#edit: okay let me just. this animation is insane. it's so impressive and seeing it on the big screen was so exciting and cool
witchwhaat · 9 months
saw akira at cinema
5 notes · View notes
Title: In The Act {3}
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Chris Evans x Famous OFC Cassia Drake
Warning: Plot, Cursing, Plenty of Words
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: After the release of your hit movie “Roman Holiday,” you’ve become Hollywood’s new “It Girl.” Everyone wants a piece of you. While at a Hollywood event, you get pulled into an epic selfie similar to the one from the MET Gala with the megastars of Hollywood. The next day all anyone can talk about is this epic picture but not because of the star power in it, but what was happening in it.
Note: Yep, another one. 
**Loosely Edited/Proofread**
**Heavily Interactive**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊  ❤️❤️
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 
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Thank god for slow mornings. You couldn’t think of the last time you were able to wake up without Pieter either standing over you or walking into your bedroom. He was the only one your mother trusted with you, and he just so happened to be a big shot entertainment manager. When you told your mother that you intended to pursue a career in acting, she was livid. She went on a tirade of the number of black actresses who either had to do questionable things to even have a minor break and those who just were used and turned away. She stressed the vast inequalities in the entertainment industry and worried for your mental and emotional health in the cruel industry. She didn't want you anywhere near the entertainment industry. She wanted you to fall into her second career field and be a lawyer.
 It took months of you doing it on your own before you got your first role, it was small, but you played the shit out of the third black friend to the white lead actress then did it again and again and again. After your fourth role, your mother came around and brought Pieter into the mix. You knew of him from the industry. He’d been in a few tabloid magazines standing next to a few actresses. Your mother introduced him as her school friend from back in the day. You wanted to question her, but you knew better than that and just accepted the story she fed you. You always suspected there was more to it. The two of them sat you down for three hours to have a meeting on your goals with the industry.
After you went on and on for an hour, they went on and on for the next two outlining what needed to happen, how you needed to take things seriously, and put thought into the roles you auditioned for and so on. By the end of the meeting, you were on information overload, and that was when your mother told you the only way she’d be okay with you in this cutthroat town was if Pieter managed you. There was nothing in you that wanted to say no, so you said yes. That was two years now, and it had been a rollercoaster from the beginning.
 Once in your kitchen still in your bra and panties, you perused the shelves in your fridge and took out the huge fruit salad you found there. After smelling it, you settled that it was still good and hopping onto the kitchen island and turned on the TV. As you ate, you flipped through the channels determined not to go to anything that required a brain cell. After a few moments of searching, you decided to finish the episode of Castlevania you’d started weeks ago.
 You got lost in the lore of the Dracula themed animated series and the deliciousness of the fruit you were eating. You’d tuned everything out so well that you didn’t even hear anyone approach.
 You looked back to see Tiffany with her head poked around a corner looking at you.
 “I think you’re gonna want to come out here,” she said with a look on her face you didn’t recognize.
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“Just come look.” With that, her head was gone. Sighing, you pressed pause on the show, hopped off the counter, stabbed a piece of honeydew, and walked to where she’d disappeared. When you walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to your foyer, there sat a rather large floral arrangement.
 “What the fuck is this?”
 “What does it look like?”
 “Flowers,” you answered before you shoved the fruit in your mouth to stand beside Tiffany.
 “Who are they from?”
 You both stood there, just staring at it. They were gorgeous.
 “I don’t know. I have been trying not to grab the card,” tiffany added. You looked at her; there was a wide ass grin on her face.
 “It’s probably from Vouge thanking me for the photoshoot yesterday,” you surmised as you approached the arrangement. The scent of roses was powerful but not overwhelming.
 Grabbing the card, you glanced at the front to see your name written across it. You didn’t recognize the handwriting. When you opened it, you scanned the words written, expecting to see “thank you.” Instead, you saw the words, “I’m sorry.” Bringing the card closer to your face, you read the words. Each word you read, your eyes bugged out even more and more until your jaw had dropped.
 “What? Who’re they from?”
 “Not Vouge.” Tiffany walked to you and took the card from your hands and read it aloud.
 “Cassia, allow me to begin by extending my most sincerest apology to you for first my behavior the night of the fashion event and second the position I have put you in with the press. I am embarrassed and ashamed of my actions and behavior,” Tiffany began before she looked at you with eyes wide.
 “Is this who I think it is? Oh my god, Cass!”
 She dropped her eyes back to the card and continued. “I am embarrassed and ashamed of my actions and behavior, and I deeply regret them. I am very sorry, and I want you to know that in no way did I mean to objectify you or your body. I have two sisters and a strong Italian mother, and I was not raised that way at all. I hope that you can forgive me and my actions and not hold it against my family. Please accept these flowers as a token of my most heartfelt apology. Sincerely Chris Evans,” Tiffany finished with the squeal of his name.
 “Oh my god! Cass!”
 You’d been frozen in place for the last two minutes as she read the card. There were a plethora of things running through your head. One of which was the number of formal words he’d used.
 “Oh my fucking god! Cass, is this his handwriting? It looks like it could be, it’s legible. Oh my god.”
 You heard Tiffany reread the card, and as she did, you turned back to the flowers and observed them. You took notice that the flowers were all in your favorite colors. That made you wonder if he knew your favorite colors, or this was just a florist’s decision.
  “Why are you so quiet? Why aren’t you freaking out?”
 “Do you think he knows my these are my favorite colors?”
 Tiffany looked back to the arrangement then let out a “hmm.”
 “Do you think he specially researched you in order to send these? It is possible. this card sounds like he put a lot of thought into it.”
 You took the card from her and reread it for yourself. She was right; the handwriting wasn’t horrible, by no means was it gorgeous, but it was nice. You began to wonder if he had, in fact, written it himself.
 “Are you going to reply?”
 That was the million-dollar question. You didn’t see a need to. Even if you did, what what you say? Thank you, Mr. Evans, for apologizing for looking down my dress. Though I enjoyed the attention, and I am flattered, It was highly inappropriate? Somehow that didn’t seem right.
 “No need,” you answered before you walked away toward the kitchen and your fruit salad.
 Tiffany’s footsteps were loud as she trudged behind you.
 “Why wouldn’t you reply? This could be one of the cutest meet-cute stories for your grandkids.”
 “Oh my god, Tiff, grandkids? Are you insane right now?”
 “Girl, don’t even try and lie and say you don’t think the man is fine.”
 “I never said he wasn’t attractive.”
 “Attractive? Cassia Anjelique Drake, you know you a damn liar. The man is more than attractive. He is gorgeous,” Tiff corrected.
 “And he knows it, Tiffany. You can tell. I bet part of him thought he could have gotten away with x-ray visioning me, and no one would have called him out for it.”
 “Cass,” Tiff began before you cut her off.
 “—We’re not responding,” you finished turning back on Castelvania.
 You knew Tiffany did not approve and also knew you hadn’t heard the end of it. You tried to focus on the show, but it was useless. Your mind only wanted to think of one thing—or person. Chris Evans.
 Your day was just for meetings. Pieter had set you up with six meetings for the day. The first three were about movie roles he thought would suit your brand. They were all varying roles, one the lead in an action flick, another the love interest in a rom-com, and the third in a sci-fi type dramady. He said the worst thing in the world was being typecast. With Roman Holiday being a romcom, you knew he’d want your next role to be on the far opposite side of the spectrum.
The roles sounded exciting, and the scripts intrigued you. When they began talking about the expected salary for the films, you were impressed. They were practically throwing their money at you. You couldn’t believe the money actors actually received for a few months of work. Yeah, the schedule could be daunting and preparation never ending, but millions of dollars for maybe five to six months of work was just fine by you.
 After the three movie meetings where you agreed to take the scripts and reread them before you got back to them, you moved on to a meeting with your team to discuss the next three months for you while going over the last three months. This happened quarterly, and you found the meetings insightful. They kept you on track with your goals and kept things in perspective. Your mother always said you are only as good as a capable team around you.
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Your team comprised of your agent, Eduardo, whose job was to hunt down all the roles he could for you and field calls and interest from anyone and everyone in the business. Second, your publicist Julez, her domain was everything concerning your PR. Her job was to make sure that everything about you in the public remained favorable. She was good at what she did, and took her job seriously. Then was your lawyer, Martin, who was the second-best entertainment lawyer in the business. The best as far as you were concerned was your mother. His job was to keep everything legal and make sure no one tried to take advantage of you business-wise. Fourth, was your accountant, Greg. He was your money man. He made sure every cent you agreed upon with your contracts, was sent to your bank account and that every dime in your account was accounted for at all times. He even helped you invest that money, so it always grew. Then came your part-time stylist, Frenchie. Her job was to keep you looking incredible when she was needed. Finally, there was Pieter who oversaw them all. Tiffany nicknamed them Star Team, in honor of your name.
Though you’d learned to listen and follow along when they talked, you had to admit most of the information was boring to you, so you often drifted off. You never felt guilty about it because Tiffany was always recording the meetings and inventorying them for you if you needed to reference them later.
 “Okay, is that all?” Pieter looked around at their faces around the conference table.
 “One more thing, Julez began. “Have you decided how you’d like to move forward with eh-em, Boobgate?”
 The murmurs around the desk picked up before Julez went on. “The media seemed to love your snarky, comedic comeback, Cassia. They are now doing most of the work for us by calling you good-spirited and easy-going for shrugging it off. A lot of the comments since are in good fun. I don’t see anything negative to come through, so I’m going to say we’re staying in good parameters. I have noticed though a great increase in searches about you and your overall name being mentioned. People love talking about you and Chris,” Juelz finished.
 “Why wouldn’t they? They look gorgeous together,” Frenchie added.
 “That seems to be the overall consensus. It is fascinating even those in his fandom do not seem to be spinning this negatively, which is always a concern with him and his team,” Juelz informed.
 That was not news to you. When you had yet to make your big break, you followed celebrity discourse, and the Chris Evans fandom was insane. It seemed any little thing set them off, and once a fire was sparked, it would burn for weeks. With your rising fame, you worried about things like that on your end and being swept up in someone else’s insanity.
 “So let’s leave it there. Let the media run with it where they will. We’ll do and say nothing on it. We’ll let this work for us,” Pieter finalized.
 Everyone nodded before he called an end to the meeting, and everyone began to leave the room. Before you left, Pieter took the time to remind you about your last meeting of the day and share the news about a few other side projects he’d been working on for you. He shared that within a week or two, he hoped to be able to share the full news but that he was excited at the turn talks had taken today. You were curious but knew if you asked him to elaborate, he would only shoo you away, promising it would be a good surprise. He had your mother’s trust and had earned yours, so you allowed him to keep his secrets—for now.
 After your last meeting, you found yourself home alone before midnight. This was the first time you'd been able to get any alone time. As you made it in your bedroom, you realized the flowers were now perched on your bedside table. They were even more beautiful in the glow of the moonlight that was shining through your balcony windows. Tiffany must have sent a message to the housekeeper to move them there.
 You took up the card and reread it, all the while smiling. It was a sweet apology note and a kind gesture. You were surprised Julez didn’t bring them up in the meeting until it dawned on you that either she didn’t know which meant they came directly from him and not his assistant or team or she didn’t want to put you on the spot. While she technically answered to Pieter, she knew your money was what paid her salary. That meant you and her had an understanding about your PR needs. You liked discretion on things that no one else needed to know. This—you didn’t want Pieter knowing about. There was no need for him to know. It meant nothing.
 The next day before you left your house, there was yet another bouquet and the card that accompanied it read; “Just in case you didn’t believe the first card I sent with the first arrangement I wanted to double down to make sure you knew that I am very much sorry.”
 Tiffany didn’t say one word, all she did was give you a look, and that one look said plenty of things in one. “Heifer, you better reply to that man and live your life while swinging from his chandelier butt ass naked.” You had no intention of doing anything that look said.
 The next day, another bouquet was waiting for you. this card was a little more amusing. “The first bouquet I could say you possibly didn’t receive. I know your life is busy, and anything can happen, but the second one, eh, less believable that you didn’t get no matter how much my pride is screaming at me that you didn’t just to save face. This one, I am sure you got, I had my assistant take care of it and attach a delivered and received receipt. So you responding is a purpose thing, and that makes me think I fucked up really bad, so bad that flowers won’t fix it, and you don’t forgive me. So I propose an alternative option. Allow me to apologize in person and explain myself. You pick the time and the place, and I’ll show up.”
 When Tiffany saw this one, she lost her shit. She went on a full twenty-minute speech on why you should respond and accept his proposal. She went through exhibits A to Z as to why this was a good idea. She conveniently skipped the letter P knowing damn well the only thing you both could think of was Pieter. You knew that if he knew about any of this, he would flip his lid. When she included in her argument that you could make all of his dreams come true that he’s had all his life but was too afraid to inquire about.
 You allowed her to go on her rant but still decided against responding or meeting him.
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-2 Days Later-
  “So Cassia, everyone wants to know about this picture that is still the talk of the town. You haven’t made a statement, Chris hasn’t made a statement. What gives?” Ryan Seacrest’s question had you giggling.
 “Nothing gives, Ryan. Not everything needs an explanation. Sometimes as humans, we have to learn to be okay with what is,” you philosophized.
 Silence stretched for a full ten seconds before everyone around you busted out laughing, including yourself.
 “Wow, I almost fell for that,” Ryan added, making you laugh louder.
 “Darn, I almost got away with it.”
 “You would have if I really didn’t want an answer,” Ryan slid in.
 “Ah, everyone wants an answer, Ryan. I don’t have an answer to give.”
 “You weren’t there?”
 “No. It was my twin sister, Alicia.”
 Another long stretch of silence filled the room. You could tell they were trying to figure out if you were telling the truth. “See, you guys are easy,” you teased, making them laugh again.
 “So, you’re really not going to make a statement?”
 “I went to an event and met a lot of cool people and had a great time.”
 “Did you and Chris Evans leave together?”
 “Not at all.”
 “Did you exchange numbers?”
 Another silence befell the room, and you knew they didn’t believe you. For the next five minutes or so, you finished the interview while keeping tightlipped about the hottest topic. When you left, you were met with the paparazzi yet again, who were shouting new questions.
 “Cassia, are the rumors true?”
 “What rumors, guys?”
 “That you’re in a relationship with Captain America himself.”
 You tried to hide your shock before you quickly spoke.
 “Who said that?”
 Tiffany snorted beside you, no doubt thinking of her favorite gif.
 “It is all over social media,” one of the paparazzo informed.
 “That’s news to me,” you finished as your security got you to your truck. Before you got in one more question was screamed at you.
 “How’d it feel to have Captain America checking you out?”
 You couldn’t hide your smirk this time, and it was a smirk that only got bigger and bigger. Before you cheesed like a full-on idiot, you ducked in the truck.
 “Your smirk said it all,” Tiffany said as you facepalmed.
 After a quick trip to the market for some essentials, you made it home to finish reading the scripts you needed to have done in two days. When you walked inside, you ignored the second bouquet of flowers, Chris sent you the day after the first and went upstairs. Once in your bedroom, the third bouquet he sent yesterday caught your eye. The first one was a shock, the second a surprise, the third confusing.
 After your shower, you walked back into your bedroom to find another bouquet that wasn't there thirty minutes ago. You knew they were from him. This was now amusing. What was his angle, you thought to yourself as you crossed the room to the flowers. Taking a deep whiff of them, you moaned. You loved the scent of Gardenia. They always put you in the frame of mind of romance and sensual rolls in bed. With that thought, you paused. Was he trying to tell you something?
 Grabbing the envelope, you noted it was a lot bigger than the cards that accompanied the other bouquets. Once opening it, you saw a sheet of paper that felt heavier than standard paper, and with it came what you now knew was his handwriting. “Okay, after thinking about this for the last week trying to figure out what it is about me that you don’t like or won’t even entertain. Let’s start with the massive elephant in the room; I’m white.”
 You had to laugh out loud for that. After almost a full minute of laughter that made you have to sit on your bed, you continued. “I know a major turn off, and unfortunately, it’s not something I can change. However, I can assure you that though I am white aesthetically, I am not fully white in any other department, and yes, that includes dancing.”
 Again you laughed, dropping onto your back while flailing your legs in the air. He was on a roll; you thought before you continued. “Second, it must be you’re not into white guys. For that, the only thing I can offer is I’m not against wearing a paper bag to hide the fact that I am, in fact, white. It would be a case of none are the wiser. If, however, your gripe with me is my behavior from nights before, I promise I’m not a sleaze twenty-four hours of the day. I am capable of looking directly into your eyes for an entire conversation, I promise. Let me prove it to you. 424-947-5639.”
 Your jaw dropped. Chris freaking Evans just gave you his phone number. You couldn’t move for the next ten minutes. You just sat there in a stunned stupor. You couldn’t believe this was real. Half of you was fangirling because hello not too long ago; you were a fan. You still were. The other half was freaking out because Chris Evans just gave you his phone number. Was he just being friendly, or was he shooting his shot?
 MSG: Question.
MSG Tiff: Answer for two hundred Alex.
MSG: How does one shoot their shot?
MSG Tiff: What? Cass, has it really been that long since you’ve made the first move?
MSG: Do you know who you’re talking to? I’ve never made the first move. That is beside the point. I’m not talking about me shooting my shot. I mean when someone shoots their shot at you. What exactly does it look like?
 You saw the bubbles knowing she was probably writing a long ass message. Almost a minute later, the message came in.
 MSG Tiff: Uh, were you not present at the Laker’s game when the Sixers were in town, and Jonah Bolden stopped the game to come over and shoot his shot?
 You laughed. You hadn’t forgotten that, mainly because it was everywhere the next day. The two of you talked for a few weeks, but your schedule and his had things fizzling real quick.
 MSG: Yeah, but he was black, Tiff.
  That was when the facetime call came in. you rolled your eyes but answered it. “So are we asking what it looks like when a white guy shoots his shot? Is that to lead me to think you mean a particular America’s ass?”
 “Oh my god, Tiff. Just answer please,” you pleaded with exasperation.
 “I need to know who first. White guys shooting their shot do not come in one size fits all. So who?”
 Rolling your eyes again, you told her and prepared for the scream. It was as loud as expected.
 “Okay, I knew he was feeling you. A man doesn’t look at any ol breasts like that,” Tiffany joked before she continued. “He looks like he could have game, but it could be cheesy game. Did he send you more flowers?”
 You turned the camera to the new bouquet, and she melted. “Oh my god, those are to die for. They just get more and more beautiful. He definitely put research into this one. you love gardenias.”
 It was true, and the thought had crossed your mind. When she asked what the note said this time, you read it to her. It had her laughing just as hard and long. When you mentioned that he ended it with his number, she screamed again.
 “Call him!”
 “Cassiopeia Anjelique Drake! The man has shot his ultimate shot,” Tiffany shouted, using your entire full name.
 You rolled your eyes and dropped back onto your bed.
 “I can’t call. Pieter will freak,” you excused.
 “Fuck, Pieter!” It came from the depths of her soul, you could tell. “This is your life, your pussy!”
You face palmed yourself again. She had to go there.
 “I’m serious. I know you’ve heard the rumors from that comedian he dated, and he swears his fingering is accurate, and you have seen his beard. A man with a beard like that is good for one thing.”
 You screamed and died again. She was in prime form right now.
 Groaning, you sat up and sighed out. “I gotta go Tiff, I’m supposed to have a video conference in ten minutes, and I’m sitting here in a towel. I’ll call you later.”
 “When you call me, you better be telling me that you talked to that man,” Tiffany shouted out as you were ending the facetime call.
 You quickly got yourself together, and presentable then made it to your office to prep for the conference with the scripts. Seeing how far behind you were with the scripts, you show the participants a quick email to push it back by a few hours. Then you buckled down to actually get some work done instead of thinking about the real reason Chris Evans had a beard.
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Two hours later, you were on the conference and going through the script line for line, film direction after direction. If one script would have taken an hour to go through, then three took you triple the time. By the time you’d finished for the day, you were all talked out, exhausted, and starving. Glancing at your phone, you saw missed calls from Tiffany and your mother and groaned at the fact that it was after one in the morning. If you’d have known following your dreams meant bye-bye to normal sleep hours, then you may have thought twice.
With the craving for the most unhealthy crap raging within you, you got into your car and went for a drive. While the time meant not many were out, you knew anywhere in the heart of LA would be a mistake. You drove half an hour out of the way to Pasadena to the burger spot you found by accident. It was no Shake Shake, but it offered two of your favorite things in one place, Burgers and Pies.
 As you walked inside the small shop, you smiled, grateful it was practically empty. You walked to the back of the retro style burger joint and sat in the last booth. Deciding it was safe to drop your disguise, you took off your hat and sunglasses and took a deep breath of the glorious smell of burger and pies. You weren’t waiting long before a waitress came over with a note pad.
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“Welcome. Can I take your order?”
 “Yes, the Big Ben burger with the works, please.” She looked at you like you were insane.
 “Are you sure? That’s a big plate,” she warned. You smiled and nodded.
 “Oh yeah. I haven’t eaten all day,” you assured.
 “Okay. How would you like it?”
 “Very well done, please.”
 She nodded as she jotted your order down. “Anything to drink?”
 “Ginger Ale with a lemon slice, please,” you finished before she nodded and walked away.
 You really liked this place. It was one of the few places that still had a jukebox. Digging into your purse, you pulled out a quarter then walked to the device that wasn’t too far from the booth you’d chosen. As you perused the selections of old and new music, you tried to gauge the mood you were in. It had been a while since you were able to sneak away on your own. You were in the mood for some relaxation but a bit of fun. You tapped in the key combination and turned the knob, and waited for the tune to play. When the oldie by Rihanna “Pon de Replay” came on, you began flicking your hips from side to side until you began winding it.  You heard the distant ring of a bell that signified someone else had entered the restaurant, but it didn’t register, you were too into the song.
 When you really got into it, you dipped it low as instructed and began singing along. That was when your entire body got into it, and you tapped into your own inner bad gyal. When you turned around, you yelped loudly, drawing the attention of the waitstaff to you. Before you stood the person, you least expected to see. The crooked quirk of his lip gave him the most roguish look you’d ever seen, a look that shouldn’t have turned you on the way it had—but it did.
 “Don’t stop on my account,” Chris teased with an impossibly deep voice. It never sounded that deep in interviews, you thought to yourself before your teeth sunk into your bottom lip. His cerulean eyes fell from yours to your mouth, and you watched as his tongue slowly slid across his lips. Your nipples beaded painfully, and you didn’t need to look down to know that if anyone looked, it would be more than noticeable.
 Why are you turned on right now, you questioned in your head. There was no logical reason for it. Yes, he smelled—incredible. There was no way anyone should smell that good; it was impossible. He smelled like fruits, sea salt, sunshine, vanilla, and a very appealing musk. He smelled like he took four showers a day and took pride in being groomed to perfection. The more you thought about it, the harder your nipples got.
 “Cat got your tongue?”
 Clearing your throat, it came out most exaggeratedly with a long high pitch. Chris’s brows wrinkled as he looked at you as if there might have been something wrong with you.
 “Uh—are you okay?”
 Instead of words, it was terrifying giggles that came out, making you sound like a deranged, cackling Hyena. The look on Chris’s face only became more concerned. You cleared your throat again this time more naturally and straightened your back.
 “What’re—what’re you doing—here?”
 “In a public restaurant?”
 “Yeah, this public space,” you clarified before you crossed your arms over your breasts. “It’s mine.”
 “Yours? You own it?”
 “No, but it’s my secret place.”
 “Ah, I see. If it was so much of a secret, then how did I find it?”
 He was contesting you, challenging you. It was at this moment you got the vibe from him that he was the type of man who liked to debate, compete, and win. A man like that should have had your red flags blaring, but no red flags were waving. The only thing that was waving in front of you was a deep curiosity to know this man in a way that you hadn’t wanted to know anyone before.
 Shrugging, you walked back to your table and sat. He approached you all the while, never taking his eyes off of you. You bit your bottom and tried to keep your thoughts boring. Before either of you could speak again, the waitress came back with your order.
 “Big Ben burger with the works and fries and a ginger ale with lemon slices.”
 When she put it down, she looked to Chris, who dipped his head low and pulled down his hat. The woman looked as if she might have recognized him, but she didn’t speak; she just peered closer. You cleared your throat and slid your plate closer. It was enough to distract the woman.
 “Will there be anything else, honey?”
 “No, thank you.”
 “And you? Will you be staying or going?”
 Chris looked to you with one eyebrow raised. Your eyes met, and you saw the question in them. It was a mix of a question and a challenge. He expected you to answer. It would give you the control of the situation, and it would also make it so you’d have to blatantly turn him down in front of his face rather than ignoring him as you’d been doing the last few days. You bit your bottom lip and took a deep breath. You had enough balls to turn him down right here. You’d done worse to other guys—a lot worse. The question was, did you want to do it to him.
 When you locked eyes with him again, an amused smile spread across his lips. You bit your bottom lip again and sighed.
 “He will be staying,” you answered.
 The waiter looked to you then to him and nodded. Chris slid into the booth before you still keeping eye contact. The longer he looked at you; the more unnerved you became.
 “All right, what can I get you sugar?”
