#eggsy blurbs
madlittlecriminal · 9 months
Hiya! It was my 21st on the 17th! Could I get a birthday request with any of the following characters?
Spencer Reid Miguel O'Hara Eggsy Jonathan Crane Hobie Brown.
As always Im a sucker for confession stories and major fluffiness haha
GN!Reader's Birthday [blurbs]
omg happy belated birthday love! i hope your birthday was amazing! i did all of them because i love them all and i couldn't decide.
Warnings: age gap, fluff, mentions of alcohol
note: hi. if you're new, welcome! i typically write my characters soft. any character here that you feel is out of character is because im a firm believer that they are soft strictly for their s/o no matter how grumpy or evil they are.
Spencer Reid (established relationship):
With a memory like his, your birthday would always end up in you being spoiled with your favorite things. This year was different since you both were dating, and he wanted to make it extra special for you. Not only did he get you your favorite cake flavor, but he also took the whole week off of work for you, wanting to make it extra special for you. He cooked a dinner for you...but the recipe was wrong, so the food was a bit saltier than anything else, so you both just ordered take out instead and watched your favorite movie on the couch and cuddling.
Miguel O'Hara (friends to lovers/confession):
You were one of the few people he liked, so when Jess mentioned it was your birthday, he mumbled a soft "mierda" (shit) before rushing out of his office and heading to a nearby panadería (bakery) and bought a cake, asking the man behind the counter to write your name on it and rushing back to the Society building. Funny enough, your name was now smeared all over the cake, making you laugh when you saw it. You would thank him, and he'd smile. To you, that was the best birthday gift you could ask for...right? Well, it would've been if Miguel didn't end up turning into a major softy and confessed his love for you.
Eggsy (established relationship):
He would invite you to a pub to celebrate with a few drinks after taking you out to dinner. Naturally, he would tell the waiter that it was your birthday, so the other waiters and waitresses would come out with a dessert and sing the happy birthday song. You were in between wanting to hate him or wanting to love him since he got you a free dessert but made a big deal out of it. At the pub, he'd buy your favorite drink (alcohol-free or not) and would simply just talk to you about his job that you knew had nothing to do with tailoring suits. The night would eventually end with him giving you a ride home and kissing you goodnight.
Jonathan Crane (friends to lovers/confession):
This man was something else. He wasn't sure what to do for your birthday and he was stressed. The one time when you both became best friends, he gifted you the knowledge of knowing he was Scarecrow...but that was two years ago. He was losing his mind on what to do, so he kept it simple and invited you to his place for a movie. He tried baking a cake, he really did, but this man was a whiz in the kitchen of a lab, not of a home. He gave you a shy smile when he showed you the burnt cake and you thanked him for at least trying. Instead, he lit a pumpkin shaped candle and told you to make a wish; he decorates early for Halloween, don't judge him. The night ends with you cuddled up against him after he told you he loved you more than a friend.
Hobie Brown (established relationship):
To say that he confused you in the best way was an understatement. He told you birthdays weren't his thing, but it seemed like for you, he would do absolutely anything. He bought you cupcakes to celebrate and told you his gift would be different than every other year. It kind of saddened you since you loved going on protests with him, but alas, you waited for the gift. When he took out his electric guitar and played a song you didn't recognize with it. Once he was done, you tilted your head to the side, and he told you he wrote it for you as a gift for your birthday. You would then thank him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. You both shared the cupcakes, but you drew a smiley face on his cheek with some icing, causing him to laugh and kiss you softly.
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ladystardust-thinks · 11 months
Who I write for!
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warren rojas:
soul of a woman | spicy-ish, no smut
kiss you as the lights went out | secret relationship
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eggsy unwin:
high-achiever | fluff, rivals to lovers
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taron egerton:
you are in love | fluff, friends to lovers
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billy the kid:
ivy | arranged marriage blurb, angst
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purexfuego · 1 year
Series and the Characters I Write For!
!Clarification! If said character's actor/actress has drama or claims against them, I will still write about the character but I will not write about the actor/actress.
I can write requests with y/n, she/her, he/him, they/them, and any personality traits you'd like!
I'll most likely write fluff, blurbs, one-shots, and smut
All Characters will be aged 18+ in smut or suggestive stories
I will put warnings and triggers at the top of the fic, along with a brief synopsis
I'm open to constructive criticism!
If you find something in my work offensive/rude/triggering and I missed it while creating my warnings, please let me know!!
We're all human and we all make mistakes!
LGBTQIA+ Inclusive!
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derick Hale
Peter Hale
Chris Argent
Allison Argent
Issac Lahey
Lydia Martin
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Xavier Thorpe (I write for the character, not Percy)
Ajax Petropolus
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Tyler Galpin
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Cobra Kai/Karate Kid
Miguel Diaz
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz
Robby Keene
Johnny Lawerence
Daniel LaRusso
JJ Maybank
John B Routledge
Kiara Carrera
Pope Heyward
Rafe Cameron
Sarah Cameron
Ward Cameron
Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
Hamish Mycroft/Merlin
Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Lost Boys
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
Edgar Frog
Allen Frog
Blaine DeBeers
Don. E
Ravi Chakrabarti
Major Lilywhite
John Dutton
Kacey Dutton
Lee Dutton
Beth Dutton
Rip Wheeler
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Metal Lords
Hunter Sylvester
Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Charlie Swan
Jacob Black
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
And many more!
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Can you do Speech 3, 10 and 22 + AU 8 with Eggsy, please? Thank you! 💖💖💖
Sure thing
Speech 3 - “I’m not sure you understand how much I care about you.”
Speech 10 - “You don’t need to pretend you love me”
Speech 22 - “It wasn’t your fault”
AU 8 - Neighbour!AU
Eggsy was shocked at the knock on his door. 
It was three in the morning and he had only just returned, bloody and beaten, from a mission. He was currently in his kitchen, trying his best to clean out the deep cut that ran across his abdomen, bleeding profusely. 
He groaned and moved out of his kitchen towards the hallway front door, moving as slowly as he could in order to avoid aggravating the wound in his stomach.
He looked through the peep hole, his surprise only increasing when he saw his neighbour on the other side.
The nice neighbour, that is. The one that liked him. The one who would often invite him around for drinks or a meal when he came home late and had nothing in his own cupboards. The one who would dogsit JB for him when needed.
Yes, the one who Eggsy had developed a slight crush on.
Or, more likely, the one who Eggsy had pretty much fallen in love with since he had moved into the apartment next to hers a year and a half ago.
She was shifting nervously from foot to foot, her jumper pulled tight around her pyjama-clad body in an attempt to keep warm.
“Hey - sorry, I just... I wanted to check you were okay?” She offered uncertainly, biting her lip.
“What’dya mean?”
“I... you’ve been away for a little bit and... and I heard you get back late tonight and you sounded like you were in pain?”
“What’s it to you?” Eggsy huffed, his eyes hardening. He hated the idea of Y/N viewing him as weak.
“I’m not sure you understand how much I care about you,” Y/N countered, raising her eyebrows challengingly. “Now... you gonna let me in and clean that cut for you or you going to keep being a prat?”
Eggsy couldn’t help but allow his lips to break into a smile. It was safe to say that he had left on an edgy note with Y/N. They had gotten drunk together the night before he left for his mission - they were celebrating something but Eggsy couldn’t quite recall what it was exactly. All he could remember was him confessing his love for her in a moment of drunken madness and they had kissed.
But then he had left and they had never quite gotten any clarity about their situation.
“You know you don’t need to pretend to love me just because of what I said, right?” He asked as Y/N focused on cleaning out his wound, his eyes were fixed on her, his gaze soft and gentle.
“I’m sorry I didn’t text you,” Y/N sighed, still patching him up but Eggsy caught he slight tremble in her hands, the give away to her nerves.
“It wasn’t your fault - I’m the one who up and left, remember?” He pointed out. Y/N chuckled under her breath.
“I guess that’s true, yeah,” she agreed quietly. Silence fell between them and Y/N took a long breath, glancing up at him, meeting his eyes properly for the first time that evening. “But... I’m not pretending to be in love with you.”
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Hey I have request for the emoji promts
💥 : A fighting headcanon
but can you make it also with the Injury one?
So my idea is where the reader is an actress working on the next kingsman movie with Taron Egerton. She is playing his romatic partner but its a enemies to lovers trope in the script. The are screen fighting and someone messes up the fight choreo and someone gets injured.
Note: Hello lovely. Thank you so much for requesting this head cannon. I do have to apologize for it being a little bit choppy but nevertheless, I hope that you enjoy it and I hope that it matches what you had pictured in your mind whilst requesting.
