#sorry i’m just a bit angry rn
touchlikethesun · 2 years
lowkey i do respect people’s preferences but at this point if i see someone say they don’t like choices or atyd as their like « unpopular controversial opinion » it really irks me because… that’s not an unpopular opinion??? like a lot of people have read them which means it’s not going to be a lot of people’s cup of tea that’s how probability works. also it’s completely unnecessary. i’d much rather someone name their fav fic that doesn’t get enough love as an unpopular opinion rather than putting down other fics.
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geekyzelda · 10 months
The complaints about Taylor swift because of the Times article are all very obvious that people just want to be obnoxious and didn’t read the article
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pepprs · 2 years
ok i took a nap sorry for miseryposting
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mammomlette · 5 months
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3(WIP rn)]
Includes: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, GN!Reader/MC
Warnings: Spoilers for lesson 16 in Belphies (not explicitly said but obvious foreshadowing for a twist), implied manipulation (Belphies) (not sure if that needs a warning but better safe than sorry)
Notes: I’m still quite new to fanfics and Tumblr, and honestly just writing in my free time in general so constructive criticism is defo encouraged!! Also I won’t lie to you, Satan did seem a tad ooc erm…
SATAN: writing/drawings on hands appear on eachother
* As soon as you turned 18, you noticed small phrases and notes appearing on your right hand
* It started off with small things like “page 562” or “British shorthair.” Just things to keep as a reminder or to be able to search it up later
* However, as time went by, the notes became a bit more… concerning
* Concerning book quotes from old literature, sometimes in other languages, and nefarious plans to prank someone called ‘Lucifer’
* Your soulmate plans to prank the devil himself. Haha. What a great idea.
* You brushed it off for a while, appreciating the occasional cat fact or chapter reminder and just ignoring the angry words about Lucifer.
* Eventually, you began to build up the courage to respond. Small things relating to things your soulmate wrote, like cat doodles (good or bad as your art skill may be) or going over the writing of the reminder when you notice it started to fade
* Not knowing if it was your place to write down your own notes or just not quite having that amount of bravery, you still did those little things to let your soulmate know that hey, you’re there and you’re always reading what they have to say.
* Satan thought he was hallucinating.
* Thousands of years spent just jotting things down to remind himself of things at a later date, frequently on his hand, and suddenly things started to change?
* He had wrote “British shorthair” on his palm in hopes of being able to look it up later, and a few minutes later he looks down to his palm to search it up and sees a… cat?? It’s really not clear. It’s round, with two points on the top of its head… yeah thats a cat.
* He’s become so obsessed he’s hallucinating badly drawn cats, which is probably a cause for concern, so naturally he confides in his brothers about this and is comforted that no he’s not hallucinating, however cats are just randomly appearing on his hand.
* They continue to appear, circles with two triangles, some looking better than others and some with more odd features likes birthday hats or weird outfits
* He finally decided to read up on what could be happening and was quickly met with the term ‘soulmates’
* He had heard of this a long time ago from one of his brothers while he was still young (for a demon) and brushed it off as a fairy tale. Why had his soulmate only started communicating with his just now?
* He moved on eventually and time passed, a new human being introduced to his home and his family.
* It took an embarrassingly long time to realise that his human was also his soulmate, it wasn’t until you were both just chilling in his room and you were doodling something next to some words on your arm that he noticed a cat appearing on his own arm.
* “Look! The cat thing is happening!” He shouted, a lot more emotion out into it that he would’ve liked due to the sheer shock
* You stopped what you were doing and look at his arm, the cat drawing having ceased its being drawn while you stared at the cat, face turning into shock and then seriousness. Because that is the cat that you just drew.
* “Satan.” You said, just staring into his eyes without any expression
* “Yes, MC?” He responded, worried at your monotony. His mouth then gaped open and you showed him your arm, cat half doodled next to the words “page 236, sticky notes needed”
* You both just made dead eye contact for a second before your eyes both began to flick back and forth and your lips slowly started to quiver
* Both of your sweet laughters filled the room, how ironic that such a common book trope would be what flew under Satan’s nose for so long.
ASMODEUS: soulmate telepathy
* Ever since you turned 18, you had been hearing a voice in your head.
* Not necessarily in a concerning way! In the way it happens when you and your soulmate have both turned 18 and can finally communicate.
* At first, you thought that you were hearing things. Things like “Ooo, this would be a great touch to my outfit! ♡” and “Can’t believe my bath wasn’t 3 hours long today…” flooding your mind. Since when were you SO picky about your clothes and hygiene, even when not in the process of dressing or washing? And since when were your baths 3 hours?
* Quickly though, you realised that this voice wasn’t your own. It was a melodic sounding voice that felt like honey and most definitely did not belong to you.
* You had heard from your family growing up and your friends recently that once you had become an adult you would be able to communicate with your soulmate through your thoughts, proof of the bond your souls shared, thoughts intertwining together.
* You found that whenever you were deep in thought and rambling to yourself you’d be met with a “hon, slow down” in your mind or that whenever you were trying to figure out an outfit your soulmate would chime in to offer their expert advice without hesitation
* No hesitation at all, because Asmo had waited his entire life for this.
* Thousands of years of life believing that he had no soulmate, destined to forever be a player
* So long spent reading and gushing over cute romance stories where soulmate meet and finding comfort in romcoms about that very topic, and here he was finally with his own soulmate in his mind
* The way you would thank him for his advice before his mind went quiet from your thoughts again until you later told him how well everything went and the way you would ramble internally to him without even realising you were connected to his mind made his heart flutter, even without your face your voice and soul were beautiful
* One day he had been summoned alongside his brothers to the student council room to welcome the new human exchange student. It was a hassle that could be spent doing something more productive like his skincare or extra time in the bath, but he was still just so excited he had to tell you how excited he was to meet the new human!
* “New human?” You thought, but had no response from your soulmate before you appeared inside of a council room in front of 5 attractive strange men.
* You panicked and were kind of in autopilot mode as a tall man in all red introduced you to your situation and a slightly-less-tall man in black started to introduce you to his brothers
* You still had small responses in your shock, and a certain demon recognised your voice.
* You were immediately snapped out of autopilot when you heard the voice of the second brother you were introduced to, an admitted handsome man with slightly-pink-tinted light brown hair and stunning orangeish eyes said “Oh come now. Really? You should be that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!” And you froze.
* You looked like a deer in headlights to lucifer who was trying to introduce you to a blonde demon, but to Asmo, you looked like the most beautiful creature to ever walk the three realms (asides from himself, naturally) and the only person worthy of him.
* Asmo saw beauty in everyone, but everyone else paled in comparison to your face in this moment and your voice every other previous time he had heard it.
* He looked at you with knowing eyes and your eyes finally softened from your shocked face, finally understanding what he meant earlier by “new human”
* It would take time for you to get used to being in a new world with a demon as your soulmate, it would take time for him to get used to loving someone more intimately than as lust, but you both had eachother and the bond that ties your minds together and that’s all you needed.
BEELZEBUB: you share (some of) your soulmate’s pain
* It was growing unbearable.
* The slight yet constant ache in your stomach, a pit that was never quite full.
* For years you mistook it for your own hunger, not sure if you should be eating more or not
* It was always there, always something that disctracted you whenever you were left alone in silence or trying to sleep at night, always waiting for you to finish a meal just to make you feel that familiar ache again.
* It was just insufferable.
* It wasn’t just the hunger, though. There would be times where your muscles would ache like you had been working out without a proper cool down or your arms felt like they had bruised from defending or blocking against something
* You inquired with your friends about this and were just told that it would be your soulmate. You shared pain with your soulmate, and your soulmate always seemed in pain
* It wasn’t a pain that came from attacks or falling, just a pit that always felt so empty it hurt but could never be filled.
* Was your soulmate starving to death? You wished there was a way to help them, to soothe the pain, but without knowing who they are there was no way to fix it.
* As of present, you had been sent into the devildom a few weeks ago and had began to slowly feel adjusted to the devildom and your roommates and you had grown fond of one in particular: Beelzebub, the avatar of gluttony.
* You sympathised with him and his constant hunger since you yourself always felt a small bit of this hunger, even if you’d learnt by now that it wasn’t yours to fix
* So naturally, you hung a round him more
* You spent time with him whenever you could just because you wanted to, accompanying him to the gym or treating him to Hell’s Kitchen or even just sitting with him when he was lonely and missing his brother who had gone to the human world
* And it felt like every time you gave him the food you were craving so much, that pit in your stomach was filled just a bit
* Always there, never going away, but it felt just that bit more bearable and ignorable for a short while
* Who knew you were such an empath?
* Of course it crossed your mind of that Beel could be your soulmate, but what are the chances? You dismissed the thought whenever it appeared, not wanting to get your hopes up
* However, your hopes were validated one night in the kitchen with Beel.
* You were preparing him a small snack, just cutting up some devildom-style bread for him when you accidentally put your finger down at the wrong time in the wrong place and cut it
* You hissed at the pain, putting down the knife to look at your finger and you thought you heard Beel grunt.
* “MC, are you okay?” He inquired, approaching you to look at your finger while slightly cradling his own for some reason
* “Uh, yeah, I just need a plaster or something, would you mind..?” “Yeah, of course.” He continued to clutch his finger while reaching for the cabinet, letting go for a second to open it and grab you a plaster
* “Are you okay? You’re holding your finger too.” You were slightly worried by his mannerisms even though you didn’t see a cut on his fingers.
* “Yeah, my finger just hurt all of a sudden. It’s fine though. Here, I’ll put the plaster on for you.”
* You fell into comfortable silence as he opened the plaster and began pressing in down, but he pressed down a bit too hard which hurt you, causing both of you to hiss.
* “Seriously Beel, are you okay?” He nodded. “Yeah, it’s just like whenever you get hurt my finger hurts too.”
* Lightbulb. You realised finally that those slight considerations were valid and the connection you felt with Beel was real. The hunger you felt wasn’t yours and the reason it was numbed when you gave him food is because it was his.
* He seemed to have realised this too, because he paused and looked at you, slowly smiling.
* “MC, I just realised something. I think that-“ you cut him off with a kiss, smiling now too.
BELPHEGOR: you have a countdown until your soulmate’s death
* Surely there was an error in the system.
* Call you crazy but you didn’t quite think that 378,691,205,018 seconds is applicable to the human life span.
* You had come to the conclusion that your soulmate was either non-existent and the universe was fucking with you or they were some kind of non human entity and obviously both of these answers were stupid but at least the former was possible.
* You’d grown accepting overtime that you didn’t have a soulmate unlike how most of your friends did and that you’d never have that sort of unconditional love
* Not having a soulmate wasn’t unheard of, just uncommon.
* And you got the short end of the stick. That’s all there was to it.
* UNTIL you got randomly abducted one day into literal hell where pretty much all beings there loved for thousands of years.
* ‘Maybe I have a chance now?’ You crossed the thought out from your mind. First of all, these were demons and most of them had made attempts on your life at some point or another, and secondly almost all of them either a) didn’t have a timer, which meant no soulmate, b) had an insanely high timer that you’d never be able to reach or c) had already found their soulmate
* You sighed to yourself and began to lose hope again, walking up the stairs to the attic
* A short while ago, you had found a human locked in the attic, who had asked you to help him. You clicked, something in that moment just felt like it had been put in place like the final puzzle piece so you trusted him without really knowing why
* But you had even more recently found out from his brother that he was bulshitting you and that he was probably the demon Belphegor, so now you just wanted to figure out what was going on
* You continued to march up the stairs and finally arrived at the attic to confront him or at least question him
* “Are you Belphegor?” You cut to the chase not wanting to bother with any more of his lies.
* He was silent for a second before grinning, devilish look that you’d expect from the decent ruler or the underworld gleaming in his eyes as he said “Aww, so you’ve already figured me out, have you? Well, you’re no fun at all.”
* You glared, and tried to decide whether declaring he was a liar or asking why he was a liar would be a better idea
* But he spoke up again before you could decide.
* “That timer on your neck, what does it say?”
* You paused, not knowing the exact number. “Um, like, there’s hundred billion seconds-ish? Why?”
* “Because I’m a demon. I’m going to live long enough to fulfil that. Look at my timer, here. It has 13,140,014 seconds. No demon would live that short.”
* “And is thirteen million a lot of time?”
* “About a human lifespan, bit under.”
* You hummed. It made sense to you looking at it at the moment, though you could’ve sworn it was a little bit under your guess, you trusted him.
* Why? He lied to you about being a human, so why do you trust him?
* Because he’s your soulmate. There’s no doubt in your mind. The click, the need to trust him, even seeing him in your dreams. It was right.
* So you believed him, and didn’t give the thirteen million seconds much question. You were going to save him, save your soulmate.
* Because thirteen million seems like a long time, and I guess it was long enough for you to save him. Just not enough to do much more.
