#eeeee they're so soft
emlovessid · 9 months
@jegulus-microfic september 16, vision, 87 words
He’s towel-drying his hair in the bathroom when he notices James in the mirror, leaning against the doorframe. He loves James at all times, but he’s particularly fond of him first thing in the morning; eyes still clouded with sleep, cheek creased from his pillow.
“Morning, sleepy head,” Regulus says with a smile.
“You’re a vision, love.”
“I’m literally just wearing sweats and a jumper,” Regulus laughs as James wraps arms around him from behind, peppering kisses to his shoulder, his neck, his cheek.
“A vision.”
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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The difference one episode has made on their goodbyes and on Yutaka's attempts to fall asleep... the power of adorable compels us all. @absolutebl I am losing my mind over this softness.
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lovings4turn · 2 months
eeeee, okay, so you just know that i have to request a living dead girl with the beloved boy quinnifer hughes — maybe when they're holding hands and one just brings them up to their lips and places a kiss on their fingers from the kisses prompts ? i feel like that would be super cute with him <3
again, my beloved, thanks in advance, and i hope you’re doing well !! <3
oh i adore this dolly darling ,, thanks so much for sending it in n i'm sorry it took so long to get out !!! hope you like this lovely ,, all my love 😽💌!!!
quinn’s hand is heavy in yours, the weight of it reassuring as you both navigate the streets of vancouver. the weather may be cold, but to wear gloves would be to deny yourself the privilege of feeling his thumb regularly brushing against the back of your hand.
besides, your boyfriend has apparently been granted the superpower of running incredibly warm no matter the weather, and it would be silly of you not to capitalise on that.
you're both lost in silly conversation, the topic not really anything of note but interesting because you're engaging in it with quinn. it's one of those days where the weather is cold yet the sky is bright, and you can't prevent your gaze from roaming, appreciating the way that spring has transformed the city.
a soft gasp escapes your parted lips, and you go to drop quinn's hand in order to gesture towards a particularly pretty looking tree that had caught your eye.
just as your grip loosens a fraction, quinn's fingers link further with you own in an effort to keep your hand in his. you turn to him, half-hearted complaint ready on your tongue, when he lifts your hand up to his face. his lips brush against your fingers and the hair dusting his chin tickles the back of your hand.
quinn presses a brief kiss to your knuckles, momentarily alighting your skin with a flash of warmth, before he frees your hand from his grip, giving it one last squeeze as he does so.
his lips pull up into a crooked smile as he wraps an arm around your waist, wanting to maintain some form of contact with you however he can.
“there. now what were y’saying?”
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Hello, @a-mag-a-day. Apologies for the deception but I rather wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself. I'm assuming you're alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. I wouldn't try too hard to stop reading; there's every likelihood you'll just hurt yourself. So just listen. Now, shall we turn the page and try again?
Statement of landscaping-your-mind regarding episode 160 of The Magnus Archives.
Statement begins.
So, from all the stuff I scheduled for today you can probably tell I really like episode 160 of The Magnus Archives, right? Like, good lord, it is... it is a time. (Also, the words were really good (and also there's poetry) so :D incentive!)
Firstly, though, I have to say something. It's not the Watcher's Crown. The Watcher's Crown is the ritual Jonah Magnus attempted years ago. This is unnamed in canon, but Jonny said it could've been called The Magnus Archives.
Secondly... I would like to draw your attention towards the description of the youtube version of this episode. (to paraphrase)
The Magnus Archive discovers that some escapes are a lot easier than others.
I hate this so much. Like, with a burning passion. "The Magnus Archives discovers that some escapes are a lot easier than others" COME TO MY HOME AND KILL ME YOU COWARD! It just hurts, it just... hurts.
He can escape London, but he can't escape his ✨ purpose ✨
You ever think about how The Magnus Archives follows the story of Magnus' Archive? I do. A lot. I haven't even started listening yet, god, this episode am I right?
MARTIN (Joking) Or, (huffed laugh) or it is, and she just cleaned it up really well. (They both make uncomfortable chuckles) ARCHIVIST …Yes. (The Archivist makes an uneasy noise)
Just their really awkward laughter, oh my godd they're so endearing your honour, I'm so glad this episode and TMA ends at the 5 minute mark (< in denial)
ARCHIVIST Hopefully a long way out there. (soft) But I think we’re okay
I just love how soft Jon's voice gets around Martin, like, like, eeeee i just love them i love them they're the reason im aro bc i know i will never love someone romantically as much as jmart loves each other /j
MARTIN Oh, n-no, not yet. I was actually gonna head down into the village to go pick something up?
Ooooh yay I get to share my "where are they in scotland" headcanons! I think they're near Dunnet, because it's pretty far north and in the Highland area, and it's also got allegedly the only full time gunshop north of Inverness, and... yknow, it is Daisy's safehouse.
ARCHIVIST Anyway, don’t tell me the phonebox down there doesn’t appeal to your retro aesthetic.
your honour they're lightheartedly teasing each other <3
ARCHIVIST I’ll be fine.
(update im wrtinging with a cat on my lap now hes big. im balancing my computer on my leg.)
MARTIN I assume it’s her attempt at a- a, a varied diet? Eating your greens, you know? ARCHIVIST (Amused) Probably. (reassured) I’m sure it’ll work fine
hhh them <3 it's just like they're so... they're happy. they're so happy, and it's like nothing gold will stay or whatever
they had such a short amount of time
i wish they were ok
MARTIN …I will give you some privacy. Go for a walk. ARCHIVIST (Warmly) Let me know if you see any good cows. MARTIN Obviously I’m going to tell you if I see any good cows.
them being happy is almost worse, right. because what once was a surprise we now know will happen, we have to deal with the dread, and it's all bitter now, the happiness is rotten because of what lurks after.
some people can listen to the first five minutes and feel okay, but me?
for me it just hurts.
ARCHIVIST (CONT’D) (Pleasantly) Statement of Hazel Rutter regarding a fire in her childhood home. Original statement given August 9th, 1992. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, The Archivist. Statement begins.
He sounded so happy... he sounded so happy.
This is the first time he's happy before he reads a statement. He was happy, he was hiding from the police and the hunters and Daisy and Not!Sasha with his boyfriend in Scotland. And then, and then Jonah Magnus comes in and decides to end the world like a bastard.
I don't want to hit play. I don't want to know what comes next. I want to stop listening. I want Jon and Martin to be okay. I want it to be the real statement of Hazel Rutter.
I just want it to be the real statement of Hazel Rutter.