.You had met Taron on set of the new Kingsman movie and instantly hit it off with him.
.He was so sweet to you and was more than happy to show you the ropes on how everything worked.
.It was your first movie after all, and you were quite intimidated.
.You were grateful to have a friend like Taron.
.Today however was going to be a hard shoot.
.It was a scene where you and Taron had to get into a fight.
.With lots of choreography involved for the intensity of the fight, you were slightly worried that you’d mess up.
.Especially when it came to having to throw some serious punches toward Taron’s face.
. “Good morning y/n, you ready for the big day ahead?” Tilly, the makeup artist asked as you sat down in the chair, she had ready and waiting for you.
. “I am but I’m also very nervous.” You replied.
.She smiled at you and got to work on your war paint.
.Well ok, maybe it was more like bruises and cuts but still, it made you feel badass knowing that it was Eggsy being the cause of them🔥.
. “Right, you are done.” Tilly announced after a little bit.
.You examined her handy work and smiled brightly.
. “You are bloody talented Tilly. This is incredible.” You complimented.
. “Thank you, y/n., Now, you better head to set.” Till told you, making you nod.
.It was now or never.
. “Good work Taron. Y/n, you’re doing well but you need a little bit more anger in you. Try again.” Matthew said warmly.
.He knew you had potential and he could sense that you were holding back.
. “Ok. And action.” Matthew called when you and Taron had given them nod of readiness.
.You put your all into it and you felt very proud of yourself but that was until Taron messed up and kicked the back of your knee, sending you to the ground with your foot at a very odd angle.
. “Cut!” Matthew called frantically as soon as your cries echoed through the sound stage.
.You wanted to scream but all the came out of your mouth were very animalistic sounds, making you sound like a growling dog or something of that sort.
. “Ok y/n you’re ok.” The onset medic tried.
.You managed to glare daggers at him.
.You knew that you weren’t ok at all.
.The medics worked quickly on you and soon enough you were sent to the hospital for x-rays etc.
.Hours later you were sent to your temporary home to rest as much as you could.
.You felt helpless and so much pain.
. “Alright, if you need me, I’ll be in the guest room so just shout.” Your cousin said.
.They were kind enough to jump on the next available flight to come and be with you whilst you healed.
.You felt beyond grateful for them.
. “Thank you, y/c/n.” You said as a yawn crept up on you.
.Your cousin nodded and was about to head up the stairs for the night when there was a knock on the front door.
.You looked at each other and frowned in confusion.
.Your cousin silently pointed to the door, and you nodded, giving the ok to answer it.
. “Hi, can I help you?” Your cousin spoke kindly.
. “Yes, I’m looking for y/n. Is she here?” The person asked.
.You knew it was Taron.
. “It’s ok y/c/n. You can let him in.” You said, attempting to sit up.
. “I hope it’s ok that I’m stopping by like this.” Taron said as he saw you on the sofa.
. “It’s alright. We were both going to have a nap though.” You replied, making Taron’s smile fall.
. “I’m sorry. I really just came by to apologize and to give you these.” He said, showing you the bouquet of wildflowers he had purchased for you.
.You smiled at him.
. “Thank you, Taron, but there is no need to be sorry. Accidents happen.” You told him.
.Taron shrugged at you.
. “I feel really bad though.” He replied.
. “Why?” You questioned, curious for his reasoning.
. “Had I not misjudged how close we were, I wouldn’t have caused you to fall and break your ankle.” He answered.
. “Like I said, accidents happen. It’s not a big deal, Taron. It’s a clean break so my recovery should be quick and smooth.” You spoke.
.He nodded but you could still see the guilt in his eyes.
. “Y/c/n, would you mind making us some tea?” You asked, looking at your cousin.
.Your cousin nodded and headed to the kitchen.
. “Come sit down Taron.” You said, attempting to sit up again.
.Taron saw this and walked toward you to help you.
.You both spent the next few hours talking about everything.
.Taron even asked if he could take you out to dinner once you were healed, to which you agreed.
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avenging-fandoms · 4 years
taron is the type of person to have secret signals with his partner. like if he’s on stage accepting an award, he’d play with his wedding ring or put a hand over his heart or that kind of thing, something so that his partner knows it’s a little sign that he’s thinking about them without having to share it with everyone else
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“i’m sorry i can’t go, doctor’s orders. but i will be watching and cheering from the couch” you sniffle and cough into the blanket, taron pouting. 
“oh, darling, i’m sorry you’re sick. i really wish you were able to come with me” taron sat next to you and ran his fingers through your hair. 
“i know, me too. when you win, please tell elton to kiss you for him. cause i really wish i could” you pout and taron smiles. 
“if i win, angel. we don’t know if i’ll win”
“i know you’ll win. you will win. win for me and our little pea” taron smiles and places his hand on your stomach, leaning over to kiss you but you pull away. “no, you’ll get sick”
“you think i’m going to go to the golden globes, nervous as all hell, and not kiss my gorgeous wife? you’re out of your mind. i already have a cough” you roll your eyes and taron leans forward, kissing you softly. he doesn’t pull away until a couple minutes, making you smile. 
“you go out there, and you win for me and pea” you press your forehead against his and he smiles, pecking your lips again. “i love you”
“i love you more” he blows you a kiss before leaving out the front door. you sigh and snuggle deeper into taron’s sweatshirt, hand under the sweatshirt. the door opens again and taron rushes over, kissing you over and over and you laugh as you push his chest.
“taron, go or you’re gonna be late!” he smiles and kisses you again before actually leaving. you pull out your phone and retweet a few things, posting tweets how you were really sad about how you couldn’t go and how proud you were of taron.
taron: I can’t wait to bring home an award for you.
you anxiously bit your nail as you waited for taron’s category to be called, and chris and scarlett walk onto stage. you sit on the couch and they announced taron’s name as one of the nominees.
“and the winner is..” chris took a pause before he said the winner and you crossed your fingers and bowed your head. “taron egerton!” you jumped up and screamed and clapped, crying as taron walked onto stage and took the award.
“that’s my baby!” you yell and smile, sitting on the couch and holding your stomach, the other hand covering your mouth.
taron did his speech and through the whole thing, he kept his hand on his chest and tapped his thumb against his heart. you smile and did the same, taron thanking you, elton, and so many more other people. “i love you all, thank you” he blew a kiss into the camera and tapped his thumb over his heart before heading off the stage.
not even three minutes later, you get a call from taron. “why hello golden globe winner”
“i can’t believe it. i can’t believe this is real life” he sighed and ran his fingers through your hair and you smile.
“we’re so proud of you, t. i’ll see you later, i love you so much” you blow him a kiss and hung up the phone, switching the channel because you already saw taron win.
a couple hours later, taron picked your sleeping body off of the couch and brought you to the bed, tucking you in and giving you a kiss. he took off his suit and hung it up, brushing his teeth.
“so, i didn’t know that they send one to our house. so, i have no award. but i still won” taron whispered and you smiled, rolling over and placing your hand on his chest and tapping it with your thumb.
“yes you did, i’m so proud of you, taron. i am so lucky” you whisper, kissing him softly. he smiles and pulls away, kissing you harder. he pulls away and brings you into him, kissing your head. “i love you”
“and i love you, yn”
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acdeaky · 4 years
day 13 - a day while snowed in 
warning: fluff
note: okay so now i want to spend a day snowed in with baby eggsy
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you were woken by the kisses of JB above you, hot breath fanning over your neck and the chill that come through the small gaps in the windows from outside. with a light push, JB settled, moving back towards the bottom of the bed as you shifted your attention to eggsy. he was laid on his side, his body tucked into yours as he slept soundly.
as you looked over to the window, you noticed a soft whiteness settling around the frame. it didn’t take you long to realise it was snowing, that and the coldness letting you know what the weather was like outside. and, if it was anything like previous years, you were definitely going to be snowed in, remembering the year before when the front door had been frozen stuck and snow piled against the exterior.
so, you turned your body towards eggsy’s, the two of you moving in a way that’s been practised many mornings over before you landed in a comfortable position. his warmth was nice, welcoming, against the chill that threatened to trail down your back.
“baby, wake up.” you whispered into eggsy’s ear quietly, stroking a few pieces of hair that had fallen onto his face. he let out a small groan while snuggling closer into your skin, his hands wrapping themselves tighter around your body.
“eggsy, it’s snowing.” even that didn’t motivate him to move. this time, he just sighed, mumbling something incoherent into your neck. “i can’t hear you.” you giggled.
“i said,” he started, pulling his face away from you as he rolled onto his back, pulling you down with him so you were laid on your side pressed against him, your head resting on his shoulder. “if it’s snowing, then we have to stay inside. i could use a day in bed with you.”
