#edited this 3 times for typos
edgygayguy · 2 years
Ok since you're apparently tall asf (and consider me envious I WISH I could reach my highest kitchen cabinets without a stepping stool) how tall is the ideal trump card? Is 7ft enough height difference or does the werewolf need to be on stilts? 🤣
Also while I'm here, got any favorite HCs for Hans and Pip you'd want to share?
Thank you for the ask!
No need for the envy, I may be able to reach far but scoliosis, chronic backpain and shoulder bones that pop as loud as a faraway gunshot is the price I pay xD
7ft is definitely enough, but 7.22ft (pardon my European ass using Google to convert this 😭) would be like, perfection. I'm a smol bean in the body of a enlarged Fran Lebowitz, I want a giant fucking boyfriend that will have to look down at me when talking. With time I've accepted it will never happen, but still werewolf boyfriends are usually tall af and Hans is no exception, always can dream right?
As for Hans and Pip headcannons, I don't have many and the ones I do have aren't very interesting 😭
Hans is very theatrical, as we know, and I always imagined him not really knowing anything about commanding, fighting, and military stuff in general past firing his guns (and kicking huge explosives without them detonating ig). So if Hans and Pip ended up in a fight Hans would just run around doing backflips and shit while Pip would try to yell at him what to do so he doesn't get hurt. I think it would be great in an AU where he joins the wild geese a bit before the events of Hellsing. I Imagine Hans just rushing head first into a fight, having something blow up in his face and Pip going through all stages of grief before he sees that Hans just turned into mist before the explosion. This one is pretty subversive because you'd imagine Hans being the more serious Captain and Pip being not that good at it (tbf idk what he wanted to accomplish by waisting all ammo and explosive they had when the Hellsing mansion was stormed, my dude if you know the vampires are hiding behind hills just stop spamming till they're out smh)
Not really a headcannon but the fact that they both have the status of captain - cute af, great dynamic, maybe if you disregard the previous point they fight who's the better one.
This headcannon is something that kinda goes for every supernatural Hellsing OC I ever made and Anderson. If both Captains were at the Hellsing manor and Alucard was being a "vampiric asshole" Hans would just decapitate him as some fucked up version of "shut up and go away >: (". Idk why I just find it so fucking funny.
Hans and Pip swap uniforms often. Not much of an explanation for this one, just think it would be cute as hell.
Idk why I feel like Hans would be very shy when he's with Pip around other people, at least for some time he would be the stoic cinder block merging with the background like he is in the anime, but after a bit he would soften up. No smiles in public untill the first month, it's not his fault that he's no whore 😔
Pip is obviously the more social one, so whenever they go anywhere he does all the talking, but doesn't pretend that Hans is just not there, he's just more like "yeah that's me and my mute boyfriend" but he'd definitely jokingly tease him with shit like "c'mon at least smile" or "What? You don't even know sing language now? Mal, mal mal..."
Pip is a rainbow pride flag kinda guy and Hans is a mlm pride flag kinda guy (if you know you know)
"Loup garou" is Pip's pet name for Hans, I swear it's cute but even though I've been learning french for two years I can't provide any examples 😭😭😭
This one is stupid and silly as fuck but, at least to me, the wolf-wolf form, ya know, the giant fucking dog form of Hans from the begging of his fight with Seras? Yeah that one. It's impossible that in it he isn't similar size to Baskerville. I imagine Pip riding him in that form like a horse. Just zooming. Like Alice and Bayard in the live action movie.
If you put Pip and Hans in the same room as Integra and Seras and hit record you would get the best "mlm and wlw roast each other" quotes (who am I kidding, only wlw roasting mlm)
Hans likes to turn into mist to sneak up on Pip, no matter how much and how often this happens he just thinks it's smoke from his cigarette
I can't think of anything else of value rn so this is all I got for now 😭. The next part is nsfw, so heads up.
Because Hans is a werewolf this is kinda inevitable, but in my mind Pip doesn't like the idea of sleeping with Hans in his werewolf form at all. Maybe he warms up to it later tho.
