#charlie reimagined
sir-subpar · 1 year
Redesigning/Reimagining Hazbin's Characters-1 (Charlie)
I tried y'all, I really did, but I didn't have much to work with. Sorry about the cut off, the shoes did not go as planned.
So- How'd I do? Tell me your thoughts!
(I'll go in depth under the cut)
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Okay, so, where to begin..
Well, first, I'll start by stating the obvious.
I don't like Charlie's design. If you like it, fair enough, but it's just not working for me.
There's thr usual problem of- you guessed it- Too. Much. Red.
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Red eyes, red background, red details, red clothing, red cheeks, red Bang style, red under sleeves (even though the shirt is supposedly White when you look at the chest area, but then you see around her wrist and it's a dark red for no reason. I'm willing to bet that the animators just forgot which color goes where because the color palette is just red, pink, white, and black. Over and over again.
Next: I get that she's supposed to be bubbly, and happy-go-lucky, all that stuff. But to be honest, I feel like it would be more interesting if she actually wasn't that nice.
I feel like one thing that would be fascinating is the idea that she wants to help people, but she's out of touch. She's one of the most powerful things in Hell after all. She doesn't understand the point of the lower class People. Plus, she's never been out of hell, she doesn't know what Earth is like, or what heaven is like.
I feel like a version of her where she is trying to do good, but is ruthless or harsh in the way she does it, could both be entertaining- and provide character devolopement as she learns how nuanced proper care is.
Also, if she's the second / third most powerful thing in hell, she shouldn't be scared of Alastor. I don't mean that he can't be in the series or anything, I feel like there would still be plenty of uses for him. But with her being a high class royal, and as powerful as she is, she shouldn't need to rely on him for his power or his money for that matter.
I understand the idea that maybe Lucifer Cut Her Off from funding because he basically disowned her or whatever, so maybe funding could be an issue, but even so, she should not be afraid of Alastor.
I like the idea that she intimidated people into going into her hotel so she could "fix" them, not realizing that the fear of her wrath is the only thing keeping people there.
Or maybe the whole hotel thing could be an act of defiance against her father fitting, as "history repeats itself" (referencing Lucifer's defiance of God in biblical lore)
Perhaps she does good things, but isn't all that nice to begin with. But she attempts to be friendly and relatable without understanding how to ACTUALLY relate to or approach others.
How does all of this tie into my design of her?
A few things:
1. Viv said at some point that Charlie was meant to look like a porcelain doll, which... She doesn't look like at all. (I do like her new ponytail. But other than that I don't like the design.)
To me, she just looks like Ellen DeGeneres with long hair and clown makeup.
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Don't believe me? Look:
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So, I made her more doll-like. But it wasn't enough. It was too simple.
Then, it hit me: in a lot of movies with demons or ghosts, oftentimes a doll gets possessed by said demon/ghost.
I'm not even afraid of dolls personally, but I know a lot of people who are
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So What if, Charlie did the same? Maybe her true form is something really scary, so in an attempt to come across as more approachable, she has some sort of doll-like shell? (But, unbeknownst to her, most people are very afraid of dolls. So it does very little to actually help. I think that's some decent comedy potential.
Plus, imagine her having stiff or janky movements, like she doesn't actually fit that well in her body.
It's all appearances
2. The horns.
I actually kind of liked her weird demonic form, at least I liked the horns and the moving hair, but since I decided not to give her a crown, I gave her those weird 4 horns with decorative string tied between them, as a way to make it appear *similar* to a crown. Plus as a reference to the whole 'demonic' thing
I kind of used Sofia from "Harmony and Horror" as a reference. (Btw, great analogue horror series on YouTube, highly recommend it)
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3. I did make Charlie's hair a bit darker, but just a little. That was in reference to part of Lucifer's lore, which said that when he fell from heaven, not only did his feathery angel wings burn away into bat wings, but his once golden hair burned into a dark red. So I decided that for Charlie, her hair is darker, but since she's trying to do good, it turns lighter.
But yeah, I'm honestly not sure about her outfit, I'm probably going to experiment with that in the future. But overall I'm okay with how this turned out.
It took me a few times, as you can see here:
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sugarywishes · 24 days
I uh, totally forgot to post this a week or so ago, so here you go, the relationship chart for the Afton twins, Charlie and the MCI/K(D)CI Kids! (Sorry, I would've added Mike and Will but this thing is big enough as is, I'll make a part two if it's requested enough)
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I'll add more of the relationships in the reblogs, but as of now here are the ones for Charlie, Liz and Evan. Again, if you have any questions abt my lore or the characters just ask me in the comments or in the ask box preferably.
