#either way just another thing ive been meaning to get to !
mikkokomori · 4 months
Do you have any favorite aus?
Not particularly? I do favor AUs but most of them are either left unfinished (inactive askblogs, unfinished/incomplete fics, etc.) or simply don't have enough things provided for them.
The few AUs I have most interest in are the ones made by mutuals or friends! While some I have a bit of a difficulty grasping onto or remembering clearly, I will say that they're still my favorites since I know those AUs wayyyy more than others!
Here's the ones I'd say I'm particularly interested in and favor more than others:
Dreamscape AU
Tsumi to Batsu AU
Real World AU
Holy Basil AU
Mythical AU
I do believe it's most of them, though a lot of them are unfinished, on indefinite hiatus, or simply don't have content at the moment as they're still pretty new (or work in progresses).
In a way though, it's pretty difficult to get me to actually get a favorite AU... I get very picky and some friends who know me often see me getting irritated if I think concepts are underutilized or written very badly... there is obvious bias with the AUs I've mentioned before though, so while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, I personally enjoy them more than those made by other artists and writers... to me, they're like hidden gems :3 and they make me very happy every time I see them!
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arolesbianism · 9 months
What's up gamers I'm bored
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nobuverse · 10 months
Mei Fan Headcanon: Fate of the other Edels
Not all of the attempted fusions between God and vessel were successful. It was something that was, coldly enough, predictable from the very beginning.
Shiori Ymeoji 's body was simple too frail to survive the process. The shy, but ambitious girl who had reminded Mei Fan so much of her little sister could not take the strain of the summoning process. It failed before it had even truly begun.
Michiru Otori, the deceptively fierce stage girl who had stopped at nothing to ensure Akira's success, fought too much. Though many of the mages assumed the fusion would have been successful if she did not, she refused to be part of it. She survived, though where she resides now after the traumatic experience is unknown.
Yachiyo's fusion with the Nature Goddess was successful, but Mei Fan remains unaware of her current whereabouts. She can only guess she serves the mage which forced her into this position.
Finally, Akira - the actor that Mei Fan had admired so much, the very inspiration for joining Siegfield to begin with; did not survive being used as vessel. Her soul, despite all appearances and expectations, was far too different with that of the Cesistal Goddess- the most powerful out of the five.
Mei Fan's summoning ritual was just before that of Akira's, as the second most promising fusion to be successful. As she escaped shortly after her fusion, she remains completely unaware of Akira's death.
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iwishf1wasreal · 3 months
NSFW F1 Driver Profiles: ✴ Max Verstappen ✴
smut ✴ 18+ readers only please
I. Flirt.
He’s not exactly known as a certified rizzster, but he does carry that Champion’s confidence and aura of success everywhere he goes. That usually works in his favour, but he would only approach if he were solidly in his own element. You’re a guest in the garage? Perfect. You’ve stumbled into the club where he’s having his birthday party in the VIP section? No problem, he’ll get you through the ropes. He’s much better at flirting once he’s in a relationship and you’ve established rapport and trust. He would rather be quiet than look stupid, which pretty much dissipates once you’re officially dating. Then, he’s more than glad to look like an idiot in front of you, especially if it will make you laugh.
II. Propositioning. 
He’s honest and extremely blunt. Straight up asks “do you want to have sex right now?” or “can we fuck when we get back to the hotel?” He purposefully enjoys saying it explicitly in front of someone, so it will instantly have your cheeks burning and your eyes furiously glaring at him. Max likes riling you up. He also likes that you smack or kick him in reaction. Then you yell at him about being a true menace to society or punctuate your whacks with You’re! So! Crude! And then he just has to make good on the accusation, doesn’t he? 
III. Libido.
It's pretty high. If you ended up fucking every time he felt like it, it might end up being two or three times a day. This isn’t to say that can’t or hasn’t been achieved, but it's not exactly practical when he has such a meticulously timed day, down to the approximate minute he must be asleep. But he’d roll his eyes if you ever told him that you considered him a sexual person. It’s not that he doesn’t think he is; it's just that the entire concept of sexual person seems redundant to him. Humans are sexual. Humans have the animal urge to procreate; therefore, it’s built into the human experience. It just seems like an unnecessary distinction to him. But he craves sex; he loves it and is constantly either thinking about it or talking about it. Despite this, he still has the audacity to turn to you and shape his mouth to say, “oh, so you.” with an evil smirk when he finds out what the word ‘nymphomaniac’ means. 
IV. Turn-Ons: tame & nasty.
Tame: Your exposed neck. String bikinis. A thong’s whale tail. When your Dutch isn’t half bad. Back massages. Treating you to nice things. Referring to his cats as your own. When you stand behind him whilst he’s sitting and run your hands down the planes of his body. That time he somehow was able to go to Oktoberfest, and you wore that traditional dress (he’s honestly never stopped thinking about your titties in it). Coming and straddling his lap when he calls you over. When you subconsciously reach for him in the middle of the night. Ignoring other men in favour of paying him attention. Calling him a world champion. Whenever you let him hang all over you. 
Nasty: Spanking. The way your ass ripples after getting spanked. Watching you undress while he remains fully clothed. Telling you what to do and filming it. Sundress and no panties. Your scent after sex. You taking control. Your hand around his throat. Nudes taken with his trophies. Cumming on your chest. Doing it in the dark with the big hotel windows open and city lights twinkling. Threesomes but only with another woman...for now. When you talk him through a handjob/blowjob and an orgasm (sometimes he likes it if you’re a little mean, too). When he does something embarrassing or awkward during sex and you just sweep his hair out of his eyes and laugh because it’s no big deal. 
V. Self-stimulation.
Porn is definitely an option for Max. He won’t be forthright with it, but he’s seen his fair share of the degrading, aggressive stuff. Obviously, you’d wring his neck if you found out that not only is a multi-millionaire too cheap to pay for his porn, but he’s freeriding on the most misogynist content he could find. Well, now that he’s a spoken-for man, he has a hard time keeping it up for women who aren’t you. It’s like he’s imprinted on you; he can only finish if he lets his memory/imagination or private folder on his phone take over. He’s not above a midnight call to you—really no regard for whatever you might be doing (and that’s kinda part of the fun)---all whiny and horny and begging you to at least stay on the line while he strokes off. 
VI. Foreplay.
He lowkey needs foreplay. His ego would never let him admit it, but sex is quite emotional for him. Max has never really excelled with one-night stands because he either finds himself not caring enough or caring too much. He felt like things changed between you once you started sleeping together–in the best way possible. Of course, there are occasions when you’re both just raring and pawing at each other as fast as you can. But generally, he likes to be warmed up and tended to, too. Dry humping is always a good time for him, and he likes watching you work your hips against him (and the patch of wetness that always transfers from your clothes to his) He’s also a big kisser. During sex, before, after, or without even thinking about sex, he wants to kiss you. Likes the heat of your breath, the soft feel of your tongue. Anywhere. Everywhere. 
VII. Rhythm.
To be honest, because of his headstrong tendencies and fast-paced thinking, it’s sort of become your job to set the rhythm. It’s not even that he wants to take you fast and hard; he just kind of…does. Even when he’s in a romantic headspace, he can just have a hard time slowing down and enjoying the moment. It’s not really a surprise to you. It’s the same way he is in every other part of his life. He doesn’t always realise that the habit of trying to speed through his least favourite parts of life has bled over into rushing through some of the good things too. No need to worry, though. The slow rock of your hips, the sweetness of your voice, and the patience in your hands is all he really needs. Maybe that’s why even thinking about sex with someone else is hard. You just get him. You take care of him. You give him exactly what he needs. 
VIII. How He Likes It.
Personally, he likes it deep. Especially because you are usually in more controlling positions. The eye contact, the kisses, the dirty talk. It’s just so much better. His favourite would be any variation on cowgirl (equally fond of front-facing and reverse–for titties and ass, respectively). He feels best in what some might call the chair position, where you’ll sit on his lap as he sits on the bed or a chair. In this position, he can hit your g-spot almost certainly while one of his hands works your clit. He’ll kiss down your shoulder, your cheek, your neck while your hands roam his thighs and your own body, reaching down to feel the two of you connecting. He’s somewhat willing to try new things but only for so long til he’s huffing and just whining for you to crawl on his lap and take over. 
IX. Location, location, location.
Craziest is probably in an alleyway behind a club. Really only is deemed the craziest because of how many close calls you had while trying to do it. You both know it would be a disaster if anyone found out; however… There are not usually many people wandering the streets at 3am and with so many restrictions with his fame and so much alcohol in your systems, it wasn’t that hard to convince you to give it a go. However, his favourite ‘place’ you’ve ever had sex is, for sure, the post-win blowjob he gets after every win. Obviously, some wins are more key than others, so you’ll do the best you can to create unique experiences for him each time. But honestly, he doesn’t really care. Just needs the warmth of your mouth and the shine of pride in your eyes when he’s finished. He also fantasises about Private Jet sex, even came close a few times when he still owned his. But the prophecy was not complete without you. 
X. Kink.
Pretty kinky. He’s down to try a lot but also has hard boundaries he has no issue expressing. He can be sweet and gentle and loving just as much as he can be rough and aggressive. He’s pretty good at catering to what you both feel at the moment. If you need him to go softer or just want to feel him better, nuzzling your face shyly into his neck with a soft whine of the request, he’s instantly adapting to what you want. It’s not that you’re “in charge”; he just really wants to please you. Or, if the mood strikes and you feel turned on by the clench in his jaw and the frustration of his voice, you’re more than willing to ask him to take it all out on you. And he can give you that too. The biggest fantasy fulfilled is probably after-race sex of any variety, even with his press officer banging incessantly on the locked door while you try and make use of the three whole minutes you have until his trainer comes back with the key. Despite how common it is, he’s not really into the Daddy or Mommy kink. He’d never outright say it, but he’s got enough mommy and daddy issues; he doesn’t need to confuse his psyche by bringing you into the mix, too. 
XI. Bedroom aids/Toys 
Feels pretty neutral about toys. Again, his common sense kind of takes over, and he gets why you need it. Does hold on to some hope that you don’t use it while he’s home and he’s readily available. Though if he is gaming all day and won’t tear himself way…Sometimes you’ll just set up the vibrator to rattle loudly against the headboard, so he knows what you’re doing. Almost always, he’ll get off the game and come play with you instead. He likes a lot of lube, if available. If he could squeeze some more ooey gooey stuff all over you just to make it nastier and wetter, he would. 
