#if you ever get a chance to see it in cinema i highly recommend
witchwhaat · 9 months
saw akira at cinema
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Kaiju Week in Review (January 7-13, 2024)
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Hard to talk about the Monarch: Legacy of Monsters finale without spoilers, so if you haven't watched it yet, skip ahead to the next item. No flashbacks this time (time dilation aside), just our surviving heroes finally all on the same page to solve a seemingly impossible problem. The momentous reunion between Lee and Keiko got the space it deserved, although I was a touch disappointed that the obvious budding romance between Cate and May got shortchanged. And of course we finally got our first kaiju fight of the series, with Godzilla dispatching the Ion Dragon in a quick but ferocious battle. Fun to see this version of the character take on a low-stakes, low-power challenger for a change. I am routinely frustrated by TV seasons ending on cliffhangers (some of which are then never resolved), but they managed to conclude this season's storyline while setting up the next one, should they have the chance to tell it. Good to have some payoff to the Apex episode earlier in the series. I'm wondering if the series is planning to pivot to Kong now. Since Godzilla: King of the Monsters still hasn't happened yet, the Big G still can't make any public appearances without breaking continuity, which is quite the writing complication.
@bog-o-bones has blessed us with an excellent feature-length video essay on the history of the kaiju genre. Even for a walking encyclopedia like me, it was fun to have it all laid out so cleanly—the way the three genre pillars of Godzilla, Gamera, and Ultraman rise and fall in popularity, never entirely in sync and consequently keeping us steadily entertained over the decades. So many narratives about the genre in print are decades out of date and/or act like barely anything past the sixties was worth making. This one's up-to-the-minute and gives the seismic influence of films like Cloverfield and Pacific Rim their due. I have my quibbles (last-minute re-records accidentally omitted GAMERA -Rebirth-; the original Mothra deserved more attention), but I acknowledge the amount of works covered here is staggering and every fan would tell this story a little bit differently. Highly recommended.
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IDW's biggest Godzilla comic ever is coming in May, a one-shot anthology called Godzilla: 70th Anniversary. It'll have nine stories over 100 pages, with the writers including Joëlle Jones, Michael W. Conrad, Matt Frank, James Stokoe, Adam Gorham, and Dan DiDio. (Some of these folks will presumably be illustrating their comics as well.) The solicitation doesn't offer many plot hints, given that scope: "From the American Old West to modern Tokyo and beyond, this collection features stories of the King of the Monsters fighting with its allies like Mothra, against old enemies like the terrible Mechagodzilla, and reshaping the lives of all who fall in its path!" I'm surprised they're not waiting until November—hopefully it doesn't get delayed into November.
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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire will now release in the U.S. two weeks early—March 29. It's taking the place of Bong Joon-ho's Mickey 17, which is now undated. I can hardly complain about being able to see it earlier, though the move comes with some risk, as it's now opening the week after Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.
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SRS Cinema has opened preorders for their Yuzo the Biggest Battle in Tokyo Blu-ray. Or is it Yuzo: The Biggest Battle on Tokyo? That's what the product page says, but on the cover the title's unchanged. Oh, SRS. Anyway, bonus features are scant: just trailers and something called "A Brief Introduction To Ishii Yoshikazu."
Here's the teaser trailer for Volcanodon, a short film from Taiwan's Creator Union of Tokusatsu. They're aiming to have it uploaded to YouTube sometime this year, and I'll happily watch it. Obviously low-budget, but it's well-shot and it's nice to see a kaiju movie outside of Japan go all-in on practical effects.
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dingdangit · 2 years
OMG I would give anything to see Mad Max Fury Road in the cinema, I only ever saw it after the theatrical release. Enjoy, I hope you have the best time!
I was fortunate to see it during its original run, and it is DEFINITELY a full cinematic experience. If you ever get the chance I highly recommend it!! ^^
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things2mustdo · 4 years
When I ask myself what films in recent years have been my favorites, I find that the answers all seem to have a few things in common.  One, the movie must tell a compelling story; two, it must rise above its genre to make a larger statement about life or some universal idea; and three, it must be technically well made.  All great art—including film—can serve as a vehicle for the presentation of ideas, and the promotion of a certain virtue.  Although the mainstream American film industry has become more and more a sad repository of feminist cant and lowest-common-denominator commercial pandering, the foreign film world has undergone something of a renaissance in the past fifteen years.
The best films of France, Germany, Spain, and the UK are edgier, more intelligent, and more masculine than anything found in the US.  It was not always so.  But the work of great European directors like Jacques Audiard, Gaspar Noe, Nicolas Winding Refn, and Shane Meadows leaves little room for doubt that the true cutting-edge work is being done in Europe.  (Argentina deserves honorable mention here as having an excellent film industry).  The mainstream, corporate-driven US film industry has effectively smothered independent voices under an avalanche of political correctness, girl-power horseshit, chick-flickism, and mind-numbing CGI escapist dreck.
Movies that deal with masculine themes in a compelling way are not easy to come by these days.  Honest explorations of masculine virtues are repressed, marginalized, or trivialized.  One needs to scour the globe to cherry-pick the best here and there, and in some cases you have to go back decades in time.  Luckily, the availability of Netflix and other subscription services has made this task much easier than it used to be.  Access to the best cinema of Europe, South America, and Asia can be a great way for us to catch as glimpse at a foreign culture, as well as reflect on serious ideas.
I want to offer my recommendations on some films that I believe are an important part of the modern masculine experience, in all its wide variety and expression.  Out of the scores of possible choices, I decided to pick the handful of films that are perhaps not as well known to readers.  My opinions will not be shared by all.  I encourage readers to draw up their own lists of films dealing with masculine themes, and hope they will reflect on the reasons behind their choices.  Below are mine, in no particular order.  In italics is a brief plot synopsis, followed by my own comments.
1. Straw Dogs (1971).
A mild-mannered American academic (Dustin Hoffman) living in rural Cornwall with his beautiful wife becomes the target of harassment by the local toughs.  Things escalate to a sexual assault on his wife, and eventually to a brutal and protracted fight to the death when a local man takes refuge on their property.
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Dustin Hoffman reaches his breaking point in “Straw Dogs”
This is a classic example of the type of movie that could never be made today.  Arguably Sam Peckinpah’s most daring film, it contains a controversial rape scene that seems to leave open the question whether Hoffman’s wife (played by Susan George) was a victim or a willing participant.  Faced with his wife’s betrayal, and continuing harassment from local miscreants, Hoffman’s character finds himself completely isolated and must learn to stand his ground and fight.
A chance incident later in the film sets the stage for a blood-soaked confrontation which is as inevitable as it is necessary. Peckinpah presents a compelling case for the cathartic power of violence, and the achievement of masculine identity through man-on-man combat.  It is a theme I find myself strongly drawn to. Controversial, powerful, and unforgettable, Peckinpah proves himself an unapologetic and strident advocate of old-school martial virtue.  We would do well to listen.  His voice is sorely missed today.  (Note:  avoid the pathetic recent remake of this movie).  Honorable mention:  Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch (1969) and Bring Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974).
2. Sorcerer (1977).
A group of international renegades find themselves down and out in Nicaragua, and volunteer for a job transporting unstable dynamite across the country to quell an oil rig fire.
Due to inept marketing when this movie was first released, it never achieved the credit it so fully deserved.  A motley group of international riff-raff (including the always appealing Roy Scheider) seeks redemption through a harrowing trial.  But will they get it?  Is it even desirable to escape one’s dark past?  The answers are complex, and director William Friedkin refuses to supply easy ones.  The characters in this film are doomed, and they know it, but they still hold true to their own code.  Which is itself honorable.  Consequences must be paid for everything we do in life, and often the price comes in a way never expect.  Dark, brooding, and humming with a pulse-pounding electronic score by Tangerine Dream, this film has deservedly become a cult classic.  The ending is a shocker you’ll never see coming.
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Roy Scheider undertakes the most perilous journey of his life in William Friedkin’s 1977 masterpiece “Sorcerer”
3.  The Lives of Others (2006).
A coldly efficient Stasi (East German security service) officer (Ulrich Muhe) is enlisted by a Communist party hack in a surveillance program against a supposed subversive writer and his girlfriend.  But monitoring the writer’s life awakens sparks of nascent humanity in the Stasi man, and he eventually must decide whether to follow orders and destroy the writer, or to sacrifice himself to save him.
This German masterpiece was made with great fidelity to the look and feel of 1980s East Germany, and the results are evident in every frame.  It belongs on any list of the greatest films ever made.  The masculine virtue here is of a different type than viewers may be used to:  it is a quiet, understated heroism, the type of heroism that probably happens every day but is hardly noticed.  There is no bragging here, no chest-beating, no big-mouthed bravado.  (In short, none of the wooden-headed caricatures that pass for masculinity in the US).  The ethic here is about love and self-sacrifice, the noblest and greatest virtues of all.
The ethos of self-sacrifice is now considered old-fashioned and almost a punch-line, but historically it was valued very highly.  It features in nearly all the old literary epics and dramas of Europe and Asia.  Actor Ulrich Muhe pulls off a minor miracle of characterization here with his portrayal of a Stasi man named Weisler, whose special wiretapping assignment against a playwright transforms him from heartless automaton into awe-inspiring hero.  The movie made me wonder just how many quiet, unassuming men there must be out there, whose toil, heroism, and sacrifice has never been, and never will be, acknowledged.  The ending is transcendently beautiful, and moving beyond words.
4.  Homicide  (1991).
A police detective (Joe Mantegna) is assigned to investigate a murder case.  The case awakens in him stirrings of his long-suppressed ethnic identity.  Unfortunately, he will eventually be forced to choose between conflicting loyalties.  And the consequences will be devastating.
No modern American director has probed the meaning of masculine identity more than David Mamet, and all of his films are meditations on themes related to illusion, reality, masculinity, and struggle.  Homicide, a nearly unknown gem from the early 1990s, is perhaps his profoundest.  Mamet knows that a man must make choices in his life, and for those choices, consequences must be paid.  And very often, we find ourselves derailed by the mental edifices we construct for ourselves.  The Mantegna character is led through a complex and increasingly ambiguous chain of events, only to find that at the heart of one mystery lies an even more inscrutable one.  Beware the things you seek.  You may not like what you find.
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Joe Mantegna deals with the fatal consequences of his decisions in David Mamet’s “Homicide”
5.  A Prophet (2009).
An Algerian Arab is incarcerated in a French jail, and is drawn into the savage world of Corsican gangsters.  Forced to kill or be killed, he is drawn into a pitiless world that recognizes only cunning and brutality.  He finds himself straddling two realities:  the world of his own nationality, and that of the Corsicans.  And to survive and emerge triumphant, he must learn to play all sides against each other.
This film must be counted among the greatest crime dramas ever made.  You simply can’t take your eyes off the screen.  The lesson here is that a man must learn to survive on his wits, and do whatever is necessary to stay alive.  The Corsican boss whom Al Djebena (Tahar Rahim) works for is just about the most malevolent presence in recent screen memory.  Part of France’s continuing internal dialogue about its immigrant population, A Prophet is not to be missed.
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Tahar Rahim learns a thing or two about Corsica in “A Prophet”
6.  The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005).
An intense young man (Romain Duris) works for his father as a real estate shark in urban Paris.  His “job” consists of intimidating deadbeat immigrant tenants, vandalizing apartments, and forcibly collecting loans.  He also plays the piano.  Eventually, he is forced to decide which life he wants:  the path laid out by his shady father, or the idealistic path of his own choosing.  He’s seeking redemption, but will he find it?  And at what cost?
Again, we have here the themes of redemption and moral choice.  Romain Duris has a screen presence and intensity that rivals anything done by Pacino in his prime, and some of the scenes here are fantastic.  (His seduction of his friend’s wife, Aure Atika, is one of many great scenes).  All men will be confronted and tested by crises and situations beyond their control.  How they respond to those situations will define who they are as men.  Duris’s character proves that redemption can be achieved, if wanted badly enough.
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Romain Duris embodying screen intensity
7.  Red Belt (2008).
Martial arts instructor Mike Terry is forced, against his principles, to consider entering a prize bout.  He is abandoned and betrayed by his wife and friends, and must confront his challenges alone with only his code and his pride.
Another great meditation on masculine virtue and individualism by David Mamet.  In his own unique dialogue style, Mamet showcases his belief that, in the end, all men stand alone.  At the moment of truth, it is you, and only you, who will be staring into the abyss.  Our trials by fire will not come in the time and at the place of our own choosing.  But when they do come, a man must be prepared to hold his ground and fight his corner.  Watch for Brazilian actress Alice Braga in a supporting role here.  We hope to see more of her on American screens in the future.
8.  Fear X  (2003).
A repressed security guard (John Turturro) is searching for answers to who killed his wife.  His strange behavior and ticking time-bomb manner begin to alarm friends and co-workers.  One day he finds some information that may be a lead to solving the mystery.  This discovery sets him on the path to realization. Or does it?
I am a big fan of the films of Nicolas Winding Refn (The Pusher trilogy, and Valhalla Rising), and this one is perhaps his most penetrating examination of a wounded psyche.  It failed commercially when it first appeared, as many viewers were put off by his artistic flourishes and opaque ending.  For me, this film is the deepest study of grief and repressed rage ever committed to film.  All men will be confronted by tragedy, grief, and inexplicable loss during their lives.  How we handle it will define who we are.  The greatness of this film is that it explores Turturro’s claustrophobic, neurotic world in a deeply personal way, and at the same time suggests that he may actually be on to something.  This film covers the same philosophical ground as Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation, in that it hints at the ultimate ambiguity of all things.
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John Turturro confronts the unrelenting darkness of his own psyche in “Fear X”
If you are a Netflix subscriber and watch movies frequently, as I do, you may find it useful to keep a notebook near your television and jot down the titles of movies you see, and a few notes about what you liked or didn’t like.  You’d be surprised how much you can learn from movies.  There are just so many good and bad ones out there that having some system for keeping track of them will be time well spent.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 27, 35 & 39
[It’s a lot again 😅 hope you don’t mind :D]
I might be going way too far with these answers, so please bear with me ^^’
Sorry for the long rambles but these are my answers!
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oof. This is hard. There’s actually a lot of paragraphs that I like throughout the writing process. I can re-read and just pick which is my favorite, it’ll be different every time.
But, I think the thing currently going on with TW:OPT can be summed up in this Once Upon a Time… (I was being dumb and I thought prose is just poetry without rhyme)
So, this drabble is written on the run. There’s not really deep thought and I can’t even remember why I wrote it in the first place. From the date I posted it on Tumblr it was in the middle of Octavinelle Arc.
But, in this small crappy prose-poetry, it has one of the themes in TW:OPT: happy vs sad ending. This is something that I want to build since in the early stage. The theme of TW:OPT is second chances for the reincarnated villains, giving them a happy ending, something way better than the original ones.