“whatever you wish, you shall received.” you giggled again, pressing a light kiss to eggsy’s cheek as you settled down again, relaxing into the sheets knowing you were barely going to move that day.
@shes-over-bored @i-barely-go-on-online @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @goldhoran @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedustmazzello @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawings @igotsuckedintothevoid @kill4hqueen @supersonicfreddie @laedymoon @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @warriorteam1924 @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist @mamaskillerqueen​ @bhxrdy
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mcsstydia · 4 years
Simply Best Friends? - Eggsy Unwin
pairing: eggsy unwin x reader
prompt: got a little inspiration from this prompt list
#21 “You’re bleeding all over my carpet”
#38 “Take off your shirt”
#19 “You need to see a doctor”
#48 “Why don’t you tell me why you really came here tonight”
#25 “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it”
#51 “I love you, you idiot”
Words: 1.5k
warnings: none that I could think of 
A/N: as you can see, I’ve fallen in lovw with a new character (and the actor) so bear with my new obsession. requests for blurbs are open! 
Masterlist is in bio!
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  It was almost three in the morning, when a loud bang, followed by furious knocking, awoke you from your deep slumber. You would have been scared out of your skin, if you hadn’t known it to be your longlife best friend, Eggsy Unwin. Who you were, on an inimportant sidenote, madly in love with. Oh, and this isn’t one of those chlichee stories you loved so much, where you were both madly in love with each other without noticing it.
No, you’d told him about your feelings about half a year ago. But he’d said, with the new job he got, it would be too dangerous for you. You’d argued a dozen times about how it should be your decision whether you wanted to risk it or not. But after countless arguing, and crying, you had accepted the fact that he simply did not love you back and that this was the real reason he didn’t want to be with you.
So, you continued as best friends. And it worked quite well. So far.
  You rubbed your sleepy eyes as you made your way from your bedroom to the door to your apartment. You pulled the curtain aside to really make sure it was Eggsy before actually opening the door in order to let him enter.
As soon as the door opened, Eggsy stumbled in (and almost fell into your couch table) before letting himself fall onto the soft ground right next to it. Your eyes widened and you hurried down to his side all in a split second. Your hand flew to his cheek absentmindedly and out of intuition. You caressed the soft skin of his face and he grabbed your hand just as absentmindedly. 
  “What the fuck happened, Eggsy?”, you asked frantically, your voice filled with concern, your eyes searching his for certainty that he was alive and that he would, eventually, be okay. Eggsy’s eyes found yours and you felt your heart skip a beat at the handsomeness of them.
His bruised and stained fingers still clapsed your wrist as he answered. “I’m fine, darlin’.” It was but a whisper and you obviously didn’t believe him. You let out a strained laugh. “Fine? You’re bleeding all over my carpet!”, you exclaimed and he sheepishly grinned.
“C’mon, let’s get you on the couch,”, you said, as you grabbed both of his hands and pulled him up to your level. He leaned onto you, as he was clearly in pain, and fell onto a spot on the couch as soon as it was in reach. 
  You eyed him up and down, his shirt was full of blood, whether it was his or his opponent’s, you couldn’t tell yet, his trousers were ripped and his glasses had a few scratches on them.
“Take off your shirt”, you ordered, without thinking about rephrasing your sentence. Eggsy, though he seemed miserable, raised an eyebrow and shot you a dirty looking, teasing smirk. You felt heat rise up your cheeks and blamed it on the pressure of the situation.
  “Oh, shut up,”, you ordered again, before continuing to defend yourself. “I’m just not sure whether this is all your blood or the guy’s you beat up.”, you mumbled, not meeting his gaze on purpose. 
“‘S alright, love.”, he mumled just as quietly, maybe due to how exhausted he seemed, or maybe, just maybe, it was bacause he wanted you to mean it-NO! You couldn’t let those hopeful thoughts get the best of you again. Not now. Not when he needed you so badly.
And although it seemed like it hurt, he didn’t let you help him take his shirt off. He did it and made it look both effortless and absolutely hot. You had seen him shirtless on countless occasions, but that didn’t mean that you weren’t reminded how you couldn’t be with him every time he was.
  You were attracted to him, of course. I mean, hell, who wouldn’t be? But that fact didn’t make looking at him any easier. 
He discarded his shirt to the floor and slouched back against the soft fabric of the couch again. You analysed his toned chest and your eyes quickly widened at the sight in front of you. A big slash was cut diagonally across his abdomen. You were glad it didn’t bleed as much as you thought it would, otherwise Eggsy would be dead by now.
  Speaking of Eggsy, he had heard your sharp intake of breath and commented without looking up at you. “It’s not as bad as it looks, love.”, he whispered, but your lack of reaction made him finally look at you again. He only caught a glimpse of your face before you quickly turned and hurried to get the first aid kit reserved for him.
Nonetheless, he had seen the tears brimming in your eyes and he hated himself for being the cause of them. The young man let out a loud sigh and let his head fall back onto the couch again. 
  You returned within a minute, and went to work. Eggsy hissed once in a while and you despised the one that did this to him with all your heart. He sighed out of relief once you were finished stitching him up, but still, you weren’t a doctor. 
“You need to see a doctor,”, you simply said as you were finished and leaned against the couch table in front of where Eggsy was sat on the couch. He opened his eyes and smirked down at you. “Nah, babe. I only need to see you,”, he disagreed cheekily. You rolled your eyes, trying to surpress the smile that grew on your lips.
  “Eggsy,”, you sighed. “I mean it. What else am I supposed to ‘heal’? A broken bone? Some internal damage? I can’t do that. You have to go to a doctor next time, alright?”, you asked, concern yet again lacing your voice. 
“What? Now I can’t even go to my best friend when I need help?”, he suddenly almost yelled out defensively. You were taken aback by his sudden outburst of emotion and you realised something completely different was bothering him, too. 
  And although you hated it, although you really couldn’t bear hearing about another girl problem of his, you asked.  “Why don’t you tell me why you really came here tonight, hm?”, you asked, trying to swallow the lump in your throat and preparing yourself to hear that he’s fallen in love.
But Eggsy simply gazed at you, his beautiful eyes locked on yours and not a word leaving his plump lips. You sighed and went to grab one of his hands. “C’mon Eggsy, I’m your best friend, y-”, you started, but were interrupted by another sudden outburst of his. He flinched and pulled his hand out of your grasp before he began to speak.
  “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it,”, he brought out through clenched teeth. To say you were taken aback was an understatement. Could this be-? No! No hopeful thinking this time, he’s not in love with you! 
Your big, shocked eyes glanced at him, trying to understand what the hell was going on. “I’m so tired of this shit, Y/N,”, he began again, a lot quieter this time. “I’m so fucking tired of having to pretend I’m not in love with you,”, he continued and your heart almosr burst out of your ribcage. 
  “I have been in love with you for forever and then you told me you felt the same way but that’s when I got this job that I can’t really talk about and that would be putting you in way too much danger,”, he sighed for a second, playing with his bruised hands and knuckles. 
“So I thought the least I could do is keep you safe. But I can’t. And I’m so fucking sorry to have put you through all this heartache but there’s not a second that goes by without me thinking about kissing you, touching you and loving you. I wanna be with you, Y/N. But I messed up. And I know that now. Because now all I am to you is a friend,”, he continued and threw his head back in frustration. 
  “Let me stop you right there,”, you said as you got up from your place on the ground and sat next to him on the couch. Eggsy finally looked at you again and you could see the hurt in his eyes. You grabbed his face softly in between your hands and pulled him closer to you. 
“I love you, you idiot,”, you whispered, which made a grin spread on both of your features. “Really?”, he asked, his so voice quiet and horse the question made tears brim in your eyes. “After all the shit I put you through?”, he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes as well. 
  “Yes, really, Eggsy. I’m so in love with you. Always have, always will,”, you whispered. A smile so big it must’ve hurt tugged on his lips and you had never seen him this happy. One of his hands caressed your cheek, then slid to your neck, pulling you so close your breaths started to mingle. “Can I?”, he whispered so quietly you were certain even he himself hadn’t heard it.
Always the gentleman, you thought, before nodding. He pulled you impossibly closer until your lips met the ones you’ve been yearning to kiss for years. Your lips met in the softest touch, melting and melting into each other again and again and both of you knew, it was perfect. 
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stay with me
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Prompts: 1. “Stay with me.” 31. “I can’t do this without you.” 33. “Let’s give these fuckers a show.” 39. “It hurts so fucking bad.”
