#egg preg mentioned
bluiex · 1 year
Oh no the babies :( grian and scar finally break free from the research place?? They go off on their own and find a place that’s safe and hidden away from prying eyes and are finally able to have a clutch of their own. It’s a struggle, due to both their trauma with having their eggs taken from them, but they manage and eventually have their little hatchlings and dote on them so much :]
YES HAPPY ENDING <333 they have nice healthy clutch.. And they're the cutest ever
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Wondering how the day was for Cade when he had to give birth to his children, was the whole thing excruciating? Opt must've had to deal with a cranky Cade lmao, during pregnancy and afterwards.
Also would they ever decide on getting more? Or did Cade swear to Optimus that he'd castrate his spike if he were to ever get preggers again?
In terms of carrying its not like a typical pregnancy that organic creatures have. As mostly depends of the male and female, but with cybertronians it’s not like that. Both Mechs and Femmes can carry and sire. There ALIENS PEOPLE LIKE SERIOUSLY GENDER IS JUST A CONSTRUCT TO THEM!!!!!
The Eggs for the most part they develop closely in the bot’s spark chamber so their sparks can be formed thanks to the melding of their creator’s sparks. The carrier have to support the Eggs development via eating a shit ton of minerals and energon to encourage the eggs to be healthy. When it’s time to lay them they mostly stay on the nest and often have to open the spark chamber to remove the eggs carefully. It drains the carrier a lot that’s why it’s important to have a Medic or a bot who experienced the laying before (like a midwife) and BOOM EGG TIME!!!
The size of the eggs and amount will depend on their creator’s spark energy, but also depending what type of bot it is. The reason why the baby Dinobots are small is actually apart their system that allows their their creators can carry them on their backs or mouths (Think like crocodiles and alligators). It’s easier to hide from dangerous predators, when your smoll.
Knights only produce small clutches, while Seekers have large clutches, and grounders have medium clutches.
Primes are a whole different breed. Because they are a dynasty rather then being chosen, their hatchings would be bigger then normal cybertronians. However the chances of producing eggs with them are possible but rare, they are extremely picky of which cybertronian they are willing to mate with to ensure to have a strong and healthy clutch of prime sparklings. It’s rare for a prime to have two at a time.
As for your question about Cade it’s simple!!!
It was an extremely uncomfortable, weird and draining process of his carrying cycle. He was always hungry as he often eat shit that he finds at base or eating the materials that the Dinobots brought him and downing energon non stop. Cranky has hell, like the dude is not in the good mood and low key horny.
Honestly Optimus and the others tried their best to make sure that Cade is okay and being comfortable as possible. Honestly Optimus was extremely protective of Cade and honestly is always on his side.
Even if it means skipping a few meetings just to be with support Cade, Ultra Magnus was low key pissed but understands why his leader is like this and respects but that doesn’t stop him from chewing him out.
To Cade the laying process felt like a blurr to him. He just remembered a weird pain on his chassis and then boom Eggs cradled in his arms. He’s honestly glad that his eggs are born safe and healthy. But swears he will never carry again. Optimus agrees as he suggests next them if they want more children he’ll carry them instead.
Through ambulon’s help Cade was able to “turn off” his carrying ability and just sire.
And then fucker proceeds to shoot down the fucking cube if he sees it again.
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
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Urogi has a breeding kink, male demon reader. In here the fur in Urogi's legs are pants.
Warnings: Breeding kink, Anal sex, Cannibalism, Predatory-animalistic behavior, Mentioned egg-laying, Mentioned m-preg (no actual m-preg).
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You know you got lucky, really lucky, out there.
When he turned you into a demon you lost all your memories, but you knew you loved birds. While you don't really have many bird-like features, just some feathers that you could control as your demon blood art, it was something hard to miss.
You can remeber having some singing for you at your arm-reach at sunrise, maybe you owned some as pets, but that is your only human memory. But look what you found as a demon.
Your feathers are not weapons, it's more a sensoring type of ability, so the buddha's damn second you found a Hashira that managed to get near you unnoticed even with the feathers spread to sense threats, you should have died. But the Upper Moon Four was around, deemed a bigger thread, and decapitated. The Hashira was talented, thank heavens you didn't got to face him, and managed to decapitate the anger clone, Sekido, after he came out, and the pleasure clone, Kakaru, let himself being decapitated for fun, bringing out Aizetsu, the sorrow clone, and Urogi, the joy clone. It seems you were the first demon with feathers he has seen for a while, since he, who has wings and talons, took a big interest for you instantly.
You remember wanting to grab his wings, they looked so majestic and soft that it made your insticts to take and touch clash with the ones that told you to fear Upper Moon Four. Urogi did not share those reservations and instantly grabbed your feathers without even asking, and caressimg his face with them. "They are even softer than mine! I'm going to keep some, ok?" You did not tell him that you could locate him if he did, or that you could feel his touch through the feathers.
You can always feel and find him, whenever he separates from the other clones, you know. And you chase.
