#ellen degeneres relatable
yther · 11 months
welp. confirmed: family members visibly distraught with casual segway into talking health care options and gender affirming care in general sense
ayo fam stalking this tumblr maybe? because I never in my life have worn the type of pink floral clothes I am suddenly gifted along with dropping comments that Women do this while Men go fishing on vacation etc.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd: program combos and pre-disposition for events/abilities in your lifetime
programs are three numbers (presented in a combo) anywhere in the chart though in any order that indicates you and your soul having signed up to experience something this lifetime. there are more than just the programs i have listed below - just because you don't have these programs in your chart doesn't mean you can't experience these things. and just because you have the program in your chart, doesn't mean you naturally have the ability - it simply mean you are predisposed and have a better chance at experiencing those things - your program could require activation if blocked.
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9-6-15: the creative. these people tend to be innovative in their thinking, and their creativity tends to be one of a kind.
examples of who i can think of with this code: stephen king, j.k. rowling, and louis vuitton.
9-20-11: the degenerative. these people often are the glue of the family; each family member tends to look to up to this person.
examples of who i can think of with this code: kris jenner.
5-14-19: the millionaire. these people frequently experience great financial success in this lifetime.
examples of who i can think of with this code: kris jenner, ellen degeneres, and beyoncé.
17-22-5: the academic. these people tend to be extremely intelligent and can also be very analytical - they tend to strip the world down to basic elements or algorithms/numbers.
examples of who i can think of with this code: elon musk and albert einstein.
14-22-8: the greedy. these people tend to fill their own coffers before filling others.
examples of who i can think of with this code: jeff bezos.
7-21-14: the victim. these people are typically bullied/harmed by those around them. people tend to take advantage of their kindness and sensitivity.
examples of who i can think of with this code: kim kardashian.
17-5-6: the beauty. these people may not realize they are naturally gorgeous, but they are externally and internally.
examples of who i can think of with this code: lady gaga and beyoncé.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next. if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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akajustmerry · 10 hours
i really love that mae martin stand-up clip where they talk about being very visibly queer but also being bi and into guys. they're like, "i'll be out at a bar and see a hot guy and say 'i really wanna get with that guy he's so fucking hot' and people will reply, 'go prove it ellen degeneres' and its like, what do i have to do? give the guy a bj AT the bar?" most relatable bi content ever to me personally
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piastrionpole · 17 days
Timeline of Lewis & Nicole
Disclaimer: this is all taken from various websites but may not be 100% factual, however it is fun and not at all serious. most of this is impossible to fact check (lmk if you can correct smth) so just consider it all alleged for your own peace of mind
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Lewis was introduced to Nicole and will.i.am at an afterparty for the MTV Music Awards in Munich
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Lewis and Nicole went public about their relationship at the Monaco Grand Prix
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Nicole explained to journalists that her and Lewis were great together (and "spiritually aligned") despite the 7 year age gap
"We are very similar and can relate to one another a lot. We are both driven people who are serious about our work, so we are very supportive of the time we do have together."
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Nicole's father seemingly confirmed their engagement which the couple had to deny as "misquoted"
"Lewis and I woke up this morning and read we were engaged! Sorry to disappoint u all but its not true:)"
Lewis and Nicole briefly broke up
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Rumours surfaced that Lewis was going to propose, again
2 weeks later it was confirmed that the pair had broken up again
Nicole broke down in tears on the X Factor, seemingly about Lewis
She was also rumoured to have had a fling with Harry Styles
Lewis also struggled during this break up
"If you've found that special someone, don't EVER let them go no matter what!!! Nothing in the world is more important..."
Lewis also later dedicated his win in Hungary to Nicole, despite still being separated
He rented out a beach house in California where he apparently cleared the terrace to set up a table for two surrounded by candles and flowers in order to win her back
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After getting back together, Lewis was asked if he had proposed to Nicole, which he denied
He also said that he had been receiving pressure from family to propose but he felt they were happy as they were at that moment
He did suggest that he saw marriage as their endgame
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Lewis and Nicole split for good with this statement from Nicole
"I’m devastated that it didn’t work out. It was the hardest decision we had to make, but we made it together. I love Lewis and I know he loves me. We wish nothing but happiness and the very best for one another. I’m trying to stay strong in my faith right now.”
Some sources suggested the break up was due to the long distance, like their previous breaks, whilst others said it was due to their differing timelines for marriage
Lewis posted a gushing message about Nicole on her birthday, following the break up, alongside a photo of them as a couple
He was seen out with a mystery blonde a week after the break up announcement and was soon rumoured to be dating Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and more stars
Sources said this was really upsetting Nicole but when she reached out to ask him to tone it down, he responded that he was just letting his (nonexistent) hair down
"Lewis feels he should be able to have friendships with other women without feeling he constantly has to justify himself to her."
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Nicole said her and Lewis are not on speaking terms but that she still thinks he's the best driver and wishes him the best
"I think that he is the best driver since Ayrton Senna, and I think that he's probably going to win this year and I only wish him happiness and success."
