#edited 03/09/24
eternalterzo · 1 year
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⊹ hi my name is neo, i use he/they pronouns, and i'm 25
⊹ this is my ghost sideblog! (i follow/like from @namkookjin ) i recently got into ghost, and i needed a place to channel the obsession hjskfg
⊹ you can also find me on twt at ddigitalddemons ! i post a lot about ghost, sleep token, cod, and anything else that interests me at the moment!
⊹ i'm a hardcore terzo simp but somehow copia wormed his way into my heart too (primo, secondo, and all the ghouls and ghoulettes have special places too)
⊹ i have lots of ghost ocs!! i may post about them here eventually but anyone is always free to ask about them! my ghouls are: deimos, dante, and azazel. and lucius is a hellhound! (my bestie and i have extensively expanded on official ghost lore hkjdfg)
⊹ i'm also a writer! i haven't written for this fandom yet, but i do plan to eventually set up a ghost specific ao3 account and start posting there! (i have too many brain worms i can no longer ignore hkjdfg)
⊹ dni if you're a minor + all of the usual dnf criteria
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solangelo · 1 month
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On the evening of September 30th of 2014, @solangelo was founded and many mods and ten years later this blog is still active! In honor of the duration say hello to this event!
All sorts of artists and creators are welcome, submissions of fanart, fanfic, fanedits, playlists, cosplays and anything else your heart desires are welcome to be added to the collection!
Instead of providing alternate words, the prompts list has been divided into two sections, the first section seperates Will and Nico into individuals. The second prompt list is intended to be more focused on their relationship, and in most cases should be a word that connects to the corresponding word of that date for Will or Nico. For example, day 7 uses the words Refract and Crystal for Will and Nico and then Rainbow as their combined word.
The prompt list was intentionally designed to allow people who just want to create content for Nico or Will but not necessarily them together to also participate! Feel free to mix and match the lists throughout the week, or if you like an extra challenge you're welcome to try and use all 3 words for everyday of the week!
Prompts are only ever just a suggestion, so please feel free to submit works even if they are not necessarily inspired by one of the lists below!
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Prompt List by date: Will // Nico
Day One (09/29/24) - Dawn // Stars
Day Two (09/30/24) - Growth // Earth
Day Three (10/01/24) - Light // Shade
Day Four (10/02/24) - Cure // Precious
Day Five (10/03/24) - Scry // Knowing
Day Six (10/04/24) - Endure // Insomnia
Day Seven (10/05/24) - Refract // Crystal
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Prompt List by Date: Relationship Based Prompts
Day One (09/29/24) - Hearth
Day Two (09/30/24) - Life
Day Three (10/01/24) - Boundaries
Day Four (10/02/24) - Love
Day Five (10/03/24) - Reflection
Day Six (10/04/24) - Confession
Day Seven (10/05/24) - Rainbow
Please tag any submissions @solangelo directly or send us an ask for the best chances of us seeing your post, or you can also use the tag #solangeversary 2024. You can also always post or send links to content you've made for another platform like Instagram, Twitter, or Ao3 for us to share here. Late submissions are always welcome!
If you don't vibe with these prompts, you're welcome to check out @solangeloweek's auctober prompt list also!
Happy creating!
All art in the post is edited from the same wonderful creator of our header and pfp!
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お馬鹿さんの紹介 / Let me introduce you to some idiots.
ID:alicelines ID:gravurenews
この二つは多分同一人物。パターンが同じ。 方々のブログの人気投稿をパクッて投稿してる。 1分でも早く死ねばいいのに。
こいつはブログ立ち上げ(確か2023/02~03頃)と同時にパクリまくってた。俺だけじゃなく他のtumblrブログからも。alicelinesと同様のクズ。 投稿の”元画像へのリンク”の書式までパクリ先のブログから丸々コピペしてる?と思い、試しに"Tvviter"とわざとスペルミスしてみたらそれをコピペしたので確信。 抗議しても俺をブロックして逃亡しやがったので、"Source"のリンク先をここ (必見 w )にした投稿を幾つかしてみた 案の定気づかずに丸々コピペして投稿してた大馬鹿者。自らパクリを白状して広めていくスタイルが斬新 /笑 1分でも早く死ねばいいのに。
ID:hachicolle  ← New
俺がtumblrに投稿を始めるまでは時々見に行っていたブログ。 投稿を始めてからは"tumblrからダウンロードした画像は投稿しない"と決めていたので、日本のグラビア画像がメインのtumblrブログはここを含めほとんど見に行かなくなった。
こいつが時々リアクションくれたのは気づいてたんだけど、tumblrブログからのパクリ専門だったとは残念。 2024/08/24/14:09 に俺が投稿したこれ を同日17:23にはパクリ。悪質極まりない。 盗用の根拠となるものを送ったんだけど無視しやがった。 これ とこれ 、あとこれも。 1分でも早く死ねばいいのに。
何度でも何度でも言いますが こういった(少なくとも俺からみたら)悪質なIDをフォローし、リアクションしている人へ 上記4ブログの投稿で僕のブログ@pretty-pink-rose-0413xxx由来のパクリにリアクションしているのを見かけたらその場でブロックします。場合によってはこいつら同様晒します。二次拡散も僕から見たら同罪なので。
投稿された画像の元ネタなんかわかんねーよ って? あの店、盗品売ってる。この事実を知った時から、その店で買い物するのは”バカ”がやる事。
これも是非読んで下さい related posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
ID: alicelines ID: gravurenews
These two are probably the same person. The pattern is the same. They are taking popular posts from other people's blogs and posting them.
I hope they die as soon as possible, even if it's just for a minute.
ID: assassin-kazui
This guy has been ripping off blogs as soon as he started his blog (around 2023/02-03, I think). Not only from me, but from other tumblr blogs. Like alicelines, this guy is a scumbag.
I noticed, this idiot, even the format of the “link to original image” in the post was copied and pasted from the blog he was copying from? I tried misspelling “Tvviter” on purpose & was convinced that he copied & pasted it.
When I protested, he blocked me and fled,
I made a few posts with the “Source” link here . As I expected, he was a big fool who copied and pasted the entire page without noticing.
His style of spreading the word by confessing his own pacification is novel /lol
I hope he dies as soon as possible, even if it's only for a minute.
ID: hachicolle
I used to visit this blog from time to time until I started posting on tumblr. Since I started posting on tumblr, I have decided not to post images downloaded from tumblr, so I rarely visit the site anymore, including this one. This one I posted on 2024/08/24/14:09
at 17:23 the same day,he/she plagiarized it. It is extremely malicious. I sent the evidence, but he ignored it. This and this and this , he plagiarized.
I hope he dies a minute sooner.
I'll say it again and again and again. To those who follow and react to these ,at least from my point of view, malicious IDs If I see you reacting to my blog-derived pacifier post on the above four blogs, I will block you on the spot.In some cases, I will expose them, just as I did this time.
Secondary proliferation is just as guilty in my view.
"I don't know the original source of the image they posted. What can I do?" you say?
That store sells stolen goods.
From the moment you learned this fact, shopping at that store was a “ idiot’s” thing to do.
Don't you see what this means?
related posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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Enshittification isn’t inevitable: under different conditions and constraints, the old, good internet could have given way to a new, good internet. Enshittification is the result of specific policy choices: encouraging monopolies; enabling high-speed, digital shell games; and blocking interoperability.
First we allowed companies to buy up their competitors. Google is the shining example here: having made one good product (search), they then fielded an essentially unbroken string of in-house flops, but it didn’t matter, because they were able to buy their way to glory: video, mobile, ad-tech, server management, docs, navigation…They’re not Willy Wonka’s idea factory, they’re Rich Uncle Pennybags, making up for their lack of invention by buying out everyone else:
But this acquisition-fueled growth isn’t unique to tech. Every administration since Reagan (but not Biden! more on this later) has chipped away at antitrust enforcement, so that every sector has undergone an orgy of mergers, from athletic shoes to sea freight, eyeglasses to pro wrestling:
But tech is different, because digital is flexible in a way that analog can never be. Tech companies can “twiddle” the back-ends of their clouds to change the rules of the business from moment to moment, in a high-speed shell-game that can make it impossible to know what kind of deal you’re getting:
To make things worse, users are banned from twiddling. The thicket of rules we call IP ensure that twiddling is only done against users, never for them. Reverse-engineering, scraping, bots — these can all be blocked with legal threats and suits and even criminal sanctions, even if they’re being done for legitimate purposes:
Enhittification isn’t inevitable but if we let companies buy all their competitors, if we let them twiddle us with every hour that God sends, if we make it illegal to twiddle back in self-defense, we will get twiddled to death. When a company can operate without the discipline of competition, nor of privacy law, nor of labor law, nor of fair trading law, with the US government standing by to punish any rival who alters the logic of their service, then enshittification is the utterly foreseeable outcome.
To understand how our technology gets distorted by these policy choices, consider “The Cloud.” Once, “the cloud” was just a white-board glyph, a way to show that some part of a software’s logic would touch some commodified, fungible, interchangeable appendage of the internet. Today, “The Cloud” is a flashing warning sign, the harbinger of enshittification.
When your image-editing tools live on your computer, your files are yours. But once Adobe moves your software to The Cloud, your critical, labor-intensive, unrecreatable images are purely contingent. At at time, without notice, Adobe can twiddle the back end and literally steal the colors out of your own files:
The finance sector loves The Cloud. Add “The Cloud” to a product and profits (money you get for selling something) can turn into rents (money you get for owning something). Profits can be eroded by competition, but rents are evergreen:
No wonder The Cloud has seeped into every corner of our lives. Remember your first iPod? Adding music to it was trivial: double click any music file to import it into iTunes, then plug in your iPod and presto, synched! Today, even sophisticated technology users struggle to “side load” files onto their mobile devices. Instead, the mobile duopoly — Apple and Google, who bought their way to mobile glory and have converged on the same rent-seeking business practices, down to the percentages they charge — want you to get your files from The Cloud, via their apps. This isn’t for technological reasons, it’s a business imperative: 30% of every transaction that involves an app gets creamed off by either Apple or Google in pure rents:
And yet, The Cloud is undeniably useful. Having your files synch across multiple devices, including your collaborators’ devices, with built-in tools for resolving conflicting changes, is amazing. Indeed, this feat is the holy grail of networked tools, because it’s how programmers write all the software we use, including software in The Cloud.
If you want to know how good a tool can be, just look at the tools that toolsmiths use. With “source control” — the software programmers use to collaboratively write software — we get a very different vision of how The Cloud could operate. Indeed, modern source control doesn’t use The Cloud at all. Programmers’ workflow doesn’t break if they can’t access the internet, and if the company that provides their source control servers goes away, it’s simplicity itself to move onto another server provider.