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a-and-mtrashpile · 5 years
Young Guns N Roses in Modern Day Headcanon
A/N: Sup my dudes, it’s been a while huh. So I’m back with a shitty headcanon and I hope you guys enjoy it. On an unrelated note, me and Admin Alex are gonna do some work on the page and we are just gonna start posting whatever makes us happy, kinda like a new start if you will. Anyways, enjoy the headcanon~
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-wow okay
-it's a fucking trip
-they are probably bigger than what they were in the 80s cause ya know social media
-but like
-bad boys to the max
-so many parents and Christian moms tried to cancel them
-the media loooooooooved them
-bad boys of the century
-so many venues turned them down
-when they did get accepted, they fucking ruined the green rooms
-climbed on everything on the stage
-for sure broke a lot of shit
-all sorts of alcohol and drugs
-for sure post about the crazy shit they did everywhere
-their Instagrams were insane
-Duff mainly just misspelled shit and posted bad selfies
-Axl was for sure vain as hell and only posted bad pictures of his bandmates and model pictures of himself
-Steven was always posting about stray animals around the venues and putting up polls to try and convince the boys to let him keep them
-Slash was, well, Slash
-Izzy rarely posted but when he did it was always something no one expected
-the band account was just a mess
-told fans not to idolize them or do the shit they do
-loved it when the fans did it anyway
-wanted to bring back girls flashing them and throwing their bras on stage at shows
-for sure were invited to the Playboy mansion
-when they saw Tumblr, they didn't know if they should be scared or impressed
-honestly, Axl was the only one who read all the stuff fans posted
-mainly because he wanted to see what they thought of him
-they were suckers for fan art and letter from the fans
-wow the bad boys have heart
-if they got girlfriends, woo boy
-constantly posting about them
-the media probably ate that shit up
-they probably pulled the "Number One Bad Boy Finally Settling Down? Member of Guns N' Roses out on a date with mystery woman"
-the boys just laughed and said fuck the media
-please don't show them Instagram edits
-their egos are big enough
-dear god no hoe anthems playlists
-they were fucking chaotic
-but they made some damn good music and gave a new meaning to bad boys
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years
the kids are alright
AKA, Kai will see Elliott and ask “Is anyone going to adopt that?” and not wait for an answer
Edit: now also on AO3!
Characters: Kai, Elliott, Emile Picani, Larry and Dot (mentioned)
Words: 2,354
(A/N: I read both Elliott and Kai as being older teenagers, with Elliott being like 17/18 and Kai being 19/20? That might not be accurate but that’s the vibes for this.)
As soon as Kai pushed his way through the glass door, he started the process of freeing himself from the ridiculous amount of safety gear he had to wear while skateboarding.
Off came the elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards, which he dumped unceremoniously in his backpack; then he undid his helmet, the black and purple gradient one that Lauren got him when he told her he was gonna take up skating again. That, he tucked under his arm for safekeeping, grabbing his board with his other hand as he made his way down the hall to Picani’s waiting room.
Kai didn’t know how many patients the quack doctor had; enough to keep his business from shutting down, he guessed, but he’d never even seen another person in the building at any of the sessions he’d been to already.
So the sight of someone actually sitting on the waiting room couch made Kai freeze in his tracks.
The other person— around Kai’s age, maybe a little younger— had their eyes on their phone, and made no outward reaction when Kai appeared in the doorway; but Kai was way too suspicious of everything around him to not pick up on the way the kid’s eyes flicked towards him for less than a second before returning to their phone, or the way their thumb was moving across the screen too fast and haphazard for them to actually be doing anything.
They were nervous, Kai suddenly realized, because he’d shown up, and now the two of them were alone in a tiny waiting room of a therapist’s office.
Ah, fuck. Kai hated knowing people were uncomfortable. His social anxiety wasn’t quite like that, but he’d certainly seen enough of his friends go through it to know that this encounter was ticking a lot of boxes: in tight quarters, with a stranger, in a vulnerable setting, in silence.
Well, Kai never had much of a filter anyway, so he might as well try to relieve some of the tension in the room.
“Sup,” he offered, dropping onto the other end of the couch, leaving the cushion in the middle empty as a buffer space. The kid nodded politely, pulling their backpack up onto their lap and hugging it against their chest. Kai caught a glimpse of a ‘they/them’ pronoun button on their bag.
He felt a release of breath he didn’t even know he was holding. Thank fuck, another one.
“Did the Doc double book his appointments or something?”
Kai pretended not to notice the way the kid jumped slightly before looking at him, hesitant and confused.
“I’m sorry?”
Kai gestured towards the door. “I’m his 11 o’clock. What’re you in for?”
The kid faltered for a second before holding up a crumpled stack of papers in their hand. “I, um, just need to drop off some paperwork.”
“You had to do that in person?” Kai asked. Too late, he realized the words were kind of unnecessarily hostile, but, well, he wasn’t a people person, so he didn’t know what the fuck he should be doing better, okay?
Luckily, the kid didn’t seem too bothered, merely looking down at their lap and picking at their nail polish.
“Uh, he asked me to? I was gonna email them but he said he doesn’t have a computer, so…” They trailed off, apparently not knowing how to finish the sentence.
Kai furrowed his brow. “How does he advertise his shit without a computer? That just seems like a bad business practice.”
They shrugged. “I mean, I guess word of mouth is good enough. Um, my friend told me about him, but I don’t actually know where she heard about him.”
“Same,” Kai replied. “My girlfriend made me come here at first, but she never told me how the fuck she found him. Probably some magic newspaper ad— ‘The person you need is Emile Picani’, or some dumb shit like that.”
The kid huffed a small laugh. “Was that— was that a Nanny McPhee reference?”
“… Huh,” Kai replied after a moment. “Yeah, it was. Didn’t think you’d recognize it.”
Again the kid shrugged, but now there was a small smile on their face. Kai grinned back, leaning against the stiff couch and kicking one leg on the table as he bounced his other leg against the floor.
“I’m Kai,” he said, lazily throwing up a peace sign. The kid blinked in surprise.
“Um, Elliott. Nice to… meet you,” they finished awkwardly.
“Same,” Kai replied, nodding. The room fell silent for a couple beats before he continued, “Still, no computer. I mean, Jesus, get with the times, man!”
“Probably doesn’t have one because he spent all his money on stuffed animals and Funko Pops,” Elliott muttered. The quip came fast, and Kai let out a huff of surprised laughter. Fuck, yes. Now this was something he wanted to talk about.
“Okay, I have to ask you this, because no one else will fucking get it,” he blurted, turning so he was facing Elliott more directly. They looked at him with slight apprehension as Kai leaned closer.
“What is his deal with cartoons?”
A beat, and then a slightly exasperated half-smile formed on Elliott’s face. “I know. It’s like, I assume he went to school for, you know, counseling or whatever, but he only knows how to explain things through kids’ shows? Like, how did you even get your degree? Or your license?”
Kai nodded. “I mean, I guess it makes sense. That hyper ass motherfucker practically is a cartoon character. Like, you know how he literally sings when he walks in the room? Who fucking does that?”
“Yes!” Elliott’s smile finally broke through completely. “Yes, oh my God, yes. And have you noticed the way he’s, like, incapable of sitting still? Like, he practically bounces all over the place, he throws his arms and legs everywhere, and his face—” 
“Oh, way too many facial expressions, for sure,” Kai finished. “Oh! Oh, and sometimes he’ll, like, scrunch his nose up and stick his tongue out when he’s taking notes or whatever? Like—” 
Kai demonstrated, making Elliott snort with laughter. Kai started laughing, too— it wasn’t a particularly funny impression, but something about the dissipating awkwardness in the room made laughter come easier.
“And you can’t talk about any other form of media with him, because he won’t get it!” Elliott continued, their voice brightening throughout the conversation. “Like, anime? Never heard of it.”
“Video games are a bust, too,” Kai added. “Unless it’s, like, ‘Steven Universe: Save the Light’ or some shit.”
Elliott paused before sheepishly holding up a finger. “Actually, I’ll give him that one. My first real session, he, uh, he talked about Steven Universe for an hour, and— I don’t know, it’s not that bad.” They shrugged again, suddenly timid again.
Kai blinked. Backtrack, dumbass, backtrack. “No, yeah, I— I actually think the shit he talks about is… you know, it can be good, or whatever. Helpful.”
Ugh, fuck, that was embarrassing. Even though Kai could admit that Picani’s methods weren’t completely insane, he didn’t wanna share the intimate details of why he was there with someone he just met, even though Elliott seemed like a pretty cool kid.
He was just starting to visualize the letters WWLD in his head— What Would Lauren Do?— but thank fuck, the two of them were saved from any more awkward apologies by Picani’s office door swinging open. Kai slumped even further in his seat, while out of the corner of his eye he saw Elliot go ramrod straight.
A kind looking couple walked out of the office, holding hands and speaking quietly to themselves.
“Alright, Dorry, I’ll see ya next time!” The doctor’s cheerful voice carried into the waiting room as the couple left.
Eliiott darted their eyes to Kai, mouthing, ‘Dorry?’
‘Like the fucking fish?’ Kai mouthed back, making Elliott snort. The noise made Kai struggle to stifle his laughter in the otherwise silent waiting room, and suddenly the two of them were folding in on themselves, hands pressed over their mouths in a weak attempt at keeping quiet.
“Well, hey there, Thing One and Thing Two!”
Kai and Elliott snapped their heads up in unison, looking to where Picani was leaning in the doorway.
“I’m sorry for the wait, but I must say, I’m so happy to see you two smiling for once!” The doctor giggled, smoothing his tie and giving them both a knowing look.
Kai glared at him, opening his mouth to deliver some scathing retort, but he was interrupted by Elliott practically jumping off of the couch.
“Here’s the paperwork you asked me to bring.” They thrust their arm out to Picani, who took the papers and carefully smoothed out their wrinkles.
“Ah, thank you, Elliott! Kai, you mind hanging tight in my office for a second?”
Kai nodded wordlessly, gathering his bag and his skateboard and brusquely moving past the others into the small office. He dropped onto the couch, his bag hitting the ground with a weighty ‘thud’, as he tried not to eavesdrop too much on Picani and Elliott in the hallway. ‘Tried’ being the keyword, since they were about two feet away from the door, and Picani was a loud motherfucker.
“Thanks for bring this in for me, Tinkerbelliott!”
“That barely makes sense,” Elliot’s voice interrupted, and Kai smirked to the empty room. Get his ass, Elliott.
As the conversation continued, Kai let the rise and fall of their voices wash over him. He tried to get into his “whatever” mindset, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the kid in the waiting room.
It was like he and Elliott had some instant fucking connection or anything cheesy like that. They weren’t platonic soulmates, and honestly, it didn’t even seem like they had that much in common. But as Kai sat there, lazily rolling his board back and forth under his feet, he couldn’t help but think about all the crazy shit Picani put him through, and how talking about it with someone who really got it was… kinda fun, or whatever.
“So sorry for the wait, Agni Kai!”
Picani’s chipper voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and suddenly there was the Doc himself, shooting him a friendly smile as he made his way behind his desk.
“I’ve just been busier than a Mighty Bee this morning,” he rambled, sliding Elliott’s paperwork into a file while still managing to talk with his hands. “But I promise, starting this second all of my attention is on you. So!” he finished, folding his hands on the desk and looking at Kai expectantly. “What’s up?”
Kai looked at him for a few seconds before standing, the abrupt movement startling Picani and making him jump back in his rolly chair.
“I’m taking this,” Kai stated, snatching a pen from the cup on his desk before Picani could respond.
“Oh! Um, ok, just be careful because it’s a glitter gel pen—” Picani’s voice got quieter as Kai swung himself out of the office, hoping he could catch Elliott without having to try and run.
Thank fuck, as he turned down the main hallway, he caught a glimpse of a figure dressed mostly in black halfway to the front door.
“Yo, Elliott, hold up!”
They froze for a moment before turning around to face Kai, curiosity and wariness lining their face.
When he got closer, Kai pointed to the folded paper Elliot was holding. “Is that important?”
“Um, no, not really— ah.” They cut themselves off as Kai snatched the paper out of their hand. “Okay.”
Kai didn’t respond as he flipped the paper over, leaning against the wall to scribble something on the back.
“You got Instagram?”
A beat, and then Elliott nodded. Kai finished with a flourish, underlining what he’d written despite it being the only thing on the paper, and passed it back to Elliott.
“Here. Follow me, I’ll follow you back,” he said as Elliott read his messy scrawl, their mouth dropping just slightly.
“Oh!” There was a distinct tone of surprise in their voice, which Kai didn’t comment on. They folded the paper in half and held it tightly in their fist. “Um, thanks, Kai. I’ll— I’ll do that as soon as I get home.”
Kai nodded. There was just a beat of awkward silence before he spun on his heel, walking casually back to Picani’s office.
“Later,” he called over his shoulder, not looking back.
“Um, yeah!” Elliott replied in a voice that clearly wasn’t used to yelling. “Later! Bye!”
Kai heard the front door open and close again by the time he reached Picani’s waiting room. He swung around the corner, feeling uncharacteristically optimistic for his session, but barely stopped himself before he collided with the good doctor himself.
“Woah! Watch out, Speed Racer!” Picani chirped, looking down at Kai. “Thought you were trying to make a run for it.”
Kai rolled his eyes before setting his gaze somewhere over the other man’s shoulder. “I left literally all of my shit in your office, obviously I was coming back.”
“Well, you just left in a real hurry, is all!” Picani replied, reaching up to straighten his tie. His voice went strangely neutral as he continued to ask, “Did you need to talk to Elliott before they left?”
Kai’s eyes flicked back to the doctor’s face, and— ugh, fuck, Picani was looking at him with that annoying sort of half-smile he always got when he thought Kai had reached some stupid ‘breakthrough’.
Kai flushed, folding his arms across his chest. “What?”
“Nothing!” Picani replied with faux-innocence, putting his hands up defensively. “Just nice to see you making a friend, that’s all.”
Kai groaned, rolling his eyes so hard they nearly got stuck in the back of his head.
“Don’t be weird, man,” he grumbled, pushing past Picani into his office. He pretended not to hear the doctor’s amused chuckle as he followed him in, gently shutting the two of them in for what Kai was certain would be yet another absolutely ridiculous (yet unfortunately helpful) therapy session.
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floweringpanakes · 5 years
Amy doesn’t get to see her sister a lot. Sophie only gets so many chances to visit her, and it’s never for very long. She also didn’t get to spend a ton of time with Sophie and her friends when she was in the Lost Cities. So, when she sees Sophie again, she gives her a camera and asks her to video a day in her life. She just wants to feel more connected with her sister, and make sure she’s being safe. Sophie is hesitant at first (she’s not exactly sure how legal it is to vlog in the lost cities) but she can’t say no. She brings this project to her friends and... well...
First of all, they’re excited as hell. They love Amy and they’re so ready to show her what a day in their life looks like.
It starts off normal. Sophie shows her what it’s like to take care of the animals at the sanctuary, what she wears to school, what they have for breakfast
Grady and Edaline definitely try to put on a fun show for Amy. Dancing in the kitchen, super big breakfast, feeding the dinosaurs
But when she brings it to school is when it gets really interesting
Keefe is the first to officially declare Sophie’s portrayal of her life BORING AS HELL. “I mean you fight bad guys for Pete’s sake, and all you’re gonna show her is Verdi refusing to eat her food???”
He does everything he can to make the video as fun as possible. Which for keefe can mean a lot of things
He makes so many gross faces at the camera. so. many.
Fitz and Dex DEFINITELY joined him too. Especially impressive is how Fitz can give himself three extra chins, and Dex can pick his nose with his tongue
When Leto comes on the screen for morning announcements Keefe pretends he’s picking Leto’s nose and putting it in Fitzs hair
He bribes Linh to throw water at Tam every opportunity she has
By the end of the day Tam is carrying a towel around to dry himself off
He also made Biana sneak up on people to scare them. Among their victims were Fitz, Sophie, Sandor, and Ro
Ro was SOOO close to throttling him, but settled for smashing some not so good smelling ogre snack in his hair
He also 1000% tried to start a food fight at their lunch table, except it was just him flicking carrots at everyone’s faces until they got angry enough and they all threw their desserts in his face
“Worth it” he said as he licked frosting from his nose
They also bring the camera to training. Sophie wants to ease Amy’s worries about her safety by showing her how seriously they’re taking their work in the Black Swan
Okay but like who is she kidding??? they’re NEVER serious
Every time one of them walks by the camera they dance in front of it. Every. Single. Time.
(Fitz got super good at throwing it back somehow, but nobody really wants to know how)
Tam just stood in front of the camera like the “you know I had to do it to em” guy for a solid two minutes
At one point Sophie and Keefe have a body-guard-off
They both run at Sandor and Ro screaming “INCOMING” and then jump into their arms (think that scene from b99)
Sandor drops everything and catches Sophie
Ro sees keefe dive for her, takes one step out of the way, and watches him face plant on the ground
Sophie CANNOT stop laughing she’s starting to cry
Sophie tries SO HARD to get a shot of them sparring or something even remotely serious to show her sister
But the sparring very quickly devolves into a wrestling match between the boys, and then with the girls when they try to break it up, and then there’s just an insane tickle fight that takes wayyy to much effort on the bodyguards’ behalf to break up
Then they bring the camera to their Team Valiant meeting with the council. Now this one took some SERIOUS convincing, but Dex was the one who got her to bring it
“You did say you’d show her the WHOLE day didn’t you? And you can’t break a promise to your SISTER Sophie!”
Before they went, Biana and Sophie (mostly Biana) essentially did a whole beauty video, and she even got Dex and Sophie to let her do their hair
She also tried to do their makeup but Sophie couldn’t keep her eyes open for the mascara, and Dex kept sneezing when she was applying the powder
Wylie thinks bringing the camera in with the council is risky, and Stina just rolls her eyes at them
They set up the camera on this table that sits between them and the council, with the camera well hidden in a floral centerpiece and facing them
The camera catches them doing the following things
All of them playing Rock Paper Scissors during a lecture from Bronte (Sophie won)
Making gross faces at the camera when nobody was looking
Trading circlets when nobody was looking
Sophie teaching team valiant how to hit the woah
Hitting the woah every time Emery yelled at them to pay better attention
When the meeting is FINALLY over, they all (Sophie, Dex, Biana, Fitz, Keefe, Linh, Tam) meet at Havenfield for dinner, bc Friday night picnics with the gang are a thing and you can’t tell me otherwise
Linh has the idea to take a group photo to give to Amy with the video
They all get together under the Panakes tree, and Sophie sets the camera on a rock
Right after they’ve taken the picture, and Sophie’s walking back to grab the camera, they hear Grady and Edaline yelling “WATCH OUT!”
They all look and see the escaped verminion running towards them
It goes right past them, grabs the camera and just takes off in the other direction
Sheer, unadulterated chaos overtakes the next fifteen minutes
Sandor and Grizel try to tackle it, but end up face planting in the mud
Keefe almost laughs himself to death but shuts up when they ask him if he’d like a mud bath of his own
Sophie, meanwhile, is trying to calm the verminion down telepathically but it’s so excited to be free that it won’t listen
Fitz and Keefe help Dex set up this new laser cage he invented to trap it, and Tam and Linh try to herd it in by directing it with water and shadows
Linh gets some water on the cage and it short circuits before they can get the verminion inside
It shocks Fitz, Dex and Keefe (they were holding the cage up) pretty good. They’re all laying on the ground groaning and twitching
Ro is PISSING HERSELF laughing she cannot stand up
What eventually works is when Biana sneaks up on it with a tranquilizer and they finally get Amy’s camera back
Watching the footage back is like watching looney toons it’s so cartoonishly stupid
Sophie gives it to Dex to edit down for her, and sends the whole (thirty minute) vlog to Amy from her iPod
It’s not at all what she was expecting, but she loves it, and watches it every time she finds herself missing Sophie and the Lost Cities
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 246: Plot Whiplash
Previously on BnHA: Hawks handed Endeavor a copy of Re-Destro’s NYT bestseller and was all “ಠ_ಠ READ THIS!!” He then flew off back to the PLF and was all “hey guys just got back from handing out free copies of Destro’s book to everyone in a 1000-mile radius, which absolutely nobody asked me to do, well anyways you can thank me later” and they were all “SWEET.” Back at the Endeavor HQ, Bakugou got all fired up to BUST SOME HEADS but Endeavor’s sidekicks were all “WAIT FOR THE PLOT YOUNG MAN.” Meanwhile in his office, Endeavor discovered a secret code in the book Hawks gave him, which basically read “HEY WHAT’S UP THE LEAGUE HAS TAKEN OVER THE MLA AND HAS AN ARMY OF 100,000 PEOPLE” and Endeavor was like “!!!!” And then we cut to the League and Toga was all “IN FOUR MONTHS TOMURA IS BLOWING THIS SHIT TO KINGDOM COME” and then the chapter just ended. Sometimes it be like that.
Today on BnHA: Tomura sits down with Ujiko who monologues a bit about Quirk Singularity and then starts some sort of quirk-upgrading process which will apparently take four months to fully set in. And also he’s like “oh btw let me tell you about One for All” so THAT’S A THING NOW, GREAT. We then cut back and forth between Endeavor and Hawks, who both somehow come to the weird conclusion that THE INTERNS ARE OUR ONLY HOPE NOW using logic that is hard to explain on account of THERE ACTUALLY ISN’T ANY LOGIC BEHIND IT, SHHH. But anyway, so Endeavor figures out the rest of Hawks’s message and he knows that Hawks is trying to figure out what the League is up to, and something something that’s why the internships are so important. Like, I get that the Terrible Trio are future legends in the making, but these guys are seriously like “well okay let’s just go ahead and rest all our hopes on them” out of the blue, and Hawks has this big monologue about how “THINGS WON’T GO ACCORDING TO YOUR PLAN, VILLAINS” and okay then!! And then the last two pages are basically just DID SOMEBODY ORDER SOME HYPE with more shit going on than I can possibly sum up so I won’t even try lol. But damn.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.) 
okay guys, I’m feeling kinda under the weather today, but I know this chapter’s gonna be good so lesssssss gooooooo. bring me back to life Horikoshi
(ETA: lol well there sure was a lot happening in this chapter, that’s for sure. my head hurts.)
oooooh it’s a sexy Jump cover celebrating season 4!
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I really need the anime team to step up and give Ochako and Tsuyu some more screentime in the Basement Arc since the manga did not do them justice. there’s only like a 20% chance of that happening, which is depressing, but it’s 2019 and the winds are slowly changing, albeit at a geriatric pace. so I’ll allow myself to have some hope. you never know
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hello I love everything about this. the colors, the focus on our best girls, Deku’s bizarre-yet-awesome assorted sci-fi accessories (Deku do those headphones let you communicate with space or what), and of course, the five million TVs in the background which for some reason all appear to be from the 70s. all of this to remind us to TUNE IN TOMORROW FOR THE LONG-AWAITED SEASON 4 DEBUT. I will definitely tune in! the first episode is just gonna be the usual half filler/half clip show, but honestly season 3 was so good that I could sit through a whole hour of nothing but highlights and still be thoroughly entertained
anyway let’s move on because there are GAMES AFOOT, and we’re hopefully about to learn which direction this arc will be headed in!
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yep, that’s him. Shigaraki “destruction incarnate” Tomura. I see we’re getting our weekly dose of “just a reminder that WE ARE SCREWED” even earlier than usual this chapter, huh
so does anyone else get a chill up their spine every time Ujiko makes an appearance, or is that just me? like, god. he may honestly be even creepier than AFO. he’s just completely soulless, this guy. he’s got like this Mengele vibe to him (though that may be kinda dicey to compare horrific real-life atrocities to fictional ones in a shounen manga, but I’m just trying to explain why I find him so disturbing) and it really freaks me the hell out, ngl. anyways so him wearing a surgical mask and standing in front of this weird examination chair is pretty much the last thing I need right now. go away Ujiko
so Tomura is all “I want it cuz you promised, so pay up jackass”, and like. fair, though
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I really like this new art style Horikoshi’s been using for him since his Awakening. kinda curious how it’s going to translate to the anime, or even to a color spread. but at the very least in black and white it looks siiiiick
smh look at this little punk trying to downplay how insanely freaking overpowered his quirk currently is
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okay first of all, “President Baldy” is only alive because you left him alive. and he also had to chop off his own legs to stay that way. like, what kind of argument is this, Tomura? “this power is far from invincible, all my enemies have to do is amputate their own limbs and then they’ll have me right where they want me.” you know what, just go on and destroy the world right now kid. you’re getting greedy now and it could be your undoing
that is a nice parallel between him and Deku there, though. now I’m craving some Symbolic Artwork of them standing back to back each holding out their scarred right arms. maybe with their respective mentors in the background. here at BnHA we prefer our parallels nice and dramatic
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son of a bitch. I really wish he wouldn’t say that with such utter certainty. “the next conflict will be our last.” cue me flipping through the BnHA table of contents and trying to determine just how far along we actually are here, because this is veering dangerously close to Final Battle signaling, and like, ALREADY?? TOMURA ARE YOU JUST BEING THEATRICAL OR ARE YOU FOR REAL OMG. motherfucking DARK LORD’S LIPS curling into the WICKEDEST FUCKING CRESCENT I’VE EVER SEEN, fuck me
(ETA: it occurs to me on readthrough #2 that “the next conflict will be our last” could be interpreted to mean him and All Might specifically. like, the last conflict between the two of them. and that might very well be true, and would not surprise me at all. shit.)
fjsgk now Ujiko’s talking about research. and quirks!! glkjlkl
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fully expecting the camera to cut to some NOUMUS any second now oh my god. also trying not to think about how crazy ominous that fucking chair looks. and how many people this maniac has probably strapped down to it and done god knows what to them. hey Horikoshi you know what, I’ve had just about enough of this dark shit, can we please cut back to my kids now I’m feeling too unsettled. goddammit
anyhow of course we are NOT cutting away, and Ujiko is continuing to talk about quirk evolution, and now segueing into a speech about that quirk singularity thing. -- which he apparently named?? wow
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is he actually going to do something to Tomura? holy shit?? this whole time that they’ve been talking about this “power” I’ve just been assuming it was something external, like some other handy dandy villain resource that AFO’s just been sitting on or something. this is not where I expected things to go. didn’t he just get an upgrade??
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anyway so here’s a brief summary I just wrote up of The Past Six Months of BnHA:
Deku: [gets a new quirk]
everyone: bruh. Horikoshi really out here giving Deku AFO Powers while Tomura just sits around starving to death on a couch. what the heck
Horikoshi: [powers up Tomura to the point where he can destroy anything just by it being in contact with something that Tomura happens to be touching] [has Tomura use this power to level an entire city]
everyone: -- oh. okay, you know what, never mind --
Horikoshi: [gives Tomura an army of 100,000 people] [also gives him command of 11 extremely lethal and nigh-unstoppable killing machines, just one of which was almost enough to take out the number one hero, LITERALLY THE STRONGEST GUY THE GOOD GUYS CURRENTLY HAVE IN RESERVE]
everyone: okay we’re sorry we get it you can sto --
everyone: [curled up in fetal position sobbing]
starting to think the mangaka might be the actual final villain here. hmm
anyway. so I guess we have four months until Tomura ascends to Actual Godhood and proceeds to rain hellfire down upon the world. what are you all gonna do with your four months. I personally have a lot of stuff to binge, but knowing me I’ll probably just waste all my time reading fanfic while youtube videos play in the background which I’m not paying any attention to. what am I doing with my life
oh were we not done hyping him up? there’s more??