A glamour model who claimed to have had a relationship with Lewis said he would call Nicole names, say she was unsupportive of his music ambitions, and always talked about wanting threesomes
She also stated that Lewis told her they broke up because he didn't want to marry Nicole yet
Lewis was connected to Rita Ora, Winnie Harlow, and Barbara Palvin this year
Lewis, however, told Ellen DeGeneres that he wasn't dating anybody
"No I’m not. I was in a long-term eight-year relationship, so I’m focused on my racing and trying to win the championship this year. I don’t have any plans [for romance]"
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Lewis continued to be linked to Winnie Harlow after more nights out and they were seen getting cosy at a party
He was also briefly linked to Sofia Richie
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Lewis arrived at a TommyXLewis launch party with Nicki Minaj and didn't confirm nor deny a relationship, but Nicki stated their was a new man in her life
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Lewis hinted busy work schedules and travelling constantly were to blame for the relationship breakdown with Nicole
An intimate clip of Lewis and Nicole from during their relationship was supposedly leaked
Lewis and Nicole also took a photo together so things seemed to have been smoothed over
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Nicole started dating Thom Evans after meeting him in 2019 on X Factor: Celebrity
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Lewis was rumoured to be dating Camila Kendra and she supposedly posted photos from his Colorado home
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Lewis told Vanity Fair that he hasn't been in a serious relationship since Nicole and is focusing on himself
"I really wanted to go through a growth process of getting myself to a point where I'm happy on my own, comfortable in my space. So that if I ever do meet someone, it's an addition, rather than 'I need you in my life'."
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Nicole got engaged to Thom Evans
Shortly after articles more strongly linked Lewis to Shakira, although they had been spending time being "fun and flirty" together for a while
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chevelleneech · 27 days
Anon could be right, we'll never know. So I won't even bother providing counter-points about what Jimin has been saying about JK all these years that easily debunk JM possibly seeing him as just his brother.
But this reminded me of the whole Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez story lol. Remember when Justin and Selena became close and the media got so "curious" about the "true" nature of their relationship but they insisted it was nothing but a friendship? Selena was a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show and Ellen obviously pried about her relationship with Justin again and Selena was just so appalled that everyone would think she and Justin have a thing going on and literally said "Oh my god, he's just like a little brother to me!"
A year or two later, she came on the Ellen Show again. They had recently gone public as boyfriend and girlfriend. Ellen was like "so... he's like a brother to you huh?". Selena blushed so hard, she was so embarrassed🤣🤣. I can't remember what her response was, I better go search for that interview again.
And I just wanna say that personally I will never really buy it when someone says they see someone close to them, who they aren't biologically related to, as a sibling, especially if they just have the kind of chemistry Jimin and Jungkook have. Yes, it is very possible to love someone like that. But I'd always choose to take such things with a grain of salt
How many times have celebrities said they see each other as siblings only to go public with a romantic relationship later? Selena and Justin aren't the only ones. And I personally know of people who did see each other as siblings for the longest time only to discover they have/or develop deeper feelings for one another later in life.
Half the time, people say shit they don't mean, or say shit they *did* mean at one point that stopped applying later. People change and evolve, and so do their minds and feelings.
People grab on to the “like a brother to me” thing, because they somehow thinks it’ll eventually make JM and JK real siblings.
People have referred to others as familial then ended up dating them, since the dawn of man. Typically because most people date friends anyway. Of course many don’t, but the point still stands. Referring to someone you’re building a career with and must form a formidable bond with, as a little brother, culturally and colloquially, is normal. Not a single person in the world would think it’s strange that persons A and B might say, “They’re like family to me.” about each other, then go on to date. Not only is it a common occurrence, it’s the back bone of both “childhood friends to lovers” and “best friends to lovers” romance tropes. Realizing The One has been standing by your side the whole time.
The only time it becomes weird, is if the people involved legitimately grow up together and/or are raised as blood or legal siblings. JM and JK did not, though. They met while trying to make the cut for the same boy band. They then both made the cut and went on to become best friends, so close they referred to each other as brothers. Then at some point they realized their feelings went beyond brotherly, and are now dating. Possibly.
Nothing about that is odd, because they’re not related by blood nor foster/adoption. So even if they spend the next decade saying, “Like a brother to me.” while dating other people, then at 40 decide to tell the world they’re dating for the first time, it wouldn’t be a big deal. People date their best friends every day.
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sir-subpar · 1 year
Redesigning/Reimagining Hazbin's Characters-1 (Charlie)
I tried y'all, I really did, but I didn't have much to work with. Sorry about the cut off, the shoes did not go as planned.
So- How'd I do? Tell me your thoughts!
(I'll go in depth under the cut)
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Okay, so, where to begin..
Well, first, I'll start by stating the obvious.
I don't like Charlie's design. If you like it, fair enough, but it's just not working for me.
There's thr usual problem of- you guessed it- Too. Much. Red.
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Red eyes, red background, red details, red clothing, red cheeks, red Bang style, red under sleeves (even though the shirt is supposedly White when you look at the chest area, but then you see around her wrist and it's a dark red for no reason. I'm willing to bet that the animators just forgot which color goes where because the color palette is just red, pink, white, and black. Over and over again.
Next: I get that she's supposed to be bubbly, and happy-go-lucky, all that stuff. But to be honest, I feel like it would be more interesting if she actually wasn't that nice.