This isn’t The Cloud, it’s just “the cloud” — that whiteboard glyph from the days of the old, good internet — freely interchangeable, eminently fungible, disposable and replaceable. For a tool like git, Github is just one possible synchronization point among many, all of which have a workflow whereby programmers’ computers automatically make local copies of all relevant data and periodically lob it back up to one or more servers, resolving conflicting edits through a process that is also largely automated.
There’s a name for this model: it’s called “Local First” computing, which is computing that starts from the presumption that the user and their device is the most important element of the system. Networked servers are dumb pipes and dumb storage, a nice-to-have that fails gracefully when it’s not available.
The data structures of source-code are among the most complicated formats we have; if we can do this for code, we can do it for spreadsheets, word-processing files, slide-decks, even edit-decision-lists for video and audio projects. If local-first computing can work for programmers writing code, it can work for the programs those programmers write.
Local-first computing is experiencing a renaissance. Writing for Wired, Gregory Barber traces the history of the movement, starting with the French computer scientist Marc Shapiro, who helped develop the theory of “Conflict-Free Replicated Data” — a way to synchronize data after multiple people edit it — two decades ago:
Shapiro and his co-author Nuno Preguiça envisioned CFRD as the building block of a new generation of P2P collaboration tools that weren’t exactly serverless, but which also didn’t rely on servers as the lynchpin of their operation. They published a technical paper that, while exiting, was largely drowned out by the release of GoogleDocs (based on technology built by a company that Google bought, not something Google made in-house).
Shapiro and Preguiça’s work got fresh interest with the 2019 publication of “Local-First Software: You Own Your Data, in spite of the Cloud,” a viral whitepaper-cum-manifesto from a quartet of computer scientists associated with Cambridge University and Ink and Switch, a self-described “industrial research lab”:
The paper describes how its authors — Martin Kleppmann, Adam Wiggins, Peter van Hardenberg and Mark McGranaghan — prototyped and tested a bunch of simple local-first collaboration tools built on CFRD algorithms, with the goal of “network optional…seamless collaboration.” The results are impressive, if nascent. Conflicting edits were simpler to resolve than the authors anticipated, and users found URLs to be a good, intuitive way of sharing documents. The biggest hurdles are relatively minor, like managing large amounts of change-data associated with shared files.
Just as importantly, the paper makes the case for why you’d want to switch to local-first computing. The Cloud is not reliable. Companies like Evernote don’t last forever — they can disappear in an eyeblink, and take your data with them:
Google isn’t likely to disappear any time soon, but Google is a graduate of the Darth Vader MBA program (“I have altered the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further”) and notorious for shuttering its products, even beloved ones like Google Reader:
And while the authors don’t mention it, Google is also prone to simply kicking people off all its services, costing them their phone numbers, email addresses, photos, document archives and more:
There is enormous enthusiasm among developers for local-first application design, which is only natural. After all, companies that use The Cloud go to great lengths to make it just “the cloud,” using containerization to simplify hopping from one cloud provider to another in a bid to stave off lock-in from their cloud providers and the enshittification that inevitably follows.
The nimbleness of containerization acts as a disciplining force on cloud providers when they deal with their business customers: disciplined by the threat of losing money, cloud companies are incentivized to treat those customers better. The companies we deal with as end-users know exactly how bad it gets when a tech company can impose high switching costs on you and then turn the screws until things are almost-but-not-quite so bad that you bolt for the doors. They devote fantastic effort to making sure that never happens to them — and that they can always do that to you.
Interoperability — the ability to leave one service for another — is technology’s secret weapon, the thing that ensures that users can turn The Cloud into “the cloud,” a humble whiteboard glyph that you can erase and redraw whenever it suits you. It’s the greatest hedge we have against enshittification, so small wonder that Big Tech has spent decades using interop to clobber their competitors, and lobbying to make it illegal to use interop against them:
Getting interop back is a hard slog, but it’s also our best shot at creating a new, good internet that lives up the promise of the old, good internet. In my next book, The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation (Verso Books, Sept 5), I set out a program fro disenshittifying the internet:
The book is up for pre-order on Kickstarter now, along with an independent, DRM-free audiobooks (DRM-free media is the content-layer equivalent of containerized services — you can move them into or out of any app you want):
Meanwhile, Lina Khan, the FTC and the DoJ Antitrust Division are taking steps to halt the economic side of enshittification, publishing new merger guidelines that will ban the kind of anticompetitive merger that let Big Tech buy its way to glory:
The internet doesn’t have to be enshittified, and it’s not too late to disenshittify it. Indeed — the same forces that enshittified the internet — monopoly mergers, a privacy and labor free-for-all, prohibitions on user-side twiddling — have enshittified everything from cars to powered wheelchairs. Not only should we fight enshittification — we must.
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Back my anti-enshittification Kickstarter here!
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad- free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Drahtlos (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Motherboard_Intel_386.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
cdsessums (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Monsoon_Season_Flagstaff_AZ_clouds_storm.jpg
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
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usernyoom · 7 months
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09/03/24, Jeddah. Daniel Ricciardo prepares to race in the F1 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2024. Photos by Rudy Carezzevoli, edited.
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powluna · 5 days
After almost two years it's time for a new and improved version of my "How to make CAS CC" video. This time I will explain how to create a frankenmesh out of a jumpsuit and a dress for adult Sims! It's VERY beginner friendly so if you weren't successful yet with starting to make CC, maybe this one will give you the help you need!
All the topics I cover in this video below the cut:
00:00 Intro
01:00 Software
01:36 Downloading & Installing Sims 4 Studio
01:56 Downloading & Installing Blender 4.2
02:10 Downloading & Installing GIMP
02:20 Introducing Sims 4 Studio
03:03 S4S | Gathering assets to work with
04:09 S4S | Textures
05:12 Project Folder
05:34 S4S | Gathering assets to work with
07:10 Introducing Blender
10:17 Blender | Edit mode (Select, Delete, Wireframe)
12:38 Blender | Append second mesh (Proportional Editing, UV overlapping)
18:23 Blender | Join two meshes (Material, Merge)
20:03 Blender | Cleaning up the mesh (UV editing, Merge, Rip)
22:14 Blender | Cut number
22:43 GIMP | Making a texture (Select, Delete, Healing, Smudge)
24:52 Photoshop | Making a texture (but make it easy)
25:15 GIMP & Blender | Preview of the texture
25:43 GIMP | Making color swatches (Layers, Lighting, Fill tool)
28:33 S4S | Introducing the CAS area
29:15 S4S | Creating a package file
30:25 S4S | Importing all our assets
31:17 GIMP | Creating a shadow texture
32:24 S4S | The specular map
32:39 GIMP & Browser | Creating a normal map
35:58 S4S | Vertices & Polygons, LODs
37:02 Blender | Creating LODs
38:20 S4S | Categories (Tags, Allow for random, Gender restrictions)
39:36 S4S | Tuning tab (not covered)
39:47 Sims 4 | Results & Outro
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sorrowsofsilence · 8 months
Burning Out • V
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 6.6k
General Fanfic Warnings: 18+, explicit language, smut, alcohol, drugs, violence, mentions murder/suicide, panic attacks/anxiety, nightmares
Authors note: Chapter Five- A Dreamlike Heathen (EDITED: 09-03-24)
new? start from chapter one here
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"Fuck, Noah," she moaned, throwing her head back against the mirror as she rode the wave of pleasure. Her eyebrows were furrowed in ecstasy.
"Don't stop," she begged, and I didn't. I gave her everything I had.
"Come for me, Y/N," I said between licks and squeezes of her hips. "Be a good girl for me."
As her legs started to tremble and her mouth opened in a silent scream, she reached the peak of her climax. I continued until she pushed me away, her breathing becoming shallow as she caught her breath. I took hold of her chin and brought her lips to mine, yearning for her to taste herself on my tongue.
Life had broken her; just as it had broken him. But when they got together, their pieces became whole. And they started on their journey, together, mended as one. - Steve Maraboli
Twenty fucking thousand dollars. Twenty.
My thoughts were consumed by two things. The first was the daunting task of coming up with all the money myself. And the second, the fact that I had slept with Y/N last night. The next morning, I sat on the cot in our motel room, my head buried in my hands as my leg fidgeted anxiously.
“I-I should go,” Y/N hopped off the counter, wiping my release off of her stomach before readjusting her shorts.
“wait-” I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back toward my drunken state, “can I see you again?”
She gave me a wry smile, “I’d like that.” She tugged from my grasp but I held her tighter, pulling her into my arms.
My body remained swaying, the euphoria and alcohol mixed, “do you regret what just happened?”
I wasn’t sure if this question was for me, or her.
“No,” She said, her fingertips running up the skin of my neck. She fit against my body perfectly, as if she was always meant to be there.
I had left the bar with the boys minutes after fucking Y/N’s brains out, stealing lingering glances at her figure behind the counter before parting. Even though I was drunk, I couldn’t believe it happened… but I needed a release, a bit of euphoria to ride out through dealing with the crushing news D gave us.
Twenty thousand.
My eyes settled on the anklet that D had forced me to wear, the green dot blinking every few seconds. I couldn't believe that the bastard was tracking our every move now. He'd been following us for years, but this was taking it to a whole new level.
I had no idea how I was going to come up with that much money on my own. The boys and I took turns doing jobs each night just to keep our sanity, but the fact that I had to keep a log of where we got the money from and submit it to one of D's lackeys so he could monitor my work was absurd.
To make twenty thousand by the end of the month, I'd need to bring in approximately 645 dollars per day since there were 31 days. Realistically, that didn't seem too difficult when broken down, but some days we would bring in thousands while others we would make absolutely nothing. At least my final day of owing would also be my birthday; what a great present.
I let out a groan and flopped onto the mattress on the floor, feeling overwhelmed by my thoughts. Everything had led up to this moment, and I still felt completely screwed over.
Jolly sat on his bed, strumming away at his old acoustic guitar that was barely holding onto its strings. With his fingers dancing along the neck, I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the rhythm he created, tapping my fingers along to the beat.
I began humming, words spiralling out of my mouth subconsciously, “I’ve seen the devil, more than I’ve seen god.”
Jolly gave me a slight snicker, continuing to strum, “I like that.”
“I see through you, I know what you are.”
I repeated the two phrases over and over, singing lowly as I continued to drum my fingers. Hmm. I checked the time on my phone briefly, realizing it was 4:30 pm.