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(ETA: I got so caught up in the OFA comment I didn’t pay attention to Tomura becoming a beautiful decayed butterfly in this exquisitely creepy panel here. but damn.)
-- HOLD THE FUCK UP. does Tomura know about One for All??? because I was under the impression that AFO hadn’t told him? this would change a lot if he knew this entire time, holy shit?!
aaaaaaaaand exactly one panel later Horikoshi is all “no he didn’t know calm the fuck down” lol
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okay then. so he didn’t know, and he’s only just finding out now. well tbh that’s still worthy of a smiling crying emoji face though :’) this is fineeee
shit here we go oh shit
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just. come on dude. AFOFA 2019! let’s make it happen! dammit
sigh, so looks like it’s back to the admittedly-still-epic “Hawks passes down secret information about the villains to Endeavor” plot. I guess we’re not exactly hurting for good plots all around. I may complain but honestly we are spoiled
so Hawks is saying that he actually doesn’t know the specifics of the villains’ plans yet. well shit
apparently his feathers can only pick up sounds from short range, and the villains keep escorting him away whenever they get to talking about the good stuff. well at least that explains that potential plot hole from last week. Hawks’s feathers may have a short range, but Horikoshi’s plot hole caulking gun can fill in leaky plot holes from fucking miles away. amazing
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don’t mind me I’m just sitting here fretting about Hawks continuing to be in mortal danger and risking his life to gather information in a race against time against the end of the world. Horikoshi out here piling up stakes like a freaking vampire hunter
but in the meantime, everyone please stop what you’re doing for a moment to look at this absolute unit of a bellhop slash security guard
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apologies Lord Vader he was just trying to get to the dining hall. my bad. as you were
and holy shit I hope you enjoyed that light comedic break because two seconds later Re-Destro has dropped in to fixate Hawks with one of those Lightly Menacing Smiles he’s so infamous for. so that’s just fucking great!
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omg. imagine, a showdown between the two stealth murder MVPs of the series, Yotsubashi “Sleeper Hold” Rikiya (yes I did have to look up his real name just now) and Takami “Tag Em And Bag Em” Keigo. true, RD may no longer have legs, but he didn’t need them to choke out our little mouse buddy now did he? anyways speaking of which I just remembered that I fucking hate Re-Destro and I honestly hope Hawks does kill him. it’d be pretty easy to fit him into a bag too. he’s basically just a torso and arms now
oh sure Horikoshi go ahead and spring this on me after all of that ranting why don’t you
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by the way does Re-Destro have Robot Legs now, or
looool he does
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I will say this for Horikoshi, he knows my weaknesses. more robot limbs please. either badass or memeable ones, either is fine
meanwhile I skipped over this panel of Hawks and Twice being buddies in order to get to the legs, and shame on me for that. let’s go back
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Twice is a genuinely good guy and I hope Hawks can tell. I wonder how fake this smile is. I feel like it’d be easy to relax around Twice regardless of how tense you are about your secret spy mission which could go south at any time. anyways this is wholesome
and now we’re cutting back to Endeavor who is taking his sweet time reacting to this whole thing. Endeavor can you fucking chill with the poker face already geez
okay wait, what
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are you serious?! I fucking can’t with this lady. “now make sure to throw these children directly into the line of fire! it’s good for them and builds character!” I’m sorry, I thought this was the Hero Public Safety Commission, not the Putting Juveniles Directly Into Harm’s Way Commission?? at least change the acronym to something more appropriate then. Heinous Pathetic Soulless Cowards. just a suggestion. jesus
anyway so for a moment I got confused as to whether this was implying that she’d told Endeavor about Hawks’s undercover mission. but it seems like he’s still unaware. shouldn’t be too long before he puts the pieces together though at this rate
lol in the very next panel, even
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meanwhile you’re just sitting on your ass reading a book! FUCKING DO SOMETHING ALREADY, ENDEAVOR
so he’s thinking that the “preparation” part of Hawks’s message is referring to the interns. let me back up a sec and write down the entire message as he’s read it thus far
“four months from now / rising to action / until then / will send / signals / in case / of failure / preparation / numbers”
...read like that, it really does sound like Hawks is advocating to get as many soldiers ready as possible. even if that includes actual children. including Endeavor’s own son. shit. I mean, I get that they don’t have much of a choice, but that’s still so fucked up. sure, we as omniscient readers know that Deku is their one and only hope, but they don’t know that. as far as they know these are just a bunch of teenagers with less than a year’s worth of experience that they’re propping up on the front lines. and the plan is then... what? hope they don’t die too quickly?? fuck
Hawks is out here having an argument with me in his thoughts. you wanna play it like that, Hawks? fine
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I don’t know what kind of “but” you can tag on to the end of that paragraph that could possibly win me over, dude, but go for it I guess
and we’re finally cutting back to the kids in question now! with Burnin’ casually trying to crush Kacchan’s hopes and dreams
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okay but I love how both Deku and Shouto are like “easy there buddy, we got you” and trying to keep Kacchan from having a fucking aneurysm sob. JUST TRY AND HOIST HIM ONTO SOME DUMB SIDEKICKS, LADY. YOU’VE MADE A POWERFUL ENEMY HERE TODAY
oh shit
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oh my god. are we going to get our first actual interaction between the three of them that doesn’t consist of them grumbling annoyed introductions at each other and then running off to fight an old fortune teller omggggg
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I love how Deku and Bakugou look weirdly intimidated by him lol. Bakugou where did all that “YOU’RE KIND OF A JERK” confidence go all of a sudden
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so Ochako and Tsuyu did indeed go back to intern with Ryuukyuu again! makes sense, she is a top ten hero after all. who’s that with them, though? almost looks like Yanagi from the hair and the mask, but the costume looks different? hmm
whew! anyway. they’re all still screwed, but by golly that was nice to have that little invigorating breather of life and hope
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okay, SOMEONE TELL ME RIGHT THE FUCK NOW WHAT ALL MIGHT IS LOOKING AT OR I’M GONNA LOSE IT. holy shit. he was researching the past users of OFA, wasn’t he? WHAT DID YOU FIND OH GOD. he’s not just upset, he looks one step shy of fucking crying?? did he learn about what happened to Nana’s son and his family, maybe? shit shit shit
so Yanagi is interning with Kendou then? so who was that with Hadou and Ryuukyuu and the rest. one of Ryuukyuu’s sidekicks?
y’all. this chapter was like plot whiplash. this went in so many different directions and hinted at so many different things that I’m at a complete fucking loss as to what to process first. but I guess the interns are gonna save us all, somehow. lol okay then
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Pride: Favourite Scar - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader (Animal Kingdom)
Okay, as my Virtues/Sin’s are all Mendos. This one is specific to Movie!Andrew.  That doesn’t mean however, that you can’t read it as Show!Andrew. (Just... edit the colour of his eyes and the place as appropriate...)
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Author’s Note: Thank you for your request @mandy23b - This one is all yours 💜
I really like the take on Pride = Proud Actually I kinda mixed together the three premises you send me a little so I hope you enjoy 😘 Disclaimer: Animal Kingdom and all characters/ideas by the wonderful David Michod 💙 / Lyrics not mine Premise As Requested:  I have this idea in my head that Smurf doesn’t like you. It’s clear she has an unhealthy attachment to her children and here you are, turning all of his attention from her to you. And I get the feeling Andrew doesn’t care for her attention, like it annoys him to have her dote on him so he’s happy to give his attention to you. So she’s cruel and mean to you. And maybe you’re not the first she’s done this to but you’re the one who stands her ground and doesn’t let Smurf push you around. And he’s so proud? Proud to call you his and proud to call himself yours? Or just moments of pride like that. Like working a job and you’re not scared to get dirty and take control and boss the other boys around and he doesn’t show it but he adores you? I don’t know… he’s my softie and I just want him and I want him to have someone he can love and trust, even if he’s extremely stoic in his affections Words: 4492 Warnings: Swearing / If you squint there’s Pre-Amble. 
What you wanna talk about? Wanna stay up all night? Wanna scream and shout, sign me up then Ain’t nothing to worry about, I can take it all, that’s right, I’m your number one, don’t forget that. Every word, every scar, Messed up thing that we are, I’ll take it all, boy, better turn up your radio. I never felt like this, you shot me through my heart, Pain never felt so good, boy, you’re my favourite scar I never felt like this, you shot me through my heart, All eyes on me in the middle of the street screaming out your name And it sounds like... you shot me through the heart, You are my favourite scar. What you wanna know about ? Want me to tell you all of my sins, yeah, you first. One shot and you got me and this scar everybody sees on me, Baby, it says that I’m with you.
--- Maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand...   You are an expert at sorry, And keeping the lines blurry Never impressed by me acing your tests All the girls that you've run dry Have tired, lifeless eyes 'Cause you burned them out But I took your matches before fire could catch me, So don't look now, I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town --- noun
A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
Driving a jeep up the coastline in the blazing hot summer sunshine, full of girls in sunshades blasting music, attracted about as much attention as you expected it to. Cruising around and looking for all the right trouble in all the wrong places.   At more than one point you had to tell the two in the back to quiet down, as their cat-calling to the array of men strolling down the promenade, minding their own damn business, got a little too raunchy.  You had one arm out of the window, tapping your painted nails against your car’s own paintwork. Sometimes you wondered if they only listened to you because you were the assigned leader of the group – but as long as they were still listening. Eventually they got bored of picking on men and decided you, being in the car, were the easier target. “Hey! Y/N! Aren't you dating a Cody!?” That instantly made you smirk. Here we go! The Cody’s – not necessarily a rival crew, but similar work. None of you were related, but you were all very good friends – the Cody’s on the other hand were family. You’d always thought breaking into that might be hard, but not necessarily. “Why do you spend do much time with their crew now!?” You gave a shrug, taking another turn off to take a costal road out of the city; time for a bit more scenery and peace and quiet, you felt; “Cuz he’s hotter than all of you! And yeah I am!” you laughed “What is it to any of you anyway?!” “Well you know that we’re your crew right-!? Anyway, they already have a female member.” “I’m not necessarily sure Smurf counts as a member… But she does tell ‘em what to do – what’s your point?” There was sudden silence, like you’d dare say it; “Well… We just… we’ve heard things…” You sighed; okay, you had to admit you were happy that they worried about you – but honestly who did they think you were? It wasn’t like you didn’t know the life – you were living it yourself. Still, you humoured their concern; “What things?” “Well. She certainly doesn’t like other woman around them.” You quirked an eyebrow; “And?” but you knew exactly what they were implying. “We just want you to be careful!” You scoffed, pushing your shades further up your nose; “You guys worry too much!” *** You dropped off the girls at each of their respective houses; most of them lived together... For your own reasons you lived in a little flat alone. Because sometimes you just preferred your own company. Caleigh, your right-hand girl, refused to exit your car. "What?" you huffed, clearly impatient "You're going to go see him again, aren't you!?" "Yeah, I am. Get on with it...!" you waved at the door handle “Y/N! I just think-!" "You should let me make a mistake? There's nothing wrong with Andrew, go on!" "For once I'm not worried about the man! I'm worried about his mother-!" "Well, I'm also thinking that might be why he likes me so much." You noticed she hopped down from the car but didn't quite close the door. "Why?" "I'm easy going... I don't smother him... Whatever he wants to do I'm down. And affection is his to give and want, when he's really." "Wait, are you dating the psycho one?" "Cal!!!" Now that was just uncalled for-! "The oldest-! F**K! She'll never let him go, Y/N she won't!" "Well that's her problem, and I'm dealing with it... Can you please let me drive, now?" "I don't understand, girls even do it better - what are you getting out of him!?" You quirked an eyebrow and gave her a smirk; "Hell, I know that... But the point is it’s not easy to tell what I get. And for once, I like that mystery..." She gave you a look that let you know she still thought you were insane. "Caleigh, please, I'll be fine! It'll be worse if I don't get there because he’ll worry, then he’ll get antsy and agitated, then they have to deal with it - which will be my fault. Which certainly will make her hate me!!" Your friend reluctantly slammed the door shut, but thankfully didn't cause you to roll your eyes by telling you to be careful, so you were able to wend your way quickly through the Melbourne streets... **
It was barely 4 seconds between your knock and the door opening. Andrew looked a little less than impressed, but he had a face for it so you weren't sure if that was necessarily a true reflection of his feelings. "Hey..." he took a step back, "I thought you might be late..." "Why? You heard about town shenanigans?" If you could count the sound out of his mouth as a laugh you would, "No. But I can imagine..." he walked you through the house "How you been?" "Good... And you?" "Been better." "Oh?" you frowned; you didn't like hearing things like that from him, "Why’s that?" "How's your electrics?" "... Not bad... Why?" "-Fixing-" he added quickly "Electrics." "Not bad, why?"  you repeated and he stopped his tour in the kitchen, indicating to the kettle. "It's busted." "And you can't fix it." "No." "Buy a new one then!" That sounded like an obvious answer, but he gave you a look that plainly said Smurf wouldn't accept that. You sighed and sat on the counter; "Alright maestro, show me what you're doing wrong." He gave you a look that told you to shut up, and you couldn’t help your teasing grin. "Drink?" "Water will do, thank you Darling." Andrew rolled his eyes at you, with a gentle shove at your sarcastic cute nickname. "Water? Little light for you..." although he obliged, pouring you a glass. "Well it's not like you can make me coffee." "Shut it!" "Make me." "You're gonna wish I did..." To be honest when he was looking at you like that you did wish he would. Those beautifully haunting blue eyes belonged to a man who needed to be kissed. And often. You watched closely as Andrew tried to explain to you what he’d done. And you tried not to start smirking until he’d finished, it didn’t matter much, your amusement was present in your voice; “Good at killing, stealing and all that illegal crime shit, but not much else, huh?” And he looked up at you, clearly not amused. You burst out laughing at the look on his face; “Coulda just told me that when I started.” “Naw, why do that when I can listen to you do everything wrong in detail!” That was the wrong thing to say as Smurf strolled into the kitchen. She fixed you with a look you were getting used to. But you didn’t lie to your friends, you could handle it. “How are you doing sweetie?” You noticed the voice she put on immediately, and that flicker of almost annoyance in his eyes. When you did it to be sarcastic he pushed you with a little smile, and told you to shut up. When she did it, in seriousness, he was much more like to shy away from it. Especially if he was with you. “Eh....” he gave a shrug “It don’t work Ma...” You kicked his thigh, which didn’t help things but you could help but act like this with him; “I told you, you’re doing it wrong!!” “Well, you do it then!!” He dropped everything, fixing you with a look that told you you’d probably get rewarded if you managed it. So you bit your lip through your smirk, and hopped off the counter; “Fine I will...” Smurf huffed from the corner of the kitchen in a way that let you know she wasn’t impressed with you, nor the way you’d just talked to her son. “...Sweetie, would you like me to make you anything.” “No... I’m okay...” his voice was quiet, and he turned back to her. She’s just gonna hover Andrew, you and I both know it... And so she did, for a little. See, Smurf you found more dangerous than any of them. Because Andrew showed his emotions, and his hand, before he snapped. You knew when it was coming and how it was gonna run its course. He wasn’t predicable, you would sooner die than think that - be he had a mind that worked a certain way; so once he started it was pretty easy to tell the direction. You and Baz had become quick experts in this, and both of you had different methods to curb it. Both of you extremely grateful you had each other to do so. Who the hell else would stand up to Andrew?
But Smurf, Smurf was sweet as sugar and controlled everything... if she had a breaking point she never showed it, and didn’t seem any different over that line to normal. Unless she was always snapped. Which, also wouldn’t surprise you as the matriarch to 4 nigh-on-uncontrollable criminals. Oh, and that was before you even mentioned you were from a rival all girl gang. She thought you were gonna put her darling boys out of business. That or run around with all of them, breaking their hearts one by one. Which made you scoff at the notion; if she thought that then she didn’t understand your relationship with Andrew at all. Eventually she left the room, but you knew she’d be listening in as he watched you fix it. He ran his fingers close to yours as his body enveloped you; that was intimate enough. You turned - but he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking in the direction she’d gone. You stood; just shy of your back against his chest but his arm brushed yours and that was once again contact enough; you saw that twice across his face, and you’d damn well count that positively. “You know she hates me right...” He shook his head, maybe in denial. “She’s like that with everyone...” “Yeah, but she hates me.” “Yet you’re still here.” You tapped him with a screwdriver to turn those blue eyes of his back on you, where you wanted them. Where you could watch them grow brighter as some semblance of adoration crossed his face. “I’m here for you. Not her.” His gentle touch to your face was unexpected, and made you flinch. Andrew stilled, and you blinked; “I’m sorry...” “No it’s...” He tucked your hair behind your ear “You’re always holding your own. I’m proud of you. You better be proud of yourself.” “Proud of me? For being someone your mum hates?” “Eh... comes with the territory...” Andrew gave a shrug, his lips brushed the top of your ear gently - whether a kiss on purpose or not it had you smiling. “...Rather that than sit and take it…” “F**k that.” “Thought you might say that.” You nudged him again with your shoulder; “Let me fix your mistake Andrew Cody, before your mum starts trying to fix one she thinks you made.” “She’s afraid of you, you know.” His statement was so matter-of-fact that you weren’t even sure he was hearing himself right. “What?!” He pulled away from you, leaning on the counter the way you had been; “You’re stealing me away.” “Stealing you, huh?” “Oh, I guess not...” Andrew pressed his lips into a thin line “Afterall, you’d think stealing could mean something or someone wouldn’t come willingly...” Your eyebrow raised significantly ,and you knew now was the perfect time to tease him; “This better not be the big elope speech.” He rolled his eyes “F**k off, Y/N, and fix the thing!” You drew yourself to height “Problem there, Mr.Cody...” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah...” You breathed gently, in touching distance of his lips once more “What’s that?” He folded his arms; defiant to give you the kiss you currently craved “I don’t wanna f**k off... but I might wanna f**k you...”
"Oh, what the f**k is she doing here." Andrew's eyes narrowed but it was Baz that cracked Craig over the head; "OW!" "Shut the f**k up!!” "No, but seriously...!" Baz placed his hands on his hips, and took a step that made Craig concede one at the thought of being hit again; "She brought us the job you idiot! You didn't complain last time." Craig grumbled a little bit to himself again as you walked up the steps into the little warehouse you'd decided to gather in; "You all ready for this one?" "This better be good!" For some ridiculous reason, as the closest in age to you, Craig had decided you might take his spot in the team. And for some other reason only acted like this on jobs. Otherwise he was pretty nice to you. You'd figure it out, one way or another. “It isn’t bad. I’ll put it that way.” You narrowed your eyes slightly in defiance "What, this job to hard for a bunch of girls?!" He was probably getting this attitude from his mother. You still remembered the way she'd looked you up and down, and told you that you'd be better staying at home and waiting for them to get back from a job. And that jobs were no places for women. You were just as quick to point out that she was often the brains behind what they did and simply made them do the dirty work for her. Leaving the younger two gobsmacked with mouths hanging open, Baz trying desperately hard not to laugh, and Andrew looking at you like all his dreams had just come true. There had been others, you guessed, all of them unable to put up with her... And certainly unable to stand up to her. But he had you now, and you didn't dare back down. Andrew was your boyfriend; she wasn't about to take him away from you and there was no way in hell you were about to let her degrade your work just because it was a “mans” job. "A little. Maybe I just like you guys." "That or you want us to get arrested." Your eyes flicked to Andrew; "And have my life be mundane again, Craig? I don't think so..." Andrew gave you a gentle nod. And you knew at least 3 of them were confident in your abilities to tell them what to do, and handle this. Even if you were happy with the two eldest sweeping in to help control things. And so the job went as well as planned, and maybe a little better than expected. You gave everyone an even split meaning collectively they earned more than your group, but that was the point, they’d done the hard graft. And doing jobs with you meant Smurf wasn’t taking cuts from them – all around you thought this was a win-win. Probably another reason she hates me! As you drove them back to the warehouse to each get in your own cars back home, it was Craig and not Andrew who held back. One fleeting kiss and Andrew was walking back to the car with Baz (didn’t mean he didn’t fix Craig with a threatening look… of course). You folded your arms, staring at him expectedly “…Yes?” He nudged your arm; “Guess that went pretty well.” “Yeah. Thanks for the help.” Then you added sarcastically; “Guess I could never have done that without some big strong men around!” At least his laugh sounded appropriately embarrassed; “You’re… you’re alright, you know that?” You gave a smile, if that was as good as compliments got; “…Thanks Craig! You’re not so bad yourself!” You waved them all off as they called their goodbyes back to you and you couldn’t help laughing. You loved all of them; and whether Smurf wanted you there or not, you were happy to be an extended part of this family. *** Andrew always wanted affection on his terms. You were quite willing to sit in the same room as him for nearly 24 straight hours in silence, just for those glorious 10 seconds he would cross the room and sit close enough to touch you. That’s how he asked, he never said it. He never just took you in his arms. And you were pretty sure he’d never ever heard the term public display of affection... but you knew when he sat like that, with that look on his face and in his eyes, he was begging for something from you. And Smurf could never fulfil that even when she thought she could. What’s worse, is you’d seen her give love to Andrew in a way that stifled him, that made him push back - that near enough made him angry.  But she took it away too. Because sometimes, Andrew needed her to be his mother. Not his keeper. And that’s when she was at her cruellest. Andrew was a lost cause. Andrew wasn’t someone she could control. He’d been in prison, he’d done drugs, armed robbery, D&Ds and DUIs... theft, murder... you name it. Deran was the baby and a sweetheart and you liked him a lot, but he was securely under her thumb and hardly in trouble. And too timid to stand up to her or his siblings. Born into the wrong family, in your opinion. He didn’t have the nature for this... Craig, in the middle, wasn’t stable enough to break free. And as far as you could tell didn’t want to. You’d always thought his relationship with Smurf to be a little twisted and tried not to uncomfortably stare when kisses seemed to be more than just familial... When Baz would kick you under the table and give you a look. Baz was Andrew’s best friend, and his stability. And you’d often breathe and tell him you thought he was the only sane one. And he would laugh gently, and give you his best smile ‘Aw, Andrew doesn’t do too bad now he has you...’
But Andrew... On his medication was a mess you didn’t like to deal with. They dulled his personality. If you thought he didn’t feel normally, then this was worse. And you knew what they were for. But you didn’t think they were any good for him. But what could he do? Sometimes he would give you the bottle and ask you to hide them, and that scared you. But you supposed that wouldn’t have Smurf forcing him to take them. But off his medication.... oh, he was anxious, and paranoid, and angry, and reckless... any idea was a good idea and he’d damn well do anything he wanted. But in the aftermath of that... when Andrew calmed down. That was when he needed someone. And he didn’t have to look for any real affection, just to know someone was there.
And you’d seen him at that point. At the point Smurf should love him the most; regardless of whether he deserved it or not. Because she was his MOTHER.
Andrew Cody should never have to beg to be loved…
But that’s what she made him do. And you’d had enough of that. So that led to you slamming your hands on the table, and standing so fast the chair hit the floor, as you fixed her with a stare so hard it was beyond if looks could kill. “Stop it.” She tried that sweet act, but you could see her face fall already “Stop what, sweetie?” “Stop f**king what?! Stop Making him BEG for this!” Your hands hit the table again “Andrew deserves better than this family - and he deserves a better f**king mother than you!” You weren’t sure you meant that about his brothers – but hell, at that moment you didn’t really care anymore. Suddenly Andrew was no longer looking at her for anything, and was trying to manoeuvre you from the kitchen. To very little avail, other than you weren’t sure what would happen if you stayed and had a full-on screaming match with her. “You don’t deserve him!” Was as good a spit as she got at you, that had you turning in his arms as he tried to drag you out the door. And by God did he have to keep a strong grip; “No! You don’t f**king deserve him!!! You don’t F**KING DESERVE any of them!!!” There was a silence. And you knew you’d full on blown it now.
Andrew froze, because whatever either of you said next, one of you had to be the bigger woman and walk away. You took a deep breath and your voice was shaking, with anger you were desperately trying to control again. “...They are your children... they are grown men... and you should love all of them unconditionally... You shouldn’t get to choose when you give them love! And they shouldn’t have to prove they are worth it...” you stepped out of Andrew’s arms “... what you do to him... is possibly one of the cruellest things I’ve ever seen.” And hell, in your line of work, by now you’d probably seen nearly all of it. “And if that’s why he needs me... then I will fight for that. And I will give him what he needs. And maybe I’m not good enough for him. Hell, maybe I never will be... but I am what he needs, right now… and I’m gonna damn well make sure he knows he deserves to be loved like anyone else does.” You walked, because you were in tears. And they were hot, angry, bitter tears that she had pushed you to. And you almost hated yourself that you’d fallen for that push. “ANDREW DONT YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME-!!” Was about the last thing you heard before you whipped around and were swept from the floor. “What the f**k are you-!?” You just about managed as you were carried, shocked, to his car. “Don’t speak. Just listen.” To what? He dumped you in the passenger seat and the next thing you knew you were driving to the middle of nowhere.  And you realised that was the point. To nothing. To his actions. Hell, you should know yourself by now, they were always louder than his words. There was a smile on his face. Something you weren’t even sure he was aware he was doing. You’re doing it again Andrew... You wondered again what it was; but you thought you already knew... *** It had been a few months since that argument, and as far as you were aware the cat fight was still on. And now you only stuck around the house if she wasn’t there. Sometimes she’d come back before you left, and there would be a five second stand-off where the boys sat in silence and the tension could be cut with a knife. Luckily, none of them were taking sides… But there was a new kind of amity between the group of you. You guessed it might have been a certain kind of respect… Which let you to doing a bunch more jobs with them – and more than enough times your gang of girls got in on this too. What was more, you got to watch from afar with Andrew as they all started warming to each other. And you got to give each other that same look; try to see Smurf break this up. But, then and there, jobs didn’t always go perfectly…! Even when Andrew had your back.