I feel like one thing that would be fascinating is the idea that she wants to help people, but she's out of touch. She's one of the most powerful things in Hell after all. She doesn't understand the point of the lower class People. Plus, she's never been out of hell, she doesn't know what Earth is like, or what heaven is like.
I feel like a version of her where she is trying to do good, but is ruthless or harsh in the way she does it, could both be entertaining- and provide character devolopement as she learns how nuanced proper care is.
Also, if she's the second / third most powerful thing in hell, she shouldn't be scared of Alastor. I don't mean that he can't be in the series or anything, I feel like there would still be plenty of uses for him. But with her being a high class royal, and as powerful as she is, she shouldn't need to rely on him for his power or his money for that matter.
I understand the idea that maybe Lucifer Cut Her Off from funding because he basically disowned her or whatever, so maybe funding could be an issue, but even so, she should not be afraid of Alastor.
I like the idea that she intimidated people into going into her hotel so she could "fix" them, not realizing that the fear of her wrath is the only thing keeping people there.
Or maybe the whole hotel thing could be an act of defiance against her father fitting, as "history repeats itself" (referencing Lucifer's defiance of God in biblical lore)
Perhaps she does good things, but isn't all that nice to begin with. But she attempts to be friendly and relatable without understanding how to ACTUALLY relate to or approach others.
How does all of this tie into my design of her?
A few things:
1. Viv said at some point that Charlie was meant to look like a porcelain doll, which... She doesn't look like at all. (I do like her new ponytail. But other than that I don't like the design.)
To me, she just looks like Ellen DeGeneres with long hair and clown makeup.
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Don't believe me? Look:
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So, I made her more doll-like. But it wasn't enough. It was too simple.
Then, it hit me: in a lot of movies with demons or ghosts, oftentimes a doll gets possessed by said demon/ghost.
I'm not even afraid of dolls personally, but I know a lot of people who are
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So What if, Charlie did the same? Maybe her true form is something really scary, so in an attempt to come across as more approachable, she has some sort of doll-like shell? (But, unbeknownst to her, most people are very afraid of dolls. So it does very little to actually help. I think that's some decent comedy potential.
Plus, imagine her having stiff or janky movements, like she doesn't actually fit that well in her body.
It's all appearances
2. The horns.
I actually kind of liked her weird demonic form, at least I liked the horns and the moving hair, but since I decided not to give her a crown, I gave her those weird 4 horns with decorative string tied between them, as a way to make it appear *similar* to a crown. Plus as a reference to the whole 'demonic' thing
I kind of used Sofia from "Harmony and Horror" as a reference. (Btw, great analogue horror series on YouTube, highly recommend it)
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3. I did make Charlie's hair a bit darker, but just a little. That was in reference to part of Lucifer's lore, which said that when he fell from heaven, not only did his feathery angel wings burn away into bat wings, but his once golden hair burned into a dark red. So I decided that for Charlie, her hair is darker, but since she's trying to do good, it turns lighter.
But yeah, I'm honestly not sure about her outfit, I'm probably going to experiment with that in the future. But overall I'm okay with how this turned out.
It took me a few times, as you can see here:
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inkwyvern · 1 month
It Ends with Us - Book Review
(Spoilers for It Ends With Us, TW for abuse, DV and SA.)
As a writer who likes exploring toxic and abusive relationships (and is careful not to romanticise or fetishize them), and also as a voracious reader who has always avoided Colleen Hoover books out of principle, I decided to finally read ‘It Ends With Us’. Whether to learn something new about how to write unhealthy relationships, or to justify my dislike and learn what not to do, I figured I would get something out of it. I decided to put my biases aside and try to enjoy the book, look for the good and the bad. And I did, find both good and bad in it.
The world’s most unlikable florist:
Lily Blossom Bloom, the florist with naturally lipstick-red lips and seemingly no flaws, who writes letters to Ellen DeGeneres, and opens a flower shop for people who don’t like flowers. The thing I found most interesting about Lily while reading was how unlikable she was for most of the story. As a victim and survivor of abuse she was inspiring and empathetic, but as a character in her own right – the woman – I found her infuriatingly ‘quirky’ in a way that felt forced and made her less relatable to all the women out there looking for a DV survivor character to relate to.
I knew about the line "When he was wiping that cow shit on me, it was quite possibly the most turned-on I have ever been." before reading the book. I'd hoped context would improve it. I was wrong. What context does add, however, is that Lily is writing this down in a letter to Ellen DeGeneres and that it's a completely unnecessary sexual moment in an otherwise very cute and romantic scene. In a book with some beautifully written parts, lines like this remind you that this from the author who wrote “We both laughed at our son’s big balls.”
The love interest who both was and was not:
Atlas is the healthy relationship that could have been, the childhood love rekindled years later. And yet even this relationship, the one promoted by the book as the ‘good’ one, has toxic roots. In Lily's Ellen letters, she reveals that when she and Atlas were together she was fifteen and he was eighteen. During this time he allowed her to make sacrifices for him, sleeps in her bed, and even has sex with her. However I admit, with reluctance, that Atlas grew on me near the end of the book. In the aftermath of her leaving Ryle, he protected and supported her while also respecting the choices she made.