Also um I better not see this on Pinterest that would be awkward
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@teddie-bear420 ‘s Chaggie def gives me Our Flags mean Death Blackbonnet vibes. I’ll admit, I haven’t watched the show but from what I’ve seen of compilations and what not, I’m def picking up that energy with them!💖💖💖
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suzieloveships · 4 months
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Currently losing my mind over this comment about the fact that Charlie is the only character that isn't genderswap in official Twilight genderswap reimaging
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eros-agape-art · 6 months
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Finished the full sketch, debating on "rendering" the drawing. Although Ibis Paint is LYING TO ME about how long the piece has taken, it says 11 hours, but I know that's a lie because I spam the undo button like a madman 😅
I'll probably talk about the outfits later but I'm kinda burnt out on this piece so it might be a while. Also, I know Angel Dust's outfit is shit, I'm probably gonna change it later.
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fuk1ngb1tch · 7 months
Vaggie Redesign and Charlie Re-redesign! I love the girlfriends<3 but anyway, yeah, I changed Charlie to look snake and goat like- goat features will be coming from Lilith and snake features coming from Lucifer. Also, Vaggie is indeed still an angel, which is why her "wings" (wings she can turn into a cape thingy) are golden looking, with stitches. (Placement of stitches might change in the future)
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Anyway, yeah! I like how they turned out, I love them so much, and I hope you all like em too! Also, if you wanna see my other redesigns, here they are:
Old Charlie Redesign
Old Angel Redesign (New in progress)
Old Alastor Redesign (New in progress)
Rosie Redesign
Vox Redesign
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hazbin-rewritten-666 · 2 months
and here is.... the final design for Charlie Morningstar!
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Charlotte M. Morningstar is the Princess of Hell, and the Heir to the Hellion Throne. She is also a nervous wreck who just wants to help her citisens, however difficult those sinners may be.
speaking voice: Alice from Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" (1951)
singing voice: Susan Sarandon
birthday: the thirty-first of october, 1535
visible age: twenty-five
race: nephilim; the child of a heavenly and earthly being
dae: satyr
height: 115 cm, 7 ft
weight: 95 kg, 210 lbs
pronouns: she/her/hers
sex and gender: intersex woman
sexuality: bisexual with a preference for men
personality: enfp (extraverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving)
five good traits:
optimistic, always looks for the silver lining
generous, would give anything to see at least one person improve themselves
empathic, feels deeply for everyone
kind, loves to be loving
hopeful, sees potential in everyone and everything
five bad traits:
nervous, over plans for everything and worries about all outcomes
conflict avoidant, will avoid as much conflict as possible, even if it meant hurting herself
overly positive, tries to put a positive spin on things either too soon or too much
workaholic, cannot stop working to the point of loosing sleep and snacking unhealthily
bottled up, doesn't want others to think she is weak or negative, so she pushes down any fears or bothers until she reaches a breaking point
i wanted Charlie to normally look soft and friendly, so I gave her a softer body (chubby cheeks, tummy, and thighs) and a fluffy pixie cut, but i wanted also to convey the tucked away anger and fear within her by showing pieces of her more demonic form in her claws, horns, and chaotic eyes. she was given four goat-like ears and a long, serpentine tail to show that she was more than any sinner, and rather a being far more powerful and ethereal than at first glance.
for her clothing, she has a style reminiscent of the 1960s and 1970s, as those decades were huge in the act of political and social change and their aesthetics are very warm and nostalgic.
Charlie has been alive for a long time, so while she was growing she used that time to educate herself on many topics. She has ten Ph. D.s in Psychology, five degrees in Architecture, and five in fine arts history. Despite Charlie's clear intelligence, she isn't always the most confident in herself, often letting others use her under the guise of being kind.
Charlie's playlist
California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas
Dancing Queen by ABBA
Daydream Believer by The Monkees
Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys
Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles
I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
I Want You Back by The Jackson Five
I'm a Believer by The Monkees
Stand By Me by Ben. E. King
Sugar Sugar by The Archies
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows by Leslie Gore
These Boots Are Made for Walkin' by Nancy Sinatra
The Twist by Chubby Checker
Twist and Shout by The Beatles
What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
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strawberryonfire · 3 months
Here’s some sketches of Vaggie, Charlie and Niffty (sorry for the blank space Angel is going there)
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If anyone has questions about the re-write or characters feel free to ask
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sharkdoughnutz · 5 months
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expanding on my take for Hazbin Hotel; basically Charlie and Vaggie are angels helping sinners get redeemed, Charlie moreso than Vaggie but yk
notes under cut if interested!!