XII. Cum. 
He’s messy finisher. Not just on you but generally. He doesn’t care about messing up the bed or leaving too much evidence. To him, it’s sex; how are you supposed to control yourself during it? What, like people, can actually plan where they’ll cum? Perhaps it’s because he grew up relatively wealthy, or he’s just gotten used to people picking up after him. The number of times he’d told you, “just leave it, babe. The maids will get it.” while you scoff horrified at him. You make sure he realises his mistake, flinging whatever soiled garment at his face. 
XIII. Pleasure reciprocation. 
He’ll go down on you if you’re into it. He tends to think he’s probably a little bit better than he is, but he’s not bad. If anything, he’s got a passion and dedication for it. He likes the feeling of making you finish quickly or making you feel so good you can’t even keep your eyes open. He’s experienced but still clumsy. He knows his way around (mostly) but likes it better when you tell him what feels good or react to what he’s doing. He doesn’t have enough patience to keep the focus on you for /forever/ so he’s not one to spend hours down there but you get your fair share.  
XIV. Bonus.
Once you had sex in front of two of his friends who were touching themselves. It kinda just happened. You were out glamping for some EDM festival in Europe, pretending to have the humility of camping with all the five star amenities you could need. It was in the early hours of the morning after you’d been partying all night. One of them had complimented you, telling Max he was lucky to have a girlfriend like you. Then, Max kissed you. Never a huge fan of PDA, you always followed his lead on how much he wanted to show to the public. But then his hand was up yours skirt and when you broke away, he used his strength against you to pull you closer and kiss down your neck. Max was two fingers deep into you by the time you even remembered his friends were in the room. He told you to talk them through it, just like you did for him. But you couldn’t. First, the pads of his fingers had reached deep and found the spot that made it hard to thing, let alone talk. You weren’t much of an instructor, mumbling a few cues before popping the button on Max’s pants and pulling him free. He was breathing heavy and hard in your ear, moans muffled against your skin as you faced his friends. They’d fully thrown themselves into to pleasure, hands wrapped around their dicks and stroking in the same deseperate rhythm you were working with Max. As you neared an orgasm, you spread your legs, giving his friends a better view of how he filled you. It drove Max crazy, he moaned against your neck, a cocky laugh coming off the end of it. His friends finished before you–unable to keep up with the pace you and Max had set. Then, Max who helped you ride out your own after him, brain only malfunctioning a few times as you milked him into overstimulation. He made sure to show off how he’d finished inside you to his friends. Then the two of you just showered and went to bed like it never happened. 
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dunmeshi-darlings · 2 months
The fact ive been seeing people in the dungeon meshi fandom not understanding the life cycles and how that impacts ages of maturity among the various races, and using that as a means to attack or insult other fans is quiet disheartening.
Because they have been shown in the anime recently ive seen this alot with characters such as inutade and leed and more so when izutsumi appears. i cant be to upset because as much as i enjoy kui and her work, alot of major facts arnt in the story itself and are in the daydream hours and seperate content.
But people arnt realizing that the different races arnt like the real world, they dont grow at the same age and rate and have different life spans because of it and so people are getting aggressive towards others over character ages when in reality they dont know how it really is.
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Leed is one i want to talk about, orcs only live around 55 years. And they clearly grow at a much faster rate than races such as elves or gnomes. Leed is 14 years old, but at that point she is a fully grown orc woman. Yes she has only just become one but in orc society she is an adult, we see this when she thinks she is going to be wed off to laios later in the story when he becomes king. If she wasnt fully grown then i do not believe kui would have shown that scene. But because of orc aging she is in fact a grown woman.
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My other example being inutade, once more we see another race with a shorter lifespan who clearly age at a faster rate than elves or gnomes. Inutade being 16 actually puts her past what oni age of maturity is because they mature at 15. Tade is a fully grown oni woman. And if we look at daydream hour 88 we see this art of her. Whether you view it in a sexual light or not is up to interpretation and it could go either way. But because of the type of person kui is, i dont believe she would have drawn tade like this if she viewed her as underage.
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I have more photos of the race bios to show them off but what im saying is that there needs to be an understanding that because these fantasy races have varrying life spans, the ones who live shorter lives would make sense to mature in less time than the other ones. I want people to understand this because ive been seeing people saying truly despicable and mean things about other people and it breaks my heart to see.
Ive seen some people say that maturity ages are what they are becaus the shorter lived races die becaues it is like medieval times and so people died younger, but with magic healers and spells that really isnt something i think can be pointed to for why certain ages die at certain times.
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heaven4lostgirls · 7 months
promises and dreams
pairing: finnick odair x reader
warning: angst, mentions of throwing up and blood, canon typical death and violence included!
summary: finnick odair is your best friend, but somehow you cant find it within yourself to be aanything more. Now that the 75th Hunger Games calls for Victors to be reaped you make it your plan to bring Finnick back home to Annie or you will die trying
word count: 1.3k
a/n: sorry ive been gone for so long! i have just finished uni so i am working on getting some more content out as soon as i can! have this to tide you over in the mean time but i can't wait to get back to posting! part 2?
part 1, part 2, part 3
You were sitting in the victors village of district 4 as you turned on the television to listen to the reaping news for the 75th Hunger Games. Your glass on the table in front of you was filled with amber liquid to quell the anxiety you felt as you hear Snow’s grating voice flood your home. Your hands are shaking as you’re forced to relive the memories of your own hunger games, which you had won at only 16.  
The victors that came after you were mentored by either you, or Finnick Odair, the Capitol’s prince. You had a harder time disassociating from  being a mentor when your tributes were in the games, Finnick always seemed so determined to get them sponsors and help them  in any way he could but for you, it was almost as worse as being in the games yourself.
Finnick and you had always been close, only drifting apart when his womanly companions found it necessary, he spend more time with them rather than you. You couldn’t blame them, if Finnick was yours you too would probably be uncomfortable but that never meant it hurt any less to see your best friend discard you as though you were nothing.
The only person you could never find it in yourself to dislike was ironically the only one of his  partner’s that  never dismissed  you, Annie Cresta. She was the epitome of beauty to you, there was no question about why Finnick fell in love with her. She had  been dealt just as bad of a hand in her own games and the both of you had found solace in one another. She could  not have been a better fit for Finnick and although your heart felt as though it was shattering each time you were forced to watch him look at her the way you longed, he would  look at you, you stayed strong.
That was how you found a paternal comfort in Haymitch Abernathy, Katniss Everdeen’s mentor, he was one of the only people who understood how easy it was for you to turn to drinking in favour of trying to find your tributes sponsors because of your own trauma. He knew just as well as you did just how  hard your games were for you; you had fought tooth and nail to make it back to your family only for them to turn you away in disgust for the atrocities you had committed in the games.
One of them always haunting you, You and 12-year-old George were the last tributes standing in the arena and you knew straight away that there was no way you would  be going home, you couldn’t kill him. That was until he ran to attack you and in a strike of defence you had pushed him, he had landed on one of the spears of the dead tributes. His lifeless eyes have haunted your nightmares to  this day.
As you tune back into the Capitol TV, you hear Snow’s voice state, “…the third quarter quell games, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors from each district”. Your heart thuds inn your chest as bile rises in your throat. You can feel your eyes burning with unshed tears as you disconnect from reality.  The only thing that brings you back is the realisation that the other victors may  just as well be in the same predicament.
You get up to go to Finnick’s house, the light is on, so you know he must be at home so as you knock on the door, shaking on the front step in either coldness or fear, you’re no longer sure, you’re greeted with Finnick’s hard gaze as he opens the door to let you in. You whisper a small greeting as your eyes travel to the couch in front of the TV where Annie sits, she’s a mess of tears and you can only hold off for so long before you make your way towards her to comfort her.  
Finnick watches the both of you in pain and worry as you try and keep yourself composed to focus on Annie, you know just how hard it must  be for her, she had never truly been okay after her games so right then you had made the decision. If Annie’s name was ever called, you would volunteer for her, you could not sit at home and watch one of your best friends relive their pain on national television as you sat back and did nothing.
“I can’t believe this; how can they  do this?  After our games we were supposed to live! I can’t go back there” Annie says, and you softly rock the both of you as you rub her back, you look over her shoulder to where Finnick is standing and watching you both as his features tighten in anger.
“It’s going to be okay, I promise, you’re not going into that arena, okay?” Annie pulls away and looks  up at you in shock and she’s shaking her head as she lifts her hand to her mouth to stifle her sobs. “You can’t” She says, and you smile back at her as you tuck her long hair behind her ear as you move to hug her, whispering in her ear, “I will make sure he comes back to you” and Annie  squeezes you tighter.
You realise then that whatever happens in the reaping and the games, that  its much bigger than you. Since Finnick had a high chance of volunteering for any of the younger and older victors you  knew that it was up to you to bring him back home. He had a reason to come back, Annie needed him more than you did, and you acknowledge that even if he had never loved you the same way you may love him, that with you dying breath you would make sure he came back to Annie.
The day of the reaping, you stood in the middle of Annie and Mags as they took out  the name for the female tribute, “The female tribute from District 4 is, Annie Cresta-“ Before the announcer is done speaking your mouth moves without thinking, “I volunteer as tribute.” You state with confidence and hear Annie flinch as tears rise in her eyes. You let go of her hand and walk to the front of the podium, the announcer looks at you in shock and sympathy before she announces, “Our Volunteer in place of Annie Cresta, Y/N Y/LN!” she states.
You feel Finnick’s hard gaze on you as they wait for the announcement of the male tribute. When Finnick’s name is called, your heart clenches in pain at the thought of your best friend having to see you die in the arena. His demeanour instantly  switches to play the part of the Capitol’s  prince as he makes his way to stand next to you.  You both smile at the crowd as you make your way towards the train to say goodbye  to your loved ones.
As Finnick and Annie say heartfelt goodbye’s you realise that nobody has come to see you, you wipe the tears pooling in your eyes as Annie turns to you after saying bye to Finnick, she runs and hugs you and thanks you softly in your ear. You squeeze her tightly and reiterate your previous promise before you’re met with the solemn gaze of Finnick.
You nudge him with your arm and playfully tease him, “That looks isn’t very Capitol Prince of you Finn”, his strained smile does not go unnoticed, but you attest it to the pain of having to relive the games however the only thought running through Finnick’s  mind is how he plans on keeping you safe.
Somehow you both think that trying to save the other might just be your own downfall.
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emphistic · 3 months
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Things Reader Should Acknowledge: I THINK IVE FINALLY GOTTEN THE HANG OF TUMBLR (hip hip hooray!), i plan on having yuuji being sukuna's baby brother, however, yuuji hasnt been born yet
Prologue: Ever since Sukuna moved in next door, you two have grown closer. Like, impossibly close. One might even call you two "friends;" albeit Sukuna would always shut that idea down. But one thing Sukuna wouldn't shut down? — is that he loves to see you smile. And he would do anything to hear your laugh, over and over again.