I get it, right, horror tragedy! This was the desired effect. I am supposed to be feeling these emotions. These emotions being very sad. Well done to Jonny, lovely writing. Fantastic! I love TMA with my whole heart. I think that it's fantastic. I don't want to hit play though. I'm here for the characters suffering, I got in through The Hermit Archives, I wanted more of the horror! I am here for suffering! I'm here for the suffering. I'm hitting play.
Statement of Jonah Magnus regarding Jonathan Sims, The Archivist. Statement begins.
He could have just ended the world. Like, the whole... forcing Jon to monologue about all the times he was manipulated into furthering Jonah's plan? That's fucked. That is fucked. Just put the ritual there you slimy piece of shit!
It’s rare that you get the chance to monologue through the voice of another, and you can’t tell me you’re not curious.
*me to my dog, in the "talking to a dog" voice* You wanna kill him too! Hey! You wanna kill him too!
Like, okay, so you're Jon and you're reading this statement and you can't stop, and this bastard says "you can't tell me you're not curious." Tell me that's not going to make him think that if he tried a little harder then he would've been able to stop reading. Tell me that's not going to make him think that a part of him wanted to end the world, and that's why he's still reading. Tell me that's not going to make him blame himself even more.
The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable transformation was to bring it about myself.
He's so bloody arrogant. He puts himself above the entire world. It makes sense, he's from Regency era England, but like, it's still... really awful. Awful person.
Beyond that, I was getting older, and mortality began to weigh more heavily on my mind. How much in this world is done because we fear death, the last and greatest terror?
When I fear death I distract myself, not try to end the world. Like, this guy is just so evil. His only redeeming quality is being funny sometimes.
Everyone dies, Jack Magnet, you just chose to be a bastard about it.
Of course, I had to make sure the location was kept under my control while I worked on revising my plans, and so I moved the organization I had founded to assist in my research down to London, and the Institute as you know it, was born.
Right, so The Magnus Protocol's Magnus Institute was located in Manchester, and I'm not an expert on the geography of the United Kingdom, and basically know nothing about Manchester, bar that it has the... football, I want to say, team Manchester United? I don't know how I know that. But it seems as though Jonah Magnus didn't attempt his ritual, or attempted it some other way in that universe.
You see, the role of Archivist has been part of the Beholding for as far back as my research can go. This isn’t uncommon for the Powers; most of the beliefs around them are guesswork and fallible human interpretation, but there are certain through lines and consistencies that can be spotted, regardless of the trappings.
I wonder what the others are. The Dancer could be one - The Dancer in The Unknowing. I think Jonny said in a QnA, but you know, the author is dead, he's speaking to us posthumously, that The Architect could have been one. Not sure what others. If y'all have any ideas... 👀
More than once I thought she must secretly be of the Hunt; but there was never that sick joy in her, that thrill of predator and prey. She had simply decided that this was her position in life, and went about it with a practicality that even I found disconcerting at times.
Ok, Mr. Jonah "orchestrates twelve traumatising events for this one guy and gets him to end the world" Magnus. He cannot talk, he cannot talk at all. Sure, she sacrificed people, but she wasn't malicious. She did it for a cause. Did she believe she was good? I'm not sure she cared.
Jonah Magnus is just awful for his own self gain.
You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the panic of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral? Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down. To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down.
Gerry's colour explanation makes a lot of sense if you don't conceive of it as a traditional colour wheel. They're growing out in every direction, they all overlap with each other.
Sure, the fear of The Eye may seem in direct opposition to the fear of The Stranger, but let's take Jon, for instance. Is it not sort of Stranger to have some guy in a coffee shop staring at you with his autistic eyes, a person you don't know, but who definitely knows you?
What about the fear of The Buried and the fear of The Vast. Episode 195 covers that pretty handily. They're all interconnected with all of the others. Separating them makes them easier to understand (and invertedly makes them actually separated), but it isn't them, not truly. They are connected intrinsically.
Even the coffin! The fear of being alone in the dark is a part of the coffin.
Because the thing about the Archivist is that, well, it’s a bit of a misnomer. It might, perhaps, be better named: The Archive. Because you do not administer and preserve the records of fear, Jon. You are a record of fear, both in mind as you walk the shuddering dread of each statement, and in body as the Powers each leave their mark upon you. You are a living chronicle of terror.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this. The Archivist is something... defined by how they feed their patron, but The Archive is defined by how they've been hurt to bring it into the world. He's not defined by even a person-like role, he's something molded by Jonah Magnus' desires to end the world.
I wrote a little poem about it, which I shall share here, because I am cringe but I am free, unlike Jon. RIP
He's not a person with a name, He's a vessel of destruction, He's not a person who feels pain, It's necessary for production, That he's scarred and marked, By things that lurk in the dark, Believe himself useless, Or it'll be fruitless, And at the end of the day, He's no person, no name, He's a plan that has come to fruition.
Also, he calls himself The Archivist, perhaps viewing himself as... something that hurts others, rather than something that is hurt for a purpose.
I’ll admit, my options were somewhat limited, but my god, when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you. I even held out some small hope you had been sent by the Spider as a sort of implicit blessing on my whole project and, do you know what, I think it was.
"I chose you" "I'll admit, my options were somewhat limited" Mr. Magnet, he was chosen by the web. Jonah's just not afraid to be puppeted.
So, when Jane Prentiss attacked, I watched eagerly, one hand on the gas release from the start.
This line fucked me up. "One hand on the gas release from the start." Just... like it just sticks in my mind. How he held all their lives in the palm of his hand, how he let Sasha die, and Tim get eaten by worms, because he wanted his bloody perfect Archive.
One hand on the gas release from the start, while all of them almost - or did - die(d).
Like, what gets me is how fucked up Jon was afterwards, how he was asking everyone for their statements, shutting them up before they got to the part where they'd mention Jon and Tim getting eaten with worms. What gets me is how Elias was there and Jon was what, looked like a bloody mummy! He didn't have second thoughts when he saw...
He knew everything. He saw everything. He saw how fucked up Jon was over e v e r y t h i n g. (everything)
That's what gets me.
Between the stabbing and at least two desperate flights into its door, you’re marked very deep by the Spiral.
And, you know, the manipulation, the gaslighting, the betrayal. I saw an interesting post on this, but I can't seem to find it. I'll look in the posts I've rbed tagged TMA meta, I'll link it in a reblog if I find it.
Honestly, I had nothing to do with Melanie and her Slaughter adventure, but when I saw the situation, I made sure to trap her here, so whenever her rage bubbled over you were right there, a ready target.
You know after Jon's second kidnapping that could have totally been resolved how Jonah made Jon stand in front of Melanie while she wanted to kill Jonah with a knife, and how it's like oh, right, yeah, use Jon as a bloody meat shield to get her angry at him, make him the scapegoat, that was intentional. It was intentional to destroy everyone in the Archives' interpersonal relationships, and then have Jon. A ready target for hatred and vitriol.
