#either say something constructive or stfu
touchlikethesun · 2 years
lowkey i do respect people’s preferences but at this point if i see someone say they don’t like choices or atyd as their like « unpopular controversial opinion » it really irks me because… that’s not an unpopular opinion??? like a lot of people have read them which means it’s not going to be a lot of people’s cup of tea that’s how probability works. also it’s completely unnecessary. i’d much rather someone name their fav fic that doesn’t get enough love as an unpopular opinion rather than putting down other fics.
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emo-and-confused · 4 years
Headcannons based on @cb28 ‘s “ceo of many hotels tommy and hotel receptionist tubbo” au art (includes dysfunctional sleepy bois) (awesamdad)
-techno, wilbur, and tommy are phil’s kids
-(the three kids are adopted, techno was adopted when he was five, wilbur was adopted when he was four, and tommy was adopted when he was seven)
-techno is older than wilbur by two years and wilbur is older than tommy by eight years
-phil is this rich businessman. techno is some powerful leader. wilbur is a famous songwriter.
-then tommy owns a hotel
-he's still like 16/17 but he owns and manages it
-techno is the oldest therefore favorite and heir to whatever money and property phil owns
-tommy is least favorite. phil ignored him.
-then one day phil just gave him money and said "stop being a disappointment" so he started his hotel at 15
tommy: i’m going to build a hotel in rage
-then best friend tubbo who works there and is nice to tommy
phil: oh, theseus, my son. come, i was just telling my companions about your ho- who is that?
tommy: this is tubbo.
tubbo: hello :)
-wilbur being the normal brother and treating him like a normal person and taking him and tubbo to hang out and be kids
wilbur: tommy, let’s go get ice cream
tommy: wilbur, ive got things to do, paper work and, and shippments and-
wilbur: tommy.
wilbur: let’s go. bring tubbo.
-tommy feels like he has to prove something to phil
-he also feels like he might be able to earn attention from him. that if he works hard enough phil will be proud of him
-wilbur’s music is what makes phil pay attention to him, but when he was a kid phil said his music was never going to be a stable source of income and actively encouraged other future job choices. this only made wilbur more focused on his music
-both tommy and wilbur feel the need to prove themselves
-tommy meets sam when starting up his hotel, and immediately gets attached
-sam is basically his guide, even after building the hotel. sam saw the child and went “yeah he needs parental guidance” and continued to stay in contact with tommy
-tommy is the one who gives sam the creeper mask. because sam is always working on construction and stuff and he's always inhaling debris and tommy likes minecraft so he gives it to him. sam adores it and wears it all the time.
-tommy totally calls him sam nook
sam: hey tommy! just building your hotel. i do need some more things for construction though... could you ship them over to me?
tommy: y'know this reminds me of a game my brother made me play over the holidays...
sam: ... uh,,,, what?
tommy: animal crossing! that's it. you're totally tom nook.
sam: alright, tommy.
-[over emails]
]Mr. Danger Careful Innit,
Could you supply more building materials?
Sincerely, Sam Nook
]Mr. Samuel Nook,
Sincerely, Tommy
-sam gets a very official hand written contract (the same one as the lore)
-he gets it and just goes with it (there’s a more real contract but tommy values his handwritten one more)
-sam signing it and tommy cheering and immediately going to text phil
sam: and... there you go! signed. :)
tommy: really??? ... YES!!! LETS GO!!! (calls phil and tells him)
-then tommy hanging up and smiling, then looking back over to sam.
tommmy: (clears his throat) um. my apologies. that was very unprofessional. thank you very much, sam.
-tubbo is the receptionist for the main hotel in the chain, (the one tommy is constantly at) but he basically becomes sort of a manager
-tommy sends him off to do multiple jobs throughout the day, and tubbo does them with only little complaint
tubbo: you know i’m not room service right?
tommy: i don’t remember asking
tubbo, already holding the room order: this isn’t my job tho-
tommy: and yet here you are, doing the job
-tommy pays him more than everyone else though, but tubbo doesn’t know that because tommy won’t let him see the usual staff paycheck
-tubbo is half a year older but his parents are constantly away on buisness trips so he is often home alone and has to take care of himself
-tommy is not good with showing his affection, the only one in his family to do so was wilbur. phil just kind of threw money at him on holidays and ignored him the rest of the time, and while techno was a lot more attentive to him, he wasn’t the best at affection either
-when tommy started making money with the hotel, (how very successful hotel chain), to show tubbo he cared he just started offering to buy him things
tommy, upon finding out tubbo likes bees: you know i could buy you a bee sanctuary if you’d like?
tubbo: tommy no-
-tubbo teaches him that money isn’t the only form of showing you care. it’s a long process
tommy: so you’re saying i shouldn’t buy sam a private engineering lab for his birthday?
tubbo: i know for a fact sam wouldn’t know how to accept such a gift and that he’d rather you close the hotel for a day and take him to play laser tag
tommy: ...okay but what if i do that and buy him a private engineering lab?
-the dream team are bell hoppers.
-tommy gets hate for being that young and successful
-the dream team are like “stfu i'm proud to be working for a very successful 16 yo how dare you" and go off on every rich person who says something about tommy’s age
they're still streamers. they just don't tell tommy. (tommy totally knows tho, he’s a 16 year old kid who plays minecraft and animal crossing, ofc he knows they’re video game streamers)
dream: hey tommy-
tommy: yes? is there a reason you're barging into my office?
dream: .. is that... animal crossing music? are you playing on a switch?
tommy: no!! i'm signing very important and legal documents!!! if you have nothing to say, get out!!
dream, to sapnap and george: he’s totally playing animal crossing.
-tommy makes them greet people at the doors and carry peoples bags purely because they’re famous. they don’t know this though
-they don't think tommy knows. tommy and tubbo think it’s hilarious. tommy hints it all the time that he knows but they just think he's being a kid
-quackity is on sam’s building/contracting team
-even after the hotel is built, q comes in to "check up" on the building with sam. and they "make sure nothing is going wrong with the building"
-they really just want to make sure tommy is okay under so much pressure
-wilbur totally has tubbo’s schedule and knows when tubbo’s on break, he can usually be found with tommy in tommy’s office
-wilbur will just barge in and be like “okay let’s go, you need a break”
-one time wilbur came in while sam and quackity were there
wilbur, barging in: kay, tommy, tubbo, let’s-
sam, mid lecture with tommy: you can’t keep doing this!
quackity, also scolding: you need to take a break, man.
tubbo, who noticed wilbur come in: wil! tell tommy he needs to go to bed and sleep! he hasn’t slept in twenty seven hours!
tommy, from his desk, with his head in his hands and leaning over paper work: i’m being ganged up on.
-wilbur instantly likes sam and quackity, because they care for his little brother (he totally has a rivalry with them though, he was there first, and tommy’s actual brother)
-the main hotel in the chain is sometimes used as an international meeting place for big companies and politicians
-more than once has phil or techno needed to stay for a few nights due to major meetings with powerful people
-it’s kind of awkward sometimes because tommy’s the hotel chain owner and since he’s based at the main hotel, he sometimes needs to greet the people going in for meetings
tommy: good afternoon, madam secretary
tommy: good afternoon, mister minister
tommy: good afternoon... *awkward cough* ...technoblade.
-or since he’s the ceo of a big name company, he sometimes has to attend big rich people galas that he hates
tommy: tubbo i literally hate these types of places, when can i leave, when am i allowed to to leave
tubbo, who is tommy’s plus one and moral support: dude i don’t know, i didn’t grow up rich
tommy, who grew up talking care of himself when wilbur wasn’t there: yeah well technically neither did i!
-and his father is a business man..
tommy, faking confidence and striding across the room: tubbo, i have no idea what i’m doing-
phil, from a table a few feet away, calling him over: theseus!
tommy, slowly turning around to see phil with a bunch of other rich people: fuckkkk-
-tommy makes sure everyone calls him tommy and not theseus
[in an interview]
interviewer: so theseus-
tommy: it's tommy.
interviewer: ... alright, tommy. would you like to address the rumors going around of your boyfriend?
tommy: huh??? oh, you mean tubbo? no, we're just best friends. and that's weird. i'm a minor.
interviewer: are you gay, though? we've never seen you date any women.
tommy: no, i do date women! all the time!!
-tommy being legally named "theseus watson" but calling himself "tommy innit"
-wilbur is legally “wilbur watson” but only ever goes by his stage name “wilbur soot”
-they both totally end up changing their names. legally.
-tommy saying i hate men because he just hates his father
-tommy getting scandals and controversies all the time but just by the upper class
-everyone else loves and adores him and knows he's literally just a 16 yo kid so that kind of stuff is a joke and he can say that without getting in trouble
-tommy will be in his office and tubbo will be at the front desk and sometimes tommy will just yell “TUBBOOOOO HELP MEEEEE” if his laptop crashes because Tubbo Tech
tommy: [during a meeting] oh, tubbo's clocked in for work.... TUBBOOO!
tommy: he's gonna come in here. surely. he'll go "hellœ?" surely. he'll walk in here...
tubbo: [walks in the room] hellœ?