•Charlie might be a bit too small? she's cute nontheless. anyways, Charlie is probably just going to be a regular angel and not a seraphim. though, as interesting as it is, i just didnt think about that beforehand so she's probably just being regular. i could maybe work in the seraphim aspect in some way but im not sure rn
•Vaggie is an exorcist but is being forced into Charlie's bodyguard/assistant by Adam, though that's the only help he'll be giving Charlie and her project
•im thinking of making all of the exorcists 80s rock inspired harpies cuz it makes some sense i guess 🤷 just thought it would be cool honestly. hopefully Vaggie doesn't look too out of place?
•Angel is their first resident, purely on accident cuz he just planned on crashing there for maybe a night or so but somehow got dragged into actually participating; maybe he has a soft spot deep down or its his secret desire to redeem himself to see his twin sister? who really knows
•Alastor is only there to cause chaos really, in some way im not entirely sure of yet. but Charlie allows him to stay and "help" because she believes he actually has good inside him; spoiler alert: he does not!!
•back to Vaggie really quick, but im thinking about having her pull out her weapon from like her body or maybe her halo or maybe even her wings cuz that's so much cooler than her just carrying around the thing
•i didnt add Nifty or Husk mainly because i didnt know how to fit them in, Nifty could possibly work in the future if i thought about it more but idk. i dont care much for Husk personally so that's another reason
•the opposing forces against Charlie and her rag-tag group will be the three Vees. Vox and Al have their beef, Angel and Val also have issues with each other, and for Velette: im thinking she could butt heads with Charlie, and Vaggie by extension because she's Charlie's obligatory bodyguard, but mostly Charlie.
•Sir P might play a role in the future but that would be when we would know more about the main characters and the Vees. Cherri might too, but she'll stay just as Angel's friend for now who shows up every once and now to try to ruin his progress, not because she doesnt want him succeed but because drugs and alcohol are the only things she knows that makes him happy, and she usually takes him out after he vents to her about Val and work
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libraryledge · 4 months
A Part of My Story (A Reimagined Tale Set in the World of Wonka) Chapter 1
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The snow outside was falling and I felt as cold inside as the weather was outside. I traveled to London with dreams of becoming a writer and making my mark in the world of literature. I didn’t expect it to happen overnight, but I certainly didn’t expect to be spending the night in a dirty old washhouse with its two grouchy owners. However, Scrubitt and Bleacher’s Laundry House was the only place that I could afford to stay tonight, and the low prices made me extremely suspicious.
As I trailed my suitcase up the dirty stairs, I spotted the bulky dog, whom they called Tiddles. He was curled up in the corner of one of the empty corridors. Tiddles had a reputation for being a grouchy canine, but truthfully who could blame him? I’m sure he was a sweetheart, but circumstances made it difficult to enjoy the carefree life that other dogs had. If someone were to show him some love, I’m sure he wouldn’t spend so much time sulking.
When I finally made it up the stairs, I walked to the room where I would be staying. I was about to unlock the door, when I realized it was already open. Confused, I peeked inside. I barely had my head through the doorway when a scrawny, young man in a plum coat, multicolored scarf, green waistcoat, tan striped pants, and a top hat, resting on his mop of brown curls, scurried my way. He gave me an eager smile and stuck out his hand for me to shake. 
“Hi! You must be my new roommate! My name is Willy Wonka!” he exclaimed excitedly, shaking my limp arm.
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“Roommate?” I asked in confusion. Scrubitt and Bleacher conveniently forgot to mention that detail to me.
“Uh-uh! I’m so glad to have some company. It has been rather lonely. No one ever comes up here. Except for Noodle, but she’s usually busy doing chores." He took off his hat and performed a mock bow.
“M'lady.” he said, ushering me inside. As I tried to make sense of this unusual situation, I couldn't help thinking how he perfectly captured the eccentricity of a children’s book character. 
Once inside, I stood in the corner of the room which was dimly lit and smelled like rust. “So uh...Willy is it?” I asked as I couldn’t help thinking how unfortunate that name was, especially for a guy living in London. “How did you end up here?”
Even in the low light, I could see a large grin spread across his face. “I’m somewhat of a magician, inventor, and chocolate maker. I want to open the greatest chocolate shop the world has ever seen! I just need a place to stay for a few nights. By this time tomorrow, I plan to have made my fortune!”
“You’ve really got it planned out.” I replied. Chocolate was my weakness, so I was a bit intrigued by this man’s ambition. 
“Ever since I was a kid, I knew this is what I wanted to do.” he replied “It’s a dream that I shared with my mom before she passed away about seven years ago.” he admitted a little shyly.
Taken aback a bit, I responded “Oh! I’m sorry.”
