#kai cartoon therapy
ts-replicated-au · 1 year
I'm sorry Kai, that sounds rough. If you're the only one managing the socials, what does everyone else do in the organization?
Well, since we're a small group we kind of all do a bit of everything, but Larry is the one who officially founded the nonprofit, so he gets to be the boss on like, paper. He and Dot are married and handle the more business-y side of things, and Dot in particular is a wizard organizer, so she keeps all the admin stuff sorted out.
Then there's Dr. Picani, who's sort of the co-founder? He and Larry got the idea to start the organization together, and he's the one who knows the most about the science and psychology of clones, which is a big help. He's our biggest asset in terms of educating the public about why clones deserve human rights, besides, you know, basic fucking decency.
Then you've got me and Elliott. I handle the social media and digital side of things, and Elliott is our secret weapon when it comes to scheduling demonstrations and stuff. They've got a...source, let's say, and are able to let us know when and where the most effective protest opportunities present themselves.
But again, we all kinda end up with all our fingers in all the pies. We have a few supporters, but we're the only five who are on this full time. Actually, none of us are on this FULL full time, we all have other jobs to keep our bills paid, except Elliott who's a full time student, and Dot and Larry don't actually get any paycheck like Emile, Elliott and I do.
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Since I suck at drawing I decided to just create a design using gl2
Here's how the Green Serpent look like in my story!
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If anyone is interested you can read it here
Power, So Much Power (24985 words) by CHfan2008 Chapters: 9/? Fandom: LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lloyd Garmadon & Lord Garmadon, Cole & Lloyd Garmadon & Kai & Nya & Jay Walker & Zane, Lloyd Garmadon & Kai, Kai & Nya (Ninjago), Cole & Kai (Ninjago), Nya/Jay Walker (Ninjago), Cole & Jay Walker (Ninjago), P.I.X.A.L./Zane (Ninjago), Cole & Lloyd Garmadon & Lord Garmadon & Kai & Nya & Jay Walker & Zane Characters: Lloyd Garmadon, Lord Garmadon (Ninjago), Aspheera (Ninjago), Kai (Ninjago), Nya (Ninjago), Jay Walker (Ninjago), Cole (Ninjago), Zane (Ninjago), P.I.X.A.L. (Ninjago), Sorla (Ninjago), Vex (Ninjago) Additional Tags: Lloyd Garmadon Needs a Hug, Lord Garmadon is Sensei Garmadon (Ninjago), Lord Garmadon Tries to Be a Good Parent (Ninjago), emotionally mature Jay, I need someone to hold the team together, Everyone Needs A Hug, as well as therapy, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I'm Bad At Tagging, Good Older Sibling Kai (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon and Kai and Nya Are Siblings, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, LEGO Ninjago Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu Summary: His hands trembled but his grip on the staff never wavering. Imagine what he could do with this power, he now have the ability to stop criminals with just a single wave, no one would dare to challenge him and his friends, maybe finally they could all live in peace. A quiet chuckle escaped his lips, no one would dare defy him. But he was snapped out of those thoughts as he heard his father call out to him, and asking him to give back the staff. Lloyd hesitated for a moment, could his father not see how Lloyd having this power be useful?   Or in which Lloyd was the one who last held the scroll of forbidden spinjitsu
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bratzforchris · 1 year
you should do a lil luke blurb where the guys have to baby sit him or something and he gets fussy bc he just wants his caregiver 🥺🥺🥺
Little Angel
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Summary: Above
Pairing: Little!Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 989
A/N: Thank you for the request!
Caring for your Luke when he was regressed was probably our favorite thing to do in the whole world. He was such a respectful little, and seeing the way he got some of his sparkle back and the weight of the adult world taken off his shoulders made you so happy. However, there were days where Luke’s regression interfered with your day-to-day life. 
Take today, for example. Luke had woken up tiny, immediately snuggling into your side with a giggle. You’d let him stay small, cuddled up in bed with you until his tummy began to growl, signaling that he was ready for breakfast. Your little one had led you to the kitchen and brandished the box of Lucky Charms at you with a huge smile that made you continue to let him stay regressed, which led to where you were now: gently explaining to Luke why he had to go hang out at Uncle Mikey’s for a while. 
Luke was probably the most well-behaved little in the whole world, but there were situations that you just couldn’t put a little in. You had an appointment with a new therapist today, and although being a caregiver was a big part of your life, you really didn’t want to take a regressed Luke to your first appointment, especially in an unfamiliar place. 
“Lu, bubba?” You asked him as he munched on his cereal, watching cartoons.
“Mhm?” he smiled happily. 
“You’re going to go hang out with Uncle Mikey for a few hours today, okay? Mommy has an appointment.” You told him. 
“Whewe Mama go?” Luke asked, blue eyes growing wide. 
“Just to the doctor, buddy,” You said, ruffling his hair. “I won’t be gone long.”
“Bu bu, I wan come!” Luke’s eyes began to fill with unshed tears. “Wan go wif Mommy!”
“Shhh shh, honey,” You said, scooping him into a hug. “If you go hang out with Uncle Mikey and be a good boy, we’ll get ice cream on the way home, ‘kay?”