A/N: this is in the same universe as "I'm Lactose Intolerant", and while the ages of sukuna and reader dont really matter here, i wrote this with the idea of sukuna being 14 years old and reader is 13 years old (feel free to change that to whatever you desire), brownie points to whoever recognizes the movie that sukuna and reader are watching
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"This movie is stupid."
"You think everything is stupid, Stupid." You quip back, flicking Sukuna's forehead.
"Touché." He scoffs, and crosses his arms over his chest before leaning further back into the couch. You put your legs on his lap.
You grin to yourself, wondering if he really didn't notice that you called him by the name "Stupid". Then you think, he's probably just in a good mood, and go back to watching the comedy playing on the screen.
"I mean, how can it take you so long to figure out that someone who looks exactly like you is actually your long lost twin sister?" Sukuna moves his hand around to somehow make his point seem more valid.
"Besides, isn't this supposed to be a comedy? Where's the humor in this? This isn't funny, at all," Sukuna drones on — until you decide that you've finally had enough.
"This isn't funny? Well . . . it's not like you're funny, either." You stick your tongue out at Sukuna, in a teasing manner — to which he does the same.
"That's just what you think. I bet you didn't even know that all your friends come to me during break just to listen to me talk. In fact, most of the time, I'm not even trying to joke around, I'm just that naturally funny," Sukuna wore a smug look on his face.
"Sure, 'Kuna. They're just laughing because you have such a funny face. Sometimes I even get you mixed up with a chihuahua, you know."
"Oh really?" Sukuna glares at you, and gets closer to your face.
You copy him, "Yes — really."
At this point, the tips of your guys' noses were just centimeters away from touching. You could practically feel his warm breath on your face.
Now you could hear your own breathing quicken.
Since when were Sukuna's eyes so red?
Your cheeks felt warm.
Why are his eyes so, so—?
"Buttface." Sukuna interrupts the silence.
You get pulled back to reality. "What did you just call me!?"
"What, you deaf now? I called you 'buttface,' Dumbass."
"Seriously, someone needs to control your vocabulary."
"Pft, I don't need any controlling."
You laughed, "Sure, Sukuna. Sure."
The movie ended, and the credits rolled. Sukuna grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, before getting off the couch.
"Want something to drink?" He peered over his shoulder at you, raising a brow.
"Ah, sure. Lemonade."
"Too bad, I ain't getting it for you," Sukuna stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sweats and walked off — to the kitchen, you assumed.
You grumbled, and threw a pillow at his back. It just bounced off, though, and you sighed.
He returned minutes later, with a glass of lemonade in his hand. Which was a clear sign he was trying to aggravate you, because he's expressed multiple times his strong detesting of the refreshing drink. (You completely disagree with him, by the way.)
"Dude, seriously?" You frowned.
"Totally serious. I mean, I couldn't resist. This glass of lemonade was just calling my name." He took a sip.
"It is so good."
Another sip.
"Shame you don't have a glass yourself."
And another sip.
You were practically ripping out your hair at this point. "C'mon, 'Kuna. If you won't get me a glass, can I just have a tiny sip of yours?" You entreated him with all your might.
Sukuna rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger, pretending to think about his decision. Finally, he said, "What's with that name you keep calling me? And — what's the magic word?"
You huffed, "Please?"
He gestured for you to go on.
You clasped your hands together in a desperate, beggar-like manner. "Pretty please, Sukuna? Just a teensy weensy sip? For poor ol' me."
"Hmm, let me think. How about . . . no."
You gawked at the pink haired boy.
"You heard me."
"Aghhh!" You jumped on Sukuna, trying to grab the glass of lemonade yourself. If he wasn't going to share, you just had to take matters into your own hands — literally.
Your attempts were fruitless, however; Sukuna just kept on raising the glass higher and higher above his head, to the point you couldn't even reach his wrist. Damn him and his stupid growth spurt.
His hand starts to shake as you try to climb him like a tree. Next thing you know, your wish is answered. You got your lemonade. Except, not in the way you had hoped. The lemonade was everywhere. On your clothes, Sukuna's clothes, the couch, everywhere.
"Oh shit." This time, you didn't correct Sukuna's obscene language.
The room became so silent that you would be able to hear a pin drop.
"Sukuna!" You whisper-shout. (You had no idea why you were whispering.)
"Don't look at me, this was your fault!" His hand still held the now empty glass.
"Me? This was all you," you retorted, jabbing a finger into the older boy's chest.
"Sureee, Y/N. Let's just forget about the fact that you were practically climbing my body."
You blushed.
"You could've just gotten your own cup of lemonade, but no, you just had to spill mine."
You scoffed, "Well, you could've shared, but you didn't — because your shellfish."
Sukuna looked at you funny, "Do you mean 'selfish'?"
"Same thing, you know I make mistakes with pronunciation."
He shrugged. Then, a great idea popped into your head.
"Your mess," you exclaim, before pushing off of Sukuna and darting away, only to be pulled back by your hood.
"Hey!" You shout, falling back onto Sukuna's chest.
"This is your mess. You caused this, remember?"
You groaned, turned around, and tackled Sukuna. You guys ended up rolling off the couch altogether. Pillows were thrown, and the lemonade spread onto the carpet.
"Let go of my foot, you big oaf!" You yelled, shoving at Sukuna's face.
"Not until you admit this was all your fault." He continued to wrestle with you on the ground.
"In. your. dreams."
You guys continued to fight, which made the mess even bigger. It felt like hours had passed. Hours where you still didn't get even a sip of lemonade. Then, you heard the sound of keys, and next thing you know; your parents walked in.
Your heartbeat hammered in your chest.
Your mom and dad took one good look at the two of you on the floor, and your mom said, "Knock it off, you two. And clean up the couch. I don't want my living room smelling like lemonade for the rest of the year." They walked into the kitchen.
You turned back to look at Sukuna, just to find him already staring at you. You guys continued to stare at each other before bursting out into laughter. Tears were basically streaming down the both of your guys' faces at this point.
Your mom yelled from the kitchen, "Ah, young love these days. So different from us — right, honey?" Your dad responded with a loud chuckle.
Looking down, you realized the position you were in. Sukuna lying on his back beneath you, while you were sitting on top of him. The expression on your face immediately soured.
You and Sukuna pulled away from each other in record timing, both of your expressions clearly, visibly flustered.
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taahko · 4 months
I just found your blog today can you please explain or point out a post that explains the MASH timeloop thing? I love the show but I've never heard anyone talk abt it that way before
oh yay hurray ive been waiting for an excuse to talk about this lmao sorry this is long
ok so basically maeve (my gf) and i started watching mash for the first time about a month ago and we started joking about it being like the characters were stuck in a time loop mostly because the same basic episode format is repeated over and over, because it's a sitcom from the 70s and the episodes arent meant to be watched en masse where you can start noticing all the little repetitions and plot holes and inconsistencies that naturally occur in longform tv
but then i started to pay attention to the dates being mentioned in the show - famously the korean war never technically ended, but american troops were involved in active on the ground fighting between 1950 and 1953, so the entire 11 seasons of mash have to be squeezed into that three year period. with 251 episodes occurring within 1,129 days, that gives every episode about 4.5 days of real time. so it works right? no time loop right? well wait a sec
for the first 5 seasons or so of mash they give very consistent dates about when things are happening. for example, bj arrives in korea in september of 1952, at the start of season 4. colonel potter arrives about a week after him, and talks about how he has 18 months left before his retirement. that gives us about 7 months for the shows final 7 seasons to take place in, meaning that by the episode 'point of view' in season 7 we should be around december of 1952. in that episode the pov character starts writing a letter home and in the corner he writes the date:
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september of 1951. ok, could be that this episode isn't meant to take place in the regular timeline of the season - maybe for some reason its just like, a random flashback episode. but bj, charles, and potter are all present, even though none of them got to korea until 1952. now i KNOW that this is not like, the True Hidden Secret Lore of MASH, this is the writers realizing they were running out of road and turning back the clock a bit to accommodate for how long the show was running on. but play in my time loop space with me please
more talking points:
consistent jokes about time zones and how difficult it is to call the states because "our today is their yesterday but if you call them now it might not reach them until our tomorrow and by that point our yesterday will be their today"
hawkeye's increasing mania over the seasons and his conviction that the war will never end, comparing the camp to dante's inferno multiple times. maeve once pointed out that the closer hawkeye comes to realizing that he's trapped in a time loop the closer he gets to being institutionalized - and what does the series finale cold open onto ? hawkeye in a mental institution. the only way out is to lose yourself etc. sidenote frank also escaped the time loop by going insane and getting institutionalized
in a war for all seasons bj potter and charles are all present at the 1951 new years party as well as the 1952 new years party
there are three christmas episodes, two of which bj is present for even though he should only have spent one christmas in korea
details of people's families and lives shift around - sometimes potter's got multiple grandchildren, sometimes he only has one, sometimes its a girl, sometimes its a boy, sometimes she's 5, sometimes he's 2
we're not the first people to talk about this either, here's a good video compilation posted a couple yrs ago of time loop moments
overall ive been using the time loop thesis to add another layer to my mash viewing experience. it increases the already present sense of constant dread, anger, frustration, and disgust with their situation that the characters feel, plus it feels like a very poignant take on the united states' constant warmongering and violent existence. it really never ends, it just goes on an on. the future's been canceled by the war department- we're just gonna replay the past.
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nomizombie · 5 months
boyfriend!König headcanons that have been on my mind…
[SFW/Wholesome/Fluff] ; random stuff ive been thinking about, SO MUCH FLUFF YOUR HEART WILL HURT, established relationship, gender neutral, no usage of y/n, not proofread
[A/N] ; love love LOVE the idea of all these things happening!! Also off topic but i feel like this boy needs more wholesome fanfics. Theres just too much smut for this sweet anxious guy :((
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He doesnt move a muscle when you fall asleep on him. He just cant bare to wake you and your cute sleepy face! Hell sit there staring at you for hours until either he falls asleep or you wake up. You falling asleep on him just tells him that you feel so safe around him, especially when hes struggled with being so intimidating (the social anxiety and hood certainly dont help). Whether its at home on the couch, at a movie theatre, or just on the train back home, he just loves you so much he wish you would do it more often <3
You have a phobia and he comforts you. He immediately shields you or removes whatever thing youre scared of. He just cant handle seeing his liebling so terrified and vulnerable :(( he wants you to always feel safe around him, you would never have to worry about safety when hes around. Hes very loyal and is just as great a friend as he is a boyfriend :)
He would either have shoulder length hair or a super short fluffy buzzcut. No inbetween. If you ask him to grow/cut it, he wouldnt hesitate to find the nearest pair of scissors and whack it all off! (or vice versa…) he loves it when you play with his hair, and if its long, he doesnt mind you braiding or tying his hair in silly ways!!