To compensate for that the most Pip does for him is pup play
They're both switches
And best for last
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Pip will sometimes just leg cling to Hans like a sloth and that is it. He probably did it as a joke once and now made it a habit for some reason. I know it's not nsfw but this one is so random and idiotic I think it's best to hide it at the bottom KWKWKSSKWK
Now that that's over, thank you for the ask @nuclearforest, you're a treasure and a gift to this fandom
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badolmen · 2 years
Saw a post making fun of Asexuals in the year of our Good Vibes 2022 so a reminder:
The A stands for the Asexual community and spectrum (it also represents the Aromantic and Agender communities but I’m Asexual so I’ll be talking about that specifically in this post)
Celibacy is a choice to abstain from sex. Asexuality is a sexuality defined by a lack of sexual attraction to anyone, not by the choice to abstain from sex.
Every asexual person has different feelings on sex (an activity, not an attraction) - some are sex repulsed, some are sex neutral, and some are sex favorable. A physically pleasurable experience is not equal to an attraction to parties involved.
The Asexual community has been around since the dawn of the Queer liberation movement, and Asexual individuals have always existed.
Aphobia is real and has done tangible harm to Asexual people. Listen to and learn from their experiences.
If you make fun of Asexuals and their community jokes (dragons/cakes/cards) you are Aphobic. If you’re Asexual and you make fun of these aspects of your own community or consider them ‘cringe’ you have internalized Aphobia.
Sometimes teenagers and young people will identify as Asexual and change their label later in life. This does not mean that all young people who identify as Asexual will change their minds, nor does it mean that all people who identify as Asexual are young.
Seriously what do you people have against the dragons and cake jokes those are classic and hilarious please deconstruct why you have so much rage for harmless jokes that’s not a healthy response to silliness.
Anyways reblog this post if you’re Asexual, support Asexuals, or really want a dragon.
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dipplinduo · 27 days
Fun fact about me: April 18th is my birthday! :)
And part of what I wanted to do to celebrate this year was to give back. Introducing * ~ a dipplinshipping birthday oneshot ~ * :
Rating: T
Today was Kieran's birthday, but it was the last thing that mattered to him. In fact, he vowed it would never matter to him again. Instead, he would focus on things that would keep him strong: his battling, his strategizing, and his crown as the Blueberry Champion. His sister and the Elite Four won't stop asking him random questions, though, and if anyone brings up Juliana any more than they already have since she arrived as an exchange student, he's seriously going to lose it. But...why can't he stop thinking about her? And why is everyone acting so suspicious?!
A bittersweet birthday celebration fic for anyone who's had complicated feelings about their birthday. <3
Take this as a thank you to all of those who have followed my work and/or my Tumblr blog. I wouldn't have imagined having the support of this wonderful community on my last birthday, and I can't even begin to describe how encouraged and inspired I have felt to write since finding you guys. I have never written this much for this long, consistently, and your constant feedback and comments seriously brighten my day more than Juliana brightens up Kieran, LOL. Hope you enjoy this! <333
(And yeah, this fic is the "event based idea" that this poll was about. I thought it was so funny that some of you thought it was gonna be some devastating angst LMAOOOO. That's for after TTPD releases, tysm for the bday gift Taylor.)
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boyguk · 1 year
Kovis ('tough guy') by Käärijä | fin -> eng trans.
Kovis is a word with a mocking undertone, Finns usually use this word while talking about people like immature teenage boys who act tougher than they actually are. The whole song is about dealing with someone who's a difficult and immature person to be around. I decided to translate some bits very literally and add context to some of the words and expressions he uses, mostly because a more liberal english translation alone probably wouldn't fully convey how much he's mocking the person and their juvenile behavior.