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: language, blood, violence, fluff and angst
PLEASE READ: I haven’t mentioned anything in the fic but the idea is that instead of getting married Tilde and Eggsy broke things off after the events of the Golden Circle. The reader is the new Merlin who has been dating Eggsy for a couple of years
A/N: actually super proud of this one, so I hope you guys enjoy!
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What the fuck were you thinking? You scolded yourself as you gazed up at the monstrous mansion from your seat in the limousine, its size dwarfing you, making you feel even smaller than you already did. How on earth were you going to pull this one off? 
The mission was supposed to be simple. Eggsy went undercover to gather intel, you hacked the location’s mainframe remotely from the Kingsman HQ, and together you would stop the bad guy from executing whatever diabolical plan they had dreamt up. Same as usual. You had hoped Eggsy would even be home in time to salvage your date night which had so rudely been delayed by William Bates, Kingsman’s latest Bad Guy To Beat. 
Unluckily for you, however, Bates was also a tech genius, that being how he made his fortune which he was now using to fund his evil masterminding. Which is why, instead of being able to hack his system remotely, as you normally did as Kingsman’s new Merlin, you were having to go undercover with your boyfriend to access his mainframe manually. With the power of coercion on your side, you should be able to get the biometric scans you need while Eggsy gathers the intel you need to shut down Bate’s boy’s club that are supposedly going to take control of the UK government. How exactly they thought they were going to do that, you didn’t know. All you knew was that your complete lack of field experience and minimal hours of training had not prepared you for this scenario at all. 
“You ready, love?” Eggsy asked you from his seat opposite you in the limo. His strong, unfaltering gaze grounded you, taking your brain away from the enormity of the mission at hand. 
You were two very capable agents. Eggsy especially. You had complete faith in him. But you knew, right now, you needed to be someone he could put his faith in. The mission comes first, you reminded yourself. So you exhaled slowly, putting your anxieties aside. “Let’s give these fuckers a show,” you smirked at him, referring to your cover.
His smirk in return was immediate. “That’s my girl.”
As soon as he opened the limo door, the Eggsy Unwin you knew was gone, replaced in the blink of an eye by billionaire, Robert Hudson, looking to buy into this boy’s club of Bates’. He helped you out of the limo and then you walked, arm in arm, up to the security guards posted at the grand double doors of Bates’ home, where he tonight was hosting his charity’s annual gala. A front for inducting rich, like-minded extremists into his little group. 
“Hudson, party of two,” Eggsy smiled politely at the guards, exuding confidence from his every pore. 
The security guard, a large bald man with an expressionless face, looked down at his tablet for all of two seconds before he looked up again, surveying the area. “Welcome, sir,” he said as he and the other guard moved in unison, opening a door each to grant you entrance to one of the most lavish scenes you had ever witnessed in person. 
You worked hard to keep the awe from your face, knowing Arabella Hudson should be well used to the kind of scene before her. Gorgeous gowns and bespoke suits littering the grand ballroom, framed by stunning floristry and lit by glittering chandeliers. Normally, you would grab the first flute of champagne you could find and make Eggsy twirl you around the dance floor to the sound of the live orchestra posted in the back corner of the room. But today, the two of you walked towards the sea of drab billionaires calmly and cooly, finding hands to shake, needing to identify the people who had the information and connections you required to get this mission rolling. 
It was over an hour of talking to various celebrities, politicians and the wealthiest members of society before your host, William Bates made an appearance. He made his way down the grand staircase carefully, extremely aware of the attention that his entrance had grabbed. He walked hand in hand with his husband, Thomas Bates, whose elegance and grace was so severe one might think he was actually floating down the marble steps. 
Inwardly, you rolled your eyes. What kind of a self-important prick thought he had to be fashionably late to his own event? Nevertheless, you plastered what you hoped was a bright smile on your face and joined the other guests in applauding the hosts as they made their entrance. 
“So,” Eggsy continued the conversation he was having with the middle aged Irish gentlemen beside him, who positively reeked of old money, “I assume he’s the man to talk to about this…” he paused, for effect, “gentlemen's club I’ve heard whisperings of.” 
The Irishman smiled slowly, understanding the meaning between the lines of his words. Eggsy had been working his usual magic to charm this oblivious pawn in Bates’ scheme, and he had very easily created the impression that he would be the kind of person to buy into whatever it was they were planning.
To your surprise, you seemed to be a natural at acting the part and aiding Eggsy in gaining the trust of the corrupt wealthy you were rubbing elbows with. Even Eggsy with his years of experience struggled to keep the admiration and pride out of his eyes as he watched you, nailing the undercover operation. 
“He sure is,” the Irishman confirmed, accent thick. “I’ll take you to see him myself. We could use more members like yourself,” he commented cryptically. 
That was how you found yourself, another hour later, approaching William Bates, the Irishman leading the way. “William, I’d like you to meet my new friend, Robert Hudson, and his gorgeous wife, Arabella.” 
“How do you do?” Bates greeted as he shook Eggsy’s hand. 
The two of you fawned over the magnificence of the gala, paying your respects to the host before the Irishman couldn’t help but interject in your small talk. “Will, I think Rob here is a prime candidate for your little side project.” 
“Well, if you keep bringing me great candidates it won’t be so little,” Bates jested cheesily, clearly trying to maintain a cover. 
“From what little I’ve heard of this project I developed a great interest. I’d love to be able to discuss it with you further and hopefully get involved,” Eggsy lied.
“That is just excellent,” a grin crept over Bates’ face, clearly eager to induct more extremists. “I’m not going to lie to you, I did a bit of reading up on you and I think you would be perfect.” You bit back a smile, the idiot had found the digital trail you had left for him to find Eggsy and contemplate him as a new recruit. “I’d actually love to discuss it now, if you don’t mind?” 
Eggsy cast his eyes down at you, feigning a questioning glance for permission. You gave him a reassuring smile and the smallest of nods. “That sounds great.” 
“Phenomenal! You two, follow me,” he began to turn, leading you out before Eggsy interjected. 
“I prefer not to involve my wife in business actually.”
My wife. For a split second, you forgot the extreme stakes of the situation you were in, so taken aback by what Eggsy had called you. Obviously, it was just for his cover. Nevertheless, there was a deep longing in your chest. You were quite sure you wanted nothing more from this life than to be Eggsy’s wife. To be with him for life. 
As quickly as the thought entered your mind, it went away, realising you were going to be on your own from here on out. Panic seeped through your chest, burning up within you. Despite your emotions, you maintained a neutral expression.
“Go enjoy the party, darling,” Eggsy spoke directly to you now. “I’m sure I won’t be long gone.” 
With that, he sent you one of his dazzling winks only you could see, and he followed Bates away from the party and down a heavily-guarded corridor. You were officially on your own. 
As discussed, you mingled for a while longer before you excuse yourself from the conversation you were in to go to the ladies. Your precaution in avoiding arising any form of suspicion by making your exit at the same time as Eggsy was largely unnecessary, seeing as the majority of the guests were far too intoxicated at this point to even take note of you. 
“Excuse me?” You approached one of the guards barricading the corridor Eggsy had just disappeared down. “I was wondering if you could show me the way to the bathroom?” As you spoke, you placed the faintest of touches to his arm, as though to grab his attention. In actual fact, you were placing a small clear patch on his bare skin, imperceptibly using concentrated, fast-acting toxins to make him extremely susceptible to charm. In less than twenty seconds, he would be doing whatever you asked of him. It was of your own design, and you were extremely proud of it, to say the least.
Within ten minutes, your big dopey security guard was placing his hand on the biometric scanner to open the control room, with two bodies at your feet. Not exactly ideal, but you didn’t have the time or the patience to patch up every guard you came across so the two guarding the door had to go. 
You didn’t even get a ruffle your skirt until the door to the control room opened, to reveal three men, two in charge of surveillance and two in charge of firing the many weapons Bates had hidden throughout the mansion to eliminate any threats. Clearly, this little team weren’t two quick on the uptake since none of them had managed to take up arms to defend your little raid of their workplace. 
“Shoot them, Ben!” You instructed your brand new personal bodyguard, as you fired your own weapon, concealed as your bedazzled clutch just as Eggsy’s gun was often concealed in a briefcase. 
Seeing you as the weaker link, the third of the men who was yet to be shot charged you, knocking you to the ground. “Oof!” You exclaimed, the wind completely knocked out of you. Without a single word from you, Ben had shot the man straight in the head, the toxin working it’s magic of instilling a sense of loyalty toward whoever was instructing them. 
You sucked in a deep breath from your place on the floor, the pain it brought already informing you that you may have a cracked rib or two. Ben offered his hand, which you took appreciatively. God you missed your office at HQ.