"Oh, you've come to see me again!" He doesn't worry about this, he knows he can destroy you easily, and he enjoys your presence (the pun intended, he adores bad puns). "What you got there? Gimme!" To rush up here you had to eat, to not waste time you just grabbed a random human in your way. What was this guy doing just standing in front of his house (was it even his, at this point) beyond midnight is not of your business, just that he was around and you needed to eat to gain speed. Urogi takes the body off your hands and sits crooked over it to start eating, tearing the flesh with his talons and fangs.
"Hish lag sar fullo fats, "he puts more into his mouth without swallowing first" t'sh sho tashte an greeshy!" [His legs are full of fats, it's so tasty and greasy!] His manners are not better than the ones of a wild animal, you can't help but shake with some disgust as some of the chewed flesh falls off the side of his lips as he opens his mouth to add an eyeball to the mix. You laugh it off. "Try to swallow your food, Birdie. It's not like you're going to feed chicks with that." He finally swallows before grining at you, taunting, he opens his wings as he stands up, with them he looks a lot bigger. The intimidating gesture doesn't let you move as he gets closer, his face just a breath away from yours.
"Why, would you like to see me feeding lil' chicks? Don't lie, I have seen the way you look at me, as if you wanted to have mine." Your face heats up as he wounds your pride with that confession, so you feel the need to answer something. That is the reason you came with a comeback you didn't even think through. "Oh no, if anything you would be the one laying eggs, Bird Boy." You both paralyze the second you finish that sentence. What the FUCK did you just said to one of the fifth strongest demons?
Again, you are very lucky, maybe you have a second demon blood art that gives you that much luck, because Urogi just laughs with a blushing face and uncomfortable smile, looking around without making eye contact. "I-I think Sekido is calling, so...... yeah. Good egg- I mean TALK! GOOD TALK!" He basically yeets himself into the sky, he flies really fast he got out of your sight in 7 seconds, only to come back and pass over you, that is where the rest of the clones are. But you survived.
And, the next time you meet Urogi, he's the one that reaches for you. You don't really know what to expect, he is not looking at you, just standing besides you and playing with his hands, blushing. "Hey.... so.... what was your name again?" You tell him, but Urogi still evades your eyes as he blushes harder and scratched the back of his neck. "Y/N.... ok. Yeah, um- about last time.... I kept thinking about it and.... it was hot." What?
He takes a deep breath to gain confidence before grining at you. "And, I know, you like me. A lot. So how about you do me a favor~?" He lunges at you grabbing your shoulders, digging your talons in, making you bleed. Just like that one time, your mouthes are one breath away from each other. He giggles as he lets his tongue out, letting it touch your mouth.
You have no idea if you used to catch birds as human or if your demon insticts are stimulating it, but you can only obey the urge to TAKE. Without thinking you grab Urogi's waist and slam him against a tree. He wraps his legs and wings around you before the impact, making his back recieve fully the hit as your pelvis meets his. This makes him moan as he tears your shoulders as he groans, sounding very close to a moan, and arches his neck. It takes you only seconds to heal as he moves his head over your shoulder "Breed me~".
You feel your dick getting hard with those words, that voice, this position. You keep one hand on his waist while you grope his ass under his clothing. He moves his hips eagerly as he moves his hands to take off your tops. He giggles as he feels your fingers brushing against his entrance, teasing over it. It's already lubricated, though you would need to check if he prepared himself already. "Did you touch yourself here before coming?" You ask softly as you try to insert a finger, it goes in easily, it even feels like it's being sucked in by the wet heat
Urogi trembles a bit nervious as he feels you touching his insides under his pants, from the movements of his hips from before that made friction between your pelvis you can feel his dick is getting hard against yours with the clothes in between. "I already told you I kept thinking about it~" he answers cheeky. You take that as an invitation, so you move his pants as he wraps himself closer to you with all his limbs, digging the talons of his hands in your just below you neck and the ones in his feet behind your thighs. "Just like this is fine for now, just give it to me already~"
After leaving some scratches in your legs, ones that heal at the expected speed, Urogi uses his legs and feet to move your clothing off your erection, licking his lips when he feels it against his skin. Both of your hearts begin to race as you line the tip into his ass, pressing without entering. You pause. "Are you ready for me to fuck you, Baby Bird? Ready for me to stuff you full with my seed?"
Urogi bites your shoulder, burrying his face in your skin and almost tearing your bleeding flesh as he moves hil pelvis impatiently. You laugh at as you heal as you spit in one hand and massage your dick to enter smoothly for you too. When your tip starts to slip inside, slowly, Urogi moans against your skin, fangs still deep within, once your member is fully settled inside his hole is that his mouth lets go. "There we go, all inside. Does it feel good?" Urogi just start licking the blood off your shoulder before resting his chin there, panting a bit. Once he gets used to the size of your member he giggles and moves his hips. "I want more, gimme all you've got T/N~".