-phil still has no idea who tubbo is
wilbur: yeah, i’m going to go check on tommy and tubbo
phil: ..the receptionist?
wilbur: ...
wilbur, internally: also your sons best friend but yeah sure, the receptionist.
-techno is lowkey fond of tubbo
-techno notices how tommy is clinging to tubbo at parties and galas all the time so he tries to get tommy to talk about him
-he likes that tubbo is there for tommy and totally resonates with the chaotic energy the two create
-sometimes when tommy can’t get tubbo in to the parties/galas, and techno is there, tommy will hang around him and steal his things
-like taking his wallet so techno will have to go back to the hotel afterwards and visit tommy
-he does it for attention. 
-tommy lives at the hotel. it’s not technically legal cause he wasn’t emancipated from his family and he’s only 16 but they’re rich so people don’t really say anything
-technically he still has a room at phil’s place, but he stays in a room at the hotel. when designing the place, he made sure to map out an area for his living space
-tubbo takes naps in his room
tubbo: i'm gonna go take a nap in the break room
quackity: there is no break room??
tubbo: yea there is. on the top floor. with the giant door.
quackity:... isn't that tommy's room???
-tubbo sometimes stays the night with tommy, when his parents have been on a business trip for over two weeks. he still goes to in-person school so he usually only stays on weekends during the school year
-tommy does online school, and forces himself to get his schoolwork for the week done over the weekend so he can focus on the hotel and other responsibilities
-he fakes having the “lmao i'm better and have more money also you don't play minecraft" mentality towards other kids and claims that’s why he does online
-it’s actually because he doesn’t have time to balance everything and he was bullied in the past so he switched to online school as soon as he started his hotel
-sometimes tubbo helps him with his classes tommy is overworked. like, in his off time. he has the passwords to tommy's computer so he just goes on it and does some of his school work
-tommy ranting to tubbo about how he hates his dad and how he said phil was gonna visit him the next day
-phil arriving and asking tubbo (because he's the receptionist) where tommy is. tubbo saying he doesn't know and that he left. even though tommy is literally in his room
-phil tries. he just doesn’t know how to parent. techno was 17 and wilbur was 15 when he adopted tommy, and he just got busy enough and forgot how to take care of a child
-tommy knows if he talks to phil, it’ll be awkward and phil will just try and buy him off (not intentionally, it’s just how business men be working, yknow)
-tommy just wants to prove himself, to both himself and phil. and hes using his hotel to do that
fanart that was posted with @cb28 ‘s work
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(i got permission to post this)
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
another kevison fanfic none of you asked for (also on ao3):
[Thread] Who's the nicest celeb you've met in real life?
Kevin Pearson. Was an extra for one of his movies and couldn’t be any nicer. Chatted with us even though technically you weren’t supposed to. He joked around a lot and showed us pics of his family. Real top bloke.
I met this guy once on vacation in Italy. We were at a table next to him and my newborn was screaming bloody murder, mom was in the bathroom. Couldn’t quite calm my son and I was getting real embarrassed with the loud noise. Some of the waiters came over to their table to ask if they wanted to move but Kevin shut them down immediately. Actually got a bit cross that they even suggested it. His wife suggested to rock my baby on the side to make him stop and he did! She knows a few tricks having twins and stuff. Also shared that joy/misery thing of being first time parents. Anyway, they left first (they got there earlier) and we learned after that they paid for our meals too. Couldn’t believe it.
replied: Wow. That’s the so fucking nice of them.
replied: Yeah made my wife cry haha
I’ve heard only good things about him too! My mom lives in Philly and his brother was running for city council a few years back and he was there and took photos with all the Korean mamas including my own and my grandma! apparently he smells really expensive :P
Didn’t know that I was fully chatting up his wife at Starbucks until I saw a pic of them at the premiere for one of his movies. I’d be embarrassed by my god she was fantastic! 10/10 would’ve gone for it if I wasnt such a potato
replied: And wasn’t married.
replied: That too
My daughter was an extra on one of his movies and says he’s the nicest guy and “such a dad” lol! And her dad’s a real “dad” dad so for her to say that about a famous actor is funny
I used to teach his kids in my kindergarten class. Daughter’s wicked smart. I can tell you all the mothers would have a fit every time he’d come by to pick them up and if it’s not his wife or them together, it’s him. Very hands on. I’d say that counts for nice.
Rocked out to a Lady Gaga show with him and his wife in Vegas. His wife and I are practically best friends now! We’re on first name basis ;)
replied: Sounds fun! What were they there for if you don’t mind me asking? Coz isn’t he like sober now?
replied to a reply: I think it was for a niece’s birthday or something? Couldn’t remember, was pretty wild night :P And I didn’t see any drinks.Even his wife wasn’t drinking I think? They were literally there to enjoy Gaga like the rest of us
I love hearing stories about him like this because it always looks like he’s such a pretentious pretty boy jerk especially back in the day
replied: Getting your life sorted can change a man
replied to a reply: Yeah he’s pretty mellowed out since getting sober. He’s had that DUI and rehab stint but now he’s a real family man and seems to love his wife very much. Good for him.
Doesn’t he remind you of George Clooney? Got married late and had boy girl twins and is loving life!
replied: True!!
Not sure if everybody knows but his wife Madison is pretty big in the interior design space especially coz she like pretty much runs their fam construction business. I follow her on Insta and I know everyone has a crush on Kevin but I’d pick her over him any day!
replied: OMG YES SAME! She puts together these amazing DIY palettes and I’m obsessed! I’d also pick her over him any day even just to pick her brain
replied to a reply: She also recommends the best books!!!
My mom’s in the planning side of construction and met his wife in West Chester. She did a presentation and afterwards her and my mom shared parenting tips like they’re in some mom club. Apparently she was the sweetest and her babies are adorable and also Kevin calls a lot lol
Met him at the airport, wife’s a huge fan of the manny so sucked my gut to ask for a pic. When he found out it’s for the missus, he recorded a special vid saying his iconic line. Missus was over the moon. Real good fella
replied: That’s so nice
replied: He did for my mom as well! All the moms love him!
Kevin Pearson helped re-build my grandparents’ burned down convenience store. Couldn’t thank him enough even if I tried
replied: Wow, that’s real generous. How are the grandparents?
replied to a reply: Thanks! They’re over the moon. They have a house near the area but gran said he’d come by with his kids from time to time. Even if gran didn’t want to, they always insisted to pay for whatever the kids wanted.
Delivered the cake for his uncle (grandpa’s?) wedding and he gave a seriously generous tip. Oh and his wife packed me pigs in the blanket.
replied: Pigs in the blanket?! What in the middle school
replied: Apparently it was the uncle/grandad’s favorite or something and they double ordered. But who cares free food!
replied to a reply: Did it come with ketchup?
replied to a reply: Hot, wrapped in foil and handful of ketchup packets. I felt like one of the kids
Not him but his brother who’s like a big shot in politics right now. Real top guy and had the best laugh
This doesn’t sound real but I’ve bumped into him literally five times over the past year he’ll probably think I’m some stalker. Rarely saw him without his family and once his kid threw a ball at me. He apologised but c’mon you either throw a ball or bounce it no big deal. Besides, that kid has David Beckham’s kids manners. Real like English folk polite it’s insane
replied: That’s always nice to hear that celebrity kids aren’t spoiled brats. We know a few good of them are
replied to a reply: Celebrity kids are different from kid celebrities though
replied to a reply: Didn’t say they were the same? Just saying that for a kid of someone so rich and famous you’d think they’d be a bit more spoiled but they weren’t at all and was beyond respectful and that’s a testament to the parents.
replied to a reply: Agree. I’ve met this particular celebrity’s kids and mind you they’re teens now but god they were just awful and pretentious. Even more than their famous parent which is saying something
Not him but I did meet that actress that was so embarrassingly flirty around him during the press conference of hat film he did a few years back. She’s a real bitch and so fake and I’m so glad she’s been dropped from the sequel
replied: Oh god yeah I remember her. She was so obnoxious laughing at everything he said like stfu it’s not that funny!!!! The secondhand embarrassment watching her and him being all polite about it *chills*
replied: She’s the worst. No talent
replied to a reply: I was an extra for some scenes in that movie and she was WAY worse and such a diva for someone unknown. Kevin’s a real nice guy though and just let her be. He talks about his wife and kids a lot but she would not take a hint!
replied to a reply: That is just embarrassing
Alright story time. Was working as a barista at a cafe and it was one of those really shitty days. He came in, ordered and waited and was all nice and took some pics with fans. Anyway, like I said shitty day so I mixed up his coffee order and got him two lattes instead of cappuccinos. Mind you, it was a busy asf day as well and I was the only one making coffees. He comes over and tells me and I apologise but by this time my manager’s already all up on my ass for serving Kevin Pearson incorrectly. He kept apologising to him and berating me till Kevin himself stepped in and told the manager off. But like calmly and stuff like it’s no big deal and people make mistakes whatever and I kid you fucking not he apologised to me too and said I was doing a good job. He probably won’t know how much that meant to me after an already shitty as day but it did. I made sure to make him the best fucking cappuccinos
replied: I’ve met him in irl too and he is this!
