#elf regressor
teenyeepyelf · 1 month
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Elvish Milk and Eggs
Elvish Milk (my own recipe)
One part almond milk
One part yogurt
4 tablespoons ensure (optional/add as much as you want)
3 drops pink food dye
Put all in a Sauce pan and put on medium heat, stiring often until warmed to your liking
(I also added a happytot yogurt pouch at the end for more flavor + nutrients)
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littleprincerianne · 5 months
i don't remember this show teaching me anything but did i love it? yes. do i still like it lots? yes. do i stan nanny plum? yes.
actually i learnt that ladybugs can also be called ladybirds so who's really winning?
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youngyoo-apologist · 6 months
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I like this scene because when I was writing it I was thinking about how fun everything would be once Alberu joins the party ahaha
This poor guy will not only have to deal with Regressor Cale, but Regressor Choi Han AND Kim Roksoo. Those three will never let the opportunity to tease Alberu slip by. Also I find this one scene really funny because Alberu is absolutely thinking to himself ‘what the hell was that’ when he made eye contact with Cale, the young master of the Henituse family who is famous for his brutal honesty and words, is smiling at him in a way that reminded Alberu too much of himself.
Realistically, there should be no way the young master knows anything about him, not when they had only exchanged a few greetings in passing. Sure, the Henituse county was rich, but they had no reason to dig for information on him unless he provoked them. So why did it feel like Cale Henituse knew something very important about him?
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everkidco · 9 months
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Happy Christmas to all littles and cg's who celebrate! We hope you had fun hopping into the jolly spirit!🎄🌟
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littledinosaursposts · 9 months
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You made me something so I had to make you something!! @ask-ben-dr0wned-blog I did edit the one I made in out crew to look more like you too ^^
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anriwritess · 5 months
How the kids were adopted
One moment she was begging for her life, trembling against the wall as they drugged her again and the next moment everything turned to white and she felt at peace for a change. Had she died? Was it all over? Was she in heaven? Was-
"Huh? This brat is quite the looker," a gruff voice spoke up and her eyes flew open, dazedly registering her surroundings. 
She was in an alleyway. Her hands looked small, way too small for someone her age. This didn't look like heaven at all. Instead it reminded her of her childhood. The man, who had been standing behind her, apparently didn't like to be ignored. She flinched when he slapped her and picked her up by her collar. 
"Are ya dumb or what?!" he yelled with his spit flying everywhere.
She continued to look at him dumbly. Her stinging cheek assured her that she wasn't dreaming. Her eyes trailed downwards and landed on her hands again. She could also see her reflection in the man's eyes. She wasn't the Saintess of Gaia's church anymore, she was just a nameless brat on the street with nothing to her name.  
And now she was being sold in an auction. Joy. 
She closed her eyes and settled comfortably against the hulking figure. They wouldn't want to damage the goods before the auction hopefully. How had she escaped from becoming a slave last time? Her brows furrowed when she came up with a blank. Had all that torture ruined her mind and destroyed all her memories? 
Her entire childhood felt like a blank canvas. The only memories she seemed to have were of the Saintess that was loved by all, the real Saintess- the masses called her, the Saintess who tortured her everyday in the name of entertainment and stole her holy power all because she was a mere commoner while the Saintess was a noble. 
Aster wondered if she had been a noble herself she wouldn't have been reviled so deeply. At least people wouldn't have rejoiced at her death. 
She didn’t get a chance to escape. 
Aster clenched the bars of the cage she had been unceremoniously stuffed into and looked around. There were a lot of people, or goods, as the men in charge of the auction liked to call them. There was even an elf there too….even if he was half naked. 
For a second she doubted her eyes but the ethereal beauty was unmatched, just like the books said. The blonde hair cascaded down his slim back, still lustrous despite the deplorable conditions they had been through. She couldn’t see his face but it would undoubtedly be handsome. 
Glancing away from the elf, she spied the other prisoners. Some were crying, some screaming and there were also some who hadn’t regained their consciousness since they had been kidnapped. 
‘Everyone but the elf,’ Aster thought, her eyes once again going back to the glossy hair. She wondered if her hair would’ve been as glamorous as his’ if she hadn’t been rotting away for the last eight years , deep down in the bowels of the church, brought out only when they had to participate in war. 
