nightbunnysong · 1 month
The biochemical properties of raspberry leaf tea and its effects on the female reproductive system🌸🌿
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Raspberry leaf tea, derived from the leaves of Rubus idaeus, has been traditionally used to support female reproductive health. This article delves into the biochemical properties of raspberry leaves, focusing on their potential mechanisms of action within the female reproductive system. We explore the active compounds, their pharmacodynamics, optimal timing for consumption during the menstrual cycle, recommended dosages, and duration of use.
Raspberry leaf tea is widely regarded in herbal medicine for its benefits on the female reproductive system. The leaves are rich in bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids, which are believed to positively influence uterine function, hormone regulation, and menstrual health.
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Biochemical composition of raspberry leaves
The leaves of Rubus idaeus contain a variety of active compounds:
Flavonoids: including quercetin and kaempferol, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and estrogenic properties.
Tannins: primarily ellagitannins, contributing to the astringent and tonifying effects on the uterus.
Alkaloids: fragrine, known for enhancing uterine muscle tone.
Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex, along with minerals like calcium and magnesium that are crucial for reproductive health.
Mechanisms of action
Uterine tonification
Fragrine, an alkaloid found in raspberry leaves, enhances uterine muscle tone by modulating calcium channels in the myometrium. This action promotes mild contractions, which may prepare the uterus for labor and potentially reduce postpartum hemorrhage by improving uterine strength.
Hormonal regulation
The flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol exhibit estrogenic activity by interacting with estrogen receptors. These compounds may modulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) by balancing estrogen levels. Additionally, their antioxidant effects help reduce oxidative stress, a contributor to reproductive disorders.
Menstrual cycle modulation
Tannins in raspberry leaves provide astringent effects that can regulate heavy menstrual bleeding by promoting vascular constriction and reducing capillary permeability. The anti-inflammatory properties of flavonoids also help alleviate dysmenorrhea by reducing prostaglandin synthesis, which is responsible for menstrual pain.
Antioxidant protection
Raspberry leaves are rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, which protect reproductive tissues from oxidative damage, potentially mitigating conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Optimal timing and dosage
Phase of the menstrual cycle
Raspberry leaf tea is most beneficial when consumed during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (from ovulation to the start of menstruation). During this phase, the uterine lining is preparing for potential pregnancy, and the tonifying effects of raspberry leaves can support uterine strength and reduce PMS symptoms.
Additionally, raspberry leaf tea is commonly recommended during the third trimester of pregnancy to help prepare the uterus for labor.
Recommended dosage
The typical dosage is 1-2 cups of raspberry leaf tea per day. Each cup is made by steeping 1-2 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves in 250 ml (about 8 ounces) of boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
Duration of use
For menstrual health: begin drinking raspberry leaf tea from the day of ovulation and continue until the start of menstruation. This typically lasts for about 10-14 days per cycle.
For pregnancy: start drinking 1 cup daily from the 32nd week of pregnancy, gradually increasing to 2-3 cups daily as the due date approaches. Continue until childbirth.
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Potential clinical applications
Pregnancy support
Raspberry leaf tea is recommended during the later stages of pregnancy to strengthen uterine muscles, potentially leading to more efficient contractions and shorter labor.
Menstrual regulation
For women experiencing irregular or heavy menstrual cycles, raspberry leaf tea can help regulate the cycle, reduce menstrual flow, and alleviate PMS symptoms.
Postpartum recovery
The tea can support postpartum recovery by promoting uterine involution and reducing the risk of hemorrhage. Its nutrient content also aids in replenishing vitamins and minerals lost during childbirth.
🌿🌸Article requested by @gracefulchristiangirl🌸🌿
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[photos from Pinterest]
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hairstyleforteen · 6 months
Using Pomegranate Seed Extract for Hair Growth: Is It Effective?
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Is your hair feeling dry and lifeless despite cleansing and conditioning it every day? Well, it looks like your shampoo and conditioner might not be doing their job to keep your mane soft and healthy-looking. In fact, many hair growth nutrients are not found in these hair care products, which can affect hair growth. But with a hair growth serum, nutrients can intensely penetrate and provide what your hair is lacking. If you believe that your locks are in dire need of deep nourishment, you can start using a serum with pomegranate seed extract. This type of fruity hair growth serum does not only contain potent nutrients, but it does bring a myriad of benefits for your growing locks. Check out the following benefits of pomegranate seed extract for your dull-looking tresses.
5 Benefits Your Hair Can Get From Pomegranate Seed Extract
There's more to eating juicy pomegranate fruits. You can also use the seeds for growing healthy locks. Here are five essential benefits that your hair can get from pomegranate seed extract. - You can receive an ample supply of antioxidants for your hair follicles. Your hair follicles can be sensitive to oxidation, which can lead to their miniaturization. It’s a good thing that pomegranate seed extract can be your go-to source for follicle-protecting phenolic compounds like anthocyanin, flavonoids, ellagitannins, and punicalagin. These phytoconstituents protect your hair follicles against free radicals caused by oxidative stress. - You can enjoy the hair growth benefits of vitamins C and E. Your hair will never get over vitamin nourishment. The pomegranate seed extract is rich in vitamins C and E, which can provide you with the best-looking locks.  You need enough vitamin C to boost collagen production since your hair needs amino acids for keratinization. On the other hand, vitamin E has antioxidant qualities that also protect your hair against oxidative stress. Sustaining your locks with these vitamins will ensure your hair’s glorious days. - You can protect your scalp from inflammations. Your scalp can easily get irritated by bacterial invasions or sebum build-up, which can block hair follicles and hamper hair growth. A specific type of antioxidant known as punicic acid has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent your scalp from suffering inflammations. The pomegranate seed extract is also a clarifying agent that can help remove excess oils on your scalp, thereby avoiding inflamed pores and aggravated follicles. - Your hair strands get protected from aging and thinning. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can age your hair prematurely, causing strands to become sparser, more sensitive, and greyer. But thanks to many researchers, they have found that pomegranate seed extract has potent antioxidants that can protect your tresses against UVB-ray damage. It can also encourage DNA restoration activity for your impaired hair follicles, thereby stimulating hair regrowth. The pomegranate seed extract is also a pH balancer. It is especially useful for protecting your hair cuticles, resulting in smoother hair strands. The extract also acts as a humectant because of ellagic acid, a phytonutrient that locks in moisture for your tresses. - Your hair can prevent baldness because of pomegranate seed extract. A lack of keratinocyte proliferation is also a common culprit of hair loss problems since keratinocytes are essential for the onset's hair growth cycle. If left untreated, anagen follicles can be forced to shift phases and undergo premature shedding. Here's the good news: pomegranate seed extract can stimulate keratinocyte increase for hair follicle growth. Include Pomegranate Seed Extract in Your Hair Care Regimen. Finding a multipurpose hair growth product is not easy-peasy. Even your shampoo and conditioner might not be enough to target your hair's specific needs. Thus, you need something packed with active ingredients which can easily penetrate and get the recuperative job done for you. Therefore, you should try using pomegranate seed extract because it can mitigate your hair growth problems effectively. By including pomegranate seed serum in your hair care regimen, you'll never have to worry about your weary locks again. Read the full article
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hieuliendepgai · 2 months
Giá trị dinh dưỡng của dâu tây
5/5 - (4 bình chọn)
Dâu tây ( Fragaria ananassa ) có nguồn gốc từ châu Âu vào thế kỷ 18.