I saw him sitting at a cafe with his daughter. Super nice. Asked him if I could get an autograph for my mom who’s a huge fan. He asked me some questions about her and wrote a really nice autograph, for her. His daughter stuck one of her stickers on there too and my mom loved that even more. I told him where she works (at a grocers) and he went out of his way to shop there the next day and made a point to look for her and chat. Great, great dude
replied: That is so fucking cool man. And your mom must’ve been so happy!
replied to a reply: She was over the moon! She loves his wife too! Apparently she was even chattier than Kevin haha
Met him at the airport. I was an employee and he had some TSA questions. Genuinely nice and friendly, chatted for about 15min. After he was set, we shook hands, he had his kids say thank you individually with a high five. Adorable. His wife was super nice and friendly too. Very good social interaction, would participate again
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uncertaininnit · 4 years
who wants to read an essay about my relationship with simping/an appreciation(/simping lol) post about Will+Eret and also seperately tommyinnit that was written at 4:22 am and then added to the queue because i love the queue system also fun fact i pronounced the word ‘queue’ as ‘cc-week’ for like an entire year and idk why anyways
lets just jump into it
so. if somebody was to ask me who my favorite mcyt is, i would think about it for a moment and eventually answer with either Wilbur or Eret. and i think that is purely out of simping instinct or whatever the fuck. 
to start, Wilbur; the prettiest man, period. i do not take constructive criticism. he is literally gorgeous and i get so mad at him for putting himself down all the time because he doesnt deserve the shit, especially not from himself. he is 24 years old and has the lowest self-esteem out of anybody i can think of. i want to yell in his face all the time. i want to tell him simps are the same species as him, and they have REASONS to simp. if you keep seeing appreciation posts about yourself (which im sure he does) that means people APPRECIATE YOU and WANT YOU to feel APPRECIATED. 
anyway, back to simping. let’s start from the top. his goddamn hair. it is, it is, and i just took a deep breath, so pretty. maybe it isnt the hair itself, probably, but the way it is done. wavy dark brown hair all floofy in the front. and he is constantly messing with it, which is THE cutest thing. when he is excited, he moves a lot, and his hair moves with him and gets messed up and ahhhcvkvyr moving on.
his face? lets start with his eyes. they are so pretty. i think my opinion on eyes is probably weird, and allow me to explain why. i never ever notice somebodies eye color when talking to them. i just dont even look. so when i am actively paying attention to somebody’s eyes, they are that much more important to me. but idk, i kinda feel like his eyes are one of the biggest factors of his face? like, he looks really pretty whether he is smiling or not, because his face doesn’t ride on his smile.
sidetrack paragraph about george: i think george is that way. he is adorable, but he is only really adorable when he is smiling. if i look up ‘georgenotfound cute’ it will be entirely him smiling, and never any other facial expression because he genuinely looks like the fucking weirdest thing sometimes when making a serious face. back to will.
i dont pay attention to noses because who even cares dude but i’m sure his nose does a good job of supporting his looks as well so good job nose
his SMILE. he doesn’t need to smile, but dude, when he does, it’s like i always used to say (and still would say) in regards to eijiro kirishima. it’s like... sunbeams, like rays of light are in his mouth and escaping when he smiles.i wonder how he keeps a star in there. because his smile literally lights up my heart. and when he tilts his head(basically all the time luckily)? so goddamn pretty. pretty man. pretty. 
that brings us to his neck, which is- no, kidding, but i do want to talk about his vocal chords! firstly his speaking voice, which i guess as an american it hits different for me because of the accent. but- i dont think i can put it into words. but the way he puts thoughts into words-(lol) idk, his voice is just really sweet. and his SINGING VOICE, here we go.
so he sings, duh. and i- holy fuck. he just sounds good, you know? he is a good singer. i want to put my emotions simply this time. he sings well, and he sounds good. a pretty voice for a pretty man. i cant even try to elaborate.
basically the only other thing of my concern is his fucking yellow sweater? or jumper or whatever the fuck? and his beanie? on his body? damn. i am genuinely attached to that sweater. it just looks good, ok? it does. 
oh yeah, and he’s hella fucking tall. 6′5? are you kidding? you couldn’t have at least been short so we could make fun of you?
oh yeah and his laugh-
it is now 4:53 am and a bitch is tired but i have an entire fucking train of thoughts and they must be somewhere before they slip away
the next part- Eret. i adore Eret. so incredibly much. and let me start this by saying i’m going to consistantly call him a he, because he doesn’t care and so that makes it easier for me. ok? ok.
he is the opposite of Wilbur in this one regard, confidence. and self-esteem. eret loves himself. that attitude spreads. look, not only is he like the #1 bicon in the world as far as i’m concerned, but he also actively fucks gender roles any day. strawberry dress pog? strawberry dress pog.
but seriously, he rocked the strawberry dress. and the suit, though i missed that stream. he rocks his crown, his sunglasses, just anything he puts on. and don’t get me started on the BOOTS
(im started on the boots) so firstly the heel boots, the first ones he got. when i first saw clips, my only thought was something like ‘woah.’ or maybe ‘damn.’ at that point i didn’t know much about him, just that he looked STELLAR in those boots (and the betrayal and shit yknow) and the PLATFORMS DUDE
the platforms are the same but moar tall, which is incredible. oh and now back to strawberry dress- have you seen him twirl? the twirl? hello? have you seen it? you must. 
also i havent even talked about HIM yet. hove you seen that picture of him with a bird on his shoulder? he is facing the bird, i think looking at it, with a wide smile across his face. and it is so pretty. he has the prettiest smile. 
also today i was looking for flour at the store place and a clip of him was playing in my mind- he was doing like an announcer voice, like in every superhero movie trailer- and he was just coming up with something to say, and what he ened up saying was ‘in a world... where.... cookies.... are made of pringles’ and OMFG its making me laugh even now. like of absolutely anything, that was the example he made. just thinking about it is making me smile. 
speaking of, have you heard his voice? his normal voice is really really deep anyways, but he has crazy range- he can effortlessly(i originally wrote effortly and when i noticed i laughed because i am so fucking tired bfv9wuocl) go from like an elmo impression (and a good one) to a just REALLY low voice, lower than his normal low voice. 
AND HIS SINGING VOICE! he doesn’t like actually make music like wilbur but on that one stream where he did kareoke (how the fuck is it spelled) with fundy and his voice is SO LIKE its deep and its just pretty and i never want to hear normal sweater weather ever again, just him singing it.
i think this is where i’m done with eret- it is 5:18 now, and a BITCH IS TIRED but i need to finish this while i’m still feeling this wayy or i’ll never finish it, i know this from experience.
and now it’s tommy time
the og reason i decided to make this an actual post . but i had to explain the simping thing before i got into my thoughts about tommy. 
but let me start this with just saying yes, i love him. he is a big man and i want him to be happy. which is the topic for today’s discussion, AHEM. 
so tommyinnit, right? he is 16, which is why i do NOT simp.i dont care that im also a minor, i wouldn’t do anything to make him feel uncomfortable, ever. in any world. never. because look- i dont know how to put it, but tommy is SIXTEEN. still young and impressionable and all that junk. and he is a fairly fucking famous twitch streamer. he does that almost daily.
what i’m saying is i dont want him to get hurt. him, and tubbo too. they are a part of the world, part of the public, all the time. don’t you think that is stressful? do you guys remember his haircut stream? on the day of his haircut? and chat was making fun of him for it, and wilbur was making fun of him for it. that is how i express affection, with my real friends as well. playful bullying. but at some point while Will was teasing him, he says something along the lines of ‘yeah, the big man hasn’t been having too great a day’ or something like that, and dude, my heart dropped.
a. he had mentioned earlier that he didn’t want to stream the day of his haircut because hair is always weird that first day, but since he hadn’t streamed in a good bit he felt obliged to. i dont really.. idk, i dont really like that. i dont want him to have to put himself in uncomfortable situations because he feels like he needs to for us. i don’t think that is healthy.