Willy waved at me dismissively. “Don’t be. I believe that if I make my dream come true, she’ll be right there beside me. Now, you must be tired.” He motioned over to the corner of the room which had a rusty sink, flickering lamp, and a wobbly bed. 
“I should mention that one of the beds broke last night when I was sleeping. I was probably too heavy.” he said, shrugging sheepishly. I seriously doubted that since he was such a scrawny guy. The more probable cause was that Scrubitt and Bleacher were too stingy to invest in beds that weren’t worn out or had springs popping out of them. However, I let him continue.
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“Anyway, there is only one bed in here so that means well…” he trailed off and didn’t finish his sentence, but I figured that I could fill in the blanks.
“That we are going to have to share?” I asked, not fond of being in such close proximity to a stranger, especially not on a dusty, twin sized mattress, sitting upon a wobbly frame.
Willy gave me a strange look. “No! It just means I’ll sleep under your bed.” he says matter of factly, as if he didn’t just suggest the most absurd solution to this predicament.
“What?” I ask, completely taken aback by his response.
“Yeah. I need to keep an eye out for the little orange man anyway. He’s always after my chocolate.” he replied. Then, noting my confusion he said. “You don’t believe me do you?”
“ I mean. That’s a pretty wild statement that I don’t really know how to respond to” I replied. Willy nodded sympathetically.
“That’s ok. Noodle didn’t believe me either. Once I catch him, we won’t have to worry about it anymore.” Willy said with a genuine smile.
“Ok. Then…” I said because I figured that it was easier to go along with this wacky story than argue with him. I placed my suitcase in the corner of the room and then sat on the bed, half expecting it to collapse under me. Shockingly, it didn’t, so I curled my feet up on the mattress. Deep in thought, Willy studied me.
“Now that you're comfortable in bed, close your eyes and count to ten. I need to take off my pants.” he said calmly, once more oblivious to the absurdity of his words. 
“Whoa! What?” I said raising my hands up in shock. 
Willy took off his plum coat, placed it on the ground, and said “The night is young and I have lots of work to do, so I hope you don’t mind.” He gave me a sweet smile, as if he didn’t just drop the most appalling statement five seconds earlier. 
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What have I gotten myself into? I thought as I turned around and closed my eyes. If I could have afforded it, I would have been in a nice little studio in downtown London, writing my story while sipping on a mug of hot chocolate. Instead, I was stuck in the attic of a stuffy laundry house, with a wonky man, who has no shame in removing his clothing in front of strangers. 
I heard rustling behind me and then Willy announced “Ok. you can turn around now!”
I braced myself, unsure of what to expect once I opened my eyes.
Willy was standing in front of me, surprisingly fully clothed, except I did notice that his pants were missing a small piece from the hem at the bottom, barely exposing his left ankle.
“I’ve got it!” he said excitedly waving a tiny square of fabric in front of my nose. I realized that it was the piece that was missing from his pants.
“Uh…Ok. I’m lost. What do you have exactly?” I said, baffled by the entire situation.
Willy gave me a big grin, which I started to realize he did often, and announced. “It’s my present for Tiddles!”
“The dog?” I asked, still not following along with his charades.
“Mmm hmm.” Willy responded. Then, he looked around the room to make sure no one was listening. Clearly there wasn’t, unless the little orange man really did exist and was lurking around in the shadows, which I seriously doubted. 
He lowered his voice and whispered “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m working on a new invention. Tiddles is helping me out. Scrubitt and Bleacher expect all of their tenants to work in the washroom to pay off their debts.” I raised my eyebrows because this was news to me. Willy continued, “But I need to get into town to sell my chocolate so, that’s where Tiddles comes in” 
“How?” I asked him, intrigued to see where this discussion was headed.
“When I first arrived, Bleacher thought Tiddles was attracted to my legs.” he shrugged. “Makes sense since the saying goes, want to make ‘em sigh show ‘em some thigh. Am I right?” My eyes widened as Willy had once again continued his wild habit of dropping the most unhinged statements without concern. 
“Anyway, I quickly learned that he wasn’t drawn to my legs, but rather to these pants that I got from a mailman in Minsk.” he said as if it was the most obvious explanation. “So, I’m making this contraption that will get Tiddles a chance to play, and his running will power a machine that will wash the clothes.” He taps his head with his finger, as if to say “Clever right?”
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I had to admit that this was not where I saw this conversation going, and I was impressed with his wit. “That is such a wild plan, but I have to hand it to you, it’s a genius move.” I said.
“Aww! Thank you!” Willy said, flushing over my praise. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he flashed me a smile that stretched from ear to ear as he replied, “I know. It’s the best idea yet!”
I chuckled at how quickly he switched from humility to self-confidence. “So where is this invention of yours?” I asked.