Voi hyvä tavaton mietin missä sun käytöstavat on hä -> My goodness, I’m wondering where your manners are, huh
Sä kohtelet muita ku *avanto* niin kylmästi et oon sanaton -> You treat others so coldly it’s like *ice swimming*, it leaves me speechless *(avanto = the actual hole in the ice, but English doesn’t have a word for something that specific. He's basically saying the person is about as pleasant as a swim in ice cold water – when you swim in an avanto the coldness usually shocks your body and it's difficult to talk because of it)
Tekis mieli vetää sua lettii mut en oo sellane -> I feel like smacking you but I’m not like that
Oot olevinas mikä lie bossman tääl, mut *sun nokka on keltane* -> You act like you’re some kind of a bossman here, but *your beak is yellow* *(he’s saying the person is a 'keltanokka' = a beginner/‘junior', someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing)
Se on pelkkää puppuu ja legendaa ku sulla aukee suu -> When you open your mouth, it's all nonsense and lies
Sun kylien kovan jätkän maine on valheilla maustettuu -> Your tough guy reputation has been seasoned with lies
Teet niin hiton tyhmii juttui että mietin onks sun *pää puut* -> You do things so damn stupid that it makes me wonder if your *head is made of wood* *(puupää = someone who’s dumb, the word's more humorous than offensive despite the meaning)
Ja muut miettii hätäpoistumisteitä kun sä tuut -> And when you come around, the others think about emergency exits
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this *(a better, less literal translation would be something like "don't act like this, absolutely do not act like this")
Sul on *finkut pystys* heti kun sä tuut -> *Your fingers are up* as soon as you arrive *(I think he means they've got a bad attitude, like they've got their middle fingers up all the time)
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this
Polemiikkii syntyy heti kun sä tuut -> A controversy/quarrel occurs as soon as you arrive
Jäbä hei ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin tehdä kavereita -> Dude, you don't make friends 'round here with an attitude like that
Ei olla enää *yläasteella* senkin kovis -> We're not in *junior high* anymore, you tough guy *(the Finnish school system is a bit complex, but 'yläaste' is for people between the ages of 13 and 15 before they start high school at 16. It's hell, it's horror, teens that age are terrible so absolutely no one enjoys yläaste. TL;DR he's saying the person still acts like a childish teenager)
Ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin saa ku avareita -> Here an attitude like that will only get you bitch slapped
Ei olla enää *yläasteella* senkin kovis -> We're not in *junior high* anymore, you tough guy
Oot niinku ne nettipalstojen *sankarit* jotka postaa -> You're like *those heroes* who post online *(sarcasm, guess he's talking about people who are shitty, rude, and annoying online)
(Vittu mitä pask–) Miks sun pitää olla tollanen kovis -> (Fuck this sh–) Why do you have to be a tough guy like that
Jonka puheenvuoro on ku *battle freestyle, ota rewind* -> It's like *a freestyle battle when it's your turn to speak, hit rewind* *(I think he means that the person thinks they're free to say anything they want without caring about how offensive they're being, and that they think every conversation is like a battle they have to somehow 'win'. He's telling the person to hit rewind to rethink their words)
Sillä nää bileet ei oo mitkää mihi tullaan käyttäytyy noin -> Because this party isn't a place where you can act like that
Sä hiffaat sen ennen pitkää jos tuut näyttäytyy noin -> You'll eventually get it/notice it if you continue to be like that
Sä et lähde pois vaa *intät* vastaa ja se suututtaa muut -> You don't leave, you just continue to *bicker/insist* and it makes everyone mad *(inttää = (to) insist, but the tone of that word is belittling/ridiculing/dismissive. If a kid at a grocery store is being whiny, annoying, and continues to insist that they want a lollipop even after their parent has told them 'no', that's the vibe of 'inttää'. If you call someone's arguments or behavior 'inttäminen' you're basically dismissing their words/behavior while calling them a bit childish)
Voit tehä u-käännöksen ens kerral kun sä tuut -> The next time you come, you can/should do a U-turn
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this
Sul on *finkut pystys* heti kun sä tuut -> *Your fingers are up* as soon as you arrive
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this
Polemiikkii syntyy heti kun sä tuut -> A controversy/quarrel occurs as soon as you arrive
Jäbä hei ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin tehdä kavereita -> Dude, you don't make friends 'round here with an attitude like that
Ei olla enää *yläasteella* senkin kovis -> We're not in *junior high* anymore, you tough guy
Ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin saa ku avareita -> Here an attitude like that will only get you bitch slapped
Ei olla enää yläasteella senkin kovis -> We're not in junior high anymore, you tough guy
[And then he continues to repeat parts of the chorus before the song ends]
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bleue-flora · 10 days
Would you agree that between c!dream and c!punz, c!punz seems to be the more crueler. I was talking to another blog about it, and we spoke about the final lore streams where c!punz didnt care about c!clingys problems, most notably c!tommy almost taking his own life in exile (but then again he is desensitized to death cuz revival book lol) But, c!punz was the one to stick to the revival book plan near the end while c!dream opened up and showed vulnerability. I have seen a lot of fics characterize c!punz as being the one to be more softer and less inclined to hurt others for a goal, but after seeing the final streams I can't help but feel like its the other way around. I'm really curious on your take about it, and its fine if you disagree. Also really love your blog, you seem like such a kind person :)
Hmm ok well here are my thoughts on the matter at the moment, however as I rewatch more lore I might change my opinion.