‘U ALRIGHT?’ Flashed across the display of your glasses, Eggsy having subtly typed the message out with his eyes from wherever he was, clearly having been watching your camera’s streaming.
“I’m fine, Galahad, just focus on your end of things,” you adopted your usual objective tone which Eggsy was so used to hearing from you on missions. 
You didn’t have to see him to know Eggsy was fighting off a scowl, hating when you referred to him by his code name. He liked to say he hated how professional you were when it came to your work life, but truly, he loved your unwavering passion and commitment to Kingsman. Even if that translated to you insisting on keeping your private and professional lives separate.
Eggsy, as he followed Bates through a series of secret doors, let out a breath he didn’t realise he had been holding as he heard you through the comms. He had faith in you and your abilities as a Kingsman, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried out of his mind with you in the field with him for the first time. 
“Alright, I’m in,” your voice rang out through the comms once more. “I’ve got your back, Galahad.” 
Your words filled him with a sense of ease as he walked closer and closer to what was possibly an extremely dangerous situation. He knew you would always be there to get him out of hot water when he needed it. 
“I know all this secrecy and security measures might seem a bit excessive, Robert, but what I’m about to tell you is highly sensitive information,” Bates began his spiel, completely oblivious to the fact that Eggsy’s glasses were recording everything he said. “As you probably know, up until a few years ago I was working on a political career of my own, using the influence I ascertained from my business’s success to try and make a difference in this country. I quickly learned that I was going to be able to change shit all. Too many right wing conservatives in my way voting down everything we tried to put forward,” he shook his head, Eggsy through his research identifying that he was clearly a man scorned by the oppression he had suffered as a gay man his whole life, absolutely desparate to make changes. “But then, just as I was about to give up, I was hit with the greatest inspiration there ever was,” a smile crept onto his face as he paused dramatically. “Valentine.” 
Eggsy sighed internally, wishing for the love of God that the influence of that man would just die out already. 
“To see someone come so close to changing the world for the better. That was… life changing,” there was a glimmer in Bates’ eye, which quickly disappeared as he continued on. “Obviously there were flaws in that plan, however. Leaving so many like minded people to die who would so clearly follow in his leadership. But the way he took action to make change. That was groundbreaking,” he smiled wide, looking to Eggsy now for some kind of input. 
“I agree completely,” Eggsy gave Bates what he was looking for. “But what action could we possibly take?” 
Somehow, the smile on Bates’ face grew even wider, mania spelt out all over his face. “I’m glad you asked,” he said, placing his hand upon the biometric scanner on the wall behind him. 
At first, Eggsy thought he was just looking at an empty room, but quickly realised he was entering an observation room as the wall made completely of glass around the corner came into view. On the other side of the two way mirror, was rows upon rows of beds in a warehouse sized room a flight of stairs below where they stood. Each bed was occupied, each occupant appearing to be deceased as they laid face up, completely still with their arms by their sides. The only indication that they were alive came from the machines hooked up to their brains, displaying their brain waves as they slept.
“It may not look like it, but you are looking at the greatest army in history,” Bates explained. “Each soldier you see here is dormant, their minds made, by my scientists, to be extremely pliant. Each one of them is awaiting programming, which will be sent directly to their brains through those computers,” he pointed to the brain monitors. “My programming will make them the most obedient, most highly trained soldiers alive within seconds. Ready to overthrow the government of the United Kingdom at a moment’s notice.”
“Already working on a reversal program,” you notified Eggsy through your comms, having discovered the information Bates was divulging through a quick skim of his files. 
“Who are they?” Eggsy questioned. 
“The homeless, the poor, the isolated. People that won’t be missed when they disappear. All right wing conservatives,” smugness oozed from Bates’ reply. “All the people who agree with those standing in the way of making the changes this world needs. LGBT rights. Climate change prevention. Free healthcare. And with more help from people like you, Robert, we won’t just be making these changes here, we can make them on a global scale. All you have to do is enter your money into the pool of funding and you too can be a part of our little, gentlemen’s club, as we like to call it.”
“A gentlemen’s club that rules the world, eh?” Eggsy joked.
From your position in the control room, you snorted. “Great thanks for the complete confession, dickhead, that’s going to playback well in court,” you laughed quietly as you typed away, working at lightning speed to finish the program which would set Bates’ victims free of any control he had over them. 
The rest of the conversation became white noise to you as you worked furiously, knowing the time Eggsy was buying you by chatting with Bates and inquiring further into the logistics was limited. 
“Okay Galahad,” you spoke once more, ten minutes later, “the program is complete. I just need you to get Bates back to the party before I send the program to the computers so he doesn’t notice that anything has gone awry before the feds arrive.” 
“Why don’t we go back to the party and celebrate over a bottle of champagne? I’m sure your other guests are missing you,” you heard Eggsy follow you direction over the comms. 
For a moment, you couldn’t believe your luck. Your first field mission.  A taped confession. All of the offenders all piled into one gala, drunk out of their minds completely oblivious to the fact that they were ten minutes away from arrest. Enough evidence to prosecute them all ten times over already sent. 
Luck, of course, was not actually on your side. Little did you know, as you were patting yourself on the back prematurely, a guard was approaching the control room door to swap positions with one of the guards who now laid on the floor dead. In your haste to get to where you were needed most, behind the keyboard, you had forgotten to instruct Ben to clean up his mess. 
The lights throughout the entirety of the mansion flashed red as the guard raised the alarm. Through the surveillance screen to your right, you could see the people around Eggsy go on the offensive immediately. “Ben guard the door!” you screamed, needing to protect both yourself and Eggsy simultaneously.
As soon as you yelled out, the door to the control room was open and Eggsy was into action as he started to fight off the guards he was surrounded by in the most heavily guarded area of the entire building. Ben was scuffling with the guard who had called the code red behind you as you worked furiously to lock the door to the control room and bar anymore guards from interfering with you. At the same moment the door slammed shut, a gunshot rang out. 
Without thinking twice you grabbed your clutch-pistol, as Ben’s dead body fell to the floor with a thud. You were quick to turn and fire a shot straight between the man’s eyes. Just about as quick as he had been in shooting you straight through your abdomen. 
“Fuck!” you exclaimed, body curling inwards as you clutched the wound. 
“Merlin?” Eggsy questioned across the line, even as he fought off the guards from every side. 
You stared down at the crimson seeping through your dress, ears ringing with shock. 
“Merlin, I could really do with some back up right now!” Eggsy yelled across the comms, not having registered the meaning of the commotion on your end of the line. You said nothing in return, writing in pain in the chair which was quickly becoming soaked in your blood. “Y/N I can’t do this without you!” He spoke your true name, desperation evident in his voice.
His words struck something deep within you. Eggsy Unwin, the love of your life, needed you. No gunshot wound was going to stop you from saving him. You barely felt the pain as the adrenaline began to pump through your veins once more. Within seconds you have access to the guns hidden within the walls of the corridor Eggsy was in, and you were firing away at anyone who dared try and harm him. 
As soon as all immediate threats to Eggsy were eliminated, you moved onto the next largest threat. William Bates running for the hills to find the nearest computer so he could launch his program and have an army at his disposal. 
As he ran, you found the nearest gun in a corridor nearby and locked sights on your target. Bates crumpled to the ground with a tremendous scream as a bullet shattered his right knee cap. You smirked, despite yourself. 
You glanced back to the surveillance displaying the party where all the guests were convening. The alarm and red lights had ceased, and while some were sober enough to realise that they should be on their way before trouble arrived, the majority were so drunk they just continued as they were. Despite your slip up, most of the criminals would still be brought to justice immediately. 
So with what little energy was left in you, you hit send on the program you had just designed. Within thirty minutes they should regain consciousness, with their free will and identities still in tact. 
You slumped in your chair, breathing out a sigh of relief. The mission was complete.The world was safe. Most importantly to you Eggsy was safe. You watched as he approached Bates, propping him up against the wall, finishing the mission the way he loved most, rubbing salt in the wound with witty remarks. 
You smiled to yourself, forgetting everything but your love for Eggsy in that moment. That is, until you glanced down at your abdomen once more, remembering yourself and what exactly might be happening to you. 
“Eggsy,” your use of his first name grabbing his attention immediately as you spoke softly across the line. “Eggsy I’ve been hit.” 
With your words, Eggsy’s blood ran cold. No, he thought to himself, body kicking into gear before his brain did, turning and bolting back down the way he came. No no no no no.
A notification flashes across his glasses display that Kingsman’s personal medical team has been alerted and are on their way to the scene.
It doesn’t take him long to find you, remembering the route exactly from when he had been watching you to ensure you got to the control room safely. When he arrived, the door, to his dismay, was locked. 
