#elevensies tag
jgvfhl · 2 years
The Number Lads Make Questionable Decisions
Happy November!! I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween, and I at least am looking forward to my favorite November holidays: Thanksgiving and November the 5th :) So! Please enjoy the beginning of me trying my best to fix the Wrong Jedi Arc via the power of *checks notes* noodles and protector lesbians.
Words: ~4k
Warnings: None
Link to Master List of chapters
high fives: guyssss cato nemoidia is so prettyyyy
CrispyDomino: if you ignore the explosions, the gunships, and the many many star cruisers in atmosphere
high fives: well. yeah.
Double Trouble: oh really? What’s there?
Loopy: isn’t that the one with all the bridges?
DressedtotheNines: yeah, the landscape is so mountainous, the cities exist on giant bridges between rock spires
RedBoiiiii: oooooooo that is cool! Boys in blue on campaign there?
CrispyDomino: well we were
high fives: yeah Rex just called a bunch of us back for some reason. Left Appo in charge.
Leafs: why?
DressedtotheNines: yeah that’s a little weird, even for skywalker
#1 Boy: oh are you guys being called back to Coruscant because of the bombing?
DressedtotheNines: the WHAT
high fives: WHOMST
Loopy: HI WHAT
CrispyDomino: HELLO????
CrispyDomino: oh nvm Rex just filled us in
high fives: oh shit the temple
Double Trouble: HOLY FORCE WHAT
#1 Boy: Yeah one of the hangars in the Jedi Temple was bombed about 30 min ago
Leafs: well that is… not good at all
RedBoiiiii: who did it?? Seppies??
#1 Boy: dunno! Maybe that’s why Skywalker was called back
Double Trouble: fives, echo, I deMAND gossip
high fives: uhhhh we’ll see
CrispyDomino: yeah this is pretty bad
-scene break-
Double Trouble: I’m hearing rumors this bombing was an inside job??
CrispyDomino: glad to know the GAR is still the lovely rumor mill it has always been
#1 Boy: I heard General Skywalker and Commander Tano have a suspect now, so that’s good
high fives: yeah, that’s nice, I’m bored outta my skull
CrispyDomino: for once i agree with my evil twin
high fives: hey we agreed you’re the evil one!
RedBoiiiii: are you two in the same room while typing this again?
Leafs: probably
high fives: noooooo
CrispyDomino: but we are in the same barracks
Double Trouble: okay but i’m still on the whole “what if a jedi bombed their own temple” rumor?? Is there any substance to it?
Loopy: of course not, they’re Jedi
CrispyDomino: Jedi aren’t infallible
high fives: yeah, just ask me, echo, fours, nines, or the commander about Krell
RedBoiiiii: or dooku. he was a Jedi before he went off the rails.
DressedtotheNines: yeah, so was Ventress. Not to mention, this war isn’t exactly popular
#1 Boy: there have been protests outside the Temple ever since the bombing…
high fives: and they have the kriffing audacity to be mad at us for it
high fives: like our creation was somehow our fault >_>
Double Trouble: yeah… but I mean who else would have access to the Temple like that? The people who work there?
CrispyDomino: let’s hope Skywalker and Tano find someone
RedBoiiiii: OHHHHH GUYS GUYs did you hear about that absolutely bantha-shit crazy holonet thing that’s been in the news lately???
Double Trouble: that is so vague my dude
RedBoiiiii: the conspiracy stuff, yknow
d0nut man: OH THAT WEIRD UMMMM damn what are they called
RedBoiiiii: The Senth of Darkness
CrispyDomino: that sounds like a name Hardcase would come up with if he’s trying to be “edgy”
d0nut man: YEAH those kriffing morons
d0nut man: you should see some of the whacky conspiracies they have, it’s just stupid
Double Trouble: why are they in the news??
RedBoiiiii: there are some new senators who actually follow some of their stuff!!
high fives: what?? why?? Wait what are some of their stuff
d0nut man: some of ‘em believe the Jedi are controlling the Chancellor via the Force
RedBoiiiii: they also think we’re droids??? like cyborgs???
RedBoiiiii: and that General Grievous being a cyborg is proof the Jedi are behind both sides of the war somehow??????
CrispyDomino: i genuinely take offense to that.
Double Trouble: what the kriff
#1 Boy: but that?? how?? how do they believe that??
Loopy: yeah us bleeding on the battlefield every day of our lives isn’t enough to convince them we’re human?
Leafs: People like that don’t run on logic, Loops
Loopy: wait there are SENATORS who believe this crap??? Elected officials??
DressedtotheNines: like I said, this war isn’t exactly getting more popular the longer it goes on
Leafs: And public opinion is somehow enough for people to believe we have circuitry?
RedBoiiiii: i guess idk
#1 Boy: oh btw the Jedi are bringing someone in for questioning
CrispyDomino: how do you know??
DressedtotheNines: are you allowed to tell us that??
#1 Boy: I got a promotion! I’m stationed on the main RMB. I think that’s a promotion.
RedBoiiiii: cool!! not as much fun as patrols or Senate duty, but it’s definitely safer
Double Trouble: and you can give us all the TEA
Leafs: The what??
Double Trouble: the hot goss
Leafs: Oh Maker’s sake, Do-si-do
-scene break-
It had been about a rotation since Elevensies had told the group comm the Jedi had someone in custody. Loops had been doing his best to be useful around Coruscant while he and a small section of the 104th were dirtside with General Koon and the Commander. But, he did admit to checking the holonews and his comm a bit more frequently than usual. Finally, in the late hours of the evening, Loops’ comm exploded with messages. He got a few odd glances from the guys he was sharing a room with when it did, so he excused himself to read the mess.
#1 Boy: um. Fives and Echo?
high fives: ya
high fives: echo’s resting
#1 Boy: right… so your commander tano
high fives: hold that thought, Rex wants a word
Double Trouble: you know the drill, kid
Double Trouble: spill
#1 Boy: she’s been arrested on suspicion of … everything
Leafs: What.
Loopy: that’s impossible
Double Trouble: oh shit okay
Double Trouble: wait for real????
high fives: this is clearly a mistake
high fives: soka’s amazing
high fives: she’s our little sister, she would would never I mean NEVER hurt us
Leafs: It does make one wonder though
Double Trouble: well i guess we won’t be hearing from Domino in a while
Loopy: no kidding
Loops closed the comm channel, and just sort of stared ahead blankly. He didn’t know much about Commander Tano, if he was honest. But he did know two important things about her: one, General Koon loved her; and two, Fives and Echo loved her. General Koon was something like two hundred years old at this point. If he didn’t know how to judge character by now, no one did. And Fives and Echo hadn’t known her for nearly as long, but they’d fought with her for years. They knew what she was like when it really counted–when lives were on the line.
Simply put, the new information made no sense. Why would Commander Tano suddenly snap and kill a bunch of people? And hadn’t she and Skywalker been off-world when the bomb had gone off? So she couldn’t have done that.
-scene break-
Elevensies had no idea what was happening. Of course, he knew the facts of the scenario. Commander Tano had been arrested and put in holding, then somehow she’d escaped and had caused the whole RMB to go into lockdown. But he had know idea why, and it was scaring him.
His squad was currently following their sergeant to close ranks outside the base in case the commander made it out through the maze of hallways inside. It was about three hours since sunset, but that didn’t mean it was dark on Coruscant–not truly. The RMB was brightly lit, and the watchtowers were lit up red in the emergency. Beyond, he could glimpse the glittering lights of the rest of the planet in darkness, but he tried not to look very often. He didn’t want to be the reason the Jedi slipped past them.
He tried to calm himself by remembering what Fives had said in the Numbers comm. Commander Tano would never hurt a clone. But he had to be skeptical. He wouldn’t be doing his job, otherwise. He hoped Fives was right, of course, and the commander would only seek to incapacitate, but he couldn’t shake the knowledge that at least five clones were dead inside the base from a lightsaber.
One of the captains had assigned his squad near the Geonosis Memorial on the base, and Elevensies was grateful, to a degree. It was one of the better lit areas on the base, and it was near a pair of turrets, and it didn’t have many places to hide. He hoped the Jedi commander was smart enough to go somewhere–anywhere–else. Then again, this was the same Jedi commander who had thought it was a good idea to escape from the RMB prison and run away from everyone’s attempts to detain her. So. His hopes weren’t exactly high.
Sergeant Yves held up a closed fist, signaling to halt, and they did, standing shoulder to shoulder and raising their blasters in preparation. After that, it was a waiting game. He could see another couple squads doing the same on the opposite side of the memorial, but still no sign of the Jedi.