"Could have gone a little better for you, huh?" "Any time you can get me back, you will..." You winced, looking at the state of your arm. Arguably not your best idea ever, even if necessary. Andrew chided you for it again. Now in your apartment, you knew that Smurf would go ballistic at him for not returning home with the rest. "Yeah. Because I care about ya." "Come off the noble act, Andrew, you just wanna tell me I told you so." "I do..." He admitted with a smile "but I want to fix up this arm first..." He pulled you to him gently, arm straight across both your leg and his. “…You really shouldn’t be so stupid sometimes.” He knew that would raise a laugh; “It’s not stupid if it works…!” “Works?” You caught that smirk and raised eyebrow as he gathered the medical equipment closer to him; “If that’s what you call it…” You raised an eyebrow and couldn’t help that tease; "What’s mummy dearest gonna say? Shouldn’t you be running back home?" He shook his head "F**k her." Your eyes widened: "Wh- OWWWW---!" you cried out as he poured saline over the gash. You were 99% sure he also wasn’t supposed to be that liberal... His eyes met yours; see. "What did you just---!! If she heard you-" Those blue hardened significantly; "I said f**k her." Andrew breathed, "I have you now... You've seen what she does... You can't possibly imagine.... How much freedom having you in my life gives me... You stand up for me, you stand up for the boys, you stand up for yourself. I've never seen that." He looked back to your arm, drying and cleaning it, he bandaged you up; " You don't realise how proud I am of ya... And I’m aware I don't really say it, but I feel it." He sat up taking your free hand in his; "Y/N you are one hell of a f**king woman."
You gave a gentle smile; "I'm proud of you for admitting that." "Oh, really?" "Mmm..." You closed that gap with a delicate thank you kiss. It was a first step. Andrew’s affection was stoic but he was learning, he would figure it out. He'd tell you, in his own way, exactly how much he loved you. And you knew discovering the how was the best part of this relationship. He pulled you to him, it was a subtle, sensitive ask. If you want, I want. And you slid forward and across onto his lap, running your hands through his hair.  "Injured?" you asked with a cheeky wink. "Oh, well, I bandaged you, you’ll be fine." "Magic, huh?" "Not quite..." he tipped his head "But you know what they say..." "And what do they say..." He gave a shrug, voice soft, pulling you to him again; "I haven't quite figured it out yet..."
Andrew ran his arms under your legs and hoisted you from the couch. He stood still for a minute to make sure that he had you supported correctly, but you were quick to move on your decision. Your fingers were already at the buttons of his blue shirt as you kissed him. He placed his forehead gently to yours as he carried you to your room, his lips grazing yours. You knew even when it was silent, when Andrew Cody looked at you like that it was the closest he would get to saying 'I love you'.
--- THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING!!! ��🎉😘😘 🌟 6 Sins Down!!! 🌟
One to go and we’re all done!!!
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad.
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geek-gem · 5 years
I've been wanting to to make this for a while now. Even though it's very weird. But since I'm done reblogging some stuff and not gonna distract myself more or so.
If we ever for a Villainous movie, I think Michael Dougherty would be a excellent choice if there was ever one.
The reason why I think this post seems weird and sounds ridiculous. Because Villainous has been mostly a web series and is on its way to trying to become a full length show. So the idea of a movie adaptation is kind of a crazy. But it's mainly a fun idea.
It's also because ever since Godzilla King Of The Monsters 2019, I have this huge respect for Michael Dougherty as a director.
In a funny way I would literally bow down to him similar to how DCEU fans would would do with Zack Snyder. Especially I am a Zack Snyder fan, basically I got the reference for the whole bowing down thing. Even though I would mostly be, "In Legendary we trust" for Monsterverse.
But being serious the reason I even go with a choice like Michael Dougherty is considering his work not just on KOTM 2019. But even on other films he's made like Trick R Treat and Krampus.
While I've seen Krampus, it's not a favorite of mine, and I haven't seen Trick R Treat only parts, but I know the story of the movie. It's the horror comedy thing that he's good at. Especially in a weird way I guess he embraces it.
At first the way I thought of a Villainous film being like a black comedy in a way. Because I'll be honest yet I could be stupid, I see the show Villainous as like that. Considering I googled more of the definition. The show is well....we the fan base know it's freaking dark. It's a dark comedy basically. But also some horror comedy elements can be added too.
I just think Michael Dougherty is a natural fit.
In fact as a bonus, Black Hat would be played by Alan Ituriel by using motion capture and other stuff. Stuff you've seen in films with CGI characters. Including makes the performance better because he voices both Black Hat in both the Spanish and English dubs.
Next 505 would still be played by Mark Fischbach aka Markiplier because voicing him seems easy I think. 505 would basically be a CGI bear. I don't know if motion capture should be involved, okay if they want to. A joke for the film is when Flug turns 505 into a human by mistake and it's Mark playing the human version of 505.
The other two like Flug and Demencia are difficult to cast. I still need to look into those casting choices. Well Flug could be played by his voice actor because he would have his paper bag on his head. But I feel I want him to be seen as the 24 to 25 year old that the show confirmed him to be. Maybe the actor can do the lisp stuff.
Or make it easy with it being a animated movie. But still this is just a fine idea because I mentioned in a reblog that I really like Legendary a lot that I would not mind if they got the rights to a Villainous movie.
Strangely I keep thinking of the movie of just Flug trying to impress Black Hat despite it would be for nothing. Or even to take down a strong hero which might get Flug some good recogniztion from Black Hat...till Black Hat tells him he did a mediocre job like in the pilot, "The Dreadful Dawn".
I'm rambling now I wanted to share this. Especially I'll be honest, I've been impressed by my supposed live action casting of certain cartoon characters or ideas. It started with my Hilda movie idea. With Travis Knight as the director, Millie Bobby Brown as Hilda, and Emilia Clarke as Johanna. But to make it easy, you could just still cast Bella Ramsey because she and Millie are the same age.
I might do a Steven Universe one because I love the show.
Only difference when I make these posts, they aren't gonna be produced by Michael Bay like I joked about, and Legendary some how got the rights to make movies on certain shows.
Yeah I know people complain about the live action Disney remakes. These are just fun ideas I'm thinking about. Besides movies like these might never happen. Also I've enjoyed some of the Disney live action remakes, haven't seen all of them though.
Including don't take this as a legitimate confirmation. I might make some fake movie memes again.
Hope putting this in certain tags don't bother folks. I was trying to remember of what else I wanted to put in this. It felt important, but basically the thing is all of these casting choices and directors stuff okay I think I remember. But basically all of this is for live action ideas.
While ideas for casting choices and director stuff might not ever happen. Basically live action movies I'm talking about here might never happen because the creators might object them. It's just fun to think about. That's what I think I wanted to talk about. Especially I'm very fond of the live action Hilda movie and Emilia Clarke as Johanna....yeah and the other thing I'm thinking Legendary having properties like the ones I mentioned would be insane but amazing.
I'm very sorry to ramble this got long, give me your ideas of a director for a Villainous movie. Or even just this whole thing.
Edit fuck it, including I saw I forgot a period for the last sentence. I'll be honest, if Legendary had the rights to Steven Universe, Hilda, and Villainous. Folks might be thinking a cartoon cinematic universe of some sorts would be in the works. But it wouldn't be needed. Yet now it's so intriguing despite Hilda is not a Cartoon Network property. Especially I try not to be get super into crossovers between SU or Hilda with Villainous because of how that show is. Despite I think of certain interactions between characters.
But fuck it the unrealistic Legendary Cartoonverse is the greatest fucking thing in my mind now. But it doesn't have Looney Tunes or anything Disney related or whatever classics. Jesus I'm rambling more, let certain movies just not crossover....but it's genius now. It's the Monsterverse but with cartoons I love. 0_0
Still just it's too ambitious and don't need crossovers despite SU and Villainous are in the same universe....I'm so sorry to ramble I'm loving this idea, I've gone completely off topic.
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kitkatwinchester · 5 years
Anyone else disappointed by the Oscar Nominations, or is it just me?
Admittedly, I, surprisingly, haven’t seen quite a few of the movies that got nominated, but there were several movies I did see that were barely on the list or not on there at all that I really enjoyed. Also, I like to think of myself as pretty pop-culture savvy and pretty good at movie-watching, but I haven’t even HEARD of several of this year’s nominations, which is baffling to me. And I saw 1917 and Joker and loved them both, so I fully support all of their nominations wholeheartedly. I hope they win a bunch. But, like, Rocketman? Knives Out? Only one nomination each, and I thought those movies were AMAZING! And Taron Egerton didn’t get a Best Actor nomination?? No Best Actress for Ana de Armas either?? Really? My mom tried to tell me Rocketman wasn’t the type of movie to get multiple nominations, especially for Best Picture or Best Actor, but I would like to combat that with the fact that Bohemian Rhapsody got nominated for everything under the sun last year AND won in several categories, so why didn’t the same thing happen for Rocketman? I thought it was just as good. But whatever I guess. (Admittedly, I love Taron Egerton and Elton John, so I might be biased, but I feel like people generally agree with me. But oh well.)  Also. Small point, but did I miss something?? Is Mr. Rogers NOT the main character of A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood? Because WHY on EARTH is Tom Hanks up for SUPPORTING actor?? That makes zero sense to me, but okay Hollywood.  And okay, I’m sorry, but I was not that impressed with The Irishman or Marriage Story. I certainly understand the cinematic value of The Irishman, but I honestly found the story line and execution kind of boring, and yet here it is with ten nominations. While I did find the story line of Marriage Story much more interesting with solid acting, I didn’t necessarily see anything crazy special about it that makes me feel it deserves all four of its nominations. Then again, I have some negative bias with that one that I’m not going to go into. (I haven’t seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood or Jojo Rabbit yet, so I can’t comment on those, but don’t worry, I’ll be seeing them soon. And yes, I know, how could I have missed those ones. Good question, don’t have a good excuse, I’m gonna watch them soon, moving on.)  And while Bombshell admittedly wasn’t necessarily one of the stronger movies in comparison to things like 1917 and Joker--at least in my opinion--I thought it was pretty good, and I was expecting it to get WAY more nominations given its cast, story line, and theme, but I guess I was wrong, given that it only got nominations for actresses and makeup.  Also, the animated movies are kinda weird, but I guess I don’t really know what I was expecting there. Definitely not Missing Link, I can tell you that much. And I haven’t even heard of I Lost My Body, which sounds and looks kind of weird, but I guess I’ll have to watch the whole thing to know for sure. In any case, I’m rooting for How to Train Your Dragon 3. Sorry Toy Story 4.  Also also, Parasite kinda came out of nowhere and swept up a bunch of nominations, but thinking about it and the whole message of the movie, I suppose it makes sense. Still kind of surprises me though.  Also also ALSO, and I’m adding this now, having officially tallied. Not one, not two, but THREE of the Academy Award nominated movies, best picture or otherwise, are Netflix films. NETFLIX films. That’s absolutely insane, and really says something about a changing society. And honestly, I’m not really sure how to feel about it.  I don’t know. Usually I’m super excited about the Oscars, but for some reason, having seen this year’s nominees, I feel less invested in them than I usually do. Maybe there’s a weird bias involved for another reason, or maybe there’s something else bugging me about it that I can’t put my finger on, but in any case, I’m kind of disappointed.  But hey. I’ll still try to have fun with it, and maybe the few things I am rooting for will win, at least in some of the categories. And maybe after seeing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Jojo Rabbit, I’ll feel better. Who knows. Maybe I just need to be in a different mood lol. I guess we’ll see. 
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P.S. Of COURSE I loved Avengers: Endgame with every fiber of my being, more than any of the other movies on this list!!! But knowing how the Oscars work and knowing that Marvel movies don’t tend to resonate with audiences in a way that other films do (which, I suppose is fair. They’re not exactly about sexual harassment or social classes or any big themes like that--they’re more fun and can be a little more surface level. Though, if you ask me, there are PLENTY of deeper meanings that give them their own cinematic quality, but I suppose the point still stands), I wasn’t expecting it to get anything other than Visual Effects. Maybe Sound Editing and/or Mixing, but even that was an uncertainty. And, despite its nomination, I don’t think it’s going to win, as unfortunate as that is. But hey! Who cares! It’ll always have its place in my little fangirl heart. ;)  P.P.S. Yikes. Sorry for the long rant and babble. I got a little bit more carried away than I was expecting lol. I praise you if you got through all of this, and if you didn’t, don’t feel bad. I didn’t necessarily expect you to. I tend to talk a lot. XD ;) But if you did read it all, let me know how you feel, and feel free to message me if you wanna start a conversation about any of these movies or any other movies! I always love talking about movies! (Clearly. XD) :D 
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kawaiikichi · 6 years
Chocolate Kisses (Saiouma)
Saiouma “I didn’t know what to get you, so I brought chocolate, flowers, AND a huge stuffed animal” from the Valentine’s Day Starters list for Anon and @linabigface! I was actually going to have this up two days ago, but time slipped away and before I realized it, Valentine’s Day had ended.
I hope you like it and let me know if you would like anything changed/edited! :D
Based off of the requests below:
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Title: Chocolate Kisses
Prompt: “I didn’t know what to get you, so I brought chocolate, flowers, AND a huge stuffed animal.”
Summary: It’s Kokichi and Shuichi’s first Valentine’s Day together! In order to leave a good impression, Shuichi is determined to get the perfect gift for Kokichi. But, when he is faced with many choices, he has a hard time picking just one...
One-shot is under the cut!
Shuichi stood before the Valentine’s Day section in the shop he was at, eyes wide at how much merchandise there was.
“That’s a lot...” he trailed off.
I wasn’t expecting there to be so many things to choose from, he thought to himself.
He sighed deeply.
“What do I get him...” he mumbled.
There’s so much stuff that I’m getting overwhelmed, he thought to himself.
His phone vibrated in his jeans pocket. He pulled it out and read the text that he had received.
♥︎Kokichi♥︎: babe when r u gonna be here???
He’s growing impatient, Shuichi thought to himself as he unlocked his phone and went to reply to Kokichi’s message.
Shuichi: Be there just now! Gotta pick up some stuff.
♥︎Kokichi♥︎: Fiiiiiiiiiiine. See you then.
Shuichi: 😘
Shuichi released a loud sigh, pocketing his phone as he went up to the display of Valentine’s Day merchandise.
“I have to make up my mind and pick something.” he said.
But the question still remains: what the heck do I get him, he asked himself.
He sighed.
“Valentine’s Day shopping is so hard...” he trailed off.
He grabbed for a teddy bear holding a heart-shaped box of chocolates only to put it back.
“Okay, you know what? I’m just going to grab three random items and just go. Kokichi will have my head if I keep him waiting any longer.” he said.
He spotted the floral section and he walked over, picking out a large bouquet of red roses. Then, he went back to the display and picked out two more items.
“Yeah, these should be good.” he said before rushing over to the cashier to pay for them.
Kokichi stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, lips pulled into a frown as he applied some lip gloss to his lips.
Why is it taking him so long to get here?! It’s not like the detective agency is far away from here, he thought to himself.
He glanced down at his phone, reading Shuichi’s last text message.
♥︎Beloved Shuu-chan♥︎: 😘
A sigh escaped his lips as he put the lip gloss away and he reached for his bottle of warm vanilla sugar perfume spray. Uncapping it, he untied the lace purple robe he wore and sprayed some all over his skin. The sugary sweet scent wafted around him as there was a knock on the door.
“Coming!” Kokichi hollered.
He quickly capped the perfume spray bottle, placed it on the counter, and headed out of the bathroom. He walked up to the front door and unlocked it, swinging it open to be met with a large bouquet of red roses.
“What in the...?” Kokichi murmured, eyeing the bouquet curiously.
He then watched as the bouquet was lowered to reveal Shuichi.
“Oh, it’s you!” he then noticed the other two items in his boyfriend’s arms. “So? Are you going to explain what all of this is about, babe?” he asked.
“Ah, this...I didn’t know what to get you, so I brought chocolate, flowers, AND a huge stuffed animal.” Shuichi explained.
Kokichi blinked his eyes twice, staring at the gifts and then at Shuichi. He then giggled.
“It’s cute how indecisive you can be sometimes.” he took the bouquet from him. “Come in.” he said.
Shuichi stepped inside and closed the door behind him as Kokichi headed into the kitchen. Placing the flowers down on the counter, Kokichi dug through one of the cabinets and pulled out a vase. He washed it before filling it with water and placing the flowers in them. He then glanced over at Shuichi, who was still by the door.
“Don’t stand there all awkward like that!” Kokichi whined.
“Alright, alright...” Shuichi trailed off.
He took off his shoes as Kokichi skipped over to him, grabbing for the teddy bear that he held in his arms.
“So, were you running late because you were trying to pick out a nice Valentine’s Day gift for me?” he asked.
“Well, yeah. It’s our first Valentine’s Day together and I wanted to get you something nice. However, I had a hard time making up my mind...” Shuichi looked at him. “I hope all of this is fine. If not, then—“ he was cut off by a bubbly laugh.
“Don’t be like that! I’m fine with all of this!” Kokichi chirped.
He took the bear and chocolate from him, beaming up at him.
“I’m just glad that you bought me gifts for Valentine’s Day.” he said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Shuichi’s cheek.
Shuichi’s cheeks flushed a bright red at the feeling of Kokichi’s plush lips against his cheek. Kokichi pulled away, the smile still on his lips.
“Come. We can split the chocolates.” he said as he headed into the living room.
“Okay.” Shuichi replied.
He watched Kokichi in the robe that he wore as he followed suit. He recalled the sweet vanilla perfume that clung to him along with the peach and jasmine shampoo in his hair.
Gosh, not only does he look good in that robe, he smells insanely sweet. It’s honestly turning me on a little, he thought to himself.
He swallowed, hoping to shoo such perverted thoughts away as he sat down beside Kokichi on the couch. Kokichi hummed a small tune as he untied the ribbon around the box and he opened it, revealing various chocolate truffles.
“Mmmm, these look super good!” Kokichi chirped.
He picked one up and bit into it.
“Mmmm...this one has a strawberry cream filling inside.” he said.
He grabbed for another truffle as he stared at Shuichi.
“Go on, take one.” he said.
“Y-Yeah...” Shuichi stammered out.
He reached for a truffle as he heard Kokichi hum in delight over trying to next truffle.
He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help but find his eyes hovering over his boyfriend’s exposed skin. The robe was tied so loosely around him that it opened wider for Shuichi to get a good view of his chest. He swallowed, biting into the truffle that he had selected.
The slight bitterness from the dark chocolate and the tartness of the cherry filling coated his tongue as he watched Kokichi lean forward once more, one of his nipples coming into view.
Shuichi bit his lip, watching as Kokichi took another truffle out of the box. His gaze followed the truffle as Kokichi brought to his lips. Kokichi’s hand stopped, their eyes locking on one another. It was silent between them for a couple of minutes before Kokichi spoke.
“Oh, did you want this one? I can give it to you if you want—“
Kokichi blinked his eyes.
“Well, alright. I’ll just eat it then—“ Kokichi popped the truffle into his mouth as Shuichi reached for the box of chocolates and placed it on the coffee table. He could only blink as Shuichi moved towards him.
“Shuichi—“ he only managed to say Shuichi’s name before their lips came together in a kiss.
Kokichi was momentarily taken aback by the kiss, but he found himself kissing back soon after. Shuichi placed his hands on Kokichi’s shoulders, pushing him down lightly onto the couch. Shuichi straddled Kokichi’s leg as he heard him moan from under him, egging him on to elevate the kiss.
Shuichi gave in, prying Kokichi’s mouth open and slipping his tongue inside. Kokichi looped his arms around Shuichi’s neck, threading his fingers through his hair. Upon feeling Shuichi stroking his tongue with his own, Kokichi released another moan, tugging lightly on Shuichi’s hair. Shuichi grunted into Kokichi’s mouth as he tasted chocolate and strawberry and a little bit of salted caramel. He tasted so good that Shuichi found himself not wanting to pull away anytime soon.
Their tongues danced with one another as Shuichi slid his hand up Kokichi’s side. Dipping it under Kokichi’s robe, he ran his thumb over his left nipple. Kokichi jolted at the touch, a gasp escaping his lips.
“Shuichi...” he moaned into the kiss.
The lustful sound went straight to Shuichi’s groin. Another grunt came from him as he pressed his body closer to Kokichi’s.
After a couple more minutes, they broke away from the kiss, gasping for air. Kokichi’s cheeks were flushed pink as he rolled his eyes downward before rolling them back up to meet Shuichi’s.
“Oh my god, you’re horny.” he said.
“Well, that’s what happens when you tempt me like that.” Shuichi pointed out.
“Tempt you like how?” Kokichi asked.
“With that robe, the perfume you have on, and the shampoo you put in your hair. You’re the one who made me like this. So, you need to take responsibility for it.” Shuichi said.
“Take responsibility, huh...I like how that sounds.” Kokichi said.
He pushed Shuichi down onto the couch, straddling his hips.
“Fine, then. Let me take responsibility.”
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tomhtrash-blog · 6 years
Wrong Number(Tom Hiddleston): August Year One
You can find this on Archive, I’m just posting it here as well. 
Series Masterlist
20 August
Unknown number 9:26 : Hey, Benny! Just checking to see if this is actually your new number, I’m not quite sure I heard you correctly when you told me -Tom  
Unknown number 9:32: I’m afraid you have the wrong number, Tom. No Benny here, just little old me.
Tom 9:33: My apologies, I hope this wasn’t too much of a bother.
Unknown number 9:35: No harm done, don’t worry about it. Honestly receiving a notification brought a smile to my face.
Tom 9:36: Well I am glad I could make you smile, but may I ask why a simple notification was able to?
Unknown number 9:36: In my life there really aren’t a lot of things that bring a smile to my face, so I try to enjoy the little things
Tom 9:37: Everyone deserves things to smile about, and I’ll bet that there are loads of things in your life to smile about.
Unknown number 9:42: You’re only saying that because you don’t know me
Tom 9:45: Then let’s change that, tell me a little about yourself.
Unknown number 9:47: Hmmm…. How about for everything about myself that I tell you, you in turn tell me something about you?
Tom 9:48: That sounds like a plan, let’s start with your name
Unknown number 9:48: Sarah. Now, seeing that I already know your name Tom, how old are you? I’m 22.
Tom 9:49: You’re making me feel old, Sarah, I’m 36. Tell me something about you that not many people know
Sarah 9:52: Ooh, that’s a tough one. Alright, but it’s kind of embarrassing, so promise me you won’t judge me?
Tom 9:54: I promise, and I’ll even share something equally embarrassing to even things out
Sarah 9:54: *deep breath* *sigh* Okay. A few years ago, a friend and I went to see a movie, and on our walk home we ran into one of the actors, only to completely and unrecoverably ruin my only chance at a first impression. We were walking around a corner as I was loudly fangirling over one of the actors, saying how I wanted to jump his bones and things like that, and I walked right into the said actor. With my dumb luck, it happened to be one of the few times when he was actually in London.
Tom 9:56: You live in London? Or were you just visiting?
Sarah 10:03: I live in London, have since I was sixteen. Where are you from?
Tom 10:16: Lived here my entire life, darling. Grew up just shy of the city, may I ask where you lived before London?
Sarah 10:17 : Iowa, midwestern United States. The weather there was insane, we’d have negative forties in the winter to over one hundred every summer. We once had snow in September and that very next January we had days in the upper seventies. The state is pretty much known for corn and hogs, and we have the second largest state fair in the states, the fair is known for fried food on a stick. Iowa is weird.
Tom 10:18: Sounds like it, but it sounds like a blast. May I ask why you left such an interesting place like that?
Sarah 10:21: When I was fifteen my parents divorced, and they wanted me to pick sides. It was either live with mum in Montana or dad in Iowa, so I decided neither. I stayed with a friend until I had enough money saved up to by a ticket to London so I could live with my aunt and uncle.
Tom 10:25: That must have been difficult, I’m terribly sorry. My parents divorced when I was young as well, and it was immensely hard on me. What made you decide to live with your aunt and uncle? I hope you don’t mind my asking.
Sarah 10:27: I’m sorry to hear about your parents, and of course I don’t mind you asking. My aunt had always been so supportive of me and my interest in writing, and my uncle is the reason I am the musician I am today, without them I wouldn’t be me.
Tom 10:29: You’re a musician? That’s wonderful, what do you play?
Sarah 10:30: I play quite a lot of instruments, actually. Ukulele, piano, saxophone, bass guitar, guitar, and drums. I also sing and I’ve recently been writing my own music.
Tom 10:31: That’s amazing, darling! You seem like a very interesting young lady, Sarah. I’m quite glad I texted you by accident. This is turning out to be a much more interesting night than I originally intended.
Sarah 10:32: I am as well, although I wish you would tell me more about yourself, I’ve been talking about me for almost an hour.
Tom 10:34: What would you like to know darling?  
Sarah 10:35: I have an idea. Let’s keep this as anonymous as we can, not share anything that could be used to find out who the other is.
Tom 10:35: That sounds like something I can do, but may I ask why?
Sarah 10:35: Keep a little mystery between us. A friendship based solely on personality instead of things like looks, place of business, education, or wealth.
Tom 10:36: That’s a lovely idea, darling. Now, what would you like to know about me?
Sarah 10:38: How about we just ask simple questions back and forth, one of us will ask a question and provide an answer and the other will do the same and so on?
Tom 10:39: Wonderful idea, Sarah. Ask away, darling.
Sarah 10:40: Shag/marry/kill celebrity edition
Tom 10:42 : Really, that’s your first question? You are quite an interesting, and funny, character, Sarah. I guess I’d shag Scarlett Johansson, marry Elizabeth Olsen, and kill Taylor Swift. What about you, darling?
