#educational project
evkircheruhla · 8 months
Alter, Krankheit und Kinder - Old age, illness and children
(English below) Am Mittwoch (18. Oktober) ging es wieder los. Am Morgen haben wir uns auf den Weg nach Gahini gemacht, wo es eigentlich schon letzte Woche hingehen sollte. In Gahini angekommen, besuchten wir zuerst eine alte Dame, welche mindestens 96 Jahre alt ist (so genau weiß sie es auch nicht). Sie betreibt schon seit sehr vielen Jahren einen Kindergarten und hat das bemerkenswerterweise…
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rattusn0rvegicus · 10 months
Man I feel like a lot of leftist activists would do a lot better to just use common fucking language to talk about things rather than dense academic shit that's only understandable to people with PhDs and people who spend 95% of their waking life on Leftist Twitter lmao
Like, you're talking with other academics? Great, use academic language. You're a social media account trying to interact with the general public? Don't say "decarcerate", say "find alternatives to imprisonment". Don't say "collective liberation", say "freedom for all". By GOD don't say "bodymind autonomy", say "the ability to have control over our own minds and bodies".
Yes it takes a little more effort to explain shit in common language but I promise you people will stop looking at you like you have two heads and dismissing everything you say as Woke Bullshit if you like, actually get on their level, goddamn it. Not everyone has the privilege to have a graduate-school level understanding of this type of language or spend so much time reading leftist theory that they can perfectly understand this stuff.
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reality-detective · 26 days
Here you have it folks!
Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA.  DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) began investing in gene-encoded vaccines in 2012.
In other words, the military came up with the idea of messenger RNA vaccines, not Pfizer or Moderna.
"This is a military program."
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kolajmag · 2 years
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The Woods Women & Other Works
Saya Woolfalk at Leslie Tonkonow Artwork + Projects in New York, New York, USA through 23 November 2022. Saya Woolfalk creates works of art that combine elements of her African American, Japanese, and European heritage, with allusions to anthropology, feminist theory, science fiction, and Eastern religions. In this exhibition, Woolfalk introduces “The Woods Women”, a secret society that predates her Empathic Universe. The exhibition includes the artist’s newest works on paper, inspired by her study of the renowned Hudson River School and herbarium collections at The Newark Museum of Art where she was the Artist-in-Residence in 2019. MORE
Kolaj Magazine, a full color, print magazine, exists to show how the world of collage is rich, layered, and thick with complexity. By remixing history and culture, collage artists forge new thinking. To understand collage is to reshape one's thinking of art history and redefine the canon of visual culture that informs the present.
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ysabellious · 8 months
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thought about the frog show again at 4am
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xulips · 8 months
Okay hi it’s me again !! I saw u headcanon her as mtf so i’m sorry if my comment about her having transmasc/enby swag made u uncomfortable :( (also mtf Kohane is such a great hc omg we need more mtf hcs)
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ITS ALRIGHT MAN!! i personally hc her as mtf but people who hc her to be enby / transmac is personally ok me! embrace your imagination! have fun!
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asbestos-11 · 3 months
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that one post that's doing rounds on twitter is made for me and my fellow mpreg enjoyers.
the twitter post in question. made by user tarraerae
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btlo20 · 3 months
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The best kindest teachers!art by me!
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nothorses · 1 year
yeah yeah we get it you think schools are awesome. do you plan to do anything about the autistic children being hunted for sport or
I'm getting a cert in disability studies as part of my master's in education & doing research into the impact of the IEP/504 Plan system requiring diagnoses on undiagnosed disabled students, as part of a longer term plan for more research & eventual curriculum design for alternative ways of ensuring accommodation and accessibility that do not rely on disabilities being identified and access to diagnosis (ex: building on the existing "Universal Design for Learning" concept that's becoming more widely adopted, with more specific and disability-oriented design principles, like not having due dates or required days of attendance).
so yes, hopefully!
I'm also really, really not the only one. this specific work is niche and may not even end up being my focus ultimately (I'm just barely getting started!), but it's work that builds on what other people have been doing, and are doing, to address the absolutely fucking dismal state of how disabled students are treated in education.
Special Ed specifically is a fucking nightmare for a lot of reasons, and I have enough personal experience with that to be pretty motivated to address it in whatever ways I can.