Unbeknownst to her, the ‘elf’ in question was also observing her. 
‘What a strange child,’ Leo thought amusedly. He pretended not to notice the stares digging into his back and continued zoning out. The kid was a really weird one. Even the adults were crying, shivering or hunched over themselves in their cages but not once did she show any signs of fear. 
Out of the corner of his eyes, Leo watched her eyes roving over his hair and at his fake elf ears. It was also the reason why he was here in the first place. The auctioneers wanted to see something ‘exotic’ but sadly for them, he was just a normal human (normal my ass)
When zoning out didn't work as intended, he turned to the strange child. 
“Good evening”
Aster stared blankly at the man, wondering if she misheard. Perhaps the whole traveling back in time thing was messing up her brain. When she didn’t respond for another two minutes, he repeated, ”Good evening.”
“G-good evening..?” Aster mumbled, half stunned from the gorgeous face -it was even prettier than she had imagined- and half from the sudden turn of conversation. 
“How did you get caught up in,” Leo gestures in the workers’ direction vaguely,“-all this.”
“I was sold.”
And that was the end of the conversation. Aster wondered if she should have asked something back, of how he ended up here, or why he wasn’t afraid. 
A horn blew up at that moment, signifying the beginning of the auction. The dread she hadn’t been feeling, or partially ignoring, came back in full force. She had no idea what was going to happen to her. If it had been her older self, she had some inkling what they would do to her but right now she was only 5 years old. A somewhat pretty 5 year old for a street urchin. She couldn’t be too sure of the intentions of the one who will buy her. Will it be an investment for the future, when she finally grows up into a beautiful woman or… well she doesn’t want to think about it anymore. 
It wasn’t like she was the limelight of today’s auction anyway. 
Aster’s eyes once again found their way to the elf’s hair. She withdrew her gaze when their eyes met. His blue eyes had an air of mischief around them. Her face flushed at being caught red handed with her staring. Salvaging the situation seemed troublesome. She intended to turn around and pretend that it wasn’t her who had been burning holes in his back with her eyes but realized this might be the last time she would see him again.
“Your hair,” words tumbled out before she could stop herself. “They’re really shiny…and pretty.” 
“Oh?” Leo’s mouth turned up slightly and his eyes crinkled with amusement. “Why, thank you.”
Aster fumbled a little, unsure of how to proceed. One of the workers started heading in her direction. It was her turn to get sold to the highest bidder apparently. 
“My hair!” the pitch of her voice turned up a notch, now underlying with urgency. “Will it be as beautiful as yours?!” 
In contrast to her rising hysteria, Leo was as calm as a lake at the top of a mountain. 
“Hm, now that is a difficult question you ask, young lady.”
Blue eyes met baby blue ones and he stared at the mess she called her hair, in consideration. 
“If you follow these men and walk past the curtain, then I am certain it won’t ever be as lustrous as mine.”
Well, Aster knew that. There was no need to be so direct about it though. 
“You will either be recycled back into the slave trade after being bought, most probably sold at a higher price somewhere else,” Aster cringed, knowing that was the most likely option,” Or you might get bought by a rich noble, raised like a canary locked away in a gilded cage and abandoned at the drop of the hat whenever they see fit, when you are no longer useful for them.”
Now, wasn’t that hitting too close to home? Her eyes glazed over as the memories of her days at the church flooded over. How they dressed her up when she had to pretend to be the real saintess (no one cared if she was indeed the real one. To them she would always be a fake) because said saintess didn’t want to step foot in the slum area and get contaminated by all the filth (humans) there. Aster knew that very well, having been called hundreds of times before, ‘In case you forgot about your origins’ the real saintess had said. 
The worker drew closer and she really needed to stop muddling in those memories. The elf really didn’t sugar coat things at all. At least it was better than empty promises. 
“Or I could also teach you how to care for your hair until they become as lustrous and radiant as mine.”
“Ye- huh?”
“Do you want to learn-”
“-I can come with you?!!” Aster burst out, unable to contain her astonishment. Even if it was just for a moment, as long as she could get out. 
“Well of course. Unless you have a place to stay, which I find highly unlikely.”