You thrust hard into him, having all of him clenching around you "Fuckkkk, Urogi. You are so tight and hot..." The sound of your balls hitting his tighs goes along your grunts. Urogi keeps giggling and moaning "Yeah... oh yeah~, just like that mng~ Y/N~" With your hand in his hips you try pounding into different agles, searching for his sweet spot, a really high and loud moan from Urogi is all the signal you need to keep thrusting there. You also start to jerk him off, taking advantage of your demonic strength and his grip in you, never letting his talons off your constantly healing back and legs as you hear him scream. "YESSS~ THERE! Fuckfuckfuck T/N!" He giggles between high moans "Mmmmng~ I want your cum~ ohhgh~ Breed me dumb and pregnant~" He bites you again as you beging to pound harder into him searching for climax, you can feel the smile in his lips. "Shhhit~ you're so hot. You want it in your tummy~? You want me to put a baby inside you?"
You know that as demons, and male ones at that, none of you is fertile, much less can carry a child. But the though of Urogi enjoying so much being so full with you that he is bulging and round-shaped is enough for you to give in into this kink of his. "YESSS fuck YESS~ Gimme argh~ fill me with chicks~...." He keeps moving his hips with you until you cum inside with three loads of hot and thick semen. Urogi arches his back at the first one, scratching you more, he starts giggling with the other two. You start trembling as he moves his wings, making you fall down. "Not enough~ keep your promise and actually fuck me until I look pregnant!"
"God, you are insatiable." You groan in response, Urogi just giggles again as he starts to ride you, still moaning, scratching and talking about being bred. You last less this time due being more stimulated, but he doesn't seem to mind as he keeps up the pace. You turn both of you around to corner him, back against the ground, by the sixth round and use all your strengh. You can feel part of your cum is leaking out of his insides as you thrust, there is a small bulge in his stomach. The talons and fangs keep you in place as you move your pelvis back and forward, Urogi begins to babble at the stimulation. "I'm shooo full it argh~ makes me shoo happy~ Imma cum~ lemme cum plssss~". You thrust as fast and hard as your body lets you, not caring of the bruises you are leaving in Urogi as you grab him and pound into him, they heal in less than a second so thay are hard to notice. "C-C'mon c-can you feel the chicks, b-b-baby bird? Fuck, you are so stuffed argh.... L-look your.... your pregnant.... tummy...."
He does look down, only to bite you hard as he trembles, tighens up and cums into your chest with two full loads, the liquid sticking to your skin as you cum for the last time. You both are panting as you fall down over the Upper Moon, you have to admit he tired you up a bit, but it was worth it. You only have some few seconds to get ready and move inside the cave Urogi found you near by before the sunrise. You have to help him, he is a bit complicated by the state he is in, but still cuddles with you once you are safe. "We need to do this again some time T/N, don't you think? Don't you ever deny me the joy of feeling so full."
There is something in his tone.... it's a threat, you don't want to think what would he do if you rejected him. But.... you don't need to. "I've got you, baby bird." You answer as you cuddle back.
You are indeed very lucky.
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emmettworld · 2 months
Warning: The following ask includes mentions of noncon and 🥚preg.
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i can't say this is A LOT of eggs bc i was gonna draw him at the end with a much bigger belly, but i just wasn't liking how it was turning out. hope you still enjoy, and ty for the request! <3
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leggerefiore · 1 year
▲Subway Boss Masterlist II▽
🛑 = Yandere or Darker Content
🔞 = NSFW
Other list was literally glitching out as I tried to edit it. I write too much about these two.
Invisible (cw: angst with happy ending)
Closeness (cw: twin wardens AU)
🔞Lesser (cw: fem reader, egg preg)
Bugtler Twins Fluff (cw: poly, em reader)
Times Gone (cw: blood, violence, dragon au, poly)
🔞Express Train (emmet/reader)
🔞Milk Drink (cw: reader with breasts, lactation, past-pregnancy)
Kyurem Emin Fluff (cw: eggpreg mentions)
🛑Night Train (cw: blood, attempted assault, vampires)
🔞Love Bu(gtler) (cw: fem reader, eggpreg)
🛑Used To Be King (cw: unhealthy relationships, god emmet)
Truth And Lies (cw: PLA Ingo)
🚫Fox God AU Angst
Those Words (cw: jealousy)
🔞Emmet x Galvantula Reader (cw: egg mentions)
🔞Love Fools (emmet x reader)
🔞D.N.A (cw: alien au)
🔞Tentacles (cw: alien au, breeding kink, tentacles)
Alternate Pathway (cw: alien au)
Feeling, Sweet Feelings (cw: alien au)
Dimmed Light (cw: angel au)
PLA Chandelure Hybrid Ingo Piece
Folklore (cw: fox god au)
Part I
🔞Part II (cw: breeding kink)
Linked (cw: aware au)
🔞Eelektross Emmet Smut (cw: egg preg)
Maid Cafe
Blood Bond (cw: vampire au)
Creepy-Crawly (cw: coraline au related)
Hot And Cold (cw: dragon au, eggpreg, breeding kink)
🔞Deuses Vulpes (cw: fox god au)
Entomophobia (cw: galvantula emmet)
Scotophobia (cw: chandelure ingo)
Vampirism (cw: vampire au)
Vampire Halloween Piece (cw: vampire au)
🛑Animatronic (cw: horror, reader death, animatronic au)
🛑Mould (cw: horror, monster ingo, based off RE7)