Youre cold? Dont worry! König produces a lot of heat, let him share some of it with you! Hed give you his jacket, a thick padded one fit for surviving the Austrian winters and snug for you! Obviously his size means its huge on you but, he loves seeing you wearing his clothes. Its just another reminder of how small you are compared to him and he is absolutely obsessed with it.
You and him are having fun at a bar. He notices how drunk youre getting and pulls you away to go home before you hurt yourself or regret it in the morning. Unfortunately… the hangover hits hard and you are stuck on the bathroom floor, his hand gently rubbing circles on your back and holding your hair back as you vomit your insides into tje toilet bowl. He hates seeing yoi like this… sick and hungover. next time hes making you leave as soon as your words start slurring >:(
The movie is too scary!! Let him hold and cuddle you, jumpscare after jumpscare. You can shrink into his chest if youre scared. And dont worry about sleeping, nothing can hurt you if hes around. Of course hes just as scared as yuou, the movie was very well made afterall. But, he doesnt want you to be terrified, so hes here for you :) dont forget to give him cuddles too, he cant stop trembling as well!!!
Anniversary, valentines day, your birthday? Dont worry one bit! Hes already got it marked on his calendar, gift planned weeks in advance and the restaurant is already reserved. How could he ever disappoint an angel like you? This is the least he could do for all the love he receives for you!
Youre on your period? Dont even THINK about it. Hell be cuddling and snuggling you to warm you and calm your cramps. Cravings? Hes already on the way to the store :) you dont even have to tell him, hes already got your favourite snacks ready in a basket for you. Youre in pain all week! He hates seeing you like this… :(( who cares aboit the mood swings as long as youre nuzzled in his size, using his warm arms to stifle the chills running down your spine.
Its raining and you only have one umbrella. He would hold it for you, making sure that its his shoulder thats getting wet, not yours. Lest you fall sick and he has to stay home and take care of you for days :(( (not that hes complaining, he’ll take any opportunity to pamper and spoil you!)
Hes just gotten home from work after a bad day. As soon as he sees you, he feels just a little better, especially while resting his head on your chest and listening to your soft breaths on repeat. It could be on the couch, in bed or just while standing in the hallway, some physical touch from you always recharges his batteries :))
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dividers by @mmadeinheavenn !! :)
Tysm for reading!! :) my requests are always open, feel free to ask me anything or request a drabble/fic!
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stay-tiny-ville · 4 months
Hwang Hyunjin
Summary ~ lovely boy :( (Or dating head cannons for Hwang Hyunjin)
A.N. 2 - if my describing of your relationship growing up didn’t make sense I’m sorry I don’t know how to word it 😭😭😭
Muse, love, beautiful, dove, love, angel, Cara Mia, mon Cher are a few names he’d give you def a lot of “my love”s in another language
Ive heard some mixed opinions (well not that many but a couple) saying that he would be reserved and only lovey behind closed doors
However i argue the opposite and agree with the positions on him being a true hopeless romantic at heart
Tall boy loves holding you as you sleep
Obviously wakes before you (Probably) with his horrendous schedule and just has a true “this is life, and i am living and loving being alive” moment when he just gets to look at you all peaceful and beautiful in his arms
Covers the corners of things with his hand so you don’t hit your head
Stfu he would paint you
Your hands, your face, you two together, or he would take a stab at paintings that are simply based on the memory/emotion but not paint the memory (like he would do that thing where people can see sounds and he would try to imagine your laugh and paint it-i'll die on this hill)
So dramatic like will burst into tears if he gets a paper cut or stubs a toe (i mean yeah it hurts but he’s dYING)
Unlike some of the members like Chan, he’s always with you, like you’re never alone and if he’s at rehearsals? Oh look, you’re here too. Meeting with JYP? Oh, can you come in too? He’s going shopping? He’s at the red carpet for versace? He’s-
You get it
Spiritually and physically attached
Spins you all the time
Context: every single time you come out of the bedroom after getting ready to go out or simply just coming out of the room he takes your right hand with his right hand and twirls you into his side before a required temple kissy and moves on/out the door
Required ritual or the world ends
I imagine you two as childhood best friends (yes, THAT trope) and i don’t necessarily think of it as one of you had a crush on each other as you grew up, you just grew up together in love as if it’s what you were taught to do
When you went to school and learned about the different types of emotions or had the healthy relationship talk you didn't think anything of it
I didn't know what love felt like until I turned 18 and you thought this adoration was a normal feeling
Until your friends talked about their lives and you realized most people don't have a bond like you do, most people don't feel like you do about your soulmate Jinnie
You didn't feel this way about the crushes you’ve had previously
Normal people don’t always put their one friend before everybody else
Either you went straight to Hyunjin and talked about it because you could talk to him about anything or not, he would realize the same thing, i can’t say if it was slower or faster than you, it depends i suppose
But i imagine the transition was just from the average hugs and hand holding and kisses on the forehead that were just normal things with no thought behind them became ones with love behind them
Puts you before himself
You’re cold means trade cold for his jacket he will suffer instead
You’re sick he’ll sacrifice his health to cuddle and coddle you all day long
You haven’t been eating well/at all he’ll give you his food after rehearsals
Lays his head on your chest
He’s baby :(
Like I haven’t thought about who cuddles how and who is big or little spoon but Hyunjin loves to just lay on your chest or lap
Please he’s dress you up in rich ass clothes even if it looks putrid together
The softest with you when you’re upset :(
Like you’d just not be doing too good be it sad or bad day and he could tell because you weren’t responding as energetically to his jokes and funny haha’s (please that autocorrected to Gaga’s) and his smile turns into a frown and he’d stop you from walking away by grabbing your shoulder that was farthest from him and turned you to look at him
When you kept your head low he ducked to meet your eyes and the sadness/tiredness in the made him sad :(
Takes care of you all day and sits with you on the floor in front of the couch on the fuzzy (I imagine white faux fur bc he’s bougie) rug
You sit in his lap facing him while his back is against the couch and he doesn’t break eye contact to let you know he’s listening so whenever you look back up at him from messing with his clothes he’s looking right at you
Please he’s so baby I could write so much more about hopeless romantic baby Hyunjin
ASO RQ I AM FOREVER OBSESSED WITH BOTH RED HAIR HYUNJIN (which is a trade of passage for Stays at this point) AND MAXIDENT TASTE (which is such a banger I will die on this hill again) SHORT BLUE HYUNJIN HAIR AAAAAAAH
N e ways he’s baby and so so lovely I love
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heartsforvin · 6 months
vinnies crying alone in his room yn walks in and hes all secretive but opena up at the end and cries in her arms,
feeling kinda sad rn and want to comfort someone <33
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he looks so cute here 🥹 i hope you enjoy ! thank you for the request !! <3
pairing; vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings; mentions of depression, cussing, use of pet names (baby, princess , etc), lmk if i missed anything !!
summary; you walk in on vinnie crying and he tries to hide it, but you won’t let that slide
recently you’ve noticed vinnie has been distant, distant from you, his friends, and even his passions.
you thought he’s been doing better with his depression, although you knew that it never fully goes away.
you’ve given him space, more than enough space at that. you knew he needed his time to deal with whatever it was he’s dealing with, but at the end of the day the two of you are a team.
you don’t keep things from him, and he doesn’t keep things from you. if either of you have an issue with anything, it’s always talked about and resolved.
waking into your shared room with vinnie, you greet him with a kiss on his cheek before you head to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
“i’m gonna be out most of the day, got a lot of stuff to do. will you be okay here?” you shout from the bathroom.
vinnie nods but remembers you can’t see him. “yeah, i’ll be fine.” he replies, you can tell his tone isn’t his usual happy tone he has.
you finish up in the bathroom and walk back into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed beside vinnie.
wrapping your arms around him, you rest your head on his shoulder as you grab his hand in yours. “call me if you need anything, and i mean it, vin. you have hera too to keep you company.” you tell him.
with one last final kiss goodbye, you tell vinnie you’ll see him in a bit and then head out of the apartment.
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.
hours later you arrive back at your apartment ready for a nap. after closing the door, taking off your shoes and setting your other things down, you make your way to the bedroom.
you don’t hear anything coming from the other side of the door so you think it’s okay to go in, opening the door, you see vinnie cuddled up with hera.
walking closer to him, you realize he’s crying. vinnie shoots his head up as he hears a noise, both of your eyes meet and he instantly pulls his attention away from you.
“vinnie,” you whisper as you make your way to the bed. “baby, look at me.” you tell him softly, not wanting to upset him.
the boy mumbles and scoots away from you, frustrating you a bit. you give him a minute to calm down, you hear him sniffle and watch as he wipes his eyes.
finally, he turns his body to look at you. when he does, he can’t help but break down and cry in your arms.
you wrap your arms around him and rub his back in a calming manner. “shh, i’m here vin, it’s okay.” you reassure him.
you stay where you are as you let your boyfriend let all his emotions out. you plant soft kisses on his temple as you continue to rub his back.
after a few minutes, vinnie finally calms down and tells you what’s been going on and why he’s been so quiet and distant for as long as he has.
once you let him explain you hug him as tight as you can and tell him you’re always going to be here for him and that he can tell you anything.
“i’m here for you, you know that?” you ask, and vinnie nods with a smile.
“i know, thank you.” he replies, pulling you into another hug.
hera joins the two of you and vinnie grabs her and squeezes her in a hug as well, kissing her head.
he looks between you and the cat with a wide smile spread across his face. “i love you both so much.”
you smile and grab his hand and kiss his knuckles. “we love you just as much, vin.”