This book is one about abuse, and healing. It is not – despite what the marketing of the movie adaption makes it out to be – a love story. And so, I do appreciate that Atlas is going to play a small role in the story. And yet, the book doesn’t seem to be able to decide how important he is to the plot. In the epilogue the book tries too hard to make us care about their future relationship, when I think I would've preferred to have scrapped the epilogue entirely and instead had a slightly more vague moment during the final chapter that alluded to a possibly of them having a future together. That way, the story could properly close on Lily's iconic moment with Emmy, promising to break the cycle of abuse, and properly fulfilling the main theme of the book.
The cycle of abuse:
A large portion of the earlier chapters are flackbacks in the form of Lily’s old journal entries, and they give us a lot of background into her parents’ abusive relationship. This is an important part of the theme of the book, showing how Lily’s mother stayed with her abuser and Lily, by divorcing Ryle, is ending the cycle of abuse before it can affect her daughter.
There's a flashback scene where Lily walks in on her parents, with SA strongly implied. Later her mother tells her that it's complicated because they're married, and that Lily is too young to understand it. Lily says that she hopes she never will. It's a dark scene, but it’s very well-written and perfectly foreshadows the way that Lily plans to break the cycle of abuse with her own daughter.
The book highlights how abuse comes in a variety of forms; from heartless and cruel people who feel no remorse for their actions like Lily’s father, to otherwise compassionate people who let their feelings turn them into monsters like Ryle. The trouble comes when the book fails to emphasise just how terrible both of those are, and how easily one can become the other. It does do this very briefly near the end, when Lily's mother tells her that her father used to apologise and show remorse for hurting her, but this is not nearly given enough attention.
Some red flags still look red through rose-tinted glasses:
Ryle, the abusive husband, was always going to be a complex character to write. He’s charming, he’s lovable, and so through Lily’s eyes as an unreliable narrator we can understand why she chooses to stay with him. At least, that’s the intention.
The introduction of Ryle left me with mixed feelings. The whole rooftop scene has this bitter, "at least we're fucked-up together" energy to it that I did like, but I wished Ryle was just a bit more likeable at the start. Him attacking the chair was already enough foreshadowing that he could be violent, so him pushing her boundaries by trying to take off her clothes after she said she didn't like one night stands was just one too many red flags in his very first scene. In their second meeting we get the line "I glance back at Ryle and he's still casually stroking my foot." At this stage, I don’t even need to stick around for the abuse to know that the icks are icking. You’ve met her twice, Ryle. Her foot needs bandaging, not caressing.
Every so often, the book would drop a Ryle line that made me yearn for this book’s lost potential. "But for the past week, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. I don't know why. At work, at home. All I can think about is how crazy it feels when I'm near you, and I need you to make it stop, Lily." This line has no right to go as hard as it does, and it genuinely made me want to like Ryle. For the first time, I saw him through the eyes of someone who actually likes him enough to ignore the red flags. And I loved it. The problem is that it made me realise that was the intended effect all along, and it just wasn't done effectively up until now. This is amplified by the, honestly, pathetic way he begs her to sleep with him on the very next page. "I went searching for you because no one in the history of my life has ever crawled under my skin and refused to leave like you did." is such a fantastic line, and if the book was consistent in trying to make me like Ryle then it would be even more effective.
The first time Ryle hits Lily is an interesting scene. It has so much potential and some of the lines ("my tears, my heart, my laughter, my soul. Shattered like broken glass, raining down around me") are beautifully written. But herein lies the biggest issue I have with this book. Lily, as an unreliable narrator, is romanticising her own abuse. Which, unfortunately, is a pretty realistic way to cope with it. But she goes from feeling horrified to having sex with him (yes, this is a sex scene. A sex scene which is presented as a positive experience through Lily's perspective) in a matter of minutes. The next day Ryle uses the exact same lie as Lily's father used to ("she slipped"). I love the symmetry of it reflecting on her parents’ relationship, but it does make me wonder why Lily is so blasé about him lying. Even with her decision to confirm his lie, she was definitely not conflicted enough about this. Especially considering how recently before this she had read her own childhood diary entries about this exact lie.
Lily forgives Ryle for hurting her because she believes there's no such thing as a bad person, just people who do bad things. And I do like how they've given Ryle a complexity to his abuse, not just made him a heartless monster. And I’m willing to overlook Lily's decision to stay with him, because that's sadly common for victims to do. But what I don't like is how the story itself seems to be trying to justify his actions with a sad backstory that should not excuse his abuse.
I knew that there was an SA scene before I started this book, and I was expecting it to be the chapter that most romanticized Ryle's abuse. But I have to admit, it was well written. My heart was in my throat the entire time, and despite Lily's biased POV still coming into play it didn't feel like the book itself was trying to justify his actions. There's a beautiful scene where Lily finally confronts Ryle and finally, out loud, states that nothing she did gave him the right to hurt her. She tells him she wishes the baby wasn't his. It's a fantastic moment of empowerment. And there's a point where they kiss, and I was so scared it was going to turn into another badly-timed sex scene. But Lily actually holds her own and stops him.