Sarah 10:45: Shag Declan Donnelly, marry Tom Hiddleston(with lots of shagging), and kill Angelina Jolie
Tom 10:48: “Lots of shagging”? Looks like Sarah has a bit of a celebrity crush.
Sarah 10:53: Everyone has a celebrity crush, it’s as simple as that. You must have one, so spill; who is it?
Tom 10:56: You already asked your question, now it’s my turn. Favorite movie?
Sarah 10:57: That’s a bit of a tough one. I’d have to say either I Saw The Light or A Hard Day’s Night. You?
Tom 11:04: I Saw The Light? Not many people enjoyed that movie, or even know of it, I must say I’m impressed, Sarah. Now, for my favorite movie I’m going to say The Jungle Book, original animated.
Sarah 11:05: I have actually never watched that before
Sarah 11:06: You make me smile, Tom. I’ll make sure I watch it sometime soon, I promise. I’m afraid this is where our conversation ends, I have to be somewhere early in the morning and I do not function well without my eight hours, so I’m going to go to sleep. I’ve had a wonderful time talking to you tonight, Tom, I hope we can talk more in the future. Goodnight.
Tom 11:08: Goodnight, darling Sarah. I’ve had a wonderful time talking to you as well, and I do not see how it will be possible for me to go without messaging you again, so do expect a text from me tomorrow morning. ;)
21 August
Tom 5:37: Good morning, Sarah. I’m guessing you are still asleep, but I wanted to bid you a good day before I went on my run.
Sarah 7:18: My lord, you get up early. Are you always up before six A.M?
Tom 7:20: Not always, on weekends I usually sleep in until around seven or so. Did you sleep well?
Sarah 7:31: You call seven in the morning ‘sleeping in’? You aren’t human, Tom. Yes, I slept fairly well, I hardly tossed or turned all night.
Tom 7:32: Yes, seven in the morning for me is most definitely sleeping in, my dear. I’m glad you slept well, so did I. If I am not human, then what am I?
Sarah 7:33: I’m not sure, but you certainly aren’t of this realm. Maybe you’re from Álfheimr.
Tom 7:33: Álfheimr? I must say, Sarah, I am insulted. Are you accusing me of being a Light Elf?
Sarah 7:35: I might be. >:)
Tom 7:35: How dare you! If I am from any of the Nine Realms, I would be from Jötunheimr.
Sarah 7:37: Ah, so you’re a giant, are you?
Tom 7:38: I might be, and what realm are you from, fair maiden?
Sarah 7:42: I am no simple maiden, for I am of Vanaheimr.
Tom 7:42: A master of sorcery, are you? Or are you more inclined to the knowledge of the future?
Sarah 7:43: Do you know nothing about the tales of Vanaheimr? Vanaheimr is home of an ancient branch of gods, but that does not mean each resident is such.
Tom 7:44: I’m impressed, Sarah. How do you know so much about norse mythology?
Sarah 7:46: I’m obsessed with it, honestly. I’ve been studying it since I can remember, I fell in love with the stories of the gods of Asgard, and then when Thor came out, I was even more in love with the lore. I loved the tale “The Kidnapping of Idun”, his life is threatened unless he hands Idun over to Thiazi, only to have his life threatened by the other gods unless he returns her to Asgard. I always pictured Loki as a handsome man, tall and lanky with long black hair, and Tom Hiddleston portrayed him better than I thought possible. I still shake my head and sigh at the inaccuracies of the mythology in the movies, but they are definitely some of my favorite movies.
Tom 7:49: Wow, you really know your mythology. I would love to hear more.
Sarah 7:54: And I’d love to tell more, but I’m afraid I have to go, my class will be starting any minute. I loved chatting with you this morning, and I hope to chat with you again as soon as I can.
Tom 7:55: I’ve enjoyed chatting with you as well, darling. Have fun in class, study hard and pay attention, I hope to talk to you after. Goodbye for now, Sarah.
Sarah 7:56: Bye for now, Tom.
Sarah 11:32: Out of class now, thankfully.
Tom 11:37: Thankfully? Is something the matter?
Sarah 11:39: I love my studies, but a few of my peers make me regret pursuing my musical education.
Tom 11:40: What happened, darling?
Sarah 11:42: A few men in the class are a close group of friends, always with each other and always joking, but one of them has a bit of an infatuation with me. Everyday he flirts with me every chance he has, he makes passes at least ten times a lecture, it seems as though “no” isn’t in his vocabulary. Today his friends decided to “help him get some ass”, and cornered me after the lesson ended.
Tom 11:44: I am terribly sorry, Sarah. Did they hurt you?
Sarah 11:44: No, they’re just idiotic boys. And besides, I can hold my own, they wouldn’t get the best of me in a situation like that.
Tom 11:45: Well, of course you can. I expect no less from a maiden from Vanaheimr.
Sarah 11:46: You make me smile, Tom.
Tom 11:47: Then my mission is complete, darling.
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lavenderaus · 6 years
Leather [M] [Choi Seungcheol Smut]
[ Choi Seungcheol x Reader ]
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^this is so bf!seungcheol i’m crying huhuhuhu
Genre: Smut, fluff, Boyfriend!Seungcheol
Word count: 5k
Summary: During a long world tour, timing can’t be any worse thanks to an insane work schedule that you can’t fix to anyone’s favour, let alone yours. During Seventeen’s stop in Tokyo, the day of your boyfriend’s birthday, you’re able to get out of a couple of shifts to go and surprise Seungcheol backstage before their performance.
A/N: I remember promising to write more often, but life got in the way… So sorry to my dear anon for the 2-month delay! :’( This is NC-17, so if you’re not into smut, or if you’re underage, please do not read past the “Keep Reading” link! I hope you enjoy~ ;)
“I’m so sorry, Seungcheol…” you sigh, your hand fiddling with the straw of your drink, swirling the whipped cream topping as your eyes stare down, averting your gaze away from your boyfriend in embarrassment. The gorgeous sound of his laughter ring in your ears, as his hand moves to grasp the hand that was holding your straw.
“Seriously, Y/N, you’re being so dramatic. It’s as if you’ll never get to celebrate my birthday ever again. There’s always next year.” Seungcheol consoles with a smile on his face, his thumb stroking your palm in an affectionate manner. You look up at him with your lips formed into a pout, staring with sad eyes.
“But this is the first time I can’t be with you to celebrate your birthday since we started dating,” you say, your eyes directing to yours and his hands. He places his other hand on the side of your face, getting you to stare back at him.
“Just one day with you is already as if I’m celebrating my birthday. And we see each other pretty often!” he says with a laugh, realizing the cheesiness of his words. You can’t help but smile, your heart swelling in your chest nonetheless.
“But if it means so much to you, we can celebrate after the tour. Just me and you.” Seungcheol wiggles his eyebrows teasingly upon speaking his last statement, and you scoff, hitting his shoulder before looking around the cafe.
“Oh my god, if someone heard that…” you scold softly, hoping that no one could eavesdrop on your conversation in the cafe that just had a dull buzzing to the atmosphere from the other conversations that had been going on. Seungcheol chuckles, taking your hands in his, pulling you closer to him. You lean forward on the small table between the two of you, smiling at your boyfriend before he presses his lips against yours in a chaste kiss. You feel him smile against your lips, and you both relish in the moment before pulling away.
“If someone overheard, they’d know how much I love and cherish you~” Seungcheol teases, winking at you as he speaks. You playfully cringe, hitting him again.
“You’re such a cheeseball.”
~3 weeks later~
The sound of your heels click-clacking against the marble tiled floor bounced off the walls of the main entrance of the otherwise quiet business building. You had five minutes to get to the tenth floor after your lunch break to catch a quick meeting with the rest of the head honchos of Human Resources.
It took a painstakingly long two years or so to get to the position you were in, yet you sometimes wish that you could just go back to the days when all you did was fetch meals and drinks for your seniors as an intern. You’d give anything to give up the countless calls in to finish certain papers and write ups, or even just the regular meetings that were so painfully long and boring. However, your job paid the rent, and you were blessed with a wonderful boyfriend who supported you in place of the rest of your family who lived outside of the bustling city.
You stared down at your watch anxiously, studying the seconds hand as it ticked its way close to the time the bi-weekly check-in meeting it’s to start. As soon as the elevator doors opened to the tenth floor, you began to speed walk with the thick folders in your arms, nearly running down the halls to get to the destination of the board room.
Swinging the glass door open, you startle over half of your fellow team members from your abrupt entrance. You hear a stifle of a laugh in the other side of the room, and you turn your eyes towards the source of the sound, using all of the manpower in you to not stare daggers.
“Miss Y/N, I was beginning to think that you were planning on skipping this meeting.” your boss chimes in, smiling up at you as he tapped the edge of his glasses on the side of his cheek. You bow slightly, a pained expression on your face.
“I apologize, Mr. Song, but I nearly lost track of time.” you state honestly, biting your lip as you catch collective chuckles coming from your peers around the room.
“Five minutes before the beginning of each meeting. Is that too much to ask?” he asks, turning his head to not only you, but the others. They all collectively shake their heads.
“N--No, sir, I’m sorry, sir.” you stammer, facing your head down and holding your folders close to your chest.
“Good. Take a seat, everyone. Let’s start.”
You had zoned out for more than half of the meeting except when it was your turn to summarize your past two weeks, giving a well-rehearsed, formal rundown of all the hardships and triumphs of the employees working in your department. It seemed as if, despite embarrassing yourself before the meeting had started, you impressed those higher-up from you, including your boss, enough for your boss to approach you afterwards.
“Y/N,” he had called you out as you organized your papers back together. “Were you planning on finishing the report that I gave you to look over yesterday?” he asked.
Well shit, you thought. You hadn’t even open the file he sent.
“Yes, sir, I was planning on editing it after this meeting.” you explain. He nods for a moment, as if pondering something. You stand awkwardly in front of him, since he hadn’t said a farewell of any sort that indicated that you could leave. Before you could take a breath in to speak, he interrupts you mid-thought.
“You don’t have any plans after today other than editing the file?” he asks. You shake your head in response, a bit confused.
“No, sir, why do you ask?” Mr. Song smiles in reply, leaning closer to you.
“It’s your boyfriend’s birthday tomorrow, right? You should go surprise him. Take the night off and the day off tomorrow, you have the weekend off anyways.” he whispers to you, appearing to be rather excited for you. Your eyebrows scrunch together. You in no way, ever spoke about your personal life, let alone your love life, to anyone in your workplace.
“How did you know…?” you ask, still confused. Mr. Song pats you on the shoulder, before walking away with a wave.
“I have my ways. I’ll see you on Monday!” he chimes, leaving the boardroom. You’re left standing there with your folders in hand, processing what just happened.
Looks like you’re going to Tokyo.
“Y/N! Good afternoon! What’s up?” spoke Joshua, in English, on the other line of your phone. You chuckle upon hearing him speak his native language, and decide to respond back in English as well (you were one of his closer friends who he could speak English to comfortably).
“Hey Josh, so something came up, and looks like I can come by to visit you all and watch your Tokyo concert!” you say happily, seated in the terminal where you are to board your plane.
“Yo! Everyone! Y/N’s coming!” Joshua relays to the members.
“Wait, Josh, is Seungcheol there?”
“Ah, let me check-- No, he’s not! Probably in the washroom or something!” he responds loudly, probably in attempt to drown out the collective reactions of the other members, and questions they had for you.
“Okay, good! Don’t tell him I’m coming!” you say. Joshua gives you an okay, and you hear his voice become faint as he repeats what you say to the guys, which meant he was giving them a warning not to spoil the surprise either.
“No problem, Y/N! We’ve got you covered! What time will you be arriving?”
“Looks like I’m leaving anytime soon, so I’ll be in Tokyo in about two and a half hours!”
“Okay, I’ll have someone come to pick you up, so you don’t have to take a taxi!” Joshua says. You breathe a sigh of relief.
“Thanks so much, Josh, I owe you one!” you say gratefully.
“Hahn Airlines, flight number 567 to Tokyo is ready for boarding.” the loud PA system in the airport announces.
“Oh, I gotta go now! We’re boarding!” you inform him.
“Alright, I’ll see you in a bit! Text me if you need anything!” You thank him again before hanging up, then grabbing your small carry-on, you proceed to board the plane with the other economy members.
The flight took just about two and a half hours. You find yourself feeling incredibly tired despite the short flight, and no time difference compared to Seoul. It must have been the long and stressful evening you had while booking your plane ticket, last minute packing, and sleepless night thanks to your excitement. Nonetheless, you’re super excited for the day to come.
You pull your carrier behind you as you exit the gate, and you notice someone holding a paper with your name written on it in big characters. The lady holding the paper doesn’t look familiar to you at all, so you suspect that she’s an employee from their venue, and not one of the managers. As you approach the lady, you smile politely and bow.
“Y/N?” the lady inquires with a soft voice, after bowing towards you as well. The way she pronounces your name convinces you that she is most likely Japanese, and you breathe a sigh, mentally preparing yourself for using your limited knowledge in the language thanks to your past anime phase back in high school.
“Yes, are we going to venue?” you ask in Japanese, inwardly cringing as you very well know that your grammar sucks. She chuckles, nodding in response to your question.
“It’s okay, I can speak Korean. My name’s Ayumi.” she says to you in the said language. You bite your lip in embarrassment. It would’ve been a good idea to ask her first to save yourself the humiliation. Before you could speak another word, Ayumi begins to lead you out of the airport, escorting you to a car, gesturing you to sit in the back seat at she sits beside the driver. She informs the driver, in Japanese, to take you both to the venue where Seventeen is to be performing later in the evening.
“Are they all there already?” you ask, fiddling with your phone in hand. You felt some weird form of anxiety. What if Seungcheol’s too busy? It’s only two hours before the show, you might not even be able to see them, since they have lots to prepare for, Tokyo being the first stop of their many concerts in Japan.
“They should be getting makeup done right now, but don’t worry. You should have time to see them.” she reaffirms, smiling. You breathe a sigh of relief, hoping that you’d have enough time just to see him wish him a happy birthday in person.
You freeze. A gift. You forgot a gift. Your change in expression must’ve caught the attention of Ayumi, and she turns around to look at you.
“Everything alright?” she asks, concerned. You look at her, slightly distressed.
“I forgot to get Seungcheol a birthday gift… I came all this way for his birthday, and I forgot a gift…” you say softly, a feeling of sadness washing over you. Ayumi lets out an ‘ah’ of understanding, before laughing a little.
“I’m sure you surprising him is already a pretty good gift.” she shrugs. A small smirk forms on her face. “Or you could surprise him with a little somethin’ somethin’, hm?” she teases, wiggling her eyebrows at you. Your eyes grow big, horrified by her bold words.
“Ayumi!” you whisper, directing your eyes toward the driver in a panicked manner. She laughs in amusement.
“I’m just kidding! And it’s fine, he doesn’t understand Korean.” she reassures you, still laughing with the amusement upon seeing your reaction. “It’s not a totally bad idea, though…” she smirks suggestively. You let out an audible groan, turning away from the girl. She chuckles, moving back to her original sitting position in the car.
It took another fifteen minutes for you to arrive at the concert venue, the car driving through the crowded streets where hundreds of fans were already lined up, waiting for the doors to open. You gape at the big numbers, although you aren’t totally surprised. Not thinking this just because the leader of the group happens to be your boyfriend, but Seventeen is a rather popular group with a huge fanbase.
“Okay, let’s go! Try to look like you work here. Stick close to me!” Ayumi instructs you, and you nod quickly. You both get out of the car, and walk into the back doors of the venue. The inside was rather quiet, aside from the occasional flustered manager or worker scurrying around in a hurried manner. Ayumi extends her hand down a hallway, which had many doors along it.
“There are signs on each door indicating who’s inside. You should be able to find your way easily.” she says, pointing to each door from your far distance.
“Thanks so much for your help, Ayumi!” you say gratefully, bowing towards her. She mirrors your bow before scurrying away in the opposite direction.
You quickly call Joshua on your phone using the internet that you connected to, a few rings before Joshua’s face pops up on the screen.
“Ayo, Y/N, you made it!” he greets, probably because he recognized the area behind you. He was fully made up, with a few small hair pins in his hair to keep it in place.
“Yeah, I’m just in front of the hallway! Is Seungcheol there?” you ask. He looks around, his head turning a few ways before an expression of familiarity appears on his features.
“He is! He’s still getting his hair done!” Joshua responds, flipping his camera to focus on your boyfriend, seated in a chair with one of their stylists brushing and styling it in place using a blowdryer. Seungcheol didn’t look particularly happy, which made you frown a bit.
“Is he alright?” you inquire, tilting your head to the side in confusion. Joshua switches his camera back to him, and he looks back at your boyfriend.
“He’s probably just thinking. Or focusing on what he’s supposed to say for his introductions.” he explains, “don’t worry, he doesn’t know that you’re here. I had to bribe Jeonghan with my share of snacks that I brought with us so he wouldn’t spill the beans.” he says with a scoff, rolling his eyes. You let out a laugh, imagining the horror of giving his food to his hyung of two months.
“Thanks Josh, I appreciate it!” you smile, waving. He returns with a thumbs up.
“Everyone’s in the dressing room with the Seventeen logo on it, just go into the room to the right. It’s an empty dressing room, so we’ll lure Seungcheol in there to make him get a coat or something.” Joshua explains his plan to you with a softer voice, so your boyfriend doesn’t hear. You doubt that he could hear, considering that you couldn’t even hear Joshua’s voice through all the yelling and screaming in the room. Nonetheless, you nod with gratitude.
“Sounds good, thanks again!” you chime, before hanging up upon seeing Joshua wave a last time. You push your phone into your pocket, before walking over to the hallway. 
As you pass the door with the Seventeen logo, like Joshua said, the sound of chatter grows louder, then softer, as you enter the room beside it. There are a few coat racks with many different styles of clothing on it, from each different era and music video Seventeen has done. You roam around the small room, admiring the clothing hung on each rack, organized by team and age. Less than two minutes pass before you nearly jump out of your skin upon hearing the knob of the door turn, the door being pushed open.
“Getting the oldest to grab a coat for the youngest member…” you hear the familiar voice of your boyfriend grumble, before he lifts his eyes up to you, processing for a second who you are and why you’re here.
“Y/N!” he practically yells, running up to you and engulfing you in his arms. “How did you get here!?” He picks you up as he poses his question and spins you around with great excitement, before standing normally and wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck affectionately, groaning happily.
“I was given today and tomorrow off!” you giggle, your hands wrapped around his upper back. He pulls away from you after a moment, his hands grasping either side of your face with utmost delight gracing his features. He smiles widely, expressing all the content he’s feeling upon looking at you, before pulling you back into another embrace.
“They told me to get Chan’s coat from the dressing room, those guys,” he scoffs. You chuckle in response, your hand gently stroking his back up and down affectionately. You bring your hand up against his face, and he looks down at you lovingly.
“I love you, Choi Seungcheol. Happy birthday.” you smile, planting a short kiss upon his lips. His smile grows bigger, if it was anymore possible.
“Thanks, Jagiya. I love you too.” he hums, pressing his lips against yours again, except a bit longer than he intended. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He brings his hands towards your hips, before hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. You gasp into his lips as his hands move to your ass to hold you up, gripping you tightly and securely.
“We probably only have less than half an hour together…” Seungcheol says softly against your lips. You hum in response, your tongue lightly grazing his bottom lip as you pull away slightly.
“Plenty of time for me to give you your birthday gift.” you smirk at him suggestively, your hand travelling to the back of his head to entangle in his raven black locks. His stylist would probably freak out upon seeing the state of his hair by the time you two were over, but that was the least of your or his concern at the moment. Seungcheol smirks back at you, intrigued.
“Birthday gift, huh?” he chuckles, before carrying you to the couch resting against the back wall of the room. He lies you down on it, shrugging his jacket off and resting it on the arm rest. Before he could crawl over to you, you shake your head towards him, sitting up.
“Nope,” you tsk, grabbing his arm and leading him onto the couch to sit down on it properly. You stand up in front of him, smirking at his flustered expression. Leaning over to capture your lips together in another kiss, you can feel the hurried passion radiating from the both of you just from a lock of your lips. You pull away to your boyfriend’s dismay, a pout forming on his lips, which have now swollen considerably from when you saw him earlier. Smiling at him, you crouch down to get on your knees, settling between his legs as he sits on the cushion. He looks down at you with blown pupils and a wild look on his face, as if waiting for your next move. You peer down at his pants, a noticeable bulge pressing against the confines of the leather prison.
“Leather pants, hate ‘em.” Seungcheol retorts, causing you let out a chuckle of amusement. He may hate them, but the tight fit it had could make any fangirl go weak at the knees from how well they accentuated his thighs. You ran your hands up and down his upper thighs, gazing up at your boyfriend curiously, studying his expressions.
“Jagi, we don’t have much time…” he breathes, although he shows no actual intention of making you go faster. You lick your lips, before moving your fingers to unbutton and pull down the zipper of his pants. He lifts his hips up as you pull the leather material down his legs, letting out a soft groan as his clothed length loses one of its sources of confinement. You palm his clothed bulge with a gentle hand, your other hand stroking his thigh to relax him. Seungcheol’s breathing quickens the same time you do with your hand, and you look back up at him. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth, and his head is rolled back to rest against the backside of the couch. You smile with a bit of pride as you’re the cause of this side of your boyfriend, even though you haven’t really started. Wrapping two fingers to hook onto the waistband of his underwear, you begin to pull down the last bit of clothing that was constricting his manhood. You’re amazed at how hard he became just from the two of you kissing, your hand stroking it gently while gazing up at his face to observe. Seungcheol stares back, a lustful look in his eyes, biting down on his lip as you continue your ministrations.
“T--Twenty minutes, Y/N--...” he moans softly as you wrap your hand around his length and bring your tongue to the base of his cock to give him an experimental lick from the base to his tip. He lets out a hiss, the pleasure that your tongue gives him blocking his senses. You look up at him, your tongue sticking out, but not coming in contact with his cock. He lets out a groan of frustration at your attempts to tease, before bringing a hand to the back of your head, pushing you gently so your lips could wrap around his length. Humming in response to his desperation for touch, you decide to stop your teasing and begin to suck on his cock as your other hand strokes the base of his cock that you can’t fit in your mouth completely.
“Ah… Fuck, Jagiya…--” Seungcheol moans, his hand running through your hair, lightly scratching your scalp. He gathers your hair up and moves it to cascade down just one shoulder, pushing away any hairs that get into your face. You moan softly around his dick, bobbing your head up and down on it at a steady pace. He seems to grow impatient and needy as his hips begin to buck into your mouth. You try to take deep breaths, tears forming in your eyes, as you let your boyfriend fuck your face at a faster pace, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. His hands grip your hair desperately, as his hips thrust to let your lips take his cock.
“You take my cock so well, Y/N, I’m so close…” he groans breathlessly. You can tell by the haste of his thrusts that he’s getting closer, and you start to bob your head again, sucking harder with each jut of his hips.
No more than ten seconds pass until Seungcheol pulls away from your mouth, and he grabs your arm to make you stand up, pulling you to settle on the couch as he kneels behind you. Your hands are propped up on the armrest of the couch, your knees on the cushion, and Seungcheol kneeling behind you. He had already kicked off his pants and underwear off.
“Seungcheol, wait, I was only planning on sucking you off before your performance…” you protest, about to step off of the seat. He grabs your hips, preventing you from moving away.
“You’re my birthday present, and I’d much rather cum inside of your pussy rather than your mouth, as much as I love it.” he states with a lustful growl. Shivers are sent through your spine in anticipation as he bunches up your skirt at your waist and pulls your panties down. He dips two fingers into your entrance, letting out a groan upon feeling your wet lips.
“You’re so fucking wet, Jagi… Who knew that you’d get this needy? How are you supposed to focus during our concert later while this turned on if I were to just leave you?” he practically snarls, his fingers pumping in and out of you at an inhuman pace.
“I--I don’t know… I’d wait for you, I guess--” you stammer out, greatly affected by his long and nimble fingers. He chuckles darkly in response to your answer, pulling his fingers out of your pussy at observing your juices that coat his fingertips. Bringing his two fingers into his mouth, he cleans them up quickly, letting out a groan of satisfaction.
“Absolutely delicious.” he expresses, before leaning down with his chest pressed against your back, planting kisses against the back of your ear, his tongue peeking out to lick your neck. “You ready, Jagi?” he inquires, his hand languidly pumping his cock and gently teasing your entrance with his tip, coating it with your and his juices. You let out a shaky moan in response, before nodding. He smirks in amusement, before pushing himself deep into your aching pussy in one slow movement. You both moan out in pleasure from the feeling, your insides stretching deliciously upon the sensation of his cock filling your walls for the first time in weeks.
“Can I start moving faster?” he asks, a lace of concern in his voice. You nod again, at a loss for words from the overwhelming feeling of just him being inside of you. He begins to thrust, but rather than starting off slow and picking up the pace, Seungcheol thrusts his cock inside of you at a ridiculously fast speed that has you lurching forward and seeing stars.
“F--Fuck, Seungcheol…--” you moan, desperately gripping the armrest to get some sort of balance to prevent you from getting thrusted off of the couch. His pants are all that you hear, and you turn your head slightly to get a look at his face. You could practically cum right there upon getting one glance at his expression. Eyebrows scrunched together with his eyes squeezed shut, Seungcheol thrusts into you rapidly with the most pleasured appearance gracing his face.
“You’re so tight, Y/N, you take my cock so fucking well…” he groans, his thrusts not letting up from their relentless speed. You feel a certain buildup in your core as Seungcheol continues to fuck you, your orgasm approaching, and approaching fast. You mentally hit yourself for feeling to cum so quickly, but it had been weeks since your pussy got attention, and the pleasure you’re feeling is so good you can’t even try and hold anything in.
“I’m c--close, Seungcheol…” you stammer, your hands grasping the armrest in desperation as you feel your impending orgasm wash over you. Seungcheol groans out in frustration, before reaching one of his hands to your clit, rubbing it in big, frantic circles.