Aster didn’t have anything to her name except, well, her name. Staying with this elf for a few days did not sound bad either. She would probably be able to find her own way after having a good night’s sleep. Having been thrust face first into an auction was not a pleasant way to start a new life after all. 
Leo, seemingly having read the thoughts churning wildly in her mind, continued. 
“And this technique isn't something one masters in a day. It would take years, even ten or twenty for you to have hair as glossy as this.” 
Aster’s mouth flew open in stupefaction. The offer was too good to be true. There had to be a catch. Besides, wasn’t this elf too suspicious? How did the auctioneers even get their hands on a reclusive being such as elves in the middle of their kingdom? Didn’t the elves live on the other side of the continent? And who said this man wouldn’t sell her at the drop of the hat? Why did she think he was a viable option? 
Watching her expression change as a myriad of emotions whirl inside her was amusing. Leo stopped himself from smiling as the desperate, sad and lonely look changed to bewildered joy at his offer and then to suspicion when said offer turned out to be too good to be true.
‘This kid wasn’t stupid after all’
Aster was in a strange conundrum. She had two paths now. Getting sold to the old geezers outside or getting kidnapped (was it kidnapping if she consented to getting kidnapped first?) by this strange man. Who was also half naked. Why had she forgotten this little fact again? Did they take his clothes away or had he arrived here like that? The workers seemed to avoid approaching him for some reason so the chances of the former being true were minimal. In that case, wasn’t she essentially consenting to run away with a more dangerous individual?
Leo waited for her to come to a decision and glared at the worker who had been scurrying towards their cages. The man flinched and stumbled back. Satisfied by the response, Leo turned his attention back to the child.
Well the gods be damned. It was better to be kidnapped by this elf rather than being bought by nobility. She had enough of those in her last life. New life, new people. Might as well get kidnapped by another species. Perhaps her life would be more interesting this time around. And she might end up learning the secret to his glossy hair even if that had been a farce to kidnap her. 
“I…I will go with you!” Aster yelled, breathing heavily as a strange sense of relief washed over her. 
Was it because of the way his eyes turned soft, as if he was extremely proud of her? Or when he reached out his hand to pat her head? Aster didn’t know and she didn’t care. 
In all the chaos she had forgotten about a very important thing. 
Both of them were locked up. How was he going to take her away?!
Panic consumed her all over again when she spotted the worker moving towards her cage (where had he disappeared off to all this time?)
“H-how will we escape? It’s too late. I..”
“Hush now. You did well,” he patted her head again. “Leave the rest to me.”
Just as he finished saying so, his eyes glowed a bright blue and all the cages opened. Before the workers or the captives could realize what happened, an explosion rocked the whole building. 
And just like that, Aster’s world was thrown into chaos a second time since she regressed. Something told her it wouldn’t be the last. She was plucked off the ground and settled against his chest just as the pandemonium broke. There wasn’t any time to freak out over the explosion as he took her away, into the interior of the building instead of going farther away as she had thought. 
“Why?!” Aster’s voice was lost over the din of screaming and weapons being drawn. She was too busy clutching the hair she had been admiring, to marvel at the way Leo easily weaved through the crowd and how no one tried to stop him either. A wave of sleepiness washed over her and she fought to keep her eyes open.
The way to the treasury wasn't a long one. That is, if you have magic and a wife you shared a telepathic connection with. It barely took a few minutes for him to reach his destination. It would’ve been better if they hadn’t arrived to the sight of his wife strangling the auction master though. He had no idea how their new daughter would react to it. Or Agnes, as a matter of fact. He had conveniently forgotten to mention about this little detour he had taken. Or the harvests procured from said detour. 
“What had I told-”,Agnes paused when she spotted Aster, huddled in Leo’s arms and watching her with curious eyes. 
She gazed at the child dumbly, her grip slacking over and inadvertently saving the auction master from being choked to death. 
Aster stared back timidly, unsure of how to react. This woman looked very stern. And very strong if strangling that rotund man single handedly was anything to go by. She was also this elf’s partner in crime if not something more. That meant Aster would have to see more of her later and it would be wise to not offend her right off the bat. 
Just as she had been contemplating on how to greet the fearsome woman, the elf spoke up. 