and b. chat and wilbur were bullying him. good-naturedly, but still, when he mentioned he had been having a bad day, the chat turned around and instantly started yelling shit like ‘AHHHH SORRY BIG MAN YOUR HAIR IS FINE’ and when Wilbur kept teasing him (you fucking beautiful bully man fuck off) yelling stuff like ‘WILBUR QUIT WE ARE H U R T I N G HIM’ and ‘WILL STFU HES HAVING A BAD DAY’ so im glad we all want him to feel ok
but still, it cannot be healthy. when i first got into MCYT, i though tommy was fucking loud and annoying. and he is! he is. but that is a big part of why i like him so much. and everyone jokes about him being a child, because he is, but i choose to not say stuff like that in chat just because i want him to be happy. those jokes are fun, but i want him to be happy. and he is happier when not being called a child.
im not attacking you, do whatever the fuck you want. i dont know why i feel the need to protect him or whatever, if he read this he would probably think i was hella creepy. i just- listen, i just want him to be happy. i just want him to smile and laugh. i sound SO GODDAMN CREEPY but- as ive said- i just want him to be happy. 
is this literally just what having a comfort streamer is? am i not crazy? does everyone experience this? and can we talk about tommy’s playlist it’s literally so sweet and bubbly compared to his personality and i love that. and the song he always plays at the start of stream and always like buzzes along to? that moment in time is my very favorite.
it is 5:44-
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obscureoperations · 3 years
16, 22, 25, 30 and 35 @slasherrabbitmadness
Omg thanks! These were all some fairly interesting asks <3
16: Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I mean not ...really? None of the tropes that I enjoy leave me feeling particularly ‘guilty’. I’m a sucker for angst.. hurt comfort type fics. The more male tears the better.. and no I don’t mean that to sound awful. Enemies to lovers is always good, I’m just a sucker for the tension. "kill the cutie" might be an option here, especially bc I always want my fave to win. When you see them going through all this shit, it sorta allows you to imagine a scenario where you could save them.
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
I try not to, especially when I’m trying to write something of my own. When I'm answering a prompt, it isn’t rare that I have some sort of podcast playing in the background. Mostly bc I’m pretty pressed for time and just want to put something out there. I want to answer these prompts that I pretty much begged for, but also want to learn about the most effective ab exercises! Generally when I sit down with purely the intention to write, I hate any sort of background noise.I prefer complete silence, or sounds from the neighborhood. The sounds of the city really seems to connect me to 'my' character and what I think they might be experiencing.
25:Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Yes and no. For the most part, I write for strictly one fandom, and there’s only so much that you can do with that particular storyline. I like to imagine an AU where Martin escapes, and is free to carry on about his life. He meets someone with similar urges, and they become fast friends. There’s also one where he ends up as sort of a live in house boy. We’re not gonna get into that lmao. For the most part I daydream about being a random add on to the narrative. Especially when bogged down at work. Going to work, heel toe to the pavement, with the smell of tar and sounds of construction in the background.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Bro.. My life is angst. Give me all the fluff! The type of shit that has me squealing into my pillow as my roommate in lack of a few words tells me to stfu. I really love some well written angst, but It gets tiring sometimes. Sometimes, you just want to see your fave have a happy ending. And if that comes in the form of an extremely uncharacteristic pillow fight… that's fine! As long as everyone is having a good time.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Sometimes I don’t feel like I say enough in my tags when I reblog other people’s stuff. Tbh, I’m in awe of some of the talent in the horror fandom. Key smash can only do so much. When it comes to writing, it comes in waves. Either I'm really passionate about what I’m trying to get across. Or I'm simply typing stuff out just to create ‘content’. I think it shows when you read it as an outsider, it's sort of careless and sloppy. I'll soon return to the place where I write things simply bc I want to, but in the mean time will continue to enjoy the delicious fuckin food!
Thanks for all these fantastic questions. It was actually nice to pick at my own brain. Like bby..what is you doin?!
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isabelisfun · 4 years
drag race commentary
i love denali sm
i mean i think elliott should’ve been in the bottom too-
i started thinking elliott was cute but she’s getting on my nerves again
ok tamisha i don’t think u really gotta make something out of kandy saying symone is her biggest competition
kandy’s makeup is so bad today i can’t i’m so sorry 😭
i really don’t care ab this fight like i like tamisha but i don’t think either of them are really in the right anyways new day in the werk room
lala is so cute
now who tf came up with this mini challenge-
no but plz fire the intern that came up with this because this is so strange
yayy it’s ball week! i love the ball
ooh this is olivia’s week with all of her little bags
i feel like elliott is not being very nice but they’re not showing it to paint kandy in a bad light
i’m obsessed with rosé and i’m not ashamed to admit it
aww utica is so sweet the way she’s helping lala is adorable
no but i love mik. so much. an icon and she’s so nice to everyone
omg i love tamisha putting on a ball my favorite thing about this cast is seeing how much fun they have together
rupaul stfu ab the saboteur no one cares anymore
the way roop keeps having a heart attack over the littlest things it’s not that funny babe
mik is so cool
there hasn’t been enough denali and olivia this episode
who’s gonna tell joey what a lipstick lesbian is because i don’t think she understands the meaning
this coach promo i-
it’s so important that they’re addressing blm
michelle with curly hair is my favorite thing
ok first category: denali’s look is cute she looks good, joey’s isn’t much but she looks good ig, lala’s look isn’t great but her beat looks great, elliott’s looks a little cheap but it’s pretty, tamisha’s is funny, symone’s is definitely something, i’m obsessed with olivias i love hot girls in boxing looks, mik’s is gooood, rosé looks stunning, tina’s is also good, kandy’s is fun she a magician up in here, utica’s is super good
category 2: denali looks super hot, joey’s is...boring, ok side note but these coach bags are so random like they don’t even match chile 😭, lala’s look itself is a little boring but she looks really good bald, elliott’s is fine whatever, i do love all these queens in suits i love a woman in a suit what can i say, tamisha's looks good, symone’s is cool, olivia looks like really good she looks hott, mik’s is STUNNING god she’s so beautiful, rosé’s is fun, tina is giving me very much bob the drag queen, kandy’s is like basic but also kinda hot, utica’s is good but i kinda expect more from her idk
category 3: denali looks good yet again, joey’s is not great but like she really does look good in a wig, LALA’S AAAAH THIS IS SENDING ME OH MY GOD IM GONNA CRY SHES SELLING IT THO AND I LOVE HER FOR IT, elliott’s look is fine i like the jacket but underneath is only mediocre, tamisha’s is cute she looks good, symone’s look itself isn’t great but she styled it well, olivia’s is super cute it’s very chromatica, mik’s is super cool and i’m obsessed with the mullet, rosé’s is also really good like it’s definitely a full vision, tina’s is uh very boring, kandy’s isn’t great but her hair is really cute, utica’s is really good and her makeup is also gorgeous
safe queens aren’t surprising at all
plz i love nicole sm
i disagree i think tamisha’s looks were good
i mean i agree with michelle ab tamisha’s beat being a little rough but i do not think she’s gonna like being told to ask the younger girls for advice
mik is so freaking talented
mik and rosé getting the PRAISE THEY DESERVE
woah utica’s fits her really well i didn’t even notice that but it’s really well constructed
i like joey cuz she is truly so stupid and i love that
lala’s look was iconic honestly idc
joey gurl- what are u doing
ok yah lala was like a lot better in that
but honestly that wasn’t a great lip sync song like-
i mean like joey was cute but i’m not crying or anything
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maxbernini · 4 years
skamfr is so much more fun when you ignore the plot, steal the characters from the show, and instead come up with headcanons about them. so therefore important scientific question: what type of music do we think la mif listens to?? here is my contribution to that below the cut. (my knowledge of french music is limited so this is english-based; apologies if the read more doesn’t work & you have to see all of this, im tagging it as “long post” so).
sekou: i feel like it’s been established that sekou is kind & empathetic in very “quiet” but important ways. he does things where you’re like, oh yeah that’s nice. but thinking about them beyond a surface level, they’re actually very meaningful: for example, hacking the account. that was second nature for him, an immediate reaction! but he took the lead from lola on what she wanted to do with it, and then took it down when she was ready, no questions asked, giving her agency (something she craves; also “maybe you’re just a good person” FIRST person all season to say that). so this is me saying i think he likes music where the emotion is...carefully constructed, but still powerful, still gut-punching. like classical/orchestral? or soundtrack music!! hello we KNOW he’s a future oscar winner (perhaps eliott would’ve been too had he listened to sekou's advice). he likes analysing films & their sound design, he loves the one for interstellar since the entire film is just science stuff + the power of love. he also likes beyonce and rihanna; songs like “xo”, “cheers to the weekend”, “bitch better have my money” and “countdown” remind him of dumb nights out with his friends. he also loves classic artists like whitney & tina turner: people you can dance to! videos on their insta + samedi 6:43 prove this (remember when he was going wild in the background when mayla were trying to flirt? legend).