From the angle he had at the far end of the Geonosis Memorial, Elevensies could only see the light from the RMB pour out when the doors opened. A few minutes later, another few squads appeared, accompanied by a massiff and their handler. The massiff went to work, putting their muzzle to the ground to sniff out any trace of the Jedi’s scent.
Elevensies shifted his fingers on the barrel of his blaster, eyeing the creatures. A flash of movement brought Elevensies’ eye to the top of one of the statues when the RMB doors opened again, and another squad rolled out, this one backed by Commander Fox himself.
The commander pointed up at the monument. “There she is!”
Commander Tano sprang up from where she’d been hiding near the huge stone trooper’s helmet at the far end of the monument, landing in a run on the top of the stone block that made up the body of it.
“Quick, stop her before she gets to the ship!” the commander yelled, and everyone was already moving.
Elevensies, like everyone else, fired up at the Jedi, but the young togruta was so fast and so skilled with her lightsabers, no bolts found their mark. He had to be a little impressed at that.
“Close up, close up!” Sergeant Yves ordered from the back of the squad as they ran after Tano.
Ahead of them, sure enough, was a gap between his squad and the squads that had come with the massiiffs, and there was plenty of space for a Jedi to slip through towards the ships and speeders. The turrets were already revving up to destroy any equipment before she could get there, but the preference was to keep the Republic property intact as well.
Elevensies sped up. He’d finally stopped growing a few months ago, and his body was feeling far less gangly and too long as his muscle started filling in. He wasn’t the fastest in the Guard for sure, but he was the fastest in his squadron, and his sergeant knew it.
Foregoing firing for the moment, he just ran, his boots pounding the durasteel underneath them until the gap ahead of him was closing, becoming smaller and smaller. The Jedi was on the ground now, running for the ships, but Elevensies’ squad wasn’t too far behind.
HIs internal comm crackled in his helmet. “Elevens, pull back!” his sergeant ordered. “Don’t get blown up with her!”
“I can get closer!” he insisted, his lungs burning with the effort to talk and run at the same time. The other squads were closing in, they could box her in after that first ship–oh.
The ship closest to the Jedi disappeared in a huge cloud of noise, smoke, and green fire, knocking Elevensies off his feet, but just barely. He hadn’t been that close, but the Jedi commander had been. She was sent sprawling on the deck, scrambling to her feet several seconds after Elevensies was running again. He could see her shape through the smoke.
This time, the other squads really were closing in, Elevensies could hear them behind him. But he kept running. They were built for endurance, after all, and he was tired, but nowhere near depleted.
“Elevensies, do not be reckless!” his sergeant said into his ear.
Reckless? This wasn’t reckless. He’d heard plenty of stories from Sevenset and Commander Sixes and Fives to know this wasn’t nearly reckless. Not yet, anyway. He shook his head and kept after her.
She was heading towards the pipelines, not necessarily out of choice. The squads of clones had largely corralled her there, but it did mean she wouldn’t have many places to run and stay out of sight. She would have to choose. Elevensies suspected she would choose to run, given that was all she’d done so far.
A moment later, Commander Fox’s voice broke the rhythm of his rapid breathing. “Set blasters to stun! General Skywalker wants her alive.”
He changed his blaster’s setting with a flick of his thumb, not even looking down as he ran.
As the men reached the pipelines, they split apart, following the metal walkways between and on top of the massive pipes. They had almost caught up to her now, and Elevensies sacrificed a bit of speed to raise his blaster at her himself. But, just as before, her sabers were too fast. Flashes of green met the blue rings, dissipating them to nothing as they ran. How were they going to catch her at this rate?
The roar of gunships arrived over the clatter of boots on metal, and Elevensies chanced a look over his shoulder as a pair of them arrived, searchlights on, swooping low to bring their holds level with the commander.
“Keep at it, boys!” Sergeant Yves ordered over comms. “The gunships’ll box ‘er in, we close the lid.”
So they kept running. The massiffs were right there with them, their tongues lolling out as they galloped ahead of their handlers on leads. And it had started raining, of course, because a manhunt on foot wasn’t enough fun in the day time. They had to be doing it at night, in the rain. But it was nice to get a chance to run like this, he reasoned.
Eventually, he saw the gunships slow down, and his sergeant directed them all over towards another pipeline closer to the action. When they arrived, they found the Jedi cornered by two gunships, at least four dozen clones, and General Skywalker, Commander Fox, and Captain Rex. This was it, he breathed. She would surrender, and they would take her in for questioning.
What he wasn’t expecting was the Jedi launching herself directly at the pipe on which he and his squad were standing. Maybe he should have paid more attention to Fives and Echo regaling the Numbers with their battlefield antics. It might have been useful in putting off cardiac arrest right now.
Commander Tano plunged her lightsaber (she’d dropped one after one of the gunships launched a small shoulder-rocket at her, he recalled) into the pipe and swiftly cut a circle below herself, dodging stun rings all the while.
When she dropped out of sight, Elevensies followed, almost without hesitation. His sergeant urged them forwards, only pausing for some other clones nearby from the gunships dropped cables down for them to descend. No one needed broken legs on top of this chaotic night.
Then they were running again, flashlights turned on below their blasters’ muzzles, only this time the whole world stank, and they were sure to end up with damn socks from running in water.
Elevensies tried not to think about it. He just tried to keep his footing and keep running after the togruta. The squads split up again, like they had on top of the pipes earlier. Behind him, he was vaguely aware of a non-clone voice joining the echoes around him, which mean General Skywalker must have joined them down here. But he just kept running.
Eventually, slowly, the groups of clones got thinner and thinner as small sub-groups split off to search other pipes as they criss-crossed each other. Elevensies saw Commander Tano dart right, and followed, stopping only briefly when he encountered a giant fan blade inches from his nose. He waited, timing his movements to get through, still hearing the rhythmic splashes of the commander’s boots ahead of him. There was a considerable drop after the first fan, about ten feet or so.
He landed inelegantly. His body knew where his limbs were finally, but it didn’t know how to use them perfectly yet. There were another two fans, but he could still see the commander through them, so on he went, ducking under the blades and avoiding the little reptiles running around the shallow water at the bottom.
The general was still behind him, he could hear, but far off. The commander went right again, and when Elevensies turned the corner behind her, he saw light–an end to the tunnel. If they were at an end, then–
“Commander, stop!” he yelled.
Constructed sinkholes littered Coruscant’s surface. They went miles and miles downwards, allowing larger ships access to the lower levels, like here. It was a dizzying drop, and the commander was peering over the edge, one hand steadying herself on the edge of the pipe.
“I didn’t do this!” she said sharply. “I’m not–I wouldn’t! Why doesn’t anyone believe me?”
Elevensies thought hard, trying to figure out what to say. He stepped closer to her, slowly, keeping his blaster aimed at her feet. “I know,” he said. “You don’t seem the type, believe it or not.”
She hesitated. “You… believe me?”
Well, he was this far in now… He nodded, lowering his blaster more. “Yeah, I think so. I’m friends with Fives and Echo. They trust you with their lives.”
“Then you need to let me go,” she said, glancing at the sinkhole again.
“I think I know someone who might help,” he blurted, hoping to stop her from jumping off.
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Really?”
He didn’t get a chance to reply, and he wasn’t entirely sure how he would explain Commander Sixes’ general existence to her.
“Ahsoka, stop!” General Skywalker appeared behind him, making him jump a little. “Come back, we can talk this through. You need to trust me on this.”
“I do,” she insisted. “Now you need to trust me, Anakin.”
Another set of footsteps sounded behind the genera, then another. She looked at Elevensies, and he wasn’t sure what to expect. It definitely wasn’t a sudden feeling of weightlessness, but he didn’t have time to process that further, because the commander leapt out of the pipe, pulling him along like an invisible rope connected them.
Oh, he was so going to regret this.
-scene break-
Hindsight is 20/20, that was always the saying. Not really any good, considering the clones were engineered to have perfect vision, and that only changed if something went wrong in the tube or on the battlefield.
Regardless, Sixes should have seen this coming the second Elevensies put that bug in Thire’s desk.
“You did what?”
Elevensies’ words came out of the comm in a torrent. “SirIknowthisisalotbutIjustthoughtitwasworthasking,sheseemslikeshe’stellingthetruth–”
“Slow down, kid, Maker’s sake,” he said, rubbing his head with his free hand as he leaned back in his chair. “Why in the galaxy did you think siding with a fugitive of justice was a good idea?”
The Jedi Commander Tano cut in. “I’m not–I’m innocent!”
“Then forgive my language in asking why the kark you’re running?”
She made a frustrated noise.
Elevensies picked back up, slower this time. “Sir, I was just hoping you might know somewhere to go or someone to help–”
“Kid, what do you think I am, a miracle-worker?” he said sharply. “I’m not even on-world right now.”