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chiaraeliz · 3 months
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some people were talking about green eyed ventus on my last post which then led me to think about how i draw ven and roxas differently, which THEN led me to go on a lil character analysis tangent (below the cut if you wanna read!)
but for how i draw them differently, i still try to keep them pretty much identical in physical appearance! minus green eyes for ventus, but that’s more because he just feels like he needs green eyes. the main difference i think is fun to play with is how they carry themselves, which leads into my ven and roxas character analysis ramblings:
i haven’t been the most active in the kingdom hearts fandom in recent years, but i remember the big headcanons for roxas and ventus always were that roxas is really angry/a little shit, while ventus was always seen as the pure/sweet one. i like to think of them as a bit more nuanced than that based off of canon, though!
i think roxas is more mellow/not extremely outwardly emotional unless provoked to be. i mean, there’s a whole game where roxas learns to understand himself, his relationships, and his emotions. i get how the angry headcanon came about from canon, but really all the moments where he is REALLY pissed off, it’s super warranted and not necessarily a main personality trait of his. instead, he just gives off a sort of quiet maturity to me (even though he’s one of the youngest characters lol. bros been through a lot)
in comparison, ventus always seemed more… energetic with both his positive and negative emotions. we see that right from the start with him in bbs with the meteor shower, and when he gets a lil salty over being told to take grown ups to disney town (i could definitely think of better examples but it’s 12 am and i’m tired). he feels a bit more immature, especially when put next to terra and aqua. hell, ven reminds me of sora way more than roxas does. we see the ups and downs of his emotions very clearly. in a way he feels younger than roxas with the way he carries himself. (this isn’t me saying he’s an uwu baby who Needs To Be Protected, but more that he projects his feelings in a more direct way imo). also, jesse mccartney voices ventus with a higher pitch and more energy than roxas (i love this detail so much)
all this to say, while i do think the angry roxas and super sweet ventus content is great and i enjoy seeing it from time to time (i might even play into it with my art sometimes tbh), i personally see them as less of those extremes. i like to see ventus as the high energy one, and roxas as the lower energy one, without dictating one emotion as their default. this isn’t really anything groundbreaking (and could probably just be a “duh chiara we all knew this” moment) but i just felt like rambling about them because i like to think about them a lot! (i’m sorry if i got anything wrong or if things are worded weird, i’m about to fall asleep rn)
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cherrywhipped · 2 years
what goes down when you…
❤︎ get drunk with your tokyo rev s/o. ❤︎
!!!!!! VERY NSFW ❤︎ including: baji, chifuyu, kazutora, takemichi, mikey, draken, mitsuya, smiley, angry, rindou, ran, izana, kokonoi, inui, kakucho, sanzu, taiju, kisaki, hanma, shion, naoto, wakasa, shinichiro
a/n: just in time for valentines!!😀 had the weeknd’s cover of drunk in love on repeat, so I smashed a bunch of Tokyo Rev ideas I had into this prompt that weren't working as full fics. Some of these I ended up loving a lot (pt 2??*cough*shin) & some of them will probably just stay here. have a wonderful v day & stay safe! if u don’t have a date (like me) buy urself flowers and read these in the bath bc ur fav TR character wants to f*ck you rn <3
— — ❤︎ Baji Keisuke
“No listen! Apparently we weren’t even a couple despite all the times we fucked at the winery? And then it ended up catching on fire?? That’s like the last message, like we don’t even know how Aiden’s contest wine rank—” Baji smashed his lips against yours, ceasing your rambling immediately. “Babe, respectfully, I have no fucking idea what you’re talkin’ about.” He smiled and lowered his lips to your ear. “But, ya know, I could listen to your voice all damn day,” Baji planted a featherlight kiss near your earlobe as he whispered, “…’specially like hearing those moans of yours.” Something about liquor made your usually stoic boyfriend run his damn mouth. His topaz eyes twinkled as you stared at him in shock. You felt his heavy hand against your cheek and leaned into his comforting touch, his thumb brushing over your lips. “Keisuke,” you sighed. “You made me forget what I was saying.” You kissed his hand and lightly bit down on his thumb. “Good.” He sighed as you opened your mouth enough for him to slip his index finger in, another one following the first. You closed your lips around his knuckles and sucked him in, beckoning him further down your tongue until his fingertips tapped the back of your throat. He chuckled softly when you gagged. Baji pulled his hand away from your mouth and stuffed it down your pants to finger you. You could feel the heat radiating from his face as he kissed you firmly, teeth sinking into your lower lip.
— — ❤︎ Kazutora Hanemiya
KBOOM. Heavy rain drummed against the window. Thunder erupted outside your bedroom, followed by a loud crackle, leaving you and your boyfriend completely in the dark. “Aw, shit,” Kazutora huffed. “Well, s’good thing we made a blanket fort.” He giggled and patted around for his phone. You were watching Regular Show in your little cave and playing one of those drinking games where you had to take a shot every time Benson yelled or someone said “whoaaaa,” for example. When the power cut out, you were several episodes in and needless to say, both pretty drunk at this point. “Here, I’ll help,” you say sweetly, fumbling around the wad of sheets on the floor. “hEy, babyyy, watch it.” It took a moment for you to register what had transpired; it seems you pawed Kaz’s lap... and accidentally grabbed his dick. Drunk y/n suddenly had a great idea. “Ohh, I’m so sorry pretty boy, ’m still looking for it,” you feigned, crawling closer to his body and intentionally getting handsy with him. You flipped up his shirt and ran your fingers across the skin of his lower stomach. Your touch danced over the waistband of his sweats, teasing him mercilessly before fully cupping his hard-on. Tora whined. You could barely make out his head tipping back in the dark as you squeezed him. “Mmh, god… y/n, baby, ride me,” his tone made your heart pussy jump, it was a mix of desperate and demanding. Before you could move, he grabbed your ass, pulling at the flesh of your thighs and hips to get you to straddle him. You rolled over onto his lap, french kissing him feverishly. Kazutora sucked at your bottom lip as he pressed your body down to grind against his pelvis, rocking your hips forward and back slowly.
— — ❤︎ Matsuno Chifuyu
The refrigerator was overflowing with Jell-O shots for the party tonight. You and Chifuyu were so ready to impress your friends, having gone all out with a batch of rainbow ones AND a batch of chocolate pudding ‘dirt cup’ shots, complete with sour gummy worms on top….. only for it to get cancelled:( “I’m sure they’ll reschedule really soon, Fuyu. at least these should last a few days,” you comforted your love. “Yeah… no point in letting them go to waste, though. I’m tryin’ some—” Chifuyu made a b-line for the fridge and returned with handfuls of the mini containers. He plopped down next to you with an expression one could only describe as epiphanic. “Actually… Hold that thought, I’m gonna order pizza.” You snorted, “We having a party of our own?” Chifuyu put the shots down on the coffee table. “I mean, why not?? With a pizza box and all these cups we can play…” he paused for dramatic effect, “battle shots!” You giggled and nodded, “Battle ships with Jell-O shots and a pizza-box board, huh?” You smiled brightly. “Have I ever mentioned that I love you?” Chifuyu grinned playfully at your comment and hovered over you on the couch, nose inches away from yours. “Mm, no, never. I think I’d remember something so impo—” you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his before he could finish his sentence. ••••• “A5.” It was the last turn of the game. “Hit, and you sunk my battleship,” you sighed in defeat, utterly wasted after having Chifuyu wipe the floor with you this game. “Woo! I wiiinnn, what’s my prize?” Chifuyu beamed. You crawled over to him and laid your head in his lap, kissing his thighs playfully. “I’ve got an idea.” He shivered and bit his lip. A deep sigh left his chest, relaxing his body as he stroked your cheek. He gazed at you adoringly. “Oh? I think I like where this is going.”
— — ❤︎ Hanagaki Takemichi
You are seated next to Takemichi at his beautiful cousin’s wedding, looking on as the newly wed couple shares their first marital kiss. Michi squeezed your hand before contributing to the growing applause and cheers. He breathed a sigh of relief upon surviving the most stressful parts of the ceremony, and now everyone was just ready to let loose. “Whoa, check it oouuut!” He exclaimed, pointing towards the delicious spread of food and drinks decorating the room. Music blared as everyone helped themselves. Takemichi twirled you around the dance floor a few times, and now you were seated near the mini bar to get your drink on. You two had a toast to yourselves first (what better way to celebrate the romantic scene) and stared into each other’s eyes lovingly. The chemistry was almost the same as when you two had first started dating, the conversation flowing effortlessly all evening. One, two, four… you lost count of how many drinks you had at this point, and your boyfriend was looking pretty flushed himself. You stared at the just-married couple at the center of the dance floor. “They look so wonderful together... I bet,” you began boldly, “they are gonna have the wildest night after this,” you took a sip of your drink and smirked. “Y-Y/n!! That’s such a dirty thing to say,” Takemichi sputtered. “Baby. Don’t play coy like you haven’t said some of the filthiest shit I’ve ever heard.” Your eyes flicked over his flustered expression. You paused for just a moment before leaning in close to his ear. “Tell me you don’t want to act on all the love and romance in the air.” Your hand rested on his face close to the bottom of his jaw. Takemichi trembled, he was visibly caving under the pressure. You heard him swallow hard and nod slightly against your cheek, “I could kiss your lips until they bruise. You have no idea...” he whispered. “That’s more like it. We’ve never really explored having sex in a public place, have we? C’mon, I’ll prove my love to you now,” you kissed his cheek sincerely. “And I’ll let you prove you’re thinking some things far worse than I am,” you whispered and pulled him out of his seat.
— — ❤︎ Sano Manjiro
“SHIT!” Mikey cussed, his quarter bouncing off the table and narrowly missing the shot glass he aimed for. You both had a few shots of liquor in you and the aims were only getting worse. “HA! That one was double or nothing, take two, Mikey~.” You loved playing games with your boyfriend, even if he was the worst loser on the planet and would conjure up absolutely anything to ensure he won in the end. “Noo, wait! One more! If I make this one, you have to take all my shots. If I miss, I’ll take four.” He stared at you with unwavering intensity. “And how’s that fair at all??” You squinted back, lips curving into a pout. “Okay, okay. Fine, here. You get a chance to shoot when I make this shot. If you miss, both of us only take two shots, but if you make it, I’ll take five.” He tilted his head to the side and smiled sweetly. What absolute nonsense. You thought for a moment before replying, “You’re on, babe.” Mikey flashed you a grin, lining up his course on the table. It was a great attempt, you really thought he had it. Somehow though, his quarter skimmed the glass and bounced right back out. “FUCK-!! YOU SAW IT GO IN!” He screeched. “NO WAY, THAT’S STILL A MISS!” Your intensity matched his frantic screams, laughter erupting from you. “Baby! Youu have to take four shots nooow~,” you poked his stomach and arms playfully. “Nuh uh, technically I didn’t miss.” You stared at him in disbelief. “Mikey. The quarter is on the table. Take. The damn. Shots.” He sprinted away from you at full speed, darting towards the bedroom, “MAKE ME!!” You couldn’t believe how childish-... But you didn’t have time to waste and chased after him. You caught up to him and flung yourself at him, effectively body-slamming him onto the mattress. “Sano Manjiro I swear if you don’t take those fuckin-” his hands gently wrapped behind your head, thumbs grazing the side of your face as he captured your lips in a kiss. That asshole. You melted into him, fingers wandering up his neck to grab handfuls of his hair. He swept his hands down your body, palms landing on your ass, pulling you flush against his hips. Panting, you pulled away from his sensual kisses. “Mm, I’m not letting you off that easy.”
— — ❤︎ Ryuguji Ken
“…you do remember where we are, right?” Draken breathed in a low tone near your ear. Yeah, of course, a casual dinner party with his friends and some of his work buddies. So maybe one of his friends made excellent cocktails, and maybe you overindulged. And perhaps, as a consequence, the liquor had you feeling devious enough to try to feel up your boyfriend around a corner where nobody could see to get a reaction out of him. “Mhmm,” you answered confidently. His grip on your wrist tightened as he pushed his knee between your thighs, backing you against the wall. “And you do know what’ll be waiting for you if you keep acting up here, hm?” You whimpered, maybe a bit too excitedly for his taste. Draken tilted your chin up to meet his gaze with his free hand, his brow raised into an expression that read ‘don’t test me’. You blinked innocently and pouted. “I’m sorry daddy. Can I have a kiss?” Ken rolled his eyes at you before answering, “Tch, fine. Just one, then we are going back for a little while longer.” He leaned down to kiss you, his hand softly resting on your jaw and his other hand releasing your wrist to settle on your hip. Just as your lips met, you pulled him close by the collar of his shirt with one hand, the other sneaking its way to his belt, dipping below the buckle slowly in attempt to tease his cock. You felt his body briefly relax before pulling away from you, breaking the kiss in the act. “Mm, you shouldn’t have done that.” He huffed. Without warning, he belted, “Oi, Mitsuya! S’getting late, I’ve gotta get my s/o home. Tell whoever’s left I’m headin’ out.” Your eyes widened in shock that he just announced your exit… and now you had no escape from the punishment you earned yourself. “C’mon, baby, let’s get you home and into bed, ah?” He laced his fingers with yours and led you to the car with a knowing grin.
— — ❤︎ Mitsuya Takashi
“You are so fucking sexy.” Your incredible Mitsuya, the absolute perfect partner, had the filthiest mouth after a few glasses of wine. It was dinner at your place, just some pasta and wine, nothing crazy, but Takashi had it out for you tonight. He beckoned you over to where he was sitting, heavy kisses quickly escalating before you could wrap your brain around it all. “God, you smell good…” he squeezed at your flesh ferociously. “Turn around, wanna taste my dessert,” he breathed, shifting in his seat at the dinner table. “N-no, other way, baby. I want a face full of ass while I eat that pretty pussy,”  his voice was low, growl-like tone making your cunt pulse as you climbed on the table. “Taka--!” you attempted to call to him pitifully. He pushed your dress up and sunk his teeth into the fabric of your panties, pulling them down your leg teasingly. “Spread ‘em wider,” he demanded. “Mitsuya!!” He was being embarrassingly direct. You would’ve been humiliated if you didn’t find it so hot. You slid your knees further apart on the sleek wood, back curving into a pronounced arch to put as much of your pussy on display for him as you could in this position. “Mmm, just like that, good girl,” he purred. You jumped when his tongue swiped along your slick folds, the contact making your legs tingly. He kissed and licked at your cunt before sucking your clit in his mouth. You both moaned in unison. “So good,” he whined in a low tone. “Want more?” he gripped your thigh with one hand and teased your entrance with the other. “Yes, please, Taka,” you mewled softly. You leaned your hips into his touch, and he let out a deep, lascivious giggle in response. “Baby, you’re gonna have to beg a little better than that.” You wished you could see the wide grin you knew was on his face. “Come on. I know you’ve got it in you.” 