So, if you look for example the two lines about the Queen of Heart:  
The Queen of Heart was forgotten by Alice like it was just a bad dream
The Queen of Heart will always be remembered by Alice as his dear friend and the greatest queen
The first line is what happens to the original Disney Alice’s Queen of Hearts, while the second line is what happens to Riddle, the current reincarnation of the Queen of Hearts. It’s a good change for Riddle’s life.
However, like everything, there has to be something to balance it. 
After all, good endings cannot exist without bad endings.
Can the good guys really live with the bad guys in harmony? After all, all Disney movie always has “good wins, evil lose” theme. If the “evil side” wins, wouldn’t that mean the “good side” loses? Is that even a good thing or even possible?
After all, the One-Eyed Captain found his happy ending to sail away once again. What will happen to him in his next life?
This line becomes the question. What will happen to the already-set happy endings? Would they just disappear to change into bad endings to keep the balance?
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I’m debating between many dialogues, but I think the one piece I’m most proud of is in Chapter 97. I'm cutting a lot of the narration and just focus on the dialogues because it becomes too long.
Riddle: What happens that day? The day when everything went downhill. Azul: Didn't anyone tell you already? Riddle: I want to hear it from your or Jonah's mouth. What happened that you must curse him? Azul: Pretty simple, really. I told him not to come here that day, and he did To make it worse, that boy was stupid enough to go back against our agreement. Riddle: Just that? Azul: Oh, please, dear Crimson Ruler. I don't want to hear that from you. Have you forgotten about your reign before? Riddle: I know what I did was tyrannical, but I want to be better. Azul: Because of the captain told you too? Riddle: No. This is my choice to change. Just like it was your choice to curse him. He trusts you, you know? He knows that you wouldn't go back against your own words, which was why he was willing to sign another contract with you. Azul: If he trusts me that much, why is he against me? If he trusts me, why did he choose to save his stupid friends than agreeing with me? Tell me, Riddle Rosehearts...Why does he choose you instead of me?
We all know what happened during Octavinelle Arc and I don't deny that this sounds cheesy or slightly ooc. And let me just say this, there's no intention of this become a love triangle or whatsoever.
There are two things I want to highlight in this exchange: Riddle's growth and Azul's decline.
Riddle, after everything happened in Heartslabyul and Savanclaw arc, finally putting his foot down on where he wants to stand. He wants to be a better person, more than just the feared Crimson Tyrant. That's why he's helping them. Not because the boys are breaking the rules, not because someone tells him to, but Riddle is willing to risk it all, even his unique magic (as we see at the end of this chapter and the next) to save his friends. Again, this might sound ooc and I apologize, but from my perspective, this is a logical step of development for Riddle.
Meanwhile, Azul is showing more and more decline from this until the end of Octavinelle Arc even Scarabia Arc. For Azul who knows how easy people can leave and mock when you have nothing, seeing Jonah leave him and siding with the anemones is basically a betrayal. He can't think rationally when it comes to the betrayal and we see how brash he can be with anything related to Jonah throughout the arc where all of their interaction nearly kills Jonah.
If Riddle-Jonah is a coming-of-age story, Azul-Jonah is a broken friendship story.
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
This is a hard one to write. You might think I’ll just answer with TW:OPT, but honestly, all multi chapters fanfic has their own difficulties, so I can’t choose which is the hardest.
For Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure, where I do treat this as a novel-writing practice, keeping the consistency with the theme, plot points, and characterization.
For Private Tutor, Angel of Death, Philza Minecraft, actually coming up with new ideas is hard because I don’t based this on anything, and just write anything once a week. In addition that I’m still new in Dream SMP fandom so characterization won’t be the strongest thing.
For both TWST MC Hybrid AU and Magical Girl AU, giving the massive cast equal spotlight and actually not getting lost is quite a challenge. Both AU has seven main characters and I need to give them the same amount to screen time.
And don’t get me started with those smut. I won’t be talking about it because I’m keeping it family friendly. Those has their own problems XD
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
As I said, every fic has their own problems, even one shot. So, I’m looking through my works and trying to figure out which fic I wrote the fastest but had the most fun.
I think I’ll go with A Wish for a Proposal because the comfort in this fic with Ace going heads over heels for Deuce and being doki-doki all the time. And the kiss under a shooting star, AH! Poetic cinema~
I do enjoy when I wrote how Ace thought keeping a toy ring as childish but he ended up using it to confess to Deuce and thinking that it’s not as childish as he thought.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
There are good writing advice that I had head, one of them came from On Writing: Great Character Descriptions! by Hello Future Me. He has so many good advices in writing and I highly recommend him.
He said that “when describing characters it’s good to focus on their movements that can tell the readers of who the characters are”. As someone who has many troubles in writing physical description, this is actually a great alternative, especially when you want to go thought the “show don’t tell”.
After watching the video I tried to write something. I ended up writing Jonah’s father, Benjamin, in Chapter 137
The owner of the inn was an old man who, coincidentally, also shared the 'Argentum' surname. Benjamin Argentum was a man with slouched back from the burden of the world, white strands on his reddish-brown hair and tired, but kind, black eyes. He walked slowly with his walking stick, claiming that his knees were never that strong since a cart accident during his younger days. The way he speaks was gentle like everyone's favorite uncle/grandfather, along with the delicious appetizer that he had prepared a few minutes ago on the reception table. The spices he used reminiscent of the spices Jonah used in his Ramshackle Kitchen. There was no way all of these were coincidences. Crowley wouldn't doubt if Jonah Argentum ever grew old, he would be looking exactly like the warm innkeeper.
I want to highlight how Benjamin is a kind old man ("He walked slowly with his walking stick, claiming that his knees were never that strong since a cart accident during his younger days”, ”The way he speaks was gentle like everyone's favorite uncle/grandfather”) but has his own problems (”a man with slouched back from the burden of the world”), and very similar to Jonah (”The owner of the inn was an old man who, coincidentally, also shared the 'Argentum' surname”, ”The spices he used reminiscent of the spices Jonah used in his Ramshackle Kitchen”, “Crowley wouldn't doubt if Jonah Argentum ever grew old, he would be looking exactly like the warm innkeeper.”)
It’s not the best descriptions, because most of the example used highlight only one most recognizable feature while my description highlight nearly everything. I still need some practice.
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
“Write what’s mainstream”.
Here’s my problem with it: sometimes anything that’s mainstream is not my thing. I like to challenge what we are given and give it a spin. 
I mentioned before that growing up with Indonesian TV Series that only centers around love, riches, and cheating, I grew tired of it. That was why I once tried to make a script for a group of friends creating a classical music band and mental problems. 
I’m not the first one to make an adaptation of TWST, but I think I’m one of the first, at least in AO3, that make an adaptation with Male MC. Among the Female MC or Female Readers story with a hint (or too much) of Romance, I want to give something for the small group who wants Male MC or something more platonic to read.
I always want to push slightly further, trying something that I haven’t seen at first glance, giving varieties. I will admit that would always doubt whether me writing something different is even worth it or not. But when I saw that yes, this is worth it, I gain more confidence and become bolder in my twist.
Going against the mainstream is risky, but we'll see whether it's worth it or not.
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Oh no... Does it have to be a romantic pairing?
Okay. I don't really have an OTP. I mean, I like ROnah and JonAzul, but I don't think I can't live with writing only about them.
So, romantically, I don’t know. But, this doesn’t help with platonically either because I find enjoyment in writing all relationship. Just pushing the limit of my writing, you know?
So, I don’t think I can answer this because I’m a coward XD
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
A mixed bag.
So currently I'm in at least 2 collab projects: TWST MC Hybrid AU and Arisu in Alternate Wonderland. In the former, I'm the group leader, while in the latter, I'm just a writer.
Both sidea are different experiences. With AiAW, it's definitely lighter because this is basically retelling TWST but with seven Yuus. However because of this freedom and the possibilities of anything, I cannot predict whether my oc action will affects in the future or how they would interact with other ocs in the project.
With Hybrid AU, since this is a fantasy au, anything can happen. Plus as the main writer, I can see and plan clearly which event will be important and setting the characters' arc. It's definitely harder to organize because of the various idea that we want to write.
So, yeah. Collaboration can be two things for me: a scripted roleplay or a freestyle roleplay
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
*looking at draft for TW:OPT Book 2*
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I remember when I was a kid, I wrote a fanfiction where it only features OCs, and someone gave a review, ranting about the lack of canon characters. I, of course, sulked a bit but then just keep writing.
However, what I usually do when it comes to comments is take them into considerations. During Scarabia Arc I got a comment that the Jonah-Azul therapy moment is kinda weak, and rereading it, I can see that. Which was why the next part of the therapy Arc I tried to connect them further. So compare the JonAzul scene in the last part of Chapter 124 with the first part of Chapter 126. At least for me, I prefer the latter because there's more intimacy.
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neurodecadence · 3 years
Sorry in advance bc I don't think I've subjected you to this before but Do The Prime Numbers
the only apology I need is for making me remember maths
2 (cause one doesn't count as a prime, right? I never got why though) "what's your favorite horror subgenre?" I love found footage. I know it's cliched and dumb, all that jazz, but I love the whole cinema verite (to sound pretentious) vibes of the whole thing. I know it's fake, I know the undead didn't kill a whole town in southern texas, I know a monster didn't destroy new york, I know there's not an asylum in toronto haunted by the ghosts of patients subjected to satanic abuse (actually considering the history of asylums, you never know on that one) but it FEELS real, like I'm seeing something I'm not supposed to. The low budget only amplifies the joy for me.
3 "you're planning a horror movie marathon with your friends - which movies are you picking?" Grave Encounters (love the genius locii/house of leaves stuff going on there), Halloween (classic), Southbound (great anthology horror, highly recommend), and capping it off with Evidence, so we can all go to bed going "what the FUCK did you just put in front of me"
4 "you can go back in time and watch a horror movie of your choice on its premiere - which movie are you going to see?" Alien, the first one. I'd kill to be there for the chestburster scene for the FIRST TIME EVER, it's not even a question
5 "if you were a character in a horror movie, what kind of movie would it be? what kind of character would you be? what would be your fate?" It's a found footage, and I'm the camera holder's best pal and genre savvy, funny sidekick. I make it through most of the movie, my jokes breaking the tension (even if I do get yelled at in an important character building scene for making light of the situation, where I break down and explain it's cause I'm frightened too). Late in the film it's just me, the camera holder, and their love interest, a chance to escape appears, but the threat is just behind us; someone is going to have to make a final stand to let the others go. The main character say's they'll do it, but I stop them and tell them I won't let them, they need to get out of here. My final lines are "You know me, this is always how I've wanted to go out, keeping my best friend safe and looking like a total badass" As they flee the camera is turned back, showing flashes of light, banging, and me yelling cliches and one liners at the monsters I beat back, until a strangled cry, and then nothing.
7 "answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: a murder has occurred. somebody you knew, though only in passing, got knifed by some psycho killer and the whole town is in shock. the school fool has taken it upon themselves to throw a party in the midst of all of this, "to celebrate life", as they say. - you get an invitation but are you going to the party?"
Fuuuuuuck no, and not just cause I'm not a party kind of gal in the first place (well, maybe a chill drinks and background music kinda shindig). I'm also encouraging people I know to not go, cause it's genuinely pretty disrespectful, might invite some friends so we can share any memories we have and share a quiet evening. In real life, that's about where it ends, probably. In a slasher, we probably get knifed BEFORE the big party, one of us makes it out, runs to the party covered in blood yelling about the killer, causing a panic that only makes things worse when the stabbing starts. You just can't win when you got a Jason type bastard on the loose, can you?
11 "answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: you escaped the killer but your friends are still stuck on their hunting ground, hiding and running for their lives. do you go back for them?"
Hell yeah I do! I'm running that cunt down with my car (which would probably be a prius everyone else made fun of earlier, making it more dramatically and comedically satisfying). IRL, the killer is now pavement jam. In a film, we might have a problem.
13 "you're offered the chance to privately talk to a horror villain of your choice, currently kept secure in a government facility. your safety during the encounter is guaranteed. do you take the offer? and if you do, who do you pick? why?"
No, I can't think of any that could tell me anything I'm, like, desperate to know. Anything worth that effort. Maybe Pinhead, to ask about the cosmology of the world, but he'd probably say some shit that made me go mad and, like, die horribly. Also I don't think I'm smart enough to "get" it.
17 "would you rather have chucky try and transfer his soul into your body or have the sawyer family try and put you on their dinner table?"
Sawyers. You never win VS that bastard doll, but leatherface is still human. Barely, but still.
19 "the asker gets to make up a would-you-rather question of their own."
Apparently the question was "do you wanna see if you can remember the primes, or ignore it and not risk embarrassing yourself" The answer is that I have very little pride or shame left, and I like answering questions too much to ignore it c:
23 "what are some things that give you the total creeps? places, items, even certain times that you try to avoid whenever possible?"
So, okay, it's well known that I'm a brainweird bitch (read: legitimately mentally ill, but trying to be cool about it), but also sometimes I just... See shit. I know logically it's probably visual hallucinations, or memory problems, pareidolia, or a sensible explanation for deja vu. BUT There is SOME shit I have seen that I can't ignore. Houses that don't make sense no matter how I look at them, the moonwatcher, catghosts, and that one thing I will not talk about because I just know in the back of my skull that it doesn't like being noticed. A lot of these are benevolent, or just not paying attention (the catghosts in particular are very chill, if a little bothersome some days), but there are some I will go out of my way to avoid or ignore. Maybe I'm being silly, hell, almost definitely, but I don't care. I don't want to poke at things I don't understand, only to find out it was a sleeping bear.
29 "29. are you dressing up this halloween?"
Shit I don't know if I'll get the chance. If I do.... Oh! I got it! I'm gonna go as my own corpse, being wheeled around in my wheelchair by my pal dressed as an evil spooky nurse! Grim, spooky, kinda funny when I stop playing dead and perk up to go "The punch is fantastic, by the way!", AND I get to have gruesome blood and injuries all over- it's perfect!
31 "make a list: halloween preparation shopping list."
Halloween ain't such a big thing down here in Aotearoa, sadly. I like to make a deal of it, but no one else does. Still, candy for handing out, a mix of some cheap bulk mix kids can get a handful of, and some nicer mini candy bars I can hand out one at a time. Costume supplies, fake cobwebs, and some other lil decorations. I'd love to own a house and go all out for it one year, but for now I can be content with the lil paper skeleton I have hanging in my room.
37 "it's halloween! the clock strikes midnight and at the edge of town, a witch is trying to summon you. what items will she need for the spell to work?"
I mean it's halloween, and it's a witch, so she's already mostly done. Aside from that... A plastic skull, A dvd copy of a crappy horror film, a 2 liter of sugar free coke, a crystal bell, and a chunk of rose quartz. AND a smooch- no way am I passing up that chance!
Thank you for all these questions, I had an absolute blast answering these!