“Well, I didn’t know who else to comm!”
Why… why was he this kid’s first choice in aiding a fugitive? He wasn’t Nero. Fine…. Thinking of his brother had at least given him an idea.
“Where are you two?”
“Level thirteen, near the industrial pipelines,” Elevensies replied. “Just on the edge of the sinkhole near the RMB.”
Well, it would be a haul, but…. “Can you stay there?” he asked.
“Only until my Master finds us,” Commander Tano answered. “Not long.”
“Fine, then get as close to Little Sriluur as you can, I’ll get back to you,” he told them.
“Are you sure–?” Elevensies started to ask.
“Elevens, just follow the Jedi and don’t get shot, okay? And pray your little bug trick on Thire didn’t permanently put you out of his good graces.” With that, Sixes closed the comm channel, and almost immediately opened another one. “Thire?”
“I’m a little busy, what?”
“Remember when you said you’d do anything to make sure that video of you calling Prime Dad–”
“Yes, I know the karking video, what the hell do you want.”
Sixes couldn’t help a smile. It was good to keep extensive records. “Yeah, that trooper of yours, Elevensies, says he’s found the Jedi on the loose, and that she’s innocent.”
There was a brief pause. Only brief. “And what in all nine Sith hells do you want me to do with that information, Sixes? Pat him on the head?”
“No, I want you to help them escape the Guard and get to The Noodle Bar,” he said simply, like he wasn’t asking his brother to go against everything his rank stood for just on a hunch made by a rookie soldier. He’d read the group comm too, and despite Fives and Echo’s tendencies to be instigators, they had good instincts. If they had no reason to suspect their commander, Sixes had his reservations too.
Thire had none of that. “Are you out of your kriffing mind?” he yelled.
“You really have the audacity to ask me that?”
“At least I wait until I’m drunk to do shit like this! You’re sober almost all the time!”
“How do you know?”
“You–!” There was a collection of indignant noises. “Why should I believe this kid is trustworthy? Either of them!”
“Isn’t the whole thing ‘innocent until proven guilty?’ And I already sent them towards Little Sriluur, you know Saleha can tell a mile away if someone’s iffy.”
“Then why didn’t you just comm Saleha?” Thire demanded.
Sixes tilted his head. “It’s a business night.”
“I am going to wipe the kriffing mats with you next time I see you, you bastard.”
He rolled his eyes. “Just let me know if you’re gonna do anything about it, I’m comming The Noodle Bar.”
Thire’s final expletive was cut short as he ended the call. Then, just as soon as he’d ended that one, he dialed yet another comm code, hoping Mira or Saleha had some time to answer.
After several long seconds of waiting for the channel to connect, he got an answer.
“Sixes, hello,” Saleha’s low voice answered. “Is it urgent?”
“Unfortunately, yeah. I’ve just sent a Jedi Commander and a rookie clone towards The Noodle Bar,” he explained briefly. “The Jedi’s wanted on suspicion of murder, but the trooper she’s with believes she innocent, and I’ve got guys in her company who feel the same way. They’re thinkin’ she got framed.”
“I see.” She was taking this a lot better than Thire.
“Any chance you could pick them up and keep them out of the spotlight until the drama passes?”
Saleha considered this. “I suppose, yes. They could stay in the Clubhouse until this blows over. Where are they?”
“They were coming from the RMB, I’ll message you more exact coordinates once I have them,” he said. “Thank you.”
“Being framed is never fun,” Saleha said, and he could hear a faint smile in her tone. “I’ll know when I meet this Jedi if she is to be trusted.”
“We knew you would,” Sixes said, a faint smile on his own face now, and closed the chanel. He just needed to pass on Elevensies’ coordinates and then, maybe, he could have his peace and quiet back.
Now everyone gets to meet the Noodle Grannies :) They are wonderful, and I'm so so so excited for you to meet themm
@23-bears @theultimatesandwich @mercurydancer @rndmpeep @idk who else to tagggg but heeere
7 notes · View notes
natimiles · 8 months
All of Me (Arthur x Isaac)
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Summary: Arthur decides he and Isaac need a break after not leaving their own bedrooms for a while because of work.
Words: 2158
Tags: tooth-rotten fluffy; romance; established relationship; lots of kissing; romantic Arthur is so romantic it hurts.
Notes: I got the meaning of red tulips from this site.
Moodboard: Arthur&Isaac | Picnic Date
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Isaac doesn’t even have to look up to know who barged into the bedroom. There is only one person who is brazen enough to not care about knocking before entering his room.
He senses Arthur walking up to him, standing behind his chair and peering down at his work. He feels a finger lightly running up and down his ear, caressing the adornment at the top of it, sending goosebumps down his body. He tries to keep his composure, but when he feels a light kiss and the tip of Arthur’s tongue tracing the piercing, he shivers and tries to hide his ear, looking sideways at the culprit, who is chuckling very close to his face.
“Hi, luv,” Arthur smiles and gives him a peck on the lips, flustering him even more. “Finally looked away from this work of yours!”
“Hi,” Isaac huffs, but his blushing cheeks give away that he isn’t mad. “Like you’re one to talk.”
“And that’s why I’m here,” he straightens up, one hand on his hip and the other hidden behind his back. “To take you outside and enjoy the sun. I think we both need to leave our rooms for a bit.”
The physicist turns around to get a better look at his boyfriend. Arthur has dark circles under his eyes, and their beautiful sapphire color isn’t as bright as usual. His hair is disheveled in the way it gets when he is nervously running his hands through it, his shoulders are slumped, and he looks pale. He is undoubtedly exhausted.
“Did you even sleep last night?” Isaac asks, eyeing him suspiciously.
Arthur chuckles. “Did you?” 
And Isaac knows he isn’t much better if the concerned look stamped on Arthur’s face is any indication.
“Mmm…” He slowly gets up and stretches his arms, only then realizing how long he’s been sitting there and how tired he really is. “What are you hiding there anyway?” Isaac notices that Arthur still has one of his hands behind his back.
“This, my lovely Newt, is for you.” He takes a step closer to Isaac and presents him with a bouquet of red tulips. “So, will you give me the honor of going out on a date with me?”
Isaac blushes, and Arthur giggles at the sight. Bringing his hand to his boyfriend’s cheek, he traces the redness with his fingertips until he reaches the hair covering almost half of Isaac’s face, tucking it behind his ear. The physicist looks down at the bouquet to hide his blush, taking it into his hands. It’s ridiculous how Arthur makes him feel, even after dating for some time.
“Assuming I agree,” he clears his throat, trying to keep his shyness in check. “Where are we going?”
“Mmm, that’s a surprise,” he says mischievously, winking. “A good one, I promise!” he adds when he sees the grimace on Isaac’s face.
“Fine,” he sighs, agreeing.
“Great!” Arthur flashes him a bright smile and pecks his lips. “I’ll meet you in the foyer in ten minutes, is that okay?”
“It is. I’ll just freshen up. Maybe eat a snack before leaving.” Isaac looks at the clock on his desk to check if it’s already time for his elevensies.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be eating out. And if you get too hungry, you can always bite me,” Arthur says, wiggling his eyebrows, and Isaac rolls his eyes.
As agreed, they meet in the foyer. Arthur is carrying a basket, and Isaac cocks an eyebrow, eyeing him suspiciously. The writer only smiles and takes his hand, intertwining their fingers while leading him outside the mansion.
“Are we walking there?” Isaac asks when he realizes they’re not heading in the direction to get a carriage.
“Yes. Don’t worry, it’s not far. We won’t get more tired than we already are.”
Isaac hums and looks around. “You’re really not telling me where we’re going, right?” He tries again, curiosity speaking louder when he notices they’re not heading town. He doesn’t remember ever walking this way before. Arthur glances at him with a smile, and he knows he won’t get any answers. “Fine, I’ll just follow you blindly.”
“Oh…” The writer’s smile widens.
“I won’t put a blindfold on to walk there,” he says matter-of-factly, already anticipating where the other’s mind would drift.
“Will you put it on when we’re back home then?” He grins slyly, and Isaac deadpans at him, his cheeks turning red. “It doesn’t hurt to ask, huh?”
“I guess I should’ve seen this one coming,” the physicist sighs, rolling his eyes, though his lips curve into a tiny smile the next second.
“Well, we won’t have to use the blindfold now anyway.” Arthur slows to a stop and lifts their laced hands to point at his boyfriend’s other side. “We’ve arrived!”
Isaac looks at the intertwined hands in the air and then turns in the direction they are pointing.
“Oh…” It’s the only sound he lets out. He smiles softly at the field of colorful flowers ahead. The sun shines down, making their colors even brighter. The wind blows, messing with their hair and spreading the gentle fragrance of the flowers. The nearby trees create the perfect spot for them to sit down and enjoy.