“I gave birth to our child while you were gallivanting and strangling people. Say hello”
“???????????” Aster whipped her head in his direction, a thousand questions at the tip of her tongue. 
What birth?! What daughter?! Wasn’t she getting kidnapped?!!! And wasn’t he a man?! Could male elves give birth?!!!
In the bafflement caused by his words, Aster didn't notice Agnes approaching until she was standing right behind her
Agnes ignored the shriek and ruffled Aster’s matted hair. “Call me father”
Dazzled by the smile thrown her way, Aster parroted back unconsciously. “Father?”
“What a good child. Come on, let's take the money first and then go home.” 
“Money..?” After being dumped with all the life altering information, Aster didn’t know where to start. The money seemed like a good point to start with.
“Of course money. We have a new child to raise now,” Leo answered and blew open the locked door. Agnes kicked the auction master when he let out one last, mournful scream at his money being stolen before fainting. 
Faced by the sight of piles and piles worth of gold coins and innumerable jewels, Aster decided to look at the bright side of things (quite literally) and ignore everything happening in the background (Her new father(?) beating up the guards) 
“Heh, I wouldn’t have to work for another year with all this money,” Leo mumbled, the slightest of insanity dipping into his voice as he shoved everything into his spatial pouch. 
And Aster could respect that. Probably. Not having to work after being forced to work like a dog in her last life sounded very satisfying. She was sure there were some rules against the saintess being greedy but did she care anymore? No. 
New life, new people, new rules. Even if said people were extremely eccentric and borderline insane as she would learn in the near future. And yet despite it all, Aster wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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regressed angel pup and their carer Nova
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whumpwillow · 1 year
Types of whumpees, a comprehensive list
this is really more for my own personal reference since I need to write everything down because my brain is made of smashed banana and cannot remember anything ever. 🍌
species / role:
mortal whumpee, the average human being
immortal whumpee
vampire whumpee
demon whumpee
angel whumpee
phoenix whumpee
elf whumpee
faery whumpee
tiny whumpee
giant whumpee
android whumpee
cyborg whumpee
robot whumpee
draconic whumpee
mer whumpee
dryad / plant-person whumpee
mage whumpee
royal whumpee
bodyguard whumpee
knight whumpee
naga whumpee
werewolf whumpee
dhampir whumpee
genie / djinn whumpee
ghost whumpee
zombie whumpee
undead whumpee
selkie whumpee
pet / box boy whumpee
guard dog whumpee
living weapon whumpee
assassin whumpee
spy whumpee
rebel whumpee
deity whumpee
slave whumpee
mafia boss whumpee
CEO whumpee
villain whumpee
superhero whumpee
sidekick whumpee
civilian whumpee
famous whumpee
known whumpee
returner / regressor whumpee
monster hunter whumpee
defiant whumpee
stoic whumpee
weak whumpee
cowardly whumpee
pathetic whumpee
obedient whumpee
prideful whumpee
detached whumpee
enduring whumpee
feral whumpee
vicious whumpee
powerful whumpee
bargaining whumpee
disbelieving whumpee
hopeful whumpee
hopeless whumpee
self-loathing whumpee
regretful whumpee
conditioned whumpee
Feel free to add on to this post if you think of any more!
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vveirdnobdy · 11 months
Fic Idea
Regressor Og!Cale and Regressor Alberu, and its an alcale fic, and the symbolism of like a king and his soilder.
That might not be phrased the best way but i had the idea and now i am rotting and ceasing to function.
Like they regress and Cale is only told, "The person you trust the most will also be with you" and the first thing he does once hes able to after dodging his family is call Alberu.
During the War Cale being the main monetary benefactor because i doubt even with the Henituse territory being destroyed they would loose all their money, they give me the vibes of 'we hid it in magic bags all over the place good fucking luck finding it' So Cale was able to retain his family's money.
Subsequently becoming a highly trusted aid for Alberu after some time.
Also the idea of Cale finding out about Alberu's dark elf form because he had something to tell him and just entered his room and they both just stared at each other.
the thoughts are rotting my brain rn ;-;
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teenyeepyelf · 1 month
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some doodles of me/Naomi!!