lola: canonically didn’t like the music playing @ that bar (hip-hop i believe?). also canonically a dramatic teen: she has used music in her insta stories TWICE to call maya out, so i think she just listens to whatever she likes that happens to match her mood, and stares out the window pretending to be in a music video when she does so. but perhaps secretly prefers pop? or music she can jump and scream her lungs out to, like “i wanna get better” by bleachers or “shake it out” by florence and the machine? also if no one else is going to say it....she's a swiftie. she heard “love story” when she was eight and her heart ACHED with the forbidden romance of it all because when you're eight you somehow relate to lyrics you've never experienced irl, and she's sworn allegiance to taylor ever since. also definitely a paramore fan; she had a crush on hayley williams (“hard times”, “ain’t it fun”, and “the only exception” are her anthems, depending on the mood).
max: okay according to their insta he plays the guitar and SINGS so i think he probably listens to a lot of folksy/indie acoustic stuff, or at least plays a lot of them, and when la mif go camping he whips out the guitar and they have a sing-a-long. sometimes he leads; sometimes he'll fade into the background because he wants to listen to his friends or gets super into the strumming. either way he takes a bow at the end. sufjan stevens maybe when he's yearning over sekou (“i can’t explain the state that i’m in / the state of my heart, he was my best friend.”) also fleetwood mac (“the chain” when he’s angsty; “landslide” when it’s quiet & he hums it). but also rap and r&b? specifically stuff that hypes him up when he goes jogging or is urbex-ing by himself / when it's a somber, quiet group session. 100% a raleigh ritchie stan (they play "the greatest" in the car when they're driving at night; i think it's an anthem for them, max drums it on the wheel).
maya: canonically loves harry styles (she follows him on insta), but i am yet to decide whether this means she was one of those lesbians who Just Thought One Direction Were Neat, projected comphet crushes on them, or simply watched the music video for “watermelon sugar” and was like...i see the vision harry i see it!!! hayley kiyoko was important to her as a japanese lesbian teen girl but i think she's branched out to listen to other lgbt artists of colour now, like the internet (she vibes to “girl” when cleaning the apartment), frank ocean (she listens to his cover of “moon river” when she misses lola), and rina sawayama (“stfu!” when she’s having a bad day and/or dealing with racists @ work). however as a maya apologist i think it's important we also recognize that she has been known to canonically have, uh, questionable taste sometimes...so let's all accept that she unironically loves the glee cast version of “don't stop believin'” and move on! (we can discuss who the gleeks in la mif are later).
jo: ok this is the hardest one imo bc i think she’s most likely to follow in eliott’s footsteps and enjoy dubstep or something equally left field / cringey we can bully her for. but she canonically also likes reality shows and hates documentaries per their insta which seems like a more (for lack of better words) “mainstream” and "basic" thing to do, so to combine both feelings...electronic pop maybe? she definitely streamed charli xcx’s newest album & prefers her experimental stuff to her earlier pop stuff, but she mostly likes bouncing up and down. actually wait i want jo to stan, fucking...100 gecs or someone equally terrible. i want nobody in la mif to ever hand her the aux cord for that exact reason, but lola doesn't know she's unofficially banned from having it yet, so the first time they’re driving to urbex together she's like hey lola can you pass me that :D and lola does and la mif just FREEZE having realised too late and lola's very ???? but before they can do anything, the intro to “money machine” is being blasted, jo’s going feral, and lola is like. ok understood.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale S4 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- I’m excited about the quiz show but I wish it wasn’t just to show off how smart Betty is. I know she’s smart, all the girls are, but if they dumb them down to make Betty look good…
- Archie has such a good heart ugh the greatest boy in Riverdale and nobody can compare to him!!! 🥺❤️
- Jughead mentioning Bret after him and Betty have sex. We love Bret x Jughead lmao
- Betty looks so good though can she please have her hair down all the time pLEASE 👀❤️
- Betty looks like Lili way too much and I don’t like that… Bughead is basically just Sprousehart and that’s not a good thing
- NOT CHERONICA ASKING ABOUT ALCOHOL TO AN ADULT AT THEIR SCHOOL NO LESS??? Whatever, they look good so I’ll let it slide for the best girls in Riverdale
- “Boy in the river” is too soft but serial killers, which has probably been done so many times, isn’t…? The desperation to cling to the black hood is potent
- TOM’S BEEN WORKING CONSTRUCTION??? SINCE WHEN??? Also not Archie replacing Tom with Frank?? And with NO warning??
- Veronica is such a cutie we love!!! And finally solid proof that Toni is smart!!! Betty taking Cheryl’s answer though smh isn’t there usually a rule against that??
- Betty talking about Bret to Charles gives off enemies to lovers vibes. I don’t genuinely ship it but the idea of it though is interesting. Anything to shake things up. Also, is she really trying to get Charles to help her cheat just because she feels entitled to getting into Yale??
- “Brown Hood” ew… also none of those other interesting stories were good enough but we’re going to STILL have to hear about the dumb black hood? LET IT GO
- It’s kinda funny how much Betty is like Bret, Like, entitled, selfish, pretends to be higher than everybody else, etc… anyways enemies to lovers 😜😜😜
- Of course Bret bought his way into everything, wasn’t it obvious?? Also how exactly did Charles get information on that if the dad wouldn’t have wrote it down??? Like, the only way Charles would have been able to get that would be if he snooped around. It wouldn’t be official (or hidden and official) paperwork...
- So Betty can milk her father being the black hood but jughead can’t use it as a story despite technically being a victim of it himself?  I mean I get it but like… is it really THAT BIG of a deal? 
- NO THE SPEAKEASY?!!!?!!? Hate that Veronica never wanted to be a criminal but now she’s illegally going to sell alcohol and knowing her annoying ass father and how much the writers love this boring rivalry, he’s going to find out and ruin it.
- Fangs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 It’s good to see that he’s still alive smh. But, damn, they really had to ruin any possibility of Kangs like they never even got a true chance to be good :(
- THIS DUDE LOOKS LIKE HE’S IN HIS 20′S??!?!?? KEVIN???!?!?! SIR?!?!?!? BE CAREFUL?!?!!?!?
- Betty hounding Jughead for lying when she constantly lies to him I—
- This “make Tom a second father to Archie” is so weird like—other than Harv getting into a fight with one of the writers on Twitter (which made my thoughts on it more negative lol) it’s just… he has his own son that he never talks to (especially after being in a CULT) and it rubs me the wrong way… it’s nice for Archie to have a father figure but they were kinda setting FP up to do that and now suddenly out of NOWHERE it’s Tom?
- Betty not getting into Yale because of who her father is and not her grades :( That would such. But it makes sense...
- Jughead, you act like Bret would care if Betty found out that you’re using her father for a story without her permission.
- YESSSS BETTY DESTROYING HAL’S GRAVE EVEN THOUGH IT WON’T DO SHIT AND SHE WAS LIKE HIS BEST FRIEND A LITTLE BIT AGO BUT WHATEVER. See, people, this is a badass scene. THIS. Her actually being angry and venting, not destroying others for no reason. This. 
- Tickled…..?????? 5 GRAND??? SHIT THAT’S... mmhm, Sounds kinda creepy but 👀
- I feel like Bughead is doomed because suddenly they’re actually being kinda cute and like 1% interesting and usually when that happens the person or couple I don’t like ends up either dead or something
- So how the fuck can Betty get into Yale considering she said in the flash forward she’s in Yale?
- CHERONICA DANCING WE LOVE TO SEE ANOTHER DANCING SCENE!!! We love the best dressed and most beautiful girls in Riverdale!!!!
- See, this is why you don’t tell Hiram SHIT but the writers insist to make them seem dumb (so Veronica can come up with a plan and make it perfect but she tells her enemy/father what she’s doing so he can stop her? Sure… makes TOTAL sense…) so that Hiram can come in and fuck everything up. I get that it can’t come easy because this is a TV show but for the love of God Hiram will never fucking leave will he???
- He really has to destroy it???? What a fucking loser lmao he’s such a baby
- Ooh Veronica is pissed! She looks hot when she has that angry look I say that’s my baby she’s gonna retaliate!! 
- I’m low-key scared for Kevin… like he’s always used by his dates.
- Cheryl being the smart bitch she is we loveeeee!!!
- YES REVAMP THE BROTHEL. There’s nothing that says female empowerment about Penelope but um whatever this is actually a really good idea… WE LOVE A CHERONICA TEAM UP
- I know Cheryl’s gonna ask Toni but Toni’s a part of—wait… PENELOPE?? No. JUST FUCKING LET HER DIE OFF PLEASE. Lmao but just imagine if someone decided to go have sex in the bunker and Penelope is just like “oh hey”
- FRANK JUST FUCKING ATTACKED TOM??? So the ex-sheriff isn’t gonna press charges?? Umm okay
- Frank literally stfu don’t guilt him into not feeling bad for you, you’re a fucking thief
- I legit just cringed when Betty said she was Jughead’s cheerleader that was… ew
- Mmhm… would Betty cheat?? Maybe. Also WHY would Alice fucking do that? I mean I guess it matches season 1 Alice but it’s still dumb that her s1 personality came out of nowhere and was villainized
- Oh Betty totally cheated didn’t she………… “THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST” MEAN GIRLS!!!