Nó là giống lai của hai loài dâu tây hoang dã đến từ Bắc Mỹ và Chile.
Dâu tây có màu đỏ tươi, ngon ngọt và ngọt ngào.
Chúng là một nguồn vitamin C và mangan tuyệt vời và cũng chứa một lượng folate (vitamin B9) và kali dồi dào.
Dâu tây rất giàu chất chống oxy hóa và các hợp chất thực vật, có thể có lợi ích cho sức khỏe tim mạch và kiểm soát lượng đường trong máu.
Thường được tiêu thụ thô và tươi, những quả mọng này cũng có thể được sử dụng trong nhiều loại mứt, thạch và món tráng miệng.
Bài viết này cho bạn biết mọi thứ bạn cần biết về dâu tây.
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Dâu tây
Nội dung [Ẩn]
Giá trị dinh dưỡng của dâu tây
Chất xơ
Vitamin và các khoáng chất trong quả dâu tây
Các hợp chất thực vật khác có trong dâu tây
Ellagitannin và axit ellagic
Những tác dụng của dâu tây
Ăn dâu tây rất tốt cho sức khỏe tim mạch
Ăn dâu tây giúp điều hòa đường huyết
Tác dụng ngăn ngừa ung thư
Tác dụng phụ khi ăn dâu tây
Những kết luận về dâu tây
Bài viết đăng bởi BacSiTrucTuyen.com.vn (https://bacsitructuyen.com.vn)
Giá trị dinh dưỡng của dâu tây
Dâu tây chủ yếu bao gồm nước (91%) và carbohydrate (7,7%). Chúng chỉ chứa một lượng nhỏ chất béo (0,3%) và protein (0,7%).
Các chất dinh dưỡng trong 100 gram dâu tây thô là:
Calo: 32
Nước: 91%
Protein: 0,7 gram
Carbs: 7,7 gram
Đường: 4,9 gram
Chất xơ: 2 gram
Chất béo: 0,3 gram
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Giá trị dinh dưỡng có trong 100g dâu tây
Dâu tây tươi rất cao trong nước, vì vậy tổng hàm lượng carb của chúng rất thấp – ít hơn 8 gram carbs trên 100 gram.
Hàm lượng carb tiêu hóa ròng ít hơn 6 gram trong cùng kích thước phục vụ.
Hầu hết các loại carbs của quả mọng này đến từ các loại đường đơn giản – chẳng hạn như glucose, fructose và sucrose – nhưng chúng cũng chứa một lượng chất xơ khá.
Dâu tây có chỉ số đường huyết (GI) là 40, tương đối thấp.
Điều này có nghĩa là dâu tây không nên dẫn đến tăng đột biến lượng đường trong máu và được coi là an toàn cho những người mắc bệnh tiểu đường.
Chất xơ
Chất xơ bao gồm khoảng 26% hàm lượng carb của dâu tây.
Một quả dâu tây 100 gram cung cấp 2 gram chất xơ – cả hòa tan và không hòa tan.
Chất xơ rất quan trọng để nuôi các vi khuẩn thân thiện trong ruột của bạn và cải thiện sức khỏe tiêu hóa. Chúng cũng hữu ích cho việc giảm cân và có thể giúp ngăn ngừa nhiều bệnh.
TÓM TẮT Carbs của dâu tây bao gồm chủ yếu là sợi và đường đơn giản. Chúng có GI tương đối thấp và không gây tăng đột biến lượng đường trong máu.
Vitamin và các khoáng chất trong quả dâu tây
Các vitamin và khoáng chất phong phú nhất trong dâu tây là:
Vitamin C. Dâu tây là một nguồn vitamin C tuyệt vời, một chất chống oxy hóa cần thiết cho sức khỏe miễn dịch và sức khỏe của da.
Mangan. Thường được tìm thấy với số lượng cao trong ngũ cốc nguyên hạt, các loại đậu, trái cây và rau quả, nguyên tố vi lượng này rất quan trọng đối với nhiều quá trình trong cơ thể bạn.
Folate (vitamin B9). Một trong những vitamin B, folate rất quan trọng đối với sự phát triển mô và chức năng tế bào bình thường – và cơ bản cho phụ nữ mang thai và người lớn tuổi.
Kali. Khoáng chất này có liên quan đến nhiều chức năng thiết yếu của cơ thể, như điều hòa huyết áp.
Ở mức độ thấp hơn, dâu tây cũng cung cấp sắt, đồng, magiê, phốt pho và vitamin B6, K và E.
TÓM TẮT Dâu tây là một nguồn vitamin C, mangan, folate (vitamin B9) và kali tốt. Chúng chứa một lượng nhỏ một số vitamin và khoáng chất khác.
Các hợp chất thực vật khác có trong dâu tây
Dâu tây được nạp chất chống oxy hóa và các hợp chất thực vật có lợi, bao gồm:
Pelargonidin. Chất anthocyanin chính trong dâu tây, hợp chất này chịu trách nhiệm cho màu đỏ tươi.
Axit ellagic. Được tìm thấy với số lượng cao trong dâu tây, axit ellagic là một chất chống oxy hóa polyphenol có thể có nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe.
Ellagitannin. Liên quan đến axit ellagic, ellagitannin được chuyển thành axit ellagic trong ruột của bạn.