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You Chapter 106
Chapter Summary -   Danielle hears out what Lucas has to say, but she is unsure should she continue working with him. On a call to Tom, she explains an offer Lucas put to her.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @wolfsmom1
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
Danielle sat across from Lucas, looking at him with her arms folded.
‘I owe you an apology.’ Lucas began. Danielle’s brow rose. ‘I owe you a huge apology, what I said was rude, condescending and misogynistic, I was the one to recommend you to Brannagh, based on my experience with your work, you had that job regardless because of your own merit, to even suggest otherwise was wrong, I’m sorry.’
‘Why do it?’
‘I was simply curious. It came out wrong.’
She gave a cold bark of a laugh. ‘If I asked you did you bring your wife with you to meet me because you can’t keep it in your pants, would you be offended, would you be hurt by that implication?’
‘Of course.’
‘I never thought that, for the record, but that is how it felt, I know it was implying “Getting a job for who I am with” but it felt how I would assume that feels to imply that.’
‘I am sorry, Danielle.’ Lucas repeated. When she said nothing more, he continued. ‘I hope we can work passed this and continue on this project, if you still wish to.’
‘I traveled thousands of miles for this, I could be at home with my dog and friends, or in Atlanta with Tom as he worked on one of the biggest movies to hit the cinema next year, but I came here, I traveled at stupid o’clock in the morning, after studying my ass off, to help with this, I am not here on anyone’s merit but my own. I work damn hard and even though, yes, you suggested me to Brannagh, I cannot argue that, but we both know it is because I work my ass off and I am good at my job.’
‘You are great at it. Branagh told me about what you spoke about at the meeting.’ Lucas acknowledged. ‘I promise, no more demeaning comments, I should never have implied what I did in the first place. You are right, your partner and Branagh know each other for over ten years.’
‘Branagh was the one to suggest Thor and Loki to him, they worked on Wallander before that. They have been ten plus years talking about a play together, so yeah, when the chance arose for Tom and him to have a lunch, why not go, it also alleviated my terror at such a meeting.’ Danielle commented.
‘It makes sense.’ Lucas cleared his throat. ‘Is there a possibility of you continuing to work on this?’ He broached.
Danielle pursed her lips. ‘I was planning on flying straight home, by sheer luck, or perhaps twist of faith, whatever you believe in, I accidentally rang Tom, who badgered me to say what was bothering me and actually, for as insulting as those comments are to him also, he told me to hear you out, to come down here and talk to you.’
‘I should thank him for that much.’ Lucas acknowledged. The manner in which she looked at him caused him to sigh. ‘It doesn’t matter though, does it, you’re not willing to forgive my error.’
‘I don’t have to forgive you to be able to work with you.’ she pointed out.
‘It leads to a very frosty work relationship though, doesn’t it?’
‘Yes, but not an unworkable one.’
‘I am sorry, Danielle.’
‘So you have said.’
Lucas leant back. ‘I bet you would burst his balls if he tried to play you in any way.’
‘No, because he would not be stupid enough to try. I know Tom for years and that means he knows me longer than our relationship, he knows how I am. He doesn’t like meek women who allow men dictate to them. If he did, I would think he had chosen very badly in his choosing of me.’
‘I agree.’ Lucas chuckled.
Danielle folded her arms. ‘Why are you eager to still have me involved in this?’
‘Are you asking in general?’
‘No, I love ego boosts.’ She replied sarcastically. ‘I am asking because I want to know. I want to know why you left your office to follow me back to my hotel and try and make up for what you said. Is it because you felt that what you said was wrong? Or was it because you want me back on the project?’
‘Both, I should never have implied such a thing to you.’ He began, ‘But also because, out of the three other people that are working on this with me, I am of the opinion that you are the most integral part of getting this done. Jones stayed eight hours yesterday, Khan stayed ten, you arrived before seven in the morning and remained there until nearly midnight, you are the most organised and everything you readied...did you even bring clothes with you or did you just bring your research?’ Lucas half laughed in disbelief. ‘You are, by far, the most dedicated member of the team, I don’t know if it is you in general or the hunger that most people I work with have lost because they are complacent now they have made it, but you just go above and beyond with everything you do. If I am honest, I want part in it.’ Danielle’s brow furrowed. ‘You are going to do great in the industry, the blind could see that, and you will be offered partnerships in several firms, I want to establish a foot in the door now, when you are on the up, because I want to have an edge, same as every business person, I want it that you know you should consider my offer when the time is right.’
‘You want me to feel like I owe you?’
‘No, you owe no one, you do the work, I just want it that you see that though my company is smaller than others, it is better than a lot of the big ones, directors know that, and though the work is not as plentiful, it is of a higher quality, so profits are not as high, but the name is worth more, adding your name to that, the pioneer of the new era of safety, it would make it one of the strongest names. You took my, what the industry took to be flawless work, and shattered it, you are now here making it bigger and better than I ever could, can’t you see, that is why I need you to consider staying.’
Danielle kissed her teeth and thought over his words for a few moments. ‘So I should consider staying...to make you look better?’
Lucas shook his head. ‘No, you asked why I am so eager for you to stay, that is what I get from this, what you need to consider staying for are what it will do for you.’
‘What will it do for me?’
Lucas knew from the look on her face, Danielle had analysed his words and already came to a conclusion as to just how lucrative it could be for her to stay. ‘I have just told you that you are going to be offered partnerships if you keep going like this, already people are asking, Khan works with Universal, they are looking for people constantly.’ He admitted.
‘I am not moving over.’
‘I know you don’t want to, they will offer serious incentive.’
‘They cannot offer me what I want, money is not something I am too bothered by, I have no mortgage to pay, I am happy with my car, I am not bothered by fashion and my dog has a bed that cost fifteen pounds that he doesn’t seem overly interested in changing.’
Lucas chuckled again. ‘So money is not your objective?’
‘I want money, everyone wants money, I want to have everything I need and be able to afford things I want.’
‘What are your main objectives?’
‘I want to work for me, I want to be the one calling the shots, not having some man in an office order me around. I want it that if I decide to have kids, I do not have to sacrifice either my job or them, I want to be able to do both. I want to buy out the other half of my grandmother’s home and I want that I don’t ever need to depend on someone else to look after me.’ She listed out.
‘Those are highly attainable objectives.’
‘Yes, I’m not an idiot, I am not going through life being stupid enough to set myself up to fail. I can fail at anything I strive to achieve, I know, but purposely setting up to do so is just plain idiocy. I am not afraid to fail, I don’t want to, but I can handle it if I do.’
‘And Tom?’
‘The plan, as it stands is to be with him. We both want roughly the same things, one of which is to not move here. I hope it remains like that.’
‘You are both risking jobs by not doing that.’
‘Do you miss Australia?’
‘Yes, all my family is there, but my work is here.’
‘Would you move back?’
‘I wish I could.’
‘You can, you are not brave enough to, you are too scared of what you are risking.’ Danielle shrugged.
‘Perhaps.’ Lucas acknowledged.
‘So, even without this job, I am being noticed, I am being sought out, you are seriously not doing a good job at convincing me to bother staying.’
‘Name your price.’
‘I’ll tell you what I told Tom on the phone, I rather work in Subway dishing out sandwiches than be unhappy. Money never made me happy.’
‘What would convince you to stay?’
‘I am not sure, to be honest.’ She rose to her feet, ‘Give me until evening, if I think of something, or indeed nothing, I will let you know.’
Lucas was forced to concede. ‘Either way, you’ll let me know?’
‘Either way.’ she confirmed.
* Tom looked at his phone after doing his time on set for the day, he was waiting for the makeup and costume departments to remove him from his clothes and wig. He did not know if he should contact Danielle but worried for her, he pressed the call button.
‘Hey.’ She sounded exhausted.
‘Hello Elle, how are you darling?’
‘I need sleep, but I have been lying here for an hour and it is eluding me.’
‘You poor thing. Did you speak with Lucas?’
‘Yeah, I did. How was work?’
‘It was fine. What happened?’
‘We spoke, he apologised and asked for me to continue working with him, I told him I would take time and consider it.’
‘Really? Do you know what you want to do?’
‘To be honest, the only thing I want to do is sleep, but that’s not happening. Jetlag is evil.’ She rambled. ‘He said to name my price.’
‘Wow, what did you say to that?’
‘I don’t get inspired by stupid sums of money.’
‘That’s true.’
‘Besides, he informed me that some people are talking about me, people I want to be talking about me.’
‘Really, that’s incredible.’ Tom smiled.
‘Yeah, so I told him I would think about it.’
‘And he was okay with that?’
‘What are you going to do?’
‘I’m just thinking about it.’
‘Do you want to do it?’
‘Part of me thinks no, the other part…the other part is looking at the contract Lucas sent over a half hour ago.’
‘What is it for?’
‘Twenty percent share in his company, if I sign a five year deal.’
‘Wait, what?’
‘I would be in charge of all European business, have my own office in London with staff, dictate my own jobs, and a twenty percent share of all profits, as well as a fairly adequate salary, but I have to do this project, of which I will be credited my share as submitted by me and I have a chance to buy in more, should I feel inclined, or sell my share, either back to Lucas or independently as I see fit at the end of the contract.’
‘Fucking hell.’ Tom laughed, his hand going through his hair. ‘That’s...how have you managed to do this all under a year?’
‘I am just that good.’ Danielle grinned.
‘Elle, I am so happy for and proud of you. Do you think you are going to take it?’
‘I am not sure, I am signing myself into working with people for five years.’
‘Can you move past what Lucas said?’
‘Well, I’m not going to be rushing off to tell him my personal business in the next twenty minutes.’
‘But you can bear working with him?’
‘Well, the office is in London, no more going around and staying in crappy B and B’s in Manchester, there’s a lot I could bear for that, and now I will have pretty much just conference calls with him, if I take it, since he runs the US and Asian parts of his company, I would be the European expansion.’
‘And Branagh’s project?’
‘Well, I was lead on that anyway.’
‘But you’re uncertain, about the offer.’
‘Why so?’ There was silence. ‘Elle?’
‘I am not whoring my integrity for an office job.’
‘Is it that, or is it getting what you deserve, what you have said you have wanted all along, the plan you had, how you could be able to settle in London full time, how in time, we might...?’
‘You are seriously no help. What do you…’
‘I cannot answer that Elle.’ Tom stated immediately.
‘I am not asking you to choose for me, I am asking you your opinion.’
‘I don’t know if I can give it, I do not want to influence you.’
‘Tom, if we are supposed to be doing this, us, then when I ask for your opinion, it is because I want it, not because I need it.’
‘Honestly, I think…’ Tom looked at his phone, realising the battery had died. ‘Shit.’
In LA, Danielle lay looking at her phone for a moment before laughing and typing a text to Tom.
That is the most inconvenient dead battery in the history of my life. She typed and pressed send, hoping he had his charger with him as she contemplated the offer.
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Summary:  After the events on his special day, Nishikage had wished to surprise his beloved emperor on no other day than the strategist's birthday. The best way to do so was confessing his feelings the same, and nothing would stop him from making that day as special as he made his.
Pairing: NishiYuu (Nishikage x Nosaka)
Word Count: 1637
A/N: Today (April 2nd) is Nosaka Yuuma’s birthday! As promised, here is my gift for him and all of you. This story is also availabe in brazilian portuguese.  Rated G for general audiences.
Warnings: Fluffy, romance
P.S: This story is a continuation of Cake. It’s highly recommended to be read before you proceed.
“Everything must come out perfectly, everything must come out perfectly, EVERYTHING MUST COME OUT PERFECTLY!" – Longed the Inazuma Japan’s goalkeeper, Nishikage Seiya, making endless circles around in room of his teammate, Nosaka Yuuma, impatiently waiting for the emperor to return at any moment. There were days behind him when he’s carefully and lovingly planning that moment. Everything should definitely be perfect! He could afford no margin for error!
Suddenly, the rustle of the doorknob alarmed him, finally indicating that person’s presence. Nishikage immediately stopped walking, and in a leap, he positioned himself. Upon entering the room, Nosaka was taken by a loud pop.
- Surprise!! H-happy birthday, Nosaka-san!!
Confetti and colorful streamers fell before wide eyes and got tangled in pinkish hair, provoking a smile. His knight was standing in front of him, holding a confetti cannon.
- Why, thank you, Nishikage! - He gave him a laugh, remembering what day’s today.
There it’s a smile. After the events on his special day, Nishikage had wished to surprise his beloved emperor on no other day than the strategist's birthday. He had dreamed of this for several nights, of the moment when he would make Nosaka feel special when he saw that his friend had remembered his day, returning the same gesture of affection in the same way that he’d done to him months ago. The happiness on his face was his greatest reward.
The redhead one entered the room, heading towards the desk to fetch his tablet. Since they were there, they could at least discuss the new challenges ahead, as they always liked to do. Furthermore, if Nishikage would like to celebrate, they could go down to the cafeteria. Nosaka felt amused by the idea, trying to guess what his knight would like to do to seize the day. Spending time together was always pleasant like that, wasn't it?
However, the goalkeeper prevented him from moving forward, holding him by his shoulder, making the strategist a bit confused.
- Nosaka-san... – He started. - I would like to tell you something.
- What is it? - Asked the emperor.
The older boy's body shuddered a little, nervously. There was something very important to be said besides "congratulations", after all.
- Nosaka-san... I must say... if you still remember your words, from back then... N-Nosaka-san ... I LOVE YOU! TOO!
He had waited almost two months to answer to what his emperor had said. Over time, Nishikage came to understand the feeling that caused him to say those words so urgently. Thinking about everything that had happened since that time, perhaps the reason he needed to be by Nosaka’s side had always been something more than the appreciation for his altruism and potential, something that had grown strong and intense throughout the odds. Nishikage could understand it now, that his feelings were not mere admiration, and he could not hold back this inside his chest any longer.
- I beg your pardon for earlier! That day, I was unable to react properly to any of your words... You must have endeavored your sincerity and I truly appreciate your feelings! On this special day, I wanted to correspond you, so I...
Nishikage was suddenly cut off in his explanations when he felt the lips of the now new Nosaka being pressed against his. The emperor wrapped his arms around his knight's neck and held them close together, in slow movements, alternately touching his lower and upper lips, not giving him a single chance to break free from him.
Ah... Nishikage... - Nishikage was always the only one who could cause him that yearning to do silly things without any hesitation. Nosaka had been no longer hiding his feelings so well, ever since he stopped being part of the Ares program, and this time, he wanted to be sure to let him know every single thing he felt. The person who taught him that it’s okay to be himself, just by being on his side and not letting him give up. Why did that statement make him feel like butterflies in his stomach? And why was it so good?
It wasn't like he had never thought about it, but the answer was always attributed to a single word. Nosaka felt his chest warm and cozy. “Love” was a fun and somewhat unsettling feeling, and very similar to what how felt about soccer. The strategist clearly remembered it at the day he claimed to love soccer, and it was as if he felt that hot, passionate feeling for the first time. However, it was a little different this time, it was something exclusive, which could only be expressed by those words, in a kind single desire for that person alone. He let out a smile during the kiss, moving one of his hands to the taller boy face, tenderly stroking his cheek with his thumb, drawing a sigh from him.