“Yay!” Luke giggled, rubbing to his room to pick an outfit, his spirits renewed by the promise of ice cream. 
It didn’t take long for you to get Luke and yourself ready, buckling him into the car seat and driving the short distance to Michael’s house. You’d texted him earlier in the day, asking if he minded watching Luke, to which he’d of course answered yes. 
“I I go see Moose and Soufy!” Luke cheered, flinging open the door as soon as the car stopped. 
You chuckled, grabbing Luke’s diaper bag and heading after him up the driveway. By the time you caught up, Luke had already attached himself to Michael, eagerly asking about the small dogs and their whereabouts. 
“Thank you so much, Mike. I know you have toys for him, but there’s some in here and he also has diapers just in case, and wipes, and snacks if he needs…” You were cut off by Michael laughing and shaking his head. 
“Relax, Y/N. I have everything he needs. Say bye to Mommy, Luke.”
“Bye bye, Mommy!” Luke looked back your way once before running into the house. 
You took off down the driveway before Luke could realize you were leaving, smiling fondly as you saw Michael chasing him through the windows. Despite your anxiety, you knew that Michael would take amazing care of Luke. 
It wasn’t until just after lunchtime when there was an issue. Luke was cuddled up on Michael’s couch, watching Paw Patrol, leaning against the older male. The combination of a full belly from lunch and it being naptime was making him very sleepy, and he always, always slept with Mommy. 
“Mikey?” Luke asked, looking up with sleepy eyes. “Miss Mommy. When she comes back?”
“Not for a few more hours, buddy,” Michael said sadly. “Are you getting sleepy?”
You had had a therapy appointment, but you also had errands you had to run that you hadn’t told Luke about for fear of a tantrum. 
Luke nodded, fisting his eyes. “Wan Mommy.” he whimpered. 
“I’m sorry, buddy. She’ll be back soon.” Michael could tell by Luke’s body language that a meltdown was coming and he was trying anything to avoid that. 
The blond began to cry into Michael’s side, heavy sobs that racked his whole body. “Wan Mommy!” 
“Oh Lu,” Mike sighed, picking him up. “Let’s make you a bottle, yeah? Get nice and comfy for naptime?” 
“No!” Luke cried. “Wan my mommy! No seep without her!” 
Michael bounced Luke on his hip, tried singing to him, tried making him a bottle, and nothing was working. Eventually, he pulled out his phone, not wanting to bother you, but Luke was on the verge of throwing up from crying so hard. 
“Michael?” You asked worriedly when you picked up the FaceTime. 
“Mommy!” Luke nearly screamed, lunging out of Michael’s arms for the phone.
That answered your question of why he was calling. You knew it was Luke’s naptime and he was absolutely inconsolable if he was overly tired. 
“He’s really fussy. Nothing’s working. I’ve tried a bottle, singing, rocking.” Michael fretted. 
“Lu, bubba, I need you to listen to Mommy, sweetie,” You said softly as Luke peppered the screen with kisses. “Can you get your paci and bottle for Uncle Mikey, please? If you take your nap, Mommy will be there when you wake up!”
“Pwomise?” Luke asked, popping his paci into his mouth. 
“I promise, honey.”
Luke must’ve decided he believed you, because he kissed the screen once more, wiped his eyes, and curled up against Michaels’ side, yawning around his paci. 
“You’re a miracle worker.” Michael said gratefully. 
“I’ll be there in less than an hour.” You promised. 
Forty-five minutes later, you stepped inside Michael’s house to see both him and Luke fast asleep on the couch, cartoons still softly playing on the television. You snapped a quick picture and cooed, cherishing how much you loved your little angel. 
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blu3cl0v3rs · 11 months
Summary: Morro and Nya carve pumpkins!
Warnings: knives, descriptions of stabbing/cutting things
Prompt: Carve
Extra: Set in my "Wojira's Ghost" AU, post Season 5, which I explain in this post. Also, Sensei Garmadon has a therapy cat called Critter and is referred to with it/its pronouns. Credit to my irl friend who came up with Critter and demanded it be in this oneshot.
Morro pressed the short blade into the orange skin of the pumpkin. His ghostly hands held the knife firmly as he cut precise shapes into the round body of the fruit.
Nya watched intently as the ghost's hand smoothly glided the knife, following the rather simple design Nya had drawn on with a dry erase marker.
Morro gestured to the shape he made, and Nya plucked it out of the dull orange body, giving it one eye. They repeated the process, and soon her pumpkin had a silly face engraved into it.
She happily picked up her jack 'o lantern and rotated it to see the face at different angles as Critter padded its way into the room.
It curled up near Morro as Nya left to put her jack 'o lantern at the end of the pumpkin line. All of the Ninja and their Senseis had made theirs the day prior, but Morro and Nya were fixing up her Samurai X mech and training. Morro knew her mom, apparently, and helped Nya be more proficient in her element using that knowledge.
As she walked down the line, Nya noted each of the jack 'o lanterns designs. Kai's had a generic face carved into it, Zane's had a precise smiley face, Jay's made his look like it was vomiting its seeds out, Cole's had smiley face with detailed eyes that made it look very off putting, Lloyd's had an evil face, Wu and Garmadon's had their respective matching angel and devil faces, and Morro's had normal evil-looking eyes with this creepy mouth that he made by scratching and slicing off small chunks, making it look like the mouth was being ripped open.