Fox God Emmet Transformed In Public
Suspicions (cw: Irida POV, pregnancy implications)
🔞Heated Cold (cw: egg preg, bug rut, frosmoth ingo)
PLA Ingo Winter Fluff
Post-Ingo Disappearance Comforting Emmet
🔞Tarachoptera (cw: Slither Wing Emmet, egg preg)
🔞Teasing, Teasing (cw: Domming PLA Ingo)
Deceit (ingo/reader)
🔞Antlers (cw: sawsbuck au)
🔞Lovely D(ee)ream (cw: sawsbuck au, breeding kink)
Comforting Insecure Emmet
Arranged Marriage
🔞Using An Ovipositor Toy On Moth Ingo (anal sex, bottom ingo)
Train Twins Dating S/O With Big Tiddies
Train Twins Helping S/O With Their Period
Train Twins Swooping In On A Crush Post Break-Up
🛑🔞Yandere Chandelure Ingo (cw: kidnapping, implied injuries, noncon, AFAB reader)
Klinklang Emin
S/O Having A Nightmare About Train Twins Cheating (cw: cheating, sex mentions)
Fox God AU Assorted Ideas
Angel Train Twin HCs
🔞NSFW Alpha Silver Fox Emmet HCs
Train Twins With A Hybrid S/O
Train Twins With Lipstick Marks On Them
Train Twins Getting Angry For S/O's Sake
🔞Alien Invader Twins With Magical Girl S/O
Dragon Twins PMD HCs
Train Twins Catching Their Crush In A Suggestive Position
Train Twins Comforting S/O Down From A Panic Attack
Frosslass Ingo HCs
🔞Train Twins Dealing With A High Libido S/O
Train Twins Reacting To S/O Crying Over Joltiks
🔞Train Twins Sexual Fantasies About S/O
🛑Yandere Emin HCs
Dragon Twins Hibernating HCs
Noble Bug Hybrid Twins HCs (cw: reverse bugtler au)
Various Pokemon Characters Being Taken Rollerskating
Emin Christmas HCs
Assorted PokeHybrid Winter Cuddlings
Train Twins Helping S/O Deal With A Neckbeard (cw: unwanted flirting, uncomfortable situation)
Erin Getting A Skitty (cw: ingo's son oc)
Changes (cw: Dragon Emin)
PLA Ingo Failing To Remember Erin
Lost (cw: Ingo being a dad)
Assorted Silver Fox Emmet Things (cw: AFAB reader, pregnancy)
PLA Ingo Angst (cw: ingo is a dad)
Domestic Ingo Fluff
🔞Ingo Gets Head
🔞Emmet Gets Head
🔞Fox AU Ingo Smut
Emmet Tries To Cook
Reverse Aware AU
🔞Ingo Gives Head (cw: AFAB reader)
Ingo Love Letter
Emmet Love Letter
Emin Love Letter
Dragon Emin Love Letter
Emin Writing Love Letters Through The Years
Ingo Comforting S/O From A Panic Attack
Galvantula Emmet Pondering His S/O's Body
Sexting PLA Ingo Using Unowns
Gifting Emmet The EleFish Square Cap
Slither Wing Twins Meeting S/O
Slither Larvesta Erin Hatching
Christmas One-Shots
🔞Sawsbuck Ingo Eating S/O Out
🔞Horny Alien AU Drabble
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softcitrus2345 · 7 months
I know you’re into some of the more….acquired.. aspects of this genre {vore, rapid, g/t}, so how do you feel about ovi/eggs?
Yeah sorry, for me it's an automatic "no thanks" It just involves a lot of different aspects that personally make me uncomfortable to think about It falls into the "preg" category for me, and that whole niche just really squicks me out, I just don't like the thought of it at all and I don't find it fun to think about It's just kinda triggering for me to think about as a trans afab person And as for the actual eggs part, it's just not comfy for me to think about.. and the laying aspect involves too much genitalia for me to be comfortable with, it just brings up too many questions in my mind I'm a sex-repulsed ace person so while I might be okay with some things, other things just cross the line for me, it just feels way too sexual and explicit Honestly probably feels like body horror to me too now that I think of my feelings towards it Not saying it's bad to have that kink, it's just not something that I am comfortable with thinking about or exploring in any way, I guess I just think too hard about the implications and everything.. with preg stuff, it just feels like.. weird to me to sexualize something that can be so traumatic for the person going through, and egg stuff just treads the line for me with a lot of different things I don't want to get into
I don't like involving genitalia in any of my work or scenarios As for the other stuff you mentioned, G/t really isn't a kink for me at all, it's just a trope I enjoy using from time to time in my kink-related content I only enjoy soft vore in certain contexts, I use it as a comfy thing, I don't really know how to explain it but I only ever use it with characters that are both comfortable exploring that and know that they are safe with each other, like a mutual trust
Rapid weight gain is just something fun I like to use for faster progression.. it's definitely a favorite of mine and I use it a LOT in my art, it's just fun to draw characters gettin' extra big extra fast, yknow? >;3 I hope this all made sense, and that I didn't come off too hostile at he beginning, I just wanted to make sure I explained how I felt about all that, 'cause it's just a huge jumble in my head of reasons why I don't like that niche and it's hard to make sense of it 😭
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preggo-ace · 8 months
hey there! :)
since i'm new here, i figured i'd introduce myself
y'all can call me A if you'd like, and this is an alt blog i'll use for rp and to just explore my more nsfw interests, which will for the most part include pregnancy and birth
if you'd like to rp with me, here's some guidelines before you drop me a message (keep in mind i'm new to this scene, so these may be subject to change as i discover more and get more comfy)
literary rp ; lengths of replies might vary, i'm a writer though so i may get quite descriptive
fpreg, afab nbpreg (this includes ftm don't worry!!)