How is Martin, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
I think that Jonah Magnus should eat shit and die.
The power of the Ceaseless Watcher flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
If you replace the Ceaseless Watcher with Determination then it reads like an Undertale save.
* The power of Determination flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
Don’t worry, Jon. You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made.
This also ties in with the above, I hate that he says "our victory" "the world that we have made." Jon didn't consent to this, Jon didn't want this, Jon was made to be an unwilling conduit of the apocolypse and Jonah Magnus is insinuating that he chose it, the victim blaming little prick!
You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right. Come to us in your wholeness. Come to us in your perfection. Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies! Come to us. I OPEN THE DOOR!
GREAT INCANTATION! 10/10! And it's actually recitable, unlike the TBI one.
ARCHIVIST Look at the sky, Martin. Look at the sky. It’s looking back.
That is a fucking fantastic final line of the episode. All of it, four seasons leading up to this moment. Look at the sky. It's looking back.
Fuck dude!
(The Archivist begins a fractured, delirious, humourless, laugh that does not end)
That laugh.
That laugh is just... haunting. I love it so much. It makes me want to cry. I used to have it saved on my phone and I'd just listen to it over and over and over again and get more and more disturbed and heartbroken.
That laugh. That broken, horrific laugh.
I can't get over it.
And thus ends season 4 of The Magnus Archives. With a broken laugh in front of a window, leading out to the doomed world.
Episode 160 is quite possibly my favourite metaplot episode of The Magnus Archives, the way the whole plan was revealed, the awful manipulations that were exposed... that laugh.
I leave you all to think on this. To think on the Archive née the Archivist née Jonathan Sims, laughing at the world he has unwillingly and unwittingly doomed.
Goodnight, a-mag-a-day, goodnight. /ref
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bastardwerewolf · 1 year
I love ur TMNT 2012 and Steven Universe AU!
And all the art and concepts u have done so far!
I wanted to do a art request for it, since u said that would be okay, and I want maybe some
Leo and Raph Homeworld stuff, but with the idea that Leo as a Saphire and Raph is a Ruby, because God, those gems are pretty perfect for them (though, I could maybe see Leo as a pearl too, but honestly, Leo as a Sapphire is just too perfect. Oh! Him as a Lapis too, would be really cool too actually now that I think about it); even though them all as ammanites (or however u spell that gem name) is a cool idea too.
Anyway, back on the Request idea. Maybe Raph can be showing Leo there is more to life than just a being Homeworld's precious puppet, and then maybe they could end up fusing (because I also want to see more fusions. Esp. Leo and Raph and April? ones, but honestly; I just love fusions in general) like Ruby and Saphire do in the show, but it is a fusion more out of friendship and/or brotherly care for each other?
Or something like that. If that is too specific, the basic gist is that I would love some Leo and Raph stuff with them being a Sapphire and Ruby stuff and/or a Leo and Raph fusion.
Eeeee thank you so much!!! Your art request was very much appreciated :D
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(I've been doing a lot of concept stationary art, so decided to treat myself to a proper illustration. Hehehehe.)
Au notes time :
Here's Garnet:
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Plus! I think I'm gonna go ahead and finalize what the boys gems are. In my first post I said I couldn't decide between them all being ammonites or separate gems, so they're just gonna be both. Leo for example, is both ammonite and sapphire.
Exactly how that works... I'll decide later. But yeah...I couldn't decide between the two so I went to even ground. They can just be both.
Another April fusion!
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I love April and Leo's friendship so this was a treat to design. I imagine Labradorites voice being very soft and I think that settled the design for me.
(-Leo on his own has very weak/unreliable future vision, due to him not being fully sapphire. So Labradite is the one to go to for future advice. )
Homeworld X notes:
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Gonna be honest. Uhh I actually had no idea what I wanted homeworld to be like for my au, I had to sit and think for a good long while after reading your request and I think I got a general idea down now.... hopefully...
-I'm gonna polish up some story stuff then I'll do some homeworld X sketches. Promise!
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hotcat37 · 3 months
✨✨✨Morning/afternoon/evening delivery 4 one AMAZING Hotcat37!! :D
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(looks like todays packages come with a little story,isn’t that adorable :3) 4 the Bo(jan)2 one every photo is like a little memory,the tree where they would always make out at when they’d both run off into the woods when they were tired of the things that come with newfound fame,the cake Bojan (tried) 2 make 4 Jan’s birthday which he ALMOST burnt down the kitchen over,the bouquets of white tulips that Jan got 4 him N Bojan’s first valentines together (N the condom heart Bojci made as a surprise 4 later that night) the picture of two foxes Jan took when he hanging out in the woods that reminded him of them,that time they went on a animal sanctuary date N found a black cat N golden retriever duo which Bojan BEGGED Jan 2 adopt but they couldn’t cuz of how damn expensive it was 2 even GET the two (they do come back 2 see the duo tho sometimes :3)
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The Bojere one on the other hand is just a fic idea that popped into my head at some ungodly hour last night,story goes:Jere finally finds time 2 stay in Slovenia 4 a couple of weeks 2 see his man soo Bojan takes him out on a icecream date + a lil stroll in Ljubljana’s flower field’s,one thing leads 2 another N they end making out then going at it in one of the most romantic spots in the country (stargazing as aftercare cuz who wouldn’t want that ☺️)
That is all,luv ya✨✨✨✨✨
okay, Bo(jan)²: I love the soft vibe to this board and the pic with the heart tree rlly stood out to me. Also ofc they're ouppy/kitty coded <3 🐕🐈‍⬛ I rlly enjoy the fact that it's all little memories they have together and you obviously put a lot of thought into it!! The cake too agh :") Honestly Bojan/Jan is so underrated so I'm happy to see some content of them <3
Bojere: I LOOOVE the pink and the lill fic idea behind it!! The Pikachus are...quite telling 👀😳 But then the gorgeous flower fields and the shooting stars and the softness to this whole board <33 God I love Bojere sm they're so sweet together. Also stargazing as aftercare so true 💕💕
Thx sm for blessing me with these! :D 💞
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spookyserenades · 3 months
Bestie you did nottttttt leave us off like that 😭 I knew it had to be either Seokjin or Hoseok to confess to her first! I was worried that Jin would push OC away and stay distant for a while but i’m glad thats not the case. Speaking of Jin that little moment when he was texting with OC and sent her those emojis and said the cat was him was so cute I love him! Also same thing with Tae after the near kiss incident I was so sure he’d completely avoid her and tbh idk if i’m buying the i don’t remember what happened story but i’m hoping he’s telling the truth bc i cannot handle it when the hybrids distance themselves 😭
On a lighter note I will never not laugh any time Hoseok calls Jungkook and Namjoon the ghostbusters he’s such a brat lmao! I love seeing their dynamics unfold more any time we get more paranormal action. I’m curious to see what’s been haunting the Sanders family! I was thinking about how each kid must be absolutely enamored by the hybrids. For Julie it’s Jk like imagine ur mom brings some paranormal investigation group and this tall, handsome, tatted up, and pierced guy shows up to your house??? I’d come out of my room too 💀 and how Ms Sanders said her son loves wolves and how he was looking at Namjoon all starry eyed is so sweet! I can definitely see them way more open to the investigation and discussing their own experiences based on their reactions to the boys alone. It just goes to show how truly important each of the 3 members of the group are.
