dressing room and stressfully running his hands through his sweaty hair. All his rings were placed on the table as though they had continuously snagged his hair and he got frustrated.
The room seemed to go dead silent when you entered.
Then, Harry spoke.
“How in the world did you know those songs.” 
You swallowed, “I’m so sorry I—“ the whole room erupted with loud shouts, people whipping out laptops and typing faster than you’d every seen before.
A large man came storming up to you, “Where did you leak it, or where did you find it? These songs are worth a lot more than you miss, so I suggest you speak very quickly so this doesn’t cause more of a problem than it is right now.”
You opened your mouth to continue, but was cut off by a scream across the room, “—what do you mean you can’t find the leaked file?! There has to be one! Look again!” 
You tried to butt in, “Please this is all a misunderstanding—“ “Just tell us which server you found the songs on!” “Please sir I—“ “Enough with the babbling! Just tell me—“
A large smack quieted the room, you turned around to see Maggie with the door handle in her hand. She must have slammed the door open and shut.
“Will you please let her speak?” She huffed. You had never been prouder to have Maggie as your friend.
You turned back to all the awaiting people squirming in their spots. 
 “There is no leak whatsoever anywhere online or physical.” 
A few people let out breaths of relief, but Harry spoke up again, this time walking closer toward you.
“But how did you know the songs?” You rubbed the back of your neck and squeezed your eyes shut, “This is going to sound ridiculous but, I’m psychic.”
A couple scoffs were let out and the man that had been previously screaming in your face said, “And you think we’re supposed to believe that?”
 “She’s telling the truth,” Maggie spoke up, “She’s been able to know things before others do all her life.”
“Prove it.” You and Harry spoke at the same time. You looked him dead in the eye as he continued, “How am I supposed to be 1000 percent certain you’re telling the full truth?” You said at the exact same time he did.
Now people were intrigued, “As I have your attention, I’d like you to know that I’m very sorry about the whole songs thing. It’s just sometimes I say things subconsciously and can’t register if I should know it already or not—plus the vodka I’d been drinking before didn’t help either.”
You continued, “I only know the songs because the melody had been stuck in my head recently and I guess maybe down the line your fans will figure out your blanks in the song. I only sang ‘tasted’ and ‘ride it’ because I can only predict that’s what they’re going to come up with soon. And apparently, they sing it for you since you don’t.” 
Harry’s manager, whose badge read, AZOFF, clapped him on the shoulder with a grin hanging off his face, “Man Styles, your fans are really something.”
That seemed to release the tension in the room. Mr. Azoff told everyone the crisis was averted and people scattered from the room except the band. “I’ll catch you tomorrow Harry, good show tonight.” His manager said as he left the room.
Once the door shut, a dark-haired woman came bounding over to you, “Hey Sarah.” You smiled at her and she seemed to be in awe, “You’re like a superhero!” You scrunched your nose at her declaration, “I don’t think of it that way, more like lucky guesses.” “Lucky guesses! Psh! You knew the George Michael bit of Anna, and we just put that in. You are magical.” Mitch exclaimed for his seat on the couch.
“So now what?” Maggie asked, sitting on the edge of the couch. You looked back to the British rockstar, he smiled and dramatically put his hand out to you.
Hesitantly, you slid your hand into his. “Ms.—” “Y/N” “—Ms. Y/N, will you do me the gracious honor of accepting my apology for believing something so terrible of you.” 
A couple snickers were heard from the band, and Maggie as well. You rolled your eyes at his tactics, for a super celebrity, he’s still a huge dork. “Of course I will, I totally understand what a disaster it would be to have something leaked.”
You both turned your heads to the door, where a woman with a camera stood taking a picture of your hands together. “Hey, are you the psychic people are chatting about?” 
You let go of Harry’s hand as she snapped another picture, “Yes I am, my name is Y/N.”
The photographer came inside the door and slung the camera strap over her shoulder. “Lovely to meet you, but Harry and co, its time for the post-concert shot and I want to do it on the stage before they shut down the lights.”
 Harry’s head perked up at her request and the band members got up to leave. He slipped his rings back on quickly as well before exiting.