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hiii i’m sorry this took so long to get out, ive been unmotivated to write recently <\3 i liked how this turned out tho and i hope you do too <33
taglist; @lyndys , @cosmicanakin , @slvthrs , @bernelflo , @kriissy4gov , @laylasbunbunny , @lovingsturniolo , @kayleiggh , @Camiiherring , @leqonsluv3r , @hallecarey1
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HI ITS ME gvxzggsgjfh ok look this is. i know this is a weird one it is SO specific and so obviously something i should just write myself if i want it👏but👏but👏BUT i decided to shoot my shot when a perfect chance has arisenderised for you to pick and choose from anything you like AND in any form, and to see if this one maybe by any chance just so happens to spark anything fun in u too xD
ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo RANDOM EVENT ROLL D20 mc gets bitten by a werewoof or some other kind of "contagious" monster species (....cant really think of anything else other than vampirs, now that i say it) but WAIT THERES MORE because. what if mc insisted that they dont want any potential existent cures, they just wanna stay monstery >:3 JVDTHGLN who's considering it, who would absolutely go in the "its either me or this" direction, who's enthusiastic🤣 this is silly as hell but in the case it sparks joy id love to hear ur any and all thoughts because this idea has been haunting me for forever lmao honestly the best way ive imagined it is like one of your own selfinsert pieces youve posted before where its just all of them together bickering heeheehee💘💕🩷💞💖
love u have fun!!
The Arcana Drabble: MC transforms into a "monster"
In the spirit of things, I though a long drabble/short oneshot would work best to keep the madness going XD
Asra's getting stuck in their "one focus and one focus only" mode and right now that focus is making sure you're okay. He'll decide how he feels later, which isn't being helped at all because Julian keeps calling on him to help him slow down the process and get you to think about this a little more. However, it's hard to tell what exactly Julian wants your decision to be because in between him trying to get Asra to make you think about it some more, he's having all kinds of medical epiphanies about how your anatomy is adjusting to the new monster form:
"MC, let's think about some more, shall we? I'm sure Asra agrees with me - don't you, Asra? Asr - oh, whats this?! Your finger's joints are rapidly adjusting to accommodate for - I need a pen and paper -"
"Right here, Ilya." It's Portia's dismissive tone as she digs a small notebook and pencil out of her pocket that keeps you grounded. Not for long, though, because she can't wait to see what happens next. "Accommodate for what, anyways? Are you growing another joint?? Are you going to get claws??? Talons???? Show me!"
Between Julian jotting down unintelligible notes while he studies your elbow's range of motion, Portia's excited exclamations, and Asra's attempt at soothing touch as they rub your shoulders and ask how you're feeling, it's a miracle you can notice Muriel's quiet mumble in the background. He's clearly overwhelmed and very concerned that the physically-altering substance in general got to your brain first, making you so seemingly okay with turning into a monster.
"MC, do you remember your name? Do you need to take a nap? You don't have to be okay with this -"
"I believe this may warrant far more than a nap to recover from." Nadia's doing her best to keep Lucio calm, holding him back from tackling you much like she might grasp a leash. You can practically see the headache building behind her eyes. "We have yet to determine what the extent of this transformation is and therefore whether our dear MC is even capable of fully agreeing to the current process. MC, darling, did the source of this transformation give you any indication of what the end result would be?"
You'd try to respond, but Lucio's excited yelling is too noisy to shout over. He's fumbling at the fastenings on his cape, distracted by your ongoing changes, and very annoyed at Nadia's interference.
"Where did it go? I want to see if it can give me powers too - OW! Dammit, Noddy, I'm trying to help here! You're keeping me from finding the monster and getting it to give me cool - I mean, getting it to tell us more about what's happening! Don't you want that? Don't you want to help MC, Noddy?! Let me go -"
It's with a loud RIP and subsequent "that was velvet, you know!" that Lucio finally breaks free and sprints off in the direction of your new monster friend. You can feel yourself slowly settling in to your new form as the process shows signs of slowing and reaching completion.
Nadia's facepalming. Portia's looking at you with eyes shining in wonder. Julian's still trying to nag Asra into reversing this as he takes notes. The magician in question is still ignoring him as they ask you how you feel for the nth time. Muriel's eyeing the nearby closet in hopes of taking a nap and waking up to it all being a dream. Lucio's a distant, spiky golden speck at this point.
Faust is quietly trying to sneak her knife into your hand, for crimes.
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cursedvida · 8 months
SAD EYES, BROKEN SMILE V (Buggy x f!Reader)
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WARNINGS: Smut, Minors DNI please go away. I mean masturbation, dirty talk, vaginal fingering and a lot of +18 things babies.
N/A: From now to the end the series are starting to be very hot, sorry not sorry. But yeah porn with feelings.
The confrontation with the marines was not complicated, it was just a ship without a very powerful captain, so it was quite easy to finish them off. As everyone witnessed -part- of your skills, you decided not to hold back in a battle anymore. You didn't show your full potential either, just enough to get rid of a few cadets while leaving Buggy free to show off in front of the whole crew.
At the end of the battle, Buggy decides to celebrate the victory using the barrels you stole from the navy ship. Another party of many on Buggy's pirate ship, it almost seems like a habit to end up all drunk on beer and rum. You must admit you've never drunk so often before.
While the musicians begin to play a song and you hear the laughter of some of your crewmates, you feel that someone is watching you. Buggy has his eyes on you, those eyes that you like so much and that you have imagined looking at you that way a thousand times. You feel the lust and desire in them, which excites and overwhelms you in equal parts. Buggy pretends to listen to his subordinates while still paying attention to you, he takes a sip from his beer mug without taking his eyes off you. You watch him from the corner of your eye, not taking your mind off what has happened this morning: the wet taste of his mouth, his hands roaming your body, his fingers in places no other man has touched. You swallow saliva, you want him as much as he wants you, you feel a tightness in your chest too great, you feel like something inside you is going to explode.
You need some air, so you decide to withdraw for a moment, get away from the people. You go down to the cellars so you can breathe for a moment. You think that you are being unconscious, that you are getting too carried away. Who is this person non capable of thinking clearly? Since when do you let yourself be carried away by absurd desires and give up a mission on a whim? That's not you, you don't recognize yourself. You've never had time for that kind of nonsense, why is it different now? Why with him?
"Do you like to meet in this place?"
You recognize that voice instantly. As you look up there is Buggy, your captain, standing in front of you with his eyes bright from the contrast they make with the dim light in the room. You keep wondering what his face must look like without so much makeup, what his lips must taste like without the aftertaste of face paint. You lose your senses again and all the questions and reproaches you asked yourself earlier disappear.
"I thought you wouldn't remember" you say in a whisper "you were really drunk that night."
Buggy approaches you slowly, never taking his eyes off you. When he's at your level he lifts your chin gently with his fingers.
"Not that much" he admits, cocking a smile.
Your heart starts pounding at the thought of him maybe kissing you at a moment's notice. At times like this you wish your life had been otherwise, more normal, less violent. Then you could have had an ordinary adolescence, met some boys, had some experiences. So, at least now you wouldn't feel so ridiculous for not knowing how to react when a man calls out to you.
You look away, somewhat self-consciously.
"You fought very well today…" You comment shyly, radically changing the subject.
"I admit I went too far" he forces your chin to look back at him "but it's just that those suckers interrupted me at a very important moment, and I really can't stand that."
A nervous giggle escapes you. God, what a fool you are. You feel ashamed of yourself.
"Buggy, I…" You move closer to him, melting into an embrace. His smell makes you feel good, in a safe place.
The captain doesn't know how to react, after your hot encounter this morning he thought you were going to go on the lust attack without too much thought, but that embrace so warm, so intimate, has caught him totally off guard. Today he watched you fight, he watched with pleasure as you knocked out those navy pigs without ruffling your hair, it made him even hornier than he already was. But when you hug him like that, like someone holding on to an iron beam so as not to lose his balance, he realizes that maybe you were right and he was really underestimating your feelings. That maybe not a purely sexual attraction.
"I don't know what's wrong with you" you confess, hiding your face in his chest so you don't have to look him in the face "But you make me feel so silly."
"Well, that happens to a lot of people when they discover my incredible wit" he boasts, trying to take the intensity out of the situation.
"It's not because of that" you reply softly "it's just… I really like you a lot. I'm not playing games."
And he realizes then how vulnerable you are being in his arms. Your honesty about emotions is something that always catches him off guard but at the same time touches him. How can you be so insanely honest? Fuck, it feels like you're playing at leaving him unarmed.
"I want you so badly," you tell him in a whisper, and it unleashes all his most primal instincts.
Buggy lets out a sort of wild animal-like growl. You then notice how he lifts you into the air, sitting on one of the barrels in the hold. You are now almost at the same height. He looks you in the eyes again, his nose brushing yours.
"You're a dangerous little girl" he strokes your hair with an open hand and a certain paternal air "very dangerous."
At that moment you give him a gentle kiss on his nose. It's something you've wanted to do for a long time because, contrary to what he thinks, you don't find it horrible, but appetizing in a way. You don't know how he's going to react to such an action, but when his gaze changes, turning wild, you know you've pressed a button from which there's no turning back.
The next thing you know, Buggy has taken hold of your neck, kissing it, biting it, leaving a trail of red paint on your smooth skin. You've triggered his wild side, his hands are no longer as soft and slow as they were this morning, now they don't hesitate to strip off your shirt, leaving you in your bra. His mouth runs down your collarbones, down your chest and finally you notice how his tongue begins to slurp the top of your breasts. On the other hand, his hands run along your waist, down to your buttocks to remove the shorts you are wearing. Before you know it you are almost naked in front of him, noticing how your cheeks suddenly turn red.
You grab his hair, pulling off his hat and then his bandana to realize that his hair is actually longer than you imagined. Strands of blue hair falling over his face. You notice your cheeks red again, for some reason you find him more handsome than ever.
"Buggy, I've never…" you're embarrassed to even say it, seeing him so thrown. He looks at you, his pupils dilated with excitement "I've never… been like this with anyone."
The idea of being the first one able to go that far with you doesn't seem to disgust him, quite the opposite. There is a smirk on his face, he feels so full of himself. He knows that you are giving him a privilege that you have not wanted to bestow on anyone else, only him, which swells his pride considerably.
"Then I'll have to make sure you have a great time," he replies to you, mischief in his gaze.
He spreads your legs then and bends down slightly, removing your panties to expose the most intimate part of you. You notice your cheeks light up just before you feel your whole face burning. Buggy is kneeling, staring at your crotch with an almost famished expression.
"Don't do that, I'm embarrassed."
He lets out a laugh just before he approaches your wetness. That's when you gasp at the contact of his tongue with your intimacy. Buggy starts to move his tongue expertly, trying to find your clit, while you do your best not to lose your balance. One of your hands goes to his hair, while the other tries to hold on to the barrel. You feel totally vulnerable, exposed to this man who has decided to make of you whatever he wants because you let him. His tongue running along your pussy, finding that sensitive area that makes you let out a huge moan of pleasure.
"Mmm, there it is" he relishes, looking at you for a moment.