Well in regards to c!Punz not caring about clingy duo’s problems, you’re assuming he hasn’t heard it before. We don’t know if thats new information, it’s possible c!Dream told him about the tower. In fact, since he was often still apart of the smp and conversations going on it’s very likely he’s heard a lot of what they said already. He’s a spy after all, it’s his job to know things.
Secondly, it’d be very hard to be empathetic to someone about themselves almost killing themself over a year ago when they just broke into the prison and murdered his friend. The revive book and such has clearly corrupted both of their empathies seen in their experiments. So, c!Punz already has a lack of empathy or at least is desensitized, the last person I’d expect him to sympathize with would be his enemy, especially when clingy duo weren’t really hearing what he had to say. I mean it’s insulting to be ignored after lying and hiding for so long and finally be able to share your opinion, but also the fact that clingy duo (and others) really thought he was cold enough to betray his friend for a measly amount of money to the point they question when it turns out to be fake. I mean that’s pretty offensive.
On that note though, it is also important to point out that those conversations in the finale are in his ‘evil role persona’ just like c!Dream he’s playing a part - one of the greedy mercenary just in this case for power. So if he seems cruel that’s intentional. Though I will say, he does give c!Tubbo and c!Tommy plenty of steak when they ask, which does say something, with this being c!Dream’s response:
“Wow, being humane. You could have waited.” And “don’t give him more, don’t give him more” [5:50]
And most importantly, I think that because we don’t get to see c!Punz break down like c!Dream the assumption is that even though it turns out c!Dream just didn’t want to be alone, c!Punz is still power hungry. But I think that’s a little unfair to c!Punz because it’s not like we saw him vulnerably be opened up like that, so is it fair to say he still has the stated goals. I talk about this a little more here [post]. What he does say in that conversation isn’t about power but about friendship. When Tommy is dissecting c!Dream c!Punz remarks on it:
“What can you just read minds now? are you just a mind reader—you knew it like—What?” [clip]
And this could probably be taken different ways, but given how he goes quiet whenever c!Dream wants to talk and seems to defend him in their conversation I see it more as like a - don’t put words into his mouth sort of thing. And because c!Tommy and people kinda do that it makes sense for c!Punz to be on guard for it. And there’s the comment about him being c!Dream’s friend. [clip]
In the less performative moments in the ending finale, c!Punz isn’t cutting in with something about power but about friendship and having c!Dream’s back. So I’m of the opinion more so that c!Punz was c!Dream’s friend, c!Dream became afraid and obsessed with death, and c!Punz stayed by his side, getting corrupted along with him. If it was about the Plan and power for c!Punz, I think he would’ve said different things like arguing with c!Dream about his goal and stuff. And there’s not really a lot of evidence to say c!Punz would’ve stayed by the plan had things not ended (though we shall never know for certain). But I think while it’s a common assumption to make, I think it’s a little unfair to say c!Punz was all just for the plan because we don’t hear him get fully vulnerable.
So given that, no I don’t think c!Punz is particularly crueler. But I do think he would do things c!Dream wouldn’t. While c!Dream is run by rational thoughts, c!Punz seems to be more emotional so (as expressed in my fics) I could totally see him going for violent revenge on behalf of his friendship with c!Dream. Perhaps then that makes him crueler? But I guess it would depend on your perspective of cruel, I suppose I was seeing cruel in this context as heartless, which I don’t think c!Punz is. In other words, he is wholesome to c!Dream, but everyone who wronged him better watch out. (I mean think about the scene of c!Punz leading c!Tommy and c!Tubbo down the stairs enraged by them killing c!Dream and him suggesting c!Purpled and c!Dream tie c!Quackity to a chair and torture him.)
Hope that provides some insight into the matter. :) and aww thank you that’s so sweet. <3 <3 <3
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navysealt4t · 4 months
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id below cut
IMAGE ID: a screen shot of a poem in black text titled, "welcome." The text is in bold. It reads,
you came into my life like a drop of water
like the first signs of spring
a breeze tickling the grass, a parting of the clouds
you kissed my face until the chill of winter ebbed
you held my hand like it was an artifact
something to be treasured, loved
your eyes are misty like the sky
filled with tears that never spill nor fade
“you are home.” you say
home, home, home
what a word
“i am home.” i repeat
my eyes fill with tears
i am home, and your embrace is a fireplace in my heart. END ID.]
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indecisive-dizzy · 27 days
Wanna watch me ramble about Frank and Eddie's Parenting for Much Too Long? No? Too bad here it is anyway!