semi-difficult birth as long as it doesn't end up severely hurting carrier or baby/babies
fantasy scenarios (magic, witchcraft, deities, etc) so long as it's within the bounds of the established universe of our rp ; this can include rapid pregnancy, again as long as it's within established bounds
i'm comfortable playing either the carrier or the carrier's partner, or if we're both carrying simultaneously ; i'd prefer fem x nb/fem x fem in terms of coupling, but if your character is transmasc for example that's okay with me, or we can keep the relationship strictly non-romantic as well
homebirth/medically unassisted birth
birthing multiples ; for now, i'm only comfortable with twins if i'm the carrier, no more than that please
using ocs ; for the time being, i'll be creating entirely new character to better fit our specific plot theme, so i'll more than likely be making up their personality as we go ^^;
LIGHT sex during pregnancy/labor ; i've only recently gotten comfortable writing nsfw myself, so if we rp this, apologies if i'm not very good or am inaccurate, i'm asexual and a virgin please remember!
lengthy rps, though we can start with short scenes to get a feel for things if you'd prefer
long births ; like spending a good chunk of time pushing for example
romance/fluff, especially during birth ; the comfort and encouragement from the carrier's partner yes please!!
clothing birth under specific circumstances that we can discuss ooc
birth denial ; again, under specific circumstances that can be discussed
mpreg, amab nbpreg ; i'll read it depending on story, but i'm not comfortable rping it
egg laying of any form
monster/creature (mostly referring to aliens, i am down for vamps/werewolves as long as we establish how they work as a species within our rp's universe)
horror preg in general, i don't really care for horror as a genre (except artistic horror and video games)
r*pe/non-con ; absolutely cannot and will not, genuinely makes me sick
video/picture format rp ; i still live with family, plus as stated i'm new to this, and i've only ever done literary rp before, so this format is off the table
anything bdsm related ; i can't name any specific bdsm kinks off the top of my head right now, so i would say in general avoid it if you wanna rp with me
vore, unbirth, anything like that
stuffing, food-related inflation, honestly inflation in general
feces/scat, piss, etc (genuinely find it gross)
anything to do with minors being carriers, sorry not sorry but i won't do that under ANY circumstance ; this isn't to say our plots cannot include characters under 18 (i mean, it IS pregnancy after all), but it'll be a hard no from me if said -18 character is pregnant within our narrative (mentions of a past pregnancy by a character when they were -18 is fine, just don't make it a present plot point is what i'm saying basically)
anything sadistic, i will not do it i don't care
public birth ; idk why it just messes with me, that might be my autism tho lol
detailed gore/injuries ; this includes heavy blood loss, tearing, or anything else in that vein that has the potential to happen during birth (we can further discuss this ooc should the need arise due to our plot, but in general, i don't want it)
hyper-preg ; the 'tism only allows me to suspend my disbelief so much
please be patient with me as i try to gain my footing in this scene
constructive advice on how to create better responses or even drabble prompts are always welcome in my ask box
i am autistic/have adhd, so be aware of that in case i take some time between responses as i can get distracted very easily
^^^ adding to this, i am physically disabled, so if responses take longer from me, there's a good chance i might be at a doctors appointment or just simply don't have the energy to work my brain enough for responses (though i'll do my best to reply as soon as possible!)