Nya gingerly placed it next to Morro's horror pumpkin. She had drawn a laughing face that was looking towards Morro's jack 'o lantern. The water elemental lit the candle inside her pumpkin, illuminating its face and giving it life.
She stepped back to see the entire lineup. She nodded and pulled out her phone to take a picture and send it to the group chat. The sky was finally fading sunset colors to glittery stars that were visible up in the monastery, which made the jack 'o lanterns faces stand out nicely.
Multiple chat bubbles popped up as a few people made comments on the picture. Nya smiled as she walked inside and hung out with Morro and Critter, watching a kids cartoon until the Ninja returned for their bad horror movie marathon.
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ironwoman359 · 11 months
Sanders Valley AU???
So the "Sanders Valley AU" doc is a very sparse idea document that contains notes for a Sanders Sides Stardew Valley AU (I might have talked with @teacupfulofstarshine or @stormcrawler75 about this, I honestly don't remember, the document is two years old). The story would focus Farmer Thomas moving to Stardew Valley and befriending the local populace, helping the valley's pining residents confess their feelings for each other, all while falling hopelessly in love with the valley's resident hopeful author Elliot Nico. This is the casting list I made:
Thomas = Farmer 
Nico = Elliot
Virgil = Sebastian 
Logan = Harvey
Patton = Penny 
Roman = Leah 
Remus = Maru
Janus = Abigail 
Emile Picani = Emily 
Remy (Sleep) = Sam 
Kai (cartoon therapy) = Alex 
Elliott (cartoon therapy) = Shane 
Missy (Misleading Compliments) = Hailey (this casting is open to change)
Dot and Larry = Pierre and Caroline 
Main ships would have been Thomas/Nico, Analogical, Royality, and Dukeceit, all which become established over the course of the story, while Remile is already established. I had no plans for ships involving Kai, Elliott, and Missy, though I was open to the idea of a ship or qpp developing between them. Also, as stated, Dot and Larry would take the place of Pierre and Caroline, and I had thoughts of replacing all the villagers, including the kids, with Shorts characters. I never actually outlined any plot or anything, but that was the idea!
WIP Title Ask Game
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The Plan so far
So, this blog was a very spontaneous idea I had yesterday (very late in the evening). So I took some time to think it through today, as well as get some more lists from other Fanders.
The plan now is to first create lists for the separate facets of the Thomas Sanders fandom, i.e. Sanders Sides, Shorts Characters, Cartoon Therapy and Roleslaying with Roman. (I'm sorry that this means I need to split up Remy and Emile for now, we'll get to crossovers later.)
For that to work, I need a comprehensive list of characters first. So this is my call for your help! I'll put a list of who I got so far after the cut and you can reply to this post or send me an ask about more characters I can/should include!
I'm really happy with the positive reactions I got for creating this blog, thank you for your support! 💗💙💖💙💜💛💚
Sanders Sides:
Dragon Witch (unsure if I should include her but if I do, this is where she'll be)
I know King is most commonly used as a sort of fusion of Roman and Remus but for the purposes of this list, I will see him as an entirely separate character and as such include ships between him and Roman and/or Remus.
Shorts Characters
Remy - Sleep
Teal/Teagan - Teacher
Dayd - Dad
Pryce - Prince
Andy - Anxiety
Dice/Anton/Cedric - The Critic
Linda - Thomas' Cowlick
Missy - Misleading Compliments
Nathan - Crimefighter Dude
Detective Sanders (from this series which I found through this post by @loganslowdown4!)
Percy/Magenta - Printer
Harley/Hart - Heart
Immy - Immune System
Brian - Brain
Dean - Denial
Sabina - Spam Bot
Ishmael - Ice Machine
Jasper - GPS
Scot - Scam Likely
Wieland - WIP
Phaelan - Phone
Fane - Fan
Steven - Electric Stapler
Ace - Action Hero that can't catch things
Rian - Rain
Mike - Microwave
Nessy - Illness
Apollo - Sun
Jericho - Moon
Taz / Tucker - Task
Bouce/Boucy - The Bouncing Ball
Anton - Antagonist
Pranks - Disney/Pokémon Pranks
Asher/Rudolph - Christmas
Jasper - Thanksgiving
Jaana - January
Fabian - Feburary
Mara - March
April - April
May - May
Junie - June
Julia/Julian - July
Augusta/Augustus - August
Seth/Ember - September
Toby - October
Nove - November
Demetri/Odessa - December
Ariel/Ari - Aries
Leona/Leonard/Leo - Leo
Candace/Candy - Cancer
Phillipa/Pip/Pippy - Pisces
Schuyler/Sky - Scorpio
Tara - Taurus
Sarah/Sally - Sagittarius
Caprice - Capricorn
Gemma - Gemini
Virginia/Ginny - Virgo
Liberty/Libby - Libra
Quinn - Aquarius
Cartoon Therapy (as far as I know, all the characters in this series are adults)
Emile Picani
Mitchel (I don't actually know if that's how you spell his name)
Roleslaying with Roman
Roman of Reston
??? (Mike)
Bob Normie
Bard King
There are many more characters in the series of course, but I do not know which it makes sense to include here, so please let me know! Also if there is another part of the fandom I forgot to include entirely.
