#elias lönnrot
thefugitivesaint · 3 months
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Joseph Alanen (1885-1920), 'Ilmatar', 1913-1916 "In the Kalevala, the Finnish national epic, Ilmatar was a virgin spirit and goddess of the air. The name Ilmatar is derived from the Finnish word ilma, meaning "air," and the female suffix -tar, corresponding to English "-ress". Thus, her name means Airress. In the Kalevala she was also occasionally called Luonnotar, which means "female spirit of nature" (Finnish luonto, "nature").
She was impregnated by the sea and wind and thus became the mother of Väinämöine (..."a demigod, hero and the central character in Finnish folklore and the main character in the national epic Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot.")
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karjalantroll · 11 months
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"Nevermore, old Väinämöinen, Nevermore in all thy life-time, While the golden moonlight glistens, Nevermore wilt fix thy vision On the meadows of Väinölä, On the plains of Kalevala; Full six years must swim the ocean, Tread the waves for seven summers, Eight years ride the foamy billows, In the broad expanse of water; Six long autumns as a fir-tree, Seven winters as a pebble; Eight long summers as an aspen!"
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lux-vitae · 2 years
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Illustration by Myud Mechev (1973) for the Karelian-Finnish national epic Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot (1835)
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
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caesurabywriting · 2 years
Sweet revenge has fired my spirit, and my soul is well determined.
Rune XXX, The Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot
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Nobody: nothing
My brain, out of nowhere: Kalevala Highschool au
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 months
hi hi!! this is the main blog for @itscodyelliot , i reblogged your post about finnish music about a week ago. i just wanted to update you that i've started listening to your recommendations, so far i've listened to kalevauva.fi's 2017 and 2022 albums. i think that taking forum posts is really unique and creative!! i don't know the translations of what they're saying but it sounds really good just from listening. they incorporated those online comments really well (from a non-finnish speaker's perspective). also i love their guitar, it's incredibly nostalgic for me
if you don't want me to update you as i go lmk and i'll leave you alone, but if you don't mind ima check out Käärijä next! i discovered one of my current favorite bands (Måneskin) from tumblr eurovision posts a year or two ago, so i'm curious as to if i've heard his music before and not realized it.
okay bye have a wonderful day!!
How wonderful! I'm glad you've enjoyed their music. I also think their music approach is unique, I haven't really seen the same being done on a scale of a duo making songs only from existing forum posts, before? There's always the occasional "making a song out of hate comments I've gotten!" but that's about it. And as a Finnish-speaker their lyrics come together really nicely! Often the duo will take "roles" in their songs, singing specific lyrics written by specific forum users, creating this sort of dialogue. My favourite instance is Sinappitutut ("Mustard Acquaintances"), where one person tries to defend their strange relationship classification system while "others" (the other guy) berate them.
If you're looking for translations, people in the YouTube comments of their music videos sometimes provide them, but I would actually love to translate some songs, too! And I mean that in earnest. I take great enjoyment in translating songs from Finnish to English, because I want to give people the chance to enjoy a song to its fullest potential. Heck, sometimes I just do them anyway even if they're not for anyone to read, for my favourite songs! Today while on my walk I was actually pondering lyric translations for Kalevauva.fi's song Panohanskat (err... "Fucking gloves")
Do tell what you think of Käärijä! And hit me up for lyrics :]
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theartofmetal · 4 months
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281. Tales from the Thousand Lakes - Amorphis (Melodic Death Metal, 1994)
Art by Sylvain Bellemare
The lyrics originate from a translation of the "Kalevala" - a 19th-century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Karelian and Finnish oral folklore and mythology.