— — ❤︎ Kawata (Angry) Souya
Tonight, you ventured to a bar within walking distance of your boyfriend Souya’s apartment. The two of you had as many drinks as you wanted since nobody was driving, the area was relatively safe, and left with confidence knowing if anybody messed with y’all, Angry was more than capable of kicking their ass. Your arms wrap tightly around your boyfriend’s midsection, face pressed into the back of his shirt as he walked, dragging you forward with him each step. “Pleaseeee! Souya, pleeee-,” your incessant cries were cut short by your boyfriend stopping abruptly and whipping around to face you. You flinched at his furious expression, but the words that left his mouth were surprisingly… sweet. “Sure, princess. It’s on the way to the apartment.” Angry took your hand and led you towards the barren park. You playfully danced around him and cheered excitedly, insisting that he push you on the swing. “Fine, fine, but only if you’ll go down the slide with me.” Of course you agreed and the two of you played around for some time. It was now Souya’s last time going down the slide, so you waited at the bottom for him. He let out the most adorable ‘wheee!’ sound as he swirled around to the end of the slide. You saw him laying at the base, slightly breathless, messy blue hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat, and a subtle grin on his usual scowling face. Before you knew it, you hovered over Souya, a handful of his thick hair in your clutches as you leaned in to kiss him. He sighed warmly and pulled your body close, deepening the kiss. “Ready to go?” You asked cheerily. “Mm. Wanna shower with me when we get back?” You caught a glint of mischief in his eyes as he spoke. “Sure. C’mon,” you replied and pulled him to his feet. “Y/n,” he began, and you looked at him expectantly. “…never mind.” Soya shied away from his words. “You sure?” You asked gently, eyes shining in the moonlight. “Um… We should play around like that more often.” He laced his fingers with yours as he walked you back to the apartment. “I love you too, Souya.”
— — ❤︎ Kawata (Smiley) Nahoya
“Oh~? What’s this, eh?” The toy whirred in his hands as he tinkered with the buttons. “Nahoya!!” You screamed. Why was he digging through your stuff?? Even worse for you, it seems that earlier today while you rushed to pack a stay-the-night bag, the mini vibrator you kept hidden in a small pocket in your backpack was overlooked. “So, my girl’s a pervert, huh?” His trademark smirk appeared especially daunting now. You hid your face with your hands. “I—,” you began. Although you and Smiley had some heated moments, being the tease that he is, the two of you hadn’t exactly gone all the way together yet. Tonight was supposed to be the night, you even had some drinks with him to dampen the nerves, but the implications of finding a sex toy in your possession made the anticipation spike back up. “I just, I forgot it was in my backpack,” you winced. “Ohw, why’re ya all pinched up, pretty baby?” His tone softened ever so slightly, “Don’t cha want me to use it on you?” Your eyes widened and your brows raised slightly. “Would you..?” you sucked in a breath, “I think I’d like that…” Your body moved faster than your brain as you slowly crawled towards your boyfriend sitting on the floor. “Yeah? C’mere, then,” he cooed, coaxing you into his lap. His hands tangled in your hair and pulled it firmly enough to cause your mouth to pop open. He quickly brought your face close, stealing your lips and slipping his tongue inside you with a soft groan. You barely heard the sound of the vibrator before Nahoya traced it up your leg, snaking under your shirt and bra to tease your nipple. You moaned sweetly under his touch. He pecked your lips once more before pulling away and grinning. “Heh. This’ll be fun.”
— — ❤︎ Haitani Rindou
Shit-faced at a concert? Sounds about right. You and Rin had been dancing around the pit and waiting for the headliner to start for almost two. hours. He made you get there EARLY because he “didn’t wanna miss the openers.” Bruh. Nobody sane goes to a concert early. You needed some liquor or you were gonna lose your mind. You and Rin smoked beforehand, he had a drink or two already as well, now it was your turn. It wasn’t a super large venue bc Rin wanted to check out an up-and-coming rap artist, but the crowd was starting to swell, the energy buzzing in the air. “Rinnie, you up for a little bet?” You tugged at your boyfriend’s shirt and gave him your best doe eyes. “Mm. Wassup?” He leaned his ear down to your lips to listen to your pitch. “I bet the cost of our bar tab that I can out-drink you tonight.” He perked up almost instantly. “Ohh? You really think ya could, huh? That’s cute.” He smirked and you elbowed his arm. “I’m serious,” you pulled him close to you, lips almost touching. He leaned in the rest of the way to kiss you slowly. “Since you’re so confident, lemme add to the bet,” he started, his hand dropping to the small of your back, pulling you close and brushing his cheek against yours. “Whoever wins… gets to fuck the loser’s ass.” You took a step back and stared at him in disbelief. “Are you deadass right now? …You know you could lose, right? How high did you get Rin..?” He stared into your eyes intensely and half-laughed, “Nah, ‘m deadass serious. Guess I could, but I won’t lose. You’re already startin’ out behind, doll. Best get to drinkin’ if the bet’s on.” His confidence was almost enough to make you change your mind. almost. You sucked in a breath and hurried to the bar to order yourself two drinks.
— — ❤︎ Haitani Ran
“Ran baby!” you called, “What is this!?” You got up at noon and headed to the balcony right off the bedroom for some air, only to reveal a fantastic looking breakfast spread on the patio tables. It was complete with a drink dispenser full of a vibrant orange liquid that very much resembled a mimosa. “My love,” his model-esque figure sashayed down the hallway, then stepped out onto the balcony dramatically. “You know how we always sleep in and miss brunch? Well, today, I brought brunch to us.” He beamed as he gestured towards the table, a soft breeze rustling his hair and kicking up the end of his silky robe. What a strange boyfriend he was, but you couldn’t deny that he looked gorgeous in his own right. You let out firm giggle. “Ran! You didn’t have to do all this, what’s the occasion?” He leaned forward and grasped your chin tenderly. “Oh, I just love you, that’s all.” Before you could react, his lips were on yours, melting you completely. Your hand gingerly grasped his, meeting his eyes with nothing but pure, wholistic love. “How did I get so lucky? I love you very much, Ran. Thank you.” You brought his palm to your lips and kissed it softly. “So, now we’re gonna get drunk… and then you’ll give me the best head I’ve ever had in my life, right?” He smiled blankly. “RAN!!” You playfully whacked his chest. “As if I’d say anything other than yes.” You both moved to the table and enjoyed breakfast, downing mimosas like nobody’s business. “You better understand what you’re in for now, Haitani.” You warned. “‘M not stopping after the first, second, or even third time you cum.” Ran’s face contorted into one of amusement as he drunkenly giggled, “You better not, but after that, I’m taking you to bed, k?” As you crawled under the table on the balcony, a fleeting thought penetrated your mind, could anyone see you? The minute you got a taste of Ran’s cock, however, the thought vanished, and you didn’t have a care in the world.
— — ❤︎ Kurokawa Izana
“How can you just leave me standing, Alone in a world so cold,” Izana sang softly as he played his guitar in his apartment for you. “Maybe I’m just too demanding, Maybe I’m just like my father, too bold,” you sang along with him, admiring the sounds filling the room. Your boyfriend, however, suddenly ceased his playing, gentle laughter interrupting the song. “Baby, I know you don’t sing like that.” He set his guitar aside, giggles getting the best of him. “Zana, that’s so mean, do I really sound bad?” You felt your eyebrows raise in concern. So maybe you weren’t Prince, but you knew you weren’t the worst singer in the world… did you offend Izana’s ears enough for him to stop playing altogether and laugh? “Not at all, you’re just… so cute when you try to sing drunk. You focus so hard that your pretty face gets all scrunched up…” he leaned forward from his seat on the floor to grab your cheeks. He cracked up again upon seeing your face squished into an exaggerated fishy-lipped pout by his own hand. “Izana, you are so giggly tonight,” you teased. “I dunno, guess I’m just in a really good mood.” He smiled softly, hands coming up to wipe tiny tears from his lavender eyes. “Aww, is that your way of saying I make you happy?” You scooted closer to him and poked at his sides, tickling him slightly. He responded between broken laughs, “Hey, you make me very happy, y/n.” There was a sweet moment of silence before he retaliated. Izana moved on your figure, leisurely yet swiftly grabbing your wrists and pinning you to the floor. He hardly gave you a second to protest before he was kissing you delicately. He made you feel adored and desirable in ways you couldn’t have anticipated. You wrapped your legs around his back, the soft, sensual kisses sinking into dark, hungry ones. His grip on your wrist tightened as he pressed his body against you, the two of you desperate for closeness. He broke the kiss only long enough to say, “bed,” before pulling you to your feet and drunkenly guiding you to his room, your lips and bodies inseparable.
— — ❤︎ Kokonoi Hajime
“Where are you, little slut?” Koko’s voice echoed through the hotel penthouse. You held in your giggles as you hid in the gorgeous marble bathroom, hunkered down in the lavish bathtub. “If I don’t find you in the next 10 seconds, I’m gonna spank you till you cry. One...” You let out a cackle. “Kokooooo! My darling, take a bath with me,” your voice carried throughout the suite. You stood up and stripped down to your lingerie as you waited for him to enter the room, opting to sit seductively on the edge of the tub. “Sigh.” Koko stepped through the door, his face decorated lightly with vanilla icing. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth,” he rolled his eyes and sauntered towards the tub. “Tongue out,” he demanded. You did as you were told, delicately licking the icing from his cheek and side of his nose. You left tiny kisses on the affected areas as he complained. “First you finish off MY favorite wine, then you go and hit me with a cupcake.” He clicked his tongue and crossed his arms, sharp eyes boring into your forehead. “Baby, that was a total accident!” You stammered. “Awh, it was an accident~” his lips curled upwards as he mocked your tone. “Koko!! I didn’t know how close my hand was to your face, Hajime, I’m drunk! And I’m very sorry…. C’mon, let’s take a bath, pleaseee?” You tugged at his clothes gently. “Why d’ya wanna have a bath so bad right this second?” He took a step back, heavily lidded eyes fixed on the intricate red lingerie you wore. “Wanna fuck you in the bath, I guess. Seems romantic.” Kokonoi raised a brow, his cruel facade melting. “Mm. Guess it is Valentine’s Day,” he mused. “Tch, You’re damn lucky I love you so much, my spoiled brat. Alright, but first, go prance a little. Get me a drink so I can see the set from the back.” You hopped up excitedly. “Yay!! Yes sir!” You started to head back to the main area before Koko’s voice stopped you. “Hold on,” he paused, “do that again.” You tilted your head to the side. “Do what, this?” you jumped up and spun slightly, all your curves bouncing with you. “Mm. So good for me. Hurry back now,” he teased, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling out a big box of rose petals from the cabinet to put in the bath.
— — ❤︎ Inui Seishu
Hot tears welled in your eyes as you choked back a frustrated laugh. “4th time balls back, you’re fucking kidding me…” you face palmed. Inui stood at the opposite end of the table, arms folded and his gaze fixed on the last two red solo cups in front of you. He was absolutely destroying you at beer pong. Who would’ve thought he’d be so good? You were unbelievably flustered at losing so hard and having to drink so much, but his flawless performance was undeniably impressive… his cool and domineering appearance further flustering you. Inui lined up the shot, and just before the ping pong ball left his fingertips, you hollered, “MISS!!” He flinched and the ball skimmed the cup. You laughed triumphantly. “Tch! Y/n, you cheater.” He rolled his eyes and picked up the second ping pong ball. He shot quickly and it sunk in, leaving one last cup before your defeat. You had only managed to wipe out 3 of his cups:( but you weren’t giving up yet!! You heard somewhere the more drunk you are, the better you get at this game, right? You snatched up the balls and went straight in on your shot, fatally missing both. Inui snickered, a slight smile appearing on his face. “Nice try, y/n. I’ll go ahead and win for us so you can take a break from drinking,” his eyes flashed with a subtle fierceness, bouncing the ball off the table into a perfect shot. Before you could pick up the last cup and remove the ball to drink it, Inui walked over and grabbed the cup for himself. “I’ll take this one off your hands.” You tilted your head. “Why? You won, it’s my punishment,” you inquired. “Little give and take. Let’s just say I’ve got some better ideas of how to punish you than making you drink yourself sick.” After throwing back the cup, he wiped your now nonexistent tears away and kissed your eyelids softly. “So worked up over such a silly thing…” He slinked behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pelvis pressing into your back. He leaned down and brushed any clothes or hair aside to work a hickey onto your skin, kissing your neck and up your face, stopping right next to your ear. He bit the shell of it before whispering, “Wanna bend over for me, pretty?”