Ok and let me get into the smut real quick bc i simply cannot help myself. I swear Yoongi makes me want to chew on the table as well 😂 That soft dom energy he was is insane! I give so much credit to OC for not jumping his bones any time he walks into the room. Got me giggling and kicking my feet fr.
There’s so many more moments i’m sure but my little squirrel brain cannot remember them all. I swear i need to start taking notes reporting back 😂 it’s only instances like these I think I prefer wattpad’s design bc imagine how fun it would be to be able to comment on specific paragraphs in that moment. So even if i can’t recall every single moment I love, that made me smile, laugh, want to throw my phone across the room, or chew on tables at the top of my head please know that I enjoy all the little moments in each chapter and your writing is never unappreciated 🥲🫶🏻
fkjalsfjesa I'm sorry bestie!!! Luckily in the next update we pick up right were we left off with Seokjin eeeee 🥺 Seokjin was a little distant, at first, when he found out about Y/N and Yoongi, but mostly because he thought he'd never get to be with her romantically. I think after the cooking class, he just couldn't hold back his feelings anymore! AH the emojis he used 😭 he's such a cutie, just a big kitty!
Ah poor Tae blacked out... def doesn't remember the near-kiss. If he did, I'm sure he'd avoid Y/N like the plague out of embarrassment or shame :( I think he'll take some time to get comfortable with the shifting dynamics, but he's really attached to Y/N, so I don't see him icing her out for too too long.
HA I love that Hoseok is the resident skeptic. Even though he witnessed that ghost in the house, he still doesn't really get it like Namjoon and Jeongguk. Speaking of them, they've struck up an unlikely friendship with their team! I'm super excited to write their investigation scene, and find out what's haunting the family 😉 YESS you're right the two kids took a liking to each of them but gkdalgj YOURE SO RIGHT I'D LEAVE MY ROOM FOR GOTH JEONGGUK TOO. I just I'm so !!! pumped to explore this part of the plot with the 3 of them, I think it will help those two hybrids to get closer to Y/N, since they're the less affectionate, clingy ones.
OOF the smut! I'm being soooo honest I need Yoongi biblically. I'm really glad that you're chewing on the table with me,,,, I have SUCH a thing for soft doms and Yoongi definitely radiates that sooo much. Also fr I'd be in his room NIGHTLY waiting for all of that 💀
LMAOO NOT THE SQUIRREL BRAIN BESTIE!!! As for the Wattpad thought, I've been adding the chapters there and eventually when it's all caught up the monthly updates will go up there too, so if you wanna comment on specific things that might be easier 💜
I love love you!! Thank you so much for being so sweet and kind to me, and for reading Trouvaille, supporting me! Your feedback means so much, and I'm sending you one million hugs 💜💜💜
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
I have so many things running through my head right now (all about Barbatos 🫶) but I feel weird sending multiple asks so I hope you don't mind if I put them all in one!
Firstly, owl Barbatos has been flying around my thoughts for DAYS. As a long-time bird lover, I can wholeheartedly say that he's very owl like in general! But this is less about him being a cutie patootie little bird and more about his onesie thing. I NEED TO HUG HIM. He looks so soft and comfy and squeezable EEEEE! I just need to spot him from across the room and then rush up to him and envelope him in the biggest embrace ever! Place several little kisses all over his beautiful face before he's had enough and just kisses me... 🙏 He actually looks like a dream to cuddle with in his onesie I cannot stand it.
Next, I am terrified of butterflies. This current even had me thinking all about how Barbayos would deal with this. Like, I am so scared of them that when I was a child, I was kicked out of the butterfly sanctuary for screaming and crying and scaring the other kids. Anyways, LMAO, I think he'd think I'm silly (I am) but still never make fun of me. That's what's so wonderful about him, he'll never judge!
I just realized these are all completely self-indulgent, and I apologize for that, but I have one more djmsjdwnwkow. So, I had left over chain from a previous DIY project, so I made Barbatos' collar chain that he has in his demon form!! I think it's super cool, and I think he'd think it is, too. I wouldn't even tell him about it, I'd just wear it one random day and see if he notices. (He will. He notices everything. More evidence towards owl Barbatos propaganda.) But, yeah, we'd match. I was wondering if you had any silly things you'd like to match Barbatos with! Personally, matching pajamas and keychains are SO cute.
Final thought, Barbatos would make you his home screen. Anyone can see a lockscreen if you look at their phone, but only he gets to see your face on his home screen <3
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Listen, I always have Barbatos brain so I totally understand. You're free to send in one long ask or several smaller asks, it's whatever you're most comfortable with! I don't mind either way 💕
Ahh, owl!Barb is truly excellent. Like I definitely think that's a good choice for him. Owls have a reputation for being wise, right? And while I think in reality they're probably just as dumb as any other animal, I still like the association of wisdom for Barb, you know?
I actually have an owl that lives behind my house. I've never seen it because it gets dark here at night, but I've heard it hooting. It's actually pretty loud lol. But wouldn't it be cute if that was something Barbatos could do to like check in on MC in the human world? I think something similar whenever I see the crow gang that lives across the street from me, except I imagine it's Mammon. That's probably pretty silly, but I can't help but think about them, you know?
I think there are a lot of bird associations with the characters, I mean we also got peacocks for Luci. Though I have never seen or heard a peacock around my house lol. If I ever see a cow in the street, I'll blame Belphie.
Anyway, getting off topic here, which is that Barbatos in his onesie is absolutely adorable and I love him. He would be a delight to cuddle with.
OH suffering from lepidopterophobia?? LOL yes okay I looked that up because I was curious. I was like there has be a word for being afraid of butterflies. Anyway, I don't think Barbatos would judge you at all. The fact is, most phobias like this are irrational, it doesn't matter if they don't make sense. For you the fear is real and Barb cares a lot more about your comfort than anything else. He wouldn't want you to be scared or anxious about it!