Maggie got up from the couch and everyone headed out back to the stage. You both wandered behind them, not really know if you could leave or not. “What are we supposed to do now?” She whispered. 
You shrugged your shoulders as you walked to the side of the stage and watched the talented musicians link up to take a farewell photo. It made you smile, they each seemed truly happy in each other’s company.
As everyone left the stage to finally retire to their respective rooms for the night, Harry walked over to you, with a bit of strut in his step?
“Did you wan’ a photo or somthin’?” He asked with a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes at the narcissism, “I’ve already got a picture of you to post on my phone, thanks though.”
Now it was your turn to wear a cheeky smile, the man seemed taken back by your denial and Mags, on the other hand, was beyond herself with disbelief. 
“Well, if you’re not gonna take a picture with him, I sure as hell am!” Shoving her phone into your hand, she pulled the much taller man in for a hug and smiled at the camera. 
You smiled at the picture and gave the two a thumbs up. You glanced at the time and your eyes went wide. “Oh god, Mags we gotta go! It’s almost 12am.” You put your hand out to shake his, “It was great to meet you but we have to leave, got a train to catch early in the morning.” 
“Where are you girls headed off to?”
Maggie gave a little dance, “Paris baby! I’m so fucking excited to see the Eiffel tower again!” Both of you chuckled at her response. He turned to look back at you, “What a coincidence, I’ll be performing there the night after tomorrow. Are you sure you’re not following me?”
“Sorry to burst your bubble superstar, but that’s not the case. This is our spring break trip and miraculously Maggie’s father got last minute tickets from a colleague that couldn’t use them. That’s why we’re here right now.”
“It was lovely seeing you perform, you really know how to use a stage.” You continued. “Yeah! You really did look like sex during Caroli—” 
Shit, maybe Maggie isn’t as sober as I hoped, you thought as you immediately put your hand over her mouth. 
“Ha ha, um, so ya on that note, we’re gonna go. Bye Harry.” He chuckled as you pulled Maggie away who now realized what she had spilled out.
“Bye Y/N.”
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It was already 1am and Harry had just settled into bed for the night, he grabbed his phone that had lit up from the notification.
1 New Email : Hélène Pambrun
Harry opened the email Hélène sent him.
Hey, I edited this picture and thought you might like it, maybe something to post. Only if you want to though.
Harry click the attachment and smiled.
Then posted it.
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“Okay, the timer is a go!” 
Maggie ran back over to where you were next to the ledge of the bridge, her ponytail bouncing with each step.
 Paris was beautiful at night, and even more so, the Eiffel Tower that was lit up in front of you. You both faced the iconic monument and waited a second for the timer to take the photo.
Mags went over to grab your phone, “It’s perfect, we are such fashion icons. Even Anna Wintour would be proud.”
You looped your arm with Maggie’s and you headed off to site see some more. You posted the picture while you window-shopped, stopping a couple times to look at certain items before venturing on. 
“What’s on the agenda for tomorrow Mags?” You asked as you both entered the hotel lobby, finished with your escapades. 
 “Well, we should see if the Louvre will even be a possibility—“ “It won’t be.” “—oh, too many tourists tomorrow?” She questioned. 
“No, a child will throw up on the entry door and close it down for a couple hours for cleaning.” You answered, swiping the key into your hotel door.
 Maggie toed her shoes off and opened the bathroom door, “It’s great traveling with someone that knows if things could go to shit or not.” You cracked a smile and went to sit down on your bed opposite hers. 
As you changed into pjs, your phone started blowing up with so many notifications that it was slowly moving off the nightstand. 
“Woo’s cawling yoow at tis time?” Maggie asked with a mouth full of toothpaste. 
“They’re not calls,” you answered, picking up your phone. 
“It’s notifications on Instagram.” 
“Huh?” Maggie came over and sat down to read over your shoulder.
Hundreds of comments rolled in on your phone, you checked Instagram and gasped. 
“Maggie I have about 3000 new followers what’s going on?” The brunette leaped up to grab her phone and scroll through with you.
“Oh my god, Y/N, it looks like there are videos of you singing at the show going viral!” “What! Why did I not see this beforehand?!”