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The awakening of Vi:Book one “Air”
197AG the greatly beloved Avatar Korra was killed in a mysterious explosion on one of her missions..She was only 44, the whole world mourned their loss before the nations decended into chaos once again secluding themselves from the other nations. But as one Avtatar falls another rises, the same year Korra passed an earthbender called VIolet Lanes was born in a small village in th earth kingdom...This is her story..
The atla x Arcane AU nobody asked for (Rewrite of previous story)
Words: 2329, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of ArcanexAvatar
Fandoms: Avatar: Legend of Korra, Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021), Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Vi (League of Legends), Caitlyn (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends), Vander (League of Legends), Mako (Avatar), Claggor (Arcane: League of Legends), Mylo (Arcane: League of Legends), Korra (Avatar), Asami Sato, Cassandra Kiramman, Tobias Kiramman, Jinora (Avatar), Kai (Avatar), Silco (Arcane: League of Legends), Sevika (Arcane: League of Legends), Marcus (Arcane: League of Legends), Mel Medarda, Viktor (League of Legends), Heimerdinger (League of Legends), Original Characters
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends), Claggor (Arcane) & Jinx (League of Legends) & Mylo (Arcane) & Vander & Vi (League of Legends), Jinx & Vi (League of Legends), Ekko/Jinx (League of Legends), Jayce/Viktor (League of Legends), Jayce (League of Legends)/Mel Medarda/Viktor (League of Legends), Caitlyn (League of Legends) & Cassandra Kiramman & Tobias Kiramman, Caitlyn & Jayce (League of Legends), Caitlyn & Jinx (League of Legends), Korra/Asami Sato, Korra (Avatar) & Vi (League of Legends), Caitlyn (League of Legends) & Mako (Avatar), Tobias Kiramman & Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Jinx Goes by Powder (League of Legends), Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, Slow Burn, Kinda, Post-Avatar: The Legend of Korra, vi is the new earth avatar!!, Caitlyn is a waterbending cop that almost arrested Vi, (also kinda), Caitlyn and Vi are in Love (League of Legends), Caitlyn Needs a Hug (League of Legends), Caitlyn and Jayce are Siblings (League of Legends), Vi Needs a Hug (League of Legends), Good Sibling Vi (League of Legends), Protective Vi (League of Legends), Vi Needs Therapy (League of Legends), even more now cuz shes the avatar with dead parents, jinx isnt crazy, silco is an asshole(shocker), korra is sadly dead, SOS, but there are other LOK characters here so stay tuned, last point Jayce is bi and is in a poly relationship with viktor and mel for lols
Read on A03. from AO3 works tagged ‘Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)’
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
So I’m just going to throw this out there for future Cartoon Therapy episodes if Thomas and his team can ever get back former patients 😄🤞
Here’s some future Cartoon Therapy predictions!
☛If they can get back Larry and Dot: they have to have matching outfits again
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☛They will bring up the stolen Stitch doll again and/or finally return it to Picani, who will say that he knew they had it the whole time
☛Larry will mention his pop pop
☛Dot will say ‘Gee Minetti!’
☛It’s been a while so they might have a child now!
☛If they can get back Elliott: they definitely broke up with Mitchell and met someone new. They might still have issues with their dad.
☛If they can get back Corbin & Sloan: they’re definitely married now
☛If they can get back Kai: Kai is a top gamer now and has fully embraced their geekiness. Lauren is still their girlfriend and they support each other dearly.
☛If they can get back Sam: Sam finally makes friends at school and has quit their medical degree for art full time!
☛If they can get back Dalton: he has to show up again randomly trying to sell us sandwiches or something, I just miss Dalton lol
☛And Picani will of course play his ukelele again
Plus I made another bingo card!
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I just really like Cartoon Therapy lol
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galaxybooper00 · 11 months
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The core four ninja just saved Ninjago again. However, instead of more training, Sensei Wu whisked all five away to a village by the sea. The purpose? A vacation with therapy sessions. Kai doesn't do therapy. He doesn't want to remember about his damage and his trauma so he makes a stupid decision to board a fishing boat to help. Little does he know that fishing trip would change his world...
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semie78 · 2 years
Hey do you have any good Code Lyoko fics that focus particularly on angst or the trauma the Lyoko Warriors went through? I've been trying to find some good ones, I saw you mention a fic where Yumi went to therapy and I was wondering if there were any more fics out there thay examine the trauma the warriors faced.