“It’s down in the washroom. I can show it to you tomorrow morning.” he said with a smile. “But, I think we need to get some sleep first. It’s a big day tomorrow. I’m going to make my mark at the Galleries Gourmet and you…” he stopped and studied me curiously. “What are you going to do tomorrow?”
I stopped to think about it for a moment. Honestly, I didn’t really know what I was planning to do since my priority when I arrived in London was to get a roof over my head. “Oh. Well, I’m a writer, so perhaps I will try looking for a publishing house that I can send my manuscripts to. Baby steps.” I replied with a shrug.
“You write stories? Will you read something to me please?” he asked as a dreamy look crossed over his face. “My mama used to read books to me before bed, so I’ve always had a soft spot for them. Even if…” he stopped, contemplating if he should admit something to me “I never learned to read.”
I tried not to look surprised. Willy seemed so clever and imaginative, so it was a bit shocking that he didn’t know how to read, but I figured that someone who lost a parent at such a young age must not have had anyone to teach them certain life skills, like reading. 
“That’s ok. I can teach you. It’s really not so hard. For a man who can make washing machines and chocolate treats from scratch, this will be easy as pie.” I said with a smile.
Willy grinned. “Let’s make a deal. You teach me to read, and I’ll give you a lifetime supply of my chocolate once I open my shop.” He held out his smallest finger and said, "Pinky swear on it? You know, that's the most solemn vow there is."
I chuckled at his rapid negotiation skills as I interlocked my finger with his. “I have an addiction to chocolate, so this bargain is a no brainer.”
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“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Willy said optimistically.
“Isn’t that a quote from a movie?” I asked. Back home, I’d occasionally visit the theater because I loved watching a good story unfold. Who knew? Maybe one of my pieces would be adapted for the silver screen someday.
“Is it? I’ve never watched one before” he replied.
“Ok. How about we add that to the bargain as well? There are many great films to enjoy.” I said as I realized that there was in fact a lot that we could teach one another.
Willy nodded and began making his way under the bed. I quickly stopped him and said. “You are not sleeping under the bed. I don’t mind sleeping on the floor if you want to sleep on the mattress. You were here first.”
He shook his head. “That’s ok. I actually prefer to sleep by the window. It has a nice view.” He nodded over to a window, and despite it being closed off with prison-like bars, which was undoubtedly Scrubitt and Bleacher’s doing, I could see the snowflakes falling outside. 
“Alright then.” I said as I pulled a notepad out of my suitcase. “Sit here for now.” I said, patting an empty space on the bed beside me. “I can read to you from the rough draft of one of my stories, if you’d like.”
“Yes please!” he said as he eagerly flopped onto the bed. 
“Once upon a time there lived a little boy named Charlie…” I began and smiled as I saw Willy peeking over my shoulder, trying to make sense of the words in front of me. Eventually, I finished the first chapter, and I glanced over to see him looking contemplative.
“So…what did you think?” I asked him. He was the first person that I had ever read my story aloud to, so I was itching for some feedback.
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“I love it! What happens next?” Willy asked in anticipation.
“Honestly, I’m not sure yet. I want Charlie to have a happy ending, since he’s grown up so poor, but I don’t really know what adventures he will get up to yet.” I answered.
“He needs a friend, someone who believes in him. I think everyone does.” He smiled at me once more, and I returned the gesture. He continued, “Writing seems fun because you leave everything up to pure imagination. Just like what I do with my chocolate.” We sat for a moment in silence until he suddenly hopped down from the bed, and scurried over towards the window.��
“Well good night! Tomorrow we say goodbye to having to scrub scrub and hello to making our dreams come true!” he said as he curled up under the window frame.
“Goodnight.” I replied. 
That night, I couldn’t sleep. Ironically, not because I was inhabiting a run-down attic that smelled of mold, but because I couldn’t help trying to figure Willy out. His quirks and unabashed manner made it impossible to define him. While I didn’t understand everything he said, I could tell he was creative and his heart was in the right place.
I turned to look at Willy. Even asleep he had a smile on his face. Meanwhile, I was contemplating what he said to me earlier, “He needs a friend, someone who believes in him. I think everyone does.” Making friends was something I always struggled with because I wasn’t one who opened up easily to new people. However, as I listened to the snow fall gently upon the roof of the laundry house, I realized that I didn’t feel as cold as I did when I first arrived here. Something told me that Willy Wonka was going to be a very important part of my story. 
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abbey-abdominal · 6 months
Things I think chaggie would do if they were New Yorkers:
— Charlie really enjoys subway performances and only carries around cash to give tips. Vaggie didn’t really care for them until she saw how happy it made Charlie. She also has cash now and started to genuinely enjoy it.