Yo, no worries about self indulgence. I have so many self indulgent fics it's not even funny, this is what we're here for. I think Barbatos would be flattered that you would want to match with him. I especially like that it's something from his demon form, which he isn't in all the time, so it's like you're matching with him in a subtle sort of way. As for me, I don't know if I'd want something that's exactly matching, but I like the idea of something that's like clearly about him, you know? Like wearing a ring with a teal stone or something like that. I initially thought about wearing a teal septum ring, but then I realized I would like to be able to see it without a mirror so a regular ring would probably be my choice. I do like matching pajamas, though, that sounds adorable!
Oh yes, I like him being possessive. He's like, only I get to see this picture of MC, so it must be home screen. We'd kinda match that, too because this man is already on both my lock screen and my home screen yes I have a problem.
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brandycranby · 11 months
hi brandy!!! happy weekend! 🥰 do you have anything fun planned? i hope you can relax and get lots of rest 🧸🧺🛌
this is sooo soft and reading it made me feel cozy 🫂 smartie raccoon!reader hehehehee i searched up raccoon facts and found that they're excellent learners + can also remember the solution to problems and use it again years later! (source)
so i present to you my thoughts 👉🏻👈🏻: steebie and raccoon!reader sharing the sunday paper! 🗞 steve starts with the front page and raccoon!reader tackles the crossword puzzle first 😁 she's intelligent with a great memory and her finishing time is always impressive ofc 😌 she loves the praise pouring out of steve when they check the answers together 🥹
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also this is us making biscuits ☺️🤍
eeeee hi tt 😊🫶🏻✨💕 i'm having a nice relaxing weekend speed-knitting a sweater. i have a big brunch date planned with a friend on monday so im prepping for that too ☺️ gonna do my nails
I LOVE UR HEADCANON 😖😖 smartie raccoon has my whole heart... gasp steebie calls her that!! she's his little smartie pants. and she's sooooo smart too!! an unfinished list of things raccoon!reader is capable of:
crosswords!! other word puzzles!! ofc that means she has to have a lot of trivia knowledge. this means she loves to read and absorb EVERYTHING. from reality tv to wikipedia articles to national geographic reports 😌
memorizes recipes and kitchen tricks!! loves to learn about obscure dishes and likes cooking in bulk bc it makes her feel safe and also bc steve eats sooooo much, truly the love of her life
(tho she can go off recipe bc her raccoon instincts cry for chaos and innovation)
learns how to defuse a bomb from crime dramas. she learned. no one knows how but steve's not keen on letting her try it out
remembers everyone's passwords hehe numbers and letters are her specialty after all. this means she can access everyone's streaming services mwahahaha
all of this intelligence means she has to be occupied in order to not be stressed out. this can be her handcraft project of the week most of them are on hold and lying around the compound or her video games!! she has so many, a lot of survival games bc she's very good at that and categorizing things, keeping tabs on food and water levels etc 💕
heehee ty for inspiring me 🫶🏻💕💕 us making biscuits bc we should be comfy and soft all the time yes yes wishing u a very dis tonight 😚
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pleasetakethis · 8 months
Trick or treat!? ^-^
eeeee this is so fun! Another random assortment of my creative "stuff" coming up!
First: this watercolor self-portrait made with Nuvo shimmer powders (powdered watercolor with mica, it's super shimmery in the light).
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Second: two acrylic paintings that are hanging up in my bedroom. I love to create art but don't really consider myself an artist, even though these are technically fanart. Rick Sanchez and Karl the Seagull (RIP).
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Third: a raw/unedited Ironstrange snippet! The snippet explains the premise. Dubcon (dream sex with an active dreamer, where only one participant knows they're both actively dreaming). Copy and pasted directly from the WIP, brackets and mistakes and all.
Stephen leaned forward and rested his forehead against Tony’s, letting the wall support both of them. They stayed together, just breathing, as he softened [redacted--explicit] out, Tony making a pained noise under his breath. “I would apologize if it wasn’t a dream,” Stephen offered, sliding his hands over Tony’s thighs as Tony straightened and stood on his own again, but still pressed close to Stephen. “Go ahead and get it out of the way, because it’s not,” Tony said and Stephen stiffened. He stared at Tony as he pulled back, features frozen. “You’re dead,” Stephen said. “I watched you die.” “Your Tony is dead, sure,” he nodded, running one hand through sweat-damp hair. The look he gave Stephen was soft. “Me, I’m stuck between universes because I was trying to get out when mine ended.” “What?” Stephen stumbled back, into the darkness of the room, [cognitive dissonance] [blurring the edges of the dream faster than any alarm could.] “No no no, don’t go yet, doc--you gotta remember this when you wake up, I have to get out of here.” Tony stared at him with wide, desperate eyes. “I don’t know how long it’s been and I finally found you, do not forget me, Strange!” “You’re dead,” Stephen [hissed] and the dream shattered around him, a current of [unconsciousness] sweeping it away.
@blubblesandink thank you for the ask!!
Original post for anyone who wants to play!
My tricks and treats!
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ivycryptid · 11 months
Notes On Season 2 of Good Omens
Good Omens Spoilers here!
So I ended up writing all my s2 reactions live on some sticky notes and I'm gonna post them here because a) it's tumblr, and b) why not!
Ep 1:
-Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy!
Ep 2:
-pfft the queen thing but Everyday (this might be ep 3, but it was on the ep 2 sticky note so)
-Jemima! <- the bue one :D
-"I lied", yeah I guessed that!
Ep 3:
Lindsey >: ?
-"ello, ello, ello"
-"I'm a Human police officer"
-Inspector! eeeee!
-It's amazing!
-eeeeeee! Muriel!
-the only ineffable thing in that is that they're husbands
-yellow :D
-flies? Flies?
-heh, not brain surgery
-bad angel >:l
-he's got a point
-Mr Dalrymple is cool
-Crowley WTF?
-kaiju Crowley
-drunk crowley pfft
-that isn't how phones work...
-unless it is!
-very closed
Ep 4
Oh it's those nazis
The intercom guy's annoying
Cuppa fire?
Oh she hates crow>:[
Wierd tounge :/
:l zombies
The pub!
Dhftffvifx friends!
What is that voice?
Mr tennant? How?
Oh no. Kiddo!
:( i liked magic guy
Zira. Really? I'm getting second hand embarrasemnt from over here
Oh frick. The miracle blocker
Oh frick. Crowleyyyy!
No paperwork!!!
Those were the magic words. Pfft
Shax NO!
Ep 5
Malignant and creeping sense of unease. Pfft
Tardis :D
Hey its s1 guy
Other peoples love lives always seem more straightforward than our own
And he's dead again
Oh no oh no oh no oh no
Jim :D
Drunk crowley don't do it!