I'm a week late but hello~ I have a few recs but not all of them fit 100% on examining their trauma, you might have read these already but I hope you enjoy them! (and if anyone has anymore pls share!!! I haven't gotten a chance to read much lately)
Out of Time by That_G3_Obsessive
Dr Elaine Charpentier was well-respected in her field. As one of the best psychotherapists in the Paris area, she was no stranger to strange and difficult cases. However, when fifteen-year-old Yumi Ishiyama came into her office with reports of troubles at school, something seemed off about the girl. For starters, no one had been able to find out what exactly the problem was. Well, if there was one thing Elaine loved, it was a challenge. She was determined to figure out exactly what Yumi's problem was... Whatever the cost. This is the therapy fic that anon mention if anyone is curious it's so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And So They Lived by Sheep_with_teeth
He was staring out the window at the rapidly darkening sky when his phone buzzed, and his heart jumped into his throat. Adrenaline shot through him and then drained away, leaving him flushed and dizzy. U kn com bk now. It didn’t say XANA. It never does anymore. Now all his phone screen ever tells him is: You are a normal teenager, Odd Della Robbia. We’re sorry for any inconvenience that war over the entire planet might have caused you. Please get back to your regularly scheduled programming of being a dork with roommate problems. Another message popped up on his screen, a real one: Buy twinkies. This one is more light hearted and more odd/sissi focus and I definitely need to reread this again<3
Goodbyes by amorekay
"Did you read my diary?" Odd stills, and then turns his head toward Ulrich, frowning. "Yes," he admits, hesitantly, after a beat. A short but good one~ man I miss kay's fics <3 def check her other works too
You might need me more than you think you will. by amorekay
If Sissi's noticed that Aelita's nightmares have gotten worse steadily over the past week as she looks paler and paler in class, she's not going to admit anything.
Solace by dame_de_la_chance
Odd has been avoiding Jeremie for some time now, and Jeremie attempts to get to the bottom of his strange behavior. This fic man!!!! I love fics like these and even tho this fic doesn't mention it, if you like the garage kids plot with powers on earth chance has some other fics you can read like that!!
Old Habits Die Hard by BewitchingNotes
Everyone's having trouble grasping the fact that they aren't the Lyoko Warriors anymore. Sissi knocks Aelita down during gym and finds herself being kicked to the ground by Odd.
List by lunesolei
Here-in lies the twenty-five things Ulrich is unlikely to mention. Here-in lie the twenty-five things Yumi keeps quiet about. Here-in reside the twenty-five things Jeremie doesn't really disclose. Hear ye, hear ye, here-in are the 25 things Odd doesn't really bring up. THIS SERIES MAN IT'S SO AMAZING DEF ONE OF MY TOP CL FIC RECS I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT, EACH STORY HAS SUCH A GOOD FOCUS ON THE CHARACTERS AND IT JUST GIVES YOU A WHIPLASH OF EMOTIONS. It's currently on odd's chapter which has 5 chapters left then aelita is next, but yeah I really like this one everyone should check it out.
Saturday Morning Cartoons by YoshiStack
Their fight is over, but sometimes old habits still die hard. At least it'll make a great story one day down the line. Yoshi's fics >>>>> def read their other works!
Celui qui n’avance pas, recule by quiter10
Odd organizes a videogame tournament, Sissi gives the okay, and Jeremie reflects on the past, present and future—because whether he likes it or not, life goes on. Really great read love all the little details put in!
15 by YoshiStack
Kiwi has been a very good boy for a long time. He'll be 15 in June. I apologize this one is just pain B')
That's What Friends Are For by YoshiStack
In the aftermath of the Franz Hopper incident, the others realize they never got a chance to properly celebrate his birthday. Jeremy has feelings about it. And he's bad at feelings. kids being kids with a mix of pain my favorite B')
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dearest flower blease gift us with the knowledge of what the laoft characters do/would make yt vids about
Roman: aiming for romanticized chicken farm life but it comes across as hillbilly shitposting most of the time
Virgil: knitting/weaving/lace tatting ASMR
Logan: hank and john green-esque videos about environmental conservation and ecology
Patton: baking show with his mom that becomes a mildly viral meme for their constant terrible puns
Emile: cartoon therapy... TWO /hj
Remy: hillbilly shitposting all of the time, on purpose edition
Kai: lets plays natch, has a respectable number of fans and two (2) rage quit compilations
Corbin and Sloane: vlogs. Sloane mostly shoots and makes cutesy comments to get Corbin to fondly groan. doesnt even have a gimmick or anything he just uses it as an actual diary and posts like. 3 minute long middling-skilled videos of a campsite. Corbin waves. theyre on a little weekend date trip :) the comment ask about the grotesque little goblin creature that ran past in a few frames and Sloanes just like "Dont worry about it :)"
Elliot: Remy's videos remixed into godtier shitposts. Remy finds this hilarious
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weekend-whip · 2 years
me thinking about,,,,,, Kai's tp,,,,,,, and like,,,, Garmadon and Lloyd, the latter being a literal TWEEN, giving Kai therapy are probably The Highlights of this chapter
okay but seriously, love how you expanded on Kai's original TP by going from discovering/fulfilling your purpose to wrestling with the expectations set by others and yourself, because they quite literally go hand in hand. and that distinction between being aggression-through-anger and aggression-through-despair is so real and true and [cartoon cartwheels into the abyss] it very much fits Kai's progression as a character and I love that so freaking much okay?? i am. holding this chapter. very gently. gonna swallow all of lloyd's advice. love myself for a bit. and then suffer when the next chap drops <3
this is just bringing on an onslaught of emotions because MAN show!kai really deserves like. a good proper treatment for his character. man really just got brushed aside almost INSTANTLY after getting his TP when the Green Ninja theme started playing, lil me was close to bawling like "WHERE IS THE RECOGNITION FOR MY GUY?!?!??? LLOYD CAN WAIT PLEASE I'VE BEEN SUFFERING WITH KAI FOR 10 EPISODES"
but I am glad to say you have done him justice. you did it. I can now kiss you on the lips and hold the fic up in the air and scream because it has been Done and i can now die in peace
so yeah <333
It’s a bit funny that the people who have been around Kai the least ended up helping him the most x3
I have finally given Kai the justice I always wanted him to have….the recognition he deserves…I can finally rest now…my work is complete—wait what do you mean there’s still seven chapters left—
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the-rad-menace · 2 years
John Oliver did another video about trans rights and it's just so full of bullshit. He even repeats the lie that puberty blockers are safe and reversible. He downplays the fact that cross sex hormones can sterilize people - especially children. He disregards detransitioners.