— Vaggie explains to Charlie that not every corner store is a bodega, but every bodega is a corner store. Charlie pretends that she doesn’t understand because she likes how passionately Vaggie will re-explain. They do this a couple times every year.
— Keekee was a street cat that Charlie planned to only foster, but could not bring herself to get Keekee adopted. She doesn’t foster cats very often anymore. Vaggie fosters injured pigeons sometimes, or she brings them to the Wild Bird Fund (they know her there).
— Everyone thinks Charlie is a transplant because of how fascinated she is with everything. Everyone thinks Vaggie is a NYC native because of how exasperated she is with everything. Charlie was born and raised in Lower Manhattan and Vaggie was born and raised in California. They never correct anyone’s assumptions.
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sir-subpar · 9 months
Side by side sketches
Gave myself a little challenge, where I would draw some of the Hazbin cast as close to the original as possible, and then I would do my versions. Only want to do sketches because I didn't feel like doing the full line + coloring.
Some of my markers are dying right now, and I don't want to kill off all of my red markers just for this
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Reworked some of my previous redesigns/Reimagined designs
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sugarywishes · 18 days
What is the favourite & least favourite animatronic or each of the Aftons & Emilys? Given what I now know about William, I'm especially curious to see if any managed to break their way past his dislike of making them.
This might actually be able to be my shortest ask! (Edit: okay, never mind 💀 prepare for a yap session, answers below as usual!) Also, sorry for the late response, I recently moved so it's been a little hectic!
William: Uh, he basically hates all of them 😭😭 there isn't one that particularly was his favorite in terms of creating them (he likes designing them though!) I guess the closest to a favorite animatronic is Springbonnie since he uses it a lot (it's literally designed to fit him) , but even then he doesn't really like it. Henry originally created the springlock suit ideas to save money, and look how that turned out for Will there! (Believe me if Will had fully kept his memory when awoke as Springtrap, he would have been PISSED, I mean he was still pissed when he became Springtrap but still !!)
Clara: She also wasn't too receptive to the way the animatronics look, but her 'favorite' was probably Freddy since he looked the least 'dead inside' as she said (...major foreshadowing there lmao) Her least favorite was probably the springlock animatronics like Fredbear and Springbonnie, they always kinda freaked her out as a concept (she'll also eventually hate the Funtime animatronics, since...yk 👀)
Michael: Foxy, he was the least dorky out of the main cast (and c'mon he owns a Foxy mask!) Anyways he also thinks the Glamrocks are sick as hell (and since there's no Foxy variant, and also because he thought it would be weird to possess a girl robot, he picked GlamFred, which like good choice) his least favorites are probably anyone else who isn't Foxy or the Glamrocks lmao
Elizabeth: She liked Chica when she was younger, because that was the only girl animatronic at the time, but that quickly changed when Circus Baby came into the spotlight! Her father made her just for her! (He actually only said that to get her to leave him alone, the 'similarity' is a coincidence) And funnily enough, Baby will also become her least favorite!
Evan: You think he likes *any* of these guys?? HELL NO !! (Actually, when he was about toddler age, he didn't have his extreme phobia of robots yet. His old favorite was Springbonnie because he knew it was always his dad under the suit!) Anyways a little while later he developed his intense fear of animatronics. He hates all of them !!
Henry: He is insanely proud of the fact he came up with the Springlock mechanism (and was in fact considering fixing the main gang to BECOME springlock suits too until William's accident where he almost fucking died lmao) so his original favorites were the springlock suits (and Freddy, mostly because Henry was meant to play Fredbear, and yk Freddy is a variant of Fredbear so...) But he will also hate every animatronic too. (Exception of the Puppet/Lefty cause yk that's his daughter, and Helpy !! Does he even count as an animatronic?)
Charlie: To be honest she wasn't really into the animatronic restaurant idea, so she's neutral on them. No favorite and no least favorite. She finds them all a little creepy!
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Any headcanons for your Hazbins?
Meet my Hazbins!🌈😈🌈😈🌈😈🌈😈🌈😈🌈
Charlie Morningstar 🐑🍎🎼.
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🍎 Charlie likes to collect playbills and other musical merch.
🍎 Charlie can play numerous instruments and knows many dance moves 🎻🎺🎷🎸🎹🕺💃
🍎 Charlie has a big fascination of the mortal world and has read up a lot on its history, has Def helped her with understanding what the residents could've gone through in their times...they're not the prettiest of pictures.
Has also read up on things such as morality, virtues, redemption, rehab for the hotel project. She's basically a college student who's now applying everything she's learned into the real world and getting the most important learning. Actual experience.