i would prefer if we plan out a general plot beforehand, with a few basic beats we wanna hit through the course of rp, just to keep on track
if you want to rp anything i don't have listed in my likes/dislikes, be sure to ask me before implementing it! more than likely, i'll be willing to try it, but that may not always be the case
IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 OR DO NOT HAVE AN AGE IN YOUR BIO ANYWHERE, I WILL NOT RESPOND TO A MESSAGE YOU SEND ME. it's nothing personal, i'd just rather only speak to/rp with fellow known adults here
i live in CST and am unemployed (due to physical disability), so i'm active more often than not, however i tend to go to sleep around 1-1:30AM CST. my wake-up times vary, though it's usually around the 7:30-9AM CST range
i don't rp for kink/fetish reasons, which is ironic, i know. but that's not what i'm stepping into this scene for, i'm here because it genuinely fascinates me and i enjoy fantasizing/writing about it (not in a sexual sense) even if i never want to take part in it irl
if you'd like to rp with me, shoot me a message !! promise i don't bite, but i might be a bit awkward at first ^^;
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 5 months
The Miracle Cure
The Miracle Cure https://ift.tt/bCzrmV0 by compleximposition After all this needless suffering, Dean is tempted to go after school egg-preg on principle, draw a little face and name it John Smith, if Sam wouldn't separate out the yolk and fry Johnny into a health-nut sandwich. Words: 4895, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Miracle the Dog (Supernatural), Jack Kline (mentioned), Eileen Leahy (mentioned) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester (mentioned) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, Sex Pollen, (and a distinct lack of sex for a story about sex pollen), asking the important questions like how stupid are Dean and Cas, and the answer is you do not want to know, Sam really does not want to know either, Miracle is a girl in this one because I say so, and she's the only one with common sense, Jack as a hands-off god except to play pranks on his fathers, Dean thinks he's witty but he's not, case fic in the vaguest sense via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/TQlxepZ January 03, 2024 at 08:47PM
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kippytums · 8 months
had some,,,, fun discoveries last night while high off my gourd with the wife in bed
realised that my stomach is something of an erogenous zone for me? which, unsurprisingly is made much more intense when preg stuff is mentioned/implied
the wife just.... giving my belly rubs was enough to get me panting like a bitch in heat and as she started talking about how round I was and egg-shaped everything felt more fuzzy and pleasurable. I was embarassed abt moaning from just having my tummy rubbed and spoken to so. I tried not to but little whines kept slipping out as I barely stopped myself from pressing my thighs together and humping the air //////
she kept saying how empty I must feel to be so desperate as I quickly devolved into a whining, moaning mess and I could only think abt how pregnant I could be and how empty I felt as I rutted against the bed to no avail
until she finally climbed on top of me, telling me she'd give me a proper litter, and fucked me into a drooling mess who could barely think for how horny and desperate I was
she put. a lot of pre in me. (and. I'm ten days past my period so. might actually be...? had the thought while she was fucking me and it practically took my breath and mind away)
she rolled me over and played with my clit until I was a twitching mess. I kept jolting at every touch I was so overstimulated ///////
I. hope she does it again 👉👈 it felt so gooddd to be so completely dropped in subspace and I don't reach it fully often. the weed definitely helped. and,,,, having my tummy played with while high enough I partially believe whatever I'm told rly,,,, intensifies things
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gayleviticus · 1 year
I see your confused "HUH?!" And I'm here to tell you that yes, a cis guy on tv WHILE NOT ON THE ALIEN FORM, experimented cravings, being more sensitive/caring than the usual asshole he is and transformed/went nuts while the alien made a nest to lay the eggs until the aliens hatched at the end. So a guy was m!preg without knowing it bc the alien in his wristwatch was going through an asexual reproduction cycle
I really wish at any point in this ask you'd mentioned Ben 10 because I was so insanely confused until I remembered what I'd reblogged earlier today 😭😭😭😭 but thank you for the context
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newtsotherblog · 4 months
hello, i’m newt!
this is my 18+ sideblog.
21. no specific gender only dyke. my attraction is fluid but definitely t4t. most anatomy terms are okay and mixing it up is encouraged. single but demi so nothing overly horny right out the gate. fine with most titles (babe/baby are off limits tho). heavy sub lean but verse. this blog is inclusive of multigender people, please dni if you have ‘men/women dni’ in your bio. thanks.
this will contain an assortment of stuff possibly including:
t4t, masochism, blood/periods, monsters, eggs, switching, dom bottoms, oral, asexual kink, non sexual submission, hypno (mainly non sexual too), and funny jokes with nsft mentions/content.
what won’t be here:
degradation, m/preg in general, piercing/needles, rplay (both types), somno, any other things i’m not comfortable with.
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ao3feeddestiel · 5 months
The Miracle Cure
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/COl6XbY by compleximposition After all this needless suffering, Dean is tempted to go after school egg-preg on principle, draw a little face and name it John Smith, if Sam wouldn't separate out the yolk and fry Johnny into a health-nut sandwich. Words: 4895, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Miracle the Dog (Supernatural), Jack Kline (mentioned), Eileen Leahy (mentioned) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester (mentioned) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, Sex Pollen, (and a distinct lack of sex for a story about sex pollen), asking the important questions like how stupid are Dean and Cas, and the answer is you do not want to know, Sam really does not want to know either, Miracle is a girl in this one because I say so, and she's the only one with common sense, Jack as a hands-off god except to play pranks on his fathers, Dean thinks he's witty but he's not, case fic in the vaguest sense read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/COl6XbY
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First post.
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I like writing stories with nuanced characters but i don't shy away from the truly vile and grotesque. I have no expectations for interaction on this blog except Don't like? Don't read
This blog is 18+ and all characters featured will be 18+ no minors allowed. Blank and empty blogs will be blocked.
All my stories will have an introduction and the rest will be under the cut for ease of all who dare to tread here.