— — ❤︎ Kakucho
Let’s just say that you did NOT plan on getting drunk at lunch with your darling Kaku today. You skipped breakfast, sure, but what the hell was in that margarita? You were bewildered as to how one drink could possibly put you on your ass. You were dizzy just sitting in the booth across from Kaku. “Y/n, you didn’t answer my question. Sweetheart, you okay?” He smiled softly at you, eyebrows knitting together out of concern as he reached for your hand. “Uh huh,” you replied slowly. “Should’ve thought about drinking on an empty stomach,” you sighed and squeezed his fingers. The sudden flash in your mind of having his thick hands wrapped around your throat made pleasure pool in your stomach. …Were you ovulating? You must be. First you get drunk off of one drink, now you’re lewding your boyfriend at a restaurant midday. You paused. Before you could even correct your mistake, Kakucho looked at you knowingly. You slowly realized you were clenching his hand hard, and loosened your grip. “Oh, sorry, baby…” The corner of his mouth crept upward, and he raised a brow. “Y/n… why don’t you try texting me what’s going on,” he suggested with a knowing smile. “While you’re at it, I’ll make arrangements for someone to pick us up from here.” You gave him a bewildered stare. “Why not have a little fun, um… day... drinking?” He smiled sheepishly as you giggled. Kaku was willing to take one for the team if it made you feel more comfortable. Besides, it’s not like you had plans outside of each other for the rest of today. You pulled out your phone and began rapid-fire texting him every horny thought that came to mind. 📱[Y/N❤️‍🔥: take me to thebathroom and bend me over the sink :: do I think the server would notice if I sucked your dick under the table :: can i test it out? :: hmph. fine but i need u to choke me in the car, ok?] Needless to say, the look on his face was priceless. 
— — ❤︎ Sanzu Haruchiyo
The club. It was ridiculously dark in the room, you could hardly see flashes of Sanzu’s vibrant eyes and his wicked toothy grin in the pitiful blue and purple flashing lights. Somehow, the loud music contributed to your poor visibility and absolutely fueled the fire of lust and love you had for your boyfriend. All you could do is let yourself be consumed by him, fully taking in the feeling of his body against yours. Nobody could see you two making out on the dance floor, the two of you heavily intoxicated and tuned in to each other’s reactions: every touch and moan made your grip on reality slip. Haru backed you tight against the wall, his arms caging you in. Your spine arched deliciously into his chest. His breath hot on your neck, lips dangerously close to sinking into your skin, but he paused right there. He grabbed the side of your head firmly and pressed your cheek to his face, lips tickling your ear as he spoke over the music. “Could fuck you right here,” his voice is low, breathy, and dead serious. “Want to so bad, can I?” His free hand slips between your legs and up your dress… before you know it, his fingers are tapping against your panties, electricity jolting your cunt with each touch. “Uh huh, I don’t care, want you now, Haru,” you whined in his ear. A breathy laugh escaped him before kissing you roughly, his tongue swiping along your own. Sanzu pushed his hips firmly against yours, his feet lightly kicked at the inside of your ankles to make you spread your legs further apart. He aligned your body with his pelvis, effectively trapping you further against the wall. The kiss was broken to mark your neck as his hands hungrily grabbed one of your thighs and wrapped it around his waist, his lanky stature securing your position. You just knew your boyfriend was gonna fuck you so good, his demeanor borderline feral as he bared his pointy canines… it was like he wanted to stake his claim in front of everyone at the club--and you’d sure as hell let him.
— — ❤︎ Shiba Taiju [bar fight/violence WARNING]
There was no denying that your boyfriend was and probably always will be a little nuts, but you loved him for it. You are perched on a barstool, watching the madness unfold with blurry vision. The unfortunate sucker that flirted with you 3 minutes ago is getting his ass whooped by your beast of a boyfriend. You really tried to stop him, but Taiju made up his mind the second he saw that guy put his hands on you. Honestly, seeing him fight for you was as flattering as it was arousing--oops, you meant to think ‘terrifying’... probably. The stupid scumbag’s friend broke a beer bottle and threatened Taiju with it as you scrambled to your feet, backing towards the exit. To your relief, one swift swing of Taiju’s fist and the guy was out cold. Your boyfriend whipped around and stomped towards you, immediately throwing his arms around you protectively. “‘M taking us home.” He breathed, managing to escape the fight with only bruised knuckles and bloody eyebrow. God, he looked so hot. The two of you stumbled out the door. The moment you were out of sight from the people crowding the bar, you pulled him in a searing kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pressed your body against his. Taiju’s strong hands twitched on your waist. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt an intense yearning for you just then, the kiss ending all too quickly for him. “I’ll get us a ride,” you said softly. He blinked at you slowly, his wide amber eyes unreadable beneath his furrowed brow. “Mmh.” Was all he said. As you fiddled with your phone, Taiju’s head lowered to your neck, his forehead resting against your shoulder. He clutched the fabric of your clothes at your hips harshly, a ragged breath leaving his lips. “Give me your body.” His voice was barely a whisper. His lips met your neck passionately as his body enveloped yours. “Tai—,” you gasped when his teeth sunk into your skin. “Baby,” you moaned weakly, “our ride will be here in a minute, let’s get home and then,” you panted softly, “you can have whatever you wish.”
— — ❤︎ Kisaki Tetta
“Hi, my diamond. Enjoying the view?” You knew it was Kisaki by his euphonic tone before you felt his arms wrap around your waist. He pressed his body against your back and rested his chin on your shoulder, kissing your cheek before gazing out at the sea with you. “Yes! It’s beautiful, the water is so blue,” you exclaimed. It truly is one of the most beautiful views you’ve ever seen. Kisaki booked a vacation for the two of you: a cruise with a suite room so luxurious you would’ve mistaken it for a grand hotel room if not for the motion of the ship and sound of the waves. You’ve been his partner for years and somehow he outdoes himself every single anniversary. “Wanna have a drink with me?” He offered, planting another kiss to your face. “Sure!” You practically sang. Kisaki took your hand and led you from your private balcony to inside the suite. You almost fainted at the sight. Before you on the coffee table sat an ice bucket with pink champagne, strawberries, melted chocolate, whisky, soda, and a few of your favorite snack foods. “Happy anniversary, darling.” You immediately rushed to capture him in a giant hug, squeezing him tight and peppering kisses all along his face. “You really didn’t have to do all of this, my goodness. Thank you—thank you so much, Tetta. You really know how to make me feel special.” He smiled lovingly before you captured his lips in a heartfelt kiss. Kisaki poured you both a glass to start, you had a cute little toast, and then, you drank. It didn’t take long for the effects of the drinks to hit you. Between the high of the views, snack spread, and your handsome boyfriend... it’d be a fat lie to say you weren’t dying to get in his pants. “Tettaaa,” you whined. “Will you come cuddle me?” You asked climbing onto the bed. “Anything for you.” He said softly, his figure resting next to you on the mattress. One of the many things you loved about Kisaki was that he always dressed well. That, and his scent is intoxicating. You hummed and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Oh? I thought you wanted to cuddle?” Kisaki quirked a brow with a playful expression. “Maybe I just said that to get you into bed with me..?” You met his intense eyes and ran a hand along his chest, kissing him before he could respond. He pulled away gently, a slight snicker escaping him before adding, “Mm, well, I did say anything for you.”
— — ❤︎ Hanma Shuji
“wanna suck you off so bad, pleeeeaase baby your cock ‘s warm n you taste s’good, I want you in my mouth.” unbeknownst to you, the ‘whisper’ that left your lips could be heard by almost everyone in the room. Your friends gawked at you: some cackling, one mortified, others asking for someone else to repeat what you said because they missed it, and a few too stunned to speak. Hanma snorted at your comment, far too drunk, horny, and amused to be embarrassed. God he loved the shit you’d come up with when you drank together. “Yeah? ‘m going to smoke, wanna come?” His sharp golden eyes met yours, alluring grin beckoning you to join. “Mhmmmm,” you tugged at his arms as you stood up, pulling your boyfriend along with you. A few whistles and hollers rang out as you and Hanma stumbled out the door. Outside was surprisingly quiet. The distant sound of a few cars passing by was all you could hear. You walked down the stairs to the poorly-lit yard and backed him up against a large tree. The bark made indentions on your palms as you kissed Shuji with passion and desperation. You thought about asking for permission, but this time, you just wanted to go for it. He deepened the kiss hungrily, his tongue melting into your mouth. Hanma nipped at your bottom lip, trailed kisses down to your neck, and bit down roughly. He too was at a crossroads. Part of him wanted to throw you up against the tree and teach you a damn lesson, but a larger, needier part of him wanted to smoke… and watch you try to suck his dick while he did so. “God, won’t even give me a minute to breathe, let alone light a fuckin cigarette,” he slurred breathlessly. “Down, baby. Let me get this started and then you can have your way with me, hmm?♡.” He fished for his pack and lighter as you kissed down his body, your lips latching onto every inch of bare skin you could get, hands deliberately snaking under his clothes to feel as much of him as you could. “Fuckk, baby, you’re gonna ruin me…”
— — ❤︎ Shion Madarame
“GO GO GO GO—YEAAAAAHHHH ATTA BABYY!!!!” Shion belted as you chugged beer from a giant cooler. It was more liquid than you ever imagined could cram itself down your throat. You agreed to go to a frat party with him, of course, your sweet himbo boyfriend wanted to give the college partying lifestyle a shot. Liquor rushed to your stomach and your head at full speed, you swallowed your last gulp and hoped to goodness none of it would wind up coming back up. “HOLYYYY SHIT. Babe. You’re a goddamn legend.” As if he wasn’t already so whipped for you. “Yeah? s’all for you, daddy,” you slurred, feeling your knees buckle underneath you. Shion quickly moved to support your frame. “Oh fuck, baby, let’s get you layin’ down somewhere.” He helped you into the house and pulled you into an empty bedroom. “Here’s some water… y/n, you okay? I didn’t mean to come off as a dick-…ahh-” you pulled your boyfriend into a heated kiss on the bed. “I know, you didn’t. s’just beer, baby. I’m okay! I’ve taken more shots than beer I’ve had now before.” You smiled confidently. “…Huh? Wha-? Oh. I think I get it. You’re still drunk as fuck, doll. Wanna go home?” He peered into your eyes and cupped your face sweetly. “Uh-uh, lock the door. Come fuck me.” Shion’s face looked like he saw a ghost, or like his dreams were about to come true, or like a ghost appeared ready to make his dreams come true. “A-are you for real right now?” He asked, his voice wavering. You didn’t respond immediately, instead opting to pull him in to a sultry kiss, licking his tongue with your own, pulling away to bite on his bottom lip. “Oh, I’m for real.” You whispered, a handful of his hair clenched in your fist. Shion moaned breathily and hurried to go lock the bedroom door. 
— — ❤︎ Tachibana Naoto
It was so dark tonight. You could only see two things: a faint red hue from the stoplight flooding into the car, and Naoto’s lap. Going out to dinner, you’d both usually have one drink or so, but this time, you talked your boyfriend into being your DD and got a little sloshed. He didn’t mind, though. He loved your raw confidence when liquor was added to your system. He’d get you back safe and take some shots when he got home, no sweat… right? “Fuuuck, baby, slow down,” he rasped, words mixing with moans catching in his throat. “I-isn’t this kinda dangerous?? We are only 5 minutes awAy-aaHh~” Naoto whined as you freed his cock from his slacks. “Nope. Want it now,” you stated flatly, hardly missing a moment before focusing on swallowing his dick. Your lips glided smoothly down his shaft, nose recklessly smashing into Naoto’s lap, his tip jutting against the back of your throat. You set a rigorous pace, hellbent on milking him and tasting his cum as quickly as you could. The light flicked to green. He moaned pitifully and tried his best to focus on driving, easing his foot off the pedal. He could lose control to you, but he would not under any circumstances lose control of the car. “Y/n, fuck,” he grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled you back roughly. “Slow down. Just a little,” he begged, “…please.” You found Naoto’s feeble attempt to take some control back in this situation to be adorable. You love your boyfriend and you know he can take charge when he means it, but you also know when he’s enjoying being at the mercy of your power. You moaned in response and licked the tip of his cock slowly, stroking the base with your free hand. “Mmh, just wait until I get you home,” Naoto lamented breathlessly.
— — ❤︎ Wakasa Imaushi [rough WARNING]
“Shhhh, shh shh,” Wakasa shushed you softly from underneath your skirt. “Just wanna taste,” he whispered, breath tickling your thighs. Waka had been an absolute menace at the bar all night: kissing your neck, slipping his hands under your skirt, teasing your pussy as you sat on a barstool in a puddle of slick, devouring you with his bedroom eyes as you took another shot together. And to make matters worse, the more he drank, the more bold he became. As if he wasn’t already too much to handle sober. He was so fucking smooth, too, nobody suspected a thing. Waka pretended to be a nonchalant, good boyfriend, helping his wasted babygirl get to the bathroom safely. In reality, he was an animal ready to sink his teeth into you. He made a soaking, shaking mess of you, teasing you to the point of having jelly legs, and lured you to the bathroom so he could continue to torment his prey. “Waka, you’re so cruel,” you whined, tears pricking your eyes. “I don’t want you to tease me, I want you to fuck me, damn it,” you choked, trying to be firm and not to let any frustrated tears slip out. “Come again?” Imaushi pulled away from your legs to look you in the eyes. His stare was beyond intimidating, it was narrow and threatening. You blinked several times. “I said I wanted you to fuck me,” you replied cautiously. “Oh, baby, you should’ve said so sooner if that’s what you wanted.” He cooed, his voice sugary sweet, a little too sweet for your comfort. “But baby, you should be careful what you wish for.” In what seemed to an inebriated you as one swift motion, he stood up, snatched both your wrists in one hand, spun you around and pushed your chest against the bathroom counter. 