Procyanidin. Đây là những chất chống oxy hóa thường được tìm thấy trong thịt và hạt dâu tây có thể có tác dụng tốt cho sức khỏe.
Hơn 25 anthocyanin khác nhau đã được tìm thấy trong dâu tây. Pelargonidin là phong phú nhất.
Anthocyanin chịu trách nhiệm cho màu sắc tươi sáng của trái cây và hoa.
Chúng thường tập trung ở vỏ trái cây, nhưng quả mọng – chẳng hạn như dâu tây – cũng có xu hướng có anthocyanin trong thịt của chúng.
Hàm lượng anthocyanin thường tỷ lệ thuận với cường độ màu, tăng rất nhiều khi quả chín.
Thực phẩm giàu anthocyanin có liên quan đến nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe, đặc biệt là liên quan đến sức khỏe tim mạch.
Ellagitannin và axit ellagic
Dâu tây luôn được xếp hạng trong số các nguồn chất chống oxy hóa phenolic hàng đầu – với mức độ gấp 2 lần11 so với các loại trái cây khác.
Ellagitannin và axit ellagic chiếm một phần lớn các chất chống oxy hóa này trong dâu tây.
Họ đã nhận được sự chú ý đáng kể và có liên quan đến nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe. Điều này bao gồm chống lại vi khuẩn và giảm nguy cơ ung thư.
Chất ellagitannin chính trong dâu tây là sanguiin H-6.
TÓM TẮT Dâu tây chứa một lượng lớn các hợp chất thực vật có lợi và chất chống oxy hóa, chẳng hạn như pelargonidin, axit ellagic, ellagitannin và Procyanidin.
Những tác dụng của dâu tây
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Dâu tây có nhiều tác dụng tốt với sức khỏe
Ăn dâu tây có liên quan đến việc giảm nguy cơ mắc nhiều bệnh mãn tính.
Dâu tây có thể cải thiện sức khỏe của tim, giảm lượng đường trong máu và giúp ngăn ngừa ung thư.
Ăn dâu tây rất tốt cho sức khỏe tim mạch
Bệnh tim là nguyên nhân gây tử vong phổ biến nhất trên toàn thế giới.
Các nghiên cứu đã tìm thấy mối quan hệ giữa các loại quả mọng – hoặc anthocyanin berry – và cải thiện sức khỏe của tim.
Các nghiên cứu quan sát lớn ở hàng ngàn người liên kết tiêu thụ quả mọng với nguy cơ tử vong liên quan đến tim thấp hơn.
Theo một nghiên cứu ở những người trung niên có các yếu tố nguy cơ được xác định rõ ràng đối với bệnh tim, quả mọng có thể cải thiện cholesterol HDL (tốt), huyết áp và chức năng tiểu cầu trong máu.
Dâu tây cũng có thể:
cải thiện tình trạng chống oxy hóa máu
giảm stress oxy hóa
giảm viêm
cải thiện chức năng mạch máu
cải thiện hồ sơ lipid máu của bạn
giảm quá trình oxy hóa có hại của cholesterol LDL (có hại)
Tác dụng của việc bổ sung dâu tây đông khô đối với bệnh tiểu đường loại 2 hoặc hội chứng chuyển hóa đã được nghiên cứu mạnh mẽ – chủ yếu ở những người thừa cân hoặc béo phì.
Sau 4 – 12 tuần bổ sung, những người tham gia đã giảm đáng kể một số yếu tố nguy cơ chính, bao gồm cholesterol LDL (có hại), các dấu hiệu viêm và các hạt LDL bị oxy hóa.
Ăn dâu tây giúp điều hòa đường huyết
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Ăn dâu tây giúp điều hòa đường huyết
Khi carbs được tiêu hóa, cơ thể bạn phá vỡ chúng thành các loại đường đơn giản và giải phóng chúng vào máu của bạn.
Cơ thể của bạn sau đó bắt đầu tiết ra insulin, nó báo cho các tế bào của bạn lấy đường từ máu của bạn và sử dụng nó làm nhiên liệu hoặc lưu trữ.
Mất cân bằng trong điều hòa lượng đường trong máu và chế độ ăn nhiều đường có liên quan đến việc tăng nguy cơ béo phì, tiểu đường loại 2 và bệnh tim.
Dâu tây dường như làm chậm quá trình tiêu hóa glucose và giảm đột biến cả glucose và insulin sau bữa ăn giàu carb, so với bữa ăn giàu carb không có dâu tây.
Vì vậy, dâu tây có thể đặc biệt hữu ích để ngăn ngừa hội chứng chuyển hóa và bệnh tiểu đường loại 2.
Tác dụng ngăn ngừa ung thư
Ung thư là một bệnh đặc trưng bởi sự phát triển không kiểm soát của các tế bào bất thường.
Sự hình thành và tiến triển của ung thư thường liên quan đến stress oxy hóa và viêm mãn tính.
Một số nghiên cứu cho thấy quả mọng có thể giúp ngăn ngừa một số loại ung thư thông qua khả năng chống lại stress oxy hóa và viêm.
Dâu tây đã được chứng minh là ức chế sự hình thành khối u ở động vật bị ung thư miệng và trong các tế bào ung thư gan ở người.
Tác dụng bảo vệ của dâu tây có thể được điều khiển bởi axit ellagic và ellagitannin, được chứng minh là ngăn chặn sự phát triển của các tế bào ung thư.
Cần nhiều nghiên cứu hơn về con người để cải thiện sự hiểu biết về tác dụng của dâu tây đối với bệnh ung thư trước khi có bất kỳ kết luận chắc chắn nào.
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kagvietnam · 4 months
Những dòng rượu nào được dùng để ủ trong thùng gỗ sồi
Các hợp chất trong thùng gỗ sồi ảnh hưởng đến hương vị rượu vang Thùng gỗ sồi được sử dụng rộng rãi để ủ rượu vang, bia, rượu mạnh và các loại đồ uống có cồn khác. Gỗ sồi có chứa nhiều hợp chất hóa học ảnh hưởng đến hương vị, màu sắc và cấu trúc của rượu. Dưới đây là một số hợp chất quan trọng nhất: 1. Polyphenol: Ellagitannin: Tạo ra vị chát và đắng, góp phần vào cấu trúc và độ lão hóa của…
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drnareshkrgarg · 5 months
5 Fruits for kidney health benefits
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A diet high in antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients helps improve kidney function. If you have renal illness, a variety of fruits might be useful to include in your diet, as long as they do not contain high levels of potassium and phosphorus
Contains two forms of phenols: anthocyanins and ellagitannins, both of which promote kidney function. Antioxidants help protect the body from oxidative damage. Excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. Anticancer and anti-inflammatory qualities help to enhance general health.