Protective crowley :D
No don- oh thank goodness
Hot chocolate! :D
Muriel! Woo! I want to adopt her
She's a blorbo now :D
Eh shiny!
Fell whatre you doing?
Oh no Maggie!
What in the world zira?
Ep 6
Muriel happiness
What is that outfit crowley?
Oh they're in LOVEE
Maggie no!!!
And erics gone again
Some of those demons give me mechs inspo lol
Ahhhh i'm so worried
Makes sense in my head too nina
Co2 saves the day once again!
Fire trauma?Fire trauma
Muriel! Yes I'm going to continue this
Emotional support angel?
They're eachothers emtional support
Woo, co2! Good on the corruption and demons!
Institutional problem Pfft
Eeeereeee Muriel!
Oh not the books!
Yeah ineffable bureaucracy real
He does the get wrong sticky outy thing :D
Why am I feeling soft for ineffable bureaucracy?Also bigger on the inside
Oh no jim's gone :(
Oh He's alive
Eeeeee! Recordcoffee? (We need a ship name) Recordcoffee love!
Awwwwwwwwwww! Muriel :DDDDD
Talk you Idiots!
Eee Jolly Good!
No, don't do it zira!
We wrote unfalling but not like this neil!
Religious trauma zira!
Ineffable sadness :(
No nightingales :(
We could've been us
Internalized homophobia much?
Don't try to separate them Metatron!
Anyways s2 broke me :l
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cowcowwow · 1 year
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EEEEE <3333
Their shop :] :
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eulalielatibule · 6 months
I ship you with both of them:
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So you can all take care of eachother and bask in the love, silly shenanigans, and soft, happy feels you deserve 🥰
Eeeee the way I happy flapped lol that sounds like a dream! Thank you lovely!
I ship you with these two:
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Because they're sooooo soft and sooooo strong and would totally worship and take care of you like you deserve!!
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had an idea last night, may be my last request for a while so I don't overwhelm you but I'll be online!
So maybe jacket, Jimmy, Houston and hoxton with a non-heister S/O who's super innocent, like doesn't get dirty jokes, so on, who also really likes soft fluffy stuff? Cuz like that's cute
Your writing is fantastic btw! Keep up the great work ♡
Hi! Tysm I really appreciate it <33 Also my requests are open now so u can send all your prompts :> Oh and I'm sorry that these might be shorter; I've been losing my momentum recently... 😭
Jacket, Jimmy, Houston + Hoxton with innocent/cute/civie s/o
- I think he finds your innocence really refreshing, bc he's used to working with.... well the heisters
- They're not as innocent, as you are probably aware of
- But yeah, he kind of enjoys just having a cute and innocent s/o
- He's glad you haven't seen the horrors of the world
- But at the same time he feels bad bc
- What if he ruins it???
- Even if he isn't actually Jacket (as in, HLM/HLM 2 not being canon), he's still done a lot of... morally questionable things
- You're so nice and cute, he doesn't want to ruin your beautiful view on the world
- But at the same time... he's absolutely addicted to you
- Like everytime he hears you giggle, smile, or be cute... he can't get enough
- You know how people game because they need an escape? That's low-key him with you
- You're his comfort everything
- After a long day of hurting others, he just wants to see you
- Sometimes he'll just observe you
- Like... when your waiting at a park for your date, he'll just look at you for a little while before actually coming up to you
- It doesn't matter how silly goofy you are, he likes just seeing you interact with the world, in your cute clothing and your cute smile
- When he first met you, he thought your innocent demeanour was a facade
- 'Eh? What does... the eggplant emoji imply if not veggies?'
- Jacket just looks at you like 👁️👄👁️ 'how do you not know it means someone's DI-'
- (He did not say that)
- But still, he assumed you were just pretending to be that innocent
- Once he hung out with you more, he realized you really are just that dumb innocent
- I don't think he likes inviting you to the safehouse
- I mean, safehouse raids happen whenever so...
- Also he's scared the others might scare you or ruin your innocence
- He doesn't trust the others with you, especially alone
- If you do ever hang out with the others, they always tease Jacket about it
- Especially Houston
- 'No offense, but why did you choose chicken little over there? He's so-OW JACKET WAIT OW-'
- No he did not kill Houston... I think
- Jacket feels that Houston's right, why him???
- He thinks of himself of like... 4/10
- You? To him, you break the scale 😊
- (In a good way, not in a 'you're worse than 0' way)
- You probably have to keep reassuring him that he's a 10 (or more) in your eyes
- (He thinks you're lying)
- (We're not Jacket, you're cool)
- Still, he can't help but smile when you're hugging him on the couch, telling him how much you love him
- The combo of hugging your cute form, along with your gorgeous voice...
- Those moments make him feel like he can't get any better
- Like... he's made it, he's made it to heaven
- He would, in a heartbeat, give up everything for your sweet soul
- All you have to do is go 'Please...?' and he'd probably gut a guy for you
- (He definitely would, don't ask him unless you actually want him to)
- He can't help but become a little fluffier with you
- The snuggles... get him every single time
- He just wants to pick you up and just-
- Bro... he... he love you so much
- Idk if I headcanon him as neurodivergent (idk if I even can, as a neurotypical person)
- Whenever you snuggle with him or wear really cute fluffy clothes
- Flapping hands or something idk
- He... 🥺
- He's like 'bro my s/o is literally everything'
- Yes you are his new addiction moving on-
- He does call you his 'angel' most likely
- Most likely meaning you have a 90% chance-
- 'Hello angel.'
- OH and if he doesn't call you that??
- The other 10% he calls you something like 'sweetheart'
- (For context, I did not really until this-)
- Always has his hands on you
- Not in a bad way??? Like he just always has an arm around you, or holds your hand or a hand on your thigh/waist
- No, it is not sexual (unless you show those intentions to him)
- I genuinely think that when he's really out of it, he actually thinks you're not real 😭
- Like he'll squint his eyes and all 💀
- Man's is like 'no way you're real, there's no way I must be trippin HARD'
- He will pinch you or feel your face to make sure you are in the physical form 💀
- It's either that or he asks you if you've seen his partner (you)
- Like wth????
- 'Hhhhey excuse- excuse me? H-have you seen a person about ehh.... yay-high-?'
- It does not matter if you're crazy tall, he'll still do that
- '-they're like... SUUUUUPER cute... Like-like CRAZY amounts of cuteness. The kind of... AAWWWWWW A PUPPY cute, you know???'
- 'Babe, that's me-'
- Bro he trippin-
- Please help him through these times okay he just took a little too much of the illicit pharmaceuticals
- When he snaps out of it, he has no embarrassment about it
- (Idk how, if I were him I would've dug my own grave after)
- He does make sex jokes now and then, so he finds it kind of funny when you don't get them???