As for Nishikage, if that was the taste of love, then he wanted to feel it forever. Hesitant and a little confused by the unprecedented sensation, the knight did not know how to answer the delicious malice that the minor was imposing. His emperor was always so steady and impassive, but now he was feeling so smooth and affable on him that he might slip from his fingers, even if he was so sure and thorough at the same time. Trying to get used to the tenderness and delicacy of the redhead boy, he soon gave himself up when he felt the other's tongue touching his, with undeniable boldness. A slight hint of strawberry got accentuated. Getting the feeling of it wasn’t difficult. Pleasant touches between his lips highlighted it, what they most wanted the other to know.
Gradually, the caresses slowed down, until they stopped completely, closed with a lasting peck given by the shorter boy. Heart racing, the Nishikage sighed, feeling still in the clouds.
- N-N-Nosaka-san...
The aforementioned had some difficulties returning to reality after so many mixed sensations consuming him. Upon returning, the first thing he noticed was the Nishikage's face colored in red.
- So this is how it feels... I must confess I was looking forward to doing it.
The other's perplexed expression left no doubt that he’s clueless about what had just happened.
- When two people confess themselves to each other, isn't that what they’re supposed do? - Asked the redhead.
The goalkeeper got his fingers over his lips for an instant, recalling the sensation of having his loved one's mouth pressing against his, playing casually and with all the kindness and sweetness that could have come from the emperor, letting out a silly smile. Until something popped up in his mind.
- Oh, that's right, I forgot! - The bigger one took two movie vouchers wrapped in thin red paper out of his jacket pocket, the kind you can present to watch any movie for free, handing it to Nosaka.
Nishikage felt a little embarrassed about not getting something more appropriate for his companion. Even though he spent years with Yuuma, the goalkeeper realized that he had never learned any of the emperor's personal tastes, except for food, but it didn't seem right or too original to repeat it with a cake, for example, so he had no idea what to give him as a gift. However, he still wanted it to be something very special. In this case, the older one had remembered the day they went to the cinema together for the first time, and the younger one really seemed to like the place so much, it might have been a good idea. In addition, there would be treats for both of you to enjoy, so the occasion would be perfect to show that the knight really knew his emperor, choosing what he liked best and even offering to pay it for him. At least, that was the advice he received when he reluctantly asked Asuto and Ichihoshi for help, even though he didn't get the part of Inamori's happily hoping saying "oh, oh, like a date!"
- I... I was wondering if we could go together the next Saturday...
The not so younger took the vouchers in his hands with twinkling eyes. The blonde stared at the floor, a little nervous.
- Well thought out, Nishikage! There were actually a few movies playing this week that I would like to watch!
- Really?! In that case, it's my gift to you! - A mingle of relief and satisfaction reached out him knowing finally that he liked the gift.
Nosaka beamed.
- Thank you very much for the surprise, Nishikage. I am very grateful to have you by my side.
That being said, the emperor pulled his knight by the hand and whispered into his ear, recalling the words he wanted to say one time ago:
- I love you, Nishikage. You didn't let me say that last time. A little unfair, don't you think? - A mischievous smile appeared on his face.
Nosaka slowly released the other, dazed by the words. Keeping his gaze on his grayish eyes, he moved away, but not too far. The faces, especially the lips, perfectly close, almost touching again.
- So, next Saturday, then?
- Y-yes... Happy birthday, Nosaka-san.
In this case, neither of them noticed they had left the bedroom door open, allowing Inamori Asuto and Ichihoshi Hikaru to see and hear everything from the first moment that Nosaka had entered. The two of them were exchanging triumphant high-fives.
- I told you it would be a good idea! - Ichihoshi boasted, referring to the wonderful idea that started everything from writing "I love you" on the chocolate cake. A little push in cases like these was always functional. In the best-case scenario, it could end up in a pleasant surprise. A/N: Here we are! And you thought I would leave you without a NishiYuu kiss? 💞💕🎉✨🎂  Happy Birthday Nosaka Yuuma! Thank you all for reading this. To be honest, I wrote this double-shot for their first birthdays since the beggining of the series, and I had to wait for another year to come by to bring it translated 🤧 Some of you have been waiting for this, so I’m tagging you all, and thanking you once again for being my inspiration. Even if some of you don’t even know Inazuma, you have helped me just by liking my writing or doing writing requests for me, and I appreciate it sm!! 🌺🌺 @krimkl @peachesandglitter @my-one-true-l @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9  💗💗 Stay safe
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alj4890 · 5 years
Love/Song/Kiss Prompt
(Matt Rodriguez x Addison Sinclaire) with the song Señorita and the prompts of sleeping in and a shy kiss as requested by @krsnlove​
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(Matt Rodriguez x Addison Sinclaire) and (Chris Winters x OC*Shannon Wright *HWU mc*) A Choices: Red Carpet Diaries Fan Fiction
A/N This song seems made for them. I went back to the Hollywood University days for this one and have my MC from that story app working with Addison for their final project for Professor Hunt. 
tagging a few other RCD folks: @lilyofchoices​ @moodyvalentinestories​ @desireepow-1986​
A Free Moment
Matt stepped into his trailer and peeled off the soaked t-shirt. He tossed it in a pile with the seven exact others. Today's shoot was brutal in the Miami heat. Add multiple pyrotechnics, and he had been more than happy being blown into the Atlantic Ocean.
With his new status as the number one action star in Hollywood, he had been offered numerous roles. He was terrified to step out of his comfort zone and try something new. What if he lost the chance to act? As much as he wanted to try something with fewer explosives and cheesy lines, he didn't feel the timing was right.
He paused drying off and opened his door.
"Here's the shooting schedule for next week." The assistant director handed him a sheet of paper
"I don't have a scene?" Matt asked.
"Martin thought you could use a break." He replied. "He wants you back the week after."
A grin formed on Matt's face. "Tell him I appreciate it." He shut the door and thought about what he might like to do with his free time.
The next morning...
"Addi!" Shannon exclaimed. "We overslept!"
"Huh?" Addison lifted her head and rubbed her eyes. She reached for her alarm clock and shot up. "No! We missed our flight!"
"I know." Shannon dropped her head in her hands. "I can't believe it. Hunt is going to fail us for missing class. I just know it." Her panic grew. "Addi! We won't graduate in May!"
Addison shook her head. "We'll tell him we needed to stay longer to make sure we accurately depict club life in Miami for our short film."
Shannon flopped back on her pillow. "We are so screwed."
"Shannon!" Addison threw her pillow at her. "Who cares if Hunt fails us?"
"Me! I care!" Shannon argued. "I want to be taken seriously as an actress. Everyone knows if you study under Hunt that you can pretty much walk onto any set and be hired."
Addison hugged another pillow to her chest. "I promise to make this right. You'll become a famous actress. You'll marry another famous actor and have picture perfect babies."
Shannon snorted in her laughter. "Yeah right. 'Cause famous actors like Chris Winters are secretly holding out for someone like me."
"It could happen." Addison mumbled.
"It could." Shannon's brown eyes twinkled with mischief. "Right after I build the first apartment building on Mars."
"You really enjoyed that class project of building our own sets." Addison picked up her phone and silently ran through ways to get Hunt to excuse them.
Shannon sat up. "I know your powers of persuasion are extraordinary, but you haven't ever tested them out on Professor Hunt."
"You're making me so much more nervous." Addison pressed the call button under the grumpy professor's number.
It rang three times before his sharp voice answered.
"Hey Professor!" Addison said in her syrupy sweet voice.
"Ms. Sinclaire." Thomas replied. "I assume you are calling about an extension." 
“Wow.” Addison said. “You must be part psychic.”
Shannon slapped her hand to her forehead. Hunt was going to throw them out of the university. She could practically see her degree going up in flames.
"More like that is the only reason students call." He corrected. "What reason are you about to give to keep me from marking zeros next to your name and Ms. Wright's?"
"Remember when we said our film was going to be a romance set amongst Miami's night life?" She began.
"Of course." He grumbled. "I also remember asking why you thought Miami would be the best setting for this story?"
"Ha! Yeah." Addison responded nervously. "Anywho, we decided to spend Spring Break in Miami to work on our film."
Silence was all she heard.
"And we, uh, need another few days to film the final act." She quickly said.
Shannon pulled a pillow over her face. They were doomed.
"I see." Hunt replied in a deadly serious tone.
"I promise, professor, that we have been hard at work this whole time." Addison pleaded. "We wanted our location to add another level to the story: two tourists meet and fall in love, then part ways knowing the promises to see each other again are not going to happen."
Shannon sat up and leaned closer to hear his response.
"Normally I would end the conversation with a do not bother darkening the classroom door. You have to learn that delays should be avoided at all cost when filming." He cleared his throat. "As it so happens, I have to cancel classes next week. I've been asked to be one of the judges for a film festival in Cordonia."
Shannon covered her mouth as she jumped up and down on her bed. Addison bounced on her own at the miracle. "That's awesome, Professor!"
"Yes, well, I expect your finished film to be waiting on my return the following Monday. Understood?" His tone dripped with icy disdain.
"It'll be there." Addison promised. "Thanks again Professor."
He grunted a goodbye.
Addison dropped back on her bed and kicked her feet into the air. "Woo! That was a close one."
Matt sipped his drink while looking out at the packed South Beach nightclub. He had asked around the set on where he should go for a night out and everyone had recommended LIV. It was certainly interesting.
He had already spotted a handful of celebrities in film, music, and even a few athletes. He wished he saw someone that was an actual friend or at least someone he enjoyed being around.
He motioned for the bartender and ordered a refill. His attention dropped to the petite blonde that suddenly appeared beside him.
Her bright smile seemed contagious.
"Two tequila sunrises, please." She yelled out over the music. Her hips moved in time to the beat of the current song. She looked around at the patrons then finally lifted her eyes up at him.
His smile appeared making her blink.
He's...so...wow, she thought.
She smiled back.
He leaned down. "Hello."
Her eyes lowered. "Hi."
"Are you here with someone?" He asked.
"Just my friend." She pointed over where Shannon was. Her friend was dancing near the edge of the dance floor and it seemed that she had caught the attention of--
"Is that Chris Winters?!" Addison exclaimed.
"I think so." Matt chuckled at her shock. "Would you like to meet him?"
She twirled back around toward him. "You know Chris Winters?"
"Yeah, after we did that buddy cop film, Hickey and Marks, we--"
Addison covered her mouth. "You're Matt Rodriguez!"
He nodded. "And you are?"
"Matt Rodriguez!" She repeated in shock. She should have known who he was the moment she saw that sexy smile. "I have a poster of you shirtless over my bed." She dropped her head at that TMI.
"Really?" His smile couldn't get any bigger.
"Er, let's forget that last part." She let out a nervous laugh. "I'm Addison."
He shook her hand. "Want to dance?"
"Are you kidding? Of course!" Addison picked up her drinks and told him she needed to take this over to Shannon first.
He followed her and yelled out to Chris.
The actor looked around before spying Matt. His own highly recognizable smile popped up when he saw his old friend. He glanced at the beautiful brunette who was still oblivious to him.
Shannon looked past him when Addison called out to her. She squeezed past people trying to get out on the floor and ended up plastered against Chris.
Shannon looked up to apologize and froze.
Her shock brought out a chuckle.
"I--I am--so sorry." She stuttered.
"I'm not." He replied, his dimples deepening with his smile. "I have been spending fifteen minutes over here trying to work up the nerve to ask you to dance."
"You--me--here?" She took a deep breath and tried again. "You want to dance with me?"
His arms wrapped around her waist. "I'm just waiting on a slow song."
"Oh my--"
"Hi!" Addison looked back and forth at the two. "I brought Matt Rodriguez and a drink over."
Without taking her eyes off of Chris's face, Shannon took the offered glass. "Thank you."
Addison's lips curved in an excited smile. She just had the most brilliant idea ever. "Chris! How would you like to act out a scene with Shannon?"
"Who?" He mumbled still looking into Shannon's rich brown eyes.
"The one in your arms." Addison pointed out.
"I'd love to." He quickly responded. "As long as you would like me to."
"I would." Shannon managed to say. "It's a love scene for our student film project."
He pulled her closer. "Then we should rehearse." 
Shannon’s lips parted with no words in response.
Matt watched his friend with a great deal of shock. Chris never acted like this with women. "He must have fallen hard." He whispered to Addison.
"I think she has too." She whispered back.
She set her empty glass down. "Come on." She took his hand and led him to the dance floor.
The next few days found the four working on the girls' final project before graduation.
Days and nights were filled with getting to know one another and deciding how best to present their film. Matt helped Addison with all the behind the scenes while Chris coached Shannon with her acting. With the guys' input and star power along with Miami's setting, a film worthy to be shown in cinemas was created.
Matt's suite...
"I can't believe it." Shannon threw her arms around Addison. She started hopping up and down with her as they watched the credits roll. "We did it! We made a movie!"
"I know!" Addison squealed some more. "I can't wait to get on that plane tomorrow."
Chris and Matt's delighted smiles dimmed.
"You leave tomorrow?" Matt asked.
The girls froze, realizing what that meant.
"Yeah." Addison's shoulders slumped.
Chris rubbed the back of his neck while looking at Shannon. "I won't be back in Hollywood for at least another two months."
Matt frowned. "A month for me if I'm lucky."
Shannon sat down on the couch. All her earlier joy had disappeared. "Oh."
"We still have tonight." Addison reminded them.
Chris straightened up and walked over to Shannon. "If you guys don't mind, I would like some time alone with Shannon. I--" he paused when she lifted her face up. "We need to make plans for when I return to California."
Shannon looked questionably at Addison and grinned when her friend nodded. "I'll see you back in our room Addi."
Once the couple were gone, Matt sat down beside Addison. "Is there anything you would like to do on our last night?"
She shook her head. "No." Her shy smile appeared. "I've had so much fun hanging out with you."
"Me too." His heartbeat skipping smile popped up. "I know we never really went on a date--"
"No. We didn't." She muttered, not even bothering to hide her disappointment.
"I don't suppose that once I'm back in L.A. that you might want to go out with me." He waited, his eyes touching on her face framed by her sun streaked golden curls.
Her bright blue eyes twinkled with mischief. "I might want to." She leaned closer toward him. "What would a date with Matt Rodriguez look like?"
His arm curved around her shoulders. "Pretty normal. Dinner. Dancing." He lowered his lips close to her cheek. "It's the ending that really makes it special."
She realized she had stopped breathing with that soft kiss touching her cheek. "Really? And how do these typically end."
Matt turned her face toward his. Their lips met and Addison pulled away, suddenly shy.
"You've probably kissed a dozen or so beautiful, talented women." She bit down on her bottom lip. "I'm more of a friend to guys like you--"
He captured her lips again. She melted against him under the passion he was conjuring with such a kiss. He lifted his head and met her awed gaze.