- WHY IS VERONICA GIVING IT TO BETTY WHEN SHE’S THE ONE WHO’S ANSWERED ALL OF THE FUCKING ANSWERS? But lemme guess they’re making it seem like she cheated but suddenly she’s smart enough to answer all of the questions
- Yup, Betty was suddenly a fucking genius mmhm I knew they were gonna pander to her smhhhhhhhh
- YES ARCHIE STAND UP TO FRANK!!!!!!!!!! And please apologize to Tom 🥺🥺
- So how does she get into Yale if they think she cheated?
- WAIT KEVIN IS HELPING FANGS GET MONEY WE FUCKING LOVEEEEEE?!???!!?!?!? HE CAN PAY FOR HIS MOM’S SURGERIES!!! Fangs family background info coinciding with Toni’s here we go!!! Also Fangs stop being a cutie challenge!!!
- The camera making Bret look monstrously huge lmao
- Jesus not a fucking duel….
- So is this scene before or after Betty “hits Jughead”
- BARCHIE HOLDING HANDS. In the gif shown before the episode there was nothing platonic about that look. Of course with context… it’s kinda… inappropriate but YESSS BARCHIE RISE!!!!!
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missfinefeather · 5 years
So we have finally done it.We have finally gotten to the shipping war discourse lads.
(Has war flashbacks) Oh God... The Shipping discourse...
...you mean it has only begun from here?
Don't tell me Winter is involved with a lot of ships...
Oh yeah, it only gets deeper
I have been here in the RWBY FNDM since its conception back in like 2012 was it?
And.It's never been easy.
Nah, Winter is actually involved in fairly little
It started geeting really bad around here if I remember correctly
I kept going downhill afterwards though
It still is going downhill but that's an issue to discuss for later volumes.
For now: Winter!
Point is though the RWBY FNDM is infamous for its cutthroat shipping wars.
the "This isn't what Monty would have wanted" only really started during the next few volumes
it was on the down low in vol 3
Admittedly there are some things that the RT team has retconned in later volumes that slightly opposes the deliberate information Monty Oum gave before his passing, but that does ultimately mean nothing because no one knows what Monty would've wanted.
Aura being one of these things. Then again they have also just, randomly made stuff canon in the middle of livestreams before so I wouldn't be surprised if they made stuff up on the fly.
Basically, vol 1 and 2's discourse was mostly focused on Jaune, volume 3 saw the shipping wars intensify but it was kept a bit on the down low because of Monty's passing and a pretty universally liked volume but after that it quickly went apeshitIt got nasty
Actually just.
Discourse in general got nasty, and the show's... Sloppy writing only stoked the fires.
But that's a story for another volume
What you have to keep in mind, being a RWBY veteran myself here.Is that the FNDM consists mostly of a large sect of just, blind followers.
They will take and scrutinize everything you say, constructive or not, and tear it and you apart limb by limb if what you say is something they disagree with.
So just, be careful with that stuff because the fans can and will get nasty if they can. It's happened to me ever since I've been in this FNDM that for some reason I can't leave.The BlackSun vs. Bumblebee shippers being the MAIN example.
Basically, you choose a side and you follow or else you can't really interact with the FNDM
fence-sitting will get you in bad spots
The general consensus is: just stick to your group of friends because no matter what opinion you have, you will get assaulted either ways.
Not really selling me towards liveblogging this show all that much xD
a thing to keep in mind
A very important thing.
How about "FNDM, stfu or I go back to liveblogging Monster prom"
it can be a good fandom
but it can turn on you fast
Just like Eridan.
It's hard.
It's hard being a RWBY fan and nobody understands.
So you do know Homestuck xD
Been here since Act 4 and waited through all the pauses baby.
I think even Arnold (MurderOfBird) who's kind of the untouchable figure of the fandom got shitted on quite badly for some minor stuff at one point
Oh dude the FNDM is so... Polarizing.
Especially when it comes to male characters.
Let's not talk about the Jaune discourse
God, I remember 2014-2015 when male characters were just absolutely despised.
Not just Jaune, all male characters.
Jaune got the worst of it
He did.
along with Rwby and Yang's dad
Don't remember if Miss knows his name yet
Can we talk about [redacted parental figure] yet?
Not yet
Yeah makes sense.
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thevioletjones · 6 years
seeallmydreams replied to your post: This may be the first time I don’t reply to all...
It’s your story you do what you want. I guess at least everyone liked it enough to want more but it was fantastic as is. Write more if you want to but do it cause you want to not because it was demanded! I like how it ended. I felt satisfied.
Thank you. I don’t mean to come off as ungrateful or bitching about people wanting me to write more. It’s obviously awesome to have readers that care about your work enough to want to see something keep going. I get that. But there’s a way to go about saying that. Some people know how. Some people don’t. If you want more, tell me why. Tell me exactly what you did or didn’t like about the chapter you just read. I honestly don’t mind criticism, especially if it’s constructive, but if there’s no comment at all on the content and just either an entitled or disappointed comment about needing it to be more than it is, it rubs me the wrong way. Like I said, 10 comments, almost in a row, all just saying it needs more. The last comment I got before I broke and wrote that bitchy rant (lol) was (I will copy/paste): 
I enjoyed this but was left saying "oh, is that it?"
Like. . . really? Wtf is that? I spent a lot of time trying to figure out exactly how I wanted this chap to go, let alone the time spent actually writing it, editing it, even worrying over formatting it (the stupid text parts). I knew people always go into my fics thinking there will be smut, and a fluffy ending. I think there is a fluffy ending, and I really like the last couple lines, and put a lot of thought on the right note to end it on, but I also knew it didn’t feel right to have anything outright physically romantic happen between them at this point in this story. Not even kissing, or petting/hugging, let alone sex. So yeah, I knew it would be an open ending, but a positive one. One where you can infer the outcome. 
And like I said in my previous rant, I was already contemplating a short epilogue set like 6 months later or something, but man, I was receiving all these comments while I was at work, which already puts me in a bad mood, because I deal with stupid people all day long, and I have to help them do their job as I do mine. So I kept getting excited seeing so many comments in my inbox so quickly, and it was all just like, “Okay??? But more???” So I kinda snapped. 
I wanna try different things sometimes, and not deliver the stereotypical fic you can read from anyone that posts daily in the tag. Something even a little deeper in some ways. So yeah, it sucks when people can’t just appreciate that, say something nice (or constructive) and then say they wouldn’t mind another quick chap, or it would be cool to see where their relationship goes. I’ve asked people to keep going before on something they ended, but I tried to frame it in a way that doesn’t belittle what they have, or at least be playful with it, so they know I’m not actually being obnoxious in my demands, and that I don’t actually expect them to heed my wants.
And now I will stfu, if anyone in the world made it this far. Lol
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enemies to lovers!sungwoon 
genre: fluff word count: 2.0k summary: would you listen to your heart, or your mind in the face of love? author’s note: first scenario up, sorry if its too cringey (´・ω・`)  /edits are mine!/
• well *claps three times sassily*
• iTs hA sAeng uN tiMe
• sungwoon was,,, really just like any other classmate (who sits behind you)
• aside from his obnoxiously stupid loud voice (which you’ll grow to love shh)
• and his stupid round glasses that dEfiNiteLy dIdN’T sUiT hIm aT aLL???!! (inserts overly used spongebob meme)
• and his stupid lips that look like clouds (and probably tastes like them too) 
• and his stupidly sparkly eyes and his stupidly cute height and jUst uGh
• come to think of it he was never really a normal person and you were just a wee bit attracted to him JUST A WEE BIT A WEE BIT 
• but ever since this argument you had in front of the entire class,, the wee feelings you thought you had for him disappeared (did it really??) because boi he is annoying  눈_눈 
• it was literature class and your teacher!jisung was asking a question about whether you should follow your heart or your mind when making a choice 
• jisung: “so…y/n, what do you think?”
• you: “actually, i personally think that thinking with your mind is a better option because it will lead you to making a more rational choice, since your heart may make risky decisions based on your emotions. following your heart will not work well in situations that are pressurising.”
• jisung: “brilliant, any other opinions, class?”
• sungwoon: “well, actually, i personally think that your argument is flawed because your mind is logical and logic follows the conventional way of thinking. you’ll never get to go out of your comfort zone! you’ll never take any risk! that’s why you have to think with your heart. think, think!”
• oH HO aH HA *rubs hands in glee* D RA M A
• you: “but taking risks will get you into trouble!”
• sungwoon: “well that’s because you’re a goody-two-shoes!”
• you: “says the one who hasn’t skipped school before.”
• him: “says the one who never fails to hand up your homework on time.”