— — ❤︎ Sano Shinichiro
“More,” you panted heavily. “’K, hurry up ‘n get this off,” Shinichiro slipped his hand underneath your cropped cardigan, half-yanking the sheer material to the side to plant a hickey on the top of your breast. You hastily untied the top and slipped it off your shoulders to give him a full view of your tits in your tight dress. Your hips circled his lap, desperately grinding against him. The windows of the car began to steam up as your body temperatures rose. The two of you went bar hopping and ended up too drunk to drive home. While you waited for a friend to pick you up, things got more than a little heated in the back seat. “Fuck...” his chest heaved against yours, dexterous hands gliding up your back to unzip your dress. As soon as the zipper was down, Shinichiro’s hands snaked under the bottom of the fabric, giving your ass a firm slap before hooking his fingers under your lace panties and sliding them down your thighs. “Mmh, such a perv, Shin,” you moaned, momentarily shifting to the side to get the lacy garment off one leg. “Yeah? I’m not the one desperate to get fucked-” “Shut up, you want it just as bad,” you rebutted, the both of you drunkenly giggling as you climbed back on top of him, engaging in another slutty kiss. Your hands began to undo his belt as his fingers tugged your dress and bra down to expose your chest. He bit your nipple teasingly, wandering touch disappearing under your dress to grope your thigh and play with your clit. “God, you are wet,” he groaned into your chest, long, slender fingers easily sliding into your warm cunt. “S-Shin-!” you whined, “-can’t get it... off,” you huffed between moans and tugged at his pants helplessly. “Hang on. Busy.” He purred near your ear, lips latching onto your neck while he pressed deeper inside you. 
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peachhcs · 5 months
losing the championships
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will's self-doubt creeps in after losing the finals making him snap at the one person who's always there for him, almost making her turn her back on him.
2.6k words
warnings: a bit of angst, arguing, crying, this is a sad post in general
ik im feeding y’all rn but i feel weird putting this out in two days and not now haha, but guys you know i had to do it. i had to get the angst out. i think this is like the first angsty post in the series?? i hate when there is angst, but i love writing it lmao. i'm not sure how accurate some of this is, but i hope the trio stays on for another season!! i'd actually be devestated if they don't. anyways keep requesting!! <3
au masterlist
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it didn’t feel real. nothing felt real watching her best friends crumple to the ice in utter defeat and heartbreak just two days after winning the semifinals. samy stood up in the stands nearly motionless while everything around her fell silent. she didn’t think those moments were actually real whenever they played in movies, but here she was hardly focusing on anything but her best friends in tears. 
her eyes couldn’t leave ryan on his knees with his face in the ice. she just wanted to wrap all of them into her arms so none of them would feel this type of pain anymore. 
the stupid jumbotron panned to everyone’s reactions, basically putting the boys on full blast when they most definitely didn’t want anyone to see them crying like they were. samy’s heart only broke further when she finally looked down at her boyfriend trying to hold himself together while comforting a sobbing ryan and teary gabe. 
her own eyes grew teary seeing those three so destroyed not knowing what was next for any of them. that was probably the scariest part. 
when will searched for samy’s gaze the waterworks broke like a dam for the couple. the youngest hughes was completely crying and will’s shame settled into his skin that he lost the game without even scoring a single point. 
their coach urged the boys down the tunnel before the cameras could get any more shots of them. samy tried pulling herself together, but her hiccuping cries didn’t stop slipping out no matter how hard she tried holding them in. 
boston’s side of the lobby was nearly silent which almost mirrored michigan’s team two days ago. suddenly, seeing those happy memories wasn’t as easy anymore. samy’s mind raced wondering if this game really was the last for her favorite trio or if they’d stay on one more season with boston. 
thirty minutes passed before the bc boys slowly trickled out of the locker room. their bloodshot eyes and tear stained faces were enough to send more tears into samy’s own eyes. her lip quivered waiting for her boyfriend to appear, but he didn’t come out after his usual spot behind ryan and gabe. the two boys found samy’s gaze, frowning even deeper. 
“hey, i’m so sorry. i-i have no words,” samy brought them into big hugs hoping to ease a bit of their ache. 
“what a fucking night,” ryan muttered bitterly. 
“you guys played well. those refs were idiots making calls,” the brunette shook her head. 
“will’s still in there. he’s..he’s not taking this one too well. you can go in if you want, but he may explode. I i don’t want you to think he’s mad at you, he’ll just find something to take his anger out on,” gabe explained briefly. samy’s eyes slid towards the locker room doorway where her boyfriend hid. 
“don’t worry, i know how he gets. I’ll see if i can talk to him,” she couldn’t be scared of will. 
he was her best friend and boyfriend. he’d never intentionally hurt her and if he said things, she knew he was just angry with himself, not her. the girl shuffled her way towards the locker room trying to put on a brave face for will’s sake. 
she knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open. her eyes scanned the practically empty room until she found her boyfriend slumped in his stall at the end of the benches. her hands trembled as she slid further in and leaned against the door. 
his eyes snapped towards hers. he looked like a mess and that only unleashed more waterworks seeing him in this state. it wasn’t one samy saw him a lot in, so when she did, it hurt extra hard. 
“if you’re here to try and make me feel better, i don’t wanna hear it,” the boy mumbled bitterly which quickly caught samy off guard. 
she wasn’t expecting that from him so immediately. 
“i’m not. just here to be with you,” the girl said, trying to hide the shake in her voice. 
“well, i’m not really in the mood to be around anyone right now. just go. i’ll be out in a few minutes,” the bitterness in his voice definitely stung, but samy tried shaking him off knowing he was just upset. 
“will..” she inched forward, wanting to reach out to him. he looked as if anyone touched him he’d just break into a million pieces. 
“i said go. i don’t need your fucking sympathy. i feel feel like shit,” the blonde snapped this time making samy instantly draw back. 
“i know you’re upset, i get it. this loss fucking sucks. i’m just trying—” 
“you don’t fucking get it, samy! i just lost the championship game 2-0. we scored zero points. you know how fucking embarrassing that is? i’ve been trying to prove myself all season about how good i can be and then i lose the championship game. you’ll never fucking get it!” there it was. 
will’s tone rose with anger and hurt all mixed into one. samy swallowed the nerves climbing higher in her stomach as she tried remembering none of this was really directed at her. she was just the person will was getting his anger out on. 
“i-i do get it, will. remember my championship game in december? we choked. i-i get it, i do. it sucks and i’m so sorry it ended this way. i wish it didn’t—”
“stop saying you get it. it’s not the fucking same. you’ve never had to work for anything in your life because of your family!” 
the blonde’s harsh words finally hit a nerve. samy’s face twisted and she didn’t know anymore if he really didn’t mean it or not, but through the anger, will realized what he said. 
“samy..i didn’t—”
“fuck you, will. you of all people should know how hard i’ve worked to be where i am right now. i know you’re upset about everything right now, but you don’t need to bring me down to make yourself feel better. don’t bother waiting up. i’m leaving with ryan and gabe,” samy stormed out of the locker room before will could say anything more.
the tears streamed down her face as soon as she was in the lobby again. ryan and gabe instantly noticed her distraught expression, immediately going to her. 
“shit, what happened?” ryan muttered. 
“can we just go? i can’t deal with him right now,” samy choked out. the two exchanged a worried glance, but obliged. 
the whole ride back to the hotel was nothing but silence as everyone reeled from the disappointing night. 
gabe let samy camp out in his hotel room for the night. he didn’t dare ask her what happened in the locker room knowing she’d tell him if she wanted to; however, the dark-haired boy wanted to go knock some sense into will knowing he most definitely snapped too hard at samy which made her want to avoid him. 
it was almost two in the morning when there was a small knock. still awake, the two exchanged wary glances, so gabe got the door. 
he pulled it open to reveal a very weary, teary-eyed, sad, and frustrated will. for a moment, gabe almost let him in, but he stopped himself because he didn’t want the boy blowing up at samy again. the girl sat nervously on the bed just out of sight of the door listening in on them.
“is she here?” will rasped out, voice dry from the amount he cried after samy left the locker room and getting back to the hotel. 
“i’m not sure i wanna answer that,” gabe stood his ground. 
“come on, perreault. leno said he didn’t have her,” will tried again. 
hearing how wrecked he sounded broke samy’s heart all over again. gabe gazed back at her, a look in his eyes asking her if she really wanted to see him. 
even though he insulted her, something in samy was still trying to justify it for him being upset and angry. she really wanted to believe he didn’t mean it. with that, the girl crawled off the bed and shuffled her way behind gabe’s 6’1 figure. 
“we can talk in your room,” samy mumbled. 
“o-okay,” the shake in her boyfriend’s voice made samy want to lunge herself at him and make all the pain go away, but she had to stand up for herself still. 
“you’re sure?” gabe wondered before letting her go. 
“i’m sure. i’ll see you tomorrow,” she rubbed his arm and stepped around him. 
her and will walked three doors down where his hotel room was. it was basically hers too since most of her stuff was scattered across the room over the past few days they’ve been there. 
will shut the door behind them. the brunette looked at him expectantly knowing she said everything she could. a beat of silence passed before the tears quickly filled the blonde’s eyes and he started completely sobbing in front of her. he crumpled against the door, choking sobs falling from his lips as he body sunk into the ground. 
for a second, samy just stared at him until her instincts kicked in and she went to him without hesitation this time. 
“oh will,” she curled into his side, stroking his hair as his body fell into hers. 
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean any of it. i don’t know why i said it. i was upset and i know that’s not an excuse at all,” the boy rambled into her shoulder. 
“i know this loss hurts, but taking your anger out on people with harsh words isn’t gonna make it better,” samy said.
“i know, i know. i-i’m so sorry. i shouldn’t have lashed out on you. that’s not fair to you at all.” 
“i was just trying to comfort you like i always do after losses,” the girl hated seeing her boyfriend so upset like this. his tears dripped everywhere on her even after samy tried wiping them away with her thumb. 
“i know. i shouldn’t have pushed you away like that. i just.. I didn’t want you to see me like that,” will’s voice grew softer at his small admission. 
“what do you mean like that?” i’ve seen you lose games before.”
“i don’t know if this is how you felt after your soccer game, but i felt so pathetic for losing a championship game where we didn’t even score. my pride was hurt and i worried you’d think i wasn’t good enough anymore because i lost like that,” his words continued breaking samy’s heart. 
she grabbed ahold of his face so he was looking at her, “i’d never think any less of you because you lost. it happens. you’re not pathetic for losing and i promise it doesn’t make me look at you any differently.” 
“i guess i’m just always scared you’ll get sick of me and realize i’m not actually worth it. that and a hundred other emotions were just going through me and it came out really wrong,” will frowned. 
a small sigh escaped the girl’s lips hearing the boy she’s known all her life doubt himself so much. “you’re always worth it, will. nothing’s ever gonna change that for me, okay? i’m always gonna be in love with you and wanna be around you win or lose, whatever's happening in your career. you’re stuck with me,” a small laugh escaped their lips at the last part. 
“i know that. i just get really doubtful when i get down on myself and hard losses like that happen.” 
“i get it, but i’m not going anywhere, okay? you played your best tonight, those refs were making shit calls and unfortunately, denver just figured us out.” 
a small nod came from will. he pushed his forehead onto samy’s just trying to ease all the thoughts running through his mind while focusing on the way she ran her fingers gently through his hair and around his curls. some of his roots were rough and red from the way he pulled harshly on them earlier, so her gentle motions slowly eased the ache. 
“i’m scared that i don’t know what’s gonna happen next with any of us,” will spoke again after a small silence. 
he lifted his head again to meet his girlfriend’s gaze before leaning it against the door. 
“are you gonna sign on?” the idea played in samy’s mind as well after tonight’s game. 
the decision was entirely up to the coaches of each of the guy’s respective teams, but considering how well all of them played and improved in one season, they may want them sooner rather than later. 
“i don’t know. it’s up to whether the sharks want me now or later,” will answered. 
“have you talked to ryan or gabe? what they may do?” 
“washington’s pushing closer to the playoffs. they may want ryan on for it. i dunno. gabe’s most likely gonna stay. i don’t think the rangers are quite ready for him yet. the ideal situation is we all stay one one more season with boston,” will explained a bit, his fingers drawing mindles shapes into samy’s leg. 
“what do the sharks say about you?” the girl wondered with a raised eyebrow. 
“you know what they say about me. they want me now. they wanna wait another year. it’s..sort of up to me i guess,” will shrugged a bit, avoiding eye contact. 
“would you sign on now?” she rephrased her question from earlier. 
“if i sign on now, my entire life gets flipped around in a week and i have to move to california, but then i’d possibly get to play in the playoffs. if i wait, i get to stay with boston and everyone for another year and more importantly, see you more frequently than if i was in california,” samy rolled her eyes at the last part—he was always so down bad for her. 
“don’t make the decision based on me, will. you’ll see me still.” 
“i know, but i think i do subconsciously anyway. you’re just my life now,” his words sent a deep blush across the girl’s cheeks. 
“i’m flattered,” she rubbed the side of his cheek making him lean into her touch. 
“you’re everything to me, samy. i’m really, really in love with you and i can’t imagine my life without you in it,” will smiled softly. 
the girl flushed, but returned his smile. hearing those kinds of things come out of his mouth was still something the brunette was getting used to even after 9 months of being together. 
“you’re everything to me too, will. i love you a lot.” 
the boy leaned forward to place a gentle, yet loving kiss on her lips. they melted into one another, small sighs escaping their mouths at the contact. her hands tugged at his curls while his own curved around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer like he needed her as close as possible or else he couldn’t function. 
part of it was true. without samy, will was lost like a fish in the ocean. she was a part of him and he was a part of her. they were intertwined and always would be. her soft lips soothed every single thought and self-doubt will had because as long as his favorite girl believed in him, that was all that mattered. 
“i know i said this already, but thank you for being here. it means a lot to me,” will said when they pulled apart. 