“Cum for me, Jagiya,” he growls into your ear as he continues to thrust into your pussy at an inhuman pace. You bring a hand to cover your mouth, squeezing your eyes shut as your orgasm engulfs your body and renders you speechless. You’re seeing stars as your eyes are squeezed shut, your body shaking with overstimulation as Seungcheol doesn’t stop pounding into you.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum…--” Seungcheol chokes out, thrusting even faster than before. He juts his hips quickly, before moaning out as he shoots his seed inside your pussy in hot spurts. He thrusts a couple steady times, before pulling out of you slowly. You collapse onto the armrest of the couch, taking deep inhales to catch your breath.
You hear Seungcheol step away for a moment, before returning with a damp tissue, wiping down your legs and thighs gently, then helping you put your panties back on, and fixing your skirt. The action made your heart swell, how quickly he changed back to being the caring, affectionate boyfriend he is.
“This might be a bad time to ask, given that we’re done,” he starts, “but you’re on the pill, right?” he asks. You let out a tired laugh, responding with a nod.
“Yeah, don’t worry.” you chuckle. You hear him slip his underwear and pants back on, crouching in front of you. You smile, exhaustedly, at Seungcheol.
“Happy birthday, Seungcheol.” you say softly, your hand stroking the side of his face affectionately. He plants a soft, chaste kiss upon your lips.
“Thanks, Y/N. I definitely appreciated the gift.” he winks, and you playfully hit him in the shoulder.
The both of you step out of the dressing room, hand-in-hand, and enter the main room where the rest of the members and stylists are. One of their stylists makes a huge fuss upon seeing the state of Seungcheol’s hair, running up to him and using her hands to hurriedly try to fix it.
“God, what were you two doing!?” she exclaims, an upset expression on her face as she uses multiple products to try and get his hair back to normal. You bite your lip in embarrassment, looking away. You turn to look at Joshua, who just smiles and gives you a thumbs up, wiggling his eyebrows. Rolling your eyes, you head back over to your boyfriend.
“I’ll see you later, I’ll be watching you guys during the concert, in the balcony, to the right.” you whisper into his ear, and he nods towards you, giving you a peck on your lips, much to his stylist’s dismay, followed by collective ooh’s and ah’s from the members.
Needless to say, although you weren’t sure if Seungcheol could see you during the concert, the leather-clad man definitely gave extra special attention to the fans seated in balcony right.
A/N: this smut took me two days to write asdfghjkl i should’ve been studying -- anyways, thanks to my lovely anon who requested this, i definitely enjoyed writing it! :) if you’d like to make a request, shoot me an ask in my “Ask Me” page! until next time, thank you for reading! <3
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chantalthuy-yall · 6 years
Dear Tumblr,
I want to write an open letter to convey some of my feelings here because I feel more confident and comfortable in my own space and this blog is my space dedicated to Chantal. Thank you to whoever will read this, I am truly grateful to anyone and anything right now.
As my hands are shaking and stuttering words I don’t recognize on my keyboard, I want to hold on the hope that I will make sense at any point in this (long) rambling of mind that I am on the verge to provide us; as I am trying to process all the feelings, all the emotions I’ve been received since the release of Black Lightning 2x05, I beg your pardon if I ultimately failed this sole mission.
Okay, fuuuu~! Now, let’s go back to the beginning, shall we? 
First, I want to start with little Eloo. (me) being about 7 years old, an already heavy reader of mangas -especially shonen-, watching old animes like Goldorak, being in love with both Actarus and his girlfriend (lol), and more recent ones at the time, like Saint-Seiya. I remember taking my Wednesdays’ lunch at home glued on the TV, in front of Initial-D. I was totally the kind of kid to go to see the bookstore owner of my neighborhood after school, almost every day, to discuss and discover more about the world through channels of communication I appreciated the most. My sole interest apart from Asian culture was the historic Antiquities period, especially Egypt and later growing to Greece and then Roma and its Empire. I was poorly interested by the history of my own country at first, and even less about anything or anyone that more or less looked like me (or at least, what I thought was similar to me). 
Around 9 years old, my father came back with four very old computers, broken, that his company had just throw away. It was the first time I was touching a computer. I will always cherish the memory of this entire weekend my father and I spent to try to fix the many problems these old pieces of junks had. My father had just broken down every piece inside the tower and named every single one of the components. I didn’t know why, maybe out of admiration for him, I just thought that one of this computer and I were going to be best friends. So, after hours and hours of assisting my father in his every move, we managed to save two out of the four computers he had taken back home. He installed a software, Microsoft 1995, and said to me: “you know, the truth is, my company is throwing these computers away because they say that they are slow and not appropriate for our work anymore, but the only problem I see for these computers is actually the change of software. We installed Windows XP on all our computers but the components inside are not powerful enough to sustain XP decently. I am installing 1995 on yours because it’s what will make your computer goes from a Citroen to a Porsche.” And my father was right. The interface was old but it got me through days and night of web searching for contents. The first thing I did was opening word and started to write stories. I couldn’t stop, for hours and hours, I was writing about the characters I liked and why I liked them and if I wanted to be them and if I had imaginary friends what would they look like, etc. It all started from this; the avid curiosity, you know? This impression you know nothing but it is exciting because you learn plenty. Within the first week, I had built my first music database, organized by country name, and singers inside the country files. By the second week I was starting to editing images with a new software I found on the web “Photofiltre”. The results were so ugly, but I was so happy about it. By the first month, I had collected more than 300 titles of world’s films I wanted to see in my life. I was reading scans of my favorite mangas online and I had made a schedule for the anime I wanted to watch each week. I was really happy. But as I was “out”, celebrating the world’s content by clicking on everything I found appealing, a gap started to grow between me, my knowledge, my parents’ knowledge, and our TV. I couldn’t stop talking about India, about Asia, about the Pacific Islands, about how I found Aborigines that were not Native Americans, etc., at our dinners’ conversations. But my parents couldn’t really follow me anymore. And I felt that. And it started to hurt. Soon after, they just decided to put me in front of the TV again because “[I was] too much on the computer, [I was] shutting [myself] down to others.” The truth being that I am a very nice and extrovert kid but at that time I was a bit shy. So I perfectly knew that it was an excuse to “reconnect” with “my” world. And here I was cradled again by a thousand faces analogous to mine, with their problems being where to go on vacation, losing one or two million out of their 23 billion’ fortune. My faith in TV providing me with some content I would enjoy had just totally disappeared at this point.
Instead, I learned to love by watching Bỗng Dưng MuốnnKhóc when I was 13 for the first time, and it stayed with me for 10 years (this year). It transformed me and transcended me in so many ways I cannot describe it. It made me caring and humble as not any teaching could have achieved this. Such a precious one! Instead, I learned about pain with One Liter of Tears. Pain for what we cannot fix yet, pain for this fatalistic optimism in the depth of darkness. I literally cried more than a liter of tears with this one. And I was so touched and traumatized by it that, for months, I kept writing letters to the main character Aya, in a notebook entirely dedicated to her.
Fast-forwarding to my 16, after all these years of me being educated by my researches on the web, shaped by the many things I’d watched and me being a part of the world and connected with many people in my own way, I realized for the first time what I was; or who I was. I had never ever asked myself that question before. I was just seeing myself as an empty content ready to be filled up each day with new knowledge. I was not black, or white, or cinnamon, or green. I was red; because red was my favorite color and red was what I was bleeding when I hurt myself. But the reality stroke me harder. I don’t want to make it sounds weird but I actually never realized I was white until an incident happened. I don’t wish to talk about it though, but all I want to say is that I discovered my whiteness very late and it made me question a lot of things after that. I tried to talk to my relatives about it, to my brother, but they didn’t understand my point. Discovering me not being what I thought of me was weird; my feeling was: I had been looking at a distorting mirror the whole time and for the first time, I was forced to look at me in the most basic mirror out there. I was nowhere near my favorite heroes. The kid that was identifying as Mulan, Nala,  Taranee, Alex, etc. was just a construction of my mind.  And suddenly, it got worse. Not for me, of course, because I was living a peaceful life and stuff, but for all of what my friends have been going through around me that I never picked up. Injustices, remarks from other white folks of mine, fucking annoying jokes on their origins or their parents, police control systematically happening for some of my friends, etc. All of these, a new world was opening right in front of my eyes. And in all honesty, I’ve never felt so dumb in my entire life, for not having been able to notice what I am saying here, earlier on. I was just naive, I guess.
This first punch in the face was followed by a second one, concerning then, my sexuality. The 1st time I thought about my own sexuality was also in high school (still in my 16, it was a rough year for my mental). I don't know why I was always subject to joke about my ambiguous sexuality there. People would argue "she's straight" / "no lesbian". But at that time, I wasn't really interested in trying things or having experiences. I was in love with my life, my family and my friends and that were enough. But others pushed me to decide; pressuring to know if I was someone in the closet. At that time, I wasn't aware of bisexuality because everybody kept splitting the concepts: everything was either black or white. But the more I thought about it myself, the more it felt off. I started to wonder why I am not able to feel more about one way than the other. It gave me a lot of pressure and internal struggles to understand that it was okay to feel this way. Once, I tried to talk about it to a friend, the immediate reaction was "you're a weirdo". I then decided to switch the subject and never talk about it again. Then two years later, I got a boyfriend and we once evoke our thoughts about sexuality. I thought that maybe it was the right moment to talk about this part of me I didn't dare to face because I thought he was open-minded enough to understand me. Again, I got unlucky. When I explained to him that I feel attracted to men he said that it was "normal". And then, when I followed up by saying to him that I've never fallen in love with a woman but I could strongly feel I was attracted to women as well, he laughed and said "that's so hot! I also love watching that on screen". It immediately gave me a strange feeling, as if I had accumulated dirt and mud on my skin. I said nothing and went back home. This time, I didn't want to just forget about this. It actually gave me the need to "identify" more specifically my "not normal" attraction because I was tired of searching for something I couldn’t find in the dark. So I searched for it and after reading, passing online tests like all young folks do, I came to the conclusion that I was bisexual. And suddenly it made sense. 
So then, of course, I wanted to look up to figures in media to make me more confident in accepting myself and be accepted by others. But the bisexual representation at that time was a continuous spreading of aberrant misconceptions. The key points I retained for my sexuality: unstable, thirsty, cheater, the famous bi-curiosity and the rejection or mistrust from both homosexuality and heterosexuality. Great!!! We stan a construction of oneself based on guilt and aberration, right? Products of society™! (LOL *sarcasm when you’re here, you stay here*)
Again, I am fast-forwarding but in short, after a long period of time dealing with these negative thoughts of myself, desperately trying to build up confidence in who I was and who I wasn’t, it finally stroke me: someone. Yes, I was someone. It was never a question of genders as people always tried to imply. It was never a question of thirst. It was about not labeling. it was simply about love; from a person to another. And while I found my satisfying answer concerning my sexuality, everything from that point started to be slightly better. I started to accept myself and I affirmed my love for others as unconditional.♡ I just love people so much; I always did. And I refrained from loving entirely without prejudice for such a long time... Nowadays it seems like a waste. But the most important part, in all of these events, is that I forgot to love myself. And as much as I want to make amends now, it is really hard. I am still learning to love myself every day a little more. I've made my way to a healthy acceptance of myself now, but sometimes my head cannot help but go backward and my mood crumbles again.  
Which brings me to my 20. That’s about the time I reconnected insanely with the US TV series. I discovered the baby series Sense8 and I got addicted to the love, the vision, the sci-fi they were feeding us with. I’ve never mentioned it but my favorite movie is Matrix, so I was ecstatic to dive in the Warchowsky work again. I learned to take some pride in who I was thanks to Sense8, I will never forget my self-esteem boiling at some point, under my veins. And last year, when they released the finale, I cried all my eyeballs out, stunned by the beauty of their work. And suddenly, I got empowered by the love, the sharing with other fans, the thought of “not being alone” in this.
And I sincerely thought “wow, representations have changed!”, “minds are changing”. And it was true because the newest representations on media blossoming here and there in diverse countries are strengthening this healthy path of constructing oneself. Bisexual representation has indeed evolved, and as the first concerned, I am happy and thankful to witness that. From shame to pride, from tears to smile, I am now confident that we are entering an era where people are given more and more room to speak up about these injustices. Or better, when they are turned down, they have the possibility to rebel, on numbers and with solidarity.  We now have strong female leads to carry our ideas and act responsibly on repairing the stereotypical behavior of many before them. My mind goes to many current ships thundergrace, avalance, wayhaught, kadena, deanoru, and many more. They are the one to help build a safe zone and a new space for younger generations to grow beautifully. But not only them, after making my way out of this, I also bare a responsibility toward others to prevent their self-esteem to go down like it did for me. 
SO in all of this, you must have gotten by now that I love being educated by mediatic content whether it is on the web or on Netflix or whatever. And I love sci-fi and superheroes. So what’s better than Black Lightning? I seriously don’t know because I love Black Lightning so much, I am so damn addicted to this show that sometimes I forget to live. BUT the best part (for me) to black lightning, is the addition of Chantal Thuy to the cast. Chantal is playing a bisexual woman of color, more specifically stated as Asian American. And her character, Grace Choi, stated as soon as her second episode on the show that she was bi, to one of the main characters (her now girlfriend Anissa, making the thundergrace ship). It felt so right, not justified, not aggressive, just perfect, I was actually tearing when I heard her words. I thought “this is the representation I always wanted to see. I see me, I see us.” and right after “I. NEED. MORE.” (yes, I am stating the obvious again haha). The more we dive into Grace character, the less we are disappointed and the more we become high and amazed by her: she is soft but strong-headed, she has a smile that could illuminate the whole world if it was ever shutting down, she loves Anissa and didn’t shy away to say it or feeling something when the line was blurred by Anissa’s actions. And now that the excellent 2x05 has passed, Grace showed us she had powers and she was hiding them. During 2x05 also, something very important happened again, and in all honesty, I’ve never watched such a raw and honest conversation that I would label as “pillow talk” between two same-sex characters in a relationship (and especially women). It moved me again because as a bisexual, we are often mistaken as the people that swipe left and right going here and there for sex. So usually if someone comes in for comfort or his/her own good, they will think that we have to take them all in. But as Grace stated very clearly: “[we] are not [...] handbag[s].” And I love it that she says that because this is exactly what I wanted to hear. She respects herself enough to stand up against this kind of behavior that harms us more than often. In a way, it’s toxic. In her defense, she loves Anissa, the problem is not in their love. The problem is in the way Anissa copes with her feelings and emotions. They are not on the same level of understanding yet. Both of them have to grow from the experience. And, I AM SO HERE FOR IT. I love that Chantal is slowly becoming a more present and an important character for the show. Again, I AM SO HERE FOR IT. It is really a true benediction to this world and I am very lucky to be able to witness that. 
That’s with all of that in mind that I decided to send a package to Chantal. To thank her for her amazing work on Black Lightning and on other characters too. Because while checking to her IMDb page, I realized that it was not the first time I had been watching her on TV. Indeed, the 1st time I saw Chantal on TV was with my grandma during summer vacations, watching Madam Secretary on her couch. But I didn't remember back then because I wasn't really into the show. It’s when I finally checked out again the episode 1x14 of Madam Secretary that I realized it was the same person. I remember that my grandma pushed me to stay to watch the show with her. My grandma loves these kinds of shows because she has never been able to travel physically outside our country. Yet, she traveled through her programs, discovering many different backgrounds and situations of characters she never expected. Madam Secretary and other shows such as the police or the attorney kinds often put minorities in a certain light, I wouldn't say the best, but the major audience responds to it with compassion. My grandma did so, it broadened her horizons a little bit. She was receptive to these stories and receptive to Nhung Chuang story too. I want to write it, so I’ll never forget.
In between yesterday and today, the mail safely arrived in Chantal’s hands. That’s what the content of this video is all about. Being honest again, it is the very first time I am sending a letter to someone I really admire like this. It never happened to me before. Stating the fact, I think it says it all. I have no word left because every single one she aligned one after another to talk to me has left me breathless and speechless. Her smile has supplanted the sun at this point, and I am in nowhere near a sane and healthy recovery. I’ve been hit by sunstroke.
In the second video, she thanks me for my letter and everything inside the package. But I still can’t understand. Chantal, why thanking me? I am the one that should be thanking you! Chantal, you are the most precious person we have in this universe. You are smart, kindhearted, beautifully generous, talented, pretty and honest. You have nothing to thank me for!! haha Anyway, all I want to say again and again and again is: I LOVE YOU. (Is that the hundredth time I am writing it to you yet?????) ♥♥
Thank you if you had the patience to read all these words until the end... I might edit the content later because it’s 02:22 AM where I live. xx, Eloo. Writing to me, and to her. (1/2)
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xtremedespair3d · 4 years
HajiKo Anime: Summer 2020
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Previously I made a post where I talked about my first impressions of the Summer anime I’ve watched, now that the Fall season is getting closer, now it’s finally the time to give my final impressions of everything I watched this season.
(I wanted to make a custom thumbnail for this post like I did with the previous one but I gave up with the idea afterwards)
(Also, I had some of this post in draft for a while but on September 29th, I spent HOURS and I WROTE a lot of good shit before and for some god forsaken reason Firefox decided to crash. Everything I had written before is gone and I have not even saved at all since, I’m so god damn salty. Now you will never experience what have I written before and all I wrote now are just bare remains from what I last remember writing, I was so god damn salty but in the end the rewrite worked out well, I did the best I could to rewrite some of the same things I said before and I did some little changes and added new things so I was satisfied, I hope you can still enjoy the post.)
As usual, here’s the tier of everything I watched this season:
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(Higher resolution)
By the way, as of 2021 I think I might make only ONE tier for every anime I’m gonna watch that entire year, as I publish my first tier of the Winter season, I’ll be adding more visuals of the Spring anime and so on, even if I might get lost in finding the visuals as I edit my template, this is because I’ve been constantly making way too many standalone tiers for a single season FOR A YEAR, I bet I’ve must have been taking a lot of the website’s space for something very small and irrelevant.
TierMaker should have better options on whether the tiers your making are public or not, and I read the terms of services conditions, I’m kind of scared on what to do next with using TierMaker for doing these kinds of tiers, I can’t just find a random blank template and use GIMP.
Uzaki-chan: Aside from simply saying “This was a very good show, I had plenty of laughs” or something, the main thing I want to talk about isn’t so much in the show itself, but rather how Uzaki-chan herself, Hana Uzaki, has become a target of SJWs in one of the worst anime controversies ever, even worse than Goblin Slayer.
As for the series itself, I really liked it, I had plenty of good laughs and it was just fun to watch, and I’m really happy that season 2 is happening now too.
Fire Force: There is something about the feel of the show, these awkward long slow moments and stuff and everything else kinda drives me insane, but until the second half of the first season with the Adolla Burst and stuff, that’s where now I’m getting very intrigued in the plot, the worldbuilding, everything, and this season continues to expand the story and it gets even more interesting, and the animation can be really nice too.
Re:Zero season 2: Echidna is best girl, that’s it, that’s the review.
All jokes aside, I’m liking this season so far, it gets somewhat confusing but I’ll figure that out, and it’s strange that we’re only having the first half of the season this Summer and we will have to wait all the way to Winter 2021 for the series to continue, it’s a very Ufotable thing to do and hell, even Magia Record is still in production as of now.
Oregairu season 3: Let me give you a little bit of a retrospect: I honestly vaguely remember what even happened in the first two seasons, as I started watching this season, I started to remember at least one key moment from season 2 and even the characters, which I kinda feel like I like most characters, except Irohas is my least favorite, maybe Komachi too when she constantly says “kimochiwarui” but she’s not extremely annoying like Irohas. I still think how these last two seasons are visually impressive in contrast to the first season, that one’s painful to watch, the voice acting is particularly interesting too.
Now that the series is over, let me give my overall thoughts on the Oregairu series as a whole. The series overall isn’t a series I wouldn’t consider be a huge part of my life, I’m not hugely impressed with it but there are things I liked and I would still talk that I had seen the series, it’s kinda something.
Donkyuu Hentai HxEROS: This one’s the most conflicting ecchi series I’ve ever watched in my life. On the first episode, I was into it at first, but then I started to feel lukewarm about it, but then episode 5 was the one episode I got genuinely the most impressed, and the next few episodes have started to degrade on me, it was a complete 50/50 of a series to watch.
My biggest problem of the series is Kirara, her writing and just her overal existence, she’s the most painfully unlikeable main ecchi heroines I’ve ever seen in my entire life. On one hand, she looks cute, but boy, I fucking hate her so much, I can’t stand for how she is at all, I absolutely prefer her young lowkey pervert self from the flashbacks, she might even be the worst girl ever. If there’s any best girl in this series, it’d probably be the other HxERO girls like the Saitama branch teammates, the girls from the Toyko branch and even Chacha (And the shota (?) from the Toyko branch is best boy). The flashbacks are especially sad, it really hurts me how Enjo and Kirara’s happiness got taken away so god damn bad.
As someone who’s completely spoiled with full blown hentai instead of ecchi nowadays, I usually prefer girls written as perverts or something, someone who can be okay with what the MC does and what not, anyway, the other HxERO girls seem to be absolutely fine with doing the H-Energy and stuff, but Kirara is so intolerable to watch. Even Chacha and Dark Kirara (A hallucination reflecting Kirara’s young self dressed in a iliy outfit) encourage Kirara to be more honest with her feelings about Retto and try to bring her to her old self.
(I really hope this doesn’t sound sexist)
The animation was decent, the visuals looked nice but there are times the animation can be a little off, especially episode 11 which was awful, then there’s also the annoying censorship even the AT-X broadcast didn’t help, and by the way, the “H-Energy” version that comes out a week after the original episode premiere was not worth it at all, it only decensors some irrelevant parts, the steam and such, it doesn’t even decensor the boobs, thankfully the Blu-Rays are here to save the day.
I judge Kirara a lot which is my deal breaker with the series, but what about the story or the concept even? The concept of the story, the themes and everything seems okay, nothing really special about it that kinda makes up for the series being decent.
This isn’t the worst ecchi series I’ve seen in my life, but certainly the most mediocre, one that I felt it was truly frustrating to watch and I’m not even sure if I should make rank this as C or even D which I ended up on the former for the pros being the visuals and the concept being okay. Take me back to Winter 2020 with Ishuzoku Reviewers. Maybe I should have watched Peter Grill this season instead.
Honorable mentions:
BanG Dream Garupa Pico Ohmori: I gotta be real about the Garupa Pico series overall now, not just with Ohmori but with the first season as well.
To be brutally honest, I don’t really find humor in this series as much, though in some cases there are episodes that did make me laugh, I mean, the series is still entertaining to watch as it is but at the same time I’m not really impressed, it isn’t much of a constant laughing stock series as I wanted it to be, and never has been even with the first season to begin with.
Before the series came out, I had an argument with someone who hates the main Bandori anime series because of the “forced drama” and they called the Garupa Pico series “the good series,” it seriously frustrated me because the third season from this Winter was so good, it’s probably the best Bandori season yet because of the character interactions and it made me become a fan of RAS. I don’t hate the Garupa Pico series, it still has its charm, I like the visuals (I’m surprised that the Garupa Pico series are animated by Sanzigen as well) and I admire how the series is watchable on YouTube via the official Bandori channels, but in my opinion, this is probably like a 7/10 B rank series at best, it isn’t something that’s gonna stick and be a huge part of my life like the main series.
With that being said, I would probably like to go back to the Spring 2020 tier I made and would put Garupa Pico Ohmori on B in retrospect, but I’m still gonna keep it as it is because at the time I was really surprised for its sudden existence.
General overview and critiques of the overall Garupa Pico series aside, let’s talk about Ohmori for once, if there’s one thing I have to give huge thumbs up for is introducing RAISE A SUILEN and Morfonica and the series continuing to last for two-cours, one-cour for a short series can be such a waste, even better comedies like Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter (I have something special to tell you about it below), I really like that the series is very long so I can watch all the misadventures for every band, but at the same time, even if RAS and Morfonica have finally been introduced, they’re still somewhat irrelevant and underused which makes me sad since Bandori 3 really made me a huge fan of RAS and I want to see more of them, and oddly enough, they probably can’t even bother trying to update the ending theme by including RAS and Morfonica, both in the visual and the song itself, if there’s gonna be a new Garupa Pico season in the next two years, hopefully RAS and Morfonica will become regular cast members. As for Morfonica, I have no idea and I don’t really know them much, I seriously need Bandori 4 to happen so it can introduce Morfonica and make me understand them.
As Joaquin Phoenix Joker said: “Comedy is subjective, Murray.”
Welcome to the Japari Park season 2: If there’s some things I have to complain about this second season is that I wish the series would continue to do these secret mystery Kako recordings during the credits like the first season had, and I wish they would stop doing these Friend trivia segments with non-existent Friends, the first season always did these segments with Friends who are actually featured in one episode or something, now that the series has been doing these segments with Friends that don’t even appear in the series, it makes these segments absolutely pointless.
Speaking of Kemono Friends, after the Welcome to the Japari Park series, who knows if the franchise’s anime future will live on given on how widely panned Kemono Friends 2 was. SEGA’s Chocotto Anime Kemono Friends 3 shorts have pretty much ended, I was actually eager on watching these shorts but they haven’t made any new short for a long time. What about 2021? Should we expect a Kemono Friends 3 anime? Probably not, and with the existence of the game with the same name, it’s gonna be extremely confusing whether this Kemono Friends 3 anime should be the third season of the main series or might be an adaptation of the game, whatever it turns out, I’d still watch it anyways because I want to continue to observe the Kemono Friends anime adaptations unfold, and I’d still be confident it would still be nowhere near as good as the first season with Tatsuki.
By the way, since September 16th, SEGA finally released not one, but FOUR new Chocotto Anime Kemono Friends 3 shorts after so long! (1, 2, 3, 4), I just happened to find that out as of the (re)writing of this, September 29th. My question is, what did it even take so long to make new shorts? One would assume is most likely COVID because that affected quite a lot of anime, but at least we finally got not one but four new videos of the Kemono Friends 3 shorts.
My Hero Academia: Make It! Do-or-Die Survival. Pretty strange for a new My Hero Academia OVA to come out this time.