May villainy abound
Tags and kinks
Maw, sharp teeth, chewing, biting, unhinged jaw, breeding, egg preg, M/preg vore, meta vore, sexual vore, horror, villains, witches, bursting, choking, difficult digestion, light endosoma, struggling prey, cruel preds, unwilling prey, desperate yet unwilling pred, teasing prey, tinies, same size vore, small pred big prey, hard objectification, mythical creature preds, shape shifting, weight gain, big bellies, magically hidden vore gut, hunting, primal, non explicit defecation mention, vampires/leaches, blood play, gore, bone pellets, light emeto, eructo, stomach noises, and of course fatal. All of these when featured will be tagged appropriately.
#/oc post
#/my writing
#/vore smut
#/dead dove
#/more under the cut
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waeirfaahl · 11 months
About 2 season of Primal and about the horned entity
1 season of Primal is one of my favourite series of all time. Gorgeous animation, breathtaking and brutal fights, stunning music, mesmerizing prehistoric world with dinosaurs and various animals and magical tribes, perfect combination of drama, humour, horror, adventure and emotional relationships of incredibly relatable characters. By far, 1 season of Primal is the pure masterpiece. Hence, 2 season had really great potential for epic story in unique setting and with various new creatures, magical tribes or even supernatural beings.
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But 2 season happens (and it doesn't explain how the vikings found Mira, who travelled many miles with Spear and Fang, and why they so wanted to capture her again, but didn't capture her friends from her tribe), and with the first two really powerful episodes, the other episodes and the story itself in this season are bad. I was incredibly skeptical and even negative toward the idea of adding modern humans, because it simply made 2 season primitive, boring and bland. Evetything what made 1 season and the series itself so unique, deep, tragic and fresh in therms of setting, story and conflicts was erased. The ambiguity, maturity and complexity of 1 season (with wild world, where everyone tries to survive) is erased. Even the fight scenes in 2 season are downgrade, as well as the villains die in bland way (falling from height as in most Disney movies). 2 season has several absolutely unneeded, one-dimensional, faceless and stereotypical villains (the tyrant queen with typical cliche "Oh no, they capture and enslave people!"), and the certain ones even have hypocritical shades (vikings "Oh no, I and my tribe enslaved and killed people, so how dare Spear and Fang to kill my tribe, protecting their friend we enslaved!"), who just happens here and has no importance for the story and characters. The queen is the brightest example. (and how the f*ck many sea dinosaur didn't attack and eat/kill vikings and Egyptians, if they travel in ocean/sea?!)
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The Egyptian queen and this sub-plot with enslaved Africans are just waste of time, pointless waste of time (Spear had all chances and moments to easily kill her in 7 or 8 episodes)— especially with the fact that Kamau and his family obviously died after the fire viking arrived. So what's the f*cking point?! So 7, 8 and 9 episodes have to be removed, as well as 5 episode, which is literally The Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, coming from nowhere.
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Not to mention Genndy's creepy preg-fetishes again. Now I'll make it clear, I have no problems with Fang laying her eggs with detailed demonstrating her cloaca. The problem here is in Genndy's boasting by this scene like "If it never was in animation, so you have to add this type of content!" — oh yes, there never were animated films, where characters are pregnant or give birth, right?! No "Feherlofia", no "Spirit the stallion of Cimmaron", no "Krtek", no "Ice Age 3", no "A hen into the wild", for example?! I even don't want to make jokes about hentai with specific genres, where this "groundbreaking" aspect happens for eternity.
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And not to mention the f*cking blatant necrophilia Genndy forced Mira to do in the finale. Yes, if many people scorned the scene where Fang gives birth, the scene between Mira and dead Spear in the finale bothers me much much more. Absolutely disgusting sh*t, which literally humilates dying Spear and breaks the logic! Really, Spear has the most serious and fatal burns. He experiences unbearable pain and he had to die almost immediately. But somehow he is still alive all these hours for Mira's coming and somehow he still has genitals and somehow he f*cking was able to make a child to Mira for a few seconds before death — that moment destroys the logic and every grasp of reality!
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I can not for the life of me understand, why the author is so obsessed with pregnancy and childbirth (so he shows it in almost all his projects) and "You have to make babies before death or any other trouble! It's your main purpose!" idea — I won't be surprised, if the ending in "Fixed" will be about this, i.e. the protagonist dog will mate before his neutering, so his female friend will have pups. Not to mention the author's obsessiveness in giving daughters (lots of daughters, lots of sudden daughters) to some awesome male characters, especially to the ones who always were asexual and lonely and never interested in carnal pleasures, in getting wife and making children. Plus, due to the fact that every main female character in Genndy's shows is literal Mary Sue (except Mira), I am afraid for 3 season and Spear's daughter, because Tartakovsky can turn her into Mary Sue, whose only excuse for all-powerfullnes is "My daddy was cool, so that's why I am cool! His genes made me cool!".
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I was against continuing the show, I was against the idea of making 3 season, because the final scene (above) was at least poetic, but more I am against the anthology idea. But my main issue in 2 season is the horned deity, who's either Surtr or Vidarr or some kind of revenge/hell god (Genndy said it's unstated, who this entity is). And the main problem is that this character literally is a plot device. He's absolutely real in the story, he's not some symbol or whatever, and he affects on the events in the story. He has no motivation and goal for things he does in 2 season. He was created simply because the authors were unable to make logical events for Spear's heroic death in successful attempt to protect his friends (if they so wanted to kill Spear).