One cup of blueberries has 114 grams of potassium and 18 milligrams of phosphorus. High in antioxidants and phytonutrients known as anthocyanidins, which decrease inflammation and improve renal and kidney health. A good source of vitamin C and manganese, which are beneficial to bones and skin and can help minimize the effects of aging.
Low-potassium meal choice for lowering blood pressure, a typical effect of severe renal illness. Bromelain, a digestive enzyme, helps the body dissolve kidney stones. High fiber content and promotes heart health (heart issues are prevalent in dialysis patients). Good source of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
One medium-sized apple has 195 mg of potassium and 20 mg of phosphorus. It may help decrease cholesterol and blood sugar levels while also relieving constipation. Anti-inflammatory qualities and high fiber content aid kidney function.
One cup of grapes has 288 milligrams of potassium and 30 milligrams of phosphorus. A good source of vitamins C and K. High in fiber and includes trace levels of minerals such as copper, manganese, and magnesium.
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sheerherb · 10 months
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homeremediestube · 11 months
The Sweet Potential of Raspberries: A Delicious Ally in Type 2 Diabetes Management
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In a world where chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes are on the rise, it's refreshing to discover that nature has its own sweet secrets. Enter raspberries, the vibrant red gems that not only tantalize our taste buds but may also play a role in preventing and managing type 2 diabetes. As someone who has experienced the power of raspberries firsthand, I want to share with you the exciting potential of this humble fruit. So, grab a handful of raspberries and join me on a journey to uncover their sweet secrets.
The Raspberry Connection:
Imagine a warm summer day, plucking ripe raspberries straight from the bush. Little did you know, these tiny treats may hold a key to preventing and managing type 2 diabetes. Emerging research suggests that the bioactive compounds found in raspberries, such as anthocyanins and ellagitannins, may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. They act as natural allies in the fight against diabetes, providing a delicious and accessible solution.
Scientific Backing:
While personal anecdotes are compelling, let's dive into the scientific evidence that supports the potential benefits of raspberries in type 2 diabetes prevention and management. Studies have shown that the antioxidants in raspberries can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, two key factors contributing to the development and progression of diabetes. Additionally, the high fiber content of raspberries may slow down the release of glucose into the bloodstream, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
Raspberry Powerhouse:
Beyond their potential impact on diabetes, raspberries are a nutritional powerhouse in their own right. Bursting with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, they contribute to overall health and vitality. The fiber in raspberries not only aids in digestion but also helps control appetite and maintain a healthy weight. Plus, the vitamin C and antioxidants found in raspberries support immune function and protect against cellular damage.
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Raspberry Rhapsody:
Incorporating raspberries into your diet is a delightful and versatile experience. Enjoy them fresh as a snack, add them to your morning smoothies, sprinkle them over yogurt, or use them in baking for a burst of natural sweetness. The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and taste preferences.
Raspberry Tips:
To make the most of your raspberry experience, here are some practical tips:
1. Selecting Raspberries: Choose plump, brightly colored berries that are firm to the touch. Avoid any with mold or mushy spots.
2. Storing Raspberries: Keep raspberries refrigerated and consume them within a few days to maintain freshness. Avoid washing them until you're ready to eat them to prevent spoilage.
3. Enjoying Raspberries: Explore different ways to incorporate raspberries into your meals and snacks. From smoothies and salads to desserts and sauces, let your creativity guide you.
Beyond Diabetes:
While raspberries' potential benefits for type 2 diabetes are exciting, their impact extends beyond blood sugar control. Research suggests that the antioxidants in raspberries may help reduce the risk of heart disease, support brain health, and even contribute to cancer prevention. So, by enjoying raspberries, you're nourishing your body in more ways than one.
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A Sweet Reminder:
As we conclude our raspberry journey, let's remember the sweet potential they hold for our health. While raspberries can be a valuable addition to a diabetes-friendly diet, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. So, indulge in the delicious sweetness of raspberries, knowing that you're taking a step towards a healthier and more vibrant life. Cheers to the power of nature's sweet secrets!
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theblogs2024 · 1 year
Ten Health Great Things about Walnuts
While walnuts are greater in calories than some nuts, They can be an incredible supply of fats often known as PUFAs, which are beneficial to our General wellbeing. We Check out the top ten advantages of walnuts.
1.Improves Coronary heart Purpose
It truly is believed that the oils in walnuts assistance the endothelial function of the human body, that's the lining within our lymphatic and blood vessels.
two.Enhances Bone Wellness
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Copper manganese has shown to avoid and decrease the severity of osteoporosis. This vital mineral is found in walnuts so ingesting 29 grams of walnuts daily may also help to support bone wellness.
3.Enhances Metabolism
Reports have demonstrated that feeding on walnuts can Strengthen the creation of high-density lipoprotein which assists to regulate metabolism and thus aids to maintain an excellent bodyweight.
4.Controls Diabetes
Studies have indicated that eating walnuts can help control blood sugar and Command diabetic issues, specially form 2 diabetes. Since they might also enable deal with fat, it might reduce the chances of developing diabetic issues on account of obesity.
five.Stops Most cancers
Walnuts are rich in polyphenol ellagitannins which function to make urolithins during the intestine. Urolithins Perform a very important purpose in lowering inflammation in the body and scientific tests have proven which they can minimize the probability of cancers while in the breast, stomach, and colon.
six.Enhances Pores and skin
The fatty acids found in walnuts and various nuts support give pores and skin its elasticity. That is done by increasing cell membranes by making a moist area which will dispose of lines and wrinkles. Think about walnuts as a glass of water for that pores and skin.