“I don’t know but these speculators are growing in size, should we contact the Harry Style’s headquarters account? People are already coming up with crazy theories and I’ve only been to one fan account.”
You watched with wide eyes as more people filled your Instagram posts with comments and questions, “Do I go on private?!” 
“No!” Maggie nearly shouted, “You can’t do anything that would raise suspicions even more, people already have screenshots of your posts it wouldn’t matter anyway.” Email coming through!
Ding! Ding!
1 New Email: Jeffery Azoff
“Mags, I just got an email from Harry’s manager.” 
You said with a shaky voice, “What are you waiting around for, open it!” 
You clicked the message.
Dear Ms. L/N
Due to a social media outbreak, I would like to meet with you tomorrow before the concert to discuss how to further proceed in light of recent events. Please come by at 1pm, attached is the pass to show security and address of the arena.
Jeffery Azoff
“He wants me to come by before the Paris show! To talk about what’s happening.” She nodded approvingly, “See, the professionals will handle it. Y/N don’t worry, everything will be fine.”
There you were, 1pm sharp with Maggie by your side as you showed the electronic pass to the guard at the door of the center.
You had to squeeze through the line of already awaiting fans which made you feel really guilty as you felt their envious stares on the back of your head as the guard like you in. 
You opted to wear something that was not your Ramones t-shirt and funny enough, you seemed to see an increase in that particular band attire as you made your way through the crowd.
You had on your trusty high waisted blue jeans and a thin black semi turtle neck with shiny black booties for height. Maggie dressed down as well, going with a long sleeve red dress and brown thigh highs. 
Once you both wove your way through the maze that was the backstage, you arrived at B34, the room Mr. Azoff asked you to meet him.
Here goes nothing.
You opened the door and were greeted with Jeff, a few other crew members and—
“ ‘ello Y/N, a pleasure to see yeh again.” 
Harry Styles sat in a chair at the table in sweats and a pink sweatshirt that said ‘fuck I’m cute’ in cursive.
“Come please seat down, we don’t have that much time and I would like to patch things up quickly before the show so that Harry here doesn’t get bombard with shouts about our lovely Ramones Girl.” His manager said.
Well, that made you blush a dark shade of red, you sat down and Maggie sat next to you on the right, giving your hand a quick squeeze before pulling away.
Mr. Azoff rested his head on his arm that was propped up on the table, “So not to beat around the bush, the stats for this ‘new story’ are growing and quickly, E!News has already tweeted out the #ramonesgirl this morning and Teen Vogue liked a post on one of harry’s more dedicated fan pages stylesinlove that has pretty clear video and audio of seeing you and your singing.” 
He pushed the computer toward you, “These are a couple of postings you could put up on your feed if you’d like to clear up confusion or,” he paused for a moment and you leaned forward into his hesitation.
“Or what?” You simply asked, curious beyond belief.
“You could simply tour with Harry for a few more shows and make a comment or two for some fan pages that you’ve just been a fantastic friend of Harry’s for a while and already knew the songs since he had shared them with you beforehand.” 
You turned to Harry would hadn’t spoken up the whole time, “And you’re okay with that? It’s kind of a big deal to say I’m one of the people you shared unreleased music with.” 
He shrugged his shoulders, “I mean, can’t very well tell them you’re a psychic, can we? That would be hard to explain to the press.”
You leaned back into the chair with the realization that this seemed to be the only way unless you wanted to show the world your sorta abilities.
What about Maggie?
“What do you think?” You turned to your friend.
She put her arms behind her head and smiled, “hey, I’ve got to go back to uni two days but honestly Y/N you could just transfer the two classes you’re taking to online and have a blast with Mr. Worldwide over here.” 
She gestured to Harry who was smiling into his hand, “I think it’s an opportunity you should not pass up. But you better call me every once in a while okay?!”
You took a deep breath and turned to Jeff.