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natsuki-bakery · 11 months
⁎˚ ఎ Astarion cg headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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•He is also an age regressor !
•Loves being called : vamp/elfie buba/dada
•Would call the main character : pup, pet, sweetheart and love
•Sweet and adorable cg, spokes softly, not strict at all
•Vent/impure regression : he will comfort you will sweet words and tell you a funny story to make you feel better, he will even bring home-made plushies
•Would go on adventures together !
•No gears ? That's okay! He will give you his vampire themed agere gears as he is a flip !
•Astarion his good at making snacks (depending of your little age), especially healthy snacks like apple slices, fruits salad but also sandwiches, waffles and will bring any type of juicebox
•Non-verbality is no bother for him ! Vamp buba would gave you emote cards if you want to !
•Making a tent outside !! He will prepare an apple pie with honey while you are drawing
•Has a plenty of natural remedy/meds if you are ever sick and would tell you to rest on his back while you two are travelling
•Activities : play pretend (being vampire/elf/royalty), learning how to use a sword, (wood stick as the sword) and creating stories !
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•SFW interactions only | read my dni before interacting my blog
•Don't repost/copy and claim as yours ! Reblogs are okay but not reposts !
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azuresky-agere · 8 months
OMG ROX :33 you should totally tell me your regressor venti headcannons :3c
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(I'm so sane about little venti is not even funny /pos so ty moot)
-His main carers are a multitude of people. Those people being Paimon and Aether, Adelinde and Diluc, or just Zhongli! Sometimes Jean too, but it depends if she's busy or not.
-Main headspace is around 1-4, but can be younger or older due to stress. If he's regressing around people he knows and feels comfortable with, he'll usually be older.
-due to injuries from the archon war, he has to be padded 24/7. Only his cg's know, and his doctor (Dr. Baizhu.)
-Favourite foods include anything, really. Apples specifically, but he doesn't really like apple juice, so he tends to gravitate to sunsettia juice or some type of flavoured milk (chocolate, strawberry, ect).
-will just bite on anyone and anything. He'll just teethe on his cg's fingers if given the chance, but he will NOT take teethers.
-has a few stuffies:
one being a dove stuffie, which helped him during his very first few regression sessions (although he didn't even know what regression was at the time)
-another stuffie is an otter, from Fontaine! Gifted by the traveller and Venti instantly fell in love and named him "elf" and he has a small bell in his chest, and Venti loves him.
-the third and final stuffie is a stuffed animal of morax, and he bought him after Zhongli faked his death (I headcanon that Venti wasn't told by Zhongli about the whole retirement thing and he thought he was dead for like, three months.)
-he had no idea that he was a regressor, and he was really confused why he was attached to blankets and stuffies animals until Diluc explained regression to him and offered to give him gear (pacifier, bottle, ect) and he was like "diluc wtf is this stuff"
-will often stomp and whine when he doesn't get his way (no naptime, his main cg isn't around, he has to take meds or needs a change, ect).
-LITERALLY as light as a feather. He's the god of wind, so he doesn't really weigh much, so it's really easy for any CG to scoop the baby up </3
-will often hold his cg's fingers to make himself feel more "kid-like"
-nightmares about archon war and Decarabian's revolt, and he 100% suffers from PTSD, but since he started regressing and letting himself be happy, he's found himself suffering less.
-his otter stuffie, wisp goes everywhere with him, big or small.
-puzzle baby!!! He can solve kids puzzles easily and he loves it.
-purrs and chirps like a cat. Since he was a wisp, he retains some of the characteristics from that time!
-SPEAKING OF WISP...he 100% slips into his wisp for to just headbutt into his cg's and just...warble and babble. Sometime he'll nest in his cg's pockets and nap.