I sat up, grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Jolly asked.
“To see Y/N.”
“Why?” Jolly stopped playing, placing the guitar across the bedsheets.
It's been twenty long years I've cried, but not enough tears I've become the sum of all my fears (I feel scared, so scared)
I stared at him blankly, the cogs within my mind turning to find an answer themselves. Why was I going to see her? Why did I care that I made it for when she got off work at the cafe? Something about her was magnetizing, and I couldn’t help but crave more. I wanted to explore her mind and body; to know her in every way possible.
I don’t have time to think of someone like her; I don’t deserve to think of someone like her.
I have a job to do.
But I don’t care.
“I don’t know,” I turned to look at him with my hand on the doorknob.
Jolly’s eyes watched back quizzically, “I think you should leave her out of this. Break it off now.”
I furrowed my brows, “There’s nothing to break off.”
Jolly gave me a curt laugh, “Yea, which is why you fucked in the bathroom yesterday. Nothing to break off.”
My face warmed, unsure of how he knew. I didn’t think it was obvious.
“She seems like a nice girl. You wouldn’t want to get her killed,” Jolly warned. He wasn’t wrong. This line of business wasn’t exactly safe, and I knew I shouldn’t get Y/N involved.
“She already knows too much,” I said, avoiding his eyes as I stared at the floor.
“Det är inte riktigt rätt möblerat på övervåningen hos dig.” Jolly groaned, rubbing his eyes with his palm. Your top floor is not properly furnished (Mind is a mess).
I rolled my eyes, “Oh don’t bring out the Swedish insults you asshat.”
“Well, I suggest you break her heart now before it’s too late.”
I bit my lip as I opened the door, ignoring his burning words.
“Din jävla fubbick,” I heard the swede mutter before I shut the door. You damn moron.
Guilt crept over me like a heavy wave as I walked quickly through the parking lot of the motel. My mind was racing and my hands were slick with sweat.
What am I doing? Jolly was right; Y/N shouldn’t be dragged into this mess. But at the same time, I couldn’t deny the pull towards her. It had been years since I had someone who truly listened to me and understood me. Someone who I could relate to besides my brothers. And she was stunningly beautiful, with her sparkling eyes filled with so much hope; something I aspired to have one day. Maybe I could even share with her one day.
You gave me a strength unparalleled But nothing compared to how much I've bled (I feel scared, so scared)
He hasn’t shown up for his coffee again today. Did he regret what happened last night?
I swept between the tables and recalled the previous events. I don’t even know what came over me yesterday, but I do know that I didn’t have any regrets.
I knew my face began to warm as I recalled the way Noah’s fingers dug into my hips, gripping onto me as he pounded into me mercilessly; drowning his sorrows through the pleasure of our bodies.
I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he stared into me, aching with fervour and hunger, begging me to give everything to him.
I wanna know what it feels like Is it nothing but dreamlike? I wanna touch you now
It was anything but romantic- having a quick fuck in the bathroom of a bar, but I longed for Noah even more after that.
I feel like I’m going crazy. How could he have such a hold over me, especially after finding out he is a criminal? I should be running; so why can’t I let him go?
Lust? Infatuation? Whatever it is, I crave him.
I pushed away my thoughts, finishing the rest of my closing tasks and clocking out. I waved to Annika as I pulled my hoodie over my head, grabbing my bag and de-tangling my earbuds.
As I stepped outside, someone grabbed my hand and tugged me towards them. I let out a surprised squeal as he pulled me into his embrace, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"Noah?" I looked up at the man above me, admiring the tattoo on his neck before meeting his gaze, feeling a familiar flutter in my heart. His smiling eyes met mine as he wrapped his other arm around me, enveloping me in a warm hug. A grin spread across my face as I buried it in his chest, taking in his surprisingly comforting scent.
"I'm sorry I didn’t come today," Noah murmured into my hair, his breath warm against my scalp. "I had some... business to attend to."
I pulled back slightly, searching his face for any hint of what that "business" might have entailed. His eyes, usually so expressive, were guarded now. A reminder of the dangerous world he inhabited, one I was only beginning to glimpse.
"It's okay," I said, trying to keep my voice light. "I was starting to think you were avoiding me after last night."
Noah's grip on me tightened, and he leaned down to brush his lips against my ear. "Trust me, sweetheart, avoiding you is the last thing on my mind."
A shiver ran through me at his words, at the promise they held. I knew I should be scared, should run far away from this man and the darkness that clung
How can it feel so right? It is nothing but dreamlike I'm gonna touch you now
“But you came now,” I said.
“I wanted to be here for when you got off work,” He said, squeezing me gently before letting go. “Do you want to do something before your next shift?”
I gave him a cheeky grin, “Something?”
Noah's eyes darkened with desire as he caught my meaning. He leaned in close, his lips brushing my ear. "I have a few ideas," he murmured, his voice low and husky.
A thrill shot through me at his words. I knew I was playing with fire, but I couldn't resist the pull between us.
Noah licked his lips before matching my smile, putting his finger through the belt loop of my jeans, and tugging me along beside him as we walked down the sidewalk. I flushed at the gesture as he held me next to him as if claiming me for his own.
“I meant like, dinner,” He hummed, “but I also can’t stop thinking about last night.”
“Come Y/N,” he had said between sucking and squeezing my hips, “be a good girl for me.”
A shudder ran down my spine as my mind wandered, and I peered up at Noah, his cheeks flushing through his confession.
“Me too,” I said softly, “Did you want to come back to my place? We could order takeout… because I need to get my clothes for my next shift.”
“I’d like that,” Noah peered down at me warmly.
We walked together in silence, the only sound the bustle of life that surrounded the sidewalk as we passed various shops, heading towards my neighbourhood. For “level two acquaintances” the silence between the two of us was soothing, something that I think shocked us both.
With a gentle release, Noah loosened his grip on my belt loop, tucking his hands into his pockets. His brow furrowed with deep contemplation and worry as if something was gnawing at him from within. I turned to face him, noticing the slight creases in his forehead and the furrowed lines around his mouth, betraying his inner turmoil
“Did you want to talk about it?” I asked gently, looking ahead as the light breeze slid past my cheeks.
Noah was quiet, eyes darting back and forth, “I trust you so much, and I don’t know why.”
I nodded, agreeing with his concern silently, letting him continue.
“and I don’t know who else to talk to about this with…my brothers are too involved and have enough opinions as it is,” Noah said, following me down the path that led us towards my house.
“Remember how I told you we owe a lot of money to this… guy? Well, this month is supposed to be our last month, and then we are finally free.”
I smiled widely, grabbing Noah’s arm in excitement, shaking him gently, “That’s great news! You’ll be done with it forever!”
Noah chuckled darkly, rolling his head to the side in annoyance, “Yeah, well, there’s a catch.”
My grip on his arm fell, a sullen expression taking over my joy.
“I have to get him twenty thousand, myself. The boys can’t help me.”
“Twenty thousand?” I exclaimed, stopping in my tracks to look at him, “That’s a shit ton of money.”
Noah’s hand ran across his face in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I know. I am beyond fucked.”
I blinked a few times in disbelief as we approached the steps to my house, the greeting of Juice’s trill on the other side of the door inviting us in. Noah was immediately bombarded with cat love and he gave the furry animal a small smile, bending down to scratch the top of his head before running his fingers down Juice’s back.
Closing the door I kicked off my sneakers, hanging my bag on the coat rack. Noah followed, placing his black vans politely by the front door; which was when I noticed a small anklet blinking beneath the hem of his pants.
I stared at it quizzically, and Noah caught my gaze. He lifted his leg, mouth forming a tight line.
“Like my new accessory?” Anger seethed from his tongue as he gave me a sarcastic smile, before standing in front of me, completely defeated.
I led us upstairs into my bedroom, “What is it?”
“A tracker.”
I paused at the top of the stairs and turned to face him, my eyes narrowing in confusion. "What kind of tracker?" I shifted my gaze between Noah and the small device attached to his ankle.
With a heavy sigh, he followed me into my bedroom and flopped onto my bed. His limbs sprawled out as he explained, "The guy we owe money to, D, said we have to wear these trackers to make sure I'm not getting help from the boys. And I have to keep a record of where the money comes from and deposit it weekly to match my location."
"And you just found this out last night?"
His nod was barely perceptible, yet I could see the frustration etched on Noah's face as he closed his eyes tightly. Tears glistened at the corners, threatening to spill over. I stood by the bed, observing as his whole body seemed to crumble before me. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and crawled onto the bed beside him. He shifted over, making room for me as I sat up next to him. Gently, he rested his head on my lap, seeking comfort and solace in my touch as silent tears fell from his lashes.
“I…I’m barely holding on,” He whispered.
My fingers began running through Noah’s scalp, lacing themselves through his chestnut strands in an attempt to soothe him, showing my support. I hear you.
My heart yearned for him once again, filled with sorrow and pain as he suffered in torment, dealing with the burden of his demons. Noah didn’t deserve this. He was young when he fucked up, and he hasn’t been able to escape. I saw myself within his pain, my past mirroring back at me.
“I just keep hoping that one day I’ll have something else motivating me- something more than fear, more than spite. I wanna feel like I’m living.”
I listened to Noah’s words as they resonated with me. I too, wanted to feel like I was living.
I had never been part of the right crowd, and I was always getting into trouble, due to the influence of my previous relationships. I followed their shenanigans because I had nobody else to model- and I made some poor choices. I chose to follow them.
However, I also chose to leave- to start fresh and to forget about my past. People can change, and people can grow, and Noah deserved the same opportunity. He was being puppeteered by an evil man; and I wanted to help him escape, as much as he wanted his freedom.
I chewed my cheek in contemplation, fingers still stroking his hair, “let me help you, Noah.”
“Help with what?”
“The money. You don’t deserve to do it alone.”
Noah sat up now, watching me intensely from across the bed, “You’ve built yourself a new life Y/N. Don’t fuck it up now.”
He was right. Why was I willing to risk it all?
“I’ve been willing to fuck it up the second I saw you at the cafe,” I traced his face, analyzing his expression before my mind wandered to an idea; one so insane I couldn't even believe I was about to suggest this.
“I’m going to sound crazy, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this,” I hesitated for a moment, sucking in a breath between my teeth, “but why don't you come live with me? You and your brothers?”
Noah’s eyes widened, lips parting slightly in perplexity. He blinked a few times, and I continued my thought.
“You won’t need to pay rent or anything, so you guys can save money to pay this D guy faster. The motel money probably adds up.”
Noah slid off the bed, standing up abruptly, folding his arms over his body in defence, “You cannot be serious,” he laughed with incredulity.