 “I’m in.”
ch. 3
telephone hour for this chapter
foresight masterlist
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roombagreyjoy · 4 years
Prompt - "What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt." And someone from Ragnarok? (Preferably Laurits lmao) there's not enough content for this show tbh
Here you go! This took me way too long to edit (I wrote it in two or three hours, during a manic, sleepless spree at 4AM and it needed a lot of work to be decent enough to be posted)
I am still taking prompts. However, I lost the Prompt List this was taken from because according to Tumblr, it doesn’t exist in my blog anymore! Say hooray for a functioning website! But if you want to, you can still request stuff, freestyle this time! (probably for as long as quarantine lasts; I use these to warm up for my actual writing job, so they’re greatly appreciated)
Prompt #1: (You can also read it on my AO3 page)
Concerned & upset: “What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt.”
Alternative Title: Magne does a Big Mad and it has Consequences. Laurits is just here to have a good time, to be honest.
Fandom: Ragnarök (Netflix 2020)
Pairings: None
Characters: Laurits Seier & Magne Seier, Ran Jutul (mentioned), Turid Seier (mentioned), Gry Isungset (mentioned), Fjor Jutul (mentioned), Vidar Jutul (mentioned)
Content Warnings: Some swearing, non-explicit violence, poorly executed pop culture references.
Length: 1550 words (even though AO3 says the contrary I swear it’s 1550 I deleted an entire sentence for it to fit perfectly don’t @ me I will stomp you to death with my hooves)
“What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt.”
The answer came just a second too late. His brother, as always, was lost deep in his own thoughts, oblivious to the outside world except for those occasions he deemed worthy of his attention. Laurits really, really could not understand this. Magne was opening his mouth to reply already, at a wearing speed if Laurits may say so himself, so he beat his brother to it, robbing him of a chance to explain himself.
“You really have changed since we came to Edda,” he said.
“I told you!” Magne protested. “I-”
“You’ve got stupider.”
Magne was silent again, but this time he replied in time to avoid one of his younger brother’s viper-like comments.
“… That’s not fair.”
“Isn’t it?” Laurits was being vicious with him today, for some reason. Unfairly so, thought Magne. “Isn’t it, truly, my brother dear?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“You’re being kind of a dick, you know.”
He didn’t even hesitate to reply. Not once. Then again, he never did. Magne didn’t know what had got into him, but he knew that the blame was probably on his shoulders. At least from his brother’s perspective.
“Look… I tried explaining it to you, but if you’re going to keep on being an asshole about it and tell me that you don’t believe me… again…”
Laurits stared at him intently, waiting for him to finish the sentence for the first time since they sat down in their beautiful, precious, lavender blue living room. Kitchen? Lounge? The house was way too small to try and categorise every room in it. Not that there were many, anyway.
And it was godawfully horrible. The house, he meant. The floors creaked, the water pressure was practically non-existent, the wind came through the ancient wooden planks in the walls and the floor, through the carpet and the wallpaper, taking hold of him even when he curled up under the blankets, deep in his bones… the neighbourhood was pretty much a ghetto. And Magne still could not get along with his goddamn sentence. Laurits really needed a Valium at that point. Or a couple shots of vodka. And a cigarette.
“So?” He basically beseeched Magne to continue.
“So what?!”
“Well. Carry on.”
Wayward son.
This really wasn’t the time for that. Pay attention. Your brother’s talking. Or. Well. He’s trying to talk.
“You didn’t believe me the first time. And you don’t believe me now either.”
“You said I couldn’t throw a hammer that far.”
“You wouldn’t survive being run over by a snowplough either. And yet. Here we are.”
“So, you believed that?”
“I never believe anything, Magne. Trust is for fools.”
“So?” This time was his older brother’s turn. Laurits found it funny for some reason. It probably wasn’t funny, but at that point he was on the brink of an anxiety attack, or a fit of laughing hysteria. Which may actually let loose some of the tension he’d been building up for the past few days, anyway, so that might be productive.
“See, this is why we’re different. You. You don’t look. You don’t pay attention. You don’t corroborate anything.” He said.
“And you do.”
“You bet your ass I do.”
“So what? That makes me an idiot?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. I’m not your uh… headmistress.” He smirked at the thought. The memory, more like. Oh, what a glorious day. And everyone was looking. He was nervous, but confident. The anxiety made him feel alive. He couldn’t perform without it. And performing, that he did. He was born for it. The theatrics, the drama of it all… a mischief well made, a perfect execution.