At the end of the story, Lily holds her baby girl in her arms and knows, finally, that she wants a divorce. Ryle tries to beg her to reconsider, and she asks him how he'd feel if his new daughter were to someday be abused. In that moment, Ryle realises that he would want his daughter to leave her abuser, even if they truly loved each other. And by extension, he realises the same for his own relationship. In a callback to what Lily's mother told her earlier in the book, Ryle does the only truly loving thing he can do for Lily and leaves her. This character redemption is perhaps more than he deserved, and I do think he was forgiven for his awful acts far too quickly. But it gives hope that maybe he'll be a better father than a husband.
I went into this book with expectations lower than the pits of hell, and came away pleasantly surprised. And yet, this book is still messy and doesn’t always get it right. Abuse and DV are sensitive subjects, and there’s a fine line between showing the way victims’ judgement can be clouded by love and just romanticising the pain abusers can cause. This book spends its entire plot zigzagging across that line. This review is, in a way, a love letter to the lost potential of this book, the beautiful story of love and pain that could have been with just a few extra rewrites.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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Het is woensdag, mijn kerels. Thank you @martsonmars​, @facewithoutheart​, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​, @cutestkilla​ and @artsyunderstudy​ for the tags.
I am also dead tired. I am back on my transcription bullshit, so that’s what I did today. I was making progress with Ljubim te last week but now it is thesis o’clock. Two weeks ago, when I also didn’t have anything fic-related to show, I shared a list of all the different entertainment media that my respondents mentioned. An update is under the cut. It amuses me a lot, and I have some new things to watch, so maybe y’all will find your next favourite show or film as well.
Sex Education
A Portrait of a Lady On Fire
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The L Word
The Bold Type
Killing Eve
Outer Banks
Adventure Time
The Danish Girl 
Star Wars
One Day At A Time
Harry Potter/J.K. Rowling and all her fucking headcanons on Twitter
Orange is the New Black
The Owl House 
Stranger Things
The Last of Us
Camp Half-Blood Chronicles
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Deep Space Nine
Ocean’s 8*
The Prom
A movie with George Clooney and a chick*
Married At First Sight
Dix Pour Cent
Madre Solo Hay Dos
Black Panther*
Black Mirror: San Junipero
Puss In Boots 2*
Shadow and Bone
Once Upon A Time
A Court of Thorns and Roses
The Vampire Diaries 
Orphan Black
Something from the Wachowski’s about a transgender bowling club 
In The Heights 
Ellen Degeneres onThe Oprah Winfrey Show
Pacific Drive
Girl, Interrupted
Your Place Or Mine
I Am Not Okay With This
Everything Sucks!
Heartbreak High 
High School Musical
The 100
The terrible Indian rom-com 
First Kill 
Imagine Me And You
Dead End Paranormal Park
Gravity Falls*
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Sex Life of College Girls
Blue Is The Warmest Color 
A League of Their Own
Het Huis Anubis
New Girl
How I Met Your Mother
Eurovision Song Contest
Wie is de Mol?
Girlfriends and Girlfriends
The Half of It
Brave New World*
This time I also split the titles by how many respondents have mentioned them. People sure as fuck love ANNE+. The * indicates that they didn’t have anything to say re: queer rep, but the show/movie just came up.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos​ @blurglesmurfklaine​ @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict​ @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme​ @captain-aralias​ @you-remind-me-of-the-babe​ @takitalks @justgleekout​ @cerriddwenluna​ @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer​ @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd​ @special-bc-ur-part-of-it​ @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @nausikaaa​​/@wellbelesbian​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans​ @bitbybitwrites​
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danielpoussart · 2 years
Disney's upcoming movie releases
Disney is releasing many movies in cinemas and on the Disney+ streaming service. Family-friendly prequels and live-action remakes of cherished cartoon masterpieces are also included. The business adjusted its release calendar for future movies from its different studios this week. To view every title coming out in 2019, scroll down!
The Little Mermaid will be remade in live-action by Disney and released in theaters the following year. The movie, which stars Halle Bailey (The Color Purple, Grown-ish), tells the tale of Ariel, a mermaid princess who strikes a bargain with a sea witch to transform into a human so she may experience life on land and fall in love.
Jonah Hauer-King plays Prince Eric in the movie, while Melissa McCarthy, who starred in Bridesmaids, plays Ursula. Oscar winner Javier Bardem plays King Triton, Daveed Diggs plays Sebastian in Hamilton, Jacob Tremblay plays Flounder in Room, and Awkwafina, the breakthrough star of Crazy Rich Asians, plays Scuttle.
Based on the adored animation classic, Aladdin will soon be a live-action film. Guy Ritchie is the director, Mena Massoud plays Aladdin, and Naomi Scott plays Jasmine. In this rough retelling of the Arabian Nights, Aladdin encounters Princess Jasmine and discovers a magic lamp (Naomi Scott). He only fully sees his value once she unintentionally releases a giant genie.
Both fresh recordings of the songs and a fantastic score by eight-time Academy Award winner Alan Menken are featured in the movie. It also has many DVD extras, such as an entertaining interactive 3D tour inside the Genie's lamp and a virtual trip on a magic carpet.