7. It Helps Take care of Excess weight
Walnuts incorporate high amounts of protein which is a vital Element of any diet plan. Protein is made up of non-critical amino acids that act as stepping stones for any nutritious body. It is usually linked to system builders but Additionally, it plays a vital purpose in nourishment and will ward off hunger and malnutrition.
eight.Reduces Inflammation
The polyphenols assist to cut back pressure to your body making sure that it may possibly struggle inflammation. The polyphenols also assist in the development of fine gut germs so that you fight off diseases and inflammatory circumstances.
nine.Allows to control Snooze
Walnuts incorporate tryptophan that's an amino acid that can help induce sleep. This amino acid works produce serotonin and melatonin which control our overall body clock, generating us come to feel fatigued at the end of the working day and stuffed with Vitality following slumber.
ten.Help in Overall Raise in Mood
The omega-three fatty acids that can be found in walnuts play a very important purpose in brain functionality and may help Handle our temper. It is usually recommended that those with mood Conditions consume walnuts to Increase the perform of the central nervous system.
Check more info. here: buy nuts online
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fruit-worm-papers · 1 year
Anthelmintic Activities of Extract and Ellagitannins from Phyllanthus urinaria against Caenorhabditis elegans and Zoonotic or Animal Parasitic Nematodes
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vitboost · 2 years
Protect Yourself This Fall with Elderberry
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As the weather gets colder and we spend more time indoors, it's important to take steps to boost our immune systems and protect ourselves from getting sick. One simple and effective way to do this is by incorporating elderberry into our diets. Elderberry is a small dark purple berry that has been used medicinally for centuries. It is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as anthocyanins—powerful antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation. Elderberry is also a natural source of ellagitannins, compounds that have been shown to boost immunity and protect against viral infections.
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How to Incorporate Elderberry into Your Diet One of the easiest ways to get the benefits of elderberry is by taking it in supplement form. There are many different supplements available, so be sure to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before taking anything new. You can also find elderberry supplements in most health food stores. If you'd rather make your own, you can find recipes for homemade elderberry syrup online. In addition to taking supplements, you can also cook with elderberry. The berries can be added to pies or used to make jam. You can also find dried elderberries at some health food stores—these can be added to soups or baked goods for a nutritional boost.
Conclusion: This fall, don't forget to stock up on elderberries! These little berries pack a big punch when it comes to boosting immunity and protecting against colds and flu. Whether you take them in supplement form or add them to your favorite recipes, elderberries are a delicious and easy way to stay healthy all season long.
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Buy Now: I-Pulse
I-pulse+ is an antioxidant-rich blend of superfruits. It supports restorative powers that will supercharge your health and assist in delaying of premature aging. With its unique combination of antioxidants (quercetin, gallic acid, anthocyanins, cyanidins, ellagitannins, ellagic acid and stilbenes) with gluconutrients (essential carbohydrates combined with health-promoting lipids and proteins), trace minerals (manganese, magnesium, calcium and iron), micronutrients (silica) and energizing compounds.I-pulse+ is an excellent defense against free radical damage, supporting management of healthy cardiovascular, bone, brain, and metabolic systems as well as overall health and vitality. I-pulse+ stands out as the most invaluable daily approach in promoting an optimally healthy life style.
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Amla Juice Nourishes Mind Improves Memory Enhances Intelligence
Amla Juice is one of the most competent ayurvedic herbal products for natural enhancement of necessary vitamin C and antioxidants that aid in promoting hair quality. Besides, the use of amla in oil, tea, powder, capsules and spices make them extra effective. Amla is also a widely rich source of active ingredients such as ellagitannins, flavonoids, kaempferol and Gallic acid, all of which have shown great results in healthy maintenance and functioning of the body.
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glucose1ordernow · 3 years
Glucose1 Safe Pure Natural Price and Ingredients Where To Buy?
A huge number of individuals are experiencing weight-related sicknesses around the world. In case you are overweight, you will probably experience the ill effects of corpulence, hypertension, and heart issues.
 It is safe to say that you are getting worried about your weight? Have you attempted any drugs or enhancements to assist with your weight? Have you attempted to practice however fizzled? At the point when you set off to search for weight reduction supplements, you'll get hundreds or thousands of them available.
 Sadly, a high level of these enhancements convey as publicized. Fortunately, you currently have Glucose1 vows to assist with your weight reduction and give you numerous other medical advantages.
 What is Glucose1?
 Glucose1 is a well known dietary enhancement that assists with weight reduction, pulse, glucose, heart issues (identified with overabundance weight), and type 2 diabetes. Glucose1 is 100% natural, which means it's protected to utilize and has no incidental effects whenever utilized as recommended.
 This is a progressive item that will deal with your glucose and circulatory strain better compared to every one of the enhancements you've ever. Every one of its fixings are sponsored by science, which implies they are successful and solid. Its tri-activity equation ensures fast activity and positive outcomes. It does something amazing with regards to the guideline of glucose and awful cholesterol level.
 The individuals who have utilized Glucose1 affirm that it conveys what it guarantees. That clarifies why this item has numerous positive web-based audits.
 Utilizing Glucose1
 Glucose1 is intended to be utilized related to customary exercise and a sound eating regimen. Like other weight reduction supplements, it's not fitting to utilize this enhancement under any prescription or have other basic ailments. In case you are under 18 years, are breastfeeding, or pregnant, counsel your primary care physician prior to utilizing this enhancement.
 For you to profit from Glusoce1, you should utilize it as endorsed by the maker. On the off chance that you do as such, you'll not encounter any incidental effects. Surpassing the portion might prompt unfavorable wellbeing impacts.
 The advantages of Glucose1 include:
 Decrease of pulse: Many Glucose1 fixings will assist with your circulatory strain.
 Expands the degrees of good cholesterol: Glucose1 advances great cholesterol levels in the body, which likewise assists keep with blooding strain at solid levels.
 Guideline of glucose: Glucose1 is expertly detailed to assist control with blooding sugar levels. In doing as such, it assists with lessening the danger of type 2 diabetes.
 Turning around insulin obstruction: Insulin opposition is identified with type 2 diabetes. Glucose1 is the best item to battle insulin obstruction.
 Bringing down the degrees of terrible cholesterol: Glucose1 will assist with bringing down the degree of awful cholesterol in your body without causing any incidental effects related with statins.
 Supporting weight reduction: This is maybe the main capacity of Glucose1. This item will assist you with accomplishing a sound load inside the most limited time conceivable. It does as such by boosting fat and starch digestion.