🍎Charlie fav food is apple pastries 🥮🍎 and loves sparkling cider 🥂🍾🍎🍏
🍎 Lucifer made a cute carousel music box for Charlie when she was a little girl. She still has it 🎠🎼
🍎Can detach her body parts and still be able to move them around.
🍎Charlie's sinner friend was in show business, vaudeville. Hence why she's so drawn to that kinda stuff.
🍎Has this actual ability to sense the good in people. She can hear the amount of goodness is someone’s soul, like a song. The more she can can, the more likely someone’s a good person, she’s managed to hear at least a little bit in the people around her, even in Hell…she was surpised when she couldn’t hear anything in Valentino when she first met him…
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🦋 Vaga has great hearing 👂
🦋 Vaga used to dance all the time alive. When she died and became an angel she lost in touch of that. Now just Hell with Charlie she's been growing that love again
🦋 Moths were actually Vaga's fav animal when she was alive.
🦋 Vaga went by "the black night" as an exorcist. Originally people called her the dark night...until that batman movie came out and switched to black instead.
🦋Vaga’s short for Vagabond. It’s also actually a real name with Spanish origins.
🦋As part of self soothing, she does something called “cocooning”.
🦋Fav food, pupusa. El Salvador’s national dish 🇸🇻
🦋 Vagas eye wasn't ripped out by Lute...🍎🐑 (related to my backstory for Charlie)
Angel Dust🕷️🕸️👢
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🕷️Spiders actually used to give Angel the creeps(arachnophobia) back when he was alive. He def freaked out when he realized he became one.
🕷️ Angel Dust LOVED Lilith's performances, big fan. Also enjoys Verosika Mayday's stuff too! He and Charlie def bond a bit from this.
🕷️ Most hesitant of the gang to open up about his past…
🕷️Can create his own webbing 🕸️🕷️Has used it for wardrobe malfunctions, making matching outfits for Fat Nuggets…even bandaging 🩹
🕷️Angel used to have a different color scheme and stripe pattern...Vals contract changed him to how he looks now. He has trouble remembering what he used to look like. Talked to @a-sterling-rose about this, about overlords being able to change their contract souls appearance to fit their look.
🕷️ Like Charlie, enjoys broadway 🎭 def reminds him of home and…better memories. Would LOVE Chicago.
🕷️Charlie reminds Angel of…someone he really misses. Hopes they got into heaven 😇
🕷️ When Angels alone, he enjoys doing silly private dances, think Claire from Jack Stauber’s Opal.
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🐛 Has created a lot of her own clothes. Also does tailoring for Alastor and Husk🧵🪡👗👔
🐛 Niffty can burrow thanks to her sharp claws that she can dig into almost anything…or anyone☠️
🐛Niffty has her own fur coat. Unrelated, the hotel had a rat problem🐀
🐛 Made herself Husk’s honorary wingwoman. Full Huskerdust shipper.
🐛Owns a daruma doll. Hopes it can help her make her wish come true and can finally pain the other eye…when she finds her true love.
🐛Compared to Husk, her deal with Alastor’s easier to get out of…all she has to do is..give up her form. Though she has no reason to break things off with Al…yet.
🐛Niffty tends to be hesitant to share her Japanese heritage to people…had to alive🇯🇵
🐛Smells a lot like fresh lemons,🍋. Her fav sanitation smell.
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🐈‍⬛ Wanted to be a magician…never could really make it happen…yet🎩🪄
🐈‍⬛Likes to do cool tricks with drinks! Like color changing cocktails!
🐈‍⬛Memorized the gang’s fav drinks: Charlie-Appletini, Vaga-Tequilla sunrise, Angel Dust-Manhattan, Niffty-Shirley temple, Baxter-Scotch & Soda, Sir P & Alastor-Old Fashioned 🍺🍻🍷🍸🍹🥂.
🐈‍⬛Husks fav drink is the classic martini 🍸Husk also enjoys fruity cocktails(more slcohol) @a-sterling-rose suggested this as they have more alcohol). Those kinda drinks also remind him a bit of Vegas🍹
🐈‍⬛ Knows a lot of different magicians, has def read up on Houdini.
🐈‍⬛Kept some memorabilia from his older days.
🐈‍⬛Wings can light up like a Vegas sign. Used that trick a lot to throw off gambling competition. They haven’t lit up in a while…
🐈‍⬛Feels like he deserves Alastor controlling him and whatever else he does with him💔…begins to grow out of this mindset when he talks to Angel about his relationship with Valentino.