“Nice, huh?” Arthur steps beside him, taking a good look at his features, and showing a matching smile when he sees Isaac likes the place. “Come on, let’s settle down.”
Arthur guides them through the flower field to a spot near a tree, where they can enjoy the sun but also have a nice area to rest. He swiftly retrieves a blanket from inside the basket and lays it out on the grass with Isaac’s help. Gesturing for Isaac to sit down, Arthur places the basket in one of the corners to hold the blanket in place and settles between the basket and his boyfriend.
He is really proud of his accomplishment — he set up his first picnic all by himself. Well, he asked for some tips from Sebastian, but he put them into practice on his own. He made the sandwiches, brewed coffee, fetched some blanc and rouge, and, of course, got some apples.
Isaac stares silently while Arthur takes everything out of the basket. He frowns when he sees the apples, even though he knows they’re not meant to tease him — not anymore, since Arthur actually grew to like the fruit after teasing Isaac for so long. He can’t help but notice how happy and proud his boyfriend looks right now, and he wonders…
“Did you make all this?” He voices his thoughts.
“I did. Sebas gave me some tips, but I did it. Not the cake though,” he points at a little strawberry cake in the middle of all the displayed food. “I will admit I bought it, but only because I didn’t think now was a good time to test my baking skills. I was short on time because I decided to do this after breakfast and didn’t want to end up ruining everything. I would gladly try next time though.”
Isaac blinks once, twice. He is suddenly hit by the notion that Arthur planned and executed their entire date in just a few hours, probably after noticing that he hadn’t left the room for breakfast again that morning. His mind drifts back to Arthur barging into the bedroom and the bouquet he brought, and he feels his face heating up. He doesn’t know what red tulips mean, but he bets they symbolize something; Arthur always gives him things that mean something.
He doesn’t even notice he’s been staring at Arthur for so long until he hears a chuckle. Suddenly, blue eyes are watching him from very close, and he feels a light kiss on his lips.
“Why lose yourself in thoughts about me when I’m right here, darling?”
Isaac frowns and averts his gaze. He reaches for a sandwich, fiddling with the wrapping in his hands for a minute. He glances back at Arthur and watches the writer pour coffee for himself. Arthur has always been an excellent observer, and he became even better at it after they got together. The physicist considers pretending he doesn’t know what Arthur is talking about, but it wouldn’t work — it never does. If anything, every time he tried it, his too-cunning boyfriend saw right through him and made him ten times more flustered and embarrassed.
“Arthur,” he calls, his voice soft and low, but his boyfriend hears just fine and turns to him, giving his full attention. “I was thinking about... the, um, flowers.”
“You want to know what red tulips mean?” Arthur asks, watching for every little reaction from the other man. Isaac lets out a low sigh and nods once, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, the kind that emerges when he wants to know more about something. “Mmm, I wonder,” he feigns ignorance.
Isaac swats his arm with the back of his hand, an adorable pout on his face. “I know you know! You wouldn’t give it to me if it didn’t.”
“Someone’s been paying attention to my meaningful gifts,” he smirks.
“Ugh, never mind.” The physicist turns back to look at the flower field ahead, opening the wrapper of his sandwich to eat in silence.
“Aw, don’t be like that.” Arthur places a finger on his chin and turns his face back to him, looking intently into his eyes. “I’ll tell you,” he whispers.
He extends his hand and waits for his boyfriend to take it. Isaac raises an eyebrow but concedes, putting down his sandwich to grasp it. Arthur gently squeezes the hand and brings it to his face, planting light kisses on the knuckles, his gaze never leaving Isaac’s flustered expression.
“What are you—”
Arthur silences him with a shush. He opens the hand he’s holding and places it on his chest, securing it in place with his own hand. “Just feel it,” he says in a low voice, his expression serious. Isaac nods, and they fall into silence. It takes only a few seconds for him to grasp Arthur’s intentions.
He feels the heartbeat going crazy under the palm of his hand.
He blinks, and Arthur flashes him a loving smile. Isaac doesn’t have time to say anything, not that he would know what to say in the first place, and he feels soft lips against his own. Arthur is still holding their hands against his chest, but he brings the other one to Isaac’s neck to deepen the kiss. Isaac complies, and it feels like his whole world has shifted.
Arthur has been nothing but a charmer and a good boyfriend, and Isaac feels flustered and shy almost on a daily basis, but he also feels loved and cared for like never before. However, it’s a whole different feeling being able to feel how fast his boyfriend’s heart is beating now, to know he could elicit the same reactions from Arthur. He didn’t realize until now that he could feel even more loved than he has since they started dating.
“It beats like this only for you,” the writer breaks the kiss to speak in a low voice, his lips still close and brushing against his boyfriend’s.
He chuckles when he hears Isaac’s breath hitching and sees his whole face reddening; such an endearing sight. He lets go of Isaac’s hand to cradle his face, brushing his thumb against his red cheeks in a loving, gentle caress. Isaac doesn’t let his hand fall, quite the opposite. He fists Arthur’s shirt and pulls his body closer, laying back on the blanket. Isaac is better with actions than words, and they’re kissing again in the next second.
However, Arthur hasn’t finished saying what he wanted.
“I love you dearly.” He kisses the red, hot cheeks of his boyfriend, and proceeds to punctuate every sentence with a kiss. “You’re the only one I love.” A kiss on the forehead. “The only one I want.” A kiss on the tip of the nose. “For as long as you’ll have me.” A kiss on the corner of his lips. “That’s the meaning,” he concludes with a kiss on the lips, one that Isaac tries to deepen but Arthur pulls away to finish professing his feelings. “That’s what I promised you since we started dating months ago. True, deep, and undying love.”
“God, you are… so cheesy,” Isaac rasps, his voice barely audible.
Arthur knows his boyfriend well enough. He knows Isaac is overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to react when love is expressed so intensely. With a smile, he runs his hands through Isaac’s strawberry-brown hair, gently pushing it back and holding it there.
“And you still love me.”
“Yes,” he replies with a shy smile. “And I still love you.”
They eventually eat and drink everything Arthur prepared. It takes a while, as it requires them to finally let go of each other and keep their hands to themselves for a few minutes.
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
11/11/11 tag
Ancient tag alert! Thanks for the tag @silver-wields-a-pen sorry it took so long! (I am so bad with the long list of questions tags. IDK why, they just really tend to stagnant in the drafts dash *shrugs*) Tagging back @mariahwritesstuff @lordkingsmith and @writersloth
What was the first thing you thought of for your current WIP (a character, a certain scene, a feeling, etc.)?
I wanted some spook. It’s October and it’s waaaay too hot so I’m hiding in my fantasy world where it’s actually autumn
Have there been any moments while writing your WIP where you realize something that changes the story?
Well, it started as a short, and has become an entire plot arc, so yeah, I’d say so :P We meet an old friend of Tybee’s, and he comes with some big news...
Is it better to have a dog or a cat on your lap (or some other animal)?
NONE. LAP IS FOR THE LAPTOP *glares at the cat*
How do you keep track of plot points, worldbuilding details, etc.?
I.... don’t? That might explain a thing or two
How many story ideas do you currently have?
All of them? I’m currently focused on Foxes and Fate, but you’ll note that doesn’t stop me from wandering all over that timeline
What is, in your opinion, the best number of characters to have in a friendship gang?
I tend write 3-5. At least 3, so that you have some dynamics to explore, but more than 5 and you start to get some redundancies and possible reader confusion (not saying it can’t be done, it just feels like these are teh sweet spots)
Are there any stories you wish you could have rewritten the ending yourself?
If there are, I have blocked them from my memory. The biggest salts that stick out for me are less endings and more general mishandlings of the story in general (like Butcher insisting on a romance arc with Dresden and Murphy, or the entire second book of Daughter of Smoke and Bone)
Do you like to snack while you’re writing? If so, what do you snack on?
I’m more of a sipper than a snacker. I love a good hot drink while I write
What is the absolute worst thing your OCs could receive as a gift?
Tybee: A hair iron-- you’d be surprised how many people think he’d want one
Gil: A sexy “gag gift”-you wanna want him melt down? there ya go
Lia: One of those little art kits you get kids, with like six of every kind of thing ever, that are all crappy and come in those awful black plastic cases
Kyle: A blind date --seriously, you have No idea what he wants
What is one thing that you could never, ever include in anything you write?
I am never, EVER writing a rape scene. Ever. I could (and have, often tbh) but there’s no reason to include that in your writing. Find a better way to do whatever it is you think that’s illustrating. Cause I promise, there is a better way
If your OCs could choose, what genre of story would they like to be the protagonist in?