 >> (HUGE ONLINE SAVINGS) Click Here to Get Glucose1 For The Lowest Price Available Online
  Glucose1 Ingredients
 Glucose1 can convey the advantages above as a result of everything normal fixings. A portion of the extraordinary Glucose1 fixings include:
 Ceylon Cinnamon
 Ceylon cinnamon is a fundamental part of Glucose1. To begin with, it is known for its capability to manage glucose consequently treat diabetes. It is viewed as the best elective with regards to the treatment of diabetes Mellitus.
 Ceylon cinnamon additionally has catalysts that assist it with battling malignant growth. These compounds have antimicrobial, cancer prevention agent, and hostile to aggravation properties. This is the thing that empowers it to treat or forestall numerous malignant growth types.
 Ceylon cinnamon is a fantastic circulatory strain director, because of its cinnamic corrosive substance. Its calming impacts will help the blood stream effectively in your body thus setting less weight on your heart.
 That is not all. Ceylon cinnamon additionally forestalls Alzheimer's on the grounds that it will further develop how your mind reacts to insulin. Besides, Ceylon cinnamon has amazing metabolic impacts that assist with working on neurological conditions, Alzheimer's illness notwithstanding.
 Banaba Leaf
 Banaba leaf is another critical Glucose1 fixing. Exploration has demonstrated that banaba leaf can assist with controlling the degrees of sugar in the blood. It can lessen glucose levels in the body by up to 30%. This capacity is inferable from banaba leaf parts, for example, gallotannins, ellagitannins, and corosolic corrosive. Corosolic corrosive, specifically, builds insulin affectability, consequently bringing down degrees of sugar in the blood.
 Banaba Leaf likewise has against corpulence properties since it can restrain lipogenesis and adipogenesis, the arrangement of fat particles, and fat cells, separately. Banaba leaves contain polyphenols like PGG, which forestalls the improvement of mature fat cells from their forerunners.
 >> (HUGE ONLINE SAVINGS) Click Here to Get Glucose1 For The Lowest Price Available Online
 Individuals Also Read: Top Blood Sugar Support Pills
 Thiamine assumes a significant part in weight reduction since it supports the digestion of starches, proteins, and fats. Your body needs Vitamin B1 (thiamine) to create ATP, the energy-conveying atom in your body. Nutrient B1 additionally helps convert carbs into dissolvable glucose, which furnishes your body with the required energy.
 Fortunately Thiamin will likewise support your invulnerability. That is the reason it's alluded to as an enemy of stress nutrient. Moreover, thiamine assists with cardiovascular wellbeing. The people who are insufficient in thiamine are bound to experience the ill effects of cardiovascular breakdown. Aside from digestion, thiamine additionally assists with absorption. It manages hydrochloric corrosive creation, a compound that aides in keeping a sound stomach related capacity.
 Most weight reduction supplements contain chromium. Why? Chromium brings down blood glucose levels by improving insulin impacts. Chromium will expand your insulin affectability by 17%, assisting you with accomplishing better glucose levels. Chromium additionally controls fatty substance levels in type 2 diabetes patients.
 Since chromium manages glucose levels, it additionally assumes a part in weight reduction. It diminishes fat levels in the body and will assist you with creating fit bulk.
 Zinc is another Glucose1 part that advances insulin reaction. A distribution in Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome uncovered that zinc advanced sound lipid boundaries and controlled glucose levels in the body. It assumes a part in the discharge and capacity of insulin, along these lines forestalling the development of sugar in the body.
 Zinc likewise helps the safe framework since it assumes a part in cell flagging and invulnerable cell work. It, consequently, decreases the danger of disease and advances invulnerable reaction, generally in grown-ups.
 Zinc is additionally known to speed up the mending of wounds. That is the reason numerous emergency clinics use it to treat skin wounds, certain ulcers, and consumes. Zinc assumes a major part in the fiery reaction, resistant capacity, and collagen combination, all of which give it the injury recuperating power. This mineral additionally assists with decreasing the danger of many age-related illnesses. It likewise helps T-cells action, consequently working on invulnerable reaction.
 Purchasing Glucose1
 At the point when you need to purchase Glucose1, visit the maker's true site. Glucose1 isn't sold elsewhere. In the event that you purchase this item from outsiders, you might get fakes that are not powerful. Purchasing from the authority site will guarantee you get certified items and partake in the enormous limits the maker offers.
 Furthermore, purchasing from the authority site will offer you an unconditional promise. What's more, with the continuous advancement, you can get one jug of Glucose1 free (Available just to US occupants).
 In the event that you have been battling with weight reduction and glucose levels, you currently have an answer. Glucose1 is an experimentally demonstrated dietary enhancement that will assist you with taking care of this load of issues. Every one of its fixings are normal and non-GMO.
 Glucose1 is fabricated in sterile and controlled conditions, guaranteeing it has the right fixings in the right extent. It won't just assist with your weight reduction yet in addition with heart issues. It likewise has numerous medical advantages not identified with weight reduction.
 >> (HUGE ONLINE SAVINGS) Click Here to Get Glucose1 For The Lowest Price Available Online
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wikinhindi · 3 years
Best 10 Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi
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Best 10 Foods to Control High Blood Pressure in Hindi. Best 10 Foods to Control High Blood Pressure in Hindi, High Blood pressure ke upar control karne ke upay or tarika dekhne se pehle ye samjhana jaruri hai ki High Blood pressure kya hota hai. aur What is High Blood Pressure or Hypertension? What is High Blood Pressure or Hypertension? High Blood pressure ek aisi sthiti hoti hai jisme apni body mein ka blood bahut jata gati se apni body ke artery ( Dhamani ) se pass hota hai. jisse heart ki samasya hoti hai jisse saans lene mein takleef hoti hai. usko hi Vigyan ki bhasha mein High Blood pressure kahte hai.  Hypertension bahut jyada badhne se Heart ko bahut serious damage pahuchata hai kabhi kabhi to High blood Pressure control karna mushkil ho jata hai. jisse bahut sare patient ko to Tablet se blood pressure kam hota hai. jo ek achi baat nahi hai. Puri Duniya  Mein Takriban One billion se bhi Jyada Logo ko  High Blood Pressure ( HBP ) and Hypertension ki bimari hai.   Normal Blood Pressure Value -         Higher Value- Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) - 120mm Hg          Lower Value- Diastolic Blood Pressure( DBP ) - 80mm Hg  To high Blood pressure ko kabu mein aur control karne ke liye humne kuch research kiya hai. Aise hi sabse Best 10 food hai jisse hum apni high blood pressure control or kabu mein kar sakte hai. jo humne niche bataya gaya Fruits aur Vegetables ki de gayi jankari se batane ki koshish ki hai.  JO Hypertension ke marij hai unhone apni daily life mein jarur istemal karna chahiye jisse aapka High Blood pressure Normal hone mein sahayta Mile.  