"Sorry Addison, but we will never be friends." He told her, smiling when she yanked him back for another kiss.
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notesbynoah · 6 years
scenes from a hat- killer7′s “russian roulette” scene
every now and then, i think it’s worthwhile to take a closer, more critical look at the construction of a scene to try to understand the director’s intention with using the specific angles and shots as a vehicle with which the narrative flows. i also think it’s worthwhile to share these thoughts, and i intend to do so more often now with shots i find fascinating from different visual mediums- games, movies, or otherwise. so, i’ma do it. and i’ma call it “scenes from a hat.” do you get it? like the “whose line” game but they’re actual cinematic scenes and i kinda choose them on a whim much like how you would pick a slip of paper from a hat? it’s clever. everyone loves it cause it’s clever.
let’s talk about killer7.
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note: though i highly recommend you watch the scene prior to reading this (link here), i will be offering visual aids in the post. it may work best for you to use these not as your introduction to the scene, but rather as a guide to further understand the points i’m attempting to make. i hope this helps improve your reading experience. i will also be discussing HEAVY spoilers here. continue at your own discretion.
killer7 is a game that has no qualms with being as outlandish and capricious as possible. one moment, one of the seven personalities you play as is being treated to a somber song written by a busker on the streets of a city in the dominican republic, the next moment you’re in a 7-on-7 boss fight against an expy of the power rangers. even if you’ve played a suda51 title in the past and come into killer7 expecting the usual erratic display of expression from the mind of goichi suda, you’ll still walk away surprised. possibly even disturbed! 
while killer7 contains many scenes that exemplify the odd nature of the game, there is a particular scene that i feel stands out among the rest. a scene that could fit right into any sort of horror arthouse film and not feel out of place due to its climactic and high-stakes nature. the “russian roulette” scene.
in the very first cut of the scene, the player is immediately introduced to a new character and note the existence of a gun on top of his desk. the next few cuts pace themselves accordingly, as the line of action is set and the character is introduced to the player. the player can also take note of garcian’s slight chuckle as he enters the office. almost as if he’s responding to our thoughts. “what is that gun for?” it seems garcian has an idea of what he’s in for here.
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“and who might you be?” is a question we should be asking here, really.
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note the scene’s adherence to sticking garcian on the right and benjamin on the left. this is important to understanding the construction of the scene.
it’s here that benjamin’s intentions with the gun are quickly made evident. “would you like to join me for a game of russian roulette?” he loads a single bullet into the pistol as the camera gets a direct close-up of the pistol. 
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yep. single bullet. no bullshit here. this guy means business.
as benjamin discusses the reward garcian receives if he wins the game, we get an interesting shot that puts the camera at an angle which forces the player to look up at benjamin. a classic angle used to portray a character in a position of power, which establishes benjamin’s background slightly further. not only does this guy mean business, but he’s probably someone we don’t want to mess with.
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if garcian wins, benjamin will tell him how to “hit on women with 100% success.” sorry, what? not only is that totally irrelevant to the situation that’s been built up during the entire mission to the player, it just seems like total bullshit from benjamin. either benjamin has an insanely pigeonholed perspective on women that needs some addressing, or he’s just messing with garcian. he knows he’ll win this game. either way, garcian seems intrigued by this offer. he laughs it off, almost as if he knows benjamin is messing with him, and is even interested enough in his game to ask about the penalty for loss.
“if you lose, i want you to kill the president.”
so, according to the logic of this game, if garcian lives he learns how to hit on women with 100% success. if he dies, he has to kill the president. clearly this ultimatum is almost completely illogical and totally skewed, but maybe that’s intentional. is it a message from suda that politicians promise sweet nothings to the people of their country while refusing to deal with reality? maybe. at face-value, all the player needs to understand from this ruleset is that it’s chaotic enough to make no sense in our world, but be accepted perfectly fine in the realm of killer7.
garcian accepts, and benjamin takes a deep breath. the camera does a slow pan to benjamin before cutting to a close-up with him on the left side of the cut once more, looking intensely focused on not dying and seeming to hesitate to pull the trigger out of fear of losing his life right then and there. 
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the subtlety of expression on such a simple character model adds great detail to the scene and alerts the player to the gravity of the situation.
as the gun clicks and no bullet shoots out, benjamin slides the gun to garcian for his turn. without so much as a moment’s hesitation, garcian nonchalantly takes the gun to his temple and pulls the trigger. no bang. he slides the gun back to benjamin, and the construction of the scene begins to take an interesting turn.
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garcian is presented on the right side of the screen for the entire scene so far. this changes after he pulls the trigger. in order to reflect the chaotic nature of the scene and the tension running rampant through the air, suda intentionally breaks the continuity he has set prior in the scene with garcian and benjamin having specific locations where they belong. by breaking continuity immediately after garcian’s ballsy trigger pull, the pacing of the scene begins to feel inexplicably quicker and more tense than it was before. the stakes have been raised substantially, and in order to show the player how intense this game of russian roulette really is, suda’s going to mess around with continuity.
something else worthy of note is garcian’s unwavering confidence in this scene that political power benjamin, in contrast, does not showcase. using very distinct frame positioning right off the bat is a deliberate choice from suda to compare and contrast these two very different characters. garcian, meanwhile, shows no fear in the face of adversity and his confidence is enough to make benjamin lose himself for a moment. garcian’s stone-cold expression complements his actions and make this seem almost routine for him. this contrasts many other russian roulette scenes in classic cinema, which usually showcase a pair or group of characters displaying great emotion, similar to what benjamin is displaying in this scene. basically, benjamin is having a normal human reaction, and garcian’s reaction is almost...inhuman. i’ll get back to this and expound on it more near the end, but for now it’s important to understand that garcian is a brave son of a bitch and he and benjamin are essentially having a dick-measuring contest in the form of a suicide race.
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note the camera angle coming from a position that greatly emphasize’s garcian standing over benjamin, almost as if he’s already beaten him before the game has ended. the emphasis on posture here is just as important- garcian stands tall, benjamin slumps over in the midst of a desperate struggle with himself.
benjamin notes that he refuses to die, “at least until the election is over,” and that it apparently takes a SHIT load of luck to run a country. he cares quite a bit about winning this game and possibly taking over control of the united states, whereas it seems garcian just wants to get on with his life. after struggling to find it in him to pull the trigger, benjamin pulls it right at his temple. no bullet. 
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the camera puts the focus into the center of the frame, giving the player a unique birds-eye view of the shot. using the top of garcian’s head for scale, benjamin’s body seems to pop out and appears larger from this angle, even though he’s clearly still seated in the same position. this visual seems to reflect his sudden ardent belief in his chances of winning, which is a far cry from his demeanor mere seconds ago, while reminding the player that garcian is in fact still participating, and he is much more in control of his behavior than benjamin. in any case, it’s garcian’s turn.
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no leadup, no fanfare, no nothing. just a flick of the finger. garcian, as aloof as ever, pulls the trigger and lives another day. from this angle, we are also able to see a slight jump from benjamin, denoting a clear surprised reaction. this camera shot of the trigger pull cleverly works in the full emotion of both characters in the scene while only displaying one character’s full body, and a consistent rhythm begins to form in the player’s mind as they watch the scene. benjamin is nervous, garcian is not, repeat. this seems to be the order of things. anyway, garcian slides the gun over to benjamin, we get a few more continuity breaks for anxiety’s sake, and benjamin starts to monologue.
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“look at that important gun, god damn it. it’s so important.”- goichi suda, circa 2005
we get an oddly earnest moment of self-reflection from benjamin here as he ruminates over the futility of american politics and observes his own motivations in the scope of a life-or-death game. if he can’t cheat death again, what reason would he ever have to call himself a preisdent? using this logic as motivation for his actions, benjamin reaches for the gun and prepares himself to pull the trigger once again. as he does pull the trigger, we get five very different shots of a few different actions from benjamin within just a few seconds. it’s also worth mentioning that each of these five shots in this instance of the scene work perfectly as a miniature display of freytag’s pyramind of dramatic structure.
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benjamin prepares to pull the gun as his monologue ends. the exposition comes to an abrupt ending as we’re forced back into the action. we get a shot of him preparing himself as he’s positioned directly in the middle of the frame, a solid introduction to the next four shots.
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benjamin places the gun to this temple as the rising action of the scene, preparing us for what could happen next while simultaneously leaving it ambiguous, creating a slightly anxious shot. the framing of the scene complements this feeling of anxiety, as the camera’s subtle zoom out and pan right creates a sudden empty space in the frame that could just as easily be filled with benjamin’s grey matter in a few seconds.
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the climax of the scene arrives. benjamin hyping himself up to pull the trigger and cheat death once again. the camera gives us a medium close-up of benjmain to show off the display of emotion on his face as he realizes this could be the end of it all, but that he’s in too deep to quit now.
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the trigger is pulled in the falling action and, in a final moment of suspense, we hear the empty click of the gun. benjamin wins this round and lives to see another day. we’re treated to an amazing close-up here as we see benjamin go from panicked to realizing he won in the span of a single second. benjamin’s realization in the shot provided looks almost awestruck. he didn’t expect to make it, and yet here he is.
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finally, the dénouement. benjamin’s inner conflict is resolved as he tells garcian that he “loses” and the confidence we saw from benjamin earlier in the scene returns. the camera zooms out slightly as if to bring focus back from benjamin to the interaction between he and garcian.
each shot here emphasizes a very different part of benjamin’s mentality as he pulls the trigger at his head. in order to emphasize the climactic nature of this instance, suda goes out of his way to display these five different shots of benjamin, all framed very differently in order to manipulate the player’s perspective into thinking this could very well be the end of benjamin’s life. after all, this is russian roulette. anything can happen. speaking of “anything can happen,” let’s talk about garcian’s turn here.
benjamin wins the round and slides the gun over to garcian as the music starts to pick up. this could be the end of our protagonist’s life. surely some display of emotion from garcian is warranted here, right?
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guess not. we get a close-up of garcian’s solemn face as he coolly places the gun to his temple and, without a single word or second spent on benjamin’s dramatic display just now, he pulls the trigger and slides the gun back. no dramatic structure, no monologue, no nothing. the mood of the scene begins to change as we realize just how god damn cool garcian is and he tells benjamin his logic in his emotionless visage and gives us what is possibly the most important line in the game, which also serves to dictate the shift in the game that occurs after this scene.
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“this gun holds seven bullets. i’m a professional. you can’t fool me, old man.”
i think it’s important to dissect this line and what it could mean for the plot of killer7 as a whole. in this entire scene, garcian’s demeanor is that of a no-nonsense professional. he knows what he’s doing here, and this is in direct contrast to a man from the government who is losing his mind. garcian is in control. later on after this scene, we learn some alarming news about garcian: he’s not garcian smith, but a serial killer by the name of emir parkreiner. in the scene where this information is learned, garcian is told that, as a child, evil had begun to “open its eyes” within him and that he was no longer like a “mortal being.” this adds gravity to garcian’s behavior in this scene. why would he fear death? he’s not mortal. he is the embodiment of death itself, and he is now in control of his own body. there is no switching between different personalities here. this is garcian’s shining moment.
consider now the metaphorical significance of this line. if garcian is to be the “embodiment of death” as i stated earlier, his demeanor could be likened to that of a gun. emotionless and murderous, but a potent tool in the right hands. however, garcian is no longer simply a tool for a higher power (in this case, consider harman smith a higher power). if he were, he would partake in the murder of benjamin keane himself. he doesn’t do this, though. using his own free will, he gets benjamin to kill himself. garcian kills another man without touching him and simply by being garcian. you can’t fool him into thinking he’s not his own man, and i can’t stress this enough, he is in control now. seven bullets are contained within that gun, just like seven personalities are contained within garcian- the six smiths and emir parkreiner. you didn’t count on the last bullet being the most important one, and you didn’t count on the last personality revealed, emir parkreiner, being the most important one either. 
when garcian says this pivotal line, he’s not just telling benjamin that he’s a professional killer, he’s telling the government that he’s his own man. he’s telling harman smith that he’s the main personality of the killer7 now. this is later cemented in stone as, in the last scene in the game, we see garcian now wearing black and harman wearing white, even though harman was wearing black for the entirety of the game up to that point and was considered the main personality of the killer7. of course, before this point, garcian was wearing white. that instance is what lets us know for a fact that garcian is now his own man, but this particular line in this scene sets us up for that. it lets us know that garcian is shifting into the main role, and that killer7 is his story now. it’s the story of garcian smith, and it’s the story of emir parkreiner. this line gives us everything we need to understand this.
back to the scene.
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“i just love that gun man, you know? it’s so important. so important.”- goichi suda, circa 2005
benjamin tells garcian that they’re both sick individuals, attempting to relate to garcian at the end of his life. however, when he tells him this, he’s also possibly attempting to convince him to do what he needs him to, as he follows up after this line with a specific request.
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we get some brilliant framing here that paints benjamin’s face in half-shadow, hinting at something more sinister as he tells garcian that the institution he’s in holds the “history of the united states,” and that there’s a tradition that has continued since the first presidential election he wants garcian to see through to the end. 
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benjamin holds the gun up to his temple one final time in a shot that mirrors the framing of an earlier shot, except this time with more significance. this will be the last time we see this character, as we know for a fact that the one bullet in the gun will be launched as soon as he pulls that trigger. what are benjamin’s last words before he kills himself?
“by the way... women are all the same!”
calling back to the promise he made at the beginning of the game of telling garcian how to hit on women with 100% success, he instead tells garcian an empty statement, backing out on the promise he made. he’s served his role in this story, and now suda writes him out of it as a politician refusing to follow up on a promise. a little on-the-nose, possibly, but an effective representation of the sinister government in the world of killer7 nonetheless.
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benjamin pulls the trigger, and we see the blood pool out from his head in a birds-eye-view, allowing us to see the full, slumped over, dead body of benjamin keane. garcian wins the game, and the scene ends.
there’s so much more to mention in this scene, such as the brilliant voice work from greg eagles and steve blum, or the masterful music composition of masafumi takada matching up with each individual moment in the scene perfectly, but this analysis was meant to look purely at the construction of the scene’s individual parts and how they signify something greater within the story.
i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing this, and i look forward to writing similar analyses in the future if this one is well-received.
in the name of harman... 
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nedraggett · 6 years
Thoughts on 2018
No need for me to be fancier than that!  And yeah I realize that nobody should be using Tumblr any more but until I figure out a proper revive of my old Wordpress site, this will do for now.
So anyway: I wrote this up for a private email list reflecting on the end of the year in terms of things I especially enjoyed culturally. Well, why not share it?