Tybee: Historical romance
Gil: Pirate novel
Lia: Badass sci-fi spy thingie
Kyle: Disney Channel Original Movie (not the question Kyle!)
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radical-remster · 5 years
Wow, April 1st is going great
Aside from the Mishapocalypse...
I’ve found the “memories” thing quite entertaining and goddamn hilarious I mean look at some of these things
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And the times of these things?? I mean, they’re just golden. Some of them made me fangirl because of their references
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((🎵 Your eyes are the size of the mOoOon 🎵 ))
And some of them are just weird
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I also decided to have a little chat with a tumblr boy and it was... interesting
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Frodo and Sam, 1, 8, 13?
1. “How I think they met”
Oh. Oh honey, sit down and get comfy, ‘cause I have THOUGHTS. One of these days I’m gonna turn this into a comic, but in the meantime, here’s the gist of it:
We know from the book that Sam had never left the Hobbiton area prior to the Quest. He’d definitely never gone all the way to Buckland. So chances are good that Frodo and Sam never met until Bilbo adopted Frodo and brought him to live at Bag End. At that point, Frodo was 21 and Sam was 9. If you accept the prevailing headcanon that hobbits age at roughly half the speed that humans do, that puts Frodo at about 10 or 11 in “human years” and Sam at about 4 or 5.
So picture this, if you will. It’s Frodo’s first day at Bag End. He’s extremely nervous, and even quieter than normal, and after helping Bilbo get all his luggage unloaded off the cart and into his new room—his room!!—he spends the late morning wandering around the halls and memorizing everything, taking it all in with wide eyes, because he’s still trying to adjust and get himself oriented and a part of him still isn’t sure this is a real and permanent arrangement.
Bilbo suggests they eat their elevensies out in the garden, since it’s such a lovely day and they could use some fresh air, and Frodo mutely agrees. It’s in the garden that they meet old Hamfast Gamgee; it’s his day off today, but he came by to say hello and introduce himself and welcome the new young master of Bag End. Frodo thanks him politely but shyly, half hiding behind his uncle, and Bilbo says many more numerous and courteous words on Frodo’s behalf.
And then, poking out from behind Hamfast’s leg, is a little head of curly hair and two wide, curious eyes.
“Oh!” cries Bilbo, thankfully voicing Frodo’s thoughts for him as he stares. “Well, who is this?”
Hamfast laughs. “Oh, don’t ye mind him, Mister Bilbo. This here’s my youngest, Sam. He heard where I was going and wanted to come along, it seems, though he didn’t count on meeting new faces. Always my shadow, this one, when I’m not working. Seems he’d follow me nearly to the end of the earth, if you take my meaning.”
The entire time Hamfast has been talking, Frodo and Sam have been staring at each other. Frodo isn’t a stranger to other children—heaven knows there are enough of them making a ruckus around Brandy Hall—but this is a child that Frodo has never seen before, and it isn’t a relative, and he doesn’t know what to do with him. Worse, it’s the child of someone that Uncle Bilbo seems to consider a friend, and he doesn’t want to make a bad impression if he’s really going to be staying here for the foreseeable future.
Eventually, Frodo manages to muster a small smile and a tiny wave and a voiceless “hello”. Sam immediately plants his face in the back of his father’s pant leg, too shy to respond, but by and by he peeps out again, and—seeing that Frodo is still there, looking friendly but a little lost—smiles at him.
And then they both proceed to play Tag on the lawn and argue over the right name for it (it’s called Tig in Brandy Hall and Frodo insists that that’s the correct name but Sam stubbornly argues that it’s called Catch) and share the crumpets that Frodo was going to have with his elevensies and the rest is history :-D
8. “Who I think is the ‘crazier’ one”
It’s Sam. Frodo is thoughtful and bookish and deliberate and doesn’t do anything without a great deal of consideration and thought, but Sam is nothing if not a great roiling ball of EmotionsTM, and he is the first to snap or fly off the handle if provoked. He can check his impulses for as long as need be (see: the thing with Gollum) but he will also be very quick to fulfill those impulses the split second he gets the opportunity (see: the time he throttled Gollum so hard it broke the walking stick). Look at Sam Gamgee who ran headlong into a tower full of orcs to save his master—alone, with no backup!—and tell me who’s the crazier one.
13. “What I think would happen if they had never met”
Middle Earth is destroyed.
No, I’m serious, this is basically canon. If Frodo and Sam had never met, then Sam doesn’t come along with him in the Fellowship. If Sam doesn’t come along in the Fellowship, there is no one with the good sense left to follow Frodo into Mordor after the Fellowship breaks.
If no one goes with Frodo into Mordor, then there is no one to save him from Shelob after she poisons him, which means Frodo gets strung up in a web somewhere and gets all his juices sucked dry until Gollum probably takes the Ring from his shriveled corpse. After that, it would only be a matter of time before Gollum puts on the Ring, broadcasting his location to all of Mordor, and five minutes and one search party later: congratulations, the Enemy has the Ring, Middle Earth is now a hellish nuclear wasteland, and anyone who’s not dead yet definitely wishes they were (especially Gollum).
Frodo and Sam’s friendship is what saved Middle Earth and I’m pretty sure that was Tolkien’s entire point.
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suiren-shrine · 4 years
☼ Summer Solstice Partners ☼
Things are heating up as we prepare for Suiren Temple’s celebration! We’ve been blessed to have partners from all around Crystal DC to help.
Here is a little preview of some of our vendors, performers, and booths that will be at the celebration!
☼ Vendors, Games, & Partners ☼
Hanaoie (Balmung) ‘s talented geisha providing warmth to guests and a watchful eye to ensure the peace
Firehawk (Coeurl) assisting with summery security and support
Shroudrose Teahouse (Balmung) with their elegant Eastern tea wares for purchase (Event Carrd)
Elevensies (Balmung) entrancing us with savory Eastern snacks, drinks and food alike (Event Carrd)
Suizhen Sasor (Balmung) bringing battles of a different kind with Battle Chigoe chaos (Event Carrd)
Lady Same & her Lantern Cart (Balmung) offering riddle lanterns to those wishing to challenge themselves and fate (Event Carrd)
Kaneyami Trade (Mateus) will be selling beautiful bounties of Eastern clothing and hairpins for you to customize (Event Carrd)
Suiren Temple’s Fujiki Hikaru watching over watery fishing games, many prizes to be won if the kami favor you!
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☼ Performers ☼
(Event Cytube)
Myym’sae Tayuun (Mateus) ferrying us away with traditional Eastern fan dancing
Filia Kochin (Balmung) serenading us with a lovely mixture of bardic melodies
Mishi (Balmung) soothing our souls with traditional shrine dancing
Jaenris Silverflame (Coeurl) dancing the night away as dusk falls
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We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow on Coeurl, Shirogane, Ward 6 Subdivision Beach!
[Event info]
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binx0r · 5 years
tagged for the elevensies meme by @roadgoeson.
Yay homework! (I kid)
rules: answer 11 questions, write 11 questions, tag 11 peeps.
1. What song is currently running through your head, if any?
Heavydirtysoul in a weird mix with Papyrus’ theme bc watching gg play Undertale
1. What’s one thing that you will never eat again (for crimes against palate; you don’t have to tell me about any allergies)?
*through gritted teeth* mangoes
1. Do you have a current WIP (writing, art, textile craft, music, home reno, literally whatever project you might have on the go)? Describe it badly to me.
The wrong person is summoned and screws sky pirates (who are bad at pirating) out of an actual chosen one, I guess...
1. Favourite non-screen-based pastime?
Swimming alone
1. What’s one of your favourite places in the world?
So there’s this river somewhere in Ontario or the Eastern provinces elsewhere...
1. Which fictional character makes you tremble with fuckor when someone’s like ‘lol that u’?
Guessing via context at what ‘tremble with fuckor’ means but mayyyybe Ritsu Sohma? If that’s happened for reals I am not certain bc memory, ppl don’t compare me to characters much and usually it’s Isabelle and I love that shit.
1. Two truths and three lies.
Thats a lot ok... my cat is hypoallergenic and therefore never sheds, I respect self insert fic but won’t read it, my last break up sucked, I’d love to meet Martin Freeman, my digimon partner would be gazimon
1. What’s your favourite card game? 
Crazy eights bc I know how to play it, or if it’s not necessarily with a regular deck, scruples circa 1985
1. What was the top song on the charts the day you were born?
Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson
1. Horses: yay or neigh? Your opinion, if you have one, please.
This is both a pun and a trick question and now I’m mad at you
1. What is the most bizarre experience you have ever had?
I saw a spirit in my living room when I was like 12 or something, it was a large cat like a panther, no I’m not kidding, I can go into detail.