Disney transports you deep into the African wilderness with The Lion King, their 32nd animated film. It relates to the tale of Simba, a brave little cub who will grow up to rule the jungle. One of the all-time top-grossing animated movies is this one. It has music by Elton John and Hans Zimmer and a cast of believable animal characters.
The Lion King, directed by Jon Favreau, stars Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, James Earl Jones, and Beyonce Knowles-Carter as the voice actors. The successful animated feature Finding Nemo was followed up with Finding Dory. In a quest to find her family, she reunites everyone's favorite forgetful blue tang, Dory (voiced by Ellen DeGeneres).
Andrew Stanton, who co-wrote and directed the first, is in charge of this. Thomas Newman, a composer for movies including Skyfall, The Help, and WALL-E, also contributed music to the movie. This tale of a fish in and out of water is full of emotional weight and recognizable characters, even though the plot doesn't attempt to rival Finding Nemo in terms of brains. Disney Pixar is a resounding winner.
Captain Jack, a down-on-his-luck character, senses the winds of misfortune blowing his way in Disney's newest swashbuckling adventure forcefully. He must now travel a dangerous sea in search of the fabled Trident of Poseidon, assisted by a clever and attractive astronomer and a headstrong young man in the British navy. As the swashbuckling anti-hero Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp makes a comeback. His new castmates include Captain Barbossa, played by Geoffrey Rush, and the villainous Captain Salazar, played by Javier Bardem.
The first trailer for Star Wars: Episode IX, the ninth and final movie in the Skywalker saga, has been made available by Disney. The movie recounts the Resistance's struggle against the Galactic Empire and the malevolent First Order under the command of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels, Domhnall Gleeson, Billy Dee Williams, and Naomi Ackie, a debutant, appear in the movie. J.J. Abrams, who also authored the script, is directing it.
One of the most well-liked attractions in Disney history is The Haunted Mansion. It is a classic and has been around for over 50 years. In 2023, a movie adaptation of the attraction is scheduled to debut, starring LaKeith Stanfield, Rosario Dawson, Tiffany Haddish, Owen Wilson, Jared Leto, and Jamie Lee Curtis, among others.
The narrative centers on Gabbie (Dawson), a single mother who moves into a mansion in New Orleans and learns about the building's extensive history of hauntings. She asks a priest, a historian, and tour guides to help exorcise her house.
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ivyhardenblog · 2 years
My Top Five Animated Movie Voice Overs
Animated movies have been a staple of the entertainment industry for decades, captivating audiences of all ages with their heartwarming stories, lovable characters, and stunning animation. One of the key elements that make animated movies so special is the voice acting. The voice actors bring the characters to life and give them unique personalities and characteristics. In this blog post, I will be discussing my top five favorite animated movie voiceovers.
1. Tom Hanks as Woody in the Toy Story series. Tom Hanks' portrayal of Woody, the lovable and determined cowboy, is one of the most iconic voice-overs in animated movie history. His performance captures the character's leadership, loyalty, and sense of humor perfectly, making Woody one of the most beloved animated characters of all time. 2. Robin Williams as Genie in Aladdin. Robin Williams' voice-over as Genie in Aladdin is a masterclass in comedic timing and energy. He brought the character to life with his improvisational skills, making Genie one of the most memorable and beloved animated characters of all time. His performance was so iconic that it was nominated for an Academy Award. 3. Idina Menzel as Elsa in Frozen. Idina Menzel's powerful and emotive voice-over as Elsa in Frozen is nothing short of breathtaking. Her performance captures the character's emotional journey from fear and isolation to self-acceptance and empowerment, making Elsa one of the most relatable and beloved animated characters of all time. 4. Jim Cummings as Winnie the Pooh in the Winnie the Pooh series. Jim Cummings' voice-over as Winnie the Pooh, the lovable and huggable bear, is one of the most recognizable and beloved animated performances of all time. His performance captures Pooh's childlike innocence, his love of honey and his kindness perfectly. Cummings has been the voice of Winnie the Pooh for over three decades, providing the voice for Pooh in multiple films, television shows and video games. He has brought this beloved character to life with his warm and gentle voice, making Winnie the Pooh one of the most iconic and beloved animated characters of all time. 5. Ellen DeGeneres as Dory in Finding Nemo and Finding Dory. Ellen DeGeneres' voice-over as Dory, the forgetful and lovable blue tang fish, is one of the most endearing and memorable animated performances of all time. Her performance captures Dory's childlike innocence, her determination, and her sense of humor perfectly. Dory's character arc from the first movie to the second is one of the most touching and heartwarming in animation history.