Oh. He was going to be grounded forever.
Oh. It was so worth it.
Although, on second thought, not being on the Jutul’s good graces might present a problem or two in the future. Perhaps he was the idiot.
That was a problem for future him, however.
And, besides, if what Magne had told him was even remotely true, the stunt he pulled in front of the ever-so-charming people from the town of Edda (more like village, ugh) and their lovely headmistress was the least of his concerns.
He didn’t know how much Magne knew. He didn’t know how much he knew himself. He knew some stuff, of course, but it didn’t seem to be enough. All he knew is that the Jutuls knew more than them. Probably more than them combined and multiplied twice. And that was a problem.
Vidar laying unconscious, or probably dead (because Magne was too much of a wuss to check… either that or he really was way more fucked up by the fight than he claimed he was) was also, if he may say so himself, the very definition of a problem.
He could fix it though. He was always fixing his brother’s fuck-ups. His mother’s. He always fixed everyone’s fuck-ups. Fair enough, he caused more problems than the solved. But that didn’t matter.
He was a kid, for crying out loud. Or was he? Had he always been a kid? Was he still? Can you be a kid if you’re stripped of your childhood, with a dead father, a constantly moving, constantly changing housing situation, a detached mother and a brother as thick as a brick? He understood why Magne was the way he was. Sometimes he wondered why he hadn’t ended up that way as well.
“Hm.” He hummed, seeing Magne was not likely to continue the conversation. “So. Thor.”
“Yes. Thor.”
“Yes Thor.”
“That’s… that’s what I said.”
“And Gry also knows.”
“And Gry also knows.”
“How much does she know?”
“As much as you. Maybe less… maybe more. Whatever Fjor has told her.”
A pinch in his stomach. That was going to be a problem.
All he seemed to be getting were problems.
“Because they left together.” Laurits said, recounting what Magne had told him.
A thought crossed Laurits’ mind like a lightning bolt. If you’ll excuse the pun. Something to take his mind off the fact that Gry was leaving with Fjor. He really should not be feeling this jealous. He coughed slightly. The thought was gone. Crisis averted. For now.
“And Saxa?” He asked.
“What about her?” Magne stared at him in confusion.
“She was there, singing. And then I gave my speech.”
“So, she couldn’t have seen anything.”
“Neither could Ran. But I’m more worried about Saxa. She’s vicious.”
“You don’t think Ran could be mad about me killing her husband?” Magne. Please. For the love of anything you hold sacred. Don’t yell things like that. These walls are paper thin, for crying out loud.
“What I think doesn’t matter because we don’t know anything. But, as you’ve asked, I think Ran is more rational than her. I don’t think she would do anything to compromise her position with the people in town.”
“She’s already compromised.”
“She’s a-ah.” Laurits let out a small, incredulous chuckle. “Of course she’s already compromised. What did you do, you sick son of a bitch?”
“I may or may not have left a couple of those toxic kegs in front of the police station.”
“I may or may not be surprised that you were actually right about that.”
“You’re not.”
“You’re right: I’m not. This town sucks. But I stand by what I said: you really need to quit the Isoldecologist act.”
Magne did not reply.
“Look. The kegs are irrelevant. Ran is not tied to Jutul industries the way Vidar is. Was. May still be.” Continued Laurits.
“But the rumour…”
“Fair point. But still, she may not be legally tied to them.”
“People talk…”
“Shit. Most people talk shit. But yes, as I said, you’ve got a point. She has to keep her reputation, after all…” That was an interesting turn of events.
“So, what do we do?”
“We? Why are you including me?”
“Well, I just told you all this. You’re not just going to sit there and do nothing, are you?” Magne frowned.
But he was right. Laurits was tired of doing nothing. He had done nothing long enough. That situation had changed a few hours ago, actually. And he suposed he could not stand idle for any longer.
“Fine. We will think of something once you get rid of those clothes, shower, and mum comes home and we pretend nothing has happened. You smell like a poorly cooked barbeque.”
Magne let out a big, deep sigh. “Okay.”
“… I’m still mad at you, you know.”