- Like 'haha your so stupid and cute I love you please marry me'
- (He has probably said this at one point in your relationship)
- Jimmy trying to explain 'adult jokes' to you is literally my source of comedy
- 'You see, it's funny because it looks like a PENI-'
- The idea of him explaining those kind of jokes while you're like '...?' to him so such a funny concept I love it
- 'What do you mean if it's rock hard you will be too? OH-'
- (Reference to this video)
- Anyways, he likes how cute and innocent you are, though unlike Jacket he'll probably have no issue telling you about funny innuendos-
- I think he didn't get it at first either????
- Like how... how do you not get the joke
- You're of legal age, HOW-
- He finds it kind of amusing though so he doesn't mind
- It's low-key his source of entertainment I'm ngl
- He's probably shown you funny sex jokes and asked you to explain
- 'Uh.... the eggplant emoji... is it like... a veggie joke?'
- Bruh.... what is with you and the eggplant smh
- Anyway, he finds it really funny and sort of cute???
- I think at first he found it a little annoying since he'd have to explain it?
- But now he just thinks it's comical
- As for you being cute???
- Bro.... he.... he loves you
- The cute fluffy vibes really got him
- I feel like he might prefer cuter s/os anyway?
- It's just.... the hugs omg
- He might act tough when you hug him
- The little smooches you give him
- Bro thinks he's blessed by the gods fr
- He does get a little red if you give him enough attention bc ofc he do
- 🍅 <- him rn
- Like he
- He...
- Girl (gender-neutral) I don't even know fr he's just down BAD
- Idk how to explain it... it's just he actually feels addicted to your existence
- The idea of him sitting down after successfully hitting a bank, with you snuggling into him
- Bros moved to tears at the thought (/jk)
- Also I feel like he'd brag about you
- 'Yeah, you might have got more heads, but I'm the one with the angel here. So fuck you.'
- Bro just likes bragging oml
- ESPECIALLY with Hoxton because ofc he has to one up him all the time oml
- If he runs out of comebacks, he just picks you up and is like 'Well do you have this? No, you don't.'
- If you're up for it, he loves you more
- 'Yeah, you tell it him babe.'
- If you'll allow it, he'd like to pick you up and help you with everything? He likes to feel like a big strong guy with his damsel/Prince so...
- If you don't like it, it'll take every fiber of his being not to help you so much
- He... he can't help it, he just wants to be there for you
- Maybe a little too much
- He loves you alot okay....
- If you're small too? He's gonna help you anyway whether you want his help or not
- Him when you're cute: :]
- He really likes to keep a hand on you like Jimmy?
- Hand on the waist or shoulder for him is a go to :>
- He will not hesitate to pick you up when you ask
- 'Alright, up we go-' or 'There, prince(ss).'
- He really enjoys doing this because he just.... it's just so fun okay-
- (Pick me up Hox I want to go uppys)
- Like Houston, he will probably also brag
- 'Hey wanker, look at this-' (then he just picks you up and kisses you, giving a middle finger to Houston)
- If you blow raspberries at Houston he will also gain +100 love for you
- Which is sort of impossible considering how he loves you infinity amounts already
- He LIVES for the cute fits you do bc like...
- Duh???? You slay???
- If you wear anything fluffy/with skirts he love you :>
- Wearing stuff like that gets you an extra chance at being picked up
- Anyway, he likes how innocent you are too bc????
- The fact you don't get some of these jokes are so funny to him
- Like... how do you not get them lmao
- 'Wait... so the eggplant emoji... isn't just indicating the vegetable???'
- (Nahhh not you with the eggplant omd)
- 'Ye-(is laughing) Yes babe, the eggplant emoji is not just a vegetable. What do you think it could be?'
- It doesn't matter if you understand it now, he'll still make fun of you for it
- Like he'll be shopping for groceries with you or something
- And if he finds an eggplant?
- 'Hey babe, what's this?'
- (Smh Hox stop the bullying)
- He really likes showing off all his achievements to you, knowing that you'll do the cute face (🥺/🤩)
- 'Yeah, then he took a shotgun to the face! The Dozer was fucked to begin with, anyway...choosing to fight me, of all people. What a dumbass cop....'
- Yes he likes to flex his muscles a little too okay
- If you marvel at them too? HSJSNSJAJJSHSHSHSJSJDJDJSJ-
- I think he has never loved anyone more than you
- Maybe money
- Okay maybe not money
- He thinks you're cuter :>
- I feel as if he would kind of... well not baby you, but definitely treat you like an deer that needs help 💀
- Like, if someone (probably Houston) broke their leg, he'd literally not care at all-
- 'Walk it off, bitch-boy.'
- If you bruised your leg? He's taking care of that first
- Both bc he knows you're a civ, but also bc he doesn't want his fluffy ball of sunshine to be hurt at all :'/
- 'Alright, you just sit here, I'll get something to treat that. HOUSTON MOVE OUT THE FUCKING WAY-'
- I swear, he's just here to love you, and hate Houston 😭
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tasteleeknow · 1 year
ahhhh “but you left” 🥺🥺 that’s so cute
okay but now i’m thinking, if he’s this clingy on the regular, imagine the clinginess when he’s feeling under the weather. like he’s sleeping in because he’s not feeling the best, and you gently crawl out of bed to get started on some soup to give him when he wakes up. and while you’re waiting for the soup to bubble up and reduce a little, maybe you’ll be sitting in the living room, scrolling on your phone, when a groggy man-baby walks up to the sofa and just plops down, legs folded up, his head immediately forcing its way onto your lap. and you just know all he needs is to be wherever you are so you don’t question it and just stroke his head gently, watching his breathing become slow and steady once more.
and then a few minutes later you remember the soup and the stove and need to get up but you can’t move and have a little mini crisis before carefully lifting his head. and he groans and hugs you tighter. and you kinda have to negotiate as if you’re talking to a toddler, about how it’ll only take you one minute and you’ll be right back. and when you do, he’ll make sure to place his head right back on your lap, head nuzzling into you a little with a small satisfied hum to let you know how comfy he is sleeping like that.
(wow i’m on a roll today with the delusion 🤡😂)
eeeee i'm vibrating gfhjdsk you get me you get me. when someone seeks comfort from you when they're sick it's like a whole new level of comfort ya know what i mean ?? it's so soft. i think it's so cute the way so many ppl love the idea of taking care of someone they love... ppl are so cute. ppl are like yeah give me the most unhinged smut but also i wanna read abt petting their hair and feeding them soup when they're sick... my kind of people.
imagining the reverse situation like the way chan is always worried about the people he loves. he's so caring and protective... i think people are so used to that from him bc he's the oldest in the group but i really do think even if he wasnt an older brother or the leader he'd still be that way. it's just innate in him, i feel.