You watch him, panting, spread-eagled in an absolutely obscene position that, at the same time, excites you enormously. You love being at his mercy, moaning every time his tongue caresses your clitoris, sucking expertly as you let out sighs and sounds you never thought could come out of your mouth.
"Fuck little girl, it's fucking wonderful when you growl like that" he comments just before he starts eating you again.
You notice how he has pulled his hands away from your body. As he continues to lick your pussy, he removes his gloves in midair. His hands go to your back, unclasping your bra. You are now totally naked before him. Your breasts glisten in the light of the room, your nipples are erect and Buggy's hands begin to caress them, pinching them as his tongue works faster and faster.
You let out a cry of pleasure, you can't repress it, there are too many sensations at once.
Buggy makes one of his hands reconnect with your arm, pulls his face away and starts stroking you with one of his fingers. As he jerks you off, he sits up slightly, moving closer to you. His makeup is smudged. He gets close to your ear as he inserts one of his fingers into your vagina.
"You have no fucking idea how you have me right now" he comments, as you hold your breath as you feel him insert himself into your cavity "Fuck, gorgeous, you're so tight. I think we're going to have to do some work on this."
You hold onto his neck so you don't lose your balance as you feel his finger advance inside you. Buggy grabs your wrist, pulling your hand to his crotch. You can feel the huge bulge, hard and throbbing, noticeable under his pants.
"See?" he asks, staring at you before kissing you. His mouth is salty, tasting of your own fluids, something that manages to turn you on even more "That's how you got me. That's how you get me my little minx."
"Buggy…" you moan. Slipping your hand under his pants to touch his erect member. You've never done anything like this before, but instinctively you begin to move your hand, guided by the expressions of pleasure he puts on "Like this?"
"Perfect. Mmmm... good girl" he growls, sinking his head into your neck.
He pulls his finger out from inside you and starts stroking your clit while you do the same with his member. You both start moaning at the same time, Buggy looks at you then, notices your half-open mouth, your burning cheeks, your watering eyes. He revels in that virgin face discovering sex while you try your best to give him back all the pleasure he's giving you.
"You're a insane craziness" he whispers to you without taking his eyes off you "you're going to fuck my life".
You are not able to answer him anything, you notice that you are close to orgasm, each time the waves of pleasure are bigger and bigger.
"Buggy, I think… I think…"
"Hold on a little, baby girl. I'm almost there."
You try to hold back, biting your lower lip trying to stifle your moans. You wiggle his cock quickly, noticing how he gasps slightly. He wiggles his finger more as well. You both start moaning at the same time.
"I'm going to fucking cum" he gasps.
"Me too" you moan, almost unable to hold it in.
At that moment you notice how pleasure invades your whole body, rising from your lower belly to all your extremities. Your legs even tremble, you can't modulate your moans, you start to scream disconsolately as your body fills with spasms. You feel your vision blur for a few moments and, when you want to realize it, you are half dead on one of his arms while the hand holding his cock is completely stained. He has also cum and his face is resting on your tits, breathing heavily. You feel your heart racing.
"Fuck me" he sighs, looking up.
For some reason you see him looking more handsome than ever, more attractive than any other time. At that moment, if he asked you for anything, you'd go to hell itself. He gently pulls you up. With the hand that was holding you so you wouldn't fall, he pushes your hair away from your face. He smiles then, looking quite pleased.
"You're definitely going to ruin me."
And then he lets out a tremendous laugh.
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imaginecolby · 5 months
Friends with Benefits || Part Three - The Adjustment
as soon as the words left your mouth, you felt like you wanted to throw up again.
Pregnant. your mind was a blank, almost as if you’d forgotten what the word meant. you had no emerging thoughts about where you were going to go from here.
“pregnant.” colby repeated, barely above a whisper. you watched as he sunk to his knee, taking your hand in his. “y/n, will you-“
“oh, nuh uh.” you interrupted. “you are not proposing to me right now.” you said, pulling him up from the floor.
“why not? we’re going to have a kid!”
“colby, we’re not even officially dating. i don’t expect you to propose to or marry me just because im having your baby.”
“you’re right, sorry. my head is just all over the place.” he sighed, sitting back down on the couch. you watched his face as the gears turned in his head. you were scared he was gonna bolt and leave you to make decisions on your own.
“tell me what you’re thinking.” you said quietly, moving to set next to him.
“a lot of things. scared of how this is gonna change us, worried that im gonna fuck this up. are we ready for this?” he asked.
"i don't know. i mean, ive always wanted kids, but this is not the way i wanted to go about that."
"me either." colby said, taking his hand in yours. "but im glad we're gonna be in this together. we've been in each other's lives for so long, at least we're not toal strangers."
"that's true." you sighed. you both sat there quietly before you spoke again. "so, where does this leave us?"
"we're still us. we're friends before anything, and we're a team in this. i'm gonna be here for you through everything." he said, squeezing your hand.
"thank you." you said softly, leaning into his side and hugging him tight. colby squeezed you tight and you felt him press a kiss to the top of your head.
"we got this." he said softly, giving you another squeeze.
the first trimester was a bit rough, as your routine began to change. your symptoms were already killing you. between the morning sickness, constant pain, and overall nervousness of this life changing event, you were already more tense than you'd ever been in your life.
you were at the doctor's office every week. but you were glad that you weren't doing this alone. colby made it a point to make every appointment with you. he made a promise to you that he was going to be there for you through every part of this pregnancy, and he was keeping good on his word. along with your appointments, he was going shopping with you to get all the necessities for the baby, helping put transform the guest room in your house into the nursery. you and him were researching and learning all the things you could about parenting.
you were still pretty nervous, really more nervous than you could ever explain. this feeling was probably going to last your entire pregnancy, but you were so glad that colby was doing this with you. you felt like you could accomplish anything with him by your side. but you couldn't help but worry that all you were ever going to be was co-parents, and nothing more. you knew you and colby had sort of an "agreement" about your relationship, but you were feeling like you wanted to be more. you were just too scared to bring it up to him, in case that was going to be too much to add to his plate. especially right now.
one afternoon, you'd just gotten home from a busy morning of some shopping and a quick trip to the drugstore for some more prenatal vitamins. you were resting on the couch, your hand falling into place on your belly. you still couldnt believe you were growing a human in there. as you sat there with your thoughts, pictures of your future child began to flash through your head. a baby boy with dark hair and blue eyes like colby, or a baby girl with soft hair and skin tone that beared a strinking resemblance to yours. you truly were so excited for this next part of your life, and you couldn't wait to raise your baby.
your thoughts were interrupted by your phone buzzing on the coffee table. you picked it up and saw a text from colby.
"are you home? i have something for you." he text you.
"yeah, i just got back. :)" you replied.
"perfect, see you in ten."
while you waited for colby to come over, you put up your purchases and changed into some more comfortable clothes. you were walking back into the living room just as you heard a knock on your door.
"hey!" colby said with a smile when you answered. he pulled you into a hug and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"whatcha got?" you asked, pointing to the numerous bags in his hands.
"oh, i know better than to you come over without food." he laughed, handing you the food bags. "now, i don't know how your appetite has changed since getting pregnant, but i hope you still like, and can actually eat, chinese."
"oh yes, i will never turn away chinese." you said, taking the food from him. you got plates for the two of you and moved to the living room. you and colby sat down on the couch and set the food up on the coffee table.
"and what's this?" you asked, pointing to the gift bag he had.
"daddy's first gift for the baby." he said, his face lighting up as he started to open it. he pulled out a ball of fabric, unrolling it to reveal a onesie with a familiar logo on the front.
"oh my god! this is so cute!" you cheered, taking it from him.
"baby's first piece of xplr clothing."
"colby, this is adorable. this'll be their coming home outfit after they're born." you laughed.
"perfect, that was my intention." he laughed. the two of you sat down to eat, and conversation quickly ensued. after a while, you decided to take a more serious turn.
"so, my first trimester is up. i think it's time we start telling people." you said.
"yeah, i've been thinking about that these past couple days. but, i think we need to talk about our relationship first."
"oh?" you asked, sitting up and focusing entirely on him.
"i think we should be exclusive. y'know, boyfriend and girlfriend." he said, taking your hand in his.
"what? are you serious?"
"well, you wont let me propose, so," he trailed off, shrugging his shoulders. "y/n, i love you. i know i told you at the beginning of all of this, that i wasn't looking for a relationship. but i love you. i've loved you since the day i met you, but i was too scared to commit to relationship because i was at a place where a lot of girls were using me."
"you know i'd never do that to you." you said softly, rubbing your thumb across the back of his hand.
"i know, and i feel bad for ever thinking that of you. but i'm over that now. i want to be with you. fully and completely. we're gonna be starting a family, and i want us to be as commited to each other as we'll be to the baby. you don't have to say anything now, but i just wanted to put my feelings on the table, and be completely honest with you."
"i'm actually glad you said something because i've been thinking about us as well. you know ive always liked you, as more than a friend. and i've wanted to be exclusive with you. i didn't really want to be part of this "friends with benefits" type thing we've had going on in the first place, but i just wanted to be with you, in any way, so i agreed to it, thinking your feelings would eventually change. i definitely didn't think this was going to be the thing that would change your mind about us, but im glad it did. i love you too, and i wanna be with you. officially, and fully."
"officially and fully." colby repeated, leaning over to press a kiss to your lips.
"im glad we've figured this out. once we start telling people we can avoid the whole ‘yeah! we're having a baby without even being together!’ conversation."
"oh, i know. i wasn't looking forward to that either." he laughed. "speaking of, how are we gonna do our announcement?"
"i don't know. i've been trying to figure something out, but all the ones ive gone through online don't seem fitting for us." you sighed.
you sat there quietly for a moment, the both of you racking your brain for ideas. suddenly, a light bulb went off in your head.
"oh my god, yes!" you sat up, an idea running in your mind.
"what? what did you think of?" colby asked. you sat there without saying anything, picking up the onsie.
"a little explorer!"
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
Slashers with a Vampire S/O:
Tumblr media
CW: Biting, marking, breaking of skin, blood, slightly dom, immortal, GN! reader, blood kink and drinking blood
LITTLE NOTE I: Im in a slightly good mood and i wanted to write another character even though they aren't a slasher, but as a bonus!
LITTLE NOTE II: I've been up since 3AM working on this and then other things. Its currently 9AM and im having crucial back pain
BONUS: extra character
MAIN CHARACTERS: Stu Macher + Billy Loomis, Carrie White, Freddy Kruger, Tate Langdon, Bubba sawyer, GENRE: Headcanons
Fandom: Horror
Stu wouldn't believe you at first.
Billy tends to stalk you from time to time, so i think he would know
You also know that your loving, killer boyfriend stalks you
So you also know that he knew.