He also features Kai Shapley - the little trans identified boy whose mother admitted to beating him when he played with "girl" toys because she was terrified of him being gay. She admitted to googling conversion therapy before she decided Kai was trans. Of course John Oliver doesn't mention any of this. He just uses clips of Kai looking sad while regurgitating what adults have told him to say to make anyone whose not on board with genderism seem like cartoon villains attacking innocent twans children.
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I got recommended a countdown blog for Kai from Cartoon Therapy...and they haven’t posted in a couple days. Their queue ran out or they finally stopped aftwr nearly 1,500 days. It was weirdly heartbreaking to see
LMAO that’s prolly mine. Idk wut happened to the other Kai one. School’s been kicking my ass lately so I’m only now refilling all of my queues after leaving them all for like a week
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years
the kids are alright
AKA, Kai will see Elliott and ask “Is anyone going to adopt that?” and not wait for an answer
Edit: now also on AO3!
Characters: Kai, Elliott, Emile Picani, Larry and Dot (mentioned)
Words: 2,354
(A/N: I read both Elliott and Kai as being older teenagers, with Elliott being like 17/18 and Kai being 19/20? That might not be accurate but that’s the vibes for this.)
As soon as Kai pushed his way through the glass door, he started the process of freeing himself from the ridiculous amount of safety gear he had to wear while skateboarding.
Off came the elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards, which he dumped unceremoniously in his backpack; then he undid his helmet, the black and purple gradient one that Lauren got him when he told her he was gonna take up skating again. That, he tucked under his arm for safekeeping, grabbing his board with his other hand as he made his way down the hall to Picani’s waiting room.
Kai didn’t know how many patients the quack doctor had; enough to keep his business from shutting down, he guessed, but he’d never even seen another person in the building at any of the sessions he’d been to already.
So the sight of someone actually sitting on the waiting room couch made Kai freeze in his tracks.
The other person— around Kai’s age, maybe a little younger— had their eyes on their phone, and made no outward reaction when Kai appeared in the doorway; but Kai was way too suspicious of everything around him to not pick up on the way the kid’s eyes flicked towards him for less than a second before returning to their phone, or the way their thumb was moving across the screen too fast and haphazard for them to actually be doing anything.
They were nervous, Kai suddenly realized, because he’d shown up, and now the two of them were alone in a tiny waiting room of a therapist’s office.
Ah, fuck. Kai hated knowing people were uncomfortable. His social anxiety wasn’t quite like that, but he’d certainly seen enough of his friends go through it to know that this encounter was ticking a lot of boxes: in tight quarters, with a stranger, in a vulnerable setting, in silence.
Well, Kai never had much of a filter anyway, so he might as well try to relieve some of the tension in the room.
“Sup,” he offered, dropping onto the other end of the couch, leaving the cushion in the middle empty as a buffer space. The kid nodded politely, pulling their backpack up onto their lap and hugging it against their chest. Kai caught a glimpse of a ‘they/them’ pronoun button on their bag.
He felt a release of breath he didn’t even know he was holding. Thank fuck, another one.
“Did the Doc double book his appointments or something?”
Kai pretended not to notice the way the kid jumped slightly before looking at him, hesitant and confused.
“I’m sorry?”
Kai gestured towards the door. “I’m his 11 o’clock. What’re you in for?”
The kid faltered for a second before holding up a crumpled stack of papers in their hand. “I, um, just need to drop off some paperwork.”
“You had to do that in person?” Kai asked. Too late, he realized the words were kind of unnecessarily hostile, but, well, he wasn’t a people person, so he didn’t know what the fuck he should be doing better, okay?
Luckily, the kid didn’t seem too bothered, merely looking down at their lap and picking at their nail polish.
“Uh, he asked me to? I was gonna email them but he said he doesn’t have a computer, so…” They trailed off, apparently not knowing how to finish the sentence.
Kai furrowed his brow. “How does he advertise his shit without a computer? That just seems like a bad business practice.”
They shrugged. “I mean, I guess word of mouth is good enough. Um, my friend told me about him, but I don’t actually know where she heard about him.”