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ziskeyt · 4 months
When I wrote my thesis a few years back I read this article/book chapter that I found useful for the discussion of the ways that blaming Jews turns into caricatures of Jews which in turn became character tropes and narrative turns that we can find in literature, specifically children's fantasy per the scope of my research. Over the past number of months I keep thinking about this one piece specifically, and how I think it would be good for more people to read it.
The Ritual Murder or Blood Libel Legend: A Study of Anti-Semitic Victimization through Projective Inversion by Alan Dundes, edited by Simon J. Bronner. JSTOR stable link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/j.ctt4cgrzn.24.pdf It's openly available, you do not need institution access to be able to view it, please do give it a read.
It's a discussion about the blood libel legend, where it comes from, why it proliferates, and why Christians are so obsessed with it. I found it to be a really well argued take on the idea of projecting internal guilt onto the other and how that is a large aspect of the longevity of this particular antisemitic legend. Given what we've seen in the past four months, there is room to discuss the way that this idea of projective inversion is very relevant today.
I am a scholar in literary antisemitism, not in politics, not in war, not in human rights. I am looking at what is happening online and in leftist spaces from the view of someone who spent years studying antisemitic rhetoric.
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evkircheruhla · 8 months
Armut, Leid und Tod - Poverty, suffering and death
(English below) Im Zuge des Praktikums unserer Praktikantin besuchten unsere Mitarbeiterinnen Laurette, Vanessa und Charlotte kürzlich die Familie zweier Patenkinder, die die Grundschule besuchen. Und dort hat sich eine sehr traurige Geschichte ereignet. Die Besucher fanden die Mutter der Kinder in einem sehr schlechten gesundheitlichen Zustand vor und erfuhren, daß sie an Struma gelitten hat,…
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sunlit-haruka · 5 months
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Kids these days and their "portraying myself as a horrific terrifying monster in my brain through my fursona"ing smh
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ohitslen · 1 year
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College (uni??) AU catering to my own interests as it should always be hehe :)
#projecting my major on Vash because them mfs who have changed from the med field majors to that one have some tragic things to tell#and also because I think that Vash would be such a wonderful designer I don’t know why it’s a gut feeling#Nai the law major because of course he would have you seen the guy#he would be a personal injury lawyer because lore#fun fact Nai rested for a semester after the incident with Vash while Vash took two.He never told Nai he would be changing majors#so it was a big big shock for him. they fought again but yk I’ll explain more on that if anyone is interested#as to Kni and WW I thought it’d be funny if they shared a common subject that required a lot of team assignments#and they can NEVER work out together. being an absolute nightmare to the rest of their group#separately they are great to work with. even if Kni can come off as too bossy sometimes he is actually a great leader#and WW would always deliver things on time exactly as it was asked from him#but Kni and WW just never really matched. Kni was too rude at times when WW made a mistake and WW would always clock him if he passed a line#like insulting his reasons for wanting to study security#one day Kni tells him at the beginning of a new semester where they both have unfortunately landed on a shared subject again#“you are not suited for that sort of job Wolfwood. you should simply give up and why don’t you go play role model to your little kids’’#then WW beats him again and then is like hey yk what you’re kinda right. and changed majors and he feels so much more at home studying#education/teaching than security. he fucking hates some things but the end goal makes it worthy#Trigun Uni! AU#because I don’t know how differently a college and a uni work#trigun#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun stampede#vashwood#trigun fanart#wolfwood#vash#Nai saverem#millions knives#lenssi draws#pen!
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reality-detective · 23 days
Former Threat Advisor to the White House, CIA and the Pentagon Jim Rickards explains how project "Ice Nine," which is code for the financial reset is being readied by BlackRock and other financial institutions to facilitate the NWO. 🤔
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Wounded Knee Massacre, Wounded Knee Creek, SD, December 29, 1890 / 2023
Image: Bruce Carter, We Remember Wounded Knee 1890-1973, 1974 [Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.]
Plus: Dec. 29, 1890: Wounded Knee Massacre, Zinn Education Project
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traceyshortfilm · 2 months
For all the people that always try to debate Yasmin on Twitter, saying: "Why do aces need rights? No one is attacking you, no one cares that you're asexual"
Well, this is just a fraction of the hate we received on Facebook after publicizing our Tr(ace)y project last May:
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People seem to care a lot!
Until we can post freely and unapologetically about being ace and get a much bigger ratio of support than hate, we will always keep doing the work. If this is what our project received, I can't even imagine what Yasmin gets in a day. Shoutout to the most badass ace queen ever. Always reminding us to block out the haters!
Promoting education, understanding & compassion always! 💜
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