My questions I guess:
1. Any animal, real or no, for your familiar. You pick...?
2. Have you ever choreographed a dance in your head to a song, if so which, most recent if more than once?
3. Best ice cream flavour iyo?
4. Fav one pokemon of all gens of starters?
5. What noises do you use to get to sleep?
6. Bath or shower?
7. Signature dish?
8. A song that makes you belt it out?
9. Favourite medium of art (includes writing, music, etc)?
10. One thing your friend has you really wish you could also have?
11. A line of words that makes you smile?
Tagging: @lesbianshera @itstrashcan-not-trashcannot @terriermonz @cparvum @spoopityboopityboo @cheskasmagicshire @takato888 @goatman-the-third @wereallmadeofstardust @ladofthestars @flashing-feet
I am so sorry I have very few mutuals aaaaaaa feel free to ignore this
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erotetica · 5 years
tagged for the elevensies meme by @avantegarda, thanks doll! 
rules: answer 11 questions, write 11 questions, tag 11 peeps.
1 Which of your OCs likes pineapple on pizza and which of them is FURIOUS AT THE VERY IDEA?
I can only write about recalcitrant dickheads so it’s Schrodinger’s Ananas, where most of them will eat it in front of various and sundry antis in the supporting cast, regardless of whether they want to. 
2 What is your favorite mood to write? (angst, comedy, etc)
A lil something I like to call BleakSoup which AO3 informs me is called an ‘everyone dies AU.’ I’ve been focusing on original projects lately and I keep giving people positive traits and happy endings despite myself. Can I just. Can I just write darkau for my own fucking stories. Can I do that. Is that what the kids call ‘kringee’ or. ALSO APPARENTLY screwball hijinks, which no one saw coming.
3 Do you prefer writing/headcanoning about romance or friendship or family more?
In my silm ventures I realized I really like writing dysfunctional sibling dynamics, which surprised me. My desire to write about meaningful platonic relationships and That Gay Shit are forever at war. 
4 Which author would you fight in a Denny’s parking lot at 3 am?
OH…..MAN…..THE PEOPLE WHO WROTE CHILDREN’S LITERATURE IN THE 1800s-ish….the moralizing….just fuck my eye socket it feels the same. I feel like I have to Be Specific though, I suppose I’m doxxing Johann David Wyss OH NO. OH NO WAIT. Daniel Defoe. Daniel THE foe. I fucking hate Robinson Crusoe. Can’t remember why.
5 Do you like to write and highlight in your books or do you keep them pristine?
I think I’ve highlighted some in textbooks/nonfiction reference material, but otherwise I do try to keep them N*ce. 
6 Which is harder: writing dialog or writing description?
BIG SIGH….dialogue….I think it comes down to my improv abilities—even if I have nothing in mind when I sit down to write, I can wax fine about scenery, and by the end I’ll have a Mood and a Visual I usually like enough to keep. The same for internal monologues, except swapping a visual for an emotionscape. But my dialogue is neither profound nor productive if I ad lib. I need to go have a maladaptive daydream and come back and dictate it for anyone to Talk Rite. 
7 Which fictional character would you like to run your country?
Wanna say Aslan just to be a twat. uuum. I feel like if the haute correctness of american presidents in film and fanon were true and justified some things would be easier, does that count.
8 Is there a historical period you really like writing or reading about?
Anything pre-modernity, especially concerning Europe. Which is broad, but it’s because I’ll usually take a period/culture and pattern a fantasy world after it, and the results always vary. I’m answering this re: writing I guess. Exception being Rome, which I can read but won’t write about.  
9 Are you secretly a robot?
I’m not legally obligated to tell you this. All I can give you is that my dadsona, Ted, thinks that smartphones are a gateway into the government putting chips in our brains. 
10 Are there any books you read in school that you really hated?
Robinson Fucking Crusoe. Also had a near miss with the works of Helen Andelin. It’s a long story.
11 Is that a raven rapping at your chamber door?
Nah it’s the dog because I had cheese fries and tried to leverage them for sexual favors, but she was too Excited For Cheese so instead of kissing my nose she smashed her whole snout into my eye.
1 Describe yourself in one sentence. Hard Mode: Lie funny. Expert Mode: commit an alliteration. NUCLEAR MODE: Call yourself a pamplemousse.
2 What’s your favorite word?
3 What is your favorite AU to write/read?
4 Which fictional character would you fight in a Denny’s parking lot at 3 am?
5 If you could make any animal spring into being with only your mind and perhaps a small blood sacrifice, what would it be? Can be extinct, mythical, or a weird morph of your choosing.
6 What book or podcast have you started recently? How’s it going? 
7 Do you have a favorite poem? What is it?
8 If money were no object, what one feature would you have in your home to facilitate (x) hobbyist pursuits (ie writing setup, reading nook)
9 If you could change one flaw in any piece of media, what do you pick?
10 What’s your preferred from of ‘punk?’ (steampunk, solarpunk, etc.)
11 THE FINAL AND MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION: Would you be willing to eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000 dollars? 
tagging @thepioden, @madtomedgar, @stripedroseandsketchpads, @brazenbells, @gurguliare, @thearrogantemu, @elesianne, @roadgoeson, @swilmarillion, @first-son-of-finwe if yall want!
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pomegranatepithos · 8 years
Eleven Affairs of the Heart
I was tagged by @x-changes and @denmysterywoman to post eleven random facts about myself. Some of these things are perhaps a bit cryptic, but I like it that way.
Pomegranate seeds appear purple under my tongue.
When I jump out of an airplane, I am not scared. I think this is strange. I should be terrified or at least nervous. But I’m not. I focus and I breathe. My eyes are open because I want to see the world from this perspective. Everything looks small.
Cool silk against the dark heat of everything.
While I often wish I had gone to college directly after high school, I’m also glad I didn’t because I wanted something different then. I know now that sort of career path would never have worked for me.
Forgetting blue in winter is impossible.
I have a piano that was left to me by my grandmother. I used to take lessons whilst in grammar school. I often feel guilty the instrument is now neglected. Every once in a while, I sit down and move my fingers. I can still play “Für Elise” and “The Entertainer”, but alas, the left hand eludes me.
Playing with my dog and cat are great ways to relieve the mean reds.
Don’t judge a book by its cover is a true saying. One day, I closed my eyes at the library, walked the aisles touching books until I found the one that felt like it needed to be read. When I opened my eyes, I rolled them and made a face, but stuck to the silent deal and began to read. “The Good Earth” by Pearl Buck is one of my all-time favorite reads and I’ve read it multiple times since that fateful day at the library.
I do not live in the pink fairy tale bubble some think I do.
I used to believe in God. In some ways, I still do. It’s different now. Abstract and intangible. I sometimes wonder if God remembers me. I’ve not been inside a church voluntarily in years. This is also strange. I was told faith is that which is not seen. I suppose that’s true.
When love is done well, it isn’t at all like breathing.
Tagging the following people who are not at all obliged: @eccepoems, @chriswwriter, @darkredrogue @writteninjoy2, @tryingtofindfocus, @lzlabs, @cryptictalk, @sunsbythethousands, @hangingoninquietdesparation, @strikezilla01, @anjo-da-guarda-me.
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chameleon-cryptid · 6 years
5 things that make you happy
was tagged by @tessariel-aerlinn
I’ll do it OOC, I suppose. In no particular order...
1) Food- omg. seriously. I am a hobbit. I would spend my days at the pub, having second breakfast, elevensies and so-on if I could. But seriously, I love food. I talk about it a lot. I’m horrible at cooking but a pro at eating. I especially love Mexican food (my dad was Chicano and I miss his cooking and decent Mexican food since I moved to England.) Also love jalapenos, tapas, corn, cheese, steak, and scones with jam and clotted cream. In fact, my perfect meal would involve ALL these things. And also a coronary and diabetic coma perhaps.
2) Playing in orchestras- I started playing the viola when I was 8. The first time I played in an orchestra was when I was about 9. And ever since then, it’s been something I loved. The viola isn’t really a solo instrument. I mean sure you can play solos on it but it’s meant for harmony. Built to give depth to a tune. And for me, there are few things more enjoyable than sitting in an orchestra listening to all the parts coming together to make something beautiful. There’s something really lovely about a bunch of people working toward a common goal to make something wonderful for others to enjoy. I think that applies to music and life as a whole.
3) My Family- In particular @missmeela and my kiddo. I’m fairly lucky when it comes to partners. I have someone who I would still be friends with even if we weren’t together and I wish that everyone could find someone like that. Too often I find people saying they like to get out without their partners and for me, I’ve always found that strange because I WANT my best friend to be there. And my best friend is my partner. My kid is one of the bravest, most positive people I’ve ever met. He’s been through so much due to some medical issues he has and STILL has the time to thank doctors and nurses for looking after. He still manages to smile even when I know he’s nervous about things. I know if I’d  been through half of what he had, I’d not be able to keep my chin up like he does.