“Same,” Kai replied. “My girlfriend made me come here at first, but she never told me how the fuck she found him. Probably some magic newspaper ad— ‘The person you need is Emile Picani’, or some dumb shit like that.”
The kid huffed a small laugh. “Was that— was that a Nanny McPhee reference?”
“… Huh,” Kai replied after a moment. “Yeah, it was. Didn’t think you’d recognize it.”
Again the kid shrugged, but now there was a small smile on their face. Kai grinned back, leaning against the stiff couch and kicking one leg on the table as he bounced his other leg against the floor.
“I’m Kai,” he said, lazily throwing up a peace sign. The kid blinked in surprise.
“Um, Elliott. Nice to… meet you,” they finished awkwardly.
“Same,” Kai replied, nodding. The room fell silent for a couple beats before he continued, “Still, no computer. I mean, Jesus, get with the times, man!”
“Probably doesn’t have one because he spent all his money on stuffed animals and Funko Pops,” Elliott muttered. The quip came fast, and Kai let out a huff of surprised laughter. Fuck, yes. Now this was something he wanted to talk about.
“Okay, I have to ask you this, because no one else will fucking get it,” he blurted, turning so he was facing Elliott more directly. They looked at him with slight apprehension as Kai leaned closer.
“What is his deal with cartoons?”
A beat, and then a slightly exasperated half-smile formed on Elliott’s face. “I know. It’s like, I assume he went to school for, you know, counseling or whatever, but he only knows how to explain things through kids’ shows? Like, how did you even get your degree? Or your license?”
Kai nodded. “I mean, I guess it makes sense. That hyper ass motherfucker practically is a cartoon character. Like, you know how he literally sings when he walks in the room? Who fucking does that?”
“Yes!” Elliott’s smile finally broke through completely. “Yes, oh my God, yes. And have you noticed the way he’s, like, incapable of sitting still? Like, he practically bounces all over the place, he throws his arms and legs everywhere, and his face—” 
“Oh, way too many facial expressions, for sure,” Kai finished. “Oh! Oh, and sometimes he’ll, like, scrunch his nose up and stick his tongue out when he’s taking notes or whatever? Like—” 
Kai demonstrated, making Elliott snort with laughter. Kai started laughing, too— it wasn’t a particularly funny impression, but something about the dissipating awkwardness in the room made laughter come easier.
“And you can’t talk about any other form of media with him, because he won’t get it!” Elliott continued, their voice brightening throughout the conversation. “Like, anime? Never heard of it.”
“Video games are a bust, too,” Kai added. “Unless it’s, like, ‘Steven Universe: Save the Light’ or some shit.”
Elliott paused before sheepishly holding up a finger. “Actually, I’ll give him that one. My first real session, he, uh, he talked about Steven Universe for an hour, and— I don’t know, it’s not that bad.” They shrugged again, suddenly timid again.
Kai blinked. Backtrack, dumbass, backtrack. “No, yeah, I— I actually think the shit he talks about is… you know, it can be good, or whatever. Helpful.”
Ugh, fuck, that was embarrassing. Even though Kai could admit that Picani’s methods weren’t completely insane, he didn’t wanna share the intimate details of why he was there with someone he just met, even though Elliott seemed like a pretty cool kid.
He was just starting to visualize the letters WWLD in his head— What Would Lauren Do?— but thank fuck, the two of them were saved from any more awkward apologies by Picani’s office door swinging open. Kai slumped even further in his seat, while out of the corner of his eye he saw Elliot go ramrod straight.
A kind looking couple walked out of the office, holding hands and speaking quietly to themselves.
“Alright, Dorry, I’ll see ya next time!” The doctor’s cheerful voice carried into the waiting room as the couple left.
Eliiott darted their eyes to Kai, mouthing, ‘Dorry?’
‘Like the fucking fish?’ Kai mouthed back, making Elliott snort. The noise made Kai struggle to stifle his laughter in the otherwise silent waiting room, and suddenly the two of them were folding in on themselves, hands pressed over their mouths in a weak attempt at keeping quiet.
“Well, hey there, Thing One and Thing Two!”
Kai and Elliott snapped their heads up in unison, looking to where Picani was leaning in the doorway.
“I’m sorry for the wait, but I must say, I’m so happy to see you two smiling for once!” The doctor giggled, smoothing his tie and giving them both a knowing look.
Kai glared at him, opening his mouth to deliver some scathing retort, but he was interrupted by Elliott practically jumping off of the couch.
“Here’s the paperwork you asked me to bring.” They thrust their arm out to Picani, who took the papers and carefully smoothed out their wrinkles.
“Ah, thank you, Elliott! Kai, you mind hanging tight in my office for a second?”
Kai nodded wordlessly, gathering his bag and his skateboard and brusquely moving past the others into the small office. He dropped onto the couch, his bag hitting the ground with a weighty ‘thud’, as he tried not to eavesdrop too much on Picani and Elliott in the hallway. ‘Tried’ being the keyword, since they were about two feet away from the door, and Picani was a loud motherfucker.
“Thanks for bring this in for me, Tinkerbelliott!”