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🐟 Baxter transitioned after dying🏳️‍⚧️
🐟Seafood fan🐟🦀🐙🍣🦞🦐🍤🍱🦑🦪
🐟Uses his head light as a nightlight for bedtime reading 📖 🛌
🐟Baxter has many theories and thesis' on the hotel members. Has a lot about Niff. 🐟 Baxter often gets Niffty to be part of his experiments. Ain't like she's complaining though. Always gets her snacks
🐟His light can actually become multicolour on account of a past experiment side effect. Angel loves it(think that dance party meme)
🐟Likes to do science stuff with Sir P! They’re def lab buddies.
🐟 Should not be left alone in the kitchen ⏲️🔪☠️.
Sir Pentious 🐍⚙️🎩
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🐍 Sir P loved to invent since he was a kid. His inventions and ideas weren’t as…considered back then. Atleats in Hell he’s been able to accomplish a lot more.
🐍 Sir Pentious was around during Alastor’s takeover as Radio Demon. In my take I imagine he tells the gang the story Mimzy told them in ep 5 while my Mimzy would instead share who Alastor was, alive!
🐍 Sir P gets a lot of his material from Hells junkyards, pawn shops, thrift stores and whatever he can scavenge from the doom district. He's pretty smart with costs. His stuff blows up allt so he's gotta be dareful not to go bankrupt.
🐍Keeps up with all the Overlords and other high power Hell people. Learned the importance of branding from figures like Alastor and Vox.
🐍 Sir Pentious and Charlie often do high tea now and then🫖🍰🍪
🐍Made his arm prosthetics himself!
🐍 Sir P favorite childhood nursery rhymes Humpty Dumpty🥚🎶
🐍His Gear Eyes can become Hypno swirls like his OG eyes 👀
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🦌 Alastor before getting into the radio show business, worked as a busboy back at the speakeasy club Mimzy used to perform in, hence how they knew each other.
🦌 Despite the front he puts up about television…has some guilty pleasures, likes vintage style shows, films, especially involving murder mysteries. He also likes “The Twilight Zone”….Used to watch it with Vox📺💔
🦌Had to deal with a lot of prejudice for his heritage, especially for his aspirations. Had to fight a lot to keep his show…
🦌Back alive, he talked about his killings on his radio time. What made him popular…unfortunately he was beginning to slip a bit more than he meant to and people were starting to get suspicious and eventually the authorities set a trap 🪤.
🦌Enjoys cooking 🥘 🍳. Learned most of his recipes from his mother.
🦌Loves to talk about his mother…his fathers a completely different story.
🦌Pretty dependent of Husk emotionally. Deep down he knows…their relationship isn’t healthy.
🦌His biggest fear…is to turn out like his father.
What do u think? Any headcanons u have for the Hazbin characters, canon and/or reimagining? I’d love to know❤️
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kaliemary · 2 months
this one is my rewritten version of charlie, her name now is Cisic Royal Pride, I change her name because she is meant to be the representation of perfection so what's more perfect than a palindrome, I tried not to change it too much.
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this two are me figuring out the hair, face shape and colors so I will not fall into the pit from before.
I really like the first one ngl.
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now this one is just me figuring out her design as a whole, I like this, really like this, I will just alter some details and stuff.
so as you can see she have a peacock veil in her clothes, that I will change later, but why? well is simple, peacocks can be associated with pride and since I wanted to give my designs my own twist with the mythos and the concept of a good place and a bad place I decided to put peacock elements on her.
she's more peacock inspired than a peacock demon but her more infernal form is basically a purple peacock with various eyes.
and the other deadly virtues/deadly sins will be also inspired by the animals that represents them and of course that the animals that represents them changes over time so some will have more than one animal *cof* *cof* mammon *cof* *cof*
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Idk how tf I will make his design tbh.
And also the deadly sins and other demons that are nobility in hell, are just close to the deadly virtudes or are their childs will have flowers that represent the deadly virtude in their designs! and even tho my heaven is the one that is suppose to have this flowers symbolisms, wich they have, in hell will be their dried versions or a hellshi version of them so it will not look like heaven :D
also I thinking of making a proper blog for the after tale (my hazbin hotel rewrite) but I don't know if you all will like it so...
just to remenber everyone and warn to those who don't know, my hazbin hotel rewrite is for pure fun, I do not claim I making it a gazillion% better than the og, I simply making my own version of it so I can train my writting and character design and also show it to anyone interested in.
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billkill · 1 year
But imagine...
Maverick is sitting alone at the bar, looking blankly at "Hemlock", murmuring to himself, with zero energy...:
"I need the need..."
"The need for speed," is completed by a whisper, an unexpected one, with the same zero energy; Maverick lifts his eyes, only to see Iceman.
Maverick can't decide on which one to be more surprised...: the fact that they were literally able to exchange whispers, or the fact that he found Ice, with eyes full of water, yet smiling bitterly.
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