“Babe!” He yells, voice so much more desperate than it was not ten minutes earlier when he had begged for your help. “Babe open the door!” 
The moment of silence between his plea and when the door opens seemed to stretch on for an age. Eggsy needing to get to you in this moment more than he thinks he’s needed anything in his entire life. The sight he’s met with seems to fill his lungs with ice. You, slumped in a chair, covered in your own blood. 
“Eggsy,” you cry, your fear finally catching up with you, allowing tears to leak from your eyes. 
He’s at your side in a second, ripping his jacket off and scrunching it into a ball to use to place pressure on the wound.
“Eggsy, it hurts so fucking bad,” you sob, overcome with the pain. 
Eggsy swears he feels his heart physically splitting in two, watching you in absolute agony with no power to stop it. The only power he had, was to hopefully take away some of your fear. “It’s all going to be okay, babe. The paramedics are on their way and they’re going to fix you up. They’ll make the pain stop, I promise.” 
As he consoles you he takes hold of your body and lowers you to the ground, allowing you to lie down and providing himself with better ability to slow the bleeding of your wound. The movement causes stars to dance before your eyes, and black dots start to cloud your vision. You shut your eyes, hoping to make it stop. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Stay with me now darling. You have to stay awake,” he tries to maintain a calm tone, knowing the last thing you needed from him right now was panic, no matter how strongly he felt it. 
“Why?” You ask, tears ceasing, head so groggy from blood loss you begin to lose sight of sense.
“Because,” Eggsy fights back tears, “I have a really important question to ask you. And if you go to sleep you won’t be able to give me an answer.” 
Neither of you take any note of the sound of the feds arriving, raiding the charity gala and arresting everyone on the list of names you had sent them. 
“Oh Eggsy…” you smile dreamily, blood loss officially making you delirious. “I think we both know my answer is a yes.” 
Eggsy allows a single tear to fall, the bitter-sweetness of the moment becoming too much for him. “Agent Galahad?” He hears one of Kingsman’s personal paramedics call from down the hall. 
“Hurry up!” He turns and screams in reply. 
When he turns back to you, your eyes are closed and your face is completely void of expression. 
“Y/N?” he asks, hoping for you to reopen your eyes. “Y/N!” he shouts, as you fail to do so. Your complete lack of response breaks down his walls, and he begins to sob over your body as the paramedics burst into the room. 
In a matter of seconds he is pushed away from you, a medic taking his place in putting pressure on the wound. Another medic, takes your pulse, checking to see if there was any life left in you. 
The world slows. An hour seems to pass before the medic says a word. Eggsy is sure that he’s lost you right up until the medic says, “She’s still with us,” giving everyone the go ahead to start work on you to make sure it stays that way. 
Naturally, the Kingsman paramedics were some of the best, so as quickly as they had arrived, they were taking you away, already starting work on a blood transfusion to make up for your severe blood loss. Anytime a Kingsman went on a mission, the medical team had plenty of the agents’ blood on standby, for situations exactly like these. Eggsy had lost too many agents in his time as a Kingsman, so when he and Harry worked to rebuild following the wrath of the Golden Circle, he ensured there were as many safety nets available possible. 
Even as they moved through the chaos that the gala had become, guests being arrested everywhere, the medical team continued their work on you. Eggsy was pushing the stretcher himself, ensuring you were getting as much attention as humanly possible. Sadly, there was only so much they could do until they got you into surgery. 
Before he knew it, Eggsy was loading you into a medical truck and being instructed to sit in the front seat. Away from you. 
“Bullshit-” he began, before he was quickly interrupted. 
“We need the room, Galahad. Do you want to waste precious moments arguing or let us save your girl?” One of the lead medics snapped.
Without a word, Eggsy jogged up to the front seat of the truck and got in. He sat for a moment, fist quickly finding its way into his mouth to stop himself from crying again. Swiftly, he chose to channel his emotion into anger instead. 
“Fuck!” he yelled, removing his fist from his mouth and smashing it onto the dash. 
He should have never left you in the field alone. He should have asked another agent to come to protect you. To ensure nothing like this happened to you. He made the wrong call and he knew it. 
Now, he had no idea what was going on with you. He couldn’t hear a sound coming from behind him over the sound of the siren wailing, ensuring they had the fastest path possible. Your heart could have stopped mere inches behind him and he would have no idea until he stepped out of the truck. 
This thought stuck in his mind, ricocheting around through his brain up until the moment he stepped out of the truck again, scared to death of what might have happened to you in the mere minutes since he last saw you. When he did see you, it was like coming up for air after being underwater for too long. Immense relief. You were still alive. You were still with him. 
But then, all too soon, you were gone again. Swept away to a private room for surgery, leaving Eggsy alone in an empty corridor. The second you disappeared behind the doorway, Eggsy fell to his knees, drained. He had asked to go into the room with you, but one of the medics had quickly replied, “Yeah because having your patient’s boyfriend doesn’t add any pressure when you’re performing surgery.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m her fiance actually,” he mumbled to the closed door.
It was the longest night of Eggsy Unwin’s life, as he sat there in the hall, awaiting either the best news of his life or the worst. It was an hour before Harry arrived, offering him a hug, which, for the first time in Eggsy’s life brought him no comfort whatsoever. Harry brought with him a couple of chairs, and a glass of water, Eggsy not realising how much he needed it until he had downed it in two gulps. 
There were few words spoken between the two men. Harry knowing nothing he could say would be of any help to Eggsy in this moment. Nothing would save him from the dark thoughts he was drowning in, picturing a life without you in it. All he could do for him, and for you, was be there. 
By the time the head surgeon stepped out three hours later, Eggsy felt as if he had aged a decade. Nevertheless, he was quick to jump to his feet, eager for information. 
“Merlin’s surgery has gone well,” he said, removing the weight of the world from Eggsy’s shoulders. He lifted his hand to his mouth, tears of joy springing to his eyes immediately. “There was a bit of internal damage, but luckily nothing to her major organs. We’ve managed to stop all internal bleeding. From here on out, it’s just about avoiding infection and ensuring she heals properly.” 
“Can I see her?” Eggsy asked, eyes glistening with hope in addition to the tears. 
“Of course,” the surgeon stepped aside, allowing Eggsy through. “She should wake up in the next thirty minutes.”
Eggsy stepped forward, towards the door before stopping in his tracks. He turned and wrapped his arms around the surgeon,whom he had met all of three times, hugging him tight. “Thank you so much,” he spoke, patting him on the back before pulling back. 
Much to the surprise of all men present, Eggsy started to jog down the hall, away from the girl he had been dying to see for hours. 
“Eggsy where are you going?” Harry called after him. 
“I have to grab something before I see her, I’ll explain later!” Eggsy called back, joy finally making its way back into his voice. 
The first thing you became aware of, as the effects of the anaesthesia wore off, was the feeling of two warm hands holding your left one. Before you were even fully conscious, the first thought to enter your head was that Eggsy was here. The knowledge filled you with a sense of ease as your eyes fluttered open, as though you were awaking from a pleasant nap and not a major surgery. 
Your eyes met Eggsy’s instantly, as though a magnetic force made it so. “There’s my girl,” his smile reached his tired eyes. 
“Hey handsome,” you croaked, taking in his appearance. Hair disheveled, still wearing his blood splattered suit (minus the jacket, of course), glasses tucked away in his pocket. Although he looked like an absolute mess, he still looked happy, riding on the high that the good news about your health had brought. 
“Oh my days. You gave me quite the scare there babe,” he forced a laugh, trying to conceal the trauma he had suffered through in not knowing whether or not you were going to make it. 
“I’m sorry,” you spoke softly, not buying into his attempt at a cover up and feeling the guilt more sharply than the wound. 
“You have nothing to apologise for,” he reached forward with his left hand, stroking your hair, knowing all too well just how much comfort it brought you. “Do you remember what happened?”
“I’m not sure, did anything happen after I said I would marry you?” You feigned genuity in your line of questioning. 
His mouth dropped open in shock at your words. “I don’t quite remember asking!” He struggled to hold back laughter at your antics. 
“Then ask,” you challenge. 
“Well,” he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a little red velvet box, “good thing I grabbed this before you woke up.” He opened the box, revealing the gold ring you would recognise anywhere. 
“Oh Eggsy…” you breathed out, gobsmacked at the magnitude of the gesture, “is that…?”
“The ring my dad proposed to my mum with? Yeah, yeah it is,” he smiled, “I asked her for it a couple weeks ago. Last night’s cancelled date night had been when I was planning on proposing.”
You placed your hand over your mouth, trying to contain the smile threatening to take over your entire face.