Aggretsuko season 3. If there’s one thing I’d like to say about this season, or at least the last few episodes, it’s that this season has quite the darkest season finales for Aggretsuko I’ve ever seen.
Plans for Fall:
This was the weakest season of the year despite Uzaki-chan and Fire Force (Fruits Basket, Garupa Pico and Japari Park too but I don’t count leftovers), it’s a shame considering how this decade had started strong with quite some good shows and Summer has always been my favorite anime season, but the line-up isn’t as great as before, if Akudama Drive and Danmachi season 3 wouldn’t have been delayed if it weren’t for COVID, they would have made this season slightly better, but now that I think about it, it was for the best for them to get delayed because this Fall line-up is looking a million times better, hell, it’s looking to be the best season of the year!
Now, whenever I talk about the Fall anime season, we can’t forget the most important thing ever: My birthday! If you have no idea, I’ll probably remind you a billion times my birthday is coming soon, October 4th, and one of the things I always look forward the most is watching day 1 anime that come out in my birthday, but alas, I started to feel like I’m not looking forward to my birthday this year AT ALL, mainly because Venom Let There Be Carnage got delayed until June of 2021, and that really sucks so bad because THAT WAS MY ONLY CHANCE TO SEE A VENOM MOVIE IN MY BIRTHDAY, SOMETHING THE FIRST FILM SHOULD HAVE BEEN BECAUSE IT CAME OUT A DAY LATE! IT WOULD HAVE ABSOLUTELY TOPPED JOKER AS MY #1 BEST BIRTHDAY FILM EVER! My birthday gets even more depressing when there’s literally not a single anime that remotely interests me coming out in my birthday and most of the anime I’m the most excited for are coming out before and long after my birthday, the only choice I have is Talentless Nana, or Munou na Nana if you’d like to call the series but I like using the former, I watched the trailer of it and it was okay, not really impressed but might as well give it a shot in my birthday, if I didn’t like it, might as well rewatch the anime that came before it.
Anyways, enough talk about my birthday, let’s talk about my most anticipated Fall shows:
Akudama Drive - October 8th: Since the foundation of Tookyo Games, a new studio by Kazutaka Kodaka,and Kotaro Uchikoshi with artists like Rui Komatsuzaki and Shimadoriru, this anime by Pierrot was the #1 thing that got my most attention, and I can’t believe that we’re so close to the release! Though I SERIOUSLY wish this would come out on my birthday.
Danganronpa may be over but as long as there’s new projects with Kodaka and Komatsuzaki onboard, such as Akudama Drive and the upcoming Tribe Nine. Oh, and speaking of Danganronpa, guess what?... THERE’S GONNA BE AN AKUDAMA DRIVE AND DANGANRONPA COLLABORATION!!! (News provided by the official Akudama Drive Twitter account) Not only there’s gonna be illustrations by Rui Komatsuzaki but if the translations are correct, there’s gonna be more projects along the way! A Danganronpa and Akudama Drive collab is something I just never knew I needed in my life!
I’m absolutely calling it, this is definitely gonna be my AOTY, it may be based due to the fact that I love the Danganronpa franchise to death, but I’ve always had my eyes on this and I want to see it now!
By the way, I just realized something, there’s this project with visuals by Rui Komatsuzaki and Shimadoriru that I have yet to see some news of!
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It’s not Tribe Nine, that game looks like a completely different beast on its own and it’s in collaboration with another project.
Then there’s also this other game that’s, quote:
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Collaboration of the development team of Danganronpa and Spike Chunsoft. Kodaka actually started this project before his retirement of Spike Chunsoft. We imagine a kind of cyberpunk world from this art. Komatsuzaki designs the characters, Shimadoriru designs background, and Takada directs the sounds.
Okay, that sounds really cool, but I’m more interested in the one project with the Rui Komatsuzaki and Shimadoriru visuals, I want to know more about them!
Sure, the concept art may not represent what the final product might end up looking, but World’s End Club (Originally called Death March Club) and Akudama Drive live up to their concept art, so that’s something!
Speaking of Danganronpa, the 10th anniversary stuff was ABSOLUTELY LACKLUSTER, I legit expected there might have been surprise announcements or anything that said there’s a new Danganronpa installment, but nothing absolutely relevant came from it, the Danganronpa x Akudama Drive collab was the only good thing from it. This is what I get for setting my expectations way too high, well, maybe not too high, but still, come on.
(But at the same time, do I REALLY want a new Danganronpa without the staple creators on board?)
Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter season 2 - October 7th: Girls’ Frontline isn’t my most played gacha game, a black sheep, probably the most blackest sheep since Granblue Fantasy, one I don’t heavily get invested to play like Fate/Grand Order, Azur Lane and even Arknights, though while I started playing Arknights at launch, I stopped around March because the game was very difficult and I lacked the resources, but I returned to the game in May after seeing my older sister starting to play Arknights. I returned to Girls’ Frontline because my Filipino friend started playing Girls’ Frontline around early May and he’s made quite a lot of insane progress in just 5 months, even I wouldn’t ever do that, but since September 28th, I uninstalled the game because I wanted to have some space to install Genshin Impact but at the same time I ended up giving on it too because it ran pretty slow for my phone even on the lowest settings and I almost had no storage left, I even tried installing the game on PC and I don’t know why but the game gave me last minute errors for some reason, so sacrifices had to be made for both Girls’ Frontline and Genshin Impact.
Anyway, enough talk with the gacha game side of things because I made quite a long un-spaced (?) paragraph, let’s talk about the GFL short anime series itself, even as a non-GFL player, I LOVED this series to death, hell, I was even lowkey sad when Healing Chapter ended, Madness Chapter, however... Not so much, we don’t talk about Madness Chapter. The biggest surprise I had when the series came out was that it came out in BiliBili with Chinese dub, hearing anime in Chinese dub is unheard of, I thought the series would be automatically in Japanese because the first trailer had an all-Japanese voice-over, but the Chinese dub was quite good, but then the Japanese dub finally came out--ON MY BIRTHDAY! on Japanese television (and BiliBili too). Well, that’s quite a lovely surprise, I managed to watch the JP dubbed premiere of Healing Chapter long before I went out with my family to have lunch and then go see Joker, it was the second 神映画 (Kami eiga - God film, I made that up) of the year, and my #1 was of course Avengers: Endgame. The JP dub of both Healing and Madness Chapter were very good too overall, it did some things better than CN and vice versa, even casting Persica’s JP voice which I really hope her seiyuu can be used again at some point, the JP broadcast of Healing Chapter also had these weird live-action segments of some dudes’ hands playing with the main character plushies doing random things... I don’t even know what they are or why they are, all I can say that they’re just pretty much fillers to fit the Japanese TV broadcast time limit.
I’m wasting quite a lot of time writing nonsense history of my experience with the Girls’ Frontline short anime series and let me get straight to the point of season 2, when the interview video was released, one of the animators said that they were working on season 2 and then the designs for AK-12 and AN-94 were shown, I’m of course hyped as hell for season 2! (Poggers) and, I don’t want to say this but because of COVID-19, I thought season 2 wouldn’t ever happen now, but it’s still alive and kicking and ready to be released! But there’s one MAJOR problem, apparently BiliBili is going to region lock the series! At first I wasn’t concerned about it for some reason, I had some misguided optimism that someone’s gotta have a VPN or do anything to try to upload the series on more accessible websites, but now the concern is growing bigger and bigger, but still let’s hope someone can still upload season 2 somewhere, I don’t want to see spoilers going around, even if I don’t follow a lot of Girls’ Frontline accounts which I should because sometimes I wouldn’t have ever found out about season 2.
Now I’m just seeing mostly stuff about Healing Chapter season 2, there’s one major question, should I expect Madness Chapter season 2 as well? As far as I know, there really hasn’t been any trailer for a potential season 2 or if it’s actually getting one at all, doesn’t seem like the series did well and I didn’t even care about it sometimes, which is great because Healing Chapter is far superior. But now that Madness Chapter may not get a second season, there’s also the question of what does M16′s Chinese VA mean by making the series “longer,” longer as in be a couple of minutes longer? Although 3-4 minutes is already a decent runtime, it’s not insanely short but I’m down if they’d make it at least a couple of minutes longer. Maybe making the series longer means that we can have a two-cour second season worth of Girls’ Frontline: Healing Chapter only? I would love for that to happen, but we’ll have to find out and see.
There are somethings I forgot to mention about Girls’ Frontline season 2, it’s aimed to be released on October 7th, which is surprisingly earlier than the first season’s release where it was late July. And October 7th being on Wednesday and I wish Girls’ Frontline season 2 would come out on my birthday, but oh well. I wonder if it’ll take about the same timeframe for the Japanese dub’s release, it came out on my birthday last year when the original Chinese dub came out in late July, so I might expect the Japanese dub of season 2 to come out in probably like Winter 2021 at best, we’ll see about that.
Even if I don’t religiously play Girls’ Frontline like I wanted to because I’m a big fan of guns, I wouldn’t mind playing Code Name Bakery, though. I may not fully understand the story in order but my Filipino friend would occasionally tell me spoilers and I don’t really mind that.
By the way, last year I made a shitpost video of Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter but with Team Fortress 2 audio, now I finally made a new audio parody video but with a twist(ed metal)!
Osomatsu-san season 3 - October 12th: Just when I thought the future of the Osomatsu-san series would be over with the movie, but I’m glad my boys are still up and running! This is definitely gonna top Uzaki-chan as the better comedy of the year because Osomatsu-san has consitently given me a lot of laughs and delivers some really hilarious and bizarre moments.
Knowing that this is Osomatsu-san, wil it dare to even touch upon the topic of COVID-19 or something? There might be some scenes where the cast are doing a Zoom meeting, but they probably wouldn’t flat out say the name of the virus out loud, it’s very unlikely as I kinda find COVID-19 a somewhat sensitive topic and other media hasn’t or probably wouldn’t even try doing something about it.
Burn the Witch - October 2nd: I never really grew up nor care about Bleach, but I read the one-shot of Burn the Witch and I was intrigued by it, when the serialization was announced, I was excited because this series has potential, but there was a catch, this would be a short limited series for 4 chapters, so when I read the last chapter of the manga series, I was sad because the series has potential and it got wasted, but wait, it’s not entirely over yet, as this was only the “first season” and the manga series is getting a “second season.” Yeah, I have no idea how a manga having seasons even works, that doesn’t make sense.
Now here comes the film (or three-part episode series) and upon seeing the first trailer, I thought it would adapt the one-shot because that came out first, but as later trailers came out... It’s adapting the serialized series?! How long was this in the making?! How did the animators even get to read the four chapters of the serialized manga series before they were even released yet?!
Speaking of Bleach, there’s an upcoming new anime that’s adapting an arc, but like I said, I never grew up nor I care about Bleach, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Golden Kamuy season 3 - October 5th: Information on season 3 has been quite scarce for a while and hell, I have barely even watched the trailers, but at last it’s finally coming. As of the (re)writing of this post, September 29th, I finally managed to watch the OVAs and I forgot how hilarious and weird it can be and I love it.
Danmachi season 3 - October 2nd: Like Akudama Drive, this one was also originally gonna be released on Summer but was delayed because of COVID, I haven’t really talked about it more than I have with Akudama Drive because I’m the most excited for it.
Like Golden Kamuy, I happened to watch the recent OVA when season 2 ended and I haven’t seen the trailers at all. Man, I rarely watch OVAs nowadays. Also, speaking of the OVA, what did I just watch?!
D4DJ First Mix - October 30th: That’s right, this is ANOTHER Sanzigen produced anime of the year, Sanzigen has done it again, they’re absolutely killing this year. Anyways, I wanted to watch this for obvious reasons, but apparently I found out that this D4DJ franchise is a new property by Bushiroad, the publisher of the BanG Dream series, seems like Bushiroad has a soft spot for Sanzigen and I really can’t blame them.
Higurashi remake - October 1st: Starting the month off with a remake adaptation of Higurashi, lovely. I never grew up watching the original Higurashi anime, however, I do remember certain moments from the series... For the absolute worse. (1, 2). Yeah, that’s all I can remember. I really wish I could have binged the original series months ago, at least the first season because upon checking the Wikipedia, there’s a lot of other series and they’re just as long as the first one, there’s no way I would have survived all that binge-watching considering I have other things I’m heavily compromised such as my gacha gaming addiction, and yeah that was silly but I have nothing else to do in my spare time, with that being said about the binge-watching and consuming a lot of material, it would have been the time I binged all of Ikki Tousen for a week all over again.
I don’t know anything about the Higurashi visual novel, I don’t know if the original anime series was a good adaptation or not, I’ll probably let some VN royaltists tell me on this one, the 2000s were probably the time where VN adaptations were absolutely mediocre (which I can’t really say for sure because I don’t play VNs to even care to agree that the Tsukihime and Umineko anime are garbage), but I digress. If you couldn’t tell, the original Higurashi anime is that old, which I don’t understand why the need for an anime remake like at this time and what will it even do as an adaptation.
Watching the series is gonna be totally new to me, this isn’t like a Fruits Basket situation where I refused to watch the original anime series in favor of the remake, and by seeing some comparison videos, the remake is a million times far superior than the remake.
Guraburu! - October 8th: I don’t want to consider my older sister as my personal go-to Granblue Fantasy/Shadowverse/Bahamut source since whatever she says are her opinions and whatever which I wouldn’t always end up agreeing, even if she ends up saying that she hates the main Granblue Fantasy anime series. As for me, I found the first season decent, I liked the animation, but then the second season came and the animation is totally different and that gave me a huge sour taste in my mouth, just the visuals were enough to make me sick from the painful animation and I couldn’t care any single bit of it, and the fact that season 2 came out around the same time where other gacha game-based anime like Fate/Grand Order Babylonia and Azur Lane The Animation came out didn’t do any favors.
I don’t know if Girls’ Frontline or Granblue Fantasy are my blackest gacha game sheeps, I did have some decent experience with the game, I played the Christmas, the Persona 5 and the Detective Conan events (Though I didn’t finish the Conan event), I mostly opened the game for log ins but I occasionally went to do free rolls whenever those happened, lastly I played the campaign for a little bit but I stopped because the one chapter where I last played, I forgot what it was, but it required having a party with higher level and I couldn’t even beat a map once, so I gave up. I haven’t opened the game for a long time and I feel like I have pretty much retired from Granblue Fantasy. I wouldn’t like to try to follow my older sister in the shadows when it comes to Granblue Fantasy, Shadowverse or Rage of Bahamut any longer, so they’re totally out of my league.
My older sister seems rather optimistic about this series as it’s an adaptation of the game’s 4koma, going so far to say this would be “a million times better than the main anime series.”
Honestly I’m not feeling quite fond of these Cygames adaptations as a whole, they can be very hit or miss but the most important thing is whether they resonate with me or not, so I still end up watching everything anyways.
Also, we do not talk about the current Shadowverse anime because that is NOT the Shadowverse I know at all and I can’t believe it’s still going.
Attack on Titan: The Final Season - December 7th: Okay, I definitely did not expect quite a release date for the final season of Attack on Titan at all, it’s so weird that I even thought about whether or not I would classify this as a “Fall” anime and more like closer to the “Winter” season. I haven’t been following the news but my biggest question is, has the manga already ended? This wouldn’t be the final season if it wouldn’t adapt the entirety of the series finale as soon as the source material ended, kind of like Tokyo Ghoul:re.
Talentless Nana - October 4th: I already mentioned above that this is my only decent choice of day 1 anime to watch on my birthday, I’m just putting it here again for the sake of having the list complete.
Toji no Miko - Tomoshibi - October 25th, November 29th: Back when I first watched Toji no Miko back in 2018 (Wow, I already feel old), I found the series okay, they also released a mobile game at the time which I was like “Okay.” But for some reason as time went on I kind of grow to develop a negative aftertaste for the series, like it’s not very appealing or whatever. Then the Mini Toji series came out last year and it added fuel to the fire on my uninterest on the Toji no Miko franchise as a whole with Mini Toji leaving me a huge sour taste in my mouth, it wasn’t even funny, sometimes it was but most of it wasn’t.
I don’t want to associate Yoshinori Shizuma’s art heavily with Kancolle, but I even went so far thinking that Toji no Miko would be the Kancolle of swords or even a female Touken Ranbu of sorts but not exactly like Touken Ranbu, but it does nothing to help to gain interest.
I don’t know why I kind of feel that way towards the franchise, and after the mobile game’s release, I later thought Toji no Miko would become a failed franchise, so where we at now? Well, Toji no Miko is getting an OVA, but it’s not just a single OVA, it’s actually a two-part OVA, lovely. There’s just something about the series that makes me think it’s bland, it’s nothing special and whatever. I do think Yoshinori Shizuma’s character designs are nice, not great or rule 34 worthy but they’re okay at best, and that’s about it.
Mini Toji introduced the characters from the mobile game into the anime scene, and now the new OVAs are heavily based on the mobile game, but honestly, I prefer the characters from the anime series a million times better than the ones from the game, they’re rather forgettable.
You probably want to tell me that if I feel somewhat pessimistic about Toji no Miko, I should boycott the OVA, I’d like to but part of me tells me that maybe I shouldn’t blindly be a dick about it, so I guess I should give Toji no Miko one last chance. I wrote the release date just in case, I’ll probably forget about it anyways except there will be something that’ll make me remind the Toji no Miko OVA parts 1 and 2 will come out soon or have come out depending on the time.
(Speaking of Touken Ranbu, when the hell are we gonna get the new Touken Ranbu Hanamaru project? I recently read the news of the new Hanamaru project being in the works again to refresh my memory the last time I saw the news and it was from THIS JANUARY?! Holy crap, that was a really long time ago! I really hope this would resurface in 2021 and it might bring some interest in Touken Ranbu again, although this is Touken Ranbu and the fanbase are hardcore fujos so they’re still keeping the game alive in some way. I always thought the Touken Ranbu anime would now become dormant for some reason, especially when Ufotable is never gonna release the Katsugeki Touken Ranbu movie, they definitely must have ditched it in favor of more Fate and even Kimetsu no Yaiba. The Katsugeki Touken Ranbu film now is sitting next to Girls’ Work as Ufotable’s most infamous vaporware works.)
I guess that’s it for this post, I talked way too much about some of my most anticipated shows than others but it’s clear I do give a lot of thought into some of these things.
Anyways, I’ll see you later and don’t forget about my birthday!
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Hajime Komaeda/XtremeDespair3D - Carrd.
If you want to do birthday donations: Here.
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pancoleon · 7 years
Baccano Rewatch Rambling Commentary
So. due to having a long and fun talk about Baccano at MCM Manchester, I felt like rewatching the anime and OH BOY I forgot how the first episode goes, so I decided I might as well do (spoilery) commentary on here as I rewatch. Don’t expect anything written nicely or concisely, I do the numberwang, not the wordidoo.
This is the first 3 episodes and because I ramble like hell and I do reference the books, it’s a “Read More”. I apologize in advance, but “Short Form” has never been a thing I can manage. This is me essentially writing down what I say to myself while watching it. I added the formatting later, but I want to keep the rambling as in tact as possible, partly out of laziness and partly out of interest in looking back later and seeing what was going through my head.
Episode 1
I forgot just how much time is spent with the discussion between (Christ me, you literally saw this half an hour ago, how have you already forgotten her name!?) *Carol* (Thanks Baccano wiki, and by extension most likely thanks Rev) and Gustav St Germain. Looking back after reading the books, I like the fact that they used the paper explosion scene and would have loved to see that reappear later had they continued the anime. That would’ve been a nice scene of the anime doing a foreshadow of a scene to come while not making it blatantly so, and that final context would’ve probably put an extra spin on things. (Oh boy, it’s really clear I can’t write short sentences…)
The scenes foreshadowing Book 6 (Was it? I lose track. Either way, the Mist Wall book.) really hurt me. I’d have loved to see Christopher, Adele, (Heck, ALL THE HOMUNCULI) and Maria, along with seeing Ronnie just be Ronnie and fuckin’ be extra as hell with the help of essentially Omnipotent powers.
The sequence initially showing Firo... Y'know, I remember this properly, but I have to say I prefer the book version? In the books, it’s before he becomes immortal and he avoids getting hit by the knife in the first place. I feel that while how this scene was rewritten means it’s good for revealing his immortality, the books help show that he is rather suspicious as a character, which works well considering his discomfort from the fact that even after becoming immortal he is careful due to the knowledge that there *is* a way to kill him. Then again, I’m not a literary master and the change probably works considering the more carefree Firo you see in the show.
I like the setup for the Flying Pussyfoot (even if I’m sad the stuff being called in doesn’t pay off due to them not using Vino in the 1932 arc that *should* be Drugs and Dominoes). What you know from the first episode is:
that the train’s been swapped out do to an “accident”
there’s an assassin on there,
there’s immortals on there,
there’s bombs on there,
a bunch of corpses and a murderous guy with no arm and a woman he’s talking of killing litter the tracks (On an off hand note, I thought that Ladd actually killed Lua there when I initially watched Baccano),
and that the people that are leaving the train are the thieves mentioned earlier (who if you pay attention are probably immortal),
the immortal child (Funny how early it’s revealed that Czes is immortal in comparison to the books),
and a group of people of which the middle one seems to be in great pain.
You also know of an unknown figure reading an unknown message about finding someone, but that’s rather late in the story.
Point is, you are swiftly shown a lot of information you probably won’t piece everything together from, but will help give you one specific idea: Something bad happened on the Flying Pussyfoot and that (probably) included the supernatural.
Episode 2
Okay, I’ll now be writing as things happen, so I might remember names this time! And before I start, let me say this at least once. “Hah! Flying Pussyfoot is a silly name!”
I like the fact they left in the couple where the woman just calls stuff in advance.
I have to say, I am love with Isaac and Miria’s logic. “If we mine, we’re stealing from the earth!”. Along with that, the story of them being shouted at for panning for gold in other people’s land is something I want to hear more about. I’m being reminded that I damn well wish I knew more about Japanese Mythology to be able to directly pinpoint where Isaac went wrong.
Oh, and the letter from Ennis. I like how this directly implies than Ennis is not actually human without going “SHE’S A HUMONCULUS, NOT HUMAN” and then quickly makes you forget about that by having I&M start talking about this clearly means she wants a brother, rather than there having been previous people before her who were destroyed before she was created.
(Oh shit, this is gonna get looooooooong, I haven’t got past the I&M scene yet). This is followed by perfectly showing what I&M are like, by having them figure out how do to a train robbery. i.e not how you actually do one. And then I&M go to the train station, move past the Lemures, and then as they talk about the “Orchestra”, the camera zooms in on Rachel. If only the Dub hadn’t specified Vino’s gender, people might’ve thought she was Vino, that’s how the books spun it anyway. And then we get to Claire, who starts talking before coming on screen and has a conversation with Tony just before Tony gets murdered. It would have been nice if the other conductor got a couple lines here, but this does set up Claire’s anger at Tony being dead later on nicely.
Meanwhile, best panicking wreck of a leader, Jacuzzi Splot, explains what his group are doing on the train, namely stealing something. Then the anime moves focus from Nice to Czes, nicely implying that their aims/jobs are related. I’ll stop listing what happens now, but OH JEEZ I LOVE THE CUTS AND PANS AND FOCUS CHANGES. I don’t know much about cinematography, but this feels good to me. 
So to abridge a conversation: Nice: Why don’t you ask them? You might make some new friends. Jacuzzi: (Panics a bit) I don’t wanna. Nice then persuades Jacuzzi to go talk to Isaac and Miria. Not much meaning, but I just wanted to say, SAAAAAAME Jacuzzi. If not for @thingsarenotwholesome taking the place of Nice, I wouldn’t talk to a lot of people. but yeah, then Jacuzzi starts crying because he thinks he’s nothing but some delinquent. Props to I&M for supporting him in the only way they know: By being lovely, funny and acting ridiculously.
Some day Narita, I’d like to see how much of this is them faking it to avoid a bad topic and how much of it is their own joy in insanity. I just can’t accept “They’re a bit mad” with no other details, because even if Isaac routinely gets stuff wrong, he’s weirdly well read. I also love the fact that Jon and Fang spend their time calling out bullshit and commenting on what’s happening. It gives a nice contrast of the straight man, while not overpowering I&M and also properly showing what their influence on Jacuzzi is.
I like that the voice acting makes it clear that Czes struggled to say his own name. Clearly from the immortal thing. Good Dub there.
The Lemures in general feel much cultier than when I was reading the books. Perhaps because in the books the individual greed for immortality in the members is made clear before the operation starts, whereas this has them speak of their unwavering loyalty (yeah fucking right) to Huey Laforet, while the Conductor preaches about how this is all for the sake of freeing their “Glorious Leader”. Shame there’s a Claire on board.
Episode 3
And we start with poor Eve Genoard looking for Dallas, too bad some other poor person has him. [Edit Note: Look, you can’t expect me to remember every detail of the books perfectly, I barely remember what I had to eat most days]
 I love the Daily Days and their information based business model. The Runorata Goons just got to experience information based capitalism.
Well, I might have to source the music playing while Lua and Ladd are dancing. This is also the first scene where Lua doesn’t seem to only be some poor girl who was forced into something by Ladd, but someone who actually wants to be with Ladd.
I love Randy and Pecho, those glove burning fools. I’m also starting to realise how damn good this show is at giving you information in off-hand comments. From their short conversation we know they’re friends with Firo and that there’ll be a party, while also starting the fire that kickstarts the events of the Rolling Bootlegs.
Similarly, the anime then goes on to show that Firo is joining the Camorra as a Capo and that I&M are in town at the time. This is also why I’m writing so much, BECAUSE THEY MAKE SUCH GOOD USE OF THE TIME GIVEN. This reminds me though. Narratively, in the books, the hobo attempting to stab Firo happens just before the hat shop. I damn well wish we could properly place that scene somewhere chronologically in the show.  It could literally any time still during the depression after Firo becomes immortal.
The fight between Firo and Dallas' Gang really does show the fighting talent Firo has in an impressive way, which again makes Firo getting cut in episode 1 more frustrating.
And here is the first big change to Rolling Bootlegs! Firo does not have the time nor the bottles to swap about his wine with the immortality potion for the heck of it. I'm not sure how I feel about this change, but I will commend the 2016 Manga for keeping to the books on this. 