I see a lot of interpretations of Frank and Eddie as parents where Eddie is the more lenient parent while Frank is more strict. But what if it was the other way around?
Update: ok. this just turned into me talking about their flaws as parents,, oh well that's cool to think about to
Frank's "not afraid to get dirty" attitude could lend itself to him being a parent who would let his kid go about and explore (with appropriate supervision and reasonable curfew of course) and overall have more faith in them to not get in too much trouble. Curfew to him is an agreed upon time between him and the teen, so about 10-11pm, maybe 12am if they're old enough and it's not a school night. He's far less likely to ground or take away privileges if they get into trouble (unless it's school but I'll get to that), usually turning it into a learning opportunity. Maybe restricting curfew if necessary.
Eddie on the other hand, has some worry wort tendencies and would be Terrified of his babies going out on their own, even if they're supervised by a friend's parent. His idea of a weekend curfew is 7-8pm and he needs a phone call or text every hour. or maybe every half hour. And when they do get into trouble he is the first to lecture them. He's more likely to want to ground or take privileges entirely, not just change curfew. Eddie's fine with after school stuff because knows a Teacher will be there and it's a school program/function. Though field trips and prom still make him a nervous wreck.
Frank hardly gets to lecture the kid(s) because Eddie gets to it first. the only time he does is when Eddie gets Too Upset or overwhelmed and Frank's worried he'll start yelling at them.
Though Frank's not without flaw either. Frank is more concerned with grades than Eddie is. He's more likely to pressure them By Accident and bring up college a lot when they're older. Eddie on the other hand never went to college, and knowing the American school system, he probably had more 'C's than 'A's despite how smart he really is. So Eddie is less concerned with perfect grades and believes if the kid doesn't want to go to college they shouldn't be pressured into it.
I won't go too in depth but I don't think Frank did many extracurriculars in high school. Meanwhile Eddie was getting into all sorts of activities. So when their child's grades have been slipping, Frank is the one to bring up taking them out of their extracurriculars "so they can focus on their grades." To which Eddie responds with a very firm No because he knows how much extracurriculars can mean to a kid.
Frank is also more strict with chores and such. Their room needs to be clean before they go anywhere, they make their bed every day, etc. Eddie is on board, but he understands Organized Chaos and that sometimes it takes a few extra minutes to get up and start a chore. (ADHD and Depression let's go babyy) Though he is stern about getting them done by a certain time (like before dinner). Frank would rather it be done sooner/when told.
In conclusion, Frank doesn't mean to pressure them so much, and Eddie doesn't mean to be so overbearing. They're great parents, but no one is perfect. I think they'd learn and grow overtime especially with each other to bounce off of and rely on. So in the end they turn out to be great parents whose kid(s) call and visit regularly when they're adults.
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kscribbs · 8 months
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“Her life was coming apart at the seams — her health failing, her career in tatters… But the relentless ministrations of her best friend and two most cherished Ancient Men warmed her to her very core…”
— Miller’s Law
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wilsons-journey · 1 year
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More Lore:
After his Friend Tiwa died, Valefor once more opened his heart. Again with a Sylvari, because he had the feeling he could trust them. Like he did with Tiwa. But this Sylvari was nothing more than a chess piece for someone else. His only purpose to break this stubborn Warrior,...
This night scarred him,... a faded scar on his chest. And a deep cut one on his soul.
But Valefor was always stubborn. To stubborn to die - To stubborn to let define him by this moment.
So he opened up once again. But if this happen to him ever again. If Kying would betray him.
This for sure would finally break him.
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dragonbleps · 1 month
you know how, on youtube, if your comment gets Liked by the content creator and you edit the comment after the fact, the like gets removed? either due to a glitch or to prevent people from being sneaky and troll-y and bait-n-switching their comment to make it look like the cc agrees with something they don't
imagine if that happened on tunglr, if you edited a post and it removed the likes. i'd never have any likes on anything because i will minutely edit posts up to a week after i posted them lkjskhjhdfg
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crimeronan · 1 year
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safyresky · 2 months
Give it a read on ao3 HERE.
Year Three
After failing to "make amends" over dinner with Jacqueline, Santa Jack visits the other Frosts to extend an "olive branch".