“Listen, Noah,” I scooted to sit on the edge of the bed, looking up at him, “I was stuck for a long time, and I didn’t have a helping hand… but I have enough to offer you. I know what it’s like to struggle.”
Noah’s fingers ran through his hair as he began pacing, shaking his head, “I don’t need your pity Y/N.”
“This isn’t pity, I swear,” I stood up, approaching Noah gently, holding both of his biceps to keep him in place from his anxious wading, “I wished someone had helped me when I needed it.”
He stared down at me in complete disbelief, his eyes scanning mine for any signs of doubt; but I remained confident in my suggestion, staring at him assuringly.
“so let me help you,” I whispered, reaching up to place a gentle hand on his cheek. With a racing heart, I rubbed my thumb across his skin, bewildered at my words.
He closed his eyes in conflict and placed a hand on top of my own, clammy and nervous.
“Why are you helping a monster?” Noah breathed, leaning into my touch, curious eyes observing me.
“Everyone deserves help. You deserve it.”
What are we allowed to do? What are we allowed to be?
“You’re not a monster Noah,” placing a hand on his other cheek, I stood on my tiptoes, pulling him down towards me, kissing the tip of his nose delicately.
I wanna cross the line with you Let's pass the point of no return
Noah watched me with pure awe, matching me by grabbing either side of my face, and placing his forehead on my own, “You are fucking crazy.”
Is this wrong? I don't wanna know A big mistake? I don't wanna know
I chuckled softly, “I completely agree with you, I think I am insane for offering this.”
I wanna know what it feels like Is it nothing but dreamlike? I wanna touch you now
Noah laughed quietly with me, still in complete doubt. His eyes kept trailing between my own and my lips, as if trying not to kiss me, before giving in.
How can it feel so right? It is nothing but dreamlike I'm gonna touch you now
Noah's lips pressed against mine with a tender urgency, as if longing to convey all the emotions he couldn't put into words. The warmth of his touch seeped through my skin and I felt myself melting into him. Our kiss deepened, the intensity building between us like an invisible electric current.
We stood there, locked in each other's embrace for what felt like an eternity before Noah pulled away, his eyes still fixed on mine. His thumb gently caressed my bottom lip, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. He leaned his forehead against mine, his breath warm against my skin as we stayed entwined in our own little world of shared desire.
“I’m sorry, not sorry for breaking into your house; because otherwise, we wouldn’t be here,” Noah said.
“I forgive you, clearly,” I laughed, “but you could always try to make it up to me again if you feel like it?”
Noah let out a puff of air, hands running down my neck along my curves, resting at the top of my hips, “I like that idea.”
I grinned at him, my hands resting at the back of his tattooed neck, the apple and snake teasing me.
Noah's warm breath tickled my ear as he leaned in close. "I can't stop thinking about how you taste," he whispered, referring to our one brief encounter. I moaned softly as he hungrily kissed me again, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Our heads tilted and we shared passionate open-mouthed kisses, devouring each other in the moment. Noah pressed his hips against mine, causing a soft moan to escape from my throat. As much as I wanted to continue, I couldn't ignore the fact that I had to go to work soon.
I pushed his chest gently, “It’s already 6… I need to leave for work in half an hour.”
Noah gave me a sly smile, “You underestimating my skills?”
I chuckled, “Not at all.”
“I bet I could make you come in two minutes,” His fingers trailed up the sides of my torso, fingers tracing circles across the skin.
I hummed, “Hmm, what do I get if you can’t?”
Noah leaned towards my ear, fingers squeezing right below my chest, “then I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk, and you’ll come again.”
My body shivered from his words, and my stomach began to swirl with excitement as Noah’s hands worshiped my body, whispering lustful promises as he peppered kisses down my neck. Noah peeked over at the clock on my nightstand briefly.
I closed my eyes as my breath quickened, following Noah towards the wall. My back pressed against it as he pushed against me, his body radiating heat. He gripped my wrists and pinned them above my head, holding me in place while his other hand trailed down to my waistline, igniting my desire.
I succumbed to Noah’s touch as his touch slid through me, circling and prodding. Whatever he was doing left me completely giving in to his caress; the fact both of us were still completely clothed made this moment that much more invigorating.
Noah’s teeth hooked on my bottom lip as he ravaged my mouth. I moaned earnestly as his fingers sank through my slick, curling towards my need. His palm pushed against me, rubbing and maintaining a repetitive pattern, and my legs began to give out. How he could make me surrender with his hand alone had me flustered.
(I'm in a) (I'm in a) (I'm in a) I'm in a, I'm in a dreamlike state
I rutted my hips towards his touch and Noah smiled into my lips, “so needy,” he mumbled.
I sighed eagerly as he continued his method, my body trembling in response, close to my release.
“C’mon princess, you can do it,” Noah muttered, trailing his lips down my neck towards my collarbone, before snagging his teeth on a sensitive spot. He sucked and nibbled at my skin, branding me.
I didn’t even care, exhilaration taking over.
Noah slipped his fingers out, sliding them up until he reached the top, pressing the pad of his fingers and circling them quickly. I shuddered, my body crumbling as I cried out his name.
Can it feel so right? It is nothing but dreamlike I'm gonna touch you now
Noah smiled into me again as his head lay pressed against my neck, satisfied and prideful of his actions.
My chest heaved as I came down from the high, folding off of the wall into his arms. I clutched onto his sweater for support, turning my head to the clock. 6:08
“That was four minutes,” I panted.
“Looks like I owe you,” Noah’s smug smile said it all.
I chuckled, looking up at him, eyes dilated with satisfaction “Oh, what a shame.”
Noah grinned, the whites of his teeth making my heart flutter. He sat on my bed, adjusting himself in his pants before watching me pace around my room, picking out my work clothes.
I opted for leggings and a square-cut long-sleeve. I took the clothes out of my closet, holding them to my chest before turning around.
“Uh…” I looked at the brunette, his hair cascading down his face perfectly, “Do you uhm, can you turn around?”
Noah choked out a laugh, “huh? you do realize that I’ve seen you like, partially naked? And just touched you?”
My face flushed, “Yeah… but still.”
Noah chuckled, obliging as he turned around on the bed to face the wall. I began stripping, pulling my leggings up before changing my shirt. I peered at Noah, noticing his head whip back around.
“Hey!” I laughed, “No peaking!”
Noah turned around once I was dressed, sticking his tongue out playfully, “Whatever do you mean?”
I rolled my eyes as Noah stood up, scratching the back of his neck, “I’d say we’ve at least levelled up to buddies.”
Yea, fuck buddies?
I hummed, “I agree, definitely more than level-two acquaintances.”
Noah nodded at me with a lighthearted glare, “Friends would be too far right now.”
“Definitely,” I mimicked his expression before leading us down the stairs.
“I’m sorry we didn’t get to eat,” I said, “but if you want, you could come to the bar?”
“I’d like that,” Noah bent down to slip on his vans as I put on my black Converse.
I chewed my lip, “Did you want to invite your friends? Maybe talk about the offer?”
Noah stood up, frowning, “Y/N- I couldn’t do that to you.”
“Well, at least ask them, see what they say,” I looked at him with a serious expression, “I wasn’t kidding with the offer. I have the basement finished but unfurnished; and a spare bedroom upstairs. You guys would have your own space.”
Noah stared at the floor, kicking up the side of the carpet nervously, “I mean I’ll talk to them.”
I couldn’t help but smile widely, “Please do. Now lets go or I’ll be late.”
Ruffilo, Jolly, Folio and I sat in a booth at Sammy’s, with the trio observing me intently as I recounted the situation. "She offered us a place to stay for free," I whispered to my companions, stealing glances at Y/N as she attended to customers. Her hair, a lovely shade of H/C, framed her face delicately, and my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her genuine and radiant smile as she served drinks to the woman in front of her. She brought light and charisma into the room with her presence, igniting an incandescence that was hard to ignore.
“No fucking way we are doing that,” Jolly said, glancing at Y/N briefly before folding his arms, sinking into the leather of the booth.
“I mean,” Nick began, looking between us, “This would help us out a lot Jolly.”
“-and Noah,” Nicholas said, “Like we pay roughly 130 bucks a night. That’s $3,900 we’d save him right there.”
All of us peered over at Y/N, and she lifted her head, giving us all a smile.
“Why would she do that for you? For us? What’s in it for her?” Jolly said, skeptical.
I had no fucking idea why she would, but I was desperate for any amount of help I could get.
I shrugged, “I don’t know.”
She was selfless, enigmatic, and completely sublime.
“How long have you known her?” Nick raised a brow, plucking a fry from the plate in the middle of us.
I winced, “Er, two days?”
Folio’s eyes bulged out of his head as he leaned forward, chest pressed into the table, “Ain’t no fucking way this is real. She has to be getting something out of it.”
Jolly snorted, “yea, his dick.”
I scoffed, rolling my head back dramatically, “Oh fuck off !”
“That’s not what the hickey on her neck-”
“Oh, Can it Jolly, have any of you ever thought that maybe Y/N is just a nice person?
I reached for a fry and dunked it in ketchup before taking a bite. "People like us don't deserve kindness." Ruffilo glanced at me, clearly disappointed. "Don't say that. We've done some questionable things, but it's how we survive." "And besides," added Folio, "we can't offer financial assistance. D doesn't even know Y/N exists, so he wouldn't suspect any involvement from us." Nicholas nodded in agreement.
I watched the three of them as they gave me a sullen smile, “I’m worried D will be suspicious that our locations will move though; and that it will put her in danger.”
“She must know there’s a risk, considering you filled her in on everything,” Nick took a sip of his beer.
“Why she’s willing to risk everything she’s worked towards beats me,” I said, sighing heavily.
“Worked towards?” Nicholas asked.
The boys waited for me to answer.
She bargains with the world So everything she wants will come to her With no greed inside her mind She knows what she deserves
“She’s been through some fucked up shit I guess, but she saved a bunch of money and moved here to start over her life. She works two jobs almost every day to afford everything,” I looked back at Y/N for a prolonged period, my heart beating quickly, “She just kept telling me she knows what it’s like, and she wished people helped her.”
“So pity?” Jolly gave me a sarcastic smile, nodding rapidly.
“No,” I defended, “because she is a generous person.”
We remained silent, chewing our food quietly before Jolly spoke.
“Well, I suppose it’s worth a shot,” He said, eying the fries before staring at me, “for Noah.”
“Yeah, for me, but also you guys. She offered it to all of us,” I said.
Nicholas looked over at her warmly, “That’s kind of her. Really kind.”