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Seriously, the viking and his son died in 6 episode — the end of the conflict. But the horned entity in exchange of Eldar's resurrection offers the viking-father to bring Spear and Fang to him/it. WHY?! What this entity wanted from Spear and Fang?! And why he/it offered/ordered this exactly to the viking instead of own demonic servants, if he/it didn't want to do this by self?! What is the benefit for him here and in what?! Absolutely no explanation.
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The biggest WTF-moment happens in 10 episode. The viking, even being in demonic form, is scared of Spear, who kicked his ass, and although the viking seriously injured Spear and hurted Fang, they both were still alive, but the entity grabs the viking into the underworld, absolutely ignoring Spear and Fang. THEN WHAT THIS HORNED THING WANTED?! Seriously, a third-party incomprehensible character comes from nowhere and gets into someone else's conflict already completed in episode 6, continues it and eventually resolves it himself in episode 10! What kind of nonsense is this?!
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What's a point to add this random supernatural sh*t, if it has no development, no personality as a real character, no explained nature and role, no motivation and goal to be here and to do something?! The horned entity is a plot device, the function for the events the author wants to happen, ignoring plot or logical holes and contradictions in favor of "higher messages/symbolism".
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: 18+ content, eelektross Emmet, blood mention, afab reader, egg preg
You whined when the eel man pressed you against his slimy body. Water swished around while his lips were against yours. There was a distant taste of blood. The bite mark on the nape of your neck stung. Emmet could get too excited and then aggressive.
His inhuman dick was pressed inside you and wriggling around, spreading its aphrodisiac slime. Your nails dug into his pale, human-like flesh. A growl left his throat, vibrating into your mouth.
A light electric shock was sent through you, and his own nails dug into your hips. Indulging Emmet's predator kink always had interesting conclusions. Your body was hot from the aphrodisiac. His hips roughly fucked into you. Moaning, you pulled away from him to gulp down big breaths. In that moment, you took the time to appreciate him. Those silver eyes gazed into yours harshly while his face was splattered with the navy and yellow from his hybrid body. His speed as you tried to swim away had been terrifying. Prey to him couldn't a chance.
Emmet licked his lips as he ground hard into you. “My verrrrry cute prey is lucky I'd rather have them on my cock,” his voice was its normal saccharine sweetness, “Orrrr, they'd have a chunk missing from them.” To accentuate the threat, another bite was given on your shoulder. You clenched around him tightly, moaning from the odd mixture of pleasure and pain. His teeth broke the flesh and be pulled away with your precious blood on his face.
His dick hit a sensitive spot within you, and you cried out again. Emmet giggled at your reaction. The hybrid felt good, too. “Are you going to cum?” he teased, “Go ahead! Heehee.” You hated how his words affected you. He never stopped teasing you, playing into the role of some horrifying apex predator of the seas. A few more hard thrusts sent you over the edge, moaning and calling his name as he held you above the water. His eyes observed your facial expressions with pure adoration. His cock was squeezed tightly by you as your mouth was wide open. A distant glaze was in your in eyes.
With a whine, he buried himself deeply inside of you, pressing the small tip of his tentacle dick into your womb. He came suddenly and harshly, egg-like sperm flooding into you. You cried out more from the sensation on your now overstimulated body. Emmet latched around you tightly, shifting into a protective mode. The pleasure ate his brain alongside instincts to guard and protect. You clung to him desperately as more and more eggs were pumped into you, a strange slick coming with them. A distension was slowly formed as finally began to slow. Your mind was now hyper aware you were filled with eel eggs in the middle of a body of water.
Emmet pulled out completely after a few moments of drifting. Carefully, you were shifted onto his back as he began to swim for your houseboat. You felt thankful, having become tired from the previous activities.
“Mmm, love you, Emmy,” you yawned.
“I love you, too, darling,” he cooed and helped you onto the boat.
You tugged him up, too, begging for him to nap with you. He agreed.
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carfucker11teen · 11 months
about me/this blog !
15 | he/him | trans, bi, aroace, objectum
hi im new here :3
this is my fetish art blog, i am a minor and would like adults not to interact with my blog. thank you for being respectful.
i am very sorry if i reblog anything from an 18+ blog, i always read bios and tags to check first, if you don’t have it there or at the bottom of your post i didn’t know !!
18+, ddlg*, birthing kink**, race fetishizer, wlw/mlm fetishizer, trans fetishizer, nonfat fat fetishizer, proshipper
* if you personally use ddlg as a coping mechanism for childhood trauma i am not judging you, but if your blog is about ddlg dni
** egg laying is fine, fetus ≠ baby
personal tags: #my art ❤️‍🩹
i tag every tw i can think of on all my posts !!
asks are welcome!! as long as mentioned in my bio you are at least 14 and not over 17 :)
if you are using my asks to send me hate for my fetishes/art i will not answer them.
main kinks/fetishes
vore, fatal vore, car fucking, cnc, size difference, mpreg, woman preg too ig, egg laying, breeding, feeding to an extent uhhm uhh umm
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