In conclusion, animated movies are a beloved form of entertainment that have captured the hearts of audiences of all ages. One of the key elements that make these movies so special is the voice acting. The voice actors bring the characters to life and give them unique personalities and characteristics.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Emily Ratajkowski Calls Out Sexism in Resurfaced Taylor Swift Interview Ten years after its air date, an old Taylor Swift interview on Ellen resurfaced and brought with it a reminder of the longstanding sexism in the music industry. A clip resurfaced on TikTok of the original 2013 Ellen segment next to a 2020 Zane Lowe interview where Swift alludes to the incident. In the original interview filmed during the throes of Taylor Swift’s Red era — a nostalgic time filled with fedora hats, sincerely adorned suspenders and the overarching media narrative that Taylor Swift was boy crazy — host Ellen DeGeneres asked Swift to play a game of "Ring the Bell if You See an Ex Boyfriend."Related | Bella Thorne Blasts Director Who Said She Flirted With Him at Age 10Swift tries to decline the prompt to play several times but DeGeneres carries on, rolling through a Rolodex of photos of Swift beside famed heartthrobs like Taylor Lautner and John Mayer, some of whom were Swift’s former lovers, and others who she just took a photo with. The “joke” was that Swift would ring the bell placed beside her each time DeGeneres landed on an ex-beau.An embarrassed Swift mutters, “I don’t know if I’m gonna do this,” as the photos flash onscreen, and she gets more uncomfortable throughout the duration of the deranged slideshow. As Ratajkowski put it, “She’s literally begging her to stop.” \u201chttps://t.co/AwrODcuFTW\u201d — v (@v) 1673206362 While Ratajkowski’s anger brought a new light to the original clip, the TikTok she responded to also shows Swift’s disdain for the game. In a 2020 Zane Lowe Apple Music 1 interview, Swift speaks back to her 2013 media persona: “When I was like, 23, people were just kind of reducing me to… kind of making slideshows of my dating life and putting people in there that I’d sat next to at a party once and deciding that my songwriting was like a trick rather than a skill and a craft.” This certainly wasn’t the first time Swift has faced a sexist interviewer and likely won’t be the last, but she’s always armed with a quick-witted response and a league of supermodel anti-sexism crusaders (like Emrata). Photo courtesy of Darian DiCianno/BFA https://www.papermag.com/emily-ratajkowski-taylor-swift-2659089218.html
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pashterlengkap · 19 days
Ellen’s new Netflix special will be her last comedy special ever, she says
Ellen DeGeneres’ allegedly last-ever comedy special, Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval, finally has a release date. September 24th. The special will address how DeGeneres was canceled in Hollywood after accusations about her beloved talk show came out, accusing her of creating a hostile workplace for her staff. Related “Mean, old & gay” Ellen DeGeneres is still bitter years after ending her show “I just thought, ‘Well, this is not the way I wanted to end my career, but this is the way it’s ending.’” DeGeneres previously released a statement on Instagram, saying, “To answer the questions everyone is asking me – Yes, I’m going to talk about it. Yes this is my last special. Yes, Portia really is that pretty in real life.” Never Miss a Beat Subscribe to our newsletter to stay ahead of the latest LGBTQ+ political news and insights. Subscribe to our Newsletter today The logline reads “For the first time in six years, Ellen DeGeneres returns to the stage in her new comedy special Ellen Degeneres: For Your Approval.” “The final comedy special of her historic career, Ellen gets personal and reveals what she’s been doing since being ‘kicked out of show business.’ From the mundane world of raising chickens and parallel parking to the harsh reality of becoming a brand-name celebrity, she goes deep into her stand-up roots and brings the laughs through life’s most real and absurd realities,” it says. In 2020, staffers told Buzzfeed News that The Ellen Degeneres Show, known for the host’s seemingly constant positivity and “be kind” catchphrase, was actually a toxic work environment, and alleged racist comments and sexual misconduct. The report led to an internal investigation in which three producers were fired and DeGeneres publically apologized to staff. It also led to the show losing almost half of its viewers. In April of this year, she reflected on the cancellation (both of herself and her show), saying, “Eventually, they’re going to kick me out for a third time because I’m mean, old, and gay. It’s been such a toll on my ego and my self-esteem.” DeGeneres announced that she was leaving her show in May 2022, saying that her show was not “creatively challenging” enough anymore. At one of her standup performances, she told the crowd, “I got kicked out of show business for being mean.” Ellen Degeneres: For Your Approval is set to come out on September 24th on Netflix. http://dlvr.it/TCrwls
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esqrever · 20 days
Ellen DeGeneres lança último especial de comédia na Netflix onde aborda polémicas do fim do seu Talk Show
"Sim, vou falar sobre isso. Sim, este é o meu último especial. Sim, a Portia é mesmo assim tão bonita na vida real." Ellen DeGeneres lança último especial de comédia na Netflix onde aborda polémicas do fim do seu Talk Show
Ellen DeGeneres, a famosa apresentadora de televisão e comediante, está de volta à Netflix com o último especial de comédia da sua carreira. Intitulado “Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval“, o especial estreia globalmente na Netflix a 24 de setembro. Este novo espetáculo marca o regresso de DeGeneres ao palco pela primeira vez em seis anos, desde o seu último especial na plataforma, “Relatable“,…
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deadlinecom · 21 days
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recentlyheardcom · 1 month
Phil Donahue, 'the king of daytime talk,' dies at 88