“i’d never miss this. i’ll always skip classes for you,” she grinned. 
the boy beamed, pulling her back in for another kiss. 
the two didn’t get into bed until nearly 3:30 in the morning. samy curled into will’s side, his arm tightly around her as she laid on his chest. the tension in the air completely dissipated and the cries died down. things felt okay again. 
they’d sleep tangled in one another all night knowing the next morning samy had to catch her plane back to michigan and will would be left with one big decision that would decide what plane he had to catch. 
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bangchansgirlsblog · 6 months
i am in a randomly good mood
and i need angst to ruin it
i present to you
HYUNJIN X READER- they get into a fight and he raises his hand as if he’s gonna hit her and she flinches and he’s like…. “i can’t deal with your shit rn” and LEAVES *a collective gasp rises from the audience* and she’s all like “well i can’t deal with your shit either” and ALSO LEAVES (like the apartment they share or smth lol) and goes to stay at another members house (but like she’s being reasonable because it was a REALLY bad fight😓) and it ends in him apologizing after realizing he was a total dick teehee🤭
sorry if that’s too much lol keep up the great work!!🩵
Protective services
Warning: Angry Hyunjin, violence (not really), angst/comfort
Pairing: hyunjin x reader
It’s 4 am and it’s so fucking hot omg. Shoot me 😔
“Hyunjin,” Y/n softly called for her boyfriend from the kitchen. He was sat in their living room finishing off a song on his laptop so he was quite concentrated but still he made sure to reply.
“Baby, what do you think we should take to your mums house for dinner tomorrow?” She walked over to their dining room to sit and jot down the shopping list of things she needed for the huge family dinner at his family’s home.
“I don’t know, you figure it out,” he waved her off and quickly looked back at his computer. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had his glasses on.
She let out a frustrated sigh and continued to write down the list desiding she would make some kimchi and fried rice. Perfect.
Satisfied with her list she went to change into some grocery shopping clothes and turned it the lights. “Hyunjin, I’m going grocery shopping,” she informed the older man who was pulling at his hair.
“Yeah, hm? Okay, okay,” he dismissed her again not even listening to what she had to say this cause her blood to boil. Atleast he could offer to come spend time with her but ofcourse work took all his time. It was always work, work, work.
She grabbed her wallet and closed the door behind her before quickly making her way to the convince store. It was a little chilly but nothing she couldn’t handle.
South Korea was safe after all so her being late out at night wasn’t a problem…well she thought.
It was when she was walking back to their apartments when she heard it. Footsteps. Footsteps that were following her and getting closer.
She had grocery bags in her hands that were extremely heavy and the fact that Hyunjin wasn’t there was worrying her a little bit.
She quickly turned and saw no one. Weird. Was she dreaming? She quickly started walking again but this time her footsteps got faster and so did the ones behind her.
“Excuse me miss?” She heard a rough voice calling for her. Her heart was beating at a terrible pace. Her hands were shaking.
She quickly looked behind before seeing who it was. It was a man, a scrubby looking man. He had a dirty smirk on his face and his hands were in his pocket.
“Can I help you?” She quietly said before taking a few steps back.
“Yes actually, I saw you shopping and I thought you were really-“
“Really what?” A voice growled from behind Y/n. She quickly jumped and looked up to see her pissed off boyfriend standing behind her. Towering both her and the man.
His hands automatically wrapped around her and that’s when she realized her surroundings. She was 2 blocks away from her and Hyunjin’s apartment. So this man really was following her.
“Is he your boyfriend?” The man asked in disbelief. His eyes grew wider, “Isn’t he famous?”
“I’d advise you leave before this gets ugly for you. I saw you following her and if I see you next to her ever again. I’ll make sure to break your hands off and beat you with them. Don’t think just because I sing and dance I can’t beat the shit out of you,”
Hyunjin stood infront of Y/n and pushed the man, he didn’t even try to fight Hyunjin but instead started to scurry off while cursing.
“Baby how-“
“Why the fuck are you out here in the night time without me?” He said sternly. His voice getting louder the more he talked.
He harshly grabbed the grocery bags from her hands.
“But I told you I was going grocery shopping Hyunjin plus-“
“You don’t leave the house without me at this time. You forget that you’re everyone’s target. Are you stupid?” He growled as he gently pushed her so they could start making their way to the apartments. He wanted to make sure he still had an eye on her even if he was extremely mad.
“I don’t know why you’re mad at me. I told you I was going to-“ she was hurt by his harsh words. She just wanted to explain herself.
“Then why the fuck were you not picking up my calls? Do you know how worried I got?” He was yelling now. “I told you to text me whenever your out so I know your safe, why don’t you listen Y/n,”
“Hyunjin I don’t know why your making this such a big deal but your scaring me,” she frowned as they made it inside their apartment. He slammed the door shut before throwing the bags of stuff on the dining table.
“Be careful there are eggs!” She yelped before running to check if they’re okay.
“Is that all you care about now?! You could have gotten hurt outside there. Raped! Robbed! Beaten!”
“Hyunjin stop yelling! It’s not a big deal! I always go shopping without you. Maybe your overreacting a little,” she begged for him to stop as she paced back out to the living room where he was now.
“I need to go think-“
“Think about what babe? I’m sorry okay. Just don’t leave. I- I promise I didn’t mean to. I thought you heard me when I told you I was leaving the house!”
“We need to find a way for you to be safe out there Y/n. Just let me think,”
He grabbed his jacket yet again and she chased after him clinging on his hand.
“God dammit Y/n!” He roared and raised his hand before punching the wall. She quickly flintched and fell on the floor thinking it would land on her.
She lets out a tiny squeal before shielding her head with her hands.
Hyunjin’s face quickly softens. His heart was in his throat. He couldn’t believe it. “Shit,” he softly said. His anger now slowly disappearing as guilt and worry filled his body.
“I’m so sorry baby,” he kept mumbling. He dropped his jacket and tried to grab her but she quickly scrambled away.
She was genuinely scared. She knew Hyunjin wouldn’t hit her but with the way he was reacting before she didn’t know what he was capable of at the moment.
“I- why?” She sniffled. Her eyes now streaming with tears and she quickly got off the floor and rushed to the bedroom.
Her sobs filled the room as she quickly dialed the only person she could think of.
“Channie?” She cried into the phone.
“Hm? What is it?” He frantically said as he heard her tit sniffles. “What’s wrong Y/nnie? You okay? Where are you?”
“Channie…Hyunjin he- he got angry and-“
“I’m coming over right now, stay there and stay away from him,” she could hear him shuffling around probably getting dressed. All she could do is cry.
On the other side of the door, Hyunjin was a crying mess. He didn’t expect the fight to turn left. He was going to hit her. He just blacked out for a second and her tiny screams woke him up he then realized what he had done.
“What is it Hyung?” He groaned as he sat by their bedroom door.
“Come over. Chan just called me fuming and I’m worried he’ll kill you if he finds you there,”
“But Binnie- I didn’t mean to I swear,”
“I just said come over. You need to calm down and we can talk about it okay?” He knew Changbin was right.
The comfort of knowing that Chan was on his way over was what made him leave the house not without knocking on their door first.
No answer.
He then slowly opened it to find the love of his life in a little ball. Tiny cries left her small frame but all he could do was walk over and kiss her forehead. She didn’t flinch but she didn’t react even and with that he left their shared apartment to head off to his friend’s house.
The frantic knocks on the door was what got her up. She knew it was Chan instantly and she honestly couldn’t wait for his cuddles.
“Where is he?” He marched into the house fuming.
“He- he left,” she said. Chan’s posture melted when he saw the state she was in. He felt so sorry and so bad but he knew apologizing wouldn’t do anything.
“Movie while you tell me what happened?” He pulled her into a hug as she broke down even more.
“Yes please,” she mumbled into his hoodie.
By the time the movie had ended, she was fast asleep by his side. It was a long 2 hours of him trying to calm her down and assuring her that Hyunjin didn’t mean what he did. It was probably a big misunderstanding. It took hours of convincing but he was finally able to get her to sleep and calm down.
When he heard the knock on the door he knew who it was and wasn’t shocked when the devil himself walked through the door.
“I won’t kill you,” was all Chan said before getting up and signaling for him to come hold her instead.
“Thank you Hyung, I owe you one,”
“I know you two are a young couple and it gets hard but you slowly learn how to be patient with her. I hope Binnie and leeknow told you that,”
“Trust me they gave me the longest lecture of my life and on top of that they took away all my pc privileges,” he huffed and slowly played with your hair.
“How is she?” He asked while admiring her face. It was still a little puffy and the guilt started to eat him again.
“Okay, she cried and cried but I finally got her to calm down. Just talk to her and apologize. She loved you at the end of the day,” and with that. They said their goodbyes and Hyunjin carried Y/n to their shared room. He slowly put her in bed before rushing to finish up putting the groceries away and cleaning up.
He made his way back to your room and got into bed to cuddle you but what made him smile was the way you wrapped your arms around him before whispering a tiny “I love you.”
Damn he was such a dickhead.
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maybankswhore · 1 year
Hi, could you possibly write a fic about rafe/jj looking after the reader when they’re on their period? I’m on my period rn and I’m cramping so bad 😭😭
pairing(s): jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: you get your period and jj makes it his mission to make it as easy as possible.
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You’re biggest pet peeve was being on your period. For some reason , you’d always get the worst of it. Especially the first two days.
You bled the heaviest , cramped the hardest. The whole day was just absolutely exhausting and no matter how much pain medication you took , you’d almost always end up free bleeding on the toilet for hours at a time hoping to pass the time.
Starting your period the morning you and the rest of the Pogue’s were supposed to go out surfing made your mood even worse. You had gotten a new swim suit for the day and everthing and now you had to cancel. You had texted Kiara telling her to let John B and Pope know you weren’t coming , her obviously understanding the situation. You also knew JJ would be disappointed because he wanted to start helping you learn how to surf— beings that all you did on surfing days was tan because you didn’t know how.
Finding a comfortable position in your bed , you pulled out your phone and pressed JJ’s contact. It didn’t take more than two or three rings for him to answer. “Hi , baby! Sorry I’m running late. Pope was being a shit head and wouldn’t leave work.”
You smiled lightly at Pope’s disagreement in the background.
“No , J that’s okay. I’m not feeling too good today so I’m gonna stay home.”
“Not feeling good? Are you okay? You sick? Want me to come over and bring you to the doctor?” You could hear the concern in his voice , picturing him furrowing his eyebrows at you. It made you grin a bit , hearing him so worried about you.
“I’m not sick. I started my period and you know how that goes. I’m grouchy and sad.”
“Okay so I don’t need to bring you to the doctor but I’m still coming over.”
You rolled your eyes. “JJ! You’ve been so excited to get the Pogue’s together for this. Don’t skip out just ’cus of me. I’ll be fine , I deal with it every month.”
“Sure but we can get together some other day. I’ll see you soon , baby!” He said , hanging up the phone before you even had time to open your mouth and argue.
You sighed and put your phone down , snuggling up into your comforter.
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You didn’t realize you had fallen asleep until you were woken up by JJ knocking on your bedroom door , lightly saying your name. Stirring , you groaned when the pain almost immediately hit you— feeling swollen and achey.
“Sorry to wake you.” JJ frowned at himself , placing the plastic bag down on your nightstand and immediately attaching himself to your side. He knelt on the side of the bed you were on , brushing hair away from your face. He sighed at your pale complexion and tired eyes , obviously seeing the affects it was having on you. It came every month and JJ knew it was normal , it still didn’t stop him from feeling bad and worrying about you each time. “Wanna take a bath? I’ll make it extra hot.”
You grabbed his hand that was now cupping your cheek and kissed the palm tiredly , nodding. “Thanks , J.”
He was always so catering to you , on the whim , on his knees at your beck an call. It didn’t matter how much you would stomp your feet and demand him to go about worry about something else— JJ was always all about you , all of the time. And the week of your period he was extra caring and compassionate towards you. Whether he’d simply watch a sad movie with you so you could cry and let all of your emotions out , or watch a show that’d get you all riled up and heated ( secretly giggling at your angry face ) , he did it all and you appreciated it with your whole heart.
JJ pressed a soft kiss to your head as he went to run the water for you as you managed to stand yourself up and find some fresh comfortable clothes to change into , hoping to ease some of that ickness you felt.
As you went into the bathroom , JJ was sitting on the toilet seat waiting for you. His hand checking the water every couple seconds to make sure it was just right. His eyes softened as he looked at you. “I got some pads from the store. Figured you can wear them at home. I heard tampons could give you like. . . electric shock or something if you use ’em too long so I don’t want you risking it.” He proposed , motioning towards the box on the counter.
You giggled as you undressed , feeling comfortable to take your time and not rush , knowing that right now— JJ found you beautiful and all , even if you felt like you were the most bloated and disgusting creature. The look in his eyes said it all.
Sighing contently as you sinked into the bath , your eyes fluttered closed allowing the warmth to soothe your achey muscles. “You know it isn’t electric shock and that only happens if you wear it too long.” You hummed , peeking at JJ through slotted eyes.
“What happens if you fall asleep with it? Or you forget about it?” JJ listed off. “I think you should just wear those when we go to John B’s or something.”
You rolled your eyes at his over protectiveness , but you secretly loved it. Your left hand reached out to his that rested on his leg and held it tightly , rubbing a thumb over his knuckles. “Thanks for coming over. I know you were really looking forward to going surfing with everyone.”
JJ smiled at you sweetly , lifting your hand up to kiss your palm. “You’re more important.”