“That barely makes sense,” Elliot’s voice interrupted, and Kai smirked to the empty room. Get his ass, Elliott.
As the conversation continued, Kai let the rise and fall of their voices wash over him. He tried to get into his “whatever” mindset, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the kid in the waiting room.
It was like he and Elliott had some instant fucking connection or anything cheesy like that. They weren’t platonic soulmates, and honestly, it didn’t even seem like they had that much in common. But as Kai sat there, lazily rolling his board back and forth under his feet, he couldn’t help but think about all the crazy shit Picani put him through, and how talking about it with someone who really got it was… kinda fun, or whatever.
“So sorry for the wait, Agni Kai!”
Picani’s chipper voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and suddenly there was the Doc himself, shooting him a friendly smile as he made his way behind his desk.
“I’ve just been busier than a Mighty Bee this morning,” he rambled, sliding Elliott’s paperwork into a file while still managing to talk with his hands. “But I promise, starting this second all of my attention is on you. So!” he finished, folding his hands on the desk and looking at Kai expectantly. “What’s up?”
Kai looked at him for a few seconds before standing, the abrupt movement startling Picani and making him jump back in his rolly chair.
“I’m taking this,” Kai stated, snatching a pen from the cup on his desk before Picani could respond.
“Oh! Um, ok, just be careful because it’s a glitter gel pen—” Picani’s voice got quieter as Kai swung himself out of the office, hoping he could catch Elliott without having to try and run.
Thank fuck, as he turned down the main hallway, he caught a glimpse of a figure dressed mostly in black halfway to the front door.
“Yo, Elliott, hold up!”
They froze for a moment before turning around to face Kai, curiosity and wariness lining their face.
When he got closer, Kai pointed to the folded paper Elliot was holding. “Is that important?”
“Um, no, not really— ah.” They cut themselves off as Kai snatched the paper out of their hand. “Okay.”
Kai didn’t respond as he flipped the paper over, leaning against the wall to scribble something on the back.
“You got Instagram?”
A beat, and then Elliott nodded. Kai finished with a flourish, underlining what he’d written despite it being the only thing on the paper, and passed it back to Elliott.
“Here. Follow me, I’ll follow you back,” he said as Elliott read his messy scrawl, their mouth dropping just slightly.
“Oh!” There was a distinct tone of surprise in their voice, which Kai didn’t comment on. They folded the paper in half and held it tightly in their fist. “Um, thanks, Kai. I’ll— I’ll do that as soon as I get home.”
Kai nodded. There was just a beat of awkward silence before he spun on his heel, walking casually back to Picani’s office.
“Later,” he called over his shoulder, not looking back.
“Um, yeah!” Elliott replied in a voice that clearly wasn’t used to yelling. “Later! Bye!”
Kai heard the front door open and close again by the time he reached Picani’s waiting room. He swung around the corner, feeling uncharacteristically optimistic for his session, but barely stopped himself before he collided with the good doctor himself.
“Woah! Watch out, Speed Racer!” Picani chirped, looking down at Kai. “Thought you were trying to make a run for it.”
Kai rolled his eyes before setting his gaze somewhere over the other man’s shoulder. “I left literally all of my shit in your office, obviously I was coming back.”
“Well, you just left in a real hurry, is all!” Picani replied, reaching up to straighten his tie. His voice went strangely neutral as he continued to ask, “Did you need to talk to Elliott before they left?”
Kai’s eyes flicked back to the doctor’s face, and— ugh, fuck, Picani was looking at him with that annoying sort of half-smile he always got when he thought Kai had reached some stupid ‘breakthrough’.
Kai flushed, folding his arms across his chest. “What?”
“Nothing!” Picani replied with faux-innocence, putting his hands up defensively. “Just nice to see you making a friend, that’s all.”
Kai groaned, rolling his eyes so hard they nearly got stuck in the back of his head.
“Don’t be weird, man,” he grumbled, pushing past Picani into his office. He pretended not to hear the doctor’s amused chuckle as he followed him in, gently shutting the two of them in for what Kai was certain would be yet another absolutely ridiculous (yet unfortunately helpful) therapy session.
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izzyfandoms · 4 years
Could you write Kai and his gf Lauren playing a video game together?
Laukai - Cheating
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @ajdraws0430 @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @glassferns @pun-master-logan
"Oh my fu- you cheated!"
"I did not cheat."
"You did! How else did you beat me?"
Lauren laughed. "I'm good at this game!"
"There is no way in hell you beat me without cheating. C'mon, admit it!"
Lauren gave her boyfriend an incredibly amused look. She placed her controller on her other side, then reached out towards him.
"Come on, it's calm-down hug time."
"I don't need to calm down! And I will not cuddle with cheaters." Kai crossed his arms, and he absolutely was not pouting.
"I'm not a cheater, and I'm a great cuddler and you know it. And a great kisser!"
Her arms remained outstretched, and she made grabby hands towards her boyfriend.
"Please?" She asked.
A second passed. Then another. Then another. Then another.
Then, Kai let out a loud, exaggerated sigh, and he placed his controller down on his other side. He faux-reluctantly moved into Lauren's arms, relaxing as she placed a kiss to his temple.
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