♦ Best 10 Foods to Control High Blood Pressure in Hindi:-
1. Berries and Strawberries :- Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi   
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Berries and Strawberries   Blueberries and Strawberries mein Sabse jyada AntiOxidant isko hi Science ki Bhasha mein Anthocyanins kehte hai. jo ki blood pressure control karne ke liye sabse jyada kargar sabit hota hai. Scientist Takriban 34,000 patients ke upar upar study karne ke baad paya hai ki berries aur strawberries se blood pressure kam karne mein madad milti hai. jiska mul karan hai anthocyanins. to jinko Hypertension ki problem hai unhe apni daily life mein aur bhojan mein Berries aur Strawberries ko jarur istemal karna chahiye.    Berries and Strawberries Contains :- Antioxidant : Anthocyanins   Nutrition Facts:- 100 grams mein kitna Total Nutrition paya jata hai. Calories :- 30% 2.Water:- 91% Carbs;- 7.8 Grams Proteins :- 0.8 grams Fat:- 0.4 Grams  Fiber:- 2 Grams  Sugar:- 4.9 Grams   Vitamins and minerals :- Vitamin C Manganese Vitamin B9 Potassium Ellagitannins and ellagic Acid 2.Banana:-Best Foods to Control High Blood Pressure in Hindi
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Banana   Banana ek sabse jyada famous fruit hai world mein jo har koi janta hai.  isme mein sabse jyada potassium ki matra hoti hai jo High Blood pressure ko kam karne mein bahut kargar Fruit or fal mana jata hai. One Normal banane 422 Milligrams (Mg) potassium paya jata hai. American heart association ke anusar potassium sodium ka effect kar karne mein sabse jyada kargar mana jata hai jo ki human artery ke liye faydemand sabit hota hai.  jo ki sodium ki matra jyada hone ke baad blood vessel pe pressure badhne lagta jisse potassium kam karne mein madadgar sabit hota hai. one person ne kam se kam daily 4700 Milligrams (Mg) potassium consume karna chahiye. aur bhi kuch other fruits hai jo aap potassium ki matra badhane ke liye kha sakte ho jaise ki Tomatoes, Sweet potatoes, avocado beans ityadi..      Nutrition Facts:- One Normal banana Contain 100 Grams (Mg) Nutritions - Water:- 76% calories :- 89% Proteins:- 1.1 Grams carbs :- 22.8 Grams Fiber :- 2.6 Grams Sugar :- 12.2 Grams   Vitamins and minerals:-  Potassium Vitamin B6 Vitamin C 3. Beets:-Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi
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Beets   Beets ek High Blood Pressure kam karne ke liye sabse jyada kargar Crop mana jata hai.  iska daily Juice sevan karne se blood pressure bahut had tak kam samay ke liye aur lambe samay ke liye bahut Jyada effective hai. ismein organic nitrates jyada hote hai to high blood pressure level low karne mein madad karta hai. Agar one cup beet Juice daily basis one week tak sevan kiya jaye to blood pressure bahut time tak kam karane mein madad karta hai. Isi liye jata tar doctor high blood pressure patients ko beets ka juice pine ke liye salah dete hai. daily one cup beets juice pine se 4 to 6 mmHg blood pressure kam karne mein madad karta hai agar one week tak sevan kiya jaye to. Jo bhi kai dil ki bimari se ya hypertension ki bimari se pareshan hai to unhone Beet ka juice jarur pina chahiye.  Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure Nutrition Facts:- 1 Cup Beets Juice contains calories :- 320 cal carbs :- 80 grams Fat:- 7 grams Protein:- 8 grams. Sugar :- 38 gram Fiber :- 10 grams   Vitamins and minerals:-  - Vitamin B9 - manganese - Potassium - Iron Vitamin C 4. Dark Chocolate :-Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi  
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 Chocolate   Dark Chocolate bhi ek sabse jyada accha option mana jyada hai blood pressure low karne ke liye. Chocolate mein Antioxidant ki matra bahut jyada hoti hai jisse blood pressure level kam karne mein madad milti hai. on Square chocolate khane se blood pressure control karne mein sahayta milti hai. lekin high quality chocolate hona chahiye jisme cocoa ka praman jyada hona chahiye jaise ki 70% cocoa hona chaiye. Chocolates mein cocoa ki matra zyada hoti hai jisme sugar me hota hai jo blood pressure ko kam karna help karta hai. 50 to 70 % Cocoa hone se hypertension kam karne mein madadgar sabit hua hai. Other bhi koi heart ke related disease ke liye bahut accha mana jata hai dark chocolate.   Nutrition Facts :- 100gm of Chocolate contain 50% to 70% Cocoa  Fiber :- 11 grams Iron :- 67 % Rdi ( Reference Daily intake ) Magnesium :- 57% Rdi Copper :- 89% Rdi Manganese :- 98% Rdi Other- Zinc,Potassium, phosphorus. 5. Kiwis :-Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi
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Kiwis   Kiwi me Vitamin C ki matra sabse jyada hoti hai jo Blood pressure level kam karne mein madad karta hai.  Kiwi mein Potassium ki matra bhi bahut jyada hoti hai jo Hypertension ko kam karne mein help karta hai. Agar Three Kiwis per day aisa agar Eight week tak sevan kiya to systolic and Diastolic Dono Blood pressure mein Bahut zyada matra mein improvement hota hai. Jinko bhi High Blood Pressure ki pareshani unhone everyday lunch mein kam se kam 2 to 3 kiwis khane chahiye. jisse blood pressure kam karne bahut madadgar sabit hota hai.  is fruit ko A new Wonder Fruit ke naam se bhi jana jata hai. Kiwi se immune System bhi bahut jyada badhti hai. is fruit ko  sevan karne se Asthma ke patient me bahut jaldi sudhar dekhne ko milta hai.   Nutrition Facts :- Calories:- 42 Cal Potassium :- 215 Milligram (mg) Fiber:- 1 Gram Dietary Fiber Sugar:- 2 gram   Vitamins and minerals:- Magnesium :- 7 mg Vitamin C :- 64 mg Protein :- 8 gram Calcium :- 23 mg Vitamin A:-60 ( IU) International unit Vitamin k :- 8 (mcg) Microgram 6. Watermelon:-Best Foods to Control High Blood Pressure in Hindi
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Watermelon   Watermelon Ek Aisa fruit  Blood pressure control karne mein aham bhumika nibhata hai. jisme Amino Acid sabse jyada paya jata hai usko hi citrulline bhi kaha jata hai. isme  92% water content hota hai. Amino acid body me Nitric acid , gas produce karne mein bahut madad karta hai jisse vessel ko relax karne help hoti hai. blood flow hone mein aasani hoti hai.  Amino acid ki wajah se Arteries smooth kaam karti hai . High blood pressure se chutkara pane ke liye Watermelon ka juice aapne aahar ka sevan karna bahut jaruri hai.Jisse Bad cholesterol kam hota hai. Bad cholesterol kam hone se blood arteries mein se blood flow normal hone lagta hai. Best 10 Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi Watermelon Nutrition, Vitamins and minerals :- Vitamin C :- 21 % Rdi ( Reference daily intake ) Vitamin A :- 18 %  Rdi Potassium :- 5%  Rdi magnesium :- 8%  Rdi Vitamin B1,B5,B6 :3%  Rdi 7.Oats:-Best Foods to Control High Blood Pressure in Hindi