The Kalevala is regarded as the national epic of Karelia and Finland and is one of the most significant works of Finnish literature
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ducktoonsfanart · 6 months
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The Quest for Kalevala - Kalevala - Scrooge as Väinämöinen VS Magica as Louhi - Tribute to Don Rosa (Duckverse)
I'm a fan of history and mythology as well as fantasy and I really love when comics reference those important pieces of literature that I like to read. And one of them is the comic strip "The Quest For Kalevala" written by Don Rosa in 1999 as a gift to the Finns, since the Finns are big fans of Donald Duck and his family as well as fans of Donald Duck comics. And I also dedicated this to the Finns who celebrate December 6 as their National Day. Yes, this is a reference to the Kalevala Epic written by Elias Lönnrot in the 19th century. And yes, this is a redraw from the comic where Scrooge McDuck as Väinämöinen fights Magica de Spell as Louhi. And there's Donald, Gyro and Huey, Dewey and Louie helping Scrooge. Yes, this is actually a redraw from the famous artwork of Akseli Gallen-Kallel who painted The Defense of the Sampo. Yes, it's not exactly the same, I changed it a bit, in my own way. My only apology is that it turned out badly, because my markers weren't working for me.
I hope you like this drawing and this fantasy. Feel free to like and reblog this if you want. And a gift to Finns who love Donald Duck. Yes, using ideas without my permission and without mentioning me is not allowed. Yes, and music related to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG-bK8e0agQ
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starlightcleric · 28 days
Tagged by @dragonologist-phd, thank you! Tagging (if you would like) @rannadylin, @risualto, @sayonaramidnight, @pyritea, @raynshyu, and anyone else who would like to!
1. the last book I read:
The last book I finished (just yesterday) was The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley. It had been on my to-read and I saw it on the shelf at the library so I took it. I enjoyed it, I think it’s well written and the main character realistically flawed in an interesting way, but I don’t know that I would ever reread.
2. a book I recommend:
Depends on who I’m recommending to, but I did actually in real life recommend Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid to a friend and she read it (although she didn’t enjoy it as much as I did).
3. a book that I couldn’t put down:
I read quickly, so I either read books in one day or it takes me multiple days of reading a few chapters at a time, but I absolutely devoured The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. Stay up past bedtime to finish reading levels of hooked, which is rare for me as an adult.
4. a book that I’ve read twice (or more):
I reread more in my childhood, but a series (that I read in childhood admittedly) that I’m intentionally re-reading now is the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams. Currently I’m on volume 3(.1), To Green Angel Tower, part 1 because the book is too long to publish in one mass market paperback volume. (The original form of the book I read was all one volume).
5. a book on my TBR:
I either own books because I love them, or because I want to read them, and The Final Strife by Saara El-Arifi is in the latter category. I originally got it from the library, didn’t finish it, put it on my christmas list and received it, and now it’s sitting on my shelf waiting for the stars to align and actually read it.
6. a book I’ve put down:
Last book I intentionally put down was The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. Not because of the quality or anything, I’m just extremely uninterested in school stories right now.
7. a book on my wish list:
I am extremely looking forward to The Lotus Empire by Tasha Suri coming out later this year.
8. a favourite book from childhood:
Watership Down by Richard Adams is the book that I’ve read most in my life, to the point that my copy is falling apart.
9. a book you would give to a friend:
Is this either A) to lend or B) as a present, in which case A) no I hate lending my books to people. If it’s B) it supremely depends on the person and what they like reading. Hopefully I would give them something they want. I don’t like this question.
10. a book of poetry or lyrics you own:
I don’t really own short poetry, but I do have multiple Shakespeare plays and also national epic poems. So let’s call out The Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot (translated Keith Bosley) which is a beautiful work of poetry, even translated, and it touched me to my soul and I love it and it makes no goddamn sense.
11. a nonfiction book you own:
I have one history book that I have two copies of (by accident) but I’ve kept both because they’re actually slightly different! The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783 by A.T. Mahan, but the second is a larger copy with more pictures that’s 1660-1805 for some reason!
12. what are you currently reading:
I have, in progress, The Unbroken by C.L. Clark, To Green Angel Tower, Part 1 by Tad Williams, and The Journey to the West, Volume 1 translated Anthony C. Yu.
13. what are you planning on reading next:
I just picked up from the library today Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Volume 4 by Kanehito Yamada and The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo!