“What for?”
“Um. Electrocuting yourself, for starters.”
“That wasn’t me, that was-”
“Thor. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What if you weren’t, though. What if you were wrong? You could’ve got hurt.”
“You already said that.”
“And you’ll hear it again!” He said, triumphantly raising his fist in the air. Magne, as usual, just stared at him. Laurits let out his breath, defeatedly. He really couldn’t do anything fun in this house, no one understood pop culture references.
“Look,” he said. “Just go shower. Mum will yell at you for a bit. We’ll have dinner. She’ll take her usual spot in front of the TV, sulk for a while, pass out, and then we can talk. I got to make a few calls.”
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swearronchanel · 8 years
6.03 aka I’m still crying 2 hrs later
I have no intro, I did this in one watch but had to obviously edit my typing but well yea this episode crushed me. I’m still shook tbh ahh. Read away if you wish
oh shit I’m not ready
ugh omg I can’t, my hearts about to explode about my chest
The Somali mum is so pretty, Nadifa right?
Oh shit she tryna hide the mail
she’s staying we know that
Ahh the cute turner scene ☺️
SHELAGH MY BBY 😭😍 she looks so good & her little behive omg
“Angela and I don’t have a tendency towards hoarding” SAS MASTER FLEX OVER HERE LOVE IT
“I’m no Marie Antoinette, I will not eat cake..” BRB ALREADY CRYING UGH 😰😰
Look at Valarie actually working & being a nurse
oh shit she’s 9months whoops, she ain’t going no where
JFK on the radio!!
Trixie’s tense, I feel
“If we’re all heading for oblivion, we need to be prepared” Fred lol he’s prepared for it all
No more shock treatment yes 😭💔
damn it my chest hurts and I’m emotional
Shelagh’s bump in her uniform 😭💕
“Very useful fashion features” so precious, are magazines her maternity wardrobe inspo? 😭
LMAO PHYLLIS “I’ve never needed an editorial to instruct me on how to put myself together and I’ve never had any complaints” SHE’s A GEM
Valarie shook
the reality of fgm ..
Sister MC 😰
“How can I be confident your purpose is sincere?” RIGHT SISTER
“I’m very glad to hear it ” PHYLLIS AH, she’s here for it!! I might be too, i have to wait for next week
omg sister MC, she loves her habit 😰💕 why tf did they take it though??!
“How brave for her” and you!😭
“I’m not sure I have the gumption” BBY 💕 you deserve the world!!!
“Failure isn’t fatal, but hesitation can be” Phyllis is so wise & a gift we don’t deserve
Fuck im crying again
ugh fuck Mr Kenley, we don’t like his bedside manner
Patrick doing research so quickly, I’m proud & Phyllis is woke, enlighten us all
VISIT SISTER MC & free her !!!
lol this little girl, stop touching shit
She’s cute though I guess
Ok Val saying the right thing
MY BBY SHELAGH looking adorable💕
TIM HAS A FRIEND! Lmao it seems like he has none because he’s always with his family. Maybe he’ll get a girlfriend next series haha
“It is you, lost to us no longer but here before us perfect and complete ” MY HEART IS FUCKING BROKEN OMG I AM A MESS
I’m crying??!!
“My way of making amends” poor sister J it’s not your fault 💔
ugh looking at kenley makes me sick, go away
Oh shit where’d nadifa go
oh shit that lady had her bible, let her keep it
aw she did
Oh no nadifa’s going into labor??  ah omg
“Simply by being here” I’m crying again
Cuban Missile crisis on the tv
Trixie giving sister MC special soap💔
“I’d rather you give her my love” omg 😭😭
Fred painting the windows 😂
“President Kennedy.. he could charm the birds out of the trees” hell yea he was charming, rip. I wonder if next series they’ll mention his assassination? & side note Natalie Portman better win that Oscar for Jackie tonight
Nadifa’s sister is named Deka, got it. She reminds me of one of my cousins
Val and Babs new bffs?