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nanak0m · 3 months
hello again!!
sorry for requesting so much, and I'm not forcing you to complete anything, but I really liked the design for the headmate you made us, and I was wondering if before we spawn her in, you'd be able to make a small subsystem of 3-4 to go alongside her?
again, it's totally fine if not, just if you're not going to could you let us know? sorry for taking up too much of your time 😭
No problem!! Sorry 4 the delay, this is the first time we make more than 2 alters in 1 req
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First request here
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♬ Name/S : Jun-Tao, Fen-ming, Zhi-hao, Yuanyun, Zichen
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, they/them, thwm/thwm, nix/zie, pix/pixel, ink/inks, sakura/sakuras, asph/aspho
♬ Age/S : 11
♬ Identity/IES : bluemushic, fictcomfic, tearsgender, demiboy
♬ Orientation/S : bellusromantic, pansexual, quoisexual
♬ Roles/S : mood booster, little
♬ CisID/S : blue eyes, pale skin, brown hair, age regressor, short hair, subsys member, peaceful
♬ TransID/S : transPersecutor, transChinese, transDeadName, transAutistic, transIntersexual, transAIAB, ocRacial, polyaccent & transAtheist
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Dorian, Aiden, Nolan, Amir, Chase
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, fizz/fizzy, vamp/vamps, inc/incub, heart/hearts, blood/bloody, white/whites, knife/knifes, poem/poet
♬ Age/S : transAgeless
♬ Identity/IES : succgender, incuvampic, poemgender, vampgender, demiboyflux
♬ Orientation/S : pomoplatonic, gay
♬ Roles/S : socializor
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, obsessive love disorder, black eyes, short hair, long streaks, characters creator
♬ TransID/S : transHeartPupil, transVampire, transNonHuman, transPoet, transAlbinism, permaUniform, transRomanian, transRaceFluid & nullAnxiety
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Zakura, Dekia, Dakom, Mimi, Nekia, Dubi
♬ Pronoun/S : she/her, vit/vits, neko/nekos, deko/dekor, flu/fluff, cute/cutes, paw/paws, roll/rolls, soft/softy, kei/keii, :3/:3, 💗/💗, 🍧/🍧
♬ Age/S : 17 y/o
♬ Identity/IES : genderfae, strawboreamic, cufemian, prettypastelic, pawlexic, skygender, pinkgender, kittenlexic
♬ Orientation/S : lesbian, panplatonic
♬ Roles/S : stim holder
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, vitiligo, overAccesoried, brown-white hair, black eye and blue eye, short (157 cm, 5'6''), permaSmiley, american
♬ TransID/S : permaPigtails, transDekorakei, permaMask, transSugarAddicted, transKorean, transAsian (Thailand), transCatTail, permaNecklace, transDiscordUser
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Arwen, Balin, Zirdan, Star, Holly
♬ Pronoun/S : they/them, it/its, ax/axe, rain/rains, elf/elfs, bi/biko, cake/roll, knife/knifes, cara/mel, choc/choco, dream/dreams, plu/plur, wish/wisher
♬ Age/S : agefluid (13-18)
♬ Identity/IES : caffèan, mochipawgender, gummysharkic, elfgender, foreststaric, agirl
♬ Orientation/S : reciproaroace, omnisexual (fem pref)
♬ Roles/S : urge holder, comforter
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, ambar eyes, white hair, elf, beauty marks, cute things lover, adventurer, relax, purple favorite color
♬ TransID/S : BlackRaceFluid, transTattoo, permaMakeup, transChilean, permaEarrings, permaBraids, transHumanTraits, transProshipper & transDepression
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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Now the question:
Why sub-system?
Answer: all of them are trans-races and trans-nationality, and they gonna appear at the same time, so they can be considered a group sub-system or a container sub-system! Choose what u want :b /gen
And remember u can re-request if this aren't what you expected!!
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Hug the Scares Away
Request: Fanfic for caregiver Wilbur and fem!regressor reader for anon
Heavily apologise for this taking so long!! Only recently got the motivation to finish writing this fic!!
I made a mini reference to my other fic Baking Mishap. Can you spot it?
Summary: Wilbur and Y/N decided to watch a show while they were hanging out, but Y/N has a slip so now their plans had to change a little
Word count: 764
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Wilbur and Y/N sat quietly on the sofa, occasionally commenting and making fun of the little plot holes and mistakes that were left in the show they were watching, Squid Game. Like how in the scene where Gi-hun bumped into Sae-byeok, the latter’s actor was laughing, and in one of the lunch scenes the actor of the main character scooped up nothing and put the empty spoon in his mouth (pls it’s very funny). 