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 years
And the same in English:
Kalevala, the “Finnish National Epic” is a gross, racist, colonialist piece of garbage. It was written and compiled by Elias Lönnrot in the 1800s. This is the gross, racist logic he followed:
-Other countries have epics, Finland needs an epic, but all the ‘real’ Finnish culture has already died away because of modernity.
-Oh I know, the Karelian people are less advanced than Finns! Therefore whatever nonsense they believe is what Finns used to believe, and that is our ancient heritage as well!
-I will go on various trips to record songs and poems and stories by Karelians to find the ancient Finnish epic.
-Hmm, all this material I have collected is a little bit all over the place. This is not good enough. I will have to make some changes. And leave some stuff out. And also maybe make some stuff up myself. Maybe entire characters. Yes, I shall do that.
-Yes, the epic is ready! I can publish it for the whole world to see! Now Finland has an epic and we are ready to get this nationalism thing really going! Whoo! We are a real nation because we have real cultural heritage!
Fast forward a couple hundred years and Karelians are regularly called both “just Finnish and your language is just a dialect of Finnish” and “slur for Russians.” Finns have never even attempted to repair what they have done to the Karelians and are actively hindering any attempts at Karelian revitalisation.
And there is currently a bid to get the Kalevala on the Unesco list of intangible cultural heritage. I will be mad as hell if that passes.
Like Finland has real cultural heritage. It has national cultural heritage, it has regional cultural heritage, it has minorities with important cultural heritage. There is a lot here.
But apparently Finns want to die on this gross, racist hill instead. -_-
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sarenhale · 5 months
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
Tagged by @demekii, thanks for the tag!! These are so fun to make :D
Last Song: Phoenix Rising by Before The Dawn
Favorite Color: Turquoise, Aquamarine, Emerald green, Lilac
Last Movie/TV Show: I recently rewatched RuPaul's Drag Race season 5 with my friend Cate that has never watched any RPDR and wanted to be introduced to it haha. Super fun watch. I also watched Italia's Ru Paul Drag Race with friends (surprisingly... good and fun?) and am watching Masterchef Italy with my mom :)
Last movie I watched was Morbius LMFAO 💀 because I saw they put it on Amazon Prime and wanted a good laugh (good god does it suck, but also make you laugh a lot at how bad it is)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I can't do spicy. I'm white. I will die if I eat spice. No the italian status will not do shit to counter it, I'm from north italy, we're basically watered down germans. I love both savory and sweet, but I'm especially a fan of strong flavors like licorice, salty licorice (salmiakki), lemon, ginger, and vinegar
Relationship status: 🚶
Last thing I googled: "ed sheeran kid" LMFAO because a friend told me he has a kid and went WHAT? this dude reproduced? and had to google to actually believe it
Current Obsession: Probably studying finnish, have been for the past 6 months and it's been really fun and rewarding. I haven't actually studied a language since... english in high school? So it was so fun to get back at studying, especially a brand new cool language.
And also discovering new tasty beers with my friend! 🍺
Last Book: Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot (incredibly fun and cool read btw)
Looking forwards to: Käärijä concert in May with two of my best friends, getting a new tattoo soon if I can, travelling more in the summer/spring, being able to wear fishnets outside again when it's warmer LOL
Tagging @drewzelle, @kompaktikundi, @evercaptor, @alterniancongress, @fromcommorragh. @drekkarstar, @lilbittymonster and @pebsterino :)
Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to! Just for funsies and because I wanna know more of mutuals/friends/ people I see in my notifications! <3
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Round 1: Osamu Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs. Tùrin Turambar (Tolkien's Legendarium)
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Osamu Dazai participates as derivative of the Japanese writer Osamu Dazai.
Tùrin Turambar participates as derivative of Kullervo from Kalevala, the Finnish epic compiled by Elias Lönnrot.
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making-a-ru · 1 year
Cow Names in "The Kalevala", a 19th-century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Karelian and Finnish oral folklore and mythology. The suffix -kki was common in cow names.