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
What would you do if you had to feminize a tickle slave and who would you make him look like and what would you tickle him with
So I looooove to doll up a ticklee ~<333 There's something so tantalizingly teasy about dressing up a tough guy or girl and making them feel all silly and silky and exposed while being fully clothed. But ooh, before we even get to that fun I'm gonna tickle you to pieces ~ yes, I'm gonna tickle you right out of that outfit ~ my fingers wiggling, the knowing smirking smile across my face. "It's just a little tickle~" I coo, snatching up your sides with my squeezy hands. When you try to block, I'll be splitting the difference, poking your belly while my other hand jumps down to squeeze at your knee. Don't tumble now ~ that's just gonna make me tickle you moooore cutie pie! Oooh oooh looks like you tumbled my little tumblina~! Now it's ever so much easier to plop myself on your legs ~ we'll just tickle these toes and soles and whoops~ there go your sockies ~ ooh well, don't fret ~ your sockies will be joined by your shirt! There, look at that slip right off, it's like your shirt wanted to get away. Eeeee look out for the pinchy pixies! Squirm real good they're heading riiight for your nipplies! Pinch pinchy pooooo~! Ahhh yes, I do believe these pants are next. There, isn't that better? Slip them riiight down here and oh yes, I do believe I'm tugging these undies down next. Can't waste any time, it's already makeover o'clock!
Well would you look at that! What a cute royal area you have my little tickle doll! Oooh ooh don't fret, don't fidget now ~ yesss there you gooo. Does that feel good? Amy always makes it better. I can make you feel soooo nice with this magic finger just playing on your regal spot. And then it's...tickle time!! Naked tickles for my naked baby! Hide your shame silly tickle bug! You roll like a lil pill bug. Oooh look at that tushi! Pinchy pixies on your booty! Ahh there's those sides. Gotta massage the underarms toooo~ maybe I'll just snuggle you like this ~ did you know your nape was so ticklish? Noo? Well my lips certainly seem to tickle there~ how about a little kissy on your ears? Alright now, just cooperate with me. Nope nope nope we're rolling back this way. I have your new outfit all ready to goo~ don't try to fight it or I'll just tickle you mooore! Feisty feisty, let’s get those thighs all nice and massaged ~ let’s tickle the fight right outta you my little giggle doll. There we go ~ just relax and feel your new undies going up your legs. Umhh~ nice soft panties, yes right on your royal area. Does that feel nice? Little tickle here? Does the magic finger feel so tickly right on these wonderful cute panties? Yeah? Tickles on these little flowers, right on the frilly fringes? Tickle tickle~ 
Don’t worry your pretty head, you’ll still get plenty of panty panty tickles with this adorable floral dress. Isn’t it just so adorable? Look the flowers are hugging your sensitive body~ all that nice soft material, you feel in on your nipples and ribs? Yeah, my pretty giggle girl. Look at this, I can glide my fingers up on this fabric and it feels so amazing right? Get ready sweetness, because next we’re doing your nylons. Ohh yes, bunching them up like soooo and over the feetsie. Does it tickle already? Aww how cute! Here’s the other foot. Hold still ~ don’t try to fight it, that’s just going to make it tickle more~ Andddd up the legs we go~ itsy bitsy tickles crawling up your legs. Ooh the nylon snakes gotcha, they gotcha and they’re gonna hug your legs and thighs and hold you all nice and snug. Annnd annnd uppp ~ downnnn down then upp and there we gooo! Over the panties! Why dear, does that just tease you so bad? All this nice soft pretty material on your sweet ticklish body? Yeahhh it’s okay, let your pretty panties make you feel so good, loving your royal area. The tights will hold it all nice and in place ~ and oooh, yes. Of course I’m going to let you borrow one of my big cute belts tooo ~ we need to keep this nice dress all accessorized and held lovingly to your body. There we gooo~ I know this feels nice, you can moan, you can giggle ~ you can gigglemoan. Just let it all out sugarloaf!
Ah, ah. We aren’t done yet. Makeup time! Oh yes, we’re gonna blush these cheeks and I have the perfect fluffy blush brush. You’re already so blushy so we’ll do a light coat and you get to enjoy how lovely this supple brushy feels on your pretty face. Does that tickle? A little dusty tickle? Sorriesss I had to test it on your nose, I just had to~ and now hold still for your mascara. Why, are your eyelashes ticklish? Silly giggly girly girl ~ Don’t squirm now. I don’t wanna jab you! There we go, such lovely lashes. Does that feel interesting? How about this? Yes, your panties. You feel them through the dress and nylons don’t you? Magic finger tickle tickle on your regal area. And then up to your belly! Awww, coochie coo my beautiful butterfly. You’re so cute like this! All dolled up and wiggly in your little outfit. How do your feet feel? Ooh yes, we’re gonna test those nylons now. My goodness, does it tickle more with them? I know it does ~ that’s why I’m tickling you here. And that’s why I have this little nubby bamboo brush and it’s gonna scrub scrub scrub those dainty soles. Are the soles the gateway to the soul? Isn’t laughter the voice of the soul? So if we go through the gateway, can we tickle you right out of your soul? Let’s find out~ TIckle tickle. Wiggly toes, wiggly toes~ Where are you wigglin to? Ooh no, gimmie those legs. You’re not going anywhere my giggle bug. 
We haven’t gotten to the best part! Now, it feels so lovely when I touch your ticklish parts through this outfit doesn’t it? Right on your chest, little wiggly fingers through that soft material ~ tracing your ribs through the florals, drawing lines over where the belt is hugging your natural waist ~ squeezing those hips through dress and tights. Little pinchies on your wiggly quivering thighs too~! But ahh, you haven’t gotten to feel my dear dear friend in this outfit. Ah yes, the buzzy meanie. You guessed right. This is my magic wand, and what we’re gonna do is just take her on a tour of your outfit and let all those lovely vibrations set of the materials against your skin. And we’ll just see who wins ~ Yes, buzzing on your dress, over the chest, let’s circle the nipples, give them little tweaks for good measure ~ twice for good luck~ back down, trace the belt, feel all that shakiness on your hugged waist my sweet giggler. Up and down your thighs buzzy buzzzzz and there we go, there’s those panties. Yes, we’re going to vibe you right here through the dress, the tights, your sweet lil panties, and keep the wand right here on your best spot. You can wiggle and giggle all you like, let all out. Moan it out for me cutie. I’ll just be here pinching your sides and teasing your tummy and rubbing your thighs ~ and when you ticklegasm, we’ll giggle it out all the way through and you’ll get your second makeover ~ I have a lovely little silk nightie for you and we’re gonna keep this tickle party rolling alll night ~~<3
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