My year went very well — steady at work and in life, being 47 means more aches and pains but you have to learn to live with it.  The state of the world is something else again of course and we need not spend more time on the blazingly obvious.  That said, the history bug in me has been constantly intrigued by the slow drip of the investigations (and revelations) and were it all fiction, I’d be thoroughly enthralled instead of quietly apprehensive, of course.  November did provide some partial relief on that front so bring on the new year.  In terms of my own written work, nothing quite equalled my heart/soul going into last year’s Algiers feature for NPR, but my two big Quietus pieces this year — on Gary Numan’s Dance  and Ralph Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings  — were treats to write, while my presentation on the too-obscure Billy Mackenzie at PopCon was a great experience.
In terms of music this has been one of the most concert-heavy years I’ve spent.  Even having moved to SF in 2015 I only did the occasional show every so often — there was so much going on (even in a local scene lots of long-timers say has been irrevocably changed) that I was almost spoiled for choice, and part of me also just wanted to relax most nights.  But deaths like Prince’s and Bowie’s among many others served as a reminder that there’s no such thing as forever, and you never know what the last chance will be.  More veteran acts than younger ones in the end for me — greatest missed concert regrets this year included serpentwithfeet, Lizzo, Perfume Genius and Emma Ruth Rundle among the younger acts, while being ill when Orbital came through will be a lingering annoyance, still having never seen them live.  But the huge amount of shows I did see outweighed that, ranging from big arena stops like Fleetwood Mac to celebratory open-air free shows like Mexican Institute of Sound to small club sets by folks like Kinski, Six Organs of Admittance, Kimbra and many more, including, for the first time in years, a show in the UK, specifically a great performance by Roddy Frame of Aztec Camera.  If I absolutely had to grade my top picks among shows, Cruel Diagonals, Johnny Marr, Wye Oak, Peter Brotzmann/Keiji Haino, John Zorn/Terry Riley/Laurie Anderson, Laurie Anderson again separately, Nine Inch Nails, VNV Nation, Jarvis Cocker, Beak and, in terms of no real expectations turning into utter delight and thrills, a brilliant set by Lesley Rankine under her Ruby guise, with Martin Atkins on drums.  Best damn combination of righteous ire, hilarious raconteurism and compelling, unique approaches to how performance can work I’d seen in a while.  (As for recorded music in general, uh, endless?)
TV, as ever a bit sporadic, with a few things on my to-do list — still need to catch The Terror for sure, and what I saw of The Alienist looked good; I love both books so I need to see how it all worked out, similarly with the just-dropped version of Watership Down.  Pose I definitely need to catch up with since it sounds like Ryan Murphy stood out of the way to let the best possible team do the business on it, but my real unexpected delight of a show this year was also Murphy-based, American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace.  While not down the line perfect, it was absolutely more compelling than not, and in fact at its best was a shuddering combination of amazing music cue choices, a reverse structure that helped undercut any attempt at making Cunanan seem sympathetic or an antihero, and, at its considerable best, a ratcheting up of terror and horror that a friend said was almost Kubrickian, and I would have to agree.  And, frankly, Darren Criss really did the business as Cunanan, a controlled and powerful turn. Only a few of us seemed to be following it at the time, but when it scored all those Emmys, then while it was as much a reflection of Murphy’s status, it honestly felt well deserved.  Meantime, you’ll pry my addiction to all the RuPaul’s Drag Race incarnations from my cold dead hands but it’s the amazing online series that Trixie Mattel and Katya do, UNHhhh, which remains my comedy highlight of the year, with at least a few jaw-dropping/seize up laughing every episode. (Kudos as well for Brad Jones’s The Cinema Snob, ten years running online and still funny as fuck while digging up all kinds of cinematic horrors.) Also, tying back into music a bit, late recommendation for something you can only see on UK TV/streaming so far, but get yourself a VPN and seek out Bros: After the Screaming Stops, in which the two brothers in the late-80s monster hit pop band Bros (never had any traction here but pretty much owned the entire Commonwealth and beyond) try for a comeback.  It’s an unintentionally hilarious and harrowing portrait of two twins who have a LOT of issues, have clearly been through a LOT of therapy, but are still…not quite there.  UK friends said it was a combination of Spinal Tap, Alan Partridge and David Brent and they were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. 
Movies, less specifically to choose from — I remain an essentially sporadic populist when it comes to what I see in theaters, but I can say for sure that Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse is a hell of a thing and will almost certainly prove to be a real year-zero moment down the line.  Possibly the most affecting watch was Bohemian Rhapsody, in that I also saw this in the UK — in Brighton, which besides making me think of the band’s song “Brighton Rock” is also notably the country’s most LGBT-friendly city; those I was with felt the movie’s themes, successes and flaws/elisions deeply, and the constant discussion of it for the next few days was very rewarding. As for books, John Carreyrou’s Bad Blood, delving into Theranos and the amoral duo behind it, was properly enraging and compelling, while Beth Macy’s Dopesick, if not perfect, nonetheless adds to the good literature on the opioid crisis, while as ever indirectly calling into question who’s getting the focus and care now as opposed to in earlier times and places. My favorite music publications as such probably remain the two I most regularly write for, The Quietus and Daily Bandcamp, while Ugly Things is the print publication that I most look forward to with each issue, and am never disappointed. 
Podcasts now consist of a lot of my regular cultural engagement, kinda obvious but nonetheless true.  Long running faves include My Favorite Murder — Karen and Georgia are an amazing comedy team who have figured out how to reinterpret their anxieties in new ways — The Vanished, which at its best often casts a piercing eye on how official indifference from law enforcement is almost as destructive as their more obvious abuses (recent discovery The Fall Line does this as well, even more explicitly), Karina Longworth’s constantly revelatory Hollywood histories You Must Remember This, Patrick Wyman’s enjoyable history dives on Tides of History, my friend Chris Molanphy’s constantly excellent investigations into music chart history Hit Parade, the great weekly movie chats by MST3K vets Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu along with Carolina Hidalgo on Movie Sign With the Mads, and The Age of Napoleon, which really has hit my history wonk sweet spot.  New to me this year was It’s Just a Show,  a really wonderful episode by episode — but not in exact order — deep dive into every episode of MST3K ever, by two fun and thoughtful Canadian folks, Adam Clarke and Beth Martin. (Adam also cohosts a new podcast, A Part of Our Scare-itage, specifically looking at Canadian horror. It’s not just Cronenberg!). Among the excellent one-off series this year: American Fiasco by Men in Blazers’ Roger Bennett on the failed US World Cup attempt in 1998, Dear Franklin Jones, a story about the narrator’s experience growing up in a California cult and how his parents came to be followers in the first place, and the Boston Globe’s Gladiator, their audio accompaniment to their in-depth story of the life and ultimate fate of Aaron Hernandez. Finally, totally new series this year that quickly got added to my regular listening: American Grift, a casual and chatty look at various scams and schemes, overseen by Oriana Schwindt, The Eurowhat?, a running look at the Eurovision competition throughout the year from the perspective of two American fans, and The Ace Records Podcast, an often engaging series of one-off interviews with various musicians, fans and so forth by UK writer Pete Paphides (I highly recommend the interviews with Jon Savage and Sheila B). Hands down my two favorite totally new podcasts of the year were The Dream, a more formal story of American grifting in general hosted by Jane Marie — this first season’s focus was on multilevel marketing, and Marie and company’s careful way of seemingly backing into the larger story makes it all the more compelling and ultimately infuriating, especially in the current political climate — and the hilarious Race Chasers, a RuPaul’s Drag Race-celebrating podcast by two veterans of the show, Alaska and Willam, loaded with all kinds of fun, behind the scenes stuff, guests and an easy casualness from two pros that strikes the perfect balance between going through things and just shooting the shit.  Returning podcast I’m most looking forward to next year: the second season of Cocaine and Rhinestones, hands down.  Check out the first season for sure.
And there ya go!  Keep fighting all your respective good fights.
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filmista · 6 years
Meshes Of The Afternoon (1943)
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So this was recommended to me by a fellow film loving friend, who was kind enough to compile me the following list: boxd.it/2bmVk since I wanted to get more into short films as I’m starting a script class and will have the chance to write my own short and I just want to familiarize myself with them more. Maybe even review a few on here from time to time.
Anyway, as an introduction, I thought this was a great place to start. You can't be into film and not have heard of Maya Deren, I had heard of her but just hadn't watched anything by her.
She's considered the queen of American Avant-Garde cinema and since that`s another thing I'm not all that familiar with I again thought that it seemed appropriate and an interesting first watch of films on the list.
On to the film itself, I went into it completely not knowing what to expect. I didn't read up on anything beforehand so it was a complete surprise and it did not disappoint at all.
I was so impressed by it that I wanted to write down my thoughts immediately after, it’s not a proper or super long review or analysis like I usually do (I probably will later on). But I liked this so much that I wanted to get it out to people here that might not have seen it. I’ve been struggling with writer’s block for a bit, no film has really managed to inspire me the last few days and this cured me on the spot.
From the literal first few seconds, I was already intrigued. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. I'd have a hard time recounting the story, or saying what it means exactly (although surrealist cinema is from what I've read on it more out to make you feel stuff... they're out primarily to register into your subconscious.
This film definitely succeeds in that, gradually seeping into your mind. Again in actual words, I couldn't explain all that well what it is that this does and why it's so good.
I think the reason I thought this was so incredibly good and why it basically floored me (I watch it twice in a row just so I could check whether some stuff really happened) is that it almost quite literally feels like a visual representation if a little varied of actual nightmares I've had.
When I was younger I had a really really frightening recurring nightmare. It was so scary, that to this day I still remember on occasion waking up either completely covered in sweat or actually in tears.
The nightmare was always about an unknown figure, I couldn't even really tell whether it was a man or a woman... just a mindless figure. But this figure at first in the dream didn't act overtly hostile but by the end of the dream always invariably killed me.
I've fortunately since stopped having it. I've never looked it up, I've never been that keen on deciphering dreams. But yeah I still vividly remember details from it.
This film in its little running time, while not as upsetting and disturbing to me like that particular nightmare kind of feels like that. It feels like a nightmare that whilst you're having it feels endless and completely relentless and inescapable.
There's much creepier stuff that has been put. But this has a vague ever constant unease to it, mostly because you don't know if it's all even really happening and what it all means.
It's vague, it makes seemingly no sense as do dreams and nightmares. Few things are as scary as being confronted with something that's unknown, unexplainable and ambiguous, of which you don't know whether it's harmful to you or not and this masterfully gets that.
There are also some really great shots in here. That now that I think about it, reminded me of stuff that I've seen in other films I'm sure Maya Deren has been incredibly influential to different filmmakers.
Whereas for Maya herself (I've yet to see anything else by her) but I was incredibly impressed with her here. She barely says a word, actually, she says no words yet she's got such an incredible physicality her every emotion and feeling registers with the audience.
I absolutely can't wait to check out more films by her and more surrealist films in general. Highly recommended. 
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If you’ve wondered exactly what people mean when they say that modern cinema has become overly pretentious and desperate for awards and “critical acclaim” at the sacrifice of quality, entertainment, and originality, look no further than the recent film Call Me By Your Name. In fact, I myself didn’t quite understand the phenomenon until I sat through this overly-convoluted suck-fest of a movie.
This movie truly seems like a group of space aliens somehow got their hands on an outline for creating an “award-winning” film and just followed the formula to the letter, but with absolutely no idea how actual human beings speak, stand, walk, move, converse, and interact with each other. Every piece of dialogue in this movie was like it was written by a computer program designed to emulate Shakespearean-era prose. Every movement was so methodically calculated and inhuman that it made Ted Cruz look comfortable and natural. The story was somehow both wildly unrealistic and painfully predictable. Each scene was so atrociously obvious to predict, even down to the slow camera pan to a lone tree rustling in the wind. Truly, it was like this movie was following a checklist: wide shots of a foreign countryside? Check. B-list hunk to draw in a female crowd? Check. Overuse of still shots of “symbolic” inanimate objects and choppy cuts between scenes to establish a low-budget indie feel? Check. Extremely controversial scene of a sexual nature to piss of conservatives? Check. Homosexual relationship in the 80’s to make sure nobody can criticize the film without being accused of being a backwoods hillbilly prude? Check. Strangely enough, this movie hits every mark of what stereotypically makes a movie a great piece of cinema, but somehow manages to do absolutely none of them well. The entire thing is so ridiculously lazy that at times I almost wondered if it was actually meant to be a post-modern Warhol-esque statement about the methodically repetitive nature of recent cinema. In fact, the only way the film is tolerable is by viewing it through the lens of parody and imagining it was an endeavor by Bill Hader and Fred Armisen to expose the ridiculousness of the modern indie film.
In a film that is just crap full of crap scenes, by far the absolute worst has got to be the scene near the end where the heartbroken teenage boy is being comforted by his father. (Spoiler alert! The relationship between a grown ass man and a teenage boy in 1983 doesn’t work out.) In this scene the boy’s father delivers the most horrendous monologue I have ever witnessed in any artistic medium in my life, and that includes the time in theater school when I attended an off-off-Broadway show and the actor was literally spitting pumpkin seeds on the audience between words. Basically, in this scene we are led to believe that this boy’s father was well-aware of the fact that the grown ass man who had been living in his home had been having a sexual relationship with his teenage son, and not only was he entirely supportive and encouraging of this relationship, but he delivers a tearful monologue about the undeniable and unbreakable love between the two of them. In this scene the father essentially tells his son that the love they had somehow developed within the span of about 4 weeks, despite seeming to hardly ever speak or spend any time together, was far greater than any love the father had ever witnessed or experienced in his lifetime, even with the boy’s mother. I had never walked out of a movie in my life and I still have not, but that was the closest I have ever gotten.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I find it atrocious that people are universally praising a film that both normalizes and romanticizes a relationship between an adult man and a teenage boy, especially in the post-Kevin Spacey Hollywood era. Any way you spin it, this is a movie about a grown adult taking advantage of a young man, and it is a horrific insult to everyone who was preyed on by an adult sexual predator when they were a teenager. It’s bad enough to normalize these kinds of “relationships”, but to romanticize them is taking it to another level. With the direction Hollywood and the world is going, I truly believe this is something we are becoming more aware of over time, and I absolutely believe that this movie is going to age like a luke-warm glass of milk. Seeing all of the rave reviews this movie is getting almost makes me feel like I’m living inside an episode of Black Mirror where the entire world has gone batshit crazy and I’m the only sane person left on the planet, but the thing that keeps me going is the confidence that within as little as ten years this will be one of those movies people look back on and wonder how in the hell they ever thought it was good.
Basically, in summation:
Did I like this movie? No.
Did I objectively think it was a bad movie? Yes.
Do I at least understand why other people like it? No.
Do I think you should at least see it and form your own opinion? I really don’t.
Don’t let yourself get swept up in the hype that this movie is getting. I know everyone is acting like if you don’t go see this movie and weep like a grieving widow from opening credits to ending credits then you must be some sort of heartless, unsophisticated neanderthal with no appreciation for artistic integrity, but I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to let a bunch of pretentious film weenies bully you like that. You can decide not to see it, and if you do see it, you are allowed to not like it. You are allowed to call it for what it is, and what it is is a bad movie.