Lulling your head to the side , you just stared at him as he patiently waited for you. You couldn’t believe how lucky you got to have someone like JJ. He was always so caring and compassionate , giving you anything you ever needed. He supported you , encouraged you to do the things you loved and to take chances you normally wouldn’t. He’d sit on a ceramic toilet for days on end if it meant he got to spend time with you. “I really , really love you.”
“I really , really love you , my sweet girl. Once you’re finished we can go back and lay down. I have all of your favorite things and Kiara had some medicine she gave me to give to you.”
“We’re watching Taylor’s documentary on Netflix!” You clapped , rushing to bathe yourself now , excited to munch on all your favorite snacks.
JJ groaned. “That’s the third time this week.”
“Okay? Third time’s a charm!”
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kissitbttr · 7 months
watching the superbowl rn (i have no idea what is happening BUT)
more so a thought but like frat!miguel getting hella mad that his team is losing, like shouting n all, groaning nd stressing while all u can do is just stare the way his veins buldge whenever he yells……. (⸝⸝𖦹 ̫ 𖦹⸝⸝) fuck……… not me getting turned on by an angry miguek bye
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i’m a firm believer that miguel is a chiefs fan (LMAO) and seeing them losing to 49ers (the team that he insisted to beck and carlos will for SURE taking the L later on) is pissing him off,
“fuck! fuck, fuck! qué coño están haciendo ?!!”
miguel had insisted that you watch the superbowl with him and his frat brothers. despite you telling him that you don’t know jackshit about football and would probably ended up gettin bored, he bribed you with snacks and cuddles later on. sadly, you fell for it. who could even resist?
“what the fuck even was that play?” miguel suddenly stands up from his seat, accidentally knocking your leg over his lap. his hand moves to touch your ankle as a silent ‘sorry, princess’.
though you don’t know anything about this game, one thing you know for sure is how much you love seeing your boy friend gets riled up,
his thick calloused fingers run through his already messy hair—thanks to the sex you both had an hour ago— teeth clenching in anger with his bushy brows pulls together out of frustrations,
you never seen him look so sexy it’s driving you insane,
“who was that?! number four from 49ers”
“the rookie. moody or some shit” beck shakes his head, eyes focusing on the screen,
miguel lets out an exasperated groan, hands furiously rubbing up and down his face before putting them behind his head,
“you regret not putting your bet on mccaffrey, o’hara?” carlos teases from his left. earning a glare from the man,
“don’t fucking push it, you motherfucker” miguel points his finger at him. “the fuck is up with mahomes?!”
“not his skills, that’s for sure” carlos pipes quietly but that doesn’t go unnoticed by miguel. causing him to throw a pillow at him. “ow! easy!”
“why is taylor swift in it everytime kelce holds the ball? this ain’t about her!”
“do people still even give a fuck about her?”
“this is football moment! not a fucking mediocre popstar shit! who has control with the cameras anyway?!”
the banter is funny, really. not what you haven’t seen before anyway. but the highlight of it all is really miguel being absolutely defensive about his favorite team that the sight is making your knees wobble and your pussy wet,
his arms are crossed. biceps bulging because of it. red eyes not leaving the screen as his pupils furiously move from left to right, eyeing how the scene plays before him.
god, you feel so bad for being horny right now.
biting your lip, you decide to tease hin a bit. poking the back of his knee with your toes a couple times before he turns to glance at you,
“what is it, princesa?” at first he thinks that it’s because you wanted him to seat back beside you, and so he does so. reaching out to pull your legs back to drape over his lap but his eyes are now back to the tv,
tilting your head to the side, you watch how his expression settled into a deeper focus. lips formed into a concentration pout while his large hand rest on your bare thigh, giving it a squeeze every now and then. a simple confirmation from him to not leave you out,
“you’re so hot when you’re angry, miggy”
hearing that, his gaze then move towards you. seeing how your pupils dilated by looking at him, lashes batting in innocence matter before he drops to look at your bitten lip. he feels your fingers softly tracing up and down his chest.
oh… he knows that look,
shaking his head, “no, no, no. you can’t do this to me! not right now, baby! I’m watching the game!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“you know exactly what i’m talking about!” he protests, eyes leaving the screen to completely look at you when the game goes to commercial. “you’re giving me that ‘fuck me’ eyes! you know i can’t resist that!”
beck and carlos share a disgust glance with each other, shaking both of their heads before they move to grab another can of beer in the kitchen, not wanting to hear this couple’s banter.
you feign a look of fake surprise. “how dare you assume that! i’m just staring at you! can i not look at my boyfriend?”
“you’re gaslighting me, muñeca. that’s not okay! you think i don’t memorize every look that my own girlfriend has when she wants something?!”
“and what is it that i want?”
“you want to fuck me!” he exclaims. “and i want to as well! but this game is—“
“important to you. yeah yeah” you sigh dramatically before getting up,
“where are you going?!”
“to your room. i’ll be waiting there. naked. come find me if you changed your mind” you respond, eyes rolling. “five minutes or no tits for you for the rest of the night”
miguel panics at that, you don’t know if you’re being serious or not but it’s hard to tell. he watches you walk back upstairs to his room, contemplating whether or not he should follow you or stay here. his knee anxiously bounce up and down. he feels like this is a matter of life and death situation. like someone is pointing a gun behind his head.
but he made up his mind already,
beck could see that. he knows what his best friend about to do. that’s why his eyes are wide, shaking his head and put a hand out as if to stop him,
“no. no, o’hara. i know she’s your girl but you gotta put bros before hoes on this one! come on!” beck is begging at him, but it’s too late because miguel already bolts out of the sofa and sprint towards his room
“get your ass back here, o’hara! fuck!”
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cosmal · 1 year
hey! i saw you have your requests open so i wanted to req a james or remus x reader where she goes off on a tangent about something she loves and then cuts herself off because she doesn’t think he’ll want to hear about it, and he is just very kind and explains that he likes to hear her talk and doesn’t find her annoying? i’m talking to a guy rn and he’s so nice but recently he dismissed a topic i’m really interested in (inadvertently i think) and i felt so silly for even bringing it up :’) ik james or remus would be so comforting!!!
it’s okay if not though! i hope you’re having a beautiful day 💞
summary james lets you ramble about your favourite tv show
content james potter x fem!reader
note men just dont get the point, do they!!!! fuck him. thanks for the req though lovely <3
You've managed to steal James away. A moment where you've worked the courage to talk to only him, not talk to him through other points his friends have made. It's just you and him and he's asked you about your favourite TV show.
"So, they're about to release a new season," you say. Your hands are talking more than your mouth is. Pointing and waving around to get your point across. "And," you think you should pause to take a breath but you don't, "and she's back."
"Who?" James asks you. He sets his drink down to fold his arms across his chest and leans in.
"Veronica!" you say excitedly, eyes creasing with pleasure. You're radiating excitement. "She's not dead. She was just missing, trapped somewhere. I’m not sure yet, the trailer doesn’t show much. How cool?"
James nods and hums and then his name is called out from across the lawn. You think it's Sirius. James doesn't pay him any mind.
"And then there's Alexander," you're talking quietly now, still just as excited, "her lover. God, he's been looking for her for centuries. Romance isn't dead."
You pause to take a breath but mainly because Sirius is still trying to gain James's attention. Standing by the fire bucket with a bunch of sticks in his hand.
"Sorry, one moment," James says, soft smile and apologetic eyes, and turns to face his friend. He's got his hand on your knee. "What?"
"Do you wanna roast marshmallows?" Sirius asks and can tell James is incensed. He has it in him to look sheepish.
"What? No, I don't, Sirius." You've never heard James get angry at Sirius. You think you might laugh but feel worse because it's because of you. "Can't you see I'm talking?"
"Whatever," Sirius grumbles.
James turns back and looks like he's about to apologise again. You beat him to it. "Sorry, James." You turn your head and feel yourself heating up. "Shit, sorry. I've started rambling again. You can go see your friends."
"What?" James' face softens and it hits you right in the chest. He's still got his hand at your knee. He squeezes it when your face ducks down. "No, ignore Sirius. He's being his usual annoying self."
You bite your lip and still feel bad. You've sat here and rambled about a TV show he's unfortunately had the displeasure of asking you about. "He's your friend."
"He's a dickhead," he grumbles but has it in him to smile. You know he doesn't mean it. They're basically like brothers; you've only known James for a few months.
"You can go roast marshmallows if you want." You feel stupid when you say it. There's the tiniest bit in you that hopes he doesn't want to. By the off chance he doesn't, you promise to shut up.
"I don't want to roast marshmallows. I couldn't think of anything worse." James laughs and grabs his empty cup. Your breathing jumps. "Hey, let's got grab another drink and you can tell me more about this show, yeah?"
You blink at him. "Really?"
James stands and holds his hands out. You stare at his arms, where his biceps strain underneath his white button-down. He's gotta be cold. "Yeah, what were you saying about Alexander? Centuries? That is romantic."
You think you beam. You know you look like an idiot. Smiling up at him until your cheeks apple. You try to tamp down the way he's making you feel but fail immensely. He looks at you with all the patience in the world until you snap out of it.
You take his hands and think being here is warmer than the space around the bonfire. "Totally romantic," you swoon. A little too dramatic. You feel worse when James guides you through the swarm of people in Emmeline's backyard. He wraps his hand around your elbow. "I envy their relationship. I mean, who can say the love of their life searched for them across time and space for hundreds of years?"
James starts to pour your drink before his. You'd told him once, an offhanded comment weeks ago, your drink of choice. He apparently remembered. "Looks like I have a bit of competition.''
James nods and hands you your drink. Stronger than usual. You don't mind, you might need it. "I've gotta lift my romance game," he says. "Gotta impress you somehow. I don't know how to time travel but I'm a good hand holder."
You giggle and let him take your hand. "I don't think you'll need time travel, James."
He doesn't. He lets you ramble all night.
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gayboyasher · 9 months
Can you please do la squadra reacting to the reader calling them “cute”? (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
I just really need some fluff rn
FLUFF is the WAY!! I had to re-do this because my dumbass closed out the app and forgot to save, and I was just about to Melone 😭😔 anyway, I gave them things that they probably do that are cute. I’m sorry if you don’t agree with them
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Rissotto does this thing where when he’s concentrated, he furrows his brows and looks frustrated, but it’s so cute at the same time. He was doing this whole working, and you just had to tell him how cute he was!
At first, he seemed confused, cute?? Really?
He laughs softly, trying to think of something to say to that.
“Sole mio, I’m working.”
He doesn’t mean it in a mean way, but now he’s distracted from you pointing it out.
His focus turns to stopping his “quirk”, and then that gets him distracted.
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Prosciutto taps his fingers. He taps them on any surface, or he’ll just tap his fingers against his thumb. He’ll especially do this while he’s taking a phone call. Once he gets off the phone you tell him about it.
He looks at you like your crazy. He thinks it’s crazy.
Prosciutto is very much a macho man. He believes that the word cute is something not to describe masculine things, especially him.
He sighs and shakes his head in disappointment, finger wag and all. He doesn’t even say anything.
He’s another one who tries to stop it, and boy was he not able to do it.
Someone needs to explain to this poor boy he doesn’t have to be embarrassed to be called cute
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Pesci tends to hum. He’ll hum a tune that’s been stuck in his head and it’ll get stuck into your head. He’s also just cute doing absolutely nothing. He’s cute in general. Someone needs to say it.
Once you tell him that, he goes red. He doesn’t know how to take a compliment, so he’s just stuttering and stammering, trying to compliment you.
His ears are already hot and his mind is blank.
“You really mean it? You’re cuter!”
God, he’s completely flustered.
He doesn’t try to get rid of the habit, but still thinks about it
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Formaggio actually is also another cutie. He could sit there and be cute. But I see him acting all cute trying on clothes and flexing in them.
Once you tell him he’s cute he’s a little shocked, but not in any bad way.
He’s another macho man, but he’s not gonna be upset by being called cute!
He thinks of it as you hyping him up even more.
“Awh, you really think so? You must think I’m handsome too, huh? You’re pretty cute yourself.”
He just tries to embarrass you.
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He uses his computer quite a bit, and he focuses hard. When ever he does, he sticks his tongue out just slightly and squints his eyes. It’s actually adorable if you think about it.
Knowing his online history, he was probably in the middle of cyber bullying while you said that.
He’s a little flustered, but he understands the hype, he is the finest one out of the team (in his opinion)
“You really think so? Even when I’m being so mean?”
Another teaser. He’s gonna be cocky.
He doesn’t try to get rid of the quirk either, but he stops squinting his eyes.
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ANOTHER one on his computer. You don’t even wanna know what’s on his computer, but his face looks so gentle and calm. He’s another one who can just sit there and be cute.
When you first initially call him cute, he doesn’t realize you’re even talking to him.
It takes him a second and once he notices, he smiles and looks up at you
His face gets a tad bit hot, and he wants to make you feel the same way.
“Miele, you really think so? I think you’re cuter.”
He teases, and he teases well.
He teases in a nice way. It’s actually cute
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When he’s concentrated, he bites his lip gently. It’s actually very cute, and it seems to be one of the only times he’s not angry.
He takes it like an insult at first
He’s not a macho man, but he thinks it was passive aggressive.
“What does that mean Amore?? Was that backhanded or something??”
You have to explain to him that you’re not trying to be mean
Another poor boy who can’t take compliments.
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bea-does-stuff · 2 years
hi ml, could u do dabi, bakugo and Todoroki if you were $ucid@l, it sounds a lot but I rlly need it rn. No shame if you don’t too, just:/
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I’m not sure if your going through something or not, but we all deserve some comforting love every now and then, stay strong my lovelies!