We fell from sky with grace And landed in her soft and warm embrace She gave her love, her gift of life So we could live with her
I stood up, walking towards the bar, sitting on a stool in front of her. She nodded to another customer before smiling at me, waltzing over.
“So?” She bit her lip, almost looking hopeful.
I picked at the resin counter, my nail grinding within a divot in the material as I distracted myself from her, “How early can we move in?”
“Tonight if you want.”
Y/N and I shared a look before I nodded, giving a gentle laugh, “Okay. Want to meet your new roommates? Considering you haven’t even met the guys you offered your entire life to.”
Y/N laughed, “yea. I’m realizing how crazy I sound the more realistic this becomes.”
I motioned for the boys to come over and they did, each with a beer in their hand, sitting on either side of me along the counter.
Y/N gave them a sunny grin, introducing herself.
“It’s nice to see you again,” Nicholas said politely.
“You as well,” she nodded, before looking at Folio.
“I’m Nick, Nick folio,” He held out his hand, wrapping around her own and shaking.
She then moved to Jolly, who gave her a curt smile. Although he was stand-off-ish, she greeted him warmly.
“Joakim, but call me Jolly,”
“So, tonight?” I eyed everyone, who all turned to look at Y/N.
She shrugged, “I’m off at midnight. I can help take stuff over.”
“Well, we don’t exactly have a lot. We can probably take everything in two trips,” Nick said.
“I can help, I’ll meet you guys at the motel.”
We carefully packed all of our belongings into our backpacks and suitcases, and my chest tightened as I realized that we were leaving the place we had called 'home' for the past few years.
Nick shook his head in disbelief as he played Tetris with our belongings, fitting them perfectly into our vehicle.
"I have to admit," Nicholas said as he helped Jolly carry out their old guitars, "It will be a nice change to live in an actual house for a while."
“Good point,” Jolly mumbled, “But I’m still suspicious.”
That is why we live like heathens Stealing from the trees of Eden
Y/N made it over to the motel around 12:30, and we packed her car as well.
All of us stood outside the motel, part of us grieving for departing what we’ve always known; the other relishing in gratitude for this new opportunity.
Y/N placed a hand on my shoulder as I stared at the motel door plaintively.
Living in the arms of freedom And everything we touch is evil That is why we live like heathens
I gave her a sorrowful smile before nodding at my brothers, “Y/N will lead the way.”
As I sat in the passenger seat of Y/N's car, my eyes drifted to the window as we drove past towering buildings and bustling streets toward her neighbourhood; our new home. My heart was filled with both excitement and disbelief - how did I get so lucky to have this amazing woman in my life?
Once we arrived and entered the house, Juice, the friendly orange fur ball, greeted us at the door and immediately won over the boys with his playful antics. Y/N proudly gave us a tour of her humble abode before leading us down to the basement. As she had mentioned, it was bare and unfurnished, save for a few scattered cardboard boxes and a pristine rack of guitars that caught my eye. The room echoed with potential and possibility, just waiting to be transformed into our own personal haven.
“Holy shit- is that a Martin D-41?” Jolly immediately smiled, walking over to assess the guitars, “and an Ernie Ball Music Man John Petrucci Majesty?”
“Damn, and a Gibson Thunderbird IV Bass?” Ruffilo joined in on the geek sesh, both of them giddy.
Y/N laughed, “Wow, you must know your stuff. Those were my dads, he was really into music.”
She walked over, grazing her fingers across the strings, “I’ve kept them in his memory, but I have no idea how to play.”
I watched her as she picked up the Martin, handing it to Jolly, “feel free to use them whenever you want; they deserve some love, they were made to be played.”
Jolly’s lips fell open before he smiled warmly, gazing at the guitar, “You’re so fucking cool.”
We all chuckled and I watched Y/N in awe as she interacted with my brothers, taking them in and treating them as if she’d known us all for years.
The stone, the dirt, the dust The unforgiving promise made to us Unworthy of your light, your god, your touch We're guided by the lust
“I only have one blow-up mattress I take camping, but there is a bed in the spare room, and the couch in the living room…” She looked between the four of us until her eyes landed on me.
“Uh,” Her cheeks flushed as she spoke, “we can always share my bed tonight until I can pick up a couple of mattresses…”
We cry the fallen names We cry for those who burned beneath the flame We stand besides the good and brave The broken and enslaved
My face warmed along with her and I coughed, straightening up, “Yeah, no worries.”
The boys watched us, a low chuckle leaving Folio. Y/N grabbed spare blankets, pillows and the blow-up mattress from the closet. She set up the bed, which Jolly dibsed. Nick took the couch, and Nicholas took the spare room down the hall from Y/N’s.
Y/N and I went into her room and she shut the door quietly, turning around, sighing.
“Well,” she blew out a puff of air, giving me a kind smile, “this is interesting.”
I nodded, following her with my eyes as she began getting ready for bed, brushing her H/C hair, and wiping off her makeup for the day. I admired her beauty, staring at her with reverence. She was brilliant.
“I-I can sleep on the floor Y/N. I don’t mind,” I whispered as she slid an oversized t-shirt over her frame, stripping off her work attire.
I licked my lips, swallowing harshly before averting my eyes, reminding myself that now was not the time to get worked up. She had to be at the cafe in a few hours.
Juice purred as he curled into a bed next to her windowsill, eying us from the corner.
Y/N turned off her main light, flicking on a dim lamp that cascaded a soft orange aura across the room before she crawled into bed, opening the covers and patting next to her.
“You can sleep with me, it’s okay.”
My feet shuffled restlessly as I adjusted my hoodie, draping it over the chair by her vanity along with my jeans. Just a few hours ago, I was pressing her against the wall, consumed by passion and filled with confidence. Yet now, I felt shy and vulnerable. It was strange how this simple act of sleeping in a bed with her felt more intimate than the sexual encounter we had shared earlier.
Her love is yours But only if you give your heart to her
I walked over to her, sliding myself between her covers, and lay as close to the edge as possible.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” She mumbled, jumping out of bed and leaving towards the bathroom, returning shortly with a bottle of pills and a cup of water.
She opened the bottle, turned around and placed one on her tongue before taking a swig of water. I watched as she placed her pills on her desk, before hopping back into bed.
That is why we live like heathens Stealing from the trees of Eden Living in the arms of freedom And everything we touch is evil
She crawled underneath the covers, snuggling into the duvet as she lay on her side, facing me.
We remained silent for a few moments before she asked me a question in a small voice, “Is it ok if the light stays on?”
I preferred the lights off, but I wasn’t going to share my preference; I was invading her space.
“I have trouble sleeping,” She whispered.
“Of course it’s ok,” I said, pulling the covers over my shoulders.
“Okay,” her eyes fluttered open and closed, fighting against sleep, “goodnight Noah.”
I watched as her lashes touched the tops of her cheeks, her eyebrows releasing tension from the day, lips parted gently as sleep took over.
My eyes danced across her features, completely captivated. Y/N breathed slowly, and my hand subconsciously reached over, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear as I endeared over her.
“you’re my saving grace,” I whispered as I stroked her hair, still completely baffled this was all happening.
I watched her for a moment longer before I turned over, facing the door and her desk. My eyes trailed over to the bottle that rested on her desk, the yellow plastic alluring. Zolpidem. 700 dollars right there.
Destruction. Crime. Greed.
That is why we live like heathens That is why we live like heathens That is why we live like heathens
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Chapter 6
Tags:@crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken
@princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerant
@veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @cncohshit @scrumptiousfestivalpost @melcchs
@flowery-mess @mentallynot-here @judging-from-afar @darkmxgician @badomensls
@hoe-for-daddywise @philomenie @xxkittenkissesxx @venturethroughtheveil @thefallennightmare
@blend-in-with-the-madness @reyadawn @deathblacksmoke @anameunmusical @sitkowski
@anything-more-than-human @into-the-grey @amelia-acero @rumoured-whispers @artificialbreezy
152 notes · View notes
crawlthesky · 2 months
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source: Blu-ray rip resolution: 1440x1080 file type: .jpg (batch-converted from .png) image count / file size: Overall: 39,184 screencaps / 28.1GB Individual: see the read more Bonus: Blu-ray Extras ♥ zip Digivices ♥ zip Tags/Crests ♥ zip Other ♥ zip
♥ Recapped entirely from the US Discotek release. (The Japanese blu-ray was done way back here.) ♥ Movie 1 / Digimon Adventure Movie can be found here. ♥ Movie 2 / Bokura no War Game can be found here. ♥ Previous season posts: Adventure 02, Tamers, Frontier, Savers, Xros Wars, Xros Wars: 7 Death Generals, Xros Wars: Young Hunters, Appmon, Adventure (2020), Ghost Game. Franchise master post over here. ♥ If you have any problems with the download links, let me know, and I'll toss you an alternate link or split them smaller or something. ♥ Have fun making a buttload of icons or edits or whatever.