Phil Donahue, whose pioneering daytime discuss present launched an indelible tv style that introduced success to Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, Ellen DeGeneres and plenty of others, has died. He was 88. NBC’s “Immediately” present, citing relations, mentioned Donahue died Sunday after an extended sickness. Dubbed “the king of daytime discuss,” Donahue was the primary to include viewers…
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xnewsinfo · 1 month
Phil Donahue, whose pioneering daytime speak present gave rise to an indelible tv style that introduced success to Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, Ellen DeGeneres and plenty of others, has died. He was 88. NBC's "In the present day" present, citing relations, mentioned Donahue died Sunday after a protracted sickness.Dubbed "the king of daytime speak," Donahue was the primary to include viewers participation into a chat present, normally for a full hour with a single visitor.“Only one visitor per present? No bands?” he recollects being often requested in his 1979 memoir, “Donahue, My Personal Story.”The format set “The Phil Donahue Present” other than different speak exhibits of the Nineteen Sixties and made it a trendsetter on daytime tv, the place it was significantly in style with feminine audiences.The present, later renamed “Donahue,” premiered in Dayton, Ohio, in 1967. Donahue’s willingness to discover the most popular social problems with the day emerged instantly, when he launched atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair as his first visitor. He would go on to air packages on feminism, homosexuality, shopper safety and civil rights, amongst a whole bunch of different subjects. Discuss present host Phil Donahue seems with former first girl Nancy Reagan throughout a taping of her speak present to advertise her e-book "My Flip" on Nov. 6, 1989, in Burbank. | Picture credit score: AP The present aired in 1970 and ran on nationwide tv for the following 26 years, racking up 20 Emmy Awards for the present and for Donahue as host, in addition to a Peabody for Donahue in 1980. In Might, President Joe Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Donahue, who was cited as a pioneer of the daytime speak present.The present featured radio-style call-ins, to which Donahue responded along with his signature line: "Is the caller there?"The present’s remaining episode aired in 1996 in New York, the place Donahue lived along with his spouse, actress Marlo Thomas. He met Thomas, the Nineteen Sixties “That Lady” star who was a family title on the time and would later turn out to be an everyday on “Associates,” when she appeared on his present in 1977.He later mentioned it was love at first sight and so they did a poor job of hiding it in skinny air.“You're really fascinating,” Donahue advised Thomas, taking her hand. “You're great,” Thomas replied. “You're loving and beneficiant, you want ladies and it's a pleasure, and whoever the girl in your life is, she could be very fortunate.”The 2 had been married since 1980. Donahue had 5 kids, 4 boys and a lady, from a earlier marriage.Donahue briefly returned to tv in 2002, internet hosting one other “Donahue” present on MSNBC. The community canceled it after six months, citing scores, although an e-mail was later leaked saying it was about politics.He was born Phillip John Donahue on December 21, 1935, to a middle-class Irish Catholic household in Cleveland. Phil Donahue blows a kiss to Oprah Winfrey as she presents him with the Lifetime Achievement Award on the twenty third Daytime Emmy Awards in New York on Might 22, 1996. File. Picture credit score: AP Donahue was within the first graduating class of St. Edward Excessive College, an all-boys Catholic preparatory college within the Cleveland suburb of Lakewood, in 1953. He graduated from the College of Notre Dame with a level in enterprise administration in 1957. He later rebelled in opposition to and left the church, although he poignantly recalled in his e-book that “a bit of piece” of his religion would at all times be with him.After a collection of early radio and tv jobs, Donahue was invited to maneuver an earlier radio present to Dayton tv station WLWD in 1967. In 1974 he moved to Chicago, the place he remained for years, then ended his run in New York.The present featured non secular leaders, medical doctors, housewives, activists, artists and politicians who handed by way of the town. A frequent visitor was her neighbor, comic and columnist Erma Bombeck.He mentioned discovering the present's profitable formulation was a contented accident.“It could have been three years earlier than any of us started to know that our present was one thing particular,” Donahue wrote. “The type of the present had developed not out of genius however out of necessity. In Dayton, Ohio, we didn’t have the everyday speak present bosses at our disposal… The outcome was improvisation.”That gave this system a freedom that persevered because it grew to primary standing in its class.With a delicate type and a mane of graying hair, Donahue boxed with Muhammad Ali, performed soccer with Alice Cooper, gave his company cooking lessons, taught break dancing and, most controversially, described “mansharing,” mistresses, lesbian motherhood or, with the assistance of a compilation video that received exhibits banned in sure cities, how pure childbirth, abortion or reverse vasectomy labored.A cease at Donahue turned a must-see for necessary politicians, activists, athletes, enterprise leaders and artists, from Hubert Humphrey to Ronald Reagan, Gloria Steinem to Anita Bryant, Lee Iacocca to Ray Kroc, John Wayne to Farrah Fawcett.Along with his in style speak present, Donahue has additionally pursued different initiatives.Donahue and Posner teamed up with Soviet journalist Vladimir Posner for a groundbreaking collection of tv debates through the Chilly Conflict within the Nineteen Eighties. The U.S.-Soviet Bridge featured simultaneous broadcasts from the US and the Soviet Union, the place studio viewers might ask one another questions. Donahue and Posner additionally co-hosted a weekly issue-based roundtable dialogue, Posner/Donahue, on CNBC within the Nineteen Nineties.Donahue additionally co-directed the 2006 documentary “Physique of Conflict,” which was nominated for an Oscar.
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