And then Jacuzzi finds the two corpses in the Conductors Wagon, which is surprising when you’re first watching considering we *know* the murderous conductor was using a gun, not sawing off people's faces.(Goddammit it Claire, kill cleaner) You could explain the second corpse as being the white suit we see get the uniform in the second episode, but if you’re looking at the corpses, the body with the face torn off is the one that looks like the Young Conductor, not the Lemure Conductor. This isn’t exactly important considering it’s revealed later, but i like that the detail can be seen. Hey, this anime is doing a better job at the Mystery genre than BBC’s Sherlock!
And at the end, with the faceoff in the Dinner Wagon, I'm calling it a night.
Well, I'll be posting this in the morning evening after as I'll be doing some formatting at my PC tomorrow, but it's midnight and I'm rather tired after MCM Manchester.
9 notes · View notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
May 17th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 17th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam~! (http://sgkdr.webcomic.ws/) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh hey I heard it's CTP time
think i'll kind of sit back for this one~
hey justin
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey there
Especially since this comic is super huge
yes, i know lol
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Nothing wrong with that, but it kinda makes it hard to binge
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'll just go on and say I like the idea of a comic that uses 3D graphics
it's not something you see too often
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
You're welcome. :D Also huge props for inplementing browsing through the arrow keys
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
lets see. lets see. i think my favorite scene is actually the one where zofuhu tells everyone to back off because love is the greatest weapon. and then demands poetry. i really enjoyed the comedic value about how much he believed in his message of love being the greatest weapon.
i seem to recall him needing a knife to enforce that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Made it. ^^
It's hard to pick out any one scene. I rather liked the "Boxing Match", both for the pun and the dynamic gif animation stuff really came into it's own. I was first impressed by it with the apple from the tree.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh hey Math
hey math
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
oh yeah i really like the animated stuff in general. that sort of stuff definitely takes a lot of work
glad you could make it math~!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Seconding the GIF's
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Zofuhu knows when he's licked.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
The comic's got that "early 2000's video game graphics" style and I love it
i'm glad! the animated stuff took a lot of doing, both in 2D and 3D, so i'm glad that pays off!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
If you're REALLY going to pin me down though... I may have to go with the cop just spilling his backstory to Pejiba. It's like, great, resolution to that plot so she can join the party.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
http://sgkdr.webcomic.ws/comics/326 This page was a pretty nice one, if i had to pick one from skimming through Chapter 8
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i really liked how that played out and how it fit too since he already made it obvious from the start he was perhaps not the greatest cop
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Snuffy: I am blown away by how much effort you've put into this thing. Not just the animated effects, but going back to re-do earlier images, including musical links, an update schedule that looks insane... I mean, damn, when do you sleep?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
An update every other day is perhaps the fastest I've seen an actual webcomic get updated
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yup. Cop doesn't know about separating the witnesses even. Mizuki's really good at pointing out the obvious.
the cop scene was one of my favorites to write, yeah.
and i'm glad you like the brutality on that chapter 8 page, justin
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Favorite scene. HMM. I really liked the battle with king Zebugu, quite honestly. He's such a gigantic ass, BUT I can't help but love how Mizuki took what everyone else saw as a weakness and beat his sorry butt all over the place.
also, not sure what you mean by "actual webcomic", but there are webcomics that update every day. mostly gag-a-days, if that's what you're referring to.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh about that
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
http://sgkdr.webcomic.ws/comics/156 Also this page made me laugh quite a bit. Sam, you write accents really well!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I should have said actual comic, since I've seen newspaper comics that update every day
My bad ^^;
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah the fight with zebugu was overally pretty rewarding. i liked how mizuki kept turning everything on its head
the final battle was a lot of fun to write, because it involved going through the whole comic and coming up with uses for all the powers that have shown up so far
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Maybe not "actual" anything and instead focus on the fact that daily comics are closer to syndicated?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Also wow, the difference in art style between the earlier and later pages is like, night and day lol
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
'cause webcomics ARE actual comics
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Okay I'll take your word for it @Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Speaking of that page, I'm going with the cast page fakeout explanation that the Captain is actually an elder God.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
:3 I also really liked the integration of animation in pages. It was well done!
i honestly don't know what's up with the captain
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
>:3 All the better. Better not to know, I mean. like
he spends some of his time traveling to a city with a death rate of 100%
maybe his magic ability is just immortality
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
logic is kinda out the window there
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
he did take a bullet to the head
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Poor Capt'n just has amnesia. Doesn't know he's got powers to rival those of everyone else.
Arrow, technically.
maybe he's part of a secret cult of sea captains that uses their hospitality to gain unlimited power
nobody knows
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
they hired him for his immortality. its the only way to have a reliable boat service to the death island.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
this is true
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nice job playing with the math too, speaking of 100% death rate.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh Snuffy, have you ever considered updating the Cast page with updated mugshots/portraits in the newest art style?
my plan is to update the cast page the first time a character shows up in each book
so at the end of book 2 chapter 1, at the very least mizuki's portrait (and description) will be updated
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
The characters are all recognizable in either style so it doesn't matter too much
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
You mean she'll lose the hair? O.o
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah the designs are really iconic so they're super easy to recognize
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(I noticed a new style in Book 2.)
the hair will still be there in our memories
and who knows, maybe she'll go big again someday
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and like this?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i like to think she decided to save the environment and stop killing the ozone at last
the latest page has her individually bagging a customer's purchases...
so not great for the environment
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i forgive her because i dont think id be able to fit those products into the same bag
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She's using paper, not plastic.
does the village have plastic?
it is just a rural farming town, after all
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
There's elevators in this world. Maybe they export plastic. shrugs
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
instead of blaming mizuki, should blame that customer for not having reuseable bags
people probably regularly purchase large items in this village, i suppose
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Is that so?
i mean farms r we is a farm equipment store
farm equipment is big
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Gotta sell those hoes too.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
wait so cows are considered farm equipment XD
don't be mean to mizuki
they're oxen
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
wait so oxen are considered farm equipment XD
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
inb4 you buy pigs and chicken
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
So, like, did the king's mage not take the food from the governors? Or were they superior and able to steal it?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
So why is Mizuki charging for them? I thought you got all-y all-y oxen free.(edited)
they pull things
good question, kabo. there is a specific explanation as to why the twins didn't lose their food... which i think i'll get into in book four? lol
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
on a different note i appreciate the details on the products being sold. like i noticed the store sells manure and stuff.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Possibly because the Governors were Galaxy Knights. They can put up magical barriers and stuff.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
The king can't even compaaaaaaaaare to them
but in general it's difficult to sneak something by two former galaxy knights
^ ^ ^ ^
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Unless they let you, because they're nice about not using their flying ability.
but yeah the explanation is that when you join the galaxy knights, you learn how to put up magic barriers
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
stealing a whole kingdoms food would be difficult so yeah, i probably would just magically skip over the magical fighters food and say not worth the effort
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
also he'd probably want them on his side
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Unless they had strawberry ice cream.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
It's all a conspiracy.
if he left them alone, they wouldn't come in and beat him up
kick him around
make him bounce 'round the room
fun fact: there are current members of the galaxy knights in the comic, as seen on the cast page
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Gotta be the Ferryman.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
speaking of zebugu for a moment, i liked that part where mizuki asked him how the kitchen gets food to the dining room and he was just like "nah dont question it."
there's a lot of "don't question it", i feel
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Actually, I really like that about your comic tbh
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(Okay, it's actually the Wizard, I see now.)
like the ferryman, mizuki's muscles, the fact there's just a tree that can talk...
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
yeah, the wizard is a galaxy knight.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
there's a lot of authors who play it up like they've got an esoteric explanation and well NOPE, DON'T QUESTION IT - IT JUST IS
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I like how there's callbacks to some of that. Like the "we don't elect kings" thing.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 2. During the course of Book 1, it becomes more apparent that magic is a key component of combat in the larger setup of the world. Thus, Mizuki takes a keen interest in learning it. Do you think Mizuki will be able to unlock her unique ability, or is there a reason that prevents her from learning? What do you think her unique magical ability might be? Alternatively, is her unique ability to use the abilities of others? If Mizuki continues to be unable to learn magic, how do you think she’ll adapt to this fact? Speaking of magic, though, Cahe does find a unique ability of his own during an intense fight to save Pejiba. Do you think Cahe will develop the skill more? Or, is it possible Cahe will struggle without the intense emotional motivation to manifest his magic?
to be fair, i do have an explanation for the talking tree in my head, but it's not really important enough to get into lol
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Mizuki's ability is her ability to copy. :3
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Mizuki gained the ability because of Holoclone, gasp!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
mmm copying~
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
And Cahe.... Iunno. I'm shocked there wasn't more sword throwing tbh
combination technique
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
(but the subversion of expectations was amusing)
thrown sword beam
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I liked the subversion there too, Kabocha.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i did kind of wish hed thrown the sword and then it got stuck.
i feel theres a lot of subversion in this comic in general. which is awesome cause i like not getting what i expected
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though daaaamn, the slashing was kind of brutal. He's racking up quite the head count compared to everyone else.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
But the subversion worked!
i like to imagine the monty python salad days sketch whenever i write cahe
in terms of the body count
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Next thing we know, he'll have a castle, and deny people access because they smell like elderberries
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe Mizuki's power is the ability to give others the ability to copy her.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do think for the moment it seems like her speciality is to copy other ppls powers. whether its her unique ability or not i feel is irrelevant. i actually like that shes using this technique that everyone lets there guard down for.
http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/237/ pejiba does talk about copying powers like it's something anyone can do - but perhaps it's something that only mizuki does well
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also possibly the ability to catch and rotate objects thrown at her.
(Couldnt get the time to READ but loved the new hair so wanted to attempt it, sorry for any inaccuracies! /yay phone drawings HOPE YALL HAVE A BLAST)
you say she's good at that, but has that ever ended without the object exploding in her face?
yo thanks tenor!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Snuffy: She obviously needs to perfect that ability magically, rather than physically.
Wow, nice one, Tenor!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
very cute tenor~!
(tenor, do you have something i should link to when i post that art on the site?)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
In all honesty though, it seems to be her final "go to". The rubber/glue thing was kind of a rotation away as well, in a sense (even if it was someone else's power).
i suppose that is true, in a metaphorical sense
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Even metafiveical.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
That was an awful pun and I love it
it was a very good pun
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i liked how that fight ended cause i 100% forgot that was an ability we had seen. so i kept wondering what ability she was going to use to win. and then it was an oh yeah this was an ability O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Speaking of, I like some of the music puns in titles and stuff.
Rebel: Same.
i think pretty much every chapter title is a pun? and both book titles
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Puns are good tho
( shinavar.weebly.com I think lol, and tyty ffff )
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Mizuki's power is puns.
actually i'm not sure if she's said a pun the entire time
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She just attracts them, doesn't produce them. Like magnetism.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that is her special ability
she attracts puns
mystery solved
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Gotta say though, Pejiba is best girl. I ship her and Mizuki. (Big surprise, I know...)
to be fair, that one's intentional
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
her special ability could be more subtle in that its an ability to remember all the magical techniques shes seen. cause as i said i forgot about the rubber glue ability until she used it. so maybe she was get a brain filled with abilities she can access at anytime with no trouble
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
In all honesty, after the blushing bits, I thought maybe Mizuki was going to get a scene where love helped her find her way. But then it ended up being Cahe's scene. (Subversion?)
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Sam, I did have a question! Did you design the 3d models yourself? (That is a skill I do not have so it's like... daaaaaaaaaang)
cahe bites his cheeks rather than blushing
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel: Like super memory? Hmm.
yup, made every model myself.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Dang! That is some good work
oh, and not to spoil anything - but you'll learn the nature of mizuki's magic at the start of book 2 chapter 4.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats pretty soonish then
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She can change her hair colour at will!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hopefully mizuki has learned meditation is bad and you should go out and dance with your love interests instead O_O
anyone can change their hair color at will with bleach, yes
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Pejiba/Mizuki slow dance. Make it canon.
maybe if mizuki gets that self confidence she's looking for
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(I'm now thinking about how high Mizuki will be standing in front of Pejiba...)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that Q&A where we saw mizuki's confidence issues made me a bit sad. the one about pejiba
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I heard stuff about hair color
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
wanted to give mizuki a hug
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel: Yis. Nice to have things confirmed, but too bad.
Particularly given all the "ugly" stuff from when they met.
yeah, this bit here: http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/188/
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yis. By the way, nice style on the reactionary thoughts, shifting the colour palette. I've noticed it a bunch, though it happens 3 times on that page.
but yes mizuki + pejiba is kind of physically awkward on top of everything. pejiba is over 6 feet, and mizuki is under 5.
yeah i try to mix up the color palettes on occasion to make things more ~dramatic~
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That's not a problem the way I was picturing it.
slow dancing i'd say it's a problem
for ~other things~, i suppose that's better for mizuki's knees
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i like how much taller pejiba is in general than a lot of people. cause its not something thats always on the peripheral but then you have those moments like her just grabbing mizuki and cahe and its like "dang girl youre tall"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Tall and well proportioned.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. The comic is not without romance, as Cahe and Pejiba seemingly get together in Book 1. Do you think the two will be able to maintain a relationship, or was it something that only worked because of the dire situation? If the two do continue to have a relationship, do you think this will cause tension with Mizuki considering it makes her a third wheel? If you do think there will be tension, do you think it will arise from Mizuki being cut out of the relationship, or is it possible there will be issues of jealousy? In general, while the blooming relationship helped in Book 1, do you believe it well help or hinder Mizuki in Book 2? In what ways might it help or hinder her? Lastly, do you think Mizuki will find her own romantic partner?
that's something i was drawing from experience, lol
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
I think... Mizuki will be alone for the time being. While she likes Pejiba... Eh, she and Cahe are cute together.
i will say - there is somewhat of a time skip between books 1 and 2 (as evidenced from the hair), so we'll see how cahe and pejiba's relationship has progressed over the course of that gap soon enough.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I kinda hope they split, because I ship the ladies. Besides, when I did the "Valentine's Day" quiz, I got Cahe. A sure sign that the guy is really gay.
i dunno, cahe might be bi. the only relationship i really cared about with him was with pejiba, so anything else is up for grabs lol.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Cahe has a thing for the tree. We saw that when we first met him. nods
i... he does?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He knealt down and prayed to it. Obviously infatuated.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
math has to believe to sail that ship.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He likes the wood.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
clearly just ship the threesome of pejiba/cahe/mizuki. best of all the worlds
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I will have King Zebugu use his wind powers to send the ship on a good sail.
(Hmmm, maybe Zebugu and Cahe? )
zebugu is like the only character i have specifically listed as straight in my notes lol
him and suzigu ludi
gynu is totally gay though
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im gonna shed a tear for math if it turns out that pejiba and cahe got married during the gap
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I don't think the threesome's in the cards. They had separate girls/guys rooms at the hotel.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Looking at that link
Kinda hard to look at these older 2D pages after seeing the 3D stuff
to be fair, the city chapter is 3d
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nice pic!
yo nice!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That looks excellent~
(do you have a link too, kabo?)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I like how you handled the hair.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah, that hair is seriosuly awesome(edited)
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
I'll DM ya! :3 But yes. Ahaha, sorry, that's why I went quiet.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ah man thats awesome kabo so beautiful
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'd make ya some fanart too but I'm kinda on an art block rn
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It boggles my mind that people can do art in less than an hour.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Cahe looks way too cute
I know right?
It takes me weeks/months just to finish one full pic but I digress(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
on a more serious note assuming pejiba and cahe are still together theres gonna be tension. cause being a third wheel sucks and combined with mizuki's low self esteem i think shes gonna self fulfill the being left out prophecy no matter how much the others try to include her.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Maybe Mizuki's left them and is totally over it by now. Or the King is trying to date her.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel: 'Tis true. She's probably also feeling down, being back in her hometown after fighting a king. (Maybe she'll take up leaf delivery?)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/206 plz no bully the Cahe
but yes, it would be quite sad for math/mizuki if cahe and pejiba got married during the timeskip, and if they had a baby, and if they didn't invite mizuki to the wedding or the baby shower or anything
that would be sad
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Snuffy: That was way too specific.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i hope they name the baby cahe jr.
or maybe it's just been a couple weeks and they're not even living together yet
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Maybe instead of a baby they figured out how to combine magic
for an extra special couple ability
and Mizuki gets more jealous
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that would be too adorable
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Seriously, I'm fine. I just really liked the Pejiba character and like when my shipping of the ladies can be considered canon.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe jealousy opens her magic ability?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
And filled with all sorts of pun potential, too?
if i remember my notes correctly, the next two major female characters introduced are both lesbians
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
So. ...romantic potential for Mizuki
unless they're both trying to kill her, sure
well, not that it would stop y'all
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
.................... Even more shipping fodder
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also if they're, like, 80 and already married, that'd be a bit of a downer.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
All them ships!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
all it takes is for them to stop trying to kill her and learn the error of their ways
very easy
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Time to set sail~
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
mizuki vs. 80 year old lesbians sounds like something id want to see
80 year old lesbian assassins
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
One "homing arrow" later...
or say, if one of them is related to someone who hates mizuki and refuses to let her anywhere near her~~~
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's cool, Mizuki has an "in" with the King.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i feel like thats specific but im also pretty sure mizuki racked up quite the enemy count during book 1
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
it's the monster that possessed the tree
i'd say one of the women i'm talking about has a bigger "in" with the King...
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
or his wife O_O
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
wait, crap, that crack theory doesn't quite work because it might be accurate in this comic
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
OMG. The "leaf bringer"! Mizuki punched her out offscreen.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
man that would suck if you didn't get to be queen because of a five minute difference
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
MATH! You've cracked it.
also, i seriously doubt king zebugu has a lesbian wife
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
darn it
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
It's called marrying for politics.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i super want to know about this leaf delivery business.
is this common
is it profitable
cant they just grow trees
it's a leaf of the month club
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
mostly is it profitable cause i will take a job as leaf delivery person
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's not fun delivering the poison ivy leaves.
each month a new leaf from a new (new to the club, at least) tree
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Is that so
not sure if there are any other members of this club besides zebugu
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
mizuki can join
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
So, when do we get to meet the King's sister
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
they can be leaf buddies
book 2 chapter 2
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Zebugu's all, "Why dont you make like a tree, and get outta here".
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
"Why don't you make like a tree, and die"
(that's for anyone that's tried to raise a bonsai tree :'3)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Poor bonsai.
I wonder how bonsais stack up with Pejiba.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Well, they didn't get shot in the leg so
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That was so sad!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
it was sad but also awesome imo. cause again subversion. was like "oh i guess these abilities suck. oh nevermind actually sucks to be pejiba."
i'd say about 20 bonsais stack up with pejiba
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yep. Gotta watch out for those bank shots.
one of my goals with the comic is to subvert expectations with the abilities in particular. so it's like "my ability is complete control over space and time!" guy will get beaten in a minute but "my ability is to make your toenails grow faster!" guy will kill three main characters
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Cahe: "How are you today, Pejiba? ... Pejiba? Hey, wait, this is just 20 bonsais in a trenchcoat. Where did Pejiba go?"
Pejiba: "Mizuki, I think he's onto us."
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That sounds nice.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Cahe: "Then again... I do like the trees..."
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
cough oh dear
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'll try to be good. Really.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. Book 1 ends happily with the food shortage being solved and Mizuki walking off triumphantly with Cahe and Pejiba. However, this leaves Book 2 wide open for many conflicts. Why do you think Mizuki is working at some store in Book 2, and where are Cahe and Pejiba? Do you think Mizuki will be able to live such a mundane life, or will the call of adventure get to her again? Assuming Mizuki goes on another adventure, what characters do you want or think we’ll see again? Give the title of the webcomic, what role do you think the old Galaxy Knights might play in Mizuki’s future? Overall, how do you foresee Book 2 going?
to be clear - the comic is fairly SFW as far as sexuality is concerned, so outside of characters orientations i won't really go into much. with that said, cahe's sword? undercompensation.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think the current Galaxy Knights might be starting to look at Mizuki, what with her defeating the King and a couple of them working for the King and all. So maybe they'll set up some kind of tests for her to overcome, to see if she's worthy of joining them.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
"Your branches are lookin' nice and supple if you know what I mean" (sayeth Cahe in an image)(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
:dissolves into laughter:
huh, a series of nine tests, with the nine most important galaxy knights creating challenges that demonstrate their personalities, establishing them as characters for the future?
seems unrealistic
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
This doodle
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cahe plz. that ancestral tree was a jerk.
and lazy
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that is a suspiciously specific thing to say
about tests
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
is it now
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
All the tests are multiple choice and must be completed with an HB pencil.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Mizuki will clearly never be part of them. Or lead them.
They'll be graded by a scantron fwiw
yeah, you're right, that'd be dumb. she'd need people to compete with for it to be interesting
like the galaxy knights' leader's gay daughter, for example
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The first thing she must defeat is the Ancestral Tree.
the tree is level 1 every time
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
the Ancestral Tree is secretely the mastermind
like whispy woods in kirby games
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
The Galaxy Knight's daughter and the King's twin sister?!!?!?!!
i did say two lesbians, yes
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though I'm okay with the first thing Mizuki defeating being the gay daughter too.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
So, with the Galaxy Knights, is it leadership by might? Or nah
it's leadership by the old leaders thought you were qualified to lead
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Mizuki's gonna date Knifeman? Too farfetched.
actually, i don't think knife man shows up again. a lot of other seemingly one-off characters do, but not him
he might have died actually
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
So, who is Mizuki gonna beat up next
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh. Well, it's been a slice.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
is she going to punch someone in the store?
that sounds like a fun way to get fired
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The "store"? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
to be fair its retail and when you work retail, 80% of customers deserve to be punched
cant wait for this person buying oxen to argue about how taxes arent real and the store is trying to cheat them
she's pretty old. that seems like something she'd argue
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Next arc: Mizuki fired. Tries many odd jobs.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. and then mizuki tries to explain, the manager is called, and the manager says the same damn thing and the customer is like "oh youre so right wise store overlord"
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
how many jobs has mizuki been fired from :3
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i might have some retail ptsd
this is actually the only job mizuki's ever had
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
is that so
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
patpats Rebel
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
pats too
or, well, this store's the only place she's worked. when she was six or seven her dad probably just had her sweep some things to keep her occupied
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
that I can relate to
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
and then mizuki beat ppl up with the broom and her dad was like "never again"
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
I think putting her on register would be more of a liability
unless she's loss prevention
mizuki isn't THAT violent
though i suppose giving herself a reputation as the town bruiser would be better than her current reputation?
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
She could have an "enforcement' gig
"Oh, you... want me to stop this guy from bugging you? All right, but you gotta pay me"
and before she knows it, she's fighting another gang
every territory overlaps with 3 other gangs!
100% murder rate!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Mizuki's town is.... a shambles.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Mizuki can try waitressing. Maid outfit and all. Speaking of, nice detail in places on the comic! I liked the menu -- "Pink Stuff", a couple hundred barrels appeared in our basement, we're trying to get rid of it.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I read that as wrestling
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Crossover with CHAMPS?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Who will be Mizuki's Tala to her Jane
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I would be down for that
i wonder who would win that fight...?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
one character i really hope we see is zofuhu. i need more electric zebra in my life
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I bet we will. He seemed to have a rivalry with his subordinate that's rife for expansion.
Also there's the title opportunity, "Tanks for the memories".
cahe broke their only tank
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Now they fight with water tanks.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
why well see him again
hes gotta write a song about the tank
and how it served them well
but was cut down
it was a weapon of war though
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
zofuhu hates war
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Don't we all?
Except those crazy addicted to fighting
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Zofuhu may be in the wrong line of work.
i suppose it does help keep the country at peace though
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
In peaces, you said?
if the leader of the army is an anti-military musician
maybe that was zebugu's plan when he appointed zofuhu
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He takes good notes.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey now, even weapons of war are harmless if they arent used for their intended purpose
or maybe he needed a general and just appointed the first guy he saw
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm now waiting for the King to pull a CSI: Miami or something.
has anyone straight up told a pun, actually?
except the demon possessing the tree, of course
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont know i sadly do not keep a pun tally O_O
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Hm. Someone should read through and do the math
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Did someone say Math?
oh, just you all wait until you get to book 2 chapter 4
there's a reason very few people we've met so far tell puns
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Math and puns. Yeah, you'd think I'd be on that. Pejiba's just so distracting.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
All dem maths
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
is it because someone's magical ability is to be the only human who can tell puns in a certain mile radius O_O
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
O_O pun power
The Gang Visits A Penal Colony Of Pun Addicts
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
A punal colony.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Journey to the puniverse
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Where are the names from, incidentally? Is there hidden meaning there?
the character names? mostly randomly generated.
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
oh no, a punal colony
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
You All Think I'm Joking About The Punal Colony(edited)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh no, I'm not thinking that at all
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Sadly, no. I take you very seriously Sam. XD
I've read your comic, I know what you're capable of!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont think youre joking this seems like the world thatd have that
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
hence why everyone'names sound ridiculous
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
And I am afraid.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Joe King? Is he the King's half brother?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and creative
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
since we only have a few minutes left does anyone have some last minute thoughts they want to share?
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Yeah, I'm still shocked Mizuki was like "What's a shirt"
you're sorta wearing one
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The whole comic is just a powerhouse. Of productivity and creativity. Like, wow.
she's wearing a shirt in the latest page too, so that doesn't really track
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well I'd like to say, keep doing what you're doing, @ snuffysam. You got the makings of a great story on your hands unlike any other.
maybe it's just a short tunic
thanks everyone!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
You're welcome
Pleasure to be here and chat about your comic. (edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. i really enjoyed the sheer creativity in everything about the comic and it was fun to read
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Looking forward to meeting Pejiba's twin sister that was adopted away at an early age.
if you all want more, there's short side stories based on the comic that are coming out in StArt Faire magazine
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to snuffysam, as well, for making Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support snuffysam’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Nwain by Terrana Cliff. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on May 24th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://nwain.com/
0 notes