• you both: “sAYS THE ONE-“
• ok but he’s secretly shipping you guys together because oo you both noticed each other’s habits in school mHmMmMmMmm!m
• anyway
• that was the beginning of the hatred between the two of you,, you were like bij what the feck 
• queueing for food in the cafeteria? sungwoon secretly slips in front of you when you're distracted,, talking to your friends
• you confront him about it - but he acts like he doesn't know anything even though the small smirk on his face tells you otherwise,, and that infuriated you to no end
• having lessons? you turn behind and ‘accidentally’ knock over his pencil case to pass him papers teachers give out 
• you feel bad whenever he has to pick everything back up but your pride ain't gonna let you stoop that low to help the enemy so you just kind of just signal to your lab partner baejin to help him and he's always ʘ‿ʘ because he knows something’s up but only for a moment as he remembers you have the video of him headbanging on top of a table once because he didn't hear you entering his dorm room,,,bUT THATS A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME
• however,, one day when you were going home after long gruelling hours in prison (jk school), you decided to take a detour to a convenience store since you are a thirstin’ and hungry hoe 
• after spending eons deciding on which snack to buy (you ended up buying one of each of the five types you painstakingly shortlisted), you finally decided to go and pay
• bUT GUESS WHO YOU SAW ????? (cues the ‘no shit, sherlock’s)
• yes it is,,, HA SUNGWOON1!1!1!!1!1!1!!
• but he wasn't alone
• was he with a girlfriend????? boyfriend????
• NO!!
• he was with an old lady
• and well, being the nosy person you are, you crept closer forward to figure out what they're saying in front of a pissed off cashier while pretending to look at the drinks
• old lady: “i’m sorry, i do not have enough money to pay for everything. are you sure there's no discount for the elderly? i have the card with me-”
• cashier, rudely cuts in: “this is the second time you're asking me that, and the answer is. still. no. fix your hearing, will you?”
• sungwoon: “fix you manners, will you? i’ll pay for her as well so shut the hell up and start being polite, will you?”
• the mildly stunned cashier decided to shut the hell up and started being polite; scanning their items and even bowed to them after they left.
• however, all you noticed was the blinding smile sungwoon gave to the lady.
• it made you feel things
• good things
• something sort of like…butterflies in your stomach
• …but your heart speaks otherwise
• you decided to leave the store after purchasing your goods (not without giving the cashier a stink eye) not long after ,, and surprise, surprise!
• you knocked your forehead against the chin of someone (that someone has an unbelievably sharp chin and it probably left a dent in your skull) coming into the store
• and it was,,, sungwoon?? again??
• him: “wait, you…were in there the whole time?”
• you: *blinks* *nods dazedly*
• him: “oh…um, i, um forgot to buy my milk and you’re, um, blocking the entrance?”
• you: “oh.” *doesn’t budge*
• you, 10 seconds later: “youdidwellbacktheregoodjobokbye” *runs away*
• you realised that that was actually your first conversation with him that didn't include any fighting…and you screwed it up 
• but why do you even care about that?? like, who cares if you talk to him??
• “you do.” your smol beating heart whispers.
• and that was the day you started falling for him.
• you started noticing how he always seemed to pick up your pen whenever you try some cool tricks which often resulted in it flying backwards (and hitting him once but you swear it was an accident)
• how he never fails to try his best and give you constructive feedback whenever the teacher told you guys to switch papers to mark (even though he’ll always add in some snarky remarks like “hah betcha didn't listen in class”)
• how he defends his friends when they get laughed at for not knowing how to answer questions at times 
• how his lips look so full and cloud-like 
• but what about him, then? does he feel the same?
• honestly,, the day you ran away after complimenting was the incident that really got him thinking that hey i’m really am whipped
• yes that's rIGHT
• he liked you even before that incident because you looked cute bickering with him (he thought you resembled a smol angry bird)
• and that day just,, confirmed his suspicions that he really likes you
• but he was scared,,
• that you’ll reject him because in his opinion,, you looked like you hated him a lot
• he had no idea how to rectify that because honestly bothering you was the only way he could keep talking to you 
• bUt hAh jokes on both of you guys because you like each other 
• none of you are budging to make the first move even though you guys keep staring at each other across the cafeteria 
• small accidental (🤔🤔) brushes of hands when passing down assignments make you feel fuzzy inside 
• shy smiles are now exchanged instead of mock glares anD eveRyoNe around y’all is just like “feck this tension between you guys, i’ll die before y’all even kiss”
• and you're just “…hAhh no he doesn't like me…NOT THAT I LIKE HIM EITHER” (baejin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
• to make sure that everyone lives to see you guys become an item,, sungwoon’s and your friends decided to hatch a plan to get you guys together (they deadass created a group chat for it called ‘we are gonna make this happen’ what jokes)
• …that's why you find yourself pacing up and down the garden in your school (it's monstrous and no lie you were kinda afraid of it but nvm) because your bestie told you to meet her there after eating lunch and you're just like ?? i thought you had a meeting 
• her: stfu nobody asked for your opinion jUst gO aLonG wiTh tHe fLoW jk i love you
• when you finally heard the crunching of leaves and twigs, you launched into your rant like bRUH I’VE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR TWENTY MINUTES WHY ARE-
• unknown: “…sorry?”
• you, a stuttering and blushing mess: “oh-h sor-ry i thought you were my b-best friend because i was supposed to b-be meeting her here.”
• sungwoon, a tad shyly: “wait, what? my friends told me to meet them here too!”
• you: “…oh. guess we have to wait together…then.”
• after five minutes of agonising awkwardness (istg the both of you were dying to speak but it was like there was this invisible barrier), you couldn't take it anymore 
• you: “um, so-”
• sungwoon, at the same time, loudly: “UM, SO-“
• you: “ok you go first”
• him: “no you go first”
• you: “no YOU go first”
• him: “fine”
• you: “fine”
• you: “why aren't you speaking????”
• you, looking over worriedly at the flustered boy: “did you become mute??? are you sick?? your ears are turning red!!!!!”
• him, after a one minute mental pep talk: “okay so you're one of the dumbest persons i've ever met but you're also one of the prettiest too and i've been waiting to say this for the past few months but i really like you a lot but i know that you hate me and want me to be banished to the other side of the world and i'll back off if you don't like me which is a highly possible answer but i like you a lot and fuck why am i rambling”
• you: “wait shut up and let me process what you just said”
• you: *processes for a long time because yOU CANT BELIEVE YOUR CRUSH LIKED YOU BACK*
• him: “…oooookay i’m about to be rejected i should skedaddle away right now”
• and honestly you felt like you could burst but no you can't burst because then you'll never be his girlfriend so you try to keep your guts from exploding 
• but sungwoon was already leaving ,,, you have to takE A C TION 
• so you ran up to him and told him that you actually reciprocate his feelings ,, and you gave him the best hug you could ever give (one that u reserved for only your soft toys and well technically sungwoon is as soft as a soft toy so it makes sense)
• HE WAS SHOCKED, SURPRISED, STUNNED, SHOOK, SURPRISED, SHOCKED (…what else i am not a living thesaurus ffs) 
• his heart was doing that little jump thingy whenever he was around you like “!1!1!!1!????!1!!!!” and he was so happy he wanted to turn around and kiss you but 
• you heard the rustling of leaves and a group of people climbed out of their hiding spots in bushes, behind plants, trees, a random beach chair
• baejin: yEA WE HAVE A BABY HERE *points to daehwi*
• jihoon: and we won't want to scar our eyes lololol no offence to you y/n this is directed to our hyung
• your bestie: i KNEW THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA
• ,,,and that was the end of your fiasco in the garden (not without those bright smiles from your boyfriend that could actually save the world and a few pecks sneaked in) 
• and you realised that hey you thought with your heart when you confessed to him lmao
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purplesunrisefanfic · 4 years
Dudes, if you don’t like someone’s fic then either:
Say something constructive that might help them improve as writer
Complain about it in a private space where you are sure the author won’t see it
It’s not that hard.
(Sorry for the rant, yesterday I saw a post about a writer struggling with this and then today I saw a rude comment on AO3 and I’m just pissed off to see any writer/human being treated crappily by the fandom they write for, yk. And just for the avoidance of doubt, I haven’t had any flack personally, it’s all stuff I’ve seen directed at other writers.)
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grimoireemil · 7 years
hermdoggydog replied to your post “hermdoggydog replied to your post “hermdoggydog replied to your post...”
there's limits to how much spellwork you can throw at the khert in a given area. and yeah, they are very much treated like archer units, because there's that critical draw/cast time and most wrights focus on pymary rather than CQC (duane and elka notwithstanding). it's a bit of everything, with armies countering wrights with either their own wrights, first materials, composite anti-pymary materials, constructs, or simply outmaneuvering them (they're still human)
Ya see, that’s what doesn’t sit well from me. What is that limit. Where’s that forceful line. It sounds to me that it’s just kinda saying that “at the very least a group of wrights can’t kill EVERYONE because there’s a limit on how many people they can kill!!!” which is like. OK? The Khert literally has to tell them to stfu because they’re so overpowered lol.