“But here we are instead. So, Y/N Y/L/N, my best friend and the love of my life, will you marry me?” He grinned, clearly already knowing your answer.
You removed your hand from your mouth to give him your answer for the second time that evening. “Eggsy Unwin of course I will marry you,” a tear slipped from your eye.
Somehow, he grinned even wider, taking your answer as permission to slip the ring onto your finger. Kissing your hand as the ring slid perfectly into place. 
“Well, darling, let my first act as your fiance be telling you that you are never going on a field mission again,” Eggsy joked.
“I really wish you would just kiss me instead,” you raised an eyebrow at him. 
“I can do that too.”
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imagine-richards · 5 years
55 and/or 71 for the kiss prompts for taron? thanks, angel!💌
55- True love kiss 71- A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss
Pulling on some fluffy socks, you walked downstairs in just Taron’s t-shirt, snuggling up on his sofa as you heard him putting away the last of the plates from dinner. You waited patiently for his return, curling up and pulling the blanket Taron always had draped over the back of his sofa. It wasn’t long until he returned, leaning against the doorframe with the biggest, cutest smile on his face. You sat up, raising a brow.
“What’re you smiling at?” “I love you.” “W-what?”
Taron walked over to you, sitting right next to where you were curled up. You were completely frozen, not sure if you actually heard right. He just seemed to be beaming at you, waiting on any real reaction.
“I said I love you.”
Oh god. He really did just say that. You two hadn’t done that yet, but it was literal music to your ears.
“Oh my... I-uh, I-I love you too. I love you.” You stammered out, way less smooth than you hoped this moment would go, but your heart was racing and it was difficult to concentrate because Taron loved you. He actually loved you and you were currently crawling out of your blanket cocoon to sit on his lap, straddling him, holding his cheeks with your hands and pressing the softest of kisses on his lips as his hands went to rest against your bum for support.
“I love you, Taron...” you whispered, “so so much..”
He was smiling possibly the widest you had ever seen him smile, and it looked like he was about to speak, but instead, he reached up, lips crashing against yours in a much stronger kiss. You almost squeaked in shock, but quickly melted into his kiss, leaning into his frame, yours fitting perfectly.
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yelenasdog · 4 years
just wanna let y’all know, if u have sent a request in before my hiatus, i am working to get them done!! i just constantly rewrite my fics and it takes ages to get stuff im proud of out there :)
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Gary "Eggsy" Unwin Masterlist
(*) ➞contains sexual innuendos/light smut
(**) ➞contains smut
(▾) ➞contains angst/trigger warning(s)
(°) ➞authors personal favorites
(…) ➞request
(•) ➞holiday themed
(§) ➞alternate universe (AU)
(≈) ➞headcanons (HC)
(۵) ➞prompts
(❅) ➞blurbs
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-Confession (…)
-GN!Reader's Birthday (...)(❅)
-Princess Charming (▾)
-The Parents (...)
-Treasure (…)(▾)
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silentwaters4 · 5 years
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For anon...enjoy!
You hissed as you sunk beneath the shivering layer that was your bath. It was followed by a tension-releasing sigh as the cold gave way to soothing. You felt each and every bruise throbbing while leaning your head against the tub.
“Everythin’ alright in there, love?” Eggsy called from the room. “Sooooo niiiiiice,” you drawled. Your boyfriend peaked his head into the room with a smirk. “Thought you had everything handled.” “Shove off,” you rebutted with a smirk, “I’m not all muscle-y and impervious to other people’s fists.” He chuckled. “Haven’t seen me with my shirt off quite yet.”
Deciding not to respond, you closed your eyes. You heard your boyfriend clambering around, presumably taking off his shirt, the room. You heard him walk into the bathroom. You opened an eye to see him placing a stool on the ground.
“What’re ya doing?”
Without answering, he pulled your arm that was closest to him and placed it on the side of the tub. He smirked.
“Hafta raise it; eases the blood flow.” You thought a moment. Shrugging, you said, “Right then. Get on with the pampering.”
He chuckled before kissing your hand.
“Anythin’ for you, love.”
Perma-tags: @caswinchester2000 @thelastgalacticcat @alisoncdariel
Request Here ; Submit Here
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
Kingsman one-shot
Word Count: 849
Pairing: Eggsy x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sex, some swear words
A/N: Just some blurb I wrote one or two years ago. Don´t know if I should come back to it...it´s really short, but maybe someone will like it anyway...
It was dark and cold outside, so cold, you could see your breath and feel the heat leave your body.
But inside it was warm, the aftercare of sex, cuddling and talking, never wanting this night to end, never wanting to go home, not wanting to leave it.
„I love you“ Eggsy said after a while.
You froze, feeling him sitting up next to you.
The last time this happened, your boyfriend killed twelve people, including himself.
He loved too much and you were being bullied at school, how could you have known?
If only you hadn ´t said it back, you knew it was your own fault, everyone told you so.
What if Eggsy loved you too much too? Or you not enough? What if the love would burn out and you would end up like their parents? No, you couldn´t do it, you had to lie to him, no matter how much it would hurt.
In the most quiet place on earth, it was said to be so quiet, the only thing you could hear were your own organs.
You couldn´t even hear that now.
„We´re just screwing“ you finally said, forcing yourself not to cry.
When had you ever felt anything at all? You could hear, no, feel Eggsy´s heart break.
„I should go“ you went out of the bed, put on your clothes and left the flat, leaving him alone.
But as the door of your home closed and you turned around, you were facing a mess.
Your dad´s things were packed, a newspaper laid on the coffee table, the headline read: „Car accident“, but by far the worst thing was your mother´s lifeless body hanging from the ceiling.
„Fuck!“ you screamed, you started to panic.
With shivering fingers you dialed the most important number in your life.
„Uncle Harry, mom´s dead, and dad too, I don´t know what to do“ you sobbed into her mobile phone, still shaking.
„I´m on my way, don´t touch anything“ was all your uncle said, before he knocked on the door an hour later.
Harry said nothing, he just packed your things and proceeded to hug you, before the two went into his car and left.
Five years later: „Got it, on my way“ you answered, after you saved the Swedish princess.
You were already excited to tell your uncle of your heroic story, this mission was the most intense and you had the perfect plan, which worked.
„Your uncle has a rather special recruit“ Merlin said.
„Who is it?“you asked.
„Eggsy Unwin“ „You´ve got to be fucking kidding me! See you in ten minutes“ you shouted, before hanging up.
„Fuck, fuck, fuck!“ you roared, scaring little children who were playing on the street.
„Hey! Get away from the street, it´s not a playground!“ you screamed at them.
„Yes, ma´am!“ the children shouted back and left the street immediately.
„Goddammit!“ you kept whispering curses under her breath.
Finally you found yourself in front of the tailor and rolled your eyes before entering.
„Don´t ask“ you told James, who was eying your wedding dress and the cake in your right hand.
You went into fitting room one and used the elevator to get to the base.
You hated how slow it was going, normally you would´ve changed into normal clothes, but this time you forgot them.
So you had to face Eggsy in a wedding dress, or not at all.
You figured option two sounded splendidly.
„Here comes the bride!“ Clark shouted, as he saw you, everyone went away into the big room, where the mission reports were held.
„Stockholm syndrome, fuckers“ you bowed down, smirking, never leaving the cake out of your sight.
„So you finally made it, Eggsy, I think you know my niece, (Y/N)“ Harry´s voice killed the last bit of hope you had to avoid this situation.
You had often thought about your reunion, or rather dreamed.
In your dreams you would kiss him and tell him how much he really meant to you, but then you thought about the reality and how you broke his heart.
Oh, how many times you told her uncle, who always said he must´ve forgotten all about it.
Neither of their scenarios happened.
You were speechless, you never prepared for this moment, you could swear he had only gotten prettier.
„Hey“ you managed to get out after a long while of staring.
„Can we talk?“ you asked, he still said nothing.
„Take your time, but don´t keep us waiting, I want to know why you´re wearing a wedding dress and how that cake survived all this mess“ Harry left the two alone and accompanied the agents who also wanted to hear all about the mission report.
„I´m sorry“ Eggsy finally spoke.
You put the cake on a nightstand nearby.
„Don´t be, you did nothing wrong“ he suddenly came towards you and hugged you.
You let go of the breath you didn´t realize you were holding.
„About your parents, about everything. I shouldn´t have said it, I knew what happened to your ex“ „We were seventeen, I should´ve said it back“
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Best friends to lovers with eggsy with “You know I'll never leave you, right?" and "Loving me is a death sentence”
I hope it’s okay that I put these two requests together
Request 1 - ““I’m so lucky I have you” with eggsy please”
Speech 3 - “You know I’ll never leave you, right?”