4) Gaming- I mean duh. Some of my earliest memories were of my mum playing Atari and me watching her. When Nintendo consoles came out, my sister and I got one for Christmas and we loved it. My parents joined in, playing the games with us. We got Gameboys one year and I still remember where we were when my little sister beat Link’s Awakening. The whole family was cheering her on. It sounds silly but it was something we bonded over. Now I see my own son playing race car games on a PC. He was watching me play FFXIV today and I can’t wait for him to be old enough to appreciate cooperative games. Besides that, I’ve met some great friends while gaming, now that so much of it is online with other people, it’s a real social thing. Which brings me to my last item.
5) My Online Friends- I think one of the reasons I identify more with millennials than I do the generation above me (i’m kinda on the cusp of both generations. I think they call us xennials.) is that I’ve never really considered online friends to be NOT-REAL friends. I think a lot of people my age and older have that mentality of online friends not being real friends and you’re not really socialising by talking to them as compared to going out and talking to someone face to face. Not me. I met my partner online and we’ve been together for about 19 years. I’ve met a good few of my closer online friends and hope to meet more at Fanfest Paris in February. But in general, my online friends make me smile. Some of them have helped me when I’ve been sad, when I’ve needed advice and just generally they’ve been FRIENDS to me. And that’s something I appreciate greatly.
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
11/11/11 tag
Thanks for the tag @nobodywritesstuff
1.     If your character/s had Tumblr, what would their blogs be about?
Zig: food porn and david bowie
Ruth: plant and harry potter moodboards
Mikey: His current fandom obsession
2.     What is their ideal pet?
Roanan apparently really wants Fancy Chickens. With the little feather hats and fancy feet feathers. I learned this exactly 12 hours ago :P
3.     If they were to write something, what would their style (poetry, fanfiction, short stories, novels etc.) and genre be?
Mikey would hardcore write fanfic (and not understand why everyone loves it so much)
Seth probably write poetry and just won’t share it
Ripley probably has an entire novel tucked away somewhere that no one knows about
4.     If someone were to look through their search history, what would they find?
Seth: Lots of Urban Dictionary
Mikey: Fashion blogs and deep Youtube dives
Tybee: Porn. Lotsa porn. And Yelp reviews
5.     Stupidest thing they’ve ever done?
Roanan: Ask me in a few hours. I’m sure I’ll top whatever my last record was for dumbass shit said to my witch girlfriend based on stupid stereotypes.
James: I once took my idiot sister out to a fancy brunch and expected her not make an ass of us both :/
Tybee: Ask me in a few hours. I’m sure I’ll top whatever my last record was for dumbass shit said to my mortal girlfriend based on stupid stereotypes...
6.     Who would make the worst roommate and why (you can rank best to worst if you so wish)?
Tybee never does the dishes but always keeps the fridge stocked.
Gil will clean the whole house but you won’t be able to find anything.
Seth hides the wifi password until you’ve done your share of the cleaning.
Roanan is never, never home. But his share of the rent is never late either.
James makes a chore wheel that never gets used.
7.     Favourite word in the English language (or in another language)?
Roanan: Fuck
Tybee: Fuck
Naj: Facetious
8.     Object that they’re always losing?
Seth: My damned glasses
Ruth: My carkeys. Fox kits love a shiny
9.     Favourite meme?
Mikey: The free real estate guy. he just... that face... I just can’t...
Ruth: Snape “My body is ready”
Roanan: “This is fine” doggo on fire
10.  What is an overhyped book that they would absolutely despise if they heard the premise?
Roanan: Fifty shades of bullshit
Ruth: The Cursed Child. I’m sorry, I just can’t
11.  What would they do if they had a day all to themselves?
Roanan: Dick around
James: Anime marathon
Seth: Pinch myself, because surely I’m dreaming
Tagging (*cackles evilly*): @carrotgirl-1 (revenge! muhahaha!) @loopyhoopydrabbles (I’d love to hear some of these from Tim!) and @jaimistoryteller (good luck choosing among all those OCs!)
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bughead-fic-request · 7 years
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I would like to thank @leaalda for making these amazing banners.
This is an effort to spread the word about all fan fiction writers in our little fandom. If you would like to be featured or nominate a writer, please contact me. Please reblog this post if you can and check out some of @jugandbettsdetectiveagency work!
1. First things first, if someone wanted to read your stories where can they find them?
They can be found on my blog under this tag and on my AO3.
2. Tell us a little about yourself. 
I’m Anna, a 21 year old, recent graduate from England, who has an unhealthy obsession with reptiles, making things out of wool, and writing about all-consuming ships.
3. What do you never leave home without? 
My phone because that’s just the generation we’re in.
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 
A night owl that desperately wishes to be an early bird.
5. If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?
 I’d probably be very happy just living in The Shire, eating first breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch…
6. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met. 
I met the British pop group Steps when I was four.
7. What are some of your favorite movies/TV? 
Jurassic Park, Rear Window and The Sound of Music are top dogs for me. Also I never fail to find comfort in watching John Tucker Must Die. For TV, I always put Gavin and Stacy on for a bit of comfort, and then Riverdale obviously. And I really like old Britcoms like Butterflies and Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em.
8. What are some of your favorite bands/musicians? 
Oh man, too many. Right now I’m on a Fleetwood Mac hype because it’s summer. But I’m a pop-punk gal, through and through, so like Sum 41, Green Day, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, that kinda vibe.
9. Favorite Books? 
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie can’t be beat for me.
10. Favorite Food?
If I really had to pick I think mac and cheese. But there’s this place that does it with brisket burnt ends and that’s about as close to heaven as I think I’ll get.
11. Biggest pet peeve? 
Arrogant people, rude people, condescending people. I’m not a people person, evidently.
12. What did you want to be when you were little? 
What do you want to be now? I always remember wanting to be an author from a really young age, I used to write these stories and make them into books, I guess looking back you could call it Enid Blyton fanfiction because I used her characters!
13. What are your biggest fears? Do you have any strange fears? 
I have a phobia of throwing up and just sick in general, it’s really unpleasant and was very debilitating at one point in my life.
14. When you are on your deathbed what would be the one you’d regret not doing? 
I assume that it would be not overcoming my anxiety when it stopped me from doing new and exciting things.
Okay… lets talk about your writing!
15. Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for the Bughead fandom? 
I think it might be Ticket To Anywhere, just because it was a piece that had a lot put into it for a one shot, and I didn’t let myself get caught up in a HEA that I didn’t want to include – it actually got written very quickly because I just couldn’t get the words out past enough.
16. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot? 
Probably Tacos and Tequila, which I’m not the hugest fan of if I’m being honest. Like, I think it could have been about three or four better written chapters rather than shoehorned into a bigger multi chapter. I mean, they’re stuck in one room, you run out of things to have them do. And I didn’t plan.
17. How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? Do you people watch? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies? 
I constantly find myself watching things and being like ooh I could turn this into a fic, or listening to a song and thinking of something to go off because of that. And just talking to other people in the fandom is very inspiring.
18. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work? 
A big, epic fantasy piece, because it requires a lot of planning and that just isn’t my thing.
19. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written? 
Maybe the end of T&T because I was getting disenchanted and it felt super rushed.
20. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written? 
I really like the first chapter of The Serpent and The Swan, and I know because I actually read it again once it was up and posted which I rarely ever do. I enjoyed the set up and the world I was creating, the tone I was using, the roles I was slipping the characters into.
21.Favorite character to write? 
Betty, I think. It’s a lot easier to write a character when you feel as if you can relate to them, understand how they would be feeling and what reactions or motivations they would have.
22. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written? 
I’m really bad at recalling my own work, and I’m very much a prose over dialogue writer so I’m not really sure.
23. Best comment/review you’ve ever received? 
Any and all comments. I love the ones that analyse my fics like they’re something people have read in English class (the English Lit graduate in me). It just lets me know I’ve created something people have engaged with. But the ones that include keyboard smashes and lots of exclamation marks also hold a special place in my heart.
24. How do you handle bad reviews or comments? 
I’m so incredibly lucky that I haven’t really had to deal with this thus far in this fandom. That being said I would probably be absolutely terrible at dealing with it and question everything I’ve ever written or why I’m still writing because I’m so extra.
25. If you could change anything in any of your stories, what would it be?
 Like I said before, I think Tacos and Tequila could be entirely overhauled and rewritten into something a little more concise and well thought out.
26. What is your favorite story you’ve ever written? Any fandom? 
It’s been a long time since I wrote for another fandom and never as much as this – this is the first one I’ve been balls deep involved in (if you’ll pardon the crudeness). I think I’ll always be proud of Ticket To Anywhere.