Physically PAINED ME to write--because I 100% essentially rewrote this chapter while prepping it for crossposting--this year because it's the year Jack goes to see the rest of the fam. And man, reading THIS VERSION OF A REUNION, WHERE MTF DIDN'T HAPPEN, AFTER CRYSTAL SPRINGS HAS BEEN FINISHED? I dealt so much psychic damage to myself, oy vey.
Would've been up sooner but we had a BIG EMOTIONS night here at safyresky industries. Eh, what are you gonna do? Bottle it up like these sprites do? FUCK NO! THAT'S HOW YOU FUCK YOURSELF UP! AH!
Word count went from 7k to 12k. I am SO skilled out of control. RIP.
Not sure what to heck a Frostmas is? I got you, boo! Have a summary:
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn’t supposed to be Santa; I wasn’t supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack’s reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Interested? Take it from the top HERE on ao3! And here on ff dot net, where it is done up to Year 10.
And, of course, take a snippet from Year Three below the cut!
It was a moment before the doors swung open, revealing nobody. Jack frowned, confused. He blinked, peering into the foyer. “Can we help you?” Jack slowly lowered his gaze, taken aback by the new, slightly sassy voice. It was high pitched; gratingly so, almost. His heart skipped a beat when he finally came face to face with the figures that had answered the door. They were a matching pair. A boy and a girl. The boy held one of the doors open; the girl stood beside him, holding the other door open with one hand, the other sitting on her hip. They looked remarkably similar: same facial structure, freckles in all the exact same places along their faces. They were also very much on fire, the boy’s hair burning up, the girl’s hair lit at the ends, sparks cracking as she and the boy stared him down, unblinking. And that was when Jack realized that he was a big brother. AGAIN. Doubly so, in fact. It was the only logical explanation, after all. Twins. On fire twins. With very familiar noses and jawlines under the roundness. And very familiar golden eyes. Seems the next set of kids had finally taken after his father. “Hi,” he said, finally finding his voice. “Hey.” “Sup.” “Who are you?” “Who am I? You don’t know who I am? Actually, I should be asking you that. Both of you.” “Well, we asked you first, so…” the boy shrugged, looking up at Jack perplexed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You don’t know who I am? Really?” They shared a look. “Nah.” “Not a clue.” “The jacket doesn’t give it away? The silly hat?” “Ha. It is a silly hat, isn’t it?” The girl snickered. “What about our faces? We have very similar noses, don’t you. Don’t you think?” “Yours is way more crooked,” the boy pointed out. “Do you get punched a lot? I bet you do.” The girl turned to the boy. “He has a kind of gets punched a lot aura, don’t you think?” The boy ignored her, tilting his head. “Are you supposed to be Santa?” “Yes!” “You don’t look like Santa at all.” “Yeah man. Way too frozie around here,” the girl squinted, gesturing to her chin. “And you’re way too skinny,” said the boy. “I’ve been watching my weight! Way too many cookies, and you know, the holly jolly look just isn’t my thing.” “Too many COOKIES?!?!” “The holly jolly look? Isn’t? your thing? But that’s Santa’s thing. That’s his whole shtick!” “YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY COOKIES! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!”
Down to see how the Frostmas Family Reunion goes? FEAST YOUR EYES HERE!
And mind my errors, ehehehe.
I wanted to get this posted tf UP so I whooshed it in there after read through #2, and read through #3 is happening presently, if I manage to make it through without distraction. I started a thing called Frostmas Asides? More on that later, but it has my attention rn, and also I am EMOTIONALLY E X H A U S T ED and may just crawl into bed. Absolutely wildin given my penchants for late nights and that it's only midnight o'clock. Does NOT bode well for CR tomorrow, which is funny bc Time Change had me staying up ALL SORTS OF LATE THIS WEEK! AH!
Anyway, some fun changes abound! What's 🆕 for Y3: 2024 Edition:
Upped Bernard sass (delightfully so I think)
Wrote a whole new set of notes to get a vibe of where everyone actually was at, keeping MTF in mind and how the parents specifically are feeling when it occurs in CS
Added another brief bop into the present, with Jack recounting to Jacqueline where she, of course, interrupts him 🤪🤭
And then hits you with angst 😶
Winter's fierceness was upped; Fiera's anger is apparent, and Fino's general inquisitiveness/unease after it all is more apparent lol
That takes place in the morning room by the window where Jacqueline waited, but this time Blinter's waiting for her, and it's--they--IT'S POETIC, OKAY??? AH!