"Uh, Sweetie, you do realize its not Halloween yet, right?"
You scoffed and flashed your fangs at Stu and Billy
"Might be fake-"
"Bitch, please!"
Stu playfully rolled his eyes and smiled
Suddenly, you ran past him
But way too quickly
"Wait-- What the fuck?--"
Billy just snickered at him
"What are you laughing about?"
Stu narrowed his eyes
"Ive been knowing, you fuck-rag."
Stu did in fact realize you were not lying.
"And you didn't tell me?!"
"They just did,"
Stu kept whining the whole week after that
He would ask stupid questions
Like Tif, he would watch Vamp movies with you
He will let you bite him just to feel how it feels
Sometimes it'll go well with Stu, sometimes it wont...
He needs like 20 years to recover from that bite
And other times, he feels like hes floating
"I feel high! Is this what you felt when they bit you, Bil?"
"No, i felt horny."
"Wait, wha--"
Now, with Billy
He loved it when you bit him
He has a major blood kink
You marking him, blood seeping down his neck as you drink from him.
He also loves looking into your crimson eyes
He thinks your eyes are really pretty, but he wont admit that
Maybe if you manage to bribe him
He does know that he can actually die if he lets you drink as much blood, so it only happens once awhile
He will bring you back some victims as ghostface though!
Be prepared for loving phone calls from your loving boyfriends telling you how much people they've killed
She did believe you, but it took her some time to process stuff
I mean, she's got powers. Why wouldn't she believe you?
She sometimes thinks about how her mom would react
Her mom would be absolutely pissed
But she doesn't care
she's not letting you go anytime soon
And she doesn't plan too
You don't drink from her because her body is already fragile enough
She never brought up that idea either
I mean, she has thought about it, but she knows that you would refuse instantly due to both her physical and mental health
She would let you drink from her, if it meant saving you in some kind of way
She doesn't ask too many questions about it and treats you like any normal person, but with extra and special attention since you're her S/O!
When shes upset, her powers get out of control and she has flung knives at you...maybe more than one.
But she really didn't mean to!
She can't control it!
She freaks out when one of the knives at you, dropping her upset mood
Then you have to reassure her that you're immortal, so it wont affect you as much
"Carrie, sweetie, im okay--"
"I-it wa-was in your th-throat!"
"Again, not like im dying--"
She was so upset the first time it happened
She tried running away and locking herself inside her room, but you were much stronger than her, so you held her close until she was calm
"Shh...its okay, its okay."
"i--im-im sorry, im sorry..."
Poor baby :(
But you will pamper her after shes calm down
Hes gonna believe you, since you know, hes a dead, burned, sleep demon--
But he wants proof
Crimson eyes or bright changing eye colors? check.
Sharp fangs that can hide themselves? Check.
Blood lust?
You tried biting him the first time you guys met and he caught you eating more than one person in your dreams.
So yea, Check.
He makes dirty jokes about your powers
He'll say something along the lines of..."Well, lets see your pace in the bedroom--"
You start fist fighting him every time he does say something like that
But sometimes you'll play along with his little flirting game
And the second you do, theres a thick lump in those worn out pants of his
The next thing you know, you wake up naked
Oh, and because of that supernatural crazy stuff,
You find a way to see the demon through the day instead of night now!
Through spells though
But as long as you're seeing him!
Hes known way before you've met him, and thats because hes known you longer than you've known he existed
When he did reveal himself, like his true self, which is being dead, you realized about him knowing about your little secret
And the other ghost in the house
I mean, you were planning to tell your boyfriend Tate that you were a Vamp, but he knew
So that spares you the explanation and proving
You were just glad he knew
Tate, i feel like when he tells you that he knows, he'll compliment you.
How he loved the way your eyes would change color
How he loved your powers
And how he loved you, most of all, all of you.
All the confessing would definitely lead to a passion make out, and maybe even further
And dont tell me 'no'. This shit would be like a telenovela, but it got to the part that they are confessing
And im listening to 'or nah' by The Weeknd right now, it's a sign.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He would treat you like his normal S/O, not caring about the fact you are a human-blood-drinking creature.
He would suggest you be a vampire for Halloween, since you know, you're already one...
"Haha, so funny. I'm not gonna wear those weird human versions of vampire cloaks!"
"C'mon, it'll be funny!"
"Okay, how about this; You wear those ghost costumes, the ones where theres just holes where the eyes are and ill dress in one of those weird vampire cloaks."
"No, not in a million years!"
"It's either we wait a million years then, or you wont ever get to see me in that vampire cloak~"
"Okay, you win!"
"So, deal then?"
Whenever you have your blood lust, he'll offer up his cold flesh for you to bite through and let his bitter sweet blood soak out
But in the end, you can't.
Dead blood in fact makes Vampires very ill
And though it saddens him that he cant help you, he'll understand.
He wont let you drink his blood.
No matter how much pain you're in.
He can't risk putting you in even more pain
So he mostly goes invisible when you have your blood lust
And he waits in the corner of your room for you to come back from hunting your meal
Calm cuddles after your blood lust while listening to Nirvana
He absolutely loves that you are immortal
You can stay with him, forever.
Forever and ever. With him, and only him.
Violet has also known, like Tate because she has been watching you.
You also knew she was a ghost in the house from the day she came up to you
How? When words about the infamous 'murder house' were being spread, so did the word Violet
And you might of seen a picture or two of her when people would talk about the murder house
She kinda has no choice either
She also was really interested in you when you moved into the house
She was obviously shocked when she found out you were a vampire
She did not expect that at all
I mean, she grew up knowing that vampires didn't exist
And yet, here you are
before you guys started dating she was the classic-
sorta stare and not talk
Only because you're a vampire and she doesn't wanna trigger anything--
Okay...shes was nervous.
She has a literal crush on a hot vampire who is living in the house she died in!
okay, the 'died in' part is uh, just not needed
And she did really want to talk to you, she just needed a push
"Okay, Vi, you got this..."
She took a deep breath
"shit, never mind. i don't got this--"
"You do."
She yelped when the familiar voice had appeared from behind her.
"yea, sorry. I just wanted to say that, uh, you should go for it. Its now or never. They might be a inmortal , but they wont stay here for long without, um, value? So, uh, go for it."
He flashes Violet a small smile before walking way
"Thanks..." She mumbled and continued to stare at your figure
fuck it.
"Uh, h-hi,"
Her heart felt like it was about to pop tf out her chest
Wait, it dont beat no more.
But still felt like it
You felt like you were trippin'
Are you actually talking to a cute, dead girl right now?
Yes. Yes you were.
"Hi, Violet."
She froze up.
How the hell.
Did one of the ghosts tell you?
"How did you--"
"Oh, it was easy. A lot of people talk about this house, and you."
oh, right.
Well, shit.
"What, cat got your tongue?"
"N--no, im fine--"
You just chuckled at her
Why in the hell were you so calm???
"Do you wanna talk a little? im sure you didn't call me just to call me."
"Yes! i mean--sure!"
You guys hung out the rest of the night and it was amazing.
She found out things about you
You found out things about her
A win-win!
She'd hate when you have your blood lust
Because 1. You're scary as hell
2. She hates seeing you in pain
3. There's no blood available for you in the house because its all dead blood, we dont want you to be sick
4. She hates waiting long for you to come home
Long naps with you after you got back from hunting
You told Bubba from the start of the relationship!
I mean, why not tell your cannibal boyfriend that you, are in fact, a blood thirsty vampire
At first, he was confused
A vampire in texas...?
A real, REAL vampire.
Complusion to make him less confused
Oh, now he gets it!
Wonder why...
He'll still love you
Vampire or not
constant babbling about how he loves your crimson eyes
HATES it when you have your blood lust
He hates seeing you in pain
Tries feeding you his victims
Gets even more upset when you tell him you can't have dead blood
Hes on his way to find some more victims
You can count on him!
He'll come back with 2-5 victims
Maybe even more if there was some event going on nearby
He'll sit you on his lap and cuddle with you till' you feel better
He coos at you but you have absolutely no idea on what he's saying!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦  
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the-ace-with-spades · 11 months
Another unhinged buddie fic idea - amnesia Eddie at his best and dumbest
So Eddie gets hurt, hits his head, is unconscious for like two weeks and when he finally wakes up, he thinks it's 2018, he's almost finishing fire academy and his parents are still saying he should let them take Chris away permanently.
To say he panics is an understatement — his muscles are weak after the lack of stimuli but he still puts a fight with the nurse that's trying to take his blood pressure.
He keeps on asking about where he is and where is Chris, only gets a you're in Cedars Sinai MC in Los Angeles and doesn't take for answer anything that tells him to stay still or to be careful with the IV, until the nurse says, "Your partner is right outside, I'm sure he's arranged something for your son."
He freezes. "My partner? I don't have a partner. Who is taking care of my kid?"
The nurse's face changes and there are suddenly more and more questions about what he remembers last, what year he thinks is, and does he remember his partner's name. He tells her - he fell asleep in his bed, 2018, he doesn't have a partner because he's been separated from his wife for a few years now.
Apparently, the year is 2023, he was on a call with his fire crew and got hurt, his partner is definitely his partner because he's his power of attorney, next of kin, and has been taking care of his kid.
So the nurse leaves to talk to the doctor and his partner who is still outside, with said doctor.
(Eddie doesn't know that but the nurse was either absolutely sure this is what Buck is because there are assumptions and there are legal medical documents or she is sure this is the mythical firefighters' bond and they're just very close work partners - your pick. Either way, Eddie thinks she means romantic life partner.)
Meanwhile, Eddie goes through all stages of grief because his apparent partner he acquired in the past five years is a he and apparently such a sure thing he's in all of Eddie's medical documents.
A guy. What kind of a guy he would have to be for Eddie to choose him as his partner?
Then the nurse comes back with a very tall, very handsome guy built like a brick wall but also making a face that makes him look like an eager but sad golden retriever and—
Oh. That explains some stuff. If just looking at him makes Eddie feel like it, then he can't even phantom what being with him feels like.
The guy stops mid-room, not going for a hug like Eddie expected him to. "Heard you don't remember me."
And he sounds so sad that Eddie reaches his hand out and the guy — his partner — is instantly at his side, gripping his hand, and Eddie doesn't let him go until he gets the point and pulls a chair closer and sits with him.
"I don't. So a name would be nice."
"Buck. Well, Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck."
And like, Eddie's never been big for pet names but even in this short moment Buck seems so bright he wants to call him mi sol. "I call you Buck?"
Buck chuckles. "Yeah, you call me Buck. Unless you're really serious, then you call me, you call me Evan."