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Oats   Oats mein ek bahut important fiber paya jata hai usko Beta- Glucan kaha jata hai jisse Blood Cholesterol level kam karne mein madad milti hai. isko daily bhojan mein khane se High Blood pressure kam karne mein madad milti hai. Doctor High blood pressure patients ko Oats khane ki salah jarur dete . jyada matra mein Oats ka sevan karne se systolic ( SBp )aur diastolic ( DBp)  Blood pressure Kam karne mein bahut madadgar sabit hota hai.   Oats Vitamins Contains:- Fat-Soluble Vitamins :        Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K   Water-Soluble Vitamins:-       Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin-B6, aur B-Complex Vitamin   Oats minerals Contain:- Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Copper, aur Zinc 8. Leafy Green Vegetables:-Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi  
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Leafy Green Vegetables   Green vegetables sabse jyada kargar Vegetables hai High Blood pressure ko normal rakhne ke liye. Green vegetable main sabhi Tarah ke vitamin and minerals hote hai jo blood pressure normal rakhne mein madad karte hai.   Best leaf Green Vegetables:- Cabbage Collard greens Mustard Greens Spinach Swiss Chard Lettuce   Green Vegetables me sabhi important vitamins hote hai. Jaise ki folic acid, Ascorbic acid, Tocopherols, β-Carotene, hote hai jo Blood pressure normal rakhne aham role nibhate hai. aur kuch minerals hote hai jaise ki iron, Calcium, aur Phosphorus. jo blood vessels ko smooth rakhne mein bahut kargar Sabit hote hai. High Blood pressure patient ya fir normal person ko bhi apne bhojan mein green vegetables khane hi chahiye. 9. Garlic:-Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi
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Garlic   isme antibiotic and antifungal food hai jisme ek bahut important Nutrition hota hai, jise Allicin kehte hai jo Heart ke related koi bhi disease ho usse aaram milne mein upyogi neutresan hai.  iska jyada Sevan jyada karne se body mein nitric acid zyada matra mein produce karne madad milti hai. jisse blood pressure normal rehta hai. isko daily khane se Systolic Blood Pressure or diastolic Blood Pressure  control rakhne fayde mand hai. isme vitamin C,B, Potassium, Manganese, iron aur copper bahut zyada matra mein hote hai jo Blood pressure control karne help karta hai. Best 10 Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi 10. Fermented Foods :- Best Foods to Control High blood Pressure in hindi
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Fermented Foods   Fruits aur Vegetable food ke baad fermented food bhi bahut kargar sabit hote hai Blood pressure normal rakhne ke liye. Fermented foods me probiotics bahut zyada matra mein hote hai jiski wajah se High blood pressure ko control karne mein kargar sabit hote hai. Fermented Foods me Vitamin c, calcium ki matra zyada hoti hai. Kuch Fermented food jo aap apni daily khane mein le sakte hai jisse aapke blood pressure ke related problems ko dur kar sake.   Fermented Foods. Yogurt  Apple Cider vinegar. Mico Tempeh ityadi. Read the full article
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theselfcaregirl · 4 years
My favourite skin care product
BYBI’s Strawberry Booster is a god-send! 
Made from just strawberry seed oil, it is high in Omega 3 and 6. This means it evens out your skin tone to make you glow without make up. I also sometimes use it under foundation with my moisturiser to prep the skin and make my make up look flawless and even! 
The fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6) are also anti-inflammatory. This makes it a perfect product to add to your morning skin care routine because it stops your skin being puffy. 
Strawberry seeds are really high in anti oxidants too! These, such as Pelargonidin and Ellagitannins, reduce skin damage associated with accelerated and premature ageing and wrinkle formation. So maybe this product is the secret to looking young forever. 
Even better, it it super sustainable and good for the environment! The oil is made from cold-pressed strawberry seeds that were by-products of the juicing industry. It uses a low carbon process to reduce wastage further. Things we love to see! 
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madamlaydebug · 4 years
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Nut Consumption May Prolong Life for Cancer Patients: Colon cancer patients were 46% less likely to die within 6.5 years of their cancer diagnosis if they ate tree nuts at least twice weekly, according to this remarkable new study linked below (as measured by “disease-free survival”). The risk of cancer recurrence also dropped by a stunning 44%, and the risk of dying from any cause during those 6.5 years decreased by 53%. Note that these benefits only occurred when the patients consumed tree nuts. Peanuts appeared to offer no significant risk reductions. That’s important, as peanuts comprise about two thirds of the average American’s total intake of nuts. Tree nuts like walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and pistachios are rich sources of polyphenols, antioxidants and known anticancer compounds like proanthocyanidins (PACs), ellagitannins and ellagic acid. One serving of nuts is one ounce, or 28 grams. This study adds to an accumulating body of evidence that diet really does matter not just for preventing cancer in the first place, but also for prolonging the lives of cancer patients. #nuts #healthy #cancer https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29489429/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CDh3urpHTipVmochG_Xt44hIJHdP6TTthgRZRc0/?igshid=4wdki6akcgky
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