Creditless Opening → 262 screencaps / 192MB Creditless Ending 1 → 79 screencaps / 68MB Creditless Ending 2 → 99 screencaps / 79MB Digimon Analyzer → 358 screencaps / 286MB Evolution Sequences → 1,012 screencaps / 647MB Eyecatch → 23 screencaps / 19MB Title Cards → 180 screencaps / 134MB
01: Adrift? The Island of Adventure! → 936 screencaps / 719MB 02: Explosive Evolution! Greymon → 656 screencaps / 500MB 03: The Blue Wolf! Garurumon → 800 screencaps / 619MB 04: Scorching Heat! Birdramon → 599 screencaps / 463MB 05: Electric Shock! Kabuterimon → 675 screencaps / 500MB 06: Palmon's Furious Evolution! → 952 screencaps / 693MB 07: Roar! Ikkakumon → 678 screencaps / 503MB 08: Devimon, Emissary of Darkness! → 678 screencaps / 478MB 09: Clash! The Freezing Digimon → 813 screencaps / 601MB 10: Centarumon the Protector! → 716 screencaps / 553MB 11: The Dancing Ghosts! Bakemon → 838 screencaps / 595MB 12: Adventure! Patamon and Me → 618 screencaps / 469MB 13: Angemon Awakens! → 677 screencaps / 496MB 14: Departure to a New Continent! → 544 screencaps / 404MB 15: Etemon's Grand Entrance of Evil → 708 screencaps / 534MB 16: Dark Evolution! SkullGreymon → 681 screencaps / 507MB 17: Cockatrimon, Ship Captain of Illusions! → 610 screencaps / 462MB 18: The Fairy! Piccolomon → 606 screencaps / 449MB 19: Nanomon of the Labyrinth! → 486 screencaps / 373MB 20: Perfect Evolution! MetalGreymon → 663 screencaps / 491MB 21: Koromon and the Great Clash in Tokyo! → 572 screencaps / 384MB 22: The Whispering Little Devil, PicoDevimon → 687 screencaps / 523MB 23: My Friend! WereGarurumon → 688 screencaps / 508MB 24: Break Through! AtlurKabuterimon → 791 screencaps / 556MB 25: The Sleeping Tyrant! TonosomaGekomon → 654 screencaps / 490MB 26: Shining Wings! Garudamon → 606 screencaps / 453MB 27: Vamdemon and the Castle of Darkness → 710 screencaps / 507MB
28: The Chase! Hurry to Japan → 694 screencaps / 500MB 29: Mammon and the Great Clash at Hikarigaoka! → 607 screencaps / 457MB 30: The Digimon's Great Tokyo Crossing!! → 668 screencaps / 512MB 31: Raremon! Attack on Tokyo Bay → 777 screencaps / 538MB 32: Tokyo Tower is Hot! DeathMeramon → 703 screencaps / 507MB 33: Pump and Gotsu are Shibuya-style Digimon → 595 screencaps / 421MB 34: The Bond of Destiny! Tailmon → 693 screencaps / 474MB 35: The Fairy of Odaiba! Lilimon Blooms → 602 screencaps / 427MB 36: Break Through the Barrier! Zudomon Spark! → 867 screencaps / 613MB 37: Perfect Levels' All-Out Strike! Sparkling Angewomon → 718 screencaps / 508MB 38: Revival! The Demon Lord, VenomVamdemon → 647 screencaps / 483MB 39: Two Ultimate Evolutions! Banish the Darkness!! → 663 screencaps / 492MB 40: The Four Kings of the Evil Mountain! The Dark Masters → 682 screencaps / 497MB 41: The Savage King of the Sea! MetalSeadramon → 618 screencaps / 469MB 42: Whamon and the Silent Sea Bottom → 598 screencaps / 436MB 43: A Dangerous Game! Pinocchimon → 756 screencaps / 595MB 44: Jyureimon and the Forest of Doubts → 633 screencaps / 501MB 45: Clash of the Ultimates! WarGreymon VS MetalGarurumon → 828 screencaps / 645MB 46: MetalEtemon's Payback → 676 screencaps / 541MB 47: Oh Wind! Oh Light! SaberLeomon → 725 screencaps / 557MB 48: Orders to Bomb! Mugendramon → 594 screencaps / 436MB 49: Farewell, Numemon → 655 screencaps / 477/MB 50: Battle Between Women! LadyDevimon → 552 screencaps / 401MB 51: Piemon, The Clown From Hell → 688 screencaps / 483MB 52: The Holy Swordsman! HolyAngemon → 814 screencaps / 585MB 53: The Final Dark Digimon → 622 screencaps / 415MB 54: A New World → 569 screencaps / 409MB
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snowxstormworld · 2 months
Jonerys Orgasmic October 2024🍒💋🍷🍓
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Your favorite October event is back!
Join us for the 4th annual Jonerys Orgasmic October ‘24, a steamy, sexy, pleasure-filled week celebrating our favorite duo. From September 30th - October 4th, we’ll reblog your edits, gif sets, fanart, moodboards, and fanfiction and list them in our AO3 collection. We encourage you to have fun with the prompts below. Get creative and feel free to spice it up as much or as little as you want!    
🍷 Day 1 (09/30) I want you so bad. - ❤️ on all fours 📸 spread open ❤️ on your knees 📸 anal
🍷 Day 2 (10/01) Beg for it. - ❤️ lingerie 📸 role playing ❤️ stripping
🍷 Day 3 (10/02) I hate you! And love you! - ❤️ age difference 📸 cheating with each other ❤️ public sex
🍷 Day 4 (10/03) How wet can you get? - ❤️ water sex 📸 edging ❤️ dirty talk 📸 sexting
🍷 Day 5 (10/04) Trick or treat, give me something good to eat… - ❤️ free day 📸 witching hour
To join us, post your content to your own Tumblr blog and/or to AO3, mention @snowxstormworld, tag #JonerysOrgasmicOctober2024  and #SnowxStormWorld and we’ll reblog your work!
The main pairing must be Jonerys (Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen. Also, please no explicit scenes of Jon or Dany with other characters).
Prompt mixing is fine - just let us know which prompt you’re featuring on the day you’re posting.
If you fall behind schedule, go ahead and post on whatever day you can. As long as you mention and tag us, we’ll find and reblog your stuff!
ALL IN THE FANDOM ARE WELCOME. Our main goal is nurturing fandom content. As long as your work follows the above rules and you keep things positive, you are welcome!
Feel free to reach out with questions, we love hearing from you! Or DM us (@jupiterix @libradoodle1 @jellybeanficwriter)
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night-raven-tattler · 7 months
The stories from Diasomnia...
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"Can you offer me a nice shirt in this trying time?" -
imagine, fluff, slight crack, Malleus and GN!Reader
"Movie night, otherworldy edition" - the movie genres that he enjoys
headcanons, fluff, Sebek and GN!Reader
"Love beyond spoken words" - he expresses his love without verbalising it directly
imagine, fluff, Sebek x GN!Reader
"Night troubles" - he has a nightmare, good thing you're there to comfort him
"Turbulent sleep or unperturbed slumber?" - observations about his sleeping position
imagine, fluff, comfort, Silver and Sebek x GN!Reader (separate)
"What's your ideal type?" - the ideal type for the members of Diasomnia and the ideal friend for the vice housewarden
headcanons, fluff, Malleus, Sebek and Silver x GN!Reader (separate), Lilia and GN!Reader
headcanons, crack, Malleus, Lilia, Sebek and Silver (separate)
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
bound by the rules masterlist smau
pairing/s: lesserafim huh yunjin x txt's sixth member! gp! oc x aespa yoo jimin
summary: txt's oldest member, oh hyunseol just want a peaceful life after pandemic with her members, but it seems like fate wants to shake things up.
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tags... crack, fluff; angst; hurt(?); suggestive/smut (not all time); kinda slow burn (not the do i like her slow burn, but those longer than a min touches and longing gazes kind of slow burn); no beta we die like men; love at first sight; friends to lovers
warning/s... love triangle; angst; too many things going on; an ungodly amount of time skips; suggestive/smut themes; dark jokes; toxic staffs and management; scandals; dark themes & graphic content: strong language, bullying (affectionately); multiple mentions of alcohol and its consumption; many more to be added
setting... story will start in 2022
featuring... txt, lesserafim, aespa, itzy (mostly ryujin), ive (mostly annyeongz), choi yena, skz bangchan, nct jaehyun, g-idle yuqi, enhypen heeseung, some bts members, and many more that often pops up in just one of the chapters.
profiles. bighit's baby giants, too pretty to be ais, not-so-fearless with bugs, the seven avengers
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chapters (number of chapters & some titles still unidentified)
⭐ - fav chap
01 | happy birthday to you⭐
02 | new bestie unlocked
03 | birth month twinnie (half written)
04 | pretty elevator girl (kinda half written)
05 | tagged along
06 | birthday money
07 | meeting for what?! (mostly written)
09 | minjeong's research
10 | lee fcking soo-man (written) ⭐
11 | give me your bets
12 | field day (pt.1)⭐
13 | the claw machine⭐
14 | party party yeah
15 | alexa, play drama by txt (written)⭐
16 | she is like dramama ramama
17 | #prayforheeseung
18 | gay panic-ese⭐
19 | txt's first 2022 vlive (written)⭐
20 | lord me when⭐
21 | be careful what you wish for (written) ⭐
22 | something bad just happened ⭐
23 | perfect friends ⭐
24 | matchz? it's a matchz! ⭐
bonus... matchmaker episodes
25 | 0 7 . 3 0
26 | seol & umji?? seolji?
27 | haters gonna hate
28 | wee-woo 🚨🚨
29 | a house of cards (written)
30 | us against the world
31 | through the cracks
32 | without the foundation
bbtr plot timeline
taglist: @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @kimsgayness , @jeindall777 , @notodayeli , @mah4u
misc hyunseol - kprofile | articles | spotify playlist | youtube compilations | fem idols crushing on her | matchz playlist | oddz playlist
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a/n: seol can be interpreted as the reader or whole other person. it was supposed to be y/n, not seol but i find it hard to imagine if i pair yunjin and karina to someone i can't imagine, so that's where seol is born.
disclaimer all images and pictures used in this story are not all mine. they belong to their rightful owners and i therefore give credits to their edits. since this is a smau, all of the happenings and events within are made up and the product of my imagination. any similarity to real-life occurrences or individuals, whether alive or deceased, is entirely coincidental. SEPARATE FICTION FROM REALITY.
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@ eventuallyaugust 2024 | navi
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mplesyrup · 4 months
Blame it on the movies !
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summary: You and Scaramouche HATED each other to the point people even thought you two were dating secretly. A fan made a documentary and posted it on YouTube on a random Tuesday and it got so popular that Netflix AND Hulu posted a documentary about it. Your companies thought it was the perfect opportunity to get more attention to it so they could have more than one group debut.
genre: enemies to lovers, celebrity AU, fake dating, smau
status: on hold (until my genshin obsession comes back)
warnings: written by a 13-year-old, inspired by @ventismacchiato swy go read it, need usernames please let me use yours, edit: female reader
taglist: open <3 (5/100)
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Illusion | ROYAL
THEATER 1: playing: back the fuck up
THEATER 2: playing: what documentary?
THEATER 3: playing: date who?
THEATER 4: tba...
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a/n: uh this my first smau please help
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Inception 30 Day Challenge 2024: Get inspired, share your hot takes and win prizes!
Create a post, whether it be text, art, music, or any other media, using these 31 items as prompts. Feel free to participate in as many or as few of them as you want!
Copy the prompt into the body of the post somewhere and tag your posts with @inception30daychallenge, #inceptiversary, and #inception30daychallenge. Your posts will be reblogged on this blog for everyone to appreciate!
You earn one entry for every prompt you answer before 11:59 PM EDT on July 31. We’ll hold a raffle then to determine our prize winner(s)! More info can be found in our FAQ.
Prompts below the cut, or at this Google Doc link!
Day 01: Your favourite thing about the movie.
Day 02: Classify each character according to the Alignment Chart. (For more details on what each box means)
Day 03: A post-canon headcanon.
Day 04: Arthur’s secret phobia.
Day 05: Your favourite line in the movie.