Oh shit she’s in labor for real
“No knife” omg
I’d be freaking TF OUT
damn that was intense
Gold fucking star for Valarie though
“I longed for this baby Patrick, longed for it, prayed for it and now I’m wondering why my prayers were answered because I don’t know what sort of a world we’re bringing it into ” SHELAGH DONT CRY, Ima cry 😰💕
“We just have to hope and we’re good at that” UGH MORE TEARS, YES YOU GUYS ARE 😭💕💔
Delia making another 2 second appearance
“If God loves me and wants me to do this, why is he making it so hard” omg I’ve been tearing this whole episode
DAMN YOU CTM for hurting my hEART and making it better at the same time!
Who are all these extra nuns
Aw Nadifa, but her baby is precious  
Sister MJ & MC killing me 💔
“It is no bad thing to be lost in a fog or at sea..” 😭😭😰😰
“Nurse bubsy” um bitch we don’t need that attitude right now
“We’re all going to hell in a handcart” indeed
lol Trixie wasn’t having it though she gave babs the only side eye 😂😭
Shit sister MC reading the paper no
I can’t imagine living through this crisis?! But like my grandparents did
The world was shook. But we’re shook now?? the world is constantly falling apart 
Wait I love THIS SONG
tom x babs, Delia with the photo of Pats!, fred x violet aw cute montage 💕 💔
Trixie looking spectacular ugh goals
“You’d think the world would’ve learned by now..” YEA TRIXIE WE’RE STILL SAYING THAT IN 2017
“London is your oyster” lol that phrase is funny af idk why 😂
Cute Trixie and Christopher moment though 😭
Patrick and Sister MC! “I was once as lonely..” I’m a w r e c k 😭💔
Trixie in those black pyjamas I still want
“I generally find that if you can summon the courage to sit through the bleakest day, then in the end the weather will change” 😭I needed that Trixie
“Nothing worse than being wrongly dressed for an occasion” omg she’s gonna ditch the habit
Val you said before there was no normal
“Maybe I never gave up hope”
They actually fucking kissed again rip to me
“Lots of memories” yes “they don’t belong to the house, they’re ours. They come with us” YEA AND WITH ME TOO AH
IM AN EMOTIONAL PIECE OF GARBAGE, excuse me while jump out the window and throw myself away with the rest of the trash😭😭😭💕💕
“A lady never tells” ok Trixie 😉😏👀
“We live to see another day” mood every day in america tbh
Phyllis running to the radio😂
“I feel like an absolute fool” “then we’re a fine pair” Pair of fools ugh I’m cryin I love u fools
oh shit, is Sister Mary Cynthia really going to leave the order or just start over? 😭
I know you didn’t get the memo yet son but no liquor for trix😲
My Trixie 😭 look how far she’s come 😭💕and she’s going to tell him soon and I’ll be crying and gushing with pride
Chin chin
“We’re very lucky though, aren’t we” ugh MY HEART
my heart hurts. That’s all. Fuck I’m crying like real tears
Noo  Deka is going to be cut😰😰
yo Val calm tf down, it’s fucked up but you can’t be yelling like that
Nadifa standing up for herself 😭
I can’t deal 💔
“What would you like to be called while your with us?” “If you don’t mind, and if I’m allowed to choose, I’d just like to be called by my name.. which is Cynthia” 😭give Bryony an award😭
“There are so many secret wounds, so many types of hidden scar.” VANESSA YOU CANT LEAVE ME CRYING ON THAT NOTE
Nadifa didn’t circumcise her daughter !!!
“The soul, being stronger than we think, can surges all mutilations and the marks upon it make it perfect and complete” VANESSA IM C R Y I N AND IM D E A D
I hope You all prepare for my funeral, pls arrive well dressed, dios te bendiga 
Rest In Peace Gabby Rachel Nuñez, 1998-2017. Cause of death: too many feelings from call the midwife 💔💔
Susan Mullucks !! She’s so big
Boutta get prosthetic legs, my abuelo has one
Trixie slaying though
I thought Mr Mullocks came around last series wtf?!
“Nurse Crane should stand down from duties until the situation is resolved” OMGGG NO
“If you caused harm to someone else would it not mask you question everything you life has come to stand for?” FUCK NEXT WEEK WILL BE JUST AS BAD FOR ME
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