27. What are you reading right now? Both fan fiction and general fiction? 
Fanfiction-wise, I’m reading and keeping up to date with a lot of multi chapters, but every time @onceuponamirror or @lessoleilscouchants updates my heart does a little flip. And I’m currently reading the book companion to the BBC drama Desperate Romantics, about the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood.
28. Do you have an advice for writers that want to get into this fandom but might be scared? 
You never know until you try. This fandom is honestly so welcoming and supportive that you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by just jumping in head first.
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phenomenal-forearm · 8 years
Roman Reigns Sex Headcannons
This had been requested twice so I will tag both lovely blogs in this and I hope you enjoy! @wweimaginesandoneshotsthings and @ii-love-roman-reigns
If you want to request anything, don’t be afraid. Requests are always open.
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- He is rough. That’s a fact. So don’t be shocked if you end up being pinned against a wall with his hand on your throat and the other down your pants. 
- I’d imagine he would have a daddy kink for sure, but he’d accept anything whether it’s daddy, sir, Roman, or master. 
- Bet he also has a dirty talk kink. 
- This guy will top like 95% of the time. But when he’s too tired then he’ll let you take over and top. But remember, it’s rare so embrace it.
- Will deadass fuck you anywhere, anytime. Absolutely no shame but there’s only one way he won’t (keep reading to find out).
- He likes to have complete control so don’t be shocked when he handcuffs you to the headboard. 
- He’s not fussed with oral; he will gladly give and recieve in that department. He knows you live for him between your legs. And he equally lives for you on your knees for him.  
- See how the hobbits had their meals: like 1st breakfast, 2nd breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, tea, dinner, and supper? Yeah, that would be you. But instead of meals, it’s orgasms. Because his only goal is pleasing you.
- He will punish you if you’re bad. This can range from spanking to over-stimulation, like he will make you cry from so many orgasms if you are really bad.
- Even though he is very dom and rough, if he ever did stay at yours with your parents, you wouldn’t get any action. He is the posterboy for the term “gentleman in the streets, freak in the sheets”. But your family loves him because he is such a gentleman. 
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divinesergeant-blog · 7 years
NAME:  sara NICKNAME:  cap, kee, or sarita SIGN:  virgo HEIGHT:  5′ 7′′ NATIONALITY:  American ORIENTATION: heterosexual  FAVOURITE  FRUIT: nectarine FAVOURITE  SEASON:  summer FAVOURITE  FLOWER:  fuchsia FAVOURITE  SCENT:  tea and lemon, chocolate chip cookies, salty sea breeze FAVOURITE  BOOK:  The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien FAVOURITE  COLOUR:  midnight blue FAVOURITE  ANIMAL: owls COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Cinnabon coffee with vanilla creamer AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP:  6-8 CATS OR DOGS:  Dogs, aesthetically--nervous around both NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH:  one DREAM  TRIP: A six-month stay in the United Kingdom BLOG  CREATED:  July 5, 2017 NUMBER  OF  FOLLOWERS: *Pippin Took voice* Elevensies (aka 11)
Tagged by: @hellblczing  , @notamailman (the cool bro squad) Tagging: @carrythxmwithme @thesetales , and anyone else that wants to do it!
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windalchemist001 · 7 years
Elevensies I got tagged by @gummyboots Rules : 1. Always post these rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
1) Tea or coffee Tea
2) What is your favorite language? I’m going with my default and picking English
3) What is the most beautiful place you have visited? It depends since I do find nature pretty so where ever it shines or even when I can see the lights sparkling just right.
4) Who is your favorite fictional character and why? Depends on the category and sires but it’s basically two, one being who I can relate to and the second being who I would like to date. Thus what my main ship ends up being fir that sires
5) Your favorite dessert? Never really thought of it but I do enjoy carrot cake
6) Gloves or mittens? Gloves
7) What is your fondest childhood memory? Sadly I do not have one.
8) What is a quotation that means a lot to you? “Live, learn, regret.” -windalchemist001
9) If you could live in any fictional universe, where would you live and why? Hetalia
10) What is something good that happened to you today? I found a piece of candy
11) How tall are you? Last I check 4'9.5"
What are you listing to at the moment? Last book you finished? Name a really good fanfiction you read that you can’t help but think about and wish the next chapter would come out. Name a crossover you want to see. What is your background theme. Are you a PlayStation, Xbox or pc person? Name at least one cool item you bought. Pokemon or digemon? Have you been to a con? And if yes how many? Glasses or no? If you won a butt load of money even after taxes, what would you do with the money?
I tag
@wolfyfloofs @mun-jadeybird @ask-aph-fruk @ask-navy-america
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lithugraph · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by @a-study-in-shakespeare.  Danke!
 Rules :
 1. Always post these rules
 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
 3. Write 11 questions of your own
 4. Tag 11 people
1.     Ruled or squared paper?
Squared.  I've never liked writing on ruled paper.  Blank is my preferred, but I love the look and organization of graphing paper and was super excited when I found an 8.5x11 subject notebook at Target that was graph paper.  Usually I can only find it as loose leaf sheets :/
2. Favourite lyrics from a song?
I'm listing my favorite songs because I really can't choose a favorite lyric.  All the lyrics from all of these songs rate as favs:
-"Cosmic Love," Florence + the Machine
-"Starlight," Muse
-"All These Things That I've Done," The Killers
-"Read My Mind," The Killers
-"Resistance," Muse
-"No Light," Florence + the Machine
-"Keep the Car Running," Arcade Fire
-"Intervention," Arcade Fire
-"Blinding," Florence + the Machine
-"Why Do I Keep Counting?" The Killers
-"Wrapped Around Your Finger," The Police
-"Heroes," David Bowie
-"Under Pressure," Queen & David Bowie
-"Everybody Wants to Rule the World," Tears for Fears
-"Gimme Shelter," The Rolling Stones
-anything by Jimmy Eat World and Cold War Kids--their stuff is pure gold I swear to god
...And now you know which MP3s I keep on repeat on my iPod ;)
3. Your biggest quality?
My sense of humor.
4. Do you have a favourite writer? If yes, who?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -- which may or may not be part of the reason my son’s name is Alexander
5. Favourite smell?
Fresh brewed coffee first thing in the morning.  Bonus points if it's hazelnut.
6. What is the oldest song you know and how old is it?
"Greensleeves," 16th century English folk song (not written about Anne Boleyn)
7. Something you can’t stand?
When people interrupt me while I'm speaking. (insert meme: "Oh, I'm sorry.  Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?")
8. Something good that happened to you today?
My CAD class was tolerable, so win...?
9. A book you read as a kid and still read now from time to time?
The Giver.  Hands down my favorite.  Of all time.
10. Cute date idea(s)?
Back when disposable film cameras were still a thing, we used to go to Wal-Mart late at night and take pics around the store, then buy the camera and have the film developed.  Also, greasy midnight breakfasts at Waffle House. Not so much "cute" but memorable.  The stuff of legends in small-town America high schools.  Really, it was only fun if you were with a group of people.
 As for cute dates, going to a park and having a picnic -- complete with blanket on the grass and wicker basket -- then flying kites afterwards.  Or exploring someplace you've never been -- either in your own city or taking a short road trip -- taking your cameras and taking lots of pictures of whatever interests you and then looking through them later.
 11. Ballpen or fountain pen?
Ballpoint pen.  Maybe if I could write calligraphy, I'd prefer a fountain pen (it is strangely relaxing to watch someone writing with one).  But my handwriting is so atrocious, my brain thinks faster than my hand can write, so I need a good solid ballpoint pen than can withstand the heavy press of my hand :D.
My asks:
1.) Favorite type of weather?
2.) Favorite artist or style of art?
3.) How would you describe your handwriting -- neat, messy, curly, big, flowery, oddly hieroglyphic, etc.?
4.) Which do you try to avoid more: bees or spiders?
5.) Favorite planet?
6.) Favorite time period in history and why?
7.) Shower or bath?
8.) In the morning, do you wake up quickly or gradually?
9.) What's your supernatural/magical power and why?
10.) Favorite condiment (ketchup, mustard, hot sauce, etc.)?
11.) What's your writing/creative process like -- rough drafts, first and only draft, word processor/design software, pen(cil) and paper, outlines, can write/draw anywhere, can only write/draw in this spot at this particular time of day...?
I'm not sure if I know 11 people...but I tag: @nyhne​, @katemarley​, @gummyboots​, @pasta-lover-ve​, @aph-dragon-stuff​, @sweet-sconemaker-arthur​
*This is totally optional.  No pressure if you don’t want to do it :)
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