Day 06: A fic rec!
Day 07: If you had to change a scene from the movie to have a musical number, which scene would it be?
Day 08: What songs/artists are on Eames’ main playlist?
Day 09: Which character has the most annoying habit on the job and what is it?
Day 10: A headcanon about your favourite character.
Day 11: Mal’s favourite fairytale.
Day 12: Your favourite setting in the movie.
Day 13: A fanart rec! (note: please do not repost art from tumblr artists! just reblog it and tag @inception30daychallenge so we can see it.)
Day 14: What skills would you bring to a dreamshare team?
Day 15: Cobb’s greatest parenting strength and weakness.
Day 16: Inception Day! Make anything Inception-related! Take a photo, write a poem, make a meme, sing a tune, whatever you want!
Day 17: How did the team spend the rest of the week on the first dream level?
Day 18: What building or monument does Ariadne wish she designed?
Day 19: Your favourite bit of fanon.
Day 20: Another type of rec! (meta, podfic, fanvid, edit, meme, blog, whatever!)
Day 21: What would you want to use dreamshare technology for?
Day 22: What skill does Robert wish he had?
Day 23: If you had to be stuck on a deserted island with an Inception character, who would you choose?
Day 24: A headcanon about your favourite friendship or relationship.
Day 25: When Saito was a child, what did he want to be when he grew up?
Day 26: Which summer Olympic sport would each character compete in? 
Day 27: A self-rec! (anything from art to a funny Tumblr post you made!)
Day 28: What piece of media would you want to see in a crossover with Inception?
Day 29: Something Yusuf keeps hidden in his desk.
Day 30: If the characters were all in a band, what instruments/roles would they play?
Day 31: A letter to Inception fandom.
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celuloideycarbono · 2 months
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Vingegaard - Pogacar: a rivalry in numbers (updated).
118 race days together: 92 times Tadej finished ahead; 24 times Jonas finished ahead; 1 DNF for each one.
They raced in 4 GT together (Tdf '21, '22, '23 and '24). Tadej finished ahead two times, Jonas two times. They raced 4 one week races together. Tadej finished ahead 3 times, Jonas one.
Difference in time between them in the four TdF editions they compete together: 1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 01:25.
Difference in time between them in the seven ITT in TdF they compete together: 1st Jonas, 2nd Tadej, 00:06.
12 TdF Stages in which they finished first and second:
Stage 17 Tour de France '21, Sant-Lary-Soulan - Col du Portet (1st Tadej, 2ndJonas, 00:03). // Stage 18 Tour de France '21, Luz Ardiden (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 00:02) // Stage 7 Tour de France '22, La Super Planche des Belles Filles (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, same time) // Stage 17 Tour de France '22, Peyragudes (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, same time) // Stage 18 Tour de France '22, Hautacam (1st Jonas, 2nd Tadej, 01:04) // Stage 6 Tour de France '23, Cauterets - Cambasque (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 00:24) // Stage 16 Tour de France '23, Combloux (ITT) (1st Jonas, 2nd Tadej, 01:38) // Stage 11 Tour de France '24, Le Lioran (1st Jonas, 2nd Tadej, same time) // Stage 14 Tour de France '24, Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d'Adet (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 00:39) // Stage 15 Tour de France '24, Plateau de Beille (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 01:08) // Stage 20 Tour de France '24, Col de la Couillole (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 00:07) // Stage 21 Tour de France '24, Nice (ITT) (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 01:03).
Stages in which they finished first and second (one week tours):
Stage 5 UAE Tour '21, Jebel Jais (1st Jonas, 2nd Tadej, 00:03) // Stage 4 Tirreno - Adriatico '22, Bellante (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 00:02) // Stage 6 Tirreno - Adriatico '22, Carpegna (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 01:23) // Stage 8 Paris - Nice '23, Nice (1st Tadej, 2nd Jonas, 00:33).
Most difference between them in a Tdf stage:
Stage 17 Tour de France '23, Courchevel: 05:45 ahead Tadej.
Stage 8 Tour de France '21, Le-Grand-Bornand: 03:25 ahead Jonas.
Stage 11 Tour de France '22, Col du Granon: 02:51 ahead Tadej.
Stage 15 Tour de France '24, Isola 2000: 01:42 ahead Jonas.
Climbing records (source climbing-records.com & @ammattypyöräily):
By Tadej: Planche des Belles Filles '20 (16:10), Puy de Dôme '23 (35:11), Col du Grand-Colombier '23 (44:32), Poggio '24 (09:26), Vallter 2000 '24 (31:28), Port Ainé '24 (46:10), Monte Grappa '24 (51:48), Galiber (from Lautaret) '24 (20:48), Pas de Peyrol '24 (07:22), Pla d'Adet '24 (25:08), Plateau de Beille '24 (39:58), Isola 2000 '24 (38:14), Col de la Couillole '24 (39:17).
By Jonas: Marie-Blanque '23 (20:58), Tourmalet '23 (from Luz-Saint-Sauveur) (50:54), Col de Pertus '24 (12:02).
Both: Cote de la Croix Neuve - Mende '22 (09:03), Tourmalet (from Campan) '23 (45:35), Les Bettex-Saint-Gervais '23 (18:25), Platzerwasel '23 (with Gall) (22:03), San Luca '24 (05:29).
images: Mont Ventoux '21, Galibier '22, Joux Plane '23, Plateau de Beille '21.
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Async mugwump linkdump
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW in ANAHEIM at WONDERCON: YA Fantasy, Room 207, 10 a.m.; Signing, 11 a.m.; Teaching Writing, 2 p.m., Room 213CD.
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For 20+ years, I've processed all the information that came over my transom by blogging – mulling on why something I saw in the world caught my attention and trying to summarize it for strangers. This turns out to be a very powerful way to do a lot of different kinds of mental work:
With Pluralistic, the solo blog I founded 4 years ago, I've moved into longer, more synthetic essays that try to connect the things that caught my attention today with all those things I've written about for the past two decades. That's also proven very fruitful:
But this move to longer works has a downside: sometimes I'll arrive at the week's end and have a list of things that caught my attention without there being any obvious way to connect them, and when that happens, I devote a Saturday edition to a linkdump. There's been 15 of these so far:
Welcome, then, to the 16th Pluralistic linkdump, and a warning, this one starts with an obituary.
Ross Anderson was one of the heroes of the cryptographic revolution, a brilliant scientist and communicator, a fantastic activist, and a scorching curmudgeon. Ross died this week. He was 67, and had chronic heart issues as well as long covid:
There's so much that's been written about Ross and his legacy already, and there's doubtless more to come, but I've picked out two pieces to point you to. The first is from Danny O'Brien, who was also the guy who talked me down off the ledge the first time Ross flamed me on a public mailing list, leaving me bleeding and furious:
As Danny says, Ross was "the model of a politically and socially involved computer scientist," a man whose blazing intellect, fierce moral center and relentless curiosity inspired a generation of technologists to think about politics, and a generation of political activists to think about technology. Few of Ross's eulogizers (thus far) have mentioned how Ross's passion came out as fury, and – as someone who counted Ross as a friend and inspiration – I think this is a serious omission. It's hard to imagine Ross doing all that he did without understanding the anger that – along with his ethics – fueled his passion.
(Compare with @neil-gaiman's classic essay on the anger of Terry Pratchett:)
The other obit that I want to point you to comes from Bill Buchanan, one of Ross's closest collaborators. Buchanan's memorial for Ross does a superb job of rounding up Ross's technical contributions to the field of security engineering:
Buchanan embeds videos for some of Ross's best speeches, links to his key papers (including the classic "Programming Satan's Computer," on "programming a computer which gives answers that are subtly and maliciously wrong at the most inconvenient moment possible), reminiscences of Great Moments In Ross Anderson, and terrific, lay-friendly breakdowns of some of Ross's key mathematical work.
As an unreasonable, angry person, I take great inspiration from people who channel their unreasonable anger to socially beneficial conduct – like whistleblowers. After Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge was totaled by the 95,000-ton cargo ship MV *Dali(, a vast cohort of instant experts in structural engineering, sea freight and shipbuilding has taken to the internet with a slurry of takes on the Meaning Of the Bridge.
Some of these are very stupid indeed, like the idea that somehow "DEI" caused the collision. But you don't have to be an expert in maritime issues or civil engineering to understand the importance of this report from The Lever about shipping giant Maersk's culture of retaliation against whistleblowers:
Maersk is the company that chartered the MV Dali; Maersk is also a key player in the cartel that controls the world's shipping. Maersk was just sanctioned by the Labor Department for retaliating against a whistleblower who complained of unsafe conditions on the ships that Maersk chartered:
Maersk's policy required employees to bring concerns to their supervisors before alerting the Coast Guard or others. This is not how that stuff is supposed to work. OSHA called this policy “repugnant” and a “reprehensible and an egregious violation of the rights of employees,” which “chills them from contacting the [Coast Guard] or other authorities without contacting the company first.”
The whistleblower – chief mate on the Safmarine Mafadi – complained of "unrepaired leaks, unpermitted alcohol consumption onboard, inoperable lifeboats, faulty emergency fire suppression equipment, and other issues." We don't know (yet) what happened on the Dali, but it's obvious that a company that retaliates against whistleblowers, rather than heeding their warnings, is prioritizing covering its ass, not operating safely.
Which brings me (inevitably) to Boeing, and to poor John "Swampy" Barnett, the Boeing whistleblower who took his own life earlier this month. Barnett's suicide has stirred up similar low-yield online chatter focused on whether Boeing assassinated Barnett, a question that categorically cannot be answered through the method of arguing with internet strangers.
But there is a lot to say about Barnett: in particular, there's the substance of his whistleblowing, the specifics of his complaints about Boeing. For that, we can turn to the always-fantastic Maureen Tkacik, whose American Prospect piece "Suicide Mission" is definitive:
Tkacik does a great job of painting a picture of Swampy as a member of the tribe of unreasonable and angry people who refuse to sideline principle in order to get along. More importantly, Tkacik shows us what made Swampy so angry: a company that was hell-bent on lobotimizing itself by forcing out any technical expert who might point out inconvenient truths about the safety risks of high-profit strategies.
As Tkacik writes, Boeing once thought about "knowledge" in terms of expertise that could be brought to bear on the unimaginably complex task of making reliable, airworthy jets. But under the "value-engineering" financialized culture that arose after the McDonnell-Douglas merger, the company viewed knowledge as "intellectual property, trade secrets, and data." In other words, the point of knowledge was rent-extraction, not safety.