Apple (Omena), poem 32
Blackie (Muurikki), poems 1, 11; a black cow
Brandle (Kirjas)
Brindle (Kirjos), poem 32; a brindle or streaked cow.
Eater (Syötikki), poem 32; a cow that eats lots of fodder.
Drinker (Juotikki), poem 32; a cow that drinks a lot of water.
Freshness (Tuorikki), poem 32; a cow yielding an abundance of milk.
Frisky (Kimmo), poem 1; a frisky, lively cow.
Strawberry (Mansikki), poem 11
Stringy (Hermikki), poem 32; a lean cow with sinews showing
Sweetie (Mairikki), poem 32
Teenie (Pienikki), poem 32
Whortleberry (Puolukka), poem 11
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 2.28
202 BC – Liu Bang is enthroned as the Emperor of China, beginning four centuries of rule by the Han dynasty. 870 – The Fourth Council of Constantinople closes. 1525 – Aztec king Cuauhtémoc is executed on the order of conquistador Hernán Cortés. 1638 – The Scottish National Covenant is signed in Edinburgh. 1835 – Elias Lönnrot signed and dated the first version of the Kalevala, the so-called foreword to the Old Kalevala. 1844 – A gun explodes on board the steam warship USS Princeton during a pleasure cruise down the Potomac River, killing six, including Secretary of State Abel Upshur. President John Tyler, who was also on board, was not injured from the blast. 1922 – The United Kingdom ends its protectorate over Egypt through a Unilateral Declaration of Independence. 1925 – The Charlevoix-Kamouraska earthquake strikes northeastern North America. 1947 – February 28 Incident: In Taiwan, civil disorder is put down with the death of an estimated 28,000 civilians. 1958 – A school bus in Floyd County, Kentucky hits a wrecker truck and plunges down an embankment into the rain-swollen Levisa Fork river. The driver and 26 children die in one of the worst school bus accidents in U.S. history. 1959 – Discoverer 1, an American spy satellite that is the first object intended to achieve a polar orbit, is launched but fails to achieve orbit. 1966 – A NASA T-38 Talon crashes into the McDonnell Aircraft factory while attempting a poor-visibility landing at Lambert Field, St. Louis, killing astronauts Elliot See and Charles Bassett. 1969 – The 1969 Portugal earthquake hits Portugal, Spain and Morocco. 1974 – The British election ended in a hung parliament after the Jeremy Thorpe-led Liberal Party achieved their biggest vote. 1975 – In London, an underground train fails to stop at Moorgate terminus station and crashes into the end of the tunnel, killing 43 people. 1983 – The final episode of MAS*H airs, with almost 110 million viewers. 1985 – The Provisional Irish Republican Army carries out a mortar attack on the Royal Ulster Constabulary police station at Newry, killing nine officers. 1986 – Olof Palme, 26th Prime Minister of Sweden, is assassinated in Stockholm. 1993 – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agents raid the Branch Davidian church in Waco, Texas with a warrant to arrest the group's leader David Koresh starting a 51-day standoff. 1997 – An earthquake in northern Iran is responsible for about 1,100 deaths. 1997 – A Turkish military memorandum resulted with collapse of the government in Turkey. 2001 – The 2001 Nisqually earthquake, having a moment magnitude of 6.8, with epicenter in the southern Puget Sound, damages Seattle metropolitan area. 2002 – During the religious violence in Gujarat, 97 people are killed in the Naroda Patiya massacre and 69 in the Gulbarg Society massacre. 2013 – Pope Benedict XVI resigns as the pope of the Catholic Church, becoming the first pope to do so since Pope Gregory XII, in 1415. 2023 – Two trains collide south of the Vale of Tempe in Greece, leading to the deaths of at least 57 people and leaving 58 missing and 85 injured.
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valejalkainen · 1 year
aiemmin rebloggaamani postaus inspiroi mua (en ole historioitsija mutta opiskelin suomen kieltä):
elias lönnrot oli vitun cringefail
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