I know that at this point everyone has pretty much made up their mind about whether or not they are going to see it and nothing I say is going to actually change your mind, in fact probably nobody is even going to read this since I only have like 100 followers so you’re probably scrolling past it right now and seeing that it has no notes, but on the off chance you’ve actually read this far and care about what I think, let me leave on a positive note with a movie you should watch instead: As You Are by Miles Joris-Peyrafitte. Basically that movie is the amalgamation of everything that Call Me By Your Name tried and failed to be; it’s a beautiful coming of age film about teenagers discovering who they are and exploring their sexuality with a stellar cast and gorgeous cinematography that will absolutely tug on your heart strings. I highly recommend it, and it’s on Amazon Prime.
Basically that’s all I have to say. Thanks for reading this far, I guess.
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misterclandestine · 7 years
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My Favorite Stuff from 2017
It’s been a tough one, but there was a lot of awesome stuff that made it easier. Here are some of my favorites in no particular order.
DAMN by Kendrick Lamar, Album - The World felt different once this was in it. Kenny’s 4th release proved he’s just as thoughtful, agile, and hungry as ever.
everyone’s a aliebn when ur a aliebn too by Johnny Sun, Book - You can go through this hybrid graphic novel/picture-book in one sitting, but there’s so much to chew on here that I recommend taking time with this story, which follows Jomny, a misspelling aliebn sent to earth to study human behavior. The brief, direct interactions simply, & hilariously reveal everything beautiful and tragic about what it is to be alive.  
Abstract: The Art of Design, Series - This Netflix series drops you into the lives of 6 masterful creators moving through subcultures of artistry (i.e Footwear Design, Illustration, Stage Design). Each revealing their varying methods, ideas, and joys about creativity. The standout episode follows Christoph Niemann, an illustrator for the New Yorker, and his blue-collar approach to his work.
Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War, TV Series - Though this season was rushed, clumsy and arguably unrecognizable from the compelling and prestigious drama that has unprecedentedly impacted our culture, you won’t find a more gripping hour of television. You know a show is wilding out when you don’t know who the hell to even root for anymore (Get em, Drogo! Wait, not Bronn! Wait, not the incestuous child killer!)
Insecure: Season 2, TV Series - The show you didn’t know you needed. Issa Rae’s hilarious dramedy paints a picture of what it’s like to be young, ambitious, unapologetic, lonely, intelligent, sexy, successful, and losing.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Season 4, TV Series - Oliver’s weekly recap simultaneously manages to be enlightening, funny, depressing, and hopeful. His takedown of Alex Jones was one of the most satisfying things I consumed all year.
Do Not Disturb by Drake, Song - the final track of More Life, a surprise ‘mixtape’, samples ‘Time’ by Snoh Alegra, and is one of his most personal songs to date. Without a chorus, he raps for 3 minutes about not needing romance, fear of irrelevancy, and the quickening passage of time. Gracefully shifting between insecurity and arrogance with dizzying fervor, Aubrey continues to capture the emotional woes of an entire generation.
Get Out, Film - Jordan Peele’s directorial film debut is the rare instant classic, and it’s not because it has one of the most crowd-pleasing endings of all time. The satirical, social commentary cloaked in the guise of a horror comedy, refuses definition, and peels back layers of race, and class previously untouched in cinema.
Melodrama by Lorde, Album - With a kajillion pounds of pressure on her shoulders to follow up one of the best pop debuts of all time, Ella delivers. She croons on top of Jack Antonoff’s unruly production about heartbreak, fame, and the feeble impact of acclaim. As one Twitterer put it “I gain an extra chromosome when the beat drops in ‘Sober II’.
mother!, Film - I can’t say I enjoyed this movie because it was the second most excruciating sit I had at the theater all year (kudos to Justice League), but it left me SHOOK. It’s clearly allegorical, but what makes it masterful is that the way you take this movie in is colored almost entirely by your own personal experiences.
Master of None: Season 2, TV Series - A perfect double-feature to Insecure (give me a shared universe where Dev and Issa are a power couple). Ansari’s relentlessly entertaining series accomplishes what every second season strives for. It tops the first, while redefining and expanding itself. The show is tirelessly committed to the experiences of ‘others’ (a deaf person, a lesbian, a non-believing muslim, service workers in NYC etc.) It’ll leave you crying, laughing, and hungry.
Split, Film - When we’re lucky, films hit ya with “SURPRISE, muthafucka” moments that Jesus himself would not see coming. Shyamalan’s second hit in a row (after a run of all time duds) ends with one 17 years in the making. The iconic villain terrifyingly played with razor-sharp swiftness by the world-class James McAvoy is the icing on the cake.
Isaiah Thomas, Athlete - If not for Russell Westbrook’s record breaking response to Kevin Durant’s betrayal, the “King in the Fourth” takes home the MVP. Watching him play through tears the day after his sister died in a car accident will stay with me forever. His 53 point performance on her birthday a few weeks later starkly reminded me of the unifying, powerful spirit of sport.
Moonlight’s Best Picture Win - I’ll begin by saying that I really liked La La Land. A month after we swore in Don, we got it wrong again… psych! I’ll never forget the roller coaster of emotion that came over me in this moment. Barry Jenkin’s tale told through 3 untraditional acts (titled ‘Little’, ‘Chiron’ & ‘Black’) was gorgeously shot, flawlessly acted, and supremely helmed. It arrived at a time we needed it most and Mahershala Ali FINALLY got his shine.
Coco, Film - We got one shot this year, and we NAILED it. This breathtaking portrait of Mexican culture demands to be seen on the big screen and illuminates the importance of dreams, family, and tradition. No manches!
‘No Man’s Land’ scene in Wonder Woman - There were two times in the theater this year that I felt that sinking drop of a roller coaster in my belly, this was one of them. Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins must be emboldened and protected at all cost.
Woody Harrelson, Actor - The rare movie-star actor quietly had a phenomenal year, further etching the grooves of his name into Hollywood lore. His turns in The Glass Castle, The War for the Planet of the Apes, and Three Billboards in Ebbing Missouri prove he’s STILL at the top of his game. I’m shocked that his heartbreaking portrayal of a drifting, alcoholic yet whimsical and passionate father in The Glass Castle hasn’t gotten more attention.
S - Town, Podcast - The colder you go into this one, the better. All I’ll say is that you’ll step away from this one feeling some type of way about people, the feeble sustainability of the planet, and clocks.
The World Series, Sports - The. Best. Ever. After being devastated by Hurricane Harvey, the Astros grant Houstonians some restoration via their first World Series Championship in a thrilling 7-game series that was literally witnessed by the World.
The Keepers, Documentary Series- This 7 episode series documenting the varying controversies surrounding the Catholic Church left me epiphanized about what it means to remove the seemingly impenetrable powers of institutions. Targeting one single individual, or a group of individuals or an organization won’t get it done. We must take down the viral ideas themselves.
Bladerunner 2049, Film - Aside from being wondrously constructed technically (you won’t see better production design or cinematography - give Deakins his Oscar now dammit), this story about a robot serves up a surprising amount of soul. Denis Villeneuve, solidifying his auteur status, delivers a nostalgic yet entirely unique follow up to the beloved sci fi classic.
‘Throne Room’ scene in The Last Jedi - This was the other time I felt like I was falling in the theater. Despite considerable problems, Rian Johnson showed us stuff we’ve never seen before in the SW universe. It’s the showdown you dream about as a kid.
The Big Sick, film - Kumail Nanjiani’s autobiographical story of how he met his lover is sorta the woke edition of Meet The Parents. Like Dev on MON, Kumail struggles to blaze trails while upholding loyalty to family and falls in love for a white girl along the way. Ray Romano and Holly Hunter turn in a pair of the year’s best performances.
Big Little Lies, Mini Series - I resisted the marketing for this one initially: dissatisfied, rich folk in Monterey. But the re-teaming of Jean-Marc Vallée (Wild, Dallas Buyers Club, Demolition) & Reese Witherspoon seemed promising. Momentum grew with each weekly installment (I overheard people theorizing whodoneit in restaurants), which is refreshing in the Netflix age. The leads are all stellar (believe the hype about Kidman) and Zoe Kravitz proves she should be working more.
Creature Comfort by Arcade Fire, Song - A painful examination of youth that’s equally heartbreaking and melodic.
Homecoming Season 2 - The fictional podcast about the remnants of a government coverup of a failed rehabilitation program for distressed veterans makes some questionable narrative choices in it’s second season and Oscar Isaac is absent throughout most of it (likely due to a loaded schedule). He does “appear” at the end of the second episode ‘CIPHER’, in a brilliant usage of audio storytelling, and it left me in puddles.
Mindhunter, TV Series - We all know Fincher is a technical maestro, but I don’t think he gets enough credit for being a complete storyteller, which he clearly is. The 13-episode made-to-binge Netflix series based off the book by the same name follows Holden Ford, an idealistic FBI profiler, and Bill Tench, played by Holt McCallany subverting every macho character role he’s ever taken on as a highly intelligent, hardened fed, as they attempt to break ground on our understandings of serial murderers. All of Fincher’s trademarks are there with sprinkled elements of Seven, & Zodiac.
Tyler the Creator’s Tiny Desk Concert, Podcast - I enjoyed ‘Flower Boy’, but didn’t find myself returning to it. That all changed after this. In a year of fantastic TDCs (i.e: Thundercat, Chance the Rapper) Tyler’s stands out. With help from a pair of stellar background singers, his array of talents are on full display, namely: composing and orchestrating melody and harmony.
Colin Kaepernick, Athlete - it’s not about the flag or the military don’t @ me.
20th Century Women, Film - Released wide in January, it remains one of the year’s best. Set gorgeously in 1970′s Santa Barbara, Mike Mills’ deeply personal tribute to motherhood, women, & outcasts overflows with heart.
Kamala Harris, (D) CA Senator - She is so bad, can we get started on the 2020 bumper stickers now?
What Now by Sylvan Esso, Album - ‘Hey Mami’ from their 2014 debut popped up on my Pandora one day and I was IN. Amelia Meath’s angelic vocals layered over Nick Sanborn’s unpredictable production is sublime. The “Echo Mountain Sessions” include dope af live recordings of the album’s standout tracks.
Logan, Film - The Wolverine movie we deserve also features a star-making performance from Dafne Keen and an unrecognizable Professor X. With a decade between the last time he inhabited his iconic portrayal of Charles Xavier, Sir Patrick Stewart strides (wheels?) back into the role with award worthy tact.
Fargo Season 3, TV Series - The best season yet and that’s really saying something. David Thewlis is haunting as Varga, the creepiest, most frightening villain in the series’ history and a collection of top-tier thespians rounds out the rest of the cast. There’s also a moment in one of the later episodes similar to the ending of ‘Split’ that’s a real delight.  
Mr. Robot Season 3, TV Series - Showrunner Sam Esmail moves us through this complex dystopia, which has begun to bear resemblance to our reality lately, with complete CTRL. We see Mr. Robot AND Bobby Canavale like never before. That oner episode is pretty cool too, but it’s not even the season’s best.
Other Notables: Patton Oswalt: Annihilation, Girls Trip, The Leftovers Season 3, Glow, Twin Peaks: The Return, Ingrid Goes West, BEAUTIFUL THUGGER GIRLS by Young Thug, Add Violence by NIN, Good Time, Stranger Things: Season 2, Legion, Dunkirk, Crashing, NO ONE EVER REALLY DIES by N.E.R.D, 4:44 by Jay-Z, Dirty John, Wind River, Dear White People
FYI: I still haven’t seen/listened to a lot of stuff, namely all the big award contending films.
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daleisgreat · 5 years
30 Years of TurboGrafX-16 & 25 Years of 32-X: A Lethal Combination!
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Greetings and thank you once again for joining me in another anniversary retrospective! I know we are in the first month of 2020, but please indulge me and pretend it is still 2019 so I can say this is officially a piece commemorating the 30th anniversary of the North American launch of the NEC TurboGrafX-16 and the 25th anniversary of North American launch of the Sega 32X! Yes, this is the two-for-one anniversary special! I have been neglecting this for too long and wanted to have this up before the end of 2019, but I think I was a wee burnt out with my tomes I crafted for my other three flashbacks I posted throughout this past summer. I have good faith this will be a shorter piece because even though I have a history with both the TG16 and 32X, my experiences with them are both greatly after their original launches so I do not have those twee childhood memories of the 32X and TG16 as I did with the GameBoy and Genesis. Regardless, I do cherish my time with both ill-fated systems I will be covering today, so let us kickoff with the system that came out first, NEC’s TurboGrafX-16 in 1989.
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Yup, these are the issues of Game Players I dug out of the closet and took poor quality cell phone pics for proof of where I first remember reading about the TurboGrafX. Even though TG16 launched in America in 1989, I do not recall seeing it in stores or hearing about it until 1994 when I got my first videogame magazine subscription to Game Players. Yes, I still have those 1994 issues of Game Players in my closet and if I can find the right issues I will attempt to paste in a semi-decent cell phone shot of the pages that referenced the TG16. If memory serves right, I believe there was a spread video pinball games that highlighted both Crush pinball titles for TG16, and another column highlighted TG16’s Ys Books I and II for being a revolutionary RPG title with its then-unprecedented cutscenes and voiceovers. I also discovered about TG16’s mascot, Bonk when reading a review in GP for the NES port of Bonk’s Adventure.
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By consuming other gaming press media over the following years I eventually learned what happened with the TG16 and its CD add-on in America and how they did not fare as well as they did in Japan and quickly faded out within a year or two after the SNES launched in America. I never had a friend that owned the TG16 growing up, nor do I recall a store kiosk having any set up for play in my middle-of-nowhere hometown. I cannot remember even dabbling with hunting down TG16 emulators since I never saw the games out in the wild for sale at my local shops to peak my curiosity. So I believe the first time I played a TG16 game was when the Wii launch in 2006 and also debuted at its launch the Wii’s downloadable classic games for its ‘Virtual Console’ channel. The TG16 was one of the supported platforms and I recall downloading the hit multiplayer game, Bomberman ‘93 around or shortly after the Wii launch making it likely the first official TG16 game I played.
Aside from playing my first TG16 game in 2006 on the Wii, 2006 was a big year for learning a lot more about the system thanks in part to one particular podcast. Apple debuted podcasts in 2005 and other MP3 players quickly supported them too. I sampled countless gaming podcasts, but one I quickly got turned onto towards the end of 2005 was one Team Fremont Live. That podcast is still around to this day, but underwent a couple name changes and is now known as Super-the-Hardest. I quickly became a fan of the three hosts, John, Moe and Hilden and loved their take on videogames. They had frequent retro gaming segments on the show and the trio frequently waxed nostalgic for their TG16 memories. Over the years consuming their podcast and participating in their forums my knowledge for the system exponentially expanded! If you currently dig through the Super-the-Hardest archives or check out these links, you will find a wealthy amount of TG16 articles there to learn a ton about the platforms and their recommended games.