At the root of this transformation was the Jack Welch protege Jim "Prince Jim" McNerney, the former 3M CEO who took the helm at Boeing. McNerney was openly contemptuous of the company's senior engineers, branding them "phenomenally talented assholes" and rewarding managers who found ways to force them out of the company. It was McNerney who decided to produce the 787 "Dreamliner" in non-union shops, far from Seattle and its phenomenally talented assholes. Instead of these engineers, McNerney turned to Boeing suppliers to do the major engineering work on the 787 – despite the fact that many of these suppliers "lacked engineering departments."
The 787 was, infamously, a $80b-over-budget boondoggle, haunted by technical failures. Swampy was part of the "cleanup crew" that tried to salvage the 787, and witnessed first-hand how the company purged all the engineers who managed to ship the 787 despite McNerney and his "value engineers" and retaliated against workers who tried to unionize the South Carolina facility.
In particular, it was safety inspector who came in for the most savage punishment. When the FAA decided to let Boeing mark its own homework – hiring in-house safety inspectors to replace government inspectors – they pretended to believe that these Boeing-payrolled inspectors would be able to operate independently of Boeing's leadership. The inspectors tried to operate this way (not least because they were criminally liable for oversights that occurred on their watch) and McNerney's Boeing came down on them like a ton of aviation-grade aluminum.
To further neuter these inspectors, Boeing management ordered the inspectors to outsource their work to the mechanics they were supposed to be supervising – that is, the FAA outsourced safety checks to Boeing inspectors, and the inspectors outsourced those checks to the mechanics themselves. Tkacik: "Swampy believed relying on mechanics to self-inspect their work was not only insane but illegal under the Federal Aviation Administration charter."
Swampy kept careful records of every way in which this system produced unsafe aircraft and an unsafe workplace – including the day he discovered that someone had removed 400+ defective parts from the rejects box and installed them in aircraft in order to meet deadlines. Swampy's reports were key to establishing that the company's much-trumpeted "improvements" in safety reports were down to a culture of "bullying" – not any improvement in safety itself.
When Boeing went to war against Swampy, they barely bothered to pretend that they were playing by the rules. He was told one day that he was four-weeks into a 60-day "corrective action" that no one had told him about. The "corrective action" paperwork had a blank for Swampy's comments. He wrote, "Leadership wants nothing in email so they maintain plausible deniability. It is obvious leadership is just looking for items to criticize me on so I stop identifying issues. I will conform!"
Shortly thereafter, he was forced out altogether. Managers who tried to bring him on their teams were told that no one was allowed to hire John Barnett. His name appeared on a secret internal memo entitled "Quality Managers to Fire." Meanwhile, the value of Boeing shares had tripled.
After Boeing's 737 Maxes started falling out of the sky, Swampy's painstaking documentation of the flaws in the 787's production took on a new urgency. A program of random inspections of 787s found major defects in all of them ("Boeing Looked for Flaws in Its Dreamliner and Couldn’t Stop Finding Them" –WSJ). An Aviation Week diagram of problem spots with the 787 marked red arrows over "every single section, from the tip of the nose to the horizontal stabilizers":
Boeing's war on "brilliance" did its work: after everyone who understood how to make a safe aircraft was forced out of the company, financialized CEOs were able to cut corners on safety, triple the share-price, scoop up billions in government subsidies and bailouts, all without those pesky "phenomenally talented assholes" pointing out that they were going get (lots of) people killed.
Tkacik closes by saying that Swampy's former work colleagues refuse to believe he killed himself. A former executive told her "I don’t think one can be cynical enough when it comes to these guys…It’s a top-secret military contractor, remember; there are spies everywhere." I confess that I don't know what to make of that, but I'll say this: if Boeing killed Swampy, that's just one of hundreds of murders they committed. Whether or not Swampy's death was their fault, the deaths of everyone who went down on the 737 Maxes that crashed is on their hands.
That's what "profits before people" means, after all: sacrificing human lives to make yourself richer. It's the foundational tenet of the conservative movement, though that impulse is often checked by other factors, like human decency. It's only when sociopaths get a sustained run at leadership that you see what they really want.
Which brings me to the UK, which has been governed by the Conservative Party for 14 years. The Tories are tipped to get destroyed in the next election, and a long article in the New Yorker by Sam Knight catalogs the many ways in which Tory rule has devastated the UK:
The thing is, after 14 years, it's impossible for the Tories to blame anyone else for the state of the UK. With strong Parliamentary majorities, Conservatives were able to govern as they pleased – the only compromises they made were between their own internal factions. The ideological commitment to making the rich richer, privatizing everything, subordinating governance to market forces – that's all them.
It's all them: the worst period for wage growth since the Napoleonic Wars, on them. The catastrophic traffic, housing, jobs market, and precarity, on them. Plummeting health, on them. The austerity, on them. The withering of the country's courts and prisons and police, its wilderness, its programs for young people and pensioners, its public health, its diplomatic corps, its road maintenance – on them.
A country where the police can't afford to prosecute burglaries – on them (4% of burglaries are prosecuted). The 2.5 year delay between a rape arrest and its trial? On them. Mass closures of schools that are literally crumbling? On them.
43% of the countries courts have closed. On them. Cuts to prison funding, coupled with longer sentences? On them.
And of course, Brexit – on them. Every part of it. The referendum. The referendum question. The failure to negotiate a deal with the EU. All on them. The collapse in British living standards, all on them. The fact that the 20% richest households in the UK have been untouched by all this? Also on them. But you might not notice it in London, where people earn an average of 400% more than people in Nottingham.
The only growth sector outside of London are the Citizens Advice Bureaux, whose client rosters are growing even as their funding is cut. Where the CAB once primarily catered to people who couldn't make ends meet due to disability, unemployment and other reliable predictors of economic distress, today, CAB advisors are seeing homeowners, people working two jobs. Desperation is "like a black hole, dragging more and more people in,"
More Conservative growth: Tories presided over a doubling in the rate of NHS antidepressant prescriptions, and a 20% rise in long-term health conditions. No wonder Tory Britain had the world's worst pandemic outcomes for a wealthy nation – that's on them, too.
Knight's article closes with a Tory MP who believes that "the key thing for the Conservatives now is to be more conservative…Toryism must have its day again."
We can't count on oligarchs to rescue us from oligarchy – not even when oligarchy's failures push society to the breaking point. There's always a rationalization explaining why we just had to lean harder into oligarchy.
You hear echoes of this in the pro-monopoly choir, whose squeals of outrage at the rise of a new anti-monopoly movement grow louder even as monopolism's failures grow clearer. One of the more tangible expressions of monopoly's failures is the Ticketmaster/Livenation octopus, which controls the entire live music industry – key venues, promotions, and ticketing. Ticketmaster fucks over music fans, but it also cheats famous musicians, the kinds of people with big microphones, so we know a lot about how bad it is:
Of course, the fact that Swifties hate Ticketmaster lets the pro-monopolists dismiss critics as foolish young girls, not Very Serious People Who Understand Economics and thus can see that Ticketmaster's monopoly is Good, Actually.
Last week, Congressman Bill Pascrell dumped a ton of litigation documents related to Ticketmaster's sleaze, and Matt Stoller broke them down:
The docs reveal how Ticketmaster's system of (formerly) secret kickbacks let it choke out any competitor, so that it could charge fans more and pay artists less. The mechanics of the scam are beautifully laid out in Stoller's post – as is the many ways in which it violated both the law and Ticketmaster's numerous consent decrees arising from its previous lawbreaking.
This kind of scam breakdown is essential. It's easy to think that we, as mere normies, can't hope to understand the machinations of the corporations that prey on us. But once you pierce the veil of performative complexity, what's left behind is a set of crude tricks and transparent ruses.
Here's one of those transparent ruses: Discord's terms of service require Discord users to actively opt out of its "binding arbitration" system. Binding arbitration is when you sign a contract saying you can't sue the company no matter how much it harms you – instead, you promise to have your disputes heard by an "arbitrator" (a fake judge paid by the company that screwed you). Unsurprisingly, these fake judges are awfully tolerant of their employers' crimes.
Discord says that once you click through its garbage legalese novella, you have just a few days to opt out of this binding arbitration clause – if you happen to miss that fine print, you have "consented" to giving up your legal rights.
But every time Discord changes its ToS, the clock for opting out starts ticking again, and Discord has just changed (that is, worsened) its ToS again:
That means that if you send an email right now to [email protected] with "I am confirming that as of the date of this email, I am choosing to opt out of binding arbitration to settle disputes with Discord" in the body, you can escape this consent theater:
https://mamot.fr/@[email protected]/112175832989845038
Consent theater is a particularly galling corporate ruse – the idea that we chose to allow them to abuse us. Consent theater gets more outrageous by the day. Take Soofa, who operate streetside digital kiosks that identify you by grabbing your phone's unique wifi and Bluetooth identifiers:
Soofa sells this data to advertisers – claiming that by walking down a public street, you "consented" to being tracked and sold.
The only reason this flies is that the US hasn't passed a federal consumer privacy law since 1988's Video Privacy Protection Act, which bans video-store clerks from telling people which VHS cassettes you took home. Congress keeps on failing to pass a privacy law, despite garbage companies like Soofa.
But that hasn't stopped the administrative agencies from acting to defend your privacy! The FTC just dropped its latest Privacy and Data Security Update, a greatest hits list of the actions the Commission took while Congress failed:
One of the best things about the current administration is the number of extremely competent regulators who know exactly how much power they have and aren't afraid to use it to help the American people:
The new FTC report, which details how the Commission's existing powers let it go after the commercial surveillance industry from smart doorbells to review fraud, from kids' programming to medical data, from lax security to data-breaches, is a bright spot in an otherwise grim week.
One more bright spot, then, before I wind up this linkdump. All week, I've been humming a half-remembered lyric, "come on baby/you're a link in this chain/put your hands together/and get free of the pain." For the life of me, I couldn't place it.
Last night, I searched for it (using Kagi, the post-Google search engine I've been paying for for the past month, and which I'm loving) and discovered that I had somehow completely forgotten a whole-ass band that I once loved: Toronto's Bourbon Tabernacle Choir, whom I saw live on many occasions.
The mystery lyric came from "Death is the Great Awakener," a fucking banger of a post-gospel track that I've been listening to on nonstop repeat as I wrote this. It's a hell of a tune and I'm intensely grateful to have it back in my life:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Waffleboy https://www.flickr.com/photos/waffleboy/28198395465/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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usernyoom · 7 months
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09/03/24, Jeddah. Daniel Ricciardo speaks to media following the F1 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2024. Photos by Kym Illman & Eric Alonso, edited.
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