Wait, but how did they get here? Well, when Wilbur decided to invite his little cupcake over, Y/N couldn’t say no to spending time with her favourite caregiver. It was the evening and they both wanted to do something more chill, being tired out from the fun they had earlier that day. How they chose the show? Well it was trending, and Tommy seemed to like it, and they trusted his opinion. And he was right! It was definitely pretty good. Maybe a bit sensitive but it was alright.
It was… something… to binge watch an entire season of gore and blood, especially since it would take up most of the two's day. It was fine, it was the weekend, and they didn't have any extra plans for it. Well, they didn't watch the ENTIRE thing. There was a bit of a… slip?
Y/N squeaked in fear at the sound of the gunshot, hiding away in her caregivers arm. Wilbur immediately took notice of the change in behaviour, pausing the show as fast as possible so the little one didn't have to be scared anymore. Y/N whimpered as he pulled her closer.
"Cupcake, what's wrong?" He rubbed her back gently. "Was the show too scary for you?" He spoke gently. Y/N nodded as she curled into his embrace. Wilbur softened. "What would cheer you up? Cuddle time with Mr Waffles?" He gently held up a little blue dragon plush and smiled softly. Y/N immediately made grabby hands towards the plush and cuddled it close once it was in her hands.
Wilbur grabbed the remote and switched over to Netflix Kids. He put on a cute children's show called Hilda, a young and free-spirited adventurer that moved from the wilderness to the bustling city. Y/N was immediately entranced by all the sweet looking characters, eyes following the very bouncy weather lady. Figuring that she would be okay on her own for a few minutes, Wilbur got up and headed to the kitchen, pulling out some leftover chocolate chip cookies that Tubbo and Ranboo had baked him from the fridge. They were shockingly decent. He put the cookies on a glass plate and placed it in the microwave to heat up.
Wilbur tapped his foot as the microwave hummed, peeking out of the kitchen as he heard the silly lines from the bird, followed by joyful giggles from the girl on the sofa. The microwave beeped not long after, and Wilbur pulled out the now warm cookies. He quickly looked out to observe Y/N. Her speech seemed to be fine, albeit higher pitched and maybe a bit lacking in usual vocabulary, and she seemed to understand what the weather spirits were saying. He took a guess that she was possibly around 7-12 years old. He grabbed some milk from the fridge and poured it into a plastic cup before bringing the snacks back to the living room.
"I have cookies and milk!" Wilbur said, placing them on the coffee table in front of the sofa. "But we have to share, okay?" Y/N nodded in understanding.
"Alfred can have some!!" She smiled. Wilbur furrowed his brows in confusion but smiled fondly anyway.
"The elf!!" She giggled.
"Ohh, the elf!" Wilbur played along. "One of the little men that I can't see, right?"
"Mhm!" Y/N picked up a cookie and broke off a small-ish piece, placing it on the table for the 'elf' to eat. Wilbur just sighed, knowing he'd have to clean that later. The two continued watching the show, the girl giggling happily as she ate her cookies. Wilbur let her take most of them.
Eventually, Wilbur felt a weight on his shoulder. Looking down, he saw the little sleeping softly against him, hugging Mr Waffles close. He smiled and gently moved Y/N so that she was lying comfortably on the cushions of the sofa. He turned the TV off and put a blanket over the sleeping girl. He switched the lights off for the living room and headed to the office in his home.
"Sleep well, my little Cupcake."
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pummoosun · 4 months
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A simple doodle of my ocs! A human barbarian regressor and her older snow elf brothers! They and their family adopted the human after she ended up traveling to the "arctic area" as I call it.
Those two brothers specificly are flips
Those ocs dont have names yet, but Im working on it lol
Also, snow elfs in this world are HUGE in size, so let me tell you, her brothers are big boys
She herself is 165 cm
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bambini-della-luna · 10 months
So, for regressors and syskids that enjoy minecraft and fairy-core stuff, we highly recommend this channel (and this Playlist especially) and the modpack she made to play along with it. It's been a lot of fun to watch and play. You can be a mermaid, a fairy, an elf, or even a zombie or dwarf. Playing along with her makes the mods feel less overwhelming too.
Anyway, this just seemed like something our fellow kiddos of all ages would enjoy.
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