Also, If you can’t core leech an army, what’s to stop you from doing something equally as dramatic with your wright fellow soldiers from like, being creative with their surroundings. See a river? Cool, do a little redirecting and you can drown your enemy EASY.
As for the “bit of everything” point, that’s my point. If you do not have access to pymary or REALLY expensive first materials, you’re fucked. Plain and simple. A Wright can literally say a few words and kill you in an instant. They can even do a really easy cast to just. Make you heart stop. I doubt that’d be a demanding request on the network.
And sure. You can outmaneuver and take someone by surprise. Sure. But that’s the thing. A non-wright with no ways to counter a wright has to be EXTREMELY intelligent and clever to even stand a chance against a Wright who is just. Semi good at what he does.
All I’m saying is that a Wright is obscenely powerful with the wide range of creative choices they’ve been given. The only limit you have is another wright or literally the fabric of the universe telling you to stop because you’re damaging the universe too much with your super powerful magic. I would love to hear more in the comic on how generals combat this. This to me is kind of like every one is carrying weapons of mass destruction into battles and making a silent agreement not to unleash the full force of these WMDs on each other so that way not everyone is dead at the end of the day.
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thejjchandler · 6 years
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Okay, now that I've gotten to laugh my ass off about Huckabee and crew's hypocrisy for the weekend... Some (mostly) more seriously constructed thoughts.
  Sarah Huckabee Sanders got requested to leave a restaurant called Red Hen this weekend because the owner felt that she wasn't simply an average person with opposing points of view, but rather a public figure and representative of an administration that has been hostile to various minority groups that included her staff and that Sarah Huckabee Sanders worked in the service of an “inhumane and unethical” administration.
  "And it was important to her that Sanders was a public official, not just a customer with whom she disagreed, many of whom were included in her regular clientele."
  She apparently made sure she was actually served, and then refused to let her pay. Then she- politely I guess -sent her on her way.
  Sanders tweeted about the encounter, an act which both set off a social media firestorm and may have been an ethics violation.
  The reactions from the Professional Right- especially Mike Huckabee -were absolutely hilarious. It was definitely laughable watching the very same people who have fought to make discrimination by business owners based on "deeply held beliefs" whine and cry foul because a business owner discriminated against one of THEM based on "deeply held beliefs" of her own. And, hilariously, you could see that the little lightbulb in their heads still never went off.
  When the conservative right began to lead the charge to allow bigots to hide behind "deeply held beliefs" in order to engage in legal discrimination against groups they were bigoted against, they were told that, duh, when you open that door you will let in unintended consequences. One of those unintended consequences was having other people suddenly able to do the exact same thing to them.
  The poor little dears, bless their hearts, especially the Huckabee clan, just weren't smart enough to work that bit out even with people completely spelling it out for them. Apparently, they were under the mistaken assumption that legalized bigotry would be something only they would get to use as a tool in the day to day world, and just couldn't imagine that it could happen to them. Turned out that, oops, they were wrong.
  And when it did, the professional punditry and political figures went into overdrive acting as if this was the greatest crime ever perpetrated on mankind. One of THEIR OWN was asked to leave a dining establishment after receiving their meal and told they wouldn't have to pay! The outrage!!! Which was funny given that so many of the talking heads "outraged" over this have defended (if not demanded) that this kind of thing be not only allowed, but codified into state or federal law. These same conservative talking heads have spent years now insisting that various bakers and others be able to discriminate as they see fit based on their deeply held (conservative) beliefs.
  It was particularly comical watching Mike Huckabee spit and sputter about "bigotry" on the menu and throwing around cutesy names like "the hate plate" or "small plates for small minds." Seriously, Mike Huckabee... A man who has championed the right to be a bigot (but only a conservative bigot) by not only private business owners, but tried to tie his brand to civil servant Kim Davis during his Presidential bid while hyping her up as some sort of folk hero for refusing to issue or allow the issuing of gay marriage licenses because of her (hate and bigotry) deeply held beliefs.
  The humor continued as the average Joe and Jane conservative leapt into action to condemn the exact same thing they themselves have insisted must be allowed when they want to do it, and, additionally, jumped into various discussion threads to explain why the acts of bigotry and discrimination they like and support are TOTALLY different not that you'd understand that 'fact' thank you very much.
  Well, actually, it was different. They supported it when they liked it. They didn't like it this time. And the various little dears, bless their hearts, are even now still stomping their feet and insisting that this is totally wrong and totally different and how dare you even suggest that it's anything like the bigotry and discrimination they like and want to see allowed in polite society.
  I mean, look, if they want to live like that, there are plenty of countries that would make them feel right at home. Of course, they might have to join groups like ISIL or the Taliban to live there...
  And adding to the overall humor are the people who have never been to a restaurant running to their computers in order to write negative reviews about the food, service, etc. or leaving profanity laced comments and making threats. You know, the type of thing they decry if it's done to, say, a cake baker's shop.
  It would be really amusingly funny if it weren't really so pathetically sad type of funny.
  Of course, I'm not too thrilled with the other side of the coin here either.
  When various businesses have tried to refuse service to others based on the bigotry of the owner or owners, I've said one thing over and over again- If you open a business in the public square, you serve the public.
  Full stop.
  End of sentence.
  Can you make exceptions? Of course you can. The X-rated book seller can and should keep out minors just as the ABC store can and should (and must) decline sales to people under 21. If there's a history of gang or outlaw motorcycle gang problems, you can enforce rules banning gang colors in an establishment and banning known troublemaking members or groups. Hell, that one asshole who gets himself banned from a place, gang member or not, is almost a local tradition in some places. And, well, past shoplifters who have been caught are usually not welcome as clientele anymore.
  You know, things like that.
  But we don't refuse service based on the concept of "I don't like your kind." And that's been very much the same basic argument from many who have decried the bigoted actions of those that the clan Huckabee and their kind have defended for years now. So, I have to say that I find the large number of people who took that stand who now think this is a good thing to have happening somewhat annoying.
  I won’t fault you for finding humor in the crocodile tears shed by hypocritical Mike Huckabee over the treatment of his often seemingly soulless and always seemingly dishonest not so little girl. I'm still laughing my ass off at them and every other hypocrite who is only now discovering that discrimination based on "deeply held beliefs" is so much bullshit and completely wrong.
  But some on the left are taking joy in specifically the fact that this happened to her at all. Some on the left are practically celebrating the fact that she was told to leave.
  That's a bit of a different beast.
  As much as I've appreciated the humor the whining conservatives have put on display by going into phony outrage hypocrite mode or by trying to lecture others about how their preferred form of bigotry and discrimination is totally okay and totally different from this form of bigotry and discrimination- It really is a bit like watching a toddler complaining about getting hit on the head with a plastic Wiffle ball bat being held by another toddler when that toddler took the bat from the complaining toddler after he hit him ten or twenty times.
  Well, yeah, dumbass, when you treat other kids like shit they might just return the favor. Life lesson learned and STFU with the whining about it now.
  Except, as much as they might like to act like toddlers, we're not toddlers and shouldn't act like toddlers in kind.
  I've seen people like Sarah Huckabee Sanders removed from various dining establishments in the past. The thing is, they weren't just sitting there quietly eating their food as she and her party were that evening. They would have to actively be engaging inside of the establishment in the kind of rhetoric they were known for outside of the establishment.  In other words, they would have to be actively harassing the other clientele and being a disturbance.
  They would have to be doing a lot more than just sitting there quietly eating their food.
  I've also been in places in my lifetime where people have been harassed out of a business and the owner has done nothing or even seen owners ask people to leave because they didn't want "their kind" in the place because "their kind" meant being gay, black, Asian, etc. I've had the displeasure as a teen of walking out of a place with a friend because the person behind the counter knew the person I was with and kept loudly demanding to know who let the "zebra" into the convenience store. For those of you who don't know, that was once a popular slang insult by racists in many areas thrown at children who had one parent who was white and one who was black.
  I never much cared for the people who did those things.
  I can't say I care much for the people taking the position of "It's our turn now!" either.
  That's always a bad path to walk down as it typically involves being the monster you hate.
  It doesn't matter what you think of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It doesn't matter what rationale you can think up to excuse telling her to leave when all she was doing was quietly dining. It doesn't matter because every reason you can come up with can and has likely been used by some bigot somewhere to do the same thing in an incident you have or would have had you known of it spoken out against.
  I have no issue with laughing at them, but a condition to that is remembering to be better than them.
  If you have ever been discriminated against or told to leave someplace because of who or what you were, you know what it feels like. You know it doesn't feel good. I know it doesn't feel good, because it's happened to me. A decent human being takes that knowledge- knowing what that feels like and how much it made the other people seem like the lowest of human scum -and tries to never reverse those roles.
  "It's our turn now!"
  That's really not a good way to live your life. Be better.
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