I think that's everything. I'm too tired to properly recount??? Despite having this rotating in the head all day, lol. Hmu if you notice any GLARING typos! And enjoy Year Three! >:)
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disdaidal · 9 months
Sometimes I really kind of envy you native English speakers who make writing and posting fics seem so fucking easy. With near perfect grammar and hardly any typos. Or those of you who are capable of writing & updating your fics whenever the muse hits you just right... and not like, once in six months. Actually, try two years lol.
Whereas me, a non-native speaker, who occasionally struggles even with basic English grammar:
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I'm fine. Totally.
#personal#okay so i've been writing this one piece of fiction for a while now#actually two but i've seemed to put the other one on hold for a while at least#(i may have mentioned this already like five times during the past two weeks but my point is i'm still working on it)#many thanks to @ihni who recently gave me some words of encouragement <3 and ofc @catzy88 who gave me even more insp *saatananauru*#and i'm actually really kind of enjoying it because there's no pressure to write it and post it#i write it in small sections. whenever i feel like it. giving myself enough time to plan it and think about it. even getting new ideas#and for once i'm trying not to keep editing and fixing it as i go. i just write whatever crap comes to my mind and just let it flow#i try not to think about how many mistakes and typos i make because that way i'm never gonna get it finished#but at the same time... when it's finally time to go through it#fix typos. missing words. possibly poor grammar. i know i'm just gonna hate it so fucking much lmao#but i'm really trying my best here okay. and i'm trying not to rush it. for once#because i used to write like this as a teenager. when there was nowhere really to post your original stories (thank god for that)#so i did it in my notebooks. and i quite enjoyed it doing that way#and i'm not sure why i'm even rambling this because most of you are never gonna read it anyway lol. so who gives right#but it matters to me and i'm feeling good about writing again so here i am rambling about it. no matter if you care not. so cheers mateys <
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l-cereta · 1 year
oh my god u know the hrt is working when u get genuinely white girl drunk
#ive never been this drunk before this is crazy. the gender euphoria of not having any tolerance despite being able to drink 4 drinks a year#ago#like its that or someone Did something to this drink but it was from a housemate's stash. oh my god i wanted more of this im so glad im in#bed rn i could have made so many bad decisions#im like this close to posting one of the thirst(?) pics i took on my sideblog that i havent touched in a month#oh my god im fucking up so many words . gang im not pretending here i drank like 2 shots tops and its Fucking me somehow#WAIT I CAN EDIT TAGS#typos fixed :sunglasses:#genuinely crazy how much im feeling it tho ive literally Never felt it this much. id ask if ibuprofen or spiro interact w alcohol but i#think there was a decent amount of time between when i took both#yeah like i took spiro ~10:57 and then uh drank after. 11 hm ok this isnt as spaced out as i expected#i dont think im going to alcohol jail tho. im being responsible im In Bed im not gonna go do anything stupid (altho i do. want to ask#someone downstairs to do something stupid. but maybe thats the alcohol talking)#also shileas is downstairs and shes a bitch and i dont want to be cringy in front of her#i dont know if shes trans or just a really masc lesbian btw . shes cool but she also has some bad takes sometimes and i dont think she#likes me#im writng so many tags <3 but thats what love is. if anyones read this far idk like the post or something#you know the one post where the person puts an egg in their mouth. and then people share the tags. this is that#i was gonna be typing this out on a discord server but i thought no. this deserves to have everyone see it#man also if i went down and asked like if anyone wants to fuck like who would say yes . shileas is a super senior maeve is in a relationshi#p#i dont like riley and . man idk about griffin. but i think im a lesbian. maybe im just desperate.#bUT IM NOT GONNA. im not gonna.#i dont want to sleep tho i want to have fun :(( but my roommate is asleep#& its not like anyones gonna fuck me on this bed . with like my lovies (thats what i call my stuffed animals) and shit .#i genuinely didnt expect that i could get this drunk and whats crazy is i know i could be more drunk#can u imagine if someone reads this and goes 'well shes clearly sober and faking it' no </3 im simply very eloquent i was neglected as#a child so i read alot lol#whoops *a lot not alot#wasnt there a limit of like 26 tags. when do i hit that
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thislittlekumquat · 4 months
the thing about editing is that you need to know when to be done. you need to know when the returns have diminished.
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wutheringmights · 1 year
waiting with bated breath. nervous. scared. laughing hysterically
I’m still editing, and it’s gonna take a little while longer. Go eat and read a book and stuff. You’ll know when it’s done
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