"Evan," he tests out. "Sounds like you're in trouble."
And Buck smiles at him so softly Eddie is melting in that bed, warmth hitting him where he's still holding Buck's hand hostage and traveling up. "Not to me."
Bobby, who is apparently their captain — even though Eddie has a feeling like he's talking to his in-laws again the whole time he is there — brings Chris to the hospital and he's so big, already eleven, and so sassy with Eddie.
He's also very, very familiar with Buck, which calms him down - he talks about the funny sandwich cutters Buck's been using the whole time Eddie was in the hospital to cheer him up and tentatively admits how they slept in the same bed the first week because Chris had nightmares.
And even though his dad landed in the hospital — again, apparently? — Chris seems very, well, very well-adjusted to the situation at hand, even if Eddie can see he's being a bit clingy with both Eddie and Buck. Like the adults in his life are doing a good job at shielding him.
Buck is the one who has all the hard conversations with him, about Shanon, about his parents, about his abuela moving to Texas because of a whole pandemic, about the accident he had at work, and what will happen once he leaves the hospital.
It's really reassuring, that it's Buck telling him all that.
If he had any doubts about Buck being a very, very good and very, very close partner, all of it disappears when they go back home from the hospital.
His whole house has signs of Buck living their best lives in there — there are photos, cookbooks, cooking utensils Eddie doesn't even know the names of, Buck's clothes mixed in his wardrobe, cards from Chris for the both of them. It's very clear Buck is not only a big part of their life but also lives with them full-time, too.
He knows where everything in the kitchen is — "I have a system, Eddie" — and he knows where all Eddie's insurance paperwork is, knows the PINs to his phone, his cards and accounts, he knows all about Chris' medical needs. He knows how Eddie likes his coffee, how Chirs likes his toasts, which shaving cream Eddie likes, which toothbrush is Eddie's, which pair of shoes Eddie's only bought because they were on discount and never worn, which of Christopher's notebooks is the one for math.
He doesn't remember the past five years but he can't imagine not having Buck as his partner. Knowing he is there doesn't make him anxious like he thought it would — it makes him calm, settled.
So he's offended when the first night comes and Buck tries to bring spare blankets onto their couch. He wants him in their bed.
He gets that Buck is trying to give him space since Eddie doesn't really remember all the years they've been together, but that's a bit much. They're partners, and pretty solid ones at that, not just a new couple figuring stuff out, they must have slept together a million times.
So Eddie tells him to go off the couch and sleep in bed with him. It takes some convincing but eventually, Buck agrees. They lie down, Buck is being unnecessarily awkward, turning his back on Eddie in the dark. Eddie is not having this — turns towards him and spoons him, holding him in his arms. He's pretty sure Eddie getting hurt and forgetting five years is stressful on Buck, too, even if he doesn't show it. He deserves the comfort of his partner, even if said partner doesn't remember all of their life together.
It happens again the night after, and the night after that, until Buck stops tensing up whenever Eddie wraps his arms around him.
Because Eddie was unconscious for so long, he still needs PT, and Buck somehow manages to arrange that Eddie's and Chris' PT is at the same time and Buck oscillates between staying with either of them for the duration. There's one time when the receptionist at the therapy center asks him why he comes in so often when he looks fine — she's flirting with him, Eddie knows, which makes him glare at her, and Buck just tells her, "I'm just the chauffer for my boys." And Eddie calms down.
They assessed him at the hospital and he's supposed to have someone's handheld assistance or use a stick or a frame when he walks, until the PT gets his legs to the state from before. Using either the stick or the frame makes him feel like an old man, and the feeling doubles when Buck, the hunk of a man that he is, is nearby, so he refuses to use it when Buck is around. Which ends with Buck helping him around by placing an arm around his back and holding his hand with the other whenever Eddie needs to move.
Which is an absolutely amazing feeling because Buck is both the gentlest of giants, always knowing when Eddie needs reassurance and so freaking fit and big, Eddie can just rest against his chest whenever he feels wobbly or needs comfort from the embarrassment. It's a very contrasting feeling because it makes Eddie want to be held and pecked all over his face and thrown into the wall to make out.
Eddie's physical fitness improves and he misses Buck's touch the second his therapist says he can start moving without assistance.
That's the only problem Eddie has — Buck refuses to touch him. Again, he knows it's a bit weird with Eddie not remembering. At first, he thought it was just Buck giving him the lead on how much he wants them to do but then Buck keeps on ducking out any time Eddie initiates something.
He goes in for a kiss when Buck is drinking coffee and he dodges, standing up before Eddie can try again. Eddie gives Chris a kiss goodbye and goes to give Buck one, where he's standing next to their kid, and Buck skips out the door, telling him he's going to start the AC in the car. He tries to curl up against his side on the couch and Buck gets up with an excuse of making popcorn or tea or anything else possible. When Eddie slips into the shower while Buck is brushing his teeth, he leaves the bathroom with the toothbrush still in hand. Buck pretends to be asleep when he kisses his neck and swats Eddie's hands off when he moves them under his t-shirt when they're spooning, always calls out Eddie in the dark, like he isn't sure Eddie is comprehending what he's doing.
(Buck is pretty sure Eddie is trying to kill him — just make him have a heart attack or something — even if not deliberately. He isn't suspecting a thing about Eddie's partners assumption.)
It's like Eddie has a partner that loves him but without the bits that are funny. Like, he thought life-affirming sex is a thing and he is cleared for physical activity now and still out of work and going stir-crazy.
He doesn't get it and he can't talk about this with Buck because it almost feels like Buck is rejecting him, every time he ducks away from Eddie's affection or doesn't reciprocate it.
"Buck is—He loves me, right? He hasn't stopped after the accident, he's—He finds me attractive, he wants me, right?"
(Hen, sweet Hen, thinks he figured out Buck is in love with him now that he has a bit of an outsider perspective, and mutters, "Oh boy," cursing in her head because it's too early for this conversation. She isn't even suspecting Eddie heard partners once and ran wild with it.)
"I don't see where you're going with this," Hen says diplomatically.
"It's just, he's not doing anything about it," he explains. "It feels like he's barely touching me."
Hen is freaking out because of all times, Eddie had to realize now—"Do you... want him to touch you?"
"Have you seen him?" Eddie asks and then frowns. "Oh, right, playing for a different team."
"You just had a brain injury," she points out, hoping Eddie will find his brain somewhere, actually, and think.
"It's been almost two months, the doctors say I'm fine, memories aside," he says stubbornly.
"Eddie, I don't think Buck is going to make any first moves when you don't remember the past five years you guys—" She needs to change the track because she's saying too much. "Why don't you just talk to him about it?"
"And say what? Please bend me over our kitchen table? Please shower with me? Please give me kisses goodbye? Please hold me at night?"
"You probably should start with something more...tame," Hen suggests.
He's tried tame — he's tried initiating kisses and hugs and Buck doesn't respond. It's like he is afraid to touch him and Eddie isn't made of glass.
He needs to do something drastic.
So at night, he waits for Buck to come to bed, lights dimmed, and when Buck pulls the covers away to slide into bed with him, Eddie is naked — he can't be more blunt, if this flies over Buck's head, he'll be worried.
"Oh my god," Buck keeps on repeating, not looking at Eddie, blindly trying to put the covers over Eddie.
"Oh, come on, I can't be more obvious," he complains. "Why can't you just touch me, Evan?"
He's taking deep breaths, not looking at Eddie at all and this is the opposite of what he aimed for. "You don't want me, Eddie, you don't even know me."
"I definitely want you," he protests, irritated. He knows what he wants, it's Buck who's been missing the signals right and left. "And I know you, you're my partner, my Buck—I know you want this, too."
It's the truth — when he thinks Eddie can't notice, he looks at him like Eddie is everything he could ask for. He wants him to look at him like that now, too. He knows Buck, even if memories aren't there.
"We're not doing anything until you get your memories back and you actually know who I am."
"What if I never get my memories back?"
Buck doesn't reply and for a second Eddie think he got him, but then Buck stands up from the bed and says, "I think I should move out."
"What?" Eddie protests because that's definitely not what he was aiming for. Buck's place is with them, even if things in their relationship are a bit dry or stilled. "And where exactly would you go?"
"I do actually have my own place, you know?"
And how Eddie was supposed to know? He lives with them. He should not have a back-up place to go.
"I think I'm sending you mixed signals and you obviously don't remember enough to interpret them with clarity in your head," he tells Eddie and leaves.
He actually leaves the house, too, no matter how much he's asking to just sit down and listen to him. He spends the night trashing from side to side, expecting Buck to be back any moment but never getting him back.
(Meanwhile, Buck doesn't go to the loft because everything is dusty in there since he's moved into Eddie's place when he had to take care of Chris when he was still unconscious. Instead, he goes to Maddie's and complains to her over a glass of wine, aiming to stay on her couch overnight. "You didn't see him, Maddie, he was just lying there like a starfish, completely naked, going all, now you can touch me all you want—" and Chim wakes up Jee with how hard he drops the pans he was pretending to clean while eavesdropping.)
Buck comes back in the morning to take Chris to school — he doesn't offer Eddie to take him together and they don't talk at all.
Eddie needs to talk to someone about this because he might have somehow ruined the relationship with the man he's pretty sure he'd like to marry one day. By wanting him to touch him, of all things. But everyone is at work.
Pepa is retired, though. The problem is, Eddie isn't about to tell her Buck had threatened to move out because Eddie wanted him to fuck him.
So he asks the more appropriate question, "Why are we not married yet, actually?"
Maybe if they were married, Buck wouldn't have some secret place to escape. Maybe he'd feel like he can touch Eddie because Eddie is his on paper, too.
Pepa gives him a look that says he's crazy. "Who?"
"Buck and I, obviously." Forget crazy, Pepa stares at him like he's insane. "What? Does Buck—not want to get married? Did I say anything about this to you?"
"Mijo," she says, sounding like it pains her to do so. "You and Buck are not—you're not together, Eddie."
Eddie laughs because that's—that's not possible, they're partners, Buck's been taking care of him and Chris since Eddie woke up, and long, long before that even if Eddie doesn't remember it. He's Eddie's power of attorney and next of kin and he's in Eddie's will, he's all but a step away from adopting Chris, knows all of Chris' and Eddie's medical history, their allergies, their likes and dislikes. He's Eddie's partner.
Pepa is not laughing, just looking at him with that pitying expression on her face,
"But—he loves me, he loves Chris, he loves us," he says dumbly.
"Believe me, I know, we all know," she says. "We've tried stirring you in the right way but you're very stubborn, mijo."
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