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Warning: suicide mentions and attempts, self harm mentions, angst, a lot of crying
Word count: 648
Characters: Dabi, Bakugou and todoroki
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He found about you being suicidal when he got back home really late, the moment he opened the door he could hear violent crying coming from the bathroom
It took a while of convincing, but you eventually admitted that you weren’t ok, and it utterly broke his heart. The only words that came into his mind were “Why didn’t you… tell me sooner..?”
Once he discovers your suicidal, he will never leave you alone, even if the lov gets mad at his lack of attendance, he doesn’t give a shit, your more important, your always more important
He will also do everything to make you happy, he will do the chores he always rebelled on doing, he will always make sure you drink enough water, and he’ll hold every hour of the day until those rain clouds disappear.
He also wanted to give you a gift, something to cheer you up, it was a big plushie of your favourite animal, but the special thing about it was that Dabi didn’t steal it like all the other gifts he gave you, he saved up enough money to get it himself, to walk into a public place and buy something to make you smile, even if it’s just for one day
His small gesture of kindness really caught you off guard and overwhelmed you, you hugged him as tight as you could while softly crying
“I-I’m sorry…i don’t know why i’m c-crying i-” No.” Dabi stopped you “Never apologise for crying, not to me or anyone.” 
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He found out in the worst way possible, you were on a balcony, staring at the ground, your eyes were empty, not sadness, joy, anger, they just looked tired and emotionless
He was lucky enough to grab you by the hand before you jumped, which really caught you off guard “What…the hell were you thinking?” He was angry, but not that usual anger he had, he was quiet, but deep down you knew he was scared.
After that, he would do anything to make you smile, cook for you, cuddle you, take you out if you were comfortable with it
It all made you feel guilty, because no matter how much bakugou tried, you weren’t happy and he knew it
One day you eventually broke down, you began to sob uncontrollably “I-I’m so sorry! Your d-doing so much for me to make me happy but i…I” bakugou looked livid “Listen to me right now.” He narrowed his eyes i love you and i want you to be happy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be sad” his words only made you cry more, even if this time the cries weren’t because of sadness
He cupped your face, his eyes staring into your puffy ones
“It’s ok, to not be ok”
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He finds out when it’s late at night and your both in bed, he cuddling up to you when he noticed the tears beginning to form in the rims of your eyes, you looked at him, trying desperately not to sob or shriek, silently uttering the word “I…I don’t think i’m ok…”
He knows what it feels like to be in a dark place, he knows it oh so well, and even if emotions aren’t his strong suit he will try, he will try for you
There's so much he wants to say to you but the words can’t leave his tongue, so instead he tells you with actions
If you stay up all night crying, he’ll be there patting your back and crying with you
If you stay in your room and lock your door, he’ll make sure there's nothing in there that can hurt you
If your having a bit of a happier day, he’ll enjoy every moment of it, and even if the rain clouds come back, that's fine, because he’ll be here every step of the way
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roronoagem · 9 months
Maybe this would be better? What about Law finding out his SO was forced to eat a devil fruit. She hadn't told anyone and it was only made obvious after she fell overboard and couldn't swim. Maybe she had talked about her previous love for swimming, but no one caught on that it was something she couldn't do anymore.
characters: trafalgar d. water law
content warnings: gn!reader, law feels a bit betrayed lol, reader almost drowned, & very slight argument.
a/n: shitting my pants rn bc i met law in the anime a couple of times & my knowledge is based on vids & his wiki 😭 i’m scared to write him so out of character, please don’t come at me if it’s nothing like law i beg you . . . i’m gonna jump bye !
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let’s start with you speaking about how much you loved swimming, how much you loved going to the beach.
everyone on the polar tang knew about it, but they were totally oblivious that you couldn’t do it anymore due to your devil fruit.
not even your captain knew about this.
and he didn’t know you had the powers of a devil fruit, in the first place.
and when you fell right into the water and your head didn’t pop out of the water, bepo started to panic.
“CAPTAIN!” bepo was running from side to side searching for law. “[y/n]..!”
that’s when law appeared and noticed your absence, trying to get the polar bear to explain the situation.
when shachi finally pulled you out of the water, after he jumped in to search for you, you were almost passed out. law felt a hint of panic at the sight because well… it didn’t make much sense from what the bear said.
did you hit your head? did something underwater attacked you? could it be that you got so scared you passed out?
impossible. he knew you too well, you wouldn’t get scared just because you fell into the water, it was calm enough to be able to swim too.
when you finally opened your eyes and started coughing water, law felt relief fill his chest. he checked your pulse and body temperature, make sure you were breathing properly. he wrapped you in a blanket as you were completely soaked.
you felt a bit dizzy, unable to focus on whatever was surrounding you. “[y/n]! i’m so glad you’re okay! i’m sorry!” bepo started to apologise because he stood there panicking instead of taking action, but you weren’t mad at him.
“it’s okay… don’t worry,” you were able to say before meeting law’s hard gaze. you shivered, because he seemed unhappy somehow. “we need to talk,” that’s all he said.
you ended up in his office, he finished checking you up just to be sure you were truly okay. he didn’t say much while doing so, which caused the tension between you two to grow.
“say something,” you gave in before law. it was tiring, to say the least. he was avoiding your eyes too. what the hell?
“you almost drowned,” he said then, tone obvious. but he still was avoiding you. “but i’m here now,” you answered back.
law took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to not snap at you. “you were drowning,” he repeated, finally meeting your gaze. “but i’m alive!”
“what happened?” his tone was cold, he was treating you like any other patient. “i fell in the water, shachi pulled me out. that’s all,” you tried to sound as confident as possible, protecting your secret. “you know what doesn’t sound right to me?” law tilted his head to the side, “you talking every second about how much you love swimming, you love the sea, the ocean, and then this happens!”
of course he finally snapped. law is not a dumb man, he knows everything about everyone in his crew — he has to. it was clear you were avoiding telling him something important, and this was making him feel both angry but also hurt… did you not trust him enough?
“i-i forgot how to do that, i guess??” you responded, trying to make him let go of the subject. “you like it so much but you forget how to do that? how is it that i’ve never seen you get too close to the water since you joined this crew, huh?”
so he had noticed. he knew that it didn’t make sense but he never found the right moment to bring this up. but now…
“you’re the one avoiding it in the first place,” you retorted, as if putting him under the spotlight for a second would help you win the argument. “yes, because i ate a devil fruit and–”
when law paused, you noticed realisation spreading all over his expression. he found the missing piece of the puzzle. you ate a devil fruit too.
“why?” as he said that you couldn’t bare to look at him anymore, his tone showed that he felt betrayed by you for not telling him such important information. “[y/n]-ya… look at me,” law took a step closer.
“i was forced to eat it! i didn’t want to do that! i-i genuinely loved the ocean, swimming, these weren’t lies! but…”
when you started sobbing, law moved closer and gently cupped your cheeks. you met his gaze and noticed that he wasn’t angry anymore, he was trying to comfort you the best he could. “i know this is something you’re not proud of, but this information is vital. i needed to know that you ate a devil fruit because it could put your life in danger, just like today. i’d never judge you for it,” he tried to reassure you.
you felt relieved, you wiped your cheeks and then leaned closer to hug him. he caressed your back gently and let you stay like that for as much as you needed.
“i’m sorry,” you then murmured, sighing. “you’re alive and that’s all that matters to me,” law’s tone was firm, he held you a bit tighter for a second. you smiled at his words, words full of his love for you.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Monster Trio React to Breaking the Bed (NSFW)
Ft. Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Ace, Shanks, Law, Corazon
Black Fem Reader
I’ll do a part 2 later I’m just clearing my drafts rn.
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It scared him for a second because he never thought he’d be that rough as to breaking the bed in the first place.
Finds it kind of hot
While he was on top of you, vision and mind blurry not thinking about anything else but how good you were feeling
Pussy drunk as usual
You both were so loud and you kept begging Sanji to go faster and deeper you didn’t even hear the bed frame crack the first time as a warning
“Please Sanji More!”
“Of course—fuck—yes!”
The bed was becoming more louder due to some of the wood breaking down as Sanji began to fuck you with your thighs against your chest
All that anyone could hear in your room was the bed slamming against the wood wall and skin slapping
You could feel the vibration of the crackling bed above your head, you wanted to question it but Sanji was too much in a bliss moaning in your ear and his voice was so pretty you forgot about it
“Fuck! I’m cum—-!”
Mid thrust the top of the bed fell completely causing Sanji to shift and fall further inside you making you both moan out.
You both realized the bed was broke and you laughed , but Sanji didn’t want to stop. For some reason this uneven position felt even better. Your pelvis was up higher and He felt more of you.
He gave you a pleading look to keep going and of course y’all did. Y’all were Horny rabbits .
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You knew this was going to happen
This man doesn’t hold back when he fucks you and each time he does you swear you hear the headboard crack just a little
You noticed but he didn’t
He was a bit angry at you today for teasing him
He was jackhammering you while holding on to the headboard as usual because that’s how he is
As Dick drunk as you were you snapped out of it hearing an unusual tearing sound by your head.
Zoro mistaken your cries as whines for him to keep going so he went faster making your eyes rolls back seeing as he was really hitting your G-spot now not feeling a slight shift of the bed on the left side
His grip became tighter, veins popping out and grunting harshly until
The headboard is snapped in half and half of the bed was on the floor.
“Zoro I told yo stupid ass to stop!”
“Like hell you did you just kept moaning! Because I felt that fucking good didn’t I—“
“You was aiight.”
Zoro twitched his eye at you and grabbed your hips to thrust up into making you cry out again.
“Shut up we’ll —-fuck—-sleep on the floor if we have to.”
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Does not notice and does not care
For some reason when Luffy has sex with you from behind he gets more feral than usual. His senses are dull to anything exact your jiggly ass and the way you clench around him
Tonight he actually wanted to try using his 2nd Gear on you in that position, you were scared he may accidentally hurt you but he reassured you he wouldn’t even if he tried
Well he kept his word but that didn’t mean the bed was safe from being hurt
“Lu!! Luffy!”
The bed wasn’t in great condition anyways, once you both started having sex the bed started to get more and more worn so you asked Franky to make you guys a steel bed frame instead of wood.
“You feel so good! Need..more!”
Luffy would subconsciously smack your ass as his other hot hand held your neck down. His body heat was so hot and his thrust became so erratic you felt the bed shake with you
“Wait! Luffy the be—-!!”
The entire bed fell and the steel bed frame actually manages to fall into the floor, slightly peaking out above the kitchen ceiling
“Woah…heh…my bad!”
He says he is “sorry” but he doesn’t stop. He wanted to finish and that’s what he did until Usopp busted in with his eyes closed telling you both that Sanji is furious about his kitchen.
You guys got a new bed but now he likes how it feels when the bed breaks so he has a secret goal of doing it each time
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lavouredior · 4 months
Ok so I have had this head canon for a while that the vees have movie nights together, and I’m just wondering if you could write abt them having a movie night and it’s late but the movie isn’t over and bunny is getting really irritated bc she is tired.
But yeah this is just a suggestion.
I hope you doing good and not over working yourself.
OH MY GOD !!!! they so do !!!!
warnings: angry bunny, ari doesn’t know how movies in hell work so she just rolls with it, ari also disses oppenheimer even tho she’s seen it 12 times, this is pretty short ngl, IT IS 12:58 AM WHY AM I WRITING FANFICS RN : YALL BETTER LOVE ME
Thump Goes The Bunny
you loved movie nights, especially when the vees allowed you to choose the movie although usually regretting it after you made them watch some kid movie. ( valentino cries over half of them )
you and vox had a set bed time for you, mostly vox’s idea after he noticed how grumpy you would be when you stayed up too late and you agreed to it
so you had no fucking idea why he was having you stay up watching oppenheimer, which you were practically bored of watching five minutes into it and did not feel like staying up for this movie of all things.
you tried to fall asleep a couple of times but then one of the vees would have a reaction to the movie and it would ruin your chances of sleeping
that’s why you were currently sitting on vox’s lap, faced away from the movie. you let out a frustrated groan which just ended up with vox kissing you on the cheek, which did nothing but frustrate you more.
“wanna sleep!!!!” you practically yelled but it just ended up in the velvette and valentino shushing you not even paying attention to what you said and only to the fact a loud noise came out of you.
that’s when you decided to stand up, causing all three of the vees to immediately pull their attention from the movie screen and to you.
“conejita, you want me to move so you can sit on the couch?” valentino asked, thinking you were gonna complain about how your legs fall asleep from being in the same position for too long.
what they weren’t suspecting was for you to thump three times in response, vox’s eyes widened and he immediately stood up and picked you up. “what the fuck, princess?”
he started walking to the kitchen, trying to let valentino and velvette be able to watch the movie without your current tantrum but by the time he got to the kitchen you had managed to get out of his arms and thump again
he sighed before kneeling down to your height. “what have we talked about?” but you just shook your head, pretty much done with all three of them at this point.
“i did say what’s wrong before thumping! none of you listened tho! vally and vel just shushed me!” your voice came out whinier than you wanted, not trying to sound like a little kid complaining
he sighed again. “what’s wrong, princess?” he opened up his arms which you immediately walked into, him immediately hugging you as your eyes starting to well up a little bit. “i just wanna go sleep.”
he nodded before picking you up again. “it’s only...” he looked at the time before mentally hitting himself. “i’m sorry princess i thought it was earlier, it’s almost 1 AM no wonder you’re in a bad mood right now.”
“just wanna sleep.” vox had gotten the hint that the most important thing right now was getting you to sleep, which is why he immediately went to your guys’ room, planning on texting velvette and valentino about your sleep schedule being messed up once he had gotten you to sleep.
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