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The then-Team Fremont Live hosts lived about a five hour drive away from me, and they had on open invite community event in the summer of 2006 where I first met them in person and gamed and drank the night away with them and their fellow community members. It was an awesome time, and in January 2007 they hosted another community event for their first ever year-end awards, ‘The Darryls!’ I remember meeting up with the three hosts the night before the event for a ‘packing party’ where we drank all night again and quickly got stone cold sober, literally, as we packed up the van with recording equipment in the middle of a January Midwest night of biting subzero temps! The Darryls transpired the next day and I got reacquainted with many community members again and there were several TVs set up with various games to play for everyone in what ended up being another memorable night with the TFL community. John, Moe and Hilden did a special presentation later on in the night for their 2006 best of game awards and did a contest drawing towards the end of the night that I was the lucky winner drawn. My prize was a TG16 system, complete in box and with a copy of the original pack-in game, Keith Courage in Alpha Zones! I was blown away and stunned the prize was going to be a system! That pic at the top of this article is indeed me being the proud new owner of a TG16! Keith Courage was a decent little platformer, but I would never become that skilled at it and would peter out of lives by levels two or three and regret never taking the time to master that game.
Thanks to listening to many hours of TFL at that point however and through other online research over the years I knew which games to hunt down. Luckily in 2007 and for the next few years TG16 releases remained affordable to hunt down as most games save for a select few went for under $20. I tracked down a far superior platformer in Bonk’s Revenge. Its vibrant visuals, challenging-but-fair platforming and adorably gruff mascot Bonk blew Keith Courage away and looked graphically on par with the other 16-bit platforms. World Court Tennis initially appeared as another run-of-the-mill tennis game, but diving into ‘Quest Mode’ provided an in-depth medieval narrative complete with an RPG-esque overworld and random tennis battles! I looked into getting the CD add-on, but from what I gathered it sounded like the add-on attachments had a high faulty rate by 2007 and were not worth the risk. Even with those drawbacks I regret missing out on the TG-CD games and only had the chance to dabble with a handful off of other collections and Virtual Console over the years. Fighting Street (aka the original Street Fighter) had its only American console physical release on the TG-CD, and I did not get a chance to play it until a Capcom released a arcade hits collection on the original Xbox. Ys Books I & II was a revolutionary RPG for what its cinemas and voiceovers debuted to the market, and it was not until the Wii Virtual Console that I finally had a chance to experience the original version. Turbo Technologies brokered a bonkers deal with EA to bring a little known version of Madden to TG-CD that I would have played the heck out of compared to the other gridiron game on the platform I will touch on shortly.
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The TFL crew were big fans of shmups (aka the original ‘shooters’) and I recall them being high on Blazing Lazers and I wound up spending many hours trying (and failing) to vanquish that space shooter. Already being a diehard fan of videogame pinball in 2007, both Alien Crush and Devils Crush were among my first TG16 purchases. They were both fantastic multi-layered pinball titles, with several screens of verticality to flip the pinball through and vanquish enemies and mini-bosses away on the playfield. I loved both games, and if you want a current rendition of that then I highly suggest tracking down the recent release of Demon’s Tilt that is available on most current platforms. Demon’s Tilt is essentially a modern take on the Crush games, but on crack with amped up visual effects since it is capitalizing on the horsepower of modern systems. After accumulating these several titles I would make it a habit to add one or two more a year at an annual retro videogame expo I regularly attended in Milwaukee called the Midwest Gaming Classic. John, Moe and Hilden would also attend MGC most years around this time and I would make it a point to track them down at some point during the convention and get them to recommend me a TG16 for under $20. There recommendations never failed, and this was how I discovered NEC’s answer to Ikari Warriors (Hey, I was a huge fan of the NES game!) in the superior Bloody Wolf, and the quirky platformer, JJ and Jeff. The yearly MGC pick-up was how I finally procured a copy of the gore-slasher-fest that is Splatterhouse. I would also chance random games that caught my eye for the TG16 and did not go for that much. I loved my 8 and 16-bit sports games and took a shot on TV Sports Football, and it was a decent adaptation of the gridiron, but did not measure up to the many other football titles on the other 16-bit platforms.
The same can be said for the TG16’s sole American wrestling game, Battle Royal, it was an OK videogame grappler, but nothing that held my lasting attention. However, the excellent FirePro Wrestling series got its start on the platform as Japan-only exclusives, and I will give props to my former podcast co-hosts Chris & Lyzz for grabbing a copy of FirePro: Second Bout for me at MGC one year I could not make it. The FirePro games have evolved into the pinnacle of 2D wrestling games over the years, and it is fascinating to see how it started on the PC-Engine in Japan and even in FirePro’s earliest installments it was already a class above the competition. While both of these wrestling games went for under $20 by 2012, the next year when I returned to MGC in 2013 TG16 game prices inflated exponentially. For proof I was looking up some old MGC photos from my pictures library, and found some photos of Chris & Lyzz’s 2010 MGC loot-haul laid out on their bed. As you can see they picked up a TG16 and several games, if you zoom in on the photo you can see most of their games went for under $20. I have no idea what brought on the sudden demand, but a vast majority of TG16 games started going for around $50-100 within a couple years and that was without jewel cases and instructions!
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For this piece, I contacted Chris and Lyzz for their memories of picking up the TG16 and their favorite games they have played since, and Chris responded back with the following: ”I can't remember much. I just remembered that I liked Bonk’s Adventure and Fantasy Zone. Bonk’s Adventure because of how much I used to like side scrolling games and that is the only game that I wanted to play at the time that didn't come out for the NES/SNES/GEN. Fantasy Zone because of the sheer weirdness factor of it.” 2009 marked the 20th anniversary of the TG16 launching in North America and I wanted to do something special to commemorate it. I was in the midst hosting my own videogame podcast, On Tap, at the time and invited John, Moe and Hilden to come on for a special TurboGrafX anniversary episode! It was a delight to have them on the show and have them take us all to school with their master’s degree knowledge of all things Turbo and reminisce about the TG16 for an hour. I recently dug that episode out of the archives and uploaded it onto my YouTube channel and will embed it below for your listening pleasure!
This is a special TG16 20th anniversary podcast I recorded 10 years ago! Add it to your queue to listen to for more TG16 wisdom! I would bust out the TG16 once every year or two until several years ago when the WiiU became my virtual replacement. The WiiU started supporting the TG16 by uploading a ton of the TG16 library to the WiiU version of the Virtual Console in 2016 and uploaded nearly a game a week from mid-2016 until early 2018, well after the launch of the Switch. I sold my Wii after owning it for only a year and only owned a few TG16 games for it, so this late infusion of TG16 titles on the WiiU caught my eye (and other Retro enthusiasts too). This culminated in about 50 TG16 games hitting the WiiU by the end with even a few former Japan exclusives among them….and I bought all of them! The original Wii Virtual Console that is backwards compatible on the WiiU remained open until early 2018 to purchase their TG16 games too which I used to acquire other acclaimed TG16-CD games not available on the WiiU like Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Ys Books I and II.
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A few times a year I fire up my WiiU and pick a few random games to play from my many Virtual Console purchases. It was this way I finally got around to trying out the Legend of Zelda-inspired Neutopia and having a fun night with a couple buddies hack and slashing away in Dungeon Explorer. I also got to take in the ridiculously huge sprites of the brawler China Warrior and finally experienced TG16’s take on Outrun in Victory Run. The WiiU surprisingly wound up a gratifying legit alternative to the now-absurd asking prices for used TG16 games, and a convenient way to make TG16 games appear on a HDTV without the fuzziness that happens when I plug an SD system into a HDTV. While I never knew of the TG16 during its active North American lifespan or got a chance to play it until this century, I still have priceless memories of discovering hit titles exclusive to that system that stood out in a way unlike anything else on its 16-bit competition. The 32X is a whole other beast though. I remember being a furious 11 year-old upon its release in 1994. I vividly recall the hype in Game Players for it and even 11 year-old Dale thought Sega was out of its mind for releasing a $150 add-on for the Genesis merely several months before the Saturn when Sega already had plenty on the market to tide them by with the Genesis, Game Gear and SegaCD. A wee shy of 50 games only came out for it in the little over a year games were published for the 32X, and nearly half of them were marginally enhanced Genesis titles. From reading mags during its lifespan and hearing other gaming media reflect back on it throughout the years I gathered the add-on had a handful of standout exclusives, but was largely forgettable and not worth tracking down, and I hand no plans to do so, until….
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Living proof of the speculated demon that is Sega's Tower of Power! …In 2009 a co-worker was about to get married and was parting with his gaming collection to raise funds for the wedding/honeymoon. He knew me as an ardent game player and gave me a print out of what he was selling and his asking prices. This was still a couple years before the big retro used game boom I described above, because around same time a couple years later 32X game prices jumped just like TG16 games. Still, I noticed most of his prices were at the higher end of most eBay auctions when I researched them online. I did not have a SegaCD or 32X in my collection at the time and there were at least a few exclusives on both systems I always wanted to try, and with the funds going to a good cause I made an offer for those systems with about a dozen games in the middle range of what he was asking for and what other asking prices I saw online at the time. I want to say I paid roughly $200 for the lot.
I got about six or seven games for 32X from my co-worker and later tracked down three or four more over the next year or two to get the other 32X games I wanted. I had a couple up-ports/’Remasters’ from the Genesis for 32X like Toughman Contest and WWF RAW. Toughman Contest was EA’s gritty take on Punch-Out that I was a big fan of, and it got a big endorsement from toughman hot-shot at the time Butterbean. The 32X version did not add too much other than lightly touched up graphics and framerates. The 32X version of RAW though had a couple extra weapons at ringside to bash adversaries away with and its own exclusive wrestler, the masked Kwang, who later on went to be better known as Savio Vega in the WWF throughout the 90s. Unfortunately the gameplay for those old Acclaim 16-bit games had those tired button mashing grappling meters that killed your thumbs and was a few entries old at that point so it did not get too much playtime from me. A 32X version I did enjoy was of Doom, and for a few years it was the only version of the iconic first person shooter I owned until a version hit download on 360 a couple years later. I was a big fan of Sega’s early polygonal titles, Virtua Racing Deluxe and Virtua Fighter on the 32X. The launch Saturn version of Virtua Fighter was notorious for being a buggy mess, and the 32X version that released a few months later surprisingly had a smooth framerate and played as crisp as I recalled in the arcades. Sega somehow against all odds managed a port of Virtua Fighter on the Genesis, but had a somewhat cleaner version with exclusive tracks on the 32X later that year. I loved me some Virtua Racer and if I ever get a Switch one of the first eShop downloads I plan on getting is the recent touched up remake of Sega’s first polygonal racer M2 developed last year. Finally the last upper-tier quality game I have in my 32X library is Sega’s arcade port of Star Wars Arcade. It only had the three missions of the arcade that boasted dog-fighting missions on the Death Star and a Super Destroyer, but they were quick mindless, pick-up-and-play blasting fun.
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As seen above, Doom had a pretty solid 32X port at the sacrifice of screen resolution and I suffered through RAW's middling gameplay for its exclusive character Kwang and extra ringside weapons. There were five 32X CD games released with Slam City and Corpse Killer pictured above in their unremarkable glory! I do own all five ‘Sega CD 32X’ games that come on discs for the Sega CD, but require the 32X in order to load. All five of these games are FMV-based games from Sega and Digital Pictures and all have releases on the SegaCD already, but the 32X CD versions have slightly better resolutions and framerates thanks to the added power from the 32X. None of the five games are all that fun regrettably. I have awful memories of the clunky controls in one-on-one basketball in Slam City with Scottie Pippen and never getting a good memory for the order of camera patterns in order to succeed in Night Trap. I guess Corpse Killer was a semi-decent on-rails light gun shooter with digital characters similar to Area 51 of that same era, but with far cheesier acting and implementation. Both Night Trap and Corpse Killer recently got touched up remasters on the PS4 for those brave enough to see how they hold up today.
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There were a few other 32X games I wanted to track down, but I neither saw them in the wild, had negative buzz or at that time were already going for a bit more than I preferred, and are selling for outrageously more today. I always heard good things about Knuckles Chaotix being a decent substitute for a Sonic-style platformer on the system, but that one always escaped me. I loved the World Series Baseball games on Genesis, and the 32X got a slightly up-res’d version of the ’95 release, but it had such a low print run that it is one of the higher selling games of the 32X library. I liked the original 80s version of the arcade shmup, Zaxxon and was bummed to see the polygonal 32X follow-up get panned with negative buzz which kept me away from that version. Finally, the comic book game nerd in me always wanted to own Spider-Man: Web of Fire, but with it having a low print run being the final the 32X game, and combined for being an awful game to boot were a lethal combo to keep me away from it for good. That wraps up this two-for-one flashback anniversary special on the 32X and TurboGrafX-16. What were some of your favorite games or memories of those systems? Feel free to comment about them below or reach out to me on Twitter @Gruel. I guess combining my memories of both systems went on for a bit longer than I anticipated, but I managed a modicum of brevity by being about a 1000 words shorter than my gigantic Dreamcast special. If you want to check that one out or my anniversary specials on the GameBoy or Genesis, than check the links below!
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UPDATE: A couple hours after posting this I realized I completely forgot to touch on the fast approaching release of the TurboGrafX Mini in North America in several weeks!!! It is launching as an Amazon exclusive so do not be on the lookout for it in retail stores right away. It has over 50 games, about half of which are Japanese PC Engine versions. If you want something more physical than pick and choosing which games to download on the WiiU, the TurboGrafX mini is an ideal way to start discovering most of the top titles for the system! As for the 32X…..Sega did release their own official Genesis mini last fall, and did include a 32X add-on mini attachment…..that is sadly for visual purposes only and is completely non-electrical. While the overlords of the TG16 library at Konami have re-released TG16 games on several platforms over the years I cannot think of a single 32X game that got one digital or physical re-release unless you count the up-ports of Night Trap and Corpse Killer Keep your fingers crossed though, a working 32X mini may one day happen. My Other Gaming Flashbacks Dreamcast 20th Anniversary GameBoy 30th Anniversary Genesis 30th Anniversary
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artfilmfan · 7 years
One of the funniest movies i’ve ever seen was a no-budget film from Uganda called “Bad Black” (directed by Nabwana I.G.G.) that i saw yesterday . There were like 30 of us in the theater (it was shown at 4 PM, most people went to the evening showings) but the reaction was unlike anything i’ve experienced in cinemas. So genuine and honest. Another standout from the festival was Simon Rumley’s “Fashionista” which had this really amazing performance by Amanda Fuller and its intensity and the way it was shot reminded me a bit of Alex Ross Perry’s “Queen of Earth” which i dearly love. Had the opportunity to ask the director a question regarding it after the showing. Both highly recommended if you get the chance to see them (although probably very limited releases). 
The perks of discovering these little films at film festivals that most people skip because they’re from “exotic” places. Little do they know what they’re missing. 
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