Speech 10 - “Loving me is a death sentence”
Speech 22 - “I’m so lucky I have you”
Cliche 7 - Best friends to lovers
“You’re what now?” Y/N asked, blinking rapidly at her best friend, who had turned up out of the blue to her shitty apartment on the dodgy side of London, dressed as he always was now in a well-tailored suit and glasses and Y/N knew weren’t prescription.
“I’m in love with you,” Eggsy repeated, his gaze steady and unwavering, almost imploring her to respond in the same way.
“I thought that was what you said,” Y/N murmured, nodding her head.
Eggsy shifted from foot-to-foot, his nerves finally beginning to show as he waited for her response.
“Do you-”
“Oh fuck! Sorry, I thought it was a given that I loved you back,” Eggsy’s lips quirked up into an unsure smile and he let out a slight laugh when he saw her own lips pulled into a grin.
“I love you too, Eggsy,” Y/N confirmed and Eggsy crossed the final few steps to her, wrapping her in his arms. “But what brought all this on?” She mumbled into the crook of his neck and Eggsy shrugged.
“Everything that’s going on with the… new job and all… I can’t do it without you and… I figured it would be the best time for me to… tell you at last,” Eggsy explained, his voice a quiet whisper.
He pulled away to smile down at her, his eyes slightly watery.
“Getting all emotional on me, Unwin?” Y/N teased. Eggsy replied only by covering her lips with his, kissing her gently.
“God - you know I’ll never leave you, right?” He confirmed and Y/N scoffed, pecking his lips again.
“Of course you won’t - you’re stuck with me now,” she agreed teasingly. “Loving me is a death sentence, Eggsy, you should know that by now.”
“You’re a fucking dork,” Eggsy laughed, pushing her backwards into her apartment and Y/N joined in with his laughter as she stumbled back, still held tightly in Eggsy’s arms.
“And yet you love me.”
“And I’m so lucky I have you.”
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I hit 3K and I’m doing a blurb week to celebrate - this is my Taron Egerton Day!!
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Eggsy Unwin: My Grandpas and Me!
Request: Hey there! I hope you’re doing well! I’ve got a request. I’ve been feeling some cute/domestic/fluffy grandpa Eggsy or Taron! Whichever you’re feeling! Stay lovely!
Note: Well hello there! It’s so nice to be able to write imagines for people again. Today I have not one but two imagines for you to read, starting with this one which is a M/M scenario with Eggsy and an original male character named Kellen.
This imagine includes a cute grandkid, cuddles and two very sweet grandfathers.
I want to say a huge thank you to the person that requested this. I really hope that you like this imagine. 
See you in a few minutes for the next imagine!
Colby was a run of the mill three year old with oodles and oodles of energy. He loved dinosaurs and chicken nuggets. His most favoritest person in the wholest and widest world was his papa Eggsy. Sure he loved his grandpa Kellen but there was just something about Eggsy that fascinated the little boy. Maybe it was the way that Eggsy would play Dinosaurs and make the sounds that had Colby entranced with papa so much or maybe it was the way he told bedtime stories and gave extra cuddliest cuddles before turning out the lights. No one really knew, least of all Kellen.
“Outside.” Colby said as he pointed to the kitchen window. Kellen smiled at his grandson and kissed his chubby cheek.
“Sorry my boy, not today.” Kellen replied as Eggsy finally joined him and Colby for breakfast. Eggsy walked over to his husband and kissed him sweetly.
“Morning luv.” Eggsy greeted. Kellen blushed and handed Eggsy a fresh cup of strong coffee. He could never understand Eggsy's love of such strong coffee but given the hours that Eggsy worked, Kellen figured that he’d probably developed the taste from that.
“Oh you utter angel.” Eggsy sighed before taking a long and much needed drink. 
“How was work last night?” Kellen asked as he turned back to the pancakes he was making. 
“Sometimes I wish it wouldn’t be as intense as it is but what can you do?” Eggsy sighed, enjoying another sip of the hot liquid in his ‘my papa loves me’ mug that was given to him when Kellen and Eggsy’s son James told them that Colby was in the making.
“Outside.” Colby said again, this time looking at Eggsy while his stubby finger pointed to the window. Eggsy took hold of Colby’s little arm and attacked it with over exaggerated kisses. Colby squealed in delight as his papa showered him with attention.
“You know, I really don’t know why he’s so infatuated with you.” Kelly remarked, feeling a tad jealous at the bond his husband and grandson had.
“Oh don’t be such a grump. He loves you just as much as he loves me. Isn’t that right Colbs?” Eggsy asked, booping the boy’s nose.
“Hmmmm.” Kellen replied simply. Of course Colby loved him too but it wasn’t the same. Colby never went to him when he had a boo boo or when he wanted to play Dinosaurs. Colby only went to him if Eggsy was too busy to play or if Eggsy was at work and that was it.
“Kell, come on.” Eggsy said, getting up and moving back over to his husband. He wrapped his arms around Kellen’s waist and placed a delicate kiss on his neck.
“We both love you very much.” Eggsy tried.
“You only love me when I’m cooking you pancakes and have coffee ready for you in the morning.” Kellen replied, attempting to not melt at the feel of Eggsy’s lips against his neck.
“That’s not true and you know it.” Eggsy responded. 
“Pancakes are ready.” Kellen announced, earning a cheer from Colby.
“Yay!” The three year old exclaimed. Kellen gave Eggsy a look to say ‘I told you so’. Eggsy chuckled and rejoined his grandson at the table.
Once breakfast was done, Eggsy told his husband that he still had some work to do and headed to his office to complete the rest of his tasks. Colby was not happy with this.
“What would you like to do?” Kellen asked as he carried his grandson into the lounge room to play for a while.
“Papa.” Colby replied. Kellen smiled and kissed Colby’s cheek.
“You get to spend time with me as papa has work to do.” Kellen told him. Colby frowned. Kellen knew immediately that Colby was about to scream bloody murder.
“PAPA!” He screamed, louder than he ever had in his life. He wanted Eggsy and that was final.
Eggsy heard the scream and put everything down, racing to where the little boy was. He saw the look of hurt on Kellen’s face as the boy kicked and flailed his arms in defiance and want for Eggsy.
“What’s going on out here?” Eggsy asked, despite knowing the answer already.
“Here. I need a bath.” Kellen said, basically throwing Colby at his husband.
“Papa.” Colby said as he laid his head in the crook of Eggsy’s neck. Eggsy watched as his husband stopped slightly. He knew that Kellen had heard Colby’s words and knew it had hurt him even more.
Kellen had been in the bath for a little over an hour listening to the sound of Colby and Eggsy’s laughter as they roared and played. The sounds made Kellen feel left out. He was beginning to feel how he did when James was little and refused to play with him. 
Eventually all the squeals stopped and everything went silent and there was a knock on the bathroom door.
“What do you want, Eggsy?” Kellen asked, slightly harsher than he meant to. All Kellen heard in reply was Colby’s attempt at a quiet giggle. He could then hear Eggsy tell the boy to stop laughing so much.
“Not in the mood, Eggsy. Leave me be please.” Kellen replied. Just then a handmade card slipped under the door.
“Eggsy.” Kellen warned. He was not in the mood for games now. Not when he was sulking.
No reply came but he could hear the retreating giggles.
“Bloody hell.” Kellen groaned as he got out of the porcelain tub and dried himself off. He felt bad for snapping but all he wanted was to be left alone.
Once he was dried, Kellen picked up the card and saw a bunch of colourful scribbles covering the entire card. The man smiled to himself and then rushed to get dressed so that he could go and thank his grandson for the card.
After Kellen was ready, he headed downstairs but not before Colby yelled at him.
“TOP!” Colby hollered, alerting Eggsy to the fact that his husband was around the corner.
“Why?” Kellen replied.
“Because we’re not finished setting up.” Eggsy answered as he put the bowl of crisps on the coffee table of snacks he and Colby had set up for the surprise afternoon.
“Setting up?” Kellen asked. Eggsy whispered to Colby that it was ok to go and collect his grandpa now.
“Otay.” Colby said as he walked over to Kellen and grabbed his hand. Kellen smiled and picked the boy up and held him close. Colby happily snuggled into him.
“Surprise.” Eggsy said when Kellen rounded the corner and into the lounge room. His eyes fell upon a mass of blanket and pillows on the sofa as well as a plethora of junk food snacks on the coffee table.
“What’s all this for?” Kellen questioned, making Eggsy smile cheekily.
“Movies and snuggles.” He replied. Kellen smiled. He liked the sound of that.
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